#sometimes if someone that often likes and reblogs my stuff doesn’t show up for a bit
roguemonsterfucker · 1 year
I love seeing people in my notes that I haven’t seen in a while 🥺
19 notes · View notes
viviennevermillion · 10 months
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ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴛɪʀᴇ ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀʙᴇᴛ
✧ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ: yayyy my first commission! 7.2k words of pure jing yuan fluff. want the entire fluff alphabet for your fave too or just a very long fic for any character of your choice? check my commission info! this took me 6 hours so reblogs would be appreciated! 👍
✧ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: this jing yuan song
✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: none
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A = Affection
(How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) 
Jing Yuan first and foremost is someone who easily adapts to you. If you’re a rather reserved person who doesn’t initiate affection a lot, Jing Yuan is more likely to give you space and show his affection more subtly through quality time spent together, doing things you enjoy, or just idle moments spent in each other’s presence whilst doing your own stuff and him reaching for your hand every once in a while to show you how much he enjoys his bonding time with you and that he’s thinking of you even when he looks busy.
If you’re a very affectionate person, Jing Yuan definitely indulges you and makes sure to initiate affection equally as much as you do. He’ll often reach for you, wrapping his arms around your waist while pressing little affectionate kisses to your neck or your cheek. Jing Yuan also likes to make your day a little easier, surprising you after a long day of work with a nice meal he made for you. He lets you sit on his lap if you want to while he works, because he loves having you this close to him even when he can’t focus all of his attention on you. 
Sometimes you’ll enter his office hesitantly, not wanting to bother or distract the busy general from his duty; but the doubts fade away as soon as he notices you and turns his head to look at you, greeting you with the warmest smile only reserved for you. Jing Yuan doesn’t hesitate to open his arms to you, letting out a relaxed sigh when you’re finally in his embrace. “These little visits are always the best part of my day”, he hums quietly and presses a soft kiss to your lips. You know then, he’s been missing your affections as much as you missed his.
B = Best friend
(What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) 
Jing Yuan’s friendship with you is a wild card. It could start with the two of you working together, just as a lot of his relationships with other people started. Or it could be something totally unexpected; like both of you reaching for the last copy of a book you were looking forward to read in a shop and deciding that you could just share it. Jing Yuan is a gentle soul and somehow, even after all he’s been through or perhaps because of it, he never closes the gate to his heart. 
Where Dan Heng and Blade became reserved and distant after everything that transpired with the High Cloud Quintet, Jing Yuan found the resolve to value the people in his life even more and treasure his time with them, even if it might not last. Similarly, Jing Yuan as your best friend is attentive and selfless; he’s hyper-aware of what you add to his life and what he learns from you, something he believes is the essence of what we gain from social relationships, and he’s grateful for it. You could show up on his doorstep at 2am in the pouring rain, unsure of where else to go, and he would smile at you gently and invite you in; ready to give you the sense of safety and care you deserve. Jing Yuan is always trying his best to be kind and understanding but he will also definitely be the voice of reason whenever you need a reality check. He’s really good at finding the balance between validating your feelings and simultaneously disagreeing with you. Jing Yuan is easy to befriend and easy to get along with. He’s a good friend and you can be glad to have him by your side. 
C = Cuddles
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) 
Jing Yuan loves cuddles! His favorites definitely are when both of you have cleared your schedules and can just lay down in bed and cuddle for a while. He loves being the big spoon and hugging you from behind. His fingertips would run up and down your arm and he’d end up playing with your fingers or massaging your hands. He’ll often press a kiss to your neck or the shell of your ear. Sometimes he asks you to turn your head to him a little more so he can reach your cheek with his lips. 
Jing Yuan also enjoys when you rest your head against his chest. He sleeps with his shirt off and he enjoys the feeling of your cheek resting against his skin. Jing Yuan always has a comfortable warmth to him. He also gets very clingy in his sleep. You’d already be cuddling when he falls asleep but once he’s off in deep sleep, he’ll drape his leg over yours and try to pull you even closer into his chest. You had to wake him up from time to time to time to tell him to stop squishing you so much. He’ll have a bashful expression on his face and will apologize. “I’m sorry… seems I got a little carried away in my dreams”, he chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead. “As cute as you are when you get clingy, unfortunately I can’t fall asleep if you squeeze me in your arms like that”, you sigh with a smile on your face, running a hand through his messy hair. 
D = Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
If Jing Yuan starts a relationship with you, it’s with the intention to make it last. He has been the General for a very long time now and he knows he’ll retire from this job eventually. And when he does, he wants you to still be there by his side to spend the rest of his days with him. 
Fu Xuan has definitely jokingly referred to Jing Yuan as a househusband before because that’s how he acts around you, despite having a job and responsibilities. Jing Yuan is very good at cooking and you always love it when he makes something for you. You’re definitely looking forward to being able to eat his food for the rest of your life. 
He does clean but that’s something he’d rather do together with you. He’ll often feel unmotivated to do it, although he gets up to clean anyway if it needs to be done, but he’ll prefer to take some time with you to throw on a nice song both of you like and clean together whilst conversing about whatever comes to mind. It can make an activity he usually dislikes actually fun for him. 
There are a lot of domestic moments with Jing Yuan throughout your daily life that you definitely would not want to miss out on, be it keeping him company while he cooks; wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning your head against his back; or cleaning sessions being randomly interrupted by Jing Yuan asking you for a dance in the living room. 
E = Ending
(If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) 
If he breaks up with you, it would always be for your own good; either because your safety is compromised by associating with him or because he notices he’s no longer good for you. If he does plan to break up with you, Jing Yuan definitely spends a couple of sleepless nights trying to find the method that would hurt you the least; because even if he no longer sees a future for the two, you’ve still been an important part of his life for so long and it breaks his heart to see you cry. 
He’d definitely do it during a time where neither of you have any plans for the rest of the day or even the next day. He’d sit you down and tells you there’s something he needs to talk about with you. He tries to keep it together but he can’t help tearing up when he tries to actually get the words out. He only hopes you will still be on good terms even after the breakup and that you will be happy again.
That aside, Jing Yuan handles breakups terribly. Not as horrible as some other characters (i.e. Blade), but everytime he meets you now, he’ll accidentally end up saying something sentimental that’s reminiscent of your time together and just makes both of you sad again or makes the whole situation awkward. Jing Yuan definitely wants to continue being your friend after you break up but he’s very bad at moving on so that might not be possible, leaving you with no choice but to keep him at a distance if you really want to move on. 
F = Fiance(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) 
Jing Yuan is all for commitment. If there’s anything Jing Yuan is good at, it’s commitment, so you have nothing to worry about in that department. He adores you with all his heart and he wants to keep you by his side for as long as possible.
So for a member of a long-life species, Jing Yuan doesn’t take very long to propose to you if he’s really sure about his future with you. His proposal is super sweet too. The ring he gets for you has so much symbolism and detail in it that you have to raise an eyebrow and ask him if he designed it personally at that point. Jing Yuan just chuckles and pats your head; telling you he just has a tendency to get carried away when it comes to you, especially when it’s about something as wonderful as marrying you. 
He’d probably propose like 2-3 years into the relationship if there aren’t any outside matters that could prove to be an obstacle to your happily ever after. And he plans the proposal for weeks. He rents a location that means something to both of you and puts a lot of effort into the decorations to make sure the whole thing feels romantic. Think: swimming candles, fairy lights and lots of beautiful flowers. You know what’s coming the moment you see him standing there with a bouquet of white roses in his hands, smiling at you like you’re his whole world (you are) and just immediately pulling you into such a slow and loving kiss. But you decide to indulge and act surprised. 
G = Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very. In fact, he’s so gentle that you could yell at him and point a pitchfork at him and his first attempt at handling the situation would probably be to ask you what he has done to anger you this much and whether you’d like to sit down and talk about it. From the moment he met you he’s always been so polite and understanding towards you, that you couldn’t help but be draw to his gentle nature. Jing Yuan in general is very hard to hate and very easy to love. 
Emotionally, his gentleness comes out the most when you’re feeling down. Everything about how he treats you then, from the feeling of his arm wrapped around you and his hand softly rubbing your shoulder to his quiet whispers about how everything is going to be okay are so soothing to you that it’s really hard to be with Jing Yuan and still feel devastated at the end of the day. Even if he can’t get rid of your pain or fear, he always manages to ease it enough to calm you down and have you get your well-deserved rest in his arms.
Physically, there’s very few moments where Jing Yuan isn’t gentle. Of course he has his times where his kisses become more passionate and eager, especially when he missed you or when he was worried about you and is relieved to see you alright; but most of the time Jing Yuan’s gestures are just really soft. He’s the type for littering your skin in butterfly kisses and holding you like you’re made of porcelain.
H = Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
He loves hugs. He definitely always hugs you as a greeting. Sometimes he playfully lifts you up and spins you around, pressing a kiss to your lips when he puts you down again. “Someone’s excited”, you smirk as he wraps his arms around you once more from behind and sways lightly with you to the movement of the wind, pressing his cheek against yours. 
He also adores when you sit on his lap and wrap your legs and arms around him or hold his face in your hands and keep pressing kisses to his lips the way he does so often. Jing Yuan will then bury his face in your neck, gently nuzzling your skin or just close his eyes and bask in your love. 
When you need his support, he also won’t hesitate to pull you into his embrace. He’ll rest his head on top of yours and rubs your back, letting you cry into his shoulder if you need to. He’ll hold you the whole night if you need him to.
Jing Yuan adores your hugs especially when you initiate them. The more excited you are about it, the better. He’s absolutely whipped if you just run towards him and jump into his arms because you’re just that happy to be reunited with him. It makes his heart flutter and he makes sure to let you know that. Another thing he’s weak for is when he sits at his desk and works and you hug him from behind while you’re standing behind him, your cheek leaned against his soft hair. Work can wait for a while then…
I = I love you
(How fast do they say the L-word?) 
Fast. In fact, right when he confesses, because he only lets you know about his intent to date you if he’s sure he’s in love with you and wants you to stay by his side. Once he is, there’s nothing holding him back from telling you. He wants you to know how he feels about you and he feels like there’s a more stable foundation for your relationship if you’re certain that he’s serious about you and loves you with all his heart. Jing Yuan is not someone who lets worries or fear of rejection hold him back from being honest with you about his feelings.
He also tells you that he loves you whenever he feels like it. There’s many moments throughout the day where he just looks at you and is reminded exactly what it was about you that made him want to stay around for the rest of his life, and the words slip from his lips without even thinking; even if it’s about something super mundane or even silly. He also always says it back when you tell him you love him. 
If he has what you have started to refer to as “Jing Yuan’s clingy 5 minutes”, he’ll just pull you into his lap and kiss you over and over again, whispering those 3 words you love to hear so much against your lips before he pulls you in for another kiss. He smiles against your lips and tells you he loves you more with every day that passes. If you ever doubt his love for you, he makes sure to really drive the point home and reassure you that you have his whole heart.
J = Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) 
Jing Yuan isn’t really a jealous person. He trusts you and he expects you to do the same. If he does get jealous it’s usually because there’s actually something wrong; either because his suspicions are correct or because you’ve been keeping him at a distance because of issues you haven’t addressed with him all whilst growing closer with someone else; even if there’s 0 romantic intent behind it. 
Jing Yuan is mature enough not to let jealousy get the better of him. The only thing that’s different is that he looks after you with a worried and sad expression when you head off to meet the person he’s jealous of or sees you talking to him. He usually just needs some reassurance that everything is alright between you, which is why in the rare moments he does notice jealousy rising up within him, he seeks you out when you’re alone to talk to you about your feelings.
Usually it ends with an open discussion about the underlying problem, for example that something has happened in your life that made you worried about the future or that he has accidentally said something that hurt your feelings and you haven’t found out how to bring it up with him yet. Jing Yuan can talk everything out with you if you let him and once the problem is resolved, his feelings of jealousy are gone too. Overall, Jing Yuan getting actually jealous is super rare and when he does, he handles it really well and it doesn’t present a cause for relationship drama if you don’t let it. 
K = Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) 
As said before, Jing Yuan’s kisses are usually gentle and very loving. A lot of times they’re the typical lazy morning kisses but all throughout the day. And he often prefers a lot of small butterfly kisses over straight up making out. He feels like that conveys the way you make his heart flutter a lot better. Jing Yuan always pulls you close when he kisses you. 
His favorite places to kiss you include your lips and your neck. When he’s feeling playful, he often presses kisses to the corner of your mouth or picks at your lower lip with his, while he has a soft smile on his face. Jing Yuan’s lips are super soft and they always make you swoon. He loves to bury his face in your neck which often comes with repeatedly kissing the skin there and spoiling you with his affection. Another spot he often kisses are your fingers when he holds them in his hands like they’re the most delicate thing ever.
Jing Yuan himself loves kisses to his cheek. Just all of the idle moments of you passing him by and pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek or telling him that you think he’s cute before doing this. Additionally, he’s a bit weak for when you sleep in his arms and wake up and you press a kiss to his chest before even opening your eyes because it’s right next to your face. He thinks you’re adorable. He instantly wraps his arms around you tighter and lets you wake up to his affections. 
L = Little ones
(How are they around children?) 
Jing Yuan would totally be up for having children with you if that’s something you want; whether it’s adopting them or having them yourself. I mean, at this point you’re practically already Yanqing’s parents. I always imagine Jing Yuan as a father to be kind of like Mufasa (without the tragic death). Like “Your son is awake”; “Before sunrise he’s your son”. And he’d definitely teach his kid a lot of life lessons that will make people say “Your father is a very wise man” if they ever tell it to someone else. Jing Yuan has a lot more wisdom than he realizes and when he passes it on, it tends to stay with his child until way into adulthood. 
He also is totally the type to indulge and support his kid’s imagination. Like, they’d pull out their dolls or figurines and make up little stories with them and Jing Yuan would listen attentively and join them in playing; offering his own ideas. You’d observe them sitting on the floor of your kid’s bedroom, playing with the figurines. “Aw, this one fell into the mud and I can’t get it clean anymore… and it was brand new too, I haven’t even named it yet”, your child would say about the newest addition to their collection. “How about ‘Mr. Clean’ then?”, Jing Yuan suggests ironically. “That’s a horrible name”, you butt in before moving on with whatever you were doing before. “It’s not”, Jing Yuan insists, “they just don’t have taste.” “I heard that”, you call out from the other room, “don’t forget I picked you.” 
M = Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Jing Yuan are a long endeavor and yet he always makes them feel way too short. Usually one of you wakes up slowly and is already kissing the other before even opening their eyes. Either it’s you turning your head to plant kisses on his chest or Jing Yuan searching for your lips in the dark. He loves when you wake up before him and kiss him awake. You’ll be pressing soft kisses to his lips and he comes to his senses and opens his mouth to get a taste of you first thing in the morning. 
Jing Yuan’s mornings are lazy. He’s the type you have to pull out of bed by his arm because he keeps saying “just 10 more minutes” whilst trying to convince you to stay in his arms even if you need to get up for work. “How have you had this position for this long if you’re this irresponsible?”, you sigh and Jing Yuan stretches like a lion cub before dozing back off to sleep. You shake your head. He’s a hopeless case, you think. What eventually motivates him to get up is the fact that he misses your warmth so while you’re brushing your teeth or preparing breakfast, your sleepy boyfriend is slouching over you, clinging to you with his head resting against yours. “Jing Yuan, could you not put your entire weight on me? Jing Yuan?”, you sigh as you notice the dozing general had already fallen asleep again. You play with the thought of just shaking him awake but how could you when he mumbles how much he loves you and that he wants more kisses in his sleep?
N = Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
As I said, Jing Yuan has a habit of getting clingy while he’s asleep. Sometimes you’ll wake up to him squishing you in his embrace. He’ll try and fail to press kisses to your skin wherever he can reach; oftentimes just pressing his lips against your skin without the actual kissing. You think it’s the most adorable thing ever. It always makes you smile even though you have to push him away sometimes to be able to sleep yourself. 
Sometimes, especially on the weekend, you and Jing Yuan stay up late and take a walk through the city or have a nice dinner at a restaurant together. He enjoys walking across the plazas with you when it’s so late that there’s hardly anyone on the street anymore and it’s just you, him, the stars above you and the idle sound of the water in the fountains or the trees swaying in the wind. Sometimes you’ll sit down on a bench reminiscing about some old memories you shared together or watching the constellations above. Or rather, you’re watching the constellations and halfway through Jing Yuan just starts looking at you instead. He has lived a long life and he has seen the stars over and over again but he could never get tired of seeing the love of his life and reaching out to hold your hand. 
O = Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) 
It’s not so much the fact that he doesn’t trust you with his past or feels doubtful you’ll see him the same way afterwards; it’s just that there’s a lot of things Jing Yuan hasn’t talked about with anyone in a long, long time. He needs to warm up to the idea of confiding in you and putting all cards on the table. In the beginning of the relationship, questions about his past will often be answered with very vague statements before Jing Yuan switches the topic to make it less awkward, which can be frustrating for you and may feel like he isn’t being truthful with you or purposefully withholding things.
But as time goes on he eventually notices he’s ready to share the whole truth with you and he finds that talking about it with you actually helps him make peace with the past. You’re relieved to know that his reserved demeanor when it came to topics he didn’t want to talk about had nothing to do with you personally and more with Jing Yuan needing time to speak about it at all. The deep conversations where you learn more about Jing Yuan’s past and his feelings in response to that usually happen when you’re cuddling at night. There comes a point in time where Jing Yuan feels comfortable enough that if you want to know something about him that’s still unclear to you, you only have to ask. Things get a lot easier from there on out.
P = Patience
(How easily angered are they?) 
Jing Yuan is the most patient person you've ever met, which can actually be counterproductive in situations where you’re genuinely upset or angry. It’s very difficult to get an emotionally charged response out of him. Jing Yuan thinks distressing situations are best approached with a calm demeanor and civil conversations so he actually chooses to remain calm and practice restraint even if he ends up being angry or sad. Depending on your perspective on the whole thing, this has the potential to feel like he’s simply not as affected by the situation or doesn’t really care about an emotional outburst if you ever have one; but Jing Yuan is really just trying to calm you down and reassure you, which would be hard to do if he started impulsively responding to his emotions. 
So even when Jing Yuan gets angry, it’s usually not visible unless he straight up, calmly, tells you he’s mad at you and he’ll need some time to sort this out. In general, Jing Yuan is someone who responds with sadness rather than anger to an upsetting situation. He doesn’t like himself when he gets angry and he understands that you’re upset too and he first and foremost wants both of you to be happy again. He does not want to make you feel worse. 
As for things that do make him angry, even if he doesn’t show it on his face; it’s either you being reckless and putting yourself in a dangerous situation despite his pleas not to or when he can tell something is wrong and you have a problem with him but refuse to communicate with him about it. This can be frustrating for him and cause him to feel a little burnt out from the whole thing, which might make him withdraw for a while. Even though Jing Yuan’s seemingly never-ending patience can feel a little invalidating when you’re expecting an emotional reaction from him, most of the time it works in your favor and Jing Yuan is very good at keeping the peace in your relationship.
Q = Quizzes
(How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) 
Jing Yuan is a good listener and he’s attentive. He remembers a lot of details about you. Given how long he lives, he’s bound to have some of them slip out of his memory but they’re never truly gone. A century could pass and then he sees something that reminds him about a random detail you told him about yourself; something he would have expected himself to have forgotten long ago, and he can imagine the conversation that led to him learning this fact as vividly as if it was yesterday.
You’re often surprised when you witness this happening because sometimes Jing Yuan will bring up things even you forgot you ever told him. “You remembered this?”, you raise an eyebrow with a smile on your face. “Honestly, I’m as surprised as you are”, Jing Yuan shrugs and takes your hand into his, “then again, I’m also not. It’s a memory I share with you after all. So no wonder it stayed somewhere in my subconscious, waiting for the right time to emerge again.” “You’re so cheesy sometimes”, you laugh and ruffle his hair. “Isn’t that what made you fall for me?”, he teases and pulls you onto his lap; placing soft kisses on your neck again.
Oftentimes when Jing Yuan remembers things you told him you liked or enjoyed doing a while ago, this sparks gift ideas and date ideas in his head and he can’t wait to surprise you with the fact that he not only remembered this casual bit of information you told him, but he also went out of this way to get you a comfort food you didn’t have in a while or set up a nice afternoon for you based on something trivial you forgot you even mentioned.
R = Remember
(What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
There’s so many moments in your relationship that Jing Yuan wouldn’t trade for the world and they’re memories he deeply values and treasures. But if he had to pick; it’d probably be a moment that recurs every now and then. He can’t possibly pick a single memory as a favorite for one of the most important bonds he’s ever had, so what truly are his favorite moments in your relationship are seeing each other again; whether it was after being apart for days or just a couple of hours. Having you jump into his arms or cupping his cheeks to press your lips to his, telling him that you missed him and that you just had to come see him.
They’re the moments you reunite after battle, the moments you slip into bed with him for cuddles and kisses after both of you have been stressed for the past few days and the moments when he’s supposed to be working and you visit him because you just craved his affection that much. They’re the moments after arguments, when everything has been forgiven and forgotten and he’s back in your arms, kissing you deeply as if he’s been starving from your lack of affection and they’re the moments when he thought he might have lost you and there you are; kissing him breathless like you’ve been apart for a thousand years.
S = Security
(How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) 
Jing Yuan is very protective of you. He understands if you want to fight alongside him but he’s a General and most of the time his mindset is that he can handle these things himself. Losing you would be the worst thing he could imagine, so the urge to keep you safe is what pushes him beyond his limits on the battlefield. It doesn’t make him careless but it does make you worry that he’ll compromise his own safety for yours. Jing Yuan would never leave you behind even if it seemed like he couldn’t win a battle at all odds. He’d protect you even if he’d have to pay with his life.
Additionally, Jing Yuan gets protective when someone else tries to hurt you with words or rain on your parade or when you’re uncomfortable in a situation. He doesn’t hesitate to stand up for you and give someone a piece of his mind if they dare to bother you. If a situation is distressing for you, he makes sure to lead you away to a place where you feel safer and can gather yourself in the comfort of his arms. 
Jing Yuan absolutely loves when you’re protective of him. The whole situation could have the vibe of an angry chihuahua trying to defend godzilla from a drunk man with a gun and Jing Yuan would still think you’re a dream come true. He might not be in danger at all and perfectly capable of handling the situation himself but seeing you so serious about keeping him safe and comfortable gets his heart to beat faster. He makes a mental note to pay you back for that with his affection later.
T = Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
The answer is; a lot of effort. After you’ve been together for a long time it’s a little lost on you how in the world Jing Yuan still manages to come up with so many meaningful dates and gifts for you but you’re certainly not complaining. He loves you with all his heart and love has the tendency to make Jing Yuan surprisingly creative.
He makes sure to take you out on a date at least once a month even if you’ve been married for a hundred years, he always celebrates your anniversary every year and gives you gifts. And all of this is so well thought out that sometimes you feel a little bad for not having as many ideas like that to surprise him with. But Jing Yuan is more of a giver in a committed relationship. He’s at his happiest not when he receives affection from you but when he sees your reactions to the things he does for you. When he buys a gift or plans an anniversary, he’s already imagining your smile or your grateful kisses or the compliments that slip from your lips between them when he surprises you with the final result and it makes his heart beat faster and makes him giddy and excited internally even if you’ve been together for years.
For Jing Yuan, all of that is worth every bit of effort. He loves making you feel loved and happy. He doesn’t feel like any gift or gesture could ever convey the full extent of his feelings for you and your importance in his life but he will try nonetheless. 
U = Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?) 
For one, Jing Yuan worries too much. He doesn’t restrict you in any of your choices but he doesn’t work well with a reckless person. He has lost so many people as the centuries went by and he feels so deeply for you that he can’t sleep without knowing you’re home or at least in a safe place. If you go out late in the evening and you don’t text him when you’re back home or back at the hotel etc.; Jing Yuan does not sleep. If this is a regular occurrence, the man might ironically end up with insomnia. Instead of settling on the fact that you probably just forgot to tell him and or passed out in bed from exhaustion and are sleeping soundly, his mind sometimes tends to catastrophize which is detrimental to his psychological well-being if it carries on for long enough. Jing Yuan needs a person who will tell him everything is alright before they go to sleep at night and takes the time to inform him when they’re late.
Additionally, Jing Yuan often fails to realize when you need your space. Arguments are something that stress him a lot and continuously for as long as they last, so he’s the type of person who’d rather resolve them immediately. Jing Yuan doesn’t need space when you’re fighting, he needs to solve the problem and make sure he’s back on good terms with you. Sometimes the fact that you might be someone who doesn’t approach conflict like that flies over his head. He thinks he can talk everything out with you immediately and sometimes he unintentionally makes it worse with that.
V = Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?) 
The man has birds in his hair. I think this is all you need to know to answer that question. He cares enough to look presentable at his job but other than that, looks don’t matter to him.
However, he does remember when he wears an outfit that makes you want to kiss him over and over again or tries out a hairstyle that gets you to swoon over him and he will try to do this more often because he loves your reaction to it. Having you call him pretty or stunning is an added bonus to the affection he already gets from you but it certainly boosts his mood and makes him soft.
W = Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without you?) 
Oh, definitely. Once you’re a part of Jing Yuan’s life and have been this close to him, he’s very emotionally over-attached. Not to an unhealthy degree and he doesn’t really act on it, but emotionally he definitely pines for you long after your relationship has ended. You know those people who keep having an inkling of feelings for someone even after not talking to them in a decade which can re-ignite into a flame just by seeing you again? That’s Jing Yuan. That’s what he’s like.
That’s why despite the fact that he doesn’t feel like he has to hide his feelings from you before getting together with you, he waits to actively approach you or initiate anything until he’s certain that what you have can last because he is aware that he has these tendencies and he knows it’s not good for himself if it turns out that your relationship won’t work out. So that’s why it can still take quite some time to finally make things official with Jing Yuan. 
He’d absolutely feel incomplete without you and that’s an experience he dreads if your relationship ever threatens to fail, because he knows he’ll be stuck with it for a long, long time.
X = Xtra
(A random headcanon for them.) 
This is another flaw to him when it comes to romance, but if he’s not dating you yet, he has a tendency to delude himself a little bit. For example, imagine you’re traveling for two months and you promise to go on a date with him once you’re back to the Xianzhou. In those two months Jing Yuan will probably have played every single scenario about how this date could potentially go in his head without even realizing and sometimes that makes him lose touch with reality a little bit. Not to an extent where the way he now behaves towards you drives you away from him but rather there’s a sudden change in the way he interacts with you from your perspective.
He’s not overbearing but he may surprise you with suddenly being a lot more comfortable and open with you than you expected him to be at this point in time. Like, you’ll be on polite speaking terms and occasionally flirt a bit when you leave and you come back to Jing Yuan having gained the comfort and feeling of closeness with you that he now talks to you like you’re his good friend he’s been through hell with and it’s a shift that catches you off-guard. This might actually work in your favor if you have a huge crush on him but if it feels too weird, you might need to ask him to take things slow. He’ll listen and apologize for getting a little too ahead of himself. 
Y = Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) 
Aside from the obvious things like cheating or the recklessness I previously talked about, I feel like one thing Jing Yuan would really struggle with is someone who does not communicate properly with him or sends him mixed signals. He’d rather have you yelling at him or venting your frustrations to him in an emotional outburst, because that is something he can actually approach, than for you to just not tell him what’s bothering you even though something clearly is or you not being truthful with him about things in your relationship. Jing Yuan wants a relationship where you two can be comfortable and fully open with one another and that does not work if he has to play guessing games all the time about what’s going on in your head even after he asks you about it. Jing Yuan is a “let’s talk it out” kind of guy and that’s his first approach to resolving conflict so when that’s not an option he doesn’t really know how to deal with it and he feels a little unsteady about what’s supposed to happen next. Jing Yuan is always open to correcting his mistakes or meeting you halfway when anything he did hurt your feelings but he absolutely cannot deal with someone who does not bring these things up to him until they essentially blow up in his face. 
He’d also hate feeling like a trophy boyfriend. Yes he’s probably pretty popular and has quite a few admirers since he’s also such an important public figure and he’s undeniably handsome; and he’s happy and feels honored when you are genuinely proud to be with him and hype him up, but if he finds himself in a social situation where he feels like he’s just there to for you to impress people with your relationship or he hears you talk about how handsome he is to someone else and brag about it like you won him in the lottery, that’s something that would make him really uncomfortable.
Z = Zzz
(What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
A lot of these I’ve already touched upon. Mostly getting very clingy while he’s asleep and squeezing you in his arms, prompting you to push him off you a little bit so you can sleep comfortably as well. When he’s just in a light state of sleep he tends to mumble about how much he loves you and that he wants cuddles and kisses. 
Sometimes sleeping next to Jing Yuan can be challenging because he has his clingy times but he also has times where he suddenly takes up all the space in the bed and hogs all the blankets and pillows and you have to pull them out of his grabby hands, cursing him internally for still having so much strength even whilst being sound asleep. He does not wake up from that. Surprisingly, however, he wakes up immediately when you leave the room. It’s like he senses you’re not there with him any more and his eyes open to see light in the bathroom or the kitchen. He knows you’ll be right back so he waits for you to return before going back to sleep. You’re surprised to find him awake every time this happens. As soon as you’re back in bed, Jing Yuan wraps his arms around you again and nuzzles your neck affectionately. “I missed you”, he mumbles with a sleepy voice. “I’ve been gone for 5 minutes”, you whisper back and chuckle. He doesn’t reply as he has already dozed off again but he does smile when you press a good night kiss to his forehead.
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takeme-totheworld · 6 months
Aziraphale and Forgiveness, Pt. 3: You Think Too Much
This series is now complete! Here's where you can find the other parts.
Part 1 here. Part 2 here. Part 4 here.
I have been so gratified by the response to these so far! Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading and commenting and reblogging, I'm really happy that my thoughts about this are speaking to people.
Same disclaimers from before apply: this is all based on parallels to my personal experience with religion, my biblical and theological takes (when I have them) are probably sloppy, and I haven't read the GO book so this is all based solely on the show.
Aziraphale shows a level of emotional distress about Heaven's bullshit that we don't really see from the other angels. I wouldn't be surprised if some of this is because he is one of the main POV characters, and we eventually discover that he's not the only angel grappling with this stuff. But I do think he's fairly atypical. He's a demonstration of something often observed by people who leave super dogmatic religions: A system designed to keep people ignorant is extra hard on the ones who think too much.
It's a big part of what makes Aziraphale a misfit in Heaven. The archangels regularly respond to his ideas and concerns with annoyance, dismissiveness, and patronizing non-answers. When they come to Earth to confront him in season one, Uriel flat-out tells him, "You think too much." They are constantly communicating that they don't like this about him.
This aspect of Aziraphale isn't just because he's spent so much time on Earth, or with Crowley. It's clearly innate. We see it before the fall, when he tried to warn Crowley about asking questions. A different angel might have shrugged the whole conversation off and flown away, or unthinkingly blabbed about it to the wrong person later, or even deliberately snitched. But Aziraphale was already thinking independently enough of what he'd been taught to conclude (1) that this could get Crowley in trouble, and (2) that he didn't want that to happen because it wouldn't be deserved.
We also see it when he gives the sword away. Would it have occurred to most other angels to worry about Adam and Eve's survival? As they’ve been depicted so far, it seems like most of the angels—if they thought about it at all—would think, "That's not my business. It's up to God's whether they live or die." Not because they're necessarily all callous jerks, but because that's how they've been trained to (not) think about things. But Aziraphale thinks too much. That's always been who he is, he can't help it.
So what happens to a person who can't help thinking too much, who is caught up in a system that punishes that tendency? Often, you get someone who twists themself into mental and emotional knots to try to make sense of what they're experiencing.
Here’s are some things Aziraphale knows, or at least thinks he knows, in no particular order:
God created everything, is in charge of everything, and knows everything.
Aziraphale is an angel, and he works for Heaven, and Heaven’s sole purpose is to carry out God’s will.
God is good and Heaven are the good guys, so in addition to carrying out God's will his purpose is to be a force for good.
Sometimes angels who go against God’s will are kicked out and declared enemies. No one to whom this has happened to has ever come back. On the other hand, sometimes angels who go against God’s will get to go on being angels.
Sometimes humans behave wickedly and God harms or kills them as punishment. Other times, humans behave wickedly and God doesn’t do anything.
Sometimes humans behave righteously and God harms or kills them anyway (or lets Satan do it). This is apparently a test, but not all righteous people get tested like this.
Sometimes humans are sent to hell to be punished forever after their deaths. Sometimes they aren’t. This has something to do with how wicked they were during their lives, but Aziraphale isn't actually clear on how it works (see the Edinburgh minisode).
And while Good Omens hasn't delved deeply into this topic (yet), we know that both Jesus and the Second Coming are canonically real in this universe, which means the whole “Jesus died so that God could forgive people’s sins” thing is as well.* So, a few thousand years into Aziraphale's time living on Earth, God's son became a human, lived a life among humans, and then died, all for the express purpose of doing some kind of ineffable forgiveness miracle that would save more of the humans from Hell.
* I have no definite proof of this, Neil might decide to go totally off-script with the theology, but that wouldn't be in line with what he's done so far. This show has an established MO of examining existing religious stories and doctrines in order to deconstruct them. So, knowing season three is going to be about the Second Coming, I would honestly be very surprised if we didn't get some Gaiman and Pratchett style deconstruction of the crucifixion and all the forgiveness of sins stuff.
It's a complete mindfuck. He's serving a totally capricious system in which punishment vs. forgiveness is what everything hinges on, but only God knows how they are being applied, whether there's any rhyme or reason to it at all. The other angels seem content not to think about it, but Aziraphale is not most angels.
He's supposed to be protecting and guiding humanity, securing souls for Heaven, but he doesn't know exactly how the souls are judged. His best friend is a demon who is serving an eternal punishment for—something (asking questions? rebelling?)—and he has no idea if he will ever be pardoned, if such a thing even could happen or what it would take. He's committed numerous transgressions himself without ever falling, but that doesn't mean the next one won't be the thing that finally gets him cast out.
There are surely a lot of ways one could react to a situation like this. But for someone who is deeply inside the system and committed to it and whose overactive mind is working extremely hard to square all the confusion and fear of his situation with the idea that he's working for The Good Guys?
I think Aziraphale has come to live in constant fear of being Unforgiven, of one day transgressing so horribly that there's no possibility of redemption. And I think he is constantly projecting that fear onto everyone around him. It's why he lies his ass off to Heaven to cover his mistakes and broken rules. It's why he openly wishes, on multiple occasions, for Crowley to be granted forgiveness from God even though Crowley himself is visibly antagonistic to the idea. And it's why he feels compelled to forgive others even when it hurts to do so. (Like when he's just had a horrible fight with his best friend/the love of his life and he's overwrought and angry and not actually feeling forgiving at all, for example. Or when his memory-wiped ex-boss who once tried to have him executed suddenly shows up on his doorstop needing help.) Because forgiveness is such a powerful force in his world that withholding it feels like an unspeakably cruel thing to do, and he's supposed to be one of the good guys.
Once again I have written so many more words than I intended to, but I'm finally coming up on the end of this series! Part four will be the last part of this, where I look at specific instances of Aziraphale and forgiveness in more detail.
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shadowfoxsilver · 2 months
Donation scams
What is a donation scam? - This kind of scam occurs when someone is asking for money but isn’t being genuine/honest for why they need it and upon closer inspection you’ll often find out their fundraiser information is stolen from someone else who needs support. For example, the text itself would pull up someone else’s fundraiser that’s posted on another site such as Facebook or Gofundme with names that don’t match up or certain details edited out or added from something else entirely. In a sense, the post doesn’t make much sense or seems to be mashed together from other places. These are scams because money given to them isn’t going towards their goal and also not going to the one who needs it.
Was there an ask sent? - Asks for these scams are varied with no common theme but they usually seem poorly worded and link you to their post which may be pinned. Usually they’ll be sent immediately after following you with no prior interaction even when they call you their friend. Sometimes they’ll say they see you share mutual aid posts too but that’s generally just some excuse they’ll use so you won’t be too suspicious of them. Legit people be warned: Spamming these asks will get people suspicious of you and asking you questions instead. If someone tells you to please limit them, it’s advised you try to. Don’t send these asks to anyone who has stated they don’t like them.
Is the account new? - Another common thing to check is the posting date of the posts on the blog. An account with a massive amount of posts dating across many years is generally a legitimate person if they have several original posts and overall appear to be a person. Unfortunately, scammers tend to backdate posts to make their blogs look older then they may be but rarely have that many original posts. By turning on timestamps, you can see the original posting date in other notes if they have shared posts. Usually the backdated posts are only a few days old but have been made to look years old.
Does the story make sense? - Basically, how well does the story they give sound and does the information it has seem reasonable. Is there anything in it that seems too far fetched to be applicable to a situation? Such as stating they need money for someone’s funeral but the images they supply seem to be photoshopped. Or they have their name on a paper but there seems to be a filter over it which may be obscuring minor details from the original unedited image. You may notice the story also doesn’t give much information out that would be anything important like if a law applies to their situation but they don’t supply a general idea of what country their in. Sometimes the story changes after a few days too.
What else should you do? - If you still can’t figure out if someone’s legitimate, then you may try to nicely ask them questions related to their situation. These questions don’t have to be anything needing personal information; It can request clarity about something your unsure of or further explanation regarding a detail that doesn’t seem to make much sense overall. Most people don’t mind answering these questions as long as your being reasonable and friendly. Most usually will answer you. Unless they ignore you.
What if it is a scam? - Once you have gathered enough resources to confirm the post is by a scam account, it’s necessary to compile it into one place then make a post showing it or show them what you found as well. The scammer will most likely get really angry and deny your evidence and then block you and continue scamming people. Unfortunately it’s suggested to post the information yourself before confronting scam accounts.
Other stuff to look out for? - Asks being spammed; Mass tagging accounts who share mutual aid posts; Replies/reblogs are missing; Harassing people who proved they are scamming
To report scam posts, the original way was this: Report -> Something else -> Illegal uses or Content -> Phishing
This guide is from my other account, but I’m reposting it here as a backup. If you found this guide useful, please let me know and share it to your friends.
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pdalicedraws · 4 months
I don't get Nimona much on my For You anymore, but your comics- sometimes very fragmented (but I find myself catching up lmao), pop up very often and it's very fun to read up and catch up to see where the story is headed!
You got amazing talent with comics, and I look forward to seeing more :D!!
(sorry if you get a random spam of likes from me LMAO)
HEY HI THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I’m really glad you’re enjoying!! This makes me really happy aaa thanks! And never apologise for spam-liking, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t smile when they see that someone’s been going through their blog : )
As someone who’s been on tumblr a long time (since 2011), I highly recommend following people and using your classic “following” dashboard rather than the “For You”! One of the great things about tumblr is that it’s really the only social media left that’s willing to show you a direct reverse-chronological feed of things posted/reblogged by people you follow, and it lets you curate your experience in a way algorithms really don’t. Check out who posted things you like, look at their blogs, see if you’d like to follow them! Off the top of my head, @euphreana, @mer1099, @lyovpple, and @yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt are great artists/writers who do Nimona, and @sir-ballister-boldheart reblogs a ton of good stuff!
Sorry to get preachy at you— and of course it’s your call how to manage your online experience— I’m just an old grouch who loves following individuals <3
Wild to think that my comics are being put forth by the For You, though, that’s nuts. Never expected that to happen! I think I’m… flattered?
Anyway, the point of this is THANK YOU AAAA <3 <3 I’m glad you’re enjoying it thank you <3 <3
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bayfuzzball7050 · 4 months
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More under the cut :P
Hello bitches, bros and non binary hoes 🦾🦾 The name’s Andrés or Diego. Call me whatever ya want, idc
I’m a Trans Guy, he / him and if you don’t know me a they / them it’s ok I don’t mind that much. NO SHE HER IMMA BEAT UR ASS
☆ I got that dawg in me (asd) actually pls be patient im a little slow on some things
☆ Artist
☆ Art requests are open!! I draw anything but nsfw/kinks and proship stuff
☆ Writer (no fanfic here tho)
☆ don’t ask for pics you ain’t getting em
☆ if I use emojis, be aware that most of the time it’s ironic
☆ i LOVE spammers, spam likes, reblogs, whatever as much as you like :3 (if ya want to like no pressure)
☆ I usually don’t add tw (tho I dont post stuff with heavy themes often if I’m honest like I rarely do it) But if anything, be wary
So, I think imma make(try) a dni list but it’s just basic dni criteria, it’s ultimately useless cuz like I can’t force ya and im not your dad plus I’m too lazy to look through every blog that reblogs or likes but uh blocklist ig???
☆ Proshippers, Comshippers, anti-anti’s and profiction mfs
Why, you may ask? Horrible past experiences with these mofos and *other* bad experiences that ain’t really related to ‘em but remind me of so like if ur a proshipper just block me and move on I don’t want y’all around. Not rlly into the discourse and prolly never gonna post abt it but yeah
☆ ON ANOTHER SIMILAR NOTE! even if I do hate proshippers, autoshippers/selfshippers are cool like hell yeah you go marry your blorbo 🔥🔥🔥
☆ Transphobes / TERFS
I think the whole ‘Im trans’ shit explains it well enough 💀
☆ SWERFS can also go fuck themselves
☆ Misandrists and radfems too like why you here 💀if you hate all men you hate me too
☆ Transmeds/Truscums/anti-MOGAI mfs get the hell out of here I hate you
(Imagine gatekeeping gender cuz someone doesn’t fit an stereotype thats stupid af 😭😭)
☆ Transid “Transabled”, "transracial" are not welcome. Even if I do support MOGAI I do not want that around.
☆ zionists, racists, homophobes, ace exclusionists/phobes, antisemits (guess that’s how you say it???), conservatives, mofos who discriminate/hate minorities in general
☆ NSFW agere blogs (SFW agere it’s cool I don’t mind)
☆ pedos/MAPS I want you hanging on the STREET
☆ Paraphilics in general
☆ Misgendering kink blogs cuz WHY THE HELL ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME¿ AND IM TRANS WTH¿¿
☆ kink blogs in general actually ☠️
☆ Pro-ANA or Pro-MIA mofos y’all please seek therapy
☆ swifties.
To be honest I don’t check the blogs of most people who reblog or like but- Ricky…Ricky when I catch you Ricky-
(I mostly notice when I get followed but- anyway 😻)
☆ Giomis shippers
Why? Cuz not all of them are proshippers but a vast majority is and giomis kinda weirds me out💀ik the age gap small but still it’s kinda….
☆ dsmp fans
As much as I enjoy the Fanart and maybe the roleplay was interesting I have like personal beef with the fanbase and creators
☆ Hannibal Fans
The franchise is fire but I also have beef with Hannibal fans cuz for some reason most of them proshippers
☆ MHA fans for the same reason as Hannibal fans
☆ Same with South Park
☆ Same goes for Homestuck fans
☆ ONE PIECE fans, y’all didn’t do anything wrong it’s just that I haven’t caught up with the show 😭😭
Languages I speak:
☆ Spanish (mother language)
☆ English
☆ A tiny bit of Italian
FANDOMS IM IN (but I forget sometimes 😿)
☆ JJBA (what I post about mostly (going insane over this))
☆ Berserk
☆ Madoka Magica
☆ ikigusare (best virtual girl band ever fr fr)
☆ Gorillaz
☆ Good Omens
☆ Moral Orel
☆ Dorohedoro
☆ My Little Pony
☆ Sonic fandom
☆ Undertale / Deltarune
☆ Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul
☆ El Cuarteto De Nos
☆ Azumanga Dioh!
☆ Vocaloid
☆ Project Sekai
☆ D4DJ
☆ Food Fantasy
☆ FNAF (grrrr I love fnaf,,)
☆ Emo / Scene / Scemo (I just don’t have money for clothes nor the patience to make a blog only for that 😭😭)
☆ actually like another shit ton more but I can’t remember 😔
☆ Reddit u/BayFuzzball7050 (old account, permanently banned)
☆ Reddit u/BayFuzzball404 (Current Account)
☆ ofc Tumblr
☆ Wattpad and AO3 but we ain’t talking about that 🤫🧏‍♂️
☆ @bayfuzzball7050-art is my art blog (reblogs from here)
☆ …
☆ also I might or might not have a questionable side art blog
☆ ALSO! recently opened a Pixiv :3
☆ I had beef with a transphobe in my old account and he has a Reddit account that is u/BayFuzzball7050_ but has a pfp of the trans wojak killing themselves. THATS NOT ME. Stay safe.
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This is me btw
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littleesistler · 3 months
more tickle questions beucase I’m bored 😂
Glitch's Tickle Questions | Volume 1 |
Trying my hand at the tickle question creating game 😋 Calling it "Volume 1" in case I end up making more, don't know for sure if I will yet, we'll see how this one goes. Did my best to come up with some fun questions, I hope you all like them!
Feel free to reblog this around to receive some questions from your followers, just as my followers can send some to me if they'd like 😜
🥞 If you could make one spot more/less ticklish, which would it be and why?
well I’d make my ribs less ticklish because I’m so insanely ticklish there to a violent degree. When I was a kid my dad tickled me a lot until he tickled my ribs to harshly and I kicked I’m him the jaw. So he bit his lip and bled a bit (not a lot). So my point is I don’t like to be ticklish to a violent degree. I don’t wanna hurt my poor ler 🥲
🍦 Can you tickle yourself, and if so, do you do so often?
well when I have acrylics or press on nails, I tickle my tummy and wrist every time before bed. Since I love to be tickled there. Also if I turn of all my light I can tickle myself with an electric toothbrush on my ribs and in my bellybutton since these spots are so sensitive.
my mom tickles be before bed usually but because she’s also chronically ill sometimes she’s to exhausted. So that’s when I step in 💅
🔪 Are there any ticklish spots you have that you'd prefer not to be tickled?
well I’m kinda not into feet stuff, especially when it’s with tools or motion tickles. Like fine tickle my feet but I’m not comfortable with my feet being the main focus. Like when I watch a tickle video I usally skip the feet portions 🦶😷
🍿 If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it for tickles?
well I’ve always wanted to talk any language, including animal ones. So think how funny like I give lots of teases in an ancient or just a rare or uncommon language my Lee can’t understand. So when they pull out google translate and literally have a fluster attack. Especially if they don’t know how to spell the words and say it themselves 😈
also think how funny like I’m tickling someone and I hear a fly or bird or heck their dog just tease the Lee to and I translate it heheh 😝
🍭 If you could choose one spot to be magically continuously tickled, which spot would it be and for how long?
my tummy, and here’s my essay form me as an educated zookeeper:
you know when a puppy or kitty shows you their tummy is a sing of trust. And the reason for that is most of the body is protected by bones. Like a rib cage, but the tummy doesn’t really have any bones except for like hips and spine but these bones more give structure. So my point is when you tickle or rub someone’s tummy you’re right on top of their digestive system and reproductive system. That’s why in the animal kingdom showing the tummy shows you trust them since you give them free access to hurt or damage your organs. That’s why tummy attention is one of the most vulnerable ones.
and since you are right on top of their organs tummy tickles and rubs helps with digestion and period cramps.
so my points is, if I let you tickle my tummy or someone else let’s me tickle their tummy. It’s an honor ❤️🤲
🌶 Think of a crazy wacky way you can think of to tickle/be tickled that you wish you could experience. No logical constraints. What is it?
Hunger games but with tickling instead of killing.
people get to enter and a friend can sign you up as a surprise, but consent to participate it needed
its a televised show in a secluded or closed of area
the crates from sponsors have tickle tools or restraints
food, water, hygiene and medical care is included
When someone safewords they “die” (not for real) and get disqualified
last one standing of the games is the ler of the year
🍞 Look around wherever you are while reading this. You can choose one item to come to life and tickle you. What item is it?
electric toothbrush…
🥯 If you could choose any fictional character(s) to team up with you to help tickle someone, who would you choose and why?
the dream them, like I got obsessed with the Dsmp during the pandemic, so yeah and I love the fandom’s head cannons.
Dream - more Lee then ler and will probably just hold me down and cuddle me to help me relax ☺️
Sapnap - a true switch and he’s very gentle and teasing, lots of games since he’s the youngest they play lots of games with him😉
George - more ler then lee and he’s ruthless, tickling any spot he can reach and siding in his bony figners 😈
🧇 If you could have an animal friend that loved to tickle you, what animal would it be and how would you want them do it?
a golden retriever ❤️🥹
Decent sized dog that can pin me down
has a long snout so the puppy can blow lots of raspberries and nuzzle it’s nose in my belly button and give little nibbles on my sides
a long fluffy tail that’s like a feather duster tickle tool
flappy ears so when the doggi shakes its head during nuzzling it tickles more
the playfulness so the dog will give lots of teasing
that slight smile or smirk on some individuals
and those puppy eyes
🍟 If you're feeling brave.. which friends, mutuals, and/or other tickle blogs would you want to tickle and/or be tickled by?
oh Noo hahah here we go again I guess, I love to expose myself, let’s see if my favorite blogs find me🫠
nothing personal I just love your works and everything, so I wouldn’t mind if you guys wrecked me or I could give you a little tickle 👉👈 ummm yeah. I got so flustered when a few responded to me last time and guess what I wanna get even more exposed hahah 😍
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erebuscanread · 2 years
Day in the life: Robert “Bob” Floyd HC
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(Not my gif)
Pairing(s): Robert “Bob” Floyd/AFAB!Reader
Warnings: Suggestive language, mention of #bobfucks, fluff, domestic cuteness
Word Count: 850
Hello Hoomans! (This is where you respond with “Hello Head Lizard Librarian!”) Anyway it’s another day which means my trapped hooman gets to be enriched by posting a headcanon of theirs. Per the previous post please be kind as my hooman has just recently started writing and sharing their works again.
As always you may NOT share, repost, translate, ect any of my hoomans works. Hooman and I do not own the rights to Top Gun, Top Gun; Maverick or any of the characters. This content is created for entertainment, in the hopes it helps you escape momentarily from the fire storm that is Earth.
#bobfucks as far as hooman knows was started by @clints-lucky-arrow so we wanna give credit where credit is due. Their work is incredible and you should check them out ASAP!
Comments and Reblogs are always welcome. Please press ‘talk to the lizard’ (ask button) to submit any requests. Hooman is currently accepting requests for Robert “Bob” Floyd and Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw.
Bob is a morning person. He gets up before the sun and goes for a run every morning. It’s due to being in the Navy for so long and having a routine down. Bob feels like his morning doesn’t start unless he gets in some form of cardio. ;) You’re always a willing participant in his alternative cardio choices.
After his run, Bob showers and then peeks into your shared bedroom to see if you’ve stirred any. If you are starting to wake he’ll typically join you for a quick cuddle before continuing to get ready for his day.
Part of your morning routine is sharing breakfast and either coffee or tea. If you’re still sleeping when he comes back from his run he’ll start breakfast and wake you up with your favorite morning beverage. If you’re awake, the pair of you work in tandem in the kitchen. It often feels like a professional dance piece, the way you two glide around each other. Bob enjoys being playful with you and will often grab your hand and twirl you if you pass by him. He also likes to bump his hip into yours just to hear you giggle. He is not above stealing as many smooches as he can without burning breakfast.
After breakfast Bob heads out the door for work.
During the work day you and Bob keep in touch via texting and Snapchat.
Bob enjoys sending you quick shots of what he's doing throughout his day. (He obviously doesn't take photos of top secret stuff, he's a good boy.) He also ropes Phoenix into taking photos of him to send you to. Phoenix always rolls her eyes but there's no malice in it. She's happy Bob has someone like you.
In return you send him photos of your day, your screen/desk at work, or your lounging around the house outfit.
Sometimes the texting gets spicy, you send a photo to Bob only wearing an old loose shirt of yours. The shirt would be scandalous in public but in the comfort of your own home and for the eyes of your partner, it's perfect. He'll counter your message with a photo of himself at the base's gym working out. He wears a shirt while working out but you can definitely see his defined muscles flexed in the photo. It adds to the tension of waiting for the day to be over so you two can be together again.
Bob loves emojis, any reason he can send you a mile long text of those cute little kissy faces he will do it.
After a good day at work you both usually have dinner together, catch up on your favorite shows and often end the night tangled up in bed.
Bob is always sweet, considerate and kind, but when you have a particularly bad day at work he pulls out all the stops.
On his way home he picks up food from your favorite take out place. He also swings by and snags a bundle of your favorite flowers.
He tries to get you flowers almost every week or every other week when he's not out on a mission. It's a sweet little routine that never fails to make your cheeks warm and your heart feel full.
Once home, he typically arrives after you. He's become a pro at reading your body language and can see how tense you are sitting on the couch.
He sets his stuff down by the door and gently greets you. He gives you a forehead kiss and gives you a shoulder squeeze. His smile is empathetic when he asks "rough day?" You feel blessed to have an emotionally mature man like Bob.
After eating together on the couch and watching whatever you're currently binge watching Bob sets up a soothing bath/shower for you. He'd light your favorite candle, put your favorite book on the bath caddy as well as sneak in your favorite sweet treat.
If you wanted Bob to keep you company, he absolutely would but he also completely respects your boundaries and your need for alone time if that's something you express.
If Bob hangs out with you he'd tell you about his day and talk about trivial things to help you get your mind off of things. He'd talk about the pissing match Roster and Hangman had at work again. Bob tells you that he's thinking about hanging a chalkboard in the locker room to keep track of "pissing competition free days," like the dog memes.
After you're done in the bathroom he'll help you dry off and help you with your night skin care routine if you'd like.
He'd also offer you a massage if it would help you relax even more. He doesn't intend to do anything nefarious to you during the massage. But we all know that Bob's a pussy eating champ and would love to get a taste of you. It's just a bonus if an orgasm or three helps you to unwind.
You and him would be a tangle of limbs on your bed. Whispering sweet nothings to you and coaxing you to sleep.
Every night and every morning Bob thanks his lucky stars for you. He'd walk the ends of the world for you. He plans to cherish you for the rest of your days.
Thank you so much for reading! I sincerely hope you enjoyed this! I’d love to hear your thoughts. xo, B
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lixenn · 21 days
I really wanna read your fic and start engaging in the fandom more especially with oc stuff but I am so so scared bc of past experiences and fear possibly offending someone... Plus reading is actively hard for me due to untreated ADHD... Do you maybe have a tip of how i could start small? I see people i follow mention you quite often.
Wow, it’s so sweet that you came to me for advice anon! 🥺🥺 I feel super honored and very flattered that you want to read my story. I’m going to try my best to help you out 💪🏼(also great job on reaching out, have a gold star ⭐)
This might be a bit long I hope that’s okay (I ramble a lot, I apologize in advance). I will also structure this in parts so it’s not as overwhelming.
Engagement in fandom
I feel you Anon, interacting with people is hard. I’ve lurked on tumblr for years before I recently crawled out of my gremlin cave and started to actually talk to fandom folk. But worry not, Lix is here to help! I like gamifying difficult aspects of life (looking at you chores), so I have come up with this analogy:
Approach interaction like you are in a game with different levels. Here are some levels I made up (of course you can always adjust however you want)
Level 0 just scrolling through posts, no interaction at all
Level 1 Liking posts
Level 2 Reblogging posts without tags or text
Level 3 Reblogging posts with general tags
Level 4 Reblogging posts with personal tags
Level 5 Reblogging posts with your own text plus tags or Replying to posts
Level 6 Participation in ask games as anon
Level 7 Participation in ask games with anon off
How does it work?
You establish your baseline: for example you are usually at Level 1
You set a goal you want to achieve: for example you want to participate in ask games with anon off
You then start the game by taking a babystep into the next level: in this example you start reblogging posts with no tags or text (so level 3)
You spend some time on the next level until you are comfortable with doing this sort of interaction
Then you go to the next level
Repeat this until you have reached your level goal
Again this is just an example of how you can approach fandom interaction. I just wanted to show you that taking babysteps for interaction is totally okay!
There’s no need to immediately jump into a full on fandom discussion about your favourite character. Break the huge goal into small parts to make it less overwhelming (I’m sure I’m not the first person telling you this 😅). Also it’s totally fine if there are set backs, some days replying to posts might feel like the biggest chore on this planet and there’s no need to force yourself into doing it! Keep your own pace, this is not a sprint, but a marathon Anon! And I’m here to cheer you on!
How to interact
So, you have reached the level of interaction where you actively engage with other people. Congrats! ✨🎉You are doing great. But now you are stomped on how to interact, which again here are a couple options:
Ask questions. Honestly, that was how I started interacting and it’s still my go-to these days. Asking questions shows that you are invested, that you are curious and writers, artist and bloggers appreciate these kind of interactions a lot. I like questions about my ocs because they often help with character building and sometimes it even inspires a scene for me to write. It’s great! You can also just start small here, it doesn’t need to be deep. You can ask about an ocs favourite colour or just how the writing is going or if the other person likes cats. For real, even small mundane questions make my day, go wild!
Compliments. You see a fanart and think it’s beautiful? Put that in the tags! You like the vibe of this one oc? You can write that in a reblog. Again, start small and it doesn’t need to be poetry, a simple “I like this!” is fine and dandy!
As for the offending bit…
I can also understand the fear of offending, especially if you had bad experiences. For me it’s mostly anxiety that fucks me over.
But I think unless you dabble into super controversial topics you shouldn’t be too scared. Just present everything respectfully or as a headcanon, then you should be good to go (people can disagree with your headcanons but that doesn’t make it offensive, it’s just a difference in opinion).
Furthermore if you are scared of doing something the other person won't like you can always reach out in DMs to clarify if they are comfortable if you ask something with xy topic.
Also keep in mind that people might not instantly reply back. Maybe they don’t have the spoons, maybe irl is being a bitch, maybe they are on vacation with spotty internet, maybe their laptop exploded or maybe they simply have a goldfishbrain like me and forgot. The possibilities are endless but that doesn’t mean they hate you. I know the nasty little voice in the back of our heads often try to convince ourselves of that but it’s not true, people are sometimes just busy.
Now, I don’t have ADHD so I’m not sure if I can give good advice here, but I will try my best!
You could start with short works if you struggle with longer stories. Oneshots are great! So are works with short chapters. Shameless self promo here: My fanfic the Varia Housekeeping survival guide (short the Guide) has super short chapters (most are one DIN A4 page).
Of course you can always split up chapter into chunks. There’s no need to read 5K works in one sitting. Take your time. If the format bothers you, maybe you prefer reading in a certain font, then you can also just copy the text in a document and change it to something you can easily read (as long as you just use that copy for your own private purposes, it should be fine.)
Some popular fanfics also have podfics if the actual reading bit is hard on you, that limits your options a bit but it’s a way to start.
Well, this got long as hell. I hope any of these ramblings are useful to you and that I didn’t totally overwhelm you with text.
Stay strong Anon! You can do the people thing! I believe in you!
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Blog is no longer active - follow @forestofforever​
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This blog is no longer active, but it will remain online as an archive of sorts. If you are interested in interacting with me, please follow: @forestofforever​
No godmodding
No smut
No interactions with child characters 
No pregnancy plots. 
I only interact with those that are 18+
I don’t mind seeing these themes on my dash but I don’t personally enjoy writing them.
All of my characters are OC’s so it only makes sense that I am OC friendly. I can usually alter my muses somewhat to fit with your universe, though some plotting may be required to make it all go a bit more smoothly.
Any threads that include Benjamin are bound to be at least a bit triggering. Specifically dealing with themes of abuse, gaslighting and straight up torture. If you do decide to interact with him, please be aware that things could get very unpleasant. We can always discuss the situation beforehand though, since I do believe in respecting those that I write with as well as their muses.
If I don’t receive a reply on our thread for over 2 weeks I’ll consider the thread “inactive.” That doesn’t automatically mean it’s dropped, but I won’t be expecting a reply from you.
The Mun
Memes have no expiration date and I love receiving them, the same goes for my open starters. You're welcome to reblog memes from me, I don't mind it at all.
I’m always open to plot and my inbox and dm’s are always open, so feel free to reach out if you’d like to start a thread sometime or even if you just want to chat!
I’m Lisa, 23 years old with about 10 years of RP experience (though at least 7 of those years are going to go unmentioned because teenage me was no Shakespeare by any means).
I generally reply to threads in about a day, but I don’t mind if you take a bit longer, I understand that people have busy lives. I am a mess at formatting things so I don’t bother trying to make my stuff look fancy. If that’s your thing, totally cool! I just prefer the writing itself and I don’t understand tumblr well enough to make it look any better than it currently does. I do cut my posts though, or at the very least try to. I don’t use Icons but I think it’s cool when others do it. 
The Muses
All muses are played as 30+ unless otherwise specified. Age can be flexible if the thread asks for it, however their age will never go below 20.
Etienne- The Black Cat
Etienne’s family owned a theatre when he was younger, and so he has grown up surrounded by fantasy and drama. Sadly the theatre burned down when he was 15, killing his family in the process.
The experience has left Etienne afraid of fire. Candles won’t cause him to panic, but firepits or fireplaces may cause some visible discomfort. He remains in love with the theatrics that he grew up with, and dramatic is probably a good word to describe him. He’s quick to flirt but slow to let his walls down.
Sylvester- The Crow
Sylvester was a brilliant surgeon until his brother died on his operating table. The guilt and anxiety that followed his brother’s death left Sylvester a shadow of his former self, a shadow which was then mangled even further by a man named Benjamin Forest. Benjamin put Sylvester through hell in an attempt to see how many times you could break someone until they stopped being able to put themselves back together. Sylvester is still going, though one may wonder if he’s still himself after all he’s been through. Sylvester barely considers himself to be a person anymore at all. 
Sylvester is a nervous individual with many odd tics and habits. At first he may seem distant and cold, but as soon as his walls come down (and really, showing him a bit of kindness is often enough for them to go tumbling), he’s the most loyal person around. He’s been starved of affection and struggles to have healthy attachments, which allows your muse the choice; will they show him kindness and try to remove him from an unpleasant situation? Or will they use his already broken psyche to manipulate and control him even further?
Wester- The Big Bad Wolf
Wester is a ray of sunshine, a Golden Retriever in werewolf form. Energetic and social, Wester is easy to get along with, if perhaps a bit difficult to get rid of. Wester is friendly but also a bit naive and an airhead. He enjoys sports and long hikes, and chasing tennis balls (though he tries to only do so while transformed). 
Wester is a werewolf, and he’s not great at keeping it a secret. He is still friendly when transformed, and he can usually control his transformation fairly well unless it’s a full moon. His eyes remain amber even as a human, and his hearing and sense of smell remain more sensitive than that of most. He’s also colorblind. 
Benjamin- The Deer
Benjamin is a pompous prick with more money than dignity and a severe lack of empathy. Getting along with him is a chore, and people really only ever get close to him for his money. Not that they’re going to benefit from it, because Benjamin absolutely will not spend money on anyone unless it benefits him somehow.He’s arrogant, manipulative and just generally unpleasant. That being said, he’s got a pretty face and dimples that might charm some unfortunate individuals right into his bed.
Now if you can overlook all of these significant flaws, you will find a man that might still have a soul after all. He can be very protective of those he loves, but this does come with a great jealousy and possessiveness that should not be taken lightly.
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fallloverfic · 1 year
Sourcing guide for images
So you found an image on Google/Pinterest/Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/Wattpad/Wherever and don’t know where it’s from? Here’s a guide to hopefully help. This seems like a lot, but a lot of the time this stuff can take a minute or less in practice once you get the hang of it. And always remember to repeat after me: art on Pinterest/Wattpad/Weheartit/Google images is not free real estate.
I would also highly recommend using a translator extension on Firefox (just google "translator extension Firefox") or browsers like Chrome with built-in translators so you can translate pages. It's a lot easier to navigate what people are saying that way. And I recommend using a pop-up blocker.
Please support actual artists: if you love their art, show it directly by supporting their posts! That's a very easy way to get them to do more art! Like/kudos/heart/bookmark/retweet/reblog/whatever directly on their post, leave them comments! Artists often get discouraged if people just repost their work, particularly on the same platform (and especially on pinterest), and will sometimes delete the work or all their art entirely, or even give up making art entirely.
Also, this is mostly something that works for fanart and maybe photography. Sourcing videos and text is a bit different.
Most importantly, you can usually ask the community for help! Tag the character, the series, go to a fandom discord, and ask. Typically there are folks who will either recognize the art and/or even know the artist, or can at least help with sourcing.
1. Is there a watermark/signature somewhere? Does the name on the account match it? If it doesn’t, is there other art on the account that has that watermark/signature (artists rebrand all the time)? If everything matches, are there comments on the post saying “hey stop reposting my art”/”stop reposting x’s art”? If there is a watermark, does it look obviously photoshopped (a lot of clickbait reposters will add fake watermarks)? If everything matches and looks fine, probably this is the artist and you need go no further and can reblog/like/share from there.
2. Is there a link in the post to the actual artist/at least a name? Sometimes on pinterest, there will be a link to the original post, usually on twitter, either in text or as an actual link. Reposters on tumblr often include links to pixiv and twitter. Please go to the original posting place - assuming that's what it is and it's not another reposter or deleted - and support it there, if possible, rather than the reposter. And maybe they have other socials that you also use, so you can support them in places you’re more familiar with (e.g., you want to retweet on twitter, but someone linked their tumblr; see if the artist has a twitter and if they’ve posted the art there so you can RT from them).
3. Has someone in the comments linked to the artist/the original art post? Or has the artist come in and said “hey this is my art!” Problem solved. Go there and support the art there. If there’s no link but there’s a name, try googling the name with “pixiv”/”deviantart”/”twitter”/”Tumblr”/[other art-sharing platform].
4. You have a watermark/signature but it doesn’t match who’s on the account.
If it is legible, try googling the name/title and “pixiv”/”deviantart”/”twitter”/”Tumblr”/[other art-sharing platform]. Support them there. Artists sometimes spread their art across multiple platforms, and sometimes take down fanart (particularly stuff that gets stolen a lot)/older art in particular, so be prepared to check multiple accounts. Artists will also sometimes change their screenname. Usually this can be spotted if they've shared a lot of art with both the old and new names, and sometimes they'll even list somewhere "formerly known as" or something.
5. Look at the account that posted it.
Are they an art account? If they are an art account, do they say they’re an artist? If they’re an art account but not an artist (e.g., they’re a blog that just reposts any art they find), chances are that’s not the creator.
Is that the only art image they’ve posted? Are the other images on the account similar in style and/or content? If they aren’t similar, is there a reason given for the change in style/content type (e.g., “I’m an artist who experiments in things”/multi-fandom accounts)? Also check the dates: if art pieces are posted with a long time between, sometimes the stylistic/content differences are just because the artist developed a lot between posting or switched fandom. But it shouldn't really be a radical change without explanation. If they’re an artist, but the art doesn’t generally match the style of the other images on their account, they also probably aren’t the artist.
6. Dates
Take note of the date of posting: if you're struggling to tell who's done a thing, chances are the person with the earlier posting date is the actual artist, because the art thief had to see it first to share it. Sometimes this doesn't work because an artist reposted their own work and/or deleted the original, but it's good to keep an eye on. This is mostly more valuable for tracking down videos, but it can be helpful for images, as well.
Image searching platforms and how to use them:
Google image search
If you know you have a repost on a reposter's account, you can use Google image search to try and source it.
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If you're on browser on a computer, go to Google's homepage, go up to the top right of the screen, and click "images".
This will reload the page in the image section.
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In the new search bar, click the little camera next to the magnifying glass. This will bring up a pop-up window, where you can drag an image, upload an image, or paste an image link. Personally, I have the most success saving the image to my computer and uploading it that way, but all methods generally work. To get an image URL, right click the image, and then click "Copy Image Link". If you just paste say, a Tumblr page, chances are that won't work. If you can't save an image or copy an image URL, screencap it, cropping as much non-image as possible, and use that. If you're trying to source fanart in a video compilation, pause the video and screencap the image.
Once you've done that, Google will take you to a new window with the image on the left, next to suggestions and visual matches.
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Sometimes, the visual match section will list the actual source, usually a twitter, deviantart, pixiv, maybe a vk. If you click it and everything checks out, you're done. Follow the steps above to make sure it's the right account and not another reposter.
If this only gives you sourceless pinterest reposts, look at the left side of the screen and click the bar that says "Find image source" with an outgoing link icon. This will take you back to normal Google search, and you can browse your options, looking primarily for actual art sites like Tumblr, artstation, deviantart, instagram, etc.
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Sometimes, if you're desperate, and you see in the link preview for a pinterest or a Youtube or w/e a reference to an art site, click there and see if that'll get you to the actual artist. Pinterest or another reposter is not your end goal. You're looking for someone, somewhere, who's actually listed the right artist and where to find their art.
Note if you've only got part of an image/a blurry version of it
If you search and all your search comes up with is at least a larger version of the image or a higher quality version of an image, perhaps with a signature or watermark, this is a great new starting point, because it helps search engines find things better. Heck, maybe you can just type in the name on the image and find an account that way. In this case, start the image search over with the better quality version of the image.
Sometimes, going to the search bar and typing in the name of the character in the art/a description of the image or what seems to be the artist signature (next to the uploaded image) and hitting enter will help the search engine.
Yandex image search
Yandex image search is honestly where I have a lot more luck finding things these days. If you just google yandex, click the images icon above the search bar, and it'll take you to the right page.
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Once on the images page, click the camera icon in the search bar (you do not need an account with yandex for this).
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You can drag an image in, upload it, or share the image URL. Again, I find generally saving the image to my computer and uploading it gets better results. To get an image URL, right click the image, and then click "Copy Image Link". If you just paste say, a Tumblr page, chances are that won't work. If you can't save an image or copy an image URL, screencap it, cropping as much non-image as possible, and use that. If you're trying to source fanart in a video compilation, pause the video and screencap the image.
The page will reload.
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The image will be in the top left. Similar images will be on the right. Links with the image will be on the bottom left. If you scroll through the links, look for a legitimate art account, and check all the stuff at the top to make sure it's the right one, or maybe links to the right one. Remember, pinterest is not your end goal (unless that's actually where the artist posts, which is 1 in a million). If need be, check the non-art sites (like pinterest) to see if they've listed a name or a URL somewhere you can go to in order to look there.
Note if you've only got part of an image/a blurry version of it
If you search and all your search comes up with is at least a larger version of the image or a higher quality version of an image, perhaps with a signature or watermark, this is a great new starting point, because it helps search engines find things better. Heck, maybe you can just type in the name on the image and find an account that way. In this case, start the image search over with the better quality version of the image.
Similar images is good for this, because it's a fast refresh of the page if you look for the right one.
Sometimes, going to the search bar and typing in the name of the character in the art/a description of the image or what seems to be the artist signature (next to the uploaded image) and hitting enter will help the search engine.
I haven't had much luck with SauceNAO in a while, but it is typically good if the artist posted on either pixiv, deviantart, or twitter.
Go to the page, and you can select the image to upload or paste the URL. I have far better luck uploading images than pasting URLs, particularly with SauceNAO. To get an image URL, right click the image, and then click "Copy Image Link". If you just paste say, a Tumblr page, chances are that won't work. If you can't save an image or copy an image URL, screencap it, cropping as much non-image as possible, and use that. If you're trying to source fanart in a video compilation, pause the video and screencap the image.
When the page reloads, it should have a list of suggestions. Follow the links or google the names with websites it suggests. If that's not the art at all, or it doesn't suggest any links, but shows "Low similarity results have been hidden. Click here to display them...", click that bottom link. It'll show you the low similarity results. Sometimes this will get you what you're looking for. Sometimes it won't, but it's worth checking.
I haven't had any luck with TinEye in ages, but it is there as an option, and it was useful once upon a time. And maybe it'll be useful with something. The helpful thing is that TinEye actually has a guide on how to use it.
Specific websites:
Go to the original source account. Sometimes this will give you an "this page does not exist". This does not always mean the artist deleted. It might mean they changed their URL. Try going to the closest reblog and see where they reblogged it from. There might be a "source: " section that can get you there, or a name you can at least type into google and follow up that way. It's also important to remember that even if you do find the source post for an image, that may not be the actual artist of the image, but just a reposter. Sometimes they will list where they got the art from. Sometimes someone in the notes (replies and/or reblogs) will list where the art is from. Follow the steps above for checking if the account posting it is an actual artist account who actually made the art (e.g., if the name on the account matches any signatures or watermarks, if the signature/watermark isn't clearly a photoshopped thing by someone else).
A lot of the time this is as simple as checking who is being quote retweeted or retweeted. But if you're on an account that has an original post: to make searching easier and to figure out if they're an art reposter, go to their media tab. If there's no art there and it's just GIFs or a variety of dissimilar art, possibly with other names on it, chances are that's not the actual artist, and potentially a serial reposter. Twitter's archiving sucks, and it's possible the artist just deleted the art, but this is an easy way to winnow out the chaff. Sometimes it can be helpful to browse the regular twitter profile to see if they've retweeted the piece from the original artist. Again, sometimes going to the "original" twitter post doesn't mean that person is the artist. It might just be a reposter. Use the above steps to be sure the person who posted it actually made it.
On Facebook, go to the original sharer. Often people will just keep sharing forever. Check the description: does it have a name? A date shared? A company website? Read the comments: perhaps someone else has already shared the link, or even the artist has commented. If you find the artist on Facebook, check their about section and see if they have accounts on the platforms you prefer.
Check the summary for a name and/or links to the actual poster. If all else fails, check the comments to see if someone else has done the work for you.
Has the poster listed a username? Has someone in the comments listed a link and/or username? Check there.
This isn't so much search on pixiv as it is finding pixiv accounts outside pixiv: if you get a pixiv ID, which should be a string of numbers, google "[the pixiv ID] pixiv" and that should get you to the right account. Unless they've deleted, which unfortunately happens.
Unfortunately if you're not Chinese it's very hard to get an account on Weibo, so if this is your only source, you may have better luck asking your community if they know where the art is from. They might be able to link you directly to the Weibo/Lofter post. I haven't been able to use it as a search engine, but it is at least sort of like an art archive if you can find the right artist.
VK is, at least for this post, a Russian art hosting service. There is a lot of reposting on here, but if you find the right artist, you can browse back through their archive to see if you can find their work. I would highly suggest getting a free account on there. It's, well, free and easy to make, and makes browsing easier. Plus, you can keep bookmarks and follow artists.
Edits/Spotting style differences
Unfortunately there is a part of this that is just about getting better at spotting edits and stylistic differences that usually indicate edits/a reposter who takes from multiple accounts. A lot of the time, you don't have to go into depth on this: if most of the results you see when you say, use an image search engine, have a part of the piece that looks very different from what you have, chances are either the version you have was edited by a reposter, and the common image is the original, or the piece has been buried under folks reposting an edited image.
Some basic edit spotting help: does part of the anatomy of a figure look odd, often in the hands or expression (e.g., the hands might look broken or the perspective is off)? Does part of it look blurry? Is there something off about the coloring in part of the image? Is part of the image covered by what looks like a low quality border/effect?
Artists tend to keep the same general style over time, e.g., how they draw eyes, mouths, body shapes, what effects they use. But a lot of artists will experiment with mediums and their style will evolve over time. If you look at an art collection that comes from one account, you should start to see similarities (e.g., they give everyone black lipstick on their upper lip, they draw squarish eyes, their way to draw hands is very specific). If there are no similarities, and particularly if all the fandoms are different, typically that means a reposter.
One of the easiest ways to spot this is if someone else has said in a comment, "Hey stop reposting my art/this art belongs to x (please take it down!)". Very easy.
Blurriness and cropping
Another easy way to tell something is a repost is if it's weirdly blurry/fuzzy and seems to have been cropped. Sometimes artists will post cropped works in progress ("WIPs")/slightly fuzzy versions of WIPs as previews, but unless this is marked as a WIP, generally fuzzy/cropped stuff is a repost. If you plug these into Google and can find higher quality and less cropped versions of the image, chances are the original thing you were looking at is not the origin post.
Hopefully something here is helpful! If there's anything that's confusing, let me know! I'll try to keep this up to date over time.
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novainthevoid · 2 years
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I posted 1,630 times in 2022
That's 1,495 more posts than 2021!
87 posts created (5%)
1,543 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 973 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#sanders sides - 219 posts
#utmv - 173 posts
#logan sanders - 168 posts
#ink sans - 148 posts
#nova speaks - 57 posts
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#virgil sanders - 48 posts
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#incorrect quotes - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#i see a discourse post about a blorbo and my knee jerk reaction is that one meme where the person holds another protectively
My Top Posts in 2022:
The dawning realization that Mei and her friends would be in their 30s right now.
85 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Y’all I was rewatching some sanders sides videos (most notably the puppets one) and like… have y’all noticed how Virgil and Logan check up on each other? Like the whole “only if you want to” thing is so sweet?? Like they’re acknowledging and being kind about each other’s boundaries and it’s just very sweet I love them.
101 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
Listen you guys. I love space Logan. I really do. But there are also so many other nerd things he could be. A chemical engineer, for example. It’s right there! We already know how he felt about chemical engineering vs theater and like all I’m saying is just. Chemical engineer logan.
Or if that’s not your thing, other kinds of engineer Logan! Biologist logan! Chemist logan! All I’m saying is I think we limit ourselves sometimes. My boy is so versatile. He can be into so many things. None science-y things as well. Librarian logan. Author logan. Detective logan. Absolutely deranged mad scientist logan. I love him.
118 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Not to be discourse on main or anything but the school for good and evil isn’t queer baiting because Agatha and Sophie don’t get to together, it’s queer baiting because of the way they’re literally revealed to be sisters in the third fucking book after ALL the stuff they’ve been through and done for one another. Idk I’m a big proponent for strong platonic relationships but god they came across as not only queercoded but in some way queer with one another.
Edit: y’all should check out my reblog of this post for a more in-depth explanation
119 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Listen you guys… I just… I just need to talk about Logan. I need to talk about my boy…
Because I see a lot of interpretations of him that have him being kind of a dick/not caring about anyone or anything and that’s totally fine! The fun part of fandom is getting to interpret characters in tons of different ways and it makes it so much more interesting. But you guys…
Okay, so the times that I think make ppl see Logan like this come from times where he doesn’t realize how (or the extent that) his words/actions might hurt others. Like in Moving On when he’s trying to get them back to a healthier mindset and he accidentally hurts Patton’s feelings. In these situations, I think that Logan demonstrates low empathy: he has a hard time comprehending how his actions might make other people feel. It’s a pretty common trait in some neurodivergent people and though it’s pretty regularly demonized, it does not mean that someone is a bad person.
I saw a post a long time ago talking about empathy vs sympathy vs compassion and while Logan may have a hard time with empathy I think he genuinely shows a lot of compassion. Logan consistently tries to right his wrongs once he realizes that his actions hurt others: he may not realize that they would hurt beforehand, but once he does realizes he puts in the effort to fix that. He’s one of the most accepting sides and he often notes that all the sides are important parts of Thomas, including the ones that no one else seems to like. And he often puts his knowledge to use in helping others, like in ways to help with anxiety and respect of others boundaries (cough cough Virgil’s name reveal cough cough).
Anyways, tl;dr I love Logan and though he might struggle with empathizing with others, he shows a lot of acceptance and compassion towards others and clearly cares about them in his own way.
485 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
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doumekiss · 2 years
you've put a lot of AEW (and Danhausen) on my dash recently, and I know nothing about wrestling (except for the fact that it a) exists and b) is just like drag race but with performative masculinity instead of femininity xD), but I might've fallen a little bit in love with it (and with Danhausen lol)
is. is there a way to get into AEW in a chronological, organized manner to fully understand what's going on and who's who? some resources? timelines? wikia? or is it all just pure chaos? 🤣 (and I don't mean the fights only, but also everything that happens behind the scenes that adds more to the characters etc.). any recommendations for a new fan on how to become more knowledgeable in it and truly get into it? "consuming" TV shows or games or movies is pretty straightforward to me, but I have no idea how to start with AEW (or wrestling in general). any tips would be appreciated! 🙏
have a nice day~!
Hello ^^ 
So I’m not sure if I’m the best person to answer this because I’ve been out of the pro wrestling fandom for awhile, and only came back recently, and unlike many people I didn’t grew up with wrestling, I got into it back in 2017 because of seeing gifs around, but I’ll do my best :D 
AEW is a relatively new wrestling promotion, it started in 2019 and the main show AEW Rampage has one show a week on tnt so it is possible to watch it all chronologically, it has 161 episodes so far, you can find a lot of on youtube on the official aew channel, or dailymotion or torrent. But the thing about wrestling nowadays is that it is a multimedia type of storytelling because most wrestlers tweet as their characters, a lot of them have youtube channels or podcasts and the interviews usually are in character, and sometimes the line between reality and kayfabe (the fictional world of wrestling) are really blurry. And watching the official shows all in chronological order often doesn’t make you understand everything there is to know because usually people and their characters start before that.
For example Danhausen is on aew for about a year, but his character existed way before that, he was on Ring of Honor for a while, and also in a lot of more indy stuff, and not everything is available online and his character evolved a lot since them, he started as a generic wrestling guy, them his character became a scary demon, and now he is more like a funny little demon guy. 
The character and storyline construction in pro wrestling is very interesting because there are those who are completely fictional like with Danhausen, but often wrestlers incorporate element of their personal life in their characters and their storyline, and sometimes that can create really interesting narratives, one of the most interesting ones in recent times is the MJF and CM Punk feud that uses the personal journeys of both of them to create something very unique, there is amazingly edited video with the whole storyline (it’s long but it’s worth it): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CbZQpmacJI&t=10s&ab_channel=OutsideInterference 
So you as you can see chaos is a part of it, but that is part of the charm I think. What I do usually is find one wrestler I like and go on youtube or look for the wrestler name + full match or videos about the journey of a particular wrestler, and then I go watch some of their stuff, and that sometimes leads to knowing a new wrestler, or someone I follow here on tumblr reblogs a post about a feud or tag team that interested me like the golden lovers story or the charlotte and becky feud in wwe.
A few more stuff :
 there is this really good video explaining how pro wrestling works and the history of this type of entertainment  in general, and why it can be so compelling to watch : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQCPj-bGYro&ab_channel=SuperEyepatchWolf 
There are a lot of youtube channels with videos about the personal journeys of wrestlers like this two that might be useful : https://www.youtube.com/c/WRESTLEWITHANDY  and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrWdaR8RbcAw87nLYw1IrWA
This is one of my favorite pro wrestling analysis blogs : http://thespectacleofexcess.com/ 
And I do find the wrestling fandom here on tumblr really fun so it’s worth see people that post a lot about a wrestler you like and check their tags and follow them (apparently the wrestling fandom on twitter is a mess, sometimes I read stuff that really makes me go yikes, but here on tumblr my experiences were very positive) 
Anyway I hope this help a bit, and good luck :D
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YOU’RE A HANAZUKI FAN???? Soooooooo cool I thought I was the only person who knew about that show!! Tell me, how did you first find out about the show/became a fan of the show?
Yeah Hanazuki is incredibly underrated. I don’t remember how I first found it, but I remember being hooked very quickly and watching it almost every spare moment until I reached the end.
Unfortunately when I don’t have someone to talk about a thing with the interest fades a lot faster. I’ve rewatched it a few times but it hasn’t hit hyperfixation status since. Just sorta lives as doodles in my notebooks and stuff.
I still think about it fairly often. I have a playlist I made. But like… yeah I don’t post about it much. I’ve just sorta reblogged a few posts.
Other than that… Kiyoshi lived in a forest where all the trees were literally made of his own despair and self loathing for who knows how long. That’s so screwed up.
Hanazuki herself is so cool because the first emotion she intensely experiences is anger yet she has to learn that it is in fact possible to dislike someone and it takes a lot for her to reach that point.
Kiazuki is so interesting and fun as a character in a way I can’t even articulate right now. Especially not without a bunch of spoilers
and like!!! It’s a show meant to teach kids about emotional intelligence but it never feels like… preachy? It just tells stories about emotions and compassion and trusts the audience to understand which is so precious and rare in programming for the target audience the show had. There is no “Dear Princess Celestia, I will now spell out the moral of the story” type stuff. (not that doing that is absolutely terrible or anything like it has its place. It’s just always nice when a show for young kids trusts them to figure it out themselves. And makes the whole thing feel more sort of… organic? It keeps the immersion more and doesn’t break up the flow) And it’s a shame Hanazuki never really took off. Because I wish I had it when I was little. And I wish I had more people to talk to about it with now.
also it’s just. A really pretty show with great use of color and a very fun whimsy to it. Sort of like Wander Over Yonder in vibes sometimes. Not quite as intense because. Very young target audience. But similar
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c-is-for-circinate · 3 years
Wait, isn't "anti" stuff more like "anti-pedophilia" and stuff? Like, you have a point about anti-porn attitudes, but from what I've heard just "anti" on its own means against stuff like kid porn and incest porn and legitimately f*cked up sh*t like that.
Okay!  So this, I think, is actually a great example of what I was talking about, and a really useful thing to understand.  (CW rape, child abuse, etc)
Smarter people than me have written much better essays about why policing thoughtcrimes is a bad road to go down, and I will probably reblog some of them next time they cross my dash for more context.  What I want to talk about is the trigger mechanism, the ‘oh, this looks like danger!!!’ immune response in how we look at different kinds of porn, and how that applies to anti culture.
Here’s the thing: I am anti-pedophilia.  I think that, for most people, that’s a stance that largely goes without saying!  Adults who prey on children are bad.  I’m also against incest; relatives who prey on their family members are bad.  Above all I oppose rape.  Sexual predation of any kind is bad.  In fact, I’d say that’s the most important item on the list.  There is plenty of room to argue about where the lines are between ‘adult’ and ‘child’ and how teenagers fit in the middle, and there’s plenty of room to get historical about the lines between ethically terrible incest, distasteful-but-bearable “aristocratic inbreeding” between distant cousins, and the kind of consanguinity that tends to develop in a small town where everyone’s vaguely related to everyone else by now anyway.  The core of the issue is consent, and it has always been consent.  Pedophilia and incest are horrific because they are rape scenarios where the abuser has far more power and their victim far fewer resources to cope, both practically and emotionally; because harm to children is, to us as a culture, worse than harm to adults, for a lot of very valid reasons; and because they constitute betrayal of trust the victim should have been able to put in their abuser as well as rape--but they are all rape scenarios, and that’s why they’re awful. 
These things are bad.  It is good for us to have a social immune response system that recognizes these things when they’re happening and insists we step in.  That is a good thing to develop!  It helps us, as a society.  It can help the people being victimized.  It’s the same reason educators and childcare workers in the US are all mandated reporters, why we do background checks on people working near kids.  These things happen, and they’re terrible, and it’s good that we try to be aware and prepared for them.  (Though obviously studies show we’re a lot less good at protecting the vulnerable than we’d like to pretend we are.)
The question is: why does that same social immune response trigger, and trigger so angrily, in response to fiction?
Anti culture is fundamentally an expression of that social immune response.  Specifically, it’s that social immune response when it is set off by a situation that, while it has some similarities to the very bad real-life crime of sexual predation including pedophilia and incest, is in and of itself harmless.
If you’re instinct is to flare up in anger or dismissiveness because I’m calling these things harmless, I want to ask you to just take a deep breath and bear with me for a bit longer.  What you’re feeling right now is an allergic reaction.
Humans tell and read and listen to stories about “legitimately fucked up shit” all the time.  It’s part of the human condition.  It’s part of how we process those things happening, not just to use, but to other people in the world around us.  It’s part of how we process completely unrelated fucked-up shit, playing with fears and furies and insecurities that we all have, through so may layers of fiction that we don’t even recognize them any more, playing with power dynamics in metaphor and making characters suffer for fun.  Aside from the fact that literally all stories do this to some extent or another; aside from the fact that drawing lines between ‘ok that’s good storytelling’ and ‘that’s too fucked-up to write about’ is arbitrary, subjective, and dangerous in its own right; aside from all of that, these stories are stories.  All of them. 
Even the ones about rape, about incest, about pedophilia.  They’re words on a page.  No real children were harmed, touched, or even glanced at in the making of this work of fiction.  This story, pornographic though it may be, is part of a conversation between consenting adults.  (And if a teenager lies about their age to consent, that is a different problem altogether.)
Stories in and of themselves, no matter what they’re about, are no more dangerous than a crate full of oranges.  Which is to say: utterly harmless, unless all you have to eat is oranges, all day every day, and you find yourself dying slowly of nutrient deficiency--which is why representation matters.  Or unless someone wields one deliberately, violently, as a tool to cause harm, and someone gets acid in their eye--which is the fault of the person holding the orange. And unless you happen to be allergic to citrus.
The key here is this twofold understanding:  First, the thing that hurts you can also have value to others.  Real, legitimate value.  Whether you’ve undergone trauma and certain story elements are straight-up PTSD triggers or you just don’t like orange juice, that story, those tropes, that crate of oranges may be somewhere between icky and fundamentally abhorrent--but we understand that that is still your reaction.  Even if you don’t understand how anybody could ever enjoy it; even if every single person you surround yourself with is as sensitive and disgusted and itchy about this thing that makes your eyes hurt and your throat stop working as you; that doesn’t make it true for everyone.  That doesn’t make oranges poisonous.  No real children were involved in the writing of this story.  It is words on a page.
But, secondly: the thing that has value to others can also hurt you.  Just because a story isn’t inherently poison doesn’t mean it can’t cause you, personally, pain.  That’s what a PTSD trigger is: an allergic reaction, psychological anaphylaxis, a brain that’s trying so hard to protect its own from a threat that isn’t actually present (but was once, and the brain is trained to respond) that it causes far more harm and misery than the trigger itself possibly could.  And no, it’s not just people with PTSD who sometimes get hurt by stories.  There are many, many ways a story can poke the part of your brain that says, this is Bad, I don’t like this, I don’t want to be here.  The story is still, always, every time, pixels on a screen and ink on paper.  The story causes no physical harm.  But it can poke your brain into misery, it can stir up your emotions, it can make you want to cringe and run away.  It can make you want to scream and fight and go after the author who brought this thing into existence.  It can make you hurt.
This is an allergic reaction.  This is your brain and body, your reflexes and instincts, trying to protect you from something that isn’t really happening.  And just like a literal allergic reaction, it can do actual harm to you if it gets set off.  This is real.  The fact that stories can upset you to the point of pain and mental/emotional injury is real, even though it’s coming from your own brain and not the story itself.  There are stories you shouldn’t read.  There are stories I shouldn’t read, regret reading, will never read, because they hurt me.  That doesn’t mean they’re the same stories that would hurt you.  That doesn’t mean they don’t have value.
And, finally:
If getting upset about stories is fundamentally an individual person’s allergic reaction, their brain freaking out and firing off painful survival instincts in the face of a thing that isn’t, in and of itself, a threat?  Then the anti movement is a cultural allergic reaction.
Fandom as a whole has a pretty active immune system, which doesn’t mean we have a good immune system.  We try very hard to be aware of all the viruses and -isms and abuse and manipulation and cruelty, both systematic and individual, that exists around and within our community.  We’re primed and ready to shout about things at all times.  The anti movement is that system, that culture, screaming and shouting and fighting at a harmless thing on a grand scale.  It wants to stop that thing, that scary awful thing that trips all of its well-primed danger sensors, at all costs.  It’ll swell up and block off our airways (our archives) if it has to.  It’ll turn on the body it came from.  It’s scared and protective and trying to fight, and it’s ready to fight and destroy itself.
Luckily, fans and fanfic and fandom and fan culture are a lot bigger and older than they often get credit for, and it’s not like these cultural allergies are anything new.  We could talk about shippers and slashers in the X-Files fandom in the 90s.  We could talk about the birth of fandom in the days of Star Trek.  We could talk about censorship and book burning going back centuries.  We survived that and we’ll survive this, too.
But god, does the anti movement my throat and eyes itch.  Man is it irritating, and sometimes a little suffocating, to realize how many stories just aren’t getting told out of fear of what the antis will say.  And that’s the real danger, I think.  What are we losing that would have so much value to someone?  What are we missing out?
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dourpeep · 3 years
WAIT. I'm losing my mind over that friends to lovers post you reblogged. All I can think about is college Albedo + mutual pining, romantic tension, and friends to lovers OTL
- Leaving little post it notes in his bag or inside the cover of his textbook to tell him to have a nice day or remind him to take care of himself because you know he has a tendency to work too hard sometimes!! And what if he meets up with Sucrose and Timaeus because they like to catch up and sometimes discuss their research or homework, and they see Albedo hiding a grin behind his books and think that he's solved a particularly difficult problem but it's just a cute little note you slipped him when he wasn't looking
- You stay up studying for exams with Albedo and he dozes off on your shoulder so you sit there afraid to move because you don't want to wake him but you're also dying inside
- The two of you go to the library to work but eventually get distracted so it turns into the two you sitting close together on a couch and reading each other sections from your favourite books
- I can also see him as someone who rambles about labs or new research he's absolutely taken by. Weeks later when you mention something he said before, he's a little surprised but you just tell him that you tried your best to understand everything because you know it's important to him and maybe his heart skipped a little
- Going off your headcanons: Albedo looking for little specimens and deciding it could be a fun outing with Klee so she can get some sunshine and you find the two of them in the park. You end up joining them and Albedo's heart softens seeing you and Klee laughing and smiling together!
- I remember this little headcanon you had where he snorts when laughing sometimes and imagine Albedo letting one slip out while he's with you, and Kaeya teasing him later on.
- Eventually, his friends start asking if the two of you are together because of the silent affection and teasing between the two of you. Albedo knows he likes you but he's scared a relationship will ruin everything and you're too important to lose even if it means he never says anything, but little did he know, you have feelings for him too.
Anyway, I hope you have a nice day and week! Sorry about this monster of an ask lmao
Like... there are two characters that I seldom, if ever, turn down and that's my beloved Albedo and beloathed Scaramouche- If you don't want me to shut up about a topic??? Like just utter word vomit???? Bring them up. Bring them up, I dare you--
Okay okay okay okay now lemme just--
oops. 1.4k words. Enjoy your headcanon drabbles, courtesy of me being a hard simp for Albedo--
College au Albedo is pretty close to how he normally is! Brilliant, though having difficulties with making friends and keeping said friends, getting carried away with experiments (did you know if you're on good enough terms with the professors, they'll vouch for you so you can use the lab when there aren't classes using them?? Yeah)...so the friendship that you have with him is certainly the closest one he has.
It'd be the kind where you knock on his dorm or apartment door at 11:45pm with some takeout and your textbooks and he'll let you in without a second thought. You slip inside and settle on the floor next to the coffee table cross-legged, setting the food out as if you don't live a good walk away. He wasn't going to sleep any time soon anyway.
Like the kind of friendship where your hand instinctively slips into his to tug him towards something cool you found or to the café where you tend to go after classes.
Even after you get to your destination, you don't let go.
Now that that has been established--the little notes you slip into his bag or on his books really began as a little reminder. Despite his keen intellect, Albedo tends to easily forget things because his mind is always going onto the next thing. So, being the great friend you are, would just slip a note to remind him to take breaks, eat a snack, or that you're supposed to go and meet Sucrose and Timaeus after class to prep for the upcoming exams.
Neither of you really know when they began to turn into doodles or 'seemingly platonic declarations of adoration'. It's normal for friends to write a heart besides "Don't forget I love you!", right? Yeah.
The smile that makes it's way on Albedo's face is unmistakable the moment that Sucrose accidentally stumbles upon a sticky note carefully tucked in one of his notebooks.
Speaking of Albedo and his tendencies to get carried away with stuff, he often functions on...minimal sleep.
Those nights that you pop up at his place to study or just hang out, he often ends up dozing off, glasses sliding uncomfortably down the bridge of his nose and hair tousled out of it's usual style.
You never plan to stay the night (though even when he's awake he insists you do because it's not as safe at night to make the commute home), but you can't just disturb his sleep when it's the first time in a while that he's probably gone without taking a capsule or two of melatonin to help himself back into some semblance of a sleep schedule.
It's these moments that you remember just how soft his hair is and just how nice his shampoo smells.
Also that he's a cuddler.
You awake in the morning, back aching and eyes squinting against the sudden brightness of the world around you and limbs tangled with your best friend. He's unbothered because his face is half-shoved against the crook of your neck.
With the library, you often find yourselves in a little game. There's so much to learn and so, so many topics through the old vanilla-scent found between pages!!
So trips to the library end up with the two of you digging and sifting to find a topic you've never heard of, sit and read for 15 minutes, then proceed to explain said topic the best you can (without looking!!). It almost always ends up with a few chuckles from Albedo as you fumble explaining (and half-making up) information and Albedo's (unfairly) great short-term memory winning out.
Speaking of...between actually studying and your little topic games, Albedo turns to you to bounce off his current observations and ideas. Sucrose and Timaeus, though both in similar majors as Albedo, are busy with their own projects and research to the point that they don't really have the time to help with stuff as extensive as his research.
Annnnd, naturally, since you don't have anything better to do and are almost always by his side, you play that part!
You listen intently no matter how dense the subject may be and no matter if you do or do not have the background knowledge.
When you ask him to explain something you don't quite understand, he can't help but blink in surprise because you were listening??? And wanted to really understand? You prove time and time again (even days, weeks later) that you listened to every word that tumbled out during his rambles.
And of course you do! Albedo's one of the most important people to you, so it's only natural that you want to show interest in his interests.
Also it's pretty cool to find out those random bits of trivia (like lobsters and their repairable telomeres-).
Oh man, the first time that you met Klee was a pretty hectic day for Albedo. Due to his Aunt Alice's incredibly busy schedule, he tends to care for Klee on days that he doesn't have class.
However, that particular day he just barely finished class before he had to go and pick her up from school.
With you in tow, that is.
Immediately, the little girl brightens up at your presence, no doubt excited from what she's heard about you (listening in to Albedo's conversations with Alice and the embarrassed tone in his voice when he realizes that he's let your name slipped again and now Aunt Alice wants to know about this particular friend who's captured dear little Bedo's attentions). He's relieved when Klee doesn't immediately reveal that.
From then on, Klee insists that Albedo invites you for every outing they have.
The cafe for a quick treat? The bookstore to sit and read a few books?
"Oh, please please please?? Can they come Albedo? Klee promises that she'll be good!"
Who is he to say no?
But above all, those park days are his favorite. You end up running around with Klee, lifting her up so she can reach a particular leaf on a branch, squatting down to see a bug or lizard that she's entirely enthralled by--all while Albedo sits under the shade of a tree on a blanket, sketchbook and pencil in hand.
You don't know it (even though there's many occasions where he's shown you his sketchbook), but the pages are filled with your smile.
Around you, Albedo's found that he's most comfortable.
There's no need to hide insecurities or hold his tongue when something particularly exciting comes to mind...nor does he hold back in his laughter. Especially with your insistence that his laugh is cute.
That scenario with Kaeya is entirely an accident, proof of just how used to your presence he's become.
It's a late night and you're out with a bigger group of friends than usual, some friends that Albedo's only known since the start of college, but definitely good ones.
With a drink in your hand you all sit at a large table, chatting about anything and everything when you crack a joke and Albedo snorts.
Not like a snort with his normally quiet chuckle, either.
Instead, he's laughing hard, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes and stomach hurting (and maybe it's because of the few sips of drink he's had) and he snorts. The moment the sound escapes him and he's trying hard to calm back down, Kaeya grins.
He's most definitely one of the first people to put two and two together.
After all, Albedo keeps to himself, even around them. But with you around? There's a certain spark of life that ignites.
It's no surprise that the two of you are close when all is said and done.
But that doesn't stop either of you from choking and cheeks from flushing when someone asks if you're a couple. It happens often--too often to count--and ranges between Kaeya's teasing comments and a few sweet words from an elderly woman passing by your table at the cafe.
And you laugh--you and Albedo--because no, no, you're just friends.
Then the light hits your features just right, illuminating you in a soft glow that makes your eyes shine and--
It's undeniable the way that he feels for you. The sudden quickening of his heartbeat is proof enough. You slide your drink towards him for him to try and he does the same, eyes unable to leave your lips as you take a sip and then smile.
Between the cracks of his appreciation, of this warmth, dread seeps.
Though...that was just over a week ago.
Sitting down back at his apartment, your head resting on his chest and your hands intertwined while you watch whatever's on tv, you shift. Your lips meet in a sweet kiss.
And Albedo wonders how neither of you managed to see it sooner.
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