#spoiler: future spam posting
thecorruptedrose · 1 year
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I absolutely love these two so I decided to dedicate a picrew to them. 💜
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Younger Child
Summary: you’ve been searching for years, twenty fingers and a person powerful enough to host the curse they unlock. a curse so horrible that even the jujutsu society would much rather destroy it’s cursed objects than attempt to find a person to host them all to eliminate it permanently. but that isn’t what you want, is it? well, let’s see what you do instead.
before you read this,, all inspiration goes to @XxIllusionGhostxX on wattpad, for their story Cursed Objects – thank you so much for the permission to tell this story in my own way, paradox!
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
“Please come in, Mx (L/N).”
Stepping into class 1-3, I surveyed the new group of people I needed to tolerate, scanning over the students and looking for any familiar faces. I locked eyes with a black-haired girl sitting next to the window. Her hair fell past her shoulders, with uneven strands straying from the rest of her hair. The student seemed to shrink in my gaze, quickly making herself busy with the sketchbook in front of her. 
“You can introduce yourself to the class, Mx (L/N),” the teacher brought my attention back to the rest of the class. I smiled at no one in particular, straightening my posture slightly and edging closer to the middle of the classroom. 
“My name is (L/N) (Y/N), but I also go by Kuma; to clear up future confusion.”
A brown-haired boy in the back row interrupted me. “Kuma, as in bear?” 
I studied him for a second, his chipper appearance intriguing me. “No,” I chuckled, “As in Akuma.”
The silence in the class was louder than it was before.
He didn’t say anything else, so I continued.
“I’m originally from Sapporo, but I moved here due to family reasons,” I explained, “I hope we can all have a great school life together!”
The class teacher, Miss Hoshino, directed me to sit in the spare seat behind Kanno, a boy with bright red glasses. I slipped my school bag off my shoulder and shifted to the desk. Looking at the classmates surrounding me, I noticed the girl I had stared at earlier. I offered her a smile that didn’t quite reach my eyes, then unpacked my stationery.
The thick stack of papers, stuffed into my hands as I left the classroom, looked no less daunting no matter how I stared at it. I sat on a lonely bench at the back of the school building, staring at the class materials in one pile and the club forms in another. 
The school was quiet back here, it was the end of the day, but most students were still at school, all participating in some after-school activity. The grass was less cared for than it was in the front of the building, but I just blamed that on its close range to the forest.
The forest was thick, wild even. Even though so many humans passed by it with their oppressive modern auras, it still stood strong; flora keeping the fauna safe. Looking around at the rest of this hidden area, I noticed an instrument shed, surprising for a rural high school such as this one. Though, something felt wrong with the shed. The air around it seemed to ripple, and its lock looked as if it were trying to unclasp itself. 
The instrument shed radiated cursed energy; not enough to interest any run-of-the-mill curse or regular sorcerer, but still enough that I could notice it, which wasn’t necessarily a great feat. 
My sensitivity to cursed energy traced back to my earliest memories: I could always notice the slightest anomaly in the atmosphere. As a toddler, I’d shiver at the feeling of a curse several blocks away from me, and as I grew older, I was used to sniff out curses like a police dog for cocaine. Now, seeing a curse was as regular as seeing a bird flying about or a dog roaming the streets. 
I stood up, put aside my problems, and approached the shed. I reached for the lock and studied the keyhole: I needed to break it somehow. I looked around and snagged the first sizeable rock I found. Grasping the rock in my right hand and raising my left, I cracked the lock right open.
“Whatcha doin’?”
I dropped the stone and shifted in front of the lock, turning to face whoever was behind me.
I faced the brunette from earlier. 
“Nothing that interests you,” I chided. The boy seemed to physically retort at my words. It was annoying. “Sorry. That was rude.”
“N-No worries!” he assured, “But anyway, I wanted to ask you if you’d like to join my club. We’re kinda low on members, and I’d hoped you’d  like to check us out!”
I considered him for a moment. If I joined his club, I would have one problem off my back already, but at the same time, I’d have less time to search for the cursed object.
“It’s the Occult Club, by the way.” 
Or not. 
“Let’s go, then.” I walked to the bench and gathered my things. The brunette stood stunned for a moment but quickly followed after me when I started for the door. 
He caught up to me and offered a warm grin, “The name’s Itadori Yuji, by the way.”
“It’s a pleasure, Itadori,” I started, “Oh– and one other thing. I have no idea where your club room is.”
“Follow me this way.”
Walking into the club room, I was greeted by two new faces. A short-haired girl sat on a folding chair, her back to a cabinet; she peered up at Itadori and me through her thin glasses. There was another student seated on the opposing side of his counterpart. I surveyed the room. The table the pair were sitting at was actually two school desks jammed against each other, and there was an empty chair pulled up to it, probably meant for my escort. 
“Sasaki, Iguchi!” Itadori shut the door behind us, starting towards the desk. “I brought a new member!”
The girl, Sasaki, gaped at me as if she didn’t believe I was there; then she stood and bowed lower than I’d seen someone go since I was a toddler. Iguchi was quick to follow.
“Thank you for joining our club! We haven’t had a new member since Yuji’s first day in the school.”
“It’s fine, really. I needed to join a club, and I’m pretty into the occult myself. None of the other clubs interested me, really,” I lied. I didn’t even browse the stack of club forms I was given; I thought it a waste of time. I smiled, anyway, as Iguchi found me another folding chair, and Itadori found his seat. I had my back to the window and a perfect view of the door; I’d preferred to face the outside, but I held my tongue. 
“Well, since we’re all here. Let’s begin,” Sasaki started, “I found an old Kokkuri-san board in an antique store when I went to Sendai yesterday.”
“You went to Sendai yesterday?” Iguchi half-asked half-stated. 
“We’ll talk later,” 
“Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san. Please tell us the animal that the Student Council President can’t beat in a fight.”
The coin was dragged from one hiragana to another, finally spelling out ‘neolic’. 
The group burst out laughing, giving me a bit of a headache in the process. I could see the curse hovering over us, dragging the chip from letter to letter, but its cursed energy was that of a happy dog: not much. All the activities we participated in so far were juvenile; if this was all the club was, I might’ve made a mistake.
“Hey, Sasaki–”
The door crashed open, and a male student stood in the doorway. I noticed the red band on his arm and deduced him to be the Student Council President. My peers’ attention was pulled to him. 
He started talking about an athletics club storage room, and the two other boys gathered around Sasaki’s chair, refuting with a story about a spirit on the rugby field. I saw the rugby field’s curse earlier today, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. I tuned in again when the president mentioned the club’s lack of members. Everyone’s gaze fell on me. 
“I didn’t get the opportunity to turn in a club form yet, sorry,” I spoke.
I sighed; my headache was getting worse.
After the club-member ordeal, Iguchi and I re-entered the club room, gathering our belongings. I picked up my school bag and stuffed the other club papers into the bin; I wouldn’t be needing those anymore. 
“Um, (L/N).” Iguchi lugged a heavy box off the ground of the club room.
“Sasaki, Yuji and I are gonna stay back today for a club activity,” he said, “I wanted to know if you’d like to come, we’re supposed to be unwrapping some sort of ancient relic that Yuji found yesterday.”
“Oh, sure!” 
Whatever this ‘“relic” is, being at school tonight will give me the chance to finally get another finger. 
I slipped my satchel bag off my shoulder and pulled out my phone, opening the memo app. I spoke again, “What time do we meet for?”
“Six forty-five.” 
Tapping it in, I re-zip my bag and hold it once more. Iguchi starts for the door and I follow him close behind, glancing once more at the club room’s window. 
Then I sensed a conduit of cursed energy. 
A black-haired boy walked under the window.
The sorcerers were here.
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donnieluvsthings · 2 years
me (big bro leader raph enjoyer) when leo gives his inspirational leader speech(es): THERE HE IS THERES MY BOY
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
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{H.O.L.I.C} ~ Vol. 13 Ch. 157
"Before ever coming to the shop the first time, {WATANUKI}..."
"USED {WATANUKI}s OWN MEMORIES AS A PRICE to have {Watanuki}'s wish granted."
"That's WHY..."
"For the sake of the two futures..."
[+the item on Larg's ear has Watanuki's memories sealed inside]
{Cap by Me} (Please ASK To Use)
0 notes
Since rt has done some more Minecraft stuff recently I’ve seen a number of posts that hypothesize if there’s a possibility of him joining up with other mcyts or not and thinking realistically, I really couldn’t see him committing to a long term smp like hermitcraft or anything else, just because he doesn’t tend to stay in one place very long. I COULD see him joining the life series though, or other short series like that. He could commit to something for 8 weeks, that’s reasonable enough, maybe less even!  But now that I’m thinking of the ‘what ifs’ of that scenario I’ve encountered a specific problem
Rt isn’t a mcyt. He’s a /streamer/. The life series isn’t designed for streamers. So scenario one, he’s forced (forces himself) to conform, and record then edit without live chat. But that’s not really his medium, though there are other people there, and he gets along with people fairly easy, maybe he pushes through. But personally I prefer scenario two- he is the only streamer in a group of YouTubers. Everyone else is talking to themselves, but RT is talking to an ethereal, ineffable, HIVEMIND that only exists for him, but can tell him information that he wouldn’t know otherwise (other lifers past vids, which Dan wouldn’t watch because of spoilers). 
Already isolated from not having the same history with everyone that they have with each other, now he becomes even more isolated because he is constantly talking to himself, and responding. Not ‘I’m talking to you (the audience) in the future’ but ‘I’m talking to you, and you’re talking to me’
Not to mention the natural implications for watcher lore. After all, the watchers are the audience. Dan isn’t one, but he can communicate in real time with them? Changes the game a touch, doesn’t it? Not to mention the reign he has on his chat compared to some streamers. Imagine rt telling off the watchers in front people who have been trapped by them for so long. ‘No, chat, I’m not going to kill so and so just because you asked. And if you keep spamming me, I’m turning comments off. Okay fine, I promise that if I don’t kill anyone today, I’ll buy you McDonald’s’ 
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ya-boi-haru · 21 days
I'm going to put all my thoughts and feelings (as coherent as I can) into this post then I'll spam individual posts with my headcannons lol
Spoilers for the fable smp finale
I don't know when I last cried that hard over a series.
And I'm not talking the way tears over spill in my eyes cause I got so emotional about a moment. I'm talking full blown crying, choking on my sobs until my throat hurt and my chest felt full of emotions.
Rae was the first pov I watched...
Seeing that "Several years later" epilogue is what got me.
Not only was I crying happiness over this boy finally getting a beautiful happy ending, but it really hit then I think, it's over. This is the finale episode.
Once I was done I rinsed and repeated with Icarus, only this time I was stuck in awe.
It wasn't a "happy" ending, but it was a good one for them. And if you follow my page, you can probably guess how much I was "normal" about Quixis Midas. I can finally start cooking that cmv now /lh/silly
I cried at every epilogue.
Seeing what happens to them on their journey, all the freaking effort and art that went into the cutscenes in all their unique styles.
Truly a beautiful ending.
I'm still crying now, hours later, as, again, I'm feeling all the emotions.
I feel sad to see this series end, but so happy for the characters ending. I find myself wondering, what's next? And I'm excited to see what we get up to
This truly has been a time and I feel words can't describe the overwhelming emotions I feel.
But thank you cast members for this amazing story.
Thank you, fandom, for making this a niche place
Thank you to the mutuals who I nerd out with (and will do so in the future)
Thank you, Fable SMP
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ryuichirou · 5 months
We gave you a break from my art but not from my replies lol
Anonymous asked:
Will you draw more Scott Pilgrim content?
Not in the nearest future. Like I wrote in the post itself: we haven’t watched the show yet; and probably won’t for quite some time (I’m positive it’s not something we’d be able to recover from to jump back into twst). But Wallace’s anime design is adorable, so I really wanted to draw him with Todd. We’ll definitely watch it though, and then I might spam more art with them... or keep it to myself.
Anonymous asked:
Out of curiosity, do you have like a genderbend tag or something to see all your works with the twisted boys as girls together 👀
I do! It’s not strictly about twst, but it’s the only thing I post nowadays, so it probably doesn’t matter: #genderswap
I do have quite a lot of drawings of twst boys as girlies, but we haven’t posted much of them… I hope we will one day. 💪😔
Anonymous asked:
Do you think that Fem!Jamil would have less complaints than Regular!Jamil about those times where Kalim tries to dress her up? My guess is that she would simply see it as Fem!Kalim wanting to "play dolls" and wouldn't really think much past that. Annoying, yes, but nothing more than a childish whim. Also, if this requests involve crossdressing, I imagine that her male counterpart would make more of a fuss about it than her.
(we talked about fem!KaliJami in our reply yesterday)
At first yeah, probably. She’s definitely more comfortable with it than the regular Jamil, because it’s easier for her to rationalize it in a non-romantic/non-sexual way. It really is as if Kalim just treats her like a pretty doll, and it’s nothing unusual: they used to play like this a lot when they were little. But when she’ll realise that whenever she’s dressed in pretty silks (and sometimes quite revealing ones), Kalim looks at her in an amazed but also clearly enamoured way. The moment Jamil realised that Kalim probably desires her, she’ll start treating these little dress up games differently.
Anonymous asked:
Ortho got a new card for new years. So picture him with Vil in his new years. Same goes with Rook in his new year. You know what? Have the three of them together in new years?
Ortho’s been getting so many new cards recently! He deserves all of them. The best boy lol Really liked the new year’s one!
Vil’s New Years outfit was so good that my heart actually stops whenever I remember him, and I’m super excited that he could be paired up with either Rook or Ortho now. Or both~
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ryu and katsu, did you guys read the translation for the previous jp event 'Playful Land'? I haven't seen you guys talk about it or mention it, so i'm curious to hear your thoughts and opinions on this event.
personally, i enjoyed most of the event  This is basically falling into the Black Butler territory lol (But i heard rumours that Yana wasn't involved in this event and a few previous ones apparently?).
Also, what do you guys think of the two new characters? Fellow and Gidel. I swear Gidel looks almost identical to cheka :'DD
Anon!! Sorry that it took so long to reply. We haven’t seen this event yet, so we edited out some of the parts of your ask to keep it spoiler-free; I don’t know when we’re going to finally watch it, but we’ll keep your ask in the askbox so we could share our thoughts when it happens. It might take quite a long time though, so I’m sorry.
I’ll reply to the rest of the things you’ve mentioned.
I’m not sure about the rumors, but I think Yana mentioned in her twi that she and her team was involved in the writing + design work for the event? But she has to do a lot of things these days, so I can’t say for sure.
The Black Butler vibes are very strong though, the whole circus/carnival theme is like a classic Yana setting, especially when it gets dark and traumatic lol Very excited to learn more once we watch it.
Fellow and Gidel look great!! Really love their design, their sprites are also great, Fellow especially has great expressions, and I really really love sleazy characters in general. Gidel has a lot of Cheka vibes lol but Cheka is more of a >:3 kid, and Gidel is more of a =w=, also I trust Gidel much much less. But in a good way, because once again, sleazy characters = good.
Anonymous asked:
So I've seen this hand held octopus citrus wringer, let's just say it looks like something else, so I'd like you to imagine Azul shoving a tiny octopus up Idia's ass
You mean… this one? Wow, it really looks like something else…
Poor Idia and his poor butt. Come on, Azul, it’s not an orange!!
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Anonymous asked:
Neige could be Cady, but in universe fans would probably say he's a good fit for Regina George bc of his beauty
Either way Janis cusses both of them out so Vil gets paid to insult Neige on-screen
Let’s be honest, his fans would be so scandalized by Cady-Neige turning into “the second Regina” during the course of the movie lol I don’t know why I keep picturing his fanbase as a 90% wholesome people but. Still, he would absolutely be celebrated for that role and for going outside of his unproblematic box.
But yeah, if Vil got to play Janis in this scenario he would probably enjoy his opportunity to vent lol
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frickingnerd · 9 months
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What I Write:
headcanons, oneshots & drabbles
canon x reader only!
yandere characters
poly relationships & love triangles
gender neutral reader (occasionally male or female)
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one character per prompt!
↳ you can resend the same prompt with a different character after a few days have passed
↳ if you request multiple characters for poly / love triangle headcanons, mention that it's poly / love triangle in your request!
write the characters full name or add the fandom they are from
↳ i will not guess which character you mean, as multiple characters share names with each other
don't spam!
↳ around 3 requests per day & person!
elaborate on your requested ideas
↳ if you want specific tropes like "kabedon" explain them, in case i'm not familiar with it
no OCs!
↳ don't make the reader too detailed or give them a name
don't send me the same request you've already sent to another blog
↳ it feels like i'm copying them and there is no reason for the same prompt with the same characters to be done twice
don't send me spoilers
↳ please check up to which point i am caught up with the fandom. if nothing is stated, then i am fully caught up or don't mind spoilers
mention which version of a character you want!
↳ this counts for fandoms with timeskips or characters that appear in more than one game, book, etc.
no crossovers
↳ also no "character x with a reader who has character y's personality" sort of requests!
↳ crossovers within the same universe (ex. persona) are fine!
restricted nsfw
↳ the only fandoms i'll write nsfw headcanons for are fe3h (male only) & xenoblade! for any other fandom, you can tip me on kofi!
↳ i might try nsfw for other fandoms in the future. but if i do, it'll only be for male characters!
no religious / political requests!
↳ i'm not comfortable discussing that stuff on my blog
no child/baby reader
↳ i'm not comfortable writing that. teenagers are fine!
requests only via the ask box
↳ no comments or direct measages!
don't repost my work or copy it!
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you can ask if i have anything for a certain character ready, as i have a lot of finished works of different characters sitting around & collecting dust! (this also counts for fandoms/characters i'm currently not writing for)
you can also tip me on ko-fi to skip the queue and make me prioritize your post
you are free to politely ask for characters that aren't listed, but keep in mind that i might decline!
you can ask me when requests will open again or when/if certain fandoms/characters will be added
you can also just send me asks about anything, general questions or ramble about fandoms!
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most importantly:
i have the right to refuse any request, for whatever reason. if i don't feel comfortable with the prompt or can't motivate myself to write it, then i won't force myself to do it.
this is supposed to be for fun! <3
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danganronpa96 · 2 months
Alright! Now chapter 5 daily has been freshly pulled outta the oven, I think it's time to finally open the inbox back up! However, to make things a lot easier for me (and extremely hard for you /j) I'm gonna set some ground rules for the inbox going forward!
Inbox rules:
You may send up to 3 individual asks at one time (only if you already had the multiple questions/ideas in mind, I'm not forcing you to go and find some lol)
If you wish to send in another, please wait until one or more of your own asks have been answered
Typically, I personally choose whether to turn an ask into an art-related thing. I don't want to make it seem I do any art for free, so if you do want to see something, please either make it small, or understand it may take me a while to get to, over say actual questions
I have disclosed spoiler-related questions regarding DR96 cannot be answered, so if you do ask something that will be explained/expanded upon in the future plot, I will have to ignore the ask (Not out of any mean intentions! It's just more of a "you'll have to wait and see" sort of thing)
Please only use this blog's inbox to send in questions/thoughts about DR69/96. Do not use my main blog if the inbox is closed as an alternative. That will not get your question answered any faster. Also it's not even the right blog so what were you expecting lol
This is not really a rule, but more of a little side note: if you end up asking a question or have a concern when commenting on a post and a user called 'lennardd' answers you, that is me! I can only comment using my main blog because that's just how Tumblr is
This is all purely to prevent spam/an overwhelming amount of asks for me to handle. Thank you very much for understanding!
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Younger Child
Summary: you've been searching for years, twenty fingers and a person powerful enough to host the curse they unlock. a curse so horrible that even the jujutsu society would much rather destroy it's cursed objects than attempt to find a person to host them all to eliminate it permanently. but that isn't what you want, is it? well, let's see what you do instead.
before you read this,, all inspiration goes to @XxIllusionGhostxX on wattpad, for their story Cursed Objects -- thank you so much for the permission to tell this story in my own way, paradox!
Chapter One | Chapter Two Chapter Three
“Yowai Akuma”, the Weak Demon. A name which only meant something to sorcerers worth their weight; the name of a curse with the aura of death; a curse that killed without lifting a finger against their opponent; a curse that left no witnesses, not human, sorcerer or cursed spirit. They were a curse that could’ve been on par with even the Curse King. But they were also a curse that vanished centuries ago, one that was never found again.
The clock across from me read one-twenty-three in the morning. I sat in the dim corner of my room, leaning against the wooden closet door and fiddling with the delicate relic in my hands. The necklace glinted in the soft light of the old street lamp outside my window, I needed to close my curtain properly. I rubbed circles on the rim of the kintsugi necklace, feeling the smoothness it gained after years of the habit. 
It’d been several years since I began my search for the Curse King’s fingers. Twenty cursed objects which together would cause catastrophe for humans, curses and sorcerers alike: scattered across the islands of Japan like seeds cast upon farmland. Throughout those years of searching, I managed to chisel just one stroke on my tally, gaining a single finger through sheer luck. 
Now, after more fruitless labour, I enrolled in an academy in Sendai: Sugisawa Third High School. This school was the target of Tokyo Jujutsu College’s newest lead on the Curse King himself, Ryomen Sukuna’s finger was supposedly on the compound. 
The necklace slipped between my fingers; I hadn’t noticed I had been squeezing it till it did. I scoffed. 
“Tomorrow’s another chance. Y/N.”
My phone buzzed on my kitchen counter on the other side of the room. I got to my feet, brushed off my shorts and stuffed the necklace into my pocket. As I rose to my full stature, I scanned over my apartment: a one-room unit with a sleeping area and a kitchen. It wasn’t the most malleable of homes, considering the bed needed to be shoved over to the left, or else there’d be no access to my closet, not that there was much in there anyway. The kitchen was decent, with a gas stovetop oven, a double-basin sink, a small fridge and plenty of counter space.
I opened my phone to the expected message. Kaeru was the only contact I spoke to; the only number on my phone, actually. He was the only person beyond my goal I bothered to talk to at all. I hadn’t seen him since I left to be closer to the school I’d be attending. His text read of my first day of school tomorrow, asking if I was nervous or excited.
Thrilled was the only answer that came to mind. 
‘You: not sure.. but there’s no point in being scared, you know?’
‘蛙 (frog): either way, its cool isnt it? you get to meet a whole bunch of new people!’.
‘蛙 (frog): anyway its pretty late, i have an english quiz tomorrow. i have to sleep or else miss andrews will have my head. night (y/n)!’
‘You: g’night, kaeru!’ 
I shut off the screen before the next bubble of ellipses could become words. Plugging the phone back in, I dragged my way to my bed.
 Tomorrow was another chance; whether it’s the right one is another story.
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Quick Info
Current Location: Peppino's Pizza (By the forest outside the building)
Available for Asks
Primary: Fake Peppino (Goes by 'Pep')
Secondary: Brick (the Rat),
Read the story from the beginning here!: [https://ask-the-totally-real-peppino.tumblr.com/tagged/story%20post/chrono]
Read the intermission from the beginning here!: [https://ask-the-totally-real-peppino.tumblr.com/tagged/intermission%20post/chrono]
Read the bonus story posts here! (Bonus story posts are self-contained stories, typically celebrating a special occasion or showing a past/future event, that occur within the canon of the story, but are not direct continuations of the main plot line.): [https://ask-the-totally-real-peppino.tumblr.com/tagged/bonus%20story%20post/chrono]
Reference Pit
(References for all characters that have appeared, regardless if they are available for asks or not. These are also tagged as 'reference' for easy finding.)
Pep (Fake Peppino) - (Toyhou.se Version)
Peppino Spaghetti (ref pending)
Gustavo (ref pending)
Brick the Rat (ref pending)
??? (ref pending)
Bean (the mod)
Fake Bean (the fake mod)
Clone OCs (Toyhou.se Link)
Hello, and welcome to my ask blog! Primarily featuring Fake Peppino, but many of the other Pizza Tower characters and definitely some OCs will appear here too!
This is post-game, so spoilers are abound! Also, due to the nature of Fake Peppino, there will be a lot of body horror, ranging from mainly mild to occasionally severe! (More on content warnings below!)
M!A (Magic Anons) are allowed! This can range from sending small gifts to transforming characters for a set amount of posts!
Fanart is a-okay! Please try to represent the character the best you can, and ask before making significant design changes (such as a 'Genderbend' or 'Species Swap')
Please ask beforehand, if you would like to dub my work! And please be sure to credit and link back to me!
No Sexual Content in asks (The occasional innuendo/suggestive joke is fine)
No sending or tagging me in RP starters (this is not an RP blog and I do not RP in private either!)
No spam, such as repeated messages, reblog bait/ask chains etc
Please do not repost, trace or edit my art (unless given written permission)
Please do not use my art/characters in A.I. chatbots etc
Please do not tag my art as 'kin/me' (Nothing against kin! Just my art is very personal to me)
Please be patient! I am only one person, and I am doing this for fun!
Content Warnings
While I intend for this blog to mostly be fluffy and silly fun, I do want to explore some potentially squicky topics, so here is a list!
Common, will not be tagged: Mild Body Horror (ie Pep's goopy skin etc), Scars, Foul Language, Depictions of Panic Attacks/Meltdowns, Use of Caps and Glitched/Zalgo text
Uncommon, will be tagged: Eye Strain, Alcohol Use, Smoking (mostly regular cigarettes, but maybe weed too), Partial Nudity (bare chests mostly), Emetophobia/Vomit, Blood, Violence, Moderate to Severe Body Horror, War (via Peppino flashbacks), Guns, Self-Harm, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied Gore, Implied Cannibalism, Implied Death
Rare, will be tagged, and under a read-more cut: Suggestive jokes, On Screen Gore, On Screen Cannibalism, On Screen Death
Not a content warning, but make a lot of OOC posts bc I have a lot of thoughts! These will all be tagged with 'ooc post', if you don't wanna see them! (But some do have lore in themmmm)
About Mun
Hi! You guys can call me Bean, Ben or Ruben! I use they/them, and I’m 28. Pizza Tower has taken over my little brain, and so I made this blog to be a bit silly with my favourite character, Fake Peppino~
Main Blog: @smalltimidbean-reblogs (semi-active) (Follows are from this blog!)
Art Blog: @smalltimidbean (active)
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❤️ About this blog ❤️
Another vessel of the red crown appears before you: a lamb, named Buttercup.
Her mission as the liberator of the One who Waits has just started, and for what can be seen, she doesn’t know what to expect. Yet her future was set in stone the moment she accepted the crown… or will the stars change it, just this once?
This blog contains spoilers of the main story of the game and the epilogue!
❤️ Ask Rules ❤️
This post will be edited in the future to add things if needed :)
Questions can be directed to:
- The Lamb/Buttercup and Anya
- The Fortune Teller/Patymer
- Ratau
- Clauneck
- The One who Waits
- Baal and Aym
- Shamura
- Focalor, Vephar, Hauras, and Witness Allocer
- Kallamar
- Saleos, Haborym, Baalzebub and Witness Astaroth
- Heket
- Gusion, Eligos, Zephar, and Witness Bathin
- Leshy
- Amdusias, Valefar, Barbatos and Witness Agares
Please be patient! There’s a single person managing this blog and I can only do so much at a time
Be respectful! Poking fun at the characters is fine but any weird/overly sexual questions will be deleted!
Don't spam the inbox- again, there’s only me managing everything.
Magic anons are more than welcome! The maximum is 5 per ask
Other ask blogs and roleplay blogs are also very welcome to interact! ❤️
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haruna-tsutsuji · 6 months
Soo i made my kny (kimestu no yaiba/demon slayer blog
main blog: @n0vatsu
look at my main blog for my other blogs lol
what i post here
kny content(either oc au or original universe or popular types of aus from kny yters like swap au or future hashira au)
my kny oc: Haruna tsutsuji Just call kny! Tsutsuji Haruna as its kny tsutsuji’s last name (did not came up with a different first name lol)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Upcoming oc arcs that she is in (unreleased so more info soon remember this is oc au so it is not canon and arcs are not in order)
|Fanmade| Sakura village arc (one of main arcs and might be a arc collab with a couple of mutuals of mine)
infinity castle arc (tsutsuji’s side)
sunrise countdown(tsutsuji’s side)
|Fanmade| Final selection arc (Tsutsuji’s final selection)
Hashira training arc(is a minor character in it)
Hashira meeting arc (tsutsuji’s first appearance in tanjiro’s pov)
Creator’s opinion
Favorite hashira(male): Muichiro Tokito (MY ONE ANY ONLY💖💐)
Favorite hashira (female): Shinobu Kocho
Favorite Uppermoon: Daki (upper 6)
Favorite arcs: swordsmith village, entertainment district, and infinity castle
Favorite kamaboko squad character: either tanjiro, nezuko, or kanao
Tw: oc spoilers ig??
Fun facts about Haruna Tsutsuji
Haruna is actually a demon(good one dw)
Haruna had an older sister until she sadly passed
Haruna is not really chatty so she rarely talks but whenever she somehow gets pulled onto a coversation, she just does the listening not the talking
If someone bothers Haruna constantly in a mean way she will try to walk away as she does not care but if they get a bit too far well, thats when she becomes a bit mean she might try to scare them off or just give them a cold face
She has very high speed, probably one of the fastest hashira
Her star breathing has 9 forms (She unlocks a 10th form in the future)
Note: I’m not shipping haruna with anyone she is not one of those cringe kny ocs that make everyone attracted to her you can technically say she is asexual
KNY mini comics
none so far
Collab Aus
Kny akira and tsutsuji feat: @space-lover-called-nxy-1134
End of masterpost for this blog
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hiccupmistress · 9 months
I've often been quite a fan of Star Trek's fandom wiki, "Memory Alpha". At first glance, its a very well-kept wiki, where people are quick to add new information, and the occasional attempt to spam the wiki with false or inflammatory information is quickly struck down.
However, when you take a closer look, its a rather nasty and pompous place.
For starters, character pages used to list a character's gender in the main info box at the top of pages. However, when Star Trek: Discovery introduced the franchise's first properly non-binary character, Adira, a few wiki contributors threw a temper-tantrum and now character pages do not list gender in the info box, and instead its mentioned in the main body of text if its considered "necessary".
Then there's the problem of the Wiki's framing device. Yes, a wiki, a site for which the main purpose is to be a resource of information decided it needed a framing device. The idea is that "MA is written from a POV from the distant future." Why is this a problem? Well, recently, a contributor opened a discussion article, (for those who don't know, this is a special page for the benefit of contributors to discuss potential changes to the way the wiki is run), talking about the way pictures on character pages are organised.
Currently, Memory Alpha will include two images on the top info-box of prominent recurring characters. The latest-chronological image at the top, and the earliest-chronological image at the bottom. The user on this discussion page posited that since the current "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" is a prequel show that is taking time to flesh out characters who had very little screen time in the original series, that certain characters, such as George-Samuel Kirk or Robert April should have images swapped around so that the "primary" or most prominent depiction of the character is at the top. They used the examples specifically because, GS Kirk's only appearance in the originals was as a dead body, and Robert April's only appearance was a single episode of the Animated Series, and he's a different ethnicity, they claimed that "Adrien Holmes is meant to be the definitive portrayal of April".
This was met with nothing but backlash, the first quote I put in this post about "MA is written from a POV from the distant future" was used to justify why the later chronological appearances are listed at the top. But frankly, that doesn't hold water with Sam Kirk, because why would a future archive of historical information use a picture of someone's rotting corpse to depict who they were? And more importantly, this is where the whole thing of Memory Alpha having a framing device becomes a problem. Its all very quaint that the wiki has its lore, but at the end of the day, Memory Alpha isn't the SCP Foundation, its not archiving its own special set of original worldbuilding or anything, its a wiki for a bunch of TV shows and movies! Its primary purpose is to be a resource so fans can find out information. As the OP of the Discussion Page pointed out, anyone coming in to Star Trek through SNW who comes to look at Sam's MA page will see a dead body, kind of a spoiler if they're not already familiar with TOS.
Now yes, wiki pages will always have spoilers on them, that's kind of the point, but given his TOS appearance is just Shatner in a fake moustache, playing a corpse, there's really no need to classify that as the "most recent" iteration of the character.
Then of course, there's the Robert April thing. Of course someone chimed in to whine that changing April's ethnicity is "motivated by a dislike of character's original race. For fans who respect continuity, Adrien Holmes will never be the definitive Robert April. I've got nothing against him but I wish he played a new character." which is eye rolling. Someone did point out that live-action shouldn't trump animation. I can agree with that. There are certain circles who would tout that live action film or TV is inherently better than any other media, be it animation, comics, books, games etc, which it really shouldn't be held as, all forms of artistic expression should be held with the same respect, but, its nothing but red flags to whine that SNW hates white people because they cast a black actor as a formerly white character who only appeared in one episode animated on a budget of debt. And considering most of SNW's cast is white or white-passing, its hardly "a dislike of the original race". And guess how many people called out this user for whining about Adrien Holmes? None at all!!! Over the years, I've seen more Star Trek fans boasting that they never bothered watching TAS than I've seen say anything nice about TAS, so pretending to care that Commodore April is now a person of colour comes across incredibly disingenuous. (Not to mention the writer of the original Animated Series episode in which April has appeared has gone on record praising the casting of Holmes as live-action April, so really what does it matter if some 1970s micro-budget animation cells are contradicted)
Even with that aside, people were still arguing that the one-off animated appearance of April should still be at the top of his wiki page because "We're a future historical archive"
The point and TL;DR is a fan wiki should be a resource for real life fans in the real world first and foremost and have any framing devices second. Memory Alpha and the majority of its contributors don't seem to understand this. Maintaining some stupid illusion of being an in-universe archive seems to be more important to a lot of those people. And, between stuff like the gender tag mentioned at the top of the post, and the attitudes towards things like ethnic diversity, I don't really feel comfortable continuing to even use the wiki, much less contribute to it, as I have done on occasion. The admin at that wiki could really do to crack down on the gender-critical and racist-dogwhilstle-y users and have a serious think about whether they want to be running an actual wiki or an ARG disguised as a wiki, because the framing device BS is unnecessary as it is quaint.
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legoslab · 1 month
Welcome to the Lego Slab
Full disclosure, I'm not sure how much this blog'll be used, but I'm posting too many clips on my main so I want to store them here instead (at the very least so I'm more likely to find them in the future).
I WILL BE WATCHING LMK AND NINJAGO DR AS THEY AIR. I’ll tag all clips I post within the first month of release (in English) #lmk spoilers or #ninjago spoilers depending on the series
LMK clips posted as the series airs will probably be in Chinese (possibly without subs but I’ll try my best at translating beneath if I do that).
Queue posts 4 times a day to spread posts out and not spam folks. Shuffled every now and then to keep things fresh.
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vendetta-if · 2 years
1,000 Followers Celebration Event! 🥳🎉
Back on July 18th, around 2 weeks after the Prologue and Chapter 1 are first released, this Tumblr Blog breaks through 1,000 followers! And even now, I'm still amazed and overwhelmed by all of your love, support, and enthusiasm for my story 🥰!
Some of you might still remember that I promised to do the 1,000 followers celebration after I finish Chapter 2, and here we are! 😁 Since then, we got an additional 464 people now following! Thank you 🥹!
So, just to reiterate the event I had in my mind, I'll be doing characters QnA. So, readers will send an ask asking questions to the characters, and they will be the ones to answer them!
Some rules for the event and questions:
Characters that will be participating: All the ROs (Ash, Rin, Santana, Skylar), Viktor, Luka, Jackal, Cara, Takashi, Grandpa, Grandma, and Yvette.
No asking about future events that may be related to the plot that hasn't happened yet. (Asks about future stuff after the plot may be okay, like domestic questions about kids, etc.)
Assume Santana and Skylar have met MC, of course 😄. And for dead characters, we'll assume we're talking to their ghosts or something 😆😩(so what happened to them really happened instead of an AU where they are still alive right now).
Oh and please address the questions directly to them so I know it’s for the event and not normal ask. 😅
No asking dead characters about some stuff that is spoiler-y (such as asking Cara what she found out in her investigation).
Hmm... 🤔 I think that's all I can think of, at least for now. I'll perhaps bunch them into one post per character so as not to spam the dashboard. If there are too many questions for one character, I might pick and choose some (looking nervously at Ash and Rin 👀).
I'll be open to accepting the asks for the event from now until around the end of August, perhaps. If I have enough, it might be sooner. I hope you guys enjoy it! 🥰
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