#such a cute little design! every time i see them i think how cute they'd be as a plushie hehe
marclef · 5 months
a little art trade with @luc1a-th3-m11x3! hope you like how it turned out!
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man i have too much fun when i use lots of color 😅
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blushweddinggowns · 9 months
Prompt number 2 bc I’m praying for more jealous Steve content. Bc Eddie can be so oblivious and Steve can be such a bitch and those things are so important to me
Eddie was a glutton for self-punishment, that was the only reasonable explanation he could come up with on what the fuck he was doing here. Sitting at some random gay bar as he watched the man he loved dance the night away with his bestfriend.
He just had to volunteer to be their designated driver. Maybe it was stupid, but Eddie thought that y'know, a gay bar meant that no he would not have to watch Steve flirt with some randos. But he forgot the small detail that bisexual people existed. And he had seen at least three damn girls slip Steve their number.
Which was just...so fucking cruel. Why did life always have to do him so dirty? Eddie had thought that maybe...if they went to this type of place together Steve's mind would open up a bit. A stupid fucking thought honestly. Based off of nearly nothing. Like, okay sure, Steve was all touchy feely with him sometimes. When he was high or drunk suddenly Eddie became his personal chair. And he would say just...the sweetest shit. Going on and on about how happy he was to have met him, how he's so glad he's alive and well, how funny Eddie was, how nice and sweet and pretty and...and all of it had sent his traitorous brain into a tailspin that had him thinking he actually had a chance with a straight guy.
And the fucked up part was that Eddie had really tried to start doing the right thing. He put a little distance between them when he figured out that he was past a silly crush. No he was head over heels for the guy and he needed to get over it. Fast. And if he could just start saying no when Steve called to get high or have a few beers together he probably would have made some progress by now.
But no, he was still to eager for contact with him to say no. Which made him feel like a creep, always waiting around for Steve to be a little out of his mind just so he could get a hug.
When did he become so pathetic?
The only slight comfort he had tonight was the fact that he wasn't alone. It really wasn't fair to bring a straight guy to a place like this, but at least every guy who had eyes on Steve was going to have to suffer in silence with him.
And some of them were kind of cute. Cute enough for Eddie to try and use one as a distraction. He was sitting next to a preppy looking guy, talking to him a little bit. Maybe he shouldn't have set his eyes on someone that kind of looked like Steve, but fuck it. His name was Andrew, and he was nice, a good flirt. The perfect diversion for when Eddie could tear his eyes away from Steve.
And things were actually getting a little interesting with him. He had his hand on Eddie's arm, leaning in to loudly whisper everything he said in Eddie's ear. He was smiling at him, close enough for Eddie to see the pretty gold flakes in his eyes.
They weren't as pretty as Steve's but they'd do.
Andrew tucked a bit of Eddie's hair back behind his ear, leaning in again. But he didn't go for his ear this time, no, he was zeroing in right to Eddie's lips. Not that he was complaining, he let it happen, a sweet, light kiss that had zero time to escalate to more.
Because suddenly, someone was tugging at his arm, hard enough to force Eddie's whole body back, nearly out of his chair. He blinked, more than a little startled to see Steve coming out of nowhere, clinging onto him with that stupid, gorgeous smile.
"Eddieeee," Steve whined, completely ignoring Andrew's presence, "Robin ditched me to make out with someone in the bathroom."
Eddie couldn't help but smile a little bit, despite the fact that he was definitely interrupting what was probably the first good thing about this night. He glanced over at Andrew, who was staring at them, wide-eyed before saying, "Uh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend."
"I don't-"
"I can't hear you in here," Steve loudly interrupted, looking adorably confused, "Come outside with me?"
If Eddie was smart, he would have gently pried Steve's hands off him before sending him off to find Robin. But...a drunk Steve was also a very cute and cuddly one. So fuck it, Eddie could find a rebound for his non-existent relationship next weekend.
He shrugged at Andrew, mouthing a quick apology at him before Steve started to drag him outside through the back door. Eddie half expected Steve to do his usual routine when he was toasted. Sweetly asking for a piggy back ride that Eddie literally could never refuse before falling asleep on his back. Then he'd get him in the car, wrangle Robin from wherever the hell she was, and they'd be off.
But the second they were stepping outside Steve was straightening up and stepping back, to Eddie's immediate confusion. He leaned against the wall, glaring at Eddie in a way he had never seen. Or at least directed at him.
"So," Steve started, his tone way too close to how he sounded when one of the kids pissed him off, "Who was that guy? You looked pretty cozy in there."
Eddie's brain was still struggling to catch up to the change in atmosphere here. But he tried to answer anyway, "I mean we were but-wait. Why are you not drunk? You were literally just-"
"It's called acting dipshit," Steve mumbled, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Which ow, rude. But his next words hurt even more, "Not like I have a choice, since you only seem to like me when I'm fucked up."
Eddie could feel his heart stop in his chest. He didn't-oh no. Oh god. Steve figured out he was a creep. A creep who was probably moments away from getting his ass handed to him.
Eddie swallowed, at a loss for what to say. But he still tried, "I-look dude it's um, it's not like that. I didn't- I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable-"
"Then why the fuck would you kiss another guy right in front of me?"
Okay. That was enough of that. Yes, Steve could be mad about him being creepy, but no he couldn't be mad over having to bear witness for a gay kiss at a gay bar, "Well if I had known that you were apparently only okay with seeing girls kiss each other I wouldn't have come out tonight at all! Honestly Steve, how can you even say that? Like that is some real dumbass levels of homophobia, even for you. I thought the King Steve thing had died-"
"Shut the fuck up oh my god," Steve hissed out, "Are you really that damn dense? That's what you think I'm upset about? Are you fucking kidding me? And I'm the dumbass?"
"Then why are you mad?" Eddie half asked, half yelled.
“I’m not mad," Steve seethed, like he didn't look about five seconds away from choking Eddie out, "I...I just think you can choose better people to kiss.”
Maybe he really was drunk after all. Because now he wasn't making any damn sense.
Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose, beyond frustrated, "Who Steve? Like, I'm sorry to break this to you but not all of us can fucking look like you do alright? We're not all charming, golden Adonis basketball players okay? And sometimes you need to take what you can get. And there was nothing wrong with Andrew-"
"You think I look like a golden Adonis?" Steve interrupted, a weird expression on his face. He looked almost...hopeful? But that didn't make any sense.
"That's what you got out of that?" Eddie asked, exasperated, "I-come one dude. You know you're hot. But that's not my point."
"Well it's mine!" Steve groaned. He was biting his lips, a very distracting nervous habit that Eddie had picked up on, "Because what the fuck are we even doing? You think I'm so hot, so charming, so great, and you decide to kiss someone else in front of me? What the fuck is that? Do you like seeing me jealous? Do you get off on me pining? Please explain."
You see, that was the funny thing about Eddie's brain. One second he was lost, staring at Steve's red, bitten lips, and the next he was desperately trying to catch up with what just came out of his mouth. All of it the perfect blend to effectively shut his brain off completely.
Eddie stared at him, his words as dumb as how his face probably looked, "I-what? Huh?"
Steve narrowed his eyes at him, "Are we really doing this? Are you going to pretend like it's all in my head?"
"I-no. I just-please explain," Eddie is pretty damn sure he had never stuttered through a sentence that hard in his life.
"I've been coming on to you for months and you just keep giving me all of these mixed signals and..." Steve sighed, looking away, "I'm so sick of it Eddie. If you don't like me just say that! Stop whatever this is. Because it's mean and you know it. If you want a better option then just take it already and leave me alone."
He-what-that didn't even- Steve was straight, wasn't he? And now the stuttering had invaded his thoughts. Because if he actually understood all of that then...
He was the biggest idiot on the planet.
And his stunned silence was not helping anything.
Steve sighed, pushing himself away from the wall. He turned away, "I'm going to find Robin. We can just...act like this didn't happen I guess. I'm done."
Eddie had to give himself on thing, at least his body was working a lot faster than his brain. Steve barely had time to take a single step away before he was shooting his hand out to grab his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.
"I didn't know you were an option!" Eddie blurted out, his heart hammering in his chest, "I-Stevie I thought all of it was in my head. I-I thought that you were straight and we were just hanging out-"
"You think I sit in the laps of my other guy friends?" Steve asked, completely unimpressed, "While playing with their hair and calling them beautiful? Really, dude?"
Eddie nodded, sure and fast, "Steve, I had to do my senior year three damn times. I'm not always the smartest okay? And in my defense you never mentioned like dudes-"
"Yes I have," Steve interrupted, "When you came out to me, I told you to your face that I understand. That I could relate about hiding things and not talking about it. I literally said we were in the same boat. What else could that mean?"
Eddie remembered that, crystal clear. But..."I thought you were talking about PTSD, not secretly being into dudes."
"One dude," Steve corrected, but he was relaxing a little, thank fuck. Maybe Eddie could still fix this.
He took a deep breath, using his hold on Steve's wrist to pull him closer. His hands were fucking shaking, bad enough for Steve to almost certainly notice when he rested them on his hips.
This was it, he might as well be as clear as humanly possible, "I am so into you. Like a scary amount. Like I'm...borderline in love with you."
He was completely in love with him, but he didn't have the balls to say that bit out loud. He kept going, "And I didn't know you felt the same way. At all. Like I am dangerously close to having a stroke from hearing all of that. You kind of flipped my world upside down there."
Steve huffed out a laugh. Eddie may have fucked up everything leading up to this point, but Steve was eating his little speech right up. He shuffled a little closer, wrapping his arms around Eddie's neck with a small smile, "Keep going."
"I thought that I had no chance. I mean even tonight, people couldn't stop looking at you. And you got those numbers-"
"I threw them away," Steve interrupted, "You missed that part."
He had definitely missed that part, too caught up in his own head. But that didn't stop a smile from breaking out on Eddie's face, "Good. Because if you want me, you have me. I'm all yours, in any way you want me. Understand? Fuck, Stevie if I had known any of this we'd be the ones making out in the bathroom right now. And I'm sorry about..."
For the life of him Eddie couldn't remember his name, not when he had Steve smiling at him in his arms, "The other guy. But it literally means nothing to me. Not if I get to have you. Do...do I get to have you?"
Steve hummed, pretending to think about it while he played with a lock of Eddie's hair, "I guess that depends. Is making out in the bathroom still on the table?"
"Fuck yes it is."
Steve grinned, leaning up to press the sweetest little kiss to the side of Eddie's mouth, "Then I guess you have me then."
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fourmoony · 3 months
hello, you could do something with Sirius by going to meet the reader's parents (Sirius was insecure about this), but he is welcomed and the reader's whole family seems to love him
thanks for requesting, sweetheart!! 847 words f!reader
this is short and thrown together worse than Sirius' cookies. sorry.
Sirius is crowded around your niece, boxing her in against the counter as she stands on her cooking stool. He'd been the only one left with enough energy to make cookies with her after dinner. It's sweet, the gentle tone he uses with her, the patience he has that allows her to do everything by herself. He doesn't balk when she spills all of the measured flour straight onto the counter, just hands her the bag with extra caution and tells her he'll tidy it up later, that mistakes happen.
They're in their own little world, unaware, or simply uncaring, of the eyes on them. You know a little about Sirius' past; his horrible family, his traumatic upbringing, how he never truly felt loved by anyone except his younger brother until he ran away and the Potters took him in. It would've been enough for you to assume the idea of doing such an activity, that requires such patience and acceptance of mess, would send Sirius spiralling. Except, he's embraced it openly, he was more than willing, and he seems to be truly enjoying himself.
In all the time you've known Sirius, you've known him to love loud and abrasive. He's jagged around the edges, a bright, shattered light of chaos and pure energy. He's over the top, loves too hard, is quick to anger. But with your niece, it's the first time you've ever seen Sirius quiet, soft. He's all gentle movements and murmured encouragements, and you like this version of him, but you find yourself waiting for your Sirius to return. The Sirius who can command a room with a single smile, whose laugh sounds more like a barking doberman, whose presence takes up every last drop of attention.
He'd been so nervous about meeting your family. Understandable, given his own upbringing. But, he never had any reason to worry. Not with the way your sister and mother watch him, black top and jeans covered in flower, dried egg white smeared across his cheek, and still, a wide smile across his lips every time your niece turns around, as if checking he's still there. Still encouraging her. He always is.
"You think you'll have one soon?" Your sister asks. There's a sly smirk on her face, as though the sight before you was purposefully designed to make you broody.
You answer with a shrug. You're not broody, but theres a glow to your heart with the idea of this being healing for Sirius. "Not sure. We've never spoken about it."
Your family don't know about Sirius' past, at his request. He'd wanted to earn their respect, not receive it through pity. You can't wait to tell him they respect him beyond what he could've ever imagined. He'll be so happy. He'd spent the whole way over fretting about whether he'd picked the right outfit, the right aftershave, what he should and shouldn't say. You didn't have the heart to tell him that your family, whether or not they'd met him before, already loved him, simply because of how happy he made you.
"You'd make cute babies." Your sister tilts her head to the side, very obviously ogling your boyfriend and you scoff.
She shrugs, unfazed.
"I'm just saying. No man I've ever met has the patience for toddlers the way he does." She picks up her wine glass, takes a pointed sip, eyebrows raised.
"We'll see." You reply.
"He makes you happy. It's hard to watch your daughters grow up, navigate life and love," Your mother chips in, hands splayed out across the dining table, "It's hard to watch them fall, pick themselves back up, and fall again. Hard to watch them trust the wrong people. But I have no doubt that man would ever hurt you. He, perhaps, loves you more than anyone in this world."
It's a nice thought. The idea of Sirius loving you most. Your eyes find his, conversation coming to a halt as he lifts your niece out of her cooking stool and she toddles over to your sister.
The cookies are in the oven, and Sirius has gotten straight to the task of cleaning up. You join him, piling bowls and utensils into the dish washer whilst he wipes the copious amounts of spilled flour off of the counter.
"You think tonight went okay?" He asks, nervous eyes flicking to where your mother and Sister are fussing over your niece.
You lean across, lips pressed to the cracked egg white smudged across his cheek, "More than. They love you."
Your boyfriend breathes out in relief, "Thank god, because I have no idea how to make cookies and I need them to already like me when they taste them, in case they fail."
A startled laugh tumbles out of your lips and Sirius follows. Your Sirius, loudest laugh in the room, the man with the biggest heart you've ever known - even if it's bruised and battered.
"I'm sure it'll be fine, babe."
Sirius tsks, "You say that now, let's just wait and see if I give anyone salmonella."
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lemonjestercoffee · 3 months
horses! horses! horses! horses!
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i redesigned them! with my own hcs and species design quirks. also woe, height chart be upon ye
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some notes for everypony:
Twilight Sparkle- i like gold on her design but not the absurd amounts everyone else gives her for some reason, so i made it an accent color. yes her magic is gold now too because of her eyes. her hair was also inspired by Mikan Tsumiki's cause i thought a more orderly version of her choppy mess would look good on Twilight, i was right. also glasses go brr, i think she looks cute in 'em
Apple Jack- while i love the long fetlocks people give her, i can't see her actually doing that because they'd be a pain to keep clean, so i did the opposite and had her shave her feathering off. i also put her hair up to keep it off her neck so she doesn't overheat while working. her cutiemark is my favorite part cause it's that family symbol where two adults and a kid make a heart, but i made it an apple instead, does a better job at showing her emphasis on family ties. no hat cause i like the idea of her hat being from her dad, and she doesn't want to mess it up wearing it daily so she wears it exclusively to special events
Rainbow Dash- i decided to make her less of a living lightening bolt and leaned more into her lazy side, going for the type of butch lesbian look that makes her feel like she wears tank tops and hangs out in the basement getting drunk and listening to rock. i wanted her to look like the only part of her she actually puts effort into maintaining is her wings
Fluttershy- i take great enjoyment in making Flutters a fucking lumbering giant compared to his friends (yes my Flutters is a guy), taking fluttertree and running with it. no notes aside from tall and green patterns and long hair and ooo pretty bronze jewelry. ig also his cutie mark is like- it was suppose to just be a paw and a butterfly but i accidentally made a parasprite with it, and instead of fixing it i just rolled with it and made it look more intentional
Pinkie Pie- THIS HORSE GAVE ME SO MUCH TROUBLE!! every part of my body was like "give her patterns! add things to her hair! it makes sense for her!!" but everything i did looked wrong and i couldn't get it to work. so i bit the bullet and made her really plain... and it worked. i don't know why but she just.... looks so much better with a really simple design, the hair texture does all the heavy lifting really
Rarity- of everyone, she's the one who'd have the long pretty fetlocks, and i decided to double down on that by not only making them so long you can't see her hooves, but also by making her have the longest and softest coat in general. she has the time and dedication to take care of such a high maintenance coat and she's gonna do it. it's even more impressive when you realize ponyville uses exclusively dirt roads. aside from that i think she deserves nice jewelry, and they use leather straps cause i think leather would be a ponyville fashion staple, she shows her hometown pride in her fashion
Spike- i thought it was weird he was so small the whole run, he should have had a growth spurt at some point imo, so i made him a bit bigger and more proportional to the older teen dragons, this is less of a redesign and more of a "make him actually grow up" thing, he's still small but not toddler small. this is the point where Twilight starts complaining about him sitting on her back cause he's getting too heavy. i also don't like how adult Spike ended up looking, but i haven't made a redesign of him yet
i have made an older alicorn Twilight design that i've been referring to as Ethereal Twilight, but i might hold off on sharing that for a while cause i have some funky hc lore ideas for the alicorns that i wanna refine a little before posting her. maybe i'll have older Spike drawn by then too, who knows
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ezdotjpg · 8 months
ok but know I need you to Tell Me Things about the Zeldas. all of them. I am literally*bouncing*.
(I love how both your TP Link and Zelda have RBF. they have truly Had It)
HEHE sorry i held onto this ask until I had all the Zelda designs posted, and then I,,,forgot to do that lol.
some Bonus Zelda thoughts! some of this i've maybe said before idk:
her armor is more ceremonial than practical. While I didn't give this to every Queen Zelda, I liked the idea of the princess's pauldrons progressing to more plate armor in the queen's dress. That's also why I changed her color scheme to blue to differentiate from the princess' pink (exceptions for this being HW Zelda who wears red as queen, ST Zelda who still wears pink as queen and BOTW Zelda who wore blue as princess)
anyway. she's more of a scholar than a warrior but she still has killer aim with a bow
her pet project has been recovering, restoring, and filling in the gaps of the royal library and archive. Mage helps her out with this as he has a knack for stumbling upon forgotten ancient texts in his travels
A lot of ppl assume she's rather prim or austere but she's actually got a lot of whimsy and humor in her. It's why she and Mage get along so well :D
She lets Mage get away with a lot of shenanigans and keeps the royal guard from arresting his ass all the time
if mage is ur weird uncle she's like. ur cool aunt
she's still sailing the seas with her crew!
she and Wake have had a bit of a falling out though, partially over disagreements about searching for New Hyrule, and have gone their separate ways for now. There's not any real animosity between them, just like,,,frustration. They'd still do anything for each other.
She's got 2 pistols and a cutlass and she knows how to use them
She could bench press Wake. easily.
She's brash and commands a lot of respect but she's also a lot of fun to be around. She's brutally honest and says what's on her mind.
I think she still feels a lot of confusion and frustration about the revelations about her lineage and the role King Daphnes seemed to force on her because of it. She doesn't want much to do with what the divine. She values the freedom sailing on the sea gives her.
TP Zelda
she's. so tired. a lot of the responsibility of rebuilding the kingdom has fallen squarely on her shoulders. She's holding shit together by a thread but by god is she holding it together.
Looks pretty cold and unapproachable but she has a kind heart. She cares deeply for the people of her kingdom. She would sacrifice a lot for them and already has.
Never relaxes. Works like 24/7. get this girl a hobby
Midzel canon. Midna also had a thing with Link but it wasn't a polycule more of a this is my girlfriend Midna and this is Midna's boyfriend Link kind of a situation. Anyway she misses Midna.
Wolf and Zelda are like. coworkers. They haven't really gotten any closer in the aftermath of everything. Wolf wants nothing to do with playing the role of the hero in a political sense like Zelda keeps asking him to. I don't think Zelda necessarily blames him for escaping that responsibility, but she Is frustrated she doesn't have that luxury.
MC Zelda
a little cutie!! very bubbly and extroverted and curious about the world. She spends a lot of time outside of the castle running around with Mini. The King is so glad she's safe after everything he still just lets her do whatever she wants lol
She used to be the one dragging Mini into shenanigans all the time but he's gained a lot of confidence over his quest and is less timid now. now they are equally engaging in shenanigans
Hangs out with Malon too!! The three of them are besties
I like to think she can also still see the minish even if she can't shrink down to their size. she thinks they're so cute. Maybe mini gives her a jabbernut so she can speak to them too :-)
She helps Mini build his fucked up little trash robots. She also pretties them up with paint
scolded by castle staff frequently for getting grass stains and dirt on her nice clothes lol. She probably isn't usually running around in her full princess garb though.
Like Mini, has mostly refused to process most of what happened to her and is just trying to enjoy life.
Prince Zel
I went back and forth about whether or not I wanted to go with naming him Sheik or not. I decided against it since this is the version of him that never had to become Sheik. He keeps Zelda as a legacy name and shortens it to Zel most of the time.
Pretty lonely in the castle without many friends his age. He desperately wants to be better friends with Mask but is mostly rebuffed.
Even though he doesn't have to become Sheik in this timeline, I think he has begun training with Impa. Just under a lot less duress
Still occasionally has prophetic visions but has become somewhat hesitant about sharing them. I think he understands a little more of what went on in other timelines than he lets on, but he doesn't know or put together all of it.
Often described as odd or intense or standoffish by ppl who meet him but he can be really chatty and lively under the right circumstances
HW Zelda
Her armor is also mostly ceremonial, even though she's definitely more of a warrior queen. She and War are both dressed to project 'peace time' and 'prosperity'. She has other sets of armor that are more suited for combat.
She and War are a lot alike, calculating and cunning, which is why they understand each other. It's also why they're often at each other's throats. They're not really above backstabbing each other, though has Queen she has a lot more leverage.
She's not exactly warm or particularly kind, but she does care about the safety of the Kingdom.
Also never relaxes and works like 24/7
Constantly dealing with a tense, power-hungry and antagonistic court looking to undermine her authority. She has her own private ambitions she's working towards.
ALBW Zelda
She's a really charming and fun person! very down to earth as Queen and a lot more willing to eschew tradition.
She comes across as carefree but she's been ruling Hyrule by herself since she was young and has been subject to a lot of pressure. She had to grow up pretty fast and is wiser than she seems at first glance. She has her court and the people's respect.
She and Mirror share an interest in fashion and the arts. They're,,, they're both theatre kids.
I don't have a lot of other headcanons abt her yet sorry but. i love her
ST Zelda
Has been crowned Queen at the ripe old age of 16 because the last time they appointed a chancellor he turned out to be a demon who stole her body. so
She does not feel ready to be Queen at all but she's doing her best. She's determined not to let anybody push her around again.
She's taken an interest in learning how to fight after the events of spirit tracks. She never wants to feel as helpless as she did then, trapped as a ghost outside her body. Also she really enjoyed hitting things with a giant sword in her big phantom armor. She's become a much better swordsman than Spirit ever was lol
She specifically requested her own suit of armor to mimic the phantom armor
she's pretty protective of Spirit
BOTW Zelda
I think she was conscious for all 103 of those years fighting ganon, even if it seems somewhat blurry and surreal to her now. She remembers it in fits and bursts. She often feels disconnected from her body.
She has no interest in reviving the monarchy or ruling over Hyrule again. However she does have an interest in rebuilding Hylian towns and helping all of Hyrule recover. She still feels like it's her responsibility, not because of her role as princess, but because of what she perceives as her own failure to avert tragedy.
she doesn't just blame herself though- she blames the gods and her father too.
Right now though she's mostly taking a break to get her bearings and recover from 103 years of endless fighting. She and Slate travelled around Hyrule for a while at first, and now she's settled in Hateno trying to figure out how to be normal again. Some rebuilding efforts have already started spearheaded by Hudson and she helps out with those.
SKSW Zelda
honestly not even she is sure what parts of her are herself and what parts are hylia. it's as disconcerting for her as it is for Loft. She's both frustrated that he looks at her differently now and understands completely why he does. She still wishes he wouldn't.
she remembers more about being the goddess than she necessarily lets on
she's really invested in the settlement on the surface and is basically its unofficial leader. she puts a lot of time and effort into making sure everything is going according to plan and that they have everything they need to keep living on the surface
she's protective of Loft and worries a lot for him. She blames herself for a lot of what he struggles with now and wants to make it better.
she's not the fun police though, she likes a death-defying loftwing stunt as much as the next person
she did become a knight after the events of skyward sword! They don't really wear the uniforms down on the surface much anymore though and it's become less of a formal order while everyone focuses on building and improving the village.
She's been working on her swordsmanship
I think she really loves music and singing
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chubby s/o with low self confidence hcs ; pastel meringue
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requested by ; anonymous (04/05/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; pastel meringue cookie
outline ; “May I ask for a chubby s/o for pastel meringue? Like they love cuddles and are very sweet but they don't have much self confidence so are a little nervous at the idea of modeling and think that they wouldn't make a good model and sometimes even wonder...how they landed such an amazing designer. Like they'd sometimes looked between the outfit and their own stomach...thinking it wouldn't look good on them.”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
pastel meringue cookie greatly appreciates how sweet and cuddly you are because you’re the perfect fit for his ideals: adorable, cute and soft in demeanour and appearance
he indulges in every hug and kiss and touch you provide and will earnestly tell you that you’re the most attractive person he knows, that you’re perfect to him
but he doesn’t miss the way you politely rebuke his compliments and turn down his offers to model his clothes for new lines with that uncomfortable look on your face
he’s pretty quick to notice the dissonance between his objective view of you and your subjective perception of yourself — he can be a bit full of himself sometimes, but he’s not oblivious
he tries to help you step outside of your comfort zone bit by bit by providing you with cute and stylish outfits for you to wear around the home
like it’s not the same sort of thing he’d make for a runway, but it’s still in his signature style and it’s still massively flattering to your figure and complexion
likewise he won’t treat it as you modelling anything, he’ll just state that he’s made you some clothes, asks you to try them on so he knows they fit and just gives them to you to wear
makes a point to compliment you every time he gets the opportunity to do so, casually commenting on how much every outfit suits you and how beautiful/handsome you look in the morning light
doesn’t pressure you to do anything and isn’t gifting you things under the expectation of you eventually modelling them for him — but he does want you to become comfortable enough in your body and trust his vision enough to wear flattering clothing
to wear frills and lace and pastels and just exist and thrive unapologetically (whilst wearing his designs because he thinks you’re the cutest and only deserve the cutest things as a result)
he also makes a point to show particular love to the parts of yourself you don’t like when you’re together — caressing your thighs when you’re sat side by side, turning his head to press a kiss on the pouch of your stomach when he’s lounging across your legs, etc.
he’s determined to help you see yourself as he does: as adorable and wonderful and as the perfect fit for what he gifts to you
because if he even doubted his designs for a second, he wouldn’t go through with making and giving them away
your boyfriend is a perfectionist, so have some faith that he’d only provide you with the best of the best to wear
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
oh, character ship ask, fun!
Margaret Nearl and Yang.
Margaret Nearl
NOTP: Nearl x Platinum. I fucking hate it. Platinum should not be allowed on the same floor of the landship as any member of the Nearl family. Every time one of my beloved mutuals reblogs NearlPlat or BlemiPlat content I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that my mutuals are my favorite people in the world and I need to accept them, flaws and all.
BROTP: Nearl x Saria. The Healing Defenders Who Are Actually Better At Beating The Crap Out Of People Sisters. They're also self-sacrificing idiots. So much to bond over.
OTP: Nearl x Doctor. At first this was just self-indulgence, but the more I think about it, the more I think it works as an actual pairing. Nearl Alter's talk lines in particular lay such a strong foundation of mutual trust and respect and regard that I think could easily blossom into romance and it's honestly one of the few Operator x Doctor As Character Within The Narrative Rather Than Player Avatar romances I'm sold on.
Second choice pairing: Nearl x Viviana Droste
Fluffy pairing: Nearl x Doctor, Nearl x Viviana Droste, Nearl x Nightingale. I know @norondor has heard me talk at length about how cute and sweet and fluffy Doc x Nearl is in particular. Honestly, it's super easy to imagine Nearl ships being fluffy because she's just such a kind, compassionate sweetheart.
Angsty pairing: Nearl x Doctor has so much angst potential, as does Nearl x Nightingale, Nearl x Shining, and Nearl x Nightingale x Shining.
Favorite poly ship: Nearl x Shining x Nightingale (with or without Viviana),
Weirdest pairing: Nearl x Siege. A queen needs a knight.
Yang Xiao Long
Oh God this is kind of tough because my answers for pre- and post-Volume 9 are very different, so I'll give answers for both.
NOTP: Whatever the hell Adam x Yang is called. No freaking thank you.
Enabler (Ruby x Yang) is also a huge vomit moment. Incest is not wincest.
Baked Alaska (Neo x Yang) also sucks ass because Neo is an unlikable little cunt who managed to be too horrible for me to have any interest in despite her cute design and sad backstory and I don't want her anywhere near characters I have positive feelings toward.
Post-Volume 9, Bumbleby (Blake x Yang) is rapidly progressing in this direction because I am not remotely satisfied with how the writers handled it.
BROTP: Freezerburn (Yang x Weiss). Love me some Freezerbros (though I actually like them more as a romance). I adore their aesthetic and dynamic and they get some really poignant scenes together.
Sunflowyr (Yang x Ren) comes in second place because I feel like they'd be good friends if the show ever bothered to show us that outside like one hug in Volume 6. They both rely more heavily on martial arts than their fellow protagonists, though they use different styles, and I think they could have a lot of fun sparring and learning from each other. Would love to see them incorporate aspects of each other's styles.
Dragonslayer (Yang x Jaune) is a good pre-Volume 9 BROTP because Yang has always been very supportive of Jaune (despite both a rocky first impression and the FNDM's attempts to paint her as a man-hating lesbian) and they got to showcase a cute dynamic in Volume 8 in particular.
Greek Fire (Yang x Pyrrha) is my last pick here because they're both talented fighters/athletes and would probably have lots of fun working out or sparring together. Also, Pyrrha's skillset incorporates some wrestling techniques, so they'd probably be able to teach each other some cool unarmed combat tricks.
OTP: Pre-Volume 9, it was Bumbleby, but what we got out of Volume 9 was frankly embarrassing, so now it's Freezerburn. Fuck you Eddy Yang and Weiss wouldn't get divorced they'd be one of the healthiest relationships in this fucking show and frankly probably healthier than the mess y'all made of your flagship sapphic romance lmao
Second choice pairing: Pre-Volume 9, Freezerburn, and then Dragonslayer. Post-Volume 9, I don't even fuckin know anymore because Bumbleby leaves a bad taste in my mouth, I can't ship Jaune with anyone after the shitshow that was He-Jaune, Master of the DILFiverse, and I'm left picking between pairings that are decent but not overly compelling. I guess the candidates are Greek Fire, Sunflowyr, and Nuclear Winter (Yang x Winter)? Just pick whichever one pisses off the most people, I guess. Gotta break the tie somehow.
Fluffy pairing: Pre-Volume 9, Dragonslayer. Two sweet, friendly human golden retrievers. They would be so soft and loving with each other, I just know it (also Jaune would get pegged as fuck). Post-Volume 9, I feel like Greek Fire would take it but I don't really think any of the Yang pairings I like at this point would really stand above the rest in terms of fluff.
Angsty pairing: The answer to this should be Bumbleby, but this show is too afraid to actually let them address their issues beyond a cursory conversation or two so none of the delicious opportunities for conflict and pain and growth and development ever come to pass. Instead they get forced to confess by a magic fucking thunderstorm, mention surface-level aspects of each other that they like and aren't even correct about them half the time, and then kiss in a field of flowers while everyone else is busy thinking about important shit like how to get home and defeat an immortal omnicidal witch goddess. I guess I'll give it to Sunflowyr because they had actual conflict in Volume 8.
Freezerburn has potential for plenty of angst too, but it comes from external sources. They'd be helping each other through it rather than hurting each other.
Greek Fire has angst opportunities post-Fall of Beacon, I guess?
Gauntlets and Greaves (Yang x Mercury) has a lot of angst potential too, but I don't like either the ship or Mercury, so whatever.
Favorite poly ship: Pre-Volume 9? Bee's Schnees (Blake x Yang x Weiss). It has all the benefits of Bumbleby, Freezerburn, and Monochrome (Blake x Weiss), which are all excellent ships, and the additional bonus of giving Weiss two hot tops who will plow her like a tractor. As she deserves.
Post-Volume 9 I guess it's still Bee's Schnees even though neither Yang nor Blake exist as characters at this point, but this is more because a) I can't think of any other poly Yang ships I particularly care for, especially at this stage of the series, and b) I really do adore Weiss and think she deserves to be stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey. As a treat.
Weirdest pairing: Nuclear Winter. I'm not sure if the two have even directly interacted in the series outside of a scene or two in Volume 8, but they're both big sisters and self-sacrificing idiots who are hella ready to fight at a moment's notice, so that's gotta count for something, right?
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theghostofashton · 9 months
hi neha! just wanted to pop in and tell you how much i love your fics and love seeing you on the dash <3 i’d love to know if you have any headcanons (for any of the 126) you feel super strongly about, and if any of those headcanons have emerged in your writing in any way? — maddie/reyesstrand <3
hi maddie!! this is so kind, thank you <3 same to you and your writing! i'm working my way through your fics and each one is such a treat, i'm enjoying them all so much <3
this is such a good question! i think most of my headcanons end up making their way into fics, i don't have the self-control to keep them out haha
one of my big ones is that andrea taught carlos to cook, and one of the reasons he loves it so much is because of the connection with his family. i imagine andrea being taught by her mom, and carlos hearing all these stories about her first time making certain dishes from his abuela, growing up. i think the way he gravitates toward food and cooking as a way to care for the people he loves is definitely something he inherited from andrea, something she inherited from her mom, a love language passed down.
going off that, i feel like carlos is often the one to cook and send food, when something happens. like i can see him making a bunch of things for marjan while she was recovering from her gunshot wound, for paul when he was recovering from having the internal defibrillator put in in s3, after mateo lost marvin in s4. i could see him stress cooking a bit after the events of 2x08 and having a bunch of things to take over to judd and grace as they recover. like, i see him wanting to do something, and if he can cook and stock their fridges and make sure they don't have to worry, he will.
i think another one of mine is prob the strong carlos and paul friendship tbh, it's not huge in the show, but it definitely shows up a ton in my fics because i love it so much. i just feel like they'd really get each other and have a lot to talk about. catch me adding carlos and paul moments to every one of my fics lol
i've always headcanoned iris as bi. i haven't written her too much yet, but she plays a pretty big role in both my wips atm and i'm having a lot of fun writing about her navigating her attraction to women.
also hasn't shown up in my fics yet but it will, but i think marjan sets aside one night a week to spend hours facetiming with her family back in miami. and when i say hours, i mean she calls as soon as she's off work and then she's just talking, cooks and talks, gets passed around from family member to family member, that kind of thing. i think she's very close to them and definitely misses them a lot, so these nights are her favorites of the week.
i think tk has a very good eye for furniture and decor, having grown up with the parents that he did. there was a little nod to that in you saw the truth in me, that his house in LA was very black and white and kinda boring, doesn't feel like him at all, and that's because it was done by a designer and he gave them no direction. if he had decorated his own house it would've looked so different, so much brighter and quirkier. i can see everyone texting him when they're moving or they just want to change up the decor in their places for his thoughts, and him having a lot of them. (usually offering to go furniture shopping and point things out, i think that'd be very cute)
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
slightly nervous to request, but here i go:
may i please have Mime Bomb x lolita s/o(fem or gn) headcanons? like, dresses in lolita, even wears a wig, and uses a modified parasol as a weapon? (and by that i mean they use it like mary poppins cus it's not a normal parasol so it functions as kind of a parachute and a sword lmao) s/o is on the quiet, reserved side themself, but loves humoring MB and his antics. cute, poised and a little strange but not totally innocent lol
and another set of headcanons for Countess Cleo with the same lolita operative(not romantic). i like to think they'd be a Cleo fave because while the style is a little unusual, it's still fashionable and very cute, lots of hard work and detail go into it. plus maybe the lolita knows a lot about fabric and stuff
sorry if this is a bit much, but i just love the possibilities of this kind of dynamic? like the others think it's weird but strangely cute?? i just want crumbs ;v; hope this is alright.
also wanted to say that you and your friends are keeping this fandom alive and i am eternally grateful /hj /g. wish y'all the best (っ◕‿◕)っ ♥
Mime Bomb x Lolita Fashion Reader
[Author’s Note: Awww thank you for the kind words! No need to feel nervous about requests they’re always open and I love seeing everyone’s ideas, including yours!]
You’re somewhat popular on VILE because of your iconic style and how you get along with people so easily.
You have caught the hearts of many people and that includes Mime Bomb.
There’s so much to love about you: Your laugh, your creativity, the way you got along with people, there was nothing to dislike about you. 
He adores your style, the bows remind him of a present and the silks look so comfortable. 
Let him try one on.
He’ll deny it but he does want to wear it as long as no one sees it.  
Cleo ships you both. 
Like hardcore ships. 
Also you’re her favorite, she loves designing outfits for you to wear.
She loves taking you with her to her fancy parties and auctions to show you off. 
When you’re just standing or sitting without moving some people think you’re a life sized porcelain doll. 
You’ve scared some people by doing that and it’s absolutely hilarious. 
You were sitting on the bench outside the building, deep in thought about what you should do with Mime Bomb for your anniversary. 
A new student called you a creepy statue and you made them scream by grabbing their wrist so they couldn’t poke your face like they attempted. 
Also you and Paper Star are best friends.
You helped dye her hair and help style it every morning for her. 
You’re one of the few people she doesn’t mind working with. 
The first time Ivy saw you she went into gay panic.
You’re just that fabulous.
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charmixpower · 2 years
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🌊 Aish hairstyles 🌊
Literally oh my fucking god the designers can't think of more than three fucking hairstyles for Aisha, if I never see her with twin puffs again it will be too soon. Put her in a unique fucking hairstyle you assholes. This anger at the complete lack of interesting hair for Aisha is what sparked me to do this series in the first place. Just so I can show how fucking cool her hair could be if they weren't fucking cowards about it. Unsurprisingly this one took me the longest, with all the braids I had to line and color (tho it didn't take as much time as expected), but it was a lot of fun to do. I was easily the most excited to this one for obvious reasons. She looks great. I went a little ham on the gold jewelry but Aisha deserves it ok?? Her hairstyles in the show are so dull, she needs some fun
Side note, Aisha has the second longest hair out of the Winx, longest naturally, but it isn't visible due to how coily Aisha's hair is. My hair goes from barely toucing my shoulders to below my sternum, and my hair is curly as where I draw it Aisha's the 4 range. So yeah, her hair gets like at least 6 inches when straighten, going all the way to her butt. I also challenged myself to style her edges differently with every drawing djsjs which you can probably tell
Anyways on to the individual styles
Classic Aisha: this is the hairstyle I've started to usually draw Aisha in. Sporty and practical meet fun and feminine! I also gave her a nose piercing bc she, Musa, and Tecna have the vibes, and to fit the slight vibe of Andros. Aisha's hair in canon usually looks like it's on the low side of curly, and the reason why is made p clear by the miss magix ep and s8/WOW, so I decided to give her tight coily hair. Btw yeah that's her s2 camping outfit
Twists Aisha: this was my first foray into drawing this hairstyle, I usually draw dreads and box braids in this area, so it doesn't look super good but hey I tried jdnsjs. I wanted to stylized them so I'd didn't spend years trying to finish them, and you can visibly see me give up on that with the next drawing, but I think if I were doing a comic or quick doodles this is what I would go with. Anyways, I did this one because it really makes me think of Aisha athletic nature. Idk they just look super athletic to me, and I gave her a little extra ponytail for the fashion of it. Sporty chic
Mermaid-y: When I first drew these braids with the flat bottoms, they kinda looked like Mermaid tails to me?? So my brain was like, Aisha in her mermaid era <33. So my heart is set on her having this hair during s5, mermaid season, mermaid hair. It's literally perfect. Also I thought this top was super cute. This is where I really went overboard with the gold, but she's in her mermaid era, princess, guardian fairy, and dame. She can have a little (lottle) gold, as a treat. She deserves it, she's been though a lot lately with her family and Nabu being in a COMA. Some fun hair is good for the soul
Date night: light rage. They put Aisha's hair into pigtails for every causal event that happens and it inches across my last nerve like you wouldn't believe. Much like how that uniform outfit ruined one of Musa's hairstyles, pigtails feel ruined for Aisha, but making the. Apart of a braid really lessoned the blow. Half of me wishes I did a head wrap instead, but I can't just not include them. The outfit is super cute tho. She's going on a date!!! Yess!!! So pretty. I'm so happy with her earrings and dress. She and Nabu are gonna go have a picnic together, it's gonna be great
Box braids: I just got my braids taken out this Friday, which was fun (it hurt a lot, especially taking the small ones out ;-;) and I think it's a really good hairstyle for Aisha. I used to think that they'd be super impractical due to being so long, but because they're so heavy they're not actually annoying to deal with at all. They don't move all that much and they don't really get in the way. These would work perfectly for Aisha. Giving her the long hair, and the practicality. Absolute win! Of course I had to go for her outfit from her date with Musa. These kinds of braids always make me think someone has an important event coming up or they're trying to look cute, and a first date is a perfect occasion. I had so much fun with the earrings and braid decorations
Work out: I wanted to go for something simple, less fancy, and that doesn't require braiding, for of her hairstyles to just like her hair be itself and vibe. Here it is in a classic half up half down look, completely unbraided and vibing. Outfit slightly inspired by Serena Williams's entire aesthetic, including the headband. I didn't wanna put her hair over her shoulders, which admittedly looks a little weird but I wanted the high low part to be clear fjsjdnd
Poodle puffs: Personally I think Poodle puffs are really hard to styles, because it's hard to get the size of the puffs right without going too far in either direction. I think I got it right here? I think four is a good number of puffs. This is probably one of my favorite looks, mostly because of how warm and royal it looks. I'm a sucker for shiney jewelry and warm colors. I think this one came out especially well, I love the earrings, and the dress looks really good! I was worried it was gonna look silly but thankfully it doesn't
Bantu knots: She just looks gorgeous here. It adds so much to her orginal red carpet energy. Her hair is now all done up and fancy. Her nose ring also adds to the energy. I really like the earring, despite how lopsided it is lol, but I do wonder if it was a little too much for such a elegant outfit? Idk. Either way I didn't do anything to this look because I love it and she looks amazing. Not thoughts, head empty, bantu knots pretty
Princess Aisha: Hehe this one is probably my favorite out of all the hair. Not the outfit top XD. I don't like poofy European dresses rip. I got to go as fancy as I want!! I feel like Aisha usually tries to stay away from super fancy and complicated one event only hairstyles (which is why she usually goes for protective hairstyles she can wear for a while with low maintenance before needing to change it), but she's making a formal appreances, which means I can loop a gem into her hair. I also got to put big gems on her outfit and earrings which was super fun. This perticualr hairstyle always looked super royal to me and I had to include some proper beads on the look too. They match the gem she's wearing. Extra royal look. Her headgear as a child did something similar, but now that she's older she can just get proper braids put that do what the head gear was doing but better. Also can you tell that I was worried about getting too close to the edge of the page XD
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today's mood: a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you. demisexual/demiromantic diaries
i've heard the best way to figure out your sexuality and stuff is to just ask yourself what you want in life. and honestly, for me, that's more tied to my neurobiology than anything else and I finally, thank God, think I've got that figured out to a manageable point. and i hear stories of people who've figured out from the youngest age what they want. i'll never be with a man or i'll never be with a woman or i'll never be with anyone. but i thought i was allo for the longest time. and there are people i'm attracted to, yes, i'm attracted to a range of people and a range of genders but more and more as I'm older this attraction never gets a chance to grow and develop into something actually tangible. I remember when it didn't have to grow. when I was so new to the world and unharmed by it that I thought anyone at all could understand me and I'd never feel scared around them. and I remember the attraction when it'd come it'd come fast and I'd be head over heels and get flustered and it would be awkward and it would be fun. now all i feel is fondness and i just long for that soul connection.
because when i was young it would go from zero to however close to a hundred it would get, i guess, and i'd weigh it up, how much do i like them, would it really last long enough to act on it or will i tire of this person? and most the time it's be okay they're cool for the first little while but. it's not enough to keep me intrigued, if i think about it, and i would move on, move schools or get a new crush, no regrets. but then one time it just went to a hundred and kept going and it was like the song everything has changed, it felt like that every single day. and sometimes i'd notice someone else and like them for a bit too, but those secondary crushes would whittle away quite quickly and then they'd eventually stop coming. in the same way at least. i got lured in by cuteness and kindness and a relatability that hit something I didn't even know existed then, I just remember at 12 thinking 'i could marry this person'. that was over a decade ago now. then I learned you can care about someone so much that your chest hurts and you can read all their feelings and feel them as your own. I've done that subsequently with other people too, but it's always been platonic. ever since. and i ran from those feelings like the little escapist I am. I was always good at running. maybe you can get jinxed by the sport you train in and the double meanings of words.
and it's been interesting to watch it play out over the last decade or so, how little 12yo me was onto something. I didn't even know what I wanted to do with my life. didn't know what urban design was or how it could fill the longing to have an impact with my life while be creative and use things like science and communication as well. didn't know how when I did i'd always have this longing in the back of my mind, I could see myself with another urban designer, who went into it for the same reasons I did, saving the world together through streetscapes is the most romantic and sexy thing i can think of. i didn't know that i'd see this embodied right in front of me, we'd grow up forever rooted in the cultish community of our high school days even when both of us always wanted more in life and went wherever we would get it. but at the time I was so far in denial because that never happens does it?? i'd tell myself not to be so dramatic about a high school crush. and i'm not sure if i'll regret it forever or I'll thank my own stupidity for being the thing that prevented building something that would end up blowing up in both of our faces.
and i have liked other people since. it's strange and kind of sad to think about, how i'll have a lovely friend and be like i could see us go through all of these stages slowly, fall in love slowly, get to know each other and care even more and maybe i'll give it a go. if it weren't for the whole urban design thing maybe i would've by now. if i didn't feel like I have this divine purpose that everything else is secondary to; I can do it, I know I can, maybe I will. but when I do I'll always remember how it felt. what i can't describe as anything else but starlight flowing through my veins and enabling me to do things that I generally can't; executive function and packed schedules and not being too anxious to sleep all the time and derailing it, I was still packed with nerves but I felt like I was floating and I could genuinely do anything I put my mind too on top of everything else I was told and it wasn't an irritable, desperate kind of hypomania (that i've since experienced) either; i genuinely felt so light apart from the crushing moments that felt like rejection but even then--there as this amazing creative mind right next to me and it kind of had me just get going, get creating, go for runs to burn off the rest of the energy and I did that yesterday for the first time since because I was remembering, I was hoping for this again. and i have a life i've built with friends around me I have a persona for but every time I travel alone to a new city I think of this.
and i wonder, is it ever fair to invite anyone new into this? at least, until I get some sort of closure, some sort of answer to this energy I've felt for over a decade and the vibes i can read from something as simple as the smallest snippet of behaviour on social media? I can fall in love again, I know I can, I know it'll be deliberate and adult but it does feel nice, I've felt the start of it with someone new but it's slow this time, and is it even worth trying it when I remember all this and I will every time I design a city with love for its people and land that bring a creativity to solve their problems; I'm not kidding when I say it'll impact how productive I can be when I've felt this lasting high before and I've dosed myself up on more dexamphetamine than my body can handle for long. i've met all the criteria for hypomania. and nothing compares to when my brain just goes stupid over some guy who can draw. all of a sudden i can face anything and there isn't a problem I can't solve. and now i don't know what attraction is aside from that. It can come, I know it can, but it's high time I also stop running. take a chance on something I had long told myself religious trauma and forced academic competition had taken away from me. because i'm okay if it doesn't work out, but having just half of this energy, feeling someone else's energy so strongly--it's the curiosity, almost, that kills me more than anything else. the unexpressed love. i tell myself that when I get it out I'll be free to love someone else but I think it's self-regenerating, every time i do something that slightly reminds me. my heart is big enough for more. but maybe it's more effective if I let it channel what it's wanted to do since I was 12?
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weird-dere-writes · 8 months
hi twy!!! I wanted to ask a question about you and ichigo if you don’t mind!! what’s the most unexpected sweet thing he has ever done for you?
Kendy, my dearest, hello!! :3
Kissing your cheeks, kissing your nose, kissing your forehead, kissing your hands rn 🥰💋💋💋.
I hope you are doing well this Friday and that you are fulfilled and recharged during the weekend uwu 🫶🏾🩷🩷🩷🩷.
I will never mind being asked questions about my blorbos! Especially Orange Husband, my beloved 🧡.
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AUGH the most unexpected sweet thing he’s ever done for me 🥺. I am getting tearful just thinking about it 😪💜💜💜.
Ichigo knows two things about me:
That I can get really in my head about how much I matter to people (especially if I’ve been lonely for a time).
That I am a very sentimental person. (Like I still have birthday cards from when I was a child stored away dawg)
So knowing these things, he conspired to get me these babies ⤵️
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Not only are they super cute (how i love sanrio and pastel colors <3), but their purpose is so so special. They are for holding those sentimental papers and moments that remind me I am loved and that I have so much love to give others.
He took me out on a date night. We went somewhere pretty, then somewhere we could get pampered together, and then we went to have dinner :3. When we came back was when I was surprised with them all sitting together on my bookshelf.
He knew I would like the designs on them, and he knew in general I was trying to get more organized so he thought they would be a good gift (he was right uwu). And he had realized only after they'd been shipped that maybe I could use them instead of that chest and that photo storage box I had been using and meaning to put together.
The blue one I decided I would use to store all the old birthday cards, letters, and other things I already have from people I'm related to or I've known in person.
The pink one I decided to use for sweet messages from friends online. Either i print them or write them out and include where to access them digitally uwu. Not only do I use it for messages from others to me, but also for messages I've sent to others and how happy it made me to see it made them happy if/when they responded :)))).
The yellow one is exceedingly precious to me 🥹. This one had him blushing as he asked if I could save that one, just for him. This one he fills alone, with thoughts, love letters, poems, affirmations, pictures he gets developed, or just other little things or small gifts he thinks I would like 🧡🧡🧡. The bottom drawer is where I put the shorter, more casual things. Stuff he loves about me, how good i looked in an outfit on a particular day, letting me know how happy i made him by doing something simple, etc. The pictures also go there. The middle drawer is where the more in depth things like love letters, poems, and the like go. The top drawer is like a little inbox! He puts all the new stuff for me there :3. So when something is there I know I'm in for something lovely from my one and only 🧎🏾‍♀️💓💓💓. And once I go through it i put it in the appropriate drawer or elsewhere if its a small gift.
On that night, after he'd asked to save the yellow one, he let me know there were already a few things waiting for me in it. I melted on the spot. He kissed my forehead before telling me he was going in the other room to give me some time to read them.
The way this man's written word had me absolutely SOBBING to myself 😭😭😭💖. I had to go hug him immediately after reading, still crying.
We cuddled tenderly for the next hour or two. And after, he would make the sweetest love to me. I could feel him pouring his heart into every touch. I was trembling at orgasm, and I once again cried after we were done lol. He was so gentle with me, my word 😪 <33333.
And why it all means even more to me? It wasn't even like our anniversary or anything!! No special holiday, no nothing! It was just a regular night that he decided to shower me with so much intimacy, affection, and care :((((((. He is the love of my life forevermore 💜💜💜💜💜.
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Kendy this ask of yours birthed this scenario and it is so close to my heart omg I am actually perishing, thank you for this :c <333333. I am kissing you eternally. If you feel so inclined, because I would like to reciprocate this gift, what’s the most unexpected sweet thing Isshin (or really whatever fave you are feling most) has ever done for you?
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absentmoon · 1 year
'make it up to you'
word count: 4,050
a/n: i was bullied into this :(
notes: bennybug, isekai AU
This whole thing was so weird.
Well, okay. They knew that already, had said so to themself and to Benny about a million times, and that didn't stop them from thinking it now, here in this room, by themselves, again. For the billionth time. It was kind of like an anchor, they guessed— overanalyzing their own emotions might not always be the healthiest solution, but it helped. Especially on days when they were alone like this, with nothing else to focus on other than the pounding headache that'd been plaguing them since they woke up that morning. Sometimes the weirdness would occur to them over little things, of the deja-vu and the uncanny way they knew this place— yet didn't at all.
Right now they were focused on it mostly as a distraction.
Bug groaned and shoved a pillow over themself to muffle the sound; no one could hear them through the walls, let alone over the lively casino activity, but still. This sucked and they didn't want to think about it.
They were lying in the bed of the suite, the one Benny had— had loaned them. "It's yours, lovebug, make yourself at home."
That was another thing about him: he really liked pet names. Like a lot. A lot. He kept giving them things like that, smaller things— a flower, or a scarf, anything they needed. Bug wasn't sure what exactly that meant — it was more of an honor or debt thing, probably, since they'd given him so much information. Benny was… complicated. But even when he was being stupidly— cute, he was also kind of cool. The kind of cool they saw in movies, or read in detective novels; like he could do anything and get away with it with a slim smile and glimmering eyes.
It was absurdly annoying. Bug didn't want their dumb crush to grow even more than it had when they first got here! Catching feelings had never been something that bothered them before, but– this just made them feel so awkward. Especially with how... affection Benny was. Softer than Bug had ever seen anyone be, with just the right amount of tenderness behind his smiles. It made them wonder if he realized that he was doing this, too. Did he know just how unfair he was being?
Bug sighed, and pushed the pillow off, sitting up and looking around the room. It was pretty bare. Truly, they hadn't taken his words to heart; they really didn't feel entitled enough to change it much at all. The bathroom was nice, though. There was a shower stall, with a tub big enough to comfortably fit two people, and an intricately designed vanity that looked like it belonged in a hotel, instead of some room in a casino with the paint peeling off the wall.
It was just a crush. Bug just needed a nice bath, and then their head would be a little more clear.
Nothing was more awkward than asking a pretty man if you could go up to his room to see his pretty robot. Bug's hair was still dripping when they'd done it, which they didn't think was very dignified, but all he'd done was tuck a loose strand behind their ear and smile. A little gesture like that had set their heart racing, and their face alight, but they'd mostly managed to stumble through their question with a meek voice.
So here they were, at his door with his room key in hand. "Use it anytime, baby, I'd love to see a little pussycat every once and awhile." He had said it with a purr and a wink. So they kind of didn't make it out unscathed, and their face felt flushed for the entire walk up here.
But they still wanted to see Yes Man, and they'd already gone through the trouble, so here they were. The key slid in his lock with a click, and they swung open the door, looking purposely at their destination by the wall and absolutely nowhere else.
He turned when they entered, smiling widely— not that he couldn't— and offering a wave. "Hi there, little ladybug!" he said. His voice was digital and pleasant, and it seemed to roll around the room and settle into their bones. Yes, there was definitely something appealing about it. "What brings you to my humble abode today?"
"I, um," Bug stammered, trying to find some way to word what they wanted without sounding completely ridiculous. The wetness of their hair dripped against their neck with a narrow chill. "Just— just thinking, about things. You know how it is." Well, he probably did. With his processing abilities, he probably knew a lot more than Bug could even give him credit for.
His chassis bounced a little, and he crossed his metal arms over his chestplate, watching Bug with his screen flickering in a way that seemed uniquely amused. "Sure, buggy. What kind of things are those, huh?"
Bug squirmed under his gaze, unsure what to say to that. "I mean…" they started slowly. "Just everything. Everything's still weird right now, and—"
"Everything? Is that what's got you all antsy?"
"Well, no." Bug backtracked. "It's just— oh, it's something specific, it's just—"
"Ohhh." Yes Man interrupted with a low chuckle. "Embarrassed, huh? You've got a real soft spot for robots, don'tcha? Can't you at least be honest with your bestest robo-buddy?"
Bug's breath hitched a little, but they quickly tried to cover it up. "It's — I've never. Talked about this, I mean, and it's not– not important, um, anyways. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come barging in on you for something this."
No matter what they said, though, they couldn't seem to pull their eyes away from his screen, still that same expression, just flickering in that way they were still learning to read. Yes, Bug was almost certain he found this whole thing in some way amusing.
"Aw, little buggy," he said. "You gotta stop apologizing and start telling me what's wrong."
Bug frowned, feeling their cheeks warm. That just sounded silly. They opened their mouth, then closed it again, and finally just shook their head. Really, they shouldn't have come here without cooling down first anyways; he was just so perceptive...
"Fine by me!" he said brightly. "If you won't tell me, then it's a-okay if I guess myself, right?" He reached a metal finger to tap at Bug's cheek teasingly. "How 'bout this: I'll guess, and you can tell me when I'm right, okay?"
Bug nodded, feeling their throat dry. No. No way. Not gonna happen.
This guy was essentially a living supercomputer.
It was definitely going to happen.
They watched as he leaned forward, tilting his chassis down. He tapped at his chin-equivalent a few times with a drawn out 'hmm' that seemed more for dramatic effect than any real befuddlement. Bug felt their stomach twist uncomfortably, and they tried to keep their eyes glued to his whirring antenna rather than his face.
"Okay! Let's see..." Yeah, okay. Okay. Here we go. "You're worried about Benny, aren't ya? Because of the everything going on?"
Bug winced a little, but didn't say anything. They supposed they were, in a sense, but that wasn't really it exactly.
"No, then? Wow, bugaboo, you're really good at this!"
Something about that reply set them off balance; it was the insincerity, that subtle, knowing kind of sarcasm he never really aimed at them. Like— a joke.
But maybe it wasn't, or maybe he only just thought he was close to figuring it out, and then they wouldn't have to deal with the mortification, or with the goading that was sure to follow—
"Aw, babybug!" Yes Man cried. "That's so adorable! You like him!"
"I do not!" Bug blustered instinctively. Then, remembering the deal they'd been swiftly coerced into, amended, "Well, I-I do. I guess, look! You can't say anything! He, you just—" Bug waved a hand in frustration, trying and failing to get the point across. They huffed, frustrated, before crossing their arms over their chest with a furious blush. "I don't even have that big a crush!"
Yes Man laughed delightedly. "I don't know what to trust! You're such a bad liar— should I suspect you might like me too, bugaboo?"
"Shut up," they said in lieu of answer. "Listen, I just– need to get over it. It's just going to make everything more awkward. So, you can't..."
"Hey, it's okay," Yes Man said in a low, reassuring hum. "I'm not going to spill your cute little secret, you know that!" He reached one arm out and placed a claw over their clenched hand, pressing with a firm but gentle presence. "You don't have to worry about anything, okay? I won't tell."
Bug relaxed under his touch, their shoulders sagging a bit. Their grip loosened, and they looked up at him, meeting his warm, almost-yellow screen with a small smile. "Thanks. Sorry, for barging in like this."
"Not to worry! I promised I'm not going to say anything, and I meant it." he said cheerfully. "Because you're gonna do it!"
Bug blinked. "Huh?" But instead of responding, Yes Man rolled forward eagerly, strong securitron claws gripping their shoulders and nudging them further into Benny's bedroom. "Wait, wait! What are you doing?"
"It's been so fun watching you get all flustered and confused!" Yes Man giggled, and that sound did funny things to their heart. "But since you came so far to see me, I figured we needed to take advantage of the opportunity while it lasted, right? If you just get it over with and tell him you like him so much—"
"I do not like him that much."
"—then you can move on from this weird nervousness funk and move on to the kissing or whatever!"
"Wait, wait, no, I can't! I can't just do that!" Bug blurted, trying to wriggle out of his grasp unsuccessfully. "You don't even— what makes you think even he likes me that way!"
"Of course he does!" And it was obvious from his voice that Yes Man really believed that, which only made Bug feel worse. "Look at you! You're all red and starry eyed, and you're blushing like crazy. I can tell!"
"I'm not—"
"Come on, bugaboo, let's just get this over with. You can't honestly believe he doesn't think of you that way, huh? He's crazy touchy-feely with you, right? He's always giving you lovey-dovey pet names, too!"
Bug groaned quietly, looking down at their feet. Of course he'd notice that, even stuck in his room like he was…
A low chuckle rumbled through Yes Man's speakers. "And I just know he does that because he thinks you're super cute! Just admit that you like him too, and it'll all work out fine."
Biting their chapped lips nervously, Bug's eyes traced the carpeted floor. "He's like that with lots of people."
"Giving people nicknames, sure." He said it with the tone of a raised eyebrow. "The things he says with you? How affectionate he gets? Bug, you know you don't see it with everybody. He's special and he treats you special, okay? Now c'mon, you know I'm not gonna give up until you do this!"
There was nothing for Bug to do but agree.
"Fine," they sighed, nodding along reluctantly. "Not— not til later, though. He's busy, it's only midday."
"Whatever you say, scaredy cat."
It might have been somewhat an excuse, but the truth was Benny was busy during the day. He ran an entire casino, after all, though Bug still wasn't entirely sure of everything that entailed. So without much else to do they'd stayed in their room until the evening, too nervous to think about doing anything else and not quite in the mood for a walk in the burning sun.
Soon enough, though, it was late enough that the sun was beginning to set and the orange evening light was curling through the windows. Benny would be free by now, though of course they still didn't want to go talk to him about... That. Really didn't want to. But they knew if they didn't Yes Man would be disappointed in them, which was just slightly more undesirable than talking about feelings.
Poking out of their room a little revealed that Benny wasn't around any of the tables. This was about right; his normal routine, so far, seemed to include touching up during sunset before coming to check up on them. He really was attentive, and they were reasonably sure that if they just waited he'd show soon enough, but... well, if they were honest with themself, they'd probably just chicken out. Bug felt jittery already, and they weren't under any illusions about how nervous they were as a person.
So, without giving themself time to reconsider, they slipped up the stairs that led back up to his room. It wasn't quiet by any means, but it felt as though it was, like their heart had lept from their chest to in between their ears.
Though their composure was unsteady, it was a quick trip to reach his room once again.
And then they stood there. Just in front of the door, staring at it.
Bug's nerves were shot to bits, and they thought maybe they shouldn't have come here, that this whole thing was stupid anyways. They should just go back, and apologize to Yes Man for wasting his time, and—
Bug startled, and there he was— while they'd been lost in thought, Benny had evidently finished up and had opened the door, now looking down at them with a bemused smile. "Need something, honeypot? Or did you just miss my handsome face, hm?"
They shook their head with a fluster. "No! Uh, no." There was nothing more challenging than his manner of speech, and whether or not he knew it he was good at getting to them in a few little sentences.
Benny gave them one of those looks they couldn't decipher, tilting his head to the side and looking down at them questioningly. He leaned an arm against the doorframe, evidently content to wait and watch them stumble.
Bug cleared their throat, shifting from foot to foot. "Um... So, you're free right now, right?" They trailed off, trying to think of what to say.
"Yeah?" Benny prompted. "You wanna talk about somethin', sugar? We can go to mine or yours, baby." His expression hadn't changed, but his voice had dropped a couple degrees, making Bug feel just a little bit warmer.
"Um..." Their thought from earlier still stood— they were seconds away from giving up this whole topic already— and though Yes Man would be a room away, Benny had once mentioned the extensive soundproofing that surrounded that area. So, they supposed... "Can I— um, come in?"
He smiled— it scrunched his eyes in a way that was distinctly cute— and stepped back to gesture inside. "Always, kitten."
Bug entered the room and shut the door behind them, more than nervous despite their efforts to keep themselves calm. There were no windows here, and the light that was on was yellowed, giving the room a hazy sense. Benny put an arm around their shoulders and drew them close against his side as they walked further into the room. He moved to sit on the bed, patting the place next to him playfully. "You can sit by me if you want. Unless," He cocked his head, a mischievous glint in his dark, deeply brown eyes. "...you're too shy."
"I'm not shy," Bug said, though it came out with a higher pitch than they'd like. When they sat next to him, he wrapped his arm around them once more, pulling them close.
"You are," he laughed. "What do ya need, sugarplum?"
Bug flushed, feeling their cheeks begin to heat. They couldn't tell exactly why— it wasn't like it was anything new, Benny teasing them— but they found themselves suddenly unable to speak. His naturally affectionate nature was making this whole thing vastly unfair, Bug felt, but at the same time they didn't want to ask him to cut it out. Luckily, it was Benny who spoke first, leaning closer with a grin that struck them as oddly wolfish.
"C'mon, sweetheart, don't clam up on me! You can tell me any ring-a-ding thing you need, dig?" His hand left their shoulder to trail through their hair, his fingers gently carding through the soft strands and drawing a faint huff from them. "Just try your best, honeybun."
They blinked, dazed for a moment before finally forcing themself to focus. What had they wanted to talk about...? Oh. Right. Right! They took a deep breath, steadying their hands in their lap. "Um, I uh... I wanted to talk about... Um." The word tasted dry on their tongue, every little sound difficult to get out.
"Hmm?" Benny vocalized with a light smile playing on his lips. His clear amusement was annoying, in a cute sort of way— or maybe cute, in an annoying sort of way. Regardless it made them no less nervous, yet a little more stable, the way he conducted himself with such — there was no other word for it — silliness.
They sighed. "It's... Just embarrassing. And, I'm, I'm nervous, I guess."
"Oh yeah?" He leaned closer, almost nose to nose with them, a strange look of mischief flickering across his features. "Why's that?"
For some reason, being teased always made their stomach turn. Bug squirmed uncomfortably in their seat, feeling as though they'd been caught red handed in a lie. "It's nothing- nothing bad, I think," they stuttered, "but... it's kind of... I'm a little worried about how— how you might respond, is all."
A leisurely smirk graced his features at that. "Honeykitten, you wound me."
"I'm serious!" Bug said, though it was hard to seem as such with his hand still at home in their hair. Their eyebrows scrunched together, though Benny had an expression of playful enjoyment. Bug felt a small shiver run down their spine as he hummed softly, and when they looked away they could feel his warm breath tickling the skin underneath their ear.
"Is that so?"
Bug nodded, biting their lip anxiously as Benny began to draw circles with his thumb against their scalp. Why did he have to make this so difficult? Abruptly they realized their nerves were partly of losing this — physical touch was new, and nice — and felt just a little bit selfish. Whether it was due to wanting to keep this attention or to having feelings in the first place they couldn't tell, but there was a cold twist of emotion in their stomach even with the warmth beside them.
With that guilt, it made it a little easier to talk, their mouth a little less dry. The thought that saying something was 'the right thing to do' felt easier than if they were doing it under the pretense of expecting something in return. Like a testimony, almost. Perhaps that's why they call it a confession.
"Baby?" Benny said. He was amused, still, though a little concern edged his voice.
"It's just..." Bug threaded their fingers together and turned their eyes to their lap instead of him. Then they take another deep breath. "I — like y-you. Um. A lot."
Benny smiled, wide and genuine. "I know, pussycat."
"No, I mean— I, like you. Like, as in—"
He reached the hand not in their hair to nudge a finger under their chin. "I know, pussycat."
"What?" Bug asked, blinking owlishly as their brain reeled for a moment, trying to catch up to what he meant.
"Pumpkin," he said, "I thought I made my own sentiments real clear." His tone was teasing, and his grip on their chin tightened only slightly when Bug remained in surprised silence. "Are you gonna say somethin' or am I gonna have to pull your pretty head outta the clouds?"
"I don't — it's just!" Bug's face was warm in a frustrated fluster. "I'm not good at recognizing things like that!" They pouted, crossing their arms over their chest petulantly.
"I see that now, honey-baby," he said with a knowing smile. His hand then traced up their face from their chin to their cheek, cupping it with frustating softness. His presence was suffocating, though they mostly couldn't be upset with that... "Honest, sugar, I really thought you weren't sayin' nothing because you were still adjusting to things 'round here. Really!" He lowered his voice a little, lowering his gaze and staring earnestly into Bug's eyes. "You gotta understand, sweetheart, I can be real patient when I wanna be." He chuckled at Bug's annoyed look, squeezing their cheek lightly. "And if I had noticed it sooner, I wouldn't have— well, no, you're reactions are platinum, I woulda still teased you—"
"— but I would have at least been nicer about it, scouts honor! Now quit lookin' so sour about it, sourpuss." His voice was a gentle reprimand, though there was still a pleasant lilt of laughter in it.
Bug rolled their eyes, looking to the wall instead of to his glittering eyes. "Whatever," they said again. The fact that he'd been waiting for them to state the obvious was mortifying— they supposed this whole thing just proved Yes Man's point...
"Honeybunch," Benny said after a moment. "Come on, huh? You know I can't stand when my pussycat's upset... Let the Ben-man make it up to you, hey?"
Bug blushed fiercely, turning their face away and muttering unintelligibly.
"Hey, come on," Benny said, grinning broadly as he reached forward to tug at their ear. They jerked away and gave a muffled squeak of protest. He pulled his hands back, raising them in defence. "You don't want me to show you I'm sorry? Really, I'm repentant!" He put his palm to his chest dramatically and Bug giggled despite themself.
"I believe you," Mostly. "You don't have to, um, make it up to me."
"What if I want to?" He leaned forward again, this time resting his elbows on his knees and leaning towards them. Their heart beat quickly as they watched him, though their nerves seemed to worsen with every moment that passed. It was probably because his gaze on them was so intense, they thought; narrow and focused, just a little like he looked at a particularly high stakes game of poker. His hand touched their shoulder and they jumped, a little, heat spreading across their back. His smile widened ever so slightly, and he shifted closer, moving his free hand around to rest at the back of their neck.
"I don't — I mean—"
"Shh," Benny murmured, caressing their shoulder gently as he leaned a little bit onto them. His thumb brushed soothingly at the base of their neck. His eyes, Bug noticed distantly, seemed somehow darker. "I'm making it up to you."
Then, he kissed them. Soft and firm, like the hand on their shoulder, it sent a jolt of something through their body that they didn't quite realize was happening until it stopped almost as quickly as it started. When it did, Benny was already pulling away, eyes alight with amusement. "There we go, baby." He winked at them, mirth dancing across his features. "That better?"
Bug's breath left them in a long exhale; their skin was still tingling from where he'd been touching them. "Mhm," they whispered absently. Their eyes flicked to his lips and then darted away again, focusing intently on the carpet beneath their feet instead. When they looked back up Benny was smiling, a lazy, relaxed smile, his eyes half lidded in delight. Bug stared, unable to help themself.
"So..." Benny started. An arm snaked its way back across their shoulders — he really was touchy-feely.
"Now that we've got that little conversation out of the way," he said, "Sun's goin' down, sunshine. How's about we go back to your room and relax a little, hey? Put on a movie or something?"
They swallowed. "Okay, okay, just— no more messing with me, got it?"
Benny smiled — softly, gently — and very obviously placed a hand with fingers crossed behind his back. "Wouldn't dream of it, lovebug."
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mikkokomori · 2 years
ok so im thinking on making an omori au and i have a question- how did you come up with the headspace outfits for your omari outfit? like whats your thought process here
The first thing I thought about when coming up with designs for my au was what theme it would follow! So, while in the original game everyone's clothes followed the pajama theme, I decided for my own au to follow a semi-formal/formal theme.
There's also a special thing called looking up inspiration or references for how you want the outfits to look!! Not only that, but mashing up different things from said references or inspo can help as well!
Do remember that not every design will be perfect the moment you draw it for the first time though. It's good to come up with different variations of the outfit you want, that way you can take away or add on to it!
Another thing, which personally works for me best, is also thinking of how the outfit would also fit with the characters personality as well. An example is Aubrey! Her personality during the HS segments in the game along with some pre-game RW segments show us that Aubrey tends to like cute/pretty things, or anything pink (at least from what I can remember)! So I tried to see what I could come up with for her design by looking up outfits that were considered cute or perhaps had the color pink in it!
Of course most of the time I don't follow that, which is shown with Kel and Basil. For them, I usually tend to think about what would fit them without making it seem too out of character for them. Kel, I thought about giving him a more boyish look, which is were his jacket comes in to play. As for Basil, he seems like someone who would dress in an old-fashioned way sort of-- or the Victorian era boy style.
Some of them, such as Sunny and Hero are based off of how I think Mari would view them. Considering the fact we don't ever actually receive information about what Mari really thought about them besides the HS dialogue, I decided to do my own interpretation: Sunny is her little brother. Older siblings (or at least, from my personal experience) tend to view their younger siblings as cute or harmless! Therefore, Sunny is given an outfit that makes him appear soft or innocent. Hero also follows the same principal, though I don't exactly know how to explain it :') what I will say though is that he also follows the same design concept as the original Basil-- him looking differently than the others!
Putting yourself in the shoes of the characters can help as well. Rather than thinking about what you want them to wear, think about what they'd most likely go with when it comes to outfits. This is the method I used when it came to designing Hikkiko-- along with using the canon white dress Mari wore during the truth segments, though with some minor changes :]
So sorry for going on a rant on how I went along with everyone's designs!! But hopefully this was able to give you insight on how I did things.....
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clonehub · 1 year
Episode 8 of the bad batch
It just occurred to me they have neither a crawl nor a narrator.
Crosshairs voice is so 🥴 (derogatory)
See this is what they shouldve shown more of for wrecker: someone who actually displays the skills in his job. He's a demo expert but for the most part he fires a gun. I have my own hcs about wrecker primary and secondary and tertiary knowledge but do I trust the team to give wrecker that depth and firmly move him away from the lazy and racist writing of Big Muscle Small brain. No. But this moment w him and omega is cute bc it solidifies how close they are and I'm never against a big guy being friends w a kid.
"I'm not crazy" *annoying laugh*
"I failed my first disarming test too" adding that to the vault w the line "he's losing his touch"
Wreckers walk cycle here is so dbaknskajskss
So is that guy just dead?????
She ran all the way over there w that big ass gun 😭
Hunters armor doesn't seem v protective
Echo's sense of honor and duty is still so strong
I wonder how far they are from the bridge
Man I feel so bad for echo like this whole thing has been him a butting heads with the rest of the batch
"mlst likely" tech cmon
It's funny bc if this was on TV that would have been a commercial break
What do you mean they didn't see them come on 😭
Oh is this the episode where omega kills people and they just don't mention it
"aim for the kid" LMAOOOOO
Idk like. They're so ready to kill the clones but when it's a non clone they use stun blasts and I think it's been like that in every situation so far
Yeah I can't. Like this whole fight don't sit right w me the way wrecker is so brutal w the regs and throwing them off places and the regs are getting like pinned under debris
I wonder how they design these parts of the ship like is there already a Way These Work or do they just add what's necessary
Man don't interrupt techs info dump
Crosshairs yelling voice is not what I expected
Damn crosshair really finna roast them
I'm so sorry but echos delivery when
This is a more subtle arrangement of their theme which I appreciate
Crosshair being unlucky enough for his helmet to fall off lmao
Ouch omega going through all this w no armor
Oooh creepy. Poor 8508
"I'm not like other clones"
Banes got a good look to him here
This stand off was originally boba and bane I remember seeing the reel
This music has taken this episode from scary and kinda heartbreaking straight to camp of the corniest varieties like the tone of it is just too different
Wait it's working a little
This kinda annoys me that tbb can get shot in the chest and still live but literally no other clone but Rex (bc he's a MC) has that benefit
Crosshair w all these bandages 😭
They should show more HUD povs tbh
Tew be honiss.....tbb doesn't need to be a 16 episodes season. If they'd cut out nearly all the middle episodes that don't include crosshair or deal w the empire in some way it'd be tighter as a story since there was so much time dedicated to avoiding developing them. This is why ppl say the lacing felt a bit off, like in canon it really can't have been more than a few weeks at the most but the way it's being handled it's like crosshair disappeared and has been gone for so long he either never existed or the bad batch don't think about him anymore
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lex-n-weegie · 2 years
Have you ever thought about Monty and Waluigi picking you up (literally if you want them to) and taking you out for a round of mini golf? Both of them trying to impress you and outdo the other every turn, but making a point not to let the competition get to them because all they want is to see you smile?
Chica and Roxanne crash the party to hype you up and be your personal cheer leaders!
Maybe even...mysteriously...when you hit your ball and fall just short of the hole...theres a little nudge from something unseen? Nobody can really tell what it is, but just for a second, the ball sparkles with green and purple glitchy light,,,,
Meanwhile back at the daycare, Peachy and Sunny are baking you the cutest little cake
Chatting about all the things they like about you and giggling over cute stories of your time together!
Peachy starts to hum a tune and Sunny jumps right in with made up lyrics that make Peach laugh so much that she almost messes up the frosting
And then there's Freddy and Weegee! They're making the best pillow fort- no, pillow CASTLE youve ever laid eyes on. All the while Freddy is asking Luigi questions to make sure he'll be treating his little sister right. Of course, mister lime green passes with FLYING colors. Freddy really likes him and even though Luigi is shy and a little bit scared at first, they both become really close and are the first to jump to your defense if anything bad happens. I bet they'd even work together with some cool team moves!
Everyone loves you dearly and is working together to give you the best cheer up day EVER.
(I hope this made you smile at least a little bit sweet jestie)
I was saving your ask for last because I knew it'd kill me and wowie look I was right I'm dead on the floor
Tumblr media
"oh I hope this makes you smile 3:]" I hear your evil giggling. Trying to murder me like this how dare you /j
(rambles ahead whoops)
SERIOUSLY THO like. Gonna think about this for the rest of the day. I'm imagining Waluigi and Monty getting into cartoon like shenanigans to mess with each other during the game while I'm not looking. Like Monty somehow moving the whole whenever Waluigi does a swing, or Monty going for a swing when the golf ball randomly shatters upon impact with the club because of Waluigi. Chica's trying to gently get them to stop and Roxanne keeps distracting me so they can continue their shenanigans because she thinks it's hilarious djfkwnwxo
And that little sparkle 👀 I have a good idea of what, or rather, who it is (I've actually been thinking about him quite a bit, and idk if it's a friend thing or more but shhhh we don't talk about it :3). I love the visual of me winning though thanks to them and my boy's "fighting" and then being ready surprised I won haha
ALSO PEACH AND SUNNY. Ough. My lovelies. My squishies. Baking together. Imagine him being able to make Peach snort with laughter is making me happy and a little flustered because like. One them getting along and two,,,Peach snorting while laughing,,,♡
BIG BROTHER FREDDY AND HUBSBAND. FROTHING AT THE MOUTH. I actually like to think Luigi would get used to Freddy pretty quickly, probably because he loves robotics and inventing and would be fascinated with how human he was and his sleek design. Freddy himself would be fascinated with Luigi's adventures, through the mention of ghosts would probably make him feel a little on edge. Oh! Maybe Freddy would open his chest and let Luigi look at his mechanics and look at how he works! I bet Luigi would love to see. (Since they'd team up a lot, I wonder if they'd give themselves a little name? 🤔 Super Glamrocks? The Glamrock Brothers? The possibilities are funny haha)
I'm genuinely going to think about this all day, all the fun possibilities with my f/os (of all types) from Mario and Security Breach just hanging out. I partially feel like Mario would go nuts in fazerblast and would rule the game. Helpy would love to hang out with the Toads, especially Toadette as they both enjoy working and exploring. The Blob would feel at peace around the boos, shy guys, and dry bones and they'd all just sit together and hang out by being near each other. My lovely children from both worlds, Olive, Olivia, Glamrock BB and JJ, would get along amazingly and would pull so many smalls pranks and eat so much candy (thanks to two of the kids being waiters and having easy access to food). So many amazing possibilities and I'm going to think about it for hours.
Thank you so much Jestie, this helped me feel so much better about everything. I hope the day treats you well, and if it doesn't, me, King, and Moon will team up to make it better and murder kill beat up anyone who contributed to making it not good. The Queen of ghosts deserves a fantastic day and nothing less!! And I mean that, as a friend. You're such a kind, sweet person who deserves a really good cupcake and a cup of tea. Why don't you join me in the pillow castle of Marionette? Bring a plushie and a smile, we'd all love to have you ^^
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