#tag games are always one step too close to sincerity and sincerity is scary
flowercrowngods · 1 year
i was tagged by the most wonderful @bethespark to do a wip folder ask game, but i literally only have one WIP (and it’s all i ever talk about) because if i don’t finish something, it dies. i used to have a few WIPs in the witcher fandom, but those days are over lmao.
you know the drill: post the names of all the files in your WIP file folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
time travel au
not like i need an excuse to ramble about this, but hmu if you want more snippets or whatever lmao.
i wish i had more wips. i wish i had more words. but i’m gonna be kind to myself and admit that the fact i actually have a wip in this fandom is a bit of a miracle in itself. it’s enough.
tagging, without pressure or expectations — and i know this has been going around so idk who did this already: @thefreakandthehair @withacapitalp @waywaychuck @misha-bawlins @zerokrox-blog and everyone who sees this and wants to ramble about their wips — seriously, if you’re a writer and want to ramble about your wips or share snippets, feel free to do it and tag me, i’d love that 🤍
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luveline · 3 years
summer shower [Fred Weasley x reader]
Summary: Fred makes your asthma play up.
Tags: reader-insert, fluff, friends-to-lovers, pining, mutual pining
word count: 1.3k
When you were just turning 21 years old, you met a boy. He was in his third year to your second of university, funny as could be, and beautiful.
Fred Weasley was a man of many secrets, which you'd come to accept the longer you'd known him. You had no idea where he was from, where his parents lived, or even if he had any family. You didn't know where he'd gone to school before this. You certainly didn't know why he liked pumpkin pie so much!
There were many things you did know.
His eyes turned from brown to almost black in the sun, superheated and lovely. He squinted one eye against the sun when you lounged in the courtyards in an endearing attempt to always keep an eye on your face. He never crushed flowers when he walked and he always trapped spiders in a cup with a piece of card instead of killing them, seeming endlessly bemused at the small creatures.
It was a warm summers day. You were trying your hardest not to smile as he lay in the grass. Your friends had all departed, claiming headaches and essays that needed to be submitted, though you thought these were all just white lies to allow you some alone time.
It didn't matter. No amount of free time would finish the game between the two of you. Well, you hoped it was a game: Fred pretended he didn't fancy you and you pretended you didn't fancy him.
You shared a tenderness with him that was unlike any relationship in your life.
He was smirking up at you.
"What?" You asked, pouting playfully.
"You look like you're trying to solve world hunger," he said through a grin.
You shook your head, fixing your gaze back down on the book in your lap.
"Maybe one day," you said without looking up.
Fred laughed. It was a perfect laugh, infectious and happy. You smiled despite your best efforts not to.
The pages were thin between your fingers, almost a thousand condensed into a 3 inch textbook for your course. The tip of your pencil rested against the page, though sometimes it felt appropriate to bring it to your mouth, contemplative. Fred watched silently as you underlined and questioned the subject, only quirkiness an eyebrow as your frustration became obvious.
"I don't understand," you admitted finally, "how that is relevant to anything. Look at this!"
You poked your pencil angrily at the figure in question. Fred's eyebrows creased as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing.
"Doll, you know I don't understand a lick of it."
You sighed, closing the textbook mournfully. It didn't surprise you that Fred couldn't understand, you couldn't understand and you were actually taking the course for the last two and a half years. He was doing a completely different subject.
You threw yourself down flat, much too close to where Fred himself lay on the grass, knocking the air out of your lungs. You tried not to get too wound up, worried any agitation would cause a flare up.
You'd had a very bad asthma attack only a few days ago and had spent a day or two feeling very fragile and sorry for yourself. You didn't want a repeat.
The grass was cold and a little damp from the early morning dew.
You nibbled at your lip, searching the sky for something it couldn't give.
Fred was watching you.
"Oh my god! What do you want, you hooligan?"
Fred rolled his eyes. "You looked at me."
"You were looking at me!"
"Doesn't sound true. Falsehoods of such a nature are unkindly and uncouth."
"You're uncouth!"
"Yeah?" Fred asked, eyes hot.
Your mouth dried up. He was especially tempting like this, looking all homegrown and hand spun. His hair was lightened by the sun cover, strawberry blonde against his tanned and freckled face. Tanned now only after months of suffering sun burn miserably.
"I know what you're thinking." He said. You paid close attention to his mouth.
"Which is?"
"How did I get to be so devilishly handsome? Honestly, it's a question I ask myself often."
You withheld the urge to turn your face into the earth and scream.
He wasn't entirely wrong. You had been thinking about his good looks.
"How did you know?" You asked. You'd tried for bravado, for sarcasm, but it came out wrong. A little too sincere. You cleared your throat.
Fred pushed up onto an elbow so that he was looking down into your face. He studied the slope of your nose and the laugh lines you'd slowly gathered since meeting him. He reached forward, too slowly, to place the pads of his fingers gently on your cheek. You could pinpoint the exact moment he rested his palm on your skin.
He smiled gently. You beamed.
"Can I ask you something?"
You tried to read his face, preemptively guess the question.
"When do you ask my permission?"
"It's the kind of thing that requires two consenting parties."
Your mouth quirked into a waiting grin. Fred's ears grew red.
"Not that."
"Fred Weasley, embarassed. Somebody call the news."
He didn't answer, pushing the hair out of your face in a repetitive motion that sent tingles down your spine and a hot flush to your tummy.
You tried not to read into it, closing your eyes against the waves of excitement and happiness roiling through you. You didn't permit yourself to think of what it meant, because what else could it mean? Friends don't do the things you both did. Friends didn't gaze down into your face with unspoken feelings.
You lay there for some time, the excitement slowly turning to bone deep contentment, feeling yourself drift into an almost sleep. The breeze was soft and sweet, the ground beneath you cushioned by grass, and the handsome man hovering above you only sweetened the deal.
"Hmm," you said, tilting your chin to prompt him to continue.
"Will you look at me a second?
You opened your eyes obligingly.
"I wanted to ask you, do you -"
He cut himself off, peering up into the sky. You frowned, only to feel the unwelcome spatter of heavy sudden rain drops on your face.
You gasped, rushing to collect all of your things into your bag. Your textbook was already dampening by the time you'd fit it all. Fred pulled you up and began to run. You followed, laughing and struggling to be heard over the summer shower.
By the time you reached his dorm building, both of you were breathing hard. Fred said something through a laugh. You struggled to answer, hands on your knees.
Despite having asthma all your life and suffering many attacks, each time felt just as urgent and scary as the first.
Your eyes filled with tears.
"You're okay! You're okay. Where's your pump, huh? In your bag?"
He didn't wait for an answer, reaching into your bag as you gasped, though insistent on leaving one arm on your arm. The pressure was reassuring.
You tried to manage your breathing as you always did, gasping and gasping and gasping.
"Here, princess. Open up," Fred said.
You covered the hand he held your inhaler with your own, clamping down on his hand so hard you could feel the fine bones under his skin.
It took a while for you to settle down, thought this attack wasn't anywhere as bad as the one you'd had days ago.
"My hero," you coughed out, lungs aching.
Fred grimaced. "I'll always rescue you, my femme fatale."
"You have paper lungs, my love."
"That I do, Freddie. That I do."
Fred rubbed your back, insisting on carrying you up the steps to his dorm room. If you acted much more frail than you felt, it was nobodies business but yours and Fred's.
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writtenbynightlock · 3 years
Hi! Idk of request are open rn.. but could you do a hinata x reader angst? Where hinata walks in on kageyama and y/n in a position where it looks like they were cheating. But in reality it was nothing like that at all! So hinata gets very mad and says really hurtful things to them. Then word gets around school and people start to bully y/n and kags. However hinata doesn’t care. He never stood up for y/n. Then due to bullying going to far y/n loves school. That’s when y/ns best friend yams goes up to hinata and shows him the video where in fact they were not cheating. But it’s too late. Hinat already lost her. Sorry if the request is too long btw!!
Misunderstanding | Hinata Shouyou x Reader
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Note: Requests are open 💌 Please be informed here
Warning: Timeskip spoilers
Tagging: @shoyosbitchh (thanks for the request love)
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“Do I really have to do this?”
“Yes” you answer as you fix Kageyama’s jersey jacket. 
“What am I gonna do again?” 
“All you have to do is answer my questions. After this segment, I will film you in action with Shoyo. Are we ready, Yama-kun?”
You ask your classmate and the captain of the Karasuno Men’s Volleyball Team, Yamaguchi Tadashi, waiting for his go signal as he was in charge of the camera. You were in your third year in Karasuno High. You are an active member of the journalism club and your specialty is sports writing. You and Hinata have been together since your second year. It all started when you’ve done a coverage of the Karasuno High Men’s Volleyball team ever since the crows were finally taking flight in the Nationals. Pretty much to say you are close with your batchmates involved with the sport which made your job a bit easier. 
You were currently working on a special ad for the team that will be on air in the campus as a way to show support and acknowledgement to the seniors who will be having one last fight --- Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei, Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shoyou. In thanks to the manager, you will be also adding a special segment to the woman who’s always been there with the crows, Yachi Hitoka.  
“Camera is rolling in 3..2..1..”
As Yamaguchi gestures for you to start, you have him a small nod and put on your game face on. 
“Hello Karasuno High! The much anticipated Spring Interhigh tournament is fast approaching and our crows will be taking flight once again. With the excitement to the world of volleyball, our players have quite gained quite a few fans. Here I am with the famous King of the Court, the Karasuno Men’s Volleyball Setter, Kageyama Tobio.” 
During the interview segment, things went smoothly due to Kageyama being straightforward with his questions much to your relief. You were glad Yamaguchi was also there to help you. Usually, Yachi is the one who helps you with your journalism when it comes to the team but she had a meeting with Takeda sensei, explaining her absence. 
After the interview, it was time for you to do the final segment which was  getting to film the iconic duo in action. You told Kageyama to change into his volleyball uniform, with the setter obediently following your instruction. 
“Thank you so much for helping me, Yama-kun. Your segment yesterday with Tsukki is great too! I’m very excited to edit it.”
Yamaguchi blushed at your compliment, making him scratch the back of his head in a shy manner. 
“You’re really making it hard for us to graduate, (Y/N)-san. This will be your last feature too, is it not?” 
Yamaguchi smiles as he saw the gleeful expression on your face. He admired your determination in making the video possible as a tribute to them. Yamaguchi’s sense of determination in leading the team to Nationals has boosted but there was one question bugging in his head.
“(Y/N)-kun, you are a sports writer, right? I don’t recall them doing this extent.”
You stopped what you were doing and looked at Yamaguchi, giving him a sincere smile --- your mind instantly filled with the ray of sunshine that is currently in your life. 
“You don’t know how proud I am on how far you all have come. You five were part of the flightless crows who worked hard to spread its wings again. You were there when people would underestimate the team but you all proved them wrong, along with our seniors who graduated also. We all keep moving forward and now, you are your juniors senpais, helping them keeping the crows to keep flying. Not only that, I am so proud of Shoyo. He’s one of the main reasons why I’m motivated to do this. I’m always here to support Shoyo and to all of you --- no matter where we go after we graduate.”
After your speech, your eyes widened as you Yamaguchi’s eyes were watery and he was sniffling, making you panic a little.
“Y-Yams, are you okay?”
“Don’t look at me, (Y/N)-kun! That was so beautiful- wait I’ll be right back!” says Yamaguchi as he hurriedly went to the nearest bathroom --- not wanting for you to see him bawl his eyes out. With a soft chuckle, you turned around to see Kageyema already in his attire and was now setting up the net. Deciding to help, you went to him and gave him a hand.
“What do you need?”
“Could you hand me that screw over there?”
With a nod, you went to the tool box, grabbing the screws Kageyama.
“Do you think Shoyo will go far with volleyball?”
You ask out of the blue, avoiding eye contact with Kageyama as you just stared at the net. It’s not that you doubt Shoyo’s skills but it is a scary world out there. There will be people who will look down on him for different reasons. You just worry. You care for him so much. You admired how Hinata was able to use the mean comments against him as his motivation for him to improve his skills. His positivity and bubbly personality is contagious. He never fails to make you smile when you’re feeling down. 
As Kageyama finished the net, he gave you a smirk. 
“If that dumbass doesn’t slack, he will. If he does, I’m definitely getting ahead of him.”
A grin made its way on your face. What more could you expect from Hinata’s partner in the court?
As the two of you waited for Hinata and Yamaguchi to come, you and Kageyama had talked a bit about college plans. As the two of you converse, you suddenly noticed something crawling on Kageyama’s jersey shirt. 
“Kageyama-kun, there’s something on your shoulder” you say, pointing at it. At first Kageyama was confused to what you meant but when he finally took a look at it, it was spider --- making his eyes widen and panic, letting out a manly shriek. 
Kageyama was all over the place, jumping and swatting it away --- to the point where he tried to take the shirt off. 
“Kageyama, calm down!”
“It’s on your head!”
“It’s back on your shirt!”
Kageyama felt chills, the hairs on his skin rising as he felt it crawling the back of his neck. The next thing you knew, with Kageyama’s head covered with the shirt that was taken off midway his arms, the setter stumbled onto you, making the both of you fall on the ground with Kageyama on top. Your eyes widen at how close your and Kageyama’s faces are, the setter not able to take in what just happened. 
“Get off!”
“Can you help me put my shirt back on? I-if you don’t mind. My hands are sort of restricted” says Kageyama, pointing out that his arms were trapped in the sleeve holes. You sigh and grabbed the hem of his jersey shirt, attempting to pull it down back but the both of you suddenly heard the gym doors open.
Hearing an all too familiar voice, you quickly shove Kageyama off of you, sitting up from your spot to see Hinata who froze by the gym doors as he stares at you and Kageyama with wide eyes, his heart beating so fast in his chest.
“W-were you cheating on me?!”
“No baby! It was just an accident-”
“An accident?! It looked like you were taking off his shirt! I can’t believe you’re cheating on me with Bakageyama!”
“No, Shoyo! It definitely doesn’t look what it looks like at all!”
“I trusted you, (Y/N)!”
Tears were starting to form in your eyes, getting a bit angry and frustrated that Hinata wasn’t letting you explain your side. Kageyama noticed this and decided to step in --- defending the both of you.
“Boke, Hinata, boke! Why would I even do that to your girlfriend?! Let us explain what happen-”
“No! I’m so hurt, (Y/N)-chan! You’re the first girl ever that made me really happy but this is how you treat me? Is it because I’m not tall enough?! Is this how you repay my loyalty to you? You’re so heartless! You seem so faithful to me but behind my back, you’re a different person.”
“Don’t call me that anymore. I don’t want to see you anymore. We’re done.” 
With that, Hinata left the gym, leaving you and Kageyama all alone. You wanted to run after him but you lost your strength and collapsed on the floor, your gaze lingering at the gym doors, tears rolling down your cheeks. 
Kageyama panicked a little, not knowing how to comfort you but he just stood beside you and patted your head as you were hugging your figure, too hurt by Hinata’s words. 
“That dumbass doesn’t know how to listen.”
“What am I gonna do, Kageyama-kun?”
Kageyama glances at you, a frown on his face. He knows how much you care for Hinata. He can’t help but feel frustrated also being in your position. He also felt bad to what just happened. 
“I’m sorry-”
“Don’t apologize, Kageyama. You did nothing wrong. Hinata just misunderstood.” 
“That runt will regret for letting you go. I mean, who else could keep up with him?”
As you wiped your tears, you stood up and grabbed your things, heading towards the gym doors.
“I think we’ll call it a day. I’ll message Yams that our filming is finished. I’ll just ask another sports writer to cover you and Hinata’s segment. I don’t think I can face him for awhile.”
Kageyama frowns as he saw your eyes tearing up again but he just nodded, not wanting to press any buttons even further.
“Okay. Get home safely.”
With a sigh, you left the gym heading home, feeling all too drained and hurt. You can’t believe Hinata was able to say those hurtful words to you. In attempts on calling him while walking home, you let out a frustrated groan as he already blocked your number. 
“Oh Shoyo. It was all just a misunderstanding.” 
Days had passed ever since the incident and break up with Hinata. Word got around fast. You and Kageyama had been the talk of the town as cheaters, making you lose your appetite. People were sending you dirty stares for even daring to cheat on such a pure soul. 
There was one time when you ate at the school cafeteria with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima and a group of girls suddenly went to your table, snickering at you and called you a slut. Between Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, it was Yamaguchi who was full on beast mode, defending you. 
“Don’t waste your time with these fools, Yamaguchi. They just don’t know how to mind their own business” says Tsukishima as he shakes his head in annoyance. You told Yachi, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima the whole thing. Yachi felt really bad at what happened. She was the one also who keeps comforting Hinata. Tsukishima was in charge of breaking apart Kageyama and Hinata whenever the two started to argue, much to his dismay but he just wants the team to be peaceful and focus on their practices and official games. 
Not wanting to eat anymore, you grab your bag and stood up, making Yamaguchi and Tsukishima look at you with worry. 
“Where are you going, (Y/N)-san?” 
“I’m just gonna go get a breather. I’m not that hungry anyway. See you later” you say with a solemn look on your face then left the cafeteria. 
“What are we gonna do, Tsukki?”
“I don’t know. Don’t involve me in their quarrels. It’s tiring.”
Yamaguchi sighs but then he remembers that he left his camera in the gyms while he was in the bathroom. When he returned to the gym, his camera was already battery drained. In hopes to resolve this mess, Yamaguchi checks the contents to see of the camera was still rolling. Much to his relief, it apparently recorded the whole thing. He immediately showed this to Hinata, finally clearing all the misunderstanding.   
Hinata regretted on how he acted. He felt his heart breaking even more. He needs to apologize for his wrong doings but it was too late. The twinkle in your eyes as you see him weren’t there anymore. His words really hurt you and you’ll have a difficult time in trusting him again. The bullying around the school made you feel even more damaged.
You told Hinata its best to cool off from the relationship. You needed space. You need to focus on yourself now. You just wanted to forget the words that come out from his mouth.
It was over.
Hinata Shoyo. You were my sunshine, my only sunshine. You made me happy when skies are gray --- but now, the skies weep with me.
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idnek83 · 3 years
Aid - Chapter 4/13
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham
Tags: Alternate Universe - Island Mode, No Game Spoilers, Masturbation,  Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Grinding, Wet Dreams, Anal Fingering,  Friends With Benefits,  Getting Together, Internalized Homophobia, Anal Sex
Summary: Everyone is hot and half naked because of their beach vacation. Soda is horny and tries to do something about it. Gundham tries to help and does. It all gets a little out of hand.
Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Read on Ao3
This Chapter: Soda is slowly realizing his relationships might be changing. Soda has some feelings, Gundham has a secret, and both of them blow off some steam.
Once he was out of Nagito’s sight, Soda stopped and looked around. Gundham had gone to the beach? He said he didn’t like the ocean or whatever, but now he was apparently going to the beach on his own? Had he just made an excuse earlier cus he didn’t want to hang out with everyone?
Had Gundham just not wanted to hang out with him?
Soda hesitated. Gundham might just get even more annoyed with him if he showed up and crashed his secret beach time. Maybe he really should just take the food back to his own room, eat way too much, maybe cry a little, then pass out for the night. That sounded like an alright plan…
But his dumbass already had told everyone he was taking food to Gundham, meaning Gundham would definitely find out that Soda had purposely not looked for him and get even more pissed. God damnit. He really couldn’t deal with it if Gundham hated him.
He started walking towards the beach. If Gundham got mad he could just play dumb and say he was going for a swim, he was still in his swimsuit after all.
It wasn’t a great plan but, hey, it was a plan.
He wasn’t really sure what he’d find; Gundham swimming, or exercising, or taming animals, or like, trying to summon a demon. But when he got to there, Gundham was simply standing still, dressed once again in his swim shorts and scarf, staring out at the ocean with a troubled look on his face.
Something about it made Soda feel like he was seeing something private. Like Gundham really wouldn’t want him there.
Before he could even think about leaving, Gundham turned his head and caught sight of him. He looked surprised and… embarrassed?
“My… Kazuichi, for what purpose have you disturbed my dark meditation?” He didn’t look mad, but Soda could tell he wasn’t happy to see him. Ouch. Fair, but still ouch.
“Uh, Teruteru made food for everyone so… I thought maybe you’d want to eat some too?” He awkwardly shifted the bowl in his hands.
“Ah, if you are simply here to deliver sustenance, you may do so and leave.” Gundham gestured dismissively to a spot on the ground where he had laid out a towel.
Oh shit, he was actually super mad wasn’t he, Gundham must be one of those guys who just never yells when he’s actually pissed, just gets quiet and scary. Shit. Fuck. At least he was used to being yelled at, he didn’t know how to deal with quiet angry people. He really needed to apologize.
“Look Gundham, I’m really fuckin’ sorry, I shouldn’t have-“
“You are sorry?” Gundham looked surprised. God, he must think Soda is a real piece of shit to be surprised that he’d try to apologize. Soda’s chest felt tight. He was actually gonna cry. Gundham definitely already hated him.
“Y-yeah, I- look it was stupid and I’m stupid and I really didn’t mean to be so god d-damn shitty to you, I was just…” A stupid selfish asshole? An idiot chasing tail? The same useless fuck-up he had always been? God he wasn’t even worth the time Gundham was giving him to apologize. And now he was crying like some kind of pussy.
Gundham was standing in front of him now, Soda looked at the ground. Gundham didn’t need to see how ugly his face was when he was crying like a little bitch, and Soda didn’t want to see the look Gundham’s face when he realised just how truly pathetic he was.
“I just so- so fucking stupid and useless and-” He felt a hand on his naked shoulder.
“My sweet companion, I do not know what it is you are trying to apologize for,” Gundham pulled him close to his bare chest and began to gently stroke his hair “but I am certain it is not worth shedding your precious tears over.”
Soda sniffed, grossly, against Gundham’s shoulder “I t-totally ditched you today. I invited you out and the I just f-fucking left you.” His arms were just hanging at his sides while Gundham tried to comfort him. He had dropped Teru’s food. He felt incredibly stupid. He was incredibly stupid.
“I believe it was I who deigned not to accompany you.” Gundham moved his hand from Soda’s hair to his cheek, gently shifting his head so he was able to look into Soda’s eyes. “You have inverted the situation, dearest friend, I fear it is I who must ask forgiveness of you.” Gundham smiled in that soft way that made Soda’s chest hurt.
“I- huh? B-but I should have-“ He averted his eyes from Gundham’s face, he didn’t deserve Gundham’s kindness.
“Then I forgive you, if that is what you wish to hear. I forgive you for all that you believe you have done wrong, and I only ask that you to grant me the pleasure of your smile in return.” The hand on Soda’s cheek slid under his chin and lifted. Soda had stopped crying, but he didn’t smile. “Do not make me call upon my Deva’s, Kazuichi, you will not be able to withstand their wrath.”
Soda laughed weakly, turning his head to rest it against Gundham’s shoulder. “You didn’t a-actually bring them to the beach right?” He sniffled a little, feeling his tears drying on his cheeks “Isn’t it dangerous for them out here in the dark?”
“Ah, you once again prove to be wise beyond my perception. The Deva’s remain safely in their lairs.” Gundham’s hand was back in his hair, stroking.  “You’ve bested my deception with your dark insight, well done.” Gundham stepped back so he could look at Soda again. “Shall we partake in the rations you have fetched? Perhaps it would be best to converse after sating our hunger.”
Soda looked down at the food he had dropped, it looked like the lid had stayed on at least.
“Okay, y-yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”
They sat on Gundham’s towel and ate in silence, as Soda’s shaky breathing slowly returned to normal. He always felt so unsteady after crying, it was embarrassing. At least Gundham wasn’t making fun of him for it.
“Hey, um… Sorry about all that.” He said, staring at his feet. “I swear I’m not usually such a pussy, I just… had a weird day, I guess. Shit just kinda piled up and, well… I dunno, I guess I was worried you like, hated me or something?”
“I am… quite far from hating you.” Soda looked up, but Gundham turned away from him. “Why would you think I held such a feeling for you?”
“Cus of how I ditched you earlier! Like a complete asshole! What kinda friend does that?”
“So, the guilt you felt, believing you had abandoned me, that was what caused your emotions to spill out so violently?”
“I guess, kinda… yeah?”
“Ah, then I truly do own you my most sincere of apologies.”
“What? No man, it’s fine, really.”
“But it is my weakness which caused you such sorrow.”
“Your weakness?”
Gundham stood and turned towards the ocean. “As I said, it was I who chose not to accompany you. I… wished to partake in the ritual which our comrades suggested, however, I would not have been able to.”
Not able? Didn’t Gundham just hate the ocean or something?
“It is shameful but… I am unable to traverse Poseidon’s realm.” Gundham hid the lower half of his face in his scarf as he spoke.
‘Unable to traverse’? Wait, did he mean-
“You can’t swim?” Soda was sure he was misunderstanding.
What little Soda could see of Gundham’s face turned red.
“As I said, it is quite shameful. That is why I ventured here this dark night; I wish to overcome my weakness, so that I may partake when next I am bade to an aquatic ritual.” Gundham sighed “However, it is proving quite difficult.”
So he was trying to teach himself to swim? So that he could hang out with everyone next time they wanted to play in the ocean? That was… pretty cute.
“I could teach you.” Soda had spent some time checking out a busty swim instructor at a pool one summer, he figured he probably picked something up.
“You would aid me in this?”
Soda’s heart skipped a beat when Gundham spoke that word, and he knew he was blushing. He told his dick to shut up for a minute so he could help his friend.
“Course, I don’t mind. I missed you at the beach today anyways, so it’d be cool if you came next time.” Soda scratched his face and tried not to think too much about Gundham coming. “You wanna do this now or?”
“It was my intention to begin my training tonight. Does this suit you?”
“Sure, I could go for another swim.” He smiled at Gundham. Gundham smiled at him.
“Thank you, my dearest-”
A loud laugh could be heard coming from the direction of their cabins. Apparently their friends were returning from the other island. Soda saw the embarrassed look on Gundham’s face and realised he probably didn’t want the others to know about his ‘weakness’.
“C’mon, grab your stuff and let’s find somewhere else to do this.” Soda picked up the empty bowl they had been eating from and headed towards the rocky outcrop a little further down the shore. He could hear Gundham just behind him.
The “beach” on the other side of the hill wasn’t nearly as nice. It was essentially just a small patch of sand, surrounded by the rocky outcrop so you couldn’t enjoy the cool sea breeze during the day. But that also meant it was relatively isolated from the rest of the island and they wouldn’t have to worry about the others catching them here.
Swimming, they wouldn’t have to worry about the others catching them swimming here.
Gundham spread out his towel again and Soda bent over to set the bowl down next to it. When he straightened out, Gundham was behind him, staring. There was a moment of awkwardness between them.
“Uh, I guess we should get started then?” Soda laughed awkwardly and gestured towards the water, what was with this atmosphere?
“Yes, you are right.” Gundham removed his scarf, turned, and walked towards the ocean. Was Soda imagining it or did Gundham look a little… disappointed?
Soda followed him into the water. The sun had set like an hour ago, but it was still plenty warm out and the coolness of the water was nice. Soda waded out until the water was at his waist, before diving forwards and enjoyed being submerged in the refreshing feeling for a moment. When he resurfaced he found Gundham staring at him with a worried expression.
“Don’t worry dude, it’s not even that deep here. If you think you’re gonna go under all ya gotta do is stand up.” Soda reached out and gave him a reassuring pat on the arm. Wow, he always forgot that Gundham was actually kinda jacked. His biceps were-
A topic for another time when he wasn’t trying to help his friend learn how to swim.
“Ok so uh, I guess we should just start with floating? Or do you know how to do that already?”
Gundham looked apprehensively at the water and shook his head.
“No worries man, just like, lay back and let the water catch you.” Soda demonstrated, then righted himself. “See? Easy. Your turn.”
Gundham slowly laid back, then promptly sunk below the water. Oops. Not easy apparently.
Gundham re-emerged, blushing and gasping. He turned his gaze to the shore.
“Don’t worry about it dude, that was my bad.” He wasn’t going to let Gundham give up that easily. “Try it again, I’ll help you stay up this time.” Soda moved next to Gundham and put his hands out to catch him. “Just lay back again, I won’t let you go under, trust me.”
Gundham took a deep breath before laying back again. Once he was on his back Soda could tell his hands were the only thing keeping Gundham above water.
“Ok, so now you gotta just, kinda, spread your arms and legs.” He though back to the swim instructor, “Like a starfish.” Gundham complied and Soda felt the weight on his palms lessen. Almost there.
“K’ now you just gotta relax.” Gundham gave him an uneasy look. “C’mon, just like, take some deep breaths and close your eyes. I’m here dude, it’ll be fine.”
With a heavy sigh Gundham closed his eyes. He began taking deep breaths and Soda could feel the tension slowly leaving his body.
Soda felt kind of proud of him. This was probably pretty tough for Gundham, opening up and trusting another person like this. Soda wasn’t sure if he’d be able to do the same thing in his place.
Looking down at Gundham, Soda felt his heart beat a little faster. His face looked almost peaceful and his hair was a little messy. Apparently whatever product Gundham used to style his hair wasn’t waterproof. Soda let his gaze wander to the rise and fall of Gundham’s chest. He swallowed. Gundham had really nice pecs. And great abs. And thighs. And from what he remembered-
No, bad dick, helping Gundham comes first.
But maybe Gundham wouldn’t mind some help from his dick too?
“Is my form off?”
“W-what.” Gundham had opened his eyes at some point.
“I feel as though I am properly ‘floating’ now, but you seem to be examining my form quite closely. Am I doing something incorrectly?”
“Oh, no. You’re doing great. I was just…” Thinking about your dick. “Uh, anyways, why don’t we try a front float now?”
Soda waited until Gundham was standing and demonstrated floating on his stomach.
“So same deal as before, I’ll hold you up, so just focus on letting your body relax.”
Gundham lay forward, with much less apprehension than before, and Soda placed a hand on his stomach to support him.
God, Gundham’s abs. Soda couldn’t help but rub his hand over them a little, pretending he was adjusting his grip. Yeah, he was trying to focus on helping Gundham, but it was okay to be a little turned on right? Staring at Gundham’s back muscles wasn’t really helping the situation either. Why was Gundham in such good shape? Was training animals really that much work?
Focus Soda.
“You alright Gundham? Ready to try actually moving a bit?”
He felt Gundham tense up a bit, but he nodded anyways.
“Ok, I’ll keep holding you up for now so don’t worry. Just try kicking your legs a bit.”
Soda wasn’t sure how long they had been out there. He just knew Gundham was now able to do a passable breast stroke and that he had lost track of how many times he had blanked out just staring at Gundham’s body. He did know he had been caught more than once though. And that he had caught Gundham doing the same thing at least twice.
Gundham definitely didn’t need Soda to hold him up while he floated anymore, but he asked to do it again anyways, saying he wanted to focus on his form. Soda obliged, and Gundham didn’t ask why he placed one hand under his thigh this time, didn’t ask when Soda began to lightly squeeze and rub. Soda didn’t mention the quiet moan that escaped Gundham’s lips when he moved his hand to his ass, didn’t mention the growing bulge in Gundham’s trunks, just moved closer so Gundham could feel the one in his. Gundham didn’t stop him, instead he just stood, slowly, and pulled Soda in by his hips.
“Aid me.” Gundham pressed his cock into Soda’s hip, and breathed against his ear. “Please.”
Soda didn’t even have time to think about the way that word had gone straight to his dick. He grabbed Gundham’ hand and headed for shore.
He sat on Gundham’s towel, only to be pushed onto his back a second later. Gundham kneeled between his thighs and cradled his cheek.
“My sweet companion.” He whispered before ducking his head and kissing down Soda’s neck. Soda bucked his hips a little and slid a hand into Gundham’s hair.
“Fuuck, Gundham.” He moaned his name and bucked his hips again, the angle wasn’t right, he wasn’t getting the friction he wanted. He let out a frustrated groan.
Gundham must have understood what he wanted though. He slid his hands down Soda’s body and grabbed him by the hips, lifting them and pulling them flush with his own. Gundham lightly bit down on his shoulder and began thrusting against him. It wasn’t perfect, their cocks weren’t quite lined up right, but the friction caused by their swim shorts rubbing against each other as Gundham moved was still maddening.
“A-ah… my dearest… I- hah.” Gundham was moving quickly, nipping and licking at Soda’s neck and shoulders as he drove his hips forward. He was quietly moaning, his grip on Soda’s hips began to tighten, and his thrusts were growing stronger as he pulled Soda against him. He looked like he was already about to cum.
Gundham must have already been pretty turned on if he was getting close that fast. As hot as that was, Soda wasn’t ready for this to be over so quickly. He remembered he still needed to make Gundham scream.
“Gundham- ah- wait.” He ran a hand down Gundham’s back and squeezed his ass. Gundham slowed his thrusts. “What’s the rush? Lets slow things down a little.”
Gundham swallowed and stopped moving his hips. “Ah, my dark consort, I apologize. I was-” Gundham slid a hand back up to Soda’s cheek “Overcome.”
Soda shivered at the word. He didn’t think he had ever heard that tone in Gundham’s voice before. And ‘dark consort’ was new too, wasn’t it?
He wasn’t here to analyze Gundham’s speech though.
Soda squeezed Gundham’s ass again and moved his hands up to his chest, shoving slightly. Gundham got the hint and leaned back, only for Soda to follow him up. He placed his hands on Gundham’s shoulders and pushed him back until he was sitting so Soda could straddle his hips. Soda had planned to take the initiative, but Gundham didn’t give him time to.
Gundham’s hand found Soda’s hip, rubbing slightly before slipping onto his ass and kneading. He ran his other hand up Soda’s chest, teasing a nipple with his thumb before replacing it with his mouth. Soda gasped and tightened his grip on Gundham’s shoulders. He had though about sucking on girls’ tits before, but he never realised it would feel so good to have someone do it to him.
“Shit, Gundham.” He ground his hips down into Gundham’s. Gundham hummed in response, his deep voice resonating through Soda’s chest as he switched his attention to his other nipple.
Soda started grinding in earnest, enjoying the way he could feel Gundham’s breath catch against his skin. He reached down to free his cock from his shorts, then moved to do the same for Gundham. He couldn’t really see with Gundham still mouthing at his chest, so he did a bit of feeling around first instead. He traced Gundham’s abs with his fingers and used them as a guide down to Gundham’s cock. God, he forgot how big it was. He rubbed it through his shorts before finally freeing it. He couldn’t help it, he pushed Gundham back a bit so he could see his cock properly.
No fucking wonder he had sucked Gundham off in the beach house. His cock was just so… appetizing. He could literally feel himself salivating at the sight of it. He remembered how thick and warm and heavy it had been in his mouth last time. He wanted that again. He wanted it and he wondered if it would feel just as good in his ass.
His dick twitched but his mind froze. He probably wasn’t ready for that.
Gundham was watching him. Waiting.
“What do you desire my consort?” There was that hand on his cheek again. He looked from Gundham’s cock to his face, his beautiful, flushed face. Gundham licked his lips. Soda followed the movement of his tongue with his eyes, and found himself focusing on Gundham’s mouth.
Fuck, he kind of wanted to kiss him.
Was that allowed? They had never really laid down any ground rules for their… relationship? No. Pact. That’s what Gundham had called it, and it was probably safest to just keep calling it that. Nice and vague. Obviously getting each other off was the main thing with their ‘pact’, they were just two bros helping each other relieve some tension, right? Did that make them fuck-buddies? Did people kiss their fuck-buddies? He’s pretty sure they did in movies, but then they always ended up falling in love, and he didn’t want that.
“Dearest consort?” Oops, guess he had been spacing out.
“Sorry, it’s just-” Probably best to just ask if they could kiss right? “I was um, t-thinking about your tongue? And like, uh y-your lips? Um- sorry.” or not. He had sucked this mans dick but somehow thinking about kissing him was turning him into a stuttering mess.
“Mmm, fret not, my consort, I understand.” Gundham gave him one of those soft smiles that did things to his heart and slid a hand down Soda’s neck, the back up, resting it on the back of his head.
Oh shit, okay. Here goes nothing then.
Gundham brought his other hand up to Soda’s chest and pushed him backwards. They ended up in the same position they had started in, only now with their cocks out and Soda’s legs spread wide. He wasn’t sure why they had to be in this position to kiss, but he wasn’t about to complain. He was all to aware how easy it would be for Gundham to fuck him in this position, and he was too distracted by how turned on that thought made him to notice Gundham was currently moving away from his lips.
Gundham was kissing his chest again, pausing to lick one of his nipples and give it a light suck before moving his head lower.
No kissing then.
Soda felt… complicated. And complicated could wait.
The lips on his stomach reminded him he was about to get blown, and the hand wrapping around his dick reminded him that he was horny as hell.
Yeah, complicated could definitely wait.
Gundham was just barely pumping Soda’s dick. Teasing, Soda realised, getting him extra excited for the main event. Gundham kissed just below his belly button, then pulled away, making Soda whine. Gundham smiled and shushed him, pulling Soda’s swim trunks all the way off and moving back to where he had been, punctuating his action with another kiss below Soda’s belly button and a squeeze of his dick.
Gundham resumed his downward path, planting more kisses on Soda’s abdomen, each one getting just a little bit closer to his cock. Then, right when Soda thought there wasn’t anywhere else for Gundham to kiss, he lifted one of Soda’s legs and began to kiss along his thigh instead.
More teasing?
Soda couldn’t stand it.
He loved it.
He let out a frustrated moan. Gundham laughed and hummed into his thigh, then bit down gently. Soda couldn’t stop his hips from bucking a little, up into the barely moving hand Gundham still had on his dick. The friction felt good, so he did it again. Gundham used the hand he had lifted Soda’s leg with to hold his hip still and switched his attention to his other thigh. Soda couldn’t take it anymore.
“Gundham please! Stop teasing!”
“Were you not the one who said we should ‘slow things down’?” Gundham laughed against the spot where his thigh met his groin. Soda loved it and hated it.
“Y-yeah but c’mon, isn’t this a little too slow?”
“Mmm, then if that is your desire” Gundham finally put his mouth on Soda’s cock.
He kissed the tip gently before running his lips down the side and licking his way back up. Then he opened his mouth and sucked.
“Ah Gundham.” Soda couldn’t believe how good it felt. Gundham took more of his cock into his mouth and began to bob his head. Soda’s head shot back, and he felt like he was going to die from pleasure.
Gundham’s mouth was wet and warm and tight around his cock, and his tongue kept working along his shaft, making him feel things he could hardly describe. Soda knew he was moaning Gundham’s name, over and over, but he couldn’t stop. Every time Gundham pulled back he sucked hard on Soda’s cock and the only thing stopping Soda from thrusting up into Gundham’s mouth was that strong hand on his hip. He didn’t know where the hand on his thigh had gone, he couldn’t focus long enough to find it. He reached for the one on his hip and covered it with his own. Gundham moaned around his cock and laced his fingers through Soda’s, shifting so he could use his forearm to keep Soda’s hips pinned in place.
He was going to cum. He squeezed Gundham’s hand and looked down at him, trying to get his attention, trying to warn him in case he didn’t want Soda cumming in his mouth.
But the second he saw Gundham’s face, lips wrapped around his cock, eyes locked with his, and flushed the same way it had been when Soda had been sucking his cock, it was over. His hips were bucking against Gundham’s arm and he was cumming down his throat, his name on his lips. He could feel more than hear Gundham moaning around his cock, and the vibrations kept him at in ecstasy for just a little longer, before becoming to be to much for his sensitive cock.
“Gundham, please, it’s too much.” Gundham moaned again and pulled off his cock. He went back to Soda’s thighs, no longer gently kissing and teasing, but sucking and biting. Soda was vaguely aware of Gundham’s shoulder shifting rapidly.
“S-soda!” He squeezed Soda’s hand and buried his face into the crook of his thigh. He was so taken aback by Gundham actually calling him ‘Soda’ that it took him a moment to realise Gundham was cumming.
Oh, so that’s where that hand went.
Gundham kept his face pressed into Soda’s thigh for a moment, panting, before kissing it for a final time and crawling back up Soda’s body, releasing his hand only long enough to unhook his arm from around Soda’s leg before intertwining their fingers once again.
“You know I could have, uh, done that for you.” Wasn’t the whole idea of the pact thing to get each other off anyway?
“I’m sorry, my dear companion.” Gundham raised their clasped hands to his lips and kissed Soda’s fingers. “I simply could not resist. Between how beautiful you appeared in your ecstasy and sweetly you were calling my name-” Gundham sighed and smiled, looking into Soda’s eyes “I was bewitched.” He twisted their hands to kiss Soda’s knuckles without looking away.
It made Soda blush harder than anything else they had done.
That complicated feeling was coming back.
He never asked if it was alright to kiss him. He still hadn’t made Gundham scream.
Next Chapter
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itisbucky · 6 years
You [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
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Hi! Sorry for disappearing. Guess who has her GCSEs this year. This song was all over my head for the last few days (more like months, no joke) so I just wanted to write something about it. I know this is short.
Summary: Your break-up with Bucky Barnes has been the only thing you could think of.
Warnings: Some uses of swear words. Kissing. It should be safe.
“See, this whole existence of ours, billion pieces, we are a tiny fragment of it. We literally don’t matter.” When you blurted out the words about your existence, Bucky Barnes looked at you and smiled. Your hair was all around your face and you the smile on your face was alive with the power of ten thousand flashlights. Your eyes, projecting your joy over talking about how small you were, were shining. Bucky was just grinning, one foot stretched, arms folded and he looked beautiful as ever. “It’s just a great randomness.”
“Well.” He said and frowned playfully. “If it’s like that I’m lucky I’m on planet Earth in 2018 to meet you and not somewhere else like… I don’t know. Mars?”
“Ah, you liar.” You said and pushed his shoulder, not being able to look him in the eye. Every time you were around him, your hands would start to shake, with your stomach falling upside down and the pressure near your heart. You knew he was flirting relentlessly with you but having to make the first move, that thought made you want to run away to another existence.
And you're a liar, at least all of your friends are
And so am I, just typically drowned in my car
Luckily, when the time came you knew it. You knew when you were supposed to kiss him because he was looking at you and he was so close and you just knew it. When he kissed you, you know he wasn’t just a liar. Being around him, thinking he would be just… rude. Being wrong never felt better.
 Well, it was all done now. That was three years ago and even though your break-up was a year away, it never felt like you were getting better. Hell, you were getting worse because being deprived of him after two years of him didn’t feel right. It was weird how it ended because when the big fight happened, that’s what your friend called your fight that led to your break-up, you didn’t see it coming. It was just he, leaving the room in the end.
 It’s my party
And I’ll cry till the end
 When one of your friends told you about the party, you know he would be there. The curse of dating one of your friends was you had to see him a lot, even after the break-up. Three days after you broke up you had to be at an event for the company.
 “So what is your escape strategy today? Do you need to charge your phone? Delivery coming? Your cat is choking on a piece of rubber?” Wanda sipped her drink and kept looking at her hand, which was playing with her hair.
 “I don’t have a cat.”
 “You might as well have one. You like cats.”
 “That is still not a strong enough argument.” You said before looking up and noticing one person missing. “Where is Bucky?”
 “I don’t know. He came, so he’s probably in the toilet or something.”
 “Okay. I’ll take something to drink.” You said with your mind focused on one thing.
 “Yeah. Definitely not going to look for him.” Wanda yelled behind you. You clasped your fists and exhaled. Yeah, of course, you were going to look for him but she wasn’t supposed to be that good at knowing you.
 After looking everywhere, there was only one place left to check. The balcony. It was January, in New York. You never thought we would be there.
 Of course, he was. You were just there, with your red velvet dress, looking and feeling so small and he was just a few steps in front of you, sitting on one of the chairs. He didn’t look happy.
 “Fuck.” He whispered and that’s when you noticed his red face and tears falling down his cheeks. It was the first time you’ve seen him cry and it felt so intimate. You knew you weren’t supposed to see that. Your first instinct was to go hug him because he was looking awfully vulnerable in the cold January air and he was just so big and his feelings were intimidating. You had to hold yourself back.
 “Sorry.” You closed the door quickly and avoided any confrontation because you were starting to cry and it was not fair. You remembered all the times you cried in front of him and how he tried his hardest to make you feel better and there you were because of a stupid break up.
 You must try harder,
Than kissing all of my friends, you
 Everything, even though you loved him still, led you to be the person you avoided being for years. You were holding grudges. You hoped it would make him feel something.
 That’s when you started to flirt people at parties. Anyone, you had a little liking of. Someone he knew. Some would respond. Most would. It was a great way of revenge for you. It was a way of making him feel bad. Who were you kidding? It only hurts you. You despised the feeling while also loving the awful weight of sadness in your chest because that’s what you deserved.
 And sometimes you would realise he didn’t care. Even if he did, he was great at hiding it.
 Yeah it takes a bit more than you
 When you saw him that way, it was just wrong. It was the first time you’ve seen him show emotions in months. You were moving with your emotions the whole year, not using your brain and for what? Breaking a heart. He must have been heartbroken. You knew you meant something to him
 You were feeling so stupid. Whatever the problem was you could’ve been there for him but you were stupidly just looking for a solution to satisfy you and break his heart.
  And you’re alive
At least as far as I can tell, you are
 You were thinking about how dead you felt at that moment because you were tired of all these games you played in your head. In lines of the satisfaction of hurting him and hurting yourself, you were becoming someone else.
“[Y/N]! Didn’t know you came.” Facing Steve Rogers was always joyful.
 “Steve Rogers, your voice is the voice of a nightingale.” You said, following with a relieved laughter. You could see yourself through a mirror, behind the huge man and you looked unfamiliar to yourself. It was you but she was clenching her fists, squeezing her shoulder and biting her lips at any chance she can. The person in front of you was tense.
 “I don’t know if I can handle this much love from you.” He patted you on the shoulder. He realised he didn’t look you in the face when he saw the tears on your cheeks. “Are you okay?” You just shook your head no.
 “I know how he feels. I know how you feel. I understand sincerity is scary but you can’t avoid how you feel with shaking your head or by sarcasm. You need to talk about it to yourself, to him.” He took a deep breath. “Did you think about what actually happened? I don’t think you did because Bucky didn’t either. Just give it a try.”
 “Thank you.” You mumbled and hugged it tightly before going into a quiet place for some time to think. You were already late.
 And so am I
You beat me down and then we’re back to my car
 You were amazing together. Every piece made for each other. That’s what your friends always said. Being a perfect couple of the friendship was, sadly, not so joyous as it sounded. Thinking about the struggle made you laugh because it was such a stupid thing to hate. Why would that be a problem?
 It was because every night out together turned into passive aggressive comments made, as you were both terrified to express anything. When you were out in Bucky’s red, vintage car, it was hours of piled up anger towards each other. It hurt like hell because fighting him was fighting the only person you could fall in love with. You were becoming toxic, slowly, internally and you didn’t want that because you loved him for who he is. You loved him at night when he sat next to you on the sofa and opened an episode of FRIENDS and that would be how you knew you were okay. You loved him when no one was around and he was analyzing every quote of the show like a high school English teacher.
 You didn’t want him to run out of those things.
 And it’s so ironic
How it’s only been a year
 And there came the fight. Exactly one year ago.
 You blamed him for his past actions even if you didn’t care.
 He blamed you for your perfectionism even if he didn’t care.
 You yelled for hours. To a point where you were crying hysterically and you had no voice.
 And he said the words.
 It’s not my fault,
That I fucked everybody here
 “Get out.”
 And that’s how it ended.
 Yeah it takes a bit more than you
 You wanted it to end now. A year was enough, more than enough.
 You rushed back through the hall without caring about how your hair looked. It looked awful but you were too determined to care. Your dress was wrinkled but you were too in love to care. You were in love with this man called Bucky Barnes and you were willing to tear your pride apart with your beautiful heels for his sake. You were willing to die for his sake.
 He was just a door away.
 He was only a step away.
 And I say do you wanna dance? Do you wanna dance?
Do you wanna dance in the bar, at the back of the hall?
 Your tears were streaming down your face when you sat next to your lover, not minding your dress getting dirty. Your face was wet.
 When you kissed him and when you told him you loved him it was more sincere than any time ever.
 With your shoulder in his head, tired as hell, you knew there was a lot to resolve. At least he was there.
Tags: @buckisthatyou
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First Touch
Summary: Medic!Reader tends to Lotor’s wounds, but the Prince doesn’t make it easy for the good doctor.
★ Disclaimer: I do not ship Lotura and I respectfully ask that this story to not be tagged as Lotura. This is a Lotor x Reader/Self-Insert OC story which is in no way related to Allura at all. Please be respectful of my chosen pairing.  ★
Touch Series: Part One___Part Two___Part Three___Part Four ___Part Five
Taste Series: Part One ___Part Two___Part Three ___Part Four___Part Five
Sight Series: Part One___Part Two___Part Three___Part Four
It had started out as...something subtle. Something that, more or less, tickled the back of Prince Lotor’s mind. He was an observer, always has been, and he’s gotten so used to his survivor skill that it was almost second nature to just study. Study the stars, the planets, the people, the enemy, the allies. Anything that teased his curiosity with a single stroke of its finger always sang to his urge for more. Go, discover, learn. Explore. It was both a curse and a blessing.
With just a glance, Lotor could process three things about the group seething at him from outside the prison walls. One; not a single soul trusted him. That much was a given considering all the grief and trouble he dragged them through mere hours ago. Two; they kept him alive for information. These heroes could have easily wiped his existence from this astral plane, but they were merciful. Whether for their own good souls or their own benefit, he has yet to figure that out. And three?
He was being observed, as well.
Not in the way the fine Paladins and Alteans did, with their heated glares that, in an alternate reality, could melt him on the spot. No, Lotor felt another pair of eyes on him, from the back of the group and well hidden from his line of sight. That tickle became stronger and he was itching to rise to his full height just to get a better view of who was spying on him. For now, though, he would play the waiting game. If he was patient, soon enough his prey would feel just as curious, if not more, about the scary alien prisoner behind bars.
How does the saying go? If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back? Oh, he could get used to this game.
Prince Lotor’s patience succeeded in the end. Well, that and the gaping hole in his arm may have sped up the process. Team Voltron had concluded that to get information, they would need a prisoner, um, ALIVE. Which brought up the problem of Lotor nearly bleeding out thanks to his recent betrayal from his commanding officers. Sure, his wonderful Galra genetics helped him stave off his pain for a while. He was considering himself lucky now that he hadn’t passed out from lack of blood.
“You’re bleeding.”
Oh? Quite the sharp eye you had. That was sarcasm, but he held his tongue to stay in your good graces.
“I have been for quite some time now,” he explained, brushing off his wound as if it was merely a hindrance, a missing armor piece or a stubborn hair in his face, “I take it the Paladins of Voltron have assigned you to aid me?”
You answered with a solemn nod and approached the cell cautiously. Very cautiously, almost too carefully, as if the air would suddenly conjure up lightning to electrify you on the spot. The way you held yourself reminded Lotor of a...frightened animal, like a gazelle hiding from a herd of lions and gators and every predator known in the universe. He supposed he did give off that energy, even stuck behind a cell like this one. That, and his height no doubt intimidated you to no end.
He could see your fear...and you were right to do so. Alone, just you two in the umpteenth floor of the castle with nothing but a barrier keeping him from approaching you. Though, he did not always need force to get what he wanted. Words were his most powerful weapon.
“May I see your arm, please?” you motioned towards the barrier that had a small slot opening just big enough for him to slip his arm through.
Ah, a polite medic! How perfect. Much easier to observe when your subjects are docile by nature. And how could he deny such a person? Lotor kept his eyes focused on you as he followed your orders, watching carefully as you disassembled his broken armor to reveal his damaged arm. There was a glint in your eyes when you spent seconds turned minutes scrutinizing the wound. Anything you learned, Lotor did as well.
For instance, during your unraveling, he noticed how your fingertips did not once skim over his skin. Again, the image of a gazelle flashed through his mind. Surely your cautiousness stemmed from something else? Yes, he was a dangerous man, a criminal too, but even you could see that his skin was not going to attack you. He was not some venomous snake that had poison oozing from his pores. No, he concluded it had to be...something else. It wasn’t the power, the menacing aura of his heritage, or his steely gaze that set you on edge.
He kept the thrill of this observation behind his facade, but he wanted to...experiment. Test out his hypothesis, so to speak. Part of him found it amusing how you kept just barely out of his reach, as if he wanted to clutch your throat in his larger hands and choke you until the last breath left your lungs. No, that would be...boring. The tickle wouldn’t be satisfying once he scratched it. Besides, what better way to gain the trust of the Paladins than to show he was of no threat to them? He would do so, starting with you. Through you, to be more specific.
You dabbed his wound with a generic cloth soaked with what he could only assume was some sort of alcohol, judging by the strong acid reaching his nose. Not only was his wound open wide along the length of his arm, but it was singed at the edges. Your movements were slow and calculated, something Prince Lotor appreciated and praised with his eyes. Now, if only you would look at him. Once - just once - but the stars would not grant his wish.
“It will have to be stitched up,” your voice was...were you bored? “But the burns will need to heal before doing that, or you’ll get an infection. There’s too many dead skin here, but I did remove as much as I could given your...restrictions.”
“Very well,” Lotor’s voice was deep, naturally commanding, “Do what you must, good doctor.”
Damn, he had hoped the compliment would deter your focus, but you did not yield. In fact, while you shuffled in your medical bag, Lotor could see you were more...disinterested. Was it the wound? Did you see too many cuts and bruises every day that assisting him was a waste of your time and potential? Or...were you, too, just observing him indirectly? So many questions, but not enough answers!
“Stay still, please,” came your order, not a hint of force behind them, “This will sting.”
Thread after thread, the cut in his arm sealed close. Your fingers were nimble and efficient like any competent medic, though your work was mediocre. Sufficient, perhaps a little primitive as well. Lotor was obedient, but at least his arm no longer throbbed in pain and spilled his blood everywhere he stepped. His sharp eyes watched you cut the string and, before you could pull your hand away, he took a risk by barely grazing his callous fingertips with your soft ones. He could play it off as an accident easily, even though his very purpose was to get a reaction out of you.
Oh, and what a reaction he received! Almost instantaneously, you yanked your hand back to your chest as if his touch alone would have severed your fingers clean from your knuckles. You didn’t blush, which was one reaction he expected. He had charms, he knows it, and is very well aware of them. Though, judging by the absolutely hateful look boiling behind your eyes and the near animalistic snarl set on your lips, it wasn’t his physical appearance that triggered your defenses to switch into an offensive mode.
No, it was the act he did.
“Do not touch me,” you spat, acid dripping from every syllable and a harsh threat nearly rising from your voice, “Don’t ever touch me.”
That tickle...it grew tenfold. A medic who was averse to touching patients? How absurd! Or...was it just him? Did you hate him as much as the Paladins did? Maybe more? Either way, he pulled his arm back within the cell to lay limp by his side, his cosmic blue eyes taking in your, in simple terms, utterly pissed off glare. You had shrunk back into yourself again, but this time the fangs and the claws were out. This time, he didn’t see the gazelle. It was more like...a turtle. Come closer, stick your fingers in my face again and see what happens.
“I apologize,” he stated with utmost sincerity, “I...I meant you no harm. Truly. It was a mistake on my part.”
Lotor’s words didn’t seem to temper your rage. If anything it seemed like he only stoked the burning flame even more. You must not have believed his apology. At least now he answered one question: you didn’t hate him.
You hated being touched.
Your nostrils flared a bit before you huffed at him in warning, still not trusting him or his genuine words. Perhaps that was an honest error on his part. His simple touch had seared you, hurt you, even if there was no superficial proof on the surface. Without sparing him another word, you turned your back to him and walked away from his cage. His mind was processing everything that happened so quickly, analyzing where he went wrong and how his next test would be in a more controlled environment.
Yes, there will be a next test. Prince Lotor’s curiosity was not sated and now, he can truly say he found humans quite fascinating.
Lotor wanted to learn.
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personagf-moved · 5 years
alphabet & soft questions ✨
I was tagged by my bb’s @prksjmiin (alphabet ask) and @joonieblossoms (soft ask) and i didn’t want to make two separate posts so im gonna apologize in advance bc i decided to stick both posts together :’) dkdkkdkd yall aint gotta read everything but if u do ily and im sorry i write novels on novels dlfksdkf
i’ll tag @koyasdad, @1ovegf, @joonlit, @sleepyyyoongs, @constellationstars and @capgi 💘
honestly feel free to do either one or both or none if u want dkkdkdkd i just wanted to tag u guys bc ily
Alphabet ask:
a // age: 21
b // birthplace: new jersey!
c // current time: 1:17 am
d // drink you had last: coffee
e // easiest person to talk to: my brother when he isnt being an absolute fool
f // favorite songs: 
aint it fun - paramore
trivia love 
honey - kehlani
abbey - mitski
moonlight - ariana grande
g // grossest memory: i was in the city one time and a bird shit on my forehead. i think about it at least twice a week 
h // horror yes or horror no:  H O R R O R   Y E S   B A B E E E Y Y Y Y Y Y Y im the absolute worst person i’ll dead ass watch a scary movie/video or read horror stories by myself just bc. 
i // in love: with my whole ass soulmate namjoon. i luv u string bean man
j // jealous of people: im not even gonna try to lie i am a very jealous person and i am so sorry about it but i really cant help it lmfao. blame my scorpio venus i guess
k // kids of your own someday: when i say i have been thinking about this everyday.........! i wanna have it all i want the kids the white picket fence the dream house everything. i cant wait to be a mommy one day and love n support my bb’s :’)
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again: we a whole ass fool on main and believe in love at first sight!!!! i really do believe soulmates are a true thing and if a love is destined to be across an infinite span of lifetimes and universes then it will always find its way back. when you know, you know, and i genuinely believe that. 
m // middle name: padilla
n // number of siblings: 1 older brother, 1 half brother (older), and 1 half sister (older)
o // one wish: to find true love
p // person you last called: my manager bc i had a work question lol
q // question you’re always asked: “why are you like this” (usually friends @ me when i wild out...which is like everyday), “are you mad?”, “how old are you REALLY?”, “how’s your brother?” (bc he ghosts all family n i have to speak on his behalf like always fsdfjksdf)
r // random fact about you: i once used a horrible bootleg copy of the force awakens to make a star wars crack video dubbing the part in shrek when he first meets donkey over the scene when rey first met bb-8 and it went viral and has like 200,000 notes and even had articles written about it. also i had a weird fascination with jar jar binks and danny devito when i was in high school and i had a habit of making either one of them my icon on school accounts so i could make people laugh when they emailed me or saw me in a word document skfkkkfkf
s // song you last sang: “abbey” by mitski :’(
t // time you woke up: exactly 10 this morning and it was weird bc i picked up my phone and it had JUST turned 10 when i looked i was so shook lol 
u // underwear colour: she be black 
v // vacation destination: paris bc im a basic bitch :’) also japan/all asian countries. i wanna connect with my roots more :/
w // worst habit: yeeting the fuck outta people’s lives when i think they’re getting too close/when i get overwhelmed. im sorry im a flighty bitch @ anyone i’ve ever ghosted :( i love anyone who’s ever tried to talk to me and its never ur fault, i just get the urge to escape sometimes and i’m trying to fix it 
x // x-rays: omg @ tori dead ass me too tho, i had x-rays when i broke my arm when i was around 6 :o
y // your favorite food: my mom’s spaghetti! and sushi. also i love any and all filipino food but specifically i like nilaga and kare-kare oooo baby
z // zodiac sign: we’re a proud libra sun 
Soft ask:
What’s the smell of your shampoo?
we got them fruity scents up in here we keep that shit smellin like a goddamn strawberry field take a fuckin whiff babes
What’s your aesthetic?
the moon and stars, soft pink and purple sunsets with a burning red on the horizon, sunrises as well, paintings and generally all art revolving around flowers and the celestial, pretty pastel pink and yellow, the sound and smell of rain falling against the window while being curled up in bed uwu 
What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
lately it’s been night time. i generally get more creative and feel more at home during the night. i miss being a morning person tho. 
What do you most like about the beach?
not a lot fklsjdjfkslkdflksdlkf i usually only go to get a tan and walk the boardwalk with my friends, but if i had it my way i would never step foot in the ocean for the rest of my life sdjdjdjdjsj we dont trust her!!!!!!!!!
What do you worry about constantly?
when i’m gonna figure out what i wanna do with my life lol. i took a year off to think about it but all i ended up doing was working myself to exhaustion and getting comfy in a work only mindset and now i’m only even more confused about what i want to pursue. i’m just glad im going to chicago next week because i feel like a change of setting for even just a week could give me a much needed reset on my mindset going into the next year. i worry about the future but the problem is i worry about the present too lol. oh well, we’ll figure it out!
What is a song you’ve cried to before?
oh boy...
trivia love
first love
she used to be mine - waitress soundtrack
20 something - sza
26 - paramore
the letter - kehlani
landslide - fleetwood mac
when you see my friends - mayday parade
and many........many many more...... skskskks music is my main emotional outlet so naturally im gonna cry over anything that reflects my heart
What are some relaxing tips for your followers?
as The World’s Number One Most Stressed Out Human Being™️ i am definitely in no way fit to give advice on how to relax LMFAO 
but i guess something that always works for me is putting on music i KNOW will make me sing a long or make me happy to distract me from the nerves i’m feeling. also putting on my favorite comfort movies to make me feel better (they’re big fish, scott pilgrim vs the world, and spirited away btw lol)
 What are some things that make you tear up?
the ending of coco, seeing my mom cry, or anyone i love cry tbh, when children are neglected/abused, thinking about the world i’ll have to bring my future children into and how i’m going to be able to teach them to stay strong and bright in the face of it, lyrics that hit too close to home, absolutely anything tbh i cry easy
What is your favorite from each sense?
sight - the view of my cherry blossom tree against a pink sunset in the spring of my childhood home, a person’s eyes and how they light up when they smile, especially when they crinkle as they laugh
smell - the earth after rain, a forest in autumn
taste - my mom’s cooking, good coffee on an early morning
sound - beautiful melodies and harmonies to accompany them, a baby cooing, birds chirping at sunrise
touch - my pillow when its nice and cool, a cat’s tummy, a baby’s cheeks, fingers running through my hair
What is an alternative reality you’d like to live in?
one where im married to namjoon n we have a lot of smart musical prodigy babies who have his dopey smile and i live comfortably in our big ass home in korea where i raise our babies n get that good pipe down every night like i should
jk i wanna live in a reality where magic is real and i can cast spells and live my best life as the true witch that i am
What are some troubles you face on a daily basis?
for starters im ugly as shit so theres one
if we mean practically then i have really bad knees and i recently busted them again so its been really hard getting up and down stairs lately and bending over 
but idk theres not really much. emotionally i just tend to get withdrawn and timid in public so it can be hard for me to speak up when i go out
What is one scene from a book that makes you really sad?
unfortunately i haven’t read as many books lately as i did when i was younger...so a lot of my memories are from books that i read like as a kid lol......THAT BEING SAID i think rue and finnick’s death in the hunger games was truly heartbreaking to read, the spine of my copies of both books have cracks on those pages bc i had to read it several times just to really believe it. also i thought it was written so heart wrenchingly well that i had to go back.  also in looking for alaska when pudge, a man who loved to know people’s last words, realized that he would never know alaska’s last words. im also really thankful for that book bc it introduced me to wh auden’s poetry and to this day he’s still one of my favorite poets of all time.  
Say something to your followers:
thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU for following me and for some reason deciding to stay after how many times i act up on the daily. all jokes aside i really appreciate every single one of you no matter the number and i sincerely hope that you always have love and joy in your heart and that 2019 treats you well. i HONESTLY mean it when i say that i am always here if you guys want to talk or send me things or roast me or talk shit seriously i wanna hear it all and talk about it all i think all of you are so interesting and so beautiful and i’d love to get to know more about you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS! yeet!
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thejokersenigma · 7 years
Joker x Reader - Deadly Voice Part 41
Hi guys, next part is about ready, I've been messing around with it a bit, but decided this one is probably better off shorter than normal. The start is a bit rough (I just couldn't figure out how to write it) but it gets a bit better after that!
Anyway - hope you enjoy and thank you for you continual support!
As always - if you want to be tagged in the future let me know.
Also if anyone wants me to try requests I am happy to have a go! Be it imagines, one parts or multi part fan fics! :)
 There were a couple of reasons my head ached in that moment – one, the lingering effect of whatever knockout drugs had been given to me, and two, the snap decision I had made to work with Bobby and get her back in my head.
I was regretting that now.
A weird sensation had overcome me when I shoved into her – like someone had poured a bucket of cold water over me – and then there had been the intense feeling of my head ripping open, though I felt no pain. Now I was still crouched at the back of the 4x4 in a cold sweat and shivering as I stared at the dead body lying in front of me.
Had Bobby done that in the transition? I had been attempting to do it myself, but I couldn’t seem to ready the gun in my panic - that’s what had finally decided for me to work with Bobby – to save my life.
I had expected chaos to ensue at the gun shot - for the other guards to start yelling, running at me or firing their own weapons -  but it was completely silent, no movement apparent out of the corner of my eyes as I stared at the body.
I could see the perfectly round hole in his skull and watched the blood that trickled down the side of his face, pooling somewhere in the dark on the tarmac.
I swallowed dryly, did Bobby really make me do that? At least she was gone now, safely back in my head. I’d done it for my best interest really – at least that’s what I had told myself. At the time, I needed to be able to do something about the henchman coming at me, now I felt like I would need the confidence and strengths of Bobby to deal with the Joker. And, if what she said was true, I would feel far more in control of what I was doing this time – not just when I got angry – I just needed to embrace it properly. However, judging by the corpse in front of me, I wasn’t sure if she’d been telling the truth.
But yet, the bullet hole -  still oozing a dark blood that glinted in areas thanks to small patch of light in front of me -  was in the back of his head. How could I have shot him in the back of his head – unless somehow the bullet had gone completely through his skull.
But had I even been aiming at his head?
Just then, a cold cackle broke the alley’s silence.
I knew that laugh, it made my heart drop and my body tense. And it was coming from directly in front of me.
I snapped my head, and - sure enough - the Joker was stepping into the patch of light in front of the 4x4, his eyes on me.
“You should see yourself doll…” He purred lowly, “Like a deer caught in the headlights!” I saw his eyes drop to my hands where I still cradled the assault rifle, the safety still off and barrel still pointed in his direction.
A grin spread across his face, knowing and humoured by my actions. “Ah, I see you’ve come prepared... But, ya’ know kitten, it’s rude to take what’s not yours.” He told me and suddenly my weapon was seized from behind me and yanked roughly out of my hands causing me to fall over onto my hands and knees on the road, the gravel biting into my palms.
I had been too busy worrying about the Joker in front of me I hadn’t clocked the two-hulking henchman that had appeared behind me. A glance back over my shoulder now showed the vague outlines of the two large men, one of them fiddling with my gun and expertly removing the loaded magazine. Damn.
"That’s a bit better.” Said the Joker pleasantly and I snapped my head back round to see him swaggering his way toward me, the light from the headlamps only exaggerating the dark shadows around his eyes and his sharp jaw line. “Don’t want anyone to get hurt now do we?” He asked as he moved to the edge of the lit area, his face falling into shadow but I could still see his hand beckoning me to him.
I hesitated too long and was harshly yanked to my feet by one of the henchmen behind me. I pulled away angrily from the man’s grip, shooting a death glare into the darkness behind me where I could just make out the facial features of a large brutish man.
I returned my gaze to the Joker who had remained where he was. Waiting. I walked slowly towards him, not giving him the satisfaction of thinking he scared me - though my heart racing under my skin gave it away.
I stepped into the pool of light with him and I noticed what the simple white shirt he wore was only done up at the last few buttons, exposing his toned chest and the gold chains that draped his neck. I was also acutely aware of the gun holsters that hung over his shoulders. “[Y/N],” The Joker greeted, and I returned my gaze to his eyes, “As beautiful as always.” He grinned slyly at me and I eyed him suspiciously, knowing I probably looked at state and nowhere close to my usual standard, let alone beautiful.
“Joker, as charming as ever I see.” I retorted, much to my shock.
Joker beamed at me in delight however, his metal teeth catching the yellow light. “Maybe we ought to drug you more often, doll.” He said, “You seem far more…” He searched for the word, “Amiable.”
Whilst I couldn’t deny that my head still felt particularly uncomfortable and groggy, I was afraid that in my right mind I probably still would have said that. This new-found confidence was scary, but thrilling -  just like being around the Joker.
“What do you want?” I asked out right with a frown, not willing to play his little games.
"I love it when you sweet talk me, baby.” He grinned devilishly, leaning in towards me, trying to make me uncomfortable with the lack of personal space. I remained unfazed, now quite use to his little quirks, and continued to scowl at him. His smile dropped, “Fine, kill the fun.”  He said, waving a hand in dismissal and straightening himself back upright again. “I have a proposition for you, Doll.” He finally declared.
I immediately didn’t like the sound of this and the Joker must have noticed because he wagged his finger warningly at me, “Ahh Ahh Doll. Hear me out – you’re gonna love this.”
I couldn’t help but be a little intrigued and I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for him to continue. He raised his invisible eyebrows at my attempt to seem blasé and unconcerned, but let it pass. “You, doll, are going to come with me and stay in one of my safehouses for…” He rolled his neck, his eyes searching the darkness as he thought it through, “Let’s say a week.” He decided.
I frowned at him in confusion at this ridiculous suggestion, “Why on Earth would I do that?” I demanded, the weirdness of the request cracking my uncaring façade.
“I told you, Doll…” He drawled, taking a step forward and reaching out with one hand towards my face, and I instinctively flinched back, even though he paused halfway. “… I need to see you smile.” He purred, smiling his metal grin at the word and twisting the wrist of his outstretched hand, his fingers closing one by one into a fist. He paused a moment, his eyes lingering on my lips before he snapped his gaze back to mine. “So we’re going to have a little game.” He purred, pulling his hand back, “A week to get you to smile – or laugh – I’ll take either.” He grinned menacingly.
“You’re making me want to laugh at the very idea.” I told him, teasing but not breaking out of my serious expression.
He looked almost shocked at what I had said, “Don’t toy with me doll, if I didn’t know better I’d think you were trying to be funny.”
I shrugged, slightly amused by his stunned expression. “So, what happens if you don’t make me smile within a week?” I asked.
“Well here’s the real fun, doll.” He said, his smile returning, “We’re going to place a little bet. If I can’t make you smile by the end of a week then I’ll give you what you want. I’ll leave you alone for good.” I was shocked. Was the Joker actually offering me a way out of this silly charade we’d been playing – a way to get away from him forever without having to resort to previous extremes? And all I had to do was to survive one week with him and not smile? That surely wasn’t hard to do. His humour wasn’t particularly in my taste and a lot of the things he did would make most people scream or break down, not smile.
I frowned, not convinced on how sincere he was being – what was the catch? “What happens if you win?” I asked, “If you did manage to make me smile?”
He grinned widely at me, “The one thing that I want.”
And what’s that?” I asked, almost afraid to know.
“Well, we’ll just see wont we?” He told me with a wide grin
I didn’t like the sound of that. Who knew what he wanted from me.
But if I said no – if I thought the risk was too high - what would happen then? Would he just let me go here and now and we return to normal? Or was there no actual option here – was it more of a demand that this was happening whether I wanted it to or not? It wasn’t like I could do anything – I was stood maybe 2-3 foot away from the Joker himself and I knew that lurking in the shadows was at least 5 henchmen - if not more. So, did I really have a choice?
But if I did agree, could I guarantee that I wouldn’t smile for a whole week with him? I would have thought it was easy to not smile around him. And surely, being a busy crime lord, he wouldn’t be around that much anyway? He definitely wouldn’t want a pathetic girl hanging off his shoulder all day, every day, so would I just be alone most of the time anyway?
All the time I considered this the Joker watched me intently - maybe trying to predict my response - though he must know that he had me stuck and there was really only one proper answer.
So, what’da’ya say, doll?” He asked, leaning toward me again, “I’ll give you good odds!” He grinned innocently.
I scowled at him before finally admitting what I knew I’d have to say all along. “Fine.”
A roguish smile spread across his face before it widened to a grin. “Wonderful.” He purred, “Frosty will escort you to your new home.”
“Where are you going?” I asked, once more surprised by my boldness.
The Joker also seemed surprised at the question, already heading back into the darkness of the alley and pausing with his back to me. I panicked, worried I’d gone too far and he’d turn around with a gun or a knife.
Instead he turned his head back over his shoulder at me, “I have a few more bits of business to clear up.” He told me darkly, his eyes were dangerous but I knew it wasn’t aimed at me, none the less I felt myself shiver. With that he had turned back and strode off into the blackness, out of sight.
There would be a few more bodies in the morgue tomorrow – I could guarantee it.
Suddenly I felt a hand land on my shoulder and I jumped, spinning to face my assailant only to see Frost stood behind me, slightly taken aback by my reaction.
“Sorry, [Y/N].” Frost apologised quickly, holding his hands up in surrender, “The cars over here.” He told me, gesturing behind him with the thumb of his right hand. I followed him in silence, trying to let the new situation sink in.
We reached the car – another 4x4 – and Frost opened the passenger door for me. I hesitated before sliding in, “Frost, can I ask…” I started, lifting my gaze to his face as I folded myself into the car. He nodded, “What have I got myself into?”
Frost paused, “I honestly don’t know, [Y/N].” he admitted before closing the car door on me with a thud.
Tags: @viraldragonrider @6fish6 @theartistdetective @carouselcurls
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eirabach · 7 years
What Life Is [3/4...ish]
Hello hello, I come bearing the ever growing CSSS fic written for the very lovely @littlebabeswan. Absolute credit to the CS Writers’ Hub ladies, for their advice and regular poking. Tagging @cat-sophia @lenfaz @piratesails @blessed-but-distressed and @profoundlyfadedprincess who asked and are actual angels.
Rated M. This starts to matter in this chapter ok? Ok. This part 5.6k.
[Part One] [Part Two]
She’s the one who goes to pick him up, waiting in the lobby of the company paid-for hotel and scowling at her reflection in the marbled walls. The light’s too harsh, her hair looks brassy and her dress looks cheap (is cheap to be quite honest - she's not going broke over this thing), but she practices a fake smile and it looks alright. Good enough to fool those who didn't know her and most of those that do into believing that she’s happy. A woman in love, even though she’s not quite sure what such an alien notion would look like on her own face.
Then he leaves the elevator all sin and smarm in a fine tailored suit, and the smile crumbles, brittle under the weight of his stare.
She can't help the way her heart kicks up a gear, the tingle his smile sends across her skin. She can't help being happy to see him, but god, she can't be. She can't.
“You look beautiful,” he says. “But then you always do.”
“And you look -”
“I know.”
She ought to smile back, be gracious, thank him, any of the half dozen other polite things that other people would do when complimented by a date, but Emma is not other people.
“Do you? Cause I was gonna say mismatched,” she hisses out, her sudden, irrational anger catching him off guard.
“Whatever do you mean?” he asks, so smooth and noncommittal that most people wouldn't notice the slight tick in his jaw, the way his eyes darken as his walls come up.
She sees, though. They are rather alike after all.
“You're wearing navy, I'm wearing red,” she gestures between them, “what, have we come as two thirds of the national flag?”
“I don't follow you,” he says, brow furrowed. “What does it matter?”
“Why do you think I text you what colour dress I was wearing. We're supposed to match!”
His expression lightens immediately.
“Was that why? I thought you were just teasing a man, Swan.”
She rolls her eyes so hard it actually hurts.
“About the colour of my dress?”
“With the thought of you in it,” he shoots back.
“This is going to be a disaster,” she groans.
He tilts his head, suddenly shrewd.
“Is that what marriage is to you? Two people wearing colour coordinated party wear?”
“No,” Emma scoffs. “But it's what the people at Regina Mills’ birthday bash will notice - how can we be a convincing couple if we can't even look the part?”
“No one will care what we're wearing,” he says gently, and Emma barely resists the urge to stamp her foot in frustration.
“Have you met Regina?”
“Listen,” Killian steps into her space and takes her hand in his, entwining their fingers oh-so-gently, his gaze fixed on her the whole time. “Just - just leave this to me, all right? Follow my lead.”
“Why,” she asks, “you going to play Prince Charming?”
“I prefer dashing rapscallion, love,” he says with a wink, tugging her after him as he heads for the door. “And believe me - there's no acting involved.”
The party’s in full swing by the time they arrive, Emma leaving the keys to the bug with a perturbed young valet as light floods from the large sash windows of Regina’s screamingly ostentatious home and the sound of music and laughter echoes out of the open doors.
“I wasn’t expecting this,” she says, wrinkling her nose slightly as a man stumbles down the porch steps, clearly worse for wear. “I thought Regina’s parties were a little more…”
“Staid?” Killian asks cheerfully.
“Scary,” she admits.
“Well,” Killian pauses, watching the man on the stairs digging through his pockets. “I can see something out of one of our nightmares at least.”
She catches hold of his prosthetic as he storms towards the porch, a strange little thrill running through her at how natural it feels to wrap her fingers around the curve of it as she scurries after him, her heels catching in the gravel driveway.
“Are you trying to ruin everything?” he calls, and she almost lets go, but then the drunk man looks up and she groans.
“I would never!” bellows Will joyfully, his arms outstretched. “Killian! Mate! You’re late!”
“You’re drunk,” hisses Killian. “How can you possibly be drunk already? Why are you here?”
Will furrows his brow as if considering the question, but then the sounds from inside become momentarily louder and a second, smaller and more graceful, figure appears.
“I invited him of course,” Belle says brightly, her cheeks flushed. “Oh Emma, just wait until you meet Robin, he’s so kind and welcoming and - “ she hiccups loudly. Will gives her a wide, adoring, sloppy smile.
“Robin?” Killian asks from the side of his mouth.
“The new Mr Mills,” Emma says lowly, “clearly he’s livened things up around here.”
“Listen, mate, just so as you know,” Will grabs Killian’s jacket lapels and pulls him close to whisper in his ear. Except, of course, he’s so drunk that it’s less whispering and more like a foghorn at point blank range. “There’s something in the punch.”
He winks extravagantly, and Belle nods.
“There really is,” she whisper-shouts. “I think we might be drunk.”
“You think?” Emma says with a sigh before tugging Killian free of Will’s extended grasp. “Have fun out here you two. Be good.”
“And if we can’t be good be careful, right?” trills Belle, and the two of them disappear into the dark of the garden, their giggles fading away as Killian and Emma watch them retreat.
“You still think they’ll care that we clash?” Killian asks her.
“Shut up,” she grumbles, but she holds his prosthetic tighter as he leads them through the door.
It's a party like no other, that's for sure.
Emma stares, mouth agape, as what look like a load of overgrown college boys in various camouflage patterns play a riotous game of beer pong on Regina’s antique dresser top, mere feet away from where the woman herself holds court, as pristine and put together as always, with three expensively dressed and solemn faced members of local government.
On the other side of the room, beside the innocent looking punch bowl, a woman with tell-tale red soles on her shoes and a necklace worth more than Emma's apartment brays delightedly at a seven foot tall man with a full lumberjack beard and mud on his trouser leg.
“Livening up, you said?” Killian says lowly. “I'm surprised the place isn't on fire.”
It's so surreal that for a few minutes the two of them can do little else but watch as tuxedoed waiters flit, ghost like, between groups of rowdy partygoers, their silver trays weighted down with a bizarre mishmash of long stemmed crystal ware and red solo cups, until, eventually, Regina notices their arrival.
“Not quite what I was expecting, Ms Mills,” Killian says as she approaches. “I’d been led to believe there was a long term moratorium on fun at these events.”
“I think that you and I view fun very differently, Mr Jones,” Regina sniffs back. “But it's Robin’s first event here at the house and I wanted him to feel part of it.”
The hard lines of her mouth soften as she looks over to where a man with a scruffy beard and kind eyes is entertaining a group of lawyers with a story that seems to require a lot of expansive hand gestures.
“You're being nice,” Emma states. “That's weird.”
“Believe me when I say, I don't plan on making a habit of it,” Regina sniffs, but her face stays soft until she looks away.
“So,” Emma shuffles on the spot, nerves starting to get the better of her, “We’re here, what's the plan?”
“The plan?” asks Regina.
“You know,” Emma hisses, her eyes flitting about in case US visa control have plans to gatecrash, “the whole thing with the thing.”
“Very erudite.” Regina drawls. “Not to worry, Miss Swan. Mr Jones assures me he has the matter in hand, so to speak.”
Emma’s attention immediately turns to Killian, who’s looking rather smug.
“You do?”
“I do.”
She lifts her brows in query and he shrugs, his eyes twinkling.
“Are you going to tell me?”
He taps his prosthetic against his chin in consideration.
“Trust me?”
Emma narrows her eyes, her hands coming to rest on her hips.
“Are you asking or telling?” she asks.
Killian smiles, placing his hand and prosthetic on her shoulders until she relaxes, her hands softening from the fists they’d found themselves in.
“Always asking, darling.”
He says it with sincerity, the smugness of his smile replaced with something kinder, something trustworthy, and even though she’s sure she should know better she nods.
“All right. I trust you.”
“How lovely,” grumbles Regina. “Try not to show me up, won’t you? You’re both representing the company here tonight - and it’s my birthday.”
She turns on her heel and makes a beeline for her new husband, the sway of her hips as she moves across the room making a point that Emma isn’t sure she quite understands.
“She doesn’t want you showing her up,” Killian says, making her jump slightly with how close he is, his breath warm on the shell of her ear.
“Me?” Emma scoffs. “As if. I’ve never been to anything like this before.”
Across the room on a makeshift dance floor a man in a hunting jacket does the robot to the strains of a classical string quartet who are perched, alarmed but consummately professional, on a small stage above him.
“I don’t think anybody’s ever been to anything quite like this before,” agrees Killian. “But that doesn’t mean you aren’t the most beautiful woman in the room.”
“Don’t be creepy,” Emma says as her cheeks flush pink. “I was starting to like you.”
“Glad to hear it, but Swan, believe me, every man in here is looking at you and wishing they were me.”
“Because I get to do this, of course.”
He sweeps her onto the dance floor, elbowing robot-guy out of the way in the process, and rests his hand on her waist, holding up the prosthetic for her to hold.
“What are we doing?” she asks, swallowing butterflies as he grins down at her.
He tilts his head slightly, listening, and then pulls her ever so slightly closer.
“By the sounds of it, a waltz.”
He takes two steps, pulling Emma after him as she desperately tries to avoid stamping on his toes.
“Are you kidding? I don’t know how to do that!”
“Of course you do,” Killian scoffs. “There’s only one rule.”
Emma figures out his movements, following each of his steps with her own, and then looks up, grinning, to see him looking back at her with pride and affection, and something else she daren’t quite name.
“Pick a partner who knows what they’re doing.”
He knows what he’s doing.
They dance, and flirt, and sneak solo cups of rum punch like kids at the prom she never got to go to, until her smile isn’t the fake, cold thing she’d practiced in the hotel lobby but something brighter and deeper that makes her cheeks ache and her heart feel full of something she doesn’t quite know how to name.
Killian wins two games of beer pong, and only loses the third when she sneaks up behind him, her hand ghosting over his ass as she leans over him to snatch one of the cups, and Emma almost forgets she’s at her boss’s birthday party, almost forgets that she’s about to commit fraud in front of a room full of layers and officials and, apparently, bushmen.
Almost forgets all of it, until Regina climbs on stage, silencing the music with a wave of her hand, and Killian slips away from her side.
“I’d like to thank you all for coming tonight,” Regina begins. “It’s a pleasure to celebrate in the company of so many friends and -” she catches sight of Will in the crowd and her brow furrows, “associates. I’d like to thank - ”
She doesn’t get any further. Killian appears on stage, his hair slightly mussed, and plucks the microphone from her hands. Part of Emma presumes that Regina must have been in on his plan, because there is no way she’d usually let such disrespect stand, but the rest of her, the majority of her, is frozen in terror as she realises what he’s about to do.
“How’s it going, folks!” he calls, and the crowd cheers drunkenly, “Are you having a good time?”
Another cheer, and he scratches behind his ear, looking out into the crowd until his eyes lock with hers.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce to you the most extraordinary woman,” he says, beckoning for her to join up on stage, and quirking an eyebrow when she shakes her head furiously.
Oh right.
She should have known he’d go in for something like this, but nonetheless she clambers up beside him, and gives the gathered crowd a bashful wave.
“Emma Swan,” he says, turning to her and dropping to one knee.
Someone somewhere shrieks, but Emma only has eyes for him, for the way he’s looking at her as if she’s the only person in the world. As though he means it. She swallows hard, and nods for him to continue.
“Emma Swan, we haven’t known each other long, but I knew -” he shakes his head, “I’ve always known from the moment I met you, that you were strong, and clever, and beautiful, but more than anything I knew from that very first moment that you were the other half of my soul, and I swear, Emma, that it is my greatest wish to spend the rest of my days being the man who makes you happy. So please,” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small velvet box that opens to reveal a beautiful, glittering solitaire. “Will you allow me the honour?”
“Yeah,” she says, breathless under the intensity of his gaze, “yeah go on then.”
He slips the ring onto her finger - a perfect fit that she figures she should thank Belle for - and the crowd, well, the crowd go wild.
A whirlwind of congratulations follow, the two of them separated by the drunk and cooing well-wishers, and Emma is subjected to dozens of hugs and cheek kisses that culminate in being lifted clear off her feet by Robin’s large and bearded friend, before she's able to grab hold of Killian's hand again.
“Happy?” he asks, with such a goofy smile that she doesn't even think of lying to him.
“I am,” she says, squeezing his fingers, “you know, I really, truly am.”
“Give her a kiss!” somebody yells, and Emma sneaks a glance over his shoulder to see Will propped up against some architrave giving them two thumbs up.
When she looks back at him the giddy expression is gone, replaced with a sort of burning intensity that makes her stomach flip and her heart speed up.
“What do you think, Swan?” he asks lowly. “Shall we give the people what they want?”
She bites her lip and watches his eyes grow darker.
“I dunno,” she half-whispers, the punch making her brave, “do you think they can handle it?”
“Them, or you?”
She hums, tugging him down to her by the lapels, “Oh, I can handle it.”
“Is that a challe - “
He lets out a surprised little sound as she pulls him down the last few inches, and crushes her mouth to his own.
The kiss is rough, but his lips are soft, soft and warm with the taste of rum punch, and when he opens his mouth breathing him in feels like coming to life. It takes her by surprise - the ferocity with which she wants him, her fingers rising to tangle in the soft hair at the nape of his neck and pull him closer, harder, more. She might have kissed him to quench the fire he lit within her but it hasn’t worked, instead it’s stoking it higher and higher until it threatens to consume her whole, her whole world reduced to this man and the way he tastes, to the burn of his beard against her skin and the want throbbing through her veins.
He’s gentle in comparison, his tongue soft against hers, his hand only moving to entangle itself gently in the ends of her hair, but she can feel his restraint in the tension of his shoulders, in the hot, solid length of him rising against her belly. When she finally releases him he leans back in, one, two, three small kisses to the side of her mouth, her cheek, the tip of her nose, before he pulls back to rest his forehead against hers, his thumb stroking at her cheek.
“That was  - ” he manages, breathless and flushed, his eyelashes dark against his pink cheeks, and all Emma can think is;
Not enough. Not nearly enough.
They sway in each others space for a moment, utterly unaware of the party still going on around them, until somebody - Will, probably - interrupts them with a gleeful cry of get a room!
“Well?” she says softly, rubbing her nose against his, her smile threatening to split her face. “Shall we give the people what they want?”
It’s almost funny, the way his eyes snap open, the blue almost entirely subsumed by desire, and she takes great pleasure in grinding herself against him and watching them flutter shut.
“Are you certain?” he grinds out, his jaw tight.
“Very sure,” she says. “Let’s get out of here.”
They don’t get far, the sounds of the party dulled but by no means silenced as he presses her up against the cool tile of Regina’s bathroom wall.
She’s already lost one heel, the other digging into his back as she encourages the grind of his hips against hers, her dress is rucked up around her waist, his suit jacket hanging off the shower rail and goddamn it, it’s still not enough.
She lets out a frustrated growl that fades to a whimper as he sucks a bruise into her pulse point, her hands struggling with his belt, need making her clumsy in her desperation.
“Ah ah, no you don’t,” he says, nipping at her earlobe before pulling away entirely, smiling at the scowl she throws him as her foot hits the floor.
“What?” she pants. “You don’t want to?”
“Oh,” he says. “I do. I want nothing more, but I am a gentleman.”
“Please don’t tell me you want to wait for marriage,” Emma moans, “Please.”
“Impatient,” he hums, tugging at her dress so that it leaves her underwear exposed and she shivers, the tile against her ass contrasting fiercely with the burn between her thighs. “Never let it be said I keep a lady waiting.”
He grabs her waist, lifting her away from the wall and depositing her on the edge of the sink unit.
“Up you go, there's a girl,” he says, stepping between her parted legs and pressing kisses to the line of her neck, her collarbone and the rise of her dress. “Let me take care of you?”
He drops to his knees, his breath warm and damp against where she aches for him, his hand hot on her thigh and the prosthetic cool and thrilling at the juncture of her thighs.
Emma leans back, resting her head against the mirror, the door directly in her line of sight and reminding her, suddenly and horribly, that she’s about to fuck this man in her bosses bathroom.
“We shouldn't. We really really shouldn't,” she gasps out as he uses the prosthetic to tug at the edge of her underwear.
It drops away immediately, Killian looking up at her in concern.
“You want to stop?”
She shakes her head furiously.
“Oh fucking hell no.”
He beams at her, and her heart clenches.
“Thank god for that. I've been waiting since that bloody airport to do this,” his prosthetic returns to play at the fabric and she lifts her hips ever so slightly to help him remove them. He presses her back down with a smirk.
“No, leave them on.”
With a flick of his wrist her underwear is pushed aside and his mouth settles against her, the first experimental flick of his tongue sending her hands flying over her head for something to hold on to.
“Jesus,” she hisses out, and his answering chuckle makes her shudder helplessly against him.
“Killian,” he corrects with a quick nip to the skin of her thigh.  “Ready?”
She nods, pretty much beyond words at the sight of him between her legs, and his smile is even more beautiful when it’s pressed against her most sensitive flesh, his talented tongue dipping down, down until it’s all she can do not to grab him by the hair and force him to where she wants him, lights blooming behind her eyelids as he sucks her clit into his mouth, the only sounds her desperate heaving breaths he brings her to the edge and the creak of the door.
The fucking door.
Her eyes fly open to see a short, sour faced man standing in the doorway, his only reaction to watching Killian work the slight curl of his upper lip.
“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Killian! Killian stop!”
She slaps at his head until he looks up at her with a furrowed brow and glistening chin.
“What's -” he begins, and she nods her head towards the door. Killian smirks, not even bothering to wipe his face before he turns towards the intruder. “Sorry mate this is a private - you!”
You looks gleeful, leaning against the door frame with a nasty sort of smile as Emma tries to pull her clothing back into some sort of order behind the protection of Killian’s body.
“Well, well. This is a surprise. I see your habits are much the same as they ever were.” he says to Killian, before pointedly craning his head around to address her. “Miss Swan, I presume? I've heard such a lot about you. Not this much, but a lot.”
“Don’t you talk to her,” Killian growls taking a step away from Emma and closer to the man in the doorway. “Don’t you even look at her.”
“Too late for that, I’m afraid,” he says. “I can certainly see what it is you see in her, Captain. I’m not so sure what it is she sees in you.”
She’s barely aware that she’s moved until the tile under her bare feet is replaced by plush carpets and then the damp cool leaves of the yard, until she’s ripped her keys from the hand of a bemused teenage valet, doesn’t hear him call out for her until she’s already behind the wheel, the ignition on and hot tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.
She doesn’t look back until she’s halfway home. The tears taste like regret.
Regina sits stiffly behind her desk, her hands folded in front of her, the long, red nails of one drumming out a rhythm on the leather surface. Holy shit, but she is pissed.
“It wasn’t what it looked like,” Emma begins, and then stops, her shoulders sagging. “Ok it was exactly what it looked like, but Regina - ”
“But Regina nothing,” Regina says, her tone clipped and her eyes cold. “You were a young couple newly engaged, I don’t suppose you’re the first ones to attempt to consummate that fact on a toilet cistern.”
“Well,” Emma says, “no it was a sink, but - ”
“No but what, Miss Swan? Are you trying to tell me that you were in the throes of some sort of epileptic fit? Or was Mr Jones perhaps attempting to hoist you out of the window to freedom using his face as a step-stool?”
Emma wrings her hands together, her face burning, until Regina seems to take pity on her - relaxing back into her chair and beckoning for Emma to take the seat opposite.
“Emma,” she says slowly, “something’s come up.”
“Is that another sex pun?” Emma asks, “Because believe me, I get your point.”
“No, sadly not. The gentleman who walked in on your little display, what do you know about him?”
Emma wrinkles her nose, trying to think back through the haze of humiliation. “Not much? He was an old guy, kinda short. Maybe Scottish?”
“He’s all of those things, Miss Swan, and many much worse besides. His name is Robert Gold.”
“Gold?” Emma asks, aghast, “The one who used to date Belle? The oil tycoon cum sex pest cum genuine lunatic? That Gold?”
Regina’s mouth sets into a hard line.
“I feel like Miss French would caution you to use the word ‘alleged’ in there somewhere, but yes. That’s the one.”
“Belle would tell you there's nothing ‘alleged’ about it,” Emma snaps. “Did he have a heart attack? Because I can’t say I’m sorry.”
“Not exactly.” Regina sighs. “Has Mr Jones ever mentioned anything to you about Gold?”
She thinks of Killian’s reaction in the bathroom, the rage on his face, and just her chin out defiantly.
“No, never.”
“Well I suggest you make inquiries on the subject before you decide to indulge in anymore public nudity, since Mr Gold has just sent me an email threatening that several unseemly and unlikely scenarios will befall Mills Inc. if Mr Jones isn’t removed from the picture at once.”
Emma balks at the threat implicit in Regina’s tone.
“And how is he suggesting you do that?”
“Why he’s offered to buy JRS immediately it transfers ownership - for twice the market value - on the understanding that Mr Jones will be immediately removed from the company and, ideally, the country.”
Emma shakes her head.
“But he- doesn’t he already have a shipping branch?”
Regina shrugs.
“Half a dozen I suppose, in markets all over the world.”
“So why JRS?”
“Same reason as I wanted it, perhaps. It was harder to get. That, or,” she leans forward, her brows furrowed, “there’s something a little more personal going on.”
“What are you insinuating exactly?”
“I don't insinuate, Miss Swan, if I knew, I'd tell you, or better yet have dealt with it already. But as it stands, I don't. I strongly suggest you ask your boyfriend exactly what business Gold has with him before indulging in any more naked gymnastics.”
“He's not my boyfriend,” grumbles Emma.
Regina groans, and rubs her hands over her eyes.
“Your definitions are your own, but in exactly ten days he's going to be your husband, so I suggest you figure it out.”
She stands - the dismissal obvious.
“Ten days?” Emma splutters. “We only got engaged last night!”
“Well congratulations on such a brief engagement,” Regina says snippily. “With Gold sniffing around we need this deal watertight as soon as possible, and that means you'll be sulking your way down the aisle a week on Wednesday.”
“Nobody gets married on a Wednesday,” Emma says, mostly to stop herself screaming.
“Which is exactly why the registrar could fit you in.”
She tosses a half dozen glossy magazines over the table where they flutter to the ground at Emma’s feet, each page a riot of flowers and pastels and smiling brides..
“I've a team working on it. All you need to do is pick a colour scheme and turn up.”
“Colour scheme?” says Emma blankly.
“Personally I prefer black and white, but you strike me as the insipid pastels type. You’ve a dress appointment on Thursday, so I’d lay off the carbs - we’ve no time for fittings.”
She gestures to the magazines, and Emma picks them up almost without thinking about it, tucking them under her arm as she turns to leave, only pausing as Regina calls out after her:
“And Miss Swan? Do be careful.”
It’s a bit late for that.
And now she’s here, standing in her underwear, ten feet of toile and voile, tulle and crystal, and whatever the hell else lying in  a pile at her feet, Regina and the shop owner staring at her with matching disapproving grimaces; a line of other rejected choices hanging on the nearby rail, their dust covers askew.
“I told you to lay off the carbs.”
“How about you lay off,” snaps Mary Margaret, before turning to Emma with an encouraging smile and gesturing to the crumpled mass on the floor. “How about we try pulling it over your head?”
“Yeah, no.” Emma toes at the fabric, struggling to repress a shudder. “I don't think this dress is anymore fond of me than I am of it.”
“We could try a corset back? More flattering?” suggests the owner, leading Emma to wonder how well he'd like to be flattered with her fist.
“Actually,” pipes up Belle from the corner where she's been dreamily examining tiaras, “there was this one dress I saw - it's not as fancy as these, but I thought - I thought it might be a little more you?”
“Eh,” says Emma. “I guess.”
There's nothing in this wedding that's about her. Not the venue, not the catering, not the ring. She didn't even pick her own fiancé.
She might as well look amazing.
Belle beams, and skitters off between the rails.
“Are you sure you didn't like that ball gown,” pleads Mary Margaret as soon as she's out of sight, “I know Belle said it made you look like a Disney princess but I don't think she was trying to be mean.”
“She was being overly generous if you ask me,” sniffs Regina. “I thought you looked like a meringue.”
“No it's okay,” Emma lays a soothing hand on Mary Margaret's arm. “I did look like a meringue. A very regal one. We could have held the reception under that skirt.”
“Killian wouldn't have minded,” Regina says, innocently looking down at her phone at Mary Margaret's outraged gasp.
“How dare you.”
“Yeah,” sighs Emma. “About that, Mary Margaret -”
“Oh thank god!” barks the owner as Belle returns bearing another ubiquitous white dust cover. “Let's see what you've got shall we?”
He hustles Regina and the red faced Mary Margaret out of the changing area, ripping the curtains closed behind them.
“Sorry,” Emma mutters. “I'm not very good at this.”
“Nonsense dear,” he says, unzipping the bag and motioning for her to turn around. “It's a stressful time in a woman's life, and sometimes the people we love best struggle to understand that. I'm sure you'll all have a good giggle over this one day.”
Emma hums noncommittally, watching in the floor length mirror as he pulls out the next dress, inch by startlingly white inch.
“Oh god,” she says miserably as it's finally freed, “it looks like a shroud. Belle thinks my style is postmortem chic.”
The owner smiles.
“I'll let you in on a secret Emma - they all do when they're in the bag. You see a wedding dress is rather like a marriage. It might not look like much on its own, a white dress, a piece of paper,” he gestures for her to step into the dress as he  allows it to pool in front of her, “but the thing that makes it special,” he pulls it up, wriggling slightly to get it to sit just right at her chest, and then steps out of the way so that she can see herself. “Is you.”
The dress is satin, gently flared, plain and unadorned apart from a thin band of gold at the waist, cut high and straight at the chest and with a back that dips and dips, right down to the golden belt.
It fits like a glove, accentuating her toned arms and slim waist, but it's the back that she loves, twisting this way and that in front of the mirror to get a better look.
She thinks of the way Killian had caressed her at the party, imagines the feel of his lips against her spine, and goosebumps break out across her bare skin.
It's perfect.
(It also has pockets, which will be extra useful for keeping notes about her fake life, probably. She keeps that thought to herself.)
She doesn't quite cry, but Mary Margaret does and so does Belle, the two of them leaning on each other and sniffling through wobbly smiles. Even Regina manages a look of cool approval.
“Very nice, Miss Swan,” she says, and the owner beams.
“Well,” he says. “Is this the one?”
Belle squeezes her hands together, Mary Margaret dabs helplessly at her dripping mascara, even Regina lifts a questioning brow.
“Yeah,” says Emma, her smile cheek-achingly wide. “Yeah it is.”
208 notes · View notes
cutegirlmayra · 7 years
I know you said you've done some stuff with Villain!Amy, but wondering if maybe you could write something of Villain!Amy flirting with Sonic? I think it'd be interesting. (Also could you let me know what's tagged for Villain!Amy prompts so I can find them. Thank you!)
It wasn’t a prompt, it was a fanfiction, season 2 of Sonic Supers features ‘Dark Chaos’ the negative energy of Chaos ends up taking over Amy and possession her into a villain. Upon which, it’s like the Chaos Emeralds are rebelling against the Master Emerald, and use Amy as their ‘indirect’ rebellion pawn. Kinda suppose to be deep and dark stuff, but I’ve been trying to edit it. (Fanfiction account: Cutegirlmayra1)
As for your request, I would love too! I’ve had an idea for it, it wouldn’t quite be Amy though… but it would be using Sonic’s memories and such to mimic her a bit.
World: AU
Couple: Sonamy
Summary: -listed above-
After entering the forbidden forest and making his way into the cursed shrine, Sonic made his way up the stairs and looked around at all the cobwebs and ancient evidences that proved this once was a working forest shrine.
Until… a trapped sirenic spirit was imprisoned here… that is.
“What have you come for?…Stranger…”
The voice was strangely familiar, and Sonic looked around.
His communication with Tails was lost already from the thick, dense forest around him anyway. Being in the middle of almost complete wilderness, but even still, he wasn’t the least bit worried about that.
He smiled, “I hear your people stored technology here that could stop an Armageddon. Me and my buddies would like to borrow it for some time.” Sonic walked around, enjoying the feel of the place, although an eerie mist formed around the shrine’s main attraction, a decorative offering table, still lined with faded gold and having plates and bowls upon it.
The Siren spirit took form then, and grinned, her voice more apparent then. “You don’t seem to be too phased by this place.”
Now the voice was very distinct, and Sonic’s ears turned back. “Amy?” In his surprise, he turned around, seeing her but…
“What the-?”
“Heh. I take the form of whatever your heart will most likely trust… and what you can’t resist.” She had Amy’s face alright, but she looked… older, or maybe her tight dress that draped along the floor just showed off her figure better. But the accessories she wore and such… a little outdated for Amy’s tastes.
She laid slightly across the table, having offering drinks and other such stuff upon it, and having an arm to support her leaning body.
“Uhh…uh… You sure it isn’t what’s most uncomfortable?” Sonic tried a nervously smile, but sweatdropped, seeing as he’d rather not deal with this situation.
“Hm, hmm… I’m afraid once the form is chosen… it sticks.” She got up and walked with such slow elegance, her eyes locked on his. When she finally got close enough, he leaned his head back, his smile disappearing.
Something definitely didn’t feel right now.
It wasn’t he atmosphere, it was just the difference in her eyes… they didn’t have the same life in them as Amy’s did.
“What?” she shook her head, giving him a funny look. “You act as though this displeases you.”
“It’s not my friend. That’s what’s unsettling.” he tightened his lips line, as if not liking that someone was impersonating her.
“Anger builds… inside of you.” Without hesitation, she looked down at his chest and put her hands to it, spreading them out as she said those words.
He suddenly felt a paralysis, and began to shake, “W-what’s happening?!”
“Heh. Did you think you could walk into a siren’s den and make it out without even a little effort?” She teased him, before removing her hands, having him drop down and cling to his chest, breathing hard.
“Eh, but you’re not really my type.” she lied, moving away and strategizing him up. “You’ve come for my treasure… a vast assortment of which could prove useful for your plight…. However…” she put her hands to her hips, facing him from behind, and turned seductively as she dropped her eyes, moving her draped dress to the side, and grinning wickedly as he looked up in slight realization of how powerful she could be over him.
“Scary. Isn’t it?” she spoke softly. “I feed off your emotions. I… unlock them… so speak.” she looked to her fingers, and fiddled with them in the air, before withdrawing it back to her and then letting her hands trail down her figure, stopping just below her torso.
“You know… they say this power is only enhanced by how much one has previously resisted desire…”
“Heh, I can assure you. This holds nothing I would want.” Sonic tried to remain in control, going off and giving her a run for her money.
He got up, taking a deep breath, before deciding to play along.
“I’m rather the solo-bachelor myself.” he grinned, as if tempting her to try her worst.
Her eyes widened at his play, not really a flirt, but as if he was enticing her to take her best shot.
This excited her.
He folded his arms, and gave her a confident look.
She moved back over, and watched as his look shifted into caution, his eyes shifting to see if her arms were going to paralysis him again or not, and getting ready to move at any moment.
“My… you must have little to no experience in love… if you think that little taunts can sway a woman’s charm from a man’s eye… heh, well, maybe you’re just trying to convince yourself of that.” she came dangerously close, but he held his ground, leaning back again, before this time she simply flicked her head up, closing her eyes as she did so before opening to see his reaction.
It was a simple show of how Sonic was defenseless to really keep her away, and how she could have power to look, ‘good’ even if he tried to convince himself otherwise.
“You’re not as strong as you think you are, hero.” she lowered her eyes, and attempted to move closer.
“I’m not here to talk about me.” Sonic bristly moved, not taking any nonsense, and turning away from his usual tactics of personal charm to now just getting the job done and getting out.
“Freedom is always fleeting.” she vaporized into mist, soaring through the ground like a swaying snake, before materializing back into Amy’s form, and holding him intimately. “I could help you get the treasure… but you’ll have to help me~” she cooed, as he reacted slightly to the shock of her just appearing in front of him, holding his hands out.
He glared, and pulled her off. “I’m not game for manipulation.” he narrowed his eyes, and moved her to the side, tapping her shoulders and giving her a tilt of his head, clicking his tongue as if saying, ‘tough luck!’.
He continued his way to the offering table, a round decorative stone that matched the rest of the white, pearly shrine, before looking around it.
She disappeared in mist after another deadly expression of sinister intent spread across her face, before reappearing leaning up against a pillar in his peripheral vision.
“My, is this rejection? The more you resist the more your heart will long… Oh, shame. If you don’t want to show your affections to your sweetheart… then at least play along with a wildcard.” Her actions near the pillar were mostly just gracing it with her fingers, pushing up against it, and then moving around it as if playing coy.
Sonic couldn’t help but stare at first, something pulling him, but he quickly blinked his eyes and shook his head, looking cautiously to the ground, seeming confused at why her actions interested him any.
He didn’t answer and kept working to look for anything that could help him find a way further in.
“Hee-hee!” she distinctively mimicked Amy’s laugh, and stood in front of the pillar, having her hands behind her, and leaning her head back to it.
Sonic’s head shot up, and he quickly looked back in annoyance.
“Stop it.”
“Was that a threat?”
“I don’t fall for phonies.”
“Oh, but you do fall for something.”
He jolted, and she grinned as she walked with a dance-like step in her feet, moving her flowy but tight dresses ends with her arms, and moving towards a gap between the back of the offering table.
“Not particularly.” he glared, not liking her continuing her act after he made it clear he didn’t want to engage her any further.
“Are you really so chivalrous that cheating leaves a sour taste in your mouth?”
“Considering you seem to know nothing about the person you’ve formed into, you obviously know even less about me, which means-” he turned to her finally, directly addressing her. “You can’t tell.” It was a little comforting to know she seemed to know very little about Amy or even himself, and that could help him see through her alluring illusion of her.
He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth and fists.
Shoot! He had given her her name back when he first heard her voice!
“But those shouldn’t matter..” she walked to the back wall, placing a hand on it, “Beauty trumps all other passions…” she spoke this as if it was a cruel fact of nature. “Even valor.”
“Not this time.”
“Heh. What manner of man are you then?”
“I’m just Sonic.”
“A hero?”
“A guy who loves adventure.”
“What greater adventure than this!”
“I’m trying too, sincerely, but you’re not helping.” he referred to searching for the technology, but she clearly meant another route…
Concluding he was only interested in progressing forward, she let out a little steam from her nose, much in the same element as her mist, and walked towards one of two lanterns on either side of the other walls across from each other, facing the other.
“If you light these two lanterns, I’ll surrender.” she cutely changed her approach, not even coming near him, as he turned to look at the two objects on the walls in question.
He raised an eyebrow. “Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not stupid. I know you caused some trouble in the past, and that’s why they trapped you in this ruined place.”
Her face shifted to disappointment, pouting. “I wasn’t that bad…”
He glared her way, turning his head slightly, showing he didn’t believe her.
“..I was wonderfully good at it…” she flirted, but almost in a dangerous tone.
“Heh.” Sonic turned, rubbing his head. “Not in that form, you’re not.”
She smirked, seeing him take more notice of her now that a hint to getting further into the shrine was given, and turned to mist, slithering to him before twirling back into her form as he moved to another section of the room. “I could show you what this form can do…” she lightly put her arm to his, and her hand to his shoulder, before he dashed out of her grasp, and gave her another warning look, before continuing to search.
“…It’s honestly beyond the two lanterns.” she rolled her eyes, and started to lift her hair up with her arms.
“Huh?” Sonic quickly looked to her, but soon figured out he couldn’t trust her expression and turned to the lanterns.
When she noticed his quick dismissal of her looks, she puffed another frustrated grunt, and continued to try and allure him to paying more attention to her.
“It was sealed away when they trapped me here… it’s what holds me in. So if you want it… you’ll have to get through me.”
She materialized over the wall between the two lanterns, and sprawled in the air against it. “Oh, Sonic. If your a real hero, you’d save me!” she perfectly projected in Amy’s tone of voice, her latter tone more deeper and seductive but still in Amy’s voice. This time, it was very much like she was mocking him by mocking Amy.
“Quit it! I mean it.” Sonic took a stance, and held his fist out, biting down on his teeth, getting more annoyed now.
He wasn’t at all realizing how much hearing Amy’s voice was affecting his want to help her, nor how it made him feel to hear it calling out his name…
She floated down and moved closer to him, touching his chest before he could react, and having her mist slowly begin to engulf him.
He felt his breath leaving him, and his body unable to move again.
“You know… you’re only making my power stronger by not giving in already…” She moved closer, whispering up to his lips. “Help me… and I’ll help you.” she tilted her head, looking at his mouth but then back up at his eyes, and moving away.
His body once again fell to his knees, and he gasped as the mist kept surrounding him, moving over him as he shook his body. “Stop it!!”
“The mist is cool… and yet warm… isn’t it?” she got wicked pleasure out of testing his will, having pride in her siren ways, she wanted him to come to her…
She suddenly got him to advance, moving swiftly all of a sudden, and darted at her, and in surprise, she cried out in what sounded monstrous, losing Amy’s light voice.
The shriek was obviously from her true sound, and it sounded hideous, as Sonic held his hand tightly around her throat up against the wall, as he breathed heavily, and moved his head right up next to hers.
“Swear to me you’re telling the truth… and loose my friend’s form… and I’ll light the lanterns.”
“How…” she looked genuinely shocked, and afraid. “How are you resisting me!?”
“…You really want to know?” Sonic finally smiled, but this time, in a quick and cruel way. “Practice. Amy’s a terrible flirt, but when I see you with her face, I don’t see her. I only see a woman trying to be her. And failing miserably.”
He felt the mist and quickly looked at his back.
“Call off whatever you’re trying to do. I feel my body. I know what you’re after. But it’s pointless. I don’t fall for cheap gimmicks.”
She smiled quickly, matching his cruelty, and feeling the offense of what he meant by ‘cheap’.
 Seeing as her attempts were getting her no where, and he wasn’t acting like an average man… Her mist, which caused the sensation of love and passion of touch, was pulled away from him, disappearing as he let her throat go.
“Good. Seems we’ve come to an accord.” he fakely grinned, before he moved away and shook off his body.
“Half an accord… I told you, I can’t change my form.” she pouted cutely, seeming to have not really been hurt by his grip. “I’m not lying…” she finally stated, and looking at her, deciding to believe her expression, he consented to at least that she was being honest.
“Now…Tell me how you resisted both my paralysis and mist.” She looked serious.
“Heh. You may sound like Amy, but you don’t smell like her.” He adjusted his glove on his hand, shaking it free from her trying to paralysis him again.
His hand was numb, but it hadn’t spread through his whole body like her last touch did. She seemed to control when she could do that or not…
“What does that even mean!?” she shouted out, her beast-like voice breaking through Amy’s sound again in her fury.
“The real question is, if my friend is what you were trying to allure me with, why didn’t you act like her? Or can you only mimic what my heart shows? Isn’t that where you’re getting this all from? Or from my mind?” He noticed her expression change. “Ah… so that explains it. It’s not my heart, but something to do with my mind… memories, maybe? What era are you looking at? Amy’s not at all like that.”
“Heh. Don’t think so hard about it. I’ve never met a man with such a strong will… maybe you are my type.” she flirted again, moving her head as he turned away.
He was strong, but he wasn’t going to be too cocky, not when he knew she probably had other tricks up her sleeve…
“My friend’s a good person… You clearly had other things in mind.” he faced away from her, before looking to the two lanterns.
“…So that’s it.” She smiled and closed her eyes, seeming to give into defeat. “It’s not her pretty face or even her squeaky voice… it’s her heart…” she swayed her body a moment, almost touched by her realization. 
“She’s your type of style.” she cooed.
Sonic turned, his glare not as intense, before realizing her power was weakened and felt his old ways coming back.
“Sorry for the directness. I’m usually more gentler with girls. But I don’t even know if your true form has a gender.” he shrugged, comically, “But I’ve got other things to do than have you analysis me so poorly again!” he bolted off towards the forest, jumping into the forest fire Eggman’s last machine had created after exploding from Sonic’s doing, and then, while his quills were on fire, he homing-attacked the lanterns back at the shrine.
In her excitement, the siren spirit turned and bounced a little, as she saw the wall open up, part, and finally move upwards as if cement banners, and she quickly turned to mist to go within.
Sonic then dashed onto the bowls of ancient water, and sprayed as much as he could on himself, before rolling on the table, saying, “Hot! hot! hot-hot-hot!”
Inside, the siren spirit began to feel her true powers, looking up at the ancient machine that had first sealed her power away, and now having it released, she turned back to Sonic.
“If this form was hard to resist… wait till you experience all I can do..”
(Like i said, not really Amy, but using tactics that Amy would (perhaps) use to try and lure Sonic to her, if she were evil or bad intent, lol. Obviously, Sonic’s will is canonally unbreakable. He would never hurt his friend, which enabled him to first resist the siren spirit, whose true power hadn’t been released yet. I tried to keep it more in character than I thought I would… Sonic’s anger is a direct result of him fighting her abilities and feeling her trying to strip him of his freedom and will of controlling himself wasn’t exactly a ‘walk in the park’ either. I hope that was self-explanatory XD Anyway! Enjoy!)
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russellthornton · 7 years
What Do You Do for Fun? Life Begins at the End of This Question
What do you do for fun? It’s a harmless question, right? Maybe it is, and maybe it’s not. So why does it feel so important? Let’s find out.
Everyone’s so cool and fun and incredible… they’ve got shades on, lil’ cute doggies, dope fashion senses, loud laughs, CEO Co-Founder tags under their LinkedIn names. Weeeeee. Obviously, people talk a good talk and front a good front. Looking like you have a fun life isn’t the same thing as actually having one. But what do you do for fun?
So right off the bat I want to emphasize that, in my humble opinion, no one can tell you what is or isn’t fun to you. You decide that.
If you’re looking to score some action with the guys or gals by being seen as fun, that’s a whole different story. Now we’re into the sales and marketing and personal branding area. But I think that’s still short of the true mark. You can be fun and still be real about it – you feel me? That way, you don’t have to front or overthink things. You’re just that person who’s got it made like that.
Your potential
My favorite things to do for fun 10 years ago were: video games, wanking off, learning, reading fiction books, making music, plus a few other creative endeavors. Quite a few things were going on there. However, if you asked me, I didn’t feel proud of my lifestyle. What I did for fun seemed lame or shameful.
The question, what do you do for fun, mattered so much to me back then. It felt like it would reveal a part of who I was as a person. It would make me wonder ‘am I actually living an exciting life?’ And even when no one did ask the question, it still seemed important. This was because I wasn’t sure if I was living up to my highest potential. As a result, I didn’t feel PASSIONATE.
So I propose to you, the question of whether you’re living up to your full potential is probably the central reason why you are reading this feature right now. And it’s probably why the question ‘what do you do for fun’ feels affronting. When we fall short of our potential, it becomes hard to feel excited about life. [Read: How to let go of your past and be excited by your future]
In this feature, I’ll dig deep into how to turn up the levels on that amplifier. How to fire up that flamethrower. How to flick that light switch. How to – well I think you get the picture. Let’s go…
How to answer the question: what do you do for fun?
#1 Getting asked the question. What should you say when you get asked, what you do for fun? Pretty simple… I just start speaking without trying. I don’t take the question as some kind of test. It’s not a big deal. I don’t need to explain and defend what I’m into.
In the words of R&B singer 2lack on his song ‘High Rules’: ‘Rule number 1 no explaining.’ If you find your answer is full of securities, then you’ve been given the gift of feedback. Work out what is causing you not to be proud of your own day-to-day. [Read: Feeling stuck in life? How to change directions and live your dream]
#2 Are you in touch with your dark side? What’s more fun than entertaining passions of ego, pride, and your dark side? And what’s more imprisoning than always having to be polite and agreeable?
Being a pushover sucks and makes you naive. In a competitive unfair world, having some swagger about you makes you impressive and difficult to contend with. Embodying the drive to climb, to win, and to show your value allows you to truly have fun when playing the game of life. To be an active participant, not a pawn.
#3 Do you make yourself laugh a lot? This is at the heart of having fun I think. When I’ve had a bad week, or even few months, there’s a sucky momentum about it. In that negative momentum, I will probably give myself less permission to be amused, be silly, to laugh, or to playfully provoke, and this will keep me in a serious mindset towards life.
But when I find reasons to laugh, stupid silly reasons, it becomes an upward momentum. I like to: watch comedies, watch stand-ups, go out with friends somewhere fun, listen to a really cool audio book, etc. All of these things build up on each other. [Read: 13 happy things you need for a perfectly happy life]
#4 Are you hustling? Just having fun all the time becomes hedonism. It’s like going to an amusement park and never leaving. The ‘fun’ becomes completely empty. Slipping, when it comes to taking care of business and work, feels like a disaster waiting to happen.
However, being on game when it comes to work can be deeply fun just by itself. It’s satisfying to know that you’re making progress towards your goals. Anyone who says otherwise I think is lost. Try avoiding this one and you’ll have major boredom problems.
#5 Are you taking risks? Who has the most fun? The hero. The rock star. The rebel. Cool fun people I know do things that put themselves out there like:
-Organizing events
-Doing public speaking
-Meeting new people
-Shipping personal work and projects
-Going out into the unknown
Fun and scary are like closely related cousins. So you’ll probably never be short of fun when you’re living close to your edge. [Read: How to be more outgoing and step out of your comfort zone]
#6 What’s your social life like? I have a friend who I hang out with every now and again. We have cool conversations about anything and everything. I have another friend who I meet sometimes weekly and go about the town with.
Most humans are very social creatures. So, if you don’t have people you hang out with, you will have a lot less fun. It’s the people who know and like you that provide the friendship aspect of a fun life – not strangers. Your close friends allow you to reveal parts of your nature that would otherwise go unnoticed and shrivel up.
#7 What are your hobbies/past-times? This is probably the question most people think of when asked what they do for fun. It doesn’t need to be something major, just something that suits your lifestyle and that you enjoy.
For an extrovert, this could be a group gathering. For busy parent of two, it could be reading a book in the evening when the kids are sleeping. If you have no outlet that you look forward to during your day and week then… that’s pretty lame.
Social event websites like Meetup.com allow you to meet people who are into sports/specific hobbies and connect over a game or event. Also, screw it if people think what you’re into is lame. If you’re into landscaping, own that! Make a YouTube channel about why it’s so cool. Go all out. [Read: How to be happy in life and life it to its fullest]
#8 What’s your personality like? My granduncle recently passed away *Rest In Peace*. When he was alive, he was a raging extrovert. From a young age, he found nothing more energizing than to have lots of conversations and to meet random people.  He wasn’t usually happy to stay in one place. He had an uncanny ability to see the person behind the stranger at a moment’s notice.
But I’m more introverted than I am extroverted. I prefer intense extroversion in shorter bursts. If I tried to be like my granduncle, I’d be frustrated. I’m passionate about alone time, creativity, deep focus, and deep connection. I use this self-awareness to incorporate experiences into my lifestyle that suit me and get me excited about life.
#9 Do you have fun anywhere, any time? If an activity needs to be epic to feel like you’re having fun, then I wonder if you’re setting the bar too high. The most fun people I know could make any situation feel more fun simply by being in the same room as you.
Sometimes ‘having fun’ really is just a practice. It’s having a habit of amping yourself into a fun state of mind. For example, you see a colleague at work Monday morning and they say hello:
Colleague: ‘Hey good morning, did you have a good weekend?’
You: ‘Yes, I was amazing. Were you also amazing? Please say you were.’
Colleague: ‘What?’
You: ‘No I’m only kidding, LOL, yeah it was cool.’
No one can make you crank out an uncreative, predictable response, or take yourself too seriously. The more you let your sense of humor and playfulness out, the more you begin to understand what it actually is. And how to articulate it in an enjoyable way.
At first it may feel forced. But as long as you persistently keep searching for that true resonance, you will eventually find it. [Read: The rules of life – 22 secrets to never be unhappy again]
#10 Are you creative? You’ve probably heard people using the word creativity in the way that includes everyone. Problem is, if we apply a word to everyone equally, then those words lose their meaning. Clinical psychologist Jordon Peterson describes how, scientifically speaking, some people are highly creative, while most people aren’t creative AT ALL.
Words are used to discern. There are some people who don’t reach even close to the threshold of what might be considered creative relative to others who are.
Some people become truly miserable if they are not able to create: books, architectural designs, music, artwork, accessories, etc. So asking yourself this question tells you a lot about what fun might mean to you. Ask yourself what you’ve created in the last year and if it matters. [Read: Follow your dreams – All the amazing reasons why it’s totally worth it]
#11 Do you tell the truth when it’s inconvenient? Think of a comedian shocking his audience into laughter. Having fun often involves risk and bold honesty. This is especially the case when that truth is not convenient to tell.
For example, if you always feel the need to get on the good side of a person, you’ll eventually be dishonest with them. You’ll do this in order to not provoke them.
From my experience, once you go down the lane of deception, up becomes down, and down becomes sideways. From such a place, even when you try to sincerely have fun, it will feel forced.
[Read: 25 memorable life lessons to perfect your life]
If you don’t feel proud of how you’re living, then your passion will naturally die out. You’ll also lose connection to your unique interests, compulsions, and sense of what fun actually is. Take risks, tell the truth, have friends, follow your gut, and make sure you hustle like you’re supposed to! So what do you do for fun again?
The post What Do You Do for Fun? Life Begins at the End of This Question is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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