#spn fanfi
fandombandomfics · 4 months
Not So Apple Pie Life
Here is the first chapter my readers hope you enjoy :)
Noah’s POV 
I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror, slight bags under my eyes since I barely slept last night. Tomorrow starts our first sold out headlining tou.r.  
“Noah come on we got one last rehearsal,” Jolly calls from the room. I leave the bathroom and head over to the three of them. 
“Nervous Noah?” Folio asks and I nod. 
“Yeah I am, first sold out headlining tour for us,” I say and they nod. 
“It will go off without a hitch I’m sure,” Rufflio says 
“I sure hope so,” I say. After practice, I head back to the room. When I walk in, something feels off. I grip the demon knife in my pocket and walk slowly into the room. I take the knife out of my pocket and approach the corner.  When I round it, I stop dead in my tracks. Because I see the face of someone that I haven’t seen since I was 15. 
“Hey Noah,” Dean says. Still wearing the jeans, flannel, and jacket look.
“What are you doing here Dean?” I ask, still on guard. 
“We came to see our little brother before he starts tour,” He says and I relax a little. 
“This isn’t about a job right?” I ask and he shakes his head. 
“No, it’s not. Look, I know the last time we spoke it was–,” 
“Riiiiight,” He says, 
“Where is Sammy anyways?” I ask, putting my demon knife back in my pocket. 
“Went to get us coffee. Still doing the singing I see,”  He says 
“Yeah I am, first sold out tour starts tomorrow….are you and Sam here for a job?” I ask 
“Yeah we are, haunting up the road from here. Gonna salt and burn the bones tonight,” He says
“Still the same old Sam and Dean,” I say. Dean smiles as I hear a knock at the door. I walk over and check the peephole to see Sam standing there with coffees. I open the door and he smiles at me. 
“Hey kiddo,” He says and I let him in. 
“Hey Sammy,” I say and he hands us each a coffee. 
“What are you two actually doing here?” I ask, looking at the two of them. Dean looks at Sam, Sam shifts on his feet and clears his throat. 
“We need your help finishing this hunt,” Sam says 
“Noah come on we need you,” Dean says 
“I left that life when I started the band, I’m not doing it,” I say 
“Just one hunt, thats all we ask,” Sam says 
“We never ask you for anything Noah. Just this once can you help us?” Dean says. I sigh, kind of itching to go back into hunting but I’ve been so focused on the band since I left. I still have my old habits, minus the credit card fraud. 
“Once hunt, like old times,” Sam says 
“Alright alright one hunt that’s it. Then I’m done like actually done,” I say 
“Sam said the same thing almost 20 years ago,” Dean says, laughing. 
“I mean it Dean. I love what I do, the friends I’ve made. I’m not leaving that behind once I get back into hunting with you two,” I say and Dean sighs. 
“Noah I was–” Dean says
“Save it,” I say. I grab my small bag that had my basic hunting supplies in it and head out the door. I turn to see Sam and Dean still not moving.
“You guys coming or not??” I ask, impatiently tapping my foot.
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prettybillycore · 2 years
my partner has been freed of Covid so we have been spending time together yesterday and today! It’s been wonderful. Hanging out with them is always good for my mental health. I struggle a lot with depression and disassociation, they always make me feel better when they come to visit <3
Fanfi update: when they go home tonight I am going to be writing more. I’m hoping to have the first chapter of the spn x stranger things crossover out to y’all between tonight and Sunday ! Keep ya posted
- Cas/Billy
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jawritter · 4 years
Broken Me..
Ch. 5
Summery: The Dallas Convention couldn't have come at a worse time for Jensen. His world fell apart earlier that morning, but was expected to just act like everything was normal. You and a friend were at the convention for her birthday. Life hasn't been that great for you either, but a forced meeting on stage changes two worlds. Will you be able to put this broken man back together again...
Series Warings: Cheating, shitty marriage, Danneel is a bitch, I unfortunately have to put that as a warning because some people tend to get turnt up about it if you don’t... Smut, Crying, Suiside Attempt, brief discription of suicide attempt and recovery, depression, hints of self loathing, language. I think that’s it... Suicide Trigger warnings will be placed over each chapter!
Chapter Warnings: Language, hint of possible mentally abusive marriage, hint of possible PTSD, Angst. Fluff. I think that’s it...
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 2123
A/N: BINGE READ TIME!! As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is gold!! Hope you all enjoy this one!!
Want More? Check out my masterlist!!
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Jensen's clock went off in what felt like only minutes, when really it had been about three hours. 
You felt his arm lift off you, reaching around him to slap at the offending sound that was coming from the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand next to the bed. 
You didn't want to move. It felt like you had just fallen asleep. 
Jensen was right about one thing... 
As people we do crave that human’s connection and affection with someone... 
You hadn't slept that well since the night before Damon and yourself had split up, even if it was only for a few hours. 
You felt Jensen start to brush your hair out of your face, thinking you were still asleep, trying to gently wake you. You weren't really ready for this to end. Who the hell would be? 
You did know that y/f/n would be waking up soon, she doesn't know you're gone, and would probably freak out. So as much as you’d have gladly stayed wrapped up here in the covers with Jensen’s warm body pressed against your own, you knew all good things must come to an end, and it was time to go back to your separate realities.. 
Moving around, and forcing your eyes open you look up into the most beautiful forest green eyes you have ever seen. Little light lines forming around the edges when he smiled at you. 
"Good morning." He said, voice pretty ruff from being asleep so hard, and man if the circumstances were different, you’d have to admit that it did things to you...
"Good morning" 
You try to unwrap yourself and sit up, but the fact that Jensen still had his arms wrapped around you, as well as one of his long bowed legs draped over yours. Moving just wasn't going to happen. 
"Just a few more minutes.....Please." He mumbled, a look on his face you understood all too well before he decided to bury his face into your hair where you couldn’t see him anymore. You were having the same problem. You knew when you got up, this may never happen again. You knew that once you left his arms. 
That was it... 
You were alone again... 
In that instance you reminded yourself that he wasn't yours to begin with. The two of you weren't together. The man just lost his wife, and family for Christ sakes. He didn't want to be with someone like you. Some of the twitter comments echoing through your head.
"Jensen, you got to get ready for your panel. You've got a long day ahead of you." You say, trying to convince him that he needed to get up. 
The longer you laid there you knew the harder it would be to leave. It was gonna hurt like a bitch either way, but it was better to make a clean break, the longer you prolonged this, the harder it would be for the both of you…
"I don't have to be down stairs for another hour." He said, sounding a little disappointed at the fact that you wanted him to get up, and that just made you feel guilty. So you settled back down into his hold, and decided you’d just deal with whatever came as far as the gut wrench heartache you were sure was to come later when you had to leave him..
"I'm not looking forward to this today." He was almost whispering, like he was afraid someone would hear outside the door. "I'm not ready to answer questions about Danneel, and what happened; or is going to happen between us." 
He fell silent, and you felt his fingers brushing through your hair again, and it took all the will power in your body not to nuzzle further into his neck..
"Then don't. Tell from the start that you will not be answering any questions concerning Danneel, or your personal life. If they really are your fans they will respect that you're not ready to talk about all of it yet." 
You could literally feel the tension returning to his body that wasn’t there a moment ago as he started to think about all the fan interaction he had to do today..
"I hope you're right." He said, silence falling over the two of you. 
You had lost all your will to try and get up now. Not wanting to leave him this stressed out. You hated to see him struggle like this. 
"Will you be there today? For the panels and stuff?" He asked, stress and tension apparent in his voice, and it made your heart hurt...
"I'll be there." You tell him, tracing the lines on his chiseled chest muscles through his thin shirt. The fabric there did very little to hide what was underneath.. 
You both laid unwilling to move, until your phone started to ring. 
"Shit that's y/f/n. She must have woken up." You say, rolling away from him as best as he’d let you, grabbing your phone.
"Where the hell are you?" She asked as soon as you said hello. 
"I was just wandering around so that you could sleep." You lied, hoping she believed you. "I'll grab some fresh coffee and head back to the room." Untangled his limbs from yours and sat up on the side of the bed staring at you with an unreadable expression on his perfectly sculpted face... 
"Okay fine." She said, sounding relieved. "Don't take too long. Coffee sounds good."
With that she hung up the phone, and you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. You take one more look at Jensen who is still looking at you with the same expression. 
"I need to get going." You tell him standing up, he never said a word. Coldness returning to his expression. 
Just as you got to the door he finally spoke. 
"Why did you lie?" He asked, sounding a little hurt, and it stopped you in your tracks with your hand on the door knob. 
You turned around to look at him. He was standing in the middle of the room, staring at you. His expression is hard and almost unreadable..
"Why did you lie to her? Why did you tell her that you were just 'walking around, letting her sleep in?' 
Your heart was hammering so hard in your chest that you thought it might stop beating.. You didn’t know that would affect him the way it obviously was.. You took a cautious step forward, and he took one backwards away from you.... 
You messed up.... 
He's all fraggle right now, and you just smacked his the fuck out of his ego without even recognizing you did so.
"Jensen, I thought you wouldn't want many one to know I stayed here with you last night. I thought you wouldn't want people spreading rumors." You say softly, trying not to upset him anymore than you already had, because God knows you didn't want to upset him. You hated to see that hurt look on his face. 
"We didn't do anything wrong." He said flatly. "Are you ashamed that you stayed here with me?" He asks, still keeping his distance, and for a split second the question confused you… Then it hit you… There was more to issues in that relationship than just cheating… Fuck...
"No, I'm not. I just didn't want to give Danneel another reason to post anything to social media that will cause you anymore trouble." You tell him, and he takes a step closer to you, biting his bottom lip hard.
"I'm sorry." He said, looking at the ground now. "I don't know where that came from. I guess I'm still a little touchy." 
He looked pathetic and you hated it. You were used to the strong willed, slightly arrogant, cocky actor that he was at cons and on stage, this new, almost vulnerable Jensen threw you, and you didn’t know how to handle it really. It was like walking around a bomb. 
You walked up to him slowly reaching up, and putting your arms around his neck. He pulled you closer to him without hesitation, locking his arms around your waist as if he let go of you even a little you’d disappear from him.. 
“If you want me to tell her where I was I will. I'm not ashamed to be around you. I just don't want people to have anymore material to give you crap about it at this convention, or on social media. You’ve gone through enough shit, and I don’t want to be the reason people cause more drama for you." You tell him, reaching running a hand through his tousled hair. He leans into your touch just like he had last night in the hallway, closing his eyes and hanging his head a little lower. 
"I'm so tired of being alone. Even though I was with Danneel. We weren't really together. I was never there. She was always in Austin, using the kids as an excuse not to come anywhere with me. We'd go months without seeing each other. Last night was the first night in a long time I didn't have to be by myself. I'm not ready to let that go." 
Slowly he puts his hand on the back of your neck and brings his lips so close to yours they were almost touching. 
“I really want to kiss you right now.”
The husky, deep, growl in his voice sends a shiver or anticipation down your spine. You wanted someone so bad as you wanted him right now. 
Every nerve in you seemed to be vibrating. You wanted more than anything to kiss him. 
Make him forget about her... 
Make him see what it was like to be with someone who really did appreciate him... 
Reaching down he gently brushed his lips over yours, sending electricity through your body like a jolt of lightning, before fully taking your lips in his. The kiss was a little rougher than you expected, still his kiss was soft and sweet, taking his time, gently moving his hand tighter around your waist. Then just as suddenly as he started he pulled away. Leaving you just as breathless.
"Move into my hotel room tonight so we can spend some time together, get to know each other a little better. I'll order some takeout, and we can get to know each other a little better." 
Leaning down he pressed his forehead against yours, his arms still locked around your waist, holding you to his body..
"Jensen, you just left your wife YESTERDAY. Do you think this is such a good idea? I really, really care about you; I don't want to be some weekend rebound." You blurt out, before you could stop yourself, but before you could kick yourself too hard he puts his finger under your chin, making you look up at him.
"Just because I told her I wanted a divorce yesterday doesn't mean that our actual marriage ended yesterday. That ended before the twins were even born. She refused to come with me anywhere. Would make sure her, and the kids were gone before I would get home so that they didn't have to see me. She WANTED me to catch her, or I wouldn't have caught her. Our 'marriage' has literally been over for years. You're NOT some 'weekend rebound'.
One of his hands wandered up to the back of your neck, and he brushed his lips over yours again... 
“I'm drawn to you, I want to get to know you, see where this goes. I feel something with you I haven't felt in years, and you do to or else you wouldn't have stayed with me last night." He says, running his thumb gently across your bottom lip. 
"What do you say y/n?” He asked. "Wanna give me a shot?" He said, his voice deep and rough. Making your stomach quiver with things you haven't felt in years. Things you shouldn’t be feeling this early on, yeah he was famous, but you didn’t know this man, not really...
There wasn't a chance in hell you could walk away from him. It was too late. You feel hard and fast for this guy, and he knew he had a hold on you. It was over there was no point in fighting it, and even if you wanted to you couldn't. He had a hook in you deep. 
"Okay, lets see where this goes." You manage to say before his lips capture yours again in a chaste kiss, and you melted into him. 
The way he made you feel scared you, but hey what's life if you didn't take a chance.
Tag List: @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ 
binge tag: @sarahbaker2010​
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mila-dans · 4 years
Mila Dans Masterlist
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Aloha guys and gals! Here is my Supernatural Masterlist! Some titles are in the works, some are one and done, and others have yet to come. This is a reminder/write this now! list to help me stay on track and to keep you, whoever reads my scrambled mess of work, to stay informed! Thank you for reading! Feedback is appreciated!
One Shots:
The Cross and the Grave 
A Moose in Headlights Sam x Reader
Symphony of Sadness & Chorus of Pain 
Ye of Little Faith
Thing Sam x Reader
No Words Sam x Reader
Drunk and Loving
Welcome To My World Castiel x Reader
Put Your Head On My Shoulder  Dean x Reader
Spells Out Trouble Dean x Reader (finished)
Happy Horror Awaits  Sam x Reader (in progress)
Kiss and Tell Sam x Reader (in progress)
Blondes Prefer Bonds Dean x Reader (progressing)
If you’d like to be tagged in any of my future fics, let me know!
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
Mommy’s (Not So) Good Girl-Ch 14
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The shrill sounds of my alarm clock makes my head hurt. ‘God how much did I drink last night?’ I think as I roll over to turn the stupid sound off. Instead of hitting my table though, I smack skin. Naked skin. Oh, shit! Who is in my bed? 
I open my eyes and realize I’m not even in my dorm room. Fuck! Where am I?!
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I throw the sheet off of my body and sigh in relief to see that I am clothed but they’re not my clothes. I have a worn out university t-shirt on and a pair of cut off sweats.
I sit up and swing my feet to the floor, immediately grasping my head in my hands. Seriously, how much did I fucking drink last night? I groan and feel the mattress move under me, causing me to freeze knowing that my bedmate, whoever the hell it is, is awake.
“Morning Abby,” a groggy, but familiar voice speaks. “Sleep okay?”
I turn to see Taylor, a guy from one of my classes, a good friend and a member of Alpha Sigma Phi, laying with his back up against the wall. The sheet is covering his lower half and I hope and pray he isn’t nude underneath it. 
“Got a hangover?” he chuckles as he leans toward his nightstand, leading to the sheet falling off him. He has a pair of boxers on, thank god! Hopefully that means nothing happened. But then again, why am I in his clothes?!
“Here,” he offers, handing me two white tablets and a bottle of water. I take them and quickly swallow the medicine followed by a guzzle of water. My mouth is so dry!
“T-taylor?” I finally speak. “What happened?”
Taylor chuckles as he rights himself and pulls the sheet back over his lap. “You don’t remember?”
“Obviously,” I say, rolling my eyes. Dammit, why’d I do that?
“You were pretty wasted last night, Abby.”
“Duh,” I answer, prompting him to continue his recollection.
“Well, first you were laughing and telling everyone that your costume was perfect because this summer you and some guy had went at it like bunnies.”
I felt my face flush and I wanted to run and hide but I know I needed to know what else I said and did.
“You kept on and on about this guy. How he made you feel like a woman, how he made you feel sexy,” Taylor said. “Which I don’t understand, you are sexy. But you kept on and on about how you missed his touches and his kisses…..and-” Taylor pauses and runs a hand through his hair. “-his fucking. Then you were mumbling something about now he is back there fucking ‘her’ and why couldn’t it be you. Abby, who is ‘her’?”
“Oh my god!” I exclaim as I hide my face in my hands. “I didn’t say?”
“No, but you seem pretty damn jealous about her, whoever she is.”
Fuck! Me and my big mouth when I’m drunk. Thankfully it didn’t seem like I had told everything.
“You kept wanting to call some guy named Dean. Said he could make you feel good. Kept asking everyone for their phone, even though yours was in your hand the whole time,” Taylor laughs.
“So how-ahem, how did I end up in your bed? Did we….?”
“You mean did we fuck?” Taylor asks, his eyebrow raised.
“Yea. Did we fuck, Taylor?”
“No.” Shew! “Not that you didn’t try and I didn’t want to. But Abby I respect you too much to take advantage of you.”
“How…..why...ahem, I’m wearing your clothes?”
“When we came upstairs you were all over me. We were kissing and making out and you wanted to take me to my room to show me what your Daddy taught you.”
Again full body flush! Oh shit! Please oh god please tell me I didn’t tell him who ‘Daddy’ is!
“Fuck,” I mumble as I wait for Taylor to continue. 
“So, ahem, anyways. We came up here and you laid back on the bed and passed out. But in your sleep, you kept pulling at your costume so I took it off you, averting my eyes because you know, not taking advantage,” Taylor explains. “And I changed you so you could sleep comfortably.”
“So we didn’t sleep together?”
“Yea we did,” he deadpans.
“We did?” Well shit!
“Sleep. That’s what we did. After I got you into the bed and covered you, I went to the bathroom and changed and crawled in the other side. Abby, we didn’t have sex. I promise.”
I breathe out a sigh of relief and look around for my phone. I need to call Sheila and let her know I’m okay and I’ll be home soon.
As soon as I pick it up though, I notice the screen is filled with missed calls and messages from home. A few of the calls are from my mom but the majority of them are from Dean.
I open the most current one and tears well up in my eyes.
>I would’ve never taken your virginity if I knew you were going to just slut around at school!
I scroll through the previous ones and feel the tears fall down my face.
>Really? Really? You gonna just let everyone know Daddy fucks you good? God Abby, if your mom finds out, we are both dead!
>Abigail answer your goddamn phone!
>Shit baby girl. Daddy misses you.
The only one from mom reads.  I really expected better of you than this. I know you are young and in college but getting drunk and letting guys grope you and telling them all about your summer romps with some guy is heartbreaking. And who the hell is ‘Daddy’? Call your mother, young lady. As soon as you get this. We need to talk!
I wonder what the hell she is talking about. How does she know what happened last night? Did someone call her? Does she have someone spying on me?
I see a notification from Sheila and I click on it. When the site loads, there on my screen and in color is a video of me grinding down on Taylor and kissing him. The caption of the video reads, “HORNY BUNNY GOING FOR A WILD RIDE”. I see my mouth moving so I turn the volume up.
“Daddy’s cock is huge. Is yours huge? It fills me up so good. Daddy knows just how to fuck me to make me cum. Do you want to make me cum? I can, you know. Daddy even made me squirt once. He loved it. Say, do you eat pussy? Because I love my pussy eaten. Daddy knows exactly how to eat pussy. He is a master at it. He is a genius with his tongue.”
I click the video off and fall backwards on the bed. Shit! Mom has more than likely seen that. Fuck, Dean has probably seen that. That is why he texted and called so much. Fuck! Now Mom knows I lost my virginity this summer and well, she knows everything. Except that ‘Daddy’ is Dean. She finds out and yea, we are both dead. Dean called it right on that one.
Dean. Oh my god! How am I ever going to be able to face him again? I promised him, promised him that I wouldn’t come back to college and whore around. Guess I lied about that. Damn, Dean probably won’t want me anymore. I can feel the tears welling up behind my lids as I lay there and contemplate how screwed I am!
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@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​ @spnbaby-67​ @tftumblin​ @sea040561​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ @larajadeschmidt13​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @squirrelnotsam​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @sandlee44​ @blacktithe7​ @deanwanddamons​ @hoboal87​ @marvelfanbrenda​ @vicmc624​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @elliloumom @stoneyggirl​
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freerebelmentality · 6 years
The Forgotten One
AN: Sorry it has taken me this long to come out with something. I hope you will enjoy this one, I have broken this up into parts and enjoy.
Word Count: 1,141
You are the youngest out of your brothers. Michael the oldest, Lucifer, Gabriel and finally Castiel who is a year older than you are.
You woke up on an early morning, getting out of your bed and its your birthday. A smile forms on your face as you walk out of your bedroom to go down the stairs.
You looked through the cupboards, spotted your favourite cereal, got yourself a bowl along with a spoon to pour the delicious contents and finally got the milk from the fridge.
You settled yourself at the table to enjoy the tasty meal of the morning. Until you heard a set of foot steps coming down the stairs and its Michael the most obvious one to wake early.
“Morning y/n” Is all he says once he has his sight on you. You sit there waiting for him to say something else that would be a special greeting but nothing.
“Morning Michael” You retort softly looking to your bowl.
He runs the water to make a pot of coffee for the morning and who else would wake to the smell of fresh coffee in the morning. You hear someone else coming down the stairs and its Castiel.
“Morning y/n, Michael” Is all he says looking between the both of you.
“Morning Castiel, coffee?” Michael asks getting a cup for him from the cupboard as he nods and gets himself a bowl to make himself cereal as well.
You finish your bowl and went to sit in the living room to watch some TV before heading back up the stairs to shower. Castiel joins you in the living room after a while he finishes with his breakfast and the rest of your brothers wake from their deep slumber. Gabriel seats next you while he reaches for the remote to change the channel.
“Hey, I was watching that” You glare at your older brother while whining to him.
“Sorry squirt” Is all he says and ruffles your hair. You huff and get up from the couch to head up the stairs.
“Y/n, dont worry I'll change the channel on him soon” Lucifer says while he has the extra remote in his hands.
You smile at the gesture and continue on walking up the stairs to take that shower.
“Dude c'mon, I wasnt done watching that” you heard Gabriel.
You laughed as you made your way to the bathroom.
'Thank you Luc' You mutter to yourself as you get the shower head going and finally going under the nice warm water.
After taking your shower you felt a little hurt by your brothers not remembering your birthday than again why doesnt it surprise you. They have done this for as long as you could remember.
Even dad wasnt so great at remembering your day either.
You lay in bed staring up at the ceiling wondering what to do for the day, it was Michaels weekend off from work, Lucifer worked weekends, Gabriel has classes during the afternoon and Castiel just has a weekend from school.
As the morning went on and all of your brothers were ready for the day.
“Hey y/n Im off to work now” Lucifer knocks on your door to let you know he is off for the day.
“I'll see you later” you get up from the bed to open the door and give your brother a peck to his cheek before he walks out of the house. He smiles at the gesture.
“Let me know if Gabriel gives you a hard time alright. See you later” He says and walks down the stairs to walk out of the house.
You got up from your bed to head back down stairs to remind your brothers that today was a special day. For once you wanted to share this with your family well the only family you have left.
“Hey Michael” you knock on your brothers office door to walk in and he is on the phone more likely working.
“Y/n not right now, Im busy” he says as he whispers to you and you turn slowly to walk out of his office and close the door behind you.
“Hey Gabe?” you walk in his room.
“Not right now squirt. Im in the middle of writing my essay and need to come up with my own recipe” he says while waving you away from his room.
He is attending College for Culinary Arts and someday he wants to open up his own bakery.
You went to Castiels room but of course he isnt in there so you went back down to see if he was hanging out in the living room.
He wasnt home and you knew he would be out with his friends or what ever he did on the weekends.
You decided to head to Lucifer's work place to see if he wanted to celebrate with you. He works at an auto shop called Winchester body shop as the bookkeeper.
He is awesome at his job there are times when he would work on the cars if his boss needed the help.
You walk in and see a fairly tall, blonde, well toned man standing at the counter looking through the computer for an invoice maybe.
You try to remember his name but you are drawing a blank, even though you practically grew up with his half brother Adam who happens to be Castiel's best friend.
“Hi, Im looking for Lucifer Novak” you ask the man and he looks away from the screen and gives you a warm smile.
“Hi, yeah I will go and get him for ya” he says and disappears into the back of the shop. They both walk to the front of the shop and Luc sees you with a smile on his face.
“Y/n, you remember Dean? Dean this is my sister y/n” he introduces the both of you and now you know who he is.
“Whoa the last time I saw you, you were this tall” he says and gestures his hand beneath his hip.
“Hi. Um I wanted to ask if you wanted to head out for lunch or something. I know you take a late lunch and thought you would like some company' you tell him while motioning to the restaurant across the street.
“I wish you would have came by earlier but um I already took my lunch. Im really busy right now and going to work through my break.” he says expressing his sympathies while Dean is eaves dropping from the counter pretending to be busy.
“Oh uh I should have called first. I just wanted to make it a surprise is all. I'll just head home, see you” you tell him and walk out the door while you try to hold in your sobs but you wanted to wait until you got home.
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Dean/Jensen Masterlist
The Beauty in the Beast: (completed) Demon!Dean. (angst, fluff, spn type violence)
My saviour:  (completed) (more drabbles to come) Dr!Dean AU (angst)
Fresh Start: (completed) Mechanic!Dean AU. (fluff and angst)
Four Days In The Bunker: (completed) (angst)
Reunited: (completed) (some angst and some fluff)
With You By My Side: (completed) (ANGST)
One Shots: 
All Coming Back To Me - (flangst)
Step Away From The Pie - (general fic. Sam and Dean)
Come Back Home - (angst)
Thank You For Tonight - (slight angst. Implied smut)
Angel - (angst)
Another Day on the Job - (fluff)
Breakfast - (fluff)
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count-woe-laf · 3 years
The five solely supernatural blogs following me:
Me: why are you here
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Back To Sleep
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Summary: Jared arrives home after filming and the only thing on his mind is you. Warnings: Pretty much PWP, smut, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), language. Bit of fluff. W/C: 1.5k Notes: Jared is single for this fic. No offence meant to families. This is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. Characters: Jared Padalecki, You. Pairing: Jared Padalecki x You/YN.
READ IT NOW: Tumblr // AO3 
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Hi SPN family, I’m relatively new here. I’ve known about Supernatural for years (in fact I used to watch is when it came out) but sadly, I’ve in in and out of the fandom for years, but I’ve decided to come back and lookie at me, I’m STILL a sabriel shipper. (I ship Destiel as well, but I like to stick with SamxGabe) 
I’d like to meet some new people and I write Fanficions as well, both here (soon to be) and on AO3 (Summerof1996) Hope to meet some new people and I do Fic commisions as well.  
Hope to meet some of you guys, feel free to send a message
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jawritter · 4 years
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Summary: The truth can be ugly, scars go deeper than superficial wounds, somethings we will always carry. Can you handle the ugly truth, and still see the love of your life in the same light? 
Rating: Explicit 
Warnings: DARK FIC! Mentions of past injuries, Dean’s physically not so pretty in this one, so if that kind of thing bothers you be warned. Language, smut, unfeeling smut, angst, there’s hardly no fluff in this one. unprotected smut, years of hurt feelings and resentment. Issues from growing up in the life. I think that’s about it.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 2713
This fic created for:@spndarkbingo! 
Square Field: Resentment.
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons! Thanks so much love! 
A/N: The artwork featured in the banner is not my own, and all rights belong to the artist, whom I was unable to pin down. Please do not copy my work! I hope you all enjoy this one!
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Fuck if it didn’t all happen so fucking fast. One minute, you were  running behind Dean up the stairs of the old victorian style manner, chasing a witch with guns drawn, witch killing bullets cocked and loaded into the chamber. Then boom, the bitch appeared out of nowhere and now you  all three of you were pressed against one of the mold-covered walls in what you assume used to be a bedroom by an invisible force. She stalked back and forth in front of the three of you like a tiger about to pounce. 
“So, this is the great Dean and Sam Winchester,” she taunts as she continues to pace in front of  you. “You know, I honestly thought that you would be smart enough to not come in guns blazing. The only backup you bring is your pathetic little girlfriend against a witch that is over 400 years old!”
You watched as Dean’s jaw worked and his eyes narrowed in frustration. If looks could kill, she would have died on the spot. 
“How do you know this she my only backup?” Dean mocked, sneering at her as she took a step closer to him. “How do you know I don’t have someone on their way here right now to put a bullet through your skull?” 
The humorless laugh that belted from the witch as she threw her head back in a whole-body laugh fully intending to mock your hunter boyfriend, made your skin crawl and your blood run cold. 
It wasn’t entirely untrue. Cas and Jack were on their way here right now, and when they got here, she was going to meet her long-overdue end. Jack may not be able to use his powers right now in order to keep Chuck from finding out of his return, but Cas was fully capable of shooting a gun, and that’s all you needed right now. Just one good shot.
“Oh don’t play with me Dean.You were always  such a flirt, weren’t you?” She says in a seductive tone that makes bile rise in your throat. She takes a step closer and runs her long finger index finger down Dean’s chest. He tries to squirm away from her but to no avail. 
You wanted to scream at her to leave him alone, but there was something holding your jaws closed that you couldn’t see, and no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t make a sound. A quick panicked look over to Sam told you he was in the same boat, struggling against the invisible bonds that held you all down.His eyes locked on his older brother. 
“You know , that was always something I hated about you,” she said, taking a step back and looking Dean over from head to toe as if he was a piece of meat at a steakhouse she was looking to take home. 
“You always were nothing but a flirt. A worthless, oversexed, daddy favored sack of shit that relyed on good looks and a fuck-all attitude to get you out of sticky situations.”
She cackled as she turned her back on the three of you as she made her way over to the center of the floor, taking you all in  with a satisfied smirk on her face. 
“In fact,” she continued, “I’m going to do you a favor Dean. I’m going to show you the Dean Winchester I can see. The one that hasn’t had all his scars and ugly places covered up by his angel buddy. The one that is disfigured and wretched as the man you feel inside when you look in the mirror.”
Her eyes drifted to you as you struggled against the restraints you couldn’t see. 
“Bet that little bitch of yours won’t find you so attractive then will she Dean? The big strong hunter, the handsome hero, all bravado and chivalry, always the ladies man, revealed for what he really is. Ugly and twisted.”
Before anyone could even blink, the witch pointed her boney fingers at Dean, and twisted her hand in the air. Dean let loose a scream that made your heart standstill in your chest, and a loud shot rang through the air. The witch’s body crumpled to the floor as the three of you fell from your place on the wall, and everything faded to black as your head came into contact with the hard floor.
You came back to reality with a groan as you sat up slowly, your stomach churning in protest with the evident concussion that throbbed at the side of your head. None of that mattered though.The first thought that rolled through your mind was the last thing you heard before the gunshot . Dean screaming. 
You scrambled to your feet as your mobility returned, Sam doing the same on the other side of the room, and both of you hurried to where Cas was kneeling next to Dean’s body that was curled in on itself as if he were a small child, hiding from the monster under the bed. 
“Dean!” Sam yelled, coming to a sliding stop on his knees next to his brother’s body, looking up at the Angel  with utter horror on his face that was enough to stop you in your tracks. “Can you fix it?” he questioned, but the Angel just shook his head as he stood slowly. 
“Not here. We need to get him back to the bunker. From there, I’m sure we can find the resources we need to reverse the spell.” 
You dropped to your knees next to your trembling boyfriend, and tried to move his arms away from his face, earning a yell that made everyone in the room stand still for a moment. 
“NO! Don’t look at me!” he yelled at you, curling more into himself in an attempt to hide from your view.
“Dean, please, let us help you,” you plead with him, but Dean was ever the stubborn  man he always was, and refused to move. 
You give Sam and Cas a look that screamed help. They exchanged a worried look as Sam stripped his jacket from his shoulders, and dropped it over Dean’s face for him to hide into, before Cas and Sam stood him to his feet. 
“Come on Dean, let’s get home, and we can fix this okay,” Sam attempted to console his brother as they made the slow, unstable trip to the Impala that waited out front. Dean was a shaking mess, as Sam lowered him into the back seat, still hiding in Sam’s jacket from view. 
He curled himself up in a ball in the backseat, and Sam motioned for you to get into the front of the car, stopping you from getting into the back with Dean. 
“How bad is it?” you asked him before he opened the door for you. The way he was being,  was something you had never seen before, so afraid, so vulnerable, and it was horrifying. You could tell by the way Sam was acting it wasn’t something he’d seen all that often either. 
“It’s bad,” was all he’d tell you, before motioning you to take a seat. 
You watched the ball that was Dean in the backseat the whole hours drive back to the bunker, and he never moved, never lifted the jacket from his head. 
When the car was put in park, Dean moved again, jerking the car door open to make a hurried retreat to his room with Sam hot on his heels. Cas’s old truck pulled up next to where you were left standing with Jack in tow. 
You didn’t  say a word as they watched you make your way down the hall of the bunker towards Dean’s room. You weren’t going to rest until he let you see him. Not because you cared how the witch had disfigured him. It didn’t alter your feelings for him in the slightest. You wanted him to know that. 
To your surprise, Dean had left the door unlocked to his room in his hurry to get inside the safety of his own space, and when you pushed the door open the sight that greeted you took every bit of resolve you carried to not scream. 
Dean stood looking in the now shattered mirror that hung on the wall above an old sink, both hands on either side of the porcelain bowl, his shoulders slumped slightly as he looked up to see your reflection in the mirror staring back at him. From his one remaining eye, a large tear rolled down his disfigured face, the terror and resentment he held there pouring from his soul, and out into the surrounding air between you as you closed the door slowly behind you.
If you didn’t know who he was, you probably wouldn’t  have  recognized him. Aside from the eye that looked as if it had been scored from it’s socket, deep, long gashes that would have been almost mortal injuries when they were fresh drove deep white lines into his skin that looked more like crevasses  than scars. 
They went from his forehead, all the way to where his eye used to be, and then across his nose and cheek. There were chunks and bits missing from his ears. One of his hands looked like it had been badly burned on the top of his wrist, and the other was missing more than one finger. There wasn’t a part of his body that didn’t hold some sort of horrific scar. 
He turned to slowly face you, his arms wrapping around his chest as if it could help make him look as small as he felt, his gaze cast down to his feet. He was still covered in mud and dirt from the hunt. Your heart was broken for him. The brave, cocky hunter you fell in love with was broken, and the self hate was radiating off of him in almost tangible waves. 
You made a slow step towards him, a hand outreached to touch the side of his face that wore the most scars, and he jumped back away from you like you had burned him. 
“Dean,” you tried as he shook his head and backed further away from you. “Please Dean, let me…”
“No,” he mumbled, shaking his head in disapproval. “No, you can’t, you can’t fix me this time Y/N. She did exactly what she said she was going to do. She turned me into the hideous monster that exists on the inside. The part of me that I can’t run or hide from, it’s open now, and there’s no taking it back.”
Shaking your own head in disbelief of what you were hearing, you made a step closer to him, definitely placing your hand against the rough, uneven skin on his mangled cheek. 
“No Dean, you're not a monster. You’re a hero, a strong brave hunter. You're not damaged and ruined. Even if we never find a way to fix this, it doesn’t matter to me, because you can’t see what I see.”
Dean’s gaze met yours and you swore you could see the hate radiating off of his hard stare. 
“When I sold my soul to save Sammy, I started to have nightmares about what was going to happen to me when I got to hell, what I was going to become. The demon version of myself told me that it knew how much I looked in the mirror, and hated what I saw there.”
Side stepping you, Dean started to strip the clothing from his body, revealing more scars with every new inch of skin that came into view. Even the deep handprint on his shoulders.
“Every mark, every scar on me is a sign of failure,” he said, his voice hard and full of disgust in himself as his hand fumbled with his belt, and his pants dropped to the ground around his ankles. Deep burns on his legs and feet met  in a purple scar, and you had to repress a shudder of horror at the pain he surely felt when these injuries occurred. 
“I lost my eye when I lost a bunch of kids to a Werewolf while in a hunt in Delaware, the same hunt that disfigured my face. Cas fixed it,” he said, still the same air of resentment and disgust. 
“These burns on my legs? They came from hell. The fire’s real Y/N, it’s very real, and it burns clean to your soul.” 
The horror must have been shown in your eyes as he continued to recount each scar as if it was burned into his memory, and by the time he was done, it was evident that even  the scars had been hidden from view, he still carried everyone with him every day, every loss, every failure, everything that he couldn’t fix. He resented himself so much, that you had no real way of knowing when it started, because he had carried it so long that it had become a part of him, of who he was. 
When he finally moved towards you, it shook you so much that you had to visibly blink away the blinding tears that were falling down your cheeks uncensored. 
“So, you still want to be with me now, baby girl, cause I don’t even want to be with me. I’m just as bad as the shit we hunt, I’m just as hideous, and just as fucking ugly as they are.”
You don’t know what made you move. If it was sheer fucking grit, or the fact that words weren’t good enough in that moment, but in  three strides, you closed the distance between yourself, and the man you loved, capturing his mangled lips in a heated kiss that was all tongue and teeth. 
Barely parting, the two of you moved together in the direction of the bed in the center of the room. Dean dropped his clothing as you went with your assistance. There were no sensual touches, no sweet sentiments, no gentle gestures as he used his sheer body weight to push you down on the bed completely bare before him, slotting himself between your legs, nipping and sucking his way from you ear to your pulsepoint, biting down hard enough to leave his mark as his thick length entered your waiting heat. 
There were no loving words as he relentlessly pounded into your body, and the shiver than ran down your spine when your fingertips felt the deep scars running down his back in the form of claw marks left by something that you would probably never see or face, would have been mistaken for pleasure by a bystander. In truth, it was the deep fear that these scars were always there, and you never knew. 
His body, even mangled and battered, drove you higher until you were both a screaming, panting mess. Your orgams washed over you in an unexpected rush, and with two more heavy, deep thrusts, Dean was spilling himself deep inside of you. 
Neither of you bothered to move. Dean just threw the covers over your bare forms as Cas entered the room, pressing his fingers to Dean’s forehead as Sam also came  into the room with a bowl that you could only assume contained a spell. You weren’t paying attention to the details. All you knew was that even though the scars were disappearing in a blinding light, and your Dean, then man you knew so well, down to the last freckle was taking his place, in your mind, you could still see them.
The deep, ugly truth in the form of scars carried more undying inner hate that once you saw, you could never unsee. A brokenness that you could never fix. No matter how they covered it up, they would always be there. Some things just would never heal, and the way Dean resented and hated the man he’d become would never change. The twisted and broken soul that you loved was barely human, and even though you’d never say it outloud, you will never be able to come to grips with the truth. Not because it was ugly and hard to swallow, but because Dean deserved better, but would never get it. That’s uglier than any scar he’d ever carry.
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Forever Tags: @deanwanddamons​ @rvgrsbrns​ @bi-danvers0​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @i-love-superhero​ @akshi8278​ @lyss-dw79​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624​ @busy-bee-angel-misska​ @justanotherwinchester​ @brilovesdeanwinchester​ @idksupernatural​ @lyarr24 @amandamdiehl​ @love-jackles-37-blog​ @miraclesoflove​ @Waywardsistershy @emoryhemsworth​ @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel​ @softsebastian​ @tatted-trina6​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @hayleeharling​   @flamencodiva​ @coldmuffinbanditshoe​ @bxbyizzy @dirty-pan-goblin​ @itmejado​ @supernatural3002​ @teresa-67​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @hearteyes-j2​ @miss-nerd95​
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Sam and Crowley have been dating, much to Dean’s dismay. When they decide to go to a couple’s retreat in the middle of the woods, Dean and Cas pose as a couple to keep an eye on them.
Chapter fic co-written by me and @beingcouy, T-rated, Fluffy/Funny Destiel and Mooseley with a major Dean focus, Mooseley is established…Destiel’s, uh, still working on that. Other applicable tags: Angst, Pining Dean, Flustered Dean, Dean and Food, Fake Boyfriends, Friends to Lovers. Full art post is here. New chapters posted on Tuesdays.
Chapter 21 is here! Read on Ao3
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Reunited - Nine
A/N: Second to last part y’all. I'm a little anxious about this, because it has smut in it, which I don't really write that often. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you to my beta @thorne93, you’re the best.
Characters: Jensen x Reader, Jared, Lexi(OC), Violet(OC), Sarah (OC)
Warnings: Fluff, alcohol consumption (no Jack in this one though) and Smut (probably shitty smut, but still)
Wordcount: 4336 (not even sorry)
Catch up HERE
*not my gif* 
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Contrary to all your fears and regular nightmares, the first wedding went off without a hitch. Wendy the wedding planner was happy, the bride and groom were happy, your employees were… exhausted, but happy.
You were all standing in your shop on Saturday afternoon, your job was done, your feet were killing you, and you had a giant smile on your lips.
“You all did awesome today,” you said, looking at the three girls. “I know we got off to a rough start with this, and I know the next one will probably not be any easier, but I am just so incredibly proud of you all. You have worked long hours with an unbelievable workload and I am just so grateful for all of you, I could not have done this without you,” you said, feeling yourself tearing up.  
“You haven't been too bad yourself,” Lexi said with a warm smile.
“Thank you,” you said, nodding to her. “Listen, I have decided that we all need to relax a bit after this, so tonight I'm inviting you to a barbecue at my place. You don't have to bring anything, just show up around seven and we’ll relax with some good food and a few beers. We have earned it.”
Lexi, Sarah, and Violet seemed happy about the idea, now you just hoped Jensen and Jared were free to join you.
“Hey,” Jensen's voice sounded through the phone.
“Hey! Do you have any plans for tonight?” you asked.
“No… I mean, I had planned on spoiling my beautiful girlfriend but nothing set in stone.”
“You need to call her and cancel then, ‘cause I’m having a barbecue and I hoped you and Jared could come,” you said, teasingly.
Jensen chuckled on the other end of the line. “You sound like you’re in a good mood. I take it everything went well today?”
“Yeah, I'll tell you all about it later. So… barbecue?” you asked again.
“Absolutely. And I'll be sure to drag Jared along with me,” he assured.
“Thanks. I'm gonna go shopping now, and then head home.”
“Okay, I'll see you there. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
You hung up the phone just as you parked in front of the supermarket. You needed food and booze. You hurried around the store to grab anything and everything you wanted, paid the cashier, packed the groceries in the car, and hurried home.
You had barely unlocked your door before Jensen called your name. You turned around to see him walking towards you, a big smile on his face as he saw you trying to balance the bags while struggling to open the door.
He took the bags from your hands, and you opened the door for him. “Thank you,” you said, looking a little disheveled. “I'll get the rest of the bags.”
You grabbed the last of the food from your car and headed inside, meeting Jensen in the kitchen. He was looking gorgeous as always, wearing a loose summer shirt and a pair of gray shorts. You reached out and grabbed his shirt, pulling him towards you and kissing him deeply.
“What was that for?” he asked when you pulled apart, slightly out of breath with a sheepish smile on his lips.
“For being absolutely perfect,” you said simply, looking up at him through your lashes.
Jensen's hands moved from around your waist and down to your hips, grabbing your skirt clad ass and lifting you in one smooth motion, making you squee.
You couldn't help but laugh as he placed you on the counter, positioning himself between your legs, looking at you with those amazing green eyes of his.
“I. Am. So. Incredibly. Proud. Of. You,” he said, punctuating every word with a kiss.
You dipped your head down to hide the blush that rose to your cheeks, but Jensen would have none of that. He hooked a finger under your chin and tilted your head up, forcing you to look him in the eyes. Those gorgeous eyes that with one look could melt you into a freaking puddle.
“Thank you,” you said, shyly.
Jensen didn't say anything, instead he pressed softly to yours. Your hands flew up and wrapped around his neck as the kiss deepened, growing hungrier by the second. You let everything that was Jensen consume you. The smell of his cologne, the warmth of his touch, the taste of peppermint on his tongue, the safety of his strong arms wrapped around you… everything. You lost yourself in that moment, everything else fading away around you, the stress from work easing out of your tired muscles.
You don't know how long you stayed like that, totally and completely wrapped up in each other, but you didn't pull apart before Jared’s voice sounded in your hallway.
“Hello? I tried the bell, but there wasn't...oh god,” he gasped as he saw the two of you in the kitchen. “Get a room,” he chuckled, looking away and shielding his eyes.
“We already had one,” Jensen said over his shoulder, sounding a little salty.
You, on the other hand, were completely embarrassed. Not that you were doing anything to be embarrassed about, but you couldn't imagine how the situation looked from Jared’s point of view.
Jensen leaned in and whispered in your ear. “We’ll continue this later.”
He stepped away, holding your hand as you jumped down from the counter, adjusting the skirt that had risen up your thighs, hoping you didn't look to disheveled.
“Hey, Jared. What are you doing here?” you asked, trying to hide your embarrassment.
“Jensen invited me. Figured you might want some help.” He shrugged.
There was a slight awkwardness that hung over the three of you.
“How about Jared and I get the barbecue started and you can grab a shower,” Jensen offered kindly. There was only an hour left on the clock before the girls would be here so you didn't really have time to not take him up on his offer.
You grabbed a quick shower and changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, threw your hair up in a lazy bun and decided against make up.
When you joined the boys downstairs, they were standing in front of the barbecue with their backs turned to you, a beer each.
“You look happy, man,” you heard Jared say just as you walked up behind them.
“I am happy,” Jensen confirmed.
“I'm happy too,” you said, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind, startling him a little.
Jensen lifted his arm, letting you step under it before he rested it over your shoulders. “It's rude to eavesdrop,” he teased, pulling you into his side.
“I don't care.” You looked up at him with a smile. You weren't lying. You were happier than you had been in forever, and a large part of it was the man standing beside you.
Jared and Jensen insisted on taking care of the food outside so you went in and threw together a salad before you started setting the table in your backyard.
Just as you set the last plate down, your doorbell rang and Lexi, Violet, and Sarah was there.
“I'm so glad you could make it,” you said, hugging each of them.
“We had a choice? I thought it was boss' orders,” Lexi teased, pointing her tongue out in the corner of her mouth.
“No food for you then,” you teased back. “Come on in.”
You lead them through your house and into your backyard. All of them had met Jensen at one point, but you weren't sure if they had officially met Jared yet, so you introduced them. You started with Violet, then Sarah, “And I believe you have met Lexi,” you finished.
“I believe I have. Nice to see you again,” Jared said, shaking her hand and giving her a wide boyish grin.
You knew that Lexi had a giant crush on him, and by the looks of things, he wasn't entirely uninterested either.
The six of you had a wonderful, relaxing night filled with good food, a lot of alcohol, and great company. Sarah was the first to bow out, closely followed by Violet, while the rest of you stayed put into the long hours of the night. Lexi and Jared kept making heart eyes at each other all night, and when the two of them left, you had a sneaking suspicion that one of them wouldn't be going home that night.
You were getting pretty drunk by the end of the night, and so was Jensen, so when the last guests left you decided to go to bed too, leaving the clean up for tomorrow.
“Leave the cleaning for tomorrow… great plan (YN),” you mumbled to yourself, trying not to vomit at the smell as you poured the leftover alcohol into the sink. It was never a good idea to leave this kind of job for when you were hungover. Jensen was sound asleep when you woke up, and if it weren't for the fact that the entire house was spinning, you would have gone back to sleep as well, but that was not an option. Instead you decided to get last night cleared away and get breakfast started.
It occurred to you that you didn't know what Jensen's hangover routine was. Yours was pretty simple: drink all the water in the world until you feel semi normal and then binge on everything greasy and fatty until you were ashamed of yourself. With no idea what Jensen preferred, you decided to get the coffee started, then sit down by your kitchen table and start on the rehydration process.
About an hour later, Jensen came padding down the stairs, wearing nothing but his boxers, his hair pointing to all ends, looking rudely handsome. It was unfair how he could just roll out of bed after a night of heavy drinking and still look like a god.
“Morning,” he mumbled, kissing your hair when he passed you on his way to the kitchen. “Sweet, coffee.” his voice was lower and raspier than his normal morning voice. If it hadn't been for your amazing headache you would have jumped his bones right there.
“I didn't know if you wanted any food,” you said, looking at him as he sat down across from you.
“I'm probably gonna be hungry in a little while,” he said. “Coffee will do for now.”
“How are you feeling?”
“I've been better,” he said with a slight chuckle.
“Same.” you bobbed your head. “I'll be fine once the headache clears though.”
“We went through a fair amount of alcohol last night,” Jensen stated.
“We sure did. I hid the evidence in the closet in the hallway.” You took a big sip of water. “So, do you think Jared took Lexi home last night?”
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence after that, both of you staring into thin air, willing your hangovers away.
“I'm gonna go home and grab a shower,” Jensen said after a while.
“You can just shower here,” you offered, a little confused as to why he wanted to leave.
“I could, but I don't have any clean clothes,” he explained as he stood from his chair, carrying his mug to the sink. “I'll be right back though… if you want me to.”
“Of course I do,” you stood from your own chair and walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “I'll grab a shower as well, and then I can find something to watch maybe. How does a lazy day on the couch sound?”
“Sounds amazing,” he said, looking down at you with a playful smile on his lips.
Once Jensen had left, you jumped in the shower, hoping that the warm water would wash away some of the hangover you had. You stood in there for a while, letting the water work it's magic, actually easing your headache a little.
Fresh out of the shower and into a comfortable pair of pajama shorts and one of Jensen's t-shirts, you settled onto the couch and started flipping through Netflix to see if you could find something that wouldn't take too much brainpower to follow. You landed on Supernatural, not that you thought Jensen would want to watch that, but you figured that now that the two of you were back together, you should probably watch his show. You favoured it before you started scrolling again, landing on some generic comedy.
Jensen got caught up in a phone call with his agent. Apparently they had decided to move up the dates a week, meaning that they would have to start filming in just a week. One week and he would have to leave. He was absolutely looking forward to getting back to work, but that meant leaving you, and he was definitely not looking forward to that.
He called out your name when he walked through your door to let you know he was there, but there was no answer. He stepped into your living room only to find you fast asleep on the couch, a thin blanket hugging your feminine forms. You looked so peaceful. He needed to talk to you, but he decided to wait until later. Instead he lifted the blanket and eased himself down on the couch. A smile played on your sleeping face as you hugged yourself to his body, letting your head rest on his chest as he threw his arm lazily over your waist.
“You took too long,” you mumbled, not opening your eyes.
“I'm sorry,” he said softly, kissing your hair. “I had to take a call.”
“From who?” you asked, still not opening your eyes.
“Go back to sleep, I'll tell you about it later,” he assured.
It took you about two seconds before you had fallen asleep again. Jensen laid awake, thinking about things the two of you could do the following week, thinking about how to tell you he was leaving a week early, wondering how you would take it. He knew you were committed to him and to your relationship, but he also knew that you still had some insecurities about him leaving. He listened to your soft snores as he tried to come up with something special to do for you before he had to leave.
You didn't know how long you had been sleeping, but it was long enough for your body to be sore from lying in the same position. However much you wanted to move, to stretch out your body, you didn't want to move away from Jensen. Your head rested on his chest, his arm securely around your waist as yours was lazily thrown over his stomach. You cuddled yourself as close to him as you could, tangling your legs with his, reveling in the security and comfort he brought you.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” Jensen said in a soft voice, moving his head so he could look at you.
“Hey,” you said back, tilting your head so you could meet his green eyes. He looked sleepy too, making you think he had also fallen asleep.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better,” you answered truthfully. The headache was gone and you felt semi human again. “How about you?”
“I'm good,” he said, using his free hand to brush some hair from your face. “How about we order some junk food and watch a movie?”
“Sounds perfect to me.”
You pushed yourself up so that you were halfway sitting, leaning your weight on one hand while looking down at the gorgeous man on your couch, your man! Jensen didn't miss a beat and moved so he was lying directly under you, pulling you down so you that you were flat out on top of him, locking his arms around your waist.            
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, a mischievous look on his face.
“To order all the junk food,” you stated simply, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to his lips before trying to wiggle out of his grip, but to no avail. Jensen grinned widely, a small spark igniting in his eyes and you immediately knew what was going through his mind. “I swear to god, Jensen, if you tickle me…”
“You'll what?” he dared, holding you firmly to him with one hand as the other started tickling your side. You couldn't suppress the laughter as you fought to get out of his grip, but Jensen was strong, and you were laughing so hard there was no power in your muscles.
Jensen loved hearing your laugh and watching that beautiful smile appear on your face. He promised himself to do everything in his power to always keep you smiling, but right now, he needed to feel those perfect lips of yours on his own.
He stopped his ministrations and as soon as your laughter died down, he brushed some hair from your face, looking deep into your bright eyes. You could feel the atmosphere changing around you, going from playful to serious in just the matter of seconds. You let your eyes travel between Jensen's as the smile faded from your lips just before dipping your head down and kissing him passionately. Your lips molded together, tongues dancing with each other, world disappearing around you. Every kiss with Jensen felt like the first one, your heart pounding in your chest, butterflies soaring through your entire body, knees growing week… all of that cliche crap you saw in the movies or read about in a book.
“I love you,” Jensen said in a husky voice as the two of you pulled apart, his eyes locked with yours.
“I love you too,” you said before rolling off of him and sitting up on the couch.
Jensen also sat up, turning his body slightly so that he was facing you, grabbing your hand. An uneasy feeling settled in your stomach when you saw the look on his face, there was definitely something on his mind, he looked sad, or maybe worried.
“What's going on?” you asked warily, not really knowing if you wanted to hear the answer to that question.
Jensen took a deep breath, as to steady himself before he started talking, his eyes dropping to where your hands were connected. “I got a call earlier, telling me that filming has been moved up a week, which means I have to leave for Vancouver next Sunday.”
“Oh,” you said, at a loss for other words. You knew that the two of you didn't have much time, but to have that time cut in half was like a slap in the face. There was a million things spinning through your mind, most of it was trying to reschedule work and meetings and other responsibilities so that you could spend as much time as possible with him before he left. Another thing was the fear of what him leaving meant for you. He had promised it wouldn't be like last time, and you had promised to not hold that over his head anymore, but you couldn't help the nagging feeling in the back of your brain and in your heart, the one filled with insecurities.
“I know this kind of puts a damper on some of the things we had planned…” he started, clearly sorry for bringing you these news.
“I guess we just have to make the most of the time we have left then,” you said, a coy smile spreading across your lips.
With one determined push, you shoved Jensen back onto the couch so he was leaning against the cushions and moving yourself so that you were straddling him, giggling as you saw the surprise in his eyes. You started by placing quick kisses across the freckles on his nose before continuing down his jaw to his neck. Jensen's hands glided up your bare thighs, the tips of his fingers making their way under the cotton fabric of your shorts, setting your skin on fire.
Your lips found his while your hands started grabbing at his shirt, pulling it up. Jensen took the hint and sat up straight, raising his arms above his head so that you could take it off. You took a moment to admire his toned body, taking in every rise and fall of his firm muscles, raking your nails down his torso. In one swift motion you pulled your own top off, exposing your bare chest to him. Jensen's hands were on you in an instant, cupping your breasts, biting his lower lip.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered before leaning in and sucking one of your nipples into his mouth, flicking his tongue over it.
You threw your head back, reveling in the feel of his mouth and hands on you. Jensen released your nipple with a wet pop before moving on to give the other the same attention. You couldn't help it as you felt your hips grind down on him, needing some friction between your legs, a moan escaping you when your core met his rock hard erection.
You thread one hand through the short hairs at the back of his neck, pulling slightly so that his head tilted backwards, quickly pressing your lips to his. One of Jensen's hands cupped your ass under your shorts while the other made it's way to the front and adding some pressure to your clit, making you moan into his mouth.
He started pulling at the drawstrings of your shorts, untying it before slipping his hand inside of your panties, groaning when he could feel how wet and ready you were already. Carefully he slipped two fingers inside of you, slowly dragging them in and out, driving you crazy. He kept up an agonizingly slow pace as his lips traveled down your jaw, neck, collarbone… placing openmouthed kisses everywhere until he found your breasts again. Once again he sucked your nipple into his mouth, at the same time adding pressure to your clit, circling it with his thumb.
Pleasure overtook you and you couldn't stop yourself from grinding down on his fingers. It didn't take long before you could feel that familiar coil tightening in your belly, and embarrassingly fast you were clenching down on his fingers.
As soon as you came down from your high, Jensen cupped your ass and lifted you off of the couch as he stood up, carefully setting you down on your feet. He hooked his fingers in your waistband and pushed down both your shorts and panties, making them pool around your ankles. You mirrored his movement and pushed his clothes of, letting them slide down his perfect bowed legs. His rock hard cock stood proudly against his toned abs. It was impossible for you to keep your hands off him when he was standing in front of you like that, in all his glory. You stepped in closer to him and gripped his dick, slowly pumping up and down, stroking your thumb across the tip and spreading the few drops of pre cum that had gathered. You looked up at him through your lashes just in time to see him bite his lower lip and hear the breath that hitched in his throat as his eyes fluttered shut. Fuck it if that wasn't the sexiest thing you had ever seen.
You reached your free hand up and around his neck, making him look at you. You kept stroking him slowly as you leaned up to kiss him, wanting to feel his lips on yours again.
You pulled away from him slightly so there was barely an inch between the two of you. “Sit down,” you whispered, looking up at him through hooded eyes.
Jensen didn't hesitate to do as you told him, so he did sit down, taking your hand to help you straddle him again. You pushed lightly at his chest to make him lean back, your lips finding his again, your one hand still stroking him. You positioned yourself over him, lining him up with your entrance. You needed to feel him inside you right now, filling you up in the way only he could. Jensen placed his hands on your hips and helped ease you down on him, both of you moaning. For a moment you just sat there, completely still, just enjoying the feel of him, but it didn't take long before that wasn't enough anymore.
You started mowing slowly, lifting yourself almost off him before easing back down again, Jensen's hands moving up to cup your breasts again. It didn't take long before your had picked up the pace, lifting yourself almost all the way up and then slamming back down on him. With every move, Jensen hit that perfect spot and it drove you wild.
Jensen's hands moved back to your hips, using them to push you down on him as he started thrusting into you, making you scream out his name. In one swift motion he flipped you both around so that he was now on top of you, setting an unrelenting pace. You held onto him, feeling that coil tightening again with every deliberate thrust. Soon enough the orgasm hit you, everything around you disappearing, all but chanted his name as your walls fluttered around him and your body shook uncontrollably. Jensen kept up his pace, dragging out your orgasm as he found his own release, your name falling from his lips as he filled you up.
Jensen collapsed on top of you, both of you covered in a thin layer of sweat, both of you trying to catch your breath.
“That was not the response I expected,” Jensen said as soon as he found his voice. “I should tell you I'm leaving more often,” he teased.
“Don't even try it,” you mock scolded, making him chuckle.
The two of you had one more week before he had to pack his bags and leave. Now it was just the matter of figuring out what to do with your time.
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183 notes · View notes
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester Characters: Gabriel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Castiel, Charlie Bradbury, Becky Rosen, Hannah (Supernatural) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Plant Nursery, Age Difference, Time Skips, Slow Burn, Flower Language, Office Sex, Fluff and Angst, Miscommunication, Drunk Gabriel Summary:
Gabriel and his brother run a plant nursery in the bay area and they need some help. In walks Sam, a young future botanist. Damn Cas's no fraternization rule.
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marril96 · 7 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Rowena MacLeod/Lucifer, Rowena/Lucifer, Rowena MacLeod/Dean Winchester, Rowena/Dean Winchester Characters: Rowena MacLeod, Rowena, Lucifer, Lucifer (Supernatural), Lucifer (Nick), Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Domestic Violence, domestic abuse, Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Verbal Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Lucifer is a douchebag, dean is a hero, Possessive Lucifer, Protective Dean Winchester, Crying, Tears, Crying Rowena, Blood, Injury, Welts, Bruises, Hurt, Emotional Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Rowena, Physical hurt, Whump, Alpha Lucifer, POV Third Person, All human AU, AU, Threats Summary:
Rowena, stuck in an abusive relationship with Lucifer, calls Dean for help.
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