alienejj · 2 months
Hi! If you don't mind random poetry book recs in your inbox, may I suggest "Spilled Milk" by Ives Phillips and "Spiral Bound" by Dessa?
i absolutely dont mind recs of any kind!! thank you so much for this ill definitely look into them when i can xx
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kawamagikr · 9 months
★ This is your sign to romanticize studying! make that pinterest board full of aesthetic pictures, buy all those cute washi tapes and decorate your notes. make studying fun ★
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lary-peacesthings · 8 months
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Beginning of semester classes!!
On Friday, the 25th, my 3rd semester officially started, I find it quite discouraging to start classes on a Friday, but this is not in my control.
It was great to meet my friends again, but I still felt very shy and introverted. I really need to improve this, I feel extremely sad for not being able to be myself with my friends who
|| 🇧🇷 Brasil ||
Início das aulas do semestre!!
Na sexta, dia 25, começou oficialmente o meu 3° semestre, acho bem desanimador começar as aulas em uma sexta-feira, mas isso não está sob meu controle.
Foi muito bom reencontrar os meu amigos, mas ainda me senti muito tímida e introvertida. Preciso muito melhorar isso, me sinto extremamente triste por não conseguir ser eu mesma com os meus amigos que eu convivo de segunda a sábado em período integral.
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peachblossomstudy · 2 years
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now results day has been and i can officially say that i didn’t fail year 13, i thought i’d put together some advice for new year 13s! i’m including a bit of everything so this is a bit of a long one, but i’d recommend giving it a read <3
ucas + personal statements
(these tips are mostly geared towards early applicants seen as this was what i did, but could also apply to non-early applicants)
start a first draft of your personal statement as soon as possible - personal statement deadlines will come thick and fast at the start of the school year, and writing it often takes quite a lot of time, so make sure to start well in advance
try and beat the deadlines - if your teachers have a deadline for handing in order to get feedback, the earlier you hand in your personal statement the quicker you can receive feedback and redraft
this also applies to your actual ucas application - your school has to check and send them, so to make sure you’re not stressing about it getting sent in time, try to  submit it well before the final deadline
think about whose feedback matters the most - if you get a lot of feedback from different sources (especially if some is conflicting) then think about whose is likely to be most useful - e.g. the school admissions officer is likely to know more about a good personal statement than your parent
fill out all the sections of your ucas application asap - this is more of me beating you over the head with starting things early, but i can’t say it enough or for too many things
check! every! section! before you submit - i’m talking double, triple and quadruple checking. then you won’t end up like me and accidentally applying to live at home while studying at a university a couple hundred miles away 
always ask your school admissions officers if there’s anything about your application that’s confusing. spending extra time double checking is better than submitting things incorrectly
on the subject of checking, do the same with your personal statement - it helps to have someone who’s not staring at it 24/7 read it as it will be easier for them to spot any grammatical error
a couple of oxbridge specific tips (from your local oxbridge reject lol):
if you have an admissions test (esp. for maths) and haven’t already started studying for it then for the love of god please start right now. i don’t mean to alarm, but the maths admissions tests are hard, and not starting early enough was what cost me a chance at a cambridge place
regarding personal statements, oxbridge generally don’t care about your extracurriculars - they would prefer to hear about supercurricular activities, e.g. extra subject reading and your thoughts on it, course relevant work experience
the rest (studying, coursework + misc) is going under the cut to save your dashboards, but please keep reading!
studying + revision
this is a reiteration from the year 12 tips, but is still one of my number 1 tips: if you have them, make good use of your frees. during year 13 there is always something you can being doing - making notes, doing homework, practice questions - and your frees are a perfect time to find a quiet place in school and get some work done
active revision > making notes - i loved making notes to support my later revision and as something reasonably productive to do when i didn’t feel like hardcore studying, active revision should always take precedence over notes. if you get to a point where you only have time to make notes or do active revision, stop making notes and start revising
active revision techniques include: practice questions (and marking them!), flashcards (challenging yourself to remember them rather than just reading them) and explaining concepts to others
spaced revision is one of the most effective ways to retain information, so try and plan out a way to revise as you go along
tied in with the above point is one i’ve always had in these advice posts: revise for your mocks like they’re the real thing! this gets you into the habit of revising, allows you some time to work out what works for you and what doesn’t, and also means you’ll already have a lot of revision of topics under your belt when it comes to your real exams
make a detailed revision plan - i’m planning on doing a separate post on this, but my main advice is to try and schedule each specific topic, rather than just time for each subject. this means you’ll have definitely covered everything you need to know, and you won’t be tempted to skip sessions because you haven’t got a clear plan
your teachers are there to help you - if you don’t understand something in a lesson or while revising, go and ask your teacher about it as soon as you can
(disclaimer - i only did computer science coursework, so these tips are very much based off that experience, but i’ve tried to keep them pretty general)
here i am sounding like a stuck record, but my top tip is to start as early as you can. i’ve harped on about it enough for you all to know the benefits of this, but it still needs saying
if your coursework requires you to choose an idea/project to pursue, try and spend some time really thinking of a idea you like and can hit all the marking points with - this saves you from changing your idea and having to start again further down the line
talking of marking, find the markscheme for your coursework and treat it like your bible - look at all the marking points for each section in the top band, and make sure your coursework explicitly has all of them
e.g. in computer science the top band requires decisions to be justified in your write up, so use sentences like ‘the justification for this is...’
set yourself intermediate deadlines - break down the large amount of time you have into smaller chunks and set yourself a deadline for each of the sections of your work
e.g. by 2 weeks in i will have settled on my idea, by 4 weeks in i will have done research (strange example, but it illustrates my point)
make sure you hand it in in the right format and with the right file name - ask your teacher to specify this
be prepared for it to get marked down in moderation - sadly the mark your teacher tells you may not actually be what you get, and it’s more common for coursework to be marked down than marked up
try to stay active as much as you can - exercise is great for shutting your brain off from worrying, and you shouldn’t stop all sport/activity for revision. you may need to cut down on the amount you do, or skip some sessions, but i found that keeping up with at least some rowing while i was revising really helped
it’s likely that you will experience some academic rejection over this year, and it will suck - try and prepare yourself to deal with disappointment, and really celebrate every success you have
year 13 is going to be hard, and busy, and stressful, so please try and be kind to yourself. there will be times when you’re too tired, or ill, or just not in the right headspace for work, and it’s completely ok to take a break and come back to everything when you’re feeling better
as i always say in these posts, but always bears repeating, ask for help if you need it! easier said than done, but we’re simply not made to go through everything alone, and there is no shame in getting help from a friend, a teacher, a parent, professionals or anyone else
if you’ve read this far, thank you so much and i hope this has been useful! my ask box and dms are always open to any questions or suggestions for other posts like this. good luck to all the new year 13s, you’re going to smash this 🥰
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cararmoatokki · 10 months
boa tarde?? (11h pra mim ja é de tarde kkk)
hoje tenho aula somente de noite e agora de tarde vou adiantar algumas coisas para o meu aniversário que está chegando (yayyy).
Estou muito ansiosa pra ficar velha e ter mais responsabilidades (ironia).
mas é isso... vocês vão estudar hj ou antecipar o final de semana?
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bystargiirl · 6 months
⚘ hi guys, i'm nic and this is my blog!!
oii gente, eu sou a nic e esse é o meu vlog!
sobre mim: 17 anos, brasileira, eu estudo inglês, estou no e.m, no futuro eu pretendo aplicar para medicina ou moda.
about me: 17y, brazilian, I study english, I attend high school , i want to apply for medicine or fashion in the future.
minha conta: eu pretendo falar sobre rotinas de estudo, dicas, artigos sobre moda e coisas que eu gosto, vida saudável e etc!!!
my acc: I intend to talk about the things I like , routine, blog, healthy life, threads and more.
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study-nights · 2 years
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// it’s ridiculously hot and I couldn’t stay in my apartment any longer so I went to ikea to study! Lol. I also had to get stuff but it was fun studying in a different place! Also u can get as many refills as u want! I drank so much limo and coffee today xD
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mabinunes · 1 year
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16.11.2022 - an extremely productive day. i went to the doctor, accompanied my father to work, studied, and spent the day with my family.
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ilivsm · 1 year
a organização para um novo ano…
é mais difícil do que parece
pra mim nunca é só fazer um checklist/ bucketlist de coisas que eu quero alcançar pro próximo ano; todas essas metas são algo que eu penso quase o tempo todo. conheci uma pessoa que diz que tem a “síndrome do pensamento acelerado”, e talvez eu tenha isso também: não consigo parar de pensar nas coisas que preciso fazer, e ainda mais hj na época de tecnologia e informações que vêm constantemente até a gente… parece que o meu cérebro vive cheio de informações que não consigo controlar
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então nesses momentos de ócio eu começo a pensar “o que vou fazer essa semana?” e agora penso “o que vou fazer próximo ano?” Parece coisa de doido pensar logo tão cedo -porém, quando há um projeto tão grande e importante o qual venho pensando há quase 5/6 anos… é aceitável ter medo e querer fazer que tudo saia perfeito
então lá fui eu fazer minha lista, ou melhor, um cronograma do que resolver na última semana de 2022 e minhas metas para 2023: ter organização, continuar com os estudos da faculdade e inglês priorizar isso, revisar os livros que preciso e publicá-los sem interrupções
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você não pode controlar a sua vida e eu não posso controlar a minha. as coisas acontecem por acaso e pode ser que eu me atrapalhe, e apesar disso não me arrependo de tentar controlar tudo, de tentar ter uma estabilidade pra acalmar os nervos (tô até parecendo uma certa personagem minha(até demais))
enfim, são muitas coisas. espero não surtar demais em 2023 (e eu vou). serão projetos grandes e desgastantes, e conciliar isso com a vida e estudos não vai ser fácil. no fim do dia, pelo menos, lembro que amo o que faço e que sou muito grata por estudar e escrever sobre o que gosto. vai ser um ano proveitoso!
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lilttlemary · 1 year
Meu notion finalmente pronto, depois de quase 2 horas mexendo.
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studywav · 1 year
🖇 #study #studybr
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kawamagikr · 9 months
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Today's studies were a revision of consonant, vowels and the basics of batchim! i feel more confident on my reading abilities but i still have to work a lot on pronounciation (and hangul in general.)
i used Mrs Vicky's video to study, and using a post it to add little notes to my already made notes. also my username written using hangul is 가와마기 (fun fact: it comes from the word 까마귀, meaning crow. that's bc i really love crows, so i took the korean romanization and changed it around.)
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well, we meant to post updates throughout February but we didn't actually end up studying much. we got covid and things have been kind of chaotic, but we're doing a bit better now at least.
we did spend a lot of time on iNaturalist both identifying things and annotating observations which has been fun and lead to us learning to identify a couple of new butterfly and moth species. I need to make some notes about them at some point.
it'd be nice to get back into soing some regular language study sessions again soon, but I guess we'll see how we end up feeling because we've not had a lot of motivation for it lately
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maganne-studies · 6 months
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|| Nov. 9 2023 ||
This semester's been going well so far 💕 📙 🖊✅️
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esotericandmacabre · 8 months
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September 8, 2023
Week three has concluded. Social pursuits for this weekend include a few study groups and a barn dance. While I am sure these endeavors are ultimately to my advantage, I still find myself rankling at the time lost considering how rarely I've found myself alone this past week. My brain is revolting at the constant stimulation and I would much rather be spending my time in my quiet little apartment. The charm of the space appeals to me still, but the vacant lofts in the buildings across the street are more unnerving than I had expected them to be. The empty windows give the impression that although I cannot see them, they can see me. Until next week.
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cararmoatokki · 10 months
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estudando para as últimas avaliações. já estou cansada desse período... 😭
studying for the last activities. i'm already tired of this semester... 😭
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