#soo many lists and checklists
emarezi-backup · 5 months
oh also today i downloaded a bunch of music too and went outside so id say productive overall
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ckret2 · 11 months
At long last, we get to see: this moment.
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Chapter 11 of Human Bill Being The Mystery Shack's Hella Depressed Prisoner, featuring: Mabel giving Bill a ✨beautiful makeover✨—and Stan and Ford almost dying from laughter. And thus begins Bill & Mabel's inevitable befriending. Previous chapters here!
Every time Mabel had to use the stairs, she paused to look at Bill sitting in his window.
He never seemed to move.
A few days ago, it was creepy. Now, it was just kind of sad.
Last year, after Mabel and Dipper's parents had heard the whole story about their summer, they'd immediately packed the twins off to therapy—which Mabel didn't think was necessary, but whatever, if it made their parents feel better. (It had taken them some time to find a therapist who would engage with their barely-averted-apocalypse story at face value rather than search for the root of these "delusions.") At their current therapist's office, before each appointment, Dipper and Mabel had to fill out checklists that they gathered were to measure whether they'd come down with a case of depression—Please read the following statements and circle the word that shows how often they happen to you. Never, sometimes, often, always.
She'd filled out these things so many times that she could practically recite the list of statements by memory. Nothing feels very fun anymore. I have problems with my appetite. I have trouble sleeping. I have no energy for things. I feel like I don't want to move. Far be it from her to try to diagnose an evil demon monster space triangle who'd tried to murder everybody she knew, but. Well. You know. Sitting curled up in a window seat, day after night after day, barely moving, barely talking, barely eating... Yikes. She could only guess how he'd answer statements like I feel empty and sad or I feel worthless.
In Mabel's mind, there was a piece of paper. On that piece of paper were the faces of everyone currently living in the shack. Herself, Dipper, Waddles, Grunkle Stan, Grunkle Ford, Soos, Abuelita, and Melody as an honorary part-time resident. Next to each of their faces, there was a sticker, reflecting their current overall mood. Right now, everyone had either a happy face or a flat-mouthed neutral face—not bad, but could be better.
As she looked at Bill, she mentally promoted him at last from "entity haunting the attic" to "temporary resident." She added his face to her imaginary paper. And she slapped a big blue crying sticker next to it.
She wouldn't stand for that. Not even from him. Not under her roof.
Today, Bill wasn't even in the window. He'd elected to curl up in a corner of the attic, hiding in the shadows with his stolen blanket. The window was probably too hot. Mabel typically used acrylic yarn, and she knew from experience how quickly Sweater Town could turn into Sweaty Town.
For the first time, Mabel sauntered, quite casually, across the invisible barrier separating the rest of the attic from Bill's nest. She offered her winningest smile and her cheerfullest, "Hey, Bill!"
The Thing Beneath The Blanket gave her a look that, she suspected, could probably be described as deeply suspicious. "Shooting Star."
"Yup! Haha! That's—that's me all right! You got me." Mabel laughed. (This was going great so far. This was very natural.) "So, anyway!" She grabbed one of the couch cushions Bill had been using as a bed, dragged it a little closer to the corner, and plopped down. "This is such a weird coincidence, but one time, I got gum stuck in my hair and had to shave it off! I mean, crazy, right?"
"Uh huh." Bill didn't sound impressed. "Second grade." (And Mabel was uncomfortably reminded of the first time she'd ever seen Bill. I know lots of things.) "Hey, since you brought it up, can I ask you something about that little incident?"
"Uh..." This was what you signed up for, Mabel. You volunteered for a conversation with Bill. You've gotta converse. "Sure, I guess."
He leaned forward, triangle face looming above her. "Did getting gum in your hair change your species? Did you still look like yourself when you shaved it off?" The face bobbed as he pantomiming looking her up and down. "You still look human to me! So what's your point."
Okay, so he'd immediately recognized she was trying to establish common ground, aaand he was throwing it in her face. Great start. "Jeez, don't be so mean! I'm trying to tell you I get it. Not... the species part, but the other part. I wanna help!"
Bill scoffed. "Sure you do."
"Because you're all sad and it's making me sad."
Bill, o wise and ancient being that he was, had heard of "empathy" in a conceptual sense. He was aware that it was a thing that happened to some people. He even knew that it was common among humans. But on some level he kinda sorta felt like it only really happened to mindreaders that didn't know how to establish proper psychic boundaries. He laughed in Mabel's face. "No, seriously! What are you getting out of this."
Mabel decided she had no interest in explaining compassion to an alien mass murderer. "Okay, I want Soos's blanket back. I gave it to him, not you."
"Fine. If you want his blanket back, make me one."
"What? No! Those are our Team Zodiac-That-Defeated-You blankets, you don't get one."
"Didn't you make one for everybody else on the wheel? I'm on the wheel, aren't I?" He pointed at his face. "Bam! There I am, right in the middle! Star of the show! If everyone else deserves a blanket, so do I."
"Why do you even want one? It's a symbol to kill you."
"It's got my face on it! It's not that deep." He crossed his legs and propped his chin in his hand, getting more comfortable. "So do I get to pick the colors? I'll take yellow if that's all you got, but if you get me metallic gold I think I can swing you a favor."
"I'm not making you a blanket," Mable said. "I was thinking maybe a wig?"
Bill shuddered. "Pass."
"Aw, come on! I bet I could find you a really cute wig. Summerween's coming up, I could go to the costume store—"
"Don't even think about it." Bill leaned away from Mabel, back into his corner. She was losing him. "Listen. Kid. Do you think I did this by accident?" He pointed vaguely toward his scalp. "Being stuck in a human body? Disgusting. Being a human and secreting fifteen miles of hair out of a hundred thousand of pores? Infinitely worse."
"Wait, wait, fifteen miles?" Mabel had never considered how long a full head of hair laid out end-to-end would be. "How much hair do I have?"
"Huh." Bill tilted his head consideringly. "How dense is your hair?"
"Super dense. I've broken multiple brushes."
"Could be up to fifty miles."
Mabel's eyes widened. "Whoa."
"And you've got fifty thousand miles of blood vessels," Bill added cheerfully. "Anyway, if you want this blanket back? You won't get it with a wig. All I want is to look..." he formed his fingers into a triangle, thumb to thumb and forefinger to forefinger, and held it over the face on the blanket, "... like this. Now, if you're offering to help me get my real body back—"
"Never in a million years."
"Didn't think so!" Bill retreated fully into his corner again, knees pulled back up under the blanket, like an eel hiding in a hole to await its next prey. "But hey, if you've got an offer that's a step up from the blanket, I'm willing to negotiate."
"Huh." Mabel frowned thoughtfully. Something triangly. Something triangly that was better than a blanket, without helping Bill return to full power.
She got to her feet. "Let's put a pin in this conversation and circle back to it later. I'll come back with some proposals for you to review."
Bill laughed. "Okay, business girl! Have your people call my people. You know where to find me."
Mabel leaped down the stairs three at a time, ideas already forming in her head.
"Hey, Grunkle Ford!"
Ford was sitting at the former controls of the interdimensional portal, studying some radar readings; but he glanced up with a smile when Mabel ran out of the elevator. "Mabel. What brings you down here?"
She dragged an office chair up beside Ford, plopped down in it, and spun a couple of times. "I need to ask some questions about Bill!"
Ford's smile faltered. "Ah."
"Last summer, when we were burning all your art of him—"
(Ford winced in embarrassment.)
"—you said he could do some kind of magic with pictures of his face? What's all that about?" She stopped spinning. "Do they give him more power? Can he fire lasers out of them, or...?"
"No, nothing like that, thank goodness. Depictions of his face granted him a different kind of power: the power of knowledge. When he was trapped in the Nightmare Realm, he could tap into our world's collective mindscape and see through drawings of himself as if they were cameras. Ironically, plastering images of his face everywhere to symbolically represent an 'all-seeing eye' is what made him so all-seeing in the first place."
Mabel nodded thoughtfully. "Did you know you talk like one of those experts they hire to explain things in history documentaries?" she asked. "You should be on TV. You'd be good at it."
Ford gave her a confused smile. "Er—thank you."
"So, if Bill's already here, making new pictures of his face doesn't do anything?"
He supposed she was wondering about the zodiac blankets she'd spread around town. "Probably not. At a minimum, he'd have to be in the mindscape to be at the right 'angle' to see through the eyes. As he is now, trapped in a human form?" Ford let out a slow, thoughtful sigh. "It's hard to say for sure, without knowing how he got to be this way or what kinds of powers he's still hiding... but based on everything I've seen so far, I doubt they do anything for him."
"And if somebody put a picture of him on his face, it wouldn't do anything at all! Because that's like, his face. He already has eyes there."
Ford chuckled. "I suppose that's true. It would be like he'd grown a third eyeball, that's all." He paused. Put a picture of him on his face? "Why do you ask?"
Too late; she was halfway to the elevator. "Thanks, Grunkle Ford! I'll see you at dinner!" And she was gone.
"What's all this?" Bartholomew asked.
Mabel was dumping a bag of costume makeup and cheap convenience store makeup palettes onto her bed. They sparkled in varying hues of tacky gold glitter. "Art project!" She scooped Bartholomew out of his cradle by Dipper's bed, climbed the rickety ladder to the storage loft over their bedroom, and set him down leaning against a box. "You're on guard duty. Stay quiet and if anything goes wrong, get Dipper."
"How do you expect me to get Dipper? I'm a doll. I can't move."
"Come on, Mew-Mew. You think we haven't noticed that you teleport when nobody's looking?"
Bartholomew paused. "Touché."
Mabel rummaged through her art supplies; put tape, glue, and a couple of flattened cardboard boxes on the bed; added all the yellow crayons, markers, and paints she could find; and finally, satisfied, she ran out of the room. "Bill!"
"Still here."
"I've got the perfect solution. I'm giving you..." Mabel posed, hands on her hips. "A makeover!"
Bill waited for the follow up. There was no follow up. "Heh."
"Laugh now, but before I'm finished, I'm gonna make you more beautiful than your wildest dreams!"
"Kid, with all due respect, your idea of 'wild' taps out where my dreams are just getting started."
"Then I'll just have to up my game, won't I?" Mabel held out her hand. "Just give me that blanket, show me that weird bald head of yours, and let me make it into a canvas for high art! Trust me!"
Bill contemplated her extended hand. Did he trust her? In most situations, he considered trust irrelevant. He expected most people to do whatever they thought would benefit themselves the most; sometimes that meant keeping their word, and sometimes it didn't.
On the other hand. Was he really curious to find out where she was going with this? Yes. And the worst thing she could possibly do to him was make him very slightly more ugly than he already was. And playing along would fill his empty afternoon.
"Okay, kid." He reluctantly handed the blanket over. "You haven't given me a bad makeover so far." (He hadn't actually seen her marker mask, but it never hurt to flatter the person about to paint all over you.) He stood and stretched. "Show me what you've got. But if I don't like it, you owe me a blanket."
"Yes!" She grabbed his hand—his whole arm immediately went stiff—and dragged him toward the bedroom. "Welcome to my salon!"
Sure enough, just like Ford had said—when Stan checked Bill's attic nest, there was no sign of him.
Stan didn't like that one bit. Where the hell had their prisoner gotten off to?
As Stan approached the attic bedroom, he could hear Mabel talking: "More glitter?! That's crazay! Okay, here goes! I bet you could pull off such a glam rock look." (That explained where the kids were. He'd been starting to wonder.) "Hold still, I'm gonna try something I saw on a Russian supermodel—"
"Kids," Stan called, "do you know where the demon went?" He opened the door. "Poindexter says he can't find him anywhere, and—"
Mabel was kneeling on the floor, surrounded by the widest variety of makeup brushes and palettes Stan had ever seen. Her fingers and sleeve cuffs were coated in gold glitter and paint.
Kneeling in front of her, with his legs splayed awkwardly and his hands on the floor like he wasn't sure how to lower this body down to Mabel's height, was Bill. His face was liberally coated in acrylic gold paint and amateurishly contoured with a mix of craft glitter and golden eyeshadow. One eye was shut—the eyelashes delicately dusted with more gold eyeshadow to help it blend in—while the other was coated in a layer of mascara so thick it was a miracle his lashes didn't glue shut when he blinked.
And to cap off the gilded absurdity, his face was sticking through a hole in the middle of a cardboard triangle helmet, painted sunflower yellow with bricks shakily traced on in marker. Bill looked like the poor kid assigned the part of "the pyramid" in a fourth grade class play about ancient Egypt.
Mabel and Bill stared at Stan.
Stan stared back.
He covered a snort with a cough. "I'll—I'll tell Ford you've got it handled." He slammed the door.
He let out a bellow of laughter.
Mabel put a hand on Bill's shoulder. "He doesn't understand avant-garde fashion. You look like a million dollars."
"I know," Bill said. "All the same—maybe a hat would class things up a little?"
Mabel reached for a sheet of black construction paper. "You're so right."
"Well?" Mabel leaned around Bill, trying to see what he looked like in the full-length mirror. "What do you think?"
Bill stared in the mirror. A horrific abomination of flaking paint, cakey makeup, and taped-up cardboard stared back.
He grinned so wide it cracked his face paint. "I think that's the hottest human being in history."
"Yes!" Mabel pumped a fist into the air.
Ford said, "Stanley, what is it?"
Stan wheezed until his lungs ran out of air.
Concerned, Ford leaned across the kitchen table, lacing his hands together. "Did you find Bill?"
"He hasn't hurt Mabel, has he?" Ford asked, flashing back to their conversation earlier. "Or—or Dipper? Anyone?"
Stan bit his lip and shook his head. Tears of laughter pricked the corners of his eyes.
"Did he... put some kind of laughing curse on you?"
Stan shook his head more emphatically. "H—" He couldn't get one syllable out before he had to choke back his laughter again. He pounded on the table.
Grasping at straws and defaulting to the first worst case scenario he could think of, Ford said, "He hasn't found a way back to his true form, has he?"
Stan let out a noise like a balloon that had been untied and unleashed to fly around the room. "I MEAN—"
"Gooood afternoon, gentlemen!" Beaming brightly enough to rival the sun, twirling an umbrella like a cane, Bill strutted in.
Ford clapped one hand on Stan's shoulder, clapped the other over his mouth, and turned away, shoulders shaking. Stan smacked Ford's arm in sympathetic hysteria.
"I see we're all in high spirits today!" With the brazen confidence of an illegitimate prince marching into a throne room to demand his crown, Bill strolled through the kitchen, barely sparing the Stan twins a glance. Mabel followed behind him, grinning from ear to ear. "I wouldn't mind some spirits, myself." He paused in front of the fridge. "Could someone—?"
As the closest person to the fridge, Ford pulled it open, then turned to watch so he could make sure Bill didn't do anything he shouldn't with the food. This required him to look in Bill's direction. He curled his lips into his mouth and bit down. His eyes watered.
"Finally." Bill hungrily surveyed the inner contents of the fridge, grabbed an armload of condiments, a jar of pickles, and a tub of leftover chicken nuggets, and dumped them on the nearest counter. He tried to reach for a bottle of spoiled corn syrup toward the back of the fridge, banged the sides of his cardboard helmet on the fridge's doorframe, and quickly backed off and felt the corners to make sure they weren't too damaged. He had to turn sideways to reach the bottle without hitting the edges of the fridge. One corner of his mask tipped over a bottle of apple juice. Watching this performance very nearly killed the Stans.
"There." Bill triumphantly set the bottle on the counter, grabbed a can of alphabet spaghetti off an open shelf, and asked, "Where do you have the bowls hidden?" He rapped on one of the cabinet doors with his umbrella.
The sight of the umbrella knocked Ford out of some of his hysteria. "Where did you—?" He snatched the umbrella out of Bill's hands. "No weapons."
Bill gave Ford a withering one-eyed look (Ford suspected his other eye was glued shut with paint), then elected to ignore him. "Shooting Star?"
"They're down here!" Mabel opened one of the base cabinets. Bill retrieved a bowl and started filled it with his condiment haul.
"Okay," Stan said, voice strained with suppressed laughter. "Okay, what—what are we looking at?"
"A masterpiece of cosmetic art," Bill said. Mabel's grin widened.
Ford elbowed Stan across the table. "Do you remember the 'living statue' performers on the Glass Shard Beach boardwalk?" he asked. "The ones who'd paint all their skin and clothes gold—?"
"Oh yeah!" Stan let out a bark of laughter. "That's exactly what he looks like!"
In his bowl, Bill had layered mayonnaise, Tabasco sauce, mustard, sour cream, and maple syrup, and carefully stuck in as many chicken nuggets as he could without the mix slopping over the edges. He got Mabel's help to stick it in the microwave, then turned toward the Stans with a smug grin. "So you agree that I look like a work of art."
"No," Stan said, "they looked like idiots, and so do you."
Bill scoffed. "You don't know anything! You look at a human body, and all you see is a human with things stuck on it. I can look at a human body and see a canvas. I've stripped this vessel of its association with humanity and transformed it into an idol of myself."
Mabel loudly cleared her throat.
"Okay, she did most of the work."
Ford seriously considered the artistic merit of Bill's proposed "human body sans humanity as art material" paradigm. After a moment of deliberation, he said, "You have cardboard taped to your face."
Stan slapped the table. "HA!"
Bill opened a can of alphabet spaghetti, slopped half into a glass, filled the rest with incredibly spoiled corn syrup, and then filled the can with corn syrup as well. The mixes bubbled threateningly. The absolute picture of good cheer, Bill announced, "I'm the most beautiful thing any of you have ever seen. It's just too bad your closed little minds can't enjoy the marvel in front of you." He stirred his toxic alphabet spaghetti concoction with a pickle spear.
Stan watched Bill mix his drink in mild alarm. "What in the world are you making?"
Bill held his wrist over the glass and a knife to his wrist. "A Bloody Mary."
Stan's alarm increased. "No you aren't."
"That's your opinion." 
"Where did you get—!" Ford leaned over to snatch the knife out of Bill's hand.
"It was in the fridge, it was sticking out of the leftover casserole!" Bill rolled his eye. "Re-lax! I wasn't pointing it at you." He lifted his drink, nearly poured it into his eye, caught himself at Mabel's shout of alarm, took a sip through the correct hole, then inspected the thick gold lip stain left on the rim. "Huh." He looked at Mabel.
She shrugged. "I could have set the makeup with baby powder, but I thought it might dim some of the sparkle."
"You chose form over function. I respect that." He sipped his drink more carefully.
The microwave went off, Mabel opened the door, and Bill scooped up his condiment-and-nugget stew and both alleged Bloody Marys. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go be handsome somewhere else—"
The corner of his cardboard helmet banged into the kitchen doorway. He dropped one of his drinks, stumbled against the wall, and looked in dismay at his syrup-and-spaghetti-sauce-soaked skirt. He turned to Mabel. "How's my head?"
She grimaced. "We... can fix that with tape."
Bill sighed. "Come on, let's do it before my nuggets get cold."
"Now hold on!" Ford stood up. "Are you going to clean this mess up?"
"No!" Bill was out of the room. Ford could already hear him tripping on the stairs. "You don't trust me with a mop!"
Well. It was true, they didn't trust him with a mop. Sighing, Ford trudged across the room. "I'll get it."
Stan said, "You know, I think I'm glad he looks like an idiot. He's been so mopey the last couple of days, I was almost starting to feel bad for him."
"Thank goodness, you too," Ford muttered. "I was afraid I was going soft."
"Nah, he really was that pathetic," Stan said. "Like a sad show poodle that doesn't understand why it's been shaved in weird shapes."
Ford barked a laugh.
Once the floor was clean, Ford confessed, "I've—actually really worried about that. Going soft, I mean. I'm... afraid that Bill could find a way back into my head."
"Literally or emotionally?"
"Emotionally." Ford paused. "Both, actually—but this time I mean emotionally. The night he burned his hair off, I..." He winced at himself; but he needed to tell Stan. There was no one else he trusted to give him a reality check. Maybe Fiddleford, but... Ford hadn't figured out how to approach him about all this yet.
He put back the mop, to have an excuse to pause and gather his words. "I... brought him something to eat," Ford mumbled. "And, told him I knew what it was like to be trapped in an alien universe, and—that he should take better care of himself, for his own sake—and I don't know why I said that, anything good he does for himself just makes things harder for us, it's not as though I forgot that, but—What? Stanley, why is this funny."
Stan had started laughing; but he cut it off a cough. "Sorry. It's just—do you remember how Mom would go 'Well, I can tell you two are related' any time we did something particularly—you know—twinnish?"
"Don't tell me you've been making sandwiches for Bill."
"Ha! No, but I've given my arch nemesis a pep talk when he was having a mental breakdown. I felt bad for him!"
Ford chuckled. "Really?" He dropped back into his seat. "I didn't know you have an arch nemesis, who's that?"
Stan considered Ford's reaction if he admitted that his nemesis was that ten-year-old with a crush on Mabel, and said, "Ah, he's been out of my hair for ages. So what, is that all you talked about?"
"Somehow it turned into him trying to convince me he'd been planning a welcome party when I fell through the portal."
"Ha! And did you believe him?"
"Absolutely not." Ford paused thoughtfully. "But—part of me wonders whether he believes it himself."
"He seems like the kind of guy to buy his own bull." Stan shrugged. "I don't think you have to worry about him getting in your head. Just don't let him fast-talk you into any decisions and don't buy anything he's selling without telling him you'll think it over for twenty-four hours. And the more he says decide now, the harder you say no. That's how the pros get you, they don't give you room to breathe, let alone think."
Ford was pretty sure Stan was just describing the Mystery Shack's souvenir sales strategy; but he nodded slowly. "I know exactly what you're talking about. When I gave him permission to pilot my body, between the first time he mentioned it was an option and the moment I agreed to it... well, I was asleep at the time, so I can't be sure how long it took—but I'd guess it was less than fifteen minutes. In retrospect, I couldn't believe that I'd agreed so thoughtlessly. But I suppose that's exactly what he wanted." No room to breathe was a good way to describe it. Never mind being nose-to-nose with somebody trying to pressure you into a sale—how do you take a step back to get a little space from somebody who's already inside your head?
"Did he make it sound like a limited-time-only deal? You know—'buy now while the price is low, you'll regret missing this offer'? But with more mystical woo-woo phrasing, I mean."
"Not exactly, but..." Ford tried to remember back that far, grasping for the details of the conversation—the real conversation, not the heady, excited version he'd summarized in his journal. "At the time, I'd been worried about falling behind schedule on the portal's construction. He wouldn't have had to introduce an element of tension—it was already there. All he had to do was exploit it." He shook his head. Falling behind schedule. What schedule—the one he, himself had made? He was sure Bill had encouraged him to finish as fast as possible, too.
"There, you see? You got swindled by a professional swindler," Stan said. "What's important is that you know what he is now, and you know his tricks. He won't get you the same way twice. I'm not worried about you."
There were a couple of odd thuds from upstairs, accompanied by a yelp from Bill. That wasn't odd; he'd proven to be remarkably clumsy in a human body. At any given time it was possible to tell where he was by the random bangs, and if he hadn't made a noise in the last five minutes it meant he was curled up safely in his window seat.
What was odd was hearing Mabel's voice: "Careful, careful—! Augh. ... I'll get another sheet of cardboard, we'll replace that!"
Stan and Ford looked warily toward the stairs. Stan muttered, "Mabel, on the other hand..."
Ford nodded. "I'll keep an eye on her."
(If you've read this far, I'd really appreciate hearing from you! Things you liked, things you're looking forward to, jokes, thoughts, even typo corrections. Thanks!)
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gf-seasons-zine · 3 months
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We had SUCH a fantastic response from the interest check, we thought it would be fun to share it with you!
Check out under the cut for both the results and a sneak peek into the epic aesthetic planned for the zine with the gorgeous graphics designed by Mod Berry (this is Mod Jade, so I can gush ;) ) Enjoy!
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How many responses did we get? 169! (Wow, thank you!)
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When we asked how interested you were in the seasons theme, with 1 being "not my thing" and 5 being "super excited", 119 of you answered with a 5, 44 answered with a 4, and 6 answered with a 3- and no one answered a 1 or a 2!
6.5% of you wanted just a digital zine, 18.9% wanted just a physical zine, and 74.6% wanted both digital and physical!
104 of you wanted to show your interest by buying and 103 wanted to show your interest by applying to contribute! 13 of you were interested as moderators, 82 as page artists, 48 as merch artists, 48 as writers, and 54 just wanted to buy!
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When it came to how much you would be willing to pay (in USD):
For the Physical Zine with merch, 58 of you (34%) said you'd be willing to pay $50-55, 55 of you (32.5%) would be willing to pay $55-60, 34 of you (20.1%) said you'd be willing to pay $60-65, 11 of you (6.5%) would be willing to pay $65-70, and 11 (6.5%) of you also said you'd pay more than $70.
For the Physical Zine without merch, 68 of you (40.2%) said you'd be willing to pay $20-25, 78 of you (46.2%) said you'd pay $25-30, and 23 of you (13.6%) said you'd pay $30-35.
For the Digital Zine, 142 of you (84%) said you'd pay $15-20, 24 of you (14.2%) said you'd pay $20-25, and 3 of you (1.8%) said you'd pay $25-30.
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117 of you (69.2%) said you wanted merch, 48 (28.4%) of you said maybe you wanted merch, and 4 of you (2.4%) said merch wasn't necessary!
Your top 5 digital merch items were screensavers, colouring sheets, seasonal checklists, printable stickers, and a printable standee.
Your top 5 physical merch items were acrylic charms, sticker sheets, fake polaroids, prints, and badges/buttons.
Your top 5 stretch goal items were an enamel pin, an acrylic charm, a shaker charm, an acrylic standee, and a themed sticky note pad!
We had some amazing additional suggestions for merch, but sadly a lot of them would require a huge number of orders... If you really fancy a notebook, help us keep the interest high!
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We asked for a vote on what other characters you wanted to see hanging out with the Pines Family enjoying the seasons! It was great to see the list! Many of you suggested fantastic characters we didn't even have on the list!
Soos had 144 votes, Wendy had 141, Fiddleford had 112, Mabel's friends (Candy and Grenda) had 87 votes, Pacifica had 76 votes, Bill Cipher had 61 votes, Wendy's friends (the teens) had 39 votes, Cryptids (like the Multibear, Sev'ral Times, and Giffany) had 7 votes, Melody had 4, Waddles had 4, Gideon had 3, Gompers had 1, and Abuelita (Soos' Grandma!) had 1.
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And finally- the answer to the classic question: What is your favourite season? 19.2% of you said Spring was your favourite, 26.9% said Summer was your favourite, 15% loved Winter the best, and 38.9% said your favourite season was Autumn!
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Here are some links to the wonderful fonts we used in the graphics!
Stanford Font: @tsunamiholmes
Substitution Ciphers: @sovonight
Thank you again for taking the time to answer the interest check, and for sharing it so others could answer it too! We are thrilled with the response and so excited to create this zine with and for you all!
Mods Berry and Jade
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Disney in any way. The zine will be a charity zine with all surplus going to charity- no one will profit from this zine.
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enamourous · 3 years
YES YES yor is my fave oml shes so cool and when she was getting insecure abt being a good mother to anya i was like noOO T^T ur doing amazing sweetie !!!! the whole gag where each of the family has a hidden secret is so endearing to watch !! since they all almost spill the beans to each other so many timeS :D !! im glad its getting more popular lately and yes im so hyped for the possible anime too !!! ig i have a specific type of show that i rlly like considering how noragami has rlly nice found family moments too as well as comedy w/ action as well !! oh n i read the first few chapters of shadows house and its already p interesting so far !! im already invested hhh !!! as soon as someone says 'interesting chars' i get interested right away so !! and oh okay !! ill just list a few things ive been watching... recently it would be yuukoku no moriarty + bakuten and for cartoons it'd be the owl house and infinity train (specifically season 2 being my fave since its an anthology series, its really interesting as well and a quick watch since its only 10 eps and theyre short ones too !!) which i also rlly recommend if u havent watched them !! and also why would i laugh at viola??? thats so cool and its such a pretty instrument too !!!!!! ;v; i was always jealous when i did music in school bc the few students who did the viola just looked so elegant and professional ?? and i could tell they were hardworkers .. meanwhile i have a tendency to slouch over the piano which is not good :''D plus i bet viola is hard to learn right ?? (im glad u think im not rambling btw !! <3 i need to scream at someone abt how good spy x family is haha)
YESS OMG like!!! that one chapter where yor goes "I'M HER MOTHER!!!" after they think she's anya's maid,, your honor she is officially Mother now she said it and we heard it 😌 omfg the gag is like literally SO funny like did u see the latest chapter recently?? 😂 anya's like "omg dad will find out mom's an assassin AND that she hates frogs!!!!" she has her priorities straight. i love her to death 🥰 and can't get over loid's "omg... this child... she NEEDS love and support. i will now buy the entire store's clothes to make her happy" LIKE. as for the anime... i'm so excited for them to do the first few arcs, i hope they include the little side chapters too like where they go to the aquarium and stuff!! :D OHH so glad you like shadow house so far!!! and yes dflgjfh interesting characters is very much a checklist for this manga, esp with the whole concept of like having a shadow self and etc!! :D i dont know if you've met him yet, but my favorite character is john!! he'll come early on in the manga i think :) and lemme know how the rest of the series goes for you!! 💕 AAH i haven't heard of the animes you've recommended but now that means i've got a list to watch!! :D i'll definitely try to check them out when i get the chance ehehe! also i haven't heard of owl's house but i have heard that infinity train is like so good it's to die for fdk;hg 💕so maybe i've gotta give those a chance as well! kfgjhg i'm so happy with your kindness towards violas, we don't get enough of it aaaa!! :') we're like literally always the butt of the joke ldghkg; it's not too much harder to learn compared to violin or cello i'd imagine, but oh boy,, the heaviness of carrying a big viola on your shoulder all day :') i guess piano and viola are back pain solidarity! however, i still gotta say learning piano is just soo versatile, like i'm sure you can just p much transcribe most pieces into it!! for viola, it's really hard to find music from games / animes etc so i was just always a bit disappointed about it :'(
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TREE REMOVAL EDMONTON: A List of 11 Things That'll Put You In a Good Mood
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The Christmas tree originated in 7th century Germany. A monk called St. Boniface utilized the triangular shape of the Fir tree to highlight the Holy Trinity in his mentors. Ever since, as well as more plainly in 16th century Germany, family members started to bring Spruce, Pine, as well as Fir trees into their residences as well as embellished them with nuts, candles, fruit, as well as paper flowers.
For many years Christmas tree ideas have not only obtained excellent popularity, but also developed into many different variants with just one point alike, the original triangle shape.
Now Xmas trees can be seen anywhere during the holiday season. A lot, so that having the most costly tree has come to be a sort of competition for several of the globe's wealthiest people. Embellished trees are utilized to display simply how extremely well-off their proprietors are. So, simply how beneficial can a tree obtain?
10. Vermont pre lit synthetic trees: Worth-- > $850 USD Unique features of this lighted Xmas tree include Hinged-branch building as well as unique memory wire. The unique functions of the Vermont Fir tree make it easier to set-up than earlier slim man-made Christmas Trees. This tree is 8.5 feet of various colored vacation party with the most recent in artificial tree modern technology. I wonder what they'll think of following.
9. Pre-Lit Frasier Fir Artificial Christmas Tree: Worth-- > $1,000 USD This pre lit synthetic tree is embellished with 1350 vivid, mini lights. This synthetic Fir tree flaunts an ability for specific lights to be gotten rid of from their sockets without impacting any of the various other tree lights. At 10 feet high, it towers over the majority of various other artificial trees on sale.
8. Sofitel London St. James - Black Tree Embellished With Brandy: Value-- > $55,000 USD Just an additional run-of-the-mill, steel structure slim tree until you look a little closer. You will certainly discover 200 small sized handmade 24-carat gold containers containing Louis XIII, Grand-Champagne Cognac. Why they would honestly leave alcohol in a hotel entrance hall is anyone's hunch. The tree is 16.5 feet high so if you were mosting likely to consume alcohol the sparkling wine cognac, for safety and security reasons I would suggest beginning with the leading and functioning your method down.
7. Steve Quick Jewelers - Gold Table Top Trees: Worth-- > $500,000 USD As a fund-raising job to benefit the American Cancer cells Culture, this enhanced tree was produced by Steve Quick. The Chicago Jewelry expert casts little trees with 18K of strong gold. A couple functions were added to boost the value of a bigger tabletop tree, round ruby ornaments as well as a detachable platinum celebrity tree mattress topper. The star is removable so it can be put on as a pendant. Just when you thought a 5 pound chunk of solid gold could not look any better, they covered it with 4.52 carats of bling, which's simply the one diamond in the platinum celebrity!
6. Soo Kee Jewelery Store - Diamond Tree: Value-- > $1 Million USD Presented at a mall in Singapore called Bugis Junction, a 20 foot - 7,000 pound silver Xmas tree made everybody feel very bad as they tried to find somewhat more economical presents for their liked Edmonton arborist ones. A shiny-silvery radiance of 21,798 rubies and also more than 3,000 crystals decorated this fantastic vacation phenomenon. Would they truly observe if 1 or 2 went missing?
5. Washington D.C. - Capitol Xmas Tree: Worth-- > $1 Million + USD The practice of standing a high Fir tree on the West front of The Capitol in Washington, D.C. began in 1964. Each year the exterior tree is reduced, transported, as well as replanted. Reports guess that the price of such a procedure is more than $1 Million thus making this outdoor Christmas design one of the most costly worldwide.
4. Ginza Tanaka Jewelery Shop - Tabletop Tree: Value-- > $1.6 Million USD Ginza Tanaka Jewelery in Shinsaibashi, Osaka, Japan displayed this beautiful slim tree that was enhanced with over 240 priceless treasures. It is a 24K gold little tree tied with a range of diamonds and pearls considering a total amount of 46 extra pounds. It stands as the 4th most pricey embellished Christmas tree worldwide.
3. Takashimaya Chain Store - Preserved Rose Mini Christmas Tree: Value-- > $1.8 Million USD Precise proof that dimension does not matter. Well, when you're talking about phony Christmas trees to buy that is. The 16 inch table leading Xmas trees is made from managed flowers and enhanced with 400 diamonds. I ask yourself if the department store ever before did accumulate on the $1.8 million cost nevertheless, they did toss the teddy bear in to sweeten the deal.
2. Hong Kong Swarovski Crystal - LED Prelit Christmas Tree: Value-- >??? Standing an astonishing 90 feet high, the 40,000 Swarovski crystals are piled high into one spectacular Xmas homage as component of the yearly Hong Kong "Winterfest". While this outside LED Christmas tree is relatively impressive during the day just wait till the sun drops. Regrettably, the price of such a tree is unidentified to us right now, so the concern "where does it put on this checklist?" can be responded to with one more question "Does your Christmas tree blink it's lights to the beat and shoot fireworks out the top?" I really did not believe so.
1. The Emirates Palace Hotel - Decorated Christmas Tree: Worth-- > $11.4 Million USD The seven star resort in Dhabi presented a 40 foot Xmas Pine covered with $11 million well worth of rubies, pearls, emeralds, and the like. This tree was on loan from a gallery in Abu Dhabi
If you were considering staying at The Emirates Palace Resort you can anticipate to pay around $1 million weekly. Costly? Possibly, but your space comes with a Butler, a Maybach high-end car & driver, and also a privet jet simply in situation you need to run to the grocery store in Edmonton, Canada to grab a couple of things prior to dinner.
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mmithharry · 6 years
“Is that my shirt?”
for the anon who wanted #62 on the prompt list! here you go :))
btw he is not famous in this :)
You and Harry have always been best friends. Ever since the first day of second grade, you two have been inseparable. Moving to a new school when you’re only eight and very shy is nerve-wracking. When Harry spotted you with your head down and sitting alone in the cafeteria, he knew he had to be your friend. 
Growing up you and Harry spent so much time together, people would say you two were attached at the hip. Wherever you went, he was always there with you. And vice-versa. 
Being 17 and in love with your best friend, wasn’t exactly the best feeling. Considering the fact that he has a girlfriend, and never really spends time with you anymore. You always thought you and Harry would end up together. And it seems as though everyone else, except Harry, thought that too.  I mean, of course you went on dates, but none of them were as good as Harry. 
You were heartbroken when he told you he was dating someone. Not just because you were in love with him, but because he never told you about her before. You two always told each other everything. Maybe you sound hypocritical, but you just didn’t want to ruin your friendship. 
“Y/n, it’s pretty obvious you like him. The way you look at him says it all. You’re going to have to tell him sometime soon.” Your friend Niall said. He was right, you do have to tell him. 
“I know Ni, but he just looks so happy with her. Plus, if I tell him and he doesn’t feel the same way, which he probably doesn’t, our friendship is over.”
“You don’t know that for sure. You never know what could happen. He might be in love with you too. Don’t sell yourself short.”
While you were watching a movie, you heard three swift knocks. Since you weren’t expecting anybody, and you were home alone, you were a bit nervous. When you opened the door, you weren’t expecting a fuming Harry, but that’s what you had. 
“H, what are you doing here?” 
“We need to talk y/n.” He said as he walked right past you and into the house. 
“Okay, what about?” You were a bit nervous. You didn’t know what he had to say or why he was so mad. 
“Do you have feelings for me?” Your eyes widened, you weren’t expecting that. Your brain started doing a checklist of everyone you told. Which only came down to Niall and your mom. 
“What? Harry where is that coming from?”
“Answer the question, y/n! Do you have feelings for me?” He said as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
After not answering and looking down at the carpet, that answered the question for him.
“Oh my god, Niall was fucking right. Y/n I’m in a relationship with a girl who I love! You can’t just say that, that’s beyond selfish! And what? You tell Niall instead of me!” Niall. Niall told him. 
“You think I don’t know that Harry! That’s one of the many reasons I didn’t tell you. I should’ve never even told Niall.” At this point you were about to break down in tears.
“Niall was drunk when he told me! At first I didn’t believe him, but I had to come down here and ask you myself. I can’t believe you loved me for all this time, and you never told me. What kind of best friend does that?”
“A best friend that doesn’t want this friendship to end. A best friend who doesn’t want to lose her best friend.” Your heart was crumbling inside your chest, but you had to be strong right now.
“Well it’s bit too late for that, isn’t it? I just can’t believ- Is that my shirt?”
You were confused when he asked that. You looked down, immediately embarrassed. 
“Yes, you gave it to me that one night I slept at your house. You let me keep it.” You murmured. 
“Well, I want it back. Give it to Niall or something, so he can give it to me.”  He said as he walked past you and out of the house. 
As soon as he left, you broke down in tears. You could’ve swore that your heart was actually broken. You slid down the door, choking on your sobs. Little did you know Harry was doing the exact same thing in his car.
So much for being best friends. 
soo this is a bit long haha! anon who asked for this, i hope this is what you had in mind! i’m not really sure how i feel about this though! if you didn’t want it to be angsty, just send me a message and i’ll do another version of it!! thank you:)
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shownuslaugh · 7 years
Open House
Can you please do an one shot where Yoongi is a CEO and a single parent of 3 years old twins ( girls) and he ends up falling in love with their teacher 🙏❤
I really hope you like it :) Also, his part in the 2nd DNA teaser just screamed CEO. It also made me scream. My cotton candy haired baby. Ugh!
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               Open house is either the best night of the year or the worst night of the year. Usually the worst. You always thought those stereotypes of rich parents being uninvolved in their children’s lives was just that. A stereotype. If you had known the truth when you agreed to take the job at one of Seoul’s most elite preschools you don’t know if you would’ve actually taken it. Actually, that’s a lie. You still would’ve taken the job offer. Children need to be loved and cherished by everyone in their lives, including teacher. Especially teachers. You would’ve taken the job and you would’ve done it without a thought to the contrary.
               Then you get those parents that really, really test your resolve.
               Min Yoongi is one of those parents.
               He walks in your classroom, brushing past the artwork his own children made, glued to his phone. Your eyes narrow as you take him in. His hair is carefully styled to make it look like it hasn’t been styled, and his clothes are obviously designer. His entire aura screams “busy CEO”. You hate him instantly, even as he takes a seat on the other side of your desk and finally looks at Mi-Sun and Soo-Jin’s drawings. You try to look for the kind, smiling face his daughters are so prone to draw but can’t. This man is hard as ice.
               At least he showed up, you tell yourself. He could’ve easily sent a nanny like all the other parents. He didn’t. He personally showed up.
               You try to keep that in mind as he tilts his head slightly, looking you up and down. Ever so briefly you wonder what he could’ve found that has him making that confused face.
               “The girls speak highly of you,” Yoongi finally says. “You’re the first teacher they’ve had to actually make an impact on them.”
               “Mi-Sun and Soo-Jin are three. How many teachers have they had?” Unless he’s counting previous nannies as teachers? You bristle at the thought, feeling vaguely insulted. Does he consider you a glorified nanny? You take a deep, calming breath before trying to get your thoughts back on track.
               You clear your throat. “Your daughters are extremely intelligent, Mr. Min. They grasp concepts quickly and master them even faster. Even more impressive still is their desire to help the other children in the class. If another student is having difficulty and I’m preoccupied they will often step in.”
               He smiles sarcastically. “My twins do your job for you?”
               You press your lips in a thin line. He told a joke. You know it’s a joke, but…
               “I’ve had a long evening, Mr. Min. I would appreciate if you took this seriously.”
               Yoongi nods, face dropping back into his previous serious expression. “My apologies. It sounds like the girls are doing well.”
               “They are; however, they both have an aversion to math. You may want to ask whoever helps them with their homework to put a bit more emphasis on the subject.”
               “I help them.”
               You blink, shocked by the admission. “I’m sorry?”
               Yoongi turns a bit shyer at your obvious surprise. “I help them when I get home from work. On the days I know I’ll be in the office past nine I have them brought to the company around three and send them home after we have dinner and do their homework.”
               “Is their bedtime.”
               “You’re certainly… involved.”
               “Of course I am. They’re my children.”
               You look down at the piece of paper on your desk. Before the open house started you wrote down a few talking points to go over with each family, stressing parental involvement and support. In one three minute conversation Min Yoongi has rendered your entire list useless.
               “I apologize, Mr. Min,” you say with a sigh. “I made an assumption of you based on the other parents. Mi-Sun and Soo-Jin are amazing students. Unless you have any concerns you care to address you’re free to leave. I’m sure the girls would like their father at home.”
               “My only concern is their growing attachment to you. You’re all they ever talk about at home.” Yoongi gives you a look you can’t decipher before standing. “Thank you for your time and concern.” He eyes your checklist with a smile.
               The next day your class is interrupted by a knock on the door. An unfamiliar man with a kind, well-meaning smile shoves a bouquet of red roses in your hands.
               “Hobi!” Mi-Sun waves happily to the man while Soo-Jin blows him a kiss.
               Hobi returns their affection before turning back to you. “From Min Yoongi,” he gestures to the flowers.
               “And you are?”
               “Hoseok. His partner.”
               “Business partner. He said to make that very clear. We’re business partners. Not partner partners.”
               “Oh.” You smell the flowers, a brief smile taking over your face. “Tell Mr. Min I said thank you. They’re beautiful.”
               “Of course.” Hoseok gives you a knowing smirk, waving goodbye to the girls. You shut the door behind him and place the roses on your desk. Unfortunately you don’t see the ornate, white card slip from the bouquet to the trashcan beside your desk.
               Maybe if you had noticed the card you wouldn’t have walked into a classroom filled with red roses and an irritated Min Yoongi standing in the middle of it all two days later.
               “So the flowers were beautiful but not beautiful enough to accept my invitation to dinner?” Yoongi waits for you to walk to him, barely able to stay standing when you meet his eyes with a level gaze. “Why didn’t you come?”
               “Generally when you invite someone to dinner you don’t just expect them to show up. You actually ask.”
               “I did! There was a note with the flowers!”
               “I never saw one.”
               Yoongi’s mouth falls open. “You di- really?”
               “Well, in that case I suppose I can forgive you for standing the girls and me up.” His eyes are soft when he speaks and for a moment you believe this is a side of him very few see. “Have dinner with us tonight?”
               You look around your redecorated room with a smile. “Okay.”
               If you had known what was in store for you when you took a job at one of Seoul’s most elite preschools you don’t know if you would’ve taken it. Things were so easy in the beginning. Dating Yoongi came as naturally as breathing. You already adored his girls and with each passing day you came to adore him. Love him even. Things never stay so happy for you though. Not even two months after officially dating Yoongi your whole world managed to come crashing down around you.
               “She’s just my ex,” Yoongi promises you, hands gripping your shoulders. “I swear.”
               You move away from his touch. “She’s more than that. She’s the mother of your children, Yoongi. Is there any chance the two of you could fix what you had?”
               “I… I don’t know.”
               “Then you should figure it out. Whatever is meant to happen will always find a way to happen. This might be the universe telling you to work it out with her. Promise me one thing though.”
               You smile sadly. “Kiss the girls for me one last time and tell them I love them.” You kiss his cheek, ignoring the tears you feel hit your lips. “Goodbye, Yoongi.”
               The school year ends.
               Two years pass.
               You still work at the preschool but now you’re sure to keep your distance from the parents. The brothers on the other hand… that’s a different story. You meet a boy around your age named Jackson. He’s from Hong Kong but moved with his family to Seoul to pursue a rap career. He’s kind and funny and you care about one another, but both of you know it isn’t love. You’ve still got a hole in your heart with Yoongi’s name on it and Jackson comes with his own emotional baggage. The two of you break up after a year of dating.
               “At least let me introduce you to someone,” Jackson begs. It’s been three months since the two of you broke up yet he keeps coming over to your apartment. You don’t complain because you like having him around. He’s a better friend to you than a boyfriend. “He’s your type. Short and emotionally unavailable.”
               “Sounds oh so tempting.” You sigh deeply, knowing he won’t drop it until you agree. “Fine, but if I don’t like him you better be on standby.”
               Jackson- sweet, oblivious Jackson- has no idea what he’s done. You watch Yoongi through the window of the restaurant. He looks the same as he did three years ago only his hair is just a bit darker. There’s no way you can go inside and face what you know will be a difficult conversation. A difficult conversation you aren’t ready to have. You’re just about to turn around when Yoongi suddenly looks up, eyes burning a hole in your own. You have the impulse to run away but his impulse is faster. Before you know it he’s pressed against you, arms around your waist.
               “It’s you,” Yoongi whispers, face buried in your hair. You still use the same shampoo that smells just like honey and he can’t believe. He really can’t believe it. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.”
               “What about your ex-wife?”
               “We tried. For two years we tried to be a big, happy family but she knew I didn’t love her anymore. By the time I figured it out as well it was too late. Jackson was already head over heels for you and I couldn’t bring myself to ruin it.” Yoongi cups the side of your face, thumbs brushing away the tears.
               You let out a shaky, nervous breath. “Did you ever tell him? About us I mean.”
               “No. This was all his idea.” Yoongi presses his forehead to yours, still holding your face in his hands. “Please tell me you’ve missed me as much as I’ve missed you.”
               “Probably more,” you laugh.”
               Yoongi doesn’t answer you. He simply presses his lips to yours, poring everything he can’t find the words for into the kiss. Three words do manage to come to mind though.
               “I love you,” he whispers when he pulls away. “Never leave me again.”
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lesliepng · 6 years
It’s Japan!!!! Definitely one of the dream places that I’ve always wanted to visit and non of anybody had any bad comments about it after returning from their trip there. So yeah a day before my birthday, I flew to Japan!! 😛
This was also my first time taking the Japanese airline, All Nippon Airways (ANA) that provides so far the best service I’ve ever had onboard. Surprisingly the price for ANA this time was comparable with our local budget airline Airasia so ANA it is!
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Only if I can get this view from the plane!!!
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Nah this is the actual photo. Was just playing with a bit of photoshop on the previous photo 😛
So once we touched down, we took the Narita Express that took up to 90 minutes ride from Narita Airport to Shinjuku station. It would be great if you get a return tickets for the Narita Express cause it’s cheaper than buying separately. So it was a very chill experience along the way and by the time we landed it was almost 4pm in Japan time so sunset was just in time (sunset in Winter is earlier).
We checked into Ibis Hotel Shinjuku and it was already dark and we were soo soo hungry!!!
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The first night in Japan and I already fell in love! Look at the street and the lights!
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Not to mention it was colddddddddd.
The flow of my blog will be according to the timeline that I was in Japan so if you happen to see any place you’d like to visit or interested, please jot it down and feel free to ask me more about it!!!
Classic fact about the metro that everyone’s so so quiet and they stood so still in their own position. The fact that it was so safe being there, I didn’t mind being cramped tightly in the crowd.
The next morning we visited the famous Blue Bottle Coffee at Aoyama. Talking about Aoyama, ohh it’s just an indulgence just to walk around the streets with beautiful architectures around all the small alleys.
Checklist list ticked: to have that blue bottle paper cup 😛
The doughnut balls on the left was so so so good you must try!!! and we tried the lemon poppy seed cake too.
Then we continued strolling around the streets and kept being amazed by everything we’ve seen.
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Another fact about Japan is that the light and shadow are coordinating perfectly with each other.
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#ootd with the architecture of Prada Aoyama is a must as the structure was designed in diamond-honeycomb like and the light refraction makes it shine perfectly.
We then took metro to Ginza and came upon this street.
Japanese pop culture never dies ❤
Second day was basically exploring the city’s interesting corners and feeling the cold.
It was my birthday!!! So this was my birthday dinner (Happy Birthday to me!!!) and it was one of the best! This was at Izuei Honten, which is an unagi specialist that serve really really good unagi with reasonable price.
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Waking up super early the next day for the exciting experience at Sensō-ji. It is an ancient Buddhist temple located at Asakusa.
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It was already super packed around 9am in the morning.
You can find a lot of interesting Japanese street food and cute souvenirs along the street towards the main temple.
And for the girls, you can rent Kimono and walk around the streets to have a closer experience of being a Japanese.
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Never skipped the Japanese Strawberry Mochi aka Ichigo Daifuku when you’re in Japan cause their strawberries are super huge and sweet!
The temple itself was so magnificent and you can follow the Japanese traditional prayer and have your blessings there.
Ok continued exploring the streets 😛
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  Next destination was the Tokyo Skytree and you can check on the tickets here.
We only went up to the 350th floor and this was already the view!!!!
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Hi Skytree, I see you.
There are stores selling merchandise and souvenirs as well as skytree cafe that has their signature softserve!
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Look at this!! I was and am speechless….
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Next morning we took a super early 6am train to Hakone then Fuji for 3 days. Make sure you get your Hakone-Fuji 3 days express pass at Odakyu Station for only less than RM400 and it includes the return ticket Odakyu-Hakone-Fuji-Odakyu, ropeway pass. pirate cruise tour and almost all the bus accessible around Hakone and Fuji unlimitedly within 3 days.
Hehe bento is unavoidable in the train!!
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After we arrived at Hakone Station, we had to transit to another train to Gora which is where our hotel located.
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Look at this cute red vending machine hiding by the railway.
So yeah this happened when we got out from the wrong side of the train going to our hotel and there’s no route for us to walk over, so we had to wait for the next train lollllll.
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Hoorayyyyyy we’ve finally arrived at Laforet Club Hakone Gora.
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I got so excited to be trying out Yukata for the first time in my life. It was super comfortable as you know, nothing inside :))))) Hahahahah It was also my first time trying onsen!!! It felt so so so good especially during Winter! This is the private onsen in the room and they do have the public pool too.
This is also the first hotel I’ve ever stayed that I did not have to wear my shoes at any part of the hotel including lobby. We were given the complimentary Japanese traditional socks so that we were to wear around in the hotel.
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It’s interesting that everyone is wearing the same yukata at the breakfast lounge.
The next day, instead of taking the train back to Hakone station, we chose to walk a lil and there are so many traditional architecture worth seeing.
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From Hakone station, we took the local bus with our freepass to checkout the Hakone Shrine and the famous Torii by lake Ashi.
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Then we used the freepass for the pirate cruise that bring us around to witness the magnificent Mt. Fuji!
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Look at this!!!!! That little white cap on the peak of Mt. Fuji is so elegant!
From the cruise, we did not go back to where we boarded but another pit stop so we could take the Hakone Ropeway to Owakudani, where the sulfur craters are located.
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Another view of Mt Fuji from the top of Owakudani.
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This is the Chinese name for Hakone.
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Then we headed to the Torii and it’s freaking huge and the wind almost blew us away.
Getting some #ootds after completing all the mandatory destinations.
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Just me and my vending machine. Can I have one at home??????
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and we found this cute 7-11 by the cliff.
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Back to Hakone station. Oh yeah for convenience we dropped our baggage at Hakone station so we did not have to travel back to hotel as we needed to depart to Kawaguchiko station on the same day.
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Finally arriving at Kawaguchiko and means we were closer to Mt Fuji! How cute even the car plate number starts with Fujisan.
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Our home for another night, Royal Hotel Kawaguchiko.
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Morning light shines through the window beautifully
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and I have Mt Fuji behind me, this cannot be anymore perfect.
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Yukata moments.
Yes we woke up to this lake right in front of our hotel!
Hi Mt Fuji, you are everywhere! ❤
So we walked around Kawaguchiko for a bit then took the local bus to Lake Kawaguchiko.
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Then we came upon this primary school by the lake and the adorable Japanese kids were doing sports, hmm more too just having fun hahaha.
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After that, we headed to Chureito Pagoda, that is located at the hill top overlooking Mt. Fuji.
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Unfortunately the weather turned so sunny and the sunlight was too bright that day so couldn’t get a really good photo. Yes this is the view! Basically walking up to this Pagoda is one hell of a workout! Trust me don’t take the stairs, take the curve sloppy route instead, it’s a lot easier though it may no seem so.
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All the residence from the top.
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That’s the end of our 3 days in Hakone-Fuji and taking the train back to Shinjuku!
First thing back to Shinjuku, Food!!!!!! This was at Ichiran Ramen, Yummehhhh
Ramen ended the previous night pretty well especially after the journey of bus ride from Kawaguchiko back to Shinjuku. The next day we dropped by Fuglen Espressobar and they have pretty decent coffee though, up to my personal favorite.
Who doesn’t love doughnut right?:P
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Since we only had a doughnut in the morning so here we were at Shake Shack Shibuya!!! I’ve been wanting to have it again after my first time at Dubai 4 years ago and finallyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! It’s definitely one of the best fast food I’ve ever had.
After feeding our tummies, we walked to Tokyo Plaza and it’s got a pretty amazing view from the rooftop.
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Shibuya crossing!!
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Hi traffic light! (I mean the colors of the cabs hehe)
The next day we woke up super early again, ok not super early but still early hahah, for a trip to Tsukiji Market! Yasss seafood and tamago!!!!!
That was the huge grilled scallop that I had, it was so fresh and juicy. Ignore my sleepy swollen face in the morning pls.
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Then you’ve got all kind of seafood being served in different ways along the market. It’s kinda confusing for a first timer like me to walk around as it spreads out to different directions.
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She’s so gorgeous wearing the traditional Kimono.
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and the not to be missed Tamago!!!!
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We’ve tried this humongous crab stick was yummeh too.
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Eheh bumped into go kart with costume on the road. Yes you can rent it with the costume and drive in the city.
Next stop, About Life Coffee, was where I had the best coffee in Tokyo. It’s just a small corner lot with only 2 bench outside the shop and some standing spots besides the coffee machines, tiny but best coffee!!
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Another coffee stop at Saturday Surf NYC at Daikanyama and at the same time we got to shop for their products too.
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The seats are actually at the balcony overlooking the streets of Daikanyama, pretty dope isn’t it?
Seems like a day full of eating. Next if you’re looking for an affordable and good sashimi restaurant, you should try out Sushino Minori.
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Ooopss doughnut again! This was at Doughnuts & Coffee.
Pink is obviously the concept of this cafe so they made everything so Instagrammable. However the doughnut was too sweet and coffee was not good though 😦
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The Doughnuts & Coffee was en route to visit the Tokyo Tower and here I was!
Waited for sunset and the tower was lit beautifully.
That was the last night in Japan and we decided to have Izakaya for our dinner. Was looking for quite a few back at Shinjuku but never seemed to have a decent one until we thought of this street. This was where I took the first picture on the first night when we first landed. It’s called Shosuke. Trust me they serve really really good and comforting food from fried udon to yakitori and paired with Japanese draught beer, BEST!!!!
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On the last morning before departing to the airport, we dropped by Shibuya for the last cafe visit called Little Nap Coffee Stand.
and I fell in love with this quote from them saying ‘I’d rather enjoy a cup of coffee than taking photo’, which cannot be totally true as taking photos is my passion but it’s funny though.
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So nah, I took a photo of stranger enjoying his coffee, that’s perfect! 😉
That wraps up my 10D9N trip to Tokyo, Japan and it’s the best best country that I’ve ever visit so far. I finally understand why so many of my friends make Japan as the annual holiday destination.
ps special thanks to my gears Olympus OMD EM1 Mark 2 and the lenses for all the photos that I’ve captured as my best memories.
Japan, I’ll see you again ❤
      Konichiwa, beautiful land of culture! It's Japan!!!! Definitely one of the dream places that I've always wanted to visit and non of anybody had any bad comments about it after returning from their trip there.
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fanficsofmine · 7 years
Disney- Kyungsoo scenario
A/N: hey everyone! This is a request for a soo fluff when you're going on a trip. I hope you like it!!!-A “Okay. That’s packed. Do we have everything we need for the trip?” Kyungsoo said as he closes his suitcase, zipping it shut. “Hm, lets run through the list. Magic bands? Sunscreen? Are we taking our mickey ears again this time? The ones we got personalized last year? I thought It would be cute to get some photos taken with those.” I said as I ran down the checklist. “They’re in the bag, yes to sunscreen and absolutely to the mickey ears. I packed both pairs in my bag earlier. It’s not like we haven’t been to Disney dozens of times now babe, just relax. I think we have everything.” He replies, hugging me tightly. “Okay smart ass, where are your glasses.” I retort, a smirk plastered across my face. He always had a hard time remembering where he put his glasses last. “Shit. Um, let me go look” He said as he scrambled to search for his glasses. I finished going through the checklist myself, making sure every last-minute detail was in place. I knew we had a long trip ahead of us and we couldn’t forget any of the necessities. “Found them!” He yelled, running into the bedroom, holding his glasses above his head victoriously. We packed those into his small carryon luggage so he wouldn’t forget them and we headed out to wait for our Uber to come get us and take us to the airport. We had a direct flight to Orlando and I was incredibly thankful. Layovers are the absolute worst thing to deal with on top of a long flight, and that’s the last thing I wanted to deal with. Kyungsoo helped the driver load our luggage into the trunk of the car and he sat in the back seat with me. He reached over and held my hand, caressing my hand with his thumb. We rarely had time to get away together, but when we did we made the most of it. The next few hours passed like a whirlwind. It took forever to get through security but once we were through everything went quickly. I must’ve fallen asleep for some of the plane ride because we were in Orlando before I knew it. Once we got off the plane and to our hotel, we unpacked a few of our belongings, ordered room service and had a lazy night in. We knew we had an early day ahead of us tomorrow, so we were going to enjoy the evening at hand. Once we finished eating, Kyungsoo curled up with me in bed and we watched a movie until we fell asleep. The next morning, we were up bright and early. We got dressed, applied our sunscreen, made sure our magic bands were securely on our wrists, and grabbed everything we needed for the day. We took the shuttle into magic kingdom, where we had early entry. The lines were short, and we got on the rides rather quickly. We were able to ride the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, splash mountain, big thunder mountain and the haunted mansion rides before lunch. “Let’s ride the teacups before lunch baby!” I exclaim, dragging him towards them. “Can’t we wait baby? I’m getting hungry.” He protests, dragging his feet to slow you down. “Kyungsoo! The last time did the teacups after you ate it didn’t end well. Do you remember?” I chuckled slightly, reminding him that it didn’t necessarily agree with his stomach the last time. “Yeah, I almost forgot about that. Okay, teacups first” he whined as we headed toward the ride. It started slowly at first, but after a while Kyungsoo decided he was going to mess with me, spinning the cup faster and faster. “Baby please stop! It’s too much!” I complained, my head spinning. He grabbed the wheel in the center and began slowing it down. The ride finally came to a stop and I stumbled off of the ride, Kyungsoo helping me with my dizziness. I sat down for a few moments, regaining my composure before we headed to lunch. After lunch, we hit many other rides, but I was most excited about space mountain. It had a long line, but it was beyond worth it. Kyungsoo and I played games during the wait, and occasionally he would hold my hands, rubbing them gently as we talked. It was finally our turn, and we got as close to the front as we could. I held his hand through the beginning of the ride and we both ended up putting our hands up through the hills and turns. We rode almost all of the rides as the day went on and we got to see a few of our favorite shows. The day soon turned to night and we headed towards Cinderella’s castle to watch the fireworks. The show started and it was a kaleidoscope of colors, reds, greens, purples. The sky lit up in random bursts and I could see Kyungsoo as he watched in awe. His face lit up with wonder, almost childlike as the show went on. When he caught me staring I chuckled softly. “What’s so funny?” he asked, pulling me in tight to him. “Nothing. I just love your expressions.” I said, tilting my face up to his. He kissed my lips gently before moving behind me, his arms around my waist and his head resting gently on my shoulder as we both watched the finale in awe. “I’m having such a good time baby, thank you for this. This vacation was needed, and I’m glad I got to spend it with you” He said as the last fireworks went off, the crowd cheering after it was over.
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irisalderman-blog · 7 years
The Great Legislation Of Tourist attraction Sabotage Your Buddies!
WARSAW (News agency) - A Polish male acquired the surprise of his lifestyle when he saw a whorehouse as well as located his partner amongst the establishment's staff members. Over the upcoming several months, my close friend went coming from being actually a supremely healthy physical specimen, a typically gifted athlete in his very own right, to a strolling stick body. When that was actually blowing up once more, I asked my close friend what he assumed concerning the whole Armstrong shame. I knew his good friend just liked fat harmful rough girls, however didn't realize therefore did my husband. There are actually numerous individuals out there that are sick or even miserable and also they blame that on symptoms from poor misfortune. That exact same imagination that fatigues you with sad pictures and also frightened circumstances can also dream up impressive fine art, popular music, service ventures etc One them will definitely stroll off the area as the initial African-American trainer to gain the Super Bowl. If your buddy cannot handle that you altered faiths or even political affiliations, they were never ever a genuine close friend to begin with. She has fantastic aspirations yet life remains to pummel her into the ground time and time again. Plenty of people believe that they ought to fight for the boyfriend/girlfriend to follow back to a poor relationship. For every reference that joins a paid eFax solution, the member acquires one item into the extremely and once a week Grand aim drawing. You recognize totally exactly what relationship and also a true close friend is. Worthy friends are actually infrequent. Right now, for the full list on the best ways to thrill your girlfriend, plus a lot more recommendations on effective ways to maintain your girlfriend in love with you and various other strategies to turn your buddy right into your girlfriend, explore my internet site currently! Your natural intuitions could not be your buddy within this condition, and also that is actually quick and easy to succumb to these oversights. Animals are actually soo wonderful, impressive and also as you have actually described, extremely smart conserving lifestyles! Many dealerships provide financing to purchasers along with poor credit report or zero credit history. While you definitely do not need a reason to inquire a close friend to throw a birthday party, a little bit beginning never injures! There is actually something to keep in mind, however: I am not merely explaining that even if you don't possess everything alike with a close friend, they are actually a poor pal. I should be actually incredibly privileged in possessing one such accurate good friend in my lifestyle, though i too possess a huge checklist from friends in me! Usually an individual learns more about a product off a friend or even colleague, ends up being a client and begins taking pleasure in the advantages of the item. You correct, our team must aim to avoid poor condition before try this website sometimes our team can't so its own significant to recognize just what to carry out when you have actually dropped a sufferer. Moo gained always kept getting teased concerning his makeup uses, however I presented this for both the referral, as well as the bad belows. That concept collapsed after none from my fans or even pals reported pal demands off my alter-ego. Extra or even unnecessary items in the start-up listing are going to defintely improve your start-up time, possibly through a number of minutes. Emma - Opportunity does that, however I've regularly discovered some downtime to play with whenever any kind of buddy offers me a video game from Catan.
After responding to fan concerns as well as discussing additional information, Rogen created: Anyhow, if you dig Superbad, thanks for excavating this. I composed that with my best buddy in secondary school and also we still write with each other. Your job as the encourager is actually that can help your buddy fail to remember the oversights or slips and urge all the development they are making.
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