#sorry 10s late!! I was half grounded yesterday!!
sunny-reis · 10 months
hi! can i request akito shinonome x reader where they get into an argument? maybe it takes them a few days to make up because akito is stubborn and reader is a bit shy and overthinks like "what if he doesnt want me anymore" or whatever. oneshot please..! thank you, and have a nice day!! dont write if you dont wanna :)
oneshot - post-argument tension w/ akito
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i wish i never ever told you all about it, but i just had to let you know; never meant to hurt you, tho
notes: pjsk req woohoo 🤠 i'm not sure if you wanted them to make up after the whump so ,.,,.,. we ball lmao
tags: gender-neutral reader, you're friends with ena, an, and kohane
word count: 1,987
thirteen hours and twenty-six minutes.
that’s how long you’ve gone without hearing the familiar ding! of a message from akito. it’s almost half past nine now, you note, double-checking the small alarm clock on the side table by your bed. it's been more than half a day since you’ve talked to the redheaded idiot you call a boyfriend, and you can't help but be pissed (and worried sick, but you're too angry to think about that right now. he doesn't deserve my worry, you think).
it all started late yesterday, when he was supposed to come over to your place after his afternoon dance practice – the two of you had made plans to visit a cute new bakery opening on main street. needless to say, he completely ignored your texts and calls, replying hours later with a simple “sorry, i forgot. catch up with you later.” being human, you replied with a series of passive-aggressive texts, inevitably leading to an explosive argument. you sat on the couch for what felt like hours after, kicking around the stupid cow plushie he won you at a summer fair now on the ground. how hard is it to call ahead? or keep a stupid promise?
and so, here you are, listening to music in bed and staring emptily at the ceiling. a single thought floats around in your head: what the hell’s up with akito? he’s never been the type to be dry, not even on the numerous times when he's been frustrated out of his mind with schoolwork, or fed up with family politics and his dad. the night goes by slowly, and after far too much moping, you huff and sit up against the headboard. pausing your music, you open the messages app to (wishfully) check for a text from akito, only to be met with the same “hey aki, call me when you're free” you sent hours ago. sighing, you text the one person you think would know where he is: ena.
you - 10:32
hey ena !
is aki home? he won't reply to me
minutes later, a message bubble pops up.
enanan - 10:37
umm yeah
but he looked pretty tired when he came home an hour ago
you bite your nail, a force of habit; akito’s dance practice ends at 3:20 at the very latest. what on earth has he been doing for the past six hours?
you - 10:38
oh okay ;-;
ena - 10:38
did he say something to you?
i’ll kick his ass if he did something stupid
just say the word !!
you let out a small laugh, wrapping the covers tighter around yourself. count it on ena to keep him straight.
you - 10:39
nonono i was just overthinking !
poor guy’s probably exhausted :(
ena - 10:40
get some rest though !! no man’s worth losing sleep over
you - 10:40
yeahhh i probably should
you too !!
ena - 10:41
eh i’ll try
night y/n :)
you - 10:41
unfaithful to your words, you do not get some rest. instead, you spend far more time than you should mindlessly scrolling through anything and everything you can find on your phone to distract yourself from your thoughts, somehow ending up playing through a particularly spicy story on episode at two am. looking up from the dim screen, you sigh. ena’s right - no man’s worth losing sleep over. tapping furiously through the rest of the episode, you toss your phone under the pillow next to you and shut your eyes, trying to sleep.
although you managed to get a good six hours of sleep, you find your eyes shooting awake at 8:37 am. although it's the weekend, a sunday, you've become accustomed to waking up at the ass-crack of dawn to get ready. sitting up and stretching, you quietly pad down to the bathroom to fix yourself, being rid of last night's woes.
after a small breakfast of cereal and orange juice, you make a list of everything you plan to do today; an, a member of akito’s dance group and one of your closest friends, proposed you, ena, and kohane go out for lunch at one of the numerous cafes on main street. going outside definitely sounds better than sitting at home and sulking, so you set off to the cafe an send the address to at noon.
a little bell chimes as you open the door, instantly hit by the sweet aroma of various pastries on display. you see everything, from blueberry muffins to finely decorated cakes; your wallet feels lighter at the sight of them. making your way over to a table in the secluded corner where an waves at you, signature smile plastered on your face, you sit down on the booth. next to you sits ena, and across, an and kohane.
“hey, y/n, good to see you!” says ena, followed by a small wave from kohane.
“hello hello! i haven't seen you in a while, kohane, how’s everything going?” you ask, setting your bag down next to you.
“sorry,” she replies sheepishly, “we've been so busy with practice and school, i barely get the energy to catch up!”
“aw,” you frown, once again thinking about akito, “don't tire yourself out too much.”
“ah, it's only for a little bit! once we finish nail last routine, we’ll be done with practice and ready to perform!” an laughs; kohane only sighs.
“yeah, but it's so hard…toya and akito have been cooped up at the studio for ages, now. if it’s hard for them, imagine how hard it is for me!”
“hey, don't sell yourself short, kohane! i’ve seen the way you dance, you make it look so easy!” says ena, taking a sip of the her coffee. you nod in agreement.
“trust me, whatever you're doing is working! aki’s tried teaching me some moves – let's just say it didn't end well.” the four of you chatter away giddily until a waiter brings over a fancy rack of desserts to sample, courtesy of an. there are a humble few slices of cake, and far too many small treats you don't know the name of.
“wow, an, you sure have a keen eye for desserts!” says ena, happily finishing her coffee with a cat-shaped cookie.
“of course i do, i haven't been working at a cafe for nothing!”
“oh, you!”
a little while after you all finish, you say your goodbyes to an and kohane, leaving you an ena at scramble crossing.
“so…do you wanna walk around, or go back home? i have some time to kill.” she asks, the two of you crossing the road as the cars come to a halt.
“i’m fine with walking, i don't really have anything to do at home.” you shrug, checking your watch. it’s only 2:45 and the only thing waiting for you at home is a full washing machine, so you opt to wander around the city with ena.
somewhere around the local playground, the two of you have a heart-to-heart on the far-too-small swings.
“has everything been okay with you and akito?” she asks, leaning against the chain, “i feel like something’s up. you can talk to me about it if you want.” you sigh.
“well…kind of? i think he's been ignoring me and i’m really worried. i don't think i did anything to upset him, and he’s been really exhausted lately.”
“oh, yeah, he's been coming home later too. i don't blame him, really. i guess perfectionism is a family disease.”
“definitely,” you shake your head, “i'm not angry at him at all, but i feel…hurt.” she sits up alertly.
“why? did he say something?”
“no, no, that's the problem! he missed our date the other day, but he said sorry and we fought over text. i feel so bad, but i know i’m not being irrational, and he's ghosting me! we’ve fought before, but what if this is it?” ena mumbles under her breath, something about a “stupid kid”.
“you both really are perfect for each other, you know that?” you tilt your head in confusion.
“how so?”
“you're both so hard-headed,” she laughs, “and stupid, sometimes. although that's more him than you.”
“i guess so.”
“but seriously, let me talk to him at home. maybe then he’ll get the balls to apologize and it’ll all be okay again.”
“you don't need to get tangled up in this mess, ena, don't worry-”
“oh, shut up! no man is worth lowering your standards for, that applies to him, too! maybe it’ll do you both some good, too.”
“you're the best, really.” you say, squeezing her hand.
“oh, i know.” ena flounces; you laugh, getting off the swing and brushing the sand off your lap. the walk to your house is short, or so you assure ena, but she walks back with you anyways.
“don't worry about akito, okay? i’ll handle him.” she says, walking down the steps to your house. you nod, waving at her as she leaves. deep down, the two of you know that won't be happening – worrying about akito is a part of the package, so you’ve come to realize.
you decide to spend the rest of the day lazing around on the couch, snacking on popcorn as you binge chick flicks. as you subconsciously replay the events of the past two days in the back of your mind, the guilt settles in. you sit up, checking your phone for any messages and signs of life from akito, and flinching at the sudden brightness. looking around, the state of the living room is as pathetic as you feel. there are popcorn kernels where you tried (and failed) to throw them in the small trash can, pillows strewn all over the floor, blankets folded messily, each mess driving you crazier by the minute. pausing the movie, you sigh, getting up to clean whatever you see. although you still feel like garbage mentally, seeing the room decently clean makes you feel slightly better.
before you realize it, you're yawning and no longer paying attention to mean girls playing on the laptop in bed. sitting up and stretching, you set it on the nightstand, wrap yourself up in a blanket cocoon, and begin to fall asleep.
you're woken out of your peaceful slumber by the abrupt ring of the doorbell. rubbing your eyes, you pad to the front door, opening it to see none other than-
“aki? what are you doing here, it’s the middle of the night?” he’s drenched, clearly having walked here in the ongoing downpour behind him. how cliché. you let him in, helping him feel off his jacket and fetching him a towel.
“so, are we gonna talk about the elephant in the room?” you ask, sitting down next to him on the couch. he looks down at his feet.
“yeah, we probably should.”
“speak your peace, then, i’m listening.”
“well…i’m sorry i've been an ass,” akiro sighs, “everything’s been so overwhelming lately.”
“i’m sorry, too. i shouldn’t have been so passive-aggressive, it clearly only made things worse.” he shakes his head.
“no, i get it. i was in the wrong and i lashed out at you for no reason. i missed our date, too! i’ve been really shitty to you, you don't deserve any of that.”
“i understand why it happened, aki,” you say, giving him a small smile and grasping his hand in yours, “you can talk to me when things get rough, though, you know what.”
“i know, i know, and i'm sorry.”
“no use dwelling on the past now, i guess, yeah?”
akito nods, laying down on your lap; you play with his hair absentmindedly, listening to him mumble about his week. the weight on your chest is lifted just by the sight of him opening up to you again, and you feel much better.
“hey, aki, promise me something.”
“don't ghost me again, or i’ll kick your ass.”
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kattartsblog · 1 year
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Rated M
Warnings: Swearing, baited fluff, Blood, Anxiety, Death Mention, OC x Canon, Self Esteem Issues
Today is the day, will Ilona finally confess their feelings to Melone or will their heart be crushed?
Author’s Note: This is the final chapter of “If I Had You”! If you want to see the other chapters or read from the beginning please click the tag with the name of the fic. Sorry again for the formatting issues. -0-;;
The next morning Ilona looked at themself in their vanity mirror. They were wearing their usual garb of a dark tube crop top, a pair of dark hot pants, and hot pink short boots. Today was the day, they thought, today I’m finally going to do it. They looked down at their paws and clenched them tightly, nothing could stop them from finally confessing their feelings. They walked out their room, and walked out to find Risotto making a fresh pot of coffee. Ilona sat themself down at the little bar area where Risotto put down a cup of coffee. “You have a very determined look on your face.” Risotto remarked, “Risotto, I want my cafe nero.” Risotto rolled his eyes and reluctantly poured a small cup for Ilona. Ilona grabbed the cup with both their paws and took a big sip. But the bitterness of the coffee got to them and Ilona began to cough. “So, do you want to stop torturing yourself today or not?” Risotto pushed a small cup of milk towards them. Ilona shook their head, “Today I am finally going to do it, so I need something more bitter than a broken heart.”
“What the hell are you on about?” Risotto asked as he took a sip from his cup, “I’m going to ask Melone to be my boyfriend.” Risotto turned his head and spat his coffee out, making a mess on the floor, “Are you out of your goddamn mind?! Merda, Ilona. We’re assassins, you shouldn’t be worried about romantic ambitions.” Ilona drank the rest of their coffee and slammed their cup down, “It’s fine if he ends up rejecting me! I’d be a mammone for not even trying.” Risotto was stunned, Ilona had never stood their ground against him before. Usually they would just put their head down and take the punches as they went. It made them swell with pride inside, if this is something Ilona really wanted then he had to respect that decision. “Don’t come crying to me if he doesn’t love you back.” Risotto sighed. Ilona nodded, the cup of milk was still on the table. They took it and drank it straight, which confused Risotto. “I didn’t want it to go to waste.” Ilona declared, as they put their used cups in the sink.
Ilona looked up at the time and began to meditate a plan on when to confess, it was 8:30 AM. Sorbet and Gelato would be at their usual cafe spot until 9:15, Prosciutto would bring Pesci around 10 AM sharp to have a chat with Risotto about whatever. Followed by Ghiaccio who would come in five minutes later, after his morning workout. Formaggio would be the most late, coming in at the earliest at 10:50, but remembering that he went out clubbing last night, Formaggio would be nursing a hangover so he’d come at 11. Finally Melone usually comes in at around 10:30 along with Illuso since they live close by to each other. Team briefing starts at around noon. Those who were not sent out on a hit would get to stick around, either filing in reports or just general goofing off. Ilona knew that Melone went on a solo hit yesterday, which meant that he would most definitely be chilling out since he’s really efficient with handing in his hit papers. Ilon Ilona on the other hand usually gets assigned two missions per month. Luckily for them, they already did their share. Everyone usually leaves around 10 PM at the earliest or 11 PM at the latest. Which meant Ilona had 7 and a half hours to pull Melone off to the side and confess their feelings. So the perfect time if all went according to plan was 4:50 PM, just before sunset. If Ilona’s prediction was correct, finally something good would happen to them.
“That’s your target.” Risotto said as he handed the file to Illuso. “Damn, why do I have to go on this?” Formaggio mumbled under his breath as he rubbed his head. This was it, Ilona watched as Illuso dragged Formaggio into the mirror world. Risotto stared down the rest of the lot of assassins and waved a hand, to let everyone who stayed behind relax for the time being. Ilona, Prosciutto, Pesci, Risotto, Melone, and Ghiaccio were the only ones left in the apartment. Ghiaccio left to stretch his legs and went towards the balcony. Prosciutto and Pesci left for the kitchen as Pesci skipped out on breakfast when they arrived. So Risotto, Ilona, and Melone were the only ones left in the meeting space. Ilona nervously looked over Melone’s shoulder as he opened up his personal laptop. They darted their eyes at the clock on the screen, 1:15 PM. It was too early to say anything, let alone that Risotto’s cold gaze was on them as if he was waiting in anticipation for Ilona’s plan to go into effect. Melone saw that Ilona’s body looked more tense than a ball of rubber bands in a hydraulic press. “Ilona are you-“
“YES I’M FINE.” They snapped, Ilona quickly covered their mouth in embarrassment. “Sorry, I mean I’m fine, no worries.” Ilona replied softly, Melone was confused but shook it off and went back to working on his laptop. Ilona then looked at Risotto who’s gaze had become colder. “Ilona, weren’t you going to do something?” Risotto asked as his eyes met with Ilona’s. Ilona shook their head, “Not yet. It’s got to be perfect.” They declared. Melone had overheard, he was confused about whatever it was they were talking about. But it didn’t matter, he just had to crunch in these last few digits and La Squadra’s finances were done. New thoughts raced through Ilona’s mind and their stand began to manifest subconsciously. Risotto saw how tense Ilona was getting, he stood up and guided Ilona to his office. “So are you going to do this confession thing or not because you looked pathetic out there.”
“I said I’m fine, I’ve just got jitters… I want to make this perfect.” Risotto pinched the bridge of his nose, “Not to sound utterly cheesy, but just be honest about it. Making a big romantic gesture might scare him off.” Ilona looked down at their paws, “And if he doesn’t like me?”
“I told you not to come crying to me. By doing this, it’s your heart that you’re breaking. And he won’t be at fault. Why are you suddenly getting cold feet?” Ilona didn’t want to answer verbally, but deep down they knew it was because this love probably couldn't last. They’re assassins after all, and somewhere down the line Ilona would be alone again. So for the first time in Ilona’s life, they lied to Risotto. They lied to him and answered with a big fat fib, “Because he’s perfect and I’m not.” Risotto was taken aback, he tried to hold back his laughter at the small guard dog. “That’s it?” Risotto tried to ask seriously but you could audibly hear him stifling his chuckles. “Liquirizia, I’m sorry but that is the dumbest thing you’ve ever said. Melone is far from a perfect person, so don’t look at him as if he is.” Ilona nodded, tears began to roll not from Risotto’s comment but the lie that they told.
So the time had come, Ilona tapped Melone on the shoulder and motioned him towards the balcony. All the hardships they had faced, all of the good and bad moments they had shared, it all came down to this. Ilona extended their paw to Melone and he gently grabbed their hand. The sweet breeze of the night’s chill came over them. Ilona looked away then back at Melone and with a deep breath, they spoke. Risotto saw the whole thing in the shadows, he smiled knowing Ilona was finally able to be just a little braver. The rest of La Squadra had come back from their mission as Ilona and Melone sat next to each other, closer than they ever did previously. After the final briefing of the night, Illuso and Formaggio came to ask Ilona what happened while they were gone. Ilona smiled and said, “It’s nothing you need to worry about.”
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badassxbarbiex · 2 years
I’m Sorry
June 10, 2010 South Park, WY The bell rang and Storm slammed her textbook shut. Standing up from her desk, she chewed her bubble gum and stuffed the books back into her backpack before hanging it over her shoulder. She left the classroom and found her best friend in the hallway before walking out of the high school with her. She pulled the aviator sunglasses from the top of her head and placed them on as she looked around for Cassius’ car. “Asshole is late … again,” she rolled her eyed as she pulled the cell phone from her back pocket. There were no missed calls or messages. “You head on out; I’ll see you tomorrow.” Sighing, Storm spit her gum out before pulling the cigarette pack from her bag and retrieved one as she walked towards the street. She stuffed the pack back into her bag as she checked for traffic before briskly walking across to the other side where she knew she couldn’t in trouble for smoking. Pulling the lighter from her bra, she lit the cigarette and looked around. “C’mon Cash, you promised,” she mumbled to herself as she looked at the watch on her wrist. She couldn’t wait more than five more minutes, or she was going to miss her shift at the diner. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach and retrieved her phone to call her boss. “Hey, I’m so sorry to be calling last minute. Cash isn’t answering his phone, and that’s never a good sign. I got to get home and make sure he hasn’t burned down the damn house or worse,” she sighed with regret. Her boss thankfully understood and said they’d been slow all day anyways. Storm thanked her as she watched the motorcycle pull up and stop in front of her. He lifted the visor and green orbs stared her up and down. “Need a lift, Storm?” Oh, he was a bad idea, but she wasn’t about to walk back to the damn trailer park. She climbed on to the back of the motorcycle, taking the helmet from him and pulling it on her head before wrapping her arms around his waist. He pulled his visor down and sped off down the street. He would have her home in half an hour, idling the motorcycle as he pulled into the trailer park. He parked the bike and held his hand to help her off before lifting his visor. “I’m sure my brother has a good reason for not showing up today, or yesterday, or last Sunday. Remember who was and make sure you’re with the right brother.” He pulled the visor down and peeled off. Storm rolled her eyes as she watched him ride away. She spun on her heels and locked her sights on her trailer. “CASSIUS FUCKING REYES!” She yelled his name in warning as she walked towards the front door. She grabbed the door and whipped it open, stepping inside as she continued cursing him. “You better have a damn good fucking reason for not showing up today!” She looked around didn’t see him. She narrowed her eyes as spun around. Her heartbeat faster in her chest as she felt a calm wash over her. “Cash?” She called out softly and listened for a moment to hear the crying coming from the bedroom. “Cash?” She called out again as she slowly walked to the door and pushed it open. “Jesus Christ,” she rushed to his side and pressed her hands to the sides of his face. “Baby, please,” she pleaded with him. “Baby, take the gun out of your mouth, I’m here now.” Cassius looked at her, the tears rolling down his face as he tried to ignore the voices in his head. Storm grounded him, brought him back to reality as he slowly pulled the gun away and handed it to her. He watched her put the safety on before tossing it under the bed and he fell against her in tears. His arms wrapping tightly around her frame. “I’m sorry,” he cried. Tempest wrapped her arms around him, brushing her hands through his hair. “Shhh, it’s okay baby.” She moved to cup his face in her hands and forced him to look up at her. “You love me, right? And you wouldn’t ever want to hurt me, right?” She nodded as she watched him nod to her in agreement. “If I promise to stay with you the whole time, will you please baby come see the doctor with me?” He gripped her arm tightly as his body tensed. “I don’t need a doctor,” he growled at her. Almost instantly releasing her arm and backed away from her. “I’m sorry.” Storm stood up from the floor and walked over the nightstand as she reached for the keys to his car. She walked back over and left him sitting on the floor before going to retrieve his leather jacket and tanned colored boots from by the front door. She walked back into the bedroom and placed the shoes and jacked beside him. “I am giving you five minutes to make a decision Cassius. When you come out of this trailer, you will either be coming out to go to the doctor with me or you better be coming out with your bags packed and somewhere else to go. You choose.” She left him and made her way outside where she waited anxiously. Three minutes was all it took before Cash emerged from the trailer. He was quiet, a cigarette hanging from between his lips as he walked to the car and climbed into the passenger seat. Storm sighed with relief as she got into the driver’s seat and fired up the engine. She turned her head to look at him. “I promise Cash, every step of the way, I will be with you.” She pulled from the parking spot and headed for the hospital. Finding a parking spot, she parked the car and looked at him. “Baby, you ready?” She asked him softly. Cash nodded to her before getting out of the car. He hated that he was dragging her through his bullshit. There were so many signs for her to run for the hills. She was choosing to stay beside him. Now he needed to decide to fight for her. What kind of man would be he if he didn’t fight for the only woman who never left him when he was in his darkest, and lowest moments. He gripped her hand as they walked inside and up to the front desk. “Hi, I’m here to see Dr. Carrington please.” He sounded almost ashamed of himself. The nurse nodded to him and began the paperwork before looking up at Tempest. “You understand you are both voluntarily admitting yourself for a psychiatric hold to which you do not need?” She questioned with a raised brow. “Yeah, look, I came home, and he had a gun his mouth and I talked him out of his blowing his brains all over my trailer so yeah I understand that I am admitting myself on the grounds that my boyfriend has given me post traumatic stress disorder and I promised I would be by his side every step of the way.” Storm retorted and signed the documents. The nurse hit a buzzer which allowed an orderly to come through the gate and escort the two of them inside. Storm held Cash’s hand tightly as they walked in together and were escorted to the private room she was paying for. To be honest, she was having the bill sent to her grandfather. She needed therapy after finding out her sister was actually her biological mother. “Both of you will need to change into the clothes provided, which can be collected with your personal items on your release.”
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Hi! Here’s my day 10 & 11 of @ducktober2020 !!
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adorerdraco · 4 years
Healing Heart ✧ Draco x Reader Mini-Series PART 1
Summary: Draco meets and accidentally falls in love with reader during his sixth year (HBP). Part 1 of a upcoming series.
Warnings: angst, some fluff, mentions of blood, crying, panic attacks
Words: 6.4K words (I made this so longgg)
A/N: my first Draco writing !!! i am sorry ahead of time if there are any misspellings, typing with long acrylics is hard omg. ALSO PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND ME REQUESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also i do not own this gif.
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It was almost satirical how Draco managed to fall in love with someone at what might be, is, the lowest point in his life. It was his sixth year at Hogwarts, the dark mark burned into his left forearm, the restless mending of the vanishing cabinet, the impossible task of killing his Headmaster, the Dark Lord looming over him and his family with promises of torture and death if he didn’t follow through with the orders he was given.
Draco was an empty shell of what he used to be. The playful and mean remarks that would leave his mouth to anyone that stood in his path were gone. The devious twinkle in his eye and the smug smirk that used to grace his face almost 24/7 was reduced to a permanent scowl and red-rimmed eyes. He looked as if he had aged a rough 10 years since the last year he was at school. Everyone noticed it.
Everyone noticed the skipped meals, the lack of sleep, the empty look in his eyes, the falling behind in class. But no one dared say a thing to him. It almost seems as though people were afraid of him now more than ever. The sneer on his face and the reckless and impulsive attitude he held now was like a repellent for anyone that tried to come near. He was completely alone, whether he liked it or not and he decided to keep it that way.
That all changed a few months into the year, however, when you were rushing to DADA, your long house colored scarf getting tangled underneath your feet causing you to trip and lurch forward, dropping all your books, your wand, and crashing into, you guessed it, Draco Malfoy himself. There was a loud cracking sound as you both tumbled onto the ground, a yelp slipping past Draco’s lips as he held his hand in pain.
"Oh, Merlin,” you gasped, Draco shooting you the dirtiest glare. “Draco, I’m so sorry.”
Before he could open his mouth to tell you off and incessantly insult you into oblivion, you reached forward and took his wounded hand in yours, the softness of your hands and tender touch throwing him off guard. He watched you as you examined the damage on one of his fingers.
“It’s just a sprain,” you finalized after inspecting it for a couple seconds. Draco recoiled his hand from yours as if he had touched a hot surface. He moved to get up and you huffed out a “wait, hold on,” as you scrambled around the ground for your wand. When you felt the wood underneath your fingertips, you clutched it and jumped to your feet, gently grabbing onto the sleeve of Draco’s robe who was already trying to retreat.
“Get away,” he snarled, snatching his arm out of your grasp.
“Let me help,” you pleaded softly, “it’ll be quick, I promise.”
Draco looked down at you with annoyance. He was about to leave again until he felt that same tender touch from just a few moments ago. The feeling stunning him again as he looked down at his hand that was now lying palm up in yours.
“Episkey,” you drawled the wand over his injured finger, the both of you watching the swollen and purple bruise beginning to form suddenly fade away.
Draco gave you one last scowl before he snatched his hand out of yours and turned around to leave the corridor, leaving you standing there dumbfounded as he quickly walked away, his cloak floating behind him like the professor, who’s class you now realized you were very late for.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
That night, Draco lied awake staring at his ceiling he had charmed to resemble a starry night sky. His mind wandered off to think about spells he could try to help fix the vanishing cabinet and different ways he could kill Dumbledore without actually having to face him. He thought of his parents, mostly his mom, and how much he wishes he could save her and himself from this life. He thought of this school and how much he missed being an unknowing child who just did his schoolwork, played quidditch and bully the Golden Trio. He missed the two-dimensional life he used to live. Even if he used to be a complete ignorant and snobby arse, he was a happy one at that. Only now he knows that life isn’t what mummy or daddy say it is, in fact, it is so much worse.
He found his mind wandering to his uneventful day of dragging himself through his classes and failed attempts on the cabinet in the room of requirement. He then all of a sudden remembered the klutzy y/h/c girl that tripped into him and sprained his finger. He remembered how soft her touch was and how gentle she was in fixing said finger. That feeling was hard to forget. He hasn’t felt such tenderness since he doesn’t know how long. He recalled his mother’s hug before he boarded the train to Hogwarts, but that was ages ago.
In his ever growing turmoil, there wasn’t an ounce of warmth in Draco’s life since he’s returned to school. The coldness he was feeling on the inside was just as apparent as it was in his surroundings. He catches himself wishing he could feel that touch again, something about you radiated warmth, and just as quick as that thought appeared, he pushed it away. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The next day, as Draco was leaving the room of requirement and into the empty corridor, he felt the familiar ache in his chest that began to flow through his body. He had made little to no progress today on the cabinet. He felt a panic attack on the horizon, his breathing becoming staggered and tears pricking his eyes. He hated it. He hated feeling so weak.
He began rushing towards Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom, his tears blurring his vision and just like the day before, he crashed right into someone. Instinctively, he held the other person in place by their biceps so neither of them would fall. But that still didn’t stop how upon impact, the other person’s head had collided with his bottom lip. He squeezed his eyes in pain as he felt the skin break and blood quickly escaping it. When he pulled back, he focused on the figure in front of him and realized it was you. The same klutzy girl he bumped into yesterday. 
“Oh no, not again,” you frown, placing your hand on the part of your head that met Draco’s lip.
“You ought to watch where you’re going, you twit,” he snarls, stepping away from you in anger.
“It was an accident,” you responded just as harshly. You take a deep breath and throw the attitude aside. He was bleeding for Merlin’s sake and you felt bad that it was because of you. “I’m sorry, please let me heal you again,” you offer, taking a step towards him, closing up the space he had made.
“I think you’ve done enough,” he backs up, eyeing you down.
“Draco, please, just let me heal your lip and i’ll be out of your way,” you ask again, your soft and guilt ridden e/c eyes peering up at him through your lashes. Draco’s heart flutters, his anger subsiding for a second and he nods.
You step towards him once more and unexpectedly place a warm hand on his face while the other brings your wand up to his lip where it hovers. It was a non-verbal spell you used this time and he felt the pulsating pain in his lip subside to nothing. 
Even though he was healed, you both stayed in that position, your hand still on his cheek and his eyes gazing into yours. He didn’t realize it at that moment, but the pain in chest had also subsided, just a little. The tears had gone. His breathing was drastically slower.
“What’s your name?” the question tumbled from his lips before he could stop it. You gave him a small smile, your hand falling from his face and he frowns when he feels the cold on his skin from the loss of contact.
“It’s Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N” you answer. “We have potions together this year, actually.”
Draco thought back to that class, now that Slughorn was teaching it he hardly paid attention, especially since he felt he was skilled in it anyways so he would let himself slip into his thoughts and let the whole period pass by in a haze. He feels as though he might have heard your name here and there, but he wasn’t so sure.
“Hm, funny, I’ve never noticed you,” he says, not intending it to sound rude but it did. He watches your face fall and he feels a slight guilt poke at him.
“Well, like I said, I’ll be out of your way now,” you mumble to him, brushing past him softly as you continued your path out of the corridor and out of his sight.
He didn’t know why, but he felt a little sad to see you go. He shook his head, shaking the thought from his mind and instead of the bathroom, he decided to go to his room, no longer feeling like he did before your little encounter.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
As days went on, Draco ended up paying more attention in Slughorn’s class. Not to the chubby old professor, but to you, who he shared subtle glances with throughout classes and half-hearted smiles.
You wanted nothing more than to continue talking to him. To be in his presence. He was like a magnet to you, while everyone else thought the opposite of him. Even Pansy, who usually was up his ass, distanced herself from the ghost of the boy she once obsessed over. You couldn’t lie, the small crush you harbored on Draco had only grown more and more each day. It started about three years ago, during your third year when you had seen him in the hospital wing after his run-in with Buckbeak.
You remember the sheer shock you felt when you had seen him for the first time that year. The slicked back hair was gone, he had grown several inches taller, maybe even a foot taller now that you thought about it. His voice had deepened into that haughty tone you somehow couldn’t get enough of. But just like you, many other girls noticed these changes too and began pursuing him. Something you’d never had the guts to do.
Until now.
The feelings you had been suppressing for the past 3 years had come back in overflow the second you bumped into him the other day. Even worse this time since you’ve actually had a conversation with him now and the fact that he won’t stop looking at you.
Slughorn pulled you out of your thoughts when he announced to everyone to partner up to brew the potion he had been lecturing us on all week. Draught of Peace.
“This is your chance,” your friend besides you sings to you as you looked longingly in Draco’s direction who hasn’t moved from his spot.
“No, he usually works by himself, I don’t want to bother him anymore than I have,” you sigh, slumping down in your seat.
“Y/N, you’ve been in love with him since third year,” she huffs, “besides, maybe he only works alone because no one can stand being near him.”
“Shhh, someone might hear you,” you hiss, slumping even lower into your seat. “I am not in love with him, it’s just a stupid crush,” you whisper angrily to her while she only rolls her eyes.
“Okay, well, have fun working alone,” she smirks, getting up from her seat and scurrying across the room to join another classmate. You gape at her in distress, she returns the same gesture, mocking you. She then points over to Draco and smiles, giving you an encouraging thumbs up.
You rest your head in your hand for a second, feeling the hot blush that had made its way onto your face and focused your gaze onto the table in front of you. You mentally hexed your friend, who thought it’d be a good idea if she were ditch you so you would be forced to look for another partner. Jokes on her, you’re not getting up from this seat.
‘I can’t go up to him,” you thought, ‘he probably thinks I’m some annoying creep who won’t leave him alone. I’ll just work by myself.”
Draco looks over at you, noticing the empty space beside you and the frown on your face as you pushed your Potions book to the side and sat up to get your cauldron ready. You were alone, and so was he. He fought himself on whether or not he should join you. It was a bold move, especially for him. He was used to working alone, but the longer he looked at you, the more he found himself missing the sound of your honey sweet voice and soft eyes. Before he had any more time to argue with himself about it, he gathered up all his things and walked over to the empty spot next to you.
“Do you want help?” Draco asked awkwardly, immediately regretting his decision to move. Your eyes shot up from the potion book, not expecting to see the blond next to you with a faint blush on his cheeks.
“Um, yes, actually, that’d be nice,” you mutter out to him, moving some stuff around on the table so that he would have space for his. You could hardly contain the deep red blush that was already on your face from intensifying at his presence. You swallowed thickly as the realization set in that your longtime crush was right beside you and even offering a helping hand. Which in Draco’s case was extremely rare, almost unheard of. Matter of fact, this is something the Slytherin Prince has never done.
He sets his bag down and his supplies and takes a seat, rolling up his sleeves so that he could get started on crushing the porcupine quills into the moonstone powder. The amount of times he has made this potion by now for himself was sad, but good in this case since he would be able to impress you with his skill.
He worked diligently and quietly and you watched as his long slender fingers worked everything with attention and precision. You were looking up at him every now and then which you now realized was a terrible idea considering you were in the middle of cutting ginger root and you weren’t exactly coordinated to begin with. You felt the sharp blade slide across your finger and a small gasp left your mouth when the pain instantly began once the first drop of blood fell.
Draco looked at you in confusion, his eyes widening slightly when he saw the blood dripping from your hand and your face contorted in pain. You ignored the looks Draco was giving you, afraid that he might be looking at you with contempt for being sloppy.
“Y/L/N, perhaps you should go to Madam Pomfrey,” Draco suggests, now seeing that the cut was very deep as you inspected it. In fact, it was so deep he swore he could’ve seen bone.
“No, it’s fine, I can heal it,” you ignored the sharp pain and placed your hand on the table and pointed your wand at the cut with your uninjured hand. You focused on the cut and closed your eyes, letting your wand do its magic with your unspoken spell. When you opened your eyes, the cut was gone, just a small scar in its place and drying blood around it. “You see,” you smile, turning towards Draco and waving your finger, “brand new.”
“You don’t want dittany for the scarring?” Draco asked with an eyebrow raised.
“No, I don’t mind them and this one is small anyways. They’re like memories to me. Some come from good experiences, some bad. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m a little clumsy,” you explain, a small smile on your lips.
“Trust me, I’ve noticed,” he sighs, “so you’ve managed to become your own healer because of that?”
“Exactly that,” you hummed. “That’s actually what I’m studying to be. I plan on being at St. Mungo’s once we graduate. I’ve been studying for it my whole life.”
Draco was silent for a moment. He watched as you carefully threw ingredients into the cauldron and stirred them with caution. He noticed that despite your clumsiness, you handled everything you touched with a care and gentleness. It was a calming sight to him for some reason and he faintly smiled.
“I think you’d be a great healer,” he complimented quietly. You looked at him with one of the brightest smiles he’s ever seen and his heart swells at the thought of it being because of him. He feels a smile mirroring yours that tries to break through, but he fights it.
“You know, you’re a lot nicer than you let on,” you say quietly, waiting for his reaction from the corner of his eye. Draco wants to give you a snarky remark, just to uphold his cold reputation he’s given himself since his first day back at Hogwarts, but he doesn’t.
Instead of saying anything, he just shrugged and gave you a small smile, turning his attention back to the task at hand. You do the same, choosing to enjoy the comfortable silence that had settled.
When Slughorn came by to check when you finished, he eyed you and Draco and smiled.
"Ahh, Mr. Malfoy, I’m glad you’ve finally decided to partner up with someone,” he gleamed. “Miss Y/L/N here is an excellent potions student such as yourself.”
“Yes, she is,” Draco responded, keeping his eyes trained on the professor. He didn’t want to look at you, feeling embarrassed that he has now complimented you twice in the last 20 minutes. You smiled to yourself, something you’ve been doing a lot of since the slytherin boy sat next to you.
“Well, I suppose you’ll be pleased to know the two of you have brewed an outstanding potion,” Slughorn grins, “both of you will receive perfect marks on this. You can be excused from today’s class now.”
“Thank you, Professor,” you begin gathering your things and turn towards Draco. “I’ll see you next class? Or maybe somewhere around the castle when I accidentally bump into you.”
Draco chuckles and shakes his head, “perhaps. I’ll see you soon, Y/L/N.”
With that, he strides out of the class, you staring at the back of his platinum blond head with a stupid smile on your face.
“You’re welcome,” your friend suddenly appeared next to you, playfully slapping your arm. “I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen Draco look so... calm.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Weeks had gone by, and several Potions classes. The seat beside you now belonged to Draco and the two of you had in a sense, become friends. Or acquaintances. You couldn’t quite say. 
He was still brooding and mostly kept to himself, but he would converse with you here and there about things, almost always school. The two of you continuously getting outstanding marks on everything you produced much to Slughorn’s delight.
Sometimes he would come to class looking disheveled or angry and those were the days where no matter how much you tried to talk to him to at least maybe get his mind off things, he would ignore you. Wouldn’t even look at you. You couldn’t deny how it had hurt your feelings, but you would brush off the hurt and remind yourself that it wasn’t personal. He was obviously going through something, you didn’t know what, but you had to respect that sometimes he just didn’t want to talk. That was hard. Especially because you just wanted to hear his voice or see him give you that rare smile when you would say something he found amusing or you would accidentally drop something off the table with your elbows or knocked over with your hands. 
You were rounding a corridor when you saw the flash of blond zoom past you. He didn’t see you, but you saw the pointed look in his eyes and the tears that were pooling in the stormy gray eyes that you adored. You mentally fought yourself on whether or not you should follow him, he looked so upset and all you wanted to do was give him a peace of mind. So you followed him, all through two corridors until he disappeared into Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom.
Your heart broke at the sobs that filled the bathroom. They were full of pain and despair. The sound of his rapid breathing mixed in with his cries was more than enough to let you know that he was having a panic attack. You pushed open the door slightly to see him hunched over a sink, his robe discarded on the ground along with his vest and tie leaving him in only a white long sleeved dress shirt. 
You wanted to run in and help, but stayed back, realizing that this was something that was extremely personal. You knew he would be livid if you or anyone saw him like this, so broken and emotional. You were about to leave, all of a sudden feeling very ashamed for even following him in here. You watched as he looked up into the mirror, an anger flashing in his eyes as he stared at the reflection looking back at him. Not yours, but his. All he could see was a monster staring back at him. A failure. A weak man. He was disgusted and angry with what he saw and before he knew what he was doing, he had pulled his fist back and you watched it collide with the middle of the mirror where he had been. The glass shattered upon impact, the shards now flying in all different directions and embedding into his knuckles. He fell to the ground on his knees, in pain and clutching his fist as his cries only got louder. 
That was when you threw open the door, rushing in to help him, not caring that you were going to have to put up a fight in order to even get near him. Draco’s eyes shot up to meet yours, and just like you thought, he was beyond pissed to see you. 
Draco has never felt such humiliation in his life. The beautiful and kind y/h girl he had acquainted himself with, was now looking at him with pity. He grabbed his wand from his pocket, pointing it at you with such quickness that you faltered in your steps.
“Get. Out!” He yelled, his wand shaking violently in his uninjured hand. He would never hex you, but he figured you would fall for his bluff and leave. But you didn’t. You only sat yourself down a few feet away from him and felt your own tears begin to fall. “Y/L/N, I swear to Merlin, if you don’t leave, I’ll-”
“You’ll what?” you challenged. “I just want to help.”
“I don’t need your help,” he sneered, his wand still pointed at you.
“You’re bleeding, a lot, Draco,” you point to his bloodied hand that curled to his chest. “You know I can save you a trip to the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey’s interrogation.”
After a few moments of silence and a wand still pointed at you, you slowly scoot towards him. Your hand encloses around the one holding his wand and you lower it for him while he watches you. He was still crying and breathing heavily. His panic attack somehow getting worse now and no longer having the energy to fight you. You finally reach him, now knee to knee with him and you place a hand on his shoulder.
“Draco, just breath with me,” you say calmly. “In,” you took a long exaggerated inhale, and after a few seconds, “out,” and let out an equally exaggerated exhale. You did that with him for a while, his pained gray eyes focused on yours the whole time, never breaking eye contact. Once he was calmed down enough and was just left with the post crying hiccoughs, you took his injured hand in yours. There was shards and particles of glass stuck in his reddened and bloody skin.
You reached into your robe pocket and pulled out a set of tweezers you kept with you. You often found yourself getting splinters or tiny rocks stuck in your skin when your hands hit the pavement when you’d fall you try and catch yourself.
“This might hurt,” you warn, starting to remove one of the biggest pieces. He sharply inhales as you try your best to do take it out carefully.
It was quiet the rest of the process, just sniffles and gasps from Draco when you had removed a piece that especially hurt. When you were done, you waved your wand over the gashes and watched as they faded into faint pink scars. You got up, pulling him with you and took him to the sink where you rinsed off the blood from both your hands and his. 
He couldn’t say anything. He didn’t know what. He just stared at you, dumbfounded and confused. You turned your body to face his and he did the same, eyeing you carefully and still very cautious to any move you made.
“I can leave now, if you’d like me to,” you offer quietly. He stayed silent, wondering if he should just send you off. But he didn’t want to. You had already seen him at his worst, and he was terribly alone, so he just shook his head ‘no.’ You looked up at him and decided to risk it all. “Can I give you a hug?”
Draco was stunned at the question, his heart pounding against his chest. “I suppose,” he managed to let out in a strained voice.
You slowly stepped closer to him and slid your arms up his biceps until your hands met behind his neck. You stood on your tippy toes and pulled him into you, his chin now resting on your shoulder as your hand smoothed the back of his head. You felt him stiff under your touch and as he got comfortable in your embrace, his arms raised from his sides and snaked around your waist, pushing you flush against him. You stayed like that for what felt like forever, and he held you tightly, not wanting to let go.
This was the first time in a long time that he had felt any type of relief. It had been such a constant uphill battle for him, day after day. He took a deep inhale accidentally, but the smell of your perfume and shampoo filling his nose and his mind made him feel at ease. The warmth of your body from underneath his fingertips brought him peace and succor.
“Thank you,” he whispered into your hair so quietly that if you weren’t so focused on him, you would’ve missed it.
That was the day Draco Malfoy became your friend.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Potions class was no longer the only place you would see Draco. Now that the two of you were comfortable with one another and he trusted you more than anyone else, he found himself hanging out with you every day during his free time when he would be done messing with the cabinet.
It would be taking walks around the castle. Sneaking out at night and meeting behind statues to talk. Sitting together at a bench in the courtyard. Skipping stones along the Black Lake. It’s been months of this. Months of friendship he so desperately needed. You had helped him through several more panic attacks and meltdowns, each time coming closer together. He never told you about what caused them. The worst ones were when he found he had almost killed Katie Bell and Ron Weasley, and as much as you begged him to tell you, he kept his mouth shut. 
He had spent so much time with you that it was affecting him. But for the better. He found himself eating again at the Slytherin table and his friends were more than excited to have him back. He still wasn’t too buddy-buddy with everyone as he once was, but he joined conversations and shared a couple jokes. He was even sleeping a little more. He was still beyond stressed, but it wasn’t as gut-wrenching. He enjoyed Potions again and even started paying a little more attention in his other classes. His new found energy even helped him greatly progress in mending the vanishing cabinet, finally making a breakthrough in fixing it.
He would lie awake at night sometimes and thank Merlin you crashed into his life, literally. You were like an angel to him, healing his heart with every word and smile and touch you sent his way. It was easy with you. He tried his best to keep his emotions at bay, reminding himself that when he would have to follow through with his task, he would lose you and that thought pained him to no end. But he was selfish, and he adored you with every fiber of his being so he couldn’t leave you alone. And especially not when he needed you most.
Today, you lied in the grass, shoulder to shoulder and staring up at the sky and watching the clouds. You were a little ways from the castle, away from all your other classmates and teachers and it was nice. Finally being able to enjoy time with the Slytherin Prince without people gawking at the two of you.
“My mother used to do this with me when I was a small,” Draco trailed off, his eyes following a particular funny shaped cloud. “She would take me out to the garden behind the Manor, usually when father was doing some work at the ministry. But we would sit against this tall oak tree and I’d be on her lap and she’d have her arms wrapped around me and she would point out the funniest shaped clouds and try to pinpoint what they resemble. Sometimes she’d even joke around and say the weirdest shaped cloud looked like father.”
You giggled at that last part, your heart swelling at the story. He rarely talked about his family, but when he did, it would always be of his mother and a happy memory he had with her, never his father.
“Draco, can I ask you something?” you turn onto your side, your elbow holding you up as you gazed down at him.
“What do you wanna know, darling?” you blushed at the nickname but brushed it aside, knowing he only meant it in a friendly way.
“Forgive me if it’s rude, you don’t have to answer,” you begin, “but do you miss your father? I know it’s none of my business and I’m so sorry the Daily Prophet put your family business on blast like that. I can’t imagine how that must have felt.”
Draco frowned and followed you in turning onto his side and propping himself up with his elbow to face you. You remembered the image of Draco and his mother on the newspaper, bright lights flashing across their faces as all the press tried to get picture of them after the sentencing of Lucius Malfoy to Azkaban. You remembered seeing Draco look so sad, yet strong beside his mother as he looked from her and then into the camera with disdain. 
“Sometimes, I do,” he answers, eyebrows furrowed as he thought of his father. “My whole life, he’s expected nothing short of perfection from me. There were no room for mistakes, and if I made any, I would be punished for them. I remember coming to Hogwarts was like an escape, a place where I could finally sort of relax and be a child. I don’t miss his scolding or his coldness. But I miss having a father, I miss going home on that first day of summer and seeing both my parents even if he was going to reprimand me for something later on in the day. He’s been with me my whole life, and now he’s gone, stuck in a cell in Azkaban. He’s never going to be the same. Home is never going to be the same.”
You felt tears prick your eyes as you listened to the boy beside you, a distant look in his eyes as he turned back over on his back to look at the sky in the middle of his explanation. You sat up and he did the same, looking at you with a frown when he noticed you were about to cry. You took your hand in his and held it tightly.
“I’m sorry, Draco,” you mumble. “You don’t deserve any of the bad things you’ve been through.”
“I do,” he shrugs. “I’ve been a real git since I’ve been at Hogwarts, you know.”
“You’re different now,” you say. “Sure, you still haven’t lost a little bit of the Malfoy snobbishness and you’re still a bit of a git, but you’re kinder and more gentle. You’re a lot more empathetic and perceptive. I mean, I’ve never spoken to you prior to this year, but your reputation follows and the Draco in front of me doesn’t seem anything like the Draco you were.”
“How you’ve managed to insult me while complimenting me is something I’ve never seen anyone be able to do successfully is astonishing,” he laughs, a smile growing on his face as you laughed with him.
“I’m serious, Dray,” you giggle, “I think you’re a good person.”
“I’m not good,” he thinks to himself. The compliment leaving your lips made him feel foul. He didn’t deserve to have such a kind soul complimenting him to be something he’d never amount to. He frowned and harshly stood up, and you quickly followed. Suddenly afraid that you might have overstepped your boundaries.
“Where are you going?” You ask, fear trembling in your voice. He begins to hurriedly walk off and you chase after him, stopping in front of him so you could place your hands on his chest to stop him. 
“Y/N, let me go,” he pleads. “I’m not who you think I am.”
“I think I’ve been around you long enough to know who you are.”
“Not long enough.”
You stare up at him, but he refuses to look at you. His body feels rigid under your touch and it pains you to see him beginning to shut down again.
“I know something has been bothering you this year, and I know it’s not just because of what happened with your father,” you start. “I don’t know what is hurting you so deeply enough to make you hate yourself, but I’m here to tell you that whatever that thing is, it doesn’t define you.”
Draco swallows thickly, the tears already falling down his cheeks. “It does, it does.”
“No, it doesn’t,” you cry with him. “Even if you don’t see your goodness, I do.”
Both you and Draco are crying, the tree you were now standing under was swaying violently in the wind, as if it was picking up on your guys’ emotions. You placed a hand on his cheek, and he leaned down, pressing his forehead against yours.
“I’m not good,” he whispers to you, “and once you see that, you’re going to hate me.”
“I could never hate you, Draco Malfoy,” you promise, a complete sincerity in your voice that it makes his heart jump.
Draco lifts his head up and sniffles, he watched you do the same, peering up at him through your wet lashes. He brought his thumb up to smooth the crease in between your eyebrows, letting it fall down to your cheeks where he wiped away the stray tears that had stilled. His hand then landed on your mouth that was pulled down in a grimace that matched his own. His thumb grazed over your lips, the softness of them nearly driving him mad. He wanted nothing more than to feel them against his own, but he couldn’t bring himself to kiss you. He didn’t want to drag you into the darkness of his life more than he already has.
“Kiss me,” you said to him, so softly but it rang loud in his ears. You had seen the way he looked at you and how he seemed so focused on your lips. You knew what he was thinking because it was exactly what you were thinking. You wanted this just as badly as he did. “Kiss me.”
Every argument he had in his head vanished and suddenly he closed the small space between the two of you and gently placed his lips onto yours. It was a fluid movement, like two puzzle pieces fitting together.
Your hands found their way in his hair, holding him closer to you and he did the same by gripping onto your hips. His lips were soft against yours, filled with fervor and desire. He was gentle with you, but you could still feel the deepness of his kiss and how it intensified with each second. He had put all his emotions into it, his care, his appreciation, his want, his sadness, his grief, his love.
When he pulled away and the two of you stood there staring at each other with love stricken eyes, he realized he had made a grave mistake.
He realized he was in love with you. He realized that he would never be able to let you go, and you would never let him go. And he knew that with the direction his life was going in, one way or another, you would get hurt and he would lose you, maybe even to death itself.
So in that moment he knew. As much as he loved you and wanted more than anything to be with you, he couldn’t put you in that position where you would be staring evil and death in the face. He wouldn’t tarnish your beautiful soul like that.
“I have to go,” he breathed out. “Please, leave me alone. For good.”
And with that he turned away, leaving you standing under the tree with tears falling down your face, a sob escaping your throat and the sound of your knees hitting the grass below you. He held back his own cries and walked faster away from you, knowing you had finally done damage to yourself that you couldn’t heal, and it was all his fault.
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MC’s half Demon, and they look AWFULLY familiar...
‘Kay guys, I got a different kind of stupid Headcanon to throw at you. Get ready!
Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Part 2.5 Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
*ahem* picture if you will, it’s the day the exchange program is set to start. The student council (nix Mr. Kill All Humans, Weeb-supreme, and our Scummy Sweetheart) have assembled to welcome the new human student. All is going according to schedule, the portal opens up at eight am sharp, they hear the pitiful screams of the selected human who was not given a heads up about the whole thing, and the poor little human falls straight onto the marble floor.
There’s something a tad... off about this human don’t you think? After they’ve peeled their sorry ass off the floor they observed the assembled student council with an air of sophistication and self importance that no one expected. Their posture was perfect, their eyes sharp and calculating... they bared a striking resemblance to-
“Lucifer,” Diavolo looked to his right hand man, then back to the human. “The human kind of looks like you!”
And out popped four pitch black wings from the human’s back and two small horns out of the sides of their head, one horn was a bit bigger than the other. They even still had some of their down feathers! How cute!
((Content warning: Swearing (I have a potty mouth, forgive me), but that’s it.))
So, the MC is Lucifer’s kid! Of course Mr. Prideypants immediately tries to recall exactly what little romp in the human world uh... spawned this half-human half-demon child of his. Good thing MC’s got the other parent on speed-dial.
“Please note, MC,” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose upon hearing Asmo take even more pictures of his newly discovered hellspawn. “I was not aware of your existence, if I was I’d-”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not upset.”
Lucifer blinked a few times in surprise. “P...pardon? You aren’t upset?”
“No, my parent told me that my father was a high ranking demon, and they bare no ill will against you. Though, I am looking forward to this whole... exchange program thing.”
Oh wow, that was easier than Lucifer thought. Damn. Well, he was a father... (let’s be real, he’s been parenting his brothers for thousands of years, and a good chunk of you sinners call him daddy)
MC is probably the most protected student at RAD, despite the fact that they have no visible security detail whatsoever. They didn’t want to be seen as... weak and pathetic.
Something about this human just... set the lesser demons on edge. Any talk of eating them was stamped out on the first day when they walked by. It’s like Lucifer himself was staring at them, daring the demons to try and bother the human. MC’s powerful presence kept them protected and feared.
...at least until dear uncle Asmo decided to do their hair one morning. All those ribbons may have looked adorable but they kind of ruined the intimidation factor.
MC loved to mess with the other students, keeping their lineage a secret for the first little while just made it so much funnier when the other demons tried to scramble out of MC’s way without looking like they were running from the ‘weak little human exchange student’.
Oh wow, what a sadist. Like father like child
Flying lessons are a must. Poor MC isn’t terribly good at controlling their wings, and their horns are still growing in so when they pop into their demon form the first thing they get is a sore skull. Ow... it sucks that Lucifer isn’t outwardly very sympathetic.
“Ow!” MC crashed face first into the grass in the backyard of the House of Lamentation. “Father! My wings are cramping! Can’t we practice this tomorrow?”
The sight of seeing his dear child crash face first into the ground had lost its hilarity after the first three times. Lucifer slowly lowered himself to the ground and crossed his arms as he stood over his incredibly grass-stained kid.
“MC, we’ve been ‘practicing this tomorrow’ for the past month. If you want to learn to fly you’re going to have to actually manage to stay in the air for more than three minutes.”
MC shot Lucifer a withering glare that only preteens were capable of, Lucifer matched it with his own much more sophisticated glare.
“You’ve been flying for over a thousand years! Don’t you have any tips that can actually help other than ‘don’t panic, you’ll look ridiculous’?”
Lucifer dragged a gloved hand down his face and looked around, the two were alone as far as he could see.
“MC,” Lucifer began. “When I was a young angel, I needed to learn how to fly with someone else.”
MC perked up. “Who?”
“Michael. The smug bastard picked up flying quicker than I did.”
“What’d you do?!”
Lucifer smiled at his child’s intense investment. “I practiced flying every day for five extra hours until I could do everything that Michael could do, just better.”
MC’s starry eyed interest died almost instantly upon hearing about the extra five hours of practice. “Humph, I bet I could outfly younger you and Michael with only two hours of practice a day.”
“Really now?”
“Yes! Watch!” MC shook off their wings and took off in a running start before shakily making it into the air. Their form was decent enough, and they weren’t shaking as much as the previous attempts. “SEE?!”
“Yes MC,” Lucifer smiled. “I can see.”
You know what else Lucifer could see? MC crashing right into a tree.
Okay... maybe they could halt practice a little early and order a treat from Madame Scream’s. A little sugar to refuel is needed when the end goal is crushing a mutual rival beneath their heels. Just some good old fashioned father/child bonding time!
MC has a smaller seat right next to Lucifer’s seat in the Assembly Hall. I will not compromise on this one.
For all your fluff needs, I give you: Lucifer teaching MC how to play the piano. He has a proud little smile on his face when his kid finally starts getting it. That’s all. Enjoy the image.
That one Uncle who gives you Alcohol at Family Gatherings (Mammon)
Yeah, when Mammon burst in late to the party and whining about everyone’s spamming him with texts to haul his scummy ass to the Assembly Hall, the last thing he expected was to see a mini-Lucifer.
“What the fuck am I lookin’ at?!”
The glare the two Lucifers gave the poor Avatar of Greed was enough to make him want to turn tail (uh, wing) and book it down the hall.
“Mammon, this is MC. They’re my child.”
“...whaaaa..?” Mammon looked between the two, same glare, same intimidating aura, same annoyingly good posture.
Mammon scratched the back of his neck and looked over at his older brother. “Do I uh... still gotta babysit em’ if they’re not human?”
“The lake of Cocytus will melt the day I let you babysit without supervision.” Lucifer grumbled.
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
Despite Lucifer’s initial denial, Mammon and MC ended up spending a lot of time hanging out when Lucifer was busy with paperwork. Of course Mammon’s first thought was ‘how do I profit off this situation?’
MC is now Mammon’s designated babysitter after they caught him picking up their feathers that had fallen off with the intention of painting them white and claiming they were Lucifer’s from back in the Celestial Realm.
Mammon does end up spoiling MC a little. Just a smidge. They’re the kid of his totally not his favourite brother after all! How could he not? Whether or not these gifts are obtained legally or are legal at all is subject to scrutiny.
“Mammon, I can’t drink this!” MC placed the bottle of Demonus back on the counter of the kitchen.
“Why not? That’s a bottle of the good stuff! We gotta celebrate you gettin’ an A on that test somehow!”
“I’m underage! Incredibly underage. I’m not legally allowed to drink.”
Mammon wordlessly plopped a silly straw into the bottle. “...does that help?”
“No.” MC then inclined their head to the bottle. “And I don’t want to get hung from the ceiling, that bottle was in my father’s study yesterday, I’m above theft.”
“How old are you s’posed to be anyway? Never mind... uh...” Mammon wracked his brain for something else he could do for MC that didn’t cost anything (don’t judge him, the poor bastard was flat broke!). “I could... teach you to drive!”
“Yeah! Drivin’ is awesome! We can take my car!”
The bills for the damages done to the car and the Devildom were mailed to Lucifer the next day, and MC and Mammon got to keep each other company as they hung from the ceiling. Ah well! At least MC wasn’t upside down!
Mammon wasn’t that good of a flight teacher either, he also crashed into a tree (the same tree MC crashed into, actually) when he was cheering for MC. They were finally able to do a loopdy loop! He was proud and distracted! Okay?! Lucifer! Stop smirkin’ at him! It’s not that funny!
At least the vantage point from the tree was decent and the branches didn’t scratch him up too badly. Oh hey... that person walking by was wearing a very nice watch... he’d be right back-
That Uncle That is Always Absent From Family Gatherings and When He is Present He Leaves Early (Levi)
He missed everything. That is not an exaggeration. He was in the middle of an online raid battle and couldn’t look at his phone! No Lucifer he can’t pause an online game! That’s not how it works!
Okay, the human exchange student is half demon? WOAH! THAT’S JUST LIKE THAT ONE ANIME- W A I T. THE LITTLE NORMIE IS LUCIFER’S KID?!
Okie doke, he was fully convinced that MC just had to be an anime protagonist.
They binged every series that Levi compared them to. Sure MC might have missed a few assignments because of late night anime binges, but they were too good for this school crap anyway, right?
Nope. Lucifer put a ban on the two watching anime until both their grades improved. Surviving that hell brought the two together.
The sound of a pencil case being haphazardly thrown across the room made Levi peek out of his bed-tub. If his figurines got knocked over so HELP HIM-
“This is stupid!!I shouldn’t have to catch up with this!” MC crossed their arms and gave their Demonology textbook their best disapproving glare.
Lucifer Lite (tm) was having a hell of a time trying to claw through their missed work, and Levi sympathized, he really did, it’s just... he was playing Animal Crossing-
Levi paused the game to placate his anime-buddy when their wings popped out and he feared for his rare merch’s safety.
“H-hey, MC? Do you need help?” Levi’s offer was met with a bone chilling glare that lived rent free in his nightmares ever since. He had pulled a Mammon and forgotten he was talking to Lucifer’s child. Lucifer’s allergy to help must have passed down to MC.
“No! I don’t! It’s just... dumb!” MC hissed, she turned and looked over at the fish tank. “Right Henry 2.0?”
Henry 2.0 did not respond.
“MC, you need to finish your homework or we can’t watch anything together,” Levi sighed, he had finished his work over an hour earlier. He had mastered the art of all night anime binges and managing to do most of his work in the fifteen minutes between the time he woke up and the time school was supposed to begin. “We haven’t even binged all of volume 4 of TSL yet!”
“Mmm...” MC grumbled. “Fine...”
MC picked up their pencil case and began continued their work. Levi breathed a sigh of relief and went back to Animal Crossing.
The tiny normie did in fact finish their work, only after they caved and asked Levi for help. Swore him to secrecy, they did... very intimidating, they were.
Just saying, he most definitely sent that one Keanu Reeves meme with big Keanu and little Keanu but with Lucifer and MC to the wrong group chat. Poor bastard.
Flying lessons? No. Levi hadn’t flown since his time in the Celestial Realm, he had no advice to give other than: “Flap your wings!”
MC didn’t get to finish that thought, they lost their balance and fell right into RAD’s fountain. Ah well, Levi had a head start on running for his life that he squandered by laughing at MC. RIP.
The Uncle/brother/whatever the fuck that Starts a Fight With Your Dad at the Family Reunion. (Satan)
Oh... another Lucifer? Eugh. Gross.
Satan gave the kid a wide berth when they first met. Everything the kid said or did ticked him off. “Tsk. Look at MC. Making an omelette. So annoying.” “Oh wow, MC vacuumed? Roll out the red carpet, we need to celebrate their existence!” “Look at them. Breathing. Disgusting.”
MC’s pride wouldn’t ever let them admit it but... they knew Satan didn’t like them, and it hurt their feelings.
“Shhhh,” Satan whispered into his backpack.
“Meow.” The backpack replied.
“I said shhhhh.”
The backpack did not reply after that, which was a good thing considering the little princet of the HOL was nearby.
“Satan?” They asked. “Who are you talking to?”
Satan coldly brushed past them as he made his way to his room. “No one you need to concern yourself with.”
When the little calico kitten was safe in his room, Satan quickly realized a mistake in his foolproof ‘sneak a cat into the house’ plan. He didn’t have any toys for the kitten, and he didn’t want his books getting scratched...
It was alright, he’d just rush out to the a store that sold cat things and rush back! Five minute trip tops!
Well when Satan got back the cat was no longer in the room. Oh dear. He discreetly tore apart the house looking for the poor little thing until he ended up finding it in the library, happily chasing around a loose feather being held up by MC.
“Oh, hello Satan.” MC chirped as the kitten batted it’s adorable little paws at the feather.
“My... my door was closed. Did you let the cat out?”
MC shrugged. “I heard meowing.”
Satan ran a hand through his hair and grumbled. Stupid smaller Lucifer. Stupid original Lucifer. Everyone sucked.
“Let me guess, you’re going to run to Lucifer and tell him all about the meowing and the rule breaking.”
MC shook their head and glared at Satan. “Of course not. I’ve already gotten way too attached to this little guy anyway. We’re co-parenting this kitten like mature adults.”
With some coaxing, Satan did sit down and play with the kitten, maybe MC wasn’t... so terrible.
The two watch Unsolved Mysteries together, that’s their show. “This guy did it.” “Satan, we’re two minutes into the episode-” “Trust me.”
Thirty minutes later.
“He did it.” “See MC, what’d I tell you?”
Lucifer did find out about the cat, but with enough pleading, MC and Satan managed to warm up the cold spot in Lucifer’s chest where his heart should have been. The cat’s name is Detective Toe Beans (or just Bean).
Satan can’t fly, he has a tail, but he did read up on wing anatomy and how flight actually works in demons, his advice would be good in theory, but it’s full of so much technical jargon that MC can’t understand it.
At least MC didn’t crash into something, they barrel rolled through one of the HOL’s windows. Good thing it was the window to their room. The broken arm still hurt like hell.
The Best Dressed Bitch Who Brings The Booze to The Reunion. (Asmo)
Lucifer’s kid was SO CUTE! A thousand pictures commemorating that adorable moment needed to be taken! Wait- Lucifer- GIVE BACK THE PHONE-
Asmo, surprise surprise, absolutely adores little MC! So cute! So small! He was just so excited to announce to all his Devilgram followers that Lucifer was finally a certified DILF.
That post disappeared five minutes after it was made but the damage had already been done.
Asmo made sure MC looked their best at all times, if they needed help talking to anyone? Asmo’s got their back!
Sure, maybe he’s a little pushy, but pushy’s a good thing sometimes, right?
“No, these shoes wouldn’t fit you...”
“No, not these ones either...”
Asmo squeaked and jumped upwards, Geez Louise... little MC’s voice could sure be scary when they wanted it to be...
“I don’t need any fancy new shoes.” MC huffed, sitting up straighter in one of the chairs in Asmo’s room. “I thought this was supposed to be a sleepover.”
“Hmmm...” Asmo pouted. “Makeovers are an essential part of sleepovers... what’d you do with your human friends up in the human world that could possibly be better than a make-over?!”
MC began to list things off. “Ordered junk food, talked about people we hated, watched movies,”
“Greasy food is so bad for your skin...” Asmo cringed and shook his head violently. “But I’m totally down to watch a movie and bitch about people I hate!”
“Ah yes, human sleepovers, a tradition I never quite had the chance to enjoy.” Solomon said from Asmo’s bed. “Who are we bitching about?”
“Remind me what Solomon is doing here.” MC muttered as they sat down in front of Asmo’s TV.
“Because, I wanted to hang out with my two favourite humans.” Asmo cooed, reaching over and trying to pinch MC’s cheek, which they awkwardly dodged.
“Can we watch The Exorcist?” Solomon asked, propping his head up with his hands.
“Ew, no.” Asmo made a face at him. “That scene with the vomit? Hell NO.”
“Mm.” MC mumbled. Asmo turned to look at them.
“MC? Are you doing okay? You don’t look like you’re having any fun...”
“I’m fine.” MC grumbled.
Asmo pursed his lips, as much as it made his little narcissistic heart break, he nudged MC. “Why don’t you pick the movie, sweetie. I’m sure Solomon and I will like anything you pick!”
MC noticeably brightened. “Let’s watch Scream!”
The strangled noise that came from Asmo was... concerning, but to his credit, The Avatar of Lust held his tongue about his distaste for the movie, and the three slumber-party goers had quite the lovely time.
After the movie ended, MC went back to their room, sure it was a sleepover but their bed was right down the hall.
Good for Asmo and Solomon. Horny fuckers. We stan.
Asmo just claps and tries to cheer MC on when it comes to their flying lessons. (The idea that Asmo came up with to wear his cheerleader costume from the previous Halloween was immediately shot down by Lucifer)
“You’re doing wonderful, MC- WATCH OUT FOR THE POWER LINE!”
MC didn’t hit the power line, but Asmo’s scream of terror caused them to fall butt-first into a dumpster. Their injured tailbone served as a tragic memory of the incident.
Oh well, good thing Asmo had nice smelling soap to give that could mask dumpster-stink.
The Uncle that eats everything and tells you to eat your veggies while you angrily pick at your broccoli at the kid’s table. (Beel)
Lucifer... has a kid?! Beel choked on the cheetos he had snuck into the Assembly Hall when the kid’s wings popped out.
Oh wow, that’s nice :) maybe they can eat together. Belphie would probably like them.
Wait what is the gender neutral term for Niece or Nephew?
...Nibling? Uh... let’s not say that around Beel. We don’t need him to get hungrier and begin associating MC with nibbling on things.
The Underground Tomb incident probably went a little differently, but after all that nonsense, the two are closer than two peas in a pod!
Mmm... peas...
“Beel?” MC stepped into the Avatar of Gluttony’s room.
“Hi MC.” Beel was doing push-ups in the middle of the room, on the ground right beneath his head was a massive bowl of spaghetti that he bit into every time he completed a push-up. “Can you come stand on my back? I need the extra weight.”
“On your back?” MC padded closer. “Are you sure? It’s not going to hurt?”
“No, it’ll be okay.” Beel assured them. “Belphie and I did this all the time. Except Belphie is normally asleep.”
MC tentatively stepped onto Beel’s back. It was a balancing act to say the least, they eventually gave up on standing and ended up sitting cross legged between Beel’s shoulder blades.
“You did this with Belphegor?” MC asked.
“Yeah,” Beel sighed. “He was always too tired to exercise, but he’d let me bench press him sometimes...”
MC frowned and hugged their knees to their chest. Knowing full well that Beel’s twin wasn’t in the human world like Lucifer said was absolutely ripping them apart from the inside. Guilt felt just as rotten as their pride did when they were being belittled...
“Maybe you’ll see him again sometime soon.” MC whispered. “Maybe my father’ll come to his senses and let him come back down to the Devildom.”
Beel paused his push-ups for a brief moment, then nodded and went back to his eating exercising combo. “I hope so. He’ll like you, MC. I’m sure of it.”
MC nodded. “I... hope so.”
Beel’s a pretty decent flight teacher, but his wings are just so different from MC’s that it renders any tips he had next to useless.
“MC, maybe your wings aren’t flapping fast enough.”
“Beel, I appreciate the thought, but I’m not a hummingbird. Or a fly. I don’t need to flap my wings a million times a minute to stay afloat.”
Ah well, MC tried to take some of Beel’s advice, but their lower right wing cramped up and they ended up flying in circles until Beel was able to catch them. Ah well, better than the dumpster incident the previous week.
The Uncle That Passes Out in The Basement and You’re Not Allowed to Wake Him Up Even Though All Your Toys and Video Games Are Down There. He Also Picks a Fight With Your Dad’s New S/O Before He Passes Out. (Belphie)
Sitting in the attic was quite a drag, and this supposedly weak little human was quite the annoyance to try and call out to. It took a lot longer than expected, but when he heard little footsteps coming towards his prison, Belphegor nearly jumped with joy.
Oh... it... looked like Lucifer. Smelled like Lucifer. Stood like Lucifer. Quacked like Lucifer. Or... trilled..? Whatever sound a peacock made, this brat sounded an awful lot like Lucifer.
A... half-demon. Hmph. Belphie honestly thought Lucifer had actual standards. Not anymore, he guessed.
(Man I could fill a whole-ass fic with the Belphie betrayal thing, but for now let’s skip to post attic nonsense)
Okay so maybe MC wasn’t disgusting. They made a good nap buddy. It was cute when their wings came out when they were sleeping sometimes. Well... it was cute when they didn’t hit him in the face and make him wake up with his mouth full of feathers.
What Beel said had been true, Belphie made a good substitute when weights weren’t available, but Beel didn’t want MC to feel left out, so Belphie and MC ended up sitting on his back while he did push ups. MC once got bored and started playing Go Fish with Belphie on Beel’s back while he exercised.
Yes. MC is still a member of the Formerly-Anti-Lucifer League.
“Are you sure he’s not going to be too mad at us?” MC asked for the dozenth time that day. Detective Toe Beans was wrapped around their neck like a scarf (he had gotten so big!!!) while MC nervously sat in one of the Library chairs.
“Positive.” Belphie said with a toothy grin. “Besides, he’s like putty when it comes to you. Just give him your best puppy eyes and we’re not guilty on all charges.”
Putty..? Really..? Lucifer..? How strict was he before MC got there... they wondered.
“Sh! He’s coming!” Satan stuck his nose into a random book, it was the Oxford English Dictionary... and it was upside down.
Belphie pretended to pass out and MC decided that the best course of action was to stare deeply into their cat’s eyes. Yeah... that looked casual and not weird.
“Satan, MC, Belphie.” Lucifer nodded to the three of them as he walked towards the entrance to his study.
“Afternoon, father.”
Belphie let out a cartoonishly loud fake snore that nearly caused both MC and Satan to break cover and start laughing.
Side note, Bean had adorable widdle eyes! That cute little face was just to die for-
“You three..!”
Belphie, Satan, and MC peeked their heads into Lucifer’s study, their handiwork was perfect. Everything was covered in red post it notes. Perfectly not harmful, but SO inconvenient!
“You’re all cleaning this up or so help me-”
“GO!” Belphie and Satan each grabbed one of MC’s arms (Satan also grabbed Bean) and sprinted out of the House of Lamentation. Maybe they’d move back there in twenty years... they hoped that Solomon and The Angels would let them crash at Purgatory Hall...
Belphie had used up his physical energy supply for the next four years. He passed out the moment they stepped into sanctuary. Time for a nap...
Flight practice? Ha. Belphie’s napping. Though, he was suspiciously awake and filming whenever MC did something stupid.
“Try not to suck so bad.”
“I’m already there. Hell is every second I’m stuck here watching you fail.”
Well... MC mastered the dive bomb that day. Lucifer bought them a cake.
Bonus! Your Dad’s New Husband! That Has Managed to Somehow Make Everyone Hate Him Despite the Fact That He’s A Cinnamon Roll. (Diavolo)
A mini Lucifer? A mini Lucifer!
Diavolo dotes on MC like he’d dote on his own kid. MC wants a crown? They’re getting a crown! A damn nice one too! MC wants a title? Here! MC is now... idk Ruler of the area between Majolish and Hell’s Kitchen.
Poor Uncle Mammon’s got some financial insecurity, he’s still the cool uncle... right?!
He is very much that ‘how do you do fellow kids?’ Meme.
He tries to do stereotypical ‘dad’ things but he’s not very good at them. Once he tried to host a barbecue...
Barbatos saved the day, but Mammon’s hair was still singed, Solomon’s cooking still gave Beel food poisoning (SOLOMON EATS TOXIC WASTE I SWEAR-), Luke still got hit in the face with a frisbee, and Simeon got an unhealthy dose of DAD NERVES and got so stressed everyone was almost blinded by the holy light he suddenly started blasting. We do not mention the water guns.
(Seriously whose bright idea was it to give Belphie and Satan water guns while they were in Lucifer’s presence?)
Praise Barbie. He’s too good for them.
“Um...” MC awkwardly held up the baseball, trying to look at it from all angles like it was a completely alien object. “Lord Diavolo... are you sure you want to play catch?”
Diavolo clapped his hands and bounced on the balls of his feet. “Yes! It’s a thing human fathers do with their children, correct? We must make up for lost time between you and Lucifer, right?”
Lucifer massaged his temples and nodded. “If you two would like to play catch...” Lucifer grimaced. “I will too.”
“Okay! MC, throw the ball to Lucifer!” Diavolo instructed.
Lucifer half heartedly held up his baseball glove as MC tossed him the ball. He caught it, and looked over at Diavolo, who was applauding like he just witnessed the greatest feat in sports history.
“Okay! Throw it to me!” Diavolo waved his glove in the air, Lucifer rolled his eyes and smiled. He threw the ball at Diavolo with... a lot of force. Enough force to probably dent steel... Diavolo caught it like it was nothing.
MC suddenly feared for their safety.
“Okay MC, catch!”
Diavolo threw the ball with enough force to break the god damn sound barrier. Well, maybe that was an exaggeration, but the ball sailed way over MC’s head and crashed right through a window.
“Oh my...” Diavolo put a hand on his hip and surveyed the damage to the window. “This isn’t so bad, I believe in human world TV shows this happens quite often. Look! The glass broke in a perfect circle!”
“Yay... property damage...” MC murmured.
Lucifer sighed and pulled out his DDD. “I’ll phone someone to replace the win-”
“Lucifer no! Now according to human world customs we must,” Diavolo took a deep breath, rushed forward, grabbed both Lucifer and MC’s hands and started sprinting away from the Demon Lord’s Castle. “RUN FOR IT!”
“Di- Diavolo!” Lucifer gasped.
“Who are we running from?! That’s your castle!” MC squeaked.
“I don’t know! Just run! That’s what the human TV show says to do!”
Weirdly enough, Diavolo was the best flight instructor. MC’s ability to fly increased tenfold after Diavolo found out that MC was learning to fly.
“You’re doing amazing MC! That was a perfect turn!”
“Thanks Lord Diavolo, I’m surprised I haven’t crashed into anyone or fallen yet!”
“Well, I highly doubt you’ll be crashing into anyone anymore, your flying is practically perfect now!”
Mammon proceeded to fly past them holding what looked like Lucifer’s wallet.
“Oh... I wonder what he’s doing. Look, MC! It’s Lucifer! Hello Lucifer dea-”
Lucifer ended up colliding with the two of them and sending them all crashing to the floor.
That was the last time MC fell during flying practice.
(We currently have a Go Fund Me set up for Mammon to get the funds necessary to flee the Devildom after that incident. Please donate to save- oh shit hi Lucifer-)
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
July 2nd - Daniel Ricciardo
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Based on New Year's Day by Taylor Swift and this request by @spikejonzed
Fluffly, mentions of sex, banter, nothing graphic.
BTW, I don't know how I've never paid attention to this song, it's so so beautiful and honest. I've thought about this concept before though: the "Sunday afternoon effect", when all the excitement of the weekend wears off and you're just hanging out with your friends, laughing about silly stuff, or cleaning up the house after the party. The thing is, the friends that stay till then are the ones you wanna hold on to, and the same goes for lovers. I feel kind of bad... well not BAD but you know, must be hard... when you're famous and rich, to recognize the good ones from the beginning before you give yourself too much away and it's too late.
To be honest with you guys, I think Daniel must feel a bit lonely sometimes. We all do, but to think that people are only interested in you for your fame and money must be tough... something you worked so hard, that you keep dedicating your life to, to think that that thing is the reason for your heartbreak, to your loneliness... It's a two-edged sword, isn't it? Anyway, I wrote this little something with Daniel in mind, hope you guys like it. Hope he finds someone to be like this someday. Hell, hope I find someone to be like this someday. I think everyone deserves that.
Daniel woke up in his bed, no shoes, but jeans and party shirt still on. The light coming through the windows, shining directly on his face, threatening to make his headache even worse. He let out a groan and turned to the side. There's someone on his bed with him. Shit. He just remembered. Last night was the first time he was introducing (y/n) to his friends. His birthday "small get together" (or at least that's what it was supposed to be) was the perfect opportunity for testing the waters and giving the "next step" without making too much fuss about it, after all, they've only been going out for a couple months and with his tight schedule it meant a lot of facetime calls and weekends, but almost no weekdays and routine stuff.
Yet, he was absolutely smitten with her, she was fun and easygoing, passionate about her own work and friends, but still caring and interested in him. They had amazing chemistry, mind-blowing even. But Daniel had lived enough to know that hanging out with someone on the weekends and knowing their best side was one thing, living through daily and mundane stuff was a completely different thing. Where this could go was still a mystery to him and he didn't want to raise too many expectations before he was sure. Still, she looked so beautiful sleeping, a true vision. He tried to remember if something had happened last night, but judging by his clothes still on, and hers as well, he guessed not. As if on cue, she smiled, with her eyes still closed.
"Stop being creepy" she said smiling. "I can feel you watching me sleep"
"You're not even asleep anymore" he smiled and she opened her eyes. He was taken back by her eyes staring directly into his.
"Still creepy though" she laughed, getting closer to him. He held her and they stayed like that for a while.
"Are you ok?" he asked her.
"What do you mean?
"Aren't you hungover, or sick?" he asked again and she laughed.
"Not at all. I have this really weird superpower, you know, I don't get hungover. Ever, actually" she laughed.
"I don't believe you. I have the headache"
"No, it's true. We did drink a lot yesterday, though" she commented.
"Yeah, well, welcome to having Australian friends. No such thing as light drinking with those guys" he laughed but grimaced at the pain in his brain.
"I'll get you something"
"For the pain" she explained getting up from the bed.
After a while she returned with a pill and a glass of water, passing them to him.
"Thank you, baby" he took the glass, finishing it. "Come back to bed now"
"Your house... like, I'm not even sure if I should tell you to take a look or just pack your essentials and abandon it" she smiled.
"Uhh" he groaned. "I'll call someone later"
"Like a constructor with a wrecking ball?" she laughed.
"It can't be that bad"
"It's bad" she started. "But we can manage it" He looked at her intrigued. "After a shower" she pulled his hand. "Join me?"
"If I ever say no to that question, just put me in an asylum" he said. "I need a kiss though, as motivation" he smirked.
"Noo... I have morning breath"
"What? Me too" he said pulling her down and kissing her anyway. "Uh, no. You're right. Yours is worst" he said laughing while getting up and walking into the bathroom.
"Asshole!" she laughed following him.
They stripped and got into the shower, taking turns in letting the water run through their bodies.
"Come here" Daniel said, putting some body wash in his hands and spreading them over (y/n) body.
"Hum... this feels nice" she said.
"You're so beautiful" he said kissing her shoulder.
"You're so wasted" she laughed lightly.
"Hey! I'm sober. I'm just too tired. Give me a couple hours to recover, and I'll claim my birthday privileges"
"Birthday privileges? It's not even your birthday anymore" she laughed.
"Okay, but first, it's the weekend of, and second, I didn't get any time alone with you yesterday"
"Fair. And what will be your requests, may I ask?" she asked teasingly.
"Humm... you're so creative" he said kissing her. "I'm sure we'll think of something"
They finished the shower after a while, enjoying each other's company and the comfortable silence.
"Did anyone crashed here?" (y/n) asked when they were stepping out of the shower.
"I have no idea" Daniel answered. "I just remembered going to take a nap and waking up this morning. Shit, we didn't... did we?" (y/n) laughed out loud at that.
"Wow! Really, Dan?"
"We did not. I would've remembered"
"Good save. Such a gentleman" she laughed.
"I drank way too much. Sorry. Don't be mad"
"It's fine. I'm messing with you, I don't remember anything either. To be honest, I don't even remember joining you on your 'nap'" she said making air quotes.
"We're the worst hosts" he said getting out of the bathroom and going into the closet to get some clothes.
(y/n)'s heart swelled at the thought of hosting a party with Daniel. There was something so intimate about that statement, so homey.
"You want a shirt?" Daniel asked from the other room, waking her up from her daydream.
"Yeah, sure" she took the shirt, some underwear, and some sweats. Then brushed her wet hair and looked in the mirror. Not a trace of makeup left. She sighed thinking about how falling into a routine with Daniel meant letting the barriers down.
"Alright, snap out of it" she said to herself, getting out of the bathroom and walking outside, to the living room where Daniel was standing rubbing his neck and looking around.
"This is bad" he said when he saw her joining him. There were empty beer bottles and cups all around the living room and balcony, pizza boxes (with half-eaten slices left behind) in the coffee table, party decorations hanging from the ceiling, and the kitchen was even worse, with liquid spilled on the ground and bottles everywhere. There was glitter all over the floor and the couch - someone had brought some of those party poppers, which looked so much fun yesterday, but no so much now. But the best part was the polaroids, left all over the house with the craziest poses.
"Pack your stuff, we're deserting this goddam hellhole" he said and she knew he was joking, he said that about everywhere, but she still shook her head and rolled her eyes, picking a polaroid photo from the ground.
"Everyone had so much fun" she showed it to him. "I loved meeting your friends"
He took the photo from her hand, it was one where (y/n) was sitting on the couch with two of his buddies from Australia, making funny faces while holding cups. He remembered the moment because he was the one who took the photo.
"How's the headache?" she asked him.
"Almost gone"
"Good. So you don't have an excuse. Move your ass, where are the trash bags?" she laughed going into the kitchen.
"Hey! That was very sneak of you" he laughed but followed her anyway.
They spent the next hour collecting bottles, vacuuming glitter, and just cleaning the whole house. Daniel complained the whole time, but in truth, he was very glad to have her there. Sure, he could just ignore the whole mess and hire someone on Monday to clean everything (he probably would still do that anyway, for the heavy cleaning like bathrooms), but it was really nice of her to just stick around, seeming unbothered by the housework. When she finished tying the last trash bag and putting it on the entry hallway she flopped on the couch besides Daniel, who had called it a day some good 10 minutes ago.
"Done?" he asked her.
"I feel like punching you for asking me that" she answered playing annoyed. He lifted his hand in defense.
"What? I did my part!"
"Men" she shook her head. "I'm surprised you haven't complained about being hungry yet"
"Well, I'm starving! Was just waiting to suggest going out, or ordering in"
"Ordering in, please. I don't want to get off this couch any time soon"
Daniel got his phone out to order some food. It was almost noon, so he thought about something like pasta, some carbs would be nice right now. Then he felt (y/n)'s head drop on his shoulder, her hand caressing his arm. It was such a sweet gesture, so understated, he just stopped what he was doing and looked at her.
"What?" she looked at him.
"I'm really glad you're here. Thank you"
"It's nothing" she smiled.
"I don't mean the cleaning. Well, that too. But just, thank you for being you and wanting to hang out with me, you know, after the party"
"I'll always wanna hang out with you, partying or cleaning bottles" she said and leaned in to kiss him. "Happy birthday old man" this made him smile through the kiss.
"Thank you, young lady" he said still smiling. "Let's feed you now, yeah?"
"Please! Let's get some carbs on this house!" she smile.
"Hey, guys!" (y/n) and Daniel looked up to see Luke, one of Daniel's buddies walking out of the guest bedroom.
"Dude! I didn't know you were here" Daniel laughed.
"Yeah, just woke up. Definitely wasn't hiding in the bedroom waiting for the cleaning end to get out" he grinned making (y/n) and Daniel laugh.
"You know what? Just for that, you're going downstairs to pick up the food when it gets here, and taking out the trash!" (y/n) teased him, tossing a pillow from the couch at him.
Daniel just observed while his friend and his girlfriend joked and laughed. He thought about how right now he was enjoying a feeling of contempt that wasn't really natural or much appreciated by professional athletes, but this time felt right to indulge in it. He felt safe like someone's got him, finally. He took (y/n) hand on his and squeezed it three times, he knew this was already a good thing, something to last. She looked at him, she knew exactly what he meant.
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twinklelilstarkey · 3 years
I absolutely LOVE your GoodGirlxBadGuy!Rafe and I have to ask. I would love love love if you could do something with JJ again, but like where the Good Girl asks Rafe to back down/do something for her & he does it & all of his friends or whoever is there is like woah. Sorry if this literally makes no sense. You do whatever you want with this. I don’t really know what I’m asking for, but you’re the bomb so I have faith you’ll make it amazing
A/N.: You absolutely do not need to worry about making sense in this blog. I will not ever judge anyone by what they write to me. I know how confusing it is to ask someone for a request, I’ve been there.
Soft [Part 1] - Rafe Cameron
Words: 3.6k+
Type: Fluff & Angst
Warnings: Swearing. Female!Reader. Rafe vs JJ. Annoying as all hell non canon JJ. Sorry, it had to happen. Bad boy x Good Girl trope.
You should read this before reading this imagine just for some context. 
Part 2
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Today is a beach day. Something you can never get enough off. Especially with your friends.
Rafe, like every other day of summer break, has only been able to get out of bed after midday, so let’s just say that you’re a little late. 
All because, Mister Cameron thought yesterday was a good night to play COD with Topper and Kelce until 5.
You have been awake since at least 10am, and Rafe only let you get off bed at 10:30. His arms are like complete iron around you when in bed. It’s almost impossible to get out of there. “Almost” being the keyword.
You had your breakfast, put on your bikini/bathing suit and waited around the house for Rafe to get off his ass and start getting ready to leave. 
You did try to pull him out of bed but to no avail, that man did not move a muscle.
And when he was out of bed, the clingiest person ever. You could be screaming in his ear that he needs to go get ready, since your friends are already waiting for him, but he does not even flinch.
Walking around your house with only boxers on, whining about not knowing what he wants for breakfast and then grabbing you out of nowhere and throwing onto the couch “to cuddle”, as he had said.
Your phone was already blowing up with messages from his and your friends, because they were already at the beach waiting since 11am. 
An hour as passed and you’re only walking to the beach now. How amazing.
Rafe is not even half awake yet. Dark sun glasses hide his half open eyes, heavy with sleep, and you’re almost dragging him down the dirt path so he doesn’t fall to the side.
“You’re unbelievable” You giggle as he sighs dramatically at how much you still have to walk.
The walk wasn’t as bad as he thought. It just took you less than 5 minutes to get to your friends. But that isn’t going to make him stop whining about how tired he is.
“Look who decided to show up” Topper screams from the towels, drink on his hand, “What’s wrong with him?”
“I’m tired, leave me alone” He groans at his best friend, who completely ignored him.
You all walk closer to everyone’s towels. Your friends are all sun bathing, sitting up to greet you and Rafe, while his, are all at the water.
You give Rafe his towel and he’s quick to lay it on the ground and lay down, probably planning to go back to sleep as soon as he rested his head over the sad. 
You, on the other end, took your sweet time with your towel and talking to your friends, siting away from the harsh light of the sun under the umbrella, just for now, right next to Rafe.
Rafe, sensing you close, lifts his head from his towel and decides to use your leg as his pillow instead. Not that you’re complaining, at least his head is not all that heavy.
You talk to your friends about everything and anything, and Rafe is more than asleep beside you in less than 5 minutes. Peacefully going into his dreams.
“Of course, they had to come to this beach” One of your friend comments, sitting up and bringing her glasses up to see whoever she’s talking about.
You follow his gaze to find none other than a group of Pogues, John B, Kiara, Pope and JJ. People you supposedly met at a party, but you do not remember of. You just remember Topper telling you to stay away from them the day after that.
“What’s so wrong about them?” Your other friend asks.
“They’re just not these guys’ favorites” She answers, pointing at Rafe and the vacant towels next to him, his friends’.
You decide not want to listen to anything else since it only sounds like trouble to you, and you look down at Rafe. Still fondly asleep, eyes closed and face squished on your leg.
You lay your hand over his head and, for your entertainment, you start playing with his hair.
The infamous group of Pogues scream something in the distance to each other, and you look up at them, seeing them all run to the water, leaving their things scattered around the sand. One of them stay behind, the girl. You assume, Kiara.
She starts picking all her friends’ stuff from the ground while shaking her head, putting them all in a pile before she starts taking off her clothes to join her friends in the water.
“Why the fuck are they here?” Kelce asks from in front of you.
He had just come back from the water, and you didn’t even notice him walking this way before his question.
“No idea” Your friend answers.
He lifts his eyebrows as if to not act annoyed and takes a look at the naked back of the man sleeping beside you. 
A grin appears over his lips and he looks at you, he has a plan. Oh no.
“Has he been sleeping for long?” He asks you and you shake your head, not wanting to be caught talking in the alteration that is about to happen. “Good”
He reaches from his empty cup from the towel beside Rafe and does a run for it, going to fill his cup with the cold salted water before saying anything else.
He comes back not even a whole minute later with his cup filled to the brim, guilt eats you up inside slightly as you watch him, and as he gets close enough to do it, Rafe lifts his arm in the air.
“Don’t you dare” He groans.
Kelce looks at his half asleep friend in shock and Rafe turns his head to take a good look at him. The girls beside you fall into laughter, as you try to hold in your own.
“How did you even know?” Kelce asks in shock, eyes widen in shock.
Rafe turns on the towel, now laying in between your legs on his back, head resting a bit on one of your legs.
“I have super powers, remember?”
It has been an hour. 
Rafe has already slept everything he needed and now he’s in the water with the guys. You, after much convincing, decided to stay with the girls instead.
You sip Rafe’s cold drink, which rests on your hand, and you try not to cringe at the taste of the alcohol. 
Can he drink anything that does not have alcohol?
You were so distracted with the bright blue drink that you didn’t even notice who is walking right past you and your girls.
“Can we help you?” Your friend asks the pair.
Kiara, the only one you can identify by the name, is standing next to a guy. Someone you have no idea who it is. Is he JJ? John B? or Pope? 
As they walk by the towels of all your friends, a few feet away, Kiara keeps looking at you.
“No, thank you” She answers, “We just someone we recognized. Y/N, right?” She asks pointing at you.
All your friends look at you confused and you look at her with no emotion that can explain anything to them.
“Yeah, that’s me” You answer.
Your tone was enough to make Kiara understand that you weren’t recognizing them as well as they recognized you.
“We met at last week’s party remember?” She asks, trying to help you out. “At the bonfire pogue and kook party?”
“I remember the party, but I... don’t really remember talking to you guys” You answer with a slight forced smile, “Sorry?”
“No need to apologize” The boy says, holding his hand up as if to dismiss you, “You probably were just a little too drunk than we were” He says as he sends a glare at Kiara, almost as if he was telling her to shut up.
You nod at the silence and your friends sense the tense air building up. 
And the sight of all the guys coming back from the water isn’t making anything seem better either.
“Well, I believe you guys can go now” Your friend says, eyes hidden by her glasses as she steals glances at the guys to check how close they are.
“Yeah, we should” The guy says, grabbing the girl by the wrist.
You look over at the guys walking back to the towels and your heart speeds up slightly at the idea of this causing a scene. A violent one, to be more precise. Rafe is such in a good mood, you really don’t want anything to ruin that.
“Heyward and Carrera, what the hell are you two doing here?” Topper asks in a malicious playful tone as the pair walks away, or rather, as the supposed “Heyward” pulls Kiara away.
Your view of all the pair walking away is cut short as Rafe stands in front of your towel, catching your attention. He walks carefully between towels and takes a seat in front of your seated form, letting some cold droplets of water fall into your warm skin.
You hiss at how cold the water and your boyfriend are and he takes the drink from your hand with a cheeky smile on his face.
“Did you have fun?” You ask as you wipe the water from your skin.
“Sure did” He says before downing his whole drink in one go.
He looks back at you to find you frowning at him. The fact that you fought a whole cringe and body shiver with a small sip of that drink and Rafe just took it all in one swig is... concerning. 
“What?” He chuckles, leaning in closer to you to be under the umbrella that is shielding you two from the sun.
“That was... disgusting” You say slowly with your frown and he chuckles.
He leans in quickly and steals a kiss, making you close your eyes for a bit. You don’t push him away, but it doesn’t take him long to pull away to look at you. 
Some of the guys turn to look at you as they hear the sound of the kiss.
“Find a room, Jesus!” One of the guys screams with a playful tone, making the guys join as well.
“Every fucking time we go out” Topper joins in. “Always the same thing with the two of you” And also does Kelce.
You roll your eyes as Rafe laugh along with them.
Not too far from you, Pope and Kiara get back to their towels, one more visibly concerned than the other.
“Stop staring, JJ” Pope warns his friend.
“I’m not” The blonde says while looking away.
Kiara takes a seat with the boys.
“I still don’t see why they’re dating. She’s, like, the nicest person I know” Kiara groans, again, making the boys look at her.
“Did she say anything when you two went over there?” John B asks, thanking Pope, for the drink he gave him, right away.
“Yeah, she said she didn’t remember us. And it looked like she was saying the truth too. Her friends are just straight up garbage, though” Kiara explains, leaning against Pope.
“Maybe she really doesn’t remember us” Pope starts with a shrug, “And maybe, she’s actually happy with Rafe Cameron- Guys, this is ridiculous. Since when do we care about what the Kooks do with their lives?”
“This is all because JJ got a crush on her” John B says with a chuckle, gaining a glare from the blonde, “What, dude? It’s true. You always go for the most expensive and most difficult meat to get in the market. It’s your fault why we’re all doing spy work today”
“Whatever” JJ says while shaking his head.
“No, guys! This makes no sense, we need more people if we’re going to play like this” One of the guys’ says as everyone walks around and ducks under the net to move to the other side.
Everyone decided to do a game of volleyball not too long ago, but since the guys want to play with larger teams, and the girls’ smaller. 
This is all taking way too long to decide.
Rafe has his arm over your shoulders, holding you close as everyone yells at each other about the rules and who is on what team.
“We have to separate the power couple. Ain’t no way I dealing with both with their result. I can hear so much whining from losing” Another guy yells while sending a look at the two of you, making you laugh beside Rafe.
“Okay. But you guys, ugh! We need at least 3 more people to play with us! Don’t you know math?!” A girl from your group screams.
“We can join”
Everyone shuts up and looks towards where that voice had just came from, behind you all. 
Exactly where the certain group of Pogues are standing confidently. Well, all of them except for that “Heyward” kid. He really looks like he doesn’t want to be here.
You don’t judge him.
“Since when do you play volleyball, Maybank?” Topper asks the blonde guy from the group.
“I always played. You’re just not that acquittanced with all my skills” The guy answers, making Kelce laugh.
“Using big boy words, ugh, JJ? Since when did that happen?” Kelce butts in.
The blonde, you mean, JJ, ignores him.
“Are we playing or not?” He asks. Silence, “What? You’re scared of losing to a Pogue”
With that, JJ sends a quick glare over at Rafe, who seemed more than unfazed with all of this, having his fun with playing with the volleyball on one of his hands.
“Alright, who’s playing from your group?” One of your friends asks.
They split, Kiara steps forward, just like the other guy, a brunette.
“Okay, let’s do the teams then” Topper says, “Rafe. Give me the ball”
Rafe snaps back to reality and throws him the ball, letting his arm fall from your shoulders to your waist.
They spend a few minutes all discussing, which made you learn everyone’s names in Kiara’s and JJ’s group. The “Heyward” kid is Pope, who will not be playing but sitting on the sidelines, and the brunette kid is John B. 
Everything makes sense now.
“Okay” Kelce announces, “Rafe let go of Y/N and go to the other side of the net” He starts, making the boy beside you scowl and take a step back. “John B go with him and...”
He names everyone, pointing at each one, and you stand with your team. The team that has both JJ and Kiara. Doesn’t seem all that bad. For now at least.
As everyone scattered around to their positions, JJ stayed on the position behind you and you can’t help but find his sudden glances a bit too strange. 
Are you supposed to start a conversation with him or something? What did you even do at that party, good God!
The game begins and almost everyone’s competitive spirit jumps out of their skin. 
From doing way too much for just a innocent beach game to insanely loud celebrations. This game is just going to end badly and you know it.
Bad thing for you when you did a quick forearm pass to save your friend from any complaints from your team, and it hit one arm more than the other close to your wrist. Meaning: it hurt like a bitch for a good moment.
As everyone talks between themselves as one of the girls runs to go grab the ball, you look down at your arm and cringe a little at how it stung with the slightest touch of your fingers.
“You okay?” Someone asks as they step close to you and you look up to find JJ, walking up really close to you.
“Yeah...” You say with a shy smile, “I just hit my arm wrong”
As his hands were about to reach your aching wrist, a shout stops him.
“Don’t touch my girl, Maybank!” Rafe shouts from his side of the net, eyes glaring at the guy next to you. “Stay the fuck away!”
JJ looks up at your boyfriend and doesn’t even flinch at the glare or the shout. Kiara hisses his name and the boy just holds his hands up almost as if in surrender.
He doesn’t say anything back to Rafe, which surprised everyone from his friend group. You, on the other hand, are just expecting the worst to come crumble down, now that you know how much they don’t appreciate each other.
The game continues once your friend is back and, now, many points later, both Rafe and JJ stand as middle blockers. The blonde walks to stand in front of your boyfriend, who is trying to not even spare him a look.
Your friend starts talking to you right in the same second as JJ opens his mouth to whisper at Rafe, distracting you enough not to catch it.
“Nobody can touch your girl, uh, Rafe?” He whispers, “I knew you were bad with women, but, my god, you treat them like property too?”
Rafe scoffs at his words.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, uh?”
“Funny” JJ says with a smile. “How long have you two been dating?”
“That doesn’t concern you”
Rafe looks away from him at you to see you talking to your friend, completely entertained. All of that while he fights his urge to shut up the guy in front of him as the two stand in silence.
“Is she any good?” JJ pokes the bear again, “Sure, does look like it”
Rafe looks at him as he clenches his jaw.
“Ooh, did I struck a nerve?” He continues, now gaining the attention of some of the people around them. “Come on, bro, I’m sure you can share” He shrugs, laughing a bit.
Rafe’s blood is boiling in anger with all of JJ’s words, plus his little innocent laughs that just make his voice even more obnoxious.
“Just shut up” He says, shaking his head a bit.
“Or what?” JJ continues, “What are you going to do, uh?” He tilts his head to the side amused, “What are you going to do if I just grab your little girlfriend and take her with me?”
Rafe keeps quiet, almost in physical pain from holding back so hard.
“I’m sure she would like that” He smiles widely, “To be my own little slut”
That’s exactly what it took for Rafe to snap and take a step forward, closer to the net and closer to JJ, who as a reflex stepped back.
“Where are you going, uh?” Rafe asks with a fakest smile he could pull off, “You had all of that to say and now you’re backing up?”
Everyone looks at the two guys as JJ steps back and Rafe ducks under the net to get to the guy.
“Come on. Keep talking. Keep saying all you were just whispering to me” Rafe says, making Topper and Kelce duck under the net too to be his back up.
John B follows them and stands beside his friend. 
“Cat got your tongue?”
Rafe gives JJ a slight push as the blonde smirks at the taller boy in front of him, and stumbles back a little.
“Rafe” You start while walking close to him. 
He is not doing this here. Oh, hell no.
“Come on, let’s go! You were so brave a few seconds ago and now you’re backing up like a little bitch, let’s go, bro.” He continues.
“Rafe, stop” You hiss at him as you try and get closer. “Please, don’t do this”
He looks away from the boy in front of you to look at you for a slight second, chest moving rapidly in pants of the adrenaline circling his system.
You move past Topper and Kelce and stand in front of him, not giving a crap that a whole fight is about to start right where you’re standing.
“You promised” You whispered only for him to hear, giving his chest a slight push.
He looks away from you to send a glare at JJ and slowly takes a step back from the altercation.
“No fucking way” JJ says out loud before letting out a chuckle, “She got you whipped, uh? Oh my god” He whispers in disbelief the last part.
You fight your urge to turn to the boy yelling behind you, and just lay your hands over Rafe’s abs, pushing him back further.
“What happened to big bad Rafe? The little Kook prince who used to beat everyone up?” He continues to bicker.
“Ignore him, please” You plead as Rafe rests his hands over your wrists, “You’re better than this”
He looks down at you for a second and nods, gaze softening a little as he takes a little breath.
“Daaamn, you’re really her little bitch, dude! I can’t believe it” He continues, “You’re actually going soft. Rafe Cameron is going sooooft!”
You shake your head at the words and push Rafe again for another step back. Rafe doesn’t do much, he steps as you push him and keeps quiet.
After some staring, he turns back and walks over back to the towels, probably to get his things.
“Damn!” He exclaims from behind you, exaggerating once again, “Come on, sweetheart, you can do so much better!”
You finally turn around and face the boy, who seems to not want to shut up. 
The large group people that are your friends and that aren’t also walking away to get their things, open up like the Red Sea so that you could glare at JJ.
“What? There’s a lot of free guys out there who-”
“Yeah, no shocker that you’re one of the them” You say back, “Just grow the fuck up and move along, you’re nothing but obnoxious at this point”
Some of your friends and Rafe’s stare at you in awe, right as JJ shuts his mouth.
You turn back around to go after Rafe, who is already putting on his shirt, and walk over to him..
You get to your boyfriend and grab your things. Trying to be as quick as you can, taking his hand in yours once you have everything in your other hand or over your shoulder. 
And now, only home awaits you.
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Is this any good? I feel kinda judgy over my work today, and I’m sure if this is good. Hope it is!
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soft-angelic-kiss · 3 years
We’re all  a little bit crazy (5)
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
therapsit! Izuku x Patient! Bakugou x Patient! Todoroki x Patient! Shinsou x Patient! Reader
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Chapter 5 trigger warnings- Y/N gets into a small fight, mentions of taking pills, the use of the word psycho and mentions of suicide// lemme know if i missed anything
if that makes you uncomfy don’t read!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
chapter one here    
 chapter two here  
chapter three here 
chapter four here
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
He woke up again on a plush bed after sleeping comfortably, his cheek slightly bruised and a dull pain running through it, he placed his hand on it and nothing felt swollen which was a very good sign. He let out a sigh and moved up to his elbows so he could look around. 
It was different from all the other rooms he’d been in, It had more color, drawings all the walls.. Comfort stuffed animals they sometimes give you at the hospital even bigger stuffed animals.. The room was comfortable.. 
He finally looked next to him and on the floor was Y/N, who was listening to music occasionally flinching from the headphones as she colored in a little book. He didn’t wanna disrupt the girl, so he sat up and carefully grabbed his clipboard looking for her file… 
 F I L E   4
(Patient Name) Y/N Yagi  (Patient #437)
 (Date admitted) 8-3-2009
 (Patient age) 19
 (Patient disorder)  Anxiety, Severe Depression, Sensory Overloading issues, and short temper, but never escalates, ADHD, PTSD, Anorexia, self harm and suicidal thoughts
(History/cause)  When she was 4 her family home went up in flames causing the death of her father (Okorashi) and older brother (Ekai) Which gave her an extreme fear of explosions and loud noises. From the ages of 4-7 her mother became an addict and an alcoholic. She took up abusive habits that left a few horrific scars on her body. When she was 7 her mother finally passed from an overdose that caused her uncle to have to take her in, He’s a kind man and treats her kindly, He sent them here in hopes of making her better, and more ready to come home. He visits often.
(Has patient...)
-attempted suicide?
-attempted homicide?
-attempted any act of self-harm?
-attempted violence on past employees?
-attempted escape?
 (Other). If she gets sensory overwhelmed she tends to scream, hot, kick and cry. They find comfort in the other patients, Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou and the boys downstairs. She tends to stick her nails into the skin of whoever grabs her, she needs to be sedated if she has a breakdown. 
(Danger level) 9/10
Izuku raised an eyebrow, the description of the person sitting down in front of him.He felt like it didn’t match her at all. He decided to take a gentle approach to greeting Y/N to make sure she didn’t have an “episode” as the paper put it. 
He gently swung his feet over the side and crouched down hoping to get into her sightline. He crawled to sit in front of her placing his hands on the floor in front of her coloring book. 
Y/N looked up, slightly startled but then took her headphones off, the change causing her head to spasm backwards before resuming her normal position. “Hi!” They smiled, placing her hands on the coloring book in front of Izuku’s. “Hi, Y/N right?” He spoke calmly, not wanting to put off the human infront of him. “Yeah! And you are...Izuku? Midoryia?” She tilted her head curiously and smiled, pumping a fist into the air when Midoryia nodded a smile being brought to his own lips. He was absolutely hooked by Y/N. Their backstory, their personality, they were such an interesting person and he couldn’t wait to learn more. 
“Yeah. You got it right, good job.” he chuckled when her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment from his praise. Izuku chuckled again and leaned forward slightly and watched as Y/N leaned back. 
Izuku shook his hands carefully and leaned back “Is this more comfortable?” Y/N nodded and smiled softly leaning forward again to resume coloring. Izuku smiled and decided to just watch her for a few moments.
The two hung out not moving position for at least half an hour, until Y/N looked towards the door and started cowering when the door opened and the men in white stood there with a medical tray full of many medical instruments he'd never seen before. 
Y/N jumped to their feet and tried to hide behind Izuku as one of them said “Y/N, Please I don’t want to have to repeat what happened yesterday.” He went to reach for her but she smacked his hand and continued standing behind Midoryia who was eyeing the men with a suspicious look. 
The blonde one who had spoke already finally went to grab them only to have his hands smacked away, but instead of a hand, he felt a clipboard against his wrist as he cried out “what THE-” the man went to hit Izuku but the greenette had blocked his second hit as well 
“She’s scared. I’m going to have to ask you to leave because you are not helping.” Izuku’s tone held dominance and authority as the man scoffed “Oh really?-” His words were cut short as Y/N lept towards him and started hitting him. 
she had gotten a few punches in before Izuku had interfered and pulled her back and away from him holding them, they cling to him. “She’s just psycho-” he started again but was cut off by Midoryia straight up shoving him out of the door 
Midoryia had shut the door and looked at the medical supplies and then at Y/N who was back on their bed. Midoryia hummed softly looking at them with a soft but concerned gazed “Are you alright?” They nodded timidly “U-um.. yeah, i think..” 
They kept eyeing the cart and rubbing their arms. Izuku was angry beyond belief but kept his cool for Y/N. “Do you know what these are?” he asked as he walked over to the cart. Y/N nodded “Those are what the use to sedate me and give me my medications..” Izuku nodded and looked at the cart, it had 4 different pills, a tiny box of apple juice and a needle filled with a liquid. He picked up the needle and watched Y/N flinch back 
Izuku shook his head “No, no.. i’m gonna dispose of it, not use it okay?” He went and wrapped it up throwing it in the hazard trash can in the bathroom coming back out looking at the cart. 
“Okay, do you have an order you need to take them in or can you just take them one at a time?” 
Y/N looked confused as they stood up walking to Izuku and the cart “I c-can just take them.. why are you helping? aren’t you supposed to..” 
Izuku shook his head “So far all of you have said that… No, i’m not supposed to be mean, i’m supposed to help you get better so can you take..” he handed Y/N two of the four pills and handed her the apple juice “these and then the other ones?” he smiled
Y/N nodded and took the two and then waited 30 seconds before taking the other two. Izuku nodded and smiled “Thank you.. Now I believe” He stopped and checked his watch “It’s almost dinner time, If you want you can go head down to the cafeteria?” He smiled at her
Y/N thought for a moment “Will you come eat with me?” She tapped her foot on the ground and looked away as Izuku chuckled
 “It’s not my dinner break,” Y/N had frowned and got ready to ask again.
“but I’ll still come sit with you?” Izuku smiled when Y/N’s face lit up 
Y/N gave a big smile and nodded “Okay!” they had opened the door and ran out with an excited yell of “KATSU! TODO! SHIN!” as she catapulted herself into the boys arms as they hugged her back. 
“Why don’t you go to the cafeteria and We’ll be right behind you okay?” Shinsou spoke caring and calmly and all three boys had a quirk of a smile as she smiled and ran off down the halls “GOT IT!” you could hear their laughter as they went down the stairs with a much kinder doctor.
As Izuku walked out of the door locking it behind him he was quickly met with the three faces he’s seen previously looking at him with glares. He gulped before speaking in a meek voice “Y-yes?” Bakugou raised an eyebrow and scoffed before nodding at him “Not a bad idiot.” and the other two nodding in agreement before the bell above them rang for dinner.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
tag list~  @buckyneedsplums @lazywriterfullofideas09 @notchittatenn @physco-101
for some reason it might not let me tag you also if I forgot you just lemme know!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
a/n: I’m so sorry for getting this out so late! I’ve been very busy recently and I’ve been preparing for BIG things in my personal life so chapters may be extremely short or non existent. I also didn’t plan to have so many supporters for this series so i didn’t really have a clue what to do with the story. I still don’t. I have one more chapter ready in my head but after that I’m not sure where this series will go. Anyways, as usual I hope you enjoyed and please feel free to reblog, like or say something in my inbox! I’m open to writing one shots if you guys are interested, I was thinking about writing one shots instead of continuing with actual chapters after chapter 6 
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worminstuff · 3 years
The Balcony of the Treehouse Pt.6
sleepy bois x reader au
no warnings:)
also merry christmas:)
“Is that good or bad” Y/n asked Techno, her gaze soft.
“I'm not sure. He was really cool but..” Techno shrugged his shoulders.
It was currently the next day, and Y/n was accompanying Techno in the treehouse. They were currently discussing Techno’s new friend as of yesterday, Bo. Sam's older son.
Apparently Bo was sorta like Techno in some ways. They were both pretty shy at first but then found some common interest, and became rather comfortable pretty fast. Bo even let Techno ramble about Y/n for a bit and also said he would totally wanna meet her too.
“He's just not me.” Y/n grinned cockily and Techno pushed her shoulder.
“Right.” he rolled his eyes. “How was it with the other boys?”
“It was alright. Surprisingly very chill. I guess Tommy and Tubbo had really tired themselves out in the morning beforehand.” she shrugged. She was telling the truth, they slept for quite a while and were only awake for about an hour before everyone else got back.
“What about Will?” Techno wondered how she handled being around him while he was still..angsty.
Y/n shrugged again. She didn't really want to tell him about the kitchen and how they talked for the whole tiny Tommy and Tubbo napped. Or the cigarettes.
She couldn't stop thinking about how she was sitting on the counter and how he seemed so calm and sweet as if nothing happened.
She just had no idea, he was doing it on purpose. Will figures, if he can ignore his protective and jealous feelings, and maybe just try to get a connection with her. He may actually be able to get somewhere. Techno has the higher ground, he spends all his time with her and he has for years. Wilbur's only just started to in the past year and a half or so.
Wilbur doubts Techno actually has genuine feelings for Y/n. He has no way of genuinely knowing. It's just sort of a hunch. Or a hope maybe.
“He actually asked if i wanted to go to that bonfire thing with him..” her voice was almost a mumble. Just after she said she thought it would be fun, Wilbur explained the next evening they were going down to the beach to have a bonfire and hangout and chill. He said they do it often and it's always really fun.
Techno looked at her, slightly surprised. She wanted to hangout with Wilbur? No way.
“And you said..no..right?” his brows furrowed.
“Well..wait why would I say no?” she looked at him. Her brows furrowed also.
“Well obviously..I- he- what?” Techno shook his head.
“What do you mean what? Why would I have said no? It sounds fun.” she crossed her arms.
Techno stared at her for a moment. He slid a bit forward, so he was a bit closer. He leaned his elbows on his knees and rested his head on his hands. Y/n stared back questioningly.
“Odds.” he stated, staring right into her eyes.
“Techno!” Y/n pushed his leg a bit, and looked away, slightly mad. “What the hell?!”
Odds was something they created when they were young, similar to the game odds, it ends with saying a number between certain odds to help decide something.except that's usually for something like a dare. In this case, they used it in sort of flip of a coin situations, but only when one of them thought it was really really important. And the person that calls odds, gets to pick the odds, ex. 1 through 5 or 1 through 10 etc. they did this so they didn't argue about situations sorta like this.
“If you say the same number as me, 1 through 4, you stay. If not, you can go. odds on your side.” he had 0 emotion to his features.
“That's not fair!” she frowned.
“It is though. I called it.” he shrugged, almost smiling. Almost.
Y/n huffed. “Fine.”
Techno counted them down and on the count of three,
“Two.” they spoke at the same time.
“Fuck!” Y/n hit his knee as Techno grinned. Crisis averted. Or so he thought.
Techno grinned as she huffed and crossed her arms with a pout, shooting daggers with her eyes.
“Hey, it's not that bad! Now I can read you that book you got me.” Techno had a happy little grin on his face.
“Oh no, i'm definitely going.” Y/n said. His smile disappeared instantly.
“What? But- but odds?” his shoulders sank. Y/n alone with will in a car, and then alone with him and his friends, at a bonfire. There would be beer and shit everywhere! He just wanted her with him, safe away from Wilbur's scummy friends.
“I told Will I would! I can't go back on that. That's so rude.” she looked at him with puppy eyes.
Techno glared slightly, looked away, then looked back. She knew the eyes work, he acts all tough but he's too soft for it not to work.
“Okay. but i want you back here, when it's over. Not your house, not inside our house. Treehouse.” he pointed to the floor.
“And then normal sleepover?” Y/n smiled a little.
Techno's face softened as he saw her smile. He tried not to match her smile while shaking his head a little.
“Who's going this time?” Phil asked Wilbur.
It was around 5 or 5:30 and everyone was sat around the dining room table having dinner like they always do. Phil was currently discussing the bonfire with Wilbur, because he wanted to make a guesstimate in his head for how long Will would be gone using context clues. Because Will was never really home by the times he says he will.
“The usual group” Wilbur pointed his fork at his plate. “Oh! And Y/n”
Wilbur looked to her with a grin. Phil, for a lack of better words, looked as if one of his kids just had a pregnancy scare.
“Sorry, “ Phil shook his head slightly, “say that again?”
“Or don't.” Techno mumbled, Y/n jabbed him in the side with her elbow.
“I'm going along! I haven't done anything fun lately so Wilbur offered to let me tag along. It'll be fun.”Y/n shrugged.
Wilbur was beaming, Techno was silently livid, and Phil was looking in between the two very nervously.
The reason Techno was so genuinely angry was because Wilbur looked so smug when they sat down at the table. His grin was from ear to ear and he was excited to talk to Y/n about when she wanted to go and if she needed anything from her house, and the entire time Techno sat and felt his anger levels rise. His ears were hot, his shoulders tense and not a smile in sight.
He wanted to smack the smirk of his brother's face to be frank.
Techno knew what was going to happen. She was going to go with him, and have an amazing time. Great, right? Wrong. Clear to Techno, this was some evil master plan. Wilbur was going to give her more friends she would only go see with him. So when she wanted to spend time with these new people she had to also see him. And obviously at first she'll be all she so he gets to confront her and break her out of her shell. Techno knows how social Y/n can be, and she loves meeting new people! He hated to say it, but his brother was a genius.
Techno's fingers were starting to tremble.
What if she did like them? And wanted to see them more? What if they're cooler than him and what if they do drugs? Y/n wouldn't do drugs..would she?
His breath was slowly starting to catch up on him. He excused himself quickly and made his way off to the bathroom.
The crisp sound of the door creaking filled his ears as his back slid against it till he was on the floor.
His mind was running rampant.
How well does he really know Y/n? What could she possibly want with a bonfire when she has him and the treehouse? Is he not enough for her? Should he try to make more friends?
What was wrong with him?
He clutched his leg as he silently shook and took tiny shallow breaths.
Soon enough, just as he was starting to be able to allow more air into his lungs there was a soft knock on the door.
“Techno?..” Phil's voice was soft on the other side of the door.
Techno sniffled as he stood, he brushed himself off, and took a deep breath pushing all emotion from his features. He reached over and flushed the toilet a few feet in front of him, then he ran the sink for a moment before opening the door with one hand wiping on his leg.
“Hm?” he raised his brows.
Phil stared at him, analyzing his face fully. He looked fine, sort of. He looks normal to anyone who isn't his father per say. Phil could see behind his cold eyes he had been crying. No matter how much he pushed his emotions down, he couldn't push away the puffy eye bags or the glossy sheen, though they were actually very subtle.
A simple arm was raised and Techno immediately fell into him, deadweight in his arms. Phil held him tightly, silently. He pressed his cheek onto Techno's head, brushing down the unruly tangles in his hair.
There were no words spoken, they stood silently. Phil knew Techno wasn't going to tell him anything so he did not bear to try.
A little bit of time passed, and they broke apart to make their way back when Phil leaned over,
“Laugh with me like we said something funny. Trust me.”
Techno stared at him for a moment, and then giggled softly. Phil joined him and their laughs were terribly fake which caused more laughter and soon it became real laughter as they were walking into the dining room.
Y/n was staring at a babbling Tommy, while Wilbur was on his phone. Y/n immediately looked to Techno once he was in the room, a worried look on her eyes that disappeared as she saw his face. She was worried for nothing.
Phil patted Techno's back softly as they both picked up their plates to clean them, Tommy following suit with his father and older brother. Will and Y/n stood to do the same.
“Alright dad, think we're gonna head off.” Wilbur said, his grin authentic.
Phil nodded, “Right, don't forget to send me a ping when you get there and on your way home.” he pointed a winger between the pair, both nodded.
Techno stared aimlessly as he watched his girl walk out the door with his brother.
He hoped she was going to have fun.
As soon as both doors to the front seats of Will's car closed, Wilbur looked at her excitedly.
He turned the car on and pulled from the driveway, “Are we excited?”
“You can say that.” her smile was small.
“Don't be nervous, you're gonna love them and they're gonna love you. It's gonna be great.”
Y/n stared at him for a moment, he read her so easily. He looked so giddy. Was it because of her? She didn't want to get cocky but she'd never seen him this excited to see his friends before.
Wilbur's mind was running wild, he was alone with her for once, and then she got to hangout with his people. He even had a small surprise for her that he was even more excited for.
Y/n was progressively getting more and more nervous as they drove silently. She was starting to overthink. As she listened to her thoughts quietly, she failed to notice her leg start to bounce.
Will placed a gentle hand on her knee, “None of that. Nothing to be worried over. I wouldn't have asked you to come if i didn't know for a fact they'd like you.” his eyes broke away from the road momentarily. Y/n nodded. She trusted him.
Soon the smell of saltwater filled the car. Y/n took a quiet deep breath. Letting it fill her lungs. She slowly calmed herself, trying not to think of the hand on her knee, it would only fuel her nervous fire.
Y/n felt strange being here without Techno. It felt wrong. She rarely ever goes anywhere he isn't. He's practically glued to her 85% of the time.
Which was why when she was first meeting Wilbur's “crew”, she felt like a fish out of water.
Even with Wilbur's comforting hand holding hers, she felt stiff and awkward. They were all intimidating, the dudes were tall and confident and the girls were all gorgeous and sweet. Confident too.
She did notice, one of the boys seemed much more approachable. He stood at the back of the group while introductions were going around, she learned his name was Eret and he was one of Wilbur's newer friends but he was really cool.
Wilbur beamed at Y/n as he told her about his friends, his hand was still gentle and it made her smile.
Wilbur was happy she was getting a bit comfortable.
Once they felt everyone had been thoroughly introduced, they all started placing blankets on the sand around the large fire they'd made before Will and her had arrived.
Wilbur set down a blanket he brought and motioned for her to sit with him. When she sat down, he leaned over to speak into her ear, “See, nothing to worry about, yeah?”
He leaned away, showing her a grin. She smiled and shook her head at his silly little grin.
This was really fun.
She loved hearing these kids talk, there was even one girl like her whose parents were also never home. She liked her. The girl even offered that they go drive around some time! When she said that, Y/n of course nodded eagerly.
Wilbur, well he couldn't keep his eyes off her. He loved seeing her like this, it was like she was in her element. Meeting new people and making connections. It's a shame Techno has hogged her from people for so long. He resented him for that. To be fair, it's been like that since they've met. Wilbur saw her all the time, but only in brief interactions up until highschool.
She was so sweet, excited to talk to all of them even though he knew she was nervous, and Wilbur knew his friends loved her already. How could they not?
Wilbur was about to try to get her to talk to him for a little, seeing as how they'd been there for almost 45 minutes already and had barely spoken to him, but he was taped on the shoulder as a signal there was about to be a cigarette break out in the parking lot.
Wilbur stood, and leaned down to Y/n whispering to her where he was going. Just before he was about to go, he placed a soft kiss to her forehead.
Her eyes were wide.
“Look a bit..surprised there?” it was Eret, he sat down on the blanket next to Y/n just after seeing Will was about to go for a butt. He didn't want Y/n to sit all alone.
“I um..no yeah he just..its nothing.” Y/n laughed at her own lack of words, and Eret did too.
“I take it you two aren't official or anything?” his voice was low, and almost gravely but it was still so comforting.
Y/n knew he didn't mean it as if he were trying to make a move on her, he sounded genuinely curious.
“No it's..complicated. Very complicated.” Y/n stared at the fire.
“If I'm not prying, how so? You both seem..really..content together.” he looked from her to the fire.
“I..well his brother is my..best friend and he..”
“He..?” Eret leaned in a little.
“Well i don't know what he is to me really.” she looked at him, her face in question at her own realization.
“Well I know for a fact, he's infatuated with you.”
Y/ns eyes were wide again, “what?”
“Oh he's always going on about you.” Eret had a cheeky grin, almost like Will’s she thought, “He's been talking about you meeting all of us since he asked you yesterday. Not to mention he’s..” Eret stopped himself. He got carried away in his little ramble.
“He's what?” Y/n was confused why he stopped himself.
“No no, I really shouldn't have said anything.” he waved his hand as if he were brushing away his words.
Y/n groaned and threw her head back, “You can't do that!”
Eret laughed, “I'm sorry!”
“Tell me please.” she looked at him with pleading eyes.
Eret stared at her for a moment and sighed. “He's in love with you. But i don't know if you know that or not..so..” she did not. “I think I'm the only one hes told, but he was so...I don't know how to explain it. When he told me he sounded like he was pouring his heart out.” Eret’s eyes were on the fire.
He was in love with her?
Y/ns heart ached. No wonder he was so...hurt. It was her fault too.
As if on cue, (this boy was terribly good with timing) she felt a familiar hand on her shoulder as it slid around her shoulders. Will pulled her to his chest as he sat behind her. He smelled of smoke, but it was comforting. Before she thought about it, or what they were doing, she leaned back into him. The rest of the group took back their seats and conversion rose again.
Y/n an Wilbur sat listening quietly until she heard Will's voice in her ear.
“Chatting it up with Eret while I was gone?” his arm was still across her chest, his hand on her shoulder.
“I was, he's really nice.” she turned to look at him.
“Yeah?” he smiled at her in the dim light of the fire. She smiled back and nodded.
Wilbur stared at her a moment, “How about..we get out of here, and I show you another pretty place?” he was still smiling, but his eyes were nervous for a response.
“Sure. Sounds fun.” she gave him a reassuring smile.
Wilbur was quick to get up. Telling the group they were heading off, a little too excitedly.
Before Wilbur could pull her away, she quickly got all of the girls numbers and was even added to a group chat. She was beaming once they reached the car.
“And she even told me that i could go and hangout when they went to her house! Isn't that so sweet.” she looked at Will towards the end of her sentence to see he was already staring at her, his hand on the wheel in front of him.
His lip was in between his teeth, “Mhm. I knew you'd get along swimmingly with them.”
Y/n giggled.
“So where are we going?” she smiled to herself as Wilbur put his hand on her knee.
“Not saying, but, it's not far at all. We're practically there.” he was exaggerating, but the ride wasn't long at all.
Even though he wasn't, Wilbur felt as if he was driving slow. He felt like time was still, and he was glad. He wanted this to last as long as it could.
Y/n would have never expected what she saw, she was expecting a pretty clif with a view, or something like that.
He brought her to a flower field.
He parked the car on the side of the road towards the middle of the field.
Once they'd both stepped out, Wilbur went to her side.
“Up you go, turn around.” he motioned up at the top of his car. Y/n stared at him for a moment before turning around and letting him hoist her up so she could climb on top of the car. He climbed up after her and sat beside her.
For a little while, Y/n stared at the way the moonlight was casting a blue white onto the field and all the flowers. Wilbur stared at her. They sat this way for a little while but Y/n was the first to break the silence.
“A little birdy..told me something interesting.” she looked at him.
“Hm?” he hummed.
“Is it hard?” Y/n was staring at the moon, her hand was picking at the seam of her jeans.
“Is what hard?” Wilbur stared at her feet as they swung back and forth.
“..being in love with me.” she looked up at him, her eyes starry.
“Maybe. But it doesn't have to be.”
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k2padfoot · 3 years
An Auror & A Healer
Draco x Y/n
Summary: Y/n is an auror who gets injured while searching for an escaped prisoner. Draco the healer has to cope with it all. ( side note- pretend Dolohov was never killed by Flitwick lol.)
Warnings: Blood, angst, fluff, husband!Draco.
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Today had been dragging on, and on to say the least. You were called this morning to an emergency meeting with Harry and the rest of the aurors. A prisoner from Azkaban had escaped, and needless to say you were all asked to search for him. The escapee being Dolohov, once one of the dark lords followers and a very cunning wizard.
You were absolutely exhausted, you had been out searching for at least 9 hours now. “Y/l/n!! Snap out of it, we have to keep searching until the sun goes down, ok?” Harry yelled to you from across the mainland. Harry, yourself, and a few others had taken the mainland to search while more aurors were spread elsewhere around the prison.
You nodded back to him and snapped out of your daze. You had trailed off a bit from the rest of the aurors, you knew you weren’t supposed to go off alone so you made sure Harry was still in your sight somewhat. Kicking rocks across the sand you felt like just laying down right there and taking a nap, but that’s when you thought you heard the snap of a branch from behind. You spun around to face the wooded area behind you, when you could’ve sworn you saw a dark figure pass by. Quickly without thinking you ran into the woods.
It was dark, and cold and you weren’t exactly sure how far you had run in at this point. You knew the person had to be around here somewhere so you casted the lumos spell to light the way. You continued to walk a little bit further when your light caught glimpse of Dolohov, his dark disheveled hair, pale sweaty skin, and beady brown eyes staring back at you.. Within seconds his wand was raised and he began shooting curses your way.
“Reducto!” you yelled but he quickly jumped out of the way causing the ground next to him to blow up. His lips curved into an evil smile as he raised his wand again. “Stupefy!” he screamed, but you were faster taking off running the other way.
You were silently cursing yourself for getting in this position alone, with one of the most skillful duelers in dark magic. You kept sprinting while zigzagging your way through the wooded area, dodging branches and rocks. Every so often you’d look back and throw whatever curse you could his way, but it’s like he’d never give up no matter how many times you’d hit him.
“Stupefy!” You heard him yell and suddenly you were being thrown through the air into a large tree. You hit the ground hard, slamming your head into a rock in the process. You could feel your eyes getting heavy, and hear the crunching of leaves around you. You were waiting for Dolohov to come end you right there and then but you faintly heard what you thought could be Harry yelling. All the sudden half the aurors were around you and with that your eyes slowly fell shut.
Draco’s POV:
My shift had started at least 10 hours ago now, and all I wanted to do was go home to my beautiful wife y/n. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by my coworker shouting at me that another auror was being rushed to St. Mungo’s.
Everytime a call comes in about an injured auror my mind of course goes straight to her. I love that she truly enjoys what she does for a living, but merlin can it be terrifying. I knew she was out on a search today with Harry and all I could do was hope and plead to god it wasn’t going to bet her coming through those doors.
The emergency room doors came busting open and I could see healers rushing in a woman on a gurney. It was hard to make out her features at first, but that’s when I noticed the large diamond ring on her left hand.. the ring I gave her.
I didn’t know I had been standing there for a couple seconds until my coworker started yelling at me to snap out of it and help him. I quickly ran over to her unconscious body and started to assess her injuries. Her hair was a bloody mess with a large gash to the top of her head, I could see a few cuts on her legs, and what looked like a broken right arm. I looked up to see Harry and two other aurors standing beside her with worried looks.
“What the hell happened Potter?!” I yelled at him, not meaning to sound so harsh.
He gave me a sad look, “Draco.. I’m so sorry. We were searching for Dolohov and I could’ve sworn I had my eye on her! But.. all of the sudden she was gone, and then we heard fighting coming from the woods. When we ran in there she had already been hit by a curse, and she was sent flying into a tree. I think she might’ve hit her head on it, i’m not really sure.” Harry said.
“Dolohov? Oh merlin. I’ll kill him.” I said with my teeth gritted and a tear slipping from my right eye. I turned away from Harry to help the other healers take you to a trauma room but that’s when my boss stopped me.
“Healer Malfoy, you must not work on family. I know you want to, but I can’t let you. Please, just go wait for now and I will update you as soon as I can.” he said to me with sad eyes as he put a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and walked away to go change out of my scrubs.
I had been sitting in the healers lounge for what felt like hours now. I was worried sick. All I could think about is what if she doesn’t make it? How am I going to live without her? I gazed up at the clock to realize I had actually been sitting here for 4 hours now. It was getting late, and merlin am I tired. I tried to fight the sleep but I just couldn’t, my body eventually giving in.
I was quickly woken by my boss shaking my shoulders, “Draco... Draco, Oh good! Since your awake you may go see her now.” he said while looking down at me.
“Oh merlin she’s ok! Thank you, oh thank you so much! Is she awake??” I said while i jumped to my feet.
His eyes turned soft. “Malfoy listen, she suffered major head trauma from the fall. She’s going to be ok, but we aren’t sure how long she will be out for. Everyone’s body heals differently, you understand?” he said to me and I nodded while he gestured to what room she was in.
I walked in the bright room to see her unconscious laying there. Her right arm was in a sling, she had a white bandage wrapped around the top of her head, and a few fading scars lining her legs. She looked so peaceful, yet so broken. I walked a bit closer and took in her state for a couple of seconds, a few tears slipping from my eyes. I could only hope she’d wake soon.
It’s been a few days now I think.. The nurses come in ever so often to check on her, and sometimes ask if i’m ok. I’m not. I haven’t been sleeping, I really don’t remember the last time I ate, and I think I might be wearing the same clothes as yesterday.. I won’t be ok until she is.
The moon was sitting over the horizon and shining through y/n’s hospital room. It was around 10 o’clock now, and I was becoming increasingly sleepier. I’ve had trouble letting myself fall asleep, scared I might miss something. Scared she might slip away from me. Scared to close my eyes and see her lying there all mangled up again. But I couldn’t stop my eyes from closing anymore... too tired.
Your eyes slowly opened to bright lights and white walls. Your head was pounding and you weren’t exactly sure how you got here. The last thing you can recall is running through the woods.. Your eyes shifted to him, sitting next to your bed in a grey armchair sound asleep. You noticed his gorgeous blonde hair all messed up, the bags under his eyes, what looked like a two day old outfit, and his hand grasped tightly to your own.
You squeezed his hand a little bit, “Draco.. Hey love wake up.” you whispered.
His eyes shot open faster than you could blink, “Y/n!! Oh darling, it’s so good to hear your voice!” Draco said while grabbing your face in his hands, a sob escaping his lips.
You pulled him into your chest, “Hey... don’t cry. I’m ok, see? I’m right here.” you said while rubbing his back.
He looked up at you with glossy eyes, “I was really scared y/n. You have no idea what it felt like to see you so hurt, and then have to just wait and see if you’d come back to me..” he said whispering the last part.
You now grabbed his face and pulled him into a long, and much needed kiss. The two of your lips moving in sync with one another. Needing to catch your breath you pulled away and stared into his sky blue eyes.
“How long was I out Dray, and wh-what happened out there?” you asked while he made himself comfortable next to you.
You laid your head in the crook of his neck, and he looked down at you to speak. “About 5 days.. the longest 5 days possible. I don’t know if you remember but you were with Harry searching for Dolohov. He said you ran off after him on your own, and when they found you he had already cursed you. You hit your head, and seemed to have broken your arm in the fall..” Draco told you.
You nodded starting to remember why you were running through the woods in the first place. You looked up at Draco and asked, “Can we please go home now?” and his eyes softened looking into your own.
“Of course darling.” he replied delicately kissing your forehead.
Draco opened the doors to your large home and guided you in. Your head injury still had you a little wobbly on your feet so he made you let him carry you up the stairs.
You were a giggling mess when he sat you down on the bed. You didn’t notice you had been staring at him as he put your things away and got you out comfy pajamas.
“Yes my dear?” he asked while turning around to face you and handing you one of his t-shirt’s.
“Nothing, I just love you!” you said with a big smile on your face while slipping on the shirt.
Draco walked over to you and leant down in between your knees, “And I love you more. I don’t know how I existed these past couple of days without you. You can’t ever leave you know that right?” he said while looking up into your eyes with pure love.
You grazed your hand over his cheek and pressed your lips to his, “Of course my love.” you said as you pulled away from the kiss and smiled at him.
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general-kenobi357 · 3 years
Someday Soon-Chapter 10
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Fem!OC
Summary: The Pogues work together to get John B off the island, a difficult task to complete when everything seems to be falling apart all around them.
Note: The last chapter of season 1, exciting but also sad. I probably won't be updating this series until after season 2 comes out so that I have it as a base but I do have a few oneshots I have been working on that I might post in the meantime. I hope you enjoyed my spin on the first season!
Word Count: 4.1k
I paced around the Wreck waiting for the others to wake up. JJ stood on the opposite side of the room clicking a lighter on and off. We hadn’t spoken to each other since last night and every time he caught my eye I would quickly look away.
I saw Pope starting to wake up before he made his way to where JJ stood watching police cars drive by.
“He's pinched for sure, man.” JJ said to Pope as I continued to pace while I listened to their conversation.
“No. They wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught him.” Pope reasoned.
“Let's hope.” JJ spoke defeatedly.
“You know, we were in that car. They're probably looking for us, too.” Kie spoke up, alerting us all that she had woken up.
“Well, if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B.” Pope addressed us all.
“So, find him before they do?” JJ asked while we watched Pope grab the keys to JJ’s bike and make his way towards where I had stopped near the door. “Pope?”
“I'm gonna get gas for the boat.” He explained before turning to me. “You coming?”
“Uh, yeah.” I answered unsure, I figured it was better than staying here with Kie and JJ.
“Hey, you be careful.” Kie told Pope. “Okay?”
“Meet us at the dock at three. Don't be late.” Pope reminded the pair we were leaving behind before we made our way outside.
“Okay, what is your problem?” Kie asked Pope, I didn’t even hear what had happened between the two and I was pretty sure I knew what his problem was.
“No problem, Officer. I'm just doing my job.” Pope answered as we got onto the bike.
“Look, I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings.” Kie tried to tell him as he started up the bike and revved up the engine.
“What was that?” He asked as if he had no control over the sounds of the bike.
“Look, I didn't mean to.” Kie tried again.
“Sorry, I can't hear you. What was that?” Pope kept taunting.
“Pope let’s go.” I told him, getting impatient with the game he was playing.
“Pope, I'm being serious…” Kie yelled as Pope lifted his feet off the ground as we started to drive away. “I'm trying to talk to you!”
I looked back as Pope drove off and locked eyes with JJ, his face was painted with concern and it looked like he wanted to say something but we were already too far away. I turned my head back around and gazed at the road over Pope’s shoulder. My grip tightened around his waist, in all the excitement of Kie and Pope’s argument, I hadn’t had time to rethink if I really wanted to get on the back of this death trap with a newly sober Pope driving.
“Are you good to drive?'' I called to him over the sound of the engine.
“Yeah I’m fine.” He reassured me, I supposed I would have to trust him as I didn’t really have any other options at the moment.
Once we arrived at Heyward’s we found a couple of empty gas canisters that we carried over to the gas pump out front. As we waited for the first one to fill up I tapped my foot on the ground, anxious to get back to the others. Even if we were fighting it was better to all stay together than to get split up.
“So.” I started unsure if I should continue or just keep my mouth shut. Pope was my only friend that was not on the run or not speaking to me at the moment. “You and Kie?”
“You and JJ?” Pope countered clearly not wanting to talk. I chuckled at his response to me.
“No, if yesterday proved anything it was that there is no me and JJ.” I explained.
“Yeah well that sounds about the same for me and Kie.” He finally said to me.
As much as the situation we were in sucked it was almost comforting to know that I wasn’t the only one feeling this way.
We were quiet again as he switched the tanks and I put the cap back onto the now full one.
“Look at you two.” I heard a deep voice say from behind me. Turning around I found Heyward standing a few feet away, arms crossed over his chest. “Like some damn street hoods out here stealing gas from me. Isabella, I thought your mama raised you better than that and my own blood, I don’t know which one disappoints me more.”
“We're not stealing.” Pope tried to explain, I shook my head at him knowing it would be better if we stopped talking.
“Stop lyin'. I saw it in your damn hand.”
“Our friend is in trouble, and we need to help him.” I tried to defend, figuring it was too late to not get into trouble.
“John B did not kill anybody.” Pope added.
“Says who?” Heyward challenged.
“Says me.”
“I'm supposed to believe you?” Heyward continued. “After you ran out on your interview? Shit, boy, get in the house.”
“No.” Pope said staring right at him. I didn’t like where this was going.
“Oh, you a man now? Huh?” Heyward continued to push. “You wanna have a go at it with me? Is that it?”
“I'm taking these cans. You’re not gettin' in my way.” Pope said going to grab the gas canisters.
“Oh, I'm gettin' in your way.” Heyward said, walking past me to stand right in front of Pope. “And one day, you might be able to whoop my ass, but it ain't today.”
“That right?” Pope asked, getting angrier with every word.
“Yeah.” Heyward concluded just as Pope threw a punch at him. I stumbled back shocked that he had actually done it.
“Pope stop!” I tried to yell but it came out as a whisper.
“Oh, yeah! It's gonna take a little more than that. Try again.” Heyward challenged again after recovering from the first blow. Come on. You wanna hit your daddy? Try again. Hm? You want to hit me?”
I put a hand on Pope’s shoulder and as he turned it was like he realized what he had just done.
“I don't have time for this. I gotta help my friend.” Pope said as he turned away from his father.
We both grabbed a gas canister and tied them to the sides of the bike. I could see the tears streaming down Pope’s face as we climbed onto the bike.
“Yeah, yeah, you just go ahead. Yeah, you take everything, son. And Isabella don’t think I’m not telling your mama about this!” I heard Heyward continue to yell at us as Pope started up the bike. “You're an ungrateful son of a bitch, Pope.”
“It’s okay Pope. It’s gonna be okay.” I tried to comfort him as we drove off and Heyward’s threats faded.
As we pulled up to the garage that held The Phantom we heard yelling and clattering from inside.
“What the hell?” I asked Pope who looked just as confused.
I noticed two dirt bikes parked near the door as I pointed to them Pope nodded to confirm he saw them too. We rushed towards the door and Pope grabbed some old pipes on the way.
“Be careful.” I said as he passed me one of the pipes.
As we ran inside I wasn’t sure what to look at. Kie was being screamed at by some blond whose face I couldn’t see and JJ was one the ground being punched by Barry, the guy who had tried to take the gold from us.
“Hey! Don't touch her!” I heard Pope scream as he began to bash the blond’s back.
I moved towards where Barry was and hit him with the pipe in my hand. It didn’t seem to do much damage but it was enough to distract him and give JJ time to punch him square in the jaw. After we got the gun out of his hand JJ essentially beat Barry to a pulp.
As Barry laid out on the ground groaning in pain we moved to where Kie stood watching as Pope began to strangle the blond who I now recognized as Rafe Cameron.
“Pope.” Kie called to him as we watched him continue to beat on Rafe. “Pope, that's good! Stop!”
“He's had enough, dude.” JJ added trying to get Pope to stop.
“Snap out of it, Pope!” I said as JJ tried to pull them apart.
“Okay, we gotta go.” Kie reminded us as Pope finally let go of Rafe.
JJ and Kie rushed away to finish hooking up the boat but I stayed standing next to Pope as he looked at me terrified.
“It’s okay Pope. You’re fine.” I tried to tell him but I felt just as shocked as he looked.
“Stay off the cut.” Pope threatened Rafe who laid at our feet half conscious.
“Pope. Iz. We gotta go.” Kie called as she got into the car.
“Let’s go.” I said to Pope, taking his arm and guiding him towards the car.
As we drove away I noticed Pope staring at his hands as if they didn’t belong to him. I took both of them so he would stop and as we got further from the garage I continued to try and reassure him that he was fine.
Once we had arrived at the boat launch we had all silently begun to silently load up the boat after getting it into the water. Kie and Pope were standing watch as I packed the last of the food into compartments and behind me JJ checked the engine over. Once I was done I turned leaning on one of the seats as JJ checked various switches.
“A 1983 Formula 402 SR1.” JJ marveled at the boat.
“Mm-hm. The first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under 16 hours.” I added, with the number of times he had told me about this boat, I would never forget the speech he made every time he saw it. “Forty years old! And still the fastest thing that Kildare's ever seen.”
“Huh, seems like you’ve heard about her before.” JJ mused as he stood up to face me.
“Yeah once or twice.” I teased him, the smile on my face grew as he moved closer to me. I thought he was leaning in closer to my face when Pope interrupted us.
“Dude, where is he?” Pope asked worriedly. JJ cleared his throat as he turned away from me to address Pope.
“Give him a second. He'll be here. He's coming. He'll be fine.” JJ reassured us all.
“Shit.” I muttered as I spotted the lights of a cop car approaching us.
“Hey, yeah. Get back on the boat.” Kie told Pope as she moved to start untying it from the dock.
“Wait.” JJ stopped us all as we turned to see someone getting out of the cop car.
“No way.” I mumbled with a smile as I recognized John B closing the door behind him.
“No effing way.” Pope added.
“I'm sorry. You've gotta be kidding me.” Kie continued laughing.
“Shoupe let me take it for a spin.” John B explained as he walked towards the boat.
“Okay. That's believable. I'll buy that for now.” Kie said, she hugged John B before he hopped onto the deck of the Phantom where JJ and I stood.
“It wasn't easy, bro, but I got the Phantom for you, and she runs like she was made yesterday.” JJ told John B, handing the keys over. “You ready to go?”
“Where's Sarah?” John B asked, noticing she was absent from the group.
“She's not with you?” Kie asked him.
“No, we got separated in the swamp.” John B explained his worry growing. “She said she'd meet me here.”
“No, we haven't seen her.” I told him.
“Okay, well, I'm not leaving without her.” John B concluded.
“John B, look at me.” JJ started to say. “I know you feel bad for leaving, but there's no time, man. You've got plenty of gas, plenty of food. Once you get around that point, it's a straight shot across the sound to Dismal Swamp, okay? Once you get there, lay low, all right? Hang out for a couple of weeks and then go overland, cross the border at Brownsville, you got that? Brownsville. You... Hey! You got that?”
“Yeah, yeah. Brownsville.” John B confirmed only half paying attention to what JJ was telling him.
“All right. Saddle her up, saltwater cowboy. Let's do this.” JJ said, hopping over the side of the boat onto the dock.
“Hey, John B.” I said, pulling him into a bone crushing hug. “I love you.”
“Yeah. I love you too.” He mumbled back to me. I felt like I was losing my brother as we pulled apart and I jumped down onto the dock. John B paused for a moment as he looked at us all. “Hey. I'm sorry for basically... throwing us off a cliff with this whole treasure hunt thing.”
“John B, we were bound to run off a cliff at some point, right?” JJ said, as we all laughed at his statement.
“Yeah.” He confirmed.
“At least we did it together, though.” I told him with a sad smile.
“Pogue style.” Pope said.
“Pogue style.” We all repeated.
“Get out of here! Please. Now.” Kie told John B, reminding us all we were running out of time.
“We'll see you in two months, down in Mexico.” Pope reassured John B as we started to untie ropes.
“Hey, wait... wait a second.” John B stopped us before we could push the boat out. “Tell Sarah I said goodbye, okay?”
We all nodded our head confirming that we would find her for him.
“Don't forget. Cross the border at Brownsville, okay?” JJ reminded one last time.
“Got it.” John B confirmed as he started the motor up.
We all stood huddled together as we watched him fade from view as he picked up speed. I knew we would see him again but it felt like we were saying goodbye forever.
John B was long gone, hopefully far enough away that everyone looking for him couldn’t find him but I still stood on the dock looking at the sun set. Further down the dock Kie and Pope stood together, I couldn't hear what they were saying as they were talking quietly but I saw them hug. I smiled slightly, happy that the pair had made up.
But then my eyebrows knitted together in confusion as I watched the pair kiss, how could Kie warn me not to do something then turn around and do the thing she warned me against. I felt frustrated with her, I knew better, I knew I shouldn’t take it so personally but I still couldn’t help but feel my annoyance towards her grow.
That was until I felt a pair of hands settled on my hips and as I turned my head I saw JJ resting his head on my shoulder. I smiled at the action as I leaned into him content to just stand and watch the sunset as my worries faded further away.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you the other night when I said we weren’t together.” JJ finally spoke after a minute. “I didn’t mean that I didn’t want us to be together just that we weren’t yet. After all, you haven’t even asked me out.”
I turned around to face him and saw a huge grin on his face, his hands which were still wrapped around my waist loosened slightly. There was a mischievous look in his eyes as I rested my hands on his shoulders.
“JJ Maybank.” I started to say dramatically. “Will you go out with me?”
“Hmm, I’m not sure.” He began pretending to think about it. “Where are you gonna take me?”
“I don’t know, I'm sure we can sort out the details later.” I smiled.
“Well I’d like to know now so that I can figure out if it's worth it. Plus I mean I’ll have to find the right outfit.” He began to ramble, I playfully rolled my eyes at him.
“How about you worry about your outfit later and right now you just kiss me?” I interrupted him with my bold statement.
He stopped talking after that and began to lean closer to me. As I was about to lean in as well I stopped and looked into his eyes.
“Hey, don’t run away this time.” I playfully threatened him.
“Never again Sweetheart.” He replied before closing the gap between us and capturing my lips in his.
We were cut off after a moment though due to the sound of police sirens which I could tell were growing closer as they sounded louder with every passing second.
“Hey, guys, I'm sorry to ruin the party, but, uh, we gotta go right now.” JJ called to the others as his arms dropped from around me. “Come on!”
But it was too late as the cars pulled up surrounding the four of us, we had no other option than to stay put and listen to them.
“Hands up! Hands up!” The cops all called as they began to climb out of their cars.
“Pope, hands.” Kie reminded him as we all lifted our hands in surrender.
“We're too late. He's gone. God damn it!” A bald man yelled out as he ran to the end of the dock.
“Bratcher, have your guys stand down. Let me talk to these kids.” Deputy Shoupe called out before approaching us. “All right, where the hell is he? Where the hell is he?”
We all stayed silent as he tried to figure out where John B had gone. We all knew vaguely where he was headed but in all honesty none of us could have pointed to his location on a map, we had no idea how far he had gotten.
“JJ? I see you're livin' up to your name.” Shoupe began to single us out. “Pope, how about you? This isn't a fucking game! You can do the right thing now! Where'd he go?”
None of us answered his questions and before long he gave up, ushering JJ and Pope into the back of one car and Kie and I into another. I didn’t want us to be split up but I knew we didn’t have a choice, we were probably all being taken to the same place.
We sat in silence for a few minutes as I looked out the window until I noticed that Kie had tears streaming down her cheeks as she quietly cried.
“Hey, hey.” I whispered to her not wanting to get into more trouble. I shuffled closer to her, holding out a hand which she took. “It’s gonna be okay, we’re all going to be fine.” I tried to reassure her but in all honesty I had no idea if it were true.
“I’m sorry.” She muttered to me as she leant her head on my shoulder. “I’ve been awful to you lately.”
“No it’s okay. I was being just as terrible.” I whispered back to her. “I’m sorry, I know you were just trying to keep the Pogues together.”
“Yeah a lot of good that did.” She said defeatedly.
“Yeah well those boys always know how to mess everything up.” I tried to joke. I saw the hint of a smile playing on her lips before I pulled her into a hug.
“I just want to be friends again.”
“Me too.” I sighed. “I mean come on we’re the two that never fight with each other.”
We pulled apart with sad smiles as the car parked. I was nice to know that we were all friends again even if everything else had fallen apart.
The door opened to reveal Shoupe on the other side ushering us out. Once I stepped onto the ground I spotted JJ and Pope standing a few feet away, we were all directed into a tent with a table in the center and rows of chairs on either side. I sat down between JJ and Kie and Pope was sitting on the other side of Kie.
“Sit down. Don't move. We got a lot to talk about.” Shoupe said to all of us before turning to a couple of armed guards. “Keep an eye on these kids.”
We all watched as Shoupe left the tent. A silence fell over us as we listened to everyone around us talking, hoping to hear that John B was okay and that he had gotten away safely.
My hands found both JJ’s and Kie’s hands and I held onto them for dear life. Right now it felt like we only had each other and I sure as hell wasn’t going to lose anyone else.
“It’s gonna be okay. He’ll be fine.” JJ muttered under his breath as his thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand.
My knee began to bounce as we all anxiously waited for any news they would give us.
Sirens continued to wail as people shouted to each other. The storm was only getting worse and all we could do was hope that John B had outrun it or found somewhere safe to wait it out.
After what felt like forever Shoupe finally returned but by the look on his face he didn’t have anything good to say.
“Did you find them?” Pope asked hopefully as we all stood up.
“No.” Shoupe responded bluntly.
“So, they got away?” Kie asked
“We, uh... we lost them.” Shoupe replied vaguely. “I'm sorry.”
“You lost them?” I asked in disbelief. “What do you mean you lost them? Like, they're gone?”
“What are you talking about?” Pope added to my questions.
“They took an open boat into a tropical depression, Pope.” Shoupe tried to explain.
“So, they're dead?” Kie asked as tears began to cloud my vision.
“We don't know.” Shoupe tried to defend himself.
“You drove them straight through the storm, man!” JJ snapped. “Are you kidding me? Come here! I'm gonna kill you!”
“JJ, stop!” Kie tried to tell him.
“I'm gonna kill you, you bastard! You killed him!” JJ said before trying to take a swing at Shoupe. Another cop grabbed JJ before he could continue. I moved to his side trying to get him to calm down, from behind me I could hear Pope start to yell.
“He didn't kill anyone, and you know it!” Pope cried.
“We're still looking for him, all right?” Shoupe tried to explain.
“Pope. Pope, just stop.” Kie said to him. “Please, stop.”
Kie fell silent for a moment and I turned to see what had happened. I followed her gaze to the other end of the tent to see all our parents walking towards us and at the end of the line little Emmy stood next to my Mom in her bright red raincoat.
As soon as she spotted me she let go of my Mom’s hand and ran towards me. I leant down wrapping her in a giant hug. The tears that stung my eyes fell down my cheeks as I held her tightly.
After a minute I picked her up and turned around to look for where my Mom had gone. I spotted her behind me holding onto JJ as he sobbed into her shoulder, my heart broke even more when I realized that JJ’s dad hadn’t even bothered to show up. I walked a few steps forward to wrap my free arm around JJ. We all stood holding each other, after a moment Kie and Pope joined our group as we all huddled together.
We were all a little broken without John B but we knew we had each other and for now that was enough.
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Not to be your stereotypical second semester senior but EJ Caswell is a bit too busy to be thinking about sports metaphors...
(Alternative title- overcommitted..sounds like a Caswell)
Senior year was insanely busy. Being so overwhelmed EJ had been slowing down over the last couple weeks, but he was brushing it off just fine.
EJ has arrived late that day, which was unusual in itself, as he prides himself on being on time. Holding a half eaten packet of Oreos he shuffled into the rehearsal room slumping on the bleachers away from his chattering cast mates.
“EJ honey great you could join us, you’d think a senior couldn’t get lost in the halls!” Miss Jenn giggled at her own joke as the cast were suddenly alerted to the older boys presence. EJ absentmindedly nodded and grabbed out his script.
“Yeah...sorry..um...where are we at?”
“Page 63” “Cool... thanks”
Flipping to that part in the script, he looks up to take in the scene. Kourtney, Gina, Seb and Carlos are clearly half way through blocking a castle scene- Carlos complaining his arms are tired from ‘staying in character’, Kourtney and Seb working out where they are going to come in from and how to negotiate Sebs big box costume (although it’s proving very difficult considering the rehearsal room is about a quarter of the size of the stage) and Gina is animatedly discussing the scene choices with Miss Jenn.
Within an instant, EJ is startled from the scene as Natalie is beside him rambling something about ‘needing a fill in for cogworth’ ‘went home sick’. Sauntering up with his script, EJ’s vision goes spotted as he gets up from the bleachers. But as soon as it comes it’s gone.
He just needs to get through this rehearsal, then he can; go home, finish his debate speech, go over the plays for Friday’s waterpolo match, study for tomorrow’s maths assessment, start his exam notes, memorise his lines, work on his college applications, and maybe even get some sleep.
Joining the cast he tries to hide in the back corner. Following the basic blocking directions seemed harder than usual, his head had began to pound and fatigue hit him like a wave.
However he continued on, sluggish but present helping them to finish blocking the scene.
Walking back to his place on the bleachers EJ trips over his own feet. Catching himself before a big splat on the floor he is able to avoid the attention of his cast mates. Well mostly.
“EJ are you ok?”
EJ didn’t need to look up to know that his cousin had definitely seen his little trip.
“Yep fine”
“Ok try again but this time make it the truth”
Ashlyn was caring but firm, she definitely wasn’t going to brush it off. EJ could feel his facade fading under her concerned gaze. His voice drops low.
“I-i just don’t know... Ash, I’m trying-“
“ON TO THE NEXT SCENE Gaston and Le Fou, I need you boys to start down stage right”
EJ got up slowly, subtly steadying himself against a chair not to lose balance.
“Nevermind it’ll be fine”
EJ walks off, with that any vulnerablity on face vanishing, leaving Ashlyn’s stomach to churn in a pool of worry.
Being an after school rehearsal, most of the cast heads off after they start rehearsing the next scene as it only has Gaston and Le Fou. Leaving the rehearsal room with just Miss Jenn, Big Red, EJ, Ashlyn and Gina (the latter two who were waiting on the senior for a ride home).
EJ and Big Red slowly work through the dialogue, the scene is about as smooth as a clunky old railway track. After running it twice EJ feels like his words are melding into one. But pushing through, based off his poor entrenched habits, EJ made it through another run through of the scene.
“Um can we take a five?”
Miss Jenn looks at the senior perplexed, he’s never asked for a five. Ever.
“EJ honey is everything ok?”
“Hm, yeah just need a sec”
EJ’s exhausation catches up with him, the light seems to highlight the bags under his eyes. He drops onto the bleachers, resting his head in his hands he closes his eyes for a second.
“Miss Jenn, EJ doesn’t look so good maybe you guys should wrap this up for today-”
“Ash I’m-“
“No. You look exhausted! You barely have the energy to stand up for 10 minutes”
Ashlyn moves to grab him his drink bottle but runs into his iced coffee and Oreo packet first. She flinches. Her cousin never drinks coffee unless he purely needs the caffeine.
EJ freezes she moment he realises she’s seen it.
“When was the last time you slept?!”
All eyes are on him.
“James” His head snapped up. But he couldn’t look his cousin in the eye. Because then she’d see his eyes are glassy with unshed tears. His overwhelmed thoughts race through his mind.
“Ok I think we’ll pick this up next rehearsal, please be safe getting home and get some rest”
The four students start to pack up their bags, Ashlyn asking her boyfriend to give them all a lift. Turning to her cousin, helps him finish packing his stuff.
“You can stay in the guest room, we’re having lasagna tonight”
EJ too tired to protest, walks past his Jeep in the parking lot to get in a smaller orange bug car. He’ll have to come back for it tomorrow because there’s no way he could drive safely in his tired state.
The car ride home was eerily quiet, Ashlyn day in the passenger seat next to Big Red. He drove to Ashlyn’s house like a routine he knew by heart. Gina keep flicking worried glances at EJ but the senior didn’t even notice, having closed his eyes and resting against the window the moment he entered the car.
“Thanks for the ride Biggie”
Gina gentley nudged EJ and his eyes were open in an instant.
“Thanks Red” He mumbled as he got out of the car.
“No worries, take care guys”
As the orange car was disappearing into the distance, Ashlyn unlocked the front door. Gina and EJ follow her into the house.
“James lets go the living room”
EJ follows Ashlyn to the couch, and Gina continues past to grab a drink of water from the kitchen.
“What’s going on?”
Ashlyn puts a hand on his shoulder and gently squeezes it, grounding him and reminding him that she’s here to listen. He looks at the faded colourful rug and his words begin to vomit out softly.
“I’m just trying to get it all done ...and um.. for weeks I just never seem to have enough time, and I still have to do my study notes and finish my assessment and college apps tonight... but I’m just so tired...”
His voice cracks and the wall behind his eyes begin to break.
“I have to stay up so late, to get everything I have to all done...and then polo practice at the crack of dawn... i don’t know.. I just can’t... let anyone down..”
Ashlyn pulls EJ in tightly. His body wracked with sobs, her heart breaks as she hasn’t seen him like this in a long time. Gina initially freezes entering the room just as the senior had begun to cry but soon shifts over beside them engulfing them both in a hug.
Grabbing some tissues and a sip of water he’s able to stop his crying but his tense shoulders give away his overwhelmed mind.
“it will be ok, we’ll work this out. Everyone else will understand if everything is not done right now. You’ve got to take better care of yourself, what matters is if you are ok”
Gina nods in agreeance with Ashlyn as she comforts EJ.
“But for now you need to take a break, just have a quick nap before dinner in the guest room-“
“But I have to-“
“No James you need a rest, all this stuff can come later”
He sluggishly gets up heading for the guest room mumbling a “thanks Ash” as he retreats to his long awaited rest.
After he closes the door, Ashlyn lets out the breath she had been holding. She was convinced they would have to put up more of a fight to get him to go to sleep, but the fact that they didn’t was almost more concerning.
“He did seem a little bit off earlier in the week but yeah I had no idea that this was under the surface”
Gina says to break the silence created by her and Ashlyn’s shocked worry.
“Yeah he’s always been pretty good at bottling this stuff up, definitely a Caswell skill”
Ashlyn starts to pick up the tissues heading to the bin in the kitchen. Both the girls enter the kitchen to finish heating up the leftover lasagna they made yesterday.
While cooking the veggies the girls trade stories of earlier in the day and discuss the spotting of Miss Jenn and Mr Mazzarra at Sliced on Valentine’s. Just as they’re plating up, EJ reappears. He looks somewhat disheveled, wearing sweats and his usually spiked hair is messy like a 2012 Bieber hairstyle. His contacts are long gone being traded for his wide framed glasses.
“Feeling any better?”
Bringing the plates to the table they all sit in their usual seats.
“Yeah a little...thanks guys this looks amazing”
As if on cue his stomach grumbles with excitement and they dig into the food. The three teens continue to tell stories of their day. Although exhausted, a goofy smile makes its way onto EJ’s face while telling the girls about his classmate in English that tried justify his argument quoting spark notes, instead of the actual book.
Once they’re finished, EJ stacks and clears away the plates. Grabbing her laptop, Ashlyn creates a new copy of one of her old timetables modified with all EJ’s stuff. After cleaning the dishes, EJ plops down beside her and together they start to work out.
Half an hour and a warm hot chocolate later, they manage to finish a schedule that looks like it fit a bit of time for everything while keeping a heathy amount of rest time.
“Thank you so much Ash... I really appreciate it”
Ashlyn smiles back at her cousin.
“Just promise me you’ll take care of yourself, or at least you’ll let me know if you need help”
EJ engulfs her in a hug.
“Yeah I will, thanks”
As they both move to join Gina in the lounge room, EJ grabs his laptop to start completing his speech. Flopping down onto the couch, the tv is turned onto a Brooklyn Nine Nine halloween heist episode.
Taking EJs laptop at 9:30, the older boy fell asleep within an instant. Keeping to his promise, he followed the schedule he made with Ashlyn (most of the time at least) and finally learnt how to ask for help when he realised he couldn’t do it alone. And when he asked for help, Ashlyn and Gina were always there with an extra mug of hot chocolate.
Thanks for reading! I’m open to write prompts or suggestions
(...Also if anyone can think of any better names for this please comment because all my thoughts were low key trash😂)
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shakirawastaken · 3 years
hii ! for your event, could we get 10 + 13 w quackity ? i hope you have a good day and thank you <33
hey hey ! thank you for requesting !! hope you like it !
enjoy <3
bumping into a stranger
summary: you keep bumping into this good-looking man idk I'm so bad at summaries
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The door to the café clanged shut behind you as you glanced down at your phone to check the time again.
10:15. You were going to be very late if you didn't hurry the fuck up.
And so you did. You took a big gulp of your drink and took off on a rapid jog, dodging school-goers, couples on dates, and old people trying to get home from the groceries. You had done a pretty good of avoiding people, narrowly missing a young teen on a skateboard. However, your luck was short-lived and you soon bumped into a guy. Startled, you dropped your cup and it spilled onto the ground in between the two of you, splashing over his shoes.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going, shit," you rapidly let out, glancing up at the guy in front of you.
Oh. He was good-looking. Kind eyes, black hair (from what you could see, he was wearing a beanie), and a warm smile. Wait, a smile?
"You're totally fine," he softly laughed. He grabbed your cup off of the ground and threw it in the trashcan near you two. "You seemed like you were in a hurry, go!" he told you, shooing you off.
You smiled gratefully and took his hand, shaking it quickly. "Thank you, sorry again, thank you!!" you took off on a run, glancing down at your phone to check the time again. Little did you know, the man watched as you left, smiling fondly.
You didn't make it on time. >:)
You crossed the street, making your way back to that lovely café you thought of so fondly. Unlike the last time you went there, you weren't in a hurry this time. Though you were late, your presentation had gone well and you were granted a few days of paid leave.
Who were you to refuse that?
You went inside and ordered your drink, peacefully sipping at it as you walked back outside. You wandered the city, trying to decide what you wanted to do until you bumped into someone. You looked down at the ground to see your drink spilling all over the place for the second time that week. Sighing, you looked up to the same guy as yesterday.
"Hi, sorry again," you said, a bit flustered as you leaned down to grab the cup off of the ground.
"Hello again! We really have to stop meeting like this," he said, smirking as he saw your bewildered face.
"Yeah," you said sheepishly, scratching the back of your neck. He opened his mouth and paused, seemingly debating over something.
"Heh, well see you?" he asked gently, as he turned his body away as a silent message that he was leaving. You nodded furiously and watched as he walked away. After realizing how awkward the situation was, you felt your cheeks heat up and you turned in the opposite direction, heading home.
That was enough human interaction for the day.
A week after that interesting interaction, you walked out of the same cafe, this time without a drink. You decided to try one of the cafe's cookies.
Good that you did.
You continue to walk back to your apartment, promising your friend you would call her once you got back. Your phone vibrated in your hand and you looked down to check it, seeing a text from your friend asking where you were. You smiled and started to type out a response before you bumped into someone.
You half hoped it was the same guy as the last two times, and half hoped it wasn't.
To your luck, it was the same guy.
"Hi, again," you said, laughing this time as nothing embarrassing had happened to you.
"Hi," he said, also smiling.
You both stood there in comfortable silence, not knowing what to say next.
"I'm (y/n)," you said, suddenly, sticking your hand out for him to shake.
"Quackity," he said, shaking your hand back. "Can I have your number?" he asked out of nowhere. Your eyes grew wide as your mouth dropped open. Noticing your silence, he quickly tried to defend himself.
"I mean it's just that like fate has spoken, we belong together, or something like that." he croaked out, "that was so cheesy what the fuck q?" he muttered to himself under his breath, giving you a sheepish grin.
"Sure," you said as you opened your hand out for his phone. He gave it to you, almost dropping it, and watched eagerly as you typed your name and number into his phone.
"Well, it was nice meeting you Quackity, but I have to go." you told him apologetically, gesturing to your ever-vibrating phone with messages from your friend.
"You too, talk to you later!" he exclaimed as he waved goodbye to you, watching you walk away.
Your were sat on your bed, on video call with your friend, when your phone vibrated once again.
"hi :]" the notification read, from an unknown number. Smiling, you saved the contact, ignoring your friend's constant questions as to who it was.
"hi :)"
ew what was that ending, anywayss
thank you for reading <3
dsmp taglist (open): @joyfullymulti
quackity taglist (open): none!
44 notes · View notes
Title: Kismet {11}
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Henry Cavill x Famous OFC Aliya Taylor
Warning: Plot, Slow Burn, Mild Cursing, Dialogue Heavy
Words: 7k
Summary: Aliya is a singer turned model turned actress. Since she was fifteen, she’s been creating her empire in the entertainment world. As the daughter of a famous fashion model/designer and Hollywood director, you’d think life is easy for her, but her past has been anything but easy. Due to past trauma, she’s forever changed and no longer trusts any man that is not in her family and a select few in her team. She’s sworn off love and serious relationships and has planned never to fall again, but love isn’t something that can be planned. It just happens when it’s meant to. Can Aliya outrun a love that seems hellbent on holding tight to her, a love that is Kismet?
Note: The musical notes emoji 🎶 signifies a song being sung. They are the lyrics.
If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!! 😘  
As always, thank you so much for reading. ❤️❤️
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 
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🎶 “But I don't wanna give up. Baby, I just want you to get up. Lately, I've been a little fed up. Wish you would just focus on—me. Can you focus on me? Baby, can you focus on me?”
 The sounds of H.E.R filled the semi-rustic kitchen as you moved around it, checking on the multiple things you were making. Her album was one of your go-to things for mellowing out. You sang along and got lost vocalizing along with her. It didn’t take long for you to forget what time it was and that you weren’t exactly alone in the house. As the song ended and the next came on, you held your hands in the air, already feeling the opening of Girls Need Love Too.
  🎶 “Honestly, I'm tryna stay focused. You must think I've got to be joking when I say. I don't think I can wait. I just need it now. Better swing my way.”
 The lyrics were hitting you as right as gospel right about now. Pulling open the oven, you checked on the treats inside, making sure they were rising just the way they needed to. After you were pleased with their progress, you checked your pots on the stove one more time, then went back to the pitcher you were mixing your famous mimosas. That was when DSVN came on, and the hypnotizing sound of the lyrics with the beat made your mind drift back to Henry, especially when the hook came on. It sounded like it was made just for you in this situation.
 For the next few minutes, you focused on trying not to burn breakfast rather than dancing or singing. That was until Santana came on, and you couldn’t help but bust out your best salsa moves to Carlos’ electric guitar and Latin flare. The song was so catchy that you quickly got carried away winding your hips and doing your best Shakira impersonation. If she were standing in front of you, you thought she’d be proud because you gave it everything you had. Before you knew it, the song was almost over, and you’d forgotten about being quiet, and were now singing along to the song as you danced around the kitchen.
 “Someone woke up on the right side of the bed.”
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Your scream was loud, so loud it bounced off the walls of the room. Your head nearly snapped off your neck from the force of which you spun around.
 “Oh my god!”
 Henry stood there pinching his lips, trying to stop himself from laughing at you.
 “You scared me half to death.”
 “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I um—I smelled food and heard music, and here you are,” Henry explained.
 “Oh no, no. How long were you standing there?”
 Another smile spread across his face, and it was all you needed to know he’d probably seen the whole thing. Embarrassment filled you.
 “Oh god, no.”
 “Don’t be embarrassed. You can dance and sing. I enjoyed the show.”
 You snorted while shaking your head, trying to overcome your embarrassment. When you met his eyes again, you still saw the amusement there.
 “Good morning,” you began.
 “Good morning. What’s—what’s going on?”
 He motioned to the organized chaos around you.
 “Oh, breakfast.”
 “Did you order?”
 “Nope. One hundred percent handmade but these hands,” you replied, holding up your hands and flexing your fingers for emphasis.
 Henry’s eyebrows shot up as he approached the kitchen island.
 “You cook.”
 Approaching the same island on the opposite side, you nodded. “I cook and bake and mix and clean, iron, and do laundry.”
 Henry snorted and nodded, clearly amused by the sarcasm in your voice.
 You smiled and leaned against it, resting your elbows on the wooden island keeping your eyes on him.
 “I know I don’t look it, but they do say never judge a book by its cover,” you replied.
 Henry nodded before he spoke. “For the record, I’ve never judged you.”
 You studied him for several moments before your eyes drifted over him, taking in his tan linen pants and cream shirt. He looked good, and you almost got lost in that before you snapped out of it. Clearing your throat, you pushed off the island and looked around.
 “I’m almost done.”
 “What’s for breakfast, chef Taylor?”
 You smiled, “I’m glad you asked Mr. Cavill. We have lavender vanilla  bean beignets, scrambled eggs, sausages, and of course mimosas.”
 Henry’s eyebrows again shot up. “Wow. How long have you been up?”
 Turning from him, you dropped a few mint leaves into the pitcher you’d just mixed. “Well, I actually haven’t slept yet.”
 “So you’ve been up all night?”
 Sliding to the right, you turned off the oven and took out the beignets to place them on the stove to cool.
 “Why? Is everything all right?”
 “Yeah. I’ll be fine. I’m a night—insomniac.”
 He was going to find out one way or another throughout this vacation anyway, you reasoned with yourself.
 He sounded hesitant but also surprised.
 “Yeah, most of the time.”
 You used the time he stood there in a state of shock to finish up what you were doing before turning back to him.
 “Are you going to pass out later or soon?”
 “Nope. Come on. All done. Can you grab those two?”
 You nodded your head to the two platters on the stove as you took the others walking out of the kitchen to the outdoor dining table he’d shown you yesterday. Once he saw the table that had two other platters and set place settings, he exclaimed.
 “I know, but I like to cook.”
 “Everything smells incredible,” Henry complimented as he stood at one of the Rattan chairs waiting for you to sit first.
 Once you sat down, you motioned for him to begin. “Dig in.”
 A few minutes passed with the two of you loading your plates with various items. Once you were finished, you took up the pitcher and poured drinks for you both. When he brought one of your beignets to his mouth, you paused and watched him sink his teeth into it. As soon as he did, he moaned so loud it filled the space and drifted off.
 “Holy--,” he began but never finished because he took several more bites finishing his first one. Once he’d swallowed and reached for another, he continued. “How did you learn to make beignets?”
 “Well, it began with my Gramaw, but eventually, it was experimenting.”
 He bit into another and rolled his eyes into the back of his head, and groaned. “These are heaven.”
 “I’m glad you like them.”
 Covering his food-filled mouth, he spoke, “Love them, get it correct.”
 You snorted and nodded as you began to eat. The view before you caught your eye once again, and getting lost was easy. The morning was beautiful, warm, and calm, with a gentle breeze that carried the salt in the air from the nearby sea. You didn’t know who wouldn’t love waking up to this every day. It was then you realized how badly you’d needed a vacation after all.
 “You stare out a lot.”
 Henry’s voice brought your eyes back to him to find his already on you.
 “I’m sorry,” you began with a soft smile. “Another thing about me, I do that—a lot.”
 “What’re you thinking about?”
 You looked out again and nudged your head to the view. “How incredible this view is and that I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve taken a vacation,” you confessed.
 “Tell me about it. I was literally running on fumes. I have no idea how I made it this far,” Henry said.
 You continued to eat and fell into a comfortable silence for a few minutes before he spoke again.
 “Was there anything particular you wanted to do today?”
 “Like what?”
 “There’s so much to do. I know a good spa. There’s diving, boat tours of this incredible lagoon, wine tasting, touring, driving along cote d'Azur. You name it, and it can be done,” he listed off.
 “A lot of choices.”
 You brought your legs up and hugged them to your body as you continued to eat while thinking about your options.
 “What do you feel like doing?”
 “I don’t mind either way,” Henry quickly responded.
 That didn’t help you one bit, but you made the decision all the same. “Nothing screams vacation like a bikini, and a beach, so let’s live it up.”
 He smiled as he nodded. “All right. We have a plan then,” he said, clapping his hands.
 The rest of breakfast was comfortable and peaceful. Neither of you seemed to mind that conversation fell to the wayside because you were both lost in the food and scenery before you. After breakfast, you and Henry managed to do the dishes and clean up the kitchen together as you endured his teasing on the multitude of things you’d used to cook. As you cleaned, you caught his eyes on your body a few times, but he kept his physical distance for the most part. After you separated to get yourselves ready for your day in the sun.
 You spent longer than necessary trying to decide on the right bikini. You didn’t know if you should go demure princess or buxom goddess. You were moving and making decisions by reading him. You told yourself the night before that you’d go at his pace and take your cues from him. If he initiated touching, you’d reciprocate. If he kissed you, you’d kiss him back. If he stayed away, you would too. You didn’t want to do the wrong thing or anything, especially since you didn’t know where you stood with him. Letting your self-doubt win, you chose the middle ground on the bikini.
 Thirty minutes later, you stepped outside the villa to find Henry waiting patiently at a white Fiat convertible.  
 “Wow. Is this yours?”
 “I don’t know why I’m surprised. We have established that you’re a car man.”
 He smiled as his eyes trailed over you. “Wow. The short shorts come out, huh.”
 You looked over yourself, then back to him. “This is short? Ha, just you wait. I have even shorter.”
 “I bet you do,” Henry chided as he held open the passenger door for you.
 “It’s about a ten-minute drive to the beach, maybe eight if the cliffside isn’t flooded.”
 “Wow, you’re right there, huh.”
 He smiled and nodded as you slipped into the car.
 “All right, let’s go. I have a goal to be kissed plentifully by this French sun, so in two weeks' time, I’m showing every bit of the melanin my ancestors blessed me with,” you joked.
 Henry shut your door and walked around to the driver’s side. Once in, he pressed the start button.
 “Bring it on. I happened to really like yours…it’s sexy,” he slipped in, meeting your eyes for a few moments.
 “Did you just call me sexy, Mr. Cavill?”
 His smile was wide before he slipped on his sunglasses. “Did I? Maybe, maybe not,” he said before he pulled off, beginning the journey.
 As he drove, you relished the breeze and sun on your skin and waved your hands in the air, fully enjoying the carefree vibes you felt. Before long, you’d pulled out your phone and began snapping a multitude of pictures of the scenery, the people, and occasionally even Henry, though he probably had no idea. You didn’t want to miss the chance to see how perfect he looked behind the wheel.
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When you got close to the beach, Henry parked along the cliff as plenty other cars had done. According to him, no one made a fuss about small things like that; as long as people could still pass it was all right. The laidback style was already agreeing with you. With him carrying all the bags like the gentleman he was, you allowed him to lead you across the road toward the sands of the beach and then down the shore to find the perfect spot. It took a few minutes, but when you found it, you staked your claim, stomping in the sand, marking it as yours. Henry took the initiative, spreading the oversized beach blanket using the items you’d brought with you as anchors for the corners.
 Once he’d gotten it perfect, you wasted no time pulling off your tank then peeling off the shorts your wore. You tried to keep your eyes away from him, though you really wanted to know if you had his undivided attention. The middle ground bikini you’d chosen was still a look. The cut complimented your curves, while the color complimented your complexion. You wanted to take it at his pace, but you also had to show him you were still hot.
 When you lied back on the blanket, you gawked at the ocean before you and marveled at its sparkle while the sun reflected off of it. Looking beside you to him, you found his eyes on you and his jaw slightly ajar.
 “This is so beautiful.”
 Henry snapped his head away from you and looked at the view you were just staring at. “Very,” he replied, his voice constrained as if his throat were closing. He held your bag out to you, but he didn’t look at you again.
 “Thank you.”
 You dug through it looking for your sunscreen spray. Once you’d found it, you began spraying along your arms and shoulders, rubbing the mist in working your way to your chest.
 “Why France?”
 “Huh? Excuse me?”
 “France. Why France for buying a house?”
 “Well, I have some French blood-ties; the Channel Islands has its history of it, and France is smack in the middle of there and London. I fell in love with it,” he explained.
 “Why Bandol?”
 “Oh, that’s easy. It’s still luxurious enough like St. Tropez but not as high profile. I can be Henry here and not worry someone is taking my picture.”
 You nodded and understood perfectly. It was hard being on all the time. You’d gotten so used to it that you often forgot how to be off.
 “I get it. It’s the same reason why I’ll always choose Australia and Ireland overall,” you explained.
 “I’ve only seen Ireland a few times. I think I need to go back,” Henry added.
 You smiled as fond memories washed over you of your time in Ireland. “You definitely should.”
 You sprayed your shoulder closest to him and began rubbing in the liquid.
 “Ehm, need some help?”
 Your eyes met, and you fought back your smirk. “Are you sure it’s okay?”
 “Yeah, I can help. It’s no problem,” Henry assured.
 You handed him the bottle, then turned your back to him and waited. He didn’t touch you for several moments.
 “How many tattoos do you have?”
 “Um—not sure, seven, eight maybe,” you said while anxiously waiting for him to begin.
 “That’s quite a bit.”
 “Not too much. They’re all strategically placed,” you explained.
 When you felt the sprays on your back, you held your breath and waited for him to touch you. As Soon As he did, you bit your bottom lip, trying to ignore the feeling of completeness that washed over you. You liked the feel of his hands on your skin.
 “Have you—ehm, have you ever thought about tattoos?”
 “I have,” Henry began, his voice deeper than it had been moments before. his hands trailed lower to the small of your back, and you hunched over even more, giving him more access. “I’ve just never gotten around to it,” he finished.
 Turning your head to rest your cheek on the tops of your knees, you smiled. “Too much work?”
 A soft chuckle escaped him, and you felt his thump trail up your spine until he reached the back of your neck. Two sprays hit your skin, and he began rubbing into your shoulders. A weak moan slipped out, but he didn’t pull away. The kneading of his hands became more forceful then. You were quickly losing your nerve and grip on reality. Another moan slipped from your throat, and that was when Henry’s hands stilled and rested at your shoulder blades. You felt his fingertips trace the softest pattern onto your skin before they were gone.
 “All done.”
 By then, your heart was racing, and the butterflies in your gut were fluttering below your waist. Clearing your throat, you turned back to the ocean.
 “No problem,” Henry said before he stood and discarded his shirt.
 The action didn’t help you at all. Your jaw hit the floor as you took in every inch of him you’d spent all night since seeing the sprigs of hair peeking out his shirt. Plenty of dark hair decorated his chest and trailed down his abs until it disappeared behind his pants. A soft gasp drifted out of you, but your eyes refused to stop ogling. So you sat there looking at him and counting each of his eight ab muscles. The man had an eight pack; you thought to yourself as your throat painfully tightened.
“What’s wrong?”
 Jerking your head up to his face, you shook your head, trying to find words.
 “Wrong? Huh, nothing—um—you uh—you’re—you’re--.”
 Henry smiled as he cocked his brow, waiting for you to say something intelligible. You had nothing, though.
 “Cat got your tongue?” The humor in his voice was so obvious, and you felt like an idiot.
 “And my brain cells, it would seem.”
 His smile made you smile while trying to avert your eyes from the rock hard statue that he was.
 Henry scoffed. “It’s okay,” he said.
 “No, it’s not. You’re a person, not a piece of meat,” you clarified, feeling awful. You were doing the same thing to him that you hated men doing to you.
 “Wait, you think I’m a piece of meat?”
 Looking back at him, you spoke, “No, but I’m sure women look at you like you’re a piece of meat and in turn treat you like it.”
 He nodded, “They have in the past.”
 Your eyes again drifted downward, but you caught yourself before they got to his massive pecs. Clearing your throat, you stood.
 “Do you burn easily?”
 “I’m a white British man, of course, I do,” Henry joked, making you snort loudly.
 “Wow, do you want some?”
 He held his hands up as if to shield himself from you. “Are you looking for an excuse to feel me up?”
 Henry snorted and laughed loudly.
 “You’re kidding,” you surmised.
 “Yes. You should have seen your face.”
 You shook your head while burying your face in your hands. “Wow. That’s not cool.”
 “You were an easy target,” Henry said, turning his back to you. “Oil me up, baby.”
 You had every intention to, but the side of him from the back stopped you in your tracks for a few moments. As you slowly approached him, you accessed the entire meal that was him before you, unsure where to start. You sprayed over his back then slowly began rubbing across his skin. You couldn’t believe that even his back was as toned as an Olympian. Your brain was slowly short-circuiting with every inch of skin you touched. When you brought your hands down his spine to his tailbone, Henry groaned, and you fought the urge to go lower.
 “All—done,” you said slightly above a whisper.
 “Not quite,” Henry said, turning to face you. “My chest burns easily too.”
 Face to face with temptation; you knew you were destined to give in. it was only a matter of time.
 “I thought you could--.”
 “—Nope. You started the job, so you should finish it.”
 Smiling, you bit your bottom lip. “Does that go for my chest too?”
 Henry’s eyes dropped to your breasts and rested there for a few seconds before he looked back into your eyes with a completely cheeky expression on his face. “Well—that is entirely up to you, Ms. Taylor.”
 Like a child, you giggled most uncharacteristically. Slapping your hand across your mouth, Henry laughed at you. “Oh god.”
 You sprayed across his chest and abs but hesitated touching him. Instead, you stood there gawking at the way his chest glistened. It’s not that you didn’t want to feel. You really, really wanted to feel. You just didn’t think you would be able to not come across as a thirsty fiend. Henry waited patiently waited no doubt taking notice of how you were beginning to hyperventilate. After a minute, he took a step back.
 “Here, I’ll finish the job—this time.”
 You dropped to the blanket and laid back, trying to recover. You couldn’t believe this was life right now. You’d never been attracted to anyone like this. You never struggled like this with anyone, and that reality was a little alarming. Peeking up, you watched as Henry finished rubbing the sunscreen into his chest, spreading it along his swollen shoulders and bulging arms. Your mouth ran dry while another part of you was anything but.
 While proving to be a heightened temptation, a day at the beach was just what the vacation doctors ordered. The roaring sun, the breeze with the salt in the air, and the screams and laughs of people enjoying themselves were wonderful. You didn’t think about work not once, or anything beyond the man beside you reading a book and the book you were reading while the soft sounds of jazz drifted between you. It was perfect.
 Every so often, your eyes drifted to Henry and took in different parts of him. Everything you saw you liked, and the fact that you liked it, only helped your brain daydream even more. There were a few times he caught you staring at him just as you caught him staring at you or parts of your body. When you did catch him, it only emboldened you to play up different parts of your body. You were relieved to know he at least still found you attractive.
 When he goaded you into the water, the two of you played in the waves. The first time Henry splashed you and got water in your hair, you made gasped and pretended to make a big deal about it, which prompted him to apologize profusely. You considered it payback until you tackled him in the water, holding him underneath until he lifted you in his arms like he was Goliath. Your eyes locked, and there was a moment you thought he would kiss you, but instead, he tossed you into the water. That one action began a water war that he easily won thanks to his colossal size and overpowering strength. You didn’t mind.
 By the time you’d sat to enjoy the picnic lunch Henry had packed, only a handful of people had recognized the two of you and asked for autographs and pictures. It really was the perfect first day of vacation, and you already didn’t want it to end. After lunch, you and Henry were walking along the shore, enjoying the lull of water crashing onto your ankles like you had no cares in the world.
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 You were gorgeous, more gorgeous than you’d ever been. You were drop dead with make-up on, but without you were a knockout. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you, and he knew you had to know. There was no way that you didn’t. He didn’t start the day with any expectations because he really didn’t know what to expect, but it had turned out to be a great day. He looked across to you and took in your curled and coiled hair that framed your face and gave you an even more youthful glow.
 “So your hair is naturally curly?”
 You smiled and nodded as you turned to look at him.
 “Curly, coiled, kinky, it’s a bunch of stuff.”
 “So you straighten it.”
 “Yeah,” you confirmed.
 He was confused.  “Why?”
 With your brows knitted together, you took him in. “What do you mean why?”
 “Why? I can imagine it takes a lot of time. So, why do you do it?”
 You scoffed but didn’t speak right away. He allowed you the time to think.
 “Well—in the business, it’s easier. As horrible as it is, there are not many people who will cast the black actress with unruly hair or will have the right people who can do it properly. It’s a huge thing for black actresses, and unfortunately, can be the reason why many don’t get a role. So for me—I guess I got used to directors or photographers preferring the sleek look, so I just—maintain it. No one really cares for this,” you said, motioning to your hair.
 He understood what you were saying. Hollywood was fickle; he was living through it right now but couldn’t believe people's ignorance.
 “I like your hair right now. I like how free and beautiful it is. You don’t look—bound. You look free.”
 Your eyes met his, but he couldn’t read the look in them.
 “Oh uh—thank—you.”
 “You’re welcome,” he replied with a smile. “You should just leave it alone from now on.”
 You snorted. “Oh, is this how you want to see me?”
 He could hear the tease in your tone, “Free and beautiful? Absolutely.”
 Again the look in your eyes stumped him. Before he could ask you what you were thinking, you looked away and back out to the water.
 “What if I want to see you like this from now on?”
 He chuckled, “What, shirtless with bad hair?”
 You laughed with him for a few seconds. “Well, nothing wrong with this view at all,” you said, making him blush.
 “Oh, and for the record, your hair is anything but bad. When it’s all slicked to perfection, you look put together, but—I like the more…distressed you. You look free and boundless.”
 The smile on his lips hadn’t slipped since you’d begun your walk, and staring at you, he didn’t think it would slip. You looked away and cleared your throat, something you’d been doing a lot the entire day.
 “I’ll make a deal with you. You keep this look going, and I’ll keep this look going,” you proposed piquing his interest.
 “Do we have a deal?”
 “All right, we have a deal,” he sealed, holding out his hand for you to shake. When you did, you smiled mischievously.
 “Good,” you said before you pushed him into the water and the incoming wave.
 Shock flooded him though he should have known from the glint in your eye he’d picked up.
 “Did you really?”
 With pride and joy, you nodded, “I sure did.”
 As he stood, he wiped his face of the water and chuckled to himself.
 “As a gentleman, I will give you a four-second head start,” he announced.
 “Four seconds?”
 “Three now.”
 You squealed and ran down the beach, trying to put as much distance between you as possible. It was futile. He was fast. Once he’d counted down, he took off after you. When you looked back to see him coming, you screamed louder and tried to pick up the speed, but as he said, he was fast. In a few short seconds, he caught you and immediately began tickling you, making you scream even louder.
 “I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” you shouted through bouts of laughter and screams.
 “No, no, too late for that.”
 With you in his arms, he brought you to the water facing you out so you could see the massive wave coming in. You screamed again while kicking your legs, trying to get him to drop you, but it was no use. Seeing there was no way out, you stopped screaming, but when he tossed you into the wave, you screamed until the water engulfed you. He stepped back and waited for you to wash up on the shore. When you did, he proceeded to tickle you some more until you tripped him and rolled onto him to retaliate.
 Though he hadn’t let on that he was ticklish, you figured it out and exploited it mercilessly. The tickling led to both of you playfully throwing wet sand at each other while waves knocked you down. When he grabbed you, he smeared the wet sand across your chest below your collar, making you scream. That was when you coated his chest down to his waist. He pulled you to him rubbing his chest over yours to make sure you were as lathered as he was.
 “Oh my god!”
 A wave crashed over the two of you, nearly drowning you—nearly. When the water receded, you were still there in his arms, practically underneath him. he took in your beauty, and all he wanted to do was kiss you. he almost did before he stopped remembering what had led you to this point. He was tired of proving and showing you he wanted you—wanted to be with you. It was your turn to prove to him that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. That was when another wave washed over you, dampening the mood. He was thankful for it.
 Once he was standing, he pulled you upright.
 “Ready to go?”
 You nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.”
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 After leaving the beach, the two of you walked along the shops that decorated the surrounding area. He pointed out all the places he’d visited over the last few days. He knew some of the shop owners by their names, and it was something you liked for some reason. After the first few shops, you decided to pick up something for dinner and spent the next few minutes trying to decide just what to get.
 “Any special requests?”
 Henry’s surprise only lasted a few minutes before the smile you were getting so used to appeared.
 “You’re cooking?”
 His surprise turned to awe as he circled you once. “You can pick whatever you want,” he whispered in your ear before he walked to a stack of cans.
 “Are you sure?”
 He nodded, assuring you that you were good to make the decision.
 “Do you eat a lot?”
 “Do you?”
 “Hell yeah, I do,” you said in an exaggerated tone that had Henry laughing.
 As you walked around the store, you placed various items in the basket that Henry carried. Some peppers, scallions, garlic, onions, mushrooms, and plenty of herbs followed before you walked across the way to a seafood shop. You thought about something simple like salmon but changed your mind when you saw lobsters and said what the hell. You were only going to get two, but Henry piped up and tricked you into four, citing your insatiable appetite. Deep down, you wondered what appetite exactly he was referring to, for food or him. A trip to the local spirits shop had you stocked for more than just one night.
 When you made it back to the villa, Henry was the one to carry the bags to the kitchen, not letting you lift anything but the beach bag you’d left with at the start of your day. You met him in the kitchen in time to see him hoist everything onto the island.
 “All right, you’re all set there.”
 “Thank you, Superman.”
 He smiled and helped you unpack the items in the bags, laying them out on the counters and the island. Once that was finished, you made a move to the door.
 “I’m going to take a shower. I can feel sand everywhere.”
 What was to be a relatively quick shower quickly turned long because you needed to wash your hair and treat it, so you didn’t have any residual salt damage. No one liked breaking hair. That alone usually took almost an hour. Instead of going for the full experience, you cut a few corners in the routine but still managed to complete it. After throwing on a pair of shorts and a tank, you made your way back to the kitchen, ready to cook one of the best meals he’d ever have.
 With soft music playing and a towel wrapped around your hair while your leave-in heat treatment did what it was made to, you began prepping the ingredients. The soft music and time alone gave you more time to process the perfect day you’d just had. There was nothing about it that you’d change, even down to the intense tension that was constantly between you. If another day played out the same way, you still would think it was perfect.
 “All right, I’m clean now. Would you like some help?”
 Henry stood behind you in a tank and sweats with his hair full of curls.
 “Sure, you can actually prove to me that you know what you’re doing in here,” you teased as he approached your side.
 “I’m about to knock your knickers off.”
 You snorted and peeped at him. “Promise.”
 The flustered look on his face said he just realized the land mind he’s just stepped into. Pushing it to the side, you focused on the chives you were chopping.
 “What would you like me to do?”
 Looking around the kitchen, you assessed everything that needed to be done then delegated.
 “Those veggies need to be rough diced and washed.”
 “Consider it done,” Henry replied, stepping away to begin prep. Before he began, though, he walked to one of the bottles of wine you’d just gotten, popped it, and poured two glasses.
 “A little vino for you.”
 Smiling, you took the glass. “Thank you.”
 The two of you worked together chopping, dicing, and slicing the vegetables and herbs and the seafood for dinner. Every few minutes, your eyes met, and you giggled. Once the cooking began, Henry teased you about your towel wrapped hair, saying that was how magazine covers should show you. You watched his form and how he handled his knives and liked how he moved. He handled knives like he’d been doing it his whole life.
 When you saw him perfectly Julianne cut the cucumbers you practically drooled and were ready to push him against that island. You loved a man who could handle himself in the kitchen. Pumping iron and weights and a nice body was great, but cooking dinner for someone because you care, was a supreme turn on.
 When the lobster was steaming and the potatoes boiling, you leaned beside him and watched him kneed the dough he was prepping for what he called his famous sugar rolls.
 “So mentioned you have nieces or nephews? I don’t remember which,” you began.
 “Yes. Three nephews, no nieces.”
 “Cool. What’re their names?”
 Henry smiled as he spoke, “James and Peter and Lucas.”
 “Strong names.”
 “Yeah, Nik and Charlie picked them,” he said.
 “Nik—he’s the older brother, right?”
 “Oldest. I’m surprised you remember.”
 “No girl?”
 “Ha, Charlie really wants a girl. He has a son Lucas but dreams about having a daughter.”
 “Nice. I have two nephews, Niko and Milo, and a niece Aloa, my oldest sister Miesha,” you added.
 The way Henry smiled, you could tell he liked kids. “That’s nice. Do you see them a lot?”
 “I try. It’s hard, though, with my schedule.”
 He nodded, then shifted to the sink to rinse off the cucumbers before beginning with the carrots.
 “I understand.”
 With your curiosity piqued, you decided to dive right in. “So you like kids.”
 “Love kids,” he replied. “You?”
 “Uh—yeah. They’re precious.”
 “I’m guessing you’re close to your brothers.”
 “Oh god, yes, really, really close. We talk several times a day. They’re my first call when something good or bad happens, and it’s the same for them.”
 “That’s good. I’m close to mine too. We don’t talk every day, but I try. I do have a twin, so we don’t need to talk. We just know what’s going on with each other,” you explained.
 “How is that having a twin?”
 You shrugged and put a piece of cucumber into your mouth. “It’s everyday like for me. I don’t know what to say,” you said with a small chuckle.
 “Are all the clichés true?”
 You scoffed and went back to keeping yourself busy. “What clichés exactly?”
 “Oh, you know that you feel each other’s pain and feel what the other feels, oh that you know what they’re thinking.”
 You couldn’t help but laugh a little. “It’s not like I fall down the stairs, and he feels me fall. That’s just impossible.”
 Henry nodded and moved to rinse the carrots.
 “Yeah, it’s more like a constant presence I feel. You—you never really feel alone, sort of like this constant connection or feeling like someone always has your back. We can feel what the other feels a lot of the time, but it’s sort of like a gut feeling more than an actual physical feeling. There are times he’ll feel when I’m sad and crying, and it’s incredibly annoying.”
 “I can imagine,” Henry started.
 Feeling his eyes on you, you turned to face him and waited for him to speak.
 “Does he feel everything—your moments of happiness or—pleasure?”
 Snorting, you laughed loudly, unable to keep it in.
 “Happiness, I think there could be valid proof to that. As for pleasure, no idea. It’s never been brought up but kinda creepy to think about that.”
 You both busted out laughing, realizing just how creepy it would be if there were any validity to that. Cooking together turned out to be really fun. Usually, you hated people in your space, but with Henry, you didn’t mind it at all. You didn’t mind the subtle way his body brushed yours whenever he passed you. You didn’t mind the sly looks across the kitchen when he took a sip of his wine. You didn’t mind the flirtation in the air, and when he watched you make your lemon cake for dessert, you didn’t mind that he was learning one of your secret recipes. It was something you felt you could get used to.
 Two hours later, you were bringing out one of the platters to the dining table in the yard just in time to catch Henry putting a clay vase filled with beautiful lavender and rapeseed flowers. The purple and yellow combo was so bright it looked like it belonged with the décor around you.
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“Wow, would you look at that,” you began eyeing the perfectly set table. “You can set a table too.”
 His smile was wide. “I sure can.”
 “With the proper place settings. I’m impressed.”
 He ran his fingers through his hair and slowly licked his lips as he shrugged. “I didn’t go to finishing school or anything but--,” Henry trailed off, making you laugh at the sly reference to you.
 “Oh, okay, Mr. Cavill.”
 You backed away with your hands raised, making your way back to the kitchen with him following close behind. You pointed to him the items to go, and he walked with you back outside.
 “I know you think I eat a lot, but--.”
 “Oh, stop it. I am sure you have to have a high-calorie intake to maintain your Superman shape, so—ta-da,” you said, giving him jazz hands in front of the food-filled table.
 “Oh, so you’re looking out for me, huh.”
 “Of course. What else is your girlfriend supposed to do?”
 Henry’s smile slowly slipped before it reappeared but only for a second. “Girlfriend, huh?”
 Just like that, your stomach fell through the floor, fully realizing what you’d said. Now you felt like an idiot especially seeing his reaction.
 Not waiting for you to respond, Henry walked to your chair and pulled it out for you.
 “Uh—give me a second,” you said, bending forward to pull the towel off of your head.
 It had been well past the forty-five minutes you usually kept it on for, and you didn’t want to eat with this heavy thing on your head. Using your fingers, you combed through your curls then stood up to face him. This was practically the first time you stood before a man that wasn’t part of your family with your hair natural. You hated that you felt self-conscience about it. The look on his face was a lot different this time. His eyes were wide, and his mouth ajar.
 “Sorry. Thanks,” you said, slipping into the chair.
 Once he’d pushed you in, he sat across from you.
 “So I know you love your beer and steak,” you began with a smile. “So the steak is cooked in Guinness—a lot of Guinness.”
 Henry chuckled and assessed the steak on his plate while nodding.
 “Bon appetite.”
 Once henry put a slice of the steak in his mouth, he moaned and gave you the chef’s kiss. You knew exactly what it meant, the good ol seal of approval.
 “This is really good.”
 “I’m glad you like it.”
 After putting another slice of steak into his mouth, he nodded. “I love it. you’re a great cook.”
 “Thank you. I tried to tell you.”
 Henry chuckled, giving you a slight roll of his eyes before he continued eating. He was right dinner was good. While you ate, you enjoyed the setting sun and conversation about music, good food, and good wine. One bottle of wine quickly finished, then you were cracking open another and another. When dinner was finished, you sat there listening to the stories of his childhood where his mother played referee between five boys. The way he talked about her made her sound like a saint. It was clear to see how much he admired and loved her. That made you like him even more.
 By the time you climbed into bed for the night, your mind was racing a mile a minute, and all your thoughts were of Henry and the probability that he just might be the perfect man. That thought scared you even more than there being something wrong with him. If he were perfect, then it meant he was perfect for you, and perfect for you meant commitment, complications, and vulnerability while opening the stage for possible heartbreak. Even through the fear, one constant remained—you wanted him.
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Day 10: Used Tea Bags - Javier Pena
Day 10: Used Tea Bags - Javier Pena 
This takes place during season 3 of Narcos. Honestly I love season 3 Javier when he’s the boss and even more stressed and I just want to rub his shoulders and tell him it’s all going to be okay. 
Pairing: Javier Pena x reader 
Rating: 18+ language and implied sexual situations. 
November Writing Challenge Masterlist (Holy crap I am 1/3 of the way done!) 
Day 9: No, you don’t - Maxwell Lord 
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It was late, the sounds of cumbia played through the open window from the bar down the street. The well worn kitchen table is covered in maps, half drunken cups of coffee, a chipped plate is covered in cigarette butts, some still smoldering, and on another is several used tea bags bleeding onto the plate. The world should be sleeping but not here, here there were plans to be made. 
Javier Pena kneeled next to the coffee table flanked by Trujillo, and Colonel Hugo Martinez on his left and Chris Feistl and Daniel Van Ness on his right. A map of Cali with different routes to the airport are highlighted. The Cali police force are crooked as hell so they needed a way around them, if they got in there and actually found Gilberto Rodriquez they needed to figure a way to get him out of Cali and back to Bogota without any corruption. The only way to do that was to plan everything in secret. 
You had been assigned to work with Javier upon his return to Columbia as his assistant. Everyone had warned you before he got there about Agent Pena, saying he was an asshole, womanizer, and should have gone to jail for his involvement with Los Pepes. But, you tried to go into it with an open mind. 
When you first introduced yourself the only thing that stuck out to you was how exhausted he looked and not just physically. His eyes held a weariness that couldn’t fade from only a good night's rest. He was reluctant at first to accept any help whether it be in the form of a cup of coffee, an ashtray, or a file he had left on your desk the night before. 
But you never gave up, always thinking one step ahead of him. You handed him a file before he even asked for it, you brought him lunch before he starved to death in his office, and you always knew when he was low on cigarettes because a new pack would appear on his desk. He tried to tell you he was quitting but you both knew that was bull shit. 
When Feistl and Van Ness made their connection to ‘Natalia’ the informant inside the Cali cartel things began to move quickly. It became apparent that they needed to work under the radar on this one. They needed to find somewhere they could meet but would also be discreet and before Javier could even asked you offered your apartment as ground zero for taking down Gilberto Rodriquez. The small government provided apartment wasn’t meant to hold more than maybe two people but over the past few nights it held at least ten at all times. Not only the Colonel, and Trujillo but Pena, the DEA guys, and several loyal members of Search Bloc. 
At this point you're sure your neighbors believe you’ve become a prostitute from the revolving door of men who come through your door during the night. Especially Senora Rivera who yesterday morning gave you a rosary before telling you she is praying that you don’t get any diseases from the men you keep company. What a charming neighbor she is. You're tempted to bake her some chocolate chip cookies and ask a few Search Bloc guys to deliver them but you know that will only make it worse. 
Javi is going over the plan for the twelfth time that night and you're in the kitchen making another pot of coffee. You yawn silently to yourself before pouring the steaming magic into the cups and putting them on the tray to bring them to the men in the living room. They nod there thanks and you return the gesture taking the remaining two cups over to the window and tapping lightly. On the fire escape are two armed Search Bloc members keeping their eyes open onto the street below. They take the cups gratefully before thanking you. 
“Estrella, can you come over here?” Javier calls you. 
You turn raising one eyebrow at the nickname but you don’t correct him, “Si, what’s up?” 
“I want you to sit down and listen to the plan, if there is anything you think we missed or does not add up I need you to tell me. People’s lives could be at stake if we make any mistakes.” 
Feistl sighs loudly running his hands over his face, “Pena why the hell are you going to explain this to her? She’s not going to understand any of this!” 
You have to bite your tongue before you say something you regret. Luckily the looks the other men give him are enough to shut him up. “Because idiot it’s good to get a fresh set of eyes on these things, and she can always see things before I even think them so sit down, shut up, and let her listen. I’m sorry Estrella, can you sit please?” he gestures to the seat across from him. 
You sit down and nod your head. Javier proceeds to go through the entire plan again. Describing the whole thing from beginning to end, it was truly brilliant to use a poultry truck to transport Rodriquez to the airport, no one would be looking for a poultry truck….Except for any of the crooked Cali cops that see him being arrested. 
You interrupt Javier, “What about two trucks?” 
“What do you mean Estrella?” 
You try to prevent the blush that is slowly creeping up your neck from the new nickname, “I mean using the poultry truck is brilliant but why not have two trucks a decoy to mislead them. Someone else can drive the other truck and lead the cops on a wild goose chase while the truck containing Rodriquez goes to the airport.” 
The Colonel grabs a new cigarette before lighting it, “that's’ damn genius, they will see the truck when we arrest Gilberto but they won’t know there are two. We get them to follow the wrong truck and we are in the clear,” he smiles at you, the first smile you had seen on his face. 
Javier is just about beaming at you from across the table and you listen for several more hours as they rework the plan to include your idea. When they finish each man feels like the best plan has been laid forward and they break up the group to go home. Tomorrow would be a big day for them all and they would need to be on the road to Cali by ten AM if they wanted their plan to work. 
You walk everyone to the door, and as they leave one by one they thank you for the use of your apartment until they are all gone except for Javier and Fiestl. “Hey boss, are you leaving soon? I want to have a private talk with our hostess,” Fiestl asks gesturing with his thumb toward you.  
You frantically shake your head no begging Javier not to leave you alone with the DEA agent, “Actually I have some more things to finalize before we leave tomorrow, just ignore me it will be like I’m not even here,” he smirks at you and you are half tempted to walk across the room and slap the smirk off his face. 
Chris turns to you, “So uhm listen, I know that this is all really scary for you, but I want to let you know that we are all going to be ok. And I was kind of wondering when we get back if you’d like to go out and get a drink?” 
You try not to let the cringe show on your face, “Oh uhm Chris, thank you but I don’t really drink and uhm…” you're trying to think of some other excuse when you lock eyes with Javier across the room. Gone is the smirk and instead you see something dark in his eyes, unwavering, and you know what to say, “I’m actually already with someone else, it’s not really a public thing but I’m really serious about him.” 
Chris’s right arm comes up to scratch the back of his head, and he lets out an awkward chuckle. “It’s ok, you don’t have to lie to me. I understand.” 
“I’m not lying. This guy he...he drives me crazy, he’s better than any drug on the market I...I’m already taken, I’m his.” You can feel the burning gaze of the man on the couch and it takes all your strength not to look at him, 
Chris lowers his head nodding before turning towards the door turning at the last moment to say, “he’s a lucky man then, goodnight,” before he leaves shutting the door behind him. 
You don’t turn away from the door scared to death of what you will see behind you. You are so focused on keeping your breathing level you don’t notice Javier has gotten up and is now behind you. You let out a small yelp when he spins you around to face him. “Did you mean it?” His voice is raspy and deep from years of smoking and his cologne is deep and strong in your lungs. 
You're worried your voice will betray you but you need to get this out, “Yes...you do drive me absolutely insane, but we both know what’s been going on here, I’m yours...I’ve always been yours,” you whisper. 
The hands on your waist slide against your lower back pulling you even closer to him. You can smell the smoke, and coffee on his breath and you try to calm down your heartbeat but it’s useless when he looks you in the eyes and says, “mine.” 
You crash together, his mouth is fused to your own and every single one of your senses is screaming Javier. His taste, his touch, his smell it’s all overwhelming and you cry out when you feel him grope your breast through your shirt. His lips move towards your neck and begin nipping as his tongue tracing along the same path to the curve of your ear, “bedroom?” The raspy question breaks you from the haze and you pull him towards the small bedroom. 
The whole way your lips never break from his skin even though you both aren’t the most graceful and when you both land in the bed with a small grunt that’s the last discomfort you felt for the night, from then on it was all pleasure. 
When the sunlight streams through the sheer curtains the next morning, illuminating the bed in the warm glow of the morning. Rough calloused fingers trace patterns over the top of your exposed back and you smile before nuzzling yourself further in the warmth of Javier’s chest. He smells like smoke, leather, and cologne; an intoxicating combination. 
“I have to leave soon,” his voice is raspy and heavy from sleep. 
“I know...but I really wish you didn’t have too,” you tell him, pulling back to look into his eyes, “but when you come back you will be the man who took down Gilberto Rodriguez.”
“This better work,” he sighs, “or else I will probably be sent back stateside, I messed up once already, they aren’t going to let me do it again.” 
“You're going to succeed! Don’t be so defeatist, your amazing at what you do your-” 
“Would you come with me?” he asks so quietly you almost don’t hear him. 
“What?” you whisper. 
He takes a few minutes to collect himself before he asks again, “if I get sent home, would you come with me back to Texas? I...I am not the same person I was when I first came here. Yes, I drink too much, I smoke too much, and I can be a real asshole but I’ve never been shy about what I want. I want you Estrella.” 
You have to remind yourself to breathe before you close your eyes letting out a small sigh, “Yes, yes I would go with you Javi. Remember what I said last night? I’m yours.” 
He pulls you back towards his chest, putting a finger underneath your chin and fusing your lips together he only pulls back once to repeat the same thing he told you the night before, “mine.” 
Day 11: Walking the dog- William Miller 
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