#so they get to see their DP^2 really early
letoasai · 1 year
dp x dc 2
A what if... 
If Danny was originally a ghost child, born from one of the seven ancients that sealed Pariah Dark. In an unfortunate accident, he was caught by the Fentons and experimented on. In a twist of strange fate, he was turned human, and basically given life. Because he was no longer a ghost, they decided to adopt him.
 Danny had no memory of his earliest years, or the experiments done on him but Jazz does and she quietly took better care of her brother than their parents did of either of them. At fourteen, he still dies and becomes a half ghost, partially because of his heritage kicking in. He still defeats Pariah Dark and becomes the Ghost King and the only one that knows his original identity is Clockwork who didn’t figure it out himself until Danny became a halfa. His human self being untraceable for them.
Danny is sixteen when he tells his parents about himself, oddly enough against Jazz’s advice. They didn't take it well and were ready to put him back on the table to experiment on him a second time to ‘fix him’ again.
It was Jazz that ended up sabotaging everything and grabbing her brother to run. She’d been packed and ready to go, expecting Jack and Maddie’s overreaction. Jazz finally tells him about the hazy memories she can recall about his arrival. Being only two years older than him, she was just a child but she remembered enough on top of their neglected childhood to decide to bail with him.
Clockwork was the one to give them their destination. Head to Gotham, where Danny could meet his mother, Lady Gotham, who is eagerly awaiting and preparing for his arrival. ~ ~ Batman did not like being summoned for meetings, he especially didn’t like being summoned for a meeting in his own batcave. That was his own space being infringed upon and he didn’t like it one bit. Meetings were for mutual areas unless it was called by one of his own children. Even then, those meetings were usually at the dinner table.
Constantine contacting him to have an ‘urgent chat’ was the last thing he wanted. Constantine usually avoided work when he could, and anything he would bring to the table meant trouble was on its way.
He’d had enough apocalyptic chaos for one month. It was only worse that Constantine insisted they meet tonight instead of the League meeting at the end of the week. Things that couldn’t wait meant more work for him.
Batman’s eyes narrowed at the sound of footsteps moving through the west side of the batcave. Even knowing it was coming, he was unhappy knowing that Constantine used the private door that only a few knew about to get inside.
“You’re early. That’s unheard of.” Batman commented, smelling the smoke of the man’s cigarette before even turning around. “Put that out.”
“Don’t think i will.” Constantine said, a hint of stress in his voice. “I dunno what you did but i don’t appreciate being dragged into it.”
“What i did?” Batman frowned, turning away from his computer to stand. “What’s that supposed to mean? You’re the one that wanted to talk.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Constantine said, inhaling. His free hand held another cigarette that he likely planned to light when the first was gone. “Someone wants to speak to you. You’re going to speak to them.”
“Tch.” Batman crossed his arms. It wasn’t a wonder to him why his children were so stubborn. He could see himself in many of their habits. “Am i?”
Constantine shrugged. “Yeah, i think you are. They’re your bloody benefactor so i really don’t think you got a choice. I’m just a middle man.”
“Benefactor?” Batman scowled, a list of possible names running through his mind but nothing held. Something that required Constantine’s presence was even more baffling. “What are you talking about?”
The atmosphere in the cave suddenly changed. It wasn’t necessarily bad, but given the way Constantine tensed, they both felt it. It was like a wave of something spread out through the room, brushing against both of them and moving out to fill the rest of the corner.
“John, who did you invite here?”
“Oh, i don’t think i could do something like that. Way above my pay grade.” Constantine muttered, turning to face the same direction he’d just come from. There was no noise, no footsteps, nothing to indicate an intruder other than the feeling filling every inch of the batcave. “May i present to you, the spirit of Gotham herself. Lady Gotham.”
For a long few seconds nothing happened. It wasn’t an overly timely introduction but a woman did appear. She moved fluidly, silently, disappearing and reappearing between every step. She looked to be made of stone, everything from the visible skin of her legs and bare feet, to her cloak. She could have been a fixture somewhere in the city, a beautiful gargoyle but she moved with complete ease.
The hood of her cloak was drawn low, a veil covering her face. Even making her way through the moderately lit cave, she was nearly shrouded in shadows still. The most visible feature she had were bright, toxic green eyes that almost seemed to swirl.
Sharp horns protruded through her hood that wrapped behind her head and at her elbows were a small set of stone wings that must have been useless but she gave no indication one way or the other. Not even when they seemed to flutter.
“Lady Gotham?” Batman blinked, trying to absorb what he was seeing. To commit everything to memory. Her appearance should have given away so much but instead he got nothing.
“Yes. She is who this city was named for. She is this city’s soul. Powerful, old, and the beginning of… well a lot.” Constantine muttered. “She apparently likes your ragtag team of bats and birds too.”
“Protectors…” She spoke, her voice was like a whisper, but there was an edge to it that made it seem like her speaking at a normal volume would be a very bad thing. “Protectors are always welcome here.”
Batman stared and didn’t know right off what he was supposed to say. He didn’t feel like he was in danger, but he had no idea what a supposed spirit would want with him. He’d been playing his role as batman for years without a trace of this Lady Gotham before.
Constantine cleared his throat. “Well since that introduction was made, i’ll see myself ou-”
“Stay.” she said, stopping only a few few away from them. She still blinked in and out of existence. Sometimes pieces of her would be visible while the rest of her faded in and out.
“Yes…” Constantine reluctantly muttered.
Batman straightened. “Never heard of you.” Constantine nearly groaned. “But i can’t refute what’s right before me. What can i help you with?”
She tilted her head, and the motion should have been impossible if she were actually made of stone. He got the impression that she was amused despite not really being able to see her face.
“Protector. Knight. Hero. Father. You have assumed so many mantles.” Gotham spoke softly. “There is only so much i can do, i do interfere when i can.”
He nodded though he had no idea what she was talking about. He’d always pulled his own weight but if there was an otherworldly entity assisting him, would he know?
“I come to you, to ask for a favor. You, with the means to grant such a thing.”
“What sort of favor?”
“A halfa has been directed to my core with his human sister. They require living arrangements.” She spoke firmly. “I can offer them my love, my welcome, my embrace, even a taste of my power but monetary needs and documents are out of my hands.”
“A halfa?” Batman frowned, not understanding the phrase other than them not being human if their sister being human was clarified.
“Nooo…” Constantine stared, looking like he’d prefer it if the floor just opened up and swallowed him. “Not the halfa that defeated Pariah Dark...”
“The very same.” Gotham clasped her hands in front of her, form flickering again. She radiated pride.
“The halfa that defeated Pariah Dark and became the Ghost King?” Constantine obviously wanted to get the hell out of Gotham.
“The same.” She repeated.
“Ghost King?” Batman frowned. “Why is he coming here?”
She disappeared, reappearing several feet to her left. “He is in need of a home. He is only sixteen human years old.”
“He’s a child?!” Constantine looked horrified. “And he became the Ghost King!?”
“Yes.” She said, somewhat patient. “My son is welcome here, so you will welcome him.”
Constantine was lighting that second cigarette. “Son… I gotta...I gotta sit down.”
Batman however was trying to ignore what he couldn’t grasp at the moment, and focus on what he could. “Documentation and lodgings for two minors is well within my means to provide.” He glanced back at Constantine who was walking away to grab a chair. “You’ll explain the Ghost King thing later.”
Constantine just waved him off as he collapsed into a chair.
Lady Gotham had moved, now standing directly in front of Batman without having moved a muscle. “My son and his human sister know what it means to be hunted. My child’s core screams for help and receives so little.” She suddenly seemed to tower over batman in a way she didn’t before. “He will receive assistance here.”
Batman stood firm, but it would be a lie to say he was completely unaffected. Despite that trickle of fear in his chest, he’d always done his best to be there for his kids. It didn’t mean he was successful, but he tried. What was two more? “I understand. Whatever he’s running from will be handled. When will he arrive?”
Lady Gotham paused. “Soon. Travel is slow, but steady. Another day.”
Batman hummed, that was plenty of time to get everything set up temporarily. He would talk to the Ghost King and his sister to discuss more permanent plans. His attitude however, seemed to be just what Lady Gotham expected.
She turned to Constantine. “You will find him easiest. Bring them here.”
Constantine heaved a sigh and pulled out a flask from his jacket pocket. He didn’t barter, try to make some kind of deal, or attempt to gain some form of payment. Lady Gotham was a force of nature all on her own but there was no way he was pissing off the mother of the Ghost King. That was asking for trouble even if the kid was a king. His power must have been something else… “Got it.” he agreed.
She sighed, the sound content. “Thank you, Knight. My son will be in good hands.” Or Else, didn’t need to be spoken.
She turned, and just like that she was gone, her powerful aura along with her. In a flash it was like she’d never been there at all.
Batman took a moment to just breathe and regain his bearings before turning back to Constantine. “What did i just agree to?”
“Not much.” Constantine said dryly. “Just being the foster dad to the Ghost King. King of the Infinite Realm.”
Well… It wasn’t the first time he’d adopted a teenager. Batman just reaffirmed his plans for the rest of the day and turned to change back into his civilian attire and head back up into his mansion. He needed to talk to Alfred immediately.
“Better you than me…” Constantine grumbled. This was going to be pure chaos, but he also had to wonder…what it was that spooked the kid that defeated Pariah Dark? That was something to look into.
Neither man had noticed when Tim had walked in, having watched most of that interaction from a safe distance away. “What the absolute fuck was that....?” 
~~ ~~
I would really kind of enjoy a 16 year old Danny meeting and bonding with a 19 year old Jason… Also… Constantine texting Bruce the very moment he lays eyes on Danny. Yep! This kid is totally Wayne material. He’ll mix in with the others seamlessly.
No plans to continue this at this point if someone else wants a turn. 
~Edit- I apparently lied...  Part 2  
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DP X DC AU Danny & The Little Dead Girl
(title pending lol, Danny and Curare adventures pt 2!) Pt 1 here My AU art
Monday comes, as it is won't to do, and Danny has to go to school which means the baby halfa has to come to school too.
" ok, so, one rule for today, big rule, you gotta be quiet in class. Uh-"
Danny pulls his phone out of his pocket as their bus hits a pot hole. Sitting right at the front means they catch the momentum first and he has to hold Curaré against his side lest she go flying into the aisle.
A couple voices grumble behind them at the jostling as Danny gets his text to speech open.
" Necessitas ser quieto en clase. ¿Entiendes?" The Google robot lady voice translates for him.
Curaré blinks at him from behind her little paper face mask and looks from the phone to him curiously.
This is the game they've been playing since last night, Danny says something in English robo lady repeats it in Spanish.
Danny doesn't know if Curaré understands how the phone speaks or even that it does but she's giving him her favorite little blank expression so he assumes she gets it. At least, she hasn't really disagreed or disobeyed anything he's asked of her yet so...not gonna look that gift horse in the mouth Danny boy!
School goes well, mostly.
They get through the metal detectors and bag checks at the front entrance just fine. The security guards barely glance at Curaré once they confirm she isn't hiding a Glock or something under her shirt. Which it's kinda sad to know gun control is a cross-dimensional American problem but it's on brand if nothing else Danny thinks.
They get to first period without stopping at Danny's locker and settle down in two desks by the back door. This is Danny's usual spot, well usual as of a month ago, it's mostly empty back here now but Danny used to have a seat partner.
(A seat partner who had a kind of shady tweaker vibe that Danny would have been worried about but that kid went home early one day and never came back so....it's Curaré's seat now.)
The little dead girl looks even littler sat in the desk-chair combo, she can barely see over the top. Danny stacks three dictionaries under her for a boost then he gets her set up with some pencils and paper and the single highlighter he found on the floor his first day here.
Curaré seems vaguely interested in his offerings ,after Danny shows her how to use them to mark the page, and starts creating cautious marks of her own.
She keeps glancing back up at Danny as if to confirm that this is still fine? And he nods his head every time trying to be encouraging as it becomes obvious that nobody taught this kid to write inside Fosters Home for Real life Assassins. Which Danny thinks is poor planning on there part because really? If your Assassin can't write how the fuck were they supposed to leave ominous threatening warnings? Or fake suicide notes? Or any number of written props to flesh out a cover story.
Whatever, obviously the assassins raising Curaré sucked ass all around so he can't say he's surprised but he is majorly disappointed.
As the bell rings for first period a whole slew of teens rush in ahead of the teacher Mr. Berk. Simple guy, grey beard, coke bottle glasses, smells like Vics vapor rub, the works.
He's like the most chilled out version of Mr. Lancer ever so he's alright in Danny's books. Plus he only has one "rule", as long as your butt is in your seat by the time he calls your name for attendance he won't mark you late. In Gotham, where everyone and their brother has enough late marks from shitty public transportion to get detention, it's a pretty sweet rule.
So Mr. Berk takes attendance like usual and only pauses on Danny and Curaré in the back for a brief moment.
Curaré stops drawing and stares down Mr. Berk like he's the T rex from Jurassic park. Frozen in place and without breaking eye contact. He stares back at her completely unphased.
" A small visitor then?" He says.
Danny nods. " My sister"
" Mhm" Mr. Berk says already moving on to the next student on his roster.
Danny breathes out huge sigh of relief, that was so much easier then he expected.
They more or less repeat this exchange the whole day. Mondays suck ass because it's one of the only days Danny actually has all 6 periods, but they make it through 1st, 2nd, and nutrition unscathed.
By lunch time Danny thinks they might actually be home free, if no one is gonna bring up the whole freaking child tagging along with him then he can probably just bring her with him everyday.
Maybe he can find her some work books and she can learn the alphabet? And addition? That's like on track for 4 year olds right? Danny can't remember being 4 but that feels right to him. He will educate the child in his care like the responsible almost adult he is. She will go to college!
At lunch Danny sits them at the back of the school right next to the teachers lounge because it's mostly deserted.
In Danny's exprience the best place to hide is in plain sight. He's been sitting here everyday since he enrolled himself and the teachers have never noticed him. Their way too busy trying to get any kind of break from teaching high schoolers to be concerned.Which Danny is greatful for because he has broken the rule about using his cell phone at lunch 50 times at this point.
Listen he has to do universe research when he has access to wifi! Which he only does at school. The administration should be glad he's using his lunch period to educate himself really.
So they eat by the lounge. Danny has Curaré face away from the door so she can take off her face mask and eat unencumbered.The cut on her face is still gnarly, it looks an almost enflamed purple as it tries it's best to heal.
Danny had given Curaré a little immuno-boost with his own ecto the night before to try to speed up her healing factor. But like any Halfa, basically just Danny's personal experience, you have to nourish the ghost half and the human half in equal parts to heal all the way.
It's not until home room, period 6/7, that the metaphorical straw breaks the metaphorical camels back. or the real straw to the metaphorical camel? Did camels even carry straw? where would it go? Between there humps? Not important Fenton!
Home room was a grade A disaster.
Mr. Perez, Danny's kind of ancient home room teacher, who was for almost all intents and purposes blind, had a freaking nose for trouble. It's like he could sniff out vapes and cell phones as soon as they hit the stale class air. Danny thought this would be the easiest class by far, Mr. Perez wouldn't even see Curaré let alone smell her.
And at first it seems like he doesnt, Mr. Perez takes attendance and skips right over Danny and Curaré with no fanfare.
Danny thinks that's the end of it and starts to breathe easy until 15 minutes before the final bell when Mr. Perez' TA asks him to step into the hallway with her for a second.
Danny generally liked Mr. Perez's TA, her name was Sabrina Kahn and she was the kind of girl Jazz would have hung out with.Straight laced, wore argyle cardigans, read books, the smart sort. She looked Jazz's age too, maybe 21ish and she always rolled her eyes when people gave dumb answers in class.
She looks a little embarrassed to be speaking to Danny which immediately sets him on edge.
" It's okay that you brought your little sister today but, I'm sorry, you won't be able to do that again. A bunch of your teachers made complaints with the front office and Mr. Perez got a call about it ..."
Sabrina had always been nice to him and now she was about to ruin his whole week.
" But Ms. Kahn-" Danny started.
She gave him a sympathetic look " Lemme guess, your parents can't take her to work so this was the next best option?"
Danny closed his mouth and nodded, that was actually a much better lie then he was gonna tell, thank you Ms. Kahn. ( But also Boooooo curse you Ms. Kahn!)
" Here, I know it can be hard to find childcare for metas, especially ones as ah-vibrant as your sister. My brother had the same trouble with my nephew."
Sabrina hands Danny a flyer, it's still warm from the printer, it looks like it's just a screenshot of an email.
The TA rolls her eyes, wow a lot like Jazz then.
" It's the address to that daycare and a referral. They only take kids by word of mouth, they're kind of... off the books. But their good people! I hope they can help you Danny."
The paper is on off yellow, as Ms.Kahn heads back into homeroom Danny feels all his hope go with her. Shit, what was he gonna do now? He looks through the little glass window in the door to the back where Curaré sits, she's already watching him. He tries to smile at her, be reassuring, he's not sure it works.
When the bell finally rings Danny picks Curaré up and puts her on his hip to avoid her being crushed by the rush of high schoolers who stampede out the door in front of them.
The flyer from Ms. Kahn feels like it's burning a hole through his pocket as they ride the bus towards the Narrows.
Danny cased the house from the flyer with maps street view as well as he could. It showed a skinny sublet house across from a small strip mall and laundrymat.
Inconspicuous sure, maybe even innocent looking but well...you could never tell in Gotham, all the buildings looked sort of evil by default. It was probably because of the gargoyles and the general low level stink fog that seemed to always be out.
The big city™ really made Danny miss the suburbs of Amity Park more then just the regular gut wrenching home sickness. Oh what'd he'd give to take a deep breath of air and not inhale the smell of piss when he walked down the street.
They get off the bus at the corner a block from the daycare.
Danny holds Curaré's hand which makes for slow going but seems like the right thing to do. She's never wandered off but Danny didn't want to give her the opportunity to either.
As he helped her climb the three short stairs up to the house Danny was suddenly hit with a wave of panic.
What the fuck am I doing? Am I really gonna take care of this freaking Halfa ghost baby for the next 18 years? Im not even an adult! I work weekends at BatBurger for minimum wage WTF?
Danny's hands began to sweat and his stomach cramped. Oh fuck, here was the existential crisis he'd been waiting for since he first decided to take Curaré from the leagues super secret baby basement.
Oh shit he couldn't breathe, what was he gonna do! OH fuck think!
What would jazz do? Call child services and offer psychological support. Not Uber helpful in this case Danny didn't know the first thing about psychology and Gotham CPS was actual prison.
What would Sam do? Assassin babies are hella counter culture but maybe find a cool rich eccentric family to adopt them? Nope, not gonna work Danny only knew one eccentric rich girl and she was a whole dimension away. FUCK THINK FENTON!
What would Tucker do? In this situation ask Google, homeschooling is big these days so maybe if you leave her in the apartment while your gone with an iPad-
" Hey you alright there dude, can I help you?"
Danny choked on the end of his anxiety panic badbadbad spiral and looked up.
The front door to the house was open and just inside the threshold stood a younger teen, maybe 16? With the kind of fade haircut Tucker always whined he couldn't pull off and a bright yellow hoodie.
Danny held his breathe for a moment making sure he felt it burn up his lungs and throat before letting out a big sigh.
" Yeah, yeah sorry kinda zoned out there I'm just uh kinda nervous I was told to come here for Daycare help for my little sister?"
Curaré looked at the stranger in the doorway with the same wide eyed blankness she stared at everything with. Funnily enough she was still holding Danny's hand, had held on through Danny's entire mental meltdown too despite the ecto sweat. Danny felt oddly touched by the gesture, even if it was more likely that the little girl wasn't bothered by his crisis then her being sympathetic.
The teen in the Yellow Hoodie raised an eyebrow at Danny as he fumbled the paper from Ms. Kahn out of his pocket to hand over.
Yellow Hoodie took it and looked between it, him, and Curaré.
" You're not a cop right? You have to tell us if you're a cop"
Danny made a face, " no, I'm not a cop! I would never be a cop, cops suck."
" Right." Yellow Hoodie said still suspicious " So you wouldn't mind if I called your referral up?"
" Be my guest dude."
The teen pulled out his phone and made sure to keep steady eye contact with Danny. Who could do nothing except not look away during this, the world's most impromptu staring contest, until Yellow Hoodie put his phone away.
" Just wanted to see if you were bluffing. Sabrina called earlier said she'd sent someone our way but you can never be too careful. Come on in. "
Danny felt the wind go out of his sails for the second time that day, what was with people and making him anticipate the worst.
The inside of the house was old, homey, but old. It had very obviously been well lived in by a few generations of children, easy to see from the scuffed floors, chipped crown molding, and the sheer number of framed photos that hung on the walls.
There were signs of new life about too, some toys scattered on the floor, walls that were covered in butcher paper and crayon as high as little hands could reach, and oddly enough some scorch marks. Although, Danny's supposed that an unlicensed daycare for meta kids worth it's salt ought to have a least a few burn marks. For posterity if nothing else.
" I'm Duke, I volunteer here when I can but the place is run by the Mariscos, Mrs. Marisco specifically. She's been in the game for a long time" Duke nee yellow hoodie said as he stopped them in front of a closed door.
The hand made sign on the door said Office in nice scribbly lettering and it was hung on with a peg and twine. Real kitschy.
Danny could just make out the sounds of kids playing in another part of the house and was a little impressed that Duke had managed to keep Danny from seeing even one tiny tot during the impromptu house tour.
" I gotta go help Izzy with the kids, this is Mrs.Mariscos' office just knock before you go in, she might be on the phone."
Duke nodded to Danny, smiled down at Curaré and disappeared down the hallway.
Leaving Danny and Curaré alone in front of a closed door once again.
Danny looked down at Curaré and she looked up at him, she was characteristically silent.
" This feels like a job interview, did you bring your resume? "
Curaré blinked.
" Yeah, me neither. But I think if we both give her puppy eyes maybe our combined under aged-ness will activate her maternal instincts and she'll be forced to accept us?"
The nerves were back, they had never really left but now they had settled like a rock at the pit of Danny's stomach.
He couldn't bring himself to knock on that office door just yet so he fussed over Curaré instead. Kneeling down he straightened the collar of Curaré's hooded jacket and moveed her little backpack strap back up her shoulder where it had slipped.
" We got this. It's you and me now remember, even if this blows and you have to come to school with me for the rest of year it's you and me." Danny rested his hands on little shoulders and hung his head. " Jeez, I sound like my mom"
"No need to be so nervous Mijo! My Chiqis never met a kid she could turn away."
Danny's neck had never snapped up so fast in his life.
Curaré hadn't been looking up at him at all. No, Curaré was staring up towards the elderly woman floating near the ceiling.
Which was not great, because Danny for all the time had spent in Gotham had never seen another ghost. Not a single one.
Which was unsettling on its own but not bad per se, he'd thought maybe this dimension was just different, not enough spectral energy to manifest a ghostly body.
But no, again nope, this was so much worse.
No ghosts was easy enough to reationalize but one ghost? One ghost meant there was enough spectral energy, one ghost meant something was really really wrong with Gotham.
Because if there was only one ghost in a crime ridden pissed off city like this where the shit were all the others?
Yo! Just wanted to say thank u for all the support on part 1, did not expect people to like or care about it lol. Anyway back on bullshit, I've had this written for a while but didn't have the insp to post it until now.
Might write more, might not, you get one bat cameo for reading this time ur welcome.
Forgot to add this to the first post, it's in the reblogs, but TLDR Curaré is an assassin from batman beyond.
Note: if you wanna see cool art for this AU check the Danny and the little dead girl tag on my blog!
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cerastes · 6 days
Okay, Hades 2!
Supergiantgames does it again. It’s still Early Access, but it has more polish and content than a lot of fully released games on its price point and higher. Of course, all this content would not matter if it wasn’t good. It’s good. From gameplay to voice acting to sound design to music to graphics and visual elements, Hades 2 is airtight. There’s one exception we’ll discuss, but otherwise, it’s incredibly well crafted.
So far, there’s only one instance in the game I can say needs some important improvements: The second phase of the Tartarus boss, Chronos, who is an end boss. Not in terms of difficulty, mind you, it’s in terms of visual clarity: There’s so many lights and particle effects that making out what’s up can be frustrating, especially when Chronos hits you anywhere from 20~ to 35 damage, or, you know, his 1000 damage practical instakill. The instakill is HEAVILY telegraphed and easy to deal with, almost trivial, but in the concerto of lights and fireworks, it’s possible to miss one or two seconds of Going To The Don’t Die space and getting mulched. That’s not a big problem, it’s just a user experience issue that you just internalize after a few tries and some short term frustration. What IS an issue is Chronos using the Liu Kang flying kick from midst an incomprehensible mishmash of light graphics and taking out 25 HP plus forcing you to reposition in a fight that’s quite lengthy and in a game that’s stingy with its HP.
They don’t need to meddle with his difficulty! They just need to make the second phase easier to parse. It’s a great fight otherwise.
On the Melinoë end of things, some boons and weapons feel like they could use a touch-up: The Torches let you keep shooting while you dodge and move (movement speed reduced), for example, and you NEED to keep shooting to activate Omega Attack which is what actually does damage. But it’s a big commitment because now your defense option is also doubly important as your main movement tool AND your i-frames. This is all really cool! Except the damage does not at all make up for it in a game where the Torches’ linear nature hurt it more than help it, as enemies don’t line up and instead go around each other or otherwise have specialized movement and attack options. The Axe, with its wide sweeps, does pretty much all the Torches want to do, with a lot more damage and less risk. The Aspects of the Torches would try to help: Moros can be nifty, but the ghosts the Moros Torches shoot are physical objects to each other, so they pile up and soon your shots just collide with each other and don’t reach the enemy. It’s a constant tug o’ war with detonating them with Special, which, again, fun, but you have to set up real Hellzone Grenades before they are truly damaging. Basically, a ton of effort for damage I can easily get more safely and easily with other Arms. Which I hope they address, because I like the Torches.
Hestia’s boon is a bit underwhelming, but that’s expected from the DoT build, those are always the hardest to balance. Dionysius in Hades 1 was really strong. Hestia here has potential but ultimately falls off hard because no matter how much you build, it always ticks at 40 per second. That’s very low DPS for Boons that otherwise add no Attack%. With Sister Blades, I can rack up 600 Scorch and it’s still better if I grab Aphrodite instead and do that much damage in a few attacks instead.
And you know what you are seeing here in these paragraphs? Very easily tweaked things in a game in Early Access by a developer known to deliver. I am not worried at all. This game kicks ass.
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aikoiya · 2 months
A DP au idea
A scholar just recently arrived at Amity Park because of a newspaper show 2 ghost that exactly look like the 2 being that is shown through the ancient art and stories that even the most knowledgeable scholar wanting to know about, and that newspaper went to their house in Norfolk and while He could send other to investigate, he felt like investigate it himself as he have some knowledge about the being called ecto ghost from his ex (who got his information from his brother for some reason?)and leave his chapter librarian in charge of the house while the scholar leaves.
After arriving at Amity Park, the scholar looked around the town and, after confusing some locals with his Irish accent, found that the ancient ghosts are called phantom and plasmius(good) and that they are Enemies (weird) and they appear when the ghost first appeared at Amity Park (wait what?)and their defense (aside phantom) is Fenton family and that give the scholar deja vu and before he thinks of this, suddenly ghosts appeared as they causing trouble and a ghost that obsessed with box pressing him and the scholar saw phantom appear and fighting ghost and capturing them into a thermo (for some reason) and before he went after phantom to ask questions, the box ghost distract him and phantom goes away to capture more ghosts, the scholar stand there staring at box ghost and calm down, breath though his nose, and flick his finger through the ghost head using his solar sorcery to give box ghost extreme pain for causing stupidity and walk to the Fenton work to ask questions about ghosts and both phantom and plasmius.
After going to the Fenton work the scholar see a man talking to.... Wait.... No... No no no NO NONO NO NOOOOOOOOOO. Occam stands there, blank eyes ,thinking about his life choices and what goes wrong with it as he got one question for god......
It's actually the continuing post about DPx HTP about Occam O'Connell (hope you watch episode 4) went to Amity Park to investigate phantom and plasmius, the same time the previous dpxhtp post take place, and saw, his ex, Big-D and (unknown to Occam) his brother Jack Fenton. What do you think about my April FOOL and do you get the hint that the scholar is Occam before the reveal?
Funny you should mention it. I literally just got finished watching it!
It was fun! I enjoyed it! Also, Occam was great. I really enjoyed him, but I'm so sad that Lord Fatique was massacred like that.
Anyway, I actually first thought it was from D's perspective, but as soon as Solar magic was mentioned, I was like, "wait... YES!!"
I just love Occam's character & I love the sort of sorcery he uses!
Also, I think that the prank was actually interesting & it could actually make for a fun feature of your story.
Also, my brother told me that Mages bend reality, but they do it through rituals that requires skill & uses components. The way you described them, it sounded more like they could just think of what they wanted & make it so without any sort of preparation. If that's not the case, then I like them the way he described it!
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pencileraser1 · 3 months
pencil eraser one. you word your long posts about dps very well so im pointing my frustration with media-ly illiterate people in your direction. im constantly seething with rage at this podcast episode i listened to a very long time ago abt dps bc they said neils suicide was STUPID and OVERDRAMATIC. and i just. i wanna throw up that boy killed himself and ur calling himnoverdramatic what do i even do. i am high a little and this is very much affecting me i cant get up from this couch 🎀
you're completely correct for this i actually have a few thoughts about this so uh bear with me for a second
theres something that sucks so much about this specific type of criticism of this movie in particular to me because of how much i relate to neil. i watched dps for the first time when i was 17, severely depressed and borderline suicidal and i related So Much to him. i didn't write off his suicide or criticize it because i'd Been There.
generally i feel like this criticism probably stems from lack of understanding Why he would do what he did, and there's a number of reasons that that this could be although that would be leaning a bit too much into psychoanalysis and assuming things i don't know about them so i'm not going to go into it really
up until it happens, neil seems like he's doing mostly okay, and particularly if you haven't seen the movie before i could see how to certain people his suicide might seem overdramatic since it's a bit of a sudden shift from mostly okay to suicidal. but the thing is that up until this point, neil has just been doing a very good job at hiding that something is wrong.
my interpretation of the movie has always been that he'd struggled with some form of depression as well as dealing with some amount of suicidal ideation before the movie and had just generally been good at masking it. during the events of the movie he is the happiest he has ever been because of the combination of the poets, acting, and keating. so when at the end of the play his father suddenly takes away all three, and his options are either to confront his father (something that he feels is impossible to do- even if it technically isn't, the fear he has surrounding it of his father listening but not caring, or making things worse than the are, or anything else, prevents him from doing it) or suffer through 10 years of medical school away from anything he actually cares about, he decides to remove himself from the situation entirely instead.
(theres something about the way his suicide is framed within the movie where in some fucked up way his suicide more than anything else is his carpe diem. he's seizing control of his life in the only way he is physically capable of anymore)
neil's suicide isn't rational but that doesn't mean it doesn't make sense or that he's overdramatic. just because logically waiting out the 10 years until he's away from his dad or leaving as soon as he graduates high school or turns 18 or whatever it is is a better option doesn't mean that 1. he'd have the idea to run away early or more importantly think it doable (he tries so hard to not directly disobey his father the whole movie and after doing it one time is now stuck in This situation, additionally, while this is the 50's and in general shit costed less/jobs were easier to get/etc. he is financially dependent on his father and running away without any support is not the smartest decision) and 2. that he'd be physically capable of enduring the 10 years. because 10 years is a long time Especially if it's 10 years studying to become a doctor, something that is both generally difficult and also something he Doesn't Want To Do. and so the sudden switch from happiest time of his life to suicidal throws people off and they don't understand why he wouldn't have done any of the other options that they thing are the logical ones but to him probably didn't seem physically possible.
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Y'all bear with me on my bad phone pictures and excessive notes lmao, but, uh, ask and you shall receive.
Here's my concept art for Jason in my fic Imprint, where he's a halfa and Danny's biological dad and the king father/king regent? of the infinite realms.
Here's the first ever sketch I did somewhere around chapter 2 or 3:
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Featuring larval Ghost!Jason, Pit madness/Lazarus Water and little bitty Ghost!Danny.
I was already thinking about the possibility of a crown but didn't know what to do with it yet so I just left a halo as a placeholder DBZ-style, which you'll see in the next few concept stages until I finish the latest one.
Ah, the oldest concept I had for the Pit is that it laid dormant in Jason's mind and would physically pull itself out of his head, which is why it's kind of half melded with Jason's helmet in this one. And I'm still kind of considering that idea, but I'm leaning more towards it coming from the bulk of Jason's body instead, as we see it in chapter 8 of Imprint when readers get to see Jason's ghost nonsense from an outside perspective. They (the Pit) is definitely more tiger-like now, and you'll catch a glimpse of a sketch dump where I'm trying to get a handle on tiger shape language (?). They'll still be water based and colored like the pits/a lagoon. It may be hard to picture- just trust me.
Uhhh let's see....the "lantern ribcage" is a part of the design that's really important to me so you'll see me consistently playing with it as I go through these early concepts. That's his core nestled in the lower part of his ribs, visible but protected behind the iron cage of his bones.
I wanted to incorporate Jason's helmet and other parts of his vigilante/hero uniforms in his ghost form since that part of his life is deeply personal to him.
I also knew that I wanted him to have a very monstrous aspect to his design- and I can't resist slapping pointy teeth on any of my concepts that deviate from being strictly human. So those aren't going away. Nostrils to breathe smoke and fire so Jason can better emote with most of his face being metal.
Danny's default ghost form, opposed to Jason's will still kinda be the one he has in his original dimension- black and white suit and the classic DP symbol on the chest, but probably better armored and with a bat emblem thrown in somewhere. So thats what I drew him with here- though little kid sized, with an added black streak in his hair to complete the inverse of the Lazarus Pit streak he has in human form.
In ghost form, when Jason needs precision, his go-to weapon will be the All Blades, which I have kinda illustrated here.
I may kinda set the bones of this design aside to use as a more humanoid ghost form that's closer to his living form, but that's still up in the air.
Here's concept 2, which I did on chapter...5? I think? Which is when I decided I wanted to make Jason's most comfortable ghost form to be kinda big and outrageous:
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This one's got some notes doodled around it- but I'll type them out in case you can't read my handwriting.
Jason was definitely leaning more toward dragon (and I'm still trying to find the balance between dragon and phoenix that works nicely for him, but we're getting there.)
I decided not to put heat pits on his face recently so that the parts of his head modeled after the helmet are smooth metal armor. I tried to elongate the head but still keep the lines of his helmet in the design.
This is also the first time I started messing with horns- which have been bent in just about every direction at this point trying to make them mesh well with the rest of his design. The uppermost notes in the image mention basing the shape of his horns off of one of his weapons. I thought that the flaming all blades would just be overkill at that point and decided to play with using the Kris knife he gets from the League. Which is....still overkill but it's less fire to draw, so we'll call it a even. There is also a note on my decision to make his horns into a pair only because of being Bruce's second son and the second Robin. (I have put way too much fucking thought into this if you haven't figured that out already).
Tried a different look for the teeth and ended up scrapping it.
I also started leaning more into making his back look as messed up as possible at this point and started thinking of the....mountain range in plated rows like a croc's back.
And here's concept 3, which also starts playing with colors and the all-tail, no-legs look that I decided to stick with:
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This is definitely the biggest jump between concepts so far and was sketched up while writing chapter 7, which I think is the first time we get to experience his ghost forms (there's 2 that we saw in that chapter).
So I continued to smooth and lengthen the head and tried a different thing with the teeth- which I kept. I also felt a lot better about the lines from the helmet with this concept. I tried curling his kris knife horns forward, trying to play with their form. Those have changed since.
This is the first time I added hair, but it's hard to see. He, like Danny, has an inversed streak of black at the front of his 'do to reflect the Lazarus stripe.
Again with the halo placeholder because I was still on the fence about the crown. Started trying to make the mountains of his spine more volcanic looking. Don't know if I'm keeping that or not yet.
So the three major differences between this and it's predecessors is the 1) mantle of smoke that is constantly being expelled from his body that is supposed to imitate a kinds cloak/mantle; 2) the tail, which has since been changed into a fiery tail instead of a ghostly one; and 3) I slapped his Robin 'R' from the movie UTRH on him to make this form more...him, I guess, and also to make Bruce cry like a baby.
So the things that I have changed is the ribcage, the shape of the horns, the crown (which finally has a rough design and a name based on the fight he has to win to earn it- yes, I already have that arc scribbled out and will most likely be adding it into the story) and I added some extra stuff to the face to match the written descriptions in Imprint.
SO. -Claps hands together- I'd love to hear your thoughts on everything, and I am always interested in hearing how y'all have interpreted these characters for yourselves.
If this is something you want me to do again with other character designs, let me know and I will. I am working on Jason, of course, and the Pit, Frankie boy, Danny's big long boi form, Gotham and some other odds and ends.
(Whoops forgot tags again)
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lexosaurus · 2 years
Ok I'm making this its own post because I don't want it to clog up the intended lighthearted post I made yesterday.
But as my friends in the phandom and I have now entered our mid/late 20's and early 30's, and are now entering serious, long term relationships, the conversation of "do we tell our partners we like Danny Phantom/make content for Danny Phantom?" are turning into rather serious and interesting discussions. And from talking to people, it's interesting to see the mix of responses.
Some people I've talked to, especially people who date other creatives, have seemingly no problem opening up about their DP hobby with their partner. Others, myself included, are much more protective of their hobby.
But one trend I've found really interesting, and again this is ENTIRELY anecdotal, is that of the people I've talked to, it seems to be that the writers of the phandom, especially those who have written angst/dissection fics, are especially hesitant to tell their partners that they 1. like Danny Phantom and are into phandom stuff, and 2. that they write fanfiction. On the other hand—again, this is anecdotal—the artists of the phandom that I've spoken to tend to lean more on the side of "yeah my partner knows I draw DP fan art idgaf."
THIS IS JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION, but as a writer who is in a serious adult relationship who also has written some horrific angst and is dating a Straight Dude™️ who when I jokingly said "there was only one bed" looked at me like I had grown two heads, I think that the hesitancy comes from really a place of fear that if your partner ever found your fanfiction, they would think you are deeply mentally disturbed and need therapy.
Because, especially for those who do not write or read, a lot of people don't really associate grimdark or angst or whump or whatever the fuck terminology it is, with purely creative entertainment. They can watch a show like Game of Thrones and see people get tortured, raped, and gutted on screen and not think the writers or directors of that show are weird because it's a TV show, it's just entertainment for the public. But when someone does the same thing but posts it online for free under fanfiction—aka is not making money off of it and is showcasing their personal hobby—then people tend to worry about that writer's mental health because why else would they want to write this dark shit if they weren't mentally ill? It couldn't POSSIBLY be for the same reason I like watching GOT, there MUST be something wrong with them.
So when a dp writer has to explain why they personally enjoy Danny Phantom, it can be really hard to admit because those fears sort of swirl around your brain. Whereas for visual media, admitting you like drawing glowy ghost art for an old cartoon appears to be a bit easier.
Again, this is just my personal anecdotal observation there will always be exceptions to this I am NOT speaking on behalf of everyone thank you 🙏
Also I'm really curious from both writers and artists in the phandom to hear your experiences with this and whether or not you've told partners that you do fan art/write fanfiction for DP.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Tiny Not Sober AUs for DC/DP to encourage my hyper fixation:
1) Jack Fenton is the time traveling clone/son of both Superman and Batman. An organization mixed their DNA. A scientist felt guilty about raising a baby to be a weapon so they stole the baby. Would have given them over to the heroes. Didn’t happen. Baby got lost in time to become Jack. He’s thrilled learning this when it comes out after the organization is exposed and the heroes look for the baby.
2) Okay so I read a fic where Maddie is the one gunho about dissection and stuff while Jack FREAKS out, saving his son. I wanna use that idea and have Jack discover Danny is Phantom when he was walks into the lab to find his wife HURTING THEIR KID. He stops her, learns everything, tries to help his son and is forced to knock Maddie out. He takes Danny and Jazz, running to Gotham to protect them because Jazz was also locked up because Maddie learned she is liminal. Jack meets a very nice man who runs a club he works as a bouncer for while keeping his kids safe. His kids were making friends and his boss was awesome about the fake ID stuff. Now if only that furry wasn’t breaking things at the club and his son’s ghost enemies didn’t follow him
3) I latched onto Jack. I don’t know why. But okay so Jack and Maddie get divorced after the portal thing because they found Danny going into it, freaked and Maddie didn’t take it well. Jack refuses to let her hurt him and divorces her. Her claiming her son is half ghost, evil and must be destroyed gets held up in court.
Then Phantom shit happens and everyone figures it out really early. Maddie is keeping the portal open and shit. I’m a little not sober as I write this so… I will expand later if asked. Jack decides he needs to call up his old friend from college he made before he got into ghosts: Barry Allen, forensics scientist. Why? “Oh he’s the Flash. The guy was BAD at hiding it. Like super bad.”
*proceeds to not see that Vlad is evil until Danny spells it out* “ah. Oh maybe it’s cause we dated.”
Cue record scratch and insanity.
4) Ellie out of nowhere rapidly gets sick. Trans!Danny needs to mix her DNA with someone else’s or she’ll die. He panics and uses a random DNA sample from the ghost zone cause there’s a ghost there with an obsession for science he was visiting. The DNA is of either: Tim or Dick.
Ellie gets deaged to newborn and Danny freaks out. Of course now he’s aware he needs to tell the other parent cause it’s be fucking rude otherwise. Luckily, he had slept with the other ‘parent’ long enough it fits. Danny has some help acting as if it was a pregnancy out of nowhere. As in ‘didn’t notice at all’. Mostly doctors help faking it and some illusions.
He then contacts the other dad.
Or: Ellie’s orb gets absorbed and now Danny has to give birth so he seduces the other person so Ellie can have two dads. Or he just has to find someone to do that with?!?
5) … I have a thing about pregnancy fics and kid stories but like: some rouge kidnaps trans!Danny cause his DNA was in the system after his parents had him and Jazz be put into it before he went ghost. Why? Cause Jack was worried that his connection to his cousin Clark would be discovered. Because Jack knew Clark was Superman and worried. (Also: this AU has the parents knowing from the get go cause I keep trying to find a fic like that, with good parents.)
But so like I did some bitty gritty research on this but fuck it its a world with ghosts and superheroes. I don’t care if it doesn’t match with reality. Danny’s DNA has him being riven to be a genetically compatible person to one of the bat kids. Like any child born from them would be the ‘perfect’ specimen or bled or whatever. So now Danny got snatched and pregnant and the Batfam saves him cause Jack calls up his cousin. They find out and it’s chaos.
6) Trans!Danny is the twin of Damian cause I’ve only seen it once but the sentance: you picked a name for yourself but go by another is stuck in my head and also the shenanigans of Damian learning his twin survived, is really a boy and all is fun. Bonus: Ellie is a baby so Damian is convinced he’s an uncle.
He’s not wrong.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
how does one approach toron mine 7? even after the nerf i can't seem to make it work
Alright so here's the thing, even after the nerf (and the nerf is huge by the way, at Danger Level 20 enemies used to have +160% higher max HP and +20% more DEF than they do now) Toron mine is still a lot of bullshit entirely due to its stage design and enemy comps being a brutal mix.
To make life easier, I strongly suggest bringing at least one of the three gods of Toron Mine. These are: Leizi, Suzuran, and Goldenglow.
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All three of them have the same strategy: equip S2, then stack 5 Snipers with equipment A to get +200 ASPD for them to use (Leizi will need Module Level 2 as well.)
Goldenglow has the widest range and very high damage with her RES ignore and drone crits, Suzuran hits 3 targets at once while slowing and inflicting a 20% fragile debuff on slowed enemies, while Leizi with a level 2 module is just legitimately one of THE strongest carries in SSS, her bouncing attacks, slows, gigantic +150% ATK on S2M3, and her module recharging SP on unblocked enemies make her recharge extremely quickly.
Just one of these three can carry your team to the boss, but having all of them in the squad with a proper amount of snipers is the easiest way I can think of for scoring Toron Mine's secret medal.
Now on to Toron mine LT-7 itself. This map is a killbox, and needs you to set up in a particular way so that everyone in the stage specifically attacks inside that killbox.
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The black lines show the enemy routes, red arrows show possible ranged damage placements, green arrows for crowd control placements, and orange for a melee operator that has a wide AOE attack such as Mlynar S3, Gavial S2, Tequila S2, etc. I've also included the Ifrit tile in case you are using Ifrit (block as necessary), though I wouldn't recommend bringing her from the start since she's not quite as good in the previous stages.
Here are a few things to note:
The top lane goes first. These enemies are going to be mostly Breakers who are super speedy, so it's important that you either set up a ground defense early, or can full stack 5 snipers and get that upper left red arrow set up immediately (I recommend placing Leizi here if you have her.) Take note that regenerating junkmen will join the Breakers eventually in this lane.
The leftmost green arrow is the optimal place to put Suzuran with S2. Take note that Suzu will still need to charge her S2, so it's not wise to set her up as the first damage unit as these Breakers WILL come in droves and run fast,
The right green arrow is a place where any ground unit with an AOE attack like Mudrock can slap at the enemies passing by, but a really strong pick here is Ethan, whose bind can really save your ass, especially when he has ASPD buffs.
The rightmost red arrow needs the biggest amount of Arts damage. This is where I put my Goldenglow, though other Arts DPS options can work as well. The bottom lane only comes into play in the latter half of the stage, but after the usual Breakers, you will see Demolitionists cross here. These are the biggest threat of the stage, as their large base DEF gets turbo high when buffed by Danger levels, and their attacks can deal AOE splash damage and kill your ranged units as well (which is why I advocate for not blocking the bottom lane and simply trying to control it)
If you happen to be able to spare the extra resources (like say, you got super lucky in the card draw and set up your ranged damage and control easily), this is where the orange arrow comes in. Liberators are my favoritechoice here as they're extremely DP cheap while also being blockless when not attacking (and thus not being murdered by the breakers and junkmen), though someone like Gavial the Invincible or even a second specialist like Mizuki can do wonders. I like buffing them with guard equipment B (+20% ATK and +20 ASPD) to get that ASPD boost.
This stage is bullshit, prepare for Breaker waves early.
Bottom lane spawns Demolitionists (Defense Crushers with exploding hammers), plan Arts DPS accordingly.
Try to set up the ranged DPS in order: the top leftmost red arrow (make sure it can kill the top lane waves), then the leftmost green arrow, then the rightmost red arrow. Improvise your defenses until you can create a killbox with those three units.
Let me know if you need more help!
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frayed-symphony · 10 months
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Since Twitter might not be a thing for much longer I wanted to move the trivia threads for my picture books to tumblr.
OC lore dump and sketches for my first self-published picture book Hurricane Lane under the cut;
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The number one thing I'm worried about is people thinking my book is related to the hurricane of the same name. I wrote this in 2010-2011 which predates it and the title is meant to convey Amelia's life in her suburban town and how she views it more dramatically then it is.
The name was also inspired by this beautiful song by The Hush Sound which I was listening to a lot whilst concepting and really influenced aesthetics (more subdued colour, the inclusion of the piano being an important story point etc).
I started getting interested in children's illustration when I saw the Penguin Design Competition advertised at my uni in 2010. I didn't make the cut but figured I'd go ahead and finish my book anyway because at that point I was invested in my story and wanted to complete it.
The contest called for an ebook with interactive pages so I made Hurricane Lane have seven special pages of  'wonders' Amelia finds throughout her story. Unfortunately with flash player gone the interactions don't play but they're still found online here;
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I based Amelia's design on a Mii I had made which was supposed to represent a human Pikachu. You can see the Mii on the bottom left here. I really liked how it looked and she gradually evolved into what she is today.
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Initially the dinosaur suit that her brother has was going to be worn by Amelia but I preferred her without it and thus Bailey was born. The dinosaur itself was based on a purple stegosaurus keyring I had when I was younger and loved even though I had no keys at the time.
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Here are some more initial outfit designs for Amelia but in the end I went with the one on the right, inspired by Miku Hatsune's 'Out and About' module from Project Diva.
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The family's father Rupert was partly based on my own dad (definitely the dress sense) but in 2010 I was also really obsessed with the BBC show Merlin and may have tried to age up Colin Morgan a bit to make this character.
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The mother's design was a little based on my own Mother's and a little the title character of the film Amelié (she evolved beyond this quite early so there's not too striking a resemblence). I was also obsessed with the music in that film which inspired this book a lot.
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I kept it vague whether she worked at the hospital or was staying there as a patient because at the time I had an idea for an overarching narrative where the families of Hurricane Lane and 256 Postcards Ago meet. This didn't pan out so feel free to have your own interpretation.
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Here's some initial concepts of the logo which I was mostly scribbling during my Uni classes.
One more random tidbit is that I based the background of their journey home from the Toad's Turnpike track in Mario Kart 64. I really loved that game and it holds a lot of childhood memories for me so the nostalgia felt fitting. Maybe that's too weird to mention!
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Towards the end I was concepting the protagonists of Hurricane Lane and 256 Postcards Ago meeting in a connecting rpgmaker game but sadly that never came to be. I'll talk about it more in my thread for the next book though!
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I also made a little soundtrack for my book here
1) Kiara 2) Cornflake Girl 3) Indaco 4) La Valse D'Amelie 5) 春よ、来い (kites) 6) The Heart Asks Pleasure First 7) Lotus (dragon hunters) 8) Nightbook 9) Reverie 10) Hurricane
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I listened to these songs a lot while reading and the final track inspired the title.
And final last tidbit- Hurricane Lane takes place in my childhood hometown. It doesn't have too many standout locations but I took photos for background references and anyone who lives there may recognize the small nods to it.
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(Almost forgot links to where you can read my book) Amazon paperback; https://amazon.com/dp/1475009097 eBook; https://frayedsymphony.gumroad.com/l/LuNug
Thanks for reading!
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pluckysidekick · 2 years
OMG. We went 180 degrees from last week’s desert to this week’s paradise of riches in CW’s Nancy Drew land! We knew Larry Teng and the whole crew wouldn’t abandon us with the BTS content. After the seemingly epic filming of episode 6 when it was all quiet on the set last week, we’ve gotten hints from Kennedy and onset photos for Ep. 6, we’ve heard from exciting new ND writers, and saw some glimpses for Ep. 7 that’s filming right now. Let’s get into it!
I have to start with this incredible “team meeting” cast photo Kennedy posted in non-wardrobe from the Icarus Hall set. So happy to see them together, masks and all! Note Leah with her tablet, Maddison with her phone, Alex going old school with his yellow lined pad and pen, while Tunji and Kennedy are both like “I don’t need to write it down, I remember everything” 😂.
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Larry shared twin pics from (presumably) the Ep. 6 set of the women and men of the Drew Crew, and they are perfection.
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Nancy, Bess, and George having a heart to heart at the Claw is everything to me. I love these three together whether they are talking ghosts, relationships, career, family, or anything else. Also note the wardrobe, loving George’s yellow blazer and Docs especially. And of course, the Claw is closed, no customers as per usual!
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Seeing Ace and Nick together in action is just…no words. Love their looks, love the intensity, just the best two characters together. Of course we’re wondering what’s going on - are they dumpster diving? We saw George and Bess in front of a burned out van back in Ep. 3 - is there a junkyard theme this season 😂?
Ace’s shirt looks a lot like the one he wears in 2x15 (Tom Swift episode), and it’s also a very similar (but slightly different) to two earlier looks, the cast photo from Ep. 2 and the early morning pickups photo from Ep. 3? 4? (some kind of blue/green button down and white T-shirt combo). Coincidence, or is there something else timey wimey going on with Ace? BTW if anyone from production is reading, we’d love to see a nice colorful old man shirt for Ace in one of the eps (also thank you for reading lol).
Speaking of Ace, Kennedy gave us another heart attack on Twitter this week when she gave an emoji hint for Ep. 6 that amounted to someone dying “a little.”
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Since we know from Larry that Ep. 6 epic and special effects heavy, I wondered in an earlier post if the crew tries to break the curse in this one. Could things have gone wrong, with Ace being “mostly dead” (shout out to Carly for the perfect Princess Bride reference)? Did they trigger the curse instead, or deliberately try to flatline him like Nancy once thought about doing to George? Or can they somehow use the shroud to flatline Ace and George, revive them - and possibly switch bodies? The possibilities are endless.
Alex did show up for the Ep. 7 team meeting pictured above, so here’s hoping Ace recovers to be with his soulmate (and all that entails) for him and for us, e.g. we’re expecting great things that top that S3 finale dreamscape scene of Nancy and Ace!
So excited to see new writers working on ND this season! Lauren Andrea and Tiffany Irene both posted pics from the set and talked about how great the experience was. So important to see diverse representation in the writers’ room, and also love to hear about how awesome the whole cast and crew are on ND - it really shines through in every episode IMO. So happy for them, and can’t wait to see their words come to life in S4!
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Onto a few early hints on Ep. 7. Maddison posted an IG story that Ep. 7 started this week (confirming Larry has a break while he preps Ep. 8, which we know he’s directing). Check out her cute white top from wardrobe hanging up in the closet. DP Nick Thomas posted some gorgeous, spooky photos to his stories from the Historical Society exterior. Are those Riley and Maddison’s stand-ins? Ace and George? Or some combo? Can’t wait to find out.
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I may have broken Tumblr’s long post rules, but really hope you enjoyed the pics and speculation. I am almost done with Chapter 9 of The Space Between (S4 spec. fic), it will most likely go up next week. If you haven’t tried it already, I can promise lots of action, angst, and wackiness with the whole crew including meetings at the Claw, Ace and Nick bonding, Ace’s earring, and much more to help tide us over. See you soon, my guess is we get tons more content!
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
I was just watching the Ember McClain character spotlight for Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2, and I came to a bit of a realization. Danny Phantom and Hazbin Hotel are basically following a similar pattern for me.
Both won me over immediately with their art style and afterlife concepts. Both had potential that was hinted at early on, that I would have loved to see explored, that were squandered later (Danny Phantom going from "ghosts are spirits of the dead" in Season 1 to "ghosts are just monsters" in Season 3, Hazbin seeming more episodic and "wacky hijinks" than the serialized character study the pilot implied).
Both had their pitch bibles revealed later that seemed like exactly the kind of thing that I would have loved to pieces (DP having te original plan of Danny's parents being interested in ghosts to learn from the dead, Hazbin having character growth with an early Extermination as a looming threat), but the full show steered away from utilizing those concepts (yes Hazbin isn't out yet, but the confirmed episode titles we know are completely different from the ones in the pitch bible so we can assume those were all scrapped, and Helluva's writing with Adam being involved worries me for Hazbin since Adam wrote for that too). Both shows are created by people who did some shady things, look down on others who aren't at their level, and can't take criticism.
And that really, really hurts.
I will give Butch Hartman this though— at the very least, his character designs didn't all blend in with the background. True, a lot of ghost battles in the show took place on Earth, but a fair few took place in the Ghost Zone, which is entirely green with a bit of purple here and there. And while quite a few of those Purgatory-bound ghosts have green on them, the only characters that are nearly entirely green are the Ectopuses, who are background threats.
In the main ghosts we see, there's tons of variety. Technus has green skin but his white hair and gray coat balance it out. Lunch Lady and Desiree are similar. Skulker has has green hair but his skin and armor are blue (his tiny blob form is green but that's only seen in his first appearance). Heck, a good number of ghosts (Ember, Sydney, Ghostwriter, Walker, Spectra) don't have any green on them at all except for their eyes (which reminds me of a previous anon saying the "different colors = different rings" would work better in Helluva if eye color alone was an indicator of which ring they were from). The Box Ghost doesn't even have a speck of green on him anywhere.
Whereas with Hazbin, every single main character has red prominently in their design.
At this point when it comes to animated shows involving the afterlife, I'm taking a "fine, I'll do it myself" approach and pitching my own work, because every afterlife cartoon I've encountered (can't say afterlife show because The Good Place exists and is great) seems to be disappointing me in the "squandered potential when it comes to the afterlife, exploring morality, and existential themes" department.
I'll admit that half of this is lost on me because I never watched Danny Phantom, but I definitely get what you're saying. It's hard to watch something you loved fly close to the mark, miss, and crash into flames.
It's true. Sometimes you've just got to do it yourself.
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zhongrin · 6 days
my biggest advice when it comes to hsr, from someone who’s been playing since launch, is to not be afraid to use character guides. once you get the hang of building them, you don’t need them as much, but for beginners i recommend going on youtube or reddit. the characters rely a lot on one another and having a more “structured” team is more important than in genshin. my biggest recommendation is probably to have a healer, idk which ones you have but for early game i think bailu and natasha are pretty good, and then building a team with perseverance tb! and a dps + sub. i mainly got through the first world by having bailu + trailblazer and altering between characters (mostly welt + seele since i got her early but if you have bronya then i rec her>>)
yep i noticed it's pretty strict on teams, which is my main gripe about the combat… and i did look at some guides (i use them for genshin all the time too), altho i usually don't go to youtube or reddit! i just google "genshin/hsr [char] build" and usually gamerant/game8 pops up, but even so… ok, here's a real experience from me yesterday.
so, i built dan heng-bronya-natasha-march team, right. while for robin, i just switch bronya-dan heng with robin-herta (these 2 are my only 5* characters so i try to center my teams around them)... but you know what? none of these elements can break cocolia (especially the echo boss because at that point you don't get the fire trailblazer yet)!!! so i had to suddenly grind for leveling up asta and research again about what team is good for her. so it's like… "uh…. ok…. well fuck….."
and then!!!! at the boss fight, i discover the trailblazer turns into fire element.
………. :D
truly, i felt like a total clown.
(no like seriously that was so annoying to me. it felt like a slap in the face. i would have rage-quitted if the boss fight was hard and i died)
but then again, i mean, what am i supposed to do then, spoil myself for the next boss and do my research to prep for that fight? even if i didn't major in game dev, that doesn't sound like a good game design...
anyway. yeah. i'm building the fire trailblazer... we'll see how it goes....
having more 5 star characters in your account, especially a healer/shielder in the beginning, helps a lot, i think? atp i don't mind buying the monthly pass, but i'm going strictly f2p on my account because my priority is just to get through xianzhou arc. i'm most probably going to switch account starting penacony because my brother abandoned his, and he has jing yuan 2 built teams and he already grinded lots. i just have to either exchange for bailu once we collect enough passes to reach that 300th pull, or wait for a luocha rerun… and blade heheheheheheheheh- /smacked. granted, his dps-es can't really clear all the content these days because they're not meta anymore, but i don't really care about that at the moment!
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rlyehtaxidermist · 2 years
arknights thoughts for new players: pioneer vanguards
someone mentioned none of the existing sites were good for this so here. statements of Numerically Derived Opinion contained within. i’m sorry vanilla fans
Pioneers: Block 2 and Give DP Please
Also called “Skill DP” vanguards, Pioneers are largely defensively oriented and produce moderate amounts of DP at regular intervals by using their skills. At higher rarities, they also dabble into being direct combatants or having nuke potential. They’re also the largest class of vanguards, having more operators than every other vanguard subclass combined.
For early players, pioneers are extremely reliable, and generally outclass all other vanguards. Their Block 2 and bulk allow them to hold early enemies while producing enough DP to help set up the board; many early-game squads will want two or three Pioneers to cover lanes, provide DP, and be general-purpose bodies on melee tiles.
While their (with some exceptions) poor offenses mean they can’t handle things on their own for the long term, they don’t really need to - that’s what the DP is for.
Yato: Low Value
Yato doesn’t have a skill, essentially making her less of a vanguard and more of a low-budget Guard. Her best asset is her slightly reduced redeployment time, which allows her to play the part of a very discount Gravel until the Fast-Redeploy tag shows up in Recruitment. Even then, you’ll never use her after Gravel shows up, and Gravel tends to show up quickly - if you spend recruitment tickets as you get them, you’ll likely have Gravel long before you need someone to cover this niche.
Fang: High Value
Likely to be your first vanguard recruit (and a guaranteed reward from TR-4), Fang is a classic low-rarity workhorse with good bulk for her DP cost. She has the standard Pioneer skill of producing a regular amount of DP at a regular interval.
Like all three stars, she’s cheap to raise, and her Lightweight talent helps offset the DP cost increase of her E1 promotion, making her a good candidate for first E1. On the other hand, she’s not a great use of skill summaries early on - she has breakpoints at 4 and 7 which increase her starting SP (and thus the return on her first drop), but SL7 vs SL1 only sees an average DP increase of 20% (6 DP/25 seconds instead of 6 DP/30 seconds).
Vanilla: Low Value
The other three star Pioneer is more of a preview of higher-rarity offensive pioneers, losing some of Fang’s bulk for a higher base ATK. They’re largely interchangeable in most roles, but she loses out to Fang for general Vanguard business because of her weaker DP generation,
Vanilla loses Fang’s automatic DP generation for a manual skill that also boosts her ATK for 10 seconds. Unfortunately, her still-low base ATK means that this still isn’t enough to compensate for her poor bulk versus Fang, and the fact that the skill is on a manual trigger and has a ten-second duration means that - even with frame-perfect activation - the absolute best that her DP generation can be at SL7 is the same as Fang SL1.
As she lacks the powerful nukes of later offensive Pioneers, she’s left languishing compared to Fang.
Courier: High Value
Courier is the anti-Vanilla, trading offense for more defense. Unlike Vanilla, where she is essentially trading a strength for a weakness, he’s trading a weakness for a strength. And since he’s available through the Credit Store, players can pick him up extremely quickly.
His first skill essentially makes him an upgrade to Fang, producing more DP and having better overall stats due to the rarity increase - though Fang’s Lightweight talent can make her preferable in situations where early DP is tight.
Courier’s second skill allows him to play budget Defender. Combined with his talent, his defense when blocking two enemies with S2L7 active is nearly double Fang’s - and comparable to same-rarity Defenders Beagle and Cardigan.
Scavenger: Mid Value
Scavenger is to Vanilla what Courier is to Fang, and has many of the same weaknesses. Her better base stats and Talent - a buff when she is not cardinally adjacent to any allies - helps shore up Vanilla’s poor bulk, and her skills have better numbers, but she still struggles with base stats that aren’t suited for the role her skills want to play.
That said, unlike Vanilla, her ATK does actually get high enough that she can rapidly clear out swarms of enemies, which can help with holding some lanes, and she regains the automatic DP gain that Vanilla lacks, making her capable of playing a more conventional Pioneer role.
Texas: Extreme Value
The problems of offense-oriented pioneers vanish when Texas arrives. Arguably the strongest of any early-game vanguard due to the sheer breadth of her skills, and still competitive with higher-rarity options even for endgame players, she brings solid offenses and access to Arts damage to the archetype. Her only weakness is relatively poor bulk for her rarity, being only slightly better than Fang.
Her talent, granting +1 DP if she’s in the squad, can be thought of as a strictly better version of Fang’s, since the benefit doesn’t care about whether or not Texas is deployed first. Her access to the gamma variation of her first skill also brings a large amount of DP generation, but the real star of the show is her second.
Sword Rain is one of the best skills of any five-star operator, dropping a wide-area, two-hit Arts nuke and two-second stun on all enemies within two tiles of her. This even hits drones, and it still generates DP. The sheer value of Sword Rain makes Texas a viable option for first E1 promotion, and her talent has a similar offset of the cost to Fang’s.
Texas’s main weakness at E1 is her poor bulk by Pioneer standards. While still adequate to handle the vast majority of use cases (and generally comparable to Fang), she will have difficulty holding lanes for long periods without support. Since you’ll want multiple Pioneers, it can be useful to put her on another job and put high-DPS lanes on Courier instead.
Zima: Mid Value
Zima is something of the complement of Texas, having slightly lower offenses and slightly better bulk. Her Talent is functionally identical to Fang’s, reducing her own DP cost by 1. Her first skill is the same as Texas’s, meaning the difference lies in their stats and their second skills.
Zima’s additional bulk, while useful for a conventional Pioneer role, puts her in an awkward spot at high rarities. Courier can out-tank her, and while she’s bulkier than Texas, Texas is still bulky enough to handle their archetype’s early-game laneholding niche.
The real problem is the gulf between their second skills. Zima’s second skill, Ursus’s Roar, gives a buff to the ATK and DEF of all of your Vanguards, as well as gaining an additional DP every time they defeat an enemy. The value of this skill depends heavily on how much your Vanguards are defeating enemies on their own - which isn’t very often in the early game.
Zima does become more valuable at E2, where her talent is improved to decrease every Vanguard’s DP cost, playing more into her Vanguard buffing niche. And of course, her buffs become more valuable as she has more powerful Vanguard teammates. Both of these things are unlikely to be reliable in the early game, though, so raising Zima can take a back seat to cheaper or stronger competitors.
Chiave: Mid Value
Chiave is basically Discount Texas. He trades Texas’s two-hit stun for a stronger single-hit attack with a RES debuff, and slightly more DP. While his ATK is (slightly) higher, his bulk is (slightly) lower. His talent is meant to provide synergy with the robot operators, but all of them are situational at best, and are unlikely to be fully developed in a new player’s roster.
Because of how Arts damage is calculated, a single attack with a high attack multiplier does not do any more damage than two attacks with half the attack multiplier, meaning his effective damage multiplier is only 10% higher than Texas’s. The RES debuff is also situational at best, since it will expire long before he can use the nuke again, and enemies with high RES are uncommon in early stages.
Still, Discount Texas is still A Decent Approximation of Texas, and while he’s expensive to raise, he offers a lot of the benefits to an early-game party. But the lack of a stun hurts, a lot.
Siege: High Value
Siege is a Vanguard who is also a Guard. While her multitasking abilities tend to see her ranked lower on tier lists, her variety of skills and solid base stats make her a valuable tool for smaller rosters. Her damage output allows her to hold many lanes without further DPS support, and the area-of-effect damage on her S2 makes her very capable of handling hordes.
Her talent provides a party-wide buff to vanguards, which is pretty small but helps her play out her role well. Once E2 becomes available, she is a strong early promotion candidate, as her second talent makes her second skill’s anti-horde power skyrocket. Her third skill, however, is more situational and produces no DP, essentially turning her from a Vanguard into a slow but hard-hitting Guard; the higher cost of raising six stars means she’s probably not a better early E2 than Texas.
Saga: High Value
Saga is an interesting mix of DPS and party support. Her Talent leaves enemies alive for a few seconds after she defeats them, and grants SP to other operators who kill them. SP support is hard to come by, and in levels with large hordes of enemies, Saga is a particularly strong source of it.
Her second skill is one of the most spammable in the game, dealing damage to a plus-shaped area centred on herself and killing any enemies her talent might’ve otherwise spared. As it can store multiple charges (similar to Siege’s S2) but is manually activated, this allows her to rapidly spam down hordes; the multiple charges also eliminates the usual use-it-or-lose-it problem with manually activated DP skills, as no DP is lost as long as it is used before reaching full charge.
Flametail: High Value
Flametail is in many ways comparable to Texas, also having an AOE stun at E1, but her early-game value mostly comes from her first skill, which produces comparable DP to other auto-charge skills, but also grants her a guaranteed dodge on the next attack.
Most of her value comes from her extremely powerful dodge buffs and burst damage at E2, which require considerable investment and are not very useful for early players. Her S2 is also directly comparable to Texas’s, dealing physical damage and providing nearby allies with a dodge bonus instead of Texas’s Arts stun. However, she retains a fair bit of value in her S1 due to the guaranteed dodge - which, with her E1 talent, also gives her a single-use double attack, increasing both her DPS and effective bulk.
While as a six-star operator she is expensive to raise, she is an extremely solid long-term investment (being arguably the strongest Pioneer for endgame players), and she lacks many of the weaknesses Chiave has compared to Texas.
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prismatic-glow · 6 months
how to get a head start on getting good character builds || genshin tips for beginners
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hello everyone! I recently posted a poll to see what type of content people wanted and tips for new players seemed pretty popular. So, here's a list of pointers + explanations for those of you who are new and are interested in dealing more damage or just getting a good start to the game character-wise. This guide will be most helpful if you are below AR45. Let's get started!
1 ・❥・ don't level every character
╰┈➤ It's very important to level your characters (and weapons!) to the maximum you can for your adventure rank. But if you level all of your characters up, you'll end up wasting a ton of time and resources. It's best to choose a handful of characters you like/strong characters to invest in. You can always level your characters later on but you can never get your resources back! Additionally, your playstyle preferences might change as time goes on so limiting how many characters you level will help prevent regrets.
In the early game, I would recommend levelling no more than 8 characters with a focus on supports, which transitions nicely into our next topic
2 ・❥・ supports are your friend
╰┈➤ 3 slots of most of your teams will be occupied by support characters. While DPS characters are often only viable in 1-2 teams, some supports are great in an upwards of 5 teams! Supports/off-fielders like Bennet, Nahida, Kazuha, Xingqiu, and Yelan can be used in tons of teams. By only investing in your DPS characters, you're neglecting the other 3 slots of your team and leaving characters who will very likely still be viable in the distant future in the dust! The name "support" might seem like just healers or shielders, but i'm also referring to off-field damage dealers like Xiangling.
2 ・❥・ characters to invest in
╰┈➤ even though it's perfectly fine to focus on levelling characters you like, there are a few very strong and versatile supports that you cant go wrong leveling. If you have them, Xingqiu, Bennet, Xiangling, Sucrose, and Fischl are always great options.
3 ・❥・talents and weapons are important too!
╰┈➤ levelling characters is fun, but if you neglect your talents and weapons, you'll end up dealing very low damage. I know this advice might seem very overwhelming so my biggest piece of advice to help with this is to take things one character at a time. If you aren't feeling motivated to log in or spend your resin, you can always quickly craft some condensed resin and save it for later
4 ・❥・best weapons for investment
╰┈➤ there are 3 weapons I would recommend everybody levels and R5's (2 of them are 3 stars and the other is a common 4 star weapon so it's not too difficult). These include:
thrilling tales of dragon slayers for a massive attack boost and an hp% substat that is useful for many supportive catalysts
harbringer of dawn for easy but high amounts crit rate and crit damage
favonius weapons for energy recharge and supplying energy to your whole team
5 ・❥・save your fragile resin!
╰┈➤ fragile resin is great if you need to get a few more drops in when you're out of resin. But, it's hard to come by. It's best to save your fragile resin until you have a higher world level and can use it on things with better drop rates than what you have right now
6 ・❥・don't farm artifacts until AR45
╰┈➤ ok I know this advice looks kinda boring but I can not recommend doing this enough. At AR45, you unlock the highest level of domain that guarantees a 5 star artifact every time. Before AR45, you can still get a few 4 star and 5 star pieces that will suffice. At earlier levels, there isn't really a need for lots of damage so it's best to use your resin on more important things like levelling characters, talents, and weapons.
hope these help! my asks are open if you want more advice
have a nice day!! <3
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lexosaurus · 10 months
Hey, Lexx! Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
Okay I couldn't narrow it down so I'm adding a 6th fic akjnsdfksjnd. So here's my top 6 fics with some commentary because I'm extra af:
1: Everything Was White: After being accidentally revealed to the public and taken away by the government, Danny deals with the aftermath of his time with the GIW.
Yeah, this won't come as a surprise to many. This VERY angsty longfic sorta marked a turning point for me where I started taking writing more seriously, really looking at plot structures, doing research, interacting with other writers. I went into this with "I'll just do a twoshot cuz I suck and I'm not capable of writing much more," and seeing how far I've come in skill and confidence has honestly kept me totally enamored with this fic. I love that I can see my improvement as the fic's gone on. I've gone back and cleaned up the early chapters, and I can still see a distinct difference. Makes me very happy!
2: Morge: It was a beautiful day outside. The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming...a corpse was found in the woods.
This was my first Invisobang fic and also my first (and only? so far?) Outsider POV fic. I loved exploring the perspectives of Amity Park and Phantom from somewhat regular people who don't know much about ghosts. And, of course, writing Danny slowly losing it as the fic went on was a great bonus!
3: Transformation Troubles: A hit from one of Skulker's weapons leaves Danny temporarily unable to transform out of his ghost form. Unfortunately for him, he still has classes to attend.
This fic is just a vibe, honestly. It's a "guilty pleasure" category of DP fics that are few and far between (glitching powers, still has to go to class) but I absolutely inhale any chance I get to read one. College AU, post-reveal MY BELOVED real tea y'all. This basically came from me wanting a niche thing and going, "Fine, I'll write it myself!!"
4: and then he woke up: In his dreams, he woke up in his cell again.
This oneshot is similar to EWW where it's my take on what a realistic GIW recovery might look like. Aka, Danny Has A Bad Time. It's a very sad hurt/comfort fic, but I think it also represents a "level up" in my descriptions and pacing that I've been trying to employ more in recent fics.
5: Black and White Roses: When he died, he didn't get a memorial service. He didn't get the vigil, the flowers, the headstone. In fact, no one even found his body.
Dude idk man I just really love Valerie and Phantom's dynamic. Also, thought it'd be really interesting to write a full ghost AU fic, which it was, because as I was writing it I realized like hey, he'd have a corpse, and corpses are kinda freaky aren't they? Like how would you react if ur ghost friend was like "Hey yeah my corpse is over there." That'd be fucking nuts.
6: Birthmark: “No, it’s…” He trailed off, rubbing a hand over his face. His eyebrows were pinched and he looked almost sick. When he finally spoke, his voice was small. “They’re not tattoos.”
Lichtenberg HC my beloveddddd seriously I love it so much I am SO normal about it. That and Phantom and Valerie becoming friends fics. Literally so fucking normal guys. Just trust me bro.
Yeah 5 and 6 are so similar so I couldn't pick between them hahaha. But this is my current top fave fics!
I'm also REALLY excited to release all the stuff that I've been working on the past year this fall. Not tryna gas myself up here but I've been sitting on so much stuff since last NaNo and I'm just ahhhhh!
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