#so this was fun to put together<3
seasonal-writes · 1 year
Golden Rings AU Masterpost!
Hiya everyone! Welcome to the masterpost of all things When Fate Finds Golden Rings (or the Golden Rings AU)—or the royalty, arranged marriage, enemies-to-lovers, team rancher AU i’ve been writing fully since january and haven’t stopped thinking about since- this is where you’ll find lore! character stuff! designs! fanart! the playlist! and a bunch of me infodumping in response to asks!!
this’ll be continually updated as time goes on when necessary, and will be tagged accordingly under some the tags, but SPECIFICALLY under #golden rings masterpost for easy finding! so, without further ado! The Golden Rings AU Playlist! and my annotations!
Worldbuilding/Lore: - general worldbuilding! - another worldbuilding ask but this time: customs and stuff! - that one time i actually put lore into an ask answer (minus that little bit about a missing scene whoops) Character Lore/Relationships: - Golden Rings Tango and Impulse (This Dynamic My Beloved) - Golden Rings Scar and Grian - MORE SCARIAN - even more scarian only this time it was theo and i brain rotting - someone asked how grian felt about jimmy and tango’s relationship - sentimental items brought along (Spoilers for after chapter 5!) THE BELOVED FANART THAT EVERYONE SHOULD GO LOOK AT:
Canon design art done by my very talented best friend, @elipsis-art! - Tango and Jimmy (Palace Designs) - Tango and Jimmy (Post-Ch. 10 Disguises) - It also did this super adorable art of the redstone scene in chapter 10! - First ever fanart for this AU! they’re dancing! by @parissfrogg   (don’t worry i’m only tagging you once, haha!) - Golden Rings Pearl in all her spooky, pretty goodness! - THE BELOVED PREENING SCENE FROM CHAPTER 12 !! - the COOLEST art from the beloved @ellalily!! :D - My good buddy Theo (@hitheeprithee) did art of Tango and Jimmy! - These ADORABLE drawings by @/cillpiines (rancher buddyyy i wasn’t sure if you’d wanna be tagged, but i can fix it if you want :D ) - the CUTEST AU DOODLES !! :D by @/astrangeghost (wasn’t sure if you also wanted to be tagged, but you’re here! <3) Other Fanworks: - Distant Company May Be Closer Than It Appears by @hitheeprithee! A fic of this fic, mainly taking place at the palace, and what a couple of our characters left behind may be up to. >:)
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spicyavogato · 11 months
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Buckle up, Buttercup
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stardial · 2 months
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fit for tha school dance today… who wants to duel me sexually
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bisexualrapline · 1 year
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some of my favorite giggly namjin moments, for @rjshope​ ♡
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endlesspaint · 1 month
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"I'll take my whiskey neat~
My coffee black and my bed at three
You're too sweet for me~
You're too sweet for me~"
'Too Sweet' by Hozier
My notes under the cut
Decided to combine the song that has been stuck in my head with my favorite character, and this was born. Literally had the song playing on loop while making this, idk if it matches the vibes but I like it. Also-- I really like the swirly blush thingy, just something I wanted to share lol
I know nothing about alcohol so don't come at me if the drawing looks nothing like whiskey LMAO.
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wren-of-the-woods · 6 months
Hello! Thank you so much for what you do- could I please have some recs for geraskier fics where geralt is the one pining harder?
Here you go!! I wasn't sure how to categorize who was pining harder in all of these (since our boys are masters of longing lol) but these are all stories where Geralt loves Jaskier very much, and I highly enjoyed them all!
favorite by @asweetprologue (Rated G, 5.8k)
Jaskier gets Geralt a gift, and it makes Geralt realize he doesn't know enough about what Jaskier likes. He forms a plan to figure it out.
i’ll kiss you slow by @paintedcrayons (Rated T, 4.9k)
Geralt is not being creepy. He’s not. He’s just looking out for his friend (with a questionable choices in lovers). Lately, Geralt has started to notice the way people treat Jaskier’s affection like a means to an end. They kiss him only to move to the next step, dance with him as pretense to get him into their beds. He would like nothing more than to kiss Jaskier for the sake of it. (He does.)
time and time again by @samstree (Rated G, 5.2k)
Marriage proposals, through the years.
The Best Laid Plans by @dhwty-writes (Rated T, 5.5k)
Geralt is in love with Jaskier. In order to finally get him to admit his feelings, he devises a ten step plan with Lambert, Eskel and Vesemir.
A Friend in the Wild by @samstree (Rated G, 1.6k)
In which Geralt acquires a tiny friend who wouldn't stop following him.
Weak and Wanting by @sociallyawkward--fics (Rated T, 36k)
Geralt had thought that inviting Jaskier to Kaer Morhen after all these years would be a good thing. What he didn't plan on was his brothers deciding to have a little fun with their situation. Lambert and Eskel really needed to stop meddling in things they didn't understand, especially when it came to his bard.
Tell It With Your Heart by @bambirex (Rated G, 2.5k)
While Jaskier always says what's on his mind, Geralt works a little differently. That doesn't mean he cannot tell Jaskier how he feels - he just does that without words.
Repeat After Me by @onwardorange (Rated G, 7.3k)
All it takes is (nearly) three years, two meddlesome brothers, and one exasperated sorceress to get Geralt to admit his feelings for Jaskier.
Love Me Better, Send A Letter by @rebrandedbard (Rated T, 12.5k)
Geralt and Julian have been exchanging letters since participating in an inter-school pen pal program in high school, and Geralt has been pining away for Julian for over a decade since meeting by chance one faithful day in Posada. Between work and Ciri, he hasn't had much time for travelling, but he and Julian still exchange their letters faithfully. Finally, Julian's equally busy life coincides with Geralt's long enough for a short visit, and Geralt has the chance to finally introduce Ciri to the man she knows only on paper. Things would be perfect ... if Julian's visit didn't fall within the week of the concert of Ciri's favorite musician, Jaskier.
Music is no solution by @thecrownprincessbride (Rated T, 4.3k)
Jaskier has self-doubts, and Geralt is there for him.
A Careless Omission by @samstree (Rated T, 5.4k)
Jaskier reveals he has a type. Geralt behaves strangely.
Highway Angel (To the Dark I Said Pour and Forgot to Say When) by @fangirleaconmigo T, 2.8k
Geralt is a long haul truck driver. With long stretches on the road away from his family, and with no one to keep him company but his loyal dog Roach, he has to brave most of his life completely alone. Then one day, just as he is passing the city of Oxenfurt, he turns on the radio and hears a voice.
zero for ten by @yaelathewordsmith (Rated T, 10.4k)
The blue-eyed boy on the school's cricket team seems determined to bowl Geralt out. The worst part is, he isn't even fucking trying. * Or, the ten times Jaskier held Geralt's heart in his hands without knowing, and how Geralt grew to want him to keep it.
(You can find my other reclists here!)
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formallyuninformed · 13 days
A what-if scenario of if Hilda got a Marra after the Mountain King...
OKAY. So this is an awful, half-finished thing I made January last year but hear me out! some parts are good, and 2023 me apparently spent 3 days on it!! so i wanted to at the very least compile all the frames and post it! because i am proud of it.
Anyways, frames im proud of under the cut-
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These two have such a great emotion behind them, I'm extremely happy with the way they came out, even if half-finished
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THIS!! THIS SEQUENCE!!! This was the whole reason I wanted to make this animatic, I sketched this before anything else and I'm obsessed with how it came out (Even if janky perspective) Drawing the time worm move was hypnotizing.
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ectoplasmer · 9 months
imagine cuddling up with your f/o in bed during a thunderstorm… arms curled around each other, legs intertwined, head resting against chest while it rumbles and pours outside. getting to listen to the sound of their deep, calm breathing with the patter of rain against the window, seeing their features whenever the room is lit up by the flash of lightning… maybe their arms tighten around you whenever there’s a clap of thunder, maybe they make some sort of sound or they snuggle closer to you… just imagine being all warm and cozy with them during a storm, safe and comfy in their embrace <3
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franzkafkagf · 2 months
Hi! Sorry for bothering you but I’m curious ,what are your thoughts on Otto and Alicent’s relationship? Because I think we have the same vision .
Have a good day/night !
omg not a bother at all! i love talking about my favorite blorbos <3
i mostly look at alicent's and otto's interactions with the lense of how alicent treats aegon later on (because he is most like her- it's so obvious). turns out the poison drips through.
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young alicent only had otto, they seemed to be quite close too. it seems that she doesn't seem to have any other adult influences in her life -> once he left, she latched onto another male adult influence; larys strong (yuck!!!)
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war of the foxes – richard siken
otto is a second son- set to never inherit anything and remain irrelevant. he obviously can't have that, so he rises through the ranks; no matter the cost. He goes to the point of sending his daughter into the bed chambers of the king (in the book he also had her sent to actual geriartic pervert jaehaerys, yuck!) he is very similar to petyr baelish; a scheming social climber
marrying alicent off was the means to an end to see his blood on the throne -> he does say there will be war if rhaenyra ascends because he thinks the realm won't accept a woman. i do think he somewhat believes that, but seeing his own blood on the throne is his main goal, alicent is the vessel for that dream.
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so what does he do? he scares alicent, he scares her by saying her sons will be sent to the wall or will be murdered or another horrible thing. he makes weary of rhaenyra, makes the two girls (then women) grow apart more and more. he needs alicent to act like he does, think like he does.
and what does alicent do? she played her role perfectly. she does what he asks her to do, how could she not? he is her father. the cycle continues, she subjects her kids to the same abuse and fears her father subjected her to; it's the only love she knows.
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what does aegon do? he turns into a mess, whoring and drinking all day, weary of responsibility. alicent can't understand. why isn't he like her? why did he grow into what she wanted him to grow into? why isn't he like her? i once saw somebody on here say (i can't link the source; can't find it, sorry!):
she was a stradivarius in her father's hand. aegon is a dull knife in hers.
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binarybitex · 3 months
old cardboard castles art master post!! 📢
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here's david standing in the doorway from this specific snippet. he's feeling......... guilty. scared, maybe.
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some promos i did. i might redraw the first one in my current style, i like that its a polaroid to fit with david's picture taking knack.
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when i first started releasing chapters, i did these scene mockups in the style of the actual show. the purple sketchy one is an unfinished redraw from 2023 :]
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a max turnaround, trying to stay true to the shows style ofc. max and his walmart leather jacket lmaooo
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this one is literally based off ONE fucking line in the entire thing. i just thought it was cutie patootie
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and lastly, the cover for the print edition i did for christmas 2021. i loved how these turned out, but it's a shame they didn't print out this well!! oh well, it was a lovely learning experience.
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sysig · 3 months
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The familiarity is not very comforting (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Sans#Papyrus#Asgore#Always with memories/lack of memories being distressing! How memories shape action interests me quite a lot#Papyrus and Sans both have the ''this has been on me since forever so it's normal'' outlook on the plates#Defensive when other people get concerned about their lack of concern haha <3#But what if ♪#Honestly probably could be set anywhere but I wanted Papyrus to be worried for Sans' safety and not fully know why <3#Lots of very I don't know why I know this but I'm not happy about it haha#Can you tell I didn't use references for this from Asgore's outfit and the boys being on the opposite sides lol#It was very fun to draw them being carried haha ♥ Asgore's gigantic hands#Teeny tiny babies even still haha#In case it's unclear - Sans is looking at Asgore's text in the second panel and putting two and two together about his hand plate#That was a point of curiousity for me while I was reading :0 All the other text Gaster uses to communicate is WingDings!#All the papers he has the boys do and obviously his native font to speak haha#Wondered briefly if it was perhaps that distancing thing I mentioned a bit back in reference to ZEX actually haha#Like swearing in a different language - a way to not claim the action as his own in some small sense#Or perhaps as reference to their fonts being in that alphabet? I wonder!#I love their little interactions in how they look out for each other even in small ways <3#Papyrus concerned of course! Falling is dangerous! It'll be more obvious why later but this is emotionally a very strong and real feeling!#And Sans wants to do anything he can to not make his brother sad ♥#It'll all turn out okay you two 💕
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bugeyedfreaks · 6 months
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Please visit the newly created Pokey Oaks Classroom Library to access a list of books based off of the original PPG series! 📚💖
Also, if you have any books that aren't listed, consider donating to the library OR letting me know where I can find it if it's already online!
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blaithnne · 6 months
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Reblog if you hate this bedraggled fucking rat /pos
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kaizenkhaos · 2 months
Back to Beginnings
Thanks so much to @mangywayway for the hand over ^^ Here's my contribution to the @harringrove-relay-race. Second year participating and looking forward to seeing everyone's contributions <3 My fic this year is focused on Billy and Steve going to California for a basketball match. Back to Billy's home town where he's not only faced with some of his past but also a bright future. This is also based on some of the story beats from Volume 6 of one of my favourite sports graphic novel series, Fence. Over to the wonderful @sepulchralsmile for the next contribution to this relay race :3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay everyone, get on the coach please!" The boys jostled each other playfully as they fought for the right to be at the back of the bus. Billy on the other hand couldn't really care for it. His mind not only fixed on the game ahead of them, but on the fact for the first time, he'd be going back to where he was from. Facing the school he'd have been at if his dad hadn't dragged him away to Hawkins. If his mom hadn't just....upped and left him. He didn't have a clue what his life might have been like, only he couldn't imagine it being like this. He'd have been able to stay with Argyle and his friends. He'd have been able to continue to surf and go to the beach every day. Carefree. He would have been able to see his mom's beautiful smile, her flowing dress and big white hats as she joined him on the sand. Instead he was stuck with a sarcastic step sister. A quiet as a mouse step mom and a dad who he swore got meaner as the years crawled by. California had used to be a haven for him. A safe place with his mom and the waves and the breeze which he missed so much. Everything in Hawkins felt stale in comparison. Like it was just browns and greens all merged into a mess and not the bright colours or freedom he associated with California. The beach and the sand. But then there was also the...feelings. The truth was, California felt like both a blessing and a curse deep down. He really wanted to return but at the same time, it felt like home had been ripped away a really long time ago.
Steve Harrington on the other hand, he didn't have those worries. Cos what did wonder boy have to worry about? His perfect hair? His big house with the private pool? Fine cuisine? The guy had everything but the Captain position. And the guy for some reason didn't seem to be vying for that. He seemed to be just fine, hanging out with Tommy Hagan, bantering with the guys. To be fair, Billy liked their Captain. Ross Patricks was not only a good guy but he'd really turned the team around. Brought them up to standard, made them a force to be reckoned with. Pity he was a senior. Billy knew this competition was final call for Ross. One final chance to show that he could take a team to victory. It would certainly seal his chances too; he knew teams were already interested in Ross but being at the top of the High School League would set him up well for that NBA place he so wanted, and in Billy's opinion deserved. Steve on the other hand, had his head stuck in a different place. His dad being out of state again meant he'd been home alone for a week before finally this trip had come around, And boy had he been counting down the days. Tommy had helped, staying over with him a couple of nights when Carol was busy. Carol joining them other nights so that Steve was rarely alone. He'd been struggling recently with loneliness and what he thought of as the "sads" so he appreciated them keeping an eye on him. He'd tried to swim and train too, in the moments he'd been alone, but his mind hadn't been into it. He also had other concerns too. His growing and apparent crush on a rival of his. Master Billy Hargrove. Him and Billy...well they at first hadn't seen eye to eye at all. They'd been rivals, vying for the same position on the Hawkins Tigers basketball team. Hargrove had also gotten it into his head somehow that Steve was also desperate for the Captain spot. He wasn't. Basketball wasn't really his sport of interest, but as his dad had ruined his chances of making it in baseball, basketball was the next best thing. He had swimming too. But that was more a lone sport than a team one and he'd not wanted any more time in his head than necessary. So he'd made extra effort to get on this team. In the end both him and Hargrove had made the cut. Steve spending more time on the bench but he was slowly getting more play time. And Hargrove? Well he was centre stage most matches and Steve had to admit; the guy had talent. His three score technique was flawless. And as then as a team? They worked pretty damn well. It had been slow progress but the pair really had something going on and more and more they were working together rather than against each other. And whilst Steve hated to admit it, it felt rather nice. -------------An hour later-----------
In the dorm room, the boys were already staking their claims to bunks. Their bags shortly joined by their bodies as they slammed down on their chosen spot. Looking around, Billy noticed how Harrington had beelined for the right hand corner and of course had taken the top bunk. Typical, but it also brought a smile to his face. Yeah people could say it was the whole King thing and maybe it still was a little but Billy also knew something different. A slight twist to it. Steve knew, through the pair having shared the same room for the past year when at away games, that Billy sometimes suffered from night terrors. So the bottom bunk was safer for him, in case he rolled out and ended up on the floor. Less distance to fall, less chance of injury. And so when he finally got to him, he nodded up to Harrington who was taking a moment to rest. A thumbs up from him and Billy was slowly opening his bag on his newly claimed bunk. Laying out his kit and clothes, toiletries, Billy lined it all up carefully. Checking that he had everything and that he'd not have to venture to a store to buy anything during their down time. That would suck; even having to go and buy something stupid like a toothbrush would totally blow the mood. Waste valuable rest time. But thankfully nothing had been missed and Billy could breathe easy. Relax. And actually face this town without preoccupations. Well....sort of. As the others started to group and pair off and move out, Steve hopped off the bed and went to do the same. Nodding to a small group that included Hagan and Ross before turning to Billy, and seeming to think better of it. Moving a little closer to him instead and waiting for the others to go. For once, the King, almost seemed nervous. Standing still next to him but tapping his foot a little. Not in impatience but almost like it was involuntary, and as Billy turned, he looked almost shy? Nah. Steve Harrington shy? Never. The man didn't even know what shy was. "Well," Steve started, looking at the door and then at Billy, a hand going to the back of his neck. "Seeing as we have time to kill, I thought we could go to the beach."
Billy watched as the rest of the room cleared out, his eyes on them before going back to Steve. What an assumption to make. But under his skin, his heart was starting to race. His cheeks already feeling heated. Would this be the moment? The moment he'd been thinking about over and over recently? "And pray tell Harrington, what do you plan that we all do whilst there?" An unusual silence descended before Steve shrugged, his hand now going onto his hip and then added, "Oh I wasn't planning on inviting the others. Thought it could just be me and you." It was only when they finally got out into the corridor after Steve had patiently waited for Billy to repack and zip his bag up, that it became clear, why. "Just us.....?" Billy blinked, actually taken aback. Nah, it was a hang out. Stop with the nonsense Billy. But the way Steve looked at him and then scratched the back of his neck. Face starting to actually flush and his eyes darting away. Well holy shit..... "Wait...is Steve Harrington asking me..." "To have a nice romantic walk with him on the beach?" The other chuckled, but the hand didn't move off the back of his neck and Billy realised, oh shit. Yeah. Yeah he really was. "Yeah I guess I am man. If you wanna....." "Yes. Yes I do. Can I.....can I go and get changed?" Billy gestured at his outfit, chuckling before Steve joined in. Him leaning against the wall as Billy shook his head and laughed. About time, about freaking time. What had taken them so long? Fear! Embarrassment? A misunderstanding? It didn't matter now. It was happening. It was real. "Sure man. See you in 20? I'll go and do the same.
------------40 minutes later--------
This wasn't where he'd imagined going whilst back here. In fact, he'd planned not to. But the offer from Steve, to actually spend some time with him, was too good an opportunity to miss. The guy had even dressed up a little and so Billy had too. A nice black shirt and jeans combo. Hair nicely in curls, the little one he so loved flicking out the front. And Harrington…well he always looked great. Today rocking up in a red t-shirt and jeans and one of his many pairs of Nikes.
"So what's it like being back?"
"Strange….." And it was. Really really surreal in fact. Like part of him had stayed on this beach all this time. But thats not what he said back to Steve. Instead, he snorted, glancing back at the other guy and grinning.
"Don't tell me you only invited out here to get my backstory."
"No but I mean….. If you wanna tell me a bit about yourself, it would be good. I don't really know you man." Steve then chuckles in turn, "other than knowing you have quite the thing for my leg."
"Well you seem to like putting your ass there," Billy grunted, though with no malice and a playful tone. Still grinning as he fully turned to face Steve who'd parked himself on the sand. Billy elected to join him.
"Cos you keep getting closer enough that I can feel your breath on my neck."
"Well quit wearing your pretty boy cologne to basketball matches then."
That set them both off. Laying back, they cackled together in the sand. Holding onto their ribs until it hurt to breathe. Billy feeling like his spirit was lifted. It shouldn't be so funny. In fact it wasn't, but there was just something about this easy banter that seemed to have gotten to both of them.
Soon though, a familiar figure in the distance soon had his mood plummeting. Him bolting up right as Steve slowly got up beside him. A look of deep concern Billy rarely show on his face.
No…it…it wasn't. It wasn't her. Their silhouette had just so similar that for a moment, he'd thought it was. And that….hurt. It stung so deeply and he looked away for a moment. He didn't want Steve's pity or sympathy but, he wasn't going to get it if he didn't try to at least explain.
"My mom…..she left when I was little. Troubles with my dad. Fighting, shouting you know all that shit." He waved a hand in the air as if it didn't matter, but Steve could see it did. It really mattered. Whatever Billy was about to say was clearly hard for him to spit out.
"I thought she'd come back for me you know. After she'd settled. That's what she'd said she would do man. I used to ring her and. Well you know that Susan and Maxine are in the picture and she's not. So you can figure out how things turned out."
"Shit man….."
What could he really say to that?
"Yeah…but hey. You know."
Steve kept looking at him. Wondering where the sudden bitterness had come from. Should he say more? What could you say to a guy who'd just told you he'd been abandoned by his own mom? Left in a household known for heinous things? He'd heard the rumours after all. Seen the bruises. Billy's dad was a prick of the highest order and Billy? He wasn't the best but he didn't deserve to be treated worse than shit under someone's shoe.
Looking out at the waves, Billy could feel the rage building. But the waves also brought with them a familiar scent, which filled his mind with a strange comfort. Let him calm down a little but erased none of the bitterness from his voice.
"It's not like you'd get it. I mean, you're the King of Hawkins High. Golden boy extraordinaire."
Billy stared out to the ocean, his eyes tracing over the horizon as he waited for Steve to continue. He might have seemed more interested in the landscape to the casual bystander, but he was listening. There was something about Steve's tone which had caught him off guard. Was the King of Hawkins High struggling? What did he have to sound so down and out about?
"My dad. He's this high and mighty business man. Has his own company as you know. But everyone thinks that it's all sunshine and roses and it's just….such bullshit."
The way Steve seemed to chew on the words, to Billy, was like the guy has a bitter taste in his mouth. Like he's just sucked on a lemon and would do anything to get rid of the taste.
"It's so easy for people to look at the big house and think everything is okay. But when the house is empty and your own voice echoes from the walls… Everyone just sees the image man. Even those who I really thought didn't just want me for that."
He'd not expected any of this. Nevertheless from Steve Harrington of all people. But didn't it just go to show what happened behind closed doors? Billy was internally kicking himself. He should have known there could be more to things. He knew better himself. To have placed Steve in a box he didn't belong, it didn't feel right. Guess rich kids could really come with their own issues which money really couldn't buy their way out of.
"I'm sorry man. Really I am," he sighed, looking over at Steve who looked small than Billy had ever seen him.
"That freaking sucks. Families…they're meant to be there for us. They're meant to protect us but more and more I hear people say how theirs fail them. That it ain't like it is in the movies. Makes me wonder if it is for anyone."
"I….I dunno man. I see it from time to time." Steve shrugged, his eyes on the sand and Billy found himself moving closer to him. Wanting to take Steve in his arms. Because it's clear that Billy had stumbled over something which the other had been hiding for a really long time. The way Steve was now visibly struggling, like if he didn't't hold onto himself, he'd just fall apart. And Billy doesn't want that for him. He wanted to do something.
"I know of a place."
Steve looked up, big hazel eyes like a puppy. Billy wished he could take it all back. The thoughts, the cursing. Even though Steve would never know all of them, he can see in the way he looked at him that he knows some of it at least.
Steve Harrington may not have the top grades but he wasn't stupid and Billy knew that. Noone got to the top of the social ladder through stupidity and it's rare that the most popular kid was also the smartest. And they didn't need to be.
"A place that has the most amazing sundaes."
"You…eating sundaes?"
"Don't sound so surprised Harrington. I know I'm in peak condition but a fit guy can still indulge you know."
That had Steve snorting, rolling his eyes as he drew an arm across his face and then pushed himself up off the sand. More looking like the guy Billy knew than the scared, sad kid who Billy now feared lurked behind the doors of the house he knew did not contain all he'd thought it had.
Patting Steve gently on the shoulder before getting up, walking with him, side by side, Billy felt a shift between them. But not in a bad way. It may have not been the romantic walk Steve had wanted. But it was the walk they had both needed. --------Twenty minutes later--------------
As soon as Billy walked into the sundae store, it felt like walking back in time. The decor had been slightly modernised. A fresh lick of paint, different materials and brand new booths and a shining floor. But the layout, the colour scheme? It was all still just like the last time he'd come here. All blues, yellows and whites, with big booths in the middle and small ones around the sides.
And there she was, the woman herself. Owner and main waitress. A familiar face after all this time. And over there near the window had been his spot. The place he'd always gotten to with his friends. A spot right next to the window and a fantastic view of the ocean.
"William? Oh my heavens, it really is you!!"
Maisie trotted over to him, arms around him and a big kiss on both cheeks. Which Billy would have minded from other people but not Maisie. She was one of his favourite people in this whole town and so in a rare moment, Billy hugged her back. Not caring if Steve found it strange or weird. Finally a face that he saw home in here.
After letting Billy go, Maisie stood in front of Steve, like a mother seeing a new partner for the first time. Scrutiny written on her face before smiling in approval and saying "Now whose this handsome young man William?"
"Steve Harrington. He's my date," Billy grinned, all the while watching Steve for his reaction. Which was pretty much what he expected; a cool grin. But what he didn't expect was the flash of shyness in his face before it fluttered away.
Nodding to the window seat, he then added, "'m okay taking my usual spot Mais?"
"You can have any seat in the house my dear," she beamed, stepping to the side to let Steve through. "Lovely meeting you dear, I'll be right over to take your order."
"Nice to meet you too Maisie, real nice place you have here."
Always the freaking charmer. But Billy just smiled, leading the way over to the table. Excitement bouncing in every step. Steve seemed to really like the place and that meant a lot. He'd hoped, no, prayed Steve wouldn't turn his nose up at it. Think it was beneath him and he hadn't. Another assumption smashed.
He couldn't stop staring. This was ridiculous.
Sat here with and his tiny ice cream whilst he was here with his favourite sundae. Cream and chocolate and banana and glory. That wasn't the ridiculous part though. It was just being here. With Steve. Their legs barely touching under the table but feeling like electric. The way the guy looked up at him from time to time with those soft eyes and something under them which made his heart pitter patter. Like that rabbit out of the deer carton, which he couldn't remember the name of right now. Because he still can't believe that finally they'd gotten to go out on a date. And despite the way his heart ached due to the events of earlier, he wouldn't change it for the world.
He knew Steve better than he ever had done. Never would he have thought they'd be more similar than their love for basketball and cars but it turns out that beneath the surface, the pretty boy had a lot going on. And Billy wanted to find out so much more. Know about about the guy under the crown. Who Steve really was. Not the mask or the image. The real freaking deal.
Drawn out of his thoughts and staring, his spoon stuck in a scoop of chocolate ice-cream, Billy's head spun towards the entrance. He'd would recognise that voice anywhere in the world. One of the guys who had had such an impact on his life. His brother from another mother and the guy who he'd been hoping to see more than anyone in Cali. Argyle. His best friend, his amigo.
Big hugs, high fives and chatter was what surrounded the group as Steve sat at the table. He'd watched the four guys approach and then Billy jump up hastily to greet them. Smiling softly at the scene, he listened to them catch up in fast forward. It must be nice to reunite after all this time. Shame they couldn't stick around for longer.
Billy was positively glowing, something which Steve didn't see in Hawkins. A light in his eyes the town clearly extinguished. Steve wondered what it was like to have to leave a place where you clearly belonged to be shoved somewhere so alien and unfamiliar. He'd lived in Hawkins all of his life after all. Glimpses of other places coming from holidays and the few business trips he'd been taken on before he became the man of the house more often than not. Expected to be responsible, to do the right thing.
It felt like in different ways, they'd both been robbed of something but in this place, maybe they could just put that aside for a moment.
"And whose the handsome amigo you have here then?" Argyle gestured, a white smile as wide as the guy's face as he tilted his open cap towards Steve.
"This is Steve and well, just had to show him the sights whilst we're here."
"The sights huh? Well if I don't see you amigos at Surfer Boys pizza at some point whilst you're here, I'm going to be so sad."
"Can't ever have that man." Another high five and then Argyle and the others nodded. A friendly smile to Steve before the group turned to find their own booth. Giving the pair some privacy again.
Steve smiled, looking back at Billy. His friends, they seemed so different from who the guy hung out with usually. Or rather, maybe Hawkins just didn't provide the right people for Billy. Maybe these were his people and the others were just ones Billy was stuck with.
It didn't matter though right now. Those people were far away and they were here. Scoffing away ice cream by the sea. "I can't believe you're able to just tuck that away," Steve jested, gesturing to Billy's toned physique. Billy looking down at himself and then pointing a spoon at Steve's meagre amount.
"Well you could have had a sundae of Kings but instead you went with whatever that is."
"The best god darn ice cream I've had."
This takes Billy aback, so much that for a moment he just stared. Sat back in some kind of awe or something; he wasn't even sure what it was later when he was pondering on the bus. Steve sleeping at his side. It just meant something more than Billy thought it would. Hearing such praise from Steve Harrington himself. Whose sat there tucking into his scoop of bannofee whilst scanning the place. He's intrigued, he's happy and Billy? He's happy too.
This place may have only been a sundae place to some, a place to get ice cream and chill. But for Billy it was a solid part of his history. A place where he felt safe from the drama at home. Where him and his friends regularly came and Maisie would let them try all the new flavours. He'd even got to name one, and that was one of the scoops he now had in his sundae. And he knew now, if he ever got another chance to name anything else here, he'd name it after the guy in front of him. Whose now making his heart melt with that soft smile, which then turned into a smirk,
"Get over yourself Harrington," Billy scoffed, flicking ice cream at him and then grinning. The King of Hawkins trying to dodge it and failing miserably.
Yeah….He'd totally misjudged Steve. He was an ass, but Billy would give anything to keep this feeling he had right now. For Steve one day to be with him.
And Steve? He can't stop smiling. This place, it was like a calm cave out at sea. It was simple, it was clean. It was the sort of place he could imagine writers and artists coming to . Gazing out to the nearby beach and taking their time. Man, Hawkins had not a patch on this place. No wonder Billy missed it so much.
No wonder it felt like he was finally seeing the whole guy here rather than the persona and mask. His friends had seemed like the kinda people who would do anything for Hargrove. Would stand by his side because of him, not his status, not his looks. They were true friends, amigos Billy had called him. And he'd not heard Billy use that term sincerely in Hawkins. It was more a insult, a threat and not an endearment.
Like something someone would say to demean or mock. But with those people, it wasn't like that. And he'd also never seen Hargrove so calm or vulnerable.
The funny thing was, despite having never been here, Steve felt it too. A freeness which made Hawkins feel choking. He didn't have to be the King of Hawkins here. He didn't have anything to prove out on the beach or here with a sundae. Even if Hargrove had teased him on his choice of ice cream. It didn't matter. It wasn't like he was trying to provoke him. More like they were both in on the joke.
So back went a little bit of ice cream, splat straight onto Hargrove's shirt and the other guy scoffed, rolling his eyes and dramatically putting his hand to his hand.
"My most precious polo! How will I ever recover?"
Steve snorted into his ice cream, tempted to flick more ice cream at him as Billy grinned and left the mark on him. Like a badge of pride. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Race ya."
The pair jumped in sync off the steps down to the beach. Billy shoving Steve playfully out of the way as he ventured to find the quickest path. Sand was tricky to run in but over the years Billy had grown a talent. He knew how to bounce, how to stride and which parts of the beach was his friend. Steve on the other hand, well he didn't have such advantages or luck apparently. Bumbling around and now going face first. Billy throwing back his head and laughing in triumph, spinning on his heels. Arms crossed and grin bare as he waited by the water line for the other to finally join him. Bent over, hair flopping down towards his feet. Still pretty. Still one of the most handsome guys Billy had laid his eyes on.
And still an ass. One quick shove and Billy was down, right on his ass into the water. The salt water quickly seeping through to his boxers. The little shit.
Another quick shove and Steve was over, now also in the water and laughing before they both jumped up, then they were off again. Tugging at each others' jeans and shirts. Smiling like this was the best thing in the world. Falling over one another and rolling around in the sand laughing. Brushing themselves off and then running again. The sun warm enough to dry them off and not leave them with wet asses for the journey back to the dorms.
"I swear, these better dry before we get back on that coach Harrington." And that's when it hit them. They were meant to be back at a certain time and it was time for the coach, shit! The pair looked in horror at each other. How could they have forgotten? The school they were staying at was on the outskirts of town, almost outside it and they'd all been dropped off by the team coach this morning. If they weren't picked up, it was a long long way back. They had to hurry.
They were late. They were so late that Billy feared that maybe the bus would have already left. The feelings of worry boil up onto the surface as they dashed, Steve's hand in his. He wasn't sure when they linked hands but he didn't care. He does know Steve can feel the tension in him, the way he ran his fingers over Billy's knuckles and then stopped him. Pulling him towards him at a rate which made Billy stumble. A soft embrace before Steve took the lead. The final dash before they got to their destination.
Their hands fell apart as they got in visual sight of their coach. She wasn't looking impressed at all. Hands on her hips and looking at her watch as they approached, nodding to the bus.
As Steve passed, she glanced at him a look of warning and as Billy did, she put her hand out. Stopping him in his tracks.
"I know it must be hard, being back here. I need your head in the game. But if that helps, then…" She gave a soft smile, a nod in Steve's direction that no one else sees but Billy. "I'll look the other way. For now."
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tbcanary · 1 year
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Edit Requests: Helena Bertinelli in "Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood" for @misspickman
"He didn't know if he was a man who had been dreaming he was a butterfly..." "Or a butterfly dreaming he was a man. Yes, I've heard it before."
(ID under the cut.)
ID: Six animated banners with images pulled from Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood.
1: Helena Bertinelli stands off to the side in her Huntress uniform, holding a crossbow. Cursive script beside her reads, "Helena Rosa." Graffiti text slowly appears behind it, spelling out "INFAME."
2: Helena in a sports bra and sweat pants, training. She holds a crossbow in the first frame, which turns purple for a moment. The second frame shows her throwing knives, and turns purple immediately after. The third frame is a bull's eye with arrows embedded in the center. It turns purple last.
3: Two framed portraits of Helena. The first shows her as a small child, crying. The second is her in her Huntress costume. The two portraits are facing away from each other. Dozens of candles sit in front of the frames and the flames flicker randomly and intermittently. Text appears in three scrolling boxes and reads: "You want justice served? You want vengeance taken? You want honor restored? Then you do it yourself. That's omerta."
4: A large grayscale photo of a young Helena, being held by her mother Maria. In four frames beside it, Helena practices Tai Chi before curling up on the ground hopelessly. Each frame lights up in full color before turning gray.
5: A closeup of Helena's face in front of a purple background with repeating text at low opacity that reads "HUNTRESS." Scripted text lights up white one at a time before turning black: "A killer / Family / Your other half."
/End ID.
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teathattast · 18 days
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I'll sing a love song to the first cloud I see in the sky
Thank you so much, for coming by
I'm gonna slide down the flooded sidewalk
I'll dance until I can't walk
Babe please rain, rain, rain on me
Bring me to my knees
Babe please rain, rain, rain on me
Let me feel at home in my own body
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