#so enjoy the suspense hehe
dreamlandiasims · 11 months
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Marisol: Hi hon! How’s the trailer treating you?
Lori: Hm? Oh… it’s been great.
Marisol: Doesn’t sound great. What’s wrong? Can I get you a drink?
Lori: Shot of whiskey?
Marisol: Only if you tell me what’s wrong.
Lori: I’m a horrible mother, Sol.
Marisol: Whoa, whoa. Why are you saying that?
Lori: I promised Frankie we would leave today, but now our car is wrecked and Neal is estimating weeks for the repairs… and they’re going to cost so much…
Marisol: How much?
Lori: 4, 5 thousand. I know I should have savings to cover that, or at least part of it, but… things have been tough lately. Frankie… doesn’t know that.
Marisol: I see.
Lori: I don’t know what to do. I don’t have any family, any friends who can help me. Frankie already hates me, what am I supposed to tell her? Even if I got a job here, it would take me months to make that kind of money.
Marisol: I wish I could help you out with this one, I really do. But—
Lori: No, no, you’ve done enough already. I couldn’t accept anything more from you, even if you did offer. This one’s on me.
Marisol: Well, I would suggest you grab an apron and start waiting tables here, but I can barely afford to keep this place running as it is. I bet if you ask folks around town, though, there will be plenty of odd jobs, at least to get you started. You should also go back to Neal, see if he’d cut you a d—
Sigworth: Pardon me, but I couldn’t help but overhear—
Marisol: This doesn’t concern you, actually.
Sigworth: Ah, Marisol. I’m finished with my meal, would you be a dear and go clean it up for me?
Marisol: Well, since you asked so nicely…
Sigworth: Thanks darling. [to Lori] Dylan Sigworth. What’s your name, ma’am?
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yourfavouritefighter · 5 months
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time to add to the mystery of the drips since no one has suggested this one yet….
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sysig · 2 months
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You’re gonna die if you keep that up (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Kayako#And Teisel's there technically#*Die again - he's sticking with his track record lol at least he's consistent#Ghost/Curse GF arc!! I enjoy seeing ZEX happy but I am Concerned for him lol#ZEX be attracted to something/one that won't brutally murder him challenge - difficulty impossible#His affection for the grotesque and monstrous - I mean while it's admirable he does regularly put himself in dangerous situations!#Runs solely on the Suspension Bridge Effect lol - attraction and fear so conflated in his mind <3#I keep thinking of his human instincts as specifically Max's instincts since it's his body - Max's self-preservation and fear and hunger#Which ZEX dutifully ignores lol Max's body tells him to bolt and privately replies like ''Yes yes in a moment'' haha#His fascination wins out! To his own detriment haha#Although I say all that as though I don't relate in my own way - I have maybe just a few too many notes relating to ZEX lol#It's always been hard for me to get into horror in the way it's intended to spook and scare because I tend to get sad :')#So many monsters and ghosts and creatures are victims of circumstance! Like Kayako! As she is here she's not even malicious just dangerous#I've never seen the Grudge so it's only speculation but it seems very sad that she was tethered as a Curse rather than a malignant spirit#Like a battery moreso than an individual - what a terrible after-existence! It makes me sad to consider!#ZEX reaching out to her in his own way is very sweet <3 He's so biased towards his darlings hehe#In a way being human does suit him - we'll packbond with anything that Might have even the slightest inclination to not maim us lol#And the way he personifies her! (VUXonifies her?) Reading intention or emotion into her actions with no proof and no understanding!#The way he ''tries to read her face'' as if he hasn't been struggling with that this entire time - with other humans who can tell him so ♪#His pride is so delicious <3 He is so easily blinded to his own shortcomings in the face of pleasure and the potential for connection!#It's no wonder DAX worries about him so much hehe ♥#It also always makes me so happy to have something fit together so perfectly like those last two hehe <3#That vine didn't exist when this happened! But there it is!! I love newer memes on older media hehehe ♪♫
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writingstoraes · 11 months
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sparks 🎇
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: written imagine (fluff)
word count: 1.7k, no warnings hehe
notes: once again this is a new idea even though i have a ton of drafts like my mind is a mess so i am not surprised ANYWAY . trying to get out of a writing slump so lmk what u guys think! ALSO apologies for any typos or grammatical errors this is not proofread at all 😆
about:  The few of the many times Charles’ heart skipped a beat because of you.
Movies have always portrayed “real” sparks so well. Sometimes it’s a scene where a guy sees the girl for the very first time during a first date and he freezes for a moment, the apparent electricity between two people when their hands almost touch and they panic for a little while, or the moment of suspense before a first kiss and the exhilaration after.
But Charles taught that was exactly what they were - movie scenes. He lingered on the thought that the moments where sparks flew and one’s heart skips a beat, those moments cannot be manufactured in real life. They stay in movies, books, in the arts; where they belong, somewhere where they were fiction.
Not until he experiences it first-hand, not until he meets you, the woman who held his heart in the palm of her hand.
He felt it the first time your hands ever touched. 
At first, he thought he was going crazy. There was no way he felt a current run through his skin the moment it came in contact with yours, but to this day, it’s a testament he swears on very seriously. 
You had been going out for a few weeks, several dates here and there. It was the exact point where you felt comfortable with each other, but only starting to be, hence why there were still evident boundaries present. The two of you were careful to not cross any, especially Charles. He’s cautious on establishing any physical touch, sure, he’s held your waist to guide you through bustling crowds and had slung his arm over your shoulder, but he hasn’t held your hand. At least, not yet. 
He had invited you to have dinner on his yacht, set at the perfect time where you can be of witness to the beautiful sunset over the sea. He says the food was nearly done, so he set up two comfortable chairs that gave you just the perfect view of the Monaco skies. The sun was setting and the golden sky formed a beautiful gradient with the blue hue that painted it beforehand. 
He turns his head to you, your arm resting on the chair’s handles, a tad bit preoccupied with the view in front of you. He keeps a smile to himself, enjoying the personalized view he had. For some reason, he feels the urge to hold your hand, or at least rest his on top of yours. He was hesitating and second-guessing, lifting his finger once in a while and then putting it back down when he decides not to push through. It didn’t help that there were minimal distance between your chair and his, and so he was fighting the urge to initiate contact and have you flee off. 
But his hesitant hand that kept on moving was something you grew to notice, and thanks to your knowledge of many, many romance movies, you assumed it meant he wanted to hold your hand but was too afraid to do it. You shove the thought of doing it first in the back of your head, overthinking that you might be wrong and he in fact did not want to hold your hand. 
Maybe it was something in the air, the quiet waves of the ocean, or just the fact that he really really liked you. 
He finally lifts his hand so he can reach yours, resting it softly on top of your hand. He lets out a relieved and contented sigh when he feels you ease into his touch. His heart raced faster, like it was screaming for help and begging to be let out of his chest.
As if that was not enough, he feels a current run through his arm and out of his fingertips the moment you grasp his hand and decide to interlock your fingers with his then setting it on top of the chair’s handle.  He swears he saw fireworks when he closed his eyes and his heart finally exploded out of his chest. He vows he can stand up and jump around out of joy, but he chooses to indulge in the moment and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze instead.
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He had met you earlier in the season and he would be lying if he said he didn’t want you to see him in his element, doing what truly made him happy. That is, if his team does not proceed to ruin the entire weekend for him and his dedicated fans.
He invited you to watch a grand prix, in a track that he felt most comfortable. He was the perfect gentleman whe he extended the invite, letting you know you could always decline if you didn’t feel like going. You were together, in all terms to be considered, but he didn’t want to pressure you into finally making your appearance only because he knew how harsh it could get. He assures you that he will take care of everything and all you needed to do was come.
You were committed to attend the entire weekend, from free practice until the race itself. Even if Charles was quick to reassure you that you didn’t have to be there for everything, you only return a smile and tell him you wanted to be, which not surprisingly calmed his nerves. 
You knew people were going to stare, fans will take pictures, even the possibility of you making headlines. This was your first paddock appearance as his girlfriend, after all. It was inevitable, so you try to take your mind off of the pressure. Much to your nerves bothering you before you even got on the plane, you had been racking your brain on what to wear. You didn’t want to seem like you were trying too hard or too little. 
You finally settle on an outfit and your lips form a small smile as you looked in the mirror. It was nothing extravagant, only a black one-shoulder top and a black high-waisted pants that you paired with a red leather jacket. It’s not like you wanted what you wore to scream Ferrari, but you wanted to add a little touch, at least for Charles. 
“What do you think? I chose the red jacket for you,” you turn around to see Charles, seeing as you heard his footsteps earlier and knew he entered the room.
If he was being honest, he had seen you put on the outfit. He witnessed how you cocked your head to the side trying to see if it looks good. He sees the outfits laid on the bed, all with a touch of red, and he could feel butterflies swarm his stomach at the thought of you carefully planning out your outfits to include his team’s colors.
There it was again, the stupid sparks that he’s been getting ever since he met you. He curses himself for being a little non-functional when feels them, but he figures he has to get used to being blown away by everything you did. It feels magnetic, like he’s feeling actual static. You make him feel so much by just doing so little. 
He sees you twirling around in front of the mirror, smiling when you finally put on the red leather jacket, looking satisfied. 
He stops at his tracks, at least internally, and fails to respond for at least 10 seconds. 
“Do you not like it? I can always go change-”
“No,” he says, almost out of voice. “You look absolutely beautiful.” 
Where he was standing, he swears he sees fireworks erupt behind you.
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Charles stands on the podium, feeling victorious and ecstatic he had clinched another win for his Formula 1 career. He looks fondly at the sea of crowd cheering for him, waving flags of his own country, Ferrari, and Italy. From where he stood he could see Fred’s big smile and the engineers celebrating, jumping up and down. 
The trophies had been awarded and the Monaco national anthem had finally played. He was wearing his Pirelli cap and completely drenched in champagne. He scans the crowd down the podium, hoping to get a glance of you. Earlier, he did tell you you didn’t have to witness the awarding personally should he win, because he didn’t want you to get in between many people and possibly get shoved or pushed. He assumes that you were in the garage, waiting for him, probably with a kiss and a hug. 
He leans over the makeshift railing of the stage, eyes still set on possibly sighting you. When he fails to find you, he finally comes down and there he sees you, just near the stairs going up to the podium with teary eyes and a wide smile. There you stood with hands clasped together, in awe of Charles who was standing in front of you. 
He feels his heart race yet again, having experienced the first time you ever greeted him after he claims P1 in a race. Even just by looking at you he feels his world shift, like its only goal was to pull him towards you, like the fireworks that took the skies earlier weren’t enough and he was having his own show. 
He jogs towards you, exhilirated and filled with adrenaline and pulls you into a tight embrace. His entire body twitches when you plant a soft kiss on his cheek, as if every fiber of his being had turned into putty at your touch. Everytime you engulf him in an embrace, kiss his cheek, or run your hands through his hair, he feels as if he’s inside his car going at least 320 kilometers per hour. He has no clue how you do it, how you possibly make him feel like he’s won a race every time he was with you;  as if you and his heart had a binding agreement. 
“Congratulations, mon champion du monde,” you say slowly and close to Charles so only he could hear, hoping you didn’t mess up the pronunciation, after having practiced it several times on the plane. 
Something tugs at his heartstrings, having been greeted by the knowledge that you sent out his well wishes in French, even though you didn’t speak the language and mentioned you were always scared you were going to say something wrong. But mostly because you called him your world champion, and that just sends him down a spiral.
“Thanks for being here, amour.” he replies, pulling you in again for another hug. 
tagging: @slytherheign, @honethatty12, @siovhanroy
notes: thanks for reading everyone <3 will try to post a 1.4k special soon but firstly thank u so much for all the love hehehe hope u guys r having the nicest day!
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swordcreature · 6 months
I return with another idea for the tiefling trio
Where they would take reader/tav for their first official date :0 I was thinking post game after the gate is rebuilt but you can set the time whenever :D
hi hi sorry this took so long, things have been a little crazy for me lately!! i love soft romantic things and this definitely scratched that itch a bit for me hehe! ty as always
Dammon, Rolan, & Zevlor - First Dates
Where the tiefling boys take you for your first date
First Dates 
Okay the guy is a bit of a romantic, but in a laid-back way. He doesn’t want to take you to the most expensive spot in town or buy you bouquets of the rarest flowers; Dammon wants to take you someplace meaningful and quiet. Somewhere you can have a little privacy and enjoy the beauty of the world around you.  
I think he’d take you to a cliffside in Rivington. He planned a picnic, maybe having someone help him set it up beforehand so that it’s waiting for you when you two arrive.  
He arrives at your home to “pick you up” so to speak. Stopping by to get you so that you both can walk hand in hand to your date. 
He definitely doesn’t tell you exactly what you'll be doing or where you’ll be going. He strikes me as a bit of a teaser, so he wants to be able to keep you guessing in suspense – and poke a little fun at you while you do. Nothing malicious of course, our boy is a gentleman, thank you very much. 
There's just enough sunlight left in the day for you two to eat and enjoy yourselves, but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t planned the timing just right so that you could watch the sunset together. The sun’s golden reflection cast over the calm surface of the Chionthar may be one of the most beautiful sights the area has to offer, and it shows just how much thought Dammon put into your date.  
And then your little picnic date becomes a stargazing date. Laying back on the blanket, holding hands, pointing up and trying to name the constellations you know. I could totally see Dammon just dropping the absolute bomb on you that he knows most of them from memory. 
It’s the perfect spot for it too. It’s one of the highest points around the city, so you feel like you two are as close to the stars as two mortals can be.  
On the walk home, it’s quiet and calm – the perfect night to share a couple kisses in the street without any nosy onlookers.  
Rolan has a goddamn entire tower to himself (and his siblings, of course, but that’s still a whole lot of tower at his disposal). Of course he’s going to take you there for your date. It has the best view in all of the Gate and he has home field advantage (and this is important because Rolan is very nervous about the date so he needs all the help he can get), it’s a win-win.  
You’ve been to the tower before, sure, but you hadn’t really had the chance to see it under Rolan’s influence yet – except for the storefront that is. He didn’t make huge, drastic changes but somehow it all feels completely different from the last time you were there, before the city was in ruins. Less like a madman’s hoard of all things powerful and rare, and more like the homey library of an eccentric lord. It fits him. 
He gives you a tour and makes note of all the changes he and his siblings made, delighted by everything they’ve done so far. I think Rolan sees this date as a chance to really impress you, so he wants to show you what he’s proudest of. Right now, that’s the life he’s created in the Gate.  
Lia insisted on her and Cal making dinner for the two of you, because if there is one thing the great Rolan of Ramazith’s Tower can’t do, it’s cook. So you head to the dining area to eat when she calls you both down. He does pick out the wine though. 
After dinner he brings you to the top floor where the observation deck juts out over the city. It’s covered in a beautiful garden that makes it feel like a forest suspended in the air (Lia’s handywork Rolan admits, but he still is just as proud of it).  
You sit as Rolan conjures up lights in the sky, something akin to what he did at the camp party outside the grove but bigger. He sits with you to watch, keeping his concentration steeled so that the lightshow doesn’t go out.  
It’s romantic and thoughtful and very Rolan, tying the entire date together with an impressive display of his powers. The people in the streets below can definitely see the show with how bright it is. 
But as you lean into him to enjoy it, reaching up to quickly plant a kiss on his lips, the lights abruptly stop, his concentration shot to the hells. 
Zevlor strikes me as a traditional romantic. He wants to court you the way they used to do it when he was young, the proper way. He wants to arrive with a rose in hand, dressed in the best doublet he has, and take you out to dinner. And not at a ratty tavern or inn, either. No, he wants to take you to a place befitting someone as wonderful and deserving as yourself.  
After the Gate is rebuilt, I like to imagine that the lower city is filled with more businesses than ever before as the city tries to stimulate the economy, especially for the poorer part of the city. The Elfsong and the Blushing Mermaid are no longer the only places to grab a warm meal. There are proper eateries and bakeries of all sorts.  
So, he takes you to a tavern built in the wake of the Steel Watch Foundry, an area that has been transformed into a small market district. It’s a quiet place that offers candlelit tables, soft piano music, and good food.  
It’s the perfect place to talk all evening, indulging in food and drinks while just enjoying each other’s company. Zevlor wants above all else to know you, to get so see all parts of you that you’ll offer to him, so the conversation never dies down.  
After a mead or two, Zevlor will even pull you to the dance floor after having requested a song from the pianist. He’s a practiced dancer, and easily sweeps you across the tavern, earning some claps from onlookers. 
The rest of the evening goes like that. Alternating between conversation, drinking, and dancing. Even though you’re in a tavern with other people, you feel like the only two people there. It’s incredibly intimate, all things considered. 
As the date draws to a close, you notice that the tavern is mostly empty, save for the staff wiping down tables. It’s close to closing, time having flown by without either of you noticing.  
Zevlor walks you home so that he can make sure you’re safe, and most definitely not because he’s hoping for a goodnight kiss. Okay, that’s part of it. But mostly the safety thing.  
When you do offer him a kiss as a thank you for the wonderful date and as a sign of your true affection, Zevlor blushes a shade of magenta, but kisses you back. It looks like he’s trying to hold back a giant smile when he turns around to head home.  
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mykingdomforapen · 24 days
LC's Link Click fic shout-outs
I worry I'm going to come off as nagging but I do feel strongly about it. Link Click has some INCREDIBLE fic, written by people who put a lot of time and energy and effort into writing, but they don't always get a ton of reader interaction. I feel like I often find a fic I enjoy, scroll down to comment, and find I'm maybe one of 2 or 3 people to comment on it.
Link Click is technically not a small fandom--on the contrary, it's so incredibly active! But it seems that unless a fic was published in the s1 era or happens to get lucky, this is the norm. Which strikes me as sad, because the fandom is popping and active on other platforms.
So here are a handful of fics (by no means exhaustive) of fics that I've thoroughly enjoyed that I had scrolled down and went, They deserve so much love! (again, not exhaustive!)
liminal by Anonymous
Qiao Ling and Lu Guang talk. Much is left unsaid.
It's such a subtle fic, but so effective in showing Lu Guang's emotions, Qiao Ling's worry, and the nature of their relationship in conjunction to Cheng Xiaoshi. It's truly just so soft and nice.
stain by HeavenlyDusk
The only way for Cheng Xiaoshi to be dead is for Qiao Ling to have died first.
I just love a Qiao Ling confronts Lu Guang about Cheng Xiaoshi's death fic, and this one really captures big sister Qiao Ling and how much she cares about both of her boys. I love it!
resolve and reverberations by macrauchenia
Lu Guang rarely fumbles, rarely cracks, and rarely steps up to the sparring mat first. Nevertheless, on a random day in the middle of September, he does all three. Alternatively, Qiao Ling and Cheng Xiaoshi can't figure out why their best friend seems so *wrong* for no explicable reason.
A slice of life fic that adds such a delicious sprinkle of angst at Lu Guang's expense hehe. But it makes me feel so sad for Lu Guang, who just is so traumatized of losing Cheng Xiaoshi, and then it gives him a soft encouragement at the end. It's so sweet.
Instinct (Part One) by JordannaMorgan
Hired to solve a wealthy client’s personal mystery, Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang discover there are even darker powers in the world than they realized… and the damage left in the fallout will not be easily fixed for anyone.
Man, this fic is so CREATIVE. It is great at suspense, kept me on the edge of my seat from chapter to chapter, and the Cheng Xiaoshi angst is so delicious. And then the ENDING. gahhh, I cannot wait for Part Two and really hope that it will come!! I think about this fic so often
A Day Like Any Other by rane_ne
After three long years, for the very first time ever, Lu Guang finally gets to turn 20.
It's just ... gahhhh. Cheng Xiaoshi is my blorbo, yes, but Lu Guang being so relieved and emotional at the end because he's finally done it, and is turning another year older because he no longer has to dive back because his friend is alive??? GAHHHHH
Memoriam by JordannaMorgan
Even for those who have no powers, photographs are powerful things.
This is a lovely case fic that is so thoughtfully, emotionally, and tenderly told. I love the compassion that the story has for the characters, and it gives me the feelings that the Earthquake arc concluded with--finding joy and kindness even within the tragedy. I really love it.
sept, oct by Toothpaste_Fresh
The first time around, there are no rules, and Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi must learn all of their lessons the hard way. The first time around, Cheng Xiaoshi is the seventh of Liu Min’s victims. The second time around, there will be no seventh victim.
Gosh, this fic is so goooood. I love the speculation of what the first time round was like, and GOSH it's just such a gut punch of dramatic irony, of both CXS and LG being bold and idealistic and naive, and then how it tragically leads to CXS' death. It's EXCELLENT.
Golden Hour by StuckIn_aTimeLoop
The salty breeze feels nice. Cheng Xiaoshi smiles as he kneels down in the sand, happy they managed to make it in time for golden hour. Cheng Xiaoshi holds up the camera to capture his shot.
I LOVE ME SOME PARALLEL SCENES THAT ARE CONNECTED AND INTERTWINED BY AN EMOTIONAL MOTIF!! The juxtaposition of two types of golden hours is done so well, and both are so full of energy of opposite kinds in such a well balanced way. I was so excited when I heard this fic was being written and I was so happy reading it.
the shine in your eyes reminded me of the moon by StuckIn_aTimeloop
Cheng Xiaoshi was barely a child when his parents died. The king took him in, raised him as his own. Now he's older, it is time for him to choose his own knight.
Prince Cheng Xiaoshi and Knight Lu Guang. Need I say more??? It's so indulgent and I love it.
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j-jinxee · 17 days
Could I request a fic with nijiro or chishiya where reader uses a sex toy or toys on him to make him beg. I love the idea of them being whiny.
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NSFW under the cut! ⊹ Chishiya x Reader
[warnings - nsfw, sex toys, begging, public(?), swearing]
A/N - tysm for the request!! hehe I loveee this :3 don't ask me how they got access to s€x toys and stuff in the borderland since there's no like, electronic devices kind of yk? Just go w it hehe —★
Chishiya's poker face was one to admire. He had incredible control over his emotions showing, not cracking for anyone or anything. It interested you, his whole demeanour was something no one else at the beach even came close to. The beach influenced everyone to be incredibly care free, dropping their guards and just having a good time, but of course, not Chishiya. Chishiya still kept that same unamused yet intrigued look on his face, he was so peculiar.
Fast forward a few games, you and Chishiya got pretty close. He found you weren't annoying like most at the beach, the way you spoke didn't irritate him at all, plus it was fun having someone around who was actually a challenge. The games got pretty boring after a while, sure you'd get hurt sometimes, but they eventually all got so easy. So you and Chishiya would start placing bets just to spice it up a bit, betting who could get a higher score, who got hurt the least, who predicted which players would die, you know? It was your guys' way of attempting to enjoy the games.
However this type of bet came as a surprise.
"You're so full of it! You would not be able to keep it together!" You exclaimed to Chishiya.
"Trust me I could, it wouldn't be that hard."
"Alright then, let's bet on it." You said with a smile.
His face slightly dropped, you finally got to him. You know he wouldn't be able to keep it together, let alone survive a full game. He'd be too sensitive to focus, because you'd be watching from afar, in full control of a pretty little cock ring he's wearing, vibrations running through his core as he tries not to falter.
Fuck the idea was so hot, and it'd soon be a reality thanks to your betting games. You knew from a friend of a friend that the beach wasn't too far from an adult store, how convenient. Before the next game, you'd taken a little trekk to the store, sure it was creepy and abandoned like everything else in the city, but it still looked relatively clean. Making your "purchase" of the toy, you began your way back to the beach, Chishiya's next game was tonight, so he was just praying it wouldn't be anything in the spades category.
Much to his luck — it was a diamonds game. Fuck, he might actually win.
You two had discussed the "rules" earlier, you'd be in an undisclosed location somewhere near the game arena. You'd also have an ear piece in so you could hear all his pretty little noises, but he'd have to focus completely on the game, no communication was allowed on his end.
He'd win if his poker face stayed strong, basically if no one caught on or asked him about it. He also wasn't allowed to cum, poor baby. However, if you won — he'd have to keep it on all night, all the way back to the beach, in his own bed, everything.
It was some sort of numbers game (think like the king of diamonds except not that serious). There was a screen with numbers 0-100, and a math formula that went along with it. You honestly didn't pay much attention, you weren't playing and were just here to make sure Chishiya doesn't cheat. It was more than likely Chishiya knew where you were, he always knew somehow, and right now you may or may not have been pirched on top of the roof, looking in through the high windows. It was night, and you were in full black, no one else would've seen you.
You decided not to touch the remote at all during the first two rounds, hopefully making him feel the suspense. You doubt it would have any real effect on him, but it's fun to imagine.
"Your move Chishiya, what'll it be?" Another player asked.
His lips parted to begin speaking. vrrr vrrr
You smirked as you saw him hesitate, his mouth closing for a split second before going back to his sentence. You had it on the lowest setting, wouldn't want to ruin the fun immediately.
Your mind started to wander as the game went on, thinking back to all the other pretty toys you saw in the shop. Invasive thoughts clouded your mind, beginning to think about using all the other toys on Chishiya — binding his wrists to the headboard with those hand cuffs, watching hot wax run down his bare chest, fuck. You definitely had to go back.
Two players had already had their heads blown off, three remaining including Chishiya. Your thumb dragged along the buttons of the remote, surprising you with the fact it even worked from this distance. Shiya was beginning to get restless, adjusting his posture, looking around randomly, rubbing his eyes, just trying to feel anything else to take his mind off the pleasure, threatening to spill at any second.
"mm-mmh! shit-" he quietly panted, completely unable to focus. The other players shot him suspicious glances, wondering what was happening to him.
"You alright there?" Another player asked, his expression showing signs of disgust, has he caught on?
Chishiya's little whines did sound very suggestive, even if you were completely oblivious to the situation he was in.
"Hm? Oh- yeah, yeah I'm good" Liar.
As the game continued, Chishiya's moves were less and less calculated. If he didn't get it together, he could actually make a fatal mistake. You decided to give him a break, it was the second last round, and you slowly turned it all the day down to the lowest setting. You could see sweat start to form on his forehead, quickly being wiped away with his sleeve as he proceeded with his move.
Another player was executed, entering the last round. The inconsistent vibrations were starting to make him feel sick, he would've came twice by now if it wasn't for your bet. As he looked back at the screen, his hand went up to select "01" vrrr vrrrrrr
Spiking it up to the highest setting, what else did he expect for the last round? His hand clenched into a fist, his boxers completely soaked in pre, making all the small adjustments feel even better. He resumed selecting the last number, but for some reason changed his answer.
'Player Chishiya selected 00'
He glanced to the only remaining player, giving them a little wave. His expression was horrified, realising he had just lost, and this psycho was- waving him goodbye? Not a second passed before more blood was splattered on the walls, Chishiya had won. Fuck.
You made your way carefully down from the roof, not looking forward to seeing his smug 'I won' face again. You really thought this would break him, sure the other players were suspicious, but they didn't outright ask him about it, you'd lost. However, you were met with something you certainly didn't expect.
Chishiya was barely standing, leaning against the entrance of the game hall with his head angled upwards, bulge very prominent in his pants. Once he heard you approaching, he needed this to end.
"ff-fuck is it over? Please be ove- ah! Does it count? I win right? right?" Holy shit, he was so lost in it. Of course it was over, what was he talking about? He was clearly deluded from all the adrenaline, mixed with pleasure he want allowed to experience, you never thought you'd see him like this.
You decided to play, "I don't know. We could keep going, see if you could last the night, see if anyone at the beach notices."
"Fuckkk- fuck please! No one noticed I- ahhh! I didn't even cum" you still had the ring on full power, getting him closer and closer while he was trying to convince what'd already come true.
"Didn't you? Awh what a good boy. I guess I could let you cum, you've done well enough."
"r-really? Ahh! are you sure? Please end it."
You held his face so gently, attempting to make eye contact as he struggled to keep his open. Calming him with your touch, your other hand slowly went up to stroke him through the wet fabric. "aAH- mmh!"
"I'm sure, you've won. Pretty boy can cum now."
He whined out louder than ever as the most intense orgasm of his life washed over him. Thick ropes of his hot white cum spurted out into his boxers, all his muscles tensing from the pleasure. Nearly collapsing from the pure ecstasy, you turned the small device off and sat down next to him. He was silent for a few minutes before coming back down to earth, his eyes finally opened.
"Fuck, I barely remember the game, or what I was saying. I won again though." He smirked as he looked over at you, there's that smug little cat.
"Yeah, didn't think you had it in you to be honest. So, what's my punishment? Gonna make me eat natto again?" You referred back to the last bet you lost, where he made you eat your least favourite food ever.
The smirk plastered on his face got even wider before he spoke, "no. I thought this time, I'd use your reward against you."
What does he mea- oh.
Before you knew it, you were back at the beach, on Chishiya's bed, wearing a pretty little vibrator that he had control over. Maybe we shouldn't have made that bet.
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stomach-bugg09 · 1 year
hi you absolutely do not need to do this but I thought of it last night. (Almost woke up the entire house) can you do a lo'ak x twin sister reader were lo'ak and reader are just walking along the beach holding pinkes maybe just a way they bond (while netayam is spying on them 😑), and they just kick the water from time to time, then reader makes the so called "great discussion" to flick a bit of water at lo'ak with her tail then lo'ak splashed her back and it just ended up a whole spash war then netayam gets in on it, and there just splashing each other, throwing wet sand at there faces, hissing, I find it hilarious when they hiss at each other and there like "come at me bro try me come on-" (its how me and MY siblings bond) then jake and neytiry have to drag them home while there still hissing at each other then netayam like basically throw himself at reader and then jake and neytiry come back like 2 minutes later and see reader has pined netayam on the floor and she's all like "hehe haha funny funny" until they actually get in trouble for it...... sorry this is really specific I just like it, but yeah. Have a absolutely great day/night
summary: [y/n], lo’ak, and neteyam are caught by their parents in the middle of a very important water fight.
a/n: hope you enjoy !! it’s kind of short and sweet , but full of sibling bonding + fighting , a recipe for disaster. thanks for the request. reblogs + feedback are always appreciated !!
tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @fleurbeass @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen @missroro
warnings: nothing honestly , just the sully siblings wrestling with each other , lo’ak throwing sand , tails and ears being tugged , disappointed parents
words: 1.2k
water fight
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lo’ak’s pinky was warm against her own. the two walked alongside the water, the consistent crash of salty cold brushing overtop their feet and igniting a chill across [y/n]’s arms. their arms rocked back and forth as they walked, talking and walking without much goal in mind. merely just to catch up.
they liked to do this quite a bit. a session of gossip ( mainly from [y/n] ) and drama to refresh their brains as they walked together. like twin bonding!
“and you would not believe what she said!” [y/n] said, her voice hushing to build up the suspense.
lo’ak shook his head, playing along with her energy. “don’t tell me—”
“yes!” her voice rose, shaking her head with amusement. “she said it. like, who in their right mind?”
it was stupid stuff, nothing worthy of true attention. but, it was fun, and that’s all they needed. the words would relay between the two, but none of it had true weight, and oftentime lo’ak forgot everything they discussed the moment that they returned home. he just loved to entertain his sister.
after a month of living among the metkayina people, they had even more gossip to exchange, some of which included some prodding questions.
“anyway, enough about me,” [y/n] trailed, biting her bottom lip to keep a smile off of her face. “what about you?”
lo’ak scrunched his eyebrows. “what about me?” she never asked about his gossip. she knew he was useless when it came to that stuff!
she groaned dramatically, rolling her eyes so far back that her pupils seemed to have been swallowed by the back of her head for a second. “i mean, what about you and tsireya?”
[y/n] let out a loud laugh at the face he pulled, a deep indigo crawling up his neck. “nothing,” he demanded, voice far too strong for it so be convincing.
“you are a terrible liar.” with that, [y/n] felt the cold water wash over, and as an immediate reaction, she decided to lift her tail upward in a swift motion. with the action came a good bit of water that splashed right onto her brother.
she stopped immediately, hands cupping over her mouth as to contain her laughter. amusement and concern for her life flooded her eyes as she flickered between watching lo’ak’s face and watching his own tail.
[y/n] shrieked as she received the same treatment she gave him, her own arm getting soaked in return. “lo’ak!” she cried, voice whiny as she choked out laughter.
just as she was about to push him over into the wet sand, a movement flickered in her peripheral vision. lo’ak seemed to notice it too, because he immediately fell to a pause, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
the pair of twins narrowed their eyes, turning slowly. a smile broaden on [y/n]’s face when she saw neteyam frozen in front of them.
he blinked, standing and staring like an idiot. awkwardly, he lifted his arm and waved. “uh, hi!”
“were you spying, big brother?” [y/n] inquired, taking a step forward as she teased him. her tail swished to and fro, watching the way neteyam’s facial expressions changed.
“uh,” he trailed, clearing his throat. “no! of course not.” neteyam knew he was a goner the moment the set of twins exchanged a mischievous look.
before any of them knew it, the trio ended up tussling in the sand. tails and ears were tugged, playful punches were thrown ( softly… well, soft enough ), water was splashed, and all three of them were absolutely demolished by the rising tide.
they wrestled right next to the water, the waves soaking and re-soaking them in a very consistent manner. it seemed like every few seconds they were getting water boarded! but, of course, the geniuses decided it was too much work to move locations.
the fight escalated the moment lo’ak released a fistful of wet sand directly into his sister’s face.
“asshole!” she screeched, jumping on top of him. the tide was rising second by second, and she grinned as the wave flooded directly over his face. “that’s karma.” lo’ak hissed at his sister in response.
unfortunately, her glory was short-lived as neteyam came from behind and grabbed her. she was, once again, screaming for her life as he threw her into the surf.
once she resurfaced, she sputtered, wiping salty water from her eyes. “i’m going to murder you!”
before she could pounce on her eldest brother, she felt a larger pair of hands grab her shoulders, pulling her back into a warm embrace. “[y/n]!” he scolded from above.
immediately, she dropped her head sheepishly. “hey, dad.”
“all three of you realize that you’re in trouble, right?” their silence affirmed his question. he nodded, rolling his eyes.
“why must you make every day difficult?” neytiri held her sons’ biceps firmly, going back and forth from looking at each of them with a disappointed look.
after a beat, lo’ak offered, “well, at least we weren’t fighting any metkayina this time?”
[y/n] fought the smile that attempted to emerge onto her face, feeling the annoyed energy of her father that stood directly behind her. when lo’ak looked back down at his feet, she knew jake had sent a very disapproving look.
neteyam nearly laughed, but quickly covered it up with a cough.
a few seconds later, after a moment of trying to think it through on how to approach the issue, jake decided, “it’s time to go back. it’s nearly eclipse, and you would have known that if you weren’t fighting each other.”
[y/n] nodded slowly, eyes wide. “right,” she trailed.
the sully father tugged on her ear. “attitude,” he warned, to which she bit her bottom lip to hold back laughter. it became even more difficult when she caught the eyes of her brothers.
the walk home was awkwardly silent, the few times that [y/n] attempted to speak to either of her brothers being immediately shut down by the parents.
“this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t thrown sand at my face—”
“quiet, [y/n].”
“yes, sir.”
or the occasional “accidental” step on her tail.
the third time that she felt the pressure, she turned to her brother with her teeth bared. “neteyam i swear to eywa—”
“[y/n]!” neytiri hissed, grabbing her by the ear to which [y/n]’s eyes watered and she clawed her mothers wrist.
once they finally reached the marui, the parents had to, unfortunately, speak to tonowari and ronal. as a result, they told kiri that she was in charge. of course, the eldest girl of the family only nodded with a roll of her eyes. there was no way she would get in the way of their fights!
it’d been two minutes of jake and neytiri’s absence, and once they returned, they both groaned at the sight of [y/n] sitting on top of lo’ak’s back, her fingers pulling at his hair. neteyam’s ankles were stuck in lo’ak’s grip as he attempted to crawl away.
the moment they re-entered the marui, the children all went completely silent, staring at their parents.
the first thing to break the silence was [y/n]’s laughter. “whoops!”
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lionheartedmusings · 9 months
i've been rotating this in my head since last night and i think it's worth talking about regarding q!bad's current arc, but something that truly struck me was the music choice for the "switch up" yesterday specifically and i couldn't understand why... until now.
cc!bad doesn't do things halfway and so we have to assume every detail, music included, is intentional and used to convey something, the man is as unhinged about his lore as we are.
the music that played when he prepared to go down to meet the fed worker yesterday wasn't necessarily evil or creepy, not at all. it was triumphant — intense, yes, and it starts with what one could say is a suspenseful undertone, but not "here comes the creepy torture song" and more like "pump yourself up, because you have work to do, and it's glorious".
i feel like that explains q!bad and what he needs to do very very well, because it's a very sharp contrast with the song that played during his "acceptance" stream when he unleashed his anger and revealed what he'd done. two days ago, he reached a breaking point he hadn't in a very long time — lost himself to a level of inhumanity he hadn't in a very long time, without any semblance of a moral compass around and work to do. yesterday? well. yesterday, we saw a man on a mission — a positive one at that.
there's no madness to q!bad when he goes to presumably torture this federation worker, there's no "he's lost it and now he's doing horrible things" and i think that's a very important thing to keep in mind in this upcoming arc — he is very, very lucid and very, very sane, and he's not one bit sorry. in fact, he's pleased that he's being proactive. he's happy to go to work, i imagine not only because of his self-appointed mission but.. well, because it's fun.
there's a lot of angst to q!bad, but i feel like in this arc it's also relevant to keep in mind just how unremorseful he is about... just about anything related to his past. oh atlantis? oof... oh. yeah that happened woops. venice? we wouldn't want a repeat of that, hehe. the salem witch trials? oh those were fun! he talks about torturing people... all the time. i mean, we saw the man torture q!foolish, one of if not his closest friend, and he doesn't particularly care (one can argue that it's because q!foolish also doesn't care but there's something there for both of them).
my point being, i think the release of q!bad's anger and cruelty is a tough subject for him — he clearly is incredibly restrained. but the aftermath? the actual acts of cruelty that no one would condone?
he doesn't care. in fact, if he does care, he's proud of them and of what they can accomplish. it's fucking fun for him, it clearly puts him in a good mood, and it's not in a "he snapped" way at all. man just enjoys some good old fashioned torture.
i don't believe we'll see any remorse or guilt from q!bad about this, ever, perhaps even to his detriment. i truly think right now he's just happy he's doing something and if he gets to be sadistic and cruel and twisted while doing it? it's a win for badboyhalos everywhere!
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underthetree845 · 7 months
playing horror games with armin hehe
Hey Saturn (@ringsofsaturnnnn)! So this took me awhile but let's just pretend it's still October for a moment. How was your week? I wrote down my thoughts, I hope you enjoy!
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Playing horror games with Armin?
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Armin/gn! Reader (scenario imagine/drabble?)
Cws: gn! reader, established relationship, college au, modern au, horror games, halloween night, armin gets scared easily
Summary: Playing horror games with your sweet blonde boyfriend <3 not much more to say.
Wc: 493
A/n: I never really play horror games (as in I have no experience beyond watching my friends play) so I did my best with this!
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Armin definitely wasn’t the one to suggest it, but who is he to turn down an opportunity to spend time with his lovely partner? 
He used to like to play regular video games in high school, so he does have experience holding a controller.
Armin was the victim of many pranks on Halloween growing up, being relatively timid and easy to scare. Regrettably, all those years of jumping in fright didn’t make him any less prone to hiding under the blankets during a scary movie. 
After all the trick or treaters are gone, when the moon is high and the night is quiet, you both decide it’s a good time to start your game. If you dressed up, you both change out of your costumes and shower first. Armin gladly helps you wipe off your makeup if you need anything like that. He makes sure to grab all your comfort items: several blankets, pillows, a stuffed animal, he even makes you your favorite warm drink and you set out some of your extra candy in a bowl. Normally he wouldn’t be for eating candy this late but he decides to make an exception. He picks out a few mini Milky Way bars to munch on and settles in with you as the screen lights up. 
If you’re an avid fan of horror games (and they don’t scare you really badly) best believe you’d better ask Armin to loosen up the death grip he has on your arm so you don’t wake up with bruises. He both fears and admires how you don’t let the suspenseful moments get to you, please reassure him a little bit that there’s nothing more normal than getting jumpy during these types of things; they were designed to make you scared. He lets out more than a few screams, and at this point would rather die than step one foot anywhere without you. His controller does get chucked across the room at some point. 
Now if you rarely play horror games and get scared by them easily (like me Y-Y) Armin will do his best to provide you comfort by holding you against his chest and keeping you close, but it’s going to have to be a two way street, he needs your comfort just as much. I couldn’t imagine the two of you just owning a game like this, you probably had to borrow it from Eren or something like that. He probably gets a little shaky, just feeling your heartbeat and hearing your breathing can soothe him, he’d like it if he could cuddle into your chest too. You two will just be a curled up ball of giggly nerves and screams and it couldn’t have been a better Halloween. 
Armin may need to take some deep breaths afterward, but in the end, whether you love horror things or get just as jumpy as him, he loved it because he got to spend time with you. 
Eren teases Armin the next day when he hears about how scared he got and suggests a group session next year. 
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Thank you for reading, have a wonderful day/night/morning/evening! 💜🖤
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athousandbyeol · 9 months
discussion #11 (only friends): is mew an outcast in the friend group? is it an intentional tactic by the directors/scriptwriters to make mew "less attractive"?
i think, from episode 1 to episode 3, we aren't seeing much of mew because it's intentional.
he's always at the furthest side of the shot, not really in the spotlight (except in scenes shared with top and close-up shots of himself alone). the clothes he wears aren't exactly trendy or fleshy. those glasses. he looks... boring. ordinary. nothing exciting about mew.
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(i just have to put this picture because he's as precious as he can be &lt;'3)
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(well, hello there, mew.)
i think the directors and scriptwriters intentionally make mew look/feel like an outcast in this messy friend group so that we'll grow suspicious of him. mew is 'hidden' because he has yet unleashed the 'other side' of his. because i think we might have questions now; is he really all this? is that even possible?
side note: even p'force said mew is the flirty/cunning one in this relationship. he knows a lot of things, but i assume he chooses not to let people know because it isn't of importance to mew. he just wants to have fun sometimes and get that degree. that's all. but is that really it?
i see so many people are having strong opinions about mew, but saying mew is boring is where i believe this is somewhat true. i think many of only friends watchers took the bait— mew is so boring— they [topmew] aren't progressing anywhere— what are they even doing? it's so interesting to witness so much disparity when it comes to topmew. some like their story. some hate them. but as someone who enjoys every plotline in the drama, i can only say the six of them revolve around each other. the story won't progress if one character/a couple is pulled out from the circle. all of them are equally important. some relationships progress faster than the other. it's in sync with the build-up of the story (do refer freytag's pyramid to get a better idea of how a story is constructed), and the growth of the characters. they depend on each other. so, like it or not, the six of them co-exist. it can't be five people or only two pairs. it must be six and three pairs to make only friends work.
i regress.
moreover, i guess, p'jojo and p'ninew want us to implant this idea of mew in mind— just a normal person. i think, in that way, it creates tension, suspense and speculation. i think most of topmew enjoyers see this gradual growth of mew's character. as top has grown out of his confident persona little by little (mostly when he's with mew, top shows more of his vulnerable and child-like personality; the smile top gives mew during the silent disco scene was so pure and innocent. it made top look like a kid again; that lost kid in the fire), mew's other side of the coin is waiting to set sail. this excites me very much. because we clearly don't know who on earth mew is. and i'm taking this opportunity to applaud p'book again. he's doing a fantastic job as mew. kudos to him.
additionally, i have a question, don't you think it's a bit off that mew is friends with 1) ray, an alcoholic (i apologise if this term is degrading), 2) boston, a sexually-active person, and 3) chueam, the party-goer (i don't have anything negative to say about her, hehe). mew— a nerd, who likes partying but is still pretty much an average university student— how did he end up in this group? i just find it a bit weird. a bit out of place. he feels like an oddball in this friend group. it's like he doesn't belong here. and that itself is very intriguing.
i have a feeling mew's transformation will shock everyone, and he might be the core of everyone's heartbreak/headache (with nick being the second/main destroyer). i'm excited to see mewnick's revenge arc unfold because both of them will approach their battles differently; nick is going to be more emotionally driven, while mew is strategic and perhaps, heartless.
thus, i think the directors/scriptwriters have succeded in making us view mew as just... a person. nothing special. dull and one-dimensional. but this is just so thrilling to me as i believe (way before the series aired) mew is so much more than what we think he is, and i can't wait to see that mew. :)
//p.s. i don't know what this is honestly so i apologise for even writing this post...
[1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (i) | 4 (ii) | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12]
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taylorswitch09 · 10 months
Tickle Tickleee~
Characters: lee!reader, (Y/N, female) ler!c/n (crush's name, male)
Ship: Y/N x C/N
Word Count: 1,170
Synopsis: One Friday evening, C/N finds out Y/N is DEATHLY ticklish, COMPLETELY by accident.
This fic is from the lee's perspective. (2nd/3rd person)
It was a Friday evening in June. School was ending in a few weeks. Speaking of school, your 4-8 after-school job at the local pizzeria was FINALLY over for the day. You were on your way to your crush, C/N's house to have a sleepover, and you were SUPER excited, because although it had just been about 5-6 hours since you've last seen C/N, deep down, the two of you had a VERY deep connection.
You and C/N have been childhood best friends for almost 10 years, and you've been dating for 6. Still, the relationship goes strong with the two of you because you two love each other so much despite all of the arguments and fights.
After 5 minutes, you finally get to his house and ring the doorbell. Excited, C/N opens the door.
"C/N!!" you squealed. You jump into his arms for a hug.
"Hahaha, awww! Hey Y/N!" he laughed. The two of you touch lips and enjoy a good one minute kiss. After the kiss, you walk in as C/N holds the door for you. You blush admiringly as he shuts the door behind you.
"C/N, you don't know how much I've been wanting to sleep over! It's been almost a month," you bubbled.
"Awww, you don't know how much I've been wanting you to come over either!" C/N smiled.
The two of you plop on the couch. Luckily, some cozy blankets were already set up for the two of you, so you both got snuggled in. C/N's body was nice and warm for you to cuddle in, and as you heard the beat of his heart, you felt nice and relaxed, until suddenly, C/N accidentally touches your sides, which caused you to squeal and jump away.
"Oh, I'm sorry darling. Did I accidentally touch your sides?" C/N questioned. You just smiled and nodded.
"Oh... then why are you smiling?" he smirked.
"Uhhh... N-nothing! Nothing. N-no reason." You felt red in the face.
"Okay..." C/N already had a feeling you were a little ticklish. So he "accidentally" touched your sides again, this time causing you to not only squeal, but also giggle. C/N immediately lit up.
"Hehe, C/N, that tickles!" you laughed. But you knew he was just joking around.
"Hehehe, I'm sorry!" C/N joked. "I, uhh- just have always thought of something about you..."
"What's it about?"
"Everytime I touch you, you seem to squirm away or giggle..."
You nodded nervously. You were EXTREMELY ticklish, so it would be crazy if C/N found out. Speaking of which...
"Are you... uhm-"
"-Ticklish?" you finished. You were red in the face again, as you knew what was gonna happen next.
"Yep!" C/N beamed.
"Hehehe, yeah, kinda," you nervously laughed.
C/N immediately smirked. Your blush deepened.
"D-dohon't tickle me though!" you cried. However, deep down, you did want to be tickled.
"Whyyy? It's only the first time!" C/N laughed. "It'll be fun, I promise."
"Okay," you said through giggles. You were excited for this. You LOVED being tickled, but you didn't want to tell C/N JUST yet.
He dimmed the lights, probably to add suspense.
"Now, lay down on the couch."
You did just as he said with a big smile. You even squealed, much to his surprise.
"I can tell you're excited," C/N smiled, and you smiled back.
"Yeah, a little." you replied.
"Hehehe, are you ready Y/N?" C/N playfully questioned.
"Yep," you smiled.
"Okayy! Let's see... let's start with... right here~." He started to slowly drag your fingers along your sides.
You instantly started to squeal and giggle. Even the smallest touch on a bad spot like your sides tickles to you. "Thahat tihihickles!"
C/N instantly melted. "Awwww, Y/N! You really are ticklish, aren't ya? Your laugh is... adorable."
"Shuhuhut uhuhuhp!"
C/N didn't hesitate to tickle a LITTLE faster. He thought this was the cutest thing ever.
"Tickle tickle tickle~!" He even laughed in spite of himself.
You started laughing louder, and you also started squirming. Your sides sure are a REALLY bad spot. "C/N, THAHAHAT TIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUCH!!" you screamed through a fit of giggles.
"Awww, we got a tickle spot! Coochie coochie coo~!" C/N cooed as he started tickling faster. You were laughing so hard that you started blushing deep red, which C/N admired. You covered your face, but C/N pulled your hands away.
"NOOOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!" you whined through giggles.
"Yesss~!" C/N cooed again. "I just loveee seeing your smile. You're wayyy more ticklish for your own good than I thought!"
Although it sounded like you were hating it, deep down, you were having the time of your life. And C/N was loving it.
"I wonder, where else are you ticklish?" C/N cooed as he slowly moved towards your stomach and started tickling it. "Here~?" "AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, STAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIHIHT!!" You couldn't help but belly laugh. Your stomach was your DEATH SPOT. Your blush even deepened once again.
"Awww, another tickle spot!" C/N smiled.
"Don't say sorry!! Or else I'll have to move to a different spot..." And then, C/N moved to your armpits. You were DYING.
"Perfect," he grinned.
"Yesss, here! You are too ticklish~" C/N teased.
"AWWWW, was that a snort? You're so cute~!"
"It was definitely a snort~!" C/N cooed once again. You couldn't help but laugh. Your ribs were getting tough, and once C/N started tickling them, you even started hiccuping through your giggles.
"You're hiccuping too~!"
"Seeee~, I told you you were cute~! Now, repeat after me." C/N grinned.
"I am the cutest ticklish girl in the whole world!"
"Good~!" C/N chortled as he finally, FINALLY let you go. You were left almost breathless with a super red face. Your heartbeat, which was probably at about 200 BPM, could be heard.
"Hehehe, what'd ya think?"
"Hahahahah... *sigh* Thahat- was so fun!" you beamed.
C/N blinked. "Really?"
"Hehe, yeah! I loved that!"
"W-wow," C/N gasped. "I- really didn't expect that!"
You laughed. "Really? After all of the things I said through my giggles?"
"I mean... I guess," C/N chortled.
You beamed. "Awww!" You ran to him for a hug. He giggled and cradled you in his arms once again. You giggled back.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," you whispered back as you two leaned in for a kiss once again. After that, you fell asleep in C/N's arms.
That night was the best evening of your life, and it was C/N's too. Tickling had become your bond together. But you have yet to find out if HE is ticklish. That's your next step.
To be continued...
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bothendsofthequill · 5 months
The Angel of Tickling Chooses You!
“What, these?” Bristle’s ocean blue wings unfold and flap behind him. “Yes, they’re as soft as they look.” He smiles.
“Oh, you want me to cuddle you with them? Pfft, then get over here!” He wraps his arms around you, followed by the wings draping under your arms.
“Was that a giggle? Heh, I take it you like them.” He ruffles his wings on your sides and belly.
“Oh, more giggles! Okay, maybe I should…” His wings slip under your shirt slowly.
“What about this?” He asks. “Okay, good, as long as I’m not overstepping.” The tips of his wing feathers stroke back and forth across your belly.
“Aw, your laugh is so cuuuute!” His voice almost cracks from the squee. “More? Of course!” He exclaims, his velvety soft wings finally stroking over your entire bare tummy.
“Ahahawww, I can tell you’re holding back. I promise nobody’s around to hear your laughter other then me. No need to be shy~.” His wings pick up speed.
“There we goho! That sound is music to my ears. No restraint, just bliss.” He pauses before teasing. “Well, we could add restraints if you want.”
“You’re right.” He admits, “I’m in more of a tickle hug mood too~.” The feathers trace all over your belly fast as his arms squeeze tighter. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t melt you.” He adds closer to your ear. “Ready?” There’s no time to respond, he takes your squeak as a clear “yes, please!” His wings tickle your belly all over while playful paws squeeze your sides.
“Tickle, tickle! Heehee, wow, your laugh is cuter the louder it gets. Feel like one more tickle spot?” Bristle smirks, going back on what he decided before. Your ankles are tied together with dark blue magic: firm yet so soft it’s like being held by a cloud. The same delicate magic weaves its way through your toes, separating and tickling between them. “I hope you don’t mind your feet being tied. I’m still gonna cuddle you plenty!” He gives you a loving squeeze before his paws move up to your ribs and tickle in between them, one of the wings’ feathers swirling into your belly button as the other feathers tickle around it.
“Is it too much?” He asks wearily. “Make sure you tell me if so.” His tone is genuine and delicate as his paws go from tickling your ribs to holding your hands, leaving only your toes and belly button being tickled.
“You sure can laugh a lot! Think you can take juuuust a little more?” He sounds really excited as his magic starts to materialize something at your feet.
“In that case…” Makeup brushes appear, the plush bristles skittering all around your soles and arches. “Heeheehee!!” Bristle squeaks. “Doesn’t it feel wonderful? Enjoy it, cutie, ‘cause I’ll keep speeding up until you need a break~.”
Bristle’s thumbs stroke your palms as he tickles faster, nuzzling you as you’re stuck in his loving, ticklish cuddle. Seconds pass, maybe minutes, all you know is that this rabbit can tickle you good, and tease too. Whatever air isn’t filled with your laughter is reserved for endearing coos about how soft and precious you are.
“Such a good ticklee.”
“That’s it, let it all out.”
“Still more? Aww, it’d be my pleasure to provide!”
“I’m here, you’re safe with me.”
“Hehe, you like that spot, huh?”
“Do the brushes feel good? … They’re my favourite too~.”
Until finally you call for a break. Everything halts. Your feet are untied and Bristle’s cuddle loosens while you pant. “Do you feel better now?” He asks with a grin.
“Good. I’m so glad I was able to help.” He hugs you tight again before letting you sit up. His green eyes meet yours and he holds your hands. “Remember, I’m always here if you need me, okay? We can do this anytime you want.”
“Wha- hehehe… you wanna tickle my wings sometime?” His ears flop. “Ihihi’d l-like thahat… maybe.” His tail wags fast.
“Welllll, I guess you’ll just have to find out how ticklish they are next time, won’t you?” He winks. “I’ll keep you in suspense.”
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agirlwholovesrockstars · 10 months
at the end of the day, I choose you
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summary : you got involved into a ridiculous case that Eddie falsely accused some kind of a "satanic cult" at school, people called him "freak" just because how he dress and listens to metal music, you didn't knew him very well but in the short amount of time you're with him, he is innocent and he is not exactly what they think about him, they would've loved him like the way you loved him
word count : not gonna make this long, I always keep my word 😩
warnings : 18+ Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, Eddie and reader are both 20, no use of y/n, Jason Carver appearance 🤮, I don't know if this is considered a warning but Eddie will face bullying, pure discrimination against him, and the townspeople will be just really mean to him, so yeah, expect this little bit soul crushing but you'll survive lol
what to expect : angst, drama, crime, thriller, suspense, romance and fluff at the near end! hehe 🤫
note to reader : I just had a thought of this, how about Eddie and reader will be at the court room without Vecna and the upside down exist? This is just an ultimate tear-jerker and romance films you've seen hahaha
author note : I just really hope you'll enjoy reading this one! 🥺🫶🏻
You're not exactly close with Eddie
You don't know him very well, but you knew him of course
You love to watch him annoying those jocks at lunch time
more like..... jerks
But you shared classes together, interacted a bit, he seems nice
You didn't care about the social cliques and about your social status
All you wanted to do is to learn, graduate and hopefully you can get to find friends
and you did.....sort of?
It's very rare for you to vibe with someone has the same age as yours
Jonathan, Steve, Robin and Nancy are the only ones you befriended
They all seem very real to you and you're grateful to have them
But most of the time, you love to bond with Will
You enjoy his company and he is very dear to you
You treat him like your own brother
"How's California?" you ask Will while you're playing with the straw of your vanilla milkshake
He popped a fry on his mouth and he stops chewing "it's good" he lies, and then he swallowed
you moved your milkshake to the side and you lean down "I know when you lie, Byers"
He rolled his eyes as he pushed away his food
"Where do I even begin?" he starts "Me and El had a hard time to adjust in the new environment" he softly says with his eyes flickering with hesitation
You quickly noticed this so you said "You know can always talk to me, right?"
"Yeah" he sheepishly smiles
"Is there someone bothering the both of you?! I would gladly to punch them all so they won't bully you guys anymore!" You jokingly says and Will threw his head back in laughter
You smile at him while he calms back down from his laughter
"There are some mouthbreathers" he admits with a glint of affliction in his eyes
You nod "I completely understand how you feel, just don't mind those assholes" you scoff
He chuckles "I just wish people could be just more open-minded and not mean, you know?"
A smile grows on your lips "This is why you're my favorite in the group" you think to yourself
"I totally get that" you paused "when you try to socialize with people and it feels like they didn't want you, that's okay, just move on and mingle again, and if it has the same energy then it's good! there are more people that willingly to be your friend and much more deserving than those mouthbreathers" you say as you finish your vanilla milkshake
He continues to eat his fries while he listens to you
"Thanks" he beamed and this time you made his eyes light up and that warms your heart
"Don't mention it" you say and you wave at him dismissively
"Have you talked to Jonathan?"
He shook his head and avoids your eyes
He is troubling opening up to his big brother, when they grew apart, the time when he is going for college, but since Jonathan is also your friend and he is always has been vocal about how much he cares for his brother... you know, nothing has changed between the two of them
"He might not be able to reach out to talk to you, but, believe me, Will, he truly does care for you and he always talks about you"
"Really?" he says softly with a small smile
"Yeah, and don't ever, my god! don't ever think of a second thought that he won't be there for you"
He snorted yet again "It's so good to be back at Hawkins"
"You missed me, don't you?" You smirk
"Well, duh" you both laugh together
You grab your purse and you pick out your wallet and slam a $10 on the table "Now, come on, let's go home before Joyce might grounded you"
He chortled and stands up after you stood up and you ruffle his hair while you hug him walking towards to your car
You're in the Hawkins High Library and you're headed towards to your next class
Until.... a boy with a varsity jacket pulled you in the corner where no else can see you
"Hey, there" it's fucking Jason Carver, you despise him
He kept hitting you up and he won't stop, you turned him down more than a million times already and you're getting exhausted of it
"What the hell, do you want, Carver?" You say bitterly with rage on your eyes, you had enough of him
"Oooh, feisty! still going on strong?" He says ignoring the way you're obviously not interested at him
You shake your head "Leave me the fuck alone!" You say in a whisper-shout and you push him
The action that you just did, angers him, he is so full of himself, thinking that all the girls want him but not you-
You would rather kill yourself than be with him
He grabs your wrist and tightens it, you try to rip it off but he won't let go
"Take your hands off at her" a serious tone coming from the other side of the room
You know that voice, you turn around and you saw Eddie
He menacingly laughs "What you gonna do about it, freak?"
Your face scrunched up of what he just called him, it's too distasteful to you
Sure, you're only classmates but come to think of it
He is more nicer than this douchebag, despite of him wearing the clothes that he's wearing that other people wouldn't approved
He made a death stare to Jason and he says sternly "I'm not going to ask you again, let.... her.... go"
He shoots a pointed look at the bully and he just looks at him up and down, he huffs
He looks back at you and he finally let go of your wrist and you wince at how hard he holds you
"You're not even worth it" Jason spews at you in frustration and you taken a back at his words and he walks away
giving Eddie a hard push at the side and he scoffed
"yeah, right, you bastard!" you shout at him
"What a dick" Eddie watches him leave and you walk past by him and he stops you by holding your hand gently
You halt your tracks as you look down where he holds you "Yes?" You ask
"Are you okay?" he says softly trying to make you look at him
"Yes, Eddie, I'm fine" you reassure him not looking into his eyes
Your eyes softens when he checks your wrist, when he runs his thumb around it, you flinched
He raises his brows at you and you click your tongue
"I'm alright, Eddie, it's just a bruise!" you shrug
"No- I'm taking you to the clinic" He says as he pulls you with him
He is much more respectful and a gentleman than most guys at the school
The fact he is a stranger.... he has much more kindness to those who claim themselves as the good person when in reality
They're the ones who have real bad intentions
Sometimes, people calling someone a "freak" have the purest hearts
after he took care of your wrist, he asks "Can I walk you to class?"
"Uh- yes, you may" you smile at him
He opens the door for you "after you" he gestures outside
You nod at him shyly
"Hello?" a voice coming from the walkie-talkie on your bedside table is making you wake up from your sleep
You groan and you turn yourself on the side and you place a pillow on your ear but the noise is still clear as day
"Hey, I know you're awake! Pick it up!" His voice becomes more maddening
you sigh and you remove the pillow from your head and you sat up on the bed and pick up the walkie-talkie
"What is it?" You say trying not to sound crabby but Dustin always caught it and you rolled your eyes
"Have you seen, Eddie?" He asks, he sounds jumpy and it confuses you
You glanced over your wrist where Eddie took care of it and you blinked
"Uh- no, I haven't yet, why?" your eyes draw side by side something feels off
"Turn on your TV, right now" he says plainly
You furrow your brows but you did what he asked you to do
You slip off from your blanket and you walked towards to turn on the TV
You sit down on the edge of your bed
"Just In : A student from Hawkins High, female, aged 18, was found dead by unknown circumstances, Jason Carver claims that Eddie Munson is a crime suspect of this murder"
"What the fuck?"
"I know, It's bullshit" Dustin says over at the walkie-talkie
"You haven't heard from him ever since?" you say still looking at the television screen
"Nope, Nada, that's why I've been asking you for over an hour ago!"
Your face crumpled up "Why are you asking me this? You should've known where he is since two of you are friends, right?"
"I know the two of you aren't close but Lucas saw you and Eddie at the clinic yesterday"
"So I'm just guessing.... maybe... you knew something else before he got missing in action"
"No, uh- after the clinic, he walked me to class and I went home afterwards"
"Uh huh, okay, well, thanks for the info"
You take a last look on the TV, this isn't right, he shouldn't be treated like this
"Can I help?"
"Oh- We don't have all day! I'll be at the Wheelers, I meet you there!" He exclaims
Not the response you expected but you get up and grab your purse and drove away
You sit back and watch all of the kids discussing about the situation
"I-it doesn't make any sense! Eddie might look scary but he would never do this" Mike paces back and forth
"Exactly, we all know that Eddie and Jason didn't get along together, but no matter how mean is Jason to him, he wouldn't lay a finger on that, man!" Lucas added
"I hope he is somewhere safe" Will says
"How can you be so sure that he didn't do it?" Max looks at Dustin in question
"You don't know him like I do, Max!" Dustin raises his voice and all of you got the attention
He glances at Lucas and he gives him a small smile as he took a deep breath
"High school can be tough, when Lucas made all of his sports friends, Mike and I we had no one" he paused
"No one except Eddie" he says as he sats down beside you and your gently rub his back
He looks at you with a light nod, he really wants to find his friend and you can tell he is worried for him
Max looks at Dustin with empathy on her eyes
"Listen, man, Jason" Lucas nervously swallows
All of you look at him in confusion
"He won't stop looking for him, he is blinded by his own rage, I-I ran away before they can get suspicious, but I guess I am also wanted too"
"What do you mean?" You ask him
"They knew that I was playing D&D and they saw the picture of us, The Hellfire Club, a-and I saw him burning it"
You, Mike, Dustin, Max and Will shared looks that are filled with disturbance
"I felt unsettled, the last thing that I heard from them, I think they're going to-" Lucas and the look in his eyes, you know what it is already
The tension in the room is dark and it feels like tying a knot into your stomach
"Oh, god" you cupped your mouth
"We need to look for him right now!" Dustin shouts
"Will you stop making fun of me, Robs?" Steve grumbles while fixing the tapes in the front desk
She flashes out a smug smile "I just love to see your face turns bright red" she laughs
Steve gives Robin a look that says "I will annihilate you"
Robin raises both of shoulders with a soft "Fine" jumps out of the seat and picks up the other VHS tapes
Hopper and Jane enters inside the Family Video
Steve and Robin eyes both light up and Jane does the same
"Hi" she says shyly
"Good day" Hopper greets them
Steve nods to him and Robin "Good day to you too, chief!" with a dramatic salute and making Jane laugh
Robin exits the front desk and walks around towards to Jane
"What can I help you?" Robin excitement in her eyes glowing
Jane looks up to Hopper and says "You go ahead"
"I want a movie with fantasy and adventure" she says with a soft smile
"With a bit of romance?" She winks, of course, she knows that this is Mike's girl
She chuckles "Yeah"
Steve and Hopper watch them as they look over the Fantasy/Adventure section
"Is she always this excited to other kids?" Hopper asks
"Uh, I guess? I see her hanging around with the others but I think she likes Jane's company a lot more" Steve leans down on the counter with his hands locked together
Hopper grows a smile on his lips while he listens "I don't blame her, she radiates positive energy, you know"
Steve agrees "Yeah, she does" he ends it with a smile on his face
Two townspeople entered the premises
Steve immediately knows who they are, Mr. Ron Cunningham and Mr. Jake Carver
They headed on the side of the room
"You don't have to do this, Jake, you know it is not right" Ron trying to convince Jake about his plan
Ignoring his words by saying
"Thank god for my boy, Jason Carver, he is like the god's messenger, what he said about Eddie Munson? is a true vessel for Satan" he delusionally said
Steve overheard their conversation as he halts to what he was doing as he quietly says "What the fuck?"
He stole a glance from Hopper, only to find out that he also heard it
They both shared a knowing look as they continue pretending not to hear about anything
The two chatted with each other, the sound becomes clearer and clearer as they walks closer to the counter
"They even made a fucking cult, what is it called again?"
"Hellfire Club" Ron answers, he exasperated sighs
"my god, I wonder some of our children got brainwashed by that kid!" He exclaims
"Look, Jake, just because that boy, Eddie Munson likes to listen metal music or play D&D doesn't mean they love to sacrifice lives?!? HE IS JUST A KID!" Ron shouts at him
Ignoring him yet, again
"Rock Music is nothing more than satanic cyanide, I bet it hypnotizes you, just a little game? That's what they wanted you to think" Jake throws the VHS on the counter
Ron rolls his eyes at him as he places his tape on the counter
Robin and Jane, overheard it while they're waiting for their turn to pay for the VHS
Their faces dropped in such tension, all of them started to wonder, what will happen to Eddie?
They're not as close to Eddie, but all of them know that it is not right to punish someone who is clearly innocent
While they're paying for the VHS, Jake recognizes Steve
"Hey, you're a Harrington right?"
Steve raises his head with a serious look and glances over to Hopper before he could answer
"Yeah, I am"
"I heard you used to be like so popular back then like Jason but now" he looks up and down at Steve disgustedly
"You're one of those freaks as well"
"Like father and son, both of them are assholes" he thinks to himself
"My son outshined you, Steve"
"Yeah, well, at least I'm not falsely accusing someone" Steve bites back but Hopper gives him a look that says "Stop"
Before Jake can respond, Ron pulled him away, dragging him outside the exit
"Sorry about that, Steve" Ron shows a small smile
Even for a short second, Steve can already pick up, he can see in his eyes, the sadness and heartache
It's Chrissy, his daughter is the one who got brutally murdered
"We need to call Dustin right now!" Robin whisper-shout
You manage to find Eddie by asking Gareth and Jeff, his safe place, the one place where he could be truly be himself
All of the gang reunited, on the search for Eddie
The house is empty with no lights are on
There is one however open, on the side of the house
The moment you opened the door
Eddie, jumps out of nowhere on Steve pins him against the wall with a broken glass bottle, startling all of you
"Eddie! It's me! It's Dustin! This is Steve!" Dustin shouts
"We're on your side" he emphasizes his point with his finger pointing to all of you and back to him "I swear on my mother!" Dustin exclaims
Even when it's dark, only flashlights that all of you using, you can see the fear in his eyes, he is terrified
"Eddie?" your soft voice eases out the tension from him
He looked back at you, seeing you standing there beside Dustin
He turns back at Steve again, with Dustin saying "Steve, would you drop the oar?"
It clatters and making Eddie bringing up the broken glass closer to him
"Eddie, please, we're with you"
He looks back at you again, he takes a double check, that it is real, he is not dreaming
It is really you
His gaze softens and as walks away from Steve
You gave him and Dustin, a moment together
Police car wails pass by the area, you saw while looking at the window
"Hey" Dustin speaks up behind you
"He wants to talk to you"
You looked over to Dustin's shoulder, you see him sitting all alone outside fidgeting with his rings
"Don't worry, he's all good" Dustin says
"Okay" you pat him back and give him a small smile
You walk towards him slowly, you say "Hi" softly
He only nod in response, you sat down beside him
"What are you doing here?" He asks not looking at you, his eyes were on the soft waves of the water
"I- uh, I just wanted to help" you say while raise your one knee close to your chest
"Do you believe it?"
"No, I don't"
Now, this time, your eyes meet, he stares at you for a while and goes back to the water
You raise a plastic bag in front of him
He furrowed his brows together, he turn his head to face you and you smiled "it's for you"
You gave it to him and he picks out a bag of pretzels, his eyes goes wide and a six pack beer
"How did you know that these are my favorite?" He asks while holding up a bag of pretzels
You shrugged "I saw you all the time with it, especially at lunchtime"
He genuinely smiles that reaches to his ears
"Thank you, sweetheart" he says while opens the bag of pretzels and he grabs a handful and chomps on it
You chuckled lightly on his action, how in the world would people think he is dangerous?
The demon in question, is literally devouring pretzels cutely
You shook your head at the thought
"For the record, I didn't only helped, Dustin"
He stops chewing for a second while he looks at you closely
"I came because I want to help you"
He blinks and he swallows, he glances at your wrist the one he took care of yesterday, still covered with a bandage
You stand up "and I don't believe them"
"What do you believe?"
"You, I believe you" you say while you give a small squeeze from his shoulder
You smiled at him and you walk away
He laughs under his breath, he watches you and opens a can of beer
He takes a sip of it, feeling oddly tingles on his stomach and brain
He became infatuated for you
A loud banging from the door, all of you woken up, you straighten yourself up
You saw the police cars outside, you saw Gareth and Jeff with Jason's goons
They looked.... beaten up
Your heart starts beating speedily, you look for Eddie, he is already staring at you, he is afraid
"Did anyone told where we are?!" Dustin with his eyes almost bulge out from his skull
"I didn't told a soul" you give a pointed look at Dustin
"Unless" Lucas says
"Unless, what?" Mike speaks up
"Someone is already watching in Gareth's place, before you came" Lucas gulped and all of you looked at each other with the same thought
"Hey, open up!" Officer Calvin Powell demands from the outside
"I'll handle this, kid" Hopper reassures Eddie sniffles and frozen in place
You walked towards to Eddie "You need to hide" you whispered to him
"I'm done hiding, I'm not running away again"
"But, Eddie, you've done nothing wrong"
"I-I know, I am not scared anymore because-" he paused tearing his eyes away from you in a moment
"You're here" his eyes roams around your features with a sad smile on his face
You sigh "Eddie- this isn't the time to be heroic-" he place a finger on your lips cutting you off, you knit your brows together
He holds both of your shoulders "you gave me hope"
Your eyes became glossy "Eddie, please, don't do this"
"It will be okay, we can get through with this" he says while he moves his hands up and down on your shoulder, raising one up to tuck your hair behind your ear
You stare at each other, smiling to one another
Before you know it, your little time together has cut off
Officer Callahan came into the scene "Eddie Munson on your knees, put your hands behind your head!"
You gasped and you frown at him, Eddie follows the instructions carefully
The protest from Dustin, Lucas, Will, Mike, Jane, Steve and Robin voices drawn out from your ear
It was loud at first until it feels all blurry to you
You can't even hear some of your friends begging not to arrest Eddie, your heart drops at the sight of him, cuffing his hands
He gave one last smile at you, "I'll see you again soon, sweetheart" he says
You hold his cheeks with sympathy on your eyes
You glanced over to Jason with infuriating look to him
He crossed both of his arms with a smug smile on his face
While heading towards the police car, Steve jogs to reach Eddie
"Hey, man, look, I know a lawyer that can help you" he points to himself and the group
"We will help you"
Eddie only chuckles "Thanks, dude, you don't need to do that, Harrington"
"Please, let us help you, Eddie" Steve sighs
Before he can respond, he heard his uncle's car arrived
He gets out of the car, just to see his nephew with cuffs on
He ran towards to him only to be stopped by other police officers
"No! What are you doing?!- Stop this! My boy is innocent!" His voice cracks up and Eddie ducks his head down, he doesn't want to see his uncle distressed
Your heart crushed into pieces when you heard his uncle cried out for his nephew
You sharply inhale and you close your eyes, if Eddie says it will be okay
Then you'll just have to trust him and have faith
Steve did kept his word for him, he found a perfect lawyer
The case goes on and on for days and weeks
The real suspect is still at large and people are just wasting their time on the wrong guy
There's got to be way to end this
You had an conversation with Chrissy's father over at diner, you thought he'll be fuming at you since the whole town is clearly.....
Hate everyone who is friends with the town freak
People seriously need to wake up
You had a couple of death threat's and it feels like the whole world is against you and your friends
Ron Cunningham stopped being friends with Jake, he had enough of his behavior
He is sick as fuck like his own son
"Of course, I was mad, but it isn't right to be violently revenge on someone who is innocent" he says while he takes a sip of his coffee
"Yes, you can be angry, you have the right to be angry of losing your loved one but I just-" he shakes his head
"It's wicked to do something like that, ending someone's life when there's like no proof at all?!?" he laughs in disbelief
You stare at him directly while listening to him "How are you so certain of this?"
He clears his throat "My daughter once told me, Eddie helped her while she's having hard time with herself, mentally and physically"
You nod and he added "She doesn't open up to me a lot but I know my daughter, I knew that fucker, Jason wasn't good for my little girl but..... she loves him so much i couldn't bear to see her like that so i let her"
"Wait- do Jason, knew about this?"
"About her personal problems?"
"Not that I'm aware of"
"Can you testify for tomorrow?"
He quickly averted his eyes from you while he looks out at the window "I-I can't"
"Why not?"
He remains silent until you know the reason why he hesitated, he is petrified of the Carver's
"You could bring justice to your own daughter, Ron and you could also do the same for Eddie"
You lean in closer "I-I know im not in the exact same world with Chrissy but I interacted with her before, she is an angel such a sweet soul"
His eyes became misty and sniffles, showing you a sad smile
"It is unacceptable to ruin someone's life, only to find out a few years later, they realized that Eddie has done nothing wrong"
"Jason and Jake are just people who need guidance for their wrong point of view at beliefs about everything" you pressed your lips together
"Whoever that person is still out there, everyone life's are in danger because they focused on the wrong person" you place a one dollar bill on the table
You stood up before you leave "I hope I'll see you in the court room, Ron"
Your words made him think deeply, he despises the Carver's, they will get karma from what they've done
While at the courtroom, you twiddle with your thumbs, anxiously or wishes a miracle would happen
"Did you get to talk with Ron?" Steve asks, scoots closer to you
"Yeah, but"
"Oh no, it went wrong didn't it?"
"No, from what I just said last night, I think I pulled a string from him"
"So, where is he then?"
"I just don't know if he'll come around"
"He is a Cunningham, those people won't let you down"
"How can you be so sure?"
"Him and my father, we're pals back then" his eyes searches for Ron but no sign of him
"Oh" you raise your brows
Eddie steals a chance to glance at you everytime he can, he thought after you found him you'll stop but there you are again
Present at all times, helping him yet again
It's unbelievable to him that someone like you are devoted to get him out of here
"Again for the last time, did you bring someone to testify?!" The judge is impatiently waiting for the 2nd consideration
If Eddie's lawyer asked for more 5 minutes, the judge will dismiss this case and declaring that he is guilty
You and Steve panicked, both don't know what to do
"They did" Ron enters the courtroom heading towards on the side
You and Steve both sigh of relief, Ron glances at you and you smiled
Mouthing a "Thank you" to him
The courtroom with him is going well, until it's shit again
is Ron Cunningham isn't enough evidence?
"I'm sorry, guys, I think we're almost there, we just need to keep trying" Ron reassures all of you
"There's definitely something's fishy in this case" Hopper agrees
"It's corruption" Lucas added
"They're fucking stalling if you asked me" Dustin scoffed
"I hope the bad guy will face conscience to what mess he just did" Will shoves his face into his hands
"I smell bribery in that place" Mike frustratingly groans
"It's a room full with liars" Jane huffs
"Jane, you're a genius!" your voice was so loud to make all of their attention goes to you
Wayne smirks and you too making them more confused than as ever
"I am?" Jane points to herself, puzzled at the situation
"My boy, Eddie never lies" Wayne says
"We need a proof that is so strong that they just can't turn it down, I gurantee tomorrow is our lucky day" you say while you whispered into Robin's ear
You told them about your plan and it is excellent idea
Robin goes back to the room saying "I called the two of our allies, they're game for tomorrow"
"Great, let's just sit tight and wait for the magic begins" you chuckled
It's the last court day
Eddie is aware of it, he is nervous as hell
You sneak up from behind, startling him, you say "sorry" softly
"It's going to be okay" you say while holding his hand, you echoed the one he told you before
Eddie looks into your eyes and all he can see is filled with bravery and confidence
He is taken a back from it "I admire all of this, sweetheart"
You smile at him making him genuinely smile at you again, you're missing this
He always asks for you to hold your hand before the case begins, it helps with his anxiety
The judge came in saying "I think it's time for the jury to-"
"Not so fast, there's one more thing left to discuss" Nancy holds up one of the folders
"Justice for Eddie!" Jonathan yells making your side of the room cheered
Eddie's lawyer tackles the mysterious folder that is given to him
He catches up to what this means already
"It seems like the paperwork that I have right here with me proves that my client is truely innocent" he starts
30 or 40 students from Hawkins High, boys and girls told the whole court that they we're bullied and harassed by Jason Carver
One student claims that he gets away with anything, stating that he never holds accountable for what he has done
Jason slumps down from his seat, his father is now pissed off at him
Jason looks at you across the room, staring daggers at you, while you just flip him off
"Eat your own medicine" you mouth to him
This commotion earned a look from the judge, the jury and some of the townspeople in the room
"Can I testify?" You get up on your feet, all of your friends turn at you shockingly
Eddie with his lips apart at your voice, you can feel his eyes on you
"You go ahead, young lady" the judge proceeds
"I admit that I don't know Eddie personally, but a few small interactions with him, he is far more different guys that I met, I felt safe whenever I'm around him, I guess Chrissy might felt the same as I did" you took a deep breath
"Eddie might look scary to some of you, but he only did that just to protect himself" your eyes meet Eddie's
You look over at the jury "Can you imagine the life of being an outcast? Bullied most of your life, of course, you need to look tough so that people will leave you alone" you holding back the tears from your eyes
"About the music, most of us, rely on that, is what keeps us going, you don't know maybe it inspires us, it helps us to whatever we're going through"
"Open your eyes and look hard enough, think deeper, be more emotionally available to your children, just listen and try to understand"
One of the jury asks "Are you saying that you trust Eddie?"
You quickly wiped a tear that escapes from your eye "Yes, I trust him"
You turn around to look at the judge "People at my school called him names "Freak" "Weirdo" and "Loser" you laugh incredulously
"Sometimes people who are seem odd to you maybe the one who saved most of your children lives"
Another one from the jury speaks up "I'm not following this"
"He gathered a group who doesn't find their place in the school's environment, he never left anyone out"
Another group of students just barge in inside (this wasn't part of your plan and it shocks you)
Claiming that Eddie Munson, helped them
You, Eddie and your friends light up at the scenario
Eddie became teary eyed, even he's a little bit far away from you, you can see his hand shaking
"I rest my case" you say as you go back from the seat with your friends
You placed a hand on Eddie's shoulder and he pats it with a grateful smile
Everyone is appalled and began rethinking decisions since the proof felt so real to all of them
"I may have come to the conclusion, a review of the alleged falsely accused crime of murder, Eddie Munson, who you people believe is a devil worshipper, when there's people out there have bad intentions, but for my observation, these people right here,"
The judge points to all of you, you feel frightened and your heart starts racing
"Spoke the truth and they indeed preach and fight for what is right, so therefore, I pledge NOT GUILTY of all the charges" he finishes with the bang of the gavel
All of you screamed in victorious mood
Dustin jumped, Steve starts whooping, Robin whistles, Mike, Lucas, Gareth and Jeff give themselves a high five, Jane and Max both said "Oh my god" at the same time, Will hugged you completely overjoyed at the success
Nancy and Jonathan salutes to you with a wink and you laugh
Hopper watches all of you, he smiles in content
"Those kids never stopped believing do they?" Ron laughs in a cheerful way
"They're not giving up that's for sure" Hopper says as he shoves his hands down on his pockets
You saw Wayne embraced Eddie, and both of them cried in such happiness, your felt your heart warmth with jubilant
You let yourself enjoy of this blissful moment
It's been 2 months since the case happened
The suspect finally turn himself in the Hawkins Police, after the case was finished, he is ashamed for what happened to Eddie, he is now put behind bars, Ron Cunningham avenged his daughter, he can feel that Chrissy is smiling down at him
Justice was served on both sides
Eddie is much more open and felt welcomed than before
He also noticed that there's an improvement after the impact that he has done
It felt good to him, felt safe and sound, the school takes bullies very seriously now
No more social cliques, no more who's popular and who is not
The hatred is gone, Eddie never felt this alive since he never knew this could happen in his life
You and your friends hang out a lot, all of you got more closer together and more caring to one another
Meanwhile, at Steve's place having a movie night, with foods and drinks for everyone
"Hey" a voice from your beloved person
"Oh! Eddie!" You didn't think twice of hugging him and he melts easily at your touch
"Can I have a word for you?" He asks in a serious tone and you got intimidated
"Uh, sure, Ed's" you beamed at him
You're in Steve's backyard and he closes the door
The gloomy breeze hits your exposed shoulders, Eddie noticed this he gets out of his jacket and offers it to you
Before you can say no, he give you a warning look and you chortled
The warmth tender that gives you from his jacket, you felt bubbly all over
"What's up, Eddie?"
"I've been meaning to ask you" his voice sounds shaky and you find his doe eyes cute
He wastes no time and he just blurted it out
"Can I ask you on a date?" He sheepishly smiles
Words got caught up on your throat but you recovered, you didn't expected this
"I would love to go out with you" you smile widely
He blinks rapidly "You do?" he grins
"Yes" you nod aggressively and it made him laugh
"You're so unreal"
"I've never knew that I will have the girl that I always wanted"
Your eyes sparks with adoration "I will always be your girl, Eddie"
He places his hand over his chest "Well, shit my darling, I think you got me all over the floor now"
You giggled "I have something to tell you too"
He nods motioning you to continue
"I-I think I've fallen in love with you, ever since the day at the clinic"
His eyes almost popped out of his skull
"How about now?" He says softly while reaches down to holds your hand and runs his thumbs over your knuckles
"I love you" you confessed
"I really do"
"There's no one else?" He looked down, he tries not to look into your eyes
You frown, you cupped his cheek to make him meet your gaze
"Eddie, why would I do that? when you captured my heart in the first place"
He chuckles, he places his hands over your shoulders, you blushed
"Sweetheart, I love you so much, you're so good to me, you're amazing and the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me, you never had a thought of giving up to me, you believe in me when no else did, you cared for me even when your life is endangered, you willing to do anything just to save me, I'm so blessed having you in my life, I am truly indebted to you" he leans in closer
You gasped, you never been this close to him before
"Thank you for everything, I wouldn't be here without you" he does the same thing, he tucks your hair behind your ear
"For all the problems, liars and dirty cheats of the world at the end of the day, I choose you"
"And we will get through all of it like we always do" he says
You make a quick kiss on his lips and he flustered by your action but he smirks
"You call that a kiss?" He raises a brow
You acted all coy and until he pulled in closer for a real kiss
He gave you a kiss like no other, it's electricfying and pure love
You both smile in the kiss fondly, he savors and treasures this moment
Having you in his arms and hugging each other
You know, you'll be okay for the rest of your life as long as you have him on your side
You got nothing else to worry about....
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amethystina · 4 months
Oh man!! The latest chapter!!! The angst was angsting, pain was paining, heart is wrenching, tear is falling, it was soooo mean, but do it again!!!
It was the longest chapter and ironically the most painful chapter as well. Have I said how much I love slow burn and angst and this fic hits home everytime?? Likeee woah I just LOVE how this fic is LOOONG , nowhere near close bc that means I get me read it longer lol.
And I feel like I would never be able to appreciate how much hard work you put in Who Holds the Devil.
I am guessing it is now Ga On's turn to pursue Yohan and Oh man I can already imagine how much he is gonna suffer while doing it 😭 or maybe not (bc he tends to be pretty straightforward at times and impulsive as well) but I believe it's gonna be pretty hard bc Gaon has so much shit to get together and Yohan, my man, already gave up (poor him) so gaon trying to persue him or rather seduce his sugar daddy would look very suspicious to him. Nevertheless I am exited to see Gaon try and miserably, comically and hilariously half fail bc he will succeed eventually as Yohan is too much of a loser for Gaon lol. I am excited for future chapters and definitely wouldn't complain about more angst lol.
It was necessary for this to happen, otherwise the story would go nowhere and most importantly Gaon and Yohan would go nowhere, their problems will never be solved. Sometimes hitting rock bottom is crucial to develop in life BUT I would hate it if it happens to me, hope I will be able to get my shits together before that happens ( or maybe it already happened but I am not relizing it or not acknowledging it much like gaon but he is better than me ngl at least he has the courage)
This became a rant about me naur 😭
Lastly I hope you have a great day and things work out for you 💕
Also idk if it's your cup of tea but My Happy Ending kdrama is sooo good and worth giving it a try. It's a psychological suspense drama hehe. I am soo invested in it nowadays so couldn't help recommending you as well 💫
It was a painful chapter, yeah. And I'm both relieved and heartbroken to finally have it out there. As someone who doesn't actually like angst, this chapter was a struggle in more than one way. But it's necessary if I want their relationship to move forward, so here we are.
At this point, writing Who Holds the Devil has sort of turned into a second job, not going to lie. I still enjoy it, make no mistake, but I have to plan all of my other hobbies around it since I feel an obligation to post somewhat regularly. Like, I've been postponing drawing for the past two weeks because I wanted to get this chapter out (that's how long it took to edit, yes) but drawing is the thing that helps the most with my depression symptoms (that have made an unwanted reappearance due to my burnout), so I've been struggling quite a bit. And now all I want to do is draw for a couple of days.
So yeah. I can't lie and say it's not a lot of work, both in terms of planning, writing, editing, etc., but also how it affects the rest of my life. BUT I just love it too much to give up on it ;)
And yes, Ga On will have to be the one to pursue Yo Han now ;) Or, well, eventually. He has to wallow and overthink things a bit first because, well, Ga On. If overthinking things was an Olympic sport, he'd win the gold for sure. But he WILL give Yo Han what he wants in the end, I promise.
In short, the "the only way after hitting rock bottom is up" saying is pretty apt in this case.
There's still hope, so just hang in there :)
I looked at the plot for My Happy Ending but I admit it didn't really catch my attention. But that could be because I don't really watch much right now? I'm too busy writing and drawing. I'm also trying to finish a drama I started ages ago called Mad Dog. Which, let me tell you, it's disorientingly gay for a drama about insurance fraud. But unlike The Devil Judge I'm not sure if they're actually AWARE of how gay it is? (especially since it's from 2017)
But, like, if I had a penny for every time I've watched a drama in which a traumatised, older man brings home a reckless, bratty twink after said twink got injured — under the pretence of protecting him from more harm — only for the twink to start snooping around his house before deciding to charm the dude with home-cooked food and then just doesn't leave I would have two pennies. Which isn't a lot, but it's still weird that it's happened twice.
Also, what the heck do they want me to think when they have these kinds of angles when the two dudes are arguing?
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That looks questionable both in and out of context. BUT that could also be because Woo Do Hwan could have sexual tension with a goddamn rock. Rarely have I seen a man with so much "fuck me and find out" energy as his character in this drama.
But the twink also has a romantic plotline with the woman on the team, at the same time as he's living in the older dude's apartment and giving this poor dude all kinds of conflicted feelings because he's a widower who's lived alone since his wife and kid died and suddenly there's someone in his apartment cooking him food, nagging at him when he comes late and drunk etc. etc. Like, bruh. It really sounds like the twink is his new wife? And I am SO CONFUSED because the drama plays it so straight (without the "hint, hint, nudge, nudge" winks that The Devil Judge had) that I'm about to have an existential crisis.
Fellas, is it gay if this is the face you make when you're told you're not actually living with the man who took you home to keep you safe after you almost got murdered but then you accidentally behaved like his concerned and doting wife?
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Asking for a friend.
(and don't even get me started on the whole "Bring Your Twink to Work Day" scene)
At this point, I'm half convinced I'm gaslighting myself into thinking this is gay when it's actually just a really heartwarming story about a really deep bromance that I'm too queer to understand.
ANYWAY. Thanks for the rec! But I'm not sure if it's my thing and I'm really bad at watching things right now. But I'm thrilled to hear that you're having so much fun with it! I'm happy for you! :D
And thank you so much for the lovely message 💜
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donnyanne · 27 days
OBSESSED WITH THE GIANT BURDEN FIC!! I just wanted to ask when the next part would be up, and let you know that it’s my fav G/T fic so far and please keep going!!❤️
AAAA thank you so much!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying ;;;; like g/t stuff was CLIFFHANGER so I hope I can deliver!!!
and!! I actually have several chapters written and edited (actually wrote it BEFORE ever drawing and posting them) so chapters will be out!!! I just want to pace myself and hear any comments on each chap and build suspense by not posting all ;w;
for now until we catch up, I'll post one chapter a week! I just made an exception for chap 2 so peeps could catch a glimpse of a giant hehe. So next chapter will be out on the 11th!
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