#sorry Scrooge lovers it’s late and I didn’t want to figure that out
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Hi! Here’s my day 10 & 11 of @ducktober2020 !!
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starshinewriter · 4 years
Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: DuckTales (Cartoon 2017) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dewey Duck & Donald Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck & Webby Vanderquack, Della Duck & Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck & Webby Vanderquack, Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck & Scrooge McDuck & Webby Vanderquack, Bentina Beakley & Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck & Webby Vanderquack Characters: Donald Duck, Della Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Bentina Beakley, Huey Duck, Dewey Duck, Louie Duck, Webby Vanderquack Additional Tags: Family Fluff, Parent Donald Duck, Parent Della Duck Summary:
Each of the adults bonding with each of the kids.
Chapter One: Donald
Alternative to ao3:
Sometimes after he had had a particularly hard day Huey would go to his Uncle, Donald knew this- which is why he wasn't surprised when his oldest nephew suddenly showed up at his door. He did wish it wasn't happening so much lately though, it wasn't because he didn't like spending time with his boys or anything, quite the contrary actually, it was just cause he always hated when things were hard for them. But, that's what he was there for.
He let his nephew in with an understanding smile and led him to the couch. "Want anything to eat or drink?" There was more to that than just good hospitality, he knew Huey often forgot to take care of himself on days like these and he wasn't sure if his brothers had been around to remind him.  
"Yes, please." So that was a no then. He went to the kitchen to grab some stuff as he wanted for him to start talking.
"I think I wanna quit the Junior Woodchucks." And that made him stop, Huey loved the junior woodchucks, more than he loved anything else, what could possibly make him want to quit? "No one there likes me. All they do is make fun of me and call me a robot, they take all the fun out of it." That was still happening? What were those scoutmasters doing?
Donald sighed as he handed Huey what he had gotten him and sat down. He knew he didn't want to quit, not really, but he also knew how tough dealing with bullies could be. They really did take the fun out of everything. "Geez, kiddo, I'm sorry that's still happening. If that's what you really want... I'm sure you can find something else that entertains you just as much. And if you ever change your mind all you have to do is let me know." Huey looked at his Uncle, not having expected that answer. He fully thought he would try to convince him to stay and stick it out. Well, okay then; he was quitting. Though thinking that, was he sure that's what he really wanted?
No, it wasn't. "I changed my mind!" Donald smiled at him, proud of him for being able to come to that conclusion so quickly. He knew he would, all he needed was a little push. "I wanna stay, I love being a woodchuck! I just wish they would stop..."
"I know. You can't control other people, and that's unfortunate in times like this but it's the truth. But there are other ways. Della and I, we'll talk to the scoutmasters, again, this is going too far and something needs to be done to those kids so they can see that it's not okay. And if that doesn't get them to stop we'll figure something else out, but, Huey, you're not alone in this. We all have your back, no matter what happens." Huey smiled at his Uncle and hugged him.
"Thanks, Uncle Donald. I can't lie and say I feel completely better but it helps to know that."
"I'm glad." He pushed the plate towards him. "Now eat."
Huey took a drink of water, "Yes, Uncle Donald." Donald rubbed his head and started thinking of ways he and his sister could get through to those scoutmasters. He knew Launchpad was there, and would definitely do something about it but the others... they would harder to convince. But he would do it, his nephew was more than worth it.  
Adventures weren't something Donald went on often, but it was something he was getting better at. He loved being with his family, and after eleven years they were finally whole again. He wasn't gonna miss out on that.
But with adventures came danger and he still wasn't sure if he wanted his kids around that, but he knew he could better protect them if he went with them. So, he had many reasons for going again. Especially when he had kids like Dewey, who ran into things headfirst without a second thought. He was getting better with it to be fair to him, but he still had his moments. Like right now.
Donald didn't blame him, it was the ADHD's fault not his, Dewey couldn't help it and he knew that well. That didn't mean he couldn't be upset about the situation.
After his nephew had run off into a potentially dangerous part of the cave they were currently in Donald had immediately gone after him. He had caught up to him before something bad could happen, thankfully, but it had ended up with them getting lost. And it wasn't like this was the first time Donald had gotten lost, it really wasn't, and it wasn't like he couldn't find his way back to the others, he could, it was just that Dewey had been doing so good lately so he couldn't understand why he backtracked. But they needed to talk about it.
"Dewey," He said to get his attention. "Let's talk."
"Alright. What about?"
Donald gave him a look, "I think you know. Why'd you run off like that? You've been on enough adventures by now to know how dangerous that is. I'm not mad, I just want to know why."
Dewey sighed, why had he done it? He wasn't sure he even knew... But, maybe he did. "I dunno, I guess I just thought it'd impress Mom, silly huh?"
"No, not at all." Donald comfortingly disagreed. Cause the thing was- that made a lot of sense, Dewey adored Della of course he wanted her to have a good impression of him. "But you don't have to, she's your Mom- she already loves you as much as she possibly could. You don't have to prove anything to her, or anyone else. And you certainly don't have to rush into dangerous situations to impress anyone." Donald kissed his forehead. "You're wonderful just the way you are. Now, let's get back to the others."
"How do we Dewey that?"
Donald smiled at him, "I'll show you. And if something like this happens again you'll know what to do."
"Okay, I trust you. You have to have gotten lost a bunch of times by now..."
"Hey!" He mockingly protested as Dewey laughed. Donald playfully shook his head then rubbed Dewey's and the two of them were off, jokingly bickering the whole way.
Cooking was one of Donald's favorite pastimes, and it was also one of Louie's- which led to it being the time they spent the most time together. Louie also tended to open up to him more during that time, something about cooking putting him at a rare ease. Donald wasn't complaining. But this didn't seem to be like one of those times, it was like he was perfectly content, but in a different way. Donald was happy for him, he had grown a lot lately and he seemed much better for it. Not to say he wasn't good enough before, Donald would always think his boys were good enough just for existing, but he was always so... unsure of himself. Like he wasn't certain what his place was, and now he was.
"Careful with the splatter of that, Lou, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." Donald warned.
"I know, Uncle Donald." He replied, but moved back anyway. "What do you think? Does it look good?"
Donald looked down at the pan, "Looks great. Now we can add the carrots." Louie made a face and Donald laughed. "It'll be good, I promise."
"Carrots are almost as bad as hotdogs!"
"Not the way I make them." Donald said in a sing-songy voice; Louie looked intrigued and he started explaining. He was able to get through the whole explanation without something bad happening, which was unusual but he had learned that his bad luck usually took a back seat while he was cooking. Thankfully, who knew what kind of trouble could happen if it didn't?
"Do you think I could try?"
Donald gestured to the pan, "Go ahead!" Louie started to do so as he watched over him, to make sure he did it right and didn't get hurt. Louie smiled to himself when he noticed that, there was a reason why Donald was his favorite adult and why he loved spending time like this with him. There was also one why he tended to treat him better than he did the other adults, the titles he would call them depended on his mood with them, but Uncle Donald was always Uncle Donald.  
"Thanks for this, Uncle Donald, it's been fun."
He smiled at his nephew, "Anytime, kiddo, it's been fun for me too."
After a hard day's work there was nothing Donald liked more than to relax. And what better way to do that than by watching TV? That was why he was currently camped out in the den- until the inevitable interruption that forced him to get up happened. But for now he was content.
Then he heard a gasp from behind him. "Are you watching Tales of the Barge? Can I watch too?!" Webby, that was definitely Webby. No one else could sound so excited by the idea of watching a boat documentary. Even he, lover of boats and all things water-craft, was only watching it cause nothing else was on. But if she wanted to join him he wouldn't stop her.
"If you want." He felt movement next to him a few seconds later. Oh well, to each their own.
It was silent for a few minutes as the two of them watched the documentary and Donald began drifting off. He didn't mean to, but he was really tired. The couch moved next to him again and he forced his eyes open, he was hanging out with his honorary niece, he couldn't fall asleep. He looked at her and saw she was completely engrossed in the show and smiled to himself, she sure was something else. And he loved her so much for it.
"How was your day?" He asked her at the next commercial break.
She shrugged, "Pretty good. I had a few lessons with Granny, the boys and I played some games- I won most of them, but Dewey thinks he did. Lena, Vi, and I are hanging out tomorrow so that'll be fun! I already have so many ideas for what we can do- oo! Maybe the boys will come along too, it's always funner when it's all of us! Although I hope there's not a repeat of last time... So, how was your day, Uncle Donald?"
"Long." He replied and she laughed. "At least the hard part's over now. So you're really interested in this movie huh?"
She nodded enthusiastically, "You know how much I like learning stuff! I can never know too much!"
He did. "Well, if you wanna learn more about boats I'd be happy to teach you." She gasped,
"Really?" He nodded. "I would love that, thank you, Uncle Donald!" She lunged and hugged him, thankfully he was more than used to being tackled by excited kids and wasn't thrown back at all. He was a bit surprised at how excited she was though, none of the boys were even remotely interested in that kind of stuff. But now he did have someone who was, so really this was a win for both of them. And there also was the bonus that he got to spend more time with her, they really didn't get to hang out much. Well, that was changing now. And he was more than looking forward to it.  
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cl-babydew · 5 years
I Can’t Get Too Close
(They are 16 in this)
(This took me two months to write and I’m finally finished, YES!! So I wrote this fic for @debbigail-lover, as a surprise for secret Santa, but I’m soooo late! XD You deserved this, you were working so hard, and plus you had no one, other then others who also surprised ya!!! And you made me something, which you didn’t have to, but you did, thank you so much for that too lol!!! I hope you all like this!!! Warning, it seems long! XD This book is gonna be painful, but with a very cute ending!!! Oh and before we start, I’d like to thank @sophfandoms53 for helping me write this, she was there to help me right away, and calm me down when I was stressing over this fic!!! XD Bless you Soph, thank you so much, I love you both!!!! Also, I rewrote this fic twice! And I hope this came out good, cuz it doesn’t seem in character to me, but maybe that’s just me?! XD enjoy!!!) (WARNING: I suggest having a tissue box, or ice cream, or something to cling on...yea) (Click on ‘read more’ to have the whole fic)
“We need to talk.” Webby closed the door behind her, standing in front of Dewey. He hasn’t been himself lately, she noticed when she invited him to join her in search of an agent artifact, he told her that he didn’t feel in the mood. Whenever has he not been in the mood for an adventure?! At first she didn’t think anything of it....until he began avoiding her outside of adventure.
He stood up, rubbing his arm, “Look, Webby...” he paused, getting caught in her eyes, then blinking to come back from losing himself, “I just-...it’s hard to explain...please just leave me alone.” He turned around, he didn’t mean to sound rude, he just didn’t want to...he couldn’t....lose her.
“Please, talk to me!” She moved her fingers through her hair, frustration clearly showing. “Did I do something wrong? Just tell me, then I’ll leave!” She demanded.
He flinched, “You wouldn’t understand.” He pushed past her, walking out the room.
“Dew-“ He was gone. She slide in the chair by the desk, covering her face, “What went wrong?”
“Ahhh, we finally made it!” The Scottish adventurer breathed in, “Smells like adventure.”
Louie covered his nose, “Smells like old hot dogs to me.” He gagged, stepping over what he hopped was dirt.
“Where are we anyway?” The red triplet spoke up, looking up from his book.
“The Cosmos!”
“The what?” Louie was tuned out by the two squeals coming from one of his brothers and friend.
“The Cosmos!” Webby repeated, with stars in her eyes.
Dewey came to a stop, his eyes starry as well, but lessening, “W-what’s that?” He looked to Scrooge.
“Why, it’s the best place tu go when stargazing.” He paused, pulling out his map, “But it’s also secretly known fer buried treasure behind breathtaking waterfalls. And we are here tu see if that myth is true tu its tale.”
Louie’s eyes sparkled, looking up from his phone, “Did you say, treasure? What are we waiting for?! Let’s go!” He zoomed off with the speed no one realized he had.
Scrooge called after him, “Be careful lad, yeu don’t know where yer going, yeu could hurt yerself!” He picked up his map, chasing after the hooded, clueless, duckling. Huey following close behind.
“Stargazing!” Dewey singed.
“Waterfalls!” The girl chimed.
They grinned, high-fiving, then scurried after the others.
Her cries kept ringing in his head, not allowing him to sleep in peace for at least one night.
He squeezed his eyes, turning to his side, facing the wall, “Please...” He whispered in the base of night.
He sat up, he couldn’t handle much more of this. He got up, grabbing his blue coat, creeping out the room, hoping to not wake his brothers.
“Isn’t it beautiful.” Scrooge whistled, gazing at the waterfall, the sun illuminating a rainbow.
“Are we going to be checking every waterfall?” Huey squinted up, feeling drops of cool mist hit his feathers, it felt nice in this heat.
“Of course not! There’s only one waterfall that was said tu be marked with treasure.” He held out his cane, holding back the blue triplet, who he saw out of the side of his peripheral vision. “Jumping in the water isn’t very safe or smart, especially not in this water.”
Dewey’s shoulders slumped, Webby put a comforting hand on his shoulder, “Sorry Dewey, but Uncle Scrooge’s right.” She smiled brightly, which slowly earned a tiny smile from Dewey, causing familiar butterflies to form in the pit of his stomach. He just ignored the feeling like he always did.
“Fine.” He groaned.
“Are you guys coming, or what?!”
Scrooge scolded, “Louie! What did I say!” He began stomping over to Louie who was a good bit a head.
Knock, knock!
“Dewey?” The sailors eyes widened, looking through his opened door, “It’s the middle of the night, what’s wrong?” He rubbed his eyes.
“Sorry for waking you.” Dewey walked in, sitting at the table booth.
Donald smiled, yawing, shutting the door behind him, “I’m fine.” He turned to Dewey, frowning, “But, what’s bothering you?”
He didn’t answer. His stomach twisted into knots, the feeling of holding himself back. Emotions whirling inside him, screaming to burst out any moment.
“Bad dream?” Donald assumed.
Dewey cracked a tiny smile, “I wish, but no.”
“Oh...did...did something happen that I don’t know about?”
Dewey’s face scrunched up, shrugging, “I guess you could say that.”
“Does...does it have to do with your mom?” Donald crossed his fingers under the table, hoping this wasn’t the case.
He shook his head, fiddling with his fingers, “Not this time.” Though his mom was another issue, it wasn’t the main problem of his actions lately.
Donald looked around the room, his eyes stopping upon a picture. He got up, Dewey’s eyes followed, “A girl perhaps?...” He trailed off, he turned back to Dewey, his face revealing most of the truth. He walked back to the table, sitting down, revealing the picture, “Someone like...this girl.”
Dewey turned away from the photo, his cheeks were slightly hinted red.
Donald smirked, “Bingo”
He rested his chin in the palm of his hand, his eyes more alert now, “Is that all?”
Dewey turned his head slightly, “You pretty much got it...”
Donald’s smile melted into a sad one, “Did something happen between you two?”
“Not in the way I’d-you’d think.” He rubbed his face.
Donald frowned, “Continue, please.” He relaxed his shoulders, watching as Dewey breathed in, looking out the illuminated moon light window.
“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” Huey backed away from one of the waterfall’s edges, shivering from the steep drop.
“Of course not!” Scrooge called back, gripping his cane to steady himself.
“What?! That’s it! We’re lost! I didn’t even get to live to see the day where I earned all my badges!” Huey’s eye twitched just a bit, anxiety coloring his face.
“We aren’t lost!” Scrooge sighed, “It’s called instinct, lad. I let me instinct guide me, it’s how I became such a good adventurer.” Scrooge grinned, keeping a close eye on Louie.
“Instinct?! Yea, we’re going to die!” Huey muttered, stepping over rocks, clutching his beloved book to his chest.
“Think positive!” Scrooge chimed, stretching his arms out to the world, still gripping onto his cane.
“I’m positive we’re going to die!”
Scrooge muttered something under his breath, something about needing a vacation.
He looked over his shoulder, spotting Dewey and Webby lagging behind, “Try tu keep up yeu two! I don’t want tu be scolded by yer Uncle and Grandmother fer not keeping track of yeu two.” He called over his shoulder.
They turned from the mesmerizing waterfall, as if they were in a trance.
“Coming!” They harmonized, speeding up a bit.
Scrooge held his hand out, and tugged at Louie’s hoodie. The others almost collided into each other.
They watched with raised eyebrows, as their great Uncle gazed across the view, licking his finger, then pointing it up in the air.
“This is it.” He squinted up at the double waterfall, avoiding the rapid stream connecting into another.
“Really? Are you sure?” Huey spoke unsteadily over the cheers.
“Surer then I’ll ever be.” Scrooge chuckled, pointing his cane up.
Huey blinked, soaking in their surroundings. It was a pretty view, and even though he hated to admit it, he needed to put a little more trust in his great Uncle...for now at least.
“I can already smell the treasure!” Louie chuckled, rubbing his hands together, smirking bigger then ever.
Scrooge smiled fondly, breathing in, he’s glad he has someone to share money senses with, “Atta lad!” He patted Louie’s shoulder, “Now let’s go, but be carful as we do so.”
Louie nodded, following as Scrooge led.
Dewey pulled Webby back, tugging her arm, she frowned, “What?”
Dewey shouted over to Scrooge, “We’ll catch up!”
His faint voice vibrated over to them, “Be carful! I don’t want tu be caught dead by yer Uncle an Grandmother if something were tu happen tu ya both. Webby, keep a close eye on the lad, will ya?” Even tho he couldn’t see, Webby nodded. Webby had his most trust out of the others.
Dewey rolled his eyes, his hands still wrapped around Webby’s arm.
Webby turned to him, glancing at her arm which was still gently in his grip, “Why are we catching up later?”
Dewey shrugged, “Let them find their treasure, while their digging for gold, we’ll be going on our own adventure! Are you up for it?”
“Of course!!!” She grinned widely, to which he returned.
She looked around, letting her arm slip from his grasp, “We just have to stay close so we won’t get lost, so, where to first?” She looked back to him, her eyes shimmering with excitement.
Dewey hummed, “I haven’t figured it out yet, but let’s see where the wind takes us!” She nodded in reply.
“Let me get this straight, Scrooge Let you two, wander off?! ALONE?!” Donald eyed an uncomfortable Dewey.
“Yessss?” Dewey sqeaked, tensing up.
Donald breathed, closing his eyes.
Dewey look around, the air becoming thick, “...U-Uncle Donald?”
After a few moments of deep breathing, he shifted to Dewey, “Please continue, I’ll let Scrooge have his last few moments of breathing before I kill him.” he rubbed at his forehead.
Dewey shuffled in his seat, chuckling awkwardly, “You’re joking right?”
Donald gave him a look, causing Dewey to shiver, turning back to the story at hand.
“So me and Webby went off...”So me and Webby went off...”
The two ducklings were running around, feeling the breeze against their feathers. Butterflies flew around them, one landing on Webby’s beak, trying to hold back laughter so she wouldn’t scare it off. She whispered to catch Dewey’s attention.
“Dewey! Look!” He snapped around at her call.
He chuckled, stepping a bit closer to inspect the butterfly, only to be really caught by her eyes. Webby’s eyes traveled to Dewey’s, her breath getting caught in her throat. None of them noticed the butterfly leaving, they were too lost within each other to notice the things around them.
Her eyes were such a sparkly color, he couldn’t look away. It struck curiosity within him, it made him want to move closer, to go swim deeper in her eyes. He wanted to know more, he needed to know more. He just had to. 
For her, it was basically a roller coaster of emotions. These emotions confused her to no end, why is this happening? Why does this...this feeling cause her cheeks to feel warm, was it getting hotter? It had to be the heat...right? His eyes...they were too much, but not enough at the same time. She wanted to reach out and touch them, they seemed like stars that she wanted to catch and explore.
Sadly though, a rumbling quake snapped the both of them out of their trances. They held onto each other’s arms, trying to steady each other.
Webby looked behind her, she was really close to the edge, and below were rocks and a huge drop with water rushing around vigorously. If she fell...she was for sure doomed. This thought caused her to grip onto Dewey tighter, her nails deepening, which he ignored, more worried about their surroundings.
Dewey tried to walk back slowly, but because of how much the ground was shaking, it was too much of a risk. Which normally he’d take, but he didn’t wanna risk losing his best friend. It wasn’t worth it. But if he didn’t move-
The ground behind Webby started to crumble under, inching away, closing in to swallow her.
This had to happen of all days, and adventures! He cursed under his breath, his his tightening around her arms as well.
He caught a glimpse of Webby’s fear, her eyes, looking through his as if it would apply her an answer.
“W-why is this happening?!” Webby screeched over the sound of the world crumbling around them.
Her foot slipped off the edge, quickly planting it back, “Dewey, we have to move!” She screamed as another foot slipped, she inched closer too Dewey, he wrapped his arms around her.
“If we move then it’ll make this situation worse!” Dewey shouted. He was scared, for him and her, what are they going to do?! How could he save her?!
“Dewey!” Webby screamed once more, she slipped out of his arms, and down to his hands. “Help!” She cried, tears falling like the waterfall near them.
His heart raced, he gripped her hands, but as he tried to pull her with the strength he had, another rumble shook the ground, causing his best friend to slip through his fingers.
...All he could do was watch as she pummeled to the rocks, and rough waters in slow motion. He failed! He-he couldn’t protect her. He was useless...he felt vulnerable. Why can’t he look away! Why isn’t he jumping after her?! Why was his body frozen and forcing him to watch this happen to his best friend! To the one he loved! He loved her! He needed her! He needed her eyes in his life! “Jump!” He tried to scream to his body, but nothing. He deserved this, he deserved to live with this, showing his failure. This’ll play over and over as a way to punish him for failing. He deserved all of this...she deserved none of it.
He saw her hit a huge rock. Everything went numb, he heard faint shouts from behind him, he felt his cheeks burn and tingle and soak with tears, He felt his clothes becoming soaked from ether sweat or rain. He didn’t move, his eyes rested upon Webby’s lifeless looking body on a rock down below. His body was paralyzed. He couldn’t move.  His beak apart.
He snapped back into reality, it seemed he was in a hospital. He saw a body lay in the bed in front of him. He got up, hand resting on the rail, the blue clad swallowed hard, memory hitting him like a tilde wave.
Before he knew it, he was in tears, hunching over, hiccuping, catching his sleeping brothers attention. He could faintly hear his great Uncle and Beakley arguing outside the room.
His brothers came to his side, wrapping their arms around him, as he shook them off, “Don’t touch me!” His voice raised a bit, quivering as his tears continued to fall. His brothers flinched back, eyes red.
“I failed, Huey! I was supposed to protect her! This is all my fault! She’s...” He trailed off, seeing the needles in her hands, and the braces around her arm and neck. He broke once more, “It’s my fault! I...she might be gone because of me!” He sobbed, sinking into the chair behind them, covering his face.
“It should of been me...” he mourned silently.
“...All of it was my fault. And I made a vow that I’d try to stay far away as possible from her, because I didn’t want to hurt her, I caused so much damage already. And I realized that everything terrible that happened, the issue about mom, Webby, the family splitting, mom ending up on the moon-everything! Was my fault. So I distant myself from Webby and adventures as much as I could...I know Webby isn’t happy about me ignoring her...but it’s for the best.” Dewey sighed, feeling guilty, drawing loops on the table with his finger. 
Donald blinked, processing everything. He was shocked to say the least. His nephew, the one he was supposed to project, care for, remind that he was something special, him and his brother, was in so much pain,“Wow...”
Dewey rested his eyes, the image of her lifeless body in the hospital bed, haunting him.
“Yea...” he whispered.
Donald looked over to him, frowning, “Dewey...”
He hummed, signaling that he was listening, or at least half listening.
Donald’s eyes were shooting everywhere around the room, his mouth trying to form words. His nephew has been through so much, he really thought everything was was because of him?! Oh how he took after the Uncle. “Heh, ‘Father like son’, more like ‘Uncle like nephew.” he chuckled sadly at the thought.
Clearing his throat, Donald positioned himself to face Dewey better, “You remind me of...well, me! When I was younger anyway...”
Dewey’s eyes fluttered open, sitting up enough to look up at his Unlce, “Really?”
He nodded, “Really.” He smiled sadly.
The sailor rubbed his hand through Dewey’s hair, messing it up a bit. Dewey fixed it out of habit, with a slight annoyed look.
“How?” Dewey mumbled, glancing at his reflection across the room through one of the mirrors hung against the walls. He winced at the sight of the bags under his eye, he really needed sleep.
“Well, I used to blame everything on others like your great Uncle Scrooge for instants, but I knew deep down that most things were my fault...” Donald trailed off, smiling fondly at Dewey’s yawn.
“Did you ever distance yourself from anyone?” 
Donald didn’t wait a beat to answer that question, “Your mom, but of course she wouldn’t let me get away that easily. Especially when Daisy would confront her about everything I told her.” He laughed, “Those two were like two peas in a pod, they told each other everything. Though, your mother was a bit annoyed that I was confronting Daisy and not her about it...” 
They stood silent, staring into the night sky of the window. A sound of one of Donald’s generators kicking on.
Dewey muffled into the table, rubbing his arm with his thumb, “What do I do, Uncle Donald?”
His Uncle turned to him, “For starters, let’s get something clear” holding up a finger,  “not everything is your fault. None of that was your fault, Dewey...you can’t control what happens...it just happens, weather if you want it to, or not. Something that took, even myself, a while to understand.”
Dewey looked down at the table, arms still around his head, thinking back to when he went see his mom in the past, but learning that he couldn’t save her. It hurt to know the truth.
“But...” Donald sighed, looking down at Dewey, smiling softly.
The blue triplet slightly looked up at him, peeking from behind his arms, “But?”
“You may not be able to change what happened in the past, but you can change the future by making the present right.”
“Uncle Donald?” 
“Tomorrow, talk to Webby, tell her how you feel. Spill your heart out to her...because you may not get another chance if something were to happen.”
Dewey’s beak was slightly apart, his heart beating against his chest. He watched his Uncle, who’s eyes were now looking out the window.
Donald looked back at Dewey, “I promise you, she’ll understand...more than you think.” He smiled yawning.
It went quiet, the blue Duckling was trying to process his Uncle's words. Confess?! Spill his heart out to her?? Tell her  how he feels?! But...how could he....?
Donald rested his hand on Dewey’s shoulder, “Trust me.”
Dewey swallowed, nodding once, and smiling a bit, “Thank you, Uncle Donald.”
The sailor pulled his nephew into a hug, rubbing his back, “Anytime, Dewey...anytime...”
He led Dewey to the door, “Now off to bed with you. You have some day tomorrow.”
The blue clad’s face was flushed, “Yeah.” He chuckled nervously, butterflies already swarming within him, “Goodnight Uncle Donald.”
“Goodnight Dewey.” Donald smiled, waving the sleepy Duckling off, watching as he got in the house safely. Donald’s shoulders relaxed, not noticing that they were tense earlier. He closed the door behind him, whispering, “Good luck.”
The next morning Dewey stopped in front of his best friends room. His hands shaking, he rubbed his sweaty palms on his shirt.
“Ok Dewey, you can dew this...” he muttered under his breath.
The house was too quiet to what he’s used to, he could hear himself think, which wasn’t a good thing in this moment.
Closing his eyes, and breathing in, he balled his fist and tapped the door once barley audible.
“Whelp, looks like no ones home!” He turned on his heels, only to run into his older brother, glaring down at him.
“Hey Huey...what-what’s up?” He chuckled nervously.
Huey raised an eyebrow, smirking, “Uncle Donald wanted me to make sure you didn’t chicken out.”
Dewey laughed, “Pffff, me? The Dewey Duck, chickening out?! Yeah right!” He puffed out his chest, grinning. “Thanks Uncle Donald.” 
Huey wasn’t convinced, “Fine then, Dewey, how about you actually knock this time.” He smirked, hearing his brother growl something under his breath.
Dewey turned around, stomach twisting into knots. “Here I go...” his hand inched closer to the frame, “I’m going to knock...” heart pounding, he was afraid Webby might be able to hear before he could even knock, his hand flew to his side, spinning around, “I can’t do it!” He groaned.
Huey chuckled, ‘I knew it.” He shook his head.
“I’m sorry, it’s not like this is easy! It’s harder then it looks.” Dewey sassed.
Huey rolled his eyes, smiling, “Oh you got it bad for her, don’t you.”
Dewey folded his arms, biting his bottom beak, a faint blush spread to the side of his cheeks.
The eldest sighed, resting a hand on Dewey’s shoulder, catching his attention, “I suggest you do it now, or Louie will for you.” Huey warned.
Dewey’s eyes widened, “NO!” He covered his beak, looking over his shoulder to the door, then turning back to Huey in a whisper, “No! He can’t! He’ll make this worse, he might even blackmail me if he found out about my feelings for Webby!”
“Who says he doesn’t know?” Huey smirked.
Covering his face, Dewey groaned, “Am I that obvious?”
“Yep.” A familiar voice popped up from behind them, causing Dewey to jump.
“How did you-”
“A magician never reveals his secrets-”
“I texted him.” Huey blinked, frowning.
Louie mumbled, “Sure, take the fun out of it.” He shoved his hand into his pockets.
Huey rolled his eyes.”You betrayed me!” Dewey held a hand on his chest dramatically.
“Oh grow up!” Huey snapped, rolling his eyes.
“Don’t tell me to grow up! You’re still a Jonior Woodchuck. 16, and you still can’t get into the Senior Woodchucks!” Dewey whisper shouted.
Huey gasped, gritting his teeth, “You. Take. That. Back!”
“Then you take what you said back!”
Louie looked between his brothers, clutching his phone, “You guys are acting like children.”
“No one asked you Louie!” They spat.
“Oh you just poked a bear!” He pounced on his blue brother, Huey being dragged down by Dewey.
Humming to herself, the duckling with a pink bow wrapped a string around a photo, pin pointing certain pictures of the McDuck, and Duck family.
“Ow! You’re gonna pay for that!”
She overheard, what she assumed to be Louie, quack.
Some days she was fine with hanging out with the boys, going on adventures with them, and even learning new things about them...
She grasped the handle, opening the door.
...Other days, well...
“Guys?” She spoke over the shouting, seeing them freeze. Dewey was holding Louie’s arm behind his back while he was trying to look up at her, one eye and cheek squished on the ground. Huey on the other hand, was in the middle of pulling the blue siblings hair, messing up his perfect zoosh, as he called it. “What is going on?”
The boys hummed in course, trying to think of an excuse, scattering off of the ground and untangling from each other. They glared, before allowing their full attention on her.
“Well...” she gripped the handle, tensing at the sound of her voice, 16, and she was already starting to sound like her granny.
Louie pushed Dewey in front of them, changing the subject, “Dewey needed to talk to you!”
“Very mature, Louie.” Dewey muttered.
She squinted at the other two, them caught Dewey glaring at them. He glanced back at her, to which her eyes softened. He shuffled awkwardly under her gaze.
Webby sighed, stepping to the side, “Oh...um...” she trailed off, shuffling uncomfortably.
He hesitated, catching her smile that seemed fake, even for her. He began to slowly walk in.
Once he had his back to her, she leaned out the door to whisper to the others, “And don’t even think about east dropping!”
They gave her an innocent look, she continued to eye them as she slowly closed the door behind her.
After a bit of silence and staring at the frame of the door, Huey glanced over to Louie’s direction, “So...we are totally spying, right?”
Louie grinned, “You know it!”
They crept up to the door, listening in.
Closing the door behind her, Webby stayed facing the frame, her head swarmed like a hive of bees.
“I see you’re adding more to the bored.” He chuckled, trying to lighten the thick air. He leaned near a picture of him and his brothers when they first met her, “Heh, it’s crazy to think that was 3 or 4 years ago, it feels like it was just yesterday.” The glimmer in his eyes faded as he frowned, peeling his eyes from the photo, he turned his head to face her. She was still facing the door, her body frozen like a statue.
He stepped a bit away from the board, “So about last night, I-”
“Do you have a problem with me?” Her voice was just a soft whisper.
He questioned, “What?”
“Did I do something wrong?” She twisted around, he could tell she was holding back. He hated seeing her like this.
“Webby-...you...no...” dang it! “Words, this is not the time to stop working!” He scanned the room like it would give him something to say, anything at all! His face was scrunched up.
“Then why are you like...this?!” She motioned to him, frustration coloring her face. “You haven’t been yourself lately, and you’ve been avoiding me!” A tear slipped down her rosy cheek. She made no motion to wipe it away.
His heart pounded against his chest, fighting back his own tears, he avoided her eyes, “I...I just wanted to protect you...”
“Protect me?! From what?!” Her arms flew around
He didn’t answer, holding his arms, looking at his webbed feet. How could he explain to her that it was him, he was protecting her from. It was him, that messed up so many times, that it was his fault she got hurt and could’ve- that it was him who caused everything bad to happen, that he was the issue, that...that...THAT...he loves her...it was all him...
“I know you, Dewey, and this isn’t you!” She snapped, looking him up and down.
His head jerked up, she was looking at him like she didn’t know him...didn’t recognize him...he was still him...right?? He was still Dewey Duck! The bravest adventurer around, after Scrooge of course...he was still...Dewey...
“Why are you acting like this?!” She whispered.
Something in him suddenly broke, “Because it’s me! This is the real me, weather you like it or not! That’s fine, because I don’t even like the real me! But this is me. I’m sick of hiding behind a mask! I’m sorry if you don’t like what’s behind the mask. If you don’t, why don’t you just try and erase me from your memory.” His heart stopped, and from the looks of her gaping beak, hers did too. Oh gosh, why did he just say that?! Why did he have to snap at her!? Why did he say THAT?! Why was he even here?!
He saw her beak tremble a bit, tears forming in her eyes, “Webby...I...I didn’t mean-”
“What about me?” She shouted, her tears were falling like waterfalls, but yet, she still looked beautiful, “What? You think you’re the only one suffering? Dewey, you are the only person I can ever be this vulnerable with! How can I trust you...if I don’t even know who you are anymore?! How...how can you trust me?! Can we even trust ourselves?!”
“You are not my Dewey!” She spit out, her voice cracking. Her hands turned into fist, knuckles turning white. 
They stood in silence, all he could do was watch as the one he loved fell to her knees, her hair a mess, sticking to her stained cheeks. He did that to her...
He came to her side, slowly falling down to his knees near her. He gently put a hand on her shoulder, a bit hesitant at first.
“I’m...I’m so sorry...this is exactly why I distanced  myself...and all you wanted to do was talk...” his voice cracked, but he didn’t care, all he cared about right now was the girl hunched over her knees, sobbing.
She moved her hands from her eyes, looking to him, “I’m just worried about you...I don’t want to lose another-” she hiccuped, he pulled her into a hug. “I can’t just forget you...and I don’t want to forget you.”
“You may not be able to change what happened in the past, but you can change the future by making the present right...” his Uncle's voice rung through his head.
“Shhh...” he smoothed her hair.
“Dewey...” Webby sniffled, pushing back to look at him, “This is hard for me too...you’re not the only one hiding behind a mask...It’s so hard to be yourself when you are afraid others will judge you, and-and you feel the real you isn’t enough...”
He sucked in a breath, “Webby...”
She looked him in the eyes, both of them could see how broken they were, they were complete messes.
How could she not love who she was?! She was Webby Vanderquack! She was beautiful, talent, shined brighter then the stars!!! He loved everything about her! But apparently...she didn’t?
The girl in his arms took in a shaky breath, eyes slipping from his. He didn’t want her to stop looking at him...
“Webby...you are incredible! You’re a granddaughter of a secret agent! You’re so cool! You light everyone’s world up! How could we not love you?! Yes you may have flaws...everyone does...” he rubbed the back of his beck sheepishly, “You light up my world Webby...you’re my best friend! You’re super talented! No one can do what you do! There’s only one you, and I’m glad I met you. I’m glad I have you in my life, we all are, we love you, for who you are! You’re spunky, courageous, brave, goofy, smart, a warrior with a big heart, dare I say...beautiful...we love you so much. You’re just so remarkable, I don’t know what any of us would do without you. And...even though we aren’t enough for others...we are enough for each other.” He pulled her into another hug, hearing her gasp into sobs once more, she clanged onto his shirt, burying her head into his neck.
He didn’t mind her messing up his shirt, she needed this, and so did he. They gripped onto each other for a while.
Once her hiccups settled, he let her climb up to her bed, sitting on it, while he sat on the side of her.
“You don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to...you can go...” she rubbed her eyes, they were puffy and red.
He wrapped his arm around her, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder, “I’d rather be here. Plus, I owe you the truth after these past few months.”
He let his arm fall, putting his hands on his knees, shifting a bit on her bed, slightly facing her. He breathed in, then out, eyes closing and reopening,  “The truth is, I was protecting you from myself...” he glanced up at her, then back to his hands.
“Why?” Webby sniffed, still recovering from earlier, she played with a strand of her hair. Something she did to calm herself, or when she was nervous.
“I didn’t want to hurt you anymore then I already did...I already caused so much, and seeing you in that hospital bed...I realized so much, Webby. So I had to...I promised myself that I would protect you from...well...me.” He laid back on the bed, covering his eyes, he cried so much, he didn’t think he had any tears left in him to shed.
His hands uncovered, realizing Webby was studying him, her smile was soft, and her eyes were glossy, “Dewey, it wasn’t your fault...yes you may cause some problems-”
“Hey!” He nudged her shoulder, earning a giggle that escaped her beak.
Webby continued, “As I was saying...not everything is because of you...and you don’t have to protect me, I can protect myself. Especially against you.” A smiled played on her beak. “But it’s sweet of you to want to protect  me...but I’m okay now, and I’m here. Oh and plus, I got this cool scar!” She showed him her arm, which had a medium sized scar across it. He chuckled, resting his head on top of his arms.
“...because you may not get another chance if something were to happen.”
His cheeks warmed up a bit, he watched as she collapsed near him, sighing.
“We are such messes.” Dewey chuckled.
“No one’s perfect.” His head turned to her, she turned to him, their eyes locked, her hair sprawled around her. He gave her a soft smile.
They fell into each other’s eyes...the world disappearing round them...they missed this. Her eyes twinkled, stars shinning within her eyes, breathtaking. He noticed her pink hinted cheeks, the way her bow complimented her features. His hand reached up to move a tiny lock of hair from her face that wasn’t resting on the bed, too caught up in the moment to comprehend what he was doing. Her hand followed up to his, gently grabbing onto his. His thumb rubbed over the back of her hand.
They ignored the fast beats of their hearts, the butterflies fluttering in their stomachs, the only thing on their minds were each other. Dewey hadn’t realized how close they were until his eyes snapped to her beak, then back at her eyes. He could feel her breath on his face, and he bet she could feel his. He’d count all the times she’d blink. She bit her beak, causing him to want an kiss her.
They slowly came closer to each other, Dewey’s hand rested on her cheek, while her hand rested on top of his. Their beaks were inches apart, eyes slightly open.
Before they knew it, their beaks were connected. The kiss is soft and gentle, but sends a wave of fireworks through them both. Once Dewey pulls away, Webby felt lightheaded.
“What was that for?” She felt her warm cheeks, her voice was out of breath.
He breathed, “Because...I love you, Webs...” he heard a light gasp, “I have for a while now-”
She cut him off, her beak back on his, surprising him. they broke apart, catching their breaths.
“I’m crazy about you!” He confessed, chuckling.
She giggled, “I love you too, Dewey!”
He kissed her nose, wanting to hear her giggle. Her laughs were his weakness. He always melted when he heard her giggle.”Webby...”
She sat up, looking down at him. He sat up, grabbing her hands, “Dewey?”
He smiled sweetly at her nervous expression, “Every time I see you, I fall in love with you all over again.”
She pecked his cheek, smiling, “I would’t mind falling for you over and over.”
Once they opened the door to Webby’s room, they were ready for what was to come.
“Ow!” Dewey’s brothers fell in the floor, looking up at the couple.
“Hehehehe...hi.” Huey chuckled nervously, getting him and Louie off the ground.
Dewey rolled his eyes, grinning, “Just wait when it’s your turns.”
Louie smirked, “Un til then, when’s the wedding? He teased.
Webby and Dewey looked at each other, pushing past the other two.
the green clad shrugged, “Guess you owe me 10 bucks”
Huey grumbled, handing Louie what he owed.
Dewey and Webby ran past Donald, hand in hand, to which he smiled, his nephew was finally happy again.
“That’s my boy.” Donald smiled, “I wonder what Daisy’s been up to?”
So I hope you all loved it, even tho it’s iffy! This took me so long to do!
Tagging: @ifs15, @lemonduck2, @ducktales-fangirl, @spiritarcticclawsw, @creativeshippersworldsblog, @webby-dings-reblogs, @raheyyy, @artproductionsofficial, @dannymg777, @crimsoncobaltblue, @haystarlight
158 notes · View notes
mellicose · 7 years
Learning Love
A David Tennant Holiday Fic Request Winner
Fandom: David Tennant, Campbell Bain, Takin’ Over the Asylum
Word count: 5260
Warnings: none
Summary: Campbell and Sandra have now been seeing each other for 6 weeks. As what started as a tryst quietly turns into something more, circumstances push them into confessing how they really feel.
The phone didn’t ring even once in her ear before he answered.
She chuckled at his nickname for her. “You’re quick on the draw today.”
“I wanted to hear your voice.”
“I’m about to take a long bath. Would you like to hear me then?”
Long bath was code for water masturbation.
He exhaled. “I’m at work, sugar. I don’t think I could handle it.”
“That’s too bad.”
He put the phone against his chest and bit his lip. “I’m so sorry we can’t do anything special tonight. I mean, really, truly sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it. You’re doing what you have to do get ahead. If it means anything, I’m proud of you. Anyway, I’m not the rose petals and cheap chardonnay type.”
“What is it with you and holidays? You refuse to embrace the magic. Scrooge.”
She growled. “Bah humbug! Cupid can eat it.”
“Call me cupid,” he said.
“Don’t make it harder, Cam.”
“Too late.” He chuckled in her ear. She held her cell in front of her and screamed silently. He was so fucking everything.
“Enough double entendre for today. I guess I’ll see you…”
“Tomorrow morning? I don’t want to wait ‘till dinner. Breakfast foods are the best foods anyway.”
“True. Until tomorrow then. I lo-” She froze.
“You what?” His voice had lost all mirth.
She was sweating. “I look forward to it,” she said.
“Alright. Bye.” He hung up.
She slid to the floor and rolled around, hugging herself. She’d almost said it. Fuck.
With the way the relationship had started, she had promised herself that she would keep it casual. They had never discussed it explicitly in the last month, and why not? They spent nearly every free moment together. 
For her, though, it was becoming for more than spectacular, earth axis-shifting sex. She was beginning to…
She didn’t even want to think it. Why set herself up for a fall?
“We’re having fun. And we’re gonna have fun tonight,” she said, getting up and taking a deep breath. “Good fun.” She smiled.
7:00 PM
“Tonight is the night. The most romantic night of year, when you can show that special someone all the ways you care...
The Flamingos sha bop sha bopped in the background.
“And I’m here to help you share. I’ll be here ‘till midnight taking sexy song requests. Let your lover know just how well they do the voodoo that they do…”
He rattled off the telephone number and looked over the console at the producer. He picked through a heart shaped box of chocolates Cam had brought him. He shook his head. That giant, bearded ginger was who he would be spending the first Valentine’s Day that he actually had someone to celebrate with.
He looked at the inside of his wrist, where Sandra had put a temporary tattoo of a heart with an arrow through it as a gag. He rubbed his thumb on it.
She was amazing. Clever, talented, beautiful, and she actually laughed at his jokes. Consistently. Most importantly, his energy didn’t put her off. In fact, it seemed to bask in it, an odd thing, since she was so calm. He tended to get on calm people’s nerves.
His t-shirt smelled like her, since she’d worn it the last time she stayed over at his flat. Perfume, and her, very faint. The musk that made his muscles tighten to attention.
The producer’s console began to blink with incoming calls.
Time to get to work.
10:52 PM
It was beginning to drag. He felt like he could take off from his chair into the stratosphere with unspent energy.
“-Um, yah, there’s this bird, Kim. I mean, super fit, who loves your show so I know she’ll be listenin’.”
“Thanks for listening, Kim! And what would you like to say to her?”
“Nuffin’ much. Just that I’m here if she ever needs a real man to take her there. Can you play Color Me Badd, I Wanna Sex You Up?”
He rolled his eyes. “Kim, I hope you heard that, and that you hear this…”
He got up and stretched, then walked to the producer’s booth.
“What a twat,” the producer said. He was working on a strawberry cream chocolate.
“You said it so I don’t have to,” Cam said. “I thought this would be fun, but I’m about to explode.”
The producer eyed him. “Then explode in another direction, mate,” he said. His console blinked.
Campbell walked back to his console and looked out the window. Out there, people were having fun. Drinking wine. Dancing. Doing all the sappy shit he wanted to do. Although Sandra made such a big deal about not needing that kind of thing, maybe he could change her mind-
The producer put the next call through.
“Who’s on your mind tonight?”
“I’m sad because I can’t be with my valentine.” Sandra! He smiled so hard he wondered if she could hear it.
“And why on earth wouldn’t he be there with you?”
“My man works long and hard to get where he wants to be. How could I fault him for that?” Why did it sound dirty? Maybe it was because it was her. And he wanted her.
“He sounds like a very lucky man.” There was silence on the line.
“Can you play Suzanne Vega’s Caramel for me, please?”
“Caramel,” he repeated dumbly. The producer rolled his eyes. “Of course, after a short commercial break.”
He ran to the booth again, but the producer shrugged his shoulders.
“She hung up.”
“Fuck. I have to drain the lizard. I’ll be back,” Cam said, and ran into the hallway.
Someone knocked on the booth glass almost immediately after.
“That was quick-” when he turned, it was a beautiful young woman in a short trench coat.
“Who are you?”
She came inside and immediately started to separate the pages of an old tabloid paper. She slammed a roll of tape in front of him. “I’m Cam’s girl. Start taping.” She put the first colored rectangle against the glass. He looked at her high heels, her loose, tousled hair and duochrome mauve lipgloss and took over without a word.
At least one of them was getting laid tonight.
He ran into the broadcast room and into his seat just in time.
“That was Suzanne Vega’s Caramel. Something sweet for the man who works hard for the money.” He tugged on his shirt and smirked.
He looked toward the producer’s booth and it was covered in shitty tabloid.
“What the hell-”
“Cam,” a familiar voice said from a dark corner of the room. She stood and walked into the desk lamp light. It was Sandra, looking good enough to eat. “Surprise,” she said in a whisper. “Now get to work.” She nudged the microphone near his mouth. She walked around and sat on the edge of the desk. She wore a trench coat, and her legs were deliciously bare as far up as he could see.
She pointed the the blinking buttons. “I want to watch you,” she said. Again, her tone made him twitch.
He pressed the button, but his eyes didn’t leave her form. “We’re coming up against the last hour. What’s on your mind tonight, lover?”
She laughed quietly.
“Um, hello?”
“Hello. I’m all ears. Talk to me,” Cam said. She walked behind him and tickled his neck just below his giant earphones. He bit back a giggle.
“Okay. Right. Um, I’ve...I really like...a woman. Who I work with.”
She leaned into him. Her hair tickled his arm. She made a face. Awkward.
“Office romance. Nice. And what’s her name?”
“She’s beautiful. Oh, her name’s Preethi.”
Sandra started to untie her sash slowly. It was agonizing.
“And would you like to say anything special to Preethi tonight?”
“Oh. Yeah. Just that…”
Her trench coat fell open. She wore a purple minidress that would make a stripper blush. His lip wobbled.
“...she’s smart and lovely and I would very much like to take her out sometime.”
“Do you have a song you’d like me to play?”
“You can pick it. Thank you,” the man said and hung up.
She lifted an earphone so she could whisper in his ear. “So awkward, bless him. Play Bryan Adams’ Everything I Do. It fits.”
“Whatever the lady wants,” he said, and cued it up. “What are you doing here?”
She gently bit his earlobe. “I couldn’t stay away. And I figured you might not want to be alone tonight. So I’m here to keep you company.”
“And Teddy?” He spoke of the producer.
She walked around and sat on the desk again. She kicked off her shoe and put her bare foot in his lap. It traveled slowly up his thigh. “He and I have an agreement.” She leaned forward. Her breasts nearly spilled out of the dress. He stirred underneath her kneading foot. “If he says he didn’t see anything, he didn’t see anything.”
“And what would he not be seeing?” She put her other foot on the armrest of his chair and spread her legs. Pearl colored mesh was being swallowed by her swollen cunt lips.
“Fuck.” He put his hand on her calf, pulled himself closer. She pulled gently at her underwear, giving him a quick glimpse, then slid that finger into his mouth. “Shit,” he said, licking his lips.
“Song’s ending,” she said. He turned reluctantly to the microphone. Her foot moved underneath his t-shirt and poked his belly. He bucked and giggled. “Ooh. Ticklish.”
“Ooh. Ladies and gentlemen, all of a sudden I’m feeling inspired-” She pinched his nipple between her toes. “Who’s in love tonight?”
Go slow he mouthed.
She fell to her knees and went underneath the desk.
He took the next call. “Are you in love tonight?”
Sandra tickled his knees. He had to stifle a giggle. He gently slapped her hands.
“Yeah. Like, um, completely. With my best friend.” the caller sounded young.
She has a doll voice, Sandra mouthed at him as she tickled his sides underneath his shirt.
“Sometimes friendships can be a jumping off point for something... amazing.” He put his hand over his mouth. He trembled with laughter.
“She’s beautiful and kind and funny and talented and smart and I just can’t hold back anymore. I don’t know whether you’re listening Amanda, but there’s a reason why I didn’t go to the graduation dance with Daniel. I wanted to go with you. I know we play around a lot, but the fact is I’m in love with you, completely, totally, and I don’t care who doesn’t like it. You fill my heart with joy, you make me so happy…” her breath hitched, as if she were about to weep.
Sandra stopped tickling. They locked eyes for a few precious seconds. She felt exposed.
“I can’t top that. You’ve said it all, and so beautifully too. Is there a particular song you’d like me to play?”
“I don’t care. I just wanted to say it to the world. I love you, Mandy.” She hung up.
Sinatra. I’ve Got You Under My Skin, she mouthed to him. Trust me.
For some reason, she felt as if the wind had been taken out of her sails. This girl, still so young...but so brave. She told everyone. She didn’t care about the possibility of things not going her way. She just wanted to say it. She actually gloried in her love, even if it was not returned.
Music flooded the broadcast room. “May I have this dance?” He pushed the chairs aside and extended his hand. She smiled and walked into his arms.
He pressed his body close to her swayed back and forth. The look in his eyes made her heart hurt.
“I don’t think this is what Teddy expected to see through the gaps in that paper,” she said.
“Did you want to give him a show?” he said, twirling her close to his body in the limited space.
“I just wanted to be with you,” she said, glad she wasn’t facing him.
He turned her and tipped her chin up to look into her eyes. “Me too. Every day. All the time.” He barely pressed his lips against hers, then moved back to the console.
She pulled her skirt down and sat by him.
“We’re coming up hard against the midnight hour. You’re our lucky last caller. What’s on your mind tonight?”
“Hello? This is Amanda. From the last call?”
Cam and Sandra looked at each other, eyes wide. It was on.
“Hello, Amanda-”
She cut him off. “Candace, please answer your phone. I love you, baby, but I didn’t want to say anything to ruin our friendship. I want to be with you, Candy. Call me. Come over. Anything. I’m at home. Please.”
“Oh wow, we’re witnessing romantic history, folks,” he said. “Real life.”
“I know how hard it must be. You’re a preacher’s daughter. But I’ll protect you. We’ll show them love is love, together. Oh, God. I hope she’s okay...”
The console blinked. Teddy’s voice came through the intercom. “It’s Candace. You should take this. It’s gold. The canned tunes can wait.”
Holy shit, Sandra mouthed. Go on.
“Candace, love. Amanda’s all ears. You’ve got the floor.”
There was a couple of seconds of silence. “Amanda.” She was whispering. “My mom heard. They’ve locked me in my room. But they didn’t take my cell.” They could actually hear voices raised in the distance.
“Candy, I’ll come and get you right now-”
“No. I’m safe. They would never hurt me. This day was coming. I’m going to let them yell themselves out. When they realize yelling and demands don’t change anything, then we’ll talk like people. Until then, we may not be able to see each other. Is that okay?”
“But they are hurting you by not accepting it.” Amanda sniffled.
“You’ve been in my life for almost three years, Mandy. Had Sunday dinner at my house. Gone to the church picnics. You know it’s not that easy. Their world has shifted. They’re going to need time to adjust. And I love them, so I want to give them that time.”
“But what if they never do?”
“They’re not that kind. At least, I sincerely pray they are not. But, regardless, can I count on you to understand?” The sound of yelling faded to nothing. There was just her distressed breathing.
“Yes. Of course. Whatever you need.”
“Okay.” Someone knocked on her door so loud it made Sandra and Campbell jump in their chairs. Candace. Darling. Open the door. We need to talk. The mother’s voice came through loud and clear. “Mandy, I’ve gotta go. But I love you. This too shall pass, right?” Her voice trembled.
“I love you.” Amanda sniffled.
“Bye.” Candace whispered, then they both hung up.
Campbell pulled up to the mic. He bit his lip, then started talking. “Love has no age limit. You can be 8, or 80. Gender doesn’t matter. Neither does color, creed, race, or religion. It’ll get the bearded imam as well as the political punk rocker woman hanging out in the corner. It could hit you after 10 years, or just after 10 minutes -” he gave Sandra a look that warmed her - “but that doesn’t diminish its power. Time means nothing to it, since it stops time, or makes it move too fast to count…” he sighed. He wasn’t used to extemporizing about serious things. “Love is an act of creation in and of itself. It makes something out of nothing. Makes peace out of chaos…” He ran his fingers through his hair. “It’s a miracle that we sometimes run the danger of taking for granted. Candace, Amanda, I wish you the best of luck. For that matter, I wish all of you out there true love, and the peace that comes from it. Good night.”
Teddy walked into the broadcast room. “That was fucking exciting. Great show, mate.” He averted his gaze when he saw Sandra. She’d forgotten she was half naked. Campbell held up her coat so she could put it on.
“Thanks for giving us a bit of privacy, Teddy,” she said as she tied the sash around her waist.
“Oh, no problem. I promise I didn’t peek.”
“Right,” she said, and smiled at him. He blushed.
“I’ll be on my way, then.” He walked out and closed the door.
Campbell put on his coat and walked her out of the building. She hailed a cab.
“Do you want to come over now? Not wait ‘till the morning?”
“What about Reggie?”
“He’s deep into his third Valentine’s date by now, and not in our flat.”
“Then I’d love to.” He stepped into the cab after her. They sat down, and Campbell took her hand in his. “So, the third date of the night, huh?”
“Reggie is not a believer of monogamy.”
“So the other dudes know about each other, and don’t care?”
“Yep. He’s a juggler, but he’s honest from the jump. It fascinates me what he can get away with. I hope this doesn’t sound sexist, but I often wonder whether it’s a male thing.”
“No offense taken. I’ll speak for myself and say that it sounds like something I’d never want to do. One at a time is plenty.” He squeezed her hand and smiled at her.
“Sure. For now. Just as soon as you get a bit more famous and the high quality trim starts showing up, you might change your mind.” She smiled too hard at him. The words didn’t feel natural. He noticed.
“Trim? You’re something else,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “I’m fairly certain this imaginary influx of radio personality groupies will not change my mind. I like to feel something for the person I’m bedding. Does that make me old-fashioned? Maybe. I don’t care.”
She was glad it was dark in the cab. She was blushing furiously. She felt like a jerk.
She opened the door and let him in, flipping on the switch that turned on the fairy lights she’s taped to wall in swirling patterns that day.
“Ooh, pretty!” he said, bouncing comically and clapping his hands.
“Shut up.” She walked to her kitchenette and opened a bottle of wine. He walked up behind her and pulled her trench coat off, kissing her neck.
“Fuck the wine.” she turned around and kissed him hard, wrapping her leg around his waist. She sucked his lower lip and moaned. “Let’s go to the bedroom.”
“This looks like the good stuff. Why we gotta be in such a hurry? Let’s enjoy these lights,” he said, tucking her hair behind her ear and kissing the tip of her nose.
Had she upset him with her stupid comments earlier?
“Okay. Sure.”
He found two jelly glasses in the mess on the counter and poured, then sat at her coffee table. He looked beautiful in the pale gold light. She stared from the threshold of the living room.
He patted the floor beside him. “Come on. Let’s toast.”
She sat down and raised her glass. “Toast away. You’re the one with the beautiful words.”
“Am I?”
“Absolutely. The only toasts I know are ‘down the hatch’, ‘to your health’, or my personal favorite, ‘to your nipples.’”
He laughed and kissed her lips lightly, an easy gesture that took her breath away. “Okay then. Let me think. To...the miracle of love. It makes something so beautiful out of nothing. Thank you for giving of yourself to me of openly, trusting me.You’ve made these last six weeks the best holiday season I’ve ever had. And I hope there’s much more to come.”
Her eyes filled with tears. She grabbed the jelly glass before he could drink.
“Those girls. They were no more than high school students. But they were so sure. I could hear it in their voice. Children, and they knew. And one a preacher’s daughter to boot. What balls.”
“I felt that too. Brave, the both of them.”
“It won’t be easy for them. Not at first. If they even go through with it.”
“It never is. The world is antagonistic to lovers. To love in general. Them’s the facts,” he said, shrugging.
“It never is,” she repeated. “Campbell, I-”
He squeezed her hands. “You can take your time. I’m here. I’ll wait till you’re ready-”
“I’m in love with you.”
His eyes flashed in the semi-darkness. “Sandra, I-”
She cut him off. “Please let me finish. I know that this started out as a sex thing - and the sex is fanfuckingtastic - but you’ve become so much more to me. You’re so kind, and clever and you seem to follow my weird train of thought without my having to explain myself...and I know what you’ve been through - what you’re going through now - and you will go through until whenever, and I don’t care. I love you. Madly. You’re my muse. I’ve never painted better. At this rate I’ll fill a gallery by June. And it’s okay if you don’t quite feel the same. I don’t care. I want you to know it. Just...stay. I won’t pressure you into anything. I can love enough for the both of us.”
He hugged her, tight, until her breathing slowed.
“Dee,” he said in her ear. “That silly little speech at work. The toast. Isn’t it obvious?”
“What? Reggie’s told me more than once I can’t see the forest for the trees,” she said, straddling him.
“That I’m in love with you. How could I not? You’re my peace. That, and in awe of the way you look at me. I feel...like a proper part of the human race. It’s magic.”
She sniffled and tucked her face into his neck, hugging him tight.
“My brown-eyed girl…” he whispered into her hair. “Let’s go to bed.”
“Do you have candles?” he said.
“Come on, Cam. Do we really need all that?”
She started to take off her dress, but he held her arms down. “I’ll do that. But first, candles. You’re the artsy type. You have to have at least a couple lying around.”
“Gimme a sec.” Reggie had enough candles to light a cathedral. She ran into his bedroom and grabbed an armful of glass candles and dropped them gently on her bed. “Your wish is my command.” She handed him a lighter.
He put them around the bed and lit them. He was an Italian Renaissance beauty of a man, especially around the eyes and nose. Her fingers twitched to draw him in this light.
“I recognize that look,” he said, giving her a crooked grin. “The artist longs for her tools, but she’ll have to wait.”
He knelt in front of her and pulled her dress slowly over her head. She wore a bra to match the pearl mesh panties, but he wanted her naked. His hands moved from her breasts to her hips, and he hooked the panties in his fingers and pulled them off. He bowed his head to her breast and bit gently at the mesh until her nipple stretched it. Then, he sucked it through the cloth, flicking his tongue over it while pinching her other nipple hard. She buried her hands in his thick hair and seeped wetness on her sheets.
He unclasped her bra and took one of her breasts into his mouth, hungrily sucking at her flesh while his tongue swirled on her hardened bud. She unbuttoned his pants and wrapped her hand around him. She sighed at the living weight of him. Somehow, he felt more because he was hers.
He stood and stripped quickly as she scooted back to the pillows and spread enticingly for him.
God, he loved when she did that.
He crawled between her legs and pulled them around his hips. “I just want to kiss you.” He said, and sucked on her lower lip. He nuzzled her neck and kissed down to her clavicle. “Everywhere. In every way.”
“Do it,” she said.
He kissed down to her breasts, just soft little kisses around her hard nipples but never touching. He kissed down the shelf of her ribs, then bit gently at her sides until she giggled and squirmed. He swirled his tongue down to her mound. She spread, but he licked the wetness off her thighs and kissed slowly up each thigh to the knee and back. Her throbbing flesh warmed his cheeks when he got to the fork of her legs, but he resisted the urge to lick her, regardless of her pleading.
“Get on your stomach,” he said. She obeyed quickly. He kissed her instep, then moved up her leg, biting her calf and tickling the back of her knees to watch her ass jiggle with laughter as he spread her legs. He licked, then kissed the little seam between thigh and ass, then bit softly at her jiggling flesh until she moaned into her pillow.
“I thought you said kisses,” she said. Her voice was rough with desire.
“I’m kissing too,” he said, placing a soft kiss on each cheek and moving up to the small of her back. He licked the sweat there and kissed up the valley until he reached her neck. His cock slid easily between her legs and nestled between her pussy lips. She moved her hips, making him groan in her ear.
“Enough teasing. I want you.” She trembled beneath him.
“It’s never enough,” he said and lay beside her. “Come on.” He patted his shoulders. “Knees here.”
“Yes, sir,” she said. She straddled his head and leaned down to his cock, taking him in her mouth. She took his balls in her hand, gently caressing, kneading the tender flesh, then licked them.
He tried to lick her, but she held his head in place with her thighs.
“Stop. Lemme have a taste.”
She wiggled her butt. She dripped to his upturned face, but her grip was firm. “I thought there was never enough teasing.” Her broad tongue moved up his shaft, leaving a trail of saliva that she used to jerk him off. She wrapped her lips around the crown of his cock and swirled her tongue until he bucked.
“Please.” His plaintive tone made her giggle into him.
“Ummmmm…” she took him to the back of her throat. The vibration made his toes curl. She slurped up his shaft, then sucked gently at his foreskin. “No.” She played with him, pulling his foreskin back and forth over the crown of his cock with her lips alone. She tasted precum and hummmmmd into him… then got off him.
He tried to scoot down between her legs, but she pulled him up and on top of her. She caressed him and gave him a tender look.
“I want to come with you inside me. Can we do that?”
He grabbed blindly at her night table, where he knew she kept condoms. He ripped the package and nearly fumbled it trying to get it on.
She chuckled. “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” She helped him smooth it on and lay back. “Come here, boy.”
He lay on top of her, but the mood changed. They sank into each each. All she could see was his eyes, lit by flickering candlelight. Warmth rose from her belly to her heart in growing waves as he moved slowly inside her. She was surrounded by him, connected by flesh and feelings.
Is this what people spoke of when they said ‘make love’?
She thought it was a fusty term. Something repressed adults used to avoid saying fuck.
But she was a fool.
It hurt, but in the most beautiful way. A tear actually dripped on her temple, but he kissed it away before it wet her hair. She caressed the hair from his face and saw the light break in his eyes as well.
“Cam...” she kissed him, hard, and soon the cherry sweetness of his saliva was cut by the salt of their mixed tears. They rocked into each other, multiplying each other’s pleasure, breathing each other’s breath, chest to chest until they spun out together. Their shared cries and his bucking brought her back to herself.
They stayed connected and silent for goodness knows how long. When he finally withdrew, she hiccupped and hugged him closer.
“What just happened?”
He still trembled with emotion. “I don’t know, but it was-”
“Love magic. We made love magic.” Her heart still raced in her chest. “Did you feel...connected? Really, connected?”
He nuzzled her cheek.”Yeah. But more. Like we were both connecting to something much bigger.”
“Do you think God exists?”
He chuckled. “This is pretty deep for pillow talk.”
“My mom isn’t very religious, and I’ve never really been interested, but...I felt something, Cam. I swear to you, I did.”
“I hope you did,” he said, kissing her neck. “If not, I’m a failure.”
“Never.” She stared at him as he got out of bed to clean himself and blow out most of the candles. He put on his underwear and sat by her.
“Do you want to draw me now?”
She ran her fingertips down his chest. It was still mottled with sex flush. “No. You, in this moment, are mine and mine alone. I refuse to share.”
He lay beside her, and she kissed the salt from his cheeks and stuck her tongue out. “You cried.”
“I did. This is all new to me. Love, and the making of it.”
“Those fusty adults were keeping secrets,” she said.
“What?” he kissed her shoulder.
“Nothing. Just thinking aloud.” She raised her head to look at him.
“Did it hurt?”
She didn’t need to explain further. “No. I felt full of love, ecstatic. But the knowledge that the feeling would end hurt.”
“Exactly. Everything ends.”
He held her closer. “But it’s okay. We can do it again.” He kissed her. Even his kisses had changed. They were deeper, more tender.
She sat up suddenly. “What time is it?”
“3:20 am. Why?”
“Ooh, just in time!” She rolled out of bed and put on some jeans and a t-shirt.
“Come back here. I’m not done with you yet.”
“We can put a pin in that. But now, we feast.”
“And they said I’m the mad one. What are you talking about?”
She threw his jeans at him. “There is a bakery a couple of blocks away that will open in just 10 short minutes.”
“And?” He was reluctant to get out of bed.
“Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, in which bakeries all over the country make tasty love-themed biscuits, pies, and cakes which they don’t always sell…”
His eyes narrowed. “Ohhh.” He dressed quickly.
They stepped out into an early morning washed clean by rain.
“How did we not even notice?” she said.
He took her hand and waited for her to guide him. “We were extremely distracted. Take me to the treats,” he said.
They walked in silence for several blocks. It was a new thing, but nice. They felt no need to entertain each other. They could exist, and enjoy each other’s existence.
“I love the streets at night after a rain,” she said after a while.
“The streets turn to mirrors,” he said, wrapping his arm around her waist.
She stopped and looked down. “Look at you and I. Just a couple of saps.”
“Naw. The perfect reflection of a happy couple.”
“You do have a way of wording things so much better than I do,” she said, pulling him in for a kiss.
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