#star plus animes
geekpopnews · 2 months
Primeiras impressões: The Fable, as férias de um assassino
O anime The Fable é a mais nova adaptação da história criada por Katsuhisa Minami. Saiba o que esperar dessa história tão aguardada! #TheFable #AnimeTheFable #Seinen
A espera finalmente acabou para os fãs de The Fable, que estreou seu novo anime na Star+ no último domingo (07). Anunciada há quase um ano atrás, a animação é a mais nova adaptação da história, que conta com dois live actions anteriores. Ainda mais, a produção é do Tezuka Productions, o mesmo estúdio das lendárias séries Astro Boy (1963 e 1980), Hi no Tori (2004) e Kimba, o Leão Branco (1965 –…
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skialdi · 2 years
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Sometimes, you just need a hug (whether you realize it or not)
If you’ve seen Stargate Atlantis, you may recognize this scene. I just had to draw it with Quinlan and Obi-wan. It was too perfect.
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
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Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 animated shorts posters
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kyurochurro · 7 months
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HAPPY NOVEMBER!! its beginning to feel a lot like winter so todays uni sketch is Sulu and Uhura dancing!! 💫❄️🌌 cus why not :D (bg-less version below!)
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(can you tell im listening to frank sinatra lately AHJSKJASK)
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aaronwaltke · 8 months
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In case you haven’t heard the news, Star Trek: Prodigy has been picked up by Netflix!
Star Trek fans across the galaxy — and young cadets in the making — have been granted the chance to see our series, many for the very first time. With a truly global audience, it is an extraordinary opportunity to grow our already formidable fanbase.
It is in no small part thanks to you, the fandom — who demonstrated through your extraordinary efforts that the stories of Starfleet, and the outsiders who aspire to it, will endure. We are so deeply humbled and grateful beyond words.
Many on the Prodigy team, including myself and the Hagemans, have created some exceptional television with Netflix — and we very much look forward to doing so again.
The possibilities are endless now that the world can see all 40 episodes of Prodigy’s first and second seasons in one place — which our passionate cast and crew have worked so tirelessly on — with the potential for more as we boldly go and seek out this new horizon.
If you wish to see more Dal and Gwyn and Rok-Tahk and Zero and Jankom and Murf, viewing the show on Netflix as soon as it drops — and telling others the good news, to do the same — is unequivocally the way.
There’s not much more to say. Other than…
Go fast. Spread the word. Together…
… We Saved Star Trek: Prodigy.
Set a course for home.
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revanknightwoman · 2 months
Star Wars: Tales of the Empire
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ratleyland · 1 month
Season 3- Episode 15
(The Cavalry Has Arrived)
Just watched the very last episode... and it didn't disappoint
The way the show ended, I'm now hoping that one day we get to see Omega in live-action Star Wars
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disneytva · 11 months
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20th Television Animation has unveiled a special Futurama Season 8A Key Art for SDCC 2023
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everythingilearned · 2 months
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ejsuperstar · 6 months
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@lilybug-02 get sprited nerd (the wings are meant to be transparent but I guess that didnt come across on the export... Damn) Gonna go sleep now cos it's late
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universalcaffination · 4 months
I had a dream that during an interview leonard nimoy talked about a cut scene during TOS where spock was on a space station teaching a group of children from a bunch of different races - human, klingon, andorian, cardiassian (even tho they were introduced in TNG iirc), etc - about appreciating the value of every creature's life, all while holding/petting a tiny brown bunny near his chest and the gentlest of smiles and it was the sweetest thing
I vaguely remember him saying something along the lines of "these little four legged devils are the bane of doctor McCoy's existence, but still hold many virtues" and it was precious. Nimoy said something like he wanted spock to smile even the tiniest bit during the scene because it's something he truly believes in (IDIC) and is passing along to children; his father was a teacher as well as an ambassador and spock eventually becomes one too in twok (and in many ways this smile was leonard nimoy shining through the character of spock)
It was a good dream
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that1overthere · 6 months
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I wish Herbert and Weyoun meet, shit would be SO FUNNY!!!
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your-ne1ghbor · 6 days
I got the storyboard all done.
Plus the reason why I changed it was because legit the other one I kept on imagining different characters not the characters I wanted to use and I didn't like how anything was coming out.
But after I explored that universe for a week or so, I think that it is better for me to show off another star design that will show what is happening. Plus I imagined it a lot more than the other one. Don't worry, star boy gets injured more in this one than he did in the other one :3
So here it is, FW is in the video but Blood and Death Warning
Plus I get to show off the designs I recently made and enjoyed making
So anyways, ya'll probably confused, but I feel like only 3 or 2 maybe 1 stars can predict the future, only because they are old as fuck. So yeah, Maggy summoned a very ancient star by accident. Or that this song isn't really, cannon just that the event of a Star saying "you should change your viewpoint of your world before you damn youself" is going to stay cannon in the story.
One thing I really tried near the ending is that she gets very angry at him since he hurts a star, a young one at that and she is despratly trying to scare him into changing what he will become in a positive way, but it was prevented for a while, until the grief got too much for him and he became what was foretold. Or as I said, the future part just probs wont be cannon, but the fact that magnifico will go down a dark path after this and becomes the moster rawr rawr rawr
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They are blue btw (kind of like the blue fairy, which is what they are largely based off from)
Anyways I got math first period tomorrow kill me bye bye
(also the other reblogs that @uva124 @signed-sapphire and @oh-shtars did was fucking adorable imma reblog my reactions to them after summer comes along)
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If the future thing ends up being cannon in the story, I am just going to say that the limitations is that they can only see so far into what that can become. They can't see beyond that point, so that way it is mainly up to the person to prevent what will happen to them or not.
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melonthesprigatito · 8 months
History of Detective Pikachu
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2013: "Too bad this game is never going to be finished"
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2016: "Too bad this game is never going to get an English translation"
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2018: "Oh my god, they actually released it outside of Japan? Oh, it ended on a cliffhanger. Too bad it's never going to get a sequel."
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2019: "Ex-fucking-scuse me??????"
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aaronwaltke · 7 months
Huge congratulations to our Star Trek: Prodigy team on another Children’s & Family Emmy nomination this year.
Very well deserved — by an amazing crew! 💫 🖖🏽
The Individual Achievements in Animation Emmy categories will be announced later this month.
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revanknightwoman · 2 months
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