cielie-voss · 7 months
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Some little lord Faramir to brighten your day. 🫶
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big-cat-s · 1 year
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yogadaily · 6 months
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(via Free Photo | Girl sitting in a summer park with cute cat   || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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graphicdesignmaker · 17 days
Exploring the Art of Designing
Introduction: Designing is more than just a profession; it's a form of artistic expression that shapes the world around us. From the sleek lines of modern architecture to the vibrant colors of fashion trends, design influences every aspect of our lives. In this blog, we'll delve into the fascinating world of designing, exploring its various forms, techniques, and the impact it has on our society.
The Essence of Design: At its core, design is about problem-solving and creativity. Whether it's creating a user-friendly interface for a website or designing a breathtaking piece of artwork, designers blend functionality with aesthetic appeal. They consider elements such as color, shape, texture, and space to craft visually engaging and meaningful experiences.
Designing Across Industries: Designing is not limited to one field; it permeates multiple industries. Graphic designers craft compelling visuals for branding and marketing, while interior designers transform spaces into inviting environments. Fashion designers push boundaries with innovative clothing designs, and architects conceptualize and build structures that define cityscapes.
The Creative Process: Behind every stunning design is a meticulous creative process. Designers start with research and brainstorming, gathering inspiration from nature, art, and current trends. They then sketch and prototype their ideas, refining them based on feedback and iteration. Finally, they bring their vision to life through digital tools, traditional craftsmanship, or a combination of both.
The Role of Technology: Technology has revolutionized the field of designing, offering new tools and possibilities. Software like Adobe Creative Suite empowers designers to manipulate images, create animations, and design intricate layouts with ease. 3D printing technology has opened up new avenues for product designers, allowing them to prototype and manufacture complex designs quickly.
Designing for Impact: Designers have the power to influence behavior, evoke emotions, and drive change. Sustainable design practices promote environmental consciousness, while inclusive design ensures accessibility for all individuals. Design thinking methodologies encourage collaboration and empathy, leading to innovative solutions to complex problems.
Conclusion: Designing is an art form that blends creativity, functionality, and purpose. It shapes our world in profound ways, from the products we use daily to the spaces we inhabit. By understanding and appreciating the diverse aspects of designing, we can harness its potential to create a more beautiful, functional, and inclusive world for everyone Read more
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Steve took a picture of Eddie with Nirvana this time, he found it adorable that Nirvana layed her head onto Eddie's should/neck, so he couldn't resist not taking a picture, he'd die if he didn't, he smiles " looks like she finally adores you Ed's " his voice filled with excitement, happy that they're fur child finally likes him, Eddie smiles " ya I'm so happy she does, I love her so much, I'm glad she finally realised I'm not a monster " his voice filled with just as much excitement, he's so happy to finally understand what Steve feels whenever Nirvana comes up to him, he feels quite proud of her and himself, he's never really had a good bond with an animal, cuz well he's never had one, yes he got Nirvana for Steve and was supposed to just be his, but Steve insisted to share her and declared that Nirvana would be they're fur child, an so he's taken the time to get her to trust him like Steve instructed and n it worked, now Nirvana licks him, barks at him, plays with him and now she eventually sleeps with both of them, Steve is so proud of his boyfriend, he smiles " I'm so proud of both of you, good job Ed's, an Navi " he kisses Nirvana's head an then kisses Eddie sweetly, Eddie pulling him into a hug an a long make out sesh, Steve giggling as he snuggles Eddie, Nirvana barking as she lays at they're feet now, Eddie smiling " your so cute Princess, I literally love you and I'm so lucky to have you " he hugs Steve tighter an gives him a passionate kiss, Steve squeaks " awe I love you too Daddy, I'm lucky to have you too, your so handsome and cute " he returns the kiss and snuggles more into him, they spend most of the day like that and with Nirvana, happy to have they're fur child accept both of them, they sure are wonderful dog parents
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petsclub247 · 5 months
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the-eriks · 1 year
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Let’s make sure we give our four-legged friends the love and care they deserve! 🐶 That's why we want to share with you our top tips to encourage your dog to live a happy and healthy life. By making small changes you can make a big difference in how your furry friend feels. Click for more information.
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bowwow-bling-5 · 5 months
Portuguese Water Dog Available for only 1,000 $
Unleash the joy of pet ownership without emptying your pockets! 🐾 Our lovable Portuguese Water Dogs are here, priced at an incredible $1,000. These loyal and intelligent companions make the perfect addition to your family. With their hypoallergenic coats and friendly nature, they're a treasure for both dog enthusiasts and allergy-sensitive homes. Don't miss out on this opportunity to bring home a furry friend that fits your budget and lifestyle. 🐶❤️
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olhaminhaplaylist · 8 months
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emmj-art · 1 year
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Commission Work - Quail SWEET - 🖤🖤🖤 KILL - 🖤 🖤 FAST - 🖤🖤 SWIM - ➕ FLY - 🖤🖤 BEAUTY - 🖤🖤🖤🖤 SOCIAL - 🖤🖤🖤🖤 #animal #animals #animallove #animallover #animalart #animaldigitalart #petlove #petlovers #animalportrait #redbubble #commissionartwork #commissionart #commissionopen #artonipad #ipadart #digitalart #digitalartonipad #animalillustration #petillustration #digitalartist #digitalartwork #loveanimals #animaldrawing #animalartwork #quail #quailforever #quaillovers #quaillove #quailillustration #bird (hier: Neheim, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnzgxRiKJKy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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big-cat-s · 1 year
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Want to know about Labradoodle puppies UK? Look no further. Find information from the Australian Labradoodles Puppies for Sale Scotland.
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contonoblog · 2 years
As vezes em uma conversa entre amigos, lembramos de cada história maluca. Esses dias lembrei da cachorrinha chamada Pequeninha...
Pequinês é a raça do pet que morava na casa em frente a nossa. Uma cachorra maluca que nunca parava de latir. Qualquer pessoa que passasse na calçada, era comtemplado com a sinfonia de latidos raivosos da cachorrinha.
Não adiantava reclamar do barulho que a cachorra fazia, naquela rua ninguém podia descansar, não existia horário de silêncio. A pequena Pequinês latia o tempo todo.
Sua dona era a negligente e permissiva Cimira, uma mãe e dona de casa dos anos 80 que fez quase tudo certo: ela teve um bom marido, 02 filhos, mas era muito mais apaixonada pela sua cachorrinha Pequeninha do que qualquer outro membro da família. Uma vida normal, uma casa bonita, até mesmo suas transgressões foram cuidadosamente planejadas e executadas.
Um certo dia, o portão da casa ficou aberto. É obvio que a Pequinês aproveitou o descuido e fugiu. Correu como alguém que foge da cadeia, sem olhar para traz. Cimira, quando percebeu o ocorrido, gritava enlouquecida, repetia muitas vezes a mesma pergunta? Onde estava a Pequeninha? Onde estava? Chamava enlouquecidamente pelo nome da cachorrinha, mostrava fotos da cachorrinha para todos na rua, perguntava a todos que passavam, se sabiam onde estava a Pequeninha? Após muitas horas de buscas, a cachorrinha foi encontrada em uma avenida próxima, infelizmente sem vida. Havia sofrido um atropelamento fatal.
Cimira, retornou a sua casa com o cadáver da pequena cachorrinha, no colo. Chorava muito a perda da amiga pet.  Todos da família ficaram muito tristes com a morte da Pequeninha. Ignorando todas as leis estaduais e de vigilância sanitária que não permitem o enterro em propriedade particular, Cimira pensou em dar um final digno para a cachorrinha, avisou a todos os vizinhos que haveria um funeral para a Pequeninha. Na hora combinada todos estavam lá. Uns foram para consolar a pobre vizinha pela perda, outros estavam lá para confirmar que a cachorra havia se calado pra sempre. todos assistiram o enterro da pequena cachorrinha no fundo do quintal, com direito a cruz em cima do tumulo. Foi um funeral pomposo, Único!
 A partir daquele dia a paz e o silêncio reinaram na rua. Que maravilha! Todos comentavam a sorte que tiveram com a morte da barulhenta cachorrinha. Era o assunto mais comentado na semana.
Na casa da Cimira, esse mesmo silêncio e paz eram sentidos com muita tristeza e saudades. Um tempo depois, a dona da cachorrinha teve outra grande ideia; pensou em acalentar o coração e ficar com uma lembrancinha da pet. Encontrou a maneira ideal para suprir a saudade do animal. Achou esse pensamento a coisa mais normal do mundo, ao ponto de executar tal ação. E novamente ignorando que estava cometendo mais um crime.
 Ao anoitecer foi até o fundo do quintal, decidiu fazer a exumação do corpo do animal, desenterrou o cadáver, a decomposição do bichinho já estava acelerada, não dava para salvar muita coisa. Decidiu ficar só com a cabeça do animal, desprezando o restante. A parte escolhida foi tratada como um troféu, uma relíquia muito importante. Foi levada para casa, devidamente lavada, escovada, deixada de molho, e no outro dia, após secar e ficar somente a ossada, foi passado uma camada de esmalte incolor, em todo esqueleto craniano, criando uma camada brilhosa na caveira. Eu nunca tinha visto! Nem sei como descrever a obra de arte tétrica.
Quando acabou todo o procedimento para deixar o crânio do animal, o mais bonito possível, Cimira teve a terceira grande ideia: Convidar todos os vizinhos para fazer uma visita e ver o crânio da amada cachorrinha. A caveira de adoração foi colocada como enfeite, em cima da Televisão de tubo. E assim, todos que visitavam a casa da Cimira, tinham que passar pela sala, ver e saudar a Pequeninha.
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petyvety11 · 1 year
Puppy love: A guide to keeping your canine companion happy and healthy
Your furry friend is more than a pet, it's a member of your family. And as with any family member, it's important to make sure it's well taken care of and healthy.
Here are some tips on grooming your dog to keep him wagging his tail for the next years.
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bombasticoficial · 1 year
"Por suerte, hoy en día vivimos en un momento en el que somos conscientes de lo mucho que importan los animales; debemos amarlos, protegerlos y cuidarlos para que lleven la mejor vida posible".
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fredalicious · 1 year
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This is a pug appreciation post 🐶🐾 Bella, Bella, she's so swella ❤️ #petstagram #petlove #pug #puglove #pugnation #pugworld #pugoftheday #pugsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/ClU1X2FuBQu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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