#30th Television Animation
disneytva · 14 days
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AbramsComicArts And Disney Publishing Worldwide Team Up For FUTURAMA Art-Book For October, 2024.
Welcome to the Art-Book of Tomorrow!
Shut Up and take our money as AbramsComicArts and Disney Publishing Worldwide team up with The Art of Futurama. The artbook will contain production artwork and never before seen material from the cult classic sci-fi comedy adult animated series.
The artbook will feature behind the scenes material of the 150 episodes of the series. The book will be written by Matt Groening with a introduction by David X. Cohen and a foreword by Claudia Katz.
📚The Art Of Futurama - October 8, 2024
Disney Publishing Worldwide
Disney Press
Disney Books
Disney Hyperion 
From Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons and Disenchantment, the first art book that delves into the development and history of his beloved TV series, Futurama—timed for the show’s 25th anniversary The world of Futurama comes to life in this deluxe art book, with commentary from the show’s creator, Matt Groening, showrunner David X. Cohen, and producer Claudia Katz. Just in time for the show’s 25th anniversary and the new season on Hulu & Disney+ , this first and only Futurama art book examines the first seven seasons of the series, which first aired on Fox in 1999. Readers can dive into the development and visual history of all 150 episodes, including brand-new content, never-before-seen concept art, sketches, developmental work, and a complete episode guide. TV Guide named Futurama one of the Greatest TV Cartoons of All Time. This comprehensive visual history is a must-have for any animation, television, or sci-fi aficionado.
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punster-2319 · 3 months
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randomfoggytiger · 8 months
The X-Files 30th Anniversary
Day 7: 30th Anniversary Extravaganza
Today, I'm thanking The X-Files community for bringing me across a wonderful show-- its amazing cast and writers and fans-- and inspiring me to get back on my own creative hobbyhorse.
My Thanks
Being a part of a collective who want to celebrate this show and others' creative endeavors with heartfelt good wishes has been exciting, fun... and humbling.
My special thanks to the many people who welcomed me with open arms and contribute to this space, even if it's "simply" (but it's never just anything, is it?) answering asks or reblogging or even liking a random post that passed from one blog to another.
There are too many to list, so I'll just chat about my most remembered moments:
@baronessblixen, for being so kind and encouraging that you drew me out of the anon shadows; for liking what I create; for giving me a logical mind to bounce my ideas off of in asks; and for inadvertently teaching me the joy of appreciating animal videos (and convincing me, along with Vavie, to watch Return to Me.)
@dd-is-my-guiltypleasure, for our cherished Duchovny talks; for your heart and your amazingly detailed dedication; for your artbook that I prize dearly; and for your warmth and good humor.
@suitablyaggrieved, for your spectacular and refreshing meta takes; for persevering in your creative works and this fandom; and for sharing the progress pics of your beautiful X-Files themed sweater.
@welsharcher, for being my mini Kermit-loving pool noodle~ (I love brightening your day as much as your messages brighten mine); for your gifs and posts that make my heart soar; and for our shared, priceless sense of humor.
@agent-troi, for being a solidly intelligent third party to the Pre-S1 Mulder Singleton Club; for your hilarious hashtags and great insights; and for your amazing fic output.
@mondfuchs/@annablume, for swapping XF fic recs in my early Tumblr days; and for making my year by drawing my little boopy-tongued tiger in Mulder's arms to celebrate our collective birthday (post here. Still makes me sappy thinking about it~.)
@amplifyme, for returning to Tumblr and giving me a chance to meet you; for sharing your excellent BATB series (in general and Nan Dibble in particular); and for sharing your thoughts as you slowly peel back the psyche of Vincent and the worlds Above and Below.
@demon-fetal-harvest, for being one of the first to die over my Scully Les Miserables amv (it's one of my favorites I love to rewatch; and I think of you every time I do); and for your hilarious reblogs and even more hilarious tags.
@xxsksxxx and @two-microscopes for being the first to reblog and like during a rough time. I'll cherish that moment forever~.
@medicaldoctordana, for being cool and creative and driven; and for hating the mainstream MBTI system as much as I do (and for your philosophy recs-- will get around to them someday.)
@ibringyouasong89, for being my fellow warrior in the trenches. We're new of acquaintance, but I think this will be a beauuuuuuuuuutiful friendship~. ;))))
@writingwell, @enigmaticdrblockhead, and @perpetually-weirdening, @spidey-is-tired, @cyb3rpeach, @scullys-scalpel, @frogsmulder, @teenie-xf, @dreamingofscully, @freckleslikestars, @cecilysass, @slippinmickeys, @gabby-msr, @thatfragilecapricorn30, @television-overload, @pianogirlxf @mollybecameanengineer, and @settle-down-frohike for being mutually supportive and welcoming. The world is both large and small; and I'm glad my path was able to intersect with yours.
And thank you to the silent-but-always-theres who take the time to drop in and give my posts the time of day~: @samucabd, @sonictacocat, @kiivitaja, @freckleslikestars, @nimlurks, @redteekal, @mindibindi, @marinas5099, @chavisory, @sizzlingempathspybat, @enigmaticxbee, @inflappible, @metamayou, @invidiosa, @txcb1013, @dytttt, @borogirl, @agentbluefox, @agentwhalesong, and ALL OF YOU. I can't tag anymore because Tumblr is tapping me out; but I include you-- yes, you-- in this as well.
My Projects
While The X-Files turned 30, my fandom experience turned (a little over) a year old! Wow, time does fly when you're... speed typing out multiple essays worth of fic rec lists, meta analyses, and personality typing posts (or even wrangling a video editor, compressor, and uncooperative Tumblr site to upload an amv.)
My full list of accomplishments can be found here; but these are a few highlights that were standouts to me personally:
My First Fic
randomfoggytiger’s Son of Egypt (Prince of Egypt twist on television-overload's what if: Samantha adopted and raised William.)
Fic Rec Lists
Meet the Mulders
Creepy and Cozy Cabins  
Time Travel, Time Loops, and Just Wrong Timing 
Car Wrekt 
S9 Mulder Stays or Returns While the Mytharc Barrels On
Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part I) 
Poll Results Fic: 1st Place- Scully Injured but In-Charge
Poll Results Fic: 2nd Place- Cleaning Out the Vineyard House
Poll Results Fic: 3rd Place-- Tithonus Mother Hen Mulder
The Field Where I Fix-It Fic-ed
Analysis Posts
Arcadia Analysis: Scully Was Enjoying Herself Immensely 
Never Again: An Intensive Essay (and its paired twin: Never Again and Fear)
One Son: An Intense, One-Shot Analysis of “You’re Making This Personal”  
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part VI): Talitha Cumi and Tena's Lies
S5 Is a Pretty Dark Time for Mulder
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part VII): Mulder, Maggie, Melissa, and the Snake
Mulder Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn? 
Scully Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn?
Mulder and Dreams
Milagro In-Depth (Part II): Loneliness Is a Choice and Lamps Go Dark
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas In-Depth: Full Analysis
Scully Is the Conduit Conductor and Mulder Is the Dancer
How Scully Taught Mulder to Hug
Mulder and Dreams
CSM Inflicted Insanity On the Syndicate
Fire and False Romance, Ice and Love
All IVF Roads Lead Away from The Unnatural and to Millennium 
Jungian Personality Typing Posts
{{Extraction: Proving Mulder Is an INTP, Not an INFJ/INFP}} 
SCULLY, The Enigmatic ISTJ
XF Fanvids/AMVs
Les Miserables AMV: Scully's Solo
The Muppets AMV: Drivin’ Right Along
Fiddler on the Roof AMV: Mulder and Samantha
Bonus Content (Fandom Adjacent)--
React: "Return to Me" from the POV of Someone Averse to RomComs
Personality Typing: Return to Me
And cheers to all~!
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pinceauarcenciel · 11 months
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Previews of my page art and notepad for the Our Duet @raedafanzine~ ✨
🎻 Preorders are open until June 30th 🎻
※ Fanart: The Owl House © Dana Terrace / Disney Television Animation
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deadlypastelcutieart · 5 months
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Awwww, now that's a sweet ending doesn't it? :)
Yes! That's right! This year marks a huge milestone for Cartoon Network's history, because this year marks the 30th anniversary of the first original Cartoon Network character, Moxy! From the 1995 anthology series "The Moxy Show".
Okay actually to be honest the show he's from is 28 years old. And I know what your thinking.. Wait, if his show is 28 years old, why are you saying Moxy is turning 30 this year?
I have explained this already many times but the truth is Moxy actually came out way before The Moxy Show came out! Before that in 1995 formerly known as "The Moxy Pirate Show", his actual debut was on November 26 1993, with a live Cartoon Network televised event called "The Great International Toon-in", which not only aired on Cartoon Network but also on Turner's other channels such as TNT and TBS in different countries. And that's where Moxy first appeared onto the channel! He was the host of the event as he was seen in-between the marathon of cartoons, interacting with children on a tv screen. And of course was known as the first cartoon character to be animated live on tv! (Actully it wasn't really live but just pre-recorded.)
And looking back to when I first discovered this character when I saw that OK KO episode, it made me question if he was their mascot to represent the channel and I loved looking through any info I can ind about this interesting 3D cartoon dog character.
It is sad though for CN's first original character he became so unpopular and ended up being lost media to the public. But at least there are some found stuff from his show. But honestly I really thinkg we should continue to find more info! I would love to see more info about Moxy and what's his interests are? But fir now at least he's been getting a bit of attention and finally got a cameo in another CN show!
So, in honor of Moxy's 30th Aniversary, I give you all this special comic I made featuring Moxy and of course all of the Cartoon Network characters over the years! Yeah I know, I forgot to add some more but I couldn't fit much and I just really wanted to get this comic done! So if your going to complain that I forgot to add a character in this comic, I do apologize! But DAM! This was my first time drawing all these CN characters and I honestly feel proud of this! And I wanted to make sure I draw them in their right designs! But this was worth it!
So Moxy, happy 30th Anniversary to you! And happy 28th Anniversary to The Moxy Show! I know Cartoon Network dosen't care about him, but hey! I think he deserves a huge celebration! Hope there will be more info of him found! :)
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biomic · 8 months
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Bad news, Rob. He clarified and what he meant was “take all the cool parts out”
i mean... i get it? not sure what he specifically means by "sped-up action sequences", i don't think PR's action is the thing that's holding it back and could easily be transported over to whatever reboot they wanted to do, but the other things ARE generally seen as corny in a bad way by general audiences. im certainly not happy about that but like. it's just the truth
again, japan was introduced to tokusatsu and suitmation techniques through genre-defining works like godzilla and ultraman, made by people who took the material seriously. america was introduced to it through often goofy (or just straight up racist) kaiju dubs from people who didn't get it and power rangers, which im guessing the original crew thought would be some dumb forgotten flavor of the week before it became a worldwide phenomenon. power rangers evolved as it went on and produced some great, iconic (certainly iconic to ME 😤) seasons of kid's television, but that's not what people remember. people remember the kiai noises tommy would make when he did karate, the cheesy acting, and bulk and skull falling face-first into a giant cake at the end of every episode. and to them that's all it'll ever be, unless something new comes along to pique their interest
i know people say "well, power rangers has succeeded for 30 years under this formula!" but... when was the last time it was actually relevant? i think it got a brief blip from the original cast returning for that 30th anniversary special, but before that? nickelodeon pushed samurai hard when they first acquired it but ever since then it's felt dead in the water. from anecdotes i've heard it seems like a lot of kids think power rangers is lame and something their dad used to watch, its days as must-watch kid's tv have been over for a good long while now. it's survived not by continuing to be a hit but just through sheer momentum. hasbro could work something out with toei and make Power Rangers Beast Cubers or Crystal Guardians and it could be the most incredible season we've ever had, surpassing all the greats, but i still don't think that'd be enough to get anyone who's not a longtime fan to care
power rangers has had an unbelievable run, by any metric it should not have lasted this long. but it's not possible for anything that goes on 30+ years to continue without change. super sentai's not like it was in 1975, kamen rider's not like it was in 1971, ultraman's not like it was in 1966, and power rangers can't be like it was in 1993. whether they go for another movie franchise, a teen netflix reboot, or an animated series, it's clear that the direct adaptation process is over. if it turns out to be good, we're in luck! if it sucks, well, we've got 30 years of Classic™ power rangers and TONS of tokusatsu to go back to. there's worse ways for a show to go out
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batmannotes · 10 months
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‘Batman: Mask of the Phantasm' 4K Blu-Ray
Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the most universally acclaimed film in the Dark Knight’s legendary cinematic history when the newly-remastered animated movie Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, comes to 4K Ultra HD for the very first time. From Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment, the film will be available to purchase on 4K Ultra HD on September 12, 2023.
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The release will also include an all-new featurette Kevin Conroy: I Am The Knight, which takes a look at the legacy of Kevin Conroy, who voiced Batman for 30 years in film, television, video games and more.
Rooted in DC’s acclaimed Batman: The Animated Series and released theatrically on Christmas Day 1993, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm has not only been ranked by Time magazine as one of the 10 best Super Hero movies ever, but is also arguably the core fans’ all-time favorite Batman film. The movie has been rated at the top of the Dark Knight film franchise by such popular entertainment media as Empire, Screenrant and Paste. And in the ultimate mainstream salute for its time, Gene Siskel & Robert Ebert didn’t initially review the film during its theatrical release, but later dedicated a portion of their At The Movies weekly TV series to pay compliment to the film – and voice their regret for not giving it the attention it deserved during its original run – when Batman: Mask of the Phantasm was distributed for home entertainment.
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The 4K HDR/SDR remaster of Batman: Mask of the Phantasm was sourced from the 1993 Original Cut Camera Negative and was scanned at 4K resolution. Digital restoration was applied to the 4K scans to remove dirt, scratches and additional anomalies, but special care was given to not touch the film grain or the animation cel dirt that was part of the original artwork. This is the first time since its theatrical release that it is presented in its 1.85 aspect ratio. The original 2.0 mix and the 5.1 tracks were remastered to remove or improve defects such as pops, ticks, dropouts and distortion.
The animated film features an all-star cast headed by the quintessential voice of Batman, Kevin Conroy, alongside Dana Delany (Desperate Housewives, China Beach) as Bruce Wayne’s love interest, Andrea Beaumont, Mark Hamill (Star Wars franchise) as the Joker, Stacy Keach (Nebraska, Prison Break, Mike Hammer) as Phantasm/Carl Beaumont, Abe Vigoda (Barney Miller, The Godfather) as Salvatore Valestra, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. (The F.B.I.) as Alfred, Hart Bochner (Die Hard) as Arthur Reeves, Bob Hastings (McHale’s Navy, The Poseidon Adventure) as Commissioner Gordon, Robert Costanzo (Forget Paris, City Slickers) as Detective Bullock, Dick Miller (Gremlins, The Terminator) as Chuckie Sol, and John P. Ryan (The Right Stuff) as Buzz Bronski. Additional voices included Pat Musick, Marilu Henner, Neil Ross, Ed Gilbert, Jeff Bennett, Jane Downs, Vernee Watson, Charles Howerton, Thom Pinto and Peter Renaday.
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The Batman: Mask of the Phantasm filmmaking team is composed of the award-winning core group behind Batman: The Animated Series. Eric Radomski and Bruce Timm directed the film from a screenplay by Alan Burnett, Paul Dini, Martin Pasko and Michael Reaves, based on a story by Burnett.
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm will be available on September 12, 2023 to purchase Digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more. 4K Ultra HD Discs will be available to purchase online and in-store at major retailers. Pre-order your copy now.
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Batman: Mask of the Phantasm opens with the city's most feared gangsters being systematically eliminated, and assumed blame falling on the Caped Crusader. But prowling the Gotham night is a shadowy new villain, the Phantasm, a sinister figure with some link to Batman's past. Can the Dark Knight elude the police, capture the Phantasm and clear his own name? Unmasking the Phantasm is just one of the twists in this dazzling animated feature, which provides new revelations about Batman's past, his archrival the Joker, and Batman's most grueling battle ever - the choice between his love for a beautiful woman and his vow to be the defender of right.
Kevin Conroy: I Am The Knight (New Featurette) – For 30 years, Kevin Conroy defined Batman for multiple generations using only his voice, best exemplified in the landmark film Batman: Mask of the Phantasm. Conroy passed away in November 2022, but his legacy lives on in 15 films, nearly 400 episodes of animated television series, a dozen video games, and as a live-action Bruce Wayne in the Arrowverse’s 2019-2020 “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover event. Several of Conroy’s contemporaries – including animation legend Bruce Timm, Batman producer Michael Uslan and revered voice actress Tara Strong – pay tribute to the star who remains the Dark Knight for millions of Batfans.
Bonus episode of Justice League: Unlimited featuring a cameo from Phantasm.
*Special features are not available in 4K Ultra HD.
The Batman legend continues in this story that tells of Batman's most difficult battle, as well as his confrontation with a mysterious killer, who holds the key to Batman's secret past.
MPAA rating ‏ : ‎ PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 3.52 Ounces
Director ‏ : ‎ Bruce Timm, Eric Radomski
Run time ‏ : ‎ 1 hour and 16 minutes
Release date ‏ : ‎ September 12, 2023
Actors ‏ : ‎ Kevin Conroy, Dana Delany
Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ English
Studio ‏ : ‎ Studio Distribution Services
Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ USA
Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1
Preorder now.
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rockanroller · 7 months
WGA / SAG-AFTRA Strikes Masterpost
[ !! this post will be edited if there are any updates to info or if i discover i made any errors in my research, so i don’t recommend reblogging it !! ]
✤ TL;DR:
viv has now said in an interview posted October 26th, 2023 that the delay was due to Hazbin Hotel not having a streaming platform, and making arrangements with Prime.
prior to that, viv said on July 13th, 2023, that she felt it was "safe to say" the actor's strike "effects both (helluva boss and hazbin hotel)" even though she could only speak for helluva. [ link to post detailing her tweets & replies that mentioned the strikes ]
what i think is the strikes weren't the main cause but they caused minor delays due to their effect on the industry, and the main cause was Hazbin Hotel not having a distribution partner.
the timeline of WGA strikes and Hazbin Hotel's delay coincidentally line up with each other
✤ basic info about a24 and the unions:
A24 handles producing (funding, organizing) and distributing (marketing, release strategizing, platform seeking) of their products.
Bento Box is the studio that handled animation for Hazbin Hotel.
WGA is the union for WRITERS in film, TV, radio, and online media.
SAG-AFTRA is the union for ACTORS and RADIO ARTISTS.
SAG-AFTRA allowed A24 to continue filming MOVIES with SAG-AFTRA actors around late July 2023 due to A24 not being affiliated with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) that SAG-AFTRA & WGA were/are striking against.
the only thing i've found about A24 and the WGA was a Redditor saying that in relation to SAG-AFTRA's decision to allow A24 to use their actors, WGA hadn't made a decision about A24.
The WGA contract does not cover writing for general advertising, however the development of branded television/entertainment shows/projects that are using WGA writers most likely would've been put on hold. Non-WGA writers would also hesitate to work during a strike for fear of ruining rep/scabbing/ruining their own chances to eventually join the union themselves. (pic below)
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Regarding the above; "development" usually means earlier pre-production work, so this may not be applicable to HH at all.
✤ timeline of strike updates, hazbin releases, and vivziepop tweets:
A24 picked up Hazbin Hotel in August 2020.
The Hazbin Hotel Twitter posted that it would be coming in Summer 2023 on October 27th, 2022.
Hazbin Hotel's Twitter continued to make general promotional posts with images & GIFs of the characters throughout 2023 starting with... January 31st - "it's going to be one hell of a year!" February 28th - "lovers in hell"
Hazbin Hotel's wrap-party was posted about on socials in late March 2023. [ As far as I've found wrap-parties generally are held once everything is completed & ready for post-production, but can still take months or years to come out afterwards, although the industry tends to want things out the door fast these days. ]
Hazbin Hotel's Twitter continued to post promo tweets... April 1st - Angel Dust's "birthday" April 30th - "Charlie is excited! Are you?"
The WGA strike began in early May 2023
Viv says in a reply tweet that the WGA (writer's) strike wouldn't effect a Helluva Boss episode that had already been written. (this is true.)
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Hazbin Hotel's Twitter continued to post promo tweets... May 31st - "What's Alastor so happy about? We'll see!" June 30th - "Someone had a great month! #happypride"
SAG-AFTRA votes in approval of a strike on July 13th, 2023.
Viv tweets on July 13th, 2023 in support of the SAG-AFTRA (actor's) strike and explains the strike "will effect show marketing and promo so things might take longer" but doesn't specify if she meant for Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel.
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The same day, in reply to someone asking if the strike would effect both shows or just Hazbin Hotel, Viv says she can only speak for Helluva Boss, but that she thinks it's "safe to say it effects both."
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The SAG-AFTRA strike officially starts at midnight on July 14th, 2023.
Hazbin Hotel's Twitter doesn't make any further promotional posts or announcements for months
There were many developments and meetings on the WGA strike during September 2023.
The AMPTP met with the WGA to officially restart negotiations on September 14th, 2023
The WGA resumed negotiations on September 20th, 2023, with Disney, Warner Bros. Discovery, Netflix, and Universal Pictures.
The meeting on the 20th was followed by meetings on September 21st, September 22nd, and September 23rd, 2023.
VivziePop posted a tweet September 23rd, 2023, that an update would be “coming very soon”
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On September 24th, 2023, the “writers and studios reached a tentative agreement”
On September 26th, 2023, the WGA leaders announced the strike would officially end.
The strike for WGA ended on September 27th, 2023 at 12:01am PDT.
The Hazbin Hotel trailer that announced its new release in January 2024 was released the very next day, September 28th, 2023.
Hazbin Hotel's Twitter resumes posting on September 28th, 2023 when they share the new trailer as well.
VivziePop posted that she had watched “through the whole season of hh” on October 4th, 2023.
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On October 9th, 2023 the WGA successfully agreed to a new contract with AMPTP.
The Hazbin Hotel "Happy Day in Hell" preview was released on October 14th, 2023.
The SAG-AFTRA strike is still on-going as of October 13th, 2023.
✤ !! UPDATE !!
Viv has now said in an interview posted October 16th, 2023, that the delay was due to Hazbin Hotel not having a distribution partner (streaming platform), and once they made a deal with Prime they then had to make arrangements. (pic below)
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✤ final thoughts
it would seem that they’ve been working the entire time/on and off since March 2023, and the delay was due to difficulty finding a streaming platform/making arrangements with Prime, like Vivzie claimed in this interview, and just happened to fall into a similar timeline with the WGA strike.
since she has said in reference to the actor’s strike she felt it was “safe to say it effects both (helluva boss AND hazbin hotel) then it’s possible that both caused a delay.
i.e. they were delayed while trying to find a platform, but there were ripples from the "drama" of the strikes throughout the industry that could've caused some other minor delays along the way while they were trying to find a platform, and/or as they were settling arrangements with Prime.
alright that's all the data and speculations i have, enjoy, and as always remember to take speculations with a grain of salt!
[ also feel free to send me any receipts you have regarding all this, you can always share your thoughts or feelings or theories in my ask box if you want to, but pls do not come to insist what is or isn’t true without including receipts/links pls and thank you! ]
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southpark-source · 7 months
Paramount+ has announced a new South Park special event that is headed to the streamer later this month. South Park: Joining the Panderverse will debut Friday, October 27, in the U.S. and Canada and Saturday, October 28, in the UK and Australia with further international markets to follow.
South Park: Joining the Panderverse follows the first four South Park exclusive events – South Park: Post Covid, South Park: Post Covid: The Return of Covid, South Park The Streaming Wars and South Park The Streaming Wars Part 2. All four are available to stream on Paramount+.
In South Park: Joining the Panderverse, Cartman’s deeply disturbing dreams portend the end of the life he knows and loves. The adults in South Park are also wrestling with their own life decisions as the advent of AI is turning their world upside down.
Last year, South Park the series celebrated the 25th anniversary of its August 13, 1997 debut on Comedy Central. Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny were first seen in the animated short The Spirit of Christmas, and from there were launched into television history.
Building on MTV Entertainment Studios’ megadeal with co-creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker, South Park has been renewed on Comedy Central through 2027, taking cable’s longest-running scripted series through an unprecedented 30th season.
Parker and Stone executive produce, along with Anne Garefino and Frank C. Agnone II. Eric Stough, Adrien Beard, Bruce Howell and Vernon Chatman are producers. Christopher Brion is the Creative Director of South Park Digital Studios. 
Check out the teaser above and key art below.
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yyh4ever · 2 years
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Yu Yu Hakusho ARTFX Original Kotobukiya Figures (Resale)
On October 10th 1992, the Yu Yu Hakusho anime debuted on Fuji Television. Happy 30th Anniversary!
To celebrate, Kotobukiya is also reselling the ARTFX J 1/8 Scale Figures of Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei & Youko Kurama, released about 10 years ago. Preorders are open and the releases are scheduled to 2023, starting with Yusuke.
Official Site: Kotobukiya (english)
Let's take a look at the boys:
ARTFX J Yusuke Urameshi
"I didn't see the afterlife for nothing."
Preoder: kotobukiya
Release: April 2023
Price: 11,000 yen (including tax)
Height: approximately 190mm (including pedestal)
Material: PVC (non-phthalate), ABS
Prototyping: Keijirou Togita
Yusuke is impressive with his all-back hairstyle and eyes without a single doubt. He has been reproduced in a masculine pose wearing a school uniform and folded arms. The school uniform is removable.
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The spirit world beast "Puu" is included and can also be placed on Yusuke's head.
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The base can be connected to the other characters in the ARTFX J series.
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ARTFX J Kazuma Kuwabara
"Shut up! Fight with me! I'm the No. 1 at Sarayashiki!"
Preorder: kotobukiya
Release: May 2023
Price: 11,000 yen (including tax)
Height: approximately 220mm (including pedestal)
Material: PVC (non-phthalate), ABS
Prototyping: Hiroshi Sagae
Kuwabara has been sculpted in his special combat uniform from the Dark Tournament. On the back, there are the words "Health First" (健康第一).
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The sharp-eyed expression and his well-developed abdominal muscles have been carefully sculpted and reproduced. The "spirit sword" in his hand can be removed.
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The base can be connected to the other four characters in the ARTFX J series.
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ARTFX J Kurama
"Rose Whip!"
Preorder: kotobukiya
Release: June 2023
Price: 11,000 yen (including tax)
Height: approximately 235mm (including optional parts and pedestal)
Material: PVC (non-phthalate), ABS
Prototyping: Tatsumaki
The "good-looking" Kurama has green eyes and long red hair. His characteristic wavy hair, combat uniform, standing posture, and even the elegant smiling expression have all been carefully sculpted.
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The rose that he uses as a weapon is also finely reproduced.
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He can also be shown holding the "Rose Whip". It comes with a replaceable right arm part, the rose whip and two roses. The base can be connected to the other Yu Yu Hakusho characters in the ARTFX J series.
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"I'm gonna show you the ultimate Black Dragon Wave"
Preorder: kotobukiya
Release: July 2023
Price: 11,000 yen (including tax)
Height: approximately 200mm (including optional parts and pedestal)
Material: PVC (non-phthalate), ABS
Prototyping: Kiyohara Hidemasa
Hiei is impressive with his sharp sanpaku red eyes, and petite figure.
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Even the smallest details, such as his characteristic spiked hair and torn battle uniform, have been carefully sculpted into the figure.
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The Black Dragon Wave have been carefully sculpted to express the black flames of the Demon World. A replacement face part for the "evil eye" version, and a replacement right arm part clad in the black dragon are included. The base can be connected to the other four characters in the ARTFX J series.
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ARTFX Youko Kurama
"Half-hearted attacks are counterproductive. BANG!"
Preorder: kotobukiya
Release: August 2023
Price: 11,000 yen (including tax)
Height: approximately 250mm (including pedestal)
Material: PVC (non-phthalate), ABS
Prototyping: Matsumoto Koei
Youko Kurama has golden eyes, long light purple hair, and a fearless smile.
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The figure is a cutout from the battle with Karasu in the Dark Tournament.
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The hair and tail are finely sculpted to create flowing and curvilinear beauty. A replacement right arm part is included. The base can also be connected to other 4 characters developed in the "ARTFX J" series.
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thewaltcrew · 1 year
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To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Fantasmic! and the recent reopening of the show in Hollywood Studios last month, let’s give a spotlight to three people who were pivotal in its creation: director Barnette Ricci, art director Tom Butsch, and composer and music producer Bruce Healey.
Fantasmic! was created as a stopgap attraction between the releases of Splash Mountain in 1989 and Toontown in 1993. Michael Eisner liked the idea of having a show in the Rivers of America to pack the restaurants along the riverfront, and possible ideas for what could kind of nighttime show could occupy the river were thrown about for years before it developed into a celebration of Disney’s animated feature films. But figuring out how to be able to project scenes from the films turned out to be a big problem, for raising and lowering traditional projection screens would not only be a clunky process on the river but also a slow one that would break the momentum of a show. Luckily, Barnette Ricci, a long-time show director for the Disney Parks who would be named a Disney Legend in 2019, found the solution on a research trip to Paris: she discovered a piece of tech developed and patented by a French company named Aquatique Show. The “water screens,” as they were called, used high-pressure nozzles to create fans of mist onto which the film clips could be projected through rear projection.
Ricci: By layering the dancing water fountains, special lighting, lasers, pyrotechnics and black light, along with live performers on watercraft and this new way to project animation on water, I was convinced all of these elements combined would create a rather exciting show! …It took months of searching through Disney film footage to find the right clips for the storyline and to create the film elements so they would look great on the water.
The Rivers of America was drained and reconstructed to accommodate the infrastructure that would be needed for Fantasmic!. The team was on a time crunch to be able to get the show done to serve as a proper stopgap between Splash Mountain and Toontown. Ricci wrote the script (as well as the lyrics to the song “Imagination”) and continued to re-edit it as Bruce Healey re-scored the iconic music from these films, but according to Tom Butsch, the story and spirit of Fantasmic! hardly strayed from Barnette Ricci’s initial vision.
Tom Bustch originally worked as a set designer in theater and then moved onto sitcoms before finding work set decorating on shows and seasonal attractions at the Disney Parks, where he would work for over 20 years. He storyboarded the entirety of Fantasmic! and materialized Ricci’s vision and brought it to life through the many set pieces used in the show. With a limited budget, his team made Fantasmic! economical as they could without ever sacrificing quality or scale. When they found that they were unable to afford the technology required to animate their Maleficent dragon, Butsch devised it so that a mechanical head would be raised on a genie lift (cherry picker) rigged with chains for the wings which would be flapped by performers (this dragon would eventually be replaced with a fully mechanical dragon in 2009).
Bruce Healey is famous for having reportedly produced every musical score in every parade and show at Disneyland between 1984 and 2017, but he’s done work across Disney Parks around the world and has been a composer, arranger, orchestrator, and conductor on everything from nighttime shows to television specials during his tenure. But out of the hundreds and hundreds of projects he’s worked on, Fantasmic!, on which he not only arranged and rescored the classic music from Disney films but also composed the main iconic theme to the show, is the work he says he is most proud of.
Healey: Fantasmic! still tops the list. I’m grateful for the chance to do some of my best work on that show.
It is more important to me that people around know and enjoy the music I’ve created and produced. If I’m not well known, but my music is well known because it’s part of the Disney legacy in some way, then that is great with me.
Fantasmic! was only supposed to run for a few years, but its enduring popularity has allowed it to become a classic staple of Disneyland and, with its recent renovation and reopening, will likely play on for many more years to come.
research and photo sources [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x]
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disneytva · 2 months
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Closer look to the Planet Express office at the FUTURAMA Photo Op at Disney Springs at Walt Disney World.
The Photo OP is to celebrate Hulu on Disney+ launch.
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punster-2319 · 3 months
For Disney fans out there that were old enough to remember watching the Aladdin tv series premiere in February 1994, I wonder how they reacted to seeing Iago hanging out with the good guys in those initial 9 episodes that aired BEFORE The Return of Jafar was released (May 1994).
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ptbf2002 · 8 months
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Happy 30th Anniversary To Animaniacs (1993-2023)
Animaniacs Belongs To Tom Ruegger, Steven Spielberg, AKOM Production, Ltd. Far Eastern Animation, Freelance Animators New Zealand, CNK International, Philippine Animation Studio Inc. Shanghai Morning Sun Animation Co., Ltd. Sichuan Top Animation, TMS Entertainment, Ltd. Varga Studio, Ltd. Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Amblin Entertainment, Inc. Amblin Partners, LLC. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. FOX KIDS, FOX Family Worldwide Inc. FOX Broadcasting Company, FOX Entertainment, FOX Corporation, Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
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ravenonice · 2 years
How does a Figure Skating (Senior) Season look like? - A guide for YoI fanfic writers
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Since Yuri on Ice mainly deals with the Grand Prix Series and other competitions are only mentioned as a side note, I've noticed that many writers seem to struggle with how a season in figure skating looks like. So here is what I've gathered from my years of watching and research!
Disclaimer: I am only human and I make mistakes. I am by no means saying that this is to be accepted as truth without question. If there are any errors, please tell me and I'll fix them!
The new season starts on July 1st. Hence the July 1st cut off. That means that anyone who hasn't turned 15 by June 30th isn't elligable for Senior competition that season (Which means that even though Yuri Plisetsky was 15 for the World Championship we see in Episode 1, he wasn't allowed to compete there).
On July 1st or the end of June is also when we usually get the Grand Prix Assignments. There are 6 qualifying competitions + the Grand Prix Final.
The 6 qualifying competitions usually are:
Skate Amerika (USA)
Skate Canada International (CAN)
Internationaux de France (FRA) (This season called Grand Prix de France...no one knows why...)
Cup of China (CHN)
NHK Trophy (JPN)
Cup of Russia/Rostelecom Cup (RUS)
This season (22/23) the Cup of China and Russia are replaced (for obvious reasons) by the MK John Wilson Trophy (GBR) and the Grand Prix Espoo (FIN)
The location of the Final changes every season. This season it's in Torino in Italy.
So in July we get the Assignments. Funniest thing about that and something I think is worth including in stories is: The skaters find out the same way we do. By either camping on twitter and waiting for the ISU to tweet that they uploaded them, or by refreshing the website every 5 minutes around the time they or some other source said they'd drop them. This season the assignments dropped on July 22nd...it was nerve wrecking...poor skaters...
The ISU is also located in Switzerland. Assignments drop between 3 and 5 pm. So worst case, Yuuri and Viktor will stare at twitter at 1am in Japan waiting for the ISU to ge their shit sorted out. That's what the triplets where shown doing in the anime xD
But the Grand Prix Series isn't the first thing that happens. For starters, let's look at national competitions...
As for Japan...
First of all, if your skater isn't already qualified for nationals by placing well enough at them the year before (the medalists get "seeded" by the JSF), they need to go to Regionals first (Like Yuuri when he finished 11th at Nationals after the GPF). That's late September, early Oktober depending on the region.
Now, Yuuri technically would have needed to also go to Sectionals after that! Which isn't shown in the anime! That's in late Oktober. Unless Yuuri does finishes on top at sectionals, he's not going to Nationals...
But that wasn't shown in the Anime because it would have been repetitive and Sectionals also overlap with the first two GP events a lot.
As for Russia...
I honestly never cared enough. The men weren't interesting enough imo and Russia is the reason women's singles stresses me tf out and I barely watch it...
But as far as I know, to qualify for Nationals they need to compete in 2 out of 5 stages of the Russian Cup Series. It functions similarly to the ISU Grand Prix. Skaters are seeded immediatly if they are assigned to the ISU Grand Prix or qualify for the Junior GP Final. So neither Viktor, nor Yuri needed to bother with that.
Beforehand however, there are the test skates. They are in early September and that's not a competition. It's literally just a televised program announcement and they get fedback. No points, no medals.
August - December:
Another type of International competition is the Challenger Series. Skaters who are not assigned a GP Event may go there instead. They are ranked below the GP Series and there isn't a final. But the ISU recognizes Personal and Seasons Bests there aswell as World records. Nebelhorn is also used as the final qualifying competition for the last remaining olympic spots.
Most well known are:
US International Skating Classic (USA)
Lombardia Trophy (Italy)
Autumn Classic International (Canada)
Nebelhorn Trophy (Germany)
Ondrej Nepela Trophy/Memorial (Slovakia)
Finlandia Trophy (Finland)
Golden Spin of Zagreb (Croatia)
Oktober - December
What you've all been waiting for: The Grand Prix Series
As mentioned before, 6 qualifying competitions: Skate America, Skate Canada Int., Internationaux de France, Cup of China, NHK Trophy, Cup of Russia/Rostelecom Cup. Not always in that order.
They get assigned spots based on their placing in worlds or their ranking in ISU standings. So, unlike I first thought when I watched the Anime (I did not know about the GP Series before), regionals did not matter for Yuuri's Grand Prix spots.
If it had been a minimum score issue, Yuuri would have needed to go to a challenger, like Nebelhorn for example.
If I'm totally honest...I don't know exactly how Yuuri got two spots at all? I just accept GP assignments as they come because I don't really understand how they work... It was either the come back rule, or Yuuri got invited by either China or Russia in addition to his guaranteed spot? I have no clue...he got two, I'm not questioning that further because I legit don't understand. Feel free to enlighten me ^^'
Anyway...skaters can compete in max. 2 competitions. Unlike suggested in YoI, there are actually 12 skaters at each event (8 for pairs).
In the end 6 qualify for the final. There is a point system in Place:
At each event, skaters get awarded points for their placement.
place: 15 points
place: 13
place: 11
place: 9
place: 7
place: 5
place: 4
place: 3
The skaters with the highest amount of points advance to the final. If there is a tie, there are several rules to break the tie. For example: Mickey placed 3rd in both of his events and therefor got 22 points. Yuuri got 2nd and 4th and therefor also had 22 points. But since Yuuri placed higher than Mickey in one of his events, Yuuri advanced to the final.
Then the final takes place in early to mid December.
Important for YoI are Japanese and Russian Nationals, which usually fall around Christmas each year. That's where it is determined who is send to the Four Continents or European Championships, aswell as the World Championships.
That's when 4CC/Euros usually take place. I suggest looking up dates for the year you are setting your story in or just decide yourself if you want. It's fanfiction after all :D
Also usually in Feburary if relevant: The Olympics.
Late March are the World Championships. And with that the competitive season ends. Unless you want to include the Team Trophy...but I don't really bother with that.
ICE SHOWS!!!! :D Or: how competitive figure skaters actually earn money
Resources for further research:
Wikipedia is your friend :D
Also if you want to use an IRL competition as a guide for scoring, program layouts etc... just google "ISU results (insert competition you want to use)". A page should come up that has detailed results with scoring sheets. E.g. Worlds 22
Another Note:
For ISU events the starting order for the short is as far as I understand usually determined by draw. The groups are seperated by ISU rankings. So the first 6 in the standings will be skating in the last group, and draw from the last 6 starting numbers.
For the free there usually is reversed starting order (like in YoI, the person who placed first in the short skates last), though I have also heard that sometimes they draw again based on those standings that time.
Also, there is an exhibition gala and a banquet after almost each of these competitions ;)
I hope that this was a little helpful :D Happy watching and happy writing <3
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I'm sad to report that retired veteran voice actor Kiyoshi Kobayashi has passed away on July 30th, 2022 at the age of 89 due to pneumonia.
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From 1958 to 2021, 63 years active as an actor for Television and voice over, he's been in Gundam, detective conan, space cobra, a handful of Tokusatsu series like karmen rider black, has narrated countless shows and anime like 2016s "haven't you heard, I'm Sakamoto", the japanese dub voice of james coburn and clint eastwood for several films starting these famous western actors and last but not least, 50 years as the voice of jigen daisuke from a franchise alot of us hold dear.
Rest well Kobayashi-san, happy to think he's reunited with his loved ones and old pals...
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