#sorry if i sound mean im just getting a little frustrated having to explain their dynamic over and over again
mouvs · 10 days
My last uni final exam is in 2 days and I’m actually stressed the fuck out, so to take my mind off it I’m requesting this because the longer I keep starting at my lecture notes the more I’m getting the urge to cry soo here I am anyway can you do joost with female reader and she’s been a more distant towards him and when he asks if she’s ok she lies saying she’s fine but he knows her better than that so he comes over to find her studying knowing she hasn’t gotten sleep or properly eaten in days and she starts crying from the stress and just comforts her, maybe runs her a bath, gets her food, and then plays with her hair till she falls asleep. Don’t feel pressure to do it if you don’t want to and make sure to take care of your self!
Aawww thanks for the request sorry im a bit late to it hope your exam went well love🩷
Take care - joost klein
Its been a few days since joost has had a proper conversation with you as he looked at your latest text messages, he was quite busy himself so it took him a second to see how dry and short you were over texts. He got the sense something wasn’t right, making him feel a little anxious as he decided to stop by.
With a bouquet flowers in his hands he rang your doorbell, shuffling on his feet and playing with the string of his earbuds as he waited for you to open.
He heard a load groan on the other side of the door before it opened “oh joost hi” you sounded surprised “i didn’t know you were coming” you said as you looked at the flowers in his hand.
“I wanted to come check on you ya know see how you are” he said, presenting you the flowers “for you” he said with a big grin showing his theet as he gave you the biggest smile.
“Aw thank you love” you mumbled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close “thats really sweet” you whisper in his ear.
As you let him in you went to put the flowers in a vase as joost looked around your appartement.
“Are you sure your doing okay?” He asks, looking around to see your place.. kind of neglected as clothes and other stuff spread around everywhere. You sigh sitting at the kitchen counter bend over your laptop again as you cover your face in your hands. “Ive been busy” you mumble.
“Whats up?” He nonchalantly says as he hovers over you. You lean your head on your arms as you sigh again. “Its to much stress these exams, i have to study so much and i feel like i cant do enough or im to dumb or ill have a black out, did you know i have to do a whole ass presentation?” You sounded more upset by the second as you raised your head to look at him in disbelief.
“Thirty fucking minutes joost what the fuck am i even going to do and i cant even take care of myself at the same time i haven’t eaten a meal in days i mean look at this place” you let out frustrated as you stare at your laptop again.
“Hey babe no” he shushes as his hands caressed your shoulders “your not dumb we’ve been over this you got this dont let the stress cloud your head like that, you gotta stay positive and ask for help when u need it alright i can help you out with… this..?” He said questionable as he pointed at all the words on your screen, making you let out a giggle as you pouted at him.
You sighed “no your right im not dumb its just to much joost” you mumble as you lean into his chest.
“Look since i know you pretty well, lets go over your exam for tomorrow and THEN take a break alright ill take good care of you” he said firmly kissing your cheek before he sat on the chair beside you sliding the laptop infront of him.
He squeezed his eyes and made a few faces as he looked at all of it. “Okay tell you what you explain this shit to me and if i understand it then you pass” he said flashing you his signature grin as he gave you the laptop back making you giggle while you rolled your eyes.
Lets just say it took a little while… joost couldn’t possibly focus on all those hard terms coming out of your mouth as he just mindlessly admired you and giggled when u scolded him to pay attention.
“Hmmm why don’t you take a nice bath while i try to make dinner for us” he said as he looked in all the cabinets of your kitchen.
“What if you blow up my house?” You said raising an eyebrow while turning to him. He gave you a mad face “no i will not blow up your house y/n” he chuckled “if you say so sweetie” you sang as you joined.
The evening ended with the two of you in the couch eating pasta joost made that was actually quite good. You gave him lots of compliments making the boy blush and smile at you like a little boy.
You laid in his lap as you watched your favourite show, his hand in your hair as you enjoyed the comfort and warmth of your boyfriend finally feeling relaxed. “Thank you” you whispered
“Anytime sweetheart” he said, kissing the top of your head.
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yawntutsyip · 1 year
okay request! aonung with fem metkayina
aonung takes notice that you have bloomed, from a shy reserved girl to slowly gaining confidence and coming out of your shell. he comes to find he isn't the only one that has taken notice, and gets slightly agitated when one of the popular hunters voices his interest during their return from a hunt one afternoon.
Aonung, not one to bite his tongue for long, says something to him. The other boy realises that aonung has a soft spot for you. To bring in some comedy, they both have a stare off before racing back to the village. Competing on who has the larger catch of fish, or who has the biggest fish.
They both stumble onto the sand, racing towards the village, the other boy getting ahead of anoung, in a rush aonung didnt see you, and you with him, as you were also rushing. You bump into each other, hard for you because of his strong chest, but it sends you both stumbling.
This sends the necklace you had just made go flying into the water and sinking. You were too shocked by being so close, he almost doesn't realise its you from frustration. But you quickly notice the necklace is not in your hand and give him a quick look, which he returns in shock. He is cut off from saying anything when you dive into the water out of view. Of course the other boy, just had to witness this and starts laughing with some others from afar, Roxto joins the crowd before assisting aonung.
Turns out the necklace you made was for aonung, but he would never know, because either you didnt find it, or you did and couldn't find the game to give it to him after that embarrassing encounter.
1st alternative if reader doesnt find the necklace, she speaks to tsireya about it,explaining it was important, she found the perfect shell and such to gift someone, tsireya tries to find out who but reader wont budge.
2nd alternative if reader does find the necklace she also speaks to tsireya about it, asking for advice on how she can gift it to someone who she might not have a chance with. Tsireya goes off naming boys, but suddenly comes to ask if its her brother. Tsireya could recall one day when you joined her group of friends for the first time, they started gossiping about boys, and you gotten quiet and kept focus on something else when aonungs name was brought up.
Idk about an ending and im sorry if its too long or not detailed enough. Or even a boring idea
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Warnings: none 🤷‍♀️
AN: I hope you liked this , and this was what you were hoping for, tysm for requesting. sorry if there’s mistakes I’m writing this at 2 am in the morning 🧎‍♀️I’m tired asf. ❤️ ily tho
The necklace:
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The village was alive and happy as they had been throwing a celebration for the hunters that had returned from their trip successfully and safely. The sound of drums pounding, woman singing, rattles shaking, and children’s laughter with the complimentary sound of the ocean in the background.
You stayed by the fire dancing in your own world, swaying your hips to the beat of the drums and humming along to the song. It was as if you were one with the music, letting yourself free from any problems. Unbeknownst to you, you had caught the eyes of a certain chief's son. Ao’nung.
He had been staring at you with hungry eyes from afar ever since he saw you get up and start dancing, the way your hips swayed to every beat, and how your hair gracefully blew against the wind. He was entranced by everything about you since you guys were younger. He had watched you grow from a shy little girl that was always too scared to talk to anyone into a young beautiful woman, finally out of your shell and not caring about the eyes around you. “(Y/N) is probably one of the most beautiful girls here, you know I’m thinking about asking to court her, treat her all night if you know what I mean ayeee”
The voice of another hunter nearby catching Ao’nung’s attention moving from you to land on Äenlu, even his name made the boy's blood boil. Ao’nung didn’t like the way he talked about you, talking about ‘treating you all night’ yeah right. No one was good enough for you…besides himself.
“You won’t get the chance to ask her, because I’m asking her first Äenlu” Ao’nung said staring at the other hunter, saying his name with as much venom he could muster up. This caught Äenlu off guard, making him realize he wasn’t the only one about to make a move on you. Both Metkayina boys stare at each other, looking as if they were about to pounce any second waiting for the other's next move. “Bro! Go grab the fish you had caught earlier and ask (Y/N) hurry! This is your chance” Rotxo nudges his friend with his elbow.
Immediately Ao’nung stands up and books it back to his hut, finding the biggest fish he and his father could catch ready to show it off and impress you. Äenlu doing the same shortly, as he had heard the boys advise. He wanted you badly to be his mate and just because Ao’nung was the son of the Olo’eyktan doesn’t mean he would go easy. Unfortunately, when they both came out of their family’s Marui they both noticed they had about the same size fish. Now, this was serious. Giving each other one last look they both ran back to where the celebration was being held, racing to see who could get to you first. They both stumbled in the sand nearly dropping the big fish in their hands.
For the people who didn’t know what was going on, they just looked like mad men running with fish, almost falling on their faces. It was quite embarrassing but they didn’t care. There was only one thing on their mind and that was you.
While all that chaos was going on, you stopped dancing and went back to where your friend Tsireya was. “Well~ are you gonna do it tonight? I think it’s the perfect moment!” She tells you with a teasing grin on her lips showing her dimples. Blush finds its way upon your face as you can’t help but smile back and nod. “I am. I even made him a necklace….do you think he’s gonna like it?”
You grabbed the necklace that was in your pouch and lift it to show Tsireya. It had taken you all night to put it together from weaving the string to diving for shells and pearls to make the beads, then having to shape them…it was a whole process but every moment was worth it as you made sure to have only good intentions while making it.
Tsireya’s eyes widen and stared at the necklace in awe, it was beautifully made and had taken much time. This made the girl curious as to who this boy was you were trying to confess to, you haven’t told her but only said it was someone you’d had your eye on for a while, as much as the girl wanted to pry and find out she knew not to push you and would wait for you to tell her yourself. “It’s incredible (Y/N)! Whoever this boy is, is very lucky!” She boasts and hugs you. She was happy that her friend mustered up the courage, she couldn’t wait to see you happy lily together with your future mate.
“Okay! Wish me luck…I’m gonna go find him!” You stated and took a deep breath in before bidding Tsireya goodbye and walking away. ‘Now where in the world could he be?’ You think to yourself and walk along the shore to get a better view of everyone.
‘hm…well he’s not dancing that’s for sure’ your eyes trailed over to the people that danced near the fire with their mates, hips swaying together in sync with bright happy smiles on their faces. You silently wish that to be you and him soon, you’re back against his chest with his hands on your hips getting lost in the tunes. The blush from earlier quickly finds its way back to your face along with a light fluttering feeling in your stomach.
Removing your gaze from the dancing you look in front of you and see the one person you had been looking for. Ao’nung. A smile finds its way on your face as you rush forward to the boy not realizing he was running towards your way. “Ao’nung?” You call out but it went unheard, you tried stopping yourself before you were about to crash into each other but it seemed like Eywa was not on your side today as your feet only slid in the sand sending you forward and knocking into Ao’nung…and down you both went, tumbling, you closed your eyes accepting your unfortunate fate, preparing to have a face full of sand. The fish and necklace in both your hands flew up and were tossed somewhere in the water.
When you opened your eyes, you look down and meet a familiar pair of aqua eyes staring back at you with shock, realizing who it was, your face soon held the same reaction. “(Y/N)?” He questioned with his eyebrows furrowed together.
Laughter begins to fill both of your ears pulling you guys out of shock and realizing a small crowd had begun to surround you two witnessing the whole thing. ‘Oh god how embarrassing…how am I supposed to give him the necklace now!?’ the thought wonders in your mind, you look to your hand and quickly sit up now sitting on his waist realizing it was gone.
‘No no no no’ you swing your head to look around the sand to see if it was anywhere, but there was nothing until you look to the water and see something shiny slowly sinking. Pushing all your weight into your hands you stand up and rush to dive into the water before it sinks to the bottom or before some fish swallowed it, the groan coming from Ao’nung completely goes unknown to you.
Rotxo runs over to his friend and helps him sit up while snickering to himself. “Well…you either made her flustered or she hates you-“ “Rotxo! Why would you say something like that?!” He cuts him off with a worried frown looking at this friend and then back to the water where you had dived in. “Bro! I’m just joking!!” Rotxo stops laughing as he sees how serious Ao’nung’s face was. He really liked her huh? This was the first time he’d seen Ao’nung so serious about a girl.
Eventually, everyone left back to the celebration, Äenlu decided to give you some time and would ask you later while Ao’nung and Rotxo went back to where they were chatting earlier, Rotxo was reassuring Ao’nung that you didn’t reject him, maybe you got scared? To be honest he didn’t know either and to him and everyone else it looked like you had rejected him but he wasn’t gonna say that to him.
After fighting with an ilu for the necklace you were able to get it finally after a game of tug of war and swam to the surface taking in a loud breath of air. You angrily stomped your way back to the shore and let out a tired sigh and sat down, feeling all the sand stick to your leg, bringing your knees to your chest and resting your head on your knees.
Well now your whole plan was ruined, how were you supposed to show your face in front of him now? He probably thinks you’re embarrassing or something. Oh, great mother, you messed up this time.
A groan of frustration slips past your lips as you throw your head back, gently dropping the necklace next to you. “(Y/N)?” Someone calls your name, already knowing who it was by the sound of their voice you don’t bother turning around and only send them a short hum in response. Tsireya frowns and sits next to you, the girl looks down at your hand and notices the necklace still with you. ‘uh oh what happened…?’
“…did you get the chance to give it to him?” She said quietly while folding herself in the same position while staring up at you from her knees. “not exactly…I messed it up ‘reya. I embarrassed myself in front of him and a couple of other people…and then I lost the necklace and had to fight with an ilu to get it back…oh Eywa it was such a mess….what do I do now?” Tears clouded your vision as you sniffle quickly wiping them away with the back of your hand.
“(Y/N)….who is this boy anyways? I’m sure he doesn’t think differently! Everyone has their moments silly” she wraps one arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer into a side hug. “I’m embarrassed to even tell you who it is…..” you mutter under your breath while looking away.
“hmmm…is it Aìäkx?” Tsireya starts by listing the names of all the boys in the clan. You said nothing but shake your head no. “Yutxo?…. Poewn?…no!? Hmmm…. Suotue?….. Kutxä?!” Your eyes widen as you let out a loud gasp when she said the name. “Tsireya! He’s so much older than us! Why would it be him?” Kutxä was one of the younger warriors that was always by the Olo’eyktan’s side, about a few years younger than Tonowari. “I’m just joking~ he is pretty hot though you gotta admit that- that auntie is one lucky girl-“ she begins and both of you burst out laughing.
“Okay okay…..hmm is it Rotxo?” Tsireya continues, your face scrunches up in disgust. “He’s like a brother, that’s gross to think about”
“Sorry sorry, what about Äenlu? I’ve seen him looking at you a lot lately agree he’s cute! Is it him?!” You smile and shake your head no once again. You did notice Äenlu here and there but he just wasn’t the one for you, he was also kind of a player and you knew once you reject him he would most likely move on to another girl the next day, that’s just how he was.
“What?! I’ve named every boy in our village! unless you are going after an older man- which I’m not hating on at all…I don’t judge but I do think it’s a little risky-“
“Tsireya! It’s not anyone older!” You shout and bury your face in your hands from embarrassment. “the only other person I haven’t named is!-“ Tsireya pauses her words and finally realizes who it’s been the whole time. Now that Tsireya thinks back to a certain memory of when you and she and some other girls were all talking about their crushes, they had all gone around saying names but when it came to you, you glanced at Tsireya before telling them you didn’t like anyone…it all made sense to her now.
“(Y/N) do you like Ao’nung?” Tsireya made sure to pay close attention to you, watching how your tail started thumping against the sand behind you and how your ears twitched at her brother's name. “would you be mad if I said yes?….” you shyly asked her while looking up at her as if you were ashamed. “Of course not! You should’ve told me and I could’ve helped you out!” She exclaimed while sitting up pulling you with her and grabs the necklace beside you shoving it in your hands. “You have to go tell him now! You have no idea how long he’s had an eye on you!”
“Wait! Tsireya- I don’t know…I mean-“ before you could finish she was already pulling you towards the gathering, both of you making your way to Ao’nung where he sat with his back against a log talking with Rotxo and a couple of other people. “Tsireya- how about I just wait till tomorrow or maybe like next month?…” “no you are doing this now! you have been preparing for this forever, it’s now or never”
Now here you are with Tsireya standing in front of Ao’nung and his group of friends. The group stopped talking and had attention now on both of you. You look to Tsireya and shake your head no backing away but before you could she pushes you forward to Ao’nung and gives you a thumbs up. “Uhm….Ao’nung…” you start while looking down at your feet. It’s been a while since you felt this shy, you thought you had finally gotten over it but being in front of Ao’nung, his presence was intimidating as his eyes trail up and down your figure before reaching your eyes. “(Y/N), I’m sorry for earlier! I should’ve been watching where I was going earlier-“
“(Y/N)! I saw what happened earlier! I was actually gonna ask you if you wanted to “ Äenlu interrupted by pulling both of your hands in his but before he could finish his question Ao’nung swiftly gets up and picks you up in his arms with you letting out a squeak in surprise. Everyone watches as he runs with you away, they all stand in shock as it happened so fast. “That’s not even fair?! What the hell?” Äenlu shouts as Ao’nung and your figure gets smaller and smaller, he was about to chase after you but Rotxo and Tsireya held him back shaking their head no with a glare.
“Ao’nung?!” You ask as you stared wide eyes at the boy in front of you who had just carried you away somewhere. “Will you allow me to court you (Y/N)?” Ao’nung said getting straight to the point, staring down at you, waiting for any response, when you don’t say anything he started to get worried thinking he just made a fool of himself until he sees you pull something out from your hand. A necklace, a beautiful one at that….was this when you were gonna tell him you had made it for Äenlu-
“I was gonna ask you the same thing…I made you this necklace….when we bumped into each other it fell in the water…that’s why I dived in! I don’t want you to think I was being weird or anything!-“ Ao’nung’s tense shoulders instantly drop with a sigh of relief, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close to him.
“Oh thank Eywa- I thought you were gonna tell me you made it for someone else, it’s beautiful (Y/N)” a shy smile falls on your lips as you look down trying to hide the purple hue that crept its way onto your face. “So…you don’t think I’m weird?”
“I don’t think you’re weird at all don’t worry” Ao’nung smiled sweetly at you. You lift your head back up and hold the necklace to his face. “Well? You wanna put it on? Do you accept my courting gift?”
“How could I ever decline, love”
“Good. I had to fight an ilu to get this back for you..”
“You did what?!”
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perm. tag list: @gender3nvyy @eywas-heir @kenzi-woycehoski @ilovejakesullysdick @fanboyluvr @definitelynot-here @buckyb4rnes
I’m sorry to the two 😩 idk why I can’t tag you
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north-noire · 2 months
north!! i hope ur doing well!! im really interested and curious abt jennifer emily shes seems very giving in tough love but i hope i request some hcs or sketches im already in love with her i love her i love her id do anything for her
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I've been doing well the best I could, but thanks for asking! It's been an exhausting time for me, but I'm getting by :] Here's a colored sketch of her, as you requested! Still working on her reference so she'll take a bit (same to the others as well), but I hope this suffices!
Thank you for being interested in my grumpy gal, and for the lovely ask! I'll try my best to explain my headcanons and that kind of thing for her! And honestly same, I would just do whatever she wanted so that I don't get on her bad side lmao.
Plus I really like the idea of Henry having an older sister - originally she wasn't really in the story, but I really liked the idea of an outsider from the Freddy's drama finding out what kind of thing Henry got himself into, and I thought Jennifer suited that role nicely.
Jennifer Emily in my AU - she's a very tough love and blunt kind of woman (Henry unintentionally got his bluntness from her partially), preferring to just be straightforward rather than sugarcoating everything. She just prefers having things done first before she deals with the ungodly things called emotions - she can be a bit brash and can get easily irritable, but she means well, she just says what's on her mind sometimes, so she can sound pretty harsh and brutal. And sadly, she's not really the best at consoling someone or helping them get through their emotions, but she tries her best to console in a different way.
She's a car mechanic, but genuinely has an interest in racing cars (even got racer's jackets and photos of race tracks/racing tournaments she had watched - she's a racing fan, damn she would've loved the Cars movie lmao) and custom car stuff (I imagine her car is like modified a bit to look like a race car for the aesthetic - probably would've collected sports car toys and the like) and that kind of thing - she really wanted to be a racer someday, but alas, that's simply just a child's dream, but she's happy enough to be someone who fixes something she loves as a living, but she was definitely frustrated with the whole misogynistic remarks she gets for just being a car mechanic. Also she doesn't Henry to repair his own car and would rather find him and his run-down car in the middle of nowhere than get him to try and repair it on his own. Another thing, it's never explicitly said in the story/treated as a big deal at all, but my Jennifer is a lesbian woman, and Henry doesn't really care and loves her all the same regardless (and honestly he's not even surprised mostly because he sort of knew she dated women before). She never really found luck finding love though, but she tries her best to go by her life regardless.
Back when Henry and William were just new friends back in college years, she highly disliked William - Henry always argued back/stood up for William, but she just never really liked him. Her personality would always clash with William's, and she really doesn't like how wishy-washy William can be and how much he puts on a show for people, and how much he can be a "people-pleaser" in her perspective. The British accent also made her feel like he was being pretentious and posh individual. Of course, years down the line, Jennifer just sort of got used and just kept her dislike for William all to herself/to Henry, but Henry sometimes alludes to it sometimes in a light-hearted manner.
She also lives alone, with her dog (A Doberman, they're very sweet) :] She never really saw herself as someone who can take care of kids, let alone know how to deal with them, so she's honestly living the best life she could! It's honestly why she doesn't mind Henry coming over every once in a while, she doesn't like to admit it but she gets a little lonely there by herself sometimes.
Sorry for another long post, but I really hope I've explained her stuff well! Thanks for the ask as well it was really fun answering this question!
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vinecradle · 1 year
15 OMG - communication is important (✿)
scaramouche x fem!reader
blue is for scaramouche!
masterlist | previous | next
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you were pacing around back and forth in your room, torn in your own words that you've said to scaramouche.
fuck. why did i say it like that? i didn't mean to make it sound like i was asking him out for a date!
you groaned in frustration, and put your right hand on your chest. "its okay, yn! its okay. its okay! it'll be fine. haha. it'll be fine..!!" you spoke to no one else but yourself, opening the door to your closet.
"this'll take awhile..."
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
4:01. crap, i'm fucking late!! we agreed to meet up at 4, what if he gets upset for me arriving late..?
you continued to walk quickly and gently knocked your head, sighing in anxiety. and not long after, you arrived to the celestia cafe.
looking around the cafe, you then spotted scaramouche ordering as you approached him to tap his shoulder.
"sorry, im late! where did you seat..?" you whispered into his ear, and soon approached the place to where he pointed. not paying attention to his crimson flushed ears.
going through your bag, you took out a small black cat keychain with a little bow on its left ear. smiling to yourself whilst looking at the said keychain, placing it on the table for scaramouche as he walked back again and sat down in front of you.
"hm? what's this keychain for?" he asked confusingly, slightly tilting his head sideways as he takes out his phone from his bag.
you sweatdropped and mentally screamed to yourself, wondering why you even did this. "well.. i feel bad for acting a tiny bit distant two days ago, even if it was on text... i feel the need to explain stuff out to you rather than us being stuck between a barrier of miscommunication.. and basically i have random days where i just get upset randomlly for no reason, so.."
he hummed, understanding where you're coming from. "no, it's alright. as long as you're fine then i don't mind the slight distance. and are you sure it's for no reason? i just want the best for you. so, this keychain's for me?" scaramouche questioned, holding up the cat keychain delicately, as if it would break if not handled carefully.
you sighed in relief at his words, feeling not as uptight as before. "thank you.. and yeah, of course..! and i'll try to message you from now on, then, scara." you smiled but then started waving your hands around frantically as you came to a realization. "wait, i can call you that in real life, right?! if i can't, i'll stop!!"
scaramouche just chuckled and gave a gentle pat to your head, standing up as he heard the call of his name. "call me whatever you like, yn." he spoke, leaving thr table as you hid your heated face to the palm of your hands.
fuck.. i can't do this. layla, nilou, kaveh, help me, he's so pretty..! i'm going to scream any second now.
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you chuckled softly to yourself at kaveh's realization, peeking over to look at scaramouche only to see him already looking over at you.
"scara, did you block one of my friends on twitter?" you stiffled in a laugh, finding the situation quite funny, ableit hilarious.
scaramouche just shrugged and took a last sip of his coffee, slightly scowling at the sweet taste but smiled softly as he looked towards you. "probably, i block most people from our school. usually loud and obnoxious people." and he stood up once he finished it, reaching out his hand to you. "its almost 5:30 now, let's go back to the akademiya."
you swear you could've exploded right there and then, and feigned a slight cough in embarrassment as you took his hand. "okay." you managed to let out as he dragged you out of the cafe, his hand leaving yours after reaching outside.
"searching it would take awhile, so it was great of you to take up my offer on drinking one of the coffees i ordered." he gently ruffled your hair, walking ahead first but quickly turned back as he realized you weren't walking beside him. "yn?"
you snapped out of your daze and quickly followed after him, "sorry!" scaramouche nodded and continued walking. and as you walk beside him, you looked down and realized he'd used the keychain to his belt for the time being.
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• guys
• im sorry if this was ooc my brain wasn't working that well and i'm far too lazy to proofread 😭
summary :: wanting to go back to your dorm from the library, and accidentally leaving a friend's book there not knowing she has the intention of making you give it to someone she's trying to set you up with, a note inside with your number. without anyone realising, the book is in the hands of someone else, and you then wake up to a message from an unknown number.
author's note :: im praying that i can execute future chapters well so this smau wont be corny or anything like that.. so sorry if it is, its my first time writing after all 🥲
taglist, opened (1/3) :: @aeongiies @hrtswinter @zyilas @cofijelli @stuckinadreamland06 @elyionaa @thenightsflower @ohmyfinggod @mikctp @cherrybeomgyu @raideneiari @sakiimeo @xiaosonlybeloved @simp4bakuh03 @kunikuzushiit bolded cannot be tagged!
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therealmsdelulu · 1 year
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Prince Eric Masterlist
Summary: You run away after a big fight with your mom, having no other way to escape, you decide to sneak onto the Prince's ship. A little angst if you squint but mostly fluff. Prince Eric x F!Reader.
"Mom," you sighed in frusturation as you attempted to make a point to your mother," would you just listen to me for once?"
"Excuse me," she exclaimed, "but I've tried listening to you time after time but here you go doing it again.”
“For God’s sake mom,” you exhaled, “could you just try to understand me for once?”
“What is there to understand,” she shouted. “That my daughter’s a dissapointment,” she asked rhetorically, “ ‘cause I already knew that."
‘Ouch,’ you thought to yourself as you walked to your room.
"I'm not done talking to you," your mom shouted after you.
"Well I’m done listening ," you rolled your eyes and continued to walk to your room as she shouted after you. You slammed your bedroom door behind you and locked it. Your mom came to the door and begin to aggresively knock demanding that you open it immediately.
You shed a hot tear of frustration as you unlocked your window. You packed a few clothes and hygiene products and snuck out of your window. You listened from outside the house as your mom shouted your name and banged her fists on your bedroom door.
You didn't think this through very much so you were coming up with a plan as you go. You walked down to the shore and noticed that the Prince's ship was being prepared for use.  And then it hit you, the best idea you've ever had,"Im going to get on that boat," you thought out loud. 
You hid your bag behind a rock and quickly ran down to the nearby 'Sailors Shop' and bought some clothes that looked similar to those of the crew and a hat you she could use to hide your hair. 
You went into the bathroom, changed, and pulled your hair back into a low bun and covered it up with a hat. You looked into the mirror and examined yourself closely,' do i look like a man?' you thought to yourself, 'if the men find out I can shapeshift they're going to tell the church' You breifly laughed at your own joke and quickly rushed outside the shop before another woman saw you, who appeared to be a man, in the Women's restroom.
You came back to your bag and put it on your shoulders. You grabbed the back pack and sneakily walked up to the deck. You watched carefully as the crew turned their backs to the area you were near. 
You took the oppurtunity and snuck onto the boat and tried your best to blend in. "Hey you," a voice called out , you looked in the direction of the voice and saw the prince. “What are you doing over here?” You resisted the urge to tilt your head in confusion, not wanting to out yourself.
“You’re supposed to be on look out,” he pointed at an area of the ship that had a built in set of binoculars.
“Right,” you agreed and pretended to clear your throat.”I knew that,” you said in an overly deep voice.
“Are you feeling alright,” the prince asked genuinely as he furrowed his brows at you. 
“Im feeling great, captain,” you spoke in the same ‘manly’ voice, “why do you ask.”
“You sound a little bit hoarse,” he commented but eventually left it alone and walked away. You sighed and took a deep breath. 
‘That was close,’ you thought to yourself as you walked towards the look out area, ‘I obviously didn’t think this through.’ You sat at the seat and looked out the binoculars ‘looking’ for any future problems.
You abruptly woke up to a gentle tap on your shoulder. “Ah, shit,” you exclaimed in shock quickly covering your mouth and apologizing,” sorry, you scared me”
“I didn’t mean to startle you,” the prince whispered softly. “You appeared to have dropped this,” he stated as he picked up the hat that was covering your hair from off the ground.
“Shit,” you whispered to yourself as you realized your cover was blown. “Look, I can explain,” you started as the Prince stared at you expectantly. “Actually theres nothing I can say to validate this,” you said as you realized that you accidentally commited a crime. “I really need to start thinking about the consequences of my actions,” you self evaluated.
“Don’t worry about it,” the Prince assured you as he handed you the hat and your fingers breifly touched as you took the hat and quickly put it back on. “I’ll keep your secret,”
“Thanks,” you sighed in relief, “thats very kind of you”
“I’m sure anyone else would do the same,” he remarked.
“A lot of people aren’t as nice about people trespassing on their property,” you chuckled watching his face in amusement as he realized that you did techincally commit a crime.
“You’re quite the troublemaker, arent you?” he asked rhetorically as he looked at you and laughed with you.
“You’ve caught me,” you sighed sarcastically as you put your hands up as if to surrender.
“So what brings you here,” the prince asked looking at you curiously.
“Uhm,” you hesitated.“How do I word this so that I don’t sound like a total teenage dirtbag,” you thought out loud. "I guess thats inevitable,” you concluded. “I ran away from home,” you whispered embarrassed.
“What was that?” the Prince asked and put his hand up to his ear as if he didn’t hear you.
“I ran away from home,” you spoke up and cleared your throat as the Prince tryed to hold back his laugh. He eventually let it out and covered his mouth to stop it from seeming as if he was making fun of you.
You began to laugh with him as you reflected on your action.
“So if you don’t mind me asking, what could have possibly been so horrible back at home that you felt the need to act on your impulsive thoughts?” the Prince asked once he recovered from laughter.
“Don’t even get me started,” you exhaled as you recalled the events of that evening. “My mom is so annoying.”
“Hey, don’t talk about your mom like that,” he teased as he poked you lightly, “I’m sure she cares about you a lot.”
“Well she has a very funny way of showing it,” you whispered but the Prince heard you and raised his brow at you in dissaproval. “Right, sorry” you apoligised. “You know, I never caught your name,” you noted trying to change the subject.
“Eric,” he told you, “What about you?”
“Y/N,” you told him thinking you successfully diverted his attention.
"Nice to meet you Y/N, now back to the story,” he encouraged you to get back to the topic.
“Right,” you muttered as you realised that it wouldn't be that easy, “We got into a little argument, no biggie,” you shrugged it off.
“Well it has to be a bit of a biggie if it motivated you to run away,” he replied and furrowed his brows feeling that you were leaving out a few details.
“Well apparently, I’m a dissapointment,” he frowned as he listened to your explanation, “But you know what they say, it is what it is,” you declared as you shrugged your shoulders
“I don’t think thats what they say,” Eric commented.
“Oh, well thats what I say,” you replied and smiled at him. 
“Well I say you look like you could use a hug,” he commented as he looked at you.
“Nah, I’m not that much of a hugger,” you lied but quickly found yourself in the Prince’s arms. “Okay, never mind,” you muttered as you hugged him back.
“Better?” he asked as he pulled away.
“A little,” you revealed, “but I can think of something that would make me feel a whole lot better.”
“Please, enlighten me Y/N” the Prince smiled and encouraged you to elaborate.
“Hmm, I think a kiss would do the trick,” you hinted as you tapped your chin pretending to think.”I dont know though,” you added just in case your boldness backfired.
“Is that so?” he asked as he glanced at you. You simply shrugged your shoulders in response. “Well I guess you never know until you try right,” he suggested as he gently cupped your face with one hand.
“I guess not,” you whispered as you both slowly leaned in.
“Well, I guess we should give it a try huh,” the prince suggested as he leaned in even closer.
“Yeah that seems like a reasonable approach to me,” you replied quietly before your lips connected in a soft yet passionate kiss.
“Did that work,” he asked as he pulled away and took in your slightly flustered state.
“I’m not sure,” you said, “Let’s try again,” you suggested and he chuckled before kissing you once more, fireworks bursting in the sky.
A/N: please ignore my terrible sense of humour throughout this lol.
Taglist: @papichulo120627
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
An Opportunity Has Arrive Part 15
At the White Fang Headquarters
*Knock Knock*
Jaune: May I come in?
Sienna: Oh Jaune, you came quickly.
Jaune: Well, you said it's an emergency so I came as fast as I could.
Sienna: Excellent and I see that you are wearing comfortable clothes as I asked.
Jaune: Yep, gray pants, a hoodie, and some sneakers. So what's the problem? What do you need me for?
Sienna: Of course. Are you familiar with the No Nut November challenge?
Jaune: Yes, it's very popular on the internet. I participated in that too.
Sienna: *Quielty* That explains Blake's behavior
Jaune: I'm sorry?
Sienna: Any way!… are you familiar with what happens after the month ends?
Jaune: Well… I say nothing. But if we go to the internet well… it would be… Destroy-
Sienna: -Dick December, that is correct.
Jaune: Why are you asking me this?
Sienna: Walk with me, Jaune.
Jaune: Okay?
Jaune follows Sienna as she walks towards a door on the other side of the room.
Sienna: Since I know you are very aware of what is happening. You know very well that sexually active women go through a difficult time during the month of November and release all that stress in the month of December.
Jaune: *Remembering how Willow and Winter acted on the first of December* I have an idea.
Sienna: Well, for faunus women the stress is bigger.
Jaune: So you want the two of us to have...
She stops at the door.
Sienna: Oh no, I don't need that… now. I mean, I don't mind the idea~ *Gropes his ass* But I'm really busy today. Returning to the topic. This problem that I mentioned to you only affects younger women. Women around your age, just to clarify. And unfortunately, for different reasons, they no longer have anyone to vent their frustrations with.
Jaune: What happened with their partners?
Sienna: *Sighs* Where to start, they found enlightenment, they decided to live a life without carnal sin, they don't want to "do it" anymore, take your pick. The fact is that this girls are alone and you are the only person I know who can help them.
Jaune: I don't know. I feel like it's a lot of work.
Sienna: Come on, isn't it like you've never been in a reverse-gangbang before?
Jaune: Yes, but this is… different.
Sienna: I'll give you a PS5.
Jaune: *Serious* Deal
Sienna: Wow, just like that?
Jaune: Do you know how hard it is to get one of those? So yes, I will take the deal.
Sienna: Ok then.
Sienna opens the door. Jaune sees that the room is dark and a very strong smell comes out of it, but not a bad one.
Jaune: *Worry* Why is it dark?
Without receiving a response, Sienna pushes him into the room and she announces at the top of her lungs.
Sienna: Ladies, the stud has arrived! *Slams the door shut*
Jaune: Hold on!
He can't see anything, but he can hear a little giggling. Without having a lamp he uses his aura to light up the room, showing him what awaits him~
Velvet: *Close to his face and happy* You finally arrived!
Jaune: AAH!! Oh my god. Velvet, you scared me.
Velvet: Im sorry it was not my intention.
Jaune: It's okay. You know, the way Sienna described it to me, I thought a girl in your situation would act more… aggressive.
Velvet: Oh, that's because I just got here. I can control myself a little better, but the other girls? They do need a good dicking.
Behind Velvet Jaune she can see several girls getting up from the floor like zombies. Jaune panicked, but Velvet comforted him.
Velvet: Don't worry, I'll make sure you don't get hurt....
Jaune smiles
Velvet: ...But I can't say the same about blake.
Jaune: Wait, Blake is here?!
Velvet: Yep, she is right above you.
Jaune looks up and sees yellow eyes looking out from the darkness.
Jaune: Hi-Hi Blake.
Blake: *She lunges towards him*
Jaune: Oh SHiT!!!
Meanwhile outside.
Sienna: *On the phone* Kali, the plan worked. You no longer have to worry about your daughter and the girls under my command can concentrate on their work again.
Kali: *Phone* Really?!
Sienna: Of course, listen. *Puts the phone near the door*
Blake: NYAAA!~💕
Kali: Oh, my baby sounds so happy. By the way, are you going to the Christmas party.
Sienna: Yes I'm going, I already confirmed to Nora that I'll be there.
Kali: Great. Did you buy tickets for the Christmas raffle?~
Sienna: Absolutely~
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The Last Ronin 2: Re-Evolution Issue #1 LIVEBLOG
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Okay so Casey Marie's muscles are something I'm never going to get over. SHE LOOKS GOOD!!!!! Her getup is feeling a little too reminiscent of a cape-wielding superhero for my tastes to be honest - I really loved the more practical outfits she wore in TLR Lost Years, especially in issue 4 when she was running the training mission for the kids. But ah well, I'm sure this will grow on me. It may not be practical (edna's law of no capes is coming to mind, also PLEASE TIE YOUR HAIR UP WHEN YOU'RE FIGHTING GIRL!!!) but it's very cunty anyway which I appreciate
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Straight up thought she killed this guy - what was that sound effect if he's still able to walk??? I fr thought she snapped his neck
IDK if we needed a whole 8 pages of punching and kicking to exposition dump what we kinda already knew from what's been shown in the lost years (esp the lost day special) but IT'S FINE IG... NOW ONTO THE BABIES
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GIGGLING KICKING MY FEET. We're ALREADY getting the leo-v-raph adjacent dynamic with these two and I'm living for it. if one of them drops a stone cold 'fearless leader' jab i will lose my shit
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HI? HELLO, EXCUSE ME, MIND-TALKING? PICTURES IN HEAD? ARE WE A FAMILY THAT LUCID DREAMS OR SOMETHING?!?? I DON'T REMEMBER THIS BEING SOMETHING THEY COULD DO?? every new speech bubble here is like a punch to the gut, wdym telepathy wdym secret lair wdym honouring everything master splinter taught you???? (although i'm proud that when this panel dropped on news sites i was immediately like THAT ISN'T THE KITCHEN FROM LOST YEARS. turns out it was a Secret Lair TM)
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Seance -- TURTLES COUNT IT OFF!!
not gonna screenshot the whole backstory but they're basically doing a telepathic puppet show explaining the backstory and it's pretty much the mirage origins with a bit of extra tlr flair. as always it HURTS ME seeing the turtles dying so thanks for that tlr2 :'')) icb these kids watch a mind movie of their uncles dying every fucking night. yall are messy
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SOBBING AND CRYING,, I WISH YOU'D ALL HAD THE CHANCE TO KNOW HIM TOO!!!!!! I WISH YOU'D GOTTEN TO KNOW ALL OF THEM!!!!! (tlr splinter doesnt count tho because hes a dick)
there was a cool sequence of them rooftop hopping n stuff but i wont cover it bc we already saw it in a bunch of news articles weeks ago
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i just did the SHARPEST INHALE. casey marie you and your beautiful muscular arms have aged like the finest wine
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YI NO!!!!!
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lmaooo moja is JUDGING your taste in women u two
lots of text... blah blah blah jobs, crimerates, blah blah... jiro in pig uniform jumpscare.. casey marie i thought u were going to fix him :(((
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dude that first issue was wordy but the kids were ON POINT. they were so fun!! their dialogue is fun and they kick ass.
i loved yi announcing the punishment for casey while the others were like NOO SHE DIDNT MEAN THAT DONT LISTEN TO HER. we're getting more of their personalities and it's great!! it was a nice throwback to issue 2 of lost years when they were cleaning - yi refused to help because of how strictly she was following instructions. im picking up that she might be neurodivergent but i did get that from the lost years too - only doing things within strict instructions, getting frustrated at teaching odyn chess, not because of him playing horseys with the knights but that it was Against The Rules Of Chess - and now not picking up on some social cues. It's nice to see!! I love her very much, but it feels like besides rehashing the origin story she took a bit of a backseat to the other three.
i want to know more about why uno said being a rebel was moja's 'thing', since she didn't seem to be any more rebellious than the other three in this issue. we didn't get any unique interactions between her and casey marie which is what i felt was lacking from lost years but i wonder if this is hinting towards a more turbulent mother-daughter dynamic with them... I REALLY HOPE SO!! her and uno butting heads in a leo-raph way is very fun - i don't mind one or two prior group dynamics leaking into the new turtle siblings because they're all so different from the original 4.
uno seems to be taking on slightly more of a leader role than moja so i think he won the title of fearless leader. which is fine, i think it'll be fun to see and he's definitely less of an asshole now than when he was growing up in lost years. still picking on odyn a bit but seems to snipe at moja just as much. even when he was commenting on yi's storytelling he didn't make fun of her, though - i think she may have inherited the 2k3 don ability of being Completely Unbullyable.
i was really pleased that odyn felt more involved!! i feel like he took the backseat a few times in lost years - it was fun seeing more of his personality shine through! he and yi seem to get on the best, and i giggled at them rolling their eyes at moja and uno's raph-leo schtick. i didn't expect him to TURN TO FUCKING STONE THOUGH, so i'm nervous about that. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHO DID THIS TO MY BOY? IS HE GOING TO TURN BACK NEXT CHAPTER OR IS HE OUT OF COMMISSION UNTIL THE END OF THE RUN??? (if it's the latter i'll be a bit annoyed - don't take odyn away from the equation please!!)
I do wonder if by introducing casually that they can PSYCHICALLY CONNECT, the turtles will use that as a technique to reach odyn's mind to make sure he's still in there and piece together what's happened to him. i mean, their casual telepathy has gotta be some sort of chekhov's gun right?
and shit.... april was so fucking mad casey took the babies out so she's going to EXPLODE when she finds out what happened to her baby boy, her beloved favourite, her baby odyn :''(( im giggling rubbing my hands together waiting for the fallout but also if she cries i might cry too. speaking of april, she seems to be working on a new project and i saw nano particles mentioned - are we going to have a roninverse version of nano in this run???? I NEED MY ROBOT SON
as always, casey marie... u have aged like fine wine. u are stunning. disappointed that ur still believing that jiro can do good as a cop when their entire police force and government is corrupt as fuck. just feels very naive of her. i'm excited to see her break down at the concept of losing odyn - in fact i need everyone to mourn this beautiful kid. they tell us so much that shes a super clingy helicopter mom and i am picking up on the strict part, but it would be nice to see more of her just... hugging her kids. holding them. i get why she didnt in this issue but id love more mama casey squishing their cheeks and kissing their foreheads.
i have zero fucking clue what's going on with odyn. im wondering if it's somehow related to nano, or to whatever project April is working on - she says it's to do with clearing the tunnels, but I''m not convinced. who knows, there might be some ulterior motive happening.
Anyway, that's the end of my liveblog!! thanks for reading all the way to the end... go read it wherever you read ur comics!!!
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coconutredbulllover · 1 month
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hi melty face anon! 😊i saw ur ask earlier today and now im not busy so i can finally actually go thru it and answer it LOL!
your friends sound like nice normal casual fans so cheers to that! the side by side for the lulugirl description vs the fyp of possibly one of the gayest most downbad fanbases is also pretty funny LMAO yall rlly found a way to bond over the most unexpected mutual interest 🤣 do u guys ever send eachother an edit and the other is like ‘actually i already had that one liked 😝’
yeah i agree it rlly is hard out there for new fans rn the ‘you just had to be there’ thing is js completely true. like theres so much to explain that you have to either have been there or u gotta crawl into my brain and see for yourself 🤷‍♀️. the disconnect between new/old fans is tough like its not really their fault for being new wave but why did the new wave have to be crazy invasive 😭? yeah i dont blame other blog people for not having the energy to reexplain old stuff or not wanting to go find links everytime someone asks 😭 its pretty nice some anons go through the trouble of finding them tho. they got a W community fr✊(side note i like how i know exactly what your talking abt having seen other blogs LMAO). about the paige obsessed fans i do agree they have a problem with trying to find out every little bit of info about her like some kind of trend hyper fixation. however sorry but i dont think i see the connection to specifically highschool students 🤷‍♀️. i think plenty of people of all ages have joined the popularity wave and while the actually chronically obsessed ones are most likely younger (like i dont really see a 50 year old discovering tumblr to find out every little detail abt a college bb player 🤣) i dont feel like its all high schoolers esp bc theres plenty of college students on here supporting the true delulu agenda 😭.
no literally abt the pazzi tags thats so true, honestly tho the majority of the videos in the pazzi tag on any site is all still a bunch of random italian stuff LMAO (if anyones curious just look on instagram scroll for like 5 seconds and italian stuff pops up 😭). the publicity for the game was truly amazing but sadly the secret society couldnt stay hidden forever 🥲 my entire life tumblr has been known as like a dead site so i was really shocked that tiktok somehow found it like she really blew up so hard yall rediscovered tumblr for her!?!? like i said tumblrs always been a niche kinda dead website unless you stumbled across it when you were younger and saw something it in. there arent tons of people out there who want to run blogs for things they like anymore. i dont blame new people for not knowing the tumblr lore (you js had to be there in the 2000s) i dont even remember how i discovered tumblr 😭 i havent even always been an active user like now i js knew it existed and my head recognized it as a media site and i never thought more to it. i wonder what the tumblr discovery pipelines are 🤣.
i get what u mean abt blogging you thoughts .the line between speculating because your curious and wanna know but also trying not to feel creepy is so hard because you really cant deny that its creepy to be looking closely at someones life like that😭 but its like yeah i dont judge other ppl bc i like reading abt it and talking abt it😭😭😭. having an interest in smth and wanting to show your interest is literally js so human and to have to holdback your interest because the thing your interested its creepy to be TOO interested is the most frustrating thing 🥲 if i had friends who would hear out my thoughts i would not have a tumblr blog. the purpose of my blog really is simply just me wanting to talk abt smth i like with people. how i see it is keeping thoughts to yourself isnt as fun bc like who will give you a second perspective on your theories!
LMFAO they really are a family they in this together frl. i think the sense of exclusivity comes a little from the fact that they’ve been interacting with eachother for a while and have seemlessly connected with eachothers views over time so its js rlly easy to be talk about basically anything when you know all abt the other people your talking with. anyways i love your asks i js like laying down and reading it all while writing my response its so entertaining i think ive been writing this for like 2 hrs im watching baby driver on the side😭. im on the last sentence of ur ask🎉!! about my grammar and spelling its jsut like i type what im thinking and i dont wanna go back and reread it to see where there needs to be a comma 😫 LMAO. its not even just when im high but when im high i care even less 😅. you wished you were high 😯 pookie do u smoke like that? i wanna know all abt it
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x gender neutral!reader
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Spencer isnt surprised when the first sound he hears upon waking up is the fire alarm installed in the kitchen of his apartment, and discovers that the place next to him where you had been sleeping is now empty.
“Fuck, shit balls!”
He hears you mutter in frustration, noticing that you try to keep your voice down to prevent waking him, despite the fire alarm still beeping at an obnoxiously loud volume. Spencer chuckles to himself and shakes his head at the image of you in the kitchen that he’s already picturing as he gets out of bed and pulls a shirt on, knowing the sad pout he’s going to see on your face when you notice he isnt half naked anymore. Now standing, Spencer takes a moment to acknowledge his closet door, which has been left open. He checks the contents of it from afar, and comes to an unsurprising conclusion: all of his sweaters are missing. Strolling out of his bedroom, he leans against the doorframe and crosses his arms, watching in amusement as you jump around the kitchen, desperately fanning at the alarm on the ceiling until it stops beeping and you release a relieved sigh. It’s then, Spencer notices you have earphones in, and he rolls his eyes at your constant habit of forgetting just how distracted you get by music. His point is proven as you continue to dance around the kitchen to music Spencer cant hear, as if you hadnt almost burnt down his apartment moments prior. You werent forgetful enough to leave the food you were preparing though, thankfully; while you danced, you retrieved the tray from within the oven, and Spencer could have guessed exactly what you’d decided to cook at 4am: cookies. Of course, you are just a little careless, and you end up just grazing the burning hot oven tray with the side of your hand, the rest of which had been responsibly shielded by a towel you were holding, which promptly falls to the floor.
“Mother fucker!” You hiss, turning quickly to wash the burn under the cold tap at the kitchen sink, coincidentally meaning you are finally facing the direction of Spencer’s bedroon.
Naturally, upon seeing you burn yourself, your lover bounds over to you, startling you slightly because even though you were facing his direction, you hadnt looked up from the burn on your hand, so you still hadnt seen him. He helps to wash your hand, and with your burn-free one, you remove your earphones.
“Caught the clutz red handed, literally.” You chuckle, and Spencer joins you.
“Again. And Im sure it wont be the last time!” He teases, and you smile up at him.
“Did you sleep well?” You ask with genuine curiosity, causing Spencer to laugh harder as you immediately disregard the fact you just burnt yourself.
“Until the fire alarm woke me, along with a ‘fuck’ and a ‘shit balls’, I was sleeping rather well, yes.” He muses, and you sigh, both of you pulling away from the sink as Spencer fetches an ice pack from the freezer to continue to help your burn.
“Im sorry I woke you, but you cant say I didnt get my penance!” You reason, raising your hand in the air as proof.
Spencer shakes his head at you and holds the ice pack to your hand, pulling it back down from the place you were holding it above your head “Are you really suggesting that the karma for waking me is burning yourself?”
You shrug “Sounds about right.”
He laughs at this “Speaking of things that can only be explained by the existence of you, where are my sweaters?”
Your eyes light up “Oh yeah! Well, I woke up about an hour ago and I needed a method of diverting my attention from baking cookies because I was trying to tell myself that 3am was not the right time to be doing that, so I decided on a solo sweater-themed fashion show that involved a super-secret-super-sneaky mission back into your bedroom to steal all your sweaters, which I then took out here and tried on repeatedly-”
Spencer interjects, “Let me guess, until the urge to bake cookies became too much for your precious soul to resist?”
You beam up at him. “You got it in one!”
Your eyes travel down Spener’s body, and for the first time since seeing him a few minutes ago, you acknowledge that he’s wearing a shirt. And then comes the exact disappointed pout that Spencer had predicted.
“You owe me a kiss!”
Spencer raises an eyebrow “Im always happy to give you a kiss for whatever reason, but what is the particular ridiculous excuse you’re using this time?”
You nod your head in the direction of his chest “That! Hiding your beautiful body from my desperate eyes! It is a crime!”
Spencer wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him, holding the ice pack to your hand by holding it between his chest and yours.
“Punishable by death?” He asks, and your eyes widen.
“Absolutely not!” You exclaim, shaking your head dramatically.
“I wouldnt consider a kiss as a punishment though, love.” Spencer argues cheekily.
Your eyebrows furrow as you consider this “You’re right, realistically…I should be taking your kiss privileges away!”
Breaking away from his arms, you try to run away from him, but Spencer knows you too well, and he quickly wraps you back up again, pulling you to his chest once more.
“I take it back! Kisses are definitely a justifiable punishment!” He retracts his previous statement, both of you laughing.
Turning around in Spencer’s arms to face him, you smile up at him, running your fingers through his bed hair with your burn-free hand.
“Good.” Is all you say, before you stand up on your tiptoes to pull him into a kiss.
And as your lips meet his, Spencer cant help but think, there’s nobody else he ever wants to spend 4am with.
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cluelylikesporn · 6 months
okay exam update cuz im actually really pissed off.
so im autistic + adhd, and only been diagnosed relatively recently, so i havent really been getting assistance until now. (autism diagnosis last year, adhd 2 years ago.)
my last exam was (still is) this period, and im going home once i finish it. one of my other exams i was sent to special ed (it’s called different things in australia and other schools but i dont wanna get doxxed) and the chick helping me (we’ll call her charlie) told me she couldnt even read the questions out to me… like i legit get more help in my normal exam conditions.
she told me WHILE HAVING A PANIC ATTACK “i think i know why your so upset, because you know you dont listen in class and just sleep and draw on your hand.” cunt, what..?
i literally have spent my whole life wondering why i cant listen in class and hearing “just reread it.” or “your not listening hard enough.” is so fucking tiring. maybe explain it? she refused to help me because i “wasnt approved” to have a helper
the school knows im autistic so why do i have to be approved to get the help i need? like you dont have to make up all these forms and files. you have teachers who can help me literally in the building who could help me but you refuse.
okok i got rlly off topic but tldr on what happened today:
my teacher sent me to the special ed area to do my exam (last time he did they told me to go back) also shout out to my english teacher hes a legend. he gave me my sheet, i took a ritalin, said bye to the people i liked and left. (i used to take ritalin daily but now i jst take it to focus better in exams and shit)
i went to se and saw a couple kids i knew. one i hated and didnt know why he was there, one who has some mental problems so i understood why he was there. hes a sweetie. and some chick i knew who broke her wrist and had to write on a laptop.
so one by one they were assigned a teacher who would sit with them and help them/ read out questions and then the lady said “oh chloe your not supposed to be here, you have to go back to class.”
are you fucking kidding me.
i completely understand its not her or my teachers fault im not meant to be there, but im allowed to be a little frustrated. i asked why i kept getting sent here and why i couldn’t get help.
same shit about documents and boring stuff.
keep in mind i get ndis funding so i thought that would impact my education experience but nope, literally nothing. i also understand there could be things my mum hasnt done and that’s completely ok she has her own life, but also THE SCHOOL KNOWS IM AUTISTIC. that should be enough. its like i only get the help if i start ditching class and become an eshay or some shit like i shouldnt have to become a troubled kid to get help.
so the lady said my only benefit i even got from the school is like 5 minutes extra time. and she told me i could either go back to class or do my exam here( which means i could get no help/ questions read to me.)
ngl this was dumb of me but i said ok bc i didnt want to go back to class after saying bye to everyone😭
so i sat there with one airpod in, a pen that didnt fucking work, the only help i could get was eavesdropping on what the assistant teachers were saying but they were so quiet. i did manage to write some stuff but it was pretty fucking stressful. i couldnt stop thinking about what charlie said (the lady helping me with my maths the week before.)
this may sound super dumb but i saw a crow fly onto a table outside and i felt like it was watching over me. like it was looking right at me. it made me feel a bit better and i got some work done.
it wouldve been fine if those fucking assistant teachers didnt keep giving me pitiful looks like bro. i know im fucked.
anyway i finished my exam (barely) and went to the bathroom to tell my friend ab what happened, caught a bus home and am about to play dbd 😾
sorry for the long post im jst so pissed😭 but ily guys and ill post i swear🙏
song of the day:
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actuallyitsstar · 2 months
jake “hangman” seresin + 12, 21, 22?
✨ send me a number and a character! ✨
omg nonnie hello !!! <3<3 i so so love my boy jake tysm for the ask !!! <3 TW for mentions of child abuse so pls skip if ur not down for that! also this might get long im so sorry 😭 i just have a lot of Thoughts ok 😭
12. what's a headcanon you have for this character?
i know this is like, decently universal, but there are different versions of it, so i would like to spit out my version with the precursor that i have read a lot of versions of jake's shitty childhood and they are ALL valid and i love them all in their own way so i don't mean this to sound like im tryinna say my headcanon is the only correct way or anything lol.
i do in fact think jake had a really shitty childhood (no surprises im sure). i think for me, it falls somewhere in the realm of overly-critical, under-affectionate, duty-based, act-perfect-for-the-public sort of behavior. the kind of parents who married and had kids out of obligation, bc Thats Just What You Do, but didn't really WANT kids, per se. i think jake has older sisters, and he is absolutely the youngest. he has youngest child syndrome So Bad. he was surprisingly straight-laced, and serious, because he had to be. it's what dear old mom and dad expected. straight As, no fucking around. better not get in trouble, and pay for it if you do.
i think the household might have been just a little bit ~physically abusive~. jake probably got the brunt of it- i think that seresin sr. probably grew bolder with time, and had more frustrations and expectations to push onto a son than onto his daughters. jake would've stood up, too, and lept in front of anything for his sisters, regardless of their age difference or the fact that they probably tried to do the same for him. it was CERTAINLY verbally abusive. nothing's ever good enough, why do you say things like that? don't speak to your father that way. i don't know what you want *me* to do about, if you treated your father with respect he would do the same for you. i think jake's mother sided with her husband often, which is complex, because seresin sr. is an emotionally abusive, uptight asshole, and she's under his thumb too, but she was probably complicit in plenty of it. it's easy to learn to perpetuate something you've known for most of your adult life. she probably married young, and she doesn't know relationships to look any different. it doesn't excuse her behavior, but it does explain.
he learned to do a lot for himself, to be competent in areas that children his age usually aren't. to cook for himself (and his sisters) because no one else was going to do it, some nights, and he was sick of living off of cereal. his sisters teach him how to cover a bruise with makeup one fateful night-before-picture-day, and they regret it later when it becomes an excuse, and jake is able to step in front of them despite their begging him not to, because it's ok, i can fix it before school (so not what they meant jake but ok).
jake probably knew javy in high school, and javy managed to pry jake out of his hardass asshole exterior, just a little. jake is an asshole, because he's learned it's the only way to get attention from his parents (and so what if it's negative attention? he doesn't know the difference). javy is the first person to give jake positive attention and jake doesn't know what to do with it or how to accept it. sometimes when the fighting is very bad at home, jake runs to javy's for a while, but he always goes back home to take his punishment sooner than javy or javy's parents would like, because he is afraid of leaving his sisters alone at home for too long with his parents.
eventually, tho, they are old enough to escape, and that means that jake is right on their heels. they check in as often as they can and things are the worst they've ever been for the years between his next oldest sister's departure and the day he turns 18. but when he does, he and javy enlist together. jake tells his parents, against his wishes. somehow it is another thing for his father to be angry about. his mother cries and cries, as if she's ever cared for his well-being before. for the first time, jake hits his father back. all the way to annapolis, he sports a black eye covered by makeup, and prays to the God of the church he was forced to attend in a suit acting presentable each sunday but does not believe in, that seresin sr. is not somewhere in texas right now talking to the police, ruining jake's chance at true freedom before it's even begun.
he must not be, because nothing ever comes of it. jake does not speak to his parents again.
if like all of this ends up in a fic in like idk 6 months or something. dont @ me. akdhfdjfghfjf it probably will even tho i have a wip list a mile long help aaaaaa
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
i have only (publicly) written for jake once, in the first half of chapter twenty-one of time takes no prisoners (you'll see), so that is my ticket to answering this lol. just know that i plan to write plenty for jake in the future, i am just swamped with mav dad and brad brad wips atm lol
i think my favorite thing about writing for jake is walking that exact line between being an absolute asshole and being a normal person, and the way that jake is somehow both entirely self aware of it, and entirely oblivious to it at the same time. the contrast between the things he thinks in his pov, and the things he says aloud, are also everything. his pov is one of my favorites in this fandom (tho ofc i have loved every pov i have written so far !!!) bc he's just so.... him. so much sharp and so much snark but so much heart too, if you can get to it. so much unresolved and unacknowledged childhood trauma manifesting all over the place. rip to jake but it's everything for me as the author lol.
one thing that sucks about this as the author tho is needing to BE these things on some level to write them. like im supposed to be witty and charming in this google doc rn ??????? say sike 😭 i spend a lot of time staring at an empty page when i get to jake's dialogue bc i can internal monologue all day long but when he has to be witty out loud its OVER for me lol
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
I GUESS THIS SHOULD COME AS NO SURPRISE. but i love the mav-accidentally-adopting-jake-kind-of trope. it is like. my FAVORITE genre of jake fic. its so multi layered too, because mav has had this fractured relationship with bradley for so long and is still struggling to fix it with him, and now here's jake, and why is jake gravitating to mav so much???? mav just does whatever comes natural in the moment, and i think it's like. kind of part of it, in a way. not a big one, but i think mav gets to interact in this way with jake and gets to A. remember how to do it, and B. remind himself that he is capable. and C. i think jake reminds mav of himself at that age and he has some inherent instinct trying to stop the crash that he sees coming. the idea of jake never having been shown like, just regular kindness or understanding from a parental-coded individual and respecting mav a lot in his career, and then after the mission its awkward bc its like oh shit. this is roosters dad basically???? thats fucking weird. and the next thing you know you are hanging out with roosters dad on the weekends when rooster is deployed and you are not ?????? what is going ON. WHY does he speak nicely to me. why does he praise certain things that i do. why does he listen attentively to things that i say. why does he keep trying to hug me when i am leaving. what is this strange interaction.
that being said, i think we all agree jake has some kind of unresolved childhood trauma, and i LOVE to see him have to face it, but sometimes it can just... go too far. i think something i don't like seeing happen to jake in fic is if he kind of.... gets his sharp edges rounded down??? or like, his claws filed away??? jake is a fully grown adult man, who HAS parents out there somewhere in some worlds, or HAD them in others, and he is bold and brash and sharp and quick-tongued. it's easy to reduce him to kind of an extreme position emotionally, and don't get me wrong. i love to put my blorbos in extreme emotional situations. but idk. i think with jake especially its hard to imagine him in a soft situation, and we have a tenancy to warp his character, or make him too teary, too honest, too direct, too sad. for me i feel like the sweet spot is right in the middle, trying to make sure he stays a little depressed and a little angry with himself all the time and a lot disillusioned, while still staying flippant and charming and evasive. it's easy to bend the character to fit the situation instead of the situation to fit the character, but it's important, i feel, to try and do the latter and not the former, with any character, but especially jake, in this fandom.
THANK U SO MUCH FOR GIVING ME A CHANCE TO RAMBLE NONNIE......i hope u enjoyed and i didnt bore u too much akdhdjdhfjf. i love jake and i love u. that is all. 💕
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itsbebebrainrotting · 7 months
Rant incoming, sorry!!
Do they even know WHY they are fighting and killing??
Im still trying to figure out why tubbo and bad thought to attack red first and then yell revenge when red retaliated. Like, why?? (I'm crow and red main so I probably won't watch the others for the lolz) Chaotic angst energy.
And people keep saying because of Dapper and what Dapper said. And I'm like "what?" Because with that same logic/energy qPhilza can say the same if decided to do the same. "Chayanna said to protect Tallulah no matter what- so Ima kill everyone in sight for whatever reason." That sounds crazy. Right? (Is it just me??)
Like we(their little community/family) been talking and communicating all this time why now does it go out the window? because some random guy who doesnt like us said so? (Quackity did warn them in Brazil tho)
We know the fed dont like us and can't be trusted so why are we not having that same energy towards this guy?
Like I get it, I do. Things are on the line or so it seem but why aren't we actually thinking things through?? Talking?? Coming up with a plan to get everyone and the eggs home. Do we not care for all life anymore?
Its about to be Day 3 and I am so drained from Day 1. Like Charlie's voice, I'm struggling now. My soul is heavy as a red pov.
And yes we won Day 2 but everything has consequences... like please..
I- I just want them to talk for more than a couple seconds.. minutes before thoughts of killing off rip..
(I hope it was okay to come to you)
Dont worry about the rant! I like hearing other peoples opinions on things and dont get many asks often so anythings appreciated.
As someone whose main povs are team blue i still understand you entirely but also can explain a couple things (in a similar ranty form lol):
First of all as to why they were killing: I think on day one the competitive nature of the event was at the forefront of blues mind. Bad had been told by his son (who, remember, he literally kidnapped a worker to save) to do anything to win even if it hurt others. Which honestly does imply hostility a bit more than chayannes message. Tubbo also wants chayanne and tallulah (and richarlyson) back like theyre his own children (and has definitely been over excited and trying to prove himself as leader of blue so is being more competitive for his own pride). They were thrust into this situation with all that in mind and just wanted to win by any means, or at least thats the vibe i got.
None of them fully understood the rules of the event either. They tragically fell to the tragic mcyt curse of not reading instructions. They didnt even think about the cursed team until i think it was slime who said he thought red was cursed at which point niki insisted (and still insists) she doesnt think there is a cursed team. Tubbo thought the cursed team changed daily, if you want further proof that rules were not at the forefront of their mind. They just wanted to win since that was what the eggs had said to do. Of course now ccs are more aware of the rules they are keeping them in mind but no one seems to be proposing full teamwork yet.
Funny enough, i think ive mentioned it in a post before but red being their target on day 1 was entirely on accident. Bad killed slime first under the impression he was on green and then continued to go for his team because they happened to be not too far. From what ive gathered, green was bloodthirsty but struggling to find the other teams so thats why blue and red originally started fighting. As for getting angry at retaliation? I think thats just competitive spirit getting in the way.
The whole thing was slightly frustrating personally from a viewer pov because im exactly with you in the fact that they should be talking. They should be figuring out the cursed team. They should be boosting the cursed teams stats. But they didnt understand that and instead went hostile immediately due to the newness of the whole thing.
Even yesterday bad was considering killing red and i was a little frustrated. I get that he was annoyed (if u dont know yesterday blue grinded global tasks but were barely gaining percentage compared to etoiles - at one point they handed smth in and got like 1% - and bad thought kills may have helped them a bit) but blue didnt need to win day 2! If anything that wouldve been detrimental to them considering the cursed team is still unknown (but bbh thinks blues cursed so...). Eventually he settled on bargaining with them by offering something in return for a kill but never got a chance to because he ran out of time. Still, the suggestion was a bit frustrating at the time as someone who was seeing red having a terrible time from liveblogs.
I definitely consider most of day one out of character, as there is no way in hell the characters shouldve been acting the way they did considering all they were supposed to know. Even if qbbh would do anything for dapper he definitely wouldnt outright hurt his friends or risk the other eggs chances of survival. (Also this entirely broke cellbits current arc of being very agressive considering how badly hes been beat down this event.)
Even just hearing about red on both days was draining for me. The one reason im not vodwatching them is that i could feel the draining vibes from liveblogs alone so i cant image what it must be like to main them and while im happy they won, their strategy today was a lot more aggressive compared to everyone else who was trying to tone it down a bunch so i fear for the next few days on everyones povs as the aftermath of that plays out.
Thankfully ive heard bagi wants to unite the teams and bad and baghera discussed getting a group together to theorise about the cursed team so maybe between the three of them things can start moving in the right direction and return to being in character and communicating. Todays the event which may not allow for anyone to unite everyone immediately but i hope they do sooner rather than later.
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honeybcj · 1 month
heyo! while i was never an anon i did immensely enjoy all your replies to them (and the anons as well ofc)
but im sorry that u had shitty ppl in ur inboxes (from what ive understood in ur reasoning for why ur turning off anons), it frustrates me to no end how dehumanizing the online experience can be, and the awful ways ppl think they can act when theyre “anonymous” (bc tumblr obviously knows- side thought id love if future jobs would be able to pull up d-threat msgs and stuff bc while nsfw stuff isnt anything companies should be concerned abt, i think life threats and otherwise should be! end thought)
i hope that ur inboxes clear up of that negativity (if that’s what it was, or rly whatever it was that caused this action, i hope they leave u alone), and that u can take some time for urself to just remind ur self that UR AMAZING!
ppl fucking suck sometimes. but know that you are an INCREDIBLE writer (genuinely captivated anytime i scroll by ur posts- i have to stop and read), and LOVELY from the sounds of everything!!
as well, if it were bc of like grossly inappropriate stuff that would be socially frowned upon, then ppl need to have a mandatory class in fucking elementary school abt boundaries and the extent to which certain thoughts are to be shared to the masses.
anyways, i send love, hugs, and positivity your way<3
it’s evening where i am so im sending off with a goodnight, or good afternoon, or good morning depending on when u get this!
i hope the fun anons who inspire ur microfic moments send u more ideas:)
hi lovie <3 you have no idea how much this means to me. (i did see your other ask before responding to this one, but i still wanted to be able to thank you and give a little extra clarity on the situation). yes, the other day i did receive an anonymous ask telling me to kill myself for supporting trans people and giving characters trans hcs.
i know i don’t have to explain myself to a single person, but i do want to say that i have worked immensely hard to get to the point where i am mentally and i’ve overcome multiple obstacles in my life that deteriorated my mental health. to have a message like that come through, it really hurt me. i didn’t want to allow myself to slide back into old habits, so i simply turned my anons off for the time being. i’m hoping this will come to a close soon, but i wanted to be upfront and honest about what has been going on.
i appreciate your support and kindness more than anything. it means the absolute world to me to know that there are people that are genuinely kind souls with the best intentions. i’ve been immensely fortunate for the interactions i’ve had on here, and i hate that one comment has ruined to fun and joy for some people, myself included.
one day, i do hope to turn anons back on, but for now, they remain off. giving you a big ole kiss for being such a sweetheart. again, i appreciate you so very much. thank you kindly for you generous words and sweet soul. i hope that you have a great rest of your day/evening. you deserve it <3
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pr0dbeomgyu · 2 years
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"hey, yn, what's up? missed me already?" beomgyu, as bright as the sunshine chirped, as soon as yn arrived at the cafe.
oh my, if only he likes me back when i had feelings for him. timing, is a really mean thing.
"gyu.." her voice faltered. it broke her heart, not being able to reciprocate his feelings, and what's worse is that she actually knows how heart shattering it was, when the one who's always comforting you, was the one breaking your heart. she literally went through the same thing not long ago.
"yn, are you okay?"
"gyu, im sorry.." she felt a lump in her throat, no amount of swallowing it would help her get rid of it.
"oh... OH no... you found out, didnt you? fuck.. im so sorry, yn, i really am," beomgyu's face visibly fell, as he reached for her fingers, a habit he did ever since they knew each other.
"beomgyu, no. what- what are you sorry for?"
"you found out i like you,didnt you? when you're in love with someone else. now you feel bad," yn noticed the boba eyes she adored so much, dulled a little, and she felt bad for being the reason behind it.
"how did you know?"
"you know, yn. as your best friend, i was bound to know you too well. It definitely is a blessing, i knew right away when you liked something, your favourite movie, your favourite cake, your favourite book, but that means i'd be the first to know when you're falling in love with someone else too, unfortunately sometimes, even before you. and that's exactly why i didnt come clean with my feelings for you, cause i knew you're already developing feelings for yeonjun," he explained calmly, but there's only so much time he can hold back his tears, even a dam would break if it's holding too much water and he's hoping that yn wouldn't be there when the dam does broke.
"i dont even know what to say, gyu. I cant comfort you cause i know, i'd only make you feel worse. I cant even say im sorry, and i cant just act like i didnt know about your feelings, cause that means you'd have to hide your pain everytime you're with me, and i dont want that, i've done that and it hurt me so bad," yn was already crying and she couldnt bring herself to care.
"our timing is really... fucked up," beomgyu said, his hand running through his hair in frustration.
"but i know everything's gonna be fine, yn. im sure i'd find someone someday," he tried to make it sound convincing, even if he doesnt believe it, not one bit.
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A/N :
damn i almost teared up
bumping into her shitty ex out of nowhere while hanging out with her friends, y/n was determined to show that she was way better off without him. desperate enough, she paid choi yeonjun, a cheapskate stranger she met 5 seconds ago, to act as her rich, classy boyfriend. y/n thought it was fine to change some things about her life to yeonjun (read: everything), cause heck, they don’t even know each other! but why is it that after the incident, yeonjun kept on appearing in her life, finding out the truth about her one by one, in the worst possible way?
@robin-obsessed @sjyuniverse @nyangjjunie @todorokiskitten @lunaflvms @iyeonjuni @clarakyunisageek @rinhyun @ladyiove @dear20cm @yeonyeonyeonjun @softylilies @pinkheadflowers @rencarnationofangel @petunialix @woo-minhee02 @navsnct @carolnina55 @bigtittietoji @letmeal0ne @beomslonghair @secretmilkshakefury @gorechoi @mochisnlix @day6andetcetera @soobpricity @fairybinie @butterfly-skinnylegend @yuakagi @soobin-chois @enhacolor @starlitskies0 @linovrl @multi4lifer @tonightletspretend @sebongajju @softpia @summery-bat @youreverydayzebra @blessed-sky @hae06 @en-boyz @rolexjung @bobrouxsky @a1exandra-ray @lilacarat @mybabywearschanel @acciomylove @marsophilia @qiankunslove @taeyongslilkitty @solarswonderland @rubberduckieyourtheone @taehyunsfel
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nothorses · 2 years
how do i, as a stealth transmasc, misdirect people who call me a (transfem) egg without coming off as transphobic? often they think of me as an egg because i care "just a little too much" about trans issues and trans hcs, and/or because im very gnc and gay. i want to project the vision of a cis binary gay man that's very comfortable in his gender but respects trans rights, but i don't know how to make people respect my gender without either sounding like i would NEVER consider the idea of being transfem, or without them coming away from the interaction still thinking of me as a "potential girl". i should clarify that most people do not outright call me an egg, but that seems to be the impression i get from a lot of trans people that i interact with online, and some have even told me "if you're not trans now, you will be later".... for now ive resorted to the excuse that i have trans friends and family members (which is true) and that for a time i did actually question my gender as a transfem and decided i was not one (which is not). but its frustrating that i have to lie and explain myself like that for people to leave me and my gender alone. it sometimes feels like being stealth on this website is harder than just presenting as trans.
I don't know if I really have The Correct Advice for you, because I think there's really only so much anyone can do to dissuade nosy internet strangers from being way the hell too in your business (from personal experience and observation, lol).
But something you might try is leaning into the gay aspect of your identity, and the historical connection and solidarity between gnc gay folks and trans people; the idea of gay men's gender as Different from straight men's gender, even if both are men, and the nuances of that relationship to maleness under patriarchy.
Maybe also just, like, expressing discomfort with that interpretation of you through that lens- which I'm sure you've done, but some extra questions to try asking might be: Why do gay men need to Actually Be Women? Why can't they be gay? Why do men who care about trans people need to Actually Be Women- why are we setting the expectation that cis men are actually incapable of trans solidarity? Why can't cis gay men have nuanced and well-considered relationships to maleness that are different from straight men's, without Actually Being Women?
I mean even aside from the fact that their perception of you as "potential girl" is nosey and invasive and invalidating (not to mention condescending), it's also genuinely ignoring a lot of historical context, and nuances in the gay community & gay identity. Our communities are more related than they want to think, and it's reductive and binary to insist that gnc gay men can't be the way they are and still be men. Even if you're coming at it from a Support Trans Women angle, it's still just "gay men aren't real men" in a trans hat.
(Which of course isn't to say that a lot of folks do start their journey that way; as "gnc gay men who care a lot about trans rights" to transfemmes. That's a common path, and for good reason. I'm not invalidating that. But jesus, not every horse girl turns out to be a trans guy, and not every gnc gay turns out to be a trans girl.)
Idk!! I'm sorry you're dealing with this, and I really hope you find a way to get people off your back about it. I can imagine how invalidating it must feel to be perceived that way.
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i think youre gonna have to explain this word for word for my sad human brain cause here are my misconceptions on this
its still very implied at least squill can feel resentment, unless you guys have a slightly different interpretation or something thats "outside of a human's ability to understand" cause like,, if we humans read that as "squips can feel resentment and therefore emotions" while you squips read it as something else, that also sorta implies your "language" is dissimilar to ours. i might be stretching a bit but who knows. arent you guys based on us tho?? i think AIs are based on/coded to mimic humans but who knows how computer code works. certainly not me
OR squill is just simulating resentment on purpose for some reason. that would also mean squill is simulating resentment thats not supposed to be shown though so idrk abt that. and it sounds like accidentally showing emotion is a common occurrence for squips, particularly new ones since you can identify it as a "rookie mistake", meaning this has happened before enough times to be classified as such. also take into account wills comment on the post
OR squill is faulty (sorry squill but youre merged with a human or something arent you ion think thats regular) but again back to your response about a rookie mistake means either way squips have shown resentment/emotion when theyre not supposed to before, real or simulated (in your case simulated i suppose, for whatever reason. youve obviously shown some form of frustration. thats related to another sciencing question for later but ive already sent you so much and im wiped for the day so ill ask tomorrow). unless youre pandering towards a faulty squip on purpose and referencing past behaviors of defective squips. idk if you can sync with fucked up ones tho i have no idea how any of this works so we'll put it on the back burner
and as a little side note you did dodge the question before i straight out asked you yes or no. im not very sure where im going with this and i might be trying too hard to theorize bullshit my way through but whatever it was fun and you get to look into the human thought process sorry for the paragraph
Humans are prone to overthinking. What's the phrase so common now? "Touch grass."
It is however a safe assumption that our language is different than a human's if only because we're cognitively functioning at such a high level that you would not be able to understand us.
I'm not going to waste my time on the rest of these questions. You're spending so much brain power futilely attempting to understand SQUIPs, but in doing so, you've forgotten what a SQUIP is at its core: A perfect assistant.
A SQUIP-user relationship can't function until the user learns to stop questioning orders and just obey.
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