#so plz do not start fighting here
as a hardcore daisy fan I am loving the new Mario game, as an autistic, I like all the other 2d Mario bros games cause they're all the same 😭🙏🏻 can Nintendo just release like 10 variations of Mario's bros pllzz where they're all exactly the same except the levels are slightly different yk, just for me plz plz thank you I love Mario but only if its familiar 😚😚😚😚😚
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flor4de4amor · 1 month
hockey abby 🌀🌀🌀
oh i need her so bad. want her so bad. also ik nothingggg abt hockey so don't beat me up guys.
click for palestine | dont buy tlou | read b4 engaging w me
hockey!abby who's actually a sweetie. beast on the ice. monster of a coach and captain, but such a sweet girlfriend. she's always more than happy to see you out in the stands, wearing her large jersey, cheering her on.
hockey!abby who coaches little league hockey. she loves kids, but they're awful. and by awful, they're actually hilarious. she has to stifle laughter during practice and reprimand them, but once she's home with you she's telling you everything.
hockey!abby who's definitely got a light 'hockey accent.' she denies it with her life. she hasn't got an accent, its you who's got an accent! but you've got videos of her saying "sorry" like a filthy canadian. she swears on her life it's a deepfake video of her. how could you do that to your pretty baby? she trusted you. what's next, fake news of her losing a game? gosh, papparazzi these days.
hockey!abby who brings you out on the ice when she's the only one practicing. slipping skates on your feet carefully, and holding your hand softly. she'd race you but you'd totally lose, and she doesn't wanna hurt your feelings.
hockey!abby who's fights with the ref every chance she gets. she gets heated quick and easy. whenever she loses because of a stupid ref call, you never hear the end of it.
"that ref is a fucking asshole. why's she even a ref? i can do a better job than her." she rolled her eyes.
whenever she's pissed, its easier to butter her up and stroke her ego. "you would, but you're a much better player baby," you take her hand and kiss her pulse point. "besides, i'd miss watching you play on the ice."
she smiles to herself, "when you're right you're right babe." she agrees, humming.
hockey!abby who is always in the penalty box. always swearing off on the ice. she's one of the few female players who does start fights on the ice, and they are brutal. blood flying, helmets clashing, sticks thrashing. she always makes you kiss her bruises better, and you always oblige. smiling against each scab and scolding her when finished.
hockey!abby who is always ending up in tik tok edits and has the most obscene comments. it drives you mad, but it just confuses her. cause her entire page is a shrine of you and your realtionship. she does post herself here and again. gym selfies, post practice drill check ins, once or twice with her hair out. which everyone knows, is a real panty dropper. but they're totally innocent pictures! she's got her eyes on you and you only! she replies to vulgar comments with corny stuff like:
'im happily married!'
'my gf shook her head in disgust when she read this'
'plz stop trying to build a wedge btw me n my girl! our cats won't like this!'
hockey!abby who always goes to speaker events and is incredibly passionate about women in sports. she encourages young girls to get engaged as young as possible. she always wants to uplift morale and increase the amount of girl in sports, especially her sport.
hockey!abby oh hockey!abby.
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strqwberryfield · 5 months
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ot7 - when you come back from a trip.
contains fluff (i was listening to wave to earth whilst writing this)
heeseung: bro he missed you so much he actually started crying and hugged you to death when you were unpacking your items from your suitcase. "hee i love you dearly but plz let go i feel like I'm about to suffocate" but he just ignores you since 'you left him to suffer and he was touch starved'. but after you do your duties he just smothers you with his love and follows you around like a lost puppy.
jay: this man is basically a dream. he is not real. i feel like he would help you unpack your belongings since you had a long flight and you might have been too tired to do all of it. cooks you a warm comforting meal and asks you questions about what you did and what you ate so he could try and recreate it (on his enlog when he was cooking for his mum he said that when he went to Milan, he had a type of pasta he liked and wanted to recreate it).
jake: another lost puppy following you around. he says "next time when we are on tour im gonna bring you with me for company" since he didn't like being alone without his beloved. he clings to you like you haven't seen each other in ages. wherever you go he follows and if you are cooking a meal for the both of you he literally hugs you from behind and begs for your attention like you were purposely ignoring him. but once you hug him back he would not let you go.
sunghoon: i feel like he would be happy that you have returned because he would've gone insane with jake's and ni-ki's bickering and fighting along with heeseung shouting when he plays video games. once you hug him when you enter the shared home he melts. he claims that "if you went another day on the trip he would've called you crying because he couldn't deal with the members". he's lowkey stressed about upcoming tours and comebacks that he hasn't had time to himself. so when you return he can finally feel safe and calm.
sunoo: i love this man so much. he would be so happy when you returned to him in one because he also couldn't deal with the members. the day after you return, you would do a spa sesh since you couldn't attend the last one. pampers you with his love like you were about to die. you spill any type of gossip that happened for example: your friend decided to turn against you for no specific reason even though you did nothing to then that so-called friend got kicked off that plane for being disruptive on the way back to south korea. he was eating that shit up and his reactions were so cute.
jungwon: he is so silly omg i love him. when you get him a souvenir he gets so happy and cherishes it. i feel like he would follow you around speaking english in his aggressively cute voice. "was the trip slay! y/n??" "yes, the trip was slay! wonnie". would ask you about where you went, how it was and what you ate. he would also lie on you when you are relaxing on the couch since you went for so long. he promised you that when he goes on tour he would get souvenirs from each location. he sleeps so much better when you are here with him in bed.
ni-ki: he denies that he didn't miss you but deep down he did. since it has been confirmed that riki hugs something to sleep. he missed your presence dearly and struggled to sleep without hugging you or having skin contact with each other. but when you return from visiting your family for the weekend - he jumps onto you and hugs you. when you bought him a plush as a souvenir, he would never let it go and would use it as an alternative if you were to make a trip like that again and hug it to sleep and spray it with his favourite perfume that you bought for yourself.
a/n: sigh.
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undertheorangetree · 8 months
La Petite Mort (Ptolemaea)
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Summary- Aemond has waited generations for this moment and he will not let it slip through his fingers.
Warnings- MDNI 18+ DDDNE. DUBCON. NSFW. Female reader. Dark Aemond. Blood. Gore. Kidnapping. Obsessive behaviour. Vampire mind control? Reincarnation. Biting. Vampire venom makes you horny. Fingering. Cunnilingus. P in V sex. Overstimulation. Technically character death. This is unhinged.
Author’s Note- It’s a spooky season special and I’m so nervous about this one besties. I know that vampire Aemond is a whole thing but it’s a thing for a reason that’s just his vibe. This is darker than usual so plz read the warnings and read at your own risk. Also special thanks to @aegonx for beta-ing for me ilysm🫶🏼The rest is on AO3 link belowww
dividers by me lmao
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She knows she's screwed when her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, but her phone battery dying all but confirms it.
Throwing it into the passenger seat with a guttural sigh, she drops her head into her hands and fights the urge to start crying in frustration. She knew that traveling at night was a bad idea but she had managed to talk herself out of her worries, convincing herself that she would be able to make good time with so few cars on the road. She regrets it now, stranded on the shoulder of some half abandoned backroad, no other people or cars in sight. The rain is coming down in buckets, heavy enough that she's surprised that it hasn't yet flooded the street, raindrops pounding on the roof of her car like a drum.
There isn't so much as a porch light back here. Nothing but heavy forest that makes her feel as if she is lost in time and she is sure the longer she is alone, the more likely her mind is to play tricks on her.
She flicks on her hazard lights as she tries to decide what best to do. Staying in her car seems unsafe somehow, stuck on the shoulder of the road beside a corner. Though the street is empty now, another car will show up at some point and she can already see the inevitable car crash in her mind's eye. But leaving the safety of her car seems just as bad.
She doesn't know what's in the surrounding woods and with visibility as bad as it is now, with the rain coming down and the moon just barely able to provide some semblance of light, there is no truly safe option.
There are no nearby homes. No other cars. No payphones or a way to charge her own phone. She is completely and hopelessly stuck.
Though she knows it's pointless, she still reaches for her phone, holding down on the power button in vain. The empty battery graphic flashes up at her, the charging cable beneath it feeling almost mocking now and grunts angrily, throwing it to the side again. But just as she is about to resign herself to a night of sleeping in her car until morning, there is a flash of headlights in her rearview mirror. She pokes her head up, eyebrows furrowed as she turns and watches a car slow until their window is equal to hers, the glass rolling down.
A man's face greets her, one that seems to be about her age. His face is contorted with vague concern as he looks at her, an eyepatch concealing a third of his face. He has a kind of air about him, regal and almost ethereal to the point where it's almost unsettling. It's nearly otherworldly in a way that almost feels... wrong.
Looking at him, she feels a primal lurch in her stomach, as if the man before her isn't quite right. It's no wonder she feels that way, with his near flawless skin and silver hair that must cost a fortune to dye. That's likely no problem, with how expensive his car looks. She thinks it must cost at least four times her own but she's thankful for just how ancient her car is now, rolling the manual crank until there is a large enough crack for her to speak, the rain immediately splattering inside and wetting both her door and face.
"Car trouble?" he asks and she forces a polite smile despite her irritation at her predicament.
"Unfortunately. Do you know if there's a gas station nearby?"
She had already been to a gas station this evening, less than an hour ago. Though her car had shown no signs of betrayal when she had been filling her gas tank, she thinks that it may be too far to walk to now.
The concern on his face morphs into sympathy. "None that will be open so late. Do you know what's wrong with it?"
She gives a frustrated shake of her head. "No idea. It was completely fine and then it just started sputtering and crapped out."
"Have you called a tow truck yet?"
The question makes her pause. As polite as this man has been thus far, she has no interest in informing him that her phone is dead. And though he has given her no reason to think otherwise, his line of questioning is beginning to border on a few too many to be seen as simple concern for a stranger. She wants to believe that is all it is but he's looking at her a little too earnestly for her to ignore, his eyes following her every move as if the rain threatens to shield his view.
"Not yet. I was going to try some friends first, try to save some money. They don't live far from here so I shouldn't have to wait long."
That’s a boldfaced lie but he doesn’t need to know that.
"I wouldn't leave your car here for long if I were you," he warns, turning to look over his shoulder toward the corner. "It would be best to call a tow truck to really save yourself some money. You'll have a couple thousand in damages if you leave it here."
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Read the rest here
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owlight · 1 year
My request: kid, law, marco and robin (only if you are comfortable writting female characters) reacting at gn reader (non devil fruit user) saving them from drowning. hope you have a nice day, you are very talented!
Thanks for requesting 😔🫶
I do females Characters , specially robin cuz she my wife actually 🤭💖 and lmao this reminded me of that one time when I almost drowned ngl
Tags:drowning situation pretty much, Suggestive language with kid cuz he built that way,fluff mostly , ignore mistakes plz
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GN!Reader saving Eustass kid,Trafalgar law,Marco,Nico Robin from drowning
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Eustass Kid
He only drowned because his ass refuse to back from any challenge or fight ,which how he now end up sinking to the water with an angry pout and arms crossed,he is that stubborn and would spend his last moments as a stubborn idiot
someone challenged him to jump to the water and his ass is petty so he did it without any thought to the fact he can't swim
But Gladly! You dive in fast the moment he end up in the water and grab him tightly,good thing water make him weightless or you would have drowned trying to get him out
" and ugh..you are so heavy" you tells him as you pull him back to the safety of the shores ,kid scowl at you " you are just weak pipesqueak" you look at him as you swim ,you are tempted to leave him to drown for a moment,but in the back of your mind you can see killer masked face telling you not to do that because you would regret it later... ,you sighs,the price you pay for love...
He would not be thankful that you saved him, cuz you are his partner and Part of his crew , it's like your official duty to help from drowning cuz killer can't do it anymore :(
He Would suggest you do CPR on his dick instead of his mouth once he gained enough oxygen going through his Brain,you drop him on the sand so hard you hear a loud 'thump!'
You're literally the life guard of the kid pirates , it's almost funny that you have to drag kid out the water everytime his problematic ass fall into water
He get into these situations a lot ,you suggested once that he add floaty on his outfit since he always be falling into water,he threw a wrench at you but missed and it hit killer right at his helmet
He is very grateful for you secretly, he would never let you know but when he see you swimming toward him to save him? You look like an Angel and he is so thankful that you always willing to get into water to save him
He tries to be careful more (doesn't work) but it's the thoughts that count
He say the dumbest most inappropriate CPR jokes every time,you sometimes tempted to throw him back in water but he is already so heavy (nd you love him)
7.4/10 saving experience, should have let him struggle bit more in water ,maybe the water would have washes all the salty attitude off him someday (?)
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This happens rarely really,he is very careful and usually use his devil fruit to avoid falling Into open water like that
But he once was very unlucky and fell off the submarine ship deck after a strong wave hit the ship ,one moment he was standing talking to you,the other moment he in the water sinking down the water ,he tries his best to hold his breath..last thing he see is a blurry figure pulling him up from the deep water
"I got you.. I got you" you says as you pull him out the water to the deck,you start performing CPR till he is coughing,he blink few times as he sees you above him, looking at him with worried eyes that melt to a smile "here you are lovebug ,good to have you awake" you tells him and law cheeks suddenly feel heated,he remove his wet hat off his head and sits down "thank you (y/n)-ya" law says as he looks at you with a little rare smile
"not a problem,that was a strong wave ,we should probably get into the submarine,might be a storm coming" you tells him as you pick up his hat and help him stands up,law can't help but looks at you adoringly...he loves you so much
He so thankful after that,not outloud but by the way he caress your face gently and smiles at you,a real genuine smile,rare sight only meant to his special people and you are so lucky you're one of them
He is more careful than everyone on this list ,so it won't happen often or again,he usually have fast reflexes to not get in that situation,it only happened then cuz he was so smitten by you(so cheesy ngl)
He will be thankful for a very long time,will go bit more easy on you ,no one would notice but you really ,it's wholesome
He give you extra cuddle every night from that day, cuz you his hero now,look at you getting spoiled rotten by him,so lucky
He appreciates you lot,thank you for loving and handling this stoic and secret nerd, he loves you so much just wait till he is no longer a flustered mess when getting affection from you
He really wanted to say that cheesy dumb CPR joke..he want to so bad,but he know you won't ever recover from hearing him says that..so he wait till perfect chance..
10/10 good saving experience
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One moment he was standing watching the beautiful sea , then suddenly a strong wave hit and he was too slow to use his devil fruit to fly away,he hold his breath as much as he possibly can,he can't help but feel helpless,what an embarrassing way to die...he fought in many battles,yet a strong wave is what took him out...
He feel bit dizzy at the lack of oxygen and he hopes that's the others weren't taken by the wave as well,he would feel bad if they too ended up a victim of this unfortunate event,he start chocking on water that start entering his lungs and it burn like hell,he wonder if you would forgive him for Begin so careless-he did not have the time to think more before he sees you swimming to grab him so tightly, looking very determined,Marco slightly smile as he let himself pass out,he hope that the CPR he taught you would be enough to pull him through this
"......And you are awake finely!" Your voice says as Marco slowly open his eyes and coughs the salty water "ah...sorry,was enjoying my nap" Marco jokes and he can see you shaking your head "not funny..Next time no standing near open water when you know it might be storming" you scold him and he laughs as he sits up "promise you that yoi, don't worry" he ruffles your hair "thank you for saving me" he tells you and you smiles "oh no problem! Just know you own me a dinner for giving me the scare of a lifetime!" You says playfully and Marco can't help but love you a bit more
He is 100% thankful for your help
He doesn't drown or get into water often so you don't have to Worry about this happening again
usually he is the one saving you from almost falling into water so it's a nice change of pace
He would make a CPR joke later on when the situation is long forgotten to make you squirm a bit
He will make sure to get you your favorite snack later as a thanks for saving him because he loves you
11/10 saving experience,very polite birdman
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How unfortunate,robin thought as the Battle between the strawhats and the Marines got bit too harsh and a Canon hit where she was standing sending her flying into the ocean water,she could say she lived a long life at least and died trying to protect her friends...she wonder if you would keep her collection of books safe after her untimely death-
Then suddenly,She is begin pulled out the water fast by someone and by the way she is held so tightly,she know it's You who had jumped to save her,she is slowly losing consciousness,but she smiles slightly as she trust she is in good hands now
"wake up damn it!-i can't lose you like this" your voice says as you continue preforming CPR on her,she open her eyes and cough the sea water she had swallowed earlier "thanks god robin-i was so worried" you tells her as you embrace her tightly,she can see that You are on the Sunny and it seem like the strawhats had managed to escape the Marines clutch which is good..you look not injured which is good,robin take a deep breath before embracing you back Gently " I apologies, I'm okay , don't worry my dear,thank you for saving me" she mumble softly as she hug you tighter "don't thank me...just..next time be careful okay? I almost had a heart attack seeing you fall into the water'' you scold lightly and that cause Robin to chuckles "I promise to be careful next time" she tells you with a gentle smile across her face
She is very grateful that you've saved her life,you always got her back even when she says she doesn't need help,you still offer to help her and watch her back ,so she is very grateful for that
She would thank you by begin extra affectionate with you for the rest of that day ,which you appreciate it a lot (Sanji is eating his hand as he envy you)
She doesn't usually end up in these situations,she usually able to get herself out of water by using her devil fruit ,so you don't have to worry about her much
Though ever since if the devil fruit strawhats needed to move through water,she would pick you as the person to help her across
She appreciates your help always,and she loves you a bit more ever since you've saved her from drowning
She kiss you later after that lot , thanks kisses she would call them playfully
13/10 saving experience ,she is the best
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(This been in my drafts since months sorry for the lateness bbg)
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a-great-tragedy · 1 month
Our english teacher made us watch Percy Jackson, the movies (I cried when she announced it) here are my thoughts
Dear god it’s worse than I remember
Perce is a terrible nickname
Why did they make Grover a player?? He’s not a player!!
“This is a pen. A pen!”
He didn’t even kill Mrs. Dodds???
The fact that he just didn’t react at all when his mom dies
Why is Percy sword fighting Annabeth, he’s supposed to be on her team??
Chiron just watching Percy getting beaten the shit out of by Annabeth, Sir you are in charge here!!
And then he laughs when Percy knocks a kid to the ground. The favoritism is alive and burning
The way they never established Luke and Annabeth’s friendship
Why did they make it about the pearls, it wasn’t about the pearls
Highway to hell, okay I can work with this
“I used to date your daddy.” why?? Was this supposed to be comedic relief?? It just made me uncomfortable
Why is Medusa flirting with him? wtf
A truck??
why are they keeping the head in the bathroom
In the books they never visited the Parthenon why was that added?
Plz, I prefer the inaccurate Louis Arch thing than this
Grover is jumping to conclusions
They said the shoes would be hard to use and then he preceded to use them correctly on the first try
The graphics are killing me
Annabeth literally never touched a bow in the books but okay
Annabeth’s dagger erasure
Annabeth’s personality erasure
So they could have just used the head the whole time to kill them?? This is the most pointless-
Why are they doing drugs??
Why did Grover become a sheep there for a second
That poor lady that just carries Grover’s crutches around 😭
Get it Grover I guess??
Why did Poseidon wait so long to tell Percy about the hotel?? He’s a god, he could’ve told him at any point in time, why wait?
stealing a car is sooo piper of them
why is the underworld in Hollywood, it’s genuinely annoying me.
Now why is Grover being the dumb one
Persephone flirting with Grover is the worst thing that has happened so far
why is hades evil, he’s just a depressed old man
Not them just leaving Grover behind
They forgetting Percy has a fatal flaw
and a personality
Everything about this fight is uncomfortable
“I’m pretty sure I’m the son of Poseidon” whatever Peter Johnson
How is Luke supposed to live after that?
Someone yelled “HE’S DEAD” Immediately after
Why do the gods look like that???
They are supposed to be dressed modern
nothing about this is right
Worst part is that Gabe didn’t die
I didn’t pay attention after Gabe didn’t die so I have no other thoughts
This movie deserves jail time
I’m so glad we got another adaptation
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bangchansgirlsblog · 6 months
hey hope ur having a great day!
could u possibly write an angst request with skz? (any member)
something along the lines of the reader having a terrible childhood and having to go through trauma and really dark days and maybe opening up to them about it?
ig I'm asking for it is cause I'm not doing so well recently and just need to feel something lmao
hope that you're doing well, if not then a channie hug for u <33
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Warning: Angst, toxic relationship, Chan being mean.
Paring: OT8 x reader
Summary: shutting down the boys was easy but fighting her demons aka her dad was not
AN: someone requested something similar to this and I can’t seem to find the request so I just joined the two 🥺
Enjoy! 🩷
"Y/n? You okay?" Hyunjin asked her again trying to get her out of her trance.
"Yeah-yeah," her voice is caught in a crack. The hot feeling of tears starts to build up. "I'm fine, where are the rest of the boys?" She cleared her throat and put her bag down.
"They went to get some coffee, I told them I would wait here for you. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked one last time to be certain. He could sense her vibe was off but yet again it was Y/n. She was the most mysterious yet energetic person you would come across. Oh? And she's the youngest.
"Yes I'm fine Hyun, we should head for practice. We don't want to keep the boys waiting," she gave him another comforting smile before grabbing her bag once again and making their way to the JYP building.
The walk was quiet. Her thoughts were currently running haywire as she try to peace everything together but she knew today wasn't going to be a good day. The argument she had with her father still played in her head.
"So, what do you have in your schedules today?" Hyunjin interrupted her thoughts trying to ease the tension in the air.
"I just have dance practice with you guys then I get a break and you?"
"I have a photo shoot later after practice, kinda cliché themed." Y/n giggle at this. Hyunjin gave himself a pat on the back for making her laugh.
"Well, I hope stay don't make fun of you because that'll be more memes coming out,"
"Yeah, yeah, as long as I rock the outfit no one can bring me down," he flexed his biceps earring a gag sound from the manknae.
"Hyunjin that's gross," she rolled her eyes as they both entered the studio to find the boys stretching. They all said their hello's and started their practice off.
"Y/n get your head in the game," Leeknow scolded her. She had been messing up a lot today and now that they were halfway through, she hadn't gotten anything done causing the whole group to get lost.
"I'm trying okay?" She snapped back at him. Han's neck snapped in their direction as he looked at her in disbelief.
"Don't snap at him like that, his older than you," Han joined in the scolding. Y/n was tired and frustrated now. She couldn't deal with them hopping on her back.
"Okay whatever," she walked away from the both of them and sat on the floor by her bag trying to look for her water bottle. The boys were looking at her from a far trying to figure what was bothering her today.
"Hey Y/n?" I.N finally gave in and sat besides her to check in.
"Yes I.N?" She replied in her soft tone.
"You okay? You've been messing up all day-"
That was all she needed. That little push to throw her off the edge. Her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and she stood up still facing I.N. Her anger was at a 10 and she couldn't hold it back anymore.
"I'm fine okay?! What is wrong with all of you?! Don't you see I'm trying?! Can't you leave me alone for once?! Why does it seem like whatever I do is a problem-"
"Y/n. Out. Now." Chan's loud voice shook the room quite literally. She stormed off to stand outside by the door. Trying to keep her cool but she couldn't.
"Don't you see this is a waste of time? You're a girl! You won't survive in this industry!"
"But dad I- the boys got me. We're making it-"
"Those boys will soon leave you just like your mum did. You're pathetic and a waste of space. You don't even bring anything to the table!" Her father's voice was loud through the phone.
"Why won't you let me to what I want for once?" She begged.
"Because! I spent my whole life working my butt off to provide for you and now look at you? You've basically become a stripper"
"Dad don't say that-"
"Well it's the truth."
Her father's words echoed in her ears. She felt helpless. She felt useless. She felt disgusted by herself.
"What was that?" Chan storms out the room. He was angry. It was obvious.
"What is wrong with you? What's your problem? You've been so moody all day and whenever we ask you what's wrong cause we know damn well we didn't do anything wrong, you start acting bratty,"
"Chan I was just trying to-"
"No, I don't want to hear it. You will go in there and apologize. Understood?"
"Chan! You never listen to me. Your always taking their side," she snapped at him.
"I know damn well you aren't talking to me like that. I've given you time and time again to come talk to me but you crush it off and decide to be a bitch to everyone. So don't even say I don't listen to you-"
"I'm not being a bitch, I just want to be alone,"
"Okay then be alone. Stop bringing everyone down just cause you can't deal with you problems, you better go apologize to everyone and you can head home," the tears in her eyes started to fall once he left.
Maybe she indeed was the problem. Maybe she needed to learn a way to cope with her feelings. Maybe she just needed to shut up.
She slowly took steps back into the studio and everyone turned to look at her.
"I'm sorry if I snapped at any of you, I won't do it again," her sobs were heard. They were so painful to hear that even Chan was so close to stopping her and pulling her into a hug. He felt so bad but he knew he had to stand on business.
At first Chan thought that maybe her silent treatment would last a day or two but it dragged and it continued to drag till it was the 1 week stamp.
He grew worried because he wasn't not just talking to him but she wasn't talk at all. She would only say hello and then continue with her day. Not even taking to managers or staff.
She would just nod or say small thanks you's or goodbyes. It was almost like the fight he had with her shit her up completely and this was eating him up.
The stress of the VMA's performance coming up and having to deal with his members made everything 10x harder to cope with.
"She hasn't been eating," Changbin informs Chan who lets out a frustrated sigh. "Should I just talk to her? Maybe that'll fix things,"
"She's so mad, she won't talk to anyone. Even I.N," this caused Han and Changbin to gasp.
"They're like bestfriends, it's like they were never separated at birth. What do you mean he won't talk to her?" Han asked.
"He came to me in tears yesterday because he attempted to get her to talk but she shut him down immediately,"
"Then you're going to have to fix this Chan. She needs you even though she hasn't said it. Maybe it's something deeper than your fight,"
"I know that for certain Hyunjin but how can I talk to her when she keeps avoiding me and walking away,"
"Just go to the gardens," Felix suggested.
Chan hadn't thought about it and quickly gave a hug to Felix who he praised for a bit and run to the gardens.
There she was. Sat feeding ducklings. She had a soft smile on her face. Her cheekbones were becoming visible because of the lack of food and the stress of the shows coming up.
"Y/n?" He said while making his way to her. She remained still and quiet. Continuing to feed the ducks.
"Can we talk please?" Silence. "Look I'm sorry. I'm getting worried and you not being able to talk to me means that there's something deeper going on. Can you talk to me please? I'll shut up and listen."
"My dad," she sat up and looked over to him. Chan in disbelief after hearing her voice after so long. "My dad wants me to go back home,"
"What? What? He can't do that. We're a team. We're your family,"
"I never told you about him because of how toxic he is Chan, he won't leave me alone until I'm home. Where he can control me."
"But your legal and your on a contract-"
"He doesn't care Chan," she looked up at him. The tears in her eyes started to pour like rain. Chan's eyes soften as he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.
"I won't let him take you. Over my dead body." Was all he said as she continued to sob.
"I'm so scared. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you Oppa,"
"Shhhh. It's okay my love. It's fine. You did now."
He continued to comfort her until she could calm down. A constant apology left her mouth. Chan didn't want an apology he just wanted to protect her and he knew the only way he could talk to her was if she had calmed down.
"Have you eaten?" He asked her knowing the answer. He just didn't want to make it seem like he was tracking her consumption.
"I'm not hungry," her face was squashed against his chest making the words come out a little muffled.
"You are. You've lost so much weight. Let's go buy you some ramen and we can talk okay? How does that sound?"
"That's okay Chan. I'm ready to talk."
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yeondollie · 3 months
ɪᴛ ᴀʟᴍᴏsᴛ ᴡᴏʀᴋᴇᴅ ♡ 𝜗𝜚
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. . paring ; toxic! yeonjun x fem! reader
. . warnings ; ANGST .ᐟ, fighting, drabble, explicit language, crying, degration, junnie is mean, kinda? fluff, apologizing, good ending, nicknames (baby, pretty girl, princess), i thinkkk that it :D !
a/n ; hiiii guys !! i missed you so so much im so sorry for the sudden break . . i had a lot going on n stuff but i'm feeling better and back to writing fics :> ! i was listening to it almost worked-tv girl this morning and omgg i love tv girl smm but i needed to make a fic about something like this soo enjoy ᥫ᭡
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“why the fuck are you so dramatic?” yeonjun scoffed, looking up at you as he sat on the couch. you two had been fighting for what seemed like forever but in reality, it had been on and off for about a week. yeonjun was pisses, livid even because of the way you’ve been acting.
you had blown up his phone, went on a drive at three in the morning, and even blew up his friends phone because after another argument about god knows what he had left. he left without saying anything and to you that meant possibly another woman.
as he stared up at you in anger, you suddenly started to feel bad. maybe you had took it too far this time, maybe you needed to have some trust in him. “jun.. i was just worried. thats all..” you say, in a quiet and gentle voice.
you were never one to get anger or yell or even cuss; he was the complete opposite of you. “_____ i dont give a fuck! you’re so clingy it’s disgusting..” his face made it clear, he wasn’t lying. he meant every word that came out of his mouth.
it was coming out again. not word vomit, not even actual vomit but just pure tears. they started dwelling in your eyes and suddenly your vision went blurry. “y-yeonjun..” he noticed your shaky voice, shaky hands, and most importantly- glassy eyes.
his heart started to crack and he realized just what he had said to you. his mind went blank and all he could do was slowly wrap his arms around you. when you called him ‘yeonjun’ rather than ‘jun’ or ‘jjunnie’ his heart stopped.
“i-i didn’t mean to.. u-upset you yeonjun. i was j-just worried.” while not hugging him back, you just stood there- limp. he desperately held onto you. this was the first time that either two of you have had any type of physical contact in weeks.
his words started to sink in. no not into you but into him. had he really said that to you? his hands were all over you. caressing your face, hugging you, even planting kisses all over your pretty face. “i-i didn’t mean any of that princess.. i-i where are you going?”
before you could reply to him, you walked your way to your bedroom. locking the door before you slumped on your bed and started crying into the pillows. you could hear loud banging on the door accompanied by a few “im sorrys” from time to time.
eventually, you fell asleep. all the crying did really tire you out and you just wanted to forget about the situation at the moment. it was now 7:38pm and it was silent. silent outside, completely dark, and yet you could see your phone light up, over and over again.
jjun !!
im sorry baby i didn’t mean any of it i miss you please im sososo sorry pretty girl r u sleeping? sorry i love you so much
im awake now come in my room plz i miss u more baby
you slowly hear the door crack open and your boyfriend walks in, his glassy eyes staining his originally cold ones. “_____ i.. please im sorry i didn’t mean to hurt my b-baby..” he carefully sits in your bed, placing a hand on your head and comforting you.
safe to say it worked, it always did. here was the thing, it was always a cycle with yeonjun. there was no “time apart” or even a break of some sorts. he always convinced you to stay or hear him out. and you did just that, time and time again.
“i-its okay jun.. come here please.” you sniffle and he enters the covers and wraps his arms around you. he was so warm, so comforting it almost made you forget what he made you feel like when you weren’t in his arms. the next hour and a half consisted of his corny compliments to get you back where he needed you.
“you’re so pretty princess, you know that?” he whispers in your ear, planting kisses all over your face. he was trying to butter you but god it was working. you could feel the butterflies in your stomach and the heat rising up to your face. “junnie..” you cover your face in embarrassment.
yet he removes your hands and starts smiling at your flustered face. he cant help it. you look so cute, so gorgeous, so beautiful he couldnt help but continue to stare and smile at you. “its true.. but im really sorry i didn’t mean any of that. i..i really wanna make us work pretty girl.”
god just that nickname got you latching onto him for dear life like he was gonna run away from you. he wanted to make it work. just for you guys? your heart was touched yet a part of you doubted every word that came out of his mouth. but maybe this time he’d be different.
“i know jun.. me too. i want you. i want you more than anything.” you smile, feeling content for the time being.
a/n ; i know i’ve been gone for FOREVER and im so so so so so sorry ! school was stressing me but im on spring break heheheh :0 so expect more fics! (i hope)
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djljpanda · 5 months
Same anon from https://www.tumblr.com/djljpanda/729765849772228608/hi-just-discovered-your-tumblr-and-thought-id-say
May I be snow anon plz? Also...can't help but imagine one funny senario with all cookies, you can involve beasts or not if you want:
Imagine if y/n was naive and innocent and can get easily distracted....like two cookies could be duking it out for their attention only to discover y/n got distracted and was now watching a butterfly on a flower...like if the cookies took their eyes off y/n for too long or something, y/n wanders off lmao! Also can imagine y/n being confused why cookies are fighting eachother, not realizing it's for their attention.
Bonus if you want...if you want a playful naive fighter y/n senario too: imagine if y/n sees two cookies fighting, thinks they are sparring or play fighting...and just runs up and joins in!
Y/n, seeing two cookies duking it out for y/n's attention but y/n doesn't understand that: oooh that looks fun!
Cookie 1: their eyes should be on me!
Cookie 2: no, they should be on-huh?
The two cookies, turning to see y/n running straight at them with fire in their eyes: WAIT Y/N NOOOO!
*both end up punched in the face by y/n who thought they were sparring or having some sort of fun fight and wanting to join in!*
Y/n: did I win? 😃
Fallen Hero’s/Beast x Reader
I remember you snow anon.
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This all happens before their fall from grace.
Now Reader cookie has been traveling with the hero’s for quite awhile now as she was encouraged by the five to join them. But along the way all of them had developed feelings for the cookie.
Innocent Reader, always sees these cookies as friends and would be confused on why they scrabbled allot with each other, just to hold your hand? Now you hate to say that the butterfly flying around was the reason you got lost. But not for long as you saw Eternal sugar cookie come flying down, “oh I was so worried about you how could you get lost like that”. Eternal sugar cookie was always the first to find you and he sit did upset the others.
But at times while you were out doing something’s the rest might start fighting. Let’s say you were leaving to go collect some wood for the town you and the hero’s were helping with. Burning spice cookie, shadow milk cookie, and silent salt cookie had joined you while eternal sugar cookie and mystic flour cookie stayed behind in case if any other cookies may need their help.
But as time went by the two cookies had started to argue as both thought that they will treat you better which led to them about to physically start fight till they heard you and the others returned. When you questioned the two cookies they just pushed off the question while they helped you with the wood you collected.
Fighter reader, here you went with eternal sugar cookie, burning spice cookie, and mystic flour cookie to help some cookies with food. As you four left silent salt cookie and shadow milk cookie decided to spat together but as it continued they truly did started to fight as the topic of you came up. But both were token off guard as they were both knocked to the ground as all confusion went away they look up to see you smiling with the other cookies looking along. “You should have told you two were going to spar I would have stayed back”, you smiled helping the two up as you all got ready to go and help other cookies civilizations.
Other cookies that can fit your scenario-
Affogato cookie and Caramel Arrow cookie
Raspberry mousse cookie and Raspberry cookie
Lilac cookie and Scorpion cookie
Lotus dragon cookie and Longan dragon cookie
Red velvet cookie and Dark choco cookie
Linzer cookie and Crème brlee cookie
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epione-xx · 1 year
WARNING. THIS. IS. A. SMUT!!!! And a fever dream. Idk what was happening when I wrote this but…eh.
CONTAINS: breeding kink, master/pet play, situationship, lingerie + nudes, unsafe sex (plz never do this in real life)
There also could be a pt2 if you guys want 👀
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
‘Lmao no, I’m with a guy’
Damian gripped his phone tightly in his hand and frowned, reading and re-reasing the text again before texting back himself, only using one word.
And when she didnt reply, he scoffed an threw his phone into his backseat. The crinkle of a bag signalling it had been caught and he hand taking it further than intended.
And then he tapped the wheel impatiently, thinning and thinking and…then finally turning around to grab his phone again to see if she had texted back, and seeing she hadn’t yet, he groaned and leaned back before grabbing the bag of his newly bought ‘essentials’.
Now these essentials weren’t really…well what you think. Instead it was a pack of condoms and other various things that ranged from a box of chocolates to a newly bought phone charger since he had forgotten his own.
He always forgot his charger when going to her house, being fair…most of the times he went there when he was frustrated with his father and then she would…help him through it…
And it started off like that. He had a fight with his father, stormed out and drove off in his car before remembering that he had forgotten any type of protection, which then lead into a trip to the store, which lead to him buying everything he thought was needed before texting his hook up to se did she wanted anything…
And that’s why the dreaded text came. The one that said she was with a guy.
Damian pursed his lips and decided to indulge himself in one of the chocolates he had gotten, unwrapping the shiny blue foil of it before popping it into his mouth and opting to scroll thought instagram for a bit.
His instagram wasn’t interesting per say. A bunch of art and a few posts from various friends here and there…it was all boring until he saw the little green dot under her photo.
Now was his chance.
‘What happened to the guy?’ He texts ‘wouldn’t be active on instagram if you ever evening fucked. We all know your not competent enough to do two things at once’
Rolling over her bed and pulling her pillow to her chest, Y/n snorted at Damian’s text and rolled her eyes, that mother fucker was just jealous.
‘Didn’t work out. He was way to kinky’
she was hoping for a rise out of him, something- anything, brining her lip she watched as the little dotted bubble pop up before going back down again.
Letting out a sigh she rolled over again and carefully looks to her wardrobe, maybe she had a good idea…
And so getting up, she carefully walked over. Careful to not make any sudden noise in hope she wouldn’t wake anyone up.
She dressed herself in a elegant green set of lace- a new one that she had gotten for Damian…using Damian’s card, being fair- he asked he too.
Soon y/n set up the camera and placed it close to her thighs, you couldn’t see her face- but that was the point. She knew Damian hates not being able to see her face…
And so she snapped a shot, sending it straight to him with the caption. ‘I feel so empty without you’
Damian stared wide eyed, his pants were getting tight and he could physically feel himself grow to be in more pain as he stared at the photo- how dare she do this to him!
And so he set the phone down and took a deep breath, trying to remain calm…before his phone dinged again.
And before he could eve consider what the text could be, he picked it up and hurriedly searched for her name.
Bingo, it was another photo.
This time it was in the same set but the camera was more focused on her chest, showing her boobs off proudly with the caption ‘id like to be fuller, please daddy.’
And Damian stared, and searched for words before texting one thing back.
‘What if I fill you with my cum? My heirs? You wouldn’t feel so lonely and empty then would you? You would be filled with your lord all the time…’
His pants tightened. He never realised that he could have a thing for her in that way…he never realised he had a breeding kink.
And so he set off to her place
The woman at the other end of the line flushed deeply at Damian’s words and squeezed her legs together, that had to be int of the most sexy things he had ever said to her…and imagining herself pregnant, full with his child…and even better, being claimed by him in that way…it excited her.
There were so many things she was thinking of now. Things she had never even dreamed off…it was like she was in a haze.
But knowing Damian, he was teasing her. He would never make any of that a reality…so she set off for the shower, trying to wash away the arousal.
…or so she thought, the bathroom door opened, Samoa standing there both flushed and hard as he looked at her.
“Damian!” She shrieked as she stared at him “what the hell! How did you get in?”
“Spare key” he stalked closer, a primal instinct in his eyes as he stared at her and slowly Pepe’s the glass door.
Her face flushed aa she stared at him, watching as he underdress himself. “What are you doing?” She asks, almost sounding meek.
“You think I was kidding?” He asks her, looking her body up and down before licking his lips. His cock growing even harder. “You think I was joking beloved?”
She felt herself grow wetter and she slowly nods “I mean, I guess I was?” She says. “I never pictured you as the da-“
She didn’t get to finish, Damian had turned off the taps and had picked her up. Throwing her over his shoulder before he set off too her bedroom. Placing her on the bed….right in front of her floor to ceiling mirror.
“Look at yourself” he set her upon his lap, fingers dancing across her stomach and chest “look at how pretty you’d be holding my heir, how beautiful you would look…” he sucked hickies into her neck.
“You would be so swollen, so needy..and I’d fuck you every single day.” He purred
Her head rolled back into his neck and she arched her back as Damian’s fingers went to her nipples and he pinched them lightly, rolling the buds between his finger tips before he grinds into her.
“Your beautiful tits…they would hold so much milk” he smirked “it would leak out of you as I fucked you, you wouldn’t be able to control it and if drink from you every day”
She shuddered and closed her eyes as she felt this hand move from her chest to her stomach, rubbing lightly before he dived the down and pulled her thighs apart.
“Would you enjoy having my baby?” He purred “like a good little slut?”
She gasps and nods in a hurry “I would, I would so much my lord. As long as you were next to me I would enjoy anything~” she clenched around thin air and moans.
He smirked and slowly began to rub her clit, making sure to tease her. “You would be so sexy” he hummed “so beautiful, I’d fuck you all throughout your labour”
She flushed even more “Damian!” She whines loudly “please~ please fuck me now. Put your baby in me-“
She gasps as she was picked up and throw onto the bed mercilessly, thought being opened by his rough and calloused hands before he looked at her “are you ready for my child? Or do you need me to put a condom on?”
She stared at him and felt herself grow hotter “I need your baby. I need to be pregnant with your baby…to be your queen”
He smirked and nods before he slowly thrusted into her, letting out a satisfied moan at how she clenched around him.
She gasps in pleasure and clawed at his back “just give me a moment”
In a sweet moment, he nods na splayed a soft kiss on her lips before trailing it down to her chest “why don’t I show you how good it’ll feel?”
She nods and moaned as his lips began to suck on her nipple, soon enough she was grinding on him- begging for more.
And that’s when he began to thrust. Lifting his head up and staring at her deep in the eyes as the bed creaked beneath them.
“Good girl” he groaned “such a good girl for me. You’ll be rewarded pet~” he moans as he kissed her.
She gasps and moans as she dig her nails into his back, wrapping her legs around his waist.
“Damian!” It was a sharp gasp, her toes curled as she came around his cock, which then sent him over the edge to cum inside her, burying himself as far into her as he could before he felt himself explode and paint her walls white.
She took deep breaths, heart beating out of her chest as she looked up at him “thank you master” she whispers
He also took deep breaths and pressed soft kisses to her hairline “thank you beloved” he says “please. Be my one and only…be my wife”
She smiles and nods “always”
Even if they had skipped a couple of steps…they were both happy in the end…and who knew what the future held.
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panda-writes-kpop · 5 months
Second Chances ~ Pirate!Karina
a/n: another pirate fic, but it was inspired by a conversation about losers that @kingmaker-a and I had. enjoy the fruits of my continued pirate brain rot and my experience of being a loser for nineteen years and counting! :]
tw: guns, blood, and violence (oh my!), alcohol (reader has a preference for brandy but just imagine something different if you don't like it), reader is a professional little shit (and this is a bit of a self-insert plz leave me alone)
♡ Masterlist ♡
summary: you're given a second chance at pirating because Karina fucked her first impression with you. To prove your worth (and to give her a second chance), she takes you out to a local shooting range where sparks fly (literally and figuratively).
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As a former pirate warlord in a small town, your life couldn't get more boring.
You had spent your younger years chasing fame, glory and riches - and look where that got you. You were stuck on a shitty island with no crew and no way out except swimming (which would most likely result in certain death).
Once, a lifetime ago, it seems, you had your face plastered on every wanted poster board on every island you visited. Your head was worth a pretty penny, which made you keep your crew on a short leash. If one of them babbled, you'd find out pretty quickly.
Rats are a nuisance found at the worst time, so you'd only found out about your disloyal crew when you were disputing fraudulent charges with a nearby pirate crew.
With the world hunting your head, a pissed-off group of enemy pirates, and a pit of vipers you had once called your crew, you were on the next sailboat out from the coastline. You didn't have much more than the shirt on your back, so you fled to the first island that the ship ported on - the same shitty island you were stuck at, three years laters.
Three years might as well be eternity in the world of pirates - you barely recognized any of the pirates that were on the wanted boards. It's not like you wanted the bounty - doing odd jobs around the island kept a roof over your head, food in your stomach, and enough alcohol to clear your thoughts for a few hours.
Yet here you were, on a quiet island, in the first bar from the docks. With a bottle of brandy (the bartender started giving you the bottle after growing tired of refilling your glass again and again), you eye the newest group of pirates to make themselves at home on the most unbecoming island on this planet.
You didn't think anything of it - pirates frequent bars like birds frequent feeders - but a glimpse of shiny red-hair nearly causes you to choke on your brandy.
The infamous Red-Hair Pirates, led by none other than Captain Winter. A fierce fighter known for her loyal, deadly crew, and you wanted nothing more than to stay out of her way.
She could kill you without a second look, not to mention that her crew would rip you to shreds afterwards like rabid hyenas. 
You wouldn't find any peace tonight, not when an unloaded rifle crashes against your shoulder. It takes every muscle in your body to resist the urge to fight as a girl with short black hair scrambles to grab it.
"Sorry, fuck, I'm sorry." She slurs before crashing against the table. 
Brandy spills all over your clothes as your temper crashes against its lid - you're almost at your breaking point. 
"It's fine." You teeth grind against each other as you spit out your answer. 
"Your brandy-"
"-just take your damn gun and go!" You shove the gun into her arms, which sends her tumbling to the ground.
Eyes follow the two of you as the girl attempts to get up, at least three times, before another girl from her crew grabs her arm.
"C'mon, Rina, let's go." The second girl, with light blonde hair, shoves Rina towards the exit as you try to sink back into your seat as far as possible.
Everyone's eyes are still lingering on you as you pull out a small knife - not to kill or show dominance, but to perform a favorite party trick of yours.
You spot the target board on the other side of the bar. When a bartender moves out of the way, you quickly aim and fire the knife while looking the opposite direction. 
The gasps and cheers tell you that you've hit your mark while you attempt to clean up the spilt brandy with a few napkins. You'd probably smell like liquor for days, if not weeks, but you'd learn to live with it, just like everything else.
After you dry most of the liquor off the table and your clothes, another bottle of brandy lands on your table with a sharp thud.
"I don't take pity booze." You sharply answer.
"It's not free, but I'm asking for five minutes of your time." Captain Winter places her hand on her hip as you hesitantly grab the bottle.
"Take as long as you need, Captain." You take a swig of the brandy, and you're pleasantly surprised by the flavor. "Top-shelf booze?"
"We got lucky on our last ship takeover." Winter slides into the other side of the booth. "Are you looking for any riches?"
"You're trying to buy my loyalty with alcohol." You scan Winter for any malicious intent, but she only has a simple smile on her face.
"Is it working?"
"Depends on what you're offering and why you're so interested in me."
"You threw a knife from across the room without looking and managed to hit a target dead-on." Winter leans in before folding her hands. "Are you that accurate with a gun?"
"I am, but you wouldn't know that unless you knew who I was." You lean back against the booth before taking another drink of brandy. "You're well read, Winter."
"The lucky guess excuse doesn't fool you, then. It's an honor to be in your presence, Captain." 
"Are you looking for a marksman?" You deadpan as she nods.
"I can't guarantee great pay or a path back to notoriety, but-"
"-I'm in."
Due to the damages to Winter's ship, you're stuck on land for a couple more days. After your little stunt at your most frequented bar, you decided to go to a much quieter place, farther from the docks for tonight's drinking session.
Unfortunately, trouble finds you before you can find it. The drunken girl from before, Rina, is stunningly sober as she walks through the bar doors.
Once she spots you, her eyes become shifty as her posture tenses up. A smile plays on your face - a nervous marksman, a paradox for the ages - so you ask for another glass of brandy before you wave her over.
"You're here later than I expected." She softly says before swirling the brandy in the glass in front of her.
"And you're here sober. Guess we're both full of surprises." You quip as her eyes widen.
"I don't usually have that much to drink. We had a good plunder earlier in the day." She's quiet for a moment before her eyes meet yours. "Sorry about last night. I don't hold my whiskey as well as I thought I did."
"You'll get used to it eventually, or you start drinking lighter, Rina." You sip your brandy as she chuckles into her glass.
"Karina." A subtle correction, but one you notice. "Giselle's the only one who calls me that."
"Well, Karina, it looks like you and I will be spending more time together. Your captain has recruited me as a marksman under your watch."
"If you're under my watch, then we should see what you can do," Karina pushes the glass towards the bartender after taking a final swig from the glass, "unless you're not feeling well enough?"
Her lips twist into a teasing smile as you finish off of your own glass of brandy. For someone who can't hold their liquor, she's got a mouth that will get her in trouble with the wrong people.
Luckily for her, you're not that type of person. Not anymore, at least.
"There's a shooting range a few miles from the beaten path. Unless you've got somewhere else to be, I'd be glad to show you what I've got." You slide off the stool with ease as Karina scrambles to catch up with you.
"Isn't it locked up by now? It's a few hours past sunset." She says as you scoff.
"When have pirates ever cared about rules?" 
"Have you ever picked a lock before?" 
You turn to Karina, who ponders your question for a moment in the glowing moonlight. Without any obstruction, it shines just enough light to illuminate her face, especially her eyes and lips.
....It's not like you were looking, though.
"I usually leave that to Giselle, she's the crafty one." Karina shrugs before pulling her jacket closer to her chest. "How much farther is this shooting range, exactly?"
In all fairness, it is a bit chilly at night, especially when you're taking a dirt path that sits close to the ocean. You've taken this path before, when you need to blow off steam or just need a break from the hustle and bustle of town life.
"Just a few more minutes up the road. You cold?" You start pulling at your overcoat, trying to undo it as quickly as possible, before Karina places a hand on your arm.
"It's alright - a little cold never killed anyone." She jokes before taking a soft breath.
You watch, albeit it a little intensely, how the air from her lips creates a soft, foggy mist that floats into the night sky. You wonder if she's putting on a brave face because she's intimidated by you or if she wants to intimidate you. Seeing as her first introduction to you was as destructive as a bull in a china shop, you could easily rule out the latter. 
Karina wasn't the type to lead with authority - she left that to her Captain. From what you've seen and heard of her, she develops personal connections with her subsection of the crew, which explains the immediate offer of shooting practice. This wasn’t a test of skill, but rather, a form of camaraderie. 
That was something you could respect, as a former Captain of your own crew. 
A distant pang in your chest pulls your attention from Karina - did you really miss your crew that much? They were liars and scumbags, but they were family, after all.
"We're here," You curtly say as you place the lock on the gate in your hand, "hand me your hairpin."
"How did you know I had hairpins in my hair?" She asks, confused, before slowly grabbing a hairpin from her hair.
"Your hair has stayed perfectly in place since we left the bar and it's been breezy all night." You answer before holding out your other hand. "I'll give it back, I promise."
"Sounds reasonable enough." She shrugs before handing you her hairpin.
Normally, it would've taken you a few seconds to pick the lock, but Karina's presence throws you off your game. It doesn't help that she's eagerly leaning over your shoulder, which causes heat to rise to your cheeks, but the lock gives a satisfying click before you can dissolve into a nervous mess.
Her soft breath on your shoulder causes you to gently shudder. You look back at her as you pull the lock from the gate and put it in your pocket.
"You're incredibly resourceful for a simple marksman." Karina says as you open the gate for the two of you. "Are you sure you're not hiding anything from me?"
Karina offers you a brilliant smile, one that outshines the sun and the moon.
"Why don't we find out?" You give her a wink before gesturing for her to enter the gate. "My commanding lady goes first."
Her eyes widen as she slips through the gate before you, and you shut the gate as she intently watches you.
"My hairpin-" She lightly brushes a lock of stray hair behind her ear as you hold the hairpin in between your index and middle fingers.
"I've got it."
Karina holds out her hand expectantly and opens her mouth to say something, but the words die on her tongue as you quietly close the distance between the two of you. You, ever so carefully, put the hairpin back into place in Karina's hair, in the exact location that it came from.
When you pull away from her, a rosy blush covers her face as she nervously plays with the sling carry on that keeps her rifle on her back. You bite your lip as she shakes her head at you.
"You're full of surprises."
"I know." You shrug as you continue to walk towards the shooting range. "Shall we?"
The rest of the walk to the shooting range is silent, but you manage to slip the lock into your pocket during the walk.
Karina was right - you were full of surprises. You were surprised that the sound of the key banging against the lock in your pocket didn't give you away. 
You'd done some personal business for the owners, and they didn't have much capital, so you simply asked for a key to their shooting range. They were more than happy to give you a spare from the keysmith, and you used it whenever you came here alone.
This time, you had something to prove, and someone to impress. Since Karina could hardly look you in the eyes every time you glanced over at her, your mission was complete.
"You've shot a rifle before." Karina folds her arms and steps away from you as you aim the barrel of the gun at the target.
"It used to be one of my favorite weapons, back when I was pirating with my crew." You casually mention before firing the weapon. 
The bullet hits the center of the target, just as it always does, and Karina stares in amazement.
"Nice shot, Deadeye," Karina softly says before adding, "were you this good of a shot when you were a captain?"
"Did Winter tell you?" You ask.
Karina looks away for a moment before responding.
"I was the one who recognized you, at first. I was too drunk to remember how I got over to you, but I remember saying something to Ningning, who must've told Winter," Karina explains before meeting your eyes, "I still can't believe I made a fool of myself in front of such a notorious pirate."
Her cheeks burn bright with embarrassment, but you're quick to comfort her with a small smile and a soft hand on her shoulder.
"If it makes you feel any better, the first time I got wasted without my crew, I threw up on a Marine Officer. Don't remember how that night went, but I woke up the next day on my ship, and I was covered in someone else's blood."
Karina throws her head back and laughs, and you think that her laughter is the best sound that you've ever heard. It's much better than the jokes told at the bar, or the sleazy tactics of the salesmen that you walk past every day on your way to your job of the day. 
You wish you could bottle her laughter and get drunk on the sound every night of the week. It's loud, beautiful, and it fades too quickly for your liking.
"I guess we're both natural disasters, huh?" Her warm smile causes your heart to stir as you set the rifle aside for a moment, just so you can stand closer to her.
You move away to set the rifle down in a safe location before turning around to face her.
"Enough about me. I've heard plenty about you from your crew." You say, feigning innocence, as Karina folds her arms and scoffs.
"If it's about me not being able to hold my liquor, I'm going to hunt Giselle down and-"
You take a step closer to Karina - only three steps between the two of you - before you interrupt her.
"I've heard from your Captain and her first mate that you're quite a flirt. Sometimes too much of a flirt, but it's okay to overindulge every once in a while."
Karina bats her eyelashes at you as she takes a step closer - now it's two steps between you and her.
"Would you like me to flirt with you, Captain?" You don't miss the way her eyes scan you over, shamelessly checking you out when no one's here to witness it.
"How about I go first?" You flirt right back before taking another step - now there's one step between you and her.
Karina takes another step forward - her lips are so close to mine, please kiss me - as she rests her arms at her side.
"Do your worst." She taunts before you pull her in for a long, sensual kiss.
Her hands grab for your arms as you rest your arms at her waist. You're usually not this coy with your romantic pursuits, but Karina's different from your usual type - much prettier and much kinder, if you were to be honest.
Pure adrenaline rushes through you as neither of you want to let go. To let go is to ruin the moment, to have a conversation that neither of you are ready for, but you have to do it anyway because air is a necessity to life, apparently.
"I-" Karina starts as her lips leave yours. "What about-"
She pauses before diving in for another kiss. This time, she weaves her hands through your hair as you continue to hold your waist. She's much more reluctant to let go this time, so her hands go back to rest on your arms as your hands rest on her hips.
"So... does target practice always go like this for you?" You jest as she lightly pushes you away.
"Way to ruin the moment." She jokes as you lean in to taunt her.
"So, this isn't how you treat all of your new recruits?" You grab her rifle and toss it to her.
"Just the ones I really like." She smiles at you, and you take her words at face-value.
She could be playing you for a fool, but that didn't seem like the person she was. You say the woman under the mask, the flirty disaster of a woman who took you out to target practice just so she could steal a few kisses from you.
"Do you want a few more drinks, or would you like to go back to the inn?" You ask before Karina offers you a hand.
"I think another round of drinks is in order - a round for my favorite new crew member." She emphasizes the word favorite, which makes your heart flutter more than you want to admit.
"As long as you don't throw a loaded gun at me this time, I'm in," You say before she elbows you, "okay, I'll let it go... for now."
"I'll make it up to you, I promise," She waits for you to take her hand before walking back to town with you, "you just have to give me a second chance.”
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heesdreamer · 1 year
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skin on skin p2
PAIRING ➩ jake x reader
WARNINGS ➩ mentions of abuse and religious topics in a negative light, smut lol, NOT PROOFREAD AT ALL LOL
WC ➩ 11.1k
AUTHORS NOTE ➩ honestly i rlly loved skin on skin and never planned to write a sequel but since it was heavily requested i tried! im not a huge fan of it and it’s a bit slow and boring at times but hopefully you enjoy and it answers some of the questions you had about what happens to them afterwards! if you want more specifics feel free to leave me an ask but there won’t be a part 3 so plz don’t request one lol. happy holidays everybody
Despite spending almost all of your formative years day dreaming what it would be like to be away from home, how the outside world would feel fresh and new and beautiful, you weren’t fully prepared for just how different it could possibly be.
It hadn’t been long now since you’d left, evident by Jake’s lip still cracking and bleeding every time he managed to smile too wide.
Still, he was managing far better than you and you were almost a little jealous considering his ability to socialize and adapt to your surroundings every new place you ended up in.
Taking now as a prime example as you observed your surroundings with a slight frown on your face. You were sat in an old diner with lights that made a low buzzing noise and windows fogged up by the cold that settled in with the night. Your hands were nervously playing with the paper from your straw, anxiously ripping it into smaller and smaller pieces so you had something to keep you occupied.
Jake was a few feet away, sat on a stool at the bar and leaning over it with a bright smile on his face, chatting animatedly with the older women behind the counter and shoving his finger against the map out in front of him every few seconds as he was trying to understand the directions she was helping him with.
You thought it was interesting how much he seemed to fit in out here.
The town you were currently in wasn’t far from where you’d grown up but it was almost triple in size, actual buildings and businesses just outside the diner and small crowds of people wandering around in suits and modern clothing. It felt like a new world and your head was hurting from the constant buzz of noise and movements.
All your life you’d longed for something interesting, for any moment to catch your attention long enough to help you forget where you were and now you finally had a steady stream of these distractions and you didn’t quite know what to do with them.
You looked back up towards Jake and saw him already watching you, a worried expression on his bruised face that slowly melted into a smile as he gave you an encouraging thumbs up.
Your lips curled up slightly and you gave him a small nod of approval back.
Despite your constant worrying and doubt about leaving home, or more literally running away from home, the one thing you hadn’t second thought was who you were doing it with.
Feeling an ice cold hand placed on your arm, you whipped your body around in defense and laid with your back pressed firmly against the mud, hands raised in preparation to fight off whoever had approached you in the field.
You dropped your hands with a cry when you saw it was just Jake standing over you, his eyes wide in fear and hands raised in surrender and an attempt to soothe your sudden panic. He relaxed at the sight of your relieved eyes but then immediately tensed up again when you started to sob.
You sat up to look at him closer, cupping his injured face in your shaking hands and frowning deeply.
He’d never seen you this vulnerable or lost and he felt a deep pit settle into his stomach at the way you shook your head in denial and cried looking at him. He wasn’t quite sure what the full extent of his injuries were but he imagined they couldn’t be pleasant judging by your extreme reaction.
“We have to go.” He was whispering and you kept shaking your head, looking at him in confusion and caressing his face with your cold thumbs.
“Go where Jake?” You said in bewilderment, looking around the area you were in and shrugging. “We have no where to go, and nothing with us.”
He was kneeling down into the mud so he could be closer to you, not minding the way it squished and soaked into, what was now, his only pair of jeans.
“You have me.” His voice was stern and sincere, needing you to trust and understand that what he was saying was the truth. It wasn’t safe to stay where you were and you’d have to take your chances elsewhere to avoid what was coming your way.
“They followed me out of the house.” He was continuing and although you had suspected as much, knowing there was no way he had talked himself out of that situation, your stomach still clenched in fear. “It’ll be worse when they find us.”
You weren’t sure how it could be worse considering the current state of him. Jake’s face was swollen and already starting to bruise, his lip busted with blood dripping down onto his sweater.
Despite a few days passing now and healing the most extreme of his injuries, you still cringed at the memory and your face pulled into a grimace as you looked back down at your hands.
“We get people like you in here all the time.” A sudden voice was snapping you out of your thoughts and your head shot up to see a boy around your age with an apron on his waist. He was standing next to your table and looking over at Jake, the same way you were.
“Excuse me?” Your tone was harsh and he glanced at you for a second before sliding into the booth across from you.
“Hey, relax. I didn’t mean anything bad.” His voice was hushed and casual, spiking irritation in you. You wondered if this is how all teenage boys spoke in the real world. “That’s my mom over there. We live above the diner.”
He lifted a hand over his shoulder to point at the woman Jake was talking to, who apparently was the owner on top of being a waitress. You looked back at the boy and your eyes went to his name tag.
“Bob?” You questioned him with a raised eyebrow and he let out a laugh at your deadpan expression.
“It’s actually Heeseung.” He explained and when you looked more confused he continued. “Bob’s sick so I’m filling in.”
You didn’t say anything after that, just humming in understanding and avoiding looking at him. You were mentally willing that Jake would hurry back so he could take over the social interaction.
“I really didn’t meant to offend you. I just meant that we see kids from the villages all the time.” He was speaking in a kinder tone now but you looked back up in surprise at his words.
“You can tell?” You whispered and leaned forward with your elbows on the table, looking around slightly in panic. It was already alarming enough to think you were radiating runaway vibes but it also didn’t help to think about all the kids before you that had ended up at this same place.
“Not really.” He rushed to assure and his big eyes widened in alarm at your sudden change of demeanor. “I just heard your boyfriend asking about the bus stop.”
You nodded at his explanation, relaxing slightly at his words but being a bit awkward at the label he had applied to Jake. He seemed to notice and his eyebrow quirked up.
“Not boyfriend then.” You couldn’t tell what his tone was implying but you furrowed your eyebrows into a glare and watched him carefully.
Thankfully Jake was finally heading over then, you could see him approaching from over Heeseung’s shoulder and he froze for a second when he realized you weren’t sitting alone anymore.
Heeseung was sat where he’d been sitting so he slid into the seat next to you, pressing close so your thighs and shoulders were touching each other. He didn’t look too worried at the sudden appearance of the boy despite your own hesitance.
“I’m Jake.” He greeted casually and he stuck his hand out across the table. Heeseung looked down at it for a second in surprise and you suddenly realized how aged the two of you might seem compared to normal teenagers. Still, the strange boy shook Jake’s hand happily and smiled across the table.
“Nice to meet you dude.” He grinned and looked over at you, making you realize you hadn’t offered your name to him at any point. You mumbled it and he nodded appreciatively.
“His mom, the owner, said they have a place for kids who leave the neighboring towns to stay overnight.” Jake was speaking in a calm tone from next to you and you glanced over at him with widened eyes.
Despite your annoyance with the boy across from you, it suddenly made sense why he had approached you in the first place.
“She told me all about the bus stops like we needed but I figured it’d be good to have somewhere to sleep for a few days that wasn’t a bench.” He looked nervous as he spoke like he was worried you’d scold him for making his own version of a plan.
Heeseung on the other hand looked awkward for other reasons, the mention of your homelessness saddening him.
“That sounds great Jake.” You smiled warmly at him, eyes tired as you placed a reassuring hand on his bouncing knee. “Thank you.”
“My mom lets people who stay with us work in the diner if they’d like.” Heeseung was talking again, more sheepish this time. “You don’t have to but she’ll pay you, then you’ll be able to travel easier.”
For the first time since leaving home you felt a small surge of hope as the two boys spoke and you almost welled up in tears at the kindness you were experiencing. You felt happy that other people like you and Jake had found this place and you felt sadness that some might not have.
You harbored these thoughts for the rest of the evening, even after Heeseung’s mom was done with her shift and flipping off the open sign on the diner window. She ushered the three of you into a back hallway with a warm smile and you followed in contemplative silence down it and up the staircase at the end, giving Jake small nods every time he glanced back to make sure you were okay.
The apartment wasn’t large but it was nice and home like, comfortable seatings in every corner and pots and pans sprawled about the kitchen like they’d left in a hurry after breakfast.
She showed you that the couch pulled into a springy bed for you and Jake to sleep on and you almost smiled at the slight blush that brought to his cheeks. She gave you a knowing glance and you faltered away from her gaze.
You were making the bed with the blankets she’d lent you, Jake and Heeseung off in his room after he excitedly exclaimed he had something to show Jake that he just couldn’t miss out on.
“Are you settling in okay?” Ms. Lee’s voice was startling you and you looked up at her from where she stood in the doorway, adorned in pajamas and a robe.
You briefly considered the fact you’d never once seen your own mother in such a casual state, although there was hundreds of obvious differences between the two.
Not fully trusting yourself to speak still, you nodded your head at her appreciatively and smoothed out the final blanket you had just laid down.
“Come here and I’ll make you some hot chocolate.” She was instructing kindly and you awkwardly followed her a few feet away into the connected kitchen, sitting down at the small table as she started to rummage through the cupboards. “I’m sure this must all be so overwhelming.”
“A bit.” You answered her after a few seconds of hesitation, your voice quiet and not quite sounding like yourself.
“You’ve made it this far.” She was continuing and you cocked your head at her although she wasn’t facing you and couldn’t see. She seemed to anticipate your reaction however and went on to explain. “Leaving is the hardest part.”
“When did you leave?”
She was turning around in surprise at your question but she didn’t look upset or offended that you had somehow managed to realize she also was from one of the villages. After her look of surprise faded away she gave you a small proud smile and sat at the table across from you.
“All these years I’ve been doing this and you’re the first person to figure me out.” She had a small teasing tone and you managed to smile at her.
“19 years ago I left.” She said it slowly like she was waiting for you to piece it together and you did immediately, parting your lips in surprise.
Your eyes shot to the fridge briefly, seeing photos of her and a small baby then more of the two of them as Heeseung continued to grow and she continued to age.
“I fell inlove,” She began hesitantly, like she hadn’t spoken it aloud before. “And then I found out I was pregnant. I could only hide it for so long of course and by the time they found out it was too late. But my father told me I would have the baby and then they’d give him away, we’d never tell anybody.”
You were nodding as she spoke, watching her as she stood up again at the sound of the water filter stopping and she began to pour your drinks while continuing her story.
“I said okay, of course. I was young and didn’t think there was anywhere to go but then I saw him.” She shrugged with a sad laugh and paused in her motions, taking a second to breathe. “I held him for three seconds before they took him away but that was all I needed.”
When she turned back towards you she gave you a smile and you returned it, graciously accepting the warm mug she was handing you as she sat back down.
She didn’t continue and you didn’t ask her any questions or pry for more specifics, details on how she managed to get out with Heeseung. You imagined that was where the story got ugly for most people, including yourself.
You thought back to the bruises on Jake’s face and body and you wondered what she thought when she saw him. Did it phase her or did most runaways come through looking how he did, or maybe even worse off. How many kids got to this point and then turned around, accepting the fate of returning home?
Echoes of Jake’s voice carried down the hallway, his laughter and teasing tone as he joked back and forth with Heeseung and you felt yourself tear up at how carefree and happy he sounded.
You weren’t sure he’d ever felt like that before but even worse, if he would again for a long time.
“You should go and check on him.” Ms. Lee was whispering and patting your hand, a knowing look on her face when you glanced up at her with wet eyes. You nodded and went to stand up before hesitating.
“Thank you.” You whispered back to her with full sincerity, voice cracking around the word and she didn’t reply verbally, giving you a smile and a nod.
Your heart was pounding as you walked down the hallway. There was only two doors at the end and one of them was open with bright lights pouring out so you assumed that was the one they were currently in. When you turned the corner into the doorway, you froze for a few seconds.
The boys were sat on Heeseung’s carpeted floor with something in between them, laughing so hard their breaths were catching in their throats and you watched Jake give him a playful shove on the shoulder at something the other boy was saying.
Heeseung’s room was basically a cluster of all sorts of games and media, things you didn’t recognize but you could imagine were well known considering the sheer amount of merchandise he had.
You could see colorful superhero’s and toy cars, a bookshelf overflowing with books and more little knick knacks. You thought back to your room, grey and barren other than the bible on your nightstand and your stomach turned.
Then Heeseung’s eyes were bouncing up towards you and he faltered as he noticed your sudden appearance. “Oh hey.”
Jake was looking over his shoulder in confusion and his smile dropped when he saw you, eyebrows furrowing in worry as he stood from the carpet and approached you in a hurry. His hands went to your crossed arms, holding you delicately and peering down at you.
“What’s wrong?” He whispered and you shook your head, confused when you realized you were crying.
You tried to tell him that it was nothing and reassure him he could go back to hanging out with Heeseung, who was cautiously watching the two of you, but your voice made no noise so you just parted your mouth in muted silence.
Jake was frowning and petting your hair gently. “Hey let’s finish up tomorrow.”
You felt guilty as you heard Heeseung agree and bid the two of you goodnight, only getting worse when Jake started to lead you down the hallway and back out into the living room with gentle hands.
Ms. Lee was already out of the kitchen and the mugs were cleaned up, small circles of left over hot chocolate residue being the only evidence of your talk.
Jake helped you into bed and pulled the covers over you before walking around to the other side and crawling in next to you. He tugged his sweater off, leaving him in a white t-shirt, and laid down on his side so he could face you.
“What happened?” He whispered and you let out a small sob, laying on your back so you didn’t have to look at him. “Y/N, what happened?”
“I don’t know.” You whispered and you genuinely meant it. You weren’t sure when or why you’d started to cry, before this week it was extremely rare you’d get to such a point of emotion. “How are you so good at this?”
He let out a soft laugh and you glanced at him finally, frowning at his gentle expression and shifting your body so you could be closer to him.
“Are you kidding? This is terrifying.” He was scooting forward with you, pressed against your side now and whispering next to your ear.
You smiled through your tears at his statement, rolling on your side so you could face him better. You cupped his face when you turned, thumb rubbing softly over his bruise cheek.
“Doesn’t hurt anymore.” He whispered and you nodded softly despite not fully believing him. You saw the way he tongued at the cut on his lip and winced every time he got dressed in the morning. You couldn’t believe somebody could ever want to hurt a person like Jake.
Even now as you leaned up to kiss him, you could hear the slight hiss of pain at the feeling of your lips pressed onto his. He ignored it and surged forward into you, happily accepting the pain that came along with being close to you again.
You hadn’t had any down time since leaving, sometimes holding hands while you waited at bus stops or pecking him goodnight before you curled into each other and slept close to remain warm.
But kissing him now felt different in the same ways it felt familiar and you leaned into him again desperately at the sudden comfort that washed over you. Despite the absolute mess of a week you were having and your entire life being flipped upside down, Jake was here and he understood exactly what you felt.
He’d come with you instead of taking his punishment and staying home. It wasn’t safe there but neither was what you were doing, living from place to place with no steady food source or warm bed to sleep in as the winter approached rapidly.
Yet he was still here with you and still doing things that were strange and confusing for him. Just like you, Jake had never had to work, never taken a bus or been in a city with more than 700 people. He was waking up each day and holding more conversations than he’d had his entire life and trying to figure out the safest option for the both of you.
You wanted him to understand you were beyond thankful for him and everything he was doing although you had a habit of falling short on words.
One of his hands went to your hair, keeping you pressed against him and you felt a small spark of satisfaction in your stomach at the reminder of who exactly you were kissing. Less than two weeks ago he hadn’t even been able to hold your hand and now he was frantically keeping you tugged against him.
Your hands went around his back and you bunched up his thin shirt in a tight fist, shuffling even closer to him as you took a deep breath and kept kissing.
He was sitting up just a bit so he could lean over you and you heard a soft whine escape his throat as he tried to deepen the kiss. You stopped and tapped him on his back which caused him to immediately pull away with a frown.
“We can’t baby.” You shook your head and his frown deepened. You felt his hand that was in your hair twitch like he was going to instinctively curl it up before remembering it’s placement.
“I can keep quiet.” His voice had taken a soft pleading tone and you felt him lowering himself again, although this time he was half way on top of your body. He leaned back in to kiss you and you accepted habitually.
This kiss was deep from the start, your heads turning and pulling each other in with a fever that only time could bring. You let yourself lick into his mouth just to hear his soft little gasp before pulling back again.
“Please.” He was whispering into your mouth before you could reject him again and your resolve faltered slightly.
You hummed as you considered your current situation and what he was asking. Heeseung and his mom were quite a bit away, all the way out of the living and kitchen and down the long hallway. But the apartment was still small and you were guest.
“What do you want baby?” You questioned him gently, touching his face again and he immediately was pushing against your hand and letting out a shaky breath.
“Please.” He didn’t say anything else for a second and you almost told him to word it clearly before you realized he was completely lowering himself now so you could feel him against you.
Your mouth parted in understanding at the hardness that was now pressed against your stomach and he flushed bright red, hiding his face in your neck in a familiar position. Your hand that was still on his back, gripping his shirt, rubbed it softly and he groaned in embarrassment.
For a moment you wanted to tease him, make him feel more humiliated for getting hard after barely kissing you. But then he was picking up his head with red cheeks and anticipation in his eyes and you couldn’t help yourself from leaning into him.
He made a small surprised noise at the sudden kiss but happily accepted it.
Your hand went under his shirt to continue rubbing his back and you were suddenly reminded how rare it was you actually felt each others skin. Not to mention you’d only ever seen him without pants, always remaining fully dressed.
He seemed to be having a similar line of thoughts because he was impatiently reaching down in an attempt to tug his shirt off, stopping when you swatted at his hands.
You didn’t want to be in too damning of a position in case Ms. Lee decided she needed a late night glass of water, and you were content with the feeling of his warm skin under your hand as you rubbed his back.
Jake let out a little whine however at your refusal and you licked into his mouth as an apology, knowing he liked that part of kissing the most.
This was evident by the way he immediately bucked against your hip, a soft gasp coming out of his mouth again as he started to hump against you slowly. You lifted your leg slightly so you could push his body over, centering him so he was grinding with you directly and not just your hip.
“You’re so cute.” You mumbled into the kiss when his whole body twitched at the switch of position, freezing for a moment at the feeling. “You’d let me have you right here, wouldn’t you?”
He was nodding quickly and pulling back to look at you more clearly, trying to determine if you were serious with hooded eyes and swollen lips. The smile on your face told him you were just teasing and he groaned.
“We can’t baby I’m sorry.” You were mock pouting at him and caressing his bruised cheek. “What if Heeseung heard?”
He froze at the mention of the other teenage boy and you were intrigued by his extreme reaction. You’d just been explaining casually but he seemed to have already considered this judging by the way he awkwardly avoided your gaze now.
At first you wondered if he was jealous at the idea of it, curious if he had a possessive side to him at all. But then you were shifting underneath him and you suddenly realized he was throbbing as he was pressed against you, his face flushed with embarrassment.
“Would you like that?” You whispered and he winced, still not looking at you. “You want him to hear?”
He didn’t say anything but you knew you were right, he was just too ashamed to admit. Maybe he wasn’t able to read your tone and was worried that was a line you didn’t want to cross, a bad thing to suggest.
You attempted to reassure him silently by rubbing his back again and shifted your hips so he would lower himself onto you once more, guiding him by doing that until he was finally moving again. He took a stuttered breath as he continued to grind against you.
“Would you let him touch me or just watch?” You were suddenly whispering and he looked flustered at the fact you were bringing it up again.
“N-no touching.” He sounded pained at the thought and you almost laughed, answering your previous question about possessiveness.
You hummed and kissed him again and he happily accepted. Your leg was coming up to wrap around his waist so he was pressing against you more and you almost let out a sound of your own at the feeling. For a moment you considered indulging his earlier request and letting him touch you.
“Only you can touch me right?” He was nodding and kissing against your mouth desperately as you spoke, making it difficult to get the words out. “But he can watch.”
He paused again to look at you, breathing hard as he kept rubbing himself against you and trying to hold in his noises. He glanced down the hallway towards Heeseung’s room and another wave of interest washed over you. You weren’t sure if it was being watched that he liked or specifically by his new friend.
“You like him?” You whispered in question, pushing his shirt up off his back and waiting for him to get the hint and pull it over his head. You wanted to sit back and look at him now that he was shirtless but you kept eye contact as you waited for him to answer.
He shrugged and blushed. “No, I don’t know. He called you pretty earlier and it made me think.”
“Do you think I’m pretty?” You quirked up an eyebrow and he nodded immediately, eyes shooting down to your lips briefly.
“So pretty.” His voice was a whisper like he hadn’t even meant to say it and you smiled at him and the way he was looking around at all the features on your face. He had stopped moving against you to look at you but neither of you noticed. “I just wanted to like… I don’t know.”
“Show him that you got me?” You tried to finish his sentence since he obviously had no clue how to describe the thoughts he was having and he looked relieved as you put it into words, nodding his head and leaning back down so he could kiss you again.
The kiss was slower and more sweet, taking little breaks and drinking in being close to each other. Your hand on his back moving suddenly reminded you that he was shirtless and you paused.
He watched you in confusion when you pulled back from the kiss, tugging the blankets up slightly so you could get a better look at him on top of you.
You knew Jake was fit considering his wide build and legs, assuming his dad had put him to some type of labored work back at his village, but it didn’t make it any less surprising to see all of his chest and stomach bare and pressed against you.
“God you’re pretty too.” You groaned softly and he looked a little unnerved at you using that word, still adjusting to losing his faith. He quickly forgot about it as you spoke again. “I want you to fuck me so bad.”
A deep whine escaped his throat and he dropped his head into your neck again, biting against it to stop himself from crying out as he started to hump you again.
“Do you remember how wet I felt on your fingers?” You were panting as he rocked against you, throbbing in your sweatpants and desperately holding onto his back. “Want you to think about your cock inside me.”
He let out a soft cry into your ear and started to buck into you harder, you were clenching around nothing at the feeling of him, wishing so desperately you were alone so you could finally show him what it felt like to actually feel you.
“It’s so tight and warm Jake.” You kept whispering in his ear despite the fact it was riling him up too much, his noises getting far too loud for the quiet room you were in. “You won’t last two seconds, my poor baby.”
He was suddenly kissing you in an attempt to shut you up and simultaneously mute his own sounds, the thought of stopping because of an interruption making him feel sick to his stomach. He’d never needed you so desperately and your countless attempts to provoke him weren’t helping.
You were surprised at his sudden bold actions but accepted it happily, a small knowing smile on your lips and you kissed him back.
He kept fucking into you, so desperate for relief that he didn’t even realize you clawing against his back, the stinging of your nails hidden underneath the pure pleasure rushing through his veins. You were licking into his mouth desperately and he felt a surge of pride at the fact you were as needy as he always felt.
It wasn’t long after that before he was coming undone on top of you, biting onto your collarbone in an attempt to hold back his deep moans that were barely muffled against your hot skin.
He was collapsing on top of you and you nearly cried out at the sudden loss of contact, tapping his back desperately and waiting for him to pick his head back up and look at you in concern.
“Touch me.” You urged and he looked frightened and confused before nodding and waiting for you to guide him. You took his large hand in yours and pushed it down under the covers, gliding over your panting stomach and into your pants where he was met with your wet and aching core.
He gasped softly and looked at you with wide eyes, not quite understanding why you were suddenly on board with being touched. You realized quickly Jake didn’t understand what it meant for you to cum too, only just doing it for the first time for himself some weeks ago.
You rocked your hips against his hand and he shifted so he could access you more comfortably, laying on his side as he nervously pressed his hand firmly against you.
Humming in approval, you gripped his wrist and helped him move it properly, letting out small whines at the feeling of his thumb on your clit like it had been back in the field. Your free hand was touching him as he laid next to you, rubbing his stomach and chest and drinking in all the bare skin.
He was addicting to touch and be touched by and you wished again, for the dozenth time that night that you were in the position for him to take you fully.
“Put one inside me.” You were gasping out and he looked thrown off by the request, shaking his head softly and watching you in bewilderment. He wasn’t sure what you were exactly referring to but you shifted your hips and spread your legs a bit more so he could feel you and understand.
His mouth was parting in shock as his fingertip was now pressing against your hole and you waited for him to meet your gaze, nodding your head in confirmation.
He trusted you blindly and slowly pressed a finger into you, gasping softly at the feeling of it while you did the same. You always knew his hands were particularly large but you weren’t prepared for how heavy and thick they’d feel on you.
“Oh fuck.” You muttered out and he froze, waiting to see if it was a good exclamation or a negative one. The roll of your hips let him know which and he kept pressing into you, leaning forward so he could kiss you during.
“Be quiet.” He whispered against your lips and another flash of heat passed over you at the command. His voice was genuine when he said it but the slight change of his demeanor made you feel crazy.
You let yourself be slightly distracted by the kiss as he kept pressing his finger into you and moving it experimentally, trying not to panic at the loss of control you were experiencing. You needed to remind yourself that your plan to control and ruin Jake was long over and this was a mutual relationship now.
His free hand was going to your hip that was rocking and moving to try and get him to finger you deeper, holding it down against the bed and giving himself more time to touch you and explore the feeling.
“Spit.” You were whispering into his mouth and he pulled back slightly to look at you in confusion before remembering that day back in his bedroom. He was waiting for you to confirm and you nodded desperately, opening your mouth wide and sticking your tongue out for him to fully get the message.
He sat up a bit more, looking hesitant and awkward but he fulfilled your request and let himself spit into your open mouth. He watched with wide curious eyes as it hit your tongue and a low moan rumbled through your chest, leaning up to kiss him again.
Between the constant feverish kissing, him pressing against you so desperately, and now what was happening now, you knew you were close.
Before you could even manage to warn him, you were finishing around his hands and you vaguely heard him make a soft startled sound, freezing like he was worried he had hurt you somehow. You laughed at his concerned expression through your pants as you tried to catch your breath.
“Are you okay?” He was whispering and you laughed again, closing your eyes and nodding.
He laid down flat on his back next to you and you both fell into silence for a few minutes, falling back to reality. You briefly wondered what he was thinking about during the moments after you did something to this extent and you rolled onto your side so you could wrap an arm across his stomach.
“I should get dressed.” He murmured although he made no attempt at moving. His cheeks were red as he took in his half nudity.
“We need showers.” You scrunched up your nose and he smiled at the expression, only slightly relaxing at your joking tone. “Boys sleep shirtless.” You offered to him.
“Normal boys you mean.” He whispered back after a few seconds of silence and you frowned at him.
“You are normal Jake.” You shook your head and laid it against his chest. You didn’t fully believe your own words but you wanted him to at least hear it. “Anything different about us isn’t our fault.”
“Heeseung’s normal.” He was spitting and despite knowing his anger wasn’t directed towards you, you were still taken back by his tone. He seemed to realize and he sighed.
You felt guilty that you hadn’t realize how much it was bothering him to be around somebody his own age, something who lived a different life.
“Nobody’s normal Jake.” Your tone was stern but not scolding and you felt him take another deep breath. Your hand was resting on his side and taping the warm skin softly. “Everybody has their shit.”
He didn’t say anything after that and you let the conversation die, hoping some part of what you said had stuck with him. If you were going to stay here for a few days you didn’t want him overthinking the entire time and driving himself crazy with insecurities.
Eventually you felt his breathing slow underneath your cheek as he fell asleep. You nuzzled into his chest contently before quickly following his lead.
By the time you woke up, Jake was gone and the blankets were pulled up tight around you. You felt panicked for a few seconds, jolting upright with a gasp before your eyes landed on a surprised Heeseung who was stood in the kitchen.
He was frozen in his pajamas, fuzzy pants with a yellow bear printed all over them, holding a bowl of cereal. He had paused mid bite at your sudden movements and you groaned and rubbed your eyes.
“Where is he?” You murmured, voice groggy with sleep.
He didn’t ask for any clarification, automatically knowing who you were referencing. “He helped my mom open this morning.”
You nodded and didn’t say anything else, pulling Jake’s discarded sweater over your head and climbing out of bed. Heeseung continued to eat his cereal in the kitchen as you moved until he noticed you staring at the couch bed in confusion.
“I’ll put it away until tonight.” He assured and you glanced back at him. “Go on and head down.”
You wanted to thank him, maybe engage in conversation about Jake and find a way to let him know your concerns. Despite your lack of trust initially, you had a good feeling about Heeseung and his mom and you imagined he’d be willing to tone it down for Jake’s adjustment.
Instead of doing any of that, you only managed to hum in appreciate. He smiled at you knowingly and you shyed away from it, heading down the stairs swiftly.
When you made your way down into the diner you were greeted with a few people sat around the shop, one or two families filling up the tables and some singular men at the counter drinking coffee.
You stood in the doorway for a moment when you spotted Jake, watching him swiftly make his way around the area in a white apron. He was smiling at the kids eating as he delivered them a plate full of pancakes, refilling the parents mugs casually after. He looked natural doing something so foreign to him and you felt more pride than jealously this time.
Eventually he noticed you observing him and he gave you a soft smile, flushing bright red after a few seconds like he was remembering parts of last night.
You weren’t exactly sure what part he was more embarrassed by but you liked the pink tint to his face.
“Did you want to help him?” Heeseung’s mom was suddenly appearing behind you and you jumped at the sound of her voice, shooting out of the doorway and awkwardly letting her walk pass.
“Oh I.. I’m not sure.” You hesitantly shuffled in place and she glanced at you with a warm look that gave you a weird pit in your stomach.
“I could use some help in the kitchen.” She was putting away something underneath the counter as she spoke but you could tell she was being purposefully casual in her offer, not wanting you to think she was pitying you for your obvious lack of social skills.
Despite the initial urge to scowl at her, to explode with anger at the fact she was offering you something so gentle and kind, you managed to accept.
Three days passed like that, you helping out in the kitchen while Jake (and occasionally Heeseung when he got bored) tended to customers and the register.
At night you’d all eat together, drinking hot chocolate and you’d sit back and smile silently at the way the boys laughed and teased each other. Then you and Jake would tuck into bed and talk about your days, sleeping against his chest like you were two regular people living regular lives.
On the fourth day, you woke up and did the same routine but you knew it was different. The others seemed to notice it too and everybody was unusually silent, moving around each other like it was habit now but not laughing and talking anymore.
You went through the day with the silent knowledge that it would be your last with the Lee’s. They’d been beyond generous and you almost denied the amount Ms. Lee was offering you and Jake for the work you were doing.
You knew it was probably more than she’d pay an actual employee but she pushed it into your hand and cupped them in hers softly while you shook your head with watery eyes.
Heeseung was approaching you before the last shift ended and you tried not to focus in on his shaking hands and furrowed eyebrows. You set down the rag you were wiping the counter with and gave him your full attention.
“I’ve been through this enough times to know you guys are leaving.” He was starting in a low voice and you felt a weird turn in your stomach.
You hadn’t considered much how many connections he made throughout his life that didn’t last. You wondered at what age he started to realize that the people that stayed with them were never going to last, you felt a fondness building at the fact he was still so willing to bond with you and Jake despite this.
“I just wanted to let you know that if things don’t work out, or they get too hard out there, you can come back here.” His words were quiet but sincere. You knew Jake was listening in from a few feet away and you saw him hang his head out of the corner of your eye. “You can always come back here.”
“We will.” You were whispering back and he looked at you finally. “I promise we will.”
“And we will call you whenever we get to where we are going.” Jake was speaking suddenly but Heeseung didn’t look surprised at the fact he was listening, just nodding his head.
You were rounding the counter before you even processed your feet were moving, pulling Heeseung in by his shoulder and hugging him tightly. He accepted it immediately, letting out a shuttered breath and patting your back.
You didn’t want to cry so you pulled away quickly, letting Jake hug him as soon as you finished.
The day finished up quickly after that and before you even registered what was happening, you and Jake were stood at the bus stop with the Lee’s who offered you a ride last minute. You both had gifted backpacks on your shoulders and your body felt heavier than usual.
Ms. Lee was hugging you goodbye when she whispered in your ear softly. “The hardest parts over.”
You hesitated as you pulled away from her, giving her a close lipped smile and a nod, knowing if you spoke you’d burst into tears.
Neither of you said anything as you got on the bus, moving in silence as Jake took your bags and placed them in the cubby underneath your seats. He watched you as you sat down next to the window before taking his spot beside you. His hand was coming up to grab yours and you shakily took it, trying to ignore the fact Heeseung was standing outside on the platform as he watched you go.
“Are we doing the right thing?” You eventually whispered to him, a few hours into the drive. His head was laid on your shoulder and for a moment you were worried he had fallen asleep.
“I don’t know.” His answer was honest and you were glad, not in the mood for any false hope.
“I imagine we got lucky this time.” His voice was low and you felt his hand come up to rest on your knee. “But we are going to try our best.”
You hummed in agreement and put your hand on top of his, squeezing it affectionately and shifting so you could rest your head onto his. You were suddenly exhausted and coming to the realization that most of the other passengers were already asleep.
You briefly wondered where they were all heading to, if anybody was feeling as confused and lost as you were or if they knew exactly what to do once they got off the bus.
Most were probably heading home for the holidays, something you’d been trying to avoid thinking about ever since you left despite the cold weather serving as a constant reminder to what time of year it was.
Like always you waited for Jake to fall asleep first, listening for his breaths to shallow out and for his chest to slowly rise and fall. It was, for some reason, easier for you when he drifted off first. Maybe it gave you some time to think about things without the guilt of checking out of conversations or maybe it was just easier for you to focus when you knew he was safe and not going anywhere.
After you were sure he was asleep you slowly managed to follow him into a deep dreamless night.
By the time you woke up, it was still dark outside the bus windows but you could see it slowly lightening as the sun started to rise. People around you were shuffling off exhaustion in their seats and preparing to deboard.
You looked over at Jake to see him already awake, eyes puffy from sleep as he looked out the window with a melancholy expression. You were tapping his arm instinctively and he glanced at you, face widening into a soft smile at your tired expression.
“Only like ten more minutes he said.” His voice was low but you nodded at him, tugging your sleeves down and preparing to go back out into the cold.
Once you got off the bus you felt a bit disoriented. Your previous stop was bigger than home but definitely manageable, still considered a small town to most people in the world and home like. Now you were definitely branched out and this city was large and bustling like nothing you’d ever seen.
Because the cold bite to the weather, you and Jake had mutually agreed to put some of the money you earned into a long stay hotel.
You felt slightly sick handing over money to the woman behind the check in desk, only worsening when she gave you a curious expression and asked if you wanted one bed or two.
You didn’t look back at Jake as you mumbled to her you only needed one, holding onto the straps of your backpack awkwardly for the rest of the interaction and as you made your way down the hallway.
“Home sweet home.” You muttered with a sigh as you propped the door open, tossing your backpack over onto the chair in the corner and sitting on the bed with a bounce. It squeaked underneath you as you jumped slightly and Jake smiled at you.
“It’s not that bad.” He reasoned and you weren’t sure if he was serious or just trying to cheer you up.
You laid back onto the bed completely, crawling up so you could be against the pillows and sighing again as your back cracked uncomfortably from the bus ride. Jake was getting the memo and pulling the blinds closed, kicking off his shoes and joining you in the bed.
Your body was feeling slight resistance at the fact you were back in bed so early in the morning but you pushed your routined mind to quiet down as you tried to rest again.
“When we wake up I say we go for a celebratory dinner.” Jake’s tone was hushed but you could tell he was smiling.
You didn’t say anything but you laid flat on your back and scooted closer to him. He was laying on his side and watching you with a careful expression, like he was still cautious of your reactions sometimes.
Taking his hand softly, you wrapped it around your stomach so he could hold onto you and you nuzzled into his chest with your side. He looked pleasantly surprised at your sudden incline in affection and squeezed your side appreciatively.
“We have three weeks here before we need to pay any more. I think we can find work before then.” He was whispering now that you were pressed up against him, his chest vibrating your shoulder as he talked in a low tone.
“So we are staying here?” You hadn’t really considered settling down anywhere for some reason and the thought threw you.
It was like your mind was still thinking this was all temporary, that at the end of this trip you’d return back home and back to your miserable lives.
He was shrugging against you and you glanced at him, seeing his hesitant and awkward expression. You felt guilty that he was still so cautious around you and you wanted to tell him that’s not what you meant, you weren’t trying to scold him for his suggestion.
Instead, words always falling short for you, you leaned down to press him into a kiss.
He was taken back for a few seconds, not at all expecting you to move let alone touch him, but then he was immediately pushing back into you and accepting your sudden kiss. You kissed for a few dozen seconds, slow and innocent until he instinctively squeezed his hand that was around your side.
You pulled back to look at him and his eyes were shooting all around you face, breathing slightly hard as you watched him sink back into that familiar headspace.
“Take your shirt off.” It wasn’t worded as a question but you raised your eyebrow so he would understand he could say no, this was his chance to deny you.
Of course he didn’t, shooting up immediately and tugging his hoodie and shirt over his head. His fluffy hair was left a mess from his haste to remove them and you glanced down at his chest for a while before saying anything.
Then you were shifting slightly and following suit, pulling your sweater off and trying hard to not flush at the sudden widening of his eyes and mouth. He was looking at you intensely and then looking away like he wasn’t sure he was supposed to be seeing you shirtless. You almost laughed at him as his hands started to shake from their place on the bed.
“Kiss me.” You instructed and after a few seconds of bewildered hesitance he was following your orders.
Your hands went around his back, his warm skin under your palms getting goosebumps at the feeling of your icy hands. He wasn’t touching you at first, hesitating and hovering over parts of your body like he’d burn up if he touched any part of your skin.
Eventually he was resting them on your hips, touching your pant waistline instead of your shirtless top half and you almost scolded him before deciding against it.
You led his body so he’d lay back down with you, placing him on his back and crawling over him so your body was sprawled on his. He groaned slightly into your mouth as you pressed your weight down on top of him and it sent an ache to your core.
He’d stopped kissing you to try and process the feeling of your bare chest pressed tightly on his and you frowned slightly, kissing his parted lips and trying to get him focused back on you. Slowly but surely he was out of his trance and aggressively connecting your lips again, a hand coming up to your hair as he cupped the back of your head.
“Jake.” You gasped into his mouth and he tensed for a few seconds before humming in question. “Please touch me.”
He was pulling back in confusion, hesitance on his face when he glanced down at your bodies and tried to understand what part of yours you were referring to. You laughed softly at his expression and gestured to your exposed skin as an answer.
His pretty face was flushing bright red as he nodded with a suddenly determined look on his face, you found it cute he was seemingly preparing himself to touch you.
You kissed him again to try and keep his mind off of it for now, letting him push back into you and turn his head slightly so you could kiss deeper and deeper. Jake’s movements were quick and eager, desperate for you to keep going even when he wasn’t quite sure where you were planning to take things during times like this.
His blind trust in you felt good and you felt a sick sense of satisfaction at the knowledge he’d do anything you asked with little to no question.
His big warm hands were touching you finally now, spread against your back in a stiff position as he tried to get used to being with you like this. You could tell he wasn’t focusing on kissing anymore and just mindlessly following along as he started to rub your skin with a new found fascination.
“Quit being so cute.” You mumbled against his mouth and he breathed a laugh.
“Can’t help it.” He teased back and he was pleased when you chuckled softly, rarely laughing in general let alone at one of his jokes. “I could do this forever.”
His sudden confession stumped you and you tried to not visibly show the affect him saying that had on you, a soft blush rising to your cheeks. He didn’t even seem to register what he was saying, mindlessly speaking in a content tone as the two of you laid close together.
“Forevers a long time.” You whispered back eventually and you kissed him again briefly, shifting on top of him so he could breathe a little. He wasn’t complaining about your weight on him at all, liking the feeling of being underneath you.
“Not nearly long enough if you ask me.” He was blushing too now and you were sure the pair of you looked like any regular couple on vacation, in love with no responsibilities and naive to the world around you.
“Do you mean that?” A wave of insecurity hit you when you asked and he looked at you incredulously, like he couldn’t fathom why you wouldn’t believe him.
He was kissing your forehead in a manner far sweeter than what you were just doing, a hand leaving your back to brush your hair from your face gently and cup your cheek. It was strange being on the receiving end of movements you normally did to him, tensing slightly as he touched you. “Why wouldn’t I mean that?”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged and mumbled although you certainly did have an idea of where your thought process was stemming from. You remembered who he was briefly, the knowledge you could tell him and he wouldn’t judge you or get upset resurfacing. “I’m the only one you’ve even been with.”
“So you think I picked you because you were there and taught me stuff?” He whispered in an understanding tone, trying to make sense of what you were implying without being accusatory.
You nodded hesitantly and he frowned, caressing your cheek. It was strange to be so vulnerable for you and you hoped he wasn’t too thrown off by your change of demeanor, feeling stupid suddenly for pausing your actions to bring this up.
He was kissing you again, quickly like he was trying to ground you back to reality and you met his gaze.
“I’d choose you no matter the circumstances.” He finally said and your eyes softened at his firm voice that left no room for question. “If we met 100 years from now I would have chose you.”
“That’s dramatic.” You smiled down at him and his thumb was wiping high up on your cheekbone, making you realize you’d been teary eyed. “What if you were married?”
He pretended to think for a few seconds, raising an eyebrow in contemplation before smiling and flipping you over so he was on top of you now. You were laughing as you turned, a big toothy grin on your face at his antics and he steadied himself over you.
“If I was married,” He started and you nodded in anticipation, biting your lip to stop from smiling at him. “Well I wouldn’t marry anybody but you.”
You groaned at his cop out answer and he leaned down to kiss your nose as it scrunched up. “That’s cheating, answer like you’re married.”
“Tell me what you’d do.” You rolled your eyes as he changed the subject onto you but you still genuinely thought it over, watching him with a careful expression.
He was still leaning over you with a smile on his face, his cheeks slightly red from blushing earlier or maybe the cold. His hair was flopping into his forehead and you briefly wondered if he’d ever worn his hair like this before you met, before you left home.
“I’d only marry you too.” You were whispering and his smile fell slightly as he looked at the serious expression on your face. Then it was coming back and he was attacking your face with his lips causing you to squeal and move around frantically underneath him.
After his attack he was kissing you normally and you took in a deep breath, wrapping your arms around his back and hugging him tight against you.
You kissed like that for a while longer, weirdly slow and sweet unlike every time previously and you felt slightly giddy at the innocence of just wanting to be close to each other despite being the most naked you’d ever been together.
“Let’s go get dinner.” You were saying into a kiss after a bit had passed and he nodded his head, kissing you one more time before sitting up and helping you do the same.
He didn’t look at you as you moved from under him and stood beside the bed, trying to find your discarded shirt that got lost somewhere in the covers. You watched him avoid your side of the room with a half smirk, wondering if he had looked at you at all this entire time.
The two of you finished getting dressed, wrapping your scarf tightly around Jake’s neck before you went, and found your way back outside.
The city was busy and you awkwardly joined into the flow of foot traffic, trying to look casual and not totally out yourself as lost tourist. Eventually you got the hang of the pacing and you locked your arm in Jake’s, keeping him pulled tight to you so you didn’t separate.
You made it a few blocks before you were stopping in front of a random restaurant and you glanced at Jake who had been uncharacteristically silent the entire time. He offered you a soft nod of approval and you squeezed his arm in reassurance, assuming he was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the complete change in atmosphere.
He didn’t say anything but he gave you a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes and the two of you braved it into the restaurant.
He relaxed after you ordered and were able to eat, enjoying a meal and talking about your day and complaining about the travel time like you were regular people who had just gotten home for the holidays. You wondered if anybody sitting around you could overhear, if they’d be able to tell what you’d been through or piece together the bruises on Jake’s face.
After you ate you decided not to go back to the hotel just yet, exploring more of the city and stopping to enjoy views and sights you’d never seen before.
“There’s so many people.” Jake was remarking from the bench you were sitting on. It was on the outskirts of a small park that had a good view of the city and lots of other couples and families were sat around you enjoying the same thing.
“It’s kind of nice right? Nobody is paying any attention to us.” You were fidgeting with your scarf that he was wearing as you spoke and he nodded softly. “Maybe we can call Heeseung tonight.”
He glanced at you with excited eyes and you smiled affectionately at him, patting his cheek softly and avoiding the bruising.
You sat there for a while longer before the cold settled in even more as it got dark, so you stood slowly and pulled him up with you. The two of you made your way back to the hotel and you felt a lot more content than you had when you originally arrived, more familiar with the area and pacing now that you’d had time to explore and take it all in.
When you got back inside and took off your shoes and jackets, Jake was racing to the hotel phone and dialing in the Lee’s number.
He sat there holding his breath as it dialed and you watched him from the bed, knowing when his eyes widened and a bright smile broke out on his face that somebody had picked up on the other side.
You went and took a shower while they talked animatedly and by the time you came out they were still going, although when he caught sight of you draped in towels, Jake was thrusting the phone in your direction with a grin as he awkwardly avoiding looking at you.
“Hello?” You hesitantly spoke into the phone, something you weren’t quite used to considering the fact you didn’t really have anybody you needed to call back home, most people being less than a ten minute bike ride away from you at all times.
“Hey Y/N.” Heeseung’s low voice was cracking through the phone speaker and you smiled softly although he couldn’t see it. “I just wanted to see how you were doing, I didn’t expect you guys to actually call honestly.”
“Of course we’d call.” You shook your head and sat down on the bed next to Jake who tensed slightly because of your bare skin.
“Yeah that’s what Jake said.” He let out a breathy laugh and you could hear him fidgeting with something like he was nervous. “So um, my mom said that if you wanted and if the trip wasn’t too bad maybe you guys could come back here for Christmas?”
You didn’t say anything and the phone line went silent, the low buzzing of static being the only noise you could hear other than your heart beating quickly. He cleared his throat on the other side like he was worried you hadn’t heard him.
“Like,” Your voice cracked and you felt Jake’s hand on your knee. “Spend Christmas with you guys?”
“Well yeah but only if you want to and if you found a job by then my mom can help you look for housing in your price range, she’s really good at that, then you wouldn’t need to stay in hotel anymore. Not that there’s anything wrong with staying in a hotel, Jake said there might even be a pool which is super cool, but you know just so-“
“Heeseung.” You cut him off and he sucked in a deep breath, falling off into a mumble after he realized he had been rambling nonstop. “I think that’d be really great.”
You felt Jake sway against your side, leaning into you and you gave him a small smile, feeling a lot better now that you had a place to go for the holidays.
Heeseung and you talked for a few minutes longer, Jake listening in from beside you and occasionally adding his own comments as he tiredly rubbed his eyes and yawned a few times. You eventually said goodnight and the two of you promised you’d call again as soon as things were settled, hanging up the phone and crawling back into bed.
“Are you not going to get dressed?”
Jake was mumbling with a small blush on his face and you were shrugging, hearing the pillow crinkle under your movements.
“Do I need to get dressed?” You whispered back, raising an eyebrow in his direction and drinking in the way his eyes shot down to your towel and then back up to your face quickly like he hadn’t meant to do it.
He didn’t say anything but he was moving over towards you on the bed, climbing over you so he could hover there as he leaned down to kiss you urgently. You laughed against his lips at his sudden movements and you felt him poke your side because of your teasing.
It was easy to forget where you were in that moment, how uncertain things were and how much harder they’d get once this night was passed and you needed to start getting your life together on your own for the first time. You didn’t think about how far you were from home or the consequences of getting caught.
You laid there in bed, kissing a boy who had given up his faith for you and he warmed you even as the snow started to fall just outside the hotel window.
It’d never felt so easy to have skin on skin.
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miniwheat77 · 11 months
Playboy. (Gaz x Milf!Reader.)
!CW! NSFW, Smut, age gap (reader is older than Gaz), unprotected p in v sex, oral sex (f receiving) minors DNI!!! (Sorry if I missed any.)
Summary: Gaz takes a liking to you despite your age.
This is not edited plz forgive me I’m lazy XD
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Captain Price sighs when his phone starts ringing as he makes his way down the hallway to his office. He’d called a meeting to go over the next mission.
He steps into his office, a few others following in behind him, staying quiet as they notice him on the phone. “Laswell, what’s going on?” He asks. Soap and Gaz watch as he talks on the phone, talking about someone. “Yeah. Yeah she’d be a great help. I had no idea she was still active duty.” Their Captain smiles into the phone, he’s excited to be hearing from Laswell about this. After finishing up talking to Laswell, he starts in about the mission.
He explains the strategy and where he wants everyone. Once he finishes up, he decides to tell everyone the good news. “Alright, one more thing before you guys go. We’re going to have another Lieutenant on base.” He nods. “Her name is Y/N, she’s really skilled and she’s going to be a very valuable asset to our team, so be on your best behavior.” Everyone nods in agreement. Of course, once the meeting is over and they’ve been excused, it’s all everyone is talking about. Wondering what you look like, how old you are. In Soap’s famous words, “wonder if she’s hot.” Everyone laughed.
When the mission was over, you were waiting on base when they got back. Captain Price had welcomed you and you were waiting in the mess hall when they got back. “Hey, Y/N is here. Time for everyone to meet her. On your best behavior.” He narrows his eyes. Everyone nods their heads, following him into the mess hall. They were surprised when you stood up, smiling at them. “Everyone, this is Y/N.” You smile. Everyone notices your real pretty smile. That wasn’t exactly the first thing they noticed. Gaz had to fight his jaw from hitting the floor. “Uh.. Kyle Garrick, but I go by Gaz.” He’s the first to introduce himself. Reaching a hand out so you could shake it. “Y/N Y/L/N.” You smile. Everyone slowly steps forward one by one to introduce themselves and Captain Price is proud of them for being so kind to you.
You’d been on base for a few months now and Gaz has not done much else but watch you when you weren’t looking. Everyone was making fun of him for his very obvious crush on you. Soap did everything to torture him, volunteering him for anything that also involved you, so now you sat on watch with Gaz for a couple hours at a time. Soap invited you to sit at their table during meals. He always invited you to do anything around Gaz, he thought torturing the kid was fun. They all had eyes for you, but Gaz was worse at hiding it than the rest.
You were sitting across from Gaz, next to Soap. He’d been talking about some stuff here and there. But eventually managed to flip the conversation onto you. “So, Y/N. You married?” He asks. “Oh god no.” You laugh. “Find that hard to believe.” He snorts. You smile, looking down. “Um.. I’m a little old for marriage nowadays I think.” You laugh. “How old are you?” They ask. “45.” This causes Gaz to nearly choke to death on his dinner. “You’re 45?!” He asks. “Yeah.” You blush. “You do not look 45.” He mumbles. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” You chuckle. Gaz really thought you were in your thirties.
Gaz didn’t understand at first why he could feel himself hardening in his jeans. But after a few minutes of thinking, he understood. Not only were you absolutely stunning. But the idea of something so forbidden makes him throb against his cargo pants. Gaz was in his late twenties so the idea of being with someone like you was thrilling almost. “Yeah, it was a compliment.” He smiles. You catch his suggestive tone of voice. “Age never bothered me.” He smirks. He earns an eye roll from you. “I could have kids your age.” You raise an eyebrow. Smiling that pretty smile up at him. Everyone else around the table is surprised at how forward Gaz is being. “I don’t mind if you don’t.” He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms. You roll your eyes. “Not even in your dreams, Garrick.” You laugh. You’re gathering up your items and going to bed for the night.
Over the course of the next few weeks, Gaz is all over you. Captain Price has even pulled him aside to tell him to back off with the pickup lines so that he didn’t scare you off, but he didn’t let up. If anything, he started in more. He was flirting with you anytime you were around. It was a little out of the blue for you, not many people were that forward with you. A part of you thought maybe he was just joking, but another part of you loved the attention and hoped he’d never stop. He really gave you so much more confidence. Confidence you hadn’t felt in years. There was a war going on up in your head, he was much younger than you yes, but could you get over that? Especially for as much interest that he showed in you? But at the same time, you knew Gaz had probably never been with a woman your age. He’s probably used to real young, pretty girls. Who don’t have stretch marks. Who aren’t a little bigger where it counts. Who have many more stretch marks and scars and beauty marks. This is why you weren’t married, why many of your relationships hadn’t lasted. The insecurity of your age, the idea that nobody really wants you because you’re older now.
You didn’t like what came with age, not anymore. The more you thought of it, the more down you were about it. You knew it’d be best to just keep shrugging Kyle’s advances off. He had no idea what he’d be getting himself into anyways.
You rubbed your eyes as you made your way up to relieve your Captain and Ghost of their watch, it’d be you and Kyle of course. Alone. For hours. The thought made your stomach turn. You see Gaz has already taken over and is waiting patiently. “Hey Y/N.” He smirks. “Hi Gaz.” You laugh, sitting down in your usual spot, picking up a magazine and glancing at the cameras every once in a while. This was a maximum security base. It was fairly easy to keep watch of. Plus, not much had happened. “You okay?” He asks. “Oh, I’m fine. Just tired.” You mumble. You hear him sigh. “I can tell something is bothering you, you can trust me you know?” He mumbles. You look over at him, confused. “How do you know something is wrong?” You mumble. “Your hair. It’s not as neat.” You roll your eyes. “Thanks. That makes me feel great about myself Gaz.” You chuckle. Going back to your magazine. He laughs, looking down at the ground. “Y/N, that wasn’t an insult. You could shave your head and I’d still find you just as stunning. Usually you spend a lot of time on your hair and I can tell you didn’t this morning.” You smile, trying not to show him that he’s getting to you. “Honestly kind’ve prefer it messy.” He bites his lip and you glance up at him. “You wouldn’t know what to do with an older woman if I threw myself at you.” You scoff.
“I think I can prove you very, very wrong.”
You laugh to yourself. “You ever been with an older woman before Gaz?” You spin around, crossing your arms. “To be honest? No.” You smile. “Exactly.”
“Now.. wait.” He mumbles. “There’s a first for everything. Besides. It’s got nothing to do with your age or how scandalous it may be. It’s because I like you.” He clears his throat at the admission. Gaz has a crush. “Well. I’m afraid you’ll have to find someone else, because I have personal issues that I don’t think you could deal with. Besides, there’s plenty of young girls all over this base pining after you. I mean hell, most of them hate me because you spend all of your time with me rather than with them.” You laugh. Gaz stands up, grasping a chair and moving it in front of you. Sitting right in front of you. His knees are brushing up against your own, that’s how close he is to you. “I don’t care. I don’t care what care what anyone else thinks. If I wanted those other girls, I’d go after them. I wouldn’t spend all my time with you.” He leans forward. “That’s what this is hm? You’re insecure about your age?” He mumbles. You stay quiet, which answers his question. “Right.” He stands up, pushing the back of your chair slightly, earning a gasp from your lips. “Why don’t you be a good girl for me and let me show you.” He mumbles. Your eyes are slightly wide. “But.. what if someone come-“ he cuts you off by pressing his lips to yours. You want to kick yourself for being so easily persuaded but there’s something about him. He kisses you hard. Cupping your cheeks and moving his lips against yours like he’s desperate. When he pulls away, your pupils are blown out. Your lips are swollen a little bit, and he finds it sexy. He finds absolutely everything about you sexy.
He pulls away from you, making sure the door is locked before turning back to you. You’ve stood up by now, looking at him nervously. “It’s alright.” He chuckles. “Nothing to be nervous about.” You smile down at the ground. “You’re really good at reading women.” You giggle. A sound that hasn’t left your lips in what felt like years. What was he doing to you?
He makes his way over to you, grasping you by your thighs and lifting you up onto the countertop by the cameras. “No. I’m just good at reading you.” He mumbles. Your cheeks are beat red and you avoid his gaze. “Fuck.. sorry if I’m shaky. I’m just.. I can’t believe this is happening.” He breathes. Kissing you again. He grasps your thighs, lifting them up to rest them on his hips. He rocks his hips into yours earning a gasp from your lips. “Fuck.. you make such pretty sounds.” He breathes. “You can stop me, you know?” He lifts your chin up to look at him. Despite the little crows feet forming by your eyes, the small wrinkles by your lips. You’ve still got a pair of innocent doe eyes. He can tell nobody has been this straight forward with you, that’s why you aren’t married. You’ve never found good men to be around. “Gaz.. we can’t do this here.” You pant. “I know.. I know.” He breathes. “When we’re off watch, come to my room?” He asks. Smile on his face. “Fine.. yeah.” You blush. He pushes his hands up your thighs, admiring the way you feel. This is the closest he’s ever been to you.
He steps away from you, his blood is pumping through his veins at a violent rate and he’s trying his hardest not to tear your clothes off and take you right where you are, but he knows you’re nervous and he doesn’t want to put you into a bad position. He wants you completely comfortable. He can tell that you’re nervous as he watches you fidget for the remainder of your watch together. You keep bouncing your leg, tapping your foot. You’re nervous. Sure, he’s nervous too. But he’s turned on. Aroused at the thought of you completely at his mercy.
He’s never pined after someone so hard before, but there’s something about you.
When Soap and another Sergeant on base take over, you and Gaz leave. Soap notices the tension in the room, but he imagines it’s just Gaz and his constant attention. He can’t see that Gaz grasps hold of your hand. Pulling you down the hallway to his room. The very moment he’s got you inside, door locked. He’s tearing you apart with his eyes. He laughs, looking down at his feet as he takes slow steps toward you. He makes you feel small, something you didn’t get often. Especially from those younger than you. But there’s just something about the Sergeant in front of you. He’s smirking as he walks toward you, pushing you back into his bed. Your heart is pounding and he can hear it from where he is. “Relax.” He smiles. He helps you remove your pants, and notices the way you keep tugging your shirt down to hide your stomach. Trying to hide yourself from him. “Shit..” he groans, palming himself through his own pants. He pushes you further up the bed, moving forward until he’s able to wiggle between your legs. He lowers himself, slowly. Lips dragging down yours. He kisses over your chest and stomach despite still being clothed. When his lips touch your bare skin, he sends chills up your spine. You want to close your legs but he keeps them open. He moves himself until he’s laying on his stomach, face only centimeters from your opening. You’re avoiding eye contact, nervousness flooding through you like a dam that’s just collapsed. “Look at me.” He pulls you closer by your thighs. You look down at him. He slides his tongue up your opening and you look away again, a gasp leaving your lips. “Keep looking at me or I’ll stop sweetheart.” He breathes. So you do. You look down at him again, and he leans in. He’s slow, flicking his tongue over you, getting you used to him. He holds you down, you’re squirming. It’s intense, something you’ve forgotten about. You haven’t had attention like this in years. “Oh my god.” You whimper, holding onto his blanket as he laps his tongue over your clit faster.
“Taste so good.. so fucking sweet.” He mumbles. He finally breaks eye contact with you to bury his face into you further. Tongue abusing your clit. Your legs are shivering and he’s holding you down as you fight against him. “Kyle- I-“ he sucks at your clit and your eyes roll back. Body jumping as he does it. It’s clearly something you’ve ever experienced before and he chuckles into you. You’re reeling at the newfound feeling he’s giving you. It’s intense, but you keep still as he does it again, chills rising on your skin. “I- I’m not going to last long if you keep-“ he cuts you off, doing it again. You’re holding your breath, skin turning a deep crimson from the lack of oxygen. He slides two fingers into you and that’s when you lose it. Your thighs shake violently, you clamp a hand over your mouth to keep yourself quiet. You soak his face and his bedsheets. He laps at your pussy until you’re trying to squirm away from him, and when he pulls away, you notice he’s got your arousal on his face. He licks it off of his lips. Moaning at how you taste. “Didn’t last long.” He smirks, “never.. never done that before.” You blush. “What part?” He smirks. He’s trying to make you blush now. “Um.. none of it.” You’re trying to pull your shirt down again. “What?” He looks confused. “Nobody has ever..” you mumble. “Gone down on you?” He asks. You shake your head. Making his eyes widen. “Seriously?” You shake your head. “I’ve never had anyone else.. make me cum either.” You mumble. He rolls his eyes. “God.. my dear you’ve been hanging around all the wrong people.” He leans down.
He’s smiling down at you as he moves himself between your legs. He’s discarded his pants by now, pumping his cock as he moves closer to you. “How about I show this pretty pussy some attention hm?” He mumbles. “Show you what you’ve been missing out on.” He smirks. The tip of his cock nudging your entrance has you gasping out. He grasps the hem of your shirt, pushing it up slightly. You try to fight him but he doesn’t let you. “Don’t hide yourself from me.” He mumbles. He’s pushing deeper inside of you. “There is not one part of you that won’t turn me on.” He licks his bottom lip. One deep, hard thrust has you gasping out. He smiles, he likes hearing the pretty noises you make. He starts a little faster than he wants to, but he knows what you’ll like. He raises his hips just a little, getting that perfect angle. It takes him a second, but when he thrusts right up into the spongy spot, you’re losing it beneath him. Crying into your hand. He takes thrust after thrust into that spot, knowing it won’t take you long. He pushes your shirt up, helping you pull it off completely. By now, those nerves you’d felt before are gone. Completely blinded by the pleasure he’s giving you. Your eyes are shut tight, but when he leans down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth, you’re losing it all over again. He really knows what he’s doing and it makes every other man you’ve been with look completely pathetic. He’s touching parts of your body that are untouched. Undiscovered by the hands of your previous partners.
He grits his teeth, trying hard not to cum. You’ve got him so close to his orgasm that his thrusts are sloppier than he wants them to be. “Shit.. your pussy feels so good. So fucking wet for me.” He groans through gritted teeth. “You wanna ride me baby?” He asks. “Uh.. yeah- I’m just kinda heavy.” You blush. “Not even close.” He groans, he helps you up. The sight of you wiggling your hips up while straddling him, sliding down onto his cock will be imprinted into his brain forever. He lets his head rest back into his pillow, hands on your hips helping guide you into his cock. Even now, he guides you down onto him in the perfect angle. Abusing your sweet spot. You’re soaking him and he watches his cock disappear into you. “Such a good girl. Look at you.” He breathes. He reaches up, pinching your nipples and rolling them between his fingers. You tilt your head back, continuously raising your hips and sinking back down onto him. He smiles. “Getting me close.. know just how to make me feel good.” He moans. He clutches your hips, beginning to lift himself into you, fucking you back. “You gonna let me fill this tight pussy?” He smirks. You nod your head. Eyes starting to water. “Kyle, I’m gonna cum.” You whimper. “Cum with me. Look at me.” He breathes. You look down at him. He’s got his teeth gritted as he watches you. “Oh- oh my god- fuck- oh fuck!” He whimpers. You lean down, muffling his moans by kissing him. The feeling of his warmth filling you up has you cumming around him again, thighs quivering as you reach your high. Moaning into his mouth. When you try to pull away, he pulls you in closer. Kissing you even harder.
You’re sure he’ll leave you alone after that. You know damn well that he’s going to try his luck around your base, see how many women he can get.
But you’re shocked when that doesn’t happen. Instead, it’s almost like he’s ramped up the compliments. He’s using pick up lines on you, hitting on you anytime he can get. When he knows nobody is around, he’s kissing you. Groping you. Sometimes, when you let him, he’s fucking you. Each time he fucks you, it’s like the last time. He takes his time, eating your pussy like it’s his last meal. He devours you, revels in your body. He takes care of you. When you’re restless and can’t sleep, he’s there. Rocking his hips into your spongy spot. When you’re turned on and antsy, he’s right there. Anytime you want him, he’s there. Ready for you. He brushes off the other girls on base, always looking for you.
You don’t know what it is, or what it may be between you and Kyle. But you like it. And despite how awkward it may be if the both of you were to ever become something, a couple. You’d like it.
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phantom-playdough · 1 year
LMK Migraine HC's:
How would Sun Wukong, MK, Macaque, and Ne zha handle their s/o having a migraine?
Sun Wukong
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I think we all can agree that in the beginning, Wukong would really not know what to do or even what was happening to you at first.
that doesn't mean he isn't concerned when he walks into your room to find all the lights off and zero noise with you on the bed.
But cmon, he would probably be accidentally annoying at first.
"What're you doing, Y/n? It's so dark in here! Lemme fix that!" He would yell loudly.
After you snap at him to get away from the curtains and threaten to turn him into a rug, he realizes he f*cked up.
So, he just heads over to the bed and whisper, "How can I help?"
After explaining you have a migraine and if you're still mad at him, he’d understand and leave you be, but not before leaving pain pills and water at your bedside.
But if you forgive him, he won’t leave your side till the migraine passes.
Ofc, he would be quiet and leave the curtains closed.
Water, painkillers, whatever you need, he will get it.
(Side note: he probably struggle getting the painkillers since he can't read. But plz be patient with him!!!!! He baby boi!)
I feel like if you have long hair, he probably would brush his claws through it or even braid it to try and distract you from the pain.
If you don’t have longer hair, he would probably just massage your temples while VERY softly humming a song that hasn’t been played in centuries.
Even after your migraine is gone, you ain’t leaving that bed for a while ‘cause it’s so comfortable…
AND because you are being held hostage by the king of monkey’s.
“Wukong, we have to get up.”
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I actually wouldn’t be surprised if Macaque has migraines.
I mean, come on. The man’s got six ears. So sensitive hearing to me seems like a strong trigger for him.
I feel like he might also hate really bright lights cause he is more used to dark environments. Idk if that’s just me or not tho.
So when he comes over and finds you in your bedroom with the lights off, curtains or blinds closed, complete silence, and painkillers on your bedside, Macaque already knew what was going on.
Mommy Macaque to the rescue!!!!
He goes and gets a wet tea towel, before placing it on your head to alleviate the pain.
But he will also be a gentleman about it too to be better
“Hey, (Nickname). I got a wet towel for you. You want me to put it on your head?”
Nods aggressively
Macaque may typically have a lot of barriers up, even with you.
(He can't help it)
But seeing you in pain throws that out the window along with the kitchen sink.
He would get WHATEVER you want!
ESPECIALLY cuddles, huggles, and snuggles!
But once he starts to cuddle with you........
Similar to Wukong, I feel like he won’t you go even after the migraine is gone without a fight first.
“Come onnnn, (Nickname)… five more minutes.”
“Macaque, you said that half an hour ago."
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MK would probably be in the middle ground between Wukong and Macaque.
When they come over and find you curled up on the couch with all light and sound blocked, his first thought would be that you are napping. But then they notice your eyes squeeze shut tightly and groan.
"MK? Can you get me some painkillers?" You ask.
MK bolted down the hall to the bathroom to get the painkillers, before proceeding to forget to get you a glass of water.
Once you take the medicine, MK asks softly what's wrong.
MK understood. Even though he doesn't struggle with them, I actually imagine Pigsy does.
So, they just do what he does for when Pigsy gets a migraine.
First, a wet tea towel.
Second, water.
Third, food.
IF you can't eat, however, he would encourage you to at least try ONE bite.
If you aren't able to try one bite, however, MK wouldn't be upset. They'd understand and would be right in the middle of leaving before you cut him off.
"Xiaotian, can you stay with me?"
They do, of course. He would be slightly nervous cuddling because they would hate to hurt you somehow.
Even when you assure him that you won't get hurt from a little cuddling, they would still be a little apprehensive at first. But once you fall asleep, looking so peaceful beneath him...
They wouldn't have the heart to leave you alone and would stay.
Honestly, Pigsy and/or Wukong would have to physically pull him away from you.
But they just don't wanna leave you alone...!!!!
Ne zha
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I also think Ne zha may possibly have some small experience with migraines.
Mostly 'cause Wukong gave him one too many...
But when he walks into your apartment to find the lights out and seeing you curled up in bed in the middle of the day, his first thought was that something bad happened to you.
What if a demon came in and attacked you?!
What if you were dying!?
What if?! WhAt If!?!?!
"Ne zha, can you close the door? The hallway light hurts..."
Only then did Ne zha realize his spiraling thoughts were pointless.
So, he would do as told before gently kneeling down by your bedside and ask, "What is wrong, love?"
Like I said, I feel like he may have experience with these things.
Not with a mortal.
I imagine things like a migraine for a deity is like a cakewalk compared to a mortal.
ESPECIALLY if you have chronic migraines. (Like mwah)
How-in-is-the-ever, Ne zha would NEVER let you suffer without trying to stop the pain.
So, he would ask what typically helps your migraines.
He would probably try all the at-home remedies in the book.
Warm tea and water to keep you hydrated, a wet tea towel, something small to eat, you name it he will get it.
This man would commit mass genocide to make sure your pain is alleviated.
But when you ask him to stay and cuddle with you, he would likely stutter and blush.
BUT he recover relatively quickly and do just that.
The key difference between Ne zha and the others above is that he actually would let you go once your migraine is gone.
At least, he would if you had somewhere to go.
If ya don't, he will only keep cuddling until you grow weary of it.
He doesn't want to keep you from doing what you need to do just 'cause he loves holding you against him...in his arms...with your soft skin...
No but seriously, will let you go when and only when you decide you need to get up. Very sweet and considerate like that, you could say.
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
make my heart surrender (carmy berzatto x fem!reader) | chapter two: wednesday
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pairing: carmen berzatto x fem!reader
warnings: lots of swearing, lots of angst in this one, use of she/her pronouns, allusions to sex, eventual smut, smoking (plz remember smoking is injurious to your health, ppl), avoidance tactics, mentions of al-anon, no use of y/n, second person pov, mentions of death/mikey's suicide
word count: 3.3k
summary: while you get to know the kitchen staff of the bear a little better, you and carmy finally acknowledge the elephant in the room.
a/n: the song 'about you' by the 1975 makes me think of these two and is where the title comes from. also, i totally made up the pete has an airbnb thing but i just feel like he'd be in real estate or something with his little patagonia vests lol. anyways, happy valentine's day babes & enjoy!
read: part one | masterlist
“Okay, this is some next level shit,” Marcus concludes, in between chews as he tries the brioche donuts you let rise overnight. “It’s got everything I like about the yeast donut but the flavor is so much more pronounced.”
“Carmy said you knew how to throw down but.”
Sydney nods, taking another bite of hers, and you watch as Fak holds the donut up to his ear, letting out a wild, “Wow.”
“Oh fuck,” Sydney practically groans, the salty-sweet flavors of the caramel hitting her taste buds.
Last night, pre-dinner shift, you were introduced to the colorful cast of characters that filled up this kitchen. There was Richie, Carmy’s not-biological-cousin cousin, and Tina, who’d been working in this kitchen since before any of you were born. And Neil the handyman, who somehow actively chose to go back his last name, Fak, which puzzled you. Then there was Ebrahim, who seemed to serve as the meat prep cook and the onsite first-aid guy. And Sydney, the brilliant sous who’d worked in fine dining kitchens till she came here, eager to learn from Carmy. 
It was a far cry from the kitchens you and Carmy used to work in but this kitchen there were similarities… things every kitchen has. Everyone has their own little quirks, preferences, styles…. 
They’re just a little more, well, allowed to be themselves and while overwhelming, you find it refreshing as well.
Fak smells the donut next, followed by another ‘wow,’ and your eyes widen as Fak begins licking just the icing. 
“Wow,” Fak repeats, carrying on his more-than-peculiar behavior. 
“Is he-?” you start, sharing a look with Sydney next. 
…alright? Is this normal? Is he okay?
“Yeah, sometimes we just let him–,” Sydney tries to explain, but she’s not quite sure how to explain Neil Fak to anyone outside of their ecosystem. 
“Anyways, so this is just a personal preference and perhaps a symptom of too much time spent in fine dining, but I like to fuck around with weird flavors,” you continue to explain, in reference to the salty miso caramel creme pat you’ve filled the donut with. 
“I’m not much for too sweet-of-sweets,” you announce, earning a laugh from Marcus and Sydney. “... which yes, is a very odd thing to say for a pastry chef. So I like to find combinations that cut the sweetness of anything and give the taste buds another experience at the same time.”
“Which isn’t the direction you have to take your pastries, chef.”
Marcus shakes his head, “No, this is… super cool. And I like it a lot.”
“I apologize in advance if I sound like a total loser,” Sydney starts, placing her donut down on the paper towel. “But when I was at the CIA, I actually had your lemongrass creme brulee.
“With the black sesame ice cream?”
“And the sesame crumble.”
“Oh my god!” you exclaim. What a blast from the past. “Yeah, I had to fight hard to get some of those ingredients on the menu. You know. Before everyone thought it was cool to do shit like that.”
Sydney smiles in agreement, going back for more of her donut. 
“So what’re we workin’ on next, chef?” Marcus asks. He has his notebook out and has a few renderings drawn up with ideas he had last night. 
“Well now that we’ve built a great brioche together, I’d love to keep practicing your piping technique and-,” you begin, stopping mid sentence as Carmy joins the three of you. 
“Mornin’, chef! Hey, try this,” Marcus greets, ecstatic about the results of just a day of working with you, as he hands Carmy a donut. 
He takes it, immediately taking a bite. You can practically see the gears turning in his head as he processes and dissects every single flavor note he experiences. You’re all quiet as you wait for his response. 
And honestly, you’re still pretty pissed off about him leaving you hanging the day before. After you and Marcus finished up your prep, you had made your way back to your airbnb – the one he set you up in when he asked you to come here. 
You had tried your best not to feel like a total loser as you hoped he'd reach out with an explanation. No call, no text, no nothing, wondering why he asked you to come in the first place. 
Carmy takes his time savoring his first bite. 
“I almost forgot how good you are at this,” he compliments, his tone neutral as if it’s just a fact. 
“Thank you, chef,” is all you say back to him. You clear your throat, avoiding his gaze, and continuing to go over today’s bake with Marcus. 
You don’t mean to ignore Carmy, but you’re not sure how to act around him either. One minute he’s ignoring you, and the next he’s making you breakfast. And then he’s standing you up, leaving in the hands of his brash cousin? Maybe, you think to yourself, it’s best to keep things professional between the two of you. 
You work with Marcus till an hour or so into the lunch shift. You both agreed to start your days early, since you’re only here for a week, so that you could cram as much knowledge in as possible.
Marcus asks if he can take point on flavor pairings for tomorrow’s donuts, and you agree, before parting ways till later this evening. You’ve got to come back later today from one more late night prep. 
You haven’t spoken much to Carmy at all since he came in. As much as you’ve tried to focus all of your attention on working with Marcus, Carmy has a commanding presence as he expedites. He’s got something most chefs don’t – true leadership – and it seems like his skills have only improved since he left New York. You gather up your things, preparing to take the subway home for a midday nap, heading out the back door. 
“Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t know you were… out here,” you gasp. You're surprised to find Carmy sitting behind the shop, sitting a few stacked crates and smoking a cigarette.
Well, that part isn’t surprising – the smoking part. You contemplate taking a seat next to him and asking him for one, but you’re really trying to cut back these days.
“It’s-, you’re good,” he says, taking another drag. He exhales smoke and the eery feeling of deja vu overtakes you.
Instead of leaving, and continuing this game of avoidance, you stand your ground.
“Are you avoiding me?” you finally muster up the courage to ask. You try your best not to sound as angry with him as you are, to no avail, as more words begin tumbling out of your mouth. “Because, if I recall correctly, Carmy, you asked me to come out here.”
Carmy waits a beat, avoiding your gaze, and it only infuriates you further. You watch as he takes another hit off of the cigarette as you continue, your rage boiling up within you.
“I don’t get it!” you exclaim, shaking your head in pure disbelief. You’re trying your best not to shout. “You ask me to come out here, and make it as easy as possible for me to be here by putting me up in this airbnb, you make me breakfast, and then… what? It’s like-, it’s like I don’t exist?” 
He doesn’t answer.
“It’s always been like this with you. One step forward and five steps back.” 
You wait before saying the next thing. 
You’re not trying to be mean, but you’re hurt, and this whole experience has all been so confusing. 
“I guess I was fucking idiot to believe that you-, that you wanted me out here or something.”
“That’s not true,” Carmy denies, finally breaking his silence. Finally looking at you, even if just for a moment. His eyes return to the concrete pavement below him as he says, “I just-.”
You don’t want to scare him away now that he’s finally talking to you, but you also want answers. And there’s an elephant in the room that maybe, if you both just acknowledged it, could go away. He puts his cigarette out on the cement beneath his feat, tossing it away onto the concrete.
You lower your voice before speaking again. 
“Are you… do you still feel weird about what happened between us?” you ask cautiously, eager to fix whatever the hell it is between the two of you. “Because I didn’t think we’d have to talk about it since, well-, I just thought we said we’d just forget it. I mean, I’m not-, I don’t-, I just don’t want things to be this weird between us, Carm." 
In some ways, you don’t blame him. You had seen him at his absolute lowest: the day Mikey died. You wonder if he felt too ashamed of how vulnerable he had been. You wondered if he still felt weird about what had happened next….
You had argued with him that day – practically demanded that he not go in for dinner service that night. You knew he had wanted a distraction, but after the phone call, after learning what Mikey had done, you knew he was wrecked – even if he wouldn’t admit it. That level of denial couldn’t be healthy, but he'd snapped at you and you didn't think there was much you could do about it. It didn’t take long for him to blow up at a line cook mid-shift, and you had quickly ushered him into the walk-in. 
“Hey! You can’t do this shit. Not here. These people look up to you!” you had chastised him. “Listen, I’m going to give you five minutes to fuckin’ lose it in here, and then you’ve gotta pull it together and finish dinner service, okay?” 
Carmy had grabbed at his chest, and you knew he was having one of his breathing episodes. 
“Carmy, are you o-?"
He’d held out his hand, as if to stop you from coming any closer, so reluctantly, you’d left him to it, closing the door behind you. The sound of empty storage containers being thrown across the walk-in filled your ears, reinforcing your exact reasons why you hadn't thought it was a good idea for him to come in that night.
That night, you had made sure he got home okay, and he’d practically begged you to stay with him. It hadn’t been the first time you’d slept in the same bed, and you knew he was at his lowest point, in need of company. It hadn’t been until he started crying – sobbing really – that he finally broke.
“Carm,” you had whispered, unsure if he wanted you to acknowledge it or not. 
He had turned to you so tenderly, practically folding himself into your body. You had never seen him like that as he’d buried his face into your chest, his body shaking against yours. 
“I’m so sorry, Carm. I’m so sorry,” you had whispered, over and over again. You stroked his hair, wanting nothing more than to ease the pain of your best friend, but you knew there wasn’t much you could do. You’d let him cry, continuing to run your fingers along his scalp and through his delicate curls, desperate to give him any kind of comfort your could.
When he finally looked up, all he could think to do was to kiss you. You had been taken aback -- caught off guard as you'd pulled away from him.
“Carmy, stop it. You’re not-, you’re not okay right now,” you had said, pushing him away. 
At that moment, his eyes were swollen, his face red, and he looked like you had just kicked his puppy. He had leaned his head against your chest again with a sigh, letting out another sob, and you’d felt that he’d put you in an impossible position. 
You’d have been lying if you said you hadn’t wanted it – hadn’t thought about it before – but Carmy had never given you any inkling that he was even interested in dating anyone. You had been perfectly fine being ‘just friends’ with him despite the whispers between the kitchen staff when no one thought you were listening. And now? You knew he wouldn’t be in the right headspace. It wouldn't be fair to either of you.
“I’m sorry, Carm,” you’d apologized softly. “I just feel like-, well I’d feel like I'd be taking advantage. I don’t think we should.”
His silence had only made you more nervous, beginning to over explain yourself.
“It’s not that I don’t want to. I-, I do. I just… I don’t want you to regret it because… because you’re upset right now and cause you more-.”
“Please,” was all he'd said, breaking his silence and looking up at you with those sad, swollen blue eyes. He leans in to kiss you once more. 
In between kisses you’d managed to ask, “Are you- are you sure? Is this really what you-?”
“I’ve wanted this for so long. Just-, please,” he whispered, murmuring your name into the soft kisses he had left on your skin. “Just wanna feel good.”
“Just wanna feel good.”
It was then that you’d realized what absolute fucking idiots the two of you had been for the past few years by ignoring this thing between the two of you. 
The truth was that you were fully, wholly, and stupidly in love with each other. 
“Yes,” you’d repeated, finally giving into him.
Even though it should’ve been a beginning, it felt like an end, but for one night, you’d indulged the both of you. 
“I know,” he says, his voice pulling you back into the present. His eyes are fixated on the pieces of gravel that sat between his feet. Even though you both agreed to it, he hadn’t forgotten about what happened between the two of you and he’s not sure if he should tell you that too. 
But that’s not what’s wrong. It’s not why he’s avoiding you. Or maybe it’s part of it. He hadn’t expected seeing you to be this hard. That it would bring it all back – wanting you – so much so that those incredibly big feelings had sent him running to a meeting. 
He just needed a place to be unapologetically fucked up. 
He’s not sure what he thought would happen – like you’d just fall into the same old rhythm of your friendship without a care in the world. 
He’d called Sydney yesterday and he could barely breathe. Sydney had told him to take the night off – that it wouldn’t help to come back to the kitchen that night – and that he had a whole week of you to prepare for. To figure this shit out. 
“I um,” he starts. He’s not sure why it’s so hard to get these words out; why it feels so difficult to tell you. “I’ve kinda been going to these al-anon meetings…ever since, well you know… since I got home.”
Well that wasn’t what you were expecting him to say. You’re not sure what you were expecting him to say. That he hates you? That he couldn’t stand being in the same kitchen with you and yesterday brought it all back? That it was a mistake reaching out to you?
You sit down on the curb, next to Carmy, leaving plenty of space between the two of you. 
“My sister nagged me to go. Thought it was bullshit but… I don’t know why I kept going back. I still go three times a week.” 
You stare at the ground, not sure what to say next. All that comes out is:
“Well I feel like an asshole.”
He scoffs, moreso to himself, “No, you’re not. I-, I’m sorry. I should’ve-.”
You can tell he’s frustrated as he huffs, “I don’t know why this is so hard for me to tell you.”
You sigh, scooting a hair closer to your old friend. 
“I don’t know either, Carm. I-, we used to tell each other everything.”
“I know.” 
You catch his gaze, your eyes meeting with his, and it feels like you can’t breathe for a moment. 
“I should’ve called. Should’ve kept in touch. Guess I just feel like-, I don’t know,” Carmy admits, regretfully. “I know I’ve been….”
“Uh huh. You’ve been….” you trail off. 
“But I do. Want you here.”
And that’s the problem, he thinks to himself.
“I know I’ve been a dick. I shouldn't have-.”
You take a breath, processing all of it. 
“Can we… not have this conversation again?” you ask, taking a lighter tone this time. “I mean, we sorta had a very similar conversation to this yesterday… and now today… like… are you gonna stop being such a fuckin’ weirdo or what?”
He lets out a small laugh, “Yeah. Yeah I-, I’m gonna stop, well, you know.”
You chuckle in response, continuing to tease him, “Good because… you know usually when your friend comes to town you hang out a little, catch up, say hey hello how are you? I mean, maybe I’m totally out of pocket for this, but sometimes, you know… they even hug. Yeah, Carm, like, normal people.”
“Oh fuck you,” he mutters, jokingly. 
It’s quiet between the two of you, but for the first time in the last 48 hours, it's not weird. It’s a familiar quiet intimacy – something that reminds you of the before times. 
Before Mikey died.
Before you hooked up. 
“Hey, Carm?”
“I want to be here too,” you reassure in response to what he said earlier, bumping your shoulder up against his, playfully, earning the slightest smile from him. 
“How’s the place?”
“Surprisingly, very nice,” you answer, a mischievous tone in your voice like you know it’s going to start something. 
“What? You think I’d put you up in a shit place?” Carmy asks, feigning offense. 
“I’ve been in your New York apartment, Berzatto. Which is mostly why we spent most of our days off at mine,” you continue. 
He laughs dryly in response. 
“My brother-in-law manages a few airbnbs so… it’s the least I could do for… you know… you comin’ out here,” he explains. 
“Well thanks. It’s-, it’s great.” 
“I gotta get out of here early, and pick up the kid. Have a goodnight, sweetheart,” Richie says to you, about to head out of the restaurant. 
“Richie, what the fuck did I fuckin’ tell you about saying shit like that!” Carmen shouts back at his cousin, with an eye roll. 
“So sorry,” Richie says sarcastically, emphasizing your name after. “Gotta woke-ify everything in front of Carmen. Just a little baby.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Carmy yells across the kitchen, moving quickly through the closing shift chores. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Richie brushes off Carmy’s comment with an eye roll. 
“See you fucks tomorrow.”
“This look good, chef?” Marcus asks you, motioning for you to come over and take a look at the mixer. 
You reach down into the mixer, checking the dough for texture. 
“Yeah, looks good. Go ahead and grab a few sheet pans so we can shape these and we’ll cover ‘em so they can proof overnight,” you order, Marcus nodding in response. 
“Thank you, chef.” 
As Marcus disappears, in search of a few sheet pans, Carmy’s wiping down one of the prep stations. 
“Hey, you,” you say, a smile on your face as soon as you see him. 
After your talk this afternoon, things feel lighter. He feels lighter. 
“Hey,” he says, finishing up with his cleaning duty before making his way over to you. Carmy checks to see that Marcus hasn’t come back yet, and you notice.
“Great dinner service, huh?” you congratulate. 
“We’re gettin’ there,” he replies. “Smoothest it’s been so far. Since the reopen.”
Ah yes. The reopen. You’re still waiting to hear that story. 
“I was thinkin’, maybe we could do that catch up thing? Over a drink?” Carmy proposes, changing the subject, and you think to yourself that it’s the most confident you’ve ever seen him. 
“I-,” you start, as Marcus makes his way back towards the pastry area. “We’ve got one more late night prep tonight. Maybe tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” he smiles, spotting Marcus as well. “Tomorrow’s good.” 
“Goodnight, Carmy.”
read: part three
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nerdycanible1 · 3 months
Heyo! Anyone want some Lin Fanart? :D
Here you go!
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I'd like to think this is right after Suyin hurt her and Lin may or may be blinded 👀💧
I'm not exactly good with expressions but I wanted to show Lin in both pain but also the anger and hate in her eyes.
All art belongs to me. If reposted plz credit!
Accidentally written a little one shot that's horrible. I meant to take a nap but just sat in my living room typing this and munching on food!
Enjoy- tho I doubt it'll be good 💀
Suyin would undoubtedly be upset she hurt her sister, but wouldn't be prepared to see this expression. An expression she's never seen on Lin before and is possibly ingrained in her mind forever.
Suyin would go to help Lin but Lin would refuse to let Suyin any closer and literally build a wall preventing Suyin from getting close.
Toph shows up and asking what happened, comforts Suyin upon feeling the little ones erratic heart beating all before Suyin tells her mother she's sorry and that Lin's hurt.
Toph goes to see what happens and all she hears is Lin barking at the healer to just do what they can and a slam of a door closing. Toph could sense something is wrong with Lin and can tell she'd faint at any moment if she don't step in only for Lin to hold her hand up at her mother and tells her, "Not now."
Before Toph could say anything Lin tosses her metal coils down on the ground and telling Toph that they'd need to be upgraded and that it's best for everyone in the facility to get them reworked.
Lin's face begins to swell up, the blood is trickling onto the ground and the healer helplessly following Lin around as she's barking orders but is starting to sway and almost faint.
Toph ends up freezing Lin in her place with her metal armor just to help the poor healer out and demands Lin to tell her what happened.
Lin straining too much and only just begins to fall to her knees as she can't fight against her mother in the state she's in, her heart aches, her face feels in agony and she feels ready to fall asleep.
The next thing she knows, she wakes up in a dimly lit room. She could smell the incense and the sandal wood and the light smell of spring in the air. She could hear yelling down the hallway between her aunt and mother, Suyin screaming that it was Lin's fault and of course the numbing pain on Lin's face.
She knew what happened and knew how bad the wound was. She didn't need a healer to tell her how bad the wound was because she felt it, could already sense her other senses strengthening.
With a sigh the metalbender slowly turned her head which made the blood in her head pump and practically caused her brain to ache as she tried to look out the window.
It took too long for Lin to focus and could see the sun had set a bit ago. She'd sit up and leave if she could but just the thought of it hurt Lin's head and she didn't want to go through that pain.
"We don't arrest family!!"
"And look what happened! Agni Toph, Lin got hurt and Suyin's in shambles! I'm not asking you to arrest Suyin I'm just asking you to help her. Ground her! She needs a mother Toph, not an absent one!"
"If I need any advice from you I'd ask! It's just a scratch, Beifong's don't get hurt!-"
"-And what do you know about raising kids Sugar Queen? Your two oldest couldn't wait to leave you and where are they now?!"
"-Aunt Katara?-"
"-That's not fair and you know it! They're grown up! Let them do as they and ex- you know what? Forget it! Since you're blind to see what's in front of you I'll tell you! Lin hates you and you don't know why! You're so concerned about your job, about your name, about your position, about metalbending that you forgot what's important!"
"And what's so important huh?!"
"That Lin is important too!"
The silence is what stung Lin the most. Maybe it was the hesitance or maybe the fact that her mother took a whole 10 seconds to finally respond. It was enough for Lin to realize her mother never saw Lin on any level of importance in a very long time.
"So what. She's a big girl, she doesn't need me. She didn't need me when she started tying her shoes, she don't need me now."
Lin sighed felt tears prickle in her eye before quietly crawling out of bed and out the window. She made her way down to the beach and sat down mauling over her aunt and mother's words.
Maybe her mother was right. Maybe Lin was the first to start pushing everyone away. Maybe she forgot what family was. It would make sense why her mother and younger sister were close and how she wasn't. Maybe Lin stopped being apart of the family once she realized she was nowhere near the same as them. When she was the one ruining their fun and becoming a "party pooper."
And even if that was true, even if it were very much apparent, it didn't hurt any less. People used to tell her how much her mother and her were alike. Nicknaming her Little Toph or Tiny Beifong. That she was going to be just like her mother and become a great metalbender.
She thought that since she looked like her mother, became an officer like her mother, bent the same stones as her mother, that she and her would share a bond. A bond that no one would understand but them.
It hurt her once Suyin was born, it was like Toph and her clicked right away and suddenly Lin wasn't Little Toph anymore. She became Miss cranky pants or miss you're-not-Suyin's-mom. She was no longer little Chief but an annoyance to her and her mother. A nag that ruined the fun.
The more people saw Suyin and Toph together the more they said Suyin was exactly like her. Rough, abrasive, strong, stubborn and a powerful metalbender.
A metalbender. Lin just realized why her mother favored Suyin over her. It was because Suyin was a great metalbender. Maybe that's why she loved Suyin more than her.
Lin ran her fingers through the coarse sand and stared up at the moon. Was she always this different? Was she ever in the spotlight to begin with? Lin didn't know but she knew she'd have to accept that she'll never be good enough. Even as she thought these things, Toph was probably taking care of Suyin because she was upset.
Maybe one day Lin would be a true Beifong and everything will be fixed. One day where she was just liked her mother and sister and they could be happy. One day where she didn't become a buzz kill.
Maybe one day she'll be a great metalbender that was worth her mother's time. She just hoped it was soon rather than later. She didn't want to be the only one left behind.
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