#so not wanting to date me because I have dated men
ja3hwa · 2 days
♡ 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐬, 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 | 𝐂.𝐒 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : You finally gain the courage to tell your sweet boyfriend you're a virgin... Now, all you gotta worry about is how he'll react.
『Word count』 :  5.73k
-> Genre: Smut. Slice of Life. Fluff. Angst.
Pairing: Boyfriend!San x Chubby!Reader
[Warnings] : Swearing. Body image issues. Negative thoughts. Anxious. Dirty talk. San got a filthy fucking mouth. Unprotected sex (Don't do that). Soft sex. Slight rough sex? Crying. Overstim. Fingering. Breast play. Hickeys. Making out. Lube and condoms are used. Idk this was tooth rotten sweet, so enjoy.
Thank you, anonnie for this request, hehe ♡
Networks: @newworldnet @blossomnet
This is not beta read so if their is any mistakes ignore it hehe.
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Sometimes, when you gaze at the way your boyfriend smiles, laughs, or talks someone else's ear off, you really question how you managed to be with him. He was the centre of attention, the crowd player. Everything, confident and perfect. He was the man everyone wanted to be or be with. And then there was you. Sure, you have grown to love some of your insecurities, and getting older helps with that. But you still stand too long in front of the mirror, examining every part you wish to change, and you always make sure to dress to your size. You were chubby… had been all your life, so to have someone like San, be with someone like you, confused you on most days.
What was worse… You were inexperienced. Now, you know being a virgin in your twenties isn't new and is quite common in this day and age but the idea of having to tell your boyfriend, you're perfect in every way boyfriend, that you were still a virgin terrified you.  You kissed and made out before, but the minute he goes to touch you, you’ve recoiled away. Why is he even attracted to me? You’d think over and over again. Does he actually want me? You cried time and time again. It’s been almost a year into your relationship, and San has made nothing clear about how the sex aspect of your life should be.
Most men you’ve tried to date want to get into your pants either instantly or just not at all.
But San wanted to wait. Heck, this man was prepared to wait for marriage if needed. He loved you the moment he found you lurking in the record shop his friend owns. Your love for music brought you two together, and on that same day, he found out your name. He had told his friend that he wanted to marry you. Of course, his friend thought he was stupid and in the puppy love stage, and the delusion would wear off. But here he sits, snuggled up next to you on the couch, stealing glances at your beautiful face almost over a year later, and he still believes to himself he was done. This was it. He found his person and was going to spend the rest of his life with you.
So why couldn’t you see what he sees?
He’s noticed the way you belittle yourself. Caught the way you stare at your beautiful curves in the mirror. Felt you shy away from his delicate touch… All he wants is to touch you and make you feel like the only person in the world. Be dotted and worshipped. Was that too hard to ask?
“San…” Your soft voice snapped him out of his spiralling thoughts, instantly looking over at you, even turning his shoulders slightly so he was facing you with his whole body.
“Yes, baby? You okay?” He knew the tone in your voice too well. He knew it was hiding your nerves.
“I…” You gulped on a thick ball of saliva. “I n-need to tell you something.” You were shaking at this point, having no clue what was coming over you to tell him finally. Maybe it was guilt that yelled at you not to cage him anymore and let him know the truth so you weren't a burden to him anymore. Or maybe it was the way you wanted to be honest with him. Let him see all the sides of you, even the ones you hated. Or maybe, just maybe, it was because deep down, you were over being a virgin, over not knowing what these magical feelings are that are spoken about in romance movies and novels… maybe you just yearned just as much as he did.
“Hey, Doll. You can tell me anything, okay? I’m here and I’ll be here no matter what.” He moved your legs so they were lying over his lap so he could shuffle closer to you before grabbing your shaking hands, holding onto them tightly. “What’s the matter, lovely?”
“I’m…I…” You looked away from his gaze, taking in a staggered breath as you finally whispered out, “I’m a virgin…”
The silence scared you, letting you hear your heart ringing in your ears. You felt like you were being caught on fire and had no control of the flames that were about to engulf you entirely. Then you hear San let out a sigh of relief. “Is that it, baby?”
His smile was bright, chuckling lightly, squeezing your hands tighter. You looked at him with confusion, feeling a sense of shame. Was he laughing at you? “What do you mean that it?!” You were completely dumbfounded by the situation now. This was not how it played out in your head.
“I thought you were going to say you killed someone, or worse, you were going to dump me.” He raked his hand through his hair. Sighing out another relieving breath, but this time it caught in his throat when you pushed his chest.
“Why the fuck would think I’d kill someone San!! and how is dumping you worse than murder?” You pulled away from him, pouting fake anger in his direction. You take your legs off his lap, curling yourself at the end of the couch. He tried to pry your legs away from your chest while you both laughed.
“If you were to dump me I’d scream on the top of a building to tell the world how I managed to hurt the most beautiful, kind-hearted, not to mention fucking unbelievably sexy woman in the world. I would feel terrible if I hurt you to the point you would want to dump me…” He suddenly stopped being dramatic with his rambles as he suddenly noticed your stillness and the tears swelling in your eyes.
“Y-you think I’m sexy…” You sounded so stupid being the only thing you took out of the whole confession. From your knowledge, you do not think you’ve ever heard someone say you were attractive, let alone sexy. San raised his brows with his lips stretched thin. He hooked his hand under the back of our left knee, tugging you forward so you were now snuggled up against him. His fingers grip your chin, bringing your face inches to his before taking his thumb so he could wipe away your tears.  
“The sexiest.” He whispered before pecking your cheek. “The way you smile makes my heart swell.” He kissed your other cheek. “The way you blabber on about whatever show we’re watching and your nose scrunches in the cutest way.”
“I don’t blabber…” You pout, letting him kiss your nose, making his scrunch. He tugged on your waist this time, opening your legs slowly until one was lying across his lap.
“Yes, you do… you also whine…” he kissed your cheek again. “And pout.” He kissed your jaw softly. “And moan…” his hot tongue dipped out of his mouth for a second to lick a little stripe of your neck, making you whimper out a sound you’ve never heard leave your lips before. “You can make the sweetest noises. and don’t get me started on these.”
He gripped your hips, tightly squeezing your waist. Something you are insanely insecure about. “Do you know how many times I’ve thought about holding onto these love handles while I make the sweetest, filthy love to you?” His voice was smooth like butter, leaving a melting whisper in your ear. He finally grabbed a hold of you completely, pulling you onto his lap much to your refusal.
“S-san…I’m heav―Do not fucking finish that sentence or so help me god I will strip you down right now and show you how much I love every part of you.” he pulled away so he could hold your face with both hands, locking you in place so you were forced to look in in the eyes. “I do not care if you are a virgin. And I do not care if you have some more curves than others. I am so in love with you sweetheart. Every part of you is perfect in my eyes. And if you are scared of sex. Or unsure how to navigate it. I’m here. I’d be happy to show you, find the way your body likes it. Anything and I’m here. You can't get rid of me that easily.”
“I…” Now you were really crying, making San bring you in for a tight hug so you could sob into his chest.
“Maybe not tonight or next week. But whenever you are ready. We can try. I’ll wait until you’re comfortable.” He kissed your forehead softly, letting you slowly calm yourself down. But as you shifted side to side on his lap, you grew impatient. You loved the fact San was willing to wait, but on the other hand, you were frustrated with yourself, and with the situation you had put yourself in…
And so the waiting began. At first, you were nervous that your relationship would shift, and things would become awkward between the two of you. But San acted like nothing happened. He didn’t treat you any differently, unlike other men had in the past, and he didn’t bring it up until you did first. A couple of days after the conversation, you tried your luck when he was cooking. You were enjoying each other's company when you gave him at first a nice innocent kiss. But as your heart rate picked up and his lips became sloppier on yours, you thought this was it. But then the doorbell rang.
Turns out Wooyoung needed San for an emergency… of course, he did.
You tried another time, but then you felt a sudden cramp that let you know that Aunt Flo was coming to visit, so that was a quick turn off. It was only four weeks later after the conversation that you finally got tired of waiting and was going to do everything to have your chance. So on a quiet Sunday evening, where it had been raining all day and the winter weather was quickly setting in. You snuggled up with San in bed. He was on his phone watching whatever he could find while you were not so focused on a book you were reading. You had read the one page in front of you for about an hour before giving up.
You shifted slowly, moving closer to him, simply saying you just wanted to see what he was watching. So you too sat for another twenty-odd minutes while he showed you the brain rot known as his TikTok. Your fingers rubbed slow circles in his chest while you nuzzled your nose in the crook of his neck. You were content for a moment, just sitting in his presence... That was until you felt Sans's hand drag slowly on your hip and back, just lovingly caressing you. It made your face heat up. Such a simple touch that you would normally shy away from or recoil. But not this time, these few weeks. You had tried your best to be more physically affectionate with him.
And man, did you find out how much of a cuddler Choi San is.
His new favourite thing was to hold you tightly while you both slept. Bye-bye shiba, you were his new plushie to latch onto all night long. When you cook, he would come up behind you and pull your ass against his crotch by your hips, giving you a soft kiss on the side of your face while whispering ‘I missed you.’
You didn’t think San could get any more desirable but, low and behold here he is.
“Baby?” His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, making you tilt your view to see his dark eyes staring down at you. “Where did you go? Wandering in space again?” His chuckle caused even more blush to riddle your feature, tainting your ear now in a deep red.
“It.. uh. It’s nothing just thinking…” You couldn’t possibly tell him you were thinking about him in a not-so-safe-for-work way. Just the pure scent of him was driving you insane. Your fingers laced in his shirt as you looked back at his phone but you were looking at what was on the screen but instead, dazed off, deep in your mind, replaying the way San kissed you the other night. The filthy but caring words he whispered as he touched you softly. Your mind, body, and soul were craving to feel that again...
And San seemed to notice. He knew you were scared about intimacy, and he wanted you to tell him directly when you were ready. But unlike your shyness, your lover boy knew how to read you. He knew you were scared about intimacy, and he wanted you to tell him directly when you were ready. But unlike your shyness, your lover boy knew how to read you. He knew the tension of your body. The way you were holding onto him was a little tighter than normal. The way he spoke, you were too busy in your mind to notice. He could also see the way your thighs were clenched so tightly together, trying so desperately to give you some relief. You were horny and you didn't know how to tell him.
But he could help you...
"Princess? Baby..." He cooed, gently drawing circles down your back. You look up to him with wide doe eyes, lust dripping from them. Your fingers tangled in his loose shirt while your heart rate jumped, suddenly feeling hot and bothered.
"Y-yes, Sannnie..." You gulped, shifting slightly. He let out a light chuckle, dropping his phone onto the bed somewhere. He wrapped his arm around you so he could pull you onto his lap, letting you shift your body until your thighs sat nicely on either side of him.
“Is there something you want to tell me, sweetheart?” His voice was low, sensual… His hands were firmly placed on your hips but did nothing to move you. No, he wanted you to take the lead.
“I…I, uh…” You shifted again, moving slowly from side to side to try and get comfortable. Your eyes were wandering around the room trying to look anywhere but San. His grip on your waist got tighter as he felt your hot core rub against him at just the right pace. Fuck, if you keep doing that, he doesn’t know if he would be able to control himself.
"Sweetheart, if you keep grinding yourself on me, we're gonna have a problem." He choked through a bitten lip, making your eyes suddenly draw to where your hips met his. You could see a very obvious bulge straining his sleep shorts.
"I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean—Baby I need you to shut up and kiss me, okay?" San interrupted you holding your face. He gave you the biggest smile as you took a breath and finally placed your lips on his. You felt the tingle and twist in your gut tighten. The feeling you had been chasing was now knocking at your door, and you were ready to finally let it in.
"S-Sannie—Shh kissing time..." You tried to speak, but San's mouth swallowed any noise from you, making you aware that his tongue wanted to slip inside. You had no clue what to do, but you decided to let your body take the lead. Leaning in, your chest was pressed firmly against Sans, and your hips started to move slowly with the help of Sans's hands. Your fingers laced into the ends of his hair, tugging it to draw a whine from your lover.
"Fuck, baby." He nibbled your bottom lip, whimpering out. He could feel the heat from your core through the thin fabrics of your sleeping attire making him almost just say fuck it and flip you over so he could ravish you his way. But no, he needed you to take the lead, even though it was killing him. You let out a big sigh through your nose, growing frustrated with every grind. You needed more. You craved more. You needed him to touch you bare. Anywhere.
“San..” You whined more sternly in the kiss, his teeth gripping your bottom lip in annoyance that you were talking again. “S-San. I need you to touch me right fucking now please.” Your hands push against his chest making him finally pull back to look at your swollen kissed lists and blown pupils.
“Y-yeah baby. I can do that.” He bit his lip, reaching for your shirt to tug it off your body. You just roll your eyes at your goofball of a boyfriend, helping him. He leaned forward, giving your newly exposed kiss light kisses. You felt too exposed, but you tried to push through it. You knew San loved you and loved every part of you, but that didn’t mean you didn’t overthink the fact that your soft plump skin was on display for such a man like him. Your curves were in his view. He could finally see you completely.
It terrified you.
“Hey baby, look at me.” He gripped your chin, noticing the way your mind had wandered off. You focus back on him, and he notes the anxiousness lurking in your gaze. He smiled at you, slowly retching for your bra clip. “I love you. Every part of you. This pretty body is all mine now, you hear?” He kissed your collarbone, then your neck, then your jaw, before finishing with a peck on your lips. “Come on, say it for me.”
“M-my body…” You stuttered.
“No. Say it properly.” he was stern with one hand holding your hip firmly while the other just kept circling the clip on your back. You felt your face turn red as you started to play with the collar of San’s shirt.
“My body—No…” He cut you off, making you gulp, “My… P-pretty body is all yours.”
“That’s it. Such a good girl, hmm.” He hummed as he unclipped your bra, watching intensely as the straps fell from your shoulders. You help him tear the fabric from your body, leaving your top half completely bare. San had a hitch in his breath as he came face to face with your plump tits. How dare you keep these from him. How did he go so long without having his mouth on them he wouldn’t know… All he did know was that he was going to have you covered in his marks by the end of the night. “Fuck you’re so hot..”
“S-Sannie..” You whimpered as you tugged on his shirt, feeling a little bit too underdressed compared to him. He just chuckles, shifting until you fall back with an ‘oof’. He was now snug between your legs, placing an open kiss on your left breast, taking your sensitive nipple in his mouth. You gasped, grabbing a fistful of his hair in seconds. You’ve never felt such a sensation. It was almost ticklish mixing with a wet tingle spilling down your body straight to your core.
He moved away too soon with an audible pop as he sat up to rip his shirt off. “Fuck baby, you have no idea how badly I wanna fuck these tits. Maybe I’ll do that after I fuck you hmm?” His filter was officially out the window, no longer caring what he might say, all he was thinking now was making you feel the most heavenly pleasure while he got his fill of you.
“Do anything to me San… I’m yours..” You don’t know what came over you to make you say that, but you were glad you did cause the look on Sans's face was priceless. A mixture of shock, pride, and hot, red, lust. So, without another word, San bit down on your breast, causing you to let out a yelp. His hand flew for your shorts, slipping past the hem before dipping into your panties. Your yelp quickly turned into a loud gasp as you felt his cold fingers met your throbbing clit. You’ve never felt such a pleasurable feeling. The way his fingers circle your sensitive nub, slow and steady. Your fingers tangle in the end of his hair, tugging harshly as his lips latch onto your collarbone sucking in a deep red mark.
“You shouldn’t have said that, sweetheart.” He bit down on your shoulder, fondling your breast, pinching your nipple between his thumb and finger and pressing harshly down on your clit. Your head felt like it was being filled with cotton and your mind started to fuzz into mush with the only thing playing on loop being San and what he had planned for you.
Every move he made was delicate, calculated. He made sure everything he did was perfect for you. His cock was starting to ache in his boxers but he couldn’t care less. The only thing he worried about was making you reach your climax. And with a staggering breath and fast-paced heart, he knew you were close, just needing one more push. “Come on pretty girl. You can do it.” he brushed his nose against your neck before slowly kissing up your jaw until his breath was tickling your ear… “I wanna feel you come all over my fingers.”
He moved swiftly to keep his slow rubs but changed his pointer finger with his thumb before slipping just one finger inside you. Your gasp was high-pitched, stroking out a cry. You felt a tear breaching your eyes as you’ve never felt anything inside you before. Your whole body became over sensitive, and a snap undid all the pent-up pleasure that was running rampant through you. “San, San, San, Oh… Fuck!!”
“That’s it. You are such a good girl.” He kisses your cheek, slowing his fingers before coming to a stop. He let you lay there for a moment, just listening to each others heartbeats and heavy breaths. He moved beside you, pulling his hand out of your underwear so he could hold you close. He wanted to wait, see if you wanted to continue. Deep down, he desired more. He loved nothing more than to fuck you into the mattress until you were a screaming mess. But he needed to know where your lines were. What you needed. And if that meant stopping tonight right now… He would be more than satisfied.
You laid there for a moment, feeling suddenly overwhelmed that San was pleasuring you. You smiled… Then sighed, before laughing. Covering your face with your arm, you felt tears starting to pool in your eyes. This got San worried. He sat up straight, sitting on his knees next to you. “Baby are you okay? Did I hurt you?” San was mortified thinking you were crying. He hurt you. He’s finished. He was ready to pack his bags and leave if you said the words, but when he grabbed your arm and moved it away from your beautiful face, he saw a smile. A crooked, hysterical smile… oh no…
“Baby…” He said with caution.
You looked him in the eyes and finally stopped, “You know, if I knew sex felt like this, I would have jumped you sooner.”
Now it was his turn to start laughing, falling to sit on his ass. He threw back a whole chesty laugh. Some filled with pure joy and relief. “Baby, you scared me for a second. I thought I had hurt you.”
You sat up, placing your hands on his bare chest, gliding them along his toned skin towards his shoulders before resting on the back of his neck. “You could never hurt me, Sannie.” The laughter had calmed, and the tension began to grow again. Your lips found his in a soft, almost pleading kiss. A silent beg to continue the evening. So San gently laid you back down, not letting his lips break away from yours. His tongue slipped into your mouth, dancing along your own. The feeling was strange at first but quickly turned you on. His hands kept roaming your body, squeezing your curves and plump love handles. For the first time in your life, you didn’t feel insecure anymore. Maybe not confident, but you felt comfort. Safe in San’s arm. And as he slowly pulled down your shorts, you didn’t shutter away this time. You instead invited him. Helped him remove the fabrics until you were completely bare to him.
“So beautiful. My stunning girl. God, I can’t believe you are all mine.” He moaned into your mouth, shaking his own shorts off before sitting up to lean over to the nightstand. You took this moment to gaze down at San’s shorts and boxers sitting at his knees and his very hard cock against his abdomen. You gulped at this thickness. You’ve never seen a cock in real life before and they were certainly intimidating. “This is going to be very cold but It’ll be only for a moment.”
San’s voice caught your attention as you snapped your head back to him, seeing him shimmy out of his clothes so he could also now be completely naked. He had a condom and some lube in his hand. Cracking opening the bottle, his eyes met yours with a soft expression as if he was apologizing in advance. You spread your legs for him, letting him rub some of the ice-cold gel on you. The gasp you let out echoed around the room. It was certainly cold, to say the least, but there was something pleasurable about the temperature change. “Fuck, s-sannie.”
“Yeah, I know I’m sorry. You’re being such a good girl. Just a little more.” he cooed, finally finishing applying the lubricant. He tore open the packet of the condom but before he could roll the sheer rubber on his cock, you sat up and grabbed his hand.
“D-do you have to put that on?” Your voice got stuck in his head, making him almost choke on his own spit.
“I uh… I don’t think getting you pregnant is a good idea, sweetheart.” He chuckled awkwardly. He wanted nothing more than to fuck you raw but he wasn’t about to without knowing you two could be as safe as you can be. There was silence for a moment as you suddenly felt embarrassed. You didn’t like talking about your experience on birth control but since your relationship with San had moved up the ladder, it was better to explain it now.
“I’m on the bar. It was to help with my period… b-but it helps with not getting pregnant….” God you’ve ruined the mood, haven’t you? Of course, you are the perfect person to ruin the idea of sex cause you spoke about your goddamn period.
“Fuck me…” San’s groan snapped you out of your overthinking mind. “Do you want me to fuck you, raw baby? Huh? God what are you doing to me.” Blush littered your face, your ears also turning a bright crimson at the sound that spilled from San’s lips. He grabbed his cock, squeezing it with a hitched breath. He felt like he was about to bust right then and there just from your sweet innocent suggestion. “Fuck and here I thought you were my sweet girl?”
“I-I am…I j-jus…” San silenced your stutters with a simple soft kiss, smiling through it. Your eyes fluttered closed, feeling a tingle in your gut. Like butterflies were tickling you. All your senses were already heightened, but San knew how to make your mind even more dizzy than it already was.
“It’s okay, beautiful. I’m gonna fuck you nice and raw.” He kissed your jaw so gently you almost didn’t feel it. “Fill you up.” He kissed your collarbone, making you grab onto his shoulders. His tight grip on your hip made your breath hitch as you felt his nails dig slightly into your plump flesh. San grabbed his stroked his cock roughly, rubbing his tip against your soaked folds.
This caused you to let out a shaky whimper. “S-Sannie.”
“Shh, it’s okay. I’m going to make you feel me for days. Now be a good girl and take a deep breath.” He cooed, pushing his bulbous tip into your hole just slightly. You took in a sharp breath feeling every inch of his cock slowly slip into you. A burning sensation erupted from your core, leaving an ache in its wake. Tears began to form at the pain. You tried to breathe, take deep breaths like San had instructed but it was suddenly very hard to do anything when this pain began to cloud your mind.
“S-San. It h-hurts.” You cried, squeezing his shoulders tightly to the point your nails had dug little crescent shapes into his skin. He rubbed your hips, kissed your neck. Did anything to keep you distracted. He knew it would hurt the first time round, and he felt guilt shiver down his spine at the tears that fell from your beautiful face.
“I know, sweet thing. It’ll go away soon. Come here, baby.” He released a hand from your hips to grab your chin, making you look at him with pleading eyes. His lips met yours again in a gentle, passionate kiss. he inched a little more inside you, and you bit his lip in the process, causing him to moan. And then he sunk in some more, and your nails scratched down his bare back, leaving harsh red marks behind. Every inch he gave, every bit of pain he was forcing you, reciprocated. It was like some beautifully painful dance. That was until he completely bottomed you out.
“Oh my fucking god.” You whimpered. After that brief moment of pain, everything quickly subsided into a warmth of pleasure you have never experienced before. Your body grew suddenly away of how connected you were to San. How close you were. It made you feel loved, cherished. Admired even. Your arms wrapped wrapped tightly around San’s neck, bringing him down for a sloppy kiss before whispering. “Move.”
And he did as you pleased, slowly, inch by inch he pulled out… Until only his tip was inside your aching hole and then with some force pushed back inside you in one swift thrust. Your head threw back at the feeling, letting San latch his hungry mouth on your jugular. Your whole body felt like it was lit on fire from the inside out. A fire that only left room for San. His scent, his movements, his body. Your skin was sensitive to the touch, and both your toes and fingertips were tingling. Pure ecstasy would be the only way to describe what you were feeling.
“There we go. Such a pretty baby. You gonna cream on my cock for me. Please sweetheart I need to feel you come around me.” San’s gravelled words sent shock waves through you. His hot long licking stripes on your sweaty neck, tasting the saltiness your beautiful body was gifting him. He couldn’t get enough. He wanted to be inside you forever. Every waking moment, he wanted nothing more than to be this close to you. Maybe he could try to convince you to cock warm him while you both play video games together. He thought. Or better yet, what if you kept his dick warm with your perfect mouth while he was busy in Zoom meetings or working at his desk. Argh, the image in San’s mind would run rampant. He was going to teach you everything he knows and more.
“S-Sannie please.” You hiccuped, feeling yourself creep closer to the edge. But you needed more. So San gripped the back of your hair and pulled. This gave him more of your neck to attack, biting down on your left side, you screamed. “Ahh Fuck!!”
Deep moans escaped your lips over and over like a sweet melody to San’s ears. He pounded harder, bringing his free hand that was perched on your hips to your ankles, helping you lift them over his broad shoulders. You were successfully folding in half for your lover, giving him the perfect angle to pound harder into you while rubbing your clit in fast circles. “Come one sweet thing. I need you to come so I can empty my load into this greedy fucking pussy.”
His words, the angle, his fingers and thrusts. Everything became too much. Too quickly. A snap erupted through your body and a silent scream fell from your saliva-covered lips. “Jesus fucking christ…” San moaned as he felt your cunt tighten around him, making his hips stutter before he stills entirely, unloading his thick cum deep inside you. Both of you laid there for a moment, panting. San had slowly moved your legs until you were laying flat while he stayed on top of you, caging you in his body warmth. Your hands played with the ends of his hair while his began to massage your hips and thighs.
No words were spoken.
Nothing needed to be said. You both simply enjoyed being close to one another. San’s hands would quickly wander a little too far, leading his fingers to graze against your completely soaked cunt that San was still very much deep inside. Actually, now that he thinks of it, there was a lot of liquid all over the sheets. This made San sit up. “Holy fuck…”
“W-what?!” You were startled at San’s sudden deep growl, sitting on your elbows you looked down and became mortified.
“You fucking squirted.” San said enthusiastically “That is the hottest thing I’ve ever fucking seen.”
You fell down with a huff, redness painted your face once again, and your arm covered your eyes. San chuckled, giving you a little thrust, making you hiss out. “Come on, baby. don’t shy away now.” You couldn't help but smile at your lover boy's chuckle. His lips kissed your cheek before moving your rm slowly away from your face. “Hey there beautiful…”
He pressed his lips against yours, gifting you the most loving kiss he could conjure. His heartbeat matched yours in that moment, skipping at the thought he was determined to spend the rest of his life with you. You were everything he could ever want and need. And little did he know you felt the same too.
- ♡
Special taglist: @ateezswonderland @wisejudgedragonhairdo @10nantscompanion @stolasisyourparent @bunnyluvr25 @londonbridges01 @foulbreadpirate @maltesejjong @hwallazia @resildatice
© 𝐉𝐚𝟑𝐡𝐰𝐚. Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my work in any way, shape, or form.
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foreingersgod · 12 hours
hellooo! i loveddd ur cc country reader fic. do u think u could do one like that but with kate? hope ur doing okay!! <3
If She Ever Leaves Me . KM
pairing: country!kate martin x country wife!reader
synopsis: country kate <3
A/N: this is quite literally my favorite song of all time, lesbian country has a special place in my heart so i’m so excited for you guys to read this one!
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I see you watch her from across the room
Dancing her home in your mind
you were from another world, kate was convinced. dolled up in your red gingham sundress, the one lined with ivory lace and a sweet little bow that sat in between your breasts. your cowboy boots clunked rhythmically against the wooden boards on the old bars floor as you danced to the music. you had once had a drink in your hand, a fruity little cocktail because you couldn’t handle the strong stuff like kate did. but the glass was long forgotten when you left your girlfriends company to join in on the line dance.
kate remained seated on the leather bar stool, her own pair of boots propped up on the foot rest. her elbow was leaned up against the varnished bar as she swirled her drink mindlessly. her attention was no longer on the ice that slowly melted within the glass, but on you, in the midst of the friday night bustle. she had brought you to the bar just like she did every weekend, a small tradition you adopted when you first started dating. you had fallen in love with the small little town and the cozy bar within it and found yourself most happy in the musical chaos of it all.
while she loved seeing you out there in your element, she couldn’t help but wish you’d stay right there next to her. her heart turned to mush at the way you would smile, flash your pearly whites as you sung along to the music. she loved how your dress twirled around your calves as you spun around in circles, your voluminous hair bouncing behind you. but she hated how you were so far, wanting to see that charming smile and those gorgeous locks up close for herself. she couldn’t stand the thought of you being out there for all eyes to see. hated how any man or woman could claim you as theirs in their minds.
kate was aware of your immense beauty, knew how especially the men liked to gaze in your direction. you were a sight for sore eyes, not even having to lift a finger to attract the attention of everyone in town. and while kate did get jealous, seeing how the single folk in the bar constantly asked you to dance or buy you a drink, she knew you’d never cave. your love for kate was outstanding and hardly likely to dissipate over a few drinks offered by lonely cowboys. they could continue to stare at you, imagine dancing with you all they wanted. but she knew it was her, at the end of the night, that got to take you home and settle between your thighs.
Well, it takes more than whiskey to make that flower bloom
By the third drink you'll find out she's mine
“good evening, missy” a deep voice slurred from behind you “i saw ya over there dancin’ and was hopin’ i could buy ya a drink?”
you had just returned to your seat next to kate at the bar, almost winded from all the dancing. a small film of sweat lingered on your forehead as you plopped down, adjusting the skirt of your dress. kate’s hand found its way to the divot of your hip without a second thought. she ordered you a brand new drink once she noticed you reaching for hers, letting you finish off her whiskey was a recipe for disaster. the bartender poured your drink as kate leaned in to kiss your blushed cheek, listening to you rave about the excitement on the dance floor. it wasn’t until your drink was passed to you, pausing your conversation, that you were suddenly interrupted.
“oh,” you licked your lips, the salt from the rim of your glass sticking to your upper lip. you turned around to face the stranger to see it was a taller and quite older man. he was muscular and burly, a thick beard embellishing his face. not that it would sway your opinion, but he was no different than the rest of the men who thought they had a chance with you “no thank you”
the man seemed to be taken aback, nose scrunching in disgust. he shook his head and and rolled his eyes, large hands coming up to rub his jaw. he inched closer to you, broad shoulders on the brink of colliding with your back. kate immediately noticed this, tightening her grip on you as she shot a stern glare his way.
“no?” he scoffed “it’s just a drink, lady”
“look i’m just not interested alright?” you sneered, trying not to be too harsh and make a scene in the midst of the busy bar.
“and why’s that, huh? i’m a nice, good lookin guy. what’s your fuckin problem?” he spat at you, near slamming his fist on the bar. this triggered something in kate, causing her to leap from her seat in anger. but you placed your hand on her chest, sending her a look to tell her that you had it under control. she looked back at you, then back at the guy in conflict. kate was more than ready to put that guy in his place, to claim you as hers and teach him a lesson. but she also knew you took satisfaction in telling these men off, ultimately deciding to take a seat and observe.
“i’m happily taken, i’ll have you know” you motioned to kate “i appreciate the offer, but i would appreciate it even more if you apologized and left us alone”
kate smirked, seeing his expression fall. it was always so gratifying to see these people learn that you were in love with someone else, and a woman at that. she tipped the rim of her cowboy hat mockingly at him, her way of making her presence known. the man cleared his throat, now embarrassed as he took his hand away from the bar and took a step back.
“you-uh-you’re right, ma’am” he mumbled, digging his hands into his pockets “m’sorry ladies, have a nice night”
he shuffled away in humiliation, probably on his way to pester some other woman he thought he could seduce. you watched him bump into a few people before he disappeared into the ever growing crowds. you sighed in relief, taking another swig of your drink.
“he not your type?” kate snickered, smirking at you teasingly before finishing off her own drink.
“shut up,” you laughed as you smacked her shoulder lightly. you turned on the stool, rusty metal squeaking loudly as you came to face her. nimble fingers came up to move a strand of hair away from her face “you know i only have eyes for you”
“you’re somethin else, ya know that?” she groaned, noticing the way you bit your lower lip and batted your lashes at her.
“i do,” you leaned in to place a small kiss to her lips “but you love it”
I've loved her in secret
I've loved her out loud
“can we just stay like this forever?” you asked, resting your head against kate’s shoulder as you let your eyes close.
these were your favorites moments. sitting on the porch swing with kate as the sun went down, crisp summer air swooshing past you. the sky glowed pinks and oranges, reflecting onto the home you shared on this secluded farm. the chains of the swing creaked with each push, kate’s bare foot touching the floorboards just enough to rock you back and forth. crickets and other little critters sounded from the fields in front of you as the evening fell upon the town. the grasses and weeds of the crops whistled in the wind, adding to the noise. kate hummed an unknown tune-probably some song she heard on the radio weeks ago-as she draped an old knit blanket across your laps.
“mhm,” her hand wrapped around your shoulder, tugging you closer into her side to keep you warm. her fingers toyed with the fraying ends of your sleeve, an old country singer tee shirt that you stole from her drawer one day “then i’d get to keep ya all to m’self”
“you already got me to yourself, kate” you chuckled softly, nuzzling your nose into her neck.
“yea,” she continued “but here? it’s jus the two of us. no drunks at the bar, no assholes givin us a hard time in town…it’s just you, me, and the farm. everything i’ve ever wanted’s right here”
you smiled against her shoulder, feeling the rough material of her flannel shirt on your lips. kate was the biggest sweetheart, was always vocal on her appreciation for this life. it was true, everything she wanted was right here. she was never set on a busy life at all. as long as she had her woman, her animals, her crops, and most likely her guitar (because how else would she serenade you on quiet nights like these), then she’d never need anything else. you were her entire world, what made her the person she is. she’d do anything to keep this life with you.
“mmm,” you sighed, another breeze lulling you into sleep “i love you s’much, kate”
“i love you too, darlin” she confessed, sensing your drowsiness “more than you know”
The sky hasn't always been blue
It might last forever
Or it might not work out
her back ached, her feet hurt, and her head pounded with the memories of your conversation this morning. kate had never meant to say what she did, and now she beating herself up at the thought of hurting you.
she had woken up at the same time she always did, quietly padding out of bed and into the connected bathroom as to not wake you. you hated early mornings so kate normally let you sleep while she did her morning farm chores. in return, you’d clean the house, run errands, and you often helped kate with anything she was behind on. it was a fair trade off and the routine worked for you, so there were hardly any issues during the countless years you’ve been together.
but for some reason, everything seemed to have gone wrong this morning. kate’s alarm didn’t go off so she was late to milk the cows, causing her to go behind schedule by at least 45 minutes. the water heater apparently stopped working, she ran out of toothpaste, and her favorite work pants had a pretty gnarly hole. then, she accidentally woke you up by knocking down some of her toiletries because she was in a rush. you were shocked to wake up to such chaos, trying to ask her what was wrong and asking if there was anything you could do to help. but rather than answer or kiss you goodbye and tell you she was in a rush, she snapped at you angrily before running out the door.
“can you just leave me alone? fuck” she had said, trying to pull her boot over her left foot “christ, i don’t have time for this, i gotta go”
the comment left you dumbfounded, disgusted by her tone. sure, there were times that kate got a bit angry and said something she didn’t mean, but it was never like this. she never said anything that directly offended you. plus, she always apologized if she hurt your feelings. this time, on the other hand, felt like a personal dig at you.
you laid in bed for a while as you replayed the scenario over and over in your mind. it had made you incredibly upset, knowing that she was somehow mad at you for asking if you could just help. eventually, you decided to just get up and get some work done throughout the house to try and take your mind off of it. but no matter what you did during the day, you couldn’t shake how terribly she made you feel. her words stuck with you like glue as you went about your daily chores.
the dishes were done and the floors were scrubbed spotless by the time dinner rolled around. you made your self busy with prepping the food as you waited for kate’s arrival. she typically finished around 5:30, but with her being in such a hurry, she most likely wouldn’t be back to the house until 6:30. so you focused on cutting the vegetables and marinating the meat until she was home.
kate, meanwhile, was finishing rounding up the horses. she so desperately wanted to go home, eat the delicious dinner you had made, and curl up under the covers with you while you read your book aloud to her. but now, as her hands grasped around the brass door knob of the front door, she realized that that may be harder to achieve than she had thought.
she was instantly met with discomfort the second she set foot in the house. the air felt heavier and the atmosphere was merely dimmer than it should be. the radio would often be playing somewhere in the kitchen, you could never get anything done without your old school tunes. her heart twinged at the loss of your humming, the sweetness of your voice nowhere to be found as she kicked off her boots and set them aside.
her legs dragged her into the kitchen where she spotted you silently chopping away at some peppers (the ones you had insisted you grow yourself, giving yourself yet another thing to tend to). you were still and quiet, not even so much as swaying your hips. she knew that you were upset right away. and you had every right, she admitted internally, her behavior this morning was uncalled for and she didn’t blame you.
“hey, baby” she mumbled, testing the waters. she wandered through the kitchen, making her way to the cabinet to grab a cup for a glass of water.
“hey” you murmured back in response. now it was the tone of your voice that stung kate. you didn’t bother to look at her, keeping your focus on the task at hand. but kate couldn’t bring herself to look away from you, instead she took the time to study the expression on your face and the movement of your body. you seemed stiff, muscles tense with irritation. the features of your face were soft-they always were-but now they were soft with disappointment. you were a headstrong gal, kate knew all too well, and would rather go all night completely mute than pretend like this morning never happened. so she decided to shrug off her guilt and pride and own up to her mistakes.
“darlin’?” she set the glass down on the counter top, no longer worried about the water. she came up behind you as you slowed the movements of your knife.
“m’sorry” she divulged, chest pressing against your back. her arms came to wrap around your torso as she let her head fall. her chin now rested on your shoulder, her nose nudging at the angle of your jaw “for what i said today, that wasn’t fair to ya. you were jus tryin’ to help”
you said nothing, pushing her off your shoulder as you resumed your chopping. the small action made kate’s insides churn. she tried again, this time placing a hand on your lower back and attempting to apologize once more, but she was swiftly shot down.
“thought you wanted me to leave you alone?” you taunted bitterly. you moved over to the stove and slid the diced vegetables into an already simmering pot. she sighed, scratching at the back of her neck.
“baby, i didn’t mean it” she pleaded “i’d never want you t’leave me alone, i was just upset and i lashed out. it was wrong of me”
“yea,” you laughed in disbelief, still moving restlessly around the kitchen to display your anger “it was”
“can you just-” she halted to try and find the right words “can you just stop for a second? please”
you set-more like carelessly tossed-your cutting board and knife back onto the counter. your head whipped in her direction, shooting her a dissatisfied glare. your sun kissed cheeks were down a darkened red and your brows furrowed downwards, your nose scrunched up and your tongue ran along the insides of your cheeks out of annoyance.
“i’m sorry, im so so sorry” kate continued once she realized you were listening “what i did was incredibly shitty and you don’t deserve that. i’m so grateful to have someone who is so willin to help me out and i took that for granted. but i promise i didn’t mean it at all and it won’t happen again”
she pulled her sweet puppy dog eyes on you, beautiful blue irises staring back at you. it genuinely seemed that she felt horrible. you knew kate like the back of your hand, knew that she definitely didn’t mean to say something like that. although, it had cut you deep in the heat of the moment and made you feel awful all day. but seeing her so distraught over this, now practically on her knees to beg for your forgiveness, it had you rethinking the validity of your coldness. you could never stay mad at her for long.
“it’s just-” you groaned, fingers coming up to rub at your temples “it just made me feel so mad and you ran out without even apologizing”
“i know, i know. i shouldn’t have done that” she gulped, hoping that you would come around “but i really don’t think i can stand ya bein’ mad at me any longer, baby. you gotta forgive me”
you chuckled at her urgency. it was true, she always felt lost when you were cross with her. a smile worked its way onto your face as you stepped towards her, throwing your arms around her neck. her arms tugged you in closer as she let out a sigh of relief.
“alright, you’re forgiven” you tilted your head “but, it better not happen again, got it?”
“got it. never again, i swear it”
you got up on your tip toes, your house slippers about to fall off your feet, to kiss her. before you could pull away, though, she had grabbed both sides of your face to kiss you even deeper. you moaned with surprise when her fingers threaded through your hair, tongue slipping into your mouth as she caught you off guard. you indulged in the kiss until you had to pull away for air.
“ok, cowboy” you breathed against her lips “you gotta let me go, dinners gonna burn”
“oh, m’never lettin you go ever again”
If she ever leaves me, it won't be for you
she sat back in her seat, an old wooden rocking chair that matched the one you were in. it was an oddly hot night this june even though the sun had set hours ago and the cold air from the lake was creeping closer. the heat from the bonfire in front of you only added the warmth.
this was one of your favorite things to do, sit outside on the small concrete patio kate had made, roasting marshmallows and taking turns on the guitar as a toasty fire crackled against the humid air. you had the acoustic instrument rested on your knee, a hand woven strap around your shoulder as you lightly plucked the strings rhythmically. you sang quietly along to a song as you looked off across the field and into the mountains, you were in your own world. kate was merely listening, too distracted by your beauty to sing along. the way your lips moved with each lyric, how your nearly manicured nails strummed against the guitar so smoothly.
“what?” she snapped from her trance, eyes blinking when she noticed you. she hadn’t realized you’d stopped singing, fingers no longer on the guitar. kate cleared her throat as she chewed on the insides of her cheek.
“s’nothin” her hair swaying against her shoulders whilst she shook her head “you’re just pretty s’all”
“oh stop” you giggled, the most infectious thing kate had ever heard. when she died, your laugh would be the last thing she’d want to hear “that’s the liquor talkin’, babe”
“definitely not,” she hated how you never believed her compliments, always denying your own beauty. but that just meant she got to compliment you twice as much to get you to buy into it “i could be sober forever and still think you’re the most breathtaking woman to grace the earth”
you had now set the guitar down, propping up against the varnished table between the rocking chairs, pushing yourself back and forth by the heel of your boot. you reached your arm over, fingers outreached to kate. she took your hand without hesitation, giving your hand a loving squeeze. the whites of your teeth shined through the darkening sky as you let yourself smile. you’d never get tired of the affection kate showered you with.
“you’re my everything” she whispered to you, thumb mindlessly stroking the backside of your hand.
“and you’re mine” you replied as you thought your conjoined hands up to your face, kissing her knuckles “my universe”
She loves Wild Horses and Tumbling Dice
She don't have a single tattoo
kate remembers the exact moment she met you. when she wandered into the quaint house of a close friend from college, noticing you right away. her friend, caitlin, was having a fairly large get together for her birthday: poker, beer, and pizza. kate typically hated going out and socializing, but rarely ever was she able to say no to good food and a cold glass of cheap beer. she debated not going for the longest time and instead having caitlin over one night for dinner to make up for her absence, not really wanting to get dolled up and leave the comfort of her home. but she forced herself to go anyways, turning the key in the ignition of her truck and making her way down the road.
boy was she glad she did.
you were like a rainbow in the midst of a storm, a rose among thorns sitting there leaned against the back of your chair. the moment caitlin had let her in the house, guiding her into the kitchen to grab her a drink, her eyes were glued to you. your hair was let down down, a leather cowboy hat resting atop your head with a think pink band wrapping around the base. a flannel that was far too big for you swallowed your upper half, leaving kate to only imagine what laid beneath it. she noticed your muddy jeans, how your velvety skin ran across the stiff denim when you doubled over in laughter. you were absolutely radiant, kate didn’t need much also to fall head over heels for you.
for the most part, she avoided you all night. her nerves were getting to her, not even having to talk to you to become riddled with anxiety. something about you enchanted her, drew her in like a moth to a flame, but she couldn’t bring herself to make an introduction. rather she lingered on the outskirts of the room as she made pointless conversation with mutual friends, eyes wandering just to get a glimpse of you every so often.
then, as kate was talking to small group of people in the living room, caitlin summoned everyone into the kitchen for the poker game. her heart began to race, watching as you followed the crowd of people to the dining room table. kate was the last to funnel through, finding herself straining her neck to find an open seat. and much to her luck, like a sign from the universe, the last open seat was directly next to you. maybe this was meant to be, written in the stars that she’d sit next to you tonight.
“hey,” she swallowed hard when she tapped on your shoulder, choking back a cough of uncertainty “d’ya mind if i sit, ma’am?”
you looked back behind you, eyes wandering up kate’s tall figure. you grinned, pulling out the chair a little more so she could sit down.
“not at all!” she squeezed in between you and the person next to her, arm brushing against yours electrically as she tried to find a comfortable position “i -uh-i don’t think we’ve met?”
“oh! yea no” kate felt like she was about to faint, she barely made it past the initial question and now she was already being forced into an introduction? “i went to college with caitlin, we’re pretty close buds, but um…i don’t go out much so i’m not around”
“really? that’s crazy you’ve known her for so long!” you said. kate would be forever grateful that you disregarded her awkwardness “i met her a while back when i first moved to town, she helped me get settled in and everything”
kate exhaled, the words spewing from your lips hardly retained as she was concentrated on your immense beauty. you voice sounded like honey, everyone else’s words becoming jumbled in the background.
“sorry, i didn’t even tell you my name,” you internally scolded yourself “i’m YN”
“s’nice to meet you, YN” she nodded, offering a calloused hand out to you. you gladly took it, dainty hand fitting perfectly into her much larger one “m’kate”
and just like that, such a simple introduction seemed to entice a years worth of conversation. throughout the entire poker game the two of you couldn’t seem to stop talking. to be truthful, kate threw the entire game in the first hand just so she could get out as soon as possible to talk to you. you’d be lying if you said you didn’t do the same. this didn’t go unnoticed by caitlin (or any of the others for that matter), quickly catching on to how her best friend had stuck like glue to you. whilst the rest of them pushed around chips, threw down hards, and occasionally cussing over a bad hand, you and kate sneaked away to the backyard.
‘we’re just gettin’ some air, we’ll be back b’fore the games over’, she announced when caitlin asked why you both backed away from the table. caitlin nodded innocently, pretending she didn’t know your true intentions. she smiled smugly behind her cards as she watched kate open the back sliding door open for you, placing her hand on your hip to guide you in front of her. suddenly, caitlin felt like a matchmaker.
the air was still, crickets sounding loudly from deep under the trees and bushes of caitlin’s backyard. an owl cooed in the far distance, moonlight beating down onto the lush and green lawn. everything went silent when kate slid the door closed behind you. you were far too scared to say anything, opting to take a seat on the concrete steps and listen to the tranquil sounds of the south. kate plopped down next to you as she let her knee relax just enough to bump into yours. her lips parted, eyes locking with yours, elbows resting on her knees as she fiddled with her fingers in her lap. she wanted to know everything about you, hear every story you had to tell. she had the unexplainable urge for you to consume her every being, needing to know what it was like to love you. she didn’t care you had just met, or that you were merely just talking, something inside her told her this was love at first sight.
she had only muttered something along the lines of ‘i think i could sit here all night with you’ before you were high off chitchatting once again.
maybe an hour passed, maybe 2, you weren’t quite sure. time seemed to stop as you sat there talking to kate, the sky growing darker with the lights inside being your only source of light. your butt stung from the roughness of the concrete, but the discomfort didn’t seem to cross your mind once as you babbled to kate about everything and anything. from childhood stories, to worse first dates, there didn’t seem to be a single topic left out of discussion.
in such a short amount of time, she learned so much about you. how much you adored animals, that you wanted to be a veterinarian when you were little but ultimately not having the money for college. she learned that you loved to bake and that’s why you moved out to town, to take over your great grandmas bakery on the edge of the valley. you told her about how your favorite thing to make was carrot cake and that you’d love to make one for her sometime, really just an excuse to see her again. she learned that you hated needles, that you’d wanted to get a tattoo last year but ended up chickening out before they could even lay down the stencil. even the little details, like your parents divorce or your close relationship with your brother, she came to know it all. and loved every bit of it. she had never felt so connected to a single soul in her entire life.
“wait wait wait,” kate threw her head back, throat bobbing as she laughed “there’s no way you did that!”
“it’s true!” you cackled, hand coming to grasp at your chest as you chuckled “i swear to god it’s true!”
“so you mean to tell me…” she tried to get the story straight, tongue darting out slightly as she processed what you had said “that you got chased down? by a wild horse?”
“yes! my friend bet me 20 bucks to try and get a stupid selfie with it-cause let’s be honest we were 16 and fucking idiots-and i spooked it from behind, and well…it chased me all the way back to my truck!”
“well you’re a hell of a lot braver than me, i woulda been knocked out cold within a second!” you snickered, luring the most mesmerized grin from kate. she looked back out into the yard when she sensed the mingling was dying down, the air going quiet once again. “you know i-um…this has been really nice, sittin here talkin to ya”
“yea,” you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, still looking at kate even though she had turned “it has”
“could be kinda up front with ya?” kate blurted. she had been contemplating it all night, asking you out and overcoming her fears. but the whole night she couldn’t see herself doing it. that was until now, the moment she understood how badly she needed to see you again.
“of course, kate”
“do you think i could get your number?” she might faint on the spot, the sudden sour of confidence could send her into cardiac arrest “i mean you definitely don’t have to give it t’me at all, i don’t know i just thought that-”
“kate,” you laid a hand on her shoulder to get her to ease up, she held her breathe in fear of your possible rejection “i would love to give you my number”
and just like that, the rest was history. she’d remember this moment forever.
She'll drink all the liquor and leave you the ice
kate leaned against the cedar post that held the rickety porch together, weathered and old from so many years of love. her boots, a new pair that you had gotten her for her birthday, left muddy prints on the slats underneath her. she had her arms folded across her chest as her fingers came up to toy with the bolo tie that sat snuggly underneath her collar. it was baby pink, like the band of the hat you were wearing during the night you met. kate was never big on pink, but after meeting you, it became her favorite color.
she was watching you closely, not wanting to miss a single second of the moment. you were out in the front yard near the little flower garden you insisted on starting when you moved in with kate. it stretched along the fence that separated the yard and the plots of land reserved for the rest of the farm. endless species of wildflowers sprouted from the dirt and mulch, other plants you picked from the gardeners market sat freshly planted. you loved that damn garden with everything you had. sometimes kate wondered if you loved your flowers more than her.
dressed in a light green sundress, the one that sat untouched in the back of your closet most days, you stood radiant under the evening sun. there was a cotton apron draped around your waist, you had sewn several pockets into it by hand so that you could carry your supplies in the garden. there wasn’t a shoe, sock, nor sandal on your foot either. you claimed to prefer it that way, wanting to feel the earth and “be one with nature”. it made kate laugh, seeing your toes sink into the soil. you were on your hands and knees trying to pull the freshly grown weeds, hands wrapping around the base and tugging the roots from their clutch in the ground. kate could make out a line of dirt that spread from your temple to your cheek, most likely from wiping your hand across your sweaty skin. with a groan, you sat back on your knees, tossing the last few weeds into the basket next to you and throwing your head back. you sighed from the excessive heat and the gnawing pain in your forearms. but kate couldn’t help but stare at you in awe, whether you were dirty and tired it didn’t matter to her. she watched as the neckline of the dress dipped down, your chest heaving, causing the tops of your breasts spill just a tich. kate gulped deeply in astonishment. your pink lips, now red from the amount of times you’ve licked them, puckered out as you stretched your neck. it took everything in her to not march over to you, lay you out onto your back, and give the neighbors a show they certainly wouldn’t want to see.
“quit starin’ at me you creep!” you hollered across the yard, snapping kate from the trance you had her in. she chuckled under her breath, her arms falling to her sides.
“m’just appreciatin’ the view” she was so good at smooth talking you, always getting you rattled “can’t a woman just admire her gorgeous wife?”
“not when her woman’s knee deep in weeds and is too tired to make it back to the house!” you pouted, balled fists coming to rest on your hips. you were scolding her now?
she made her way down the cobblestone path, tripping on the stone that stuck out more than the rest. you had asked her to put “fixing that stupid fucking stone” on her to-do list earlier in the month, but she had never gotten to it. you’d probably pester her about it again eventually. your mood instantly changed when she stepped foot onto the grass, shaking her head at you jokingly.
“cant believe you’d leave me out here in this blistering heat, makin’ your so called ‘gorgeous wife’ sit out here helplessly” you nudged again, neck craning up see her clearly.
her face was covered in freckles, darkened from a days work on the farm. her hairy was tied into a braid, strangling hairs whisking around ever which way. you noticed the pink tie on her neck, always smiling when she wore it because you knew she bought it because of you.
“well i’m here aren’t i?” she held both of her hands out to you, offering to help you up “i’d be quite the fool to leave ya”
“such a sweetheart” you tutted, letting kate yank you from the ground, grunting from the force. with her bewildering strength, you stumbled into her. your arms gripped onto her biceps and hers found the way to your rear, giving you an inviting squeeze “thank you baby”
she tipped her head to the right, one hand coming up to tangle itself in your hair. her lips met yours momentarily, capturing you in a winded kiss. you squeaked in surprise at her actions, only to accept it immediately after and kissing her back.
“anytime” she smirked, nipping your bottom lip as she pulled away “although you looked like absolute perfection out here…on your knees…that pretty little dress ridin’ up your thighs. gettin’ me all hot and bothered, yet you’re the one doin’ the weeding”
“keep it in your pants, martin” you rolled your eyes, trying suppress the butterflies in your stomach. but you could never trick kate, she knew exactly the things she did to you. you hooked your fingers through her belt loops as you began walking backwards towards the house, taking her with you “now come and help me”
“help you with what? i thought you were done weedin-”
“not with the weeds silly” she looked at you confused. you pursed your lips as you pushed the front door open “with somethin’ else…this dress ain’t gonna take itself off”
she groaned, biting down on her tongue. images of what she’d do to you on a continuous loop in her mind “you tease”
“maybe,” you shrugged, already making your way down the hall and to the stairs, swaying your hips to egg her on. kate had halted at the bottom of the stairwell, unable to form a complete sentence it seemed “are coming or not?”
“i’m comin’” she said, following you to the bedroom “just you wait, darlin”
…That's too much cologne, she likes perfume
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AITA for playing video games?
(Tw for possible ableism?? Idk)
I (31M) have loved video games ever since I was little. They're comforting to me and have gotten me through a lot of hard times. I'm also autistic, and half of my hyperfixations have been on video games.
My girlfriend (27F) and I have been dating for 4 years, and overall have had a very good relationship. I've never liked a girl this much. But a recent disagreement has made me reconsider things.
She recently confessed to me that she doesn't like that I play video games, and that she especially doesn't like how obsessed I get over them. She says that it's childish and embarrassing, and that I should be focused more on my adult life.
I was pretty upset. I am admittedly quite immature for my age and do have some hangups on my age, and I've always worried that people would judge me for having these kinds of interests as I get older. I understand there's a stereotype of adult men spending all their time on video games and being irresponsible, but that's not me. I spend plenty of time with my girlfriend and although my job isn't great, that's down to my mental health issues (which I'm working on) more than anything else.
I pointed these things out to her, and also argued that she used to love video games, to which she had responded that she had naturally grown out of that as she'd gotten older and had expected me to do the same. I also explained that I was autistic and that a lot of my hyperfixations were on video games, and she said that while she understood that, surely there was a way I could find something more 'mature' to be hyperfixated on. She also scoffed a bit when I said I was autistic - I've always worried that she doesn't believe me because I'm self diagnosed, but I'm certain that I am (it's outright dangerous to be diagnosed as autistic in this country unfortunately).
We agreed to disagree, but her final word was that it would make her really happy if I could move on from video games and be an adult. I'm pretty upset.
I'd also like to add that this isn't a case of me neglecting the progression of our relationship. We don't want to get married, we've already moved in together, we've met eachothers' families, and while we do want kids, we want to wait until we're a bit more financially stable. This is solely her feeling that as a 31 year old man, I'm too old to play video games.
I don't think there's anything wrong with my hobbies - they make me happy and I'm not a 'toxic' gamer (most of the games I play are story based and I'm very respectful to other players in the ones that aren't). I don't think hobbies should have age limits, honestly. But it really bothers me that she's hurt by this - I love my girlfriend so much, and the fact that I don't think I can give up video games for her makes me feel really guilty. Honestly, I was really happy when we started dating that she also liked video games, I thought we could play together!
But I'm just scared that I've unintentionally been a shitty boyfriend, which is why I'm asking,
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xenteaart · 2 days
it's not about the roses
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pairing: chan x reader (i wrote it with idol!chan or producer!chan in mind, but despite a brief mention of the studio it can fit any au, really) word count: 1,1k genre/warnings: er, fluff, a hint of angst if you squint but overall just tooth rotting sweetness. reader being kinda vulnerable author's note: inspired by my and @skzms 's channie brain worms, me crying over how boyfie he is in may's dms and her coming up with this little prompt. i'm manifesting a sweet healthy relationship for y'all, never settle for less <3
you were never the one for flowers, really.
it just didn’t seem anything meaningful or special, an occasional cute little bouquet on some first date you had ages ago, meeting someone completely new after mindlessly swiping them right on a dating app. plus, it’s always such a bother to take care for it. disassemble the thing, cut the stems, change the water, maybe cut off the leaves too.
at some point, you began to think of yourself as more of a practical person, taking gift giving to the point where it completely lost symbolism. always getting your friends and family either money or something they specifically asked for.
“at least, they’re actually gonna use it and get some utility out of it. ‘s good, right?” you thought to yourself, ticking a box on one of your friend’s wishlists for their birthday. it is good. no stress of choosing and endlessly pondering whether they’ll like it or not.
or is it avoiding the vulnerability of going down a more symbolic route if they don’t happen to respond to your gift the way you’d like them to after carefully planting hidden meanings and confessions all over a seemingly useless present? yeah, maybe, that’s the one, actually.
it was a regular saturday evening, no work, no plans, no big day or anything to celebrate. so, naturally, you were just spending the time at your place, resting after successfully having done all the house chores in one go.
purposelessly lying on the bed, you wondered what chris was up to. it wasn’t something out of the ordinary for you two to leave each other hanging during the day, keeping each other’s messages unread and waiting for some free time to give a thoughtful, proper reply.
but the little “1” next to your kakaotalk message was starting to feel unfriendly because... honestly? you just missed him. you wanted to know about his day, what he ate for lunch and whether work was okay today (knowing full well the man couldn’t care less about days of the week, coming over at the studio any time he needed or pleased).
distracting yourself with scrolling tiktok for a quick dopamine hit, you end up losing track of time a little. and the thing bringing you back to reality is chan’s short message, popping up on your notifications bar.
“can you come out for a sec? i’m at the door hehe~”
it takes you three times to read to finally understand what it actually means. he doesn’t have keys to your apartment yet, and you mostly hang out at his place anyways, so him coming all the way to the opposite side of the city makes your heart skip a beat.
you rush to the door and open it almost immediately, only to see channie, your channie, standing right in front of you with a nice bouquet of red roses wrapped up in kraft paper. the next thing you notice is chan’s wide smile, so sincere and endearing it makes you wanna cry on the spot.
you were never the one for flowers, really.
red roses always seemed like something either too vulgar or “easy”. something that becomes men’s first pick because they just never care enough to look for anything else and assume every girl loves it by default.
right now, however, it doesn’t feel like either of those.
the way chris is a bit nervous and really excited all at once; his hands gripping at the crunchy paper-wrapped base as he's waiting to give the flowers to you. the way his eyes sparkle and shine with warmth and genuine adoration for you. and you read past the roses, you learn so much more from it.
you learn how he’s been quiet because he was plotting a little surprise for you, trying not to be too obvious.
you see how he thought of you during the entire process, from an idea to carefully picking out the best flowers, making sure they’re fresh and pretty and will stay this way a while.
you can hear his timid little “thank you” to the florist as they exchange their bows and polite smiles.
you imagine the slightly awkward small talk with the taxi driver asking him about the occasion — the traffic and the parking area next to your building are awful, so you’re guessing he did take the taxi. and the drivers sure love to talk on the long drives, this one you had to learn the hard way.
gosh, chan looks so warm and… so soft, his lips making a familiar heartbreaking :] shape.
snapping out of your thoughts, you look into chris’s eyes and swallow down a salty lump in your throat.
“please don’t be alarmed, but i probably will cry a little,” you warn him before your voice gives out and take the roses, holding them close to your chest where the heart is bleeding.
“so pretty,” you stare down at the gentle velvety petals and sniff quietly.
chan looks worried for a moment but quickly pulls you into his embrace, stepping into the apartment and locking the door behind him.
“hey-y, i expected a smile, not your tears, baby. i didn’t upset you, did i?” to which you shake your head to reassure him.
“no, no, ‘course not! what do you mean? they’re so nice. i’m just… really happy? and i missed you. so much,” the last words come out like a weak mouse squeak as you close your eyes and let your emotions roll down your cheeks, staining your skin wet.
chan nods and takes your face into his palms, wiping away the tears and looking at you so lovingly you think you might actually break.
“i missed you too, baby. do you mind if i stay the night? i…- uh. i bought some face masks too, so we can just relax a little before bed and cuddle?”
you squeeze out a little “yeah” in response, headbutting his forehead and putting your arm around him, with another still holding the roses carefully.
“i love you,” you say slightly louder, making sure that he hears it.
maybe, gifts don’t have to be practical all the time. maybe, it’s okay to put sentimental value into simple, useless things sometimes. make them mean something.
“i love you too, baby,” chris hums still a little confused, rubbing soothing circles into your lower back and planting a chaste kiss on the bridge of your nose.
you reach for his plump soft lips and press yours against them. and even though your tastebuds can feel the salt, it’s the sweetest kiss you two have shared so far.
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doobean · 1 day
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𝓼𝔂𝓷𝓸𝓹𝓼𝓲𝓼: Barou seems to have enough of your godawful dating life. What he doesn’t know is that you’ve reached your breaking point, too.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚: explicit content ノ 18+ ノ fem!afab!reader ノ friends to lovers ノ idiots in love ノ roommates AU ノ barou centric ノ soft love making bc he's a CLB duh ノ narration heavy ノ kinda mean to reader but it all means well ノ first time/virginity loss ノ dry humping ノ fingering ノ missionary ノ no beta we die like men wc: 8.5k (longest smut fic i've written thus far whew) a/n: hello friends i am back hehe trying out a new format :3 and also a standalone barou fic because wow i've always paired this guy w nagi sjakhdkajdfh pls give me more hair down barou im begging on my fuckin knees
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“Promise me that you won’t get mad,” you peek around the door frame, head poking into Barou’s room.
“The hell did you do this time,” Barou tries to keep his voice casual, red eyes flickering from his computer monitor to your face, then back again. Frankly, he has no idea what you’re possibly referring to, but whenever you’re vague like this, it’s usually not a good thing.
Your brows knit together and you clench the sides of the door. “You gotta promise me, Shouei.”
It has to be something bad, at least in his mind, because you’re trying really hard to look convincing. He can make out the small fidgeting motions by just how hard your knuckles are gripping against the door frame. Barou exhales and pauses, and it’s for a long, rare moment. He’s always the type of guy to say whatever comes to mind, and it’s usually a whole bunch of unfiltered harsh truths and things that others don't want to hear. It’s rare that Barou is actually picking his words carefully and, of course, that catches your attention even more.
After a few seconds, Barou manages to narrow the possibilities down to three. 
The first answer being the obvious choice: you’re planning to invite a bunch of your friends over for a last minute party. Your friends are loud, messy, and a bit too friendly towards him despite the numerous times he’s yelled at them. Whatever, he’s used to this by now. Afterall, he’s been living with you at this apartment for well over a year now—four years if he counts the amount of times you’ve crashed at his dorm during his time in high school and university. 
The second outcome might be directly related to the second half: you’re moving out. Could it be a new job opportunity with better pay? Hell, he’s seen you hunched over and obsessively scrolling through multiple job posting sites these past few months that he’s had a feeling that the day will come sooner or later. But it wouldn’t be something that Barou could see himself getting frustrated over.
Which only leads to the third option: you’ve somehow brought home a stray animal and expect him to be okay with it—
“Okay, dude, you’re seriously starting to freak me out.”
Barou snorts and rolls his eyes. “Can’t promise if I don’t know what it is,” and motions at the empty space by the edge of his bed. “Whatever you brought back home, though, it’s a no. You know I have a cat allergy.”
“I wouldn’t bring an animal home without telling you! Plus, that’s such a lie because you had a cat growing up,” you flush brightly and glower. Needless to say, you end up shuffling past the door frame, into full view, and Barou quickly realizes what you’re referring to, and why you’re acting so agitated. 
Breath quickly catches in Barou’s lungs. He averts his gaze, looks back, and clenches his jaw—all in a matter of seconds.
“You’re… dressed up,” he’s pretty sure his face is all contorted, because you’re suddenly acting meek again. 
“Don’t give me that look,” your hands fly up and do a poor job covering your chest and exposed thighs. 
A form fitting dress is the last thing he’d ever imagined you in, then again, you were never the type to actively show off your feminine outfits in front of him—lounging around in nothing but sweats and an oversized tee is a sight he’s more used to—until now. 
“I don’t normally see you wearing stuff like this,” he tries to make the words casual and dismissive, though he’s very aware that he’s just admitted that he pays close attention to you. And, for whatever reason, he has the burning urge to tear himself away, before the tiny voice in his head starts taunting him to go even lower. “Why are you even showing me?”
“Y’know, I had an explanation to give you, but now you sound borderline pissed,” you begin to tip toe back behind the door frame, slowly.
“I always sound borderline pissed,” Barou adds. He’s paused his task at the desk, computer monitor on mute, and the room is exceptionally quiet, except for the low, hesitant creaks from the floor panels. After another moment of studying your face, he exhales and shakes his head. “Let me guess… a date?”
“Oh,” you look momentarily surprised, or maybe that’s just his imagination. You revert back almost immediately though. “How’d you figure it out so quickly?”
If it weren’t for those damn career boosting sites, the second most used apps would be those stupid dating ones. 
Both of your parents work all the time, business partners even, so it’s been mainly the two of you left to your own devices at a young age. Barou didn’t have many friends growing up, outside of you and his sisters, if he can even count them. 
You’re generally introverted by nature, but somehow you seem to attract people who seem to lack common boundaries and have a strange affinity to soccer. Of course, that includes him, your friends, and all the dates you try and bring back—Barou never lets them go past the shoe rack and, thankfully, your dates always seemed too afraid to object. 
Your parents think that it’s a blessing of some sort. That he’s your personal guardian or a shitty guard dog to keep out unwanted men. Something about keeping you safe, another comment about being a good future son-in-law. Conversations with your relatives always tend to steer from topics of career goals, the amount of savings you have, to relationship status, and—ultimately—hey, Shouei’s available, right? Of course, you two don’t have that type of relationship.
Barou is observant, despite what others might think. Observant enough to know that you get uncomfortable when the idea of the two of you being together comes up. You tend to go quiet, then flustered, all before storming off to your own room. Maybe that’s why you spend all your energy into those dating apps—a weird rebellion phase of sorts.
He wants to chastise you, hoping it’ll lead towards you finding another pastime that consists of less unimpressive dicks. Perhaps picking up more books would be well suited for you. Though, upon recent apartment cleanings, he’s stumbled upon plenty of your obscured romance novels. The type of novels that the covers consist of half naked men in cowboy attire with the classic damsel in distress in his arms—Barou doesn’t understand why anyone reads that stuff—piled up all on the living room coffee table.
Scolding you is definitely on top of his to-do list right about now, second to decluttering the fridge. Advising that you can’t blindly trust men on these shitty platforms because god knows what they lie about to get a person’s attention. But he has a feeling that you’ll brush him off, spouting an all too familiar speech that you’ve given him plenty of times before about not being a kid. It’s probably a dumb idea, and he knows that.  
So, instead, he shrugs and ignores the anxious buzzing tugging at the back of his mind. “An educated guess.”
“Oh, hm,” you go quiet at that and he isn’t entirely sure why that makes him nervous. “Do I look weird?”
You tilt your head. “You’re staring. Like deep in thought.”
So much for keeping his expression neutral.
“Hmph,” Barou snaps his gaze back to his monitor, observing you from its reflection. 
His awareness of your dress comes in levels of recognition. First is material: even from the distance he’s sitting, he can tell with a quick eye that it’s from some sort of designer brand. The silk fabric clings to your figure as if it was made for you, worshiping every curve and kissing your features perfectly. Second is how you chose to style it: the adjustments made to your chest is purposeful, making your cleavage the centerpiece while your neckline draws attention to it. Third is his own reaction to it: his mind races to the thought of how unfair everything suddenly feels.
“It’s nothing. It’s just—it’s different from the usual, that’s all.” An awkward beat and, “You don’t look weird.”
You lean back on your heels, body now coming back into view, and there’s a small grin. Looking closer, he sees that you’ve got your makeup and nails done, too.
“What? You’re coming at me for relationship advice now?” Barou asks, after a moment. “I’ve got nothing to say.” 
“Your big mouth always has something to say,” you look at him with quirked brows.
He sighs airily. “Who cares, it’s not like you’ll listen,” then rolls his eyes. It’s a bit of an exaggeration, of course, but you’re quite literally one of the most stubborn people he’s ever come across. 
Barou’s familiar with your on and off dating sprees before, and in the beginning he did loosely hand out some advice—even though most of the information came from all those dumb teen magazines he found in his sisters’ rooms. It’s almost like a damn script by how it plays out: obsess over a mediocre guy, go on a date or two, and be extremely disappointed when they don’t live up to your expectations. 
It’s been about three months since your last date, and Barou doesn’t understand how this one might end up any different. 
As if you’ve read his mind, you begin to explain, “We’ve been texting for a few days now. He seems super nice over video call, likes to cook, has a stable job—”
“Hate to break it to you, but that’s the bare minimum.”
“Shouei,” you grumble, “be nice.”
He feels his eyes narrow, lips pressing thin. “You planning to bring him back or something?” Barou can’t seem to mask the edge in his voice.
“If everything goes well, then yeah,” you look relatively proud of yourself. “Which is why I’m asking you to not scare him away—you’re capable of doing that, right?”
“It’s not gonna happen regardless,” the words roll out almost too naturally for both of your comfort, “something always goes wrong, anyways.”
Your lips press thin, weight shifting subtly between your feet. “Don’t be such a dick. I’m bringing a guy back this time.”
Barou doesn’t know what to say. What the fuck can he say? All he knows is that this is making him feel more annoyed than usual. You’ve got to be aware of that, right?
You two have fought before, of course. Nothing ever goes well when it deals with two stubborn individuals. Thankfully, none of the arguments have never escalated past mild inconveniences. Barou can’t seem to remember when’s the last time you’ve actually gotten angry, though. He imagines it being similar to his mom, or sisters, and it’s terrifying because you’re giving him that look—one where you’re a comment away from swatting everything off his desk.
His brows draw together for a moment, eyes squinting, before regaining his ground. He bites back his tongue. “Do what you want.”
“So, I take it that you’re not…?”
Barou scoffs, drumming his fingers against the desk. “Why would I be mad? I’m not in charge of you.”
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It’s over a late dinner when Barou finally checks his messages. He sees a few notifications under your name, and he pauses. He doesn’t know why he’s hesitating, there’s a strange churning feeling in his stomach and suddenly he’s lost his appetite. Barou flips his phone down at the table before discarding his utensils, and the look Isagi gives him is a weird one.
“Everything alright there?” 
“I’m not mad.”
Across from him, Isagi leans against the kitchen counter and laughs. “Didn’t say you were,” he picks at his dinner plate with a tilted head. “So, erm, why did you call me over here again? Something about a problem…? You still haven’t gotten to that part.”
“Everything’s fine. I’m fine. Not a damn problem around in this shithole. Fucking perfect around here,” he’s suddenly hot with anger.
Isagi replies to this with a vague handwave. “If I had to guess, someone’s out on a date, again, and you haven’t done much about it.”
Barou shoots him a scathing glare. Thinks of denying for a moment. Doesn’t. “Why bother asking if you already knew?”
Like him, Isagi is oddly extremely aware of everything and everyone. On and off the playing field. Which probably explains why he’s both the coach and fan favorite of the bunch. And more of a reason why Barou is stuck third in line for most sponsorships, right behind Itoshi Rin. Well, whatever, he was never a people’s pleaser to begin with. Though, it is nice having him around to vent to—if you count offering to cook dinner in tense silence while going over sporting logistics—because Isagi Yoichi doesn’t judge. Unless your name is Kaiser, then that’s a whole different story.
A shrug. “Wanted to hear it from you, though that might’ve taken all night.” It’s not a tease.
No matter how rough and rugged Barou looks, he can’t wipe the knowing smile off of Isagi’s features.
“So,” Isagi continues, “how long before you miss out on your chance? A few months? Days? Right now?”
He lowers the volume on the TV and shoves another bite in. “Most likely never. If anything goes down south, that’ll be on me.”
“You’re thinking about this carefully,” Isagi observes, earning him another annoyed look. “It’s a good thing—you’re usually, uh, headstrong and tenacious most of the time.” It’s kinda a compliment, Barou thinks.
“We live together,” he emphasizes, “that’s different.”
“For how long, though? At this point it feels like you’re doing this to yourself.” The corners of Isagi’s lip raise, just a little. “Have you tried seeing if she likes you back?”
Barou scowls and absently fiddles with his hair, still a bit damp from the shower earlier. “What’s with that question? If I knew then I wouldn’t be inviting you over here, dumbass.”
A beat or two. He stares at the wall for a moment and cracks.
“If she liked me back then I doubt she’d be out right now with some random guy,” Barou hates how whiny his voice sounds. He’s not the type to openly complain, especially not with his feelings like this. With Isagi, however, it seems like he brings that side out of everyone. What a weirdo. 
The younger male simply smiles. “Maybe look into her dating history, you might be able to figure out some patterns.”
 “Like I’m some sort of masochist.”
“Well, you’re currently spending your Saturday evening watching football highlights with me, and I think that’s telling by itself.”
Barou doesn’t take the bait, doesn’t bother to say anything to that. He just shoves a spoonful of rice in his mouth and half-distractedly finishes watching a previous games’ highlight on the TV. A quarter way through, and he feels himself starting to drift off.
Isagi’s phone buzzes in his pocket, and that’s a surprising relief to Barou. The younger male lets out a small noise, sets his empty plate in the sink, letting water and soap soak it up for a bit, and fishes his phone out. A few seconds and he starts making his way towards the door, gym bag in hand.
“Rin’s asking to see me for something,” he mindlessly explains while slipping on his shoes. “Guess I’m gonna have to pass on keeping you company tonight, bud.” Isagi says this with a bit of playfulness, but he shoots him a look of sympathy when his hand reaches the knob.
It makes Barou flinch, badly. “Go home, dumbass.”
Once Isagi leaves the premises, he goes back to his own devices. Watching sporting highlights soon went stale, so he opted to watch a drama that you’ve been raving about a while back. 
It has an interesting start. The main lead somehow paraglides her way into a foreign country and the tall, handsome, and stoic—your words, not his—military officer has to take care of her.
He remembers, when you first discovered the drama, the main actor was all you could talk about. Sure, he’s your typical standard silent, tough guy trope, but you were especially smitten over him.
“The way he looks after her, the yearning and the need, it’s just—” you would wave your body back and forth, at a loss for words.
The ending credits snaps him out of the small lull and, out of curiosity, Barou browses through his social apps and thumbs your handle into the search bar. You guys are mutual friends, so this shouldn’t feel weird. Though, if he’s being honest with himself, he really, really doesn’t care much for what other people do in their spare time. Looking at his own account, there’s only two posts and both of them are cringey gym mirror selfies from several years ago. 
So Barou doesn’t really know what to expect when he looks through your recent story highlights.
There’s a picture of a fancy looking latte with an equally fancy looking cheese foam design on top. The guy’s out of the frame, but he can make out an arm with a decked out watch in the corner. Another picture and this time it features a set of flaky chocolate pastries on a square plate with red sauce paired on the side. The third picture makes Barou pause, because it’s a selfie of you and some guy. From appearance alone, the guy is conventionally attractive, but he also has an extremely punchable face. White collared button up shirt, except for the plain fact that it’s wild open and his damn chest hairs are poking out. He’s got his hands around your waist, his stubbled chin pressed extremely close to yours, looking into the camera as if you belonged to him.
He feels his head throbbing, almost full of cotton, and he shuts his phone off, tossing it onto the far end of the couch. Barou doesn’t bother to clean the dishes, at least not yet. He sets his dirty plate aside, letting it soak in the sink alongside with the other bowls. It’s not until after another hot, long shower that Barou starts stress cleaning the apartment. 
And, yeah, vacuuming the living room and running the loud dishwasher at nearly midnight is pretty outrageous and, frankly, dramatic—even for someone like him. By the time he’s done destressing, the air wafts with lemon essential oils and a hint of antiseptic scent. Eventually, after everything, he crawls under the blankets and lies still for a long time before the hint of sleep catches up.
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It’s one in the morning when he hears you coming home; heels wobbling against the wooden panels, faint mumbling with a drawl, and sounds of keys hitting the small trinket bowl by the front door. He thinks maybe he should go see you, but stops himself halfway. Barou doesn’t know what he’ll do, how he’ll react, if you come back with smeared lipstick stains on your face, or if you smell like musk— like some stupid, rich casanova’s cologne.
Barou’s just about to pull the covers back over his head when a noise from the living room jolts him wide awake. A loud clatter, body hitting a surface, and he snaps his attention away. And, luckily for him, you just smelled like straight alcohol.
“I should’ve never gone out, I should’ve just…” A beat, followed by a series of painful groans.
You’re definitely tipsy from whatever drink that’s in your system. From what Barou can tell, it was strong. 
“Did you take anything else?” It’s a rhetorical question but he keeps his voice quiet, low, and observes you from the couch.
You’re half slumped over, limbs hanging all over the place and your trench coat is doing an awful job at covering up your promiscuous dress. Tired exhaustion plagues all over. Barou quickly covers you with a spare throw blanket on the side.
He tries to get you off the couch, as carefully as he can, and you nearly jump out of your skin from the proximity. Your eyes are glazed, mouth slightly dry and slack, and some of your makeup has smudged—whether it’s from the date or the excessive tossing and turning, Barou doesn’t really want to know. What he does know is that you’re close, now actively leaning into his touch, and your eyes meet, and he’s yet again faced with that strange fire rushing through him.
He swears under his breath, lifting you into his arms.
There’s a million things he wants to say, majority of them being half-ass insults and I told you so, but none of that seems appropriate. His face is only inches away from yours. Barou quickly realizes that his mouth has gone dry and his tongue feels heavy. His recent reactions towards you have been… confusing, to say the least.
You stir, hand shooting up to hold your head. “Is he gone?”
“Your shitty date?”
“Mhm,” your head droops to the side. “That asshole…”
He scoffs, and makes a mental note to personally beat up the guy who left you while you’re like this. “He’s not here.”
“Fuck, thank god,” your eyes hover on his neck. It catches him off-guard. You swallow, and a strange expression flicks across your face, a bit unreadable and different from your usual wasted self. “You were right, sorry.”
For a moment, he thinks he’s in a dream; that he’s still in university, still checking up on you in-between his classes and labs—out of courtesy from your family, and being on the receiving end whenever you get your hopes up. 
He shuts his eyes and opens them. 
“Let’s get you to bed.”
Barou hears every heavy thump that his heart makes as he carries you to your room. His eyes keep shifting all over your body, whether he means to or not. Most of it is out of concern, your face looks terribly dazed and you’re warm all over, even if you keep insisting that it was just one drink. You’ve never been a heavy drinker, no matter how many times you tried to train your lack of alcohol tolerance. He wonders if he should let you sleep in what you’re currently wearing but, after quick consideration, you’d probably feel extremely uncomfortable the next day.
You press into the warmth of his shoulder, against his neck, then exhale. “I’m a pretty shitty friend, aren’t I?”
“What?” Barou’s eyes flick down the hall, then back to you.
“Ugh,” you make a face. “You know what I mean. How I’m always so tunnel vision when it comes to shit like this…”
“Then just stop,” he feels his face tightening ever so slightly, the unfiltered words unclogging. “Everytime this happens. Why bother going through with it?”
“You wouldn’t understand.” You laugh a little, and it’s half bitterness, half joy—something a little broken and somehow Barou immediately understands.
He watches, almost morbidly, the way your eyes subtly linger on parts of his body for a moment, before sighing. A hesitant, unspoken conversation stuck in your throat, and all at once, Barou wants to scream. 
But he doesn’t.
He feels flames crawling up the back of his neck when you snuggle closer into his arms. Thankfully, before he can further combust, he’s pushing his way into your dimmed bedroom. 
Barou takes a careful glance around in the dark, noting the familiar scent of you, the numerous prints that hang from the eggshell colored walls, and the small pile of clothes on your desk chair. He’s only been in your room once before, but that was just to help you settle in, so he’s never really paid attention to your surroundings. Now, though, as he lays you on top of the mattress, he notices everything in this room just screams who you are, and he realizes that maybe he should’ve said his piece earlier to avoid all of this together.
The idea fizzles out when Barou feels you tugging loosely on his wrist before letting it fall against the mattress.
“Shouei,” you call out, reaching for his hand again.
He absolutely hates the way he instantly stops and holds you, cherishing the warmth of your skin. Your fingers shakily curl around his, and Barou can’t help but squeeze back. His heart is thundering against his chest, and he’s making it painfully obvious that his breathing is erratic. 
After a moment, he clears his throat. “What are you doing?” 
His blood has rushed so high to his head that it’s the only thing he can hear, clogging up in his veins and leaving him feeling like he has to cling onto you for dear life. Barou isn’t quite sure what’s happening here, still disbelieving at the way you’re batting your eyes at him, eyes brimming with tears and lips puckered.
“Stay with me, please,” you mumble.
Barou lets out an airy breath, and hears himself saying your name. He’s so confused by all the fucking emotions hitting him right now, and it doesn’t help the fact that his voice gets so soft and tender when he calls out for you. His hand twitches against yours.
This isn’t fair, this isn’t fair, this isn’t—
“You’re drunk,” he finally manages to respond.
His crimson eyes trace your face in the dark, and makes out the shine of wetness on your lips when they part. You lift your eyes, and they instantly hook him in. He resists the urge to lean forward. And, just as instantly, he wants to kneel down, close his eyes, and exist anywhere but this moment.
“I’m not,” you continue and tug him closer, forcing him to sit on the mattress. Your words come out more as hot breath. He definitely smells it but, if he’s being honest with himself, you’re usually not this desperate.
Needless to say, it’s still a concerning fact. “You’re not yourself.”
You squeeze harder, brows furrowed. “I know what I’m doing and what I want.”
Barou tears away from your mouth and glances back into your eyes, studying them closely. You’re still clamped onto his hand, and he knows you’re burning on edge, too. Undoubtedly, he’s half-mast in his pants, and he’s very aware of that, as you slowly rise up, eyeing him with an expression that can only be described as hunger. 
“We’ll talk in the morning, idiot.”
“What’s your deal?”
I should be the one asking that. 
Barou stares at you for a long moment, The silence is heavy, suffocating. The bed shifts, and in that second, that quiet desperate hope, becomes even more evident. His grip tightens, just a little, and there’s that building headache pulsing through his temple. He really shouldn’t be here, entertaining whatever this is. What he should be doing is sleeping, it’s midnight and, fuck, he has to go to practice tomorrow, but you…
“Are you even listening to me?”
“I am,” his voice is rough when he answers, words dripping with heavy caution. “Even if you aren’t wasted, you’re acting like a real piece of work, right now. None of this shit is funny.”
“I’m not trying to be—I’m being serious,” you reply, but your lips are trembling.
Barou’s stomach lurches and he swallows back a groan, not the pleasure kind. “What do you want me to do?”
Suddenly, you shift restlessly, as if taken aback. “Stay by my side.”
“I know that,” he breathes in, and out. “I asked if there’s anything you want me to do?”
The moonlight creeps past your curtains and coats you in various shades of silver. It’s then, Barou realizes, that he's afraid of what your answer might be. He’s taken care of you hundreds of times before, it’s become second nature for him to look after you, but now this feels foreign—almost daunting when you’re looking just as scared. 
But, scared as you are, you lean forward, steadying your palms onto his broad shoulders. It burns his skin at contact, but he steels himself, watching your lips part slowly. Focusing—absolutely fucking focusing—on the way that they move and the damn syllables that come right after.
He feels like dying when the words finally register.
“Kiss me.”
Barou stills, pressing a palm against the mattress and clenches his jaw, running his tongue hard against his teeth. He opens his mouth to reply—and immediately snaps it shut. It’s when you make a small dip in the bed that he recovers, gears running over a hundred miles an hour in his mind. “You want that?”
“Don’t make me repeat it,” your eyes wander all over his face and the intensity almost burns his skin. “It’s embarrassing enough that I’m doing it like this…”
Barou stares in awe. His throat feels tight and his chest clenches uncomfortably. “Doing what?”
A frown erupts on your face and you’re visibly frustrated, more flustered. “Why are you choosing tonight to be a dense prick? Do you need me to spell it out for you? I’m confessing to you. I like you—god, this is so fucking stupid—I’ve liked you since grade school, throughout college, and now! The dates, the guys, none of them work out because they’re not you. Do you know how many times a guy is saying some shit and I’m sitting there thinking ‘Shouei wouldn’t say that’ or when I’m trying to find a guy that looks kinda like you, and even that’s fucking impossible—that’s how much you’re on my mind!”
Your confession—honesty—hangs in the air and Barou nearly chokes on it. You make a low, undignified sound, and press your back against the headboard, looking absolutely anywhere but him. Barou, on the other hand, hears nothing but pounding in his eardrums. He’s not sure if that’s his heartbeat, or yours. There’s a feeling of tight strings tugging at his chest again, a painful ache being left behind. After a moment, the bed creaks. 
“Okay,” he breathes, and swallows around that awful lump in his throat.
“Okay?” your voice cracks embarrassingly. “I pour out my feelings and all you say is ‘okay’? This is worse than a rejection. Yoichi said the worst thing you could say is ‘no’ and—”
“Wait, that idiot knows about this?”
 “That’s what you’re focused on? Ugh, forget it, I’ve said too much already!”
“Stop,” Barou’s face contorts into a heavy scowl, taking slight offense. “God, sometimes you ramble on so much that it’s hard to take everything at face value.” 
He hesitantly presses a palm to your cheek and holds it there, watching your sudden stiff reaction. He shudders, slowly, before dusting the palm across your cheek, ears, hair, and settles it against the back of your head. He’s aware of his breathing, shaky and full of nerves. Barou moves closer until he can feel your breath fanning over his lips. 
Before he can say anything else, you lean up and press your lips softly against his. They’re surprisingly soft, he realizes. There’s no heat to it, just a plush press of warmth, a little bit of pressure, and you’re silently swearing under your breath when you pull back. 
“Oh god, was that dumb? Am I being stupid right now or what?” Your hands fly up, cradling your face. A muffled scream, then a groan. “I’m sorry—I don’t know what I was thinking! You—me, we were—argh!” Your body retracts back, knee pressing up against your chest as you begin to lean away from him, almost in disgust with yourself.
Barou begins to feel a strange surge in his stomach and gnaws the insides of his cheek. The unusual warmth comes back and, this time, it settles between his legs, but there’s more to that. It was a small, soft kiss—barely long enough to be classified as one. He watches you fidget more before snapping.
“Do you know how to fucking relax?” Barou adjusts his grip behind your head, tangles his fingers in your hair, and drags you back in for another.
This time, it’s lasting, a more proper kiss, and he feels you getting lost in it. Your hands fumble their way back onto his body, finding ground on his thighs and leaning forward into the heat. Barou makes sure that his grip in your hair isn’t too tight, but warm and full of affection, and it makes you moan quietly, mouth parting and allowing his tongue to swipe over your lips.
Hardly any words are exchanged while he kisses you, slowly becoming more frenzied, drowning in the wet heat, tongues curling and hands roaming. There’s a steady, painful throbbing eagerness between Barou’s legs, and he’s positive that you can feel it. 
It’s overwhelmingly awkward and stupid, how worked up you both are from just a bit of kissing; from taking turns ghosting each other’s jaws and necks, to hands blindly groping and snaking under clothing to get a squeeze at bare skin. You lean up again, lips tracing the contours of his jaw, and shift a hand down, curling your fingers through his sweats and around his length. A light, breathy noise slips out of him and he feels you pulling away, eyes half-lidded, lips swollen from the heavy makeout session.
“I, um, take it that you like me back…?” You ask quietly, tugging Barou out of his trance. 
He blinks, feeling the tips of his ears flushing with warmth. “You really know how to ruin the mood, don’t you?”
“I-I just need confirmation, stupid!”
“Maybe,” Barou confesses, his voice wavers just a little as he speaks. His body shifts with you in his arms, palms cupping both sides of your face. When you refuse to meet his eyes, he huffs. “Look at me. I wouldn’t do this to just anyone if I didn’t like them.”
You make a low, unpleasant noise. “So, you’ve done this with others? I don’t want to think about that.”
Barou’s chest tangles over itself again and, for a moment, being with you feels just a little less daunting. His posture stiffens, then goes lax in a quick second. He could honestly ask you the same thing, whether or not some of the men you’ve matched with have showered you in affection like this but, given your behavior, it seems like you’ve been hesitant and selective. If Barou’s being honest, he’s glad it’s that way. 
“Then we don’t have to,” he surges forward, forcing his head down to catch your gaze before capturing your lips in surprise once more.
Eventually, he ends up hovering over you. You’re lying on the mattress, head semi-propped up against the pillows with half of his body weight on top of you—not too heavy, but not too comfortable. Barou’s vaguely aware of what this might lead to, with the look you’re giving him—with the look he’s giving you. He should really go to bed, or else he’s going to wake up with a migraine and a sore neck. But your cheek is nuzzled against his palm, he’s got his other hand running through your hair, soft and lazy, and he’s finding himself grinding against your lower half almost pathetically.
It’s impossible to put his thoughts into coherent sounds when your fingers work at his pants and manage to free his erection, springing it heavily against his stomach. Barou’s mind short-circuits, body jerking in reaction, with the slow, experimental pump of your fist around his aching cock. The look you’re currently giving him is mesmerizing, and it makes him feel as if he’s the most powerful person in the world.
He’s not sure how far you’re willing to go, especially since this feels like your first for everything. You adjust your hand around his length and let it run for a few more strokes. It feels foreign and electric at the same time, softer than his own hands that’s for sure. After you brush your thumb over his tip, smearing the pre, Barou immediately tries shielding himself from you, face buried in his shoulder, and swallows back a rumbling moan.
You pause, hand loosely wrapped around his base, frowning. “Is it bad? I’ll stop if…”
“No,” Barou clasps a hand over yours, squeezes, and sets a slow, firm pace. He shudders again when you adjust your position, hot breath fanning over his tip. “You don’t have to go down—”
“I want to,” you look at him with pleading eyes. “I want to make you feel good, Shouei.”
His mind goes through a whirlwind of possibilities, debating the urge to either run or dominate. Barou closes his eyes, breathing deeply in order to steady himself before he fully loses it. His cock twitches and your hand is clinging around him like a mold.
“Please,” you moan, a plea that’s both an invitation and a surrender, and it’s that damn voice that cuts through his brain fog.
You make a small noise of confusion when he pulls you back, and settles you flat against the mattress. Disappointment flicks across your face but disappears as quickly as it came when his palms make contact with your legs. He carefully watches you squirm, thighs pressing together, when he starts hiking up the dress past your waist and eventually off your body.
Barou sucks in his teeth, eyes drinking in your shy figure underneath him as he stares at your heaving chest, stomach, and plump thighs. He swears under his breath, hesitating for just a moment, before slipping a hand lower, past the barrier of your panties. 
A strangled moan catches in his throat as he discovers the slick heat from your arousal, thick fingers pressing gently at the entrance. Your face casts a wild, bewildered look and you throw your head back, hand covering the lower half of your face.
“D-Don’t tease me…”
Barou clicks against his teeth. “Wasn’t planning on it.”
Almost entranced, he stares at your slick center, folds glistensing and your clit practically pulsing with need. His fingers tremble, exploring with hesitance born from innocence. The warmth between your thighs is new, intoxicating, and downright terrifying. With each careful, slow, tentative touch, the sound of his name spilling from your lips is like a sacred plea and it ignites a spark within him.
He can’t wait any longer. 
Barou groans as he rubs his padded fingers in between your dewy folds and slides in, a tight and perfect fit that draws a gasp from both parties. Your walls flutter around him almost instantaneously, paired by high pitched mews rolling off your tongue. He watches your knuckles fist the sheets as he starts his slow, stretching movements.
Your body squirms under his onslaught, thighs threatening to press closer from the sensitivity but he settles a firm grip on one of them. The sight of you under him, vulnerable and consuming, with hot tears springing out of the corners of your eyes, drives him over the edge. His fingers pick up speed inside, soon turning relentless, scissoring your gummy walls at a pace that you struggle to keep your volume low. Barou watches you throw a hand over your mouth when his thumb starts rolling over your clit in slow but purposeful circles. The scent of sex drenches him, listening to you mew and beg, his heavy cock leaking all over your thigh when you begin to raise your hips.
“Shouei,” you moan out, skin glistening and wet, flushed from the heat. Your fingers grasp sloppily against his biceps, sending shivers down his arms. “I want to take care of you, too.”
He spreads your legs even further out, applying more pressure to your core. Seeing the sight of you buckling your hips, grinding so shamelessly down on his fingers, brings him more pleasure than it should. Hearing the sighs and whines you babble out tells him everything he needs to know.
Barou raises his lips to your temple as he picks up the pace, groaning from the lewd sounds below. “Finish for me first, I don’t like owing favors,” he starts kissing your throat, tongue tracing over your sweet spots as your walls start fluttering around his digits.
Your hands land on his biceps, clutching his body as close to yours as possible while you calm down from the rush, unable to stop the way you're wailing his name right into his ear. It isn’t until Barou releases his fingers that he realizes that his sweats are now soaked from your orgasm.
“I'm sorry...” You sharply turn your head away, pleasure quickly replaced by embarrassment.
Barou carefully brushes the hair out of your eyes and captures your lips in a sweet and tentative kiss. “Was gonna get rid of them anyway.”
"Oh," you breathe out, unable to form a more suitable response.
He gets up from the mattress and manages to free himself from the remainder of his clothes. Normally, he would toss them in a hamper, but tonight he’s kicking them to the side. Mild anxiousness and anticipation claws at his throat when he formally settles between your legs and, this time, your hands are back to poorly covering up your bare, flushed out body.
Barou furrows his brows and gently pulls them aside, already reading your thoughts. “Stop, you don’t look weird.”
He bends down, hands kneading on the flesh of your breasts while his mouth latches onto the side of your neck. You struggle to keep your voice down and squirm under his touch, again. “You’re beautiful,” he whispers. “Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.”
It’s like he can almost see all the blood rushing towards your head when he pulls back. You’re nodding, shaking and quivering, and he can practically hear your heartbeat over his own.
“Let me know if I’m hurting you,” Barou’s amazed that he’s able to keep it together, that his voice is even, because your fingers are slowly guiding his cock towards your entrance.
He’s had a girlfriend in the past, though the intimacy has never gone past making out. He has a faint idea of how it should feel and what he should do, but all that thought gets thrown out when his tip presses softly against your wet folds. Everything starts to feel unbearingly hot and tight.
“I trust you,” you sharply inhale when the first few inches slide into the soft, heated space, and spread your legs wider. You shift against the mattress, a hand splaying on his chest while the other is fisting the sheets. “I trust you more than I trust myself, Shouei.”
He hisses in response to that, adjusting his length, and cranes his head back so he can avoid releasing everything right then and there. You bite back a loud moan as soon as he bottoms you out, your nails digging and leaving half crescent marks into his chest at the stretch. 
“Shit—you’re so warm,” he steadies his breathing, and reaches out a hand, caressing your flushed cheeks. He carefully dives in to kiss your lips and then your throat, biting until he nearly breaks skin.
You shudder beneath him, responding with a noise that’s in between a moan and a laugh. “Don’t tell me you’re going to cum already?”
Barou ignores your taunting and scrapes his teeth along the ridge of your throat until he finds your earlobe, basking in the way you’re squeezing around him. “How you do want me to fuck you?”
Silence takes over as your answer, eyes widening at his response. A small thrust and he watches you wince from the stretch. Barou slows down his movements, pulling all the way out before sliding back into the hilt. Shocks of pleasure surges through his veins, and his throat rumbles with every tight pulse your velvety walls offer him, holding your hips steady as he builds up the rhythm. 
Your moans and gasps send shivers down his whole body, arching your back as he finds the furthest point. Your grip on his chest tightens, fingers grasping, nails breaking the skin. Though, the pain is nothing compared to the binding pleasure Barou feels being buried deep around your enveloping, addicting warmth. His brain melts into a puddle, every nerve in his system heightens to a new level as you’re tightening around him.
You raise your hips higher, opening yourself and deepening the angle that he can thrust his way through. Barou’s browline pools in a thin veil of sweat as he works his way through it all, staring down at you in a silent, consumed gaze. He presses his hips forward and manages to find the spot that makes you violent and wild. The sound of his name shatters the air and you throw your head back, bliss screeching through both of your veins.
"Shouei, it’s too much," you cry out.
Barou sucks in his teeth, fingers pressing hard into your flesh. “Just breathe, you’re okay.” 
He watches your eyes widen with a shaky nod. Your chest rises and falls, eyes frantically darting from the area between your legs up to his face in an attempt to calm yourself.
“I-I know, I know,” you respond, choked out and breathless.
Any consideration for neighboring guests in the complexes are abandoned as Barou pumps into you, his core tightening as every thrust brings him closer. Your walls and arousal coat around his cock with eagerness, as if afraid to let him go.
At the sight of you, teary-eyed and a babbling mess, Barou leans down and his mouth captures yours in another searing kiss that mutes your sounds. Your fingers shoot up, tangling in the mess of his long, black locks, pulling him closer until there’s no space left—until he feels nothing but wet skin and sheer desperation.
He buries his face in your neck, his hot breaths and pants tickling your skin as he senses the incoming orgasm. Barou shuts his eyes and lets his concentration break, mind fully focusing on the feeling of you swallowing him as he works his cock deep inside of you as he could go. All he can think about is how warm and tight everything feels, the sounds you’re making, how much he loves hearing you, and how long he’s been waiting for this moment. Now, with your cries of passion filling the room, back arched in a way he can't even fully describe, it’s more than he can handle, more than he can believe.
Your walls clench violently around him, one hand flying up and tugging at his hair so hard that it stings. But he’ll take it, Barou will endure all the pain and hunger from you knowing you’re cumming hard on his cock. He lets the pain ebb away, turning into waves of ecstasy. Your name falls from his lips and fills the dark room.
Barou bites back a moan and chews his lower lip, head nuzzled deep into your shoulder blade and hips stuttering as his vision goes blurry. Pleasure overtakes him, both immense pressure and the immediate release of it exploding in his skull, and he ends up gasping for air, legs jerking and body trembling as he releases inside of you.
He holds you tightly, rocking your body and panting against your warm skin as both of you try to catch your individual breaths as the aftershocks settle through. Everything stills, all that’s left are the low hums of the air conditioner and your frantic heartbeats. Barou isn’t sure how much time has passed when he finally feels his length go limp. Gently, he slips out and catches the way you moan in disapproval at the feeling of sudden emptiness. 
He raises his head and meets your eyes, finding yours wet and half-lidded, completely fucked over. Lifting a thumb to wipe away the threatening tear, he rolls off and settles upright by the edge of the bed. The darkness strains his eyes, but he manages to find what he’s looking for. A few moments later and he hands you a few tissues from the bedside table and cranes his body.
“Are you okay?” Barou’s cautious of the volume of his voice, as if raising it an octave higher would break you even further.
Your breath hitches, wincing and moving meticulously to avoid spilling out all the contents on the sheets. “I think I am?”
“You sound unsure.”
“Well,” you prop up next to him, body curling tight together like a coil, head nudging against his bare shoulder. “We just had sex.” 
The word almost slaps him in the face, making him sit up even straighter.
“We… did,” he said, slowly, and now feeling a certain way that he isn’t sure how to describe. Comfortable isn’t the right word, but it’s not exactly uneasy either. But that’s another step to think about, one that he probably won’t take today. He pauses for a moment, tongue heavy in his mouth, but pushes through and ignores the fretting in the back of his mind. “Do… Do you regret it?”
“No,” and you’re quick with it, despite avoiding eye contact. Instead, you curl your fingers around his bicep and squeeze hard. After a pregnant pause, you throw back the question. “How ‘bout you?”
“I don’t,” Barou finds himself equally as responsive, and he’s sure about a lot of things. 
He’s sure he’s going to wake up tired and sore, but definitely is still going to out perform his other teammates tomorrow. He’s sure that one day he’ll surpass Isagi. And he’s sure that he wants to be here, with you. You two are best friends and… what, girlfriend and boyfriend now? It’s a crazy thought, but it has his heart fluttering like some dumb teenage romcom. 
You simply nod, humming in deep thought, before reaching over and pulling him in for another kiss, and this time, it’s soft and delicate. Fragile, slow, and it has Barou clenching around the edge of the mattress. You’re both making quiet sounds, and he wants to keep going, but he can’t quite subdue that little bubbling jolt of fear in his head. And, because you’re stupidly observant at the strangest times, you pull back.
“We should… probably talk about this, right?”
“We should,” he agrees but, as soon as he glances at the time, exhaustion hits him like a freight train. Barou shudders and he allows gravity to take over, collapsing back onto the cold, wet mattress.
“Hey,” you shake him, enough to rouse some of the tiredness away. “Don’t crash here tonight, everything’s covered in sweat.”
He scoffs and turns over, relishing in the mild comfort. “You’re starting to sound exactly like me.”
“C’mon, Shouei,” he can’t exactly see you from this angle, but he imagines a big pout plastered over your face. “I mean it, let’s sleep in your room. This is like a sex bed…”
“Don’t call it that,” Barou cringes. 
“I mean, technically it is. Y’know, couples get twin beds in hotel rooms all the time for that purpose and—”
“If we move to my room, will you promise me that you’ll be quiet and get some sleep?” Barou can slowly feel bags forming under his eyes.
Your weight shifts above him and you make a small noise of approval. “Sure, but no promises.”
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© 2023 DOOBEAN. do not copy any of my writing and translate/repost.
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I apologize for outburst- allow me to demonstrate my idea in a civil manner.
Very eleoquent, I know. My love for you and the public knows no bounds.
Besitossss [kisses]!!! ilyyyy!!!
*cracks my knuckles* alright lets do it
men and minors dni
you and sevika got in your first big fight a week ago.
you've been dating for two years, living together for a year and a half, but until this week, your disagreements have remained small.
sure, you spat and bicker all the time-- but that's mostly just because you and sevika 'give major old married couple vibes'-- at least, according to crystal.
but this fight was different.
sevika had a horrible night at work, and all she wanted to do was pick you up from the club, take you home, and have you wrap around her like a koala while you scratched her scalp and gently hummed her to sleep.
you, on the other hand, had had an excellent fucking night. the club was jam-packed with a bachelor party from piltover-- and the girls scammed those rich suckers dry.
so after close, when you and the girls were counting money and getting ready to head home, cherry popped a celebratory bottle of champagne. which resulted in another bottle-- which resulted in you shaking your ass on the stage for a dozen of cheering laughing strippers-- all throwing money at you and chanting, "go mom! go mom! get it mom! go mom!"
it's not like you were naked, or dancing alone. all the girls were dancing beside you, and the club was empty besides you, them, and jimmy, and you were all high off a night of great earnings and a little tipsy on champagne.
but when sevika stumbled through the back doors, exhausted, beaten up, likely concussed and stone cold sober, she didn't see any of those details.
what she did see was you shaking your ass for cherry where she sat in a recliner on the floor.
it got really ugly, really fast.
a screaming match in the alley became a screaming match at home which became you packing a bag and leaving.
and now it's been a week of you sleeping on cherry's couch.
you miss sevika so fucking much.
she misses you too.
when you'd left, you'd tiredly, shakily asked sevika to give you time.
she did. for twelve hours.
but the following night as you clocked in for work, you were shocked to see your girlfriend sitting in the back of the club, sipping on a whiskey.
"i told you i needed time, sev." you huffed as you trudged over to the booth she was tucked in.
"i'm not here for you." she lied. you raised an eyebrow at her.
"buying a dance?" you asked. she huffed and rolled her eyes.
"fuck off, you know i'm not. obviously, i'm here for you-- i couldn't fucking sleep last night... i know you want time. you can have it. i won't bug you, but... please don't make me leave." she whispered this last part, her voice a little wobbly. "i just... miss you. wanna see you. i won't talk to you, i promise."
you'd sucked in a shaky breath, tried to keep your tears from falling, and nodded quickly before turning around and fleeing to the locker room.
and now, it's been a week of sleeping on a lumpy couch and listening to cherry hook up with jimmy through her thin-ass walls; a week of sevika's big puppy eyes watching your every move while you're out on the floor, of her having the girls bring you drinks and food, of her stuffing flowers and apology notes into the slats of your locker; and you're done fighting with her.
you miss her so much it hurts. you love her so much it hurts.
so tonight, you've got a plan: you're gonna make her grovel a little more, and then you're gonna go home with her.
you've got your duffel bag packed and waiting in your locker and everything.
sevika seems to have caught on to the fact that she's out of the doghouse. she's been grinning at you all night, waving you over like she's a customer who needs help, only to try to make chit chat with you and flirt for a while. she's adorable.
right now, she's watching you make your rounds around the club, her gaze burning on your back.
"did you 'n sev get in another fight?" trinity asks from behind the bar. you blink at her in confusion.
"no, why?" you ask.
she nods to where sevika's sitting across the bar behind you. "she's lookin' at you like she's plottin' to kill you." she says. you bite your lip and try to keep back your nervous giggle.
"y-yeah, that's... that's her horny face." you admit. trinity bursts into laughter, throwing her head back as she cackles. you groan, reaching across the bar to pull the bottle of tequila out of her grasp, and quickly pouring yourself your own shot before handing the bottle back to her. "are you good over here?" you ask, already backing away from the bar to avoid your friend's teases.
trintiy's still too busy laughing to answer verbally, so she shoots you a thumbs up and waves you away.
you finish your go around the club pretty quick.
frosty has you help her find the tip of the broken nail she'd chipped off-- using your flashlight to scour the floors of the dark club until you found the glittery nail, then gluing it back on for her.
you help a shaky old man figure out the cash-machine, withdrawing a stack of ones for him then helping him to a seat, waving star down to dance for him-- she likes the older gentlemen.
and then, after putting band-aids on the blisters on the back of shelly's feet, making sure mandy takes her medicine break, and spraying body glitter on buttercup's back for her; you finally get to turn around and catch sevika's gaze.
she grins when you approach her booth.
"hey, mama."
you shiver. 'mama' is her own personal take on the nickname your girls have for you, and it makes you weak in the knees hearing it now after a week. "scoot over." you mumble, trying to ignore her knowing smirk.
sevika slides into her booth, letting you sit beside her, passing you her drink so you can have a sip of her whiskey.
"you seem awfully happy tonight." you say.
sevika shrugs. "i've got a good feeling." she says simply. you raise an eyebrow at her, and she giggles. "think i might get lucky tonight; might take a pretty girl home with me."
you snort, elbowing her but not denying her accusation.
sevika's smile grows cocky, and her arm wraps around your shoulders, pulling you into her strong chest. she presses a long, firm kiss to your scalp, breathing in the scent of your shampoo, before she sighs and pulls away, blinking her eyes back open. "i've fuckin' missed you." she whispers.
you sigh, melting against her. for a while, you guys just sit together, letting the loud thumping of the club music take over the conversation.
you finish sevika's whiskey. she doesn't seem to mind, her lips are occupied by peppering kisses on your head. eventually, you speak again. "cherry's couch is fucking horrible."
sevika snorts. "i'll give you a massage when we get home." she mutters. you giggle.
"you seem pretty certain that you'll be takin' me home tonight." you tease. sevika's eyes widen a bit in worry and she stiffens beside you.
"but... i am, right?" she asks, her voice insecure. your stomach bursts into butterflies. you were not expecting that reaction.
you were expecting her to say something suave and hot, to turn the tables and tease you, or to just straight up kiss you. you weren't expecting the needy, whiny tone of her voice.
it's rare, but sevika gets like this sometimes. you're not surprised it's happening now after a week apart, you just didn't expect it. but now that it's happening, and sevika's looking at you with those big, begging eyes, you're thrilled.
you give your plan for the night a quick mental edit: you'll make her grovel a lot, and then you'll take her home.
"depends." you answer, smiling at your girlfriend and reaching up to cup her cheek. she nuzzles into your touch.
"on what?" she asks. you grin, kiss the tip of her nose, and then whisper in her ear.
"how pretty you beg."
you don't wait for her reaction. you just kiss her cheek and then slip out of the booth, sauntering back to the locker room. you can feel her shocked gaze on your retreating figure, so you swing your hips a bit, making your ass sway a little more than usual. just before you reach the locker room, you can make out an emphatic "fuck" above the music coming from sevika's booth. you burst into laughter.
sevika wastes no time taking you up on your challenge.
two minutes after you push through the doors, sevika comes tumbling through, her eyes wide and her smile soft as she trails over to your little desk in the corner.
"baby..." she starts. you snort, and sevika sits her ass on your desk, looking down at you where you're in your chair. you prop your legs up into her lap, and her hands immediately grab your ankles to start rubbing circles in the skin. "please lemme take you home." she whispers.
the locker room is empty right now, all the girls are out on the floor. so, you decide to be evil. "what?" you ask. "didn't hear you, baby."
sevika grunts, and rolls her eyes. "please let me take you home tonight, honey." she asks at a normal volume. you smile, reaching out for her hand and pulling it forward to press a kiss to her knuckles.
"i'll think about it." you tease. sevika groans, kicking her feet a bit. you have to bite back your smile.
"babe!" she cries. "i-i-i missed you so much." she pouts. "i missed your fuckin' laugh and the crumbs you're always leavin' in bed and your morning breath and... and i missed your tits babe, fuck!" she whines.
you pull your feet out of her lap and stand up. her slouch against your desk means you're towering over her, now, and you smile down at her as you cup her face in both of your hands. "i missed you too, sev." you whisper. the smidgen of worry in her look of general desperation disappears at your words, and you relax a bit, knowing that now she's just horny and not worried you're still mad.
she puckers her lips, expecting a kiss. you snort, then lean forward a give her a quick, chaste peck.
it's not enough. it's nowhere near enough, and now that you've kissed her again after a week, your desperation for her is becoming incredibly apparent in your underwear. but still, you pull away. because you want to see how far you can take this.
"tell me more." you whisper against her lips.
sevika makes a little noise of protest when you pull away from her face. "i, uh..." she tries, blinking rapidly to get her brain working. "i missed the way you're always nagging me. turns out you're right, about most of it. i tripped over one of the socks i left on the floor in the middle of the night and nearly broke my neck-- i couldn't decide if you'd laugh or cry when you found out i died that way." she whispers.
you laugh then kiss her again as a reward for her words. "i'd cry. and then laugh. and then cry forever. tell me more." you demand. sevika smiles, catching onto your game quickly. her hands reach out and hold your hips, and you allow it... for now.
"missed your ass." she says simply. you snort, and kiss her again, licking against her bottom lip this time. her eyes are hazy when you pull away.
"tell me mo--"
"missed your smile." she whispers. "fuck, 'specially the one you give me when i wake you up in the mornings. 'n that annoyed one-- where you're trying not to laugh but you really want to." she giggles a bit. your heart melts, and you kiss her again. "i missed your lips." you kiss her. "i missed your hands." you kiss her. "fuck, baby, i missed your pussy." she whines. you grin. bingo.
sevika cracks one of her closed eyes open when she's not immediately rewarded with a kiss for her confession. she pouts at you, but you talk before she can complain.
"oh, sev." you whisper. "i missed your pussy."
sevika nearly slides off the desk at your words. if it weren't for you standing between her legs, she'd be on her ass on the floor after her knees locked. you laugh as you steady her on your desk, then swoop forward to capture her lips in a hot kiss, threading your fingers in her hair.
sevika's clawing at your belt loops and shirt, trying to drag you impossibly closer to her body. you chuckle against her lips, working one of your hands between your bodies to start fiddling at her pants button.
"lemme touch you?" you ask. sevika's already gasping for air like she's run a marathon, her eyes big and glossy and needy as she nods. you grin, and shove your hand down the front of her boxers.
she's soaking fucking wet, and she immediately leans forward to hide her face against your shoulder while you gasp at your discovery. "sev." you whine. she grunts.
"shut up."
"my needy girl." you continue. she whimpers, then turns to bite your throat.
you don't even mean to start fucking her-- she's just so wet that two of your digits slip right into her, with no resistance. you both gasp. "fuck! please!" sevika cries. you laugh.
"keep it down, baby, the girls could come in here any minute."
"please don't stop, please, fuck mama, i missed you so fuckin' much--"
you shut her up by pressing your lips against hers, swallowing her words as you nip her lip.
when you pull away from her to suck in a breath of air, you push her mouth to your neck to keep her quiet.
still-- even with her whimpers and whines muffled, her cunt's so wet and loud anybody'd know what you two are doing if they came through the door.
"shit, honey, do you hear yourself? you're so fucking cute, missed me so much, this is all for me, isn't it?" you ask. she mumbles something incoherent against your neck, her hips humping your hand, her head nodding. you laugh. "fuck, i missed you, too sweetheart." you whimper. she growls against your throat and you giggle. "cum for me, love."
sevika cums with choked whine, soaking your hand as she falls apart.
you pull her away from your throat to kiss her through her orgasm, slowing down the rhythm of your fingers until you're still. sevika's still twitching and whining when you pull away.
"you okay?" you ask, pulling your hand out of her pants and licking up her cum.
sevika grunts, then falls forward, her forehead against your tits. "so fuckin' good." she says. you laugh.
"god, baby. i wish i had my strapon, i'd fuck you over my desk."
sevika's head snaps up from your chest, a non-orgasmic blush creeping up her cheeks. you raise an eyebrow at her.
"uh..." she mutters.
"uh?" you ask.
"just... fuck. c'mon." she grunts as she shoves herself off the desk and past you, her legs shaky as she walks. you laugh as you follow behind her, wrapping your arm around her waist to keep her steady as she guides you to the supply-closet in the back of the locker room.
the room's barely big enough to fit the both of you, but you shove in after your girlfriend to see what she's rummaging around for.
she turns around with a shy smile, avoiding your gaze.
"sev?" you ask.
she sighs, then shoves something she was hiding behind her back in your hands. you look down at the jumble of fabric straps and metallic buckles, and burst into laughter. "what's this?!" you ask.
"the emergency strap." sevika says, shrugging. you hinge forward at your waist as laughter overtakes you, reaching out to steady yourself on your girlfriend's arm.
"wh-- the what?!" you squeal. she groans, rolling her eyes but smiling a bit at your laughter.
"it's exactly what it sounds like! i keep 'em stashed in various places in case of emergency, like right now."
"how many emergency straps do you have sev?" you ask.
sevika shrugs. "half a dozen stashed around zaun. one in piltover, behind that bakery you like so much." she says. "it started with just one here and at the last drop, but then you jumped me in the alley behind your salon and i was completely unprepared, so i decided to stash one near all our go-to spots."
you can't stop laughing, you can't believe the woman in front of you is yours. "i'm so fucking in love with you it's insane." you manage to laugh out.
sevika's embarrassed expression melts, and she pulls you in for a crushing hug. you wrap your arms around her, the dildo and harness dangling from your hands and brushing her shoulders as you laugh in her arms. "i love you too." she mumbles. "i don't wanna fight with you ever again. not like that. i'm so sorry."
"'s okay baby. you were pissy, i was drunk, neither of us were in the place to settle a disagreement. i'm sorry i left. that was shitty."
"don't apologize." she whispers. you chuckle, then pull away from her shoulder to catch her eye.
"okay. but only if you don't apologize either." you ask. sevika smirks.
"alright, deal." she says. then, she reaches behind you and pulls the door to the supply closet shut. "now put that thing on." she demands.
you burst into laughter, but start navigating the loops of the harness regardless.
five minutes later, and you're balls deep inside your girlfriend as she fucks you.
sure, you're wearing the strap, but sevika's got you pinned to the door, working her hips and ass on your cock as she groans into her folded arms resting on the shelf of cleaning supplies in front of her.
"holy fucking shit, sevika." you huff. she whimpers, and you smack her ass. "baby--"
"more!" she chokes out. you growl, smacking her ass again and widening your stance as you try to keep up with the pace she's set. "fuck, fuck, more, i need more, please, mama, please gimmie m--"
you sink both of your hands into her hips, use all your body weight to crush her against the shelf in front of her, her back arching gorgeously, and you give her ass one more nice smack before you start hammering into her.
disinfectant bottles and sponges start falling off the shelves, which are hammering into the back wall. your hips are smacking violently against her ass, and she's doing nothing to muffle her cries anymore.
"yes! yes, yes, yes, baby, fuck!" she cries. "shit, i'm gonna cum, i'm gonna cum on your fuckin' cock, mama, fuck i missed you, i love you so much, don't stop, don't stop, please don't--"
"i'm right here, baby. not goin' anywhere."
sevika falls apart at your words. you hitch an arm around her waist to keep her upright as her knees wobble, and when she starts to squirt all over your cock, thighs, and the floor beneath her, you cum.
"shit, sev!" you cry. she's still cumming, gasping and getting out choked half-laughs of pleasure as you fuck her through your orgasm. with each snap of your hips, a little gush of cum leaks down sevika's legs. by the time your hips still, sevika's shaking and shuddering like she's being electrocuted. you laugh as you watch her twitch, little drops of cum 'plink plink plink'ing to the ground from her cunt. "you alright, baby?"
"mmmuhng..." she mumbles.
you chuckle and kiss her back. "'m gonna pull out." sevika winces and squeaks when you pull out, one final stream of squirt trickling down her legs as you do. you just grin, then turn her around to face you. she's grinning, her eyes closed in post-coital bliss, and you kiss her cheek gently. "open your eyes, baby." you whisper, reaching up and cupping her face.
sevika blinks her hazy eyes open, smiling at you. "hey." she grins.
"hi, love." you laugh. "how're you feeling?"
"babe..." she grunts, glaring at you a bit and flopping her arm out to gesture at the general soaked state of the closet around you. "jus' flooded your supply closet with cum. i'm amazing." she giggles.
you snort, and then swoop in to kiss her on the mouth.
it's surprisingly easy to clean the mess you made-- since you made it in the cleaning supply closet. the mops take care of sevika's puddles, a few paper towels dry hers and your thighs. she shows you where she stashes the emergency strap, in a tile in the ceiling, and you snort and make a mental note to disinfect it tomorrow.
you get dressed, straighten up sevika's hair as she does the same for you, and then you both stumble out of the supply closet, giggling.
cherry's standing in the locker room, an unimpressed look on her face. sevika groans in embarrassment, hiding her face against your shoulder, and you just laugh at your friend's face.
"hey cherr-bear." you great. she rolls her eyes.
"you two are disgusting. you traumatized poor shelly."
"you gave jimmy a blowjob during your smoke break just yesterday!" you squawk.
sevika perks up behind you at the new gossip. "you're hooking up with jimmy?" she giggles.
cherry snorts and rolls her eyes fondly at sevika.
"it's completely different if me and the girls hook up here. you are our mom. and you're, like, our cool new step-dad or something!" cherry shouts, waving her arms at you and sevika. "nobody wants to hear their parents hooking up!"
"thanks for taking care of her while i was being a shithead." sevika says, ignoring cherry's rant. she deflates, a sweet smile on her lips as she considers you and your girlfriend.
"just don't do it again. i had to stop, like, four girls from tryna murder you for hurtin' mom." cherry says.
you blink.
"wait, what?" you and sevika ask simultaneously. cherry just shrugs.
"'m just glad you made up. any longer, and trinity was really gonna call up her big brother." she says. sevika bursts into laughter behind you, and you smile, equally touched and disturbed by your girls' protective behavior. "you two go home. y'all clearly got a lotta catchin' up to do. i'll watch the girls the rest of the night, mom, and i'll keep your earnings for you until tomorrow." you raise a suspicious eyebrow at your best friend, and she laughs. "okay, i'll give you eighty percent of your earnings. i gotta take a little off the top-- rent for the past week of you crashing on my couch."
sevika's already in your locker, gathering your stuff and tugging you toward the back door. "thanks cherry!" she calls over her shoulder.
you let yourself be dragged out, blowing cherry a goodbye kiss.
in the alley, sevika shoves you against the brick wall for a sloppy kiss.
when she pulls away, her eyes are gentle and sweet. "lemme take you home?" she asks.
you smile. "lead the way, babe."
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352 @artinvain
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ohithankyou · 17 hours
thinking about tommy kinard hours and well, I know we’ve talked about how important it was that tommy came over to buck’s in person to clear the air and apologise about potentially upsetting him because that kind of “showing up” is something buck so desperately lacked in his past relationships. but, I also wanna talk about how important it probably was for tommy to have buck, not just hear, but also validate his feelings re: wanting to be part of a family or team in the way that the 118 are
the way tommy looks at buck when buck is explaining to him all the ways that tommy was a part of something important in rescuing bobby and athena, was part of the team, was a part of the family — tommy’s expression at certain points in this moment, it’s kind of heart breaking because you get a glimpse of a broken tommy but also one in awe. he looks so innocent. so surprised. so moved. so seen. there are just so many emotions wrapped up in his expressions in that moment and it makes me sick in the best way 
because it’s just like — this beautiful, adorable man by the name of evan buckley heard tommy kinard voice an insecurity that has probably plagued him his whole life, and immediately, without any hesitation, addressed it, making tommy feel so important. and buck doesn’t just do this because “it’s the nice thing to do” in a moment like that. no. he does it because he believes it. he believes with his whole heart that tommy was a part of their family and their team that night and he wants tommy to believe it too. so, even if a part of tommy wanted to believe on the contrary, he couldn’t. even if the insecure voice in tommy’s head tried its hardest to get tommy to not believe what buck was saying, he couldn’t. he couldn’t because the conviction and sincerity with which evan buckley said those words to him was too powerful a force and tommy had to believe him and he did
and I really think this is the moment that for tommy, this crush on 'the cute guy', goes from just being a crush on 'the cute guy', to a real longing and a yearning for evan. and so when he gets the final signal that buck may actually be interested in him in *that* way, he makes the move and kisses him
and even the kiss. I know it’s been talked about a ton but the way tommy keeps his eyes closed when he breaks the kiss, just soaking it in, it’s ahhh. because, again. it wasn’t just about kissing the cute guy. it was about kissing the cute guy he thinks he could have something with, (possibly every thing with). but in the back of his mind, he feels there may still be a chance that buck doesn’t feel that way about him, about men. so he keeps his eyes closed a little longer. but when he finally opens them, and sees the way buck is looking at him, and asks buck if “it was okay”, he realizes that yes, evan does like him. and that’s when tommy can breathe. and after that, he doesn’t even waste a second to ask him out on date 
i also think that explains why tommy cuts the date short when he does, the way he does, instead of just going along with it. if this was just any 'cute guy', maybe he would’ve went to the movie with him, had some fun (or not), and then went on his merry way, feeling no two ways about it. but no. evan buckley isn’t just 'some cute guy.' and so, he probably thought, “better that I end it now, because if I don’t, I will fall and it will hurt.” I think it may have looked to some like it was easy for tommy to walk away, but given what we’ve gotten to know about him, I don’t think it was easy at all. yes, he walked away because buck wasn’t ready and he didn’t want to pressure him, but he probably also walked away because he couldn’t risk getting his heart broken in the long run
so, tommy goes home and he thinks, that’s it. it’s done. but he also probably couldn’t stop thinking about evan and then, he gets a call, and it’s him. it’s evan and he’s asking to see him. tommy says yes. he doesn’t know what this will bring, but he’s playing it safe, he’s holding back slightly, not sitting down immediately, but then evan shocks him with the, “come with me to my sister's wedding. I want you to be my date at my sisters wedding..” 
and tommy hears the same raw, honest conviction and sincerity in his voice that he heard the night he kissed him. the night his insecurities were heard (probably for the first time ever), and he trusts evan. he believes him. he couldn’t not believe him even if he tried. he says yes, he’ll go to the wedding, and now, he’s in this, and he wants this. he wants evan and he isn’t going to hold back in showing him that
so even though he’s on call, he comes to the bachelor party and doesn’t leave until he absolutely has to. and even though he has to go to work, he promises to evan that he’ll do his damnest to come to the wedding. and even though he fought a fire for 12+ hours, he keeps his promise, and does his damnest, and makes it to the wedding (and well, he sees that his damnest is very appreciated.)
and then in the last episode, we’re back where we started with them (in the kitchen), but more domestic and lived in. buck opens up about himself and tommy, again, meets him halfway and shares something personal about himself in return. but, this time, opening up isn’t just about meeting buck halfway. he’s opening up because he knows he can. he knows he’ll be heard because evan created that safe space for him and now, tommy’s letting himself embrace that safe space in a way he probably hasn’t before, with anyone else 
he’s talking about his jealousy and his insecurities because he wants evan to know him. and what better way to let evan get to know him, than to let him in on what he’s longed and yearned for? what better way to do that than to let evan in on the parts of himself he most likely hasn’t been able to trust with anyone else? parts of him that maybe, possibly, most likely, others didn’t even care to even know? but evan. evan wants to know and evan does care, and tommy, tommy is all in. and honestly, he couldn’t not be all in even if he tried 
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jhoneybees · 23 hours
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This is a first! My first smutty fic that is inspired by this song!
Taglist: @elvisalltheway101 @atleastpleasetelephone @i-r-i-n-a-a
Characters: Mid60s!Elvis x Wife!Reader
Warning/triggers: Never knew I would be saying this but...Smut! lol, mentions of sex, nudity, reader's first time-ish, nipple play, blowjob, male receiving and almost female receiving
The both of you are quite open with your thoughts and feelings and it's been like that for years and years, of course Elvis and you would sometimes feel a bit insecure about something but you two would find ways to work through it.
But the only thing that Elvis hasn’t shared with you is a fear, something that he thinks you might find silly and… maybe it is.
Ever since you met back in 1964, he has been dodging the topic of sex over the many years of dating and it's not that you’re dumb and naive around sexual things, no sir, Elvis sure knows you’re not a stranger to foreplay and it’s not that he hasn’t done the deed before, the two of you know he’s been with many girls before.
It's just this one thought, this one itchy thought that's been plaguing his mind ever since you brought up the topic.
Of course, he wants to have sex with you. Oh how he wants to show you how a man really loves a woman.
But it's just…he’s afraid that he might hurt you.
Most men may think it’s silly to have such ideas because it’s only natural to thrust themselves into a woman and pound them into the mattress.
Well, yes but there's something about the thought of seeing your angel face contort in pain, tears springing at the outer corners of your eyes and hissing at the burning sensation that doesn't sit right with him, he knows the pain wouldn't last forever.
He's just scared.
He couldn't bear seeing you wincing and crying because of him. He's always been so sensitive with how you're taken care of and yes, you're a full grown woman and he probably shouldn't be worrying about you so much like that.
Hell, he can't help it though.
This fear is scarier than anything else to him, even more terrifying than the big fear of proposing to you which he did a year ago.
Now he's finally married to you and right at this moment sitting on the edge of a bed in a hotel suite in Hawaii, on your honeymoon.
Elvis perks up at your voice, seeing your head peeking out from behind the bathroom door with that gorgeous smile. His lips curl at the corners.
“Close your eyes”
He does what you say and closes his eyes, he has an idea what you might be doing and he's nervous to say the least.
Swallowing thickly as he hears the varnished floorboards creak, a light whiff of your sweet perfume tickles his nose.
“Feel me”
He gulps again and when your soft hands lift his ones up to place on your hips, his breath catches in his throat at the feeling of delicate lace.
“You know what it is?”
He nods quietly, his heart pounding in his chest, he thinks it might go out of control at any second.
“Open your eyes”
How could he do such a thing to you? To tarnish your angelic, heavenly body, with how the white lace underwear moulds onto your hips and the little pudge below your belly button. The matching white lace bra complimenting your breasts, the softness and fullness of them spilling over the tops and little pink buds peeking through the fabric.
It’s all making his head spin. You’re so beautiful and he can already feel his dress pants tighten. He has shown his love to you in so many ways but he has never shown the way that he has been waiting to do and as much as his heart is telling him to show you, his brain is stopping him.
Fingers pushing ever so lightly against your waist. Elvis is in absolute awe of you, the pressure of his fingertips pressing down on your skin makes something crack inside of him, his breathing becoming laboured when the urge to feel your entire body with his palms enters his mind.
His eyes roaming up your body, eyelids fluttering lazily. A groan vibrates in his throat.
“You’re gorgeous…” he breathes, earning an angelic giggle from you.
As his eyes begin to trail back down your body, they snap up to yours when you place a hand on his shoulder. A breath sucks out of him at the slight contact of his clothed length getting brushed by your knee resting on the mattress between his legs.
He gently lays himself down at the light push from your hand, making sure to let out a breath or he would’ve exploded right then and there.
A flame ignites in his heart at just the sight of you crawling on top of him, your goddess of a body planting right on his pelvis and leaning down closer and closer to his face. Sighing at the feel of your soft lips pressing onto his passionately.
Elvis’ hands try to grasp onto something, anything, and what he finds is your hips, your squishy but firm hips.
Sliding them up to the curves of your breasts, he hovers his thumbs over your hardened nipples. Hearing you let out a moan as he brushes over your clothed buds.
Stuttering in between kisses. He groans at your sensual hums and gentle nibbles on his bottom lip, watching you pull away, he looks into your eyes that dig into his soul and with hesitant hands, he gently clenches the sides of your panties in his fists. Feeling your hands trail down his chest to his pants, shuffling back to unbutton and his breath hitches at your fingers wrapping around his cock.
His mind falls static at the image of you, leaning down and peering up at him with your pretty soft lips parting to take him into your mouth, knowing you'd take such good care of him because you always do, and as he feels your wet tongue flatten against his tip and enveloping him in between your lips letting the wet muscle slide down under his length ever so slowly and so gently, the wind gets knocked out of his lungs.
“Ooohh baby…”
His voice comes out hoarse and pleasured. He tried keeping his head up to watch you but the anticipation of wanting to feel you spreads all throughout his body and with that his head falls onto the bed.
Shaky hands going up to press into his eye sockets, a string of moans fall from his lips. He swears you must know every little trick, you make him become so undone in such a short time.
His hips stuttering, more slow dragged out groans squeeze out of his throat as the suction in your mouth milks every drop of him.
Elvis in a daze, his hands fall to his sides. Taking a few moments to come back to earth.
After taking a few breaths, he opens his eyes, sensing your fingers grazing his skin as you undo the buttons on his shirt, sliding it just over his shoulders. He almost chokes on his own saliva when you quickly take your underwear off and unclasp your bra, leaving you bare naked right on top of him.
…How did he get so lucky?
He’s falling in love with your body all over again because of the view of your little imperfections that you would always think are ugly, he finds them so damn sexy and he always makes sure you believe that too.
His gaze travelling down your frame, he grunts at how pretty your dark wiry hairs decorate the trail down to your womanhood. He’s hypnotised by your beauty that he doesn’t notice his cock is nearly just about able to be nestled in between your lower lips but when you grind on him again while biting your lower lip, he suddenly feels the wetness and as he's sucking in a sharp breath, the realisation hits him like a truck.
“U-uh.. honey uhm-”
His brain runs in circles. That thought comes drumming back into his mind. He doesn't want to hurt you.
Feeling your hand travelling up his chest, his breath hitches at the mischievous glint in your eye, your hips moving to grind on him again and a mental flash blinds his vision. Your little hole ripping open twice the size causing blood to seep out and a deafening scream right in his ear coming from your mouth.
Sucking in the air as his cock slides in between your lips, his heart pounds out of his chest even more.
A small whimper rolling off his tongue.
Elvis stares as your eyes flutter close, your face contorting slowly into pleasure and the sounds of small moans falling from your pretty lips, his horror thoughts come to a halt at the sight of your angel beauty melting into something that he can imagine is sinful.
His heart almost stops when you lift your hips. hovering over his hard cock, you lower yourself slightly rolling your hips over his red, angry tip. Teasing him. Barely rubbing, making combined gasps and moans fill the room.
“D-don’t, I’m gonna hurt you- please”
Flashes of the painful images flood his vision again. With frantic hands, he grips onto your hips to stop you.
Peering up at you with parted lips and furrowed eyebrows “W-w-w-we shouldn’t…” he shakes his head while quickly sitting up, leaning himself back against the headboard. Gulping thickly, Elvis runs his fingers through his hair, breathing in and out as he tries to calm himself.
It’s not just him who's been waiting, it’s you too.
He should be telling you.
“I-I-I don’t want to hurt you, Y/n…I-It’s gonna hurt a-and It’s not that ah don’t think yer strong baby, yer real strong b-but its just…I-I can’t bear ta see ya in pain” he stutters.
Glancing over at you sitting there on your knees naked in front of him on the shared bed, he swallows harshly.
“Honey I-”
“It only hurts for a little bit…”
His heart thumps at your sudden soft voice, eyes flicking from one of your eyes to the other. He’s looking for something, something like some sort of judgement but all he can see is bravery, certainty and just pure love.
“W-we don’t gotta do this anymore if ya- if ya don’t want to” he mutters.
The room falls silent for a few moments before your voice breaks through.
“Have you always been gentle with me?”
“Have you always been gentle with me, Elvis?”
Clearing his throat softly, he thinks for a bit.
“Of course, darlin”
“ And would that change now?”
Elvis gulps, watching as you crawl closer. Your legs on either side of his hips gasping softly at the coolness of your fingertip lifting his chin, your soft stare boring into his soul.
“Then there’s no need to worry”
Then ever gently your lips press against his, his heart sighing at your delicate hands cupping his face.
“I want your sex, Elvis”
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Because I Know You
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Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: 2,990 Warnings: Angst, unplanned teen pregnancy, Dean's a dick Request: @viviwatchestv dean and #9 “I know you hate me, but you should hear yourself. You sound just like him, you sound just like your father.” would just be perfect!
Read on AO3
Part 1 of It's Not Mine
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Pulling out your keys, you made your way up the walkway to your house. “Y/N!” You stopped when you heard your name. “Got a sec?” Dean asked as he jogged up to you. 
“Sure, what’s up?” You smiled up at him. You’d grown up next to Dean your entire life, and along the way you’d fallen for him. However, you doubted that the 18 year old in front of you saw you that way. You were 16, in band (you wanted something on your transcripts for college and didn’t want to make that something a sport), and he’d seen you through the most awkward teen phases. Safe to say, you felt keeping him as a friend was the best bet. 
He smiled at you, making your heart skip a beat. “You know how me and Lisa split a couple weeks ago?” He asked. Of course you knew! How could you not. It was not only around school, but he’d texted you at 2am, drunk, asking you to come sit out back with him. “Well, I bought prom tickets. Prom is in a week. I don’t want to just ask someone random. So, I thought of you. Wanna be my date to prom?” 
Your eyes went wide. “You want me…to go to prom with you?” You asked, clearly surprised. 
“Of course.” He said it like it was the most simple idea in the world. “You were there for me, and I think you’d have fun.” He shrugged. “I’d rather bring a friend than just pick someone at school.” 
“Uh, yeah. Sure.” You smiled, the butterflies going nuts in your stomach. “I’ll see what I can do about a dress.” Talk about cutting it close! Maybe one of your senior band mates had one from junior prom that you could borrow. “Is it just you and Sam tonight?” You noted that John’s truck was missing from the driveway.
He nodded with a sigh. “Yeah, working late again.”
You chewed on your lip for a moment. “It’s just me for dinner tonight. My parents are on a date. Want to come over in like half an hour? I can make dinner for the three of us?” You offered. Thankfully, your parents trusted the Winchester boys. Sam a little more than Dean, but you assumed that’s because they could tell you had a major crush on the eldest. 
“Sure! See you then. I’ll bring the soda.” He chuckled. 
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Your mother had made sure that you got a dress that you loved, wanting your first prom to be a wonderful memory. It had taken three shops to find one, but the second you saw the Y/F/C floor length dress, you instantly crossed your fingers that they had your size. And, they had. 
Walking down the stairs to the living room where Dean, your parents, and John were, you had a tint to your cheeks. You still couldn’t believe that you were going to prom with Dean . Even as ‘friends’. “You look beautiful.” Dean complimented you. 
“Thank you. You look very handsome.” You told him. 
“Don’t you two make the cutest couple.” Your mother gushed. 
Groaning, you shook your head. “Mom, we’re friends.” You reminded her. 
John smiled at you. “You do look beautiful, sweetheart.” He told you. Part of him was reminded of those days where he’d taken Mary out dancing, and she got all dolled up. “Dean, be respectful.” He warned his son, his tone entirely different than it ever was with you. 
“He always is.” You assured him softly. There was always a tension in the room when the Winchester men were together. It was something you were used to. You had fond memories of John with the boys, you also had memories that you wished you could erase.
“Alright, pictures!” Your dad broke the awkwardness, grabbing his camera. 
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That had been two months ago. Dean was…off after that night. You couldn’t understand what you had done. You’d tried to stop and talk to him if you saw him leaving his house, but nothing. Even in school it was like he didn’t know who you were. It hurt a lot. 
Finally, you’d had enough. You really needed to speak with him. You knew he was home because you saw the Impala, and that John wasn’t. Sam wouldn’t butt into anything, so you felt now was the best time to go about things. 
Walking up to the door, you knocked. You weren’t leaving until you talked to Dean. You didn’t care if you had to tackle the man. Not getting an answer, you knocked even harder. “Dean! I know you’re home!” You called out, clearly annoyed.
Sam was the one to answer a moment later. “Y/N? You okay?” He asked. 
“No, I need to talk to your brother.” You sighed. “I know he’s home, can you either tell him to come talk to me, or tell me where he is?” 
He looked over his shoulder. “Um…”
You raised an eyebrow. “Tell me now, or I’ll tell Gracie you have a crush on  her.” You threatened. He did, but Sam wasn’t the type to actually tell her. 
“He’s in his room.” He said quickly, letting you by. 
“Thank you.” You gave him a small smile before making your way up the stairs. Without knocking, you walked in his room. 
“What the hell?” He snapped, getting up from where he was lounging, playing a video game. 
You blocked the door, glaring at him. “I need to talk to you.” You snapped. “First, why they hell have you avoided me like the plague?” You asked, trying to hold onto that anger and not let him see how hurt you really were. “You went from being my friend to pretending I don’t exist.” 
“What, did you think that because we slept together that we’d be together or something?” He shot back. 
“No! But I didn’t think sleeping together meant I’d lose a friendship that means a lot to me, either.” You countered. “Did something break in that brain of yours? Telling you that suddenly you can’t even say ‘hi’ to me?” You crossed your arms over your chest. “I slept with my last boyfriend and even he doesn’t act like I’m not there if we pass each other in the hallway!” 
Dean rolled his eyes. He knew he was being an ass, but he couldn’t help it. He did care, far too much. So, he was pushing you away. You’d move on, graduate in a couple years, and leave town. You had a future outside of Lawrence. He didn’t. “I regret ever asking you to prom.” He lied. He’d had a great time, and had a copy of the pictures in his nightstand drawer. Your dad had dropped them off a week after prom. 
That pulled the mask of anger off your face, and he could tell how much that hurt you. “It’s not like you can go back in time and change that, Dean.” You told him, scrambling to get that anger back. The last thing you wanted was to start crying in front of him, when he clearly didn’t care about you like you thought that he did. You thought he at least cared about you as a friend. How wrong were you? “I’m pregnant, Dean.” You told him, ripping off the bandaid. 
“It’s not mine.” It was a knee jerk reaction. 
“It’s yours!” 
“We used a condom, Y/N.” He ground out. 
“I know. I was there.” You said sarcastically. “You’re the only person I’ve slept with since like November of last year.” Did he think you were just out here sleeping with anyone? 
Dean rolled his eyes. “I don’t know, from what I hear you’re pretty close to some of the guys in band.” He knew that was low. That was a rumor that was started by a girl who hated you for some dumb reason. 
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John came in, hearing yelling from upstairs. He moved to the living room where Sam was on his laptop with headphones on. Clearly he didn’t want to listen to Dean and you fighting. He couldn’t figure out why the two of you were fighting, though. He turned to see you coming down the stairs. You hadn’t seen him as you turned to glare at Dean. “I know you hate me, but you should hear yourself. You sound just like him, you sound just like your father.” Which was true. You’d heard some of the fights Dean and the eldest Winchester had. Dean was parroting those words at you. 
“What the hell is going on?” John asked, making you jump. You knew that tone. John had been drinking. 
“Nothing.” Dean snapped, his eyes never leaving you. “She was just leaving.” He needed you to leave. He needed you to go before he broke. Dean saw the pain in your eyes, and he was the reason. Years down the line you’d think back to the asshole who said some very mean things to you. He just hoped that didn’t stop you from finding someone who cared for you. He didn’t know if you were really pregnant, and if you were…if it was really his. Like he’d said, he’d used a condom. 
“Fuck you.” You spat at Dean, rushing out. 
John watched you go, then turned to Dean. “What did you do?!” 
Dean shot him a look. “Who says I did a damn thing?” Great, now he’d spend the next couple hours arguing with a drunk John.  
“Because I know you!” He threw his hands up. “You do realize you will have to make up, right. You two are friends and she lives right next door.” 
“Not for long.” He turned and made his way back to his room. 
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You found out that Dean moved out days later. Sam saw you taking a walk and joined you. “What did you and Dean fight about? He moved out. Went to stay with our Uncle Bobby and work for him.” He told you. 
Swallowing, your eyes watered. “I’m pregnant. It’s Dean’s.” You sighed. “He’d been ignoring me after prom. I went to ask why and tell him about the baby. He doesn’t believe it’s his.” And now he’d left town. That spoke volumes. 
“Jesus. I’m sorry.” He said sincerely. 
“And the day I was going to tell my parents they told me they’re getting a divorce.” You couldn’t believe this was going to be your life. Pregnant at 16, and your parents splitting up. “My mom is buying a house the next town over. I’ll be going with her.” While you adored your father, you really needed your mom right now. 
Sam gave you a sad smile. “Well, I’m still here. If you ever need to talk, or want to hang out.” He hoped the pair of you would remain friends. And he wanted to be there for you and the baby. Even if his brother wouldn’t. 
You turned and hugged him. “Thank you. That means a lot.” 
He easily hugged you back. “You’re welcome. Does my dad know?” He wondered. 
“No, not yet.” You pulled back, letting out a breath. “My dad is gonna have him over for beers and talk to him. Maybe grill up some streaks. My mom is taking me out tonight for dinner, wanna come?” 
“Sure.” He smiled as the pair of you started walking again, letting the silence take over. 
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A month later, you and your mother packed up and moved. She’d found a cute three bedroom house, wanting the baby to have its own room. You’d cried. A lot. A tiny part of you still hoped that Dean would come around, and just be a father. John was pissed as hell at Dean, and just disappointed in you. However, he was at least wanting to be involved. 
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Your mother opted to homeschool you for your last two years in high school. It just made the most sense, since you were due in February. Sure, you could have made it most of your junior year, but you would have been miserable. You and Sam met up now and then to study together, and Dean was never mentioned. You never asked, and he never brought him up. It was something that was appreciated. 
On February 14th, you gave birth to your little boy. John, Sam, and your father were in the waiting room, eager to meet him. You named him Daniel Noah Winchester, and you were in love instantly. Your mother was emotional watching her 17 year old welcoming her own baby, but knew that you’d be okay. 
After you graduated, you decided online college was the best bet for you. Daniel was the most important part of your life, and you had a part time job. You didn’t want to spend even more time away from the toddler. 
That part time job was where you met Mitchell. He knew about Daniel, and understood that you didn’t want to introduce them right away. He was 21 to your 20, easy going, and made you laugh. You didn’t even know he was everything you wanted in a guy, because you hadn’t been looking for one. 
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Dean thought about you from time to time. It was hard not to. Especially after John called and chewed him out for walking away from you and the baby. Dean still felt it wasn’t his, but refused to go back to find out. He didn’t go home for any holidays, either. The last thing he wanted was to risk running into you. 
That changed six years after he’d left. Sam begged him to come home for Christmas because he was bringing his fiance, Jess, home. He wanted the two of them to meet. So, he caved. Pulling into the driveway of his childhood home, he slipped out of the car. Hearing laughter, he turned and sucked in a breath. There you were, holding the hand of a little boy, and on the other side of the little boy was some guy he didn’t recognize. 
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Feeling eyes on you, you looked from your son to see Dean. It was the first time you’d seen him since that day you told him about Daniel. You wanted to be civil, so you gave him a half wave. “Mommy?” 
“Yes, baby?” You asked, thinking maybe he wanted to go in. 
“Can we see if Uncle Sam and Grandpa can come play in the snow with me?” He asked, hopeful. 
You gave him a small smile and nodded. “Sure thing.” 
Mitchell smiled. “You guys do that. I’m going to join your dad in the heat.” He chuckled. “Have fun.” He told Daniel. He kissed your cheek before making his way up the walkway. 
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Dean watched, frozen in place. He then saw you walking towards him. The closer you got, the more he could tell you weren’t lying. That little boy was a tiny clone of him at that age. Were you coming to talk to him?! 
However, you said nothing as you got close, simply going to the door. John answered, and Dean watched the little boy launch himself at the older man. “Hi, Grandpa!” 
“Someone wants to know if his Grandpa and Uncle Sam can play in the snow with him.” You smiled as John held Daniel. 
John grinned. “Sure thing, kiddo.” He agreed easily. “Go get Uncle Sam. He’s in the living room.” He put Daniel down, laughing as his feet were barely on the ground before he took off running. When he looked back to you, he spotted Dean coming up, bag in hand. “You’re gonna have to use the pullout in the living room.” He told his son. 
“What, why?” He furrowed his brows. “What happened to my room?” 
“Turned it into a room for Danny.” He shrugged. 
“Danny?” He asked, then it occurred to him. “Oh.” He was clearly bothered by this, but said nothing. His heart ached. He had been such a dumbass! 
“Come on, Grandpa! Uncle Sam is outside already!” Came Daniel’s voice from the kitchen, making you chuckle. 
“Go have a date with Mitch. I got him.” John smiled at you. With that, he pulled on his boots and jacket to go join Sam and Daniel. He found Jess watching them from the kitchen window. “Looking forward to the future?” He asked. 
She beamed. “Yes, I am.” She agreed honestly. 
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The door was shut and you turned to leave, surprised when Dean put his hand on your arm to stop you. “What, Dean?” You sighed, looking at him. What could he possibly have to say to you after all this time? 
“I’m sorry.” He tried. 
“Okay?” What did he expect from you? 
He looked like he was hurt, but that wasn’t your fault. “So, it looks like he’s close to my family.” He noted. 
You nodded. “He is. John hasn’t had a drop of alcohol since he was born.” You told him, noting the look of surprise on his face. “You’ll see a bunch of pictures hung up when you go in there.” He’d get to see all the moments he missed, all the memories he wasn’t a part of, and he’d see that your son was loved. 
“Can we talk, please?” He asked. 
“Not tonight.” You said simply. “Maybe tomorrow. Now, excuse me. I’d like to get my husband so we can go on that date.” 
Dean swallowed, looking down. “Okay.” He nodded a bit. “Can you just tell me my son’s name?” 
You gave him a look. “ My son’s name is Daniel Noah Winchester.” 
“He has my last name?” He asked, clearly shocked. 
“No. He has your father and brother’s last name.” You countered. “His father might be an asshole, but his uncle and grandfather have been amazing. Goodnight, Dean.” 
“Night.” He said softly, watching you walk away. What would have life been like if he hadn’t left? What would it have been like if he didn’t claim your baby wasn’t his? 
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blackredblue1998 · 2 days
When you enter a senior self-pity competition but Ricesand and Feyrug are already there:
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When you want to hit the gym just for a little better health but gym bro C4ssian is there ready to mansplain your own body and needs:
(Btw, he's definitely that dude who says: "well, maybe you should order just a salad!!" on a date.)
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When you say "I have depression" and sad boy Azri3l appears out of his shadows to say "Me too", waiting to gain some p*ssy since he treated you like a person so now you own him that:
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In a girls group you say "I'm a girl's girl" and M0r says "Oh, me too!" and you proceed to say "Oppressed women and little girls should have the right to freedom without men in power breathing on their necks and making their lives a living hell!!", and M0r goes completely silent because she can't relate to that:
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And finally: when you decide to compete for the power hungry bitch position but Amren is there being the annoying ass gnome she is:
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justmeinadaze · 2 days
Little Girl Gone Part 7 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Doms Officer Steve Harrington/Gangster Eddie Munson & Sub Doctor Fem Reader, SMUT, light smacking, some degrading (whore, slut), dirty talk, etc
*inhales, exhale, shouts* ANGST! ANGST EVERYWHERE!
These three deal with time apart, Eddie is acting a bit irrational due to the last chapter, mentions of torture and death but none detailed here, Eddie does talk about a couple of his victims but they are bad people, Y/N is slightly interrogated again, mentions of Eddie's abuse from his father so child abuse trigger, lots of apologies and promises. Reader gets slightly spicy here. Cliffhanger ending (You're welcome.)
Word Count: 5259
Series here/ Donate to my Ko-Fi
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
Eddie’s intense eyes penetrate yours, his chest rising and falling as he breathes heavily in anger.
“I am in charge of you.”
“You control me in bed, yes, but out here I am your partner to and your doctor. You need to rest, Eddie.”
Grumbling under his breath, the gangster grabs his jacket and heads for the door. 
“I can heal at my own place. I don’t need either of you getting in my way.”, he growls before stomping out of your apartment.
As you glance towards Steve, you notice his facial features harden as he silently begins to clean up the mess they both made. Once your living room was clear of any evidence of Officer Douglas, the other man pulled a pack of cigarettes you didn’t know he had, lighting the end and leaned against the back of your couch.
“Do you want me to leave to?”
“I didn’t ask him to go; he chose to. I want you both here.”
“Maybe I should leave… Maybe this was all a mistake, bringing you into this.”
“Fuck you.”, you hiss causing his head to jerk your way. “Yeah, Steven, fuck you. I just lost someone I cared about, I was attacked, and I told you both I loved you but THIS may be a mistake?! FUCK. YOU!”
Fuming, his jaw clenched as his eyes became glassy and he rose to his feet without saying another word, leaving your apartment, and slamming the front door.
A month later, you found yourself in a police integration room again this time completely unsure of what they were going to ask. You hadn’t heard from either man but you knew they had to have been busy from what you saw on the news. 
“Hey, Y/N.”, Detective Hopper sighed with a smile your way as he entered the room alone. “I’m sorry to be bothering you again.”
“I haven’t seen Eddie in a while so I don’t know how much help I can be.”
“You two are no longer together? Hm. Is that why Allen Munson’s associates are seemingly disappearing?”
“I don’t even want to know how you got from A to B and I still don’t understand how you became a Detective.”, you sneered. “Is that why you brought me down here? I told you that Eddie’s not a killer. Why don’t you ask the rival gangs like the Carvers or some shit?”
“Because Jason Carver and some of his men left down. We don’t know where or exactly but his father said he went on vacation. Personally, with other gangsters and police disappearing I’m not surprised.”
“Mhmm… we lost 3 other uniforms in the past month and upon searching their homes found some incriminating evidence that they were working for Edward’s dad. It makes me extremely nervous, Y/N, the things we’re uncovering.” Jim’s eyes scan you over as you fold into yourself and sigh. “Y/N, how well do you know Steve Harrington?”
Your head shot up as your brows furrowed at the question. 
“Your partner? He’s a dick who’s always rude to me. Why? Do you think he’s involved with Eddie’s dad?”
“Honestly, no, but I have to take into account that he’s been building a case against The Munson’s for a while and hasn’t gotten any head way in over a year. Add in some coincidences I can’t ignore like him being jumped by the Carver’s and then a week later a few of their members turn up dead. He, um, also went to you for treatment and a couple of months later you’re dating Allen Munson’s son.”
“Well, Detective, like I said…I’m amazed you’re allowed to still work cases with the conclusions you jump to. May I leave now?”
“Yes you may.”, he grumbles. “We have a car watching every move he makes so don’t do anything stupid, doctor.”
“Hm. You have a cop watching him yet you didn’t know we broke up. May want to check your intel or become a better liar.”
After collecting your things, you power walk to your car and as soon as you slam the door shut, you break as you begin to sob. A soft tap on your passenger side window made you jump before you realized it was only one of the men responsible for your broken heart. 
“What do you want, Steve?”
“Is everything ok? I didn’t know you were coming down here.”, he replied as he climbed into your vehicle. 
“Don’t worry. I always told you two I would never rat either of you out so—”
“That’s not what I meant…”, he whispered before heavily sighing. “Usually, they keep me in the loop when it comes to things involving Eddie. No one told me they were integrating you. Did someone break in again?”
“No. No one broke in or has come after me. Probably because Eddie is slaughtering them all.”, you say with distain making him flinch. “You need to tell him to be more careful, Steve. He’s being too obvious with what he’s doing.”
“Yeah, well, I haven’t talked to him in a month so it’s not like he’ll listen to me.” As your head swiveled his way, he turned to gaze out the windshield not willing to meet your eyes for fear of you seeing how hurt he really was. “I call and he doesn’t answer. I went to the compound and they told me I’m no longer welcome.”
“I guess that whole year we were together and he told me he loved me was all bullshit. Especially if he can throw me away so easily.”
“He’s in a lot of pain—”
“And we’re not?”, Steve snaps. 
“You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to play victim when you left me to. I haven’t heard from you either, Steve. Why have YOU stayed away?!”
“Because it hurts too much! I love you both but what he’s involved in right now could get you killed. It almost did! You guys think I’m this big tough cop but seeing him get beaten the way he was… seeing you fucking shaking in his arms with those bruises on your neck… it kills me! I feel like I failed you both.”
As he wiped the tears he tried to hide, you did the same before turning to fully face him. 
“They, or at least Hopper, thinks you may be working for Allen.”
“The dots he’s connected brought him to that conclusion and with the three cops that have apparently wound-up dead—”
“I guess it’s not that big of leap but, Jesus, I’m not that much of an asshole. From the research I’ve done, I think those three plus Officer Douglas were the only ones in my precinct who worked for him. He may have some guards in the prison on his side especially with how easy it was to move Gabe and Eddie around to get them in the same block.”
When you become silent, he can’t help but release a heavy sigh. 
“Thank you for telling me what they know. I’m still always working to keep you both safe.”
As he reaches for the door handle, your hand grabs his wrist. 
“I may have an idea of how we can help him and we may only have to kill one more person.”
“I want to help, Steve. I love him to.”
“Miss Y/L/N, I’m sorry but… I was told to not allow anyone that isn’t a part of his crew up to the loft especially you or Mr. Harrington here.”
“I’m not asking for permission, Marcus. We’re going up there whether he likes it or not but I was hoping we could avoid any theatrics.”, you replied with a hard tone. 
Sighing, he leaned over to call upstairs but before he could say a word you took the phone from his hand. 
“Eddie, Steve and I need to talk to you.”
“I have nothing to say to either of you and there’s nothing I want to hear.”
“You said you loved us. The least you could do is face us one more time. Or is little gangster too scared?”
His growl reverberated through the receiver before you handed it back to the gentleman who nodded and tilted his head towards the elevators. 
“Y/N, are you sure you want to do this?”
“More than ever.”
“Ok. If for any reason, you get uncomfortable or scared, tell me and I’ll—”
“Protect me. I know, Steve. Don’t worry. After the month I’ve had, I can handle anything he throws my way.”
When you both finally arrived on the top floor, you took one last long breath and entered his apartment. The smell smacked you in the face immediately, the scent of sweat, alcohol, and blood. His loft was a mess with papers and clothes thrown haphazardly everywhere. There was a chair placed in the middle of the living room with dried stains of his last victim underneath. 
What killed you was the photos strewn along his coffee table of a young Eddie with his mother with a big smile painting his face. 
The man himself was in his kitchen with a seeming calm demeanor as he poured himself another glass of whiskey. Wearing only his black sweats, you were able to see that his bruises and burns were all mostly healed.
“I see you DO listen to me sometimes when I talk.”, you start as you gesture towards his chest. 
“Is that why you’re here, doc? For a checkup? That usually doesn’t require a police escort.”
“That’s not why we’re here but it’s good to know physically you’re feeling better since you didn’t feel the need to update either of the people who love you.”
“Hm. Well, I’m busy so what the fuck do you both want?”
Steve chuckles beside you but even you can hear the pain hidden underneath. 
“Still easy to cast aside huh? Even with us right in front of you.”
“You two have each other and I have my team. You’ll survive.”
“I haven’t seen either of you in over a month.” Eddie’s demeanor falters slightly at your admission giving you slight hope you can reach the man you met before. “Steve said it was a probably a mistake bringing me into your world and like you he left. I get to watch you fall apart all by myself.”
“Is that really why you haven’t reached out to her? To keep her safe?”, the gangster asks. 
“Was I wrong? Between your fucking killing spree, detectives accusing me of working with your father—”
“Hopper called me in today asking about the most recent deaths and then asked about Steve. The coincidences he sees drew him to that conclusion.”
“Fucking idiot.”
“I know.”, you agree with Eddie. “We want to use that to our advantage though. I was thinking Steve could make Allen believe the same thing.”
Eddie cackled at your suggestion to a mocking degree as he placed his hand on his stomach to control the laughter. 
“Oh my god, sweetheart. That is the best joke I’ve heard in a long time.”
“Why? Why would it be so unbelievable for him to work with your father?”
“So you’re going to go undercover, Stevie? You’re going to do what he asks to get him to trust you like murdering innocent people; people like Y/N.”
“I’m not innocent. Not anymore thanks to you two.”, you growl. 
“You’d be surprised what I’m capable of after finding out a year of my life was wasted on a man who didn’t fucking love me.”
Again, the gangster’s hardened image faltered, visibly so as his eye lids fluttered and he sauntered backwards to refill his drink. 
“You think I didn’t love you?”
“I haven’t heard from you, Edward. After everything I’ve done for you and you just disappear without so much as a fucking goodbye? To be honest, after what I’ve witnessed recently, working for your dad will be a piece of cake since you want to be like him.”
“That shit… doesn’t hurt me anymore. Do you know why?”, he asks as he steps closer to you both. “Because I am better than my father ever was and now everyone else will know that to. If you cross me and align yourself with him, I have an answer for that.” Eddie pulls out his gun and places it under the officer’s chin. “And if you want to go play with his team have at it but if I find you robbing one of MY buildings or killing anyone on MY team, I’ll make an example out of you to.”
It was your turn to laugh as both men glanced your way. 
“I don’t mean to laugh but it’s just so cute. Little gangster playing tough like his daddy. God, Eddie, when I first met you, you were a man to be respected. So many people were in your corner because of how you ran this city. Now you’re just this little boy pretending. You became exactly what Allen believed you were…weak.”
Stomping in your direction, his fingers wrapped around your throat as he pushed you back hard against the wall. 
“You need to shut your fucking mouth before I do it for you.”
“Yeah? Do it then.”
Something flashes through his eyes then, a mixture of the man you fell in love with and the boy wanting justice against the person who continually hurt him from childhood to now. Releasing his grip, he slowly backed away from you but right as he turned around, you placed your body in front him. 
“Come on, Eddie! You said when I met you that you and Steve had tempers that most women couldn’t handle. Well, I can, trust me. I can handle anything after what you both have put me through!”, you huffed as you shoved his chest hard. “What about you, Steve, huh? Or are you as much of a pussy as he is now?!”
The officer knew what you were doing. If you couldn’t engage the gangster, maybe, pushing his partner would entice him enough. His beautiful eyes penetrated yours and you saw the question within them. 
Are you sure?
As soon as the words left your mouth, his eyes darkened and you were once again confronted with the version of him you hadn’t seen since he pointed a gun in your face asking you to help the man he loved.
Steve’s feet slammed loudly against the hardwood as he made a beeline your way and grabbed your throat just below your jaw. 
“You think we’re pussies, little girl?” When your head tried to turn to see if Eddie was even paying attention, the officer forcefully yanked you closer till his nose was practically touching yours. “No. Don’t look at him. Look at me. I’m asking the fucking question. I said do you think we’re pussies?” Answer. Me.”
“Yes.”, you answered roughly as you clung to his wrist. “You made me believe you loved me. You told me I was safe with you! You lied to me!”
“No.”, Eddie’s rugid tone responded beside you. “We warned you. We kill people. I kill people and don’t even think twice about it. I’m a bad man, sweetheart, raised by an even worse one. This past month I have proven to him and everyone else that I’M now above him. I’m someone to be feared. You should be afraid of me, Y/N.”
You’d be lying if you didn’t say the way he was speaking was scaring you but you tried to keep your resolve. 
“I’m not.”
“You will be.” Abruptly, he shoved you to the sofa and climbed on top of you. You fought against him, your hand connecting to his face hard before he returned the favor and pinned your wrists above your head. After pushing your legs open with his knee, he rolled his hips allowing his hardening cock to rub against your pant covered core through his sweats. 
Even with all the layers, he ground himself in just the right way to hit your clit making you groan. 
“Fuck, that’s it, little whore. Moan my name.”
Fingers appeared above you and you glanced up to see Steve leaning to lift your shirt while the gangster took the opportunity to yank off your pants blocking his way. After pushing down his sweats enough to free his length, he maneuvered up your body till he was hovering over your face. 
“Open.” You try and push against his hold on your hands but he doesn’t relent. “Open. Now.”
When you do what he commands, he mercilessly guides his cock between your parted lips. The sound of your gags mixes with his grunts as he thrusts his hips. 
“Goddamn it. That’s right, Y/N. We trained you good. Fuck. Breathe…breathe through your nose—”
When his voice cut off, you opened your eyes to see both men passionately kissing each other above you. Steve’s face softened for a moment as if he was glad to be able to taste the man he loved again before remembering everything he had been through as well. 
“Look at you, baby. Being in charge…just like your father…a ruthless killer.”
“I’m better than he—mmm—ever was.”
“Oh, yeah? Show me. Show me what better looks like.” Eddie’s palm curled around the back of Steve’s neck and in return the officer leaned his forehead against his. “Come on, honey. You’re someone to be feared now, right? Show me. You already showed me you don’t love me; that you could use me. Use me again.”
At the accusation, the gangster tackled the other man to the ground and pinned his arms to the floor as you coughed, panting trying to catch your breath. You watched as they wrestled each other before Eddie flipped him onto his stomach, reached underneath him to unbuckle his belt, and pull down his pants to his ankles. 
The sound they both made when Eddie guided his cock inside of him was a mixture of passion and pain. The pain of them missing how the other felt but the euphoria of being able to feel them again. You slid down to the floor, placing yourself beside them and tenderly ran your fingers through Steve’s hair as he moaned while the gangster slammed into him roughly. 
Eddie’s breath warmed the back of your hand as he laid down flat on the other man’s back and rolled his hips as he clung to his chest. 
“This is…who I am…Steven. Who—fuck—who I have to…be.”
The officer shook his head as his own fingers above his head squeaked as he dragged them along the floor beneath him. 
“Excuses… Y-You’re afraid.”
“What the fuck do I have to be afraid of.”, Eddie grumbled in his ear.
The gangster delivered a couple of hard thrusts that had a high-pitched whine leaving Steve’s lips. 
“I’m NOT afraid of Allen Munson.”
“No, you’re not.”, you clarified. “You’re afraid of your dad. You’re afraid of the man that hurt your mother and called you both weak. The man who sent adults after a child to jump him after school. Who hurt and tortured a little boy for not being what he deemed as perfect.”
Eddie’s rhythm slowed to almost a stop while he listened to you speak. His long hair was blocking his face but you could tell you were getting through. 
“A coward who abandoned his only son with his brother to manage a gang of men who cared even less about his child than he did.”
 A broken sob left his throat as he pushed off Steve and leaned his back against the couch. You crawled towards him, climbed into his lap, and pushed his hair back with your fingers as you kissed his forehead. 
“Baby, you’re not that same little boy. You have more control now than you think and that scares him.”, you whispered as he wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly to him. “That’s why he did what he did, Eddie. You’re stronger than he will ever be so he had to make you feel like a child again. Don’t let him win. Don’t become him.”
When Steve sat up and laid his head on the man’s shoulder, he turned and smashed his lips messily to his. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I do love you, Steve. I never once used you or Y/N. It killed me not having either one of you next to me. I’m sorry. I love you to, Y/N.”
Steve’s hands suddenly gripped your waist as he laid you back down on the floor and ran his cock through your folds before guiding himself into your cunt. Amber eyes locked with your own when he felt ring laced hands land on his shoulder and he grunted loudly as Eddie slid into the man above you again. 
Your legs tried to wrap around them both as they pumped their hips. Steve fell against your body as his cock hit every sensitive nerve inside you, building you up as you ran your nails through his hair and down his back. 
“I’m s-sorry, honey, for—mmm—for hurting you. I love you, Y/N.”
“Cum, Steve. I need to feel it.”
His pace hastened, his ass pushing back into Eddie who groaned and his length pushing deep into you. The sound of his heavy pants in your ear had you clenching around him till you came and he quickly followed, moaning your name as he warmed your walls with his release. With a few more rough thrusts, the gangster grunted as he spilled into his partner before collapsing on the floor beside you.
As soon as Steve pulled out of you, both men’s eyes followed you as you rose to your feet and headed to the kitchen to a get a rag to clean yourself. Coming back into the living room with a bottle of water, you threw on your shirt and panties as they quietly put on their boxers. 
“So, Steve and I were thinking that he could pretend to work for your father so we could him in front of you on your own terms so to speak.”
When you spoke your tone calm but there was a shake behind it you prayed they didn’t hear. As a doctor you were trained to hold it together under pressure. This was no different. 
“You can do whatever you want; torture him, kill him, I don’t fucking care. Whatever gets him to leave us alone. After that you can stop all this chaos and I can go back to my own life.”
“Alone?”, Eddie asked.
When you didn’t responded, their gaze shifted towards you just in time to see your eyes glaze over and your bottom lip tremble. The gangster kneeled in front of you, taking your hands in his. 
“You left me… I wanted you to stay but… you left…”
“I know. I know, sweetheart and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you; both of you. You were right. I became that little boy again and just…”
“How many people have you killed in this last month, Eddie?”
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows in fear knowing you won’t like his answer. 
“Me personally or my team?”
“Jesus Christ.”, Steve sighs as he rubs his palms over his eyes. “My department clocked a total of 23 men. Three of them cops. How many were by your hand, Ed?”
“Eight were killed by me but I tortured them all for information.”, he answers flatly as his eyes remained locked on yours. “Those eight knew about Y/N or you, Steve. Pat Chase, a lawyer for a few of the gang members around town had pictures in his suitcase of you in your cruiser and Y/N…crying behind her clinic. Calvin Thomas, junior police officer at Steve’s station, threatened to murder a couple of your patients including that little girl with asthma. Mason Fletcher, manager at one of the local mechanic stores and a friend who I helped when his wife passed away, said when Steve’s chief sent the cars for a tune up, he planned to tamper with the brakes.”
Eddie’s jaw tightened as he continued. 
“I remember each and every one of them still. Out of those 23 people, ten of them were people I trusted and do you know who commands them? Allen Munson. This is the kind of man they follow even after everything. Y/N what you’re suggesting is very dangerous but even more so because… I don’t know if I could follow through with killing him if given the chance.”
“What if you don’t have to kill him but we can still separate him from his allies. Cut the head off the snake.”
They listen as you speak, allowing the details to sink in before agreeing with what you have in mind. Taking his hand in yours, you start to head towards the stairs to guide him to his bed but are tugged back when he doesn’t move. 
“You never answered my question. When this is over…will we be over?” When your gaze shifts to the floor, Eddie wraps his arm around your waist and brings you closer to him as he leans his forehead on your own. “I understand if you want to leave but if you stay, Y/N, I promise I will do whatever it takes to make sure you never feel alone or hurt like that again. I love you so much. I’m so sorry.”
Your lips meet his as hug him tightly to your body while he continues to whisper apologies. 
“I’ll stay, Eddie. I forgive you.”
After the gangster prepared a bath and slowly placed you in the water, he paused when he noticed Steve’s moving was a bit more rigid than he normally is. Rising to his feet, he scanned the man over. 
“Steve, are you ok, sweetheart? Did I…was I…too rough?”
Shaking his head, the officer carefully climbed in behind you before taking you in his arms and pulling you against his chest. 
“I forgive you to, Steve Harrington.”, you murmur as you lean back to kiss his cheek. 
Placing a finger under his chin, Eddie tilts his head till Steve’s eyes meet his. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I—”
“It’s ok, honey. I’m just…sore…and tired. I missed you both.” 
The three of you sat there in silence fully absorbing the events of the last month and how things were about to get a lot harder. As you were being dried, your fingers ran over Eddie’s remaining bruises and burns.
“I’ve still been doing what you said, keeping the wounds iced and clean.”
“They look a lot better.”
Steve passed by you both and placed himself on the edge of the bed as he pulled his shirt over his head. The other man kneeled in front of him and took his hands into his own. 
“My Paladin. You do so much for me and yet I pushed you to the side. This past year, I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been and not because you help me with my organization but because you loved me for me, Steve. You don’t see a gangster or a Munson. You always saw Eddie.”
The officer’s eyes water as a heavy breath escapes him. 
“This will never happen again, baby. I promise.”, the other man coos as he straddles his lap and circles his arms around him and you watch with a small smile while they cling to each other. “I love you. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you to, nerd.”
When they finally detached, they laid down in bed, reaching for you and putting you between them. 
“Are you sure you want to go through with your plan, Y/N? It’s not going to be easy…for you or Steve.”
You nod as you tenderly reach out to caress his face and fold the officer’s hand that’s resting on your hip. 
“I’m sure.”
Three Days Later
Allen grunts in frustration as he steps up to the glass partition and throws his body into the chair across from the man he believes to be his son’s best friend. 
“Mr. Harrington, how can I help you today? Any friend of my son is no friend of mine.”, he says all too casually as he chuckles under his breath. 
“Yeah, well, I’m not your son’s friend anymore.”, Steve growled in anger. “He took something that belonged to me. I warned him but that fucker didn’t care.”
“Oh? What did he take?”
Allen’s eyes widened in amusement as he crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair. 
“Jesus. This woman must be fucking special. How did she end up with him and not you?”
“I saw her first when she helped me at her clinic. After Eddie was hurt, I took him there so she could help him to. I didn’t expect it to become romantic. I told that fucker I loved her and she was mine but he still went after her. I did everything I could to split them up but, unfortunately, she’s loyal.”
“Hm. Sounds like my wife; weak. So what exactly do you want, officer?”
“It’s not so much what I want but what you do. I want to help you take Eddie out of the game.”
Allen laughed as well as a few of the guards who could hear the conversation. 
“You want to help me? Why don’t you just arrest him again and bring him in?”
“On what? All the charges we have aren’t sticking and even though he’s running around killing your people, he’s not leaving anything incriminating behind.” At Steve’s mention of the men he was losing, the prisoner grumbled low as he glared at him. “He’s going to keep coming at you till either all your people are dead or he is. I can help you, Allen.”
The man thinks for a long moment before smirking his way. 
“How do I know I can trust you? How do I know this isn’t something my son conjured up.”
“Well, one, Eddie isn’t that fucking smart and two, I did something you haven’t been able to in almost 2 months.”
“Yeah, Harrington, and what’s that?”
“I killed Y/N.”
Allen’s head tilts as he tries to hide his shock at the officer’s statement as the other man smirks his way. 
“How’d you do that?”
“I slit her throat in his apartment.”, Steve answered as his smile grew. “You should have heard the way Eddie cried over her. That’s what that selfish asshole gets. She was mine.”
No longer amused, the prisoner leaned on his elbows and met the officer’s angry expression with one of his own. 
“I don’t believe you.”
A loud thump filled the area as Steve smacked a Polaroid picture against the glass. 
“I thought you might say that. She’s buried next to his mother if you want to go look. Oh wait…”, he teases sarcastically as he gestures to the prison. 
Loud shouting startles the guards as a door flies open just in time for Eddie’s father to see them tackling Wayne to the ground. 
“What the fuck did you do, Allen!? She was a good woman and you took her away from him! You fucking asshole! Get off me!”
“Self-righteous prick.” Allen thinks for a moment as he fully takes in the man in front of him. “Ok, Steven. Ok, I may have some use for you.”
@5tud10-54r4h @munsonzgf @eddiesguitarskills @supraveng
@lilaclazer @ima1986 @micheledawn1975 @foreverminliv @corkadymu
@lemme-slytherin-that-dick @joannamuns9n @dashingdeb16 @sashaphantomhive @corrodedcoffincumslut @aactuaaltraash @nailbatanddungeon 
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Okay, so while aware!Roy and oblivious!Jamie isn’t necessarily my main hc for these two, never let it be said I’m not prepare to play around with notions for the funny hell of it. So when I saw the above-linked post by @roykentschesthair, I immediately started thinking about post-S3 Roy knowing that he’s attracted to Jamie, and knowing that Jamie is attracted to him as well.
Jamie knows neither of these things.
Eventually Roy starts to nurture the idea that maybe him and Jamie should act on their mutual attraction, just to, you know, see where it leads? Given that they’re already best friends and that they’re obviously very into each other physically (even if only one of them realizes it that at this point), getting together could well lead to something pretty amazing, yeah?
Only, there’s the fact that Roy is Jamie’s new gaffer and while there’s strictly speaking no rules about a coach dating his player, Roy strongly feels that it might be just a little bit iffy for him to proposition Jamie. Like he’d be taking advantage. Putting undue pressure on the lad. Now, if Jamie were to proposition Roy, however… Well. It’d still be iffy, but Roy can live with that.
Unfortunately Jamie is utterly clueless about being into men in general and into Roy in particular. Cue Roy trying, with mounting frustration and desperation, to rouse Jamie to the fact that he is in fact not just vaguely appreciative of the male form in a stricly professional manner. Attempts might include choosing certain films for their occassional movie nights and dropping less and less subtle comments during them, as well as increasingly suggestive exercises during the private training session they still do twice a week. Roy has, however, already been far too weird about those exercises, so nothing he throws at Jamie seems to faze him even a little, or lead to any revelations.
If it weren’t for the fact that she’s already been very clear on never wanting to mediate their bullshit, he’d ask Keeley to have a word with Jamie, bisexual to bisexual. Maybe he’ll even brave it, because he. can’t. do. this. for. much. longer.
In the meantime, Jamie is pleased as punch that Roy is giving him even more attention than before, and no, Isaac, of course it ain’t weird that he tied me up like that, it’s to strenghten my core, yeah? Felt dead good, too, you should try it.
(Bonus point if Jamie once the other shoe finally drops immediately goes to Colin for help on downloading Grindr and maybe taking him to a gay bar and act as wingman while Jamie explores this new side of himself. Colin looks up to meet Roy’s death stare across the dressing room, and immediately invents like a million excuses why he can’t, not tonight, and probably not tomorrow, or ever, actually, sorry, Jamie.)
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mykoreanlove · 17 hours
Channie 🥺
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Sleeping with your boyfriend was one of the hardest things to do. Why?
Because that manic workaholic rarely ever slept. And if he found himself in the comfort of his big comfortable bed with you in it, sleep was off the table.
Your relationship was still fresh, the lingering hormones all in the air.
But sometimes when the exhaustion of everyday life took over, you found yourself embraced in his strong arms, peacefully dozing off to sleep.
„Channie?“, you whispered quietly.
No reaction. You felt his broad chest behind you heaving up and down, accompanied by small snores.
„Channie?“, you asked again while wiggling your butt softly.
He let out some unrecognisable sounds and kept on sleeping.
You smiled warmly to yourself, feeling utterly protected and loved. It hasn’t always been like this, you always had wondered if a love like this would ever be possible after all.
Chan didn’t know that about you - yet.
„Channie“, you softly whispered, still engulfed in his embrace.
„I haven’t told you this before and the only reason I’m telling you now is because you’re asleep. Maybe you’ll hear me in your dreams, I don’t know but… I wanted to tell you that I have never seen this coming.“
You paused for a second, checking if he was still asleep. Only silence and Chan‘s heavy breathing filled the room.
„I am not as experienced with relationships as you are. In fact, I only was in one. And ever since all I knew was rejection. So naturally, I didn’t think you and I would work out.“
Flashbacks of all the past heartbreaks you had to endure flooded your mind and clouded your soul in sadness. At one point you gave up on men, up on love entirely. You remembered the first dates with Chan and how nerve-wrecking they were. Would he leave you? Would he break it off? Would he ghost you and vanish like the others? How much time did you still have left?
You didn’t notice him wake up as you were too engulfed in your memories, recollecting them all.
„Dating seems so easy for you but it’s not to me. I get insecure so easily. I always went crazy when you didn’t reply fast enough or sounded dry. I know that’s so stupid but that’s how I was..“, you chuckled ashamed.
Chan didn’t dare moving, he needed you to think he was still sound asleep.
„And I was terrified of opening up to you and letting you in. I was so terrified you’d break my heart like all the others. And I tried guarding my heart..“
Now Chan was the one having flashbacks, remembering all the times you acted out of line, making him wonder if you liked him at all. Up to now he didn’t understand why you acted that way.
„But I couldn’t. Something about you just made me jump into this. And this thing between us, the past months I mean. To others that doesn’t seem like a big deal but to me it does… you didn’t leave me.“
A heavy silence was hanging in the air, perfectly accentuating the boldness of your words.
„You didn’t ghost me. Or exchanged me for someone else. You stayed. You actually stayed.“
You whispered the last part, barely audible.
Chan‘s lips, delicately placed on the soft skin on your neck, startled you.
„I’m planning to stay forever, babygirl.“
Your cheeks turned red as embarrassment flooded your whole system.
„Oh my god, you heard all of that?“, you whined.
„Only the last part, baby.“
„I feel so embarrassed..“, you blurted out.
„I know“, Chan stated as he pulled you closer, tightening his grip on you.
„But that doesn’t change a single thing. I want you y/n. And I am here to stay. Forever. Get used to that, okay?“
You relaxed back into his warm embrace.
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Hiii!! 🥰 is it ok if I can request nanami w a bunnygirl!reader who is kinda shy and going through her heat but she doesnt wanna bother him about it. Thank you! 💘
In the Heat of Things 🐰 (Dom!Nanami x sub!Bunnygirl!Reader 18+ One Shot) [REQUEST FILL]
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Pairing: Kento Nanami x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which you're Nanami's bunny girl girlfriend who is going through a rough time during your "cycle", so your gentlemanly boyfriend takes it upon himself to help you out and ease your heat when your body tells him what your mouth can't.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+; Bunnygirl!Reader; Shy!GF!Reader; BF!Nanami; Dom!Nanami + sub!Reader; Heat Symptoms; Dry Humping; Tongue Kissing; Oral (Giving & receiving); Ear Pulling; Mild Degradation + Praise; Spanking; Facefuck; Ear & Tail Stroking; Clit Stimulation; Multiple Positions (Missionary, Doggystyle, 69, etc); Cock Drunk!Reader; Pussy Drunk!Nanami; Multiple Orgasms for Reader; Creampie; Internal Cumshot; Cum on Ass; Aftercare
Writer's Note: Thank you so much for your patience, Anon! I hope you enjoy this one! -Jazz
“Is anything the matter, darling?” Nanami worriedly asks you. “You barely touched your carrot cake.” 
You tentatively look up at him from your plate of delicious carrot cake adorned in sweet vanilla whipped cream while Nanami got vanilla bean ice cream instead for his dessert. He thought that paying an extra $16 for dessert would put a smile on you that dinner didn’t, but it hasn’t. 
And dinner was good! Your wonderful, amazing boyfriend has noticed how hard you’ve been working lately and took it upon himself to take you out tonight. He took a break from hunting curses and saving people to take you out to a romantic steak restaurant that he knew you’d enjoy. 
But despite how good you look in your pretty dress, your frown does nothing to make your beauty more radiate. Your happiness is what is most pretty to him. 
You look at him, blinking at him with those big, pretty, doe-like eyes. “What?” you dumbly ask. Realizing what he said, you wither in your pretty dress and lower your fork. “O-Oh, sorry. I’m fine, really…just lost in thought.” 
You look around the steak restaurant, watching all of the romantic couples be all cute and engaged in each other. So unlike you. You turn to your boyfriend sitting across from you, feeling terrible for treating him so badly. Your bunny ears, once sitting high on your head, droop with shame. “Please don’t worry about me, babe, really! I’m just a bit tired from work.” 
And you aren’t lying. Work has been taking a chunk out of your soul lately, but only to distract you from your main issue. One of which you have yet to discuss with Nanami as his bunny girlfriend. 
You and Nanami have been dating for almost a year now and you’ve been enjoying them immensely. It’s so hard to find a relationship that isn’t solely physical just because you’re a bunny girl. Most men just want to fuck you because of how sexualized your species is, but not Nanami. He took one look at you and wanted to put you in his pocket forever. 
Everything with him is amazing: the weekend sleepovers, the late-night talks and cuddles, the kissing, the touching, the sex. The sex, especially. Nanami is amazing when it comes to making your body feel good. Part of why is because you feel so comfortable with him. You feel like you can tell him everything and he’d never judge you. 
Except for this ‘issue’. You can’t tell him that…not yet, at least. Not until it’s over. 
“Well, if you’d like to leave, we can,” he says comfortingly. “I just figured we’d have a night together since work has been so hectic for us.” 
“No, no!” You protest, taking his hand in yours. “Kento, it’s fine! The last thing I want to do is go home and sleep when I could be spending time with you.” 
He smiles at you, a light pink blush appearing on his handsome features. “I agree. I’ve been looking forward to being with you all week. Every time we talked on the phone, I wanted to race to your apartment like a madman and see you.” His gaze is intense and almost hungered. It excites you, especially coming from a man as calm and collected as Nanami Kento.
“Oh,” you exhale. “That’s so sweet.” Though you look calm, you are losing it on the inside. You feel a warm buzz that the wine could never give you at his sweet, intimate words, each one going straight between your thighs. 
Nanami shrugs, clearing his throat to will away the blush. “It’s only true,” he sheepishly says. “I guess you could say I’m crazy about you. I know a couple of people would say so, like Habibara.” 
But as he continues to talk, you once again drift away with your thoughts. Your dirty, nasty, filthy, raunchy, slutty thoughts of you getting bent over the dinner table by your perfect boyfriend. Him hiking up your dress making you moan and sob as he spanks your ass raw. Him fucking you stupid with his tongue, fingers, and cock in front of everyone at the restaurant until you’re creaming all over his— 
“Y/N?” He asks. You blink at him, snapping back to reality. “H-Huh?” You say. “Did you say something?” 
Nanami’s brows furrow in concern. “I asked if you were doing anything next weekend,” he repeats. He leans in as if to keep others from hearing in on your convo. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look a little…flushed. Funny, I thought it was rather nippy in here.” 
You place your hands on your cheeks, your bunny ears drooping in embarrassment. Sure enough, they are warm just like the rest of your body despite your spaghetti-strap dress. “It’s just the alcohol.” You wave down your waiter eagerly. “Um, excuse me!” You shout. “Another glass of water, extra ice please.” 
He nods and fetches it for you, making you believe that some ice-cold water will soothe your hot flash. But it won’t. Because it’s not the alcohol’s fault. The truth is it’s none of those things. 
It’s not the wine or work or you being tired. It’s because you’re in heat. You’re going through it, experiencing all of the symptoms: heavy breathing, random hot flashes, hardened nipples, a dripping wet pussy, etc. To put it bluntly, you’re extremely, pitifully horny. All for the man sitting across from you. 
Nanami doesn’t know that his precious bunny girl is feening for his cock…more than usual, anyway. He just thinks you’re tired. “I think that maybe we should call it a night, darling. You don’t seem like yourself.” 
The waiter comes back with your water, thank God, and you take a much-needed sip. “No, baby, I’m fine,” you protest, squeezing his hand. “I’m just tired from work, but I want to finish dinner. I’ve been looking forward to this too.” You try not to shiver in delight as his thumb caresses your knuckles and you clamp your thighs tight together. “Now let’s dig in,” you giggle and practically gulp down your dessert. 
After dinner and getting wet over Nanami snatching the bill up to pay, he walks you outside to his car and drives you back to your apartment. Once outside the building, he helps you out and stands with you in the lot. You feel as if you’re the only two existing on Earth now. “That was delicious, Nanami,” you sigh. “I don’t think I can eat anything else!” 
Nanami smiles, happy to hear this. ”I’m glad. I wanted tonight to be nice for you.” In the moonlight, his cheeks flush. “It was,” you murmur, shyly taking his hand in yours. “Thank you.” 
He intertwines his long fingers with yours…his long piano fingers that would look perfect around your neck or plunged in your wet cunt. “Well, I guess that this is goodnight. You can finally catch the rest that you need.” 
He’s going? Now? You feel disappointment bloom inside of you. You know it’s stupid since the date is over, but you don’t want him to go. Not yet, anyway. “W-Well, I don’t have to go to sleep just yet,” you shyly protest. “It’s only 9 PM. If you want, you can come in to watch a movie…or cuddle…or…” You trail off, your mind taking you to some naughty places that involve Nanami mounting you. 
Your boyfriend raises an eyebrow down at you. “Or?” he teasingly pushes. “You want me to beat you in Super Mario Kart again?” You gasp, playfully hitting him. “Kento!” you whine. “Don’t be mean! You only won because my controller’s batteries were losing juice!” 
He laughs, the sound pleasant and arousing. “Whatever you say, darling,” he chuckles. “I’d love to go back with you, i-if that’s what you want too.” Once again, he blushes, his Adam’s Apple bobbing as he swallows. The air is suddenly thick with a tension that is almost unbearable. “Alright then,” you murmur. 
Nanami comes back to your place and at first, you’re glad that he does because you love having him here. After changing into your sweats and a T-shirt, you snuggle up with him on the couch to watch a movie. You decide on “Howl’s Moving Castle” since you’re a fan of Studio Ghibli and Nanami has never seen it before. 
You opt to be the little spoon tonight while your boyfriend is the big spoon, his front pressed against your back. He has stripped off his jacket and button-up top for his tank top underneath that you can feel his muscles poking through, making you want to run your hands all over him. 
But you keep them squeezed between your thighs where you can feel the throb of your pussy in your sweats. You thought that wearing pants would help, but it hasn’t. Not when your sexy boyfriend has his big arms wrapped tight around you and the smell of his cologne is in your nose. “Are you okay?” He whispers in the dimly lit living area. “Am I hugging you too tight?”You shake your head, struggling to pay attention to the movie. “N-No,” you stammer. “It’s fine.”
But it’s not fine. With every passing minute, your pussy gets wetter and more insistent on getting the pleasure it needs. Your little cotton tail is being stimulated every time Nanami shifts his body, pressing up against it. It feels so good that you have to bite your lip to keep from moaning out. 
Oh, how you need him! How you want to turn your head and kiss him, letting him swirl his tongue with yours. How you wish to turn off the movie and instead watch his handsome face contort in pleasure as he sinks his cock into your mouth or in your pussy. 
You could do it right now. You could turn over, wrap your legs around his waist, and pull him on top of you to kiss you down. He could pin you down to your couch and pound your pussy right now, giving you exactly what you need. You can almost feel him now, gripping your throat as his cock stretches you out and strokes your walls, bringing you closer and closer to that edge with him until you’re– 
“Uh, Y/N?” Nanami asks. “What are you doing?” 
“Huh?” You ask, looking back at him. Even in the dark, you can tell that he’s blushing. “Y-You’re rubbing yourself against me,” he stammers. “Your tail…a-and ass…are against my—“ 
“Oh, no!” You lament, immediately squirming out of his arms. “Dammit, no, no! I’m so sorry!” Embarrassed and humiliated, you get up from the couch, alarming him. “Hey, wait a minute!” he protests, confused. “Where are you going?” 
Quickly, you duck and hide behind the couch, not wanting to leave but also not wanting him to see you. You hide behind your ears, tears pricking your eyes. With the movie now on mute, Nanami finds you behind the couch and kneels down to comfort you. “Y/N?” he carefully asks. “What’s going on? Talk to me, lovely.” 
He gently peels back your ears and your hands from your face. His face is etched in concern. “Did I do something wrong?” You shake your head, admitting defeat. Now you have to tell him. “No,” you sigh. “It’s all me. The truth is…I’m in heat.” 
You watch Nanami blink at you, perplexed. “You’re…in heat?” he carefully repeats. “I don’t think I understand.” 
You sigh once again, not wanting to explain this because it’s so embarrassing. But you have to. “Well…it’s when girls like me go through cycles where we’re ready to mate. We get very, um…aroused.” You flush at the word choice. “Unfortunately, the warm weather makes it worse since spring is considered ‘mating season’ for certain mammals.”
He nods, his gaze intent and way too deep. “Mating,” he says, trying the words out on his lips. “So if I’m understanding this correctly, you through periods where you need to fuck.” 
Your eyes widen and your heart leaps at the vulgar word coming from his lips. “Um…well, yeah, if you wanna be blunt about it. We basically have sexual needs that need to be met.” 
“And what if they aren’t?” Nanami asks. 
“Our arousal gets worse,” you solemnly sigh. “It ain’t pretty.” Nanami’s expression darkens. “What happens?” he asks, worried. And so you tell him. You tell him about how one can become so horny that it hurts, the pain stretching on for months if not taken care of properly. 
By the time you finish, your boyfriend stares at you in horror. “How long have you been feeling like this?” he asks. You stare down at your hands, biting your lip. “About a week,” you admit. 
Nanami makes a noise between a groan and a sigh. “Baby, why didn’t you tell me this?” He cooingly asks. “I would’ve helped you with this a long time ago.” He tilts your chin up, his touch like a prayer to you. He honestly looks and sounds upset from the fact that you neglected to tell him this. 
“W-Well, you were so busy with work and I didn’t wanna bug you about it. I’ve been taking care of myself, but it doesn’t seem to work much, especially when I’m around you.” He steals the rest of your air when his hand moves up to caress your cheek, his calloused palm warm. 
“When you’re around me, hm?” he ponders aloud, his voice low and sweet. “How do you get when you’re around me?” Your teeth sink into your bottom lip, your ears and tail frazzled from his touch. ”Like…this,” you breathlessly reply. 
Nanami gently squeezes your cheeks, making your lips like a fish’s. “You mean like a needy little slut?” he asks, the vulgar words like sugar on his lips in his low, sweet tone. “Well, why don’t I help you with that? After all, it’s my fault you’re so horny.” 
“I-It’s not!” you protest. “It’s just my heat. Anyway, it’ll be done by the end of the week! I-I don’t need you to—“ 
“Shhh,” he gently shushes you, pressing a finger to your lush lips. “Don’t protest. Don’t argue. Don’t push me away. Just let me take good care of my bunny, okay?” His gorgeous hazel eyes, filled with promises of safety and acceptance, peer into yours. 
And with his thumb stroking your bottom lip, how can you deny him? “Okay,” you find yourself saying. He smiles, pleased. “Good girl,” he praises. “First off, these lips definitely need to be kissed.” 
His lips swoop down to capture yours in a soft, loving kiss that quickly grows sloppy and passionate the more you kiss. Nanami lets out a soft, eager moan as he scoops you up in his arms, laughing softly when you squeak as your feet dangle off the ground. While still kissing you, he brings you over to the couch and sits you down in his lap. His soft lips and tongue make you squirm in his lap, brushing yourself against his quickly hardening cock in his slacks.
“Can I play with your ears, darling?” he whispers, breathless from the constant kissing. “Your tail too? You still love being touched in those places, don’t you?” Gently, his hand moves down to your ass, caressing your cotton tail. Your toes curl in your shoes, your body tingly from the stimulation. “Y-Yes,” you breathlessly reply. “Go ahead.” 
You know that Nanami will be gentle like he always is, so you aren’t hesitant or apprehensive. When his fingers lightly begin to brush and stroke your bunny ear from base to tip, you damn near have an all-body orgasm. When he does the same to your tail, you feel your pussy grow wetter and it throbs more. “Oh!” You gasp. “Yes, like that!” 
Nanami smirks as he watches your face contort in pleasure as he strokes the most sensitive parts of your body other than your nipples and clit. “Like that?” He teasingly asks. “That feels good?” His cock throbs at the sound of your pitiful whimper in response. 
“What about this?” he asks. Gently, one of his big hands slides down between your thighs to pet your pussy through your panties while he continues to stroke your ears with the other. Your mouth falls agape, pleasure coursing through you. “Oh, fuck,” you moan, tilting your head back as his fingers ghost over your pussy. 
You begin to shamelessly grind your pussy into his fingers, turning Nanami one even more. “I’ve never seen you like this before,” he chuckles. “So responsive and needy. It’s so adorable.” 
You flush embarrassingly at your slutty behavior because yes, he’s right. You’ve never been this slutty with him before. “I’m sorry.” The blonde looks at you like you’re crazy. “What are you sorry about?” He scoffs. “I’m your man, darling. I want you to be like this for me and only me.” 
Under his firm gaze and insistent fingers, you nearly come apart at the seams. He then gently moves you off of him and his hard bulge, fixing you with a hot stare. “Now bend that pretty ass over me,” he demands. 
Smiling excitedly, you do as he says and bend over the couch, presenting your plump, soft ass to him. You bite your lip as his hand sneak up your thighs to hike your dress up over your hips, exposing your thong which is damn near soaked now. “Now, baby,” he tuts, “were you walking around with this under your dress the whole time at dinner?” 
His fingers slide down to gently pry open your asscheeks, emitting a pleasurable hum from you. “Such a little slut my baby has become tonight, wearing thongs and getting wet from a mere spanking.” 
“A spanking?” You parrot, confused. “What are you—“ 
Spank! You gasp at the sharp sting of his rough hand coming down on one asscheek, the jolt of slight pain sending your pussy into a frenzy. “You want another?” He hums. You let out a whimper, your tongue twisted from the surprise spank. “I’m sorry, what?” He asks, his tone soft yet firm. 
His fingers loop through your thong straps and gently pull at them, causing the thong to sink deeper into your ass and your slit. “Yes, Daddy,” you moan. “Please spank me again!” Nanami smiles, gently stroking the asscheek he hit. “That’s my girl. Let me know if it’s too much.” 
He continues to give your ass as many spanks as you want, watching the way your soft, jiggly asscheeks recoil against his hand. You moan and sob in pleasure at the burning sensation, becoming a little pain slut for him right before his eyes. Finally unable to take it anymore, Nanami stops and gets on his knees behind you. 
“Now it’s too much for me,” he growls. “Don’t move, bunny. I’m gonna eat your pussy now until you cum, okay? I want you to do whatever feels good to you. That’s your order.” You nod, gripping the couch to prepare yourself for the tongue-fucking you know you’re about to receive. 
But even as you do prepare yourself, it doesn’t do much because you’re a writhing, whimpering, moaning mess for your boyfriend as he pulls your tongue aside and  his tongue licks your folds and his lips suck on your clit, alternating between the two as much as he likes. “Ah, Ken, yes!” You cry out. “Oh, fuck yes, right there! Do it right there!” 
You are loud and vocal, much to Nanami’s enjoyment. He’s having the time of his life back here, massaging your ass and sucking on your wet pussy, your juices dripping down his chin. He even whimpers and moans into your pussy about how good you taste, only making you wetter at seeing this stoic man lose his shit over you. 
“You want a finger, bunny?” He asks, his voice slightly muffled from his face in your ass. “Talk to me. Tell Daddy what you want from him.” You struggle to do it, but manage to gather enough willpower to look at him over your shoulder. “Please,” you whimper. “Fuck me, Daddy. Make me cum.” 
Nanami smiles and so does his cock, trying hard to surge out of his pants. Slowly, he inserts one of his long fingers inside of your hole while his lips gently suck on your clit. When his finger aims up to rub against the underside of your clit, you nearly scream, bawling at the pleasure. 
“Oh, my God!” You sob. “Shit, Ken, baby, I’m gonna…I-I’m gonna…” You don’t get a chance to finish because your orgasm slams into you, drawing a string of slutty moans out of you as you cream all over Nanami’s tongue. He takes it willingly and joyfully, slurping up all that you give him. “That’s my good bunny,” he moans into your pussy. “So fuckin’ good for me.” 
Your orgasm is so strong and intense that you begin to tremble, the aftershocks taking control of your body. It’s an orgasm that you haven’t been able to give yourself due to your heat’s needs. You smile deliriously as it begins to fade, leaving you satisfied but feral for the man still cleaning you up behind you. 
Finally, Nanami pulls away as you turn to face him, naked from the waist down. ”Tired?” He questions, his eyes twinkling and lips wet from you. You touch his face, needing to feel him. “For you, no,” you purr. “I need to make you feel good too. But you’re wearing too much.” 
Nanami’s eyes flash with a fire that only you can put out. Together, with you standing on your knees on the couch and him standing before you, you strip off all of his clothes until he is butt naked in your living room. His impressive, toned body and pretty, hard cock are all on full display for you. Your mouth waters to taste him, especially his big, hairy pecs and gorgeous dick swinging between his thick thighs. 
Nanami smirks at your wide-eyed, awed expression at the sight of him. “Like what you see?” He chuckles. Wordlessly, you nod, excitedly staring at all of him. You still can’t believe that he’s really yours. You spit a copious amount of spit into your hand before you begin stroking your man’s cock, starting from the thick base and up to the pink head dripping with pre-cum. You give him a little kitten lit, emitting a soft moan from him. 
You drop your hand to massage his balls instead, giving them some love too. He holds his gaze with yours, wrapping a hand around his cock. “Tell me what you want.” With your ears now frazzled and your pussy leaking again, you crawl closer to him and grab his hips. “Just stand there and fuck my face. I want you to use my throat like a toy.” 
Nanami’s brows raise an inch. “You want it rough?” He asks, sounding surprised. You nod, needing it more than anything. “Well, if it’s what you want, darling…just tap my thigh twice if you need me to stop.” 
And then his cock is sliding in your mouth until you can feel it nearly hit the back of your throat. “Fuck,” Nanami groans, watching his dick disappear down your throat. “You’re so good to me, bunny. You always take me so well.” 
Feeling elevated by the praise, you open your throat, hollow your cheeks, and begin to bob your head up and down, back and forth, taking your boyfriend’s cock deep down your throat. You swallow it whole, slurping and sucking on it like a big, juicy lollipop, spit beginning to drip from your balls. 
Nanami can’t take it anymore. He begins to fuck your pretty face in tandem with your head bobbing, making you swallow more of his length down your sloppy, greedy throat. “Yes, that’s it, my little bunny,” he moans, pumping his cock in and out of your mouth. “Take my cock just like that. Take it all.” 
He begins to stroke your ears as you blow him, getting your pussy nice, tingly, and throbbing again for something. You’re so horny that you begin to play with your pussy as he moans and groans, even whimpers, at how pretty you look with his cock in your mouth. 
Finally, Nanami slides out of your mouth with a soft swear and you take a breath. Your lips, coated in spit and pre-cum, are wiped clean of your lipgloss, your mascara is running, and your throat is slightly raw from the constant fucking Nanami gave you. He takes hold of your chin, staring into your eyes. “Do you want more?” he asks. 
Slowly, you nod, tears pricking your eyes because of how much you need this. “Yes, Nanami,” you plea, your arousal making you bold and unashamed in your need to be fucked. “Please give it to me. I don’t care how you take me. Just fuck me!” 
That’s all Nanami needs to hear. He gives you exactly what you want and more. The man fucks you and he fucks you good. He gives your body everything that it needs to knock those horny little thoughts out of your head and relieve you of your heat. 
And in every position, you cum. 
He fucks you in missionary while standing up, his hips pistoling into yours while your feet dangle in the air, his hands pinning your thighs apart and making you take each deep, long, slow stroke that has you seeing stars and frantically rubbing your clit watching his big pecs jiggle and his handsome face contort in pleasure. 
He fucks you while standing up, your little body bouncing in his arms as you fucks you up and down on his cock, your arms wrapped tight around his neck, your tits pressed flush against his pecs, and your lips locked with his in a passionate, sloppy, wet kiss. 
He fucks you on your side, his big body curled around yours and his cock nestled between your asscheeks before sliding inside you again, your leg hooked up to get deeper. 
He pulls his cock out of you and sixty-nines with you, his cock fucking your throat instead while he tongue fucks your pussy, whimpering pathetically into your cunt while his toes curl at how good and tight your throat is, calling you his “sexy little bunny” and “good little cockslut” in his deep, velvety voice. 
He fucks your soft thighs. He fucks your perfect, jiggling tits while you lay on your back and squeeze them together. He fucks your asscheeks while you lay on your stomach, grinding his cock between your cheeks as he massages them. 
He fucks you on all fours, using your ears to pull you back on his cock, your back arched and ass stinging from random spanks while he pounds into the deep, wet heat of your pussy that squeezes and grips him for dear life. When you try to rub your clit, he smacks it away and rubs your pussy for you.
“Uh-uh,” he huffs. “No touching what’s mine. All you need to do is cum. Can my little bunny do that?” 
You don’t even answer. You can’t. But your loud moans and sobs bouncing off of your walls are all the answers Nanami needs as he fucks you faster, harder, making your clit sing and pleasure zip through you. When you feel your last orgasm of the night zip through you, you let out a broken whimper and cream all over Nanami’s cock, your orgasm exploding out of you. 
Triggered by your orgasm and sweet little sounds, Nanami grips you to him and pounds into you without abandon until he finally explodes too. “Oh, fuck!” He gasps, his loud moans and grunts echoing throughout the empty living room, triggering another min-orgasm that makes your pussy quiver and drip down your thighs. 
Nanami cums deep inside of you, filling you to the brim with his nut. He even has enough to give you on your ass, pulling out to spray your perfect cheeks with more of his seed, pumping his cock furiously behind you. A smile stretches across your face as the aftershocks begin, making you lose balance and collapse onto the couch. 
You are sweaty, winded, soaked, tired, and covered in cum. But you’ve never been more satisfied or happier in your life. Nanami finally settles down beside you, turning you over to face him. He gives you a smile, his face flushed and blonde hair slightly damp with sweat. 
“Better now?” He murmurs, gently stroking down your back. You wordlessly nod, a small, tired mewl leaving your lips. 
“I’m glad,” he chuckles, pressing a kiss to your hand. “Get lots of rest now, darling, because we’ll be going for round two soon.”
And just like that, your body tingles and your pussy throbs like you weren't just turned out on your couch by your man already.
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AITA for breaking up with a man to immediately date a woman?👩‍❤️‍👩
So a couple of years ago I (at the time 25F) identified as bisexual and ace. I had dated before, but it was all long distance relationships, and all men. At this point, I was single, and while in university, I met a guy (Jake, 26M) and he confessed he was into me. I only really thought of Jake as a friend, but I agreed we could date- because I've always confused platonic/romantic feelings, and foolishly thought I could probably "grow into" the relationship, like my previous ones. Jake is smart, friendly, very sweet and supportive, thoughtful, I didn't see why we couldn't date! But of course, as relationships do, suddenly he becomes more physical, more affectionate with me- which duh, we're dating, I should've expected this- but it blindsided me.
I would very frequently communicate to him what I was comfortable/uncomfortable with, and he'd be okay backing off and taking things more slowly, but would occasionally gently push my boundaries. I'd have to remind him that I wasn't comfortable, and he'd back off and would tell me it's okay- but I don't think he meant it. I think he was hoping I would "get over" these uncomfortable feelings and give him what he wants, eventually. It got to a point I was uncomfortable even being alone with him, because I knew he'd start acting this way. I was deeply appreciative of his patience, since I know I was being weird about our relationship.
While this is happening, I was venting to my dear friend Mary (25F) about how I felt terrible, how I felt stuck, and Mary would support me, hear me out, and comfort me. I had also met Mary in university, and Jake and Mary knew each other and were also friends. We were all a part of the same friend group- but I only would talk to Mary about what was going on between me and Jake.
A few months of this passes, and it occurs to me that I had a crush on Mary. A real, actual, true crush. One I'd never felt before in any of my other relationships- I had a connection with her, she and I understood each other. One night, we jokingly both kind of confessed to each other at the same time. It was then that it all clicked for me- I'm not bi… I'm a lesbian. It's why I've felt that I've had to "grow into" my previous relationships with men. I never truly was attracted to them, and just thought that was how all relationships were. Mary was the first person I actually felt like I could be myself.
Anyway- Mary knew about Jake obviously, and I told her up front that I'd need time to break up with him. She understood completely. I broke up with him the next day or so in person, quietly, in private. I didn't tell him about Mary, nor about me realizing that I'm a lesbian. I just said that I didn't think we could work out- that he wants more than I could give, and that I wasn't good for him, he deserved someone better. He understood, but he was very upset. And angry. He threatened me with a "If you date anybody in our group- we won't be friends anymore." and stormed off. I cried, but figured I deserved it. He truly cared about me, and I feel like I lied to him through our whole relationship- even if I didn't realize it.
Mary and I dated in secret shortly after, to prevent Jake from finding out and hating the both of us and causing turmoil in our group. He went around and told all of our male friends to leave me alone and not to touch me, so I'm pretty sure he never suspected Mary. I only found out about this because one of said other male friends approached me and told me what Jake had said- Jake never made this apparent to me.
But me and Mary? I've never been happier. We cuddle, we kiss- we do everything you'd expect in a relationship, and I'm never uncomfortable. And when I AM uncomfortable, Mary leaves it alone. She never pushes my boundaries unless I try something on my own terms or we talk about it first. She's a dream come true, and she's beautiful and I love her.
Cut to years later- me and Mary have been together for 10 years now. We've both graduated university, we live together, and we're soon to be married. We're still very close with our friend group- we regularly meet up for movie nights, dinner outings and dnd sessions. Jake's still one of our best friends, and he knows that we're dating, now. I've never addressed me and Mary to Jake directly, so I've never known how he's felt about us.
This is years after the fact, of course, and Jake is still a wonderful friend and (seemingly) has moved on/doesn't care about me and Mary. But I'm occasionally haunted by this mess that I caused, and I feel like I was terrible to Jake. So, Tumblr, I leave you all to judge me. Was I the asshole?
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melodymunson · 1 day
Steve Harrington x fem reader x oc - talk dirty to me
5.1 K words
You and your college roommate and friend need to make ends meet and decide to start working for a phone sex hotline. Steve is your client and you eventually make adult films together. (Featuring mentions of Eddie Munson).
Warnings: cream pies, unprotected sex p in v (unprotected), anal sex (protected), use of a gag ball, lesbian sex, pussy eating, blowjob, deep throating, hand job, 69, reverse cowgirl, cum swapping/cum sharing/cum eating.
thank you for the inspiration I had while writing this and for your endless support @keeryatmosphere & @corneliuswatkins love you ladies!
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It all started when you needed money to pay for your college tuition. The going was tough these days for paying bills and making a living while also having fun. There was no time for any casual dating, let alone any serious relationship. One day your problems seemed to be over because you saw an ad in the newspaper under the adult classified section for a sex phone operator. Your close friend and college roommate, Scarlet, also needed a job. Scarlet had long, wavy black hair, a curvy figure, and brown eyes.
You couldn't imagine anyone else as a roommate because she was the nicest girl you had met at the university and she was a good person. Once she saw the ad, you both agreed to apply for it. When you discovered it was legit and not a scam; you started working the hotline. Many types of men and even women sometimes, called in to talk and get relationship advice and intimacy. Other people who called wanted something more sexy, including talk about hardcore fantasies.
You knew how to cater to their every whim and help them release their inhibitions by hearing their confessions judgment-free, of course. You had some interesting clients who were regulars. One day, the caller was someone you recognized, though. He said his name was Harrison, but you could tell by his voice it was none other than King Steve Harrington from Hawkins High.
Your younger brother Dustin Henderson was good friends with him growing up in his teenage years. Even though you were adopted, you fit right into the family. Of course, he didn't recognize you though because your voice as a phone operator was different than your regular voice.
Eventually, you came clean and admitted to Steve it was you. At first, he was a little shocked, but not for long. Having him finally know it was you made you relieved in a sense, like a weight lifted off your shoulders. The days you talked to him on the sex chat line, you helped him to get off, and it always worked.
Your sexy, sultry voice, the dirty talk, and his wandering hands as you talked to him made him want to see you and experience his fantasies with you in the real world. Stroking himself as you were talking to him dirty and seductively, you heard him spitting on his hand no doubt using it for lube since he would admit to stroking himself. You never failed to make him come undone. One of his biggest fantasies was to have a threesome with 2 women. He had already had some with men and women together only.
Being King Steve Harrington, you were surprised he had never had a threesome yet with two ladies. Sometimes, Scarlet would talk to him as well and you would alternate by using the phone telling him what you'd do to him and each other. Those phone calls made Steve cum harder than ever. You admitted one day to him why you and your roommate needed this job.
A deal formed after this and it was agreed you would have some intimate time together soon, just the three of you. So you invited Steve over and he would pay for your and Scarlet's tuition for a semester if things went according to plan and more time would be agreed upon to be spent together. The vibes had to be right and nothing forced. It would all come naturally. If that went well, then you would do some adult films together. Once you discovered Steve was an adult star with another name, of course, you were pleasantly surprised.
Soon you went out to dinner together. Nothing that fancy, but it was pretty casual. The dinner was fairly nice at a local bistro. Steve paid and enjoyed your company and Scarlet's. You drank some wine, but no one got drunk. Everyone wanted to be clear-headed for the rest of the evening ahead once you were alone and things got more intimate.
During dinner, you discussed hard limits, kinks, and expectations for future get-togethers. The agreed-upon hard limits would be blood play, knife play, non-con, dub-con, age play, and nothing with bodily fluids except spitting. Not too surprisingly, you also had some similar kinks you shared with Steve and Scarlet. These included edging, marking, overstimulation, praise, and soft degradation.
You didn't quite see yourself making a porno and being paid by your brother's older friend for doing it, but it felt right with Steve. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Even with a part-time job doing a phone sex hotline and picking up some shifts at a local diner, you couldn't make ends meet. Since no one in your family wanted to help you pay for college, this is what you had to do.
The first time you were together, it was slow and sensual. Everyone had equal attention, and it was more of a soft-core porno. It started with you and Scarlet touching each other affectionately as Steve watched. Kissing, using toys on each other, eating each other out, Steve stroking himself, a hand job, and a blowjob.
He told you he loved every single second of it. The way you used your tongues and mouths, how you dirty talked, how hard he came. Everyone had fun, and the night was wonderful. He told you he would never forget that first time together, and being in your dorm room made it even hotter because of the thrill of being caught. Filming the porn in the dorm room was something you didn't expect to happen, but it did, and it was flawless.
Once it was released, you would get paid in full for your acting work. Steve would be called Principal Knight and your name would be Cherry, Scarlets for the porno would be Candy. For the next porno, you would film at his private mansion together. That was the night you would let him fuck you and use you in any way he pleased. The night started with a casual dinner out. Once that was over with, you went back to his mansion and smoked some weed while drinking some rather expensive champagne.
As the night was winding down and the joints took effect, you passed a bottle of vodka between the three of you. No one got drunk, but it was great combined with the buzz from the weed. For the porno, you would dress as a schoolgirl and would film in Steve's family's study library. He was going to play the part of the college principal.
The scenario was you and Scarlet in detention and he would punish you both. Dressed in the school girl uniforms and glasses complete to match, you went to the study and the cameras started rolling once everyone was loosened up and ready. Sitting down at desks your hair in pigtails, you tapped your pencil against the desk as Scarlet pretended to be reading a book.
Steve was behind the office desk and sitting in the leather chair watching you and her, his hands crossed and glasses hanging off his nose. When he looked away, you passed a note to Scarlet.
"Ladies, let me see that note!" He demanded sternly, getting up and walking over to the desks.
You gave him a good view of your cleavage as he stood over you, looking down with scrutiny in his eyes. Picking up the note, he read it out loud.
"Do you think that Principal Knight would raise our grades for us in the school system if we let him fuck us?"
Both you and Scarlet were smirking, getting into this.
"I see that you college girls don't know how to behave. What should I expect from straight C students?" He remarked with a scoff, playing the part of the principal perfectly as he put his hands on his hips.
"Please, sir, I have a scholarship. I can't lose it. Please, we'll do anything," you protested, giving him a pleading look and sad eyes.
"You aren't married, right? Or is there a girlfriend in your life, Principal?" Scarlet inquired with raised brows as she twirled a loose strand of hair with her finger.
Clearing his throat, Steve cupped her chin, tilting it upward.
"No, I don't. It's not like it's any of your business, anyway. I'll be back in a few minutes. Behave. Both of you or another detention."
He wagged his finger at the both of you as he sternly said this, then moved out of view from the camera. You and Scarlet were now seemingly alone.
"Let's make him want us. Seduce him, you know?" She suggested as she looked at you with the biggest smirk.
You shook hands on it, then whispered into her ear.
"Finger me while we kiss. He would love to see that when he comes back."
Wasting no time, she lifted your skirt, pushed your panties to the side, and inserted a finger. You were so wet already, and this made you even more turned on. Kissing for the camera, you spread your legs even wider, allowing her even better access, and kissed her deeply. Soon Steve came back into view of the camera, a fake look of shock on his face.
"Ladies, stop doing that!"
Breaking away from the kiss, you dared to protest.
"Why, sir? Don't you want to fuck us?"
His cock twitched in his pants, no longer being able to contain himself or his excitement as his erection continued to grow. You made the first move by kissing Steve and taking off his shirt. Scarlet watched with a glazed-out look in her eye and came up next to you, removing her shirt. You did the same and got into Steve's lap to kiss him more before switching places with Scarlet.
She broke the kiss to kiss you, making Steve groan softly.
"How about we make you feel like a king tonight, Principal Knight?" You meant every word of wanting to give him the best night of his life.
"Really? I would love nothing more," Steve responded as he got up, taking Scarlet over to his desk.
Removing his shoes first, his pants followed, then his boxers. Only his shirt and tie were still on.
"How do you want us, Mr. Principal sir?" Scarlet asked, aiming to please and more than willing to do whatever he wanted.
"I've been dying to taste both of you. Now remove the rest of your clothes and lean against my desk for me, but keep on the skirts and tights for now," he commanded sternly.
Scarlet helped you to remove your bra and panties with her teeth and you did the same for her. Getting the perfect view of you and Scarlet's bodies, you looked at Steve and his eyes were dark with lust. You leaned against the desk as he knelt and fingered both of you. Noticing the butt plugs in your asses, he tapped the jewels with his fingers.
"You are both so tight. Such needy girls for me too, aren't you? And these butt plugs. Magnificent!" He mused before adding more fingers getting you to loosen up for him.
"Taste me, Steve. I've been craving your tongue," you whined needily.
He chuckled softly to himself before giving in to your request.
"Oh yes Steve, eat my pussy," you encouraged him as he buried his tongue in between your folds. The pleasure was short-lived before he did the same to Scarlet.
"His tongue is amazing. Just like that, sir," she whined as you met her lips in a kiss.
You kept kissing each other, moaning against each other's mouths as she cupped your breasts and played with your breasts. You did the same for her as Steve kept switching up between the two of you. His cock was so aching and needy to fuck you both and he was harder than ever as he pleased your pussies and watched you kiss passionately with tongues.
"Keep moaning for me just like that, ladies. Keep kissing and don't stop until I tell you to." He continued to finger fuck you both and alternate between sucking your pussy and licking your ass before doing the same to Scar and again to you.
Already you felt pretty close to your release and judging by the sounds Scarlet was making, she didn't seem to be very far behind.
"Ok stop. Now get up and onto your backs," he ordered with no hesitation in his tone.
Each of you rolled onto your backs and he looked at both of your slick pussies coated with his spit and your juices. Quickly, he stripped off his shirt and tie and kicked them to the side. To say he was well-endowed would be an understatement. He was thick and veiny with a mushroom-headed tip.
Licking your lips in anticipation, you eagerly awaited for his cock to slip inside of you. Steve spit on his fingers, then moved them to your wet entrance, quickly finding your clit. He did the same with his other hand and fingered Scarlet. Lewd moans elicited from both of your mouths.
"Now kiss for me. Be good girls," he ordered firmly.
You wasted no time kissing Scarlet using your tongue, knowing Steve would love it. You were enjoying yourself immensely though, and it was for your pleasure and Scarlet's as much as it was for him to watch and enjoy.
"Hottest thing I've ever seen," he remarked before spitting on your pussy then hers as he continued to finger fuck you both at a rapid pace before suddenly stopping.
A wide grin formed on his face before he lined himself up at your entrance, teasing you with just the tip of his cock. You were still kissing Scarlet and moaning against each other's lips. Already you felt your orgasm fastly approaching.
"That's right moan for me," he cooed encouragingly as he thrust his hips, pistoning them and brushing back loose strands of hair from his face.
Steve hissed as he sunk deep and even deeper inside of your pussy. You gasped as he filled you up inch by delicious inch.
"Such a good cock, professor. So big for such a slut like me. Will I get an A?" You asked cockily as he pulled your pigtails.
"If you do as I say and let me fuck this little slutty tight pussy. And you missy," he addressed Scarlet, "Sit on your friend's face. I want to see how well she can eat pussy," Steve sternly demanded.
Scarlet positioned herself on your face, straddling you with her legs on either side of your head as you sat in the desk chair and she leaned against the desk.
"That's right, suffocate her with that naughty schoolgirl pussy," Steve ordered her with lust gleaming in his eyes.
Steve spanked your ass and pounded inside of you, not giving you any more time to adjust and with no warning. Steve pulled Scarlet in closer to him and kissed her as you rocked your hips and she played with her nipples as you ate her out with vigor and passion, moaning into her clit. Rutting inside you, he pumped his cock into your tight hole, gasping as he watched his cock jackhammer into you, going faster and faster. He flicked your clit with his finger, wanting to stimulate you, thus making you cry out for him.
"How does she taste tell me now!" He demanded before he slapped your pussy as it hugged his cock tightly. Steve loved a tight pussy, and yours was made perfect for his dick.
"So good. She tastes sweet," you whined as you felt his fingernails digging into your hips, no doubt leaving marks on your skin.
"She's so good at eating pussy. Amazing!" Scar cried out loudly as she ground her wetness on your face, running down your chin.
Steve grunted and growled fecally as he rolled his hips and his balls slapped against your pussy. Sweat was trickling down his brows as he fucked your wet and juicy pussy, having the time of his life. He loved putting women in their places and was doing just that with you and Scarlet. Scarlet was getting close to her release, and you were with yours as Steve pounded hard and fast.
"Dirty fucking whores! My little sluts. Be good girls for your principal if you want to stay at this university," he forewarned you both having fun with this and playing his role in this scenario.
"Mmm gonna cum, sir," you yelped in pleasure as his cock hit your g-spot.
"Me too, Principal Knight," Scarlet warned as she rode your face and you fingered her clit, sucking on her sensitive bud.
Pulling out, he stroked his cock a bit and replaced it with his fingers, making you cry out louder as you came all over them, even squirting a little. Scarlet gasped in shock and found her release, throwing her head back and fondling her breasts. Steve was content watching this as he pulled his fingers out and put them to Scarlet's lips.
"Suck my fingers, slut!" He bellowed.
She did with satisfaction before getting off your face and catching her breath.
"Suck my cock now, whores!" He ordered sternly as he pumped it with his fist still hard as a rock.
Getting on your knees, you both sucked him clean, tasting your juices on his cock, licking his shaft, and kissing as your mouths met at the tip. Sucking him into your mouth as you laved and licked at his cockhead and his shaft, loving how he tasted and how big he felt in your mouth. Alternating your mouth with Scarlets, Steve pumped into her mouth, hissing as she took him down all the way. He pulled out and then shoved his cock into your mouth, making you gag and choke as spit ran down his shaft.
Looking down at you, he moaned, then pulled out and went back to fucking Scar's mouth before yours again, making the most lewd noises. Suddenly he pulled out of your mouth as spit coated his shaft, the pearly tip leaking pre-cum. The three of you were having the times of your lives.
"Now I'm going to fuck Scarlet as she eats Y/N out."
Soon you moved over to the couch in the library and got comfortable. Steve slapped your ass then hers, getting a good grip of flesh, loving the feeling of being in charge of the situation. Scarlet grabbed a rabbit vibrator from her purse and handed it to Steve, letting him get a good look at it.
"Naughty girl. Now use this on your friend. Make her cum hard for me. See if you can make her squirt," Steve requested before handing the toy back to her.
Taking the toy and turning it on, she positioned it at your entrance, starting at a low setting to get you used to it as Steve entered her until he was balls deep inside. Moaning as he filled her up, she fingered you and licked your folds as Steve began pumping inside, holding her hair back as he did so. Steve's chest hair looked so gorgeous as he fucked Scarlet and she ate you out, sucking on your labia, making you cry out from the feeling of the toy's vibrations and her mouth.
"Fuck yeah, do that use that toy and eat that pussy," Steve sternly told her as he made eye contact with you and groaned loudly.
His pace was steady inside of her as he enjoyed the little show you and Scarlet were putting on for him. The sight of you two ladies together made him hard as a rock. Occasionally, you and Steve would look over at the camera, getting some good shots as you fucked. Surely people would love this porno and you were putting all you had into it. The best part of making the porno was giving each other pure pleasure.
"She's so good at this! Need to get in trouble more often so we can be punished more," you whined, not caring how needy you sounded.
"She's so tasty, Principal Knight. Thank you for letting me eat her pussy," she mewled between her groans of delight.
"Who said you could talk? Eat that pussy until she cums. NOW!" Steve sternly remarked before slapping her ass and playing with her butt plug before removing it. He fingered her ass, having her crying out even louder and eating your pussy with reckless abandon.
Even though you were acting, you were having the best time and hoped this meant something to Steve, and it certainly meant something to you too. The sounds you were making were orgasmic as Scarlet ate you out like it was her last meal and Steve fucked her hard, his balls slapping against her ass. She was not shy in the slightest as she used the toy at a higher setting and pleasured you with all her pussy eating skills. Threesomes were Steve's favorite, but this was the hottest and best threesome he ever had on and off-camera.
"Fuck yes like that! Yeah, gonna cum for you!" You practically screamed as the toy's high setting and her tongue hit your g-spot.
"Cum for us. I'm so close to needing to cum for you beauties," Steve forewarned Scarlet as he continued to finger her ass with one hand, his other rubbing harsh circles on her sensitive clit.
The toy had you cum all over her tongue and in her mouth as you rode out your high before she turned off the toy and put it to the side. Your swollen clit and dripping cunt full of your juices were licked clean by Scarlet as Steve pulled out of her, cumming all over her back. His fingers hit the right spot because she was cumming moments later in ecstasy and euphoric bliss as she screamed in satisfaction.
"Now lick it clean!" He instructed.
Wasting no time, you licked her ass clean and kissed her before swallowing. Opening your mouth for Steve, you showed him it was all gone now, and he smiled in satisfaction. Steve had more in store for the both of you and, as his cock was already getting hard again, he decided on what he would do with you and Scarlet next. Pulling out your butt plug, he placed it to the side along with Scarlet's and looked down at the two of you with the biggest grin on his face.
"What now, sir?" You asked curiously as you and Scarlet knelt in front of him with Scarlet's hands around your breasts.
"Yeah, well, now you have to finish your detention by letting me use your other hole. Your mouths were divine, your pussies even better, but I need to finish with your asses," he informed you both.
"Yes, sir. We would love to," Scarlet told him sincerely.
"Yes please," you told him with a smile.
He went to get the condoms and lube from his desk drawer and brought them back over to the couch. Steve unwrapped the condom from its foil packet and opened the bottle of unscented lube. He looked between the two of you as if deciding on who he should fuck first. There was one other item he had, and it was a gag ball, which made you open your eyes wide in shock.
"Since you want to be mouthy, you will use this for me as I fuck your friend, Candy. I am going to use you both to my liking," he admonishes.
Steve hands you the toy and smiles as you take it happily. He then puts the gag ball around Scarlet's mouth, adjusting it to make sure it isn't too tight. Once that was taken care of, Steve puts the condom on and lubes up his fingers, inserting them into your ass to get you warmed up from him, earning whines and mewls from you. Turning the toy on, you use it on Scar's sensitive clit.
"Oh, fuck your fingers feel amazing Principal Knight," you cried out as he smirks continuing to fuck your ass with his fingers then uses his tongue.
Once he felt you had enough and felt as if he had earned enough cries from you, he positioned himself at your back entrance and entered you inch by delicious inch. You gasped as he entered your ass crying out in pleasure mixed with a little of a pain at first and then with euphoric bliss from the delicious feeling of his big and thick cock. Scarlet watched with rapt interest as she moaned around the gag ball in her mouth from the pressure of the vibrations on her sensitive nub.
As he moved inside of you, Steve hissed and grunted from the intense elation of the sensations. He was getting from your ass, clenching his cock so tightly. You screamed delightfully for him against Scar's inner thighs, working the toy on an even higher setting on her clit, causing her legs to shake.
"Tell me how much you love my cock in your ass, slut!" Steve urged you as he picked up his pace, earning louder yelps and mewls to escape from your lips.
"So fucking good, sir! So good more, please!" You begged as you rocked your hips and ass as he pounded it with pure satisfaction.
"That mouth on you!" He admonished before slapping your ass cheeks hard and gripping the flesh tightly, squeezing it, causing you to scream for him even more.
Scar was feeling intense euphoria from the way you worked the toy on her clit as her creamy juices coated it and her cries muffled because of the gag ball she was drooling on. Steve only fucked your ass harder, his balls slapping and heavy with his cum. Rubbing harsh circles on your clit, he growled fecally as you licked your friend's asshole, still using the toy to overstimulate her pussy. After fucking you for a few more minutes and rubbing your pussy, he made you cum and squirt before pulling out, feeling his fingers soaked.
"Oh, fuck sir, you made me squirt!" You shrieked as he slapped your ass again, groping it and soothing the red marks he left with imprints on your ass.
Steve removed the gag ball from Scarlet's mouth and took the toy, turning it off and tossing both aside. Getting another condom, he put it on and got more lube. You switched places with Scarlet and removed your skirts, now fully naked, on the couch for him to use as he pleased. Rubbing lube on her asshole as she was lying on her back, he makes sure she is ready before he enters her and lets her get adjusted.
"Thank you, sir, for using my ass," you gratefully told him as he fondled and gripped your ass with his hands.
"You're welcome whore. Now you Y/N need to see you please your friend here as I fuck her ass," he requested with a glint in his eyes.
"Yes, sir, anything for you."
Steve began his thrusts inside of her tight ass, moaning as he fucked her and you began to fondle and kiss her breasts before sucking one of her nipples into your mouth and then the other. He watched with wide eyes, loving the sensations of how it felt to be inside her tight ass as you pleased her and made her moan from the sheer contentment she was feeling from all the stimulation and attention. Scarlet moaned into your mouth as you kissed and groped her breasts and Steve fucked her ass hard and fast.
"How does it feel with him in your ass, huh? How does his big dick feel?" You asked her with curiosity as she whined and tangled her tongue with yours as she rocked on his cock as his balls slapped and hung heavily, bouncing against her ass.
"So good. Feels wonderful. I love how tight it feels and I want it so badly!" She wailed against your lips, craving the way his cock twitched inside her ass as they chased their climaxes together.
"So close, you fuckin' slut gonna cum soon. Want to cum in your mouths. Finish me!" Steve bellowed as he pulled out and tossed the condom in the trash can.
Wasting no more time, you and Scarlet knelt in front of him as he jerked himself off and began to cum into your open and eager mouths, watching you take him all down your throats. You kissed after and he watched in rapt fascination, feeling spent from the wonderful fucking he just did. Spitting into her mouth, she swallowed eagerly as you also swallowed his seed until it was all gone. Steve pulled you in for a kiss and then Scar.
"Detention is over. Until next time, ladies."
That porno was one of many that you made with Steve and eventually, you made some with Eddie, too. The first porno you did with Eddie was him as the rockstar (of course) with you as the groupie. An adult film you did with both Steve and Eddie was a fantasy of Knights in shining armor, Eddie and Steve with you being the Princess who was the damsel in distress. A Halloween porno with you dressed as a witch and Eddie/Steve were the warlock wizards. Eddie was a pornstar as his part-time career when he wasn't being a big rockstar and a mechanic. Nothing came close to the first porno you did with Steve and your friend, but each one was seductive, erotic, and sexy. In one, you even dressed up with masks like it was a masquerade ball and Steve/Eddie were wearing suits and masks.
Once you even dressed as a librarian and the guys were your naughty college fraternity boys. Only that porno came close to the others. Since Steve liked aerobics so much, he even wrote a script for an aerobics roleplay that involved you and Steve with some other ladies in the industry doing an orgy. There was other time you spent with Steve and Eddie, of course, when the cameras weren't rolling and you were no longer filming.
Scarlet would even guest feature in some of the other films you did with Steve and Eddie, and each film was super hot and fun to make. You made a good deal of money, but you also did them for the experience, of course. Steve even won an adult star award for the best male performer of the year, and you won one as the best breakout star. Eventually, you dated Steve and Eddie, and nothing came in between the three of you. No other performers and no anyone else could break your bond.
talk dirty to me and bad to be good by Poison
porno star by Motley Crue
pony by Ginuwine
sexual healing by sarah connor
pour some sugar on me by def leppard
whole lotta love by led zeppelin
feel like makin' love by bad company
Love Bites (so do I) by Halestorm
fever by Judas Priest
I Touch Myself by Divinyls
cherry pie by warrant
come by prince
harder faster by a wasp
@corneliuswatkins @jadeylovesmarvelxo @ali-r3n @mrprettywhenhecries @ofhawkinsandvecna
@keeryatmosphere @daisy-is-a-writer @lovelythoughtfulcupcake @munson-mjstan @espressomunson
@eddiemunsonfuxks @seatnights @corrodedcorpses @hcwthewestwaswcn @bimbobaggins69
@thescoopstroopers @haceleyes @onegirlmanytales @thepurplelovewitch @ellharrington
@stolen-in-moonlight @hellv1ra @kelseyaparker19 @keikoraven @loritate7311
@somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @steveslittlesunflower @shichey97 @harringtonfan4
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