#some of this might change but oh well
Do YOU have any headcanons for Rio? >:3
YES !!
Rio Ranger headcanons
he doesn't know about Sei
he doesn't really know he's related to Kai since Gashu doesn't refer to him as his son and can't show any kind of affection towards him, but knows about him as "one of Asu-Naro's greatest traitors"
while he is almost fluent in every language in the world (thanks to the internet), he can hardly read and cannot write in any of them. The most he can accomplish is writing "父さん", ”トトノエル", and maybe "ハンナキ" in a 5 year old hand writing. He could learn, but he doesn't care since he sees no use for it, especially with Safalin there to help him if he really needs to
While the visible parts of his body are super detailed and realistic, those that are usually covered by clothes are just a block of plastic with poorly drawn details
he likes to draw on himself with washable markers since the drawings look like he has tattoos (...like his dad, you know... to show loyalty to the organization on your own skin, something that will never go away, no matter if you try to leave... the yakuza can work like that sometimes)
he's utterly terrified of Salvador Dalí for some reason
he tried to learn how to smile and laugh realistically, practicing in front of a mirror for hours and asking AIs for advice, but he eventually gave up since it was too hard for him
like Sei, he has a lazy eye (the left one)
he has freckles
he tries to bite everything and everyone
he tried to bite a Hello Kitty plushie's head off once (failed)
Safalin puts him to bed at night and covers him completely with a blanket for him to go into "sleep mode". She forgot to cover him once and he just laid there the whole night like "👁️_👁️".
got partially stuck in a vending machine once (or twice)
he asked Mishima's AI for help with the expression masks
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twinstxrs · 3 months
so much happened in this whole episode but i’m still on fig infiltrating ruben’s dream, making it look like the place where his friend was murdered, and then disguising herself as kipperlilly & repeatedly saying different variants of “somebody needs to take the fall for this, and it’s not going to be me. it’s going to be you.” while adaine as the elven oracle shows up next to her. can you imagine waking up from that, the idea of a horrible truth being pinned on you by your friend to save her own skin while the personification of fate and destiny stands there, almost as a promise that this is GOING to happen to you. we don’t even know if this kid is guilty. my god.
#fantasy high#dimension 20#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#fantasy high junior year#fig faeth#ruben hopclap#lucy frostblade#the rat grinders#adaine abernant#kipperlilly copperkettle#watching fig terrorize him like girl!!! we don’t even know if he’s guilty!!!!#this might just be for me but i do not think 5 teenagers willingly brutally killed their friend idk#like there just has to be some other element to it and i am very scared to find out what that was#what if they were put in a position where they felt there was/there was no other choice… like oh my god#my comedy brain is having fun but my ‘this is a teenager’ brain is in such deep distress all the time this season#the rat grinders i trust brennan to not make u cartoonishly evil so i am holding u as gently as i can in my confused shaky hands#also with the devil’s nectar i’ve been wondering why they all seem so well-adjusted & now i’m curious if they’ve been intentionally-#changing their memories in a way so that either the trauma is lesser or they think they aren’t guilty. idk#but it seems like from how gertie was talking she was making it more recently so the well adjustedness from early jy doesn’t quite add up#they could have another source maybe??? idk i’m just low stakes 4 a.m. spitballing here#there’s also the strong possibility that they’re aware of what happened but they weren’t the ones who killed lucy. idk who knows#the way you could probably devil’s nectar yourself into believing it wasn’t your fault someone died… CRAZY IMPLICATIONS!!! CRAZY IDEA!!!#anyways the bad kids & the rat grinders don’t ever have to like each other but i do wonder if at least some of those kids deserve a chance
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knifearo · 2 months
this year my challenge for everyone is to unlearn the association between love and morality. love is not something that is inherently morally good, and the absence of love is not something that is inherently bad. sex without love isn't morally bankrupt, it's just an action. people without love aren't less kind or less good, they're just people. when we can get past this false (and often unnoticed) dichotomy of good love/evil lovelessness then i think we are going to be able to take leaps and bounds in sex positivity, aro advocacy, certain discussions of mental health...
#and also. not the direct focus. but love doesn't make things good. you can be in love and do terrible terrible things.#people do bad things in the name of love and in despite of love all the time.#but!! imagine a world where people could exist as people and not be demonized.#sex positivity means being cool about All sex. reexamine your internal systems of moral judgement.#this goes for sex workers. for aroallo people. especially aroallo men. for aro people in general who might enjoy sex.#and frankly i think it can easily bleed into discussions about mental health disorders around 'not feeling' certain things#especially demonizing ppl who don't feel as much empathy. i think there's definitely a correlation between that and the emphasis on love.#our support needs to go out to Everybody and i think these things are all structured together in one way or another!!#it might not be immediately obvious but when i tell you it all leads back to amatonormativity..... little bit wild.... large bit wild....#anyway. horror movie psychopath 'oh he can't feel emotions or love' damn alright. well. let's take a closer look at that.#silly that there's an association between lack of love and Murdering. feel like that might affect some stuff.#love is just an emotion/a feeling it doesn't mean anything about you one way or another#same with empathy. you can feel it all you want but it doesn't inherently change the actions you choose to take#anyway. thesis statement. there is a socially constructed link between love and morality. unlearn that.#kiss kiss (<— lovelessly)#aromantic#aromanticism#arospec#talking#aroace#aspec#sex positivity
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parvuls · 1 year
I have nothing of substance to add but please consider a misunderstanding of epic proportions where history/archeology grad student jack mistakes bitty's interest in him for interest in his master's work, and tentatively asks bitty if he wants to try out helping jack with "dating"
needless to say bitty is surprised to find himself in some dig site where jack starts talking about radiocarbon decay.
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"Hey, man," Percy's voice lifted over on his left before he felt the tell-tale thwump of his hand landing on his shoulder.
"You got a minute? Let's get drinks, on me-" and so Grover finds himself led away from his project for the tenth time this week, because he would never say no to his best friend if it wasn't something Important.
Miles later, when so much time has passed that neither of them are willing to check the clock, Percy's eyes flicker towards him, but he doesn't look at him. Instead, he looks up out the window to the sky, rapidly darkening but still light out in that inescapable, metropolis way.
"Sorry, no, it's-.." Grover angles his body towards him, not sure where Percy is in his mind but not so surprised, either. He sighs.
Percy's eyes lift to his for a breath of a second, then skitter away.
"Grover, was I too much?"
Too - too much? He feels his eyebrows bunch together as he mulls it over. He's not so gauche as to ignore what Percy might be implying here, but he's not so sure anymore.
They don't talk about it much, those years between them now that they can't catch up to. Something slipped and fell and broke, maybe, but with all those conversations they've forced themselves to have, they figured most of it out, he thinks. Enough to know they both still love each other, obviously. Enough to know they never stopped.
Also enough to know they have to say so, when they don't understand each other. Sometimes being blunt stops the ship from sinking, or whatever. So that's what he does.
"Percy. Can you - elaborate. Elaborate, I'm serious, I'm basically drunk by now - "
"Was I too much for you, though?" Percy sounds far away, gazing through the window again. Like he's not here, in Grover's apartment, drunk on cheap beer that he bought that neither of them really like but use as an excuse to see each other when there's no other obvious thing to do, and six hours away from the things they're really supposed to be doing.
"It's nothing - or, well, it is something, I just - you know they preserve all those old messages and things on those servers these days, right? And I was going through those old messages. And I know - I was looking back too, a couple years after, you know, and I just - it was everything. It's not - it seems so simple, and I can't tell if I'm overreacting or underreacting, and looking back now I should've stopped always texting like that and let you go sooner -"
"Hey." He cuts Percy off, because - fuck. Hell, no. He gets what he's talking about now. Percy's friendship style has always been a little - not clingy, exactly, almost so respectful and vulnerable that sometimes it tripped the line into - exactly, 'too much' - but he's not going to say that. He's biased. He won't. He won't hurt him like that. Not just because it's not the whole truth, but also because he knows that if he gives Percy's insecurities an inch, they'll really be miles away by morning.
Anyways. "Percy, are you seriously thinking - we've had years. You know I would've said something." He did, technically. Nevermind, that's a terrible example -
"Okay, not that; Percy, listen to me. You're not too much. You'll never be too much to handle, just as yourself. If being your friend is too much for someone else to handle, then they can damn well tell you about it, alright?"
Percy bobs his head slightly, leaning back against the table, since they've decided to sit on the floor for some reason.
(It's Grover. He's the reason. Percy never acts like he notices, but he probably gets that Grover likes to be grounded most of the time - well, as much as they can be, a gazillion feet in the air, anyway.)
"A dam well, you say?" he suddenly giggles, a little wetly.
"Whatever, man."
They clink bottles and lean back.
It's almost black outside now, that dark shade that's something deeper than indigo, violet.
"Is this about Jason?"
"..No. Not really."
The yellow lighting from the lamps settles around them. Grover feels weighed down by it, anchored to the mat where they're sitting. He watches as Percy curls his fingers around the neck of his bottle.
Cuticles perfectly trimmed and obnoxiously perfect nail beds. The bastard.
"You.. this is - okay." Percy jerks his head up, startled by how sharp Grover's voice suddenly is, probably.
He softens it before trying again. "We were kids, Percy."
The idiot genius in question makes a half-sound of disbelief.
"No, shut up. We were. Whether you were too much or whatever - when else are you supposed to figure out these things? When you're twenty? Now? When else are you supposed to find out how to navigate conversations with people? Look, Percy, whatever's gone down between us - I'm not going to blame you for not being a, hell, fully matured flawless conversationalist at age nine."
"Well, when you say it like that.."
"Oh, I'll say it like that. I'll say it like that every time you need me to grow a seed of perspective into your brain, you strain of seaweed."
That's the thing that gets him to laugh, in the end. Grover watches as Percy's shoulders relax and he curls inwards, shoulders shaking.
"I- I thought only Annabeth was going to call me seaweed, but now I see the market hasn't been cornered-"
"Shut up. Clarisse gives you new nicknames every summer."
"Alright, G-man."
Grover grabs the pink-white striped throw pillow from the sofa, pets it affectionately, and then whips it at his best friend's face. Percy squawks and dives out of the way, and they're lucky their bottles are finished because he tips over both of those too in the mad dash to Grover's bedroom, probably to stock up on more pillows.
Grover stands in the middle of the hallway and dodges the first of Percy's paltry attempts at revenge, then another. When Percy has to stop and pick up his pillows again, eyeing him suspiciously, he retreats to the kitchen.
He grins while grabbing the blue blankets from the supply closet. He's not going down alone.
my writing directory if that's a thing you'd like to check out - I put all my writing posts on there so I can't lose track of them TT
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sesamenom · 1 year
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was looking through some of my old art and found my original feanorion designs (minus parts of curufin and ambarussa)
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katierosefun · 3 months
modern family is all fun and games until you get to the scenes where you burst into tears because the once-vaguely homophobic dad now refers to his son's husband as family, and also the academically gifted daughter realizes that her dorky, clumsy dad was always really proud of her and just never surprised because he just assumed she could do anything, and also the eldest daughter who eloped comes crawling back to her parents' room and whispers that she still wants her parents to be present for her wedding, and also the anxious queer lawyer character admits that he was terrified that his husband would just leave him alone with their baby daughter, and also that the once-vaguely grouchy dad looks at his stepson and tells him that what makes a family is who sticks around, not who you're blood-related to and anyways what was i saying
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p1x1x · 14 days
me pushing myself further with my art drawing really cool perspectives and whatever with the Duo and then i turn around and make lame cutesy ship art waaahhah 😭😭😭
dont read the tags on this if you havent watched gbc i just ramble spoilers 😭 just uhh screaming yknow. mostly mmnn but i like the other characters i swear its just these guys are making me insane
#UGGGGGGGHhhH the duo ever rn…#theyre jsut. so important to each other#supporting each other in their honest expression#FLIP OFF THE WORLD#and i mentioned once on twitter about how real mmk’s fear was#music is everything to her… so for those songs she wrote of her own expression to not be accepted or seen as successful..#yeah that Hurts#i totally get the feeling of wanting to quit… bc why would you want to be hurt that way…#OUUGGGH music (art in general) being able to leave a mark on people…! it can change people…! dont stop making art…!!!!!#but then there’s the side of me that sees all those moments and be like Hell yeah thats some romantic shit… wooo codependency yuri…#going into romantic ship mode#ouggggh but theres also the slightly messed up fact that mmk saw nn less as nn and more as her own past self#and how mmk was not really guiding nn the person so much as she was trying to fulfill her dream through nn#(ok my wording might get confusing but im RAMBLING OKAY)#GOD NN’S VA AND LINES WERE SOOOOO GOOD#mmk stuck in trying to amend her past…! but nn pulls her back to the present#back to reality and shows her that she can still fulfill that dream that desire…!#you saved me with that song its that important and i love it so i love you who laid bare your feelings#UGH THE TRUCK SCENE THAT THAT THAT UUUUGGGGHHFHH#she loves the real mmk…!#god what was i saying with codependency yuri earlier…?#oh right nn only being able to keep going now bc of mmk#hhhhhhhhh#and well. mmk having her happiness depend on keeping nn going (bc of yeah. seeing her past self in her…)#but the confession makes mmk realize what she was doing#(yet still good stuff for codependency yuri)#ok im shutting the fuck up now 😭
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tricorderreading · 1 month
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Guess who finally made their card! It's taken forever but they're being printed; I'm going to put one in each of the duplicate copies of Trek books that I have before leaving them in little libraries around my area 😄🖖
And I do intend on posting actual book reviews soon!
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dormont · 1 month
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the Leo/need adjacent unit, composed of Ichika Hoshino, Airi Momoi, Ena Shinonome, and Minori Hanasato. ☆ a girl who's lost her friendships, and three others searching for their worth.
about the group's name: ♡ originally, i had "from here to there" in mind, but someone from the Discord gave me the name "destination point" and i thought it was much better, so i went with that. ♪
about the SEKAI: ♡ the Train SEKAI. no one knows when it left, or where it's going - just that it never stops. it's the perfect place for those who feel like they're lagging behind. just close your eyes and let yourself be carried away, right? but maybe there's something you can do… starts with a Miku and a Rin. the former's hardworking and talented, but the latter struggles - Rin is somewhat influenced by Ena's (and, to a lesser extent, Airi's) jealousy towards others.
Ichika hasn't managed to rekindle her friendship with her friends, and she's not doing particularly well. At one point, she meets Airi - who just quit being an idol. The two start talking and become friends, at which point they end up forming a band together. Airi wants to try finding a place where she could finally be taken seriously.
Ena's invited by Airi, and Minori - who had failed auditions recently - ends up inspired by Ichika's kindness, Airi's drive and Ena's determination, which is how she joins. (Haruka completely gave up on being an idol; something Minori is saddened by.)
In my mind, Ichika plays the guitar; Airi, the drums; Minori, the keyboard and Ena, the bass.
the MORE MORE JUMP! adjacent unit, composed of Mafuyu Asahina, Emu Otori, Mizuki Akiyama and Shizuku Hinomori. ☆ an up-and-coming idol group that combines cuteness and sophistication.
about the SEKAI: ♡ quite similar to the Empty SEKAI, but with some idol influences - a broken stage with no one in sight. there's no bright lights, no colorful props. nothing. that SEKAI both comforts and pains Mafuyu. home to a lone Miku. sweet, hopeful, but genuinely crushed by the pressure she's feeling.
Mafuyu's mother wants a perfect child. idols are very frequently represented as being perfect - so, she decides that her daughter should become one, too. Mafuyu's not keen on the idea, but that's her mother; she's obedient, so she goes along with it.
Shizuku still quit Cheerful * Days, but instead of stopping altogether she ends up with Mafuyu. Emu wants to make people smile, but no one ever came; Wonderlands × Showtime was never a thing. so she decides to become an idol instead, even if it means she'll never bring back the Wonder Stage to its former state.
Mizuki's half-dragged into IDEAL HEAVEN! by Emu, who saw them looking with interest at idol merch. after bringing them to meet Mafuyu and Shizuku, Mizuki ends up accepting - the idea of wearing cute clothes and being called cute doesn't seem too terrible.
the Vivid BAD SQUAD adjacent unit, composed of Haruka Kiritani, An Shiraishi, Shiho Hinomori and Akito Shinonome. ☆ two street musicians chasing after their dream, and the two girls they brought with them.
about the SEKAI: ♡ the Street SEKAI. weirdly, it seems Haruka's idol background has somewhat influenced its appearance. its inhabitants are Miku, Meiko and Len. this Miku is levelheaded, but it seems like there's something holding her back from going all-in...
after quitting being an idol, Haruka is invited by An to join her.
An's never met Kohane, and she never found a partner. Haruka is hesitant for a moment before deciding to give it a shot, though she keeps struggling with singing. Shiho tries getting more experience, meets Akito. no one really knows how these two ended together, but they both have a similar drive and take music very seriously.
eventually, they all start working together. Haruka deals with her guilt and, while she doubts she'll become an idol again, she's mostly made peace with what happened.
the Wonderlands × Showtime adjacent unit, composed of Tsukasa Tenma, Saki Tenma, Kanade Yoisaki and Toya Aoyagi. ☆ a strange troupe of people who aim to help others through their performances.
about the SEKAI: ♡ still very much Tsukasa's, so it's the Wonderland SEKAI. [kanade goes there for the first time and dies. alas, they're still a shut-in and this place is simply too colorful for her poor eyes.] starts with a Miku and a Kaito, though this version of the former uses far less onomatopoeias.
Tsukasa figures he needs to show the world how much of a star he is himself, and he drags his siblings into it (with varying degrees of willingness).
a part of Saki still wishes she could be in a band with her friends; she's only somewhat managed to repair her friendship with Ichika. but she's still happy to do something fun and lighthearted after all her struggles. Toya's very excited to do something with Tsukasa and his siblings. he also gets to stick it to his dad, which, honestly - is a bonus.
out of the three, Kanade is obviously the most hesitant about the whole thing. but she sees Tsukasa's drive to make others happy, something she shares with him, so she ends up agreeing. Kanade is… slightly healthier physically on account of the stubborn people looking after her, as well as all the exercise she does she does as part of Starlight ☆ Evermore. mentally? eh… we'll get there. i need her traumatized to be interesting. <3
the 25-ji, Nightcord de. adjacent unit, composed of Nene Kusanagi, Rui Kamishiro, Honami Mochizuki and Kohane Azusawa. ☆ hidden behind avatars, these citizens of the web tell stories online.
about the SEKAI: ♡ the arcade SEKAI. this Miku is shy and withdrawn, though she one day hopes she'll be able to break out of her shell, just like Nene. alongside her is Luka - she has a bit of a teasing attitude and a catlike personality, but she always does her best to boost Nene's confidence.
about the group's name: ♡ syndrome refers to a group of symptoms - i paired it with the word lonely because i felt like it represented the atmosphere of an arcade. you're connected with people who share your interests, but at the same time, you're sort of separate from them. surrounded by people, but utterly alone…
Nene's social anxiety hasn't gotten better over the years. since she never joins Wonderlands × Showtime, she doesn't learn how to fight her stage fright.
but, she finds an alternate solution; using an avatar online. it's less stress-inducing, and it lets her pursue acting, in a way - it's not what Nene wants, but it's close enough. she figures she could be satisfied with that. Rui ends up figuring out what she's doing, and asks if he can help. Nene doesn't really have any reason to say no, so they start working together.
as for Honami and Kohane, they ended up on Nene's channel by pure accident. but her performances quickly became a comfort to them, since they were struggling at the time (the former because she no longer had her friends, the latter because of her lack of confidence).
unfortunately, ignoring your problems only goes so far, and eventually, her feelings give birth to the arcade SEKAI.
#// ooc#shuffle au#didn't bother detailing every SEKAI - they're mostly staying the same#destination point is accidentally very similar to richie's unit 💔#and ideal heaven! also. oh well. i didn't do it on purpose..........#my favorite out of these five is lonely syndrome & starlight ☆ evermore :D#which is evident because a) i developed lonely syndrome's story the most and b) starlight ☆ evermore has all my favorite characters#pushing my tenma agenda <3#lonely syndrome is like… dear to me because i struggle with very bad social anxiety and it's held me back so many times#so i relate to nene a bunch#i wish i could just - go out there and show people what i'm capable of doing. but i just freeze in place each time. it's easier to just…#give up. y'know? it hurts less.#and fun fact: lonely syndrome's luka is more or less based on rui? he's an important person in nene's life so you know -#i figured that it would influence one of the virtual singers. i love nene and rui's friendship ww#i put Kanade in the WxS-adjacent group because i wanted her to die <3#also. the potential of others finding out that this pathetic wet cat? is in a theater troupe?? insane. i think it's hilarious.#ready made success is a name i settled with despite not being very satisfied of it - so changes might happen!#there's some angst potential in there. i put some for emu too :3c#anyway. enough rambling in tags. i feel bad 💔#i'm insanen over them. if you have any questions - feel free to ask. teehee <3
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tariah23 · 3 months
The tat would’ve looked great without the rising sun design in the background. People really need to start doing research on things before they get them marked onto their bodies for life… but even the woman in the qrt had mentioned that a client had reached out to her inquiring about getting the symbol tattooed onto her and that she didn’t really care about the history behind it. She just wanted it anyway (probably for aesthetics.)
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nocturnalghoul · 10 months
Coax you Overboard
Last part of that trio of ideas I had earlier this week, some Raindrop thoughts. Included in the trio is the Dewther installment and the Rulti one.
Words: 771
Summary: A midnight swim for Rain and Dew and some contemplation about how lucky they feel to have the privilege of each other's company
Rain knows how powerful it is that he has the privilege of being the sole person who Dew will go swimming with alone. Sure the fire ghoul will join in when it's the whole pack going, but Rain is the only one to ever successfully coax him into the middle of the lake for a late night swim. He never takes advantage of this though, even if he wants to. Rain would love nothing more than to spend every night out on the water with Dew. There is no use fantasizing about being able to persuade him to come out here more often though. Every second spent out in those calming waters with him is the greatest feeling in the world. The rarity of the occasion only makes it feel even more special.
Most of their midnight swims go the same way, but each time excites Rain and fills him with as much warmth and love as the first. Rain slowly charms Dew into the water with him and gets to watch as he slowly relaxes and perks up as he regains his aquatic confidence. He wishes he could claim that pulling Dew out here was entirely for selfless reasons, a way to get him comfortable with the water he clearly so sorely misses, but he knows it isn’t true. Watching Dew’s movements slowly gain cohesion and fluidity the longer they are out there as he lets his apprehension wash away is a process Rain is certain he will never tire of. There is a graceful serenity that slowly overtakes Dew’s movements that Rain only manages to find out here when it's just the two of them in the water. 
To be fair, even out of the water Rain is completely enamored with Dew. He is beyond smitten with the fire ghoul’s loud bursts of passion, the counterbalancing acts of silent compassion he shows, the rare glimpses of vulnerability he is privy to as he lays himself open emotionally. Sure Dew is a pretty face, but the most beautiful thing about him is the little facets of his personality that only the pack gets to see. Rain honestly feels like the luckiest ghoul between both topside and hell for getting to love the fire ghoul and be loved in return. He wouldn’t trade it for anything. 
Moments like these Dew is certain he doesn’t deserve Rain. The soft glow of the moonlight accentuates the loving adoring looks that overtake the water ghoul’s face as they paddle around the lake, leaving Dew feeling like he can’t breathe. There are constantly so many people vying for the water ghoul’s attention, and yet Rain chooses to spend time with a ne’re-do-well like himself. The way that he is allowed to monopolize so much of Rain’s time makes him feel selfish. He watches the intense joy overtake the water ghoul’s face as he patiently waits for Dew to relax into the events of the night. He would feel bad about the fact that Rain has to wait at all, but knows that pushing himself too quickly would also make Rain upset.
Dew is constantly surprised by the ways that Rain’s love and devotion strengthens him. Each year when the summer starts to make itself known Dew cannot help but retract a little from the pack, letting himself get pulled away from them as he fears the upcoming days on the lake. Rain always manages to pull him out of this and encourage him out into the water, just the two of them. Dew would do almost anything to chase the brightness that Rain fills his life with, and yet the water ghoul never pushes. He only offers a secure hand and a warm smile. 
Rain is worth pushing past the anxiety and fear. There is naturally something about the ghoul that washes all of those negative emotions away. Rain’s natural radiance outshines the darkest corners of Dew’s mind, leaving behind adoration in its place. As Dew feels his own muscles loosen as he gains confidence in the water, he is struck by the graceful movements of the water ghoul. If it was up to Dew, he would do nothing but watch the way Rain’s muscles shift and move as he maneuvers through the water, dragging Dew along with him. 
As much as both ghoul’s secretly love these little late night dips more than they let on, the time inside the lake is truly never the best part. The actual highlight of the night is later, once they are both exhausted, wrapped in each other's arms so tight it seems like neither will ever let go.
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mooseyspooky · 4 months
I'm having to rewrite a smut scene in vampire Johnny to better match the vibe of what's going on in the rest of the scene, so here is the cut snippet for those interested:
Because this bed is where Andy and I fucked. It's where we slept. It's where we hid out when the world was too much for us. The last time I saw him had been in this room. Steven's scent, his presence, all felt so out of place. Like a phantom in a faded old photograph. 
“Steven -” I murmured, shutting my eyes. “I…I need to change the sheets first. If that's alright.”
Steven gave me a perplexed look then silently rolled himself off of me. I hurried out of the room and went to get fresh linens out of the closet down the hall. Once the sheets were changed, I took them down to the kitchen and put them in the wash so I'd not be bothered by the scent of them anymore. Though a part of me wanted to rip them right back out and keep them safely stowed away in my tomb. 
I headed back up to Andy's room and found Steven sprawled on the bed with his hand on his stomach. His face was flushed, and his cock was straining up through his jeans, so I knew he'd been touching himself. Though I wasn't particularly surprised. He'd been randy since I woke up. 
I sat myself on top of him and playfully wriggled my arse down until he started to moan. “Yeah? You need it? You need me to touch you?”
Steven let out a desperate sound, and I suddenly realised he was about to come. I wasn't sure how I knew that, exactly, but I figured it was something to do with the binding ritual. Arousal was as intense an emotion as fear was, after all. 
I lifted myself up so he could breathe then started tugging my shirt off. The buttons kept slipping from my fingers so I yanked it over my head and onto the floor along with my undershirt. I rolled over onto my back to get my jeans off, but Steven pinned me and began to kiss along my shoulder. I wrapped my legs around him with a loud moan then tilted my head to the side so he could have better access to my neck. 
The two small scars there, from where I was turned, were especially sensitive, and when Steven sank his teeth into them, I felt my eyes roll back. My cock let out a sudden jet of precome, and I frantically twisted myself up against him for more. 
“Fuck -” A loud buzzing started up in my ears when he did it again, and I blindly tore at my jeans until they were out of the way. I tried to get a hand around my cock, but Steven knocked it away. “I gotta - I gotta come.”
Steven gave me a knowing look as he slid down between my thighs. He pressed his tongue right against my slit, and I couldn’t push him away. I couldn't do anything. My neck was burning. My stomach was tight. I was so fuckin’ close - 
“Oh fuck! Fuck, fuck!”
Steven wrapped his mouth around me as I began to come, and in no time at all he started to go lax and loose. I shakily wiped up the mess dripping from his lips and sighed.  
“I told you not to do that, didn't I?” I rumbled, my body still trembling. My cock hadn't gone soft yet, either, and I gave it a few slow pulls just to tease myself. “Just look at the state you're in.”
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pastafossa · 1 year
hey pasta! I don’t know if someone has asked this already but is TRT gonna go into Born Again or end at season 3?
So that's where I'm not sure! The current outline is as such:
All Major Arcs (including Cyrus James/Project Beagle fallout arc and psychic abilities arcs): scheduled to wrap up a bit after the end of S3 so that Matt and Jane's arcs/development neatly dovetail together. This will mark the official end of TRT's main fic.
Special Additional Arcs (chaptered fics not attached to main fic but still TRT canon, taking place after end of main fic) in no particular order: Endgame/The Snap arc, Spider-Man: NWH arc, Spoiler Removed arc, tentative She Hulk Shenanigans arc.
Oneshot Arcs: various domestic fluff arcs, interactions with major MCU events, a 'What Their Life Is Like When Old Cause GD It They're Going To Live To Old Age And Will Have Rocking Chairs' arc, a SINGLE take it or leave it 'What If?' fic of something funny with a possible daughter cause damn I had this idea for a hilarious scene and it won't leave me alone
Now, those are what are planned in the outline, and the main event with Project Beagle tie-ins and plotlines and all of that is something I'm still planning to end just after S3 because I really do want to have a finish line for that, and I feel like dragging that all out for Born Again wouldn't work for the... events that are going to happen, without saying too much. Once that's wrapped up, that's when you're going to see TRT finally marked as 'complete' on AO3, though there'll be more fics set in that universe (see special additional arcs and oneshot arcs) that I'll mark as in the Devil and Hound series along with drabbles on tumblr.
Once we're past that official endpoint and those special arcs, though, things get fluid and murky since when I was outlining all the major plotlines, there was no Daredevil: Born Again, nor was Matt even in the MCU officially (which is why Spider-Man pops in way sooner in TRT than he meets Matt in the MCU) and I specifically set up Jane's plotline to bookend with Matt's so their growth twined together and they both finally found peace around the same time. Outside that, I'd planned some shorter chaptered stories in the series post-mainline TRT like the Snap arc that I may now adjust (since it sure is looking like Matt was left behind for the snap) but nothing on the level of TRT's main plotline which is absolutely massive and took me years to fully outline and construct before coming back from hiatus in 2021 and pumping out chapters (Happy six year anniversary to TRT on Sept 15!).
I do have plans to write stuff for TRT's take on Born Again because I'm 100% married to writing for Matt at this point and there's no possible way I won't want to do something once I'm being fed Charlie!Matt scenes again. I'm not sure what those plans are just yet - I kinda wanna wait and see what happens in Born Again in case it sparks something. But I also want to make sure that no matter what I do, there's some sort of strong original plotline so that, much like mainline TRT, we'll be able to weave in and out of canonical events (especially since things like the Snap or a wedding or Jane and Matt's friendship with Peter will alter canon). I don't think I'm going to do something quite as huge as TRT's main plotline again, mostly because it takes a TON of time and work, and I'm planning to take the original TRT elements and morph them into an original series fit for publishing (different enough that I can leave TRT up for everyone to read, cause at this point the fic's part of DD fandom culture and I have no plans to take that away) which will also take a ton of time. But I'm definitely rattling my brain around, looking at different plotlines I could do knowing what I know about the ending, hunting for loose ends or canonical threads that I can weave in with TRT's world and create something new!
Then again, I never would have said I'd make something as massive as TRT before I started, either, so who knows.
So in short: YES, there will be TRT events for Born Again even if it's not as elaborate as TRT! I just have no idea what those will be yet. Fortunately, TRT mainline's only a little over halfway done so I've got time to plan!
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milkbreadtoast · 6 months
...hey guys completely random but i made a youtube channel 🚶🏻
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#i never thought id be doing this but#after encouragement from some followers/oomfs on twitter... i finally did it...#i recently got a mic so... after i finish uploading my impromptu twitter voice covers#im gonna hopefully start recording and posting proper covers.....!!!!?!!??#lmao#anyway no i dont think my voice is that great but#this is smth ive lowkey wanted to/fantasized abt for a while (uploading covers to youtube)#and ive already gotten bold enough to share them on twitter/here so#and ive been encouraged by a few nice ppl (bc else i would never do it skfbdnd)#so here goes nothing#🫡.....🏃🏻💨#btw if u have any advice for how to set up my channel/what to put in the description kdhfdk#oh also i put a new username bc milkbreadtoast(fluffberries as well) was taken...#might change it tho...#my singing#<--my singing tag btw LMFAO#edit: o sidenote this is smth personal but#ive also wanted to record covers with my pre-T voice#so that if/when i ever go on T... I'll be able to look back on them#idk if i ever will go on T but if I do this is smth i def want to do before that#o btw... im not... ive never considered myself a 'singer' and ive never sang in front of ppl irl either or taken classes/joined clubs etc#but this has become a lowkey hobby the past couple yrs#and its rly fun to try to find ways to improve my singing... ive def improved bc#when i listen to covers i recorded a few yrs ago im like oh my fking god my ears... hell no...#like even just 2 yrs ago#i think i improved a lot in the past 2 yrs... or since graduating...?#/since covid/quarantine lmao
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