#sometimes i think about how much falcone cares about his family
wingingthenight · 2 years
@undeadasshcle has a schedule of his own.
he should be getting ready for mario and sofia's visit. he should be wearing the fancy suit falcone got fitted for him weeks ago. instead, he's still in his lounging clothes and has music blaring far too loud. dancing around his room, using his trusty box cutter as a makeshift microphone. never liked mario or sofia anyway.
it's during a spin that he sees falcone standing in his doorway. stopping is out of the question, this is his favourite song. so he gestures for the old man to come join him. ( teenage victor being a menace )
they’re due at the train station soon. if they’re even a minute late, carmine is certain sofia won’t let him hear the end of it. but god forbid she get a taxi with mario. it would simply be asking too much. he sighs, finger pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. his children mean the world to him, truly, he’d do anything for them. but it doesn’t mean they can’t test his patience from time to time. 
“victor? are you ready?” he calls. objectively, victor doesn’t need to come with, but the ride there is much nicer with some company. it would also be nice to have his kids all together.
but instead of a response, when carmine strains to listen, he can hear music from the direction of victor’s room. not the best sign. 
when he gets to the doorway, he raps at it a few times to announce his presence, but the music is much too loud. victor doesn’t seem to notice. his annoyance can’t quite stick when he sees him dancing about his room. the house is much livelier for his presence. he’s different to mario and sofia - carmine isn’t ignorant to the tension between his children, but he hopes it helps them all grow.
finally victor meets his eyes but there’s no shame, no oops, i got caught look. just one hand holding his box cutter, and the other outstretched to carmine. for a moment, he just raises a single eyebrow. they have places to be after all. but then again, one song won’t hurt, right? hell, not even the whole thing. 
“after this song, you’re getting dressed.” he says, voice attempting at stern despite the smile on his face. still he takes the offered hand, lifting it in the air for victor to twirl in a circle. don carmine falcone does not exactly dance. but he can move to the beat, laugh as victor twirls and puts on a show. affection rising warm and full in his chest. moments like these he doesn’t need to be a mafia don, doesn’t need to watch his back, doesn’t need hawk eyes in every corner of an operation. moments like these, he can be a little looser, a little silly. he can enjoy spending time with his son. 
and if sofia is in a huff because they’re a few minutes late, he’s fairly certain she’ll be just fine. 
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let-the-sunset-rise · 5 months
House of feanor pet headcanons
Maedhros: Dogs, preferably golden retrievers and labradors. Therapy-, family- and service dogs in general (family dogs in Valinor, he needed a service- and a therapy dog post Angband). He had a owl in middle earth too. She brought his brothers and Fingon letters, but then she died in the Nirnaeth (together with Fingon. Funny, how you always seem to lose anyone too close to you. Do you think Maglor will one day vanish as well?Maybe you truly are a terrible older brother. You can't even take care of your own pets! Pathetic...) After the Nirnaeth he had a falcon, who later Elros inherited (She died together with him).
Maglor: Songbirds, but only in Valinor (Later in middle-earth he understood the feeling of being trapped as best as he could because of his big brother and set them free, if they were still able to survive outside. The birds who were too domesticated for that he kept). Canaries, cockatiels, budgerigars, etc. Celegorm and Curufin made jokes about the nightingales because Tinuviel *cough*.
Celegorm: Dogs. From. Orome. Do I have to say more? He had at least ten dogs alone for prey hunting. And Huan of course. HUAN.
Caranthir: Not a pet person or animal person. Had sea monkeys and a hamster as a kid, but somehow they died after two weeks. Well, the sea monkeys died after two weeks, the hamster lived three months. Feanor and Nerdanel didn't let him keep any other pets after that. In middle earth, he got fond of cats because they could be kept as pets underground because they have night vision (keyword dwarves). The cats he especially liked were the naked (egyptian?) ones, I don't know their names; they didn't shed and he is allergic to animal fur.
Curufin: Cats. Cat person. 100% cats. Cats are just made for him. They're like him. They're clever, cunning, daring, will do whatever you tell them not to do, territorial, THEY HISS, I mean how amazing is that and they're just so fucking bitchy and picky. Also, in the Tevildo Canon cats were considered evil by elves (Yavanna: I made these guys and they are perfectly fine and you're all just bigoted) and dogs hated them so I think it's kind of fitting for Curufin to like cats so much because they're so misunderstood and wronged by elven society. He had three cats in Valinor who he later took with him to middle earth (all of them made it, luckily). He had a black shorthair, a white longhair and a calico (all female and girls) and they all had cool badass Quenya names that I will not elaborate on due to personal reasons (*innocent cough*)
Amras: He had a tarantula in Valinor who was later left behind during the flight of the Noldoli. This was quite unusual due to spiders being disliked in elven society and being seen as unholy and disgusting (like Curufin and his cats). He loved her dearly and cried alot when he couldn't take her with him. Nerdanel promised him to take care of her while he was gone. When he got reembodied, his tarantula greeted him home. He was so grateful that Nerdanel took care of her the whole time (which was, to be fair, a long time) and thanked her alot. Their whole relationship got better because of this. Also, in middle earth he didn't keep any pets due to him still griefing his tarantula and him not wanting to replace her. He sometimes took care of his brother Celegorm's dogs, but only for a while and he held no love for them.
Amrod: reptiles. Lizards, snakes and amphibians. In Valinor, he had a chameleon, a bearded dragon and a iguana. He only got to get the chameleon in time, the others were left behind and Nerdanel took care of them. However, the chameleon got burned to death together with him at Losgar. Later, the chameleon got reembodied together with him.
Bonus Celebrimbor:
He liked to play with his uncle's dog (Huan) and he loved his father's cats. Curufin wanted to buy him a cat, but little Celebrimbor refused because he loved his father's calico cat so much that she was basically his pet as well and buying him a new cat would feel like replacing her. Later on, Finrod asked him again if he wants any pets and Celebrimbor refused again because he was happy with the calico cat. When Finrod left and he de-fathered Curufin (I am no longer your child etc. I forgot the verb for it. Listen im german okay i sometimes forget words), Curufin and Celegorm left together with Curufin's cats (including the calico cat) and Huan, Celebrimbor grieved the calico cat more than he grieved his father because it was easier to grieve somebody who hadn't hurt him. Finrod, his friend, as the absolute sunshine he is, left him a small poodle puppy behind knowing Curufin will take the cat with him. The poodle grew to be one of his closest companions in his life.
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crown-ov-horns · 2 months
I said I have 4 storylines of Good Omens fanfiction (including the Crossover with Legion). Had I said that today, I would've lied. There's five.
["Diary entry" under the cut, so there's no litany on an unwilling scroller's feed]
NOTE: I haven't seen S2 of GO, not do I intendt to, so beware of canon divergence
Well... The 5th one is less a coherent storyline, more a concept. I was playing Gardenscapes, and suddenly thought "What if F!Crowley were my Antichrist's mother?"
You know, maybe Crowley owed Satan a new Antichrist, or something. I guess, she'd have screwed up this one, too... Well, she'll gladly take over the world, she just won't destroy it.
The conversation (between myself and myself) went about like this:
Me: ...
Also me: what if?..
Me: for fuck's sake, not again
Also me: Lady Crowley...
Me: please stop
Also me: Was Maxine's mother?
Me: whyever would she be her mother?
Also me: because she owed Satan for the ruined Apocalypse, and had to carry the next Antichrist
Me: Maxine doesn't want the Apocalypse, she's a sane politician
Also me: works for Crowley
Me: she also has black hair and blue eyes
Also me: Satan has black hair and blue eyes, Benedict's not his faceclaim, anyway
Me: fine, why would her last name be Frost?
Also me: Satan goes by Lucian Frost on Earth
Me: why would he ever go by the surname Frost?
Also me: a not to Dante's Inferno
Me: I hate you
Also me: 🤪
Me: you're killing me
Also me: with pleasure 😊
[End dialogue.]
Now, like I always do with any new idea, I of course collapsed down into the daydreaming pit, which often turns fanfiction, and original stories alike, into Tolkien-level complex universes you'd need a lifetime to fully explore.
I thought, it could be funny. When Max meets Anathema and Newt's daughter Agnes in Oxford, they can bond over their unhinged families.
"You'll probably think my parents are weird as fuck, they have a pet raccoon they dye black, and pretend is a cat."
"Honey, no, I get you. My mother mentally abuses her house plants, and wears sunglasses at midnight."
Rich people things, I guess. I mean, they're both nepo babies, who would ask questions about why their families are weird. Who would ask questions about why a rising star politician's mother mentally abuses her house plants.
There's a lot of potential for comedy. Crowley's issues with her sister-in-law, for example. Satan and Michael... They have a strange dynamic. The last time they spoke to each other is mentioned in the Book of Jude. But, they both have the familia ante omnia, blood is everything mentality. They support each other's political aim. They would kill for each other. And, Michael feels very protective (possessive, even) over her niece (the family mediator, why do you think she's a perfect diplomat). It would annoy the Hell (Heaven?) out of Crowley. Still, in the end, she and Michael would probably kill for each other, also.
I'd imagine Satan forbidding any contact with his disowned son... I don't know. In my fanfictions (where he is a thing), Maxine and Adam usually do have eventual contact, and consider themselves siblings (do keep in mind, though, Max would always choose her father over her brother). Satan doesn't mind her not wanting the Apocalypse, as long as she's loyal to him. He sees good points in her arguments against. He never really cared for it, anyway, it was mostly the armies.
Also... Maxine rides horses, ever since she was a child. Crowley doesn't get along with animals, everyone knows that. But. She's the nightmare equestrian mom (think soccer mom, only worse - much worse). How does she get along with Max's animals?.. Well, Titan (the hellhound) actually likes her. Ulysses (the horse) tolerates her. Horus (the falcon - yes, Max's so posh she's in the falconry hobby)... I have no idea. He'd probably sit on her shoulder, sometimes. But, Crowley's anxious around him, since snakes aren't usually friends with raptors.
At first, I thought about conflict between Crowley and Maxine. For example, her refusing to ride in the Bentley, because she (every author must place pieces of them in their characters) despises Queen. But... I don't like writing that. I like writing loving, healthy relationships between mothers and daughters. So, it's more "What do you mean you're bad at being a demon? You caused the Fall of Humankind. None of them can compare to you", and"You'll be the perfect Secretary-General of the United Nations, honey". We love mothers and daughters supporting each other here. ❤
I even thought of cute scenarios, like Crowley coiling in Max's crib, because she's anxious, and wants to protect her baby.
Max is fiercely protective of Crowley. That's why she'd be in conflict with Beelzebub - funny enough, for a similar season to the other stories (Beelzebub causes the death of her adoptive mother, after she realizes she's raising the Antichrist). Beelzebub hates Crowley, and the Beast of Rev. will show her very sharp teeth, should someone threaten her mom. Satan's on his family's side, don't worry.
Actually... You know why this story is cool? Horrific things happen to Crowley in my other fics. Not this one. Actually, she's doing great. She's the Queen of Hell. Damn... She'd outrank Beelzebub. She could terrorize... Her? Like I said, I haven't seen S2, Ι don't know the pronouns, and I don't care, you can get them right if it matters to you (I just know in S2 an actress from Bridgerton played her (?)).
As for Satan/Crowley... As long at Crowley's female, I don't mind it. I like it. Good for you, you little serpent tempter. Because, you know I always romanticise the Devil.
Have I any ideas for smut? You bet I do. I even have crack ideas... You know that picture of a female wolf protecting a male wolf's throat? Think that, but Crowley's coiled around Satan in her snake form, and snaps at anyone who wanders close.
So, I let this out into the web. Now I'll have to actually do it. Wish me luck. 😑
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daydreamgoddess14 · 11 months
My bad habits lead to you pt. 5
Sequel to We lie awake in love and fear
From a prompt by @lilacmermaid25:
5 times Ted returns from Kansas for a wedding, one time he returns 'just because'.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Here we go... nearly at the end now. Sorry in advance for the cliffhanger! 😘
Chapter 5
Colin and Michael - New Year's Day 2025
Date: 31st November 2024
Subject: Stuff
Hello Henry,
Thanks for your email, I hope you've recovered from Thanksgiving? How's the TIE Fighter coming along? You'll have to send me a photo next time. I was thinking of getting a Millenium Falcon for Christmas but I'm not sure your mum would want it taking up her house! Maybe I can get one and you can keep it here. I'm sorry to hear about your dad and Marie, you were right - he didn't tell me. I hope he's OK, he told me what you said when you came over last time. He wants to be close to you, and I can't blame him - you're so much fun to hang out with! Next time you visit we'll have to plan some days out - as long as you don't mind me tagging along?
Speak to you soon!
With warm regards, Rebecca
(Hi Michelle, of course I don't mind, it's lovely to hear from both of you. I sometimes wonder what might have happened if Ted hadn't been so stubborn in keeping his UK and Kansas lives so separate. Take care, R)
Date: 7th December 2024
Subject: Christmas 
Hey Becca (can I call you that? Dad does so…?),
I hope you're ready for Christmas? I can't wait to visit again, I hope I can get dad to agree to take me in the spring. It would be so cool to have a Millenium Falcon! But it is huge, mom said it could live at yours and we can build it together when I visit. I asked mom whether I could visit more but she said it's up to my dad. 
Thanks for the Roblox credits! There's a way cool new game on there I want to try!
Love H xoxo
Hey Rebecca, at this point I think Henry’s ready to hop on a plane alone to visit. He misses Richmond so much! I think I'll join him! It's a shame Ted can't understand that it's not just about where he is. I'm guessing you haven't spoken to him recently but he's probably less present a few blocks away than he was 4000 miles away. How can I persuade him that home isn't a place? After what I've heard about/from Marie, I get it now. It's you. Will keep trying, but you know how stubborn he is! Speak soon, Chelle xo
Date: 18th December 2024
Subject: Christmas 
Hi both! 
Did you get the Christmas box OK? Just some things for both of you. The Falcon is safe in my office ready for when you visit! 
You're both welcome to visit whenever you want - without Ted if you wish! 
(Here’s the boring bit for mum! If only you knew the things I suggested to him. Schools for both of you - anything you wanted or needed. I know it was too much to ask of you though. Just as I'd never ask Ted to leave Henry, he'd never ask you to uproot your lives in Kansas. It's not about me, I know this is the sacrifice he believes he needs to make as a parent.)
We had a crazy Christmas party this week - Isaac dressed as Santa again and we somehow managed to get Jamie to dress up as an Elf! I've sent some of the tamer pictures for you, but it did get wild! Nate has got a new Karaoke machine and it gets a bit of a workout every Friday after training. I’m pretty sure it’s just so Roy can go and do some work in peace though and he knows they won’t bother him. I’m going to Leslie’s for Christmas dinner this year, but first I have to go and take some gifts to some families in the community. I’ll pop in and say hello to Mae for you, H - she asks after you all the time! She suggested one of the gifts in your box - I wonder if you can guess which one?!
Love, Becca (of course you can call me Becca, darling. I love it!) xxx
Date: 24th December 2024
Subject: Christmas 
Hi Becca,
Merry Christmas!
Your gift box was way too generous - thank you! Henry loved all of it - especially the dart board! And I'm so grateful for the things you included for me, you really shouldn't have! 
Hen told his dad that we'd been mailing you, I think he was a little surprised! 
I don't think you overstepped by looking into schools etc. It just shows how much you care for Ted - for all of us, really. Things were obviously a bit strained at the time with Jake around. Turns out he wasn’t as great as I thought - always the way!  
Have a great Christmas & hopefully we'll get to see you soon. 
Love, Chelle & H xoxo
Rebecca beamed at her inbox, the month she’d spent exchanging emails with Henry and Michelle had been lovely - her responses had gotten less and less formal and she’d really been able to see Michelle in a new light. Though she hadn’t heard from Ted personally and therefore wasn’t supposed to know about his split with Marie, she was grateful that Henry had told her. It had brought her so much joy to send a huge gift basket over to them for Christmas. She’d laughed hysterically at the thought of Henry and Michelle trawling through the big box with gifts for both of them while Ted looked on utterly bemused. She’d sent a box to him too, a separate one with new LASSO Richmond shirts - she hadn’t taken him off the staff workwear order list so every few months a handful of new training polos arrived for him, she’d taken to sleeping in them. She’d also put a really great picture of the two of them from Keeley and Roy’s wedding where they’d been laughing together in the box along with the snacks she knew he’d come to love which he couldn’t get in the US. She’d had the guru in the IT department burn a CD for her - to their horror - of songs she’d noted that reminded her of Ted. She could picture him driving Henry to school and the Macarena coming on. She’d had a wonderful Christmas dinner with the Higgins’ and members of the team who didn’t have family locally. Since the year when everyone had descended on his house, the event had remained popular and once she’d done her gift deliveries she’d joined them. She’d taken photos of the huge table - the surfboard needed to be used again, selfies with half the team and Julie, and sent them to Ted. She’d video called Keeley, Roy and Jamie who’d had a quiet morning but were expecting Phoebe for a sleepover, she’d caught up with her mother, Sassy and Nora and exchanged messages with Trent. By 10pm she was back home and exhausted. She poured a large glass of wine and took it to her sitting room where she could put her feet up and Netflix on. Her phone buzzed on the arm of the sofa with a call from Ted.
“Hello stranger. Merry Christmas.”
“Hey Becca, Merry Christmas. Sorry it’s been a while.”
“I’ll forgive you. How’s your day going?” She checked her watch, late afternoon for Ted.
��So far so good. Been at Michelle’s with Hen and both of our moms.”
“Hmm… ouch?”
“Something like that. I keep running into Michelle in the kitchen trying to hide from them. Henry keeps dragging us back in so he doesn’t have to handle them alone.”
“Poor boy, you can’t do that to him!”
“Good job someone sent him a heap of lego to keep him busy?”
“If you think that’s a lot of lego, you should see my home office.”
“You didn’t have to, you know?”
“I wanted to. Henry means a lot to me, he deserves to be spoiled.” 
“And Michelle?  I didn’t realise my ex wife and my… you had gotten so close.”
“My you? We’ve made a connection, that’s all. And I remember you said she’d heard about my skincare routine so I thought I’d send some products. One of those luxuries she’d never purchase for herself.”
“At 200 dollars a bottle?”
“Ted, we’re in our forties, I have no intention of looking like my father when I get to 70 and ‘m sure neither does Michelle. We have to take care of ourselves.” He didn’t respond. “Ted, are you mad that your ex wife and son and I are emailing each other?”
“No. Yes. I don’t know. Why does it feel like you’re all conspiring against me?”
“We would never do that. I don’t know what kind of woman you think I am, Ted, but I distinctly recall telling you that I would never influence your choices when it came to Henry. And Henry and Michelle are looking out for you.”
“Some would call it meddling.”
“Some would call it loving you. If you’re going to be a prick, I’m hanging up. It’s Christmas day and You’ve Got Mail is on.”
“I’m sorry, you’re right. Of course Henry isn’t meddling, he’s a kid.”
“He knows more than you give him credit for. He knows his own mind, and he knows when the people he loves aren’t happy.” Silence again. “Are you coming over next week? For the wedding?”
“Of course, I’ve got a streak to maintain.” Rebecca choked on her wine. “In that, I haven’t missed a Richmond wedding yet?”
“Right, that streak. Well Colin is very excitable. Everyone is looking forward to seeing you.”
“I’m surprised they’re not sick of me. Is it me or has there been a lot of weddings since I left?”
“No, there has. Keeley and I were talking about it. They all seem to be happening in very quick succession. I’m ready for a break from them now. But you know us, any excuse for a good party.”
“True.” He mused. "How've you been?"
"Good, I've not long gotten back from Leslie’s. Half the team were there, it was a lovely day. Thierry is awful at charades and Richard brought his new Victoria's Secret model girlfriend."
"Sounds fun, what's she like?"
"Oh she's lovely, she's doing a PHD in mechanical engineering. The modelling is just a side hustle."
"Sounds like the premise for a romcom."
"It does, doesn't it? Suffice to say all of the boys were very enamoured with her. Though I think she's far too smart for them."
"Someone I know is remarkably similar, actually."
"Keeley? That's what I said."
"You, sweetheart."
"Don't be silly."
"Underestimated by anyone and everyone."
"Except you."
"Oh I'm definitely stupid enough to have underestimated you in the past. I try to avoid it now." She heard hushed voices in the background of the call, "hang on a sec." She waited for a minute and her phone beeped with a request to switch to video. She accepted and the screen filled with Ted and Henry. 
"Becca! Merry Christmas!"
"You too! Having fun?"
"Both grandma's are asleep on the sofa. I came to get dad to do some lego."
"You guys had better run then! Can't miss out on lego."
"Have you had a good day?"
"I have, thank you, all the better for seeing you though!"
"Mom says hi, she's starting the book you sent her."
"That's wonderful, darling. You've still got the rest of the day to have fun, it's nearly bedtime for me." Ted watched back and forth, first surprised by Henry calling her 'Becca', then by her calling him 'darling'. "I'll let you both go, thank you for calling me. It was so lovely to hear you both. Ted, I'll see you in a few days? And H, we'll work on a Spring visit? See you soon my love!" She said with a wink.
"Go choose a lego set, Hen, I'll just say goodbye to Becca." Henry disappeared from view, "A Spring visit?"
"We've got some great days out planned. You should join us." Rebecca said with a smirk.
"You're trouble."
"Only occasionally."
"I'll see you in a few days."
"You will. Goodnight, Ted. Merry Christmas."
"Goodnight, Bec. Merry Christmas."
Ted was due to arrive the day before New Year's eve. Rebecca and Keeley had planned on attending the match late afternoon on New Year's eve and then a low key team celebration to see in 2025. Roy had given strict instructions for everyone to have a tame night, nothing wild or crazy, so that they could all be fresh and ready for Colin's wedding. 
"Come on, Jamie!" Rebecca roared alongside Ted as Jamie received the ball from Dani and found space through the center of the pitch. They were 2-0 down and the second half had just started. They needed three goals in the next 45 minutes to avoid struggling in the second half of the season. He hit the post and Rebecca growled in frustration, the ball bounced back towards Sam who managed to get it under control and take a shot of his own. Nelson Road went crazy as Sam's shot found the goal. Rebecca was on her feet, as were Keeley and Ted. The ball was barely back in play when Dani took a shot of his own to make it 2-2.
"I don't know whether I like watching from up here more, or down by the pitch. I didn't realise how excited you get." He said with a knowing grin. 
"Ted, this is nothing - I thought she was going to run down to the pitch during your last game!" Keeley laughed. The match frustratingly slowed down and Richmond were unable to score again, luckily neither did the other team so they settled with a tie. Beard did some complicated math over dinner at Ola's and tried to come up with the various combinations of final standings until Rebecca took his notebook away with a glare, 
"We are 5 months away from the end of the season. We're only halfway through." She sat back down next to Ted and stashed the book into her bag. Isaac's hand came down to knock on the table. 
"Get the karaoke out - Jamie's gotta sing Britney!" he ordered. 
"You hit the post. Thems the rules bro."
"Nah man, we got the goal!"
"Sammy got the goal. You got the post. Sing for me, pretty boy." Jamie cursed and grumbled while Nate set the machine up. He soon warmed up to his audience and treated them all to a rendition of Toxic - complete with saucy dance moves. 
"It's no Macarena, but that boy can dance." Ted pointed out. 
"One day, I'm sure he'll teach you how to Macarena if it means that much to you." Rebecca soothed. 
"I'd rather learn it from you. Them hips definitely don't lie, honey." They’d hardly left each other's side since he arrived at Nelson Road just in time for the match, they'd also not said a word about Marie. Rebecca could feel the knowledge that he was single coursing through her veins, it both put her on edge and comforted her all at once. It seemed to put more tension between them. Should anything happen, neither of them would be in the wrong this time, but the arrival and departure of both Matthijs and Marie hadn't never really been the issue. They'd just been disguising the original blocker of Ted's move back to Kansas. The karaoke continued despite Roy trying to tame them all. When it became clear that Colin and Michael were also up for a party, no one else had any excuse to leave early. If the grooms wanted to sing karaoke the night before their wedding then the team wouldn't let them down. After much persuasion from Rebecca and Keeley - who'd both worked their way through the Spice Girls back catalogue - Ted was finally on stage. He'd refused to sing alone though so Keeley cued up a duet for him to share with Rebecca. 
Don't go breaking my heart
I couldn't if I tried
Honey if I get restless
Baby you're not that kind
Don't go breaking my heart
You take the weight off of me
Honey when you knock on my door
Ooh, I gave you my key
They bumped hips in time to the music, Rebecca’s arm over his shoulder and a shared microphone between them. Around the room, the team loved every second. 
Woo hoo
Nobody knows it
But when I was down
I was your clown
Woo hoo
Nobody knows it
Right from the start
I gave you my heart
I give you my heart
Rebecca pointed at Ted, singing every word to him. He joined in, laughing and spinning her around. Jamie watched curiously,
"Ey, are they together or what?" He nudged Roy.
"Fuck if I know." 
"I mean, they look like they're together. They act like it. Do ya reckon they've fucked?"
"Course they have." Despite having asked the question, Jamie still nearly fell off his chair in shock. 
"Fuck offffffff! How'd you know?"
"Cos I fuckin' know."
"Keeley told ya dint she?"
"No, she wouldn't tell me anything. I guessed. And I had to go back to our room at Beard's wedding so I overheard them. Scarred me for life."
"Obviously dint scar ya that much, me an Keeley had a great night." He teased. "I can't believe it. I mean, I can, it's just weird to think about."
"Too weird to think about?"
"Too fuckin weird."
"What's weird?" Keeley asked, squeezing between them. 
"Ted and Rebecca fucking."
"That's not weird. That would literally be the hottest thing in the world. I'd combust."
"Hang on, hang on, you've got us… but you wanna watch that?" Jamie asked, affronted. Keeley nodded her head, 
"Duhhh! Anyway, it's nearly midnight so get ready for a snog boys!" Sam managed to wrestle the microphone from Beard and gave them a two minute heads up. He switched the speakers to the radio for the countdown and went back to drag Simi away from the bar where she was lining up row after row of shots. Ted returned to Rebecca after catching up with Nate for a while. 
"So, boss-"
"Not your boss, Ted."
"If you say so. Who ya kissing at midnight? Keeley Jones-Kent? Beardo the Weirdo?"
"Me? You sure about that?"
"I'm not fully convinced, but I don't exactly have long left to find an alternative." Ted turned to face her. 
"You want an alternative? How 'bout Dani?"
"Hmm. Both girlfriends are here."
"You?" She suggested again, an exasperated smile forming. 
"Back to me again, huh? Wow you're really limited on options." In the background, the team were counting down. 
"Oh, I think you might be the best option." She leaned in towards him, 
Six, five, -
"In fact, you're the only option."
Four, three, two, -
She hesitated briefly halfway to a kiss, but of course, he met her in the middle. 
One! Happy New Year!
The noise of their family around them faded into the background as Ted's hand cupped the back of her head and his fingers tangled into her hair. He pulled her closer, sliding along the bench to bridge the gap between them. 
"Happy New Year, Becca." He whispered, resting his forehead against hers. 
"Happy New Year." She went to lean back in to kiss him again, "Will you come back with me tonight?"
"Sure will, sweetheart, if that's what you want?"
The party quickly began to fade with the new year coming in. Colin and Michael left to try and get some rest before the next day. With Leslie, Julie, Trent and the other older members of the group heading out, Rebecca and Ted decided to join them. They all jumped into a selection of waiting Ubers, calling out goodnight, blowing kisses and looking forward to the wedding. No one said a word when Ted got into Rebecca’s cab. She leaned against him in the back seat, her hand on his thigh and his hand tracing patterns down her arm. At her house, he helped her out of her coat and followed her upstairs where he unzipped her dress. She sat on the edge of the bed while he removed her high heels, a hand stroking up her calf. She pulled the dress up and over her head, leaving her in the lingerie set she told him she brought with him in mind. He sat back on his heels with a smile.
"You look beautiful."
"Thank you," she said shyly. "I missed you." She reached out for him. "I've had enough of quick, stolen moments."
"Tell me what you need, baby?"
"I need you to make love to me, Ted." He stood up to remove his clothes while she watched. He blushed, but she pulled him towards her by the waistband of his boxers and kissed a line from one hip to the other. She palmed the hard line in his boxers but he gripped her wrist before she could touch him any more. He pushed her gently back onto the bed, still holding her wrists, and raised them above her head. 
"Keep those hands right there for me, honey."  He muttered against her skin, then he kissed a hot path down her body, his mustache scratching against her stomach and hips. "I just realised the most terrible thing." He said, pulling her lace knickers down. He pulled her thighs apart and dragged her down to the edge of the bed. "I haven't gone down on you since the first time."
"That can't be true." She whined as he licked through her folds. He stopped to reply, making her moan with the loss of contact. 
"Sure is baby, it's been more than a year of quick, stolen moments, remember?" Before she could reply again, his mouth was on her clit and he was pumping two fingers inside her. He had her on the edge almost immediately, knowing exactly where and how she needed him. She came hard, her hands still above her head but frantically gripping the sheets. He didn't let up as she came, he continued to suck and tease her until her thighs clenched around him again. Unable to touch him with her hands, she ground her hips against his mouth, desperate for more contact, more of him. He took his time so he could really see her fall apart, he'd missed being able to drag it out for her - they’d had such little time together. When he released her clit with a pop, she moved her legs and reached to pull him up the bed. "Where d'ya want me, sweetheart?" He asked, hands coveting her body, biting a nipple through her bra. 
"Sit up." He did as she asked, back against the headboard. She straddled his lap and wasted no time in sinking down onto him. 
"Hmm, thought we were taking our time?" He asked, grunting into her collarbone as she settled. She stopped moving, 
"Maybe you were. Shall I go slow?" She teased, bringing his face up to her. She ground her hips so slowly, it was like she'd barely moved at all. They both groaned deeply. She fucked him slowly, languidly, rising and falling onto his cock at an agonising pace. The friction against her clit was exquisite each time she rolled her hips. The tension built until they were both mumbling each other's names and little else. Rebecca captured Ted’s mouth in a filthy kiss, sending them both over the edge as he gripped her hips tightly while he spilled inside her. He held her against him as they caught their breath.
"Fuck, Becca. I love you." They fell asleep together quickly, knowing that for the first time in over a year, they'd also wake up together. Their morning together reminded Rebecca of the morning after their first time - right before Ted had left. Before Matthijs, before Marie. She woke to him spooned around her, hands roaming her body. He pulled her leg back to hook over the back of his knee and open her up to him. His hand snaked across her waist, dipped to guide himself into her and then rolled around her clit until she reached behind her to pull him into a messy kiss. Then in the shower, he’d gotten to his knees while she was trying to wash her hair. In the kitchen, bent over her kitchen table, just as he’d dreamed about. And then finally, on the stairs before they left for the wedding.
Rebecca watched Colin fiddle with his tie again. The young Welshman looked more nervous than she had ever seen. She couldn't hold herself still any longer. She passed Ted her bag and brushed past him. It was only a few steps to the front of the room where she took his hands away from his tie and held them gently. Ted watched her smile at the young man, she talked quietly to him as she released his hands, unknotted and retied the tie. She kissed his cheek, also turned to Isaac alongside him, and held his hand for a second before popping back to her seat.
"Soccer mom." Ted teased. 
"Fuck you."
"Please do. That was very sweet, is he OK?"
"Have you not had enough of me since midnight?" she asked, eyebrows raised. "He's nervous. He'll be fine. The very public declarations of love are the hardest part." Michael appeared in the doorway, appearing far calmer than Colin. 
"There's no such thing as enough of you." He whispered. Once again, Rebecca cried during the ceremony while Ted supplied tissues and held her hand. Once the ceremony was over, the attendees headed toward the bar. Colinand Michael had chosen a lovely boutique hotel in central London for their venue, both families had descended en masse along with seemingly all of Richmond. 
“Someone had a good night.” Keeley said to Rebecca while Ted was at the bar with Roy and Jamie.
“Are we talking about you guys? Because, I would probably pay to watch that.”
“Aww babe! I’d let you watch for free. I meant you though.”
“You’re too kind.”
“You’re glowing. The kind of glow that only comes from about 5 orgasms.”
“Pretty sure it was more like 7 or 8.” Rebecca muttered.
“Fuck me!”
“I’m a bit tired actually, can we reschedule?” 
“I’m not surprised you’re tired! How are you still standing?!” Keeley asked gleefully.
“No idea. Gin and the promise of more?”
“Yeah that’d probably keep me going too. So are you… together? Giving it a go?” Ted was on his way over with Roy and the drinks.
“No idea, haven’t talked yet. Mostly just fucked.” Rebecca managed to admit just before they were in earshot.
“Hi Ted!” Keeley greeted him with a knowing grin. “Get back to Mae’s ok last night?” She asked innocently.
“Hey Keels,” he kissed her cheek, “did you guys have a good night? I stayed at Rebecca’s last night, shared a cab y’know. New Year's Eve, crazy Uber prices and all that.”
“Hmm yeah. I mean, it’s not like you’re both filthy rich or anything. Who needs to spend an extra 30 quid on a taxi, that would just be reckless.” She raised an eyebrow. Rebecca cleared her throat.
“Excuse me, I’m just going to the ladies. Keeley?”
“Nope, I’m good right here thanks babe.” Rebecca hesitated,
“Yep, off you pop.”
“What is it with you two and off you pop?” Ted questioned as Rebecca disappeared from view.
“I’m asking the questions here, pal.” Keeley spun to face him. “What’s going on?” Ted had a caught in the headlights look about him.
“I… don’t know?” Roy stood behind Keeley shaking his head.
“Wrong answer. You’re in for it now.”
“Wrong answer. You’ve got this whole perfect boyfriend vibe going on since you arrived yesterday, loving on her like you two haven’t been torturing each other for over a year. And she told me about last night. Or this morning. Whichever, whatever.”
“Keeley, I-”
“I want to make sure that you’re not going to hurt her. You have no idea how brightly she shines when you’re around - those little infrequent visits and the hot, sneaky sex and then you bugger off back to Kansas and it’s like she’s not sure of herself.”
“She always shines.”
“She does, yes. But when you’re here it’s… honestly it’s something else. And maybe you don’t see it, but when you’re not here there’s a piece missing.”
“Let me guess, the lemon in the gin? The salt in the tequila?”
“Yes! See - you do get it!”
“Beard said something similar. So did Becca, actually. But they were referring to…” he gestured around the room, the team. “All of this. Everyone.”
“It is everyone, don’t get me wrong. But we all have something, someone. I’ve got Roy and Jamie, Leslie’s got Julie, the team are the team. We all pulled each other along when you first left and we got by, but you just don’t see how much harder it is for her. Going home alone every night? She’s the only one with no one.” Ted looked down into his whiskey. “I, we,” she looked around the room, “care too much for her for her to be alone. We care too much for you too.”
“I’ll bear that in mind. Thanks Keeley.”
“I love you , Ted.”
“I love you too, hon. You’re the best.” He put an arm around her.
“Don’t fuckin’ tell her that, she’ll get a big head.” Roy groaned. “She’s already got enough people under her thumb.”
“Including you, baby!” Keeley replied with a wink and a finger gun.
“Oh god, are we telling Keeley how great she is again?” Rebecca rejoined them.
“I’m the best, apparently.” The younger woman beamed.
“Yes you are, darling. I certainly can’t live without you.” The party soon got into full swing, despite hangovers from the previous night. With Keeley’s comments echoing in his mind, Ted focused on Rebecca. Slow dancing with her, joining her with the team and staying by her side. No one questioned it, no one asked what they were to each other. He stayed at her house again that night. He made her a cup of brown water in the morning to take back up to her in bed, eager to get back to her.
“Goodness me! Ted, you nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“Mornin’ Deborah, nice to see you again.”
“Good morning. Nice to see you’re wearing clothes.”
“Yeah well, Rebecca warned me you have a habit of dropping by unannounced. I’ll go and get her.” They spent the day together, went out for dinner with the coaches, their partners, Leslie, Julie and Trent. Rebecca could almost believe that it was real, that this was their life together. She watched as he packed up the small suitcase he’d retrieved from Mae’s after apologising to her for not once sleeping in the bed he’d paid for. She sat cross-legged in the center of the bed wearing one of his coaching t-shirts. He’d found the drawer full and she’d had to come clean about why she had them. 
The following morning, he left her with a kiss at the front door to go to the airport. She managed to wait all of 20 minutes before she was hurriedly dressing and following him out of the door. Habit again saw her purchasing another first class ticket.
“Well this feels a lot like deja vu.” He said, stepping away from the ticket desk. “Another first class ticket? Where for this time?”
“I need to say something.” She replied nervously. “I didn’t say it last time, I was too scared. But I can’t let you leave again without saying it. We’ve both ruined potential new relationships because we can’t seem to let go of whatever this is. I need you to know that I love you, Ted. I love you more than anything in the world and I’d do anything if you’d stay. I want-” her voice broke over her tears as she voiced everything she hadn’t said previously. “I want you to come back to me. I want you to come back for me. If it means I spend half a year in Kansas with you, I’d do it. Whatever it takes, I need you to know that I’ll be all in, just say the word. But we can’t keep doing whatever this is. I love you too much to keep stringing this along. I love Henry too much to take you away from him. So we either find a way, or we don’t.” He stepped forwards to hold her as she cried in his arms again. 
Last call for passengers to Paris, France.
“Let me… let me think. Let me talk to Michelle and Henry. God, sweetheart I’d give anything to be selfish right now, but I can’t. I love you, Rebecca. I’ll love you forever, but I need to figure this out first.” She nodded through her tears, her fingers holding onto his until the last moment as he stepped through the gate to his waiting flight.
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tsukuyomi42 · 11 months
I’d love to hear some of your Captain Needa headcanons if you feel comfortable sharing. He’s such an underrated character and I love hearing different takes on him. 😊
Of course I can share some of them! I really love talking about Needa, he is so forgotten by both canon and legends (I can't understand WHY they didn't gave him a story in From a Certain Point of View: Empire Strikes Back, but maybe its for the best... I am looking at you, Veers' story...) but here we are, giving those forgotten characters the love they deserve!
So lets go with the headcanons!
He was born and raised in a middle class family in Coruscant (of the kind that can live nicely without counting pennies but effectively end up living paycheck to paycheck because of overspending), his family would be considered rich almost anywhere else however Coruscant is a very expensive place to live, this is also the reason he is an only child, his parents sometimes saw him as more of an investment than of a son
A great deal of his childhood was spend at home, alone while his parents worked, while he understands, it still hurts a little
Needa is a really kind person in general, this is the main reason nobody thought he would enlist in the Coruscant Defense Fleet, much less that he would succeed in such a competitive environment, specially his parents
Needa is bisexual but went quite a long time without noticing, he just assumed everyone was like that, he has a slight preference for men and had very few relationships to this day
His main reason for not wanting to form a family is his job, he fears he couldn't be a good father and husband working in such a dangerous and volatile place such as the Death Squadron, he wouldn't be capable of visiting his family frequently but he thinks the environment of an ISD is not a very safe place for a family, specially for children
He is a little bit older than Piett, graduating as an officer in the later years of the Clone Wars, he was a good student if a little bit forgetful of small details
He isn't prejudiced but still has limited knowledge of the outer rim, this is mostly a consequence of living most of his life in Coruscant
He is impressively unlucky, many things that could never go wrong go wrong just because they happened to him, like the cameras of the back of the Avenger being destroyed in the asteroid field (this is my reasoning for the entire Millennium Falcon fiasco, I can't possibly conceive a ISD not having cameras in the rear end of the bridge tower)
Is very loyal to the Empire, specially to his crew, really believing in the Empire as a peacekeeping entity
His relationship with his parents is quite a mess, they aren't really close, they were never home when he was a child, this is also a reason for his behavior towards his friends and crew, he knows how it is to not have anyone to rely on and that some of them also never had this, they are his true family
He ends up being the "mom friend" who is always taking care of his friends and checking on them and helps them every time they need, but please, by the force and every good thing in the galaxy, DO NOT get him angry
Is definitely the best cook in the Death Squadron and likes to bake cakes for his friends' birthdays
Is a very strong and brave person who would always give his life to save the people he loves, which he ended up doing
As much he would love to live in a cheaper and safer rural planet, he craves the chaos that only Coruscant can provide
He became friends with Piett when the later was an ensign and got sent to the ship Needa was already working on, lack of sleep made Piett mess up some small thing and instead of punishing Piett, Needa gave him some time off (disguised as a random task), he always remembered of checking on Piett from now on
I also think Needa can dance and is really good at it, Piett is very disturbed by this
For some reason I think he is one of those people who seem pretty normal but have some hidden depts about his life.
Those are my headcanons for normal Lorth Needa, but they are quite different for chibi Needa, but I will put those with the other chibi characters headcanons
I am actually in the process of creating an AU where Needa is one of the main characters, he will deal with a great variety of murderous sith lords, with one of them being in love with him, our normal guy is going to have a time in there for sure.
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romanarose · 7 months
Revenge and Regret: Chapter 1
Han Solo x Fem!OC (Ty)
Star Wars Masterlist : Main Masterlist
Summary: A few years prior to the events of TFA, Han and Chewie find a stowaway on the Falcon. Shaken, a mess, and no where to go, Han takes her on as hired help. Over the months, Han gets to know her and slowly both of their secrets start slipping. Han feels guilty for his attraction to the 24 year old at his old age, but Ty is attracted to him too. Both broken people, both angry and awful communication, things get messy.
Warnings: I WILL NOT BE LABELING EVERY SINGLE THING THIS TIME! This is a not a dark fic but like most of my series it has v heavy themes!!! By clicking "Read More" you understand while I will give you a general idea and major warnings, you have to be prepared yourself. The reason I'm taking this approach instead of my usual is too many warnings will spoil this fic. Major things to look out for is: After effects of rape, traumatized reader, victim blaming, bodily mutilation by attacker, MAJOR AGE GAP (50 YEARS), cheating. Everyone cheats on everyone here. Sorry. Inappropriate use of the force, talk of weight loss/ not eating but not for weight loss purposes, but as a trauma response. No happy ending. THERE WILL BE LOTS OF SMUT AFTER THE SLOW BURN
Han is not meant to be the hero here, neither is Ty. It's two broken people being broken.
“I get up in the evening And I ain't got nothing to say. I come home in the morning, I go to bed feeling the same way I ain't nothing but tired Man, I'm just tired and bored with myself, Hey there, baby I could use just a little help” - Dancing in the Dark, Bruce Springsteen.
Han was back to where he started. Just Han and Chewbacca and the Falcon of course, alone in the galaxy, going from job to job to get by. They didn't have much, but they didn't need much either. Han had always been a simple man, and found the extravagance of his previous life stifling, which is why he left. That's what he said anyway. Chewie knew what happened. Han's son, Chewie's godson, had not died in the attacks on Luke's jedi temple. That Ben was part of the attack, and had joined the dark side of the force. Chewie also knew that Han and Leia's marriage had been on edge for a long time already, and this was the last straw. Han blamed himself and couldn't face Leia anymore. True to his nature and unable to talk about his feelings, Han just… left. It's all he can do sometimes. Leave, and sometimes return a hero. Chewie knew all of this, of course, but Han liked to lie to everyone around him and make up reasons for leaving.
Han sat in the pilot’s seat, having just left Tatooine for a job. He hated jobs on Tatooine more than almost anywhere. It was not a place of good memories. It was the place where Han had been captured by Jabba and frozen, and Leia attempted to rescue him, getting herself captured and turned into a slave. Han knew Leia made her own choices and that Han wasn't responsible, but Han always held a lot of guilt over it. Leia never really talked about what happened while she was there, but Han knew.
 It was also the place where Luke, Lando and Chewbacca came to save him and although it was successful, any one of them could've died. If Luke had faltered slightly, it would have been Luke, not Boba Fett, who ended up in the sarlacc pit. All this was bad, the stuff Han had nightmares about, but there was still more. This is where Luke grew up, where Luke met old Ben, where Luke's family was murdered and of course, where Han met Luke. Started this whole thing that Han got wrapped up in. It was supposed to be one mission, a mission that would have paid off Han's debts, then be back on track. It turned into meeting his best friend, and his best friend’s sister, who he married, and accidentally joining a war. Turned into Han having a son, a son Han didn't really know how to take care of, a son who became a sith Lord. It all started here on Tatooine, and Han didn't like thinking about it. At all.
Han was stuck in the same mental loop that Han was constantly going into, the things he did wrong, should or shouldn't have done, if his good outweighed his bad, thinking about how badly he ruined Leia's life, how he spent the last few decades trying to be the kind of man a princess deserved to marry but wasn't. Han was barely paying any attention, when a crash in the cargo woke him from his daydreams and startled the sleeping wookie beside him. "We didn't have any precariously stacked boxes back there, did we?"
 Chewie growled a no.
 "Shiiiiit" Han muttered as he and Chewbacca got up to find whatever sentient snuck aboard. He was getting too old for this nonsense.
Opening the cargo door and turning on the light, they saw nothing. Gun drawn; Han let out a warning.
“Alright, we know you’re in there. We’re both armed. I don’t want any trouble so how about you just slowly put your hands up and come on out.
         Slowly, ever so slowly, two burnt,  red, humanoid hands arose out from behind the fallen boxes.
“Ok, you don’t have to go that slow. Come on out” Han wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it sure wasn’t a young girl. She was a disaster, and was sunburnt to all hell. She was wearing a long, blue dress that reached her feet, covered her arms, and went up to the neck. The dress was too fancy to be from Tatooine but looked like it hadn’t been washed in a week which the smell confirmed. Her hair was short, only a few inches long, and stuck to her face with sweat. But out of all things he noticed, the thing that drew his eyes were the scars on her face. The two thick scars on her cheeks were hard to miss. She was shaking, but Han was still wary. Leia had killed by the time she was 20, so Han wasn’t taking any chances.
Han glanced at chewie, both confused “Alright let's just get this out of the way. Who are you and why are you here” she stared wide eyed, breathing heavily. No answer. Han kept the gun pointed at her, but leaned over to Chewbacca and whispered, “what do you think Chewie?”
Chewie said that he thinks she might be a runaway.
Han looked back to the girl “how old are you?” nothing “come on you gotta give us something”
Han tried to take a step forward, but the girl gasped and stepped back, flinching. She started crying, but her face remained frozen.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m not gonna hurt you!” Han panicked. He wasn’t exactly known for being a calming presence. He tended to feed off other people's anxiety, especially when it was directed at him. “don’t start cry- ah come on…” It was getting worse, she was shaking and looking like she was going to hyperventilate.
Han moved his gun from being pointed at her to pointing it away, but still out “are you in trouble? Can we help? Maybe we can take you back home?”
“NO!” finally a response.
Han narrowed his eyes. She looked like that hadn’t slept in a while and was a complete mess, so he was having trouble guessing her age. But the dress she was in was a little too nice. He couldn’t be getting caught with a runaway girl, that would draw too much attention. If she was escaping something he’d help, but he needed to keep a low profile. If her family is missing her, he could get in big trouble for having her here. “how old are you”
Pause. “24”
Han laughed “there’s no way you are 24. Come on, are you 18? 19??”
Slightly irritated, she replied “I’m 24. I get that a lot.”
Han wasn’t sure he believed her, but he moved on “what’s your name?”
“Just… call me Ty.”
“Ty? That’s it?”
“Yes?” She sounded like she was convincing herself. She was still shaking.
Han felt like she wasn’t a threat. They could put the pieces together later, but the girl looked like she couldn’t do much harm in the state she was in either way. He struggled to not stare at the scars. Han remembered times where he went hungry, and whatever had happened was that and much worse. “Listen. When was the last time you ate”?
Her expression looked a little pained “Its fine”
“No, it's not. Whatever is happening, you’ll be with us for at least the night so let's get you settled and we can talk more.”
Han hesitated. He really didn’t want to do this, but he couldn’t relax unless it was done. “I have to check…”
“for weapons. Yeah.” She started breathing heavily again but tried to relax herself.
“Do you want chewie to do it or me?”
 Ty had hardly even registered Chewbacca, and was slightly terrified of whatever that was, but the thought of a man checking for weapons sounded horrific. “uh, do I have to undre-“
“OH GOD no, no, no. I just…” han held up the back of his hand and moved it around “like that”
“oh. Uh. Ok. I suppose him?” he glanced at chewie
Oh thank gods Han thought. He didn’t exactly want to go around patting down random terrified girls. It’ll be less awkward with chewie. He got it over fast enough, and Ty took a deep breath.  
Han put his gun away and looked her over once more, very curious about her story. He was no stranger to strangers, that’s for sure.
“Come on, let’s get you some food and water” Han gestured and began walking to the dining area. Ty did not move, causing Han to turn around when he didn’t hear footsteps “What is it?” he sighed
“I don’t… I don’t have any money.”
“Is that all? I wasn’t gonna charge ya. Come on.”
She walked, but slowly. When they got to the dining area, Han noticed she was still lagging. “What is now?” He sounded more irritated than he meant to.
“I told you my name. Why wont you tell me yours? Should I be worried?” She leaned against the doorway.
Han and Chewbacca looked at each other. “You’re telling me you don’t know who I am?”
She scoffed, “Do you know who I am?” Han almost saw a smile on her cut up face.
“I was hoping to find that out”
“You tell me your name, then we’ll talk”
Han grinned “Han Solo. This is Chewbacca” Chewie growled and waved “Most people seem to know who I am, at least when Chewie is with me. I assumed you hopped on the falcon because you knew who I was”
Ty stood straight up and curtsied “oh my gods, I am so sorry sir, I didn’t realize-“ she was cut off by the sound of Chewbacca laughing, she looked at Chewbacca and back at Han who stood with his arms crossed, more confused than ever. “Why is he laughing?”
“because he can’t read the room” Han glared at Chewbacca, who waved him off and went to get the food. “Why are you acting weird all of a sudden? Well, weirder. Relax.”
Standing with her back straight and hands behind her back, almost at attention it seemed, Tight and hands behind her back, almost at attention it seemed, Ty did not relax “Is leia here?”
This caused Chewbacca to turn around and look at Han, but Han was only looking at Ty “Do you know Leia?”
“Depends, is she here?”
“Sweetheart I mean this in the nicest way, but are you having a stroke? Is there some medicine you are supposed to be on?” Chewbacca told Han to be nice. Han got quieter. “Do you know what’s happened in the galaxy in the last ten years?”
“I know what happened. I just. I don’t really know much other than the attack on the… the temple…” she slowed as she realized she was talking about the death of Han’s son, and quickly changed direction “I just need to know if Leia is here.  I knew her briefly, that’s all I can say for now sir.”
Han cringed “Stop, stop calling me sir. No, Leia isn’t here. She’s… been busy. Please, relax.” Ty did relax just a little, seemed relieved that Leia wasn’t there. Chewbacca put food at the table “Eat” Han got a large cup of water. All pretense of formality faded from Ty when Han handed her the water. It was gulped down in a matter of seconds, and Han got another glass “when was the last time you had food and water?”
“I’ve been on Tatooine for about a week. Not a lot of food or water. I only had a little money when I got there. I don’t think I’ve eaten for about 5 days maybe?”
Han guessed that’s why she didn’t realize who he was. “Have you been sleeping outside?”
“Yes sir”
“Stop calling me sir” han snapped
Ty startled a little. “I’m sorry”
Han sighed, he had to be more careful. He couldn’t talk to her like a fellow smuggler “It’s ok. Why are you being so formal all of a sudden”
Ty shifted in her seat “Well you’re… you’re a prince”
Chewbacca burst into laughs again. Han glared “Haha laugh it up” He turned back to Ty “What do you mean?”
“You ARE married to a princess.”
Han leaned forward and put his hands on the table. “I hate to break it to you, but that planet no longer exists. Or did you miss that part too” He came off ruder than he planned to.
Ty glared at him “Yes, I am aware that an entire fucking exploded, I’m not an idiot.”
Han noticed he hit a nerve but continued antagonizing. “I can’t the prince  of a planet that doesn’t exist anymore”
Ty regained her composure and settled back in “Sorry. I don’t know why I got so worked up” she considered for a moment and looked back up “Maybe it has something to do with the fact you were being needlessly sarcastic” she glared
“Well sarcasm is something you are going to have to get used to here. Now,” he sat down “what is the story of all this” Han gestured at her.
Ty was scarfing down food like it was her last meal, but completely swallowed before saying “How do you mean?” She looked genuinely confused.
“How do I say this nicely…”
She put down the fork “Say it meanly” this seemed more like a dare than it was a genuine encouragement.
“This feels like a trap” he muttered “Well ya look terrible” Han grabbed a jar of bacta from the cupboard “you’ll need this for the sunburn”
“Ah… I suppose you would want to know that… right… thank you.” She began to put the bacta on her hands, then her face. She winced as was reminded that her face was injured and began applying it more carefully. She covered her face and began rubbing the bacta on the cuts on her cheeks and staring off into nothing. This continued for a moment, giving cause for concern.
“Hey? You okay?” no answer “Ty, hey!” Han raised his voice just a bit and grabbed her hand.
         Ty jolted back into reality and yelled, jerking her hand away and scrambling to the other side of the bench “DON’T TOUCH ME!”
Han took several steps back with his hands up “WHOA WHOA! Sorry!” Ty began crying. Han let Ty have a minute to calm down. Something happened. Han wasn’t known exactly for his wits, but he could put a few things together. “Hey, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He took a few steps forward “You weren’t responding” another few steps.
Ty moved back another inch, but was calming down. “I’m sorry, I just… I drifted off. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” Han waited until she had calmed back to close enough to normal. “Listen. I’ve connected a few dots. Am I right to assume you are from a well to do family somewhere?” Ty looked surprised and started to deny it but Han held up his hand to stop her “Between that little conversation a moment ago, that dress you’re wearing, and that weird formal way you talk sometimes even though you try to hide it.”
“Yeah, fine. You got me. You want the story?”
“Hell yeah I want the story” he crossed his arms
“I was supposed to get married”
Han laughed “Aha, there it is, jilting a man at the altar. Ata girl, marriage is a mistake” Chewie smacked Han upside the head.
“I didn’t have a choice.” She glared at him “It was arranged by my parents to a First Order officer.  It was… well it wasn’t going to work. I had a bad feeling about him, so I left.” Ty threw up her hands “Okay! You got me! You can bring me back to him and get a big reward!” She looked like she was going to start crying again
“Hold on now, no ones going to turn you in anywhere. Chewbacca and I are trying to stay as far away from the First Order as we can. More importantly, I don’t know what anyone told you, but you don’t have to marry anyone you don’t want. “
“We do where I’m from.”
“Well then, we just won’t go back there, will we.”
“I’m trying not to.”
“Ok then. Are you done eating?”
Ty looked down at her plate, she had been eating her third plate of food “Sorry, I don’t know why I did that.” She continued looking down.
“Hey, don’t be sorry. You can have as much as you want, it just seemed like you were done, you weren’t eating”
“I’m done, thank you.”
“Alright then, let's get you settled for tonight” he began walking “come on”
Ty paused for a few moments before looking at Chewbacca and scrambling out of her seat. Following Han, she hesitantly stood behind the doorway of the room.
Han gestured in “Come on in, make yourself at home.” Ty stayed where she was, and Han realized she was probably being cautious “Ah got it. I’ll be out in a moment then.” Han stood up on the bed to reach the shelves.” This will be your room. And by room a mean closet” He stepped down from the bed and handed ty a black t-shirt and black pants.
Ty looked at the t-shirt “uh… I’ll keep what I have”
“You have nothing.” Han stated point blank. “What is it? You feel weird taking stuff? I’m not gonna leverage it against you if that’s what you’re worried about”
“Well its just… I’m so sorry, but I get cold easy”
“That’s it?” stepping up onto the bed, he grabbed a long sleeve and tossed it to her “Better?”
“Yes… sorry. I don’t want to put you out” looking down, she evaded eye contact
“Stop that. It’s fine. Now go take a shower. I’ll be in the cockpit”
Han heard the shower running for a long time. Long enough that he considered checking on her, but he figured she needed some time and a good scrub. Chewie was hanging out in the copilot seat, eating
“Well Chewie what do you think”
I think she needs a place to stay
“I don’t know about that. I want to help but I don’t think we are what she needs. We can take her somewhere, but I don’t want to get involved.”
She needs our help Han
“And we need to keep our heads low. It’s a pretty big deal that we’ve stayed away from the First Order this long. We have to keep our heads low. I don’t think things will go great for you, me, or her if we get caught up in core world issues. We don’t know how important she is”
This isn’t a core-world issue. This is a girl who has clearly been traumatized and has almost no idea what’s happening in the galaxy. She’s not going to survive long out there.
“I just... I can’t do this again Chewie. I can’t get involved in other peoples shit again. That’s what got me into this problem in the first place.”
You’re the captain, Han
         Chewbacca went to bed. He knew damn well what Han would do. Despite how he wants to present himself, he was a softie. Han kicked up his feet and thought for a few minutes. He knew Chewie was right. And he knew as well as Chewie did that he couldn’t just drop her off to fend for herself. Something happened that she wasn’t talking about, but that was fine by Han. He had secrets too. Han heard footsteps behind him and turned around to see Ty in the doorway. In the simple clothing, she looked more her age, and Han believed she was the 24 years she said she was. Her short hair was still damp and partially clung to her face in wisps. The rest of her hair was curling as long as the length would allow. It was obvious it was not done by a professional. “Did you cut your own hair”
“Why would someone with the money you do cut your own hair?”
“Don’t ask.”
Han nodded.
Ty continued “So where are you taking me?”
“Got anywhere you’re trying to get to? Any friends?”
“No. But you can just drop me off anywhere that’s not a desert planet, wherever is convenient”
Crossing his arms, Han pressed “What’s your plan?”
“I’ll figure it out”
“That’s not a plan”
Ty crossed her arms and leaned against the doorway  “It’s fine. I’ll figure it out.”
Han laughed “Oh yeah like you were figuring it out on Tattooine? I think you would’ve lasted about 3 more days at most. People die there every day, you wouldn’t even get noticed until the animals got you” Ty glared, but Han continued “And I thought you smuggled aboard the Falcon because you knew we wouldn’t hurt you. You just got on the first ship you saw”
“Stop it.”
Han knew he should stop, but he went on. “Do you have any idea what could have happened if you got on the wrong ship? At best you could be killed, at worst you could be-“
Han stopped. He knew he should say sorry. Again, he didn’t. “Listen. Point is, you need somewhere to go. And luckily, we’ve been looking to hire a few hands. Come, sit down”
Ty looked confused, but didn’t enter the cockpit “I can’t be of much help. I can't shoot, I’m not strong, I obviously don’t have a clue about anything. Why would you want me here?” she subconsciously moved back a little and narrowed her eyes just a bit.
“I can teach you to shoot, you’ll get stronger and you’ll learn. We just need an extra hand is all. We don’t have a lot, I’m sure it’s nothing compared to wherever you are from, but it’s food, shelter and relative safety.”
“Relative safety?” Ty questioned, softening up to the idea.
“Yeah, I can’t guarantee that nothing will happen, but Chewie and I keep our heads pretty low, and you’ll be safe with us”
The word hung in the air for Ty as she considered. Han was a war hero, surely he wouldn’t hurt her. Leia would never have been with someone like that. “Ok.”
“Ok, it’s settled then” Han turned back and watched the sky ahead of him.
“It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen this before.” Ty said from the doorway.
“I suppose you’ve always been in fancy ships haven’t you?”
“Well I’ve never flown”
Han glanced over his shoulder to make sure she wasn’t joking, but she was serious. “You’ve lived an odd life Ty”
“You could say that.” Ty stood up, and almost went to bed, but she turned and walked over to the copilot seat and sat down. She sat upright, but it felt wrong. Ty relaxed into the chair and crossed her arms, and watched the stars fly by.
After a few moments, Han broke the silence one last time “You gonna tell me how you got those scars?” he didn’t turn to look at her. This was the first time anyone acknowledged the two large scars on her face.
Ty sat quietly for a moment. This was a question, not a demand. “No.” she answered.
There they sat in silence until Ty went to bed
This fic was my bedtime fantasy for years. This is my third attempt writing it and putting it out lmfao. As most bedtime scenarios go, its over-dramatic and unreaistic. But hey, thats what im here for.
LMK if you want to be added to the tag list but honestly I dont think theres gonna be much interest and Im probably just talking to myself haha
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phtalogreenpoison · 11 months
MBS WIP! part 4 folks!
And while Milligan does come to the conclusion that he really likes Moocho, he decides that he wants what is best for Kate first, which first means focusing on his relationship with his daughter and THEN working on a romantic relationship.  (and obviously Moocho would agree to this too and is just a huge green flag for the both of them 😊)  So he’s relatively worked out this crisis and has a plan for how to approach this, but then he worries again like oh no what if my daughter is homophobic because of just general society in early 2000s and 2010s, here specifically in 2009-2010 for between the first adventure and The Perilous Journey (as myself someone who is very queer and was at the time homophobic because I was a child who absorbed all the shame and religious and societal guilt surrounding queerness).  So because he wants to check, and perhaps broaden Kate’s perspective because he knows she is a very accepting and loving kid, Milligan discreetly talks to Moocho who responds to all these convoluted fears with a simple, “nah the circus was gay as hell no way is she uncomfortable with that.”  While Milligan realizes he may have overthought this, he still resolves to answer any lingering questions for her about sexuality because he wants to be there for her as she discovers herself and wants to teach her to be open and supportive, whether that is towards herself or others.
So after getting advice from Moocho (yet again), Milligan gives Kate the talk (this is all happening in the six or so months to a year after they’re all reunited and they’re settling down by the way, so in between books 1 and 2).  I think it’s hilarious that it keeps cropping up that whenever Milligan doesn’t know what to do as a parent, he asks Moocho’s opinion.  This is not in a pressuring way, he just cares what Moocho thinks as they’re pretty much co-parenting Kate at this point. 😊
Finally, Milligan talks to Kate, and she of course is like ugh awkward, especially because come on, she’s like 13-14 in this, she already KNOWs, but being herself, she does find it practical.  (There’s also a quiet part of her that starts to warm up because it’s something A Parent does for their kid, and she gets that now too.)  And she really likes being a girl!  But sometimes she wants to be something more… like just a person? Just a performer? Someone who’s capable and looked at for their talents, not their gender?  Cue confused Milligan noises, as he was prepared to look into sexuality stuff, but not gender because that just didn’t cross his mind at the time he was planning this. Though if he thinks back, he does remember one time he met someone openly trans while training for his job, and he also remembered Moocho mentioning someone more androgynous.  So they do the research as a family!  Both into nonbinary identities, particularly genderqueer and gender nonconforming (what would later be known as demigirl because that term was first used in 2010), and what Kate eventually settles on for the time being is she/they, they/she, they/them, or she/her as her pronouns!  Of course, it’s a growing process, but they totally all bond because of this.  There are many late nights of hot cocoa or apple pie over which these discussions occur, with Moocho falling asleep on the couch every time while Milligan and Kate are still wide awake chatting.
ALSO unrelated, but Milligan and Moocho totally plot together to get Kate her falcon Madge because Obviously they are discussing presents for her birthday (or missed birthdays 🥺) and they want to be the Cool Dads TM.  Moocho knows Kate has her license, and Milligan has a contact who connects him to a falconer.  Perhaps Madge was initially injured as a chick, but was nursed back to health, but became slightly too tamed to be released into the wild.  SO, Madge is the perfect bird for Kate to care for because they have the space, time, and knowledge available to take care of Her Majesty the Queen. :)
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lajulie24 · 1 year
For get to know your fic writer: 16 and 45
16. How many fic ideas are your nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Oh, yeah, hard to keep count on that one. I have about three multichapter WIPs going (not counting another AU I started writing with a friend and have been thinking about revisiting), so I have lots of ideas about those, plus a couple of smut ideas kind of in progress but not quite done, and then anywhere from six to ten other ideas that are in various stages of formation and may or may not become WIPs at some point.
One idea that I haven’t done much with yet but occasionally toy with is a sort of alternate post-ROTJ scenario for Leia and Han (and Luke, who also figures heavily into the story). Han and Leia are definitely together, the Empire’s been fully defeated (there will always be issues because it’s a big galaxy, but the major warlords and remnants have been taken care of), and the New Republic is transitioning from a war and a provisional government to the business of governing. Leia’s been in the middle of that transition and has helped them get set up, but she’s…antsy. She realizes that she’s just not interested in being a politician or a diplomat in the traditional way, it’s just not her thing anymore after helping to lead an insurgent army and becoming the last Princess of a people of refugees essentially. There’s some angst around “am I not a good person / am I just made for the fight / where is my place in the galaxy” kind of thing, but basically with the help of Han (who is also antsy but would happily be a trophy husband or whatever Leia needs if that’s what she wants) and Luke (who is having his own issues trying to figure out how to translate “pass on what you have learned” into his own life) she and Han come up with a plan where they quit their NR jobs and essentially live out of the Falcon doing the things that the NR doesn’t yet have the infrastructure to do, or would require a lot of political will to pull off but the NR will take on if someone gets things started, or are things that might not be top priority for the NR but are top priority for Leia (like recovering Alderaanian artifacts, supporting refugees, freeing slaves, etc). And Luke is looped into all of this as well, which solves some issues for him (plus he finally gets Leia to agree to at least do some Jedi training) and means that the family sticks together. (They visit Chewie on Kashyyyk a lot, and sometimes he comes and joins them on some of their missions.) I imagine at some point Han and Leia officially get hitched and at some point they have some kids, but they have several homes around the galaxy (one on Corellia, a place they stay wherever the Alderaanians have settled, a place with Chewie’s family on Kashyyyk, and a place where the Jedi have gathered, in additional to the Falcon).
As you can see, no small ideas, right?
45. Do you want to break your readers’ heart or make them laugh?
Both. Often in the same fic, although not always. I think because even amid horrible circumstances sometimes you just have to laugh at life, and also because I’m writing characters who have endured a LOT, so sometimes even during the light fun times there’s a bit of sadness. I probably lean more towards wanting readers to laugh, and even when I have to temporarily break some hearts I want there to be hope and/or the possibility of happiness. I also think that’s a lot of what Star Wars is about, about finding the joy and love and friendship even while everything should feel absolutely lost. That joy and love and friendship is what they’re all fighting for, and it’s worth it.
Thank you kindly for the ask!
Get to know your fanfic writers asks
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What do the Vicious 6 think of Revengers 5 (they are both arch-rivals)
Ari-Rage is the leader of the group, and she has a bitter relationships with Jean.
Spine is Jean's bestie without the Vicious 6's knowledge.
Dyabalochka has a fire power, Falcon-Eye is clumsy like Svengeance but she can understand animals.
Olon-Cold has freeze powers.
There it is! Also I wanted to say that your oc's are really cool ^^
• Since Ari-Rage is the leader, would have been considered the most important member of the group. But Belle probably thinks the opposite. She just gets along better with the people who are similar to her, and that she enjoys. But she also kind of like the fact that she is related to music (even though she would never say that openly). And she isalso impressed by her age. With Jean, well, like you said already they aren't so well respectful towards eachother. Nunchuck may think (even if she is full of secrets, so who knows if that's true) that she must be better than the rest if she leads them. At least. Svengeance actually doesn't like the term "rivals" but needs to act mean towards the other squad. And Stronghold doesn't care. He just doesn't.
♧ With Spine Prince the situation is a little different. Belle actually is more interested in him, probably because of his multiple abilities. But she doesn't really understand why he cares much about family so much. Jean actually really cares about Spine. And hates the fact that he needs to hide that. (coff-also I ship this coff-). Nunchuck doesn't mind having him around as long as it's in fight related things. Even if she doesn't really like people lol. Svengeance likes being around Spine. He doesn't hate anyone that much like the others. Stronghold kind of agrees with Belle. I feel like they would bicker often tho.
☆ Dyabalochka is also a different story. Belle likes her the most. Probably because they are both girlbosses lol (or atleast I feel like it). Jean is probably terrified by fire (and doesn't want to hear about it). So he wouldn't even go near Dyabalochka. Nunchuck loves that power, despite many people would think. I would love to see Nunchuck smile around flames (but also that would be terrifying so no thanks). Svengeance doesn't really mind someone who manipulates fire, as long as it doesn't hurt him. Stronghold also enjoys that power and they would also get along well in my opinion.
● Falcon-Eye is not really liked by them. Belle doesn't like having someone that "doesn't know how to not goof around" (her words lol) and thinks is not a really cool power understanding animals. Jean thinks is annoying for her to be so much nice. It's boring sometimes. And is still not sure how to feel about someone that talks to animals and understands them. Nunchuck despises her. Probably because they are the complete opposite. Svengeance doesn't really enjoy being compared to her because they are both clumsy. And secretly wishes to have such a cool power as her's. Stronghold thinks that she is not so powerful and easy to beat.
◇ Olon-Cold is the last one (this is so long omg lol). Belle hates someone with that kind of power. She doesn't really like cold. Jean would probably understand him more since they are both introverts. But would not let him be too near his claw. He doesn't want to let someone break it or freeze it in this case. Nunchuck doesn't like him. Too quiet, too serious. She sees him kinda as her, and doesn't like it. Svengeance likes him the least, just like Nunchuck he thinks that he's boring. But his powers are also cool. Stronghold wants to fight more often with him. He likes more is powers than anyone else.
Done! I hope you like it! ( since I'm not sure if this reflects your character's personality and behaviour towards the Vicious 6.)
I tried my best :)
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tessabennet · 5 months
Hello!!!! I'm an absolute fan of your work!!! I've read your series "What I'm looking for" and I loved everything about it. I think I've never seen such a detailed and well thought fic about the MCU and Steve and Bucky. Everything about their past, their feelings, the relationships they crafted, and that sadness and loneliness that surrounds specifically Steve after he comes out of the ice is beautiful. And while I obviously love the Stucky, I think one of my favourite things about your fic is Steve relationships with other people, like Tony, Sam, Natasha... Seriously, you made their friendship seem so organic, so real, they all have so much emotion and baggage and yet they all care so much, they are still sometimes distant, they fight, they don't always agree, they annoy each other, but they care and are trying to built something more. I read some other fics about the Avengers and when they are made to be super friends and family right after the battle of New York that really annoys me (kkkkk), like they literaly just met Clint? How are they like brothers now? None of them know each other but Nat and Clint like ????? How???? I love when they are friends, but they need to built it, and I think you've done it perfectly.
Anyway, super excited to read the other parts of your work!!!! (I'm literally melting and dying with curiosity, begging time to move faster). I'm curiouss about a few things if you could answer, like are you gonna keep everything canon compliant? All the movie deaths in Endgame are still going to happen (if Nat dies I don't thing I will get over it)? Is Bucky going to be snapped? I always thought it was such a wasted oportunity to make Bucky die in Infinity War, because him being there in Endgame with Steve and Tony could make good conclusion for them, and it would make the rebuilding of their friendship feel way stronger...
Again, love your work!!! You are incredible!!!! Big kiss for youuu!!!
Oh wow, hi!! Thank you so much, I'm happy to hear how much you enjoy the series. And I'm especially glad you like the friendship dynamics just as much as the stucky parts themselves, that really means a lot to me. Tbh those relationships between the different Avengers really took me by surprise when I was writing the whole thing, they just sort of... happened? I guess?
Anyway, to answer your questions: Yes, I will stay canon compliant, all the way to The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. And yes, that means everrything that happens in Infinity War and Endgame happens in the fic but please don't worry it definitely doesn't stay that way. In the post-Endgame parts, I went into fix-it mode. I've done my absolute best to give everyone a happy ending.
And maybe as a small comfort in the meantime: I'm all but finished with writing the last part of the series!! There's only 3 chapters to go, and then a lot of editing - but once that's all done and dealt with, I'll forgo my established posting schedule and drop large chunks of the series (possibly all of it) in one go. My goal is to get all of it out there sometime next spring, though of course I won't make any promises.
So... yeah. Thanks again so much for taking the time to read my writing and for coming here and leaving such a lovely message in my inbox, you really brightened my day! And of course you're always very welcome to talk to me about the fic, and to ask more questions that may come up, ask for snippets (I'm very liberal with those) or background info. Or, you know, talk to me about the mcu and stucky in general ❤️
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mindofharry · 3 years
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In which bucky and you are hooking up and he doesn’t appreciate you until you’re gone.
angst!! so much angst!! swearing, bucky saying stuff he doesn’t mean and a whole lot of crying. feedback is welcome as always <3
roughly based around the time the falcon and the winter soldier meet up again :D enjoy, lovers!
losing you masterlist.
You met Bucky just after he moved into the apartment block. He looked pretty lost and you, being you, decided to lend a helping hand and help out a neighbour.
You did not expect him to end up in your bed the next morning.
It was unexpected and kind of childish, but he made your heart pound and your lips to as red as a cherry. Bucky barnes had you wrapped around his finger before he even knew your name, he just had that kind of charisma. You wanted to be around him all the time, be more than just the causal hook up. Not just someone he calls when he needs to let off steam. You want to be it for him. Bucky is unpredictable and stubborn, but you were sure you could fix him or at least help him onto a better path.
He just wouldn’t let you in.
You’d have sex, and then he’d kick you out. He wouldn’t even let you stay the night. Which at first you didn’t really care about as he would always greet you with a smile and walk you to the local bar. Bucky would have actual conversations with you, that was only for a week. The sex got more hot, more steamy and a lot more fucking rough. He didn’t greet you in the morning, not even a smile and he most definitely didn’t walk you to the bar anymore. He said it was a waste of his time.
You’re a confident person, you don’t usually let people like bucky barnes hurt you this much.
But he was so much more than a hook up to you, you loved him.
It was wednesday, so that means when bucky is done with his lunch he’d text and you’d meet him at his apartment. That’s what happens every wednesday and you never question it. Why would you? A strapping man like bucky wants you in some way. You’re not going to let it go because you have feelings for him.
It might be a little selfish, but you loved him too much.
You made yourself something to eat and watched some downtown abbey to calm yourself down. Bucky liked it when you were chill and not your usual bubbly self. You’ve changed yourself completely for this man. You hope it’s all worth it in the end.
After eating and relaxing for a bit, you decide to shower and get ready for buckys. You want to look nice, show him what he’s missing.
You wash your body with multiple shower gels, and decide to shave your legs - which really, you didn’t want to it’s a lot of effort and you’re just not in the mood today. But if bucky likes it, you’ll do it.
He mentioned once while you were in bed that he loved how smooth your legs are. So you shaved them before every hook up.
“You’re amazing” You reminded yourself, putting on your mascara. The make up will only come off, but again you want to make a good and lasting impression on him. You never used to wear makeup, just a bit a blusher and the occasional gloss. But bucky likes it. It’s always about what bucky likes and dislikes. Your mother would be so disappointed in you.
You shake your head to get rid of those thoughts and walk into your room. This time you pick something you want to wear. Opening up your closet you pull out your flowery, summery, dress that got at a marker in spain. Your family flew there and spent the summer in a nice little villa. It was the only bit of a peace you felt. When you came home, it felt like everything you left behind came crashing down.
Maybe that’s why you depend so much on bucky. You never wanted to be that person, but bucky makes it so hard. And you’re definitely not blaming him for you becoming so attached, you’re definitely the one to blame. But bucky is just, he’s just this great guy.
Or at least he was.
You get it, he lost a lot of people in the blip and after the blip. You lost people too. But it obviously affected him more, so you’re cutting him some slack.
Even if he doesn’t really deserve it.
After getting dressed and making yourself look some what presentable you text bucky to let him know you’re on the way to his apartment - it was only a 30 second walk, but you know he liked his privacy, so you warn him each time.
There was no response. As per usual, you thought rolling your eyes. You strolled down to his apartment taking your time, the weather looked nice enough. Maybe you’ll go for a walk after this, you know you won’t be staying long in buckys home.
You knock on the door, looking down at your phone. Still no messages. Now this, was surprising. Even if he didn’t text he’d always let you know in some way if he couldn’t make it. Bucky may be a dick, but he’d never leave you waiting.
You wait outside for a minute and contemplate leaving, but your hear footsteps walking towards you. You look over and see the man you love.
Bucky Barnes.
And he did not look happy. Angry, frustrated and confused maybe, but not happy. Usually he’s in a good mood after meeting up with his little friend for lunch. Did something happen? You don’t want to pressure him, but you need him to know you’re always there for him.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when bucky stepped infront of you, his eyebrows furrowed and scowl on his face.
“What are you doing here?” He asked fishing out his keys. You start to get annoyed, this man is really testing you. But you push that feeling down and put a smile on your face, placing a hand on his shoulder. Bucky shrugged it off, the smile fell off your face. Bucky noticed, but didn’t say anything.
“I’m busy today” He said putting the key into the door, trying to open it. He obviously put the wrong one in, frustrating him even more.
“We always meet up on wednesdays, and i did text you. But you never replied so i just assumed” You said, messing with the hem of your dress.
You wish he’d compliment you.
“Well you assumed wrong and i need you to leave. Got a date tonight” He said finally opening up his door. Your heart broke, it actually felt like it shattered into a million different piece. A date? With another person? Fuck, you didn’t think this far ahead. You thought that one day he would just realise. That it’s been you, you’re the one he wants. But obviously you were wrong.
You were wrong about a lot of fucking things.
But you put a brave face on and walked into his apartment, closing the door behind you. Again, you didn’t want to intrude but you needed to know how serious this date is. You need to know if this is the end of you and bucky.
Bucky sighed as he saw you standing in his hallway, he looked exasperated. Like you were a chore he forgot about or had been putting off. He looked at you like you were exhausting. Maybe you are. You should’ve never agreed to this hook up, friends with benefits shit. It always ends badly.
“Y/N, i said you need to leave” Bucky said placing a hand over his eyes. You nodded and instead of leaving you sat beside him. Bucky looked over at you and you’ve never seen him angrier.
“Are you deaf?” he asked and you flinched at his tone. “I have a date, and i need you to get the fuck out of my house” Bucky said and you sighed standing up.
“You’re an asshole” You mumbled and bucky stood up as well.
“You don’t say that when i’m balls deep in you” He replied, placing a hand on your cheek. He wasn’t rough when he grabbed you, but it did scare you a bit.
“This was just sex Y/N. Nothing more. You’re not my type, you’re too exhausting and tiring for me. I’m not interested in that sort of shit. Get the hell out of my home” Bucky said sternly letting go of your face. You searched his eyes for any sign of remorse or guilt, but nothing. He looked proud of himself really.
You sighed to yourself and wiped under your eyes. This is it. Fuck, ok don’t cry Y/N.
“I hope you enjoy your date” You said walking past him.
“Oh, I will” he smirked, watching as you left his apartment. You held back a sob as you ran to your apartment, ignoring on the stares and pitiful looks. You needed to leave the place.
You called your mom and told her the whole story and surprisingly she wasn’t disappointed.
“I could never be disappointed in you, baby. look at you, you’re amazing” Your mom said making you giggle. “That man doesn’t know what he just lost. a great friend is one of them. Now, men aren’t something you should be crying over. Go get yourself freshened up and then relax. You deserve it, honey” She said and you nodded to yourself, sitting up on your bed.
The tears were almost instant. Your mother hated to hear you cry. She lived so far away, and you just needed her hugging and cooking to make all of this pain go away. Heartbreaks are normal, their natural and everyone goes through it. It just hurts even more when the person you love the most doesn’t love you back.
“I love him” You admitted and your mom sighed. You could tell that she hated this too. “I met him when he was kind to me, he would walk me to the bar sometimes work too” You said and tried to stop the tears, but they just kept coming. “He was sweet. He would cuddle with me and not throw me out of his home. And he would listen, he would listen to anything i had to say” You sobbed.
“What did i do wrong? What did i do to make him hate me, mom?”
Your mother let out a pained sound. She just wanted to hug you and tell you everything would be ok.
“You did absolutely nothing wrong. This is all on him, honey. He didn’t appreciate what he had. He took advantage of your kindness and love towards him. You did nothing wrong. Never blame yourself for something like this.” She said quickly and groaned.
“I’ve gotta go” You said, and before your mom could get a word in you hung up and threw your phone against the wall.
Another thing to get fixed.
You did actually have work; but you decided you would get anything productive done. So giving yourself the day off would be good. Sit around, pig out and do not think of bucky barnes.
That lasted all of 5 minutes.
You’re now watching the notebook and didn’t get through 5 minutes of it without thinking of bucky. It’s not like you guys did actual couple things. Why are you so upset? Because you loved him, you idiot.
And now you have to get over him. If he was going on dates, you would too. If he was sleeping with other people, you would too. It’s time bucky barnes got a taste of his own medicine.
A week went by where you through yourself back into work and focused on catching up with old friends. During the day you didn’t think once about bucky, but when you got home that’s when the sob fests start. You’re pretty sure your neighbours can hear you, you feel a little bad.
Wednesday came and you didn’t once check your phone - one because it was smashed and you could barley see the screen, and two because you’re not going to be that girl anymore. You’re come to terms with the fact that bucky wasn’t for you, and although your heart is still very, very broken.
You’re doing better. You’re getting there.
On the other side of the apartment block, bucky barnes was not getting there or doing ok. You hadn’t texted him in a over a week, that’s a new record for you. Usually you send him memes or little reminders randomly. But there’s nothing, he’s been staring at his phone screen for far too long waiting for you to text.
He sighed and began typing.
‘ Hey, it’s bucky. Wondering if we’re still on for tonight? X ‘
He sent it and then put his phone down, turning on his tv. The date he went on was a bust. The girl wasn’t you, he figured that out pretty quickly. It’s not the girl wasn’t good looking or anything and she was nice enough, he just couldn’t stop comparing her to you. Y/N wouldn’t get the drink or Y/N wouldn’t sit that far away, or Y/N wouldn’t totally flipped that jackass off. He left abruptly in the middle of the date because he couldn’t handle it anymore. He couldn’t handle not being with you, and that, to him was a problem. Bucky hadn’t been this dependent on a person since steve.
And steve left.
Bucky was just protecting himself, but while he was doing that - he hurt you. Immensely. He put you through so much pain in after this relationship. It was barley even a relationship, but it hurt just as much.
10 minutes went by, and there was still no response. You didn’t even read the message. Now he knows how you feel. Instead of waiting a little longer, bucky decided to just go to your apartment instead. He strolled down the hall and knocked on your door. Your neighbour came out of his home. Bucky nodded his way, the man only tutted at him.
“Poor girl” The man mumbled walking away leaving bucky confused. He shook it off and knocked again, this time you finally answered. You looked beautiful. You were wearing a tight, red dress showing all of your curves off you hair was straightened and you weren’t wearing any make up - you still looked behind beautiful.
“Bucky....” you said with furrowed brows.
“I texted but there was no reply” He said walking into your apartment and taking off his jacket. He grinned and put his hands on your hips. You were even more confused, did he just forget about last week? What he said to you?
“Did you get dressed up all for me?” He asked you cleared your throat moving back so his hands would fall off you, bucky looked at you with a scowl.
“What’s up?” he asked moving his hands to your cheeks, you remembered how he grabbed you the last time and you flinched. Bucky froze for a second and dropped his arms to his side. Something was obviously wrong.
“I’m going on a date, bucky” You said and buckys world stopped for a second. A date? With who? This can not be happening.
“Whatever we have going on, it’s done. So i don’t know why you’re here” You said walking into your room to finish getting ready, you needed to find your black heels.
You met this guy at work, and you really hit it off. So when he asked for a date, you didn’t hesitate. You were putting you first, like you should’ve been doing all along.
“Done?” Bucky asked following you, you nodded and shrugged your shoulders. “You made it pretty clear last week” You said and bucky sighed rolling his eyes. “So this is about the date?” He said and you didn’t reply.
“It’s about what you said to to me, bucky. You’re selfish and mean. And i deserve better”
Bucky sat down on the end of your bed beside you. He knew what he was doing, you were an easy lay. Bucky hates himself for breaking your heart, god knows he broke his own letting you go and saying those awful words to you. You do deserve better.
“So with that being said, i think it’s time for you to leave”
And this time, it was you kicking bucky out of your bed.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Idk if you’re still taking Bucky requests, but I came across a quote and I feel in love with it because it just screamed Bucky to me. It read: “there is nothing as beautiful as seeing someone who has been unlucky, finally being loved so effortlessly by the right person” if this sparks anything in you, I would love to read it 💜
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Pairing | Bucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 1.9k
Warnings | dad!Bucky, slight language, slight suggestive theme
Masterlists | Bucky, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Bucky bit back a yawn as he closed the car door and headed towards the front door. The smell of spring, the freshly mowed grass and blooming flowers overwhelmed his senses along with the warm summer sun hitting his skin. This was nice, he realized, the calculated simplicity and domestic nature of it all. He hiked his bag on his shoulder, the gold in his vibranium arm glinting brilliantly in the slowly dying light of the day. He didn’t bother to hide it anymore, somehow long past that part of his life. At one point he never thought he’d reach that point in his life and now he had the world in front of him. 
Walking up the stairs, he smiled to himself as he could already smell something delicious cooking through the open windows. In a vain attempt to keep the household from falling into complete and utter chaos, he slowly opened the door and tried to tip-toe inside. He managed to get about two feet inside and kick off his work boots before he heard an exciting squeal followed by a few loud woofs. 
The pitter-patter of two small feet and four paws quickly reached him as Falcon, the trusted family dog, and Emily, your oldest daughter, ran down the hall towards him. Any stress he had remaining quickly melted away at the sight of two of his favorite beings as they almost knocked him over in their rush. 
“Daddy!” an excited shout was followed by another bark. He bent down and scooped the small girl in his arms, the weight of the world off his shoulders as she wrapped her little arms around his neck, “hi daddy, you’re home!”
“Of course I am,” he propped her on his hip and studied her sweet little face. She took after him with his dark unruly hair and ocean eyes, but the rest he swore was all you, especially that sweet smile, “I’ll always come home to my sweetest girl. Did you have a good day, baby?”
“Yeah,” she nodded excitedly as he brushed her hair out of her face and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, “mama and I painted and then we planted some new flowers. She said she picked them out because they reminded her of you!”
“She did, did she?” he couldn’t stop the grin that spread from ear to ear as his heart fluttered in his chest. Even to this day you still managed to make him weak in the knees and set off butterflies in his belly. He held Emily tightly in his grip as he bent down to give Falcon a few pets, causing the dog to rub against his legs as he wagged his tail, “what would I do without my little hellraisers?”
“Mama says that’s a bad word!” Emily looked at him with wide eyes and he chuckled softly before holding a finger to his lips.
“It’s our little secret,” he whispered as she nodded, “do you know why this secret is okay?”
“Because it’s not gonna hurt anyone,” she asked as he nodded. She gave him a wide gap toothed grin as he set her back down, “will you play with me later, daddy? Falcon wants to have a tea party!”
“Of course,” he promised his daughter as she held tightly onto his hand, “now go and get cleaned up for dinner. It smells like it should all be done soon.”
“Okie dokie,” she dropped his hand and motioned for Falcon to follow her instead, practically bouncing up the stairs. 
Bucky sighed in content as he shook his head before slowly making his way into the kitchen where he was sure you were. He found at the island, brows furrowed in concentration as you chopped vegetables for the salad. Your baby boy was slung around your chest, and despite the commotion from Bucky’s entrance, he was fast asleep. A lump welled up in his throat as he watched the sight. It would be nothing special to most people, but to him it was everything.
You looked so beautiful, even in your sweatpants and t-shirt with your hair a chaotic bun as you hummed to the baby under your breath. You looked tired and he felt bad for a moment; leaving you with a toddler and a baby was a ton of work and he would have gladly stayed home with you and helped, but you were insistent that he work if he wanted. You’d never hold it against him, he knew that.
As soon as you sensed you his presence in the kitchen, you turned to him and gave him a soft smile, and his own features softened even more, “hello, my love. I’m so glad you’re so home!”
You set down the knife before slowly making your way over to him, careful not to disturb the baby as he immediately leaned down to kiss you. Your whole body was practically humming from his touch as you stole you a few more kisses, “rough day? You should have called me and I could have come home, honey baby.”
“It wasn’t bad actually,” you promised, watching with nothing but adoration in your eyes as he stroked Stevie’s chubby little cheek, “the chaos duo was on their best behavior today and the little one has been sleeping most of the day. I think he wore himself out from all his fussing last night.”
“Miracles do happen,” he laughed lightly as his hand went to your face and he gently stroked your cheek. You grinned at him, keening into his touch like a cat to the sun, “you are so beautiful.”
“Shut up,” you playfully pushed his chest before hiding your face behind your hands. Funny, how even after all this time he still managed to make you feel nervous and shy, “I’m in my ugliest mom clothes which I’m pretty sure these sweats have permanent puke stains, I haven’t showered today and I look like I haven’t slept in five years. Hardly beautiful.”
“You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on regardless of all of that,” he insisted softly, reaching for your hands and pulling them away from your face. Your whole body flushed with pleasant warmth as you looked into his eyes, “and I love you more than anything in this world.”
“You’re just saying that ‘cause I let you knock me up twice,” you joked as he playfully rolled his eyes, “god, Bucky, how do you still make me feel like this?”
“Like what?” he asked as he slowly moved to undo the sling from your chest and take the baby from you. Stevie made a few small sounds before cuddling up on Bucky’s chest. 
“Like I’m still falling in love with you every day,” you whispered as you leaned in and let him wrap arm around you as well. He kissed the top of your head before sighing in content, “I guess I am. We’re a little different every day - we’re definitely not the same fools from when we first met, huh?”
“I mean, we’re married and have kids, and the whole you know, typical suburban thing going on,” he teased, “so I’d say we’re pretty different. But you’re still my favorite pain in the ass.”
“James!” your eyes widened before the two of you broke into a fit of giggles, “I will get you back for that later!”
“Oh, I definitely count on it,” he promised, “now, go and take a few moments to yourself, shower or whatever, and I’ll finish dinner and get the kiddos and Falcon settled.”
“Whatever would I do without you, my love?”
“I think the better question is what would I do without you, honey baby?”
You blew him a little kiss as you all but ran towards the stairs in order to fit in a quick shower. Sometimes even ten minutes of peace and quiet would suffice. Bucky watched you go with a soft smile on his face, before turning his attention back to his softly cooing son, “your mama’s the best person in this entire world, I hope you always know that.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“What?” you could feel Bucky’s eyes on your back as you brushed your teeth in the bathroom en suite. He was sitting in bed, winding down with some television as he waited for you, “I can feel you checking out the goods, Barnes.”
“That’s because I am,” you could practically hear the cheeky smirk in his voice, “it’s not wrong to admire, is it?”
“You’re too much,” you dried your face off before making your way back over to him. He offered you a lazy smile as he pulled back your side of the blankets and made room for you. You were only wearing his shirt and a pair of old cotton panties but he was watching you like you were the best in this world. Because to him - you were. The end all and be all, “James? What’s wrong, honey?”
“Nothing,” he whispered as he immediately reached for you and gently pulled you into his lap. You made a small sound of surprise but easily gave into his touch, “nothing at all. I’m perfect.”
“Hmm,” you leaned in and pressed a light kiss to his plump lips, gently tugging on his dog tags, “me too. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but I kind of like you a lot.”
“Is that why you married me? Had two kids with me? Got the dog?” he raised a brow as you carded a hand through his dark locks, scratching lightly at his scalp, “I bet it was all for the dog.”
“He didn’t hurt,” you joked, gently stroking his cheek, “but you aren’t so bad either. I love you, Bucky. So much. I hope you know. I hope you know you deserve this, everything we have - the whole world.”
“I…” he paused for a moment, suddenly feeling overwhelmed as you showed him so much tenderness and delicate love, “I love you too.”
“Hey,” you put your hand under your chin and turned his face up towards yours, “I mean it James Buchanan Barnes. You have been through so much, so much that other people forced on you, and you deserve happiness. You deserve all the happiness this world has to offer. I know you have some bad days, and I understand that, but I want you to know I will always be here for you and I will always love you. You are my best friend, my husband, the father of my children, you are my everything.”
“I don’t deserve you,” he took your hand in his and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
“Yes,” you insisted softly, “you do, James.”
“How about for one moment you hush up,” you pushed him back against the headboard and pressed a few gentle, lazy kisses to his lips, “and just listen to me. And let me love you.”
“I love you, honey baby.”
“I love you too, James.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Marvel Taglist (add yourself to a taglist here!)(strike-through means I couldn’t tag you - please check your settings)
@qhbr2013  @greeneyedblondie44  @april-showers-and-flowers  @softboiipascal @im-an-adult-ish  @patzammit  @niki-xie  @xxlovingfandomsxx  @startrekkingaroundasgard  @welcometothepedroverse  @actual-spawn-of-satan  @punkerthanpascal  @lazybeeches @someday-when-you-leave-me @justgivemethekeys @salome-c @rosiefridayrogersunday  @neptunesglow  @artsymaddie @haildoodles @amneris21 @star017 @irepostthingsiwanttoseelater @its–fandom–darling @ayamenimthiriel @alyispunk @djarinbarnes @edencherries @ashamed23 @sunsetskywalkerr  @nikkixostan @spookispunk @cable-kenobi @hrtsgetbrkn @ironicfoxes @iilwjbb @cc13723things @thenormreedus @gooddaykate @natthebattygeologist @sociallyantisocialbutterfly @n3ssm0nique @daughterofthenight117 @riddikulus-obsessions @imaginelover88 @saint-bvcky @banana-cheese-cake @sleep-tight1 @missstef23 @moonlacebeam @asylummara @wakandabiitch2 @hoodedbirdie @mysweetlittledesire @reallyloudstarlight @vintagepigeon @froggyy06 @fleurydelacoury @veil-of-time @queenbeean
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cblgblog · 3 years
I know I’m probably beating a dead horse at this point but I feel like it isn’t talked about enough how the accord do not and will never affect Tony the same way they’ll affect those like Steve & Wanda. Tony can always just blow up all of his suits again & go back to a fully normal life if he wants to. He doesn’t have to wear a tracking bracelet, or submit dna samples, or fear getting shoved into a straight jacket or electroshock collar if he gets arrested. I’ll I just don’t think it’s addressed enough how blatantly privileged Tony & other normal humans like rhodey & nat would be under the accords compared to their other teammates. No wonder they were so supportive of them from the beginning.
Ah, but what is fandom for if not the beating of dead horses?
I agree with you. I generally prefer the film over the comic event (granted I haven’t read it in a few years now), but I do like that the Civil War comic had more time to discuss those civil liberties issues. Like, the damn thing, as with most comics events, is annoyingly massive. Not if you just read the core 6 books of the main CW storyline, but the tie-ins, oh my God the tie-ins. Comic events and their damn tie-ins…
For the sake of telling a fuller story though, I do like that the comics had so damn much. There was much more room for side content, for lesser characters who aren’t in the MCU, or weren’t, at the time. There’s a fuller picture of why various people are taking the sides they do. Some of those reasons make more sense than others, but yeah.
There’s a bit from the comics that I’ve posted before where Tony and Peter (mid 20’s, his own hero Peter, not Frankenstein, Tonky Jesus fanboy Peter) are arguing about the Registration Act—as it’s called in the comics—and talking about the civil liberties being violated. Being a 2006 book, it’s got a very post 9/ll, Guantanamo Bay theme going. The lack of trial, of legal representation, the prison that’s even worse than The Raft. There are several scenes like this as I recall, and yeah, the film is sorely missing them in places. You kind of see it with Team Cap in The Raft, but it’s very much a quick thing in the larger narrative of the film, and that’s annoying.
I’m not exactly advocating for this, because the film version with it’s smaller focus works a lot better in many respects, but I do sometimes think of the alternate reality where Disney Plus existed sooner, and Civil War was turned into a series instead of a film. Say six episodes, match the number of installments in the main comic event, eight eps if you wanted to push it. Then we could get something that delved deeper into what these documents actually say, what the public’s reaction to them is, how they would affect people besides our core Avengers group.
Show some kid like Peter who has abilities but doesn’t want to go out and fight bad guys, just wants to live a normal life. Show someone who can’t reveal their Enhanced nature to friends or family because it wouldn’t be safe for that person. Show the every day or every day-ish people (ala the Netflix shows) and where they stand on this. Wanda talks about people being scared of her after the Lagos incident and you kind of see that, but not really. Actually show that. Show the fears that people have of these Enhanced people, the legit and less legit ones, and show the other side too, the regular, every day people who still look at this and say hey, no, hang on, this is wrong.
Again, not necessarily saying I’d want this over the film, but if the Mouse overlords ever wanted to revisit that storyline and expand on it, I wouldn’t complain.
And yeah, people have talked about this too, but it kind of sucks the way the film handled everyone and their reasons for siding how they did. Steve is all about choice and keeping the government from abusing its citizens ala Hydra, Tony’s got his whole, we need to be kept in check thing, but very few of our other players land where they land because of the actual Accords. Nat doesn’t want her Avengers family to fall apart, and wants to maintain some control over the situation rather than none. Rhodey’s the career military man who (generally) follows orders and hey, if this is what most people want, we don’t get to just decide eh, no thanks. Panther doesn’t care about any of this, dude just picks the team that’s going after Bucky. Peter doesn’t know what the fuck he is actually fighting for, Tony didn’t tell him, Scott and Clint are there because Cap asked, and also, presumably, because of the danger the Accords would put their family in, but that second point is never explicitly stated.
And Sam…I feel like we really got fucking robbed with Sam, especially in light of what we’ve learned about his character in Falcon and WS. The film doesn’t much go into his reasoning, beyond the fact he believes in Cap, he’s Cap’s ride or die, etc. But given the history he has in Falcon and WS, again, we were robbed. Dude is all about making sure minorities aren’t oppressed, aren’t punished for existing. Dude is very much aware of the double-standards in this country. I know that stuff was written in later, but my God did we miss out on a Sam monologue about this in CW. Sam, who’s like Nat and Tony in that he can theoretically hang up the wings and be free of the Accords, but still takes the other side. Would’ve been hella interesting to see Sam and Rhodey’s little argument they have about it be an actual scene, an actual debate. Sam who knows of the US government and it’s unjust laws and abuse of power, knows it long before he hears of Isiah Bradley. Who has those nephews that will have to grow up in a post-Accords world. It just would’ve been super interesting to see Rhodey and Sam, both Black men who joined the military, one who left, one who didn’t, have an actual discussion on why they feel what they feel. Even discounting the finer details of the Sam stuff, the stuff that wasn’t written yet, it would’ve been cool.
And, of course it would’ve been awesome to see Tony and the non-powered on Team Iron Man (but mostly Tony) get called out on their privilege with this issue, but that of course couldn’t happen, because Tony has plot immunity. Let fire and lightning pour forth and destroy all who dare to question the wisdom of Tonky Jesus, praise be to Tonky and all he has given us.
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yelena-bellova · 3 years
Safe Haven: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
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chapter three - Chapter Four: Madripoor - chapter five
Series Masterlist
Plot: Y/n, Sam and Bucky pay an eventful visit to Helmut Zemo in Berlin, heading to Madripoor soon after to get answers about the serum.
Word Count: 7.4k
Warnings: spoilers for episode.3, angst, violence, description of injuries, a few crumbs for the slow burn, breaking the law and looking good doing it
A/N: These chapters always end up being so long lol. I was going to include the nightclub scene but it would’ve made it too long so sorry, it’ll have to wait a few more days. Forgive my shitty Russian translations, I’m on Google Translate and that’s not saying a lot. 
“Not that it makes a difference, but I still don’t like this.” I’d voiced my displeasure about meeting with Zemo several times since we’d arrived in Germany. Even though we were already being led through the high security Berlin prison hallways, I still felt the urge to state my opinion. 
The guard that was guiding us gestured towards a door, “He’s just through the corridor.”
“Give us a sec,” Bucky said, the three of us coming to a halt in the middle of the hall. “I’m gonna go in alone.” “Why?” Sam asked.
“You’re an Avenger, you know how he feels about that,” Bucky looked to me, “You, I’m trying to keep as far away from him as possible.”
“It’s not like you two were known for frolickin’ in the sun together,” Sam remarked.
“I’m gonna say it again,” I took an assertive step forward, “I don’t like this.”
“He was obsessed with HYDRA,” Bucky pushed, “We have a history together. Trust me, I got it.”
Taking my cue from Sam, who didn’t fight him any more, I nervously watched Bucky stalk down the hallway to the corridor that led to our possible next step.
“Is he really okay?” I asked, watching Bucky’s figure until he disappeared, “I feel like we’re going a little too far with this.” “He’s invested, which means he’s desperate,” Sam answered, leaning his back against the wall, “This is a little too much though.” 
I copied his posture and we stood in silence, the occasional guard passing by. “What happened last night after I left the room? C’mon, you come out crying and you thought I was gonna let it go?” “Bucky and I were just…” I sighed, remembering the change that had happened between our two conversations, “Learning to get along. I told him about Steve, that’s never fun to relive.” “Ah,” Sam nodded, “Can I ask you something?” 
“Hm?” “You’re not mad at me that I gave up the shield, are you?”
My brows knitted together as I looked over at him, “Why would I be mad? Your decision wouldn’t have changed even if I was, would it?” “No, it wouldn’t have. But you were close to Steve too, you care about his legacy,” he went on, “We’re all angry about Walker. I don’t care if Bucky’s upset at me, but I always care if you are.” “Someone ever tell you you care too much sometimes?” I playfully nudged his sneaker with my own, “Of course I’m not mad, you know I support you no matter what. You made the right decision for you and you have nothing to apologize for. Bucky and even Steve don’t need to understand why you chose to give it up. Would it have been cool to say that my brother is Captain America?” I coaxed a laugh out of him, “Of course, but it doesn’t change how I see you. I’m just proud to say my brother is Sam Wilson.” He poked me with his elbow and smiled, “Now I remember why I keep you around.” “Y/n Y/l/n, Falcon’s Ego Booster.” We were sharing a laugh when Bucky came back around the corner. “That was quick,” I observed. He’d been in there five minutes tops.
“We’ve got our next stop.”
“What are you talking about? You wanna break Zemo outta jail?” Sam questioned in the dark, “Where are we, Buck? Have you lost your mind?”
“We have no leads, no moves, nothing,” Bucky replied, shining his flashlight around to try and find the power switch. I couldn’t clearly make out where he had brought us to, he’d brought us through the back door of the building. “So because we’ve hit one dead end, you want to spring one of the most dangerous men in the world out of prison?” I asked, shining my flashlight at Bucky causing him to throw a hand up to shield his eyes, “Bucky, I don’t-“ “Like this,” he finished, “I got that, but we’ve got eight Super Soldiers on the loose.” “Zemo’s gonna miss with our minds, especially yours,” Sam interjected, “No offense.” I made out Bucky’s silhouette reaching up a beam, a loud click of a switch and the lights began to turn on. “Offense,” he scowled.
With the lights on, we could finally see that we were in an auto shop. I was glad to be out of the prison but I wasn’t seeing the correlation between it and freeing Zemo.
“Super Soldiers go against everything he believes in,” Bucky continued, “He is crazy, but he still has a code.” “I’ve been on the wrong side of that code and so have you,” Sam countered, I’d heard in detail about the havoc Zemo had caused and the ramifications of his actions had caused Sam and Steve to become fugitives. Never mind what he’d done to Bucky…”He blew up the UN, he killed King T’Chaka and framed you for it. Did you forget that? You think the Wakandans forgot about it? It’s a rhetorical question, they didn’t. I know why this matters to you, but it’s pushing you off the deep end.”
Bucky stood in front of us now, “We don’t know how they’re gettin’ the serum. We don’t even know how many of them there are,” Sam turned his back in frustration, “Look, let me just walk you two through a hypothetical. Can I walk you through a hypothetical?”
“What did you do?” Sam asked suspiciously, turning halfway to meet Bucky’s eyes.
“I didn’t…” Bucky’s looked away briefly, “Do anything.”
“Then by all means,” I leaned up against a beam and crossed my arms, not believing him at all, “Let’s ride the hypothetical train.” Bucky frowned at my sarcasm before launching into it, “The weakest point in any system isn’t the software, the hardware, it’s the meatware. The human element. Now, in this lockup, it’s nine to one, prisoners to guards. And if two prisoners start fighting, then the protocol says four guards have to respond.” “So why would two prisoners randomly start fighting at that moment?” Sam asked.
“Who knows? There could be many reasons…But the point is, these things escalate. Lockdown procedures would have to be initiated and with all those bodies flying around left and right, wouldn’t be hard to slip down a hallway or two. And if the fire alarm got tripped while the prisoners were being separated, someone could use the chaos to their advantage.”
“My gut is sounding off every alarm it has right now,” I commented from my place across from Bucky.
“Yeah, I don’t like how casual you’re bein’ about this, this is unnatural,” Sam replied finally, “Are you- and where are we, man?” A nearby door closing caused us to turn our attention towards it, a silhouette appearing soon after through a curtain. The shadow became a man and walked through the cloth divider wearing the face I’d had etched in my brain since the day it hit the news.
“You son of a bitch,” I mumbled, creating a ball of energy quickly with my hands. “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Sam’s voice rose, walking with me towards the man, “What are you doin’ here?” Bucky was quick to throw himself in front of us, “No, listen. I didn’t want to tell you ‘cause I knew neither of you would let this happen.” “What the hell did you do?” I exclaimed.
“We need him,” Bucky said. Sam pointed to Zemo, “You’re going back to prison!”
“If I may,” the Sokovian man began, removing the hat of his stolen prison guard uniform.
“NO!” the three of us yelled at the same time. He hung his head, “Apologies…” Bucky turned back to Sam, “When Steve refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, you backed him. You broke the law, and you stuck your neck out for me,” when Sam averted his gaze, Bucky chased it, “I’m asking you to do it again.” 
“And what about her?” Sam gestured to me and the ball of energy I still had formed in my palms, “What happens when she breaks the law?” Bucky’s pleading eyes drifted to me, “He’s our only shot at getting any answers.” My mind was wrestling with itself, his rightness was inevitably going to come at a cost we would all have to pay. On a technicality, yes, I could plead innocent to freeing Zemo. A coconspirator charge, I wouldn’t be so lucky with. But stopping the Flag Smashers meant saving lives and that wasn’t something I could walk away from. I deformed the energy in my hands in cautious surrender, “I’m already breakin’ the law by going against the accords, I need to make it worth it at least.” Sam shot me an exasperated glance, but he didn’t fight me.
“I really think I’m invaluable…” Zemo began from his corner.
“Shut up…” Sam warned, effectively shutting him up. Sam thought it all over for a second before pressing his flashlight to Bucky’s chest, “Okay. If we do this, you don’t make a move without our permission.” Zemo shrugged, “Fair.”
The three of us shared an uneasy look, there was no going back now. “Okay, Zemo, where do we start?”
“Follow me,” he smiled, leading the way out of the auto shop and expecting us to follow. Sam went first, eager to keep his eye on Zemo at all times while Bucky and I brought up the rear.
“I didn’t want to have to go this route,” he said from beside me as if he owed me some explanation for his actions. I sighed, trying to shut off the part of my brain that was screaming at me, “Just be right.”
We maneuvered through a few corridors until we hit a room filled with beautiful antique cars. “So our first move is grand theft auto?” Sam asked. “These are mine,” Zemo corrected, “Collected by family over the generations. I spent years hunting people HYDRA recruited to recreate the serum. Because once it’s out there, someone can create an army of people…like the Avengers,” he dug through one of the cars to pull out a bag and coat, “I ended the Winter Soldier program once before. I have no intention to leave my work unfinished.” My eyes unavoidably flickered to Bucky, observing his reaction to hearing his old code name. He simply watched the man continue speaking. “To do this, we’ll have to scale a ladder of lowlifes.”
“Well, join the party. We’ve already started…” Sam commented.
“First stop is a woman named Selby,” Zemo stated as he headed for the exit, “Mid-level fence I still have a line on. From there, we climb.” 
Sam, Bucky and I left a gaping distance between us and him, we were still highly suspicious and I had a feeling we would be until our temporary partnership came to an end.
Zemo had gotten word to somebody that we’d be meeting them at a private airport in Berlin and flying to someplace called Madripoor. Somehow we’d made the journey without being recognized, even those of us who were wanted across the globe. “So all this time you’ve been rich?” Sam asked as we made our way towards the private plane.
“I’m a Baron, Sam,” Zemo answered, “My family was royalty until your friends destroyed my country.” 
Zemo greeted the man standing outside the plane, who was dressed like a butler, in Sokovian. “Well,” I crossed my arms and watched one of the world’s most dangerous men exchange cheek kisses, “If we’re going to work with a criminal, at least we picked one that comes with transportation.” “Please,” Zemo said, gesturing for us to follow him up the plane’s steps. Sam awkwardly bowed to the butler and headed up. Bucky extended a hand towards the jet for me to go ahead of him before following closely behind.
When we filed into the plane, Sam and Zemo were already seated. I moved to take the chair across from the baron, wanting to keep as close an eye on him as I could. Bucky’s flesh arm reached out quickly and grabbed my shoulder, I turned to question him and met his wary expression. “Sit with Sam,” he muttered quietly, our faces close enough that I could feel his breath as he’d spoken. It dawned on me that he wanted me to have the safer position. I answered with a nod, maneuvering around him to sit across from Sam. Even though his hand had left my arm, I could still feel its print through my jacket.
We had been flying for maybe twenty minutes when Zemo’s butler, Oeznik, came in carrying a glass of champagne for Zemo and offering to whip up some food. It astounded me how to the world, he was evil yet to his servants, he was a joy. “You don’t know what it’s like to be locked in a cell,” the baron said before looking over at my brother, “Oh, that’s right. You do.”
Sam bypassed the jab remarkably, “Why don’t you tell us about where we’re going?”
“I’m sorry, I was just fascinated by this,” Zemo held up a book, “I don’t know what to call it, but this part seems to be important. Who is Nakajima?”
Not two seconds after the name had left his lips, Bucky out of his seat with his metal hand wrapped around Zemo’s neck. My heart stopped as I watched him lean over the man threateningly. “If you touch that book again,” he growled, “I’ll kill you.” This was a side of Bucky I had yet to see, the one that straddled the line between his dark past and his true self. As he sat back down, tucking the book in his pocket and refusing to meet my eyes, I could tell he wasn’t pleased with how he’d acted. I wasn’t in a place to criticize but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been slightly worried when his fingers hit Zemo’s skin.
“I’m sorry,” Zemo said, “I understand that list of names. People you’ve wronged as the Winter Soldier.” “Don’t push it,” Bucky rasped, collecting himself after the scene.
“I’ve seen that book,” Sam spoke up, “It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man, he wrote it in that book. Did you hear it? What’d you think?” “I like ’40’s music,” Bucky shrugged and looked out the window, “So…” “You didn’t like it?” Sam exclaimed.
“I liked it,” Bucky replied unconvincingly.
“It is a masterpiece, James,” Zemo chimed in, his hands forming a triangle, “Complete, comprehensive…It captures the African-American experience.” While my brows raised at the European’s surprising education, Sam’s furrowed. “He’s out of line, but he’s right. It’s great, everybody loves Marvin Gaye.”
Bucky shook his head, “I like Marvin Gaye.” “Steve adored Marvin Gaye.” “He did,” I chuckled, reminiscing back to only last year, “Played him almost anytime I got in a car with him.” “You must have really looked up to Steve,” Zemo said, “But I realized something when I met him. The danger with people like him, America’s Super Soldiers, is that we put them on pedestals.” “Watch your step, Zemo…” Sam warned. “They become symbols. Icons. And then we start to forget about their flaws. From there,” he shrugged, “Cities fly, innocent people die. Movements are formed, wars are fought,” Zemo turned his attention to Bucky, “You remember that, right?” As a young soldier sent to Germany to stop a mad icon. Do we want to live in a world full of people like the Red Skull? That is why we’re going to Madripoor.” “What’s up with Madripoor?” Sam looked between the two men, “You guys talk about it like it’s Skull Island.”
“It’s an island nation in the Indonesian archipelago,” Bucky grumbled, “It was a pirate sanctuary back in the 1800s.” “It’s kept its lawless ways, but we cannot exactly walk in as ourselves,” Zemo’s unsettling eyes moved back to Bucky, “James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone.” 
With the way Bucky’s expression had changed in mere seconds from complacent to tortured, it didn’t take long to decode what Zemo was insinuating. “No,” I blurted out, “That’s not fair to ask of him.” “I admire your devotion, Y/n,” Zemo complimented with his lips to his champagne flute, taking a quick sip, “But you know nothing of how Madripoor works. If you want to get to Selby, we must have protection. More than that, we must have leverage. James can provide us both by simply playing a part.” “Devo-?” I shook my head, sidestepping Zemo’s comment, “That’s not playing a part, that’s like reliving every nightmare you’ve ever had. I-it’s like-“ “Y/n,” I turned to see Bucky’s chair rotated towards me, looking helpless and determined all at once, “We need in.” “Yeah, but…” I started to protested before seeing his eyes, those ocean blue eyes I was growing to feel comforted by begging me to let the subject go. I clenched my own y/e/c ones shut in frustration, “Okay.” “Now that that’s settled,” Zemo stood from his seat, “I will find us something to change into, we will need to blend in where we’re going.” ——
The silver dress Zemo had chosen for me was…it made me wonder just what kind of scene we were planning to enter. It was more revealing than anything I typically wore, but gorgeous nonetheless and fit perfectly.
As I was finishing my makeup in the bathroom of the plane, I had to take a second to steel myself for what was to come. This wasn’t just dallying with Super Soldiers any more, this was dancing with the criminal underworld. Zemo hadn’t told us yet the roles we were playing, only that we needed to stay in character at all cost. I had never felt more out of my depth, but had no choice but to rise to the occasion. Giving myself one last check in the mirror, I unlocked and exited the bathroom. 
“Okay, I hope whoever I’m playing is bad with heels,” I held up the elaborate shoes Zemo had matched to my dress, “Because there’s no way I’m going to be graceful in these.” Sam looked up from tying his dress shoes, dressed in a maroon suit patterned with yellow circles. His eyes scanned my outfit unapprovingly. “Uh uh,” he protested, going full protective big brother, “Nope. It shows too much.” “It doesn’t matter what it shows,” I said, bending over to strap on the shoes, “It’s what I’ve got.” “She’s right,” Zemo chimed in, putting his jacket on, “You two are supposed to be rich, glamorous travelers of the world. You need to look the part,” he nodded towards me, “You wear it well.” I politely smiled at the baron and looked up to Bucky, perched in the far corner of the jet. His gaze was fixed on me, eyes quickly traveling down my body before quickly locking with mine. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, his plush lips parted ever so slightly. I found myself just as drawn into him as he seemed to be with me, for a few seconds it was just the two of us shutting our surroundings out. It was…something. “You look nice,” Bucky finally said, his voice slightly strained.
My lips quirked upwards, “Thanks.” “It is time for us to leave,” Zemo announced, bursting the bubble Bucky and I had built, “You’d better get used to those shoes quickly, we’ll be making most of the journey by foot.” He hadn’t been lying. We departed the runway and walked our way towards the city. Madripoor looked beautiful on the outside, the high-rise buildings lit up in all different colors emitting a glow across the waters. 
“We have to do something about this,” Sam finally exclaimed, holding the lapels of his patterned maroon suit, “I’m the only one who looks like a pimp.” “If you’re a pimp, what does that make me?” I gestured to the amount of skin I had on display, “Suck it up, Wilson.” “Only an American would assume a fashion-forward black man looks like a pimp,” Zemo added as we crossed the large bridge leading to the city, “You look exactly like the man you’re supposed to be playing. The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger.” Sam took Zemo’s phone from his outstretched hand, “He even has a bad nickname.”
I leaned over to look at the picture of Sam’s doppelgänger, “Hey, be nice. That’s your twin you’re talking about.” “And you,” Zemo addressed me, “Conrad is known for entertaining beautiful women, one after the other,” he ignored the faces of disgust Sam and I made at the thought of acting as a couple, “You will be playing tonight’s date, no need to come up with a name or a story as his dates are typically just arm candy.”
“So I’m supposed to just sit and look pretty?” I side eyed Zemo in annoyance, “Great.” “You smell this?” he asked the group.
“Yeah, what is that? Acid?” Sam asked.
“Madripoor,” Zemo answered, “No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There’s no margin for error. High Town’s that way,” Zemo pointed towards the part of the city I’d been admiring, “Not a bad place if you want to visit, but Low Town’s the other way.” We approached a car waiting for us at the end of the bridge, ready to take us into the darkest part of the city. Bucky, who had remained silent since the plane, climbed into the backseat first while Zemo took the passenger’s side. “Let me guess,” Sam remarked as we moved to get in the car, “We don’t have any friends in High Town.”
“I’m guessing not,” I muttered, ducking into the back seat and sliding till I was pressed against Bucky. He didn’t make a sound, he barely even registered my presence. I was about to ask him if he was alright when I realized what he was doing. We all had our roles to play and Bucky was doing just that. 
Sam climbed in next to me and we took off, me sandwiched between the two men trying to convince myself that I could do this. I could pretend to be someone I wasn’t to get answers, but my nerves was convincing me I was going to mess it up for us. No margin for error, Zemo’s words bounced around in my brain. He’d said our lives depended on it. They depended on whether or not I could keep it together. Sam must have sensed my anxiety because I felt his palm slide against my clammy one and squeeze. I sent a shaky one back, taking what comfort I could that I didn’t have to do this alone.
We were escorted in by a motorcade till we got to the seedier part of the city, the bridge we parked under painted with graffiti. Sam helped me out of the car and Zemo took our group through the back way into the city. As we crossed the overhead bridge, looking down into the city, I began to feel like my life had suddenly become some fever dream. Even more so once we entered the city and I was surrounded by people from all walks of life. Smugglers were making deals, guards were stationed outside buildings with machine guns, forgers were trying to sell to people. It was like nothing I’d ever seen. Sam kept me on his arm the entire time, selling our characters while still retaining his protective nature. We followed Zemo into a crowded bar, weaving our way through. “Here we are,” he announced quietly, our fellow patrons took notice as soon as they caught sight of Bucky, “Gotov podchinit'sya, zimniy soldat?” (Ready to comply, Winter Soldier?)
I tried my best to keep my face neutral, though an unwelcome chill went down my spine as Zemo began his act. It was wrong. It wasn’t fair to Bucky or his recovery to make him do this.
We approached the bar and the bartender came over immediately, “Hello, gentlemen. Ma’am. Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.” “His plans changed,” Zemo explained, “We have business to do with Selby.”
The bartender looked over suspiciously at Sam, “The usual?” Sam nodded casually in response and the man walked away to begin prepping the drink. What took us by surprise was when he reached for a jar containing a dead snake rather than the bottle of alcohol. He proceeded to lay the reptile on a cutting board and slice its stomach open, I looked up to Sam who was doing his best to keep his composure. “Ah, Smiling Tiger,” Zemo jeered, “Your favorite.”
The bartender removed a piece of the snake’s guts and sunk it into a shot glass filled with vodka. I covered my mouth with my clutch to conceal my delight at the sight I was about to behold. Sam caught the action and addressed the bartender, “You know what? She’ll have one too.” “Oh, no, I don’t think so,” I quickly protested, waving it off as if it were a shot of tequila and not an animal intestine.
“No, girl, I insist,” Sam grinned phonily at me.
“They actually upset my stomach,” I giggled, glancing to the bartender, “Can’t hold my liquor to save my life, I’ll be up all night sick if it touches my lips. But you enjoy, sweetheart.” The bartender didn’t pay much attention to the exchange as he set the shot glass in front of Sam, who looked unconvincingly between the glass and Zemo. “I love these,” he stated, holding it up for us all to see.
“Cheers, Conrad,” Zemo clinked his glass against Sam’s.
Sam made several, hopefully convincing, noises of excitement about his drink. After giving it one last look, he shot it straight down, holding a thumbs up to the bartender afterwards.
“How badly are you trying not to throw up right now?” I whispered after the man had left.
“I can’t even hear you right now,” Sam replied in a strained voice, focusing on keeping the drink where it needed to be. An intimidating bearded man made us all turn around, he looked to Zemo. “I got word from on high. You ain’t welcome here.”
Zemo, ever the cool and collected presence, turned to the man. “I have no business with the Power Broker. But if he insists, he can either come and talk to me…” Zemo gestured to Bucky, standing at his side. 
“New haircut?” the man asked Bucky, who stayed silent.
“Or bring Selby for a chat,” Zemo finished.
The man left, leaving us with questions. “A power broker?” Bucky grumbled, “Really?” “Every kingdom needs its king,” Zemo replied, “Let’s just pray we stay under his radar.” 
“Do you know him?” Sam inconspicuously asked. “Only be reputation the baron answered, “In Madripoor he is judge, jury, and executioner.”
I spotted another man approaching us, this one walking with a purpose. Zemo looked to Bucky, the show was about to start. “Zimniy Soldat,” Bucky nodded once, “Attask.” (Winter Soldier, attack.) As soon as the stranger thumped Zemo’s shoulder, Bucky sprang to action, his metal hand grabbing and twisting the man’s arm. He pushed him to the center of the room where he proceeded to twist it further before dropping him to the ground. The groans coming from him were sickening as he lay helpless, clutching his most likely broken arm. As another patron came up to attack, Bucky moved fast to disarm him before power kicking him into a table several times. I clung to Sam’s arm even tighter as Zemo shoved someone forward for Bucky to punch, sending him sliding across the floor. 
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form,” Zemo slyly observed, from my side. It took everything in me not to send him flying across the room right then. He was enjoying this.
When Bucky lifted a man by his throat and slammed him down on the bar was when guns all over the bar were cocked. Sam grabbed onto Bucky’s metal arm, ready to pull him back to us and to reality. “Stay in character,” Zemo whispered, dead serious, “Or the whole bar turns on us.” Sam dropped his arm as Zemo leaned into Bucky, “Molodets, soldat.” (Well done, soldier.)
“Selby will see you now,” the bartender said, watching the scene in awe. Bucky slowly let the man go, gasping and groaning for air once he was freed. Sam looked over warily, “You good?” When Bucky faced us, his eyes met mine before they met Sam’s. I wished I could have concealed my reaction better for his sake, but the second he had attacked was the first time since we’d met that I’d been properly scared of him. It made the incident on the plane look like nothing. My mind knew he was just acting, pretending to be someone he once was for the sake of furthering our mission. But my blood ran just as cold with fear as it would have if the Winter Soldier was standing in front of me. Bucky’s eyes now were watery, filled with pain that he’d worked hard with his therapist to get through, now being brought back to life. Had the bar not been watching and had I not needed to stick with Sam, I’d have been at his side trying to make sure he was alright. Instead, I could only watch as he sniffled, nodded to Sam and followed Zemo to wherever we were going next.
We were escorted upstairs through a series of hallways with a heavily armed guard following us. A white haired woman sat in the middle of the room we were led to, tapping her fingers against the couch she lounged on. “You should know, Baron, people don’t just come into my bar and make demands.” Zemo smiled, “Not a demand. An offer.”
Sam and I took our places standing next to Selby, Bucky stood watch across from us, back in his act. 
“A lot has changed since you were here last,” Selby spared a look at Bucky, “By the way, I thought you were rotting away in a German prison. How did you escape?” 
“People like us always find a way, don’t we?” Zemo shrugged, “I’m sure you’ve already figured out what I’m here for.” 
Selby pointed a blind finger towards Sam, “You’re taller than I’d heard, Smiling Tiger,” she eyed Sam suggestively and gave him a purr before turning her attention to me, “And what a lovely little dish you’ve got with you.” Internally I was struggling to stay calm and had never felt more exposed with the thin materiel of the dress over my body. “What’s the offer?” Selby grinned at Zemo.
“Tell us what you know about the super-soldier serum,” Zemo replied, rising from his seat to circle Bucky, “And I give you him, along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want,” Zemo rubbed Bucky’s chin, playing with it to provoke him but knowing he could get away with it. I felt sick to my stomach.
“Now that’s the Zemo I remember,” Selby approved, “I’m glad I decided not to kill you immediately. Yeah, you were right to come to me. Arrogant, but right. The super-soldier serum is here in Madripoor. Dr. Wilfred Nagel is the man you wanna thank. Or condemn, depending on what side of this you’re on. The Power Broker had him working on the serum, but…things didn’t go as planned.”
I squeezed Sam’s arm, we were getting answers. The crazy, chaotic plan was actually working. “Is Nagal still in Madripoor?” Zemo asked.
“Oh, the bread crumbs you can have for free,” Selby’s flirtatious demeanor shifted as she stood to business-like, “But the bakery is gonna cost you, Baron. And before you get all cute, don’t think you can find Nagel without me.” 
A sudden vibration tickled my arm from Sam’s suit pocket, it was his cell phone. He pulled it out hesitantly and looked down at it, I glanced over to see that it was Sarah calling.
“Answer it,” Selby ordered, Bucky had moved behind her to give us protection if need be, “On speaker.” The armed bodyguards moved in closer, it was clear we had no say in the matter. Sam unlocked his phone and pressed the speaker button, “Hello?” “Hey, um, we need to talk about this situation,” Sarah’s voice filled the air, sending an all too brief wave of peace through me, “It’s been drivin’ me nuts.” 
“What situation exactly are you talkin’ about?” Sam replied stiffly. “Are you high? You know what situation, it’s the only situation me and you have.”
“What situation, Sarah?” Sam’s voice grew louder, “Say it.”
“The damn boat,” Sarah replied just as hard, “And watch your tone, okay? I let you slide at the bank.”
Sarah. The boat. Home. And here I was standing in a designer dress meeting with Indonesian crime bosses. Two unbelievable worlds were colliding on the call.
Sam scoffed and nervously chuckling, “Yeah, the bank. Laundered so much, yeah, they’ll come around.” “If that was the case, then why’d they dog you out, Big Time?”
“Yeah, you damn right I’m Big Time. You’ll see,” Sam paused menacingly, “When I have that banker killed.”
We almost had Selby convinced as I watched her pace around the room, we were so close to- “Cass! What’d I tell you about the Cheerios? I don’t have time for this!” Sarah yelled, “Sam, I’m sorry. Let me call you back, and make sure Y/n is with you too.” “Sam? Y/n?” Selby echoed the names, “Who are you? Kill them!”
A second after she had given the order, a bullet shot through the nearby window and struck her chest fatally. The four of us sprung to action, Sam landing punches on the guard stationed behind us while I used my energy to pull the machine gun from his grasp. Across from us, Bucky took care of the other guard. I handed the weapon to Sam and we took our positions in the back of the room, ready to retaliate against the hidden assassin. “They’re gonna pin this on us,” Sam panted, our backs against the wall.
“We have a real problem now,” Zemo said, unbelievably calm for someone in our situation, “So leave your weapons and follow my lead.” Bucky ripped the lock on the back door and the four of us filed down the staircase quick as we could. It dropped us back off in the middle of the city, we hurriedly made our way down the street where all heads were turning to us. “This is not good,” Zemo hurried. The words hung in the air for a grand total of five seconds before bullets started to rain down around us. Bucky, Sam and I tore down the street where in the chaos, Zemo took off in another direction.
“I can’t run in these heels!” Sam yelled over the gunfire. “Oh, I don’t wanna hear it,” I exclaimed, struggling to keep up with them in my stilettos, “Screw it!”
I threw my hands out to my side and lifted off the ground, keeping low enough to dodge any shots but stay close to Sam and Bucky. Two motorcycles sped after us promising more bounty hunters, Zemo caught up with us and killed two lone gunmen hiding behind a dumpster. Two perfectly aimed bullets came out of nowhere and lodged themselves in the heads of the cyclists chasing us.
“You seem to have a guardian angel,” Zemo observed as the three of us looked around for our savior.
“Well, this is too perfect,” a woman’s voice said, she appeared seconds later drawing back her hood and pointing a gun toward us, “Drop it, Zemo.”
Bucky stepped forward disbelievingly, “Sharon?” Sharon Carter. I recognized her only from the pictures I’d seen of her on the news when the shitstorm that branded her an enemy of the state went down. As she strode forward, ready to strike down the man responsible, I couldn’t say with certainty if she was an ally or not. “You cost me everything,” she seethed.
“Sharon, wait,” Sam, ever the steady presence, held a hand out and carefully came towards her, “Someone recreated the super-soldier serum and Zemo had a lead.” “Well, that explains why you guys are here and Selby’s dead.”
“So what are you doing here?” Bucky asked.
“I stole Steve’s shield, remember?” she answered, her face contorting, “I also took the wings for your ass,” she aimed her gun at Sam, “So that you could save his ass,” then at Bucky, “From his ass,” the gun landed on me after Zemo, “Your ass is new.” “I’ve had one hell of an initiation, trust me,” I replied, standing my ground between Bucky and Zemo.
Sharon turned back towards Sam, “Unlike you, I didn’t have the Avengers to back me up so I’m off the grid in Madripoor.”
“Don’t blow that smoke at me, I was on the run, too,” Sam recalled. “Was. Is. Big difference. I don’t speak to my family anymore,” Sharon shook her head sadly, “I can’t. My own father doesn’t know where I am.”
“Listen, Sharon,” Bucky stepped forward, “We need your help. Please.” Sharon mirthlessly chuckled to herself, sighing afterwards as she made her decision. “This isn’t over. I have a place in High Town, you should be safe there for a while.”
While Sam roughly shoved Zemo forward to keep him in his line of sight, Bucky pressed a gentle hand to the small of my back to act as a guide through the dark alleyways. “You okay?” he asked quietly, quickly looking over at me. With everything he’d gone through in the last twenty minutes, the fight in the bar, the unshed tears in his eyes, Zemo talking about him like he was property to be traded, I couldn’t understand why he was asking if I was alright. He was what I was concerned with right now. “I will be once I get out of these shoes,” I joked, trying to get him to smile if at all possible. A corner of his lips turned upwards in a blink-and-you’d-miss-it flash, mine doing the same right after in some sort of relief.
Sharon led us to her car parked down a different alley, Sam shoved Zemo in the front seat while him, Bucky and I squeezed in the backseat once again. The difference between Low Town and High Town was visceral, Madripoor may have been dangerous no matter where you went but High Town provided a little more safety. When we arrived at Sharon’s house, greeted by two burly guards, the feeling of protection increased. The first room we entered was filled with artwork, statues and other priceless works that told us exactly what Sharon had done to afford her lifestyle in High Town.
“Looks like breaking all those laws is treating you well,” Sam commented as we walked through the room.
“Well, I thought if I had to hustle, might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler,” Sharon shrugged, far too goodheartedly for a true criminal, “You know how much I can get for a real Monet?” Sam grinned at his friend, “Deactivate your hustle mood, you sell fake Monets.”
“No, she means real,” Zemo corrected, “This gallery is specialized in stolen artwork. Monet. Van Gogh. Classics.” “I kinda thought that was implied,” I said, following Sharon and Zemo and beginning to relax in the shockingly calm environment, “No offense.” Sharon scoffed, “None taken, a girl’s gotta do what she can to survive. By the way, who are you?”
“Y/n Y/l/n,” I answered, “Sam’s sister.” “Hmm,” Sharon hummed, looking me over once before turning around to hurry Sam and Bucky along, “Come on, you guys need to change. I’m hosting clients in an hour. You,” she pointed to me, “Second door on your left, I’ll bring something up for you.” At the promise of shedding the over exposing dress and blistering heels, I had never moved faster in my life.
I took the opportunity to catch my breath while I could, the night had been a little too exciting than any of us had wanted. Sitting on the edge of Sharon’s bed with my elbows balanced on my knees, I felt the adrenaline rush I’d been running on start to subside.
The door opened, bringing in Sharon and her garment of choice. “This looked like it would fit you,” she said, tossing me a black jumpsuit that looked ten times more comfortable than what I was in. She walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out an outfit for herself, “I gotta change too, back to back?” “Works for me,” I replied, turning around and beginning to unzip the dress.
“So you said you’re Sam’s sister but your last name isn’t Wilson?” Sharon asked, I could hear the sound of her clothes hitting the floor.
“We grew up together,” I freed myself of the dress and kicked it to the corner of the room.
“That doesn’t explain why you’re here though,” she said, “This is probably the shittiest family road trip you could go on so clearly there’s a reason.” I looked over to the wardrobe, a pair of black boots sitting on the floor next to it. I used my energy to levitate them and landed them at Sharon’s side. Her dry chuckle served as her reaction. “I kinda begged him to bring me,” I explained as I pulled the jumpsuit up my body, “He was going to send me back home before John Walker decided to not so subtly threaten me with the Sokovian Accords, figured I’d be safer here with them.” “Safer?” Sharon scoffed, “Did he say this before or after you were being shot at by bounty hunters?”
“Well, between getting shipped off to jail and going undercover with a superhero and a Super Soldier as protection, I’ll take my chances here.” I heard Sharon walk away, presumably finished dressing. I zipped up the suit and tightened the belt, turning around after to find her leaned up against her dresser with her hands in her pockets. “Look, I know we just met but let me do you a favor and shed some light on the subject of heroics. It’s all bullshit. The whole costume, nickname, swoop-in-and-save-the-day act is all hypocrisy. I get that you’re young, you’ve got,” she waved a hand at mine, “Whatever that is. Maybe you want to do some good, maybe you just want to feel like you’re a part of something. Maybe you didn’t think it through at all and just thought it would be cool to run with a superhero. But if you’re smart, you’ll get your ass on a plane to anywhere but here and stay clear of all this.”
There was so much going through my head that I wanted to throw back at her, proving her speech completely wrong. Then I remembered that this woman had sacrificed more than most had and the government had turned their backs on her. She’d stuck her neck out for Steve and Sam and had been punished for it. Plus, she was kind enough to give us refuge when she had every right now to. I wasn’t in a place to criticize her. If anything, she should have been a cautionary tale. “I’ve had these powers all my life and have never known what to do with them,” I responded, “I want to help people and this is the best way for me to do that. As easy as it would be for some people to walk away, this is personal and I can’t leave now.” Sharon stared back at me silently before pushing herself off the dresser and brushing past me. There were layers of her expression, if I could peel each one back I thought I might get to the sadness I suspected she felt regarding her current life status. She opened her wardrobe, pulled out a pair of combat boots and handed them to me. “Then take a step back and ask yourself how far you’re willing to go. And if the three of you live long enough to get there, is it going to be worth the hell that’ll come afterwards?” She gave me a half smile before leaving the room, her heavy words hanging in the air. Steve had been my friend, Sam was my brother and Bucky was quickly climbing the ranks of people I cared about. I was going to see this through to the end with them, but what was the end? Was it retrieving the rest of the serum and stopping the Flag Smashers? Was it only two of us returning? One? None? Questions I didn’t have the answers to swirled in my mind as I stared at the door, wondering what awaited us for the rest of the night.
A/N: Next chapter is going to be...let’s just say there’s gonna be a lot of developments. A lot. Hope you guys are enjoying it, let me know what you thought or if you’d like to be tagged.
Safe Haven taglist: @tanyaherondale​ @wanniiieeee​ @asoftie4bucky​ @edencherries​ @i-reblog-fics-i-like​ @ttalisa​ @gcfty @withyoutilltheendofthismess​ @rinaispunk​ @weirdowithnobeardo​ @felicityofbakerstreet​ @godlypotterwhodiaries @eternalharry​ @voguesir​ @mizz-kraziii​ @okayline​ @smellmymisunderstoodfluff @wanderin-stories​ @nicklet94 @intricate-melody​ @aesthethickks​ @stumbleonmywords​ @simplybarnes​ @21bruhs​ @lostinwonderland314​ @superbookishhufflepuff​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ @zozebo​ @fandomxreaders​ @kittengirl998​ @sarai-ibn-la-ahad​
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purebarnes · 3 years
the family feud fic was amazing, if you made a series with just reader in interviews I’d die
‘Infinity war cast on mtv news compilation
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ— during the release infinity war, you and some of the cast stop by to some trivia and questions with josh horowitz
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ— 1.4k
ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀꜱ— clingy seb, nothing but fluff here
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ꜱᴘᴇᴀᴋꜱ— people seemed to like the other seb one that i did so here is another one. originally i was going to do more of these but you said you wanted more reader!interviews so here it is.
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with the pressure of doing interviews before any movie would come out would peeve you out because you had a trouble time not trying to spoil anything. obviously you were no mark ruffalo or tom holland but oh boy was it frustrating. in marvel, they would do their best to situate people with others because they want everyone to be together and also comfortable.
you never had a problem with they would place you in with because you were very friendly with everyone but it was so much like school—where you could pick but you need to have a balance with who you would be paired with. when you did other avenger movies sometimes it would be you and the chris’s.
for the interview you would get paired with sebastian, anthony and winston because your publicist would make the best way for everyone to be together. she knew what it was like if you anthony and sebastian would be together so obviously you didn’t mind and either did the boys which was fine if they weren’t close with you.
you see everyone gathering and did your best to greet everyone and when it was your time to get interviewed with the boys, you all left. “let’s go, you three.” you all three would end up making it to josh where he was getting set up. obviously greeting the man and the rest of the crew, you all started positioning yourselves. since they only had three chairs they had to bring you one, putting your seat next to sebastians.
as josh went to explain what they would do, you sat down next to seb crossing your legs and putting your head on his shoulder. you would notice that he would take off your name tag and switch it with yours as they all did that. mackie noticing you two switching them getting jealous so he would grab winston’s so he would match with the couple, scoffing at them.
grabbing seb’s hand until you heard the camera rolling starting the interview, “you could probably name all six of the infinity stones.” josh asked when everyone all looked at each other when you would answer right away. “uh, time, space, mind, soul, reality and power?” you would say when the boys looked at you impressed. “actually you got it.”
they would all cheer for you when he kept on going with his questions. “what’s the name of the guardians of the galaxy’s ship?” you would actually wouldn’t know that because you haven’t really remembered anything about that movie. “the, uh, millennium falcon.” anthony answering proudly but getting shut down by sebastian. “no.” you would shake your head in disbelief at mackie while winston would just agree with him.
“what are the names of the aliens that invade earth at the end of the avengers?” truth be told, you actually were in the movie so it might accuse that you should know that but you honestly forgot or just weren’t paying attention. “oh, oh, oh, the dudes that came with centipede dude.” you would be thinking on your own little world, “y/n, you should know this— was it the chitauri?” winston answered the question celebrating on his own without his boys.
winston getting upset that no one was cheering with him, “ay! i’m alone? celebrate with me!” he would tell them as you would watch him and chuckle as he kept going. then going on to other questions, “could you describe what y/c/n powers are?” josh asked and you would stay back and see if they honestly would know. the boys being them would go and raise their hands to be funny as they would like to say.
josh picking anthony as he would star his chaos already into this question, “see, i went to elementary school. i can deal with kids.” chucking at your friend then looking at seb to see what he was doing. “she had the ability to control space and time metaphorically—quantum.” winston would intervene him when he kept going with explains the powers you had. “with the quantumization of her hands.” he would also do some hand movements like you would do in the film but you thought he was so hilarious.
“and she does this pop-and-lock thing to make it happen.” anthony would say making you burst out in tears from the ridiculousness that came out of this mans mouth. he would turn to you to tell you he was right, “you know im right—i mean yeah.” you would agree rolling your eyes then focusing on the next question.
going to play another game with all the men, you loved to do those games since it would create a whole amount of fun with them. Josh’s team giving all four of you chris head outs to play the next game making you gawk at the chris’es. you’d play around with the heads as you still were a child at heart, “don’t break them y/n.” josh would joke around with you pouting and placing them on your lap while anthony would tease you constantly, “she’s always breaking stuff.” rolling his eyes at your direction.
sebastian chuckling then watching you with his blue eyes that made you fall for him even more, you two literally could have a conversation with just your eyes as weird and cliche that would sound. you two just knew each other so well that it would just work that way with you guys. “which chris like taxidermy?” josh asked and you grew confused as you weren’t sure what that meant or even was. “what’s that?” you’d ask him then him telling you what it was.
“uh, i don’t know...” you would guess putting up chris pratt’s head up as the other chris’s didn’t seem to be that way but not in a mean way obviously, you and mackie both putting up the right answer. sebastian and winston choosing evans as their answer as anthony would cheer on the side. “i know my weird people.” as the next question appears you all seemed to know the answer pretty quickly. asking who would be the most theatrical in high school, “him of course.” hold up evan’s face, “how does everyone know this—something about those tap shoes that lately have come out.”
josh asking another question and you right away just knowing the answer because of a past experience you had with chris. “you knew that pretty quickly y/n.” josh commenting at your speediness as you chuckle, “care to comment—so when we would work on a film together, he would like speak to me in conversational german.” fanning your self making seb look at you as he didn’t know that. “huh, didn’t know that—didn’t think it mattered.” you would mutter smiling lightly then leaning his stare.
“which chris won the fantasy football league?” you rolling your eyes and holding up evan’s head up when you knew the answer. “he never stops talking about it.” you’d mutter annoyingly at the thought of them both. finally getting asked which chris was the most charming and none of them picking evan’s, you picking evan’s. “you said evan’s—i just felt bad.” you would chuckle as they would all burst out laughing finally finishing the interview.
thanking josh, you all four left to go meet up with the others as you guys were all done. the rest of the day consisted of just hanging out and eating lunch with the cast since it would be that that time around. walking out to see sebastian walking out when you grabbed his arm to ask him if he was alright. “you good—yeah.” he would answer you showing that it he was fine, “are still upset about the Pratt thing, babe that was a long time ago.” you would remind him.
“you should of just told me, aren’t we supposed to tell each other everything.” he said looking down as you went to grab his hand and rubbed your finger against his palm reassuring him that none of that mattered. “you’re right. look, i’m sorry alright.” pushing yourself to him, kissing his cheek then leading him out to everyone.
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
No flirting
Sam Wilson x Bucky's relative!reader
Description: Out of timeline! Reader is Bucky's great niece (his sister's granddaughter) who he found when he got to NY. She is staying in the tower for a week or so to take a sort of vacation. While she is there, she meets a certain flying man of the south and she starts to fall for him, much to her uncle's dismay.
Warnings: fluff? Sort of old fashioned Bucky, maybe a little ooc sam? I tried but idk if it went okay. This is awful writing, it was late and I don’t know how to write dialogue!
Word count- about 3000
You pulled into the parking garage of the avenger tower with a smile on your face. It had been a couple weeks since you had seen your uncle, well your grand uncle, because he had been off on a mission with Steve and the Falcon. You'd never met Sam Wilson before, only hearing about him from Bucky and Steve, but you figured he had to be pretty great to be an avenger.
You got your bag out of the trunk after you parked and began to make your way to the elevator. You had a room that remained pretty empty when you weren't there. Because of your closeness with most of the team, it had been offered to you permanently. You declined in favor of having your own place in Brooklyn and just staying at the tower whenever you needed a break from work or your friends or something. You waited patiently for the elevator doors to open on the right floor excitedly, knowing FRIDAY probably alerted Bucky you were on you way up. Your suspicions were confirmed when you were tackled in a pile of super solider as Steve and Bucky hugged you tightly. Steve had become family as well to you, just as much as Bucky was. You loved them both very much but at the moment they were squeezing the life out of you.
"Excuse me, I am a non enhanced person." You gasped out "I need air please."
At this they let you go, dopey grins on their faces.
"How is my favorite niece?" Bucky asked with a smile on his face, knowing it bothered you a little bit. You saw him as more of a friend than an uncle so being reminded that he was related to you and also was 100 and something years old was a little exhausting.
"Oh shove off. I'm great but I'd love some help getting this to my room?" You hinted while lifting your large bag.
Steve didn't hesitate to pick it up, absolutely no sign of effort on his face as he did so which frustrated you to no end.
"Thank you Steve" you chirped as he smiled kindly back at you and the three of you began to make your way to the room you would be occupying for the next week.
"So how's your mom?" Bucky questioned genuinely.
"You mean your actual niece? She's good, struggling to enjoy retirement at the moment." You smiled at the mention of your mom.
"I would have thought she would be enjoying it. Teaching always seemed like an exhausting job to me." He mentioned.
You agreed but then remembered "Says you, you've been on the job for over 80 years."
He gave you a side glare and then grumbled, "Touché"
You had arrived at your room, it was just the same as the last time you saw it besides the sheets having been changed, the room vacuumed, and the bed made. You smiled lightly. Tony was as softhearted as they come.
Steve put your bag down and they looked at you waiting for you to do something.
"Well come on! I wanna go say hi to the team!" You gushed as you grabbed their hands and started hurrying towards the living room of the floor where you knew most of the team members would be found on any given day.
As you walked in you heard multiple squeals and you were hugged by two redheads. Natasha and Wanda both loved you as you were about their age and were a little less jarring than most of the men they spent the day with. "I missed you guys." You whispered to them as the hugged you, Bucky and Steve having moved off to the couch to chat while you caught up with everyone.
"You missed us?! We have so much to tell you! What has taken you so long to come back here?!" Wanda whined a little.
"Buck wasn't around for the last couple weeks, he was away!"
"So? We are here and you're welcome any time, you know that!" Nat scolded. You knew she was right but you didn't want to intrude.
"You could never intrude." Wanda responded and you glared that she read your mind. She gave an apologetic look but you knew it was mostly fake. You were then pulled away from them by a rather large hand, when you turned around you saw the blond god who you were so fond of.
"Lady Y/N! How great to see you! So glad I was here when you were visiting." He said merrily. You wrapped him in a hug, it was a rare occasion that he was actually here when you stopped by. Other than them there was only one other person in the room, someone you presumed to be Sam Wilson. He was smiling at you already, waiting his turn to introduce himself. When you pulled away from Thor he walked over and you took a moment to admire him. He was tall and strong looking but his eyes were gentle and he looked like he gave good hugs and made people laugh. He stuck his hand out to you.
"Y/N, right? I'm Sam." He smiled. You smiled right back and shook his hand.
"No no no, no flirting." Bucky called from the couch, glaring daggers at Sam in front of you, your hand still holding onto his as you both looked over.
"Buck I didn't even do anything!" You whined, slightly embarrassed as you blushed. Sam noticed and just smiled again but let go of your hand.
"So you’re the Bionic Man's niece, yeah?" You smiled and nodded.
"Great niece, technically. My grandma is his little sister." You smiled and Bucky groaned.
"God that makes me sound so old."
"That's cause you are old!" You countered and Bucky just grumbled under his breath something about how he could still kick it with the kids.
You made eye contact with Sam again but looked away shyly and moved toward the kitchen in the common area to get yourself a cup of water. The conversation around the room buzzed and the only person who wasn't occupied was Sam as he followed you over to the kitchen.
"A shame I haven't met you before, I’ve been missing out." He smirked. He seemed a little cocky but you didn't mind. In fact you found it kind of attractive as it complimented your shy personality pretty well.
"Well don't worry I've heard all about you, Bird-Man. My relative has a grudge." You smirked as you sipped your water.
Sam rolled his eyes, "Oh he's just grumpy cause I can beat him in a fight."
"That sounds about right. I can't imagine what else he could be holding against you."
"Pretty soon he's gonna be mad at me for trying to flirt with his niece but I don't think I care much." He smirked.
Your eyes widened but you couldn't hide the smile he gave you very well.
"Oh Sam, I think he would kill us both."
"A worthwhile death." He continued.
"You're gonna have to step up your game then cause from where I'm standing, I don't wanna piss of my uncle with a vibranium arm over just anything." You challenged, wanting to see if he was serious. He smirked at you.
"Challenge accepted." He said and then he didn't leave your side for the rest of the day. This was much to the frustration of Bucky but you were an adult and he had other things he had to do anyway so he left it be besides the constant glare at the man who always seemed to be beside you. He followed you around like a lost puppy as you said hello to the avengers you hadn't seen yet, including meeting Peter for the first time. By the end of the night he was already through your shell and you were conversing with him with no effort. You could feel that this was not going to go well later but you couldn't help yourself.
"You know I'll take you up in that flying lesson sometime, sounds like fun to me." You smiled at him and he beamed back.
"That's why I offered it, I'd love an excuse to spend some more time with you."
"You don't need an excuse, you know. You could just hang out with me." You blushed and he did a little bit too. Without another word you headed to the room he had just walked you to and opened the door.
As soon as you closed it you smiled giddily and slid down the door, you could see Wanda and Nat talking to each other before looking at you. You had planned to have a sleepover the first night you were back and they had been waiting for you for like a half hour.
"Spill!" They both shouted at the same time.
You grinned before telling them about how Sam was being so sweet to you and that you were starting to get feelings for him.
"But it's only been a day, why do I already feel like this?!" You complained
"Y/N, he's been all over you all day, I'm sure he's in the same boat!" Wanda pulled you up from your spot on the floor and brought you over to the couch in your room.
"Yeah he's been following you around with puppy dog eyes. And it's really starting to piss off bucky too, as if they need another thing to hate each other over." Nat sighed.
You felt doubt start to creep in, Bucky was your family and you didn't want to go against his wishes. But Sam was so sweet and arrogant at the same time and the thought of him made your heart pick up speed.
"I'm not gonna act on it yet. I don't wanna make Buck upset over nothing. I'll wait till the end of the week and if it's still a thing I might consider talking to Sam about maybe going on a date." You said, getting quieter and quieter with every word. Both girls yelled out their excitement and began planning your outfits and actions for the next week so you could "keep him interested" in you. You went to bed exhausted but ready to take on the week of figuring out if your chemistry with the superhero was real.
The next week was torturous. Sam was just as flirtatious as he had been the first day and he got bolder and bolder as the week went on. He had asked you out a number of times, each time you responded with some non answer to try to buy more time. Bucky was getting progressively more frustrated about the flirting between you two until day 5 of your stay.
You and Sam were watching a movie together, you told yourself it was just as friends. You were on opposite ends of a couch and you could feel yourself getting more and more tired. Eventually you fell asleep during the movie and Bucky happened to walk by as you did. Sam noticed you asleep and smiled at the sight before he wrapped you in a blanket. Bucky sighed quietly and made his way to the kitchen to get water, not having been noticed by Sam yet who was too occupied with you. As Sam lifted you off the couch and began to carry you to your room, Bucky found it harder and harder to believe that the mans intentions were anything but pure. And he had never seen you so smitten. He begrudgingly decided he would not stand in the way of you two and he might even have to convince you to ask Sam out if you kept up the shy act.
The next day you awoke in your room. Not knowing how you got there you looked around. You remembered falling asleep on the couch while you were watching something with Sam. There was a note on your nightstand so you reached over to pick it up, heart rate increasing as you read the note.
"Didn't want to wake you, I hoped you slept well
- Bird Man"
You smiled as you read the note and began to make your way out of bed. You noticed there were socks on your feet even though you were sure you hadn't put them on. You almost got lightheaded at the realization that Sam put socks on you feet last night before you went to bed so that you wouldn't get cold in the night. The thought made you blush at how domestic it was but you wanted to thank him. You made your way down the hallway, still in your pajamas pants and hoodie you'd worn last night and you knew your hair was a mess. Still when you got to the kitchen and made eye contact with sam, his eyes brightened a bit and a smile came across his face. 
"Thanks for getting me to my room last night." You blushed shyly. You could feel your heart going faster and faster as you looked down at your socks.
"I would happily do that every night if it meant I got to take you out on a date." He smiled, already expecting you to avoid the implication again. You smiled at him and then glanced over at Bucky who was already looking at you. He winked and nodded and you knew what he meant.
You made eye contact with Sam, "Tomorrow night at 7, you can take me to dinner." You said while looking into your mug of coffee you had just poured. You looked up at Sam to see his reaction as his face fell neutral before he grinned. He quickly corrected his face too look like he was less excited.
"I knew I'd get you to crack eventually" he pointed out. You rolled your eyes before turning to walk toward the couch.
"I can take it back" you began before he interrupted you.
"No no, no need to do that, I have a great place in mind for dinner." He quickly said and you just smiled up at him lightly. The rest of the day was spent daydreaming about your date tomorrow.
The next night you were getting ready for your date, you had a flattering dress on and had your makeup done up, just finishing before there was a knock on your door. You checked the time and sure enough it was 7:00 sharp.
You mentally prepared yourself and took a deep breath before opening the door to reveal a fidgety Sam Wilson. The sight made you laugh a bit as he had never looked so nervous. It made you feel a bit better that he was nervous too. You took a moment to look each other over. Sam's eyes drifted south until he reached your legs and then back up to your lips. His eyes stayed there for a second before moving back up to your eyes. You had just finished gazing over his built frame that was squeezed perfectly into his suit. You nearly swooned. He had a bouquet of your favorite flowers ready which you shyly took and put into a vase in your room, thanking him quietly. There was a single moment of nerves before you broke the silence.
"You look very handsome." You smiled as you made eye contact with him, your hands fidgeting.
"I can't even believe I managed to get a date with a girl as pretty as you." Sam smirked before offering his elbow to you, which you promptly took. When you reached the elevator you both saw Bucky standing there with his arms crossed.
"Have her back by 10:30. No funny business." He glared at Sam before looking at you. "Have fun sweetheart, you know how to throw a punch if you need to." He smiled at you as Sam gulped. You gave Bucky a peck on the cheek before you and Sam both entered the elevator and it was on it's way down.
You ended up having dinner at Sam's favorite southern food restaurant in the city. More specifically, Louisiana barbecue. You loved the food and you didn't even feel pressure to eat pretty as you and Sam were having such a good time. You both were wildly overdressed but that was part of the fun. He payed for dinner and you promised to get the next one which had him smiling like a fool cause it meant you would go on another date with him.
After dinner he took you out to a dancing bar, but it wasn't fast paced or gross like many seemed to be in the city. Instead they played slower songs and it was less loud. You were grinning ear to ear as you slowly danced together, pressed together as close as you could be. At about 10:00 you began to head back to the tower. You decided to walk there because you didn't want to get home too fast and it was such a nice night out. You had never felt safer than with Sam at your side either.
When you made it back up you the residential floor of the tower, you saw Bucky sitting in the common space with a glare on. He made eye contact with you and when you smiled at him he winked and made his way to bed, not missing a chance to glower at Sam on his way by. You could feel Sam growing nervous next to you as he walked you back to your room. You turned around to face him and his hands were fidgeting. You took a deep breath to gather your courage before leaning up to him and kissing him deeply. He responded immediately and wrapped one of his hands around the back of your neck. You kissed until you had to come away to breathe and you both made eye contact. He smiled at the event that just happened and he took your hand in his before kissing it.
"I think that was the best date I've ever been on." He smiled.
"Well you're gonna have to top it next time." You smirked. He looked back at you and had a faraway look in his eyes. You said your goodbyes and you went to bed with cheeks that hurt from smiling so much.
He did indeed top it next time, and every date after that.
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