#btw tomorrow’s will be late too
aioliravioli-69 · 21 days
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what a waste of a lovely night...
Aight, just because I can't make an animatic doesn't mean I can't do the au!
btw: @nocontextsock, I am looking forward to it!!
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So Begonia! How does it feel to be friends with multiple gods?
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“I’ve never even been all that religious. Like, I knew they existed but never really thought about it more than that? Never would’ve imagined actually talking to any of them.”
“Casey’s honestly been the biggest lifeline here. Not really sure what I’d do without them. As for the Gods…”
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gulongming · 1 year
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favourite main character ↬ CHAY (i'll name this song after you // resilience)
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kenzieofeverything · 2 months
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"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
this was originally gonna be one half of two drawings but i dont think ill finish the other half so uhhh,,,
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spotaus · 2 months
I wanna request some more stereo sans if that’s okay, I LOVE HIM THE DESIGN IS SO SCRUNKLY RAAAAAHHHHH
Also hi I love your art✨✨✨
I gotta say I was surprised to see Stereo in my Asks, but I am SO glad u requested him!!! 🥺💖💖💖
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The goofy himself! I missed drawing him sm!!!!!
He's really silly because I don't really have lore for him outside the main Eternal Ashes storyline, and that's a whole can of worms, so no Lore-Dump unfortunately. BUT if u want some Design History lore I'm dropping some beneath the cut!
Okay so, Stereo was one of my first ocs for utmv. Like. I think he was designed right after Ichor (<- my first Sans oc) was. He was part of a Trio, made up of Orchid, Reset, and himself. Currently they're the three longest surviving cast members of Eternal Ashes, but Stereo has gone through very few changes.
Here are his First Reference (left) and Revised Reference (right) from about 2019 and probably 2020 respectively.
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The one on the left is so funny to me because, yeag, I used to have an awful style 🫶 but Stereo's design is honestly pretty consistent over the years.
Like the rest of the designs like him, he kinda Grew Up with me as I learned to draw better and as I developed the story he was involved with. He's one of my special blorbos that (while he doesn't have a ton of lore like I usually give my ocs) is always fun for me to draw and revisit!!!
Thanks for the request, Anon!!!! Maybe I can do some more proper scene doodles for him in the near future! (I love drawing him in motion thanks to his clothes/arms)
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
Sparkling nights
For @sanusoweek || Day 3: Firsts (pretend this was posted on time) (yes. I am again late)
Relationship: Sanji/Usopp
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: First kiss / Not Actually Unrequited love / Denial of Feelings / Internalized Homophobia / Mutual Pining / Unresolved Romantic Tension ("but there is a kiss!!" you'll see what I mean dw) / Romantic Angst / Post-Alabasta / Bittersweet
Words: 8,972
“You want to kiss somebody.” He speaks calmly. Rationally. And it is not like he doesn’t care. He cares. He does. Sanji can see it in his eyes when he turns his head around, too, ignoring the ashes falling on the deck beside him. Usopp looks at him with so much care it almost makes him want to stay here forever. “If you can’t kiss a girl because it needs to mean something and yet you feel like you are missing out, just kiss me.” Usopp doesn’t even know.
Read on Ao3
More of my works!!
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himbos-hotline · 4 months
Its one AM here so happy valentines day my dudes. Heres golden lovers angst
Something hits Kenny in the back of his head, thick and heavy and darkness flashes breifly across his eyes. He lays against the sweat stained canvas, breathing in the last whisps of Kota between the beatdown of heavy foots and fists. Pain bounces through his body like bullets slicing through his skin and finally, Kenny has an excuse for the tears that slowly fall into the canvas, he tastes the salt in his mouth when he parts his lips in a miserable smile. He isn't sure who saved him or AJ but the arm that wraps around him is familar and for a few seconds, between raspy breathes he expects to open his eyes, and see Kota's brown eyes gazing back, concerned. Matt's eyes arent as bright as Kota's when Kenny looks into them later on, an icepack pressed against the back of his neck. Sure, Matt's eyes are the same brown; dark and rich and endless but as Kenny searches his face in Matts reflection, theyre dark and muddy like the bottom of a dyed up river bank.
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kasiobite03 · 11 months
may 16th 2023
empty frame
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ladies can you please pray for my sister in law? she's had severe pain for a couple days and was told by her doctor that it's related to her gallbladder, though nothing is showing in tests that would indicate inflammation or malfunction thereof. the baby is fine, active and healthy! just my SIL is in quite a bit of pain. so prayers for healing and that everything will be alright would be appreciated
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soundsdangeresque · 7 months
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inktowbew days 18-24!!
the rest you will probably get later today lol
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that-angry-noldo · 1 year
wait there’s a Beren as death au??? How did I not know about this and can I request a drabble for it pls ❤️❤️ (also congrats on the milestone am very proud to be one of the lucky 204!)
(milestone celebration!)
Don't worry you didn't know about this because i never wrote it, only mentioned it here and there
I doubted whether to start chronologically or to write a random drabble, and random drabble won. It was something I wanted to write a while ago but never got to it... hope you enjoy :)
"Were you there?" Elrond asked. "When Elros passed?"
The figure beside him shifted. Elrond noticed once again how bland it looked in comparision to surroundings. A simple black cape covering its shoulders, white hair, calloused hands - it looked like an old man, and, no matter how hard he tried, Elrond couldn't see anything else.
Carefully, Death picked up a duckling and it peeped, frightened. Death's eyes glided over Elrond.
"I reap every mortal soul who comes into this world," Death answered, and Elrond took a breath.
The morning was slowly regaining its right. First sunrays brushed over Death's hair.
"Was he- was he afraid?"
"You were there, Peredhil," Death said softly, caressing the duckling's feathers with his thumb. "You saw him yourself, and he talked to you, too. I don't need to tell you how he felt."
Elrond pursed his lips. Death looked at him with tired eyes.
"He always did that," Elrond whispered finally. "Put on a brave face for me. I- I know he was in peace, and I know he made- he made his choice, but- was he- was he afraid? Deep down, did he want to live, did he-"
"He wanted to live," Death said, smiling faintly. "Of course he wanted to live. Everything alive longs to remain so for as long as possible, Peredhil."
Elrond felt a knot tying up in his throat. Death crouched near the pond and lowered the duckling on the water. It was quick to make its way to its distressed mother.
"But he wasn't afraid," Death continued. "He was... excited."
"A new journey," Elrond mumbled. "He was talking about a new journey."
"He was." Death straightened, and looked towards the West - towards the rising sun. Elrond took a deep breath.
"I am not the end, Peredhil," Death said, and smiled at him. "He is happy, if that's what matters to you. And he wishes you to be happy, too."
The duckling quacked, getting out of the pond and making its way back to Death. Elrond couldn't help but smile a bit as Death leaned down patiently and put it back into the water.
Elrond bit his lip, trying to force down his tears. "You really do love animals," he tried to laugh, hiding his sobs. Death shook his head.
"They say you take after Luthien," he grumbled. "And yet, Luthien was much more subtle in conversation changes."
"Ah - you're right. I got this from your side of the family."
Death stared at him, unimpressed, and Elrond felt himself grinning depite it all. Finally, Death rolled his eyes.
"It's an honor to be your ancestor, Peredhil," Death said. "I mean it."
"Well," Elrond smiled, "it's an honor to be your descendant, Erchamion. Though it's a great weight, too."
Death nodded, and the next moment, Elrond was alone, only mist and a distressed duckling reminding him of the past hour.
The sun was slowly rising over Rivendell. Elrond stood there for few more minutes, then turned away and headed to the city.
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writerfae · 7 months
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The Alderking
If you know my story, you know about the Alderking.
The bad guy that once upon a time turned against his siblings to become the only ruler of the fair fae and was only stopped through a trick and a curse. The king that my main antagonist wants to reawaken so he can start a new order.
But that's pretty much all you know, except for one or two details and cryptic posts about him. So, of course, he doesn't really make a good impression. In this post, though, I want to tell you more about him. Just so you get to know him a little better. Because while yes, he did horrible things, there's still more to him than just that. And wasn't really all bad, either.
Anyways, here's some Alderking facts to better get to know the man behind the legend of his betrayal:
"Alderking" is technically just his title. His real name is Rook, but it is almost forgotten nowadays. People just know him as the Alderking since he was the very first - and the last - to bear this title
out of the first six fair fae regents, he was the first to be "born", so eldest of the six siblings (though technically they weren't really siblings but it's close enough)
he founded the Alder Court, and over the hundreds of years of his reign, it grew and improved a lot, until it turned into quite the impressive kingdom. Rook worked very hard on it, he loved his kingdom
Rook was actually in a poly relationship. He had a wife, Kyndra, and the two had a lover, too, a wild fae named Nia. He loved them both a lot
he also had a daughter, Runa, that (almost) no one knew about. He only saw her once, tough, because he had sent Nia and the baby away once things got tricky, also he was cursed shortly after her birth (Nia was her biological mother, btw, Kyndra sadly couldn't have children)
his royal guard was actually one of the best. He put a lot of work in his guard and is actually the one who "invented" the guard system the other courts still use to this day (together with his brother, Cathan)
while we're already talking about the guard, Rook was an excellent fighter and hunter. He loved tournaments and going on hunts with his "inner circle"
he also adored reading and participating in religious practices and playing around with magic
our dear king was actually a very charming and charismatic person, with quite some humor and good looks. But he was also stubborn and could be quite grumpy. He was a bit of an idealist, too, and an overthinker
Rook had a personal guard who also happened to be one of his best generals and most trusted confidants (he even knew of Runa). His name was Cyprian (yes, it's the guy I never shut up about - and Talon’s ancestor). The two also happened to be best friends. They were really close
I know, it sounds strange when you know how he betrayed his siblings, but he genuinely loved them all. Before he betrayed them, he was a good big brother
His favorites were his brother Cathan (the Ashking) and his sister Caitria (the Willowqueen). He was very fond of the two and helped them out a lot. Especially with Cathan he spent lots of time and he influenced him a lot (you can still see this influence in some places at the Ash Court)
out of his brothers, Rook was the most mature one, but he was also the proudest and the one with the biggest ego, which is one reason why he fell for darkness so easily
Rook was known to be a pretty strict and kind of dominant king, but also hardworking and benevolent. And he was very beloved by his people
he was also pretty powerful. As child of one of the mighty trees, he was capable of magic, like all his siblings. His special magic field was soul magic, which included spirit connection and dream magic)
each of the first regents and their courts had one "special task" (beside protecting their tree), and as the Alderking, it was Rook's task to manage "foreign affairs" and protect all courts from outer threats
because of his task, he had pretty good connections to the wild fae. Most of them respected him because of his power, his courage (something he was known for) and because he hunted down dangerous creatures like forest demons, which were also a threat to the wild fae clans. He was also a member of the Wild Hunt
his sword, Minha’criahn, was a gift from the goddesses and able to cut through everything if he wanted it to. It was made specifically to fit him and it was pretty much holy to him
at his core, Rook was also a bit of a dreamer. Even his betrayal started out with good intentions. He wanted the courts to focus on their main task (protecting the trees) more and to bring them closer together again. But his pride got in his way, and that led to him getting corrupted by the shadow, which is a true shame
one thing is for sure, if his siblings hadn't lured him into a trap back after he got the mighty Alder's power, their courts probably wouldn't have had a chance in the war he had started. Not just because of his new might. Rook was clever, had the better army, and, due to him being corrupted by shadow, had become very ruthless
a fun fact about him taking some of the mighty Alder's power is that now their life forces are woven together, so he can't die or else the tree will decay too (that's the reason he was "only" cursed after all). BUT the problem (that no one knows about) is that his life force gets weaker over the decades, and one day, his mind and soul might die after all, and you all know what that would mean... not me already collecting sequel material
Anyway, i think thats enough on the Alderking for now. Is now a good time to admit that I'm actually quite the Alderking fan? I do adore him despite him ending up being a tyrant. And I hope you do too after this post xD
@bunnymermaidsblog here's my ramble post about the Alderking, I hope you'll enjoy learning more about him
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cordycepsbian · 2 years
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wake up zombug enjoyers new zombugs just dropped
zombee is named checkers, zombeetle is mint, zombiant is latte
+ zommoth but slightly more accurate to irl moth-targeting cordyceps
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nostalgia-tblr · 11 months
And now, the Dark Lokius is unleashed! It's not very nice, it's some uncertain level of dubcon (because it's not entirely clear what is and isn't a deception - don't look at me for answers, I don't know either), it's not as Stockholmy as I originally thought it would be but it's still pretty messed-up.
Title: this is how the world works (now all he thinks about is me) (AO3) Fandom: Loki (TV 2021) Rating: Explicit Pairing: Loki/Mobius Wordcount: ~2000 Additional Tags: Stockholm Syndrome, (maybe), Dubious Consent, Dark, Fucked Up, Oral Sex, TVA Trash Party (Marvel), Power Imbalance, Praise Kink, Dark!Lokius, Victim Blaming, Short One Shot, Not A Dead Dove But Maybe A Wounded Pigeon Summary/Snippet: Mobius reaches down and runs a thumb over Loki’s lips until he parts them as expected, just enough to hint at possibilities, to show that he’s willing to play along with this game yet again. Everything is a performance for Loki, and he never lets his guard down, never lets the continual pretence drop. He probably doesn’t even remember what ‘being himself’ was actually like. Luckily for him, old Mobius has his number: Mobius has watched Loki’s entire life play out, over and over in endless iterations, and he long ago became convinced that despite all the defiant posturing and attempts at domination the real Loki, deep down, wants to kneel at someone else’s feet, longs to be led and to be taken. Part of this performance is the pretence that the outcome is uncertain, that either of them has any doubt about what happens next. That this compliance is offered without expectation of reward, and that Mobius might choose not to take advantage
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daz4i · 5 months
sometimes i will be having violent suicidal thoughts and i won't even be too panicked or saddened by them. it's more like "god. this again? shut the fuck up. i already know all that. we think about this multiple times a day. can you calm down? i need to sleep."
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wxtchpilot · 11 months
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