#so when I used some marker on them they got kinda fucked up
githvyrik · 2 years
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I wanted to use some fun colors
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jesterjaxx · 1 month
Halloween AU lore dump!!!
so much infodumping world buidling and headcannons
DJ- Robot
Originally built to be a robo cop type deal. But when given free will refused to hurt anyone and got scrapped
Was found and repurposed by "Momma" to be a son
Really fuckin loves animals. Nature in general but mostly animals.
They get spooked by him a lot though
Hes kinda sad about this but gets it.
Momma is a scraper/engineer and outfitted him with everything a "good human boy" would need, like touch receptors and an ability to taste
Nothing to be done about majorly changing how he looks tho
The ability to feel is a bit too much sometimes
Sometimes all he can feel is cold
Goes to Duncan to see if he can do something about helping communicate to animals that he is a friend. Ala magic.
Machinery and Magic don't mix well typically, you gotta be crazy specific, which isn't really Duncan's styel
Duncan likes DJ tho, and proceeds to steal some of Harolds spellbooks
Side plot of them being wayyyy to hard for him to read, in both way too high level and shitty handwritten chickenscratch that fucks with his dyslexia, so he has to ask Harold for help
Maybe they learn to better understand eachother idk
Maybe they kill eachother
Harold and Duncan team up 6 dead 9 injured every single person is fucking baffled
Anyways DJ is like iron giant up in this bitch
His Momma is kinda worried that one day he'll learn enough mechanics to fix himself up and wont need her anymore
Tyler - Harpy
Ok the chicken fear makes sense now
He gets the uncanny valley feeling looking at chickens
I would too
He would fly into a window
Can he fly?
Hes like a turkey
Or a seagull
Wait im an idiot hes a chicken
Eva - Gargoyle
Her carver loved buff women thank god almighty for that
Punches like a brick wall
Living Stone
lion paws for feet
Did you guys know sound resonates the best through solids??
Her music listening experience is legit i just know it
Noah - The Blob/ slime monster
Oh god that poor guy
Hes gonna get slime all over his books
Harold - Witch
He's the type of witch to have seperate waters for different kinds of spells
A pretty dorky Witch, even by witch standards
Wears proper witch PPE (robes and hat)
Has his sheldon Big Bang Theory style shirts on underneath tho
Uses incantations and written spells in magical languages mainly
Uses the starlight, paper, ink, historical artifacts and an assortment of magical ingredients as fuels
Has a large collection of quality spellbooks for references
Not those shitty amazon spellbooks that are just a list of pre written spells, these ones were written by some old hag 80 years ago and through flowery rambleing language tell you how write spells yourself. They go into spell syntax.
Harolds books for writing incantations and spells are spiral notebooks
If he uses smbols will typically craft a custom sygil for it
Uses alot of number magic and latin
Uses his confidence in his skills with writing spells to harness magic
Is better at doing spells for other people, when doing spells for himself he tends to overcomplicate things
Actually went to magic camps and magic summer schools
"I was trained for this!" and it's Mostly true
Can make the most specific fucking spell work for him
I cannot stress he is good at this type of casting.
Duncan's way of doing magic pisses him off. Both are convinced their way is better
Harold to Duncan ->"What the fuck do you mean you increased your strength with a posca marker, bare knuckles and a dream. How are you not dead yet >:[ "
He has a lot of respect for magic itself, Duncan's almost disrespectful way of using magic makes him mad.
Whats worse is that it works.
How Harold casts a spell
Writes down a goal -> outlines different methods to achieve it (incantations, scrolls, potions) -> writes out the spelleork with alot of detail accounting for almost every outcome -> it takes very long -> outwardly or inwardly recites writes spell to activate it -> profit
Alejandro - Siren
(I give up with organization here no more bullet points)
Mermaids and Sirens are almost identical, with few overt physical differences
Sirens will typically have colored iris', 2 finned gills, longer tounges, boned ears and uniformly sharp teeth
Mermaids have colored scalera, 3 smooth gills, finned ears and sharp canines
This isn't a rule, and in modern times there are few families of sirens or mermaids that havent mixed with other monsters at some point
Both species have shape-shifting abilities.
Mermaids have two forms, and can switch between them at will, though the process takes hours and the mermaid will have to stay in either aquatic or land form for a couple weeks before changing again. though this wait time can be speed up with tailsmen, it's can cause health problems.
Siren can shift their features at will, including shifting from aquatic to non aquatic with no wait time, some families of Siren encourage "good breeding" and fostering shifting abilities to the point of shifting bone structure, hair, colors and gender at will. This level of shifting controll is a very desirable trait, and cannot be learned.
Alejandro is one of these few families who try to stay purely Siren
Hes a 100% Siren, but unlike his brothers he lacks any shape-shifting abilities, a flaw that has brought him great shame (this is just a genetic fluke, it's like a birth defect)
but he has both a very powerful ability to enchant his words and natural charisma. Dangerous combo.
Because of the well known knowledge that Sirens can manipulate people with ease, Alejandro semi pretends that he is a Mermaid, using his long hair to obscure his gills
He more just lets people assume hes a Mermaid and does not correct them rather than actually lying
He lies about many things but outright lying about species is a bit much
Siren Speech doesn't work as good if someone's also using magic at the same time or knows what's up about it
It doesn't work that great on Heather, Duncan or Harold point blank, or Lindsay, Beth Trent and Justin if they're shifting or shifted
Good thing hes manipulative on his own!
Beth - Mermaid
Yeah sure why not
I don't know enough about Beth yet i need a moot whose obsessed with her
Ezekiel - Ghost
Lmao hes invisible
Poor dude probably gets looked over all the time
Hes just clothes and a transparent person
Justin - Werewolf
The twilight girls would go crazy over him i know it
Cody - Puppet
Oh poor dude
Itll look cool tho
Hed make knock on wood jokes all the time
Trent - Werecat
The trustin girls would go crazy over this i know it
But real like hes chillin
Would use claws as a pick
Geoff - Frankenstein
A man of the people
Looses limbs easily
Wakes up after a party like "wheres my leg lmao"
Heather - Zombie
Oh this is good
Shes vegan
Would insult people like "i can tell you have a brain why the hell don't you use it"
Very concerned over phsyical appearance
Uses so so many products
Pretty alive looking for a zombie cuz of it
It's kinda creepy
Her eyes got no eyeshine tho
Like a shark.
Gwen - Skeleton/Ghost
Ok this was an accidental double Gwen got both Skeleton and ghost
Since Ezekiel is already a ghost i'm Gonna lean into the Skeleton bit more but throw a transparent silhouette over all of her for the ghost bit
Ghost vs Zombie rivalry
She'd do all sorts of cool drawings and markings on her bones
Gwen, drawing a bat on her femur with sharpie: tattoo moment
Her eyeliner is also sharpie
Who the fuck cares about skincare when you don't have skin
Lindsay: you shouldn't put permanent marker on your face! It can hurt you 🥺
Gwen, floating bones:
LeShawna - Chimera
lets do classic chimera but with one head
Lean into the Lioness bit cuz Leshawna is a boss bitch and Lionesses are so fucking cool
I might give her a scorpion tail
Duncan - Witch
Another double whoops lol
He's a "fuck it we ball" typa witch
lmao he and Harold are beefing like crazy i know it Harold has 12 spellbooks hes memorized with their specific ways of casting and Duncan is writing runes on his knuckles with sharpie
Duncan to Harold ->"Why are you using 2 pages of latin for a fire spell??"
"Because i need only this bit of wood to light on fire a little bit and nothing else and if i dont i could loose control of it or blow it up or it might not even start"
*stares in did finger guns at a branch and cremated it for fun*
Harold to Duncan ->"Why are you writing runes on your nailpolish??"
"i'm tired of being the only scary bitch here without claws"
*stares in once accidentally rubbed spell notes off of his spellbook and onto his face while passed out on his desk and gave himself acid burns for 3 weeks"
They go crazy they go stupid
Hes self taught
The Duncan and Harold bullying arc turned Street smart vs actually Smart but make it witches
Mostly just picking shit up as he goes
"Stole" (it was free) a pamphlet on different types of magical symbols and has managed to make the symbols illustrated in it work for almost every spell he wants
Fueled by raw unrelenting audacity
Real lore tho- magic is created with belief and harnessed with confidence, you can either go the intellectual route and control every variable and have trust in your control of those variables to harness the magic like Harold, or like Duncan, have enough semi-unearned confidence in yourself to harness magic with little need for more than a few variables.
Basically as a general rule, it has as much meaning as you truthfully believe it does
Doesn't explain what hes casting or how hes doing it
"Where'd you learn how to do that?"
"what are you a cop?"
(learned from illustrations, word of mouth, and other witches on the street)
Has a couple stick n poke magical symbols, several other scribbled on symbols that are temporary
Biggest one is a glyph for fire on his hand, he doens most of his spells using it
Has burns around his glyph tattoos from spells backfiring cuz he got distracted
Uses sharpies, spraypaint, eyeliner and the insides of firecrackers for drawing symbols
If he needs a magical material he'll typically substitute whatever he has on him, belief goes a long way.
"Pure Holy Silver?... this earring looks silver enough
This doesn't work for potions cuz potions are only a little left to normal chemistry.
Has alot of talisman he wears
Carries extra ingredients on him ala accessories cuz fuck it it looks cool
Mains his spells with symbols, uses potions or material fuels if he cant make a good connection between what he wants and one of 10 symbols he remembers at any given time
Uses moonlight, bones, rocks, and personal artifacts as fuels
How duncan casts a spell
Draws glyph -> creates a mental connection between what the glyph means and what he wants to do (this is mostly subconscious with Duncan he doenst know what hes doing he just knows he does it well)-> activates glyph physically (ie hitting, tapping, lighting, punching, tracing with finger)
Example: draws fire glyph on Chris's camper -> wants to set it on fire but not the surrounding grass and trees -> smacks the side of the camper that has the glyph on it -> profit
Duncan, to Harold: You make magic math, i make magic my bitch
Bridgette - Alien
Aww she could be so cute
Surfer girl from planet nine
Owen - Plant Monster
This could visually look really cool
Big carnivorous plant
Izzy - Angel
kaleidoscope = biblically accurate form, cuz she "Looks like a kaleidoscope! Duh!"
Lindsay - Selkie
If you steal her coat ill fucking kill you
Sadie - Vampire
Ough thats cute
I'm Gonna make her pigtails batwings
Katie - Zombie
undead girlfriends
Sadie thinks Katie is so pretty it doesn't matter her eye just fell out
Courtney - Demon
Oh this bitch looooves contracts
Is also upset about Duncan but she just doesn't like witches in general
Whats the point of making deals with humans for magical powers of some humans give themselves magical powers
Demon of what?? Pride maybe?? Or envy??
Shes a sweetheart tho
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soursugxr · 6 months
Your boy is cooking.
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I’m so proud of how this patch turned out even if it does look kinda shitty, simply because I think it looks really good regardless. I hand painted the letters with an old ass brush and oil paint that got literally everywhere.
I’m 100% gonna redo the letters eventually. Maybe once I get my hands on some actual fabric paint/markers.
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Y’all have no idea how long the barbed wire embroidery took :,)
So much back pain.
The initials are a few of my Discord friends :3
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The back of this jacket is gonna be so much fun to make. I’m not sure if it’s like, too colorful? But I really like how I laid everything out. The plaid is gonna cover the really blank looking bottom corner, so essentially this design/layout is gonna be the entire back panel(?).
Five of these patches are old (clean) socks that I cut up, and one of them is part of the loop that was on one of my boots that ripped off when I was trying to pull it on, so that’s fun. Also one of them is the tag from an old shirt that I thought looked neat (I then spent almost an hour using a bent safety pin to painstakingly undo the stitches holding it on)
Also yes, I relocated the Mothman patch from the front bc I did a really fucked sewing job and kinda hated it.
Also also the patch I yoinked from that shirt tag is like, silk or some kind of silk-adjacent material so I’m gonna sew it onto some t-shirt fabric before putting it on the jacket. I realize that this could have been avoided altogether by just cutting the shirt, but I still really like the shirt and wanna keep wearing it.
I’m planning on getting a bunch of pop tabs to sew onto the shoulders of the jacket bc I don’t have studs or spikes (and I think it would look cool) so I’ll post an update on that when I get enough tabs for it.
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biteofcherry · 8 months
Hi Eva! I’m just checking in on our friends at Ruby Garden. I was kinda wondering how it went with the punishments for those sweet subs that stole the tangerines. I’m interested on how each Dom got them off through their punishment, or shall I say funishment?
Ah, my lovely naughty Bella 😈 Tangerine theft lead to quite wicked fun.
(under the cut for explicit details)
warnings: BDSM setting; safe, sane and consensual; Dom/sub dynamics; bondage; predicament; teasing; impact play; sensory play; edging; shibari; exhibitionism; dirty talk; e-x-plct s**ual content
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Lloyd put Pumpkin and her friend (let's call her Bunny for the sake of this answer) into a real predicament when it comes to choice. As he proposed, he wanted Pumpkin to suck him and she'd be rewarded extra tangerine if she managed not to cum while Bunny licked her. However, Lloyd loves being sadistic also in mindgames, so there was a catch. A few catches actually. If Pumpkin manages to withhold her orgasm, she will be rewarded yes, but Bunny will be punished with no orgasm that night at all. But if Bunny manages to make Pumpkin come, she will be rewarded and Pumpkin will be punished 😈 Unfortunately, Pumpkin did fail - not only due to her friend's skilled mouth, but also because choking on Lloyd's dick turned out to be very hot, especially with his sweetly degrading words. Then he tied the girls together, facing each other in a standing spread-eagle style, securing them to the rafters in the dungeon. He attached one single magic wand between them, so they had to grind into each other if they wanted to press their clits into it to find release. Then Lloyd enjoyed their pathetic sounds and struggle to come as he flogged their backs.
Ari took his time weaving a rope around Cherie, creating a pattern that left her breasts on display and secured her arms behind her. He used body paint to draw tangerine around each of her nipples and put a clit clamp with an orange bead on her nub. Then he scrawled with marker on her belly "Free tangerines to pick", with arrows pointing up and down. He kept her standing near to the bar where lots of patrons walk by, so anyone who wished (and all of them did) could pinch her nipples, or flick the clamp on her clit. And it went on for a long time. Each touch sent a little zap of arousal and it started accumulating, making Cherie breathe heavily and sway as her body got more and more turned on. When her knees wobbled a little, Ari simply drew her between his legs as he sat on the barstool to provide some support, but didn't end the torment. No, he added more with his raspy voice in her ear praising her for being so sweet for sharing her tangerines with others. Right when she was on the cusp of almost passing out from the sensation and strain, Ari bent her over the barstool and fucked her in slow, languid strokes that prolonged the state of being right on the edge. As he warned earlier, Cherie was barely conscious when he was done with her.
Curtis and Bucky had a little warm up with Fawn thanks to the chase through the club, but once they got her there was no option of letting her flee again. The only moment she went from the tight embrace of strong arms was to be deposited on a narrow, padded sawhorse, where they strapped her in place. Bucky secured a soft collar around Fawn's neck that confused her a bit at first, since they never talked about ownership before, but she quickly realized it wasn't for that purpose when Bucky twisted the collar so the leash ring that was at the front found itself on the back of her neck. It was so that a rope could be pulled through the ring. A rope which Curtis looped through a small anal hook. They made sure the rope is strained enough, so that when Bucky fucked Fawn's mouth and her head moved forward to swallow more of him, the rope pulled tight on the hook in her ass. Curtis played with Fawn's pussy, teasing it and stretching with his fingers, before he thrust his cock inside. They made Fawn cum a few times, but the last one that rocked her was an aftershock reaction to Bucky's filthy words that if it wasn't for the club's rules of protection at all times, they'd be filling her with their cum until it leaked out of each of her holes.
Steve already had plans for Darling and he didn't need to alter them that much to have fun. He only decided on adding more bite to it, than he previously planned. He made Darling lie on a wide bench covered in a soft linen and chained her limbs to the bolts at the side. The evening was supposed to be rather soft and romantic - since Darling expressed her interest in Steve's painting, he planned on incorporating her as his living canvas. It was supposed to be a sensual play of running different brushes, different bristles dipped in body paint all over Darling's body. Some softer, caressing her; other rougher, grazing her sensitive skin and scraping her nerves. He teased her by focusing on less sensitive parts of her body, before allowing featherlike strokes to touch her nipples, or dip in the juncture of her thighs. But since a game of tangerine theft happened, Steve knew he needed to add more punishing elements (especially when he saw Darling's eyes spark in excitement when other submissives were chased or screamed their reaction to their punishments). So Steve borrowed Master Nick's wax play set and added sizzling drops of color all over Darling's body.
Nick had Bonbon trapped in that cocoon and that's where he administered the punishment. With her hands shackled above her head and her ankles shackled to the edge of the swinging cocoon, he had Bonbon helplessly spread. At first he teased her mercilessly, gently touching all over with his fingers and mouth as he searched for the source of the citrus scent. He got on his knees, too, so he could better investigate all around her sopping pussy. Of course he found the tangerine peels stuffed under the pillows and mocked her how now he has to punish her, as if what he was doing so far wasn't a teasing punishment already. Nick stretched her with two of his fingers, working her up to the point she started rocking up into his hand desperately. That's when the even meaner side appeared - Nick rocked the cocoon gently and told Bonbon that if she wishes to cum, she has to swing herself onto his fingers. Back and forth. Which was almost impossible to do. Yes, the cocoon swung, but with how she was bound she was unable to really swing it how she needed it. Which meant she had to beg Nick. Beg for help and for his care and to make her cum.
Andy told Birdie he's gonna put her on a stand and see how her line of defense holds up, and that's exactly what he did. He put her on one of the three stages that are in the club. Birdie's been exposed in the club, as everyone else, but never on a stage that always drew a lot of attention. Presentations and lessons were displayed there, rarely a regular scene between a Dom and a sub. Andy purposely made Birdy face forward, so that she'd be aware of people looking their way. But he mercifully didn't strip her, only rolled up the back of her sheer dress and tied it so it wouldn't fall back down. With one hand wrapped around the front of her neck, he held her in place as he slowly worked his lubed fingers into her ass. All the while asking her questions about tangerines, as if he was really questioning a witness on a stand in court room. With his hot breath on her skin and his fingers stretching her unused hole, Birdie had a really hard time focusing on her answers and found herself moaning "Yes, Sir, I'm so wet for you" when between rapid questions about tangerines Andy unexpectedly asked aloud if she's turned on from his fingers in her ass. And he wouldn't let her cum, until she screamed for the whole club to hear that she's guilty of tangerine theft.
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percervall · 6 months
Ms Mar, my favourite list-maker, would love to know your thoughts about a liverpool Secret Santa exchange, since all we got for a Christmas video on best present was kinda boring lol.
who would get who, and what would they gift each other? 🤭
Okay, after messaging @curiousthyme to brainstorm we quickly discovered that this was accidentally sent on anon. oopsies 🤭 So thank you Ives for this brilliant ask!
In true teacher fashion, I used a name picker wheel to link players and then went from there. Some of them were just too good, honestly this wheel is a Liverpool girly
Putting them all under a read more because it's a long list
Lexi → Virgil - a personalised maté set, similarly to the one he gifted Ibou (whom I have seem to forgotten to include in this 😭 my poor petit)
Virgil → Alisson - a gift card for a spa day (+ a "we're sorry for fucking up so much" card signed by all our defenders)
Alisson → Wataru - a gift card for a local Japanese restaurant, for Endo to enjoy with his partner on a double date with Ali and his wife
Wataru → Pep - a new set of whiteboard markers and magnets shaped like football kit for all his tactical planning sessions
Pep → Cody - (like I said, this wheel was just being so kind to us) Pep would give him a Christmas ornament shaped like a Bossche bol (shout out to the 2 Dutchies who follow me and know what this is) to remind him of home
Cody → Lucho - seeing as Luis' partner is about to give birth to their second child, a mobile to hang over the cot. Maybe even Liverpool themed with tiny felt jerseys 🥰
Lucho → Joe - Joey would get a picture frame key chain so he can take his family with him wherever he goes
Joe → Ryan - A Scouse dictionary and an FC24 game but with Ryan's face photoshopped onto every player on the cover 🤭
Ryan → Joël - New shower curtains with Virg's face all over them to push the bromance agenda, and a friends mug
Joël → Darwin - A DVD set for friends to help him with his English and a little pin that says "chaos demon"
Darwin → Mo - A t-shirt with Darwin's cutie lil face as he says "thank you for support" + that photo in a frame. You know the one, where Darwin became Mo's bodyguard/sleep paralysis demon
Mo → Kostas - Some weights and a DVD on how to get abs + a t-shirt with a photo of Mo's abs printed on it in the meantime
Kostas → Thiago - (I told you the wheel is a Liverpool girly) Maui and Fuerte in cuddly toy form for their the new baby + a donation to Thiago's charity
Thiago → Domi - a beard care set, like one of those high end ones, and the game werewolves (iykyk)
Domi → Trent - (y'all, we were YELLING) a chain necklace "because that's what the girls like" + Hungarian schnapps/pálinka + a temporary tattoo of the CL trophy because his mum said no to the real one 🤭
Trent → Andy - (SCREAM) a BFF necklace, a Dua Lipa album, and his fave biscuits
Andy → Klopp - Andy would give Klopp the Scotsman treatment: full kilt + a set of bagpipes (bonus: Kloppo promising to wear the full get up when they win the league)
Klopp → Diogo - An annotated copy of Cruyff's book about football because Jots wants to go into coaching after his playing career
Diogo → Lexi - a personalised gaming chair with a maté holder, and a personalised game controller
This was so much fun, thanks babe!!
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galacticwarpedlense · 10 months
I saw a picture with one of the bachelors with a tattoo and now that got me thinking of all the bachelors with tattoos.
Of all the characters, I think the ones that would absolutely NEVER get tattoos would be like Penny (she's very VERY traditional so I don't think she'd want them but it would be friggin hilarious to see this hyper-traditional woman tatted out), Maru (Idk, it just doesn't seem like something she would want) and Harvey (He's a doctor, he knows ink in your body isn't healthy). And maaaaaybe Sam (He seems like he would be a baby with pain or afraid of needles).
The rest, I can see getting some.
Abigail and Sebastian would probably get a decent amount of tattoos as they get older. Dare I say, Abigail would get more. Like an entire sleeve of alt tattoos. Skulls, bones, roses, quotes, funky little designs. All the Alt shit. And if you dare say anything about the tattoos being permanent, she will roast you.
Seb on the other hand may have some back tattoos and arm tattoos, not an entire sleeve but more dispersed, each showing how his style evolves while staying somewhat related. Like a story. And if they are black and white tattoos, you bet that he's letting any future children of his doodle the shit out of those tattoos with their little markers.
Elliott...A part of me knows, he probably wouldn't get tattoos either because of the cost or the reputation but also I am a simp for the idea of the writer man having some sort of book quote that he found inspirational on his collarbone so he can wake up in the morning and see it in the mirror every day. And you can't take that away from me. Ever.
Even if Emily and Haley don't get along and seem like opposites, I feel like their tattoos would be very similar. Like very flowery and cute and on their wrist or something and when they realize they have the same tattoo it's like they have witty banter about who copied who.
Leah, just artsy shit. Artsy shit everywhere. Arms, legs, back. Just little artsy tattoos everywhere with little correlation. Fuck it, this bitch MADE her own tattoos. If not the tattoo itself then at least the design.
Alex, I'm indecisive. I can see him not having any tattoos. But also a big tattoo on his arm of the name of his spouse sounds like the cheesy but kinda dumb thing he would do. Lucky him, we're using a scenario where the farmer doesn't dump him so it's a nice romantic gesture.
Shane would probably have tattoos from his past. If the beta versions of Shane were anything to go by, he seemed to be almost Alex-like in his youth so he would probably be pretty impulsive (especially at the start of whatever made him so depressed as he tries to do things to feel better) and get a few tats that now are a reflection of his past.
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theflyingfeeling · 2 months
well said, Niko 👏
so I went to exit my emotions in Germany last weekend, details below:
we went to the shows in Berlin & Leipzig, with a VIP experience for the latter
and guyyyyyyyyssss let me tell you, BC really did not lie when they said we were there to Exit our Emotions 😩 the shows went straight to the very top of my personal BC shows list, the energy was amazing and all the new songs sounded incredible live, even the ones that weren't necessarily my #1 favourites, like Where's the Exit and Wolves in California. Especially the former sounds sooooooooooooooo good live 💖
and because I was there mainly to enjoy myself and to exit the fuck out of my stupid useless emotions, I barely took any videos or pictures (I never take pictures anyway, how do y'all manage to take such amazing shots at shows?!) despite having relatively good spots to do so. I kinda wish I had more so I could think back to the shows afterwards, but on the other hand I felt like I got way more out of the show when I put my undivided focus on it, and besides indoor shows are always challenging on that regard due to the flashing lights etc. and I felt like every time I was going to film the lighting was not appropriate so in the end I just couldn't bother 😅
I don't really have much else to report from Berlin other than that the venue was great, I had an excellent view and had the best time ever 🥰
not least because I met so many BC tumblr friends!! it was so nice seeing everyone, please come to the Nokia Arena show y'all, we'll be your host it's hocus pocus 🥺
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and then there was Leipzig 🥴
I mean, this is my initial reaction immediately after it (written in my drafts):
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but yeah, as you can see from this post, @exitemotions and I had bought some silly little gifts to give the guys (rock hand glass markers not pictured), and we were so incredibly chill about the whole thing, like, NO ONE has ever been as chill as we were in advance of the VIP experience, I'm tellin' ya 💅
(we were so chill in fact that when we came back to the hotel room afterwards, we noticed we had forgotten the ceiling light on. you know, because that's how chill and zen and calm we had been upon leaving for the venue 💅💅💅💅💅)
the acoustic set was fucking cute, almost like a little campfire hangout 🥺
about giving the gifts and having our pictures taken: I feel like I was working on some kind of autopilot and can barely remember much anything 🙃 which I'm kinda mad at myself about lol, but I guess the guys liked the gifts (Olli said the glass markers were important, as my foreword for them was that they'd no longer have to fight about which glass/cup was whose, and I remember Tommi saying that socks are always useful. the others are owners of feet as well, so I suppose they agree 🧦)
we had made all sorts of grand plans for our individual pictures with the band but ended up with having "regular" ones after all, because while there was no feeling of rush per se at the m&g, everything was still happening relatively fast and sort of in their own course, and if we had wanted to do any funny poses or whatever, we should've been faster and in a little...sharper mental state to ask for them 😂😭
but we were chill though, I promise 💅
(I'm just cringing at myself so hard because I look like a fucking teacher standing for a class photograph 😂💀 it's funnier if you know I'm actually a teacher lol)
during the show we were on 2-3 row because we kinda missed our cue to run and reserve our spots before the acoustic set. personally I blame Santeri the tour manager for this (and also the fact that there were so many people there who had already been to VIP on this tour before, so they knew what to do 🤷‍♀️ meanwhile we were just left standing like "...wat 🧍‍♂️")
the show was just as great as the Berlin one, I honestly can't put them in order because they were both amazing and really made me forget about my sad little life 🖤
Rock Band From Hell was also alright. the one with no shirt on was hot
Ghost Kid was cool too. the one with no shirt on was hot
...so hot in fact that I already fell in love with him at the Berlin gig, and so when we were on our way to the merch booth after the Leipzig show, we ran into him and I flirted chatted with him a bit and had my picture taken with him 🥰 he was soooooo sweet and funny and I hope he'll stay true to his promise and keep the thing I said to him ('the drummer of BC could never [swirl the drumstick in his fingers in between every beat like you do]') "just between you and me" 🤭
from the merch booth I bought the XOXO longsleeve which looks super nice (sadly the quality isn't as super though dfgdgdsdh)
the next day it was time to return home, and as @kraeuterhexchen was seeing me to my platform at the railway station, I broke into tears in the middle of an escalator and didn't stop crying until boarding my plane lol
it's just that I was really nervous about travelling back to the airport from Leipzig because I had two changes of trains and the horror stories I've heard of Deutsche Bahn always being late were only adding to it, and that stress somehow triggered some sort of emotional meltdown in me and I realised the trip that I had been waiting for 6 MONTHS was now ending?? there had been so much talk about how we'd "do this and that when we go to Berlin/Leipzig and see BC" and now it's all done and gone and ?????? how does one move on after that 😭
but mostly I've been crying about the gift I gave to Olli 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
some of you have already heard about this, but I had made Olli this pin cushion ring:
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...because I wanted to "support his sewing hobby", as I told him then sdhfhdfhfhfh
he seemed to really appreciate it, and as I demonstrated how handy it was (because you can wear it and easily put the pins there while sewing instead of having to reach to a pin cushion further away on the table), he told me he only had this huge pin cushion ("a brick" he called it, the one you can see on this video), and aaaahhhhh I'M SO ANGRY AT MYSELF for not remembering much else or barely daring to even look at him to see his reaction 😭 I do remember he got very excited when he heard he was getting a sewing-related gift though ("yessss" he said, if my memory doesn't fail me too bad) 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
and I'm so sad I didn't even get a picture of him with it, because Joona the photographer was in the possession of my phone at that moment 😔 and I also forgot to tell him I had made it myself, though I believe it's self-evident. but, you know. still 😭
and the reason why I've been so emotional about it is because I had made the ring weeks ago already, shortly after the album release event, and since then I have admired it every day (because hellooooo is it not the cutest?!) and I had imagined all the scenarios in which I'd give it to him, what I'd say about it and how he'd react to it (I wondered if he'd even know what it was, but of course he immediately recognized it as a pin cushion when I showed it to him 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭), and yesterday it just suddenly hit me that when I'd be back home, the ring would no longer be there on my table for me to admire and hold in my hands, because Olli has it now? it's OLLI'S now, as intented, and yeah idk why but even now, two days later, I'm still literally crying about it as I'm writing this because I had grown strangely attached to that silly trinket and now I'll probably never see it again 🥺😭 (I guess I should just make one for myself too lol, my old one that I made almost 17 years ago is a wee bit shabby)
anyway, if anyone sees him, can you please tell him to take good care of it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
the world's biggest thanks to everyone who I hung out with on this trip, but especially to @kraeuterhexchen whose stunning art I can now admire in calendar form on my kitchen wall every month of the year (yes I shall keep you updated):
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...and to @another-sun the organizer extraordinaire, as well as to my travelling companion @exitemotions (thanks for all the laughs with a touch of chaos in between <3)
here's me with BC again, the only other picture that's not blurry af lol
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in conclusion, 🎵 never again, never again 🎵
...until next time 👀
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kathysturniolo · 3 months
Understand you.
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description: a teenage girl, February Martin, struggling with mental health and addiction who hates talking about her feelings. she likes the fact that nobody notices. however, her best friend, Matt, starts to realize more and more that she's losing herself.
"Feb, wake up."
"Feb! "
   My eyes flickered open. I heard Sarah's voice. I looked at her. The light burned into my pupils.
"Ms. Tilson just asked you a question."
"I-I'm sorr- what? " I lifted myself up. My arms were numb.
"I asked you to identify this triangle. February. "
My eyes fixated on the board. It was blurry. I looked around and everyone's eyes were plastered to me.
"I- um- I don't know." My nails dug into my arm. I heard whispers and people were giving me looks, almost like they wanted to yell 'boo' at me.
"Miss Martin, you've been sleeping in my class almost this entire semester. "She sighed.
I didn't say anything. I wanted to. I just stared at my legs. She pinched the bridge of her nose and picked up a marker.
"Does anybody else want to try to identify the triangle? "
Hands rose like fucking springs. You idiot.
After that class, I left early. Like, 'asking to go to bathroom and then walking out of the door' early. I'm surprised I've never been caught before, after doing it at least 20 times this year. I found a gas station and sat outside on a piece of side walk and pulled out my my phone.
dude did u leave class again?
yeah lol sorry
yk your gonna get caught one day for just leaving.
it hasn't happened yet so 🤷‍♀️
ok lol. where are you?
Dan's gas station
come by my house after i get out, k?
I sighed and sat down my phone. i was going to go to a bar tonight. Get 'today' off my mind.
I headed home after sitting down for about 15 minutes. If I was being honest, I didn't want to explain to my dad why I was home early, but I just wanted to go home for a little bit.
I opened the door. The creak made my body twitch. I hated this damn door.
"Dad, " I shook him.
Yep, he was knocked out.
Thank God.
His beer can spilled a little on the floor, leading me to accidently stepping in the puddle of liquid.
Well, that was another reason why my day sucked. I took off my now soaked converses and threw them over in the living room, rushing to my room.
My room was a mess. I didn't remember leaving it like this. I just threw myself on my bed, opening the sandwhich bag of meth I had in the corner of my bed, hidden under some covers. When Matt finds out I didn't stop using he'll be so pissed at me. His voice rang inside my head.
u still coming over?
My phone buzzes beside me. I woke up as my body was leaned off the bed.
I was definitely high. .
I cut my phone off and tried to get up. My head got dizzy and my vision went black.
It's okay, maybe he won't notice.
I put on a dark blue sweatshirt, put on a pair of sneakers, and walked out of my room, down the stairs.
Dad was still fast asleep. Part of me didn't really care and wanted to let him sleep but the other part of me wanted to wake him up and make sure he didn't die in his sleep. I was almost out the door when I sighed and turned back around and made my way to my dad and put my finger under his nose to make sure he was breathing.
He was, thank God.
I walked back to the door and walked out. I forgot to lock it but, it's a small neighborhood, I think it'll be okay.
I must've not been too high, I could still function. I was kinda dizzy still. Hopefully, I don't get hit by a car as I'm walking to Matt's.
im on my way
I slid my phone in the pocket of my sweats. and speed-walked down the street and curved a couple corners until I made it to his house. He had a better house then me, it was bigger and cleaner. He loves to clean, so that makes sense.
A couple seconds later, Matt's blue eye met mine. He greets me with a big smile.
"Hey, kid," He said, poking out his hand, gesturing to do our handshake.
I smiled and grabbed his hand, "Bro I said stop calling me kid, you're literally younger then me," I laughed.
"By what? 4 months?" He said furrowing his eyebrows and smiling.
We both laughed and I walked into his house fully.
"Parents are at work, so we're definitely using the kitchen." He said, chuckling.
"Aww, mann, but Marylou and Jimmy are the only reason I even come here," I teased.
He laughed and we walked up the stairs to him room. He had an awesome room. His LED lights were always on green, he had a huge bed, and a big blue bean bag chair. He had a huge gaming set up, and a walk in closet with band posters stuck to it from top to bottom.
I plopped on his bed and kicked off my shoes. He climbed beside me.
"Dude, I saw this movie on TikTok, it's about some psyco killer clown. It seems pretty badass. "
I was zoned out, my head in the clouds, I almost didn't hear what Matt said.
"Alright, " I said with an unconvincing laugh.
I could tell he was confused on my lack of excitement because I saw him look at me from the corner of my eye.
He cut of the tv, and put it to the movie. My head was killing me. I clenched my eyes shut and winced a little. He tapped on my shoulder.
"Are you good bro?' He said, with a little bit of a laugh.
"Yeah, duh" I said sarcastically.
The movie played for at least 10 minutes before my vision went black again and I got dizzy. I started to lean back a little bit.
"Feb." He said, seriously. So seriously, it kind of scared me.
"What?" I said innocently, as I looked him.
He looked at me, squinting his eyes a bit. He parted his lips and frowned at me.
'You're using again. " he sighed.
"What? Matt. I'm not. I'm no- not."
I looked at him. I could see his eyes start to water.
"Feb, you promised me you'd stop. You promised me." He looked at me, with glossy eyes.
"Matt, I- I'm n-" My voice cracked. My eyes swelled with tears. "I can't, Matt."
Matt wiped his hand over his mouth. I could see a tear, screaming to come out of his eye.
I covered my mouth with my hand. I tried not to cry. I closed my eyes to try to keep the tears in.
He leaned over me, putting his hands on my arms. He looked at me, he didn't say anything. It was almost like he was waiting for the whole world to disappear and it just be us.
"February," He spoke, "It's okay."
He took his thumb and wiped his thumb across my face.
"You're my best friend Feb. You told me you were getting better. You told me that you stopped."
"Matt, I- I'm sorry." I sighed.
"What's going on? You first started using when your grandma died. That was your worst breaking point. That was 3 years ago. What's going on now? " He whispered.
"Nothing, Matt. Nothing, I promise."
"February, talk to me."
"You won't understand."
"You're my best friend, I understand you, Kid"
"My dad." I whispered.
"Your dad? What's wrong with your dad?" Matt asked concerned.
"He misses Mom, Matt. Last month was her birthday. He's been isolating since." My voice cracked.
Fuck, don't cry again February.
Matt pulled me into a hug. I put my face into the crook of his neck, trying not to cry.
"I'm so sorry. " He whispered as he rested his chin on my head. "Can you stay tonight? I just want to make sure you're okay."
I breathed out and wiped the tears off my eyes and nodded."
"I'm here for you, February. For fucking ever."
I chuckled, and we laid back and continued watching the movie.
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marksbear · 2 years
Hi Mark! If your request are still open I was wondering if you could do male reader x arthur fleck. So male reader save arthur when he got beat up by a bunch of teenagers and have a little chat with him then they exchange numbers, start texting or calling eachother results in arthur having a huge crush on reader. Then arthur confess to reader and reader also likes arthur so they just kinda make out a bit then cuddle each other.
warnings!! Detailed make out, Jumping, fighting
You were on your lunch break from work and decided to walk around the streets to kill time. After only being outside for about seven minutes a group of kids run past you laughing and shouting ,and some of the kids bump into.
You rolled your eyes and mumbled "Kids these days" from under your breath and with a scoff. You were about to keep enjoying the walk when suddenly a clown runs past you. You stare at the clown with a confused face as he passes by chasing the kids. It takes you a little second to hear that hes screaming "Stop them!!!" At first a little part of you just wanted to finish your food and get back to work, but the universe is telling you to help the clown. "Fuck it." You say to yourself and drops the lunch on the ground and starts to chase after the clown and the kids.
It doesn't take you long to reach the alleyway and witness the clown being smashed with the board. Your heart drops a little and starts to second guess yourself for trying to play the hero. When the kids started to kick the clown your body acted on its own.
You had run to the fight and picked up one of the bigger parts of the smashed board and slammed it onto one of the kids back that made them fall to the floor. And that caught them by surprise and ran instead of helping their friend. You looked down at the kid and told him to scram and he did without arguing.
You turn around looking at the clown who's beaten up badly on the floor. You kneel down next to him and help him lay on his back. You start to pat him down checking for wounds. A hand grabs your wrist and you look at the man.
"You poor thing." You say looking at the clown who is in very bad shape. You put him on his feet slowly and you sling his arm over your shoulder and walk back to your job. You take the back door of your job to avoid questions as to why you're bringing a clown to work. Once yall make it inside you take him towards your office to sit him down and uses the first aid kit to patch him up.
The clown was awake when you were taking care of him you just figured that he was too weak to talk. "Arthur..." you turn to look at him "Im y/n" You say back with a smile. "C-can I get your number so I can return the favor. Y-you saved me Y/n" Arthur says wholeheartedly grabbing onto your hands. "Yeah It's (YOUR NUMBER) and if you can't remember all of that i'll write it for you" You find a marker and write your number on his arm.
3rd point view
After that encounter with Arthur and Y/n they kept in touch always texting and calling each other whenever they had a chance. Today Y/n had invited Arthur to his house just to hangout and watch movies together.
The pair went through one long movie and two short films all three were about Romance. Arthur had suggested the three movies but was a nervous wreck about watching anything romantic with you. which Y/n is chill about and reassuring that he has nothing to be embarrassed about.
It was another short film but the two romantic partners was a gay couple. Arthur became even more nervous like what if y/n was homophobic and screams and beats on him when he finds out that Arthur likes men. So throughout the film Arthur glances at you every so often to your reaction.
"What a cute film. Reminds me of my ex bf and I" Y/n says with a chuckle facing Arthur. Arthur slowly turns to face the reader and asks quietly "You like boys?..." Y/n just smiles at Arthur and responds with "Well yeah. Im (YOUR SEXUALITY)" Y/n pats Arthur head and searches for something else that they can watch.
"Y/n..." Arthur says quietly almost like whispering. Y/n turns his head to face his friend and smiles at him and hums. "I-I like boys too!" That causes Y/n to smile and thank him for coming out to him. "A-and I like this one boy that i can't stop thinking about. H-he makes me feel safe and that life is worth living for. I'm in love with the boy..." Arthur says with the largest smile
Y/n hearts aches and his bright smile slowly becomes a frown. How could Arthur love someone that's not him. The thought of that almost makes Y/n bust down in tears. But he pulls himself together after realizing that Arthur feels happy with the boy and when Arthur's happy hes happy.
"Wow. When do I get to meet prince charming-" Y/n gets cut off when Arthur grabs onto his head and kisses him. Without thinking Y/n kissing him back and warping his arms on Arthur's waist. The newly couple feeling in heaven when their lips locked and tongue dancing. The pair only pull away from each other for air but dive back into the make-out after catching their breaths. Y/n running his hands all over Arthur's back and bringing him closer.
Y/n pulls Arthur onto his lap and pulls away from Arthur's lips and laying his head onto Arthur shoulders whispering sweet nothings to him while Arthur giggles and plays with Y/n hair.
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safyresky · 4 months
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boy HOWDY have some THURSDAY NIGHT SCRIMBLES! 🥳 Now in magical TECHICOLOUR! It's older Twins! Fino and Fiera!
Design stuff below the cut 🤗🤗
My god I'm having fun with these markers. But the colours are LIMITED as I only have like 2 starter sets and they're FUN but deffs I could use a few more in betweens.
Doing my boy first bc we already had fun with Older Fiera ages ago lmao
I'd been wanting to share his older design for AGES tbh! Had it in me head around the same time as I shared the older twins and Jacquie scribbles lol. ANYWAY
He is SEMI fancy! Big fan of button downs and vests/waistcoats!
Doesn't ALWAYS wear the vest
His shirts 9/10 times have funky patterns. Like fungi or flowers or just the weirdest fucking designs you EVER did see. His siblings and orc friend (Kenothy) all make it a fun game to find him the most OBNOXIOUSLY WEIRD SHIRTS. His collection is HUGE and VARIED and HURTS THE EYES FIFTY PERCENT OF THE TIME
he is like a walking mullet but the business is on top, the party is below. He is a jeans man through and through and you can pry his converse/kicks off his cold, dead feet tbh. they are ALWAYS red. he probably has like 10 pairs like some kinda cartoon character
belt is pink bc fiera's magic! the inside of his cloak is rainbow, like his twin's fire :D
the cloak also does have a big old hood and covers his whole him so he can look mysteriouse
and then give people whiplash when he whips the cloak back and pulls the hood down and. well. on fire colourful schemey looking young man
everyone's usually like "i didn't expect the freckles. or the fungi shirt"
the fungi shirt is his fave
plz picture a fungi pattern all over his shirt!
when he uses his staff, the flame turns rainbow too and the snowflake glows :3
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Fino's warlock aesthetic is "i live in your local forest and i love my family and i'm making it everyone's problem"
the outside of the cloak is a nice forest green! bc he likes forests (if that wasn't obvious lol)
he's pretty chill but has resting plotting face. generally if he's looking like that he has examined every angle of a situation and is about to make a bigger one. or fix the current one. or both!! and is VERY proud of himself!!!! (as he SHOULD be!)
he and Fiera ARE the same height but I drew Fiera first and started Fino top down as you do but neglected to watch the height lol. so just know. they are BOTH tall and BOTH the same height!!!!
He is the BEST warlock of the current era he is warlocking in. If Uncle Pyros was around he'd be mad jealous. Same with Granny Frost tbh. Grandpa Winter would like, lift him up like Simba like "THAT'S MY GRANDBSON! THE BEST WARLOCK IN THE WHOLE WORLD!"
(if the bio grandparents were around, you bet it would be a big case of "the in-laws don't get along" lmao)
pink is her fave colour and the colour of her magic, so her shirt, shoes, AND hair ribbons are all pink, but it's a lil light, innit? like i said, limited colours lol
HOT PANTS! SHE'S GOT HOT PANTS!!! They're not that dark blue, bit of a lighter wash for her denim (but I don't have a lot of blue options lol)
suspenders are red bc FINO'S MAGIC! one is always hanging off of her, the other is always up. she doesn't do this on purpose it just HAPPENS bc she doesn't actually really need them? it's the FASHION. the STYLE.
sometimes hair ribbons are red too, bc Fino magic :3
ALSO wears converse but the boot like ones, bc I've always wanted a pair of boot converse! They look SOO COOL and SOO INCONVENIENT, AND THEY ARE COLOURFUL! I mean. Fiera's are pink but I'VE SEEN ALL THE COLOURS. AND I WANT.
I mean. why make OCs if not for them to wear the things you can't have/afford/pull off?
she's not THAT buff tho she is pretty strong. i am a writer by trade so my doodles are not to scale (read: scrimbly). anyway, she's probably usually a tank/halter top person??? this doodle just really wanted to be a t-shirt!
both twins have elements of their outfits inspired by the fam, not TOTALLY on purpose but it did make me cackle as I noticed them so TAKE THIS QUICK SYNOPSIS:
dress shirt, belt over suspenders: blaise vibes
big ol cloak: winter vibes
comfortable shoes: jacquie vibes
vest: jack vibes
suspenders: jack and blaise vibes (both are known to wear them as an accessory instead of for their intended purpose of keeping pants up)
hot pants and boot like shoes: jacquie vibes
hair buns: winter vibes
man, I love the older twins. the SHENANIGANS they get INTO! they're a dream team, you won't know what hit you by the time they're through with you 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
I am requesting even more headcanons because the pool ones are all adorable
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your wish is my command ;)
Ride the Cyclone Kids and The Beach
(in no particular order!)
(all platonic!)
The SECOND they arrive, the kids are like “omg, Ocean, it’s you!!!” and Ocean is So Tired Of It
Also Ocean, despite her namesake, REALLY doesn’t like the beach
It smells bad, and the saltwater makes her hair brittle and skin itch, and there’s sand, and things in the water, and it’s just not her favorite place to be
However, she tags along because she refuses to be left out
Ocean once again dons her rash guard to try to protect her delicate ginger skin (spoiler alert: it Doesn’t Work. we’ll get to that later)
Catch Noel out here staying on the bay the Whole Time
For once, he agrees with Ocean; the beach isn’t the most pleasant place to be
He only goes into the water to piss lol
Aside from that, the most he’ll get in is up to his shins
And that’s being generous
Meanwhile, Mischa and Penny are FLINGING themselves at the water
(I just think they would have a really cute friendship OKAY)
These two are usually ALWAYS in the water
Catch them out here wrestling wildly in the shallows
Ocean deadass tried to do homework while at the beach and only put it away when Mischa threatened to throw all her stuff into the water
She is allowed to read a book in the water, though
So she likes to sit in the shallows
Constance is both on the bay and the water, but she usually doesn’t go very deep
She’s perfectly content with the water, but the moment her foot touches something she’s oUT OF THERE
Her toe makes 0.4 seconds of contact with something slimy?? She’s gonna jump six feet out of the water and scramble for the shore
Sometimes she’ll just sit and talk with Ocean or help with Ricky’s sandcastles
Speaking of Ricky! He is a fucking MASTER at building sandcastles
Bro’s got a whole PALACE going on
Ricky, signing: seeing people dig holes in the sand really makes you realize we’re all just little animals
Constance: what
Constance likes to collect pretty seashells!
Penny also collects seashells!
The ones she deems the prettiest are divided through the group
(They all still have the shells she gave her somewhere in their rooms)
Mischa will pull the others on a boogie board through the shallower area
Penny will grab everything and ANYTHING she finds
Girl has No Fear
She once chased Noel around with a jellyfish because she wanted to show him, but he was freaked out
She also straight up grabbed a whole ass fish before
Constance: PENNY!!!! PUT IT BACK!!!!!!!
Mischa likes to pretend to drown to see if the others will come save him
Constance does come to his rescue Every Single Time
Noel doesn’t even budge
Ocean stands up in alarm, but she can’t swim, so what can she do? She’d probably legitimately drown if she tried
Ricky is too focused on his sandcastle to notice
Penny is also pretending to drown lol
Mischa and Penny both shake off like dogs
Mischa started it, Penny just mimicked him, so now they both do it
Some creeps were fucking with Ocean, telling her to take her rash guard off so they could “see that pretty body she has underneath,” and Mischa came SPRINTING from the water to chase them off
Not only that, though, but Noel shot up and started storming over, while Penny fucking grabbed the WHOLE SHOVEL Ricky was using like it was goddamn sword
Ricky threw sand
Constance was already comforting Ocean
Ocean acts like what happened didn’t bother her, but it Did
She appreciates the other kids stepping in, though
After that, Noel moves the umbrella and his chair to sit by her in the shallows
Not to keep an eye on her, if that’s what you’re thinking! Him? Being worried over OCEAN? No, no, no. He’s just getting closer to the nice view of the water! That’s all!
So, like, while reading a book in the water, Ocean kinda forgets to reapply sunscreen
Which results in the WORST sunburn on her legs and face and back of her neck
Like, oh my god, that shit was the color of a red Sharpie marker
Noel called it her “crab legs”
She gets sun poisoning because of it, poor girl!
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actualbird · 2 years
It really kills me the way he referenced the whole nearly getting murdered (because he was locked in there On Purpose) before the reveal bc the way he references it makes it seem like he had like a terrible panic attack and that Austin and Giann were being overprotective when they didn't allow him out of the country until he was a bit older but then he actually goes into more detail and we find out he almost fucking DIED and the whiplash I got was unreal
khVKJHKJHF YEAH!!! YEAH......the increments in how marius told us that Legitimately Traumatic Event (which, it kills me how thats not even the only one that happened in his childhood-teenhood, what the FUCK) is smthng i will never get over
marius in ssr in the darkness: haha i just have a phobia of dark, cold, cramped spaces bcuz some kids played a prank on me and trapped me in a place once, it's ok, hehe r u worried abt me >:3
marius in ssr will of the trees: haha yeah dad and giann didnt let me go to many places when i was a kid, they were kinda overprotective lol but then i whined to giann to take me abroad for funsies and he relented! >:3
marius in personal story 4: oh yea lol the full story of the trapped childhood incident was that another kid from our family's circle locked me in the basement that had a really powerful cooling system and i couldnt get out and wouldve died from hypothermia all alone if giann didnt find me in time! and after that, dad and him closed off the household and nobody was allowed to take care of me except for them and payton, but it's fine! >:3
me, thru tears: marius. What The Fuck
[CN SERVER SPOILERS AHEAD] you know, laying it all down like this makes me realize now that this future cn server card, SSR Unconcealable, the one where mc gets fuckin kidnapped is even more painful. cuz there they both are
locked in a freezer
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i watched this card story and it's fucking phenomenal, so juicy and delicious, irt character depth and how mc and marius' relationship is. but this scene was....man
he had a full breakdown. like, due to the story specific plot in the card, but it's not out of the realm of possibility that his panic attack was heightened by the setting
cold, dark, entrapment: all the markers of something in his past that fucked him up long-term and filled him with a persisting fear that crops up from time to time no matter how much he sweeps it under the rug
in conclusion!: jesus christ. what the fuck. good fucking god.
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cha-melodius · 9 months
Hi! 15 and 20 for the ask meme?
The final one of these writer asks, thanks for your patience, and thank you for the ask!
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
Titles for sure. Summaries are easy for me, just pick a snippet and then write a pithy one liner to sum it up. 😂 Titles either come to me quickly (often a song title or lyric), or I agonize over it for a while. Some of my titles I love, some I'm kinda meh about.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
How about some meta for Class(room) Warfare (professors AU)?
First off, I am a professor, so this is one of those times when you write what's really close to your life lol. I'd written a professors AU in another fandom, but it was a long fic. This was a nice excuse to do something shorter for these two. When I was trying to dream up ridiculous ways for two professors in two different departments to get at each other's throats, not erasing the boards seemed suitable absurd but also completely plausible. FUN FACT: Last week I got to my classroom and found the board full of unerased writing, and it both 1) irritated me, and 2) made me think of this fic. In case you were wondering how common it is. 😂
(spoilers below)
As I mentioned in the author's notes, most of this was inspired by my everyday life, so I'm not going to get into all of it. Basically if you're wondering, "Do colleges really work like that?" or "Do professors really think/do that?" the answer is almost certainly yes. But here's some more trivia:
Zahra was cast in the department secretary role because every academic knows that department secretaries run fucking everything
PLSC 307, Democracy & International Relations—I think I stole this class title (but not the number, that's random) from my college's poli sci department catalog.
McQuiston College—I knew I wanted them to teach at a small liberal arts college, and I knew I didn't want it to be real (as opposed to my other academia AUs where I have used real institutions). I considered taking random last names off books on my bookshelf, but I didn't want to accidentally write about a real college either. Using Casey's last name was a stroke of inspiration that I was SO happy about.
was junior enough to be unlikely to be evaluating his tenure portfolio some day—little things like this probably mean nothing to most readers but I feel like they add that extra hit of authenticity to any academics who happen to be reading. Pissing of someone who might eventually be on the committee who decides whether or not you get to keep your job is a real fear.
always carried his own markers with him—I've literally never found a working marker already in a classroom. Always carry your own.
Sometimes he wondered—to himself, never out loud—if it was real, or if he was just trying to fit in after he found out that his sister and best friend were dating, like when he was six and decided he was super into horses only because June was.—I carry this little headcanon that in universes where Alex has had some reason to doubt his heterosexuality but still hasn't done anything with it, he worries that he's only trying to fit in with his friends/mimic his sister. Doubting how queer you really are feels very familiar to me and from what I've read seems like a pretty common bisexual experience.
He’d just ignore you, like everyone else does.”/“Hey!” Alex protests, but she ignores him.—This was actually unintentional when I first wrote it but I realized what I'd done and had to keep it.
Dr. Henry Fox-Mountwhats-his-face—This and the subsequent email greetings/sign-offs were inspired by their early emails in the book, though I had to figure out how to do names that weren't based on HRH and such. I think my favorite was "Dr. Acerbic Cocky-Disaster" because if that doesn't actually describe Alex to a T.
Halloween-in-The-Castro gay—Wanted something different than Fire Island on the Fourth of July, was very pleased with this one. If you're not familiar with the history of Halloween in The Castro, do look it up.
Then he proceeds to wrap himself around Alex from behind and hook his chin over Alex’s shoulder to look down at his cooking—Considering how frequently this exact type of moment shows up in my fics in other fandoms, I'm kind of surprised I haven't used it more frequently recently. Anyway, the "peeking over the shoulder while cooking" is definitely a calling card of mine.
He wants, to put it bluntly, to romance the shit out of him—I am only just realizing that I reused this turn of phrase recently lol. It just feels VERY Alex to me.
All right, that's it for now! Thank you again!
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fabdante · 2 months
Alright so, I've never really lived in a big city before and thus know fuck all about them. What kind of city is Limbo city and how do you tell? What markers do you look for? What do you think the people that live in Limbo City are like?
Ok so this got kinda long because I've thought a lot about Limbo City for my yet unfinished very long multi chapter Kat and Vergil prequel asdfghjk
I think what we see of Limbo City in game is pretty flexible in interpretation. I've seen a lot of different interpretations and head canons of what sort of city it is over the 10+ years the reboot has been around.
For me, I tend to imagine it as a great lakes city rather then a more classic, big city that we see in a lot of TV shows and movies (like New York or LA or something). My reasoning for this is it just has a lot of the look and feel of a lot of these cities to me. There's a lot of big cities on the great lakes in the United States that were big industrial cities at the turn of the century but, for a lot of reasons, fell into disarray. This is usually big companies leaving for other places, going bankrupt, or just making unwise financial choices which crush the city because they tend to rely on a small group of businesses for their economy (a good example being Rochester, New York which was the home city of Kodak and Kodak had been it's big employer for decades until Kodak failed to move to digital film and fell into financial free fall, leading to mass layoffs and high unemployment leading the city to suffer majorly economically and it has yet to recover.)
Part of my reasoning for this is Limbo City looks like it was largely built up a long time ago. Now, this is definitely influenced by the fact it's based off of Italian artist Talexi's home city, so it's influenced by an old Italian city which is going to look older then like...something like New York City. But we have strong reason to believe that the game is like, set in the United States, so the reason much of it might look old is just the fact there hasn't been a lot of new building projects. There's a lot of disrepair in Limbo City also which happens to cities as they begin to fail financially. Like, there are new and very modern buildings in Limbo City don't get me wrong, we see them (Silver Sacks Tower in particular comes to mind) but it also just has so many of these very old buildings that are just so intricate that it just seems like they were all built at a time when the city was far more profitable and could afford such glamor projects.
Another bit of this reasoning is something I've mentioned before but just something about the Order complex to me feels like abandoned industrial buildings in a long since abandoned industrial quarter of a city. These sorts of buildings tend to become abandoned and subject to two things: urban explorers and (usually failed) government funded projects to reutilize the space.
Which ties into the previous points because cities on decline like this looooove potential job attractors which I argue whatever Vergil's cover for the Order could fit well into that. Cities like this need things to attract jobs and high paying jobs to restart their economies and attract new people and keep people already in the city there with new opportunities. They often like tech companies for this because techs big and it pays big and it attracts people to a city who then have to spend money in that city. And Vergil had to buy these buildings under some sort of cover so like, it makes sense to me that he is playing the Order off like a tech start up and this is just their weird, quirky, base of operations.
Anyway, carrying on. The reason I strongly identify Limbo City as a former industrial center is just a lot based off Vibes asdfghjk I've lived around and been to a lot of former industry cities which suffered for various reasons and now like, no longer are what they used to be and it just really gives off that vibe with how everything is in disrepair, how much of it is abandoned, and the general demeanor of the people living there.
And an even more uh...Vague reasoning as to why it just feels like a great lakes city to me is the general way the climate feels? Like, I know I know, it's a video game I can't really gauge the weather asdfghj we don't even know when the game takes place. But the way the real world is colored and designed, it gives this very particular like...cold energy. Like a sort of mid fall. When the weathers in flux and you have a lot of variety in what you can wear but the chills starting to sink in. It's just similar to how weather is by large bodies of water.
The pier also like, we know there is some large body of water here but they never specify what but nothing about the city implies that it's an ocean city really. Like I mean, it could be, but for example Bellview Pier never really capitalizes off being attached to the ocean. It's just a pier attraction. Which is why I kinda gravitated towards the great lakes idea. There's a lot you can do on the great lakes and they are attractive to both locals and visitors but they're not, you know, the ocean.
I think the people of Limbo City, from what we see of them, largely seem to keep to themselves and are probably largely just trying to get by in a city that is leaving them behind more and more. They're probably a stubborn people, strong willed, there's probably a good sense of community in various areas. I like to think it's a large melting pot type of community with people from all over, as great lakes cities tend to have a long history of fostering immigration and taking in refugees. It's just definitely a city struggling at the moment.
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toriel-2 · 1 year
-rapid pro deco with line marker killer wail will be a perfectly serviceable kit but ultimately mediocre because of how underwhelming the kit is and how much the rapids have fallen off
-H-3 D will have a niche as a bubbler weapon but big bubbler continues to remain Not Really Viable so maybe down the line if the meta shifts in its favor itll be good
-light tetras seemed like it would be dead in the water when it got sprinkler but then it got zipcaster and that alone might honestly make this see some use over the vanillas autobomb reefslider kit. thank you nintendo very cool
-annaki nova will probably have a niche in being able to paint for inkjet. thats it. they wanna make a special spam weapon well they get fuckin special spam
-swig with ink storm will be Cool
-heavy deco with kraken will be Incredibly Situational. youre trading the ability to hold down areas with essentially a fifth player in wave breaker for being essentially down a person
-tentabrella as a main weapon is still a buggy mess but ink mine zooka is allegedly really good for this thing. tent w/ zooka is kinda Jank On Jank but they synergize
-wiper deco is gonna be busted w/ missiles but seeing as they dont have a combo sub and will probably be 210p on arrival i dont see them as being Overwhelmingly powerful. def gonna see a wiper on every team for the first week or so to test it out
-missiles not necessarily deconfirmed for custom dualie squelchers but also idk if they would put two missile weapons in the same patch. genuine question mark now until we get kit confirmation
-If the new blaster's main weapon can make up for its kit then it'll be a fucking miracle
-painbrush is like if dynamo had a good special so this thing just outright Will be at least Decent but whether its viable remains to be seen with further experimentation
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call-me-double-trouble · 11 months
Old Art
Hi, all! To celebrate my 1-year anniversary of this blog, I decided it’d be fun to show some of my first, never-before-seen drawings of Double Trouble. All of these are traditional, as I hadn’t gone digital yet. Some are also unfinished, and many were sketches at work that weren’t really meant to be “good,” just something to entertain me when I didn’t have any tasks to do.
I’m going to poke fun at some of them, as I’ve improved a lot since drawing them, but I'm not trying to encourage artists to be overly-critical of their past works. Recognizing your mistakes and flaws in your old work only shows how far you’ve come, and I just want to have a good giggle about how silly some of my old sketches look.
Art under the cut because this list goes on for awhile
Here’s the first drawing of DT I remember doing:
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I used a reference for this one, hence why it looks better than some of my later entries in this post. Unfortunately, it suffers from Long Head Syndrome, a mistake I still often make with traditional art because at the angle I’m seeing it while I’m drawing, it looks perfectly fine. But then you hold it at eye-level, and uh...
Also, what the heck kinda hairline did I give them? It’s like it meets at a point, but not in the middle of their head.
Next up, these two:
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Will the Long Head Syndrome ever cease??? As you can tell, I liked the sketch I did at work, so I traced it onto watercolor paper, made a couple changes, and painted it. This one’s not too bad, though it does look like their eyebrows missed the memo as to what angle their head was at.
This next one may be the worst:
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Like...WTF is that? What is that hair poof? Why is one eye so much smaller than the other? What’s going on with that mouth? This is why references are important, kids.
With this next one, I got bored and wanted to color DT in with Sharpies:
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So bright! My eyes! The hair poof is too small, but at least it’s not wiggly like the last one. Also, here’s a magnifying glass to help you see those tiiiny eyebrows.
Here’s another I did with fine line markers that I keep on my wall like a sticker:
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I messed up on the smile, so I made it a frown. Now their eyebrows are too big, and so is that one ear. (Also, my walls aren’t that bright in real life, they just showed up that way on camera.)
Next up is--
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And next we have one of my favorites!
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The little menace themselves, cute-ified. (We don’t talk about hairlines, no, no, no~)
And here we have one I turned into a digital drawing, but you may notice...
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the ears are too fucking small. DT went from rulers on the side of their head to kid-sized ice cream cones. A real downgrade.
This one’s an unfinished (and will never be finished) drawing:
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What even ARE those hands. Ok, yes, they were guides for drawing in fingers later, but...ew.
Here’s the first full-body, colored drawing of DT I ever did.
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I had drawn them meeting a character from the book I’m writing, hence the speech bubble, but cropped that character out because spoilers! Anyway, this drawing was done with several references and looks much better than some of the others on this list. The main issue is that they’re standing at an angle. Why are they slanted??? Why can’t I draw a straight line??? *sees ace pride flag* Oh yeah, that’s why.
And lastly, here’s the first time I used the DT doll base from @sheblah​ :
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Since this was before I had my iPad, I had to trace the doll base to use it, though I decided to draw the face myself. Oh, asymmetrical eyes, how I loathe thee.
Well, that’s all of the old traditional drawings of DT I have! As you can see, I’ve come a long way since then, but it’s always fun to look back and see where you’ve come from. I hope you enjoyed these silly doodles!
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