#source: who's harry crumb?
My reputation prethcedes me. Otherwise I'd be late for all my appointments.
Daffy Duck
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clownwix · 2 years
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With the popularity surrounding Steve and his mysterious boyfriend, the dots have been connecting faster and faster. Although Steve isn't exactly hiding his boyfriend in public those who see him out and about don't give the fans online any definitive answers much to their dismay.
The most recent suspected sighting of the couple was at a Harry Styles concert which Steve attended along with Robin. As for Steve's vlog of the concert the fans collected their crumbs via the YouTube channel "StevesLeftToe" which has become a popular source for harringrove information.
Harringrove Youtuber AU
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female-buckets · 2 years
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Issues at WBB Las Vegas Invitational (thread):
Teams were told it would be the “Athletes Unlimited setup.” It ended up being the “Athletes Unlimited” court.
No towels were provided and teams were advised to bring down hand towels from their rooms.
No signage of a tournament going on.
Because of only one court at Mirage, teams had shootaround at a middle school gym. (This happens at MTE’s sometimes, but not even a high school gym?!)
The clock had to be reset multiple times/the shot clock constantly became unlplugged.
Folding chairs were set up for fans.
@LVAces just won a WNBA title and had sell outs during playoff run. There are WBB fans in Vegas who likely would’ve shown up had 1. They known about it and 2. Conditions were better suited for a fan experience.
There have been multiple articles released about how it took more than 40 minutes for paramedics to arrive after an Auburn player hit the ground hard. Thankfully Coach Johnnie Harris says the player is alert and responsive.
At the end of the day, it all comes back to the notion that women should be “grateful” to have crumbs.
These MTE’s are huge at beginning of the season to build chemistry/get a great experience at a cool location. It’s a shame teams in the Las Vegas Invitational didn’t get that.
My friend said it best: “this sounds like the Fyre Festival of women’s basketball.”
Also, 6th ranked @IndianaWBB was a part of this tournament. Can you imagine a tournament organizer telling Trayce Jackson-Davis to bring down a hand towel from his room!?
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Remember the shameful Las Vegas Invitational tournament a few days back? I did some research on the organizer. And it gets even worse.
Multiple sources (@MAVoepel, @MVanTryon, @MattPress23 ) list Bryce McKey as the organizer.
Who is Bryce McKey?
McKey currently coaches an AAU basketball team in Ohio, per @GoodmanHoops.
McKey has been a prominent name in women's basketball for a while, especially in Ohio, where he was previously an assistant coach with @XavierWBB. He then moved on to @TerpsWBB.
His stint at Maryland was short-lived, as he resigned after he was accused of sexually abusing a player he coached at Xavier.
Later a second player he coached made similar accusations.
In the bench trial, the second player was not allowed to testify, and the judge claimed that while the player objected to being touched by McKey, she didn't object enough. Didn't object enough...
McKey was found not guilty.
Bad playing conditions aside, why would universities, responsible for the well-being of student-athletes, schedule tournaments through an organizer with a history that calls into question the safety of collegiate women athletes? Do ADs research these people and events at all?
Indiana coach @TeriMoren spoke of the importance of growing the game, and that the tournament pushed it a few steps back.
I'm sure that Moren and other coaches were never informed that the tournament organizer had been credibly accused of abusing players just like their own.
Tldr; organizer of awful Las Vegas Invitational has been accused of sexual abuse by two former college basketball players he coached.
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metvmorqhoses · 2 years
I know you are a big fan of the Department of Mystery scene in the books (The Order of the Phoenix), but what about in the movies? I’ve always found outrageous they decided to make Voldemort suggest to Harry to kill Bellatrix when in the books he actually saved her? And her laughing instead of being mad or scared or having her convictions crumbing down? Why did they ruin such a pivotal Bellamort moment in your opinion
As anyone genuinely fond of those characters, I was of course truly let down by the movies. They are, in my opinion, the primary source of hate and misunderstanding when it comes to Voldermort and Bellatrix and their relationship with each other.
It's undoubtedly true the movies dictated the cultural perception of everything Harry Potter-related (aesthetics, dynamics, character's être) and even while the books were still coming out, just as it's undoubtedly true the movies outright erased and/or aggravated anything... personal regarding Bellamort.
We literally only see them directly talk with each other two times on the big screen? The "Master, I volunteer to kill the boy..." line and the damnable "Are you hurt?" and shove at the end of the last movie.
Leaving aside the disgusting choice of turning that rather intimate and tragic moment (in which Bellatrix, fearing for his life, whispered to him "as if to a lover" and Voldemort, too afraid to lean into her and appear weak while unwell, coldly turned her help down) into unrequired and untrue to dynamic physical abuse, it's quite blatant the movies opted to safely simplify everything they could simplify for the sake of general... digestibility?
Literally every romance was way toned down and non-existent in depth in the movies, even the ones pivotal to the story, perhaps to leave more space for the glorification of friendship and motherly love, which are way safer to deal with and easier for everyone to relate to.
Following this logic, the erasing of Bellamort was absolutely inevitable and even understandable, or they would have ended up with Voldemort having a way more compelling and dynamic love story than the literal main character of the saga - and with the Department of Mystery scene alone.
I actually find it bitterly funny that, to construct that particular moment, they literally copied to book's events regarding Voldemort and Bellatrix, reversing them in Dumbledore and Harry's favour.
In the book, you see Bellatrix refusing to give up the prophecy even while knowing it was gone forever, in her mind refusing to give up on Voldemort in the battle for his life or let him down, doing so putting her life in jeopardy and having a manic fit that nearly cost her to be recaptured. A few moments later, we see Voldemort, who had previously feared entering the Ministry to retrieve the prophecy himself, walk right inside that very same mortal trap to put himself between her and Harry first and then between her and Dumbledore later. Then you see Voldemort succeeding in saving her and her only, despite everything and at a considerable personal and political cost. Very conveniently, in the movies Voldemort's actions serve for the glorification of Dumbledore: you see Dumbledore entering the Ministry to put himself between Voldemort and Harry, Dumbledore duelling Voldemort to shield Harry, managing to save him or help him save himself, while on the other hand Bellatrix immediately flees (implying she fundamentally didn't care about what happened to Voldemort/she only cared about her own skin).
Yes, it's both very ironic and very disgraceful. No doubt the people who only ever saw the movies just cannot fathom what the few of us rave about.
All this said though, literally the only Bellamort scene I don't mind in the movies is the one you just mentioned in your ask.
I don't consider it a poetic example of cinematic success, but it's probably the one Bellamort scene I don't find out of character and in which... something can be seen.
Actually, Voldemort is not inciting Harry to kill Bella, but to use the Cruciatus on her. In the book, Bella is the one lecturing the boy about how to cast the curse right after being hit the first time, bragging about the fact Voldemort himself taught her and she knew how to really do it efficiently. In the book, Bella is the one strong enough to instruct her enemy on how to curse her better - implying she is so powerful she can toy with Harry's morality and teach him to be more deadly, and still he wouldn't have a chance against her. The Cruciatus doesn't scare her, the boy doesn't scare her.
Technicalities aside, the very same sentiment echoes in the movie. I never interpreted that scene as if Voldemort actually believed Harry could have managed to really hurt Bella, and Bella herself promptly caught on to the game - a game that in the book was hers alone, but that in the movie they briefly share, perhaps even more fittingly.
Voldemort is someone who toys with people's minds all the time and Bella is a predator who enjoys those very same games herself, especially if they come from him. Actually, the fact that Voldemort played with Harry's morality by treating Bella's hypothetic pain and body as something he could dispose of as he pleased (while they both knew Harry just could not use a dark spell to save his life), it's actually something I've always interpreted as very intimate and even flirtatious in that hallmark twisted way of theirs.
I really liked Helena's knowing chuckle after the initial confusion tbh, it was really fitting. It showed they had some secret sadistic game going on between them, that they were two predators with their prey and not, as everyone seems always to interpret, master being carelessly abusive with his slave.
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eustochium · 2 years
reviews of every movie i’ve seen in theaters lately, because this is what i do with my friday nights now. maybe spoilers or whatever if you care
-Elvis: i do genuinely believe austin butler made some faustian pact for an oscar because there’s no way that he managed to turn out a performance like that when his resume to that point consisted of supporting roles in Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure and Vanessa Hudgens’ Coachella appearances. anyway it was unfortunately good, bc Baz Luhrmann is the hollywood purveyor of grandiose spectacle and tragicomic fairy tales, and for that end chooses his source material very well. costume design was objectively perfect, because of course it was. staging a montage representing elvis’s hollywood years to an instrumental britney spears mashup before punctuating it with the sound of a gunshot and cronkite’s voice announcing the assassination of MLK is probably one of the most insane creative choices i’ve seen on a screen and shows that baz knew exactly what kind of story he wanted to tell. the unfortunate part is that baz is also a wildly wealthy white australian who, despite a well-intended effort, was extremely out of his depth in trying to portray the nuanced realities of race in mid century america as they pertained to Elvis Presley’s career, but this effort still led to objectively the best musical scenes in the movie. stan yola and go stream her album right now. 8/10
-Don’t Worry Darling: literally so much fun. Harry Styles didn’t quite sell the character for me thru most of it, until the ending sort of gave some justification for why he might have come across as less than wholly convincing—but tbh i doubt that was an intentional performance choice. his press conference soundbite about how DWD “feels like a movie” got rightfully clowned on but it’s actually like. the most apt assessment of it lmao. definitely sets you up to know there’s gonna be some big shocking final twist, and while idk how i feel about it, at least it kind of resolved my biggest issue throughout watching most of it which is the glaring fact that not a single person in this movie convincingly looks like they’re from the 1950s. everyone in the movie has a face that knows about texting and the costume design doesn’t help either, literally like an online brain poisoned person’s mental image of what 1950s suburbia looks like, so that works. messy plot that didn’t really know what to do with itself. nevertheless Miss Flo ate and left no crumbs, as the kids say. also the supposed controversy abt the behind-the-scenes drama was one of the first truly enjoyable entertainment news cycles in a good long while. not a great film but genuinely a great time. 7/10
SMILE: viscerally creepy at a few scenes but that’s rly all there is. freaky premise on the surface but overall not very good and didn’t have anything to say about its central theme of trauma that hasn’t already been said much more effectively by plenty of other, much better movies. 3/10
Pearl: slapped, went absolutely insane, spoke to the soul, talented brilliant amazing showstopping spectacular never the same un-afraid to reference or not reference etc etc. never seen X and don’t particularly care to bc there’s truly nothing i could ever imagine in any way adding to what that movie did for me. didn’t breathe once during mia goth’s entire 8 minute monologue, literally exited the theater feeling like that “girls with they ____” meme, in the best way. she named her murderous pet gator after Theda Bara. absolutely zero notes. 10000/10
Moonage Daydream: A good movie to go see with your mom, if your mom’s celebrity crush growing up was David Bowie. 9/10
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eeveedel · 2 years
giiiiirl i havent seen it yet and i thougt for so long that it would be sooo bad or weird, but ive seen all the spoilers on tiktok and it actually looks so interesting and fun, anything in particular you wanna highlight?
here are my rapid fire thoughts, no spoilers:
I enjoyed it! It's a fun popcorn thriller. I liked just chilling and turning my brain off watching it
I think the way this movie was marketed as mistake after mistake. Not just the drama, but the general way they did it. I don't think this should have hit the film festival circuit. I think the value of the movie was in casual viewers and emphasis on it being a fun theater experience. More late night talk shows for the older crowd, youtube shows (WHERE is harry on hot ones) for the younger crowd.
Also. I absolutely do not think sex should have been a selling point for this movie, because it's just..not a good selling point? There are only two sex scenes and one of them is extremely uncomfortable and not hot at all as a result. If you wanted to market the movie on female empowerment, there is PLENTY from the source material to pull from
I think Harry's acting is very contentious. I thought it was just fine and the only scene that took me out of it because I didn't think he was very good and just the longer it went on the more he fell apart for me. i went with Alex though and they said Alex sold it well. Another one of my friends went (a straight dude who is very much not a harry fan) and said Harry was a wooden and not convincing. Either way, they put him against some incredible performers
On that note, Florence was incredible ofc but Chris Pine was show stopping. every scene was wonderful for him.
They really gave Gemma Chan crumbs, and it made a final twist with her character a bit hollow bc we knew nothing about that. Also...
I think the way they treated women of color in this movie was. not great. The one black woman in this movie had many scenes cut in post and Gemma was barely in it. I've heard rumors on why this was the case and it's making me side eye it.
The more I think about it, the more questions I have. it's a very surface level movie, it kind of falls apart the more questions you have. Harry was fine, I found his comedic scenes to be the best. I think Harry is very naturally funny and honestly should look into comedies more. i do think he was in over his head with the more dramatic scenes. but. if you want to see harry and want a fun afternoon, it delivers on those things.
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odrseasonone · 2 years
Magical Questionnaire
Practical considerations
When considering your magic system, have a think about the following issues and use them to shape the detail and add interest.
Who can do magic in your world?
Those who have been taught?
Those with the right genes?
Certain races?
Holy or religious people?
People who can afford it?
What does your magic do?
What, precisely, can it manipulate? Physical items, elements, etc.
Do different people have different types of magical powers or skills?
Can people improve their magic skills or are they born with the power they have?
Are people aware of their magical powers and can they control them?
What are the limits on magic — the things it can’t do?
What is the source of magic?
How did magic originate in your world?
How do people replenish their supply of magic or their magical power?
Will magic ever be taken away?
Does anything stop magic working?
Are people aware of the origins and source of magic?
How is magic performed?
Does your magic require certain rituals or physical objects to work?
Does magic come naturally, or require a lot of effort and training?
Can magic only be performed under certain conditions?
What is the cost of using magic to the user?
What happens to magical powers or the effects of magic over time?
How does the strength of the magic affect the cost to the user?
Does magic require speech or writing or recalling information?
Does magic comply with the user or have a separate presence or will?
No magic system can fit completely within this framework, but hopefully it's helpful to some.
The goal of this is to explode and analyze your magic system, or assist you in creating one. As you will see, it's mechanical, and there's lot of opportunities to expand on what's here. If you're looking to answer much larger questions about the role of magic in society, go nuts, but you won't find much resource here - this is for the construction of magic systems, not worlds.
Have fun!
What Is Your Magic Called?
Weasel Talking, Crumbing, Half Ticking, Foshing, Wet Casting, Telakas, Baren'Tol, Sorcery, Aklenelle, Ba, Borgus, Smelding, Wax Wein, Tiffling, Cloud Calling, Dordil, Kenning ... ?
Level of Magic System?
High - world destroying potential
Medium - kingdom built around it
Low - one person is mildly impressed
Other, more specific levels, like "ultra-high" or "medium-low"
Learned, Inherent, or Inherent-Learned?
Anyone can learn it - D&D wizard
Only special people have it - XMen
You have to be special AND learn it - Jedi, Harry Potter
If Inherent, How Common To Be Born With It?
"X in every Y people are born with the ability."
It is/isn't hereditary.
What Actuates the Effect?
Probably the most important part of the checklist. There is so much in this question, because it's not about how someone does the magic, it's about how the magic actually works, under the hood. This informs a lot of other decisions! The properties of your unique mana, or your unique alchemy, this is what fuels the system.
Mana - creation energy, potential unformed reality
Mind Over Matter - mental fortitude and clarity, there is no spoon
God or Gods - you outsource to a higher power
Sympathy - redirection of existing energies
Demons or other supernatural beings - you outsource to a supernatural power
Science - it works because it's real (any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic ... or however that goes)
Science Fiction - it works because it's real, but only in this fictional world, things such as alchemy, magitech, steampunk, etc.
Given - probably too easy, but can be made cool if you really need something to work, "the world is this way, just because", I would make a case that magic words and runes work this way
Other - MUST be a manipulating force that changes reality, not a source, like blood or crystals. Those are substances, and may contain energy, but are not energy in and of themselves. Same with runes and magic words, those aren't power, they direct power from somewhere else - where?
Notes About Mana
Mana is a ubiquitous magic source, but you need not follow the common trope. It can have any unique name you desire, and lots of invented properties. You should understand the properties of you mana.
How do you control it? Why does that work?
Can you see it? Feel it? Manipulate it by hand?
Are there more than one type of mana?
Despite where you find it now, where did it come from originally?
Is it made, or has it always existed?
Is mana indestructible?
Is there a "mana cycle", like the nitrogen cycle in nature?
Notes About Gods and Supernatural Beings
Luckily for us, lots of people believe in the supernatural already.
God is a convenient windfall in terms of designing a magic system. If he, or she, or they, made the world, we assume they can make or alter anything. At most, your God made literally everything, and can do it again. At least, a lesser God has some creative powers, that need not be explained - because God.
Supernatural beings are not as easy, but still pretty easy. They don't necessarily need to be explained. The easiest is to say that they were created with powers. Harder would be to explain how their powers work, but we sort of take for granted that these supernatural beings are made, by God(s), to wield extraordinary powers.
Limited or Universal?
Universal - you can produce an unlimited number of unique effects
Limited - you can produce a limited number of unique effects
If Limited, What are the Effect(s)?
What does the magic do?
What is the Source?
A wall socket doesn't make electricity, it just brings it to you. If your magic system is electricity-actuated, a wall socket is your source. Let's say a wizard uses a mana-actuated magic system. The source might be crystals, if the crystals provide the mana to him. Or maybe he get's mana from blood, or silver, whatever you want. Don't get confused, the crystal, the blood, the silver, those things aren't magical, but they CARRY something magical, in this case, mana. Could be that you contact God by ingesting sea water, or beer ... up to you!
Does it Require a Reagent?
Things like dried newts, candles, ink for writing, pure gold, a soul to steal, etc.
Spontaneous, or Prepared?
Describe both how long the magic takes to execute, AND, how long it takes to prepare. Nightcrawler can use his power instantly, on a whim. A stereotypical wizard needs time to grind herbs, read books, and boil stuff; but once he's ready, the casting is pretty instantaneous. There are some magics, where the actual execution takes all day, in a lengthy ritual, lots of chanting and dancing.
How Common Is This Magic in Society?
Probably a range from extremely rare to completely integrated. A completely integrated magic will behave in the same way as computers do in modern society - extraordinary, but draw no extra attention.
Users Tend to Be ...
Users are almost always shaped by their magic. If they become more educated, that may have an effect. If they are feared, that will have an effect. If they are loved and honored, that will have an effect. My personal belief, is that if magic is common, it's effect on personality will be moderate, and if the magic is rare, the effect on their personality will be extreme (maybe extremely good, maybe extremely bad).
Are There Limiting Factors?
Source is a limiting factor. Reagents are a limiting factor. Probably the most important thing to determine, is whether or not there is a ratio between the amount of power, and the magnitude of the change. If a tiny bit of effort can destroy the planet, that seems ... stupid. It should be that power is limited, somehow. There are lots of creative ways to hamstring users who are too powerful - maybe they can only use magic at night. Make it thematic to the type of magic.
What are the Social Implications of Your Magic?
This is a big topic. This checklist is mostly for the construction of a magic system, not so much how it fits into your world, but certainly worth a great deal of thought. How is this magic viewed by your societies? Embraced? Hated? Is there a hierarchy? Do users of this magic involve themselves in politics? Do they involve themselves in war? With great power, comes great responsibility.
As a Fantasy author, the subject of World Building is near and dear to my heart. If you’re going to build a convincing fantasy world, you may be thinking about developing a magic system. In Necromancer Awakening (now available on Amazon), I went through a painstaking process to build a unique magic system involving “Life” and “Death”.
While I was constructing a magic system based on necromancy, it occurred to me (in hindsight) that there are three things a writer should know before attempting this at home:
1. Know The PurposeIt’s difficult to quantify where ideas come from. I can describe how I develop ideas (and I have:
), but there is a chance you have a completely different system. And that’s ok. Sometimes we start with an abstract idea and flesh it out until we have a story. Other times we have a solid plot in mind and just need surrounding matter to flesh the world out. Neither way is wrong. But one thing is certain: whichever way you begin, your system of magic needs to serve your story, not the other way around. That’s not to say you can’t begin by developing a system of magic and work a story out from there. I’m merely saying that your story should dictate what you include and what you exclude. Your magic system shouldn’t exist merely to exist, any more than a setting in your world exists merely to exist.
You’re a writer, not a special effects artist.
If your magic users are casting spells for no other reason than to show off their abilities and your prowess at world building, then you’re being self-indulgent. By all means let them show off their abilities. But do so within the context of your story.
2. Know The RulesEvery system of magic has a set of rules [again, I’m speaking of systems of magic]. If not, the very absence of a set of rules is itself a rule that needs to be spelled out.
Spell out any plot-impacting rules as early as possible.
That last bit is crucial. If you withhold a critical rule/ability of your magic system until it conveniently gets your characters out of a plot jam, your readers will throw up their hands and give up. You need to foreshadow the use of critical abilities, and there’s pretty much only one way to do that: know what is going to be needed and when it is going to be needed. In other words, know your story.
If Johnny is going to confront the Beastly Brigand Bipsbah of the Bipsy Brotherhood, and the only way to destroy the Bipsbah’s Bipsmatic Bippity Bopper is through a clever combination of two magical abilities, it would be a good idea to have scenes early on where Johnny uses those abilities independent of one another. This will allow him to be a stronger, more intelligent hero. It will allow you to take the reader through Johnny’s thought process as he has his “eureka!” moment. And the reader will feel smart as well, because they’ll “put two and two together” around the same time that Johnny does, and everyone’s a winner. Well, everyone except the Beastly Bipsbah and his Bippity Bopper.
Some finer points you might want to keep in mind when considering the “Rules” you’re developing:
What is the nature of your magic user’s power? Is the power natural, mystical, arcane? Does the power come from within or without? If external, does the magician’s distance from the source matter? Why? Why not?
Is the magic hereditary or acquired? Is it something that anyone can do with the proper knowledge and training? How does one go about obtaining that knowledge/training?
Is your magical society hierarchical? If so, how does the magic user advance? If not, are your magic users recluses, avoiding one another whenever possible?
Society at large will probably have an opinion about this magic. What is it? Is it accepted, rejected? Are magic users exalted members of society or are they pariahs? Keep in mind that people usually fear what they don’t understand, unless they *believe* they understand it, either through religious or academic means. Do your magic users work in harmony with your culture’s religious leaders, or are they at odds with one another?
This list of questions is hardly exhaustive, but it should give you a place to start. You need to ask yourself a lot of questions, not only about your system of magic, but also about its place in your world at large.
Never…EVER…violate the rules of your magic system once they’re established, unless your magic system allows for the exception. If there is an exceptional case, make absolutely certain that the exceptional case is declared as early as possible, and perhaps subtly repeated several times to foreshadow its use.  
Did I beat you over the head with enough bold text? If you’re going to change things up, you’d better foreshadow it. If you don’t, the reader is going to call “foul” and throw your book in the trash.  
The reader will accept the impossible long before they accept the implausible.
If your magic system declares pigs can only fly on Wednesdays, you’d better not have it flying around fixing your plot problems on a Tuesday without that foreshadowing I mentioned. There’s nothing wrong with the flying pig in and of itself. The flying pig is merely impossible. That whole Tuesday business…now that’s unfair. That’s downright implausible! You cheated, and I’m never buying anything you write ever again, you bait-and-switch artist! 3. Know The LimitationsThis is going to give some writers and world builders heartburn, so let me just come right out and say it. The limitations of your magic system are far more interesting than the abilities of your magic system. Let that sink in for a moment. Take any situation where your magic users cast a fancy spell to get out of trouble, and I can guarantee it won’t be as tension-filled and exciting as placing them in a situation where their magic doesn’t work. [UPDATE 05/10/2014] In
Necromancer Awakening
, for example, I use proximity to a power source as one of several limiting factors. This ramped up the tension in several scenes where my main characters were cut off from a power source, and readers routinely mention this in their messages to me. You want to learn who your characters really are? Take away whatever super power you’ve given them, just temporarily, and see how they manage.  I said this already, but I’m going to repeat it: You’re a writer, not a special effects artist. Your magic system serves your story, not the other way around! Was there more drama in Harry Potter when he had his wand and his abilities, or when he was outside of the school and forbidden to use magic? Using the floo powder was a really cool method of travel. But it was FAR more interesting when Harry screwed it up and traveled “diagonally” instead of to “Diagon Alley”! Limitations on magic are not merely interesting, they’re vital. If your system has no limits, you have no drama. If you have no drama, you have no story. If you have no story, you’ll have no readers. Gandalf is second only to Merlin in mythology as being a powerful wizard. Yet how many times did Gandalf use magic in Lord of the Rings? I bet you’ll only need one hand to do the counting, and you’ll probably have fingers to spare. But does anyone deny or question his power? One parting thought before I close: do your world building. But don’t feel as if you have to include everything you’ve built. Your world is rich for what you put into it. But your story is often far richer for what you leave out. Though you leave out a bit of world building here and there, the weight of its presence is still felt, because it’s in your mind as you’re writing. It’s in the minds of your characters as they move through your world and interact with the setting and each other. No, the reader might not know why the world feels so rich and vibrant, but there’ll be no denying the feeling.
Who can do magic in your world?
Those who have been taught?
Those with the right genes?
Certain races?
Holy or religious people?
People in a certain environment or state of mind?
People who can afford it?
How do people without magic view people with magic?
What status do magic users have in society?
What does your magic do?
Is it strong or weak?
What, precisely, can it manipulate? Physical items, elements, etc.
Do different people have different types of magical powers or skills?
Can people improve their magic skills or are they born with the power they have?
Are people aware of their magical powers?
Do people automatically know how to control their magic or do they need to be taught?
Is magic rare or common?
What are the limits on magic – the things it can’t do?
What is the source of magic?
How did magic originate in your world?
How do people replenish their supply of magic or their magical power?
Will magic ever be taken away?
Does anything stop magic working?
Are people in general aware of the origins and source of magic, or is it a mystery, or known to a chosen few?
What stops people with magic being all-powerful?
How is magic performed?
Does your magic require certain rituals or physical objects to work?
Does magic come naturally, or require a lot of effort and training?
Can magic only be performed under certain conditions, or not if certain conditions are present?
What is the cost of using magic to the user?
How often does magical power have to be replenished?
What happens to magical powers or the effects of magic over time?
How does the strength of the magic affect the cost to the user?
Does magic require speech or writing or recalling information?
Does the user fully understand the magic, or is there some element of chance or mystery?
Does magic comply with the user or have a separate presence or will?
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jerseydeanne · 3 years
The Royal Collection Trust has published the official recipe for one of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding cakes
Recipe for Prince William's 'groom's cake'​ Serves eight Ingredients 225g Rich Tea biscuits 115g softened unsalted butter 115g unrefined caster sugar 115g chopped dark chocolate (minimum 53% cocoa solids) 2 tablespoons warm water For the chocolate ganache 125g dark chocolate, chopped 125g whipping cream Equipment 15cm metal cake ring Method 1. Prepare the metal cake ring by greasing with butter and lining the sides and the bottom with baking paper. Place the lined ring on to a flat tray and leave to one side until required. 2. Break the biscuits into small pieces, around 1–2cm in size. Do not place into a processor - the biscuits should not become crumbs. 3. Place the softened butter and the sugar into a bowl and cream together until light and fluffy. 4. Melt the chocolate either in the microwave or over a simmering saucepan of water. 5. Once melted, pour the chocolate on to the butter and sugar and mix thoroughly. 6. Add the water and then the broken biscuit pieces. Stir well to make sure that all the biscuit pieces are coated with the chocolate mix. 7. Place the mixture into the lined cake ring and carefully but firmly push it down to create an even texture. Place the cake into the fridge to chill until the chocolate becomes firm. This could take up to 30 minutes. For the chocolate ganache 1. To prepare the ganache for the cake covering, place the chopped chocolate into a bowl and pour the whipping cream into a saucepan. 2. Bring the cream to a simmer and then pour over the chopped chocolate. Carefully stir until the chocolate has completely melted and the ganache is smoothly blended. 3. Remove the chocolate biscuit cake from the fridge and from the cake ring. Place on to a wire rack with a tray beneath to collect the excess ganache. 4. Carefully coat the chocolate biscuit cake with the warm ganache, making sure that all of the cake is evenly coated. Allow to set fully before moving to your service plate and decorating as desired.
The Royal Collection Trust (RCT) has published the official recipe for one of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding cakes, allowing fans to recreate the “really easy” no-bake treat at home in 30 minutes. The RCT, which looks after the Queen’s art collection and public visits to the royal palaces, shared the recipe for the chocolate biscuit cake on its social media, describing it as a “decadent treat”. Prince William’s “groom’s cake”, a tradition dating back to the Victorians, was a chocolate biscuit cake he loved in childhood. It features just five ingredients, including two tablespoons of warm water, plus an optional chocolate ganache. The cake is known to have been one of two at the 2011 wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, with the then Kate Middleton choosing a traditional, white, multi-tiered cake by Fiona Cairns. McVitie’s, which made the rich tea biscuits used in the cake, were sent the recipe and returned a creation fit to feed 600 guests, with nearly 40lb of chocolate and 1,700 biscuits. The RCT’s version is for a modest eight guests. Now published online for free, it finally settles the question of the “official” recipe after several former royal chefs have shared their versions over the years. At the time of the royal wedding, The Telegraph’s Xanthe Clay said: “It’s an unconventional choice for a wedding cake, but a chocolatey biscuit fridge cake is a tremendous crowd pleaser, just like Wills himself.” The groom’s cake, which often contains chocolate or alcohol, was a tradition in Britain in Victorian times, but has since largely been forgotten. It is said that if single women sleep with a slice of the cake under their pillow, they will dream of their husband-to-be. Carolyn Robb, who worked as a chef in the Royal household for the Prince and Princess of Wales and the young Princes William and Harry, has previously recalled making the cake for nursery tea, adding: “The boys often took some back to boarding school in their tuck boxes.” Darren McGrady, formerly chef for the Queen and later Diana, Princess of Wales, and her two sons, has published a slightly different recipe including egg. He called it “Her Majesty the Queen’s favourite afternoon tea cake by far”.
source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2021/10/04/decadent-treat-official-recipe-one-duke-duchess-cambridges-wedding/?utm_content=telegraph&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1633363586
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Beaky: I am Beaky Buzzard.
Petunia (as salon receptionist): Could you spell that please?
Beaky: I don't think so. Try it with a "B".
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pearlcaddy · 2 years
idk if you’re still doing the ship ask game but if so! Ted/Trent from Ted Lasso, Reggie/Alex from JATP, and/or your favorite ship from Harry Potter!
Ted/Trent: Don’t Ship It
1. Why don't you ship it?
I just don’t get a romantic vibe from them.
2. What would have made you like it?
A different kind of chemistry between the actors, or maybe more screentime? Their dynamic has been so centered on their professional roles that I don’t really have any sense of them outside of that.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I love their friendship/acquaintanceship. And I’m always very soft for dynamics that center around one character learning to check their biases and respect someone they didn’t think they would. Love the journey from “Is this a fucking joke?” to “My source was Nate.”
Reggie/Alex: Don’t Ship It
1. Why don't you ship it?
They feel like brothers to me. And there’s a very specific "Reggie as the confused younger brother and Alex as the exasperated babysitter" dynamic that makes it read as extra platonic to me.
2. What would have made you like it?
Again, it’s mostly down to what kind of chemistry I read them as having. I’m also not a multishipper, so as soon as I had Willex, I wasn’t really looking for other Alex ships. Maybe in a world without Willex? But even then, probably not.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I adore their friendship with my whole heart, and their banter brings me so much joy.
Jily: Do Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
I think mostly that we don’t get much canon information about them? So there are these great tentpoles laid out of their story—we know about the events of their fifth year and we know that James matures in a way that changes how Lily views him and leads to them going out less than two years later. And then apparently other stuff happens after they leave Hogwarts, idk none of it sounds canon to me Basically, I love that the books give us crumbs of the outline of a tragic enemies to lovers ship, and I found that outline very compelling, especially for fanworks.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Most of what I said above. I also love that, even though they’re barely on the page, their presence is so strongly felt in the series and their personalities are so strong when they do appear that (if you’re Marauders-era trash), you have such a clear sense of who they are and how they work together. Also that they had one scene together on the page and they made me trash for them—the audacity of them, honestly!
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
This isn’t an opinion as much as it is a preference: I don’t like reading canonverse Marauders fic that continues after year seven. If I don’t read about their deaths, they’re fine and alive and happy and in love and I will be taking no questions at this time!!
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knuffled · 3 years
some writing tips (pt. one)
warning: this is a long post bc brevity isn’t one of my strong suits. also another disclaimer: these are just things i have learned/have worked for me. feel free to ignore them if they don’t help you! 
1. the crossroads of plot and character 
there will often come times when writing where the plot must move in a direction that the characters don’t want to follow. this usually results in characters being forced to act in ways that are not congruous with who they are, making them feel wooden or inconsistent to the reader. 
one thing that has really helped me is some advice i heard from the writer’s of breaking bad. they said that one thing that really helped them was to ask “where is character x’s head at?”, or basically “what is my character thinking/feeling at this point in the story?”. it is almost always superior to have character drive plot instead of the other way around, so this question can help solve the issue of plot not gelling with character. i like to ask myself this question and reorganize the plot around my answer, and i have found it very useful for combatting content-based writer’s block.
2. rethinking character flaws
i have only recently learned how to better write character flaws, and i have found that they are huge for making a character feel real. whenever i used to think about flaws, i thought of them as huge, character-warping traits that basically defined an individual (example: prince zuko), but i always struggled to write them myself. lately, i have come view them as subtle beliefs or tendencies my character has that frames the way they interact with the world and others, and that has been massively helpful for me.
as sleazy as it is, i’m going to use my own writing as an example because i don’t read books anymore lmfao. anyhow, in my fic, “just practice”, annabeth has a tendency to be self-absorbed, which manifests in her assuming everyone thinks the way she does. nothing impressive, really. we see a few examples of it in action sprinkled throughout the story, and at first, it seems harmless, but the more we see of it, the more we realize what a huge issue it is in the context of the narrative as a whole. we see that it cripples the way that she communicates with others, how it has led her to hurting people she cares about because she assumed things about them, etc. 
the fic is written from her perspective, so when she interacts with people, we can see that she genuinely doesn’t mean any harm. she just has a certain way of thinking. but in reality, the way that her flaw impacts others in the story becomes a huge source of conflict. it requires people to call her out and make her reflect on things. this is something that i think a lot of people can relate to. pretty much everyone acts with good intentions, but in reality they could be causing a lot of harm to those around them without meaning to. 
i have found that using subtle flaws like this can be really helpful in making a believable character. i would suggest looking at people in your own life and their flaws as material you can use. most of them aren’t prince zuko - they have much subtler flaws about them that still have a huge role in who they are. once you have a flaw in mind for a character, it should inform their psychological make up, in either a minor or major way. i like to make this influence as subtle as i possibly can because that is what i personally find to be most realistic (note: by influence, i mean the way that the flaw manifests itself).
these flaws can be used to completely drive the plot depending on your genre. romance, young adult, literary fiction, etc. are all great candidates. for example, “catcher in the rye” is literally a plotless story about a teenage boy navigating his flaws. 
here is some additional advice: show examples of the character’s flaws in action, first without drawing much attention to them, but with each new instance, crank up the impact of the flaw. this results in a natural escalation that flows really well with character development.
3. choices and consequences
foreshadowing is one of the most important tools a writer has to creating a satisfying narrative. in contrast, poor foreshadowing can ruin a narrative. nearly everyone can attest to how a deus ex machina or “subversion” completely derailed an otherwise good story (looking at your Game of Thrones Season 8). at the same time, foreshadowing is really hard to do well because of how much foresight it requires. outliners have the luxury of accounting for this before they write, but as a discovery writer, foreshadowing can feel impossible during your first draft. 
that being said, i have personally found a work-around as a discovery writer for this exact problem, and that answer is to have narrative consequences. pretty much every plot point in your story should have consequences for the rest of the narrative going forward. this makes it a lot more easy for a discovery writer to write a better first draft - you just have to think about what how current plot point impacts the story going forward. 
example: character gets into a foolish fight and loses their sword-fighting arm. now for the rest of the narrative, they can no longer rely on their prowess as a swordsman. 
the neat thing about consequences is that you don’t have to plan ahead of time, but they still function similarly to foreshadowing. 
4. foreshadowing proper 
okay, but what about actual foreshadowing, you might ask. i think this is really hard to give concrete advice for, but here are some things that have helped me. i tend to have a lose idea of really major plot points that need to happen in my stories (example: the kara conversation in chapter seven of just practice). then, i try and think about how i can lay a trail of bread crumbs for that plot point to happen and reverse engineer my way there (example: chapter six, kara is mentioned by annabeth’s friends as having done something unforgivable to percy). 
more specifically, i like to use character flaws as set up for plot points (this ties into the idea of consequences above). example: annabeth is increasingly frustrated by percy’s hiding secrets from her, stoking her already inquisitive nature to a boiling point, leading her to confront kara when she gets the opportunity, even though she knows she shouldn’t. 
i primarily write drama/romance, so using character flaws as foreshadowing is my favored way of foreshadowing. i don’t think it translates as well for a mystery or a fantasy, but in those cases, laying bread crumbs still helps. in the harry potter books, rowling was often fond of burying important clues in irrelevant information. example: in book two, there is a brief mention of tom riddle’s diary in ginny’s cauldron when lucius malfoy slips it there at diagon alley. 
another thing she does is to include information against the backdrop of another, more urgent plot point. example: in book four, harry tries to steal from professor snape for a task in the triwizard tournament or something, and snape accuses him of stealing ingredients to make polyjuice potion but it was barty crouch jr. who needed it to disguise himself as professor moody. you don’t pay much attention at the time because the tournament is more pressing.
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evermoredeluxe · 2 years
ooh chiming in on this post 1d discussion! ofc harry has been doing the best fame wise and his music is pretty much ubiquitous now, which as u mentioned is bc of a variety of factors like marketing, talent, charisma, etc. nothing much to say outside of this really, except that i do think his 1d days image as "the face of the band" or "the main guy" really helped the spotlight on him.
niall, i think, he's doing pretty good for himself, but judging from how he talks about stuff i would say he really wants to take it a step further, but he would need something More to kind of, break out in the public eye once again. like his music is Good, but nothing ground breaking imo. once he gets that i think he can shoot up too!
as for louis... i really liked his album and i think he has some great things to contribute to music, with interesting lyrics and a production style that makes up for his pretty average vocals but oh lord the guy has no stage presence!! that is one of my major quips with louis, maybe his fans feel differently but i do not vibe with him as a performer. and also i think his style is perfectly bland which, for better or worse, does play a part in how ure perceived as an artist, u know? personally for those reasons i dont engage with anything about him outside of his tracks on spotify and the occasional fan interaction because tbh i think he's a really fun and sweet guy who adores his fans and is adored in return for it!
liam i simply do not care about he showed in 1d that he has amazing vocals but damn did he make some Bad Choices vis-à-vis the direction of his music... kinda hard to feel bad about him too since the nft craze and whatnot but eh. i hope he can find his way to something that works for him tho because it would be a shame for all that potential to be lost to blockchain monkeys.
now zayn!! honestly i think of them all zayn seems to be the most content with his music? like hes definitely found his sweet spot and it works for him for sure. it's sad for me as a casual fan that he doesn't do live performances but if it's that versus his mental health then it's a no brainer u know... he stream well enough too esp when u see the absolute crumbs of promo he does. i do think his label is not as confident in his music as he seems to be in it and provide minimal support which sucks. i've kind of accepted by now that we might never really get anything from zayn beyond an album every few years and he lives the kind of private life he wants but i think it's harder for the label etc to have such a talented singer and not have him reap every possible source of income so they're hesitant to invest in him until he goes all in.
of course all of this is just speculation on what's going on bts haha
i think one other thing that applies overall to every single artist at the moment is that indie, rock music is “cool” right now and you have to try harder with pop. like you can’t just make a mediocre pop song and expect good return on it. pop girls try hard and they excel whereas some of the men don’t try As Hard (oops). harry knows that and he/his team play it smart and use his assets. also, he is all promo and active while releases and tour etc and opposite when he’s just making music and the public gets a break from him and it prevents overexposure etc. i agree with most of what you said! don’t have much more to add.
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Save Me
This is what happens when I am left alone with my imagination, watching way too much crime TV. I introduce Detective Harry Styles.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, smut including cuffs and choking.
Trigger Warnings: There are mentions of homicide, abuse, drugs, sexual assault, and sex work all due to the nature of the job.
Please leave a comment, like, and spread around. It makes me so happy to see people enjoying my work after I am able to get my incessant imagination into a fic. 
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Detective Harry Styles had just closed a case on a domestic violence incident that led to a justifiable homicide. Harry couldn’t blame the girl. He had shown up to their house on multiple occasions after neighbors had called on numerous accounts of domestic dispute. He had seen black eyes and busted lips on the poor girl too many times to count; the guy had it coming.
Harry had walked into his favorite pub. It’s open well into the dawn of the morning so if he has a late night, he can still grab a pint at the end of his work day. It was an earlier night for him tonight, so there were a few of the regular patrons and a few new. One particularly piquing his interest.
She was sitting at the bar, laptop propped open with a wine glass set to the side, nearly empty. He was curious as to why someone would want to work in a dingy bar nearing midnight. His feet had a mind of their own, gravitating to this peculiar girl. She threw her head back to finish the liquid in her glass before returning to typing away.
“Odd place to be doing work, don’t you think?” Harry was leaning on the bar, nodding at the tender who was already getting his usual lager. She continued to type, smiling at the screen.
“Would you believe me if I told you it’s more peaceful at the bar than it is at my apartment? That, and I ran out of wine.” She looked up at him owly, “Detective Styles.” She had known who he was because she had followed a few of his cases when she was a newbie at the paper.
Harry thanked the bartender, motioning for him to get the girl another glass of what she was having. “Now, tell me how it happens to be that you know me but I don’t know a beautiful girl like you?”
She ignored the compliment but a blush crept on her cheeks. “I have written about a few of your cases. I’m an investigative reporter for the Tribune. Y/N Y/L/N.” She put her hand out for Harry to shake. He smirked now knowing who she was, having read her articles.
She was creative in her writing yet informative. She wrote as if it were a mystery, giving the information to the reader to have them on their toes. Making the reader have their assumptions and accusations on who they felt the perpetrators were only to blow the reader away with the final sentences of the jaw dropping reveal. Harry was a fan.
“It’s nice to meet you. I read all your work.” Harry took a sip of his pint as Y/L’s wine glass was being topped off. She was sure to save her current work before shutting the laptop to turn towards Harry, crossing her legs and taking a sip of her Chardonnay.
“Is that so? I am a fan of your work as well. You seem to get a good mixture of cases. Helps me keep my job.” She smiled at him before taking another swig and placing her glass on the bar. “Got anything good for me?” She pulled out a notebook and pen looking back up at him with long lashes and expectant eyes.
Harry let out a soft chuckle, letting his head fall forward as he rubs his nose with his knuckle before running his hand in his curly locks. “Nothing I can discuss with you, love. Not before I talk with my captain.”
“No closed cases we can discuss? I know we can’t discuss any open cases but closed cases are public record. What better way to get information on a case than from a reliable source like the lead detective.” She was leaning in closer at this point, resting her head on hand with her elbow now sitting on the bar. She had a devilish smirk growing across her luscious lips.
Harry leaned in closer to her, giving a boyish smile. “And how do you know that love?”
“I have a dual degree in criminal justice and journalism. Need to know the law to write about it.”
Harry had provided information regarding the case he had closed a few hours prior, where Y/N had agreed that the bastard had it coming. She confirmed that she will only provide the facts in the article and not show her hand on her personal bias against the abuser.
After discussing the case, Harry felt the need to know more about her. He was truly smitten with the writer, only knowing her for a few hours. They finished a few drinks, talking about their personal lives, why they each chose their career. Harry confessed that he feels the need to protect people and bring justice to those who have been hurt and wronged. Y/N telling Harry that she had always loved to write and also felt the need for justice but could never put herself on the front lines.
It was approaching dawn when Y/N remembered she needed to get going home since she had an interview in a few hours. She was in the process of standing when she stumbled slightly, Harry catching her by her elbows.
“Sorry”, she mumbled with a giggle.
“It’s alright, love,” beaming down at her as he helped steady her on her feet, “let me walk you home.”
“Thank you, I only love a few blocks from here.”
She packed up her laptop and Harry offered to carry her messenger bag. They continued to chat along the way to her apartment and he had to confess, the area was a bit noisy and if he remembered correctly, he had been in the area multiple times for cases.
“You live in this area?”
She hummed a “Mhm” with a nod. “All I can afford on my own, really. I know it’s not the best area but it’s not far from the essentials or my office.”
“Darling, I’m around here more often than not for cases. This area is awful!”
She began to smile, “Are you worried about me, H?” Giving him a slow, sleepy blink as they stop in front of her building.
Harry couldn’t lie, he could kiss her right now. She was so soft and sweet looking but he knew that he had just met her tonight and he is a gentleman. And that nickname she gave him made his tummy flutter. “Of course I’m worried about you, living in an unsafe place.”
“I’m a big girl H, can handle myself.” She pulled out the pepper spray from the messenger bag Harry was carrying for her. She also lifted her skirt to show that she had a holster with a knife and the garter holding up her thigh high stockings against her plush skin.
Harry felt dizzy seeing her skin and the knife, slightly concerned that he was turned on by the sight but not enough to deter the shot of electricity going straight to his groin. Harry cleared his throat, giving a nod and handing the messenger bag back to Y/N.
Y/N said her thanks as she readjusted her skirt and took the bag. Walking up the stairs to the front door of the building, she turned to say good night.
“Do you think I would be able to follow you at work sometimes? I would love to see a case from start to finish to write about it.” She was giving him a pleading look with a sweet smile, hoping he would say ‘yes’.
And how could he say no? 
He walked up the few steps to her to hand her his card with the precinct address. “Come to the precinct after your interview tomorrow.”
She had nodded before turning to open the door that made an awful screeching noise, causing dogs in the building to bark and their owners to yell at them. Harry made sure that she was safe inside before turning to make his way home.
Y/N had been following Harry on cases for a few years, winning awards for a plethora of her articles. Harry was proud to say that he was able to help her along the way. He also couldn’t help how his feelings had grown for the woman sitting on his desk, sipping out of his coffee mug and biting into a bagel from the bag that she had brought to the office for everyone.
“Do you think it was a crime of passion or a mugging gone wrong?” She had asked Harry and his partner, Cam, speaking around the bite of bagel she had just taken.
Harry had to blink a few times to focus on the question and not the beauty brushing off the crumbs from her skirt. “Definitely a crime of passion.”
“What makes you say that?” Taking another sip from Harry’s mug, happy that they both drink their coffee black.
“He was facing the perp, bludgeoned in the face. The perp was pissed.” Harry took the bagel from Y/N’s hand to take a bite of his own before handing it back to her as he stood up to refill his mug with coffee.
“Do you think it was a lover? I mean, he was caught literally with his pants around his ankles.”
Cam was going through the bag to pick his breakfast, “Wouldn't you be pissed and beat the hell out of your man if he was screwing someone else in an alley?”
“Would you? At least you have a man to beat, Cam. Can’t beat him if I don’t have him.” She brushed her hands together to rid the crumbs, raising a brow.
Cam was Harry’s partner for as long as Y/N had been doing tag-a-longs with Harry, making Cam her best friend. Cam looked like a young Lenny Kravitz, too bad he had a husband.
Cam laughed, “I would. But I have also screwed my husband in an alley, so I have been on both sides.”
Y/N had laughed at Cam’s confession, making grabby hands at Harry’s coffee, which he had gladly offered. Their captain walked in informing them of a call for a homicide in an abandoned warehouse, Harry and Cam being the lead detectives. Harry and Cam grabbed their jackets as Y/N grabbed her messenger bag and coat.
Cam read the case briefing on the way to the scene. “Two dead females, mid to late twenties, gunshot wounds to the head.” Y/N noticed that a lot of cases similar to this have been popping up. The city was becoming full of dead girls.
Harry made note of the communalities. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they were full of drugs and sexually assaulted too. Similar to that case we had just the other day and the one last week.”
They get to the scene and walk into the warehouse. Y/N made sure to stay behind and keep her distance, not wanting to get in the way or contaminate the scene. She had pulled her camera out of her bag, walking around the warehouse to get some pictures.
After Harry and Cam cleared the scene, Harry went to go find Y/N. He had noticed that she was on her way to the crime scene, causing him to smile and shake his head before making his way over. Harry got to her before she could sneak under the tape.
“What do you think you’re doing, love?” He had his arms crossed across his chest with a furrow to his brow and a scowl to his pout. Y/N nearly jumped out of her skin and clutched her camera to her chest.
“Fuck, H! Don’t do that!” She turned to look at Harry, he looked pissed.
“You know you can’t go on the scene.”
“I’m sorry. I just thought that since they are likely all connected it would be a big piece, that maybe getting the word out with some pictures would get you a lead. I’m so sorry, H. I just think that it could be a big break is all.”
How could he say no to her?
She was thinking she could help with her writing and she wanted to assist Harry in closing the case. His face softened and he rolled his head on his neck, lifting the crime scene tape. “Alright love, you know the rules.”
“No faces, no details.” She flashed him a smile as she ducked beneath the tape, her skirt slit rising up to show off her lace panties and garters. Harry knew that her holster was strapped to her thigh as it has been as long as he has known her. He swallowed the lump in his throat when she stood up and adjusted the skirt to cover herself.
She practically skipped to the scene, adjusting her shutter speed and her lense before taking pictures. Harry was watching, heart swelling when she was smiling at the viewfinder at the perfect picture.
“Come on babe, got some place to stop before heading back.” He nodded his head toward the open door for her to follow. Cam had gone with the coroner to follow-up on the bodies.
Harry had stopped at a burger place, ordering way too much food for just himself. Y/N decided to not ask about it, assuming it was for his coworkers. When they drove into an unknown area, Y/N finally asked, “Where are we going?”
Harry just smiled as the pulled up to an empty lot under a bridge, which was a well known area for sex workers known as “The Cherry Pit”. Y/N was confused as to why Harry would go here with her in the car.
Harry parked and grabbed the bags of food before getting out of the car. Y/N stayed in the car, watching the scene unfold.
The girls had all come to see Harry as he was passing the bags out, coming back to the car to get the case of water out of the trunk. He took it back over to the girls, handing out the bottles. Y/N watched as he stood there talking to the girls, a few giving him a hug before he walked back to the car.
Y/N was watching his every move, looking more confused as he didn’t discuss what had just happened, rather reaching for a bag of food for Y/N and himself, him digging right in.
“Care to explain why you are feeding a bunch of hookers?”
“Sex workers.” He swallowed the bite of burger in his mouth, “They prefer sex workers, love. I had noticed one of the girls at the crime scene today was part of this crew so I figured that I would stop and chat. They don’t give information for nothing.” Harry smirked at that and Y/N felt a ping of jealousy course through her on what else Harry has done with them to get information.
Harry noticed that Y/N hadn’t touched her food, looking up at her and noticed the pull to her face. “You alright, baby?”
Both were frozen. In the years that they had known each other, Harry had never called her ‘baby’. Love, darling, babe, but never ‘baby’.
Harry brushed it off by clearing his throat and telling her to “eat up”. He crinkled the burger wrapper and threw it into the bag before turning the ignition, driving her home. Harry made sure to walk her up to her door, like he does every night.
It was past 2am when Y/N looked at her clock, waking up to knocking at her door. She grumbled as she stumbled to the door. Clad only in an oversized college t-shirt and bare legs, she opened the door to see Harry standing in the doorway, leaning on the frame.
He was a little scruffy on the chin, button up opened, exposing his white tank top that was tucked in his trousers. He looked up at her with his hair falling into his eyes and giving a soft smile. His eyes held his signature tequila glaze.
“Hi love, you okay?”
“Of course I’m okay, H. It’s past two in the morning and I was sleeping.” She rubbed her face with her hands to wake herself up.
“Just gotta make sure you’re safe, baby.” He said it again, but she will blame the alcohol this time. Harry blinked his eyes slowly before opening them to scan her body.
She opened the door, allowing Harry to trudge his heavy limbs into her apartment. This was a regular thing as of late; Harry gets off of work, goes to the pub, shows up at her’s. Harry makes his way to the couch, plopping down before kicking off his boots and placing his gun, cuffs, and badge on the table, slipping off his button up. Y/N was in the kitchen getting Harry water and something to eat.
Y/N walked out with a plate in one hand and water in the other. She thrusted the cup at Harry telling him to drink and placed the plate with the grilled cheese on the arm of the couch. She curled up on the other end, putting a blanket over her lap.
Harry drank his water and ate his sandwich while Y/N was attempting to keep her eyes open. She wanted to make sure he had something in his stomach before she crawled back into bed.
Harry placed his plate and cup on the table, which Y/N promptly got up to put in the sink, getting Harry another glass of water and Tylenol. She handed them to Harry before pulling out a spare pillow and blanket for him to sleep on the couch. Harry stood up to pull off his trousers, attempting to not fall over, while Y/N made up the couch for him.
Y/N tucked him in once he laid down, turning off the light and kissing his forehead before walking back to her room, keeping the door open if he needed anything. Harry laid there, staring at the ceiling, listening to make sure that Y/N was safe and asleep before he dozed off.
Harry had gotten off of work early so him and Cam went to the pub, both clad in their off duty clothes. Cam was in a black t-shirt and dark wash jeans while Harry was wearing light washed jeans, a Hawaiian patterned button up with a black zip-up jacket over top. They walked straight up to the bar, leaning on it while waiting for their drinks.
Harry was scanning the pub after him and Cam had a laugh about a terrible joke he had just told. Harry’s eyes land on her, across the bar with a group of friends. Y/N was standing by the table, clad in a black dress that fit her way too perfectly and a pair of heels that made her legs go on for days. He couldn’t help but stare.
Cam looked over his shoulder seeing what had caught Harry’s attention. “Shall I grab you a rag for that chin of your’s Styles?”
“Oh, fuck off!”
Cam let out a laugh and noticed that Y/N had made her way over. “Good evening boys! Nice to see you when there isn’t a dead body present. What are we having?”
She was drunk. Harry could see it in her eyes, he knows that look all too well since he has that look more often than not as of late. It looked good on her, it gave her a glow.
“Whatever you want sweetheart.” Harry knows that voice, he hears it frequently. The three of them turn to see the intruder in their bubble.
Jeremy Williams, Action News Reporter, stood there giving an overly bleached smile. “Can I get you a drink sweetheart?”
Y/N looked like a fish out of water with her mouth gaping. Jeremy was well known by all reporters so the fact that he was offering to get her a drink was a big deal. She had nodded to give him permission to order her a spirit.
Harry didn’t like this guy in the first place and now that he is talking to Y/N, he really doesn’t like him. He is making her laugh and she is leaning into him. He hates this guy. She is touching his arm before she reaches for her drink. He loathes this guy.
“If looks could kill, Styles.” Cam muttered into his glass before taking a swig. Harry looked at Cam before downing the rest of his drink, quickly ordering another one while he watches on. He noticed that Jeremy is getting closer as Y/N is trying to move away. Jeremy’s hand was on her waist and she had pushed it away, multiple times.
Harry couldn’t help but make his way over to them. When he got there, Y/N was making an effort to push Jeremy away. Harry gripped the back of his shirt to pull him away from Y/N, twisting his arm behind his back, slamming his face to the bar.
“The lady clearly doesn’t want you touching her. If you lay another hand on her, I will break it. Got it?”
“Alright! Alright! I got it!” Getting out of Harry’s grip before walking out of the pub.
“You alright, baby?” Checking over her to make sure there was no blemish on her perfect skin.
“H, I’m fine I was handling it.” She was stumbling, clearly intoxicated. Harry had a grip on her waist and she leaned in closer to him, hands resting on his chest.
“You’re drunk, love.”
“So are you.” She looked up at him while flicking his chin with her pointer finger. “Get me a drink, H.”
How could he say no?
A few drinks later, they are utterly plastered. Harry walked her home from the pub, arm wrapped around her for both of their stability.
Harry walked her to her door where she fumbled with her key, it dropping multiple times. She had bent over to pick up the keys, unintentionally pushing her plump bum into his groin. She popped up when she heard a groan fall from Harry’s lips. She turned around showing her keys with a drunken triumphant smile.
She fell against the door and Harry quickly wrapped his hands on her hips to prevent her from falling but it was too late since she had hit her head on the door. She let out a giggle followed by an “ow” and a pout grew across her face.
Harry put his hand on the back of her head to rub where she had hit. As he looked down at her then leaned down to place a kiss on her lips.
Her lips molded with his, her hands on his chest, tugging at his jacket. Harry pressed his body to her’s and he began to kiss down her cheek, jaw, and neck. She was gasping for air.
“H… H, we need to stop.”
“No, baby. Please? Just… please?” He continued to kiss along her neck as she was tugging at his hair, making him let out a groan.
“Harry, not like this. We’re drunk. I don’t want us like this.” She pushed him away, kissing him gently before she unlocked her door. “Good night, H.” Closing the door behind her.
Harry walked into his apartment, slamming the door before walking to his refrigerator to grab a beer. He popped it open, taking a swig before walking to his living room. He clicked on the TV as he set the beer on the coffee table. He kicked off his shoes and pulled off his jacket and Hawaiian shirt, leaving him in his jeans and white tank top.
Action News started to play, Jeremy’s face showing on his screen. Harry grumbled “prick” before taking another drink of his beer. Harry got increasingly annoyed, frustrated, and drunk as he continued to watch the news.
Harry turned off the TV with a huff, finishing his beer. He gave an agonizing, pitiful groan out of frustration. He could only think of one way that he could get the tension out of his body.
He grabbed his laptop to pull up Pornhub, looking at the thumbnails with none piquing his interests. He let the cursor hover a few of the videos to get a preview. He finally stumbled upon a video that looked like it would do the job.
Harry hit the play button, making the video full screen. While the ad began to play, he undid his belt and pushed his jeans and briefs down his thighs. He had pumped some of his hand lotion that he keeps on the side table into his right palm while his left hand pushed up his tank top.
The video began as Harry warmed up the lotion in his palm and between his fingers. The girl in the video had been bent over with the POV actor playing with her ass, giving a few spanks and gropes. When she looked over her shoulder all he could see was Y/N.
His mind began to wander as he began to stroke himself, thinking of Y/N bent over while he gave her a good spanking. The next scene was a shot of him entering the girl from behind, stretching her to the brink. Harry wanted to spread Y/N open, making her moan out like the girl in the video. He knew that the actress was being over dramatic, knowing that Y/N’s sounds would make him crumble.
Harry’s toes curled into his throw rug now that all he can see is Y/N in the video. She is now on her back with her tits bouncing while he rams into her. He thinks of her mewls as his fist begins to pump faster.
When Harry opens his eyes from his little fantasy, the girl on the screen is riding the man with his hand around her throat. Harry’s hand around Y/N’s throat would be the most beautiful sight he would ever see. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head, moaning out his name, pulsing around his cock.
It was all too much for Harry. His hand stroking furiously as he imagined the face she would make as she was cumming around his cock, the pulsing, the moans. Harry had been moaning the whole time he had been stroking himself but now he was shameless. His back was arching and his head thrown back as he let out a loud moan, cumming all over his stomach, painting his laurels, butterfly, and the trail of pubic hair.
He was panting and sweating and the video wasn’t even done yet. Harry had never felt so light headed from masturbating, muttering a “holy shit”, all because he was thinking of her.
Y/N had already been at the precinct when Harry walked in. She was sitting on his desk, sipping from his mug, as if nothing had happened the night prior. She smiled up at him with a “Morning, H”, like any other day. Maybe she was so drunk she forgot about their kiss, now thankful that they didn’t take it further if that was the case.
“Morning, love.”
He took the mug from her hand and took his first sip looking at her while doing so, smiling when he handed it back. Maybe he forgot about last night. Either that or he was really good at covering up because she feels that she is being obvious, looking at his lips and tensing up when their hands touch when passing the mug.
They had gone over the cases that seem to have connections with these girls. There are a few leads but nothing strong enough for a conviction.
“There is Julian Michaels, a 34 year old white male. Works in the stock market, no wife, no children, likes his girls young. Word on the street is he keeps the books.” Harry had taped his picture to the board as Y/N was writing this all down.
Cam grabbed another picture and posted it on the board next to Julian’s. “This is Marcus Stevens. Young one, 23 years old, Black kid. Has been seen around The Cherry Pit and multiple clubs. We think that he is the recruiter for these girls.”
“And last but not least, Eddy O’Reilly, 32 year old Irish American. The kingpin, the leader of all this mess. Multiple statements have been made placing O’Reilly in the area of the murders on multiple occasions. History of muling drugs across the border, history of incarcerations for possession and distribution, prostitution, and sexual assault. If we get this bastard, we finish this.” Harry was staring at his mug shot that was now posted in the center of the board.
The captain walked in with their case for the day. Another dead girl was found by the river, same MO as the other girls that have been popping up on their radar. Harry knew this girl from The Cherry Pit, being one of the younger girls.
Harry was squating by her body, ran his hand over his face before resting his hand on his mouth. He stood up and walked to Y/N, who was looking up at him expectantly. She could sense something was wrong.
Harry huffed out a puff of air before resting his hands on his hips. “I knew this one.”
Her eyes went wide, reaching up to hold his jaw in her hands, “Oh my god, H. Are you okay?”
He looked down at her before wrapping his arms around her in a hug, “She was just 18. Little sister of Kerry’s at The Pit.”
Y/N was rubbing her hands on Harry’s back looking over his shoulder to look at the girl, she had remembered her.
There have been too many girls being found around the city. All with a gunshot to the head, drugs in their system, and a recent sexual assault. Y/N had lost the body count but she thinks that it is way past the teens. Something needed to be done.
Y/N went through the drive thru Harry frequents on his way to The Cherry Pit. As she had approached The Pit, she parked away from where the girls were. She was in jeans with a vneck t-shirt and her leather jacket, making sure that her knife was in her boot before exiting the car.
Y/N slowly made her way to the group of girls standing together, most dispersing. Kerry lingering a little before starting to walk away.
“Hey, um , Kerry? Can I chat with you? I brought you a veggie burger.” She held the bag up as a truce. Kerry made her way back to Y/N and reached for the bag.
“I first want to apologize about your sister. It must be hard on you.”
“Yeah. She got into some dumb shit so honestly I’m not surprised but I should have protected her more. She was so young, should have never brought her here but we need the money.”
“No one is blaming you Kerry, shit happens. I’m just sorry it happened to you. I want to help.”
“What is a pretty little reporter like you going to do?”
“My job. I’m going to get the information and figure out who is killing all these girls. That’s why I came here. I was hoping either you or some of the girls would have some information.”
“Harry had already stopped here and talked to us. Not sure what else we could give you.”
“You said your sister got into something that you’re not into. What was it that she was doing?”
Kerry had taken a few fries into her mouth, “She got hired for parties. Some dealers would get together to push product and hire girls to help. The girls always had to fuck these guys but Gena said that it was good money. After seeing her all bruised up and high off her ass all the time, I told her to stop and stay here with me but she said the money was too good. Now look what happened.” Kerry began to get tearful, picking at her burger.
Y/N was rubbing Kerry’s back, letting her cry and grieve the loss of her sister. Y/N got an idea while she was comforting her.
“Do you know how I could get into one of those parties?”
Kerry looked up with a hint of fear as well as the tears still in her eyes and gave Y/N a nod.
Y/N was in a tight number, showing more skin than she ever had. Her hair and makeup was done up and she made sure her holster was secure before putting on her agonizingly high heels. After getting ready, Y/N went to the address on the slip on paper Kerry had given to her.
She knocked on the door, giving the password to the man guarding before she was escorted to a room. The room was full of girls, no more than 25 years old. Most of them looked younger than 18. A few huddled together, Y/N gave them all a once over. Most, if not all, had marks and bruises and looked like they were crashing from a high. Y/N took a seat off to the side alone, trying to take in as much as possible.
Two men walked in to tell the girls to get up. They all stood in a row while these men blind folded them. Y/N’s hand was hovering over her thigh but she wanted to get more information before she made any rash decisions.
Two hands gripped her shoulders to guide her as she felt his breath on her neck, one of the men muttering “fresh meat”. Another man laughed before saying, “O’Reilly and Michaels will like this one.” A shiver went through her thinking that she might be put in front of the two men Harry and Cam had been hunting down.
She heard one of the girls scream before hearing a slap and a thud, causing Y/N to jump. “You do as I tell you bitch, got it? Or you’ll have it worse.” She could hear the girl fumble to get up and then they were all pushed outside, shoved into what seemed like a van.
The van had stopped and the girls were filed out. She knew when she was inside the building because of the heat and the music. The blind folds were taken off and all the girls were handed shots of a clear liquid. Y/N had hesitated until one of the men gave her a look and started walking towards her. She downed the shot which she now knew was a cheap tequila.
The girls dispersed, walking all in different directions. Some went straight to men, others to the stash of drugs on the table. Y/N decided to walk further into the house. As she was walking, she felt her hands and feet start to go numb, her vision became slightly blurry but she was able to shake off for the moment.
She was stopped with a grip to her wrist and when she had turned, there was Julian holding on to her. “Well, look at you. You must be new.”
Y/N couldn’t find her words. Her tongue felt heavy and her vision was getting more blurred. She nodded at him before leaning against the wall for support. Julian surrounded her with himself. “You alright, babe? Look like you need to lay down.” Julian’s hands were running down her sides before gripping her hips and around to her bum. She gave a weak attempt at a push considering she’s not sure how her arms work at this point.
“Bathroom. Need a bathroom.” She stumbled out of Julian’s grip, somehow finding the bathroom but not before she saw O’Reilly in a room surrounded by men. She stood for a moment, trying to clear her vision to confirm it was him. He looked up at her with a sinister smile and she knew that was the guy.
Y/N quickly stumbled into the bathroom, immediately tumbling to the floor. She made sure to lock the door before reaching for her phone in her bra.
“Hi love, you alright?”
An incoherent call of Harry’s name had him in a panic. “Baby, where are you? Are you okay?”
A mumble of “They're here, Michaels and O’Reilly. I saw them.”
“Fuck baby! What did you do?! Where are you?! I’m on my way with the squad but you need to tell me where you are okay? Baby, please!”
She was silent as Harry grabbed his jacket and told everyone at the precinct they need to go, get squad cars, and to follow him. Harry was frantic.
“Baby come on, please?! Where are you?! Drop me a pin, talk to me! Fuck! Just tell me you are okay!”
Still nothing. Then a notification popped up saying that Y/N had dropped a pin of her location. He let out a sigh of relief,  “Thank you baby. Please, stay on the line with me okay? We are on our way.”
The police barged into the house, knocking down the front door, causing everyone to scatter. The police collected who they could. Cam grabbed Julian while their captain got O’Reilly, Harry was frantically looking around for Y/N.
He couldn’t find her, causing him to pull at his hair and grabbing anyone he could at the party, demanding them to tell him where she was. He noticed the bathroom door was shut so he went to open it, seeing it was locked. He knew she was in there.
Harry stepped back to get some leverage before putting all his strength into kicking down the door. He saw Y/N laying on the floor passed out with her phone in hand. Her hair was covering her face and the skirt of her dress had ridden up.
He quickly collected her into his arms to sit her on his lap in front of the toilet, quickly shoving his middle and forefinger down her throat. She automatically started retching, the contents of her stomach spilling into the toilet as Harry held her hair and rubbed her back.
“Let it all out baby. That’s it. You’ll feel better soon.”
The captain came in with a bottle of water and a cold wet cloth that Harry promptly put on the back of Y/N’s neck. Opening the bottle for her to have a few sips. Harry pushed her hair out of her face, reminding her to take it slow.
She had tears in her eyes, her makeup was smudged and running. She let out a croak before Harry shook his head. “I’m taking you home and you’re going to stay with me tonight. Need to keep an eye on you.”
Harry had his jacket around Y/N’s shoulders as they were getting out of his car. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder while guiding her up the stairs. Y/N still not feeling completely clear followed Harry into his apartment. She stood in the entryway, tears threatening to fall, while she watched Harry walk in and turn on the lights.
His place was modern with nothing showing personality. Harry always showed up to her place in the middle of the night, so she had never been to Harry’s. Now she sees why he always comes to her; his place was cold and lonely.
Harry walked back to her with a glass of water and a hand out to help guide her to his bedroom. He sat her down on the bed and got out one of his police department crew neck sweatshirts and a pair of boxers. He went into the ensuite to turn on the shower and lay out some towels, all doing so without saying a word.
Y/N knew he was pissed. What she had done was reckless and she put herself and everyone else at that party at risk if she were to be found out. She knows that he is probably more pissed that she didn’t tell him or run it by him before she jumped the gun so that he could make sure to be there so that she is safe. She watched him as the tears finally fell down her cheeks. He was avoiding looking at her. That was the worst part of her night, and she was drugged and groped at.
Harry nodded his head to the shower while he leaned against his dresser, arms and legs crossed while he looked at the floor. Y/N got up and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door before she stripped down her clothes and her walls. She started to sob as the water ran over her body, attempting to wash away that icky feeling she was having. She took her time, trying to avoid the inevitable confrontation that she will be having the moment she walks out of the bathroom. She dried off before she put on the clothes Harry had left her, noticing that there was a toothbrush for her. Gladly brushing her teeth before tying her wet hair up into a bun at the crown of her head.
She walked out and there was a plate of food and more water waiting for her on Harry's bedside table. Harry walked back into the room with his sweatpants on and a plain white t-shirt. He looked exhausted with a furrow still in his brow.
“What were you thinking?” He was soft in his delivery and a flood of worry took over Harry’s face. “You could have been killed. Do you understand that? If they would have found out who you were…” He was pulling at his hair and letting out a huff. “Fuck baby, I would be a mess. I wouldn’t know what I would have done if… I wasn’t there to protect you.”
Y/N had been curled up at the head of Harry's bed, tears freely flowing as her actions and the events of the night had hit her, how she had made Harry feel. “H… I am so sorry! I wasn’t thinking… I just wanted to help!” She let the sobs wreck through her body as Harry was making his way to her. He grabbed her face and quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. She let herself curl into him, climbing on his lap and letting him hold her. He rocked her gently as they were both crying.
Harry was kissing at her temple as he whispered, “We got them, thanks to you.” She had let out a sigh of relief, glad that this would all be over.
“I didn’t see Marcus there…”
“He came to the precinct willingly and made a deal with the DA.” He continued to kiss her head and rub her sides while continuously rocking her.
“There were so many girls there. Most were under 18, H. They are just kids.” She let another sob past her lips as she grabbed at his shirt.
“They are safe now baby, home where they belong. Just like you, because of you.”
Y/N woke up when the light filtered through Harry’s blinds. She was laying on his chest, his arm wrapped protectively around her. She looked up at Harry, whose scruff is growing a little more and his curls flattening to his head from his night’s rest. She pushed back what hair had been on his forehead, Harry leaning into the touch. She smiled before she nuzzled back to his chest, feeling Harry’s lips on her forehead.
“Did you sleep alright?” She let out a hum while nodding on his chest. She felt a flood of emotions start to resurface and she gripped Harry tighter to her. Harry noticed and quickly reached his hand to caress her face, pulling her closer to him. “It’s okay baby, I’m here.”
She took a deep breath to try and ground herself, focusing on Harry's breathing, relaxing back into him. He held her tight, making her feel safe. That’s all Harry wanted, to make her feel safe.
Harry had been checking up on Y/N every night since the night she stayed with him. It had been over two weeks and Y/N had to admit that her feelings for Harry had become stronger. She looked forward to Harry stopping by her place every night and was hoping that he would make a move on her because the tension was getting unbearable.
Harry had stopped by tonight with Chinese in hand and a bottle of wine. She had a movie queued up on the TV awaiting his arrival. He was still in his suit from work, all grey with only a white tank top under his suit jacket. His hair flopped over to the side and his stubble ever present.
She had been in her sleep shorts and tank top under Harry’s police sweatshirt that he had let her wear a few weeks prior. Harry let himself in and made his way to the kitchen to plate up their Chinese.
After eating their food, Harry had pulled Y/N to cuddle into his side while they finished the movie. They were sharing a glass of wine, similar to how they share Harry’s mug every morning. Harry pulled her legs across his lap, gently rubbing up and down her calves and thighs.
His fingers felt nice on her skin; warm, palms were soft while the tips had a grit to them. She cuddled closer, pulling his arm tighter around her. She nosed his cheek before giving it a sweet kiss. She kissed again before kissing his jaw then kissing his sweet spot just below his ear. His hand tensed on her thigh and she gave it another peck.
“Thank you, H. For checking up on me, for protecting me, for saving me.” She looked up at him, holding his jaw before leaning in to give him a kiss. He pulled her closer and she deepened the kiss, his hand trailing to her bum to pull her as close as he could in the position they were in.
Y/N quickly got uncomfortable, moving to straddle his lap to get in a more comfortable position where they could kiss and be close. She put her hands into his hair, pulling him into a deep, searing kiss.
Harry had begun to run his hands up her body, under the sweatshirt and tank top. He kept one hand on her lower back to keep her close while his other hand trailed up and down her spine before rubbing up and down her thigh. She started to kiss along his jaw again, making her way to his weakness.
She gave a lick below his ear before pulling the skin between her lips. Harry let out a moan as his hips thrusted up to meet hers. She gladly met his with a roll of her own.
“Baby…” Harry was panting as her lips began to trail down his throat. She was untucking his tank top, pulling it over his head. She let her eyes and hands trail his body while her hips continued to roll against him. She pulled off the sweatshirt, leaving her in her thin tank top and sleep shorts.
Harry let his hands caress her chest, rubbing her nipples until they peaked. He pulled a nipple into his mouth through her top, causing her to throw her head back. Her nails were digging into his shoulder as Harry sunk his teeth into the plush of her chest.
“H, fuck… I need you. God… please, just... touch me, fuck me. Do anything...please.”
Harry looked up at her with lustful eyes and his hands continued to roam her dips and valleys. He gripped behind her knees to wrap them around his waist before he stood up. He continued to kiss along her skin. Gripping her ass as he walked her to the bedroom.
He laid her down on the bed, kissing all of her exposed skin before he stood up to take off his trousers. As he was about to crawl over to her, she pushed him to sit against the headboard. She straddled his lap again, pulling her own shirt off, exposing her chest fully to Harry. She took Harry’s hands and put them on her chest, placing her hands over his to make him squeeze. Y/N let her head roll back and let her hips take control.
“Baby, you keep doing that, I’m not going to last.” He was watching her every move, his breath heavy and fast as she did a final roll of her hips before she stood up to take off her shorts. She climbed back on top of him, grabbing his shoulder for stability. She had gripped his length, causing Harry to roll his head back and let out a moan. She rolled her wet folds over his scorching length, both moaning out at how wet she was and how easily he slid against her.
Harry gripped her hips causing her to stop. “Baby, I’m serious, I’m gonna cum.” He was whimpering and gave Y/N a pleading look.
She lined up the head of his cock to her entrance before she fully sank down, taking all of him in one thrust. Harry let out a roaring moan, causing Y/N to grip the headboard with one hand and scratching his shoulder with the other.
Y/N was shameless in her movements, truly fucking Harry into oblivion, causing the bed to rattle and squeak with her rapid movements up and down his cock. He wasn’t lying when he said he wouldn’t last long, especially with the noises they were making, both loud with their moans.
“Fuck, Harry. Shit!” He could feel her pulsing around him, knowing she was close. Harry was trying his hardest to hold on for her but it was getting harder for him, especially when she leaned back, resting her hands on Harry’s knees, exposing her front fully to Harry. Harry pulled her nipple into his mouth as he lifted his knees to pull her closer.
Harry had let go first, cumming inside of her, letting her use him to get herself off. She wasn’t far behind Harry after she felt him pulsing against her inner walls. Harry had pulled her close, kissing any skin his lips could touch before resting his chin in her collar.
“I’m sorry, baby.” Y/N had let out a giggle and pushed his hair back, causing him to softly close his eyes with his head tipped back before looking back up to her.
“No need to be sorry, H. We have both waited way too long for that. I’m honestly surprised I lasted as long as I did.”
Harry continued to kiss her skin, quickly sweeping her up, causing her to squeal out as he walked them into her bathroom to join in the shower, both giggling and kissing along the way.
Harry and Y/N had been walking into the precinct together for the last few days, also leaving together every day. Harry had been staying with Y/N every night since they had slept together.
Harry had his fingers laced between Y/N’s, giving her a peck before moving to fill his mug for them. Cam leaned forward on his desk watching Y/N smile as she watched Harry.
“Well aren’t you two just the cutest!” Y/N looked over her shoulder giving Cam a wink. Cam was beaming as Harry walked over, handing the mug to his girl before giving her a kiss. Cam felt like he could squeal with giddiness, shipping them since day one.
Harry sat in his chair at his desk, pulling Y/N closer to him by the back of the knee, taking her heel off to massage her stocking covered foot. He kissed her knee, causing her to giggle before taking a sip of coffee. Y/N saw the case files on Harry’s desk that had been placed there that morning by the captain. She grabbed the files, reading them aloud for Harry and Cam.
After reading the cases, they were on their way for a day's work. Y/N had to leave early to conduct an interview with a survivor of a mass shooting. She had kissed Harry goodbye, promising to make him dinner when he got home that night. Harry smiled into the kiss, pursing his lips again to smear a soft kiss back on to hers.
She had stopped by the local store to grab the ingredients for chicken carbonara and a bottle of wine, she even grabbed a bouquet of flowers to place in the center of the table. Y/N put a Spotify playlist on her TV as background while puttering around her apartment and cooking dinner. Harry had walked in when she was finishing up plating the dinner.
Harry had quickly taken over, setting up the table and pouring their glasses of wine, pulling out the chair for Y/N. He had pulled her foot up to rest on his lap while they ate their dinner. Harry had talked about his cases that he had handled that day while Y/N discussed her interview.
They worked together to clean up after dinner, refilling their glasses of wine before cuddling on the couch to watch some reruns.
Harry began to give her soft kisses before he laid her down on her back. She began to run her hands through his hair, humming when Harry began to kiss down her neck.
“Move in with me.”
Harry froze his movements, kissing her cheek and looked her in the eyes. “Do you mean that?”
“Of course I mean it. You’re here more often than not and I need you to protect me.” She continued to play with his hair, causing him to melt into her palm and softly close his eyes. Y/N had kissed the tip of his nose before giving him a soft kiss to his lips. “What do you say, handsome?”
How could he say no?
“Of course baby, I would love to.” He began to kiss her again, making her giggle as he pressed quick, continuous kisses to her lips. Harry had quickly sat up, throwing his girl over his shoulder to carry her to her, no, their bed. He threw her on their bed, causing her to laugh out when she landed, making a smile grow across Harry's face.
Harry crawled between her legs and continued to assault her with kisses all over. He started to push up her skirt, exposing her garters and holster. Harry had undone the holster, kissing the now exposed skin where it was resting as he placed it on the nightstand. Harry then unclasped the garters that were holding up her stockings, rolling them slowly down each of her legs, continuing to leave marks from his wet lips in their wake.
Y/N began to undo her own top as she watched Harry undo his. She had shimmied to the top of the bed as she was taking off her skirt. Harry had taken his badge, gun, and cuffs off of his belt, setting them on the side table before taking his own pants off.
She laid down for him as he straddled her hips. Her hands were tracing his pecs and sides, moving to his back to trail down his spine before digging her fingers into the dimples of his lower back.
Harry watched her as she was admiring him, looking down and admiring her as well. He started to kiss her collars and chest, gripping her thighs in his palms. Y/N turned her head to allow him more access. She opened her eyes and saw the side table.
“Mmm, what baby?” He continued to kiss her chest, unclasping her bra.
“I want you to use the cuffs.” Harry looked up at her, wide eyed and mouth gaping, his lips slick and plump. He looked over to the side table to see where the cuffs were glistening in the moonlight.
“You want me to cuff you baby?” She was looking down at him, biting her lip with a nod.
“Please?” She was already lifting her hands above her head for him.
How could he say no?
He sat up on his knees as he reached for the cuffs, warming them in his hands. He took her right wrist into his palm, kissing the inner flesh before placing the cuff around the delicate skin. “Tell me if it’s too tight or uncomfortable, okay baby?”
“I will H, no worries.” She smiled up at him as he leaned over to thread the cuffs through the headboard before kissing and placing her left wrist in the cuff. Y/N gave a tug for good measure.
Harry kissed down her arm before he planted a kiss on her lips. She pulled his lower lip between her teeth, causing him to hiss before she let go, placing a kiss on it. Harry continued to kiss his way down her body, watching her squirm with how gentle he is being.
He started to kiss her mound through her lacy panties, letting his tongue dampen the fabric. He continued his motions lower until he was laying on his belly with his face focused on her center. He gave gentle kisses to her thighs before he let his lips and tongue explore her core through her panties.
Harry heard the chain of the cuffs rattle as his girl began to whimper. He continued to take his time with her through her panties. She moaned when she felt his fingers graze her center, pulling her panties to the side for Harry to gain full access.
Once she was fully exposed to him, he was insatiable. He was moaning into her, gripping her hips to bury himself deeper. She could hear him lapping and sucking on her, the feeling of his admiration making her light headed and dizzy. He made sure to kiss, lick, and suck on every inch of her, leaving her dripping for him just so that he could lap up her slickness.
Y/N was pulling hard on the cuffs and her moans increased in volume. She was so close to tipping over the edge that it was almost too much to handle. Almost.
Harry pulled her clit into his mouth one final time, being sure to flick the tip of his tongue against it.
“Fuck! Harry! Oh, God!” She was crying from the overwhelming orgasm that had wrecked through her. Her thighs clamping around Harry’s head and her nails biting into her palms.
Harry had to use his strength to get his head out of the vice grip, giggling when he looked up at his girl who was completely fucked out. Y/N moaned when she saw Harry sitting up on his knees with his face completely slick with her.
“Well fuck, Harry.” She was still panting, baby hairs sticking to her face, chest and cheeks flushed.
Harry began to spread her legs open again, looking at the work of art he had helped create. Lips slick, mound bruised with love bites, her whole center swollen and flushed with arousal. He used his thumb to trace up her slit, collecting her slickness before gently rolling her clit. He knew she was sensitive, giving him a hiss when he reached her overly sensitive nub. It was obvious that she liked it because her legs spread wider for him.
He leaned forward to hover over her, bringing his now slick thumb to brush across her lips. She gladly opened her mouth and took his thumb between her lips to suck off her juices. Humming around his thumb, she looked up at him with blissful eyes.
Harry pulled his thumb out of her mouth, smearing it against her lower lip before latching his lips to hers. He rolled his hips into hers as he continued massaging her tongue with his. He reached his hands up to the cuffs and massaged her wrists with his thumbs.
“You alright baby? Want them off?”
“I’m okay, keep them on.” She thrusted her hips up into him, “I like it.”
His hands roamed down her arms from her wrists, grazing her sides and massaging her plush hips before he reached for her spine to pull her panties down by grabbing the elastic on her lower back.
Y/N lifted her hips up for him and watched as he admired her body. This certainly isn’t the first time that they have been intimate but Harry always makes it feel that way.
“I’m so lucky to finally call you my girl. I’ve wanted to for so long. You have no idea how happy I am, baby.” He was running his hands up and down the front of her thighs that he was settled between. “I love you so much.”
Y/N began to smile up at him, turning her head into her arm to hide her blush.
“Gonna tell me that you love me when I’m all tied up for you?” She pushed her knee into his side as she giggled, biting her lip.
“I’ll tell you every day, and in every position, how much I love you.” He leaned down to smear his lips against hers again, showing her how much he truly loved her.
“I love you too, H.”
Harry began to kiss her jaw and neck as he stripped his briefs off of himself. He held her face in his hand before trailing it down her body to pump himself a few times before lining his tip to her center. She angled her hips up for him, giving him a cheeky smile when their eyes connected.
He slowly entered her, causing them both to moan out. He leaned on his forearm that was resting by her arm, continuing to rub his thumb across her cuffed wrist. He was slowly rolling his hips against hers, causing her to whimper at the friction.
Y/N eyes closed softly, like she was just starting to fall asleep. Her mouth was agape letting soft pants and whimpers fall free from her lips. She tipped her head back into the pillow, stretching out her neck. He was in awe watching her.
Harry’s free hand roamed her flesh, ending on her jaw. His thumb ran across her flushed throat as he began to kiss along the tight skin.
“Harry…” her body was like a magnet to his, naturally wanting to be close. “Harry, please?”
“Mmm what, baby? What do you need?” He continued to kiss along her skin.
“Choke me.” Y/N, always surprising him. She looked up at him with pleading eyes, “Please?”
How could he ever say no to her?
He gave her a nod, gently moving his hand to cup her throat. “Tell me if it’s too much, if you want me to stop.”
“I will.” She took in a deep breath as his grip tightened slightly. She let out a moan as he adjusted his fingers and tightened a little more. A smile crawled across her face as Harry began to thrust into her harder.
“You like this baby?”
Y/N moaned out a ‘yes’ as Harry picked up the pace of his hips. Thrusting into her that the bed was moving and squeaking on its frame.
Harry felt her pulse around him, causing him to moan her name before gripping tighter on her throat and thrusting at an uneven pace.
She gasped at the grip, tightening her thighs around Harry, pulling him closer by digging her heel into the flesh of his bum. She choked out his name and he felt her walls give a tight clench around him before they continued to pulse.
He let go of her throat causing her pent up moans to spew from her lips. He couldn’t hold back any more, freezing his hips flushed to hers to spill himself into her. He held her face, moaning as he kissed her. The metal of the cuffs clank against the headboard as she tried to wrap her arms around him.
Y/N whined, tugging some more causing Harry to giggle. Harry reached up to uncuff her and rubbed her wrists as he kissed them. He looked down at her glowing flushed face, planting another kiss on her lips. “I love you, baby.” Kissing her again.
“I love you too.” They had adjusted in the bed to cuddle, making the bed groan and squeak in their movements. Causing Y/N to laugh out and Harry to let out a frustrated groan.
“We need a new bed.” Y/N couldn’t stop laughing, rolling off of Harry which caused the bed to creak again, only adding fuel to the fire of Y/N’s laughter.
Harry kissed her with a laugh himself, “We are definitely getting a new bed”
Cam and his husband had helped Y/N and Harry move into their new place in a better part of town. They were all exchanging bum taps and boxes as they went up and down the stairs from the moving truck. They were on their last load when Harry and Cam’s husband started to put together the frame to their new bed.
Cam and Y/N went to go pick up beer and pizza, setting it all up in the middle of their empty living room. Harry laid his head in Y/N’s lap as they ate and laughed at stories they all shared.
Cam and his husband kissed and hugged Y/N and Harry goodbye as they thanked them for all their help. Harry had kicked the door shut, locking it and turning to Y/N with a devious smile. Her eyes went wide as Harry gripped her waist to throw her over his shoulder, letting out a yelp.
“Time to go break in that new bed, baby!”
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theme-songs-inc · 2 years
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Saeran Choi (Mystic Messenger) selfship playlist for @starlight-avenue
I tried to pick what felt right based on the info you gave me and the kinda vibes I think this pic of him gives off
[link to moodboard image sources]
1. This Side Of Paradise ~ Coyote Theory
2. I Love You So ~ The Walters
3. Just The Two Of Us ~ Grover Washington Jr
4. Locket ~ Crumb
5. Hey Lover ~ Wabie
6. Sunflower ~ Rex Orange County
7. Can I Call You Tonight? ~ Dayglow
8. Sunflower ~ Post Malone
9. Adore You ~ Harry Styles
10. Don’t Give Up - Foreign Fields
11. Blood Wolf Moon - Tommy Ashby
12. Listen To The One Who Loves You - Roo Panes
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liusaidh-writing · 3 years
Call it True - Chapter One
 Claire and Jamie are neighbors - though they’ve never met.  Claire, infatuated with her Scot upstairs, is more than a little certain that it’ll never happen. Is she wrong?  
Prefer to read at AO3? 
Hope you all enjoy this...I really wish I could say I’d update on a regular day weekly, but as of right now I don’t get much time to write. So please be patient!  
**I’d like to thank (profusely) @faithperry46  for being my life-saver/beta reader.  I wouldn’t/couldn’t have done this without your help!**
Here we go...
Claire chuckled to herself, hearing the vacuum come on downstairs again. Every morning, without fail, the older lady who lived downstairs turned it on...to hoover her back patio. Living on the first floor, she was granted a small back garden - one Claire was envious of. Though she didn't think she'd do much but sweep her patio with a broom.  
Claire pushed open her kitchen window and held her breath, wondering if he'd be here at his window today. Claire figured this was her favorite way to start her days: a small chat with her mysterious, yet lovely -and stupidly handsome,- neighbor, Jamie. 
Claire hid a grin when she spotted his curly auburn hair. 
"Poor woman. Shall we buy her a broom for Christmas?" He joked, greeting Claire with his unassuming smile. He gave her a wink - if it 
could be called that, seeing as he couldn't wink correctly but instead closed both eyes in a humorous attempt.  
Claire smiled properly this time, calling to him as she rested her elbows on the window sill. 
"She's going to break that thing soon enough. I'll get the dustpan if you'll get the broom?" she offered with a laugh. It was only May, but who was Claire to say it was too early to start Christmas shopping? Especially if she could do it with Jamie.
"It's a deal. We can present it to her together." Jamie smiled at her, and Claire as per usual, panicked, swatted her face with her hands while mumbling something about a bug before excusing herself. 
"I've got to run just now, but we can work out the details later. See you soon!" 
She shut her window as she heard him respond with a friendly 'Have a good day, Claire!' 
She didn't truly need to be anywhere for another half hour - her shift at the hospital started an hour from now, but she just couldn't talk to him for long. She'd get all flustered, and was terrified she'd say something completely stupid and ruin what they had. Claire had never met the man in the flesh, but she was completely enamored with him...or his face rather, since that was all she could see from her window.  
She loved his stupid wink, his big smile that nearly met his slanted eyes as he greeted her when they saw one another. She had no idea if he lived alone, but she was certain that someone that handsome had to have a girlfriend at the very least. Or a boyfriend, perhaps. He certainly had no need of anything more from her than a quick morning chat... or else it would've happened already - that's what she told herself six months into their weird connection. Her erratic schedule at the hospital kept her from seeing him every morning and explained why they'd never met in person. 
Their relationship never ventured much further than chatting about their mutual source of amusement: their elderly neighbor with the hoovering obsession. They chatted here and there about happenings in their respective days: 'You got a haircut!' She'd say, noticing his hair was slightly shorter. He'd nod, pretend to preen, and run his hands through his hair with a laugh. 
He had no idea what that did to Claire. She was sure her cheeks went pink whenever he was even slightly flirty. She'd lose the ability to concentrate, to speak, so she'd excuse herself in some clumsy way and go about her day with him swimming around in her imagination. She'd fantasize about knocking on his door, asking him for coffee, laughing over a shared joke that didn't have to do with their neighbor, Jamie kissing her dumb as his hands roamed her back for her bra strap... 
Sometimes she got carried away.
Claire got to work, noticing that her favorite co-worker, Lesley, was already there. Claire saw Lesley's toddler's car seat in the back, knowing it hadn't been a fun morning at her house. Lesley had a two-year-old son named Harry who Claire enjoyed, but Lesley's ex-husband Frank wasn't always in a helpful mood. So, this morning -like a lot of mornings,- the two-year-old was brought to the hospital child care center instead of staying home with his father.  
Claire sighed, shaking her head on Lesley’s behalf. Claire remembered when she’d gotten married to Frank and when she’d had her son - Lesley had thought she had it all. "But look," Claire thought, "it all fell apart at her feet shortly after it began." 
"I’m better off by myself. Only me to worry about.” It was her mantra of sorts, and Claire had convinced herself it was true. 
She got to her floor, put her stuff in her locker, and slowly shuffled to her station as she wondered what her day would bring. Lesley was there, as expected, riffling through some files as she smiled at Claire in greeting. Lesley was slightly shorter than Claire, with medium-length blonde hair Claire was sure wasn’t entirely natural. Lesley’s down-to-earth demeanor and penchant for keeping Claire grounded in reality was, unbeknownst to Claire, her saving grace during the work day, and though Lesley had had a rough go of it with Frank, she remained, for the most part upbeat - something Claire struggled with at times. Always there to lend an ear, Lesley was invaluable to Claire, and she was happy to return the favor whenever possible.
“Here you go, Lady.” Lesley said as she handed Claire a bright red folder with a name Claire couldn’t read on the side. “New admittance - a 72-year-old woman had a stroke and is in for observation.” 
Claire worked on the cardiac floor and enjoyed it... for the most part. The majority of her patients were older men and women, and she found them easy to talk to. She knew she could offer them some comfort and help during their stay.  
Grabbing the folder, she headed to her first room and started her day. 
Claire’s lunch left much to be desired - leftover Chinese food that had Lesley crinkling her nose. 
“How old is that, Claire?”
“I'm not sure. A few days…” 
“It doesn’t smell right.” 
Claire watched as Lesley’s mouth formed a frown. Lesley had her own lunch - a fresh salad with grilled chicken and cashews. 
“We can’t all be chefs, Lesley,” Claire said as she took a bite of her Kung Pao chicken. She made a face, struggling to swallow. Perhaps she should’ve thrown it out - but it was all she’d had to bring today.
“You live alone, Claire - you can cook all you want! I have to make my lunches once Harry has gone down for the night. After folding all of the laundry and scarfing down what’s left of dinner.” Lesley took a bite of her salad and chewed slowly as Claire shook her head. 
“I don’t know how you do it,” she said quietly, pushing her fried rice around with her fork. “I could cook, I suppose,” she continued, thinking about the ingredients in her refrigerator. Those consisted of a block of parmesan cheese, a bottle of orange juice, and a small pint of milk. “I could make...well, not much at the moment, but…” Claire, wanting to change the subject from her nonexistent domesticity, decided to bring up Jamie.
“I think he must have a girlfriend,” Claire said, deciding to throw her lunch out and buy some peanut butter crackers from the vending machine. As she fished for some coins in her purse, she continued. “I mean, he’s gorgeous...surely he’s taken. You know I have no luck, Lesley.”  
“Well, Claire,” Lesley began, sounding unsure about her next statement. “Do you...try?” 
Grabbing her crackers from the slot at the bottom of the vending machine, Claire whirled around, brows knitted and mouth in a scowl. 
“I do try,” she said, opening the crackers and stuffing one in her mouth. “I just figure he’s not worth my time,” she mumbled, spraying crumbs over her shirt. She brushed them off, shrugging. 
Lesley rolled her eyes, then set them on Claire, giving her a pitying, yet frustrated look. “You don’t know anything, Jon Snow.”
“It’s ‘You know nothing…’” Claire corrected, ignoring her comment. “Look how it worked out with Frank. You’re not exactly a great example of romance gone right.” Claire felt somewhat guilty when she saw Lesley’s face fall for a second, but the conversation was cut short by the clock. Time to get back to work.
“Just give it a go, Claire - the worst that could happen is that he is involved with someone else. You don’t know unless you ask.” Lesley gave her parting advice before they headed out of the lunchroom. 
Claire believed that the idea of knocking on his door and asking him about his relationship status was a little too much to ask of her. She’d talked to him - flirted even, and still...nothing. Nothing good could come of her asking him out, she decided. Only mortal embarrassment, and the unfortunate circumstance of having to live under someone who’d turned her down. No, thank you. 
Claire managed to push down all her thoughts about Jamie and get through her shift, and was relieved to plop down on the bus seat that would take her home.
Getting home, she eyed Jamie’s door, craning her neck in the stairwell to get a glimpse of the bright red door identical to her own, except he lived at 3C, she at 2C. 
"No sign of life," she sighed, hitching her purse and bag higher up her shoulder as she made her way to her flat. Her phone buzzed as she went in, tossing her bags on the entry table and reaching to dig into the depths of her purse for the offending object. She didn’t want to answer it, but she saw it was Lesley, so she swiped up, putting it to her ear with some trepidation.
"Please don’t ask me to babysit. Please, please," she begged silently as she heard Lesley begin to talk. She didn’t not like Harry. He was an adorable child and didn’t cause much trouble when he was here, but she had been looking forward to a much-needed day off work, and babysitting a toddler hadn’t been at the top of her agenda.
"…so anyway, I know it’s your day off,” Lesley said, and Claire groaned inwardly, covering the phone with her left hand. “But I’m just stuck, and I thought...maybe you’d help me out?” 
Claire gave a pained smile, even though Lesley couldn’t see her, rubbing her hand through her hair as she sighed. 
“Sure, Lesley, you know I will. It’s no trouble. Just drop him by in the morning.” 
Claire hung up, trying not to feel irritated by the prospect of watching a two-year-old all day. She had no plans, really, except to vegetate in front of the television, devouring Netflix true crime shows. But it sounded so good. Pizza delivery, maybe pull out her untouched bottle of whisky from some Christmas past...
"Oh well, she thought, I’ll just get through it. I’ll have another day off eventually." She thought. It then registered that she was due to work some night shifts coming up. "Oh... fun," she groaned to her empty apartment.  
Claire glanced at her ceiling when she heard footsteps upstairs. Jamie was home. What was he doing tonight, she wondered. Was his girlfriend over? Did he have a date, or was he, too, looking at an evening of solitary drinking?
Claire nearly jumped out of her skin when her doorbell rang. She shuffled to the door, warily looking through the peephole. She wasn’t in the mood for visitors. 
Puzzled, she saw a young teenager standing there holding a plastic bag, marked with a local restaurant’s logo. He wore a bright red hat, had more zits than craters on the moon, and he bore a scowl. Slowly, Claire opened the door, knowing she hadn’t ordered anything.
“Did you order this, lady?” the kid spat, holding the bag out to her, desperate to unload his delivery and get out of there. 
“Er...no...What’s the address?” 
“I don’t know, It’s smudged. I’m just...working my way around.” The kid shrugged, still holding out the bag.
“Well...I didn’t order it. Sorry. Try upstairs. Above me, perhaps? I know my neighbor just got home.” 
The kid sighed, drawing the bag away from Claire. He didn’t say anything, but slowly turned around and, swinging the bag around in a wide arc, growled as he started to make his way up the stairway. Claire waited at her door, hearing the delivery attempt upstairs. 
Hearing Jamie’s voice, she put her face in her palm, frustrated with herself. She could’ve made that delivery. She could’ve been standing in front of him now, complete with food. They could’ve eaten dinner together, watched a movie, somehow become entangled on his bed… 
Shut up, Beauchamp! 
She grabbed her phone, dialed to order a pizza, and slumped on the couch, resigned to her fate as a spinster, alone in front of Murder by Numbers for yet another evening. She folded her arms, brows knit, imagining Jamie upstairs with the girl he definitely had over. Why couldn’t she be hopelessly in love with someone at work, someone she saw every day? Someone she’d seen the bottom half of? That would make it easier. She always imagined Jamie as being about her height, but she could tell just from what she’d seen of his arms that he worked out. When he wore the sleeveless t-shirts, she always marveled at his biceps and had recurring dreams about them draped around her waist. 
She also knew he was a Scot, a transplant from somewhere north. She wondered if he ever wore a kilt because she figured she’d pay good money to see it. Oh, she was pathetic, she knew, but she didn’t care when she was alone in her thoughts. She wondered if it would do her good to get a cat. Perhaps then she wouldn’t do so much daydreaming. Surely it wasn’t healthy.
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dirt-cup-draco · 4 years
Sirius x Reader - More To You (2/2)
tag list: @spacegirlhere @treestarrrrrrrr @slytherpuffgal @scaredofvscogirls @jenniseiblack
It wasn’t often he felt guilt for what he did but right now he couldn’t have felt worse. He really didn’t know you. He hadn’t even tried. Because he was angry at his family and the world he had taken it out on you without a second thought. “I’m sorry,” He said lamely as you headed off to the library. He was positive you heard him but you just sighed and shook your head. He knew that wouldn’t be enough.
Sirius realized he should stop burning bridges before he had the chance to cross them. There was much more to you than he realized and now he was sure you would never forgive him.
If someone had told Sirius Black even five years ago that he would be stood before Barty Crouch Senior and convicted of thirteen counts of murder as well as giving away the hidden location of his best friend, his brother, he would have laughed in your face. Now, he was just numbly staring around as he let the members of the Wizengamot talk over him. 
He wasn’t present, not really. He still couldn’t believe James and Lily were gone. And Harry, oh poor Harry. Sirius should be with his godson right now. He should be raising and loving that boy like James would have wanted. A tear escaped out of his dull eyes as the men and women clamored over evidence and motive and all this terribly bullshit that made no sense. James was his family, Lily was the light of the world that was better with her and James in it. 
Now his family was torn apart. He hadn’t heard from Peter in ages and Remus didn’t believe his innocence. It hurt, the people he had grown up loving the most, and still loving unconditionally, couldn’t see he would never hurt them. It was the grief, he hoped. Maybe before Sirius rotted in Azkaban Remus could forgive him for not doing a better job to protect them. 
He was snapped out of his nightmarish reverie by a voice floating above the rest. “I don’t think we are considering all the possibilities here! It doesn’t make sense as to what Sirius Black would gain from giving up the Potters,” 
Eyes traveled to you and you took a steady breath as he stared at you with wide eyes. He hadn’t even realized you were part of the Wizengamot. He hadn’t seen you since school when you had declared that you wouldnt, couldnt, forgive him for his cruel behaviors against you. Why were you defending him?
“It figures that the Slytherin sticks her neck out for this monster,” Muttered a council member. You looked at them with a cool fury in your eyes what was drawing Sirius in like a moth to a flame. 
“My house is not relevant in this court room. It is a foolish way to judge students without knowing all of their circumstances and beliefs. Please do not presume to know me because of my house,” You were boiling beneath the surface but still had a dangerous calm about you. “And I think we are also presuming too many things about Black. We hear his family name and think he must have done it, we don’t know that for certain,” You argued. 
Barty Crouch Senior’s cheeks turned red in fury as he gaped at you. “You are new but that does not excuse your complete dismissal of the signs that point straight to this man being the culprit! I ask for silence from you,” 
“But it’s too perfect! Every single sign points to him and that is the problem!” You tried, knowing your time was coming to an end. 
“I will not hear another word from you!” You were silenced. 
You stewed angrily in your seat but relented. You couldn’t forfeit your entire career on Sirius Black but you wished that you could convince the rest to see that they could possibly be convicting an innocent man. They weren’t even giving him a real trial!
“We declare Sirius Orion Black guilty of all charges and hereby sentenced to life in Azkaban,”
Every prisoner in Azkaban was there for life. It was just a matter of how long they held on. 
You looked at Sirius as he accepted his fate. The fire was gone and he took punishment for the death of his friends and several others. Guilt swam in his eyes, drowning him. You recognized the look in him. It was close to the guilt he had shown when he had apologized to you years ago. You let your eyes linger on him. 
You had to remember this man before Azkaban hollowed him out and ultimately killed him. “I’m sorry,” You mouthed to him as he returned your gaze, possibly wanting to see a friendly face for the last time in his soon to be miserable existence. 
All he could manage was a tired smile. He was disconnected from reality but you understood. It was better to let life happen around you than face the hell you were in. 
Sirius stood outside your door. The moon was high in the sky and every noise had him looking around nervously. He barked, pawing at the door. He knew it was a long shot but he was praying you would open up. They would be looking for him and he was safe in his animagus form but he couldn’t sleep another night on the cold ground. He had to get to someone who would believe he wasn’t a danger. 
“Merlin’s beard,” He heard you mutter as you stomped down the stairs, flinging the door open. “Come on then,” You opened the door wider as you stared blearily at him. It seemed in your tired state that it took you an extra few seconds to realize who you were opening the door to. It was no secret to you that Sirius and his pals were unregistered animagi. A black dog could only chase you around the grounds so many times before you got suspicious. 
You looked closer, fumbling for the glasses you had hung on the collar of your shirt. “Oh gods,” You paled.Sirius wagged his tail and trotted in. You closed and locked the door, drawing the blinds closed and falling heavy into the nearest seat. “How?” You croaked. 
In but a blink of an eye Sirius was standing in front of you, hair tangled and matted. An unseemly scruff had found it’s way on to his face as he grinned a sinister grin. He was so far from the handsome boy he’d been in school. How long had it been? Twelve years. You realized, stomach churning. You had stopped trying  a handful of years ago and it had always been your biggest regret and source of guilt.
“Slipped through the bars when those ghoulish bastards brought me that shit they call food,” He snarled. His prison uniform hung off his skeletal frame.  You hardly knew what to do but realized Sirius was in need of well, everything. Food water, clothes. He was a miserable sight. 
You sprang up, dashing into the kitchen. “How do you take your tea?” You asked and Sirius let himself smile even if it was tight. They had taken so much from him over the past twelve years he didn’t know how to function so soon after.
“I’ll take anything,” He said honestly as you set a mug in front of him as well as some toast. 
“Y-you can have more if you finish,” You said, awkwardly. “I just figured you don’t want an upset stomach,” How strange it was to see you like this, hair messy from sleep and in a simple sleeping gown that he wouldn’t have thought a person like you would wear. He had been wrong years ago so he wasn’t surprised to find you were far different than he expected.
“Thank you,” He said after he had devoured everything in front of him. You had tried not to stare as he had wolfed it down, as if he was scared it would be taken from him. Sirius wiped the crumbs from his mouth and looked at you.
You were prettier than he remembered. “Thank you for the food,” He clarified, “but also for what you tried to do all those years ago. You were the only one on my side and it seems you still are,” 
“Please dont thank me,” You winced as a heavy weight fell on your shoulders. “I gave up on you far too soon, after three years it seemed every mention of you was gone and then after five I started to wonder if you were still alive. My budget was tight and I couldn’t afford to continue trying to free you,” You buried your face in your hands. 
Sirius hadn’t been expecting that. His lithe fingers wrapped around your wrist, tugging at it until you looked at him. He intertwined his fingers with you. Oh how good it felt to be near someone. “I will still thank you, I’ve given you every reason to doubt me and when it truly mattered the most you were the only one who had faith in me,” 
You let out a sad chuckle. “You’re an idiot, Black, not a monster,” You teased. 
Sirius meant to laugh, he meant to jest back. Instead he found himself giving into deep sobs that wracked his entire body and made his chest feel tight. He fell forward, head falling against your chest as you rested a shaky hand in his hair, another hand patting his back as you let him cry. After being dehumanized Sirius needed to feel again and know what it was to be free to do so. 
When his tears subsided you picked up a rather scary looking knot of hair. “I think you need a shower,” 
Sirius snorted and nuzzled his face against your chest as he wiped at his eyes. Moving but not distancing himself he rested his forehead against yours in a show of appreciation. You were the rock he never expected to have in this time. It was strange and foreign but you were both leaning on each other in a way that had seemed impossible once. 
Looking at Sirius Black you felt your heart ache with something akin to warmth. He was a shell of the man he used to be but in a way he was a better man, worn down by the world but still kind, maybe even kinder than he was before tragedy shredded his life. 
“I’m sorry but it had to be you I came to see,” He spoke as you washed his dish absentmindedly, thinking of how you’d get the guest bedroom ready for him as he took a shower. You didn’t want to be mean but the man smelled like death. 
“I’m glad you came,” You spoke and realized the words were completely honest. “Stay as long as you need, you are safe here,” 
When Sirius nodded and walked by you, following your directions to your bathroom, he pressed a kiss against your cheek and your draw nearly dropped. Who would have thought you’d see the day where Sirius Black wanted to be near you for a reason other than tormenting you. 
He didn’t look back as he walked to your bathroom but he felt his heart begin to beat again. The world was a different place now but just as dangerous as it had been twelve years ago. Despite that fact he let himself relax as he stood underneath the scalding water. 
Sirius Black washed himself clean from all the grime and misery of the past and let himself become a man with a soul again. In your home he could free himself of the past. You were the start of a future where he could be free, or at least he was hoping. 
Besides all the time he had spent figuring out who could have framed him he had allowed himself to reflect on all the missed chances he’d had. You were his biggest regret. You had deserved a respect he had never once shown you and now he would make up for it. 
In his time away, it was easy to say you had been a happy memory he had clung to. You didn’t have specific memories together but the memory of you standing strong to defend him had resonated with him and had his mind stuck on what memories the two of you could have possibly made if he had learned not to hate as a child. There had always been more to you.
If he played his cards right and got the revenge he craved, the justice for his best friend, maybe he could hope to learn all the things that made you tick. 
Without even knowing it you had given Sirius a reason to come back from the depths of hell and have a purpose after he caught Peter and made him pay. 
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