#solarpunk diet
I thought I'd use Solarpunk Action Week as an excuse to start reducing our diet's reliance on the top four of the ten staple crops--maize, rice, wheat, potatoes, cassava, soybeans, sweet potatoes, yams, sorghum, and plantain--that humanity is overly reliant upon.
I cooked up some amaranth to go with a lentil-tomato-feta salad and braised collard greens. The little pile of nutty amaranth was viewed initially with skepticism, but the ultimate verdict was two thumbs up.
In the future, I'll try to set aside one or two days a week where we eat amaranth or quinoa instead of rice, wheat, potatoes, or even sweet potatoes as our carb.
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justalittlesolarpunk · 2 months
hello! I've just found your blog and that's AMAZING, but I have a question: what do you think about industrial food? it's super low quality, and furthermore, they produce a lot of trash as plastic (unnecessary) packaging! It would be easier just to say "starting eating organic food", but for poor people, buying grapes or apples, even not organic, costs more than buying cookies full of fat, sodium and carbohydrates (not talking about all the chemicals). I personally, think about non conventional food plants as an alternative since most of them are super resistant to weather changes and easy to rise. I wanna know what you think about
Hi! Thanks for getting in touch. The long and short of it is, I hate industrialised farming. It pollutes the air, soil and water, poisons and impoverishes farmers, increases the likelihood of zoonotic pandemics, reduces the genetic diversity of plants and encroaches upon wildlife territories. We need a massive return to local, small-scale regenerative agriculture if we are to feed everyone and equitably share the earth with other species. But you’re right, it has to be done in a way that’s just and fair for people who can currently only afford plasticked, pesticided and processed food, as well as making a living for farmers. We’re all on the same side here, but people often don’t realise that. I also think we need to massively diversify our food plant range - a system that relies on just a few staple crops is insanely vulnerable, especially with more and more extreme weather coming our way. So many plants I was raised to think of as ‘weeds’ are not only edible but highly nutritious and often medicinal. Where are the dandelion farmers? The mycologists selling turkey tails? And foraging should be taught in all schools so kids can feed themselves in the wild and pass these skills on to future generations. As with most climate solutions, I don’t think it’s an either/or - I’d welcome pretty much any solution as part of a wider melting pot of alternatives. The only thing I won’t budge on is that we have to change, because the way we in the North and West farm right now just isn’t sustainable.
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thoughtportal · 4 months
The small island of Jamaica has a far-reaching global influence on food and culture. In this episode of Counter Space we explore veganism's roots in Jamaica’s Rastafarian community.
This excerpt is from Counter Space and was filmed in 2022.
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this is the nitpickiest of all internet sociopolitical gripes but——
“take pills immediately if you’re in pain, dont just suffer!” is nice, for sure, in theory, and it SHOULD be true, within reason of dosage limits obv.
But unfortunately it falls into the same quite class ignorance as a lot of ‘self care’ retail therapy content.
the same way not all of us can just cheer up by buying ourselves a little treat, medicine doesn’t grow on trees, bethany.
like, im not toughing out these headaches and period cramps because im a spartan warrior:
im doing it because ibuprofin is fucking 15 dollars a bottle, and if i can just get through a few hours of pain, thats a whole day’s dose i can save for another day.
i assess my own body and needs, putting myself first, and come to the conclusions of what is best for me.
non-pharmacuedical or intoxicant related forms of pain relief are VALID and IMPORTANT tools for personal health.
if a hot shower or a mug of tea or a hot water bottle or even some tasty chocolate and your favorite movie can effectively relieve NON-DANGEROUS pain or take it down enough, if that WORKS for you, do it.
like seriously i shouldnt feel like i have to say this but :
just as it’s not a moral failing to take care of yourself, its ALSO not pure ignorance or toxic masculinity or inherently ableist to be practical about your own endurance and only take pills when you really, really need them.
internalized ableism IS real and im not denying the commonality of people, especially women, not respecting their own needs.
but moderation and restriction are not always the criminal delusions of capitalism. sometimes they’re just common sense.
trust your gut (and obv actual medical research as it pertains to your demographic and situation) about what you need and what you can handle.
dont self UNDER- or OVER- medicate because trendy internet therapy speak tells you to.
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Every week, Eco India brings you stories that inspire you to build a cleaner, greener and better tomorrow.
Let’s talk about meat consumption: In a country that is falsely perceived to be vegetarian, 71% of Indians over the age of 15 are non-vegetarian. This number is only rising - and bringing with it enormous consequences for the environment. Mock meat, however, is the new buzzword among the environmentally conscious. And urban Indians with higher incomes are willing to spend money to test it out. Let’s see why.
Supervising Producer: Nooshin Mowla
Script & Field Producer: Jessica Goel Video Editor: Sujit Lad Associate Producer: Ipsita Basu Director of Photography: Richard Kujur
Executive Producer: Sannuta Raghu
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thejaymo · 2 months
Where Interests Take You
I've been thinking about how the longer I go from spending time on social media, the more wide open my media diet is becoming.
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literallymechanical · 2 years
I see a lot of posts about solarpunk aesthetic that are basically just cottagecore, but you still have an iPhone and you water your garden with a cute little drone.
And that’s fine! I get why people like it. A hopeful, optimistic green utopia that thoughtfully blends technology with stewardship of the land.
However. I, personally, find that pretty boring.
I want to write solarpunk that’s heavy on the “punk.” An ecodystopia. Most cyberpunk dystopias feature extreme class distinctions and heavy cybernetic modifications, and I want to write about an equally bleak world where the subjugation is from a hideous runaway ecosphere.  We screwed the planet, it’s screwing us back.
Concept: We tried geoengineering away global warming, and failed. The dominant form of life on earth is a globe-spanning mat of chemosynthetic iron-oxidizing bacteria, designed to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere and seeded by dumping massive quantities of iron dust into the ocean.  They worked a little too well, and started chewing up our cities into acidic swamps as the oceans kept rising and flooded the coasts.  They extract iron from bedrock.  Slowly, mountains crumble.
So, no metal infrastructure.  We engineered city-trees instead.  Unfortunately, we’d already darkened the skies to keep sunlight from hitting the ground – an anti-greenhouse, built far too late.  The bacteria don’t care, they’re chemosynthetic, but the trees don’t have enough light to photosynthesize properly.  They need glucose.
Blood glucose is currency, and your taxes feed the city-tree. Your monorail fare is extracted from your blood by root tendrils. If you try to jump the turnstile, watch out for the security wasps. Your meager paycheck is payed out in injectable ampoules of glucosaline solution. There’s not enough to go around.  Watch out for the black market stuff. If you’re lucky, the worst you’ll get is a raging MRSA infection.  Everybody is hypoglycemic and mineral-deficient, but with a diet made primarily of iron-rich processed algae, at least nobody is anemic.
The criminal system is “reformed.” No more prisons, just a parasite infusion that saturates your brain and compels you into doing the dirty grunt work — scraping toxic algae off the city-trunk, sewage maintenance, arsenic reprocessing. Allegedly, the process is reversible.
The tree grows roots into your veins while you sleep.  They retract when you wake up. Usually.
But at least you have it better than that fungal village on the horizon.  The city-tree just wants your blood, but the mycelial citizens are not quite human anymore. Don’t get too close. Don’t let them breathe on you.  Don’t listen to their songs.
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aimasup · 2 months
just found some Valiant AU development sketches and notes in my old OLD sketchbook
I really thought it would be a webtoon
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long post warning! And I mean long looooooooong post. If you get to the bottom and go "I'm not reading allat" I do not blame you
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more under the cut:
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^^^ OC
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General notes:
This Valiant AU was meant to be a solarpunk superhero slice of life that slowly reveals a heavier plot, mostly focusing on character interactions and personal growth
White Hat Incorporated is a struggling, newbie business and clients are rare
The episodes can range from domestic shenanigans like fixing a leaking pipe or getting dinner, to running their business by defeating the villain of the week
The villains and heroes stay in their roles from canon. The only ones with major changes are our main 4 guys
All major information about White Hat would be discovered from the point of view of Lumencia and Zug as they realize that not only is PEACE corrupt, but that their boss is neither human nor demon nor alien
Now onto the characters themselves:
Dr. Zug Gleis
Like his name suggests, he likes trains. His train is also a drill that was an attempt to burrow out of government's arrest
Which he then modified into a laboratory, each train cart being a unique kind of laboratory for surveillance, medicine, etc. He sleeps very uncomfortably in cramped spaces and likes it that way
V.I.R.U.S is now a software he created and repurposed into his bratty computer assistant, now Cambot. She's also the one recording all their commercials and making his coffee. Basically Zug doesn't get along with ANY of his children
He doesn't like to leave his laboratories, so he set up a network of tunnels through White Hat's mansion that send and receive messages, inventions, food, etc. There's one little chute for these in most parts of the place
His arc was focusing on his inability to accept help from others because he sees any kind gesture as a possible way to control him. Even worse if the kind person genuinely means it, because he also sees accepting kindness as a handicap, a debt
His villainy was an easy way to make money and show the world his capability without any assistance from any hero or villain organization
Really, he just wants to be able to do whatever he wants, but his need to be the best or else he's the worst is tiring for him. Anger issues don't help
This stemmed from a past of constantly being bullied and compared to his brother, Goldheart
After dropping out of hero college, Zug became his own supervillain's known as The Mad Condoctor, whose theme was, you guessed it, trains. He stole trains, modified scrap metal, targeted stations and trade centers, held hostages, prepared puzzles for heroes to solve, etc
The Mad Condoctor was notorious for being uncooperative and a backstabber. He operated at night and was an expert in secret missions, spyware and tech-based combat and the likes
By the first season finale he would have genuinely cared for his coworkers but still didn't value his own life, so he let himself be taken in by PEACE. The crew have to go retrieve their idiot and many things about White Hat Incorporated are revealed to the public after they clash with their local PEACE headquarters
He finds authority annoying and hates seeing people kiss up. Mostly shameless in his actions and doesn't much care for other people's opinions. Can be honest to the point of hurting
So he is a terrible liar. It's like he's allergic to it or something. Prefers to lie by omission
Will only call White Hat 'sir' and 'jefecito' sarcastically or to get a point across. Unfortunately hopelessly devoted to him at the end of the series whoops
A superwoman with horse-like powers that decided to choose unicorns as her motif because that's way cooler. She has kicks and punches that convert her diet into energy, which is great because she loves eating
Changed it up so that Lumencia is the resident prankster and WH tells puns, not the other way around
She has a room with a slanted ceiling which she can climb out the window of to lie and chill on the roof. She's also converted that space, where flat roof meets slanted roof, into an outdoor cinema/gym, decorated with christmas lights. The mansion is a three-way clash of decorative styles from afar
She doesn't have a license to be a hero, but she helps out wherever she can anyway, stopping purse snatchers and helping lost children find their parents and such
In fact, she is actually one of the most beloved people in the little town they live near, with many residents familiar with her buffoonery but affirming her as a reliable source of help
She's also relatively well-known online, as she posts videos of her playing the guitar and well-intentioned but nonsensical 'Lumencia Tips', filled with terrible puns and comic-like ballpoint pen doodles
Her arc would have focused on letting herself acknowledge her strengths that aren't related to fighting
Shes very buddy-buddy with petty criminals and shop owners alike, able to strike up a conversation and make pals no matter who they are. Once she deems you chill, you can chill, yknow? This isn't on purpose.
Even though she has gross taste in food and is messier than Zug, her handwriting is very pretty and neat. She also is very good at graffiti and sticks to an aesthetic, with glitter and y2k stickers and denim-clad wizards on skateboards, all the works
She has a very straightforward view on heroics and is not big on plans, preferring to punch her way out of situations or annoy her enemies to tears. In fact, her main goal is to become an official part of one of the many PEACE-brand hero leagues.
There's other hero corporations too but PEACE is the number one in America
So one day she just showed up on White Hat's doorstep and never left because it would 'look good on her resume'.
Previously, she bounced from place to place, relying on connections and the occasional tip from her halfway-illegal heroism efforts to get by. She also doesn't remember where her powers are from, only that her parents worked at PEACE and where killed by 'villains' when she was a little girl
Her favourite place is the funfair because that's the last nice memory she had
By season two she would have started another arc where she learns that she was an experiment and her parents were killed by their own higher ups in PEACE to silence them, and she has to come to terms with why she even wants to be a hero as well as stand her ground when her optimism is challenged.
Lumencia's music is like whatever Equestria Girls and Electric Mayhem have going on. I think the genre is power pop? Either way it sounds like those elaborate 80s radical van murals look
Is an effortless liar in the sense that she says the most batshit things with utmost confidence and treats consequences like an afterthought.
Only calls White Hat 'White Hat' and not 'boss' when she feels the situation calls for it. Also unfortunately hopelessly devoted to him by the end of the series
An extra set of hands that cleans the place and helps out with their little business. Does not like being interuppted when listening to music
Goes from 'fucking hate these guys' to 'they give me food therefore they are mine' in the span of the entire series
Quite lazy, plays the winning side. Which is usually the heroes here
Dunno if I'd call his arc an arc. All I know is there's an episode where his spoilt teenager-ismd hits their peak and Zug and Lumencia have to reach an understanding with him by respecting his boundaries and helping him feel secure
And after that episode, 624 stopped being a total catalyst for disaster plotwise
White Hat
He is one of the comic reliefs and manages White Hat Incorporated, often making really stupid decisions because profit is not on his mind
The final voice I settled on for him was fucking Australian Markiplier
His "growth" would be the characters and readers seeing him to actually be a caring, experienced-in-heroics-but-not-business individual who gives really sound advice and becomes a source of comfort for his close friends
But is still a MEGA-PRICK. Every time he gets beat up it's for a valid reason
In canon, villainy triumphs because Black Hat is there. In the Valiant AU, the story is in the heroes' favour because White Hat is in his place.
I wanted him to be (mostly) opposite to Black Hat in many ways! BH's office is huge, minimalistic, corporate and cold, while WH's office is small, maximalistic, filled with sentimental items and like a warm cabin.
BH basks in hellfire and while WH does use fire, he prefers the ocean. BH enjoys golf, WH enjoys dancing. BH takes himself seriously, WH very much doesn't. BH detests everything, WH has an appreciation for everything. And etc...
They're still horrible creepy eldritch monstrosities, the fish theme for WH is just because he likes ocean shit and fish are scary
BH has made himself known globally and universally, he has statues and monuments and paintings
WH has nothing; White Hat is five years old. This is his first time being White Hat
But he's been around since the beginning of time, taking many forms and names, learning the wonders of the universe and giving all of his time to help however he could
He believed this to be natural, he's the one of a kind who doesn't need rest or food. He can't die or get really hurt, and would later learn he couldn't bear to love either
Some of the things he was included many plants and animals before the humans, then farmers and warriors, witches and politicians, an entertainer vigilante, a writer, a parent, a fur-clad warrior in the snow, guiding forces of nature, and a female pirate.
I wanted him to cycle through the entire alignment chart in terms of morality as he exhausted everything he could do to make a difference
After World War 2 on earth, his psyche gave out and he collapsed into a long, long nap; a shadow pooling in a lake, his favourite
Finally woke up and decided to take his own form not based on any species or star or tree, chose his own outfit and everything
And made his debut as White Hat, forged documents to start a small business for heroes support
He doesn't have an arc, but if he did, he would be in the midst of learning to let himself get attached again and be properly selfish. Maybe identity issues.
But he doesn't have an arc
And so really only serves to help out Zug and Lumencia. He's comfortable with no one knowing these things about him ever, because what would they even do if they did?
Wouldn't change anything, they wouldn't understand the full scope even, so he's at peace with himself right now, grateful that he's alive for once
He uses manipulation to direct conversations away from himself and get people to spill their feelings, or burrow into their trauma without using magic
if he wants he can let loose to trigger some kind of indescribable primal instinct within a person, that cripples them with terror and despair and love for the sublime face of something divine, bigger than the observable universe. He doesn't like doing this.
He's a fan of ice and shadow manipulation, he thinks the colours go well with his coat
Most animals hate him and he cries about it
He also cries when he tries to download an app on a laptop
He is a competent medical doctor, babysitter, and waiter. In fact, he seems to have infinite patience and calm when he isn't whining over dessert like a toddler
The human skeleton hanging in his office is real
Hopelessly attached to Lumencia, Zug and 624 by the end of the series but they don't need to know that
This AU will forever make me warm and fuzzy inside I love them so much, I had so many locations planned, started Pinterest boards and shit
Instead I think I'll take some of these things and apply them to my OCs instead! HUGE thanks to everyone who enjoyed this version of this AU while it lasted! Maybe it'll come back one day, maybe not. Likely not
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the-bramble--patch · 1 year
I’ve been seeing a few posts on minimalism going around, one being @bisquitt’s post on sustainability and minimalism—how the two terms shouldn’t be conflated, and how real sustainability is about anti-capitalism in the forms of reuse, repair, and community interdependence. Another is @allstrangeandwonderful’s post on how Minimalism is an aesthetic based around coping in the "corporate hellscape" we live in—contemporary designers gravitate towards neutral colors as a respite from the warlike corporate use of color to catch the attention of a consumer (See Mina Le's video on this concept also. She offers up a few possible reasons for this trend towards "greige" interiors, one being the inundation from advertising we experience in our everyday lives).
I wanted to talk about these concepts and tie in some other things I’ve been seeing around.
Imo, minimalism is anti-consumerist, but not anti-capitalist. The lifestyle and aesthetic is intended to address the systemic problem of living in a consumerist society on an individual level. Instead of ending the capitalist system that thrusts consumerism on us all, it suggests that minimalists create a safe space away from consumerism. It is not interested in changing the system, only the individual. What really drove this home for me was watching The Financial Diet on YouTube interview The Minimalists, the guys who kicked off the trend. She keeps trying to ask them about the underlying issues Minimalism acts as a band-aid for, and they keep dodging her questions.
The lifestyle choices bisquitt offers up as sustainable are typically lumped under the umbrella of Solarpunk: “fixing shit around your house. thrifting. patching clothes and handing them down. a community garden. potluck dinner parties. farmer’s markets. a barter system among friends and neighbors. kindness. love among community members.“ These things do not conform to the minimalist aesthetic tenets of order, function, and simplicity. They are often vibrant, mismatched, and chaotic, messy even (see my post on solarpunk aesthetics here). This is because solarpunk aims to solve the same issues minimalism does, but on a societal level. Solarpunk is working towards a utopian future of degrowth, where the forces that Minimalism is in opposition to will no longer exist. This allows for everyday people to reclaim vibrancy from corporations. That busyness is only desirable in a world where capitalism isn't such a burden. Solarpunk advocates for simplicity in all but design, instead of the other way around.
Another thing is the separation between meaning and function present in Minimalism. Minimalism is often associated with deriving pleasure from experiences, not things. The physical space is deprioritized (I know the movement is about changing the physical space, but the idea is that the physical space just makes your life more efficient) for a kind of zen outlook about mind over matter. Solarpunk is much more holistic in its recognition that inner peace comes from a play between the external and internal worlds—from connection and respect for people, things, and resources. Instead of removing meaning and beauty from a space to prioritize the mind, Solarpunk instills it, to elicit interaction with the world instead of a retreat from it. Thus, Solarpunk rolls meaning and function into one: a visibly mended shirt is both functional (the hole is gone), and meaningful (it says much more about the politics of the wearer than one mended invisibly). Another example is the bottle walls commonly used in Earthships: Making the bottles visible is beautiful, and it communicates that the builder is interested in using sustainable material.
In short, minimalism is individualist while Solarpunk is collectivist, and the aesthetics of each reflect that. Retreating from a broken society will not fix said society. Sustainability needs to be solved on a societal level, so minimalism as a solution to overconsumption just isn't gonna cut it.
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alpaca-clouds · 2 months
The Moral Complexity of a Meat Consumption
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I said it before and I will say it again: There definitely is a subsection of the Solarpunk movement, who keeps going on about the future having to be "all vegan". In any Solarpunk space you will find some of this sort. Heck. You will also find folks in anarchist spaces, who will go: "Oh, you are an anarchist and still eat meat? So you do believe in hierarchies! Because you see yourself as higher as an animal!"
These days I am mostly ignoring those people, because I know that you really just cannot win those arguments with them.
Outside of chicken I do not really like meat. I do not like the taste or texture. But if I completely cut it out of my diet, I will get sick. Tried it several times. It did not work out. So, I cut it down to two days a week, which keeps my body in a somewhat sustainable equilibrium.
For me the issue is in how my body metabolizes certain aspects of food. But a lot of chronically ill and disabled people will have to eat meat and cannot cut it out of their diet. Maybe they cannot eat a lot of other proteins due to their allergies. Maybe there is stuff in plants that they cannot metabolize. And maybe they are autistic and literally can only eat like five different things. There are plenty of reasons people might just not get around it.
However... I also look at a lot of folks in the modern world eating cheap meat every single day, and I am shaking my head. Sure, some of them might need to eat meat daily, but let's be honest: Most people actually do not. Most people would be perfectly fine to cut down on the meat and only eat meat once or twice a week.
I personally absolutely do not see anything wrong with killing and eating animals per se. Because that is just how the world works. Some animals kill, other animals are eaten. Humans are just another animal.
What I do find issue with, however, is the industrial meat industry. The thing that makes it possible in the first place for folks to eat meat every day. Big plants where hundreds, if not thousands of animals are being kept, with only ridiculous amounts of antibiotics keeping the animals from getting too sick. With slaughtering plants that process hundreds or thousands of animals each day. That is just... Not how it should go.
I personally... since I cut down the meat in my diet, I can afford to actually just eat the free range animals that got to frolick out on the pasture for their entire life. Because frankly, yeah, it is double the price of the alternative, but... So what? For two times a week it works fine. (Also, frankly, there is less water in the meat and the meat actually has better taste and texture.)
So, you know, for me it would be totally fine if there just was no cheap meat at all and all meat was pasture frolicking animals. But even here it gets complicated of course.
Because... Well, there are poor people, who also need to eat meat for health reasons. And what are they gonna do? After all being poor makes you more likely to be disabled - and hence require stuff like that.
And it is exactly the big issue. And frankly... I honestly do not think there is any proper solution to this under capitalism. Because more than anything... capitalism sucks.
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moopsy-daisy · 8 months
...as a Solarpunk, as a woman, as a “good” person, as a witch Has caused me to obsess over fragrances, house cleaning, personal aesthetic, spirituality, philosophy, diet and frugality When in reality I am just scared and trying to build in failsafes to keep myself from suffering under the constant threat of Capitalism
I’d enjoy all sorts of things a lot more if my motivation came from my own curiosity instead of wondering how I’m going to survive in a system designed to profit off my blood
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justalittlesolarpunk · 4 months
hi! i love your blog :D do you have any advice to implement low waste and solarpunk aspects into everyday life with a tight budget? keep doing what you do!
Thanks for asking - I’ve had this question before and it’s definitely a real problem. Organic, plastic free food is expensive. So is handmade durable clothing, and train fares these days. It can feel like only the rich can be solarpunks, which is pretty counterintuitive given its anticapitalist ideology. But! I’m here to tell you there’s lots you can do to bring solarpunk into your life in a cost-effective way.
To start with, lots of solarpunk spaces are free or cheap. Get a library card and you can borrow as many books and DVDs and other resources as you like. Look up to see if there’s a library of things in your neighbourhood, and join a buy nothing or stuff for free group online. Download TooGoodToGo, which lets you access food from local cafes and restaurants which would otherwise go to waste. See if there’s a repair cafe that operates near you - I managed to get a pair of trousers mended at one of these for free, and I had been thinking I would need to pay a tailor (which is fine if you can afford it! Skilled labour deserves fair wages!). In some places plant-based food is cheaper, so when it is, choose it. But in others it will cost more than animal products so you have to decide on a case by case basis whether saving money or a particular diet is more important to you.
There’s lots else you can do for minimal spending or that actually saves you money. Walking to work or school avoids the expenditure in the petrol for a drive or a bus fare. If you’re within walking distance and able to do so, I’d recommend it. Joining your local chapter of Extinction Rebellion, Friends of The Earth, Greenpeace, The A22 network or any other active climate group in your area is almost always free and just involves a small weekly time commitment. This will introduce you to activists and inform you about protests and public meetings you can attend.
If you have the time in your week and the physical ability, which I acknowledge many people don’t, you can also join some sort of volunteer group looking after a nature reserve or tending a community garden (which might also give you access to free or discounted food). Learning to forage is also a good skill as that really is free food!
Depending on where you are, a green electricity tariff *can* also be less expensive. If this is the case and you have control over your provider, it’s worth switching to it. Buying books and clothes secondhand will also be better for the environment and your bank balance. Teaching yourself about the climate and the natural world with podcasts, YouTube, online free articles and other resources is also free and the knowledge will help you keep solarpunk at the front of your mind. Read good news stories online whenever you can, to remind you that good things are happening already.
If you’re employed, you can also try to influence green policy at your workplace or in your trade union. If you’re at school or university, joining (or setting up!) the environmental society and/or lobbying for change at the SU are both good ideas and shouldn’t necessarily cost you anything. If you can - and I know this is inaccessible for a big swathe of the population - put a very small amount of money aside whenever possible, because the more you save the more you can afford to buy better products, donate to causes, help out the needy in your community, travel in a greener way, and other more expensive choices. It’s all about that dual power.
Hope this helps get you started!
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solarpunknow · 3 months
Solarpunk work day
So I've spent the last two days pulling out invasive species! Which, honestly, is very tiring. I'm really glad we have a four-day work week, but even so, I'll be glad to get home and relax. I'm working with Wren and Bobi on this site which, before the mass migrations north, was someone's second (third?) home, and there had been some attempts to incorporate native plants into the landscaping, which is awesome. Unfortunately, who ever had been taking care of this land didn't recognize that Spruge Laurel (Daphne laureola, not a spurge and not a laurel, but a stinky, poisonous daphne) was an invasive species and had actually set up irrigation for some of them.
Now, of course, it's part of the climate immigrant resettlement housing network, and the land around the house is being transformed to be better habitat and to grow food. It's steep, shady, near saltwater (on a fucking cliff in fact, why did rich people think it was such a good idea to build on these crumbling cliff sides anyway? It still has about 30 meters until it gets to the house, but still), with native soils, so it's not a great option for so-called western-style agriculture, but it will grow our native plants quite well.
Pulling out the spurge laurel, and the Himalayan blackberry, and the english ivy, and the vinca, cutting down the english holly, and digging out the italian arum is only the first step. We need to help a healthier ecosystem re-establish. Fortunately, there's already beaked hazelnut, salal, service berries, dewberries, and evergreen huckleberries that are surviving despite the carpet of invasives... and the particular pruning choices made in the past. Who thinks it's a good idea to hedge prune a hazelnut???? As we pull out the ivy and others, we'll be replanting the native woodland strawberry, riceroot, springbank clover, native oxalis, western bleeding heart and western lily of the valley, which in addition to holding the soil in place with either be food for native animals or us. Or, as is the ideal case, both. There's a lot of culturally relevant foods in that paragraph, and it brings me joy to see them becoming a bigger part of the people's diets again. If you want to learn more about them, I suggest reading up on the ethnobotany of the Salish peoples. It's really interesting!
On Thursday we'll be renting a truck and trailer, and taking all the invasive species that we've pulled out to the folks who specialize in composting invasive species. Eventually all this stinky daphne will be a really nice compost for someone's vegetable garden. Which is a welcome and encouraging thought.
That's just this year of course- going forward for quite sometime will be regular invasive species removal, along with harvesting of nuts, berries, and roots, and pruning of the berry bushes. Can't do a controlled burn so close to housing, and it wouldn't work on the English ivy anyway. So manual pulling it is.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
Whatever we've done to animals, sooner or later, we've done it to each other.
- Dr. Will Tuttle, How Herding Evolved into Capitalism, Slavery, Sexism, and more
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varii-corvid · 9 months
🍓🌈 About Us 🌈🍓
Hi! we're a radically queer anarchist system who makes animations, art, music, video games, and clothes.
we coin transID, mogai, and liom terms and flags as well as make art. feel free to ask for a coining post!
contact stance is here.
Chrono adult and transteenadult: chrono-minors/trans-minors/syskids please do not ask for romantic or sexual relationships with us. Friendships and qprs are ok tho.
(better intro coming soon)
We are against:
abuse/abuse apologism, censorship, coercion, grooming, harmful contact, manipulation, transphobia, institutional psychiatry, cults, homophobia, ableism, racism, sanism, ageism, classism, fatmisia, body shaming, diet shaming, bio-essentialism, harassment, death threats, suicide bating, doxxing, violence/harm against other beings (except for in defense of self or others or in response to systemic violence), misanthropy, systemic harm, non-consensual contact, bad-faith IDs, fascists, nazis, primitivists, cops, landlords, tankies/bootlickers, capitalists, nationalists, exclusionists, antis.
We support:
pro-ship/pro-fiction, content-literacy, transIDs, MUDs, consangs, anarcho-communism, transhumanism, morphological freedom, eco-anarchism, gender abolitionism, racial abolitionism, intersectional anarchism, veganism/vegetarianism, internet rights, privacy rights, animal rights (domesticated and wildlife), mogai-liom, plural systems of all shapes and sizes, punks, freaks, "contradictory" identities, mspec IDs, aspec IDs, nonhumans, alterhumans, other-kin/hearted/link, constels, therians, soulbonders, IRLs, being pro-choice, being pro-consent, consensual recovery and therapy, harm reduction and prevention, radically inclusive and comprehensive sex education, transformative and restorative justice, self governance, informed and total bodily autonomy, every religion and spirituality or lack there of, and all good faith IDs.
#🍡🍪personalhoard. = stuff we ID with
#☄️🏳️🪙coining. = stuff we coined
#🐈‍🏴🔥anarkittyposting. = rants, memes and discussion about anarchism
#📣🌎signalboost. = signal boosting and mutual aid.
#🎧🎮creativeadventures. = art, music, videogames, and other creative projects we're working on.
#🦀👽🗿gleebydeeby. = silly nonsense and shitposting
system name: the aetherglade system
Collective pronouns: she/it/xe/xem/xers/hack/bite
genders: systemfluid, nonbinary, transfem, transmasc, genderfae, plurgender, arcadecoric, breakcoric, hyperchordaic, stargender, endergender, catgender, glitchgender, hackergender (this is an abridged genderhoard)
Collective orientation: asexual systemabro xyric lesbian
CisIDs: Cisnativeamerican, CisADHD, Cisautistic
TransIDs: transplural (circumplural, transhydraconsious), permateenadult (perma19), transdpdr, transimmortal, transspecies (moth/fox hybrid), transsparklefur, transambidextrous, transrobot, diaracial (TransFilipino, TransBlack), transdoxxed, transvegan.
Punk IDs: voidpunk, solarpunk, lunarpunk, forestpunk, pluralpunk, choicepunk, neuropunk, evilpunk, amatopunk, anarcho-transhumanist, anarcho-communist, eco anarchist.
Otherkin/hearted IDs: enderkin, dragonkin, mothkin, cryptidkin, ravenhearted
Paraphilias and kinks: sadomasochism, robophilia, petplay, auto-objectum, furryphilia, exophilia, sweat kink, bondage kink, transformation kink, autobiastrophila, transramcoa fetish, mind control fetish, drug induced body paralysis fetish, autoplushiphilia,consensual plurality splitting kink, fictozoo, fictoautozoo, autosomnophilia, consensual chemsex, knifeplay, bloodplay, faux cannabalism, faux incest/found consang, autoassassinophile, traumaphile/autotraumaphile, astrophile, liminalphile, pokephile/autopokephile
Blankqueer stances: redemptionqueer, anxiqueer, arcticfoxqueer, bladequeer, warqueer, ghostqueer, critharm, anarchoradqueer, aeternism
DNI: anti-shippers, anti-endogenic, anti-xenogender, anti-transid, critinclus, xenosatanists, hypoharmful, anti-Mspec, anti-paraphilia, radfem,
we don't care about trolls and will just block you if you try to instigate conflict. we block freely.
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solarpunkbusiness · 2 months
Shamba Connect provides solutions for organic farming in the city
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//Imo, city farming solutions are a huge opportunity space for solarpunk business models and startups
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