#tarot gif
ghostlyferrettarot · 3 days
✨️🫧📀The 12th House in the
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
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🫧It is considered a house of introspection, subconscious and ending cycles. This house is associated with the sign of Pisces and is considered the most spiritual and mystical of all astrological houses🫧
📀Aries in the 12th House: May indicate a need to find your own spirituality and do things your way. They may feel the need to distance themselves from the world and seek their own direction. They use much of their energy to confront their inner struggles, to which they never give up. In some cases you may be on the verge of losing the battle, but your perseverance will ensure that in the end you will be able to overcome your intimate problems.
📀Taurus in the 12th House: may indicate a need for connection with nature and the need for emotional security. They can be very intuitive and feel most comfortable in a calm and relaxed environment. They long for security. They like to have everything under control regarding their lives and that unforeseen events do not occur that alter their daily lives. Taurus natives in the 12th house are happy and self-confident and are willing to work hard so that they lack for nothing. .
📀Gemini in the 12th House: May indicate a need to find your own truth and connect with the subconscious world. They can be very imaginative and creative. They relate more to their spirituality, some seek time for seclusion, introspection, and reflection. Individuals have difficulty learning rigorously, mechanically, but they still acquire knowledge by paying attention, capturing the deeper messages.
📀Cancer in the 12th House: May indicate a need to find a spiritual home and connect with your family and your past. They can be very intuitive and sensitive, and may feel the need to work through their emotional problems through therapy and meditation. Their projects are linked to the affectivity they receive in the environments they frequent, it being important that these do not clash. with his own emotionality.
📀Leo in the 12th House: may indicate a need to find your own spirituality and connect with your creative and artistic side. They can be very creative and passionate, and may feel the need to work on their self-esteem and confidence. allows you to act with great independence. Enjoy being alone, reflecting calmly. He lacks that fear of loneliness that terrifies many people. For Leo it is more of a blessing. He knows how to fill space and time without needing to turn to anyone else.
📀Virgo in the 12th House: May indicate a need to work on your own personal development and connect with your spiritual side. They can be very analytical and perfectionist. Being interested in even the smallest detail in each project or action they undertake is a typical trait of Virgo in the 12th house. However, although at first glance it can be considered something effective and advisable, the truth is which can also have its dark side. Of course, as long as it is taken to the extreme.
📀Libra in the 12th House: May indicate a need for balance and harmony in your spiritual life. They can be very intuitive and balanced. They want to have tranquility and peace in their lives, it is a period of retreat and without much social interaction. They have a sense of justice and a desire for equality that is not manifested very visibly in their environments. Furthermore, when Libra is in the 12th house, the fantasies and dreams of the natives are awakened.
📀Scorpio in the 12th House: May indicate a need to work through your emotional issues and connect with the subconscious world. They can be very intuitive and sensitive, and may feel the need to work through their emotional problems through therapy and meditation. They are strongly drawn to mysteries. Everything that is hidden before the eyes of ordinary mortals is most interesting to them. They do not hesitate to immerse themselves in the enigmas they encounter, eagerly trying to reveal what they hide.
📀 Sagittarius in the 12th House: May indicate a need to find your own spirituality and connect with nature and the subconscious world. They can be very adventurous. Sagittarius natives in this house go through times when their religious beliefs are shaken. They discover that there are other points of view from which to see life in a different way. Sometimes open-mindedness will come from the recommendations of the most unexpected people. But he knows that he must always be attentive to be able to listen, think about what he has learned and act later.
📀Capricorn in the 12th House: May indicate a need to find your purpose in life and connect with your spiritual side. They can be very disciplined and ambitious. The conception of Spirituality of individuals in this phase can be confused with social justice, with the existence of opportunities for everyone to have a dignified life. However, they are more driven by values of the practical life, to the satisfaction of the needs of employment, home, decent conditions for the development of the family, rather than with realities transcending the material world.
📀Aquarius in the 12th House: may indicate a need to find your own spirituality and connect with the subconscious world. They can be very innovative and creative. In this positioning, people can fulfill themselves through humanitarian activities of a spiritual nature. The concepts of harmony and wisdom develop. They feel a universal responsibility that involves spirituality, compassion and humility.
📀Pisces in the 12th House: May indicate a natural connection to the subconscious world and a need to explore your own spirituality. They can be very sensitive and empathetic. They are a compassionate person, although they do not usually show it externally. You have to dive a little inside yourself to discover someone who does care about others and always tries to do as little damage as possible in their discussions. You must let yourself be carried away by your sensitivity to know the different options through which you can channel your creativity.
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thepradapariah · 3 days
Astrology Observations
Twin Flames 😇😈, Karmics 🪐 & Soulmates 🕊
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Hello to all the Kosmic Baddies!! And welcome to all the new ones! I ADORE you all. All the positive comments and words of encouragement really make my soul warm and it means the world to me that you enjoy the content as much as I enjoy making it.
You all have given me the energy to write something else! And I appreciate it because I get so bored……………………………………
Thank y’all. Love y’all and I hope y’all enjoy this post. If you aren’t interested in my definitions, you can scroll down to the observations. I promise, I won’t take it personally :)
With Love & Lust,
Unlike most of my other posts, this is a breakdown for how to read soulmate connections in a chart. Most of these observations are ones that me and my sister made just studying couples in pop culture and in our personal relationships. I thought it would be a fun post to write how I categorize these different kinds of relationships.
This post is probably my most subjective in awhile. These aren’t rules, per-say, but they are patterns I noticed when studying different relationships.
First, I will breakdown MY interpretations of what all these different titles mean, and then I will breakdown how they MAY appear in a chart. It is imperative to have the correct birth details for these observations to reign true. In Vedic Astrology, you don’t have to have a birth time because you can use these same calculations through the Moon chart. (Making the moon sign the ascendent. For instance, I am an Aquarius Sun and an Aries Moon, so my Moon chart starts with Aries. So my first house is in Aries, Second house in Taurus, third house in Gemini etc. My sister on the other hand is a Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, so her Moon Chart would be Scorpio in the first house, Sagittarius in the second house, Capricorn in the third house etc. Moon charts are a nifty thing to look at when doing astrological overlays, particularly if you don’t have an accurate birth time).
Again, just a friendly reminder that this is a PERSONAL OPINION piece. Now, for those of you who have been with me for my previous post, you know I’m not talking out my ass. So I can absolutely promise that I am giving you the most educated and thought out explanation that I can give at the moment. I am by no means the final say on ANY of this stuff, I am far from God and don’t want to be the judge or the jury…it is faaaarrr too much work. But please understand that there may be some things in this post you disagree with~ that is LOVELY, share your opinion with me in the comment section, I am more than happy to hear from you and listen to your insight!
But without further ado, let's break this down shall we?
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Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman.: Compare bhakti (def. 1), jnana.
Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.
Soulmates are just that– a mate for your soul. This is another soul, individual, or essentially another life force that you just “get”. Every relationship comes with its ups and downs and soulmates always seem to find one another no matter what. I find animals to be some of the BEST examples of soulmates out there. Isn’t it crazy how you can form a bond with another life force? I don’t find it to be a coincidence that animals and their hoomans can even look alike!
But enough with the furry friends, let's talk about hooman friends as well! Soulmates can also manifest as people (duh…)– whether super long lasting or a fleeting moment. Some friendships can prove to be some of the most profound soulmates in the course of a lifetime.
And of course…a soulmate can be a lover. We will discuss what can make a soulmate different from a twin flame further in the post. But yes, soulmates can absolutely manifest as boyfriends/girlfriends/theyfriends/husbands/wifes/partners etc. This is probably the most common and sought after kind of soulmate in mainstream culture, but I cannot express enough how soulmates can manifest in so many different ways. You know how Prince would rock out with that beautiful purple guitar? I consider that guitar to be a soulmate? After all, they shared a vibration and what is a man without his tools? As long as science says that everything is made up of tiny atoms, and each person, place, or thing contains its own vibration, we are bound to time and space by our soul’s connection. These types of connections help us move through the void of the darkness and chaos that is the universe, and we will be defined by the contracts of our souls through lifetimes and eons. (Smeeexxiiii, huh)
Twin Flames:
All twin flames are soulmates, but not all soulmates are twinflames. This is IMPERATIVE to understand when you are defining your connections for yourself. It seems to be trendy in mainstream culture to conflate the two, but these relationships have very distinct qualities and very different karmas (lessons). For the sake of starting on solid ground, let’s say that Twin Flames are like soulmates on steroids. Why? Because the contract level of Twin Flames can be an extremely heightened feeling and bring out the best and worst of ourselves so we can confront ourselves through a mirror like image, a reflection, if you will, so we can truly see ourselves through a 3rd eye perspective. Sounds like a lot of mumbo-jumbo, huh? Well, it kind of is. This may be a hot take, but it is an important one, NOT EVERYONE WILL EXPERIENCE A TWIN FLAME RELATIONSHIP IN THEIR LIFETIME. I repeat, NOT EVERYONE WILL EXPERIENCE A TWIN FLAME RELATIONSHIP IN THEIR LIFETIME. Why? Again, because this is HIGH level spiritual work that most souls just aren’t prepared to encounter. To be fair, just because it’s high level spiritual work does not equate to it being “high vibrational”. Most Twin Flame journeys deal with lower vibrations in order to raise them. So don’t confuse the work with the payoff. Twin Flames catapult one’s soul to the next dimension when it comes to spiritual growth and learning. One of the most popular modern examples of a Twin Flame relationship is…drum roll, please…Twilight (Spoiler Alert!). Bella started out as an innocent, run-of-the-mill suburban average teenage boring, blah blah blah, nothing-special kind of girl, with perhaps a proclivity towards darkness, who got entangled with a 300 year old vampire (or however old….), went on to experience the highs and very very very lows of a relationship, flirted with death, lost him, got him again, was deflowered, got pregnant, damn near lost her life trying to give birth and ultimately had to be “killed”/ “turned” by Edward– literally (or figuratively because it’s in a book…) “dying” to be born again and made anew. Essentially growing from an innocent virginal girl, to a very powerful woman & mother. Meanwhile, Jacob, who I would argue is simply a soulmate (see the difference…he was obviously the “safer” choice, but would not have sparked that dramatic of a shift in her soul) just watches from the sidelines. It’s just worth noting how traumatic that entire 4-book series and 5-part movie is from Bella’s perspective, but also from Edward’s. His darkness engulfed her willingly, like Hades to Perspephone. He wasn’t really a willing participant– until he unleashed all his passions and desires onto her. She reflected back to him a purer version of himself that was lost to the past and to his “vampirism”, while she was drawn to him to take her out of the mundane expectations of suburban living. Both parties were made to sacrifice a sacred part of themselves in order to embrace one another, but ultimately to embrace their truest form. For Bella, it was her becoming a mind-bending vampire…a FAR cry from the less than average suburban girl she started as. And for Edward, it was to bring love and happiness back into his life. He had to let go of his “I’m a monster” perspective of himself and see that although he is a lust driven, blood sucking, overly wealthy, perpetual teenager…he is…in fact, worthy of love. Awwww…now isn’t that just…romantic? To the teenage version of me…yes. To the adult version of me who has bills to pay…not so much. However, the story is a powerful one because it clearly illustrates the drama, the passion, the highs, the lows, the love, the lust, the hate, the envy in a spiritual twin flame connection.
(Tangent, but the word envy made me realize another key difference in the twin flame journey versus the soulmate or karmic journey…Envy plays a major part in twin flame relationships. There is something that you feel your twin has, that you feel like you don’t. Going back to our Twilight example, Bella envied Edward for his mystique, and his seemingly other worldly experiences. She envied his relationship to his own darkness. She found him interesting, to say the least. He was a masterful artist, a great pianist, wicked smart, and a selfless individual. Bella, at best, was a mid-level high school student. She didn’t have any talent, any hobbies, any desires. She was very boring and humdrum. She envied him for being so ridiculously complex. She was essentially a blackhole, wanting to be filled by him– sexually, physically, mentally, etc…She wanted nothing more than to dissolve into his world, inheriting his self-hatred and his life issues (like the Volutrie)...she envied his essence. On the other hand, Edward was envious of her purity. He found deep comfort in her lack-lusterness. She was beyond ordinary. So ordinary, in fact, she became extraordinary to him. To see a virginal young woman, full of life, and promise, brought him great desire. A desire he fought for like 3 books/movies. Edward, was by far, the “runner” in this scenario because he absolutely felt that his presence in Bella’s life would destroy her. And for what it’s worth, he was absolutely correct. He demolished her from the inside out– taking her virginity to ultimately making her a mother, an evolutionary act within itself. The triumph of the virgin to the whore pipeline (lol, no pun intended, but pun definitely accepted). Tangent over lol)
BUT what makes them a twin flame specific quality is the fact that you realize, you are actually the same. Edward was equally as dark as he was pure and same for Bella. There was no need to envy one another because they were both capable of all states of being. Edward and Bella are a good and bad example of twin flames, because they are the rare twin flames that stay together. So it’s beautiful they were able to find a middle ground and create a child and merge families–blah blah blah…but, that is pretty uncommon. MOST, not all, but MOST twins do not end up with a happily ever after. They usually are unable to reconcile their souls' differences. These relationships are usually to prepare one another for a high vibrational soulmate.
Karmic Soulmates:
Karmic Soulmates, are souls that have past-life unfinished business OR are meant to inspire a lesson that may or may not be resolved in this life in general. Karma/Karmic is a neutral term, so this type of relationship doesn’t have to be inherently good or inherently bad. It is a relationship that brings forth lessons so the soul can carry out the rest of its karmic mission. These relationships can play out in a romantic way, but they tend to be more on the platonic side. You can be in a Karmic relationship with your mother, brother, sister, teacher, etc. as well as a place! You can have a significant bond with a city, country, place and time. Anything that promotes the soul’s growth through support, challenges and forces you to learn, is a karmic contract/soulmate.
You are certainly meant to learn. But because of Karma being ruled by the planet Saturn, these relationships can go on for a long time, can be extremely difficult and will keep pressisting until the lesson is learned and the karma is fulfilled.
Karmics tend to have a negative connotation, particularly in the youtube tarot world, but it genuinely doesn’t have to be. In fact, I argue that all significant relationships are inherently karmic– be it clearing up Karma from a past-life, or creating new karma for the next.
Always remember, the universe is neutral. Lessons are neutral. Love/Hate is…neutral. We need not judge the nature of any relationship, including our own, if it means to help enlighten, enrich and grow our souls. We are social creatures and we don’t learn lessons about ourselves in a vacuum. Different souls, people, places, and things can trigger our growth in ways that we are incapable of imagining beforehand.
I say all that to say, as one of my favorite quotes from a family friend who passed away years ago said, “some things, you just don’t need to experience”. There will be times in life where you touch the fire and need to feel it to get burned…other times, you will know what that burning feels like and will turn away. This is the perfect system of Karma. Sometimes you will get burned, whether you “asked for it” or not, and other times, you will know that there is no need to even play with the fire to begin with.
So take everything in life with a grain of salt and a shot of whiskey! Life is supposed to be fun…even the not so fun parts! Live, laugh, love, lust & learn! Enjoy the moment.
(This is a great example of a non romantic karmic, he wrote this song for his grandmother who passed & it catapulted him to another dimension career wise)
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Observation 1
Do not underestimate the power of Chinese Astrology
Hear. Me. Out. I haven’t found a more accurate astrology for relationships than Chinese astrology. Crazy, I know. But Chinese Astrology is extremely straightforward. Screw the birth times, you just need a month and year and you’ve got all you need. I always joke that I exclusively date through Chinese Astrology, but I am seriously only half kidding (lol). I kid you not, whenever I study my relationships through this particular astrological lens, I am genuinely AWE STRUCK with how uncannily accurate it is. Try it! Next time you find yourself dating, or even checking the compatibility with your current mate, read a few articles and see how it lines up for you. I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised. I manifest partners through their Chinese zodiac because I am so passionate about it! It hasn’t let me down yet!
***Note: I don’t have this as an official observation because it’s not astrologically based, but look into numerology as well when studying compatibility! It is VERY insightful.
Observation 2
Usually Twin Flames/Soulmates have Gemini placements somewhere in their personal planets or ascendent
So this take may not sit well with everyone, because you may feel limited in the types of soulmates you can encounter if you don’t have any Gemini placements. Fret not, keep reading, you may fit in another category.
I am not saying that this is the LAW, I am saying this simply is something I have noticed when studying what I consider twin flame relationships. In most Twin Flame/Soulmate relationships, the Zodiac sign of the twin is usually present for BOTH individuals/souls. The psychic nature of Gemini makes it very easy to just “get” someone, and feel as if you’ve known them for years. Have you ever heard two Geminis talk to one another? It can be hard to keep up with them!
Soooooo…..I feel the same to be true when it comes to these kinds of intense relationships.
It is also worth noting that Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Mercury/Hermes in Greek Mythology is the only God that can travel between Mt. Olympus (Heaven, so to speak) and The Underworld (Hell, if you will). I think this is important because it demonstrates why Gemini placements in particular can experience a love of such depth. It can go into the pits of hell and to the glories of heaven with ease, making it one of the most valuable placements for a twin flame relationship.
Another note is, in traditional tarot, The Lovers card is depicted by the twins. I feel this is a significant indicator of a deep soulmate connection because of the telepathy and how intertwined lovers/gemini energy can be. The inherent closeness of these soulmates is intrinsic to closeness that is required for any level soulmate/twinflame. Nonverbal communication can play a major role in these types of connections. As chatty as Geminis can be, it’s what they don’t say that ACTUALLY matters. Only another Gemini person would understand that.
Now, Virgo is also ruled by Mercury, but Venus is in detriment in the sign of Virgo. I don’t think Virgo fits this description as well, because Virgo is inherently about solitude, represented by The Hermit in traditional tarot, making it more about virginity/purity than about a 3D twin flame physical connection. To be honest, I just haven’t witnessed it as much when dissecting charts, but I will study it more and perhaps my opinion will change. But as of right now, I don’t believe Virgo placements depict as strong of a connection as Gemini in this case. Feel free to prove me wrong! I’m always open.
Back to Geminis…It seems so weird that Gemini energy would be the ones who attract such intense relationships because they seem so, unloving…but one of my favorite Gemini on Gemini relationships is Courtney Love (Gemini Sun & Moon) and Kurt Cobain (Gemini Moon). Ooof. OOOF. But it was like they had their own language and lived in their own world. Now, that relationship ended up in tragedy…but hey…they had some “fun” moments. They were so similar and too similar at the same time, that it fueled an outwardly bizarre connection, but to them it made perfect sense. This is the power that a double gemini connection can have. Minus to tragedy part.
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Observation 3
Twin Flames almost always have the SAME zodiac placements or DIRECT OPPOSITE zodiac placements.
This rule, without fail, is one of the most important and powerful observations that I have come across. If you are checking the zodiac for twin flame compatibility, I will almost say YOU MUST have the same or opposite placements in the big three (rising, sun, moon) and/or Venus and Mars.
This can be ANY SIGN in ANY HOUSE.
For example: You have Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Cancer, Rising in Sagittarius…Your twin could have Sun in Virgo, Moon in Taurus, Rising in Aries. Because the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, you could experience a twin flame relationship.
Another example: You have Sun in Gemini, Moon in Aquarius, Rising in Pisces…Your twin could have Sun in Libra, Moon in Leo, Rising in Aquarius. Because the Moon and Rising are in the same sign, you could experience a twin flame relationship.
You can mix and match, as long as something mixes and other things matches (lol). I’ve seen so many charts of couples that share placements or have opposite placements and immediately I go “uh! Twin Flame!”.
I think this is due to the illicit push and pull nature/mirroring nature of Twin Flame relationships.
This is where “real” science comes in. All energy has an action and a reaction to create equilibrium. This is why this particular observation is so important. As I’ve stated from the beginning, when it comes to Twin Flame relationships, they are meant to teach, expand, challenge and heal, so it makes sense that you would be met with the opposite force and attract one another OR the same force and repel one another. (Let’s talk physics…think magnets…two positives and two negatives repel, but a negative and a positive attract…woot woot! Call me Bill Nye biiisshhhessss) The entire effect is to make your soul ebb and flow so it can reach a state of neutrality. You want someone to challenge your opinions and your sense of self so you can know what/ who you are. If you’ve never had a mirror, how do you know what you look like? Again, the same is true when someone is so similar to you. You may look at them and go “wow, is this how I come off?”. Just to reemphasis, I don’t want this to come across as an inherently negative thing, it doesn’t have to be. It just usually requires a highly developed spiritual understanding to see that. This particular alignment can give the “can’t live with em, can’t live without em” feeling.
If you have complementary placements, like your Sun is in Capricorn and your partner has their Moon in Taurus, this may be more of an indication of a soulmate connection. The same can be true if you are both air/air or air/fire or water/water or water/earth.
Now, another way you can see it is if you have opposing elements. But, I don’t think it reads as strong as actual zodiac signs.
Just to be clear, all my examples thus far have been using Sun, Moon and Rising, but this trick can extend to Mars and Venus. So let’s say you have Venus in Cancer and your partner has Mars in Capricorn…it counts!
Observation 4
For long-term compatibility, your partner’s Venus will be the same as one of your placements in your big three or your venus– ESPECIALLY WOMAN in Heteronormative connections or Males in same-sex relationships.
Trigger warning for those who are sensitive about pronouns…please use your imagination. I am talking about ANCIENT astrology, so it is rooted in traditional gender norms. You may disagree, that is fine, no judgment, but for the sake of this observation, you can bear with me…or ignore it. The choice is yours!
Now, I am talking about a man’s Venus placement here. In traditional astrology, Venus indicates the man’s wife. So if your “man” has Venus in Pisces, you may have Pisces Sun, Moon, Rising OR Venus/any other water placements. This would make you complementary. In fact, I would say if his Venus placement aligns with your chart, other placements in the chart won’t matter as much.
For example, You are a Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Aquarius Rising. If your partner is a Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Rising, BUT their Venus is in Gemini, Aquarius, or Libra…you’re in luck! From the big three, it may seem as if you are completely incompatible, but low and behold, your partner loves what you are putting down, so the “differences” may not be so different after all.
Venus is EXTREMELY important to long-term relationships. So is the 7th house. I won’t go down that rabbit hole for this particular post, but keep that in the back of your mind.
These connections may not be as intense as Twin Flame, but this is certainly a great indication for a wonderful connection. Let me say, like I said in the beginning, not every soul needs to experience a twin flame connection for its evolution. If you are wanting something more grounded, then follow this rule of thumb when checking initial compatibility with a partner.
BONUS: If your person’s Venus falls in your first house, this is a great indication of producing love at first sight! Now…other placements matter, obviously, but this is an extremely powerful indication of strong, immediate, attraction.
Side Note: For Women, you would look at your Jupiter placement for compatibility with your “husband”! I find that you can also use this rule for Mars when it comes to “boyfriends” as well.
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Observation 5
Synastry and Overlays Matter!!!!!!!
Synastry- When comparing two natal charts, this calculates the planetary alignment between two individuals.
Examples- Mars conjunct Venus or Sun trine Saturn
Overlay- When comparing two natal charts, this calculates how a person’s planets fall into another person’s house system.
Examples- Person A’s Jupiter is in Person B’s 8th House. Or Person A Venus sits in Person B’s First House.
(if these are new concepts to you, I HIGHLY suggest you do some research. Tumblr has some wonderful posts dedicated to these practices that are highly informative. I would love to do posts concerning synastry and overlays in the future!)
Okay, this may be the MOST important observation, but it is more advanced than Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus compatibility. This requires you to have knowledge of the WHOLE HOUSE system (sorry, western astrology) and deep comprehension of planets, conjunctions, oppositions, trines, squares and aaaaallll that good stuff.
My sister and I LOVE synastry and overlays. It really puts entire relationships into context to see how your chart lines up and what underlying energies you’re dealing with, regardless of the actual placements. How the planets react to one another and how those planets show up in your chart is MUY IMPORTANTE! Chances are, if you’ve read these other rules and they haven’t resonated with you, I guarantee, you’ve had a relationship that is based more on planetary alignment than zodiac compatibility.
(Just to be clear…this is why I started off with Chinese astrology…Chinese astrology is INSANELY accurate and doesn’t require nearly as much study as what I am saying here. DO NOT underestimate the power of Chinese astrology when it comes to compatibility. I love how accurate it is with very little information.)
With this rule, you don’t need birth times, but my goodness do they make an impact when doing overlays. If you don’t have accurate birth times, always remember you can do it off the moon chart, which essentially makes the moon the ascendent sign. Just know, for an accurate overlay, you will need to use the moon sign for BOTH charts. It will not be as accurate if you use your birth chart with an accurate birth time and overlay to their moon sign. It isn’t “wrong” per say, it just isn’t nearly as precise. You want to use the same charts. Moon charts overlay one another and natal charts overlay one another. If you have both birth times, then do both! Go wild! The more the merrier!
Now, I am not going to go in depth about what these two practices mean, because that’s an entire post within itself and I wanted to keep this one “short and sweet”. But I will say, for a rule of thumb, if you have strong trines, oppositions, and conjunctions with a person, that is an indicator of a twin flame, soulmate, and karmic connection. If you have Saturn, Pluto, Venus, Neptune and Mars with low orbs, this can indicate a soul contract/intense connection. If yours or their placements sit in your 1st/7th/8th/12th house, this can be a VERY strong indication of a powerful & spiritual connection. There are plenty of ways this can be mixed and matched. The relationship between two charts is so important, they are a study within themselves. I am only scratching the surface here, so if you are a novice, again, I cannot express enough how exciting it is to do some digging when it comes to this stuff in relationships.
There are plenty of free synastry calculators online, so please use them as a resource– even if you don’t understand the calculations, it is important to see the results. These placements can truly unlock a much deeper understanding of your relationships that you just won’t get when it comes to looking solely at your charts at face value!
Let me know if you’d like me to discuss these topics further moving forward! You know I love to spread the knowledge, and there is just something so sexy about synastry and overlays…it’s honestly one of my favorite parts about Vedic astrology!
Bonus: North Node/Rahu and South Node/Ketu can play a VITAL role when determining what kind of karmic relationship you are in.
Just kidding, there is no test, because I’m too lazy to grade anything, BUT here is an example of what I’m talking about when combining the previous observations. I am not doing a super deep dive, but I want you to see how everything overlaps and intersects.
Let’s use Rihanna and ASAP Rocky as an example. Their connection hits on a few different cylinders. Rihanna is an Aquarius Sun and ASAP Rocky has his Venus in Leo. Why does this matter? Although Rihanna is an opposite, so Sun opposition Venus, which is twin flame-y, she is a FAMOUS, CREATIVE, ENTERTAINER and MUSE…this is ALL dealing of the 5th House/Leo energy, so it make sense…for now…as to why he would be attracted to her. She has No Leo placements in her big three, but because it’s the opposite, we go to that push-pull magnet thing I was talking about earlier. As far as how their relationship will play out long-term, I have ZERO idea, but I can say their attraction to one another is very real, but it will probably be volatile at times because of the Sun Venus Opposition. I’m sure her ego will cause difficulties to his love language, BUT he may be able to take it, because his Venus is ruled by the Sun. See how layered and complex it can be? And we are just looking at one placement. They work because he enjoys the attention that she brings (not in a vampire way, just in a “wow, isn’t my lady so cool” kind of way) and he allows her to shine without dimming her light, while she enjoys the fawning that he gives her. He loves that his partner is larger than life and Rihanna is larger than life because…well…she’s Rihanna. She is able to appreciate him, because at this point in time, he doens’t in any way seem like he is trying to compete with her. He is a confident person who can stand beside and behind such a force, BECAUSE he has such a strong Venus placement.***
Relationships aren’t black and white. These are just observations and rules/patterns that I have found to be true. But as you’ll see, as I have presented, some things will contradict, some things won't make sense, what makes sense for one chart doesn’t make sense for another. Etc… This is such a fun topic because it really is like a puzzle. And it really is a case by case basis. The more in depth you can look at a chart, the more knowledge you can walk away with.
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Oof….okay, what a ride! (Can you believe I had the intention of this being a short post. HA!) I hope that you were able to take something away from this post and learn something new! As you can see…there is a very intricate science behind how soulmates/karmics and twin flames work. It is so much deeper than saying “oh wow, that’s my twin flame”...like…maybe? I feel mainstream spirituality/astrology/tarot has taken that phrase and run with it. And saying “if you identify as twin flames then you are” is misleading. It really isn’t something you “identify” with. They either are or are not your twin flame. There isn’t an in between. It is not ambiguous and it can be fact checked. Also, twin flame makes it seem like you can only have one…I don’t think that’s the case. I think you meet as many “twins”/mirrors/soulmates/karmics as you need until your soul learns the lesson. Have you ever felt like you just keep meeting the same person over and over and over again? That’s because we are talking about soul recognition and not necessarily 3D body recognition.
You may be attracting different “people”, but you could be attracting the same “spirit”. So don’t always get so hung up on a particular person. TRUST ME BABES, if there is unfinished business, that same energy will come back around over and over and over and over again until you geeeetttt ittttt.
Another note is, if you’re like me, and you have exalted Venus in Pisces conjunct Ketu…then every relationship feels twin-flame-y. Why? Because I have my relationship planet tightly conjunct my south node, so I am on a spiritual journey on my own when it comes to relationships…my twin flame is most likely…Jesus Christ…sooooooo……yeah. (I kid, I kid, but not really. My placement can indicate being a nun…and trust me, after dealing with the crap I’ve had to put up with when it comes to these men folks, I have absolutely considered giving my body to God…cuz these men just don’t do right…lol…anyways…) Men and relationships have become my life’s work…which is why I am here sharing this information with you today. Each relationship is very nuanced but all have similar themes.
I am very much into tarot and astrology and all the things, but I do feel like there is a fad going around about this twin flame business. And as much as I enjoy a tarot reading popping up on my tiktok talking about my “twin”, I am always acutely aware that it can be a mislabeling and inspire people to put up with all kinds of crap for the sake of the label. If you’re going to be in a shxtty relationship, then be in a shxtty relationship, but don’t misuse the word. Twin Flame does not automatically translate to terrible, explosive, runner-chaser relationships and it does not excuse poor behavior. There is a difference between someone who is making mistakes because they are trying to learn and someone who is taking advantage of someone who won’t stand up for themselves. Sometimes, someone you like, just doesn't like you and your ego in tandem with your fear of rejection/abandonment is preventing you from actually growing and pursuing a relationship that would benefit and promote your soul’s growth. It’s almost like getting stuck on level one of a video game. Until you beat that internal need for validation from one specific person/soul…you’ll never get to play the next part of the game. Now…this isn’t me saying that soulmate/twin flame/karmic relationships don’t have their downsides, but I am saying, at least know the kind of energies you’re dealing with before you go putting pressure on a presumably less evolved/knowledgeable individual expecting them to “challenge your soul” and you haven’t even challenged yourself. This whole twin flame ordeal is like handing a toddler some markers and leaving them alone in a room full of white walls– it is bound to get messy. Soulmates are a BEAUTIFUL thing. And very rarely, I mean VERY rarely can a twin flame move into a more relaxed “soulmate” relationship. It is not impossible, but the amount of effort that is required to transcend, is unbelievable. BOTH PARTIES have to be spiritually mature and aware to do the work. This connection is NOT one sided…BOTH individuals are required to learn, grow and HEAL. Mind you, healing is the main reason for these kinds of relationships. There is no way to heal when your relationships keep pouring salt into an open wound. People can get caught up with and hang on to people for far too long because of a mislabeling. It is equivalent to a misdiagnosis from a medical doctor. Sure, you may have a cold, but if they misdiagnose you with a broken leg…are you receiving the right treatment? NO! And now you won’t heal properly! TO BE CLEAR…I believe in fate– so if you meet someone and you have an extraordinarily intense connection, you probably fit one or more of these rules and THAT IS why I am making this post. I want you to do the research for your own sanity so you can express FREE-WILL in whether you want to walk down that path or not with a certain individual– while also knowing the other person has free-will too. No label, or synastry, or overlay, or Chinese compatibility will change the fact that you may be fated to meet someone, but free-will may take you down different paths.
On another, equally important note…It is also possible to end up and stay with the wrong person. It is! You may look at a chart and follow some of these patterns and realize, you have NO BUSINESS with that individual. But people end up with the wrong people all the time. People have wasted LIFETIMES with someone they had no business with. But their ego decided they were a “soulmate” or a “twin flame” or they aren’t “healed”/spiritually awaken enough to realize they can do better…and low and behold…they were wrong and they wasted precious time. Now they’re miserable, can’t figure out why, and they end walking straight past a real soulmate in a supermarket…unable to even recognize them because they are so bogged down and clouded in their unhealed ego and a bad relationship that has cut them so far off from their own divinity, they can’t recognize love if it smacked them in the face. DON’T LET THAT BE YOU!
THERE ARE LEVELS TO RELATIONSHIPS!!!!!!!!! Not every soulmate will be as intense as the next. Not every boyfriend/girlfriend will be as compatible as the last. Love is a game of musical chairs. There is movement, there is stillness, seats get taken away, and eventually, there is a winner. And babe, it will ALWAYS be you. You will always be the last one standing when it comes to relationships because you have free-will. (Let’s not forget the importance of the 1st House/7th House axis. You vs Relationships. It is as equally you as it is them.) You are bound by nothing. You are bound to no one. You are love. You are light. If you do the work, you may find a wonderful, loving, long-lasting relationship full of romance, but this is not guaranteed. You AND your partner have to choose each other every single day. The best relationships require discipline, work, forgiveness, “God”/some higher power, and love– no matter who you cross paths with in this life…you have to do this for yourself first and foremost. Alas, if you are too caught up in people who won’t meet you in the 3D, let alone the 5D…you will always fall flat of what you are looking for. The chair will always be ripped from under you when the music stops. Always. All of this is irrelevant if it doesn’t come from within. And this is why I want to express it one last time…NOT EVERYONE WILL EXPERIENCE A TWIN FLAME CONNECTION. You don’t understand how much you have to overcome rejection, overcome fear, overcome lust, desire, ego ALL the things, to open yourself up enough to join forces with another soul and try to tackle life together. Your ultimate lover is not your savior– they are your equal. You have to save yourself. You are not your ultimate lover’s savior. THEY have to save themselves. You ain’t super(wo)man and they aren’t either. Your partner has to be willing to do the same work…THAT’S what makes them a twin. It is not because they are treating you like shxt, babes…
Learn the lessons. Do the work. Love every bit of the journey…especially the crappy parts, because THAT’S what will make it all worth it in the end and you’ll enjoy the beautiful parts as much as the Greek Gods enjoy sweet nectar and ambrosia.
Why is this important to differentiate? Why now?
Now, one thing is for sure…and two things for certain, I am psychic and I have seen in my crystal ball that there is heavy energy of union in the atmosphere. I am hoping that whoever stumbles upon this post, is on the path of self-discovery which ultimately leads to liberation because not all union is good union. (I think covid brought in a lot of bad unions for example…but that is another topic for another day). The days are getting darker, and the evil forces are getting stronger (am I being dramatic enough for ya?) so it is important to know exactly what we are all up against. Only few are chosen to be in relationships that are led by light. There is so much overwhelming darkness now and I don’t want anyone that I am influencing to fall into the trap. There is potential for WONDERFUL, POWERFUL, SEXY, LOVING, LONG-LASTING & HIGHLY SPIRITUAL unions right now. But you may be tempted by something that seems beautiful and it is nothing of the sort. So please, do your research. Love with all your heart. Let spirit lead you! Let love find you, there is no need to seek it out! Take calculated risk! Open up your heart chakra! But ultimately, always be mindful of the wolves in sheep's clothing.
Ciao ✌🏾
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ponytarot · 3 days
pick a pony - what you need to know (tarot reading)
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pony 1
if you picked pony 1 , you may be consistently paranoid in your relationships/friendships , almost like someone is lying to you constantly ... even when this isn't really true . i can't say out right you are lying as well , but it feels like ... due to this constant paranoia ... you also hide things or explicitly try to act like something you're not ... this has an inverse effect . you lie and hide things because you're paranoid , which fuels the idea someone is also lying to you . be more open to share things about yourself , or be yourself in general . you will find your relationships to be much more meaningful and less anxiety inducing .
song - birds of a feather by billie eilish
pony 2
you may find yourself in a situation where you're able to get some legit payback ... a very heehheehe petty moment (genuinely the only way i can describe it) listen , i'm not gonna tell you what to do or how to do it ... because this petty moment seems acceptable ... but don't be shocked when you get a bad reaction . this person you're trolling a lil' is very upfront and aggressive , if you back down , they win . do you REALLY want them to win ? i think not (i know i don't) .
song - bullet with butterfly wings by the smashing pumpkins
pony 3
i've notice a lot of people , especially clients i have in-person , struggle with feeling they need to "act" a certain way . you may also struggle with this , maybe you're young , this is ok . fuck being judged ! i'm chronically afraid of being judged , i do tarot in a bible-belt small town ... and it was the best decision i've ever made . i get nasty looks and comments , i've been kicked out of places while being a vendor , JUST because of complaints of me being a tarot reader . FUCK THAT ! you will be judged regardless of what you do , why not do it while being happy ? you will be depressed , you will be sad , you will have poor reactions to big personality changes or sometimes just because people don't align with each other ... that's not your fault . if your only fault is being yourself ... whose really the problem ? because it's not you . be different every single day , experiment with yourself , and things you like . the only person who REALLY cares is YOU . that's ok . care a ton , care too much , care too little , it's who you are .
song - dont forget em' (remix) by consequence and kanye west
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infinitydivine · 2 days
What does your Bias choice say about you? BTS edition 💜Pick-a-Card Reading
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Hello everyone, I am back again with a new PAC reading. Thank you all for loving my previous PAC, I appreciate it.
Choose your Bias and the Bias will represent you and your personality.
*This reading is just for entertainment purposes*
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Please leave feedback as comments reblogs, or Asks. It helps me to improve myself. And if you want you can tip/book reading with me because I am saving up for further education.
Choose your pile intuitively. Take what resonates and leave the other things. If you think this reading is not for you then choose another pile. If still it doesn't resonate then this might not be your reading. There are seven Piles.
***If this reading resonates with you, DM me to book a reading with me. You can pay through Paypal or you can visit my Kofi shop too.
💌My Paid Tarot reading Services 💌Love readings 💌Paypal Link 💌Ko-fi for readings and tips 💌PAC Readings 💌Paid Reading reviews 💌Virgo moon 2024 reading 💌Tarot for Beginners Series 💌General Messages for Collectives 💌My April Goal @$300 💌Mental Health Awareness Month
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Hello Pile Jungkook 💜
Knight of Cups, Queen of Wands and Five of Swords
You are someone who is very emotional
You are very grounded to earth and rooted in your beliefs.
You believe in yourself and your capabilities.
You don't like it when people cross your personal boundaries.
You are the Diplomat in your group or in the family.
You are hopelessly romantic and idealistic when it comes to romance and relationships.
Might struggle with finding the right person for yourself. Could be single currently or have been for a long time.
Someone who is attractive and carries themselves with confidence, often radiating warmth and vitality.
Always on alert or looking out for danger. (Hello my anxious pile)
Are Hot AF but still like to not believe in their hotness in every aspect. Gets shy easily when complimented.
Key zodiac words: Pisces, Neptune, Leo, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Thank you for your Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile Taehyung 💜
The Sun, The Devil And Five of Swords
You are The sunshine of the group or the Life of the Party Pile.
You are very extroverted and outspoken.
Makes others uplifted, inspired, and joyful.
Very confident and charming; aware of their magic on others.
Physically very attractive and takes full privilege of that. (pretty privilege )
Has a Powerful and captivating presence.
A little bit mysterious and likes dark aesthetics.
Can evoke strong desires in others with their magnetic aura.
You Want to win at all costs. Ready to risk everything.
Your stare might make other people very intimidated by you. People might be scared to approach you first.
Key zodiacs: Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, Capricorn and Leo
Thank you for your Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile Jimin 💜
Nine of Swords, The Tower, and The Magician
You are someone who is highly sensitive and empathic. Other's emotions deeply affect you and your mental state.
You have recently had a mental breakdown or might be currently going through a lot of inner turmoil.
Someone who is very talented but also has a lot of self-doubts, this blocks your success.
You have an intense presence that can be both intimidating and unforgettable.
You are unpredictable. No one can actually predict what is going on inside your head.
You might be someone who triggers a lot of people to their true self or their awakening? Like people might hate you or love you for no reason.
The master manifestor pile. You are good at manifesting things if you already don't know.
You might believe you have a higher purpose in life and are still looking for it. If you are, then you will find it sooner.
A strong believer in higher power and cosmic beings. Might frequently talk to the Universe.
Very strong-willed and can adapt to different situations quickly.
Key zodiac signs: Gemini, Mercury, Urainian energy, Gemini again, Libra, and Aquarius.
Thank you for your Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile Jhope
Three of Swords, Death, and The Hanged Man
Might be currently experiencing heartbreak or some sort of sorrow.
You might have your heart broken multiple times but still believe in doing good for people and humanity.
You struggle with your emotions and have trouble managing them on your own. (if this is the case, please take professional help and don't suffer alone 🫂)
Currently going through major transformations and changes which might feel uncomfortable for now but they are for your own benefit.
Might have an intense gaze and can look into one's soul through their lies. You can tell if someone is telling a lie or not.
You are unafraid of changes and can take a stand for what you believe in. You have high moral ethics and standards.
You have a different point of view on life and you rarely get affected by what other people think about you.
You approach the situations with very clear perspective.
You possess a deep emotional sense and have great empathic abilities.
Your words have the power to heal people.
Key zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, Scorpio, Pisces influences
Thank you for your Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile Suga
Six of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, and Two of Wands
You are very generous when it comes to giving people.
You might struggle to create healthy personal emotional boundaries and people take benefits from you a lot.
You suffer alone but still, you are ready every time to help others with whatever resources you have.
You might have a temper and that is making you feel stuck in a situation. Very hot-headed too.
You are confident and this gives you a very charismatic look. You know the power you hold.
Someone who is attractive and carries themselves with great confidence. You believe in faking it until you make it.
You possess a natural ability to uplift others, often seen as a source of inspiration.
You are someone who might struggle to make decisions because of your overthinking.
You might be always in deep contemplation and thinking about what to do next. You Dream big.
Someone who is ambitious and forward-thinking, often wrestling with decisions about their path forward. 
Key zodiac signs: Earth signs- Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Leo, Mars, and Aries.
Thank you for your Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile RM
Seven of Swords, Ace of Cups, and Two of Swords
You are good at planning and organizing.
You are straightforward in your approach to the situations.
You are guarded and seldom let people know what you are planning next.
You tend to keep your emotions close to your chest, revealing little to others.
You are a creative person and might use creative methods to solve a problem.
You are an emotionally open and loving person. You offer others a deep sense of emotional fulfillment and compassion.
You possess a natural ability to understand others and connect with them on a deep often sensing and responding to the emotional needs of those around you.
You often find yourself in situations requiring tough choices, reflecting an internal struggle to find the right path.
No matter how much you struggle outside, you always find yourself in a deep inner peace state.
You always return to yourself wherever you are.
Key zodiac signs: Cancer, Gemini, Mercury, Libra
Thank you for your Tip🎁
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Hello Pile Jin
Eight of Cups, Justice, and The Magician
You are a restless person(haha).
You want to be always on the go and don't want to sit without doing anything.
You have many layers of personality and rarely anyone can find the real you.
 You often feel a deep sense of longing for a connection that transcends ordinary experiences.
You are fair-minded and a believer in Karma.
 You are often seen as a beacon of integrity, making decisions based on what is right and just rather than personal gain.
You prefer a comfortable style over fashion or the latest trend.
You approach emotional situations with a clear head and a calm demeanor, striving to remain unbiased and objective.
You are confident in your appearance.
 Your eyes are usually sharp and penetrating, hinting at a mind that is constantly analyzing and synthesizing information. 
Key zodiac signs: Pisces, Libra, Gemini and Mercury.
Thank you for your Tip🎁
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sagittariusmars2 · 2 days
Why they remember you (PAC)
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Pile 1
I see that they remember you for your temper and defensiveness, they think you have a really attractive face. They remember you because you made them aware of how bad they treated you and how they need to change the way they treat others, they remember you because you left them and you act different towards them. Signs- Taurus, Aquarius, Gemini, Pisces. Initials- Z, O, A, K
Pile 2
I see that they remember you because of your birthday or they remember a lot during the spring/summer, they remember you because of how motivated and consistent you are. They remember you because you taught them a lot and they feel like they’ve know you for a long time, they think about you when they’re out and having fun. They remember you because of how much fun they had with you, they remember you because they’re disappointed in the connection. They remember you because they saw themselves marrying you or having a long relationship together. Signs- Taurus, Pisces, cancer. Initials- V, Q, L, X, F
Pile 3
I see that they remember you because they had a lot of fun with you, they remember you because you were exciting to be around. They remember you because you were there for them during really tough times in their life, they remember you because the connection caused them anxiety and sadness. They remember you when they see dogs or certain animals, they remember you because you were sweet and kind to them. They know you were very good to them and they didn’t treat you right. Signs- Sagittarius/gemini. Initials- R, V, F, S
Personal readings always available
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yermes · 11 hours
PAC: how do you do it all? How can you be healthy, workout regularly, have job(s), have enough money and financial literacy to move through life, eat well even in the stress of it all, how do you take care of yourself (one of the most magical things you can do) in the face of all the pain in the world? 🃏
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Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. My ask me event is still going and asks are always open 🥰
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Pick a meme
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The cards
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dissension 🃏
Le despote africain
The government is fucked up, like literally almost everywhere nothing seems to be going right and its overall a huge looming concept that we either try to ignore when we can, or relish in the small victories we choose to pay attention to. Political awareness is something that should be unmoving in our lives but honestly its such a hell scape I know many people who try to duck and hide. But hiding and ignoring won’t further us. We need to be aware of the hate and the injustices so we can teach the next generation of what not to do even if history has a tendency to repeat itself. More to juggle.
Appui 🦜
Les oiseaux les poissons
Babe try and find your safety net, your protection circle. In the most trying times your squad will always come to your most desperate calls and our tenderness for each other is how we stay above water in the world we live in.
Le ciel
FUCK! As if juggling everything isn’t enough! The weight of juggling has taken a massive toll on your mental and physical health. Try and take a break every now and then investing in your self, and like I said in the beginning: taking care of yourself is the most magical thing you can do.
Ask me event still going to the 16th! Asks are always open
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cardboardheartss · 3 days
NEWJEANS D1 Chart Analysis
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NEWJEANS! In their D1 Chart these girls have a Bharani (Aries) stelium in their 1H. Rahu, Mars, Uranus and Moon. This major stellium obviously makes the girls nakshatra be in Bharani aka Venus Nakshatra. This all makes sense because all of the member have their own unique beauty, they don’t need a visual hole in the group!
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Bharani’s are known to represent “breakthrough” and in musical terms we can reword it as “breakthrough artist.” NEWJEANS honestly had one unique debut and the achievements they’ve been having ever since… it’s honestly mind-boggling.
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Mars in astrology represents dancing as well, and mars is in Aries. Aries represents intensity/energy and I believe we have all seen NEWJEANS choreography. I noticed that people with Aries stelliums, Rahu/MC, and Vertex are also good dancers, and I picked up on this by looking at Jam Republic members' D1 and D10 Charts.
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Back to NEWJEANS, i checked out all their charts and what actually shocked me was how they all have major aries placements in their personal D1 charts! I won’t share too much because i don’t want to spoil their charts yet lol!!!
NEWJEANS have an aries moon at 16 degrees, which is a cancer degree. The girls may seem very firey and bold on stage, and when they’re on stage they truly look like they want to be there and are present in their moments. The cancer degree really showed out this month with the whole Min Hee Jin vs HYBE fiasco. The sunbaenims of the industry really went out and showed their support to NEWJEANS, majority of the idols/celebs supporting NEWJEANS were females too!
NEWJEANS Aries Uranus also makes sense, the girls had an unconventional way of debuting as i had mentioned in the beginning. We did not know one member or actually the group overall! NEWJEANS concepts are also what make them stand out the most, we’ve seen every era, they bring out something different that sets them apart from this industry. The collaborations, merchandise, dancing, music material and etc.
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NEWJEANS have Ardra and Punaravasu (Gemini) placements in their 3H. The planets/placements consist of Venus, Lilith, and POF! The 3H represents the VOICE (singing), texting, social media, coworkers and etc. On the one hand, I will have to mention that people, in general, enjoy NEWJEANS music, the girls are really talented vocalists and they all individually get praised for their live vocals as well! Thanks to ador, we actually get to see the members sing live on By Jeans!
and NEWJEANS are also quite active on an app called Phoning, and doesn’t phoning require you to talk to someone/people and they have luck with that app because they have structured rules and regulations you follow to avoid chaos on that app.
Gemini also represents the youth, and remember majority of us who are young enjoy texting… Gemini also represents a connection, and that is how NEWJEANS connect with Bunnies, through “calling” or “texting” them.
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Since Gemini represents two sides, now I have to go onto the negative part. Lilith, the Lilith placement here makes sense. The cyberbullying these girls will have to go through will surely be difficult to deal with. Remember how I mentioned how Gemini represents youth, guess what people always bring up in NEWJEANS fan-wars? Their ages… every single time. What is also so ironic is how today, there is more drama surrounding NEWJEANS again…
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Their Sun and Mercury are in Pushya (Cancer), and it is in their 4H. One thing i would like to mention is how much Hanni and Danielle always talk about their life back in Australia.
The girls all share their childhood memories to a certain extent and one thing i would also like to bring up is how the members always thank Min Hee Jin, who in this case was their mother figure for a while, and also not to mention how NEWJEANS biological mothers also fought and protected their daughters while their debut was being delayed.
The 4H represents home/native land/country, and the Sun and Mercury emphasizes how much NEWJEANS are loved and cherished in South Korea. Which is why they’re called the “Nations Daughters” “Nations Princesses” “Nations Granddaughters” and etc.
Have you also not noticed how much the rest of the industry has shown love to NEWJEANS for the past month too?! Once again… majority of the celebrities who spoke up about NEWJEANS and shows love to them were female celebs!
6H Hasta Virgo, these girlies know how to work practically and are also very hard workers. They know how to stick to the routines, and this makes sense because they share schedules and had/have to still spend at least half of their lives together. Since they are also dancers, Virgos always look to make something perfect, hence why their moves may be different in one choreography they still have really good synchronization.
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Now for their Dhashnitha Saturn in their 10H, astrologers always say saturn is in a good place here and they’re right… in a way lol! We all finally know the truth about NEWJEANS delayed debut, and i guess that delay gave them the upper hand to plan and train together, because i mean look at the end result of that situation. They are talented and are also great performers and i truly applaud all the members for that, i believe it was not easy for them to almost not acheive their dreams and to see how much they have a achieved despite that obstacle makes me proud!!
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Now for their last planets in Pisces Neptune, Purva Bhadra, Jupiter Uttara Bhadra, and Chiron Revati. The girls could go through a lot behind the scenes, in terms of their bond as a group and the overworking in the industry.
Some members could get injured a few times during their career, like Hyein with her foot.
Luckily, for NEWJEANS, they have Jupiter in their 12H, and 12H in Vedic represents abroad travel/faraway lands, and its ruler, Sagittarius is in the 9H of foreign land, higher courts, and media. I almost forgot to mention how much love NEWJEANS receive internationally!!
Welp! That was A LOT of writing… looking foward to posting more analysis soon!!!
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beloved-calypso · 5 months
・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ゜𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙'𝖘 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖝𝖚𝖆𝖑 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖑 ♡ ・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ゜‎♡‧₊˚✧ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✧˚₊‧♡ 18+!
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♡ “𝒮𝑒𝓃𝓈𝓊𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒷𝑒𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓇𝒸𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒸𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓉𝓎, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝑔𝓎 𝑜𝒻 𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓅𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈.” – 𝒥𝒶𝓁𝒶𝒿𝒶 𝐵𝑜𝓃𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓂 ♡
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All pictures and gifs are not mine but belong to their original artists. ♡
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I. -> II. -> III. -> IIII.
ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ꜱɪᴍɪʟᴀʀ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ꜱᴇᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀꜱɪᴇꜱ ᴘᴀᴄ, ʙᴜᴛ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱᴜʙᴊᴇᴄᴛ ʀᴇɢᴀʀᴅʟᴇꜱꜱ, ꜱᴏ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ!
~ XOXO 💋🎀
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౿૮꒰ྀི pile 1 ๑◞꒱ა
[Ace of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Five of Cups]
You are a golden opportunity pile 1. People would feel lucky to have you, and they have fantasies that they know for sure you can fulfill. There is a steadiness about you, an abundance of confidence and ease that makes your presence big and undeniable. The closest thing I can liken this energy to is someone in a workplace setting being the number one go to, someone who is fast, reliable, and always gets the job done well and beyond. They are seen as a gem to the people they work with and are a lucky treasure, a constant that never disappoints. This makes your sexual appeal grand and constant. You can never fall below expectations, and you are seen as rare to find and appealing to keep. Always efficient and unshakable. You appear to be almost fearless. Nothing seems to faze you, and you give off the energy of liking challenges. You're very determined and passionate, but you also are a bit of a wildcard. I think this pile can be a bit all over the place, but not so much that you come off as neurotic. You just appear daring. Experimental. You're firm in your wants and needs and are willing to meet your partners halfway, but I also think you're unafraid in showing your distaste. You're vocal, but you won't let anyone cross your boundaries. I feel like you have such a strong and unwavering front that people become more curious about you and want to disassemble you to expose who you are underneath. Not many people carry themselves as well as you do, and that only makes others more and more inquisitive of you. They feel you may hide behind a shell, and want to explore the parts of you others can't see, even if they involve tears, and sadness, and pain, and anger, people want to see that come out because it's raw and authentic, and makes you more relatable, more vulnerable, and more sexy.
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౿૮꒰ྀི pile 2 ๑◞꒱ა
[Page of Swords, The Tower (rx), Death (rx)]
Hm. It took me a minute to decipher this energy, but now I get it. Pile 2, your sex appeal stems from some darkness that's within you, a well of emotions and mental sharpness that create a type of steeliness about you, an appeal for the unknown and possibly dangerous. On the outside, you could have a sort of innocent feel about you. Some of you may actually be innocent but are in denial of this, still growing and maturing into this energy, but for others, you are actually quite experienced and have explored all types of facets of yourself and other people. You know your emotions, triggers, and know how to look deep within your shadows and make use of them (in a healthy way, of course). You want to teach other people how to do these things too. Ya'll are actually quite jaded, beautifully so. A dark manic type. Kind of witchy. Ya'll likely lean towards a pain and pleasure type of dynamic, a type of satisfaction derived from things nonphysical and uncommon. People feel they have to sacrifice something of themselves to get you. I'm getting a fascination with the body, a want, and need to explore other peoples limits, take them for your own, and consume them. People literally feel like you could chew them up and spit them out with ease. Some here may like BDSM, definitely getting knife-play here, dominance and subjugation, but I'm getting a myriad of things here. Lots of kinks. Many unexplainable (some of you are still exploring). People know that you could test their limits and expose them to things they would otherwise never discover. It's super sexy. Moth to a flame kind of thing. Your allure is strong and almost forbidden. I'm thinking people who are taken would love to have you. You are an experience, a once in a lifetime type of opportunity. Maybe long-term relationships don't come easy to you because people fear they will get burned by you, that either you will be too much for them, or you will get bored of them. There's a mix of reactions from others; some think they can corrupt you, others think you will be the one to corrupt them. There's a mixture of ya'll in this reading that can go either way. You're very decadent pile 2.
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౿૮꒰ྀི pile 3 ๑◞꒱ა
[The Empress, The Chariot, The Hierophant]
Pile 3, you barely have to try. Your sex appeal is very feminine and relaxed. Ya'll are the epitome of chill and unbothered. I think people just naturally gravitate towards you. You're so far off from everyone else, I'm seeing you have your own orbit. People really don't know where they stand with you because your appearance is hard to change, as you greet people with the same indifference. They can't tell if you like them. People feel you are guarded, and it's hard to have your attention. It gets polarizing reactions of, "I want them even more" to, "Why bother?" Your feminine energy has a strong reaction with masculine energy. Men may especially be competitive over you. You just naturally have what men find desirable. You raise peoples hackles without meaning to. To some, you come off as a prize, someone to impress and win over. If you find men are especially aggressive with their tactics of flirtation, it's because they feel they are trying to fight you to get a piece of you. It may seem that sometimes you find yourself the most sensible person in the room, and everyone else is acting ridiculous. That's because you bring out the primal/dumb side of people (basically their lizard brains). You grasp the attention of the room without noticing or caring, and everyone is busy trying to calculate a game plan to come towards you, while you are just your chill self, avoiding anyone that you don't know (there has to be a bunch of Taurus's here, lol). Sometimes, you're just a prize too hard to get, and talking to you is as hard as trying to reach a princess in a tower. Peoples confidence waivers with you because you're so unpredictable, too. You're someone in particular that has something special going on within them that people are curious to know. They also know they can't come to you with shallow offers. You seem the type to want commitment and more than what people are willing to give off the bat. People have to give their best, or chance being like the rest of the crowd. If you don't get as many offers as you would like, it's just because you're intimidating. Your appeal is kind of unexplainable, really, but powerful.
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౿૮꒰ྀི pile 4 ๑◞꒱ა
[The Tower, Judgment, Queen of Swords]
Hmm, your sexual appeal is powerful, too. People here are especially intelligent, quick-witted, and have a cold, untouchable type of look. I think there's some great, show-stopping beauties in this pile, as I'm getting looks that could cut glass. Ya'll however have what they say, a resting bitch face, and while that sounds disenchanting, it's the opposite in your case. That untouchable quality is exactly why people pursue you. You seem like the type that can destroy anyone that crosses you, and that excites certain people. You give off the impression of pure confidence and grace. You have natural elegance is and public appearences may be important to you, so you try to be on your best behavior whenever you're out in the presence of others. Youre booksmart but also streetsmart because you can sense BS 15 miles from you. People think you have a lot of sexual experience, and believe you can show them a plethora of erotic knowledge. You likely attract younger people. They fantasize about you being their teacher and pushing them down a rabbit hole of sexual discovery. People's fantasies of you are so wide ranging because you give them little to go off of. They're stuck playing the guessing game while you keep cool as a cucumber calculating your next moves. You exemplify leadership and attract people that are wanting to be given direction, in and out of the bedroom. Some suitors will have a masochistic desire. Others will have a need to dominate you. A few will try to level with you, but there's something about you that makes people pick a side. You have intense energy. It's like you trigger people's flight or fight response, which seems strange, but just proves you bringing about peoples primal urges. Some of you have the spirit of a dominatrix, and others just naturally fall into a position of control. Your other half of suitors that have just as much as a dominant trait as you do want to see your perfect, pretty facade demolished. They want to strip you of everything that makes you, you, and have you kneel for only them. There's a quote that I'm being reminded of with this pile, and it's about how the pursuit of sex, is actually the pursuit of power. I would say this is true in your case. Also, lot of your suitors see that you have a judgemental eye and feel they can not disappoint you. No one can come to you acting a fool or with foolish proposals. I think you can be quick to cut someone down, and that's a turn on for some. You also have a way with word's and can seduce with your voice. You know exactly what to say to have someone wrapped around your finger. You've mastered the art of persuasion and making appearances. I think you carry yourself with grace and civility. You have an old soul, a reminder of what societies' ideals used to be in older times, but also a reminder of the hidden and heavy erotiscm that came with that time, too. It's very classy, naughty, and elegant all in one.
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ᴀɴʏ ᴄʀɪᴛɪᴄɪꜱᴍꜱ ᴏʀ ꜰᴇᴇᴅʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴀʀᴇ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴍ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴀ ɴᴇᴡ ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʙʟᴏɢ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴍ ᴏᴘᴇɴ ᴛᴏ ᴀɴʏ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ ᴀꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ɪᴍᴘʀᴏᴠᴇ ɪᴛ. ♡
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© lolita-bonita — Please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other social media platforms without my permission. This is the only platform that I post this type of content. If you see my work being posted anywhere else, please kindly report them to me. ♡
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✨️ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: Tarot is not an exact science, nor can it produce information that is factually true. All things posted are alleged and for entertainment purposes only. The future is fluid, and what may happen is based on your choices and actions, not what I and a deck of cards say. You are still the creator of your future. ✨️
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guxciestone · 5 months
(through the signs)
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hey guys. this post is about the moon and the type of routine that you may prefer based on the sign that lands in it. i hope you enjoy the post! ♡🌿
if you have any tarot or astrology post suggestions, i’d be more than willing to consider them. just drop your suggestions in my asks or in my post notes :)
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— the moon and its meaning ꕥ
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The moon is the planet of emotions, your internal world, where you find personal comfort, and where you find inner fulfillment. However, others tend to forget that the moon is a feminine and nocturnal planet that also rules patterns, cycles, and flow states. In a female’s chart, it rules over her menstrual cycle, her emotional flow throughout the month, and her inner states throughout the 28-day cycle; in a male’s chart, it rules over his emotional health and character as well as his inner child in a vulnerable and instinctual sense. Furthermore, in general, the moon could also indicate the routines and “personal flow” that one strives for daily to achieve comfort and satisfaction. Today, I am going to analyze what type of routine you prefer based on the sign your moon is placed in.
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moon in aries˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Aries seek spontaneousness, thrills, leadership, and independence in their daily life and routines. They are particularly comfortable being constantly being on the move, hoping to discover a new venture, or taking on a new challenge. They wake up every morning with the intention of reflecting on what new battle they can fight today. Furthermore, they are one of the signs who are more comfortable with managing sporadic and unorganized schedules because they initiate a new project every other day. It is assured they do not get overwhelmed easily, but they could easily become explosive or impulsive in their actions or feelings when stressed or things do not go according to plan. These individuals could get very impatient as well, striving to get things done in a short amount of time; this could be particularly overwhelming for others and burdening for them in the long run. They often struggle to stay focused on a venture due to their hastiness and tendency to lose interest easily. They should learn how to start projects, manage them, and finish them victoriously; plus, learn how to be patient and take their time, so their ideas can successfully manifest in what they expected from the beginning. Additionally, individuals with Moon in Aries are self-interested. They prefer spending time on activities, hobbies, or endeavors that they could benefit or improve from. Not to mention, they are risk-takers. These individuals seek fulfillment from new experiences and circumstances because it gives excitement and stimulation.
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moon in taurus ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Taurus seek comfort, security, and stability in their daily life and routines. They often are satisfied with an unsurprising and easy-going routine–not too sporadic or unpredictable like Aries Moons. They seek calm and quietness in their life with not much stress. It is particularly easier for these individuals to get overwhelmed–especially over an unexpected task added to their schedule. You will often notice that these people strive for financial stability in their personal goals because they know that it will give them the material comfort they hope to have. Furthermore, they are more inclined to do self-care and relaxation practices as it gives them a sense of self-esteem and levelheadness–they especially need it after a long day at work or school. Additionally, Moon in Taurus individuals prefer to take their life in getting their errands done, and they dislike being rushed. They may struggle with changing their routine or daily activities for any person or circumstance because it is what is appropriate for them. They should learn how to modify their schedule for important events and relationships.
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moon in gemini ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Gemini seek learning, socialization, activity, and communication in their daily life and routine. These people are often striving to mentally challenge themselves and find ways to stimulate themselves all the time. That is why you will often find these individuals with chaotic and packed schedules, or they seem to always be occupied–it is because they are always hoping to learn something new, access their creativity and skill, or challenge their brain. They would like to spend their time playing puzzles, word searches, reading, or debating with certain groups. Furthermore, these folks are extremely social and always wanting to connect with their peers; they might seek to find time in the day to meet up with their friends. Additionally, they have the tendency of wanting to do everything they want to do all at once–and they can often get very disorganized and ungrounded while doing so. It is important for people with Moon in Gemini to learn how to take things slow and collect their thoughts and plans before everything turns into a mess.
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moon in cancer ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Cancer seek comfort, security, emotional counsel, and familial connections in their daily life and routine. These people could adore spending time with their family members or their close loved ones immensely; they are the types to consider their cousins or siblings their true friends and desire to do everything with them. They could more than likely desire to spend time at home, and perhaps may prefer to work from home too. Additionally, with a person who has Moon in Cancer– you could find that mostly everything on their daily to-do list consists of errands they need to do surrounding the house (such as doing laundry, cleaning their room, etc.) They might also like taking care of people. It is integral for cancer moons to have a schedule in which they can feel safe and comfortable doing, especially in a sense where it is not far from home or their close connections. However, these people could easily become homesick or struggle to adhere to changes or circumstances far from their safe spot.
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moon in leo ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Leo seek entertainment, creativity, and recognition in their daily life and routines. These people strongly value and prioritize their inner child and their ability to artistically express themselves. They could be particularly interested in the arts, music, performing, acting, or anything in which they can demonstrate themselves and their character in an inspiring way. These folks hope to find fun and excitement in their life through their hobbies and passions. In other words, these people do not function well in routines in which they do not have creative freedom or the time to indulge in their childish endeavors. Furthermore, Leo moons are generous and kind at heart. They are more than likely to be able to handle children for long periods of time; in fact, they could adore implementing kids into their daily routine. Additionally, they prefer to connect with others and spend time with loved ones in circumstances in which they can lead them by example. However, these individuals could instantly turn bratty or spoiled when things do not go their way. If their day seems to be going terrible, it is easy for them to become explosive or stubborn. Leo moons should learn to be more selfless when it comes to compromising their plans and endeavors within the day sometimes.
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moon in virgo ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Virgo seek discipline, order, and practicality in their daily life and routines. They are the type of people to plan their entire day on a to-do list or structure it from start to finish. Furthermore, they value productivity and making good use of themselves and their time. So, you will usually see them working on a particular project, improving themselves in some way, or investing their time into developing a special skill. These folks prefer a system in their day-to-day activities, or otherwise, they’ll feel out of control with themselves. Although these people are particularly able to change their routines and create an entirely new structure, they prefer to keep things predictable–especially when it comes to dedicating themselves to specific future aspirations and ventures. One thing about them is that they will always work on their craft, one way or another. Additionally, virgo moons can also value cleanliness in their physical environment. It is easy for their mood to change if their environment isn’t aligned with their mindset, so they could prioritize cleaning their area and making sure every item is in the right place. However, they often have tendencies of being a control freak–expecting things to go the exact way they planned or trying to handle anything or anyone that disrupts their plans. This placement is also known for its perfectionism. These individuals need to work on their excessive need for things to be 100% flawless; it could easily lead them to stress and low self-esteem, making them believe that everything they do is wrong and that they need to reach up to their extremely high expectations. In other words, virgo moons need to learn how to calm down and accept that things can be imperfect and that they can make mistakes or “fail��.
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moon in libra ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Libra seek peace, balance, and beauty in their daily life and routines. These people often strive for a clear and collected mind space; they hope to eliminate any conflict, confrontations, or issues in their life. They would often try to stabilize themselves through acts of meditation, self-care, socializing, or cleaning. Furthermore, these people often strive to romanticize their lives; it allows them to enjoy their circumstances better through the acts of art, beauty, reflection, and creativity. They adore investing in makeup, fashion, painting, music, and other pleasurable things. Additionally, they are one of the most social moon signs; they thrive when they interact with their interpersonal relationships. It makes them feel connected and close to the important people in their lives. One thing about Libra Moons is that they often try to go far to avoid conflicts, even if it is something they need to confront or take accountability for. This can often make them appear a bit indifferent or distant in times of disagreements and discordance. However, shoving issues into the backburner will not solve anything–they need to learn to confront conflicts and problems and handle them maturely.
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moon in scorpio ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Scorpio seek privacy, intimacy, depth, and intensity in their daily life and routines. First and foremost, these people often prefer to undergo their errands and plans under the radar–they do not feel particularly comfortable with anyone knowing their next move. That is why you’ll often see that these folks do not post often on social media, or they dislike telling people what their plans are for the day. There could be an undertone of paranoia in why they choose not to do so. They just value their intimate space and refuse to let any outside energies intervene with it. So, they need secrecy more than anything. Furthermore, when it comes to activities, they also would like to do them with people who they hold very close–similar to Moon in Cancer–but they are more reserved and strict about it. When they are in a relationship, you’ll find that they would want to spend most of the time with their partner. It can almost get obsessive. It is important for these people to learn to not become obsessive with their loved ones or partners–to let go and learn independence in their quality time.
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moon in sagittarius ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Sagittarius seek excitement, new experiences, and diversity in their daily life and routines. One thing about these folks is that they are always striving to be on the move–similar to their fire counterparts. They are always on the move for the next huge and exhilarating thing. You’ll find that these individuals desire to travel, go to parties, spend time with friends, or meet new people. However, they are also very intelligent and have a will to learn–so they also hope to gain a new perspective from these experiences and circumstances. These people might dedicate a certain time of the day to learning about a topic, investing in a religion, or studying a course. It is integral for these people to have a routine that gives them a new learning experience or something to have faith about; otherwise, these individuals could become hopeless or pessimistic. However, it is easy for these people to become overindulgent or lazy–not being considerate about the consequences or their future. There needs to be a balance between fun and seriousness.
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moon in capricorn ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Capricorn seek achievement, structure, and influence in daily life and routines. Similar to virgo moons, they value being productive and useful with their time—in their case, they hope that their time could lead them to ultimate success and recognition. These people may like to work many hours or put in much time to their career endeavors. This often leaves them little to no quality time for their loved ones and friends. Furthermore, these folks are very patient and precise in their actions as they are able to build things from the ground up and maintain a vision for a long period of time. That is why they are often good planners and can easily build a business or company if they desired to. However, they need to make sure that they do not overwork themselves, isolate themselves from pleasures and socialization, and develop strong control issues; it could easily lead them down the road to stress, burn out, or depression. Additionally, since they are serious individuals, they may struggle with maintaining a balance outlook on the things they need to do and the things they do for the fun of it. They should learn how to maintain balance with work and pleasure—because one without the other could wreak havoc.
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moon in aquarius ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Aquarius seek community, electrifying experiences, and goals in their daily life and routines. These people are always hoping to spend time with their community–people who are similar to them because they make them feel like they belong, and they adore making people feel like they belong as well. However, people tend to forget to give credit for how hardworking these folks are. They might dedicate most of their time in the day to working towards their hopes and dreams. These individuals desire to live a life in which everything is served to justice, equality, and peace–a place they can live in, a life they can adhere to. Therefore, these people are very dedicated to working towards their aspirations for the sake of themselves and the people they care about. Additionally, they strive for unpredictability in their routine. They want something different everyday in their errands–something erratic and thrilling. However, there could be too much unpredictableness to the point of instability in their actions. It is important to find a balance in that too.
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moon in pisces ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Pisces seek imagination, spirituality, creativity, and the unknown in their daily life and routines. These people prefer to stay in their heads and work out the dreams and fantasies that they have in their mind. Even if they are forced to live in the practical world, it is important that pisces moons always operate from the place of visualizing their creative ideas and manifestations. These are the types to invest most of their time into different mediums of spirituality such as meditation, journaling, the occult, manifestation, or connecting to the unknown or spirit world. Furthermore, they would like to invest their energy into artistic hobbies such as photography, painting, drawing, music, fashion, or modeling. However, it is easy for these individuals to get lost in their subconscious and completely neglect their physical circumstances. There could even be instances in which they use vices to escape from the world (such as alcohol, drugs, or if they are in a relationship, a person) There seems to be this need for balance when it comes to the spiritual and the practical–perhaps even setting boundaries because these people are also very compassionate and kind. There could be times in which they feel the need to change their schedule for the sake of the people they care about even if they are not able to.
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hexora · 6 months
15 Grimoire Page Ideas That Aren't Basic
Chronomancy Correspondences:
Explore the connection between time and magic, including auspicious moments for spellcasting, planetary hours, and lunar phases.
Echoes of Enchantment:
Discuss the use of echoes and resonance in magical workings, tapping into the vibrational frequencies of words, symbols, and intentions.
Liminal Spaces Invocation:
Explore the magical potency of liminal spaces—thresholds, crossroads, and in-between places—and how to invoke their energies.
Numinous Nectar Elixirs:
Detail the creation of magical elixirs using rare and ethereal substances, discussing their uses in rituals and ceremonies.
Quantum Sigilcraft:
Delve into the intersection of quantum physics and sigil magic, exploring the idea that consciousness can influence reality at a fundamental level.
Astral Alphabets:
Introduce lesser-known alphabets or symbolic systems used in astral travel and communication with otherworldly entities.
Dreamweaving Spells:
Discuss the art of crafting spells that are specifically designed to be cast within the dream realm, influencing waking reality.
Candle Color Alchemy:
Explore the magical properties of less common candle colors and their associations with specific intentions, emotions, and energies.
Chthonic Charms:
Focus on charms and talismans specifically attuned to underworld energies and deities, connecting with the mysteries of the subterranean realms.
Technomancy Scripts:
Examine the use of coding languages, digital symbols, and technology-based sigils in modern magical practice.
Quantum Familiars:
Explore the idea of spirit companions that exist beyond the constraints of time and space, bridging the gap between the metaphysical and quantum realms.
Sacred Geometry of Sound:
Investigate the use of sound frequencies and sacred geometry in combination, exploring how they can enhance magical rituals and spellcasting.
Ephemeral Elementals:
Discuss the existence and interaction with elementals that are tied to fleeting or ephemeral elements, such as mist, shadows, or reflections.
Psychotronic Crystals:
Explore the use of crystals not only for their physical properties but also for their alleged ability to interact with psychic and spiritual energies.
Aetheric Anatomy Cleansing:
Detail practices for cleansing and balancing the aetheric body, exploring lesser-known energy centers and channels.
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natalchartnurtures · 29 days
PAC: Energy Check~ for wherever you are right now
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This was completely unplanned but frankly spirit doesn't give a fuck about my plans. So if this found you, here are some messages you probably need right now-
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pile 1: Ooh.. as I was preparing to start your reading, I saw 11:11 as the Chariot card showed up for you. This. Tells me that you are pretty strongly connected to your divine path right now, which simply means that you're doing something that's keeping you in alignment, sweet pile one! Good job! Keep going down this road because you WILL stumble upon amazing experiences and people! This message is coming through quite strongly. Now, isn't that lovely? Hehe.
Here's the thing, though.. Although you're actually IN alignment with your greatest timeline and life, you seem to be completely UNAWARE of the fact! You might be going through the necessary purging emotionally and/or mentally as a result of this alignment since the "old stuff" has no more room in your new vibration anymore. So, you've probably had to go through some intense endings and/or tower moments in life lately and THIS has left you feeling really, really sad. Maybe even depressed. For some of you, if that's the case, please seek help, sweet soul. It doesn't have to be therapy but even as simple as talking to a trusted loved one, you know? Or even journaling about it could help if you're into it. It seems like you could use a new perspective on the things you're going through right now. I'm sensing that you might be feeling emotionally numb right now too, but that's because you've been doing a lot of emotional processing lately AND IT'S ALL PAYING OFF. I just need you to know that. You just can't see it right now because you're slap dead in the middle of the storm, and I'm looking at it from a bird's eye view, you know?
While you're purging old stuff, I also see you making your way through an old core belief - "I gotta work hard to be deserving of anything because I inherently don't" Or something along those lines. You may have started purging this belief as a result of life showing you that it's simply not something worth keeping alive inside you. Maybe recently, you caught yourself overworking yourself to death only to receive very little in return (in any area of your life - relationships included) and this experience helped you wake up to this unhelpful belief of yours. You're unlearning this belief as we speak. It's not easy though, but I CAN assure you, you're acing it.
If you find yourself worrying too much about anything and everything or simply feeling a general fear, just know that it's a normal reaction to having things uprooted in your life. Life, right now, is asking you to do your best to focus on what's right in front of you because if you do this, the future is guaranteed to sort itself out. I promise.
I love you so much, pile 1. I see all your hard work and am rooting for you SO hard, bro. Love and light.
Pile 2: Seems like to me that y'all have been STUCK in a particular pattern for a while now, maybe years? For some of you folks reading? Let me spell it out for you what this pattern looks like to me - an imbalance of the mind and heart. Too much mind and too little heart. Maybe none at all.
I can't seem to tap into the root of this imbalance, maybe because it's different for each of you reading, OR maybe it's not relevant to us right now because you can simply begin to address this imbalance as you see it in your day-to-day. But I sense that you're really good at addressing things, so once you're conscious of this pattern going on subtly in the background, running your life, you can really do something about this. This pattern may show up as you struggling with feeling fear, and this is blocking you off to one very important thing fear is here to show us, and that is how to support ourselves. If we are afraid of something we desire and have a healthy relationship with fear, we go for the desire while caretaking our fear. I read a quote the other day, it said "Do that thing you love but if you find that you're scared, then go do it scared." The point I'm trying to make is, fear isn't going to go away on its own, it's you who will simply expand your ability to hold space for it AND your desires equally. When you figure out how to do this, magic will happen in your life. You'll find that your unwillingness to caretake your fear only gave you more things to be afraid of (because, hello, Law Of Attraction *lol*), BUT you'll also find that when you radically start taking responsibility for your fear(s), you'll be able to act from a wiser space and be your full badass self. You'll find that there are so many things you CAN do and so much life you CAN live. Everything you've wanted to start doing in life will start to happen almost seamlessly. It WILL surprise you big time. You're currently making your way through an important part of your healing, and that is to hold yourself in all your glory. To hold all parts of yourself, even the ones that are scared shitless. Once you've integrated this segment of your healing, SO many doors will unlock for you. Sweet soul, you have no clue of JUST HOW MANY. And this… is probably because you manifest with your heart primarily (meaning you feel things deeply and so you unknowingly tap into the frequency of what you want easily) and your fear is keeping you stuck in your head, which means you're only 40% of the full You right now, PRIOR the healing of c. You might even feel it sometimes. You might feel like you're only a shell of a person (been there myself, you're not alone in this!). Listen to that feeling. Your truth lies in there. You're meant to be the 100% you, and I see that you're already halfway there!
I love you so much, pile 2, sending you so much light and love. Hope you find the resources you need to make it through to your new life where you live in more love than fear.
Pile 3: Man… y'all been fighting for your lives, huh? I see that you may be in the midst of a lot of divinely evoked darkness? Lol, I literally heard that - divinely evoked darkness. Maybe you're going through a dark night of the soul, perhaps? Whatever your're going through though, it seems like you've been hanging on for dear life.
Some good news for you- no matter the circumstances you're in right now (be it good, bad, or terrible), you've been doing all the work necessary to keep your head above water and have been diligently nurturing your own light, positivity, and essence. THAT'S incredible resilience, sweet pile 3, and I'm really proud of you! It's not easy to keep an open heart through bad times, and that's such a grand achievement in my eyes. UGH, BEAUTIFUL.
Your energy SCREAMS transition period vibes. You seem to be neither in your "old" timeline nor in the new one yet. You're sorta hanging in the middle right now. I see the Hanged Man in the third eye as I tell you this. Feels like you're in the void right now, and things just seem… bleh. Boring. Colorless. This is probably because you're already done with the ugly part of the process, "the divine shakeups", the loss, and the purge. Think… the bland but peaceful feeling you feel after having an intense ugly crying session, you know? Yeah, you're energetically there right now. You'll probably be here for a while longer because you've let go of MAJOR stuff, pile 3. Did you let go of people recently, maybe? Or that old bad habit, perhaps? That was the purge, so to speak. And now you're in the aftermath of it all, the uncomfortable but necessary calm.
-Side note: You might've struggled to embody your divine feminine earlier, but the timeline you're entering right now is the exact opposite of that. You might be attracted towards things that will help you nurture your own divine feminine right now. Give into it. Nurture patience, stillness, and compassion for self. It will HOPEFULLY speed up the void period if you consciously take part in it, you know?-
You're quite emotionally intelligent, and it has guided you throughout the whole process, and it also seems like it ain't your first rodeo in the process of proverbial death and rebirth. Good on you because you're doing a real good job keeping your calm through venturing into the unknown. You know what? You remind me of Elsa from Frozen, taking on the unknown like it belongs to her. You are such a queen, omg.
Yep, all that's left to do now is celebrate yourself, pile 3! Try your best to embrace this period, the void, and you'll be on your way to your next happy adventure! Love and light, sweet soul. Thanks for sharing your energy with me today.
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ghostlyferrettarot · 13 days
♥︎PAC: 🤍🫧The beauty other's see in you🫧🤍
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•Pile 1 •Pile 2 •Pile 3
❗️This is a collective reading, take what resonates and leave the rest❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) Open!
🤍If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!🤍
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🫧Pile 1: Queen of Wands, 3 of Cups and The Hanged Man.
Hi pile 1! Other's see you as a really charismatic and fun person! I sense that maybe you doubt yourself sometimes or don't see your traits. In Other's people's eyes you are someone confident, who can achieve everything they want; a true star is what im hearing.
There's something about your energy that attracts Other's a lot; you keep them entertained, you are encouraged to try acting/singing/ect. Activities that can put yourself out there more often.
Many may even be jealous of you. They see someone fun, confident and outgoing, so they project their insecurities in you; which has nothing to do with you and a lot to do with them, so don't even put attention to it.
I see that many want to be your friends too but they feel intimidated by you, other's also feel like you are "out of their league", many may have a crush on you. A truly star pile 1!
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🫧Pile 2: 2 of Wands, Queen of Swords and King of Pentacles.
Hi pile 2! You are so fearless and other's love it so much! Your aura is so powerful. Other's see you as someone so succesful and gentle at the same time, you bring a lot of peace to other's in the way you are not afraid to be yourself.
I feel like you are really unique and special for other's, you may be living rent free in other's mind; other's see you as someone really talented, who picks things up easily and gracefuly, there's a certain charm that's makes other's comfortable around you a lot.
I also see that you may feel other's energies a lot, it's like you can sense other's intentions. Other's may be a little intimidating by you also, they think that everything comes easily for you, it's like you are a natural and that makes them angry in some way. But you do you pile 2, a true boss energy! You are probably a good manifestator too.
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🫧Pile 3: Page of Cups, 9 of Cups and Ace of Pentacles.
Hi pile 3! You have a beautiful and Soft energy to you. People feel secure and comfortable around you. I also hear that other's love talking to you, they feel as if they can be with you for hours without feeling bored.
You are like "princess", is what im hearing, in other's eyes. There's also something about your smile, other's love it. You just feel like a peaceful spring day, other's sense your humble and nurturing energy. I feel like you probably like to help other's too, listen to them without judging, and they appreciate that aspect of you. They feel as if they can go to you without naturaly, you are just really sweet and good when it comes to those you care about.
Many may want to be your friend or many may fantasize about having you in their life. A true Princess pile 3!
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🫧🤍 Thanks for reading and tell me if it resonated 🤍🫧
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jmfenner91 · 8 months
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In case you missed it - I worked on this Tarot deck (starting in 2021, so the style is a little different to my super recent stuff)! The Kickstarter only has a few days left - I would love to make this happen. 💖
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ponytarot · 2 days
pick a garf ! what does your crush think about you ? (tarot reading)
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Garfield 1 ( windy , static hair )
this is one of the funnier things i've read in awhile ... pile 1 you may be very emotive , and come up with very creative ways to describe things , maybe you're interested in theatre or are very fond of comedy movies ... regarding your crush , you're very off an on . for a week or two i see you being very needy , texting them often , wanting to be around them 24/7... and then the next couple of weeks you have a "resting period" kind of lay off on messaging them or interacting with them . you ... are very confusing ?? but also not really , because this is kind of in your nature . that's what your crush thinks . youre so confusing , in an ... endearing way ? i guess ????? a little scary and intimidating but whimsical ... i like you pile 1
song - big weenie by eminem
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Garfield 2 ( sleepy , angry )
you have a very hot girl summer vibe to you , you may be drawn to aesthetics like clean girl , maybe a little basic but that doesn't have to be a bad thing ! ( this reading isn't gender specific by the way ) i think your crush assumes you have too many options to be concerned with them , you may be very stuck up when it comes to your friends ... not in a bad way just extremely close nit to them , not opening yourself up to others . i feel like your crush is ... more of a secret ? your crush may be very non-conventional compared to what maybe your other friends would like , or maybe compared to what you like . i feel like theres some dangerous territory to admitting you like this person , there may be some kind of backlash from people if you admitted to liking this person . anyways though , i think they notice you stare .. like ... a lot . i just see your eyes darting to them immediately , almost in a comical way .
song - the ? remainz by gang starr
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Garfield 3 ( playful , aggressive )
i think the gif speaks for itself as to who you are , you can be very aggressive towards this person in a flirty way ... i think they like aggressive people , and even if you are mean in some ways you appeal to their emotions heavily . it feels a little toxic , almost like you say something rude in a joking way and make up for it immediately . you're kind of the same as pile 1 , you're super confusing . i think also , you've genuinely hurt this person with some of your words , so be careful with what you say . this person is very hard to read , they hide their feelings a lot . you guys may text through instagram a lot , or just text in general ( but for some reason i see instagram ) ... i think this person has a hard time texting , but you're almost addictive to talk to . try inviting them out if you can , i feel like they'll open up a lot more .
song - its on by eazy-e
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starryknight-tarot · 9 months
18+ 𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓻 𝓛𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾
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pile 1 --> pile 2 --> pile 3
pile 4 --> pile 5 --> pile 6
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hi beautiful souls✨ Today we will be looking into your person's late night thoughts about you. This reading will have 18+ messages so if you are a minor please do not interact with this reading. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. My readings are meant for everyone, no matter what sexuality or identity you are. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
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Pile 1
Cards: Strength rx, Ten of Swords rx, Four of Wands rx, Five of Swords, Queen of Swords, Page of Wands, King of Cups, Knight of Pentacles
Back of the Deck: Temperance
For you Pile 1, I am getting a more submissive fantasy for your person. I was actually picking up that this person may be someone you have already been intimate with, or just started dating, something like that. I feel like your person wants to feel submissive in bed and try new things. Your person may have a sort of control kink? Your person is thinking of blindfolds and being tied up. I feel like these are things they have never tried, or very rarely tried and really liked it. I think they want to fight for dominance during foreplay, but in a teasing way like they are just trying to act up and make you put them in their place. Also this reading is for everyone regardless of sexuality and gender and take it how it resonates but spirit keeps showing me a feminine in a more dominant position. They may be into a kind of dominatrix kind of thing. Yeah spirit is pushing that message to me pretty strongly, especially since we got the Queen of Swords. But your person imagines being degraded, they want you to put them in their place and make them feel little. I heard things such as "Tell me I am a slut" or "I want you to only look at me tonight". Ok, so they're a little jealous and they wanna take it out in bed. They imagine a scenario where you make them jealous and that is when they become more dominant or bratty and possessive and when they get you alone, they will make sure you don't think about anyone else. They would seduce you with sweet nothings whispered in your ear and praise for you. Kind of the opposite of what they want you to do to them. They imagine a beautiful night full of passion with you. They got all these kinks but they are also a softie for you and they want you to hold their hand while you make them feel good or vice versa. Your person wants to put on show for you, I think they imagine it to last all night.
Advice Cards:
Bring something new into your life
Release what you do not need. Let go of some extraneous aspect of your life
Seek to understand from a place of connection rather than separation
Your guides and teachers are telling you that they hear you and are helping
Your spirit wings are unfolding. It is time to take flight!
Get clear about what you want
Channeled Song:
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Pile 2
Cards: Ten of Pentacles, Four of Swords, Queen of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, Three of Swords rx, The Lovers, The Empress
Back of the Deck: The Hierophant
The first message I got almost immediately is body👏worshiping👏, SO STRONGLY. You live rent free in your person's mind Pile 2. Your body is absolutely on their mind like all the time. Late at night, they imagine taking their time with you, admiring every part of your body and telling you everything that makes you so beautiful inside and out. They would make sure no part of you goes untouched. Highly recommend yall listen to Butterflies by Michael Jackson cause the lyrics of the song are exactly how your person feels about you. Your person is so romantic, they want to treat you right and make sure you are comfortable and feel safe. Your person won't only think dirty things, they would imagine a whole life with you. They think about talking to you, enjoying your company, getting to know everything about you, your future together. My goodness Pile 2, your person is giving off such Jane Austin love interest vibes and it is everything. I don't think they want you to do any work, they just want to take care of you and make you feel completely blissful. They want to heal you with sex. They don't want to just sleep with you, they want to make love to you. Sex, to them is almost sacred and it's their way of connecting with you on a physical and spiritual level. I feel like some of yall have low expectations of people, maybe specifically when it come to sex and your person knows this and they want to be the person to finally make you feel satisfied in bed. Your person would listen to any idea you have (within reason lol), if you told them to be as rough as possible with you, they would do so without thinking twice because you asked. They just imagine being of service to you, like a knight in shining armour (which is kinda funny cause I didn't get any knight cards, but fr I am getting such knight vibes). Although your person imagines worshiping you all night long, I am getting part of them wants a reward for their hard work and they deserve one. But this reward could also just be hearing your moans and praises of how good they make you feel. This message is for my feminines, but your person imagines getting you pregnant, they absolutely have a breeding kink. They are a little possessive over you but I'm not getting in an unhealthy way. Your person is overall so sweet and they just adore you. I also kept hearing future spouse while doing this reading so if you are reading this with your future spouse in mind, this is confirmation.
Advice Cards (spirits wanted to give yall a few extra):
It's time to try something new!
No better time exists than right now
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
Release all attachments that do not serve you
It is time to challenge old beliefs
Be alert for your opportunity
Take a lighter approach and smile about all facets in your life. A smile reflects a heart at peace
Love is the answer to current situation
Channeled Song:
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Pile 3
Cards: Queen of Wands, Three of Cups rx, Eight of Cups rx, Seven of Cups rx, Queen of Cups, Ace of Wands, The Lovers, King of Wands rx
Back of the Deck: Nine of Swords
Quite honestly, your person's late night thoughts can seem very messy. Pile 3, I think half of the time, your person's thoughts are wholesome and loving. They fantasise about cuddling you, caressing your soft skin, taking in every aspect of you and tattooing it in their memory. They imagine taking as much time as possible, if they could they would spend all day in bed with you, making love and treating you like royalty. They imagine bringing you to tears with their mouth, making you feel like you are on cloud 9. They are soft and gentle and just want to enjoy each other's bodies. They would give the most beautiful compliments, making you feel like you have become one, you can't even tell where they start and you begin. And when you are done, they want to clean you up and sleep all day wrapped up in each other. ON THE OTHER HAND, they also have the freakiest fantasies. Yes, they want to make you cry but they want to watch you stain your face with tears from denial and their rough touches. They want to be ruthless and cruel. Yes, they want to touch you everywhere, but it isn't gentle and soft. They imagine griping you harshly, not worrying how much it may hurt, the pain would elevate the pleasure of the experience. Something that was once sweet and loving, more passionate and brutal. They want to try every position, see which one makes you the loudest. Thats not even including their words. Before they were sweet as honey and full of praise. Now they are degrading and humiliating, stuff you only hear in the dirtiest of erotic novels. They are preverted and the farthest things from wholesome. I sense your person has a lot of shame for thinking the more unholy thoughts and shame themselves for it. Although no matter what scenario they have made up in their mind, their actions only want to show their love for you and express how you make them feel. Also, they are very possessive of you, they don't like to share and want you to know that. In fact, this may be the cause of them thinking about their more kinky thoughts.
Advice Cards:
It is time to take appropriate action
A change in attitude toward the greater good could be beneficial
A powerful dream will guide you
Your body needs your attention
You are greater than your story
Create a plan and take the first step
Channeled Songs (you get two song congrats lol):
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Pile 4
Cards: Three of Pentacles rx, Nine of Cups, Ace of Swords, Ace of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, Ten of Cups, Ten of Pentacles, Four of Swords rx
Back of the Deck: Queen of Swords
For you my Pile 4s, I think your person actually has some pretty wholesome thoughts about you late at night. Not to say they don't have 18+ about you cause they do, but I feel like that isn't what is important to them with your connection and relationship. Late at night, your person is more of a softie and likes to think of your future together and maybe plan dates between yall. Your person imagines spending the whole day with you and treating you to dinner. I am picking up Superman from My Adventure with Superman vibes which is interesting cause I have gotten thoses vibes before in another reading so if you are interested I suggest reading Pile 3 of my What you will love about your future spouse reading and if you already read that reading this is just confirmation. Your person holds you in a high regard and with much love. They plan strategically so that you will fall head over heels with them. The lyrics to Only Girl by Rihanna keep playing in my head, but it's coming off more in the way of like, they want to make you feel like the only girl/boy/person in the world. So when it comes to more 18+ thoughts of you, I think your person either gets really embarrassed when they think these thoughts or worry that they are disrespecting you in some way by thinking these thoughts. But you really push your way into their mind Pile 4. While the Devil didn't come out, the card did make it's presence known to me and I think it has some significances in this reading, especially paired with the Queen of Swords, you are are like a siren to your person or the apple tempting Eve. Actually, I think they have had dreams like this. Spirit is showing me a sailor at sea losing their mind as they get sucked into a whirlwind, but suddenly, they hear the most alluring and inviting voice they have ever heard. That voice leads to an equally as alluring person that only pulls them closer, infatuated with this siren that pulls them in. I feel like your person has a dream that looks something like this about you. I feel kinda stupid cause I am just now realising that the energy of this pile is actually pretty similar to the MV that the picture is from, Peek A Boo by Red Velvet, I would definitely recommend you to watch the MV after this. I really feel that your person almost loses control of their body when they think of you, getting aroused just thinking of you. Your person may be a virgin or unexperienced and they don't want you to know. I am hearing they want to indulge in you, your scent, your body, the noises you make when they hit the right spot. It's like an addiction to them. I've gotten kind of jealous or possessive vibes from most of the piles and this one is no exception, but I don't feel like they would take too much action on it but I feel like their thoughts of you would get more intense, like they imagine dragging you away from whoever they are jealous of and making it so the only name you can think is theirs. They don't want to stop, even if you are begging that it's too much, unless you say a safe word, they ain't stopping. They want you to wake up sore and desperately trying to cover their marks. They give off such "I'll bring your daughter back before 7"/"They call me daddy too" energy lol. Also not a late night thought but your person either has a HUGE dick (Ace of Wands AND Swords, goodness gracious) or just has very attractive genitals. My mind was everywhere during this readings and I feel like this may be the same way your person feels about you.
Advice Cards:
You are healing at a cellular level
Bring something new into your life
You are much stronger than you think
Reflect on the state and use of your personal energy
Practice the pause
Release unhelpful influences and fears
Channeled Song:
(Also listen to Only Girl and Peek A Boo but spirit kinda shoved this song in my face so here ya go lol. But I also feel like for some of yall your person has a connection to music)
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Pile 5
Cards: Six of Pentacles, The Magician, The Devil, Page of Wands, Eight of Cups, The Fool, Three of Cups rx, Ace of Pentacles rx
Back of the Deck: Two of Swords
I think out of all the piles, this one has the horniest energy. Your person really enjoys sex in general. They might have a lot of experience, I am picking on someone who enjoys casual sex, they don't really need an emotional connection. You may have even met this person through a one night stand, I am not picking up that you know this person very well, maybe someone you met in college I am hearing. They could have also been someone you see often but never interact with. Whatever it is, your person can't seem to get you out of their mind. And quite unlike other piles, they are NOT shy about it. They want to make sure you know that they attracted to you. I heard "Why hesitate so someone can snatch you up? Why would I do that when I can make you mine now?" They have a lot of confidence and pride and I think that comes through in bed and in their late night thoughts. They are a giver to you, they want to make you scream and cry, they want people to complain in the morning. They are adventurous, using all their experience to maximise your pleasure. They want to try everything with you, every toy, every position, every place and see what feels the best for both of you. They want to talk to you the whole time, letting you know the effect you have on them. Very explicit words that they imagine would have you curling your toes and pulling them closer to you. They want to see you let go, I heard they may have a corruption kink. I feel like they actually have quite a few kinks, I think they will vary among all of you but spirit keeps telling me feet which might have something to do with the picture for this reading lol. So I don't think this next message is for everyone but some of you have a partner already and your person obviously dislikes this, but I think they imagine fucking you in front of them, I heard "letting them know who you really belong to". They want to steal you away from them. Your person is wild Pile 5 lol. I think you are one of the only people they have ever considered a relationship with outside of sex but also to enjoy each other and explore each other's bodies. Also not for all of yall but you or your person may be French.
Advice Cards:
There is an important message to be heard
Be sure to keep your promises, especially to yourself
Allow rituals to give meaning to your spiritual life
Remember that in universal law, all is well and fair
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
It is time to challenge old beliefs
Channeled Song:
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Pile 6
Cards: Seven of Pentacles, Nine of Cups rx, Four of Pentacles rx, Justice, The Hanged Man, Knight of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, The Hermit
Back of the Deck: Knight of Swords
So if you are already in a relationship or maybe married already, this reading is for you lol. This also is the only reading that I feel like it's more daytime thoughts than late night. Or more like they are thinking about you 24/7. I am picking up for this pile that your person may work A LOT, and would barely have time to spend with you. I also heard for some of yall, you guys already have kids together and never can find time to be intimate with each other. So I think your person just waits and waits until the day they can have you all to themselves. Their mind often wanders to the feeling of your gentle touch, the plush feeling of your thighs and sweet kisses exchanged between yall. I heard they could die happy between your legs. If you have a vulva they LOVE your vulva. They would want you to suffocate them with it and I heard sometimes when they are really deep in this fantasy specifically, they forget to breathe lol. They want to let you know the effect you have on them as you race through their mind. I heard "Did you know what you did to me at work? You made me suffer all day and now you have to help me out." They also want you to take care of them. They imagine you caressing them, cleaning them(?), and exploring them to help them relieve some some after a long stressful day. They imagine coming home and seeing you ready for them and all dressed up all perfect for them so they can rip it all and feel your body from the bottom to the top. They also imagine you surprising them at work, bringing them lunch and taking them away so they can spend all day with you. I really feel like that would be a dream come true to them, but it's like super unrealistic for yall, although if you could surprise at work, Pile 6, do it, that would make their month. They want you to praise them for all the hard work they do all day and make them feel special for a special night (although spirits are saying that they won't dislike some playful degrading from time to time.) Loved the energy of this pile so much, can't tell if it's you or your person but either way yall are cute.
Advice Cards:
You are intended to succeed. Align your actions with your highest dreams
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
Pay attention to the issue that time plays in your life right now
Yes, you can . . . Set it in motion!
Hold a positive outlook. You will see it when you believe it
Relax and feel good. You deserve more joy!
You are a natural teacher
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sagittariusmars2 · 16 hours
18+ Forbidden thoughts your future spouse will have about you (pac) *follower request
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Pile 1
I see that your future spouse will think a lot about getting head from you or a handjob, I see that they’ll think a lot about spoiling you and spending money on you. They’ll think about how they want to spoil you then get rewarded with sex, they’ll think about how they want to show you off like a trophy especially in front of their friends. They may have some thoughts about their ex especially if they had children together. Signs- Taurus/pisces. Initials- H, Q, S
Pile 2
I see that they’ll think about how they didn’t think the connection would evolve as much as it will, they’ll think about how at first they just wanted sex or how you felt that way and there was a lot of lust. They’ll think about the tough times you’ll have in the beginning and how they thought you were a heartbreaker. They’ll think about how they like having make up sex or toxic sex with you, they’ll think about how much you have them pussy or dick whipped and they didn’t expect it. They’ll think about getting pegged by you or pegging you, they’ll always be horny for you especially when you spend time apart. Signs- Taurus/pisces. Initials- V, M, B, Q
Pile 3
I see that they’ll think about having sex in the kitchen or playing with food like whipped cream/fruits/chocolate/candy, I see that theyll think about getting a foot job from you or exploring foot fetishes with you. They’ll think about using restraints on you and being super aggressive with you, they’ll think about recording the sexual things you do together. They’ll think about adding another person in the bedroom or more than one, they’ll think about having phone sex or sending nudes often. They’ll think about having slow and emotional/sensual sex after having a romantic night together, they’ll think about how they didn’t know at first that the lust they have for you is also love. They’ll think about you a lot when they masturbate, they’ll think about trying things with the other gender. Signs- Virgo, Gemini, Scorpio, cancer. Initials- Z, V, S
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