#talked about this on discord with some pals who share the same 'beings from the glade are nearly immortal' headcanon and wanted to-
raylex · 1 year
lex, being of the stargazer species, has a lifespan that averages around a few million to a few billion years - he'd be so distraught at the thought of outliving his friends and loved ones, especially rayman - but he thinks this is an embarrassing fear to have so he keeps it to himself
eventually, he finally opens up about this fear, and good ol' ray, who regularly takes naps that can last hundreds of years at a time, has to do his best to hold back laughter and go "oh trust me. you have nothing to worry about."
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
Rory!!! Hello! I hope you’re having a good day! 🥰
You know you KNOW I need to hear all about your venom au please and thank you. Also I have a feeling you have thoughts to share about teacher+journalist and I would like to know all of them. 😘
OOOOH HELLO DEAREST PAL i hope your friday is lovely :D
okay so we talk abt venom aus soooo much in the discord and i always have trouble wrapping my mind around casting so i kind of redid it so that it exists in the universe but doesnt follow the exact story. the idea is that baz is the symbiote -- he escapes the compound in eddie just like in the movie, and eddie freaks out in the restaurant and does the lobster thing lol. anne and dan bring eddie to the hospital to remove baz, but instead of going into anne, he finds his way to SIMON, who is in SF on a trip with shepard and had to go to the hospital for a broken finger lol.
i have in my notes that antman ends up taking care of the whole symbiote ship situation LOL but simon and baz really are just vibing. they go back to london and deal w baz's morality complex because he's unwilling to eat people but simon's all "i mean what if we just ate bad people" but baz isn't into it. so, like, vampire stuff HAHAHA.
i have a snip that i'll put under the cut, it's the only prose ive written for this and it's a lil spicy HAHAHA. i think my main motivation for this one is that i wanted to write symbiote porn.
also!! teacher & journalist is literally just me being like. hello. my two career specialties. maybe i will write abt them :) i never actually plotted it but simon was the reporter and baz was the teacher, and simon was meant to be investigating some kind of educational inequality in baz's school. it was meant to be a love letter to the best parts of both of these public services, because i often get frustrated with the amount of bullshit in both journalism and education even though i think theyre both v important.
It happens when I’m cooking dinner. Baz has floated off toward the living room, because he can’t stand to miss an episode of Love Island. I can still feel the thrum of him inside me, just like always. 
My mind starts to wander as I chop vegetables. 
“Simon,” Baz hisses, retreating quickly back into my body. The suddenness surprises me — I drop the knife I’m holding.
“What?” I ask. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“You know I can hear all your thoughts!” Baz sneers inside my brain. My cheeks color a bit as I subconsciously pick up the absent-minded fantasy I’d been playing out in my head: Baz’s inky tendrils slithering down my naked chest, wrapping around my thighs…
“Okay, I see how that might be uncomfortable for you,” I say, picking up the knife again and resuming chopping. 
“It’s not uncomfortable,” Baz retorts, but his voice is softening. He’s still hiding from me. “Just… surprising.”
“Is it really, though?” I ask, scraping the vegetables into the pot on the stovetop. “We’ve lived together for over a year. I spend every waking moment with you, go to you with all my problems, share every good thing with you. It’s basically like we’re in a relationship without the sex.”
“But what about Agatha?” Baz asks. He sounds distressed. I shake my head, twitching my shoulders.
“Quit hiding,” I say, and Baz reluctantly slinks out of my back and around to face me. He floats in front of me, expressionless. I frown at him and not for the first time wish I had the same access to his thoughts as he has to mine. He sighs when he picks up on the thought, resting his forehead against mine.
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wholabaloo · 1 year
To wear cute fits and go out with your besties 🥹
Ngl I'm getting used to this lifestyle.
As in having no buddies .
Can't help but feel jealous but it's definitely not resentment
I'm really happy for everyone else like I absolutely love the for you 🫂.
if I get my mind and thoughts on the right plane I can live vicariously through them even if it's just for a moment. When I imagine it, it just feels so lovely. Walking along a beautiful trail laughing with your friends, talking about what you're going to do next. Deciding which person is going to cook dinner that night but then turning it into a game.
It makes me feel really good until it doesn't but I think I've figured out when it's time to stop.
It makes me sad that I can't have that too. Y'know chatting on discord or on the phone with your friends, doing activities together and stuff. Like I'd love to go on one of those trips Ronnie does with his friends occasionally or go bar hopping like sandini does with hers.
I was so jealous of my mum when I picked her up last Friday. They started singing "their song" and when it was time to say goodbye they had so many good things to say about each other like they didn't want to say bye.
It was absolutely adorable I just wanted to cry. They even kissed each other's cheeks bless. I want that too
Same with Jacob having his friend who he can ask about school work and the ones who he can chat with while they play games
Or how Suma became best friends with Tristan immediately and Ryan goes fishing with his friends and Koko and all her different pals doing pal stuff like going to the beach or renting out a boujee cabin and stuff. It looks and sounds so fun.
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But it's okay though, as jealous as I am I'm super super happy for everyone. Get to have some good times in the company of others, share ideas and jokes and just pass the time together.
I don't know what my problem is really, I'm just not that gal for other people. Just not that *pal*.
I'm getting used to just having my own company now I feel the need to have friends less and less but of course I'll always be a bit jealous on the inside.
I just wonder what it is about me that just doesn't click properly. It's gotta be something about my personality, I just can't pinpoint it from the outside looking in.
It's funny though, I couldn't tell you if I'd be better or worse off having found out.
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When Lockie is sad I pet him and brush his fur to try to cheer him up. If he did that for me I don't know what I'd do.
I'll just keep being my own friend
I don't think I'm a good friend to myself
Might be why I'm not a good friend for others either.
I cry 😢
But it helps me sleep 😴
0 notes
nightfallrevel · 4 years
Strawberry and Cream
A/N: This piece was written for the BnHarem discord server collaboration. The theme was Pen Pal and it was seriously fun to write! It’s my longest piece, yet! Don’t come at me about the title, lol, it’s like that for a reason and you’ll see why.
To see the other fics in the collaboration, you can find them here!
While this collaboration was NSFW, the way that I have written it will allow for my readers who don’t want to read NSFW to still enjoy it without reading the smut. It’s completely SFW up until the fic reads “One year later”. This fic is complete before this line and the smut is just an added bonus for those who want to read it. So, please, enjoy!
Warnings: smut at the very end, face riding, blow job, penetrative sex
Todoroki Shouto x Reader
Words: 7,377
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During their third year at U.A., the school thought it would be a good idea to come up with a program to help keep their students connected as they became more individually involved in their work studies. The idea was for future pros to build stronger bonds with their peers anonymously to give them a strong stepping stone to dealing more easily with civilians. 
There was, of course, nothing in place that said students couldn’t meet with their anonymous contacts, but the administrators highly recommended that the students wait at least a month before revealing their identities. The program was assigning interested parties a “pen pal”, and it seemed that it was a fairly popular concept, especially within Class 1-A.
The first day of the program, Mr. Aizawa showed up to the class with a sizable box under his arm. Setting it on his desk at the front of the class, he addressed all of you as he held a piece of paper with instructions. “For those of you participating in the ‘Pen Pal Program’, you will each be given a cell phone with one phone number pre-added to the contacts. That phone number will be your anonymous pen pal. This is completely randomized as there was no record taken of which phones were given which numbers. Also, there were no names assigned to any of the phones as you will be choosing your own from the box given to your homeroom teacher.” Mr. Aizawa patted the box and stared down each and every one of his students. “You all signed up to participate, so come up one at a time, alphabetically, to get your phone.”
You bounced in your seat as your classmates got excited around you and started to claim their own phones. You wondered who would end up being your pen pal and if you would have anything in common with them. Would they be in the hero class, too? Maybe someone from the support classes? The entire class was buzzing as everyone sat with their newly acquired phones.
Before anyone could get too excited, Mr. Aizawa addressed everyone once more. “Oh, yeah, the school administrators would like to remind everyone that this is supposed to be an anonymous program. Obviously, they can’t stop you from revealing yourselves, but they highly advise that you try to remain as such for at least the first thirty days. I’ll give you guys some time with the phones, otherwise you’ll never concentrate on your studies.” In the next moment, Mr. Aizawa was zipping himself up in his sleeping bag.
Your heart pounded as you stared down at the phone you’d picked up and held down the power button. The screen lit up as it booted up. Luckily it was a smart phone, though it was obviously a lower grade version. Not that you were exactly complaining as you watched the phone connect automatically to the school’s wi-fi.
A bout of nerves gripped you as you stared at the soft blue screen, wondering if you should be the first to message or if you should wait for the other person to message you. Before you could chicken out completely, you opened up a new text and sent a quick- 
At the same time your message was sent, you received an incoming message. 
You inhaled sharply with excitement, a wide grin stretching across your face, and you quickly started to type your next text.
“I really want to introduce myself, but we’re supposed to stay anonymous. Does that bother you? Personally, I find it pretty exciting! I guess I’ll just start with something simple? I’m female, in the hero course, and… I would tell you which year I’m in, but that might be too much and make it easier to guess who I am!
If you’d like, you can call me ‘Strawberry’? I really love them and I think it would be a cute nickname. 😊"
You held your breath, almost immediately seeing three waving dots that indicated they were texting back. By the time that the reply popped up, you were smiling like a complete idiot.
“Male. Also in the hero course.
‘Strawberry?’ I like it. I agree, it’s cute. I guess... you can call me ‘Cream’, then?”
Your mouth fell open at the nickname that your male pen pal had suggested, stunned for a moment. Was he serious? That was what he wanted to go with?
“Uh, don’t you think that maybe you should go with something a bit more… appropriate? For your nickname? I mean, Cream is just… well, you know…”
The reply that came back nearly had you doubling over with laughter. This guy was serious!
“I’m not sure what you mean. I just thought Cream would be good because we were paired together and strawberries and cream is my favorite flavor for sweets. If you don’t like it, I suppose I could change it...”
Your classmates looked up as you laughed, suddenly curious about who your pen pal could be that they were so funny. You waved them all off, not wanting to risk finding out who it was. You stared down at the text, a warmth settling in your chest. Whoever this guy was, he was innocently cute and it made you feel glad. At least you wouldn’t have to worry about him making dirty jokes every thirty seconds- not that you didn’t take almost everything into the gutter with you. For this program, however, you felt a desire to keep your interaction friendly and light. Your fingers moved quick and light over the phone keyboard as you sent him your reply.
“No! I like ‘Cream’! When you put it that way, it’s absolutely perfect~”
The rest of the day was spent messaging each other and sharing little bits about yourselves with the other whenever you had a chance. You both strayed away from anything too specific. You talked about your families; how many siblings you each had, if you still had both parents, and other small details about life at home.
Cream was actually a rather interesting person, and you soon picked up on his texting habits. Sometimes his replies ranged from one to three words, or sometimes they were quite lengthy, and there was no in between. Strangely, it didn’t even bother you. You could only hope that the two of you wouldn’t run out of things to talk about and fall silent to each other.
A month passed and you definitely had plenty to talk about. You often spoke on your respective days and disagreements with friends. Whenever you felt something particularly strongly, you shared it with him. He was always receptive. 
If you were happy, he was glad for you. If you were sad, he’d let you pour your heart out and offer words of consolation. If you were mad, he’d let you vent until you calmed down and offer his support or give you another way to look at what had upset you.
Cream was not as forthcoming with his emotions as you were. He tried, you could tell that much, but it wasn’t often that he shared his feelings. When he did, however, he was always quite passionate about it and let you know exactly where he stood. You weren’t sure if he just wasn’t good at expressing himself or if he mostly closed himself off. You hoped that it was the former.
After having texted and sharing so much with each other for so long, the information you shared with him became more and more personal. You were sure you could tell him anything. One evening, however, you found yourself in an argument with him and couldn’t believe how unreasonable he was being. 
Throwing the phone on your bed out of anger, you stormed from your room and headed for the kitchen. There was no sense in continuing the conversation when you were so upset. You didn’t want to say anything you’d regret, after all. Despite being currently angry with Cream, you did still enjoy your conversations with him.
Once you were in the kitchen, you beelined for the fridge and brought out a single sized carton of strawberry milk before slamming the door shut. Opening up the attached straw, you jammed it into the hole and started drinking.
“Is something upsetting you, Y/L/N?” The voice of one of your classmates had you almost shrieking, but you inhaled your milk instead and fell into a coughing fit as you choked on the sweet liquid. Hands were immediately on you, taking your milk away before lifting your hands over your head.
As you sucked in a harsh breath, your watery eyes fell on the face of none other than Todoroki Shouto. You tried to give him a sheepish grin before you went into another fit of coughing, your lungs trying to expel the liquid they had breathed in. Todoroki gave you a sympathetic smile. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. Just keep your hands over your head until you stop coughing.” The most you could do was flush hotly and nod.
A couple of tears streaked down your face as you tried not to stare at the guy currently grasping your wrists and holding your hands over your head. Just like the other girls in your class, you found Todoroki to be extremely attractive. For you, though, it wasn’t just his looks. You admired his drive and focus, his kindness towards everyone, and his openness in trying to look at things from others’ point of view.
It was a long moment before you realized that you weren’t coughing anymore, but Todoroki was still holding your wrists. You cleared your throat a little, your face feeling even warmer as he peeked up at him. He was watching you closely, though it was probably just to make sure you were okay. “Um, Todoroki, you can let go, now. I’m okay. Thank you.” His eyes widened slightly and he released you, his fingers brushing the tears from your cheeks before stepping away.
“My apologies. I wanted to be sure.” He offered you a small smile before moving past you to the fridge. “You seemed upset before. Are you okay?” It wasn’t strange that he would ask you about it. Being in the same class, the two of you were often paired together and worked really well together as a team. You often sat with him, Deku, Iida, and Uraraka during lunch, too. You definitely considered him a friend.
Returning his smile, you picked your milk back up and gave an experimental sip. “Yeah, I’m okay. Sort of.” Your smile turned rueful as he raised a brow at you while pulling out leftover soba noodles. “Pen pal trouble, I guess. We… got into an argument.” You scrunched up your nose as you took a seat at the kitchen island. “Pen pal? Maybe ‘text’ pal would fit him better?” You giggled a little. Todoroki sat next to you with his noodles, popping off the top of the container. He nodded slowly as he listened.
“So, it’s boy problems, then?” Your face flushed brightly. While your pen pal was certainly male, you’d hardly classify it as ‘boy problems’. It wasn’t as though you were dating him or had a crush on him. You… didn’t have a crush on him, did you? You tried not to think about having a crush on someone you’d never even met in person.
“T-Todoroki, it’s not like that! ‘Boy problems’ don’t apply to this situation.” You knew about Todoroki’s misunderstanding of basic social concepts from time to time, and always did your best to explain things when you could. He really was too adorable, sometimes. “I’ll explain it later, but that’s not what’s going on here.”
He slurped up some of his noodles as he stared at you, chewing slowly before swallowing. You couldn’t help but notice the way his neck moved as he did, following the line of his shoulder to his strong biceps. A shiver ran up your spine as you imagined those arms surrounding you. “Anything I can help with, then?”
You snapped out of your daze, flushing brightly at being caught lost in thought. A bright smile flashed across your face as you shook your head. “Nah. I’ll work it out with him. I just needed a minute to cool my head before I made an idiot of myself.” You glanced away. “I can have a tendency to say things that I don’t mean when I’m angry.” He smiled at your words, his eyes lighting up.
“That’s good that you know that about yourself. I’m sure that’s helped in a lot of situations.” Your eyes met his and you felt your heart leap.
“Yeah, it really has.” You took another sip from your milk before speaking, again. “You signed up for the program, too, right? How have you been getting along with your partner?” His eyes darkened slightly at your question for a slight moment before going back to neutral.
You watched him as his hand slipped into his pocket and he pulled out the school-issued phone for the program. “Yes, I did. My partner is very nice. She’s interesting. I think… I may have said something to her that I shouldn’t have, or maybe in the wrong way. I’m not really sure, though.” His brow furrowed and you felt your heart sink just a little. His ‘text’ pal was a girl, then.
Shaking your head free of the thought, you offered Todoroki a sympathetic smile and a pat on the arm. “If you’d like, maybe I could help you fix it? What did you say?” The heterochromatic boy fixed his gaze on you and shook his head politely.
“No, I think I might take a page from your book and just talk it out with her.” Picking up the phone, he slipped it back into his pocket and started cleaning up from his snack. You gave a shrug and drank the last of your milk.
“Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.” You tossed the milk carton in the recycling. “See ya later, Todoroki!” He smiled and gave you a wave as you left the kitchen and headed back to your room. You felt better now that you’d spoken to Todoroki and were ready to try mending things with Cream.
When you picked up the phone, however, there was already an apology and you quickly responded to work things out. By the end of the night, the two of you had completely made amends and were speaking normally again as though the argument had never happened.
Several more weeks passed and you found yourself looking forward to your evening chats with Cream. Your conversations had lessened as your studies had increased, the only time you could find to chat were now at night just before bed. You wished you had more time in your day, but hero work was nearly all-consuming.
Cream had become an important part of your life, though. You felt closer to him than even your friends in class. You were even sure that you were falling in love with him. It was an odd sensation to feel such a close attachment to someone you’d never met face to face. However, you couldn’t deny the beating of your heart or the flutter in your stomach each time you received a text from him.
Even as you felt yourself developing a strong bond with Cream, you also noticed how much closer you were getting with Todoroki. You found yourself confused and unsure of what to do. Two boys and you weren’t sure where to turn more of your attention.
Todoroki went on frequent morning runs and usually you went with him. He had invited you to go with him one morning at the beginning of the school term and it had turned into a regular thing. As you prepared yourself to join him one morning, you found yourself wondering about how he was doing with his own text pal.
You struck up the conversation as the two of you jogged at an even pace. “Todoroki, did you ever work things out with your text pal? I never did ask you.” He glanced over at you briefly and gave a shrug.
“Yes, we talked it out. Things have been fine since then. What about you? You seemed pretty upset back then about yours.” You copied his shrug, but you weren’t able to stop the smile that spread across your lips.
“Yeah, we were able to recover. I think that we’re actually doing better, now.” You were quiet for a moment, contemplating. You didn’t want to push Todoroki, just in case, but you wanted to gauge his thoughts and, possibly his feelings, towards you.
Todoroki was patient and waited quietly while you decided on your next words. You were distracted a moment, though, when he took a slight lead on you and you were able to glance over every inch of his muscled arms and legs. Needless to say, your imagination took off in a million wild directions. The light sheen of sweat on his skin made you want to lick it off-
Todoroki’s voice brought you back to reality and you shook your head, smiling a bit sheepishly. “Sorry. I was just thinking.” You blushed as you covered up your true thoughts with your more innocent ones. “I just was wondering what you thought?” He gave you a reassuring smile, though his focus remained on where he was going. “Do you think… it’s possible to fall in love with someone you’ve never met?” Your voice had dropped to nearly a whisper, but Todoroki had definitely heard you as his head snapped around to face you, his eyes widening.
Your eyes mimicked his as you started to panic. Had you said something wrong? Todoroki stopped running and you skidded to a halt a few steps ahead of him and turned back. His brows had furrowed in contemplation and his eyes had darkened somewhat. You could tell that your question had more of an impact than what you’d intended.
As you approached him, his eyes lifted to yours and seemed to be searching. You would have given every possession you had to know what he was looking for. “I’m surprised you asked me something like that. I can’t say I’ve ever given it much thought. Maybe Mina or Tsu would be able to provide better advice?” Your gaze softened and your body eased as you understood. “Maybe it is, though.” Your blood ran cold.
What did he mean by that? Was he talking about his own text pal? Had he fallen in love with her and just not realized it? And you had held his hand and led him straight to the conclusion. You did your best to smile. “Maybe.” You halfheartedly agreed before turning from him to continue the run. You soon heard his steps following behind you. The rest of the run was quiet between you.
Finals were approaching and everyone was busier than ever. You found that you had started to tiptoe around Todoroki while your relationship with Cream had taken off. The two of you had decided that it was finally time to meet and reveal yourselves to each other. The date was set for the day after final exams to avoid being too much of a distraction for each other.
You were constantly smiling and humming to yourself and your friends noticed. After they’d spent countless nights badgering you, you finally confessed that you’d be meeting your text pal. They barraged you with questions, wanting to know who he was. You still didn’t know, though, as you had both decided to keep the anonymity until the actual meeting.
The day after finals couldn’t arrive any faster and you were bouncing around your room as Mina helped you pick out the perfect outfit. In the commons, the other girls fawned over how great you looked and wished you luck on meeting your text pal. You barely caught sight of Todoroki staring at you from the couch. Was he blushing? If he was, it was only a little bit.
Feeling that you had ruined your chances with Todoroki, you didn’t dwell on it and headed out of the commons. The location the two of you had selected was a small ice cream shop just on the edge of the city near campus. It was a pretty popular spot and it was pretty busy. Luckily, you were able to place your order of strawberry ice cream and find a table close to the street on the outdoor patio.
Fishing out our phone, you sent Cream a quick text that you were at the shop and seated outside. You waited for a reply, but one didn’t come in right away. Not at all worried, you set the phone on the table and started eating your ice cream. Your nerves were twisting your insides, equally nervous and excited.
It wasn’t until you were halfway through your ice cream that you finally received a text. It was an apology. He wasn’t coming. Your heart sank as you read his excuse. Apparently, his agency that he was interning with had called him in for an emergency. Hope fluttered in your chest, however, as he offered to meet you the following day, instead.
You almost laughed as he asked if they could meet at the same place. Cream was disappointed that he had missed out on the ice cream. With a grin, you took a picture of your mostly eaten treat and sent it to him.
“Definitely could have used some help eating it!”
His reply was almost immediate.
“Are you sure? Looks like you’re making enough progress on your own. :P”
A grin lifted your lips at his cheeky comment.
“Yes, I’m sure! See you tomorrow, then? I’ll make sure to grab two spoons.”
“Yes. Tomorrow. I look forward to it.”
The next day arrived and you again headed to the ice cream shop. You managed to dodge your friends to avoid any prying questions. You didn’t want to admit that the previous day hadn’t worked out. Even if he had a perfectly good excuse.
However, as you waited, you gradually got a sinking feeling. Sure enough, a text came in and disappointment gripped you as he announced that he would not make it, once again.
“My father, this time. I’m sorry. I told you about him, so you know how he is. Usually, I ignore him, but this was unavoidable, unfortunately. Intern related. I’ve been scouted at several agencies and he wants to go over all of my options.”
It was true that Cream had painted his father in a less than pleasing light and you understood why Cream had to give his internship priority. It didn’t make you hurt any less, though.
“Okay. I understand. Tomorrow, then?”
It was a couple of minutes before there was a response.
“Actually, I won’t be free again for another two days after tomorrow. Instead of ice cream, why don’t I take you somewhere nice to make up for it? Maybe that one restaurant that you mentioned was your favorite?”
You blinked at the message, unsure of how to respond. You didn’t feel any better about being stood up, again, and the restaurant he was offering to take you to was a pretty pricey one. Sighing heavily, you messaged back.
“No. Ice cream is fine. I’ll meet you on that day, then.”
You didn’t wait for his response, this time, as you left the shop and headed back to the dorms. Your feet felt heavy and your heart was sporting a decent sized crack in it. Mina noticed how down you looked and tried to cheer you up, seeming to sense not to bring up the meeting with Cream. Along with a couple of the other girls, Mina took you up to her room where the group of you could watch movies and talk about nonsense and hero work.
The distractions were nice, keeping you from dwelling too much on Cream and how he had left you hanging a second time. You didn’t want to think about the doubt that was slowly growing in your heart or whether Cream really wanted to meet you or not.
Todoroki put his school-issued phone in his pocket with a deep frown. He really hated that he had to cancel on his text pal a second time. It ate him up inside to imagine what she must think of him. Strawberry was the best thing that could have happened to him.
After failing to secure a connection with you, Strawberry had been there to fill the void. She was so much more than someone just filling a void, though. It had taken you asking about the possibility of falling in love with someone without meeting them that brought it to his attention. He wasn’t sure, however, until recently.
It was possible. Very possible, in fact, and he was so sure that he had fallen in love with Strawberry. She was easy to talk to, kind, and never ran away from their arguments. She always faced any problems they had head on and was usually the first to offer solutions and never pointed fingers. 
Todoroki really respected the way she never demanded an apology, either, giving him the time and space to do it on his own. Strawberry was often the first to apologize, though. Given his past, it usually took him more time to come to the conclusion that he may have been insensitive or said something that could have been easily misconstrued. She never held a grudge and was quick to forgive him every time.
The warmth he felt whenever he texted her was incomparable, and how was he repaying her? By standing her up on the most important part of their relationship and meeting face to face. He could only hope that she would forgive him for this, too.
The next few days seemed to drag by. Todoroki wanted nothing more than to meet you and he was feeling anxious. He practically ran towards the ice cream shop, only to realize that he’d missed his turn a few blocks too late. As he turned around to correct himself, there was a spray of glass beside him and something collided hard with his body, knocking him to the ground.
Recovering quickly, Todoroki realized that a villain had run into him after just robbing the jewelry store he was passing. As an upcoming hero, Todoroki couldn’t ignore the situation and immediately took matters into his own hands. 
There were three robbers in total and Todoroki single-handedly apprehended them all, then called the police. As he waited for them to arrive, he remembered his date with Strawberry and pulled out his phone. Dismay filled the pit of his stomach when he saw that it had been smashed. He silently prayed that Strawberry would still be at the ice cream shop by the time he finished with the police.
The police made Todoroki come into the station to file an official report after questioning him. It took well over an hour to file the report and Todoroki bolted from the police station at a dead run towards where he hoped she was still waiting. It was three hours past the time he’d agreed to meet with her and he doubted that she would have waited so long after being stood up twice, but he couldn’t help keeping that small light of hope.
A week had passed since you had been stood up a third time by Cream. This time without even a single text. You had sent several to him without even one reply the entire week. It was two days before graduation and you were supposed to return the phone within the next twenty-four hours.
You sat alone on the couch in the commons, hugging your knees to your chest as you stared at the silent phone on the coffee table. Had it all been a facade? Had Cream pretended to want to meet you the whole time? Tears welled in your eyes until they spilled over and you buried your face in your arms. You were thankful no one else was around to witness your embarrassing display.
Your head jerked up and you quickly swiped away your tears as your gaze was drawn to who had spoken your name. It was Todoroki and you offered him the best smile you could, which wasn’t very much. Alarm took over his features as he realized you were crying and he immediately joined you on the couch. “What’s wrong? Should I get some tissues?” Your smile warmed at his concern and you sniffled as you shook your head.
“No, you don’t have to do that.” Reaching forward, you picked up the phone from the coffee table. “It’s just that I never got to meet my text pal and… I think he only agreed to meet me, but never wanted to. He kept coming up with excuses, and now he won’t even message me at all. It’s been a week and the phone has to be returned tomorrow.” Your voice cracked at the end and a few stray tears escaped the corner of your eyes.
Todoroki frowned, not really sure what to say. His heart was aching over his predicament with his own text pal. He’d tried to get a replacement phone, but since the program was entirely random, the administrators had no way of knowing which number he’d been assigned. He’d been at a total loss. He couldn’t ignore your tears, though.
His hands found your face and he gently wiped away your tears. You were his friend, even if you had drifted apart lately. Your wide eyes met his gaze and he gave you a gentle smile. “I wish there was something I could do to help, but we both know I’m not great at social interactions.” You blinked at him, your eyebrows furrowing.
You sniffled and wiped your nose with your sleeve. “Todoroki, what are you talking about? You’ve really grown over this past year. I think you’re really great in social situations, now.” You smiled back at him, much warmer than before. Lifting your hand, you offered him the school phone. “Maybe you could look at the messages and tell me what you think? Did he ever want to meet me, at all?” Todoroki’s eyes grew wide as you unlocked the phone and pressed it into his hand.
You had placed your trust in him and he couldn’t turn you down. Not when you smiled at him like that. Even though he knew that you weren’t being completely honest about his advancements in social settings, he couldn’t refuse you. Despite himself, he looked down at the phone and opened up the messages. He frowned as he saw several messages that you’d sent that had no reply and immediately scrolled up to older texts.
Todoroki’s hands shook as he immediately recognized the messages. He took his time in reading every single message that you’d sent since his phone had broken. They ranged from angry to hurt and back to angry, again. You had turned your face from him as he looked through the texts and he stared at you for a very long time before he could speak.
You were Strawberry and you’d been right in front of him the entire time. How had he not seen it? He should have noticed right away considering you’d held his attention for far longer than the pen pal program. If he could have asked for anyone to be Strawberry, he would have picked you. Words could not describe just how happy he was to have found you.
Leaning forward, he set the phone down on the coffee table and turned his body towards you. “I wanted to meet you more than anything. I never wanted you to feel like you were being played with, or to make you cry like this. My phone broke, though, and there was no way to get a new one-” Your gaze snapped back to him, confusion coloring your features.
“What are you saying, Todoroki?” Your gaze held his and he reached out to you. You didn’t move away, but you didn’t lean towards it, either. Your heart kicked into high speed as you watched the emotions that filled Todoroki’s hetero-chromatic eyes. Was he trying to make you feel better by pretending to be your missing pen pal, or could he actually be…
“I’m Cream, and you’re Strawberry.” Todoroki smiled. “Because you picked Strawberry first, so I picked Cream for my favorite sweet.” A slight frown muddled his features. “Although, I’m still uncertain why you tried to get me to pick something different…”
Relief and happiness spread throughout your body as he recounted your very first conversation. Your limbs moved before you gave it much thought, your arms wrapping around Todoroki’s neck as you embraced him tightly. His arms took barely a second before they were wrapping around you, too. “I promise I’ll explain everything, Y/N, if you’ll let me? You aren’t too mad at me, are you?”
You sniffled as fresh, happy tears slid down your cheeks. “Only a little bit, but I’m mostly just really glad that it was you all along.” A shaky laugh left you as your hold on him tightened and he did the same. “I had the biggest crush on you for the longest time.”
Todoroki felt his face flush at your confession, his heart rate picking up speed. “And now?” He hesitantly asked you.
Very slowly, you loosened your grip on him and pulled back just enough that you could look him in the eyes. You felt heat rise to your face as you blushed brightly. “Now? Even before I knew that it was you, I… I’m in love with you, Todoroki Shouto.”
A rush of relief overtook him and his mouth was suddenly covering yours in a heated kiss. You gasped in surprise, immediately feeling his tongue invade your mouth. As he explored your mouth, a small groan escaped you and he held you even tighter. You were consumed by him.
Todoroki was thrilled to have you in his arms. He’d thought that he lost his chance to make a connection with you, but he’d been getting to know you all along. He had allowed his heart to shift from you to Strawberry after your last run with him, thinking that you loved someone else. Was it destiny that you were Strawberry all along?
He didn’t care. He had you and that was all that mattered to him. Never had he wanted to kiss someone as much as he’d wanted to kiss you. He would have been content to do so for the rest of the night until the front doors to the dorm suddenly opened and the two of you wrenched apart.
A fierce blush overtook your features as the rest of Class 1-A returned. A few of them that had come in first paused at the door to stare at the two of you. Mina was first to break the silence. “Oh, thank whatever gods exist! You two finally got together! The tension was killing me!” 
As your other classmates laughed in good nature, you covered your face and a pleased flush colored Todoroki’s cheeks as he smiled. Your classmates huddled around the two of you to tease and congratulate you, milling about as all of you eased into conversations about what you’d all be doing after graduation.
It was two more days until graduation, and your high school lives would be ending. However, for you and Todoroki, things were only just beginning.
One year later…
Strong, but gentle hands gripped your hips as they tried to pull you back to bed. You giggled as you let them, turning around to face your lover. “Shouto, I’m hungry…” You mock whined, not really complaining that he wanted to pull you in for another kiss.
You attempted to pull away, again, but he wouldn’t let you. A grin spread across his face as he tugged you back into bed and settled you over his body. “Maybe I wanted to eat you for breakfast?” You gave a breathy laugh that quickly transformed into a moan as his left hand found your slick folds where you straddled his waist.
His cold fingers had you whimpering and he knows well enough by now to know exactly what you want. His hands gripped your thighs as he helped ease you up his body until you were straddling his face, a mischievous smirk on his lips. A shiver passed through your body, feeling the contrast in temperatures on each of your thighs. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N.”
A high-pitched keen fell from your lips at Shouto’s warm tongue slipped between your folds and slid along the length of your slit until he found your clit. Your thighs clamped around his head, your hands flying to grip his hair as he sucked your clit into his mouth. His hands moved around to grip your ass, holding you in place as he teased you, his tongue suddenly turning cold.
You gasped at the temperature change, eliciting a moan from you when his tongue dipped down to your entrance. His tongue flashed between hot and cold as it explored within your tight inner walls, seeking the spot that he knew would have you seeing stars. You panted heavily as your fingers tightened in his hair, barely keeping up with the changing temperatures that left you shaking in his hold.
Shouto brought a hand around your hip, slipping between your legs to press his thumb against your clit. It wasn’t until you felt a searing heat that you realized it was his right hand, your head falling back on lewd moan. You ground your hips against his face as his tongue inside you went cold, needing more of his contrasting temperatures. 
The tightened cord finally snapped when he switched hands on your clit, the temperatures between his thumb and his tongue suddenly switching making you orgasm hard. You cried out and reached for the headboard to help keep yourself upright as you rode out your orgasm, still grinding against his face. “Sh-Shouto…” You moaned his name as his hands gripped your thighs, again, and he slowly lapped up your release.
Your hips jerked as his tongue ran along your sensitive folds and you whimpered softly. Letting you lift yourself, Shouto smiled up at you and licked his lips. “You taste like strawberries and cream, Y/N.” Your face flushed, as it did every time he said that. He made the same comment every time he ate you out. Even though you were sure that you definitely didn’t taste like strawberries and cream, it made you smile as it reminded you of how the two of you got together. 
Shouto wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he watched you climb down his body until you were nestled between his legs. His eyes blazed with heat as you took his hard cock into your hand and gave him the same smirk he’d given you before eating you out. Your tongue darted out to capture the leaking pre-cum from his slit, making him hiss with pleasure.
Not wanting to tease him too much, you closed your mouth over his swollen head and sucked hard. Hips jerked as he groaned, his fingers threading into your hair and gripping tightly. You slowly sucked in his length, your tongue gliding over each prominent vein along his girth. A low string of curses escaped Shouto as the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat and you swallowed him down until his pubes tickled your nose.
His grip on your hair tightened until tears pricked the corners of your eyes, holding you in place until you tapped his leg to indicate you needed air. With a deep moan, he loosened his hold and let you ease back so that you could breathe, again. Once you’d taken a deep gulp of air, you dove back in and filled your mouth with his length.
Shouto was always reduced to little more than a puddle whenever you went down on him. The pace your mouth set as you swallowed him down was perfect, making him a mess of moans. Just as he was getting close, the tension building in his groin, you reached a hand to cup his balls and massage them gently while your other hand stroked his length when your mouth wasn’t covering him.
A string of curses fell from Shouto’s lips and his grip on your hair pulled you down fully on his cock as his hips jerked, spilling his hot seed down your throat. You happily drank him down and waited patiently for his grip to ease on your hair so that you could pull off of him. The moment you lifted off, he was pulling you back up to him.
You grinned at him. “Hm. You taste just like strawberries and cream.” Shouto grinned at you as he held you to his chest and pressed sweet kisses to your lips. You returned each one, shivering as his hands caressed over your skin. He wasn’t done with you.
You squealed with delight as he suddenly flipped you onto your back and he smothered you with his body. His mouth covered yours with a passionate kiss, tongue slipping between your lips with ease. You moaned, feeling his thick cock pressing against your thigh, and lifted your hips off the bed as you tried to get more of him. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders to pull him closer, and he obliged.
Reaching between your bodies, Shouto angled himself until his tip teased against your entrance, making you mewl until he pressed himself fully inside you. You shared a moan with him at the sensation of him filling you so perfectly. Shouto had to take a deep breath to steady himself as he felt your inner walls fluttering around his cock. “So tight… Y/N…”
You lifted your legs and wrapped them around Shouto’s waist, urging him to move. “Shouto… please… ah~” Your pleading seemed to do the trick as he pulled back and snapped his hips forward to fill you, again. You cried out at his forcefulness, fingernails digging into his back as you held on for dear life. 
You did your best to meet the delicious and relentless pace that Shouto set, pleasure overriding your senses. His mouth closed over the juncture of your neck, his teeth latching onto your skin as he bit you. The added pain to your pleasure made you moan loudly, your head falling back against the pillows.
Shouto moaned as he released his teeth from your neck, feeling your walls clench tightly around his cock. His hips stuttered slightly as he felt himself near the edge. Reaching between your bodies with his right hand, his fingers found your clit and massaged sloppy circles over it to push you closer to your release.
It wasn’t long before he had you plummeting over the edge and your orgasm washed over you as you cried out his name. “Shouto!” A harsh curse fell from his lips as your walls quivered and clenched over his cock as though trying to milk him for his own orgasm. It worked as he found himself following your release, painting your insides white with thick ropes of his cum. 
His thrusts finally stilled when he had finished filling you with his seed. Panting heavily, your hands found Shouto’s face as you pulled him to you for a sweet kiss. He returned it, then proceeded to pepper more kisses over your face and neck as you both basked in the afterglow.
You smiled blissfully as you matched each of his kisses until his mouth found yours again. It was a long moment before he pulled back from you, sighing as he rested his face against your neck. “I love you, Strawberry.” Your smile warmed at the nickname as you held him close.
“I love you, too, Cream.”
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marcilled · 4 years
5 years
It was 5 years ago today that a humble little minecraft server first opened its gates. 5 years ago, I started @quixol​ with a team of 8 friends. Today, only 4 of those original friends are still on our Staff team, and the server is a shadow of its former self.
There’s a lot I could talk about with Quixol, but before I get into it, I just want it to be known that this is a highly personal post from me. This isn’t an official announcement, but seeing as I’m an admin, it’s definitely of pertinence if you are someone who is a part of the Quixol community.
If you’re new to following me, or just don’t know what I’m talking about: Quixol is a trans-friendly minecraft server started by me and a few pals back on November 16, 2015. It’s primarily populated by folks from here on Tumblr, and is an LGBT+ only community. Over its 5 years, it’s gotten over 1600 unique players. And... Well, there’s a lot of history that took place during and after that, I can’t hope to summarize it here. You can see more on the about page on our blog.
So, yeah. Today is the 5-year anniversary of Quixol. Pretty big deal! And... we have nothing in store for today to celebrate that huge milestone. Pretty big bummer. The prior 4 years, the anniversary was the single biggest celebration of the year. We typically tried to schedule large server updates to coincide with the anniversary, just to make it feel that much more special. So, on the day that marks a whole half-decade of being online, why do we have no plans? It’s a long, complicated story. I’ll only be able to tell you my side of it. Everything written below is from my perspective, and doesn’t necessarily reflect how others think or feel.
Regardless of the lonely feeling on the server now, I just want to say, I’m really glad I could host such a fantastic community for so many years. Thank you everyone who has made the past half decade so special.
Long retrospective below (plus, discussion about Quixol’s future):
Where to begin... All I can say at the start here is, don’t expect anything coherent, I typed this up while sleep deprived just the night before posting this, without much forethought of what I’d say in it. I just feel I need to get these feelings off my chest before I can mentally move on, you know.
Before I delve into this, I just want to put this sort of disclaimer at the top here: Despite how gloomy I make things sound throughout this post, Quixol is and was an amazing place, that I’m so glad to say I got to play such a pivotal role in. I wouldn’t trade my time here for anything. It’s been an honor to serve as an Admin over such an incredible community. I’ve seen countless new friendships forged, plenty of laughs and fun times to be had... I’ve even known several couples that met through their time on Quixol, I’ve known several people that came out or discovered more about their identity/gender/sexuality while on Quixol. It’s a great community, despite its flaws, and what we did over these past 5 years is nothing short of spectacular. I’m forever thankful for everyone who helped make this place as special as it is- you’ve all been such great friends. Thank you.
While I may speak a great deal about some of the lowest lows that happened on Quixol, you better believe it had some of the highest highs as well. Keep that in mind, so you know why I’m spending this much time and effort to commemorate this server that I’ve called home for so long.
I’ll start here with a rough timeline of Quixol... I’ll even include some screenshots for you all.
Old World (Nov. 2015 - Mar. 2017, mc 1.8 - 1.9)
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Quixol began back in 2015 like I mentioned- whitelisted at first, but moved on to being unwhitelisted at a later date (I believe it was summer of 2016). Hundreds of people joined after the whitelist was removed, in just the first month or so. We owe that initial success to how much our blog post about the server got shared around, it served as a nice advertisement for the server. It was only posted to tumblr, so everybody who joined then was from the same sort of social sphere of 2016 tumblr. It was pretty lively, and we made lots of friends very quickly. A lot never logged in again after the first initial burst, but a fair amount stuck around.
The server started on minecraft version 1.8, which was before the end update that introduced elytra & all the controversial combat changes. Most people never even saw the server on this version, though, since it was still whitelisted when we updated to 1.9. The world we used back in 2015-2016 eventually got deleted at a later date, however we did provide an archive of this old world to download, it’s... somewhere on our blog, you can go find it if you poke around a bit. (Assuming the download hasn’t been removed from the website I uploaded it to, which would make sense since it’s just 20 gb sitting on some server doing nothing).
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While there was plenty of merriment, there was also the fair share of drama. I can’t even hope to recall all the drama that happened in 2016, but one of our og mods got banned completely after the rest of the staff sort of woke up to the realization they were incredibly abusive. There’s lots of other stuff that happened then- I wish I could tell the “full tale” as it were, but it would be so long-winded that almost nobody would bother to read. Plus, my memory isn’t very good, so I would need to dig through old blog posts, discord messages, screenshots, etc etc to jog my memory... way too much work.
Protos (Mar. 2017 - Nov. 2018, mc 1.11 - 1.12)
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2017 came around, and that’s when we updated the server to 1.11 and created a new world (Protos). That update happened on March 26, 2017- I remember because march 26th is my birthday, and the other staff made a cute little celebration for me on that day and I literally cried from how happy I was. It was the nicest thing anyone’s done for me in a long time. (God, I miss those times.)
A lot more happened during this time period, and honestly I’d consider the period in which Protos was our main, active world to be the most consistently active the server has ever been. It wasn’t always exploding with activity, but the people who joined and played during this time were consistent. And we had a relatively consistent influx of new players.
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There was a lot more drama that happened during this time... More staff members left, mostly of their own accord (but never on a wholly positive note). Drama amongst some of the veteran/long-time players, arguments over how to interpret and enforce our rules.
Regardless of the troubles, I’d say this period was overall quite positive for Quixol. We even brought in our first batch of new staff members during this period.
Ghalea (Nov. 2018 - Present, mc 1.13 - 1.15)
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I believe late 2018 was when we updated the server from 1.12 to 1.13. We rushed the update to this version quite a lot, which was a shame since it ensured the server had an egregious amount of bugs to work out, and lots of missing plugins/functionality. With this update, we made another new world (and, our current main world): Ghalea.
Regardless of buggy behavior, we managed to hit what I believe is the all-time peak concurrent player count we have ever gotten, which is something like 54-56 players playing at the same time. The server chugged so hard, I’m surprised it didn’t crash. All of those parties were so stressful to put on, but at the same time, incredibly fun and fulfilling to see when lots of people showed up and had a good time.
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Funny, though: despite the success of the server, 2018 and early 2019 are the closest the server has ever gotten to absolutely tearing itself apart from internal staff drama. By early-mid 2019, several staff members ended up getting banned one after the other. So that left us with very few staff by that point (only 6 active staff, myself included, if I remember correctly).
2019 should have been a great year for Quixol, seeing as it was what many people referred to as the “minecraft renaissance”, “the great minecraft revival”, etc etc etc. However, the drama amongst the staff, coupled with drama in our personal lives, and just an all around lack of staff members to kick things into gear, resulted in a pretty lackluster year compared to the previous 4 years.
Despite all of that, we worked tirelessly to complete our greatest project yet, Chroma Park, just before our 4th anniversary on Nov 16th, 2019. It took a whole team of builders to complete, and several months in preparation/building.
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With such a grand project completed, you would expect it would result in a flurry of new activity on the server... unfortunately, it ended up being almost the opposite. Because we called upon our “build team” to help with it, (several talented veteran players who volunteered their building skills), nearly all of our active players suffered some serious burnout after the major project they just completed. Lots of people just weren’t feelin’ up to minecraft anymore... And, that spelled the beginning of the end, really.
The culmination of this was that, going into 2020, activity on the server just... plummeted. Then, we all know what a shit year 2020 turned into. That just furthered feelings of burnout. I made another personal post about this, back in April- explaining why I had been relatively absent from the server for a while. It goes into more detail about the “hiatus” at that time, what caused it, why it continued so long, and how my personal feelings were at that time. Give it a read if you want. It even goes more in-depth about some of Quixol’s former staff, and how toxic behavior from them may have negatively impacted the community (especially in 2018-2019).
So, basically nothing has happened on Quixol in 2020... I took the time to update the server from 1.14 to 1.15 back in July, just so that the server was on a more stable version of minecraft- but all the effort poured into that resulted in basically nothing happening. Barely anyone even noticed, because it was such a minor update focusing on bug fixes. I hoped it would get the ball rolling again, but it just wasn’t enough.
While I wasn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet, I decided it was for the best if I put any plans on the backburner for a while, and focus more attention on building infrastructure back up again. I spent some time researching sysadmin stuff, and looking into upgrading my PC. I set up a new discord bot that we’re currently using on Quixol, & have in a few other discord servers I’m active in.
Then, I got tossed one of the most difficult months of my life in a long time pretty recently. It’s very recent/fresh, but suffice it to say, a decent chunk of what made it such a horrible month was related to drama within the Quixol friend group, particularly... me being a shitty friend. I made another post about this a while back, but I won’t link it since it’s a bit vague and not super relevant to what I’m talking about here. Just know, September this year pretty much demolished any feelings of hope I had for continuing work on Quixol.
So, that leads us to... Today. The 5th anniversary of Quixol.
Where did it all go wrong?
Now that I’ve laid out as quick a summary of the past 5 years as I could, I want to talk about some of the mistakes we made along the way. The people that made Quixol what it is, and how that history always seems to tie me down.
To tell you the truth, saying that “it all went wrong” sounds horribly pessimistic to me. Sure, I felt pessimistic going into writing this, but... Just looking back on everything we’ve accomplished, there’s never really a point where it “went wrong”. Moreso, Quixol has had its fair share of flaws baked in from the very beginning. But, perhaps those flaws are what made it what it really is. I can’t go back and change the past, and neither can you. Perhaps the best we can do is just accept Quixol for what it is, and acknowledge its shortcomings while allowing ourselves to feel happy about the good memories we do have.
While I’m not going to cast away every pleasant memory I have of Quixol, I must admit I find so many of them tainted and forever changed, just because of how many people entered this community, made their stay known, then left or were cast away on a sour note. There are countless people that were a huge part of Quixol, of my life, my friends, that I don’t speak to anymore. People that hate me. Maybe even some that I hate.
If I go back and think fondly of those times, I remember how the people in those memories largely don’t think fondly of me anymore. I remember all of my mistakes, all of the ways I could have avoided that outcome. All the ways I could have worked with those friends, to work out our differences, to just fucking communicate. Sure... some of those friends, there was nothing I could do for them. Nothing I could do to make things work. But, all the same... it stings, thinking of everyone I used to know. Not knowing who is still a friend, or who simply has no need for me anymore...
So much of Quixol’s history is tied up in knots this way. Complicated webs of emotion, suffocating in the tethers to its past. So many things built on the server, just wasting away, never to be touched again... New players won’t even know it. They don’t know, can’t know the history behind those blocks that were placed. It sounds a bit silly talking about it this way, but that’s how it feels to me. There’s real history behind each of these blocks, all of the little farms and structures and silly signs. So much of it, nobody even knows. But it wears on my heart, knowing all of that history, and feeling so disconnected from it. Feeling cast away by the people who forged those memories.
It’s a disconnect that’s always hurt, to me. Maybe I’m just too sentimental, nostalgic. Maybe I cling to the past too much. But it feels impossible to ignore... So much of what made Quixol what it is today was left there by people who want nothing to do with me, us, anymore. What does that say about Quixol? About me...? About our group?
There’s a lot I could say about this, but it’s stuff I’ve mentioned before. I hang on too tightly to the past, and am often too critical of my own mistakes. But, sometimes the past is just the way it is, and there’s not much that can be done about it. Regardless, I find myself feeling regrets about every little thing that went wrong, and thinking about where all those people are now... Maybe one of them is even reading this right now. If you’re out there, hey. We can still talk. I’m not going to hold a grudge on you forever. It’s ok.
My influence
Since Quixol began in 2015, I’ve tried my best to be nothing more than an “Admin” of Quixol... not the “owner” or “lead admin” or “founder”, just “admin”. I hoped I could encourage the other admins to be leaders in their own rights. While each of the admins we’ve had has been great leaders in their own respect, I feel that every one of them has been, unfortunately, tied down by my influence to some extent.
In most aspects of life, I’m a very timid, indecisive person. I’m incredibly anxious, and lack confidence to a worrying degree. However, a different side of me can be seen in the safe, comfortable environment that Quixol provided for me. Surrounded by friends and people who I felt really got me, I became comfortable enough to show some level of confidence in myself... In all honesty, for a long time, I was never able to recognize this self confidence for what it was. I really was not, and mostly still am not, used to feeling confident in myself or my own abilities. Like, at all. So when I actually feel good about myself, like I actually know what I’m doing... Well, for a really long time, I didn’t even process it as such. I just felt like I knew the right answers, and that was it.
On Quixol, this often manifested in a specific way... Being proud of my own knowledge & skills with minecraft, I would insert myself into any discussion about Minecraft, the server, or just anywhere I could, and offer up my knowledge, opinions & help. This hardly sounds like a problem, but... The problem was just in my unwavering presence. I was everywhere on Quixol, you couldn’t escape me. I dominated the space with my presence. Not that I interrupted people (usually...?), I just would try to put myself anywhere a conversation was happening, assuming it was, like, appropriate for me to do so on some level.
Whenever I chimed in with my thoughts, eventually there became this sort of air of almost... superiority about it. This feeling that my word was “final”, or that I had some layer of expertise on everything, and that if I said what you said was right, that was a pretty good indicator you were on the right track. I didn’t pretend like I was infallible, and I don’t think anyone ever saw me as that. But the perception was generally that if Vivian says it, that holds weight to it. Perhaps this is somewhat unavoidable of a staff member, but... it was this way even amongst the staff.
I never really realized that I was creating this environment within the community, because it happened rather slowly. But as things moved along, other staff began to pick up on this (perhaps subconsciously). Including even the other admins. Quickly, my own insistence on doing things a Specific Way, became “the Right Way” to do things on Quixol... Whether I intended it or not.
Now, this is something I didn’t know until quite recently, but I actually have OCD (undiagnosed, but it’s glaringly obvious to me at this point). My ocd comes out in minecraft, and specifically Quixol, quite a lot. I have very ritualistic ways of doing things, whether it be while building a project in-game, to managing specific parts of the server- we have a very detailed format in which update logs are written, and I have very specific rituals related to updating plugins on the server, taking backups, etc. Even just the way I play survival minecraft has sorts of rituals in a way, like specific patterns in which I place torches. I’m not too educated on ocd, so excuse me if I’m using some terminology of this wrong, or if I’m spreading some sort of misinformation about it. This is just my experience.
Anyhow, with the extremely regimented way I manage things on the server, coupled with my constant presence in things, you can understand how this might lead to other admins, who have their own mental illness issues, to become very averse to doing a lot of admin-related duties. After months and months, years, even, of this sort of stuff... and... yeah. That leads to where we are now.
With my selfish behavior in the past, I’ve unintentionally created this staff environment where people are reluctant to make their own decisions, show their own creativity, etc. And that must feel incredibly frustrating if you actually want to do something to make a difference on Quixol...
I’m not even accounting for all the times I’ve butted heads with the other staff before, either. While much less frequent, I’ve definitely had arguments with folks in the past. And with the great amount of influence I hold over the server, it takes a lot of courage to stand up to what I say.
I’ve always resented that I hold this position of power over everyone else, and tried many times to address it. However, I don’t think I ever quite had a full picture of why things were this way. Now, I think I understand it better. Sadly, it feels too little, too late to make any significant changes without uprooting pretty much everything we have set in place already. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m being too pessimistic here... But, this is how I feel at the present moment.
I’m sincerely sorry to any current or former staff members, who have wanted to do something great for Quixol, but felt they could never convince me to go through with your idea... Or who felt pushed away from doing something they otherwise would’ve liked to, just because the attitude I gave, the environment my presence created, made you feel like you weren’t good enough or qualified enough to do it. You are good enough. I’m so sorry that my actions made you convinced otherwise...
I will say, this sort of mindset of mine, that I have to be the Most Right about anything relating to minecraft, or any hyperfixation/special interest of mine, has caused problems elsewhere, too. I talked about this in another post I made. I’ve only really come to realize all this stuff within the past few months, but I’ve been a really terrible friend to a lot of people. I never even realized until recently just how often I struggle with empathy, and how that’s colored so many of my friendships. Needless to say, it’s affected things on Quixol before, sometimes without me even realizing it.
My influence over the community also means if anybody’s relations with me in particular ever become marred, it must inevitably result in them leaving the community because there’s simply no escaping me. There’s not really anything I can do about this, though, aside from doing whatever I can to become a kinder, more
I’m far from a perfect person, and my imperfections seeped into so much of what made Quixol what it is. However, it’d be silly to suggest that I’m the singular reason that Quixol is flawed, if anything, that would be another form of arrogance- assuming that I singlehandedly shaped the way Quixol took form. No, it was always a team effort, and every single staff and community member held great influence of their own.
The Future
This part is probably why many of you clicked on this post... You want to know what’s going to happen to Quixol. You likely noticed I’ve been referring to Quixol in the past tense a lot in this post. Honestly, I’m not sure why I did that, it just felt the most natural to type it that way. But, I will be honest- the future of Quixol right now isn’t looking very bright.
This is a personal post, so I don’t want to deliver any sort of formal announcement about plans for Quixol here, especially since I haven’t run this post by the other staff before posting it.
For the past 2 and a half months, I’ve been taking a very long break from Quixol. Much greater than any previous break of mine... I’ve neglected to even log in for weeks at a time. I still keep an eye on the discord server, and check the mc <-> discord bridge channel to see which players have been logging in. But I have little to no motivation to play, even just casually.
While I’d love to give you some fun cool news about how this hiatus is ending soon and I have a million and one projects planned, that simply isn’t the case. I’ve gotten to this point where I’m rethinking everything about myself, who I am, and what I’m doing with my life. Surely, I can’t dedicate all my time and energy to running a minecraft server for the rest of my life, even though I do care deeply about this community. But at the same time, it’s not really my call to shut down Quixol, and I’d hate to pull the plug just because of my own lack of motivation.
So, for the time being at least, you can probably consider Quixol to be on a sort of “indefinite hiatus”. I am generally the one to update plugins, do major server updates, etc., and I likely won’t be doing any of that any time soon. I fully entrust the other staff to handle that stuff if they really want to, and I’ve expressed that to them already. But as things stand, nobody else seems to want to pick up the torch right now. Shit is rough for pretty much everyone, and we’re all equally burnt out. We’ve all grown up quite a lot since Quixol began, too. So... Don’t expect anything anytime soon.
If there are any updates, they’ll come in our Discord server first.
As for me, personally... I just need time away from all of this. It’s clearer than ever to me that I have a lot of personal problems I need to work on, and I think that the cozy safe environment provided by Quixol didn’t challenge me enough to really address those issues. I need time to focus on myself & my own growth. At the same time, I also feel like I need more experience being a part of a team, instead of just running the show. I’m not getting the kind of enrichment I need from running Quixol, so I’m trying to turn my attention elsewhere.
I’m doing this not because I want to abandon you guys, or because I feel like I want/need to move on from this community. It’s just... Something I need to do, for myself. And I’ll still be around, I’m still gonna be posting to my tumblr & twitter and stuff, and you can still reach me on discord. I’m just focusing my time elsewhere for once.
What does that mean for the future of Quixol? I don’t really know yet. But, for now, it’s not going anywhere. It’s just... also not changing anytime soon. Not even a little bit. I’m sorry to give you this disappointing news, but I hope you all understand.
I miss the good times on Quixol, too. I really do. Maybe we can share them again sometime? Who knows...
For now, that’s all.
It breaks my heart that we don’t have anything glitzy and glamorous to do to celebrate Quixol’s 5th anniversary... But it would be asking far too much of the staff to set anything like that up right now. Maybe we can have some sort of celebration later...? I dunno.
I hope you’re all staying safe & healthy out there. Thank you so much for reading this. I love all of you.
Happy birthday, Quixol.
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storybookprincess · 4 years
tips on surviving extended social distancing (from someone who was largely housebound for 18 months as a teenager)
listen, y’all.  covid is here.  no gettin around it.  and we are really going to need to come together as a nation (and as a planet, quite frankly) to help stop the spread & save as many lives as we can.  public health experts universally agree that social distancing is one of the absolute best ways to slow the spread of disease, so we all need to stay home and avoid large crowds as much as we possibly can in order to keep people alive.  this is not to alarm you.  rather, it should be empowering--so often, we feel there’s nothing we can do in times of crisis, but this time there is a very clear action you can take.  social distancing.  stay home as much as you can & know that by doing it, you’re literally keeping people from dying.
that being said, being stuck in your apartment/house most of the day is, to put it mildly, a tremendous pain in the ass. i know this firsthand--i largely spent ages 16 & 17 housebound due to a chronic illness that left me too ill to go anywhere most days.  i did, however, manage to keep a grip on my sanity by employing the following strategies.  they will not turn social distancing into a party.  they also will not work for everyone in the world (read: if this does not apply to you, kindly keep scrolling instead of writing an essay on why these tips do not work for your specific situation).  but they’re a few ideas to get you started thinking of ways to make the best of a bad situation.
1. accept that it is going to be a tremendous adjustment & there will be negative emotions associated with that
lives are going to change.  routines will be interrupted.  things are going to be vastly different for a while.  and it is completely okay to feel frightened, frustrated, upset, restless, bored, hopeless, etc etc.  identify & accept those feelings.  this is a global crisis, so if you didn’t feel anything negative about it whatsoever, i’d honestly be concerned.  be prepared to employ (or better yet, proactively employ) whatever methods you have to cope w negative feelings--journaling, meditation, relaxation strategies, talking w a friend/loved one/professional, watching cute cat videos, whatever works for you.  take good care of your mental health, but know that life is going to be hard for a while & it’s okay to feel bad.
2. to the best of your ability, maintain a routine
literally anything you read online about coping w mental illness will suggest you have some sort of structure to your day & you know what? they’re not wrong.  yes, sleeping in & having a lazy day occasionally is good for you, but try to have some sort of loose routine most days.  humans thrive on that shit.  i know lots of people resist this advice for whatever reason, but it really does help the days stop blurring together into an endless stream of blah.  wake up when you’d usually wake up.  eat when you’d usually eat.  if you’re working or studying from home, do those things when you’d normally do them.  have leisure time when you’d normally do it.  by whatever means necessary, pls try to maintain a routine.
3. relatedly, get dressed & do your same personal care routine every day
this was weirdly extremely important to me when i was homebound & sick.  for whatever reason, getting dressed & doing my makeup, even when i was just sitting at home all day, helped me feel like a human being.  i too enjoy being a sweatpants goblin on occasion, but it really will make you feel like an actual person & not a slug to keep up your same personal care practices every day.
4. socialize long distance
you will most likely have to get creative w this one, but there are SO many ways to keep in touch w friends & loved ones remotely.  play video games together from your own homes, share your screen & watch a show together, have a dinner date in which you both make or order dinner & then eat & talk via video chat, chat w online pals via discord, move your d&d game to roll20, have a virtual book club, etc etc.  i feel confident that if we all come together, we can come up w ways to stay in touch remotely.  to me, this is one of the most important ways to stay sane.  people NEED people, so pls stay in touch w pals.
5. spend your time in ways that make you feel good
this is going to look different for everyone, but think about what activities you can do from home that make you feel happy & good about yourself.  for me, that’s often writing, knitting, and cooking/baking.  sitting at home scrolling through your phone, for most people, doesn’t really making them feel awesome, so try to spend your time in ways that are actually meaningful to you.
my pro version of this tip is to make a list of these sorts of activities ahead of time.  i know when i’m grumpy & restless & bored, i often struggle to come up w ideas of what i’d like to do, so having a list on hand already is really helpful.  to get you started, some entries on mine might be: listen to a podcast, play video games, watch a new show i’ve been meaning to, create fan content of some variety, paint my nails, watch some educational videos, read some books or comics, etc.  make your own list & have fun!!!
6. wherever possible, try to find the silver lining
yes, it’s hard to find the good in being cooped up all day.  however, i just got word that my organization is mandating everyone work from home now & i’m trying to find some good in that.  for example, i get an extra half hour of sleep in the morning bc i don’t need to commute!  i don’t have to dress business casual anymore!  i can hang w my cat while i work!  i can pop down to the convenience store for coffee whenever i want!  i don’t have to sit in a windowless office all day!  i can go on the fun sites usually blocked on school wifi on quick brain breaks!  i can lie down when i don’t feel well!  etc etc.  try to find the good, however small it may be.
7. try to find things to do for others
one of the best ways to combat the slow creep of despair into your psyche is to do things to help other people.  human beings have managed to survive this long by virtue of being kind.  for example, i’m going to try to write as much as i can in the coming weeks to try to give people something to enjoy while they’re stuck inside.  i also think i’m going to bring a small treat to the nurses at the hospital when i go in for my routine treatment to thank them for their hard work in this tough time.  if we all band together & are kind to each other, we can find some light & hope in all of this.
i hope those tips end up helping you as we move forward.  this is a time of adjustment, uncertainty, and change.  it’s going to be hard & scary, but we’ll find a way through.  if anyone has additional tips, pls feel free to add on.  my thoughts & love are w all of you <3
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Discord pt 86
[Date: 16/03, 10:14 PM GMT - 16/03, 10:45 PM GMT]
[Direct continuation of pt 85]
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[Maxwell: "youre not looking out for me"]
Baroness: "Oh, but i am! i just want to make sure that things are blooming nicely. :)"
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Maxwell: "quit it with the flower jokes bitch"
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Baroness: "Mona, i'm sure you can find some more medicine for max in one of those first aid kits you have. How about you go check? :)"
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Little-K1ng: "i c-...one. .. of those..? wait i.."
donti(e): "whats wrong mona”
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Little-K1ng: "how does she know i have more than one first aid kit
they're under the sinks"
Baroness: ":)"
Renboo: "i thought it was very abvious she's watching you guys constantly"
donti: "she watches you.."
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Little-K1ng: "yeah but... i dont go under the sink?"
Jack: "pfft. haha"
Little-K1ng: "the first aid kits dont get cracked into unless i like, need something out ofthem"
Jack: "that is funny, actually"
Little-K1ng: "i keep bandaids and other stuff out"
Jack: "no offense"
Renboo: "ok were else would you keep 1st aid kits- and whos to say she hasnt been in your house-"
Maxwell: "how the fuck is this funny jack"
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Little-K1ng: "no fair its a little funny in retrospect that ive been keeping them stocked like that but like... unless she, personally, has been in here theres no way for her to know they're there
or whats in them"
Jack: "i don't know. "its fucking creepy to watch people" this and “Jack, my friend, my pal, i know you're concerned!” that. it's a little funny."
Maxwell: "god this is so much happening at once"
[Jack: "i don't know. "its fucking creepy to watch people" this and “Jack, my friend, my pal, i know you're concerned!” that. it's a little funny."]
Renboo: "wel you're not wrong-"
[Little-K1ng: “or whats in them”]
Baroness: “It's important to know what your family has stocked. You never know when you may need something!”
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Little-K1ng: "dont take shit out of my kits what the fuck
hang on i uh i have to go and check them"
Maxwell: "....."
Little-K1ng: "itll be the one thing i need thats missing
oh ow fuck my head
got really bad vertigo when i stood up fmdghdf"
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Jack: "uh huh. is there anything blooming behind your ears, by chance."
Little-K1ng: "feeling around, im coming up empty handed
no weird little metal buds from me
ive just been on/off sick the last few weeks"
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Little-K1ng: "im normally really healthy, but the florescent lights at work have been killing my head
ill keep an eye out and keep you guys updated, at least my eyes work somewhat now
for now ive gotta go check some kits <:)"
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Baroness: "Well, i must be off now. Before i make my leave, i shall leave you with a poem. :) 
fair flower, that dost so comely grow, 
hid in this silent, dull retreat, 
untouch'd thy honey'd blossoms blow, 
unseen thy little branches greet."
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Baroness: "I will see you all soon. :)"
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fetch: “...
what the fuck is she doing here.”
Renboo: “hey fetch”
Little-K1ng: “FETCH?”
Maxwell: “fetch?”
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Baroness: "...hmm?
fetch: “get back here gets back here GET BACK HERE GET THE FUCK BACK HERE”
Maxwell: “FETCH”
Little-K1ng: “WHAT
Maxwell: “HE JUST--”
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Little-K1ng: “okay i”
Maxwell: “He almost fucking tackled her holy shit”
Little-K1ng: “im gonna go get the kits just to patch up the hilarious injuries hes gonna come back with”
Renboo: “if he comes back”
Maxwell: “hes going to come back”
donti (e): “FETCH DON t”
Renboo: “fetch is running after baroness, into the woods, where the court's mansion probably is, now where do you think baroness is trying to run to”
Zo: “good luck fetch!”
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Maxwell: “he wouldnt go that far its fine”
Renboo: “ehh its always a possibility”
Little-K1ng: “........okay, the kits are there, just very obviously moved and sifted through. nothings taken
which SUCKS because the bandaids are ORGANIZED BY SIZE”
Baronness: “Fetch...! you should really... Take it easy on yourself! even dogs... Need their rest!”
Little-K1ng: “fetch go fuckin bite her she fucked with my bandaids”
Maxwell: “HA”
Renboo: “listen baroness i can forgive the stalking- but un-organizing the band-aids? are you serious?”
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Little-K1ng: “my BANDAIDS”
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fetch: “STOP RUNNING.”
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Maxwell: “GET HER MAN WOOOOO aw shit ow yelling just hurt my head fucks....”
Baroness: “ow that hurt!”
Little-K1ng: “yes migraine is still here please dont yell”
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Maxwell: “Go fetch go!”
fetch: “i need to keep up. i can't let her get away. I need t. to.”
Jack the Observer: “don't hurt her. she looks a lot like an old friend”
Little-K1ng: “fetch okay chill”
Renboo: “listen as much as most people want you to, i dont think beating up a court member will end well”
Maxwell: “fetch its alright now”
Little-K1ng: “if i have to go out into the woods and drag you home im going to walk very slowly just to spite you”
donti (e): “fetch you shouldnt hurt her too much :(”
Maxwell: “ha....yeah and i uh still need to talk to you about something fetch”
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fetch: “...”
[fetch: “i need to keep up. i can't let her get away. I need t. to.”]
Baroness: “I'll see... You soon...! :)”
Jack: “do not hurt her”
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Little-K1ng: “max,, if its about what i think it is ill handle it later, okay?”
[Baroness: “I'll see... You soon...! :)”]
fetch: “you better stay the fuck away.
i'm coming back home.”
Maxwell: “are you sure? he was in deep denial earlier”
[fetch: “you better stay the fuck away.]
Baroness: “:)”
Maxwell: “its why he left”
Little-K1ng: “yeah no ill handle it max"
fetch: “i nicked her a little. not enough.”
Jack: “enough.”
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Jack the Observer: “that was enough.”
Little-K1ng: “fetch come home we need to have a chat about what happened earlier
and i do not want to have to go get you”
fetch: “i said I'm coming home. jesus fucking christ jack quit breathing down my neck.”
Renboo: “oh my god if you two start fighting-”
Jack the Observer: “you don't fucking hurt her, and we're good.”
Maxwell: “.....”
fetch: “god whats your deal. she isn't syd.
just because she looks like her doesn't mean anything.”
Jack the Observer: “she doesn't just look like her
and besides.”
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Maxwell: “theres a difference between her and syd like there is between me and page and fetch and knight”
donti (e): “yea but its still her body”
fetch: “i'm not having this conversation. mona needs to talk to me. later.”
Jack: “fuck you guys, by the way.”
Renboo: “fuck you too!<3″
Little-K1ng: “no thats fair”
Jack the Observer: “i almost prefer Baroness.”
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Little-K1ng: “well you would
in a light hearted sense, its hard to separate the court member from the friend you know”
Maxwell: “....”
[Jack the Observer: “i almost prefer Baroness.”]
Renboo: “that's a bit harsh innit-”
Jack the Observer: “no, not really.
i said "nearly". im already being generous.”
Renboo: “i dont see why you care for syd so much, it's rather silly in my opinion”
Jack the Observer: “...
Renboo: “its not even syd at this point”
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Jack the Observer: “...
im leaving.”
Renboo: “like sure they share a body but they arent the same person”
Little-K1ng: “jesus jack you scared me for a second there”
Renboo: “oh- ok bye!”
Maxwell: “.....
fuckin' 'ell”
Jack the Observer: “don't act like I'm your friend just becuase we're on the "same side"
[i leave]”
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dotaccountant · 3 years
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(LOVIE SIMONE, 23, FEMALE, SHE/HER) ⮕ Hey, isn’t that [DOROTHEA “DOT” HARTLEY]? I heard that they were a part of the crew. According to the wiki it says they’re the [ACCOUNTANT] of the group. Avid fans say that they’re [PRAGMATIC], but that they can also be [MOODY]. Maybe that’s because they’re a [CAPRICORN]. This gossip forum says they joined the group because [SHE NEEDS THE MONEY]. I wonder if that’s true. I also heard they [DO NOT] believe in ghosts. I wonder if their time in arcane inc will change that. (peyton, 23, est.)
mun info.
hey girly! just wanted to let you know i literally cannot handle this right now :)
uhh okay!! my name is peyton, i’m 23, i’m a college senior, i’m a libra, i’ve been rping for [redacted] years. i managed to escape for like two years until quarantine hit so here i am, like a dog going back to its’ vomit. i’m an illiterate roman roy enthusiast lesbian who is just excited to be here. my discord is ilyinichna#9370 (not me outing myself as a russian lit nerd. disgusting). please feel free to add me!!!
some cheeky stats.
full name: dorothea eloise hartley nicknames: dot by the crew, dottie exclusively by her mother, lame ass nerd by me birthdate: december 31st, 1997 occupation: accountant for arcane inc. nationality: american
orientation: bisexual moral alignment: lawful good myers-briggs: infp temperament: melancholic
it snowed the day dot was born, her mother would say fondly as she reminisced of better times for the two. edna hartley always made it a point to say no matter what she was conceived out of love and for awhile, dot believed that. her parents met when her mother was touring europe and she fell for a charming french aspiring writer, louis, who said all of the right things. not long after their summer romance, edna found out she was pregnant and at first louis was thrilled. he proposed on the spot. edna had dreams of becoming a stage actress so the two flew out to a shoebox apartment in new york to start their little family.
except edna never got her big break and louis never even started the next great novel and the bills were piling up. they were getting money from edna’s family, but louis’s pride wouldn’t accept it any longer. he took two jobs while edna stayed home with baby dot. 
she loved dot and dot herself never doubted it, but she was certainly not ready to be a mother. she was immature and treated her only daughter more like a best friend than her child. taking care of a child all day with no escape took a strain on edna and eventually took a strain on her marriage. what started as harsh whispers would soon turn into screaming matches that dot could hear through the thin walls. it was that way for years and dot looked at her parents differently. she had resentment for her father and the feeling was mutual, he blamed them for the fact he never achieved his dream. the older dot grew she soon was the one taking care of edna, who some days couldn’t even get out of bed.
dot comes home from school at fifteen to see her and edna’s bags packed. she says the two of them are going to california and dot goes with her without any hesitation. a new start was what they needed, they could look out for each other.
except it wasn’t. edna and dot both work odd jobs to make ends meet and when dot isn’t at school she’s accompanying her mother to auditions that she doesn’t get called back for. she scores a few commercials which is enough to keep them afloat for a brief amount of time. much of dot’s teen years are spent apartment hopping, couch surfing, and sleeping in motels throughout LA. if she was younger she might have been charmed by their vagabond lifestyle, but dot knew they couldn’t live that way forever.
if anything, dot learned a lot about how money worked when she was young. she always had a knack for numbers and after crunching the numbers to figure out if you could pay your electric bill for the month really gives you an advantage. she learned how to budget because no one else was going to. 
she’s working a job doing data entry when she first hears of arcane inc. one of her coworkers wouldn’t stop talking about them. dot isn’t interested as she’s never though much about the supernatural, chalking up companies like arcane to exploit people’s fears. no thanks. her mother believed in spirits enough for the both of them. (besides if karma was real, she would’ve seen a check from louis for the book deal he got over a year ago).
dot does go down a rabbit hole though when she realizes just how big of a following aracane has. people will really believe anything. the moment she sees that they’re hiring, she sees it as an opportunity. a company with millions of followers has to give their employees a reasonable salary. she didn’t have any real work experience outside of her office job but she was damn good with numbers and she was already used to traveling.
she’s been at arcane inc. for about a year now and still doesn’t really get what all the hype is about but that doesn’t matter. dot makes enough to send money to edna and she’s even started to put money aside to go to college. dot’s never been one to dream big, look at what it did to her parents, so she’s planned out every step without reaching out too far for the stars.
yeah her mom’s a failed theater actress but dot has a really secret love for musicals. you won’t find her ever talking about it though and if anyone found out she’d kill them. not joking don’t text.
her social media presence is little to none. not that she thinks she’s above it but she’s just genuinely bad at keeping up and she doesn’t love being in front of a camera. (her instagram posts are all blurry with bad filters and weird angles, bless her heart).
she’s probably the most stubborn person you will ever meet. i blame it on her being an earth sign i’m just saying a ghost could be right in front of her and she’d go and?
dot’s a really good listener (years of practice) and will take secrets to the grave but she’s pretty bad at giving advice. she doesn’t really know what to do when someone starts crying except give them an awkward pat.
her intuition is pretty good though. she’s good at reading situations she just doesn’t know how to react sometimes.
tw abuse: so while her father was never physically abusive, there was an incident from when she was twelve. he had been drinking and dot got out of bed to get water from the kitchen. he yells at her, as he often did, and throws an empty beer bottle at her. she threw up her arms to defend herself and there are still a few scars from the glass shards.
the way to her heart? anything peppermint which i know is arguably the worst dessert flavor but she can’t get enough of it.
tends to chew on things when she’s working. no pen cap is safe. she usually has candies on her so she has something to munch on.
connection ideas.
i prefer chemistry over anything else!! these are just some ideas to get the ball rolling. (also i am so bad at coming up with connections.)
friends. i mean....yeah jsfdkljfd. as basic as that is she just never had many of those growing up! dot’s kept a few people close but for the first time in her life she’s out of reach from her mother so it’s a good chance to socialize.
more specifically? a best friend. in the same vein but dot would really put this person above everyone else. she’s really loyal and it’d be nice to have such a close bond with someone.
a childhood friend or two too!! she’s moved around quite a bit but she stayed in new york (and she considers when she first moved to la still part of her childhood) for quite a bit, definitely long enough to make a connection!
someone she’s pulling out of trouble maybe. while dot’s not a maternal figure (leave that to the nurturer) she does have a compulsive need to help people out. it’s very frustrating but she can’t stop.
negative nancy. she can be so pessimistic and annoying so she’d appreciate having someone she could just vent to.
exes. it has to be a past relationship because dot is not a hook up person like AT ALL, but she’s human and she likes companionship (sometimes). 
honestly whatever you can think of! cousins, pen pals, unrequited crush (either way), friend crush, enemies, people she avoids, shared interest buddies, good/bad influence!
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lgcnara · 4 years
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ㅤ`  ♡ㅤ.ㅤHI, FRIENDS !ㅤ━━  i’m lalo, and i’m sooo pumped to be here ! anywho—i’m here to introduce you all to legacy ent’s gamer girl with a penchant for flirting with cute boys and turning everything into a competition, the one and only 신나라 ! below you’ll find some more information about her, and if you’d like to plot, please like this post and i’m im you ! if discord’s better for you, lmk. ♡
XO.  she’s a girl who was born and raised by a single mother in seoul, south korea. they had their fair share of struggles, but they made things work as well as they could. mother worked many odd jobs to put food on the table, so she wasn’t home as often as nara would’ve liked her to be. as a child, there was a certain comfort she found in reading books, but all of that changed when her mom surprised her with a newly-bought tv and game console ( specifically from nintendo ) one day after work. from that point forward, she became entangled with the world of video games. they provided her with endless hours of entertainment, especially when she was left alone for longer periods of time.
XO.  the older she became, the more she began to make friends to fill the void her mother left inside of her. nara began to crave the attention of everyone, but that’s only because, naturally, human contact felt so good—it was hard to explain. it seemed so simple, but most of her childhood was spent in solitude; being raised by cartoons, video games, and novels. so, now that she was able to mingle with her peers, she never really wanted it to stop. was she clingy? yes, but a comforting thing is that most—if not all—of her closest pals were of the opposite sex. they were quick to warm up to her interest in things that seemed “boyish” to other girls her age, and well, most of the time they liked that they had a cute girl following them around. in essence, everyone involved won in the end.
XO.  in high school, nara truly discovered that she could meet a whole brand new world of friends online. using the internet, she could play games with people from all over the world and she liked the sense of community. she met someone who used to stream for a crowd while playing overwatch and, well, he introduced her to it. shortly after, she began to do the same thing. her audience was EXTREMELY small; she was by no means a massive name in the streaming world. though, the little bit of a “fanbase” she did have were really obsessed with her. she was given endless compliments, tons of attention, and she was maturing into a woman who was in the early stages of mastering the art of her feminine wiles.
XO.  at eighteen, her following was growing at a slow pace, but she was dedicated to the art of making other people swoon over her. she would often have flirty conversations with the boys and girls who’d watch her; almost playing with their feelings in order for them to feed her affection. it was like she was a succubus without incredibly evil intent—and without the cannibalism. 😂 it was getting a little out of hand—what with juggling the feelings of a few different people all while doing her best to appear lovable. it was easy for her, though. she was petite, she was girly, she was frail—many people felt ( and hell, still feel ) the need to protect her. before things started to get out of control for her, she was scouted by lgc ent. outside of a shopping mall. it was her saving grace, kind of.
XO.  nowadays, she’s still playing video games on the low, but all of her social media has been deactivated to please her company. she didn’t really take this “idol” thing seriously in the beginning, but a few months in, she sort of started to feel a love for music; singing. the workload was much easier than high school, and well, she didn’t plan on going to college, so she figured that if she was given this opportunity, she should at least give her best shot. that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have her distractions, though.
XO.  personality-wise, nara’s a bit chaotic. she’s young and she’s still figuring herself out, but she’s still not out of the “i need to be the center of attention 24/7” phase. it’s gotten a lot less suffocating as she’s surrounded by a bunch of people all of the time, but she still plays with feelings a lot of the time. it’s not like she even means to ( sometimes, lol ) but she’s one of those people that always come across VERY interested in you and what you have to say, and like, VERY flirty and touchy-feely. it is COMPLETELY understandable why people would mistake her attention with her being interested in them, and what’s sad is, she probably is to some degree, but often plays hard to get. she just wants to have a good time, yk?
XO.  she’s insanely talkative, intelligent, and witty. i wouldn’t go so far as to say she’s at an expert level like marilyn monroe was when she was alive, but she tries to emulate that sort of smart “dumb blonde” trope a lot. also, she’s really competitive. maybe it’s the gamer in her, but she just wants to WIN and finds other people that are as good as she as at things a threat. nara might not be the best person to be around in the dorms, but if you’ve made a friend in her, she’ll calm down a lot. there’s just a hidden insecurity within her that gets easier to deal with when she excels or when she wins people over.
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Juliet
Writing Blog URL(s): @wonderlustlucas
Nationality: American
Languages: English, beginner level French, teeny tiny bit of Korean
Star Sign: Virgo
Favorite color: Pastel yellow
Favorite food: My mom’s Sunday gravy
Favorite movie: Howl’s Moving Castle (The Lion King is a close second though)
Favorite ice cream flavor: Specifically Turkey Hill’s Double Dunker (get it— it’s so good)
Favorite animal: Humpback whale
Go-to karaoke song: She’s Kinda Hot by 5 Seconds of Summer
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): Neurosurgeon! Or a Twitch streamer HAHA
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering?  Ahhh probably coffee, I love tea but I need my coffee </3
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? Shapeshifting! Clearly the superior superpower I don’t take constructive criticism.
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? This is weirdly specific, but I would love to be in Scotland during the 1700’s. Alternatively, the 1980’s.
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? 100%. I know everything happens for a reason but getting a redo and being able to fix all the big mistakes I made would be pretty nice.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? One horse-sized chicken! 100 tiny horses would be crazy tiring.
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? I would probably be the gay side character that gives good emotional advice but is hella lonely LMAO
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? Yes, both!
What are some small things that make your day better? Driving with the windows down and music blasting, picking up coffee, playing video games, & talking to my internet friends on Discord.
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? I discovered my love for writing through Warrior Cats roleplay😭
What fandom(s) do you write for? Right now, only Kpop, but I wouldn’t mind writing for 5SOS or some of my other fandoms!
When did you post your first piece? On WattPad, December 2015. On Tumblr, April 2018 :)
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? I write everything! Fluff/smut/crack is my favorite and slight angst (usually just slow burn though cus I’m soft).
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? Again, I write anything and everything! Currently, second or third person reader inserts are my main style, but I also do ships and would love to write more OCs.
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? Before Tumblr, I was on WattPad for different fandoms but eventually fell off. Then, when I got into Kpop in 2017, I found that urge to write again and decided to move to Tumblr since WattPad was becoming… weird. Plus Tumblr was a better fit for me!
What inspires you to write? To be completely honest, it’s the little things throughout the day that inspire me. For example, “Honey” was inspired by me not being able to open my locker in high school. “I Hemoglobin You” was based off my friend giving me a head rub while I was donating blood. Kpop idols just so happen to be my muses that I like to put into random moments of inspiration!
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? High school or college AUs are my favorite, along with some good ol’ friends to lovers slow burn. Angst isn’t my forte so I usually just stick to fluff, smut, and some crack. I haven’t written any but fantasy AUs are some of my favorites too! (RIP to my League of Legends AU that I started and haven’t touched in months.)
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? Just like other fanfiction authors inspire me, I hope some of my work inspires others. Considering fanfiction is free, there is so much out there to read and when I find a good story that inspires ME to write better, I’d love for my writing to do the same.
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? 3 options: 1) Skip that scene and jump ahead to one I’m excited to write; 2) Erase what part I’m on and completely redo it; or 3) Drop it. The majority of my works usually take a few months to write as I will completely stop working on it until I find the right inspiration again. 
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? “Four” is definitely my favorite work. It’s one of my longer pieces and there was a lot of raw emotion in there on my end. I love the relationship between Hyunjin and the reader and especially love the ending. “Greatest Gift” for Chanyeol is my most successful, and one of my other favorites!
Who is your favorite person to write about? Easily Hwang Hyunjin. It’s so easy to place him in any of my works, and sometimes it’s a struggle to NOT write him. It sounds stupid but sometimes I really feel like I “know” him so being able to describe him physically and mentally is easy for me.
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? Yes and no. Yes, because most of the time, fanfiction is totally original as well and requires just as much thought as a 400,000 word novel. No, because fanfiction uses a specific person as a muse.
What do you think makes a good story? Detail and realistic dialogue! Of course, everyone has their own style of writing, but detail is especially important to me. Sure, you can have a great plot, but having concise, detailed writing to get immersed into makes a story so much better. I also find realistic dialogue to be a big deal— I hate when teenage characters are speaking in deep analogies because, if we’re being honest, my daily language is 95% just “Bruh.” If you’re like me, I’d actually prefer realistic dialogue over anything else.
What is your writing process like? Process… yikes. Sometimes… I have a random thought and then I’m like… hell yeah let’s write that. I actually have no process. I don’t outline, I just start writing and keep writing until I’m finished. Then I’ll read it all over to make edits, then I’ll use the Read Aloud feature to catch any mistakes I missed, then I’ll run it through Grammarly before posting!
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? Hm, maybe? In the future, possibly, but as of right now I wouldn’t use any of my fics to do so.
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? Oh, gosh, tropes. Gotta love them. Friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, stuck together (AKA forced to share a bed), and fake relationships are my favorites. They may be corny, but I also love truth or dare or 7 minutes in heaven games in fics cus… they’re just classics. Also love fics with a popular x shy pairing. I can’t say I dislike many tropes, but I definitely have a love/hate relationship with vampire and werewolf tropes because of how romanticized they are.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? Hm, to be completely honest, only a little bit? I mainly write for myself, it’s like a guilty pleasure to just get all my thoughts and desires out, and then I just so happen to make it public on Tumblr. Nevertheless, receiving comments and asks actually make my day, and sometimes I still struggle to wrap my mind around people enjoying my writing! So, thank you to everyone who has ever left me a kind message, I truly appreciate it ♥
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? Getting involved! I think one of the best ways to grow is to join networks, which not only gives you the opportunity to share your work on a greater scale, but also allows you to make connections. Like real life, making connections and making friendships with other writers can play a huge role in growing as a writer and growing your account.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? Yes :( As someone who’s involved with other fandoms, I’ve heard the way some people think of fanfiction and it’s really sad. People do not know how much goes into writing and just see it as cringey and disgusting when it’s just… not.
Do you think art can be a medium for change? Yes! In all its forms, art is something a creator can use to influence their audience (in a good way, hopefully).
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? Like I said in #40, I mainly write for myself. Even when I’m writing a request, chances are if I like the request enough I’m going to create a story out of it that fits my personal desires the most.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?  No! However, I’d still consider myself a small account and do not have TOO many works posted. But so far, I don’t think I’ve faced this problem :)
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? Only a few! My best friend Maggie is on Tumblr with me and only 2 of my other pals know I write fanfiction.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? How much I love each and every one of them for supporting me and sticking around even when I won’t post for months🥺❤️
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? Don’t psych yourself out! In the time I’ve spent on Tumblr, I’ve never received any substantial hate. My main advice is don’t write fanfiction to get popular on the app, write fanfiction because you love to write and love your muses!
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? No, as much as Tumblr can be annoying at times, I love the people I’ve met and the content I’ve found and wouldn’t have wanted to use any other platform.
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? @pinktea99 — Mo, you’ve been around since the beginning honestly, and without you I wouldn’t have been able to come out of my shell! Thank you for all your love & support & for being my SF9 buddy❤️
Pick a quote to end your interview with: 
“Like mate, stop procrastinating.” — 3RACHA
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haikyuupenpals · 4 years
I have a question that wasn’t answered! If we haven’t answered your question here, you can contact the mods through twitter, tumblr, or directly by email at: [email protected] 
(We’ll continue to update the FAQ with answers to participant questions!)
General Information
What is Sincerely, Haikyuu? 
Sincerely, Haikyuu aims to connect Haikyuu!! fans around the world through old-fashioned physical letter writing. Inspired by the Final Fantasy Pen Pal Palooza, it’s a fun way to make some new friends, be creative, and spread a bit of joy! (Or at least give each other something to look forward to). 
Sign-up through our Google Form and the mods will match you with another Haikyuu!! fan. Once sign-ups are sent out, you’ll have two weeks to write a letter to your pen pal (and, yes, it must be a letter. Packages are outside of the scope of this event, and may only be sent in addition to a physical letter. See specific FAQ for details). 
Then, after a few weeks (or longer, depending on the postal service in your country), you’ll receive a letter from your pen pal in the mail!
I’m a minor, can I still participate?
Yes, but minors must have their parent(s) or guardian(s) permission to share their address. Since minors are allowed to participate, no NSFW content will be allowed in the letters, and we ask you to be respectful to your pen pal. 
On the sign-up form, there will be a place for you to indicate whether you are willing to be matched with an adult, a minor, or either. You are welcome to request not to be matched with an adult / minor for any reason.
Please review our Minor Policy for more information.
What if the mail services in my country are experiencing major delays or other issues?
Postal services worldwide have been affected by the current situation. There are no deadlines for when letters need to arrive, so please don’t let delays stop you from signing up if that is your only concern! However, if mail is frequently being lost or destroyed in your area, or if you have health concerns about receiving mail from your local postal service, please consider carefully when deciding to sign up. 
I can’t send a real letter - is there an option to send an email instead?
Since this event is specifically focused on sending real, physical letters to your pen pal, we won’t be having an all-digital option. Logistically, it’s just too complicated for us two mods to run both a physical letter sending event and a virtual letter sending event at the same time. We apologize if this means that some of you won’t be able to participate. 
What if I need to drop out of the event?
Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to drop out! We get it—life can get in the way, and it's totally okay if you need to drop out for any reason. We will find a new pen pal for your assigned partner.
Pen Pal Sign-Ups
How do I sign-up?
You can sign-up through this Google Form! Sign-ups will be open through July 13th, 2020 (closing at 11:59PM Pacific Time). The form will take approximately 15 minutes to fill out. 
Is there an option to only send a letter within my own country?
Yes! The sign-up form will ask for your country of residence (i.e. where you’ll be sending your letter from), and whether you’re willing to send an international letter. If you answer “no,” moderators will match you up with a pen pal within your own country. If there are no participants from within your country, mods will contact you during the matching period. 
Do I have to provide my legal name?
No. You will be asked to provide a name for your letter address, but this does not need to be your legal name. Any moniker will work. 
In addition, the name you provide for your address does not need to be the same as the name you ask your pen pal to address you by, or the name you give the mods for internal communication. You can provide different names for all three of these situations, if you’d like to.
What are you doing to protect my personal information?
Please refer to our Data Privacy and Protection policy for the full explanation on how your data is being used, protected, and distributed to your pen pal.
Pen Pal Matching
How will pen pals be matched?
After sign-ups close, pen pals will be matched up in a 1-to-1 scenario. You’ll send a letter to your pen pal, and your pen pal will send a letter to you. This was chosen to make any necessary partner switching a little easier and to minimize the amount of personal information being shared.
Moderators will try to match you with a pen pal that has similar interests to you based on what you wrote in the sign-up form, but we may not have an exact match (especially keeping in mind your mailing preferences). One of the goals of this exchange is to introduce participants to new people, so it’s likely that you won’t know your recipient. We encourage you to introduce yourself in your letter and ask questions! 
When can I talk to my pen pal?
If your penpal has shared their social media handles, you are welcome to reach out as soon as matches go out to ask for clarifications, optional gift preferences, or just to chat. If no social media handles have been provided, you will have to communicate the old-fashioned way in your letters! 
If you don’t have your penpal’s social media handles but need to ask an important question before letters are sent, please reach out to a mod, and we’ll help facilitate communication.
Will I be able to switch pen pals?
We will do our best to match all participants with awesome partners. However, we understand that sometimes, partner switches need to happen. After pen pals are matched, there will be a short period where, if necessary, you can request to be matched with a new penpal. Please only request to switch partners if absolutely necessary. 
Once all partnerships have been finalized, addresses will be sent, and you will no longer be able to switch pen pal partners. This is to minimize the amount of people who get access to confidential address information.
How will addresses be distributed?
After pen pal partners have been finalized, we will send addresses via email using GMail confidentiality mode. This will allow us mods to delete the email and the confidential information it contains after the event is complete.
If you are a GMail user, confidentiality mode emails will not look significantly different from normal emails. If you are not a GMail user, your email will include a link where you can view the email. Follow the prompts to verify your email and view your partner’s address.
Letter Creation
What do I put in my letter? 
You can write about ANYTHING, with the exception of NSFW content. There’s no minimum word count, the only requirement is that you send a letter to your pen pal! We encourage you to ask each other questions, share headcanons, write drabbles, scribble doodles in the margins, or plaster your letter in stickers. Let your pen pal know what your favorite arc or episode is, relive your favorite moments from Haikyuu!!, or send photos of your keychain collection or cosplays. As long as it is SFW and fits in your envelope, feel free to send whatever you’d like.
If you’re comfortable, we also encourage you to share your social media, Discord, or AO3 usernames, so that y’all can find each other online after the exchange is over!
Can I include gifts for my pen pal? Can I send a package? 
For this event, we’re requiring that you send a flat envelope to your pen pal. This envelope can still include little doodles, fic, stickers, and other small little gifts. If you’d like to send a package, in addition to your letter, you may choose to do so.
Do not feel obligated to send a gift to your pen pal. The only requirement for the event is to send a letter! This is not a secret santa event, but rather a pen pal letter exchange.
We have chosen to require a letter in a flat envelope to be sent for three main reasons: equity, ability to moderate, and current postal delay. First, we know that not everyone can afford to send a package -- requiring a letter makes this event more accessible to all people, without feeling obligated to send something extra. We also don’t have a structure in place to be able to moderate the packages people are sending. Finally, postal services around the world are seeing mail (and packages especially) being delayed. We don’t want your recipient waiting months and months for your gift to be received. 
That being said, if you’d like to send a package, feel free to send one in addition to your letter! You could even mention in your letter that your pen pal can look forward to an additional package arriving. These will not be moderated in any way by the Sincerely, Haikyuu!! team, and we advise you to coordinate with your pen pal, if necessary. 
If you are sending a package, make sure that you’re checking current postal guidelines, and be wary of sending any perishable goods with the current delay in shipping. Also check if the address provided by your pen pal is a P.O. box, as not all P.O. boxes can accept packages.
Letter Sending
Do letters need to be tracked?
We will have a Google form for participants to fill out to confirm that letters have been sent, but we will not require tracking for individual letters. 
If you choose to send your pen pal an additional package, you may think about adding tracking to that package. 
What happens at the end of the letter creation period?
All participants will be expected to confirm that they sent their letter (or communicate extenuating circumstances so that we can inform your recipient that their letter is delayed). This check-in will be a Google Form that will be distributed at the end of the letter creation period. Once you’ve received your letter, the event is complete!
Am I supposed to write a letter back?
Only if you want! It’s not required for the event, but if you want to mail a letter back to your pen pal, you can! 
The primary goal of Sincerely, Haikyuu!! was to create a one-time pen pal exchange between fans of Haikyuu!!, not create long-term pen pals, but if you enjoy exchanging letters, we encourage you to continue!
I never received my letter! 
 Mail services all over the world are experiencing delays right now. Your letter may just be stuck somewhere in between you and your pen pal’s home. If you’re still worried about the state of your letter, please contact the mods!
Mod Contact
Who is running this event?
The mods for this event are Ry (rythyme) and Zoe (SoVeryAverageMe). You might know us from SportsFest 2018, an event we co-created and moderated.
During SportsFest 2018, we mailed out postcards with a personal note from the mod team to any participant that wanted one, as a souvenir from the event. (Even the postcard design itself was created by a Sportsfest participant!) Seeing everyone’s reactions to receiving them remains one of our favorite memories of the event, and we’re hoping that this pen pal exchange can inspire some of the same positive energy! 
I have a question that wasn’t answered!
If we haven’t answered your question here, you can contact the mods through twitter, tumblr, or directly by email at: [email protected]
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Kindness Always Prevails
(sorry this is a bit long)
BACK STORY: So in freshman year of college, I became friends with my randomly-selected roommate, Amelia. I wouldn’t say that we were besties, but we were pretty close. We ended up in the same main friend group with about seven or eight other people so we ended hanging out a lot because of that, too. Point is, we’re pals.
Now, there was one guy in the friend group who didn’t like me. We’ll call him Brandon. Brandon, for some reason, decided that he disliked me for no discernible reason. The nearest I can figure, he didn’t like how loud I was (I’ve never had great control or awareness over how loud I’m being), my overall personality, and maybe a few small thing here and there that could be viewed in a negative light if you tried hard enough. Point is, he didn’t like me.
This wouldn’t have been a problem if he hadn’t been such a little sh*t about it.
Now I’ll be the first to admit that I wasn’t super fond of him either, but that didn’t stop me from being polite and cordial to him. Hell, at times I was overly nice to him because of it. We were part of the same friend group and I wasn’t about to kick up drama just because our personalties clashed. I’m just not that kind of gal.
Brandon, apparently, had no such hang-ups.
He would invite all of our mutual friends (except my best friend, who he also doesn’t like) to grab dinner or to hang out. He’d pitch activities to the group that had limited space and when I chimed in, he’d tell me that someone else actually asked him first “sorry :/”. He would mumble biting remarks about me under his breath after I admitted to not knowing something or having made a mistake (stuff that I’m pretty open about so he had plenty of ammunition). He would pointedly not interact with me when we were around each other. He blocked me on Discord despite the fact that we are in the same server that is the main way the friend group communicates and he’s the sole one with moderator privileges (which I kinda get but it’s a server where only our friends can join so no, I really don’t).
Essentially, he did his best to make me feel like sh*t and it worked.
My anxiety would spike and my mood would drop when I was around him. I became scared to hang out with my own friends because I didn’t know whether or not he was going to be there, too. I was terrified because almost all of my friends were also his friends and I didn’t want to lose them. And worst of all, I was constantly wondering if I was losing it or overreacting because none of my friends (save for one) breathed a word about it. They wouldn’t comment on his muttering or on how he ignored me or how he tried to exclude me.
It hurt and I though I was going crazy.
One of these friends happened to be Amelia. She got closer to Brandon during the first semester of our sophomore year. Hell, they had matching profile pics a lot of the times, along with one or two others. And I was so sad. My friend, someone I had confided in and had in turn confided in me, drifted away from me and towards Brandon.
I stopped talking to her a lot after that because she was just so close to this person who didn’t even try to hide his disdain for me. It was like I had lost her.
Anyway, fast forward to second semester of sophomore year and one of my friends (also Brandon’s and Amelia’s friend) invited everyone to hang out in his parents’ beach house for spring break. Having never done this before myself, I was super excited to join in. I was scared of what being in close proximity to Brandon for a week would be like, but I wasn’t going to let my nerves about him prevent me from a dope vacation with all of my friends.
Now, this is where stuff gets good.
THE REVENGE: I saw Amelia making a few posts online about toxic people in her life so I reached out to her and let her know I was there if she needed someone to talk to. I felt weird since we hadn’t really talked in over half a year, but she responded and thanked me for my concern. She then proceeded to apologize to me for not sticking up for me to Brandon while he was being a d*ck to me and she revealed that the two of them had a falling out.
I, of course, accepted her apology and the two of us started merrily chatting for about an hour and I was so happy to just be able to talk to her again.
Later that day, Brandon messaged everyone on the chat that he wouldn’t be able to make the spring break vacation. He then promptly exited that particular server. I’m pretty sure it’s due to the fact that almost half of the people invited would actively dislike him (me, my best friend, Amelia, and her best friend) and he didn’t want to spend a whole in a confined space with us.
Maybe it’s not revenge in the traditional sense, but I cannot begin to describe how smug and vindicated I felt when I found out who Amelia was talking about and when Brandon declined the invite. I realize that taking direct revenge on Brandon would have only caused more drama and likely cast me as a raging b*tch or similarly negative light. So, in the end, by being kind and supportive of all my friends and taking the higher road, I won.
TL;DR: Jerk I share friends with decides he doesn’t like me and goes out of his way to harass me. After a while, these friends ditch him for me.
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staytheb · 5 years
prompt list!
hi! these are just a compilation of the prompts i like which have been gathered from other people who’ve shared them! and if it’s easier for you, then use this to make a request for me to write! i will add more when possible. also can use the same prompt multiple times, but only one time per member. so if a member has already been requested for that prompt i will not write him again if another is requested. so yeah, please and thanks! Admin Lia!
masterlist here. guideline post here.
last updated: 4.26.23
new years
Person A being super sleepy and falling asleep way before midnight so Person B waked them up at 11:59 so they can kiss at midnight before tucking them back in bed. [joshua]
one sentences || one liners
"911? Yes, I’d like to report a loser." [sangyeon]
"Do I look like a cat to you?!" 
"Hold me." [serim]
"This can’t be real." [hyungwon] [eric nam]
"Quick, hide me!” [bang chan]
“Stop copying me.”  [monsta x]
person ones
Person A writes their phone number on a wall in a classroom with the message “date me please! ###-###-####” They didn’t expect to get a text from someone a day later from the random Person B. (Bonus: Person B is their childhood friend who they lost touch with OR Person B is their crush OR Person B is their arch-nemesis OR etc.)  
love letter
You find an old love letter addressed to your father. As you read the signature, you discover that you share their same name.
Person A has a crush on Person B but B doesn’t know who A is. Person A starts drawing little notes and sticking them in B’s locker. Person B eventually figures out who is drawing the notes and starts slipping little poems into A’s locker
Person A has a fairly large following on [insert social media] where they post their art. They post a lot of drawings of person they have a crush on. Little do they know that their crush (Person B) follows their account and recognizes themselves in the drawings
mistaken identity AU [jeno]
pen pals AU 
younger siblings are best friends AU 
immortal and non-immortal AU [1team]
You walk in and offer to pay me to wrap your gifts’ AU 
'Should I be concerned about how much caffeine you’re taking in’ AU 
'Your love of strawberry shortcake really doesn’t match your appearance but i still think that’s really cute’ AU 
‘I see you come in here every day to buy the same drink and one day I leave a message on the bottle’ AU
soft angst
“please look at me.”
“don’t do this here.” [jeonghan]
“please don’t misunderstand me.” 
“i know i shouldn’t be here.” 
“i’m scared.” 
“s/he’s beautiful. i hope s/he makes you happy.” [hui]
“not everyone is going to hurt you.” 
“i can’t sleep.” 
“can i hug you?” [mark]
A timer for when they shall first meet. [baekho]
Whenever you lose an item (like a sock), it ends up in your soulmates’ possession somehow.
50 prompts to request
“what do you mean they got away?”
“who am i to you?” [mingi]
“can you stop following me? it’s creepy.” [dongheon]
“just trust me and don’t scream.”
“you should probably shut up.” [youngbin]
“sing me a lullaby.” [hyungwon]
“i’ll only allow these childish games if you get me in on it.” [jaeyoon]
OTP prompt generator
A doesn't like talking on the phone, but B always calls them instead of texting. B admits that it's because they want to hear A's voice. [hui]
A buying B something unrequested because it made A think of them. [hoyoung]
A: After this is over, feel free to lose my number. [bang chan]
A and B sleeping together. A wakes up first and contemplates waking B with a kiss. A leans in only to hesitate centimeters away out of embarrassment. B opens their eyes and says, ‘Well if you won’t do it, I will.’ [jaemin]
A hates coffee, but goes to a coffee shop and drinks some just so they can see B, who works there.
A and B in a Skype/Discord call (webcam optional) when A falls asleep in the middle of it. B decides to let them sleep since A had a long day and they like the sound of their sleeping. Bonus if someone walks in to B has fallen asleep too. Extra bonus: They won't stop saying how A and B 'slept together' [yeo one]
A and B decorating their house with seasonal decorations.
A participating in B's hobby even if it doesn't personally interest them.
A: FIGHT ME B: Unfortunately, I have a rule against battling children [bang chan]
A holding B very close, close enough to smell their hair. They whisper into B's ear: 'I don't like your new shampoo' [lucas]
B writing a message in the bottle which reaches A. 
B and A texting. Or better yet, writing letters to each other.
A and B burning something together.
B and A are college students who meet when they are both cast to work in a local haunted attraction for Halloween.
A and B building a pillow fort.
A having to rescue B from a pack of kittens/puppies.
A sharing a drink with B from the same straw.
A is alone in the rain because they forgot to bring an umbrella, B offers to share theirs. [lim]
A and B wearing matching Halloween costumes or ugly Christmas sweaters. Or any matching outfits.
A and B getting a puppy/kitty, and arguing over names.
A and B making crafts that remind them of one another. 
You can see the future, but only when having near-death experiences.
cliche prompts
“you’re cute” [yeonjun]
“i’ll take care of you” [nine]
“i was talking about you”
“are you jealous?” [sangyeon]
“what are we doing?” [shownu]
“it looks better on you”
“stay with me”
“i know you’re awake” [heeseung]
“did you forget this is my apartment?”
“let’s make a deal” [serim]
“why are you so adorable?” [shownu]
“are you cold?” [youngbin]
“i’m on my way" [soobin]
“are you avoiding me?”
“can i come in?”
“you’re ridiculous” [jungkook] [jay]
october prompts
ruffled hair
apple scent
full of colors
walks in the forest
falling leaves
black cat
flying kites
sweater weather
pile of leaves
witches [hui&yuto]
stormy days
drabble list #1
“This didn’t work out as I had intended.”
“Let’s kiss and see where it takes us.”
“Idiots. They are all idiots.”
“If I have to tell you again, I won’t be this nice.”
“It’s impossible to get rid of me.”
“Sometimes, I don’t know why I put up with you.” [jay]
“Please tell me, this is not why you woke me up.”
“I may have lost it.”
“You and me - movie night.”
“ Let’s grab the food and get out of here.”
"High heels do look good on you.”
“I prefer not to be disturbed.”
“This is a stupid excuse.”
“Are you awake or asleep?”
“I can’t smile at you, I’m mad.”
“Just five more minutes.”
“Where did you get the flowers from?”
“Alright, let’s make a deal.”
“You’re so easily distracted.”
“Cooking is an art form.”
“Are you a witch?”
“This is so stupid.”
“Is that my shirt?”
“Who do we have here?”
“Not sure what you mean.”
“Smells suspicious.”
“Tomorrow will be better.”
“I don’t know how I feel about this.” [sunghoon]
“Lies. Just lies.”
“I’m not touching that!”
“It’s not what you think it is.”
“Did you eavesdrop? [han]
"I can’t believe we’re friends sometimes.”
“How was I supposed to know?”
“This fits perfectly.”
“Stay there. I’m on my way.”
“Let’s get some ice cream.” [seonghwa]
“The feeling is mutual.”
“Does this make sense to you?”
“I’m just so tired.”
“Do I really want to know?”
“I volunteer myself to go last.”
“Your handwriting is atrocious.”
“This whole thing is a mess.”
drabble list #2
“Fine. I’ll do it.”
“That’s really wonderful.”
“I could use a hug right now.”
“You’re so stubborn!”
“Kiss me and/or shut up.”
“Where does it hurt?”
“I won’t be participating.”
“How did you get in here?”
“Good morning and goodbye.”
“Well, it is what it is.” [hongjoong]
“Last chance!”
“Not my first choice.”
“Oops, too late.” [jake]
“It was nice meeting you.”
“Believe me, it was a struggle.”
“Fine, let’s do it.”
“You live to annoy me, don’t you?”
“Well, that’s your bad.”
“Come on, take my hand.”
“Bake me a cake, and we’ll talk.”
“Is that my present?”
“That’s my final answer.”
“Looks good on you.”
“How would you know that?” [jay]
“What did you say?”
“I don’t like this at all.”
“Would you please just kiss me?”
“I’ve been thinking about you.” [hangyeom/hyuk]
“Are you sure about that?”
“Don’t worry, I got this.”
“You’re so crazy.” [jay]
“Why are you always so dramatic?”
“I swear, it’s the truth.”
“None of this is my fault.”
“You do know that we’re in public, right?” [sunghoon]
“I like that about you.”
“You do have a stupid face.”
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akhcnd · 5 years
* ↪ mishti rahman. she/her. cisfemale. ╱ i thought i saw jade akhand getting questioned by the police. the twenty-two year old is in their third year at west bridge studying fashion design. they were at manon’s party because she was forcing herself out of her comfort zone. do you think they had something to do with her death? + a mixed smell of lavender and vanilla, broken promises, and the sigh of relief when you’re finally alone.
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hi, pals! it’s ya resident dumbass, claire, from the est. i’m currently on my game of thrones shit, so i’m probably gonna be screaming for the next couple of hours. bear with me, okay? i’ve been lurking this rp for SO LONG, and i made sure to wait until finals were over so i could devote my time to it. needless to say, i’m real exited to finally be able to join. uwu anyway, here’s my baby jade! fair warning, i haven’t played a character like her in a WHILEE... so let’s get right into it. tw: mentions of anxiety
shy girlie!! she’s always been that way. it wasn’t until she got older that she realized it ran deeper than just being shy. it was when she realized she was checking the way she moved, the way she talked, the way she crossed her legs when sitting, the way she cut the crusts off her sandwiches that it wasn’t just your typical shyness. eventually, she was told she had anxiety, and that made her reactions and thoughts make a lot more sense.
because of this, she wasn’t really the type to have a lot of friends. it’s not that she didn’t want them. oooohhh, she wanted them a WHOLE lot - the kind of friends that she would watch in the movies at home. she’d had a couple of them growing up, but it wasn’t what she had wanted. something was missing, and she was sure it was because of her. maybe she just wasn’t outgoing enough or fun enough. the list goes on. she was never someone’s best friend. at least, not in her eyes. she was always #2. 
being alone so much did help out in the long run tho. it gave her a lot of time to focus on her studies which eventually got her into west bridge. she’s here on scholarship, which makes the party situation a lot more dangerous for her. if she loses that, she’ll def have to leave, so she holding onto hope that nothing happens 
it also gave her a lot of time to go through her mom’s things, and one of the things she found & enjoyed the most was a basket full of old vogue magazine’s her mom had received in the mail when she was much younger. it was through this that led to her love of fashion. she lost herself in the details, focusing on every stitch of the fabric. a big lover of clothes, likes to pair different things up and pose in the mirror. made sketches all the time. 
when it comes to family, it’s p much your standard. she’s an only child and her mother was a stay at home mom until her last yr of high school when she got a part-time position as a paralegal. she’s a total mama’s girl. loves her mom with all of her heart. her mom is basically her best friend so they’re super close. she cried for a while when her parents left her at west bridge. she also takes any free time she has to call her mom. she loves her a lot dad too but because he was gone working a lot, the bond is just not AS strong as w her mother but strong enough. she’s pretty open with her parents, and the party is like the one thing she knows she’s gonna keep hidden for the rest of her life. 
she started out as a nursing major, a bsn specifically. it was a sensible degree. she knew it would make her a decent wage and she wouldn’t worry about funds in the future. it wasn’t what she loved, though, and that led her to change to fashion design in the spring of her first semester. she knows it might be risky, but she’s willing to work hard. she’s still scared of failing tho. 
she made a plan when she got to west bridge to make a new life for herself. she told herself college would be different and she wouldn’t be so scared of going places and meeting ppl. welllll, that didn’t happen. she was really confined to her dorm or stuck to her phone when out in public. mostly focused on doing her work at first. 
she’s probably made a few friends here and there?? probably not like SUPER CLOSE friends but more like some ppl who would sit with her if they had the same class or would smile at her if they saw each other. something like that?? plots, plots, plots
by her third year, she was fed up with being the shy, nervous, introverted girl. she had overheard others talking about manon’s party. she knew who manon was, but they had never really interacted. she made a plan to show up, even though her heart had told her not to. going to a party probably wasn’t the best way to start stepping out of her comfort zone, but she had made the decision and she was sticking to it. clearly that paid off lmao
going to the party did pay off in a lot of ways. she’s connected to a lot of other people in a way she’s never been. they all have a shared secret, much like friends would. though, she knows that’s a little too optimistic of a way to think about it. it probably opened the doors to a lot more interaction, but it’s also added more fears to the list she had before.
random facts !!
has an irrational fear that everyone’s like,,, staring at her & thinking she’s weird. really wants everyone to like her but she’s not sure how to make that happen (news flash, it won’t, jade).  
very interested in strong female leads. wishes she could be them. 
loves books, reads a lot bc she has a lot of spare time due to the fact that her social life is pretty much dead
she’s v nice! kind of awkward! gets ahead of herself sometimes! gets nervous when she has to repeat herself bc ppl can’t hear her! soft spoken!
really lives through her instagram. not to brag, but her insta is the fucking shit!! the theme is iconic. her own little fake personal life for those to see back home
pansexual ! let’s here it for that !
pretends she’s not but is really a hopeless romantic! *hint hint nudge nudge* break her heart. BREAK HER HEART ! do it >:)
has a job in the school library ! basically just reshelves books n things. her thoughts on the job? it’s aight 
and to mention the broken promises thing, it’s party due to her anxiety and partly due to a variety of fears she has! she’s rlly a messy bitch !
okay so that’s basically it for now ! i ofc wanna develop her and to also make plots with all you lovely ppl so hit me up !! either on the tumblr ims or discord (  tell cersei#5135 )! anyway, i’m really excited to start writing with you all ! 
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 5 years
Some “Swordsmithing For Beginners And Experts” replies!
Tumblr really doesn’t seem to want me to reply to post and reblog comments, but here are some long overdue ones, as best as I could manage. Thank you all so much! As I’ve said before, this fic was kind of a big deal for me personally for a variety of reasons, so engagement with it really makes me happy - especially since, in my experience anyway, Bismuth-centric and Bismuth-heavy content tends to overall get a somewhat lower amount of activity.
tymp3st replied:
Ahhhhhhhh This was great, just Pearl and Bismuth and the huge divide between what was and what can be. That distance between them when Bismuth was brought back again and how quickly they start patching it up again. This is so sweet.
The distance and the patching up was something I really wanted to have work in that last big segment, so I’m really glad to hear this. These two and their relationship steeped in a shared complicated and often burdensome but also valued history is something I really love, and loved exploring here, and I especially loved giving them that promise of a future, they deserve it so much.
dontmindmeoverherejustreblogging replied:
That’s gay!! And incredible
Thank you! I am glad I was able to accomplish both.
@earthsgayestdefender replied:
You left me a whole entire novel and hit the AO3 comment character limit twice, I love you, bless. I still need to go through the whole thing and reply properly, bit by bit, because it’s an absolute GIFT and a fic writer’s dream, but I have to highlight:
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Agreed. Co-signed. Valid.
@ohtakudesu replied:
#Bispearl   #HI I LOVE THIS AND AM DECEASED   #spent the last few hours on the bispearl discord reeling over this fic   #I don't even read fics that often but op this is fucking great   #thank you for my life and my soul   #added ten years to my life just now op
Speaking of other platforms... you bet I saved those discord comments into a doc for easier access for cheer-up reading during crappy days. THANK.
@jeejyboard replied:
#bispearl #it's good fic brent #this shit kills me like how much yearning can you fit into one tiny little wispy lesbian #bismuth is a little more explicable but still it's a stretch
Jeej my pal my bro your comments never fail to kill me.
@alliealliealcomfree replied:
# this is amazing! # i love how these two interact #and the mixed feelings about Rose #and the history between them #Bismuth and Pearl are so cute together
I will have you know that “mixed feelings about Rose” is the title of my hot new mix(hahah)tape, check it out.
(There is no mixtape, I’m sorry, only the sound of my tears.)
When that Dove short came out with the “I value our history” bit I just about ascended.
@nacrepearl replied:
#wow i LOVE BISMUTH AND PEARL #thanks oath for this life giving word meal
Bispearl content isn’t super abundant and I’m a great proponent of MAKE IT YOURSELF so I had to. I just had to. It took me a while but I did it, and I am glad I did. And I’m really glad you liked it.
@ajora replied:
#this is absolutely lovely to read all-together #and you know me I'm always down for examining Rose's effects on everyone around her #otp otp otp #ALSO: I was hardly suffering jsyk #ALSO: I do like the section naming scheme
I’m glad to hear it holds up as a whole even after me sending it to you rather piecemeal over the past few... who even knows how long. The section naming is legit one of my favourite things about the fic personally, hah, I am proud of it to a rather silly extent.
@starsailorstories replied:
Not only is this that sweet, sweet Bispearl/Bismuth being loved and appreciated content, I'd like to present you with your lifetime achievement award for contributions to the field of gem hurt-comfort
Not done gushing, I love the way you write Bismuth dialogue, it's so like...brisk and jaunty with just the right edge to it but always coming from that gooey center of the team place. I love it I love her
I am extremely honoured by that award, especially coming from you!
And yes! It’s a BISMUTH fic we need to have that proper wordplay as well as horribly cheesy puns in there! And as a BISPEARL fic it is absolutely necessary to include communicating concepts via relating them to swords and the making thereof. It’s the rules.
Bismuth, I feel, has a very distinct voice AND attitude AND way of expressing herself in general, even as we haven’t yet had the chance to spend as much time with her as some other characters, and getting it down right was very important to me. And there’s stuff like her being noticeably less literal than other Gems, and more prone to using both Gem and human idioms (and as evidenced by her pep talk to Steven in Legs, savvy enough to be able to switch between them at will). Speaking of pep talks, she’s an absolute master there and I love her. I believe Ian JQ said that “gooey center of the team” line on the Bismuth podcast ep and I am forever grateful to him.
Also just. Here, a random moment I just thought of that got me all feelsy. Look at her lovingly and longingly looking out at her friends and waiting to be reunited with them. That really tiny smile. I love her.
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And this moment that breaks my heart into tiny pieces, when she was convinced she’d blown her second chance and that the people she so loves and who she was prepared to go to such great lengths for don’t want her around anymore:
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Nng. Just. So much about her is related to loyalty and community and mutual support and she is so full of love and goopy feelings, while at the same time absolutely being loud and brash and a damn legit fighter and passionate revolutionary, with a definite edge and a large well of (absolutely righteous imo) anger, and she will destroy you if you endanger what she stands for and who she stands with. And the damn “she chooses to build up people instead of building palaces” metaphor that I shall continue to put into everything Bismuth-related I produce as long as I live. I love that. I love her so much.
Aaaaanyway, moving on from that little digression, I’m also flattered by the displays of faith in me, like seeing a reblog tagged with (cheers @altostratusplunge, whom tumblr now won’t let me tag, great):
#i havent read it #will read afyer rebloggimg #but i trust you as a writer and i bet this is gonna be so Good
Trust is a rare and precious commodity and I will have you know I am touched.
Once again, a great big thank you to everyone!
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bitegore · 5 years
A thought, which I’d be actually really happy to have input on from any side
(I’m going to tag @shades-of-grayro because I know you’ve got a differing perspective on some of these things than i do, and I don’t know of anyone else with it at the moment. i’m also going to tag @biaroace​ because you’ve also been helpful to discuss with) 
anyway, onto the thing: 
When i was introduced to the oriented aroace discourse, it was my understanding that the argument is pretty much whether or not the label is going to be like “allowed” to exist, I suppose? At least my understanding was that the label was being argued over from the perspectives of “the label should exist” vs “the label should not exist, there are other labels” which had smaller subcategories, sure, but that was the main core of the argument. 
I haven’t actually seen that argument, though, outside of very vague references towards it. 
So for the most part, this post is just meant as a call for discussion, specifically about this facet of the argument. I can’t actually search for posts on my computer because after I scroll down about three page lengths, all posts get whited out; this makes it very difficult to go through the tag and look for information. I’m also aware that some people might not use the same tag as I would think to search. It’s also much harder to find one small subset of an argument than it is to find posts discussing in general. I don’t like to put the burden of proof on the people who I talk to in an argument, but as it stands I am beginning to realize I’m woefully underinformed on the actual problems that people have with the label and its definitions. 
If sent links, I will read them. I believe my DMs are open to anyone, and if you would rather reach out there, I just ask that you come into it with an open mind if you’re down for discussion, or a little disclaimer that you don’t want to talk about it, because i’m very used to sort of chatting in DMs and will probably assume off the top of my head that you also want to chat about the links or commentary you send. I don’t think you can send links in asks, though, unfortunately, but you can definitely also tell me that you’d rather remain anonymous in DMs and i will keep anything regarding you anonymous*.  I’ll also happily read arguments made by individuals, though I’d prefer to do that over discord** or google documents because tumblr DMs have absolutely abominable search functions and I don’t want to misrepresent anything. You are also welcome to reply or reblog this post with stuff, but being that it’s a post, the addition might get buried in my notifications box, and that’s not ideal. 
I believe that’s all. Last point: My dms are always open about everything, as a general rule. If you wind up on my blog and don’t actually want to talk about the discourse, but you can see that I like transformers and you like transformers, or we have some other shared interest, or you want to get something off your chest to a stranger, anything, you’re welcome to walk into my dms and talk about that! I like talking to people.
clarification on certain things are under the cut to try and cut some of the length off this post. 
*Not that I would be doing anything to try and point people towards you unless you run a blog about issues like this one anyway, such as biaroace or shades-of-grayro. I do believe that people should be held accountable for arguments in certain cases, but this isn’t a case like that in any way. Additionally, if you do wish to remain anonymous, I’ll assume that holds true for the  entirety of the discourse unless stated otherwise. I have standards, and one of those is that I treat people with the respect they ask for. Anonymity is a very small thing to be asked to give to someone. I’m also open to other requests (changes to phrasing, tag etiquette, punctuation, etc) for the same reason.
**My discord handle is ooze and goo and bone shards#2800 and i know for a fact that I can get DMs from anyone; however, Discord is where I go for most of my writing and friend things, so I have a much higher tolerance for bullshit there as I’m so far from used to dealing with bullshit coming from my Discord pals. Please don’t come into my discord DMs with hostility. If you feel that I am being hostile to you, and know that you will be hostile as well, that is absolutely fine! However, I ask that we then do not interact on Discord and instead work in google docs. (A note on that: if you feel that I am being hostile to you, I am all in favor of retaliation in kind. Self defense is important, even mental self defense. But i would like a note of ‘hey why are you being hostile/mean/aggressive’ first, because I’m not always great at conversation, and I know for a fact I’ve unintentionally started fights with my friends by missing hints and tone before.)
(End note: all bolding is just meant to make it easier for ND folks with adhd/similar issues to read long paragraphs without losing their place; its not actually meant for emphasis on anything other than “this is the central point of this paragraph.” My adhd makes it difficult for me to look at long paragraphs without my eyes slipping around and missing lines, so this is meant to combat that kind of thing. I do worry that it might come over as condescending; it is not meant to be. )
EDIT: i feel the need to put this on here. i can be extremely persistent sometimes if im worried that i’m confused, and will ask many questions. if this makes you uncomfortable, feel free to tell me to stop, and I will. I just don’t like to be wrong, so I will upon finding out i’m wrong immediately come for clarification, sometimes on too many things at once. However, I absolutely respect that that’s not cool and therefore if you want it to end, tell me, and it will 
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