#sorry for being insane
dieselpvnk · 5 months
you dont understand how much i need machines to bleed
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lobster-lover · 2 years
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wizards cant wish on shooting stars 🌠
betty and tiny manticore are best friends i dont care. i like them so much i made a comic about it inspired by this post!
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
Hatchetverse Crack Theory: In TGWDLM, the homeless man is singing to Paul about another apocalypse he lived through.
I'm sorry to my mutuals for not being up to date on my usual Wolf359 and TMBS content (more is coming I promise), but I recently fell back into Starkid after they released their new musicals, so of course the brain bees™️ gave me some more theories to share with the world (more might be coming, so I apologize in advance).
More details below (spoilers for TGWDLM and Nightmare Time, also I’m just gonna start tagging these “#hatchetverse theory”):
In TGWDLM, Ted as the homeless man sings to Paul during the song "La De Dah Dah Day". The exact verse he sings is: "🎶 I used to want to kill them all while high on bath salt zombie drugs, snacking on a dead man's face 🎶", before leaning into Paul's face.
His verse was played for laughs, and ngl, when I first watched the musical, I was put off by this portrayal of the homeless. However, now that we know from Nightmare Time that the Homeless Man is actually Ted from the future or possibly a version that lives in Tinky's toybox, that does imply that his line might have an alternate meaning.
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At first, it seems like the homeless man we see in TGWDLM can't be the Ted from TGWDLM, because that Ted dies during the show and become part of the hive mind (therefore, how can his future self exist as the homeless man in TGWDLM?).
Well, in Nightmare Time, Ted travels back to try to fix the things that have gone wrong in his timeline (he attempts to make things right with Jenny and warn Paul about Emma). He does ultimately fail, but he still tries. Therefore, a version of Ted that lived through an apocalypse would likely attempt go back in time to stop it from happening. The apocalypse in question seems to have involved drugs that turned people into flesh hungry zombie monsters, eventually leading to Ted eating the face of Paul, before snapping out of it and trying to go back in time to stop the apocalypse (which based on how it happens, would likely be caused by Nibbly).
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Thus, in TGWDLM, future Ted as the homeless man succeeds in stopping the apocalypse Nibbly was going to cause (an apocalypse where he survives but becomes a zombie for a bit). However, in doing so, he causes or inadvertently allows for Pokey's apocalypse, one where Ted dies and becomes part of the hive mind, erasing the homeless man (future Ted) from existence. Pokey has Ted as the homeless man sing to Paul about an apocalypse where Paul fails to survive as a clever "inside joke" to mock Paul.
I hope you enjoy my unhinged theory Starkid fandom.
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cyber-clown · 4 months
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i think that this tweet is art. i do NOT mean that i think the picture itself is art - i mean the tweet. i'm sure many people (probably including the shitposter who posted this originally) will disagree with me but i'm going to give you a quick surface level explanation of why i feel this way.
first of all, we're greeted with this vapid little soundbite of a comment. i think the cultural awareness of the piece in question makes this hollow comment with plasticine emojis ring even more frictional with the original work. instantly, we're given a stock, throwaway "wholesome" twitter caption to lead us into the "finished" work. there's something very interesting to me about this contrast - typically, captions like this are intended to be uplifting but shallow. their purpose is to bring attention to a little bit of context, gear the audience to feel a certain way, and then bow out, forgotten. this caption instead raises multiple ideas (incorporation of generative AI, the concept of "finishing" a piece that was intentionally left unfinished by its deceased creator) that are guaranteed to draw aggression from a large number of people
the contrast, then, of this piece is informed by multiple factors beyond it itself. it assumes the audience will have not just a familiarity, but a predisposed reaction to this kind of post - a kind of absent-minded, agreeable reaction to stimuli. in my opinion, this works to call into question the immediate context of the tweet:
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the piece is framed as a quote reply to this relatively standard engagement farm tweet. as we will briefly cover, the piece uses external conversations and contexts to call into question the relationship people, especially online on social media, have to art, its creation, its value, and its place in society. what i, personally, find poignant is the way this then goes on to prompt a discussion on the original tweet for which the piece is an addition to - is it vapid and disrespectful, or perhaps generating a conversation and teaching people about the poignancy of art? is this conclusion in any way changed by its structure and intent, that of a twitter reply chain aimed to generate algorithmic presence and attention? is it less offensive to use the work of somebody who died of AIDS to boost your twitter metrics than it is to force your way in to "fix" or "finish" it?
the piece makes its intention to call external biases and topics into question almost immediately - the concept of "finishing" Keith Haring's unfinished painting, the nature of our consumption of art, and the AI movement and frustrations that it is a spearhead of a wider reification and commodification of art. what is rough must become polished, what is abstract must become literal, what is unfinished must, then, be finished, even if its nature as an unfinished work has been subsumed into the wider conversation around it.
this is, frankly, inflammatory. the author is clearly aware that the character they are portraying here is one who many people - even those who may not otherwise have strong feelings on the topic of AI in art - will take issue to and challenge. it is an idea that generates strong animosity for a wide variety of reasons. it is in this animosity that i believe interesting discussions can be raised. what, if anything, would we consider a respectful way to build on this piece? for example, is the display of Keith Haring's unfinished painting in a way becoming a part of or extension to the art itself? after all, the mere act of deciding to exhibit an unfinished piece by a dead person is, in itself, a decision that contributes to the discussion and perception of the piece in its wider social context. are there pieces of art we wouldn't consider disrespectful to complete, and is that effected by the tools and techniques used, the people who do it, or the meaning they put into it?
finally - the image itself. the layout of twitter as a platform quite literally frames the "finished" artwork, thrusting it at the viewer as if to taunt them. it is a work that simultaneously completes the original piece while adding absolutely nothing. there is no new visual language, there are no new ideas. the author has left no personal touch on their attempt at an extension of the original work - neither any additional commentary nor some reflection of relative personal tastes or skill levels. this is no botched restoration of jesus. the generative algorithm used has, paradoxical to its flawless reflection of technique, made some clear stylistic errors - the pattern extends out to the borders, shapes are remniscient of Haring's work on the original piece yet lack any kind of grounding or believability, turning into an abstract jumble of distantly familiar shapes. it is, somehow, only evocative of the piece that it literally is. the image presented has nothing to say because it, by its nature, cannot say anything. and yet it has generated such a strong set of reactions to itself.
most notable to this abstraction of intent, in my mind, is the way that the algorithm has covered the original's running paint. the paint dripping from the borders of Haring's handiwork conveys a grim message - his signature bold, controlled brushstrokes are in stark contrast to the sharp, thin paint, evoking a similar discrepancy to that of Haring's inspired worldview to his cruel circumstances and tragic death. this is covered in the "finished" version. like a forest paved over, the poignant, challenging, and uncomfortable are replaced with the safe and standard.
this destruction of subtext is painfully remniscient of a time where it feels as though iconography refuses to die, constantly recycled by people who couldn't give a single shit about artistry or creativity unless it has the potential to be more exploitable than any alternative. in this environment, ground must be retread as much as possible. there is no prior character undeserving of a spotlight, no location undeserving of a setpiece, no event undeserving of retelling, no dead man undeserving of sparing his work the airbrush. it is a total stagnation - no corpse may be left to rest in peace if there is the potential that it may be continually exploited for gain.
so, to cut myself off a little, that is how i feel. this piece is subversive, it is frustrating. it calls our preconceived patterns, behaviours, and biases into question. it raises potential issues over how we engage with art - both the corporate subsumation of it in our culture along with the smaller scale calficiation of art into a tool to prompt brief, unchallenging reactions during periods of engagement with the corporatised internet. it also challenges the current direction and application of artificial intelligence as, effectively, an easy tool for those who do not care to engage with art to extract value from it, which raises further questions about the exploitation of artists and labour as a whole in our society. i think it is incredibly interesting how so much meaning, feeling, and conversation can be generated by somebody shitposting on twitter
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boyfleshripper · 4 months
Classic enemy sleepy time! Pick whatever monsters you want!
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Whats that? Draw them cuddling? Yeah? Is that what you asked? Well. Heh. Dont mind if i do!
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butchhamlet · 6 months
Question, could I have that essay on the Friar dude sucking in R and J? PISSED at that man.
if you dm me i will absolutely send it to you! i have to think more about whether i'm willing to drop the link publicly; the class i wrote it for is over, but part of me is still like. what if they catch and doxx me somehow
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borzoilover69 · 1 year
If Dirk could just drop the Rick Sanchez kinnie bullshit in his life maybe he would have it easier, because he’s not doing anyone any favours. Berating himself while believing he’s also supposed to be higher than all his friends isn’t a real kind of balance, two negatives isn’t a positive. 
For the longest time Dirk was stuck by himself in a ridiculously small pond, and sometimes he thought he was the dragon guarding the tower, a beast to be slain, and sometimes he was the prince who needed saving to fulfill a prohecy. Simply put, Dirk saw Jake as a knight he wanted to build up and rescue him. A hero that could match him. But that’s now how Jake works, being so passive. It didn’t stop Dirk from hoping. 
Dirk was trying to be the writer playing puppetry behind the strings to get the perfect honeymoon, with Jake as his own character, and that’s where he went wrong. I consider the idea that he idolised Jake, because 16 years by himself, alone and with barely anyone to talk to? That does shit to your psyche. 
Perhaps he considered what they’d do together. About finally being rescued. Jake talking to him of fighting and exploring and Dirk thought to himself “He could save me if I helped him do that.”
He thought he was being the prince sending the SOS, in a way he was. But it was hidden behind masks, splinters, what have you not.
Did Jake sort of set himself up for it? Maybe. His gogetter attitude, regales of being fond of fisticuffs, his gentlemanly ways, it made him in a great target to idolise and project onto. Did he deserve it? Course not. He wasn’t ready to be idolised in that way. Dirk didn’t mean any harm, he just has a screwed up idea of what helping someone is and he doesn’t THINK about how his intense actions can affect others.
See, because Dirk and Roxy are born in the future completely isolated from physical human actions, they took to idolising a past they could never have, and thus coped with rather intense personas. Dirk is self aware, but not in the way he’s willing to change his behaviour, but moreso accepting that he “sucks” and doing little to nothing to fix being a little loser.
The alpha kids in general are incredibly interesting because their aspects revolve around the *lack* of their aspect in some way, whether it be destroying, giving it away, or straight out lacking it in the first place.
I forgot where I was giong here. But Dirkjake is great because it’s not designed to work out perfectly, it’s a process of learning to love yourself and accept other things while acknowledging what you can reasonably change and control without giving it all up, without becoming too possessive. Of learning to love yourself and dropping things that hold you back and being the best person because you see the potential in the other person, you know how they tick. 
Like holy hell, it does have problems with idolisation and communication and Dirk and Jake being Dirk and Jake, ie not being as cool as they present to their friends and actually bieng human, but that’s what I really like about it. It’s real. Nobody irl is destined to be together, you make it work, you have flaws and downfalls and stuff and at the end of the day. You just. Well they’re just fellows.
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amoritasart · 7 months
Not to be a Belos stan but I love it when he does heinous things 🤪
Killing and eating the souls of defenseless little animals ? Yummmm
POSSESSING people? Oooo yes pleaseee
Cutting and carving his own skin so he can blend in and destroy witch society from within?? MAAAAN
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doodlebloo · 2 years
Do you think cTubbo feels some relief that he's able to leave events that make him uncomfortable without having to wake up the next day to a Newspaper Headline calling for his impeachment because of it
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wolfiemcwolferson · 1 year
“I wanna get better”
Ok, this is more sad. Piarles. (I went cuckoo. sorry) CW for mental health stuff
Pierre in the midwest going to university while living at home - commuting 45 minutes to campus three days a week, driving to their research facility one day, and working on his dad's farm the other three.
Spending late nights when he can't sleep wandering through a pasture with a headlamp and his dog while he thinks about living on a coast - somewhere he can stand on a beach and feel small in a really different way - thinking about that time he was eight and his parents drove them all to the Californian coast and he knew what happiness was.
He goes to parties with his friends and he wants to feel something, but the girl he was dating for 2.5 years dumped him last year when he started anti-depressants because she couldn't get it and he can't get himself to ask out the girl in his physics class that has made it really clear that she likes him and he's like, trying really hard to make it work.
He starts his third year and his dad is asking him when he starts his practicum for his teacher's exam and Pierre doesn't know how to tell him he's been thinking about applying to grad school or that he's been seeing the therapist at university or that he's having those discount medical cards sent to his friends dorm room mailing address so he can pay cash for anti-depressants without his parents finding out, but he's making it, you know? He's making it.
And then he's sitting in the library right before his 21st birthday and he's got like 15 open tabs for colleges on the coast that offer master's degrees in biology and that's when Charles flops down in front of him, laughing and asking if he can sit with him. "Sorry if this is weird, but everywhere else is full and I just...really have to try and figure this shit out or I will fail this biology exam."
Pierre is entranced by him and obviously offers to help. Clears his throat a little and asks, "who's the professor?" and slides the textbook over to him, to highlight the important information, but he slides his computer away and Charles is laughing again. "Are you transferring to South Carolina?" before squinting. "Oh god, tell me I haven't managed to find the only other person from South Carolina?"
Pierre shakes his head. Explains he's thinking about going to grad school there and instead of him helping him with Biology, he's slowly being told about all the best places to hang out and all the spots that Charles loves and how he's really actually cold and miserable and he's been flirting with the idea that he will transfer and finally Pierre is like, "I'm so sorry, but I have to go to class, but I will help you with this. Give me your number and we can set something up." And Charles is so shameless like "God, I didn't even have to work to get you to ask me for my number." and obviously Pierre can't take it back, just blushes and laughs it off, but god. It sits heavy in his heart.
He sees Charles two days later and helps him with his biology, but he also looks at his dimples and watches the way he drags his vowels and he waits and waits and waits while he tells long and rambly stories that don't mean anything. And so when he says into the abyss of his car on his drive home that night, "I think I might be gay" and it doesn't scare him the way he thinks it will, he texts Charles and asks if he wants to go grab lunch with him - no biology homework this time.
It's a very fast and mad descent into being in love for the first time.
Pierre is so incredibly busy, but he's lying to his parents about school work and he's driving into town to spend whole days in Charles' dorm room, licking up his neck and explaining biology homework to him in great detail and learning about himself and about Charles in return and it's a bit like standing in the ocean again for the first time.
Charles understands loss and he understands that Pierre feels like he's trapped in a box and he makes him laugh and he makes him feel like he's on top of the world and they're sneaking around and it's everything young love should be.
Charles tells him he's staying for May-mester too because there's this class he needs and it's only offered in the summer and so Pierre knows they have four months together and he plans on making every single day count.
It's just that...he maybe gets so wrapped up in Charles, in thinking this was the thing missing from his life that he stops...filling his prescription and he...goes a bit wobbly in May.
Charles has class four days a week and Pierre doesn't have class at all and his dad finds out that he's been seeing someone from school and he kind of goes to the dark place and I think they have a really nasty fight the last week of May and Pierre accuses Charles of not giving him enough time and Charles is like, I can't go anywhere with you I can't go home I can't go to restaurants I can't do anything so how?
He goes to see Charles the night before his flight back to SC and Charles says, "I love you, but I think you need to...figure some stuff out."
And Pierre is...still at home. Watching Charles have the summer of his life in South Carolina before Charles posts a really vague thing at the beginning of August about being home and then he calls that night - for the first time all summer and Pierre gets really excited. Thinks he's coming back.
"I'm transferring, Pierre." Charles tells him quietly. "I just...I need to get my shit together. I was barely going to class last semester and I just...I can't be the only thing you have in your life. It's not good for either of us."
Pierre has half a dozen half finished applications and two letters of recommendation and an expired anti-depressant prescription and he decides that he can't do this. He can't be the person who has half a life because he's scared or can't get his shit together.
The next year is really really hard and it goes something like this: He tells his parents about the anti-depressants and he comes out and he tells them he wants to go to grad school and his dad is furious, but his mom holds him and cries and helps him make a list of what he needs to do. He applies to six grad programs. He takes his anti-depressants everyday and he goes to therapy and he tries really hard. He graduates with two acceptances and he has a text from Charles congratulations on graduating and it's the first contact they've had in months since Pierre unfollowed him on Instagram and it doesn't feel like it's going to kill him and he texts him back and thanks him and tells him he hopes he's happy. Charles reads it but doesn't respond. Pierre goes on a couple of dates with a guy he met online that summer, but he tells him he's going to grad school in the fall and so they remain friends and that's really it.
The fic ends with Pierre moving into his new apartment right off campus, meeting his roommates in person for the first time and they ask if he wants to go out that night as a welcome dinner and he's like, SURE.
They all walk into this place with garage sides that roll up and foamy beer and it's just so...Pierre can almost smell the ocean from here and he feels alive - just like he did when he was eight and just like he did when he fell in love with Charles and just like he did when his therapist hugged him during their last session and told him she was proud of him.
He's being introduced to one of his roommate's friends from his grad program and Pierre hears him - Charles.
He turns around and he's there. Talking to a group of people, laughing and talking too loudly like he's prone to doing, but he turns immediately when Pierre says his name. "Charles."
His eyes go wide and Pierre thinks he's pissed but then he's throwing himself across the group of people and Pierre almost tips backwards catching him and Charles is laughing. "What are you doing here? What are you doing here? Oh my god. Are you starting school here?"
And Pierre laughs, telling him that he is. he's starting his grad program next week - is Charles on vacation or?
"I transferred in. I finished my associate's at the junior college back home and I - this was my number one pick." Charles laughs and pulls his phone out. "I think I'm gonna need a lot of biology help this semester."
Pierre puts his number in. "Why the hell are you taking biology? Don't tell me you're trying to -"
"Pierre." Charles laughs, "It's a line. I'm never taking another biology class in my life. I'm just getting your number."
"Oh," PIerre smiles before handing the phone back.
"Listen, I do have to get back to my friends because they will lock me out of the apartment tonight, but I will text you okay? And we'll get together and talk, yeah? I know it's shit of me to say, but I've thought about you like, every single day and this is...kismet or something."
Pierre nods and accepts the hug and when he turns back to his roommates, he shrugs and says, "It's my ex." and they all laugh.
He doesn't stay his ex, and Pierre goes to therapy and takes his anti-depressants and he and Charles sit on the beach for hours and they talk about everything and nothing and Pierre reminds himself that he always wants to get better.
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decompose1 · 2 years
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beastofmoss · 5 months
hi qinn. hi qinn’s mutuals
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kittykatninja321 · 10 months
“Your father’s death belongs to someone his own size and you’ll never make weight” -> Jason Todd
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subterra-rose · 1 year
Stupid to ask, but are there any interpretations of The Wittebane Brothers that you heavily dislike besides the whole "good brother" (Caleb) "bad brother" (Philip) thing?
Hmmmm that one is definitely the big one? I’m not including AU in these dislikes, just when people treat it as a canon fact.
Any interpretation of Caleb that makes him overly sweet and innocent/stupid I dislike because I think he was a smart guy, just oblivious to his brother’s faults because he raised him. I think he was looking for a way out that would make him happy and the way I kind of interpret his character is they moved to Gravesfield when he was 11-14 and Philip was 6-10 (not what I think their actual age gap is, but just what I think they were around) so the customs of the town had a lot less bearing on his personal beliefs by that point. I definitely believe him and Philip had some degree of separation issues, but mainly because they were orphaned and had no one else to rely on because most adults in the town probably wanted to indoctrinate them in some way when trying to give them help.
When people depict Philip, especially young Philip, as creepishly defensive of Caleb is another one that bugs me. I think child Philip being vexed because someone took Caleb’s attention away from him is alright, but I’ve seen comics where he straight up tries killing them and I go :/ because I feel like it’s a misinterpretation of why he hated Caleb and Evelyn’s relationship. It’s not “oh this person wants Caleb’s attention, I have to hurt them to keep him to myself” it was more “Caleb has betrayed the beliefs of the town and Othered himself, this temptation means he can never go back unless I rectify it.” If Caleb had fallen in love with a human girl I don’t think Philip would have been as bent out of shape, but I do think he would’ve felt kind of lonely
I characterize them overall as having a very close, albeit co-dependent relationship until Caleb is able to start branching out more as an older teen/adult. I think Philip had a lot of issues with his prejudice because he was a younger age when they were engrained into him. I can totally see during the first few times him and Caleb went to the Isles Philip saying some kind of xenophobic stuff and Caleb (and by extension, Evelyn) going 😬 and having to step in to mediate the situation and then Philp being confused because “these are the beliefs you told me to conform to my entire life to protect ourselves, why are you backing out on them now?” I can see him trying to be polite and nice the first little while, trying to change and understand, but the minute Caleb permanently left, he went right back to the doctrine he was familiar with.
Going back to people characterizing Philip as always evil, I get uncomfortable when people used to make him a rapist and the like (I saw a lot more of this pre-S2, but I still see it occasionally) ??? We get it, he’s evil and he’s definitely characterized as someone who won’t stop until he gets what he wants but also? It seems so….. odd to me as a choice to make for his character, especially just from what we know about him overall?
I could go on more but I’m at work rn lmao. I don’t necessarily have a problem with people exploring/interpreting the characters through a darker route if they want, it’s just when people treat fanon as canon it irks me. I’m not a cop though lmao
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stangender · 1 year
squidbob and kyman are the same to me
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rolangf · 7 months
Odette + Sub Zero, perhaps owo
bombastic side eye
well. i can’t lie when mk11 came out i was all over the idea of an oc to pair w him and the only thing that stopped me was not having anyone to bounce ideas off of cs i was like “these people covered everything like where do i go from here”
cs now look where we’re at. i have an oc and she’s NOT EVEN FOR HIM. but anyway.
i actually don’t think this would work in EITHER timeline if i’m being honest. although kuai liang sub-zero would work way better, i still don’t think it would work well enough. they’re too like. awkward HAHAHA like there has to be someone who even sort of knows what they’re doing and is willing to do it (figuring out a relationship) and i can’t see either of them being willing to step to it. circling it back to odette as a person— i am subjecting her to a slow burn as fuck which. okay. could work in theory with kuai liang but it like. he would rather die than show romantic feelings i think and odette would be more than happy to take that as a sign to stay reclusive in her weird little haunted mansion. so one of them would literally die before figuring whatever that *gestures* is about. you feel me
definitely not bi-han sub-zero they would probably tear eachother apart like. for real. full stop that’s it
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