#so i feed mabel and we go on a walk
fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
Sometimes it really feels like the world is conspiring to keep me from reading
#first mabel wakes me up at 6am and spends the next hour snorting at me and stomping her little foot until i feed her breakfast#then my period arrives with a fucking vengeance and i have to sit upside down in a chair while wearing a heat pad#then my heat pad DIES (electric heat pad. i like the thing; it’s great that it’s wearable; but the fact that it can die bothers me)#so i had to charge it and i was still not doing well#then my alarm for my knee exercises went off so i had to do them#bear in mind i now have TWELVE exercises to do. up from six#and the standing exercises just about murdered me#so i’m lying on the ground sweating like a bastard; world spinning; an elastic band still wrapped around my thighs#and a fluffy little face appears looking down at my face. and i’m like ‘oh shit yeah! mabel! it’s time for your lunch girl’#so i feed mabel and we go on a walk#we get back and the amazon man is there with lightbulbs and manga and a tarot deck i forgot i even ordered#so i bring those things in and i unpack them and i take out the recycling#then i sit down with my switch to try to do something calming for a bit. but then my constipation breaks#and while i’m in the fucking bathroom the amazon man comes back all ‘sorry i forgot this other package’ and i’m like ‘yeah it happens’#bear in mind the package he forgot was literally the lamp that the bulbs were for. the biggest package of them all. and that’s not#a euphemism for anything. so then i have to assemble the lamp (floor lamp so it did have parts)#then after i finish this mabel comes and bows to me which is her signal for ‘if you don’t take me outside i will do my business#on this floor’ so i take her for ANOTHER walk#i get back and how the FUCK is it almost half past two. i’ve been up since SIX. i haven’t even done anything#i ate some food. i drank some water. i put my body through some bullshit. etc#in conclusion there is a conspiracy to stop me from reading. my dog + my own body + big amazon + my physiotherapist are all in on it#and that’s just who i know about#anyway. if you need me i’m going to put myself in the recovery position for a while#personal
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jybyls · 4 months
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Part 1
Warning: Teasing, R is kinda jealous, sexual tension but no smut, R is an actress too, and I think that's it.
Synopsis: Part 2, so you're visiting Jenna on the set of Finestkind, and you wanted to get your revenge after her teasing you but you end up in one damn of a situation
Words: 1k~
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Jen <3
You: Loveee ! Do you know what day it is ?
So today I finally get to see Jenna again and I'm terribly excited.
Jen: Hi love, did you sleep well ?
It's sweet she asks if i slept well because she knows I have trouble sleeping even more when I'm not with her. But currently I couldn't give a fuck less about my sleeping schedule.
You: Who gives a shit I FINALLY get to see you today !!
Jen: Oh yes that's right ! Omg I forgot it's already the day !
You: How could you forget ? I'm terribly offended.
Jen: Come on I'm sorry I really can't wait to see ya love ❤️
You: Yeah sure
Jen: Don't be like that
You: Ok ok I'm sorry
I'm really excited to see you tho ❤️
Jen: Me too ❤️
When's your flight ?
You: At 6pm.
Got everything pack already and I'm just gonna clean the house and feed the cats
Jen: Omg bring the cats with you !
You: Lmao I wish I could, but my best friend gonna take care of them while I'm gone
Jen: Really wish you could bring them :(
Miss them
You: More than me ?
Jen: That's a trick question and I won't answer
You: That is not a trick question woman 🤨
Anyway you're gonna pick me up at the airport right ?
Jen: Yes ofc
Need my little princess passenger
You: Tbh that's one of the thing I missed the most
Jen: Being my princess passenger ?
You: Yeah
Jen: You're unbelievable
You: I can't wait to see in your Mabel outfit in real life
Jen: Oooh right I forgot about that
I really bet you can't wait
You: Ok now don't be a teaser
Jen: I didn't do anything !
You: Aren't you suppose to work ?
Jen: Lunch break
You: Right
What scene do you gotta do after you're break ?
Jen: A lovey dovey scene
Oh right so whenever me or Jenna are doing a scene where we're kissing someone else we call those scenes "lovey dovey scenes" to not make the other one jealous. Which never works by the way.
You: Right I forgot that's basically all the movie is about.
Anddd now I'm jealous and she knows it.
Jen: Don't be jealous
We can recreate that scene if you want. It'll be soo much better than the actually scene
Will they make you feel better ?
You: Probably yeah
Jen: Alright. I gotta go my love I love you can't wait to see you ❤️
You: I love you too, work hard. I'll reward you when I'll get there ❤️
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Jen: Oh God.
She can't be the only one to tease.
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My plan arrived, and I've been looking around for Jenna until I saw a small figure looking around like I was. She turned around, and a smile immediately grew on her face. She ran up to me, hugging my waist tightly. "Hi baby. I've missed you so bad." She said, her face buried in my chest. "I've missed you too, love." My face in her neck holding her for dear life. She pulled away to kiss me softly. That's only when I realised she's still wearing Mabel's outfit. Oh God.
"You're still wearing Mabel's fit." I said while checking her out. "Yeah, you like it ?" She smirked. Fucking tease. "Yeah it looks even better in real life," I look up at her, not looking away from her mesmerising eyes, "you look so good, love." She just smiled at me, taking my hand in her. "Thank you sweetheart," she took some of my baggage and start walking toward her car, "by the way you know I worked real hard today." She made an allusion of our conversation earlier, I like to think that she kept thinking about that all day. "Remebered that huh ? Could you even think of something else all day ?" I teased her, I'm getting my revenge today.
"No I couldn't this is why I worked so hard, I mean, I had to think about something else than you which was really considering the pic that you send me so I think I deserved my reward." She started to ramble as she opened the door for me, I mumbled a small 'thank you' before starting to talk. "Right, you do deserve your reward." I smirked, seeing how hard I affected her.
Jenna is usually the one who has an effect on me and totally controls me, but from time to time, she lets me take control for a moment, so I'm enjoying it. Plus, I know as soon as she asks me to get down on my knees, I will.
On the way to the set of Finestkind, we talked about our day, going back and forth on random topics too. Once there, she made me meet everyone, but she hurried our way to her trailer.
"Remebered what I told you about recreating that lovey dovey scene ?"
"Yeah, I do, but what exactly was the scene ?"
"Let me show you ? You're Charlie, and I'm Mabel, ok love ?"
I only nodded, letting her guide me for now.
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Jenna is currently lying on her back while I'm kissing her stomach, begging for her to let me taste her. "Please, pretty please." I'm so desperate for her, but how could I not be? She has been teasing me for the past hour. It goes from pulling my hair away from a kiss to denying me pleasure her. It's driving me crazy and she's loving it, maybe too much.
"What do you want, baby ?" She smirked down at me. "You. Just you, please." I'm turning into a whining mess. She pretended to think for a moment before answering me. "Mmh, I don't know. Why should I ?" She's being cruel. She knows it, a small tear run down my eye. I buried my face in her thigh, holding her like my life depended on it. "Because you worked so hard today, you need to release some stress." She can't deny me for too long she'll eventually give in.
"Okay, then have me, baby." She caressed my hair softly, I looked up at her checking if she was playing with me, but I realised she wasn't and immediately started to get to work.
We're having a long night.
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feeder86 · 2 years
Lust and Loyalties
It had been fate, Jed was sure of it: being offered a promotion in the very city where his online girlfriend, Shelly, lived; it was the universe telling him that they were meant to be together. He needed to put away his reservations and jump in head first. Shelly was so smart, with an incredible wit and interest in the world. She was beautiful as well; three hundred and fifty pounds, with a big, gorgeously soft belly, enormous breasts and one of the most jiggly asses he had ever seen. Jed’s dick felt like it was pumping out heat as his plane drew closer and closer to the destination. At long last, he was going to be living the life he’d dreamed about for so long. He’d struggled to accept his fascination with fat. Somehow, because he had been so sporty and popular in high school, he’d drifted from one fit girlfriend to another; spurred on by the friends he’d surrounded himself with; none of those women never  ever really igniting any spark of attraction in him. He wanted to caress Shelly’s belly every night, rub her stomach as she ate and watch her fat ass bounce up and down as she walked. It was exactly the sort of pampering Shelly desired too. Despite her size, she wanted to be fed more, enjoying every single lardy pound on her body. Getting away from his hometown and everyone he knew would help Jed to shake off those expectations they had all seemed to have for him. He was now finally free to be himself and to love whoever he wanted.
Jed saw Shelly’s large form waiting for him as he came out of arrivals. He ran towards her, dropped his bag and kissed her so deeply, she would never forget it. People stared, of course. In this sad world, it wasn’t often that athletic, muscular guys like him went out with short, spherical girls like Shelly. But Jed was in love; and from now on, everyone was going to know about it!
Shelly lived in a house share with four other people. However, it didn’t seem to be anything like the rowdy, party experience that Jed remembered from his similar set up in college. 
“So, it’s Sarah, Martin, Mabel and Danny?” Jed asked, trying to get the housemates’ names in his head, given that he would be staying with Shelly for a couple of weeks whilst he looked for his own place in the city.
“Yeah,” Shelly nodded apathetically. “You saw Sarah and Martin on the way in. They’re the couple. Mabel spends most of her time at her girlfriend’s place and Danny is just a jerk.” She was lying in bed, having been treated to five rounds of the best sex Jed had ever had in his life.
“I want to get to know them all though,” Jed replied. “If they’re part of your life, I want to show them how serious I am about being with you.” He looked on at Shelly’s blubbery, fat body, feeling like the luckiest man alive. Was it possible to fall in love this fast? Before today, he’d never even met her in the flesh before. Now he was wondering how long he would have to wait until he could ask her to marry him! “That reminds me,” he whispered seductively into her ear. “I bought you some super-fattening cookies I found at a special store at home. Over two thousand calories in the box!” His eyes lit up with arousal. “Maybe I could feed them to you…”
Shelly stiffened. “I’m not really hungry,” she stated plainly.
Jed backed off, feeling that he had misread the situation somehow. They’d spent hours online talking about feedings and how much food Shelly was going to eat for him. “”Okay, that’s fine,” he backtracked, feeling awful for suggesting it. “Shall we watch a movie instead?” he asked, settling in for his first quiet evening with the love of his life.
“My, my, my!” came a curious voice as Jed stood, dressed only in his boxer shorts in the small, shared kitchen. “So you’re Shelly's new boyfriend?”
Jed looked over at the guy and knew at once that he was Shelly’s other housemate, Danny. He didn’t need to be told that Danny was gay; he could simply tell by the way he was blatantly checking him out. “I’m Jed,” he offered politely, pausing his preparation of Shelly’s breakfast to go and shake the guy’s hand.
“So you’re the one who is into fat chicks then?” Danny asked bluntly as he returned Jed’s firm handshake with an equally strong grip.
Jed retracted his hand and scratched the back of his head awkwardly, chuckling a little nervously. He could already tell that Danny wasn’t the type of guy to sugarcoat things. “Yeah, I guess I am,” he replied, deciding that honesty was the best policy in his new life.
“She won’t eat all that,” Danny stated, seeing the tray full of food Jed had lovingly crafted for his girl. “Shelly is fat because she’s lazy and she’s always been big. Nothing more.”
Jed wondered why Danny was trying to make a point about the breakfast. During their six month online love affair, Shelly had never failed to express to him how much she longed to devour one of his ultimately fattening breakfasts.
“I’m just trying to limit your expectations,” Danny continued, getting his protein shake out of the refrigerator and walking out, clearly on his way to the gym.
Jed could see why Shelly didn’t like the guy. He had a rather obnoxious tone that was going to quickly get on Jed’s nerves. He finished frying up the bacon and headed back upstairs to surprise his sleeping beauty with his many delicious treats.
“I need coffee,” grumbled a sleepy Shelly; audibly groaning as she spied the tray of food. “And… I never eat breakfast,” she announced flatly, as if she was offended by Jed’s lack of knowledge about her.
“Oh, but I thought…” Jed began, thinking to explain himself and deciding better of it. This was all new to him after all. So what if he wasted a bit of food? He was here with Shelly for their first morning together. He wanted to lie in bed all day with her and get to know even more about her. He wanted to be a walking, talking encyclopaedia of her. So, he took a took a couple of slices of bacon for himself, climbed back into bed and waited patiently for Shelly’s morning coffee to pull her out of her grumpy mood.
Jed’s new job was a marathon of stress. Since he’d found a small room in his own house share, he’d hardly had time to even see Shelly. He’d chosen a cheap, dirty room in a rough neighbourhood so that he could better save up enough money to buy somewhere nice for himself and Shelly. He felt bad about not seeing his girl so much, and yet, somehow, he was confused with how relaxed Shelly was about only being together on weekends.
Moving out of Shelly’s place had been a surprisingly welcome relief. As much as he loved his new super-sized girl, it had been hard to deal with the drastic differences in their libidos. Jed could have worked her body twenty-four hours a day, yet Shelly hadn’t wanted to have sex at all last weekend. He’d had to masturbate in the bathroom to calm himself down; not wanting for Shelly to ever see him as some sort of sex pest; or for her to get the impression that he was only with her for her body. Still, he did begin to think that maybe his own imagined future with her had been a little naive. Despite the things that Shelly had said when they were long-distance, her fat body and the prospects of eating for Jed really didn’t do it for her. It was okay though. Jed didn’t need that to feel satisfied. He remembered how funny and clever she’d been in her responses to his messages when they first found each other online; such insight and humour. It was impossible not to love her. Shelly didn’t like coming over to Jed’s new place. It was a couple of bus rides and a small walk up a moderate hill to get there. And so, after that first visit, Jed was the one to compromise; realising that they would have to spend their weekends together at Shelly’s place.
It was their four month anniversary and Jed wanted to do something nice together, but felt conscious about suggesting food places out; not wanting Shelly to think that he was trying to inflict his fat kinks on her. In the end, they stayed in, watching a reality TV show that he hadn’t expected to be Shelly sort of thing. They’d talked for hours about their favourite TV shows online, yet Jed’s humorous references to the shows they had both loved seemed to fall flat with her; like she hadn’t even watched them at all. It was the same with her music taste and, upon inspection of the paperback books Jed had sent over to her in those early days, not a single one had even been thumbed through, despite the detailed conversations they had both had about them.
“Back again?” smirked Danny as he opened the door for Jed after he finished work that Friday night and headed straight over.
“Hi, Danny,” Jed mumbled as he breezed by him, on his way up to Shelly’s room.
“Those work pants are looking a little fitted, aren’t they?” Danny remarked, stopping Jed in his tracks.
“What do you mean?” Jed asked, caught off-guard as usual by Danny’s random comments.
“Just what I said,” Danny went on. “Your pants. They’re a little snug. Mind you, I suppose it was always going to happen: new job, new city, dating a fat, lazy girlfriend. You were always bound to get a little junk in the trunk.”
Jed walked on, not knowing how to reply. Shelly was engrossed in another dreadful reality show and hardly turned to him as he came in and lay next to her on the bed. “I’m just going to the bathroom,” he whispered quietly; escaping during the most irritating elimination part of the episode. 
Locking the door behind him, Jed went to the bathroom mirror, his brain replaying the words Danny had said to him at the door. There he twisted, trying his best to get a look at his butt in the reflection. Did it really look bigger? It was just the cut of the pants, surely? He undid his belt and lowered the pants to the floor. He pulled the waistband of his underwear down too, but just enough to cup the glutes. There, he tapped and jiggled his butt cheeks as best he could. Did they move like that before, with that odd squishiness? Having never struggled with weight gain before, Jed found his heart was racing, even as he pulled his pants back up and buckled his belt again. He had to agree completely with Shelly: Danny really was just a jerk, making him feel self-conscious like this.
Jed noticed the fit of his clothes a lot more over the coming weeks. It made him irritable at work to feel his pants pinching him around his hips. He looked around their small office, noticing for the first time that no one here was slim. Every person had at least a small belly on them; no doubt brought on by the endless amounts of cakes and cookies that were frequently brought in by everyone throughout the week. Jed began to think about how much different his life was here as well. Back home, he would have gone to play basketball with a few buddies a couple of times a week. Here, there was no one and no time for such luxuries. He rode the bus into work, sat all day at his desk and then retreated back to his dingy bedroom, usually picking up some take out to avoid having to spend any time with his questionable housemates downstairs.
“Do you think…” Jed began, deciding to broach the subject with Shelly after a few weeks of keeping it to himself. “Do you think I’ve gained a few pounds since we’ve been together?” He rubbed his middle, where he’d noticed earlier that week that one of the buttons in particular had been looking a little stretched.
“Have you been talking to Danny?” Shelly asked suspiciously.
“Not recently,” he replied “Why would you ask that? Has Danny said something?”
Shelly shrugged. “He just likes to… You know what he’s like!” 
“What’s he been saying?” Jed demanded, flushing a little red with annoyance.
“He just… said a couple of times that you’re getting a little chubby,” Shelly finally admitted. “It’s fine though! You’re still handsome. You’ve been stressed at work. And I’m sure you’ll lose it when the summer comes.”
“Chubby?” Jed repeated back to himself. Where the hell did Danny get off talking about him like that behind his back? “You don’t think I’m chubby, do you?”
Shelly paused for a second, as if she didn’t know how to break it to him. That was when Jed felt it: a sudden kick in his dick, like it had just bolted upright. Shelly thought he was getting chubby too? “You think I’m getting fat?” he asked, wondering why his heart was beating so fast and why his voice had suddenly become so breathy?
“Maybe. Just a little,” Shelly finally nodded, turning back to the TV screen and leaving Jed to wonder why he had suddenly become so aroused.
Despite being off all day, Shelly had fallen asleep early that night, leaving Jed to listen to music with his headphones, lying next to her in bed. He felt like he needed to masturbate, but he knew that if Shelly woke up and saw him, she would not approve. His dick felt so hard and a sneaky trip to the bathroom was the only hope he had of getting any sleep that night. So, pulling on his t-shirt, he crept out of the room, sighing as he heard someone moving about inside the shared bathroom. Suddenly, the door unlocked and flew open, with a large-bellied young guy standing at the door shyly. He smiled, then trotted back down the stairs and disappeared into Danny’s room on the first floor.
Jed looked on in confusion. Shelly had told him that they were to stay upstairs that night because Danny had a date coming over. But, that guy… he surely wasn’t Danny’s date? He was too large and doughy; holding just as much blubber on his unconditioned rear as he did on that oversized gut of his.
Shamelessly, Jed grabbed his empty glass and crept down the stairs, pretending to need a drink. He glanced through into the kitchen, amazed at the mess in there: empty plates and bowls, packaging and pizza boxes. None of it looked like the sort of stuff Danny regularly ate.
His interest piqued, Jed crept over to Danny’s door, placing his ear as close as he could to the wood.
“Ready for the next slice?” asked Danny’s deep voice from inside the room.
Jed heard a mumble of agreement. “Yes, Sir,” came the response from the large guy who had just disappeared inside. 
“Good!” Danny shot back. “Piggy is going to get nice and fat for me tonight!”
Jed couldn’t make out what the guy said in reply. His voice unintelligible, moaning softly, making Jed wonder what pleasurable things Danny was doing to him inside. Stood stealthily outside Danny’s room, Jed looked down to see his hand firmly clamped around his own dick, listening to the sounds of the two kinky men inside.
“Ooo! That’s it!” Danny swooned. “A nice BIG bite! There’s a good piggy. We’re going to make those buttons pop later!”
Jed removed his hand the moment he felt he’d gone too far. His dick was bubbling and writhing as if unable to be controlled. He tried to stuff it back into his underwear, but as he heard Danny’s date oink like pig, he felt his dick erupt and a lake of sticky warmth spreading in his crotch. Somehow, perhaps it was the fact that he didn’t want to come, Jed’s situation was playing to a naughty streak within him, stood outside, listening in like this; only making the orgasm more intense. Even as he tried to coordinate his legs to get himself back upstairs as fast as possible, he could still feel himself coming; only finally starting to calm down as he made it back behind the locked door of the bathroom; amazed at the sudden mess he’d made in his underwear.
Jed felt his cheeks flush a little red as Danny came through to the kitchen the next morning. Never before had he done something so voyeuristic as to masturbate like that outside someone’s door. With his girlfriend asleep upstairs, it had been completely shameful of him.
“Morning,” smiled an oblivious Danny.
“Shelly told me you had a date last night?” Jed asked innocently, hoping some small talk would ease him through the interaction. “How did it go?”
Danny smirked to himself. “It was… very productive,” he chuckled to himself.
“You think you’ll see him again?” Jed went on, stirring a cup of coffee for himself.
“Probably not. He doesn’t live around here,” Danny sighed with obvious disappointment. He suddenly looked around the kitchen, startled. “Did you clean up in here?” he asked.
Jed nodded. The guilt had been like a knot in his stomach from 5am that morning. Cleaning the kitchen after Danny’s date had seemed like the least he could do. “It’s no big deal,” he shrugged.
“Yes, it is!” Danny smiled. “I set my alarm early to get this place sorted before everyone woke up. We made one hell of a mess last night!”
“Don’t worry about it,” Jed insisted, trying to walk away. “It really didn’t take me that long,” he lied.
“Let me pay you back!” Danny blasted, trying to keep Jed there. He checked his watch. “Lazy Shelly won’t be awake for at least another two hours. Let me make you breakfast!”
“There’s no need!” Jed tried, feeling his heart suddenly racing at the idea of being cooked for by Danny; especially after seeing the remains of all the wickedly fattening things he’d cleaned up from the date last night. 
“I insist!” Danny stated with an uncompromising certainty. “Sit your butt down. You haven’t lived until you’ve tasted my cooking!”
Jed wished that he could have controlled his boner. He tried to breathe deeply as he felt it throb once the sound of sizzling from the frying bacon reached his ears. The smells too were a sensory overload. Somehow, the fact that he couldn’t see what Danny was doing in there made the experience all the more surreal. Somehow, in a series of strange and unforeseen circumstances, he had learned in the last twelve hours that Danny was an actual, real-life feeder. And there he was, right now, cooking up a delicious breakfast for him. What had been the chances of finding another fat lover in this small house? It was so bizarre, considering how he and Shelly had actually met on a dating website devoted to feederism kinks.
“How does it taste?” Danny asked, simply watching as Jed sat, with a large tray of food on his lap. “Good?”
Jed nodded in approval. “There’s just so much of it!”
Danny simply chuckled. “Well, I wanted you to know how grateful I am,”
“I don’t think I can eat it all though,” Jed admitted, inhaling for a second and holding the top of his stomach.
“Sure you can,” Danny coaxed him. “Just one bite at a time. That’s all it takes.”
By the time Shelly finally woke up over an hour later, Jed somehow felt even guiltier than he had before. He had eaten Danny’s entire breakfast and the thrill it had given him to do so was gnawing away at his conscience even now.
“Let’s go out today!” he insisted. “Anywhere you want!”
Shelly sighed grumpily. She really wasn’t a morning person.
Jed had never thought of himself as someone who buried his head in the sand, but his current strategy for dealing with his situation sought to prove him wrong. He didn’t have to accept that he was gaining weight if he didn’t acknowledge it in any way. He wasn’t about to rush out for a gym subscription, or somehow find the time to start jogging around the daunting streets of his neighbourhood. His relationship with Shelly wasn’t quite how he had pictured it in his head. She was beautiful, yes, but she didn’t have any of the qualities or interests that Jed had moved over one thousand miles across the country to be with. Then there was Danny; the biggest conundrum of them all. What was it about that guy that intrigued Jed so much? Why did he feel the compulsion to get up earlier on a Saturday and Sunday morning to have breakfast with him while Shelly slept in?
Hamster cheeks; that was what Jed could see he had now. He studied his face in the mirror, wondering why he hadn’t noticed until that day. Most of the little changes to his form he could hide by wearing something baggy, and sweatpants had become his new best friend after work. But those cheeks were not going to be so easy to conceal. His dad had not been especially complimentary the last time he headed home and struggled to keep up with him during an impromptu jog around the block. The city had made him lazy, his dad had claimed; so much fast food and convenience right there on the doorstep. But , somehow, Jed got the strange feeling that people weren’t as surprised as they might have been to see him carrying a few extra pounds. They had all seen the pictures of him with Shelly and had witnessed for themselves what Jed really appreciated in a girl: the curves, the blubber, the fat. It was like Danny had said, dating someone so big was bound to have an effect on his waistline. It was as if he had been playing with fire all along. So, why did the thought of sliding into weight gain feel so arousing to him?
For the first time, Jed found that he was grateful he hadn’t saved up enough cash to get a nicer place for himself and Shelly yet. He stood in his bedroom mirror, sighing with relief as he undid his pants and then took a few minutes to study the marks his clothes had made on his body. The creeping softness as it spread across his physique never failed to arouse him and he grabbed his dick as he surveyed the changes. He’d started to develop such a little pot belly in recent weeks. He sucked it in and pushed it out with a feverish lust for his own reflection. He could feel the build up of mass on his love handles and sensed the tightness of his underwear as his glutes swelled with each passing day. It was one thing to admire Shelly’s curves and blubber; yet it was something entirely new to feel it beginning to happen to himself. His own choices had done this to him: the career path, the takeouts, the lazy weekends with Shelly, the breakfasts with Danny. Was this his life now? Had he really lost the battle of the bulge? Was this the start of him turning into nothing more than a fat guy?
“Why don’t you start thinking about getting a gym subscription or something?” Shelly asked, clearly trying to be diplomatic, despite her tone of irritation.
“Because we’re trying to budget,” Jed explained. “You know what apartments go for in this city. We want to live together, don’t we?” he asked, squeezing the fat girl tightly.
“Yeah, but, I’ll be the one who is stuck having to look at your belly every day,” Shelly grumbled. “Why can’t you just tone up, like you used to be when we met?”
“I didn’t know that it bothered you so much,” Jed lied, feeling like his bubble had been burst. He’d pretended not to pick up on Shelly’s subtle hints about his weight for a good couple of months, thinking that he could ignore them entirely. Shelly’s failure to confront him about how chubby he was getting had allowed him to start to imagine a future where he didn’t have to worry about being slim anymore. How hot would it be to live with a fat girl and actually be fat himself too? As he masturbated, alone in his bedroom across town each weeknight, he’d began to fantasise about it, rubbing his newly rounded pot gut. 
What would she say now if he told her he wanted to keep it? That he found it arousing to express his fat kinks on his own body, given that Shelly had decided against letting him feed her? That his love of fat was not something he could quash and dismiss like he had hoped. 
“I’ll try my best to get back to my old weight,” he promised instead, deciding to be a good boyfriend after all.
Gone were the takeouts and oversized weekend breakfasts. Shelly’s impatience with Jed’s weight had forced him to take a very hard look at himself. The evidence of all that bad food was now written all over his thicker stomach and bubble butt. He could see it in his thighs and love handles, arms and chin. It had crept onto every part of him, softening his athletic physique and expanding below his skin, altering his looks with fifty pounds of pure fat. It was arousing to think of how effortless it had been to get chubby, and yet, incredibly frustrating to see how hard it was to lose.
“Which gym is it you use?” Jed asked Danny, finally deciding that dieting alone was never going to give him the results he needed to please Shelly like he desperately wanted to.
“Is Shelly still giving you a hard time?” Danny responded with a sigh. He’d resented the fact that they couldn’t have breakfast together at the weekend and had told Jed there and then that he thought he was a fool to let Shelly boss him around. “Tell her to stick it. She doesn’t exactly have a leg to stand on, complaining about someone else’s weight!” he grumbled, repeating what had become his own personal mantra of late.
Jed sighed, but he knew  he couldn’t allow himself to think that way. Just because Shelly was a big girl, it didn’t disqualify her from having a right to a preference about Jed’s body.
“You can come with me to my gym later,” Danny finally relented, as if finally able to see Jed’s predicament. “I have a free pass that I’ve never used. If you really want to lose a few pounds… I guess I could try and help you with that. Not that Shelly deserves all this effort you’re putting in,” he added sharply. There really was nothing Danny seemed to like about the girl who had captured Jed’s heart all those long months ago. 
The sweat was pouring down Jed’s face as he slouched on the changing room bench. He felt disgusting, with his t-shirt clinging to his enlarged form and he began taking down at least a pint of water as fast as he could. “That was awful!” he complained.
“You’re the one who said you wanted me to push you hard,” Danny chuckled wickedly.
“I’m not going to be able to move tomorrow,” Jed grumbled, already feeling his muscles aching. He’d been surprised at how fit Danny actually was. Even in the time Jed had known him, the guy had packed on a lot of muscle, making Jed feel a little strange as they walked into the gym together, looking so contrasting. “I bet this is a great place for you to pick up guys,”Jed commented as he saw Danny taking off his shirt, ready to take a quick shower. He’d noticed all the looks Danny was getting, and rightly so; the guy was sculpting his body to perfection.
Danny laughed and shook his head. “No. The gym is not really the place to find the types of guys I’m into.” He looked at Jed with a wicked pleasure. “Let’s just say, you and I aren’t as different as you think…” he teased.
Perhaps Danny thought he was being coy, but Jed knew exactly what he meant. How he wished in that moment that he could confess his desires to Danny to grow fatter, just like those guys Danny loved to date. To enjoy the blubber and to think of none of the other expectations upon him. The freedom from the endless pressures to be a certain way in life. It was the reason he had moved here in the first place and what he thought he could have achieved with Shelly. The frustration of his circumstances built like a pressure in his head and in the whole time Danny was showering, he simply sat to the side, trying not to watch and give into the attraction he felt for his friend. He needed to tell someone how he was feeling: about Shelly, about his body, about his hatred of being asked to lose weight like this. He pictured saying those words to Danny: ‘I want to get fat.’ He imagined the guy’s surprise and hopefully, his eventual understanding. After all, like Danny had said, they really weren’t that different from each other.
“Same time tomorrow?” Danny asked as they both left the building that evening.
“Sure thing,” Jed replied with a sigh.
People thought they were being kind, lavishly throwing their compliments at Jed as the first couple of pounds began to melt away. It made Jed feel flat; like his final opportunity to explore his love of weight gain had been taken from him forever. Despite everything Shelly had said and promised him before he moved over here, she had never had any intention of exploring Jed’s infatuation with her fat body. She didn’t like the belly rubs he wanted to give her and despised how horny he became whenever she looked her most blubbery.
Despite his resolve to lose weight, Jed had become obsessed with the pictures he had collected of himself at his biggest. The evidence of his gain was so obvious in his face as he posed with Shelly on their days out, and he stared in awe at how wide and thick his butt seemed in some of the shots Shelly had taken of him. He got hard, thinking about what people must be saying about him back home as they perused these very pictures on his social media. ‘Have you seen how fat Jed’s got since he moved away?’ he imagined them asking each other; then gasping with shock as the photos were shown to them. The truth was that Jed had loved how nicely the fat had packed onto his once athletic physique. He adored how the fat had swollen up his butt cheeks, making them squishy and plump; how his love handles had bulged outwards and destroyed the strong V-shape of his broad back. His belly too had been completely perfect: solid and round looking beneath his chest, even as the fat had started to take away the muscular look of his arms and legs. He’d become the sort of man ten years older than himself, with three demanding teenage kids and no time for exercise: the dad-bod shape that had slowly started to fascinate him.
There were so many sites online dedicated to the appreciation of a swelling man’s form. Jed had begun to study them all, finding guys who had taken the plunge for real; letting their bodies grow as they really wanted them to. Jed could see those guys who had once had similar builds to himself and he looked on with fascination, scrolling through their pictures and seeing exactly how they had grown. He could picture himself in those shots; gain an understanding of exactly how he would grow if he just kept on eating: how many more pounds until his chest started to swell and the rolls of fat began to form on his back. His resolve faded, despite his promises. He convinced himself that a couple of weekend workouts with Danny would be enough for him to continue dropping the pounds.That he could maintain his workplace snacks and late night take outs and not suffer the consequences. But, with an absolute inevitability and erotic thrill, Jed soon felt the familiar tightening of his clothes once more.
Jed remembered it clearly, a boring Wednesday evening in the middle of winter, when he had been exploring his interests in weight gain online: another new site, full of fat men and their admirers; packed with sexually charged exchanges and erotic recounts of their exploits. How many of these guys lived in this city? Jed thought to himself, searching through the profiles. His eyes bulged, seeing the familiar face and muscular body of a man he knew very well. So this was where Danny met all his lovers, Jed realised; his heart beating furiously as he clicked onto the profile.
Danny’s eye watering number of followers was testament to how well he kept his profile. As Jed scrolled through the pictures, he could see just how much Danny had sculpted his body into the sexy muscular physique he had today; so contrasting to the enormously overweight guys he occasionally pictured himself shirtless with. Jed was already hard as he continued through the profile, checking out Danny’s status updates over time. Then his jaw dropped as he found himself so obviously the subject of one of the updates:
‘I was so hard walking into the gym with my housemate’s boyfriend tonight. Three words, guys: FATTER THAN EVER!”
Jed could hardly believe it as he read more and more posts. It was as if Danny had been documenting the entire process of Jed’s gains for his many eager followers. There were pictures too; never identifiable ones; usually taken from behind as Jed had no idea.
“Look at this fat ass! I don’t think he even realises how insanely tight his clothes are getting. I can’t even begin to describe just how much I want to fatten this guy up,” Danny had posted longingly.
Jed couldn’t look anymore. He felt himself coming even as he tried to calm himself down and click off the page. His penis boiled over like a volcano, the orgasm strained and full of guilt. Jed clicked off the site, deleting his profile and vowing that he would never again return.
“Only 3 sets?” Jed laughed, seeing that Danny was already packing up his stuff at the gym and finishing at least twenty minutes earlier than Jed had anticipated; leaving tonight with barely a sweat on him.
“I’ve got a date this evening. He’s coming over to the house at eight” Danny explained, checking his cell phone once more. “I want to head to the supermarket first and get supplies in.”
Jed’s imagination sparked into life. Danny was having another date and he needed to pick up food supplies? Surely that could only have one incredibly kinky outcome. “I’ll come with you; help you carry the stuff home,” he offered kindly. “Shelly started streaming another dreadful reality show this week, so it’s better than having to go back and put up with that.
Danny nodded, accepting the company. “Just… don’t judge me, okay?” he cautioned without explaining what he was even referring to.
The shopping cart was loaded within a surprisingly short amount of time. Danny seemed pumped and enthused in a way that Jed had never seen him before; enjoying the dopamine of a spending spree. “Another cheesecake?” Jed laughed. “Do you really need that?”
Danny grinned. “I might… You don’t know the types of guys I like to arrange dates with. They’ve got to have a good appetite or I’m not interested.”
“So, you expect him to eat all of this?” Jed laughed, trying to hide his arousal at Danny’s wild expectations.
“Don’t pretend you wouldn’t get a kick out of seeing Shelly taking all this down!” Danny laughed. “I told you, you and I are one in the same.”
Jed had the sudden realisation that the prospect of feeding Shelly hadn’t crossed his mind in a long time and, now he really thought about it, the idea didn’t arouse him as much as it would have done, once upon a time. He followed Danny around the supermarket like an eager student, desperate to learn; then helped carry it all back to the house.
“What’s the blender for?” Jed asked, captivated by watching Danny prepare as soon as they got home.
“My special recipe!” Danny enthused, beginning to throw in a whole carton of whipping cream. “It’s basically pure fat and sugar. I try and make it taste good for them…” he explained, throwing in some chocolate sauce and vanilla powder, “...but, really, I’m not so bothered about that. It’s the calories I want; a massive overdose of them in one incredibly sexy shot!”
Jed’s dick was hardening as the blender roared on, mixing those carefully chosen, and highly fattening ingredients, into an innocently disguised chocolate shake. It was thick and oozy, pouring perfectly to the brim of a large flask without wasting any of it. “So, your date is going to drink that tonight?” Jed asked, his heart beating with excitement at the idea.
“I hope so,” Danny nodded. “He’s three hundred and ten pounds, but quite short, so his belly is pretty big! He claims he wants to be fattened up to four hundred. But, you know, sometimes they just tell you what you want to hear,” Danny shrugged, looking at Jed as if he understood exactly how his and Shelly’s brief foray into feederism had gone down.
Jed couldn’t settle upstairs, knowing that Danny was having his date just below him. Shelly had chosen a movie with the simplest, dumbest plotline, and yet, even that he was finding hard to follow. “Don’t go downstairs,” Shelly warned as Jed grabbed his empty glass. “Danny’s on a date, remember. Trust me, you don’t want to disturb them! Who knows what you could walk in on.”
Jed protested how thirsty he was, refusing to get water from the bathroom and insisting that he wanted one of his beers, given that it was Saturday night. He crept down, pushing his hardness up so that it was held down by the tight waistband of his pants. He hadn’t known what to expect; how kinky it would be once Danny got his hands on another fat boy. However, the sight that greeted him was fairly tame. Danny sat himself into the corner of the couch, with his date resting slightly against his strapping chest. His arm was draped over the fat guy’s shoulder, while his other hand gently rubbed the man’s admittedly very nicely developed gut.
“Sorry to disturb you…” Jed whispered as he crept into the kitchen and pulled out his pack of beers.
“It’s fine,” Danny replied, sounding bored as a movie played on the TV in front of them.
“Do you guys want anything while I’m in here?” he asked, trying to be helpful. “Some snacks, cheesecake, beers?” he listed, realising how much he wanted to see the feeding in action.
“I think you’re okay,” Danny replied. “We’re taking it slow…” he added, with a slight hint of irritation in his voice.
Running out of excuses to hover around, Jed took himself back upstairs. Shelly fell asleep straight after the movie, leaving Jed still wide awake, sat up reading his book and listening out for the sounds from downstairs. It wasn’t late when Jed heard Danny saying goodnight to his date and closing the door behind him.
Midnight ticked by and the curiosity in Jed’s mind was becoming unbearable. How much had Danny stuffed into his date? Had the guy left with an even larger, aching gut, barely able to waddle back to his car? How sexy that must be! He crept downstairs once more, into the silent darkness and noted with surprise how clean and tidy the kitchen was. Danny had plated everything up, taking over the refrigerator with the copious amounts that remained. How disappointing! Danny thought to himself, looking at it all. Shelly was going to hit the roof when she saw it; all that food, and no space for anyone else’s things. It was exactly the sort of thoughtlessness she loved to complain about in Danny. Jed wondered if he could rearrange it a little to make it all fit better, and avoid the drama of Shelly’s inevitable outburst. Some plates of things he could combine. The cheesecake looked great and would fit on the plate with the pastries if he cut a little off for himself.
Jed moaned as the creamy goodness melted onto his tongue. Somehow, it tasted so much better, knowing the Danny had picked it. That little slice had probably added more calories that he’d burnt going to the gym that afternoon, he realised with a chuckle. That’s why Danny had spent time studying the nutritional information on the back of the box, looking to find the most fattening one in the store. He felt his hardness throb at the memory of that; realising that he could probably fit a little more on that plate if he took another slice.
Maybe it was the six beers he’d quickly consumed up in Shelly’s bedroom that had knocked his self control, but as soon as that second slice of cheesecake hit his tongue, Jed felt a surge of sexual energy rip through his body. He picked up the pastries, one in each hand and bit into them with a feverish lust for consuming. The other plates came out and, overwhelmed by his own seemingly bottomless capacity, Jed began clearing them one by one. Everything he had told himself about needing to lose weight for Shelly was being slowly eroded. He never imagined that he could eat like this; his dick aching for those little strokes he gave it between each new item.
Jed could feel the sticky cream and grease smeared around his face. His stomach had bloated up, even larger than he had ever seen it before. Yet there, in the side of the refrigerator, completely untouched was the massive calorie shake he had seen Danny mix up earlier. He couldn’t, could he? It hadn’t been made for him. But his hand was already reaching for it, unscrewing the lid and turning it up to meet his lips. It felt thick as it hit his tongue and took a surprising amount of effort to swallow. But that was where the true eroticism seemed to emanate from: he had to want to swallow it down; to let the calories flood his body and fatten him. It was a choice he was making, to grow fatter and allow his love of blubber overwhelm him. He moaned quietly into the empty, upturned flask as he came inside his underwear one again.
Jed hadn’t worn his sweatpants in a little while. But he’d woken at 6am that Sunday morning, still feeling incredibly bloated and full from his stuffing only a few short hours before. Although a little less stretched, his tummy was round and hard. He threw on his largest t-shirt to try and conceal it. What had he done last night? It was by far the dumbest stunt of his life so far. How was he going to explain the sudden disappearance of all that food?
Jed got himself up and tiptoed downstairs, wondering how much of a mess he had made in the kitchen. He remembered trying to clean up, but all the beer, sugar and calories dominating his system had more than likely hindered the job. He was right. Crumbs and blobs of cheesecake covered the kitchen floor and counter. Chocolatey fingerprints smeared the front of the refrigerator, like some horrific crime scene. Plates were discarded in the sink and it was those Jed set about clearing up first. As the water ran, he didn’t hear the footsteps of Danny creeping up on him.
“I thought I cleaned this place last night?” Danny asked, dressed in only his underwear and rubbing his eyes sleepily. He opened the refrigerator, upon seeing the finger marks and raised his eyebrows in surprise. He looked over at Jed, seeing the empty flask that had once contained his fattening shake, almost washed clean and half immersed in the water. Jed had been caught red handed. “Well, well, well…” he smirked. “So that was you I heard rummaging around in here last night?”
A spark of panic ignited in Jed’s eyes. “Please don’t tell Shelly!” he blasted. It didn’t even occur to him to play it cool or blame someone else. “I’m supposed to be losing weight and… I don’t know… I don’t know why I did it!”
“There’s absolutely nothing left!” Jed laughed, taking another look in the fridge. “You’ve eaten every last bit!”
Jed blushed and turned, scrubbing the plates as if he could erase his mistakes just as easily as those grease marks and smears.
“Don’t panic. I won’t tell Shelly,” Danny’s calm voice stated behind him, seeming to sense his anxiety. He strutted over to lean on the counter beside Jed and tried to look him in his eyes. “But just tell me one thing,” he insisted. “Did you enjoy it? Eating like that?”
Jed didn’t look back at him. He always tried to avoid making eye-contact with Danny when he was half naked like this, but this time he tried for the briefest of seconds. “Yes,” he admitted guiltily.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jed saw the broadest smile fill Danny’s face. “Good man!” the guy nodded, giving Jed’s a little, friendly pat on his rear as he strolled back to his bedroom, leaving Jed to finish cleaning up his mess.
“I might go on the treadmill while you do your pull ups,” Jed mumbled, looking around the gym the next weekend. Despite his concerns, Danny had been remarkably unchanged with him; not once bringing up the embarrassing incident from the previous weekend on their way down there.
“No, just watch while I do this,” Danny replied, handing Jed his towel and beginning his routine. Even when he was pushing himself to his limit, Danny seemed able to hold a conversation; chatting away to Jed like this was all nothing to him.
Jed looked at his watch. They had been at the gym for forty minutes already and he had done absolutely nothing but chat to Danny that whole time. “I’d best get started on my treadmill cardio,” he chuckled, holding out Jed’s sweaty towel and rucksack for him to take back.
Danny looked down at the offering, not moving to take them. “You’re not going on the treadmill,” he stated with absolute certainty. “I’m just getting you out of the house so that Shelly doesn’t think you’re skipping the gym. You’re just going to hold my rucksack and towel and keep me company today.”
“Danny!” Jed whispered, almost in a panic as his friend wouldn’t take his stuff back, but went striding over to the next station. “I can’t do nothing the whole time we’re out!”
“You’re not doing ‘nothing’. Look! You’re doing a little bit of walking!” Danny teased as Jed followed him across the weights area. “Don’t argue with me,” he finally stated, turning to face Jed properly. “I’m your friend and I’m trying to help you. Just trust me!”
“But, Shelly…” Jed began.
“Fuck shelly!” Danny spat in frustration. “We’re doing this for you, not for her. Just be selfish for once in your life! You’ve made enough sacrifices for her. I’m not letting you make another one.” He took his stuff from Jed and threw the towel on the floor as he reached inside his bag, eventually pulling out a flask of protein shake and handing it to Jed.
“Is this what I think it is?” Jed asked, holding another huge helping of Danny’s special calorie shake.
“There’s another six of these back home too,” Danny nodded. “If you can get them down, they’ll give you exactly what you’re after.”
“And what’s that exactly?” Jed demanded.
Danny sighed and looked with the utmost sincerity at his friend. “Shelly is never going to let you enjoy this kink. I know she told you she was into it all when you were dating online, but she was just playing you. All she wanted was a handsome boyfriend with a good career. She simply told you what you wanted to hear! And now she’s got you living out a boring little existence; one that you never wanted.”
Jed frowned, wondering how Danny would even know all of this.
“But, this…” Danny implored, pushing the calorie shake even closer to Jed, “...is something you can do. It’s a pleasure that nobody can take it away from you. You just have to have the confidence to take it.”
Jed stared into the eyes of his friend offering him exactly what he had secretly desired for so long. That was when the realisation hit him and he knew with absolute certainty that everything he had ever known, was a complete lie.
Later that evening, Jed carried his heavy bag down the stairs, loaded with absolutely everything he had ever left in Shelly’s bedroom. Danny came out of his room, having already sensed what was going on from the raised voices as Jed and Shelly had argued upstairs. 
“I ended things,” Jed said with a sigh. 
“Look, I was being stupid before. I didn’t mean to make you doubt things and…”
“No, you were right,” Jed cut in. He gazed over Danny’s shoulder and laughed at how obvious it had been all along: the rows of books and LPs scattered on the bedside table, matching Jed’s tastes exactly. “You and Shelly never used to hate each other, did you?” he asked. “My guess is you were pretty good friends at one point. Good enough to help her find a guy who wouldn’t see her size as a problem?”
Danny looked on guiltily. “I swear, I thought you were just some catfish, or one of the usual flakes on those sites. I didn’t realise that guys like you even existed: genuine, honest, loyal men who were seeking a real connection. You’d message Shelly and she’d come to me, asking me to reply for her; making her sound more intelligent and into the same things that you were. She started boasting about you to her friends, and it was only when you told her you were falling in love with her that I realised we had gone too far. I’d made you believe that Shelly was an entirely different person. I stopped having anything to do with it. But then, there you were, moving your whole life to be with Shelly, just like that! I told her that she needed to tell you the truth and we… Well, we haven’t even spoken to each other since.”
Jed nodded. He appreciated Danny’s honesty, but he hadn’t needed any explanation. It had all clicked into place for him back at the gym. He’d spent a long time mourning the pen pal he had loved back before he moved here to be with Shelly. He so wished that she would become the fun, kinky, playful and funny person he had flirted with online. He’d hung on to their tired relationship for months because of it. Now that was over.
“Do you hate me?” Danny asked.
“No,” Jed replied straight away. “I could never… I just wish I had known, that’s all.” He started walking towards the front door but turned to look at Danny once more. “Was it special for you too? It wasn’t just in my head, was it? Those messages; there really was a genuine connection?”
Danny placed his hand over his heart as if to swear to his honesty. “I’ve never felt anything like it!” he nodded. “You were… you ARE the most incredible man I’ve ever met.”
Jed felt a wave of relief and gratitude wash over him. He dropped his bag and stepped closer to Danny; so close that he could feel Danny’s breath on his face. “Prove it,” he demanded.
Danny brought his fingers towards Jed’s, and the pair gazed into each other’s eyes. Then, both together, their eyes closed and they leaned in for that first, perfect kiss. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that!” Danny sighed as their lips parted once more. He went in for another kiss, but Jed stopped him.
“Not here,” Jed whispered, gazing up at the ceiling towards Shelly’s bedroom. “It wouldn’t be fair.”
“No, you’re right,” Danny agreed, stepping back. “But, what now?”
“Now we… take a little time, explore things; see where this is going,” Jed considered, picking up his bag once more and flashing one of the open pockets to reveal Danny’s six flasks of calorie shakes, already packed and ready to go. “You’ll have to swing by my place and collect these at some point soon,” he smiled cheekily. 
“I’ll hold you to that,” Danny nodded back keenly, finally watching Jed leave the house for the last time.
Jed had taken a little longer than he anticipated before he was ready to get in touch with Danny. Now that he wasn’t saving for a dream apartment with Shelly, he’d decided that his current living arrangements could be improved, finding a tiny one bedroom place that he could easily afford to take on. It had been hard to get into the right headspace, leaving that whole imagined future he had mapped out with Shelly and swapping it for something new. Danny seemed to understand that, but when he finally came over to see the new place, he seemed awkward and shy, like their kiss hadn’t ever happened.
“I really thought you might quit your job and head back home now you’re single,” Danny rambled, taking in how nice and settled Jed seemed in his new apartment. 
“No way,” Jed chuckled. “I have too much to lose by leaving, and a lot to gain,” he grinned, slapping his little gut upon the pun.
“I certainly noticed that your tummy’s looking a little thicker,” Danny threw back, seemingly relieved that the conversation could move forward onto a subject they were both equally passionate about.
“Thanks,” Jed smiled, still rubbing the curve of his belly. “I think I have a bit of a skill for gaining weight. It’s such a satisfying feeling when your clothes are getting tighter. A couple of the girls in work have been rather flirty since they found out I’m single again. It’s the last thing I need right now, so kick-starting a properly fat gut was a priority for me. Plus, I really wanted to impress you when you came over.”
“Well, consider me impressed!” Danny marvelled, stepping closer. “May I?” he asked, with his hand out ready to feel the shape of Jed’s protrusive belly. 
“Be my guest,” Jed nodded keenly, raising his arms a little to give the handsome man easier access.
It was hard to describe how pleasurable it felt to have Danny’s large, warm, appreciative hand sliding over the curve of Jed’s larger belly. His fingers were experts at finding the softness and detecting where the freshest fat had placed itself. It was as if they had known Jed’s body their whole life and were marvelling in even the finer details of his transformation. 
Jed lifted his shirt up to allow Danny’s fingers to touch his bare skin underneath the shirt and, from the deep moan of delight the guy let out, Jed could tell that Danny was getting just as aroused as he was. When Jed took off his shirt completely, their open, horny mouths fell into each other and, for the first time, Jed’s own hands began to explore Danny’s muscular physique that was now so much different to his own.
“You’re getting so fat!” Danny whispered between kisses. “You’re even getting proper tits!” he exclaimed, sliding his fingertips over the increasingly pointed nipples.
Jed wondered how every single word that came out of Danny’s mouth was so supercharged with eroticism. The way his hands felt up his body, it was like he was being touched for the first time. He’d never imagined his bizarre sexual fantasies, that he had tried to suppress for so long, being catered for with such perfection. It was no surprise that when Danny’s roaming hand found its way to his crotch, his hardness was like concrete.
The pair pulled away, breathless with lust, but knowing that they couldn’t rush straight into the bedroom. They had only just been reacquainted and this was, after all, still very new to them both. Danny tried to shake it off, walking over to the kitchen and opening the refrigerator door out of curiosity and a need to keep himself busy. However, the sight that greeted him made him laugh out loud. “Shit! No wonder you’re getting so fat!” he shouted, picking up a box of cream cakes and suspiciously thick homemade milkshakes in the same flasks he had taken from Danny the last time he had seen him..
“If you want to be a fat guy, you have to eat like one,” Jed stated with absolute certainty. The more fat he had gained and the higher he had witnessed the scales climbing up and up, the more confident he was that he needed to be very large indeed.
“Let’s drink to that!” Danny smiled, swinging the refrigerator door closed whilst holding two large flasks of gainer shake, ready to pour them both down Jed’s throat for the first time.
“I think my mom likes you more than she does me,” Jed joked as the pair of them drove back to the hotel, midway through their weekend in Jed’s hometown. Two years had gone by since they’d got together and Jed couldn’t even imagine being happier. “If it weren’t for how fat you’re making me, I think she would be signing the adoption papers right now!”
Danny grinned and took one hand off the steering wheel to pat the enormous, proud gut that protruded from Jed’s torso. Maybe it was the extreme stuffings or how consistently Jed had been overdosed on calories every single day since they made it official, but the man had fattened up like a dream. At well over four hundred pounds, there wasn’t a single part of his body that had been spared from the transformation; even with his great height. It drove them both wild how much the lard had taken over now; how it sat on his body and jiggled when he walked. “I don’t think your family realise that I’m going to have you over five hundred by the time we get married.”
“Five hundred, huh?” Jed grinned. “I thought we both said we’d try and set four-fifty as the limit?” he asked with a wry smile.
“I think we were both a little naive if we thought we’d be able to stop there, don’t you?” Danny stated with complete seriousness.
Jed’s hardness pulsed, just like it always did with the way Danny described the inevitability of his situation. His feeder had been there every step of the way: letting out his pants, training up his capacity and indulging him in the most erotic ways imaginable. Tomorrow they were going to be meeting up with a few of Jed’s old high school buddies and even the thought of that would be enough to make him power his way through the mountains of food back in their room later tonight. It was the way Danny was so unafraid to enjoy his body, no matter who was around them: the rubs across his belly, the hand sliding across his big, broad butt. There wasn’t a soul alive who couldn’t recognise that Jed had asked a feeder to marry him; with all the blubbery consequences that delivered for his once athletic body. It was strange, yes; but everyone could see how well they bounced off each other; how Jed’s sense of humour was matched so wickedly with Danny’s, as well as their passions and values.
As Jed had wandered into his old bedroom back at his mom’s place that afternoon, he tried to imagine the man he had once been, first dipping his hand into his interests by messaging Shelly and falling so erroneously in love with her. He remembered how hard he had come, looking at all that blubber on her body; blubber that now draped across his own overfed and overindulged physique. What would his old self say if he saw him now? That guy who had not yet unlocked the key to where his love of fat truly lay. They’d found a drawer full of Jed’s old clothes, amusing and arousing them both in equal measure with how ridiculous it was now to imagine such an obese man wearing them. No doubt Danny would squeeze him into that tiny shirt later and use how horny it made him to pump Jed full to the brim with calories that would make yet another pair of work pants too tight. However hard the guy had been at making him work out in the gym was nothing compared to how uncompromisingly he pushed those calories onto him.
“Are you ready?” Danny asked as they pulled up in the car park, spinning to unclip his seat belt and then Jed’s too; lifting it up and over the man’s large stomach. “We want you looking nice and big for everyone tomorrow. You know how horny it makes me showing you off to everyone in your hometown.”
As if on cue, Jed’s stomach gave a rumble. Neither of them chuckled at the perfect timing of it. They only smiled and leaned in for yet another loving kiss.
“Let’s grow this belly!” Jed smiled, ready to impress the person he knew he had always truly been meant to be with.
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adoremp3 · 4 months
BIG YES to the no string birthday special! Please feed us queen
your wish is my command (and no judging, it was a very rough scene i wrote randomly one day lol) (and i included two paragraphs i started to set the scene but ignored bc i just wanted to get to the good stuff but......it gives you bg info kinda)
Deciding what to buy Harry for his birthday was an absolute nightmare. I mean, what does someone buy for someone that says “hey, we’re just friends, even though I’ve seen you naked countless times and heard you moan in a way that’s magic to my ears”? There isn’t exactly a card for that either.
Two glasses of wine in, though, my less than sober thoughts decide to spice things up a little. Harry is in the middle of explaining a project he’s working on for the company in Bath when I decide to rest my hand on his thigh—completely innocent, of course. 
“Harry, are you okay?” Gemma eventually asks, thankfully not noticing the way Harry is practically biting his fist and tightly grips his spoon.
“I’m—oh, thank God,” he tries to say, but it’s in this moment that I decide to tuck him back into his trousers; Gemma’s already begun to notice something is up with him, so I don’t want to push it too far. “I think I’m just—something isn’t sitting right. I need to… Sorry, excuse me.” He pushes his chair back, skillfully holding his napkin over his crotch in a way that still looks placed and a way to prevent his clothes from getting dirty but in actual fact is a way to hide his erection. 
Gemma looks at me curiously, though I’m trying my absolute hardest not to grin at the thought of Harry rushing to wank one off in a public bathroom. “I had the same as him and feel fine… Should I be worried?”
Unless Michal starts finger banging her under the table, Gemma will absolutely be fine. Instead, I stand up from the table as well and say, “I’m just gonna go check on him. Can’t have him feeling ill on his birthday, can we?”
She doesn’t look entirely convinced, but I still excuse myself and rush off to the toilets. I brace myself as I push open the male toilets in fear of finding a group of men wondering what the fuck is happening, but instead am greeted by the sounds of jagged breaths coming from one of the stalls. Definitely worrisome had someone other than myself walked in.
“Harry?” I call out, trying to work out which stall he’s in. 
“Oh, God. It’s you,” I hear, then one of the doors unlocks and Harry tries to pull me in.
It’s a tight fit in the stall, so I’m really not sure what Harry thinks this will achieve. “I don’t think this is made for two people.” 
“Well, maybe you should have scoped out the loo situation before you decided to wank me off under the table,” he exasperates, then grabs himself in one hand. “Now, care to finish what you started? Otherwise I’ll do it myself.”
“Someone’s a little bossy,” I tease, but grab his length nonetheless. “And what’s your plan of action when we eventually return after a long term of absence?”
“Again, something you should’ve thought about before deciding to get us into this mess.” Harry sounds bitter, but I just bite down on my lip to prevent a chuckle from escaping; I’m very amused by it all. “Speaking of, what was your plan if things, uh, got messy under the table?”
I shrug, slowly beginning to pump him. “Used your napkin?”
“Hospitality staff really should get paid more.” Harry’s breath hitches towards the end of his sentence as I pick up my pace and grip a little harder, while his free arm slides around my body and uses my ass as something to squeeze. “You know, when I wished for birthday sex, this really isn’t how I pictured it.”
“Who’s to say I still don’t have big plans for you later? Maybe this was all just a warm up.”
“I don’t think I can handle as many orgasms in one night as you can, Mabel,” he says, breathing heavily as his eyes flutter shut. “Okay, I’m getting close now. Please don’t stop.”
As Harry’s hips thrust into my hand, I pick up the pace even more. “Didn’t plan on it.”
Harry has pre-come leaking from his red, swollen tip and I know his end is near, but even more so as his free hand reaches across and starts to knead my breast. I know this is all about Harry, but there’s already a wet patch in my knickers and this certainly doesn’t help one bit—maybe I will have to remind Harry about those multiple orgasms again later tonight. 
“Oh, fuck,” he curses, eyes squeezed shut as he throws his head back against the wall. “I’m so close, Mabel. Don’t stop, don’t—”
We both pause as the door to the male toilets flies open, in walking two men discussing how sticky their meals were and how their napkins just aren’t cutting it. Fuck, we’re about to get caught. However, as long as they stay near the sinks and avoid the stalls, we should be good.
I let go of Harry’s cock in a panic, but Harry grabs my hand immediately. “Keep going,” he urges quietly so only I can hear him. “Ignore them, let me come, and then we can head home so I can fuck the daylights out of you.”
“And what did you say just before about multiple orgasms?” I tease in a hushed tone.
“Oh, shush.” Harry brushes me off. “Usually have a pre-date wank before we meet up, anyway—you know, so I can last longer and all that—but didn’t get a chance today. Guess it’s happening now, though.”
There’s something about the way Harry refers to us catching up as a date that sticks out to me, but I brush that thought away until a more appropriate time to let it consume me—it is already consuming me as I think about the idea of what an actual date with Harry would entail, but again, I try and push it to the back of my mind and focus on the situation before me.
We’re both surprised as one of the men makes their way into a stall one space from ours, praying he doesn’t sense there’s two people hiding inside. Harry, however, takes my hand in his and wraps my palm around his cock; he pumps himself at first, guiding me into a comfortable rhythm, before eventually letting go and squeezing his eyes shut as pleasure begins to override him. 
I can sense he’s about to tell me he’s close, but I know this much is obvious with the way he’s impossibly hard under my touch and gripping at the skin on my hip. The man finishes up in the stall and heads back to the mirrored area to wash his hands, but he’s barely out the door as Harry finally reaches his peak; he throws his head back, knocking it against the wall, and comes in ropes half in my hand and half in the toilet. 
“And those men thought they had sticky hands,” I comment, gesturing my head towards my come laced hand. 
Harry lets out a sigh of relief that it’s all over.
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anextrapart · 2 years
Jimmy brings home a dog!
You know what anon you are so right.
I don't think they could/would have gotten a dog earlier in their lives, they were too busy with work. Swimmy McGill/Honey/Atticus Fish was more than enough for them. But now they have a house, and a yard, and even though they still work a lot they do a good amount of it from home because they like being near each other.
Getting a pet isn't really on Kim's radar though. She'd loosely considered it back during The Dark Times (what Jimmy now jokingly calls their six year post-breakup pre-reunion era), even went so far as to read up on cat ownership a little bit, but she'd never had a pet before and it felt like way too much of a Decision.
So, unsurprisingly, Jimmy is the one to raise the idea. He'd never had a pet before either (except for his fish), but Marco'd had a dog when they were growing up and Jimmy remembers loving that dog. Young Jimmy had begged his parents for one of his own, secretly hoping it would keep him company when he was lonely and want to be his friend no matter what, but they'd never quite come around to the idea.
There's no one thing in particular that triggers the idea for him now. But he sees people walking their dogs around town or playing with them in the park and it always looks like they're having a great time. And sometimes when Kim does go into work for the day and he’s alone for a while, he can feel himself getting a little antsy/panicky by the afternoon. He has no doubt that she's coming home and they text each other all day anyway, but he thinks it might be nice to have some company around the house.
He brings it up one evening while they’re in bed, Kim on her iPad and Jimmy with a book, casually mentioning dog ownership in a way that Kim can immediately tell is not casual.
“We’re not getting a dog, Jimmy.”
He’d expected this--he knows Kim doesn’t do things impulsively, of course she’s going to start at a position of “no”--so he launches into his sales pitch.
“We don’t need to commit to it at first, did you know that you can actually foster dogs now? You agree to take care of one that isn’t ready for a real home. You exercise it and feed it and teach it manners, and it makes them more appealing for someone to take on permanently.”
Kim doesn’t even look up from her iPad, biting back a smile. “In the early nineties that was my plan for you, and look where that got us.”
Jimmy yelps indignantly and grabs the iPad away from her, tossing it away to the end of the bed, and there’s a few minutes of laughing and play wrestling before they settle back down. Kim’s back where she started, sans-iPad and leaning up against the headboard, but Jimmy plopped himself down with his head in her lap. 
He’s staring up at her with that look on his face, the one that’s open and adoring and that she’s seen there nearly since the day they met.
“Just think about it?”
Kim traces his brow with her fingertips. “I will.”
They have a foster dog living with them by the following month. 
It only takes a few days for Jimmy to see that Kim is completely sold and that the dog is definitely never leaving, but he plays along with her supposed hesitation for a while, hiding his grins when the dog follows Kim around the house with a smiling mouth and a wagging tail.
The dog obviously has a name when she first comes to them, but once they officially decide to keep her Kim lets Jimmy change it, and from that day on her name is Mabel.
(you can cast whoever you like as the dog since I think many different breeds/mixes would suit them, but in my mind she is played by Olive Odenkirk because of course she is)
send me mcwexler ideas or prompts for after jimmy gets out of jail and I’ll try to write headcanon/fic stuff!
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sweepweep · 7 months
@qrystalqueers if I wanna hear about your timeline, do I EVER??
I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT MABEL STARTING THE APOCALYPSE!! That’s so good! I would absolutely adore a quiet comforting conversation between the two. They’ll reassure each other, tell each other that it was out of their control. All while blaming themselves.
Also, you remember the Dipper and Mabel’s Guide to the Unexplained? Where they had a whole thing trying to find out the cause of Stan’s “tatoo”? I feel like they’d do that with all of Jon’s scars
|Dipper talking| “And here we have-“ *pans over to Jon growling at a 3-headed deer* “the thing that calls itself Jonathan Sims/Blackwood/Blackwood-Sims/Simswood.” *pans back to the twins* |Mabel cuts in| “and he’s BRITISH!” |Dipper pushes her away| “yes, BUT he’s weird…” *pans back to Jon cat-fighting the deer* “he has these weird scars, and we’re going to find out where he got them”
I feel like they’d live maybe less in any town and more so just in the woods. Technically the Scottish Safehouse was the happiest time for both of them: During the Archival Period, Martin was dealing with his mother, and I’m pretty sure Jon was homeless. (He had a cot in the archives, he admitted to keeping clothes in the archives, he was described as thin, frail, and never seen eating, and after his kidnapping he didn’t even consider his own home — he went straight to Georgie’s) They would’ve been at their best isolated together in that homey little cottage. I desperately want to put them in the woods, a 15 minute walk from town, in a nice little place resembling the Safehouse. It’s so fluffy and sweet to me ❤️❤️❤️
Martin and Jon adopt a cat because it’s domestic and sweet (name ideas?)
I do however, continue to live off of drama, so I wanna toss out the idea of no one knowing exactly how supernatural Jon it until Bill comes along (because fluff is fluffier when following drama imo)
Jon probably works part time at the Shack as an attraction but like everyone just assumes it’s fake
Stan probably overhears Jon and Martin complaining or joking about Gertrude and hits us with the fact that he and Gertrude went on a few dates before “she had to go back to her own dimension — what’s it called? London?”
Jon makes many “going out to get food” jokes and just goes and feeds on trauma (lord knows GF residents have enough of it-)
One last thing, how do you feel about GF ships? I’m pretty apathetic to most of them, so lmk what you might wanna see! (I will not ship Bill with anyone though, or anything cursed, toxic, or illegal, sorry.) Otherwise it doesn’t matter if you want a certain relationship or not! (However I do have an incredibly hard time writing Dipper and Pacifica together)
But it’ll really only be in the background nothing super main
And um, of course I want to hear more about your timeline! I’m infatuated with drama and angst, so it’ll be really good to get an outside perspective on anything!
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Touch with Louise Rakers
For February’s #CMTOUCH talk, we’ve partnered with Louise Rakers of Nordic Cooking. We chatted with Louise to learn a little about her talk this month at Frothy Beard Brewing. 
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1. What do you love most about what you do?
Creating new recipes and cooking. Oh I love cooking so much! On top of that I love surprising my clients with powerful flavors and a beautiful set up. I always go for the wow effect and really love to show Charleston that plant based food can be healthy, stunning and insanely tasty.
2. What inspired you and how did you become involved in your current career(s)?
I struggled with my gut all through my early 20s. A parasite infection and severe burnout from my job in social services caused me to travel to Thailand to do a detox retreat in Chiang Mai. It changed my life completely and I started learning about the plant based cuisine and herbal medicine. I also learned in the same go, that I was celiac. My love for bread and cake made me work hard to figure out how to bake without gluten and make delicious and beautiful creations. I still try to learn as much as I can by traveling and working with other chefs. Life is all about learning and learning never stops. My chef skills are constantly developing and I cannot get enough of it.
3. How do you start your day?
Morning snuggles with my baby and water with greens powder. The day starts early at our house. I have never been a breakfast person, so most mornings I have an oat latte from the Dime during my morning walk with the baby. Then around 9/10 am I have a smoothie.
4. Tell us about your proudest moment or accomplishment.
One of my proudest moments in my career so far has been an invitation to be featured at Opening Night at the Charleston Wine and Food Festival this year. It is an honor to help represent Charleston in a fully plant based and gluten free way.
But my overall best accomplishments are at the dinner events, cooking classes, weddings where we feed guests that don’t like vegan food and they tell me “if I could eat like this every day, I could be vegan”. That makes me proud of my work.
5. Do you have a hidden talent?
       Definitely an excellent karaoke singer if you ask me! Others might disagree.
6. Who or what gives you creative inspiration?
I always feel like traveling gives me fresh inspiration to create and dream of new recipes and ideas. My best work has always been after a trip somewhere and I feel like the change in culture and food helps keep me inspired.
7. Coffee fuels our morning events. If you’re a coffee drinker, what’s your go-to order?
       I love a good latte, counter culture beans are my favorite actually, with oat milk or homemade cashew milk.
8. What is your favorite place in Charleston?
       I have many places I adore, but I truly love Sorghum and Salt. I appreciate their use of vegetables and always feel inspired after having their vegan tasting menu. For a good glass of wine I recommend Graft or Blum if you want to find good organic wines. Neon tiger has amazing cocktails and if Mabel Maes Bakery had a shop I would camp right outside.
9. How do you unwind or de-stress?
       Might sound cliche, but I cook my way out of it. Being a brand new mom came with a lot of new stress and sleep deprivation. Cooking and journaling my recipes during postpartum was my favorite way to relax and feel connected to myself.
Rapid Fire:
morning person or night owl?
Morning Person
Summer or winter?
Summer (spring really)  
Mountains or beach?
Pancakes or waffles?
Fiction or non-fiction?
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feferipeixes · 3 years
kidnap (tautober #23)
(AO3 link)
“What can I say? We’re on a roll!” Tanner took a sip from his cup, then bent down to get some more water from the cooler. “Last night’s episode of Post-Transcendence Horror Story opened to our biggest audience ever! We were even trending on Twitter for like an hour, until those two K-pop singers switched bodies and got back on top. Hey, Kara!”
Tanner waved at his friend, who had just stepped into the hall. She had a slightly bemused look on her face, and did not parry his greeting as she walked up to the cooler.
“Kara? What’s the matter?” Tanner leaned across the cooler to get closer to her, and ended up with a wet patch on his suit jacket. “Trouble down in the mail room? Did someone forget to feed the furnace again?”
“No, no, nothing like that,” Kara said. She looked up, finally, and flicked Tanner in the nose, seeming to return to her usual demeanour. "You better watch yourself, too, bud; keep making fun of the mail room and I will personally make sure that the CEO gets copies of all of your non-business related mail.”
Tanner’s face turned red, and then he broke out into a grin. “There she is. So, what’s up?”
"Well, you know the new Horror Story episode that aired last night?” she asked.
“Of course!” Tanner said, straightening up. “We were just talking about it, weren’t w- ah, everyone else left. Well, I was just talking about what a success it was. None of those American viewers ages 18-35 could’ve guessed that Sarah would get kidnapped, by her own schoolteacher no less!”
“Right,” Kara said, "but one of our fans had, well, some interesting thoughts about the kidnapping. Seriously, I can’t stop thinking about it -- look at this.”
Kara fished through her purse and handed Tanner a piece of green construction paper with words written in yellow marker. He glanced at her in confusion, and then started to read.
“Hello. My name is Hank and Im 10 years old. My mom let me watch Transendance Horror Story and I wanted to tell you that I think it doesn’t make sense that Sara fell asleep when she got hit on the head. I have been kidnapped 3 times and i know how it works. They tell you that they have candy or that your mom is in jail and then you go to a dark room and they summon Alcor the Dreambender or a different demon but mostly Alcor. Alcor likes kids very much though so he always saves me. Your show is very cool and scary but I think it would be even better if you did more realistik stuff like that thank you.”
Tanner looked up slowly at Kara, absolutely dumbstruck. She pulled the letter out of his hand and tucked it back into her purse, then maneuvered around her friend so she could sit down at the table. “See what I mean? I don’t even know where to begin with this.”
“Oh, I do,” Tanner replied. He turned around and now Kara could see his slightly-terrifying glee which usually preceded his more maniacal plans. “This kid just handed us a golden goose. I think I know how our next episode’s going to end.”
“Sh-shouldn’t we be concerned about a little boy who says he’s been kidnapped and sacrificed to demons three times?” Kara called after him as he marched down the hall to his office. "Or at least say something to his parents about letting him watch our show if he's only ten? Tanner, get back here!"
(Mabel and Stan sat in utter disbelief as they watched the new episode of Post-Transcendence Horror Story with the triplets, where a cult tried to offer a kid named Hank to Alcor the Dreambender, but Alcor gave the kid a kiss on the head instead of eating his soul. On the floor in front of them, Hank beamed with pride, while his sisters traded furiously jealous looks and planned how they'd get back at him.)
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pixie88 · 3 years
Christmas Shopping
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Chapter 3 - Addicted to you.  
A/N: It felt so weird writing/editing this chapter in the middle of summer, but that’s how their timeline worked out! I can’t remember the last time I released a H&L chapter or wrote one to be fair, I think after this I have 2 more in drafts. Better get back to it! I hope you like it 😘  
Tagging those who asked to be tagged but if you want to be added let me know!
Read previous chapters HERE!
Warnings: Fluff & NSFW
Songs: Kelly Rowland - Commander, Rihanna - Only girl, Magic - Rude & Wyclef Jean - Perfect gentleman.
Word Count: 2673
Pairings: Laila x Harry
Enjoy! 😘  
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A couple days later.
"So what are you going to get Harry for Christmas?" Nikki asks her as they had taken a break from shopping to have some lunch. "I have no idea what to get him!" she sighs. "I'm sure he'll be happy with you in some sexy lingerie," Nikki winks at her Laila lets out a loud laugh making people turn to look at her. "Or you can get him a Santa costume?" she laughs.
"What are you getting Stu?" Laila changes the subject. "He wants a new aftershave, I can't remember what he normally wears. What does Harry wear?" Laila has a think "Erm...a few different ones really Paco Rabanne One Million, Davidoff cool water, Boss Bottle that one what's his face is in the advert....the guy that plays Thor. Is one he smelt recently and liked but he didn't get it because they sold out and only had the sample bottle."
"You can get him that! I might have a sniff to see if it's something Stu would wear too!"
After lunch, they are walking through the shopping centre, Nikki ended up getting Stu some aftershave. Laila was still unsure what to get Harry, so Nikki drags her into Ann Summers. "What about these??" Nikki holds up some fluffy handcuff, Laila snorts. "We already have some, but without the fluff!" Nikki puts down the cuffs "What about cock ring? Closest Harry will get to sticking a ring on it!"
"We have that too," Laila blushes. "Crotch less knickers?" Laila nods signalling she has those. "Weighted love ball?" she asks and Laila again nods. "Feather tickler?" nod, "Blind fold? Riding crop?" Laila again nods, "Jeez, it would be easier to ask what you haven't got!" the pair laugh, "What? It has been eight years remember!" Laila winks at her.
"What about anal beads or ball gag?" Laila pulls a disgusted face "Finally! What about nipple clamps?" Laila laughs, "Only if they're being used on him!" she laughs. "God! Just think 6 months ago you were a born again virgin...now look at you! Getting more action than all of us put together!" Nikki giggles "Just over 7 months actually!" Laila corrects her.
Laila's phone Pings.
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"Nikki! Look what Harry has done to Mabel!" she hands her the phone. "Awwww! Laila how adorable do she look!" the pair coo over the photo. "Has she met her new dog walker yet?" Nikki asks as she hands back the phone "She's met her, she's actually taking her out today." she smiles.
They ended up leaving the shop with some Christmas theme lingerie.
Laila arrives home all the lights are out "Harry?" Laila calls out. "I'm in the living room!" he calls back, she hangs up her coat and makes her way across the hall. When she opens the living room door the room is lit with tea and fairy lights, there are blankets and cushions on the floor in front of the coffee table. On the coffee table there is a chocolate fondue with fruit and marshmallows next to it "Aww Bear! What's all this?" she wanders over to him on the floor. "Where's Mabel?" she looks round the room as she sits next to him.
"She's gone to bed, Nessa took her for a 2 mile walk today!" he cups her face pulling her in for a soft kiss. "Aww, are they getting on OK?" he smiles, "Yeah, I've booked her in for Monday to Friday this week coming about lunchtime, so you'll met her this week."
"Right, enough about this dog walker. Are you going to let me feed you?" she winks, he leans forward grabbing a strawberry and hands it to her. She dips it into the chocolate and guilds it towards his lips, he's just about to take a bite when she redirects it to her mouth and takes a bite. He laughs and reaches over and pulls her lips to his. His tongue swirls with hers tasting the chocolate covered strawberry, he pulls away "That was amazing!" he grins at her.
She grabs another strawberry covers it in chocolate and traces it against his pulse line. Her tongue follows the same path, he groans and his breathing hitches as she pulls away she places the strawberry against his lips, he takes a bite. His lips brush over her finger tips making her every nerve ending stand on end. He knows the affect he has on her "How was that?" 
"Tasty!" he grins and winks at her "Your turn." he picks up a marshmallow covers it in chocolate holds it out for her to bite into it. "Hmmm..!" she smiles at him "Did you get all your shopping done?"
"I need to order a couple of bits online, but after that..I'm done."
"Christmas day, what are we doing?" he asks.
She sighs, "I don't know how we are going to split between them all!" she leans against him and his arm comes around her. "I have an idea....as it's our first Christmas together, what if we did Christmas day just me, you and Mabel? In bed in our PJ's? I'll cook us Christmas dinner. Then Boxing day we do a buffet for both families?" she sits up to look at him "So, a lazy Christmas day? In bed?"
"Yeah...PJ's, snuggles in bed and a Harry Taylor roast. What more could a girl ask for?!" he winks waiting for her answer. "I love it!" his face lights up "Really?!" he questions her. "Yeah, Christmas day in bed with my hunky boyfriend, but I have one alteration....no pajamas!" He raises a brow to her, "Noted!" he jokes. "Instead Christmas jumpers!!!" this wasn't the answer he was expecting.
She giggles "Your face! But I want matching Christmas pajamas!" He chuckles "OK, but no photos my brothers will rip into me!" she sighs "Oh! Come on, one photo? Just to make me happy?" she pouts. "Fine, if it makes you happy." she claps getting her own way, "I think you owe it to Mabel after today!"
He chuckles "She looked cute!" "She did! Oh are you working Saturday?" she asks. "I don't think so?" he questions. "Every Christmas we do a friends Christmas party, kinda like a blow out before the family stuff. Nikki has planned it for Friday night and she has found somewhere that is having a 90's to 2020's night"
"Sounds good, who's going?" he asks. "Remy, Alec, Nikki, Stu, Alene, Daniel and now us!" she smiles. "I'm guessing we get completely smashed then?" she laughs.
Friday evening.
They arrive at the club Nikki found, Laila and Harry are the last to arrive.
Laila notices Stu and Nikki at the bar, she sneaks up behind her Stu spy's her, but Laila puts her index finger to her lips signalling him not to say anything. As she reaches Nikki, she wraps her arms around waist, making Nikki whip round with a face like thunder until she realises it was her friend "Laila, I was just about to...whatever. Glad you guys are here." she shouts over the music.
"Sorry, Mabel's walker got back late. Where are the others?" Laila calls back, Nikki points over to a table where the rest of the group are sat. Harry leans in, "Shall we get a drink first?" Laila nods "What you guys having?" Stu asks. "I know Laila's drink, Harry what ya having?" Nikki asks.
After they make their way over to the others "Hey!!" Laila call out as she takes a seat next to Alec, who hugs her and Harry. They are sat for a few minutes when Kelly Rowland - Commander begins to play Nikki jumps up, grabbing Laila's hand dragging her to the dance floor.
Nikki starts to sing along.
"From here on out
I'll be your commander (I'll be your commander)
No fear no doubt
I'll provide the answer
Right now I command you to dance"
She points to Laila, who starts to sing along with her. The pair are dancing on the edge of the dance floor in view of the table, laughing, their bodies swaying to the music the pair attract a couple of strangers, who slowly move closer to them waiting to make their move to become their unwanted dance partners.
Completely oblivious to the unwanted strangers, the song switches to Rihanna - Only Girl they continue to dance. Suddenly both girls feel someone behind them as they turn they saw Stu and Harry, Laila looks up at him confused "I thought you don't dance?" she laughs. He wraps his hands round her, swaying her as he leans in, "I don't, but those blokes behind me were inches away from trying to dance with you two."
She looks behind him "Oh, you didn't want me dancing with a stranger?" she laughs, he shook his head and they continued dancing away.
The next song was Magic - Rude as it starts up Laila starts singing it to Harry when she gets to the chorus he joins in.....
"Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know
You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die
'Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is no!'
Why you gotta be so Rude?
Don't you know I'm human too?
Why you gotta be so Rude?
I'm gonna marry her anyway
Marry that girl, marry her anyway
Marry that girl, yeah, no matter what you say
Marry that girl, and we'll be a family
Why you gotta be so Rude?"
Both grinning and smiling, he cups her face pulling her in for a kiss.
A little later back at the table "Laila, Boxing day....is it OK to bring Melissa?" Alene asks, Laila looks over to Rem. "Is Rem OK with that?" she looks to Alene who nods "If it's OK with Rem it's OK with me." when she looks up Rem mouths "Thank you." to her.
Daniel comes over from the bar with a tray of drinks "Sex on the beach anyone?" he passes them around the group. "Damn Daniel at least buy a girl a drink first!" Alene teases him "Sorry Len, but you aren't my type!" he winks at her, the group laugh.
A little later Perfect Gentleman - Wyclef Jean starts playing a tipsy Harry pulls Laila away from the bar and onto the dance floor. He spins her before pulling her close to him swaying them together. "Hey, you are a liar!! You can dance!" Laila giggles as she wraps her arms around his neck.
"My moo....ves only get bet...ter after I've add....a few." his words are slurred, his hips move with hers. He spins her round again, her body collides with his "I think you need to get drunk at every party or night out if it improves your dance moves!" he smirks before claiming her lips. As they sway with their lips locked, Laila can feel him begin to stiffen against her hips "Hmmm....someone seems to be enjoy themselves a little to much!" She winks.
He looks round checking no one is near, his lips brush against her ear "Can we head home? I got some other kinda moves I want to show you!" she giggles and bites her lip, "Let's go!" they say their goodbyes and head for the tube.
10 Minutes later.
Their underground train arrives empty, he sits and pulls her onto his lap. He captures her lips, the kiss becomes heated, Harry pulls off his coat and places it on her lap. His hand creeps under his coat snaking into her jeans "Bear, not here!" she whispers, he smirks against her lips continuing his trail. He lets out a soft growl. He reaches her hidden jewel, her head rolls back as his lip pepper down her neck.
She bites back a moan as he works between her slick slits.
Through the speaker they hear the next station is their stop, they both groan with disappointment. "Come on, we can continue this at home!" she gets up as the train pulls into their station.
2 Weeks later.
It's the day before Christmas Eve, Laila has just finished her last day until the new year, she wanders into the kitchen, "Oh, Harry! You're home early!" she was sure he mentioned he was training Stu tonight.
He's leaning against the kitchen counter with a whiskey in his hand, he looks over to her "I canceled Stu's PT session....Laila, there's something I need to tell you..."
He looks as if what he's about to tell her is tearing him up inside, her minds goes into overdrive....Was history repeating itself?
"Bear?" she looks at him concerned, he takes a deep breath "When I came back today to take Mabel for a walk at lunch....I bumped into Nessa." she laughs, "What is she annoyed we didn't get her to take Mabel out today?" he silently chuckles, but it quickly fades. "She was walking another client's dog, she asked if she could join Mabel as I was taking her over to the fields. We were just sat on a bench talking...she asked me about work and us. Then this afternoon she turned up at my work for a PT session, I didn't even know she booked. I was giving her a tour of the gym and she tried to kiss me..."
Laila's cheeks burn, but soon drain cold "What?!" was all she could conjure up from her lips. "Laila, I promise you as soon as she leaned in I stepped back. I was just as confused as you are, I asked her to leave after that." she can see he's just as shocked as she is "Laila? Please say something!" he softly pleads with her.
She sighs, making her way over to him cupping his face "Looks like we need to find a new dog walker." she laughs, he rolls his eyes at her. "Hey, It's not the first and probably won't be the last time a client tries to make a move on you....I remember a client making some more steamier moves on you about 7 months ago," she grins at him. He laughs, "Those were wanted moves!" he reminds her. "More than wanted...just look at what happened that night...but I'm glad you told me about Nessa." she pushes up on her tiptoes to kiss his nose.
"I've never given another woman a tour of the changing rooms since." he laughs before continuing "That is how and why we work because we are honest with one another!" he kisses her nose. "OK, can I be really honest..Bear?" he nods, "You stink!! Did you not shower before coming home?" Laila baits him. "Oh, I do? Do I?" he raises a brow to her.
With that he throws her over his shoulder "Harry?! Put me down!" she screams between her laughter. "Sorry, my love that's a no!"  his hand strikes her arse cheek as he begins to climb the stairs with her over his shoulder. "Harry!!"
Cuddled up on the sofa watching a film "Bear?" he hums in response. "Can I be the one to sack Nessa?" she giggle, he starts searching her hair, "Harry, what are you doing?" she asks. "Looking for your devil horns," he chuckles, "But if it makes you happy...Yes, you can sack her.... to be fair, it means I don't have to deal with her," he starts to stroke her hair back down "Now how to do it? Mwahahaha!!" she fakes an evil laugh, "You really are the devil!" he smiles at her "Oh, you've seen nothing yet, Bear!" she winks.
@aussieez​ @secretaryunpaid​ @lem-20​ @irisofpurple​ @khoicesbyk​ @txemrn​ @wombatsxkookaburras​ @beautifuluknownvoid​
He pulls her onto his lap, so she's straddling him, he cups her face "Why don't you show me?" his lips crash to hers.
Chapter 4
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I’m so indebted to the word zooted because there’s really no other way to describe Mabel’s state after she gets in from a walk
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Amalia pt.2
For @artsymeeshee​. Thank you so so much for being you and for always brightening up my day! Sorry for the wait, but I hope you like it.
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“Dipper, come on! They’re ready!”
The thirteen-year-old boy quickly joined his sister on her bed, lying on their stomach so they could see the laptop comfortably. Yes, they texted their grunkles at least three times a day and constantly sent emails and usually got to have a video call once a week, but that didn't make their interactions any less exciting and enjoyable. Dipper and Mabel’s parents were busy working so the twins had the house to themselves and could talk freely.
The laptop ringed a few times and soon they were graced with two nearly identical faces with distinct differences, both smiling widely at the young teenagers. “Hey there, kiddos!”
“Hi, guys!” Mabel returned, waving and grinning. “Did you get my package, did you, did you, did you?!”
“Yes, I have it right here.” Ford chuckled warmly and placed the package on the dining room table, where the old men were located.
“Well go ahead and open it!” Mabel squealed and Stan used his pocket knife to cut through the tape and they opened the box to find a large, brand new knitted blanket.
“Oh, wow! Mabel, sweetie, this is… wow.” Stan admired with shining eyes as he pulled the blanket out of the box.
“This might be your best work yet, my dear!” Ford complimented as he grazed the yarn with his fingers. “It’s so soft, and how on Earth did you manage to make it so big?”
“Big knitting needles!”
“She used her arms to knit it, like she had it looped around her actual arms.” Dipper answered honestly with a small, proud smile while Mabel blushed furiously.
“That’s very impressive.” Ford said.
“I’ll say! It’s beautiful! I love it!” Stan wrapped it around his shoulders and hummed; he could distantly smell his niece’s shampoo and cheap strawberry perfume. “Thank you, pumpkin.”
“You’re welcome, I just don’t want you guys to be cold or freeze to death up there.”
“Mabel, for the millionth time, I swear we’re fine.” Stan assured, unable to keep the laughter in his throat down.
“I know, but as the professional knitter in the family, it is my sworn duty to ensure you two stay warm and cozy, despite the challenging environment!” She said victoriously with her hand pointing upward, like she was pretending there was a flag behind her or something. “Anywho, what’s new with you guys?”
“Oh, nothing out of the abnormal.” Ford said casually, rocking his hand side-to-side in a painfully casual manner. “Iceland was interesting, we’re planning on heading back up North shortly to make it to Gravity Falls in time for summer, but we have about a month to spend exploring the United Kingdom until we have to start our way back.”
“Great!” Dipper commented. “See anything cool in Iceland? Any mountain trolls?”
“No, no trolls.”
“Although we did see this big smelly guy in a bar that looked half-troll to me.” Stan added in.
“But… we…” Stan gave Ford a dark look, so the eldest twin corrected himself quickly. “I… I did something.”
“Oh boy, did you burn a hole into the counter again, Grunkle Ford?” Mabel guessed.
Ford chuckled warmly and shook his head. “No, nothing like that. It’s… well, I’ll show you, hold on one minute.”
Dipper and Mabel watched one uncle get up and leave while the other held his head and rubbed his temples. “Grunkle Stan, what did he do?” Mabel asked.
“Something a certain pumpkin once did to me and I don’t appreciate it anymore now than I did before.” Stan mumbled.
Ford sat back down next to his twin, resulting in Mabel screaming and then quickly covering her mouth, her eyes wide and shining like stars. Dipper just stared, smiling, but mostly confused at the tiny furry thing on his grunkle’s chest. Ford couldn’t keep the dopey smile off his face as he petted the anomaly’s back and she licked his cleft chin. “This is Amalia.”
“OH MY GOSH, YOU GUYS!” Mabel squealed, making Amalia jump a little and start looking around the boat for whatever was causing the sudden noise. “She’s so cute! I didn’t know you guys were gonna get a pet!”
“Neither did we.” Ford chuckled as Amalia sat on the table, still looking around. “She came aboard in Iceland and never left. She’s quite gentle and well-trained, very well behaved.”
“She’s a cute, furry jerk.” Stan growled.
“Stanley’s just mad at her because she knocked over his favorite mug this morning.”
“Daw, she probably wanted your attention, Grunkle Stan.”
“Well, she has it now.” Stan sneered and pointed his fingers from his eyes to the pet, still curiously on the hunt for the mysterious noise.
“How interesting.” Dipper muttered with a smile. “Do you know what species she is?”
“Not quite sure.” Ford answered. “She has many cat-like behaviors, but obviously she’s more than some exotic breed of a domestic feline. I’ve run a few tests, simply playing games with her to test her intelligence and watching her through the day, but so far nothing too abnormal has come up.”
“Well, as much as she doesn’t look like any breed I know of, she might be a hybrid we’ve never seen before, a mixture of two breeds of cat. I could do some research to see if she resembles any cat breeds.” Dipper pulled out his cellphone while Amalia looked at the scream, her eyes big at the teenagers.
“She’s looking at us, she’s looking at us!” Mabel whispered excitedly. “Hi, Amalia! Hi! I’m gonna knit you a cute sweater, yes I am!” She cooed.
Amalia pawed at the laptop, getting closer to it, and eventually walking on the keys.
“OY! Get off!”
“Stanley, don’t hurt her!”
“She’s gonna…”
And suddenly Dipper and Mabel were faced with a blank screen, making them laugh and quickly send snarky text messages to the old sailors.
Stan’s eyes slowly opened, lying on his back, and therefore first seeing the ceiling of the bunker of his beloved boat. He was stiff; his whole body was stiff and his eyes were crusty and he wanted to go back to sleep, but his body had had enough of sleep and it was time to leave his bed for the day.
Taking in a sharp breath to brace himself for the pain of first moving his old back, Stan sat up and placed his feet in his slippers. He reached for his glasses, surprised to find a note by them. He slipped on his aid of vision and immediately recognized his brother’s neat cursive writing.
Stanley, We needed a few supplies and I felt like going on a small walk early this morning, so I left you alone to sleep. I’ll be back by lunch. Please look after Amalia while I’m gone. Stanford. 6:18am
Stan swore under his breath. Not only had Sixer probably not slept well, Stan was willing to bet money on it, he was stuck babysitting the stupid animal. Who, by the way, was playing with a fluffy ball on the floor, silently amusing herself and leaving Stan alone. Well, fine then. He could work with that.
The younger twin stood and slipped on his bathrobe over his pajamas, making his way upstairs for coffee and maybe some breakfast. The clock over the stove read two minutes before ten, so coffee should tie him over until lunchtime. Stan filled the machine with a filter and grounds and turned on the pot after filling it with water, but he was disturbed from his work when he heard tiny footsteps and saw Amalia climbing up the steps and walking up to him.
“Whatcha want?” He growled sleepily.
Amalia, of course, didn’t answer, but instead sat next to where Stan stood and rubbed against his bony legs, purring her strange purr; it wasn’t normal like a cat’s but there was no other way to explain the sound she made. Stan snorted.
As the coffee pot filled with the caffeinated breakfast beverage, Stan fished out an apple from the fridge and bit into it. Okay, a small snack would be okay. His eye caught the small stacks of canned tuna Ford had put there, claiming Amalia preferred her fish cold, and he shrugged and decided to go ahead and feed the weird thing so he wouldn’t have to get up from the couch to do it later. At the sound of the can opening the little cat-like beauty sprung up on the table and tapped the surface with her little beanie paws, a bad habit Ford had installed early because “Amalia is too lady-like to eat on the floor,” the aged scientist had cooed as he placed the can on the table and scratched his pet.
Stan rolled his eyes and decided not to fight it. He sat Amalia’s breakfast on the table and she happily indulged in the cold fish while Stan poured himself a mug of coffee. He watched the anomaly eat peacefully, her tiny face almost completely engulfed in the food. The old conman couldn’t help but smile as he sipped his black drink. “You’re quieter than the pig. I’ll give you that.”
Amalia sat up, a bit of damp food on her face, but she licked it off and then began to clean herself by licking her paw and rubbing her face. Stan accidentally found himself watching her as he sipped his coffee, a small smile on his wrinkly face.
Really, the main reason why he was being the bad guy was because someone had to be in this type of situation. Someone had to try to be reasonable, someone had to oppose a potentially bad idea, and with Stan’s tough-guy persona and Ford opting out of being the cold, realistic, mad-scientist in order to be a big marshmallow for a weird cat, Stan was the perfect candidate. With that being said, Stan reminded himself of an incident he was faced with over fifty years ago.
“Stanford, please!”
“Stanley, I’m sorry, but he’s a wild animal. Don't you think he’ll be happier out in nature? And what will Ma and Pa say?”
“They… They don’t have to know…”
“Sixer, please! C’mon! I’m begging you! I’ll do anything! Just please don’t rat me out!”
“Whoa, whoa. I’d never tattle on you, I… I won’t tell, but I really think you shouldn’t keep him as a pet.”
It was only a week, but by the time Stan re-introduced the animal as Shanklin the Stab-Possum, Ford’s appreciation for the strange pet was much stronger and he even used him to help free the Jersey Devil. Plus it was easy to keep the possum a secret when they were grounded in their room all summer. Ford never did tattle and he loved that possum almost as much as Stan loved Shanklin. So, okay, if a couple of weird nine-year-olds can have a possum for a pet, then a pair of eccentric old sailors can have an unknown cat for a pet.
Stan left the kitchen-area for the couch and pulled out a newspaper he had snagged yesterday to finish. He opened it with a rustle and sat comfortably, but not long did he feel something join him on his right side and then two little paws land on his leg. Stan lowered his reading material and raised an eyebrow at Amalia, who just looked at him with sparkling eyes. “What?”
Of course the anomaly didn’t answer, but she did climb across his legs for his lap and sat in a curled-up ball for a mid-morning nap. Stan sighed with a smile, scratched her behind the ear, and rescued his reading.
Three weeks later and the Stan O’ War was harbored at Ipswich, UK. Having traveled through the Irish Sea and around England, the ship was about to head up north, beginning the journey for home. But Mabel had given the twins another city to be in for another package, and so with Amalia in Ford’s hoodie and Stan holding two bags of groceries, they stopped by the post office and picked up their mail.
Cushioned in a new baby-blanket for Amalia were two small sweaters just perfect for the little anomaly. One was purple with a golden six-fingered hand and a golden crescent with each symbol having an ‘s added to it, and beneath all of this the word “pet” was stitched on in colorful letters. The second one was fluffy white with a baby-blue paw-print on it, each sweater big enough to not squeeze Amalia and with the designs on her back so the humans could see them easily.
While Amalia was never shivering or actively cold, Ford ignored Stan’s laugh-filled orders not to torture their pet and the fluffy-haired twin had Amalia try on the white sweater, who loved it so much she refused to let Ford take it off of her for a few hours. Stan, of course, had to end a picture to their niece, who may or may not have cried at the sight and at the caption her uncle sent it with, “Amalia loves Auntie Mabel’s sweaters.”
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hobeymakar · 4 years
My Lover | C. Parayko
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Words: 2,356
A/N: this one is based off the music video for the song My Lover (Remix) by Not3s Ft. Mabel. In this, COVID never happened and the NHL schedule never changed. Also shoutout to my girls @hockey-and-wine​ @grenawitka​ and @pizzasloot​ for being my cheerleaders in the gc love you girls so much!
Warnings: swearing
You and your three best friends pull up to a local fall carnival near St. Louis to ring in the start of fall. The temperatures in the city have already started to drop which has already signaled the end of summer.
You get your tickets and start walking through the carnival, taking in the bright lights from the booths and the rides. You and your friends get on some rides and scream your asses off. You make your way to the booths with games and take your shot on one of the basketball games. You played on a youth basketball team back in the day, so you definitely can hold your own.
Just as you're about to take your first shot, you feel someone looking at you. You turn your head to the side and see Colton Parayko of the St. Louis Blues staring right at you. You shoot him a challenging look in response.
He turns his attention back to the game and his teammates Vince and Sammy keep stealing glances at you and your friends. You play the game but manage not to get enough points to get the prize. You turn your attention to Colton and see he got enough points to win the prize. He takes the prize and walks over to you with it.
"I'm not really a stuffed teddy bear kind of guy," he says, handing you the big teddy bear.
"Thank you. I'm flattered, but don't you have someone you know you can give this to?" you ask.
"I actually don't. It would just take up space in my apartment," he replies. "I'm Colton, by the way."
"I know who you are. I was at the Stanley Cup parade last year," you inform him.
"So you're a fan then?" he asks.
"Yeah, but I was a casual fan until the playoffs, then I became a bigger fan," you admit.
"Well since you know who I am, it's only fair I at least get to know your name," he suggests.
"I'm Y/N," you smile.
"Well Y/N, will you accept this teddy bear as a gift?" he asks.
"Sure," you nod, a smile on your lips.
You hand the teddy bear to your friend who takes it to your car. 
Vince and Sammy finally walk up to the both of you.
"What brings you three to this fair?" you ask curiously.
"We got a few days off before our next game and we wanted to do something different," Colton replies, not letting the others answer.
"Well, I hope you guys have fun," you smile, knowing they'll probably want to have fun by themselves.
"Yeah no, you're not getting rid of us that quickly! It''ll be more fun if we do stuff all together!" Vince suggests, referring to your friends.
You look at your friends and see them nod and smile, letting you know they're on board with the idea.
"Alright, let's do it!" you smile.
You all start walking towards the rides, falling into conversations with each other.
“Can we stop at the concession stands? I want some cotton candy,” you ask.
Colton leads you to the concession stands to buy the cotton candy. You order the cotton candy and before you can pay for it, Colton hands the worker the money, causing you to whine.
“I wanted to pay!” you cry out.
“Too late now,” he replies, causing you to hip check him lightly.
The worker hands you the cotton candy and you take a piece and put it in your mouth, enjoying the taste of sugar on your tongue.
“Is it good?” he asks, as you all start to walk away from the stands.
You take a piece of the cotton candy and feed it to him. He eats the piece and smiles back at you. Your friends and his teammates just give each other knowing looks.
“You guys wanna go on the teacups?” Vince asks.
Everyone else agrees with the suggestion, leaving you and Colton alone to eat the cotton candy. You and Colton go to a nearby empty table and sit down.
“I can’t believe they really ditched us!” you giggle, shaking your head.
“They’ll come back after they’re done with the teacups,” Colton replies. "So what brings you to the fair?"
"I come here every year. I used to come with my parents when I was little, but now I just come with my friends," you explain.
"Funny how I've been in St. Louis for years now and I've never been here before," he explains.
"Well now that you know, you're gonna come back right?" you ask.
"It's obviously difficult with the schedule to come out here, but I wanna come back next year,” he explains.
“That’s great to hear,” you smile.
You two finish the cotton candy, just in time to see your friends and Colton’s teammates come back from the teacups.
“So where to next?” one of your friends asks, as you and Colton get up from the table.
“The bumper cars are right over there!” another one of your friends points out.
“Let’s do it!” you suggest.
The others agree and you make your way over to the bumper cars. You wait in line for a bit before being allowed into the bumper car rink. You get into cars and after a minute or so, the cars start and you all start trying to bump each other. Vince, Colton, and Sammy get super competitive and start trying to kill each other. You and your friends get competitive as well and you start bumping the shit out of each other. You spend the majority of the time laughing as you bump into everyone. After a few minutes, the ride ends and you guys all get out and start walking away. You and Colton walk ahead of everyone else and start walking to the main area of the fair.
“Alright guys, where do you want-” 
You turn around and stop yourself in your tracks, when you notice your friends and Colton’s teammates are gone. They were behind you and Colton and decided amongst themselves to leave you two alone.
“I can’t believe they ditched us!” you groan, shaking your head.
“I guess it’s just us two then,” he replies, trying to fill in the empty space.
“So what do you want to do now?” you ask.
“We can play some games or we can get on some rides,” he explains.
“We can go play some games,” you suggest.
You two walk over to a line of games and you decide to play the water gun game. Colton pays the worker and you grab the gun. You start shooting the water but you’re having a hard time hitting the red target.
“Let me help,” Colton says, pressing himself behind you.
He puts his hand over yours and steadies the gun, aiming it at the water. He hits the target perfectly. You win the race and get another bear as a prize.
“Since you gave me the bear earlier, it’s only fair that I give you this one,” you explain.
“Like I said earlier, it would just take space at my apartment,” he replies, shaking his head.
“Your loss,” you tease, hugging the bear tightly.
“So where to next?” he asks.
“We can do the ferris wheel,” you suggest.
“Alright, let’s do it,” he smiles, leading you towards the ferris wheel.
You wait in line for a few minutes, before getting into a cart. You put the seatbelts on and you start feeling the cold breeze hit you as the night goes on.
“Are you cold?” he asks, wrapping his arms around you.
“Yeah,” you nod, resting your head on his shoulder.
The ride starts and you start seeing the view of the city.
“Isn’t the city so beautiful from up here?” you ask, taking in the view.
“Yeah it really is! My place has a nice view of the city too and I’m blown away by it every time,” he adds.
“You live in a high-rise? I might have to invite myself over sometime,” you tease.
“The view is ten times better with you in it,” he adds, kissing your forehead.
You lift your head up and feel the heat rise in your cheeks. You have no idea how to respond to that. You open your mouth but then close it, like a gaping fish.
“Y/N, can I kiss you?” he asks, cupping your cheek.
You nod sheepishly, not being able to form thoughts or words at the moment. He leans in and kisses you softly and you feel all the cliche bullshit that every teen romance and romcom talks about; the sparks, the butterflies, the hummingbirds singing. After your moment of temporary paralysis, you get with the program and kiss him back. Your hands make its way to the back of his head and you dig your fingers into his hair. You two keep kissing for a while before you finally break apart to breathe. You both take in the surroundings and notice you’re almost on the way down to the ground again. You straighten yourselves out and enjoy the last minute or so of the ride before coming off. You come off the ride holding hands and make your way back to the main area. Once you arrive there, you see your friends and Colton’s teammates show up.
“I see you two had fun,” one of your friends points out, referring to you and Colton holding hands. 
“Yeah, you can definitely say that,” he replies, as you bury your face in his shoulder from embarrassment.
Your friends start talking about the time and how they have to go do stuff at home. They exchange numbers with Vince and Sammy, with Vince talking about them all hanging out soon. Your friends say goodbye and head towards the parking lot.
“And then there were three,” Colton announces.
“Actually, it’s getting pretty late. So, Dunner and I are gonna head out,” Sammy says, making it obvious what he’s trying to do.
“Yeah, we’ll see you around,” Vince adds, playing along.
They both say goodbye and head towards the parking lots.
“So now it’s just us,” he says.
"How are you getting back home?" you ask, hoping that his teammates weren't his ride.
“I was actually gonna take an Uber back,” he replies.
“Yeah no, I’ll take you back home,” you inform him.
There’s no way you’re gonna let him take an Uber back home, when you can drive him back to his place.
“You just want to see the view of the city from my balcony,” he teases.
“You caught me!” you tease back, giggling lightly.
“So you wanna head out now?” he asks, not wanting you to leave.
“Actually yeah. I wanna see if the view of the city from your place lives up to my expectations,” you tease.
“Lead me to your car then,” he smiles
You two walk hand-in-hand to the parking lot and towards your car. You get into the driver’s seat and he plugs his phone to the speakers. You drive out of the parking lot and make your way to his apartment in the city. After almost half an hour, you arrive at the parking garage under his building. You park in the garage and you both make your way inside the building. You take the elevator all the way up to his floor and he leads you towards his apartment.
“Welcome to La Casa de Parayko,” he smiles, opening the front door.
He gives you a quick tour of the place and it’s very luxurious. But you shouldn’t expect anything less from a multi-millionaire hockey player.
“So, where’s this view you’ve been talking about?” you ask.
“Right here,” he says, leading you towards the sliding door.
He opens the door to the balcony and you step outside. He shuts the door shut behind him and you’re immediately hit with the chilly autumn breeze. He comes from behind and wraps his arms around you. You place your hands over his, as he rests his head on your shoulder.
“You weren’t lying. This view is beautiful!” you cry out, loving the view of the Mississippi River and the Golden Arch.
“Not as beautiful as you though,” he replies, kissing your cheek.
You turn around in his arms and kiss him, throwing caution to the wind. He kisses back right away, keeping his hands firmly around your waist. After a few minutes, you pull away from the kiss, biting your lip.
“We have a game tomorrow night against the Avalanche, one of our biggest division rivals. If you’re free, I would love for you to come,” he explains, looking slightly nervous.
“Yeah I’m totally free, but I’m pretty sure it’s sold out already,” you reply, not wanting to get his hopes up.
“I can save you a ticket for the game under my name. Do you own a jersey of mine?” he asks.
“Actually no. I only have an old Backes jersey,” you inform him.
“Well I’ll have a jersey for you as well. You just have to go to the box office and say you have a ticket under my name,” he explains to you.
“Will I see you after the game?” you ask.
“Yeah, I’ll have somebody bring you back to see me,” he explains.
“Colton, I don’t know what to say. This is a lot,” you smile, not expecting all this to come out of going to the fair.
“I like you and I want to get to know you more, if you give me a chance,” he explains.
“So it’s a date then?” you ask, biting your lip.
“After the game, it’ll be,” he explains.
“What are we doing after the game?” you ask curiously.
“If I tell you, it’ll just ruin the surprise,” he teases.
“As much as I’d love to stargaze with you out here, it’s cold,” you inform him.
“Sure, we can go inside and watch a movie?” he suggests.
“Movies and cuddles? I’m definitely in,” you smile, kissing him sweetly.
You’re so glad you decided to go to the fair again this year.
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tapestry 👑 XVII
Warnings: eventual dark elements (tags to be added as fic continues)
This is dark!(king)Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: King Steven had a wandering eye but you never thought it would fall upon you.
This Chapter: The trial continues.
Note: What’s up all my thot-lovers and barnacles bitches. 💋 😉 We’re still watching some shit unfold here and this trial is gonna get unreallll. But I’m excited to keep going and to have something to feed you thirsty thirsty ho. Just a little longer... erm, I don’t know exactly how long tho.
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply! Love ya!
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In the days following King T'Challa's testimony, several witnesses were placed on the stand. Though their authenticity was questionable, they were heard with the same silent awe as the first to speak.
Prince Loki had brought a physician from Asgard who had served the royal family since his father, Odin's, reign. He swore to have examined Eleanor before she was sent away to the marry Steven and had found her virtue broken, though the document presented did attribute this to unknown but surely innocent circumstances. What else could he have written when the king's signature would seal the declaration?
Next, a chamber maid who served Eleanor when she was a princess still. The woman had no papers or letters to present and if she did, she'd not have known their contents. 
She stated that Eleanor doted upon her betrothed and spoke of her future as queen with girlish cheer. That she did blush when the prince's name arose. That the princess did divulge that she had "surrendered her heart and body" to him and that she did speak of them as husband and wife already.
Ellis presented several more documents provided by Asgard and its royal prince. A copy of the original betrothal, several letters which upheld its validity over the years between Odin and T'Chaka. 
And the most damning, a letter in Eleanor's hand addressed to her mother written after her departure to marry Steven. In it, she spoke of her lingering feelings for the other prince and her hesitation to marry the second. Though she did not question the union outright, her youthful fears were presented as knowing deception.
You watched, barely able to conceal your despair. The pit deepened in your stomach as you watched the queen stand before her accusers and her judges, head held high despite all she faced. You knew you could never be her; you could never face anything so terrible as such and indomitable force. She hadn’t slipped since her first day on trial. Her shoulders remained still, her figure straight, head held high.
And when the issue of Eleanor’s marital fealty was thoroughly dissected, the court turned its attention to the accusations of treason. On the fifth day, Lord Ellis called forth Ladies Mabel and Diana. Mabel was first, her face drawn and sullen. She was led to the stand as Ellis asked her to tell the truth and nothing more. Marion bent her head as she began to pray quietly beside you.
“Lady Mabel,” Ellis began as he looked up from the podium. “How long did you serve Eleanor of Asgard?”
“Near five years now, my lord,” Mabel answered in a small voice. 
“Mmm,” He looked down and his eyes roved over his notes. “And it was her who did request that the king arrange your marriage to Lord Wilson?”
“It was.” She replied as she brought her hands together before her. “The queen always did see her ladies married well.”
“So you would say she was generous? She has sewn no ill-will between you?”
“I would say that,” Her voice quavered and she looked behind her to the audience. She stared at her husband as a hush took over the court. “She was ever kind to me and all the ladies.”
“All her ladies?” Ellis nodded and flicked the corner of a page with his thumb. “Every single one?”
“Well…” Mabel’s voice trailed off.
“To return to my previous point, as she was so courteous, you would have no reason to speak unkindly of her would you, to lie about her for any reason?”
“No, I w-would not,” She looked to the queen and gulped. Eleanor stared at the dimming window. “I wouldn’t lie, my lord.”
“And so when you say she was kind to all her ladies, would you include in that one Lady Y/N?” You fidgeted at the mention of your name. You hid your face as you listened.
“I only ever saw the queen treat her well.” Mabel said.
“Even as she did meddle with the lady’s saddle on a hunt this past autumn?” Ellis suggested.
Mabel was silent. She gripped the podium before her and hung her head. She did not respond.
“Lady Mabel?” Ellis urged and Mabel shook her head. “Were you aware that Eleanor of Asgard did arrange for this lady to have a wild horse and an altered saddle that day?”
Mabel sniffed and didn’t move. The court waited as her shoulders began to shake. She nodded at last. You could hear her weeping.
“Lady Mabel, you must answer aloud so that the clerk may record your response.” Ellis chided.
“Yes…” She spoke softly at first and lifted her head. She gulped harshly and cleared her throat as she wiped away her tears. “Yes, I did know.”
“And how was it that you knew of the queen’s ploy?”
“She told me of it.” Her voice threatened to crack as she wrung her hands.
“When did she tell you of it?”
“After...after the incident.”
“What incident?” 
“The one in which the lady was thrown from her horse,” The tears bubbled again and Mabel hiccuped. “She didn’t mean her any harm. She didn’t. She only meant to frighten her.”
“And did you ever know Eleanor of Asgard to have any ill intent for anyone else?” Ellis asked.
“I…” Mabel couldn’t answer as she sobbed.
“Did she ever wish harm upon her husband, perhaps?”
Another sob. “I… Only…”
“You may tell the court. You will not be punished for your honesty.” Ellis coaxed. “Did she ever devise any other schemes? Against her own husband?”
Mabel was quaking. She could barely form words as her body rattled. “She… she… she did… send… poison to the king….” She spoke so quietly and yet you heard her clearly, as did the entire audience. 
“And how do you know it was her?” Ellis led her as he leaned on his podium eagerly.
“She… told… me.” Mabel swayed as she clutched her hands together. The queen pushed her shoulders back.
“And why should she tell you that?” Ellis wondered.
“Because she told me everything. Because…” She gasped. “Because… she was…my friend.”
“And did she tell you of why it was she would do such a thing? Of why she would conspire to kill her own husband?”
“Sh-she hated him,” Mabel stuttered. “She said so very often and when he came to her as a husband did, she did deny him because… she could not stand to lay--to lay next to him.” Her voice squeaked and she shuddered as she covered her tear-stained cheeks. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
She kept her face buried as she repeated the words over and over. She shook so much you were sure she would collapse. The court was deathly and still. Shadows fell over the figures at the centre of the scene as the sun began its descent.
“Please, take the lady away. She is much overwhelmed,” Ellis feigned concern as he touched his chest. “I think that is quite enough, Lady Mabel.”
You looked to the box where the king sat. Steven’s eyes were bright as he watched a guard escort Mabel from the stand. He leaned over to T’Challa who turned to whisper in his ear. Prince Loki did not betray his thoughts as he looked down his long nose. You were startled however to find that he looked upon you. His cheeks twitched as if he would smirk before he drew his attention away.
“If the cardinals and your highnesses should allow it, I should think a brief recess would be in order.” Ellis intoned. “And we shall have our final witness of the day thereafter.”
“I should think it a wise idea,” The cardinal who seemed the leader of the party agreed as he rubbed his large stomach. “A day such as this has been most taxing.”
The royals nodded in approval and Ellis announced the recess. No one moved until the queen was led from her podium and out the side door. You watched her go, her steps as long and certain as any day she had sat the throne. 
You looked away as the door closed behind her. King Steven was the first to rise and the entire chamber was upon their feet within second. He searched between the bodies until his gaze fell upon you and he gave a slight nod. You did not look away; could not for you feared what should happen if you were to offend him. If you were to fall from his favour.
Surely, if these were the consequences for a queen, you could not meet any better.
You were due for another day on the bench. You were tired and did not relish any further testimony. You found it hard not to think of Mabel and her distraught confessions. And Diana who followed with a similar display. Both had implicated their queen and friend, though both those titles would seem to have been relinquished.
You walked with your father. He had come to you early that morning to deliver a letter from the king. You had been want to set it aside and continue to the court if only to have it done with. He did not allow your delay and reproached you until you opened it. He read it after you did and grinned at the king’s still infatuated words. You smiled if only to conceal your distress.
As you swept through the halls beside him, you were quiet. You let him rant until he was silent and clung to the lull of his words. You did not dare fuel his lectures of your future; more importantly, of his. There would be much talking that day, as there was every day.
You turned the corner and came upon another pair in the hall. You nearly faltered as you recognized the dark-haired prince of Asgard and his burly guard just behind him. He stood with his eyes upon a large hanging. As you came upon him, you curtsied and your father bowed. Prince Loki did not look away from the map painted on elk skin.
“Lord Willis,” He said without a glance. “My lady. I assume you are upon the same path as me.”
“We are, your grace,” Your father answered and you tried not to squirm at his weaselly tone. 
“Oh, but they do always find reason to delay, so why hurry?” He mused. “Do you see these mountains?” He pointed to the skin.
“I do, your grace,” Your father turned to look alongside the prince. You peeked over his shoulder but did not near the Asgardian.
“Do you know of their history?” He asked. “Of who does claim them?”
“Why, your grace, I do see that they bear the crest of King Steven and his ancestors on this map.” Your father answered diligently.
“Upon this map, yes,” The prince smirked and you squinted at the pointed range upon the skin. “But not every map.”
“Your grace, is that not The Beak?” You ventured. “The mountains that house your ancestral temples? Those carved by the unblessed?”
He slowly turned his head, at last looking away from the map. He grinned as he stepped back and approached you. “The lady is right. Well-educated, I assume. And do you know then the answer to my first question?”
“The mountains are claimed by many; our people, yours, and those of Wakanda.” You replied. “Though for how many times they have changed hands, it cannot be said to who they belong.”
He nodded and lifted a brow. “Clever lady, indeed. You do prove the rumours true. At least those ones.”
“Rumours?” You repeated.
“I do know of you, my lady,” He affirmed. “And your alleged part in my purpose here.”
“And you would believe the whispers of a court you are unfamiliar with?” You blinked and pressed your lips together before you righted yourself. “Your grace.”
“I do not, but I know there is truth beneath each lie, merely contorted and exaggerated for effect,” He swept a strand of his dark hair back. “And the same can be said of the truth. That it can be bent to fit our needs.”
“Perhaps,” You said evenly as your father returned to your side.
“The line between truth and falsity is thin and not so firm as we should like it,” Loki reflected. “As many lines which constrain us prove to be.” He lifted his chin and looked down at you. “Shall we walk together then? Since we do seek the same destination?”
“As you wish, your grace,” Your father answered keenly but the prince didn’t so much as look at him. You bowed your head in ascent and Loki turned to walk beside you.
“Your grace, are you enjoying your visit?” Your father cajoled.
“As much as I can, given its purpose,” The prince said dully. 
You walked silently between them as they continued their courtly dialogue. The forced amiability of politicians. You did not miss the prince’s green eyes as they peeked at you. You ignored him and carried on. He must have loathed you for your role in his sister’s current circumstance, though he seemed happy enough to sit and watch it unfold.
“Well, my lord, it seems I must be away,” The prince turned as you came upon the doors to the courtroom. “I have lingered far too long. My lady,” He smiled again as he looked to you. “It was… an intriguing meeting. As brief as it was.” He stood straight and resumed his usual cool stature, “Take care.”
You watched him go and took a deep breath as he disappeared through the door. Your father squinted at you as you crossed your arms. He kept away from the other lords and ladies who waited without.
“You do not like the prince?” He asked.
“I haven’t reason not to,” You said. “I find him… cordial enough.”
“But you do seem perturbed by him.” Your father insisted.
“I do find it hard not to wonder how he can be so jaunty as he watches his sister face such an unfortunate ordeal.” You countered. “How he can let his sister stay silent as she is faced with such accusations..”
“His sister did refuse his aid,” Your father lowered his voice and beckoned you away from the crowd. “The Prince and his kingly brother did come with an offer. If she would admit to her crimes, she would be met with exile. Upon their bearing and that of her name, she would walk away to isolation and a slight taint.”
You frowned and stared dumbly at your father.
“But she does insist upon her innocence and if she cannot prove it, then she will face whatever fate the See decides upon.” You father shrugged. “So is the lot of a woman who cannot mind her place.”
“Is it?” You growled.
“It is,” He smirked at you sourly. “On women who would try to outpace a king; who would toy with him and deny his will.” You bristled as he stepped closer. “Remember this, daughter. Remember that if you should fall, we will all fall with you.”
“But you could’ve never risen without me,” You rebutted.
“And we will not remain unless you appease him,” Your father hissed. “So keep him happy and we’ll all be content.” His nostrils flared as he scowled. “And we might just keep our heads long enough to revel in it.”
Your father drew away suddenly and looked over your head. He smiled and you turned to follow his gaze. Lord Ellis and several other council members approached. You stepped back as you were quickly forgotten.
“My lords,” Your father greeted. “I see you are well this day.”
You backed away and shook your head at your father’s act. He was truly repulsive. You joined the other ladies who waited along the wall and clasped your hands together. Even if he was entirely false, your father had played the game well. He knew the court and its deceits better than any. And he was right. 
The only way to save yourself was to keep King Steven happy.
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
Somewhat cursed (?) idea: Newsies/Gravity Falls (or a series like that).
Okay, so I’m gonna be completely honest, I didn’t grow up watching Gravity Falls. I was a Phineas and Ferb type of kid, but I always appreciated the idea behind Gravity Falls and I did watch the first couple of episodes the other day to get a little bit more of a feel for this AU.
Okay, so those of you who read my stories and my outlines know that I am a sucker for angst, so this AU is gonna be less of a children’s cartoon and a little bit more… well… not real… but… I don’t know… more angsty?
Anyways, here we go!
Gravity Falls AU
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Jack Kelly — Dipper
Racetrack Higgins — Mabel
Katherine Plumber — Wendy
Medda Larkin — Stan
Just to be clear, the personalities here are not an exact match 😂
Jack Kelly
A seventeen year old orphan.
He and his little brother are sent to a new placement in a town called Gravity Falls with a foster mother, one Miss Medda, who has a fascination with the unexplained.
Jack has never really believed in the things she seems to find so amazing.
He loves horror movies but often tries to rationalize them which drives his little brother just about insane.
He’s OCD and a bit of a control freak, but it’s the thing that typically keeps him out of trouble.
Before Medda, he and his little brother had been in a few less than nice homes, so Jack was used to keeping Race occupied and out of the house.
During the first week with Medda, she gives him an old, mysterious book that has an odd number three on the cover
Jack becomes obsessed with the book and studies it, not necessarily believing it’s real at first, but talking about it like it is
He has ADHD and has trouble sitting still
Often overthinks scenarios and obsessively makes lists when he’s overwhelmed or trying to figure things out.
He loves to explore and loves to figure out the history of wherever he’s placed, even though he often believes it won’t last long.
He has a massive crush on one of Medda’s employees and flirts with her often
Jack is first introduced to the supernatural forces around him during a walk in the woods
He catches one of his neighbors, a boy named Charlie, practicing magic in the woods.
After the initial terror is worked through, Charlie becomes Jack’s friend. One of his best friends.
He’s told he has to keep it a secret from everyone, though most of the town is involved in theories and mysterious phenomena
Jack is forced to let the secret out when he discovers his little brother new friend, Graves, is a vampire
This is when Charlie, more affectionately known as Crutchie, tells Jack more secrets about the town and introduces Jack to Albert, a vampire who promises to help Jack’s brother
After this incident, Jack quickly gets swept up into the world of the unexplained 
He’s terrified of ghosts. He doesn’t like that they don’t have many rules
Racetrack Higgins
The little brother to Jack and basically Jack’s whole world for a long time
He’s fifteen.
He’s slightly naive and a hopeless romantic
Though he loves horror movies, he prefers romance dramas.
He always seems to be full of energy, despite being slightly abused before. Jack always took the brunt of it for him.
While he’s always curious and a bit of an adventurer, he’s often forced to stay back by Jack
He has ADHD, just like Jack.
Often, he attempts to lighten the mood and is seen as ridiculous and over the top, but Jack knows it’s mostly for his sake
Unlike Jack, Race hates to make plans and enjoys running in head first and winging it
Again, Race is a hopeless romantic and is perceived as a bit of slut by most of the kids at many new schools that he attends. Despite this, he remains optimistic about finding a boyfriend
Graves is the first person to show interest and Race is infatuated with him
It’s because Graves wants him to be
Jack tries to tell him he’s under a spell of some kind, but Race tells him he’s crazy
Graves lures Race into the wood, planning on kidnapping him and feeding his blood to his flock
Albert, Jack and Crutchie save his life and Albert becomes Race’s best friend.
Race is understandably frightened after this encounter and spends a lot of time in Jack’s room, finding the book that Jack has annotated and color coded
He becomes obsessed with the book too
He memories almost every outlined supernatural being and ways to deal with them
He eventually dates someone named Drake, a telepath with telekinesis who nearly kills Jack after becoming obsessed with Race
He is extremely creative and gets Jack out of trouble time and time again by thinking outside of the box
Though it appears to most that Jack is extremely protective of Race, most underestimate the lengths Race would go to protecting Jack
After many odd and dangerous dates with many boys with bad agendas, Race eventually meets Spot
Spot is a dark angel, also known as a demon
Jack and him don’t get along.
Race really likes him
Eventually, Race gets bit by Graves and Albert has to suck the venom from him before he turns into a vampire
Katherine Plumber
Katherine is an eighteen year old part time employee and Medda’s Mystery Shack.
While she’s very peppy and girly, she’s never afraid to get her hands dirty and join Jack and Race in figuring out Gravity Falls mysteries.
She knows Jack has a crush on her, if not from him flirting, from Race who constantly tells her.
She treats Race like her own little brother
While she enjoys hearing stories about the unexplained and the supernatural, she doesn’t believe any of it exists until her and Jack and Race and some of her friends get trapped in an abandoned convenience store
This is the first time she sees how brave Jack can be as he is the one who convinced the ghosts to let them go  
While she introduces herself as Plumber, her real name is Pulitzer, though she doesn’t like to admit it.
Joseph Pulitzer is a rich businessman trying to buy the town. He wants to cut down the forest which would cost many mythical beings their home and Medda her business
When Jack and Race are new to town, many are hostile towards them as they’re outsiders. Katherine always stands up for them.
Though she is extremely girly, she has tremendous strength and is a really good fighter
She speaks three languages, English, Spanish and French and dabbles in Latin
Though she loves Medda, she often finds ways to blow of working and even has her own set up on the roof that she shows Jack
It’s the first place they kiss. Jack makes the first move and she can’t help but kiss him back even though she has a boyfriend at the time
She adores her boys and every person Jack befriends that belongs to the supernatural world.
She has amazing survival skills taught to her by her five older brothers. These come in very handy when her and her boys are in trouble.
Medda Larkin
Miss Medda Larkin is a supernatural enthusiast
She takes Race and Jack in after learning that their mother was an old friend of hers.
It is eventually discovered that it was their mother who wrote the book they’re so infatuated with
She runs a Mystery Shack, a tourist shop full of regular merchandise and odd ones
When Jack and Race first arrive, she lets them have one thing each, for free.
Jack takes a baseball cap and Race takes a necklace
Medda has known about the unexplained since she was a child.
Medda often sends the boys on odd errands which mysteriously get them into trouble
She is extremely protective of Jack and Race loves them unconditionally.
Medda is the only person to know that there is not only one mystery journal, but three.
She gives Jack the third journal in hopes that maybe he’ll find something she hasn’t.
She tells them a story about a young woman who went missing deep in the woods and asks Jack to try and solve the mystery.
That woman was Jack and Race’s mother
Not even Medda knows what happened to her
What do you guys think? Wanna hear about other characters? Let me know!
For Snyder as Triangle Bill, click here!
For more Mood Boards and AUs, click here!
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impishnature · 4 years
Stray Feelings
AO3 Fandom: Gravity Falls Rating: G
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A/N: Thanks anon! I hope you enjoy this <3 Also I think the prompt speaks for itself. Theres Feral!Ford and there’s fluffy animals.
Stan wasn't meant to be gone this long.
There was a strange atmosphere around the Shack as Ford paced, quick sharp steps and tapping fingers. Stan had a routine. He may not realise it but he did. Through the week he probably knew; get up, get dressed, work, go out on the porch to relax or in front of the TV if the weather was rough, sleep, rinse and repeat. That was simple, it made sense and Ford could integrate himself easily enough. At the weekend, or on days off, it was calmer and things could change if he only asked, Stan happy to jump at the chance to spend time together. But certain things were always the same, Stan got up, made himself a warm drink and sat on the porch for half an hour before coming in to make them both a breakfast that set off the rest of the day.
Stan hadn't come inside yet.
And deep down there was a voice laughing at him that it was nothing, that Stan was just taking his time and that was that. It was his day off, he was allowed, he didn't have to jump to Ford's whims and fancies.
But the much louder voices were the ones that itched to check up on him, to make sure he hadn't gone past the barrier or done something equally reckless. The alarm bells that clogged up his throat and set his heart racing so that he couldn't call out and get him to come back inside. It wasn't like Stan to deviate, he was a creature of habit and kept himself to himself, straying from the pattern set off too many warning signals for him to ignore.
And so he paced.
And the time Stan took outside stretched and stretched.
Until the 'what ifs' and awful cackling laughter got too much and he propelled himself at the door, brain ready and expecting a threat.
"Jesu- Sixer!"
The door cracked against the wooden wall and Stan yelped like he'd shot at him.
Ford blinked, the light outside blinding in it's intensity as he scouted for a threat in the distance, too amped up to wait for them to adjust. He could feel Stan in his peripheral, stumbling up from the floor and it only added to his anxious, heightened senses.
What was he doing down there?
"Easy, Ford, what's going on? What's happened?" 
Ford frowned, finally turning to him as he groaned and stood up properly. He darted to his side, lifting him up and depositing him into the porch chair to another disgruntled yelp at his manhandling. Had he fallen? Why hadn't he called out for me?
Stan slapped his fluttering hands away, gently but still frustrated. "Sixer, I'm fine! Just tell me what's happened." His eyes were soft, searching Ford's face as he loomed above him. "I can't help if you don't tell me, Ford. Breathe." 
"I-I-" Ford stared back at him, head tilting ever so slightly. It was easier to breathe now that it was obvious Stan was OK, and that meant the words flowed just that little bit easier. "You- uhm-" 
And suddenly everything felt that much more childish and unnecessary.
The laughing, cackling voice from before suffocating the paranoid voices.
"Nothing. Doesn't-"
"Oi. Don't do that. Whatever it is, it matters." 
But did it really?
He didn't want Stan to worry about him more than he already did.
But perhaps that ship had already sailed.
"I- that is-" Ford huffed, scrubbing at the back of his neck as he stood up. "You were taking longer than usual."
Stan raised an eyebrow, though there was a strangely sheepish tilt to his mouth that he couldn't quite hide. "O-oh?"
"You usually, uhh, you tend to only stay out here for a little while-"
Understanding dawned on his brother's face and Ford's heart sank guiltily. "Or I tell you if I'm going somewhere, don't I? Shoot, sorry. I just lost track of time."
"No, no." Ford held up his hands. "I still overreacted."
Stan shrugged, an apologetic smile still on his face. "Well, perhaps next time I lose track of time, you'll remember this time."
Ford tried to smile back but he knew it wasn't fully working from Stan's expression. "Hopefully."
"Or you could always join me- maybe with less fanfare next time." Stan's smile turned more mocking, a sibling grin beginning to stretch from ear to ear.
Ford groaned. "Don't give me that look. But yes, next time, I'll- do my best to just check on you."
Stan shrugged. "Suit yourself. It's very calming out here in the mornings." 
Ford stared at him for a few moments. He'd always assumed this was Stan's quiet time, away from the world, away from- well, him as well. "I'll keep that in mind."
"Good." Stan's face brightened, as if he'd just won an argument before his face fell again and suddenly he began searching at his feet. "Shoot. Wait, where'd it go?"
Ford watched as Stan almost forgot he was there, head snapping to him for a second before going back to his search. "Oh, right, well I did say I lost track of time. I kind of got distracted." He started making a strange noise with his mouth, soft clicks and pursed lips. It was a sound Ford was sure he'd heard before, but given all of his travels, everything had become jumbled together into a mix of signals, either angry or pleasant. This one came under the pleasant category at least, though his hackles still raised ever so slightly at the thought of another creature being on their porch that he hadn't even noticed.
He stayed silent, watching Stan's shoulders lock up even as he continued his hunt.
"So, right- this little thing came padding up to me while I was sat here. And I was going to come in and talk to you! But  I didn't know what your thoughts were on strays and the like... so I was trying to come up with a good way to broach the subject and-"
He was starting to get agitated, and Ford couldn't have that. 
It felt like he'd started this downward spiral.
"Slow down." Stan flinched and Ford hated it. "I didn't mean- just tell me calmly-"
A soft mew punctuated both of their words.
Ford watched as Stan leaned over as far as he could, a little pink nose peeking out from under the porch seat. 
"There you are!" 
He placed his hand within reaching distance, the little nose sniffing at his fingers before warily popping a whole head out and glancing up at Ford with worried eyes and downwards ears.
Ahh. He'd spooked it.
He squatted down beside the seat, hoping to appear smaller and less threatening, as the small creature shimmied it's way out of it's hiding spot and rubbed against Stan's hand, still watching him carefully. It was a skinny little thing, he could almost see ribs, but it seemed happy enough at the attention Stan was doting upon it. It was grey, though he was unsure on how much of that was dirt versus actual colouration, with short tufted little whiskers and big ears that it had yet to grow into. It mewed at him again, tiny teeth making their presence known as big brown eyes continued to stare at him. 
"See? It's just a kitten." Stan's face was locked onto the little thing as if it were Mabel at her cutest. One of his fingers was big enough to scritch it's chin and it seemed happy to sit there and bask in the attention. "It stumbled out of the woods when it heard me. Even fell over half way along the trail like the kids did sometimes when they were too excited to just walk." He cooed at it ever so softly, Ford wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't heard it. "And- I don't-" He frowned, eyes darting to Ford. "Guess I've always had a thing about looking after strays."
Ford could understand that.
After everything, he could see Stan doing that.
Besides, as much as he had to fend for himself in his travels, and his hardships had been innumerable, sometimes you just couldn't resist helping someone or something else in need as well, regardless of the danger it put you in.
Ford put his hand out slowly to the kitten, extending the olive branch and waiting patiently for it to accept or reject him. It at least looked curiously at him from behind Stan's hand. "What were you worried about?"
Stan swallowed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I-I dunno. I mean, it is your house and your rules so. I guess I was scared you'd say no and I'd have to try and hide this little one on the porch so I could still feed 'em."
Ford was mildly offended. "It's our house." Stan looked at him strangely at that. Oh, had he never actually said it before? "It is." 
Stan continued to stare before his smile widened again. "Alright, it's our house. But that still means it has to be a joint decision on looking after this little one until we find it a good home."
"Hmm..." Ford gave the kitten a joking once over as it slowly plodded over to him. "I mean it doesn't seem like a threat."
Stan snorted, Ford grinning along with him as he achieved what he'd hoped. "I swear to god if I find you running tests..."
"Well, you can never be too sure." Ford continued to smile as a cold, wet nose hit his finger, but his eyes trailed over to a little wonky tail and skinny legs. "Though I think any tests would be to check how healthy this little guy is."
"There's a vet for that."
"I'm better than a vet."
Ford could feel the eye roll he received but his focus was fixated on the little creature that was now too filled with curiosity to be cautious. It sniffed his hand, and then his coat, continuing up until both front paws were on his knees and a little face was stretching up to sniff his. He leaned down, letting the small creature continue its ministrations, scoping him out in a way that made him oddly proud but also oddly protective of the little child that didn't seem to understand that he could also be a threat.
He scooped the little thing up, pulling it into his chest. There was a soft yelp and more searching eyes as Stan started to tell him off but then the kitten relaxed, curling up into his arms against his chest. His heart was still beating fast from the earlier worries and the strange conversation but as the kitten relaxed against him, he could feel the tension easing.
It evaporated entirely when a soft purr emanated from the tiny body, slipping into his chest and warming him from the inside out. 
"We're keeping them."
Stan beamed, fist pumping ever so slightly like they were teenagers again. "Yes! I'll go out later and grab some food and see if anyone's looking for a kitten-"
Stan paused. "What?"
"We're keeping them." 
And with that Ford stood up, kitten still in hand and walked into the house, happily rejoicing at the peace the small creature was giving him as it purred in his grasp.
He heard an exasperated and confused voice behind him as Stan tried to catch up. "...Well, alright then. Guess that's that decided-"
He was sure Stan wouldn't mind.
After all, it had been his idea in the first place to look after the stray.
And they both knew deep down that once you were family to Stan, that was it for life.
He could pretend all he wanted, he'd have never been able to give the kitten up once he was attached to it.
And Ford was pretty sure from his earlier arguments and that fond expression he'd worn that it had already happened.
Yeah, he was sure Stan would forgive him.
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crimsonrae · 4 years
Bear and Birdie
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Chapter One
Summary: AU Howard only ever had Birdie to confide in as a child and Steve only ever had Bucky. So, what happens when more than just a supersoldier serum connects these people? Told in a collection of one-shots and flashbacks, rating subject to change.
Bucky BarnesxOFC
Rating: Mature
A/N: Okay I have this posted on FF and haven’t updated it in a... long time, but I’m going to post here and hope I find inspiration to finish their story, because they live in my mind and I love them.
Chapter One
1935 Brooklyn, New York
It was quiet.
But...it wasn't the world is just silent right now quiet. It was heavy, just shy of tangible.
James Buchanan Barnes, Bucky to his friends, frowned at the silence unsure why the quiet unsettled him that morning. The sun drifted through the cloudy windows of Saint Catherine's Lost Home for Boys in a hazy laziness that only seemed to add to the heavy silence of the lobby. It was almost oppressive. He bit back a sigh as he turned his attention to the paperwork he needed to fill out, lightly twirling a pen through his fingers as he read.
Official release documents – at eighteen-years-old James Barnes could no longer and would no longer be considered a ward of the great state of New York.
Bucky had known this day would come, had known he would have to say goodbye to the only stable home he ever had. He had thought he would feel angry about this day or maybe sad. He had thought he would feel something more than a slight dread and muted indifference. Maybe it was the fact that he knew the orphanage could never be a true home, a place to come back to when life became too much as he grew older. Hell, when he had arrived he hadn't intended to stay as long as he had, it was just…it was just the world seemed to have other plans for him.
If he was being completely honest with himself, the orphanage had stopped being home over a year ago. Maybe that was why he felt so indifferent to this whole process.
The lack of funding that Saint Cat's had received in the past few years had caused Bucky to ease away from the system long before it was ready to release him. The parish fought for every penny to feed and dress the growing number of children under its care. Yet, he hadn't felt right taking those meals and clothes when he knew he could take care of himself. He had spent his spare time working odd shifts down at the docks and at various diners in the area. Whatever work he could find he would take. He probably would have dropped out of school, if not for his entirely too lecture-friendly best friend - Steve Rogers would drag him off to class whenever necessary. James smirked, he had graduate by the skin of his teeth and he knew it. School was for the smart cats like Steve, not dumb bastards like him.
Not dumb bastards like him.
The paperwork seemed to glare up at him in stark black and white confirmation of that thought. James sighed resignedly, not entirely sure where his head was at as he finally lifted his hand to scrawl messily across the bottom of the page.
It was official now – he was no longer a lost boy, only a lost man. He snorted quietly, somehow that seemed far worse.
A muffled cough disturbed the oppressive silence and made Bucky blink up from his release papers directly into the sad green eyes of Sister Madeleine. He had forgotten she had been waiting for him to finish. The old Sister seemed to fade into the framework of the lobby. Always a part of the structure, but infinitely her own. Bucky pushed a small smile to his lips as he handed her the papers. Neither seemed to want to disturb the odd silence of the lobby as they waited for the other to speak. They didn't have to – the sound of shallow steps and a light grunt caught their ears as they turned toward the hallway entrance. Bucky nearly rolled his eyes.
"Stevie, what're you doing?" James sighed tiredly as he watched his best friend trudge into the lobby of the orphanage carrying a duffel that was almost as big as him.
The shorter blonde sent James a pointed look that said he shouldn't be surprised. In truth, Bucky wasn't. He had half-expected Steve to show up at the boarding house with a room key already in hand. In their almost decade long friendship and adopted brotherhood there wasn't much that Steve Rogers could do that Bucky didn't see coming, "You didn't seriously think I would stay here with Richie Long and Herman Dutt, did you?"
Bucky didn't even blink at the mention of Steve's long time tormentors, knowing it was a smokescreen. He merely quirked a brow, "And here I thought you three had made nice."
Steve snorted, "There's making nice and then there's being friendly, Buck." He paused as he ruffled through his coat to pull out paperwork that looked suspiciously like the documents that Bucky had just signed before handing them over to Sister Madeleine, "Sides, it's not like I'd be staying here much longer."
Bucky frowned as Steve glanced at him with a sly smile and certain spark in his blue eyes. Steve had at least another ten months before his release papers would need to be signed. He pursed his lips in question when the light bulb finally went on, "You got it. You got the scholarship."
Steve nodded almost shyly and Bucky just about crowed. Somehow, Steve had managed to graduate a year early with Bucky. James hadn't questioned it. He knew how determined his best friend could be and that he was smart enough to understand all the extra work. But the scholarship to Columbia...The scholarship had been a goal of Steve's since they had started high school. Bucky knew it had to do with a promise Steve had made to his mother before she passed...but Columbia.
Suddenly, leaving Saint Cat's didn't seem as unsettling. He grinned widely at his friend as he snatched his duffel up from the ground. Once again forgetting Sister Madeleine's presence as he nudged Steve in the shoulder, "This calls for a celebration. Let's go get some breakfast down at Mel's."
"We can't afford Mel's." Steve stated dryly as he followed Bucky's lead, unable to keep his small prideful smile from his lips.
Bucky just chuckled, "I think Cassie is working this morning. She'll get us something. We're celebrating Stevie. Man, you just got into Columbia. You'll be rubbing elbows with the blue-bloods soon enough."
"God, I hope not." Steve muttered amused. He tried not to shake his head at Bucky's excitement. He hadn't even been that happy when he received his acceptance letter, but it was good to see that smile. He hadn't seen Bucky smile at much lately. Swallowing tightly as the duo stepped outside he reached into the side of his bag and pulled out an envelope, "Here."
James frowned curiously as he took the wrinkled envelope. There wasn't paper inside. The contents too bulky and hard in his grasp, "What's this?"
But even as he asked, his fingers were prying open the flap to let loose two brass keys. He knew these keys. Steve almost fidgeted in place as he met Bucky's sharp gaze, "Aunt Mabel never sold Mom's apartment... just packed up and headed home to Oklahoma after...well after. And we need a place, so."
"Stevie..." Bucky started, unsure what he wanted to say, but knowing he should say something. Sarah Rogers had died in her apartment after a long drawn out battle with a sickness that he could barely understand. He couldn't see Steve living there...not after everything, "We can find another place."
"Like where, Buck? The boarding house you've been going to?" Steve pushed stodgily, "A roof is a roof, right? I can deal."
"The boarding house ain't so bad." Bucky murmured tiredly, because he couldn't quiet see Steve living there either.
Steve shrugged, he wouldn't admit that he didn't want to live in his mom's old run down box of an apartment, but he also wasn't ready to sell it yet. He hadn't even finished going through her things and she had passed over two years ago, "The apartment ain't so bad either, jerk."
James had a few reservations about that statement, but he wouldn't fight about it with Steve. Not now, maybe not ever. Instead he rolled his eyes and slung his arm around Steve's shoulder, "So, how long have you known about the scholarship, ya punk?"
"A week."
"A week? You didn't tell me for a week? You really are a punk, you know that?"
Steve snickered, "I think you'll get over it."
"Nah, we have a week worth of celebration to do now." Bucky said boastfully as he pushed his thoughts and Steve's away from Sarah Rogers.
Steve nearly rolled his eyes as he held in a groan. He had a week of Bucky trying to drag him out to a club or with a girl now. It wasn't the worst fate in the world, but he was sure it would be the most exhausting. The two sniped at each other as they walked. Their feet automatically moving where they needed.
The duo made it halfway to Mel's Diner when Steve snorted and nudged his friend, "Hey Buck?"
"Happy Birthday."
1935 Kingston, New York
It was an unbearably hot morning. The sun seemed to be reminding the world that it was a giant ball of burning gas. Well maybe not the world, but the heat was definitely making its presence known to the small group segregated in a cemetery just outside of Kingston. Elena Turner stifled a sigh as she tried not to tug at the sleeves of her mourning dress. The satiny material didn't breathe and was beginning to cling to her skin…she wished the preacher would talk faster, this farce of a funeral needed to be over. She felt her cousin shift uncomfortably next to her and knew that he too was becoming impatient. She couldn't help, but turn to look at him. His eyes were glazed red and glaring miserably at the wooden coffin perched before them. He had foregone any pretense at being composed and was pulling clumsily at his collar.
Elena supposed it was for the best, Howard was supposed to be playing the role of the grieving son. She doubted that anyone, but herself and a few servants, knew that his pallid complexion and bloodshot eyes were the result from a night of drinking in celebration, rather than crying in sorrow. He was beyond hungover and the strange heat was doing nothing to make him better. She only hoped that he wouldn't do something incredibly…stupid.
"Stop fidgeting." Elena warned quietly, "There are more than enough people staring at you."
"I think I'm going to throw up." Howard murmured uneasily as he continued to pull at his collar. He could care less about the people watching him. He had spent the past week in a wild state of relief, shock and horror and it was almost over. As soon as the coffin was in the ground, he could move on.
"Please don't." Elena said with a small grimace, "I told you not to drink so much last night."
He rolled his eyes and instantly regretted it as the sensation of a million needles pierced his skull, "How was I supposed to know it would be such a wretched morning? Isn't it supposed to rain at funerals?...God, I'm dying."
"You're not dying, you big baby. Besides, I think the world is rather happy that your father is no longer in it, I know I am." Elena muttered lightly as she watched the preacher finally close his bible and step back from the coffin to let the gravediggers have access.
Howard nearly cried in relief at the sight of the slightly grungy men, "Give me a break. The only person mourning daddy dearest is your mother."
As if the woman in question could hear his words from across the aisle of folding chairs, Vitoria Turner, sister of Howard Stark Senior, let out an awful screeching sob. Elena was sure the entire congregation cringed at the sound as she tried to hold back a groan of disgust. She could see her older brother, Fergus, quickly coming to her mother's aid with a handkerchief. It wasn't even eleven in the morning and already the day was too long.
"Think she'll still be crying when she finds out that father left her out of his will?" Her cousin murmured amusedly as he watched the spectacle his aunt was making.
"Yes, except then the tears will be real." Elena muttered dryly as she turned her attention back to the lowering of the casket. She honestly didn't want to think about her mother receiving that news. The woman was intolerable on a good day; on a bad day, Vitoria Turner could make Satan cry, "Can I stay with you when that happens?"
Howard sent her a sympathetic look, "Do you even have to ask, Birdie? You're always welcome in my home." He tugged at his collar again, "My God, what is with this heat? It's barely even May. I swear this is my father's doing. He's making sure I'm miserable even when he's gone."
"Don't say that!" Elena whispered harshly as she went pale at the thought of her uncle still having any influence on the world.
She sensed Howard's sharp eyes studying her and suddenly felt her stomach roll with silent shame. He hadn't been the only one to have a tumultuous week. She had been bouncing between the same emotions he had, the only difference was that Elena knew they would not be able to move on as easily as her cousin seemed to think. Her eyes drifted back towards the rectangular hole in the ground, and suddenly, her dress wasn't the only thing unable to breathe. What had she done?
As if he knew what she was thinking, Howard quickly grasped her hand and squeezed her fingers. Her blue gaze quickly snapped to him, but all Howard could do was shake his head. Don't fall apart now, he was silently trying to tell her. Not yet.
"Where's that flask you snatched this morning?" He whispered instead, no longer meeting her stare. If he had, then he would have seen the exasperated disbelief that sparked in her blue orbs.
"I'm not giving you anymore alcohol."
Howard bit back a smile as he heard the annoyance coating her voice. However, he hadn't been asking for the flask for himself to use, but for her. Elena could use a little alcohol to calm her nerves. He turned to explain this to her, but was only able to get his mouth open when another resounding screech was heard from the other side of the aisle as the mourners began to stand for final farewells.
Elena glared at him, "If I have to deal with my mother sober, then so do you."
Howard wisely kept his mouth shut and stood to receive the forming line of condolence wishes. Suddenly, he wished she had given him the flask. In a perfect world, he would not have had to arrange a funeral at the age of sixteen. His eyes drifted toward the now lowered casket that had induced Elena's minor panic moments before, but then he should not have killed his father either. His hands went clammy and the headache he had been nursing all morning seemed to become even more unbearable. He just needed to get past today. A moment later, he felt Elena come to his side. Her hand lightly tapped his elbow to let him know that she was there if he needed her. He smiled gratefully at her.
"Uncle Leo is here." Elena whispered as he began to shake hands, "He'll take us back to the house once we're done here."
Howard nodded his understanding as he spared another glance toward his father's grave. As he glanced back at the mourners, he caught Elena's gaze. A look of grim understanding passed between them.
No one could know.
Next Chapter
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