#stray kids imagines br
nyukyugarden · 11 months
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Avisos: arranhões de gatinhos, carinho extremo, uso excessivo de apelidos carinhos, um Minho completamente estressadinho e sonolento.
•*¨*•.¸¸♪♪¸¸.•*¨*•.゚・*:.。*:゚・♡ *:゚・。..•*¨*•.¸¸♪♪¸¸.•*¨*•
Após uma tarde cheia de abraços, beijos, carinhos, conversas paralelas e tudo mais que o seu namorado precisava para finalmente ficar tranquilo após tanto estresse durante a semana de promoções, mas agora ele estava no melhor lugar do mundo pra ele: o seu abraço.
Quando a noite caiu, nem você e nem Minho aguentavam assistir mais um único episódio de Chainsaw Man, por mais que a trama estivesse interessante o sono falavam mais alto. Demorou um pouco antes que você se desse conta de que estavam dormindo no sofá, mas quando isso aconteceu você acordou assustada pronta para empurrar Minho pro quarto, mas quando se deparou com a cena dele dormindo serenamente em seu peito com soonie nos braços, o seu coração derreteu completamente e você decidiu agir de maneira serena com ele.
"amor, acorda... Vamo' pra cama vamo, se não você vai ficar com a coluna toda torta e eu também" você sussurrou no ouvido de Minho que respondeu rapidamente com um murmurinho.
Rapidamente você viu ele acordando desorientado, te olhando com aqueles olhinhos confusos e fundinhos por ter acabado de acordar. Você levou a mão até os fiozinhos dele que estavam longos e começou a acariciá-los calmamente deixando um selar na testa dele.
Minho demorou um tempinho, mas logo ficou um pouco mais disperso, pegou soonie no colo, se levantou enrolado na coberta e te esperou. Você apenas riu com a cena adorável, desligou a televisão e acompanhou o namorado até o quarto do casal, percebendo que doongie seguia vocês até o quarto.
Enquanto vocês caminhavam pelo corredor em direção ao quarto, Dori, a gata travessa, observava a cena de longe. Ela era conhecida por suas brincadeiras e, às vezes, um pouco de rebeldia felina. Curiosa e cheia de energia, Dori tinha suas próprias ideias de diversão.
Enquanto você e Minho se deitavam na cama, abraçados e prontos para dormir, Dori estava planejando algo travesso. Assim que a madrugada caiu, Dori caminhou, aproveitando a escuridão da noite e a tranquilidade reinante por você a Minho estarem já no décimo quinto sono, a gatinha decidiu que era hora de fazer uma entrada triunfal.
Com passos furtivos, Dori se aproximou silenciosamente da cama. Seus olhos amarelos brilhavam com a empolgação, enquanto sua cauda balançava de um lado para o outro. Com um salto gracioso, ela subiu na cama, aproximando-se do rosto de Minho, que dormia como um anjinho, enquanto você no mesmo estado que ele mas agarrada a cintura do mesmo.
E então aconteceu. Dori, movida pelo impulso de suas garras afiadas e a sede por atenção, estendeu a pata e arranhou suavemente o rosto de Minho. O susto foi instantâneo, e Minho acordou assustado, levando a mão ao local do arranhão, mas não acabou por aí. Dori não satisfeita em ter assustado o dono, deu outra patada na cara de Minho que deu um pulo e se afastou de você, tentando sair do radar de Dori
Com os olhos arregalados, Minho encarou Dori, que parecia satisfeita com sua "conquista". A gata soltou um miado de desculpas, como se dissesse: "Desculpe, não resisti!".
Você não conseguiu conter a risada ao testemunhar essa cena inesperada. Minho, por sua vez, esfregou o rosto com cuidado, ainda atônito com o ocorrido.
Dori, percebendo a diversão que causou, pulou da cama com uma agilidade incrível e saiu correndo do quarto. Minho olhou para você, ainda tentando entender o que acabara de acontecer, e depois soltou uma risada contagiante.
"Essa gatinha é uma encrenqueira, não é mesmo? Eu adotei, dei comida da melhor do mercado, comprei brinquedo, casinha e tudo! E é assim que você me agradece?" ele comentou dramático, choramingando mas num tom menor divertido.
"Calma amor, você deveria ser mais compreensivo com ela poxa! Ela só tá querendo um pouco de atenção e ela é a caçula olha" Você comentou não conseguindo parar de rir, mas chegando perto de Minho e deixando beijinhos pelo rosto dele que só conseguiu fazer um bico nos lábios.
Vocês dois compartilharam um momento de risadas e brincadeiras, enquanto Minho acariciava o rosto e você acalmava a cena engraçada. E assim, a madrugada continuou com sorrisos e carinho, graças à travessura inesperada de Dori.
•*¨*•.¸¸♪♪¸¸.•*¨*•.゚・*:.。*:゚・♡ *:゚・。..•*¨*•.¸¸♪♪¸¸.•*¨*•
Desculpa a escrita péssima, eu juro que vou melhorar hein galera.
Aliás eu me inspirei nesse vídeo aqui de baixo pra escrever isso
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nonuwhore · 11 months
34 + 39 com o bangchan!!!
Eu amo a ideia dele sendo um boboca quando ta com crush e falando umas vergonhas. Tambem amo a ideia de ele ser mais confiante na cama, só que um poço de nervos as vezes.
O cenario é com voce mas eu poderia pedir uma personagem negra de cabelo crespo, se as características forem citadas.
Eu amo sua escrita!! Feliz um ano!!!
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34. “Vou te beijar agora e se você não quiser é só dar um soco na minha cara.” + 39. “Você é muito cheirosa/cheiroso.” “Obrigada?”  contém: quase um friends to lovers; um pouquinho de angst; a leitora é descrita com características de uma mulher negra, mas acredito que qualquer uma possa se identificar; chan é um criminoso. o crime é amar demais; smut: fingering (f); linguagem vulgar; dry humping; menção a chupões.  contagem de palavras: 2k nota da autora: o tanto que eu tava animada pra escrever esse pedido!!!!! como mulher negra eu me senti realizada escrevendo, sério, espero que esse cenário atinja outras leitoras como nós. muito obrigada por participar do evento <3
Era a quarta vez desde que Chan começou a fazer parte do grupo das suas amigas que ele reclamava sobre uma garota.
“Que cara é essa?”, você perguntou empurrando o ombro dele carinhosamente. “Deixa eu adivinhar, mulher?”
“Como você sabe?”, respondeu, resignado, enquanto puxava a touca preta para cima e revelava os cabelos em um emaranhado. Tentou organizar os fios os separando com os dedos, mas desistiu, colocando a touca mais uma vez.
“Sempre que você tá com essa cara é mulher. É um padrão.”, você o encarou enquanto ele encarava horizonte atrás de você, observando o sol se pôr pela janela ampla que revelava a rua movimentada e o alaranjado virar um azul escuro, denso e profundo. “É a mesma da outra vez?”
“Não? E qual é o problema dessa vez?”
“O mesmo da outra.”
“É sério, essa também tem um relacionamento aberto e só me disse depois que a gente já tinha saído várias vezes.”
“Pois é”, ele bebericou o café sem tirar os olhos do vidro, e se silenciou.
Vocês não tinham tanta intimidade assim. Acabou de você ficar sabendo de todas essas histórias porque você sempre estava lá quando ele contava para a melhor amiga dele, que também era a sua. Chan havia se mudado há alguns meses e não conhecendo ninguém na cidade, estava sempre com vocês. Sempre. Exceto quando estava sendo feito de gato e sapato por alguma garota, o que era todas as outras vezes. Chan era um cara legal, muito bonito e extremamente carinhoso e atencioso, mas você pessoalmente ainda precisava ver mais dele para deixá-lo entrar na sua vida de fato, já que a maioria das vezes que vocês conversavam era junto do grupo. Hoje era a primeira vez que vocês ficavam completamente sozinhos, e isso só tinha acontecido porque ele acabara de terminar o turno dele e você esperava para começar o seu. Você podia dizer que gostava dele, principalmente depois do dia em que ele te acompanhou até em casa enquanto você passava mal, mesmo que isso significasse atravessar a cidade porque vocês moravam em direções completamente opostas.
“Você deve me achar um trouxa, né?”
A pergunta te atingiu em cheio e sua expressão não foi a mais amigável possível. “Eu? Claro que não! Por que eu acharia isso?”
“Porque eu sou”, respondeu, dando de ombros. Apesar da sequência de foras, você nunca tinha o visto tão… Decepcionado. Ele sempre era animado e brincalhão, e fazia piada até desses acontecimentos, mas dessa vez você achava que, seja lá o que tivesse acontecido, tinha mexido com ele de uma forma diferente.
Você segurou a mão dele por cima da mesa. Chan finalmente te olhou e você assistiu os olhos escuros e tensos se tornarem mais suaves. Ele encarou seus dedos segurando parcialmente os dele e o conforto que eles transmitiam mesmo estando tão mal encaixados, para segundos depois segurá-los com mais força, observando como você se arrumou na cadeira, sem intenção nenhuma de largá-lo, retribuindo o aperto. “Você não é o problema, cara, eu pelo menos não acho que seja. Quando uma pessoa boa é ferida porque fez o bem ela não é a errada, e sim o contrário”, afirmou, com as sobrancelhas levantadas como sempre fazia quando colocava sua opinião. Ele achava fofo. “Você só precisa parar de se envolver com casada!”, sua piada o fez dar um sorriso de lado, que revelava um covinha tímida e se transformou em um sorriso aberto que fazia os olhos dele se fecharem também gradativamente. Você olhou mais uma vez a mão dele entrelaçada na sua observando contraste entre as suas peles e seu coração fez um movimento peculiar.  
“Agora vai pra casa, eu tenho que trabalhar”, sua gerente te olhava de canto de olho enquanto olhava também para o relógio. “A gente se vê amanhã.”
“Eu tô de folga amanhã.”
“Também?”, ele assentiu, pegando o casaco e a mochila, e antes de ir, beijou sua bochecha com um selar demorado. Você sentiu seu corpo se aquecer com o toque dele, apesar de lá fora fazer menos de dois dígitos de temperatura, e pensou como alguém poderia ser tão cruel com um ser tão… Qual era o adjetivo que você pretendia usar? O que Bang Chan era pra você que havia tanta dificuldade em defini-lo?  
Quando seu turno terminou às 23h, e como mais ninguém saia nesse horário, você sempre deixava o café como um tiro em direção a estação de metrô, mas dessa vez algo te impediu. Do outro lado da avenida, sentado em um bar, olhando o celular com uma concentração inabalável, você avistou Chan. Atravessou o farol com uma pequena corrida e caminhou rapidamente até a mesa que ele estava sentado.
“Por que você não tá em casa?”, ele demorou para levantar os olhos e identificar que você era você, mas quando o fez, um sorriso cansado e animado surgiu no rosto sério.
“‘Tava assistindo um filme pelo TikTok, você sabia que dá pra fazer isso? Óbvio, você precisa assistir em várias partes, mas também sempre tem uma narração em cima que te ajuda-”, Chan tagarelava sem parar, sendo o Chan de sempre, mas essa não era a resposta que você queria.
“Por que você ‘tá assistindo um filme pelo TikTok em um bar que nosso salário não paga em vez de estar em casa, Bang Chan?”, seu tom imperativo e os braços em riste em posição de ataque sempre pegavam ele de jeito.
“Eu marquei com aquela menina aqui, mas ela não veio”, o tom de naturalidade dele fez seu sangue ferver.
“Que filha da puta!”
Ele fez uma careta e levantou os ombros sem fazer questão do assunto enquanto matava o último gole de cerveja.
“Você tá bem? Quanto você bebeu?”, você abaixou o rosto na altura do dele, tentando encontrar algum sinal de embriaguez, mas principalmente preocupada com o comportamento inusitado dele. Já Chan conseguiu observar o formato da sua boca, seu pescoço a mostra pelo cabelo crespo preso em um coque e como você era ainda mais bonita de perto com a luz da lua iluminando a sua pele.
“Literalmente uma garrafa, você foi bastante precisa quando disse que esse bar não é pra gente. Nossa, você é muito cheirosa.”
“Obrigada?”, você respondeu, pega desprevenida mais um vez e apenas depois de responder percebeu que aquilo era um elogio. Suas bochechas arderam e você as apalpou, tentando entender se algo tinha te acertado.
“Vem, vou te levar pra casa”, disse passando o braço ao redor do seu pescoço e começou a caminhar em direção ao transporte público.
Vocês terminaram de ver o filme que Chan assistia pelo Youtube, e ele fez questão que fosse um compilado do TikTok, porque a narração era parte importante da obra. 
“Foi uma experiência, isso eu não posso negar”, você admitiu, colocando o balde de pipoca vazio no móvel onde a TV estava agora desligada. Ele segurava a unha entre os dentes, sorrindo sem motivo, enquanto te observava sentar ao lado dele no sofá. “Que foi? Você tá muito felizinho pra quem tomou um pé na bunda.”
“Nada não”, ele abriu o zíper do casaco até a metade do peito e cruzou os braços, parecendo que precisava contar alguma coisa urgentemente. “A gente nunca ficou tanto tempo sozinho, né? Sempre tem tanta gente e um monte de coisas acontecendo ao mesmo tempo.”
Você o olhou, desconfiada. “Tem certeza que você só bebeu uma garrafa? O efeito tá demorando passar…”, antes que você terminasse ele chamou seu nome, em um tom baixo e grave e você sentiu os pelos da sua nuca reagirem, mais pelo jeito como a palavra saiu da boca dele, como se de fato ele precisasse te contar um segredo e esse segredo fosse mudar a história da sua vida, do que pelo tom que ele usou. Como se seu nome fosse um feitiço, que dito por ele, não te daria chance de escapar. 
Seu corpo ficou paralisando assistindo Chan chegar mais perto de você, mais perto até que prendesse os dedos dele nos seus como você tinha feito mais cedo e os rostos estivessem tão próximos que você conseguia sentir o hálito quente na sua própria boca. “Vou te beijar agora e se você não quiser é só dar um soco na minha cara.” 
Droga, você nem tinha dúvidas. Só fechou os olhos e sentiu a boca dele grudar na sua com traço de pressa, mas com tanta delicadeza e destreza que apertar a mão dele parecia ser a única forma de pedir para que ele não parasse, porque seu cérebro não funcionava mais. Bang Chan sempre foi assim? Quente? Macio? Cheiroso? Sua cabeça estava em negação todo esse tempo e não conseguia ver que ele era assim?
Segurou sua nuca, puxando sua boca e todo o resto do seu corpo para mais perto enquanto suas mãos encontraram o pescoço dele, se apoiando e impedindo caso ele parasse de sugar os lábios do jeito que fazia, retribuindo os movimentos em um silêncio sucral, e quando ele parou por um segundo sua boca se impulsionou para frente, procurando a dele. “Vou entender isso como sim”, Chan te avisou, enquanto deslizava o nariz no seu, “Porque sua boca… Não consigo parar”, concluiu antes de beijar canto dela e devorá-la de novo, deitando sobre você pouco a pouco e notando que você terminava de descer o zíper do moletom dele.
Você precisava tocar ele, sentir mais do calor na sua pele, já que os lábios dele brincando com seus, a língua circulando a sua e o jeito ele te segurava não era suficiente. Chan gemeu baixinho quando seu joelho se levantou um pouco e topou com o volume entre as pernas dele. Quando você percebeu o que havia tocado, tudo que conseguiu fazer foi gemer de volta, sentido seu próprio canal se retrair contra o vazio. “Droga…”, você xingou quando ele parou para olhar seu rosto anuviado, mesmo com os olhos fechados. “Isso foi..?”
“Foi”, sem pensar em nada, Chan beijou seu pescoço, demoradamente, e fez o mesmo com toda a pele dessa região. Sentia sua respiração ficar mais descompassada a cada vez que ele descia mais os selares. “Eu não ‘tava brincando quando disse que você é cheirosa. Cheirosa pra caralho.”
“Chan”, ele olhou para cima e encontrou seus olhos vidrados nele.
“Diz”, ele sabia o que você queria. Conseguia ver como você apertava suas pernas uma contra a outra, procurando por atrito e não querendo te provocar, mas precisando também te sentir, apertou sua cintura por cima da roupa, descendo até os seus quadris.
“Eu…”, sua voz falhou, parecendo um miado assustado que ele achou tão excitante. “Porra, não brinca comigo”, seu olhar vibrante o fez perceber que era impossivel resistir a qualquer coisa que você fizesse. Te beijou de novo, levando o próprio joelho agora ao centro das suas coxas e sentindo como você automaticamente passou a se roçar contra ele, com o corpo mole, mas necessitada de um pouco de pressão ali, que ele começou a aplicar ao mesmo tempo que apertava seu peito. Beijou seu pescoço de novo, beijos de boca aberta que deixariam no mínimo uma manchinha na sua pele negra cintilante, mas que não parecia um problema para você, já que sempre que os dentes roçavam nela, você esfregava com mais força na perna dele.
“Me diz que você tá tão molhada quanto eu”, perguntou, sentindo o líquido pré gozo colar na cueca.
“Quer confirmar?”, Chan te olhou no mesmo momento e você sorriu, disfarçando o constrangimento. Você nunca tinha o visto sorrir com tantos dentes. Os dedos foram no cós da sua calça, abrindo com cuidado, e mergulhando para dentro, encontrou prontamente uma pocinha no lugar. Você segurou o ar, apesar dele quase não ter te tocado, e quando ele o fez, usando dois dedos para explorar os lábios encharcados, você soltou o pulmão com a mesma intensidade. Gemeu, alucinada, quando ele circulou sua entrada, ameaçando adentrá-la, mas não o fez.
“Eu posso-”
“Por favor, por favor”, sua mão segurou os cabelos da nuca dele, se preparando para o pior. Chan inseriu lentamente as digitais, olhando sua boca se abrir e não emitir nenhum som, mas sentido que sua cintura continuava indo em direção a palma dele. A imagem o fez friccionar o membro apertado dentro da calça na sua perna, imaginando com você o receberia ali, tão quente e molhada. 
Cada vez que Chan movimentava os dedos e atingia uma parte ainda mais sensível, você se contraia espontaneamente, como se ele tivesse encontrado o botão certo no lugar certo. “Promete pra mim que você vai fazer isso quando eu estiver te fudendo. Por favor, não desperdiça essa habilidade nos meus dedos….” 
Você riu, completamente aérea e riu mais forte imaginando o que ele disse. “Chan… O que a gente tá fazendo?”
“Não sei, mas não acredito que você se escondeu esse tempo todo de mim.”
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yutassimp · 1 month
Olá :D
Talvez a maioria de vocês me conheça pelo meu blog do BTS, e se for mesmo o caso oi de novo amorzinho rs, mas para quem não me conhece ainda eu sou a Maka!
Fiz esse blog aqui para poder escrever sobre grupos além do Bangtan, mas deixar separado por questões de organização própria mesmo (lá já escrevo sobre eles há muito tempo e não quero misturar, sou perfeccionista demais pra isso). Não vou abandonar lá, é óbvio, ainda estou seguindo minha lista de pedidos inacabavel, mas também sinto muita vontade de escrever sobre outros grupos dos quais sou stan então cá estamos nós!
Seventeen (♡)
Tomorrow X Togheter (♡)
P1harmony (não escrevo smut com o Soul e o Seob !!) (♡)
Ateez (♡)
NCT127 (♡)
NCT Dream
Monsta X (♡)
Riize (não escrevo smut com o Anton !!)
Stray Kids
Enhypen (não escrevo smut com o Jungwon e o Niki !!)
Black Pink
Além dos grupos posso também escrever sobre essas duas bandas:
The Rose (♡)
Xdinary Heroes
~ Caso tenha mais algum artista que não esteja na lista, me pergunte, talvez eu tenha apenas esquecido mesmo (caso contrario eu lhe aviso que não o conheço o suficiente ^-^)
~ Os meus grupos UTTS estão marcados com (♡), então a qualidade dos posts para estes provavelmente será melhor por eu conhecer os membros melhor!!
~ Eu não escrevo smut com integrantes que são mais novos que eu por não me sentir confortável fazendo isso, mesmo que já sejam maiores de idade :)
𝕋𝕚𝕡𝕠𝕤 𝕕𝕖 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥:
Reactions (podem ser mais curtas ou mais desenvolvidas)
Scenarios (feita em tópicos)
Imagines (mais longos e desenvolvidos)
Fake chats (mensagens de texto)
Domestic!grupo escolhido (pequenos imagines de cenários do cotidiano)
~ Caso tenha mais algum tipo de post que não esteja aqui, pode me mandar, e eu farei o meu melhor para cumpri-lo!
~ Ás vezes eu posso acabar mudando o tipo do post caso o tema que pedir não se encaixe bem, sinto muito por isso, mas é para não ficar ruim!
𝓡𝓮𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓼 𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓼:
▪︎ Por favor, seja respeitose !! ~ Eu escrevo tudo aqui de coração, e por hobbie! Então se puder mandar os pedidos de forma educada, é também ser compreensível com minhas possíveis demoras para post, eh agradeço!
▪︎ Alguns temas eu não irei escrever sobre, por não me sentir bem !! ~ Alguns deles são traição, abuso sexual, violência doméstica, entre outros; também posso sempre não aceitar pedidos por não me agradar com o tema!
▪︎ Sempre que possível, especifique o gênero que gostaria que fosse escrito (feminino/masculino/neutro) !! ~ Caso não o faça eu irei escolher o que eu desejar k
Isso é tudo!! Espero que goste dos posts, e se for necessário, não hesite em me mandar mensagem!
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jung-koookie · 4 months
PT-BR & INGLÊS | ela/elu | 16/17
₊ ⊹ Me
°•✾° ━━ Que saudades de vocês! Quem diria que eu voltaria novamente depois de 4 anos?! Bom, agora eu estou nessa conta, infelizmente minha conta anterior foi banida e eu não consegui retorná-la, estava quase 5000K 😭 Que ódio viu. Mas eu espero que vocês também dão valor a essa conta. Por favor! Sejam bem-vindos à minha pequena plataforma! Onde vocês encontram todos os meus reactions, imagines, oneshorts, etc e um pouquinho, somente um pouquinho sobre a mim! 🌷💐
eu sou a Anny com 16 aninhos e farei 17 ainda esse ano. Pronomes são ela/dela ou elu/delu! Tanto faz.
°•✾° ━━ BTS, NCT, STRAY KIDS, BLACKPINK, TWICE e AESPA são apenas alguns dos infinitos grupos para os quais eu escrevo. mas existem vários, uma infinita porção outras coisas que escrevi sem ser Kpop! Exemplo, personagens de: Filmes, Séries, Animes, Doramas, Celebridades, Atores/Atrizes e etc.
pedidos abertos !
PS: Não escrevo nada que envolva violência física, psicológica, transtornos psicológicos, abusos, assédios, crimes, dentro outros!! Assim, como existem algumas coisas com as quais não me sinto confortável escrevendo. Nada que envolva rape play ou animal play, o restante a gente vai se acertando se eu não estiver desconfortável.
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
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Task Eleven → Intro & Connections
Patrick Patterson
Character Information*
The Basics*
FULL NAME: patrick patterson
GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/him
AGE: thirty-three
OCCUPATION: bartender @ mount olympus member of hayden bodaways mob, third in command
FACECLAIM: adam driver
PETS: none - he can barely look after himself
The Personality*
+ Loyal, Efficient, Obedient - Anxious, Short-Tempered, Mischievous
patrick is someone that can’t hide his emotions. It became a running joke that he could only feel one emotion at a time since whatever emotion he felt seemed to completely overwhelm him. he’s not the most intelligent person, in fact, in his own opinion his brother got all the good genes and all the leftover ones were left for him. he’s tall and has a default facial expression that can be daunting and intimidating to others but he is a big softie on the inside. patrick is awkward and incredibly anxious about a lot of things and that is a main factor to why he  prefers to stay in the background, leaving his brother to take the lead out of them both.
patrick is a dumb dumb. he’s not great at identifying what people need in terms of care but he tries his best and that really shows. he only tries when he’s around people he cares about. patrick is selective of who he cares about, he’s been burned before. he keeps his circle small to his family/extended family. if someone’s in need and it’s an emergency, it’s probably not patrick you want to call for.
Additional Notes*
hates technology
there’s a running scoreboard in mount olympus of ‘patrick vs technology’ the technology is winning by a long mile
sandwich enthusiast - basically lives off them
clumsy af 
he’s. kinda. just. there. like a stray cat. or a big plant.
Random Quirks*
known for spraying people with the water hose in the bar if they’re annoying him 
a genius at maths but can’t articulate his thoughts for shit
banned from yoga class because mrs hasagawa said that she’s seem more grace in a piece of wet spaghetti
Wanted Connections*
work colleagues - @henrikhera @ritasaysrelax @paxtonpatterson
ex’s - ended on good or bad terms, lingering feelings, on again & off again
childhood friends - since hayden took him in
will they, won’t they
first love
Wanted Plots / Plot Ideas*
fake girlfriend because I saw what lengths my mum went to to set up my brother and i don’t want that to happen to me. it started out as a joke. patrick invited muse b to one of their family’s formal dinner parties to get their relatives off of their case. so many business opportunities to talk about, but somehow, a young adult’s love-life was much more interesting. muse b agreed to it, having grown up in a much poorer setting, just to see what it was like. the first party that they attended together, muse a found much more interesting than any had ever before, all of the attention taken off from them. muse b found it to as amazing as they imagined. they fit in naturally in the setting, creating avid conversation with all around. after that, a pact was made. patrick and muse b would be formal dates to these parties in each event. but what happens when an act begins to slip into reality?
romeo & juliet (mob version) - they’re involved in the mob on opposing sides. they meet on a mission or are sent to wipe the other out, safe to say that doesn’t happen. they sneak around to avoid being caught, drama and angst ensues
patrick ends up getting a room-mate and they continuously keep getting into awkward situations between the two like, he walks in on her in the shower or she walks in on him half naked and it just keeps getting super super awkward between the two and you can just feel the tension between the two
Taken Connections*
parental figures - @haydenbodaway and @itspersephxne - hayden took patrick and paxton in when they were kids & saved patricks life. the patterson brothers seen hayden as their dad since then and hayden eventually adopted them officially. persephone came into their lives when she met hayden and they struck up a relationship. she’s kind, sweet and has a lot of motherly tendencies - especially when looking out for patrick who is the younger of the pattersons. persephone has become a mother figure to the pattersons and patrick has no doubt that it’s only a matter of time until it’s official, expecially with hayden and persephone now expecting twins.
boss - @haydenbodaway - when patrick first met hayden properly he know there and then what the phrase ‘fear of god’ really meant. despite being his dad, hayden checks that title at the door and when they’re in a workplace environment, it’s strictly boss and employee in both bar and mob. the mob is a secret in town and patrick is third in command after hayden and paxton. he knows hayden is prepping paxton to take over the mob one day and patrick is relieved that he doesn’t have to deal with that responsibility.
brother - @paxtonpatterson - patrick’s big brother. the boys lost their parents when they were young and they have been fending for themselves ever since. his brother is the only one that he feels like he can rely on and as the younger of the two brothers, patrick looks up to paxton and admires his brother massively. paxton can do no wrong in patrick’s eyes and patrick follows him blindly into whatever situation his brother gets involved in. He truly believes that his brother knows what’s best for them.
ex - @sweetellafontaine - ella and patricks relationship has become a complicated one. ella is hayden’s goddaughter. patrick and ella were good friends and patrick looked out for ella, eventually ella had confessed feelings for him and after what felt like forever he finally opened up and confessed the same. it wasn’t long after that things had fallen apart, he had fallen out of favour and they split up. patrick took this hard as ella had encouraged him to open up. it was the first time he had really opened up to someone only for them to decide it wasn’t for them. it was a harsh blow. he knows it’s not ella’s fault, but it’s hard to not feel a sting at that. 
brother’s girlfriend whatever the hell is going on - @themanagerisavampirex - and patrick thought he was the stupid one. jesus christ. watching nani and paxton skate around their obvious feelings has patrick wanting to scream. no only is it a harsh reminder he’s likely to be forever alone, but it’s the first time he’s seen his brother genuinely happy. paxton was always so angry and deliberatly drows himself in a sea of work (both the bar and mob) but nani has managed to pull him up for air. patrick honest to god likes seeing his brother happy, he forgot what his brothers laugh sounded like until nani came along. he’s just worried about how nani will react when paxton tells her other work/not bar related news. 
cousin - @henrikhera - sunspot. hayden dislikes henrik because he’s his brother’s son but patrick doesn’t mind the guy. he thinks it’s cool that henrik stood up to his parents and started dating @magicalterencegold even thought he knew how they would react. he respects henrik for that. 
uncle - @aresolympia - hayden’s brother & patricks uncle. he’s actually pretty concerned for his uncles eyesight but knows ares and hayden have the money for the best doctors money can buy. he was recently at ares and gaspards wedding, he had a great time at that and is glad his uncle found someone. 
she’s pretty and scary - @imattractedtopower - she came into the bar, asked for a wine and patrick made a fool of himself. 
One character from the open tag you would like to see taken / added to the Most Wanted page -  from the most wanted page - gail chen & from the open tag to be added to the most wanted page - the parr brothers
One Character you want to see a bio for in relation to this specific character - philoctetes aka phil
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poeticgyu · 2 years
Oiii! Você poderia divulgar meu tumblr? Faço reaction
oii, galerinha! sigam o blog @skzoombie. prometo que não vão se arrepender! 😉😉💜
hey, guys! please follow the blog @skzoombie. promise that you won’t regret it! 😁😁💜
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lara635kookie · 3 years
Oi galera. Eu vou começar a fazer headcanons/reacaoes/imagines desses fandoms então se tiver algum pedido mande uma ask://Hello everyone. I'm gonna start doing headcanons/reactions/imagines of these fandoms so if you have a request send me an ask:
Sweet Elite
My Candy Love// Amor Doce
Linda Brown
Yandere Simulator
Is It Love?
The 39 Clues
The Selection
Series and Movies:
Carmen Sandiego
Ever After High
Monster High
Anne With An E
Female Groups:
Berry Chu
Berry Good
Black Bunny
Bling Bling
Blue Fox
Brave Girls
Brown Eyed Girls
Cherry Bullet
Cherry On Top
Chic Angel
Chic & Idle
Cosmic Girls
Dal Shabet
Girl's Alert
Girl's Day
Hey Miss
Hi Cutie
Ladies Code
Like Me
Maka Maka
My Darling
Oh My Girl
Pink Fantasy
Purple Kiss
Red Velvet
Rocket Punch
Secret Number
Sugar Tint
The Pink Lady
Weki Meki
Male Groups:
Super Junior
Big Bang
The Boyz
Stray Kids
Monsta X
Golden Child
New Kidd
Off The Cut
Seven O'clock
Teen Top
We In The Zone
Boys Republic
Build Up
Chung Ha
Lee Hi
Eric Nam
Kang Daniel
Lee Suhyun
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watermelonlipstick · 3 years
Locks, Chapter 3
I said I’d keep posting this series, so here I go! If you haven’t read the first chunk, it’s linked here. This chapter, however, can be read as a standalone one shot, if you’d like. Thanks in advance for reading, and as always, I would love any advice or critiques!
A Note: “Rocky” throughout the course of this story is a nickname given to a character designed to be a female reader insert, if you so choose. If that’s something that floats your boat, stay tuned for the backstory on how she/you got that moniker. If not, imagine away!
Title: Locks, Chapter 3
Pairing: Eventual Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1261
Summary: Rocky cuts everyone’s hair at the cabin.
Warnings: swearing
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           “Bobby, I never would’ve guessed your hair was so soft,” Rocky said, combing through his hair at the kitchen table. After so many weeks laying low to avoid the Leviathans and let Dean’s leg heal, he desperately needed the cut. He sat on one of the kitchen chairs pulled out in the middle of the tile floor with a plasticky tablecloth around him like a knee-grazing bib.
           “Thanks, I grew it myself,” Bobby grumbled.
           “Yeah, what kind of conditioner do you use, Bobby?” Dean joked from the kitchen table, waiting on deck for his turn. Bobby did his best to glare at him without pivoting his head.
           “Seriously, you do have nice hair,” Rocky said just above a whisper, leaning into Bobby’s ear. She caught his little smile out of the corner of her eye as she straightened and kept trimming. After a few minutes, she blew the debris off of the back of his neck and untied the tablecloth. “You’re all done, handsome! Free to break as many hearts as you want!”
           Bobby bashfully avoided meeting her eyes until she snatched the hat out of his grasp. “You’re dreaming if you think I’m going to let you put a trucker hat on my masterpiece,” Rocky admonished. “Give it at least an hour, for me?”
           “Fine,” Bobby said gruffly. “But only for you, kid.” She leaned down and offered her cheek for a kiss before he left the table.
           “Hey hot shot, you’re next,” Rocky said to Dean, flicking loose hair off of the tablecloth. He swung his cast so he could hop over to the temporary stylist chair. “You wanted a Vin Diesel, right?”
           “Oh, she’s got jokes!” he chuckled sarcastically. “Shave my head and see what happens.”
           “Winchester, you’ve completely lost your street cred with me. I know you watch Ellen,” Rocky joked, running her fingers through his hair and silently enjoying the way his eyes closed when she did. “How much pomade is in here anyway?”
           “Yeah, alright,” he tried to joke back, his voice softer around the edges than before.
           “Just a little shorter, right? Nothing crazy?”
           “Yeah, sure,” Dean said, finally clearing his throat and opening his eyes.
           She worked methodically, knowing that for all his macho bravado Dean would notice if she missed a spot and spend too long in every mirror until it was fixed. Every once in a while, she could catch Dean’s eyes close and he would lean into her palms a little. When he realized he’d shift in his chair, shaking his shoulders. “I love you, but if you move like that again you’re going to lose part of your ear,” she said, trying to hold his skull still between her fingertips. He swiveled his head to her and glared.
           “Yep, exactly like that. What is this, baby’s first haircut?” she chuckled. He opened his mouth to say something back and then flicked his tongue, clearly trying to get rid of some stray hair clippings on his lips.  Rocky laughed harder. “There’s some instant karma. Hold still.” She swiped a thumb across his bottom lip. “What do you have lip gloss on or something? These hairs are stuck on pretty good.”
           “You left it in my room last night,” he winked up at her, lip still held in place by her thumb. She laughed aloud at the cheeky line and went back to cutting his hair.
           “Easy, tiger,” Bobby said from across the room. “Not while she’s got scissors in her hand.”
           Rocky finished up a few minutes later, taking extra care to style Dean’s hair a bit before brushing the hair clippings off. She leaned over to blow the remaining ones away, her breath a warm glaze on Dean’s neck. “Keep that up and I’ll let you cut my hair every day,” Dean quipped, a lazy smirk spreading across his face.
           “Shut up,” Rocky replied, swatting at him playfully with a washcloth. “Where’s Sam?”
           “Hiding. You think Farrah’s dying for a haircut?”
           “His hair looks fine, it was you two who were getting a little scruffy.”
           “No. Uh-uh. The bigfoot must be sheared,” Dean said, shaking his head insistently.
           “Dean, I’m not going to fight him for it. I like his long hair,” Rocky argued, folding up the tablecloth and grabbing the broom. As if on cue, Sam skulked out of his bedroom with his laptop.
           “Let’s get this over with,” Sam said as dejectedly as a kid who’d dropped a brand new ice cream cone. The incongruity of his hulking frame and boyish expression made Rocky smile reflexively.
           “I won’t cut it if you don’t want me to,” she said before being cut off by Dean’s crutch waving in between them.
           “No, no, no. Sam is getting a haircut, end of story.”
           Rocky shot an empathetic look at Sam, who flopped down in the chair under her. He set the laptop gingerly on the table and rested his hands uncomfortably in his lap. Unfolding the tablecloth, she fastened it around his neck, gently making sure not to catch any of his long hair in the knot. The spray bottle—as recently as this morning the residence of a tablespoon of old Windex before Rocky had washed it to use for the haircuts—wet Sam’s hair enough to be pliable, and Rocky set about snipping the absolute teensiest amount off the ends. His hair was silky even damp, and she could’ve played with it for hours. It reminded her of a few days before, was it really only a few days? when she had her hands in his hair on the couch, trying to anchor him to reality. She wondered if it was hard for him to pretend things were the same between them and immediately felt guilty. How could she be thinking about herself when he was so clearly suffering? He needed someone and she was the only person there, that was all. She tried to block it out and focus on getting the haircut even.
           Sam was trying to stay very still while Rocky worked, not wanting to give her any chance to cut off more than absolutely necessary. He was starting to like this longer hair, had even tried to put it in a ponytail like Rocky had ahead of this morning’s run. It had taken more coordination than he expected. She always seemed to do it so fast; he couldn’t figure out how to keep the hair smooth and get the hair tie taut at the same time. Ultimately he had put it back on his wrist before heading out, but he still felt protective over the length that made it possible. Or maybe it was the hair tie itself, the way it made Sam think of Rocky’s body close to his, relaxing into her hands, visions of Lucifer getting fuzzy at the edges as he focused on her warmth and her faint sweet-clean scent. The realization made him feel exposed in front of her. Suddenly glad for the tablecloth over him as cover, he slid the hair tie off his wrist and put it in his back pocket.
           “All done!” Rocky said, moving his hair to the side as she took off the tablecloth apron. Sam jolted back to attention, worried that he had somehow communicated what he was thinking. “Wanna go check it to make sure it’s okay?”
           “No, uh, I’m sure it’s fine,” Sam stammered. He gave her a quick, tight-lipped smile before getting up. “Thanks.”
           “I barely cut anything off, I promise. I’m team long hair too,” she added with a wink.
Read Chapter 4 here.
Thanks again for reading! If you liked it, check out my Masterlist or send me a request!
Tags: @akshi8278​ @calaofnoldor​ @deangirl93​ @deanwanddamons​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @deascheck​ @downanddirtydean​ @emoryhemsworth​ @fairlyspnfanfic​ @flannellover67​ @flamencodiva​ @huffle-pissed​ @itmighthavebeenintentional​ @itsjensenanddean​ @jensengirl83​ @katelyn--renee​ @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love​ @mimaria420​ @nurse-sarahrn​ @percico-heronstairs​ @sams-sass​ @samwisethegr8​ @sergeantsea​ @stressedoutkitten​ @superfanficnatural​ @tatted-trina6​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @tj-drinks-tea​ @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @vxnderlindes​ @weepingwillowphoenix​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​ @winchest09​ @winchestergirl2​ @winchestershiresauce​ @wonder-cole​ @zooaliaa​
And as always, if you want to be on my taglist, were on the taglist and changed your handle, or I lost track of it, please let me know!
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d0w00ng1rl · 3 years
Hello ~
-- eng --
My name is Lua and I decided use this tumblr to writing some reactions, mtl and short imagines. I'm not fluent in english and i'm trying use this place for train my grammar and vocabulary. Please, be patience if something was write wrong and let me know if happens.
I will let my ask open if you have some requests.
I'll try post everything with a portuguese version too.
I'm multifandom, here are the list with the groups I will write:
- Day6
- Stray Kids
- GOT7
- Victon
-- pt-br --
Meu nome é Lua e eu decidi usar esse tumblr para escrever alguns reactions, mtl e short imagines. Eu não sou fluente em inglês e estou tentando usar esse espaço para treinar gramática e vocabulário. Por favor, sejam pacientes, se notarem algum erro, por favor, me avisem.
Eu vou manter minha ask aberta caso alguém tenha algum pedido.
Vou tentar postar sempre em inglês e português.
Eu sou multifandom e esses são os grupos que vou escrever:
- Day6
- Stray Kids
- GOT7
- Victon
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argentdandelion · 4 years
I Don't Need You to Love Me: A Steven Universe Review
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Note: the following review makes umbrella statements about target demographics. Readers should remember that a show can have aimed demographics and significant periphery demographics.
When Steven Universe (pre-movie) ended, I found myself disappointed. That was it? I thought. This was supposed to be ‘the good part’ I had been waiting to see. How could this happen? I felt more than just disappointment. At the end, watching this show had felt like a waste, and it seemed the show that ended wasn’t the same show I had chosen to watch back in Season 1. It was no longer the show of a boy creatively defeating a giant centipede monster, or the body horror, of turning into multiple cats, or of seeing one’s future selves dissolve into sand after a mystical artifact breaks, but a show where people cry and sing and resolve problems nonviolently.
But, looking back...it never wanted to be a show I would love.
Kids’ programming networks appeal to different audiences by shows’ tones and themes. For example, Disney Channel is aimed more at girls, Disney XD is aimed more at boys. While Cartoon Network historically aimed at children in general, by the time of Steven Universe’s first episode, its primary audience was boys. Indeed, shows like Tower Prep, Young Justice, and Green Lantern: The Animated Series had been canceled before because they appealed too much to girls for the executive’s liking, regardless of their overall popularity.
Early on the run of Steven Universe, Cartoon Network tried to appeal to young boys through lighthearted (even goofy) action-adventure shows or outright comedy shows. And the advertisements for Steven Universe fit: it emphasized the crystal gems’ status as the super-cool, strong protectors of humanity, and the oddity of its wacky half-human member, Steven. It emphasized goofiness and absurdity, like Steven’s own pants walking around. It was certainly more like contemporary Adventure Time than the more tough and “serious” Young Justice or Green Lantern: The Animated Series.
Steven Universe played well to network executives’ intended demographic (more or less) for the first two seasons. It had plenty of action, adventure, and violence, and (though not strictly a “young boys demographic thing”) consistent smatterings of “lore” across episodes. However, it also flipped the typical, male-dominant boys’ show composition through three-fourths of its main characters being female. Furthermore, its one boy was a “tomgirl”: a sensitive, compassionate boy prone to crying, who wore pink and had healing/defensive powers, rather than offensive ones.
Apparently, Steven Universe was designed to appeal to both girls and boys. According to an article on LA Weekly, Rebbeca Sugar, the creator of Steven Universe, said: “I want to make a universal show and that, by default, makes it a more quote-unquote boys' show because those are the more universal shows,[...]the boys' show side is the side where I think the gap could be bridged.”
As Steven Universe became super-popular, though, it had more room to “stray” from its action-adventure-boys’-cartoon bounds. Though it was clearly never aimed exclusively at young boys, as time went on trends collided in such a way it would appeal even more to audiences outside young boys.
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Given the show’s approach to conflict resolution, its songs, its abundant character interaction (and style—see all the crying), “straying” was likely what it intended to do all along.
Firstly, the goofiness of Season 1 subsided, or, at least, advertisements stopped emphasizing that. The types and frequencies of plots in Season 1 and Season 2, whether a monster-of-the-week episode with “Townie” (human residents of Beach City) and “Gem” subplots or a “track and catch Peridot/deal with the Cluster” plot, helped provide dependable action sequences, or even violence. Later episodes’ kinds and proportions of the plots made it focus more on townies, even for whole episodes. It got more episodes which had little if anything supernatural happening, and became more character-focused or relationship-focused than plot or action-focused (though it still had those).
In short, it got more mundane, or more like a slice-of-life/slice-of-life-comedy show. Interestingly, the factors which made it less of an action-adventure cartoon coincided with fans’ decisions on which episodes are “filler”: almost all the “townie” episodes are deemed “filler”. Even early in Season 1, there were mundane moments; half an episode could be pretty mundane. There was an emphasis on characters’ relationships with others, and complex emotions, and soft moments. While not an outright pacifist from the start (see: electrocuting Centipeetle in episode 1) he was always a compassionate peacemaker. And, even early on, there was crying and singing (see: “Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart”, second episode of season 1). Steven’s perspective is well-summarized with his claim “Giant robots shouldn’t fight” (Season 2, episode 23) which is hilariously ironic, given that’s the point of giant robot shows.
Later on, the ratio of mundane-to-magical moments got skewed towards the mundane, to the point whole episodes could be mundane. (e.g., Drop Beat Dad of Season 3, with no “Gem stuff” at all, without significant Gem involvement) Instead of character dynamics being a sub-plot or sub-theme of most episodes, it’s now a primary theme of many episodes. It’s hard to imagine almost an entire episode (episode 23 of a two-parter, Season 5) about Ruby and Sapphire getting married, with a long song about it, airing in Seasons 1-2.
Though I am female, I prefer plot-focused, violent, action-adventure cartoons—“boys’ cartoons”, generally. I thus ended up disappointed at Steven Universe’s different approach and likely shift in intended audience. Episode upon episode left me hoping for better ones next time.To be fair, this wasn’t entirely the fault of tonal or audience shifts, but also pacing issues (relative to my tastes, anyway) and all the hype of “Steven Bombs” (Steven Universe episode premieres, five nights in a row), broken up by long hiatuses.
Not everything will be to my taste, and variety is important in kids’ shows. The show’s approach to conflict resolution is both original and valuable in real life: after all, not everything can be solved by violence, dominance and punishment.
In the end of the series (before its epilogue miniseries), Steven sang:
I don't need you to respect me, I respect me I don't need you to love me, I love me
And I can say....as disappointed as I was, this show doesn’t need me to love it.
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fy-skz · 5 years
[TRANS] Stray Kids <Clé 1 : MIROH> TRACK LIST
1. Entrance Composed By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), KAIROS, samUIL Arranged By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), KAIROS, samUIL, K.O
“Unfamiliar city, scenery I’m seeing for the first time, and [Cle1 : MIROH] filled with language and thoughts I can’t understand. Stray Kids, who are holding the first key in their hand, stand in front of the entrance A song that makes known the entrance into a new city, but a ‘MIROH’ you can’t turn back and exit from.”
2. MIROH [TITLE] Lyrics By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), Changbin (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA) Composed By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), Changbin (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), Brian Atwood Arranged By: Brian Atwood, Bang Chan (3RACHA)
“Everyone has a ‘MIROH’. The heartless reality is like that, the tomorrow one cannot know is like that, and possibly the confused hearts of people are like that too. But boys whose faith in themselves and their courage is bigger instead of fear towards this ‘MIROH’, there’s Stray Kids. The fighting spirit and ambition that shines even more because they can only have that split second called the ‘first’, This is a song that contains Stray Kids’ fighting spirit and ambition as they put down their first steps into the harsh jungle-like ‘MIROH’ laid out in front of them.”
3. Victory Song Lyrics By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), Changbin (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA) Composed By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), Changbin (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), earattack, Larmook Arranged By: earattack, Larmook
“It’s a cheering song for every person struggling alone in their individual ‘MIROH’, as well as a spell-like song that prays that one will not lose their conviction and luck until the very end. It shows the most firecracker-like moments of Stray Kids who bundled together with fighting spirit and bravado.”
4. A Moment of Silence Lyrics By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), Changbin (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA) Composed By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), Changbin (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), J:KEY Arranged By: J:KEY, Bang Chan (3RACHA)
“What we are heading towards, about where we are passing, this heavy sea of life that is like struggling through dark and harsh tunnel. That moment of silence in between tunnels, the worries piled up in the heart and the dust of thoughts spread out dizzyingly and swoop upon me”
5. Boxer Lyrics By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), Changbin (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA) Composed By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), Changbin (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), Faces of Honor (Full8loom), Jake K (Full8loom) Arranged By: Faces of Honor (Full8loom), Jake K (Full8loom)
“When either I get dispirited or am frustrated at myself for being unable to say everything I want to, there’s at least once when I imaged getting revenge on the people that bothered me. In my imagination I’m the single strongest person and I become a cool kid who takes care of everything with ease. A song that enjoyable and cheerfully expresses the horrific bluff of impersonating a ‘Boxer’ who goes into the ring and will ‘smash’ all those in his way.”
6. Chronosaurus Lyrics By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), Changbin (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA) Composed By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), KAIROS, samUIL Arranged By: KAIROS, samUIL, K.O
“There’s the saying that time will solve everything, but there are also times when time swoops upon life. Me who chases dreams, and at the same time there’s time who chases behind me to catch me. What gets caught in this game of tag, is it me or my dreams? It sings about me within reality who finds it difficult to even take a breath for a moment, and who feels like I’ll fall behind with even just a moment’s pause.”
7. 19 Lyrics By: HAN (3RACHA) Composed By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA) Arranged By: Chan
“A song that sings about how time that cannot be reversed, and the complicated emotions of the irreversible moment of having to leave my young heart behind my back and cross the border between nineteen and twenty. I’ve always lived dreaming of becoming an adult, but a still nineteen year old boy who feels endlessly small now that he’s in front of the border of the name of ‘adult’. Do I have to become a better person to become an adult? Stray Kids’ serene adult ceremony.”
8. Mixtape #4 [CD ONLY] Lyrics By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), Woojin, Lee Know, Changbin (3RACHA), Hyunjin, HAN (3RACHA), Felix, Seungmin, I.N Composed By: Bang Chan (3RACHA), Woojin, Lee Know, Changbin (3RACHA), Hyunjin, HAN (3RACHA), Felix, Seungmin, I.N Arranged By: VERSACHOI, Bang Chan (3RACHA)
“There’s no end to the surrounding whispers about going on a different path than the world’s standard. This contains the feelings of Stray Kids who trust, and want to trust, the direction they’ve chosen for themselves even though overcoming criticism and hints and continuing without wavering is not an easy task. No one is like them and no one can live in their stead. So there is no right answer in direction, and only the story ahead that Stray Kids will write is left.”
Translation: Candace @ FY! SKZ ; take out with full credit
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mindblowndoeships · 5 years
hello!! can i have an astrology ship with nct 127 and stray kids please? i’m a cancer sun, sagittarius moon, cancer rising, gemini mercury, taurus venus, and a sagittarius mars :’) thank u! <3
Hey 🌸 @espeonsy
From NCT 127 I ship you with Taeyong! (Another match is Doyoung)
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Okay so I think this is a really good one. First of all I didn't want to give you anyone emotionally unavailable xD You're a Cancer sun and rising, I wanted to give an earth sign, but since there's no earth suns in 127 I decided to go with Taeyong. This is match is very complimentary because he has a fire moon like you. So you guys will easily connect on an emotional level. You would need someone who can take care of your feelings above all in a relationship. Someone who's open to listen and that can understand you. Taeyong is perfect for that, he is very emphatic of other people, he's caring towards everyone around him...we know how good of leader he is. So he will not only listen to you carefully, but also he'd always know how to cheer you up and make you feel better when something's wrong. Now on the other side you're gonna be very helpful of him too. Considering that you're a Cancer sun and rising you're definitely very caring of the people you love. Moreover you're probably quite intuitive and you understand people's feelings well. Even though Taeyong doesn't hide his personality, he still has this emotional facade that won't let him express his negative emotions. You're gonna be the one to help him open up in a relationship and really trust you with his heavier feelings. You'll know how to make him feel welcomed and not being judged. You guys will depend on each other a lot, you're communication will be clear for the most part. I don't see many arguments happening. To avoid misunderstandings you'll have to remind each other that you're there and you won't give up over small things. Support and affection are gonna be important in this relationship in order to keep the harmony. This won't be a hard task for neither one of you as you guys naturally have this sensitivity and attachment for one another. You have an earth venus and he has an earth mars. That way the stability is guaranteed, your love will be passionate, but also strongly on the ground. Your feelings for each other aren't going away any time soon, I'm pretty sure the relationship will be long term. And last but not least your Sagittarius mars connects perfectly with his Gemini venus, this is gonna bring flavor and an experimental side in the relationship. Sagittarius mars people always keep it real, they love honesty even when it's blunt. I wanted to add that because we can all see that Taeyong is pure in way of not holding back his opinion and feeling like he owes people the truth no matter what.
And from Stray Kids I ship you with Hyunjin! (Other matches are Seungmin and Changbin)
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Remember how I said earlier that I wanted to ship you with an earth sing. Well Stray Kids have three Virgo boys, but it was Hyunjin's Virgo moon that caught my eyes more. I did you Seungmin as another possibility, but I kinda think he might be a little bit distant in a relationship at least at first and as I stated I don't want to give emotionally unavailable people xD Now Hyunjin is a triple Pisces guy with a Virgo moon. With him the empathy and sensitivity are surely there, but he is also grounded. He can be serious and concentrated when it's needed. So while being all soft and cute in a relationship, I can also imagine him taking the lead and being super responsible. This is gonna be perfect for you as he's still gonna have this emotional door open for you when you can't hold your feelings inside anymore. Hyunjin is gonna be a great listener as he will be genuinely concerned for you every time your smile goes away. Be sure that your smile face will br his main priority and he'll try his best to comfort you when you're feeling down. And he'll be good at it, I swear Pisces are the sweetest people in a relationship. I've heard literally the nicest things anyone has ever told me from a Pisces partner. So don't worry you'll be in good hands with him, if there's anyone who can really make you feel loved and appreciated - it's him. But your strong feelings might sometimes be a bummer. You'll need to be careful of what you say in an argument, because both of you take words to heart. If harsh words are avoided everything will be fine. Now what love here is that you have a Taurus venus, very caring and genuine, as well as gentle and down to earth. This is a perfect aspect to his Pisces venus. The way people will see you as a couple is probably gonna be him being the more dominant one and taking care of you like a real gentleman. Which he will, but behind closed doors this man is gonna melt in your embrace and he'll be quite dependent on you with his personal thoughts and feelings. Same goes vice versa honestly, he'll most likely make really soft and baby-like in terms of you needing his attention almost all the time. His Aries mars is great for your Sagittarius mars, your feelings for each other are straight forward strong, it's a real mutual desire. Burning like fire 😉
Thank you for requesting! ❤
My main account ➡ @mind666blown
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ravixen · 7 years
May I request for a Vixx Ravi Vampire AU? ^^ your writings are lovely to read x
aw thanks, boo uwu bruh, this turned out hella long???
✉️ vampire!au || auramble || requested
here’s more rambles from a previous post !!
ooh, let’s talk origin storiesss
was turned in the early 20th century (no exact time periods or places for creativity’s sake LOL) as a pretty young kid, like mid 20s-ish
he was part of a batch that were turned specifically as warriors and fighters so he and his…….friends?? fellow sufferers?? were raised as violent killing machines
used as mindless pawns, basically fodder, for some kind of battle going on between the vampires and the local village, who had a history of vampire hunting
the non verbal truce between the two just broke down some time in the previous century, which led to generations of fighting
wonshik didn’t resist at all. even after the “newborn” phase ended and he became a sentient life form again, he kept following the orders of the higher ups
gained a managing position due to his loyalty and his strength, which was very above average
in charge of keeping newborns in line because he was strong enough to fight any rebelling strays and then beat them back into position
lives and br ea thes the human hating motto. thinks humans are vile and awful and evil and are in the way of vampires living peacefully with the rest of the world
isn’t that hypocritical?? you may be asking yourself. didn’t he love his human s/o in your other ramble???
you see. he and the other vampires didn’t know how vampires are made
they just thought that the older ones recruited new ones all the time. rescued them from the evil clutches of humanity or something
only the elite of elites, the ones who went out to turn/”recruit”, knew that all of them were once humans
one day, wonshik’s patrolling the area and he sees this human girl on the horizon so he bares his teeth, ready to go and kill her
but then a higher up comes out of nowhere and bam
she falls to the ground and wonshik is satisfied. she’s dead
imagine his surprise when he sees her in the newborn ranks a week later
he doesn’t suspect anything yet. he’s just confused
is even more confused when he asks the newborns where they were recruited and they don’t remember
hell, he doesn’t even remember his origins
he decides to ask a higher up, but he’s given a cold glare and strict orders to just do his job and stop delving into what doesn’t need to be delved into. the war needs his focus
he goes on his merry way, but now he’s a potential threat to the vamps. they send someone to keep an eye on him just in case he gets too curious
wonshik starts noticing the spy and then he starts to get really suss
he’s fast and uses it to his advantage, twisting and turning around the forest until he loses the spy and that’s when he stumbles upon a human body, limp on the ground and colorless save the two red punctures on his neck
wonshik returns to the city and waits
as expected, a week later, the human-now-newborn is in his ranks
he almost flips his shit like what the fuck everything they learned was a l ie
he can’t trust his people anymore and he wants to start a rebellion, but he can’t because who would follow him?
he doesn’t know who he can tell. everyone blindly followed the higher ups
so he tries telling his closest friend. at least he can trust him, right? they’ve been together since the beginning, right?
wonshik had to kill his friend after realizing that his friend was going to betray him
for once, he’s actually scared. absolutely lost. and incredibly alone
he doesn’t know what to do
he ends up running away and he doesn’t know where he’s going or what he’s looking for, but all he knows is that he wants to be far far away
so paranoid and doesn’t drink blood for a long time and he’s just deteriorating
hakyeon finds him unconscious near the top of the pyrenees between france and spain
hakyeon, a healthy^tm vampire that was in the mountains to exercise, checks for a pulse. there’s none, but he immediately knows that this isn’t a human when he finds a small rabbit in the figure’s hand, bloodied with two puncture holes in its back i know that’s awful im sorry
takes this mystery guy into his lil mountain vacation cave
wonshik freaks out once he regained consciousness, but eventually gets to know hakyeon, who introduces him to other friendly vampires back in korea
spent a long ass time not trusting them. it took decades, but they finally got him on their side and he’s happy that he found others like him
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coramatus · 7 years
Ok so... I don't mean to go mixing paints, but just imagine how funny/cute it would be if your Kitsune!Mob AU combined with the Hobo!Mob AU? Like... Mob saves young Reigen from the bullies, wanders off before Reigen thanks him, and instead of finding the man, he finds a dirty fox passed out under a bridge. Rather than call animal control, he brings it home, mistaking it for the mysterious man's dog or whatev, and thinks he'll take care of it and bring it back to the man to return the favor.
Um... actually?
That’s the idea that provided the basis of the Hobo!Mob AU. 😅
One day, just for fun, I decided to see what an ageswapped Mythical AU looked like. What I came up with ended up providing a lot of key ideas to the H!M AU, which I ultimately decided was probably the stronger story to follow. And because I can, imma share the contents of that first brainstorming document and will offer all 3k words of it to you under the cut.
Age!Swap Mythical AU - Because why not?
Reigen is 14; Mob is 28.
Mob is still a magical fox. But in growing up without a guiding hand, his life doesn’t go so great. He suffers from depression and suicidal tendencies as he is exhausted of humanity. But as a fox, complex emotions are dulled, taking a backseat to survival instincts. For that reason, he’s spent the last few years living as a fox on the streets, surviving off of garbage and rats. In some ways, things are clearer as a fox, but in others, it seems to rob him of his higher brain functions. And as a fox, his life is that much more in peril as it’s a struggle to survive. If he dies on the streets, likely no one will ever find out what happened to him. But life as a human is so painful that he doesn’t want to consider it anymore.
This is how he winds up cornered by two stray dogs, looking to make either a meal or chew toy out of him. It doesn’t help that he’s already mentally compromised from starvation and illness, meaning he doesn’t even think to shift back to human or use his magic to scare them off. He does get a good few bites on the dogs before they overwhelm him. But something comes barreling in, chasing away his attackers, giving him a chance to flee and hide in a corner.
His savior is a strawberry blonde kid, who comes up to him to see if he’s OK. Mob clearly isn’t and tries to scare the boy off, but he’s hardly deterred. Instead, he uses his jacket to catch Mob and cart him home, keeping a firm grip on him even with his struggling. Mob is scared out of his mind, until the kid starts talking to him.
The kid’s name is Reigen Arataka, Mob learns. And he is very earnest about helping what he thinks is an injured dog, explaining what he’s doing in hopes that maybe this animal will somehow understand him. Something in his words reaches Mob through his mental fog and he stops fighting the kid, going limp in the boy’s arms. This confuses the boy to no end, but decides not to question his luck.
Arataka takes Mob home of course, tending to the fox’s injuries, cleaning him up (which reveals Mob is in fact a fox), and feeding him. Mob is pliant this entire time, only protesting if anything hurts. Despite his instincts urging him to flee, Mob’s softer side isn’t willing to hurt a cub, especially one who’s only trying to help. So he lets Arataka do what he needs to do. After several trying hours, Mob is set into a box to recover in peace.
As Mob heals, the food and rest makes it much easier to think and observe his surroundings. He takes a liking to Arataka, as the kid is always gentle and enjoys talking to him, sometimes going on about his day, sometimes talking about his problems, sometimes nothing in particular. Mob becomes the boy’s confidante, sensing that Arataka is really a very lonely kid. For all his outgoing bluster, he doesn’t have any close friends. His parents aren’t around as much as they ought to be and the house is often empty of other people. So Mob is always willing to provide cuddles and allows himself to be scratched and petted. He knows all too well how terrible it is to be alone.
Eventually, Mob’s injuries heal and Arataka realizes he needs to let Mob go. The boy figures that the fox must be someone’s pet, both from Mob’s coloration and tameness. Fliers are put up around town asking for the owner of a found pet fox. Arataka hopes to high heaven that no one comes to claim Mob, but someone eventually does call in and asks to take a look.
When the doorbell rings, Arataka meets a man with spiky black hair who introduces himself as Kageyama Ritsu. He looks a bit annoyed to be there oddly enough. The moment he spots Mob, he just facepalms and goes “Shigeo, really?”
Arataka is heartbroken. He tries not to cry, but loses it when Mob comes up to comfort him. The boy doesn’t notice the looks going back and forth between the fox and his “owner”. Kageyama-san eventually clears his throat, asking for a moment alone with his br- pet. Arataka’s mom does her best to comfort her son, while the other two step into a side room.
The first rusty words out of Mob’s muzzle are that he wants to stay with Arataka. Ritsu is furious. Mob disappears into the wilds all those years ago with no contact only to show up now as some kid’s pet?? What is he thinking? Ritsu has been out of his mind terrified that his brother died! Mob needs to stay human and to try working through his problems like a normal adult. Mob looks ashamed but says he can’t leave, not when Arataka needs him more. Ritsu isn’t swayed by this, kind of offended that his brother would rather stay with some kid than this own family. But Mob asserts that he’s so, so tired of living as a human, tired of trying to find reasons to keep going. As a fox, the act of being alive is so much easier. Ritsu isn’t any happier to hear this, but even he isn’t willing to see his brother suffering as a human while he has some purpose as a fox. Mob is not blind to this, doing his best to reassure his brother that he’s working through things his own way. The younger brother just sighs. He’s not sure what to do here. Mob thinks for a moment before making a suggestion…
When Kageyama-san comes back out with Mob in his arms, Arataka is resigned to saying goodbye. But then the man uncomfortably admits that while the fox belongs to his family, he hasn’t had time to properly care for him. He’d actually been trying to rehome him before the fox got loose. He can see how much the two have bonded and it wouldn’t be right to break that. So he makes a proposal: Arataka can take care of the fox (with his parent’s permission) while Kageyama-san will send money for whatever expenses his bro- pet needs. Basically, an extended pet-sitting job. He’ll check in every so often to make sure things are OK, since the fox means a lot to him. And his family. Yeah.
Arataka almost can’t believe what he’s hearing and looks to his mom, practically begging her to agree. Though Reigen’s mom was initially upset at Mob’s presence, she can see how much happier her son is with a pet. And it helps that Mob is the cleanest, most well-behaved pet she’s ever met. So she agrees and it’s the best day of Arataka’s life.
After working things through with Reigen’s mom, Kageyama-san makes sure to share an important bit of info: The fox’s actual name is Kageyama Shigeo. But he’ll also answer to Mob. Maybe Sesame too since that’s what Arataka’s been calling him. The boy nods solemnly, promising to be the best caretaker Mob-san has ever had.
So life moves on with Mob as a more permanent fixture in Arataka’s life. The boy couldn’t be any happier. He for one, loves having a fuzzy best friend that’s so tolerant about the silly things he does. He likes making internet videos with the two of them, usually of Arataka puppeteering a docile Mob into doing goofy things (Ritsu learns just how funny his brother’s ‘NO’ face as a fox looks). Otherwise, they spend time in the park, Arataka getting Mob to play fetch (where Mob sometimes fetches the wrong item on purpose just to see how the boy reacts) or some other game. One thing that Arataka learns early on is that ‘Mob’ is not short for anything, as much as he thinks Mobius would be an amazing name (Mob disagrees). At home, Mob is very conscientious. He never makes messes, never makes more noise than he needs to, and generally tries to make his presence as unobtrusive as possible. He’s always very careful to avoid when people are naked or covering his eyes if he can’t. He might technically be an adult human male, but he’s no pervert. But he’s not opposed to sharing a bed, usually with Arataka snuggling him like a teddy bear. This is probably the happiest either have been in a long time.
Inevitably, the truth finds its way out. It starts when Arataka gets it in his head that he should totally be a ghost exorcist when he grows up. He does the usual things kids do when the idea of ghost hunting bites them: watch ghost movies, buy ghost hunting junk, research how to do it, all that good stuff. Mob just watches on in amusement. Since he was always able to see ghosts, he never got the appeal of interacting with them, especially because they tended to be malevolent in his experience. He figures it’s just a phase or something and Arataka will move on to something else.
But it doesn’t. Mob then has to accompany/protect the kid when he starts to poke around in haunted places, hoping to find something, anything that’s worthwhile. And one day he does. Arataka accidentally enrages an old and powerful evil spirit with his trespassing. Though he’s excited at what he’s found, it turns to fear as it attacks him, managing to land a solid hit on the boy. That’s enough for Mob to explode, furiously drawing on his magic to obliterate the spirit. Mob is forced to speak in order to grasp the extent of Arataka’s injuries in order to heal him.
When Arataka comes to, he spots Mob attempting to leave without him and yells at him to wait. Mob tries to pretend he doesn’t understand, but he’s a terrible liar, even as a fox. Because Arataka is positive Mob is a magic fox and can talk. With a heavy heart, Mob admits that he is.
With Arataka’s prodding, Mob reluctantly reveals that yes, he was born human, with his fox powers awakened very early in life. That he’s really in his late-twenties and no he doesn’t have a life outside of the one he lives now. No, he never managed to get into either college or a job. Yes, he lived on the streets for a few years, eating garbage and rats. Um, rats can taste good depending on what it was eating. No, Ritsu is not his owner, but his brother. Yes, his brother’s a fox too, but he prefers living as a human. Arataka then asks why Mob doesn’t live like his brother, why he’s okay with being stuck as a pet. Mob firmly tells Arataka that he doesn’t want to be human. The boy looks a bit hurt at that, Mob quickly amending that, no, Arataka being human is fine. Humanity just didn’t work for Mob. He was never very good at it. And since he had options, he chose to forgo it entirely. It’s not unheard of for those who can shapeshift to simply abandon humanity and flee into the wilderness.
But this puts Mob in an uncomfortable position. With the truth revealed, there’s no way they can go back to the way things were. It’d be better if Mob simply moved on. But Arataka refuses to let that happen. Yeah, this is weird, but now this means they’re on more even ground. Mob doesn’t have to be treated like a dumb animal. And… Mob’s been the best friend he’s ever had. Best friends don’t just leave each other. And he’s afraid for Mob. He recognizes the thin scars hidden under Mob’s fur for what they are. No, he can’t call Mob a pet in good conscience. But he still wants to call him his friend.
Though he’s hesitant, Mob admits he does too.
(More character development involving Mob and Reigen navigating their weird friendship of magic fox and boy would take place here, say maybe 6 months passing in story. Ritsu would drop the act that his brother is his pet. Reigen’s mom would wonder why her son’s now talking to his pet like a person. And why is the fox responding like a person??)
(insert dramatic event)
For the first time in years, Mob assumes human form to fight off a threat in the form of a full-grown human. As a man, Mob looks haggard, several years worth of beard on his face, hair long and messy, clothes tattered and dirty. He wins the fight. However, when he sees Arataka’s shocked face, Mob takes it the wrong way and freaks out, apologizing like mad through crying he can’t stop. He turns tail and runs, changing back into a fox and running away as fast as he can, Arataka’s frantic yelling falling on deaf ears.
Mob runs for a long time, without a destination in mind. But eventually, he starts to recognize the area as where his brother lives. At a complete loss, he goes to Ritsu’s place and begs him for help. Ritsu has no idea what’s going on, but lets his brother in. After some coaxing, Mob explains what happened. He’s ashamed of himself, he saw how Arataka looked at him as a human and he doesn’t think the boy will ever want to be near him again. Ritsu doesn’t understand and finally asks for Mob to change back to human form so he can maybe see what he’s talking about. Mob reluctantly does and for the first time, Ritsu realizes just what terrible shape his brother is in, that he’d underestimated just how much pain Mob was in this entire time. Mob is ready to bolt, but Ritsu holds onto him, unwilling to let him fall apart even further.
Mob spends a few days at Ritsu’s trying to recuperate in human form. Most of that time is spent sleeping. He cleans up, but doesn’t bother cutting his hair or shaving, feeling like it’s pointless since he’s going to be a fox again soon. A lot of the feelings of worthlessness and self-hatred come rushing back. Several nights are spent crying, with Ritsu trying to comfort his brother. Mob eventually reveals his cutting scars to his brother for the first time, admitting to how extensively he did so (on his upper arms, a few on his wrist, his thighs, his sides, his stomach).
And then one day, while Ritsu is working and Mob is trying not to dissociate in bed, Arataka shows up out of nowhere. He had to search through every single Kageyama in the phonebook before he managed to find them. The phonebook! Who does that anymore?? At least this is only the sixth place he checked. Mob is so stunned that Arataka slips past him and into the apartment before he thinks to shut the door. The boy immediately cuts to the chase, telling Mob that he’d been worried about him. Was it something he did? He’ll make up for it, he promises!
(Mob and Reigen talk as humans for the first time. Mob’s nervous, but Reigen reassures him that it’s not weird. OK, it’s kinda weird, but Reigen’s had a few days to prepare for this, so he’s gotten used to the idea. They have a heart to heart about their feelings and what Mob intends to do now. Mob has no idea, but Reigen does.)
So Arataka unveils his plans for the Spirits and Such Consultation Agency. People sometimes need exorcisms. Mob can do that. Arataka can help facilitate things. It’s win-win for everyone! Mob is more skeptical. He doubts that many people need that kind of help. And even if they did, they wouldn’t go to a fox for that. But Arataka points out that, no, Mob can be the human adult that customers need to see before they feel they’re worth the time. He is right now! Mob just points to his overgrown look, as in, who’d hire a hobo like me? Arataka just grins at him. Oh, he knows. That’s why he came prepared.
The next few hours sees the judicious use of an electric razor with a pair of scissors and ends with a lot of hair on the floor and a clean-shaven, bowl-cut Mob staring into a mirror, barely recognizing himself. He looks… human again. Arataka then throws a bunch of clothes at Mob, telling him to try them on. Mob’s wonders where Arataka got these, but the boy just admits he raided Ritsu’s closet. In the end, he comes out wearing a soft black turtleneck, black slacks, and a sharp white jacket. Arataka thinks it’s perfect. It’s just the professional image needed for the face of the new company. Mob just hopes Ritsu doesn’t get too mad at him for taking his clothes. Because he kinda likes the outfit.
At this point, Ritsu comes home. Seeing the new Mob startles him so bad that Ritsu’s fox ears and tail come out (the first time Arataka ever sees any sign of them). Though alarmed, Ritsu is happy for his brother. But maybe just give him a warning next time he decides to look like a completely different person after only a few hours. All of this is pretty overwhelming for Mob, who feels like he’s barreling straight back into the human world. He’s not sure if he’s ready for this.
(Reigen reassures him that if he wants to go back to the way things were, it’s still an option. While it’s tempting, Mob decides he’s tired of running away. Because now the future doesn’t look so bleak anymore. He can see a place for himself in it. And with that, he takes his first steps out into an uncertain future, certain that his friends and family will be there behind him, ready to catch him if he falters.)
(OK, honestly, I never had a real ending in mind for this. Never really knew what to do with it before the non-fox version of this wound up taking up more brain space and got more compelling the more research into Japanese culture I did.)
Anyways, if you somehow made it here, congratulations! You read some of my weird brain gibberish! If for some reason anyone wants to take this idea and run with it, go right ahead! I’m not using it, may as well let someone else have fun with this! I have no way of stopping you! 8D
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dovechim · 7 years
victoria’s secret
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WARNING: 2927 WORTH OF CRACK and also how many times Jeon Jeongguk can fuck up while saying “Victoria’s Secret”
Contains foul language and mentions of sex
this is part 2 of my birthday celebration!!! this one is specially dedicated to my favourite jjk thigh enthusiast, @97gguks, ily bby ❤️ i was inspired by all the trash we talk about, it’s our quality conversations that keep me going tbh :’) 
Summary: In which you teach Jeon Jeongguk a little lesson. Jeongguk is looking for a summer job, and you’ve offered to help him look for one, but when his cockiness and smug confidence pisses you off, you decide to take revenge. And revenge is as sweet as the body mist from Victoria’s Secret. 
“9-5 office hours, admin work. $10 an hour. Includes filing and organizing paperwork.” 
“Overqualified,” Jeongguk indulges in a lazy stretch with his arms above his head, causing his white t-shirt to teasingly stray just shy of his happy trail. Taking a deep breath in an effort to regain patience and self-control, you skim down the list of classified ads once more. 
“Stock manager for a grocery store, $8 an hour-“ Jeongguk sits up immediately, eyes blazing in indignance.
“Such a handsome face like this, stuck in the backroom all day? _________, you’ve got to be kidding me. Someone with my looks was born to be in the frontline, babe.” The way he preens as he checks his reflection in his phone screen and runs a careless hand through his hair only to have every strand of it fall back into place perfectly should irk you, but the casual way in which he drops that endearment has you a little flustered.
Hoping to hide your flushed cheeks, you flip the paper over with a huff instead, fully intending on giving up on helping Jeon Jeongguk in his search for a summer job. He’s obviously way too self absorbed for this, although he tells you that he really does need that extra money for that upcoming Big Bang concert next month. He’d evaporate before he’d miss a chance to see G Dragon live and rapping before his very eyes.
“What did you have in mind when you said a summer job? Sitting on your lazy ass and getting paid to do nothing?” You can’t keep the exasperation out of your voice. 
“Sitting on this very perky ass and getting paid,” Jeongguk amends with a cocky smirk. You roll your eyes at him and continue flipping through the section of the paper, if not to take your mind off a very perky ass sitting only a few spaces away from you.
Just then, your eyes chance upon a listing, and you smirk in retaliation. “Hey, what about this one? Sales and retailing assistant, $9 an hour and you get staff benefits!”
Jeongguk continues to scroll through his phone. “Where is this at?”
“Oh, at a fragrance store in town,” you say vaguely, making sure to emphasise on the word ‘fragrance’. As you predicted, his love for perfumes and anything that smells nice has him hooked, and his interest is piqued. He lowers his phone and reaches out for the newspaper.
“That’s passable I guess. Hand me the paper so I can call.”
“Oh no it’s okay, I’ll do it for you,” you say sweetly as you reach for your own phone and dial the number listed, dodging his grasp as you walk out of the room.
“Hi, I’m calling to ask about that sales position you advertised…”
Jeon Jeongguk is not a baby, but he sure does act like one sometimes.
It’s his first day at his new job, and your phone won’t stop ringing, the vibration from its silent mode chafing your skin. When you wrench it out of the pocket of your jeans and throw it onto the table, it almost leaps off the surface with its nonstop vibration until you relent and answer. 
“__________ what the fuck is this place? This is NOT a fragrance store at all.”
“Um, hello to you too. What do you mean? Does it not smell good?”
“No- I mean hell yes it smells fucking good in here but it’s all pink everywhere and… there are… naked women walking around everywhere.” He whispers the last part in a choked voice, and you can almost imagine how the tips of his ears are turning red and how his eyes are probably bulging out of his head right now. 
“Jeongguk, I’m sure they’re not naked, that would be public indecency, and it’s a crime. Aren’t you supposed to be at work right now? How do you have time to call me?”
“I’m hiding out in a corner between the body lotion and hand cream,” he whispers furtively.
“Wait, did you not get assigned to a job or something? Like organising fragrances by name, tending the till, helping customers?” 
“I did!” He all but whisper-shouts vehemently into the phone. “Sajang-nim assigned me to fold the… b… br… pa.. pant…” 
“What did Sajang-nim assign you to, Kook-ah?” You ask sweetly, an evil smile spreading across your face. 
“To the… brasandpanties!” 
“Wait what?” You gasp dramatically into the phone. “But I thought it was a fragrance store! Not an underwear store. Did you go to the wrong store, Kook? What’s the name of it?”
“Fuck if I know if this is the right store, you didn’t tell me the name of it from the advert you answered!!”
By now your stomach is aching from holding in your laughter at the mental image of Jeongguk hiding out in the only corner of the store that’s free of any traces of lingerie or half naked women.
“Jeongguk, tell me the name of the store.”
“It’s… wait,” sounds of his panicked, heavy breaths follow, and it sounds like he’s running out of the store. “What the fuck is this? Who the hell is Victoria and what is her secret?”
At some point he must have hung up, because when you regain the mental capacity and strength to get up from the floor from your giggling fit and pick up your phone, all that greets you is an empty dial tone.
Dealing with Jeon Jeongguk is like playing a game of chess. You always have to think a few steps ahead of your opponent and know how to hit them where it hurts the most. Thankfully, after being Jeongguk’s best friend and roommate for five years, you know exactly where all his weak spots are.
So when the evening of his first job rolls around and he storms into the house, fuming and fully intending on unleashing his pent up embarrassment on you, he stops short when he sees you’ve invited his high school friends over.
“Where’s ________? Why are you guys here?”
“ ______ called us and said she’d be making dinner to celebrate your first day at work,” Taehyung says with his eyes still glued to the screen. “Dammit Jimin I told you not to shoot that banana peel at me!”
“All’s fair in Mario Kart,” Jimin giggles as he shoots past the finish line, throwing up his hands in victory. “Oh, __________ is in the kitchen.”
Just as you begin to hear his footsteps directed toward the kitchen, you grab the pot of stew off the stove and head for the dining table, brushing casually past him and setting it on the table, announcing that dinner is ready. 
“Kook ah, how was your first day at work?” You ask innocently, watching as Taehyung and Jimin take their seats opposite you. Jeongguk has a pained expression on his face as he slides into the seat next to you.
“Um, it was okay,” he says quietly, taking a nervous sip from his water glass.
“Come on man, we need more details!! Did you get us anything?? You have staff benefits don’t you?”
“W-what? What are you talking about?” Jeongguk reddens immediately, and he chugs the entire glass of water in a single breath.
“C’mon, don’t you have a dirty magazine or something at least? Pictures?” Taehyung waggles his eyebrows, a lewd grin spreading across his face. “Dressing room pictures?” 
Jeongguk stands up so quickly that his chair falls over behind him. The three of you at the table look at him in surprise, and he fumbles around for something to say. 
“Jeongguk, are you alright?” You place a hand on his wrist in concern.
“I need to drink my milk.” With that, he storms off into his room and slams the door.
“Thanks again, boys.” You peel off a couple of bills from a wad of cash in your wallet, handing them to Jimin and Taehyung.
“Anytime, ___________.” Taehyung snatches his share from your hands eagerly. “Now I can get that new honey butter chip that just came out! And I won’t share any with you!” He sticks out his tongue at Jimin.
Jimin hesitates a little as you push the money into his hands. “___________, is Jeongguk gonna be okay? You know how squeamish he gets with these things.”
“Oh he’ll be fine.” You wave away his concern. “Now get going. Don’t you all have homework to do?”
“__________, we graduated already!”
“Oh really? Sorry. Sometimes I forget,” you push them out of your house and slam the door.
As you head to your room, you dig out a pink box from the depths of your closet, a gift from your ex that you’d never had the chance to wear and tuck it under your arm. Making a quick detour to the fridge, you retrieve his favourite brand of milk that you bought specially for today before heading to his room, knocking on his door gently. 
“Jeongguk, open the door.” When there’s no response, you decide that you have to up the stakes.
“I have milk.” The door opens slowly, and you peek your head inside the dark room. He’s sitting on his bed on his phone as usual, and you approach him, placing the carton of milk on his desk.
“Kook, I’m sorry about your friends. But I need your help with something.” Upon hearing your serious tone, he turns to look at you as you situate yourself on the bed next to him.
“I have a date tomorrow, and I though I’d get your opinion as a man.” You set the box on the bed between you and open the lid. “Do you think this is okay?” 
There’s a black lace bra nestled in mounds of tissue paper, and his eyes immediately widen upon seeing it. He looks at the bra, then at your chest for a millisecond before tearing his eyes away, and even in the dim light of the room, you can see his blush from miles away. 
“What do you think? Do you think it’ll look good on me?” You prompt him.
“Um yeah, I like it. I like you- I mean, I like your secret. From Victoria. I like the secret that Victoria gave you.” His response comes out in a rush of almost unintelligible words. Jeongguk is careful to put distance between himself and your pink box, as if it’ll burn him if he comes into contact with it. To cover up his fumbling, he reaches for the milk and tears it open, taking a nervous gulp.
“Really?” You pretend not to notice his slip. “Thanks, Kookie!!”
You reach over the box to give him an innocent kiss on the cheek, which causes him to nearly choke on his milk before bounding out of the room.
It’s his second day of work, but your phone has been silent all day. He didn’t even hug you goodbye this morning before leaving for work, and a part of you worries that you’ve taken it too far. But then again, this is the man-child who takes extreme pleasure in cockblocking you every time you bring a man home to try and relieve some of that sexual tension induced by Jeongguk himself.
When you hear keys turning in the doorway, you jump up from your seat on the couch and race into your room, pulling out that pink box again. Tossing the bra onto your bed, you wait to hear his footsteps in the hallway before calling out his name.
“Kook, can you help me out with this for a second?” For a moment it feels as if he’ll ignore you on purpose, but you hear him give a sigh and head for your room.
“Which scent should I wear tonight for my date?” You ask when he pokes his head around the doorframe. “Come here and smell this.”
Tugging him into your room, you spray about five different scents on his wrist and arm, peppering him with questions about which he likes the best. Jeongguk’s eyes constantly stray to the bra on the bed, and his fidgeting increases more and more as the minutes tick past.
You pretend to be deep in thought as you deliberate between Pure Seduction and Sweet Love, but you’re all too aware of his smoldering eyes on you.
“Who’s your date? Is it Jisoo? Didn’t you break up with him ages ago?”
You hum in thought as you sniff his wrist again. “I think we’re better off as fuck buddies, to be completely honest.” 
“You’re meeting him to fuck him? You can’t!”
“Excuse me?” You raise an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms.
“Um, I mean… he sleeps around so much, you never know what kind of diseases he’s picked up by now. And if you wanted a good fuck, you probably don’t have to look so far for one.” His confidence knows no bounds.
You pretend to look him up and down, and wrinkle your nose. “Ew, no thanks. I’d rather fuck a man, not a baby like you. At least Jisoo oppa can say the words ‘bra and panties’ without stammering.”
Jeongguk immediately freezes upon hearing those words. “Th-that’s not true!! I can say those words! And I’m a man too, in case you haven’t realised.”
You give him a snort of laughter. “What kind of man still drinks milk?”
“It’s a good source of protein!” He argues back. “Look, I can prove that I am a man. Tomorrow, I’ll take you to my workplace and I’ll pick out a pair of br- underwear for you, ok? And I’ll even buy you a body mist too. There’s a new bestseller that smells better than any of this crap. Just don’t meet Jisoo tonight please,” he begs.
You place a finger on your chin and pretend to think it over seriously. “On one condition. Jimin and Taehyung have to tag along.”
“After this I’m so getting Overwatch on steam,” Taehyung says as he trails behind you and Jimin. “Get ready to get your ass kicked, Park Jimin.”
“You’re the one who should be afraid-“
“Kids! Can you please behave like grown men for an hour? After that you can revert back to your five year old selves for all I care,” you hiss at them as you crane your neck over the rows and rows of lingerie and body mists, looking for a golden brown head of hair.
You spot him over by the section of push up bras, looking stressed out and trying his best to refrain from staring at the poster of a woman modelling the Bombshell bra right next to the display. When he spots you, his expression brightens for the first time in a long while.
Taehyung is ogling openly at the model on the poster. “Dude, this is so much better than a sex toy store. Here you get to stare, for free!!!”
Jeongguk immediately elbows him hard in the ribs, bowing apologetically to a few other customers who are browsing nearby. 
“Jeongguk, do you have any reccomendations? I feel like going for satin this time, or maybe I should just stick with lace? Ooh or how about this babydoll?” 
He’s struggling to maintain his composure as he stutters. “Um I-I think anything would look good on you, ___________.”
“Ok, then I’ll get this babydoll and these too!” You shove the sheer pink lace babydoll into his arms followed by one or two lace panties. “Where’s that best seller that you told me about?”
Jeongguk is struggling with the handful of lingerie in his arms, but he miraculously manages not to drop anything. “Um, over there.”
Taehyung and Jimin bound towards the fragrance section, and you follow them with Jeongguk beside you. 
“I’m so glad you let us visit you at your workplace, Kookie!” You exclaim as you browse the huge selection of body mists on display.
“Oh, it’s no big deal,” he gives you a little smirk. “And you should probably stop calling me that, since I’m a man now.”
“Our little Kookie has grown up!!!!” Jimin reaches to ruffle his hair fondly. “I still remember the days where you ran away at the sight of girls. Oh, remember that time where Yeri came to watch you at your basketball game and you got hit in the face with the ball??” Jimin is almost doubled over in laughter.
“OH and that time where he nearly pissed his pants when two girls surprised him at his locker for Valentine’s Day!” Taehyung joins in, and he almost knocks over a row of perfumes in his mirth.
Jeongguk snatches a bottle off the rack, struggling to contain his annoyance since he can’t punch them in his workplace.
“Oh, is this the one? Secret Noir Tease body mist,” you read off the label.
“It’s our best seller,” he gives a confident smile as he spritzes a few pumps of it into the air. The sweet scent coupled with a tinge of vanilla, red plum and freesia immediately hits your nose. “It’s perfect for dates, or for that mysterious man you’re so attracted to, and it has that hint of vanilla that makes it sweet, and also that tinge of red plum for that tangy scent. Perfect for a tease, kind of like you.”
Taehyung and Jimin are staring at Jeongguk, who doesn’t show a single trace of awkwardness at all now. “Wow, Kookie, when did you become this manly?”
He side-eyes them with a little smirk. “It’s my Victoria’s Secret.”
A/N: I APOLOGISE FOR THIS TRASH omg but i hope you liked it anyway, thank you all for all your support and love so far!!! please let me know what you think, as usual :>
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fy-skz · 5 years
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190419 Stray Kids Instragram Update:
Hello Kkuk-nim! Thank you so much for playing such a fun game and appearing on our Finding Stray Kids broadcast! I’m so happy that we could show a fun side and that our STAY had fun watching! We made fun memories together so while watching it again I laughed, imagining “Its’s so nice that STAY are watching this unforgettable episode together" and I’m truly happy.. and I wanted to play even more games with Kkuk-nim but it’s a shame.. If the opportunity comes in the future I want to do even better, more fun contents together!! Please watch over us in the future!! STAY I love you, and Kkuk-nim I love you too (I’m still enjoying your broadcast!) [ENG] Hello KKUK sir! It’s been so nice just playing all the games and having so much fun and filming together for our reality show. I deeply thank you so much for doing this together!  Not only I was glad that stay enjoyed watching, but the fact that we made happy memories and being able to watch them again... I laughed and thought, "It's so nice to see Stay watch an unforgettable episode”  Also KKUK! I wanted to spend more time with you. Although it's too bad that time goes by pretty fast. I wish to have a better, more fun content with you in the future! Please keep an eye on Stray Kids! Stay, I love you and always loving KKUK! (I'M STILL WATCHING YOUR CHANNEL!) #straykids #stay #HappyBokkie #KkukTV #Iloveyou 
Translation: Candace @ FY! SKZ ; take out with full credit
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