#sometimes you just need a hug from your digital companion
goldicthehedgefox · 10 months
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deleted my twitter account today, my pokemon was so happy about it he evolved on the spot
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dollcherray · 2 months
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A/N:Yahoo! im back babeyyy,way better now and, btw ik smg4's fandom isnt that famous and this will probably only get 2/3 views, but im doing this anyways, this is NOT PROOFREAD edit: this aged like milk
Type: Headcanons, romantic, fluff/light angst.
Tw/Cw: Yandere topics, he hypnotizes you, obsessive behavior, paranoia, delusion, possessiveness, overprotection, suggestive(?), he literally worships you so much, emotional dependence .
Song recommendation: Creative control - Mr puzzles
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୨୧ He got so hooked up on you, and he doesnt know how or why, but he just knew he needed you when he first landed his cameras on you, you were so captivating, he had to understand why.
୨୧ Before he hypnotized everyone, he kept a big eye on you, that were blissfully unaware of his obsession or existence, sometimes he got so excited of looking at you that he almost got to capture you to himself, but he had to control himself, he could do that later.
୨୧ When puzzles finally hypnotized everyone, he needed to see you first than EVERYBODY else and my god, you were so precious and beautiful in person, he couldnt get enough from looking at you, he was so glad he finally got to see your pretty face in person.
୨୧ During the shows, whenever you were on screen, he would display you always as the most perfect character in the story and sometimes he would even insert himself in them just to be more close to you or to be your love interest.
୨୧ He enjoys watching your performances so much, you were just made for the screens! you easily highlighted yourself in every show, even if you were just standing, or staying in the background, he would pay attention to you everytime, every single move you do or word you say, he is paying full attention.
୨୧ He would be extra touchy with you, since he was very lonely when a child, he would take all the years of him wishing there was someone to hug him and etc. On you, he would be soo touch starved.
୨୧ Puzzles would get a bit paranoid and feared when you get your conscience back, he tried to comfort himself with the "they'll never know" mindset, protected by the delusion that he did the right thing of hypnotizing you.
୨୧ Puzzles would panic when you got your conscience and memories back, but relieved that you wouldnt remember the stories where he inserted himself in so he could be creepily more close to you.
୨୧ But when he heard you also wanted to leave, he was furious, how could his own darling try and leave him?! hes the one who can make u a real star, the real deal, and the others are just... second characters, how can you want to stay with such pesky brats?! they were nothing compared to you!
୨୧ But he didnt blame you, you were with those weirdos since the beginning consequently making you not even know half of your potential since you were brainwashed by that pesky crew, so, he had to show you that your place was with him, on the big screens with only him, nobody else.
୨୧ If you wanted to stay with him or not didnt really matter, you were in his reality, he could make you his whenever, he just felt like giving you the illusion of a choice in hopes you would "choose" the right decision. (hes not insane at all! hes just silly!)
୨୧ You were his precious puppet, his puppet, his companion, he couldnt let you leave, no, he couldnt, he needs you and you will need him, he would show you your place, he eventually would.
୨୧ "When i saw you, i instantly knew that you were a natural star, so be good and stay with me, okay?"
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junowritings · 25 days
Hey!! Hi!! Hello!! I noticed your matchups are open right now and I was wondering if I could get a BG3 matchup :]
I use any pronouns and have no gender preference!
I tend to be a bit introverted and like being alone but the second I’m around my friends I am the LIFE of the party and am usually the one to organize hangouts and parties among the group. Comedically enough though my friends typically compare me to Gale, usually calling me a recluse who “hasn’t seen the light of day in 3 years” lmao. I,,, may be autistic.
My hobbies primarily include art, whether that be digital, traditional, animation, 3D modeling or hell, playing guitar, ukulele or even the ocarina. I’ve also recently rediscovered my love for reading and learning languages (I’m currently learning Swedish lol). I also really enjoy traveling and will get out of town and occasionally out of the country whenever I get the chance. On a nice sunny day I’ve also been known to walk to the nearby park and just walk around barefoot cuz I like the feeling of Nature*tm*.
In a relationship I’m typically the person to initiate contact, usually bringing up date ideas and initiating physical affection and the like. I don’t mind PDA though I do generally prefer being affectionate in private. On that note, I am VERY AFFECTIONATE and once someone has accepted me hugging them it will be a WHILE till I let go lol. Besides the obvious physical touch I do show affection more often through sharing fun facts and the like :]
Likes: Physical affection, art, music, hanging out with my friends, chai, mochi, being in nature, anything steampunk and anything relating to pirates
Dislikes: bright lights, loud noises, extreme temperatures (though mostly hotter weather), people acting like they’re better than me
My strengths id say are primarily my creativity and initiative. Id also argue I have good planning and social skills.
My weaknesses primarily include my tendency to get overly focused on things and sometimes forget to take care of myself because of it ehe,,,
Thaaatt,,, should be all! Thanks <]
Heyya hi! :D You certainly can get a match-up! Been a hot second so I need to brush up on my BG3 knowledge, but I think I found a lovely fit for you...
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Welcome to opposites attract. On this episode-
Whilst I’ll admit that at first you and Gale seemed like a potentially good fit, Rolan inevitably won out because I believe that you two would compliment one another really well and bring out the best in each other!
You keep to yourself initially, which Rolan is unsurprisingly respectful of; if there’s anyone you have to worry about needlessly bothering you when you’re not up for the interaction, it’s definitely not him. He understands that preferring to spend some time on your own isn’t a bad thing; he’s very much the kind of person to enjoy some alone time (though the chances he gets to actually do that are few and far between even after things have settled down lmao). Sometimes enjoying one’s own company is healthy and has its merits, allowing you to recharge after a long day.
The first time he sees you break from your shell though the contrast is rather stark. Rolan had already caught a few glimpses of the life bubbling under the surface of your otherwise introverted nature the more that you warmed up to him - but when he sees you in the company of your closest friends for the first time? He’s taken aback by the way you practically lighten up in their company. He’s heard others in your circle commencing that you’re the life of the party whenever you’re around, but the tiefling definitely didn’t anticipate that to be so literal watching you immerse yourself amongst friends with a renewed vigor.
The jokes your companions crack about your comparisons to a certain wizard of Waterdeep earn an eyeroll or two from the tiefling as he listens to them ribbing you over your occasional tendencies. He’s been on enough of your planned outings to know that’s hardly the case and will tell them as such, though it’s all in good fun thankfully - besides if you prefer to hole yourself away with your creature comforts, you’re always welcome to do so at the tower. Oftentimes the wizard will chime in on the usual banter to add that it’s a good thing you made an exception to that little reclusive streak of yours for him - it would have been quite the loss otherwise.
Your instruments always have a safe place in the tower, that’s assured from the moment you make any kind of mention about the instruments that you play. He says it’s because there’s few places as well protected as his home, so why not keep them there to practice if you ever come over to visit? In reality it’s all a not so hidden excuse just to hear you play. He’ll leave his office door open or linger on the main floor of the upper levels of the tower whenever he knows you’re about to start playing, acting as though it’s not completely obvious he’s actively listening. I personally think that Rolan would be quite partial to the ukulele, if only for how fluid the notes as you pluck at the strings. If you were to take a peek at the tiefling as you’re playing, you’ll find that he often stops what he's doing to bask in the melody for a little while, the slight tilt of his head towards the direction the music is coming from a dead giveaway that you’ve got his attention hook line and sinker. Speaking of the tower though, sorcerous sundries provides a wealth of entertainment for your rediscovered passion in reading. In truth most of the stock is ancient texts and magical tomes older than both of you combined, but whatever you find that peaks your interest is yours for the reading (once he’s ensured it’s safe and not somehow curse-laden - hells knows what’s in some of those things.) It’s the first sign that he’s actively vying for your affections - Rolan hopes to earn your approval through impressing you at every turn. So the moment you express a shred of interest in the books lining the shelves all around, he’s set. And perhaps he uses some of his new connections to quietly add a couple of actual reading materials to those shelves just for you, who knows~?
After the events of the main game, Rolan is rather stubborn about staying put in the tower and the gate in general. After everything that he and the other Teiflings went through just to get here, and honestly having experienced some of the worst things the outside world has to offer he’s set on sticking to the four walls of his new home, thank you very much. It can admittedly be a point of contention given his reluctance to explain how he’s feeling sometimes; coming off as downright stubborn until you learn that he’s not exactly opposed to the idea of traveling, it will just…take some time before that avenue opens up for discussion. Trips around the gate though are fair game for the early relationship. Rolan learns quickly to spot the signs that you’re plotting another day out - hears the hum as you mull them over and the way your mouth quirks when you’ve settled on an idea. Thankfully there’s some wonderful places in the city where the bustle of crowds and incessant noise struggles to reach, offering a respite for the both of you where he can enjoy the quiet of your company and you can get your fill of being out in nature.
You and Rolan are definitely on the same page about preferring affection in private. In the early stages of your relationship you may find that it takes a little while to warm up to your affectionate nature. He certainly doesn’t mind it - quite the opposite, as the guy is so blatantly wanton of any romantic gestures that you could very well reduce him to a mess in your hands if you wanted to. In the privacy of your own home you’ll find that the man is far more open with his own affection, tail curling around you as he slips into your arms. Please card your hands through his hair - even if you accidentally knock his horns a couple of times in the process you’ll be able to watch the stress evaporate from his body with each moment, sinking deeper and deeper into your embrace. Gods forbid you cuddle him lying or sitting down because once he’s truly relaxed in one place neither of you are going anywhere.
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enigma-im · 4 years
Good Grief
Rating: Teen
Relationship: F!Alien x M!Human
Warning: minor blood mention, fluff, friendly humans of space
Word Count: 2312
    Humans may not be the strongest, smartest, or even the most helpful species in the galaxy, but they are weirdly good at making friends with anyone or anything
The little human bucks and wriggles in their hold, kicking their feet in last-second attempts at freedom. The two large amphibians just chuckle at the smaller being's struggle. They drag him down the dark hall towards a room littered with cages of varying sizes. Though the smell is the most noteworthy thing of the room, it just barely tops the crouched over beast circling inside the largest cage. The frog-like aliens drag the man over to the snarling creature.
"We brought you a gift, Eomen," one of the aliens says, laughing as they unlock the door. As the gate swings open the previously hunched over beast lunges, falling short as their collar chokes them back. The human looks to the beast in terror, worming in the solo hold of the alien. They try their damndest to escape, to forgo being locked away with this angry animal.
The two easily toss the man into the cage, locking it behind him without a seconds delay. Instantly the man crawls to the farthest corner, out of reach of the creature. The two aliens hardly pay them any mind as they exit the room. Nothing is said, no parting taunts or sniveling pleas.
Across the cage, the big furry beast huddles against the bars, chuffing as it catches eyes with the human. Taking the calm before the storm the human admires the beast. Its flat face gives it an almost intelligent look like it's of a thinking species instead of some sort of animal. Though it's sharp curled nails and thick pointed teeth give the human second thoughts.
With the tension fading the human straightens from his corner, timidly crawling towards the beast. With just an inch closer the creature snarls, lunging a bit to stop his approach.
"Hey," he raises his hands," it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." the creature chuffs again, flicking an ear with unease. He tries again, taking another timid inch towards them. The beast snarls but stays put, he takes it as a good sign. Scooting closer he stops midway towards them, sitting with his legs crossed.
"See, not that bad," he jokes," we can be pleasant to each other, can't we?"
The beast shrugs.
The man smiles to himself," can you understand me? Not to presume anything, so forgive my ignorance, but are you sentient? Intelligent life?"
The beast rolls it's eyes, snorting before nodding.
"Oh," he says excitedly," can you speak?"
The beast shrugs, looking off to the side forlorn. Before he can ask, the beast lifts its neck and displays the collar. At his distance, he can make out some lights and knobs. The collar is more than a typical shackle.
"oh, they won't let you speak," he sighs," can I have a look at it? I'm kind of handy with this kind of stuff."
The beast snaps their head towards the man, eyeing him cautiously. With no definite answer, the man begins to crawl over, slowing when he is within arm's length of the creature. Timidly he reaches up towards them, both of them jumping when he touches their fur. He grabs at the collar, scooting closer to get a better look.
The collar has two knobs and a single button. Towards the chain on the back is a hole, presumable where a key would go. It's simplistic compared to most tech used these days, really cheap as well.
"I have an idea but I need you to remain calm," he looks to the beast, pleading with his eyes for full cooperation. The beast nods, their ears flicking with hidden nerves. He can feel their heart racing against his finger curled around the collar. Without much thought he reaches up and pets around their ear, scratching them like one would a pet. They both stiffened at the action, him pulling back while the beast's lip curls in a sneer.
"Sorry," he mumbles," just…never mind."
The man fiddles with the collar, trying to find a weak point that can be broken. The most obvious area is the clasp near the keyhole. It looks corroded from years of use, the sweat from previous creatures leaking into the crease. He looks around the room for something to wedge into the crease, finding a shard of metal just outside the cage. He crawls over and reaches out between the bars, his fingers just grazing the piece.
"Damn it," he grunts as he tries again. With a sigh of defeat, he plops on his rear, thinking. He looks over to the creature, admiring their long arms. "Hey, you think you can reach that metal shard," he asks, pointing towards it. The beast chuffs before walking over and easily reaching out between the bars and grabbing the metal. The man grins in triumph as the piece is dropped into his hands.
"Alright, this should do the trick," he gently guides them away and looks back to the collar. Without warning, he jams the piece in and begins prying the two ends apart. His first attempt just pops the metal out with little effort. Digging the end farther in, he tries again. Finally, holding the collar still, he pushes with all his might. With a snap the tool snaps up, cutting his hand as the collar falls off the beast's neck.
The man doesn't notice at first that he succeeded, more worried about the blood running down his fingers. He hisses to himself as he looks at the deep gash. It isn't till he is knocked onto his back and pressed against a warm body that he takes notice of anything else.
"Thank you," a soft voice croaks out. The man gains a perspective of his surroundings, feeling arms wrapped around his back and a face nuzzling against his neck. He awkwardly reaches around and pats them on the back, hearing the high tones of their voice.
"No problem, miss" he laughs," just helping a jail buddy out."
She squeezes him just a bit tighter, purring while she leans back to sit with him in her lap. They parted slightly, looking at each other in a different light. The creature the man thought was an animal has finally spoken, revealing her true level of sentients. The creature looks to the man with interest, pleased with the little human.
She takes note of the man's hand, seeing him cradle it slightly to his chest. The stench of blood fills her nose. She snatches the hand, tugging it towards her mouth to clean. The man tugs, trying to free himself before she can lick him.
"Uh, you don't have to," he says worriedly. A bit of fear lingers in the back of his mind that she is going to eat him.
"You are injured," she states simply," I help."
She licks at his palm, trailing up towards his fingers. Sucking a digit into her mouth she swirls her tongue over him. He watches her conflicted, not really knowing what to do at the moment. She takes her time on each finger before focusing on the scratch that extends over his highest knuckles. Her tongue stings his wound, the bumpy texture aggravating it.
"I think I'm clean now," he says with a hilt in his voice. He doesn't want to reveal his enjoyment of having his fingers sucked, it being rather awkward to enjoy it to begin with.
The creature eyes him, watching his conflicted expression as she lazily lathers his fingers in her spit.
"Do I make you uncomfortable, human," she asks, her voice still rather gravely and unused.
"uh, not exactly," he answers. She gives a small smile before reaching out and tugging him back into a hug. The air knocks out of him as their chest collide but he can't bring himself to care as he hugs her back. He lazily cards his fingers through her fur, scratching softly at her back as he takes in her warmth. A tail flicks slowly behind her, catching his eye. He wants to coo at the sight but keep silent.
They sit there for a while, taking comfort from the other in companionable silence. He nearly falls asleep when she tilts to the side, laying with him as she curls around him.
"Human," she whispers.
"Yea," he mumbles, nearly on the cusp of sleep once again.
"I like your kindness," she says casually," I wish to keep you."
He snorts," keep me, like a pet?"
"more like a mate but if you wish to be my pet then I will not argue," she teases. He scoffs, tugging on some of her furs playfully. Her tail flicks around once more, her chuckle warms him a bit.
"Let's get to know each other a bit more than this and see where it goes," he suggested," I generally don't get into relationships with every person I help out."
The two are woken sometime later to talking. The two guards watch the two with humor and disbelief. They have heard rumors of human ingenuity in bonding with anything but they couldn't truly believe it. Humans aren't as strong as most of the species in the wide universe. Not the smartest, fastest, advanced, or even the tallest, but they are one of the most friendly. They can charm their way out of any situation or endear themselves to anyone. Case proved here with the human and the Eomen. A creature known for its distrust and violence, damn near savage. She didn't even bother to lay a scratch on him.
"Humans," one of them scoffs," can pet anything, even a beast like her."
"Maybe she isn't as bad as we thought, you think the merchant lied about her," the other asks. The first one shrugs. In a fit of distrust, the second alien walks up to the cage prepared to grab the human and serve them up to another more bloodthirsty slave on their ship. As they near the door the creature begins to growl, startling the human as she does. The alien opens the door and heads inside, not believing in the potential danger. He stomps over to the human, prepared to grab him when a clawed hand stops him.
Screams echo around the ship as a rampage takes place starting at the storage bay.
The ship is liberated hours later. Every last worker is slaughtered in the Eomen's fit of rage. The warnings of the merchant ring true as she decimates the crew. No mercy is given as the years of being locked up and silenced has fueled her ire. As she runs through the ship with ease the human hangs back to help the other slaves. Quickly endearing himself to them all as most swear a debt to his kindness.
Everyone meets up towards navigation to get a bearing on their current situation. Most didn't believe they were truly free, unshackled because of the murder of their owners. It's a joyous moment for all as the new crew begins discussing their plans to get back home. They all end up looking to the human for words of guidance in these confusing times.
"I know you are all eager to get back to your homes and loved ones. I believe the best path is to attempt contact and try to devise a way to meet up with them. Keep the ship as a neutral ground because waystations are bound to have us locked up once more," the human shouts to the large crowd.
With the crew in agreement, everyone is busy trying to use communications to reach loved ones. The human is nearly exhausted with the countless hours of work trying to keep everyone patient and calm while the minimal devices are being used. An amicable conversation takes place with most aliens trying to give praise to the human and Eomen who freed them. Promises of favor and gifts come in so frequently that the human loses track of who said what. A few erotic workers suggest different forms of gratitude, stroking at the man's arm with sultry smiles.
"Enough," the Eomen growls, snatching the human out of the crowd of aliens," rest now, talk later."
"Alright then, it is rather late and I'm well past the point of exhaustion. It was lovely meeting everyone," he waves goodbye as he is taken out of the room. The Eomen holds him over her shoulder, stomping out into the halls with a snort of irritation.
They walk over to the captain's corridors, claiming it before another can. She locks the door behind her and sets the human down gently.
"If you wanted my attention you could have just asked," he teases as he turns to the room. The large area is mostly taken up by a bed and couch. Off to the side is a bathroom blocked by a closed double door.
"I do not need to ask to spend time with my mate," she growls.
"I suppose not," he answers absently as he admires the large bed. He glides his hand over the sheets, in awe at the softness. With a smile he jumps on the blankets, flopping on his back with a single bounce. He groans as his back finally gets a break, popping as he sinks further into bliss.
"Oh, yes," he moans," way better than a cage floor."
The Eomen flops down next to him, moaning as well. "That it is," she smiles. She turns on her side, grabbing her mate to pull against her. Her limbs curl around him, embracing him close to her chest with a contented sigh. The human nuzzles into her, enjoying her soft fur.
"you're warm," he mumbles," I may fall asleep any second."
"Good," she chuffs," rest now, we have work tomorrow."
He grunts in agreement, already dozing off. She licks his neck before rubbing her cheek against him, purring all the while. The soft rolling noise eases him to sleep.
I’ve been told that when you don’t feel like writing that you just gotta start writing whatever pops into your head. this wasn’t suppose to be a story but it was dorky and cute so here we are... I have like 5 WIPs that I need to finish.
Also i really wanna do something for christmas, like a writing challenge. 12 days of christmas seems the most fitting...because it’s a song and all my titles are songs.
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okaywitheverything · 4 years
Can I request a Kakashi x reader where Kakashi and the reader have a unspoken thing between them, like they both know how they feel about each other even through when going through different relationships but it’s just not something they’ve acted on because of ✨ninja life✨ and ✨trauma✨then one of the readers relationships starts moving too fast so kakashi finally confesses. I love your writing btw sorry I went off on a ramble it’s like 4am and I’ve had a lot of energy drinks
A/N: Thank you so much honey! I had a kakashi kick so i decided to write this, Hope you enjoy! Please show it love and I’ll be more than willing to write a second part!
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 “I had a fun time too.” You lied straight through your teeth, with a smile on your face to make your statement look more convincing.
You had just returned from your sixth date with Genma, and you were the most cruel human possible for leading him on like this. Given, he was a player back in the academy and broke many hearts but he had now redeemed himself and parted with the playboy ways. Your intuition told you he was genuinely falling for you but you couldn’t reciprocate, constantly giving yourself the excuse of just one more date.
But how to give your heart to him when it already belonged to another?
He pecked your lips lightly and gazed into your eyes, then stepped back and continued, “So I was wondering if you would come back to my place for dinner next Friday?
He looked like a golden retriever yearning for its favourite toy, you didn’t know how to say no to him.
Of course, you weren’t dumb. You knew what he was hinting at. The next level of your relationship was physical intimacy. You were sure this was the longest Genma might have dated someone without indulging in uhh, lovemaking.
You knew he was trying to be patient with you, because you had never gone that far with any of
your previous relationships, third base was foreign territory to you. You knew this was a well known fact among your colleagues but you were over the initial embarrassment now.
But the question was,
Were you ready for that?
He was one of the most sought after bachelors in Konoha, alongside Izumo, Kotetsu, Kakashi-
Kakashi of course.
Kakashi was coolness personified and you were not even kidding. Almost every one wanted to either be him or be with him. Both applied to all possible genders. Even as a kid, he was a once in a millennium prodigy, the pride of ANBU during his youth, famous in every Ninja village across the world. He was a celebrity for goodness sake! He had his own horde of fangirls and fanboys alike. Kakashi had single digit failed missions in an entire record of few hundreds at least. It was almost an insult to give that skilled shinobi a mission below A rank. You both started alongside ay the academy and you were nowhere near his match. Both as an opponent and a partner. That too in both senses, as a team as well as a couple.
You were sure you were one of the many girls pining after him. Sometimes, you gave yourself false hope that even though you weren’t in the same circle at academy, he might have noticed you, crushed on you, felt the same adoration for you.
But who were you kidding? With a exquisite range of beauties lining up at his doorstep to create his progeny, where would you even stand?
“(Y/N) babe? You alright?” Genma asked snapping you out of your thoughts and you almost forgot he was standing in front of you, actually paying you some of his wanted attention and your younger self might have almost felt giddy about it, but you felt nothing but horrible. Horrible because you couldn’t return the enthusiasm and love Genma was offering to you with a pure heart. Horrible because you couldn’t find it in yourself to be brave enough and confess to someone you wanted to be with so much. Horrible because you knew, somewhere deep inside, that your favourite fantasies of love would never come true. But Genma didn’t deserve this either, he didn’t deserve to be treated this way, and the sooner you told him that, the more heartbreak you would be saving both of you from.
“Genma I have mission on Thursday, which might extend up to weeks. I’m sorry-” That was the truth. It might buy you some time as well to figure out what to say to him.
“Hey, it’s okay, not your fault doll. We’ll reschedule after maybe? That sound good?” He gave you a cheeky smile that you loved. Before any of this, you had been friends and he was a gem of a friend. Loyal, true and charismatic. You nodded a genuine smile up at him and suddenly hugged him, he was a good friend after all and you knew nothing would come in the way of that ever.
“Thank you.” You murmured in his chest and he kissed your forehead.
“Anytime.” He replied and left with a smile.
He knew you needed a friend at the moment and that was all he was being then, a good friend.
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It was two nights before your mission when Genma suddenly asked you to meet him at the bar. ‘A casual hangout’ he said. But you knew that was obviously not the case.
You had dressed in a simple attire, a top and jeans, the basic only. You had thought it over the previous nights and finally reached the conclusion, you were going to tell Genma the truth. The exact conversation hadn’t played out in your head but you knew what lines to go along.
You would even tell everyone he dumped you and it would be okay if he never wanted to speak to you again cause you didn’t deserve even his friendship for being so ruthless and downright nasty.
But how would you survive without one of your true companions?
Well that was certainly your problem now, not his. Genma was immaculately kind and genuine and you were a cold bitch.
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“This is clearly not working (Y/N).”
Well that wasn’t what you were expecting. You knew what he was getting at but juts so you were on the same page you dumbly asked, “What?”
He sighed and looked in your eyes, giving you a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“It’s getting kinda obvious. You do know I can read you quite well and I see there’s something you’re trying to hide, something that so clearly shows. I could tell you were moving on, well trying to at least. You gave your heart to him when we were just kids, while I gave mine to you. Funny how fate works?”
Neither of you laughed.
“But I guess this is some sort of karma. And it’s going to hurt me for a bit of time. But I’ll be okay. I can’t see you like anymore though. I really hope he appreciates all the love you have for him. And comes around soon. But stay in my life nevertheless.”
You didn’t realise when you started crying, but your face had heated up and you streams of tears tried to cool it down.
With a shaking sob, you replied, “I don’t deserve you Genma. But I Know you’ll find  another and be just fine. For your sake, I really hope you do. And Thank you.” You wrapped your arms around him while tears landed on both your shoulders.
It must have been so incredibly hard for him to do this yet he never failed to amaze you. You were proud to be a part of his life. You tilted back and looked in his glazed eyes, stood on your toes and pressed your lips to his, one last pasting kiss. There was so much emotion in it, from both sides that you knew you’d never forget this moment ever.
Genma really knew like the back of his hand, you never even said his name but both knew who you were talking about.
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Kakashi always sat at the back of the bar, where he could drink his beer without the prying eyes of others trying to see his face. He rarely drank, lest he was with his friends but his heart was aching right now. He had messed up his mission yesterday because he couldn’t think straight after he saw (Y/N) looking as gorgeous as ever With her sleek (f/c) dress and cherry red lips. He might have drooled, he did actually, but gained his senses when he saw Genma accompanying her. He quickly hid, masking his chakra and looked at the happy couple. It was his fault, if anything for never acting on his feelings.
What good are your worldwide achievements if you don’t have a family to share them with?
Both his parents were taken away from him at a very young age and he had no relatives. Studying too hard, over exerting himself and being bratty became his coping mechanisms. Since his early childhood, Kakashi was very independent and self-confident, at times even appearing arrogant and condescending. Despite that, Kakashi was very perceptive and intuitive, quickly realising the situation for what it was. After his father's death, Kakashi became more stern, aloof and cold toward others, dating was never something he considered important, it didn’t even cross his mind. The only people he ever let into his life were a handful of classmates like Gai, Asuma, maybe even Kurenai to some extent but romance was out of his story, At least he thought it was.
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low Only hate the road when you're missing home Only know you love her when you let her go And you let her go
He first realised his love at some festival being celebrated in Konoha, when his bored eyes saw you all dressed up, beside your group of friends. You were laughing so wholeheartedly that even tears pooled there. He was thankful for whatever had you wheezing so hard. Sure, he always thought you were attractive, he knew how to appreciate beauty, but for some reason that laugh created a domestic picture in his head and he knew wouldn’t mind listening to it again.
That night he thought about you, like really thought about you. Reminiscing about every encounter you both had ever had, and he fell harder for you the same night. He remembered how you approached him after his father’s passing, the only person whose eyes held true sadness apart from his real friends’ circle.
He knew a lot of his admirers left him gifts at his house, expensive chocolates, cards, bouquets but he knew their intentions were never genuine. But he also remembered that among the lot, were homemade cookies and chocolates. They never had a name but he connected the dots when he found out your distant aunt had some sort of bakery. It was conformed when he saw you travelling through Konoha with several baskets in your hands, Your teen self trying to figure the addresses. He might or not have followed you. Some were your aunt’s deliveries while you brought some of them to your friends’ house and one last basket which you left at his doorstep.
You never approached him after to take credit, or with some other purpose. You didn’t even contact him in academy the next day.
He found himself wishing way too often that you did.
As much of a genius as Kakashi was, it took him way too much time, more than he’d like to admit, several years exactly, to realise the extent of his feelings. It happened when you started to date someone. It never crossed his mind why you never dated before but he wished it could go back to that. He caught you with your date kissing in a park and he swore he heard his heart break. Like really, really break. Then the intellectual finally figured out his Love.
And he knew he screwed up.
 You see her when you close your eyes Maybe one day you'll understand why Everything you touch surely dies.
 After that realization, you plagued his thoughts. He thought he would confess if your relationship ended but he was a coward. And he hated himself for it. He knew how shit his reason of losing you if he confessed was, but it was effective. The amount of close people he had lost just amplified his fear. He couldn’t afford to lose you, even if it pained his heart to admire you just from afar.
He was an exceptional ninja and his alert senses identifies your chakra as soon as you entered. Even in casual clothes, you were the prettiest thing he had ever laid eyes on. His gaze followed your short walk to the bar countertop where he found Genma and his mood turned sour. He was once again reminded of all he couldn’t have.
He observed the couple from a few feet behind his crush, and he saw you both hug suddenly. His heart broke all over again when he saw a tear roll down Genma’s cheek and you pulling Genma in a hot, steamy kiss. Though you both weren’t aware, you made quite a scene in the bar and everyone was gazing right at you both. Kakashi quickly paid for his tab and ran out, breathing heavily.
What if Genma proposed? That was a bizarre thought because he knew you’ve been dating for just over a month but Kakashi didn’t know how relationships progressed. That night found him lying awake in his bed and he came to a conclusion.
That he’d be damned if he let you get away without even trying.
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A/N: Thanks for making it till the end. I hoped you liked it. Requests are open and if you don’t have any prompt, just comment which character you’d like to see more of and I’ll consider requests of that character. Please reblog and like. I’ll love you if you do.
Until next time.
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honeygingergemini · 4 years
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pairing: sam wilson x reader 
word count: 2.9k
warnings: angst (I think... I hope... I tried lol), soft smut (??? if that’s even a thing), sex and tears 
This was your usual routine. You two would be out with friends. Innocent looks would transform into heated glares. Those heated glares held promises of falling into one another at the end of the night. Tonight was different, it started the same but ended differently. 
You hold on to the rim of the bar, pulling your waist to its large wall awaiting the fun the night brings. You’re early, for the first time in your life. You wait for familiar bodies to surround you. You wait for him. As time dwindles on, your comrades make their appearances. Some debut as pairs, some solo, but they’re all welcomed with love just the same. You didn’t see him come in, but you felt him. The familiar pull your body feels whenever he’s near beings to activate. Your eyes search the bar, unaware your body is looking for him but when you find him, you smile. You raise your hand and wave as your companions do the same. 
He makes his rounds giving quick hugs to everyone. The normal eye is not trained to see he spends more time on you. Your eyes are not trained to it. His hands rub against your back as he reaches for a beer. He feathers his fingers through your new hair. 
“It’s straight.” He says surprised. No need for formal hellos, Sam always jumps all in with you. 
“Yeah,” You run your hands through your hair. “Do you like it?” You smile up at him. 
“Yes.” It comes out quickly. Too quickly for him, he feels embarrassed. He continues to lighten the burn in his chest. “It’s nice, you make it look nice.” Hands still entwined in your straightened locks. “I still like your curls better though.” He smirks. You roll eyes feigning annoyance. 
“I didn’t ask what you liked better,” Your eyes roll in a playful manner as you roll your ‘R’ “I asked if you like my hair, that’s it!” You wave your hands to bring attention to locks. The grin he wears digs deeper into his face. It happens so fast you never expected it. Your view that was once watching your friends fooling with the billiards table was now viewing the dark lid of the four walls currently surrounding you. A tiny, minuscule whimper leaves your lips. That is enough to fuel Sam’s fire. 
“This may be more fun than your curls…” He tugs back again loving his new found control. “I can actually hold it with one hand.” Sam speaks but you’re in another world. A world where Sam has you against the wall of your apartment… or maybe his, his is nicer. Or possibly he has you on all fours on his plush bed, head pulled back to the heavens by the strength of his mischievous left hand. The right hand is just as frisky. It would probably start at your bosom, tweaking one of the twin knobs on your chest. It might tickle its way down your soft tummy before stopping at its predetermined spot. The sweet bundle of nerves that has gifted you with endless pleasure time and time again. Sam’s laugh pulls you from the movie in your mind. 
“You’d like that, huh?” His chuckle deepens as you scan the room. It’s as if the world is oblivious to the moment between you two and that’s nice. It’s something personal Sam can hold on since you give him nothing.The two of you separate, but it doesn't feel that way. Your presence is overwhelming to him. Sam notices every laugh, every expressive face, every swing of that body he adores so much. 
As if you feel him looking your eyes connect. That always happens. Your eyes are low and glossy. Those big browns capture him every time. It starts with a simple gaze that is quickly interrupted. Then Sam feels your eyes on him again, he tries so hard to pay attention to the story Steve excitedly explains, but he can’t. Your dark orbs trace his body in a way that is iniquitous. He can tell you’re tipsy, you get lusty when you’re tipsy. He begins to fumble, refusing to meet your eyes, but you don't mind. Your eyes just continue to undress him and his heart rate increases. He’s now fidgeting like an idiot. His hands move from the collar of his cotton covering then to adjusting the jacket adorning his body. His restless nature knocks over not only one, but two beers. Steve’s as well as his. 
“You okay?” Steve inquires about the sudden change in demeanor. 
“Yeah… I just… I need some air.” Sam makes his way towards the exit. And of course, on his way out he catches you with a snicker behind dainty fingers, laughing at his boyish behavior. His center drums uncontrollably. The cool night calms him briefly as he regulates his breathing. Behind his close lids he sees you, then he feels you. 
“You okay Mr. Wilson?” The same desire filled mug stretched across your face makes all his deep breathing go to waste again. You don’t notice. You never notice. Maybe you’re naive, or maybe you choose to ignore the signs. You don’t wait for Sam’s answer. Instead, you bring your cold hand underneath clothing to his warm midriff and feel around. “I have ideas on how I can make you feel better.” You extend yourself to place gentle kisses to his face. You pull his hand already knowing his answer, and the direction to his apartment. 
The walk over is quiet. Comfortable and silent. There are coy looks and frisky hands, but overall everything is innocent. The innocence ends once you cross the threshold of Sam’s beautiful apartment. The first kiss is rushed. It is familiar to your normal routine. Grabby hands squeeze hard and pull even harder. First it’s Sam’s jacket, then yours, last his shirt. He pushes your body against the wall with ease. 
Your mouths meet and it’s desperate. Your hands move across his upper body feeling every ridge and dip he possesses. Your right leg is raised to lazily wrap around his waist, his hands cup your face making sure you’re close enough. He bucks his hips up to regain position but it impacts your core differently. You mew out your pleasure and want him to give you more. 
“Again please.” You’re always so polite, he adores that. His lips find yours again as he fulfills your request. You moan tasting him. He tastes of ginger beer and… orange?...maybe? Your usually sharp brain can not decode it because your shirt is being removed and your bare nipples are being greeted by a heated stare but cold air. 
“Like what you see Wilson?” His mouth delves in immediately adding his internal warmth to your external body. His tongue swirls around your areola and you pull him closer. How that is even possible is unknown. Sam grunts out pleasure as if he’s the receiver. In some ways he is, he feels pleasure from pleasuring you. 
“Uhh… Sam… please…” There you go, begging again, causing his heart to speed up again. He switches position, now sharing his attention to the other breast while kneading the lubricated one. “Oh my…” You whisper more so to yourself than him. He needs to be inside you. Now.
Sam lifts your entire body into his hands carrying you down the familiar hallway. Your arm wraps around his neck and your hand cradles his face in a way that pulls at heart and messes with his mind. Your lips meet his in their usual frenzy, but he doesn’t want that today. One of his strong arms grips your waist and he holds your head in place. He takes control guiding both of your lips in a slow waltz. There’s gentleness in the kiss that he’s never experienced with you. His lips have your bottom lip in a demure hold. He sucks in the silky flesh wondering how you keep them so soft all the time. 
“Mmmhhm” A shiver runs through you as you moan. The reaction is foreign to you. You’ve never experienced a kiss like this before. It felt different. Sam was different. You separate from the kiss looking at him with uncertainty. You couldn’t dwell on the kiss too long because you were tossed onto Sam’s king size bed. You looked up at him as you pant, taken aback. Sam quickly runs a heavy palm along the center of your body stopping when it meets denim. 
In a flash, your denim is discarded along with the lacy covering protecting your sex. You’re on your knees with your head tilted back attempting to remove Sam’s trousers but also keep up his domineering kiss. It’s like you don’t have control of your hands, you look down and watch your fumbling hands mess with the loop of the belt. Sam’s light hearted chuckles reach your ears causing you to look up at him. 
“I’m usually better at this…” You pout with soft eyes. Sam looks deep into your eyes as if trying to see something more. You rise yourself slightly to kiss him. “Help me.” you mumble against his lip. 
Sam takes the reins helping you remove his bottoms. His lips return to yours as he begins to crawl into the bed. He hovers your body, getting you to lay on your back. He brings his hand to your silky folds familiarizing himself with the feeling of you. The kiss continues getting sloppier as you have trouble holding your moans back. 
“Sammy…” Your head tilts back as Sam strums your body. 
“That feel good, princess?” 
“Mmhmm.” It’s hard to formulate words when his hands are on you, touching you like that. You reach between the two of you to stroke him. 
Y/N’s cold hands contrast the warmth radiating off Sam’s body causing him shutter in her grasp. Sam’s digits dipped into Y/N’s heated core. He’s done this countless times before but for some reason it all feels new tonight. As if he’s making up for lost time. 
He continues to play with her pulling sweet melodies from her. It was supposed to be fun, only fun, and it was. But somewhere in the midst of restless night, innocent texts, and scandalous meetups lust turned to love for Sam. He’s unsure how to sway his feelings. He was unsure if he really wanted to sway his feelings. 
Take it slow. his mind read out to him. and so he did. His middle and ring finger dip agonizing slow causing Y/N’s back to arch. He continues his slow assault watching the effect he has on her body. Sometimes swells in his chest. Pride. Your moans help to build his arousal. He wants nothing more than to be in you right now. 
“Sam!” Y/N whines at the loss of Sam’s fingers. Sam lifts up pumping himself as he watches Y/N lazily bring a hand to her center mimicking his self pleasure. 
“Come here.” Y/N beckons Sam over. “Lemme make you feel good.” she mumbles with closed eyes. That was enough for him. It shouldn’t be enough, but it was. He guides his tip to her center, coating himself with her arousal. Lewd noises fill the room as the woman beneath him withers. His head slips beyond her opening and he freezes. She feels so good. Too good. He scans her face as he leans down to meet chest to chest. Sam moves again, completely filling her up with one swift thrust. She takes him well, she always takes him well. 
Sam is a dutiful lover. He pays attention. He looked for cues to help him please whoever he was with. He’d thrust in many different directions hitting many different spots, whichever spot caused you to moan the loudest is the spot he would zone in on. Hitting it repeatedly, making you see stars. Sam raised Y/N’s leg to his shoulder and that's where things changed. 
His fast pace movement slowed as he drove into you. His tip dipped into your fervid center bit by bit connecting his hips to you. He then pulls out just as leisurely, savoring the vice grip of your snatch. He pistons his hip hitting a spot unknown to you. 
“Fuck Sammy,” You heave. Every touch suddenly felt overwhelming. You were aware of his thumb rubbing circles into your knee while the other rubbed circles onto your clit. His slowed rhythm was unprecedented. No one has ever gone this slow with you, not even your first. 
All of that wasn’t what tipped her over the edge, it was the look. Sam wore an expression she couldn’t understand. His usual furrowed brow and dark eyes were replaced with something softer. Something much warmer than what she’s used to. He was looking into her eyes silently commanding her to not look away. 
“Stop.” it’s all too much. “Sam… please stop.” This feels too personal. 
Sam rolls to a complete stop. The love is removed and his face is filled with concern. 
“What, what is it?” He grabs her face pulling her up. Y/N hadn’t realized she started crying until Sam was wiping her tears away. He’s removed himself completely from her, now worried.
 “Y/N?” She sniffs and looks over to him. “What’s wrong? Talk to me, please.” 
“This…” Y/N took a deep breath to calm her nerves, but it didn’t help. “This… it um… it feels… different.” She didn’t know how to express what she was feeling. 
“How different?”
“It was…”  It was too much. Too much energy, too much passion. Too much of… “It’s just not something I'm used to.” Or comfortable with. “It felt a little too…” Intense. 
She didn’t have to say the words for Sam to understand her. The silence that filled the room was overbearing. Y/N used her arms to cover her body suddenly feeling extremely exposed. Sam hands rub soft patterns into her back as he wipes her remaining tears away. He’s never seen her like this, he’s unsure of his next move. After what seemed like hours Sam finally builds confidence to inquire. 
“Was it… was it bad?” He questions and she pauses. 
Was it bad? No. 
With a light shake of her head she answers Sam’s question. Her chin rests on her knees as she looks at the man before her. 
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” 
“Um.” Y/N sniffs and thinks. “I don’t know what happened. I… I think I got overwhelmed.” 
“But you were crying, like a lot.” His eyes burn holes into you. “Was I hurting you?” Again you shake your skull. 
“It was… really gentle.” You hate how pathetic you sound. “I’m… I’m not used to the softness.” You mumble feeling ashamed of your confession. 
“Oh… oh okay.” He breaths out. Your reveal was enough to make him end all the previous plans he had for the night. He maneuvers around the room to pull sweatpants to his hips. He then takes his shirt and covers your body. 
“We don’t have to stop.” You grab his wrist suddenly feeling guilty. “I-I can uh… um finish you off you know I don’t-”
“Hey.” Sam pulls your head up to look at him. He looks at you for a long time. Your glossy eyes were breaking his heart. “You don’t need to do anything. I’m fine, okay?” You nod your head in his hands. He places a soft kiss to your forehead and you release a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding in. He turns to walk away but you pull him back to you. You sit up on your hunches and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Thank you.” You whimper into his neck. Taking a deep breath you continue. “Thank you for being so soft… with me.” You sink further into his neck. “It means a lot to me.” You kiss his cheek then the corner of his mouth. All gentle, all kind, all innocent. Sam looks at you again, expression unreadable. It looks at if he’s going to say something but then decides against it. 
“I’m gonna go get snacks so we can watch a movie, okay? Just lay down and wait for me.” His calming aura releases some of your anxiety. You nod and watch him turn to leave. You close your eyes, inhaling and exhaling slowly, letting go of the remaining nerves you possess. 
Sam returns with a bowl of popcorn and a box of blueberry little bites that you adore so much. He passes you a pouch of the mini muffins and a water before settling in the bed next to you leaving space between you two. He starts a movie, mentioning something about how Bucky and Steve told him to watch it. 
You finish your muffins and half of your water before really turning your attention to the movie. Out of the corner of your eye you can see Sam placing his snack down symbolically throwing in the towel on the remaining popcorn. You’re hyper conscious of him. His tongue traces his teeth behind a closed mouth. His lower body shifts moving the duvet exposing his middle. The soft rise and fall of his chest summons you. 
You roll over, closing the distance between the two of you. Your arms lightly wrap around Sam’s midriff, snuggling deeply into his side. You feel him looking at you but you ignore him, eyes focused on the movie. When Sam finally guides his attention back to the movie you settle a few soft kisses to his hard tummy. 
“Thank you Sammy.”
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEE STORY (Part 2 of 5) A tale from the World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
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Part 2 of 5
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Cover art by @wind-the-mama-cat​
New to SEE STORY?  Read from the beginning.  Part 1 is HERE.
14372 words
copyright 2020
written 2003
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may   reblog the story. They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions. I will allow those who do commission art works to charge   for their images.
All sorts of Fan Activity, fiction, art, cosplay, music or anything else is ACTIVELY encouraged!
“You.  I never much thought about this before, but your name is different from everybody else’s. I have never, in all my seven Gatherings, heard you named anything but just Cat.  How did you get named?  Who were your father and mother?  Did you come from a different ship?”
“Oh, ho!  You want another tale from me, do you?”
“If it will answer my questions, yes,” Kurin snuggled more closely, seeking the caring of contact, and prepared to listen to something about a person that she knew, instead of legends from long-ago times.
“You will have to get off my lap, then, for I have some things to show you.  Come down with me to the boat shop, because the beginning of my tale is there.”  
She got up, taking Kurin’s hand, and went aft to a companionway.  Without warning, she scooped up the child with one hand and leaped forward and down into the darkness below.  She grabbed the upper sill of the sliding door with her free hand, converting their plunge into a swing that landed them lightly on the deck below, about ten feet forward from the foot of the companion-ladder.  Kurin looked shocked for a moment, then laughed.  
Making their way forward through the dimness of  ‘tween decks, they came to the boat shop.
“May we enter your shop, Juris?” Cat asked.  “I want to show Kurin something.”
“Kurin, eh?  I have seen you about, little Miss.  Come in, but do as you are told, OK?”
“Thank you, Master Juris.  I will do as I am asked,” Kurin replied, and entered the shop with Cat.  The room was brightly lighted by translucent panes in the hatch that made up much of the ceiling of the shop.  The air was full of the stench of glue-fish and drying strong-skin.  Fine parings of strong-skin and bits of dried glue littered the floor.  Three small rowing boats for fishing were upside-down on portable frames with forms that controlled the shape of the boats as they were built. The only tools not neatly in their places were clearly in use.  Kurin took it all in with deeply interested stares.  Cat went to a corner and untied a tiny boat, only about three feet long, from the overhead.
“Do you read yet, Kurin?”
“Only a little.  I sound out some words.”
“Good.  Read what is written here on this little boat.”
“M.. Me … Ca … It says Mecat!  It has the Great Sea Dragon’s name on it!”
“True.  We don’t know who wrote that name there.  Perhaps it was someone who wished harm to a blind baby.  Maybe, someone who was asking the aid of the Sea Dragon. I would wish that it were the latter.  An infant, near death from thirst and hunger, was adrift in this little boat. No ship will admit having done it.  
“However it was, I was born sightless, and cast adrift on the Dragon Sea, of the far North, not too far from where we are now.  By luck alone, I was found by a ship named the Longin, blown off her course by a storm.  They could have passed me by, or having taken me in, they could have voted to return me to the Sea.  Instead they kept me.  I do not know my father or the mother who bore me.
“What is your full name, Kurin?”
“Kurin Behar Longin.”
“How was it given?”
“My mother,” Kurin looked sadder, “gave me my first name.  My middle name is from my father’s family and my last name is my ship, where I was born.”
“Good.  Use that knowledge to name me.”
“No mother name,” Kurin’s small brow wrinkled as she thought, “no father name, only … .” Her eyes widened as she realized, “Just the ship name … and all you have is … not even a ship … just this little boat with the Great Dragon’s name!   You are Mecat!  Cat is short for Mecat!  Isn’t it supposed to be awfully bad luck to name someone for a Dragon?  You’re the happiest, busiest person on the Longin!” She hugged Cat, eyes shining with tears almost on the edge shedding. “I’m sorry, Cat.  I didn’t know that you couldn’t even have a whole name.”
“Good for you,” Cat replied, returning the hug, silently glad that Kurin had finally found something besides her own sorrow.  “The Captain and crew had the same quandary that you just did.  They could have lied, and just given me a name, but honesty won.  
“My first word was not mother or father, it was Mecat, the same Dragon’s name that was written on this little boat.  When people spoke to me, it was all that I answered to.  For better or worse, it is my name.  Because that name might bring such bad luck to the ship, I have never been enrolled in the crew.  When I became old enough to understand how uncomfortable my name made other people, I shortened it to Cat, but I do still bear the Dragon’s name.  It is the only past that I have.  
“I may not know what craft I came from, or who bore me, but I am very sure who my family is.  I was raised by Alor Heyes Dolthin, our Captain’s mother.  He became an older brother to me.  Because I was not in the crew, there was nothing to bind me to any position, so I worked in all the shops and jobs.  I was raised by the whole Longin. Now, I do whatever needs doing and assist whoever needs help, anywhere on the ship.
“Are your questions answered, now?”
Kurin thought for a bit, absently kneading a handful of fine dust-like Strong Skin scrapings and glue drips, which were not yet fully set.  “I think so, Cat.  Thank you. Look at this!”
She held out the wad which had taken the shape of her closed hand, and rolled it into a long string. “See, the glue holds the rest together and before it sets you can make things out of it.”  With growing sureness, she shaped it into small Strong Skin fish.  “I like that, I’ll let it set that way, and have a toy.”
“Very neat.  You have put in all seven gills.”
“How can you see it, Cat?”
“I don’t know how to tell you.  If the Dragon took my eyes, she gave me a feeling for everything about me.”  She brightened and reached to a tool rack with the sureness of one long familiar with it, which she was.  “Here is a scraper, a rocker knife and a burnisher.  Put them where you wish on the bench.”  Kurin, now curious, did so.  “Close your eyes and put your hand out and touch each one.”  Concentrating only a little, Kurin touched each tool while her eyes were shut.  “There, you see, you can already do some of what I do.  Even I don’t know why I can remember where some things are.  I sometimes know where things are that I have never been near.  It is like remembering where everything is, and what shape it may be.”  Wistfully she added, “I wish that I knew color, too.”  While Cat was speaking, Kurin had picked up the tools and replaced them carefully in their proper places in the rack.
Cat turned her head to Master Juris.  “You may have found your new apprentice.  See what she has done?   Will you take her on?”
“Gladly, if she consents. Kurin, would you like to work here in the boat shop?  You could be doing real work, instead of play chores.  Would you like that? Besides boats we make parts for the rigging and much else.”
“You mean it?” Kurin asked, eyes shining, “Silor isn’t apprenticed yet, and he’s several Gatherings older than me.”
“I mean it.  Silor is careless. I doubt that he has what it takes to be good at a Craft.  That fish shows neat work with attention to detail.  That is what I need.” Glancing meaningfully at the tool rack he added, “You know how to keep a work area tidy, too.  That is important for good work.”
“Enjoy your work, Little Fish, I must go now,” said Cat, giving Kurin a parting hug. “I am needed in the rigging to help with some maintenance.”
Cat swarmed hand over hand up a mast-stay to the foremast top to help replace a worn king block.  It was important to replace the big pulley before something broke or jammed.  It carried most of the weight of the lateen foresail, nearly as large as the mainsail, allowing the sail to be raised or lowered for furling in bad weather.  Deftly, Cat spliced the new block into place, while two other sailors supported it.  Temporary lashings from the top spar to the mast top, pulled tight, took the load off of the old block.   Cat cut the shrunk-on lashings that held the old pulley together, separated the parts, and allowed the cable to come free. The new block was already separated, so that the heavy rope could be put in.  This was the dangerous part, because fingers could be crushed if anything slipped.  The rope went in safely, in part because of Cat’s strength, lifting and rolling it into place, and partly due to the care with which she did everything.  Wet lashings were applied to hold the block together, Cat drawing them so tight that much of the water squeezed out.  Once they were dry and shrunk, the lashings would not weaken again by getting wet.  The block was now ready for its load, so they released the temporary ropes and lashings.  
Done with her part of the job, Cat leapt away from the mast and snagged a line part way down as she fell, sliding along it to the deck.  The two crewmen left aloft stared.  “Brant, will you watch that?  Graceful as a sea bird.  It still bothers me some how those blank eyes of hers never look quite at me when she talks and never look at what she’s doing.”  He had turned, as he spoke, to the patient fid work needed to loosen the splices and knots that had secured the old king block.
“I know, Nint, I know.  Can’t really blame her for not looking at you. But me, now, that’s plain foolish.  At least she always has a ready smile and a pleasant word.  Know what gets me, though, is how she never has to look to put her hand on whatever she needs.  
“I couldn’t have jumped for that rope and I got eyes.  It would have taken both of us to get that line into the block, too.  Name or no, I’m glad that she’s on this ship.”  As he was speaking, Brant, too, had gone back to work, securing the lines needed to safely lower the old king block and its securing ropes to the deck for salvage. Little on the Longin was ever wasted.
“I have to wonder, though, what we are doing so far north of our home waters.  We haven’t been in the Dragon Sea for nineteen Gatherings, since the storm that blew us up here, just before we found her.”
“Scuttlebutt is that she asked the Captain to bring us up here.  Promised to make us even richer. Haven’t seen much to support that, though.  The fishing has been poor since we got here.”
Nint shaded his eyes, and looked south.  “Look at those bare topmasts just at the horizon.  Been our ‘little shadow’ for over a week out there. I’ll tell the Captain we’ve seen it again.  I wonder which ship has followed us so far?”
Cat went back to the boat shop by way of the galley.  Kurin was busy scraping smooth the hull of a new fishing boat.  Cat did not disturb her. “Master Juris, may I speak with you outside.  I have brought some fishcakes to snack on.”
“Certainly, Cat.  There is no present rush on any of the work under way.”
They went up on deck and sat on the down-haul line tub, by the mainmast.  The fishcakes were lightly salty-sweet, steamed just right.
“I wanted to thank you for taking Kurin in as apprentice, as young as she is.”
“These are good.  She has a gift, that child.  Maybe more than one gift.  She uses tools as if they were a natural part of her hand.  I can only think of one other that started using tools as young as her.  Yourself.  It’s I should be thanking you.”
“There is another reason.  You know that Murin Behar died in his sleep several Wohans ago.  What you may not know, is that Kurin’s mother, Lissa, seems to have died inside from her grief. She no longer has any time or caring for Kurin.  The child has her own grief, and needs something to fill her days, until she can fill them for herself, again.”
Master Juris looked thoughtful. “I see.  Poor tyke is sailing in the dark.  We’ll just have to help her stay on course until it gets light.”
With the exception of the furled topsails, the square-rigged sails of the Grandalor were stretched tight by the wind, heeling the ship lightly to starboard.  She needed all of those sails just to keep up with the Longin, which was not trying for speed.
“Captain Barad, Sir,” said First Officer Timms, cautiously, “I am not questioning your decision to shadow the Longin.  Everything that they do prospers, and I can see wanting to cut in on their trade.  What I’m getting at is, we’ve seen nothing of value, yet, and we are going to be hard pressed to get the Grandalor to the Spring Gathering on time.”
“Yes, Master Timms,” said Captain Barad, “The Spring Gathering of Ships is to be held in the tropics this year, under the full moonlight of Carsis, Dorac, and Wohan.  All three moons are going to coincide in fullness for the whole five days and nights of the Gathering.  The Dragon Moons only happen once in about a thousand Gatherings.  That is what makes it so special.  If I can take them down a peg and spoil it for them, I will.”
“Sir, perhaps we can take their Luck.  The mysterious Lady of the Longin’s Luck is nearly due to marry off of her.  Few have seen her, far as I know, because she rarely leaves the Longin at Gatherings.  Supposed to be a great beauty, though.”
“Master Timms, that is a good thought.  The Longin was  an ordinary ship before they picked up their Lady of Luck.  Since then they have never been caught in a storm that did them harm, whatever the damage to other ships.  They get the best fishing waters.  At the Gatherings they get the highest prices for their goods, and the best matches for their young folk. All of this, they attribute to their Lady of Luck.
“Do you know her name, Timms?”
“No, Sir. Can’t say I’ve ever actually heard it.”
“I had to make inquiries to find it out.  It’s Mecat! They named her after the most dangerous of all the Great Sea Dragons!  All of their ‘luck’ will certainly turn on them!”
“Sir, I’m sure you’re right, and it would be fine if we were the ones to turn it.  Still, we must alter course to the south, and soon.  The crew is getting worried.  They know that we are on ship’s business but they want to know what that business is.”
“Master Timms, since when has the crew of this ship ever had any right to know ship’s business?  Let them fret.” Barad laughed and thought of all the treasures in his hoard.  What the crew did not know could make him richer yet.  “We will close with the Longin and see what we can learn, up close.  Then we will make all sail for the Gathering.”  Cupping his hands Captain Barad called, “Shake out all sails!”
The crew scrambled to the rigging and soon the rattle and snap of canvas taking the wind announced the tops’ls and the extra jibs and spinnakers being set.  Beneath a cloud of canvas the over three hundred feet of ship surged forward.
The Grandalor sailed up to within hailing distance of the Longin, loitering along on partly furled fore and mainsails.  The Grandalor’s hailing drum thundered from the distance, “Ahoy, Longin!  Captain Barad Maks seeks permission to board.”  
Replying the same way, the First Officer of the Longin, Alys Korin, told Clard, the Master of Drums, “Tell them, in the name of Captain Mord Halyn, come aboard and be welcome!”  The hailing drum began its high-pitched booming reply. It was a long drum, open on the end opposite the head, and mounted in a swivel.  It would send strong, directional pulses of sound ten times the distance of a voice and megaphone.
As an aside, Alys added to the cabin-child, next to him, ready to run errands, “Go, Bron, and request Captain Halyn’s presence to greet his guest.”  With a quickly sketched salute, Bron was off.
In moments, Captain Halyn was on deck, smoothing the pleats of his finest shirt of bleached mussel fiber with hand made lace of natural fibers in four distinct colors, black, tan, brown and a rare, clear amber.  This lace had made much of the Longin’s fortune in trade, for none could reproduce it.  It was a closely-held secret that none of the Longin’s crew could make it, either.  Only Cat made it.  The secret was hers, alone.
“Barad Maks, welcome to the Longin,” smiled Captain Halyn, extending a hand.  “You were expected.  What may we do for you?   You have come far from your home waters.”
“Mord Halyn,” seriously replied Captain Maks, omitting the title, as was proper in a meeting between equals and taking the proffered hand, “there is much to discuss, and some of it will not await the Moons of Gathering.  You also are far afield from your home waters.  This is a sea that no ship claims …   May we talk more privately?”
“Certainly, Barad.  We can use my cabin, and have some food and drink while we do.  You must understand a Law of the Longin, though.  I can make no deals in secret.  The whole of the ship’s crew must approve of any deals that I make, by a majority of 60% or better.  That understood, we may go to my cabin.  Shall we?”
They settled themselves in the cabin, and began the talk.  “Mord, I am puzzled.  You said that I was expected?  How did you expect me?”
“My sister told me that you were coming, and our lookouts have seen your bare topmasts for over a week.”
“I see …” Barad’s brow clouded briefly, then cleared again, “your ship is also far north of claimable waters.  What are you doing here?”
“Barad, we are carrying out ship’s business.”  This was a polite rebuff.
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setoandjewel · 4 years
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In Plain Sight
Story: Non-canon. A soulmate AU of my own creation, where soulmates dream of their future with each other, but wake up with no memory of the event. For the lucky ones, simply seeing a person can trigger their memory, but others they need a specific voice, touch, or other sense. Sometimes in combination. 
Story + Author’s Notes under the cut (because it’s 2000 words almost) And I’ve been warned not to do this but thank you @blametheeditor​ for the inspiring idea that started this out!
Also the header is Your Name because it’s kinda Soulmate purity...and I made no art so..
Going out on a coastal walk that turned into around a few hours of hiking left them both tired and sore, so when the idea of using his chest as a heat pack was presented there was no way it would be denied. Sure, Seto did most of the tough walking with Jewel being able to perch on his shoulder, but every so often she’d choose to walk alongside the black Converse that sent thumps like earthquakes and threatened to make her fall.
They'd been friends for so long, and been getting a little closer over the years, so the action wasn't too far out of either of their comfort zones - otherwise, it wouldn't have gone down too well - even if they weren't Soulmates. As soon as the Anhemite stretched out on her best friend and realised how comfortable he was, there was no going back.
[b] "I never took you for a cat, Jewel."
The Japanese man had commented, to which she punched the floor beneath her and rolled over a little so she couldn’t see his big dumb eyes, focusing instead on the feed he idly scrolled through and searched for anything interesting. It was boring, to say the least, but at least the Anhemite wasn’t walking anywhere.
As Jewel found her body relaxing to the point where moving anything besides her eyes felt like a chore, she wondered about the possibility of her Soulmate visiting her tonight if she did sneak a cheeky nap on the giant. The rush of fear appearing at whoever it was thinking that she and Seto had abandoned what was tried and true and forged their own relationship - leaving two people alone without the hope of love - instead of seeing them as the best friends they were.
Because the giant laughing along to a video of someone accidentally exploding their backyard was her best friend, no Soulmates here. Or…to be honest, they should’ve figured it out already.
In their world, a Soulmate was a physical being that anyone could find and live with, in harmony with each other, showing and receiving the love and support that anyone would need. The perfect match for any one person.
The only problem was, she could only be with her Soulmate while he slept, and the same for whomever her destined partner was, as soon as one of them awoke, the connection was broken. The dreams started sporadically for everyone, but once you got one, you were bound to get it again. It was roughly two weeks from one dream to the next. One night where you and your soulmate connected through sleep, and you could see your future days together and faint memories of the waking world around them.
And, of course, the cruel twist was that she couldn’t remember who they were or what they did.
Jewel remembers more than most; being close to them somehow, and there was something to do with a captain, but any specific features of their face are a blur. She doesn’t even know if they’re a man or woman.  Déjà vu was her only chance… getting the sense that she’d seen something before. And even then, she hadn’t sparked in a while.
The Anhemite sighed as she pushed herself up, arms shaking a little from exertion before she managed to stand, brushing her hair back as she took one step only to have a hand block her path.
“Where are you going?”
Seto cocked his head down at the figure, once so calm and happy and now seeming like something was bothering her without him saying anything in-between. A poke to her side has his finger claimed, the digit curling around like a friend’s arm in a hug in the want to know what was wrong. She wrapped her arms around it, looking down as she rocked on her feet uncomfortably.
“Just…thinking about Soulmates. If I went to sleep and mine saw me with…well you.”
“They’ll know we’re just friends. And if they’re /that/ jealous of me without knowing me than maybe they aren’t the right one for you.
The giant only rolled his eyes as the rest of his fingers curl around to hold her tight, phone turned off as his other hand came beneath her so she was not just dangling when he lifted her up to his reassuring brown gaze to see her better, back against the arm of the chair instead of lying flat. Watch the sharp features break into a smile as she looked over the expression almost too close to be read with a pout, trying to determine what Seto’s thinking.
“Or I stick a sign on me that says ‘Don’t Worry, I’m Her Friend’. And ‘you have to be soulmates with both of us’.”
He finished with a burst of laughter, recoiling from the tiny slap to his nose as Jewel wriggled out of his grip to jump onto his shirt, grinning up at the giant looking bewildered at his empty hands. Jewel attempted to scramble her way down and away before hands fell from the sky and attempt to pin her.
“My Soulmate is mine.”
“Fine. But, what about your DOMS?”
At that, a treacherous fold of the shirt sent her tumbling headfirst down his chest, yelling out as she rolled and her tender muscles thumped painfully against the ground.
When the human finally stopped, her legs were in the air and she frowned up to the looming smile that shone like the sun, huffing as the fingertips pinched and righted her. It didn’t take long for the bravado to melt as she rubbed her aching calves in an attempt to soothe them
“My DOMS tells me to stop moving…” Jewel groaned, gritting her teeth as Seto scoops her up once more only to press her into his stomach, lying on top of a hoodie pocket she had made he perch too many times. She gazes up to find the smile is no longer so triumphant and is more concerned. Displaying the man who would always take care of her.
“Then you snuggle up here, and let me massage.”
The Anhemite tapped her chin as she thought it over, before stretching out and nodding. She’d never really done this before…the idea of being massaged by him was something new, but something she was eager to try to get rid of the pain. Maybe it was because they’d never hiked together, or she never really got too much pain. They met and for a long time it was just talking to a fence that separated their borderline districts, then calling and texting, then finally seeing each other.
“As long as it’s not the Ancient Technique of the Drumming of the Fingers.”
A hurt look was displayed as Seto moved his hands closer to her, pretending to crack his knuckles before gently tapping her back with his thumbs, looking for a tight spot. Definitely not ignoring the look that says he’s just drumming his fingers, inviting the woman to wait a little bit. He didn’t want to touch her legs or anywhere that he thought she’d object to, and once he’d found a spot that seemed tense, gave it some pressure before dragging a bit down her back. Jewel only yawned up to the giant looking expectant.
“What is this, the-“
“Ancient Technique of the Patting of the Cat.”
“Thought so.”
There were no objections, only a content sigh that said the combination of heat and massage was quite soothing. So Seto continued, feeling the tension slowly disappear as Jewel relaxes and the pain leaves her, stroking the one spot before he moves on to her other shoulder blade, slowly massaging the tension of the day’s exercise away. The motion is continuous and slow, allowing the Japanese man to relax and stare up at the ceiling, thoughts on what his smaller companion had said about Soulmates.
He too had one, and he too visited them in dreams, as everyone did. A few times in his life he had thought he felt the spark of a familiar face, a familiar voice but every time it seemed he was mistaken. Told that they didn’t match any of the other’s dreams, that they had already found their soulmate…or that they weren’t even looking. Man, woman, older, younger, it already seemed like he’d been through it all on his search for the person of his dreams…it always seemed like he was dumped to the curb after every rejection.
But Jewel was always there to listen to his 7th first date that consisted of nothing more than a mumbled “Hello, I think-“ for the other to turn him away. It was why she made him forget about Soulmates sometimes, and appreciate the friendship he already had. Even now when he heard her quiet breathing, the occasional chuckle from her hidden thoughts, that’s all he needed. To mess around with her just like the good old days, when no-one cared.
He was relaxed too, sighing as his worries disappeared like they always did when she could distra-
Something sparked. Like a beacon of fire was lit in his memory, triggered something to shoot a memory from the fog. Have it processed into a conscious thought that made Seto blurt:
“I’ve done this before.”
[i] A thumb stroking her spines...
Jewel raised her head hearing a rumbling murmur from up above, finding Seto staring straight ahead like a deer in headlights, frown creasing his brow. The massage had ceased, his thumb resting in the centre of her back like two blankets had piled over her.
The giant doesn’t say anything, watching everything come together like a picture behind his eyes. Appearing like a ghost at a bedside that holds a human-sized woman, and crouching down beside her with his chin on the soft sheets just to see her face. Wide eyes blinking at the sleeping form as he gingerly pushes at her shoulder, seeing it has no effect. Laughing and commenting that she shouldn’t have eaten so much.
Being with her those quiet nights, and her being with him. Running his finger over her back and feeling bumps, like spines, running right down the centre. Seeing her stand before him with wonder, looking up as she blows a kiss before going to work. Eating dinner as she tossed a noodle.
B-But…they were friends, not Soulmates. They didn’t kiss or sleep together, Jewel only really liked to lay on him when she was tired. What if this ruined everything they had painstakingly created; the trust and the familiarity and the feeling like they were there for each other as comrades in a war.
But he’d found her.
But she clearly hadn’t found him!
With a blink Seto snapped out of it, looking down to see the form beneath his thumb starfished out on his stomach, not-so-gently tapping his thumb to tell him to get on with it while half-lidded green eyes stare up in confusion.
“Shh, go back to sleep. I’ll tell your soulmate how it works when he gets here.”
The giant hides the pure joy when Jewel flops back down with a smile, a weight he never knew he had lifting off his shoulders.
Because she enjoys being stroked by him.
And now Seto knows it’s all he ever dreamt about wanting to do.
Author’s Note
Alright, my AU might not be the /best/ but I really love it with the Seto and Jewel being friends when I’ve written them mostly about Sewel as a ship. The idea I had for why Jewel never actually noticed was that her dreams started after she met Seto, and they had time to become friends before she began to drift a little because of longing for a Soulmate.
His face would be so familiar to her by them, any time she might’ve dreamt about him she’d write it off, because they were /friends/ and it makes sense that her brain might stick him in there. 
But otherwise, I hope you like it!
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musingsofazumbamind · 4 years
11 Years of Lessons
Here are my top 11 pieces of honest learning I’ve had over my 11 year Zumba Fitness career. For what it’s worth, I’m still learning and so these “lessons” are fluid and churning, like when a river meets the ocean.
1. It’s not easy. Showing up and pressing “play” on the (CD player, then iPod Nano, then iPod 1st generation, then) iPhone is one thing, but actually teaching a quality workout every week, sometimes 5-7+ times a week, that also builds connection, without creating shame, and staying in the game for the long haul is another. If you are here for a discount on fitness gear or a trip to Florida once a year with really fun people, the door is that way.
2. Fitness hurts. It eats into your wallet with CPR/AED trainings every two years and your monthly license, new shoes, new clothes, music and continued learning all add to the total. It takes prime time from your family with evenings and weekend mornings away. Staying certified in the professional body that makes you reputable takes time and hours or weekends out of your free time. Fitness multiple times a week earns you Tennis Elbow and bursitis and frozen shoulder and a number of random overuse injuries that get you into specific physical therapy sessions where your therapist knows immediately you teach fitness and then it’s all you talk about while they carefully (kill) strengthen you.
3. Fitness can earn money. Going indepedent, marketing your human side and building your brand, especially in the virtual world and with the assistance of clicks and followers on social media can actually earn income. Celebrity trainers earn a true living and it’s impressive - as opposed to instructors at gyms earning a new pair of shoes each month - and somewhere inbetween has been the past 11 years of my blessed life.
4. Teaching Zumba Fitness is like sharing the best parts of diversity training. Allowing other languages, moves from other cultures, and the lightness and joy of other parts of the world is the absolute best part of the party. Every restaurant you encounter after learning about Zumba Fitness is different because you appreciate the background music differently. Every vacation to a tropical area is like being home in your Zumba class. Meeting an Uber driver from Nigeria listening to Tekno now feels like reuniting with your long lost cousin. Loving music, language, dance and smiling are universal.
5. Fitness fails you. You can teach 1 class a week and still hurt yourself. You can teach 17 classes, feel like a rockstar to dozens, even hundreds, of people, and then still have no health insurance. Being a fitness instructor does not earn you a piece of the stimulus package for essential employees or make its way into greeting card categories, holidays or ornaments on a Christmas tree. Injuries, reputations, arthritis keep you up at night.
6. Fitness fills you. Seeing folks “vote with their feet” to be there, near you, learning from you and leaning into what feels good is like coming up from the water to take a big gulp of air. You get inundated with this swimming and treading and getting dragged down by competition, fears of self-worth and the demons of your day and then finally, one person, or five, or a few hundred subscribing to YOU one day fills you with oxygen. The Christmas gifts, the thank you cards, the banana bread and Ziploc bags filled with tomatoes really add up! There is no tangible way to say that folks don’t appreciate their instructor, the evidence is in the Ziploc.
7. Fitness, especially Zumba Fitness, frees you. The weightlessness of dancing like nobody is watching and the medicinal release of adrenaline when nailing just the right moves is the most inspiring drug.
8. At one point, the drama of the fitness world will beat you down. The in-fighting at clubs, vying for the same jobs, the pecking order of years of service and show-boating for the Monday night, 6pm time slot will make you question why you even started. The words you hear from other instructors will inevitably make you ask, “Are they saying awful things about me, too?” The answer is yes, and the only way to make it through that shame spiral is by being the instructor willing to adapt, the one who never says a bad word outside of their own car, and accepting that the fitness world is a breeding ground for insecurity. The thickness of our skin and willingness to think, work and respect indepedently are our strongest assets. Don’t quit! Work smarter, not harder, and define what makes you unique.
9. The losses in the fitness world hit you double; you lose friends when you lose clients. You lose companions when fellow instructors leave the fold. There is a shift in your professional world without them and a hole in your heart without that friendship. Try not to take their reasons for leaving personally; the best gift you can give yourself is saying out loud “They left fitness, they did not leave me.” The same goes for when someone in your classes passes away. Say out loud, “They left this Earth, but they did not leave me.”
10. The gains of the fitness world (pun absolutely intended) are exponential. The friends who now invite you for drinks, the weddings that need you at the reception, the clothes you now share since everyone is wearing tie dye next week are endless. Nothing compares to a warm, sweaty hug after class. The notion that smiles are contagious is only an inkling of the gifts held within the fitness world and if we only show up we gain a glimpse of how positive energy shifts time and space. I can see from the front of the room each class, even virtually, how each person gives off a bit of light. And that light is energy and that energy is uplifting for all of us. We gain youth and vitality; we gain stamina and speed; we gain friends who become family.
11. The only way to make it 11 years is to keep growing. Continue to treat your body like a temple and eat clean and work out for yourself as best you can. Take trainings in what you need to know. Strengthen what you are weakest at, both figuratively and realistically. Enjoy Convention and the digital downloads and your New Music playlist on Apple Music. Give yourself permission to be imperfect and allow yourself a bit of humility. The muscles we need, especially for another 11 years, are the most important to keep flexing.
Cheers to my ZINaversary, and kudos to you for your endless support of such a crazy, sweaty endeavor. I had no idea that an 8 hour training would lead to such an amazing story. If you’re considering getting licensed in fitness, DO IT and don’t look back. Here’s to your 11th Fitness Anniversary one day!
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cornacopicimagines · 6 years
hades and persephone │p.t 2
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not my gif
part 1 part 3
pairing: hades!tom holland x persephone!reader
words: 3.4k
warning: SMUT, fingering, oral (male receiving), swearing, teasing kink?
summary: being away from a husband that is the god of hell for six months can sure do things to a goddess of spring.
a/n: this is a part two if my previous fic - hades and persephone, and if any of y'all can spot the myth reference i will love you forever x
The day had arrived, y/n couldn't sleep the night before. Her heart was racing and her mind was running with an abundance of thoughts. Zendaya, on the other hand, was seeing red.
She had to let go on the one thing she loved most for half of the year. Zendaya couldn't despise Tom even more and then he stole y/n right from her grasp. She went to Tom's brother in the earlier stages of their arrangement to try and change it, but Zeus shut Zendaya down quickly saying that this plan was all y/n's idea.
"I know you're upset Daya," y/n spoke softly as she slowly walked over to Zendaya, who was sitting angrily at the stump of a tree. She said nothing but glared up at y/n, who had know folded her arms. "I won't be gone forever," y/n tried to tell her.
"But it feel's like forever to me," Zendaya said under her breath as she slowly wilted a few flowers near her. y/n sighed quietly as she placed herself near to Zendaya and softly laid her head on Daya's shoulder.
"I know what happens to the earth when I am gone Daya," y/n said sadly as she brushed her hand through the grass underneath her, trying to bring the wilting plant back. Her eyes met Zendaya's in a moment of sadness.
"I do try y/n," Zendaya told her desperately. "It's my job to keep the earth healthy and thriving, do you think I want to plunge the world into complete darkness for six months," she said as she put her head in her hands.
Quickly, y/n embraced Zendaya in a warm hug, giving her a silent reminder of y/n while she was away. They pulled away from each other, y/n's eyes met Zendaya's as she placed her soft hand on Zendaya's cheek.
"Did you have to fall for Tom?" Zendaya huffed out and she now slumped against the tree. y/n scoffed loudly not knowing whether to scold her or reassure her.
"You of all people should know you don't choose who you love," y/n responded as she looked up to the clear blue sky and wondered what the other gods were doing at that moment. Zendaya didn't respond to y/n but stayed silent giving y/n a sign of acceptance.
"I don't what it is about you," Zendaya started as she stared straight at y/n, "but you are not the young innocent flower I once knew." The way she said it not only broke y/n's heart but it also made her angry. Zendaya couldn't lock her up for eternity, she couldn't shield y/n's eyes forever.
"I will miss you," y/n finally spoke up, her attention wavering from Zendaya and the lush surroundings. y/n's hand travelled over to place itself ontop Zendaya's and squeezed lightly.
"As will I," Zendaya squeaked out as if she was afraid that those words would hurt and in a way they did. y/n saw the sun setting over the horizon as Apollo ran in the light and Artemis geared up to drag the moon across the sky, she had to leave.
As if on cue Hermes appeared infront of the two women, his shining glory making Zendaya almost weap.
"Lady Persephone, are you ready for your descent into the underworld?" he asked her politely, he asked her that same question everytime she was needed to accompany her husband. Zendaya got up before y/n did in an attempt to call off the arrangement and spend more time with her companion.
"Could you give another day or two with her Lord Hermes?" Zendaya rushed out as she blocked y/n's way of passage to the god.
"I am sorry Lady Demeter, but this is what has to be done," Hermes told her woefully, his eyes not meeting Zendaya's. y/n got up from her spot under the tree and passed Zendaya's frantic state. y/n gave her one last hug before she took Hermes's arms and disappeared from Zendaya's view.
Tom had been waiting for this day to come ever since she left for the earth above six months ago. His heart hadn't stopped pounding against his chest since he woke up this morning.
Currently, though he was dealing with an issue that could have been solved easily if it weren't for the ignorance of the other gods. Sometime's Tom considered quitting this whole god of the underworld shit. He had made a pros and cons list a couple of weeks ago, case in point he had a lot of cons. First, the other gods were so egotistical that Tom had trouble figuring out how their necks didn't snap from the massive heads. Second being the Ruler of Hell doesn't really get him a lot of street cred with the mortals above. But he did have one pro which seemed to keep him glued to the jet black throne. y/n.
"I say we enlist some other minor god to fill his place," one god piped up, Tom scoffed at the idea. Like any other god could handle the job Harrison did every day for a millennia or so.
"That sounds utterly stupid," Ares snarled out, Tom could tell it was him by the way the table shook and the voice almost dripped with anger. "I am getting bored since Thanatos is nowhere to be seen, I can't kill anyone," he finished almost sounding sad for once.
"I think my brother should decide since Thanatos was his right-hand man" Tom's brother; Poseidon spoke rationally pointing to Tom through the mirrored hologram effect. Tom stood from his chair and walked toward the screen.
"I say that we look for Thanatos, he is just simply missing." Tom told them, "All we need to do is put our lovely godly noggins together and find a way to seek him out," he finished.
"Lord Hades is right," Athena said gracefully as her grey eyes burned into her father's skull. Zeus sighed angrily before looking at Tom.
"You will lead the search brother," Zeus exclaimed before Tom cut off the signal and threw himself back onto his throne. Even though Harrison was gone from his presence at least his wife would come back to him this evening and just the thought of her brought a smile to his face.
Tom sat in complete silence for two minutes before realising that nothing would be happening for the rest of his day and left his throne room hoping that y/n would be waiting for him in their joint chambers.
As he walked down the halls of his palace, he got a lot of suggestive looks from his maids and guards, others wound up running into their own chambers knowing those loud activities of the king and queen when they reunited with each other.
Tom opened the doors and started to take off more of his unneeded clothing, Jesus they were restraining. The one thing he never thought he would get sick of hearing was the sound of y/n's bathroom door and the soft padding of her footstep getting closer to him.
"There you are," her loving voice called out to him, "I was asking everybody where you were," y/n spoke as Tom swivelled around to spot her letting her flawless hair fall out of the tight braid. Tom couldn't stop himself from smiling like a flustered schoolboy.
Tom didn't say anything as he slowly approached his wife, his hands came up to cup her face as he stared deep into her eyes.
"I missed you so fucking much," he whispered to her as he placed his forehead against her. "You don't even know."
"I just think I might," y/n responded a slight giggle surpassing her lips. Tom tried his best to savour this moment just a little longer but as soon as that damned laughed rolled out of her mouth, he smashed his lips against hers. His hands went from her cheeks to grip at the side of her hips. y/n hummed against Tom's mouth in approval.
"I got something for you," Tom spoke as he finally pulled away from her heavenly kiss. He made his way over to the dresser and picked a long black box. He passed it to y/n, who opened it quickly and chocked in surprise. Inside was a necklace made of beautiful crystals and metals that weaved themselves around the jewels reminding her of the vines above.
"It's gorgeous," y/n squealed happily as she brought Tom's face close to her and place her lips on his in a quick moment of passion. "I wish I had brought you something from my gardens on earth," y/n spoke sadly, disappointed that she didn't think of something to bring to Tom.
"Don't worry princess," Tom laughed softly as he watched y/n walk over to a mirror and place the necklace against her chest. y/n couldn't seem to get the clasp on and silently asked Tom to help her out.
He happily obliged and fitted the jewellery around y/n's neck admiring it through the mirror. Her eyes met his through the reflection and an idea sprung into his head.
Tom swept y/n's hair to the side and started peppering small fluttering kisses across her collarbone, at first it was playful and loving but it became slower and longer. He started biting softly at her smooth skin. Her mousey moans pushing him to keep going.
His rough hands moved underneath the satin material of her robes and quickly started to make work on her breasts. Tom's hands squeezed and tugged at her chest, eliciting delicate whimpers from y/n infront of him.
"You know the one thing I missed more than that sweet voice of yours," Tom cooed in her ear as his free hand fell into her lace underwear rubbing gently against her wet folds increasing the noise y/n was making, "your even sweeter cunt," he said darkly as he bit the lobe of her ears.
Just his breath against her face was enough for y/n to drown her panties but the way his hands were moulding her like putty and his voice muttering absolute sex to her, how could she not almost faint when his long fingers suddenly darted into her hole.
y/n's head fell into the crook of Tom's neck as he continued to pump his digits in and out of her. She wasn't sure what pleased her more, the fact that with just his hands Tom could destroy her in a matter of moments or the fact that he still did it with some much passion and intensity that she fell more in love with him.
He hit a spot inside her that made y/n almost tumble to the ground. Her hands found themselves tugging harshly at the hair near the nape of his neck, Tom groaned in pleasure as he started to finger her faster, now circling her clit with his thumb.
"Holy shit Tom," Y/n kept chanting through breathless moans. Tom said nothing but smiled wildly as he felt her tight walls close around his finger signalling she was near release.
"Are you going to come, gorgeous girl," Tom purred in her ear as he continued to rapidly pleasure her. y/n nodded her head vigorously and gripped at Tom's jet black shirts as she felt the beautiful pit at the bottom of her stomach.
She was just about to release all over his fingers when out of nowhere the pleasure instantly faded and Tom started to walk away from her.
"What the fuck?!" y/n almost screeched at him as she stomped over to him with her arms folded under her chest pushing her cleavage up one full display for Tom's delight.
"That was just a bit of fun right?" Tom asked as innocently as he could, he wanted to tease y/n until she was begging for him.
This plan, however, did not sit well with y/n, "a bit of fun," she said almost scarily, it was the first time Tom had seen her like this.
"I was just having a bit of fun with you," he said again but this time he sounded uncertain within himself, which is the last thing he wanted to portray.
"So you wouldn't mind if I had a bit of fun with you?" y/n asked him politely as she strutted over to him and started to gently stroke him through the tough material of his pants.
To be truthful, Tom had never seen such vulgarity come out of y/n and he was so aroused he was afraid he was going to cum as soon as she touched him. Tom adored how when y/n was around other people she was happy, bright and most of all innocent, but as soon as Tom and y/n had time alone, a whole another side to her appeared.
"I would like that very much," Tom responded as he let the weight of y/n body press him up against a table.  y/n smirked up at him as she sunk down to her knees and slowly unbuckled his belt and threw his clothes down to let his length spring free.
Her eyes met his as she dragged the point of her tongue from the base of his shaft up to the tip never breaking her gaze on Tom's. Still, she wanted to make Tom feel the slow release that he had inflicted on y/n earlier. She let his head enter her mouth before removing it with a loud pop.
"If you keep on teasing me, princess," Tom barely got out as she continued to mess with his head, "You're going to pay for it," he finished just before she almost choked on his dick as she took him fully into her mouth. Her cheeks hollowed as she bobs at a slow but steady pace, whatever she couldn't fit she massaged with her hands.
While she was wrecking Tom with her mouth, Tom threw his head back and gripped the edges of the table tightly. Giving him a mischievous smile, y/n started to move her head faster and her tongue swirled around him. Tom started to seriously damage the wood of the tables as his hands kept clutching on the table until it started to crack underneath his palms.
"Oh my god," Tom spoke lowly as his eyes once again fell on her, pushing him even further to the edge and it seemed like y/n knew it too as she hummed against this cock as it twitched in her mouth. Just like y/n before, he was just about to cum when she pulled away from Tom and started to strut back to the door. Tom though quickly caught up with her and threw her over his shoulder making a loud giggle fall out of y/n for her robe to become looser against his shoulder.
Tom always treated her like a porcelain doll when it came to sex. He always drifted his fingertips over her skin when they got intimate, he either kissed her lightly or with enough passion to fuel a fire. He always made sure that she was fine and safe when they made love but it this time he almost threw her against the massive bed and crawl on top of her.
y/n tried to wrap her arms around Tom's neck but he quickly grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the pillows above her, "You keep them there unles you even more punishments, got it," he snapped at her. y/n said nothing but gulped loudly. Tom didn't say a word to her as he kept one of his hand around her wrist, while the other one made work of ripping her underwear and robe off her body. y/n couldn't be more aroused as Tom didn't wait, didn't bother giving her small kiss or to caress her hips.
Tom halted all of his movements against her skin, she still did as he told her and kept her arms above her head which was restricting her from looking as to why Tom had left her stark naked and literally dripping on the sheet. Out of nowhere y/n felt the tip of his dick flick over her slick folds making her back arch.
"I think I could get used to this sight," Tom muttered as he continued to tease her, "look at me y/n," he told her sharply, y/n change her position underneath him to stare straight into his eyes before he leaned in closer to her so his face was just touching her.
His dick was at the entrance of her core, not moving at all. It was like holding food in front of a starving animal, it was torture to her. "Beg for it," he whispered his gaze never faltering from her. y/n whispered a squeaky, please. "Not good enough princess," he told her once again this time going slightly further into her heat.
"Please Tom, please," she chanted quietly as her breathing got erratic.
"It sounds like you really didn't want me while you were up there," Tom sighed as if he was saddened by the statement that left his lips, "You're starting to hurt my feelings doll," he told her as his finger started to fiddle with the bundle of nerves that was her clit.
"Oh for christ's sake Tom, just fuck me already," y/n snapped at her and with that Tom madly started to pound into her, instantly starting y/n's dirty moans. Tom couldn't keep it in himself as his head fell into the crook of her neck, overwhelmed by the feeling of his wife's perfectly snug walls enclosing his dick as he fucked her.
"Forgot how good you felt around me princess," Tom murmured against her flesh.
"Ca-can I-oh god please touch you," y/n asked him through loud screams, Tom nodded and y/n instantly started to pull at his hair and scrape her nails against his back. All that could be heard was the sounds of their bodies colliding with each other and their names bouncing off the walls. Her hands cupped Tom's cheeks to bring his face to meet her's. "Please go faster," y/n pleaded as she felt her release nearing on her. Tom happily did what he was asked and picked up the pace of the rhythm he had established.
Tom started to feel himself getting closer as well, his chest started to tighten as he kept on fucking her so hard that the headboard of the bed started to violently bang against the wall. Not only did her pussy retract around him but y/n's hands started to gripped hard at his biceps as she felt the beautifully familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach. Her face contorted with pleasure as Tom continued to slam the perfect spot inside of her.
"Come around my dick," Tom told her harshly as every syllable matched the beat of his skin slamming against hers, "Be a good girl for me," y/n couldn't keep it in as she suddenly felt the tidal wave of her orgasm crash over her as she screamed out in pleasure and started to see stars. Close after her Tom started to lose his breath, his pattern got irregular and with a loud grunt, Tom came. His warm salty liquid spilling over y/n's bare navel before collapsing atop of her.
"It's great to be back," y/n laughed as she softly stroked Tom's red naked back at he attempted to catch his breath. For a god of death, she was going to be the death of him.
tags: @isabelmeza @bibliophile65 @younggodblood @fraunleinlee @ifyouholdmebackimightexplode @junipter @derekxsammy @spideytaeh @danicarosaline @stxck-in-the-internet @slythxr @rrainydayy @alex-misk @bluelalal @laneygthememequeen and the two anons that sparked this fire in the first place (blame them) 
 hope you guys like it and also someone give me tips on writing smut please xx
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raphpanda21 · 5 years
The Tale of Mr Bumbles
Cerberus was lost. Well as lost as a giant hound of hell could be when it was too stubborn to admit it was lost and just turn back. Lost, hungry and tired. He wouldn’t be lost at all if not for his dad’s stubbornness.
‘Stupid Daddy! Don’t need bath! Smell fine! Show daddy! He be upset and forget about bath! ‘
Huffing in exhaustion he stopped on the hillside overlooking a fertile valley crisscrossed with fields of flowers and grain and scattered clusters of smaller forests. Cerberus even as a dog could appreciate the beauty of the scene but it seemed almost too perfect at the same time. A soft spring breeze brushed over him cooling his tired body but with it came the mouth watering smell of food. Coming to full attention once more he began to follow his nose eager to locate the source of the smell and perhaps secure some sustenance for himself.
Wandering down the hillside he creeped into a forest near the origin of the smell carefully crawling among the underbrush as he got closer.
‘Best see who has food. See if is good food. ‘
Coming to the very edge of the forest he peered out from beneath a bush nose twitching as the smell of he food was now mixed with a sweet flower and honey scent. Only about ten feet away he saw the source of the delicious smells. Seated amongst a cluster of daises a small little girl sat surrounded by a pile of daisy crowns and chains a small stuffed bee seemingly her only companion. What really drew Cerberus’ attention though was the buttered bread and olives she was slowly picking at.
The girl appeared to be young and alone. In Cerberus’ experience children always had the easiest touch even with hell hounds like himself. Figuring he had nothing to lose he slinked slowly out from the underbrush making a point to make as much noise as possible so as not to startle the little one.
Stepping on a twig it cracked loudly drawing the young child’s attention. A cherub like face turned to face him the first emotion being clearly confusion at seeing him but quickly shifting to excitement as a smile of wonder spread over her features.
Puppy!? Come here puppy!
The young little girl that looked like she couldn’t be more than 5 summers at most eagerly pat the ground trying to encourage him to come closer. Not one to ever turn down an invitation he quickened his gait coming to a stop before her situating himself closer to the food than to to the owner it belonged to. Giving a soft whine he looked at the food and then at her hoping the little child would be smart enough to figure it out.
The little girl was slightly disappointed at the distance but hearing the whine and following his stare she tilted her head in concern.
Are you hungry? Poor puppy. Here!
The young child smiled and held up a large chunk of freshly buttered bread . Very carefully Cerberus reached out mindful to use his front teeth to carefully lift the bread from her grasp. Safely away from her small digits he quickly devoured the offering licking his chops in enjoyment after he finished it.
The little girl giggled in delight enthralled with the mysterious large puppy. Cerberus’ tail wagged pleased at the sound her happiness and his now fuller belly.
‘She is sweet pup. ‘
Sensing the child’s eagerness to touch him he decided to reward her moving closer nudging her hand in encouragement with his snout.
The child didn’t waste any time eagerly reaching out to stroke his head softly scratching between his ears and around his nape.
‘Dis pup very good at pets.’
Cerberus tongue lulled out in pleasure as the pets and her pleasent scent lulled him into a relaxed state.
‘Dis can’t better get.’
It turned out Cerberus was wrong as a short time later he found himself not unlike Dionysos reclined on a diaz being served grapes by his adoring attendants except in this reality he was a pooch reclined in the lap of a small rose of a child being feed olives.
‘Maybe don’t need go home. Dis pretty nice. ‘
As soon as he thought it he knew he didn’t really mean it. His daddy was hopeless without him. Even if he was mad at him he would eventually go back because Daddy needed him the most. He had the most important job of all the puppers after all.
With much effort he rolled over groaning in mild protest at his now more than full belly. As he shifted his hind legs kicked something furry. Whipping his head ears laid pack at the unknown interloper he quickly located the threat which turned out was no threat at all. Curiosity getting the better of him he leaned closer sniffing the small stuffed bumblebee noticing pleasantly it was soaked in her smell.
‘Pup must love dis lots. It gets many hugs.’
Seeing his attention on her Mr Bumbles she picked it up holding it up for his inspection
This is Mr Bumbles. My mommy gave him to me. He is my bestest friend. Since you are my friend now Mr Bumbles is your friend too!
Cerberus looked at the stuffed insect and back to the small pup not exactly sure what she was getting at but gathering at the very least that the fake insect was Mr Bumbles.
Beginning to feel tired with his now overfull belly and the warm sun of the afternoon beating down on him he yawned loudly showing off the deadly arsenal he sported. As is often the case yawns were contagious and the little one was yawning as well. Deciding he might as well have a rest before actually trying to find his way home he curled himself around her small frame his lips curling up slightly in as close as a doggy smile as a beast could manage as the little one curled into his side. A short time later her soft even breathes leveled out as she slipped into dreamland Cerberus following her shortly after.
The two of them napped together for how long Cerberus had no scope but the moment a scent hit his nose he awoke instantly. A dangerous predator was near. Twitching his nose to take the scent in more deeply he slowly opened his eyes. Too close and judging by the scent it had been stalking them for sometime. Moving carefully he slipped himself free of the slumbering child moving far enough away from her that she would hopefully not wake. He let out a deep warning growl as he made his way into the nearby forest where the predator lay in wait. Out of the line of sight of the slumbering child he shifted form becoming double his earlier size and all three heads becoming visible. Not wanting to waste anytime he bounded off the predator now made the prey. The scent was familiar to him so he hoped to resolve things peacefully but he knew that maddening hunger could make even the gentlest creature unreasonable.
Finally he found the creature in question being upwind it had not been altered to his precense but the snake head which served as its tail hissed in warning alerting the beast which turned to face him the lion head bearing its fangs in warning.
He knew this creature the chimera and although not friends they were not enemies either. He growled a his hackles slowly rolling up his broad back two of his heads snapping their large jaws in warning.
‘Leave. Go away.’
The snake hissed in response a low rumbling roar coming from the lion head as it paced in front of him.
‘We hunger. Eat Child. You go! ‘
Looking at the creature before him he saw the gnawing hunger lurking in it’s eyes. He felt sympathy but he would not allow the kind hearted girl to become its dinners. All three heads snarling he lunged planning to give a warning bite and hopefully scare him off but the chimera had less passive plans . Anticipating his move the chimera dodged his attack slashing out angrily in retaliation catching Cerberus in his side with his claws causing a yelp of surprise to slip from Cerberus.
The pup gloves were of it seemed. Still he didn’t want to hurt the chimera badly despite the painful sting growing in his side. Hunger made a beast out of many. Circling the chimera he waited watching for his moment to strike. The fates were on Cerberus’ side as the chimera so focused on him did not mind where its feet feel and hitting a divet in the ground the chimera momentarily stumbled providing Cerberus his chance. Moving quickly he slammed the full weight of his body into the Chimera making it loose its balance completely. Not wishing to loose the opportunity Cerberus slammed one paw down on the beasts throat pinning it down as two of its heads bit into the nap of the beast a red stain darkening his midnight muzzle even more.
The goat bleated in a panic horns trying to swipe at the two bent heads with little success.
‘Let go! Stop! Let’s make deal!’
Cerberus does not release the creature it’s free head growling lowly.
‘No deal. You go. Go underworld. Say Cerberus sends. Better for us type. Plenty to care. Daddy is kind. ‘
Ever so slowly he released the Chimera moving back from the prone creature which slowly regained its footing letting out a soft rumbling sound.
‘Is far? Terrible hunger. ‘
Cerberus whined softly shaking the only head that’s muzzle wasn’t covered in blood.
‘Not far. Follow stream. It gets small. Goes in cave. You go. ‘
For a moment both creatures just looked at each other assessing the damage done. Both were a little bloody but nothing that would have long term effects. The Chimrera was the first to move nodding its head in acknowledgement an unspoken thanks understood between them as he headed in the direction Cerberus had indicated.
Shifting back to his single head form he made his way back to he hoped the still sleeping child. He tried to lick the blood from his chops with little success and his side twinged painfully with his movements fresh blood staining his fur. He wouldn’t stay long. Just make sure the little was safe and be on his way.
Making his way into the clearing he saw the small one awake and alert looking about for something but eyes falling on him she smiled getting up with her toy and quickly running to his side. As she got closer her smile slowly turns to a look of concern seeing the blood on him.
Puppy is hurt?
Tears start to come to her eyes as she clutched her bumblebee tighter to herself.
Seeing her tears he reached up to nuzzle her gently in comfort forgetting the state of his muzzle . Pulling back she giggled rubbing at the large wet smear he had left on her face smearing the blood like an over abundance of rouge.
I haven’t learned how to heal things yet but my Mr Bumbles always makes my boo boos feel better.” Holding it up to him she smiles. You should borrow him. Mama takes care of all my boo boos so I think you need him more.
Cerberus was surprised he could tell that the bee was special to the little pup. His daddy though had always harped the importance of manners so he took it gently from her hold. He needed to go though. This wasn’t his place and he needed to have his side seen to. Giving her one last nuzzle he trotted away quickly not giving himself a chance to change his mind. Disappearing from her sight he began to trace the steps of the Chimera.
Back in the valley a woman appeared at the far edge of the field calling out to the child.
Persephone dear, come along my sweetie it is time for your lessons.
The child Persephone hesitated still looking to the forest where the puppy had disappeared before turning and running towards the women quickly disappearing from sight.
Present day
Daddy had let the mean one stay the night again and it had him in a sour mood. Wanting some comfort he snuffed around his bed looking for something. His nose led him to his desired item quickly. Although very faint now Mr Bumbles still held the faint scent of the small girl from long ago. Taking it in his jaws he settled down gently holding it and letting the memories and smell calm his turbulent feelings.
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sage-nebula · 6 years
#Just Paradigm Shift Interior Design
A thought that occurred to me as I went to sleep last night (/this morning) is that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they decorate their living space. The Castle of Lions comes pre-decorated, and since much of the castle is a common area, it can’t be personalized by one person too much. But bedrooms can be, and while everyone’s room starts off looking the same, I started thinking about how each of the Paradigm Shift revolutionaries would decorate their rooms over time. So without further ado, given a few decaphoebs time to accumulate things and do a bit of redecoration . . .
Swaps out the standard twin bed that was in the room with a king-sized bed at some point. I’m thinking four poster, wooden frame, one with shelving built into the headboard so he can have books there to read before bed. (He reads books on a tablet as well, but some texts haven’t been digitally archived yet, so he has to read them as they are.) Has a sheer canopy up top, perhaps, but it doesn’t dangle over the sides. The mattress isn’t anything particularly special, but the sheets and comforter are soft.
Also built into the headboard, behind a slideable wood panel that is very easy to miss, is a monitor synced to the camera just outside the door so he can discreetly see who has come to visit him whenever anyone has. You know. Just in case. (There are no enemies in the castle, he’s sure, but . . . just in case . . .)
The headboard is pushed up against the wall, but there is free space on either side, so being on the bed doesn’t equate to being backed into a corner.
A knife is kept under the mattress, in the middle, near the headboard. This makes it easily accessible (for him), but is not an easily guessed hiding spot for others.
There’s a large desk in the back corner of the room with a very comfortable chair. The desk is neatly organized, but the surface can barely be seen beneath the computer, books, (neatly stacked but sometimes spread out) papers, et cetera. Every drawer on the desk is locked and can only be opened with both his fingerprint, and a specifically traced pattern (different pattern for each drawer).
There’s a board on the wall next to the desk that has a collage of different things pinned to it. Some of them are inspirational quotes pertaining to war or revolution, and others are cryptic clues or puzzles to things he’s been working on in his spare time (e.g. the Oriande riddle). Others are just words or turns of phrase that came to him and he decided to write down and pin up. You know, whichever. To pretty much everyone else on the team it looks like a gigantic mess, but Lotor assures them all it makes perfect sense. (To him, at least.)
There’s also a grand bookshelf in the room that stretches floor to ceiling and takes up at least half of the wall. It does have many books on it, but it also has various gifts and other mementos he has received from those he cares about. For instance, a single pressed nimbusilde flower in a frame from Acxa, or the tall, glass display case on a plainly visible shelf, inside of which is a series of tiered platforms, each one covered with a soft material, on top of which rests a die. The dice, a full set, were custom-made from malernite, an ore which was historically ever found on Altea, and were specifically designed after the die pictured in texts describing a historically important game in which Princess Fayli shattered the dice with a single throw and, in the act, successfully defended her peoples’ lives from the tyranny of her brother, Prince Indric. It was a piece of Altean history that Lotor had discovered and, in his excitement over learning something new, had shared with Keith in a conversation that Lotor soon after forgot having (so much was going on), but Keith had evidently not only remembered, but had managed to track down the ore, take the page from the text that Lotor had learned this from to show a smith, and had the dice recreated, after which he gave them to Lotor as a gift the following holiday. Keith had thought Lotor would want to recreate the experiment (and it was tempting), but Lotor had acquired a display case and put them on the bookshelf instead. Keith was embarrassed. To this day, Lotor still doesn’t understand why he should be.
Speaking of display cases, there’s also a tall display case across from the bed full of ancient relics and other artifacts Lotor has discovered over time. He intends at some point to return them to the people from whom they were taken (i.e. Lotor didn’t take them from the people; he found them in ruins or in Empire storehouses and liberated them), but untll he can, he keeps them safe in a display case where they won’t be ravaged by the elements or destroyed by Empire soldiers. (Also, tbf, they are nice to look at and study. He’s careful with them, though.)
Quite a few decaphoebs down the road, Lotor finds a vrensyr egg. Vrensyrs were draconic creatures native to the planet Daibazaal, and believed to be extinct. However, this egg somehow survived---and when Lotor finds it, he not only keeps it, but he hatches it. The newly hatched vrensyr imprints on him immediately, and as a result becomes his new companion. He names the newly hatched creature Erebus.
Vrensyrs look somewhat similar to what an Earth wyvern looks like. They’re covered in scales, have small, claw like appendages on their wings, and razor sharp claws on their feet. When born, Erebus is small enough to ride on Lotor’s shoulder (and he does). Give him a few centuries, and he will be large enough to raze cities with little effort should he so choose. Erebus can breathe fire (he is being trained on when it is appropriate to do so), and he can change the color of his scales on a whim. His eyes, meanwhile, are always a very vivid purple.
When Erebus is hatched, a stone basin is acquired for him as his bed, since Vrensyrs like to sleep on stone (and a particular type of stone, at that). He also has multiple perches installed along the walls and ceiling of Lotor’s room for him to use whenever he chooses.
Lastly, after their relationship does become romantic and Keith starts spending more time in Lotor’s room, sometimes Keith’s jacket, or his boots, can be found tossed onto the floor. It happens.
Keeps the standard twin bed, but does allow Acxa to talk him into a memory foam mattress cover. It’s real comfy.
As mentioned in Revolutionary, he has a collage of photos of him and his team taped up on the wall beside his bed, courtesy of Ezor. Specifically:
There was one of him and Acxa simultaneously drinking pechaya juice while using their other hands to try and block Ezor’s camera; there was another of Zethrid lifting him off the ground in a massive, full-body hug as he gasped out that he had ribs she was breaking; there was one of him and Narti having fallen asleep on the sofa together, Kova curled up on his chest; one of Ezor herself pouncing on his back so she could take an impromptu selfie with him; one of him and Lotor playing a game of Crowns & Claws, Keith’s brow furrowed in concentration as he studied the board before him, and Lotor smiling at him from across the table; and other snapshots of the rest of his teammates, from one the many selfies Ezor took of herself dancing with Narti, to one of Acxa after she had fixed new barrettes in her hair to keep her bangs out of her eyes, to one of Zethrid arm-wrestling Lotor.
After Ezor spreads the word that Keith hadn’t decorated his room practically at all, the others started getting in on it, too.
Courtesy of Acxa, he gets a potted ticarius in one corner of the room. A ticarius is a plant pretty similar to our Earth cacti (it even comes from a planet that has a pretty arid climate), except that it doesn’t require sunlight, is very dark purple in color, and the spines (which are rainbow-colored) are actually very sweet tasting, and it’s good for your teeth and gums if you suck on them. The spines grow back relatively quickly, and the plant doesn’t require very much maintenance. The ticarius  is nearly tall enough to touch the ceiling, and Keith likes to use the spines like toothpicks whenever he’s working on something.
Courtesy of Zethrid, he got a small weight lifting kit that he only sporadically uses (but that she got specifically for him to use to bulk up so that he’d stop complaining about her breaking his ribs with her hugs). It’s up against the wall on the other side of the bed.
Courtesy of Narti, he got double-reinforced screws over the vent in his room so that Kova would stop sneaking in during the night and pouncing on his face. He also got a painting, painted by her, specifically, which he put up on the wall above the weight lifting set.
And courtesy of Lotor, he had a feature added to his room so that he can, whenever he wants, have a display of what the galaxy looks like around them on his ceiling. Keith has spent enough of his life locked away where he can’t see the sky, so this was really appreciated.
He has a wardrobe pressed into the corner opposite the bed. The wardrobe is fairly large, because it’s split neatly into two sections: casual wear, and armor. Keith generally doesn’t care much about what he wears, but he’ll be damned if he’s going to have to spend time looking for his armor when there’s a fight to get to, so he keeps his wardrobe very organized so that he doesn’t have to think, he can just reach in, grab it, and go.
Likewise, he has numerous storage bins in the compartment under his bed where other things are kept. There’s one for books, one for clothes that don’t need to go into the wardrobe, et cetera. Anything he’s not actively using is always packed up and put away. (Unless, of course, it’s been left on the floor of Lotor’s bedroom.)
Speaking of things being left in Lotor’s bedroom, Lotor doesn’t tend to leave things in Keith’s on purpose, but one day shortly after their relationship became more intimate, Ezor was in Keith’s room when they went there to retrieve his tablet, and she sat on his bed while talking on about something, and fell silent mid-sentence. This was odd for her, so Keith looked over with a frown, and found that Ezor was holding up several strands of long, white hair. She looked at him, her eyes wide. He looked back at her, his eyes widening as he realized what she had found and the conclusions she was reaching, a blush rising in his cheeks. “Ezor---” But she bounded up from the bed and bolted through the door, shouting, “Oh mY GODS, NARTI!! ZETHRID!! IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!” And Keith, swearing oaths and shouting her name, was left with no other options but to take off after her and attempt to take her down in a full body tackle. (This, incidentally, did not make things look any less interesting to the parties Ezor was determined to spread the gossip to.)
(Also incidentally, Narti already knew because she’s a telepath, so the moment she spent more than three ticks in Keith’s and Lotor’s presence after they kissed for the first time, she knew their relationship changed and was quite happy for them. However, she also has tact and manners, and so she kept quiet and didn’t share this news with anyone, because she figured they’d tell everyone in their own time. Ezor is quite miffed with Narti when she learns that Narti knew the whole time and said nothing to her, of all people, about it. Like, she’s not surprised that Acxa didn’t say anything to her even though Acxa knew about it as well because both Keith and Lotor told her separately, because of course Acxa wouldn’t tell her, but Narti?? Narti, how could you??? Betrayal of the highest order, tbqh. Anyway, this is off-topic.)
Quite a few decaphoebs down the road, Keith finds and befriends a teleporting, wolf-like creature. She was an orphan, left wandering and trying to fend for herself after her pack was killed, and after forming a bond with her, Keith decided to take her in. He named her Nyx, and once she comes along with him, she gets her own large, round, plush bed in his room . . . that she usually ignores in favor of sleeping on his bed, cuddled up with him instead, regardless of whether that leaves him squished into the corner or just barely hanging onto the edge of the bed or not. Okay, Nyx.
Everything is covered in her dander from that point forward.
Though Keith’s not really a fan of most of the “Earth culture” things Ezor tries to “teach” him with (namely, anime), he is a fan of the CD player she bought to “teach” him about Earth’s music, and over time has built up a respectable collection of CDs, which he keeps in a case next to the player (which is itself pretty big and on a table he put in his room specifically to hold it). He also has a smaller, portable CD player, as well as a large pair of headphones, that he likes to listen to and relax with when not in his room.
Later on down the road, Zethrid discovers that humans on Earth invented something called an MP3 player, and she gets it for Keith as a gift. After they figure out that he can put all of his CDs on it and then some, he tells her that she’s allowed to give him one (1) rib-crushing hug at any time of her choosing. She grins and chooses right that second.
He still keeps a knife under his pillow, and his bayard just under his bed. He also eventually has several swords that he acquires from around the galaxy that he thought looked nice up on display stands on his walls, also above his bed. Make no mistake, however: They’re there because he thought they looked cool, but he keeps them sharp and in good condition. He can, and will, use them if necessary.
As could be surmised, Acxa really likes plants, and flowers specifically, because her grandmother used to keep a tiny plot of flowers, and would teach Acxa their names and meaning when Acxa was a little girl. Obviously that time has long since passed, but Acxa has collected books on flower meanings from around the galaxy and tries to tend to whatever plants and flowers she can. (She does, in another room of the castle, have a little garden going.) In her room she has a vase of antiriums (which don’t require any sunlight), and she also has a very tall vase in one corner with celestaries in it (which do require sunlight, but she has a special light fixed into the wall above the vase to simulate sunlight during the day, when she’s not in her room and it wouldn’t bother her). A small amount of flowers, maybe, but important ones. The antiriums, which naturally grow on a planet that can’t sustain any other life for long, symbolize life even in the most damning conditions, and survival through the harshest of hardships. They represent living when literally everything in the universe says “give up.” The celestaries, on the other hand, are kept partly because they’re pretty, with their large, vibrant red petals, but also because they symbolize remembrance for the departed, and the belief that those that die can still live on and watch over those still living. Acxa keeps them mostly in remembrance of her grandmother, but also her parents and brothers.
The nimbusilde is an extremely rare flower native to the planet Stradozyx. It only blooms where lightning has struck the ground twice. Acxa found one, pressed it, and gave it to Lotor as a gift because it reminded her of him.
The ticarius isn’t a particularly rare plant on its home planet of Haridel, but what gives the ticarius its meaning is that it not only survives in extremely harsh conditions, but that it also has the nutritional properties mentioned before---that it sustains not only itself through adversity, but also others, despite what is perhaps an intimidating appearance due to its prickly spines. (In fact, those spines are a good thing; that ferocity, that tough quality . . . that’s good.) This reminded Acxa of Keith, hence why she gifted him one when she learned via Ezor that he needed room decorations. (Also, she cares about him, so the nutritional value is good, too.)
She has several albums full of pressed flowers from all over the galaxy, the names and meanings written out beside them. They’re on a bookshelf in her room, directly across from the bed. 
She upgraded her bed to a full sized bed, with a memory foam mattress, a super soft quilt, and three large pillows. She never had a proper bed before the castle and so, as soon as she could, she took the opportunity to upgrade and get the softest things she could. She loves sleep.
On her nightstand, next to the vase of antiriums, she has a small music box that Narti gave to her as a holiday gift. The tune is a lullaby Acxa’s grandmother used to sing to her. Narti heard Acxa humming it, and had it recreated in a little music box. Acxa plays it on nights when she has trouble falling asleep.
Next to the bookshelf she has a dresser, and on top of the dresser is a jewelry box filled with earrings, rings, and a couple bracelets, because sue her, she likes sparkly jewelry, even if she doesn’t often wear it because it’s a liability in battle. She also has numerous hair barrettes, including a pair that Keith got her after she first discovered that, due to things that happened on Revender, her hair won’t grow out anymore. She was depressed about it, and he bought her the hair clips as a way to try to cheer her up (to show that, hey, short hair can be nice, too). To be honest, the barrettes he chose are kind of . . . not to her taste, but he picked them out in earnest and was genuinely trying to make her feel better, and so they’re honestly her favorite barrettes even if she rarely actually wears them.
There’s a rack resembling a coat rack on the wall next to her bed. It holds her bayard and holsters for her other guns. The door at the base of her nightstand also opens to reveal polish and other tools necessary for weapons upkeep.
Ezor’s room is full of “I saw this once and had to have it For Reasons” things.
Giant tapestries of all types of colors are strung up across the ceiling like canopies, hanging at various lengths. They obscure the lights and are just sheer enough so that a multitude of colors is thrown around her room whenever the lights are on. The tapestries remind her of the market where she spent the eight years of her life after losing her miralean mother, but before meeting Keith and the others.
Her bed has tons of stuffed animal plushes on it. Most are at the foot of the bed, but a couple of Ezor’s favorites are up near the front. (Her bed, mind you, is just the standard twin.)
It’s not uncommon to find a small critter of some kind crawling around the room. These critters are not always brought there on purpose by Ezor herself. Sometimes they are, but most of the time they’re not, and after the fourth time Kova ate one Ezor had decided was going to be a pet, she stopped letting herself get attached.
Her actual pet ends up being Kaltenecker the cow (not that she knows Kaltenecker is a “cow”) after she and Narti got her “for free” at the Earth store when Ezor was there buying stuff to “teach Keith about his heritage.” Kaltenecker puzzled everyone in the castle, including Keith himself, and ended up gathering a crowd of the primary team and all three Auxiliary Teams as everyone tried to figure out what she was. At one point she spontaneously mooed and startled everyone to the point where most reached for weapons just in case that was a sound of aggression and she decided to attack. (She didn’t attack, but she was glad the crowd backed off a little.) 
Ezor’s favorite thing about having Kaltenecker for a pet is that this is one pet that Kova cannot eat. (Not, however, for lack of trying on Kova’s part.)
Keith never asked Ezor to “teach him about his heritage” and Ezor never even asked if he wanted to learn. She just decided that, once they knew that part of his heritage was human from Earth, obviously they had to teach him, so she went to the Earth store in the mall to buy materials. These materials consisted mostly of anime, which Ezor is 99.9% positive are realistic depictions of life on Earth and are also quality Earth cinema and art. However, she has also purchased numerous Earth musical records, toys (such as Super Soakers) and other things as part of his “education.” 
Speaking of, her bookshelf is full of anime DVDs and box sets (the actual DVD player was something she also purchased at the Earth store since the castle did not come with one), as well as other assorted Earth things (she loves Earth waaaaay more than Keith ever will, particularly since he honestly . . . doesn’t . . . really care much about it at all). 
It is one of her life goals to name a child Sasuke, because he’s her favorite character from her favorite anime (which she is also convinced is the absolute height of Earth art and cinema and thinks it’s beyond baffling that none of the team recognizes what a cultural, planetary treasure they have in the castle simply by virtue of her finding and buying the box sets, honestly).
It’s difficult to see her floor because of all the clutter. Most of the clutter comes from her laundry, which is spread everywhere, but also she has random assorted things all over (various weapons that she doesn’t even use; weird, creepy statues or trinkets, and that sort of thing). Roughly 80% of the things in Ezor’s room are things she stole simply because she could and she wanted to. The remaining 20% is either Earth store stuff (she respects that store enough to spend her money there) or stuff that Keith or Acxa caught her stealing, and then made her go back and pay for, because “it’s not the Empire that suffers when you do this, it’s the employees who are punished for your shoplifting.” Ezor always grumbles that this is why they’re known as the Fun Police.
Ezor is a prolific writer (of RPF that she posts on a GalaxyNet website known as Repository of Our Own), and as such she always has her tablet right by her bed, since she does her best writing (in her opinion) when curled up for the night. She also has a folder under her bed of printed out, positive reviews she has received on her fics, so she can have quick access them whenever she’s feeling down. (The folder is very thick, because she’s a---nay, the BNF for her particular RPF OTP, which she actually started shipping and writing for as a joke and also spite, but then got invested . . . it’s a long story.)
Also upgraded her bed to a king-sized bed, because you know why? Because she deserves it, that’s why. No noticeable frame, though; it does have one, but no headboard or anything like that.  Looks like a giant mattress when you walk in the door. She loves it.
All of her walls are covered in maps of whatever galaxy they’re currently in, with notes all over the maps marking out points of interest. Some things are notes from her days as a bounty hunter, others are more relevant to the mission at hand. Either way, she’s constantly updating the maps.
Has two large whiteboards, over which she has covered schematics for upgrades or tweaks she plans on making to either the Yellow Lion, the Sincline ships, or some new smaller ship she’s working on in her spare time. They’re in the back of the room, but they’re not pressed up against the maps on the walls.
She also has a large trophy cabinet, inside of which are some legitimate trophies or awards she’s won from various, spontaneously entered contests around the galaxy, and some of which are tokens or souvenirs she picked up at various places around the galaxy that are important to her. (For instance, she can’t really go back to the WcGoofy’s that Olliges owns, but she did swing by there once and took the drive-thru sign to keep as a memento. That’s in the trophy case.)
She also has a pretty large vanity table with a big mirror. The vanity table has various perfumes, but also a lot of make-up, because she doesn’t just kill in battle (if she does)---she serves killer looks, too. Her lips aren’t naturally green, that’s just her favorite shade of lipstick this phoeb. Those yellow splashes near her eyes? Eyeshadow. (She also, for the record, has a kit with luxury soaps and bathbombs that she uses whenever she gets time for a longer bath that she keeps on the vanity table so that none of the Auxiliary Team members (or Ezor) get bright ideas about sticky fingering them.) She lived a rugged life for a long time, so now that she has the opportunity to pamper herself some, she takes it.
On that note, armor aside, her favorite clothing item that she owns is a very plush bathrobe. On the very rare occasion they all get a day mostly off, she likes to take a long, luxurious bath, and then just relax in her robe. It’s amazing. 
Related, but for her birthday everyone chipped in and got her a day at a spa planet. It was the best birthday she ever had.
Narti swapped out the traditional twin bed for two alternatives.
The first alternative is best called a scoop bed, which is what she slept on for most of her life, back when she still lived with her mother. Narti is half-galra, half-espiridan, and the espiridan people sleep in little nooks (or “scoops”) that are built into the walls of their home. They essentially look like ice cream scoops that are built into the walls, with the wall carved out to provide an overhang to partially block the bed from view. They’re cushioned, and are naturally insulated so they’re quite warm and cozy. Obviously that’s not really possible to do in the castle ship, but everyone pitched in with trying to find a replacement, and while it’s not exact, they managed to find (and then modify) a bed so that it’s almost like a little scoop, and it’s placed up against the back wall.
Until they had the scoop, Narti had a beam that was hung from the ceiling. She would hang from the beam by her tail and sleep that way, kind of like an Earth bat. (She put the mattress from her bed under the beam in case she accidentally let go while sleeping.) Sometimes she still sleeps from the beam, if she’s having trouble with her scoop for whatever reason.
Kova has a cat tree in the room that is honestly ridiculous. It started in one corner, but now rings the room, with varying levels, little hidey-holes, and easy ways into the vents no matter how much Narti tries to stop him. This tree started as one Lotor bought him that Kova refused to use because Lotor bought it, was expanded on in a really haphazard way by everyone else, and now is something Kova loves because he can’t remember which part specifically came from Lotor. (It’s a small victory, but Lotor will take it.)
Narti has three easels in her room that she uses for her paintings. Each one is in a different corner, because each corner carries a different energy (according to her, but no one questions her on it).
There is cat hair goddamn everywhere. Even in Narti’s scoop bed, however much she tries to get the dander out of the bed.
She and Keith like to put puzzles together in their spare time, and the first one they ever completed was a 10,000 piece puzzle of the Alloran system. Because it was their first one, Narti framed it, and has it hanging in her room above her scoop, so she can see it (through Kova’s eyes, naturally) first thing whenever she enters her bedroom.
On the other side of the framed puzzle is a framed picture of pressed lyrdenia flowers that Acxa gave her. Lyrdenia flowers are actually singing flowers that will sing if you stroke their petals. Acxa gave them to Narti in a vase once, because while Narti is blind and mute, she is not deaf, and can appreciate singing flowers. However, Kova knocked that vase onto the floor. He then did it with the second and third vases, and so Acxa gave Narti the flowers pressed in a frame. Kind of ruins the singing, but it’s the thought that counts.
Her wardrobe is filled with various different hoods and cloaks of different styles and colors, because Ezor said she needed to branch out. This includes several in various shades of green to match her armor, as well as one with the Uchiha flag on it that Ezor thinks would be super cool if Narti wore, but Narti will not because no matter how much she adores Ezor, she just will not go out in public with that. (However, she has told Ezor this is because she doesn’t wish to get it dirty or torn, and this soothed Ezor’s feelings quite quickly.)
Narti keeps her stuff picked up, but Kova does not. He has no shortage of toys spread across the floor, along with pieces of kibble, and sometimes feathers or patches of fur from whatever little creature he has terrorized this movement.
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You Are My Home
A Loki x reader series
(Comments at the end of the post!)
Chapter 1: The Promise
“Poor motherless child,”  Loki fawned over her, brushing the tears from her cherubic cheeks.  “Who could ever abandon such a child as precious as this?” He thought to himself.  “Fae bastards, casting out their own to live amongst mere mortals.”  That even a princess should be subject to this made his blood boil.  This was Oberon’s own daughter, for Odin’s sake!  
“Come now, little one.  Dry those tears.”  He lifted her chin, looking deep into her eyes, blue as sapphires.  She stopped, transfixed by the striking emerald of his own, or perhaps the beauty of his ebony locks contrasted against porcelain skin.  She reached her much smaller hand to cup his cheek.  Even living amongst the fae, she had never seen a grown man who was so beautiful, so perfect.
He pulled her in close.  “As long as I shall live, you shall always have a home, and you will always be loved.  This, I promise you.”
Some days she really hated the fact that she was honor bound to a fault.
It wasn’t really her fault, being a faerie and all.
She rolled over in bed, glaring at her digital alarm clock.  Again.  
4:53 am.  Wonderful.  Looks like she wouldn’t be getting any sleep that night.  She stretched her arms above her head until she heard a satisfying “pop!”, then proceeded to work her legs in the same fashion. Might as well get some training in to work off some stress before Thor arrived to whisk her away to Asgard to retrieve his wayward brother.
She got out of bed, unperturbed in the slightest by the chilly morning air.  Everyone except for Tony, Bruce, and Thor questioned how she could keep her chambers at such a temperature.  Banner didn’t, as he was fully aware of what she was and her capabilities, while Tony had been the one to take her in and adopt her into their ragtag gang in the first place.  Thor, like her, wasn’t as bothered by the cold as a fragile mortal body would be.  At least it came in handy sometimes.  She shuffled to the bathroom, donning her robe and slippers before splashing her face with warm water in an effort to become more alert before taking the time to brush out her long golden mane.  She sighed, cursing softly in a long forgotten language as the knots in her errant curls snagged on the brush.  Tea it was, then.
How did she get stuck in this mess in the first place?  Right.  She owed Thor a favor.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.
After months of working with the elder prince of Asgard, she had finally mustered up the courage to ask Thor a question that had been nagging at her for eons.  Being an immortal stuck amongst humans grew to be quite taxing after a few centuries, after all.  Watching the vast majority of her friends live their lives, build their families, grow old together, and die left something to be desired in her.
“My Lady Lysandra!”  Thor boomed, as regal as ever.  “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”
Lys shifted nervously under his cheerful gaze, heavily burdened by the weight of what she was about to reveal.  
“I have a request of you, one that does not come lightly.”  She absentmindedly toyed with the silver bracelet around her slender wrist.
He raised a great eyebrow in question.  “Oh?  If it is something that is within my power to grant, then I will be most happy to do so.”  He motioned for her to continue.
“Deep breaths, Lys,” she reminded herself. “You can do this.”
“I’d like to go with you to Asgard.  Once the rest have...faded with time.”  She chose her words carefully.
Thor grinned, having expected something of the sort for a long time.  Her magic reading were off the charts, much like his brother.  There was no way she was just a simple midgardian woman.
“That’s a big decision there,”  he said.  “You’ve been thinking about this for a while?”
She nodded.  “My father has forbade me from living amongst our own people, as it is far too dangerous for me.  I grow weary of watching my companions die every few decades.”  
Don’t cry Lys.  Not now.  
She paused for a moment, regaining her composure.  Thor merely nodded in understanding.
“You aren’t mortal,”  he said knowingly.
She removed a portion of her glamour with a dramatic sigh.  Pin straight silver hair turned to lushious golden curls, with a pair of delicately pointed ears poking through the sides.  “A faerie.  One of the high fey.”
He chuckled, bringing her hand to his lips for a kiss.  “Nínimel.  Daughter of Oberon.”
She nodded warily.  “You...know of me?”
His grin widened.  “Of course, princess.  Your father pleaded with mine for your protection ages ago.  It is the reason why most of the fae can no longer travel freely between midgard and faerie.”  He let out another laugh.  “You reached no higher than my waist last I saw you...like this.”  He indicated her pointed ears and long golden hair. “Although...I must apologize.  Your father forced us to wipe your memory of the time you spent with us, otherwise you wouldn’t leave.” “You’d have come back to Loki,”  he told himself wordlessly.
She looked downwards in shame, regardless of whether or not it was justified.  “I don’t use that name now.  Only one person has dared to call me that in the past hundred years or so, and, well….he isn’t exactly a person to begin with.”
Thor chuckled again.  “While I am unsure as to what manner of fae creatures you choose to hold court with here in the mortal world, I do wish to meet them someday.  Loki too.”
The shadow of a smile crossed her face at the mention of his brother’s name, though she knew not the reason why, but Thor picked up on it, almost instinctively.  While her stay in Asgard was quite short, he had treated her kindly and shown her a few tricks to convince her to come out of hiding.  It had been enough to get her to temporarily remove her glamour, but she had still clung to the trickster, like a child to its mother for the remainder of her stay.  
Had she been allowed to stay, would they have fallen in love?  And if brought together, was there any hope that they could start now?  Thor liked to think so, but the kindhearted trickster he had once known had grown into a somber and brooding young man with a penchant for lashing out and inflicting pain upon others.  Still, he had to try.  If there was anyone that could bring his brother back from the brink of his suicidal thoughts and self-destructive tendencies, it was her.  
A soft niggling in the back of his mind snapped him out of his reverie.  There was something he was supposed to remember, something important about dealing with the fae.  Ah!  There it was.
“Now Lysandra,” he started, a soft smile playing upon his lips.  Well, as soft and gentle a smile a big, burly man like Thor could manage.  “Lys, you know how these deals work.”
She continued her study of the marble floor tiles.  “I know,”  she mumbled.
Geez.  Did she really loathe her kind THAT much?  Yep, her and Loki were a perfect match.
“I’ll take you to Asgard with me.  In fact, I can take you tomorrow.’
Uh-oh.  This was the part that wasn’t sounding good.
“But I need your help with something,”  Thor continued, his smile faltering as he struggled to find the right words to explain the situation.
Nope.  Whatever it was, it probably wasn’t worth the pain or the hassle it would cause her. She put on a fake smile and nodded for him to continue.
“I’m...rather, we’re bringing Loki back here, as part of his sentence for his crimes. If it is as he has said, and he was merely a puppet in the whole thing, then it shouldn’t prove much of a challenge.”  He sighed, then stretched out to scratch something on the back of his neck sheepishly.  “As per Tony’s rules, he is required to have a so called  “babysitter” until he proves himself trustworthy, and I’d feel better if it were another magic user.”
Loki?  Loki was the one she had to deal with?  That didn’t seem too bad.  At least he could be reasoned with, unlike much of the fae.
“Is Tony in on this then?” she ventured to ask.
“Of course!” Thor replied reassuringly.  “I wouldn’t be bringing him here otherwise.”
She paused for a moment before speaking, thinking of all the things that would need to be in place to make his containment - er...rehabilitation possible.  And plausible.  She knew she would have to go about this a certain way, both to gain his cooperation and trust, and to make sure he didn’t go stir-crazy from not being able to exercise his abilities for too long.  She knew all too well what that felt like.  That must be why Thor had come to her for this specific task.  Because if the one who was placed in charge of him was unfamiliar with the constant ebb and flow of seider within the body of a magic user - she shuddered to think of the consequences.
“Alright, I’ll do it, but on certain terms,” she responded cautiously. Thor nodded, still wearing his ever present grin.  He was a lot like a Golden Retriever, that man, all over-eager and willing to please.  She would have hugged him for it, for the reassurance it could provide, if she had been a hugging person.
“I’m sure they’ll want to impose some sort of restrictions on your brother’s magic, at least outside of battle until we know he can be trusted, but it has to be something I can remove.”
“Your assumption is correct, which is why we will leave it up to Tony to construct a device rather than my father”  Thor interjects, before motioning for her to continue.
She takes in a deep breath to regain her composure, unused to being involved in such large decisions.  “That’s...good.  Good.  Loki will be expected to join me in training every day, in my special training rooms.  I can have them warded so that he can’t teleport himself out or exit before I do, but he’ll have to have the barrier restricting his magic removed for at least that long every day.  It is extremely important, otherwise it will keep building up and hurt him.  Severely.”
Thor nodded in understanding.  “I figured as much.  My mother explained to me something of the sort, which is why only you can do this, little flower.”
She smiled softly at the old nickname.  It was the same as her father always used endearingly.  She greatly enjoyed the comfort of it, although it was something she would never admit to.  Despite all he’d done, Thor still cared deeply for his brother, saw something in him that was worth saving.  And for that, she would fight for it.
Noticing that she still seemed quite unsettled by things, or perhaps the nature of her own revelation, he reached out to take her hand, squeezing it gently in reassurance.  “Don’t worry princess,” he spoke, blue eyes glistening.  “My brother may be many things, but he has always been a perfect gentleman.  Treat him with the same kindness you do everyone, take him on whatever adventures you cannot share with the likes of our fragile mortal companions, and everything will turn out just fine.  I know it.  I believe in you.”  
He kisses her hand again, preparing to leave.  His facial hair tickled as it brushed against the back of her hand.
Upon reaching the doorway, he provides her with one last piece of advice as an afterthought.  
“Right now, my brother could really use a friend, more than anything.  Become that person, and he’ll give you the world.”
Alright guys!  First thing I’ve done in ages, also the first non-Fire Emblem fic I’ve done.  I’m not quite sure what my posting schedule is going to be like, so please bear with me on that (anxiety and depression is a wonderful moodkilling combo, and I’ve got work and school on top of that so XP).  I greatly appreciate any feedback I get, especially on pacing and that kind of thing, or just good old fashioned encouragement to keep me going.
Now, the idea for this story actually came to me from a line from another fic about the reader musing that Loki was well enough endowed (through magic, his godly strength, and uhh...other means) to bed the great fae queens of old, but much to my displeasure it is a trope that has yet to be explored.  I intend to fix that.
A small note that if I ever end up naming my characters, I will give careful thought as to what that name will be, so that you won’t be stuck with something that feels very out of place for someone who is supposed to be royalty, of a different time period, ect.  (I hope this doesn’t annoy anyone.  It just helps me for the sake of the story.) Additionally, I might end up using a small amount of (Tolkien) elvish in the story, but translations will be given at the bottom of the page.
Thank you for reading!
XOXO Yoshi
Nínimel - (Sindarin) Snow drop
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ask-de-writer · 5 years
SEE STORY (Part 2 of 5) : A tale from the World of Sea
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De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
14372 words
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written 2003
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“You.  I never much thought about this before, but your name is different from everybody else’s. I have never, in all my seven Gatherings, heard you named anything but just Cat.  How did you get named?  Who were your father and mother?  Did you come from a different ship?”
“Oh, ho!  You want another tale from me, do you?”
“If it will answer my questions, yes,” Kurin snuggled more closely, seeking the caring of contact, and prepared to listen to something about a person that she knew, instead of legends from long-ago times.
“You will have to get off my lap, then, for I have some things to show you.  Come down with me to the boat shop, because the beginning of my tale is there.”  
She got up, taking Kurin’s hand, and went aft to a companionway.  Without warning, she scooped up the child with one hand and leaped forward and down into the darkness below.  She grabbed the upper sill of the sliding door with her free hand, converting their plunge into a swing that landed them lightly on the deck below, about ten feet forward from the foot of the companion-ladder.  Kurin looked shocked for a moment, then laughed.  
Making their way forward through the dimness of  ‘tween decks, they came to the boat shop.
“May we enter your shop, Juris?” Cat asked.  “I want to show Kurin something.”
“Kurin, eh?  I have seen you about, little Miss.  Come in, but do as you are told, OK?”
“Thank you, Master Juris.  I will do as I am asked,” Kurin replied, and entered the shop with Cat.  The room was brightly lighted by translucent panes in the hatch that made up much of the ceiling of the shop.  The air was full of the stench of glue-fish and drying strong-skin.  Fine parings of strong-skin and bits of dried glue littered the floor.  Three small rowing boats for fishing were upside-down on portable frames with forms that controlled the shape of the boats as they were built. The only tools not neatly in their places were clearly in use.  Kurin took it all in with deeply interested stares.  Cat went to a corner and untied a tiny boat, only about three feet long, from the overhead.
“Do you read yet, Kurin?”
“Only a little.  I sound out some words.”
“Good.  Read what is written here on this little boat.”
“M.. Me … Ca … It says Mecat!  It has the Great Sea Dragon’s name on it!”
“True.  We don’t know who wrote that name there.  Perhaps it was someone who wished harm to a blind baby.  Maybe, someone who was asking the aid of the Sea Dragon. I would wish that it were the latter.  An infant, near death from thirst and hunger, was adrift in this little boat. No ship will admit having done it.  
“However it was, I was born sightless, and cast adrift on the Dragon Sea, of the far North, not too far from where we are now.  By luck alone, I was found by a ship named the Longin, blown off her course by a storm.  They could have passed me by, or having taken me in, they could have voted to return me to the Sea.  Instead they kept me.  I do not know my father or the mother who bore me.
“What is your full name, Kurin?”
“Kurin Behar Longin.”
“How was it given?”
“My mother,” Kurin looked sadder, “gave me my first name.  My middle name is from my father’s family and my last name is my ship, where I was born.”
“Good.  Use that knowledge to name me.”
“No mother name,” Kurin’s small brow wrinkled as she thought, “no father name, only … .” Her eyes widened as she realized, “Just the ship name … and all you have is … not even a ship … just this little boat with the Great Dragon’s name!   You are Mecat!  Cat is short for Mecat!  Isn’t it supposed to be awfully bad luck to name someone for a Dragon?  You’re the happiest, busiest person on the Longin!” She hugged Cat, eyes shining with tears almost on the edge shedding. “I’m sorry, Cat.  I didn’t know that you couldn’t even have a whole name.”
“Good for you,” Cat replied, returning the hug, silently glad that Kurin had finally found something besides her own sorrow.  “The Captain and crew had the same quandary that you just did.  They could have lied, and just given me a name, but honesty won.  
“My first word was not mother or father, it was Mecat, the same Dragon’s name that was written on this little boat.  When people spoke to me, it was all that I answered to.  For better or worse, it is my name.  Because that name might bring such bad luck to the ship, I have never been enrolled in the crew.  When I became old enough to understand how uncomfortable my name made other people, I shortened it to Cat, but I do still bear the Dragon’s name.  It is the only past that I have.  
“I may not know what craft I came from, or who bore me, but I am very sure who my family is.  I was raised by Alor Heyes Dolthin, our Captain’s mother.  He became an older brother to me.  Because I was not in the crew, there was nothing to bind me to any position, so I worked in all the shops and jobs.  I was raised by the whole Longin. Now, I do whatever needs doing and assist whoever needs help, anywhere on the ship.
“Are your questions answered, now?”
Kurin thought for a bit, absently kneading a handful of fine dust-like Strong Skin scrapings and glue drips, which were not yet fully set.  “I think so, Cat.  Thank you. Look at this!”
She held out the wad which had taken the shape of her closed hand, and rolled it into a long string. “See, the glue holds the rest together and before it sets you can make things out of it.”  With growing sureness, she shaped it into small Strong Skin fish.  “I like that, I’ll let it set that way, and have a toy.”
“Very neat.  You have put in all seven gills.”
“How can you see it, Cat?”
“I don’t know how to tell you.  If the Dragon took my eyes, she gave me a feeling for everything about me.”  She brightened and reached to a tool rack with the sureness of one long familiar with it, which she was.  “Here is a scraper, a rocker knife and a burnisher.  Put them where you wish on the bench.”  Kurin, now curious, did so.  “Close your eyes and put your hand out and touch each one.”  Concentrating only a little, Kurin touched each tool while her eyes were shut.  “There, you see, you can already do some of what I do.  Even I don’t know why I can remember where some things are.  I sometimes know where things are that I have never been near.  It is like remembering where everything is, and what shape it may be.”  Wistfully she added, “I wish that I knew color, too.”  While Cat was speaking, Kurin had picked up the tools and replaced them carefully in their proper places in the rack.
Cat turned her head to Master Juris.  “You may have found your new apprentice.  See what she has done?   Will you take her on?”
“Gladly, if she consents. Kurin, would you like to work here in the boat shop?  You could be doing real work, instead of play chores.  Would you like that? Besides boats we make parts for the rigging and much else.”
“You mean it?” Kurin asked, eyes shining, “Silor isn’t apprenticed yet, and he’s several Gatherings older than me.”
“I mean it.  Silor is careless. I doubt that he has what it takes to be good at a Craft.  That fish shows neat work with attention to detail.  That is what I need.” Glancing meaningfully at the tool rack he added, “You know how to keep a work area tidy, too.  That is important for good work.”
“Enjoy your work, Little Fish, I must go now,” said Cat, giving Kurin a parting hug. “I am needed in the rigging to help with some maintenance.”
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Cat swarmed hand over hand up a mast-stay to the foremast top to help replace a worn king block.  It was important to replace the big pulley before something broke or jammed.  It carried most of the weight of the lateen foresail, nearly as large as the mainsail, allowing the sail to be raised or lowered for furling in bad weather.  Deftly, Cat spliced the new block into place, while two other sailors supported it.  Temporary lashings from the top spar to the mast top, pulled tight, took the load off of the old block.   Cat cut the shrunk-on lashings that held the old pulley together, separated the parts, and allowed the cable to come free. The new block was already separated, so that the heavy rope could be put in.  This was the dangerous part, because fingers could be crushed if anything slipped.  The rope went in safely, in part because of Cat’s strength, lifting and rolling it into place, and partly due to the care with which she did everything.  Wet lashings were applied to hold the block together, Cat drawing them so tight that much of the water squeezed out.  Once they were dry and shrunk, the lashings would not weaken again by getting wet.  The block was now ready for its load, so they released the temporary ropes and lashings.  
Done with her part of the job, Cat leapt away from the mast and snagged a line part way down as she fell, sliding along it to the deck.  The two crewmen left aloft stared.  “Brant, will you watch that?  Graceful as a sea bird.  It still bothers me some how those blank eyes of hers never look quite at me when she talks and never look at what she’s doing.”  He had turned, as he spoke, to the patient fid work needed to loosen the splices and knots that had secured the old king block.
“I know, Nint, I know.  Can’t really blame her for not looking at you. But me, now, that’s plain foolish.  At least she always has a ready smile and a pleasant word.  Know what gets me, though, is how she never has to look to put her hand on whatever she needs.  
“I couldn’t have jumped for that rope and I got eyes.  It would have taken both of us to get that line into the block, too.  Name or no, I’m glad that she’s on this ship.”  As he was speaking, Brant, too, had gone back to work, securing the lines needed to safely lower the old king block and its securing ropes to the deck for salvage. Little on the Longin was ever wasted.
“I have to wonder, though, what we are doing so far north of our home waters.  We haven’t been in the Dragon Sea for nineteen Gatherings, since the storm that blew us up here, just before we found her.”
“Scuttlebutt is that she asked the Captain to bring us up here.  Promised to make us even richer. Haven’t seen much to support that, though.  The fishing has been poor since we got here.”
Nint shaded his eyes, and looked south.  “Look at those bare topmasts just at the horizon.  Been our ‘little shadow’ for over a week out there. I’ll tell the Captain we’ve seen it again.  I wonder which ship has followed us so far?”
Cat went back to the boat shop by way of the galley.  Kurin was busy scraping smooth the hull of a new fishing boat.  Cat did not disturb her. “Master Juris, may I speak with you outside.  I have brought some fishcakes to snack on.”
“Certainly, Cat.  There is no present rush on any of the work under way.”
They went up on deck and sat on the down-haul line tub, by the mainmast.  The fishcakes were lightly salty-sweet, steamed just right.
“I wanted to thank you for taking Kurin in as apprentice, as young as she is.”
“These are good.  She has a gift, that child.  Maybe more than one gift.  She uses tools as if they were a natural part of her hand.  I can only think of one other that started using tools as young as her.  Yourself.  It’s I should be thanking you.”
“There is another reason.  You know that Murin Behar died in his sleep several Wohans ago.  What you may not know, is that Kurin’s mother, Lissa, seems to have died inside from her grief. She no longer has any time or caring for Kurin.  The child has her own grief, and needs something to fill her days, until she can fill them for herself, again.”
Master Juris looked thoughtful. “I see.  Poor tyke is sailing in the dark.  We’ll just have to help her stay on course until it gets light.”
With the exception of the furled topsails, the square-rigged sails of the Grandalor were stretched tight by the wind, heeling the ship lightly to starboard.  She needed all of those sails just to keep up with the Longin, which was not trying for speed.
“Captain Barad, Sir,” said First Officer Timms, cautiously, “I am not questioning your decision to shadow the Longin.  Everything that they do prospers, and I can see wanting to cut in on their trade.  What I’m getting at is, we’ve seen nothing of value, yet, and we are going to be hard pressed to get the Grandalor to the Spring Gathering on time.”
“Yes, Master Timms,” said Captain Barad, “The Spring Gathering of Ships is to be held in the tropics this year, under the full moonlight of Carsis, Dorac, and Wohan.  All three moons are going to coincide in fullness for the whole five days and nights of the Gathering.  The Dragon Moons only happen once in about a thousand Gatherings.  That is what makes it so special.  If I can take them down a peg and spoil it for them, I will.”
“Sir, perhaps we can take their Luck.  The mysterious Lady of the Longin’s Luck is nearly due to marry off of her.  Few have seen her, far as I know, because she rarely leaves the Longin at Gatherings.  Supposed to be a great beauty, though.”
“Master Timms, that is a good thought.  The Longin was  an ordinary ship before they picked up their Lady of Luck.  Since then they have never been caught in a storm that did them harm, whatever the damage to other ships.  They get the best fishing waters.  At the Gatherings they get the highest prices for their goods, and the best matches for their young folk. All of this, they attribute to their Lady of Luck.
“Do you know her name, Timms?”
“No, Sir. Can’t say I’ve ever actually heard it.”
“I had to make inquiries to find it out.  It’s Mecat! They named her after the most dangerous of all the Great Sea Dragons!  All of their ‘luck’ will certainly turn on them!”
“Sir, I’m sure you’re right, and it would be fine if we were the ones to turn it.  Still, we must alter course to the south, and soon.  The crew is getting worried.  They know that we are on ship’s business but they want to know what that business is.”
“Master Timms, since when has the crew of this ship ever had any right to know ship’s business?  Let them fret.” Barad laughed and thought of all the treasures in his hoard.  What the crew did not know could make him richer yet.  “We will close with the Longin and see what we can learn, up close.  Then we will make all sail for the Gathering.”  Cupping his hands Captain Barad called, “Shake out all sails!”
The crew scrambled to the rigging and soon the rattle and snap of canvas taking the wind announced the tops’ls and the extra jibs and spinnakers being set.  Beneath a cloud of canvas the over three hundred feet of ship surged forward.
The Grandalor sailed up to within hailing distance of the Longin, loitering along on partly furled fore and mainsails.  The Grandalor’s hailing drum thundered from the distance, “Ahoy, Longin!  Captain Barad Maks seeks permission to board.”  
Replying the same way, the First Officer of the Longin, Alys Korin, told Clard, the Master of Drums, “Tell them, in the name of Captain Mord Halyn, come aboard and be welcome!”  The hailing drum began its high-pitched booming reply. It was a long drum, open on the end opposite the head, and mounted in a swivel.  It would send strong, directional pulses of sound ten times the distance of a voice and megaphone.
As an aside, Alys added to the cabin-child, next to him, ready to run errands, “Go, Bron, and request Captain Halyn’s presence to greet his guest.”  With a quickly sketched salute, Bron was off.
In moments, Captain Halyn was on deck, smoothing the pleats of his finest shirt of bleached mussel fiber with hand made lace of natural fibers in four distinct colors, black, tan, brown and a rare, clear amber.  This lace had made much of the Longin’s fortune in trade, for none could reproduce it.  It was a closely-held secret that none of the Longin’s crew could make it, either.  Only Cat made it.  The secret was hers, alone.
“Barad Maks, welcome to the Longin,” smiled Captain Halyn, extending a hand.  “You were expected.  What may we do for you?   You have come far from your home waters.”
“Mord Halyn,” seriously replied Captain Maks, omitting the title, as was proper in a meeting between equals and taking the proffered hand, “there is much to discuss, and some of it will not await the Moons of Gathering.  You also are far afield from your home waters.  This is a sea that no ship claims …   May we talk more privately?”
“Certainly, Barad.  We can use my cabin, and have some food and drink while we do.  You must understand a Law of the Longin, though.  I can make no deals in secret.  The whole of the ship’s crew must approve of any deals that I make, by a majority of 60% or better.  That understood, we may go to my cabin.  Shall we?”
They settled themselves in the cabin, and began the talk.  “Mord, I am puzzled.  You said that I was expected?  How did you expect me?”
“My sister told me that you were coming, and our lookouts have seen your bare topmasts for over a week.”
“I see …” Barad’s brow clouded briefly, then cleared again, “your ship is also far north of claimable waters.  What are you doing here?”
“Barad, we are carrying out ship’s business.”  This was a polite rebuff.
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qualkoesuce-blog · 5 years
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What are the perks of dating a software engineer? The ones I have met are the least douchey guys I have ever known.  This type of thinking is excellent for a life partner if you are seeking marriage or a long term relationship that is stable.  It ensures that the person will be visible in search.  I dislike how things are thrown away too quickly and go for quality, yet would love a simple band of gold or silver for a wedding ring.  Full technical documentation from developers for developers.  It truly takes a special woman to be able to understand us and love us just the way we are.
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maryhare96 · 6 years
Recommended Marketing Podcasts: Week of January 1
Podcasts are a great way to educate yourself. Whether you’re on the train, in the car, at your desk, or anywhere in between, this medium is an incredible vehicle to supplement your industry knowledge. Every week, I’ll be sharing with you some of the best marketing podcast episodes around, spanning the whole marketing landscape.
Whether you’re new to podcasts or you’re a seasoned listener, I know you’ll find value in each weekly round-up. Let’s get listening, shall we?
Experience THIS! Show: How to Cultivate Powerful Customer Relationships with Honesty
What happens when we make mistakes? Well, if you’re anything like most of us, you’re probably embarrassed and want to ignore it, hoping it’ll go away.
In this episode of the Experience THIS! Show, hosts and customer service and retention experts Joey Coleman and Dan Gingiss review two very high profile stories from Tesla and Netflix.
These stories made headlines, not because of how terrible a customer had been treated, but rather how adeptly top company leaders handled customer communication in two very tricky circumstances.
Takeaway: As the wise Rafiki once said in The Lion King, “The past’, much like mistakes, ‘can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it.”
Learning from our mistakes, or hugging our haters, gives us the opportunity to take a crummy situation and make it into a positive one. Seeing how Elon Musk responds to prospects on Twitter gives clear direction to the rest of his company and leaves a remarkable impression on the rest of us. If a man running just about every cool company in the world can respond to a complaint on Twitter, we can, too.
As Dan says during the middle of the episode, “People will do the right thing if you give them the chance.” In this case, he was referring to the legal response from Netflix’s legal team over an unaffiliated Stranger Things pop-up bar in Chicago. Sometimes we need to get the law involved when it comes to intellectual property. How you choose to invoke your rights, however, can determine whether your assertions leave a sour taste in a superfan’s mouth.
Building honest relationships means being honest and clear with the other party. As we keep marching further into ‘the future’, it’s becoming more and more apparent that transparency is a key differentiator.
The Marketing Companion: Cocooning Consumers and Other Mesmerizing Mega-Trends
Thanks to the same technologies that have enabled us to become connected to people we would have never met before, we’re now more divided and insulated than ever before.
As hosts Tom Webster and Mark Schaefer discuss in yet another excellent episode of their bi-weekly podcast, the social web has created “digital cocoons”.
Takeaways: This entire episode is dedicated to the toll technology, social networks, and the gobs of data both have generated is taking on humanity.
In short, people are starving for connection at an all-you-can-tweet, social buffet.  While research shows we are more apart than ever, people desperately want to feel they are a part of ‘something’ as well as making a positive difference in the world.
As I’ve written before, and as I’ve heard plenty of other smart marketing leaders say recently, the companies who find the people who share and identify with their mission and values will win in the long run. Do you know what your company stands for?
Marketing Over Coffee: Training a Machine to Train a Machine
Leave it hosts Christopher S. Penn and John Wall to jump right into some heady topics without much warning. The two Boston-based marketing leaders kicked around what Christopher has been up to in regards to Topic Modeling, John’s thoughts on how to get the most out of conferences—even if you don’t have physical representation on the ground—and how to train AI.
Like I said, it’s heady stuff for an 18-minute show.
Takeaways: If you, like me, had never heard of Topic Modeling, fear not, as I’ve got the definition for you right here, courtesy of Wikipedia.
“In machine learning and natural language processing, a topic model is a type of statistical model for discovering the abstract “topics” that occur in a collection of documents.”
It’s similar to Social Listening, in the sense that you can use Topic Modeling to determine trends and other insights that can help guide your short and long-term business strategies.
Google has also built an AI that is training other artificially intelligent machines… which is insane until you listen to Christopher describe it. The AI’s building the new AIs are more powerful and useful than anything a human could build. The applications of AI continue to be nothing short of fascinating.
That’s all for this edition! I’ll be back with a new batch next week. In the meantime, share any podcasts you think I should know about with me @jwsteiert on Twitter in the comments below!
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