aquila1921 · 2 years
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confused-book-noises · 7 months
‘“I heard you were handsome”
Are demons just sitting in hell telling each other how pretty Dean Winchester is??
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angeldiied · 2 months
Dean and Benny go on a long expedition to Greenland alone. The black-and-white photo, that Benny finds serves almost as a talisman, as it depicts a handsome young man who immediately catches Dean's eye.
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stupidsexygrizzop · 2 months
if I had a nickel for every time the children of the original protagonists in a series became god and used their power to bring back everyone the previous god had killed i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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live-laugh-loverpool · 7 months
New fic!!!
@millythegoat @liverpool-enjoyer @childishfirmino @bobbybecker-21 @alissonbecksfan234 @calm-smol
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lucyvsky · 7 months
LUCY would you like to have supernatural episode movie night with me today. in honor of the upcoming holiday
YES YES YES OMG. sorry discord has been closed on m y computer for days. .. . because of the horrors (one BILLION homework assignement BLAST!)
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elmwood-hqs · 2 years
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𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕓𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪. 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙. 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟.
deep in a forest in hampstead, new york lies a set of buildings. the elmwood institute is a facility that focuses on it's residents. residents who span the gambit of supernatural, paranormal, magical or otherwise mysterious backgrounds. they're in a sanctuary that cares deeply about their quality of life. ☆ the elmwood institute is an SCP Foundation inspired 18+ roleplay--- though it's far more welcoming, and less restrictive than the original foundation. we accept multi-fandom characters, as well as original characters, and focus on character development. you can apply as a resident, or an employee of the institute. if you're interested, please check us out! navigation linked in source.
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latinotiktok · 8 months
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The Magnus Archives dudes
-Martin(cho) Blackwood de The Magnus Archives. Arranco como meme en el fandom latino de TMA que era argentino por su nombre, realmente no hay mucho en la serie que banque esto, pero sería cagar a los ingleses y eso siempre está bien. Igual luego el fandom se armó alto lore de que era de Argentina y cuando su padre lo abandonó su mamá lo obligó a emigrar a Inglaterra, es re mentiroso así que la rompería jugando al truco y en general tiene todas las vibras de argento fan de los pimpinela y las novelas turcas, de boquita y el mate con don satur.
-Martín Blackwood (The Magnus Archives) es argentino y emigró a inglaterra de chiquito y yo se que esto es real porque me lo dijo Ami (@hiherami) acá: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33681655/
-Jonathan "Jon" Sims de The Magnus Archives es el archivista. Recolecta ,inicialmente contra su voluntad, el trauma supernatural de la gente. Y es un mamón <3. Es mexicano namas pq sería divertido ( la verdad no tengo tanta justificación, a mi me gusta porque soy mexicano). En la temporada 4 lo tratan bien mal y su amorcito no lo pela, el señor es la gata bajo la lluvia, es Ana Gabriel con el cigarrillo, es bandera de Porter, es Selena con no me queda más. Pedí ayuda a amigues latines aqui su propaganda: -literalmente vive del chisme (la entidad que sirve se alimenta de experiencias supernaturales que le han pasado a otras personas) y los latinos somos chismosos -"Su tipo de cansancio sólo lo encontrás en gente que ha tenido que vivir las ocurrencias de la política latinoamericana" A, y Martín Blackwood(el novio) es Argentino.
-MARTIN BLACKWOOD de The Magnus Archives (podcast). Ele é um inglês daqueles que adoram chá, mas tem muito inglês na Argentina por conta das Malvinas e seria no mínimo sensacional que parte do chá que ele tome seja Mate Na Cuia™️. Além do mais não temos muita informação sobre seu pai, e "Martin" é um nome que funciona em espanhol e inglês. Grashias por el servicio de ti blooog
-Tim Stoker de The Magnus Archives. 1. El chabón más filo y letras del podcast, conozco como tres tipos como él 2. Canónicamente bisexual need I say more? (? 3. Razón meta pero como es bi la mitad del fandom se pone bien pelotuda y lo caracteriza con todos los estereotipos habidos y por haber, que también coinciden con estereotipos y malas caracterizaciones de personajes latinos en general (lo tratan de boludo, trolo, violento etc y es tipo gente escuchamos el mismo podcast? mátense) 4. Su backstory es básicamente que al hermano lo desaparecieron y el chabón se pasó años buscando a ver qué pasó con él, a pesar de saber que probablemente murió, lo cual siempre me pegó bastante como argentino 😔 (@mods si el último punto es muy heavy para este evento más en joda siéntanse libres de dejarlo afuera u_u pero ES una de mis razones) 5. Siempre es moralmente correcto hacer q un personaje ingles sea argentino 😤
-Godot Ace Attorney. A personalidade dele é tomar café. O cara é de são paulo certeza
-godot de ace attorney. literalmente se llama diego armando. i rest my case
-No sé si cuente xq si es canon implicitamente que es latino pero Diego Armando /Godot de ace attorney , los juegos no especifican su nacionalidad específica tho
-Diego Armando, de Ace Attorney. Porque qué es mas argentino que el que tus papas te pongan el nombre de Maradona ⚽️
-godot de ace attorney. literalmente se llama diego armando. i rest my case
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feral-and-or-horny · 1 year
Okay..we're going to give this another shot..
*Here, clone is being used as a broad term to refer to your "double," which may be an alternate universe self, something grown in a lab, something supernaturall created, a fae, etc. If you would fuck your "clone" in a specific scenario, then the answer is yes, and you do not need to have a pearl clutching moral panic and shame other people over how they answer.
You're welcome to put your reasons for why/why not in the tags, just don't be a dick to anyone who chooses differently this time please
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positivexcellence · 1 month
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etoile_23_roma: Un weekend “supernaturale”!🤩 @jensenackles
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dangermousie · 2 months
Wallflower live action ep 1
Wallflower (also known as Perfect Girl Evolution) is one of my all-time favorite mangas. The story takes the simple Cinderella/Pygmalion fantasy and turns it on its head. Four pretty boys who rent a house get told by their eccentric landlady that if they can transform her niece Sunako into a lady, they get to live rent-free. Always broke, the boys enthusiastically agree. Enter Sunako - spotty, unkempt, horror-loving, people-avoiding Goth. Good luck, boys!
Wallflower features perhaps one of the most awesome heroines to ever exist. Sunako is beyond TOUGH. And I mean tough. You mess with her (or with anyone she likes - one of the boys, her girlfriend Noi etc), an army will not save you from her wrath.
The boys (blunt, food-obsessed Kyohei, the "caring feminist" Takenaga, the playboy Ranmaru, and the sweet Yuki) do not know what is about to hit them. Wallflower is NOT about them reforming Sunako - the boys give up fairly quickly (they just try to pretend they are continuing so as to continue to get the deal from the landlady) and just accept Sunako for who she is - a violent weirdo who can cook. Sunako makes no excuses for being who she is - she has no interest in transforming herself into a barbie, she makes no bones about loving her horror movies or living with skeletons, her lack of interest in her hot neighbors 'that way', or in any pretensions about being ladylike.
Wallflower is really a celebration of being different and being happy in that difference. All the characters are somewhat odd - Yuki is delicate and shy, Takenaga is some sort of benevolent Moriarti, Ranmaru is a shameless, older-women-loving slut, and Kyohei...Oh, Kyohei. He is probably the only character who is almost as weird as Sunako is.
Nor do all the boys fall in love with Sunako magically or anything like that. Yuki has a long-standing girlfriend, Takenaga and Ranmaru acquire OTPs (Takenaga's girlfriend Noi is one of my favorite characters ever. God, I love her!) Kyohei and Sunako are the OTP but it's not because he sees her inner princess or anything silly like that - they are both blunt, violent, not too bright people imprisoned by their looks who like to do the same things for fun (one of my favorite things in Wallflower is the parallel it draws between the 'creature of darkness' Sunako and the ultimate pretty boy Kyohei - nobody sees them as a person, not really, because of the facade being so all-engulfing. Sunako freaks out the passerby and Kyohei can't keep down a job because the staff and customers start fights over him - underneath all the OTT hilariousness, Wallflower has a lovely point about inner persons).
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Kyohei, Sunako's eventual boyfriend, is first introduced when he is (a) getting groped by his boss, (b) has screaming ladies disrupting the restaurant wanting to have him be their waiter; (c) loses it spectacularly, smashing the ladies' table, punching out the boss, and quitting. This has clearly happened to him umpteen times before.
The other three guys are Oda Takenaga, smart and cold-blooded:
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Yuki, the sweet one:
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Ranmaru, the older ladies' loving slut.
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Together, they are Wallflower's very own F4, only much better adjusted. Let's call them W4, like the tax form.
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Their rental is a gothic looking castle which will suit Sunako but why their landlady owns one is manga logic.
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The Landlady is living her best life and the story is sprung in motion when she requests W4 turn her niece Sunako into a lady and that way rent is free. Watching Kyohei go from disgruntled by the idea to ecstatic at the mention of free rent is priceless.
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Our first look at Sunako and she is just as gloriously odd as she should be. She also is utterly displeased to be sharing her living quarters with "creatures of the light." I adore her!!! She wants to avoid light, wear her hood, watch her horror movies, and roll in her creepy memorabilia.
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W4 entrap Sunako by strewing a trail of horror items.
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But the makeover fails because Sunako is supernaturally strong and frees herself, causes an electric storm and escapes back into her lair. Good luck, boys, you will need it!
Meanwhile, the boys aren't the only ones trying to make cash. Here is Sunako's friend taking pics of Kyohei to sell to fangirls for money.
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Said friend gets in trouble (she's been giving all her money to a host. Because of course) and Kyohei is also forced being a host or else Sunako's friend gets it. Manga logic is present.
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But here is where we get to meet the REAL unhinged Sunako, who is not keen on either her friend or her roommates being taken advantage of and comes to the rescue herself.
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Before you get carried away, being around too many good-looking people causes her to freak out ahahaah.
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It's OK, her backup aka the rest of the boys are here, in drag.
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Eventually, everything goes to hell and Kyohei and Sunako end up being caught and tied up. (Now that I think about it, the manga had a serious people being tied up fetish :P)
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Too bad for the bad guys, Sunako is strong and violent and unties them both, and they go on to the violent rampage through the club, knocking hordes of opponents out in unison and Kyohei FALLS IN LOVE. (I will always be into the fact that he fell for the woman after seeing her headbutt people and crack their skulls ahahahah.)
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Having destroyed a metric ton of goons and rescued whoever they needed to, Sunako and Kyohei gift exchange - she gets cookies, he gets a skull. And a start of a beautiful new friendrelationship is born!
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Honestly, the first ep is just as fun as when I watched it ages ago. Nothing will ever be as good and as wildly out there as the manga but this is a good adaptation tbh.
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howtobecomeadragon · 2 years
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If we're right and Byler is canon, I genuinely think that Mike getting Vecna-ed and revealing his internalized homophobia and feelings for Will is the entire reason for this season's monster being related to trauma and secrets. The demogorgan, demodogs, and the Mind Flayer were monsters separate from people, just attacking and possessing, not really too concerned with what's going on with the inner lives of humans. So why this big jump to a villain that's getting all involved in everyone's personal business? Because the Duffers needed to finally make the big reveal about Mike for the general audience.
Obviously Vecna being human and tying into El's past is important, but there's no story reason that we've seen established for why Vecna needed to attack via a psychic connection and dig into trauma pre-kill in order to open gates. That wasn't a necessary element for the 001 and El backstory. The Duffer Brothers could have used any new method for a villain to attack the group, the options were limitless. They chose this specifically, in what is a pretty marked difference from previous villains. So why trauma? Why is Vecna so nosy? How does this affect our main characters who are the heart of the show?
Obviously Max dealing with Billy's death and the metaphor of Max fighting to live and overcome her guilt was huge, but it could have been explored in other ways outside of the supernatural plotline. Max struggling with that loss wasn't a secret or a surprise to the audience or even the other characters. We see Nancy continuing to confront her guilt over Barb, which again, we didn't need Vecna for, we've seen that pop up previously over the seasons outside of the supernatural plots.
But for our minor characters of ST4, we see this particular method of Vecna's attacks used as a way to reveal secrets to the audience. Calling back to Benny, Barb, Mrs. Driscoll, Heather, etc, this show doesn't usually care about revealing a lot about the characters with early season deaths. However, this season we have a villain that reveals the secrets of1 these characters: Chrissy and her abusive mom, Fred and the car accident, Patrick and physical abuse at home. We had seen these 3 characters from the outside at first, seeing them function outside of us knowing their trauma, getting glimpses of their day to day, with little to no hints of what's going on underneath, before diving into the trauma that Vecna attacked them with. It is set up that the trauma is a reveal, a peek behind the curtain.
We as the audience are now primed to expect that secrets regarding trauma will come out, and of course using Vecna as a secret-revealing method in the story isn't just going to be used for minor characters that die in the first half of the season. We are being prepared for this to be used again on one of our main characters in the same way: seeing a character living their day to day life, and then getting hit with the trauma lurking underneath the surface that we didnt know about previously. Max and Nancy getting Vecna-ed didn't reveal anything brand new to the audience, but instead further explored things we already knew about. With no big reveal or surprise from Nancy or Max, obviously we're still waiting for the bigger payoff. We saw how powerful Max's scene was, and that was only halfway through the season. They are planning to go bigger still for the season finale.
I know a lot of people have wondered: Will or Mike, who is getting Vecna-ed? And while I agree that seeing Will get Vecna-ed would be interesting, I think back to the question of why the Duffer Brothers chose to write the big bad of this season this way. Most of the general audience knows Will's secret, anyone who is paying attention knows he's gay and likes Mike, that didn't require a whole trauma-based monster to prove. Which leaves Mike, who has a secret and shame so internalized that the Duffer Brothers needed to make the penultimate season's villain written with the ability to supernaturally reveal secrets and trauma. If it's not used on Mike to reveal something big that the general audience hasn't already realized, then why did the Duffers even bother with making Vecna attack in this way?
We haven't focused on any other characters and their strange behavior without also having an explanation for why they're acting how they're acting. We see that Max broke up with Lucas because she's struggling with depression, we see Jonathon and Nancy struggle with the long distance relationship and have different college plans but they get to explain their motivations to Argyle and Fred, we see El lying because she's insecure in her relationship with Mike and struggling with the bullying and the loss of Hopper, we see Will getting upset with Mike and El because he's jealous and pining for Mike. (Personally I'm all on board with Will having powers but I don't think he's aware of that yet, so that's not a personal secret, it's a plot reveal).
We see Mike acting strangely to El and to Will, but he's the only character that we don't get a spelled out explanation for. And that's because the reasoning is so internalized and suppressed by Mike, and the Duffers, recognizing that, wrote a monster specifically to force Mike to confront his feelings for Will. As far as I've seen about what's being hinted at, there aren't any other characters with a secret that would necessitate a supernatural trauma reveal. And this season had to have been written this way with a reason in mind, a deeply hidden secret to be revealed. This huge build up and payoff is not that Mike has problems saying I love you to El because of his parents' loveless marriage, that would be so not worth Vecna's intervention. The reveal we're building up to is big enough that the Duffers felt it necessitated a supernatural villain to reveal a secret to the audience, to show us how hard it is confront internalized homophobia and how deeply rooted it is. The show isn't random, it's written in ways to display the characters feeling and experiencing things we can relate to. And if it's not as big and as surprising as this will be for the general audience, then what was the point of writing Vecna to attack this way? The reason we got a monster that functions the way Vecna does is because this is Mike's season to confront his sexuality and feelings for Will.
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luluemarlene · 5 months
Quando dite
"è una roba supernaturale" vi prenderei a sprangate sui denti
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realbeefman · 9 months
if dr james wilson was born in the 1600s he’d be the sort of man who would be a beloved priest in the village until the hunt for supernaturalle beings and eville begins and he is suspected of being one who consorts with daemons and he never admits to witchcraft nor treachery, even after being put through the torture of interrogation, but he is still deemed guilty by the village-people and burned at the stake. btw.
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raitrolling · 19 days
glasya, besides the pay, what keeps you coming back to your job, and if you really can't think of anything else what would your dream job be?
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you know i work for the abnormaLLity-punching organisation yeah
who wouLLdn't wanna stick around to see what kinda weird shit is hanging around on this pLLanet
ive got the cooLLest job outta everyone
tho first i got a job here cuz they were the guys who saved me from the whoLLe seriaLL kiLLLLing cannibaLL mumbo jumbo
they were actuaLLLLy after the cursed book that fucked me up and i was just a byproduct they had to monitor afterwards
but anyway
i had to quit my LLast job cuz of the whoLLe seriaLL kiLLLLing cannibaLL mumbo jumbo
wanted to LLearn more about the supernaturaLL to figure out what the fuck happened to me
turns out
this spooky shit kinda bangs
guess i found my dream job after aLLLL"
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thehonoredonesrpg · 1 month
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Las leyendas tradicionales japonesas hablan desde hace siglos de la conocida Esencia Primordial. Se dice que su llegada se tejió con hilos de esplendor, desplegando una aurora de potencia casi inefable. Se le considera el inicio de todas las cosas y el guardián del destino de chamanes y otras fuerzas supernaturales del mundo. Es tratado casi como un ser divino, por encima de todos y de todo, aunque jamás se le ha dado un enfoque religioso a su figura. En palabras de los tratados más antiguos, es la Esencia Primordial la que hace siglos dividió en pliegues las diferentes formas de vida y existencia, dando un espacio y una realidad para cada uno de ellos. Así, seres humanos, entidades abisales, etéreas y otras formas de vida se han visto separadas para existir en planos distintos y logrando así un equilibrio en el mundo.
Su némesis, definido en los tratados como un mal ancestral, llegaría mucho tiempo después para romper la balanza. El Soberano Maldito trajo consigo una sombra indómita que lo cubrió todo durante el Periodo Sengoku, cuando los distintos clanes japoneses de chamanes acababan de iniciar una guerra civil en el país. Creación y destrucción entrelazaron sus destinos y durante toda la contienda el mundo pareció desequilibrarse cuando uno de los grandes sellos fue liberado. Lo que sucedió exactamente durante esos años es algo que no puede saberse con exactitud debido a que los escritos de la época fueron destruidos en su mayoría y los que no dan datos contradictorios. Algunos de ellos señalan a este soberano como el primer chamán de la historian, otros lo tratan como la antítesis de la Esencia Primordial y le concede también un carácter casi Divino. En lo que todos los tratados concuerdan es en que su existencia quedó sellada junto con el cierre del sello que se había roto.
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Nota: Los puntos en color amarillo son los sellos que ya han sido destruidos. En azul, se encuentran los que se conoce su ubicación, pero permanecen intactos y siendo custodiados. Podéis hacer click para ver la imagen más grande.
Según el Clan Kodama, estos sellos vienen existiendo desde que el mundo es mundo y fueron colocados por la Esencia Primordial para establecer un equilibrio en la tierra. Se encuentran todos ellos en distintos puntos del globo y son un total de catorce. Por el momento, solo se conoce la localización de cinco de ellos, cada uno situado en un continente distinto. La Agencia está bastante segura de que el Clan es conocedor de más de ellos, pero es de suma importancia que no se conozca de la existencia de todos y, mucho menos, del ritual capaz de romperlos.
Cuando un sello se rompe, los pliegues en los que se dividen las diferentes formas de existencia se ven debilitados. Un torrente de poder fue liberado cuando en el Periodo Sengoku se liberó uno de ellos y, aunque tampoco es algo que pueda verificarse, es posible que la existencia de los chamanes pueda deberse a ello. Dejando las conjeturas de entonces a un lado, la ruptura de varios sellos podría conllevar un desequilibrio en un mundo que de por sí, debido a la Energía Maldita, ya es bastante precario. Fuerzas oscuras asolarían la Tierra y la fuerza de los chamanes y agentes podría no ser suficiente para contenerlas.
El ritual que permite cerrarlos es conocido por el Clan Kodama, pero el que está indicado para abrirlos se mantiene en secreto para evitar incidentes.
Pese a la dificultad que supone romper cualquiera de los sellos, dentro del Acuerdo de Concilio entre la Agencia y el Clan, determinaron poner puestos de vigilancia compuestos por agentes y chamanes con el fin de salvaguardarlos. En caso de ataque o de haber actividad sospechosa cerca de ellos, se mandan refuerzos urgentemente para evitar incidentes como el de El Cairo.Los sellos toman diferentes formas. Algunos son simples grabados en una pared o en el suelo y algunos toman forma de portales e incluso edificios. Todos ellos tienen inscripciones que los identifican, además de que rezuma un poder ancestral que los distingue cuando alguien se encuentra cerca.
Por el momento, se conoce la existencia de cuatro pliegues distintos, aunque lo más probable es que haya un número infinito de ellos. Vienen a ser, en resumidas cuentas, distintos planos de existencia, paralelos al mundo en el que los humanos se mueven, y que se encuentran separados de él gracias a los sellos.
Vórtice de tinieblas: todas las entidades malignas que pactan con humanos se encuentran en este plano. La única manera que tienen de interferir en el mundo es mediante los pactos que establecen con ellos y solo los entes más poderosos son capaces de poder establecer esa comunicación.
Cresta celeste: las entidades etéreas se encuentran todas en este espacio y al igual que las abisales, no pueden entrar en contacto directo con el mundo de los humanos. Solo mediante los vínculos pueden ejercer una cierta influencia en él.
Hendidura umbría: pliegue en el que quedó supuestamente atrapado el Soberano Maldito hace ya muchos siglos. Esa es, en teoría, su morada eterna.
Albor Astral: es la residencia de la Esencia Primordial, el lugar al que él mismo quiso trascender. A diferencia de los demás, tratados antiguos revelan que está conectado a la tierra y que por lo tanto no es un pliegue como tal, pero esas conjeturas no están probadas y tampoco hay más información relevante al respecto.
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