#source: sons of anarchy
April: What if he says “no”? Your father can be a little... difficult.
Leo: Are you afraid of my father?
Casey: We all are.
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incorrectdeathmark · 1 year
The older I get, the more I realize that age doesn’t bring wisdom. It only brings weary. I’m not any smarter than I was 10 years ago. I’ve just grown too tired to juggle the lies and hide the fears. Self-awareness doesn’t reveal my indiscretions; exhaustion does.
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After Count Dracula tries to throw Jonathan to the wolves
Jonathan Harker: I need to go to the bathroom. My bowels get very loose in situations like this.
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Sylvester: How's your butt? Tweety: How's it wook? Sylvester: Like a sthnack.
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Pope:(notices Sean the DILF driving a new car) Look at that new car! Cash:(riding his bike as he watches Pope drive his Impala) If only I could afford a car. Juice:(watches Cash ride his bike as he waits by the bus station) I wish I had a bike. Tully:(watches Juice from afar) I WISH I COULD FUCK THAT GUY'S ASS.
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2rats1gogh · 2 months
Hi! I wanted to know your opinion of Jacaerys. I always see that Team Black believes that he would have been a good king and it is also mentioned in the text, I, on the other hand, like to analyze what I read and draw my own conclusions. This guy's decisions were largely...bullshit. The first one that comes to my mind is the idea of riding their dragons and not sending ravens because then everyone would know they were "Targaryens" because only Targaryens ride dragons...then he proceeds to propose the idea of dragon seeds with bastards who haven't lived with his privilege claiming and riding dragons...and we already saw how it turned out. He also seems to me to be a very bad negotiator since to get support or maintain it he had to make quite important concessions and promises. The idea of sending away their little half-brothers who are not old enough to defend themselves and who only have little Stormcloud, when Rhaena and Joffrey were perfectly fine in the Vale does not seem logical to me. I always see that he died trying to save his half-brothers but this is not mentioned anywhere, Vermax decided to fly low...yes, but at no time is it mentioned that it was to rescue Viserys, I have read this fragment in the books that talk of the subject, not only fire and blood and it does not appear, I don't know if the source is this video that appeared on YouTube years ago where the Strong Boys had Valyrian traits 😂 there we see the credibility. They also say that he saved Aegon but the truth is that he was saved by his dragon... who did not allow himself to die until he was safe in Dragonstone, this decision did not have any positive impact on his half-brothers, rather it condemned them, Aegon to live with the guilt that did not belong to him and Viserys to be married at the age of 12...after spending years kidnapped.
Then there is the issue of Driftmark, something tells me that the legitimization of Addam and Alyn and consequently setting aside Joffrey as heir to House Velaryon was Corlys' condition to maintain his support, the people of team black usually say that this is so because Joffrey couldn't inherit the throne and also Driftmark (😂 sure, Corlys would be very upset if he was really his grandson) but Jacaerys was also alive when this agreement was reached. In short, I do not see brilliance or political cunning anywhere, besides the fact that with his condition as a bastard he should not have rights to the throne, but in his case no one speaks of usurpation to his half-brothers Aegon and Viserys, to Alicent's children and even Daemon's daughters, who had more inheritance rights than him and his two brothers, in the end his claim was based on a very very bad lie.
The dance is very poorly written, the truth is that this fact should have had more impact, I understand that they were going to die and George did not worry, but that Rhaenyra continued to be heir and retain so many supports being a woman with three very obvious bastards in a feudal society....It doesn't seem credible to me at all.
They give the example of English Anarchy but the truth is that it has nothing to do with it. Matilda had no siblings and it was a cousin, son of her father's sister, who claimed the throne. She also had no bastards, she had no children from her first marriage, in fact in the end it was her legitimate son, who she had with her second husband, who ended up on the throne and she fought more for his claim than for hers. It is not as similar as Team black points out, there are quite a few differences, Matilda and Rhaenyra are not the same.
Have a good Saturday! 🫶🏻
Hii sorry for the late response, hope you had a great Saturday yourself!
As much as I am a team green supporter, I never really hated Jace that much. My only real issue with him was him bringing the knife when Baela end Rhaena said that they’re going after Aemond. That’s it. He was never as awful as Luke, but he wasn’t that likable either tbh.
Imo we simply never got to know Jace well enough to say whether or not he would’ve been a good king. There is pretty much no evidence to suggest that he would. He might’ve been a good brother and a good son but that wouldn’t automatically make him a good ruler.
I think people are just mainly saying this because he is Rhaenyra’s firstborn and they are gaslighting themselves into thinking that Jace would’ve been a great king and so it’s a win for Rhaenyra when in reality we can’t say for sure. As you said, he did make some questionable decisions throughout the story. He was still pretty young, so he could’ve either matured into a wise and just king, or power and ambition could’ve corrupted him.
I think Rhaenyra’s bastards, and Jace mainly, are interesting only because they died in horrible ways. As soon as they were born (outside of marriage), they were doomed. And that’s their whole personality unfortunately. They have nothing interesting to offer other than being Rhaenyra’s doomed bastards. And Jace is just that.
And if we’re being honest, I don’t think the realm would’ve accepted him as a king. The rumors were there and people were talking. Sooo….. idk.
And you are absolutely right about Matilda!!! Her situation is entirely different from Rhaenyra’s in pretty much every way:
a) a cousin via aunt is not the same thing as half-brother via same father-king
b) Matilda didn’t have any other siblings whatsoever and was named heir because she had none, Rhaenyra did have three male siblings
c) Matilda didn’t have any illegitimate children
d) Matilda didn’t marry her uncle
e) Matilda didn’t try stealing her husband’s nieces’ inheritance
I can definitely see the inspo but it’s just not the same thing on so many levels
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tercessketchfield · 7 months
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JUDITH OF BAVARIA (797-843) — Daughter of Count Welf I of Bavaria, Judith was a Carolingian Empress as the second wife of Louis I the Pious. Mother of Gisela and Charles the Bald, she foght for both her own influence at court and for the succession of her son over the claims of his elder half-brothers, the sons of Louis I from his first marriage. Charles became the Emperor in 875, after the death of Louis II, his nephew and a son of his half-brother Lothair / fancast: Annabel Scholey
MARIA OF AUSTRIA (1528-1603) — Daughter of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and Isabella of Portugal. She served as Regent of Spain both jointly with her husband, Maximilian (before their accession to the imperial throne), and in person, for her father, and brother, Philip II. Her children include two Holy Roman Emperors, Rudolf II and Matthias, over whom she held great influence, and queens consorts of Spain, and France / fancast: Olivia Cooke
EMPRESS MAUD (1102-1167) — Daughter of Henry I of England and Matilda of Scotland. Her first marriage to the Holy Roman Emperor, Henry V, gave her the title under which she came down into history, and was a source of great pride to Maud. Rightful heiress of Henry I, she confronted her cousin, King Stephen, in the civil war, known as the Anarchy, fighting ferociously for her rights. She failed in this for herself but won for her son Henry, who became king and established the Plantagenet dynasty in England / cast: Alison Pill in The Pillars of the Earth (2010)
MARIA THERESA (1717-1780) — She succeded her father Charles VI as the ruler of Habsburg monarchy in 1740, and devoutedly defended it against its enemies in the War of Austrian Succession and the Seven Year's War. Wife of the Holy Roman Emperor, Francis I, she was a forceful personality and a competent ruler herself, reigning first in her own right, and later, jointly with her son Empreror Joseph II. Her children include two Holy Romam Emperors (Joseph II and Leopold II), queens consorts of Naples ans Sicily, and France / cast: Marie-Luise Stockinger in Maria Theresia (2017)
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seonne · 18 days
Hey! I'm glad you're doing song fics! I've had an idea in my head but can't put it in words. I'd be happy for you to give it a go 🙃
So the song is Lullaby for A Soldier (Arms of the Angels), sung by Maggie Siff.
Reader is Bakugos wife and is woken up by their newborn son. Bakugo wakes up shortly after and finds her singing to him ♡ feel free to include BigSis Erica ^.^
Thank youuu
Thank you loads for the request, I hope you don't mind me making some modifications to your request. I heard the song for the first time after your request and I just HAD to include certain stuff (BY THE WAY WHAT AN AMAZING SONG?????) I hope you like it and let me know if you do or not. I hope to see more requests from you in the future! (BECAUSE MY GOD ANON THE SONG!! THE SONG!!!!)
And without further ado, let's begin the Song Fics series!
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Song Fics Pt.1
Song of choice: Lullaby For A Soldier
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
Disclaimers: Kids. A whole lot of fluff, and very cutu Dad!Bakugou, not proofread because it's 1 AM.
(Mention of gender of reader is minimum)
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"May your dreams bring you peace in the darkness May you always rise over the rain May the light from above always lead you to love May you stay in the arms of the angels"
The words of a familiar song drifted into his inner mind as Bakugou slowly slipped into consciousness. The familiar song, familiar voice, familiar lilt of it all working their way through the walls of his conscience, begging him to wake up. The one thing unfamiliar was the lack of strength in the voice, sounding as if the person knows they should give up but their heart says no. Their mind says "just wait" and their love says "hold on". The ache it brought him flooded his chest before pulsing into a singularity in his heart, or where it should have been, as his eyes fluttered open, wincing against the fluorescent lights.
As the song faded away, he turned his face slightly towards its source, letting his eyes roam over your wide-eyed disheveled form. The war. All For One. Shigaraki. His death. His revival. One For All. The end of the war. His collapsing. All of it etched into the dark circles, eye bags on your face and the hollowness of your cheeks.
They say eyes are the mirrors of one's soul.
And yours looked absolutely crushed.
Bakugou weakly brought up a bandaged hand to wipe the streaming tears down your face.
"Your dark circles make you look dumb as hell."
You laughed through the tears as you grabbed onto his hand.
"Yeah. I probably look dumb as hell."
"May you always be brave in the shadows 'Til the sun shines upon you again Hear this prayer in my heart, and we'll ne'er be apart May you stay in the arms of the angels"
You wake up in the middle of the night around the time you'd usually wake up to check on your 6 month old daughter. You turn to check on your husband, only to find his side of the bed empty but warm.
You get up from the bed and shuffle slowly towards your daughter's nursery, where the lights are on and the door slightly ajar. A familiar tune flows through the air and into your ears as you walk closer, standing against the wall to peek inside. You watch with a soft smile as your so rough, so loud husband gently rocks your daughter back and forth as she lays on his chest, drool soaking his shirt.
He paces around the room slowly, while singing to her the song that you sang to him that one day in UA, that one day in the hospital, that one day on your star gazing date, the day he proposed, the night you got married, and the days that followed your pregnancy.
It was your song. The song that belonged to the both of you.
Now belonging to your family.
"May you hear every song in the forest And if ever you lose your own way Hear my voice like a breeze, whisper soft through the trees May you stay in the arms of the angels"
Your newborn, Akio, was less fussy of a baby than his big sister Erica was. He slept long hours and mostly slept through the night.
However, he woke up quite early in the morning.
One such morning, you're awoken by your beautiful 4 year old daughter Erica at 5:30 AM.
"Mummy! Akio's awake and he's whining!"
"Shhh darling!"
Your grumpy husband who's extra grumpy in the mornings, especially early mornings, grunted beside you in his sleep as a frown formed on his face before it slipped back into its pretty peaceful rest.
Your daughter slapped her hand on her mouth and giggled softly, putting her own finger up to her lips before grabbing your hand and ushering you out the door of your bedroom and to your newborn's nursery.
As you walked in, you saw Akio crying in his crib and you walked over to pick him up and rock him back and forth, your toddler watching you handle him. You checked his diaper, tried feeding him, tried burping him, but he just wouldn't stop crying.
"Hm, he seems very restless but nothing seems to be wrong..."
Your 4 year old quipped, her hair a tangly mess from sleeping but her fiery red eyes sharp as ever.
"Maybe he can't sleep! Let's put him to sleep!"
"Oh good idea! How do we put him to sleep though, Erica?"
"Let's sing to him! The- the lullaby song! The one you and papa always sing!"
You laughed as you nodded and placed Akio on your chest, carefully supporting his neck as you paced back and forth. Your daughter started singing and you soon joined her, both your voices mingling together in a peaceful harmony as your son started growing quieter. You swayed along to the tune with him in your arms when you heard a soft huff at the door.
Your husband, hair tousled and face puffy from sleep, stepped into the nursery, watching you and your daughter sing with a dopey smile on his face. He walked up to you and kissed your son on the forehead, giving you a kiss, before moving to Erica and placing her on his lap, kissing her forehead as well. He soon joined in on the singing, voice gruffy and hoarse but perfect nonetheless.
The room enveloped in the perfect warmth as the tune of the lullaby floated and glided along the walls, along the crib, along the penhouse, along the baby toys and flowed through each of you as your son quieted down and slipped into a deep slumber, warm smile on his tiny lips.
"May you grow up to stand as a man, love With the pride of your family and name When you lay your head, or to rest in your bed May you stay in the arms of the angels"
As slow as time felt in agony, twice as fast did it feel in contentment. Bakugou had become the number one hero, on and off the number one spot with Izuku for years, Erica had grown up and gotten into UA, you had gotten into the top 8 heroes in Japan, Erica had graduated UA and was ready to move abroad for her first few years as a pro hero and now Akio was going to join UA and move into the dorms.
Everything had gone by so fast yet so slow. Bakugou certainly lived every moment but they definitely passed by quite fast. Too fast. And now his babies were moving away from him. Letting go of Erica even though only to the UA dorms had been hard enough for him. Now Erica was moving out of Japan and Akio was not going to be home either.
He should be happy that his kids are doing well, that both him and you did your roles well enough for your kids to experience all this. Besides, now both him and you can live without constant worry over your kids whilst they're at home.
Yet something nags at his heart strings and he hates it.
What is it? Nostalgia? Pshh that's so stupid.
It's so stupid. Maybe he's stupid.
It's the night before Erica and Akio leave. The whole week was spent packing their things for them to move out. They wiped their rooms fairly empty, save for the bookshelf that Bakugou built for them after they inherited your reading and book obsession traits. Yet, even the bookshelf seemed empty.
The only books that remained on said shelf were ones that they had since they were able to read and ones they had read multiple times over, so much that Erica at 8 years old would follow him around the house reciting a whole book from index to epilogue. Bakugou chuckled at the memory as he walked past the bookshelf, past the books he'd read them many times as bedtime stories, past the book nooks that the four of you made as a family bonding activity when Akio was 7 and past Erica's first pre-school art project.
Bakugou walks into the hall where you, Erica and Akio are sat, talking and laughing, trying to not think of the fact that your family as a unit was about to take a huge leap into the future the very next day.
Bakugou sits at his unverbalised designated spot and picks up his guitar from the side. Erica and Akio share glances at the unexpected melancholy oozing from their father while you watched him with a soft smile and adored the silvering strands framing his face.
Bakugou struck chord after chord leisurely, softly, determinedly as he refused to look up from the fretboard. His lips slowly formed words as his voice echoed through the emptier halls, emptier rooms and heavier hearts. Your voice followed, much like the nights spent in your kids' rooms when they couldn't sleep at night. Erica joined, much like the nights Akio had panic attacks and didn't want to be alone. Akio chimed in, much like the nights spent on these very sofas with board games and snacks, tv running in the background.
Laughter, yelling, tears, pain, joy, anxiety, panic, relief, fun, pranks, jokes, debates, discussions, confessions... everything that made these four walls feel like home packed into the harmony of the four voices.
The voices trailed off at the end of the song, a new smile etched into the windows and doors. The end of another chapter and the beginning of a new one.
Whenever your babies want a piece of comfort and familiarity, Bakugou and you leave your arms open for them to run into. That's what parents are for, aren't they?
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Wowie that was a long and draining one and it's really late at night. Hope you guys enjoyed this and let me know what you thought of it. I mentioned in another post earlier that I am unable to really listen to music right now but after my doctor's appointment on Monday I should be fine so, if you have any more requests please do send them but I ask of you to be patient with me T-T.
Anyway, that's all for today and I need to fucking sleep.
Lots of love! 💚
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If you had the chance to change something about the dance of the dragons (TV show or book), what would it be? For example, how a character dies, which team a house is on,or an entire character personally. How would you change it to make the story better, in your opinion? 💙💚🖤♥️
Good question! There are a lot of things I'd change, but I think first and foremost, if I had the chance to change only one thing, I'd start with the source material and I'd make the Dance more closely parallel history, that is, I would make the Dance a conflict between an only daughter and her cousin or uncle. It could be Rhaenyra vs. Daemon, or Rhaenyra vs. Laenor, or Rhaenyra vs. a character who doesn't exist currently in canon. Personally, I think the perfect setup already existed for a Rhaenyra vs. Daemon Dance, and I think that could have been quite a lot of fun. Alternately, Rhaenyra vs. Laenor could have been very interesting depending on how they played it.
George wants to parallel the Anarchy, but making the Dance a civil war between an older daughter and a younger son instead of a daughter and a cousin makes the entire premise of the war completely different, and it's just not a realistic conflict for a medieval hereditary monarchy that otherwise practices some form of male preference primogeniture, unless you introduce a secondary disqualifying element for the male heir (like religion, madness/incompetence, foreign influence, rumored bastardy), and the Dance doesn't even do that. England did not have absolute primogeniture until 2013, and there was no country in the entire world that practiced absolute primogeniture before 1980. The pushback against a daughter taking the throne over a son would have been tremendous even while Viserys was alive, not just a few lords whispering, and then when you add on the bastardy of Rhaenyra's sons, well, the king can only cut out so many tongues before people start calling him a tyrant. Empress Matilda was not only her father's chosen heir, she was his only legitimate living child, and still she was successfully challenged by a man who was her cousin, and not even the oldest cousin. I think this decision to make Rhaenyra and Aegon brother and sister had a negative ripple effect across the story, and actually undermines the role misogyny played in the real life Anarchy.
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ankhmutes · 1 year
A Charming Journey Home (SoA)
This is probably my first attempt at an actual fic for Sons of Anarchy. This is not for minors. So I will post the actual story after the cut.
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You ran away from Charming at 18, chasing Connor McGregor, a wannabe of the Sons of Anarchy all the way to Belfast, Ireland. You come back nine years later, older and wiser, and you find just what you need when you come back home....thanks to a surprising source, your crow-eater partying best friend Amanda.
(NOT FOR MINORS, PLEASE, under the cut)
You had recently left Connie, finally- fucking finally, and you were able to go back home to your parent’s in Charming. Mom and Dad loved having the kids back, and You had finally gotten that job at the bar. It was good enough for now, until you could find something better. You had been a nurse, but the hours weren’t what you wanted and you wanted to be there for the kids for now. Especially after what Connie had done to your daughter Shane. The kids needed you more, and your parents were enjoying the opportunity to be grandparents, even if it was a little late. Bartending seemed to work, and your parents didn’t really seem to care as long as everyone was okay, after what everyone had gone through with Connie. Shane’s face was finally starting to heal and the boys were finally sleeping all night.
“Come on, you’ll love it. You got to live a little. Your mom and dad have the kids so You can just chill.” Amanda bosses You around, just like old times as she tugged you over to her side. Amanda had been begging You to go to a SAMCRO party, and You Weren't sure. You had seen the Sons around, but never really bothered with them. You were too busy doing your job, serving drinks and making sure tabs were paid. Biker boys were the last thing You wanted. 
“Mandy, really? You’re still a crow-eater wannabe?” You Asked with a slight laugh, mildly surprised that Amanda was still chasing that dream of being an old lady in the Sons of Anarchy. It was one thing to be twelve and dream and watch the Sons on their gleaming motorcycles, whispering about how gorgeous Gemma Teller was, and how cool all the women on the motorcycles were, and how cute the bikers were to piss off your parents. 
You watched Amanda mingle with the crowd, sliding up to the prospects in their vests. You just trailed behind her, finding a quiet spot just inside, right near the bar. You sipped on a bottle of Guinness and watched the crowd, noticing quite a few handsome men in their cuts, noting which ones You thought were the most handsome and those You wouldn’t give the time of the day to. You listened to the voices of the crowd, blending in the music and soon You couldn't really decipher any specific conversation, just simply enjoying the random cacophony of lively noise. 
Soon, You found your eyes frequently going back to two men, A gray-streaked man who was the  and a wild-haired mischievous sergeant at arms. You couldn’t catch their names, it was too loud, and wild, as You watched the sergeant at arms yell about pussy, and taking swigs out of not the first bottle of beer of the night. The gray-streaked man was much more calm, his energy radiating quiet confidence as he sipped at a bottle of hard liquor and watched the entertainment with amusement. You just couldn’t decide- solid and dependent, or wild and mischievous. They seemed like a perfect yin and yang. 
“Hey! Ya a friend of Mandy’s?” a prospect asked, slinking up to you. You shrugged and sipped at your beer, smiling slightly up at him. He was cute and handsome, but too puppy-dog for you. “How about a dance?”
“Nah, maybe later. I’ve gotta keep an eye on Mandy, make sure she gets home in one piece.” You used your beer bottle to point out Mandy, who was dancing on a stripper pole someone had set up, a small semi-circle of prospects lurking around her. Mandy was eating up the attention. 
“Nah, she’s always here. You’re new.  You’re interesting. Got a name?” You half-shrugged and gave the prospect your name, sipping your beer and making sure you didn’t overdo it. You had a feeling you’d become Mandy’s designated driver before long but you did want to have a drink or two. Mandy ended up half-naked on a pool table, spread-eagle, and only the prospects were all over her. None of the actual members seemed interested in Mandy.
“Let’s go, Mandie– “ you said as you tried to coax Mandy off the pool table, promising her Taco Bell on the way home. You and a couple prospects finally poured her in the backseat of your Jeep, and you were finally able to go home. You went back to your parent’s house, and dragged Mandy in with you, dumping her on the couch with a bucket and blanket. Your parents were asleep, your parents in the large love seat with Shane in their laps, her wild curls spread all over his arm. The two had a large comforter draped around them, Shane’s face with the pink scars criss crossing over her cheek was peeking out from under the blanket. She didn’t stir, your father’s grip on her keeping her secure and calm. You tiptoed down the corridor to the boys’ room, the twins in their bunk bed, soft snores coming from the dog sprawled on the lower bunk.
You loved the peace and calm, and you could finally relax, sliding in your room and shedding off your clothes. You relished the cool feel of the sheets against the exposed skin of your body, just too tired to change. Your mind went to the two men you saw at the party. You weren’t into biker boys anymore but… there was something about them. Perhaps it was the fact they were actual members, you vaguely remembered them from a decade ago. You remembered the smell of the leather, alcohol, and smoke from the clubhouse, and you lost yourself in one of your old fantasies. You laid back naked in bed, your hand sliding down to your belly. You remembered how your jeep was broken down right near T & M and you had to flag down one of the Sons to take it in the shop. You remembered the gray haired one, but he had brown hair back then, his scars giving him a scary and sexy air. You couldn’t remember if he had always had the beard or not, but you didn’t care. You remembered hearing his voice and getting wet from his voice. You remembered you used to call the shop, hoping to get him to answer the phone. Whenever you did, you would ask for your jeep to be taken in, sabotaging it every time he answered the phone.
You were not sure if he remembered you, but you knew if he saw your jeep, he sure as hell would recognize it. You were surprised your parents had kept it, right down to the Sons of Anarchy MC logo you had drawn on it with a sharpie. It had looked badass to you at sixteen, but now you were a mother of three and definitely over twenty five, you just cringed at that girl and wondered why your dad had not sand-blasted the shit out of it already. 
Your brain switched to the fantasy of the man in the cut giving you a tow yet again. He would see your jeep, exclaim at how hot you were, and demand a blow job for service rendered. You’d of course protest, but then give in at the sight of the bulge in his trousers and get on your knees for him, his hands sliding through your hair and guiding you until he would come hard down your throat, telling you what a good dirty girl you were for him. 
Your fingers slid through the slick, deftly and quickly bringing you a sense of relief with a decent orgasm in the silence of the night, but you did miss the thrill a real cock could bring you. Especially if it was attached to one of the men you fantasized about. Your heart beat heavily in your chest, as you righted yourself and curled up in your comforter and pillows. You let yourself sink into the dark abyss of sleep and comfort, finally realizing you were home. The Sons were here. You were safe.
Part 2 to come soon!!
@kdogreads thank you for everything you do!
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yourwinchesterbros · 1 year
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Hello all! I’m super excited to announce the release date of my SOA X SPN crossover fic – Coming soon near you!
A story where the Sons of Anarchy meet the Winchester Brothers.
Premiering a love triangle between Jax Teller, Dean Winchester and YOU! Will you choose the dangerous life of a hunter or will you choose madness with the sons? 
Set to be released 06.10.23.
Takes place after my Jax Teller fic “Rule Breaker” https://www.tumblr.com/yourwinchesterbros/694609038960361472/rule-breaker-part-one?source=share
To help prepare! Below is a guide to understanding terminology within these worlds. This is built to help readers better understand the meaning behind these words without ever seeing the shows. For those of you who have seen SOA or SPN  you should know these *wink wink*
Charming: A small town in California where the SONS (Sons of Anarchy) clubhouse and automotive repair shop is located.
Old lady: Old Lady is the girlfriend/wife of a SAMCRO member. Under the club rules, an Old Lady is supposed to be shown total respect by all club members and outsiders.
Reaper: Commonly known as Jax Teller.
Men of Mayhem: Men of Mayhem is the rank and patch given to those SAMCRO members who have killed in the group’s name, meaning most members wore that patch on their kuttes (Leather vests).
Djinn: A monster from supernatural that possesses powers to cause victims to hallucinate whilst they feed on their blood.
Baby: Dean Winchesters vehicle, the Impala.
Church: Refers to a scheduled club meeting at the reaper engraved table. 
Gavel: Ceremonial wooden hammer used to lock in decisions and votes made within the members of the club during church.
Hunter: Someone who specifically specializes in hunting monsters.
Trigger Warnings: Smoking, Use/mention of Weapons, Kidnapping, Violence, Cursing, Light smut & fluff! Overall, the general theme of both shows combined. Will attach this post with the fic :)
10k+ Words so I may break it up into two parts!
If you’re interested in delving into this fic once it is out- please let me know and I’ll add you to the tag list! Tagging my mutuals if you’re interested in this read but no pressure if it’s not for you 🖤  @alohomorasomnium @withmyteeth @jvalentinesworld-cokes-hyna @witchthewriter @rayslittlekitten @darklydeliciousdesires @darqchilddaydreamz @spaghettificationandpretzels @impala-dreamer @saracatherine @samcro-jnt 
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datcloudboi · 5 months
List of Films Turning 10 Years Old in 2024
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
American Sniper
Annie (the remake starring Jamie Foxx)
As Above, So Below
The Babadook (we stan a gay icon)
Batman: Assault on Arkham (a direct continuation of the Batman: Arkham games)
Big Eyes
Big Hero 6
Birdman (won the Best Picture Oscar for this year)
The Book of Life
The Boxtrolls
Boyhood (filmed over the course of 12 years)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead
Dear White People (the basis for the TV series on Netflix, and made by the same guy)
Dracula Untold (this was Universal’s second attempt at launching the Dark Universe)
The Drop (a crime drama starring Tom Hardy)
Edge of Tomorrow/Live Die Repeat
The Equalizer
Exodus: Gods and Kings (a biblical epic directed by Ridley Scott)
The Expendables 3
The Fault in Our Stars
Fury (the war movie with Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf)
Get on Up (the James Brown biopic starring Chadwick Boseman)
Godzilla (the 1st film in the MonsterVerse)
Gone Girl
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1
The Guest
Hercules (the one starring The Rock)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (did you guys know the working title for this movie was “The Hobbit: There and Back Again”?)
How to Train Your Dragon 2
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
If I Stay
The Imitation Game (the movie where Benedict Cumberbatch plays Alan Turing)
Inherent Vice
The Interview (the movie that almost caused World War 3)
Into the Woods
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Jodorowsky's Dune (a documentary about the Dune movie that we never got)
Joe (one of Nic Cage's best movies)
John Wick (the 1st one)
Kill the Messenger
Left Behind (one of Nic Cage's worst movies)
The Lego Movie
Life After Beth
Lucy ((the “humans only use 10% of their brain” movie. Which has since been proven false. Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-people-only-use-10-percent-of-their-brains/ )
The Maze Runner
A Million Ways to Die in the Weset
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
Muppets Most Wanted
Need for Speed (Aaron Paul's first project after "Breaking Bad" ended)
Night of the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (the third one. Also one of Robin Williams’ last movies)
Noah (a biblical epic directed by Darren Aronofsky)
The Nut Job
Obvious Child
Oculus (one of the 1st projects from Mike Flanagan)
Penguins of Madagascar
The Purge: Anarchy
The Raid 2
RoboCop (the reboot that was actually decent)
Sharknado 2
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
Son of Batman
St. Vincent
The Taking of Deborah Logan
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the one produced by Michael Bay. It’s also the one where the Turtles look like aliens)
The Theory of Everything (the movie where Eddie Redmayne plays Stephen Hawking)
Third Person
300: Rise of an Empire
Transformers: Age of Extinction
22 Jump Street
Veronica Mars (the film continuation of the TV show)
A Walk Among the Tombstones
What If? (a rom-com starring Daniel Radcliffe)
What We Do in the Shadows (the film that was the basis for the TV show)
When Marnie Was There
X-Men: Days of Future Past
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If Dolly kicked Stiva out
Kitty: Uh...Stiva's here. Come to pick up the rest of his stuff. He thought you'd be uh...out today.
Levin: I'm feeling really uncomfortable.
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mndvx · 1 year
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Since these Veldt farmers can’t possibly fight the Imperium alone, Kora sets off with a mercenary starship pilot named Kai (Sons of Anarchy’s Charlie Hunnam) to find help, since his Tawau-Class freighter is necessary to get them off-world and back again. It's not a ride built for comfort. Very little in Rebel Moon has a high gloss.
“It’s more of a dieselpunk world than a steampunk world,” Snyder says. “There is a sort of higher-energy source than gasoline, since they have a way of jumping across vast swaths of the universe, but the technology hasn’t really changed in quite a while.” Snyder’s universe has become a stagnant one, in part because of the dictatorship weighing down on it and siphoning its resources.
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elanorar · 1 year
I keep hearing that Rhaenyra created the “succession crisis all by herself.” No, she didn’t. Many in Westeros were able to accept that her sons were legitimate because not only was the Crown Princess saying it was true, but also the King, and Corlys Velaryon himself.
The only ones who really cared about the boys being bastards is the greens. Many other houses who stood with the blacks during the war did so because Jacaerys gained their loyalty. They didn’t care if he was a bastard.
George R.R Martin made it clear that Rhaenyra was usurped due to misogyny. In fact, he was inspired by the real life succession crisis called the Anarchy. Empress Matilda had no bastards and was still usurped due to her gender. You will find all the proof you need in the source material itself. The one main reason Alicent gives at the Green Council for why Rhaenyra should be usurped is because she a woman and has no right to the throne.
To quote the text: ”King,” insisted Queen Alicent “The Iron Throne by right must pass to His Grace’s eldest trueborn son.”
Rhaenyra was usurped not only because the greens had a belief that her sons were “monsters by nature” due to them being bastards. She was also usurped because she was a woman.
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thesunfyre4446 · 2 months
I wanted to know your opinion of Jacaerys. I always see that Team Black believes that he would have been a good king and it is also mentioned in the text, I, on the other hand, like to analyze what I read and draw my own conclusions. This guy's decisions were largely...bullshit. The first one that comes to my mind is the idea of riding their dragons and not sending ravens because then everyone would know they were "Targaryens" because only Targaryens ride dragons (he sounds like a self-conscious person if you ask me)...then he proceeds to propose the idea of dragon seeds with bastards XD who haven't lived with his privilege claiming and riding dragons...and we already saw how it turned out.
He also seems to me to be a very bad negotiator since to get support or maintain it he had to make quite important concessions and promises. The idea of sending away their little half-brothers who are not old enough to defend themselves and who only have little Stormcloud, when Rhaena and Joffrey were perfectly fine in the Vale does not seem logical to me.
I always see that he died trying to save his half-brothers but this is not mentioned anywhere, Vermax decided to fly low...yes, but at no time is it mentioned that it was to rescue Viserys, I have read this fragment in the books that talk of the subject, not only fire and blood and it does not appear, I don't know if the source is this video that appeared on YouTube years ago where the Strong Boys had Valyrian traits 😂 there we see the credibility. They also say that he saved Aegon but the truth is that he was saved by his dragon... who did not allow himself to die until he was safe in Dragonstone, this decision did not have any positive impact on his half-brothers, rather it condemned them, Aegon to live with the guilt that did not belong to him and Viserys to be married at the age of 12...after spending years kidnapped.
Then there is the issue of Driftmark, something tells me that the legitimization of Addam and Alyn and consequently setting aside Joffrey as heir to House Velaryon was Corlys' condition to maintain his support, the people of team black usually say that this is so because Joffrey couldn't inherit the throne and also Driftmark (😂 sure, Corlys would be very upset if he was really his grandson) but Jacaerys was also alive when this agreement was reached.
In short, I do not see brilliance or political cunning anywhere, besides the fact that with his situation as a bastard he should not have rights to the throne, but in his case no one speaks of usurpation to his half- brothers Aegon and Viserys, to Alicent's children, and to Daemon's daughters,in the end their claim was based on a very very bad lie. The dance is very poorly written, the truth is that this fact should have had more impact, I understand that they were going to die and George did not worry, but that Rhaenyra continued to be heir and retain so many supports being a woman with three very obvious bastards in a feudal society....It doesn't seem credible to me at all. They give the example of English Anarchy but the truth is that it has nothing to do with it. Matilda had no siblings and it was a cousin, son of her father's sister, who claimed the throne. She also had no bastards, she had no children from her first marriage, in fact in the end it was her legitimate son, who she had with her second husband, who ended up on the throne and she fought more for his claim than for hers. It is not as similar as Team black points out, there are quite a few differences, Matilda and Rhaenyra are not the same, Rhaenyra was very selfish, and looked out primarily for her own good. Team Black sells you that she is the best mother in the world, but the truth is that she held a party for the appointment of Joffrey as her heir when she had already lost a lot of children and she used her last words to curse, without worrying about what they could do with her son, any mother would have asked for clamency...she was too proud for that. Helaena, on the other hand, is constantly criticized by them, but this woman offered her life in exchange for that of her children and they criticize her for becoming depressed after what happened to her.
hi there <3 thank you for the ask!
well, first of all it's important to mention that jace is like 15-17 during the time of the dance. he's a teenager. so we shouldn't be so hard on him for making bad decisions. i think the kid's got his heart in the right place lol
he wants to prove himself. especially because he knows he's illegitimate. he wants to make up for that in skill. but what i find interesting about his character is that every time someone brings out the "bastard" allegations his immediate response is violence. we see that in driftmark when he pulls a knife on aemond, and after the "strong" speech he lunges at aemond - not a great sign for the future king if you ask me. because the bastard allegations will always be there. so while i do think all things consider he's a good kid - it's obvs that he can't handle people calling a bastard. he explodes.
wrt to his death, i think he died from an arrow? his suggestion to send the boys away was actually smart (especially after b&c) but unfortunately they were attacked. did he try to reach his brothers? i honestly don't remember, but that's in-character for him. since, again, he's a good guy. (prob why i can't get into his character. sorry jace you're too normal)
corlys and rhaenyra's alliance was ruined after rhaenys's death.
and yeah the dance doesn't make sense lol and wrt to rhaenyra's motherhood, well, i think she loves her kids and tries her best. i think that she prob thought that aegon was going to kill aegon the younger no matter what. especially considering how daemon killed jaehaerys and she killed maelor. and rhaenyra's rhaenyra. she wasn't going to beg no matter what haha she's a good mother IMO.
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