#super hard to unclog
otterandterrier · 8 months
kudos to the cis men who designed both my bathtub drain and the piping, you kings clearly never had to deal with clogged drains
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
obey me characters as "boys will be boys" shenanigans
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boys will be boys-- a common phrase usually used to dismiss sexist or destructive behavior from boys and men alike. that usage absolutely neglects to acknowledge all the fun, harmless, stupid shit boys are capable of. i refuse to let this phrase be misogynistic any longer. "boys will be boys" is now the go to phrase to mean "boys will sometimes do stupid shit that is usually harmless but always endearing and/or entertaining". gotta give some love to our boys <3
content warnings: clueless boy behavior
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only on the rarest of occasions, when he's completely distracted, mammon will drink like a toddler. y'know that thing where they take huge sips and then breathe loudly between each sip? yeah that. that's him. not on purpose, but he still does it. it is so hard to catch him doing this, but when you do it is so fucking funny.
diavolo and lucifer are really into those unclogging drains accounts on social media. something about them just really captivates them. same with "how it's made" clips. they'll send the videos to each other anytime the stumble across a really good one. nobody (besides barbatos) knows they do this.
beel is definitely that man that, when asked to buy tampons or pads for a mestruating friend or partner, to ask very amusing questions. if he's grabbing tampons, he'll shyly call you up from the feminine hygiene aisle and ask "what size is your... y'know..." (he can't bring himself to say it). cue the laughter once you eventually pick up on what he means-- the sizes they offer for different flows, like regular or super. you're nice enough to explain that one when he gets home. if he's grabbing you pads, he'll call you up in distress from the store. you see, he knows that your period lasts a few days, but the longest lasting ones he can find are overnight pads. should he go to another store to get ones that will last longer, or...? you have to explain to him that you don't wear pads for more than a couple of hours, and that you throw the old ones away and replace them with new ones when needed. poor thing. he's trying so hard to help.
asmo is very much team "kiss the homies goodnight". granted, he has different reasons for that stance, but it's funny to hear him tease the others. what's that, mammon? you don't kiss the homies goodnight? what a bad friend! this always ends in chaos.
mammon may be the crow, but it's usually satan that collects things like one. he has a pile of pretty rocks he's found or received over the years. he will, if prompted, show you every last one of them and explain all of their origins (like a toddler showing off their racecar collection). you might have just asked casually, but now you're in it for the long haul. see, this rock here is actually from the human world. it's only ever found by volcanos, as it is a form of volcanic rock, but this one actually--
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gardenofnineveh · 1 year
Oh, oh, I am laughing so hard at plumber Aemond! I just can't stop laughing, it's just too good. Please say you'll write a short drabble of Luke, Aemond and Tom's life together. I really like the AU you created.
Dear Anon-chan,
Thank you ☺️ I have gathered a collection of my thoughts that are hopefully entertaining 🥸
Lucerys gives birth to a baby girl. Both Tom and Aemond are totally girl dads 👧 (girl = my precious baby, let me braid your hair; boy = aight boy, you’re getting outta my house as soon as you turn 18)
Tom and Aemond have a fight about naming. Aemond wants to name his daughter Vhagar, but Tom thinks that’s old-fashioned and might get his child bullied in school.
Luke steps in and names the child Lois in honor of Tom’s sister with the middle name Helaena in honor of Aemond’s sister. (Ofc, her last name is Velaryon after Luke)
They rotate on baby tasks. Tom loves to keep the baby on his chest before bed time while he reads a book (*ahem* Kama Sutra to learn ancient Indian knowledge on how to make his sperm more potent than that of Aemond). Little lucu-fruit sometimes chomps down on Tom’s nipples when he holds her like that (just Tom’s, not Luke’s or Aemond’s).
Aemond likes to hold the baby while he stands upright with their cheeks pressed together.
Luke straddles the baby his hip as he goes around the house. (Luke has an excess of 🥛 production, so he pumps to store in the fridge.)
Luke is super protective of his child, but Aemond and Tom takes it to an excessive level.
They are all great parents but have very different parenting styles. Luke is the nurturing, understanding kind. Tom is the let’s play and explore the world, hands-on kind. Aemond is the teaching, knowledgeable kind.
Tom and Aemond are try-hard dads, but also dumb daddies. (See refusal to get a paternity test — they’d just argue that the baby is more like them because of the baby likes something… Arguments start as jokes and quickly escalate to getting physical. Luke has to put them in timeout corner and force them to wear a get-along shirt.)
Whenever one of them is taking care of the baby, the other takes advantage of the free time and gets spicy 🌶️ time with Luke.
Once little lucu-fruit bites Tom’s nipple while Tom is child duty. Tom’s bursts into the bathroom to check on his nipple but instead he finds Aemond and Luke banging. (Luke swears they were just trying to unclog the drain because Aemond is a plumber 🔧)
The three of them have broken the bed frame 🛌 on more than one occasion 😅
Whenever Tom is deployed or Aemond has to travel for work, Aemond and Tom work in a seamless alliance to update each other on Luke’s status.
After his pregnancy, Luke joins a gym because he thinks he should lose some weight (Tom & Aemond are like no, you don’t, you’re perfect ❤️)
Luke’s gym trainer is someone by the name of Osferth. Tom and Aemond quickly intervene after seeing Osferth’s face and convince Luke that they can train him.
Tom is daddy, and Luke is papa. That has been the arrangement since before Aemond was a thing. So Aemond gets called father. (Secretly, Aemond wishes for a cuter name.)
So when little Lois Helaena is in elementary school and learns about this, she begins calling Tom “dad” and Aemond “daddy almond”. Luke is always “papa” 😚 (Aemond’s heart melts.)
Aemond and Tom compete on who can do the best hairdos for their girl. Low key start a YouTube channel for girls’ hairstyles.
After Tom is honorably discharged from the Navy, Aemond and Tom start a Plumbing + HVAC business. (Tom fixed HVAC systems on navy ships.)
Luke, Aemond, and Tom have more children! Luke names their second child, a boy, Vizzy D after Aemond’s father Viserys and Tom’s father Douglas.
Any boy who tries to hit on their girl will be given shit (and fire and blood) from Tom and Aemond. It’s gotten to the point where little Lois has cried to Luke about it multiple times.
The three of them live a simple but fulfilling life full of love 💗
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hatari-translations · 7 months
Have you had any big culture shocks as an Icelander when you’ve been abroad?
I remember the first time I came to the US I was really jarred by how employees of stores or ice cream parlors or whatever were all super smiley and upbeat and acting thrilled to be there taking my order. I had heard Americans complain about people telling retail workers to smile if they didn't look happy enough but had not fully internalized what this meant about the kind of attitude people were expected to put on in these sorts of jobs. Extremely disconcerting.
Also in the US, the bit where their toilet bowls are always full of water. Over here, if your toilet's full of water it's because there's a clog and you need to unclog it, not simply the default state of things.
When I went to Greece, you were supposed to throw used toilet paper into the bin because putting it in the toilet itself would just clog the pipes. That was a hard one to get used to when you're used to used toilet paper being a fire and forget sort of thing.
And in Vietnam, they just didn't chill drinks. It's really hot and you buy a bottle of water to cool down? Sorry, it's going to be room-temperature. The hotel we were staying at (I was there as a participant in the International Mathematical Olympiad) had mostly varied Western food for the breakfast/lunch/dinner buffets, but the drinking water was always room-temperature or higher (at least one of the days the water was warm enough I would have comfortably showered in it). Very weird for me.
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silverynight · 1 year
Oh and also second part of this ask-
all the Hashira collectively agree to swear and keep an additional list of Sensory Heaven™ things that Tanjiro likes so they can all design a dream sensory room full of stimuli/sensory things that Tanjiro absolutely adores.
Headcanon that Tanjiro adores the following:
GOOD SMELL. It's basically really obvious that Tanjiro would love a sensory pleasure involving smell. Put some candles in a room and if Tanjiro likes the smell (in other words if it's something like lavender, eucalyptus, roses, cinnamon, etc. anything that clears his sinuses and lets him breathe and smells good), he'll stay there for hours and be SUPER embarrassed about it afterwards.
moderated dark environments with relatively dull/dim light not too bright (especially if it's golden light omfg he just happy stims because he LOVES IT SO MUCH)
Baggy loose clothes with loose long sleeves that are also snug so he can do the FLAPPY HANDS™.
Tanjiro loves the imagery of the sky- he loves watching the sun set and the stars come into view, and he makes little bets to himself about what the moon's phase will be. And he also loves the sunrise- the air is SO GOOD during that time.
the feeling of the sun on his bare skin (especially his back)
Warm, soupy foods with crunchy sliced fatsia sprouts
Miso soup (piping hot ofc)
Stuffed toys (the squeeze soft texture good mmmm)
Fluffy rice dishes (though he doesn't want to admit it)
Ice cream during the summer whenever he's in hot environments- he's secretly curious about ice cream mochi and wants to eat one.
Warm showers and baths that unclog every pore of his skin
Secretly loves stuff like swings and trampolines
Tile flooring that's smooth and hard and cold
Traditional Classical Japanese music playing in the background
Sweets (mans doesn't wanna admit he has a sweet tooth like his sister lmfao)
Sensory water beads (put it in a bathtub and he'll, again, be there for HOURS after a long and hard training session).

The Pillars would definitely make a room with all the things Tanjirou loves and make him feel good. It's always ready for him when he comes back from a mission.
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red-dye40 · 9 months
it’s my fic’s birthday n i just want to take a mome to reflect on this past year of writing my cringe jthm fic because no joke it has been one of the most therapeutic and rewarding things ive ever done for myself so im gonna spill my guts under the cut here in case ur into that sorta thing
no joke i started writing ancillary auxiliary (obvs under a different much dumber name) when i was THIRTEEN. i was perpetually very very scared of and confused by my psychosis—i saw and heard things constantly that no one else did, and no one could explain that to me, which was obviously very isolating and frustrating. jthm made me feel rly normal (like not alone??) and this fic was a way for me to explore and dissect all these things i was processing and experiencing and repressing. i abandoned it like right away because i was a young teen with undiagnosed adhd but im sure it’s still kickin around on deviantart somewhere.
i have struggled w a lot through my years—addiction n subsequent withdrawal, hallucinating nonstop, uhhhh Being Trans In Society, willingly choosing to be an actor bc i am literally insane—and i felt like my brain was only getting sicker, because i never prioritized my health! none of it! but especially not my mental health!
in the isolation of quarantine a couple years ago i had like sooooooo many psychotic episodes, and eventually i admitted myself to a psych ward bc i was so scared and i just wanted to get better finally!
and i did get better! eventually!
it took a lot of hard work, and i was in outpatient for what felt like forever, and i was going to therapy twice a week and trying a bunch of meds and also just experimenting w hormones bc why not. i stopped making art (which truly truly was sometimes the only thing in my life that brought me joy) because the shit i was making was so scary, i just didn’t want to subject myself to that.
eventually i got myself a really amazing job, literally a dream job of mine, and things fell into place, and my job was my whole personality for a while. idk when it happened but sometime last summer i suddenly felt myself really wanting to read jthm again ?? i guess as i was reflecting on all my trauma, and how i used to cope w it as a kid?? but i reread director’s cut and it truly felt like someone unclogged a drain in my head and all this new inspiration and like LOVE for my past self and xir interests just rushed in and it was so exciting!!!!
and i remembered this fic i had started so long ago, and how proud i was of the concept, and i started writing it in my notes app and it got bigger and bigger and i found a little corner on instagram of ppl who liked it (thank u to those of u who are still here rn!!!!! if ur reading this ilysm) and now it’s this! and i love it!
it might just be super self indulgent at the end of the day idk but! i love everything that has come from this fic (and Other Fics i have written 👁️) and i am so grateful to all of u who have read ancaux and enjoyed it and reblogged and left comments like :) thank u so much
there are three (maybe four?) chapters left i literally didn’t anticipate this to go on for so long and i have no idea when it will end but im excited :) and i hope you’ll stick around :) the ending is rly good i think
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
super sexy and exciting Saturday night editing neglected photos, unclogging my printer head and trying not to think too hard about ttpd and failing while trying not to fall asleep lol
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Fertility Preservation for Women with Tubal Disorders
Fertility Superheroes: Saving Baby-Making Magic for Girls with Tubal Troubles at the Top IVF Center in Indore
Hey there, future mommies! Today, we’re going to talk about a really important topic: how girls can protect their baby-making magic, even if their tubes aren’t working right. But don’t worry, because the top IVF center in Indore is here to help! We’ll learn all about how you can be a fertility superhero and save the day.
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What Are Those Tubes Anyway?
First things first, let’s talk about what these tubes are. Well, you have two tiny tubes in your belly called fallopian tubes. They’re like super highways where your egg and your special friend, the sperm, meet up to make a baby. But sometimes, these tubes can get blocked or have problems, and that’s when we need to save the day!
Fertility Magic and Why It Matters
Fertility magic is what happens when your egg and the sperm get together to make a baby. It’s like a super special secret handshake! When the fallopian tubes have trouble, the egg and sperm can’t meet up, and that makes it hard to have a baby. But we have some superhero tricks to fix that!
Fertility Superhero Tricks
Here’s how you can be a fertility superhero and save the day:
1. Super Egg and Sperm Meet-Up:
At the top IVF center in Indore, they have a super cool trick called IVF. It’s when doctors help the egg and sperm meet up in a lab instead of the fallopian tubes. Then, they put the baby embryos in your belly to grow into a baby. It’s like a secret baby-making lab!
2. Saving Fertility Magic:
The top IVF center in Indore can help girls save their fertility magic. They can collect eggs and freeze them, just like putting them in a deep freeze. When you’re all grown up and ready to be a mommy, they can use those frozen eggs to make a baby. It’s like a time machine for eggs!
3. Secret Treasure Chest:
Girls can also have a secret treasure chest for their eggs. It’s like a super-duper bank where they keep your eggs safe until you’re ready to use them. When you want to be a mommy, you can open the treasure chest and get your eggs back. It’s like finding hidden treasure!
4. Super Tubes Fix:
Sometimes, the top IVF center in Indore can help fix the tubes. They have superhero doctors who can make the tubes work again, just like magic! It’s like unclogging a pipe.
5. Super Sperm Helper:
If it’s not the tubes but the sperm that’s having trouble, the top IVF center in Indore can use a superhero move called ICSI. It’s when they pick the strongest sperm and use it to make a baby, even if the sperm is a bit slow.
The Top IVF Center in Indore: Your Superhero Headquarters
The top IVF center in Indore is like the headquarters for fertility superheroes. They know all about fixing tubes, saving eggs, and making babies in a secret lab. Here’s what they can do for you:
IVF Magic Lab
At the top IVF center in Indore, they have a special lab where they make fertility magic happen. They help the egg and sperm meet up, even if the tubes aren’t working right. It’s like a secret baby-making lab!
Egg Freezing Secrets
If you want to save your eggs for later, the top IVF center in Indore can do that. They collect your eggs, freeze them, and keep them safe until you’re ready to use them. It’s like saving a super treasure for the future.
Tube Super Fixers
The top IVF center in Indore has superhero doctors who can fix the tubes if they’re having trouble. They can make them work again, just like magic!
Sperm Helpers
If it’s the sperm that needs help, the top IVF center in Indore can use ICSI. They pick the strongest sperm and use it to make a baby, even if the sperm is a little slow. It’s like giving the sperm a little superhero boost.
Success Stories at the Top IVF Center in Indore
The top IVF center in Indore has helped many girls become mommies, even if their tubes or sperm were having trouble. They have the happiest stories to tell, and they can’t wait to share them with you. You can be a part of these happy stories too!
The Money Part: How Much Does It Cost?
You might be wondering if it costs a lot to be a fertility superhero. Well, the good news is that the top IVF center in Indore has options that can fit different budgets. They want to make sure everyone can be a fertility superhero and have a chance to be a mommy.
Final Thoughts
Girls, you have the power to be fertility superheroes and save your baby-making magic. Even if your tubes or sperm are having trouble, the top IVF center in Indore is here to help. They have all the superhero moves to make sure you can become a mommy when you want to. So, don’t worry, your baby-making magic can be safe and sound, thanks to the superhero doctors at the top IVF center in Indore. When you’re all grown up and ready, you can use your superpowers to become a mommy — how amazing is that?
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alternatives for people who are scared of aggressive cleaning supplies:
lemon juice: works really well with anything that might come in contact with hard water. for some scrub-action put some salt on a lemon slice
white vinegar! it's like barbie: it can do everything! it cleans super well, isn't sticky, it disinfects and it fights odors!. you dont have to worry about the smell: as soon as it's dry your room will no longer smell like salad! (disclaimer: if you want to fight odors stuck in textiles check on a mostly unseen spot first if the fabric will discolor or not)
baking soda: for unclogging the drain and cleaning the insides of water bottles (just maybe let it sit for some time).
if you're more daring: dish soap! it's sure made for more than just dishes! it can get rid of grease (and dirt...of course), and when you mix it with some vinegar and water you can even clean your windows with it- giving you a way safer alternative to glass cleaners!
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chweetsie-blog · 1 year
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Products I used to make my skin look smoother and softer from @wishtrend . Bonus part is that these products helped anti-aging concern of my skin too. 📌I used these products for two weeks ❣️ @klairs.global MIDNIGHT BLUE YOUTH ACTIVATING DROP 📌My skin looked bouncy & healthy after using the product 📌The overall complexion of my skin seemed to be brighter and my fone lines faded a little bit. 📌This product is too watery thus you need to be careful in applying it to your skin and be fast in doing it so it won’t be wasted. 📌It also helped reduce the redness and calm irritation of my oily, sensitive skin 📌Because of its consistency, it is absorbed quickly by my skin ❣️ @rovectin_global CLEAN LHA BLEMISH AMPOULE 📌Super lightweight and has a clear gel-like consistency 📌Not sticky or greasy and has no scent at all 📌This product definitely helps sebum control on my already very oily skin 📌This product has a cooling & soothing effect 📌helps unclog pores & improve uneven skin tone/texture 📌definitely not for those who have dry skin 📌The only thing I am not too much of a fan of is the dropper since it is sometimes hard to get the product because of its consistency. 📌 @bywishtrend A-MAZING BAKUCHIOL NIGHT CREAM 📌love that the packaging is an airtight pump thus I can control the amount of product to use on my skin. 📌Super love that it has BAKUCHIOL & RETINAL as the main ingredients that is a soothing antioxidant & is the most powerful vitamin A that one can get, respectively. 📌the product has a cute bright yellow color that is a rich creamy texture 📌this product made my skin smoother & softer as well 📌the only downside for me is that it makes my face a little oily when I wake up the next morning ⁣📌Products sent by Wishtrend for review the purposes. .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #antiaging #glowingskin #healthyskin #naturalskincare #skincare #skincareaddict #skincareblog #skincareblogger #skincarebloggers #skincarecommunity #skincarejunkie #skincarelokal #skincarelover #skincareproduct #skincareproducts #skincarereview #skincareroutine #skincareroutines #skincaretip #skincaretips (at San Francisco, Agusan del Sur) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpcq3KUBjaI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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czsanthosh74 · 1 year
Top Products on Plum Goodness for Your Body, Hair and Skin
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The Plum Goodness blog is a great resource for information on the best skin care products. The blog covers a wide range of topics, from the best acne treatments to the most effective anti-aging creams.
If you're looking for advice on which skin care products to use, the Plum Goodness blog is a great place to start.
There are also plenty of reviews of popular skin care products, so you can see what other people think before you buy. And if you're not sure where to start, the Plum Goodness team has put together some handy guides to help you choose the right products for your skin type.
So, whether you're looking for the perfect moisturizer or want to know which acne treatments really work, the Plum Goodness blog is a great place to start your search and also shop from CazhOn to get more cashbacks will be an Added Advantage.
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There are so many great hair products on Plum Goodness! Mostly Shampoo and Conditioner Bars. They are super easy to use and they really helps hair to feel softer and smoother, and Leave-In Conditioner. It's really helped to detangle hair and make it more manageable. And the Dry Shampoo is a lifesaver! It's perfect for those days when don't have time to wash my hair but still want it to look presentable.
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If you're looking for some good body products, Plum Goodness is a great place to start. They have a wide range of products that can help with everything from dry skin to acne.
One of their most popular body products is the Indian Rose Body Wash. This wash is made with natural ingredients like rose and aloe Vera, and it's gentle enough for everyday use. It's also sulphate-free, so it won't strip your skin of its natural oils.
If you're dealing with dry skin, the Avocado Butter Melt is a must-try. This rich body butter is made with avocado oil and shear butter, and it deeply moisturizes the skin. It's also great for massages, as it leaves the skin feeling soft and silky.
For those who are struggling with acne, the Tea Tree Face Wash is a great option. This face wash is made with tea tree oil, which has natural antibacterial properties. It also contains salicylic acid, which helps to exfoliate the skin and unclog pores to get more deals shop by CazhOn to get more cashbacks too
Bath and Body Products
We all know how important it is to take care of our bodies, hair, and skin. But with so many products on the market, it can be hard to know where to start. That's why we've put together a list of our top picks from Plum Goodness in CazhOn.
From body washes and scrubs to hair masks and serums, there's something for everyone on this list. And the best part is that all of these products are made with natural ingredients that are good for your skin and hair. So if you're looking for some new products to try out, be sure to check out Plum Goodness.
Beauty Tips and Tricks
Looking for some beauty tips and tricks? Check out our blog section! Here you'll find all sorts of helpful articles on how to get the most out of your Plum Goodness products. Whether you're looking for advice on how to achieve the perfect skin tone or want to learn more about which hair care products are right for you, we've got you covered. So take a look around and see what we have to offer - you might just find some new favourite Plum Goodness products in the process! And purchase this from CazhOn to get more cashback.
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robozombii · 1 year
urggrhhhr the idea of actually telling out my hansel au story PROPERLY makes me giddy but im struggling so hard with how to portray it. like sometimes fics feel super easy to do but theyre IMPOSSIBLE for me to polish, and drawings just second nature to me. but i have little comic experience (i guess its be a learning curve then lol)
plus i find a SIGNIFICANT difference between normal comics and webtoon comics format wise. im more used to the former with tons of panels on a page, but the unclogged, clean webtoon styles got me goin CRAZY
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gillianfx · 2 years
Household uses of white vinegar
Household uses for vinegar plus new giveaways and book releases.
Apart from the health benefits of ingesting white vinegar, there are many household hacks that you can use this super ingredient. From removing hard water buildup to unclogging your drains. Read more. Giveaways Click to enter Click to enter Candy Sky Tells a Lie by Shanna P. LoweGenre: Middle-Grade Fantasy Synopsis Candice “Candy” Sky is a thirteen-year-old girl with a lying streak. She…
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kltira · 2 years
┊₊˚{☁️} “When you're sick”₊˚꒦。
ꔫ Fandom꒱꒱ Kakegurui
ꔫ Genre꒱꒱ Fluff {100% SFW}
ꔫ Type and pairing꒱꒱ Imagines ( x reader )
ꔫ Featuring꒱꒱ Yumeko Jabami, Midari Ikishima, Runa Yomozuki
ꔫ Pronouns꒱꒱ She/her, fem reader
ꔫ Content Warning(s)꒱꒱ Illness, mention of m3d1cation, use of pet-names
ꔫ Summary꒱꒱You have a bad cold, coughing and sniffling in your bed; you overall feel awful! Your girlfriend finally comes home, and they're here to take good care of you.
ꔫ Author note(s)꒱꒱I'm actually sick right now, and my immune system sucks, so it's so much worse than a normal cold. So, writing fanfiction might help take the mind off of my misery lmao. I hope you enjoy reading, requests are always welcome!
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☆゚ Yumeko Jabami ☆゚
        You woke up in your fluffy queen-sized bed; you felt overwhelming congestion in your nose and throat. It was around springtime, and that’s usually when you got sick the most, so you just knew that you never look forward to that time of year. You had a cold. You groan in pain, sniffling your stuffed nose, trying to unclog a small hole to breathe through, but you just breathe through your mouth anyway. You grumpily reached for your phone. Once you looked at the time, you noticed you had slept in. It was already around 3:00 PM. You seemed to miss school; not that it mattered, you probably wouldn’t have gone either way. Rolling off the bed, you heard a knock at your dorm room door just when you landed your feet on the ground. “C-Coming!” You stuttered with an achy voice, causing a slight dry cough.
  Stumbling to the door, you open it slowly, some snot running down your nose. At the door was your girlfriend, Yumeko Jabami! You were used to your love coming over every day, so this wasn’t anything new. Yumeko seemed super happy and came in talking about a fantastic gamble she just had with Mary, using lots of exciting expressions and hand gestures. She hadn’t really got to look at you yet, as she always gets very hyper in her favorite hobby. You listened, smiling at how happy your girlfriend got; seeing her smile made you smile. You actually forgot about your sickness for a second until you made another cough, this time, it really hurt your throat. Yumeko finally looked at you clearly with surprised, widened eyes. “Oh my! Darling, are you sick?” she dramatically gasps, not letting you answer before dragging you to your bed, tucking you in with your favorite blanket. 
   “Yumeko, it’s okay! I’m okay! You don-” Yumeko cuts you off with a finger to your lips. She smiles and starts gathering essentials like a tissue box, cough drops, the trash bin, and medicine to help you sleep. “I’ll take care of you, okay? Try and get your rest, my love. You’ll be gambling again in no time!” Yumeko whispers sweetly in your ear, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You blushed and grabbed for her hand, shyly tugging on it. “Can you stay here with me? I don’t want you to go... It’ll make me feel better!”           
   Yumeko giggled, sliding under the covers with you, holding you gently on her chest, and circling your back softly. “Of course, darling, anything for you.” With those words, You smile, holding her hand as you both slowly drift off to sleep, feeling better already as you know you are safe in your girlfriend’s arms. 
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☆゚ Midari Ikishima ☆゚
  You held onto your girlfriend's red shirt as you sniffled and coughed, keeping quiet not to wake Midari up. She barely rests and takes very little care of herself, but she's been looking after her health more frequently since dating you. Of course, you and Midari are opposites, as you fear almost everything, including your current illness. Midari, on the other hand, isn't afraid of basically anything, but you know what they say; opposites attract. You lay sickly on your overprotective girlfriend's chest, trying to fall asleep but unable to because it's so hard to breathe through your nose. You whimper to yourself quietly, smothering your face in your girlfriend's chest. A few moments later, you feel a soft hand petting your hair. You look up to see Midari awake, though you can't help to feel guilty that you woke her up with your sniffling. "I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to wake you!!" You apologized, sitting now on the side looking over at your now awake girlfriend.
  Midari tilted her head, sitting up. She lifted your chin to her eye level and pecked your lips, reassuring you of any worries. Of course, being Midari, she didn't care if it would get her sick; she loved those soft lips. "Awe, princess. Don't be sorry, and you didn't wake me. So you're still sick, huh?" Midari softly says as she puts you on her lap, wrapping her arms around your waist. 
   You've been sick for a few days now; Midari has been taking good care of you. She even skipped some gambling chances to be with you. "Uhuh...So as much as I love it, don't kiss me!! I don't want you to get sick too." You pouted as you snuggled into the crook of the other's neck. Midari isn't usually soft around anyone, that is until she met you. "I think I'll take that gamble~! You know I love a good risk!"
   She smirked, kissing your forehead softly, checking your temperature as she did. Midari was about to speak, but she heard a tiny snore coming from you. You were asleep on her shoulder. Midari relieved you could finally get some sleep, laid back down with you in her arms and stroked your hair softly until she fell back asleep also. 
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☆゚ Runa Yomozuki ☆゚
  Being apart of the student council along with your tiny gamer girlfriend, Runa, was a big deal. It was important for you to attend meetings daily, and to take your job seriously...Even if your partner doesn’t do the same. You woke up with a cold this morning, you felt awful but you still got ready in your uniform and headed to school, sniffling softly on the way. You made it to the council a bit late, but at least you showed up unlike Midari; so you were sure you weren't going to get in trouble with the president. While stepping in the door you see a familiar orange bunny hoodie and that cute adorable face. Runa was playing on her switch, until you came in. She put the controller down with her game paused. Runa came skipping over to you joyfully. “Player two! You’re here!!!” Runa cheered, jumping up and hugging you. 
  You cheeks turned red as you held your girlfriend in your arms, hugging her back. Runa’s face snuggled into your neck, at that moment you basically forgot all about your misery. You carried her back to her seat, the other members being unphased by this whole interaction as this happens everyday. Sitting down you sit Runa on your lap handing her back the Nintendo switch. You wrap your arms around her watching her play. Moments later you get a tingly feeling in the back of your throat, before you storm out in a coughing fit, doing your best to not aim it towards Runa. Nobody gives an eye to you, besides your small girlfriend. She looks up with you in concern. “Are you sick...?” she mumbles just enough for you to hear her. You tilt your head giving a smile to attempt an reassure her. 
  “Don’t worry bunny, it’s just a small cold. I’ll be okay!” You whispered sweetly in her ear. You knew Runa was always worried when it came to you, but you really would be okay, but this is Runa were talking about. The small girl pouted hopping off your lap and taking your hand softly, dragging you out of the room. “President, we’re leaving since {Y/N} isn’t feeling good!!” the small gamer didn’t even let the president respond before dragging you by one finger to your dorm room. “Runa you really don’t have to do this- I don’t want you to get sick also-” you complained in worry of your girlfriend.   Runa smiled while tucking you into bed, having to use a stepping stool to even reach the bed; but she was doing her best non the less. “Nuh uh! I’m taking care of you. No butts!” She pouted gently holding onto your hand, smiling at you. Moments later Runa crawled on top of you, getting into a comfortable position. “So get some rest, okay Player 2?” she whispered slowly closing her own eyes and drifting to sleep. You do the same with a smile. You couldn't ask for a better girlfriend.
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tg-headcanons · 2 years
Hey! Music anon back here with a weirder ask, have you ever thought of kin assigning the tg cast as other characters (character's they'd kin/are literally them if you get my gist)? Thanks!
(Disclaimer: my taste in everything is absolutely terrible)
This is super long so I’m putting it under the cut but BEHOLD
Kaneki: Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives. He’s a poor little meow meow who just wants to read fucked up books and accidentally got turned into a monster that survives on harming others. He hates violence and causing pain but all of the most powerful beings in the world are fucking with him like a Barbie doll being bashed against a wall. He is so tired and just wants to kiss his boyfriend and go to sleep but he can’t because he’s an evil cabal’s specialist little clown. He Accidentally causes the apocalypse and he feels bad about it. He is crying.
Hideyoshi: Guillermo De La Cruz from What We Do In The Shadows. The human friend of a man eating monster, he’s a sweet guy who does his best to be a good person but has also committed countless crimes. His monster boyfriend is an idiot so he became very good at lying and manipulating and committing felonies to keep him safe. He offers himself up to be bitten because he is gay and stupid yet somehow the smartest one here
Touka: Rachel Berenson from Animorphs. She’s a pretty girl who can, will, and WANTS to fuck people up. Logically she knows she fights for peace but she has been hurt and has had her childhood stolen from her so she will rip and tear and maim as much as she wants and we love her for it. She deserves to go apeshit
Nishiki: Jeff Winger from Community. He’s a smartass pretty boy who acts better than everyone but he probably doesn’t know how to unclog a drain. He acts superior to everyone to avoid getting close to anyone but instead he gets bullied so hard he accidentally makes friends
Koma: Pam Poovey from Archer. He’s a bad bitch who’s here for a good time, not a long time. He will do whatever it takes to have fun and causes problems on purpose. He randomly drops wild shit he’s done like it’s a normal thing to talk about and he will fuck his way in and out of any situation
Irimi: Washimi from Aggretsuko. She’s pretty, smart, and will watch from the sidelines as shit goes down until she’s bored and then annihilate the issue. She’s great at strategizing and biding her time for the perfect moment to strike and will gossip about anything and everything to her ape best friend
Yoshimura: Steven Beck from Z Nation. He has committed horrible acts and led a wild life and yet somehow survived way longer than anyone could have possibly thought. He had a child he had to give up and now he attempts to nurture others to cope with the guilt over failing to nurture his own child and causing so much pain. He doesn’t really fight anymore unless he has to and is absolutely not qualified to give advice but damn he sure tries
Hinami: Gus from Sweet Tooth. She’s just a little guy but the government wants her dead because she isn’t human. She just wants to look at flowers and read books and vibe but she’s on the run from the law and survives because she is literally too adorable for her caretakers to stop protecting her
Shuu Tsukiyama: Draluc from The Vampire Dies In No Time. He’s rich, he’s pathetic, he will die if a gust of wind hits him too hard. His family loves him and supports his weird shit because they are just as weird and he’s head over heels for a man who wants to kill him so bad. He is a twink by birth and a bastard by choice
Kanae von rosewald: Horse from Centaurworld. He has never stopped working and preparing to fight a day in his life and if he ever relaxes it is against his will. He wants to commit war crimes so bad but his family makes him sit down and feed birds instead. He has seen boundless horrors and has never recovered, experiences dysphoria, and he is drizzled in glitter by force more often then he wants to admit
Ayato: Wolf from Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts. He’s been on his own after fleeing a family he believes betrayed him and has survived by killing and stealing. He fully expects everyone to try to kill or eat him, has too much trauma to be contained in his tiny body and refuses to admit that he wants his sister more than anything. He is a feral little shit who knows more about combat than most soldiers and a kill count in the hundreds but he can’t read
Uta: Michael Shelley from The Magnus Archives. This massive bitch enjoys drama so much. All he does is make masks, hit on the brunette boys that come into his shop, spread gossip, eat hot chip and lie. He loves manipulation and he loves violence. He shows himself as a calm and helpful friend but is full of malice and can’t wait for a chance to unleash it. Fuckhands McMike here has no gender, pretty hair, and a strong desire to be an issue
Itori: Nadja of Antipaxos from What We Do In The Shadows. Shes hot and bisexual and lives to fuck and cause problems. If there’s an issue she gets her husbands or people too scared to say no to her to take care of it and watches while yelling at them as shit goes down. She loves drama and she wants to shove nuns down a flight of stairs
Renji: Trevor Belmont from Castlevania. He’s burly, tired, and hasn’t showered in two months. He has a husband and a wife and practically lives in a bar and his only protection from the world is a musty ass coat and his own bisexuality
Naki: Misa Amane from Death Note. He’s a blonde bimbo who deserves better, suffering through life with a painful desire to be wanted and throwing himself at the feet of a man who mistreats him. He allows this man to use and abuse him and will kill to be allowed to sit on his lap. No thoughts only Boys and Violence. He is kept alive by pure luck and the intervention of others who are doing their best to keep him from getting killed either through bad luck or by his terrible taste in men
Seidou: Alvin Murphy from Z Nation. He wants to be appreciated and looked up to and absolutely hates the woman who is in charge instead of him. he was experimented on against his will until he was no longer human and At first he was sad and pissed about it, but then he was sad and pissed and fucking batshit about it. Once he’s suffered enough he said “fuck it” and decides to be a king of death but remains exactly as scared and weird and pathetic as he was when he was a lab rat
Akira: Eva Stratt from Project Hail Mary. She takes Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss to a whole new level and will hand her superiors a note that says “I can do what I want” and get away with it. She will make painful decisions and do horrible things to make the world into what she defines as better, even if she has to send her friends to die. She is definitely autistic and deserves to get away with as many crimes as she wants
Amon: Aziraphale from Good Omens. He is doing his best to rid the world of evil but after interacting with one of the evil beings he’s supposed to hate he questioned his entire ideology. He is so tired and so depressed because he has Chronic Catholic Disease and is deeply ashamed of how horny he is for his coworkers
Urie: Catra from Shera and the Princesses of Power. His family is dead and he was groomed by an organization bent on genocide and he goes full speed ahead into it. He fills the void in his soul where love should be with promotions and would sabotage his own coworkers to get it. The only thing that can save him from himself is a slap in the face and homosexual activities
Saiko: Stat from Q-force. None gender with left lesbian, she wants to play games and look at anime tiddies. She was put into a government squad by force and while she grew to genuinely care about her team she would still rather cause flame wars on reddit then go to work
Shirazu: Genya Shinazugawa from Demon slayer. He’s a sharp toothed tall bastard who gained traits from the creatures he works to eradicate to get stronger. He didn’t really believe in the creed of his job, and he questions if what he is doing is right from time to time, but he doesn’t fight for himself or an ideology. He joined because he wants to keep his sibling safe and close to him, but to do so he must endure awful things. He should have gotten a better ending he’s just a dude
Mutsuki: The Elk from Centaurworld. He changes himself so drastically in the hopes of becoming someone he and other people can love, and not always for the best. He works hard and is afraid of being understood, but he craves it to such an extent that he will do anything to appeal to the people around him, even harming himself and turning himself into something awful that ends up causing more pain than it alleviates, and he needs his wretched goop brain scooped up and mashed together to make him fucking chill. He looks cold and wet at all times and he needs to communicate better
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foreficfandom · 4 years
Mystic Messenger - Little Bad Habits (Dating MC)
– Zen –
Litter. Everywhere. Not permanently, he’s not that much of a slob, he does do chores regularly and stuff. But he just ... tosses his clothes and cigarette wrappers and other things literally everywhere, and leaves it for ‘later’. 
Since he’s so anal about his health, he kinda disrupts your own eating habits by coincidence. Grocery shopping can be a challenge when he’s forbidding all desserts and snacks from the cart even though he’s not gonna be eating any of it.
He's bad with technology, so good luck trying to get him to do stuff like answering emails, or paying bills online, or even using apps like Yelp or Uber. You end up in charge of most software in the house. 
It’s sweet that he texts you with random pickup lines and pictures three times a day, but damn it I keep thinking it’s something important I’m expecting, and instead it’s just one of your bathroom selfies with a heart drawn in the fogged up mirror. 
Zen, can you not have these bad tepid takes like ‘women look better without makeup’, or ‘being the man of the house is the mark of being an adult’, or ‘those who couldn’t work for every penny they’ve had don’t deserve it’? No, Zen, let me pout you’re being an idiot right now.
– Yoosung –
AXE bodywash, AXE bodyspray, AXE shampoo. He uses it because it’s ‘manly’? But god it’s so strong and synthetic-smelling. He needs your help in moving away from this brand. 
He’s also prone to clutter, even more so than Zen. It takes a while before he stops leaving all his laundry on the floor and takes that extra step in hanging it up, or folding it into his dresser. And good luck trying to get him to wash dishes every day, rather than leaving it overnight. 
It’d be nice if you were more enthusiastic about my interests, Yoosung. You may not enjoy visiting Sephora as much as I do, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t abandon me at the doorway to hang out at GameStop. 
He does a bunch of these little roommate mistakes like using up all the hot water, or not refilling the Brita, or always leaving the empty toilet paper roll for you. Yoosung, you gotta learn how to live with another person!!
He’ll always be prone to jealousy, which doesn’t cause a problem most days, but if you ever become a fan of some idol or celebrity, be prepared for some pouting, maybe even a cold shoulder or two. He can’t even side-eye the TV like he does catcallers or people on the street, so he’s twice as frustrated. 
– Jaehee –
She’s bad at recycling. She didn’t even do it for a long time, and only started recently. Even now, she’ll toss random plastic bits into either container, paying no mind to whether it’s recyclable or not. She won’t rise milk jugs or tin cans before throwing them away. 
Now that her hair is growing out, she sheds it everywhere. RIP the shower drain, the carpet, the furniture. The two of you gotta invest in rubber mops and lint rollers just for her hair.
She’s a very clean and organized person, except for her makeup, which all sits in a dusty old bag with old leaking bottles getting over everything, brushes and sponges she doesn’t wash, and literally every product is old and expired. And then she kisses you with her lipstick on and causes an acne breakout. 
When she settles down to watch TV while relaxing, she likes to turn her flatscreen up waaayy loud, which is fine unless you’re working on something and the noise is just so distracting. Jaehee, I’m trying to do the books on the cafe, you gotta turn Zen’s musical down!
When she gets colds, she sometimes hides it as long as she can, which makes everyone around her get colds too. She may have been able to avoid a couple of boring sick days, but now you’ve got a sore throat. Thanks, honey, I love you too. 
– Jumin –
He kept calling you in the middle of the day with full expectation that you’d answer every single time, especially during the beginning of the relationship. Jumin, I’ve got my own work. It’s okay if I miss a message or two, I’m not your employee.
He has a physical trainer, dietician, and physician regime that he follows rigorously, and he kinda expected you to do the same even if you didn’t want to. Even now, he brings up a nutrition plan once and a while, even if you are totally not interested in following a food calendar. “It’s for your health, love,” well, Jumin, my health calls for a big bowl of barbecue chips. 
He’s surprisingly clingy in bed. The two of you fall asleep in the middle of the mattress, and by morning you’re hanging on for dear life at the edge of the bed while Jumin is pushing as close to you as humanly possible. More than once you’ve been rudely awakened by falling out of bed and hitting the hard marble floor. 
Jumin, stop entering the bathroom while I’m on the toilet, or in the shower! I close the door for a reason. No it’s not like I wanna avoid you, I just wanna shit in peace
He sometimes makes plans without your input, which works for surprises, but not so much for dinner at the Galaria and he’s already downstairs waiting for you while you’re totally not ready. 
– Saeyoung –
All that Phd. Pepper has to go somewhere, and it tends to escape out of both orifices, so to speak. 
No joke, the boy is gassy. And he teases you with it, like making himself fart right when you decide to sit next to him on the couch just to hear you “EWW!!” and squirm away. You’re lucky you’re cute, 707. 
Even when his work schedule becomes more normal, he still doesn’t keep a regular schedule. He does stretches of days where he stays up until 4am, then he spends the next week sleeping 14 hours a day. It can be hard to spend time with someone who’s either dead tired when you’re awake, or super hyper when you’re about to sleep. 
He’s very particular when it comes to his cars. You can’t eat or drink in them, not even gum. You can’t put your feet anywhere except squarely in the footrests, god forbid you absentmindedly rest them against the dashboard. No picking at the leather, no scratching the carbon fiber, you can pet the soft velvet but you’re on thin ice. 
Saeyoung, can you shower more, please? You smell like old ham and your hair isn’t doing so good either. Yes, I will give you a kiss, but only if you hop in the bathtub right now. 
– Saeran –
Like his brother, his sleeping schedule is wack. He’ll spend several all-nighters and then clonk out for a long while, too tired to do anything. And not because of work, either, he just doesn’t have a good sleep schedule. 
Loves to cook, hates to clean. Leaves all the dirty dishes, pans and pots, and countertops for as long as humanly possible, which means someone else is usually the one stuck cleaning it all up. It gets better when the household arranges duties for everyone so Saeran’s in charge of meals while another cleans up afterwards, but even then it can still get dirty.
Sweats in his sleep, which is further exacerbated by some of his medication. Sleeping next to him means sticky skin and wet bedsheets. He has to wash his pajamas every other day.
You gotta hide your sweets or else Saeran’s gonna steal them. He stress-eats during his worse days, and besides that he’s just got a monster sweet tooth, so he’ll finish his entire pint of ice cream and steals yours, too. Then he finds your hidden package of gingersnap cookies and oops, there goes your snack.
He hates having his hair cut, it’s a weird sensory experience for him and he gets anxious while having to sit still for so long. He won’t go to the salon so he tries to cut it himself, which hogs up the bathroom for two hours and leaves shed hair all over the sink. Once you start helping him, he feels better about the experience.
– Jihyun –
He cannot be trusted with the laundry. He shrinks all the knitwear, keeps forgetting to clean the lint tray, and all his whites are no longer white. You gotta be in charge if you don’t want your wardrobe to end up like his. 
Jihyun, I know you grew up with money but when the toilet is clogged you don’t call the plumber, you take this plunger and try to unclog it yourself with bleach. And no, we don’t need a new refrigerator just because the light bulb burst. 
He’s surprisingly tough to sleep next to in bed. You eventually get used to it, but for a while you kept getting kicked by his long limbs, or getting punched by a flailing arm. And he drools, too, sometimes onto your hair. 
Why. Do you. Clip your nails on the bed. Ew, stop that. 
He’s prone to getting caught up in hipster food trends, like superfood phenomenons. Jihyun, you know that apricot pits are poisonous, right? I know the co-op recommended them but I gotta feel like that’s a marketing gimmick. Please don’t eat them, put those down. 
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