#started having this very bad back pain yesterday and it came back today im worried it might be dengue fever =_= but i dont have any of the
leafeonb · 3 months
i hope im not sick 😭
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dizzyduck44 · 2 years
Baku Bitchiness
I’m going to try to do this calmly. Two issues came out of todays race for McLaren
Firstly people don’t seem to realise that McLaren starting the two cars on different tyres and therefore different strategies, means that the drivers knew from the get go the role they would have to play during the race. Daniel would need to give Lando the chance to over/undercut the medium runners.
The early VSC seems to have thrown McLaren off a bit. Lando was even told, we don’t think this early pit stop would work.
Meanwhile Daniel thinks he’s quicker so says get Lando to speed up, which he did. Trouble was this probably meant his tyres went off a bit quicker than they should have and why his in lap was awful. At this point Daniel knows this is the plan, he is released. And almost immediately gets overtaken by Gasly when he loses the DRS he was getting from Lando.
Then Daniel pits, Lando is making good progress through the field on the hards so yes so far the strategy appears to be working, for whatever the end game is meant to be.
Then we come to the end of the race. McLaren have been helped by multiple DNFs at this point otherwise was the car really capable of points today?
This is where the pit wall really confuse me. If you know that the hard is a better tyre than the medium at this point and Lando is catching comfortably why hold position? Again they give Daniel the option, try and pass Alonso or we will swap you. Daniel dutifully catches up. So does Lando.
Then the fateful hold position call to Lando, which he rightly questioned. At this point the team know Lando is on the better tyre, he has proven he still has pace, the team effectively told him, you won’t catch Alonso, without letting him even try. They had effectively given up.
Now Lando had agreed that if he couldn’t catch Alonso he would let Daniel back through, Daniel wasn’t going to lose anything but the team gave up way to early. Put yourself in Lando’s shoes, “do the team not think Im capable of doing it?” “If Alonso goes off and we are 10 seconds down the road we can’t capitalise, 5 seconds we can”.
I want drivers to have that don’t underestimate me attitude in the car and question the team. I love it in Lewis and Max and Seb, Fernando has it spades. Carlos and Charles do it regularly, George as well. Yet only in Lando is it seen as a “bad trait”. Daniel questions the pit wall all the time. It’s never seen as whinging.
Lando was right to question it. Too often lately McLaren settle to make it seem fair in the team. Whilst I respect the whole don’t pressure Lando thing in Melbourne, the last thing they want is Daniel to race Lando, Lando’s car die and they hit each other, other races there really hasn’t been a need for it.
I do wonder was Lando told to hold because they knew Daniel was in pain in the car and they worried he might not be able to catch him back up? So was this the whole “don’t pressure him, he has a problem” thing again? It’s just not been broadcast so media and fans can’t jump on Daniel even more? Lando certainly had no sting or malice in him when interviewed after. Had he been told by that point out of the car what the problem really was.
Yesterday Lando questioned it, did as was asked (as he always has) but showed the team and everyone else that call very well may have been the wrong one.
The way people have reacted to racing drivers doing what they are paid to do though it ridiculous. The minute they don’t want to fight for that extra place, that’s when they question do they really want to be in the car anymore.
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purplecraze · 1 year
Beauty and the Beast AU 7
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 8:42 PM
the 3rd night came, and.............. silence? no ruckus? nothing breaking?
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 8:45 PM
Nara didnt noticed at first, falling asleep while reading, but when he woked up in the middle of the night, the silence was almost more scared than the noise...
He opened the door a bit and poked his head out
"Oi?? Fugo its all ok?? S-Sorry if im waking you up!"
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 8:45 PM
No reply. No bird watching his door either.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 8:47 PM
"....mh..." Maybe he should check?
After some minutes of thinking about it, he grabbed the candlelight in his room and decided to walk the hallway
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 8:47 PM
everything was as it should be. nothing was destroyed, no monster lurking around.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 8:49 PM
He murmured, maybe he was indeed sleeping--
What to do now? If he found him like last night he had little chances of outran him, but at the same time if he was hurt? But, even if he was, how could help him without touching him?
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 8:51 PM
yes, how indeed?
Once he reached the other side of the house, he found out what was wrong, though.
He heard a loud crash from outside. So he wasn't in the house right now.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 8:53 PM
Ah...He must be got outside like yesterday too...mhh
Ok he didnt really wanted to die sooo maybe he could look at him by the windows? He tried to spot were the noise come from to find the best place to see
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 8:55 PM
from what he could see, a tree was hauled over, which had caused the crashing sound.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 8:56 PM
Yikes, how strong that boy was??
He got a bit worried that his room door woulnt last very long
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 9:10 PM
Fugo came in sight, closer than Narancia had probably expected him to be, only a few meter away. luckily, he was on he first floor.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 9:12 PM
Time to sprint back to his room, hoping the other didnt saw him, both because he didnt wanted to die...and because he didnt wanted to be scolded the next day, if survived
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 9:13 PM
good choice! He's at the window! he can jump! he's at maybe 2 meter away now! run!!
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 9:15 PM
Yep! Narancia ran and reached his room, locking the door and making sure the window was locked too
"Jesus fucking christ-" he placed the light back in its place and layed on the bed
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 9:17 PM
lucky for nara, the window was too small to pass through. he had nowhere to hold on to, so he fell down, yelling out in pain.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 9:21 PM
Ok that was fucking scary.
No way to fall asleep again, so he grabbed the book and started to read it again, even if even after all this time he was barelly just at the second chapter
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 9:23 PM
also, the book really was of little help to the case. but congrats, you now know that the little fire bird is called a 'familiar' and you can try making one too.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 9:27 PM
Well, after all Nara didnt wanted to learn magic (ok maybe a bit yes?) But just have enough knowlege to find someone that could help Fugo...
But good to know! Maybe someday...
"C'mon there must be something about curses!"
Ugh he wished he was more smart...
Oh well...after the fiasco of today's lunch and before...maybe he could skip lunch and find more stuff!
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 9:28 PM
and miss the chance of getting scolded by seeing Fugo???
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 9:28 PM
Ok fair, after lunch. But only because he knew he would be hungry the whole day if he skipped it!
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 9:29 PM
you keep believing that, bestie....
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 9:30 PM
He sighed and got back to bed.
He woke up at...ugh, being there was also killing his sleeping patten, so he just got dressed and walked to the dining hall
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 9:33 PM
the true horror of this cursed place: bad sleeping pattern. almost makes you feel a tiny bit compassionate about the owner of that diary who kept it up for 3 whole months.
No Fugo to be found in the dining room. no bird either.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 9:34 PM
...He was pissed at him. Fair, they had a fight yesterday and he sneaked out twice in a row...
He quietly ate his lunch, at this point the other didnt had to bother tho, he knew how to cook something edibile...
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 9:35 PM
Well yeah, that was kind of a weird thing too. Normally, the food was already prepared. But this time it wasn't.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 9:40 PM
Oh ok- to the kitchen then!
He scoop around, slicing the bread, onions, and butter, and grabbing some spices, murming about how rich people could buy all those fancy stuff.
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He wondered if the other could actually eat onion soup...did cooked vegetables ended up to mold too? Should he make some for the other as an apology? What the fuck was cumin and why was it named like that? Who the hell named those spices??
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 9:41 PM
I mean, you can try?
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 9:44 PM
He made two bowls of the reciped he learn from his mom years ago, when they could still at least have fresh food and a kitchen were to cook it...  
He ate his own there and then took a bowl and pitch of water in front of the master bedroom, lighty knocked and then ran away to the library
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 9:46 PM
The door didn't open.
The only response he was getting was a sound he must have been getting used to over the past week: a distant moan.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 9:48 PM
"I made you some soup! If you dont want it just leave it here!" He rolled his eyes and got back.
The library was huge, but after some looking around he found what he needed, enciclopedias to understand what the fuck he was reading, and a french and latin dictionary, to understand what the fuck he was reading but in french and latin
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 9:51 PM
oh, such a hard working student~
once he got back, the bowl and water were left untouched.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 9:52 PM
Ok fine- he sighed and got back to his room, after all he had just 2 days to understand as much he could before leaving and find some umh...witch maybe? To undo the curse
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 9:55 PM
and everything is quiet yet again...... (not nightfall yet though)
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 9:59 PM
Nara sighed, did he wanted to help? Yes!
Was french kicking his ass? Yes!
Narancia covered his face with a pillow and let out a frustred scream
What he was suppose to do?? Learn two languages and read a whole book about concepts he didnt even knew before a week ago, when he could barelly write his name??
He trew the pillow away and left the room. Sighing. He looked outside, maybe indeed would snow tonight...
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 10:03 PM
the first few flakes were already starting to fall, so there's the chance of snow, yeah.
the bowl and water were still at the door. from inside came a faint coughing.
orange-plane-boy — 08/28/2021 10:04 PM
He took his courage and slighty opened the door
"....you ok?" He murmured
purplecraze — 08/28/2021 10:06 PM
Surprise, it wasn't locked.
He could see it was a very large room with a bunch of junk stalled around which looked suspicious, magic items and such.
in the far end stood a bed underneath an open window with its curtains open. there lay a figure on the bed, above the covers.
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megalony · 3 years
Teacher’s pet- Part 20
So I have about two more parts planned for this Ben Hardy series but I am going to be doing a follow-on series because I love this story and still feel I have more to write for it. I hope you will all like this part, feedback is always lovely to hear.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie​ @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr​ @rogermeddow​ @radiob-l-a-hblah​ @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6​ @rogertaylors-lipgloss​ @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly​ @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @rogahs-drowse @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh
Series taglist: @im-an-adult-ish​ @gwilymleeisbae​ @k-k0129​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @glittrixvibe @youngpastafanmug​ @ultraviolencezs @kdatthecastle @darlindolan​
Series masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) teaches at the school Ben’s boys go to and they soon start a relationship. But they have their ups and downs with the problems Ben faces with his boys and how quickly the relationship progresses.
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"I'm gonna go and see our baby girl now, they said I can finally hold her today."
Ben's fingers slowly and methodically carded through (Y/n)'s hair, moving the strands into waves and brushing them from her face as he talked quietly in a soft voice. He didn't know if (Y/n) could hear him or not, she was sedated but he knew that some people in comas could still hear voices around them so he hoped that even though (Y/n) was asleep, she could hear his voice.
He had spent most of the morning here with (Y/n), holding her hand, brushing his fingers over her skin to try and show her he was still here and talking to her in case she was listening. But now he had to go and see their daughter before he went home to the boys.
Every time he left (Y/n) here he felt guilty and in pain because something could happen when he left and he didn't want anything to happen when he wasn't here. And if felt awful to leave (Y/n) here on her own and he didn't like being apart from her, but he had to go and be with the boys until everything settled and he could bring (Y/n) home.
"I'll be back tomorrow, baby." He pressed his lips to the top of her head, tangling his fingers in her hair as he was desperate not to let her go.
It hurt that Ben couldn't wrap his arms around (Y/n) or kiss her or even talk to her. He wanted to take her home and have everything be as it should. Ben wanted (Y/n) in his arms, he wanted her and his daughter in his arms in a hug and he wanted the boys at home with them and for them to be the family they should be. He didn't want (Y/n) to be ill and in pain and their girl to be stuck in an incubator without her family surrounding her every hour of every day.
The moment Ben got out of the room he just wanted to turn back around and go lay with (Y/n) but he knew if he did that then he wouldn't leave.
"Ben, how is she today?"
He didn't get more than two feet away from (Y/n)'s room before his eyes suddenly locked on her mother heading towards him.
The first time Ben had met Alicia was worrying for him since he had met her only a month before he and (Y/n) found out they were going to have a baby. He had no idea how she would react to her daughter being in a relationship with someone who already had three children of his own, he knew it wasn't the best kind of image or the best situation her parents would want for her. But he had been more than surprised when her parents had taken to him straight away and Alicia was very welcoming to the boys, she was practically another grandmother to them already.
It crushed Ben more than anything when he had to ring (Y/n)'s parents and explain that (Y/n) had suddenly taken a turn for the worst after he had told them she was recovering well the night before.
And it was too hard for Ben to stay with (Y/n) when her parents came to visit her. They came every day like Ben did but he made sure they had time alone with (Y/n) or else he didn't know what to say, where to sit or how to act. All he wanted to do was sit beside (Y/n) and hold her hand and suddenly make her better but he didn't feel comfortable when her parents were in the room. He couldn't cry in front of them either.
Ben was engulfed in a rather comforting but still crushing hug the moment Alicia was in front of him.
(Y/n) always told Ben that he had charmed her mother almost like he had charmed (Y/n) herself. His smile won Alicia over and his nature and just generally how he was made Alicia accept him into their family straight away.
"They're keeping her sedated, she got too distressed when she was awake with the ventilator and she's still on a lot of antibiotics... but the doctor said her heart isn't affected, so that's good." Ben scratched at the short hairs at the back of his head before he rubbed his hands over his face, trying to wake himself up a bit more.
When (Y/n) had woken up early in the morning, they had to sedate her because it was distressing for her to try and move and realise that she couldn't breathe. Feeling a tube stuck down her throat was too much for her, especially when it made her focus on her lack of breathing and she couldn't communicate without panicking. It was kinder and safer to keep her in a sleeping state, at least until she started to recover.
But the sepsis was still attacking her system and her lungs weren't working on their own. The antibiotics were treating the infection (Y/n) had gotten after labour but they couldn't control the sepsis. The only good news they had right now was that (Y/n)'s heart was still strong and wasn't effected by sepsis because if that happened, her chances would be next to none.
"Well s-she needs the rest... how's the little one doing?"
It was clear that Alicia was about ready to burst into tears but she was doing her best to push the tears back and keep her voice under control. (Y/n) was her only child, she had no other kids so (Y/n) had been her world and Alicia didn't have much other family other than her husband and her sister. If she lost (Y/n) she wouldn't have anyone around her except for Ben and her granddaughter and the boys.
Alicia had been to see her granddaughter along with (Y/n)'s dad, Jeremy, they visited the baby every day they visited (Y/n).
"They're letting me hold her today, I just can't do the birth certificate yet... (Y/n)'s supposed to be picking her name."
Ben could feel a bad headache forming behind his eyes, causing him to rub ferociously at his eyes to try and relieve the feeling. Their girl was four days old now and by this time Ben usually got the birth certificate sorted but he couldn't do that when he didn't have a name for her. He and (Y/n) had three names but they never managed to decide on one before labour happened early. Ben picked the name for all three of his boys and he said he wanted (Y/n) to be the one to pick the name for their daughter but right now she couldn't so he wasn't getting the certificate done until (Y/n) was better.
"There's plenty of time for that. I'll visit her after I sit with (Y/n) for a while, and if you want to stay here with (Y/n) at any point, you just ring me and those three boys can stay with me. You know I think of them as my own."
Alicia rubbed her hand up and down Ben's arm as a silent look of appreciation filled his eyes before they parted ways. He couldn't carry on this conversation without wanting to cry and it was very clear to see, Alicia didn't want to push either of them too far. Ben knew and appreciated that she would look after the boys whenever she could because she thought of them as her own grandkids. But Ben had to be at home with them as well as being here with (Y/n) because the boys were starting to get worried and he couldn't have that.
It was only a short trip from (Y/n)'s room down to the neonatal unit where is girl was and it was a route Ben walked three or four times a day. Switching between seeing (Y/n) and their daughter before he went home and spent the night with the boys before coming back to the hospital as early as he could.
When Ben reached the room that held four other newborns as well as his daughter, he headed straight over to his little girl and where a nurse was doing her routine checks.
"Mr Jones, are you ready to hold baby today?"
Ben nodded his head, finding a smile already on his lips just at the thought of having her in his arms. The moment she had been born she was taken out of the room to be looked after and she'd had a tube down her nose to help her breathe since she inhaled some fluids. But now she just had an IV for some nutrients and a few monitoring clips and stickers to check her vitals.
Doctor Mills had checked up on her yesterday and said she just needed the incubator for another week to make sure her lungs were developed enough to work properly on their own. So Ben could take her home in just over a week.
At least one of his girls was okay.
Ben tried to stop his leg from jittering up and down when he sat down, anxiously waiting for that strange yet intoxicating feeling of holding his baby for the first time.
When he first got to hold Carter, Ben had never felt a wave of emotions like that before. He didn't want to put Carter down, he just wanted to sit and hold him for the rest of his life. Then when he had James it was the same emotions but more intensified, he had another life depending on him and another boy he could cherish and look after. Finn was the smallest of all his boys, he felt like a little baby doll in Ben's arms, the kind he remembered playing with as a kid. Finn was so small and delicate but he had been beautiful.
After Finn, Ben had been sure that he had all his kids. He didn't think he would want or even get the chance to have another child, especially not after things between him and Lucy evolved in the worst possible way.
But here he was now, about to hold his fourth child, his first daughter.
The moment she was placed into his arms, Ben felt a shiver running down his spine and tingling throughout his body. He thought Finn had been his smallest child but his daughter was here, proving him wrong. She was four pounds and three ounces which was definitely underweight considering the average baby was supposed to be around seven pounds.
But she was perfect.
She had a tiny button nose that didn't reflect Ben's bumpy, slightly crooked nose that both Cater and James had inherited from him. Her hands were tiny but formed behind the rose pink mittens stuck on her hands so she didn't scratch her face. Her body fit along the expanse of Ben's lower arm perfectly and the way she curled up in his arm made him grin. She tucked her face into his chest and it tickled when Ben felt her nose brushing against his skin through his shirt.
"Hey, girlie. We don't have a name for you yet, but I'll talk to your mummy about that soon. She's so desperate to come see you when she's better, and the boys are all in love with you already, even Finn says your so pretty. My first girl."
Ben slowly brushed his finger across her cheek, smiling at the way it made her head lean into his touch before it seemed to tickle her. When he brought the boys to see her yesterday, all of them had been in awe of their little sister. Carter looked like he wanted to pick her straight up and cuddle her, James had reached his hand out to take hold of hers. And when Ben picked Finn up so he could see her, the first thing he said was that she was very pretty and sweet even if she was very small. They all seemed to instantly take to the thought of a sister now that she was here with them.
All they needed now was for (Y/n) to get better so she could hold her daughter.
"Buddy, come on it's past your bed time, you need to try and settle down you have school tomorrow." Ben tried his best to sound sympathetic and understanding but it was hard when he didn't have the patience or the effort left in his system.
It was half past ten, both James and Finn were fast asleep in their room and all Ben needed was for Carter to either settle down or for once, actually fall asleep. They all had school tomorrow and Ben needed to try and calm his own mind down because he had to take them to school then go to the hospital to see (Y/n) and their baby.
Ben had seen this coming. He had seen the state Carter was in after his mum dropped the boys back home, he was anxious and hyper and that was a big sign that he wouldn't settle tonight.
"No, I don't wanna." Carter shook his head with a defying look on his face before he planted himself down on the sofa.
His eyes followed Ben's movements in the same way they normally did when he tried to defy his dad. He didn't look anxious or irritated, he looked blank like he didn't know where he was or what he was doing. Carter watched what Ben did in case his dad was really riled up and to see what he could get away with doing. He watched Ben down the last bit of beer in the dark brown bottle in his hand before he got up and moved to put it in the kitchen.
But the moment Ben came back into the living room, he turned the tv off and looked at Carter expectantly. He knew well enough to know that Ben wouldn't let him sit up and watch tv all night when he had school in the morning. Even if Carter wouldn't be tired if he stayed up all night, it still wasn't good for him and would break his routine of trying to settle for the night.
"Carter, listen to me. I'm tired, okay? I'm knackered, I've been at the hospital every day for the last five days and then I'm coming home to be with you boys. I can't sleep either but I need you to keep your routine, I can't deal with you being unsettled from no routine."
If Carter didn't have a routine it unsettled him because routines helped to calm him down and give him structure. (Y/n) and the baby being away in hospital and Ben running between home and hospital definitely didn't give Carter routine or structure. So Ben had to keep that routine for Carter wherever he could and right now that was keeping him at school, bringing him home and keeping set times for getting up and going to bed.
"No, you just want to deal with mum and not let me see her. I miss her and I can't sleep, I wanna go see mum! I wanna see my mum!"
Carter stomped his foot down on the carpet as he stood to his feet, his height making him just below Ben's shoulder. Carter had trouble sleeping but he was normally fine with laying down and thinking until he fell asleep. But when he was anxious like this all he could think about was what was worrying him and that was (Y/n). He thought about her and how he hadn't seen her in over five days but Ben saw her everyday. He missed her and he was jealous and angered that he couldn't go and see her yet.
"Carter she's ill, I have to be there and make sure she's getting better you know that-"
"I wanna see my mum-"
"I wanna see her too!" The way Ben's voice rose and his words bellowed back at Carter made the eldest boy take a step back. He wasn't expecting Ben to shout at him and he certainly wasn't expecting him to say that.
Ben saw (Y/n) every day so far, he did see her whereas the boys didn't get to, Carter didn't understand what he meant by that.
"Every second I'm away from her I want to go back to her Carter because she's sick! I wanna see her wake up and look at me and talk to me and kiss me and just to hold her. But I can't because every fucking second I'm with your mum, she's asleep because she is so fucking ill she can hardly breathe. I miss her even when I'm sat next to her because it doesn't feel like she's there, do you get that? If I take you to see her you'll get upset and when I go see her I cry so no, you can't go see her and I'm fucking sick of all this shit."
The tears that fell from Ben's swollen, red eyes made Carter start to cry silently because he never saw Ben cry. It was something that hardly ever happened and it showed him just how poorly (Y/n) was and how badly it was hurting Ben.
"I want your mum home with us and I want your sister here too, she's at the hospital all alone until I can go hold her. She's my daughter and I can't look after her like I did when I had you boys and it kills me." Ben's tone softened like slowly melting butter and his voice was quieter when he realised he had scared Carter which he never meant to do.
His daughter was all alone in the hospital without her family and even though she wouldn't understand what family was, Ben knew she would have that maternal and paternal instinct and know who he and (Y/n) were. When Ben had the boys they were all home within two or three days and he was looking after them. But with his one and only girl, she was at the hospital without her family and that cut Ben up into pieces.
"I miss mum."
Those three words were the only ones Carter could think of and could manage to say. And the moment they registered in Ben's ears, he went down on his knees in front of Carter and engulfed him in his arms. It didn't and would never matter to Ben how old any of his children were, he would always want to pick them up in his arms and cuddle them like they were all still toddlers.
He picked Carter up and stood to his feet until the eleven-year-old wrapped his legs around Ben's hips and tucked his head into Ben's neck, breathing in his scent which started to calm him down.
Ben kissed the side of Carter's head, moving one of his hands so he could slowly smooth his fingers over the hair at the back of Carter's head. No words were spoken between the pair as Ben silently headed out of the living room and made his way upstairs to his room. If Carter wasn't going to sleep and Ben didn't think he was either, the best option was for them to stay together and try to settle and calm down. They both needed comforting right now.
Carter stayed clinging to Ben like a monkey even when Ben laid down on the bed with his upper body leaning up against the cushioned headboard. Carter put a bit of strain and weight onto Ben's chest as he laid on his front but it didn't bother Ben, he just wanted to hug his son.
"I... I heard the new teacher talking about mum today." Carter kept his face buried in Ben's neck as he spoke but he was clearly calmer when Ben continued to run his hand through his hair.
"Yeah, what did they say?"
"She told the class that mum had her baby but is poorly so she won't be at work for a few months."
"No, buddy she won't be at work for a few months because when a person has a baby, they get time off to be with their baby. If your mum wasn't sick she still would have time off, she has to look after your sister. She's just in the hospital still because she's poorly."
Carter clearly worried that (Y/n) was going to be in the hospital for months with what he had heard the supply teacher say but that wasn't going to be the case.
"Mum is gonna get better... isn't she?"
"Yes she is, I promise."
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bubblybubbubs · 4 years
Bland (2)
Draco Malfoy x Reader
tags - @fanficflaneuse
Summary- Prince Draco has to confess a lot sooner than expected .
a/n- this is very much unedited but i just had to post it
The first part seriously flopped but I loved writing it so I still decided to continue it :))
“Where were you boy.” Lucius seethed at Draco the minute he walked into his room. His mother stood behind him but remained silent.
‘Why are you in my room.” Draco knew he was in deep shit, whenever he was with y/n he had always made sure to get back to the castle before nightfall but he had decided to spend the night with you, it was very much worth whatever punishment his dear father was about to give him.
“Where were you.” He repeated again ignoring Draco.
“Out.” Draco said simply.
“I can see that.” 
“Your Grandfather wanted to have dinner with you last night and you were nowhere to be found. He is no doubt deciding whether to pass the crown down to me or my sister.” Lucius said gripping Draco’s arm.
“I don’t see why that has anything to do with me.” Draco said tugging his arm back.
“How can I show him I would be able to control a kingdom when I can’t control my seventeen year old boy.” 
“Maybe you aren’t fit to be king.” As soon as the words left his mouth Lucius smacked Draco in the face, Narcissa let out a faint gasp as she reached for her husband who avoided her touch.
“You will not speak to me in that manner.” Lucius yelled , Draco remained silent whatever he would say would likely only make manners worse.
“Your Grandfather was gracious enough to invite you to brunch today. You will go, and you will behave yourself.”
“And no more of this sneaking out. I’m assigning guards to you, so don’t even try it.” Lucius finally said before storming out of the room.
“I’ll be fine.” Draco said to his mother who hesitated to leave, she quickly gave him a hug and a kiss before heading out to follow her husband. 
Draco threw himself onto his bed. He quickly checked his clock, he had one hour until his brunch.
He considered skipping the brunch to spite Lucius, but he would probably drag him there.
When it came to the crown Draco’s father did not leave room for mistakes.
Draco didn’t mean to be late to the brunch. 
He had been ready rather quickly but he had gotten distracted trying to lose his guards. He had walked up and down the corridors of the castle but they managed to keep up.
“Finally his Highness decided to grace us with his presence.” His Grandmother said. The Malfoy’s weren’t exactly the most pleasant of people.
“I’m sorry I’m late.” Draco said bowing to both his grandparents before taking a seat. They were the only people in the dining area, they had no doubt cleared it out for their special brunch.
“Where were you yesterday.” His Grandfather asked, he had a much more calm demeanor than Lucius had that morning.
“I was at Blaise’s house and I forgot to let my father know.” He quickly lied, Abraxos nodded.
“I hear you leave the castle a lot, is that where you go?” Draco tensed.
“Most of the time.” Abraxos hummed.
“You sure spend a lot of time together.” His grandfather sent him a knowing look.
“Oh. No, No it’s not like that.” Draco said almost choking on his drink holding back a chortle. His grandfather merely nodded.
Draco was greatly uncomfortable as they sat in silence for the next few minutes. He could tell his grandfather was studying his every movement down to how he drank his tea.
“Well I think we’re done here.” Abraxos said getting up.
“What, now? We barely started.” His grandmother said in protest.
“Yes.” He said. His Grandparents nodded in farewell and left the room. 
Draco scoffed, that was what his father had been fussing about, a ten minute brunch?  
He got up and left the room.
“Did they know about y/n?” Blaise asked popping out next to the door surprising Draco.
“How did you know I was here.”
“Crabbe wouldn’t stop talking about it all morning.” Daphne chimed in.
“Of course.” Draco huffed.
‘When can I meet her.” Daphne said with a frown. Draco and Blaise had told her all about their escapades and Daphne was over being left out.
“Probably never, Lucius has gotten me a personal guard.” Draco said, Daphne and Blaise glanced behind them to face the three guards following them intently.
“We could sneak out.” Blaise suggested.
“No can do, I tried to lose them this morning it’s impossible.”
“We could try at night, They don’t sleep with you, do they?” Daphne suggested. “Your window is not way far off the ground.”
“Woah Daphne taking risks? Who is shes?” Blaise teased.
“Shut up Blaise.”
They all stood by the window staring at the ground below.
“I don’t think we’d die.” Daphne said shrugging.
“I’m the one that they wont let leave, the both of you can just leave through the main gate.” 
“Where’s the fun in that.” Blaise said with a wide grin.
Draco gulped as he looked down at the fall from the window. Luckily he wasn’t too high in the castle. The castle was perched on the top of a forestry hill so if they landed too far out they might just roll into the trees. 
“Fine I’ll go first if your too scared.” Blaise said, he stuck his legs out the window first, slowly shimmying his body through without letting go of the edge until he was barely holding on and he let himself go.
Draco and Daphne ran up to the window to see Blaise laying on the ground below giving them a thumbs up. Daphne laughed before following Blaise out the window.
“Your turn Prince.”Draco huffed as he slowly lowered himself out the window. As he was half way out he saw the door knob jiggle.
“shit.” He said quickly letting go and falling on his back.
“See it’s not that bad.” Daphne said standing above him.
“Speak for yourself.” He groaned at the pain .
“We should probably go.” Blaise said. He hoped that whoever had tried getting into his room had given up, if not he would only get in more trouble. He wouldn’t be surprised if Lucius threw him in one of the towers.
They trudged through the forest.
“When do we reach a road.” Blaise groaned.
“Soon, I think.” Draco said, he wasn’t actually sure he was just working off the memory of the map he had in his room.
“You think?” Daphne huffed raising her skirt to keep it out of the mud.
“When are you going to tell her.” Blaise said. Draco honestly didn’t know, he hated lying to her. He would tell her.
“Soon.” He said they both nodded in understanding.
“If I were you I wouldn’t hide the whole prince thing, I bet it drives the ladies crazy.”
Draco stood outside her house throwing pebbles at your window. He grinned wildly seeing you through the window as you opened it.
“Hey I’ll be right down.” She whisper yelled.
“She’s pretty.” Daphne said. She was right, even in her night gown she was still the prettiest girl he’s ever seen.
“Hi my Love.” Draco said kissing her when he saw her.
“Hi Norman .” She said pulling back.
“I’m Miriam, D-” Blaise elbows Daphne before she could continue.
“Julian has told me all about you.” She corrected herself before glaring at Blaise.
“Its great to meet you.” Y/N said smiling.
The four of them got along greatly and they spent the night walking the town. The three nobles had to keep a low profile and kept themselves covered but y/n didn’t seem to mind.
Draco told himself he would tell her but he always convinced himself that next time he would. He kept wearing intentionally ridiculous hats that always made you laugh. He also realized he would do anything to hear you laugh, the sound was angelic to him.
Suprisingly he hadn’t gotten caught sneaking out yet, they would always leave after dinner. He was on his way to his room to discretely sneak out when his father stopped him.
“You Grandfather is dead.” Draco felt a chill down his spine not necessarily at what Lucius had said but at the grin his father wore, almost as if he was happy.
“I’m sorry.” Draco didn’t know his grandfather very well but he imagined Lucius had some sort of attatchment to him, being his son and all.
“For what, tomorrow I’ll be king.” Lucius still had that wicked grin that unsettled Draco. Becoming like his father was easily Draco’s biggest fear, he never wanted to be king himself but he knew he would be a better king then his father.
Draco remaines silent so his father continued for him. “Imagine tomorrow I will be crowned infront of the whole kingdom, you and your mother at my side.” Lucius took a great breath before leaving Draco in the hall.
“We heard about your grandfather .” Blaise said turning the corner with Daphne in stride.
“So sorry for your loss Draco.” Daphne said giving him a comforting smile.
“Thanks, but im not really worried about that.” Draco said running his hand through his hair.
“Shit. You’re going to have to tell her.” Blaise said eyes widening
“I think this is good, your big reveal is long over due.” Draco knew Daphne had a point but he was still dreading having to tell her.
“Thanks Daphne, I feel way better now.” Draco drawled sarcastically .
“As much as we’d love to see this unfold, I think you better go by yourself for this.” Blaise said.
“Yeah I know.” Draco sighed.
If Y/N was going to dump him it might as well be in private. He wouldn’t be able to handle his friends pity.
“She adores you Draco, I’m sure it will be fine.” Daphne said trying to comfort him.
“For my sake I hope you’re right.”
“I’m always right.” Daphne and Blaise shot Draco one last supportive smile before making their way back through the castle.
Draco huffed one last time before heading back to his room.
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newsiesobsessed · 3 years
Newsies fic: striker
Warnings: fights, some bad injures, abuse
Newsies fic with girl reader ( sorry boys ). I kinda went all out with this and it’s super long. Sorry This is my first newsies fic. I’m using the livesies. Enjoy
“Come back here” you yelled in your dream. You were dreaming that the Delancy Brothers stole your dinner money. It wasn’t a lot but you still needed to eat. You chased after them. “Hey that’s mi-“
“ Y/n wake up. Wake up I says!” You woke up to Jack shaking you violently. You tried sitting straight up but Jack kept you down. Still kinda asleep and annoyed you said “ Wha-“
”You was havin a nightmare” Jack chimed in before you could finish your question. You plopped your head back down on the pillow. It hurt when you head hit the pillow. You were Wondering why but then you remembered. Last night. You quickly pulled the sheets over your head and got completely under the blanket before Jack could see your cuts and brusies. “ Mind tellin me whys you is in the sick room of the lodging house?” You wanted to ignore Jacks question so badly but you knew you couldn’t. “ I don’t wanna talks about it”
Jack understood. “ Well come out if you want. Somehow we got a huge loaf of bread and some soup for breakfast and we ain’t knowin where it came from. “ You chuckled. Jack was almost out the door when you called out to him. “ Oi Jack? Can you gets Crutchie in here?” He smiled. “ Yeah sure,” he said as he walked out calling Crutchies name. Moments later Crutchie Hobbled in. “ You wanted me?” Crutchie looked at you a little worried because you was in the sick bed mad didn’t tell no one.
“ Yeah. You can just sit down here on the bed. “ You scooted over to the other side of the bed to make room for Crutchie. Still under the covers you asked “ So how does your leg feel today Crutchie?”
He smiled glad that someone asked him how he was. “ It feels good today! How about you? Your in the sick bed are you alright.?” He asked You slowly slid your face out from under the blanket. You felt comfortable telling Crutchie what happened last night. Crutchie saw your bruises and cuts. “ Y/N! What happened to your are you alright?! When did thi-“
“ Crutchie I’m alright. And last night. This happened last night. Earlier yesterday Me and my brother Jojo was selling in Central Park and the Delancy Brothers came over to me and Jojo. They said somthin to Jojo but i don’t know what they said. Next thing I know they pushed him in the fountain. I told them to buzz of and punched Oscar in the nose. It started to bleed. I could tell they wanted to pummel me but seeing as we was in Central Park he might have gotten himself in trouble. So he waited. Anyways I made a little extra yesterday so I decide to buy breakfast for everyone to have this morning. When me and Jojo was walking back to the lodging house I told him to go ahead that I was bringing a surprise back with me. He was hesitant at first but he went. I stoped by Jacobi’s and bought a nice long loaf of bread. Walking home with the bread out of the shadows the Delancy brothers knocked me down from behind. I tried to take the bread and run. But they caught me and starting fighting me. I tell ya Crutchie I fought as hard as I could. The end resulted in them stealing my bread and me passing out in the street. When I’s woke up it was almost dark. All the other newsies would have been asleep by that time. Blood dripping from my chest. Had a broken ankle Not able to walk Black eye busted lip, along with some other minor injuries, and my shoe was missin. My body hurt all over. I kid ya not Crutchie when I tells ya I crawled to the church and got the nuns to fix me up. I didn’t wants to bother you guys with patchin me up. It felt like hours. The nuns said that I should probably go to the doctors today. But all of us combined don’t have enough money for that. They gave me some soup and left over bread from their dinner that night. I took enough to feed the entire lodging house breakfast. Seeing as I was soaked real good I decided to sleeps in the sick room. “ having told my story I relaxed into the bed.
“ Oh my god. I- oh my god! How bad did they get you?!”
“Let me borrow your crutch real quick so I’s can stand and I’ll show ya.” You said with pain.
You took his crutch, and getting out of bed you stood up revealing what looked a human punching bag.
“ Stay here. But give me my Crutch first. “ Crutchie said hobbling as fast as he could to the fellas. “ Guys come here you’s have to see what the Delancys’s did to Y/N last night. “ Crutchie said with a hint of panic and worry in his voice. And with that the fellas came rushing into the sick room. As they all barged in at once you just stood there feeling embarrassed for not being able to defend yourself.
“ WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YA! I KNEW I SHOULDN’T HAVE LEFT YOU BY YOURSELF!” Jojo yelled before running over to ya and making sure you was ok.
“ Well fellas. I think we’s got a nickname for her. Her new name is ‘Striker’!” Said Les.
“ Les not right now. she is in real pain. “ David whispered in Les’ ear. But there were murmurs of agreement. “ So Striker, what the hell happened to ya?” Said Race. You didn’t feel like telling the entire story again.
“ Long story short The Delancy’s was picking on Jojo yesterday in Central Park and I beat up Oscar for it. I didn’t mean to punch him THAT hard. Anyways I made a little extra money yesterday so I told Jojo to go backs to the lodging house and I would be back in about a hour with a surprise. He eventually left and as I was walking home with a loaf of bread from Jacobi’s bread the Delancy Brothers picked a fight with me. End result they took my shoes, stole the bread I bought for breakfast today, made me look like this with a broken ankle hence why I’m using Crutchies Crutch to stand, and cut me across my chest with a knife along with a few other injuries. They got so bad I passed out in the street. Woke up and it was dark. Late enough for y’all to already be asleep. Not being able to walk I had to Crawl to the church. I went there because I didn’t wanna wake you guys up and bothers ya with patchin me ups. Da nuns fixed me up and suggested I go to the doctors today. Which I’m not because I knows that all of our money combined isn’t enough for the fee and you guys need that money to eat and buy papes. Anyways they gaves me some soup and bread leftover from dinner. That’s how I got the breakfast this morning. When’s I gots back here I went to the sick room as to not wake anyone up. And that’s that”
“ So, you’s tellin me that the Delancy Brothers did this to you for beating up Oscar and for defending yourself in a fight?” Jack said sounding kinda suspicious.
“ Yeah.”
“ Well I say WE SOAK THEM!” Albert yelled.
“ NO.” You yelled. “I AINT LETTIN U GUYS END UP LIKE ME. IM GUNNA BE IN THIS BED FOR A WHILE. AND I DON’T WANT THAT HAPPENING TO THE REST OF YA“ You sighed. “ I only need one thing from you guys. I need just one person to stay here to helps me. Seeing as I can’t walk. I can barley stand. And then whoever stays the rest of ya devide their regular pape count between ya and sell them so we aint lose no money. “
“ So who do you want to stay with ya Striker?” asked Les hopin it was him. He looked up to you abs wanted to help. You knew this but if he stayed then David would stay. And that’s too many papers lost.
“ Lemme think. Not Jojo. Sorry little bro but yous gunna baby me if I choose u. Don’t even deny it. Not Jack, Finch or Albert. They are a little to uh- what’s the word? Oh yeah. Demanding” there were chuckles and a “ You can say that again “ from Mush. You continued “ I want to say Crutchie but he is our best seller besides Jack and Race. Which means that I can’t pick Race either. Not Les or David. Even thought David would take care of me just fine he has to take care of Les. So with that being out of the way I choose Elmer. “
“ Really? “ Elmer piped up.
“ Yeah. You are gentle and don’t push me to do stuff I don’t wanna“
“ Ok Elmer it is. The rest of us gotta be goin now. Feel better Striker. “ Race said. They fellas started running out the door and down the hall.
“ Oh yeah the reminds me. RACE”
Race poker his head in the room
“ Yeah?”
“ I needs to ask ya a favor. Elmer I know we ain’t supposed to use the tub much but can you’s draw me a warm Bath while I talk to Race for a minute?” And with that Elmer left the room.
“ So what’s you want to talk to me about?” Race asked
“ You sellin in Brooklyn today?”
“ Wha- I don’t sell in Brookl-“
“Race. It’s ok. I know bout you and spot and if you don’t want me to I won’t tell no one” You said cutting him off. A wave of relief washed over him. “ Yeah why?” He asked. “Well, I mean This in the best way possible. Spot has been in a lot of fights. He can fix bruises and shiners and cuts like magic. I would go to Brooklyn me self but I can’t walk. So if u could. Gets him over here’s or get him to meets me half way to help me patch up my br-“
“ Yeah. Sure” Race said. You thought you heard a little bit of nerves in his voice but then he softened. “ Anything else?”
“ Does you think you could find one of Crutchie’s old Crutches for me to use from when he was little?”
Race smiled. “ Follow me. “ So you started following him but you Fell. Race whipped around. “ Damn I forgot you can’t walk. Wait let me help you up. “ You almost fell again getting up but managed to get up on the bed. “ Ok so stay here. “ he went off and can back with 2 Crutches. “ Here. Use whichever one you is comfortable using. “
“Thanks Race. I owe ya. “
“ naw ya don’t owe me. You’s hurt. You don’t owe me “ race chuckled. Elmer popped back in
“ Tubs ready “
“ Thanks Elmer. Now Race get goin. You got papes ta sell” he winked at ya and with that he left.
You grabbed the shorter crutch and sent off the the tub. It was cracked and everything. Not a very sustainable tub. But it’s a tub none the Less.
“ Elmer listen to me. I already have Racer gettin spot to help patch me up. But I needs you to go to the Bronx and get smalls to come up here. She is like a sister ta me and I needs a girl newsies to help patch up my chest. And I trust her with my life. While you is getting her I’m gunna wash out the blood in my hair. As soon as you have her send her in immediately! You hear me?” Elmer nodded and off he went. Once you was sure he was gone you started washing your hair. You tried to patch yourself up but it was no use. Hopefully Spot knew how to tend to brass knuckle marks. After you washed your hair you went to get some food. There was little soup left and a piece of bread. You ate it and then decided to go up to Jacks penthouse in the sky to get some fresh air. It felt good to feel the cool breeze.The sun was staring to set. That meant that the newsies would be gettin home soon. Someone was climbing up the fire escape to the penthouse. But you didn’t pay no attention to it
“ Hey Y/N . Word is you was beat to the bone,” Smalls called out. You turned around and saw her standing on the ladder. You went to hug her but forgot about your ankle you were so excited and fell down trying to get up. Smalls let out a small gasp and rushed over to helps you up. “ What happened to you?!”
“The Delancy Brothers.” Smalls sighed. “ Figures. Ok let’s go get you fixed up. “ after a while she had fixed up your chest and gave you a new set of wraps. You thanked her and walked out of the bathroom to find Spot Conlon sitting in the sick room waiting for you. You saw him and gave out a glad sigh. He saw your crutch. And looked a little worried.
“ Damn. The Delancys have outdone themselves this time“ Spot chuckled. “ How ya doin Y/N?”
“ Ya know just feel like I fell into hell and rose from the dead. Also it’s Striker now. Finally got a nickname!” You smiled having wanted a nickname for months now. He chuckled. “ So,” spot started. “ How bad is it and what does I need to do?”
“ Well Smalls patched up my chest already.” Spot stopped you. “ What do ya mean ur chest?” “ Oh Race didn’t tell ya what happened. Well The Delancy’s cut me across my chest with a knife. They broke my ankle hence the crutch. Gave me a shiner. And a few other minor injuries that I can’t fix.” Spot sighed.
“ Well come on. Into the bathroom. I’m gunna fix that ankle first Bc that’s the worst injury I know of. Then we’ll work on your face. “ you nodded your head in agreement. He wrapped your ankle and put a stick on it in place of a splint. Before moving on to the face he had you walk to make sure your could stand. Seeing that you could be moved in to your face. There was nothin he could do about yo ur shiner but he did fix you lip. Kinda. It was still a little swollen but he told you to give the lip time. He moved your hair out of the way trying to scrub your face and he noticed marks that were no doubt made by brass knuckles. . You didn’t tell anyone bout that one.
“ And what is this? Let me guess. Delancys. “ You didn’t say nothin.
“ Well that could leave a permanent mark. I need ya to let me touch them. Can ya do that? Am I allowed to touch it?” You wanted to say no. But you also wanted it fixed. “ I guess. “
He started gently rubbing a wash cloth over the marks causing you to inhale sharply. “ On second thoughts just leave it alone. “
“ Y/N I mean Striker I know it hurts. I got beat by brass knuckles once. But if you want it to heal you need to let me fix them. I’m gunna go slow and run some water over it. “ as he ran the water over it the pain started to go away. In a matter of minutes he stopped. “ Ok striker do you need me to do anything else?” You did. You needed your back fixed. You don’t know what they hit you with from behind last night but it hurt. But it could also be your marks from the refuge and your parents. And you didn’t want anyone to see them. “ No, you need to get back to Brooklyn. I can fix the rest myself. “
“ ya sure?” He asked. He knew there was more injuries but he didn’t want to push ya. And you was right about needing to get back to Brooklyn.
“ Ya. Thanks spot. Here, take this“ you gave him part the bread from breakfast. He took it and went on his way. You heard him say somthin the the newsies as he left. But you didn’t know what that was. You came out of the bathroom and climbed back up to jacks penthouse. He surprisingly not up there. You didn’t know when you fell asleep up there but when you woke up it was morning. When you woke up your shirt was off so you could your wraps. You always slept in your wraps and ya pants. The boys knew this. And they didn’t mind.
“ Ah. Your awake. “ Jack called out. “ I saw your back was bleeding through your wraps. I thought Spot And Smalls Patched you up?”
“ They did. But only where I told thems. “ you responded.
“ So why is your back bleeding and why didn’t you tell no one about it?”
“ Because Jack. I don’t want no one seein my back. It’s a disaster of scars. Some from the refuge. Some from my folks. “ the rooftop went dead silent.
“ I’m sorry. Do you want anyone specific to help patch them up today because there is no way we is leavin you alone. “
“ It doesn’t matter who stays. As long as they can keep a secret. “
“ Ok. I’ll go tell the fellas that I’m stayin home from work today. “
“ Jack you are the best seller. You can’t!”
“Striker yes I can. Do ya want any of the others fellas to know about this. Do you think any of them can keep a secret. Do you think any of them make enough money that they can miss a days pay. I’m stayin with you.“ Jack kisses your head to which you pulled back. He looked confused. That’s when you pushed up your hair and revealed your beat up forehead.
“ Anything else you wanna tell me?” He started making his way back to his side of the penthouse to get some rags for your back when you blurted out “ Jojo is adopted. My parents adopted him to replace me. And then we left them when he found out what they did to me. That’s why the Delancys beat me up. For leaving the family. “ Jack froze. He stammered. “ Wait. This means that your a-“
“ Delancy. Yes. Y/N Delancy. But they ain’t my family. I got no family. The only person besides Jojo that knows is Smalls. . “
“ Wow. Well come here. Let me clean your back off. “ you halfway undid your wraps so that your back was showing but your front wasn’t. The rough washcloth stung as it ran up and down your back. “Jack. Your not mad at me. Are ya?” He was silent. Then he spoke. “ No Striker I ain’t mad at you. Mad at your brothers yes. Mad at your parents for treating ya like this. Yes. Mad that someone as sweet as you had to go through this. Hell Yes. But your tough as nails. “ That last part made you smile. Jack finished fixing you up help you redo your wrap. “ Your going to get better Striker. This WILL heal. How about we go to Central Park just to get ya outside. No papes. Just to be outside.” You could tell it wasn’t a question and more of a command. So you went to Central Park and spent the day there. A nice lady gave you a quarter. You don’t know why. It was getting dark and you and Jack decided to head back to the lodging house. When ya got back to the lodging house the rest of the newsies welcomed ya in. That’s when ya realized that ya had a family. And in the family there were no secrets. So after dinner ya told the newsies the entire story. There was no way that the newsies were every leavin you and Jojo alone again.
That’s is I hope ya liked it.
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intheweedsx · 3 years
Chapter 2: The MET Gala
Chapter 2: The Met Gala 
The night before the MET Gala Calvin was supposed to arrive tom after his  3 month tour and she couldn’t be more excited
“honey im here” shouted Calvin from downstairs
Taylor quickly applied her lipstick and looked in the mirror as she just wore a black lace bra and panties. She decided to slip on a see through shirt and she headed down stairs to greet Calvin. 
Taylor ran to Calvin and embraced him in a longing hug. It felt like forever since they had seen each granted it had been three months. 
“hey babe” taylor said 
“hey I’ve missed you” Calvin said groggily as he yawned 
“hey love I’m going to go to bed early I’m so exhausted after the fourteen hour flight. 
“yea sure babe. The bed is already made and if there is anything you need I’ll be down here”
“hey Calvin do you want me to unpack your things so you don’t have to do it in the morning”
“yea sure thank you so much”
Taylor took his 2 suitcases and started to unzip them when a pair of dark purple panties fell out. They seemed to have fallen out of Calvin’s suit along with an empty condom wrapper. 
Taylor’s heart shattered as she knew that Calvin had cheated in the past but that was in the beginning of their relationship and she had thought they had worked it out and he promised her wouldn’t do it anymore. Taylor started tearing up knowing that their relationship was done. Taylor knew she couldn’t let him keep cheating on me not when I wanted to start a family with him. 
“calvin can you come here” taylor said wearily 
Calvin slowly came down the stair as he had just gotten out of bed
“can you explain this” as she held the panties and condom up 
“you swore you wouldn’t cheat on me anymore and this is what you bring home. The filth of your mistress. I can’t believe you Calvin I really trusted you. And the worse part is she definitely  wasn’t the only woman you fucked on your 3 month tour. We are done. Please get your shit out of here”
“Babe I promise it won’t do it again I was just so desperate for some action after not being with you for months”
Taylor looked like she was going to explode 
“How dare you blame my lack of presence for you cheating. I did not have the urge to cheat while you were gone even though I missed physical contact so much I sucked it up because I knew how import this relationship was to me and how I could never hurt you like that. But it seems it was quite easy for you to throw what we had all to waste. Please get of this house right now”
Calvin turned around and headed up the stairs to gather his things because he knew that the relationship was over and there was no going back. 
Calvin came back down with his stuff packed 
“she was better than you anyway” Calvin said as he left slamming the door. 
Taylor broke down crying knowing she would have to tell her family and the whole world that yet again she could not make a relationship work. 
All of a sudden Taylor heard her phone buzzing. She went to go check who was texting her and it was Joe. She was confused as to why he was texting her cause she hasn’t  spoken to him since the night after she got black out drunk
“hey Taylor I know we haven’t spoken in a while but I was wondering if you were going to the MET. I kinda assumed because you are a high profile celeb and all that fancy stuff. Anyway get back to me when you xo”
“hi Joe I am going hope to see you there :)”
Well that was strange she thought but alas its time to wallow with some well deserved chocolate ice cream. 
-The day of the MET Gala- 
“Hey Tree, is it really necessary that I go to the MET Gala especially with all the Calvin stuff”
The news had not broke yet about Calvin and Taylor ending their relationship but Taylor was still very upset about the breakup and needed time. 
“Taylor everyone already knows that you are going you need to make an appearance at least for an hour”
“ok ill see you then bye”
A few hours passed by and it was already time to get ready. 
Taylor went through her closet and found the silver robot looking dress that she was given to wear. When she slipped it on Taylor realized it wasn’t as pretty as she remember but it has to do because there is nothing else I could wear. She freshened up her red lipstick and called John to pick me up. 
Once Taylor arrived at the MET gala she was bombarded with tons of paparazzi asking “where is calvin” “will he be coming later” Taylor didn’t know what to say so she just shrugged off the questions. Even if we were together Taylor doubted  hhe would want to come anyway he always thinks he is too good for these frivolous events. 
Taylor made my way into the main dining hall where she saw Gigi and Karlie
 “Hey guys how are you”
“we are pretty good” they chimed in while they seemed to be looking in the other direction 
“guyyyss what are you looking at” Taylor trying to follow their gaze 
“remember that guy from the bar back in April look he is here, I may go say hi” Selena said as she started walking towards him 
Taylor had not told her friends that she had kept in brief contact with Joe or that she may have cheated on Calvin with Joe, that was not certain but she was pretty sure she did. Taylor started to walk over behind Karlie and Sel
“hey Joe” Selena drunkly shouted
Joe looked up confused and then look relieved once he spotted Taylor hiding behind Sel and Karlie
“Hey guys I haven’t seen you guys in forever how are you”
The three girls nodded in unison saying they were good 
The group chatted for a few minutes and then Taylor was interrupted by a tall handsome man 
“hey Taylor” a British accent said 
Taylor looked up and noticed it was Tom 
Taylor and Tom had met a few days before the MET Gala and had hit it off. Taylor found him incredibly charming and really handsome. 
“heyy tom, do you want to go sit down over there”
“bye Joe it was nice seeing you again”
Joe saw Taylor walk away with another man which pained him but he knew that to Taylor Joe will always be the man she met in the bar and nothing more. 
Tom snaked him arm around Taylor’s waist which caused Taylor’s stomach to fill with butterflies. As they approached the table Tom pulled out the chair and Taylor graciously sat down. 
“so tom how have you been since we last say each other” 
“great I have been a bit busy with casting for the upcoming marvel movie but other than that it has been great to be in the states”
“hey tom let’s go dance no one else is dancing right now”
Taylor and tom started dancing and soon enough more people joined them on the dance floor 
Joe saw Tom and Taylor dance from the other side of the room and was instantly jealous of the beautiful pair
Taylor looked into Tom’s eyes and then Tom twirled her around and brought her back closer to him almost hugging her then he spun her out again. Taylor was having the time of her life dancing away the thought of Calvin. 
However, Taylor noticed that everyone was looking that and then she realized that the general public still thought she was with Calvin. 
“hey Tom, I’m going to go to the bathroom to freshen up okay?”
“ya that fine meet me back here when you are done” tom said as he winked as her which brought Taylor to a smile. 
Taylor started to rush to the bathroom because she did not want anyone to ask her any questions as to why she was dancing so feverishly with Tom 
Joe saw Taylor running to the bathroom and he thought something was wrong and he followed her 
When Taylor got to the bathroom she locked the door and started to break down crying because with all the events of the last 24 hours she was just done with being the center of everything and she needed a break from everything. All of a sudden to heard a knock at the door 
“hold on I’ll be right out” Taylor shouted 
“hey tay it’s Joe are you are okay?” Joe asks softly 
Taylor rolls her eyes thinking why is following her she just needs to be alone 
“hey Joe do you mind leaving me alone for a bit”
“are you sure you are okay love”
Taylor thought it might not be bad to have some company and she opened the door and let Joe in
“hey Joe” Taylor said while wiping away the tears on her cheek
Joe looked at Taylor sympathetically and brushed his thumb on her cheek hoping to wipe away the tears 
“thank you” taylor said wearily and she held back her tears 
“love whats wrong” 
“I just can’t do it anymore, yesterday I broke up with Calvin because I found out he was cheating and today I’m dancing with Tom hoping to put yesterday behind me but all the memories came flooding back when we were dancing and I just can’t do it anymore Joe” Taylor said while crying into his shoulder
Joe started to rub Taylors back and tell her that everything was going to be okay that she didn’t have to worry
Taylor then realized that she had been in the bathroom for a while and that Tom will probably be worried 
“Joe I’m going to need to leave Tom is probably worried about me” Taylor said as she looked into the mirror wiping away the tears 
Joe let her go and Taylor looked around and mouthed thank you 
Taylor knew in that moment that Joe was going to be a very special person in her life that she could hopefully count on in him in the future 
Taylor and Tom danced the night away and later that night left together and went to Taylor’s home in new york 
Tom and Taylor snuck in through the back entrance 
“Tom stop it” Taylor giggled as tom started kissing the back of Taylor’s neck 
“do you really want me to stop” as tom twirled Taylor so she was facing tom 
Taylor shook her head no and tom leaned in to kiss her 
Soon enough Taylor’s dress was on the floor and she was left in just her black panties and push up bra. Tom similarly only had his pants on while showing off his set of abs. 
“hey tom do you want to go upstairs” as Taylor smirked 
Tom smiled and hoisted Taylor up so she was straddling him while he was carrying her up the stairs. 
When he got to the top of the stairs he found the bedroom and laid Taylor down on her bed
Tom quickly slid his pants off and he was left in just his boxers with his throbbing member showing
Tom started to climb on the bed and he started leaving trails of kisses from Taylor’s thighs all the way up to her breasts
Tom unclasped Taylor’s lace bra and started to leave kisses around her next and eventually on her breasts
Taylor was getting impatient and started to reach down for tom’s boxers when he stopped her and pinned her hands above her head
Tom made his way down to Taylor’s hips and slowly started to take off her black lace panties. He slid his fingers into taylor and started thrusting which elicited several moans from taylor. At that point taylor was getting impatient and just wanted Tom inside of her 
Tom saw that taylor was getting impatient and he took his throbbing length and slowly inserted it into taylor to which taylor let out a moan. Tom slowly thrusted himself in and out of taylor having her feel every inch of him
towards the end when both of them were reaching their climax tom lifted Taylor’s leg up and started to thrust in and out faster and faster until both of them came together 
Both tom and taylor laid on on top of each other for five minutes before they could regain themselves. 
“thanks tom” taylor whispered gratefully as that was some of the best sex she has had in a while 
“welcome love” tom added 
After an hour of cuddling Tom started to redress himself as he had to leave because he had an early day tomorrow 
“bye love call me whenever you are free” tom added 
“bye bye see you later” taylor said as tom left her bedroom and she heard him leave through the back door 
Taylor did not have a problem with tom leaving because usually when she has a one night type stand like this she doesn’t expect anyone to stay over
After a few minutes taylor slowly fell asleep. 
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satonthelotuspier · 4 years
I'm seeing prompts on your site and does that mean you are accepting them right now? I've never requested a prompt before and I don't know what to do? But if I'm doing it right I'd really like to see 13 for XueXiao from the bodyguard au prompt list? Fluffy or angsty, as you please. Am I doing this right?
OK so Im being obvious, but this contains XueXiao.
Modern Bodyguard AU so none of the complications of canon apply.
Now the disclaimers are out of the way, I have to apologise to the very patient @amaskinamirror bc this took so much longer to write than I expected. The reason being most of my prompt fics end up around the 1k-1.4k word mark and this kept going and kept going because there was a story there. It came in around the 4.5k work mark. Think of it as added value, unless you hate it in which case it’s not ;)
Pompts from this post here
Part 2 now available here
Xue Yang is the enfant terrible of the music world and his manager has pretty much had enough of his shitty behaviour. Features a thorny Xue Yang shaped by the worlds opinions of him, and a hardass yet caring Xiao Xingchen who maybe might just start to see beyond the lies.
Possible triggers/warnings: Also features swearing, man-handling, use of a date rape drug, minor injury and blood. Luckily XXC is there to save the day in all situations.
Xue Yang was woken up from a deep, no doubt alcohol-induced, sleep to the feeling of cold water being splashed in his face.
He shot upright coughing and spluttering and wiping water out of his eyes, trying to process what the hell had happened. The unconscious bodies around him all started to stir and groan back to lucidity.
Xue Yang followed the long line of the leg in front of him up to eventually meet a pair of dark eyes staring down at him without expression.
“What the fuck?” he demanded and tried to get up but someone he didn’t even remember the name of was laid across his legs.
It had been another party. One where they’d drunk hard and passed out before dawn some time; he didn’t know half the people here. That had never stopped him. Being the enfant terrible of the music industry took both time, effort and commitment.
The tall man bent down to extricate him, then yanked him to his feet.
“You have rehearsals in ninety minutes. Get showered, you smell like a brewery” a garment bag was pushed into his hands then he was waved in the direction of the hotel suite’s bathroom.
“Excuse me, but just who the fuck are you?” honestly his head felt a little woolly still from the after-effect of the alcohol he’d been drinking, but he was sure he didn’t know who this man was or what he was doing in his hotel suite.
“Your Fairy Godmother, Cinderella, now go get a shower, you’re wasting time”
Xue Yang grabbed hold of the collar of his jacket, “Don’t bullshit me”
The hand that clamped around his wrist was steel-like, “Your new security. Your manager sends his regards. I won’t tell you to go and shower again”
“Firstly, if you are security you are not my boss, so you can stop with the ordering me around like I’m your little bitch, secondly, you are my security? I’m sure if a duckling gets too close you’ll do a great job, otherwise…” he was going to push the other away, sure because of his willowy frame it would be easy. Quite how he ended up in an armlock and being dragged to the bathroom he didn’t know. He bit his tongue to stifle the cry of pain; no way would he utter the noise aloud. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” he snarled as the other kept going into the bathroom.
“I’ve already explained. I’m not going to repeat myself” the man opened the shower door, pushed Xue Yang into the cubicle and pushed the on button.
Of course Xue Yang never learned his lesson; he launched himself at the other only to bounce off the cubicle door as the other shut it behind him, holding it closed.
“New world order, xiao-Xue, get used to being my little bitch” the other grinned as Xue Yang punched the glass then yelled at the pain in his hand, “Clean up, I don’t want to be forced to come in there and clean you up myself”
Xue Yang curled himself up as small as possible on the back seat of the car; he was in high sulk. After calling his manager to demand an explanation of what was going on Jin Guangyao had told him in no uncertain terms he’d better get used to the idea of Xiao Xingchen being around. His new security was not only there to provide for his personal safety after a spate of disturbing mail (more disturbing than the usual run of the mill threats at least), but to whip him into some kind of shape as Jin Guangyao was convinced his terrible behaviour, bad reputation and general personality was about to lose them some very large contracts.
Everyone loved a bad boy in theory, but when it began to affect his ability to make his management company money then they were definitely going to act to protect their asset.
And that had come in the form of Xiao Xingchen, who looked as gentle and fragile as an orchid but who had already handed Xue Yang his ass once today already.
“A-Qing, I need breakfast” Xue Yang whined at his assistant as his stomach rumbled for the fourth time.
“You shouldn’t have upset the new bodyguard then” she mocked him quietly, and he retreated even more, pulling the hood of his jacket up and wrapping his arms around his knees as A-Qing took pity on him and leaned forward to ask the driver to stop at a nearby coffee shop.
They did, and A-Qing and the driver returned with coffees for all and a bag full of muffins.
Lao-Xia, the driver, and A-Qing had been with Xue Yang long enough to not meet his gaze as they started on their own food; Xiao Xingchen had no such warning; he was too busy goggling at Xue Yang who had made his own muffin disappear like a magician with a rabbit.
“Are you going to eat that?” Xue Yang asked, pointing at the baked bun in Xiao Xingchen’s hand.
He simply offered it over; perhaps surprised at the demonstration of the speed at which a muffin could be demolished without trace.
The second one followed the first in quick order and Xue Yang froze as the other reached  over to brush the crumbs that had stuck to the corner of his mouth away with a thumb.
“You don’t want the Paparazzi to catch that” he said simply before turning in his seat to look out of the windscreen and sip at his coffee.
Xue Yang curled back in on himself and held his ridiculously sweet iced coffee to his chest.
“You eat too much sugar” Xiao Xingchen told him as Lao-Xia started the car and set off driving to the studio, “You need something to give you energy for the first meal of the day”
“Good luck with that, he functions on pure sugar and supplements” A-Qing mocked and Xue Yang shot her an annoyed look.
Xue Yang didn’t know why he was surprised the next morning when he was awoken by a solid shake to the shoulder.
He hadn’t been able to avoid the other to sneak off to party last night so he wasn’t hung over but that didn’t mean he was any more amenable to the idea of waking up.
“Come on Sleeping Beauty, you have to be at your first interview in an hour”
Interviews. His mortal enemy. The thing he hated most in the world. And he was still no better at dealing with them than he had been as a fresh face on the music scene, where the press had crucified him, thrown every painful fact of his past in his face and then painted him as a troubled bad boy with a temper; a role he’d eventually just given up fighting against and embraced.
He threw the blankets over his head; maybe if he just went back to sleep the interview would disappear.
The blankets were thrown back.
“Dude, what the fuck?” he demanded, was he allowed no privacy at all anymore?
“Get up” Xiao Xingchen jerked his head towards the bathroom.
“Fuck off. I’m not going” he reached out to push the other away.
It went about as well as yesterday had for him; he ended up face down on the bed with his arm locked up between his shoulder blades.
“Are you going to learn any time soon? I mean, kudos for persistence but lose points for stupidity. Now, last chance to get up on your own, otherwise I’ll throw you over my shoulder and you can go dressed like that”
Xue Yang wasn’t sure he believed the other was strong enough to actually carry him out of the hotel room, but he daren’t take the chance he might be dragged out kicking and screaming and dressed in his ratty old t-shirt and shorts.
“Fine, yes, I’m getting up. Let me go, please” as a street child he’d learned to beg prettily and it wasn’t a skill he was averse to using if he needed to, to survive. It didn’t need to be sincere, it just needed to sound it, to be calculated to pull on the other’s heart strings.
It didn’t seem to affect Xiao Xingchen, but he was released nonetheless.
Xue Yang of course arrived on time for his first interview, (there were three in total scheduled for today), as far as they went it wasn’t particularly gruelling for him, but he was fully aware he was a mess by the end of it; he’d probably come across like he was on drugs, but it wasn’t like that would be the first, second or third time the rumour would circulate in relation to him.
He knew Xiao Xingchen eyed him in consideration, but he ignored it; he didn’t have the presence of mind to survive the next two interviews and worry about what his new security agent was judging him for today.
He was much worse by the end of the second; he had been left alone a sitting room of the hotel the interview’s had been arranged at and he lowered his head into his hands, trying to even out his breathing and calm himself. His professionalism would be questioned even further if he failed to complete the last interview, or screwed up during it.
He felt the couch dip next to him, “Here” he looked up, poison on his tongue ready to be spit at Xiao Xingchen when he realised the other held out one of those large chocolate chip cookies in a napkin. There was also iced coffee sat on the table in front of him.
“Just relax, empty your head, and focus on the cookie” Xiao Xingchen informed him; raising an eyebrow as Xue Yang didn’t immediately accept the confectionery from him.
He took it with tentative thanks; and it vanished almost immediately once he’d decided to accept the gesture. Once he’d gotten the sugary coffee inside him too he felt much better.
Despite his trash reputation he wasn’t late for a single appointment over the next weeks; Jin Guangyao assured him it was perfectly alright to project the rebel for the masses but when you played the brat with the people in the business you’d soon be blacklisted; a risk he wasn’t willing to take with Xue Yang.
Xue Yang hadn’t managed to get near alcohol or a party in that time due to Xiao Xingchen’s hawk eyes and iron control.
Since the second morning though instead of being woken up with a bucket of water to the face or bickering the other had started showing up with a sweet pastry and a staggeringly sugary iced coffee which he traded off for Xue Yang eating better at other mealtimes.
Overall it didn’t seem Xue Yang had a moment of time where the other wasn’t somewhere close, controlling everything, keeping a watchful eye out.
And it bothered Xue Yang; he didn’t get used to the feeling of Xiao Xingchen being there like he’d been assured he would. He was still hyper aware of him, and he didn’t necessarily think it was because he was intimidated, despite the fact they’d had a few more altercations, none of which ended well for Xue Yang.
He tried to ditch his new security for his monthly visit to the orphanage his charity had built and ran; the less people who knew about it the better. Of course he couldn’t shake the other off so he had to attend followed by Xiao Xingchen, and explain to the children who the tall ge was. He was a great hit with them, and although Xue Yang pretended to be annoyed at Xiao Xingchen getting all the attention that the youngsters usually showered on him secretly he was entertained as he watched the other romp with the rough kids, or play softly with the quieter ones.
“This is the first time you’ve brought a bodyguard” he turned slightly at the sound of Tian Ying, the matron of the orphanage and the woman who’d helped bring him up in a similar institution when he had been a boy had come up beside him. “Are you in danger, xiao-Xue?”
“Of course not” he didn’t consider the crazy mail Jin Guangyao was filtering from him any more of a threat than any of the other mail he’d received in the last few years, and he definitely didn’t want her to worry about him, “They just decided I needed someone to carry my bags for me”
He didn’t have time to say much more as he was dragged into an impromptu game of football in the yard, where he and Xiao Xingchen were on opposite teams.
They played around half-heartedly until a Xiao Xingchen who was grace incarnate except apparently on a football pitch, stuck his foot out and took Xue Yang’s feet from under him and he tumbled. The fall itself wasn’t bad but he was a little grazed as they played on the yard and not grass.
Xiao Xingchen was unusually all apologies and personally saw to tending the grazes Xue Yang’s tumble had caused, despite his assurances he was absolutely fine. The touch of the other still made his pulse flutter in some odd emotion and the way Xiao Xingchen kept glancing up at him, like he’d discovered a rare and new species, was disconcerting. And pissed him off, because he could guess what it was about.
“Just don’t” he said through his teeth so no one around them could hear.
“Don’t what? Congratulate you on what you’ve built here? On what you’re doing for these kids?”
“Yes, don’t. I don’t want to hear it” he sucked a breath in at the sting of the antiseptic where Xiao Xingchen applied it to his grazes.
“Alright, whatever you want” Xiao Xingchen let it drop but he still looked at Xue Yang with something approaching admiration in his eyes.
And it was addictive, to have someone look at him like that, and not like he was trash. But then it had never bothered him before. Was it purely because it was Xiao Xingchen and he wanted to be more than trash in that man’s eyes?
“I guess you read too many gossip rags” Xue Yang sniped, “I’m not on drugs, in any weird cults, or a complete slut either”
Instead of bullshitting him and denying he’d thought anything of the kind Xiao Xingchen agreed instead, “I’m beginning to see that. Of course that doesn’t mean you don’t have a vile temper, that you don’t ever learn your lessons, or that you don’t sulk like a baby when I tell you no”
He was about to make one of his usual responses when the game of football moved closer and he clamped his lips closed on the curse.
There was a knowing, teasing look in the other’s eyes and as Xue Yang looked down into that finely-boned face he realised why the other’s good opinion had meant so much to him; why he was on tenterhooks whenever Xiao Xingchen was near, which was all the time at the moment, and why his pulse fluttered like his veins were full of butterflies whenever the other touched him. He was in love with Xiao Xingchen.
Well fuck.
Xue Yang paced around his hotel bedroom, feeling like a caged tiger. He wanted to destroy something. No, he really wanted a stiff drink.
Was he a masochist? What had made him fall in love with a man who knocked him around for fun? No of course that was unfair, Xiao Xingchen only ever restrained him and only when Xue Yang attacked first. Still, it must definitely be masochism.
Or Stockholm Syndrome; he had been at the mercy of the other, a virtual prisoner, for weeks now.
“I need a drink” he exclaimed aloud; and so he formulated a plan.
He took a quick shower and changed into something black and sexy and flashy, then he he called reception and asked for a taxi cab, and that they ring up to let him know when it had arrived.
He waited by his bedroom door, peeping through the tiniest opening for the phone to ring back; and as Xiao Xingchen got up from the couch to answer it he dashed out and past as silently as possible to give himself as much of a head-start as he could manage.
The doors of the elevator were closing just as he saw Xiao Xingchen enter the hallway and yell at him in rage.
He was in the taxi and away; his freedom all the sweeter for being carefully wrought.
Xue Yang was beginning to feel pleasantly buzzed and he was chatting quite happily with the guy who stood next to him at the bar of the VIP lounge. He’d been greeted by the usual crowd who hadn’t seen him around for the weeks he’d been kept prisoner, (OK maybe that was a little dramatic), but he’d never seen this guy before and new people were interesting.
Although he was beginning to get uncomfortable at how the other stared at him intently after he’d finished his drink.
He excused himself to “visit the bathroom” when life finally caught up with him. Life of course being Xiao Xingchen.
He pushed Xue Yang up against the wall of the corridor to the bathrooms, which was surprisingly currently empty.
“Hey” Xue Yang protested, although with alcohol relaxing his muscles it hadn’t really hurt as he hadn’t tensed for impact. Actually being pinned against the wall by the man you’d fallen in love with was quite nice. He had zero experience, bar some awkward kisses with a girl who’d known as little as him when he was younger, but apparently being manhandled was beginning to be something he enjoyed. Maybe because it was Xiao Xingchen though.
“I’d advise you to keep really quiet, I’m this close to spanking the living hell out of you” and really he’d never seen Xiao Xingchen’s deceptively delicate face so twisted in anger.
But of course alcohol impaired one’s judgement; to dangerous levels sometimes.
“Is that what you like?” he asked.
“What?” Xiao Xingchen was confused, his hand tightened on Xue Yang’s collar as if he suspected the other was planning something.
“Spanking, do you get off on it?”
“You really have no fucking self-preservation instincts do you?” Xiao Xingchen demanded and if Xue Yang hadn’t been so muddled due to the reaction of his body to the other, and the alcohol humming through his bloodstream he might have realised how much trouble he was in; he had never heard the other curse before in all their weeks together.
Instead he gave in to the urge pounding at the base of his brain, unable to control it anymore. He threw his arms around Xiao Xingchen’s neck and kissed him.
Well, it was clumsy and unskilled, but it probably still counted as a kiss.
He was pushed back against the wall unceremoniously, “What do you think you’re doing? You are my client. You are drunk. You are so out of line right now”
Of course he hadn’t really expected a different response. He somehow managed to pull himself free and stumbled back out into the VIP lounge.
Actually he seemed to be more drunk than he’d realised. He was suddenly barely able to control his body and he felt like his head was full of cotton wool. A hand touched his back, “Oh, you look terrible. Do you need to lie down? Should we get you out of here?” he was vaguely aware the voice wasn’t Xiao Xingchen’s, it belonged to the guy he’d been talking to at the bar, as he was guided towards the door but he really did need to lie down right now. He was about to nod his agreement when the supporting hand was violently removed.
“What the fuck did you give him?” that was Xiao Xingchen, although he couldn’t work out what the question meant. He felt the iron-grip of his security’s hand and he was pulled close to the other; he recognised the familiar scent of his aftershave and it set his mind at rest.
It had been days since the nightclub incident; and he’d managed to act completely clueless about the entire evening. In honesty there were huge swathes of Xue Yang’s memory that were completely blank, but he was cursed with vague recollection of him kissing Xiao Xingchen.
He wanted to die from embarrassment. He wanted to mope around at the rejection. He had to pretend like he was completely clueless about everything that happened though and let the other just write it off as a side effect of the Flunitrazepam the random guy at the nightclub had put in his drink.
He had been in touch with Jin Guangyao and begged the other to find him new security. He couldn’t carry on being around Xiao Xingchen all the time, feeling like he did, and scared to death he’d do something stupid to reveal his feelings in a way that couldn’t be pretended away like that stupid kiss.
He had faithfully promised he’d keep up the good behaviour Xiao Xingchen had bullied into him so long as Jin Guangyao replaced him with someone who wouldn’t cause Xue Yang such pain to have close.
His manager had promised to at least look into it.
Xue Yang didn’t realise he’d been wool-gathering in his head and managed to separate slightly from Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing until he saw a face in the crowd that made him uncomfortable.
He didn’t recognise the man but the fear that skittered down his spine was very real; he turned to try and get closer to Xiao Xingchen who called his name and dashed over; the flash he caught from the corner of his eye had him raising his arm in self-protection. He was dragged out of the way and thrown to the floor, catching nothing but a glancing blow as Xiao Xingchen took out the threat.
It was all very chaotic after that as the crowd helped keep the attacker captive until the police could arrive, and ambulance was also called as both he and Xiao Xingchen had taken knife wounds.
His was a cut to the arm that didn’t particularly bother him, it was the wound on Xiao Xingchen’s side that scared the life out of him. He used his folded jacket to keep pressure on the injury.
A-Qing fluttered around trying to get him to let someone else take over so they could do the same for his arm but he just waved her off; it was nothing.
“You really have no fucking self-preservation instincts” Xiao Xingchen told him in annoyance; luckily he seemed fully conscious at the moment.
“I know. I‘m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’ll be better from now on” he felt close to tears but fought them back brutally.
Xiao Xingchen nodded at what he said and looked into his eyes, “At least you’ll get your new bodyguard now, silver linings right?” he reached out with his left hand to thumb away one of the tears that Xue Yang hadn’t realised had escaped.
Fucking Jin Guangyao and his stupid big mouth.
“It’s for the best, xiao-Xue, in light of everything”
Which meant Xiao Xingchen was aware of his feelings and agreed the best way to deal with it was to move on. Well there went his dignity.
“You’re too precious for this cruel world in the limelight, anyway” Xue Yang tried to mock, his voice a little strangled.
“Which of us do you mean?” Xiao Xingchen asked and it was both an arrow to his heart and salve to his ego to hear such an opinion from the other.
He was glad when the paramedics had arrived and he was shuffled away to have his own wound dealt with so he could save some face. If the paramedic thought the tears were a reaction to the pain or shock of being attacked then good.
They were taken to a nearby hospital to be treated. Xue Yang’s cut needed a few stitches so he was ready to be sent away reasonably quickly, but he stayed in the waiting room until A-Qing came back to report Xiao Xingchen was fine, he’d be kept in for a few days as his would was deeper and nastier but he was stable and in no danger.
“Aren’t you going to visit before we go?” she asked, but he shook his head. And honestly she was smart enough that she probably knew what was going on and why he didn’t want to impose on the other. “Alright, lets get you back to the hotel. I think Jin Guangyao will be waiting, unfortunately, I can’t do anything to put him off this time”
Xue Yang sighed and accepted his fate.
One Month Later
The stage lights faded for the last time and he was finally able to slip offstage. He was lathered with sweat and completely exhausted. Xue Yang’s knife wound hadn’t been particularly deep or damaging but it was surprising how much it had knocked him down. He still tired out so much more easily than he was used to, but he hadn’t wanted to put this concert off, preferring to get it out of the way so he could take a holiday for a couple of weeks and use it to think about the next steps in his career, and indeed life, with nothing hanging over his head.
The man who had attacked them had been the same who had drugged his drink in the nightclub, although due to the effects Xue Yang couldn’t identify him; it had been lucky his subconscious had reacted to the man though, or it could have been so much worse.
He accepted the towel A-Qing held out for him as he met his entourage in the back stage passages and dried off, pulling on the coat she had also brought him.
There was an oddly smug look on her face and he questioned her.
“Nothing, just something funny is all” she refused to be drawn on what caused her to smile so.
They made it back to the dressing rooms and he was bundled inside.
He wondered, uncharitably, if she was on drugs.
“No rush, your car won’t be here for quite some time yet” A-Qing told him as she shut the door behind him and he turned to find his street clothes. Except he wasn’t alone.
Suddenly he daren’t move from the doorway, not sure whether to tear it open and flee or move into the room and act like he wasn’t bothered in the slightest.
In the end he compromised, did nothing and stayed exactly where he was.
“Why are you here?” he tried to keep his voice steady, and luckily it didn’t shake too much.
“Why do you think?” Xiao Xingchen asked him.
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fy-juho · 5 years
[ ! ] About Zuho’s health
Hello fantasy! Normally I don’t really make posts like this but I felt like this is a topic we need to talk about, let’s get it out here once and for all. 
This is mainly regarding Zuho’s mental and physical health, but the current issue also contains other SF9 members. Let’s start at the beginning and talk about his waist problem. This will be a long post so please read it all.
Everyone now probably knows about Zuho’s waist injury. It’s the reason why he couldn’t participate in Narcissus promotions even after having been practicing the choreography, recording songs and joining the album shooting.
The first time we all saw how bad his injury really is was during the second story fancon when SF9 was performing Go back in time and Zuho fell and couldn’t complete the performance // he had to get [dragged] off stage by the other members.
Keep in mind, the second story fancon was June 2018. He still promoted for six months with this injury through Sensuous, and before.
However, Zuho assured Fantasy later on fancafe that while he was hurt, he got treatment and we shouldn’t worry about it a lot.
Obviously this isn’t really true, and Zuho ended up on hiatus from February 20th till~ March 17th. The doctor told him to rest for at least a month and Zuho’s back promoting ever since.
However, Zuho’s still not been completely healthy since he had to sit out a few performances during the current Unlimited world tour and, practically speaking, a waist injury barely heals in three months, let alone one month.
The second issue is Zuho’s eyes. Some of you might’ve noticed that in yesterday’s SFMuVi Zuho looked like he was in pain the entire 30 minute video, and basically at any point he’s squeezing his eyes shut or lowering his head.
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Today in Zuho’s vlive fantasy was concerned and asking about what was wrong. From what I could understand he answered that his lenses have been bothering him lately and he got some sort of infection to his eye, so he had to go to the hospital in Korea to get it fixed. Again he tells us not to worry though... There might be more to this as I couldn’t understand everything he said but he kept assuring us nothing was wrong.
The third issue is what came to light especially today, and what made a lot of fansites/fantasy really upset.
SF9 are currently the face of the brand ‘Toreore Chicken’. You can find their commercial here. The problem with this company is their chicken is made with corn. Some of you may know Zuho has a corn allergy.
Zuho said this in his vlive yesterday: 
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However, only a year ago even smelling corn made Zuho feel nauseous [the entire video he keeps pointing out the smell of corn], so this seems unbelievable. Zuho had to apologize for what he said in this vlive [about not liking corn] by FNC, which he did in today’s vlive. Some Fantasy have also sent Zuho hate comments because of this for some reason. Which leads us to the current issue of FNC not taking care of their artists in general.
The vlive has been deleted by FNC because of Zuho saying he doesn’t like corn. 
Fantasy are sending in complaints to FNC for mistreating their artists. I contacted a fansite to ask if they could explain the entire situation and this is basically what’s happening right now: 
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basically it says "if you're a fantasy you would know that Zuho is allergic to corn and that Hwiyoung and Chani are the only members who really like corn [the other members dislike it]." im not sure whos blaming Zuho for what since i dont think it would be the members so maybe thats fans,,, "today in the vlive broadcast Zuho said that it was difficult to do the commercial because the smell of corn makes him want to die // because he has food allergies he thinks he could die smelling the food. because he's an idol it was a mistake for him to speak up about not liking corn" im not entirely sure here either "but FNC takes money for the ad without checking the health condition of SF9 first" because Zuho has a corn allergy it means they shouldnt have taken this ad "FNC deleted Zuho's vlive in which he said he didn't like corn and scolded Zuho, making him apologize on vlive today. he shouldnt have to apologize for that"
To sum it up, it seems like only Chani and Hwiyoung thought positively about this brand before doing a commercial. FNC is getting money from Toreore Chicken while Zuho in particular has to suffer through a corn allergy, and they’re not taking his health into account at all. 
My final point is Zuho’s mental health in general. In “Together with Zuho”, a series he had on vlive a few months back, every week he told us how he wasn’t eating well. Zuho said he barely slept and took one meal a day, if he ate at all. He gained a little bit of weight during Mamma Mia but SF9 members teased him a lot about it and some kfantasy asked him to lose weight which he did back then. However now he looks so skinny it’s becoming a little bit concerning. 
Zuho is also always thinking he’s not good enough, feels apologetic very quick and touches upon sensitive thoughts during these vlives. I’d recommend you watch them [they’re partly subbed] because it also gives more insight to Zuho’s mentality. He just seems... Very mentally unhappy and insecure about himself, and I never talk about this seriously but it’s actually a concern we should have.
↳ the mental health part is something im personally worried about and obviously not confirmed // i just always get particularly sad when i listen to Zuho’s vlives because he seems so sad and mostly exhausted himself
I just wanted to update everyone on what’s currently happening since I feel like Fantasy on tumblr aren’t really aware of how bad the situation has gotten. 
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reeree1500 · 5 years
The Return-Part 4
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Okay y'all here's Part 4. OMG I cannot believe the amount of love that this story has gotten😍 it truly warms my heart, that an idea I had a while ago and have now just started writing has been loved by so many of you:) And with that lets get on to the storyyyy
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 part 8 part 9
Taglist: @yanii-the-hippie @oceans-daughter-3 @peaceisadirtyword @laketaj24 @camatsuru @amy8220 @cutegyrl927 @cindy-exo @cainismyname @affection-rabbit @ragnarssonsbitch @mel0nch0ly @wuxiesalt
Disclaimer: My sucky ass writing as always:) Some slight insinuation of incest; Fluff (an attempt anyway);  And bad grammar and spelling (sorryyyy); Heart palpitations according to @yanii-the-hippie 😂 Hope you all enjoy☺️
Your POV
My head hurts so much that I feel as if I've just been hit by a carriage. The sounds of arguing around me do not help the situation at all.  So I try to not focus on the pain or the voices around me that won't subside and remember what happened. Images of Mira surface in my mind. Her corpse on the floor and the death rune carved into her back. My best friend and most trusted subject was killed because of me. I can't help but wince at the realization that I will never be rid of the death and chaos that I bring everywhere with me.
Fluttering my eyes open, my eyes wander looking for the source of those voices. As I begin to stand up from the very comfortable bed, I scan the room trying to find any trace of the people who were in here earlier. My eyes land on a pile of shirts neatly placed on the table. Walking towards them I come to notice that Im not in my dress anymore, but in what's seems to be a mans shirt. “Nice pair of legs you got there (y/n), wanna trade with me for a while?” At the sound of Ivars voice, I shriek and turn around whilst trying to pull down the shirt that is covering my body. “Ivar what the hell!” At the sound of my screaming Ivar just walks closer to me with a smirk gracing his perfect face. “W..what are you doing?!?!” His hands grasp onto mine and all I can do at that moment is stare back at him with my eyes and mouth open wide in shock. “You're gonna ruin my shirt if you continue to pull it down. Plus, you don't want me to see your breasts now do you?” At that, all the blood from my body rushes to my face. Turning me as red as an apple. 
Ivar grabs my face in his hands and his eyes scan over it. “I know we’ve just met. And its probably really wrong for me to feel what I‘m feeling, considering you're my sister. But, when you were unconscious it was probably the hardest thing I have gone through so far in my life. Not knowing if you would wake up was a nightmare that I could not wake up from.” Ivar says with an exasperated sigh. “Ivar....” I begin to say, but am soon interrupted by his lips placed on mine. I know I shouldn't reciprocate his feelings towards me or his kiss for that matter. But, the fact of the matter is that even in this short amount of time, this man has made feel things that I have not felt in my whole life. This man however is my brother and that is something that will not change. Soon the warmth of his soft and plump lips leave mine. Before I can say something about how inappropriate that was, Ivar is already walking towards the door. You know for a cripple he’s fairly fast. 
“You know (y/n) I’m so excited for what's in store in our future.” He says as he reaches the door. Rearing his head to where I still stand in utter shock of what just transpired seconds ago. “Especially, since we now share a room.” At that Ivar winks at me and leaves the room, with that smirk on his face. Once the door is closed my legs give out from underneath me. “Lord what have I just gotten myself into. It is wrong for me to have these sort of thoughts and feelings for my brother. Please give me the strength necessary in order to get through this.” As I look up and close my eyes I can only beg that he hears my prayer and somehow gives me the power to get through this. But knowing the almighty, something will happen.
As the weeks went on by, we had buried Mira the Christian way. Although nearly no one shared my beliefs, it felt nice to be able to have Mira been given the respect she deserved. People had brought flowers and different types of gifts to me in order show me their condolences. On the outside I had to be strong and show them that whoever did this had not gotten to me. However, my family knew all too well the toll it took on me. Especially Ivar, who would hold me at night and whisper sweet nothings into my ear when I had the recurring nightmare of that night. The raid that was supposed to occur after the festival was cancelled. I had expected many people to be upset at the fact that it was. But what I saw was a community come together for someone they did not know. And that is what I missed the most about Kattegat. The people. My people.
Ragnar, Bjorn, and Ubbe had decided to lead an investigation into who had murdered Mira. So far they had gotten a couple of leads, but nothing that would certainly pinpoint who the culprit was. In his worry my father had decided to teach me how to fight, so that I would be able to defend myself if it came down to it. He knew that this was a personal attack on me. And a personal attack on a son or daughter of Ragnar Lothbrok was an attack on him too. “Come on my beautiful sister, we have some more training to do.” I can hear Hvitserk say as he comes up from behind me. “Is that really necessary Hvitty? We trained yesterday!” On the weeks that went by I could say that Hvitty and I got really close. Closer than probably me and Ivar are. After the kiss with Ivar, I had tried to put as much distance between myself and him. What we had done was wrong and a sin. And I could not allow myself to give in to such temptations. 
However, that doesn't mean that Ivar still didn’t try to get closer to me. Every chance he got I var would hold my hand or hug me from behind. I knew that people where beginning to get the wrong idea, as I had caught Margrethe talking about how “close” we were for siblings. As soon as I heard that I began to make sure to only talk or look at Ivar if necessary. Waking me up from my thoughts Hvitserk takes my hand and leads me out of the hall. “Im coming. Im coming. Calm down!” I cannot help but contain my laugh at Hvitserk’s desire to want to train with me. Its probably the cutest thing I have ever seen. “You look like a child anxious to play with a brand new toy, Hvitty.” At that Hvitserk lets out a chuckle. “Only of you're the brand new toy and I get to play with you everyday.” he winks at me as he says this. “Come on you're distracting me, let’s get to work. Legs shoulder width apart and make sure you have good balance...” 
Bjorn POV
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“We must have gotten somewhere by now! I want whoever is responsible dead!” my father screams at Ubbe and I. “Father, we've searched through and through, but there are no certain leads! Its a he said she said situation thus far!” Ubbe yells back at him. “Do not tell me what I already know, boy! I just cannot help but feel useless and like I am not able to protect my own. We all know that that was supposed to be your sister dead, not that poor girl.” at that he trails off. My father has lost way too much over the years. Many friends have come and gone. But the way we buried Mira, could only remind him of his best friend Athelstan. The Christian priest that changed his life (and mine believe it or not) for the better. He was murdered too, and that has always been a constant reminder to him of someone he could not save.
“What I think that we should be doing instead of arguing is perhaps, finding someone who is good at unmasking people. Since none of us can seem to find who it could be.” I tell them both, getting tired of their back and forth arguing. “And who would you suggest Bjorn. No one can know that (y/n) is here, besides the people of Kattegat. Our enemies will know how to get us. Hell one of them probably was behind this!” my father reciprocates. “I think we all know who I’m talking about. Im just wondering if you'll be able to reel in and control that bitch of yours, when she gets here. Since I’ve already sent word to her.” I bark back at my father. I don't know if its because im sick of him treating me as if ill never be good enough. Or because (y/n)’s life is on the line, but I had never found the courage to stand up to my father, until now. At my words my father becomes silent. It might the loads of ale Ive had today, but I swear that I can see what seems to be pride in his eyes. “How long?” “One day’s ride” It is then that my father shouts to the thralls...
“Prepare the great Hall! The Queen is coming home!” 
Your POV
As the hours went by and my training had somewhat gotten better, I pleaded with Hvitserk to do something else. “Okay!Okay! We’ll stop training! But what else do you want to do?” Hvitserk's says shielding his sword. “I don't know, back in Frankia Uncle Rollo used to take me to the lake and taught me how to swim. Is there a lake nearby?” At that Hvitserk looks at me like I‘ve grown horns and a huge smile breaks out. “Come on, let’s eat quickly and then I have somewhere I wanna take you!” Rushing towards me Hvitserk grabs my hand and we quickly run off towards the great hall. Once we both quickly swallow our food, we head to the stables. There we find non other than Ivar in what seems to be him being pleasured by a thrall. 
“Oh, Im so sorry. We didn't mean to intrude.” I say whilst quickly turning around. “Awww you're so cute (y/n), you’ve never seen or been pleasured before?!?!? Is that why you're as red as a tomato right now?” Hvitserk chuckles at me while trying to pry my hands away from my face. “Shut upppp!! Hvitty, get the horse and lets goooo!!” I chuckle nervously at him. “Its ok (y/n), you should take notes from Margrethe here. Who knows you might have to use them some day.” Ivar manages to say through his... compromising position. “Well Ivar, (y/n) and I are gonna go on a little adventure. Don't wait up...” At that Hvitserk grabs the reins on the horse and passes them on to me. “You know how to ride (y/n)?.” “Of course, Hvitty. Its literally my favourite thing to do.” “I’m glad to hear that. Now lets go!” And with that Hvitserk and I were off to God knows where. But one thing I knew for sure was that if Hvitserk was involved, we were sure to have a good time.
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Bjorn POV
Soon the day had gone by and it was just a matter of time before my mother was here. You could hear a pin drop in the great hall. The anxiousness that lingered in the air was so thick that you could probably cut it with a knife. My father could not stop bouncing his leg, some thing he did when he too was nervous or didn't know the outcome of certain events. My head quickly towards the doors when I heard the neighing and hooves of the horses. At that we all stood up and thats when both Ubbe and I noticed we were missing certain people. “Ivar, where's (y/n) and Hvitserk? They're supposed to be here or did you not tell them that we would have company tonight?” I whisper at him trying to not get noticed by father or Aslaug. “Probably fucking somewhere. You know they've gotten pretty close these past few weeks I wouldn't put it past them.” At that I just look at him shocked. “Are you sure it’s just him Ivar? Don't act like I haven’t caught you staring at our sister when she's taking bath or when she's walking around the market.”  Sigurd chimes in. “Whatever we will resume this conversation after this. But send someone to get those two here. NOW!” 
When I turn back I am able to see my father already walking towards the door with the family behind him. Making my way outside I catch a glimpse of my mother on horseback. The most beautiful woman to grace the earth and the most skilled in combat. She taught me everything I know and for that I could never thank her enough. Behind me came up my wife Torvi, I smile down at her and hold her hand. She knows that I will do anything for my family, especially my mother and sister. And I will protect them at any cost. As my mother gets down from her horse I immediately go towards her and give her a hug. “You know that surprise I told you about in the letter. Well, I have an even better one now.” I say whilst chuckling in her ear. “My son, how many times do I need to tell you that Im not so easily surprised.” She laughs back at me. You don’t know what's in store mother...
After much due catching up with my mother. It’s time to get down to business. Father fills mother in about the fact that there has been a murder the night go the spring festival. My mother begins to ask questions on how we've conducted the investigation, to which Ubbe fills her in. I cant seem to pry my eyes away from the doors. Hoping that my sister and brother walk into the hall safely. It’s been hours and no one has heard or seen of them. “Bjorn, are you okay? You're not really focused on the matter at hand?” Torvi says while placing her hand on my knee. “Yeah...Yeah, Im fine just a little anxious thats all.” At that she leaves it alone. It is then that we hear some jugs fall over and loads of laughter. “Hvitty get upppp. Everyone is gonna knowwww....” I can hear the slurs of my younger sister.  “Pfttt.. Like they careeee, were just having some funnnn....” Great these two are drunk of their asses and dropping shit everywhere. It is then that they both enter the hall. (Y/n) is carrying Hvitserk, in what seems to be a futile attempt to act normal. But when her eyes land on the blonde graying hair of our mother she drops Hvitserk and immediately you can see that she sobers up. 
At that my mother stops talking. And her eyes begin to well up with tears. “No. it cannot be. It’s the gods playing tricks on me.” My mother says whilst looking down, refusing to turn around. My father gets up from his chair and kneels beside my mother. “It is true. She is here, come with me. I promise you she will not be taken from you again.” My father’s voice cracks at the end. As I truant where my sister stands I can see the pan and suffering coursing through her body. Her eyes show a small child that was ripped from her safe place and placed in an evil and hungry world, that only wanted to make her suffer. As my mother and father stand up I catch a glimpse of Aslaug and her stone cold face. That is filled with rage and what seems to be a predatory glare towards my sister. Trying to put it to rest and not say anything, I turn towards my parents. My father holds may mother in his arms as to keep her from falling over. “ My baby girl. Tell me that this was not dream that Ive had for the past 6 years and that you're actually here with me.” My mother manages to say through her tears. But,(y/n) is barely able to get anything out through her sobs. All she does is run to where my mother and father stand and embraces them. At that they all fall to the floor in their embrace. Hvitserk is now standing beside me. Watching, with the rest of us the reunion of a mother with her child. In my daze of being focused on my parents and sister reuniting I fail to realize that both Torvi and Aslaug are missing......
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Aslaug POV
“She should have been dead!!! What part of kill the insolent bastard child do you not understand!” I scream at Torvi. “You did not tell me that she was the daughter of Ragnar and Lagertha. Much less Bjorn's sister!” I had ordered Torvi to kill (y/n) so that what I had done that night many years ago, would not come back to haunt me or my family. I did this in order to protect them. That insolent child will only bring death with her. The death of our gods. And that is something I will not allow. I had faked to not have known about her existence all that time ago, but I cannot put past me the prophecy that was foretold by the volva. I will do anything in my power to make sure that she gets nowhere near my sons. For I rather die then see an era were Vikings and Christians alike are one people.... “When Helga and Floki get to the dock. Report back to me immediately and tell Floki that he has an unfinished job from 6 years ago.” As I stare at my husband and his so called “family” I cannot help, but get a bad feeling about this. 
That Christian child will pay for coming between my family....
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imakemyownworld · 5 years
Sweet but a psycho (fluff)
Concept: Gray and you went a little overboard with your sub and dom fetish last night. You feel exhausted and your whole body, covered with bruises, aches. Grayson feels very bad and takes care of you in every way possible.
I don’t know where this came from but it could be my favorite thing I wrote. I have a soft spot for guys taking care of their girl - in both ways. :)
Word Count: 1.2k
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“I promise babe Im fine, just let me sleep okay?” you’re curled up in his bed under the softest blanket ever. You loved being submissive and Grayson loved being the dominant one, which sometimes led to nights like this. This time, however, both of you took it a little too far. Your body was sore and moving a muscle was an impossible mission. Neck, breasts and ribs covered with bruises, ass cheeks burning and you could still feel him deep in your belly, pulsating. It was hurting and a freaky part of you liked it. Liked that you would be reminded of this night and him for the next few days with every move you make. His strict voice telling you how good of a girl you are and his lips leaving red marks on your body.
Gray was still sweaty when he lay next to you, running his fingers through your hair gently, knowing you would break under his touch if he was any rougher.
“You’re in pain,” he says when you flinch while he adjusts his body next to you, keeping you warm. “Why didn’t you stop me?” he says next to your ear, his breath alone making you shiver.
“Because I liked it?” You say sleepily with a little smirk on your lips but eyes still closed. Grayson doesn’t find it funny at all and you can feel that he’s starting to feel guilty.
“It’s not funny” he grumps.
“I can take it, Im not a baby”
“I see that” his voice is filled with sarcasm “I should’ve..”
“Gray” you stop him before slowly turning around to face him, cup his face and look at him in his soft brown eyes that were glistening with hunger and lust just moments ago, “Please don’t feel guilty, it makes me feel bad too because I wanted it, okay? Let’s sleep now and spend the laziest Sunday tomorrow, what do you say?”
“Okay, that sounds nice,” he smiles and gives you the softest kiss on the lips “I love you”
“I love you too” you say and doze off to a much needed sleep.
You’re woken up by the sweet smell of coffee and butter filling your nose and lungs. The room is still dark when you open your eyes, to which you’re very thankful. Grayson knows how much you hate light shining into your room while you sleep. You check your phone next to his bed and there is already a message from Gray waiting for you:
Text me when you wake up :)
You do that and not a minute passes before he walks into the room with a tray in his hands.
“Morning” he says with the biggest smile on his face while he puts the tray next to you. Coffee, croissant and a bowl full of fruit waits for you to munch on and you realize how hungry you actually are.
“You’re actually the sweetest” you take the coffee and smell it while he sits next to you.
“You have to eat all of it, then, we can proceed to the next thing I have planned for you” his eyes are quirky and he acts mysterious as he turns the tv and puts youtube on.
“Next thing?” You say while sipping the coffee and feeling the caffeine slowly fueling your body. It hurts to move, but you try to hide it, otherwise, Grayson would probably feel terrible and that smile would fade right off of his pretty face.
“Yeah, you need to relax today” he takes the blueberry and brings it to your lips, “All of it” he demands and you take it.
You spent an hour lying in the bed watching videos, Grayson never lost your touch, whether grazing your arm gently or giving you lazy kisses on your whole body as if he wanted to heal every spot he touched the night before. You wish he knew how much you loved him then and how much you love him now, but words cannot express it. You were lucky to find each other so that you can explore your secret desires and you were ready for all that it comes with it, but also grateful that he cares so much to be with you now and care for you when you need him the most. Watching him kiss your ribs and breasts so carefully was the most beautiful sight in the world and you were sad when he lift his head, leaving the spot where his lips were cold and lonely.
“I think you’re ready for your bath now” he took the mug out of your hands and lifted you off of the bed as if you weighed one pound.
“You’re joking!” You screamed while he carried you to the bathroom.
He opened the door and a familiar smell overcame your senses. He remembered to put your favorite Lush bath bomb in.
“Gray” you give him a hard kiss on the lips, still in his arms. “Are you taking a bath too?” You ask teasingly knowing how much he hates baths.
“If you want me to” he puts you down “Hands up” he says and you lift your hands up obediently. He takes off his black hoodie from your body, leaving you completely bare in front of him.
“Thats fine, you can keep me company from here” you say and dip your toes in warm water. Grayson must’ve seen the pain on your face as you tried to lower yourself in the water so he offered you his hand and helped you sit down, making you feel like a little baby. You didn’t mind it though.
The bath was covered with foam and room smelled like cocoa butter, you closed your eyes and Gray put on some music. You tried to relax, but could feel his eyes on you the whole time making you distracted. You peek through your eyelashes to see him sitting on the floor, elbows resting on the side of the tub and his eyes looking straight at you, almost like a puppy waiting for attention.
“We went too far yesterday” he didn’t waste a second. You let out an irritated sigh and didn’t say anything for a moment. You hated that he acts as if he was the only one there last night. You could’ve stopped him any time but chose not to.
“What part exactly” you try to ease the tension and smirk at him “When you tied me up with your belt or when you sucked on my whole body insufferably slow?” You lean on the side of the tub and rest your head on your hand.
“Y/N, Im serious” he pushes his finger in the water and starts making circles with it. His eyes were distant and he seemed really worried. “I don’t like seeing you like this”
Once again you scoot closer to him and touch his nose with yours
“Gray, can we make a deal and stop with the pity party? I wouldn’t do anything I wouldn’t want to. Plus, you shouldn’t have fucked me that hard if you..”
“Stop!” he splashes water all over your face and you can’t help but laugh seeing him blush “You’re being very dirty right now” he tries to be mad but smile escapes his lips and he kisses you.
“But did you like it?” You ask wanting to know if you did good and if Grayson actually liked doing things he wanted to explore yesterday.
“I did” he looks at you under his brows almost timidly “And you were very good too”
Thats all you wanted to hear, your heart was fluttering and smile had to escape from your lips. Pleasing Grayson was your biggest turn on. He notices how your mood changed drastically, almost glowing and how you tried to hide your smile, putting foam in front of your face.
“You’re my little freak you know that?” he smiles at you and rests his head back down, watching you relax back down in the tub.
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parkjmini · 6 years
runaway bride | 02
park jimin running away from your own wedding was only the beginning of your long check list to finally get Park Jimin to realize you two were fated to be word count: 3609 genre: angst/fluff warnings: explicit language 
01 . 02 
a/n: im going to la next week guys so idk when ill be able to find time to update !! )):: but good news is that im going to LA to see BTS’ concert which makes me so happy omggomggg
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The soft buzzing noise of Jimin’s fridge cause you to stir in your sleep. A sharp pain hit the back of your neck. Groaning, your eyes peeked open to see Jimin’s cheek pressed into his dining table. A small puddle of drool pooled around his open, snoring mouth. You stretched and yawned at the early morning. 
His curtains were stained a light blue and it was significantly colder than it was last night. Small goosebumps rose on your arm and you laid your chin on your hand. Watching Jimin sleep peacefully made your heart warm and fuzzy. Your fingers itched to brush the loose strands over his closed eyes or to run your knuckles across his smooth skin.
He was everything you’ve ever wanted. There were many things that you loved about Jimin, but the one characteristic that stuck out the most is his selfless personality. It was a love-hate relationship, but mostly love. He gave up a lot of himself for the people he loved. 
The most prominent memory is Cynthia. They had broken up for almost two months, but she had been laid off for a few weeks and couldn’t afford her rent. Jimin offered his place for her to stay until she was able to get back on her feet. At first, the idea seemed absolutely bizarre to you because she was his ex. She was someone who broke his heart ruthlessly, yet he still cared so much about her.
You thought it was probably because he still loved her, but Jimin had started seeing his current girlfriend, Janet. It was a good thing that she wasn’t the jealous type and actually bonded very well with Cynthia. They’re best friends to this day and it was all thanks to Jimin. You have never gotten close with his girlfriends, mainly because you couldn’t help but fume whenever they got in proximity to you. 
However, the selfless act that bothered you the most was when Jimin gave you up. That’s right. You and Jimin were single for a brief moment in time. You had gotten hired at the company that was good partners with the one Jimin worked at. He often joked about how it was his way of keeping you close by, but you wanted to believe it. 
You and Jimin had become close friends, thanks to all the past connections, it wasn’t long before you joined him on late night wine talks and lunch breaks. You knew he felt the connection you two shared. Lunch breaks became thick with anticipation, waiting for him to brush his hand against yours, or if he’d offer to walk you back to your building. Wine talks had become a little too honest, where he had shamelessly admitted to wanting to kiss you. 
You two were beginning to recognize your feelings for each other and your feelings were actually much deeper than what you had thought. You had always been harboring emotions for Jimin, but this time was when they had become the strongest and stayed that way. Jimin had become flirtatious and had even asked you to be his date for his company party. It had all been going well until the night of the party.
Jimin’s attitude towards you changed in the middle of the night. He had stopped trying to hold your hand and he stood a couple of inches away from you. He had reverted back to his friend-like speech. You had racked your brain to remember if it had been something you had done, but it hit when he introduced you to his coworker, Michael.
Michael had spotted you walking across the room and had been asking all around about who you were. He had stumbled across Jimin and began pestering him to introduce you two, like to act as his wing-man. You weren’t sure what chemical imbalance caused Jimin to agree and you’d never understand why he didn’t tell Michael that you were his date for the night. The only reason you could sum up was that Jimin that selfless to give up someone he liked for someone else he cared for. 
The more you approached Jimin about what happened that night, the more he’d shut himself off. You didn’t want to lose him as a friend and you weren’t sure how many more times he was going to reappear in your life if you did. So, you let it go and started your relationship with Michael. 
You remembered the anger you felt for that week and the sadness that occupied your heart. There was nothing more you could do. By the time you were getting sick of Michael, Jimin was already seeing Janet and the window of opportunity closed. You were left with your lunch breaks and wine talks, but even those didn’t last longer after their relationship officially started.
Jimin’s figure began to rumble and his snoring came to a halt. “Good morning.” You called with your hoarse voice. He grumbled and wiped his lips with the back of his hand.
“Mmh, good morning.” His voice sounded so sexy, with the right amount of deep and raspy. “How long have you been staring at me, weirdo?” He only had one eye open as he rubbed the other one awake.
“Long enough to watch your drool spill off the table.” You joked and a panicked Jimin jumped up to examine the trail of saliva. Your laughter contrasted his annoyed expression, “oh, you’re the worst.” He chuckled and found a napkin to clean it up.
“I’m surprised you’re not even the slightest embarrassed about me knowing you drool.” You crossed your arms and he peered up at you.
“Well, you’re you and I don’t mind.” 
“Does Janet know?”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, “no, because I wake up before her. You’re the only person I know that gets up before me.” 
“Early bird---”
“---gets the worm.” Jimin finished your sentence for you and topped it off with a sly grin. “Stop using my life quotes. You’re completely unoriginal.”
“Don’t finish my sentences as if we’re a couple.” Once those words left your mouth, the room felt stiff. Jimin came to a complete pause before walking into his kitchen. You helped him place the dirty wine glasses in his sink and it was mostly silent. “Sorry.”
“Apologizing makes it more awkward.” Jimin laughed and grabbed your wrist. The contact caused your heart to pound against your rib cage. He smoothed open your palm and placed the small capsule in the middle of it. “For the neck pain and the headache you’ll feel.” He handed you a glass of water and you looked up at him. 
A part of you felt guilty for making flirtatious comments at Jimin. They were always a hit or a miss. Your mind couldn’t stop the phrases from leaving your mouth, he made everything too comfortable for boundaries. There were times when it would make the atmosphere extremely awkward or Jimin would say something witty back. 
“I don’t want to see Michael today.” You groaned after swallowing the painkiller. 
“That’s how I feel about Janet sometimes.” Jimin said and you couldn’t tell if he actually meant it. “She gets on my case about drinking too much. I drink for fun, not for comfort.” 
“She’s trying to stop you from being an alcoholic.” You laughed and followed him to his room. The glamorous wedding dress haunted you as you walked in. It was a shock to you, reminding you of the events of yesterday. Jimin casually walked past it to his phone on his nightstand. 
Jimin saw you idly staring at the dress, “you can keep that here, you know. You don’t have to drag it back with you and have it haunt you forever.”
“How could I do that to you? Just leave my wedding dress at another man’s house.” You groaned and plopped onto Jimin’s gigantic mattress. His face suddenly appeared in front of you, replacing the white ceiling above. Your eyes widen at the second time he’s gotten too close to you. 
“It’s nice to know that you still see me as a man.” He smirked above you. 
You pushed his face away and sat up, catching your breath. “Of course. Michael never shut up about how he didn’t like me spending so much time with you, another man.” 
Jimin’s phone rang before he could reply to you. “I had my phone in my room the entire night and I was in the dining room. It was on silent, babe, I’m sorry.” 
You frowned at how upset he got and he rolled his eyes, “...yes.... I know.... no, don’t worry.....” He cleared his throat before blinking away from you, “yeah, she’s with me. Yeah, I’m aware that she ran away from her own wedding........ well, she’s not the bad person here, Janet. You don’t know why she did it......”
They were fighting about you and you walked over to your hanging dress. You took it off of the rod and shoved the huge thing all the way in the back of Jimin’s closet. You didn’t want to see it anymore. It was a looming mistake and the pearls on it didn’t let you forget it.
“.....Michael’s a complete ass.... okay, okay... I don’t want to fight about this with you...... nothing happened... Janet! This isn’t about me, what are you saying? (Y/N) had her reasons to leave and it’s not because of me. You have to drop that theory that you have about her being in love with me....... I have work. I have work, babe..... we both have work... I’m not having a secret rendezvous with her.” You leaned against the door frame and watched as Jimin flailed his arms everywhere.
After a few more no’s and yes’s, he hung up with a sweet goodbye and tossed his phone onto the bed. He got up and stormed to his cabinets. “Well.... how did it go....?”
“We’re going on a secret rendezvous.” He said as he looked you dead in the eye, catching you off by surprised yet again.  
The car ride with Jimin was dead silent. He had dropped you off to change, not specifying where he was taking you. “Just dress light and comfortable, you don’t need to do much to impress me.” Was all he had said before you went up to change.
Jimin pulled into the parking lot surrounding by tall, swaying trees. “We’re going hiking... that is your idea of a secret rendezvous?” You groaned as you watched the wind cause the forest to dance. 
He rolled his eyes before getting out and getting his backpack out from the trunk. “Before you judge me, give it a chance. Fresh air helps me think, keeps my blood flowing. Plus, no one will find us here. It’s my special space, so don’t you dare expose it to anyone.”
“Trust me, I definitely wouldn’t be able to tell them how to get up here. I don’t even know where we are.” You laughed and zipped up your jacket.
It was a nice early morning. The time when people start getting up for work or school. Everyone moves so fast during this hour, they never stop to think about everything around them. The air was crisp and cold, chilling your nostrils as you inhaled deeply. Since you lived out in the city, the fresh air pushed all the smog out of your system and relaxed your entire body. You felt lighter, calmer, and centered. 
The hike wasn’t long. You two walked up hills to stumble upon a clearing of yellow grass. An astonishing view took your breath away. It was the entire skyline of the city you loved. Jimin peered over at your cute astonishment and hid the small smile that appeared on his face. He pulled out a blanket from his backpack and laid it for you two to sit. “I wish you brought breakfast...”
“You really underestimate me, (Y/N)..” Jimin laughed as he pulled out two objects covered in aluminum foil. You couldn’t stop the smile from forming on your face as you unwrapped the homemade breakfast. It was two toaster waffles stuck together with peanut butter and jelly. 
The moment the sweetness hit your palette, the heavy memories flooded your mind. Your ex-best friend made this for you all the time in college. You were always too busy for breakfast, so she always made extra for you to grab on the go. “I can’t believe you still make these.”
“It was a very valuable hack I learned and I knew she made them for you practically everyday.” Jimin grinned as jelly marked his lips.
You rolled your eyes at his messy eating habits and reached over to wipe his lips with your thumb. Jimin paused at your action and examined you with wide eyes. His reaction caused you to realize what you had done, blushing at your mistake. “Why were you so mad on the phone with Janet? I know you didn’t take me up here to eat pb&j waffle sandwiches with you.” You tried to switch the mood and move on. Your eyes were glued on the tops of skyscrapers ahead. 
He cleared his throat, “she was upset that I wasn’t answering my phone after I left to look for you.... and because I was with you last night, alone.” 
“Okay, but we’ve been alone plenty times before. Janet never came off as the jealous type.” 
Jimin rose an eyebrow at you and looked at you as if you were a complete idiot. “She’s usually not the jealous type, but for some reason... it’s only you who she’s jealous over.” 
You panicked and turned to face him with utter shock. “Me? Me? The Wondrous, Beautiful, and Intelligent Janet is jealous of me?" You almost choked on your waffle sandwich, coughing up a big fit.
He laughed at how surprised you were, "She thinks that you're in love with me or something like that --- I don't know --- it's stupid and weird."
This was the moment you really started to panic. Your nerves twisted and turned horribly, your throat ran dry. Jimin glanced over at your quiet figure and nervously chuckled. "You're not--not still in love with me, right?"
You gulped, gathering enough courage to speak. to confirm that you weren't. to lie that you didn't still wonder how his lips feel. to deny any feelings you had for him. to not believe that you two were fated to be. to forget that you just ran away from your wedding for him. Your throat felt tight now, as if it started to collapse on itself. Your palms were slick with sweat and you could swear that that your heart was running at 100 miles per hour. "Jimin, what we had between us happened so long ago."
"(Y/N), that doesn't answer my question." You hated when Jimin got serious. "I asked if you still love me."
You tried to distract yourself with your phone, but you had no signal. He was getting harder to avoid. "Does she know? Does Janet know about what happened between us?"
Jimin sighed in disbelief. "You always do this. You avoid my questions when I'm trying to talk to you. I can never get to you, you know that? And it frustrates me because I don't know what you're thinking or feeling."
"Like you don't do that too." You rolled your eyes.
"I don't do that to you and you know that. I'd do anything you'd ask me to."
"That is an absolute lie." You stared him dead in the eye and a chill ran down your spine.
"Why did you run away from your wedding?" Jimin asked and the calm breeze brushed against your cheek.
You finished the last bite of your breakfast and exhaled slowly, "because I couldn't marry someone I didn't love, Jimin."
"So who do you love?" You snapped your head at him and he blinked back at you, not phased or bothered that he asked you such a personal question.
"I don't have to be in love with someone else to not be in love with another person. I fell out of love for Michael and I know I had said yes before, but I couldn't do that to him. It was me with him for the rest of our lives."
Jimin nodded, "Was it that you couldn't do that to him or you couldn't do that to yourself? There is someone you had in mind which is why you had the confidence to run away."
"I have the confidence to do more, I just won't." You mumbled, but Jimin caught on.
"Why not?" He was quick to press on about your statement.
You poked at his arm, "I asked you before. Does Janet know about what happened between us?" Truthfully, nothing ever actually happened. It just felt as if something had happened. like something should've happened. But if Jimin didn’t deny that something had happened, it meant that he felt the same emotions you had.
“All she knows is that I use to like you.” He admitted and you tried wiping the wetness from your hands on your jeans.
“That’s why she’s so jealous!” You felt like a million eyes were off of you, like a whole load was lifted from your shoulders. “Because I was the only girl in your life that you never got and she’s afraid you’d try to pursue me.” All of what you were saying was a joke, halfheartedly. It was a part of the wholehearted banter you had with Jimin, but you really wished it was real. You wished that it was true.
“She’s afraid you’re trying to pursue me because you’re into me, silly. Not the other way around.” He laughed, rattling your heart. 
Janet had no reason to think that. You never made your feelings obvious. The flirty comments were jokes to Jimin, even if you meant majority of them. Your actions and word choice were all friend-like around her. You’ve never tried to kiss Jimin or purposely get him alone with you. It was always Jimin who offered to hang out with you alone. It was him who told you how much he wanted to kiss you that one wine night. 
“Well, if I was trying to pursue you, you would’ve been able to tell by now. We’ve known each other way before Janet came into the picture, so I don’t know what all the fuss is about. She’s overreacting. She has no reason to be jealous of little ole me. I’m nothing compared to her grand smarts and cunning personality.” Even water had become difficult to swallow. Everything was a big horrible lie. 
His beautiful laugh trembled your bones again, “don’t compare yourself to her. You’re incomparable.” The scariest part is that you didn’t know if Jimin was serious or if you were still a joke to him.
There was a brief moment of comfortable silence. You and Jimin sat together on the blanket and simply existed in the fast paced city below. Nothing could’ve prepared you for the conversation you just had with Jimin, so the small anxiety lingered after. You needed to clear your mind and finally find enough air to fill your lungs again. Silence was what you needed. You needed time to process and analyze his questions and reactions. Then, you needed to release every horrible feeling from your chest. Jimin really knew the perfect places. 
“We have work.” Was all you could say in the situation as Jimin wondered about the world ahead of him. He marveled in the view in front of him. You two probably sat there for almost an hour. 
“We’re having this big party tomorrow night and I’d like you to be there.” He took a quick swig of water and you were mesmerized by how his adam’s apple bobbed. His jawline was so sharp and you had to fight the urge to take him in your arms.
“What is this party for? Is it a dress up or dress down party?” You asked as you two started packing up. You helped Jimin fold up his blanket and gathered up the trash.
“I got promoted and it’s definitely a dress up party. Janet rented out this ridiculous event center to hold a small get together. We’ll have drinks and all that good stuff. The whole company will be there. It was also to congratulate your wedding, but I’m sure everyone knows the ordeal.” Jimin led the way back to the car and you thought harder about actually attending.
“Okay, um, wow. First, congratulations on your promotion. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about that. Secondly, are old coworkers going to be there too?” You were referring to Michael. Michael had left the company a while ago to help out at his dad’s business, but he was still warmly welcomed back. 
Jimin turned to smile at you, “before you get offended, I didn’t tell you because you were stressed out about your wedding. I was going to tell you after the reception, you know, the part where we all move into the banquet room and have dinner. But that never happened. And, I’ll make sure he won’t be there.” 
You nodded, even though Jimin couldn’t see. It was a mutual understanding and simply the bond you two shared. If there was something that bothered you, he was the first to know about it.... that is, until your wedding day. After the whole fiasco, he realized that he was never entirely aware as to what bothered you, at least, not what bothered you the most. 
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tearosewater · 5 years
I’m alive
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Surgery went well yesterday, and I managed to get a little sleep last night so I’m feeling better.
Reading people’s experiences with the surgery really helped me out, so I’m going to throw mine under a read more if you’re interested.
I was scheduled for an afternoon surgery, and everything went pretty quick, I didn’t have to wait long to go back.
First, except for the surgeon himself who I only saw twice that day, my entire medical team from nurses to anesthesiologist were women, and they were all so sweet and personable and funny. I’m going to be ~that person~ but yeah, I tend to be much more comfortable around female professionals, especially medical. 
My nurses were great, especially when it came to my IV. I have notoriously difficult veins and in the past I’ve had nurses become impatient and just stick me all over. Instead, they took their time and they kept on warming my arms and used a special light to make sure they got the IV in right the first time, and now I have almost no bruising on the injection site. 
Also, a funny moment was when she suck the needle in and I felt something hot and wet run down my hand. I turned and she quickly said “ don’t look!”, and that’s when I noticed a stream of blood running down my hand and onto the floor. I just kind of laughed and said its a good thing I’m not squeamish about blood.
Lots of thorough questioning about my medical history by multiple people, in which almost all of them told me I was such an easy/boring case because I’m healthy and active and don’t have any allergies or anomalies. They took note of me telling them I experience anxiety and have mild asthma, and I was glad they didn’t just brush those two things off. I think one nurse realized when she asked me if I was nervous and I casually said “oh, kind of” and she said “well your heart-rate is 103″ lol 
I hugged my mom and was taken back and had the mask placed on. I remember taking about 3 deep breaths before I fell asleep. When I woke up I was groggy, but didn’t feel too bad. I was able to talk a little even though everything was blurry.
My post-op nurse was also fantastic. I started having some pain after coming-to and she gave me fentanyl  in my IV which helped a lot, as well as some water and ice chips. My mom came back and sat with me while I tried to fully wake up. I was given some crackers and applesauce which was a little difficult to put down, but I needed something in my stomach to take my pain meds. She showed my mom my incisions, I have two very small ones, one on the top right-ish side of my stomach and one on the lower right side, as well as one in my belly button.  The scarring will probably be super minimal if any at all after fully healing. They were also sealed up with a glue that will fall off naturally.
Its super important to get up and walk when you feel able to, I guess its good for recovery of any abdominal surgery and also helps with the gas they pump into you (which I’ll get into in a minute cause oh boy). My mom and the nurse helped me to the bathroom and my mom helped dress me. I started to feel nauseous, and they gave me a bag for the ride home, just in case.  I sat for a minute longer while my mom went to get the car.
They asked if I wanted to walk and I kind of felt embarrassed to say I wanted a wheel chair (it wasn’t a short walk) and the nurse reassured me that was totally fine, and “you just had surgery” lol once again, I come down on myself for something totally human and natural.
Unfortunately this is where the real pain started. Any kind of laparoscopic surgery they pump carbon dioxide into you to puff you up and give them better access to your organs. They remove as much of it as they can, but there’s always some that stays in the body. 
I’ve heard/read it varying between patients, and of course for me I seemed to have a lot of gas left over. The car ride home was hell. My entire stomach and sides hurt every time I breathed, and every little bump in the road made me whimper in pain, i was pretty close to tears. The only fortunate thing was that is lasted about 30-45 minutes at this state, and then I think my meds kicked in by the time I got home.
The gas pain has been the hardest part. It has a tendency to move up toward your right shoulder and just kind of hang out there, and even now on day 2 I still get bouts of shoulder pain, which can get pretty intense at times. Gentle massaging and my heating pad have been a godsend.
Other than that, the abdominal pain is bearable. I can get up and walk when I need to, and today I have some pain around my belly button now that the anesthetic has totally worn off. I don’t have much bruising at all, and I also had a little bit of bruising from the blood pressure cuff on my left arm. 
Not very hungry yet, I’ve had some chicken broth and crackers and that’s about it. The broth made me slightly uncomfortable so Im mostly sticking to the crackers. I have to stay on a low fat, high fiber diet for 4-6 weeks and reintroduce foods slowly. 
OH and I can’t take a bath until my 1 week check up, which suuuccks  because I love taking baths. I’ll just have to put up with showers for now. 
My family is being awesome. I can text my brother and sister when I need something and my mom checks on me, and helps me keep track of when I took my pain meds. I’m glad I’m not doing this alone. 
Jason has also been keeping tabs on me from NY. He was texting with my mom during surgery and didn’t want to call me too much yesterday because he wanted me to rest.  He keeps telling me to dream of all the Vegas buffet food I’ll be able to eat on vacation now, haha.
So, overall, not too bad. The gas pain is definitely not  fun but its subsiding. I have to kind of sit up on my back to sleep which is a pain, but i’m usually so tired and out of it on vicodin I fall asleep eventually. 
I hope this long-winded explanation helps ease other peoples minds. I’m not going to lie and say it hasn’t been painful or uncomfortable at times, but I had nothing to worry about and this too shall pass. 
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dfwemelie · 5 years
May 2019
May 1st, nothing really that special happened today. We made icecream in Culinary and Carlos got really excited cause their were sugar cones. Izzy ate the most icecream out of all of us and hes lactose intolerant so he was hurting afterwards.
May 2nd, I was really stressed out this motning cause I havent finished my dress for the Fashion show tomorrow and it was raining and thundering. I had to stay after school for Fashion till 4 and I stayed with Scott after that until 5:30. I like staying after with him. We just makeout and talk and get paranoid about cars passing by. I think today we made out for 25 minutes straight which is a new record lol. He tops himself every fucking time and it’s so hot. Like holy shit because makeout sessions ever.
May 3rd, today was the fashion show and I was really stressed out at first but I ended up finishing my dress. The problem was that it was extremely short so I kept having to pull it down so you wouldnt be able to see my shorts under it. Seth and Aj were their watching their girlfriends and both of them took videos of me and sent it to Scotty. He said I looked beautiful. I met Kelly’s mom and sister and they seem really nice. I havent ate since Chickfila this morning and I’m starting to get really hungry/hangry. I might make me food but idk yet.
May 4th, Lots of pain occurred today. I woke up at 7:35 to get ready for the Nami Walk. Once my grandparents picked me up we got to Chickfila and headed to the Sam Houston State Park in Houston. The walk started around 9:30 and we finished at 11 only because my meme and Mrs.Pat walk so slow. It was fun overall but my feet were killing me and the back of my left leg was hurting alot and idk why. After the walk we headed to Galveston to meet up with my family. We stayed at the beach for an hour then went home. I ate a little bit and took a shower and now I’m here. I’m currently watching Thor Ragnarok cause it’s the only Marvel Avengers movie I havent seen.
May 5th, Cincooooo De Mayooooo. I didnt really do anything today besides sleep. I woke up at 3am for no reason then fell asleep. then woke up at 7 then fell back asleep at 1 till 5. I dont think I will br falling asleep early tonight cause I’ve slept so much. Scotty got to drink a margarita and I’m jealous. Also Ghala and Kaylie are so fucking cute and I stan them sooo much.
May 10th, damn. I told myself I would do this more often, bitch I havent done it in 5 days. Let’s talk about yesterday, May 9th. Scotty and I stayed afterschool (nothing new) and he was sitting down and I was ontop of him and we were making out. This BITCH flips me over to the ground, puts his hand down my pants, and…yeah…not actually touching me, just through my underwear. I was very ShOoK by this but I didnt stop him cause it felt really really fucking good. Like I’m not complaining.(I hate the word moaning so I use cake) Lots of cake was happening and he end up getting a boner. He has actually been getting them since we first started staying afterschool and I didnt know lol. I almost ended up having an orgasm but cars kept driving by and I told him if I see a car then he has to stop. I’ve never ever gotten this close with a guy. Not complaining. While cars were going by we kept telling weird sex related stories to eachother. He told me how when he was little his parents used the word dessert instead of condoms when he was around. Then his older brother told him what it meant and he was shook. On his 13th birthday his dad said he had a surprise birthday present in his drawer that didnt get opened at his party. He asked what it was and his dad said dessert. There were condoms in the bottom drawer of his dresser lol. Scotty also told me that he has personally bought different ones to use for future purposes. Now listen, I know its gonna be with me. I want our first times to be with eachother. That sounds strange but I love him and I want to lol but not now. Scotty wants me to go over to his house on his birthday to meet his parents. He also wants his birthday present from me to be us doing it. I said that’s not happening for a long ass time cause it’s too early and I’m not ready yet, even though I want him to be my first.
Different topic lol. Yesterday we got hit with some really bad weather and it fucked up my sleep schedule. I fell asleep at like 9pm then woke up at 11 then woke up at 2 then stayed awake till 4:30 then woke up at 5 then work up at 11. Like wtf??
May 12th, wow get ur shit together lol, do this more. Its official, I will be going over to Scott’s house if I get my gas laws homework packet done. My mom thinks I’m going over to Kaylies house, I hope she buys it. Im extremely nervous about meeting his parents, I’m hoping I’ll make a good first impression. Ive never met a boyfriends parents before so idk what to expect. I sent Kaylie a bunch videos about me deciding on what I’m gonna wear. I’ve decided on curled hair, light natural makeup, my blue ripped Jean’s, and either a red or blue shirt. I dont know how to act ugghhh.
Today I went over to my grandparents house and it was okay ig. My cousin Coleson came over and I was excited about that. He is my favorite cousin by far. I played basketball and ate food. I also drove from their house and back twice and I did pretty good. I wish I could talk to Scott but I dont want to interrupt his time with his mom cause it is Mothers day after all.
May 13th, I feel sick sksksks. like a vomit kind of sick and I feel like my limbs are weak and they are kinda shaking. It’s making me scared asf. I hope it will go away soon. I dont like feeling like this cause it gives me really bad anxiety and makes me have anxiety attacks. I’ve been getting alot of anxiety and panic attacks since sophmore year started
May 16th, Wow I really need to start doing this more often. Yesterday was Scott and I’s one month and he made a really cute video and I love it so much. I am still super nervous about Sunday, for alot of reasons. First I gotta meet his parents and idk how im gonna do that. I don’t know how to act or anything. Also Scott said its a shoes off house and I don’t want them seeing the cuts on my ankles. I’ll try to wear socks that cover them, I mean im gonna have to since i also wanna cover my 2 ankle tattoos. Also Scott says he wants to have sex. I don’t know if im ready for that yet. I’ve been thinking about it alot, mostly what would go wrong. Of course we would use condoms but they are only effective 98% of the time. I’m mainly worried about if I am gonna get pregnant or not. I can’t get pregnant. My life would be over. I’m saying this now, which is very contriversal, I would have an abortion. Yes its a human person who probably deserves to live but I just cant do that. I cant be pregnant. I don’t want to focus on all the bad stuff about sex, but the good stuff too. It supposedly has alot of health benefits. I don’t know how to do it though. Like I know how, but at the same time I don’t. Ya know? I also think we should wait to do it but in Scotts words, “I don’t plan on breaking up with you ever so we arent gonna get the opportunity to do it for a long time. So why not do it now when its gonna happen eventually.” I think im gonna do it. Talking about it makes me feel less nervous and weve been talking about it more and more since his birthday is in like 3 days. I want to talk to Kaylie about it but im scared she might say its too early. I know shes gonna support me in whatever I do, but I still want her opinion on it. I also nervous about Scott’s parents or siblings knocking on the door while we are in the middle of having sex. Scott always has his door locked which is good for the both of us. I know his older brother wouldnt bother us cause he’s like a cool brother and knows whats going on lol. I hope it doesnt happen but it might, just might be his mom checking up on us. I think im ready. Im nervous, but I want to do it with him. Im not being pressured into doing it by the way. He knows that if i dont want to do it, he won’t try, we would do what we normally do afterschool, but in his bed. 
I should probably talk about what has happened today instead of talking about sex lol. Nothing special really happened. Scott wanted me to go eat lunch with him and I said no. 1. I dont like school lunches, and 2. I don’t want to sit even remotely near Derek, and 3. I don’t eat lol. I kept telling him he should go eat and he said ok. I just layed down on a couch on my phone alone. Felt like old times, when I had no one to sit with so i just listened to emo bitch music. Good times, good times. 
May 17th, I had to take out my nose stud for pictures in Journalism and my piercing closed. At around 10pm I repeirced it with a thumbtack in the wall. I put a part of an earring in so it doesnt close overnight and now I have to sleep like that till I can go to the mall tmrw and get some more.
May 18th, I went to the mall and got some new piercings. I got a black star, blue ball, black hoop, purple gem, silver star, and a skull. I'm wearing the black hoop right now since it's my favorite. The skull makes me look emo lol. I'm really nervous about going to Scott's tmrw. Wish me luck
May 19th, Ok so I just got back from Scott's house. When my parents dropped me off they wanted one of them to walk to the door with me. I legit begged them not to. They wanted to make sure at least one parent was home so Scott's mom went out and waved. She also said she was Scott's mom but I dont think my parents thought anything of it since they didnt say anything to me yet about it. I met alot of people like his stepmom, stepdad, mom, all his siblings, some of his cousins, aunt and uncle, grandmas, and dog. His step dad was really funny and made alot of jokes. His step mom and I were talking a bunch about how cute JJ Watt and Tom Holland is and Harry Potter. We had pie and a bunch of us went up to his room and just messed around. His older brothers Damian and Ralph were messing with us and it was funny. My mom decided to be an asshole and picked me up 30 minutes early. I wish I could've stayed longer but Aunt Mandy and her boyfriend James are coming over to watch some wrestling thing. I'm glad I got to see Scott on his birthday. He seemed happy.
May 21st, I texted my mom yesterday about Scott, how we are dating, and how I lied and said I was at his house meeting his parents instead of going to Kaylies house. I thought I would be in really big trouble since I lied but apparently I wasnt. When I went downstairs to talk to them they were just happy i finally opened up and told them something about my personal life lol. They didn't ask that many questions about him which is a good thing cause i dont like questions, they make me feel uncomfortable. They know hes getting his license soon so my dad said we are gonna have to talk about people driving me around, other than Michael and his mom. I think it's just gonna be about not leaving the state and just staying close by to our house. At least I hope that's what it's only gonna be about. Knowing them, they are gonna put a bunch of restrictions. I'm pretty sure they would also want to meet Scotty before he drives me anywhere. They are 100% gonna make fun of him for driving a mini cooper lol, I already do. I'm actually really nervous about him meeting my parents, both sets. Ik I was nervous about meeting his but I think I'm more nervous about him meeting mine. I dont know how anyone is gonna react. Gavin is gonna be all weird and would want to talk alot lol. Gavin likes Scott, I really dont know why. Makes me nervous just thinking about it.
I took Scottys keys in Journalism today lol. It was cool just carrying them around. Made me feel like I actually had my own car even though there is a keychain with Scott's name on it. When he was walking me to class he took them back and I got offended. That's all that's happened so far lol.
May 23rd, I cried myself to sleep last night. Lol what a great way to start an entry. Basically I felt like I ruin everything I touch and somehow I was gonna ruin my relationship with Scott. He tried making me feel better but it didnt really work. Anyways, today has been kinda an off day. I dont know what it is about today, just not a good day. Haven’t been in the best mood since last night, but it’s fine..im fine. Everyone has their off days and I guess today is mine,  
May 24th, Yesterday Scotty was acting kinda weird so I typed him out a little paragraph to at least try to make him happy and all he sent back was "Love you too". I'll admit, it was a little bit frustrating spending all that time on that and getting a short response but its fine.
May 25th, I'm spending the night at Kelly's, well actually I already did. We went night swimming and it was fun. I woke up at 5am cause I was in so much pain and now I'm in even more. I just love bleeding internally and having cramps that make me feel like I'm gonna vomit. I tried looking for some aspirin or advil but I couldnt find any which is just so fucking great for me. Yeah anyways, I'm in alot of pain, feel like I'm go throw up, kill me to end my suffering
May 28th, wow yeah love procrastinating this lol. I had my Journalism and Child Development finals today so basically I did nothing at school. I accidentally stole Scotts key for the entire day and I was lowkey panicking cause I didn't know if I was gonna have the opportunity to give them back. I mainly played on my phone in Journalism. We judged the class Photo Safari and my group got 1st place in two of the categories and got 2nd overall. I was really surprised the portrait of me won cause I don’t think I look that great but apparently the yearbook staff thinks so. Thanks Avery :’) Our child development final was easy. We basically just had to write down about something interesting we learned and 3 jobs associated with child care. After that I got out a piece of paper wrote down everything I was thinking cause I cant actually say it or else I think people would hate me. But I basically wrote how I think Scott doesn't understand how I am feeling and my bipolar and depression and about an Instagram comment about something I really shouldn't be worrying about. Also I was writing on their how I am a stupid piece of shit who doesn’t deserve anything in her life cause she is just gonna fuck it up anyways just like she always does. I got done with that and the bell rang. I went to meet up with Scott and give him his keys then he walked with me for a little bit before he had to go talk to his teacher. Seeing him makes me happy, one of the few things that make me happy in this cruel world anymore. My dad called me and told me I had to get all of my work done tonight or else I would get my phone taken away all summer. I just don’t have the motivation to do this or anything for that matter. I’m gonna fucking fail anyways, might as well just deal with it. 
I don’t feel anything anymore. No pain. No happiness. I am simply just...here. Maybe that's why I do it. To feel something...anything. I don’t care if it gives me pain I just want to feel human again. 
Anyways. goodbye. Ig ill see ya in the next entry if im not already dead yet.
May 29th, today overall has been pretty good. I helped Cameron, Drew, Kaleb, Cassie, and others on the Geometry final. Which basically means I gave them all the answers. Cameron was 2 rows away from me so I texted them to him. I also took my Chemistry final today and I already know I failed that bitch. My parents are making me go to summer school for it which is no bueno. After the last bell rang I got to walk with Scott to the back doors. I don't want school to him. I'm gonna miss seeing him everyday. Tomorrow is the last day of school which means it's Izzys last day. I already know damn well I'm gonna fucking cry. I don't want him to leave but hes moving so their is nothing I can do about it. Tomorrow I'm gonna tell him how much of an amazing friend he has been and that everything will get better in the end. I dont want it to be tomorrow.
May 30th, Last day of school and just as I expected, I cried...alot. I didnt have a chance to say goodbye to Izzy like I wanted which made me very upset. I actually liked going to school, just not the learning. Seeing all my friends was the only thing I looked forward to. Now I have nothing. Once Scott gets his license we will be able to hang out but I want that to happen now, not in like a month. I said goodbye to Avery, Kaylie, Carlos, and all my teachers. I'm gonna miss it. But hey, I'm finally a junior. 2 more years then we can move to California. Maybe I'll start looking forward to that. I have to go to summer school and I'm really not excited about that, I know alot of people that are going which kinda makes me feel better ig.
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ninjagoruinedmylife · 6 years
"An Awkward Prom" - a.k.a thing i promised to to and i haven't sleep yesterday to finish it rip me
Aaaaalright folks, so. Today is ninjago oc day which i was really REALLY REALLY hyped for, considering the fact that i have an oc i developed lately. Her name is Ange and she is daughter of Karlof and next elemental master of metal (i think i mentioned her here once or twice tho). And, because we are dorks, me and @clumsinessinperson made Ange and Ali’s oc, Nozomi, meet and ~fall in love~ *dabs* So, to celebrate it, we did a kind of… collab thing for them?? Ali drew a beautiful fanart of this two and i wrote a short fic about a situation that is connected with it. I hope you’ll like it!!
(Also im tagging @evelinaonline bc she threw this event and also she really wanted to see what was this secret thing i was working on with Ali XD)
Ange realised that there is no turning back way too late.
She was pretty chill whole day - hell, she nearly forgot about this whole school prom. Two hours before it, when notification on her phone ringed, she nearly got a heart attack. She had to prepare and, to be honest, she sucked when it came to subject of looks.
She threw nearly most of the things from her closet while looking for a blue dress she bought a few weeks ago. After all, she found it in a washing mashine, all curled up with other clothes. Ange sighed deeply and ironed it as fast as she could, hoping that she won’t burn a hole in it. When she was putting the cloth on, her hands were trembling and she started breathing heavily. Now she regretted every decision she made about this event - signing in being the first one, buying way too high heels being the second, and inviting Nozomi being the third.
At first she thought that this will be great idea. They knew each other for so long, Ange never met someone who would understand her so much and stay with her no matter what… But after they said that they are going there as friends, girl started wondering if she didn’t want to invite him from other reason than “I don’t have anyone else to ask.”
Maybe it wasn’t too late to call him and tell that something happened and she can’t go to the prom. Maybe she could tell that she had an asthma attack and… No, he would still come to see if she’s okay. Maybe she could announce that her father came to visit… Bad idea as well, Karloff lived way too far to randomly come to her. Ange tried to come up with some kind of solution while she was brushing her hair, painting her nails, putting on makeup. She ended up with no ideas and completly awful eyeshades. She accidentally chose the brown ones instead of the silver ones and now she looked like if she played with dirt and didn’t washed her face in few days.
When she did everything in her power to save her image, phone ringed again. She grabbed it with one hand, the other still busy paiting her face, and she didn’t even need to put it up to her ear to hear a loud rock music and even louder voice of a familiar man.
“Ya ready, kid?!” Ronin asked in his usual manner. “We’ll be next to your house in about ten minutes, so I sure hope you are! See ya then!”
And that he hanged off.
Ange sighed and her determination only grew. After she finally finished her makeup, she put on some silver jewelery she kept with her since she had to first move to Ninjago City, and then run away from anacondrai warriors. It was the only thing that reminded her of her mum - a pair of round earrings, long necklace decorated with blue crystals, and three big rings engraved with some strange patterns. She used to have a habit of not going anywhere without them on. Not only from sentiment, though; she knew she could easily change it in deadly weapon in the time of the biggest need.
Luckily, today no one was gonna kill her (besides for her own embarrasment, of course), so she could wear it only for aesthetic reasons.
Ange looked at herself in the mirror and she even smiled. She wasn’t looking half as bad as she thought she would, to be absolutely honest. She still felt way too tall and fragile, but she could even pass as an attractive person! That was an achievement to celebrate, but she had no time to bake a victorious cake and open up the shampain.
She stood in front of the door, holding her phone tight and waiting for a call from either Nozomi or his father, but the first thing she heard was a familiar noise that went through the window.
“Hell no.” Girl mumbled under her breath when she turned around.
Right next to her balcony, floated R.E.X. - huge flying ship that belonged to Ronin. She blushed a bit from both fury and awkwardness, and walked towards it. Her neighbours were gonna look at her strange again.
“We don’t have a whole day!” Ronin yelled when she came close enough to hear his words. “Don’t act like if you are on a walk in a park, come here faster!”
Ange hissed with frustration and moved her hand a bit. Metal bars that surrounded her balcony suddenly changed their place and turned into a bridge for a girl to walk on a ship. She looked around, a little worried that someone saw her - good, no neighbour around. She still felt hella anxious when it came to using her powers around people she didn’t know.
She sat next to Ronin and looked at her right. On his other side was Nozomi, who waved to her awkwardly. His whole face was completly red, like if someone threw tomatoes at him. When Ange smiled and waved back, he started looking a bit more relaxed.
Ronin still hadn’t started flying again - he nodded constantly to the rythm of a very loud, very agressive and very scary (in girl’s opinion) song. This state would last even longer if Nozomi didn’t react.
“Dad”, boy sounded slightly annoyed. “Remember? We have to go.”
“As you said, we don’t have a whole day, sir.” Ange coughed due to how much smoke R.E.X. producted.
“Oh, yeah. Good idea, kiddos.” Ronin cracked a smile and then they started flying so fast that Ange got scared if they won’t end up dying soon. “So. How is this whole art school thing going, girl? I remember a good ol’ times when we didn’t had a time for a stuff like that, I’m telling you. You had to work hard from the day you were born, or you had to start stealing, and you probably know what I chose…”
And it felt like with every word, he got faster and faster.
Ange, who was now not even a little red, but completly pale, looked at her friend over his dad’s shoulder and whispered:
“Can we kill him, please?”
“We don’t know how to fly this thing,” Nozomi shook his head sadly. “We would die sooner than he will kill us.”
It was good that they mastered the art of reading lips movement through all this time. In other case, they wouldnt talk about subject like that near Ronin and, what’s even more important, they couldn’t understand each other. Meanwhile, man was still rambling about how much schools suck when you can become a criminal.
“Oh, didn’t he try to learn you? Maybe you know some basic stuff…”
“You forgot an important part - I don’t want my dad to die!”
“Who are you planning to kill?!” Ronin screamed in their terrified faces after the vehicle stopped in front of a huge building. ‘He turned off the music few seconds ago, so he probably didn’t hear much’, Ange realised and felt a big weight leaving her chest. If she survived this, she will survive tonight’s prom for sure.
“Uuuh…” Nozomi scratched the back of his neck.
“My teacher!” Ange interrupted. “My math teacher, sir.”
“I bet he’s a pain in the ass, huh?” Ronin laughed shortly. “Okay, kiddos, go. Have fun, don’t do drugs, and blablabla. I’ll come and pick you up at 11.”
If a moment ago Ange thought that this was gonna be the easier part of the evening, the fear of what was gonna happen returned when she came out of the ship. She stood in front of her school and Nozomi soon joined her. Everyone from her school, now dressed all elegant, looked at R.E.X. with open mouths. Which meant that they saw her as well. And they saw her with Nozomi.
Even bigger damnit.
“Is everything okay?” Her friend looked at her, seemingly worried. “You look nervous as hell.”
“I always AM nervous as hell, Nozomi.” She answered and then started walking towards the entrace. “It’s not a big deal today, though.”
“I hope so, we came here to… have fun. Or whatever normal teenagers do during proms.” Boy frowned and then blushed. “It’s so strange. I’m not sure if it was a good decision to take me with you, Ange. I’m a terrible dancer and I don’t know anyone here…”
“Hey”, she grabbed his hand. “I asked you to go with me because I know I’ll have fun with you. You are my best friend after all.”
“You forgot to add that I’m your ONLY friend.” Nozomi smiled mischeviously, and then he looked down at their holding hands with a frown. “Hm, won’t they all think that we are dating? You know, holding hands and stuff is usually pretty romantic, as far as I remember from all those movies.”
He laughed, as if he just said a good joke, but girl noticed a growing blush on his face a minute before anxiety hit her.
“Ugh, I-” Ange let go of his hand immediately, feeling a lump in her throat growing and growing. “I’m sorry for that, if I made you feel bad or-”
“I mean, it’s not like I don’t like it or something-” boy grabbed her wrist and looked down. “I just guess that at this point I can stand people looking at me because I’m with a person I’m most comfortable around, and not because I stole something.”
 She wasn’t ready to answer somehow for that and, luckily, she didn’t had to.
They heard a really loud rock music once again, and when they turned around, they saw Ronin running in their direction with a camera.
“I forgot to take a pic of ya two!” He took a few deep breaths and then got camera higher. “Okay so, stand somehow to look nice, and then say "cheese” or some other bullshit… Ready?“
They looked at each other with awkward expressions, but after a minute Ange placed her hand on Nozomi’s back and he wrapped his arm around her waist. Both awfully blushing teenagers tried to put normal smiles on their faces, and without any more word Ronin took a photo.
"Okay, now I’m leaving for real, I promise!” He screamed when he was getting back to his vehicle.
Ange sighed. Maybe this prom won’t be such a tragedy.
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niel-trbl · 6 years
I Know
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Lover!Yang Hongseok x Colleague!Kang Kino AU
Note: well if you can’t tell, im kinda stuck on continuing my previous scenario and also another one that im still working on. hence why i managed to whip up this one! hope you enjoy this one! drop me some feedback or requests right here! (btw let me know if i should do part 2 to this!)
The clock finally struck twelve noon, meaning that it was time for lunch. Finally some time out of the office. You quickly tidied up your workspace before leaving.
“You’re in a rush,” your deskmate, Hani, looked over.
“Yup, Hongseok wanted to see me for lunch since he can’t make it for dinner,”
“Wait, do you think he’s-”
“WHAT, no no no. It can’t be... Anyway, I’ll see you later!” you quickly rushed out.
“Let me know how it goes!” you managed to catch what she said before you left.
Could it be? You noticed that Hongseok has been awfully sweet lately - always buying your favourite flowers, having dinner dates and whatnot. Sure you appreciate all of it but you were a little suspicious. So you asked Hani for her opinion on it and she popped the big question, “do you think he is going to propose to you?”
You’ve always had that thought, especially recently as you are moving forward into your fifth anniversary. Was it already time for this new phase of your relationship? It got you feeling a little excited, just at the thought of it. But you decided to put that thought at the back of your mind, just so that you won’t have any expectations.
Here you are, sitting at your favourite cafe with Hongseok, chatting while having lunch. Well, more like a one-sided conversation since he has been awfully quiet the whole time. You’ve always been able to pick up on his feelings or so you thought so you asked what was wrong.
“_________” your heart skipped a beat, hearing him call your name.
You weren’t ready for what he is going to say next. What should you do? How should you react? What should you say?
“Let’s not see each other,” this was not how you expected it to turn out.
Sure you said that you wasn’t expecting a proposal but a break-up was the very last thing you thought you would hear. You suddenly lost your appetite and everything just fell silent at your table.
“It’s not you, it’s me,” Hongseok tried to reason with you. Such a cliche excuse and it obviously meant it was because of you.
“I’m sorry. How long do you want to not see each other? A week? Two weeks?” You compromised, trying to save your relationship that is at its ends.
“Which part of not seeing each other do you not understand? What makes you think we are getting back together? Stop trying to hang onto me! I don’t need you,”
“There’s someone else, right?” He tried to hide his shock expression when finally said something after the long pause.
That was all you need to confirm the intuition you had. You saw him through his lies. He didn’t need you only because he has someone else. When you asked him about why he treated you so well over the few weeks, he merely said that it was just to give you good memories of the relationship. Hearing this made you even more mad.
“Wow you really had to break up with me during my lunch hour,” at this point you were just spouting nonsense, trying to make sense of the situation at hand.
“Don’t cry. Goodbye,” Hongseok then took his leave.
Awhile after he left, you could finally find the strength to leave the place. You decided to take the longer route back to the office to clear your mind. You wanted to hold it all in but as you made your back, you found yourself sobbing uncontrollably. Conveniently, it started raining, almost as if it was trying to help you cover up your tear-stained face.
You can’t believe Hongseok did that to you. Did those years mean nothing to him? All those memories together, were they easily replaced? It was such a precious relationship to you. You actually thought it could lead to forever. But it just ended right before your eyes, with no prior warning.
You were making your way towards the traffic light, with your mind still occupied by the break-up. Just as you were about to cross the road, you felt someone grabbed you by the hand.
“You should be careful! You could’ve gotten into an accident,” the person then sheltered with their umbrella.
You looked up to see who was your saviour and it was Kino, your colleague and neighbour. He’s one of the kindest and sweetest person you’ve ever met in your department, apart from Hani. Even though you don’t talk to one another as much, he’s still very caring towards you.
“You’re soaking wet. Here, put on my jacket. You’re gonna catch a cold,” he placed his jacket over your shoulders.
You thanked him softly then continued walking with him in silence. As you stood by one another in the empty lift, Kino handed you a hankerchief.
“It seems like you had a rough day. It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me. But whatever it is, just know that you’re not alone,” he gave you a soft smile.
“Thanks Kino. It’s just... Hongseok just broke up with me. He said he didn’t need me anymore. But i’m pretty sure it’s because he already have someone else. Wow i can’t believe i’m blurting all of this out to you. I’m so sorry. I’m such a wreck right now,” you tidied yourself up, before heading back to the office.
“No no it’s okay. It’s times like this when you need someone to talk to. You should take the rest of the day off. I’ll tell the boss that you’re not feeling too well. Don’t worry, i won’t say a word about what happened. Just wait here, i’ll grab your stuff,”
After awhile, Kino came back out with your bag and told you that he already called for a cab to get you home.
“Your jacket?”
“It’s okay, you need it more. Don’t worry,” he gave you a soft smile again.
You thanked him then headed into the elevator. You quickly pressed the open button again when you heard him call your name again.
“Hongseok’s an asshole for treating you that way. I’m sorry you have to go through this. Take care ________,” you were touched by his genuine concern.
When you got home, you quickly shed off your work clothes then changed into your pyjamas. You literally just spent the whole day sobbing in bed. Hongseok don’t deserve these tears but you just kept on crying. The day slowly transitioned to night. It was only then when you dragged yourself out of bed to grab a bite from the kitchen. In that moment the doorbell rang. It was none other than Kino.
“Hey, sorry for disturbing you this late. But i thought you might be hungry?” He held up bags of take-out.
“Were you working overtime today? You really shouldn’t have bought food,” you invited him into your home.
“No it’s fine, it’s the least i could do. I just wanted to make sure you were doing fine,”
Both of you spent the rest of the time, eating together while you let out your emotions. Kino kindly listened through all of it. You felt bad for burdening him with everything but he kept insisting that it was okay, as long as it made you feel better. Honestly, it did made you feel better and you were very glad that he came by to accompany you.
The next day, you headed back to work as per normal. Thanks to that late night rant session with Kino, you felt a lot better. You still felt like shit but you had to move on.
“Hey, are you feeling better? Heard from Kino that you had stomach pains from lunch,” Hani went over the moment you got to your desk.
“Oh? Oh yeah, i’m feeling better. Good thing we bumped into each other. Hey, did you see the stack of papers on my table? I told boss that I’ll submit it to him by today since i missed yesterday,” you started going through your desk drawers.
“Kino took it yesterday. He was still working even after everyone left. Maybe he went through them,”
You headed over to his desk and saw the said stack of papers. As you flipped through them, you noticed that he already went through them. You were touched by his actions. He really didn’t have to but he even did your workload. You left a post-it on his table saying “thanks again. Lunch later? My treat”
You were curious why he cared so much for you, even though you were just colleagues. Kang Kino, what are you?
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