#some chapters will be animated amvs. some chapters will be comics like chapter one. some chapters will be the current style
lockandkeyhyena · 1 month
anyway, i hope you guys are chill with the layout and presentation i’ve currently got going for alvins infurno, it will change around a bit, jumping between styles when the chapters change or when i feel a certain way is easiest for me to get the page done, but the long and short of it is it will mold itself to my motivation and spoons in order for me to actually, you know, finish it lol.
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partnersincrimesuau · 8 months
★。・:*:・゚☆ So, back in July... I mentioned I had a PIC-related gift to share with you all. This is what I was talking about. It's an official playlist that I have had SO much fun filling for the past TWO YEARS.
Yes, I started making this playlist in April 2021. I have waited a LONG time to finally release this to the world. Of course, I don't own a single song (I'm very not good at making music LOL) BUT!!! Every song has a relation to Partners In Crime in my head somehow.
Let me explain.
EVERY SONG in this playlist is in it for a reason. This may because of a SINGLE line, a SINGLE quote, a SINGLE strange reference. OR, it may fit the story SO well that it encapsulates the events of an entire scene, chapter, or heck, the ENTIRE comic. And yes, there are one or two songs I put in there that I listened to and went; "... oh my goodness. This is literally the entire comic. I can animate this." And I have not gotten around to animating them yet, because I do not have an iPad, but I WILL ABSOLUTELY BE MAKING SOME AMVs IN THE FUTURE. I GUARANTEE YOU.
NOT EVERY SONG in this playlist is entirely accurate to the story. What I mean by this; there are some songs, like I mentioned, that only relate to PIC through one line of dialogue. This may allude to the fact that the rest of the song has no correlation to PIC AT ALL. But of course...
I WILL NOT SAY WHICH SONGS RELATE THE MOST TO THE STORY. That is for you to discover yourselves. <333
The reason for the addition of the first song... is a bit of a long story. The short version of the story is this; on the 7th of November, 2020, I was listening to that song at a friend's house... and the idea of the comic came to me. Technically, Partners In Crime by Set It Off is the main reason this comic exists. Does this mean the entire story relates to the storyline of that song? I can confirm that while there are similarities, NO. My comic will not end the same way that the song does. If you haven't heard it before, I highly recommend it XDDD
I STILL UPDATE THIS PLAYLIST REGULARLY!!! If I hear a song that somehow relates to PIC, I will not hesitate to add it. So check in every so often to see if it's grown bigger!
YES, SOME OF THESE SONGS MAY SEEM VERY RANDOM. I can assure you that by the end of the comic, most of them will make a lot of sense contextually. Like I said, every song is in it for a reason. But for spoiler reasons, I won’t be sharing why some of these songs are there – some of them MAY imply future events. That’s all I’ll say ^^
YES, I AM OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS!!! If anyone has a song recommendation for the playlist, I will review it myself and decide whether or not I will add it based on its relevance. Please note that I may turn some songs down, but I will appreciate each and every suggestion!!!
By making this public, I am allowing people to follow me on Spotify. I have a ton of other public playlists that you are free to peruse yourselves!!! Most are regular playlists, but there are some very goofy ones there too. I recommend my Ultimate Nerd Playlist (its like Russian Roulette but for your ears).
You may notice a few playlists titled “Works in Progress”. Those will be important later.
But yeah that’s about it!!! Feel free to look through the playlist, leave a heart on it if you like it, and follow me on Spotify to see what I listen to everyday XDDD
- Jinxy
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trinkerichi · 1 year
TEKVENTURES! I wanna ramble about Tekventures.
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if you remember them you qualify for a veterans discount
So they were Sgt.Frog ocs that my best friend SARAZA and I made on flipnote for edgy amvs and comics. I wanna say I wassss 13? give or take. But these little guys were my EVERYTHING. We thought of a billion stories about them. Then I got sick of drawing frogs eventually and wanted to make them more of an original thing. Our first sketches were of anthro goats, but over time with my style changes, an the fact that I hate spending more than 2 seconds drawing anything, they no longer resemble any specific animal and turned into fuzzy nondescript species of alien thing. ANYWAY I wanted to make them into a "real comic series" when i was 17. That's when I started the chapters that are still up on tumblr n webtoons! and a few other sites probably that I forgot about.
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I've been harsh on it in the past but honestly I still love it to bits. What's there is a solid little comic and i still think it's adorable!
The only thing is, that's judging it based on what's there. It's a basis for a cute episodic thing with low stakes! Like the early mlp fim episodes or the new care bears cartoon. But that's NOT what it was planned for in the long term. Oh no, I was so ambitious. I had at LEAST 50 episodes planned which would weave together into this massive arc that would introduce other space teams, wayward space travelers with secret pasts connecting to the main cast, sad backstories for everyone, ALL of the family members of the main cast, a villian team with like... 'anti-versions' of the main cast, and a dramatically foreshadowed final confrontation with robot clones that want to destroy their planet. OH AND ROBIN too! Besides all that, they ALSO have multiple side story episodes about crashing to earth and befriending a human girl named Robin who has to keep them secret.
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That might have been um. a lot.
But when you start writing a story with your best friend when you're 13 you most likely have NO CONCEPT of "too much". Who am I kidding I STILL have trouble pacing myself. But when you come up with a story it's hard not to think it's just GOLD! And that you've gotta keep it no matter what! Because that stuff is fun!
I went full force into the comic in my senior year of highschool and eventually I finished the first chapter! It took me a year. And then I looked at my plans for the other 49 episodes and thought "maybe I need to rework some things.."
I rebooted the comic once, tried making smaller stories, all that, but I wasn't quite feeling the same drive anymore. I realized I was comparing my work to high budget tv shows with like. a full team of writers and artists. and studio funding. and greenlit seasons and all that. And it was making me feel TERRIBLE about my art!
So I quit comics! I started hating comics! I hated how long they took and how restricted I felt (with my own expectations) and I lost my confidence in finishing projects because I was so sad about giving up on my big magnum opus. and I just kinda gave up and started only doing fandom art for a couple years. I did a jyushimatsu ask blog and kept it up for ages! And then a new season of Osomatsu came out and I realized when comparing it that I was basically writing an oc at this point. And that I CAN commit to long term projects if i dont get self conscious about it!
I still didnt wanna jump into comics again. But I thought of some new characters that I was becoming attached to. the very very beginnings of what could turn into a new idea.
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I thought "well i still love cartoons about space! even if im not making tekventures anymore maybe i could do another space story. a really tiny one."
so i started making an rpgmaker game! and it started taking forever. so in the meantime i made a really rough doodle comic about how the characters first met. as a little side story thing.
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and THAT was the key. I had to stop thinking about it like i was making a big cool tv show and starting my career and all that. its just a fun thing, off the cuff, not overthinking it, just for fun and personal expression.
so im still going with it! and its GREAT! Rocket chip has 12 planned chapters, and I'll be halfway done by the end of the year.
But BOY did it take me forever to learn that.
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the-yuri-librarian · 3 months
This is GL challenge for you (if you choose to accept them).
1.a) Please write your top 3 or top 5 favorite tropes in GL.
b) From each trope, write at least 3 GL that you love.
(Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them).
2. a) What is the first GL that make you want to know more about and eventually love GL?
b) What is that one GL that have a special place in your heart (for whatever reason)?
The GL can be in in the form of manga, manhwa, manhua, books, tv series or movies.
Thanks so much if you want to answer this long ask.
Ok here we go:
1. Tropes I enjoy with series as examples:
A. Idk the proper name for it, but I really love stories where the grumpy one falls in love with the sunshine one. Series with this trope: Pulse, Mage & Demon Queen, Moonlight Garden, Opium, Kemono to Waltz, maaaayybbbeee What Does the Fox Say, there's probably more that I'm forgetting. Realized after I moved on to other tropes: Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch From Mercury is very much this, as is I'm in love with the villainess....there's definitely more
I really like this trope because I just think it's romantic and adorable. You get to watch as the sunshine one's quirks slowly melt the heart of the grumpy one until the grumpy one has fallen head over heels, and they often have no idea it's happened until it's too late.
B. I also (and I hope this is not too cliche of me) really enjoy stories where one or more characters have a queer awakening. Series with this trope: Love Thy Neighbor (sort of), Bloom into You (sort of?), The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at all, Failed Princesses, Can't Defy the Lonely Girl, The Summer You Were There, Lily Love, Octave, Wono to Waltz (pretty sure at least, also been a while), I Love Amy, Goodbye My Rose Garden, Her Tale of Shim Chong (sort of), Blooming Sequence, After Hours, Hana & Hina After School, I Can't Believe I Slept with you, The Barefoot Nina (I think), etc. etc.
This one is also great because of the sheer cuteness. The intense blushing, the heart racing, the way their crush slowly starts to consume their thoughts, their eyes begin to linger on their crush's lips. It's also really fun to see what the final thing that makes them realize they're gay is, cause it's always a little different. It's especially fun when they're already doing gay things and are just in denial about their feelings. I hope this isn't too basic of me lol
C. Honestly it's hard to pick a third, but as of right now I would say that I really enjoy stories where the characters are doomed by the narrative. I haven't read a lot of girls love comics (manga, manhwa, webtoons, American comics) where this is the case, so I'm gonna be including some books and a couple anime here as well but: Love Thy Neighbor (probably), Qualia the Purple, The Locked Tomb Series, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiiban Kawaii, The Barefoot Nina, Destroy it all and love me in hell (maybe, I've only read the first couple chapters of this), The Summer You Were There, Throw Away the Suit Together, Nevermore (ending pending) etc.
I just really really love a tragic ending. Sometimes, love isn't enough. It can't save you. Sometimes love is too much. It dooms you. It's just so incredibly compelling to me. Not to say I dislike happy endings, but ya know
Sorry there are so many repeat titles. More about this below, but I haven't actually read *that* much yuri, all things considered
A. So, funnily enough, the first time I encountered the term yuri was through yaoi? Like, when I was an early to mid teen, death note yaoi and Naruto yaoi were wrecking havoc on the early-ish internet, and that going "what's yaoi" also got me the definition of yuri also, which lead me to Naruto yuri AMVs
But, in terms of what made me interested in girls love as an adult, there is only one answer: bubbline. Basically, during my extended undergrad, I watched adventure time all the way through for the first time and fell in love with Marceline X Bubblegum as a ship. To use an old school term, they were my one true pairing. That lead to Steven Universe (shout out to IRL friend Selena (psuedonym, they know who they are)) and she-ra. Then, I went and got my master's in English, which lead me to reading a lot of canon literature, and while there was some queerness, it was fee and far between.
After I graduated, I had about a summer where I had no job, I was about to move in with my partner, I was about to get my second master's in library science, and I was like "fuck. I really want to read something that made me feel the way Bubbline made me feel at first." Which class to the answer to the next part:
B. When I was in that state of "I want to read something gay that makes me feel like Bubbline does," I went to my local bookstore, where I just so happened to pick up Gideon the Ninth (I refuse to say more except read the series if you haven't it's great). And it blew me away. Afterwards, it was a two years straight of reading a ton of queer fantasy, scifi, and horror (there was a fair amount of non-queer stuff there too). Then, in February of 2023, I read A Restless Truth. It is the second in a historical fantasy trilogy, I had not read the first one, I just knew it was sapphic, and WHEW. It was the first book I ever really read with what we affectionateky call spice in the girls love community. And it broke my brain. I finished reading it (the main couple is great btw) and two days later immediately read it again. It's SO hot. This made me starved for sapphic content with a desperation I had not felt before, which lead me to witch from mercury, with lead to revolutionary girl utena, which lead to yuri comics (this is Sept of 2023), which lead to well....here. so, all things considered, I have not been reading yuri/girls love comics for all that long, but now that I've started, I'll probably never stop
I hope that answered your question? And I hope it wasn't too boring!
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now we know your opinions abt victuri, but what about the other pairing, otayuri?
their sequence was very cute, not gonna lie and you know I am indeed a huge fan of “I’m so good at approaching a cat” ships, but this was like ep 10 out of 12. 
like once again I can see good potential in some couples and get why ppl think they can be good together, but I can’t get mega invested in a couple bc of  a couple scenes, especially when I don’t know anything about one of the characters. just like as I see potential in some ships, but can easily drop if they don’t have any development at all.
it just always amazes me, I don’t know how some do it and what is the reasoning for this, but I’ve seen it a lot in many popular fandoms like bnha, haikyuu and free! too, when some pick some character that appeared like two times during the whole story or did basically nothing, but there are ppl who are like “fuuuuck he’s my absolute fave in bnha” and I’m like sitting there like “ah, and the pivotal point in this was the shot of his right pinky in ep 17 and his background shot in chapter 251 of the manga?”. lol well, I’m exagerating here, but you know what I mean.
like how I saw a comment under the new free! trailer that was “you have no idea how happy I am about the fact that I’d get to see kisumi again”..  like I like kisumi, but he’s not even a full on character there tbh, he’s mostly a comedic relief. but you see, as they say “there are a great many opinions in this world... (the end of this tho “and a good half of them are professed by people who have never been in trouble” lmao). like some are gonna watch the last chapter of free! for kisumi, to each their own.
like I’ve seen ppl making amvs about nash from knb and a chocolate commercial and I’m like “I wish I could get inspiration that easy”, bc I’m sitting here like with a giant list of things I want in a ship and characters that’d make me open sony vegas lol
some think the best ship is a ship you have almost no canonical material about. and yes, I know the song “in canon they have never met, but I don’t care, I ship it”, and I've seen ships whose some scenes I find cute and think “yeah, it could’ve been great if it was explored”, but I’ll just watch it and move on, that’s all. I do not get how you can get SOOOOOO invested into smth that doesn’t really exist with the characters who weren’t even explored. 
so with characters like otabek like from these 10 minutes he was in the anime and the tiny “madness” comic, you can only go so far in predicting what kind of person he is. so where ppl get this asdfghjhgfds this suddenly got me inspired to write a 100K fic about them, it’s truly fascinating to me. I just don’t think really it counts as a fic about THEM per se, it’s much closer to the yuri/original character. all that they gave you is a guy who wanted to be friends with yuri supposedly for the fact that he’s purposeful and inspiring which is great and amazing start for a good ship, totally get him, but then I don’t know him.
like once again in fanfiction you can do technically whatever you want, but it’s just funny to me like when ppl are writing fics about some characters who they don’t know nothing about, I’m like.. why not just write an original book and sell it instead, I mean, bc it’s basically your character already, for real. just change the name and make some money instead lolz. like some fanfiction is more of a just fiction really, bc there are some fics, you can really just change names and you won’t even get who it was supposed to be.
I do kinda have different type of ships: those I find cute, but sometimes tend to even forget about them after watching smth (so basically whatever, but I enjoyed it while watching tho), then ships I liked enough that they made me want to vid them; then if I want to do a manip vid about a ship, I like them a lot; if I vid them more than once, I’m probably in love with them xD And if it’s stuff like my harurin playlist that contains 15 vids and wangxian 13, that’s probably means I’m obsessed lmao. that’s all. 
so otayuri goes to the 1st category to me, I guess, I enjoyed their couple interactions, yes, it’s a good start for ship, yes, do they have enough stuff to make me care a lot? unfortunatly, no. they did for sure make this episode pleasant to watch tho for me, not gonna lie xD for a moment I was like “yeah, yeah, okay continue pls”, but then I was like “ah, I forgot, that its not about it and it’s like second to the last episode” lmao
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ash-etherwood · 3 years
Top 5: writing memories, songs, characters that are not blank rune, runes, food
Linda I love you but are you trying to kill me … that’s so many Top 5’s! But alright, I’ll do my best! (Answers will probably switch between German and English RIP to every non-German-speaker who follows me and wants to read this for some reason I swear I’m normal)
5.) The entire time I spent finishing my first (second?) longer writing project It was the year 2012 and it was a cyberpunk story about my friends’ and my edgy self inserts riding dinosaurs, fighting aliens and being badass. The plot twist in the end was that my character was secretly evil and wanted to kill everyone. (Things to show your therapist) The final boss fight made zero sense and also everything was incredibly weird and stupid. But sometimes I still think about those times when I sat in my grandma’s living room at night, eating chips and listening to Vocaloid covers while thinking this story was the coolest shit ever. Truly simpler times.
4.) Researching something about universities in Texas for OvF on a rainy Saturday afternoon I have no idea why this memory is still sticking with me to this day (I think it was around 2016 or something?), but I remember that it was just a really nice day and I felt really at peace at that moment?
3.) The entire writing process of Bathroom Blues It was such a spontaneous project and I still have no idea how I managed to power though it in just a little under two months! Also it was just incredibly fun seeing you getting excited over new drafts and I loved coming up with new plot points and Halloween costumes for everyone with you. :-D Truly a summer worth remembering.
2.) FINALLY uploading the prologue and intro chapter of WWBL Not really a writing memory, but that moment was … so sexy and magical. Seriously, you have no idea how long I had been waiting to finally start that story, waiting for the Steckbriefe to roll in and see people react to the prologue and generally the idea … I even made one of those countdown graphic thingies for the designated upload date! 8D At that point I had planned that story for about six months and just … yeah, that felt powerful to me.
1.) Writing the prologue for WWBL When I first started the draft for that prologue I was sitting at the window in my favourite hotel in Winterberg, Sauerland, wore my dark green flannel, had the window wide open breathing in the cool mountain air and allowed myself to listen to my WWBL playlist for the very first time. God, that felt so amazing. I even have a photo of it (which somehow makes it look like I have the biggest football shoulders in the universe) my sister took that night. God I miss Sauerland. )’:
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My apologies to every favourite song of mine that I forgot about, I have a whole playlist of them, but I think these are some of my oldest faves … (Honorable mentions for Don’t Mess With Me and Not That Big by Temposhark, Goodbye by Apparat, Me And The Devil by Soap&Skin, Heart Heart Head by Meg Myers, Pain and Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace, Beautiful Crime by Tamer, Gravity Of Love by Enigma, In Flames by Digital Daggers [thanks Phi u_u] and Murder Cries by Snow Ghosts AHHH FUCK IT I could’ve just made a playlist,,,)
5.) Vater Unser by E Nomine Starting off with some weird shit, won’t we? I’ve been in love with this song since fifth or sixth grade, when I was just starting to develop an actual music taste and although I have many favourite songs by E Nomine, this one has to be my absolute fave. Every time I can relate it to a character it makes me love said character even more. (Also I think about it every time my mom forces me to go to church for Christmas so … yay? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t even be able to remember the Vater Unser if it wasn’t for this song. 8D)
4.) Wires by The Neighbourhood I think this is the newest all-time fave on this list, I found it in … 2015? Thank you, Youtube AMVs. Yeah man, this one is just … on so many playlists it’s not even funny anymore.
3.) Heathens by Twenty One Pilots An edgelord classic but like … it’s on EVERY playlist of mine. Every single one. It’s just so good. The first time I heard it was on the radio tho, when I was having breakfast with Jessie and I forced her to shazam it because it immediately stuck with me,,,
2.) Imaginary by Evanescence My first Evanescence song ever and the first step towards becoming who I am today I think. This song has like … such a big history for me, man. It single-handedly turned me goth in 2008 and I have never really thanked it for that.
1.) Eternal by Evanescence Might be my favourite song of all time. The number of dramatic RP scenes I have written with this in the background … man. Oh, also this song is the reason for one of my oldest internet nicknames, ‘eternala’, which subsequently shortened into Etschuh and then Tschuh, my main nickname until 2017, when I came out as trans and finally found an actual name for myself I was comfortable with!
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I know this was probably supposed to be about fandom characters but I can literally not come up with a single character right now that I love with a special burning passion and that is not my or one of my friends’ OCs so you’re getting OCs now. u_u And boy do I have a lot of those.
5.) Jackson Tracey from atroCITY (mine) This little piece of shit kept me company for a pretty long time and is still very close to my heart for some reason, although I haven’t drawn him or really thought about him in detail for a while now. My favourite thing is how I only realized what a horrible person he was after I stopped regularly working with him but honestly good for me. 8D His storyline and personality is kinda convoluted and tbh I’m not really sure how much of it is canon anyway (atrc was always a little weird about canon rip) but yeah. He’s an obsessive stalker piece of shit who pities himself way too much and he is also a semi-immortal demigod who likes knives. I hate him but he also helped me a lot with some gender and sexuality stuff so thanks I guess.
4.) Mayoko Imai from Century Riders DXPrototype (Maus’ and mine) Mayoko is a magical girl protagonist with a cool cyborg arm prosthetic and her main character trait was that she was basically a reverse weeaboo, a Japanese girl who was obsessed with American media, culture and comic book heroes! I actually love her concept a lot and she also had a pretty cool character arc in her story (which Maus and I wrote together and actually finished btw!), although it could use a lot more … polishing from today’s point of view. But I love her anyway. She always wanted to do the right thing and be a hero and got broken pretty cruelly and her ending is kinda bittersweet I guess? Ahh there’s just so much nuance to it … anyways, CR3 also stuck with me for a very long time and I enjoyed the time with her a lot. :3 (Her name had a cameo in Another Incident btw heehee)
3.) Tessa *insert extremely long chain of unnecessary first names here* von Lean from Nobody Is Perfect and Infernal Temptation (belongs to one of my old school friends) Tessa is just … a hand full. I love to hate her. She is badly written and developed and just OOZES mentally ill teenage girl’s idealized self-insert power fantasy, but she just … man, she was a big part of one of my most drama-filled high school friendships which I love looking back at so much. Tessa has fucked so many of my characters … good for her tbh! There are actually two versions of her, one is just a ‘normal’ teenage girl and one can shapeshift into a cheetah, but both of them are very close to my heart. I should really adopt and redesign her some day.
2.) Judy Khayat from Original vs. Final (mine) Look, I love all my OvF-characters and every single one of them is special to me in their own way, but Judy is just … the most complex of them all I think? Man, she went through so much … she is actually one of my oldest (semi)-active characters (I created her in 2009) and her latest version is from 2016 but I should really, REALLY revise her again tbh. She has a very complicated backstory that I didn’t handle as carefully as I should have, and anger issues and religious conflict and depression and PTSD and then Vance of all people becomes obsessed with her for no reason and decides to traumatize her even more … yeah. God I really love her but I seriously need to work on her. A LOT. I should also finally rename her tbh … let’s just see where she takes me next.
1.) Okami (I don’t even remember if she has a proper last name rn lol) from Split Realm (mine) Yeah, that bitch is just my favourite OC. She’s also very old, probably from around 2009, and initially was a magical girl with fire powers who I played in an RP with my friend Flauch but boy did she grow up! Holy fuck. Okami is a horrible person but I love her so much. She is so violent and full of anger and pain and sadness and treats everyone around her like shit and she is in love and she is a demon but also apparently the personification of the concept of Chaos but she just wants to be a teenager again and run away with the love of her life and ahhh it’s all so hopeless for her … also she turned out gnc af with time passing and pretty much went through a gender/sexuality crisis in real time with me, her creator, which is always fun. :^D I haven’t drawn her in a while tbh. Should really do that.
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I’m just gonna go with the arcs here, okay? Also this entire answer might look completely different if you asked me again tomorrow, you know how indecisive I am with Blank Rune shit ahha,,,
5.) Jera Look. I know I’m boring and stupid. But I just love Tave and Liam having their disgusting little foreshadowing talk, okay? I can read it over and over. I just love my horrible little shit crime boys. Also Rhy and Phillip are there. (’:
4.) Isa This one is here because it was the first arc I witnessed in real time which gives it a very special place in my heart and it also … hit pretty hard at the time. But having read Fehu it’s become even better now! It’s just such a wonderful, tragic romance between two horrible, ruthless boys and I … I’m not immune to Rhy, sadly. :-/ Just like Phillip.
3.) Wunjo We still haven’t seen everything that leads up to Wunjo yet, but we DO know more than we did initially (wow shocker) and it’s just always a fucking blast. Also, it has the first mention of Ash’s real name … the first Rhy POV (which what the fuck!! I always feel like we had one before but we didn’t!! Wild) and it has crazy blood-soaked murder Tave, my beloved. :///3
2.) Eiwaz You guys have heard me fanboy about Eiwaz so many times already. Eiwaz-OT3 (and Kain) my beloved!!! It’s just SUCH an amazing starting point and there are so, so many things that tie back to it and every time we find out about a new one my heart makes a little jump … und es beginnt von Neuem indeed.
1.) Gebo One of the most painful but also the most beautiful arcs yet in my opinion. It’s been hyped up for so long and boy did it deliver. God, my heart still hurts when I think about that last scene. Also all the dialogue … the golden lines we got … and it’s an arc without Rhy! Crazy!! :-D I just love the relationship between Ash, Astrid and Jakob so much. God fuck I want what they have. Just maybe without the murder suicide,,,
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5.) Diese Sonntagsbrötchen wo die Verpackung so plopp macht, wenn man die Folie abzieht Better than normale Brötchen for some reason. Most of the time. See 2.) Look man, I just really love a good breakfast …
4.) Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese topping One of the first things from a certain baking book I tried when I was getting into baking back in 2019. God they are so tasty. I don’t make them often so I don’t get used to them too much and eating them still feels special but ahhhh I love them so much!
3.) Grünkohl mit Kartoffelbrei und Mettendchen One of my favourite things about autumn/winter and one of my biggest comfort foods. God I love this shit so much. I just put … mountains of Grünkohl and Kartoffelbrei on my plate every time and I will just warm it up for four days straight until there’s no more left. It turns me into a fucking caveman. I’m not even big on eating meat but … yeah. Everything is different when there’s Grünkohl.
2.) Normales Brötchen mit Butter und Scheibenkäse aber ich bin beim Frühstücksbuffet im Hotel Oddly specific but that’s just how it is. Sorry. Nichts geht über Brötchen mit Käse.
1.) Chilli-Knoblauch-Nudelauflauf My beloved. My comfort food. I eat it literally every second day. At least one hour in the kitchen every time. Fresh ingredients. My only vegetable intake. And I’ve been doing that for three years. I just love it so much, man. I cook it for everyone who visits me. Chilli-Knoblauch-Auflauf cured my depression.
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it-sy-bit-sy · 4 years
Tower of God Anime: (Not) Brief Commentary
Hello all.
I'd like to discuss the few things I've gleaned about the Tower of God anime adaptation.
I was a bit afraid before it came out and disappointed with episode 1, but I'm not upset with the developments by any means. It’s a good series so new watchers will certainly enjoy themselves for Season 1. Let’s dive into the opinions.
1. Art style. Everyone looks beautiful to my eyes and the colors and shading is similar to the style it started out in. I'm pleased with how beautiful everyone looks, especially sister Yuri.
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2. Opening/Ending: 
So the opening is “TOP” (Japanese ver.) Stray Kids” and the ending is “SLUMP” (Japanese ver.) from the same group.
The cinematic is not what I would expect for demonstrating what we can expect from the show. It's Baam like...falling down, getting rained on, distressed, tormented, glass falling... AMV material for sure, but I am not exactly pleased with it when thinking about a viewer's first impression of the show. It puts me in a strange mood. I don’t like it. A more stereotypical showing-main-character’s-faces-without-giving-away-too-much kind of intro would be better.
Once I heard the music start, I sat through the opening and ending once to be respectful. But I don't like [this style of] pop, therefore I don't like [this style of] K-pop, and I will not be sitting through the songs again unless I'm watching the show with someone else who hasn't seen it before.
I didn’t really have expectations as for what the intro/outro music should have been at all, but *coughs again* have you ever heard Bokurano’s opening? It’s fire.
3. Episode 1: Content
The part some people are upset with.
To be concise, the beginning was rushed. At length: 
In the webtoon, I liked Headon’s entire presentation of the situation with the eel as he talks up the task to be impossible for Bam to achieve. We hear Bam personally consider the consequences, we see him quiet his fear and THEN he rushes towards it regardless with nothing but his knife. Then the exclamation “marvelous” from our administrator. I think the simple exchanges between the two make for a stronger scene.
Asides from that, the banter that the webtoon includes between Bam, Headon, Yuri and Evan is gone... At least in the source material we see the princess coming so it's not like she falls out of from nowhere with the kick. We know why she was coming, because she knows someone opened the gate on their own, and is sating her own curiosity to find out just who it is. She questions Headon’s fairness with never giving Bam a pocket, so here she is seen sticking up for him from the very beginning despite her rowdy introduction. She also questions Headon about the test’s level and asks him to lower it to be fair to Bam’s abilities (to which her comical yet degrading skills assessment forces an appeasing laugh out of him).
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Then she asks Bam’s name, jokes about him being a player, then suddenly we’re back to serious and Bam is told he may never find what he is looking for and die here. 
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The narrative swishes back and forth between comedy and seriousness. Episode 2 of the anime reinforces this pattern with Shibisu’s introduction right after 300 or so people are slaughtered for the completion of the test. He and Yuri are examples of this style of comedy, very easy going people who quickly change face when they feel like it and help the narrative effect.
Aside from these differences, the beginning for both materials is sudden and leaves many questions. So no, the anime adaptation for the first episode did not ruin the show. It is equally as abrupt as the first time I read it, albeit with even less content. If new fans really want to get ahead, they will come to the webtoon and read the story anyway, and if they start on chapter 1 they’ll see the differences immediately and be enlightened, that is all. Same conclusion: new, happy fans, just the way we used to be.
Ah, that fated day...
I found Tower of God on a beloved manga pirating site. I had clicked it for the lone silhouette of a boy child:
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That picture alone piqued my interest.
If that scantalation team or the website moderators--whoever it was--if it wasn’t for THIS picture up during that particular time in history, I probably would have never been drawn to try this title on my own. *shivers* Where would I be without knowing the 25th Baam...?
--End of Aside--
On my first chapter, I had no problem with the art direction. I must have been short on patience that day, however, because as soon as I saw Yuri’s brash introduction as she was questioning Baam up and down (like even before giving him Black March) I was ready to click off the manhwa. I harshly judged her trope before giving her a chance, and like I said I wasn’t familiar with the comedy flow yet so I thought her lines were cheap and uninteresting.
I ALMOST clicked off right then, but I hesitated and kept reading. Now I love her as big sister Yuri, and hints of this take on her character are present as I mentioned before. But hark? The anime sort of does her as a more haughty, “...unbelievable. You don’t even know who i am...I’m a miGHtY prINCeSs of JaHadDd uR iGnorance iS imMeAsUrable what even ArE yOu, how do you expect to survive in this worllld” 
....like she doesn’t treat him like that in the webtoon, she’s just here to have fun. I...I don’t understand that decision but, you know, it’s okay. Tower of God has an anime, y’all. We’re alive to see this happening.
4. Voice Acting: I honestly look forward to a dub if there will be one. It's not bad by any means. For me, Rachel's VA has the tastiest delivery. Bam... I wanted him to sound more distinctive and cute... It would be nice if he could sound like 9S (NieR: Automata) or Mob from Mob Psycho...I really like the take on those two.
-- - - - - - -END OF THE LINE: - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -
I think we will be fine, let’s all wait together...
I’m off to watch a pirated episode 3 now. Thank you for coming.
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The unofficial “Change, In All Things, Is Inevitable” playlist.
Here’s some of the music I listened to while working on this fic, plus a few key lyrics and some commentary about each song:
Gladiator – Zayde Wolf
Imma give you a second just to catch your breath / 'Cause I can see that your heart is jumpin' out your chest / I know you gave it all 'cause I've already seen your best, and it’s time you accepted this 
Let me tell ya / I've got every reason to fight
This song is great because it pumps me up and then 1 minute and 50 seconds into it, the tone does a complete 180 and gives me serious chills. It reminds me of current Megatron vs. past Megatron, and his initial motivation for starting the Decepticon revolution in the first place. I think he lost his guiding principles along the way, but his anger and gladiator might hasn’t gone anywhere. It’s a perfect Megatron song for obvious (and not so obvious) reasons.
Church – Fall Out Boy
Megatron: Take the pain / Make it billboard big then swallow it for me / Time-capsule for the future / Trust me, that's what I will be Soundwave: Oh, the things that you do in the name of what you love Orion Pax: I love the world but I just don't love the way it makes me feel
Church makes me think of the early days of the revolution when Orion, Soundwave, and Megatronus were all working together towards the same goal. The chorus is fitting for all of them; their friendship was a sanctuary of sorts, and it gave them the kind of support / relationship none of them ever had before (at least in Megatron’s case). Friendship was a novel, strange, but wonderful thing. Pity it didn’t last long :’I
If I’m being completely honest, Toastyhat’s animatic for this song definitely influenced my associations, what with the gladiator ring and all that, haha. It’s a fantastic animation, and I highly recommend checking it out if you haven’t already.
Meet Me on the Battlefield – Svrcina
We carry on through the storm / Tired soldiers in this war / Remember what we're fighting for Our tainted history, is playing on repeat / But we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead When I was younger, I was named / A generation unafraid / For heirs to come, be brave
This melancholic song is a perfect fit for the tone of the war, and Optimus’ feelings on it. Poor guy never expressed interest in being a Prime, but he never really got a say in the matter. The best he can do is keep moving forward hoping it’ll one day come to an end.
(Side note: someone’s done a TFP AMV with this song! Go check it out.)
Run to You – Pentatonix
I've been settling scores, I've been fighting so long / But I've lost your war and our kingdom is gone I will break down the gates of heaven / A thousand angels stand waiting for me
Very much a melancholic unrequited Soundwave --> Megatron song. I don’t care how many times I listen to this; my heart always aches for poor Soundwave and the ending he got in TFP. He would’ve gone to hell and back for Megatron (and I suppose, in a way, he did).
Battle Cry – Imagine Dragons
Stars are only visible in darkness / Fear is ever-changing and evolving Nobody can save you now / The only sound is the battle cry
Another great song for Megatron! He reveled in his fights as a gladiator, and war is no different. It’s his challenge to Optimus and anyone else who'd dare oppose him. In essence, I see it as Megatron’s “If you’re not with me, then you’re against me, and you’d better be damn well prepared to be treated like an enemy” song.
The “stars are only visible in darkness” line also reminds me of Optimus and Megatron’s conversation in IDW’s “The Transformers” #22 comic, where Megatron goads Optimus, saying he would’ve been no one and nothing without him / the war:
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Also: I genuinely had no idea this was a Bayverse song until recently so sHHH LET ME LIVE
Chains – Radical Face
I thought I had control, that I could always walk away if things turned bad / We were thick as thieves 'til I became the one who always went too far / And I couldn't hear you  In the end I'm lost / And I'll drag you down yeah, that's my cost / But I'm glad you were my friend 
Finally, the song that helped inspire this fic! Definitely gives me strong MegaOp vibes. Despite everything that wound up happened, Megatron and Optimus were each other’s biggest influences for a loooong time. That’s not the kind of thing that can be forgotten easily! I think Megatron was briefly reminded of the friendship they once had at the end of Predacon Rising. Megatron doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who has regrets, but I still wonder if anything akin to it crossed his mind before the end.
A few bonus lighthearted joke songs: A Little Help From My Friends – The Beatles This song came up on my playlist while I was editing some early chapters where Megatron / Orion / Soundwave were still buddies, which I thought was ironic, sweet, and a little bit sad. Take A Chance On Me – ABBA  An example of a song I associated with a character as a joke, then thought about WAY too much to the point where it’s no longer a joke. Anyways, please imagine Soundwave playing this every time Megatron passes him up in favor of the Decepticon’s latest traitorous and/or knuckleheaded senior officer. (Seriously though, why on EARTH do you have your most loyal officer as your third in command, Megatron??? Stability and competence clearly mean nothing to you).
Strawberry Blond – Mitski
All I need, darling, is a life in your shape / I picture it, soft, and I ache
This song is perhaps a little bit too wistful / lighthearted for the TFP continuity, but the tone (and the topic of unrequited love) reminded me of a young love-struck Orion Pax. (This was supposed to be a fun addition to this list but the more I think about it, the sadder I get :’I I’m so sorry your life sucked so much, Orion).
Songs reminding me of other TF continuities that nonetheless influenced this fic: Firewall – Les Friction
Deep beneath the light / A spark will now ignite You will see me now / This is my world now
A great G1 / IDW song that’s particularly good for Megatron and Optimus. I could dissect every single line of this song and create an entire MV to it, but I’ll spare you the 10 page essay. Just listen to the song and let your imagination run wild! So many lines are perfect!!! Alright I lied, here’s a few good corresponding lines: Megatron: Fear is a device / So quiet and precise / It's not what I allow / Not in my world now Rodimus / the Matrix: This force is in love with you / It wants you safe / It wants you well Shockwave / empurata: This force knows what you can do / And what you can make / With your tattered shell Optimus / the Matrix: Faith in your device / So quiet and precise / Just when, not how / You can feel it now The Autobots: Deep beneath the light / A spark will now ignite The Decepticons: You will see me now / This is our world now
Dangerous Man – Little Dume  An absolutely PERFECT IDW Megatron song! Great for Megatron post- his change of heart. I actually am determined to make an MV with him for this song because it’s just that perfect.
Silhouettes – Of Monsters and Men
There's nothing that I'd take back / But it's hard to say there's nothing I regret. 
Not necessarily a perfect song for TF, but these two lines from it reminded me so strongly of Megatron / Optimus I figured it was worth making note of.
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A diehard Mangahood fan’s opinion on why YOU- YES, YOU- should watch FMA 2003
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(Yes, those are his actual lines in this scene. These are the Netflix captions.)
2018 is off to a great start, with both FMA anime being back on Netflix! But ever since Brotherhood overtook 03 in popularity years ago, the FMA fandom has been so deeply divided on the subject of the two anime that even today, a lot of FMA fans who have never seen 03 vehemently refuse to watch it, simply because they heard from someone else that it’s bad.
As someone who’s been in the FMA fandom for about 9 years, could easily go on for hours about the endless problems with 03, and firmly believes the manga is better than both anime anyway, I think that this attitude is bullshit. While I understand that 03 is not everyone’s cup of tea for sure, I think refusing to even try it is a very narrow-minded approach that will only make you miss out. So, from one Mangahood fan to another, here’s my take on why YOU should give 03 a try now that it’s back on Netflix!
A whole 51 episodes + 1 movie worth of FMA content you haven’t seen yet! Come on, what better reason do you need? For those of you who are always craving more of those good good Elric boys and their merry band of friends, here’s a perfect opportunity to see them in all sorts of new situations, in all their fully animated and voiced glory! More fight scenes! More banter! More brotherly love! More Riza Hawkeye shooting things! More alchemy! It’s a deal you can’t miss.
Learn about the FMA fandom’s history! Ever wonder why Hohenheim seems to get so much more hate than he deserves, or why that one Ishvalan kid who got like 3 lines is sometimes called Rick? Have you ever found yourself in the deep reaches of DeviantArt or Google Images and found strange images of armor Al with tattoos, Rose with dark skin and pink bangs, an edgy-looking kid with similar clothes to Envy, or a low quality gif of Havoc crying and aggressively writing in a journal captioned with “I have all these feels”? Confused about the phrase “In those days, we believed that to be the world’s one, and only, truth”? Do you occasionally see content of the “Tringham brothers” or “Alfons Heiderich” and not understand who they are? Have you seen the “tiny miniskirts” clip on YouTube, but never been able to find it in context? Just where did the titular tumbleweed of International FMA Tumbleweed Appreciation Day come from, anyway?! All these questions and more can be answered by watching 03!
Beautiful music! A lot of great music came out of the 03 era, such as silly OST pieces like Pint-Size Alchemist or Favorite Daughter; Beautiful pieces like Equivalent Exchange or Memories; Haunting choruses like Ishbal or Dante; Fun and memorable theme songs FMA’s oldest banger, Melissa, or the Resembool Trio anthem, Hagane no Kokoro; And of course, the unforgettable masterpiece of a duet that spawned a legacy transcending years and languages, Bratja aka Brothers.
Talented voice actors! 03 had a slightly different voice cast from Brotherhood. For the dub, we’ve got the loveable and unforgettable Aaron Dismuke as Al- You might know him for his triumphant return in Brotherhood as young Hohenheim, but he was the original Alphonse Elric, when he was just 12 years old! Aside from that, we’ve got Chris Patton as Greed, Dameon Clarke as Scar, Monica Rial as Dante, and “sexy Greed” Troy Baker as Robocop himself, Frank Archer! And for the original Japanese version, there’s Nana Mizuki (Lan Fan in Brotherhood) as Wrath, Tooru Okawa as Roy, Megumi Toyoguchi as Winry, and Junichi Suwabe (perhaps best known as Victor Nikiforov and Aizawa Shouta) as Greed. And more!
Bonus content from the manga that wasn’t in Brotherhood! While Brotherhood initially rushed through the beginning of the plot under the assumption that we’ve all seen it 500 times already so let’s get to the new stuff, 03 actually took its time and included episodes based off the early stories, such as Youswell or the battle on the train. Not only that, but 03 also includes episodes based off some of the bonus chapters (Dog of the Military, the military festival, the one where Havoc went on a date with Catherine) and even some content from the light novels (The Tringham brothers, the haunted warehouse).
An interesting reimagining of FMA, with new perspectives explored, and new characters! It’s true that 03 has a very different plot and overall tone from Mangahood, and maybe it’s not for everyone, but why is the mere concept of being different seen as a bad thing? Think of it like a fanfiction, an interesting AU with its own distinct flavor. Who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy 03′s style! It features interesting (not always good, not always bad, but certainly interesting) new characters, such as Dante, the Tringham brothers, Wrath, Sloth, Frank Archer, Lujon and Lydia, and Rick and Leo. It also explores new possibilities and new directions that the manga didn’t. Ever wish Nina, Sheska, Lust, Rose, Martel, or Mason got more character development? Do you wonder what the state alchemist exam might be like? Do you think the homunculi simply being created by Father is too boring an origin story? Are your favorite superhero comic storylines the ones that involve alternate universes crossing over with each other? Ever wanted to see a cyborg shoot bullets out of his mouth? Are AMVs featuring Scar set to early 2000s emo music your niche but passionate hobby? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, 03 is the anime for you!
Also ngl, some of the fight scenes are really cool. Ed vs. Greed in particular... now THAT was some animation, woah. I love it.
In conclusion, if you’re a FMA fan and you haven’t seen 03 before, I highly recommend you check it out! After all, it can’t hurt- Either you’ll enjoy it and have a fun time with more FMA content, or you’ll learn for yourself that you don’t like it, and can simply stop watching. But you’ll never know until you try! Please, don’t listen to bitter, negative fans who only want to drive you away from something you might enjoy. (Ngl, most of them probably weren’t even around before Brotherhood came out anyway; I can tell you from experience that before Brotherhood got really popular, 03 was actually considered to be a really good anime, and had it not been so successful Brotherhood would never have even been created.) Open up to new possibilities, and give 03 a try!
#FMA#Fullmetal Alchemist#I'm just really excited 03 is back on Netflix because every time a big FMA fan tells me they've never seen 03 I get so sad#They're missing out on so much! And all because some people are nasty enough to tell others not to watch something they might like#The FMA fandom as a whole owes a lot to 03. It was what really drove the fandom back in the days before Brotherhood#And whether newer fans are aware of it or not it still does influence the fandom to some extent#The FMA fandom is over 15 years old and is a product of osmosis between both anime and the manga#I truly deeply believe that it's not possible to get the full FMA (fandom) experience without all 3 or at least both the anime#Sometimes I forget that not everyone's seen both#I got into it at a time when everyone had already seen 03 and now everyone was starting to watch Brotherhood as well#So pretty much nobody in the fandom hadn't seen 03 unless they were REALLY new#And had only seen the like... 15 or so episodes of Brotherhood that existed at the time#So sometimes big FMA fans will say they've never seen 03 and I'm just. ??? ??????? but... but how can you... what#But hasn't everyone seen 03??????? Don't you know the memes. THE MEMES. HOW CAN YOU LIKE... BE HERE AND NOT HAVE SEEN 03#Idk it just completely blindsides me sometimes#I want people to have the chance to Understand#And they can't do that if some fuckos who haven't even read the manga tell everyone not to watch 03 bc it's terrible#I mean yeah it kind of is terrible but also it is good#Because it's FMA#Anyway in conclusion the Mustang squad comedy filler eps shaped who I am as a person and also you can pry Aaron Dismuke from my dead hands
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fuckyeahkagepro · 6 years
Kagerou Project Analysis: Hibiya (& Hiyori) Encountering Momo Kisaragi Before “the Daze”
[ How, When, Where, & Why do Hibiya (& Hiyori) encounter Momo before the Kagerou Daze song happens ? ] [ also: The Daze itself. ]
( continued from here ! )
Friendly reminder the official order of the Routes / timelines goes, like so:
Music Route -> Manga Route -> Novels Route [as of 2014] and/or MCA Route MCA: ‘closest to the latter’ (but now we may have more Routes coming so .....)
Music Route: (keeping in mind what’s been recapped so far from previous posts!) - Momo Kisaragi hasn’t even been created at the time Kagerou Days was. - Kagerou Days happens. - Hibiya wakes up inside the Daze. - “What time is it now?” - Repeat (two verses/choruses/loops) - Third loop: - “Ah!” “Yume [dream]”? - Repeat final time; Hibiya switches ? the timelines. - Momo Kisaragi does not yet exist in the real world (our world). - Momo Kisaragi is later created / designed by Wannyanpuu. - Wannyanpuu: possibly contributed to inspirations for the storyline (especially re: Hiyori Asahina’s design / concept.) - Wannyanpuu’s Hibiya: has phone. (phone: has time) - Jin’s Hibiya, still: “what time is it now?” [ all Routes after ] [ Hibiya: /no phone ( until possibly novel 8′s end ) ] [ Hiyori: /has phone ] [ Ayano: doesn’t even bother mentioning ‘the phone’ ]
Manga Route: - Shintaro & Momo encounter Hibiya & Hiyori very very early on. - The entire course of the Routes changes almost immediately. - Hibiya: “the boy who doesn’t have a wish” [to “save the girl” (yet)] - Saeru - Hibiya & Hiyori don’t know about “The Park”
- The Park: the initial spot where the Kagerou Daze first begins / traps them.
- Momo: tells them about “The Park”. (MOMO NO) (MOMO STOP) - Hibiya & Hiyori: encounter truck. - Hibiya & Hiyori: dies / encounters Daze? - Hibiya (& Hiyori, but not shown until later on): revives (with Snakes ? ?? ) - Saeru (Snake of Clearing Eyes) forms in Hibiya sometime before - Hibiya meets (Manga Route) Ayano. - Hibiya meets Ayano at “The Park”, while trying to remember what happened to him & Hiyori. - Hibiya can’t recall everything that happened to him. - Hibiya notably glances towards the swingset [prominent in Wannyanpuu’s Kagerou Days and indirectly seen in MCA.] [Hibiya & Hiyori often sit there having heart-to-hearts before the Daze happens.] - Ayano: tells Hibiya about Azami’s past. - Saeru: [ possibly: hearing all of this. ] - Hibiya later winds up in the care of Momo & Shintaro as they all try to search for Hiyori. - In between, them all encountering various members of the Dan, Konoha (Hibiya encounters Konoha), etc. [ will come back to Konoha later ] - Saeru: possessed Hibiya at some point before meeting Ayano. - everything else: happens - Hiyori: [seemingly] has Focusing Eyes. - Hiyori: hasn’t had an “Otsukimi Recital” type solo encounter with Momo. - Hiyori: will probably fail no matter what she does. - it can only be Hibiya [ ?? ?? ? ] - Hibiya: “i’m sorry” - to Hiyori - Hibiya: dead. (no thanks Saeru) - Konoha: also dead, trying to save Hibiya. (again no thanks Saeru) - Saeru: duped everyone into thinking Hibiya had Focusing Eyes. - (ok but what if ..... Saeru’s still duping everyone .....) - - - - HOW WOULD (COULD?) HIBIYA REVIVE WITHOUT THE SNAKE OF FOCUSING EYES ??? - IS IT (HIM REVIVING) JUST BECAUSE OF SAERU ??? - IS IT BECAUSE OF ANYTHING ELSE ????? ??? - HOW LONG WAS MANGA ROUTE SAERU THERE FOR ??? - SAERU: “FROM THE VERY BEGINNING” - DIRECT QUOTE FROM SAERU - - - IS IT POSSIBLE FOR TWO SAERUS TO BE POSSESSING HIBIYA AT ONCE ????? - - Manga Route’s New Form Saeru (literally the most recent chapter as of the initial writing of this post):  “ Hello  ! ”
Novels Route: - Momo Kisaragi exists design-wise and “in real life”-wise (our world), but ..... - Hibiya & Hiyori do not encounter her before The Daze. - Hibiya & Hiyori wake up inside The Daze. - Hibiya has various monologues while inside The Daze, Hiyori does too (to Hibiya). - some monologues may be happening in alternative timelines / spoken to a different character (Hibiya -> Ayano in the Daze from here appears in MCA 04) (still curious about another one exactly [I’ll get back to later]). - Hibiya escapes The Daze / revives. [w/Focusing Eyes] - Hibiya meets Momo. - Otsukimi Recital: later happens. - Hibiya drops Momo’s “oba-san” (auntie/old hag etc.) and “Aun” cheeky rudeness from him. - Hibiya -> Momo: “Momo”. (no honorifics.) [ Momo & Hibiya have become closer ! ? Congratulations, “Momo” & Hibiya-kun! ] [ .... at the very, very least, he’s a bit more polite now. ] (... there’s some other fun things in between Hibiya meeting Momo and that) (I’ll come back to those in a later mini analysis!) MCA Route: - starts off very similar to Novels Route re: Hibi+Hiyo’s weirder dynamic. - Kisaragi Attention (Episode 02) happens - Kisaragi Attention in Music Route: Momo meeting Mekakushi Trio + Mary only. - ��Kisaragi Attention’ here: Momo meeting Hibiya. only - (Momo would later meet MekaTrio+Mary in Mekakushi Code ep 03 instead.) - Hibiya: still calling her oba-san - Momo: let this kind onee-san show you the way! [or: I’M NOT OLD] [ ^ this: happens only once in all forms of the canon iirc. ] - Hibiya: NO WAY OBA-SAN -- - Momo: attracts the crowds with her Eyes. - Momo & Hibiya: “shit” - Momo & Hibiya: RUNS [cue Kisaragi Attention playing] - Hibiya: gets overrun by crowds in between, escapes - Momo: doesn’t get any chance to tell Hibiya about “THE PARK”. (... would she have?) - Momo: doesn’t get to even meet Hiyori, only Hibiya. - Momo: doesn’t even make it to the Department store she wanted to go to. ( more on that recurring theme later too ) - Momo: SIGHS - everything else: happens - (including Otsukimi Recital towards end of anime) [ MCA 04 ] (compare: this dumb old amv I made once) [i’m sorry] ( because screencapping everything would take way too long, ok ;; ) ( but it has most Daze scenes in it while trying to line them up with Wannyanpuu’s version thematic wise ) - Hibiya & Hiyori: [ inside the Daze. waking up ] - Hibiya: /NO PHONE (IN ANY OF THEM) - Hiyori: /has phone - Hibiya: [ probably thinking it’s like a “dream” / “yume?” ] - Repeat four or so Daze loops, getting progressively worse each time. - Hiyori in between: saying things Hibiya can’t hear while smiling / crying - Hiyori: (”i’m sorry”?) (”I love you”?) - possible - Hibiya: [ final loop happens ] - Hibiya: SCREW YOU CAT “Serves you right !!” - (Cat in Novels timeline: Kano interference.) (Cat anywhere else: ???? ??) - (Kano interference: by means of Saeru forcing him.) - Hibiya: SWITCHES THE TIMELINES. - Hibiya: receives the Snake of Focusing Eyes from the Daze and revives. - everything else: happens [ considering new Routes incoming ] [ MCA: also Reset ? (maybe / likely ) ]
BONUS (from Kisaragi Attention, Ep 02:
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( ^ listen. I am not the one writing this series. It’s doing it on its own.) ( Friendly reminder: Hibiya & Momo - closer in age than not ) ( ok but seriously it’s more like Hibiya: just entering junior high school as of Mekakucity Talkers; with conflicting age in canon [still closer to his birthday during loops [August 15th]; Hibiya’s birthday: November 4th]. Momo: just leaving/left junior high school as of MCA, but also with conflicting age. taking supplementary classes; hasn’t yet taken re-do exams. - She SHOULD be closer to ‘15′ by this point of the timeline. - her birthday is literally right before the Japanese school year begins. February 14th -> April [school year begins] -> August 15th [loops / timelines] -> March [school year ends] - MCA Kenjirou too (I realized): “if you [Momo] fail these [supplementary classes] you’ll go back to being a first year [in high school]!” - Kenjirou / as Saeru: manipulating the entire freaking city. INCLUDING MOMO’S SCHOOL. INCLUDING MOMO (?) - loops: happening (probably?: screwing up even more timing re: conflicting ages) - ... friendly reminder Hibiya has another birthday only a few months after escaping loops. then he’s taking junior high school entrance exams ?. ) - Momo: still has to wait until her next birthday (February 14th) to age another year regardless. - closer than not ? - look I’m just saying - - anyway look I seriously doubt Jin would intend for a serious relationship at all at this stage ok at most it’s friendship / fluff / developing - even the anthologies imply this with older!HibiMomo comics / manga - Wannyanpuu and Sidu (Kagepro’s official artists) have contributed to various official anthologies too - Jin certainly approves of the materials or they wouldn’t be published - literally ..... - my opinion aside, literally. - this is mainly for analysis ok. i am not writing this series.
Anyway all that aside: - MCA screencap above:
[ MANGA ROUTE QUICK RECAP: ] Hiyori to Momo: “i’ll walk in front” Momo to Hiyori: “wow” “it’s like you’re always protecting me .....”
“ There is no such thing as coincidence in this world, there is only Hitsuzen [the inevitable]. ” ( ^ oh hi CLAMP, Cardcaptor Sakura & Tsubasa’s Clow Reed & Yuuko Ichihara ) ( JIN, WANNYANPUU, SIDU, ETC. PLANNED ALL OF THIS. ) ( or at least most of this ) ( storyboarding wise ) ( where even is all of this going ?! )
[ ..... ok a short MCA summary follows ]
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( ^ loop 1. NO PHONE. only clock [right; top] ) (still) (”what time is it now?” - KageDaze official song lyrics, Hibiya’s POV)
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( ^ oh hi swings ) (looking very ominous with Daze colors imagery.) ( friendly reminder: even if the animation was weird in many ... many parts of MCA ) ( literally all of this is still storyboarded. )
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( ^ waking up. loop 2 / in between loops)
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( ^ NO PHONE [only clock] )
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( ^ oh hi “The Park” Momo tells them about. ) [ she tells in Manga Route only that is ] ( looking ... even more extremely ominous ) ( Hibiya’s awareness ... growing ..... ) ( among other thematic parallels: sky, wires, birds, stop signs, blood, etc. ) ( adding poles, etc. ) ( birds / crows: also in Wannyanpuu’s music video [inside the clocks] )
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( ^ [silently saying something] ) (^ “I’m sorry” / “I love you” ?) (note her tears.)
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( ^ red red red sky ) ( ^ Hibiya waking up, frantically looking around [as if to check it was a dream])
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( ^ RUNNING ) ( ^ NO PHONE [only clock] )
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( [silently speaking] ) ( “ I’m sorry ” ? etc.) (tears flying.)
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( ^ final loop ) ( ^ OH NO ) ( ^ waking up. )
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( ^ Hibiya: “.......” )
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( ^ clock ) ( but still not phone ) ( that he still wants in some Routes )
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( ^ no phone ) ( Hibiya: closes door slowly. )
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( ^ SWINGS / THE PARK ) ( shit )
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( ^ TIMELINE SWITCH ) ( this time it’s me not you - Hibiya probably )
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( ^ “SCREW YOU CAT!!!” ) I mean ( “Serves you right!” ) (lit: “look at your own failure / how much of a failure you are” “look at your pitiful self after failing so hard” etc. [to Cat]) alternatively: “take that!” “look at the state of things” etc. etc.
MCA Hibiya: dead MCA Hibiya: receives the Snake of Focusing Eyes and revives MCA everything else: happens Manga Route 2: happens New Form Saeru even after like 6+ YEARS OF THIS: happens
( JIN )
[ ... also: re Honorifics and progressions of ] ( basically it’s like : last names: can be more polite; first names without knowing: rude last or first names used intentionally rudely: rude last names with -san: very polite; formal; etc. first names with -san: more polite than not with -san etc. last names with -kun, -chan, etc.: a bit more informal, but still some politeness ? -san in general: polite, distance; -kun, -chan, etc: more friendly/informal -kun: often for boys (but can also be used for younger girls, such as underclassmen / etc.) -chan: often for girls (but can also be used for younger boys, kids, as a cutesy honorific; etc.) progression to first names, no honorifics: typically means - becoming closer; can be rude if not ) ( it’s kind of hard to explain um ..... ) ( if you’ve ever watched the Digimon Adventures series ? ) [ oh hi another of my main fandoms since long before Kagepro ] ( ... I don’t know how many of you have, but this is a very good example video ) ( if you watch it, note how they progress from last names -> first names ! ) (literally they go through like 5-10 honorifics changes) ( also: rudeness [in between] -> familiarity/closeness ) (note: Hibiya also calls Hiyori by her first name and first name only.) (initially: can be rude. Hibiya is often cheeky/rude. Hiyori even notes this in Manga Route - [he’s from the countryside so he doesn’t have / know manners] etc.) (after: _____ ? ?? ) ( also [Digimon spoilers below]: the canon pairing at the end of 02 [Sorato; Yamato x Sora] also becomes canon through honorifics changing and progression all throughout the first and second series. It was a real surprise to most of the Western / American fanbase at the time because literally all of this gets lost in translation [and very bad, fully Americanized dubs]. ) People there to this day still tend to be confused by it because of things consistently lost in translation and their lack of initial interactions otherwise. [ there are multiple honorifics issues within Kagepro in general too. ] [ literally there’s a reason why they’re used as plot points multiple times ] ( ..... don’t say I didn’t warn you. )
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ladyloveandjustice · 6 years
My Patreon has officially been launched!
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My Patreon is now UP! Visit it here.  
There’s a lot of exciting things about this Patreon and a lot of awesome rewards can you get! If we reach the goal of $200, ALL my patrons up to that point can receive a graphic novel, manga or comic grab-bag of their choice from my massive personal collection. I’ll send you the list of what’s available and you’ll be able to choose what you want (first come, first serve). 
And you donate just $1, not only do you support me and win my eternal gratitude, you get to vote on a monthly one-hour liveblog and get access to a special Discord!
That’s just scratching the surface of the rewards you can get. All the tiers are included in the About page, but I’m also going to list them on this post.
But first, I really, really ask that even if you can’t donate to the Patreon, you reblog and signal boost this post. My new house is gonna cost a lot, and I really need your support to keep doing what I’m doing.
Also, don’t worry. None of this will affect the liveblogs I do on a whim, for free, or the other content I provide. The blog really won’t change other than featuring MORE content.
Now! Here's everything you need to know about my Patreon:
I'm Caitlin, also known as Nev or ladyloveandjustice. Check out my writing website for all of my credentials. People have shown interest in actually paying for liveblogs and I'm moving into a new house that's pretty expensive, so I figured I'd try this out. I've got this awesome banner made for me by spectralreplica and everything! At this stage, everything is highly experimental and open for negotiation and suggestion. I will explain each tier and how it will work in detail. The One Dollar Tier: Here Comes Justice
You not only get access to the Discord, but you can nominate and vote on a monthly liveblog of 1-2 hours EVERY month. Anything you can think of, I'm up for it. The Five Dollar Tier: The Love and Justice League!
All the $1 stuff, plus the secret blog. The secret blog is a really fun idea for me and honestly, what exactly it is will be up to you guys. I'd definitely love a place to share previews of my novel and complete short stories I've written and get input. It could also be a space where it's safe to talk about anything and everything without fearing trolls. I could maybe even talk about personal things a little more. We could do weekly updates on media I'm/we're all consuming, I could take pictures of Kero, whatever. But really, that's up to the people shelling out the cash. I'm willing to take suggestions and make this blog whatever you want it to be, I'd answer asks on this blog ASAP, since there'd be less people.
When you choose this tier, you’ll be able to access a post on my Patreon that links to the blog and gives the password. Currently, I have my latest short story up there.
The Twelve Dollar Tier: Feel So Justice
Included the $1 and $5 rewards AND you can request a one-hour liveblog once a month. It's whatever you want. I will contact you immediately about the scheduling of the liveblog- we can either talk it over on the Discord, or I can give you my email address through Discord or Tumblr and we can talk it over through mail. You can request a time for the liveblog, and I'll see if I can do it. You can also give me any specific instructions about the liveblog you want- things to focus on and so on. You can even request whether it be on my main tumblr or the secret blog. Another option you can request once a month is a 500 word story, post or article on anything you desire, within reason. Like with the liveblogs, we can discuss the details over Discord or my email. Also another cool option- you may not know this about me, but I've been a bonafide professional editor! I also have a Masters in Writing. I really enjoy editing, so I would absolutely be willing to review and edit a 500 word original story or fic for this tier- line edits and detailed feedback included! It will be a proper critique. The Twenty Dollar Tier: I Do Justice
This is an upgrade of the twelve dollar tier. Now you can request two-hour liveblogs once a month, or two one-hour liveblogs. I can do stories, posts and listicles of up to 1000 words and I will critique 1000 word stories with line edits. It's double the content at LESS than double the prince! Like with the twelve dollar tier, we'll use email or Discord to nail down the details. There's an additional option for this tier as well- once a month, you can request a full fanmix (10-15 songs) with my nerdy annotations and even a cover. The Thirty-Five Dollar Tier: My Heart of Justice Burns at a Million Degrees!
An upgrade of the twenty dollar tier. Now you can request a three-hour liveblog (or three one-hour liveblogs). You can request articles, stories and listicles of up to 1500 words and I can critique a 1500 word story. Like with the twelve dollar tier, we'll use email or Discord to nail down the details. But! There's another option! You can ask for an in-depth overview (in the style of my Anime Overviews) of up to 12-13 episodes of a TV show! Or up to 20 chapters of a manga. Alternately, if it's something I've already seen, it doesn't matter how long it is, you can just request an overview. However, the overview will only be 1500 words. The final option is a one- minute AMV of whatever you want! The Fifty Dollar Tier: What turns YOU on, Princess? JUSTICE.
Wow, you think I'm worth THAT much? Weird. Anyway, this will get you either a five-hour liveblog or you can request up to 13 episodes of a series/up to thirty-five chapters of a manga and I will liveblog them in-depth no matter how long it takes. Alternately, I will do an overview of up to 30 episodes of a series or 50 chapters of a manga. If it's something I've already seen, it doesn't matter how long it is and I can give you 3000 words. Another option is an episode-by-episode breakdown (in the style of my Utena reviews) of up to ten episodes for this price. Heck, I could even do a video review for you, or some kind of other video. It might be a disaster since I'm new to that, but I'll give it my best shot and make it as good and visually pleasing as I can. Another option is a full AMV! Doesn't matter what show or song! Doesn't matter how long it takes. You can also request I read and review your entire novel. Doesn't matter how long it is. I'll give you about 1000 words of feedback (but no line edits). Basically for this tier, think of a request that sounds reasonable for the price and I can probably do it. Like with the other tiers, we can nail down the details through discord or email. The One Hundred Dollar Tier: Everybody Loves Justice.
I'm not really expecting anyone to do this, but just in case. If you do this tier, I'll just straight up liveblog an entire TV show, manga or series. It doesn't matter how long it is. I'll do it. In depth. Over time. Any other extravagant request you can think of is also up for negotiation. Do you want me to line-edit your novel? Do you want an AMV series? A video series? A big bunch of episode breakdowns? Come at me, I'll probably be able to do it.
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corishadowfang · 6 years
Meet the Writer Tag
Got tagged by @reinkings!  Thanks for tagging me!
The rules are: answer ten questions, write ten questions, then tag ten people.
Throwing everything under the cut!
where do you typically get inspiration for your wips? - A lot of times from listening to music/watching AMV’s!  Also from reading worldbuilding or really good stories, because they give me motivation to create something amazing, too.  (If you meant what initially inspired them...real life, a lot of times, but also sometimes songs.  Songs and music are a big thing for me.)
do you prefer reading series or standalone books? - Either, though recently I’ve been sticking more to series.
who’s your favorite OC? what’s their favorite color? - You’re asking me to pick between my children? ...Pyromon, honestly.  He’s been with me since I was ten and means a lot to me.  His favorite color is, probably unsurprisingly, red.
coffee or tea? - Haha, neither!  I’m a hot chocolate person.
do you prefer to plot every detail, just jump in to a story, or do something in between? - In-between.  I tend to make a sort of ‘plot map,’ watch that get destroyed because I improvise in a chapter, make a new plot map, watch that one go out the window, rinse and repeat.
pen or pencil? - For writing, I tend to go for a pen first.  (My pens dry quickly, so they smear less.)
what’s the funniest backstory you have for one of your characters? - Oh, gosh.  Most of my characters have sad backstories in some fashion.  I do have a Leomon side-character in After Eden who’s backstory is based around the fact that things that should kill him...don’t.  (And even this is only really funny in the context of the digimon fandom, because Leomon are infamous for always dying.)
would you rather only ever be able to write haikus, or only ever be able to write paragraph-long sentences? - Paragraph-long sentences.  They’d be ridiculous and long-winded, but it’d be a little easier to write a novel in than haikus.
what’s your favorite thing to write about? - I really, really love found families!  Family dynamics in general, actually, but a group of individuals slowly becoming family is something I have a personal preference for.
how would you describe your WIP(s) in one sentence? - On my Heart: Aiden’s Familiar accidentally turns him into a dragon, forcing him into a situation involving the police, an ancient cult, and a lot of bad press.  After Eden: A group of digimon tamers try to fix tears in the fabric of reality while navigating both the stressors of real life and the complex culture of the Network.
For my questions:
How much worldbuilding do you typically do for your stories?
What’s your oldest OC?  Newest?
Do you still write long-hand?
What’s your favorite genre, and is it the same genre you typically write?
Are there any stories that inspired you?  (These aren’t limited to books--they can be movies, videogames, comics, etc.)
Do you have any ‘animal companions’ who like to ‘help’ you write?
What’s your favorite mythological creature?
Which OC is most likely to get thrown in jail?  Which OC would probably bail them out?
For getting new books: do you prefer to find as many spoilers before-hand, or go in clean?
If you could exist in one of your stories, which would it be?
Tagging: @jmichines, @theta-lee, @rogueity, @lisa-scank-de-alejo-writes, @forlornraven, @jaemcclellan, @concerningwolves, @roselinproductions, @cogwrites, and @temporarysentences, if any of you are interested in doing this!
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cinnamonghost · 3 years
ayooo usagi, your story-writing post popped up on the IZ tag-- really cool that you're giving writing a shot without having seen/read other stuff! i'm sure it'll be a cool and new take! i'm just so curious about your experience of having florpus be your more formal intro into the fandom; what vibed with you about the movie? (i've been on the IZ train for two decades so my brain is mush and i cant even imagine at this point)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK! this really means alot to me :) i never get asks or anything so this was really a surprise seeing this!!!
Its actually funny, i cant remember ANYTHING from the movie. I have literally only watched it once and that was like 6 months ago. Im not exactly sure WHY i even enjoyed it so much, from what i remember i thought the movie was weird and too loud for me (and kind of obnoxious sometimes) but then again i was experiencing it with my uncle so it must've lowered that a bit.
I've known invader zim ever since it aired on Nickelodeon i think? i use to sometimes watch it when it would air? I dont actually remember. sadly i cant remember what i ever thought of the show nor remember any episodes. i think i was like 'oh invader zim is on? i guess ill watch it' Then again I was also a child watching the show. Aside from the airings only a few years ago i would SOMETIMES watch it when eating dinner (specifically from hulu) I was never into it and i just thought it was something to watch while eating food.
When the movie got announced in 2017 i remember being excited for it? i vaugely remember saying how cool it is and how i loved the artstyle. And how i would LOVE to watch it when it comes out. I never really thought of anything else of it, i just thought itd be fun to watch with someone. It took like until 2020 to FINALLY watch it. The only reason i watched it was because according to my uncle it was pretty good (and my brother as well) I wouldnt even bothered watching the movie if it wasnt because my uncle was watching it with me.
When watching it i didnt recognize some characters... Its actually funny, i didnt even know who minimoose was and I was so confused who he was when watching the movie since i didnt recognize him from the show ( appenretly i only watched a few episodes of the first season?) But then again that didnt bother me at all, i just though it was a movie to watch with someone.
I Thought the movie was...whatever? it was a cool movie to watch with someone and i didnt really think anything else from it. The only reason I actually bothered looking at the invader zim fandom was because zadr.
When watching the movie i would always joke about ZIM X DIB!!!! WOWWWW THEY R MARRIED!!!! (sad i know) and (SADLY) after the movie finished i looked up zim x dib amv and videos to watch with my uncle and would laugh about it. I cant rmemeber any of the amv's i watched but i do rmember an inimoose drawing being in one of them and clearly rmember my uncle saying "why is he so tall????" <<talking about dib; specifically the one where zim is being pinned by dib from a locker<< and i just remember thinking the art being weird since dib looked like an anime boy. I would also look up other "zim x dib" stuff becuase i just wanted to be "cringy" with my uncle since i thought that was really funny. (spoilers: it wasn't)
when looking up amvs i was really confused about what the ship name was. I would always think "what is the ship name spelled???? it cant be zib or dim" that had actually kept me up at night until i looked it up a day or two after watching the movie. i just remember it finding out it was called "zadr" and literally the first thing i did with that information was look it up on tumblr.
On 2020 November 1st (or 2nd?) the fire nation attacked. When seeing it in the tags i was SO surprised by how many posts their were in the tags. i actually ended up scrolling for like. 30 minutes. after scrolling all i thought was "wowww this ship is actually pretty cool :)" And the first thing i reblogged that was invader zim was art by coconut...something? im so sorry i forgot their name. (it was also zadr)
The second one i ever reblogged was by bamsara, that fireworks comic. i thought it was SO CUTE and they where actually the first invader zim artist i actually followed. After finding about that comic and his other art from the zadr tags i was really interested in his au! So i actually looked up zadr in their blogged and was basically bombarded with a BUNCH of content. So in like one day, i learned about ALOT of their au and i loved it alot honestly. After a few days i actually read their fanfic and binged the whole series up to that day and i loved it SO MUCH; its so good.
It was actually because of bamsara i read and even like zadr or invader zim, im really thankful for his content :) I would just. stalk the zadr tags on tumblr and after reading bamsara series i started reading fanfictions from ao3. Actually aside from bamsara one of the first fanfics i read was from hamletmustdie because that comic someone made comic of their prom fic. (found out about it from stalking the tags, or if bamsara reblogged it? i dont remember)
Then after reading hamletmustdie's fic i binge read all their zadr fics as well.... i love reading them- they honestly inspire me greatly for even writing.
Because of hamletmustdie and bamsara i kind of just im the fandom i guess? And becuase of their works in the fandom i kind of know about things. I still dont really know anything about the comics and the show, but i have been VERY VERY slowly watching it again (Originally i thought zib was some fan chatacter). I find the comedy pretty funny now and i think i would now actually enjoy the movie :)
hahaah sorry for rambling!!! im glad you enjoy my fic :D im nearly done with the second chapter!!! It means alot to me that people look forward to see what would happen; i still feel very nervous about writing since this was my first experience ever- but none the less im glad people enjoy it :)
I know you didnt ask about this but im also inspired the story from the Resisty AU story's like hamletmustdie's fic and andystarr's fic respectively :)
TD;LR - i thought the movie was pretty alright? its not really like i didnt enjoy it but more like the fandom was the one that kind of made my brain rot instead of the movie.(in summary its all zadr's fault)
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onewayglass · 7 years
Houseki no Kuni Exchange FAQ (updated 2/5/18)
I’m running a Houseki no Kuni exchange via Twitter, and here’s a bunch of your questions answered (plus some preemptive ones)
Where do I sign up?
Do I need a Twitter account to do this?
I am running the exchange on Twitter, so it would surely be more convenient, but having other social media (IG, Tumblr) is fine so your gifter can post who their gift is for during reveals. If you don’t want to have any, sign up anyway and I’ll email you to figure something out. 
When is the deadline to sign up?
sign-ups close on December 11th, 2017 at 11:59 PM PST
Is there any age restriction on this?
You must be 18+, since I am allowing the possibility of NSFW content
(”how can Houseki no Kuni bc NSFW? they’re just rocks!!” if you’ve been in fandom for as long as I have, rule 34 is not to be underestimated)
Can I edit my sign-up?
yes, you may edit your sign-up as many times as you want before the deadline. I believe I have added edit capability to the form. If not, DM me @ luzrovrulays on twitter.
When will I get my assignment?
I will try my best do have them matched up and sent out within 2 weeks after the sign-up deadline
When is my gift due?
Your gift must be posted by June 6th, 2018, 11:59 PM PST. 
If you know you will have problems finishing it, please contact me at least two weeks prior, so I can set up a pinch hit.
I will also send check-in emails before the deadline to make sure everybody is making good progress, dates for those TBD
What is pinch hitting?
Pinch hitting is when one steps in to take on somebody else’s assignment because that person is unable to complete it. 
Unfortunately pinch hitters do not get extra gifts if they take on extra assignments, so I’m eternally grateful if you volunteer to be one!! (as the sole mod with limited time, I can only pinch hit once)
The term comes from baseball.
Oh no, I missed sign-ups! Can I still participate?
Unfortunately, I cannot add late sign-ups to the pool, but pinch hitters are ALWAYS WELCOME, if you don’t mind not receiving a gift/just want to create something.
I allowed a wide variety of artistic mediums on the sign-up form so I’ll answer questions pertaining to those.
How do I gift somebody traditional art?
While traditional art is best enjoyed in person, not everybody is comfortable giving out their address to have it mailed to them, so please scan it in, or take a really good photo.
If, after reveals, the giftee wants the original physical copy and the gifter is willing to mail it, feel free to work out an arrangement.
Can I draw a comic instead of a picture?
Yes, definitely!
How long does my fic have to be?
There is no restriction on fic length - all that I ask is you put genuine effort into it and produce a gift you would be proud to give somebody!
< 1k oneshots can be great, so don’t feel compelled to make it long
on the other hand, if you feel super inspired to write a multi-chapter epic, go for it, but make sure you can finish your gift on time with quality you’d be satisfied with
How long does my poem have to be?
same applies for fic - no length restriction, just thought and effort
since poems tend to be shorter than fic in general, feel free to write multiple poems in different formats if that interests you!
Can you explain more in detail about photography-related gifts?
Sure! Cosplay photoshoots and aesthetic moodboards were two possible possibilities off the top of my head. If you have specific questions about other photography-related gifts, DM me on twitter @ luzrovrulays 
For cosplay photoshoots, either pics of you (as the cosplayer) or ones you have taken of other cosplayers are fine, as long as every party involved (cosplayers, photogs, etc.) is okay with using the images for this exchange.
What are aesthetic moodboards? It’s difficult to explain in words, here’s a good example - a collection of images and text meant to evoke a character, ship, etc. I believe it can be used to fulfill prompts as well
Important things about making moodboards: PLEASE CHECK to see if the photos you are using are free to use - since this is an exchange I won’t be super strict on this, but SOURCE ALL YOUR IMAGES after your captions if they aren’t your own, and no, “google” isn’t an acceptable credit. DO NOT use fanart, unless the artist has given explicit permission to, and include a screencap of that permission in your credits section. 
Any rules/restrictions on making screencap edits/gifs and AMVs?
I’d strongly recommend sticking to official art only (anime and manga footage). But if you have a fanart piece that you’re dying to use, provide a screencap of permission from the artist in a separate post.
I know editing can be hard work but make sure your gift fulfills the prompt somehow and isn’t just pretty/flashy.
What does ‘songs’ entail? Are fanmixes okay? How do we go about giving music as a gift?
For songs, I primarily meant originals, but I am also accepting covers of existing melodies with re-written lyrics to fill the prompts you are given (e.g. if you want to do Phos x Cairngorm-themed lyrics to the tune of Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me” that is acceptable)
I love fanmixes, but they aren’t included this time, sorry. 
Record your song somehow. I’m not expecting everybody to own top-tier recording equipment, but make sure the quality isn’t overly scratchy - usually smartphones nowadays can record something semi-decent. If you have more specifc questions on how to capture and gift somebody a song, DM me.
Instrumental songs are also a-okay, but I think it is difficult to directly answer a prompt without lyrics. However, if you feel up to this challenge/have a lot of inspiration, by all means, go for it!
Are multimedia works and multiple gifts okay?
Definitely! If your giftee marks multiple categories for what they’d like to receive, feel free to mix them into one work!
If your giftee did not mark a medium you’re burning to create in, I’m not stopping you from making an extra piece, but do it after you’ve finished filling their request in the medium they requested.
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legendarydesvender · 7 years
holy crow so many anons
If you sent me something anonymously it’s in here somewhere.
May 27th 2017, 2:23:00 pm · 3 days ago Does keith have his sword and does set it on fire for aesthetic reasons? Or is it because it is useful (aka 9000 degree sword cutting through shit) 
Keith doesn’t have a sword in this AU; his BAYARD is a long knife instead. Because that’s more practical for his fighting style.
It is both because he is Extra as fuck (this is a superhero au, everybody and everything is going to be Extra and Cheesy) but also, yeah, it’s also pretty useful that way. 
(Also Intimidation Factor, like just imagine some motherfucker dropping from a ceiling with a mask and hood and a knife that’s on fire.)
May 29th 2017, 5:34:00 pm · 19 hours ago Your superhero au is so awesome! And after seeing your new video, it's quite clear you're very talented! If it's not too much of a spoiler, could you explain the importance of Lance's rings? :3 
It’s not a very big spoiler but you’ll be finding out soon in the comic anyways (later in Chapter 1), so I won’t be answering this one!
May 29th 2017, 6:57:00 pm · 18 hours ago Have you heard the song Nightmare by set it off?
Not until just now but here it is if anyone else wants to listen!
Thanks everybody who left me the following messages, it’s very kind of you.
May 27th 2017, 12:56:00 pm · 3 days ago hi just wanted to say i love your art and i especially love your superhero au comic!!! hope u have a great day and cant wait for the next update!! 
May 28th 2017, 5:59:00 pm · 2 days ago I've found you through your Forget animation on Youtube AND EH ME GEHD IT'S SO GREATNkrnjwk I've watched it like 10 times already and can't get enough of it xD I'm also reading your coming now, I hope you'll update soon (ง ˙ω˙)ว  Keep up the good work and have a nice day !!! (oh and since I didn't say it yet, YOUR ARTSTYLE IS ALSO AMAZING LIKE RUJNDNNFNANF) 
May 29th 2017, 4:46:00 pm · 20 hours ago Goddamn I love you so much I:
May 29th 2017, 5:24:00 pm · 19 hours ago Tron. Anyways, I watched the amv-thingy and it's AMAZING!! I bet you put a lot of effort into making it :3 and also I was again reminded of how awesome your artstyle is! I'll be lookig foward to more (including the comic of course :D)
May 29th 2017, 10:18:00 pm · 14 hours ago Idk if you like getting asks just for positive opinions but that's what this is. Someone I follow reblogged your last video so I watched it, then immediately read all of the B&B comic.... I have become so invested so quickly. Your gorgeous art style gives me life and this idea is so brilliant and original. So... thank you for blessing this fandom with your work.
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A PSA Regarding My Liveblog
I’ll be pausing the liveblog for tonight, since I’m still rather irritated at everything, and not in the mood to read anymore right now!
But I do want everyone to know some things for the future - what I’m planning and the like:
Once I start up again, I’ll be aiming to do my reactions for at least three chapters per day - maybe more, if I’m feeling up to it. That way I won’t get burnt out so quickly, by doing so much analysis in just one day. And everyone will get a more consistent timetable to laugh at my pain!
I know I have a tendency to go for a while between updates, which I am sorry about.
Also, after this arc, I will be looking into doing another anime/manga series to liveblog (while I continue with MP100, ofc), but I’m not sure where I want to go, so to speak. 
So that’s where all you guys come in - I’d like you all to help me decide! :D
If you’ve been through my blog and/or my about page, you should know what I like, what my personality is like, and what my style of analyzing/shitposting is like. But here are some things to remember when you’re throwing out suggestions:
My triggers are as follows: neck injuries (anything where there are neck wounds or things like in-progress decapitation), emetophilia/vomiting, needles/bloodwork, spiders, and severe bullying. The presence of these things in a manga/anime will not prevent me from reading/watching it, but I want to know they are there ahead of time to prepare myself. (This is also the only time I will permit spoilers in my liveblogs, when you are warning me of such things.)
If there is sexual assault/harassment/transphobia/homophobia/sexism used as comedy in the manga/anime, let me assure you that such things will not preclude me from reading/watching! I watch/read One Piece and it is chock full of that shit.
But keep in mind that I will not just pass by it and pay it no attention. I will tear it apart. I will mock it. I will dissect it with my bare hands. I will write pages talking about how harmful that shit is. I will not go easy on it.
I like humor that doesn’t cause me massive amounts of secondhand embarrassment. 
I like relatable protagonists.
Well developed female characters are always a plus - even moreso if they’re the protagonist, and/or don’t buy into a lot of the tropes you see with female characters (ie: they don’t fight, are sidelined, are ‘not like others girls’, etc, etc).
Humor that doesn’t result in massive amounts of secondhand embarrassment and/or outrage is always great.
I like things that are a little deep, or have A Message to Teach Us - though preferably not so much so that it’s like getting an anvil dropped on my head.
Animation is key: I love, love, LOVE fluid animation. Nothing cookie-cutter, or stilted or half-assed, please. I already had to suffer through the atrocity that is One Piece’s horrendous animation in recent times.
Romance is not really my thing in animation - though if it’s really well done and not straight my mind could easily be swayed. I also don’t want pure comedy with nothing else to balance it. 
I like characterization and depth in my stories. It’s what draws me the most out of anything.
Keep this stuff in mind!
These are the anime/manga I’ve thought about liveblogging so far:
Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia): To the best of my knowledge, it’s about a kid without powers born into a society where having them is normal. Sounds fascinating, and I am super interested in it. From the cover I’ve seen it looks like American Comics for Japanese people. I am really thinking about giving this a go.
One Punch Man: There’s a bald guy and he punches stuff. Really hard. Idk man, it’s ONE-sensei and all, and he pretty much owns me right now, but I’ve also heard some...things...about the sexism in it, and along with the fact that the comedy doesn’t seem something I’d be incredibly into. But I’ve heard some Good Shit about the Egg Man.
Samurai Champloo: ...I KNOW, I KNOW. I watched like 1 episode approximately 5000000 years ago on adult swim and forgot about trying to continue the series until I came across some things about the creator (Watanabe, right?) on tumblr. Also, I realized that half of my OCs fighting styles came from watching that one spiky-haired guy fight. (It’s about samurai, right?)
Cowboy Bebop: Saw an AMV with it on Youtube a while ago, loved the style, completely forgot about it. And yes, I am aware that this is an atrocity. I still have no idea what this is about.
A short list, but that’s where I hope you all will help me.
Please send me (or reply to this) with whatever anime/manga you’d like me to see, along with a short summary, mentions of any of my triggers that might appear, and the pros/cons of watching/reading!
Thanks guys, I really appreciate this. :D
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