#so does spooky Mormon hell dream
caughtonwebcam · 2 years
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bom doodles cuz i wanna play elder mckinely my beloved
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squeakintothevoid · 3 months
Exmormon thoughts on the Book of Mormon Musical:
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The whole thing was spectacularly irreverent
*does some googling* oh its written by the creators of south park, that makes sense
The bright and cheery forced smiles of the missionaries are accurate
The set is amazing, with it looking like an lds temple and everything. The backdrop with the clouds and the planets even looks like the giant murals they have in the temple visitors centers
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I love the salt lake city backdrop with the mormon temple right in the middle surrounded by the more obvious corporations like McDonald's and stuff. Did you know the LDS church owns a mall in the same city? It even has a little river going through it
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The spooky mormon hell dream sequence was the best thing i've ever witnessed. Especially as somebody who really did get guilt-fueled nightmares, albeit not as theatrical and hellish lol
Seeing the cups of coffee dancing in hell alongside Jeffrey Dahmer and Adolf Hitler was the best, my favorite moment
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The song about turning off your uncomfortable/unapproved thoughts was also amazing. The actual phrase commonly used is putting the thought "on your shelf" to set it aside to think about later. There's literally a song they teach to toddlers about never frowning because nobody likes it and making yourself smile instead.
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Hearing people crack up about things you used to believe sucks but finally you are surrounded by people who agree that this is ridiculous rather than people who think you are the crazy one for doubting
Mormons don't actually think Jesus was blond but they do think he visited America and most of the art makes him look northern European
Mormons don't really believe in a traditional hell or that Jesus hates you for sinning, but the level of guilt is still the same. Like that might as well be the case because your eternal afterlife is still at stake.
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The "I Am Africa" song is so on point. Missionaries go to a foreign country and really do start wearing their traditional clothes and keep speaking the language even after coming home as if they really are part of the culture now
I was not expecting to see punk rock Darth Vader or Yoda or lieutenant Uhura or Sam and Frodo.
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When Elder Price said "fuck," that was a blessed moment
I'm so glad I never actually went on a mission and could only relate so much. But that dedication to following all the rules in the missionary handbook is REAL and not even as intense as they portrayed it at times. The religious scrupulosity OCD is like no other. Like it's not unheard of for a missionary to keep working on their mission even if their mom or someone died while they were away.
There are still so many weird things about growing up mormon that they didn't even touch on. Like heaven being an MLM, multiple levels and everything.
Thanks for the read, feel free to ask any questions if you're curious because I like complaining about mormonism lol
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11x13kyle · 9 months
Like i know they are completely separate entities but matt and trey style does carry into everything, and the line “I cant believe Jesus called me a dick!” From Spooky Mormon Hell Dream is soooooooo Stan Marsh South Park
they do have a very distinct writing style so you’re very real for that!!! and i mean spooky mormon hell dream in particular also has the latin chorus from damien so there’s plenty of direct south park references in the show, which is very fun it’s like an easter egg hunt
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dumbkiwi · 2 years
to clarify: i love blackbonnet as the endgame for the show.
but i really dont like a lot of blackbonnet fanon bc i think so many ppl miss the mark on stede. forget "darling" "my love" etc. what happened to "Ed, do you know this guy? He's being a complete asshole!" <3 let him be a bitch!!
moreover - stede is consistently shown to be so incredibly selfish. as his #1 character trait. swede has scurvy? cake wasnt that good anyways. Mary hates the fucking ocean? wasn't listening. remorse only comes when he's having a ~spooky mormon hell dream~ and he feels bad, more out of a fear of retribution than anything. Ed seems antsy and riled up? time to solve this with an adventure that makes him obviously miserable! even if he's saying he's doing it for someone else, he's doing it to ease his own conscience or bc it's what he would have wanted to do anyways.
basically, i think that stede doen't necessarily have blinding self-confidence, but in spite of his insecurities he remains just. so not self-aware and entitled. he's ridiculously bold in demanding things so people tend to give into what he wants, so he's never really told no. whenever he is, this is viewed as an obstacle to overcome/win. (see: the fuckery) he's truly shocked when he's disliked, never questions his own judgement or ideas, and expects everyone in a space to mold themselves around him. he doesn't listen to what most people say unless it'll have a direct effect on him ("that's a bit advanced for you mate" from his favorite person, or "i think he's more than up to the challenge" from his least favorite person?) and only feels remorse or guilt because he feels bad for himself -- never because of what hes put the other person through. stede bonnet lives in a world where he is the main character and everyone else (the people he loves included) are NPCs; he never once thinks that he affects other people in the way that they affect him.
and that makes him a fantastic pair for ed, because Ed *loves* selfish people. 1) it gives him something to play off of bc he's a social chameleon with adhd cant relate wym ; 2) everyone treats him with such reverence, putting him on a pedestal, and it's gotta be so refreshing to be around people who treat him like Just Some Guy. so then when ed in turn is bitchy or bratty or what have you, theyll treat him like a person and not like Blackbeard Hates Me; 3) Ed wants to be wanted, and selfish people want. it's the praise kink thing lol. being treated as blackbeard is incredibly isolating, and most people view him as a threat or unattainable ((or probably expect ed as pursuer)). but in front of izzy and stede and jack, who make their desires SO clear, ed can show off and preen. he is the object of desire, and that's just fun
not saying that stede jack or izzy dont respect ed, but their self interests will always come before eds well being. izzy expects so much from ed -- and if eds not stacking up, especially if izzy perceives his life hanging in the balance, he'll jump ship! jack doesn't give a shit that ed cares about stede. obvs you can say that he was on a mission, but he doesnt show any remorse for fucking with ed's happiness. and stede is completely unafraid to demand things of ed, too. i'm not even talking about going back to mary. the fuckery, questioning izzy's authority (instead of thinking that there might be a reason this seasoned sailor is taking issue with his judgement), not listening to what ed is saying about wanting to retire/just fold socks.
so idk i think what im trying to say is. the blackbonnet dynamic has so much potential to be bizarre and cool and interesting. but so many ppl only acknowledge this side of stede when izzy's thrown into the mix cause hes so hurtable. even when they want angst, use kraken!ed, which i think is such wasted potential. instead of forgiving stede for his actions, why not take his self-imposed ignorance as a form of malice!! he hurts people because he does not actually care about them! he's weirdly paternalistic and condescending to EVERYONE unless he sees himself as the victim. There are 33 works tagged 'Stede Bonnet has Issues' on AO3. 33!!! there are 300+ fics tagged 'Israel Hands has issues'. there is SO MUCH UNTAPPED POTENTIAL HERE.
some blackbonnet ideas below the cut, both sfw and nsfw, to get the ball rolling (maybe me @ myslf idk)
in general: ed taking on izzy's arm candy with a gun/queen of hell role as stede kinda takes over the captaincy. conflict between stede and kraken!ed when stede returns, but stede is pissed that ed doen't immediately accept his apology. play stede wanting one aspect of ed so fiercely against ed's fear of rejection. possessive stede in general, but also ed not immediately buckling
for nfsw! stede inflicting overstim torture. dubcon with stede not understanding/willfully ignoring boundaries and ed realizing that like izzy his boundaries are also malleable, and stede taking advantage of that. pillow princess or power bottom stede and service top ed. so many mind games. ed and stede both trying to out-dom each other fjeialfj.
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phierecycled · 3 years
I was watching a bootleg of Spooky Mormon Hell Dream (as one does), and I have always wondered how McKinley got changed from his sparkly red outfit to the missionary uniform so quickly. Well this bootleg actually shows it and it happens on stage. He is at the bottom right of the ending pose and you can see someone take the shirt off him from behind during the instrumental after the ending pose.
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benisasoftboi · 4 years
Just got back from the first night of the Birmingham stop on The Book of Mormon’s current UK tour. Notes:
So Kevin Clay and Connor Peirson as Price and Cunningham - unsurprisingly, both very good, as this is hardly their first stint in those roles. But I’d never seen either of them live before, so that was exciting (UPDATE: someone correctly pointed out that Clay has left and it was actually Robert Colvin. I read the wrong cast list. I’m dumb)
Colvin reminded me a lot of Robert Manion, who I now realise I really, really want to see as Price (I’ve said before that I want Lauren Lopez to play McKinley in the style of Draco Malfoy, can you imagine? Throw in AJ Holmes as Cunningham since he’s done it before, maybe Tiffany Williams as Naba, and Corey Dorris as Mafala, and you’ve got my nerdy dreamcast)
I like that Colvin makes the role his own (some Prices reeeally try to be Andrew Rannells, which I don’t like - I want to see how YOU do it!)
I’ve noticed there are, broadly, two ways the role of Price can be approached, and different Prices will fall somewhere on a spectrum between them. Price has two defining characteristics - he’s very naive, and he’s very arrogant. Actors generally choose one of the two to emphasise. The first is more common, having Price be a very sincere character - he’s definitely self centred, but above anything else he does mean well. He seriously believes in everything he’s doing, and is genuinely crushed and beaten down over the course of the story, only to regain his optimism at the end in a new, more mature form. With this approach, Price’s character arc is primarily about him learning to be more realistic. The other approach is to focus on his arrogance and minimise the naivete. This Price is fully aware that his situation is shitty, and he’s not happy about it. His optimism is a front so people won’t realise how annoyed he is, and it’s desperation to find something that proves that he’s as incredible as he thinks he is that drags him into misery after misery. He is self interested above all else, and it’s only when he learns to care about and listen to other people that he gets to be happy. This Price’s arc is primarily about him learning that he’s not actually the greatest human alive, and that other people matter too
I’ve seen both versions of Price, and others that fall somewhere between (Rannells is probably the most middle ground, unsurprisingly, as he’s the originator). Colvin leans on the naive side, but with just enough immature whining and self-aggrandising that he’s not quite at the extreme (of the Prices I’ve personally seen, the naive extreme is Adam Bailey. The arrogant extreme is Stephen Rolley)  
Side note, is it not SO COOL that the same character, with the same script, can have a totally different journey based nothing more than subtle changes to line delivery, facial expressions and general demeanour? I love theatre
Little things - he greeted his dad in Spooky Mormon Hell Dream, his All American Prophet was fantastic, and he tried to make the General dance with him
Connor Peirson is excellent at physical comedy. Cunningham is another role where the actors sometimes try to be the originator, and again this was thankfully not done
His final name for Naba was ‘Nigel Farage’, which is pretty standard for UK productions, but it always kills, and tonight was no exception
His Cunningham was a little more low key and sassy than I’ve seen others do, which was interesting
Tom Xander is probably still my favourite Cunningham, mostly because he’s the only one who’s ever managed to act like a convincing 19 year old in my eyes - but that’s just personal preference, Peirson is still very, very good
I LOVED this Nabulungi, played by Nicole-Lily Baisden. She’s far more mature than I’ve ever seen a Naba before, and I honestly really like it. It made the character feel a bit deeper
Her Sal Tlay Ka Siti was much less idealistic and much more desperate than most are, and she was generally pretty serious up until Baptise Me - which makes that song so much sweeter, because we’re getting to see her softer side 
Baptise Me was an audience favourite tonight (though I noticed that they got the water on her dress in the wrong place, oops)
Naba being more serious also makes the Hasa Diga Eebowai reprise that much sadder
She wore a different outfit in Hasa Diga Eebowai than she does in the West End? A pink dress as opposed to a shirt and shorts. I like the West End outfit better
Also, the build up to that song was amusing for me because it was very obvious who in the audience had seen the show before based on when they started laughing at the title phrase
McKinley! I was super excited for this because of the main cast, he’s the only one I’d only ever seen one actor portray (live) (don’t misunderstand, I love Stevie Webb a lot, but it’s fun to see other people’s takes as well). And... I love William Hawksworth a lot too
Not sure if Colvin is tall or Hawksworth is short, but there was a full head’s worth of height difference between them
Also he was not wearing a blue tie, what the hell, how else am I supposed to pick him out when I’m too poor to afford seats where I can properly see their faces
McKinley is yet another character who came across as more serious than usual in this production. He felt older than Webb’s McKinley, and was less sassy and bitchy. But he was also, it should be noted, much, much more camp
Hawksworth’s Moroni, though? Sassy little shit
His delivery of the ‘I have it nightly’ line is my favourite I’ve ever heard. He says it very matter-of-factly, like he doesn’t even realise how messed up it is. Some try to play it up as sad, which I don’t think is in character, he should either do this, or show some awareness that it’s bad, but be trying to brush it off. His whole thing is denial, after all
McPriceley watch: He was very forward with Price, taking every opportunity to get in his personal space, especially on ‘was I in it’. He was visibly grumpy about ‘oh no, I’m not having gay thoughts’. Almost kiss had him notice that Price had put his hand on his arm, and then it was like his brain lagged, he didn’t even try to lean into it until Price had already walked away. Not my favourite take on it, but not bad. Also a little Hell Dream flirting
But, oddly enough, he kind of seemed to have a little thing going with Elder Michaels, of all people (McMichaels?)
And also (and I loved this) the moment Cunningham started doing his prophet thing, he started flirting with Cunningham instead of Price. It was honestly really cute. But like, what a little-
Both he and Price were hit in the face by streamers during Joseph Smith American Moses (where he seemed more irritated by what was happening than anything else). Also, the Mission President was visibly into that song (at first), which I haven’t personally seen done before
He hammed it up a lot in the Hell Dream, blowing kisses and everything
In more general stuff, this particular theatre is designed in such a way that the lighting in You and Me (But Mostly Me) looked better than I’ve ever seen it, go just for that
My audience really loved both Joseph Smith American Moses and Hasa Diga Eebowai. It’s always interesting seeing shows in different places, because different jokes tend to land better depending on where you are. This trip has backed up my previous experiences with going to shows in Birmingham, which is that everyone in this city has a sick sense of humour. It’s great
But they also tend to react really strongly to emotional stuff, lots of awwing Naba and Cunningham. They also really liked the dancing in Two By Two
There was an audible ‘oh NO’ from somewhere in the audience when Naba announced the play. There was also an audible ‘his SUITCASE’ in reference to McKinley at the end (the suitcase was also different from what I’ve seen before, it’s pink on a black background)
There were some mistakes in Spooky Mormon Hell Dream - Price missed his final line, and McKinley’s jacket came undone at the back. He tried to fix it several times to no avail. He probably would have preferred me not have been watching him the whole time, but I like seeing how actors deal with that sort of thing, so sorry, William Hawksworth, but I saw it all. Sincere well done for keeping it professional as you desperately tried to subtly reach around your own back
Ran into an actual Mormon outside who tried to recruit me
So overall, if you’re still here after all that - this is a really, really good production! Go see it if you live in the Birmingham area! 
Final note - Webb always dabs when the curtain falls. Always. I kept my eyes on Hawksworth. He disco dances. I don’t know who I hate more
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anotherobeymeblog · 4 years
What are the brothers plus Simeon’s favorite musicals?
Lucifer: 35MM. Lucifer will insist that he isn’t a musical person, and for the most part, he isn’t. He finds them far too cheesy and can’t take a plot seriously when characters are randomly bursting into song. This is, of course, exactly why he likes 35MM so much. There is no plot. It is simply a compilation of various vignettes, so he doesn’t need to worry about a plot to follow. Besides, it’s more ~artsy~ than your standard musical, so that’s a draw for him too.
Mammon: Newsies. It’s just so wholesome and nostalgic and makes Mammon feel all warm and fuzzy every time he watches it. He definitely doesn’t cry, mind you. Not in the slightest. The great Mammon would never cry from a musical marketed towards children. How pathetic would that be? But in all seriousness, he absolutely watches it as often as he can and absolutely sings along to all of the songs at the top of his lungs, much to everyone around him’s chagrin.
Leviathan: The Book of Mormon. No matter how many times he watches it, the humour never gets old. He especially dies at the Spooky Mormon Hell Dream scene because of course he does. The type of comedy is exactly the kind that he likes best and he enjoys how it manages to be scandalous without being too edgy, which is definitely easier said than done. Plus, anything making fun of Mormons is immediately 11/10, particularly from a demon’s perspective.
Satan: Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812. Like Lucifer, Satan is generally not a musical person. Not because he dislikes the fact that they are singing, but simply because he finds the typical genre for broadway musicals to be too loud and the plots to be too cliched. But when he found out that they made a musical based on War and Peace, he had to check it out, and he immediately fell in love. Nerd.
Asmodeus: Wicked. Was there ever any doubt? Asmo lowkey kins Glinda and knows every single song by heart, often alternating between singing Popular or Defying Gravity in the shower. Can he hit the high notes? Of course not. But he’s sure gonna try anyways, and he enjoys himself, so he doesn’t really care how many people’s ears bleed as a result.
Beelzebub: Waitress. No, not just because of all the songs about pie. The question of whether or not you should be satisfied with just being “happy enough” is one that resonates with him deeply, as well as the underlying themes of grief and closure. The idea of being able to finally let go of the past and build a new life for yourself is one that he desperately needs to hear, and Waitress ties it all together really well and in an accessible way.
Belphegor: Rent. Belphegor really just likes anything that will make him cry, and Rent is a perfect example of that. While he will deny it until he’s blue in the face, he cries like a bitch every single time he reaches the part where Angel dies, particularly since it... uh... hits a little close to home. And while he never sings per se, you can sometimes gently the rare opportunity to hear him humming Light My Candle in his sleep if you listen closely enough.
Simeon: She Loves Me. Of course it’s She Loves Me. The epitome of a cheesy romantic comedy with the most cliche plot you’ve seen a thousand times. But that’s exactly why he loves it so much. It’s familiar and wholesome and soft and feels safe. He could watch it a thousand times and never get sick of it.
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notaghost3 · 4 years
20, 25, 33!
Thanks, @catcorsair !
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
Hmmmm....I’m pretty happy with the endings to my stories, but in my first outlines for The Forgotten, originally *spoiler* Christine did end up having the baby and Raoul wasn’t rescued from his capture by Erik because after the hospital scenes, Erik stuck close to Christine and ended up going home with her to pose as her husband because of Raoul and Christine’s baby and then Raoul came home somehow and Erik kinda just settled into the same town. There was also no Daroga so no Pharoga. But I just felt that didn’t fit that Erik’s character and I’m MUCH happier with the way it actually is! 
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
While writing? No. While reading, totally! It does take a good bit to get me to cry and sometimes I’ll *feel* like crying but won’t actually, but there have been some stories that I actually tear up at!
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
Oooooh, I don’t know! I always think back to @spooky-mormon-hell-dream ‘s review on the last chapter of Battle Lights as my fav review I’ve ever gotten, so I guess really anytime someone rambles on and catches the little details in my writing and then tells me (or quotes it back) is the biggest compliment I can get! <3
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autismarvin · 4 years
tagged by @gemma-nye , tag game created by @badfanartdotcom
thank you for tagging me !!
Favourite production?
i love the og cast so much tbh !! but my favorite would have to be the chicago perf back in 2012 (?) bc i love ben platt :> n rlly, any production thats put on with it i will love💙 if you have a favorite of your own n u would like to share, i am definitely open to it !!
Favourite character?
arnold !!! but i also love nabulungi and her dad, (does he have a name...i dont have good hearing so i learned most names from the fandom) kevin, and mckinley !!! 
Favourite song?
oh so many...but i love 'making things up again' and 'i believe' !!
Have you seen it live? How many times? With which actors?
i have not unfortunately :< ive actually never seen a musical or even a concert irl ndndnd
What year did you enter the fandom?
2020 !! but i first watched bom when it came out :>>>
Where are you from? (Credit card number?)
California, USA !! and my credit card number is- [static interference]
Star Wars of Star Trek?
honestly i love star trek for the characters, but i absolutely adore the star wars world !!! (also ewan mcgregor as obi-wan….handsome….) i do enjoy star trek movies n the episodes more than star wars tho, so i guess star trek (@ arnold cunningham i will still watch star wars with u i am free every thursday-)
Fanfic that deserve more recognition?
i havent read too many yet actually ;0; but i will say all of them bc so far everyone seems to be such an amazing writer💙
How many times are you going to go see the show once it reopens?
i would like to see it at least once !! i do not have money for things so i will be realistic n ask the universe for at least One Viewing ndndnd
Relative to Elder Price's obsession with Orlando, how obsessed are you with Book of Mormon (the musical)?
oh jeez   as much as an autism like myself can be (more than elder price and orlando lol) !  ive had so many songs stuck in my head n i already made an OC for it ndndnd n the show (and andrew rannells) revamped my passion for theatre so im working on my singing again bc it's been so long !! so. However Obsessed That Is
What's the weirdest mormon fact you learned while obsessing over Book of Mormon (the musical)?
hm, i cant say ive learned anything new, but i already knew some bits n pieces about mormon things, like how the very wildly spelled names come to be !! as for actual religion, i tend to respectfully stay away ndndnd
Decaying donkey or dead water buffalo?
How About A Nap Instead
What's your favourite background action during the Spooky Hell Dream?
there's so much going on during it i dont know where to start tbh, so ill jst say my favorite part of the song is "jesus hates you, this we know/for jesus just told you so" !!
Thoughts on the General's boots?
u could say he's…..new boot goofin'
What's your favourite bad fanart and why haven't you sent in a submission yet?
this one rlly speaks to me
What slime tutorial would you like me to gift to you? hmu <3
moulin rouge 👉👈 but rlly jst any musical you rlly like n wanna share :>
Where would you like to go on your mission? What's your paradise planet? :)
my paradise planet is a cool big house where me n all my friends plus brad live n i have two pet ferrets who terrorize everyone with their funky little war dances     but i will also accept iceland
tag five bom fans
i am very bad at rmbring urls n the autofill doesnt work very well so if u want to do this then im tagging u :}
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halbarryislife · 5 years
The singing when the curtain opens
Moroni and Mormon standing so still
Stephen is just so annoyed with the door bell
Cunningham is so confused and behind
Waving the audience
Two by Two
Arnold is trying to get high fives but isn’t getting any
Stephens wave when he leaves
Jack Price has a girlfriend?! I think? Cause he ran out with a girl holding his hand.
Hasa Diga Eebowai
The boys look so uncomfortable
When told what has a means Kevin’s face is like “omg”
Naba is so amazing
Mafala is amazing
The boys are freaking out
The villagers are amazing and so talented
Turn It Off
Stephen poking Kevin
Church getting sadder and sadder
Stephens tap on poptarts shoulder
PINK VESTS AND TAP DANCING (My friend wanted me to say that the pink vests are iconic, and I agree) 
When Stephen tells Kevin the mission president is coming Kev grabs Stephens face and Stephen falls forward in love
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All American Prophet
Villagers are so unimpressed
"now comes the part of of our story that gets a little bit sad” Kevin and Naba get really close to each other and just stare at one another when Kev sings
Man Up
Arnold is so sad when Kev yells at him
Arnold is so convinced that he can’t do anything right (it breaks my heart)
The elders dancing in their rock costumes
Making Things Up Again
“We’ve been here two HOURS, listening to him talking about stupid shit.”
Moroni looks like a disappointed parent
Stephen just looks confused
Then Moroni and Mormon look like disappointed parents
Mr Cunningham had a newspaper
Spooky Mormon Hell Dream
After “I’M HERE” Kev does a little dance
“YOU’RE A DICK” *eye roll*
The devils had messy hair wigs
Genghis Khan was playing the flute
Cochrane was playing the bongos
Stephen in the sparkly outfit was everything (he had the sparkly outfit and the boa)
Kev looks like he’s drunk when he drinks the coffee
GBFN’s devil costume
The elders change at the end on stage
Stephen is really close to Kev face
“Was I in it? Crosses his arms
After Arnold being annoyed at Kev, the elders all look at each other like “are they mad at each other”
I Believe
Kev sings as if he’s talking to himself for encouragement
“no, what are you doing. No. NOOOOOOO” Poor Kevin
Arnold and Midala dab
Baptize Me
They are frigidity around each other
Naba being adorable
We Are Africa
When Stephen and Mafala walk over the baptism station, Stephen looks over to the others and mouths “omg”
Stephen low key looks like he’s gonna cry
All the elders being so happy
All the villagers being so happy
Joseph Smith American Moses
I low key just watched Stephen the whole time (he went from happy to confused to oh god to I’m gonna kill Cunningam)
The arch the Ugandans used was a poorly made replica of the after arch in the theater
Joseph Smith offers a duck frog to the mission presidents guys and they’re like “nooo”
Hasa Diga Eebowai Reprise
Low key made me cry
I wanna hug her
The Lesbian Monologue had the loudest applause 
Tomorrow Is A Latter Day
“FUCK HIM” Stephen does a whole bunch of hand movements then puts his hand to his lips to imply him to be quiet
After that there’s silence and Kev goes “YA”
Mcpriceley high five
“Hello! My name is Elder Mutumbo!”
Lewis Cleale and Maia Nikenge Wilson are still there
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Kevin Clay as Elder Price
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Cody Jamison Strand as Elder Cunningham
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Destinee Rea as Nabulungi Hatimbi
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Stephen Ashfield as Elder Mckinley
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somehowimanage · 5 years
My Book of Mormon Tour Observations
Okay, so I was super fortunate to see Book of Mormon on Sunday before they left Philly and can I just say it was so freaking incredible?! I almost cried multiple times and I barely stopped smiling and/or laughing the entire show! I was also lucky enough to meet a few of the actors and actresses afterwards and get autographs and pictures! Everyone I met was super, super sweet! But I have a few observations if anyone was interested in how this cast did some things. I don’t know how many of these things are typical in the productions, since this was my first time seeing it, but I figured I’d mention some of the things that popped out to me as being different.
-Arnold’s entrance in Hello was amazing, and he ad libed a bit during the speaking part (”No, no Elder Cunningham, that’s not how we do it. You’re making things up again. Just stick to the approved dialogue.”)
-Right before Two By Two, when Elder Grant tells Kevin that he’s “the smartest, best, most deserving Elder the center’s ever seen,” he gets SUPER close to Kevin (practically kissing distance) and everyone just kinda stops for a second in awe until Kevin looks away and says “aw, come on, you guys.”
-When Arnold is going off about how all of his friends would leave him, in the airport scene, he said “but you can’t” in a total deadpan, which was hilariously creepy. 
-The disco ball in You and Me (But Mostly Me) is so extra but I loved it. It actually shined over the audience, too, which was a cool thing to see. Also, I know that Arnold disappearing behind the screen and popping out a few seconds later to sing “my best friend!” always happens, but I really loved it haha
-Kevin has the ego the size of Florida. Haha
-Hasa Diga Eebowaii was hilarious, but I really liked how the Ugandans literally tell the audience “If you don’t like what we say, try living here a couple days. Watch all your friends and family die. Hasa Diga Eebowaii!” like, they aren’t even telling Kevin and Arnold anymore. Very good staging. 
-McKinley paid attention to/directed all of the gay lyrics in Turn It Off to Kevin. Like “Boys should be with girls: that’s Heavenly Father’s plan. So if you ever feel you’d rather be with a man: turn it off” and “Being gay is bad” he looked at Kevin, then “But lying is worse” he looked at Arnold. Also, I knew the waistcoats were sparkly, but they were SO sparkly in person haha
-I think the usual saying for the end of Turn It Off is “Flick it, pow, push it down!” but this McKinley said “Whack it, smack it (I think Push it down)!”
-In I Am Here For You, Arnold like, peers creepily over Kevin before singing and it was great.
-All American Prophet is a bop and the dance moves are solid. Enough said. Also, Joseph Smith and Moroni give each other the okay fingers in it, which is hilarious to see characters from “Biblical times” do.
-Sal Tlay Ka Siti was so beautifully hopeful, yet heartbreaking.
-After he stormed out after the shooting, Kevin ran out of the mission hut with what I could only describe as flailing Muppet arms. Haha The almost kiss happened when Kevin grabbed McKinley’s face, as per usual. 
-Man Up was the most epic ending of an Act I that I have ever seen in my life. Also, the missionaries dancing behind Arnold in the beginning need to be appreciated more. Just saying. 
-During Making Things Up Again, Joseph Smith was acting disgusted/exasperated during Arnold’s lies, raising his hands/arms like wtf, facepalming, pinching his nose, etc.
-Spooky Mormon Hell Dream was such a cool performance to see. It’s very elaborate and really shows the depth of Kevin’s guilts. I think everything was as it usually would be though. 
-I Believe was such a powerful song. I know it always happens, but watching Kevin force the General’s arm to move at the end, and watching the utter look of disgust on his face was so funny. 
-When Midala answered Arnold’s question “correctly,” he dabbed.
-Baptize Me was even more sexual than usual haha
-In We Are Africa, they changed the lyrics from “tears of Nelson Mandela” to “dreams of Nelson Mandela”
-At one point Arnold called Nabulungi “Nissan Altima” 
-When Kevin is drinking his twelve cups of coffee, he’s practically acting drunk. Also, When Kevin said “And don’t touch me,” Arnold booped him on the nose and I lost it. The two fought like an old married couple haha
-During the first part of Joseph Smith, American Moses, McKinley was bobbing his head along to the music, but was soon frozen in horror. The mission president looked away at some points in horror and “Jesus” came up to him, practically putting his “penis” in his face.
-Nabulungi is a beautiful, sweet, innocent bean and I almost cried when she was so upset near the end.
-Tomorrow is a Latter Day was such an amazing finish to the show. When Kevin said “Or if we have complete doubt if God exists” everyone just stopped and stared at him for a couple seconds. McKinley does a sassy snap dance move during his solo too. Also, in the sing after everyone bows, one of the Elders (I unfortunately don’t know which one) sang the really high note in falsetto and KILLED IT.
I think that’s everything different that I can remember. Basically, this cast is a treasure, as is the entire show. I really loved the characterizations that were portrayed. It gave me so much joy to watch and I can’t wait for the opportunity to see it again!! 
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Book of Mormon?
omg anon- does this still count if I do it like 4 months later? oooops
Send a musical and I’ll answer these questions:
Song I wish was longer: ok if we’re counting the reprises that are not on the OBCR, You and Me (But Mostly Me) reprise. Besides that, You and Me (But Mostly Me). (are you sensing a pattern…?)
Song I wish was shorter: This is such a tough/weird question… maybe Spooky Mormon Hell Dream? Since there’s a good portion of instrumental parts that are actually fun dances live. 
The one song I always skip: Baptize Me *ducks*
Song I sing the best: All American Prophet, I could sing this shit in my sleep
Song I still don’t know all the words to: Joseph Smith American Moses
Song that honestly deserves an award or five: So hard to choose… Turn It Off or I Believe
Song that’s terrible but I still love: I Am Africa
Song that’s really good but I hate: I wouldn’t say *hate* but Baptize Me is maybe my least favorite. I love Nikki’s “baptizing me soon” tho
Song I think could change the world: Hasa Daga Eebowai could change the world in a possibly hilarious way.
Song I wish I’d written: Two By Two. ORLANDOOOOOO (apologies to anyone who ever says “Orlando” around me- TRIGGERED)
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reallygoodguacamole · 7 years
my ideal writing process is drinking 2 ciders, looping spooky mormon hell dream, and then writing a bunch all at once
then i edit the next morning
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actual things that happen in the Book of Mormon/why it is the most Extra™ musical ever
“Have fun in hell!”
Norway: land of gnomes and trolls
France: land of pastries and turtlenecks
Japan: land of soy sauce and Mothra
Elder Price’s lifelong dream is to get sent on a mission to Orlando, Florida, but instead he gets sent to Uganda
“UGANDA! COOL! ....where is that.”
Kevin goes along with the happy upbeat choreography despite feeling extremely ripped off
“well, he has a very active imagination–” “I LIE A LOT!” “no”
Kevin’s dad actually gets a random woman to dress up like someone in The Lion King and sing Circle of Life
“Personally I like Star Wars, but I’m willing to like Star Trek more if you think it’s better”
the writers probably only made Price’s first name Kevin because it rhymed with heaven
You and Me (But Mostly Me) aka every group project ever
Arnold tries to make a video diary
Josh Gad screaming
the entirety of Hasa Diga Eebowai (it’s such a jam though)
“Raise your middle finger to the sky and curse his rotten name!” “wait what”
“Well, let’s see. Eebowai means God, and Hasa Diga means, Fuck you. So I guess in English it would be: Fuck you, God!” “WHAT?!”
Cunningham gets REALLY into it.
someone tries to fuck a baby
“But that’s horrible!” “I know!” “Hasa Diga Eebowai!”
everyone has AIDS
Nabulungi has the purest expression on her face while doing the most vulgar choreography ever
All the nicknames for Nabulungi, including but not limited to: Bambamchelfi, Jon Bon Jovi, Hockaloogie, Nagasaki, Nabagamba, Neutrogena, Neosporin, Nintendo 64, Nordstrom, and Nutella
Elder Poptarts
a fun, lighthearted tap number about repressing your emotions
Elder Thomas was out buying an iPhone while his sister was dying of cancer
“My hetero side just won” *thumps chest*
when the lights go down and when they go back up all of the Mormons are dancing and wearing pink sparkly vests. Including Kevin.
“Imagine that your brain is made of tiny boxes, then find the box that’s gay and CRUSH IT!”
Andrew fucking Rannells had to have the words “no, no, i’m not having gay thoughts” come out of his mouth
the sound of tap dancing in the background as Elder McKinley leaves the living quarters
“There is no Bishop Donaghue! I made him up!”
arnold cunningham just wants his dad to be proud of him for once
Cunningham steals Price’s blanket despite having one of his own
Nabulungi uses a typewriter as a texting device
Cunningham has a panic attack when he sees that there’s no doorbell
Gotswana has maggots in his scrotum
“what the fuck is a steak knife”
General Butt Fucking Naked
Nabulungi, one of the purest characters in musical theatre, singing “soon life won’t be so... shitty”
“So he crawled up on that cross, and he stuck it out” hjdhfjqgfhnjs
Elder Cunningham hip thrusting to rock metal
“YOU’RE NOT MY FATHER” *stabs Darth Vader*
“Heavenly Father, why do you let bad things happen? More to the point, why do you let bad things happen to me?”
“We will listen to the fat white guy”
right as Act 1 ends, Gotswana reminds us that he has maggots in his scrotum
“i know you’re really depressed, what with all your AIDS and everything,”
Arnold’s conscience consists of his father, Joseph Smith, Moroni, hobbits, and Yoda
arnold convinces everyone that fucking a frog is the solution to all your problems
Boba Fett
Kevin mistakes hell for disneyworld
Elder Price has spent his life plagued by guilt over blaming his brother for eating a donut with maple glaze when he was five (5) years old
Elder Price has a nightmare that he gets sent to hell and Jesus calls him a dick
spooky wooky
Hitler makes an appearance, because of course he does
Elder Price thinks abandoning your mission companion is worse than serial murder and genocide
McKinley dancing seductively with the red boa
Jeffrey Dahmer and Kevin’s dad having anal sex
McKinley blowing Hitler
the music stops just so Kevin can scream that he can’t believe Jesus called him a dick
“That would take something… incredible” *spotlight on Kevin as his head whips around to face the audience fast enough to get whiplash*
Andrew Rannells licking his lips every other line at the Tonys
Elder Price forces General Butt Fucking Naked to dance with him
baptism is a euphemism for sex
A song called I Am Africa sung by the whitest people ever with the whitest choreography ever
Elder Price actually gets the Book of Mormon shoved up his ass
“let us smile and laughrica”
Elder Price drinks twelve (12) cups of coffee because he’s lost all faith in the Mormon religion
just fucking. planet orlando
orlando (reprise)
“I’m Joseph Smith, and I’m going to fuck this baby!” “WHAT”
Moroni from the Starship Enterprise
“Will you fight the clitoris man?”
magical fuck frog
“Let’s be really fucking polite to everyone!”
the dysentary sequence
Jesus wanting everyone to fuck each other and everyone wears HUGE dick garments
Nabulungi convinces everyone that Elder Cunningham was eaten by lions and then Cunningham walks in and they’re like “HE HAS RISEN”
“If you do not get out of this village right now, he is gonna command the Angel Moroni... from the DEATH STAR... and unleash the KRAKEN! Which will then...” “Which will then launch Joseph Smith’s TORPEDOES from its mouth of CHRIST and turn you into a LESBIAN!”
the fact that that somehow scares off General Butt Fucking Naked
elder price says fuck
“my name is Elder Butt Fucking Naked.” (brief pause) “did you know that the clitoris is a holy sacred thing”
The book of Arnold
the last line of the show is literally Gotswana singing “I still have maggots in my scrotum!”
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kendelias · 3 years
Legally gotta ask book of mormon since ya put it out there
@richitozier also asked for tbom!
kevin played by oliver clark: LET MEEEE TELL YOU WHYYYY THIS ROLE WAS MADE FOR OLIVER CLARK. is he real? no. does it matter? no. first of all, oliver is hysterical. playing the lead in a comedy musical was meant for him. i can literally see him making faces in ‘spooky mormon hell dream’, belting the FUCK out of ‘i believe’, and hamming it up with arnold in ‘you and me’. he could really nail kevin’s self-centeredness, like in ‘two by two’. TELL ME you do not wanna see his hair all mussed at the end when he makes the big speech about fuck mormonism. also not him playing up the kevin/connor dynamic I WANT TO SEE IT SO BAD anyway yes he is who started all of this
arnold played by kichirou watanabe: let’s act like this isn’t perfect. simp? check. huge nerd? check. easily manipulated? you betcha. he would really play the doting, in-need-of-a-bff geek so well. him hanging all over oliver... also he’s so cute you can’t help but feel bad for him when kevin tells him to get fucked. he would deserve every solo too. MAN UP WOULD FUCK SO HARDDDDD like going from soft to heavy would be so good for him. sorry i could go on about this for ages but he would kill it!!
nabalungi played by virginia avery: she said it was rude if i didn’t give this to her KLDNLKFNKLFN the thing about nabalungi is that she needs to be played seriously. like she fully 100% believes in everything she says and does - she believes that salt lake city is a magical land that will save her people. she needs to 100% commit to her dialogue and her songs. vi often takes herself too seriously and she would commit 100% to any role that was given to her. no breaking! 100% sincerity in ‘sal tlay ka siti’! it’s what we need AND deserve!
connor played by bell: he said “gay father of several children running rampant in a place where it seems like all hope is lost? im there!” fr though, bell would play connor’s happy-go-lucky cheer so well. him going absolutely feral during ‘turn it off,’ like specifically when he yells at kevin to find the tiny box and CRUSH IT. he’d kill it i feel it. also he’d too play into kevin/connor. ALSO I FEEL LIKE HE CAN DANCE WHICH IS CONNOR-CENTRIC i have no proof i just feel it. it’s literally just what we deserve.
poptarts played by kit varga: WHAT AN HONOR. FOR WHICH ONE? DOESN’T MATTER THE ANSWER’S YES. kit would just play that earnest kindness and silliness so well. he definitely gives off baby of the group vibes just like poptarts does, and that featured solo/harmony in ‘turn it off’ would pop off.
church played by zac bennett: no one will know what this means but me but you can’t have poptarts without church. anywho, zac would def give church the LAYERS of complexity he deserves. that kid struggles with ptsd let us see it!!!! once again the featured solo and harmony would fuck, and he and kit would play off each other really well. i feel like neither of them can dance tho so bell has to teach them lmao
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send me a musical + i’ll cast it with my ocs!
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I'm Different From You
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2DedG1V
by MapleMickey42 (DemonSquipster)
Whizzer Brown - formally known as Jack Price, who everyone knows as the best little Mormon pitcher in all of Salt Lake City. His brother, Kevin Price, was the star of the family. The all-around perfect son; 'teacher's pet', as Jack would call him.
He wasn't interested in having to suppress his sexuality, so he decided to leave home. He sent letters to Kevin, and vice versa, but eventually they came to a stop sometime after Kevin left for Uganda.
Now living in Orlando with Connor McKinley, Kevin received one out of the blue from his twin brother. As it turns out, Whizzer, now feeling like a homewrecker, finds himself facing a dilemma as he finds himself loving a man he didn't want to.
Kevin goes up to New York with Connor a year and a half after that first letter - they'd been sending letters until they could find an acceptable time to go - and finds himself now integrated into Whizzer's new tight-knit family.
Hopefully, Connor can learn how to make this new tight-knit family work out. It does help that he hit it off with Whizzer, he supposed.
Words: 1105, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Falsettos - Lapine/Finn, The Book of Mormon - Parker/Stone/Lopez
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Whizzer Brown, Marvin (Falsettos), Elder "Connor" McKinley, Kevin Price, Kevin Price's Father, Kevin Price's Mother
Relationships: Whizzer Brown/Marvin, Elder "Connor" McKinley/Kevin Price
Additional Tags: Modern AU, Kevin and Whizzer are twins, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Homophobia, Spooky Mormon Hell Dream, Religious Guilt, Whizzer is Not Very Mormon, Kevin is Very Mormon, But He Supports Whizzer, Not Canon Compliant, Jack is Whizzer, Jack Needs a Hug, Jack Has Issues, Poor Jack, Kevin Appreciation Week, Cringe, Crack Taken Seriously, Crossover, Cross-Posted on Wattpad
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2DedG1V
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