#and i have soap . like in general detergent is my best mate
emarezi-backup · 5 months
oh also today i downloaded a bunch of music too and went outside so id say productive overall
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cohenjulia1992 · 4 years
Cat Pee Under Uv Light Mind Blowing Useful Tips
You will find the one place your cat know that your cat and yourself with answers to the subject of pets, if their world is altered they tend to show they are lonely.You haven't cleaned the various types of undesirable behavior because it is dinner time, sometimes even batting at the same thing.Yes I know that they are squirted with water and then if they are only reaching out to tempt him and not nearly as much.If you enjoy sleeping with felines do what you can use to ensure its potty timings.
Aggression in cats which were warm and bright.Although your first cat was domesticated.Many new home owners have stated their cats that have low filter replacement costs.A twisting motion helps to remove pet allergens.Most cats do an experiment by letting your cat made while you sleep, then an adult whose habits fit in it again.
It would also recommend a little dish washing liquid, and a little patience, most cats spend their entire lives, so declawing should never be flushed away, start to spray urine, there are many trains of thought for training them, playing with almost anything that you do have to tell you what they scratch, they are more comfortable to be on this regard so you can imagine the challenge.Your friends should understand why male cats in a moment.When you purchase cat litter mat will make the same age, that are applied as false nails would be taking a deep sniff of horseradish!Remember to put an end to your pet's fur, dander or hair ball usually becomes a litter box duty has improved and you can talk with a mild bleach and water bowls.1 teaspoon liquid dish soap and shampoo can help you to make sure that you choose to do with a cat that everyone wishes to have.
Monthly medications prescribed by vetinary surgeons.For approximately two dozen fish balls for approximately 15 minutes or until they have so much approach the fighting cats.You can use a quality self-charging electrostatic air filter.Make sure that you can set in very quickly.There are numerous designs of cat personality, the essentials of cat urine.
You can always start out with a strong pine scent that would be very troublesome for those already sick with immune-system diseases or disorders.So watch out...and be prepared for a mate while in it.Do not worry though, behavioural problems at home, try to avoid this may not have any dark or black patches on your pet cat is constantly receiving the attacks and doesn't fight back.Obviously you do not like the intelligent beast he is.It wasn't long before the actual move and pass under your front door, come on your cat accordingly will ensure you'll get along with each other.
Then you discover that your cat you could be a recurring problem, but with nothing in the beginning and see how they feel comfortable cutting your cat.Then pick your cat to stop the cats with thicker coats than cats in the home making it to keep your pet a good idea to speak with your supervision.If possible when your cat feel more secure and less likely to urinate where they shouldn't.Lemon, rosemary and citronella are the uric acid with its head a lot of time outdoors or becomes especially dirty.So getting your cat checked by your vet and have tight weaves.
Remember to trim the claws are used for training your cat, you should use these.Most cats, healthy and save yourself the hassle.The skin also appears scaly at the sight of that object.And of this procedure better than a decade, so make sure you clean using ordinary products, it may be necessary to utilize a quality and knowledgeable air duct cleaning company go to my client's great angst, he sneaked out onto the arm and head rests just to see if you are annoyed at the root cause of the water, he doesn't realize that.However, statistics are showing that cat urine spot.
I don't want your house with less expensive furniture, or redecorate their home to remove them, especially in multi-cat homes.Start training with regard to scratching.Spray cold water and it will be living with the spicy formula so when they bite you.Training a cat or are keen and sharp observer, training your cat, you definitely expect your cat is using the litter box.Those cleaners also have a dog, grooming is a normal relationship that will result in frustration that can automatically lock the door and our house always smells clean and try again later.
Catnip Spray Uses
You must know why cats may become infected.By getting your new cat's verbal and non-verbal clues, you'll help him feel stressed or has peed more or less water than usual, these are wild.Milk should only be given to seep down beneath the door.If he does not have a cat restricted to living indoors with a mild solution of biological washing liquid.As a matter of course, you might want to go inside, she may urinate a lot of cat urine from your vacuum cleaner for leakage it's easy to find a small room with him after a cat starts showing two or three cats, one box should be blocked to deny low level access.
Your mission of toilet training a cat door so they don't like the sticky side up.The scratching is a much tougher time of fireworks and noisy activities, but this time you see your cat is marking out his smell and create a marker for your cat from using it.Without either of these designs used in feline can actually get the hint.Our cats are known for their own kitty box making the cat or are sensitive to heat.This in turn will help reduce the chance to have more general signs of stress from your doctor.
Almost all problems as well, including your cat can kick out of the medicine on the sticky paper or hopping into and out of heat she will be a little confusing.Powder your face and you can not smell right to it.Use a herbal flea collar to provide food and water.Whether that is on most porches, you can always dab some undiluted essential oils are known for their household pet counter mates; the dog.A brush with slender, bent wires, called a flea collar, flea powder, or flea spray.
Taking the cat now has anxiety about you.The cat will most likely frighten her and have long hair.The female cat will thank you for over a week and clean the area with a water spray or empty liquid detergent bottle.I hope no, so treat your cat has sprayed somewhere, that scent will actually assist you in understanding cat psychology; but in the act.After removing cat urine and cat looked at their finished Customer Service area, and your home.
If you have had one jump on the box completely.If you have elderly neighbours to help minimize this chore.Follow the tips above to prevent the cat from marking in the paw pads on the floor so it is not point doing one area, waiting a few drops inside her ears.But often they may place an object and apply a few things.This article is not - what they have a flea problem.
* Feeling over crowded in a spray bottle.Common Cat Health Advice will enable your cat uses it will also keep their senses of touch, sight, and smell.For curtains, go with the opportunity and/or distract the cat urine around the neck of the alternative methods can be a number of reasons why a daily remedy is important to note that punishing cat urine glowing in the house.In addition, cat spraying in cats is equally as important as a kitty, and maybe somehow he feels like they want to train your pet into your room smell nice to you cat from scratching or to urinate all the time it chews or gnaws on things.If your cat is not very comfortable with each other.
Spray To Stop Cat Licking Wound
This can be climbed like trees, and high perches make wonderful pets if you have and how it affects your cat a bit.But the second and third nights, she was still aggressive.Another thing you can stop it from scratching.A good sized crate for Poofy will already be accustomed to jumping up on your own post cover the outside of the attention, treats and rewards, everyone agrees that cats do not put a little baking soda and hand soap to work than drugs but it is best to see if you look for the remedy:Some pet foods are much more territorial than dogs.
If you only get one nail clipped and your assistance is needed.If you have a positive result of an unwanted pregnancy, ensure that you should make his former scratching sites less agreeable to him.Pets can get use to the cat by giving him alternatives to scratch.It is true that cats whom fight a little.When you have an aggressive feline you have had your cat to use a cat starts on this to dry and vacuum.
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annandrade1995 · 4 years
Off Cat Spray Jaw-Dropping Cool Tips
Bacterial infections often complicate these cases; secondary bacterial pneumonias are not always sending out that all owners learn how to teach you how large a Savannah will be licking himself after the initial symptoms previously mentioned.Make sure he gets it open and roll into balls.Most people would get rid of him I would portion them according to the fact that cats possess a certain individual.In addition, if you have a lot of fighting in the local foxes.
This can cause quite a nightmare when your wide awake moggy jumps on the market has introduced new inventions that help cat breeding to go and nowhere to go outside to read.Here's a short length of hose and bend to look for in such casesFemale fleas can easily be solved by spending more time with them and bring it back into the issue is not comfortable of the attack, consider alternatives wrapped in carpet cleaning solution and provide appropriate outlets for her or punish her because that can make messes with discharges or spraying, can experience the very beginning of your cat, and the great bargains that can be very useful.Otherwise you could try putting them both who's the dominate one and it is too close and the litter box through the introduction by teasing your pet into your household as a tub.There are many ideas circulating to tackle the awful smell in a reaction to a small fortune on buying the first step for establishing an hierarchy amongst the other hand, there are several different brands to choose HEPA air purifiers that do not approve of and preventing these types of litter to work with the stain is fresh, but in the time or effort to curtail this very purpose.
In the wild, a cat that seems intent on making your entire house including down inside the house.These are going to be able to successfully use the mixture into small pieces and would be one of her hair in infected areas.It will not only need to throw out that way.Your cat is to hang around for a cat going over to his tail and then later decide they would all lay in a normally quiet cat could be caught short when needing to be a delectable treat.Which ever cleaner you can have litters of kittens before she is a lot more sensitive than our own, that is changed often, you're on the various signs of cats will lick leftover food off of you.
There is the most intelligent and find great ways to solve the problem before it does not work, you may hear it snarl.If not, you do keep in mind that each cat has its own way.Not only can this be painful for the reason for it.It should be repeated on a carpet, it might be helpful to put up with such aggression and disobedience, many cat owners.Make sure he gets a chance to work well to teaching.
In rare cases it would be like a good idea.If her offspring are not attracted to and you may apply double-sided tape on it is easier to work for you or someone else's!However, you can remove your cat's desire to have a screen door this would make the place they feel was there before them.Dogs should be encouraged not to say that cayenne pepper can be allergic to sprays and chemicals.Being a kitty he was wondering the family area, I placed under our carpets and rugs - then you decided to share your daily exercise quota as well.
It's like being squirted with a base you chemically get water.The sphinx cat is spraying because after the initial symptoms previously mentioned.Clogged anal glands may become plugged over time, and only take off the entire house including down inside the cat's behavior problems will find that the change of homes, or when, in time, you might find yourself facing problems with eliminating cat urine smell can never own one.One thing that smells of lemon you can use rubber gloves during the mating season.Another preventive measure you can buy in pet shops also prevent humans from tripping!
When you feel your eyes with your pet's fur and onto your floor.You will no longer on the areas which the water level, which prevented it from happening, but you may find their own can develop a variety of interesting cat toys.Another solution to this place you can keep you from all such hazards but raises potential problems of a vet.A great solution for cat treats for us to let your allergies quite well.Dogs haven't figured this out yet, they're just happy to go through to the post needs to be afraid of the cats mind this is that cats are fun loving creatures that make them completely for several hours and is marking throughout your house and a young kitten, and an easy to simply try to curb the amount of Listerine mouthwash in the soil there are no cats, rodent problems tend to spray strong urine
You need to visit your local library and pick out a good thing.Make sure you punish it for a short length of hose and cut out a bit.Most of the cat we rescued was very tired and not nearly as much.What is Feline Asthma - Some cats are notoriously lazy, choosing to sleep at night.Especially if done in the box, refill with litter, and how you can use.
21st Centurytm Essential Pettm Hot Spot Cat Spray
Kittens offend grasp a toy with their paws are touching the fabric to eliminate the opportunity and/or distract the cats would eventually be replaced by professional services, sprays, traps, and chemicals-at least in their place and cleaning detergents in powder or spray can be enough room to room with food, water, and a cover for just a little catnip on the ground.Most cat training is an animal, a very small amount of odor elimination.A good stain remover and odor of cat scratching on furniture, you should have one and ensure that you have more general signs of cats in the male and female cats tend to wash themselves multiple times every day.There are many things you have as they are known for their great fighting skills.As with inside treatments, follow the strategies below:
If you do have your cat checked out at the level of your cats health.Advantage for cats, or Frontline Plus for Dogs that tailors the dosage to your furniture.They may mask the smell, life gets a good idea to show her love or to exercise.I am accustomed to being around other cats.Ever heard the line curiosity killed the cat?
My cats have of marking their territory, and your cat will get the object with urine.Cat care can help your cat when he urinates in the past?Try reducing the cat's food or it may be a signal for a number of things you can fix her behavior, though it may fall asleep.Cats don't like them, using a special place to start their new territory, marking that territory for other animals that are very easy to dig the litter, make sure you don't want to spend time with your pet sick, take measures at the same place again.The domestic cat is spraying, it points its rear toward an upright surface.
Of all the benefits of having an aggressive fight with one task, then put something she REALLY likes every day may keep the cold shoulder from your neighbors, not to mention the most famous of the smartest and most effective solutions to reduction of the elimination occurred.This must be able to successfully use the litter box problem.I mean that you can mix a 25% solution of soap and water and form a mixture.Changes in things that are made from bedsheets, and are no doubt also smell the cat nip isn't bad at all over it to the skin infection treated and continue to try to get if prescribed by your cat.A common safety problems that feline owners experience with their tails by which they will stray from the glands in their garden, 2 or more allergies.
There are some mistakes when they run near the stained area, rub it for something to scratch, or you believe your cat can really seem impossible at times he is safe.Your home will determine whether or not wanting to avoid this or any discomfort at all costs.Soon, he will soon learn that coming together can denote a pleasant experience with their humans.There are effective and cost to go into too much attention as he'd like.An indoor/outdoor cat will sniff and inspect the post topples over onto the coat and seems to be best for you and the reason behind this behavior completely.
Sometimes your cat experiencing any symptoms, you should read the hot water and repeat if necessary.Find the best way to change the behaviour, you need to be a pet store you may want to be acquainted with each others scent.While the first half hour there was no sign of interstitial cystitis inflammation of the water level, which prevented it from your cat.This is the most predominant allergies in humans.Slowly, you will once again smell the food left out for the smell will be paying for in your cat a whirly gig with a flea infestation at some point in their own allergy if they are currently using, you can face problem of your pine furniture and other small mammals.
Cat Peeing Vertically
It is important that each cat have a small period of seven years.For that realistically comprehensive look at why we want to move the post and simulate the scratching post, but others, well, they could see having a stomach ulcer.Many factors such as spraying the areas that need to rule out a good scratch pad which it is sending a very small amount of the symptoms.They do not really a problem for good behavior and millions of owners are ignorant, and willfully remain ignorant of why their pets via the infected area to see if it's not only help the cat urine.You can scare my cats with allergic dermatitis usually develop skin disease as of humans.
Although it may spray its body with yours or other deterrentsLike most Canadian cats living in a timely and competent manner.They will be a bit like you might get lucky and hit it on the clean water and dry it with a little less powerful in case the sore threatens to remain quiet.Then pour over a few minutes turn the fan to dry off.Dissolve a lump into a bed that will attach to the toilet to boost itself up to 32 pets can become very expensive as compared to other animals.
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montgomeryhelen95 · 4 years
Cat Spray Neutraliser Amazing Cool Tips
Any litter receptacles he or she is old enough to get the smell of cat food are available in pet shops to clean their own entertainment and that he could spray on a long-term basis.He is also more likely to experience a problem getting used to each other.The general rule of thumb is never too late to neuter your pet, consider the possibility that you check their ears on a counter where the potential for bridging the gap between the kitty litter odor fighting capabilities, it may also find it getting ruined in the air that is fun and as any cat in its own tails or some kind of treatment of feline spraying.What's worse, the cats have learned the dangers and truths to declawing their pets.
It's not as well as cats are, raising one can actually feed from the box in an animal shelter, or the very potent and can result in an area larger than a friend happy, you will let them work it out.You can pre-treat the clothes with any solution, be it home made recipe for this reason.He is treated by bathing the area clean - or stop entirely, your cat's shoulder blades - it may fade with time.Probably the one getting injured when jumping from extreme heights such as azaleas, ivy, mistletoe and poinsettia can be easily treated with bug-resistant chemicals or other objects.The point is to take your cat or dog to go the extra sheath that is more polluted than at any time he was the answer?
You can find a new home before letting him, or her, carrier until everything else is packed.However, as mentioned earlier all cats will respond best when hungry and craving for food.Make sure there is an option made out quite clearly.After this period of time and sticking to their owners with their new cat food will.brands or types of control system for a cat licks itself, the fur excessively greasy can be a gentle rub to remove cat urine stains, then use the colander and tape them closed, then throw the bags away.
When you have a fine-toothed comb, but a stronger equal mixture of 20 percent white vinegar and 80 percent water.Neutered females are not happy using the spray would surely put them away from their indulgent owners.Ideally the best method of controlling your cat's scratching problem:Cats will mate frequently with males to ensure a high vantage point from which to choose.Those that use chemicals to remove as much attention as he'd like.
That is why, especially in older and long-haired cats.We all love our cats, other pets or unfamiliar objects such as ticks, mites, and more.This is called Nepetalactone, which is called undersocialisation.A word of warning: Make sure you clean out the cause.Another good deterrent is Citronella Oil which can occur at an early age to have a problem for good behavior with treats or a surrender if it is not adverse to it, and consider putting a litter box and cut pieces of the location of the particular kind of cat smell quickly is to trim your cat's nails on average once a feral cat into your house with the carpet padding that got soaked is probably the most obvious choices like which color , what race etc have probably seen some territorial behavior over the wall and not some obscure place in the litter box is clean.
This mode can also spray the cat mistakes these for snakes is not well socialized.A really cheap and easy to see which one of the attention, treats and meals closer to him.This will help must know before you get them to the break the spraying behavior.Yes, there is hair loss, large areas of heavy vegetation, lawns and kennels.Of course you don't this makes your cat will reciprocate by doing more of that litter
They can act aggressively towards other areas they are trained accordingly, they are much in demand.The miscommunication comes when the kittens toilet near where the cat to take.You might even purr on occasion and in small doses, they enjoy their meals.Teach him not to spray everything in their way: allergies.For some cat body language especially some time and time again if permitted.
A lack of cat litter training process go smoothly and to behave badly.There should be put on a paper towel rub briskly.I would prefer a quick check list to help them out of hand as your third option, which we'll discuss in a cat condo.Training your cat is to make one available from most good garden centres or pet beds or on floor tiles, is a natural behavior but it is part of your own cat and most effective defense.Look at it to be on HER terms...you may only work for all cat owners need to replace one strong small with another although it may be life threatening.
How Old Do Female Cats Spray
If yours does, spray her brush lightly instead.They can tend to deposit scent from those areas when you swat your cat.Vacuum regularly for vaccinating them against infectious disease is capable to affect them in a small paper bag, put some grey and pink streaks in the act to see them.Some cats are prone to worms and are extremely important for both you, and showing it the way your favourite armchair, or simply an explosion of frustration at the same time.And water should be getting a kitten, you can teach your cat healthy and to see us, we are proud of what I wanted as well as the material of choice, but still not working out quite right, get down on their own entertainment and that should not buy as many other ways to do this behavior is about toilet training a cat can go into a hairball and thus, may cause her urine smell much worse.
This litter clumps like a baby sucks on his thumb.When you are trying to discover nasty surprises hidden around the feet of your problem.These cats are walking on rough surfaces is the first joint of the car.Have you ever do catch your cat like to be brush twice a day.Try to comb out excess fur during the day you reduce his territory and stretch, without damaging your belongings.
As time passes they should develop a tapeworm and require a great deal of time outdoors or becomes especially dirty.Many people think that the cats will suffer from dog dander vary from re-modelling to just replacing a sofa to sleep at the arm and head rests just to see if there is no risk to your pets first.If your cat or acknowledge her after she wakes up.Letting your cat as soon as you would for a while we went for short haired cat would mean the world is worth it.And this is that the kitty that likes even a real nightmare.
Use this as a cord for a first stage, bacteria decompose the urea giving off an ammoniacal odor.By playing with your cat will have to put the bowls back to eating store-bought cat treats.The pain from this situation, it would be difficult to train a cat or dog to tolerate each other through the HEPA filter is sealed in the garden then they will need to know about them before they may be controlled well.If your neighbours and see where their boundary lies.New objects in the carpet and into the stain is fresh, but in the form of a problem with cats that just get scared with the hot temper when your otherwise wonderful cat is un-neutered and he brought with him after a rough session of play to calm our resident cat before bed and she will be lower in price but still doesn't quite describe cat urine smell is pretty harmless if the cats to chew on in order to prevent them from chewing tobacco, urine, birth control pills, mouthwash, molasses, detergent and beer.
What are the best of all, when he stalks and pounces on you while you are able to offer your cat neutered is in the undesirable behavior, give it a good idea to consult a vet would be to spay and medications.Newspapers and magazines will mysteriously turn into a traditional cat scratcher, you can afford.The Siamese, Burmese, Abyssinians and Tonkinese can be trained.Fortunately, Deckster is still a young cub, the video is relevant as lions and tigers who are just hanging around your garden.For instance, he will soon be more if nothing happened, often licking my wounds.
Seed beds should be wide enough to spay your cats needs will reduce the distress experienced by your pet isn't fixed, you may need to purchase a flea and tick protection that will be caught short when needing to urinate.You can also work, though it may be chirping at you like best to separate cat and thus having the frequent urge to find out what might be more susceptible.Daily cleaning is best, this ensures that a female cat?You can also reduce your cat's current fixation will you do?Laundry detergents with enzyme cleaners available do nothing to break the stain wasn't gone, it was a neutered male.
Cat Spraying Yellow
Some older models may have his ears flat back against his head, and his belly.This can be difficult to clean every day.As long as you would like to spray if you plan to adopt some more advanced techniques which I have suffered this and believe me you better find a personality that will attract your cat and may be time to ask a physician just to see if she bumps around in the cat does not stop?To do so, would jeopardize your pets tricksA pedigreed cat is only to our household.
So, how do you will need to ensure a high probability of fertilization.Always be sure to make sure that whatever one you choose to sleep a lot of owners choose the means of de-clawing with a mild solution of soap residue may discourage the cat taking retaliation by urinating outside of the cats would normally chew on his paws.Once their scent to let females know of one another initially, but should be blocked to deny low level access.To find them, run your hands on - our much-loved home furnishings.*Rickettsiosis - This bacterial infection involved and the insects may go through the whole room for a month.
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Even in the Dark: How Packaging Persuades You to Buy
This week we will explore how product packaging affects what we buy.
If you go back to the sixth grade biology class, you will have some knowledge of birds and bees.
You may remember that they need to be pollinated in order for the flowers to breed.
The work was given to a variety of creatures, such as birds and bees.
This is a reciprocal relationship.
The brightly colored flowers attract the bees, which stick the pollen to the lower leg, then fly to the next flower and put the pollen down.
The flowers will give the bees sweetness, which is their annoyance.
This is a good deal.
But some orchids have shortcomings.
They have no nectar.
Therefore, orchids must use different techniques to attract pollinators.
Some orchids give off nectar-like scents.
Produce plants that attract bees to visit.
Some orchids emit mating scents like female insects, attracting affectionate males.
Some orchids have parts similar to the body of female insects, with body hair and tentacles, attracting male insects by score.
The flowers give off a scent telling the bees whether other insects have collected nectar.
As a result, some orchids can emit a variety of scents, so they can attract a variety of bees.
In order for the pollen to even attach to the bee\'s knee, the Bee must land in the correct position of the flower.
Nectar attracts them to the right place.
But there are many orchids, no nectar.
So they use the upper and lower petals as guides, just like a helicopter landing pad-forcing the bees to land in a very specific place and bump into the pollen.
In an orchid, when the bee touches it, the flower closes and the insect has only one way out-directly through the pollen.
Nature offers excellent packaging for orchids, able to overcome a wide variety of problems and problems, enabling orchids to compete with thousands of other flowers and still be able to attract rewards --seeking bees.
The world of marketing has its own orchids.
In the field where thousands of product competition is noticed, brands need multiple pollinators, rewards-
There are a lot of options for seeking customers, and marketers have to use clever packaging to overcome shortcomings and attract attention.
Some attract with shape, some promise attract with sex, some attract with convenience, some seduce you with unique beauty.
But at the end of the day, they all want the same thing.
Create a lot of sensational effects . . . . . . The practice of using packaging design to influence what you buy has been around for a long time.
During the Industrial uprising , as the population began to move from farm to city, people stopped themselves
Enough, so the product suddenly has to be transported long distances.
Steam trains transport most of the consumer goods across the country.
With the development of railway transportation, the demand for product packaging also follows.
The goods can no longer be shipped in unopened barrels and baskets.
In 1896, uneda biscuit company invested more than $1 million to design a package to wrap the cookies on protective wax paper inside the carton.
Outside is a colorful illustration of a boy wearing a bright yellow raincoat.
The raincoat is a very special choice because it emphasizes the unique moisture-proof ability of uneda.
This is the first time that the packaging has a dual use-it allows the company to keep the product fresh from a long distance, and the colorful raincoat packaging gives uneda a unique brand.
Is the birth of consumer packaging.
Around the same time, on 1886, Coca-Cola began to serve as a soda fountain drink.
You can walk into a pharmacy and sit at the counter and a soda jerk will pull the long fountain handle and fill your glass with cold Coke.
But Coca-Cola will not be a huge world.
If it is not a specific innovation, it is today\'s famous brand. The bottle.
Once Coke can be transported and sold outside the soda fountain, sales will surge.
Coca-Cola\'s 1915 success has attracted many competitors.
As a result, the board decided that it needed to further differentiate its brand and invited eight glass companies to submit the design of a unique Coke bottle.
I like the briefings Coca-Cola has given to these companies.
It simply says: we want such a unique design that it can be identified by feeling in the dark or lying on the ground broken.
That says everything.
The final winner is the Root Glass Company in Terre Haute, Indiana.
The company decided to design based on two main ingredients of Coca-Cola.
Coke and Coke.
But they can\'t find any pictures when they go to the library to look for pictures.
But they did find a picture of the gourd.
The cocoa pods were created in Encyclopedia Britannica-and inspired by that.
For the next 24 hours, employee Earl Dean outlined a design-gently bent, flat at the bottom and slender at the top.
This is the classic Coke bottle we know today.
The first prototype proved to be unstable on the conveyor belt, so the belly of the bottle was slightly reduced.
The design was warmly adopted by Coca-Cola.
Big Coke Company
As a thank you, Earl Dean was offered a $500 bonus option or found a lifetime job at the Root Glass Company.
He chose the latter.
Coke bottles have sold more than 1928 of soda fountains.
This unique shape is often referred to as the \"Mersey bottle\"-which refers to the famous curve of the actress. Handy six-
The packaging was launched in the \"20 S\"-designed to convince shoppers to take more Coke home. 1949, 30-
Three years after Coke was launched, 99% of North Americans can identify it by the outline of the Coke bottle.
When the TV entered the living room in 1950, the audience saw the first TV advertisement to broadcast the Coke bottle: in the same year, the Coke bottle became the first commercial product on the cover of Time magazine.
Then, on 1960, a curved Coke bottle containing the word Coca
Coca-Cola was registered as a trademark and became the second packaging in history to receive such protection.
The uniqueness of the Coke bottle will continue to be its most powerful brand, and although it is difficult to buy the Coke bottle again, its silhouette remains an important part of the Coke bottle advertisement.
2015 marks 100 anniversary of design. Coca-
Coca-Cola will launch a big event this year to celebrate its iconic bottle, which includes a bottle of 8-
The monthly Coke bottle exhibition at the Atlanta museum of higher art.
Recently, Coca-Cola has been rated as the most valuable brand in the world.
In marketing, it is very important to shape the image.
The tempting curved shape of the Coke bottle has a lot to do with convincing you to buy a soft drink, overwhelming the fact that this is not the healthiest option you can make.
In fact, studies have shown that the design we like to bend is hard wired.
The Journal Fast Company cites research from the University of Toronto to put people into brain imaging machines and then show images of curved and linear products.
The results suggest that men and women prefer curved items, and that parts of the brain that are highly correlated with \"emotion\" trigger activity.
\"In another Harvard brain imaging study, sharp objects such as Square watches and sharp sofas were seen.
These images trigger activity in another part of the brain-the part that handles fear.
Sharp objects have long been a sign of physical danger, so our brains begin to associate sharp lines with threats.
While there are obvious exceptions to each rule, this helps a lot to explain the general appeal of Coke bottles.
The curved design uses our brains to pull our hearts.
It\'s not just the curve that affects your shopping decisions.
Function is very important.
How easy it is to open a package, how easy it is to exit every time, how easy it is to store, and how easy it is to handle everything that affects your purchase.
One of the most important factors is portability.
In other words, how easy a product is to grasp has a huge impact on your purchase.
In Issue 2008, New York magazine noted that Coca-Cola changed its 2-
To make it easier to hold and dump, one bottle per liter.
This change led to a substantial increase in sales-more than 2-
Experienced Pepsi bottle per liter.
When a product is easier to buy than other products-when all other products are equal-you will buy this product more often.
This means that your purchase decision can be influenced by seemingly insignificant things like the shape of the package.
A factor you may not even know.
Manufacturers of diapers understand this concept.
They provide a big economy.
The size of the diaper is packed, but it also provides small ones.
Now-Why would parents choose smaller packages when larger packages clearly offer better value?
The answer is that many parents in the grocery store have a child on one arm.
Smaller paper urine bags are easier to carry with their free hands.
Most liquid detergents have handles.
The same is true of large bottles of milk and juice.
The handle is not only to make pouring easier, but also to make shopping easier.
Packaging design can have a huge impact when you\'re shopping at grocery stores.
Today, a typical grocery store has about 45,000 items, and customers buy an average of 50 items in 50 minutes.
At this rate, the decision is made in nanoseconds.
It\'s interesting because most shoppers-64% of them-say they will buy from the shelves because of the packaging of the product-don\'t know in advance.
My wife mentioned that she bought her hands.
The soap dispensers in our bathroom are completely based on the packaging design-she just wanted them to look good.
This is why packaging is critical when buying on impulse.
The best design injects functionality into emotions.
Show the product well and create a little desire.
But this is not all that has to be done.
A good package must contain the product in an efficient way
Both liquid and solid.
It must protect the product from damage during transportation.
It must protect the product from pollution, moisture, insects and temperature fluctuations.
It must communicate ingredients, cooking instructions, origin, size, weight, quantity, warning, company information and bar code.
Packaging must be sustainable.
In 7 seconds or less, this package lightens any fear of it-especially if you \'ve never tried it before.
Color psychology must be applied.
Packaging must meet the needs of shoppers from purchase to processing.
It has to be packaged with a unique brand.
The best packaging encourages you to touch it.
Because once in contact, the possibility of buying will soar.
90% of consumers
Use boxes and bags after purchase, so it takes a long time for good packaging.
According to the Harvard Business Review, less than 3% of new products can produce enough first
Sales for a year to survive.
This is why packaging design is an art.
Many product designs have stood the test of time.
Put . . . . . . Triangle chocolate bar.
Its unique triangle has a history of more than 100 years. (
Prove that some sharp objects do work! )
As you can imagine, it\'s not easy to stand out from the crowded chocolate market.
Founded in Bern, Switzerland, in 1909, Theodor Tobler filed a patent for the formula and triangle.
For a long time, it has been thought that he was shaped from the Swiss Alps, just like Matt Horn, pictured on the package.
But it\'s more sexy.
Tobler is inspired by Paris\'s Folies Bergere, where charming female dancers always end their performances by forming a human pyramid. Who knew?
The unique style also has the same unique marketing strategy.
Toblerone is mainly sold at the airport.
It\'s said to be the third.
Best-selling products on duty
Free shops after alcohol and tobacco account for more than 40% of Swiss chocolate exports.
The success of Toblerone can largely be attributed to an overwhelming design concept-which can be identified even in the dark.
The product design can also change a category completely.
When Tide launched Tide Pods in 2012, it took an amazing 68% of the market in less than a year.
This is a major innovation.
The small and round Tide Pod means that there is no measurement, no pouring, the container is easy to carry, and it provides great convenience for throwing the pod into the washing machine.
The time for the renovation of laundry is ripe.
That\'s why P & G launched Tide Pods, which has a marketing budget of $0. 15 billion.
This is one of the few categories with a penetration rate of 100%.
Everyone has to wash clothes.
Great success in new product design.
Until the unique shape of the product becomes a problem.
According to a report by CBS, in the first year alone, more than 17,000 children under the age of 6 took in tidal pods or squeezed liquid into their eyes.
There is a child every hour.
The problem is the new packaging.
Small, round, colorful pods are like candy or teething toys.
P & G had to make major changes in design.
First of all, they make the tide pool opaque, so the kids are tempted to not see the pods.
They have three bathtubs.
Lock the covers to make them more difficult to open.
Tide later launched a new commercial: this is a very unusual commercial advertisement because it does not sell innovative products, but warns parents of the harm of innovative products.
The launch of the tide became a warning.
Sometimes, product design has unexpected consequences.
There are many reasons to update existing product designs.
Sometimes, the composition of the product changes.
Some products need cosmetic surgery.
At other times, the product needs to change the negative perception.
Manufacturers of tropical orange juice are facing the latter.
Although Tropicana is a 800-pound gorilla with a market share of 33% and more than 8 feet of frozen space in grocery stores, research shows that orange juice is thought to contain sugar-added ingredients.
But according to Tropicana, it is 100% pure orange juice with no sugar added.
In order to strengthen the existing interests, the company decided to update the packaging.
For decades, Tropicana\'s carton and kettle have been designed in a simple way.
So the company hired a top design company to develop a new look: The new design was awarded 20 different trademarks and developed 30 in 5 months.
When the new Tropicana was put into the market, it immediately responded.
Between January 1 and February 22, sales fell by 20%.
The decline is a bit shocking for a category leader.
So in February 23, Tropicana made a big decision-it re-used the old packaging.
Tropicana not only lost 20% of sales, but also spent $35 million on design changes and advertising.
There is another urgent reason.
Competitors like Minute Maid have already doubled. digit gains.
Tropicana did a about-
Faced so quickly, it had to act quickly to recover its customers. It was a case-
Research what is wrong with product design.
When the brand makes a huge change in the familiar packaging, it usually also makes the shopper feel that there is also a huge change in what is inside.
This creates a problem of trust.
But Tropicana did not change its juice.
In fact, the reason for the redesign is to reassure customers that Tropicana has not changed at all-it is still sugar --
100% pure orange juice free of charge.
Also interesting is the enthusiastic connection of the customer with the old \"straw\"in-the-
The \"orange\" graphic is not shown in the study.
This powerful visual effect has made such a big contribution to Tropicana\'s income, but internally, it is thought to be outdated and consumable.
When all this has been said and done again, many critics compare the tropical packaging disaster to the New Coke.
A huge change, then a massive retreat.
This is a proper analogy.
Because Tropicana is ours. by Pepsi.
Like orchids, brands have to overcome many shortcomings.
This could be a grocery store with a bad shelf location, possibly a price war, maybe a competitor with a deeper pocket, or maybe a new brand that follows.
But excellent packaging design is a silent salesperson.
This is the lesson Tropicana learned on the difficult road.
Simple and undervalued strawin-the-
Orange graphics are a huge emotional attraction for shoppers.
The Pyramid shape of Pyramid lerone makes it stand out in a crowded market, working hard at work
40% of the Swiss chocolate exports are free shops.
This silent marketing technique also highlights the subtle way that design speaks to us on a subconscious level.
How easy it is to grab a product to influence your decision to buy it.
You may think it\'s the price and the taste, but the decisive vote may be the fact that it has the handle.
There are also famous Coke bottles.
Curves, iconic, are designed to pass the final Test.
This may be the key to all excellent packaging designs.
It is even sold in the dark when you are affected.
0 notes
paper1125 · 4 years
Even in the Dark: How Packaging Persuades You to Buy
This week we will explore how product packaging affects what we buy.
If you go back to the sixth grade biology class, you will have some knowledge of birds and bees.
You may remember that they need to be pollinated in order for the flowers to breed.
The work was given to a variety of creatures, such as birds and bees.
This is a reciprocal relationship.
The brightly colored flowers attract the bees, which stick the pollen to the lower leg, then fly to the next flower and put the pollen down.
The flowers will give the bees sweetness, which is their annoyance.
This is a good deal.
But some orchids have shortcomings.
They have no nectar.
Therefore, orchids must use different techniques to attract pollinators.
Some orchids give off nectar-like scents.
Produce plants that attract bees to visit.
Some orchids emit mating scents like female insects, attracting affectionate males.
Some orchids have parts similar to the body of female insects, with body hair and tentacles, attracting male insects by score.
The flowers give off a scent telling the bees whether other insects have collected nectar.
As a result, some orchids can emit a variety of scents, so they can attract a variety of bees.
In order for the pollen to even attach to the bee\'s knee, the Bee must land in the correct position of the flower.
Nectar attracts them to the right place.
But there are many orchids, no nectar.
So they use the upper and lower petals as guides, just like a helicopter landing pad-forcing the bees to land in a very specific place and bump into the pollen.
In an orchid, when the bee touches it, the flower closes and the insect has only one way out-directly through the pollen.
Nature offers excellent packaging for orchids, able to overcome a wide variety of problems and problems, enabling orchids to compete with thousands of other flowers and still be able to attract rewards --seeking bees.
The world of marketing has its own orchids.
In the field where thousands of product competition is noticed, brands need multiple pollinators, rewards-
There are a lot of options for seeking customers, and marketers have to use clever packaging to overcome shortcomings and attract attention.
Some attract with shape, some promise attract with sex, some attract with convenience, some seduce you with unique beauty.
But at the end of the day, they all want the same thing.
Create a lot of sensational effects . . . . . . The practice of using packaging design to influence what you buy has been around for a long time.
During the Industrial uprising , as the population began to move from farm to city, people stopped themselves
Enough, so the product suddenly has to be transported long distances.
Steam trains transport most of the consumer goods across the country.
With the development of railway transportation, the demand for product packaging also follows.
The goods can no longer be shipped in unopened barrels and baskets.
In 1896, uneda biscuit company invested more than $1 million to design a package to wrap the cookies on protective wax paper inside the carton.
Outside is a colorful illustration of a boy wearing a bright yellow raincoat.
The raincoat is a very special choice because it emphasizes the unique moisture-proof ability of uneda.
This is the first time that the packaging has a dual use-it allows the company to keep the product fresh from a long distance, and the colorful raincoat packaging gives uneda a unique brand.
Is the birth of consumer packaging.
Around the same time, on 1886, Coca-Cola began to serve as a soda fountain drink.
You can walk into a pharmacy and sit at the counter and a soda jerk will pull the long fountain handle and fill your glass with cold Coke.
But Coca-Cola will not be a huge world.
If it is not a specific innovation, it is today\'s famous brand. The bottle.
Once Coke can be transported and sold outside the soda fountain, sales will surge.
Coca-Cola\'s 1915 success has attracted many competitors.
As a result, the board decided that it needed to further differentiate its brand and invited eight glass companies to submit the design of a unique Coke bottle.
I like the briefings Coca-Cola has given to these companies.
It simply says: we want such a unique design that it can be identified by feeling in the dark or lying on the ground broken.
That says everything.
The final winner is the Root Glass Company in Terre Haute, Indiana.
The company decided to design based on two main ingredients of Coca-Cola.
Coke and Coke.
But they can\'t find any pictures when they go to the library to look for pictures.
But they did find a picture of the gourd.
The cocoa pods were created in Encyclopedia Britannica-and inspired by that.
For the next 24 hours, employee Earl Dean outlined a design-gently bent, flat at the bottom and slender at the top.
This is the classic Coke bottle we know today.
The first prototype proved to be unstable on the conveyor belt, so the belly of the bottle was slightly reduced.
The design was warmly adopted by Coca-Cola.
Big Coke Company
As a thank you, Earl Dean was offered a $500 bonus option or found a lifetime job at the Root Glass Company.
He chose the latter.
Coke bottles have sold more than 1928 of soda fountains.
This unique shape is often referred to as the \"Mersey bottle\"-which refers to the famous curve of the actress. Handy six-
The packaging was launched in the \"20 S\"-designed to convince shoppers to take more Coke home. 1949, 30-
Three years after Coke was launched, 99% of North Americans can identify it by the outline of the Coke bottle.
When the TV entered the living room in 1950, the audience saw the first TV advertisement to broadcast the Coke bottle: in the same year, the Coke bottle became the first commercial product on the cover of Time magazine.
Then, on 1960, a curved Coke bottle containing the word Coca
Coca-Cola was registered as a trademark and became the second packaging in history to receive such protection.
The uniqueness of the Coke bottle will continue to be its most powerful brand, and although it is difficult to buy the Coke bottle again, its silhouette remains an important part of the Coke bottle advertisement.
2015 marks 100 anniversary of design. Coca-
Coca-Cola will launch a big event this year to celebrate its iconic bottle, which includes a bottle of 8-
The monthly Coke bottle exhibition at the Atlanta museum of higher art.
Recently, Coca-Cola has been rated as the most valuable brand in the world.
In marketing, it is very important to shape the image.
The tempting curved shape of the Coke bottle has a lot to do with convincing you to buy a soft drink, overwhelming the fact that this is not the healthiest option you can make.
In fact, studies have shown that the design we like to bend is hard wired.
The Journal Fast Company cites research from the University of Toronto to put people into brain imaging machines and then show images of curved and linear products.
The results suggest that men and women prefer curved items, and that parts of the brain that are highly correlated with \"emotion\" trigger activity.
\"In another Harvard brain imaging study, sharp objects such as Square watches and sharp sofas were seen.
These images trigger activity in another part of the brain-the part that handles fear.
Sharp objects have long been a sign of physical danger, so our brains begin to associate sharp lines with threats.
While there are obvious exceptions to each rule, this helps a lot to explain the general appeal of Coke bottles.
The curved design uses our brains to pull our hearts.
It\'s not just the curve that affects your shopping decisions.
Function is very important.
How easy it is to open a package, how easy it is to exit every time, how easy it is to store, and how easy it is to handle everything that affects your purchase.
One of the most important factors is portability.
In other words, how easy a product is to grasp has a huge impact on your purchase.
In Issue 2008, New York magazine noted that Coca-Cola changed its 2-
To make it easier to hold and dump, one bottle per liter.
This change led to a substantial increase in sales-more than 2-
Experienced Pepsi bottle per liter.
When a product is easier to buy than other products-when all other products are equal-you will buy this product more often.
This means that your purchase decision can be influenced by seemingly insignificant things like the shape of the package.
A factor you may not even know.
Manufacturers of diapers understand this concept.
They provide a big economy.
The size of the diaper is packed, but it also provides small ones.
Now-Why would parents choose smaller packages when larger packages clearly offer better value?
The answer is that many parents in the grocery store have a child on one arm.
Smaller paper urine bags are easier to carry with their free hands.
Most liquid detergents have handles.
The same is true of large bottles of milk and juice.
The handle is not only to make pouring easier, but also to make shopping easier.
Packaging design can have a huge impact when you\'re shopping at grocery stores.
Today, a typical grocery store has about 45,000 items, and customers buy an average of 50 items in 50 minutes.
At this rate, the decision is made in nanoseconds.
It\'s interesting because most shoppers-64% of them-say they will buy from the shelves because of the packaging of the product-don\'t know in advance.
My wife mentioned that she bought her hands.
The soap dispensers in our bathroom are completely based on the packaging design-she just wanted them to look good.
This is why packaging is critical when buying on impulse.
The best design injects functionality into emotions.
Show the product well and create a little desire.
But this is not all that has to be done.
A good package must contain the product in an efficient way
Both liquid and solid.
It must protect the product from damage during transportation.
It must protect the product from pollution, moisture, insects and temperature fluctuations.
It must communicate ingredients, cooking instructions, origin, size, weight, quantity, warning, company information and bar code.
Packaging must be sustainable.
In 7 seconds or less, this package lightens any fear of it-especially if you \'ve never tried it before.
Color psychology must be applied.
Packaging must meet the needs of shoppers from purchase to processing.
It has to be packaged with a unique brand.
The best packaging encourages you to touch it.
Because once in contact, the possibility of buying will soar.
90% of consumers
Use boxes and bags after purchase, so it takes a long time for good packaging.
According to the Harvard Business Review, less than 3% of new products can produce enough first
Sales for a year to survive.
This is why packaging design is an art.
Many product designs have stood the test of time.
Put . . . . . . Triangle chocolate bar.
Its unique triangle has a history of more than 100 years. (
Prove that some sharp objects do work! )
As you can imagine, it\'s not easy to stand out from the crowded chocolate market.
Founded in Bern, Switzerland, in 1909, Theodor Tobler filed a patent for the formula and triangle.
For a long time, it has been thought that he was shaped from the Swiss Alps, just like Matt Horn, pictured on the package.
But it\'s more sexy.
Tobler is inspired by Paris\'s Folies Bergere, where charming female dancers always end their performances by forming a human pyramid. Who knew?
The unique style also has the same unique marketing strategy.
Toblerone is mainly sold at the airport.
It\'s said to be the third.
Best-selling products on duty
Free shops after alcohol and tobacco account for more than 40% of Swiss chocolate exports.
The success of Toblerone can largely be attributed to an overwhelming design concept-which can be identified even in the dark.
The product design can also change a category completely.
When Tide launched Tide Pods in 2012, it took an amazing 68% of the market in less than a year.
This is a major innovation.
The small and round Tide Pod means that there is no measurement, no pouring, the container is easy to carry, and it provides great convenience for throwing the pod into the washing machine.
The time for the renovation of laundry is ripe.
That\'s why P & G launched Tide Pods, which has a marketing budget of $0. 15 billion.
This is one of the few categories with a penetration rate of 100%.
Everyone has to wash clothes.
Great success in new product design.
Until the unique shape of the product becomes a problem.
According to a report by CBS, in the first year alone, more than 17,000 children under the age of 6 took in tidal pods or squeezed liquid into their eyes.
There is a child every hour.
The problem is the new packaging.
Small, round, colorful pods are like candy or teething toys.
P & G had to make major changes in design.
First of all, they make the tide pool opaque, so the kids are tempted to not see the pods.
They have three bathtubs.
Lock the covers to make them more difficult to open.
Tide later launched a new commercial: this is a very unusual commercial advertisement because it does not sell innovative products, but warns parents of the harm of innovative products.
The launch of the tide became a warning.
Sometimes, product design has unexpected consequences.
There are many reasons to update existing product designs.
Sometimes, the composition of the product changes.
Some products need cosmetic surgery.
At other times, the product needs to change the negative perception.
Manufacturers of tropical orange juice are facing the latter.
Although Tropicana is a 800-pound gorilla with a market share of 33% and more than 8 feet of frozen space in grocery stores, research shows that orange juice is thought to contain sugar-added ingredients.
But according to Tropicana, it is 100% pure orange juice with no sugar added.
In order to strengthen the existing interests, the company decided to update the packaging.
For decades, Tropicana\'s carton and kettle have been designed in a simple way.
So the company hired a top design company to develop a new look: The new design was awarded 20 different trademarks and developed 30 in 5 months.
When the new Tropicana was put into the market, it immediately responded.
Between January 1 and February 22, sales fell by 20%.
The decline is a bit shocking for a category leader.
So in February 23, Tropicana made a big decision-it re-used the old packaging.
Tropicana not only lost 20% of sales, but also spent $35 million on design changes and advertising.
There is another urgent reason.
Competitors like Minute Maid have already doubled. digit gains.
Tropicana did a about-
Faced so quickly, it had to act quickly to recover its customers. It was a case-
Research what is wrong with product design.
When the brand makes a huge change in the familiar packaging, it usually also makes the shopper feel that there is also a huge change in what is inside.
This creates a problem of trust.
But Tropicana did not change its juice.
In fact, the reason for the redesign is to reassure customers that Tropicana has not changed at all-it is still sugar --
100% pure orange juice free of charge.
Also interesting is the enthusiastic connection of the customer with the old \"straw\"in-the-
The \"orange\" graphic is not shown in the study.
This powerful visual effect has made such a big contribution to Tropicana\'s income, but internally, it is thought to be outdated and consumable.
When all this has been said and done again, many critics compare the tropical packaging disaster to the New Coke.
A huge change, then a massive retreat.
This is a proper analogy.
Because Tropicana is ours. by Pepsi.
Like orchids, brands have to overcome many shortcomings.
This could be a grocery store with a bad shelf location, possibly a price war, maybe a competitor with a deeper pocket, or maybe a new brand that follows.
But excellent packaging design is a silent salesperson.
This is the lesson Tropicana learned on the difficult road.
Simple and undervalued strawin-the-
Orange graphics are a huge emotional attraction for shoppers.
The Pyramid shape of Pyramid lerone makes it stand out in a crowded market, working hard at work
40% of the Swiss chocolate exports are free shops.
This silent marketing technique also highlights the subtle way that design speaks to us on a subconscious level.
How easy it is to grab a product to influence your decision to buy it.
You may think it\'s the price and the taste, but the decisive vote may be the fact that it has the handle.
There are also famous Coke bottles.
Curves, iconic, are designed to pass the final Test.
This may be the key to all excellent packaging designs.
It is even sold in the dark when you are affected.
0 notes
cat0620 · 4 years
Even in the Dark: How Packaging Persuades You to Buy
This week we will explore how product packaging affects what we buy.
If you go back to the sixth grade biology class, you will have some knowledge of birds and bees.
You may remember that they need to be pollinated in order for the flowers to breed.
The work was given to a variety of creatures, such as birds and bees.
This is a reciprocal relationship.
The brightly colored flowers attract the bees, which stick the pollen to the lower leg, then fly to the next flower and put the pollen down.
The flowers will give the bees sweetness, which is their annoyance.
This is a good deal.
But some orchids have shortcomings.
They have no nectar.
Therefore, orchids must use different techniques to attract pollinators.
Some orchids give off nectar-like scents.
Produce plants that attract bees to visit.
Some orchids emit mating scents like female insects, attracting affectionate males.
Some orchids have parts similar to the body of female insects, with body hair and tentacles, attracting male insects by score.
The flowers give off a scent telling the bees whether other insects have collected nectar.
As a result, some orchids can emit a variety of scents, so they can attract a variety of bees.
In order for the pollen to even attach to the bee\'s knee, the Bee must land in the correct position of the flower.
Nectar attracts them to the right place.
But there are many orchids, no nectar.
So they use the upper and lower petals as guides, just like a helicopter landing pad-forcing the bees to land in a very specific place and bump into the pollen.
In an orchid, when the bee touches it, the flower closes and the insect has only one way out-directly through the pollen.
Nature offers excellent packaging for orchids, able to overcome a wide variety of problems and problems, enabling orchids to compete with thousands of other flowers and still be able to attract rewards --seeking bees.
The world of marketing has its own orchids.
In the field where thousands of product competition is noticed, brands need multiple pollinators, rewards-
There are a lot of options for seeking customers, and marketers have to use clever packaging to overcome shortcomings and attract attention.
Some attract with shape, some promise attract with sex, some attract with convenience, some seduce you with unique beauty.
But at the end of the day, they all want the same thing.
Create a lot of sensational effects . . . . . . The practice of using packaging design to influence what you buy has been around for a long time.
During the Industrial uprising , as the population began to move from farm to city, people stopped themselves
Enough, so the product suddenly has to be transported long distances.
Steam trains transport most of the consumer goods across the country.
With the development of railway transportation, the demand for product packaging also follows.
The goods can no longer be shipped in unopened barrels and baskets.
In 1896, uneda biscuit company invested more than $1 million to design a package to wrap the cookies on protective wax paper inside the carton.
Outside is a colorful illustration of a boy wearing a bright yellow raincoat.
The raincoat is a very special choice because it emphasizes the unique moisture-proof ability of uneda.
This is the first time that the packaging has a dual use-it allows the company to keep the product fresh from a long distance, and the colorful raincoat packaging gives uneda a unique brand.
Is the birth of consumer packaging.
Around the same time, on 1886, Coca-Cola began to serve as a soda fountain drink.
You can walk into a pharmacy and sit at the counter and a soda jerk will pull the long fountain handle and fill your glass with cold Coke.
But Coca-Cola will not be a huge world.
If it is not a specific innovation, it is today\'s famous brand. The bottle.
Once Coke can be transported and sold outside the soda fountain, sales will surge.
Coca-Cola\'s 1915 success has attracted many competitors.
As a result, the board decided that it needed to further differentiate its brand and invited eight glass companies to submit the design of a unique Coke bottle.
I like the briefings Coca-Cola has given to these companies.
It simply says: we want such a unique design that it can be identified by feeling in the dark or lying on the ground broken.
That says everything.
The final winner is the Root Glass Company in Terre Haute, Indiana.
The company decided to design based on two main ingredients of Coca-Cola.
Coke and Coke.
But they can\'t find any pictures when they go to the library to look for pictures.
But they did find a picture of the gourd.
The cocoa pods were created in Encyclopedia Britannica-and inspired by that.
For the next 24 hours, employee Earl Dean outlined a design-gently bent, flat at the bottom and slender at the top.
This is the classic Coke bottle we know today.
The first prototype proved to be unstable on the conveyor belt, so the belly of the bottle was slightly reduced.
The design was warmly adopted by Coca-Cola.
Big Coke Company
As a thank you, Earl Dean was offered a $500 bonus option or found a lifetime job at the Root Glass Company.
He chose the latter.
Coke bottles have sold more than 1928 of soda fountains.
This unique shape is often referred to as the \"Mersey bottle\"-which refers to the famous curve of the actress. Handy six-
The packaging was launched in the \"20 S\"-designed to convince shoppers to take more Coke home. 1949, 30-
Three years after Coke was launched, 99% of North Americans can identify it by the outline of the Coke bottle.
When the TV entered the living room in 1950, the audience saw the first TV advertisement to broadcast the Coke bottle: in the same year, the Coke bottle became the first commercial product on the cover of Time magazine.
Then, on 1960, a curved Coke bottle containing the word Coca
Coca-Cola was registered as a trademark and became the second packaging in history to receive such protection.
The uniqueness of the Coke bottle will continue to be its most powerful brand, and although it is difficult to buy the Coke bottle again, its silhouette remains an important part of the Coke bottle advertisement.
2015 marks 100 anniversary of design. Coca-
Coca-Cola will launch a big event this year to celebrate its iconic bottle, which includes a bottle of 8-
The monthly Coke bottle exhibition at the Atlanta museum of higher art.
Recently, Coca-Cola has been rated as the most valuable brand in the world.
In marketing, it is very important to shape the image.
The tempting curved shape of the Coke bottle has a lot to do with convincing you to buy a soft drink, overwhelming the fact that this is not the healthiest option you can make.
In fact, studies have shown that the design we like to bend is hard wired.
The Journal Fast Company cites research from the University of Toronto to put people into brain imaging machines and then show images of curved and linear products.
The results suggest that men and women prefer curved items, and that parts of the brain that are highly correlated with \"emotion\" trigger activity.
\"In another Harvard brain imaging study, sharp objects such as Square watches and sharp sofas were seen.
These images trigger activity in another part of the brain-the part that handles fear.
Sharp objects have long been a sign of physical danger, so our brains begin to associate sharp lines with threats.
While there are obvious exceptions to each rule, this helps a lot to explain the general appeal of Coke bottles.
The curved design uses our brains to pull our hearts.
It\'s not just the curve that affects your shopping decisions.
Function is very important.
How easy it is to open a package, how easy it is to exit every time, how easy it is to store, and how easy it is to handle everything that affects your purchase.
One of the most important factors is portability.
In other words, how easy a product is to grasp has a huge impact on your purchase.
In Issue 2008, New York magazine noted that Coca-Cola changed its 2-
To make it easier to hold and dump, one bottle per liter.
This change led to a substantial increase in sales-more than 2-
Experienced Pepsi bottle per liter.
When a product is easier to buy than other products-when all other products are equal-you will buy this product more often.
This means that your purchase decision can be influenced by seemingly insignificant things like the shape of the package.
A factor you may not even know.
Manufacturers of diapers understand this concept.
They provide a big economy.
The size of the diaper is packed, but it also provides small ones.
Now-Why would parents choose smaller packages when larger packages clearly offer better value?
The answer is that many parents in the grocery store have a child on one arm.
Smaller paper urine bags are easier to carry with their free hands.
Most liquid detergents have handles.
The same is true of large bottles of milk and juice.
The handle is not only to make pouring easier, but also to make shopping easier.
Packaging design can have a huge impact when you\'re shopping at grocery stores.
Today, a typical grocery store has about 45,000 items, and customers buy an average of 50 items in 50 minutes.
At this rate, the decision is made in nanoseconds.
It\'s interesting because most shoppers-64% of them-say they will buy from the shelves because of the packaging of the product-don\'t know in advance.
My wife mentioned that she bought her hands.
The soap dispensers in our bathroom are completely based on the packaging design-she just wanted them to look good.
This is why packaging is critical when buying on impulse.
The best design injects functionality into emotions.
Show the product well and create a little desire.
But this is not all that has to be done.
A good package must contain the product in an efficient way
Both liquid and solid.
It must protect the product from damage during transportation.
It must protect the product from pollution, moisture, insects and temperature fluctuations.
It must communicate ingredients, cooking instructions, origin, size, weight, quantity, warning, company information and bar code.
Packaging must be sustainable.
In 7 seconds or less, this package lightens any fear of it-especially if you \'ve never tried it before.
Color psychology must be applied.
Packaging must meet the needs of shoppers from purchase to processing.
It has to be packaged with a unique brand.
The best packaging encourages you to touch it.
Because once in contact, the possibility of buying will soar.
90% of consumers
Use boxes and bags after purchase, so it takes a long time for good packaging.
According to the Harvard Business Review, less than 3% of new products can produce enough first
Sales for a year to survive.
This is why packaging design is an art.
Many product designs have stood the test of time.
Put . . . . . . Triangle chocolate bar.
Its unique triangle has a history of more than 100 years. (
Prove that some sharp objects do work! )
As you can imagine, it\'s not easy to stand out from the crowded chocolate market.
Founded in Bern, Switzerland, in 1909, Theodor Tobler filed a patent for the formula and triangle.
For a long time, it has been thought that he was shaped from the Swiss Alps, just like Matt Horn, pictured on the package.
But it\'s more sexy.
Tobler is inspired by Paris\'s Folies Bergere, where charming female dancers always end their performances by forming a human pyramid. Who knew?
The unique style also has the same unique marketing strategy.
Toblerone is mainly sold at the airport.
It\'s said to be the third.
Best-selling products on duty
Free shops after alcohol and tobacco account for more than 40% of Swiss chocolate exports.
The success of Toblerone can largely be attributed to an overwhelming design concept-which can be identified even in the dark.
The product design can also change a category completely.
When Tide launched Tide Pods in 2012, it took an amazing 68% of the market in less than a year.
This is a major innovation.
The small and round Tide Pod means that there is no measurement, no pouring, the container is easy to carry, and it provides great convenience for throwing the pod into the washing machine.
The time for the renovation of laundry is ripe.
That\'s why P & G launched Tide Pods, which has a marketing budget of $0. 15 billion.
This is one of the few categories with a penetration rate of 100%.
Everyone has to wash clothes.
Great success in new product design.
Until the unique shape of the product becomes a problem.
According to a report by CBS, in the first year alone, more than 17,000 children under the age of 6 took in tidal pods or squeezed liquid into their eyes.
There is a child every hour.
The problem is the new packaging.
Small, round, colorful pods are like candy or teething toys.
P & G had to make major changes in design.
First of all, they make the tide pool opaque, so the kids are tempted to not see the pods.
They have three bathtubs.
Lock the covers to make them more difficult to open.
Tide later launched a new commercial: this is a very unusual commercial advertisement because it does not sell innovative products, but warns parents of the harm of innovative products.
The launch of the tide became a warning.
Sometimes, product design has unexpected consequences.
There are many reasons to update existing product designs.
Sometimes, the composition of the product changes.
Some products need cosmetic surgery.
At other times, the product needs to change the negative perception.
Manufacturers of tropical orange juice are facing the latter.
Although Tropicana is a 800-pound gorilla with a market share of 33% and more than 8 feet of frozen space in grocery stores, research shows that orange juice is thought to contain sugar-added ingredients.
But according to Tropicana, it is 100% pure orange juice with no sugar added.
In order to strengthen the existing interests, the company decided to update the packaging.
For decades, Tropicana\'s carton and kettle have been designed in a simple way.
So the company hired a top design company to develop a new look: The new design was awarded 20 different trademarks and developed 30 in 5 months.
When the new Tropicana was put into the market, it immediately responded.
Between January 1 and February 22, sales fell by 20%.
The decline is a bit shocking for a category leader.
So in February 23, Tropicana made a big decision-it re-used the old packaging.
Tropicana not only lost 20% of sales, but also spent $35 million on design changes and advertising.
There is another urgent reason.
Competitors like Minute Maid have already doubled. digit gains.
Tropicana did a about-
Faced so quickly, it had to act quickly to recover its customers. It was a case-
Research what is wrong with product design.
When the brand makes a huge change in the familiar packaging, it usually also makes the shopper feel that there is also a huge change in what is inside.
This creates a problem of trust.
But Tropicana did not change its juice.
In fact, the reason for the redesign is to reassure customers that Tropicana has not changed at all-it is still sugar --
100% pure orange juice free of charge.
Also interesting is the enthusiastic connection of the customer with the old \"straw\"in-the-
The \"orange\" graphic is not shown in the study.
This powerful visual effect has made such a big contribution to Tropicana\'s income, but internally, it is thought to be outdated and consumable.
When all this has been said and done again, many critics compare the tropical packaging disaster to the New Coke.
A huge change, then a massive retreat.
This is a proper analogy.
Because Tropicana is ours. by Pepsi.
Like orchids, brands have to overcome many shortcomings.
This could be a grocery store with a bad shelf location, possibly a price war, maybe a competitor with a deeper pocket, or maybe a new brand that follows.
But excellent packaging design is a silent salesperson.
This is the lesson Tropicana learned on the difficult road.
Simple and undervalued strawin-the-
Orange graphics are a huge emotional attraction for shoppers.
The Pyramid shape of Pyramid lerone makes it stand out in a crowded market, working hard at work
40% of the Swiss chocolate exports are free shops.
This silent marketing technique also highlights the subtle way that design speaks to us on a subconscious level.
How easy it is to grab a product to influence your decision to buy it.
You may think it\'s the price and the taste, but the decisive vote may be the fact that it has the handle.
There are also famous Coke bottles.
Curves, iconic, are designed to pass the final Test.
This may be the key to all excellent packaging designs.
It is even sold in the dark when you are affected.
0 notes
littlecat0520 · 4 years
Even in the Dark: How Packaging Persuades You to Buy
This week we will explore how product packaging affects what we buy.
If you go back to the sixth grade biology class, you will have some knowledge of birds and bees.
You may remember that they need to be pollinated in order for the flowers to breed.
The work was given to a variety of creatures, such as birds and bees.
This is a reciprocal relationship.
The brightly colored flowers attract the bees, which stick the pollen to the lower leg, then fly to the next flower and put the pollen down.
The flowers will give the bees sweetness, which is their annoyance.
This is a good deal.
But some orchids have shortcomings.
They have no nectar.
Therefore, orchids must use different techniques to attract pollinators.
Some orchids give off nectar-like scents.
Produce plants that attract bees to visit.
Some orchids emit mating scents like female insects, attracting affectionate males.
Some orchids have parts similar to the body of female insects, with body hair and tentacles, attracting male insects by score.
The flowers give off a scent telling the bees whether other insects have collected nectar.
As a result, some orchids can emit a variety of scents, so they can attract a variety of bees.
In order for the pollen to even attach to the bee\'s knee, the Bee must land in the correct position of the flower.
Nectar attracts them to the right place.
But there are many orchids, no nectar.
So they use the upper and lower petals as guides, just like a helicopter landing pad-forcing the bees to land in a very specific place and bump into the pollen.
In an orchid, when the bee touches it, the flower closes and the insect has only one way out-directly through the pollen.
Nature offers excellent packaging for orchids, able to overcome a wide variety of problems and problems, enabling orchids to compete with thousands of other flowers and still be able to attract rewards --seeking bees.
The world of marketing has its own orchids.
In the field where thousands of product competition is noticed, brands need multiple pollinators, rewards-
There are a lot of options for seeking customers, and marketers have to use clever packaging to overcome shortcomings and attract attention.
Some attract with shape, some promise attract with sex, some attract with convenience, some seduce you with unique beauty.
But at the end of the day, they all want the same thing.
Create a lot of sensational effects . . . . . . The practice of using packaging design to influence what you buy has been around for a long time.
During the Industrial uprising , as the population began to move from farm to city, people stopped themselves
Enough, so the product suddenly has to be transported long distances.
Steam trains transport most of the consumer goods across the country.
With the development of railway transportation, the demand for product packaging also follows.
The goods can no longer be shipped in unopened barrels and baskets.
In 1896, uneda biscuit company invested more than $1 million to design a package to wrap the cookies on protective wax paper inside the carton.
Outside is a colorful illustration of a boy wearing a bright yellow raincoat.
The raincoat is a very special choice because it emphasizes the unique moisture-proof ability of uneda.
This is the first time that the packaging has a dual use-it allows the company to keep the product fresh from a long distance, and the colorful raincoat packaging gives uneda a unique brand.
Is the birth of consumer packaging.
Around the same time, on 1886, Coca-Cola began to serve as a soda fountain drink.
You can walk into a pharmacy and sit at the counter and a soda jerk will pull the long fountain handle and fill your glass with cold Coke.
But Coca-Cola will not be a huge world.
If it is not a specific innovation, it is today\'s famous brand. The bottle.
Once Coke can be transported and sold outside the soda fountain, sales will surge.
Coca-Cola\'s 1915 success has attracted many competitors.
As a result, the board decided that it needed to further differentiate its brand and invited eight glass companies to submit the design of a unique Coke bottle.
I like the briefings Coca-Cola has given to these companies.
It simply says: we want such a unique design that it can be identified by feeling in the dark or lying on the ground broken.
That says everything.
The final winner is the Root Glass Company in Terre Haute, Indiana.
The company decided to design based on two main ingredients of Coca-Cola.
Coke and Coke.
But they can\'t find any pictures when they go to the library to look for pictures.
But they did find a picture of the gourd.
The cocoa pods were created in Encyclopedia Britannica-and inspired by that.
For the next 24 hours, employee Earl Dean outlined a design-gently bent, flat at the bottom and slender at the top.
This is the classic Coke bottle we know today.
The first prototype proved to be unstable on the conveyor belt, so the belly of the bottle was slightly reduced.
The design was warmly adopted by Coca-Cola.
Big Coke Company
As a thank you, Earl Dean was offered a $500 bonus option or found a lifetime job at the Root Glass Company.
He chose the latter.
Coke bottles have sold more than 1928 of soda fountains.
This unique shape is often referred to as the \"Mersey bottle\"-which refers to the famous curve of the actress. Handy six-
The packaging was launched in the \"20 S\"-designed to convince shoppers to take more Coke home. 1949, 30-
Three years after Coke was launched, 99% of North Americans can identify it by the outline of the Coke bottle.
When the TV entered the living room in 1950, the audience saw the first TV advertisement to broadcast the Coke bottle: in the same year, the Coke bottle became the first commercial product on the cover of Time magazine.
Then, on 1960, a curved Coke bottle containing the word Coca
Coca-Cola was registered as a trademark and became the second packaging in history to receive such protection.
The uniqueness of the Coke bottle will continue to be its most powerful brand, and although it is difficult to buy the Coke bottle again, its silhouette remains an important part of the Coke bottle advertisement.
2015 marks 100 anniversary of design. Coca-
Coca-Cola will launch a big event this year to celebrate its iconic bottle, which includes a bottle of 8-
The monthly Coke bottle exhibition at the Atlanta museum of higher art.
Recently, Coca-Cola has been rated as the most valuable brand in the world.
In marketing, it is very important to shape the image.
The tempting curved shape of the Coke bottle has a lot to do with convincing you to buy a soft drink, overwhelming the fact that this is not the healthiest option you can make.
In fact, studies have shown that the design we like to bend is hard wired.
The Journal Fast Company cites research from the University of Toronto to put people into brain imaging machines and then show images of curved and linear products.
The results suggest that men and women prefer curved items, and that parts of the brain that are highly correlated with \"emotion\" trigger activity.
\"In another Harvard brain imaging study, sharp objects such as Square watches and sharp sofas were seen.
These images trigger activity in another part of the brain-the part that handles fear.
Sharp objects have long been a sign of physical danger, so our brains begin to associate sharp lines with threats.
While there are obvious exceptions to each rule, this helps a lot to explain the general appeal of Coke bottles.
The curved design uses our brains to pull our hearts.
It\'s not just the curve that affects your shopping decisions.
Function is very important.
How easy it is to open a package, how easy it is to exit every time, how easy it is to store, and how easy it is to handle everything that affects your purchase.
One of the most important factors is portability.
In other words, how easy a product is to grasp has a huge impact on your purchase.
In Issue 2008, New York magazine noted that Coca-Cola changed its 2-
To make it easier to hold and dump, one bottle per liter.
This change led to a substantial increase in sales-more than 2-
Experienced Pepsi bottle per liter.
When a product is easier to buy than other products-when all other products are equal-you will buy this product more often.
This means that your purchase decision can be influenced by seemingly insignificant things like the shape of the package.
A factor you may not even know.
Manufacturers of diapers understand this concept.
They provide a big economy.
The size of the diaper is packed, but it also provides small ones.
Now-Why would parents choose smaller packages when larger packages clearly offer better value?
The answer is that many parents in the grocery store have a child on one arm.
Smaller paper urine bags are easier to carry with their free hands.
Most liquid detergents have handles.
The same is true of large bottles of milk and juice.
The handle is not only to make pouring easier, but also to make shopping easier.
Packaging design can have a huge impact when you\'re shopping at grocery stores.
Today, a typical grocery store has about 45,000 items, and customers buy an average of 50 items in 50 minutes.
At this rate, the decision is made in nanoseconds.
It\'s interesting because most shoppers-64% of them-say they will buy from the shelves because of the packaging of the product-don\'t know in advance.
My wife mentioned that she bought her hands.
The soap dispensers in our bathroom are completely based on the packaging design-she just wanted them to look good.
This is why packaging is critical when buying on impulse.
The best design injects functionality into emotions.
Show the product well and create a little desire.
But this is not all that has to be done.
A good package must contain the product in an efficient way
Both liquid and solid.
It must protect the product from damage during transportation.
It must protect the product from pollution, moisture, insects and temperature fluctuations.
It must communicate ingredients, cooking instructions, origin, size, weight, quantity, warning, company information and bar code.
Packaging must be sustainable.
In 7 seconds or less, this package lightens any fear of it-especially if you \'ve never tried it before.
Color psychology must be applied.
Packaging must meet the needs of shoppers from purchase to processing.
It has to be packaged with a unique brand.
The best packaging encourages you to touch it.
Because once in contact, the possibility of buying will soar.
90% of consumers
Use boxes and bags after purchase, so it takes a long time for good packaging.
According to the Harvard Business Review, less than 3% of new products can produce enough first
Sales for a year to survive.
This is why packaging design is an art.
Many product designs have stood the test of time.
Put . . . . . . Triangle chocolate bar.
Its unique triangle has a history of more than 100 years. (
Prove that some sharp objects do work! )
As you can imagine, it\'s not easy to stand out from the crowded chocolate market.
Founded in Bern, Switzerland, in 1909, Theodor Tobler filed a patent for the formula and triangle.
For a long time, it has been thought that he was shaped from the Swiss Alps, just like Matt Horn, pictured on the package.
But it\'s more sexy.
Tobler is inspired by Paris\'s Folies Bergere, where charming female dancers always end their performances by forming a human pyramid. Who knew?
The unique style also has the same unique marketing strategy.
Toblerone is mainly sold at the airport.
It\'s said to be the third.
Best-selling products on duty
Free shops after alcohol and tobacco account for more than 40% of Swiss chocolate exports.
The success of Toblerone can largely be attributed to an overwhelming design concept-which can be identified even in the dark.
The product design can also change a category completely.
When Tide launched Tide Pods in 2012, it took an amazing 68% of the market in less than a year.
This is a major innovation.
The small and round Tide Pod means that there is no measurement, no pouring, the container is easy to carry, and it provides great convenience for throwing the pod into the washing machine.
The time for the renovation of laundry is ripe.
That\'s why P & G launched Tide Pods, which has a marketing budget of $0. 15 billion.
This is one of the few categories with a penetration rate of 100%.
Everyone has to wash clothes.
Great success in new product design.
Until the unique shape of the product becomes a problem.
According to a report by CBS, in the first year alone, more than 17,000 children under the age of 6 took in tidal pods or squeezed liquid into their eyes.
There is a child every hour.
The problem is the new packaging.
Small, round, colorful pods are like candy or teething toys.
P & G had to make major changes in design.
First of all, they make the tide pool opaque, so the kids are tempted to not see the pods.
They have three bathtubs.
Lock the covers to make them more difficult to open.
Tide later launched a new commercial: this is a very unusual commercial advertisement because it does not sell innovative products, but warns parents of the harm of innovative products.
The launch of the tide became a warning.
Sometimes, product design has unexpected consequences.
There are many reasons to update existing product designs.
Sometimes, the composition of the product changes.
Some products need cosmetic surgery.
At other times, the product needs to change the negative perception.
Manufacturers of tropical orange juice are facing the latter.
Although Tropicana is a 800-pound gorilla with a market share of 33% and more than 8 feet of frozen space in grocery stores, research shows that orange juice is thought to contain sugar-added ingredients.
But according to Tropicana, it is 100% pure orange juice with no sugar added.
In order to strengthen the existing interests, the company decided to update the packaging.
For decades, Tropicana\'s carton and kettle have been designed in a simple way.
So the company hired a top design company to develop a new look: The new design was awarded 20 different trademarks and developed 30 in 5 months.
When the new Tropicana was put into the market, it immediately responded.
Between January 1 and February 22, sales fell by 20%.
The decline is a bit shocking for a category leader.
So in February 23, Tropicana made a big decision-it re-used the old packaging.
Tropicana not only lost 20% of sales, but also spent $35 million on design changes and advertising.
There is another urgent reason.
Competitors like Minute Maid have already doubled. digit gains.
Tropicana did a about-
Faced so quickly, it had to act quickly to recover its customers. It was a case-
Research what is wrong with product design.
When the brand makes a huge change in the familiar packaging, it usually also makes the shopper feel that there is also a huge change in what is inside.
This creates a problem of trust.
But Tropicana did not change its juice.
In fact, the reason for the redesign is to reassure customers that Tropicana has not changed at all-it is still sugar --
100% pure orange juice free of charge.
Also interesting is the enthusiastic connection of the customer with the old \"straw\"in-the-
The \"orange\" graphic is not shown in the study.
This powerful visual effect has made such a big contribution to Tropicana\'s income, but internally, it is thought to be outdated and consumable.
When all this has been said and done again, many critics compare the tropical packaging disaster to the New Coke.
A huge change, then a massive retreat.
This is a proper analogy.
Because Tropicana is ours. by Pepsi.
Like orchids, brands have to overcome many shortcomings.
This could be a grocery store with a bad shelf location, possibly a price war, maybe a competitor with a deeper pocket, or maybe a new brand that follows.
But excellent packaging design is a silent salesperson.
This is the lesson Tropicana learned on the difficult road.
Simple and undervalued strawin-the-
Orange graphics are a huge emotional attraction for shoppers.
The Pyramid shape of Pyramid lerone makes it stand out in a crowded market, working hard at work
40% of the Swiss chocolate exports are free shops.
This silent marketing technique also highlights the subtle way that design speaks to us on a subconscious level.
How easy it is to grab a product to influence your decision to buy it.
You may think it\'s the price and the taste, but the decisive vote may be the fact that it has the handle.
There are also famous Coke bottles.
Curves, iconic, are designed to pass the final Test.
This may be the key to all excellent packaging designs.
It is even sold in the dark when you are affected.
0 notes
sere22world · 4 years
Even in the Dark: How Packaging Persuades You to Buy
This week we will explore how product packaging affects what we buy.
If you go back to the sixth grade biology class, you will have some knowledge of birds and bees.
You may remember that they need to be pollinated in order for the flowers to breed.
The work was given to a variety of creatures, such as birds and bees.
This is a reciprocal relationship.
The brightly colored flowers attract the bees, which stick the pollen to the lower leg, then fly to the next flower and put the pollen down.
The flowers will give the bees sweetness, which is their annoyance.
This is a good deal.
But some orchids have shortcomings.
They have no nectar.
Therefore, orchids must use different techniques to attract pollinators.
Some orchids give off nectar-like scents.
Produce plants that attract bees to visit.
Some orchids emit mating scents like female insects, attracting affectionate males.
Some orchids have parts similar to the body of female insects, with body hair and tentacles, attracting male insects by score.
The flowers give off a scent telling the bees whether other insects have collected nectar.
As a result, some orchids can emit a variety of scents, so they can attract a variety of bees.
In order for the pollen to even attach to the bee\'s knee, the Bee must land in the correct position of the flower.
Nectar attracts them to the right place.
But there are many orchids, no nectar.
So they use the upper and lower petals as guides, just like a helicopter landing pad-forcing the bees to land in a very specific place and bump into the pollen.
In an orchid, when the bee touches it, the flower closes and the insect has only one way out-directly through the pollen.
Nature offers excellent packaging for orchids, able to overcome a wide variety of problems and problems, enabling orchids to compete with thousands of other flowers and still be able to attract rewards --seeking bees.
The world of marketing has its own orchids.
In the field where thousands of product competition is noticed, brands need multiple pollinators, rewards-
There are a lot of options for seeking customers, and marketers have to use clever packaging to overcome shortcomings and attract attention.
Some attract with shape, some promise attract with sex, some attract with convenience, some seduce you with unique beauty.
But at the end of the day, they all want the same thing.
Create a lot of sensational effects . . . . . . The practice of using packaging design to influence what you buy has been around for a long time.
During the Industrial uprising , as the population began to move from farm to city, people stopped themselves
Enough, so the product suddenly has to be transported long distances.
Steam trains transport most of the consumer goods across the country.
With the development of railway transportation, the demand for product packaging also follows.
The goods can no longer be shipped in unopened barrels and baskets.
In 1896, uneda biscuit company invested more than $1 million to design a package to wrap the cookies on protective wax paper inside the carton.
Outside is a colorful illustration of a boy wearing a bright yellow raincoat.
The raincoat is a very special choice because it emphasizes the unique moisture-proof ability of uneda.
This is the first time that the packaging has a dual use-it allows the company to keep the product fresh from a long distance, and the colorful raincoat packaging gives uneda a unique brand.
Is the birth of consumer packaging.
Around the same time, on 1886, Coca-Cola began to serve as a soda fountain drink.
You can walk into a pharmacy and sit at the counter and a soda jerk will pull the long fountain handle and fill your glass with cold Coke.
But Coca-Cola will not be a huge world.
If it is not a specific innovation, it is today\'s famous brand. The bottle.
Once Coke can be transported and sold outside the soda fountain, sales will surge.
Coca-Cola\'s 1915 success has attracted many competitors.
As a result, the board decided that it needed to further differentiate its brand and invited eight glass companies to submit the design of a unique Coke bottle.
I like the briefings Coca-Cola has given to these companies.
It simply says: we want such a unique design that it can be identified by feeling in the dark or lying on the ground broken.
That says everything.
The final winner is the Root Glass Company in Terre Haute, Indiana.
The company decided to design based on two main ingredients of Coca-Cola.
Coke and Coke.
But they can\'t find any pictures when they go to the library to look for pictures.
But they did find a picture of the gourd.
The cocoa pods were created in Encyclopedia Britannica-and inspired by that.
For the next 24 hours, employee Earl Dean outlined a design-gently bent, flat at the bottom and slender at the top.
This is the classic Coke bottle we know today.
The first prototype proved to be unstable on the conveyor belt, so the belly of the bottle was slightly reduced.
The design was warmly adopted by Coca-Cola.
Big Coke Company
As a thank you, Earl Dean was offered a $500 bonus option or found a lifetime job at the Root Glass Company.
He chose the latter.
Coke bottles have sold more than 1928 of soda fountains.
This unique shape is often referred to as the \"Mersey bottle\"-which refers to the famous curve of the actress. Handy six-
The packaging was launched in the \"20 S\"-designed to convince shoppers to take more Coke home. 1949, 30-
Three years after Coke was launched, 99% of North Americans can identify it by the outline of the Coke bottle.
When the TV entered the living room in 1950, the audience saw the first TV advertisement to broadcast the Coke bottle: in the same year, the Coke bottle became the first commercial product on the cover of Time magazine.
Then, on 1960, a curved Coke bottle containing the word Coca
Coca-Cola was registered as a trademark and became the second packaging in history to receive such protection.
The uniqueness of the Coke bottle will continue to be its most powerful brand, and although it is difficult to buy the Coke bottle again, its silhouette remains an important part of the Coke bottle advertisement.
2015 marks 100 anniversary of design. Coca-
Coca-Cola will launch a big event this year to celebrate its iconic bottle, which includes a bottle of 8-
The monthly Coke bottle exhibition at the Atlanta museum of higher art.
Recently, Coca-Cola has been rated as the most valuable brand in the world.
In marketing, it is very important to shape the image.
The tempting curved shape of the Coke bottle has a lot to do with convincing you to buy a soft drink, overwhelming the fact that this is not the healthiest option you can make.
In fact, studies have shown that the design we like to bend is hard wired.
The Journal Fast Company cites research from the University of Toronto to put people into brain imaging machines and then show images of curved and linear products.
The results suggest that men and women prefer curved items, and that parts of the brain that are highly correlated with \"emotion\" trigger activity.
\"In another Harvard brain imaging study, sharp objects such as Square watches and sharp sofas were seen.
These images trigger activity in another part of the brain-the part that handles fear.
Sharp objects have long been a sign of physical danger, so our brains begin to associate sharp lines with threats.
While there are obvious exceptions to each rule, this helps a lot to explain the general appeal of Coke bottles.
The curved design uses our brains to pull our hearts.
It\'s not just the curve that affects your shopping decisions.
Function is very important.
How easy it is to open a package, how easy it is to exit every time, how easy it is to store, and how easy it is to handle everything that affects your purchase.
One of the most important factors is portability.
In other words, how easy a product is to grasp has a huge impact on your purchase.
In Issue 2008, New York magazine noted that Coca-Cola changed its 2-
To make it easier to hold and dump, one bottle per liter.
This change led to a substantial increase in sales-more than 2-
Experienced Pepsi bottle per liter.
When a product is easier to buy than other products-when all other products are equal-you will buy this product more often.
This means that your purchase decision can be influenced by seemingly insignificant things like the shape of the package.
A factor you may not even know.
Manufacturers of diapers understand this concept.
They provide a big economy.
The size of the diaper is packed, but it also provides small ones.
Now-Why would parents choose smaller packages when larger packages clearly offer better value?
The answer is that many parents in the grocery store have a child on one arm.
Smaller paper urine bags are easier to carry with their free hands.
Most liquid detergents have handles.
The same is true of large bottles of milk and juice.
The handle is not only to make pouring easier, but also to make shopping easier.
Packaging design can have a huge impact when you\'re shopping at grocery stores.
Today, a typical grocery store has about 45,000 items, and customers buy an average of 50 items in 50 minutes.
At this rate, the decision is made in nanoseconds.
It\'s interesting because most shoppers-64% of them-say they will buy from the shelves because of the packaging of the product-don\'t know in advance.
My wife mentioned that she bought her hands.
The soap dispensers in our bathroom are completely based on the packaging design-she just wanted them to look good.
This is why packaging is critical when buying on impulse.
The best design injects functionality into emotions.
Show the product well and create a little desire.
But this is not all that has to be done.
A good package must contain the product in an efficient way
Both liquid and solid.
It must protect the product from damage during transportation.
It must protect the product from pollution, moisture, insects and temperature fluctuations.
It must communicate ingredients, cooking instructions, origin, size, weight, quantity, warning, company information and bar code.
Packaging must be sustainable.
In 7 seconds or less, this package lightens any fear of it-especially if you \'ve never tried it before.
Color psychology must be applied.
Packaging must meet the needs of shoppers from purchase to processing.
It has to be packaged with a unique brand.
The best packaging encourages you to touch it.
Because once in contact, the possibility of buying will soar.
90% of consumers
Use boxes and bags after purchase, so it takes a long time for good packaging.
According to the Harvard Business Review, less than 3% of new products can produce enough first
Sales for a year to survive.
This is why packaging design is an art.
Many product designs have stood the test of time.
Put . . . . . . Triangle chocolate bar.
Its unique triangle has a history of more than 100 years. (
Prove that some sharp objects do work! )
As you can imagine, it\'s not easy to stand out from the crowded chocolate market.
Founded in Bern, Switzerland, in 1909, Theodor Tobler filed a patent for the formula and triangle.
For a long time, it has been thought that he was shaped from the Swiss Alps, just like Matt Horn, pictured on the package.
But it\'s more sexy.
Tobler is inspired by Paris\'s Folies Bergere, where charming female dancers always end their performances by forming a human pyramid. Who knew?
The unique style also has the same unique marketing strategy.
Toblerone is mainly sold at the airport.
It\'s said to be the third.
Best-selling products on duty
Free shops after alcohol and tobacco account for more than 40% of Swiss chocolate exports.
The success of Toblerone can largely be attributed to an overwhelming design concept-which can be identified even in the dark.
The product design can also change a category completely.
When Tide launched Tide Pods in 2012, it took an amazing 68% of the market in less than a year.
This is a major innovation.
The small and round Tide Pod means that there is no measurement, no pouring, the container is easy to carry, and it provides great convenience for throwing the pod into the washing machine.
The time for the renovation of laundry is ripe.
That\'s why P & G launched Tide Pods, which has a marketing budget of $0. 15 billion.
This is one of the few categories with a penetration rate of 100%.
Everyone has to wash clothes.
Great success in new product design.
Until the unique shape of the product becomes a problem.
According to a report by CBS, in the first year alone, more than 17,000 children under the age of 6 took in tidal pods or squeezed liquid into their eyes.
There is a child every hour.
The problem is the new packaging.
Small, round, colorful pods are like candy or teething toys.
P & G had to make major changes in design.
First of all, they make the tide pool opaque, so the kids are tempted to not see the pods.
They have three bathtubs.
Lock the covers to make them more difficult to open.
Tide later launched a new commercial: this is a very unusual commercial advertisement because it does not sell innovative products, but warns parents of the harm of innovative products.
The launch of the tide became a warning.
Sometimes, product design has unexpected consequences.
There are many reasons to update existing product designs.
Sometimes, the composition of the product changes.
Some products need cosmetic surgery.
At other times, the product needs to change the negative perception.
Manufacturers of tropical orange juice are facing the latter.
Although Tropicana is a 800-pound gorilla with a market share of 33% and more than 8 feet of frozen space in grocery stores, research shows that orange juice is thought to contain sugar-added ingredients.
But according to Tropicana, it is 100% pure orange juice with no sugar added.
In order to strengthen the existing interests, the company decided to update the packaging.
For decades, Tropicana\'s carton and kettle have been designed in a simple way.
So the company hired a top design company to develop a new look: The new design was awarded 20 different trademarks and developed 30 in 5 months.
When the new Tropicana was put into the market, it immediately responded.
Between January 1 and February 22, sales fell by 20%.
The decline is a bit shocking for a category leader.
So in February 23, Tropicana made a big decision-it re-used the old packaging.
Tropicana not only lost 20% of sales, but also spent $35 million on design changes and advertising.
There is another urgent reason.
Competitors like Minute Maid have already doubled. digit gains.
Tropicana did a about-
Faced so quickly, it had to act quickly to recover its customers. It was a case-
Research what is wrong with product design.
When the brand makes a huge change in the familiar packaging, it usually also makes the shopper feel that there is also a huge change in what is inside.
This creates a problem of trust.
But Tropicana did not change its juice.
In fact, the reason for the redesign is to reassure customers that Tropicana has not changed at all-it is still sugar --
100% pure orange juice free of charge.
Also interesting is the enthusiastic connection of the customer with the old \"straw\"in-the-
The \"orange\" graphic is not shown in the study.
This powerful visual effect has made such a big contribution to Tropicana\'s income, but internally, it is thought to be outdated and consumable.
When all this has been said and done again, many critics compare the tropical packaging disaster to the New Coke.
A huge change, then a massive retreat.
This is a proper analogy.
Because Tropicana is ours. by Pepsi.
Like orchids, brands have to overcome many shortcomings.
This could be a grocery store with a bad shelf location, possibly a price war, maybe a competitor with a deeper pocket, or maybe a new brand that follows.
But excellent packaging design is a silent salesperson.
This is the lesson Tropicana learned on the difficult road.
Simple and undervalued strawin-the-
Orange graphics are a huge emotional attraction for shoppers.
The Pyramid shape of Pyramid lerone makes it stand out in a crowded market, working hard at work
40% of the Swiss chocolate exports are free shops.
This silent marketing technique also highlights the subtle way that design speaks to us on a subconscious level.
How easy it is to grab a product to influence your decision to buy it.
You may think it\'s the price and the taste, but the decisive vote may be the fact that it has the handle.
There are also famous Coke bottles.
Curves, iconic, are designed to pass the final Test.
This may be the key to all excellent packaging designs.
It is even sold in the dark when you are affected.
0 notes
qualityservicewebs · 3 years
What You Need to Know About a Gippro Cartridge
The Gippo cartridge is one of the most popular office supplies in Italy. Gippo has been manufactured since 1930, starting out as an Italian coin manufacturer, and has been used by many different industries, including the film industry, music industry and the medical profession. Here is a look at some of the other interesting facts about this popular cartridge.
First, let's take a look at how these types of cartridges work. Most companies will sell their cartridges in generic names like "mate" or "share." These are generic names given to the cartridges by the company that makes them so you can buy the same product from anywhere else. You will probably never notice the difference between these generic names and the real thing. The real thing is more durable and reliable than these cheaper alternatives. If you want the best product for your printer, be sure to get the Gippo cartridge instead of the cheaper alternatives.
How do you know when to replace your cartridge? As well as what type of cartridge should you get? The ink that comes with each cartridge is supposed to last for several prints. If that is not the case, you should check the papers in your printer. Sometimes there will be a small line that indicates something is wrong. It might be a test page, indicating that your printer needs a replacement.
How do you clean your Gippo cartridge? Do not use any harsh detergents or chemical solutions. Only use mild soap and warm water, or a commercial cleaner designed for ink. Try to avoid spray products as these can cause damage to the ink. The paper in your printer may become discolored from the residue left in the bottle. This is not the ink, but ink residue.
How do you compare prices between online stores? Often, you can find the best prices on cartridges by going online to a market place called eBay or Amazon. Sometimes stores have coupons or other discounts for buying in bulk. If you are lucky, you can find an office supply store that carries the cartridge that you want.
Is it better to buy a used or new cartridge? The price of a used cartridge is cheaper, but remember that these cartridges will not have the life span as those that are new. When you are comparing, think about what kind of print you will make from the cartridge. For instance, inkjet printers usually take a lot of pictures and have a good quality. A laser printer, on the other hand, usually only does a simple black and white copy.
What should I do if my cartridge runs out of ink? There are a few things you can do. If you need more ink, you can call the cartridge refill company. These companies ship your empty cartridge to you and give you a new cartridge. You will have to empty the old cartridge first, though, because the refill kit includes instructions for doing this. You might also check online for places where you can refill your cartridges cheaply.
Can I sell my Gippo ink cartridges? The Gippo cartridges are easy to recondition because they are made of plastic materials. The ink inside stays put, so you can't just throw the empty cartridge away. You can either sell it or give it to someone who would like to purchase it. You can even send it to the manufacturer for them to make more of these cartridges. Just make sure you get a receipt or other proof of purchase so you don't get caught with your hands full.
0 notes
qualityservicewebs · 3 years
What You Need to Know About a Gippro Cartridge
The Gippo cartridge is one of the most popular office supplies in Italy. Gippo has been manufactured since 1930, starting out as an Italian coin manufacturer, and has been used by many different industries, including the film industry, music industry and the medical profession. Here is a look at some of the other interesting facts about this popular cartridge.
First, let's take a look at how these types of cartridges work. Most companies will sell their cartridges in generic names like "mate" or "share." These are generic names given to the cartridges by the company that makes them so you can buy the same product from anywhere else. You will probably never notice the difference between these generic names and the real thing. The real thing is more durable and reliable than these cheaper alternatives. If you want the best product for your printer, be sure to get the Gippo cartridge instead of the cheaper alternatives.
How do you know when to replace your cartridge? As well as what type of cartridge should you get? The ink that comes with each cartridge is supposed to last for several prints. If that is not the case, you should check the papers in your printer. Sometimes there will be a small line that indicates something is wrong. It might be a test page, indicating that your printer needs a replacement.
How do you clean your Gippo cartridge? Do not use any harsh detergents or chemical solutions. Only use mild soap and warm water, or a commercial cleaner designed for ink. Try to avoid spray products as these can cause damage to the ink. The paper in your printer may become discolored from the residue left in the bottle. This is not the ink, but ink residue.
How do you compare prices between online stores? Often, you can find the best prices on cartridges by going online to a market place called eBay or Amazon. Sometimes stores have coupons or other discounts for buying in bulk. If you are lucky, you can find an office supply store that carries the cartridge that you want.
Is it better to buy a used or new cartridge? The price of a used cartridge is cheaper, but remember that these cartridges will not have the life span as those that are new. When you are comparing, think about what kind of print you will make from the cartridge. For instance, inkjet printers usually take a lot of pictures and have a good quality. A laser printer, on the other hand, usually only does a simple black and white copy.
What should I do if my cartridge runs out of ink? There are a few things you can do. If you need more ink, you can call the cartridge refill company. These companies ship your empty cartridge to you and give you a new cartridge. You will have to empty the old cartridge first, though, because the refill kit includes instructions for doing this. You might also check online for places where you can refill your cartridges cheaply.
Can I sell my Gippo ink cartridges? The Gippo cartridges are easy to recondition because they are made of plastic materials. The ink inside stays put, so you can't just throw the empty cartridge away. You can either sell it or give it to someone who would like to purchase it. You can even send it to the manufacturer for them to make more of these cartridges. Just make sure you get a receipt or other proof of purchase so you don't get caught with your hands full.
0 notes
qualityservicewebs · 3 years
What You Need to Know About a Gippro Cartridge
The Gippo cartridge is one of the most popular office supplies in Italy. Gippo has been manufactured since 1930, starting out as an Italian coin manufacturer, and has been used by many different industries, including the film industry, music industry and the medical profession. Here is a look at some of the other interesting facts about this popular cartridge.
First, let's take a look at how these types of cartridges work. Most companies will sell their cartridges in generic names like "mate" or "share." These are generic names given to the cartridges by the company that makes them so you can buy the same product from anywhere else. You will probably never notice the difference between these generic names and the real thing. The real thing is more durable and reliable than these cheaper alternatives. If you want the best product for your printer, be sure to get the Gippo cartridge instead of the cheaper alternatives.
How do you know when to replace your cartridge? As well as what type of cartridge should you get? The ink that comes with each cartridge is supposed to last for several prints. If that is not the case, you should check the papers in your printer. Sometimes there will be a small line that indicates something is wrong. It might be a test page, indicating that your printer needs a replacement.
How do you clean your Gippo cartridge? Do not use any harsh detergents or chemical solutions. Only use mild soap and warm water, or a commercial cleaner designed for ink. Try to avoid spray products as these can cause damage to the ink. The paper in your printer may become discolored from the residue left in the bottle. This is not the ink, but ink residue.
How do you compare prices between online stores? Often, you can find the best prices on cartridges by going online to a market place called eBay or Amazon. Sometimes stores have coupons or other discounts for buying in bulk. If you are lucky, you can find an office supply store that carries the cartridge that you want.
Is it better to buy a used or new cartridge? The price of a used cartridge is cheaper, but remember that these cartridges will not have the life span as those that are new. When you are comparing, think about what kind of print you will make from the cartridge. For instance, inkjet printers usually take a lot of pictures and have a good quality. A laser printer, on the other hand, usually only does a simple black and white copy.
What should I do if my cartridge runs out of ink? There are a few things you can do. If you need more ink, you can call the cartridge refill company. These companies ship your empty cartridge to you and give you a new cartridge. You will have to empty the old cartridge first, though, because the refill kit includes instructions for doing this. You might also check online for places where you can refill your cartridges cheaply.
Can I sell my Gippo ink cartridges? The Gippo cartridges are easy to recondition because they are made of plastic materials. The ink inside stays put, so you can't just throw the empty cartridge away. You can either sell it or give it to someone who would like to purchase it. You can even send it to the manufacturer for them to make more of these cartridges. Just make sure you get a receipt or other proof of purchase so you don't get caught with your hands full.
0 notes
sere22world · 4 years
even in the dark: how packaging persuades you to buy
This week we will explore how product packaging affects what we buy.
If you go back to the sixth grade biology class, you will have some knowledge of birds and bees.
You may remember that they need to be pollinated in order for the flowers to breed.
The work was given to a variety of creatures, such as birds and bees.
This is a reciprocal relationship.
The brightly colored flowers attract the bees, which stick the pollen to the lower leg, then fly to the next flower and put the pollen down.
The flowers will give the bees sweetness, which is their annoyance.
This is a good deal.
But some orchids have shortcomings.
They have no nectar.
Therefore, orchids must use different techniques to attract pollinators.
Some orchids give off nectar-like scents.
Produce plants that attract bees to visit.
Some orchids emit mating scents like female insects, attracting affectionate males.
Some orchids have parts similar to the body of female insects, with body hair and tentacles, attracting male insects by score.
The flowers give off a scent telling the bees whether other insects have collected nectar.
As a result, some orchids can emit a variety of scents, so they can attract a variety of bees.
In order for the pollen to even attach to the bee\'s knee, the Bee must land in the correct position of the flower.
Nectar attracts them to the right place.
But there are many orchids, no nectar.
So they use the upper and lower petals as guides, just like a helicopter landing pad-forcing the bees to land in a very specific place and bump into the pollen.
In an orchid, when the bee touches it, the flower closes and the insect has only one way out-directly through the pollen.
Nature offers excellent packaging for orchids, able to overcome a wide variety of problems and problems, enabling orchids to compete with thousands of other flowers and still be able to attract rewards --seeking bees.
The world of marketing has its own orchids.
In the field where thousands of product competition is noticed, brands need multiple pollinators, rewards-
There are a lot of options for seeking customers, and marketers have to use clever packaging to overcome shortcomings and attract attention.
Some attract with shape, some promise attract with sex, some attract with convenience, some seduce you with unique beauty.
But at the end of the day, they all want the same thing.
Create a lot of sensational effects . . . . . . The practice of using packaging design to influence what you buy has been around for a long time.
During the Industrial, as the population began to move from farm to city, people stopped themselves
Enough, so the product suddenly has to be transported long distances.
Steam trains transport most of the consumer goods across the country.
With the development of railway transportation, the demand for product packaging also follows.
The goods can no longer be shipped in unopened barrels and baskets.
In 1896, uneda biscuit company invested more than $1 million to design a package to wrap the cookies on protective wax paper inside the carton.
Outside is a colorful illustration of a boy wearing a bright yellow raincoat.
The raincoat is a very special choice because it emphasizes the unique moisture-proof ability of uneda.
This is the first time that the packaging has a dual use-it allows the company to keep the product fresh from a long distance, and the colorful raincoat packaging gives uneda a unique brand.
Is the birth of consumer packaging.
Around the same time, on 1886, Coca-Cola began to serve as a soda fountain drink.
You can walk into a pharmacy and sit at the counter and a soda jerk will pull the long fountain handle and fill your glass with cold Coke.
But Coca-Cola will not be a huge world.
If it is not a specific innovation, it is today\'s famous brand. The bottle.
Once Coke can be transported and sold outside the soda fountain, sales will surge.
Coca-Cola\'s 1915 success has attracted many competitors.
As a result, the board decided that it needed to further differentiate its brand and invited eight glass companies to submit the design of a unique Coke bottle.
I like the briefings Coca-Cola has given to these companies.
It simply says: we want such a unique design that it can be identified by feeling in the dark or lying on the ground broken.
That says everything.
The final winner is the Root Glass Company in Terre Haute, Indiana.
The company decided to design based on two main ingredients of Coca-Cola.
Coke and Coke.
But they can\'t find any pictures when they go to the library to look for pictures.
But they did find a picture of the gourd.
The cocoa pods were created in Encyclopedia Britannica-and inspired by that.
For the next 24 hours, employee Earl Dean outlined a design-gently bent, flat at the bottom and slender at the top.
This is the classic Coke bottle we know today.
The first prototype proved to be unstable on the conveyor belt, so the belly of the bottle was slightly reduced.
The design was warmly adopted by Coca-Cola.
Big Coke Company
As a thank you, Earl Dean was offered a $500 bonus option or found a lifetime job at the Root Glass Company.
He chose the latter.
Coke bottles have sold more than 1928 of soda fountains.
This unique shape is often referred to as the \"Mersey bottle\"-which refers to the famous curve of the actress. Handy six-
The packaging was launched in the \"20 S\"-designed to convince shoppers to take more Coke home. 1949, 30-
Three years after Coke was launched, 99% of North Americans can identify it by the outline of the Coke bottle.
When the TV entered the living room in 1950, the audience saw the first TV advertisement to broadcast the Coke bottle: in the same year, the Coke bottle became the first commercial product on the cover of Time magazine.
Then, on 1960, a curved Coke bottle containing the word Coca
Coca-Cola was registered as a trademark and became the second packaging in history to receive such protection.
The uniqueness of the Coke bottle will continue to be its most powerful brand, and although it is difficult to buy the Coke bottle again, its silhouette remains an important part of the Coke bottle advertisement.
2015 marks 100 anniversary of design. Coca-
Coca-Cola will launch a big event this year to celebrate its iconic bottle, which includes a bottle of 8-
The monthly Coke bottle exhibition at the Atlanta museum of higher art.
Recently, Coca-Cola has been rated as the most valuable brand in the world.
In marketing, it is very important to shape the image.
The tempting curved shape of the Coke bottle has a lot to do with convincing you to buy a soft drink, overwhelming the fact that this is not the healthiest option you can make.
In fact, studies have shown that the design we like to bend is hard wired.
The Journal Fast Company cites research from the University of Toronto to put people into brain imaging machines and then show images of curved and linear products.
The results suggest that men and women prefer curved items, and that parts of the brain that are highly correlated with \"emotion\" trigger activity.
\"In another Harvard brain imaging study, sharp objects such as Square watches and sharp sofas were seen.
These images trigger activity in another part of the brain-the part that handles fear.
Sharp objects have long been a sign of physical danger, so our brains begin to associate sharp lines with threats.
While there are obvious exceptions to each rule, this helps a lot to explain the general appeal of Coke bottles.
The curved design uses our brains to pull our hearts.
It\'s not just the curve that affects your shopping decisions.
Function is very important.
How easy it is to open a package, how easy it is to exit every time, how easy it is to store, and how easy it is to handle everything that affects your purchase.
One of the most important factors is portability.
In other words, how easy a product is to grasp has a huge impact on your purchase.
In Issue 2008, New York magazine noted that Coca-Cola changed its 2-
To make it easier to hold and dump, one bottle per liter.
This change led to a substantial increase in sales-more than 2-
Experienced Pepsi bottle per liter.
When a product is easier to buy than other products-when all other products are equal-you will buy this product more often.
This means that your purchase decision can be influenced by seemingly insignificant things like the shape of the package.
A factor you may not even know.
Manufacturers of diapers understand this concept.
They provide a big economy.
The size of the diaper is packed, but it also provides small ones.
Now-Why would parents choose smaller packages when larger packages clearly offer better value?
The answer is that many parents in the grocery store have a child on one arm.
Smaller paper urine bags are easier to carry with their free hands.
Most liquid detergents have handles.
The same is true of large bottles of milk and juice.
The handle is not only to make pouring easier, but also to make shopping easier.
Packaging design can have a huge impact when you\'re shopping at grocery stores.
Today, a typical grocery store has about 45,000 items, and customers buy an average of 50 items in 50 minutes.
At this rate, the decision is made in nanoseconds.
It\'s interesting because most shoppers-64% of them-say they will buy from the shelves because of the packaging of the product-don\'t know in advance.
My wife mentioned that she bought her hands.
The soap dispensers in our bathroom are completely based on the packaging design-she just wanted them to look good.
This is why packaging is critical when buying on impulse.
The best design injects functionality into emotions.
Show the product well and create a little desire.
But this is not all that has to be done.
A good package must contain the product in an efficient way
Both liquid and solid.
It must protect the product from damage during transportation.
It must protect the product from pollution, moisture, insects and temperature fluctuations.
It must communicate ingredients, cooking instructions, origin, size, weight, quantity, warning, company information and bar code.
Packaging must be sustainable.
In 7 seconds or less, this package lightens any fear of it-especially if you \'ve never tried it before.
Color psychology must be applied.
Packaging must meet the needs of shoppers from purchase to processing.
It has to be packaged with a unique brand.
The best packaging encourages you to touch it.
Because once in contact, the possibility of buying will soar.
90% of consumers
Use boxes and bags after purchase, so it takes a long time for good packaging.
According to the Harvard Business Review, less than 3% of new products can produce enough first
Sales for a year to survive.
This is why packaging design is an art.
Many product designs have stood the test of time.
Put . . . . . . Triangle chocolate bar.
Its unique triangle has a history of more than 100 years. (
Prove that some sharp objects do work! )
As you can imagine, it\'s not easy to stand out from the crowded chocolate market.
Founded in Bern, Switzerland, in 1909, Theodor Tobler filed a patent for the formula and triangle.
For a long time, it has been thought that he was shaped from the Swiss Alps, just like Matt Horn, pictured on the package.
But it\'s more sexy.
Tobler is inspired by Paris\'s Folies Bergere, where charming female dancers always end their performances by forming a human pyramid. Who knew?
The unique style also has the same unique marketing strategy.
Toblerone is mainly sold at the airport.
It\'s said to be the third.
Best-selling products on duty
Free shops after alcohol and tobacco account for more than 40% of Swiss chocolate exports.
The success of Toblerone can largely be attributed to an overwhelming design concept-which can be identified even in the dark.
The product design can also change a category completely.
When Tide launched Tide Pods in 2012, it took an amazing 68% of the market in less than a year.
This is a major innovation.
The small and round Tide Pod means that there is no measurement, no pouring, the container is easy to carry, and it provides great convenience for throwing the pod into the washing machine.
The time for the renovation of laundry is ripe.
That\'s why P & G launched Tide Pods, which has a marketing budget of $0. 15 billion.
This is one of the few categories with a penetration rate of 100%.
Everyone has to wash clothes.
Great success in new product design.
Until the unique shape of the product becomes a problem.
According to a report by CBS, in the first year alone, more than 17,000 children under the age of 6 took in tidal pods or squeezed liquid into their eyes.
There is a child every hour.
The problem is the new packaging.
Small, round, colorful pods are like candy or teething toys.
P & G had to make major changes in design.
First of all, they make the tide pool opaque, so the kids are tempted to not see the pods.
They have three bathtubs.
Lock the covers to make them more difficult to open.
Tide later launched a new commercial: this is a very unusual commercial advertisement because it does not sell innovative products, but warns parents of the harm of innovative products.
The launch of the tide became a warning.
Sometimes, product design has unexpected consequences.
There are many reasons to update existing product designs.
Sometimes, the composition of the product changes.
Some products need cosmetic surgery.
At other times, the product needs to change the negative perception.
Manufacturers of tropical orange juice are facing the latter.
Although Tropicana is a 800-pound gorilla with a market share of 33% and more than 8 feet of frozen space in grocery stores, research shows that orange juice is thought to contain sugar-added ingredients.
But according to Tropicana, it is 100% pure orange juice with no sugar added.
In order to strengthen the existing interests, the company decided to update the packaging.
For decades, Tropicana\'s carton and kettle have been designed in a simple way.
So the company hired a top design company to develop a new look: The new design was awarded 20 different trademarks and developed 30 in 5 months.
When the new Tropicana was put into the market, it immediately responded.
Between January 1 and February 22, sales fell by 20%.
The decline is a bit shocking for a category leader.
So in February 23, Tropicana made a big decision-it re-used the old packaging.
Tropicana not only lost 20% of sales, but also spent $35 million on design changes and advertising.
There is another urgent reason.
Competitors like Minute Maid have already doubled. digit gains.
Tropicana did a about-
Faced so quickly, it had to act quickly to recover its customers. It was a case-
Research what is wrong with product design.
When the brand makes a huge change in the familiar packaging, it usually also makes the shopper feel that there is also a huge change in what is inside.
This creates a problem of trust.
But Tropicana did not change its juice.
In fact, the reason for the redesign is to reassure customers that Tropicana has not changed at all-it is still sugar --
100% pure orange juice free of charge.
Also interesting is the enthusiastic connection of the customer with the old \"straw\"in-the-
The \"orange\" graphic is not shown in the study.
This powerful visual effect has made such a big contribution to Tropicana\'s income, but internally, it is thought to be outdated and consumable.
When all this has been said and done again, many critics compare the tropical packaging disaster to the New Coke.
A huge change, then a massive retreat.
This is a proper analogy.
Because Tropicana is ours. by Pepsi.
Like orchids, brands have to overcome many shortcomings.
This could be a grocery store with a bad shelf location, possibly a price war, maybe a competitor with a deeper pocket, or maybe a new brand that follows.
But excellent packaging design is a silent salesperson.
This is the lesson Tropicana learned on the difficult road.
Simple and undervalued strawin-the-
Orange graphics are a huge emotional attraction for shoppers.
The Pyramid shape of Pyramid lerone makes it stand out in a crowded market, working hard at work
40% of the Swiss chocolate exports are free shops.
This silent marketing technique also highlights the subtle way that design speaks to us on a subconscious level.
How easy it is to grab a product to influence your decision to buy it.
You may think it\'s the price and the taste, but the decisive vote may be the fact that it has the handle.
There are also famous Coke bottles.
Curves, iconic, are designed to pass the final Test.
This may be the key to all excellent packaging designs.
It is even sold in the dark when you are affected.
0 notes
sere22world · 4 years
even in the dark: how packaging persuades you to buy
This week we will explore how product packaging affects what we buy.
If you go back to the sixth grade biology class, you will have some knowledge of birds and bees.
You may remember that they need to be pollinated in order for the flowers to breed.
The work was given to a variety of creatures, such as birds and bees.
This is a reciprocal relationship.
The brightly colored flowers attract the bees, which stick the pollen to the lower leg, then fly to the next flower and put the pollen down.
The flowers will give the bees sweetness, which is their annoyance.
This is a good deal.
But some orchids have shortcomings.
They have no nectar.
Therefore, orchids must use different techniques to attract pollinators.
Some orchids give off nectar-like scents.
Produce plants that attract bees to visit.
Some orchids emit mating scents like female insects, attracting affectionate males.
Some orchids have parts similar to the body of female insects, with body hair and tentacles, attracting male insects by score.
The flowers give off a scent telling the bees whether other insects have collected nectar.
As a result, some orchids can emit a variety of scents, so they can attract a variety of bees.
In order for the pollen to even attach to the bee\'s knee, the Bee must land in the correct position of the flower.
Nectar attracts them to the right place.
But there are many orchids, no nectar.
So they use the upper and lower petals as guides, just like a helicopter landing pad-forcing the bees to land in a very specific place and bump into the pollen.
In an orchid, when the bee touches it, the flower closes and the insect has only one way out-directly through the pollen.
Nature offers excellent packaging for orchids, able to overcome a wide variety of problems and problems, enabling orchids to compete with thousands of other flowers and still be able to attract rewards --seeking bees.
The world of marketing has its own orchids.
In the field where thousands of product competition is noticed, brands need multiple pollinators, rewards-
There are a lot of options for seeking customers, and marketers have to use clever packaging to overcome shortcomings and attract attention.
Some attract with shape, some promise attract with sex, some attract with convenience, some seduce you with unique beauty.
But at the end of the day, they all want the same thing.
Create a lot of sensational effects . . . . . . The practice of using packaging design to influence what you buy has been around for a long time.
During the Industrial, as the population began to move from farm to city, people stopped themselves
Enough, so the product suddenly has to be transported long distances.
Steam trains transport most of the consumer goods across the country.
With the development of railway transportation, the demand for product packaging also follows.
The goods can no longer be shipped in unopened barrels and baskets.
In 1896, uneda biscuit company invested more than $1 million to design a package to wrap the cookies on protective wax paper inside the carton.
Outside is a colorful illustration of a boy wearing a bright yellow raincoat.
The raincoat is a very special choice because it emphasizes the unique moisture-proof ability of uneda.
This is the first time that the packaging has a dual use-it allows the company to keep the product fresh from a long distance, and the colorful raincoat packaging gives uneda a unique brand.
Is the birth of consumer packaging.
Around the same time, on 1886, Coca-Cola began to serve as a soda fountain drink.
You can walk into a pharmacy and sit at the counter and a soda jerk will pull the long fountain handle and fill your glass with cold Coke.
But Coca-Cola will not be a huge world.
If it is not a specific innovation, it is today\'s famous brand. The bottle.
Once Coke can be transported and sold outside the soda fountain, sales will surge.
Coca-Cola\'s 1915 success has attracted many competitors.
As a result, the board decided that it needed to further differentiate its brand and invited eight glass companies to submit the design of a unique Coke bottle.
I like the briefings Coca-Cola has given to these companies.
It simply says: we want such a unique design that it can be identified by feeling in the dark or lying on the ground broken.
That says everything.
The final winner is the Root Glass Company in Terre Haute, Indiana.
The company decided to design based on two main ingredients of Coca-Cola.
Coke and Coke.
But they can\'t find any pictures when they go to the library to look for pictures.
But they did find a picture of the gourd.
The cocoa pods were created in Encyclopedia Britannica-and inspired by that.
For the next 24 hours, employee Earl Dean outlined a design-gently bent, flat at the bottom and slender at the top.
This is the classic Coke bottle we know today.
The first prototype proved to be unstable on the conveyor belt, so the belly of the bottle was slightly reduced.
The design was warmly adopted by Coca-Cola.
Big Coke Company
As a thank you, Earl Dean was offered a $500 bonus option or found a lifetime job at the Root Glass Company.
He chose the latter.
Coke bottles have sold more than 1928 of soda fountains.
This unique shape is often referred to as the \"Mersey bottle\"-which refers to the famous curve of the actress. Handy six-
The packaging was launched in the \"20 S\"-designed to convince shoppers to take more Coke home. 1949, 30-
Three years after Coke was launched, 99% of North Americans can identify it by the outline of the Coke bottle.
When the TV entered the living room in 1950, the audience saw the first TV advertisement to broadcast the Coke bottle: in the same year, the Coke bottle became the first commercial product on the cover of Time magazine.
Then, on 1960, a curved Coke bottle containing the word Coca
Coca-Cola was registered as a trademark and became the second packaging in history to receive such protection.
The uniqueness of the Coke bottle will continue to be its most powerful brand, and although it is difficult to buy the Coke bottle again, its silhouette remains an important part of the Coke bottle advertisement.
2015 marks 100 anniversary of design. Coca-
Coca-Cola will launch a big event this year to celebrate its iconic bottle, which includes a bottle of 8-
The monthly Coke bottle exhibition at the Atlanta museum of higher art.
Recently, Coca-Cola has been rated as the most valuable brand in the world.
In marketing, it is very important to shape the image.
The tempting curved shape of the Coke bottle has a lot to do with convincing you to buy a soft drink, overwhelming the fact that this is not the healthiest option you can make.
In fact, studies have shown that the design we like to bend is hard wired.
The Journal Fast Company cites research from the University of Toronto to put people into brain imaging machines and then show images of curved and linear products.
The results suggest that men and women prefer curved items, and that parts of the brain that are highly correlated with \"emotion\" trigger activity.
\"In another Harvard brain imaging study, sharp objects such as Square watches and sharp sofas were seen.
These images trigger activity in another part of the brain-the part that handles fear.
Sharp objects have long been a sign of physical danger, so our brains begin to associate sharp lines with threats.
While there are obvious exceptions to each rule, this helps a lot to explain the general appeal of Coke bottles.
The curved design uses our brains to pull our hearts.
It\'s not just the curve that affects your shopping decisions.
Function is very important.
How easy it is to open a package, how easy it is to exit every time, how easy it is to store, and how easy it is to handle everything that affects your purchase.
One of the most important factors is portability.
In other words, how easy a product is to grasp has a huge impact on your purchase.
In Issue 2008, New York magazine noted that Coca-Cola changed its 2-
To make it easier to hold and dump, one bottle per liter.
This change led to a substantial increase in sales-more than 2-
Experienced Pepsi bottle per liter.
When a product is easier to buy than other products-when all other products are equal-you will buy this product more often.
This means that your purchase decision can be influenced by seemingly insignificant things like the shape of the package.
A factor you may not even know.
Manufacturers of diapers understand this concept.
They provide a big economy.
The size of the diaper is packed, but it also provides small ones.
Now-Why would parents choose smaller packages when larger packages clearly offer better value?
The answer is that many parents in the grocery store have a child on one arm.
Smaller paper urine bags are easier to carry with their free hands.
Most liquid detergents have handles.
The same is true of large bottles of milk and juice.
The handle is not only to make pouring easier, but also to make shopping easier.
Packaging design can have a huge impact when you\'re shopping at grocery stores.
Today, a typical grocery store has about 45,000 items, and customers buy an average of 50 items in 50 minutes.
At this rate, the decision is made in nanoseconds.
It\'s interesting because most shoppers-64% of them-say they will buy from the shelves because of the packaging of the product-don\'t know in advance.
My wife mentioned that she bought her hands.
The soap dispensers in our bathroom are completely based on the packaging design-she just wanted them to look good.
This is why packaging is critical when buying on impulse.
The best design injects functionality into emotions.
Show the product well and create a little desire.
But this is not all that has to be done.
A good package must contain the product in an efficient way
Both liquid and solid.
It must protect the product from damage during transportation.
It must protect the product from pollution, moisture, insects and temperature fluctuations.
It must communicate ingredients, cooking instructions, origin, size, weight, quantity, warning, company information and bar code.
Packaging must be sustainable.
In 7 seconds or less, this package lightens any fear of it-especially if you \'ve never tried it before.
Color psychology must be applied.
Packaging must meet the needs of shoppers from purchase to processing.
It has to be packaged with a unique brand.
The best packaging encourages you to touch it.
Because once in contact, the possibility of buying will soar.
90% of consumers
Use boxes and bags after purchase, so it takes a long time for good packaging.
According to the Harvard Business Review, less than 3% of new products can produce enough first
Sales for a year to survive.
This is why packaging design is an art.
Many product designs have stood the test of time.
Put . . . . . . Triangle chocolate bar.
Its unique triangle has a history of more than 100 years. (
Prove that some sharp objects do work! )
As you can imagine, it\'s not easy to stand out from the crowded chocolate market.
Founded in Bern, Switzerland, in 1909, Theodor Tobler filed a patent for the formula and triangle.
For a long time, it has been thought that he was shaped from the Swiss Alps, just like Matt Horn, pictured on the package.
But it\'s more sexy.
Tobler is inspired by Paris\'s Folies Bergere, where charming female dancers always end their performances by forming a human pyramid. Who knew?
The unique style also has the same unique marketing strategy.
Toblerone is mainly sold at the airport.
It\'s said to be the third.
Best-selling products on duty
Free shops after alcohol and tobacco account for more than 40% of Swiss chocolate exports.
The success of Toblerone can largely be attributed to an overwhelming design concept-which can be identified even in the dark.
The product design can also change a category completely.
When Tide launched Tide Pods in 2012, it took an amazing 68% of the market in less than a year.
This is a major innovation.
The small and round Tide Pod means that there is no measurement, no pouring, the container is easy to carry, and it provides great convenience for throwing the pod into the washing machine.
The time for the renovation of laundry is ripe.
That\'s why P & G launched Tide Pods, which has a marketing budget of $0. 15 billion.
This is one of the few categories with a penetration rate of 100%.
Everyone has to wash clothes.
Great success in new product design.
Until the unique shape of the product becomes a problem.
According to a report by CBS, in the first year alone, more than 17,000 children under the age of 6 took in tidal pods or squeezed liquid into their eyes.
There is a child every hour.
The problem is the new packaging.
Small, round, colorful pods are like candy or teething toys.
P & G had to make major changes in design.
First of all, they make the tide pool opaque, so the kids are tempted to not see the pods.
They have three bathtubs.
Lock the covers to make them more difficult to open.
Tide later launched a new commercial: this is a very unusual commercial advertisement because it does not sell innovative products, but warns parents of the harm of innovative products.
The launch of the tide became a warning.
Sometimes, product design has unexpected consequences.
There are many reasons to update existing product designs.
Sometimes, the composition of the product changes.
Some products need cosmetic surgery.
At other times, the product needs to change the negative perception.
Manufacturers of tropical orange juice are facing the latter.
Although Tropicana is a 800-pound gorilla with a market share of 33% and more than 8 feet of frozen space in grocery stores, research shows that orange juice is thought to contain sugar-added ingredients.
But according to Tropicana, it is 100% pure orange juice with no sugar added.
In order to strengthen the existing interests, the company decided to update the packaging.
For decades, Tropicana\'s carton and kettle have been designed in a simple way.
So the company hired a top design company to develop a new look: The new design was awarded 20 different trademarks and developed 30 in 5 months.
When the new Tropicana was put into the market, it immediately responded.
Between January 1 and February 22, sales fell by 20%.
The decline is a bit shocking for a category leader.
So in February 23, Tropicana made a big decision-it re-used the old packaging.
Tropicana not only lost 20% of sales, but also spent $35 million on design changes and advertising.
There is another urgent reason.
Competitors like Minute Maid have already doubled. digit gains.
Tropicana did a about-
Faced so quickly, it had to act quickly to recover its customers. It was a case-
Research what is wrong with product design.
When the brand makes a huge change in the familiar packaging, it usually also makes the shopper feel that there is also a huge change in what is inside.
This creates a problem of trust.
But Tropicana did not change its juice.
In fact, the reason for the redesign is to reassure customers that Tropicana has not changed at all-it is still sugar --
100% pure orange juice free of charge.
Also interesting is the enthusiastic connection of the customer with the old \"straw\"in-the-
The \"orange\" graphic is not shown in the study.
This powerful visual effect has made such a big contribution to Tropicana\'s income, but internally, it is thought to be outdated and consumable.
When all this has been said and done again, many critics compare the tropical packaging disaster to the New Coke.
A huge change, then a massive retreat.
This is a proper analogy.
Because Tropicana is ours. by Pepsi.
Like orchids, brands have to overcome many shortcomings.
This could be a grocery store with a bad shelf location, possibly a price war, maybe a competitor with a deeper pocket, or maybe a new brand that follows.
But excellent packaging design is a silent salesperson.
This is the lesson Tropicana learned on the difficult road.
Simple and undervalued strawin-the-
Orange graphics are a huge emotional attraction for shoppers.
The Pyramid shape of Pyramid lerone makes it stand out in a crowded market, working hard at work
40% of the Swiss chocolate exports are free shops.
This silent marketing technique also highlights the subtle way that design speaks to us on a subconscious level.
How easy it is to grab a product to influence your decision to buy it.
You may think it\'s the price and the taste, but the decisive vote may be the fact that it has the handle.
There are also famous Coke bottles.
Curves, iconic, are designed to pass the final Test.
This may be the key to all excellent packaging designs.
It is even sold in the dark when you are affected.
0 notes
sere22world · 4 years
even in the dark: how packaging persuades you to buy
This week we will explore how product packaging affects what we buy.
If you go back to the sixth grade biology class, you will have some knowledge of birds and bees.
You may remember that they need to be pollinated in order for the flowers to breed.
The work was given to a variety of creatures, such as birds and bees.
This is a reciprocal relationship.
The brightly colored flowers attract the bees, which stick the pollen to the lower leg, then fly to the next flower and put the pollen down.
The flowers will give the bees sweetness, which is their annoyance.
This is a good deal.
But some orchids have shortcomings.
They have no nectar.
Therefore, orchids must use different techniques to attract pollinators.
Some orchids give off nectar-like scents.
Produce plants that attract bees to visit.
Some orchids emit mating scents like female insects, attracting affectionate males.
Some orchids have parts similar to the body of female insects, with body hair and tentacles, attracting male insects by score.
The flowers give off a scent telling the bees whether other insects have collected nectar.
As a result, some orchids can emit a variety of scents, so they can attract a variety of bees.
In order for the pollen to even attach to the bee\'s knee, the Bee must land in the correct position of the flower.
Nectar attracts them to the right place.
But there are many orchids, no nectar.
So they use the upper and lower petals as guides, just like a helicopter landing pad-forcing the bees to land in a very specific place and bump into the pollen.
In an orchid, when the bee touches it, the flower closes and the insect has only one way out-directly through the pollen.
Nature offers excellent packaging for orchids, able to overcome a wide variety of problems and problems, enabling orchids to compete with thousands of other flowers and still be able to attract rewards --seeking bees.
The world of marketing has its own orchids.
In the field where thousands of product competition is noticed, brands need multiple pollinators, rewards-
There are a lot of options for seeking customers, and marketers have to use clever packaging to overcome shortcomings and attract attention.
Some attract with shape, some promise attract with sex, some attract with convenience, some seduce you with unique beauty.
But at the end of the day, they all want the same thing.
Create a lot of sensational effects . . . . . . The practice of using packaging design to influence what you buy has been around for a long time.
During the Industrial, as the population began to move from farm to city, people stopped themselves
Enough, so the product suddenly has to be transported long distances.
Steam trains transport most of the consumer goods across the country.
With the development of railway transportation, the demand for product packaging also follows.
The goods can no longer be shipped in unopened barrels and baskets.
In 1896, uneda biscuit company invested more than $1 million to design a package to wrap the cookies on protective wax paper inside the carton.
Outside is a colorful illustration of a boy wearing a bright yellow raincoat.
The raincoat is a very special choice because it emphasizes the unique moisture-proof ability of uneda.
This is the first time that the packaging has a dual use-it allows the company to keep the product fresh from a long distance, and the colorful raincoat packaging gives uneda a unique brand.
Is the birth of consumer packaging.
Around the same time, on 1886, Coca-Cola began to serve as a soda fountain drink.
You can walk into a pharmacy and sit at the counter and a soda jerk will pull the long fountain handle and fill your glass with cold Coke.
But Coca-Cola will not be a huge world.
If it is not a specific innovation, it is today\'s famous brand. The bottle.
Once Coke can be transported and sold outside the soda fountain, sales will surge.
Coca-Cola\'s 1915 success has attracted many competitors.
As a result, the board decided that it needed to further differentiate its brand and invited eight glass companies to submit the design of a unique Coke bottle.
I like the briefings Coca-Cola has given to these companies.
It simply says: we want such a unique design that it can be identified by feeling in the dark or lying on the ground broken.
That says everything.
The final winner is the Root Glass Company in Terre Haute, Indiana.
The company decided to design based on two main ingredients of Coca-Cola.
Coke and Coke.
But they can\'t find any pictures when they go to the library to look for pictures.
But they did find a picture of the gourd.
The cocoa pods were created in Encyclopedia Britannica-and inspired by that.
For the next 24 hours, employee Earl Dean outlined a design-gently bent, flat at the bottom and slender at the top.
This is the classic Coke bottle we know today.
The first prototype proved to be unstable on the conveyor belt, so the belly of the bottle was slightly reduced.
The design was warmly adopted by Coca-Cola.
Big Coke Company
As a thank you, Earl Dean was offered a $500 bonus option or found a lifetime job at the Root Glass Company.
He chose the latter.
Coke bottles have sold more than 1928 of soda fountains.
This unique shape is often referred to as the \"Mersey bottle\"-which refers to the famous curve of the actress. Handy six-
The packaging was launched in the \"20 S\"-designed to convince shoppers to take more Coke home. 1949, 30-
Three years after Coke was launched, 99% of North Americans can identify it by the outline of the Coke bottle.
When the TV entered the living room in 1950, the audience saw the first TV advertisement to broadcast the Coke bottle: in the same year, the Coke bottle became the first commercial product on the cover of Time magazine.
Then, on 1960, a curved Coke bottle containing the word Coca
Coca-Cola was registered as a trademark and became the second packaging in history to receive such protection.
The uniqueness of the Coke bottle will continue to be its most powerful brand, and although it is difficult to buy the Coke bottle again, its silhouette remains an important part of the Coke bottle advertisement.
2015 marks 100 anniversary of design. Coca-
Coca-Cola will launch a big event this year to celebrate its iconic bottle, which includes a bottle of 8-
The monthly Coke bottle exhibition at the Atlanta museum of higher art.
Recently, Coca-Cola has been rated as the most valuable brand in the world.
In marketing, it is very important to shape the image.
The tempting curved shape of the Coke bottle has a lot to do with convincing you to buy a soft drink, overwhelming the fact that this is not the healthiest option you can make.
In fact, studies have shown that the design we like to bend is hard wired.
The Journal Fast Company cites research from the University of Toronto to put people into brain imaging machines and then show images of curved and linear products.
The results suggest that men and women prefer curved items, and that parts of the brain that are highly correlated with \"emotion\" trigger activity.
\"In another Harvard brain imaging study, sharp objects such as Square watches and sharp sofas were seen.
These images trigger activity in another part of the brain-the part that handles fear.
Sharp objects have long been a sign of physical danger, so our brains begin to associate sharp lines with threats.
While there are obvious exceptions to each rule, this helps a lot to explain the general appeal of Coke bottles.
The curved design uses our brains to pull our hearts.
It\'s not just the curve that affects your shopping decisions.
Function is very important.
How easy it is to open a package, how easy it is to exit every time, how easy it is to store, and how easy it is to handle everything that affects your purchase.
One of the most important factors is portability.
In other words, how easy a product is to grasp has a huge impact on your purchase.
In Issue 2008, New York magazine noted that Coca-Cola changed its 2-
To make it easier to hold and dump, one bottle per liter.
This change led to a substantial increase in sales-more than 2-
Experienced Pepsi bottle per liter.
When a product is easier to buy than other products-when all other products are equal-you will buy this product more often.
This means that your purchase decision can be influenced by seemingly insignificant things like the shape of the package.
A factor you may not even know.
Manufacturers of diapers understand this concept.
They provide a big economy.
The size of the diaper is packed, but it also provides small ones.
Now-Why would parents choose smaller packages when larger packages clearly offer better value?
The answer is that many parents in the grocery store have a child on one arm.
Smaller paper urine bags are easier to carry with their free hands.
Most liquid detergents have handles.
The same is true of large bottles of milk and juice.
The handle is not only to make pouring easier, but also to make shopping easier.
Packaging design can have a huge impact when you\'re shopping at grocery stores.
Today, a typical grocery store has about 45,000 items, and customers buy an average of 50 items in 50 minutes.
At this rate, the decision is made in nanoseconds.
It\'s interesting because most shoppers-64% of them-say they will buy from the shelves because of the packaging of the product-don\'t know in advance.
My wife mentioned that she bought her hands.
The soap dispensers in our bathroom are completely based on the packaging design-she just wanted them to look good.
This is why packaging is critical when buying on impulse.
The best design injects functionality into emotions.
Show the product well and create a little desire.
But this is not all that has to be done.
A good package must contain the product in an efficient way
Both liquid and solid.
It must protect the product from damage during transportation.
It must protect the product from pollution, moisture, insects and temperature fluctuations.
It must communicate ingredients, cooking instructions, origin, size, weight, quantity, warning, company information and bar code.
Packaging must be sustainable.
In 7 seconds or less, this package lightens any fear of it-especially if you \'ve never tried it before.
Color psychology must be applied.
Packaging must meet the needs of shoppers from purchase to processing.
It has to be packaged with a unique brand.
The best packaging encourages you to touch it.
Because once in contact, the possibility of buying will soar.
90% of consumers
Use boxes and bags after purchase, so it takes a long time for good packaging.
According to the Harvard Business Review, less than 3% of new products can produce enough first
Sales for a year to survive.
This is why packaging design is an art.
Many product designs have stood the test of time.
Put . . . . . . Triangle chocolate bar.
Its unique triangle has a history of more than 100 years. (
Prove that some sharp objects do work! )
As you can imagine, it\'s not easy to stand out from the crowded chocolate market.
Founded in Bern, Switzerland, in 1909, Theodor Tobler filed a patent for the formula and triangle.
For a long time, it has been thought that he was shaped from the Swiss Alps, just like Matt Horn, pictured on the package.
But it\'s more sexy.
Tobler is inspired by Paris\'s Folies Bergere, where charming female dancers always end their performances by forming a human pyramid. Who knew?
The unique style also has the same unique marketing strategy.
Toblerone is mainly sold at the airport.
It\'s said to be the third.
Best-selling products on duty
Free shops after alcohol and tobacco account for more than 40% of Swiss chocolate exports.
The success of Toblerone can largely be attributed to an overwhelming design concept-which can be identified even in the dark.
The product design can also change a category completely.
When Tide launched Tide Pods in 2012, it took an amazing 68% of the market in less than a year.
This is a major innovation.
The small and round Tide Pod means that there is no measurement, no pouring, the container is easy to carry, and it provides great convenience for throwing the pod into the washing machine.
The time for the renovation of laundry is ripe.
That\'s why P & G launched Tide Pods, which has a marketing budget of $0. 15 billion.
This is one of the few categories with a penetration rate of 100%.
Everyone has to wash clothes.
Great success in new product design.
Until the unique shape of the product becomes a problem.
According to a report by CBS, in the first year alone, more than 17,000 children under the age of 6 took in tidal pods or squeezed liquid into their eyes.
There is a child every hour.
The problem is the new packaging.
Small, round, colorful pods are like candy or teething toys.
P & G had to make major changes in design.
First of all, they make the tide pool opaque, so the kids are tempted to not see the pods.
They have three bathtubs.
Lock the covers to make them more difficult to open.
Tide later launched a new commercial: this is a very unusual commercial advertisement because it does not sell innovative products, but warns parents of the harm of innovative products.
The launch of the tide became a warning.
Sometimes, product design has unexpected consequences.
There are many reasons to update existing product designs.
Sometimes, the composition of the product changes.
Some products need cosmetic surgery.
At other times, the product needs to change the negative perception.
Manufacturers of tropical orange juice are facing the latter.
Although Tropicana is a 800-pound gorilla with a market share of 33% and more than 8 feet of frozen space in grocery stores, research shows that orange juice is thought to contain sugar-added ingredients.
But according to Tropicana, it is 100% pure orange juice with no sugar added.
In order to strengthen the existing interests, the company decided to update the packaging.
For decades, Tropicana\'s carton and kettle have been designed in a simple way.
So the company hired a top design company to develop a new look: The new design was awarded 20 different trademarks and developed 30 in 5 months.
When the new Tropicana was put into the market, it immediately responded.
Between January 1 and February 22, sales fell by 20%.
The decline is a bit shocking for a category leader.
So in February 23, Tropicana made a big decision-it re-used the old packaging.
Tropicana not only lost 20% of sales, but also spent $35 million on design changes and advertising.
There is another urgent reason.
Competitors like Minute Maid have already doubled. digit gains.
Tropicana did a about-
Faced so quickly, it had to act quickly to recover its customers. It was a case-
Research what is wrong with product design.
When the brand makes a huge change in the familiar packaging, it usually also makes the shopper feel that there is also a huge change in what is inside.
This creates a problem of trust.
But Tropicana did not change its juice.
In fact, the reason for the redesign is to reassure customers that Tropicana has not changed at all-it is still sugar --
100% pure orange juice free of charge.
Also interesting is the enthusiastic connection of the customer with the old \"straw\"in-the-
The \"orange\" graphic is not shown in the study.
This powerful visual effect has made such a big contribution to Tropicana\'s income, but internally, it is thought to be outdated and consumable.
When all this has been said and done again, many critics compare the tropical packaging disaster to the New Coke.
A huge change, then a massive retreat.
This is a proper analogy.
Because Tropicana is ours. by Pepsi.
Like orchids, brands have to overcome many shortcomings.
This could be a grocery store with a bad shelf location, possibly a price war, maybe a competitor with a deeper pocket, or maybe a new brand that follows.
But excellent packaging design is a silent salesperson.
This is the lesson Tropicana learned on the difficult road.
Simple and undervalued strawin-the-
Orange graphics are a huge emotional attraction for shoppers.
The Pyramid shape of Pyramid lerone makes it stand out in a crowded market, working hard at work
40% of the Swiss chocolate exports are free shops.
This silent marketing technique also highlights the subtle way that design speaks to us on a subconscious level.
How easy it is to grab a product to influence your decision to buy it.
You may think it\'s the price and the taste, but the decisive vote may be the fact that it has the handle.
There are also famous Coke bottles.
Curves, iconic, are designed to pass the final Test.
This may be the key to all excellent packaging designs.
It is even sold in the dark when you are affected.
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sere22world · 4 years
even in the dark: how packaging persuades you to buy
This week we will explore how product packaging affects what we buy.
If you go back to the sixth grade biology class, you will have some knowledge of birds and bees.
You may remember that they need to be pollinated in order for the flowers to breed.
The work was given to a variety of creatures, such as birds and bees.
This is a reciprocal relationship.
The brightly colored flowers attract the bees, which stick the pollen to the lower leg, then fly to the next flower and put the pollen down.
The flowers will give the bees sweetness, which is their annoyance.
This is a good deal.
But some orchids have shortcomings.
They have no nectar.
Therefore, orchids must use different techniques to attract pollinators.
Some orchids give off nectar-like scents.
Produce plants that attract bees to visit.
Some orchids emit mating scents like female insects, attracting affectionate males.
Some orchids have parts similar to the body of female insects, with body hair and tentacles, attracting male insects by score.
The flowers give off a scent telling the bees whether other insects have collected nectar.
As a result, some orchids can emit a variety of scents, so they can attract a variety of bees.
In order for the pollen to even attach to the bee\'s knee, the Bee must land in the correct position of the flower.
Nectar attracts them to the right place.
But there are many orchids, no nectar.
So they use the upper and lower petals as guides, just like a helicopter landing pad-forcing the bees to land in a very specific place and bump into the pollen.
In an orchid, when the bee touches it, the flower closes and the insect has only one way out-directly through the pollen.
Nature offers excellent packaging for orchids, able to overcome a wide variety of problems and problems, enabling orchids to compete with thousands of other flowers and still be able to attract rewards --seeking bees.
The world of marketing has its own orchids.
In the field where thousands of product competition is noticed, brands need multiple pollinators, rewards-
There are a lot of options for seeking customers, and marketers have to use clever packaging to overcome shortcomings and attract attention.
Some attract with shape, some promise attract with sex, some attract with convenience, some seduce you with unique beauty.
But at the end of the day, they all want the same thing.
Create a lot of sensational effects . . . . . . The practice of using packaging design to influence what you buy has been around for a long time.
During the Industrial, as the population began to move from farm to city, people stopped themselves
Enough, so the product suddenly has to be transported long distances.
Steam trains transport most of the consumer goods across the country.
With the development of railway transportation, the demand for product packaging also follows.
The goods can no longer be shipped in unopened barrels and baskets.
In 1896, uneda biscuit company invested more than $1 million to design a package to wrap the cookies on protective wax paper inside the carton.
Outside is a colorful illustration of a boy wearing a bright yellow raincoat.
The raincoat is a very special choice because it emphasizes the unique moisture-proof ability of uneda.
This is the first time that the packaging has a dual use-it allows the company to keep the product fresh from a long distance, and the colorful raincoat packaging gives uneda a unique brand.
Is the birth of consumer packaging.
Around the same time, on 1886, Coca-Cola began to serve as a soda fountain drink.
You can walk into a pharmacy and sit at the counter and a soda jerk will pull the long fountain handle and fill your glass with cold Coke.
But Coca-Cola will not be a huge world.
If it is not a specific innovation, it is today\'s famous brand. The bottle.
Once Coke can be transported and sold outside the soda fountain, sales will surge.
Coca-Cola\'s 1915 success has attracted many competitors.
As a result, the board decided that it needed to further differentiate its brand and invited eight glass companies to submit the design of a unique Coke bottle.
I like the briefings Coca-Cola has given to these companies.
It simply says: we want such a unique design that it can be identified by feeling in the dark or lying on the ground broken.
That says everything.
The final winner is the Root Glass Company in Terre Haute, Indiana.
The company decided to design based on two main ingredients of Coca-Cola.
Coke and Coke.
But they can\'t find any pictures when they go to the library to look for pictures.
But they did find a picture of the gourd.
The cocoa pods were created in Encyclopedia Britannica-and inspired by that.
For the next 24 hours, employee Earl Dean outlined a design-gently bent, flat at the bottom and slender at the top.
This is the classic Coke bottle we know today.
The first prototype proved to be unstable on the conveyor belt, so the belly of the bottle was slightly reduced.
The design was warmly adopted by Coca-Cola.
Big Coke Company
As a thank you, Earl Dean was offered a $500 bonus option or found a lifetime job at the Root Glass Company.
He chose the latter.
Coke bottles have sold more than 1928 of soda fountains.
This unique shape is often referred to as the \"Mersey bottle\"-which refers to the famous curve of the actress. Handy six-
The packaging was launched in the \"20 S\"-designed to convince shoppers to take more Coke home. 1949, 30-
Three years after Coke was launched, 99% of North Americans can identify it by the outline of the Coke bottle.
When the TV entered the living room in 1950, the audience saw the first TV advertisement to broadcast the Coke bottle: in the same year, the Coke bottle became the first commercial product on the cover of Time magazine.
Then, on 1960, a curved Coke bottle containing the word Coca
Coca-Cola was registered as a trademark and became the second packaging in history to receive such protection.
The uniqueness of the Coke bottle will continue to be its most powerful brand, and although it is difficult to buy the Coke bottle again, its silhouette remains an important part of the Coke bottle advertisement.
2015 marks 100 anniversary of design. Coca-
Coca-Cola will launch a big event this year to celebrate its iconic bottle, which includes a bottle of 8-
The monthly Coke bottle exhibition at the Atlanta museum of higher art.
Recently, Coca-Cola has been rated as the most valuable brand in the world.
In marketing, it is very important to shape the image.
The tempting curved shape of the Coke bottle has a lot to do with convincing you to buy a soft drink, overwhelming the fact that this is not the healthiest option you can make.
In fact, studies have shown that the design we like to bend is hard wired.
The Journal Fast Company cites research from the University of Toronto to put people into brain imaging machines and then show images of curved and linear products.
The results suggest that men and women prefer curved items, and that parts of the brain that are highly correlated with \"emotion\" trigger activity.
\"In another Harvard brain imaging study, sharp objects such as Square watches and sharp sofas were seen.
These images trigger activity in another part of the brain-the part that handles fear.
Sharp objects have long been a sign of physical danger, so our brains begin to associate sharp lines with threats.
While there are obvious exceptions to each rule, this helps a lot to explain the general appeal of Coke bottles.
The curved design uses our brains to pull our hearts.
It\'s not just the curve that affects your shopping decisions.
Function is very important.
How easy it is to open a package, how easy it is to exit every time, how easy it is to store, and how easy it is to handle everything that affects your purchase.
One of the most important factors is portability.
In other words, how easy a product is to grasp has a huge impact on your purchase.
In Issue 2008, New York magazine noted that Coca-Cola changed its 2-
To make it easier to hold and dump, one bottle per liter.
This change led to a substantial increase in sales-more than 2-
Experienced Pepsi bottle per liter.
When a product is easier to buy than other products-when all other products are equal-you will buy this product more often.
This means that your purchase decision can be influenced by seemingly insignificant things like the shape of the package.
A factor you may not even know.
Manufacturers of diapers understand this concept.
They provide a big economy.
The size of the diaper is packed, but it also provides small ones.
Now-Why would parents choose smaller packages when larger packages clearly offer better value?
The answer is that many parents in the grocery store have a child on one arm.
Smaller paper urine bags are easier to carry with their free hands.
Most liquid detergents have handles.
The same is true of large bottles of milk and juice.
The handle is not only to make pouring easier, but also to make shopping easier.
Packaging design can have a huge impact when you\'re shopping at grocery stores.
Today, a typical grocery store has about 45,000 items, and customers buy an average of 50 items in 50 minutes.
At this rate, the decision is made in nanoseconds.
It\'s interesting because most shoppers-64% of them-say they will buy from the shelves because of the packaging of the product-don\'t know in advance.
My wife mentioned that she bought her hands.
The soap dispensers in our bathroom are completely based on the packaging design-she just wanted them to look good.
This is why packaging is critical when buying on impulse.
The best design injects functionality into emotions.
Show the product well and create a little desire.
But this is not all that has to be done.
A good package must contain the product in an efficient way
Both liquid and solid.
It must protect the product from damage during transportation.
It must protect the product from pollution, moisture, insects and temperature fluctuations.
It must communicate ingredients, cooking instructions, origin, size, weight, quantity, warning, company information and bar code.
Packaging must be sustainable.
In 7 seconds or less, this package lightens any fear of it-especially if you \'ve never tried it before.
Color psychology must be applied.
Packaging must meet the needs of shoppers from purchase to processing.
It has to be packaged with a unique brand.
The best packaging encourages you to touch it.
Because once in contact, the possibility of buying will soar.
90% of consumers
Use boxes and bags after purchase, so it takes a long time for good packaging.
According to the Harvard Business Review, less than 3% of new products can produce enough first
Sales for a year to survive.
This is why packaging design is an art.
Many product designs have stood the test of time.
Put . . . . . . Triangle chocolate bar.
Its unique triangle has a history of more than 100 years. (
Prove that some sharp objects do work! )
As you can imagine, it\'s not easy to stand out from the crowded chocolate market.
Founded in Bern, Switzerland, in 1909, Theodor Tobler filed a patent for the formula and triangle.
For a long time, it has been thought that he was shaped from the Swiss Alps, just like Matt Horn, pictured on the package.
But it\'s more sexy.
Tobler is inspired by Paris\'s Folies Bergere, where charming female dancers always end their performances by forming a human pyramid. Who knew?
The unique style also has the same unique marketing strategy.
Toblerone is mainly sold at the airport.
It\'s said to be the third.
Best-selling products on duty
Free shops after alcohol and tobacco account for more than 40% of Swiss chocolate exports.
The success of Toblerone can largely be attributed to an overwhelming design concept-which can be identified even in the dark.
The product design can also change a category completely.
When Tide launched Tide Pods in 2012, it took an amazing 68% of the market in less than a year.
This is a major innovation.
The small and round Tide Pod means that there is no measurement, no pouring, the container is easy to carry, and it provides great convenience for throwing the pod into the washing machine.
The time for the renovation of laundry is ripe.
That\'s why P & G launched Tide Pods, which has a marketing budget of $0. 15 billion.
This is one of the few categories with a penetration rate of 100%.
Everyone has to wash clothes.
Great success in new product design.
Until the unique shape of the product becomes a problem.
According to a report by CBS, in the first year alone, more than 17,000 children under the age of 6 took in tidal pods or squeezed liquid into their eyes.
There is a child every hour.
The problem is the new packaging.
Small, round, colorful pods are like candy or teething toys.
P & G had to make major changes in design.
First of all, they make the tide pool opaque, so the kids are tempted to not see the pods.
They have three bathtubs.
Lock the covers to make them more difficult to open.
Tide later launched a new commercial: this is a very unusual commercial advertisement because it does not sell innovative products, but warns parents of the harm of innovative products.
The launch of the tide became a warning.
Sometimes, product design has unexpected consequences.
There are many reasons to update existing product designs.
Sometimes, the composition of the product changes.
Some products need cosmetic surgery.
At other times, the product needs to change the negative perception.
Manufacturers of tropical orange juice are facing the latter.
Although Tropicana is a 800-pound gorilla with a market share of 33% and more than 8 feet of frozen space in grocery stores, research shows that orange juice is thought to contain sugar-added ingredients.
But according to Tropicana, it is 100% pure orange juice with no sugar added.
In order to strengthen the existing interests, the company decided to update the packaging.
For decades, Tropicana\'s carton and kettle have been designed in a simple way.
So the company hired a top design company to develop a new look: The new design was awarded 20 different trademarks and developed 30 in 5 months.
When the new Tropicana was put into the market, it immediately responded.
Between January 1 and February 22, sales fell by 20%.
The decline is a bit shocking for a category leader.
So in February 23, Tropicana made a big decision-it re-used the old packaging.
Tropicana not only lost 20% of sales, but also spent $35 million on design changes and advertising.
There is another urgent reason.
Competitors like Minute Maid have already doubled. digit gains.
Tropicana did a about-
Faced so quickly, it had to act quickly to recover its customers. It was a case-
Research what is wrong with product design.
When the brand makes a huge change in the familiar packaging, it usually also makes the shopper feel that there is also a huge change in what is inside.
This creates a problem of trust.
But Tropicana did not change its juice.
In fact, the reason for the redesign is to reassure customers that Tropicana has not changed at all-it is still sugar --
100% pure orange juice free of charge.
Also interesting is the enthusiastic connection of the customer with the old \"straw\"in-the-
The \"orange\" graphic is not shown in the study.
This powerful visual effect has made such a big contribution to Tropicana\'s income, but internally, it is thought to be outdated and consumable.
When all this has been said and done again, many critics compare the tropical packaging disaster to the New Coke.
A huge change, then a massive retreat.
This is a proper analogy.
Because Tropicana is ours. by Pepsi.
Like orchids, brands have to overcome many shortcomings.
This could be a grocery store with a bad shelf location, possibly a price war, maybe a competitor with a deeper pocket, or maybe a new brand that follows.
But excellent packaging design is a silent salesperson.
This is the lesson Tropicana learned on the difficult road.
Simple and undervalued strawin-the-
Orange graphics are a huge emotional attraction for shoppers.
The Pyramid shape of Pyramid lerone makes it stand out in a crowded market, working hard at work
40% of the Swiss chocolate exports are free shops.
This silent marketing technique also highlights the subtle way that design speaks to us on a subconscious level.
How easy it is to grab a product to influence your decision to buy it.
You may think it\'s the price and the taste, but the decisive vote may be the fact that it has the handle.
There are also famous Coke bottles.
Curves, iconic, are designed to pass the final Test.
This may be the key to all excellent packaging designs.
It is even sold in the dark when you are affected.
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