#sims 4 eiffel tower
laelaex · 11 months
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𝓘𝓷 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮. 🥰
MiMi is back in Paris and enjoying herself. 💖
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k-hippie · 8 months
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Champignac is a fully living Frenchy suburbia World based on Champs-les-Sims and has nothing to do with a vacation place ... Well, nothing is not really the right word ;)
Back in 2016/2017, when we began to think how we could remade Champs-les-Sims, we didn't know really what kind of world we wanted to do. We named the project : Sims de Nimes. Then, because we were on other projects ( such as sims 4 k-mods ) we left Sims de Nimes somewhere in the pipes.
We made Oaksoak Hollow ( based on Mystic Falls ), we made Eureka Valley ( a world between tech and classic life ) and we left behind the Sims 4 because, well ... too long to explain. :D
So, it was time to get out of the box our old project of Sims de Nimes ... During this time, some talented creators re-made Champs-les-Sims with their own vision, more oldy or more city life like, or more like Sunset Valley ... All those versions are interesting, but we wanted something else. And so, is born Champignac !
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If Champignac is a true living suburbia world, it is too a quite rural world, almost a village with :
37 Community Lots
36 Residential Lots
10 Medieval Towers all around the town :)
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In addition, it remains few Empty Lots, differently sized to suit whatever you wish ... So, let's say Champignac is a french-not-so-little-town where life is slowly flowing and dynamic at the same time, perfect for families and Sims looking for a different lifestyle :)
A typical downtown and outskirts, full of old buildings and southern architecture, a joyful mix between south-east and south-west housing, with a touch of something more northener ( but don't tell the citizens; it's a sure way to be frowned upon ) ... After all they worked hard to keep Champignac as it is!
People living in Champignac are quite glad of it. Sure, teenagers dream of foreign lands, but they are not too eager to leave.
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Once, the townies of Champignac were grumpy because Champs-les-Sims was so more popular than their hometown ... After all, everybody went to Champs-les-Sims, stayed there, made nectar, drove a Kenspa, flirted with locals, or … anyway! Tourists had a full experience in Champs-Les-Sims and weren't interested in visiting any other city. Champignac, the official twin city, didn't benefit from any international exchanges, and was left anonymous, far from fame and glory. As unreachable as the Eiffel Tower seen from Champignac ... until ...
In February 29th of a certain year, a distant descendant of Marquis de Landgraab lost his way on the road to Champs-les-Sims and landed in Champignac. Instantly, he fell in love with the town.
He saw an always growing vegetation, a Monastery full of secrets, the familial beach ( yes, there is a beach in Champignac ), the forgotten obelisk, the shop keepers full of stories, the well preserved houses, the green fields and the paved streets, the true Café Catane and a remaining wild fauna running here and there ... He saw perfection !
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For a time, the townies of Champignac experienced fame and glory. But how exhausting it was! Tourists not really caring about the legacy of the kiosk owner, the monks overwhelmed, the museum director who couldn't find enough teenagers to help ... Even the fishes were exhausted! Hard times indeed ... Happily, this descendant of Marquis de Landgraab met someone, somewhere, and moved out, far far away from Champignac. Celebrities said their last goodbyes and slowly, life, as it should be, was back :) The townies and City Council learned from that experience that they very much preferred not to be as famous as Champs-les-Sims ...
Life in Champignac was relatively calm again when suddenly, a global health crisis emerged and the Simvid-18 pandemic hit many many people ... Anxiety swept through the villages and the small towns, including Champignac of course ... With an aging population, residents became increasingly concerned about the well-being of their neighbors and the future of the city.
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Shop owners and farmers who were already considering retirement were now faced with the daunting task of deciding whether to continue their businesses in such uncertain times. The entire world seemed to come to a halt, leaving everyone in Champignac wondering who would carry the torch and ensure the future.
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Surprisingly, the youngsters that only came sporadically for holidays, moved back to Champignac. Fearful of living in a crowded city and eager to gather with family members, they came to the old town with friends. After all, there were spare bedrooms in most houses!
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When the restrictions were lifted, many were reluctant to leave. Going back to a stressful life and fast-paced city wasn't enticing anymore. Most decided to turn their lives around. They took up the florist shop or asked for a job transfer ... So, life emerged again :) Champignac is now a thriving town where you have everything you wish for and nothing more.
Champignac is blessed with old churches turned into bars or wineries, old palazzi that are inspiring, and small boutiques as gathering places ...
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Winters and autumns are short, while spring and summer are long. Come and live among thousands of old buildings, walk on streets Roman soldiers once trod upon, see treasures from foreign campaigns, and benefit from the perfect blend of country living and town living.
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Remember ... With its unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, Champignac offers the Sims a captivating and enriching experience. From the stunning architecture to the delectable cuisine, every aspect of this town reflects the South of France’s intoxicating charm.
Are you ready to move in Champignac ?
blackgryffin \o/
IMPORTANT : We advice STRONGLY to begin with the half-populated SavaGame provided in addition to the World itself ...
DO NOT FORGET to download the CC of Champignac we provide on our website too ! for more information, see the 2 posts below ;)
Have fun !
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wilsweb-asientour · 9 months
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Tag 19. 22.07.2023
Aal. Wir standen erst gegen 11:00 Uhr auf, es ging ja erst 04:00 Uhr ins Bett. Wir liefen zuerst ins 7/11 um SIM-Karten zu kaufen und Bargeld zu holen, Japan hat nämlich, wie Deutschland, mit dem kontaktlosen Bezahlen noch Schwierigkeiten. Webster staunte dann als er im Supermarkt durch die Gänge lief - frisch plus super Qualität. Kurz daraufhin ging’s in die Gärten des Palastes des japanischen Kaisers. Wir beäugten neidisch die Bonsai-Bäume und genossen die Stille der Gärten.
Es ging danach zum Hauptbahnhof, wo wir unsere vorbestellten JR-Bahnpässe abholten („Japan Railroad“). Mit den Pässen können wir jeden Intercity-Zug in Japan aussuchen, was uns für die kommende Wochen willkommene Flexibilität gibt. Wir holten uns zudem eine zusätzliche Öfi-Karte für den Transport innerhalb aller japanischen Städte (Suica Card). Allerdings hatten wir kontinuierlich Probleme unser Englisch anzuwenden, hier wird nämlich ausschließlich japanisch gesprochen, Google Übersetzer war also ein Lebensretter.
Am Abend ging’s dann zum Tokyo-Tower, ein beeindruckendes Konstrukt mit verblüffender Ähnlichkeit dem Eiffelturm gegenüber. Wir suchten nach dem Kartenkauf ein Restaurant und fanden eine versteckte Gaststätte, die seit 200 Jahren Aal mit Reis verkaufen. Wir zogen vorm Essen unsere Schuhe aus und setzen uns auf hockerartige Stühle mit nur einer Armlehne (nach einer Begründung suchen wir noch, Ideen?). Der Aal kam in einer Bentobox, als Beilage gabs eingelegtes Gemüse, eine Kräutersuppe und ein Suntory-Bier vom Fass. Sojasauce gabs nicht, jedoch durften wir japanischen Pfeffer auf unseren Aal prieseln - köstlich. Die Mahlzeit gefiel uns enorm - unsere Lieblingsmahlzeit bisher, sorry Nic!
Am Abend ging’s dann zum Tokyo-Tower, ein beeindruckendes Konstrukt mit verblüffender Ähnlichkeit dem Eiffelturm gegenüber. Wir suchten nach dem Kartenkauf ein Restaurant und fanden eine versteckte Gaststätte, die seit 200 Jahren Aal mit Reis verkaufen. Wir zogen vorm Essen unsere Schuhe aus und setzen uns auf hockerartige Stühle mit nur einer Armlehne (nach einer Begründung suchen wir noch, Ideen?). Der Aal kam in einer Bentobox, als Beilage gabs eingelegtes Gemüse, eine Kräutersuppe und ein Suntory-Bier vom Fass. Sojasauce gabs nicht, jedoch durften wir japanischen Pfeffer auf unseren Aal prieseln - köstlich. Die Mahlzeit gefiel uns enorm - unsere Lieblingsmahlzeit bisher, sorry Nic!
Day 19. July 22, 2023
Eel. We didn't get up until 11:00 a.m. since we went to bed at 4:00 a.m. first. We walked to the 7/11 initially to buy SIM cards and get cash, as Japan, like Germany, still faces difficulties with contactless payment. Webster was amazed as he walked through the supermarket aisles - fresh and high-quality products. Shortly after that, we visited the gardens of the Japanese Emperor's palace. We gazed enviously at the bonsai trees and enjoyed the tranquility of the gardens.
After that, we headed to the main train station, where we picked up our pre-booked JR rail passes ("Japan Railroad"). With these passes, we can choose any intercity train in Japan, which will provide us with welcome flexibility for the coming weeks. We also got an additional public transport card for traveling within all Japanese cities (Suica Card). However, we continuously struggled to use our English since only Japanese is spoken here, and Google Translator was a lifesaver.
In the evening, we visited the Tokyo Tower, an impressive structure with a striking resemblance to the Eiffel Tower. We looked for a restaurant and stumbled upon a hidden eatery that has been selling eel with rice for 200 years. Before the meal, we took off our shoes and sat on stool-like chairs with only one armrest (we are still looking for an explanation, any ideas?). The eel was served in a bento box, and as sides, we had pickled vegetables, a herbal soup, and draft Suntory beer. There was no soy sauce, but we were allowed to sprinkle Japanese pepper on our eel – it was delicious. We immensely enjoyed the meal – our favorite one so far, sorry, Nic!
We took the elevator up to the Tokyo Tower, where we admired Tokyo at night from a height of 150 meters. Surprisingly, we stayed up there for an hour and a half, watching a short documentary about the construction, destruction, and subsequent rebuilding of Tokyo since its first settlement in the 1500s. Then, we walked back to the subway station and are currently watching the qualifying session for tomorrow's Formula 1 race in Hungary. We send our best wishes to the family in London, and soon they will be at Wenzel's graduation in Leeds. To all other readers, have a lovely Sunday!
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 years
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⚠️ Long post as usual. ⚠️
I repeat again, I’m senior 3D designer who used to work in video game company, now in field similar to video game (I don’t want to reveal my current real life work due to privacy), it’s my job to analyze game content. Gamer for many video game titles and customer for EA (Electronic Arts) since The Sims 1. English is not my first language. 
Continuation from post:
EA Misinterpretation About China And Chinese Culture About Shang Simla World
Reply About Somebody Asked About Chinese Clothing And Accuracy About Shang Simla Clothing
EA Maxis Studio Is In San Francisco That Is Heavy Chinese Population And Has Shanghai Headquarters But Didn’t Know What Chinese Gate Looks Like And More Information About Manchu Queue Hair, Dragon Cave, Obscure “Chopsticks” Holder Clutter
Yes, I’m planning to write formal letter to EA. Not just about Shang Simla inaccuracies, but ALL. How low quality The Sims 3 and The Sims 4 despite the developer has already earned massive profits from The Sims franchise titles 1,2,3,4. So far, EA has been developing The Sims 5.
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No, actually EA Maxis Studio made the content based on stereotypes 😜All countries: Al Simhara, Champ Les Sims, Shang Simla are modern times at village. Sims in their hometown (present time) travel to the three countries immediately (logically by plane). No time machine portal to ancient times. Logically, the three countries are in modern times, right? 
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There's ancient Egyptian hair for Al Simhara. Very far B.C years. Must be because the famous “Cleopatra” stereotype. Obviously not recent historical period before modern times. 
And there are modern hairstyles and clothing for Champs Les Sims. France is stereotypically associated with “high fashion” & “romantic”. Definitely not year 1900-1920. 
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Despite the place Champs Les Sims taking place at village, far away from Paris city. 
The designers must be picking what stereotypes of the countries came in their mind first. They obviously didn’t consult or research about the history what dynasty or time period about the item they created for the game.
Where is Napoleon reference? 
I demand Napoleon hat, costume, French Revolution Era, Medieval clothing, mime clothing, but there are none in Champs Les Sims. 
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France is Western country located in Europe, the closest thing U.S.A. and Western people in general can relate, so I can understand why the portrayal of France is modern. No weird controversial historical content or major inaccuracies/wrong portrayal. 
I watched Youtube virtual tour about France village. Champs Les Sims resident houses look like real resident houses in real life. 
Champs Les Sims has correct icon symbol, it’s Eiffel Tower. It has hidden Eiffel Tower that player can access in Buy Debug mode. 
Champs Les Sims has four local dishes. (Cheese Plate, Bouillabaisse, Frog Legs, Crepes, indeed correct French Cuisine). Shang Simla and Al Simhara only has 2 local dishes, both are not correct and not authentic. 
“World Adventures” There is obvious dangerous & action element in Al Simhara (Tomb, torch, mummy), Shang Simla (Martial Arts), then what is so dangerous & action in Champs Les Sims? 
Making wine? 
Collecting fruits to create wine (EA censor it as Nectar) is adventure? 🤣
There are so many countries which better candidates for adventures setting. I prefer Russia (Yeah, because everything associated with Russia is “Strong & Dangerous“ such as cold climate, espionage, military, vodka, missile, tank, ever launched astronaut to space, Chernobyl). But because it’s EA who wants European country that is more famous internationally, fit for casual gamers and has selling points, I can understand why they prefer France instead of others.    
Back to your argument again 
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If you said Manchu queue hairstyle is chosen because it’s recent time period before modern times, why EA designers included “all time period” to Shang Simla? There is Hanfu, there is traditional Tang, there is modernised Qipao. Hanfu is from many many Dynasties way back before Qing Dynasty. 
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Years 1912 onwards, Chinese men have short hair.  
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Double braids were popular for Chinese women at that time. 
Manchu queue/braid hairstyle is chosen because of stereotypes about Chinese men in USA country. Historically because first immigrants of Chinese men came to work in USA having queue hairstyle. They retained the queue/braid hairstyles because of under Qing Dynasty’s Manchurian rule. History of Chinese American. 
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I doubt the designers in EA Maxis studio ever know what dynasty or what period queue hairstyle belongs to. If only they did research and consult to actual Chinese people (at least did effort ask to Ayi & Shushu who are Chinese elder women and men who are shop owners in San Francisco’s Chinatown nearby their EA’s Maxis Studio for 51 minutes by car or asking their own employees in Shanghai Headquarters), the Chinese people will strongly suggest popular hairstyles by celebrities and long haired with bun for ancient times. They would tell the EA designers why Qing’s queue/braid was very painful historically. 
Why are many Chinese people disgusted with the Qing Dynasty? (Quora answer)
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Western equivalent must be Adolf Hitler/Nazi/Holocaust-related something.  If EA Maxis released Nazi-related moustache/costume, I bet somebody complained to EA on Sims forum for being “insensitive’.  
The designers would say sorry and chose to not include Queue/braid hair in-game, but instead, ancient long hair with bun. 
Jay Chou, Andy Lau, F4. They are idol superstars known by Chinese people, were very popular in year 2000′s. 
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Must be argument again, “But Shang Simla is supposed to take place at village! The “emo” hairstyles are too modern Western & Japanese! Not Chinese enough! Blah blah blah” 
Relax alright...have some entertainment. Because in reality, I bet actual Chinese people in year 2009 would answer like that. (When I was in college year 2009, I had emo haircut similar to Jay Chou! 🤣 ) The fact that China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the people are modern not too different than France, U.S.A or any Western countries. Not stuck in the past having ancient hair. 
I already answered in my previous post. The usual Chinese men hair either: 1) Short hair for modern times  2) Long hair with bun for ancient times (for traditional style, usable for storytelling purpose taking in ancient times especially for Chinese Simmers)
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Ordinary farmers in China with very short hairstyles. 
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That’s it. Perfect for in-game local Shang Simla Sims, alright. The Sims game needs a lot of varieties for short haircut for Male Sim, because it’s very lacking real ordinary men hair, others are too fancy/girly/weird male haircut and female hairstyles. Hats and weird hairstyles are not really usable in-game. Who the hell uses “Queue/braid hairstyle” anyway?
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I’m not talking about painful history, but technically, this kind of “weird” and “ugly” hairstyle will not be used by general Sims players worldwide. 
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Too many hats...
”Straw Hats“ must be stereotype about Asian people by Western people. Asian in general, not just China. Wearing Straw Hats while planting rice plant at paddy field looks very “exotic” and “very Asian” in Western people’s eyes. 
In real life at Chinese village, there are farmers wearing straw hats. But technically in-game, they are taking too much space in catalog and not reusable. Who else creating Sims with straw hats? Probably almost none. Very rare occasion such as my Sim wearing straw hat only to commemorate World’s Food Day just for once and using EA’s content that never been used. After that, never been used at all. 
Except you want to make your Sim cosplaying as Raiden from Mortal Kombat. I doubt majority Sims players worldwide big fan of Raiden and will make use of straw hats in-game.
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 It’s supposed CC creators for creating specific hats for specific use, not game developer. 
There are Inaccuracies in Al Simhara, Egypt world. Not just Shang Simla. 
Snake charming with the shape of flute and basket is obviously from India. 
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I know because I read a lot of encyclopedias when I was kid way before internet. When I first seeing trailer for “Al Simhara” in year 2009, I was confused. Why EA added snake charming for Egypt world? That is from India. 
Al Simhara local foods are Shawarma & Falafel, which are Middle Eastern cuisine. 
Egypt is different country in North Africa with separate culture, then do not mix them with India, Arab and other Middle Eastern countries. Yes actually Shawarma & Falafel are exist in Egypt (spread from Arab) but there are more dishes that are more authentic in Egypt.  
Egypt’s national dish is Koshary. 
List of Egyptian dishes: 
Foul Mudammas/Medames and Taameya (Fava Beans Stew and Falafel)
Koshary (Mixture of Rice, Macaroni, and Lentils)
Hamam Mahshi (Stuffed Pigeons)
Tarb (Grilled Kofta Wrapped in Lamb Fat)
Molokhiya (Jute Soup)
Halabesa (Chickpea Soup / Drink)
Mahshy (Stuffed Veggies)
Kawaree (Cow Feet)
Hawawshi (Meat Sandwich)
Macarona Bechamel (Egyptian Baked Pasta)
Feseekh (Fermented, Salted, and Dried Fish)
Feteer (Egyptian Pie)
Akawi (Ox Tail)
Keshk (Savory Pudding)
Katayef (Mini Pancakes)
Egyptian Sobia Drink
Om Ali (Egyptian Bread Pudding)
Medalaa (The Spoiled Girl Dessert)
Meshabek (Egyptian Funnel Cake)
Must be too foreign/never heard before for general Westerners & USA people, so I can understand EA chose Shawarma & Falafel that are more famous and sold in Western country while they are actually Middle Eastern dishes. 
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Yeah, how disappointing. I bet EA’s Maxis employees must have ever eaten Chinese food in Chinatown, probably the cheap ones 🤣 all-you-can-eat buffet style, westernized, not authentic, and be served Fortune Cookies. No wonder the food portrayal in Shang Simla looks like that. There must be a lot of Chinese people that they can ask for interview and they can see actual big Chinese gate. Very very different shape from Japanese Torii Gate, that elementary school kid can tell the difference. *facepalm*
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I understand you like Wuxia/ancient fictional settings, but please be logical & rational. The worlds (Shang Simla, Champs Les Sims, Al Simhara) are in modern times but at village. If you say “ancient fictional” then it should be separate game, not together in the same timeline as The Sims. Example: The Sims Medieval is standalone game, not Expansion Pack. The game takes place in European Medieval ancient times.
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The better idea is, made by other game developer, not EA. 
Game developer from the country origin itself, from China (Everstone Games) You must be heard When Winds Meet which trailer was out late August. The settings are Wuxia during the beginning of the Northern Song Dynasty. Looks very Assassin’s Creed-like. I used to wishing there’s Assassin’s Creed taking place in ancient China but can’t expect Ubisoft or any Western game developer to make it.  
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EA’s idea of “World Adventures” taking place in real life actually great idea, original for The Sims game, but bad at execution. The only EA’s fault that they did not do research and consult to the person who is expertise and definitely lacking real life resources. China is actually suitable country for “Adventure” because of rich culture and fortune, which are very blended well with the game. 
Argue again that “The Sims 3 World Adventure was released in 2009, there’s not enough Chinese exposure in USA/West/etc at that time...?”
There’s no way “not enough exposure” while you can see Chinese ethnic are everywhere and migrated to almost all countries. Biggest human population is in China country. Biggest population Chinese ethnic outside China/Taiwan/Hongkong is in Southeast Asia region (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand). Visit websites that show counts how many population of Chinese ethnic in USA, Canada, Australia, that’s quite high too. If anyone with this question, don’t forget that The Sims 3 game is sold in Taiwan, Hongkong, China too.
I’m talking about corporate/professional level, not amateur free custom content creator. If big corporate wanted to do portrayal about other countries, then do some serious research and ask the experts, as they clearly have the budget and resources.
Many video game titles taking place in real life countries, able to portray them well due to effort they did on research and consultation to the person originated from real life countries. 
Take an example from Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. Developer: Naughty Dog. The game was released in 1998 (when I was kid). Game levels taking place in several countries and obvious ancient time machine portal. 
I can tell you whoever taking charge in designing Crash Bandicoot did research very well. Even thought the game theme is cartoon and fictional. The dragon, colour, Great Wall, Chinese writing 《萬里長城》 on banner, music, sound effects, everything are very good. NPCs wearing hanfu, long hair with bun, no Manchu queue braid hairstyle, no straw hats.  
Crash Bandicoot 3: Orient Express (1998)
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The dragon colour is yellow and blue. That is correct. Good portrayal for old game released in 1998. 
Crash Bandicoot 3: Orient Express (Remastered version) 
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The dragon was updated with actual Chinese dragon design. The colour is right: Orange, yellow, blue, green. 
The colour of Great Wall floor is jade green colour, which the colour meaning is prosperity and good luck in Chinese culture. 
Compared to EA’s Maxis Shang Simla: 
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Had EA’s Maxis employees ever seen actual Chinese dragon statue?? 
Red is not suitable for statue at all, especially the statue for fountain!  Really hot in the eyes (I speak this as designer). 🔥🔥
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Red is lucky colour in Chinese culture, but not for the dragon. Chinese dragon brings luck and prosperous. The sculpture is usually colorful: Yellow (symbolizing gold for fortune), green, orange, sometimes blue. 
Chinese dragon fountain (Google search in English language)
“Dragon cave” statue does exist in China and other Southeast Asian countries that have big Chinese population. Definitely not like EA’s Shang Simla. 
Yellow Dragon Cave, Zhejiang, China. 
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Cave entrance at Guilin, Guangxi, China. 
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Dragon tunnel at Yong Peng, Johor, Malaysia.
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Kwan Sing Bio Temple, Tuban, East Java, Indonesia.
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Dragon Tiger Pagoda, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
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The dragons are colourful. 
Disney’s Mulan animated movie (1998). Portraying men’s hairstyles with bun. No random Manchu queue braid hairstyles.
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EA’s other version of The Sims actually can portray authentic Chinese culture: The Sims Freeplay 
Because it’s made by Firemonkeys Studio, mobile game developer based in Australia. Not Maxis from San Francisco, USA.  
// Youtube Link 1  //   Youtube Link 2 //
Don’t forget Sims Freeplay has Chinese New Year Update. I can say the portrayal is accurate. The clothing (modernized Qipao, Tang, have pattern, good design), Lantern has details, there’s Lion Dance with loud attraction music, Hong Bao (Red Envelope), Hong Bao tree, Chinese candies, decorations related to Chinese New Year (oranges), Sims can sit and pray in front of table with food offerings. 
I can relate to this, very true to real life in modern times, no matter live in big city or at village. Definitely cannot feel the same for TS3 World Adventures Shang Simla.  
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Eating animation is much better. Sims use both hands knife and fork, not too stiff unlike The Sims 2,3,4 for PC.
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Back to Maxis again. 
The Sims 4 “Chinese” food from City Living Expansion Pack (I can smell Maxis employees eating cheap, westernized, not authentic “Chinese” food. Typical American Chinese food.)  There’s Fortune Cookies aka American cookies on food stall logo.
Chinese food is far more variable not just sour-and-sweet something. No Peking Roast Duck? Chicken Feet? Stinky Tofu? Char Siu? Crispy Pork Belly?  Wonton soup? Noodles? Then not authentic. 
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Those are Spring Rolls (春捲), not Egg Rolls. 
Furthermore, Spring Rolls are more popular in Southeast Asian countries rather than China itself. 
Genshin Impact,  game developer from China. 
Egg Rolls are these. Literally EGG ROLLS. 
Simplified Chinese characters used in China:
蛋 =  dàn  (egg)      卷 = juǎn  (rolls)    Egg rolls can be thin biscuit and omelette.
Furthermore, the same Egg Rolls in Japanese: Tamagoyaki. Since Genshin is more into Japanese culture. The food recipes are mostly Japanese. 
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Genshin has anime cartoon stylized aesthetic. The texture and details (especially the food) are much better than TS4. 
More Additional Information (Read More):
Chinese New Year Greetings made by China people themselves. The boy and girl illustrations are stereotyped as well. Both wears modernized Qipao and Tang inherited from Qing Dynasty. The girl usually has double buns. The boy wears hat. Notice the boy usually has short haircut. No Manchu queue/braid hairstyle. 
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Now you can understand why no Chinese CC creators create Manchu Queue/Braid hair, many of them created long hair with bun as original ancient Han Chinese men’s hairstyles before Qing Dynasty.
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Shawarma is delicious, but it is Middle Eastern dish. 
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Watch Youtube documentaries to see what Egyptian food looks like:
10 EGYPTIAN FOODS You Must Try Forbidden Food Tour in Cairo!! Egypt’s EXOTIC Food!!
Egyptian Street Food - Seafood HEAVEN + Traditional Egyptian Food Adventure in Alexandria, Egypt!
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katiemods · 2 years
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Locations Collection: France - Sims 4 CC Paintings
Hope you enjoy!!! More locations coming soon..
10 Swatches
Mesh by Sims 4 Studio
Base Game Compatible
If you use it in a build and share it online, please give credit
If you like our content, please reblog to help us reach more people!! <3
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Set Vol 77 Decoratives and Eiffel Tower (8 Items)
Created by JenniSims
Created for The Sims 4 
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ljfoxie · 2 years
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batselene · 2 years
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Dinner in Paris
scene: by https://www.patreon.com/garciaarchitecture @garciastudios
Thanks to all cc creators <3
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s4royaltv · 4 years
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Paris trip will not be complete without a photo with Eiffel Tower as backdrop 🤭
Shoes by @dallasgirl79
Top by @rimings
Skirt by @bluerose-sims
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blairprojectsimblr · 4 years
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champagnecclark · 5 years
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Pardon My French...
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simeerasim · 2 years
I created a new challenge!
Sims 4 challenge
Hey guys I have created a new challenge for the Sims 4 and I think I'm going to name it "If the pancakes had a family generation" challenge
Cause it's full of drama y’all or maybe I will name it simply “The generation challenge by Simeera”
I only created 5 generations as of now.
I’m not a native English speaker and I tried explaining this challenge in English as clear as possible
I created this challenge because I wanted to play with the challenge which has more gameplay, more lore and story progressions. Do not claim this challenge as your own and upload anywhere in the social media.
If you are playing with this challenge, please let me know through any of my social media's ( or use #simeerachallenge ) and please give credits where credit is due. Speaking of credits, part of the first Generation of the challenge is inspired by one of the videos of "Petey plays it" from YouTube, and I’d like to give Petey credits
* Read fully to understand properly*
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Generation one- The wanderer
Traits- adventurous/good, outgoing, loves outdoor
Aspiration– The curator
Career-No career but you can stream your travel vlogs through drone and earn money
Goal – You have to be a sim who gets others pregnant, do not get to home lot /get married until the day before you age up to Elder
Generation two- The Florist
Traits–maker/art lover, vegetarian, family oriented
Aspiration – Freelance Botanist
Career- No career you can earn money by being a florist
Goal – Marry a gardener and have two babies should have minimum relationship with first born and maximum relationship with second Born
Generation Three - The star
Traits – self-absorbed, jealous, materialistic
Aspiration-Master actress
Career- Acting career
Goal –Become a five-star celebrity, marry a proper celebrity and adopt a baby; do not give birth to a baby
Generation four- The drop out
Traits - Mean, slob, erratic
Aspiration - Party animal
Career – Fast Food employee/ can do odd jobs
Goal –Be a party animal, get wasted, skip school, Get knocked up by a random Sim, dropout of university
Have a baby, fall in love with a good, family-oriented Writer and raise the Toddler together
Generation Five- The soulmate
Traits- Romantic, Music Lover, genius
Aspiration- soulmate
Career- Degree in Fine-Arts, entertainer
Goal -Ace in academics have a crush on a sim who is Unflirty and non-committal,
Fall in love with them, pursue them and marry them
In-depth explanation of the gameplay to understand the challenge better:
· Create a new save file
· you can set the lifespan or normal or even long depends on your liking
For Generation one you need to fill all your empty lots in the world with amazing Builds from the gallery some generic lots like Eiffel Tower, fairy world, crystal world, haunted mansion, beach, arcade, art museum, etc
Gen one is a traveller,
Buy an empty lot and start with zero simoleons complete whims often and buy the “always welcome” trait using satisfaction points and you have to travel place to place. You can sleep in other Sims houses or even take a vacation and live-in rented house You can have multiple relationship or only one relationship but you have to get your partner sim pregnant and that will be your Gen Two (he/she/they cannot be playable until you get married and move with the family) you have to be involved with your baby’s life. For living you have to buy a drone and start vlogging your travel and you can upload it to make money. You should not have a career and you should not go to your home lot/ get married until the day before you turn elder so once you reach you the day before you turn elder you get married to the same who you got pregnant and you move in with him/her/them into your home lot and build a house and that's it, the second gen is playable.
For Gen Two you are independent since one of your parents is always travelling and that parent always brings you peculiar and unique flowers as souvenir from various parts of the sim world that makes be fascinated by nature. you're wanted to be a florist and bond with nature and you start earning the for money for a living. you marry a gardener and give birth to a baby While you have no time to take care of your firstborn because you're too busy providing necessities for the family but accidentally there’s another one on the way. The day the second baby was born you win the lottery of 100,000 simoleons so you think the second born is your lucky charm you give all the love and attention to your second baby but you have minimal relationship with your first one. you give all the time, care, love and money for your second baby wherein the first born is always left behind it’s not that you don't love your first baby so you should not have a negative relationship rather have a very minimum relationship with your first one
Gen Three starts while your parents don't give you enough attention, growing up you always hated your sibling and you’re very jealous of your sibling. you always longed for attention. Growing up you were never noticed you are like non-existent to everyone you wanted to be the centre of attraction so you decided you become an actress You tell your parents about your passion but they don’t take you seriously so frustrated you will run-away as a Teen. After a couple of Failures, you get a gig and you work your way up in your acting career you become a five-star celebrity and you marry a proper celebrity who was way older than you and adopt a baby because you think that having a baby would ruin your beauty and that would not give you fame. You shower the baby with lots of things that she needs you always make her get away because you don’t want to be like your parents
Gen Four Growing up you always got your way with your parent because you are adopted so your parents never said NO to you, they also fear that you might run away like them too. You always skipped school, never did your homework. You were a mischievous growing up. Signed up for university but never attended classes, partied hard, became an alcoholic
You were fooling around with so many sims in your university and you got knocked up by God knows who,
When you told your Parents that you are pregnant your parents were really mad that you ruined your life and you broke their trust so further, they don’t trust you with anything and they kicked you out of the house. you end up in a dingy apartment and get a job as a fast-food employee and you have the baby. Once the baby ages up to a toddler You meet a cute writer in the park writing kids book, both of you fall in love and you get married and raise the baby together
As for Gen Five you are a charmer you love your parents, they are your role model. You Ace in academics and you want to be a self-made person like your parents and you do love some music and you want to do a degree in Fine-Arts where you meet a charmer just live you who loves music but an Unflirty non-committal sim and you have a huge crush on that sim
You become close with them and fall in love and somehow (No cheating) make them fall in love with you and you get married to the sim once you get married to the sim, the challenge will be over.
And that's it for the challenge guys you can play this with mods or even without mods you can change the traits/career if you don't own specific packs. Happy Simming!
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ilovesaramoonkids · 4 years
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LookBook 422
New Dress, Boots, and a SIM all available from @kadilenia​​​
DRESS:   https://kadilenia.tumblr.com/post/613118216150089728/new-dressnew-dress-for-girl-available-in-various
I love the volume that @kadilenia​​​ added to the skirt (pic 3) of this dress.  
BOOTS:  https://kadilenia.tumblr.com/post/613118579261440000/new-boots-new-and-exclusive-boots-for-girl-or-boy
SIM:  Gallery ID:  Kadilenia        Household Name:  DELGADO 
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Pics 1, 2 & 5 
Hair Braids   by  @ebonixsims​​​
Hair Gifted by  @simpliciaty-cc​​​
SaraMoon Rings (Tots & Kids) by  @simtographies​​​
S-Club ts4 WM Headacc 202003 C   by  s-club
S-Club ts4 WM Headacc 201908 Child   by  s-club
Alina Choker  by  @simtographies​
Pics 3 & 4 
Hair Braids  (see pic 1)
Headband (see pic1)
City Living Headwrap for Children & Toddlers   by  @hbcu-black-girl​​​
Ayla Hoop Earrings  by  @simtographies​​​
Monstera Earrings  by  @giuliettasims​​​
Socks 05 by  @sims4nexus​​​
iLOVEsaraMOON Bow Socks  by  @sims4nexus​​​
Alexandra Choker by @simtographies​
Beautiful Paris Eiffel Tower  Lot  by  @crown-queen-bambee​
Lovely Child Sim Right Photo 3 Gifted by  @qdogsims​
Disclaimer: The Beautiful CC Featured Here Was Not Created by @ilovesaramoonkids​​​​​​​​​ or @ilovesaramoon​​​​​​​​​  All Credit Goes To the Talented Creators.
More LookBooks Here  (X)
Adopt my Sims Here  (X)
Note: I use a lighting Mod (overexposed) plus Reshade.
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kwbaker · 3 years
The Big Chicken
The Big Chicken by K Baker Via Flickr: 12 Cobb Pkwy. N, Marietta, GA https://www.ajc.com/things-to-do/atlantas-originals-visit-landmarks-that-are-unique-to-our-city/ locations.kfc.com/ga/marietta/12-cobb-pkwy-n
The Big Chicken is a KFC restaurant in Marietta, Georgia, which features a 56-foot-tall steel-sided structure designed in the appearance of a chicken rising up from the top of the building. It is located at the city's biggest intersection of Cobb Parkway and Roswell Road and is a well-known landmark in the area. Constructed in 1956, it was rebuilt following storm damage in 1993 and underwent a $2 million renovation project in 2017.
The restaurant was built in 1956 at 12 Cobb Parkway, on the newly constructed stretch of Highway 41, the first divided highway in Cobb County. Taking advantage of the prime location on the new and quicker route for travelers on U.S. 41, Johnny Reb's Chick, Chuck and Shake owner S. R. "Tubby" Davis erected the 56-foot (17-meter) tall structure over his restaurant in 1963 as a method of advertising.[2] The novelty architecture was designed by Hubert Puckett, a Georgia Tech student of architecture, and fabricated by Atlantic Steel in nearby Atlanta (of which Marietta is a suburb). Davis later sold it to his brother, and it became a franchise of KFC.[3]
In January 1993, storm winds damaged the structure, and rather than tear it down KFC was forced by public outcry to re-erect the building.[2] Among those who complained about the Big Chicken being torn down were pilots, who used the building as a reference point when approaching Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport and Dobbins Air Reserve Base.[4] The new Big Chicken includes the original design of beak and eyes which move, although this time the vibrations which plagued the first structure (even to the point of breaking windows) have been eliminated.[5] Pieces of the original structure were sold to collectors as souvenirs. In early April 2006, the structure narrowly escaped a small eastward-moving nighttime tornado, which overturned a tractor-trailer at a Kmart across the street, and damaged another building nearby.
The Big Chicken is commonly used as a landmark for driving directions. Locals will often include "make a [turn] at the Big Chicken", or "it's about x miles past the Big Chicken". This is referenced in music video game Rock Band 3's "Road Challenge Mode", when the player is told "Don't be alarmed if you're asking for directions in the bus and the locals tell you to 'turn left at the Big Chicken'".[6]
It has also led to a small cottage industry of sorts, selling souvenirs emblazoned with the monument, including one sweatshirt showing Big Ben in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Colosseum in Rome, and of course, the Big Chicken in Marietta. A board game featuring the Big Chicken and other local landmarks was also produced. There is a barbershop-style singing group called the Big Chicken Chorus, formed in 1986, which gives concerts throughout the year.[7][8] The Big Chicken was also featured on a promotional card in Sim City: The Card Game. The Big Chicken has also appeared in the comic strip Zippy the Pinhead as a part of artist Bill Griffith's fascination with roadside icons.
Ratings and reviews
45 reviews
of 56
Teresa M11 reviewsReviewed September 8, 2020
No Stars If I Could
This location NEVER gets their orders right! And you can't call to complain because nobody answers the phone.
Date of visit: September 2020Helpful?
James C568 reviewsReviewed February 22, 2020 via mobile
Great KFC at a land mark the place is clean the service was excellent if in the area need to stop by and try this place
Date of visit: February 2020Helpful?
mistyraine76 reviewsReviewed November 14, 2019
its kfc it is what it is
I do enjoy the dark meat meals the best, the mc and cheese bowl is also very good, What i don't understand is why the manager always parks in the best parking spot, Manager used to psrk across several handicap spaces but now only parks...More
Date of visit: November 2019Helpful?
camista270 reviewsReviewed April 5, 2019 via mobile
Eat inside a true original
This building is truly unique - has its own Wikipedia Page! Great photo-op with the family - Huge Chicken on roof with moving beak and eyes. Inside is spectacularly clean, with historical photos and a gift shop. The restaurant itself is a KFC - just...More
Date of visit: April 2019Helpful?
Staciajc123 reviewsReviewed March 19, 2019
I am born & raised in Marietta, GA. And if you need directions to anything in Marietta - folks will tell you to go to the BIG CHICKEN and turn...LOL....what would we Mariettians do without it? We would literally be lost! It's a KFC inside...More
Date of visit: February 2019Helpful?
Bbqman33411,801 reviewsReviewed February 21, 2019 via mobile
Good meal despite tourist attraction
The chicken was fresh, hot and delicious. The real draw is this massive 100 foot tall tin chicken perched smack dab on highway 41. It’s been there near 60 years and only been remodeled a time or two. It’s cleaner now than it had been...More
Date of visit: February 2019Helpful?
olaf s56 reviewsReviewed February 10, 2019
Always good to eet at KFC
Well the choice of menu's and burgers are way mor than in the Netherlands. Did take the variety menu with the 3 different marietta burgers. they where good
Date of visit: December 2018Helpful?1  
joannereed5 reviewsReviewed December 23, 2018 via mobile
Horrible service
Walked in with my family at 8:30 to eat and a very rude worker told us the lobby was closed and we had to go through drive through. We apologized and wall out but on the way out we looks at the posted hours and...More
Date of visit: December 2018Helpful?
Bbqman33411,801 reviewsReviewed December 11, 2018
there is only one
and it's large, really tall and tight on the roadside. the food inside is about the same as most other KFC's but just the notion of parking your can underneath such a huge facade and looking up as you walk inside is worth the stop...More
Date of visit: December 2018Helpful?
GrandTour43417117 reviewsReviewed November 26, 2018 via mobile
Bad food
The building is fun to look at and it has cute souvenirs, but that’s it. The food was horrible. Staff was friendly, though!
Date of visit: November 2018Helpful?
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sims-frame · 4 years
Eiffel Tower / Apartment in Paris - TS4 [SPEED BUILD]
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Paris-inspired construction, with Eiffel Tower and medium city apartment - view of the tower! Hope you like it, some cc used in the description below :) Please leave comments on what you thought and what you would like to see in future videos.
Construção inspirada em Paris, com Torre Eiffel e apartamento médio na cidade - vista para a torre! Espero que gostem, alguns dos cc usados estão na descrição abaixo :) Por favor, deixem comentários sobre o que acharam e o que gostariam de ver em vídeos futuros.
cc: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-objects-furnishing-decor-mirrors/title/%5Bcleo-hallway%5D--floor-mirror/id/1408800/ https://natdreamsims.com/index.php/2017/06/06/torre-eiffel-the-sims-4/#more-2971 https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/RightHearted/downloads/details/category/sims4-objects-furnishing-decor-miscellaneous/title/brie-french-pillows/id/1416206/ https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/ShinoKCR/downloads/details/category/sims4-objects-furnishing-decor-paintingsposters/title/french-quarter--painting/id/1350957/ https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/jomsims/downloads/details/category/sims4-objects-furnishing-decor-clutter/title/the-bakery-2015-sims-4-basket-bread-.french-pain-campagne-/id/1292105/ https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Angela/downloads/details/category/sims4-objects-furnishing-decor-curtainsblinds/title/keira-dining-french-shutter-3-tile/id/1269122/ https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/MahoCreations/downloads/details/category/sims4-objectrecolors-furnishing-surfaces-miscellaneous/title/vanity/id/1361599/ https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/SIMcredible!/downloads/details/category/sims4-objects-furnishing-decor-miscellaneous/title/scandifever-old-decor-telephone-/id/1421926/ https://sssvitlans.tumblr.com/post/148999664909/mxims-diesel-bedroom-diesel-rock-pendant https://gardenbreeze.home.blog/2019/12/02/updated-chandelier-and-classy-dress-mannequin/ https://brazenlotus.com/upscale-window-door-addon/
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meow-face · 5 years
Sanders Sides on The Sims
I finally got my Sims game up and running, and I'm making a world full of all of my favourite characters/people. The first Sims I made were, of course, the Sanders Sides. After I made them I went back into my own Sim, and I've been at their house for a total of 3 days now. Here are some things they've been up to:
-I put a bunch of toys in Patton's room, and one of them was a "lump of clay". I don't think Patton has played with it once, because first, Roman had it, and he just tossed it around a bit. Then Logan took it, and he had it for a while, and next thing I know he's holding a clay model of the Eiffel Tower. About a day ago, Virgil took the tower and smushed it. He's still holding it now, and it's still just a lump of clay.
-I had to reset Patton after he got a stuffed kitty toy stuck on his hand. I later had to reset him again when he got a rubber duck stuck on his hand, and he couldn’t sit down to eat.
-I heard a commotion in Thomas's room, and sure enough, there's Deceit and Remus sitting on Thomas's bed, and Logan, Roman, and Thomas sitting in the seats near the bed. They were all laughing at a comedy show they were watching.
-Roman LOVES to dance. I put a stereo in the living room, and when he's not eating or sleeping, he's dancing.
-I think almost everyone has used the guitar I put in the living room at some point.  
-My Sim has a high comedy skill, so after interacting with all of them, they're always feeling playful. I guess in some cases that carries over into night time, because one night both Roman and Virgil were laughing in their sleep.
-Deceit and Remus are currently dancing to electronic music. -Remus just left and Patton immediately took the spot he was in. Then Deceit left and now Patton is dancing by himself. He looks happy though.
-Logan talks about fish a lot.
-Virgil fell asleep watching TV once.
-Remus is currently eating spoiled garden salad. 
-Patton and my Sim had a joke off. 
-Patton keeps telling jokes.
-Virgil made himself a microwave pastry!
-Thomas keeps cleaning up all the side's dishes. He doesn't have the neat trait so ???
-I just located the lump of clay!!! Virgil made a bunny!! He put it back in Patton's room!! That's adorable!!!
-Remus, Deceit and Thomas are watching TV in Thomas's room. (I had no space for a TV anywhere else.. Whoops.)
-Virgil has the lump of clay again. He has yet to smush the rabbit. UPDATE - He smushed the rabbit.
-I couldn't find Roman and Patton, but they were just both in Patton's room sitting on his bed chatting. Patton keeps telling him jokes.
-Somehow Remus now has the lump of clay.
-Patton entered the currently empty room with the stereo and started dancing. Then he invited Deceit, Thomas and my Sim to dance along with him. - I just realized its 3 AM in the game when this is happening. Virgil just went to bed.
-Patton went to bed shortly after, leaving Thomas, Deceit and my Sim dancing, and Roman and Remus in Thomas's room watching TV.
-Virgil is laughing in his sleep again!!!
-At some point Logan went to bed. I didn't see when.
-Remus has gone to bed.
-My Sim has now moved to Thomas's room with Roman, Deceit and Thomas all watching TV in there.
-Roman has gone to bed.
-Thomas has gone to nap on the other side of Roman's bed. I think it's because Deceit is sitting on Thomas's bed. I turned off the TV to try to make him leave.
-Now it's just Deceit and my Sim sitting and chatting in Thomas's room, while Thomas naps on Roman's bed.
-Deceit has gone to bed. It is 4:50 AM. My Sim is sitting in the living room reading. (Her needs are frozen) she'll wait for someone to wake up.
-Remus snores a lot.
-Virgil is STILL laughing in his sleep!!
-Virgil is awake! 
-Thomas is awake and playing with the lump of clay in his room.
-Virgil and Thomas are sitting in Thomas's room chatting and watching TV.
-Patton is laughing in his sleep too!!!!
-Patton and Logan and Remus are awake! That leaves just Roman and Deceit.
-Patton woke up and immediately started dancing.
-Roman is awake! Now it's just Deceit. It is 8:55 AM.
-Deceit is awake!
-Patton called my Sim into his room to give her a hug!!!
-Patton and my Sim are very close friends.
-Thomas is cleaning up again?
-Roman and Remus have been in Thomas's room chatting for a while now.
-Roman is playing with the lump of clay.
-Deceit and Thomas are watching Patton play with a rubber duck. They are cheering him on.
I might make another one of these, but this is already sooo long, I'm going to leave it here. 'Till next time with Sim Thomas, his sides, and the lump of clay! 
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