#(all forms of Kagepro media: canon)
fuckyeahkagepro · 5 years
Kagepro fandom, social media era, probably literally whenever he’s mentioned: wth is a “Kagerou” early era Kagepro / Hibiya fans, eternally sobbing, remembering later official Kagepro artist Wannyanpuu’s (non-canonical, pre-main series / FANMADE) “Kagerou Daze” song fan pv / music video (original here):
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official Kagepro artist Sidu, a later “fan” art for Wannyanpuu’s pv:
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Kagepro creator Jin, Manga Route 2, 2k17-2k18, “not-Kagerou”:
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artist Sidu, 2k18, “this is also not-Kagerou, but Clearing Eyes’ NEW FORM in cute merchandise version”:
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Clearing Eyes, “still very definitely not-Kagerou-related-at-all”, 2k13:
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in case you like suffering (tw: lots of blood/‘deaths’):
“Kagerou”, 2k19 era, STILL NOT CANON:
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salandy-andi · 4 years
oh, there’s more. hi
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
kagepro - Kagerou Project is a multi-media project(it started as a song series, but now it has an anime, a manga series, a light novel series, whatever the hell mekakucity talkers is, anthology comics, and a short movie. there might be a new anime coming out soon).
it’s about a bunch of kids stuck in a time loop on August 15(or August 14 in Japan). The time loop usually ends with them dying somehow, because they need to die in order for the time loop to continue. The kids are all in this group called the “Mekakushi Dan”, or “Blindfold Gang”. It follows all their different stories from different perspectives. 
Each media has a slightly different telling of the story. The music videos are the “base” I suppose. The light novels are the best for getting good knowledge of the story. Each loop is called a “Route”. 
pokemon - usually you’re a ten-year-old kid who’s given a thing called a “Pokemon Index”, better known as a “Pokedex”. “Pokemon” are magical creatures that you can catch using a “Pokemon Ball”, or “Pokeball”. There is usually a “Pokemon League” where people battle using their Pokemon. Pokemon battling and training is an important part of the lives of people who live in the Pokemon world. 
The main series are games, starting with Red Version & Blue Version(or Green Version in Japan) for the Gameboy. There is many other games in the main series, the most recent as of posting are Sword and Shield for the Nintendo Switch. There is an app for catching Pokemon in the real world through your phone or tablet screen, called “Pokemon GO”. There is non-main series games such as Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, where you play as a Pokemon in a Pokemon-only world. Or Pokemon Snap, or Detective Pikachu, or Pokemon Rangers.
There is also an anime series that follows the story of Satoshi(“Ash Ketchum” in english dub) and his many adventures throughout the different regions. With his trusty partner Pikachu at his side, he is able to battle, catch, and train many different Pokemon. He is joined by different friends- human and Pokemon alike- throughout each season. 
There’s a movie series as well, that take place somewhat canonically in the anime. They also feature Satoshi & Pikachu as the main characters. 
Mangas exist as well, most notably “Pokemon Special” or “Pokemon Adventures”, shortened to “Pokespe”. The writing is slightly more teen-rated, but it’s not generally inappropriate. Pokespe is more violent than main-series Pokemon, as trainers are more involved with the actual battling.
bna - “BNA: Brand New Animal” is a furry-mystery-action anime featuring a species called “beastmen” who are just anthropomorphic animals that can change to a human form sometimes, but are discriminated against by humans. The story takes place in the stunning “Animacity”, a shiny city where only beastmen live, seperate from humans. There is lots of gang violence and mystery happening in Animacity.
Michiru Kagemori, a tanuki girl with strange shapeshifting powers, is the main character. Accompanying her for the most part is Shirou Oogami, a seemingly immortal wolf man. Michiru used to be human, but one day turned into a beastman. She claims this is a disease and is looking to cure herself, but gets caught up in mysteries along the way.
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fuckyeahkagepro · 6 years
Kagerou Project References -> Things to watch out for during every single new Kagerou Project Route Kagerou Project is a series involving many different forms of media (music videos, anime, manga, novels, etc.) Every single “main” form of the media (as long as its not notably a spinoff) tends to be important to the overall “canon”. Every form of the media tends to be written by Jin. Every new form of media tends to contain a new “Route” showcasing different or even totally new events. Some of these differences and things to watch out for are noted below.
The story may begin completely differently.
This is particularly important to note re: Shintaro’s beginnings.
This may also change the entire course of said Routes.
This may lead to furthuring character development for any main or otherwise major character, including Shintaro himself.
These developments may be very important to future Routes.
Every Route may also end differently.
Every Route (form of major media) is its own canon, and not just “explaining” other Routes [i.e. Music Route].
A Route does not suddenly become unimportant just because it didn’t meet your expectations. They’re still canon.
All major Routes are contributed to and overseen by Jin.
Jin has confirmed this multiple times in the past.
if not completely Jin, Sidu, Kagepro’s official illustrator and music video producer, may still be involved. Sidu’s contributions are just as important and notable. (i.e. MX4D short movie)
Hibiya & Hiyori’s backstories may not be completely the same as they were in Novels Route.
They may be shown, for all we know, as the seemingly “childhood friends” seen originally in the Outer Science pv (2013).
They may be shown not knowing each other at all.
They may be shown with reversed roles i.e. Hibiya could be experienced with the city, Hiyori from the countryside.
They may be shown having different life experiences going by the above (i.e. Hiyori being popular - she may be shown not being popular. Hibiya being unpopular - he may be shown being more popular or matured than he was.)
They may be shown not knowing anything at all, but learning what’s happening (again) later on.
They may be shown as either interfering with various other Routes.
They may be shown as either having Focusing Eyes or with Clearing Eyes forming within them instead.
They may be shown being pulled into the Daze at different timeframes (i.e. daytime [Music Route] vs midnight [Manga Route 2]).
They may be shown interacting with various characters they’ve interacted with before, and with stronger relationships compared to before (i.e. Momo, Konoha, maybe even Saeru.)
Whichever one wakes up having a phone (if either) may be very important, as it tends to indicate they may be more aware then they’re letting on at the start.
The Mekakushi Trio’s dynamics may, again, be messed with / changed.
They may be shown never having met Ayano / Tateyamas.
They may be shown having known Ayano before the orphanage and this could change the entire Route of the story as well as their dynamics with Ayano (i.e. Kano in Novels Route)
They may be shown having different dynamics in future Routes in general. This could go for any combination of Kido, Kano, and Seto. (i.e. Seto particularly noting in Manga Route 2 the Trio’s dynamics have all been “changing”.)
They may be shown as knowing someone else who’s interfered with the groups’ dynamics, even if that interference doesn’t stick in the long run. (i.e. Mary in Manga Route 2)
“Common” Route events may not happen exactly as previously seen.
The Mall Incident is notable for this. (see: MX4D, every Route)
The Park of Kagerou Daze song fame is another very notable place that may or may not appear, but likely will in some fashion if Kagerou Daze is involved.
Someone particularly may tell Hibiya or Hiyori about The Park and may or may not be aware of what happens there. (i.e. Momo in Manga Route 2)
Ayano may not enter the Daze in the same fashion as she has before and may have different motives. (i.e. Manga Route 2)
Ayano may recruit different members of the Dan for different things (i.e. Hibiya in Manga Route 2). This may affect the outcome of the Route (i.e. Clearing Eyes possessing Hibiya in Manga Route 2).
Clearing Eyes may be involved at any early point of any Route.
Saeru’s [Snake of Clearing Eyes]’ new Form may be involved.
Also depending on how Manga Route 2 “ends”.
It may make him stronger in future Routes.
He may not show up exactly in future Routes (i.e. MX4D movie) but may still be implied (i.e. the bomb at the end of the MX4D). This may also be just his influence left in past Routes.
He may not be involved / it could be a new enemy involved (i.e. MX4D)
He may be given more backstory, if vaguely and sporadically.
This backstory may involve commonly seen characters involved with him (i.e. Azami) or someone else (i.e. Shintaro in LTM, Konoha, possibly even Mary herself).
Haruka may exist within the Route as Haruka OR Konoha.
The route may also end differently from other Routes concerning Konoha’s fate.
If possible, he may continue to live as Konoha. (i.e. in spinoffs, MX4D, Konoha is usually seen.)
This may also affect Takane / Ene.
However, Takane / Ene still notably has the same personality / mind while she’s Takane / Ene. Konoha notably does not.
This also depends on if “Summertime Record” happens in the same exact ways as before or if it changes.
Haruka may or may not be in his wheelchair post-Summertime Record. (i.e. Lost Day Hour manga, he is not in wheelchair. In the music video version, he was seen in a wheelchair at points.)
it (Summertime Record) may not even seemingly occur (i.e. Manga Route 2).
New characters may appear.
Jin particularly implied this at a few points in the past year or so, though this is commonly overlooked / forgotten; it still seems like it could be the case for future Routes of the media.
This could even include some of the new songs that were featured on Mekakucity Reload. It also may not.
They may be allies or they may be enemies (MX4D).
They may be anti-heroes, etc.
They may have varying motives.
as enemies, friends, or even as love interests.
They may be shown interfering with various timelines in their own ways, including possibly past timelines.
Characters may be shown with / having “conflicting ages”.
this would not erase the most recent ages / grades ranges that were stated as of 2015-2018. (Those were still stated / can still be used as references).
however, they may also be updated from before to fix any issues with the chronological timeline / or may give characters without birthdays their birthdays (i.e. Takane), which could also affect the later chronological timeline. (i.e. Kano now officially updated to be “17″.)
these updates are also canonical.
Other characters may be shown celebrating a birthday post-series (i.e. in spinoffs / i.e. Kenjirou in Talkers.)
Characters with the closest post-August 15th birthdays include Hibiya (Nov 4th) and Ayano (Nov 22nd), meaning if Ayano is seen as older (18) post-series, Hibiya would be older as well.
grades will likely still be canon, but they also may be shown at various different points of each timeline. (i.e. ‘two years ago’, the timeframe where Ayano, Takane, and Haruka all initially died. Also, about ‘five years ago’; when Momo initially died at the beach via her drowning.)
involvements with the Daze may affect any characters’ supposed “age” (i.e. Konoha having an ‘immortal body’).
Character dynamics may be different in general.
Characters may be shown having strained relationships. (i.e. Mekakushi Trio + Ayano, Ayano + Mary)
Characters may be shown having improved relationships. (ie. Shintaro + Ene, Hibiya + Hiyori)
This may affect the outcomes of any particular “ship” and if they become “endgame” or not (likely at our current point).
It also may not.
These “relationships” may differ amongst various Routes
including said “ship”s.
The outcomes may be different from what you were “expecting”.
References to previous Routes may be made, even in a new Route.
Comparable things may also be seen.
Sidu is notorious for this with their music videos
Watch out for any in-between frames or “hidden” text in said videos, which may reveal plot clues or hints.
previously involved official Kagepro artist / music video producer Wannyanpuu’s Kagerou Daze may always be referenced at any point, even if just in similar imagery. (i.e. how the Daze will look / themes of the Daze.)
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fuckyeahkagepro · 6 years
some Kagepro fan: Hibiya (including “Kagerou”) was always portrayed as a certain age and can never be pictured the same ages as or older than the others haha what a funny though -- me, an intellectual, whipping out art by Wannyanpuu, an official Kagepro artist:
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Kagepro Fandom History -> official artist Wannyanpuu’s arts ^ pictured: - Kagerou!Hibiya from her fanmade Kagerou Daze pv (far left/bottom) - in the same vicinity with her short haired!Hiyori (aka the first existing design for Hiyori at all as canon Hiyori did not happen until later on), young!canon!Seto (who at the time also did not have an “older” design at all), canon!Mary.... (WHO WAS DESIGNED BY WANNYANPUU) (WHO ALSO DESIGNED MOMO) - (I’m pretty sure the others are Shuuen no Shiori characters because C-ta ? ??) - (not sure if the kinda green-haired girl is early Kido or also a Shuuenpro) - (Wannyanpuu also collaborated with Sidu on Konoha’s State of the World pv) - (which introduced Konoha) - (before the characters ever had the conflicting ages) - (STOP TRYING TO ASSIGN UNCHANGEABLE SET AGES / RELATIONSHIPS TO KAGEPRO CHARACTERS / ALL FORMS OF KAGEPRO MEDIA FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THE OLDEST FORMS (+WANNYANPUU’S VERSE) AND ALTERNATE / NEWER TIMELINES SHOULD BE EXEMPT FROM THOSE UNTIL WE HAVE OFFICIAL WORD IF WE EVEN GET IT) - THERE ONCE EXISTED A TIME WHEN HIBIYA/KAGEROU WAS ASSUMED AROUND SAME AGE AS IF NOT OLDER THAN SETO/MARY/ETC. AND WE LIKED IT
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