#smartphone optimization
seoanalystchennai · 1 year
Mobile Marvels: Unleashing the Power of Pocket-sized Marketing
Mobile Marvels: Unleashing the Power of Pocket-sized Marketing Welcome to the era of mobile marketing, where the world is at your fingertips and opportunities abound. In this blog post, we dive deep into the captivating realm of mobile marketing and optimization, unveiling the secrets to conquering the digital landscape from the palm of your hand. So grab your smartphone and get ready to embark…
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celltophone1 · 3 months
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readytion1tech · 4 months
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candiceg3010 · 5 months
Unlocking Seamless Convenience with the Justdial App for IOS
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In a world dominated by technology, staying connected and accessing information at the tip of your fingers is paramount. The Justdial App for IOS emerges as a game-changer, seamlessly integrating convenience and efficiency. Discover how this powerful app is transforming the way IOS users navigate their daily lives.
Why Choose Justdial App for IOS?
Embrace a world of possibilities with the Justdial App, designed specifically for IOS users. Unlock unparalleled convenience and explore a myriad of features tailored to enhance your overall experience.
Key Features of Justdial App for IOS:
Comprehensive Local Search:
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Effortlessly locate essential amenities with a user-friendly interface.
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Access reliable reviews to make informed decisions.
Explore detailed business listings for a comprehensive understanding.
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Seamlessly connect with businesses with just a tap.
Save time and effort by eliminating unnecessary steps in the process.
Navigating Through Justdial App on IOS:
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Receive tailored suggestions for an enhanced user experience.
Installing Justdial App on Your IOS Device:
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Head to the App Store on your IOS device.
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Follow the easy setup instructions to customize the app according to your preferences.
Enjoy instant access to a world of local information.
The Justdial App for IOS is not just an application; it’s a lifestyle enhancement tool. Stay connected, stay informed, and experience the future of local search with this groundbreaking app. Download it today and redefine the way you navigate your surroundings.
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phonemantra-blog · 9 months
Xiaomi Enhances User Experience with Account App Update Xiaomi, a brand known for innovation and user-centric solutions, is rolling out an update for its Account App, designed to enhance overall user experience and fix common issues. This update, labeled as version R-, brings general improvements to the MIUI Account app, which comes preinstalled on Xiaomi smartphones. [caption id="attachment_53090" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] Xiaomi updating Account app[/caption] What's New in the Update Optimization and Reliability While this update doesn't introduce new features or major changes, it prioritizes reliability and improved functionality. Xiaomi aims to ensure that users have a seamless experience when using the Account App. This means a smoother and more efficient process for user verification and accessing multiple services. Bug Fixes One of the key benefits of this update is the resolution of common bugs that users may have encountered in previous versions of the app. Xiaomi is committed to providing a bug-free experience, and this update is a step in that direction. Easy and Lightweight Update Xiaomi users will appreciate the convenience of this update. With a file size of approximately 11.91MB, it won't occupy much space on your device, making it a hassle-free process to enhance your Account App. How to Update Updating your Xiaomi Account App is straightforward. You can do it through the app store on your device or by using the link provided below, allowing you to access the latest version effortlessly. FAQs About Xiaomi Updating Account app Q1: What does the Xiaomi Account App update bring to users? A: The update focuses on optimizing the user experience, improving reliability, and resolving common bugs, ensuring a smoother operation of the app. Q2: Is this update for Xiaomi smartphone users only? A: Yes, the Xiaomi Account App update is specifically designed for Xiaomi handset users. Q3: How can I update my Xiaomi Account App? A: You can update the app through your device's app store or by using the provided link for easy access to the latest version.
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axathsharma · 1 year
Unlocking the Need for Speed: Supercharge Your Smartphone Performance
In today’s era of digital, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. We rely on smartphones for communication, productivity, entertainment, and so much more. However, as we load our smartphones with countless apps, files, and data, we often experience a decline in performance and speed. Laggy interfaces, sluggish app launches, and frustrating delays can significantly…
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hitechword · 2 years
How Do I Build an Affiliate Website ?
Building an affiliate website can be a great way to earn extra income. Following are some tips:
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1) Make sure your site is well-designed and easy to navigate. First impressions matter!
2) Fill your site with high-quality, original content. It will keep people coming back for more.
3) Promote products that you believe in and that offer good value. Your readers will appreciate your honesty.
4) Keep your affiliate links relevant and unobtrusive. Nobody likes feeling like they're being sold to.
5) Offer something unique that other sites don't have. It could be a special report, an exclusive coupon code, or anything else that will make your site stand out.
Follow these tips, and you'll be on your way to building an awesome affiliate website.
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Website click here
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iwonderwh0 · 3 months
I don't think androids store memories as videos or that they can even be extracted as ones. Almost, but not exactly.
Firstly, because their memories include other data such as their tactile information, their emotional state, probably 3d markers of their surrounding...a lot of different information. So, their memories are not in a video-format, but some kind of a mix of many things, that may not be as easily separated from each other. I don't think a software necessary to read those types of files are publicly available.
Even if they have some absolute massive storage, filming good-quality videos and storing them is just not an optimal way to use their resources. It's extremely wasteful. I think, instead, their memories consist of snapshots that are taken every once in a while (depending on how much is going on), that consist of compressed version of all their relevant inputs like mentioned above. Like, a snapshot of a LiDAR in a specific moment + heavily compressed photo with additional data about some details that'll later help to upscale it and interpolate from one snapshot into the next one, some audio samples of the voices and transcript of the conversation so that it'd take less storage to save. My main point is, their memories are probably stored in a format that not only doesn't actually contain original video material, but is a product of some extreme compression, and in this case reviewing memories is not like watching HD video footage, but rather an ai restoration of those snapshots. Perhaps it may be eventually converted into some sort of a video readable to human eye, but it would be more of an ai-generated video from specific snapshots with standardised prompts with some parts of the image/audio missing than a perfectly exact video recording.
When Connor extracts video we see that they are a bit glitchy. It may be attributed to some details getting lost during transmission from one android to another, but then we've also got flashbacks with android's own memories, that are just as "glitchy". Which kinda backs up a theory of it being a restoration of some sort of a compressed version rather than original video recording.
Then we've also got that scene where Josh records Markus where it is shown that when he starts to film, his eyes indicate the change that he is not just watching but recording now. Which means that is an option, but not the default. I find it a really nice detail. Like, androids can record videos, but then the people around them can see exactly when they do that, and "be at ease" when they don't. It may be purely a design choice, like that of the loading bar to signalise that something is in progress and not just frozen, or mandatory shutter sound effect on smartphones cameras in Japan.
So, yeah. Androids purpose is to correctly interpret their inputs and store relevant information about it in their long term memory, and not necessarily to record every present moment in a video-archive that will likely never be seen by a human and reviewed as a pure video footage again. If it happened to be needed to be seen — it'll be restored as a "video" file, but this video won't be an actual video recording unless android was specifically set to record mode.
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yuurei20 · 27 days
Idia Facts Part 28: Idia and Riddle (pt3)
Idia teases Riddle into breaking his mother’s rule about playing video games during Book 6, saying that while Riddle is magically strong, “he’s fragile physically and mentally.”
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When Riddle volunteers to act as bait to save the rest of the group from the firelotuses during Glorious Masquerade, Idia accepts immediately, with both Epel and Sebek calling him out for not making a token protest.
Idia agrees that Riddle is the optimal choice to stay behind due to his magic reserves but Jamil observes, “You just made up that justification so you wound’t have to be the bait.”
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Despite their differences, Idia installs a crossword puzzle app on Riddle’s smartphone for his birthday.
Riddle is also Idia’s birthday interviewer.
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There is a subplot in Book 5 of Idia refusing to give an in-person presentation of his research during the school’s culture fair and Riddle demanding that he does so, even offering to join Idia for practice sessions after school.
Idia refuses Riddle's help, designing a text-to-speech program for him to lip-synch with instead. Idia asks Ortho to keep the program a secret from Riddle, saying that he wants to “wipe that smug look right off his face.”
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Ortho reminds him it is not nice to pick on underclassmen.
Riddle says that he is looking forward to Idia’s presentation, as he considers Idia’s field of specialty, technomancy, is one of the most fascinating areas of study in modern magic.
Idia’s presentation is a success.
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theereina · 6 months
"Digital Self-Care: Setting Boundaries Online"
In our increasingly interconnected and digital world, setting boundaries online has become an essential aspect of overall well-being. The omnipresence of smartphones, social media platforms, and constant connectivity can lead to information overload, digital fatigue, and potential negative impacts on mental health. Recognizing the importance of establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries in the digital realm is crucial for fostering a balanced and fulfilling life.
The Importance of Setting Boundaries:
Protecting Mental Health:
Constant exposure to digital stimuli can contribute to stress, anxiety, and burnout. Setting boundaries helps in preserving mental well-being by allowing individuals to detach from the digital world and focus on real-world experiences.
Maintaining Healthy Relationships:
Unchecked screen time can interfere with personal relationships. Establishing digital boundaries ensures that quality time is dedicated to offline interactions, fostering stronger connections with family and friends.
Productivity Enhancement:
Excessive use of digital devices may lead to a decline in productivity. By delineating specific time slots for work, leisure, and rest, individuals can optimize their productivity and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Preventing Information Overload:
The constant influx of information from various sources can be overwhelming. Setting boundaries on information consumption helps individuals filter and prioritize content, preventing information overload and promoting a more focused and intentional use of online resources.
Tips for Managing Screen Time and Creating Balance:
Define Clear Work and Leisure Hours:
Establish specific time frames for work-related activities and leisure pursuits. This demarcation helps in preventing work from encroaching into personal time, promoting a healthier balance between professional and personal life.
Designate Tech-Free Zones:
Identify areas in your home or specific times of the day where digital devices are off-limits. This could be during meals, in the bedroom before bedtime, or in designated relaxation spaces. This practice encourages more mindful engagement with the physical environment.
Utilize Screen Time Tracking Tools:
Many devices offer screen time tracking features that provide insights into digital habits. Utilize these tools to monitor and manage daily screen time, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their online activities.
Establish Social Media Boundaries:
Set limits on social media usage to prevent mindless scrolling. Designate specific times for checking social platforms, and consider detox periods where you take a break from social media to recalibrate and refocus.
Prioritize Face-to-Face Interactions:
Actively schedule in-person meetings and activities. Physical interactions contribute significantly to emotional well-being and can provide a necessary break from the digital world.
Learn to Say No:
Be mindful of overcommitting to online engagements. Learn to say no to invitations, notifications, or requests that can contribute to digital overwhelm. Prioritize activities that align with your personal and professional goals.
Practice Mindfulness:
Incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. These practices can help create a sense of presence and awareness, reducing the stress associated with constant digital connectivity.
By consciously setting boundaries in the digital realm, individuals can enhance their overall well-being, improve personal relationships, and cultivate a healthier balance between the online and offline aspects of their lives. Digital self-care is an evolving practice that requires mindfulness and adaptability, empowering individuals to navigate the digital landscape in a way that promotes their holistic health and happiness.
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celltophone1 · 3 months
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mitigatedchaos · 9 months
As for myself, I never backpacked through Asia, and of course I've never done a medical residency, either.
I was a Second Life content creator around 2008-2012, which is itself pretty rare.
In Second Life, especially in those years, there wasn't a clean division between "playing the game" and "making the world," and there wasn't a clean division between "content creators" (including businesses) and "players." And the whole thing was funded mostly by privately leased plots of virtual land as server space.
Back in 2007, under liberal technological optimism, there was still this sense that everyone would own and learn to properly operate their own PC, which is to say a 'real' computer like a desktop or laptop, rather than an 'appliance' computer like a smartphone or tablet. Though the platform was privately held, Second Life embodied this thinking.
And so it possessed this immense feeling of power and control. You could click on a rock and drag it around. If you had good device operator skills, you could search out and purchase a supply of copiable rocks and assemble a little volcano lair and exotic beach house on a sandy beach as your home.
At first, almost all items were assembled within the game, and only textures made externally. Gradually this shifted to the use of external 3D modelling tools such as Blender, but for a time, this meant that much of the act of product creation was in the world, as in people would be logged in making the product in front of you and you could chat with them while they did so.
And of course, this world attracted people that for some reason were willing to lean to this kind of detached embodiment. Some were queer, or trans, or neurodivergent. Some were of ill health, or crippled. Others were in some sense very 'in their own heads,' or just well-adapted to simulated or virtual-reality environments. (Does that sound like Tumblr? It's probably not a coincidence.)
It was a world with a very different axis. Your appearance was a function of your aesthetic taste, your device operator skill to search out and assemble and compose an outfit, and only a modest amount of money. Someone with a very high-grade appearance would also be someone that's decently good with computers. For those with programming aptitude, their gadgets or products around them (or for sale at their store), would illustrate it.
And for creators, there was overlap between the ability to 3D model a car, and the ability to 3D model clothing. A creator could be a maker of tanks and also have their own fashion line - or even unique personal outfits. (Even hobbyists with more modest abilities would customize and kitbash - and creators would sometimes set things up specifically so that they could do so.)
There was a sense of whimsy. Cultural norms, too, though of course all massively-multiplayer systems will develop their own etiquette. (Gender could be fluid - the same player might have a stock of both male and female bodies and outfits depending on the context in which they were to be used and the message they wanted to send.)
The problem with Second Life is that you cannot live there.
Yes, it's a low-dimensionality construct like all video games. It lacks scent, and temperature, and touch. Its avatars have far fewer bones than a human body does, and of course, no organs. Its low dimensionality is why it can be changed and molded like clay, into fantastical forms that could never exist in real life.
But more importantly, children live in real life. And if you're injured or sick and can't get up, someone needs to come retrieve you in real life.
The platform turned out to be relatively useless for major corporations and universities. It didn't transform the economy and add trillions to the GDP, and virtual land didn't become the wave of the future - although digital currency did, for a while.
Instead, this failed vision of the future created a flourishing of creativity and human connection, and as time passes, it's becoming clear that the reason is because it was so earnest and very much the thing that it was. (There is value in things which are not perfect, but which are very much themselves, and are good at being the thing that they are.)
On the financial side, it was still operating at a profit when I checked the numbers several years ago. As part of its portfolio, the company seems to have leveraged digital currency operations based on their built-up competency in that sector - as in payment processing, not cryptocurrency.
And what do people write about Second Life now, in 2023? Well, they write about the fashion. About the continuing culture of small-time creators, allowed to work within the framework that was created for them all those years ago. About the platform remaining a steady source of background income for people with jobs in the games industry, notorious for its high turnover.
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thelogicalghost · 2 months
okay someone needs to fucking explain Fallout worldbuilding to me
I'm a writer and my friends and I get maybe a little obsessed with worldbuilding. Like, famously had a three hour heated argument over theoretical Chinese empirical expansion, obsessed. So I tend to think a lot about worldbuilding when I interact with fiction.
I never played the Fallout games as a kid, I know, sue me, but there was cultural osmosis cause I'm still a video game nerd who hangs out with other video game nerds. So I understood that Fallout takes place in a post-nuclear-MAD world with a 50's aesthetic. You get some scifi elements but it's all that old "classic" scifi stuff like robot butlers.
I assumed, therefore, that the Fallout series takes place in an alternate universe where the Cold War went hot. At the most, maybe it was, like 1975? And the people who designed the Vault stuff were just Old and liked The Good Old Days.
So I was watching the new TV show with my husband when he says, casually, that in Fallout, the nuclear apocalypse happened in 2070.
According to the Fallout universe, technology just ... went in a different direction after the Space Race, with little to no improvement in communications (so no cable TV or fax machines or internet) but had other big developments, like putting a colony on the Moon, and a lot of biomedical research, and robots with varying levels of AI.
This is absolutely bonkers.
But imo what's worse is the idea that culture either completely stagnated for over a century, or we hit a period of regression/nostalgia so hard it was virtually indistinguishable from that earlier time.
I'm sorry, but Fallout writers, what the actual fuck?!?
Let me list some of the immediately problems I see with this:
If you're saying all the scientists on earth focused entirely on robotics and medical technology, that STILL. DOES NOT. COVER. 120 YEARS. OF DEVELOPMENT. Especially in a modern fictional context!!!
Technological advancements drive cultural change, which drives technology. Even if we didn't get smartphones, there were changes, and even the most heavily nostalgic conservatives are not going to be the same now as they were 120 years ago. They might be worse, but still, they're going to be different.
Not to mention the culture that built the Vaults is one that's been living in a state of perpetual Cold War for multiple generations. They may be nostalgic for post-WWII picket fences, but that wistfulness is going to feel incredibly different than the relentless optimism that's at the core of the 1950's aesthetic.
This is also absolutely the wrong time period to pick if you're arbitrarily going to decide modern communication methods were never invented. The Cold War was a critical factor in the need for improved security of classified communication, as well as the quality and accessibility of propaganda. IMO a USA that never left the Cold War would have building-sized TV screen billboard ads before the personal home computer.
(funny enough the boom for chemical and biochemical science was already over at this point. There's a saying that WWI was the Chemists' War, and WWII was the Physicists' War, and that's very reflective of where innovators were looking, where funding was going, and thus, what technologies were being developed.)
The weirdest thing about all of this to me is that this is so atypical of all the genres Fallout is leaning on. The 1940's scifi aesthetic at the core of this concept is optimistic exactly because it came before the existential dread of the Cold War; it was that dread, in part, that punctured the post-war dream. Steampunk settings sometimes leap forward a century or two without technological advancement, but the cultural setting of Victorian England is very different and it's plausible that if ideas of the era like "aether" had been proven true, technology would have developed very differently. Then newer genres like Cyberpunk, the ones that came during and after the Cold War, almost always demonstrate how cultures have influenced each other, because the authors of the developing scifi genre had started to realize the future would be shaped by more than just ray guns and spaceships.
So yeah, it absolutely boggles my mind that this is a choice the Fallout writers made and have stuck to faithfully.
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peanutrat20 · 6 days
my old phone may have been a smartphone. but at least it was stupid
my old phone may have been crashing, out of storage, and not keeping a charge anymore. but at least it was stupid
my old phone may have been stupid. but i liked it that way
my new phone optimizes the brightness of my screen so i don't have to be squinting at it when i'm outside. but it also wants to read my face
my new phone has a lot more storage. but it keeps trying to get me to download apps i don't want
my new phone holds a charge no matter how much i use it in a day. but i had to buy a new cord because my old phone and all other devices i own have a different port
my new phone doesn't crash at random. but it's sensitivity is odd and makes me think it is anyway
my new phone is smart. but i honestly want it to be a bit more dumb
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ladythornofrivia · 1 year
Cigarette Girl
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Pair: Rindou x Reader
Warning: Mature Content, Adult Language and Adultery and Toxic Dialogue. If you’re under 18, I’m sorry, you can’t read this
Author’s Note: Rindou and Reader are going to meet soon. While I'm writing the story, I'm currently watching The Glory again, but this time I used it as a background noise. XD What K-Dramas do you guys watch? (Note: Report if someone decides to steal the synopsis and my story. And notify me. Thank you) ❤️
Chapter 2: The Last Resort
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
In the café, you called your friend and meet up. Your friend, Mizuki, is attentive enough to give your side of the story. How your mother became twice as sick, how you recently got fired from your shitty job, and how your brother often drinks and comes at the house in the dead of night. Everything is the same, but to you, it felt worse and worse as time goes by.
You want your situation to be heard by someone.
Located at the back of café, you held your quivering sobs that was trying to unleash from your system. You've been trying to pull it together. Crying wasn't an option sometimes, as much as you wanted it to be good as you desire to vent, to confide, and to rely on someone.
Mizuki nodded and took note on every single thing you recalled. It went easy, at first, but talking about personal matters, on the other hand, was brutal. You're unsure if Mizuki is going to blackmail you, too, just like everyone else.
Mizuki grabbed the fresh napkins from the table and gave it to you for you to calm your senses. It's easy to weep, but to weep and confide is another. You don't want to unveil, stripped as if naked.
Shame is already written on your face, you just couldn't do it anymore.
"I hate to see you like this," Mizuki said with a sad pout.
"Sorry, it's been hard for me. I don't know what to do with myself. With me getting fired, I couldn't help my mother. Not even myself. I just want to take a shortcut for once."
"Stealing money isn't a good thing," your friend said, sipping her blueberry milkshake.
Stuffing your runny nose, your back slumped against the chair frame. "I know. I'm just getting desperate at the moment."
"With your pretty face, you can never go wrong," Mizuki replied, this time she's smiling with optimism.
You were taken aback. "What are you saying?”
Mizuki leaned forward as she propped her shoulders. "I'm saying that any man will fall onto your feet."
Your head titled with confusion. "I'm still lost."
Mizuki excited posture slumped with a soft grunt. "There's this app where you can get a lot of money from. It's easy--a good shortcut."
"If it's a game app, it's all but a scam," you shot back, gulping the whole milkshake before ordering another refill and another pack of burger and fries. You barely ate, not at work, not at the house--every option you see is what you get--so limited, so unfair for the most part. You've been burnt out, and your chances of redemption in life is obsolete like a cigarette.
A cigarette girl is what you are.
You've been stumped by everyone's feet. Burnt after being used. Everyone is a lighter, still continue on burning every last inch of you, as you found yourself gone and evaporated, becoming as a filter tip. They throw you as if you’re nothing.
"What is it, then?" you asked.
"It's a website where you get to meet someone and they'll pay you with a high salary."
Your eyes squinted. "What kind of job?'
"My friend swore by this. Because she met someone--at work--she gets access to medical and travel expenses."
"What website?"
"It's a website for meeting--It's a Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby app. Where you meet rich men to pay your trouble away." Mizuki dipped her head in her hands with shame. "This website is called Inferno Paradise. You can download this on your phone."
Seeing her new phone, you went to check yours--an outdated version of flip phone while hers is a smartphone with a large screen.
I'll go check it on the laptop, you thought to yourself.
Dismay, you said, "I can't do that. Your may friend may be grateful, but I have pride to protect. I don't want to ask anyone, not even men to do that. I just want a stable job to pay off debt."
Your eyes lowered onto a refilled drink and meal. "It's not...the same..."
"Right now, you're at the dead end. Aside the problems had been going on in your life, you're still young. Having fun isn't much of a problem. By doing this, you're helping your mom, as well. I don't mean in a sense of blackmail. I meant that you deserve after all the shit you've been through ever since we graduated from high school. When people found out about you, everyone turned away from you. Your opportunity is here and now. And once your mom recovered, you want to show her that you can move on in life with someone good and kind and loving man. She'll be part of your life still; she wants you to be happy and not suffer through this alone. Think about it, okay? Maybe she’ll play with her grandchildren—you and your future special one will have a nice family with three dogs and a cat.”
"What if I agree to this? What if I refuse? You're not going to help me after this offer, right?"
"I'm going to respect your decision still. If you agree to this, great! We'll find you a perfect outfit and give you a little makeover to set a profile picture on the website. I know your phone is old, and I was about to sell my old one, but," Mizuki got out her old phone out, and passed it to you. "You can have this--free of charge. We can stop by the phone store and transfer everything from your old one, and it comes with a new SIM card and everything. If you refuse to take the offer on a Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby website, that's fine, too, I'll try to contact one of my cousins about availability for the job he's in right now. Maybe one of my cousin's friends, too, just in case."
"What about my mom? I don't want to get worry while I'm gone finding a job."
"I'll contact someone who can offer her to stay somewhere safe. I'll even send some people to pack her things and your things. There's a nearby place where she can stay. At my grandmother's place. My aunt lives there, too, since no one's looking out for my grandmother, but I'm sure they'll make extra room for her."
"Thank you," you replied, smiling in tearful joy.
"Come on," she said, ordering a take out for the food you hadn't ate; you decided to give it to your mom since she lacked strength. "Let's prepare everything. You won't regret this, I know it."
Your friend paid the bill for the food and took you outside the cafe.
"Let's see, you need a good dress that matched your looks, and you need an upgrade on cosmetics and skincare. Since you have long, black hair and a good complexion, I know what colors to match you with; I can already see it in my head. With much improvement, you'll catch someone's eye. You might be surprised on what they have in store for you.”
You chuckled, already excited with the next step, coaxing Mizuki’s advice.
Rindou didn't get enough sleep from the night before. Everything he came cross was tedious. He didn't to deal with traitors who are trying escape from the organization, so kidnapping them was the quickest way to transfer them to Sanzu and Mikey, who are more capable of dealing by the likes of nuisance and shenanigangs.
At their hideout, where Sanzu and Mikey made a final call for the traitors, he couldn't bear to hear their screams anymore. But hearing girls's screams is also added a fuel to the flame. But a pleasure cries can only ease him, even when he doesn't want his life to be all about women; his nightclub and his reputation as a DJ can make his life happier, to provide service is enough.
So why keep company?
Bonten made it easy to change girls like how they change wardrobe with designer suits and luxury like a Hollywood movie star. Everything they've worked for, they can feed and overwrite their problems with everything that comes with wealth.
He needed an eight-hour sleep and good food to eat once he wakes up--a good recovery from a night's hell.
But the night's hell didn't end there.
There she was, Aoi Tanaka, with hands on her hips, pissed off.
"Where the fuck have you been?" her overpriced shoes tapped furiously onto the floor of his penthouse.
"Fucking work," he said, sluggish. "Why the fuck are you here?"
"Do you know how long we haven't been spending time together?"
Rindou just wanted to plug his ears. He can't stand her talk--her yells--anymore.
"I'm worried sick about you. You're always running off elsewhere, you're always saying you're busy, but what are you so busy about, huh?"
"Gee, Mom, I don't know." His body collapsed on the couch. "If you want to play as my parent, go for it. Besides, I never like having parents. Not that I have one, but I heard they can be a real pain when making a little mistake.”
"Fucking bastard," she screeched, flounced towards him. "All I wanted was for us to hang out together, as a couple."
Then he laughed. "You mean, "I want to buy more shit from you"? Thanks, I'm out of budget. Let me go to sleep."
A cold glass of wine splashed at him.
At once, he stood up and gawked at Aoi with a clenched hand around the glass.
"Bitch!" he said, clenching the hem of her outfit. "Do you know how much this suit cost?"
"I don't give a shit," she said, smirking. “You’re rich. Quit your bitching and let’s go. Stop making stupid excuses and do what I asked you to. And stop trying to ghost me!”
Now she’s pushing it. He’s going to give her hell, just as he promised after he had a discussion with Ran. Fight fire with fire.
He tsked, averting his eyes away for a second. "Fucking slut, always arrogant like you know everything about yourself just because I showered you with shitty gifts with shitty designs. Just because I gave you a small amount of recognition you're so damn proud of."
"If you're planning on breaking up with me," she began, "don't bother. I have ways to expose you if you don't do as I say."
He scoffed at her statement. "Since when we are a couple? The more you talk, the more you sound like a slithering rat."
Her smile faded. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me, cunt," he fired back. "You know nothing about me." He shoved her back and she fell. Unbothered by her cries, he grabbed the pair of designer shoes and bag. As for her bag, he exchanged it with her old, worn out bag--the one she first met him--and tossed all her things inside, except her phone. Expensive gifts he gave her, He took it with him. "Blackmailing me isn't an option. No matter what you say or do, It won't affect me. Besides, I never find you interesting. Your cunt fucking sucks and you do look like a sewer rat. Like the rest of the girls, you guys act like all innocent, then act big time hotshots when I gave you my time, but in the end, you're all nothing but spoiled goods. I suggest you fuck off. Call the cops on me, you will be sorry."
Aoi stood up in frantic motion, breathing heavily.
He scoffed again. "We haven't even started and you're already panting like a bitch. You don't deserve to live in a life of luxury. You don't have what it takes to earn the right of acting like a spoiled brat. You're getting old, you should marry someone who will care for your needs."
"Fuck you, Haitani," she seethed.
His laughter grew louder. "Just because you didn't get your way, doesn't mean you're going to play like a victim. I know tons of girls like you. This is my life, my world, and I do as I wish. You aren't a lady, you're just a little girl playing dress up in a lady's clothes." Swiftly, he snapped his fingers.
"You won't get away this," she said as soon as the bodyguards entered.
“You’re already reciting the old Hollywood line.” He grinned at her threat. "We'll see on what’s going to happen to you.”
He took a phone call, and made a final call on the decision, as for her not knowing what was going on. Not mentioning Sanzu’s name on the phone conversation, Rindou is speaking to Sanzu now, telling him the code to dispose Aoi.
He hung up the phone conversation.
"Try to invade my life again, you're going to wish you've never been born.” He faced his personal bodyguards. “Make sure you grab her old clothes in the room and tell the maids to change her in it. Those designer clothes doesn't look good on her. Her looks are about to expire from all the powerful screaming she gave me.” Then he faced Aoi. “Your wrinkles are starting show, Miss Tanaka. Better have collagen fast. Your line of suitors won’t be there for much long.”
Aoi was dragged away before her fist was close to struck Rindou.
The guards he hired at the club he established, escorted her out. He couldn't stand her rattling screams; he plugged his ears in by tuning with jazz music on a 100 inch television with booming speakers, blocking Aoi’s pleas. Humming, Rindou texted Kokonoi, telling him to remove traces regarding to him and Aoi on the phone he took from her.
Hopefully, he’ll pick a better girl next time. This time, he’ll be safe than sorry.
Once he rested his body over the cushioned bed, after taking off his wet-stained suit and left with his boxers, he dreamt nothing more than a clear, vivid glimpse of his past.
One which he can remember, more than just a clear memory or the subtleties ties to what he became today.
Taglist: @galactict3a @f1yh1gh @colored-tr-panels @glamourkills18 @onyx-blossom@mrssano04
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rideboomindia · 8 months
What are the benefits of using a ride-sharing app like RideBoom?
Using a ride-sharing app like RideBoom can offer several benefits for both passengers and drivers. Here are some of the advantages:
Benefits for Passengers:
Convenience: Ride-sharing apps provide passengers with a convenient way to request a ride anytime, anywhere, using their smartphones. They can avoid the hassle of flagging down taxis or waiting for public transportation.
Ease of Use: The user-friendly interface of ride-sharing apps makes it simple for passengers to book a ride, track the driver's location, and make cashless payments. The apps often provide estimated arrival times and fare calculations, enhancing transparency and ease of use.
Safety and Security: Ride-sharing apps typically incorporate safety features such as driver identification, real-time GPS tracking, and the ability to share ride details with friends or family. Passengers can have peace of mind knowing that their journey is monitored and recorded.
Cost-Effective: Ride-sharing services often offer competitive pricing compared to traditional taxis. Passengers can benefit from affordable fares, especially for shorter distances, making it an economical transportation option.
Availability and Accessibility: Ride-sharing apps provide access to transportation services in areas where taxis might be scarce or public transportation options are limited. Passengers can easily find a ride, even during peak hours or in remote locations.
Variety of Vehicle Options: Some ride-sharing apps offer a range of vehicle options to cater to different passenger needs and preferences. Passengers can choose between standard sedans, larger vehicles for groups, or even luxury cars, depending on their requirements and budget.
Benefits for Drivers:
Flexible Work Schedule: Ride-sharing apps offer drivers the flexibility to choose their own work hours. They can log in and out of the app as per their availability, allowing them to balance work with other commitments or personal responsibilities.
Additional Income: Becoming a ride-sharing driver can be a way to earn extra income. Drivers can leverage their own vehicles and time to provide transportation services and generate revenue.
Increased Efficiency: Ride-sharing apps help optimize driver efficiency by providing a continuous stream of ride requests and efficient routing suggestions. This can help drivers reduce downtime and maximize their earnings potential.
Driver Safety Measures: Ride-sharing apps often incorporate safety measures, such as driver and passenger ratings, trip tracking, and customer support. This can help create a safer working environment for drivers.
Income Transparency: Ride-sharing apps typically provide drivers with transparent earnings information. Drivers can track their earnings, view trip details, and understand their income breakdown, enabling better financial planning.
Support and Resources: Ride-sharing companies often offer resources and support to drivers, including driver training, customer support, and in-app assistance. This can help drivers navigate any challenges they encounter on the job.
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