#t reads: the lightning thief
t-lostinworlds · 5 months
I forgot how down bad Poseidon is for Sally Jackson that i'm over here screaming at the fact that he called her a queen and is lowkey still daydreaming about her
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profecional-dreamer · 6 months
I’m re reading the lightning thief in preparation for the show, and I just totally forgot how much of a troubled kid Percy really was.
I got so caught up in the “Percy’s so polite and Annabeth is actually the rule breaker! Everyone mixes them up!!” Narrative of the fandom that I totally spaced how much shit percy gets into.
he was selling candy illegally out of his dorm, he dumped Grover in NYC because he was (rightfully tbh) angry with him. His first spoken line is “I’m going to kill her.”
Rick was NOT pulling punches when he wrote Percy, he’s a bad boy with a heart of gold to a T. Why does everyone just see him as the sarcastic but sweet character?
Also annabeth is SO awkward all the time I love her so much
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lee1504 · 5 months
guys if the percy jackson tv show is cOnTinUiNg heres what im excited for
season 1/book 1/the lightning thief:
percy's dreams
the scene where percy jumps of the st. louis arch thing (or whatever its called)
fight with ares
percy, annabeth, and grover's interview (where percy talks about gabe's kindness lmao)
season 2/book 2/sea of monsters:
grover in a wedding dress
clarisse with her ghost shipp
the siren scene
annabeth and her nobody scene
season 3/book 3/titan's curse:
zoe's 'i can see the stars' T-T (and artemis)
the boar scene
the fight against the general and luke
apollo hehe
season 4/book 4/battle of the labyrinth:
the empousa scene
the labyrinth
percy vs briares in rock paper scissors lol
grover finding pan
season 5/book 5/last olympians:
beckendorf's death T-T
manhattan alseep
sally and paul fighting
luke's death
river styx
been a long time since i read the books
edit: holy shit 42 notes already?!
edit 2: 92 ALREADY?!
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tinkerbellsgf · 6 months
Nadia Greene
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Daughter of Gaea
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Her name means hope and her last name is kinda just a pun because she's a daughter of Gaea
Her father, Sebastian Greene can actually see through the mist and when he met Gaea he saw her genuine form and was still lowkey into it
She was raised by her father and they weren't really the richest people in the world so he had to work a lot leading to Nadia often feeling neglected by her father
And this causes her to run away at the age of seven after he lost his cool and yelled at her, calling her a nuisance
For a while after she ran away she just legit lived in a tree
Monsters didn't attack her often a they new who her mother was, only very very stupid monsters would attack her
But then when she was eight years old she met an eight year old Annabeth, and fourteen year old Luke and Thalia
A few days after she met them Zeus decided to try and kill her before she could reach her full power as the daughter of a primordial goddess
And struck her with lightning
But her mother wouldn't let her die
So now she just has lightning scars going across her body
Starting at her shoulder and ending at her mid-thigh
They all ended up going to camp together but y'know, the whole tree thing happens
She was in the Hermes cabin for most of her life at camp, her mother not claiming her until The Hero's of Olympus series
She has a sword called δράκος άρωμα aka Dragon Arum which is a kind of plant
She went on the lightning thief quest
And most quests after that (she almost threw all her guts up and cried multiple times during the sea of monsters for obvious reasons)
Most of the time at camp you'll see her sitting on the docks and chatting with the Nereids
They talk often because they actually saved her life
When she was about nine some Ares camper threw her in the lake, she can't swim and terrified of water
So the Nereids saved her
Now she's actually pretty close with them
She's also often with Percy and Annabeth, two of her closest friends
Her dream is to eventually become either a social worker or a botanist
She's a very nice girl but does have a reputation around camp for being temperamental
Her hobbies include tending to the little garden she has, training and listening to Annabeth ramble about architecture while she plays with her hair
Her style is lots of grandpa sweaters, comfy jeans and the same pair of dark green converse she's had for years
And for training she wears a regular camp half-blood t-shirt and leggings
There's lots more to know about Nadia so I hope you read and enjoy the series I'll be writing about her soon :))
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fandoomrants · 4 months
Sooo, just a small comment on some of the things I loved in the finale of PJO.
There are obviously gonna be spoilers here soo...
-The fight between Percy and Ares!!! I loved the wave and now it was a subtle way of showing Poseidon was indeed beside him.
-The scenes between Percy and Luke!!! "Look, you didn't want to be a half-blood...". I loved the addition of these flashbacks of Luke teaching Percy to fight.
-Olympus! Omg, it was so pretty!!!
-Percy immediately being a total little shit with Zeus, I loved that!
-Poseidon showing up to protect Percy!
-Percy understanding only the word for "father" in Ancient Greek. He knows it because of Sally!
-"Ares is a moron."
-Overall the whole exchange between Percy and Poseidon. It really is a big step from him being all bitter and it was a bit corny but I liked it still.
-When Percy reveals Luke is the Lightning thief!
-Luke not fighting Percy at first. I have thoughts about the whole thing but I'll put them later on.
-Luke snapping for a moment and attacking Percy only after he mentions his father.
-Annabeth and her dagger!
-"Wait, your name is Percy!" And later "I don't think so", This was sooo hilarious. Especially when you think about how he initially tried to lie to him he's his dad. I'm pretty sure Dionysus knows his and everyone's name very well, he just likes being a jerk.
-"Some place called Disneyland", tbh, I feel like Annabeth won't be thrilled. I certainly wasn't and I was still am pretty childish as a kid.
-Grover's license!
-Their pact! That was so cute!
-"What did you dream of?" "Grandpa.". For a moment there I was like "What!? Are they tring to make it look like it was all a dream or that they're trying to make it as if Sally doesn't remember!?" but a moment later I was like "Nope, that's Percy Jackson, of course he'd refer to Kronos as his grandpa even tho he's his biggest enemy rn"
-Blue pancakes!
-When Percy and Sally were leaving the apartment, Percy's last narrative and the rain outside!
-The devastating moment when I thought we're not seeing Gabe turned into a statue but juuuust in case skipping the credits (call it a feeling or sth) and...
-GABE TURNING INTO A STATUE!!!! I'm honestly so happy! I'm not even mad Sally didn't do it as it was implied in the books. But she was divorcing him! I know he wasn't portrayed as bad as he was in the books in the TV show but I still believe he was emotionally abusing and he was still a jerk even tho it was toned down. Also, he was such an annoying, whiny bit-$(#..
That's all I can think of rn, even tho I believe there were other things too.
Now, I gotta admit I've read the book a looong time ago so I don't remember everything in great details but I noticed lots of the changes in the episode and throughout the whole season. I still enjoyed the show a lot, tho. Most of the changes made sense and like... Come on, it's an adaptation! And Rick Riordan was involved in the process so I believe he knew what he was doing with all these changes.
Tbh, I liked the first two episodes a lot, then idk, the third, maybe fourth too, were a tiiny bit meh to me but overall, I loved it and loved the last couple of episodes! I have mixed feelings for some things like them knowing about Medusa, the Lotus casino and other stuff but again, I trusted the process and it worked! It's only 8 episodes and there was a lot to happen there so I can see why these changes were needed. Figuring all out would have taken them a lot of time. Also, it was as much for new fans as it was for new ones so of course some things had to be made differently. For example, how the whole thing about who would betray Percy was done.
I've been watching lots of videos and posts of new fans who haven't read the books and I was cackling like an old hag at their assumptions how it was gonna be Grover or sth. And you just can't convince me that episode 7 and Annabeth getting caught by one of the roots wasn't with the exact purpose of making people think "Oh, they are friends now, what if it's her?" It was really well-played. And let's not forget how everyone was like "Luke! Babyboy, so precious." Can't wait to see everyone's reactions now... (Luke is still these things, even though he is "bad guy")
Speaking of Luke, again, haven't read the books in a while but I somewhat don't remember him and Percy being that close and being such good buddies. Idk, might need to read them again but even though I didn't mind that dynamic too much, I really thought this is more like how Luke and Annabeth should have been. I feel like we needed more interactions between them. Also, Luke speaks randomly about her twice, first telling Percy about her and calling her "my little sister" and then last episode giving that example with the spiders (nopee, I don't believe itt, she won't crush it, she'll scream and run unless it's a huge spider, then she'll fight it because of her bf) but she barely (if not ever) mentioned him? Yeah, she mentioned Thalia but almost nothing of Luke?? How are you gonna convince me that was her hero!? She should have been broken by his betrayal much more than Percy! Also, they kinda made Luke somewhat of a big softie, I thought it was because then his betrayal would have been more devastating but nope, there wasn't some kind of a 180° turn in his behaviour. Wonder why, to make him more relatable or? I want to see how his further actions are going to play out in this scenario...
Anywayy, all in all, I enjoyed the show a lot and I hope there is a next season. I want to see how the story will proceed on the screen (and I hope the changes we keep getting aren't anything too essential).
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ihavetoomanythoughts3 · 7 months
So I think it’s time I make an Introductory Post…
Hi everyone! My name’s Eva, my nickname is Evie, call me whichever!
A little bit about me…
My pronouns are she/her.
My personality type is an INFJ-T, which is one of the most common to have qualities of an HSP (which I am).
I love to read and write, so come chat with me about any books!
I am here to be the mom friend of my little corner of tumblr, so send in asks or messages if you want any positive reinforcement! I can also help with editing of written pieces, if you so wish.
If you cannot already tell from how I interact, I can act very southern sometimes. So yeehaw motherfucker 🤠
My *current* obsessions:
Marvel (mostly Avengers-age type of stuff), anything in the Riordanverse, The Lightning Thief Musical, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Lucifer.
Hashtags specific to me:
#evie thoughts
-All posts (not reblogs)
#yeehaw motherfucker 🤠
-For anything that mentions my southern-ness
#evie’s mom friend-ness
-For anything that involves me being a mom friend
#eva’s writing thingy-things
-For anything involving my writing
#eva rambles :/
-Any unedited post
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sophies-junkyard · 9 months
Seeing the new PJO content has me thinking way too hard about growing up. Its crazy because it’s like…. I think that chapter of my life is over? Which is a BIZARRE feeling. It’s all pretty stupid to write out but I’m drinking coffee and staring out the window and don’t have class for another 6 hours so lemme scribble some thoughts.
I read the Percy Jackson books when I was the same age as the characters, and so whenever I look back on those stories I sort of… remember them as peers? I remember how much I related to them and looked up to them. It was the first story that ever told me my ADHD could be a gift, and that it made me just like my heroes. It was so, SO important to me. I JOINED TUMBLR for the PJO fandom! I made camp t-shirts and painted necklace beads! I learned to draw because the fanart inspired me. Those books were such an escape for a lonely kid. The characters grew up right alongside me, and eventually got older than me. So when I picture our trio I still picture people… more competent than me? People I would aspire to be. But seeing that trailer and remembering like… holy fuck they were kids. I was a kid. This is a faithful adaptation because they were TWELVE… where did the time go?
It’s just strange because if you scroll back through my tumblr you’ll find a kid who camped out for the release of HOH. Who saved her allowance for a year to get an autographed copy of the Blood of Olympus. Whose eyes would glaze over in euphoria at the idea of my favorite thing in the world coming to screen. At the idea of a new BOOK!! And from Percy’s perspective?? That girl would’ve exploded. This was HER blog! Push a few buttons and you’ll find her!
So how odd is it that… it’s simply not for me anymore. When I saw that the book was set in Percy’s senior year of high school, I had a tiny flash of disappointment. Obviously I can’t relate to an 18 year old, and I felt myself frowning. “Why isn’t Percy for ME anymore?” I wondered. And I immediately felt silly. The answer is because… I don’t need that world anymore.
They’re not making this show for me. They’re bringing it back for the next generation of kids who need those role models and those stories. When I watched the trailer I thought “oh that’s cool” instead of “oh my god I can’t wait!!” Because it just doesn’t make my brain light up like it used to. I’m never going to relate to it like I once did. Ever. And that’s okay because I’m not that kid anymore! Insane.
It’s not like the series doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. There’s a copy of The Lightning Thief on the bookshelf directly across from me. Its smooshed between The Secret History and a level 4000 Spanish textbook. It’s yellowed with age and shredded around the corners. The first sentence has been underlined repeatedly in smudgy mechanical pencil. There are about a thousand folded pages and the back cover is missing. I don’t remember the last time I opened it, but it’s moved with me for years now and I have no intention of letting it go.
Those stories and that fandom shaped me into the person I am today. I wanted to be brave like Percy and smart like Annabeth. I believed it was possible because I saw myself in them, and it turned out to be true. So while it’s sad to know those days are behind me, I’m so SO glad that other kids will get to have that experience. I hope these stories live on for decades to come.
I don’t really know what the point of writing this was. I think I just wanted to have these thoughts written out somewhere. A sort of acceptance that time goes on and things change, ya know? And to clarify: this is NOT meant to discourage ANYBODY from watching the new series or reading the new book. People should absolutely go back to the things that bring them joy, should discover new worlds to escape to, etc. live your life baby! Hell, I’ll probably end up liking everything PJO related that floats across my dash. Nostalgia is a powerful thing. If you read this entire post I hope you have a great day lmao.
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balioc · 5 months
This list counts only published books, consumed in published-book format, that I read for the first time and finished. No rereads, nothing abandoned halfway through, no Internet detritus of any kind, etc. Also no children’s picture books.
(There were so many children's picture books.)
Hand of the Sun King, J. T. Greathouse
Anne of Green Gables, Lucy Maud Montgomery
The Circus of Dr. Lao, Charles G. Finney
When the Angels Left the Old Country, Sacha Lamb
Strangers to Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories That Make Us, Rachel Aviv
Elder Race, Adrian Tchaikovsky
Yamada Monogatari: Troubled Spirits, Richard Parks
Victory City, Salman Rushdie
Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America, Richard Rorty
Cage of Souls, Adrian Tchaikovsky
A Morbid Taste for Bones, Ellis Peters
One Corpse Too Many, Ellis Peters
Priest of Bones, Peter McLean
Priest of Lies, Peter McLean
Demon Summoner: Apprentice, Greg Walters
By the Sword: A History of Gladiators, Musketeers, Samurai, Swashbucklers, and Olympic Champions, Richard Cohen
Tsalmoth, Steven Brust
Priest of Gallows, Peter McLean
Priest of Crowns, Peter McLean
Waybound, Will Wight
Convenience Store Woman, Sayaka Murata
The Tatami Galaxy, Tomihiko Morimi
These Violent Delights, Chloe Gong
Death in Venice, Thomas Mann
Alchemy: The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life, Rory Sutherland
The Man Who Was Thursday, G. K. Chesterton
Storming Heaven, Miles Cameron
Against Worldbuilding, and Other Provocations: Essays on History, Narrative and Game Design, Alexis Kennedy
From Ritual to Romance, Jessie L. Weston
To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf
Rats and Gargoyles, Mary Gentle
Labyrinth's Heart, M. A. Carrick
Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships, Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, Gabrielle Zevin
The Long, Long Goodbye of "The Last Bookstore," Mizuki Nomura
The Last Sun, K. D. Edwards
The Hanged Man, K. D. Edwards
The Hourglass Throne, K. D. Edwards
Pinocchio, Carlo Collodi
The Thirteen Petalled Rose: A Discourse on the Essence of Jewish Existence and Belief, Adin Steinsaltz
The Lightning Thief, Rick Riordan
A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, and Have We Really Thought This Through?, Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
Untethered Sky, Fonda Lee
The Consolation of Philosophy, Boethius
The Star-Child, Oscar Wilde
Monk's Hood, Ellis Peters
St. Peter's Fair, Ellis Peters
The Leper of St. Giles, Ellis Peters
The Virgin in the Ice, Ellis Peters
The Nutcracker, E. T. A. Hoffman and Alexandre Dumas
The Sanctuary Sparrow, Ellis Peters
Child of God, Cormac McCarthy
The Devil's Novice, Ellis Peters
Dead Man's Ransom, Cormac McCarthy
Plausible works of improving nonfiction consumed in 2023: 10
["plausible" and "improving" are being defined very liberally here]
Balioc's Choice Award, Fiction Division: The Circus of Dr. Lao, Charles G. Finney
>>>> Honorable Mention: Rats and Gargoyles, Mary Gentle
[This seems like the correct place to point out that, for the Balioc's Choice Awards, I consider only works that were first published with the last 100 years. Otherwise it would just be "surprise, old classics are often classics for a reason."]
Balioc's Choice Award, Nonfiction Division: The Thirteen Petalled Rose: A Discourse on the Essence of Jewish Existence and Belief, Adin Steinsaltz
>>>> Honorable Mention: A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, and Have We Really Thought This Through?, Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
The Roscommon Princess Award for Luminous Trembling Beauty in the Face of a Bleakly Mundane World: The Star-Child, Oscar Wilde
The Anguished Howl Award for Somehow Making Me Regret Reading a Book About a Demon Summoner in the Thirty Years' War: Demon Summoner: Apprentice, Greg Walters
The Tamsyn Muir Award for Demonstrating that Popularity Really, Really, Really is Not the Same Thing as Quality: The Lightning Thief, Rick Riordan
The G. K. Chesterton Award for Being G. K. Chesterton, I Mean, to Whom Else Could I Compare Him, For Someone So Avowedly Stodgy He is the Ballsiest Motherfucker I Have Ever Read: The Man Who Was Thursday, G. K. Chesterton
...this year was much like the last several years, only somehow even more so. Not in a good way, I fear. My current lifestyle continues not to be super-conducive to reading, and writing a weekendlong LARP kind of knocked the wind out of me, both during and after. If it weren't for a massive silly-fun historical-mystery binge in December, my numbers here would be shameful. And you will notice that a whole lot of the things on that list are very short.
Most of the contemporary fiction was pretty much what I expected it to be. There were few real standouts. Things by good authors continued to be mostly good; things by shlocky authors continued to be shlock.
I should probably drive less for my various solitary recreational jaunts, just so that I can spend more of that time with a book. I should definitely read more old stuff, because old stuff continues to be the most reliably rewarding. (The cream of the cream of the old stuff, anyway, which is...what you read.)
I continue to be Extremely In the Market for recommendations of really good, deeply-informative nonfiction.
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empress-of-snark · 4 months
tagged by @simplyshelbs16xoxo to post my recent, current, and future reads!
recent: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan (reread), The Scarlet Pimpernel by Emuska Orczy, Mr. Flood’s Last Resort by Jess Kidd, and Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders by Vincent Bugliosi
current: Bioshock: Rapture by John Shirley
future: The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan (reread), Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman, and A Clutch of Vampires by Raymond T. McNally
I tag @televinita and @loubuttons !
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renyen808 · 4 months
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The TV Show We (and Disney) Needed
Back when I was a child, I had a difficult time reading. In fact, I loathed it. I never understood why we had to read in the first place, it seemed extremely tedious to me. It had gotten so bad to the point where it became obvious that I just did not want to read. It wasn’t until my parents signed me up for this reading thing at my elementary school, where after hours, like dinner time, they would give us a book to read. I wasn’t a fan of this because why the hell would I want to be reading at 7 pm on a Wednesday night? Yes, you read that correctly, a Wednesday! The first session, they made us read a book from an author in Hawai’i. They wrote a children’s book and they made us read it, which I didn’t because it never interested me. So, the next Wednesday comes around and I just expect it to be the same. Just give me my copy of the book that I am never going to read again and I’ll call it a day. But that didn’t happen. For the first time, I actually found a book I was interested in: The Lightning Thief. 
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(Credit: Goodreads)
Everything about Percy entrapped me in this mystical world of Greek Gods, monsters, and half-bloods. I was never like this before, reading page after page just to know what happens next. Along with that, since I started reading them when I was twelve, it was a great way to see myself in these different characters, feeling the triumph and betrayal throughout every twist and turn of their adventure.
I read all of Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus throughout my time in school, and also watched the movies, but, while watching the movies, I was disappointed to find that it wasn’t like how I imagined it. They changed aspects of the story that didn’t need changing and in doing so, kinda destroyed the magic that made it so great. Grover was a kind hearted boy and while I like Brandon T. Jackson, I didn’t buy him as Grover. Sure he was a great friend to Percy, but he wasn’t Grover to me. Logan Lerman was the perfect Percy, just the wrong time for him. And do not get me started on Alexandra Daddario as Annabeth, she was the worst offender of the three in my opinion. Them changing every aspect of the story just made me super upset, and do not get me started on that second movie (Love you Blackjack). The point is, as a Percy Jackson fan, we needed better, we deserved it!
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(Credit: Wikipedia)
During 2020, I finally got my wish when they announced that the show was greenlit. Everyone around the world rejoiced as we finally got our chance. Once that happened, everyone started to wonder about who would be casted as the titular character. Then, April 2022, Walker Scobell was announced. At this point, I haven’t watched the Adam Project or anything that he has done, but after watching it, I was stunned, I was like, ‘That’s Percy…’ Then, Leah Sava Jeffries and Aryan Simhadri were casted as Annabeth and Grover and the world lit on fire in the community.
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(Credit: Polygon)
As a woman of color myself, not African American, but Asian, I was ecstatic to see Jeffries take on Annabeth. I’m the type of person that cares more about if they embody the soul of the character than the appearance. Daddario may have looked like Annabeth, but Jeffries IS Annabeth. There are still portions of the community that cannot wrap their head around that the beloved daughter of Athena is a different race, but I don’t care. It is especially prominent in this Facebook group (yes, I still use Facebook) I am a part of to share my love for Percy Jackson. I try to surround myself with like minded people, and sometimes, a few of the racist ones just come through.
As you can see, I loved the series. From the moment I heard Scobell’s voice, I knew the series was built with so much love. I always felt drawn to Percy, being from Hawai’i, the ocean is special to me. I always found his snark and humor relatable, since I am similar with my friends and family. I also was drawn to Annabeth with her no nonsense attitude, along with being a strong female character. Also, cannot forget Grover, the literal glue of the group. The quest would have gone completely wrong if not for him. Scobell, Jeffries, and Simhadri all played their roles to perfection. They are truly the Golden Trio come to life. 
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(Credit: Town and Country Magazine)
I need to also call attention to all the different actors and actresses who played supporting roles throughout the series. Virginia Kull’s masterful performance as Sally, showing just how difficult it can be on the mortal parents of a demigod child. Glynn Turman as the perfect Chiron, showing a sense of care and concern as Percy’s mentor. Jason Mantzoukas’ performance as Mr. D is a standout, with him completely capturing what it means to be the punished director of Camp Half-Blood. Megan Mullally was an amazing Alecto, bringing a sense of fear immediately into Percy’s life. Timm Sharp played an amazing Gabe Ugliano, showcasing a different way that Gabe could be portrayed for an audience today. Adam Copeland, also known as Edge in the WWE, plays Ares, a terrifying force in the book that Copeland captures perfectly. Also want to shout out Nick Boraine, the voice of Kronos, who brings a sinister feel to the series, showing he is the big bad of this story.
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(Credit: PopBuzz)
I wanted to make a separate paragraph for the last supporting character: Luke Castellan. Luke is played by Charlie Bushnell, who really sold me as a demigod feeling betrayed by the gods. Just from his acting in Episodes 2 and 8 solidified to me that this is how Luke is. Granted, the confrontation scene is not as sinister as it is in the book, I believe that the TV series did it better, where Annabeth is there in person to see the betrayal happen. I mean, that is literally her brother betraying her, I cannot imagine what she is going through. Bushnell really sold it as Luke honestly, showing he’s an upset demigod who believes the gods have turned their backs on them. He made use of his time on screen, and I cannot wait to see him in future installments as our big bad.
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(Credit: IGN)
Overall, this series is what we all deserved! I understand that people are upset that it was not completely faithful to the books, and that is a valid argument, but I will say this: if you want a faithful adaptation, read the books and recreate it in your head. Nothing will ever be a perfect copy of another, not with humans around. I think instead of nitpicking the differences and inconsistencies between the two, we should embrace the changes. Embrace the fact that this was even created in the first place and be grateful for it. Embrace the fact that we have a great TV show, but god forbid they forget about the scorpion that Luke poisons Percy with. The books, movies, the TV show, they’re all interpretations of the same idea, and we all have different thoughts about the idea, that at the end of the day, at least one person will be a hater. Anyway, with millions of views each episode, I’m sure season two is coming, and with that my boy Blackjack!
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veryace-ficrecs · 5 months
Hey! I saw your pjo fic list and was wondering if you could do a spoiler free list for tv show fans like maybe just book one stuff thanks!
Of course I can!
Percy Jackson TV Fic Recs (Spoiler Free)
So! the way that I've done this is divided it into two levels of spoilers. The first half will be fics that are spoiler free up to the currently released episode (as of right now, that's ep5 A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers). The second half of the list will be spoiler free up to the end of the first book, and subsequently the end of the first season of the show.
Keep in mind that most fics will be based on the books, and there may be some events that are either re-arranged, or happen differently then they may have in the show.
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! Enjoy!!
Spoiler Free up to Ep 5: A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers
A Hephaestus TV Special by Alexandra989 - Rated G
Olympus tunes in to a Hephaestus TV Special- featuring Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase on the Thrill Ride of Love.
Episode Four: I Plunge to My Death by beady_toast - Rated G
He took a deep breath, counting to three before letting it go. He could see a little better now, faint light breaking through the window as the scenery whizzed past outside.The floor of the train felt hard and cold against his back, every bump sending a jolt to his heart. He opened his mouth to speak, but second guessed himself.
Annabeth still seemed to be considering whether or not he was worth keeping around at all. Grover would be insufferable. That guy (goat?) liked his sleep almost as much as he liked food.
“You asleep?” He whispered, words slipping out before he could decide whether or not he wanted to say them.
The silence was deafening, filling Percy’s ears with static. He chided himself for even thinking anyone would be awake. It was a stupid, childish–
“Yes,” a soft monotone voice replied. Percy fought the urge to smile. Silence stretched between him and Annabeth.
dangerous games // percabeth by annabxth - Rated G
percy shook his head helplessly, as if in disbelief of what she was implying. his face was sickly pale, his veins were prominent now, and his under-eyes a stark red. his face was sheen with sweat. annabeth knew he didn’t have much more time if they didn’t hurry. she moved to close the door, urging them to go, but percy called out again. “wait.” he said. he dug into his pocket. his hands trembled as he carelessly flicked the cap off of his pen, allowing it to become a sword. he offered it to her. “take this.” ~~ the arch scene in episode 4 from annabeth’s POV.
verklempt by achievingelysium - Rated T
Annabeth never liked water. ... Percy was nothing like she imagined the most important person in her life would be. He was her ticket to a quest. He wasn’t much of a reader—didn’t like books—but had sharp eyes and could think fast. Luke said he was a natural with his sword. He drooled in his sleep. He was quite possibly the most annoying person she’d ever met. And… even though she wasn’t supposed to, she liked him.
The start of a legend by Phantomxlegend - Rated G
When you just find out you’re a demigod and immediately get thrown on a world ending, life or death style quest. It can be a little stressful. Or Just some small Grover comforting Percy because y’all forgot about Grover.
A Mother's Love by wiseassrat - Rated G
"She must've loved you a lot to put up with that guy--if it makes you feel any better." Actually, that did not make him feel better. That did not make him feel better at all. Grover puts something into perspective and now Percy feels undeserved guilt about his mom. Takes place just before their first quest.
Packed and Petrified by DancingInTheSliverGlow - Rated G
In the lightning thief, Percy Jackson defeats Medusa and then promptly sends her decapitated head to the greek gods.
When the olympians got a package “best wishes percy jackson," Zeus probably said something along the lines of, "At last, my bolt! Finally, your son admits to steali-" and then gets turned to stone for like five seconds.
This is what I imagined happened, starring: Zeus mostly as a stone statue (we all like him better that way), Poseidon, Hermes, Martha & George (the snakes on Hermes caduceus).
Decided Family by greensgables - Rated G
Despite what most people might think, Grover is very aware of the fact that he doesn't have family at Camp Half Blood. Or he didn't, until Percy came around.
Spoilers For the end of The Lightning Thief! Proceed With Caution!!!!
a girl who sees it all by thesleepingsiren - Rated T
Annabeth is hyperactive and hyper-observant, and there’s something about the way Percy deflates when he thinks nobody’s watching that makes her wonder. She’s noticed things. The way he furrows his brows when praised or his wide eyes when anyone asks him to hang out or do anything besides spar. When he makes someone laugh, his eyes narrow like he’s trying to decide whether it’s with him or at him. The way his nose crinkles when he’s struggling through Homer and how he apologizes with a self-deprecating joke. How initially resistant he is to a hug or any comforting contact before he melts into it, whole body relaxing. Sometimes, when he’s lost in thought, he scratches at his collarbone—a scar she doesn’t know how he got. He has a lot of scars she doesn’t recognize, old ones. Or, Annabeth picks up on Percy's childhood, and makes sure he knows he's deserving of friendship. Set after the TLT quest but before SoM.
Styx by Soggy_Ice - Rated G
The river Styx reflected his face against its murky water. It smelled of beer, seven-layer dips, and sweat. It smelled of garbage. For a moment, Percy was Gabe’s apartment again, locked inside his temporary room for the summer while Gabe’s voice demanded for his mom’s salary, as if his mom were the one who spent every night gambling. His reflection showed a boy, knuckles white over the edge of the boat, glaring at him with the same dirty hair and glowing green eyes. He was angry. Percy didn’t realize that he was leaning over the edge until Annabeth pulled him back, raising an eyebrow. She gestured at Grover, shaken up, murmuring prayers under his breath as they made their way down the river. Right. Underworld. Meeting Hades. For the bolt. For the quest. For his mom. OR Percy and Styx bonding.
Across the Hall by Deerlie_03 - Rated T
The lives of the Jackson family pre-The Lightning Thief as told by a mortal neighbour who wants nothing but the best for the young woman who recently moved in across the hall, pregnant and without anybody in her life, and her unborn son
mundane by laruegard - Rated G
"I don't like not knowing how to do things." "Well, that's an easy fix. I'll teach you." or percy teaches annabeth how to play video games while theyre at the lotus hotel and casino.
anytime, kid. by polypanpercyjackson (ineedibuprofen) - Not Rated
“So…,” Drew drawls, motioning with her chin to Percy’s chipped blue nails. “What’s with the nails?” Percy sits across from her, glaring up at her warily, “Why do you care?”
little oracles by Arten - Rated G
I laughed. “You? An architect?” I don’t know why, but I found it funny. Just the idea of Annabeth trying to sit quietly and draw all day. Her cheeks flushed. “Yes, an architect. Athena expects her children to create things, not just tear them down, like a certain god of earthquakes I could mention.” It wasn't until Annabeth watched Percy's face crumple that she realised that perhaps accusing someone of being the ruiner of all good things just like his father, right after he admitted the lengths to which his mother had gone to protect him– from marrying an awful man to literally dying to make sure he reached Camp– was the worst possible thing she could have ever said to anyone ever. Even if he had just laughed at her for thinking she could ever be an architect.
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t-lostinworlds · 6 months
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i love how he's just casually thinking about Chiron dropping shit unprovoked 😭
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nephilimarecool · 1 year
Jack Kline X Reader
Warnings: none
I've never written a X female teen reader before so point out any mistakes but give me a bit of slack. I'd love comments and re-blogs also requests are open but NO smut.
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Y/F/B = Your Favorite Band
Y/N = Your Name
F/B = Favorite Book
"I'm going out!" You called across the bunker, Dean, Cass, Sam and Jack were sitting in the library studying lore.
"Where?" Dean questioned, you were Jack's girlfriend not his daughter but he still acted like it.
"Out." You responded vaguely, you were actually going to a concert. It didn't take place till about 10 pm though and it was only 6 pm so you figured you'd explore Kansas a bit.
"Like hell!" Honestly Dean was way overprotective. You sighed, you were going tonight no matter what. It was Y/F/B and you were going to see them.
"Dean she is 18." Cas tried knowing how bad you needed to leave the bunker. You'd been cooped up for weeks now since he wouldn't let you hunt. Honestly it was stupid, you were on your first hunt when you met them for crying out loud.
"Too bad Cas." Dean quipped. You groaned.
"I've been cooped up for months! I need this Dean!" Dean gave you his resting bitch face. Sam seemed to be pointedly staying out of the argument.
"Too bad sweetheart." You groaned but knew there was no arguing with Dean when he was in this mood. You decided you wait and sneak out later.
"Fine!" You growled. Everyone looked at you shocked, it was unlike you too give up so easily.
"Fine?" Dean asked.
"Fine." You repeated you could see Cas trying to see if your ok or if something else is going on. You found a chair and sat down with your favorite book.
"What are you reading Y/N?" Jack stuck his head over you shoulder. You smiled, the Nephilim always managed to make you smile.
"I'm reading F/B." placing you book down you stood up and kissed Jack's cheek. "You want a Coke?" The Nephilim shrugged.
"Never really tried one." He admitted sheepishly. You just chuckled and handed Jack one of the bright, scarlet-red cans. He cracked his open easily but you struggled, your hands shaking slightly from nerves because of what your gonna do later. Seeing this Jack took the can and opened it for you. "Thanks Jack." You said.
"Of course Darling." Damn that boy was so sweet.
"Want to listen to some music and read a book?" You suggested smiling at your boyfriend. "I'm pretty sure you'd like Percy Jackson, there's a copy in my bag." You simply enjoyed spending time with Jack, he never judged you.
"Sure." He agree softly. You nodded and went to grab the book from your room.
"Is she ok?" Cas asked Jack confused why you were acting so strange.
"I believe so. Yes. Just sad." Jack replied just as you walked in with your phone and Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief.
Later on that night you were sleeping in you room which was right next to Jack's. It was about 9pm and you knew you'd need time to walk there. Sighing you kept to the shadows and slipped out the front door of the bunker. You made it about 200 meters before you heard a voice behind you.
"Why'd you leave the bunker? What are doing? Can I join you?" You let out the breath you were holding, it was only Jack. You silently laughed at yourself, you were scared by Jack of all people.
"I'm going to a concert, the same band we were listening to on my phone. Dean wouldn't let me leave so I snuck out. Sure you join me Jack, it's after dark and what better company then a Nephilim." You smiled and grabbed Jack's hand pulling him with you.
"Where is it? I can just fly us there." You were going to walk but he seemed so proud, you knew he'd only recently learnt how to teleport more than just himself.
"Sure. It's about 2 miles that way." You pointed to the road and Jack nodded. Jack nodded and pulled you too him, next thing you knew you were slightly green and the two of you were just out side the concert.
Knowing he'd never been to a concert before you began explaining things to Jack. You pointed to a booth on your left, "That's were you by tickets." As we walked over you pointed to the stage, "that's where the singers are, I like sitting further back as it gets loud."
You walked to the cashier. "Tickets for 2 please." He nodded.
You handed the man $200, ticket plus tip. "Why did you give them extra money?" Jack asked, you should've known he wouldn't know what tipping is.
"It's called tipping, they take the extra money for themselves. Some jobs don't pay very well Jack." You did your best to explain but obviously didn't get your point across quite right.
After the concert you glanced at Jack "Did you have fun?" you asked curious. He was beaming from ear to ear.
"Very much, thankyou." Jack replied obvious joy in his voice. "I'll take us home now." You nodded my smile just as large. Taking Jack's hand you were suddenly back in the bunker, it didn't effect you as much as earlier.
After a few seconds you realized the lights were on.
"Balls!" You grumbled. You should've known this'd happen as it was as it was about 2am.
"Y/N!" Dean came into the library fuming. You glanced at Jack. "Jack?" He asked almost disbelieving he was in on this.
You and Jack looked at each other. "Uh oh." You murmured in unison.
"Run." You whispered, Jack nodded and you took off in opposite directions.
"You have got to be kidding!" you heard Dean yell, let's just say you didn't dare stop.
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cowboylikesam · 11 months
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i’m new here so here’s a few things about me so we can be moots:)
my name is sam, i use she / her pronouns, i’m 15 y/o, english is not my first language, so if i make a mistake pls correct me but don’t be mean.
my stans: taylor swift, harry styles, louis tomlinson, gracie abrams.
books: percy jacskon and the olympians, heroes of olympus, the trials of apollo, the hunger games, green creek saga, daisy jones & the six, aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe, looking for alaska, harry potter , the seven husbands of evelyn hugo.
shows: shameless, the owl house, new girl, modern family, b99, the office, how i met your mother, friends, community, gilmore girls.
movies: la la land, before sunrise, the hunger games trilogy, scream, ladybird, all the bright places.
that’s pretty much it, if you want to be friends don’t hesitate to dm me!! also, here are some of my other social media accts if you want to be moots there too.
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lyssified · 1 year
okayyyy uh new intro post because i hate my old one
hi :) you can call me lyss ! they/she a woman liking women. probably pansexual infp-t, libra sun scorpio rising gemini moon, enneagram 9 (in case anyone cares ab that stuff) usamerican :/
film kid AND theater kid (scary) a little bit of a nerd slash freak :) a MINOR so don't be a creep please however i do love new friends so don't be afraid to DM me/send asks/spam like or reblog/tag me in stuff/send me stuff you think i'll like
don't be mean, creepy, or a bigot, if i think you're a bot i will block you :) tone tags appreciated if warranted here's my pronouns page, feel free to add me to your circle if we're mutuals!! i have a tagging system now :0 if i need to be tagging something please let me know !
main things i post/rb posts about atm are: my life (there are a lot of these), queer things, pjo show, boygenius, dr who (currently on season 6), scott pilgrim, good omens, ofmd, music recs, theater kid shit, the soup anons (iykyk, if not you'll see), other interactions with people
the show i am currently working on is (please ask me about it): theater season is over AHHHHHH
more stuff abt me under the cut !!
love u all !!!!!
things i enjoy (hobbies ig): bass guitar, musical theater (costume design/tech in general, acting & singing), baking, reading, sewing, makeup, photography, film (chronic film kid taking film class), really any kind of arts&crafts, most water sports, music listening, watching bad tv to make fun of it, swimming in the morning, coffee, funky earrings/socks, vintage clothes/fashion history, and my dog :)
movies/shows i like (i consume so much media): heartstopper, young royals, umbrella academy, bee & puppycat lazy in space, the pjo show, TEOTFW, gravity falls, good omens, ofmd, i am not okay with this, doctor who, takin over the asylum, much ado about nothing (2011 tennant and tate version), stranger things (sometimes), moonrise kingdom, amelie, honestly anything by wes anderson, shit from the 80s like the breakfast club etc, knives out (and glass onion), scott pilgrim, lady bird, everything everywhere all at once, any kind of movie musical
music people: los campesinos!, arctic monkeys, boygenius, sorry mom, car seat headrest, phoebe bridgers, queen, the neighbourhood, sir chloe, noahfinnce, mcr, the front bottoms, radiohead, the smiths, eleven hours, beabadobee, mazzy star, the cure, pixies, mitski and many more
musicals i like (obligatory theater kid section): amelie (london version), heathers (west end and world premiere), wicked, in the heights, dear evan hansen, into the woods, the lightning thief, six, phantom, anastasia, bmc (both recordings), the prom, mean girls, beetlejuice, hadestown, hairspray, west side story, moulin rouge, les mis, chicago, newsies, grease, little shop
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bi-bi-bi-buckley · 5 months
I remember when I was 8, in the fourth grade, reading the Lightening Thief for English class. I remember learning I had ADHD during this time, and instead of hating myself, for seeing myself as different and wrong, instead I was excited! I had something in common with Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase! I could be a demigod! I remember doubling my efforts to be more like Annabeth- wearing my hair in a ponytail everyday, changing my style to be t-shirt and ripped jeans with tennis shoes so I could look like her.
I remember reading a Tumblr post when I was in middle school, of a couple of PJO fans fantasizing about a Percy Jackson show, where each episode was a chapter and each season s book. I remember loving the idea but knowing not to get my hopes up. Percy Jackson was popular, but I knew it wasn't popular enough to garner a TV show. It was no where near on the level of Harry Potter or Star Wars.
And now, as a sophomore in college I am sitting down, watching the show I had accepted to never happen. It's a strange feeling. To see these characters and these places in a way I have never seen before.
I want to like the show. I really, really do. I want to watch it and pretend I'm entering this world for the first time again, like I did all those years ago. But I can't.
My opinion on the show has nothing to do with the actors chosen. In fact my favorite parts are brought on by these actors. It is just hard, knowing The Lightening Thief nearly by heart, and not recognizing what I am watching. I know some of it comes down to how I imagined it when I was 8 and to how Uncle Rick imagined it, but with at least the first episode I was a little disappointed. It felt like I was watching something completely different, not the first chapter of The Lightning Thief.
By now I have watched the second and third episode and my opinion has whiplashed back and forth from dislike to an alright sort of view of it. I will say, the humor is there. I have been cackling as I watched each episode and I like that. That's something that is so important to Uncle Rick's works. To Percy flossing as he unknowingly waits for Clarisse to Percy saying "she met a pinecone's fate". So my opinion on the show is: undecided. I am not sure if I am a fan yet but I have enjoyed some scenes.
I want to make it clear I went into this more excited than for anything else. Percy Jackson, the world of demi gods and Camp Half-blood, have more importance to who I am than anything else, and it pains me more than words can describe that I am not enjoying this show. I really am truly trying to enjoy watching it, and it pains me that I am not.
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