#simple hot and sour soup
renalittleson · 11 months
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Recipe for Simple Hot and Sour Soup Tofu, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, and ham are simmered together and topped with eggs in this simple hot and sour soup, a classic Chinese dish. 1 teaspoon Shaoxing cooking wine, 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, 1 can bamboo shoots cut into thin matchstick-size pieces, 2 ounces cooked ham thinly sliced, salt to taste, 1.75 ounces dried shiitake mushrooms, 2 teaspoons water, 1 ounce dried cloud ear mushrooms, 1 teaspoon ground white pepper, 2 teaspoons vinegar, 10 fluid ounces chicken stock, 1/2 package silken tofu cut into 1/2-inch cubes, 2 teaspoons corn flour, 2 eggs beaten
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ssansastark · 1 year
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Simple Hot and Sour Soup Tofu, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, and ham are simmered together and topped with eggs in this simple hot and sour soup, a classic Chinese dish.
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kbennettbooks · 1 year
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Vegetable Soup - Butternut and Acorn Squash Soup
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vagabond-umlaut · 4 months
sweet & sour is a horrible flavour
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Chapter 2 of functio laesa Gojo x Fem!Reader; Geto & Reader [platonic]; Canon Divergent AU; Isekai. Fluff & Angst & Drama & Humor; Reincarnation; Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies; Incredibly Self-Indulgent; Eventual Happy Ending; Eventual Friendships & Romance.
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Writing the Reader & Geto interact with each other is actually fun...
Chapter warnings: Reader is unable to pay her hospital bills. There's a small mention or two of cops. Sad Reader [briefly]. Cult leader Geto. [This chapter's not as serious or gloomy as the warnings make it seem; still, it never hurts to be careful while listing them.]
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Scratch whatever you thought three days ago.
Yeah, yeah, you're sure. Totally scratch that.
Yeah. So. You see, the thing is: dying is actually fun.
What is not fun is dying, then waking up, next falling into a boiling hot bowl of soup. Especially one garnished with legal shit out of everything. Double especially, one which may or may not involve the hospital folks wanting to call the cops on you.
Gulping down the last dredges of your cold coffee [no, not the cold coffee™️; it's the coffee which's turned cold], you shoot a quick smile to the woman at the billing counter. Only to earn an insultingly suspicious look in return, one which darts from you to the landline on her desk far too many times for your liking.
Defeated, you drop the act and sigh. Then erupt into a gush of tears.
"Please, Ma'am," you beg, voice trembling and warbling, "I'm not any criminal on the run, I swear. I had an accident in the forest following which I lost consciousness. I woke up after how many hours, I don't know, but only when I was lying on the hospital bed. With several bandages wrapped around my limbs and a stitch on my forehead, that too."
You pause, wanting to gauge your listener's reaction. Still suspicious, maybe more than before... Fine. Never mind. Carry on.
"I know I look very fishy right now but–"
"You can just pay your hospital bills and leave," The woman cuts you off, none too gently. You should take offense for that but you decide not to. You need to be in her good books to get out of this safely. And swiftly. And–
"How much was the total amount again?" you ask.
"Ten thousand yen."
You check your pockets [the eighth time in the last thirty minutes] and sniffle, "But I don't even have one yen with me."
"You can always call your family or friends and arrange some help," A kind elderly lady interjects from beside. You shake your head in the most crestfallen fashion you can manage. Not that it's too hard or anything. The very mention of your loved ones is more than enough to send you down a new cliff of depression. "I've no one left in the world, Ma'am. I'm all alone."
"What about your insurance?" Another person joins in. Yet another kind stranger. "Surely, it'll be enough to cover your bills?"
"Yeah..." You start, but the woman doesn't let you finish, butting in, "Of course, the insurance will be enough but the thing is she doesn't have an insurance. And before you suggest her applying for one, she cannot: her name is mysteriously not there even in a single government rec–"
"I shall pay twenty thousand yen. Let her off the hook, please?" A friendly voice cuts her off in one short smooth stroke.
You screw your eyes shut.
Wondering, if now is too late a time to beg the lady to call the cops on you instead.
At the very least, you won't meet your end, being called a monkey in the jail.
"Is that all you would like to eat?"
A simple question, really.
But you know the man asking it is not so simple. Very possibly, nor his intentions behind asking you either. For all you know [which is A LOT], he could be fattening you up like a pig before getting rid of you in a sacrifice or some shit. He does run a murderous cult, after all... You borrow a beat to chew the cupcake then return a curt nod.
"Are you sure?" Geto continues to press, however, sounding as worried as he looks. The sweet taste on your tongue turns bitter all of a sudden. "You need not worry about the money, if that's what—"
In retrospect, you know you'll regret your next course of action. If anything ever goes wrong, you know this will be when and where everything goes wrong first. Yet, you don't let anything stop you from placing your cupcake back on the plate and interrupting his sentence with a scoff. Eyes burning and chest aching from the uncanny resemblance between the care you used to receive from your friends, back in your world, and the care you're being shown now, by Geto Suguru of all people.
You manage to twist your face into a weak smile. "You wanted to ask questions from me, right?"
The man across from you stares at you for a bit. Then nods, quickly slipping into his usual mask of cordiality. It makes you want to scoff again, but you hold yourself back this time. You might lose control of your emotions from time to time, but you're better than digging your own grave... Yeah, you're better than that. You have to be if you don't wanna die a second time.
Geto leans back into his chair, wearing a warm expression. Have you already mentioned how good an actor he can be? He hums, "That I do, but I would much rather if I don't ask you those here. My home is a couple of hours away. Mind accompanying me there?"
"No, I don't think I will mind," You answer immediately but slowly. Almost as if you're muliing your words over while speaking them out. You aren't, though. You know what to say, what to ask, what to expect. A quiet feel of knowing sneaks into your careful query. "But I don't think you'll let me go soon, will you?"
"No," He agrees easily after watching you for a while [sort of taken aback, you can tell], "You're a peculiar specimen. It's rare to come across ones like you."
Specimen? SPECIMEN???
You draw in a deep breath to calm yourself before shoving out a tense chuckle. He is finally showing his true colours, huh?
"Very funny choice of words, Geto-san," You comment, thoughts in a bloody war with your words, "But the teeny-tiny problem here is: I Am Not A Specimen. And..." Pausing to take a sip of your chai, you resume, "Since I'll be giving answers to your questions, I shall be expecting something in return. Okay, yea?"
An amused look. Curious too, boredly so.
You beg your self-esteem to remain unhurt for a minute more. Just. A. Minute. More.
Geto inquires, "What do you want in return?"
"I want you to let me live," You shoot without a moment wasted, adopting a steely tone to hide your apprehension while you say the words you've been rehearsing in your mind for a while now, "But it's not just in the literal sense of the word 'live'. I want to live how any human being likes to live. With my well-being and dignity intact. If you want me to return the help you showed me earlier, I can cook or clean your house or tutor your kids— but I won't let you hold that over my head to keep me as a prisoner or a slave." Leaning forwards towards the centre of the table, you pin the man under a grave stare. "Do you agree or do you not?"
A beat passes. Then another. And another. Geto cracks a smile at you, but you can see it's not a smile. It's a sliver of a warning. He hums, "You do know you're in a more disadvantageous place than me, right?"
"In terms of cursed energy and all that stuff, I am," You agree easily, then add, smiling the exact same smile you're being shown, "But in terms of knowledge, I doubt you're anywhere near me. The things I know can change everything. Agree to my demands and I promise to answer whatever question you ask truthfully, be it regarding the past, the present or the future. What do you think? Fair deal, right?"
Of course, it is!!! An indignant voice screams in the back of your head. It is right. You know. Still, you decide to keep quiet, deciding to finish the rest of your breakfast while your listener mulls over the terms you laid down— or maybe, thinks of ways to murder you without creating a fuss in this crowded café. You don't think you can be very sure right now...
You didn't go too far, did you?
A cough draws your attention away from the empty plates before. Absently, you think the cupcakes and the scrambled eggs weren't too bad for a last meal. Geto regards you, as curiously as ever but now with a new tinge of disquiet. The sight fills you with a dark form of glee— a twisted sense of victory.
He lets go of a disturbingly long sigh.
"I agree to your demands," The man says, wearing the stiffest smile you've ever seen him wear, be it in this world or in yours, "But only if you promise to never tell me anything of the future— don't ask why, I am simply not fond of spoilers," He adds firmly when you open your mouth; you snap it shut. His tone doesn't scare you, however. Nor does the edge in his voice when he asks, repeating your words from earlier, "Do you agree or do you not?"
"I won't give you spoilers, alright, okay," You hum after a few moments. Decidedly satisfied after cutting open every word spoken to you and extracting its deepest meanings and implications, until there's nothing left for you to see— well, almost nothing. You hesitate a little before giving in to voice out the confusion nagging and poking you.
"But aren't you interested in what I know, Geto-san? Isn't me knowing too much why you called me 'a peculiar specimen'?"
Your question earns no response for a while... Until he leans back into his seat and with an odd glint in his gaze, asks, "You think you coming here was simply an accident and nothing more, don't you?"
"Yeah..." You answer honestly, despite the sudden feeling of uncertainty creeping into your senses and crawling down your spine. Tainting and troubling the brief lull of comfort and security you've built for yourself.
You watch Geto regard you for a few more seconds before he offers a faint grin— one that spells nothing nice. Nothing good. His voice drops to a hushed whisper.
"Then I don't think you know as much as you believe you do, Miss."
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Reader: *flexing her isekai-granted muscles like there's no tomorrow*
Geto, meanwhile: *having a traumatic flashback to that time in HS, Gojo spoilt a movie the poor boy was waiting eagerly for, for nearly a year*
Divider by @benkeibear. Header from Pinterest. I don't own the characters used here.
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invinciblerodent · 8 months
Baldur's Gate 3's Potato Chowder - RECIPE
So a few days ago, I found this recipe around the start of act 3, near the kitchen of the Temple of the Open Hand in Rivington:
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[Screenshot of recipe as it appears in-game. Exact steps will be transcribed below, within the recipe.]
It looked... honestly very simple and not dissimilar from a Hungarian potato főzelék/stew (which is a very cheap and homely peasant dish I love), so I just made it for lunch today, and guys....
this soup is uh. really fucking good. I tried following it as close to the letter as possible, but since it's quite vague, I did have to improvise a fair bit- but it's very cheap and easy to make, it's warm and comforting while still quite light (there are like. NO spices in there, it's a very European-feeling dish), and I'd say it's surprisingly filling, but it's. It's potatoes, so there's nothing exactly surprising about that.
I tried to write out the recipe in a very beginner-friendly way, so even if you're not super confident in the kitchen, it should be easy to follow! ❤️
Make yourself some video game soup, it's awesome.
(For about 6 servings)
A roughly egg-sized lump of lard (This can be subtituted with a different cooking fat if you'd like, but I recommend sticking with lard, as it adds a nice flavor, and it's kind of the staple fat for these peasant stews.)
Potatoes (I used just under two pounds)
Half of a medium leek
Small yellow onion (or half of a larger one)
2 cloves garlic
Roughly 1/2 to 1 cup white cooking wine (optional, substitute given in recipe)
Vegetable stock (or chicken- or beef stock, or water)
2-3 tbsp all purpose flour
Salt to taste
1/2 cup of sour cream/créme fraiche (optional)
Shredded cheese and/or croutons to serve (optional)
(Recipe with transcriptions and exact steps under the cut!)
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(This is basically all there is in this. Honestly.)
"1. Put your lard in a pot- a chunky one, mind. When it stops being lard and starts being hot lard, add any good-smelling veggies (leeks, garlics, onions) that you've chopped all thin. Please salt this so it doesn't taste of nothing."
This first step is pretty self-explanatory. I sliced the white part of he leek thinly, cubed my onion, and minced my two large cloves of garlic. In the lard melted in as chunky a pot as I've got (make sure it's not non-stick!!!), I sauteed first the leek and the onion with a big pinch of salt, and once the onion was translucent, the leek soft, and they've released some liquid (around 3-5 minutes on medium-low heat), I added the garlic, and cooked it until fragrant.
"2. When it's soft and good-smelling, chuck in any flour you've got and stir the mixture so it don't burn (note for me - it's very important not to burn it, emphasize)"
Now we make a roux by adding just enough flour to the mixture that it starts sticking together, and looks fairly dry, but no part of the flour remains powdery. (This was about 3 tbsp for me, but since this process goes quick, I did eyeball it).
It's important to keep stirring, as this can and does stick to the bottom of a pot, but it will determine the thickness of the final soup, deepen its flavor, and give it a nice, creamy consistency. I made mine fairly blonde (light tan in color, cooked just past long enough to dissipate any raw flour smell), but it can go to a fairly dark, caramel color before burning if you'd like the flavor to be a bit deeper. (This should only take a couple minutes.)
Please do be careful- it the roux burns, that flavor will be impossible to get rid of, so.... yeah, it would be rubbish.
"3. If you're fancy and have wine (or have a generously stocked temple wine cellar nearby) add a bit of it now and cook it off. When it's done, add some wedged potatoes and a lot more liquid (not wine this time or you'll have a headache in the morning)."
We now deglaze the bottom of the pot with the wine: after pouring it in, with the wooden spoon, we scrape up any stuck pieces of flour or aromatics that there might be on the bottom.
(Note: If you don't have wine, or would prefer not to use alcohol for any reason, a neat trick is to mix about 1 tbsp of white wine vinegar and 1 tsp of granulted sugar into a cup of water, and use this mixture as a substitute for 1 cup of white wine. In most recipes, the wine's main purpose is to add acidity as well as sweetness to the dish- this trick aims to replicate those qualities, and tastes very similar in the end result. I use it often in almost anything that calls for white wine if I happen to not have any at hand. But do make sure to taste beforehand, it's very easy to go too heavy on the vinegar! It should taste sour, but not so much that it's unpalatable.)
Then, I rinsed my cubed potatoes (though the text calls for wedges, those often don't cook quite evenly!) with water to get rid of the excess starch, added them to the pot, and then covered them in vegetable stock. You can use chicken- or beef stock (which would make the soup a bit richer, heavier) or water (if you want it lighter) as well- in this last case you might need to add more salt than you'd think. (Make sure to taste- it should be flavorful, but not salty! Bouillon cubes and premade stocks often have a very high salt content, so if using that, you might find you don't need to add any.)
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(It sohuld look something like this.)
"4. Cook for half an hour or so til the potatoes are nice and tender, and mash some of 'em up in the liquid. If you've got any cow products - cheese, milk and the like - add them now for extra delicious results."
From when the mixture starts to boil, it should take about 25-35 minutes of simmering on low heat, covered, for the potatoes to soften- you can test doneness by sticking a fork in one of the pieces, or gently pushing one against the edge of the pot with your wooden spoon. It should give easily at light pressure with both methods.
I then put the sour cream/créme fraiche in a heat-safe container (a mug will do perfectly), and ladled a bit of the hot cooking liquid on top of it, mixing it thoroughly- both to thin it out, and bring the temperatures closer to each other, which should help avoid any curdling. Stirring constantly, I then add the cream mixture to the soup in a thin, slow stream. (Any mildly acidic, creamy dairy product should work here- though I do think yogurt might be a bit too sour, if using that I would probably omit the wine.)
Then, as everything is done cooking and the cream is distributed evenly with no curds, I turn the heat off for safety, and using a very traditional, very fantasy, not at all anachronistic immersion blender, I blitz the entire thing for roughly 30 seconds. You can of course blend it less for more chunks (or remove some cooked potato bits before blending to add them back later), or even longer for a smoother consistency, but I did like that about that much blending left only a few, small chunks of nicely cooked potato in the otherwise smooth and creamy result.
I served with shredded Port Salut cheese and croutons on top- but this is of course optional, and I think just some nice, crusty bread would also work wonderfully!
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Go make yourself a video game soup!!!!!!! It's so easy and good!!!!!!!
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mx-your-name · 3 months
More head canons of Singer!Reader x Yandere Steve Rogers! (+Peggy Carter)
TW: Mention of murder and death, technically kidnapping, yandere behavior, obsessive love, manipulation if you squint your eyes, getting blipped from existence
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-Where Steve Rogers would do anything to make you happy and smile to brighten up your day! You’re craving something sweet, sour, spicy? It’s on the table for you, hot and free.
-But he always expects something in return for getting you something as simple as a hug or just a kiss on the cheek, forehead, or the lips.
-Would definitely makes you both a matching bracelet since you used to make them all the time when you were younger
-If you were to ever get hurt like the simplest paper cut, burnt mark, or even hit anybody part on something Steve’s gonna treat it like someone had just stabbed you or something. Even if you keep telling him you're okay, get ready to be on the couch doing absolutely nothing with blankets, pillows, some food on your lap, your favorite movie on, and Steve right by your side cuddling you. Asking if you're comfortable every 10 minutes to make yourself uncomfortable or need the bathroom.
-You being sick would be a whole different story. It’s a sore throat? You can’t talk or sing at all until you're better! It’s a slight cold? You need medicine, blankets, and soup. Do you need the bathroom? Don’t worry he’ll carry you there and back! You're worried about him getting sick as well? He’ll go through the same pain as you so you're not alone through all this.
-When it comes to meeting your family for the first time, Steve is getting ready 3 hours earlier making sure to practice his lines and have a great first impression on your parents. He doesn’t wanna risk them saying that he can’t date you. Not like he’ll listen either way You tell him that he doesn’t need to do all that, oh yes he does he needs your father’s approval on you getting married. He’ll bring your moms favorite flowers to impress both of them. You have siblings? Don’t worry he knows how to get kids to think he’s amazing! You have a sibling that’s a teenager and doesn’t liken him? It’s alright, he just needs to find out what they like and don’t like.
-The first time that he had heard about your ex’s he was a bit angry on why they’d treat you like the way they did. Oh you never talked about your ex’s to him? You must’ve let it slip out when drinking on movie night one time.
-Onto the mention of movie night. Every Friday night he’d come home and spend time with you, eating some dinner with you before heading over to the couch to watch some movies, not like you had much of a choice if you wanted to or not. Though you’d have to explain some movies to him sometimes since he still didn’t understand much about what had happened after he got iced for 70 years after all.
-He killed your ex one night when you sleeping, tired for cleaning all day and totally not the drugged drink
-What do you mean one of your ex-boyfriend’s bodies is on the news? He shouldn’t have stayed out so late, after all there are a lot of killers out there killing innocent people.
-You wanna outside? Why? You have everything you would ever want and need here with him
-He’s a trained super soldier so of course you knew that fighting against him wasn’t gonna do much for you. Did you still try too? Yeah.
Infinity War
-When it comes to the end of Infinity War Steve didn’t hesitate to go straight home to you to make sure you were alive and that you didn’t dust like the rest of half the population
-You were home just watching a movie when you felt something weird happen to your body. Your cat that Steve had gotten you for your birthday by your side. Lifting one hand up to pet for it to go through confused to see your cat - who was named Mittens - let out a meow. You were freaked out by that bowl of popcorn falling onto the ground as you tried picking Mittens up for her to completely vanish. Tears pouring down your fast as you panic on where your cat had gone, looking down at your hand to see it turning to dust just like your cat had done a minute ago. The tears falling on your lap as you dust away into the living room to where your cat had gone
-Steve slammed the door open looking around the room yelling your name. He felt panicked, he had lost Bucky to the snap and he couldn’t just lose you either just like that. When searching the whole house to not only find you but also Mittens, going to the living room to see the bowl of popcorn dumped onto the ground left there untouched.
-When you were dusted into the soul stone the only thing you saw was orange everything. An orange ground, orange sky, and orange everything. But one thing that wasn’t orange was yourself, looking around confused on what was going on
-Venturing through the giant open space, your pajamas still on since you didn’t really wanna change out of warm comfortable clothes, soon running into what seemed to be Mittens who was running over to you
-It'd be an understatement if you were told that you didn’t miss your cat Mittens, it felt like the only thing that made everything alright was your cat.
-For the last 5 years that you were blipped he’d be going through a terrible time not only did he lose Bucky but he lost you. And when it was you it felt like he couldn’t at least save the person he so dearly loves more than anyone. Besides Peggy Carter of course.
-So when Tony had finally invented time travel so they could defeat Thanos and bring back half thr population that was dusted. Steve was over the moon happy that they were one step away from being everyone back. Bringing you back.
-Once the second they won the war and were back on Earth Steve didn’t hesitate to take off running back home where the two of you live. He made sure the house and everything in it was kept the same.
-One moment you were with Mittens the next you were both dusting away once again, holding tightly onto your cat not knowing what could happen to either of you after all this. The next you were back at your house, the bowl of popcorn gone but Mittens in your arms once again. As if everything was the simplest dream.
-When Steve came through the front door a bit different than equals you were taken back by how changed he was.
-Never have you hugged tightly or for a whole day. You sat on the couch the entire time, and when you had to go to the bathroom he’d wait outside immediately hugging you once again, also asking if you were okay. When you were hungry both of you were in the kitchen, Steve hugging you from behind not once leaving your side.
-Now when it came to Peggy, Steve would either choose Peggy to come along with him or he’d bring you back into the past but it mostly always ended with Steve bringing Peggy to the future.
-Peggy would be taken back at first and a bit heart broken but understanding. She’d also grow to love you as well just as much Steve loves you. Maybe even more than Steve a bit.
-Back to Steve, he’d make sure that you always came first - which Peggy agreed on - he lost you once for 5 whole years and he wasn’t willing to lose you again. So maybe say goodbye to ever stepping foot outside, not like you ever did before you vanished.
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possumnest · 2 years
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its-a me! [alt description below]
🪱tip me on ko-fi / buy some prints!
🦐 ETSY STORE (stickers + tat permission slip)
-> social media linkz <-
[meet the artist format august 20, they/them, white. (symbols for the astrological signs leo, taurus, and cancer, an infinity symbol representing autism, and an american flag.) taking up the left side of the image is a slightly fuzzy line art drawing in a simplistic style of me, a tall thin white person with dark short hair in a mullet haircut. the background of the image is a pale greenish white, and the drawing of me is lime green, in the drawing i have a baseball cap, a small pearl necklace, a t-shirt with a mesh long sleeve under it, dark skinny jeans, and dark shoes. i'm holding a fanny pack over my shoulder and giving a thumbs up. there are lime green stars scattered around my head, as well as simple drawings of ants and a centipede in the empty space. to the right of the drawing of me are some small drawings of items i have with me most of the time: a green water bottle covered in stickers, over ear headphones, a book about birds, and a mask.
on the opposite side of the drawing is a list of musicians i am into right now. the title of the list reads "now playing..." with two musical notes next to it and lists the following:
daði freyr, ezra furman, autoheart, dorian electra, of montreal, orville peck, perfume genius, sophie, aurora, montaigne, mika.
on the right side, below my name and basic details, there are two bubbles. the one on the left has a heart describing my likes and the one on the right has a circle with a slash representing "no" describing my dislikes
likes: sour candy, biology, green, citruses, birdwatching, soup. dislikes: cars, open water, loveless art, milk chocolate, hot weather.
below the bubble is a square with the words "i heart media" (there is a symbolic heart in place of the word), and the text inside the box is the following:
what we do in the shadows, dirk gently's holistic detective agency, jurassic park, ofmd, barry, disco elysium, hannibal, venom, little shop of horrors, nope, the good place, stardew valley, the muppets.]
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autumnslance · 1 year
Year of the OTP - May 2023 - Illness
((Prompt List Here. A sick fic, but I avoid details on bodily fluids. 3200 words; a bit shorter than last month! ARR Late Patches.))
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Thancred woke coughing, stomach heaving and head pounding like Amalj’aa war drums. His tongue was a slab of sandpaper in his sour mouth, and his stomach spasmed again, the acid rising.
“Here,” a familiar voice said, gentle hands guiding him toward a bucket just as another wave hit. What came out was mostly liquid, and tasted even worse than when it had gone down the night before.
The hands held him steady as he spent a few minutes retching, his minder rubbing the back of his neck.
And not the person he had been expecting.
He took the offered towel to wipe his mouth as she set aside the bucket. He didn’t want to look at her just yet. Not in this state.
“Water?” she asked.
“Please,” he answered. “Not quite ready for my coffee yet, I’m afraid.”
She huffed a brief laugh and stepped away, leaving him leaning over his knees. Sitting up, let alone standing, seemed a terrible idea. He heard the tap running in his little washroom.
From the direction of his fireplace, a piercing whistle sounded, the noise splitting his head, and she cursed in her native tongue as she rushed to stop it.
“What the hells was that?” Thancred asked through the renewed ringing and pounded in his skull.
“Tea kettle. Here,” she said, setting a tray on the nightstand.
There was a glass of water, and a cup of tea steeping now; it took him a moment to identify the scent. “Is that a ginger?”
“For the nausea. Start with the water, I’ll return soon.”
“You don’t have to—”
She gently squeezed his bare shoulder—someone had gotten his shirt and boots off—as she pressed the waterglass into his hands. Then she walked away, his door opening and clicking shut again.
He sat on the edge of his bed and sipped the water, slowly, mindful of the empty bucket left nearby; she must have also dealt with that when getting the water. He wasn’t as observant as usual this morning.
So when Aeryn returned a few minutes later, he was sure to look up to give her at least a weak smile. As awful as he felt, she didn’t look much better. Her midnight hair was falling out of its cord, strands wisping around her drawn-in face. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her tanned complexion seemed ashen. She obviously hadn’t changed clothes recently, her rumpled red shirt in need of a good wash. She wasn’t wearing her usual tall boots, and he realized they had been left by his desk, her jacket slung over his chair.
She carried something steaming on a tray, and the scent of chicken broth set his empty stomach to rumbling.
“You’re too kind,” Thancred said. “Were you here all night?”
She set the tray down. “I helped Riol guide you here, but then he was called away on Braves business. You passed out before we got your boots off. I told him I’d stay, since Minfilia’s out.”
A cold sweat broke over him; he didn’t remember her arrival in the Rising Stones, didn’t remember returning to his room, didn’t remember because he had passed out…
“Can you eat?” she asked.
“I…I think so,” he managed to say, swallowing bile of another sort threatening to rise. “Is this…chicken soup?”
She nodded. “Had F’lhaminn make it. Chicken, hard-boiled egg, vegetables, noodles, salty broth, plain toast to help soak it up; all one needs to recover from a hangover. So say the alchemists back home.” Aeryn shrugged. “Always worked for my Papa, anyroad.”
He raised a brow at that as he stirred the broth; it was still rather hot. “A hard drinker, your father?”
She didn’t answer right away. “For a time, after Mama passed. Rashae—my eldest sister—convinced him to stop.”
“I see. Apologies, if I roused painful memories.”
Aeryn shook her head. “It just was.”
He cautiously ate a few spoonfuls. F’lhaminn had outdone herself on so simple a dish for his wretched sake, and his weakened stomach made it easy enough to eat slowly and savor it. He remembered the tea, and took a few sips there, too.
Thancred recalled why it had been so damned easy for Moenbryda to goad him into drinking that strange dark liquor she’d wheedled from a Mamool Ja trader.
“I thought you were in Thanalan?” Preventing yet another attempt at Ifrit’s summoning, that he yet again could not help with.
Aeryn nodded. “Soon as we’d dealt with Ifrit, we received word of Harriers moving a large number of crystals near Whitebrim, so made sure Iceheart wasn’t calling forth Shiva again. T’was a false alarm, thankfully.”
“Still, you must be exhausted, between all the fighting and teleporting.”
She smiled weakly. “I’ve had better weeks.”
“You don’t have to tend to me,” he said.
Aeryn gestured for him to keep eating the soup and drinking the tea, which he did. “You let Moen goad you.” The ‘again’ was unsaid, but present in her tone. “And you asked not to be left alone when you get too deep in your cups. So I stayed.”
It was usually Minfilia, or Yda; once Y’shtola, and she had been gentler than he had expected or deserved. He couldn’t bear to ask F’lhaminn, Papalymo, or Tataru, and he didn’t trust their newer members. Alphinaud was out of the question, when the lad was even present and not tending to his new Grand Company. Alisaie likewise wasn’t an option, even if she weren’t in the Waking Sands most often between her investigations. Urianger, too, was not present often enough, but had stayed the one time he could.
Not that Thancred tried to allow this to happen too often.
He had never dreamed of asking Aeryn to tend to him when he over-indulged. To try to keep him from going too far, imbibing too much—and failing that, helping him keep from losing more time, more memories, more of his control…
Aeryn collected his empty soup bowl and tea cup, passing him a refilled water glass. “A few more bells of rest, and you’ll be fine,” she said.
“Indeed; I feel much recovered for your ministrations already,” he said, giving her one of his more charming grins. It triggered the expected blush on her dusky cheeks, and if anything, showed how wan she herself was. “I shall take it easy today, but you must also promise you will take your rest, my friend.”
She nodded, stifling a yawn. “I have need of a shower and a long sleep myself.” She paused, looking at him biting his lip. “Go on, make your jape.”
He pretended to be affronted. “What? Surely you don’t expect me to suggest we save time and water by showering together! Why, t’would be untoward, my lady!” He gave her an exaggerated wink.
Her blush deepened and spread up her ears as she laughed. “Yes, you’re all right.” She collected her boots and jacket. “Oh, I did manage to find a new book in Coerthas—one of the merchants we aided had it on hand. Mayhap this evening we can give it a look.”
Thancred grinned. “Sounds like a plan,” he agreed. She smiled in return, and took her leave.
A plan to keep him occupied and not get into another drinking contest with Moenbryda. He bit back the uncharitable thought; Aeryn, being Aeryn, likely was simply thinking of their similar literary interests and the lively debates they tended toward. It would be a welcome distraction, from both their lovely colleague’s formidable stamina, and from Aeryn and her too-few blessed comrades facing off against such threats as primals for their sakes yet again.
Thancred bathed, changed his bedsheets, and slept more, having found that the extent of his capabilities—gods, what was in that western liquor?
He had no nightmares of cruelly laughing Paragons stealing his days and puppeteering his actions; just dreams of the ocean waves outside Vesper Bay, drowning out the Scions’ conversations, though their laughing camaraderie was visible from the distance he kept himself.
By evening Thancred felt sentient enough to make it to the common room. Moenbryda was thankfully not in this evening, apparently off to consult with Urianger. In fact, it seemed a good number of his colleagues were away, leaving him alone to sit at the bar as F’lhaminn came out of the kitchen.
“Hello, Thancred; feeling better?”
“I am, thank you. Next time Moen ropes me into a drinking contest, please stop me.”
“That’s the third time you’ve asked, and I’m sure you’ll again ignore any attempts on the fourth,” she replied dryly. “Feel up for dinner?”
“Please,” he said. “Have you seen Aeryn this eve? I should thank her, and she mentioned a new book besides.”
F’lhaminn shook her head. “Haven’t seen her since passing her that soup she insisted upon for you. I am glad it seems to have worked.”
“As am I.” He masked his disappointment; Eorzea’s champion was ever in demand for her time and attention, after all.
The rest of the evening passed pleasantly enough, chatting with his old friend, and eventually getting into a card game with some of the off-duty Crystal Braves. Thancred stuck with water, not even trusting a common ale after the previous night’s antics, and retired just slightly earlier than his usual post-midnight hours, and fell into a blessedly dreamless sleep.
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When Thancred finally shuffled out of his room at what the rest of the world incorrectly considered a “reasonable hour”, he turned the corner and paused at seeing Aeryn slowly moving through the hall herself. Normally she was already far too full of far too much chipper energy at even earlier hours than this.
“Good morning,” he said as cheerily as he could manage before coffee. “I’m sorry to have missed you last night.”
She turned toward him, about to speak, but swayed so alarmingly he automatically reached out to grasp her arm.
“Are you all right?”
“‘M fine,” she said. “Are you feeling better?”
“Right as rain, in no small part thanks to you.” He could see how flushed she was, a light sheen of sweat on her skin though she shivered, and her eyes seemed almost glassy. He put the back of his hand to her cheek and then her forehead, with no flinch nor protest from Aeryn.
“You’ve a fever,” he said. “Back to bed with you.”
“I know, but I needed to get food and liquid…”
He turned her around and walked her back to her chamber. “I’ll handle that; I do owe you, after all.” He tried to sound charming and light about it. She made a weak sound of protest, but otherwise did not fight him. “I’ll be right back,” Thancred said.
Aeryn nodded, leaving the door unlocked. He actually had to make sure it latched properly.
Thancred strode with renewed purpose to the common room. “Ah, there you are,” F’lhaminn said. “I nearly put the last of breakfast away.”
“Set some aside if you wouldn’t mind,” Thancred said. “And do you have more of that soup from yesterday?”
F’lhaminn tilted her head. “I do, why?”
He pitched his voice lower. “Aeryn’s ill; bouncing from Thanalan to Coerthas and then home again seems to have taken a toll on even her resistance.”
“Poor dear; I’d wondered where she was. I’ll get her food and juice—some of that mint tea she likes when feeling poorly—and medicine and see to her. Thank you for—”
“Actually, I can take the victuals and medication to her, whilst you tend to your other duties.”
F’lhaminn’s coral eyes watched him over the rim of her glasses. “You’re hardly one to play nursemaid.” She then sighed. “This isn’t your fault, you know.”
He suppressed a wince. “Perhaps not, though I certainly didn’t help, and I do owe her. So if you don’t mind…?” He gave F’lhaminn his sheepish charming smile, the one she knew he used when wheedling a favor from her but often gave into anyroad.
“Very well; we can start with what’s available now, and I’ll bring more later on.”
Thancred nodded, and soon enough had a full tray to carry down the hall, balancing carefully to knock on Aeryn’s door, wondering—but doubting—if she had fallen asleep.
“Come in,” was the faint reply, and he quickly stepped inside.
She might have changed back into her sleeping shift, but it was difficult to tell as she was wrapped in a blanket. She sat upon a furnishing he wasn’t sure to call either a large armchair or a small sofa, set in front of her fireplace.
He had never actually been in here before; not since they’d each claimed their rooms and moved in, at least.
“You ought to go to bed,” he admonished, setting the tray down on the low table next to the sofa.
“Cold. But can’t get the fire going.”
“F’lhaminn will stop by with more, but for now there’s a draught for your fever and a light repast.” He turned to get the fire going for her.
Aeryn was dutiful about her medicine, downing half the tall glass of juice with it. “Thank you.”
“Of course; ‘tis the very least I could do. Is there aught else you need right now?”
That little crease between her eyebrows formed as she thought. “I could use the pillows from my bed. If you don’t mind? I don’t want to move if I mustn’t.”
“A far better patient than most,” he noted, walking around the partition splitting her bed from the rest of the apartment. “Dear gods!” She made an interrogative noise. “Commenting on the frankly obscene amount of pillows you keep.”
“It helps me sleep.”
“Well I’m not bringing all of them,” he said, choosing a couple of the large ones. “This ought to do, if you won’t lie down.”
“I can rest here,” she said. “Now that I have all I need, and you’ve got the fire going.”
“Huh. Usually around here it’s a fight to keep anyone abed when they ought to be resting.”
“Drives me up a wall,” she muttered, adjusting her pillows and blankets. “Risk more harm with injuries, prolong illnesses. S’stupid, for such a smart group.”
He laughed. “If nothing else, this fever has loosened your tongue.”
She blushed, ducking her head. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be, the candor is refreshing. ‘Tis an unusual mindset for an adventurer, I’d think.”
“Wasn’t always,” she said, propping her chin on her hand as she watched the fire. “I studied magic, but everyone thought I ought to formally study alchemy, ‘specially after nursing my mother.”
“Ah. Got used to taking care of others that way, then?”
“And myself. I didn’t,” she hesitated. “I don’t like to be a bother.”
“My dear, the last thing you are is a bother,” he said sincerely, and smiled as she blushed again. “And on that note, is there aught else you need at the moment?” She hesitated, that blush deepening and spreading further. “Come now; out with it. You’ve already seen me at my worst, if it helps.”
“S’nothing like that, I just…Um. Could you maybe…stay? And read with me? I’m not going to be able to sleep yet but dunno that I can focus well enough on my own and I don’t wanna be bored and…” she shrugged as she trailed off.
“Rambling, even, with this illness,” he teased. “But very well. I must admit, I was disappointed we missed our reading last night, but we can make up for it now.”
She smiled gratefully. He brought the desk chair over, found the book with a little direction—her pack was more of a stuffed mess than he’d expected—and ended up doing most of the reading, as Aeryn listened and offered her comments and opinions as usual.
F’lhaminn checked in, bringing more soup and tea for them both. She said little except a reminder that Aeryn needed to rest, and debating character motivations and plot impacts in a novel stopped counting with as animated and argumentative as the pair could get.
“She’s not wrong,” Thancred said after F’lhaminn left, as Aeryn sipped her tea. “I should let you get some sleep. We can talk more when you’re feeling better.”
Aeryn made a face, but nodded. “Thank you, for staying.”
“Of course. Need anything before I go?”
“Make sure the fire lasts, if you don’t mind? I’m just going to sleep here.”
“Very well.” Thancred said, checking on the logs and prodding them into a longer, slower burning arrangement as she adjusted her nest of blankets and pillows.
“Thancred? Might I ask a…delicate question?” she asked, already sounding drowsy.
“By all means.”
“I’ve been wondering, since yesterday…does it bother you?”
He tensed. “Does what bother me?” He thought of the dark gap in his memory of the night before last, and of the few others preceding it, and before that the too long, too dark loss of time and control and…
“The scar.”
He frowned. “You’ll have to be more specific, I’m afraid.” He recalled that his shirt had been removed along with his boots; he had not always had an easy life, the reminders of that scattered across his skin. It was not the first time he had been bare-chested before a comrade, but he didn’t have anything recent that was particularly interesting or eye-catching.
“The one I left on you. When,” she hesitated.
“…Ah.” That one.
Part of his waking and realizing how much time he had lost, what all that bastard had done, had been finding out how damaged his body was afterwards; Lahabrea had neglected to do much eating or sleeping, and it had taken its toll.
There was also a magically-enhanced rapier cut on Thancred’s chest, from when Aeryn had driven the Ascian out of his body.
“Happily, the Elder Seedseer and Y'shtola are rather adept with healing magics. Though I must say, obtaining such an impressive mark from the Warrior of Light and having lived to tell the tale is quite the boon when speaking to ladies,” he said, keeping his tone teasing.
“I just…I’m sorry.”
“Please don’t be; I shan’t ever be able to repay what you did for me.” He continued to poke the fire. “You know, I’ve never asked; did I leave any marks upon your lovely frame?”
“That was Lahabrea,” she said through a yawn. “You’d never willfully hurt one of us.”
He sucked in a breath, a sharp ache in his chest at that trusting response. “I’d like to think not,” he said quietly. “Yet I was the tool which he used. And you did not answer.”
She still did not. When he finally turned to look, her eyes were closed, though he was certain she was not actually asleep yet.
“All right,” he conceded. He made certain she had water near at hand, and turned down the lights. He paused at the door to look back, and was fairly certain even in the dim light that she was surreptitiously watching him. “Rest well, Aeryn,” he said as he left.
He stood outside her room for a long moment, knowing it was only late afternoon, perhaps early evening. Part of him wanted a drink. A greater part of him knew that was a bad idea, especially with one of those few he trusted to watch over him now ill herself, after already tending to his inebriation.
Perhaps a sparring match with Hoary would serve as a distraction. Thancred ambled down the hall, rubbing at the spot on his chest where under his shirt sat the scar from the friend that had pulled him out of the dark.
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mermmarie · 5 months
do you think the kids or even splinter actually like Hot Soup? or is that just a warcry. do you think they would have their minds blown by spicy soup?
Sorry for the delay on this, but I think it's both!!
Actually, a year or two ago I was thinking of making a "Hot soup the boys make you" kind of x reader headcanon thingy. But I think I'll just dive into what the boys (and Splinter) prefer here…
Donnie has little to no tolerance for spicy foods, and he's not ashamed to admit it. His go to soup is just the generic Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup. It's simple and sweet. He'll throw it in the microwave to then pour it into a thermos to sip on the go.
Mikey likes to add spice to his food and can tolerate a decent level of heat. His hot soups of choice would probably have a lot of flavors, so he enjoys stuff like Thai Curry, Butternut Squash, and Black Bean and Roasted Jalapeno Soup.
Leo, like his twin, does not do well with heat but he tries. When they order out or eat in at a restaurant, he'll often pick something with spice regardless of the fact that it makes his nose run and eyes water. He loves spice but it doesn't love him. His preferred is Hot and Sour Soup and Spicy Pho.
Raph surprisingly has a pretty good tolerance for spicy foods, although he doesn't venture out to eat overly hot stuff because he finds the taste bitter. He definitely prefers hearty hot soups. Chili's, (if you consider them to be soup.) Sometimes he snacks on peppers because of the mouth feel, and to show up Leo.
Splinter had a better tolerance of spice/heat when he was human, but after his mutation he became a little sensitive the aromas. (The rat nose is too strong) Although he is really good at hiding his struggle unlike his blue son. Kimchee soup is his favorite. Thank you for the ask! 💖
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mariacallous · 5 months
Schnitzel is one of the ultimate comfort foods. It’s hard not to like a food that is fried and golden brown. Schnitzel is commonly made from chicken or veal, but you’ll also find vegetarian versions made from celery root, or in this case, cabbage.
Any recipe for schnitzel always catches my eye, and I’ve often come across cabbage schnitzel in Russian and Eastern European cooking. Meat in that part of the world could be scarce, and cooks came up with creative solutions for making vegetables taste richer. Cabbage was also often one of the only fresh vegetables available during the long winter months. Even after immigrating to the United States with its year-round abundance of all foods, cabbage is still a favored vegetable among families from the former U.S.S.R. We ate a lot of it in my own Russian Jewish home: cooked, fermented, in soups, or in salads. I especially love cabbage as a meat stand-in for its texture, volume, and versatility.
Cabbage schnitzel can be made with boiled cabbage leaves that are folded into envelope shapes that then get battered, coated with breadcrumbs, and fried just like a chicken schnitzel. But my preferred style of cabbage schnitzel requires less work, and instead employs a thick batter of shredded cooked cabbage, breadcrumbs, and beaten eggs to form the schnitzels. This style of cabbage patty ends up with a schnitzel shape and thickness, golden brown outer layer, and crispy edges.
You can serve this unexpectedly rich entrée with a squeeze of lemon and fresh dill for added brightness. Cabbage schnitzel can also be topped with a dollop of sour cream, and I’ve been known to use some hot sauce for heat. While there are a few steps to this recipe, each one is simple, the ingredients are few, the cooking time is quick, and the payoff is big. Cabbage schnitzel tastes little of cabbage and instead transforms into something savory, caramelized, meaty and satisfying.
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kenkubluk · 10 months
grocery list time~
literally just get these things if you want a vegan low cal life, because you can control portions and make things you enjoy eating with less calories- i made some example recipes under the list:
SPICES. please make the investment into SPICES!
->continuation of spices, heres a basic list- cocoa powder, cinnamon, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, veggie bouillon powder/cubes, salt, pepper, lemon pepper, etc (you can find more online but please dont forget it)
->and simple sauces like soy sauce, basic hot sauce, mustard, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, etc.
stevia or agave fruit sweetener. (please make sure whatever you choose you dont buy any sweetener with aspartame!!)
dairy free yogurt (i’ve heard coconut is good)
dairy free butter (earthbalance is my fav by far)
-> you could also make due with olive oil (cooking)
1st milk for normal stuff- unsweet cashew milk or unsweet creamy almond milk
->2nd milk for cooking- i suggest soymilk but creamy coconutmilk works good too
tofu. extra firm and silky work for different things (meat substitutes, egg substitute, diff. milk products substitutes) get either/both
carrots, mushrooms, chickpeas, and cauliflower all make good meat substitutes (bacon, chicken nuggets, pulled pork, etc) if cooked properly
OATS! plain oats are soooo versatile (used as flour, cereal, granola, crust, etc)
ricecakes (i use it as replacement for toast)
Pumpkin or sweet potato (in NO SYRUP canned form, very good for cooking low cal desserts or protein bars)
apple sauce (used for cooking and just yum- can be an egg substitute)
low cal noodle types- chickpea, edamame, shirataki, konjac, cauliflower, zucchini, spaghetti squash, and i think miracle noodle
literally any and all veggies and fruits- but a reminder of basics are broccoli, cucumber, onions, spinach, beets, eggplant, tomato, zucchini, potato, apple, banana, grapes, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, watermelon, mango, etc
WARNING ⚠️ be careful of sugar free drink flavor packets as they contain aspartame and other strange ingredients that ppl have complained of side effects- i would suggest to steer clear of many of the packets and go for a large unsweetened lemonade or fruit punch bin of flavoring so you can make it yourself. please check ingredients for health reasons.
-> HOWEVER, drinks like olipop, simple truth organic, waterloo, and zevia all have flavored water/sparkling water/cola drinks that are aspartame free.
I highlighted things that i think are really important
Veggie dip: yogurt, seasoning spices (ranch seasoning is goated), and a tbsp or lemon or soysauc, all mixed and best used as a “veggie chip” dip, like baked cucumber chips
Literally any cake/protein bar: oats blended, protein powder, 1/2cup apple sauce OR mashed banana, some milk, and whatever toppings you like
Granola: oats, chia seeds, cut up fruit pieces, and maple syrup or honey for binding. mix in bag, bake on baking sheet on pan.
Hot n sour soup: you can use hot n sour packet or make veggie bouillon and add hot sauce, soy sauce, and tsp chili powder. Then (to whichever mix you’ve made) add egg mixing around, and then add extra firm tofu in little cubes. Let the soup mix well and set a little while cooling.
Nicecream: freeze banana. add banana, tbsp of milk, 2 tbsp of yogurt, tbsp of sweetener, and a fruit of choice (a tbsp of protein powder also will help). blend with blender and then let it sit for a minute- add whatever you want on top
my best “toast”: seasalt ricecake, spread 1tbsp vegan cream cheese, and then spread 1.5 tbsp of organic raspberry jelly.
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Elves' Reaction to Modern Cuisines
Request: Hi now that requests are open can you please do what would the reaction of the elves be introducing them to our worlds cuisines the same ones I listed: Korean, French, Indian, Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, Italian and if that's to broad for you just pick one and make a reaction out of it. - @lulu-mix
A/N: I picked a few to write because one wouldn't be enough lol. I didn't highlight any of the elves as I normally do since everyone I matched to the respective cuisines would love it. Enjoy.
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Italian cuisine
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When you introduce them to your favourite Italian cuisines, you could literally see their eyes widening in wonder at the table of meals prepped before them. Their first meal to sample would be an Italian classic, pizza. The thinly baked bread topped with tomatoes, basil, peppers, olive oil, garlic and mozzarella would make their eyes widen upon the first bite. “This tastes far better than toast with tomatoes my dear!” The next meal would be Spaghetti alla Gricia which would make them clear the plate. You’d leave them eating to go get the other meals and return to meet the plate almost cleared. I can see them liking both the previous meals a lot which would make Arancini a favourite of theirs. It’s similar to pizza and pasta dishes since the ingredients are close. They’d question you on the little white grains in the balls and how you made them. As for dessert, finish things off with gelato. A cool, rich and creamy dessert to melt away the heat on a hot day. This would perhaps be their most favourite meal since it can be eaten any time and they’d ask you to make it more often. Their favourite flavours are raspberry and mangoes – the tangy and sweet combo is enjoyable.
Maglor, Caranthir, Celegorm, Amras, Fingolfin, Fingon, Turgon, Finrod, Aegnor, Glorfindel, Rog, Galdor
Japanese cuisine
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As someone who’s very observant and careful about their actions, they aren’t the type to just eat about anything. The food has to appear decorative/pleasant in their eyes for them to even consider, which makes Japanese cuisine a favourite of theirs. The first dish that you can prepare is Sashimi – raw meat. The first dish might be a bit questioning since all their meats were cooked but prepare their dipping sauce and their mind would change. Alongside the sashimi, you would serve Miso soup. I can see some being a lover of fish – which is a heavy ingredient in their cuisine – so seafood being added to their soup would make them smile and enjoy it. They would enjoy the simplicity of Japanese cuisine and their flavourful combinations of sweet, spic, salty, bitter and sour. Each meal you serve would balance out the other well. Tempura for the savoury element and the crispiness; it would become a favourite side dish to pair with meals. As simple as this next meal is, no meal is completed with rice. Every meal you make will be accompanied by rice. As for other dishes, Takoyaki and Nerikiri are just some they also love, mostly Nerikiri for the colours and designs. They found it difficult to consume the beautifully designed snack. Their favourite would be the Sakura Nerikiri that you served during spring.
Feanor, Maedhros, Caranthir, Curufin, Fingolfin, Turgon, Finarfin, Angrod, Ecthelion, Egalmoth
Chinese cuisine
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As elves who have great pride in appearance and the image of their surroundings, Chinese cuisine would suit them due to its variety in colours and presentation, and meanings. First and foremost, a meal that they would solely enjoy to the fullest would be a Hot Pot. A dish that contains a variety of ingredients – both meats and vegetables – and is full of colours would catch these fancy elven eyes. They’d probably want to put every meat in the soup. Along with the Hot Pot, dumplings are going to be served in all different flavours. From shrimp to chicken to beef or even vegetables, all are going to be sampled. Their cheeks are going to be stuffed and puffy from all the dumplings they shoved in their mouth. A favourite of mine, Char Siu and Sweet and Sour pork are meals they would fancy. The savoury combinations of spices and the vibrant colours would send their taste buds into a frenzy. For the oddest reason and not to be generic, some would be a lover of collecting Fortune cookies just to read what’s inside. I firmly agree that they would believe in the inscriptions written. For a final dessert, whenever the elves' new year is approaching, you would make him the Eight Treasure Rice Pudding to celebrate with them since it’s made for New Year. They are going to be in awe of the vibrant colours before sampling.
Feanor, Maglor, Celegorm, Amrod, Fingon, Argon, Finrod, Aegnor, Glorfindel, Egalmoth, Rog, Maeglin
Korean cuisine
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As we know, Korean dishes are a perfect mixture of sweet, savoury and spicy. They love to combine their foods to create new and improving flavours, so to start them off, you’d give them Kimchi, but not the overly spicy one. Served with it, you’d make him Samgyetang explaining to them the reason for the consumption, “fight the heat with heat, so have some hot soup on a hot day”. During late evenings when you two are relaxing, you’d introduce Chimaek – chicken and beer. I can see this combination being a favourite of theirs as it falls under a snack/appetizer. It’s the alcohol incorporated. During your late evenings, something that would blow their mind would be Korean barbeque (I don’t know how you’re setting that up but just call me to eat). While barbequing your meats, the both of you will indulge in soju (beer) and making Samgyeosal (meat wraps). The barbeque would become a highlight of their days whenever they were stressed. Throw in some Haemul pajeon and serve it up with some Makgeolli (rice wine) and watch as they melt into a kaleidoscope of flavours. Can’t go anywhere without desserts, so when the days are hot, serve them up some Bingsu – give them chocolate and mango flavoured – and watch the steam evaporate. If you can get bubble tea, I think that’s the most unsure dessert they’d try because of the boba pearls, but they’d come around and enjoy it.
Maedhros, Celegorm, Caranthir, Amrod, Amras, Celebrimbor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Argon, Finarfin, Finrod, Aegnor, Glorfindel, Ecthelion, Rog, Maeglin
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings
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Broccoli Cheddar VS Tom Yum
Broccoli Cheddar is a cheesy soup with broccoli, a simple soup.
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Tom Yum, also know as Hot & Sour soup, is a type of spicy Thai soup, usually cooked with shrimp or prawn.
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sinfullapis · 1 year
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The Skyrim Border Skirmish
Sort of forgot to share this piece WAY sooner; I finished an older piece depicting my Khajiit OC Ardene Marquet as her tale as the Dragonborn of Skyrim begins...~ ... ... ... Past the border between Cyrodill and into Skyrim, it's cold but the weather has been forgiving with a bright warm sun to contrast the blanket powdery snow coating the Tundra landscape A lone Khajiit wakes up from a deep slumber, cozily rolled up in her furs and blankets in a worn, meager tent. its small but comforting, and it sure kept her warm overnight the campfire before her still smoulders with embers, as this awfully short Cathay, still bundled up in her thick fur linens stumbles out with a groggy look in her eye, rubbing the sleep out her face as she looks to add more firewood to the flame its a bright and sunny morning, and so while the cat wakes up, she begins to prepare two pots; one full of snow looking to be melted down into a boil, and another with what looked like bits of travelling pot soup, ready to be properly reduced into a warm hearty soup~ the hungry Khajiit had caught a fish the night before and left it hanging to dry a bit, and her stomach growled in anticipation as she looked forward to her day~ Nude underneath her fur wraps, the Khajiit patiently waited for the first pot to boil some, and once it warmed up nicely, she let the water cool a small bit before bathing in its soothing warmth, contrasting the brisk tundra snow as she let the steaming hot water soak her thoroughly any aches in her bones melted away, and she quickly dried off before the moisture that clung to her fur could freeze and turn a pleasant evening very sour by the time she wrapped herself in some simple tunic, the other pot already began to simmer, and the frozen forest filled with the smell of pleasant soup, as she began to prepare the fish for a boil. She hummed to herself as she worked; it was lonely out here but all things considered, the Khajiit was pleased. Certainly, she was having a much better time than how she was long ago... with the fish prepared and now stewing in a pot full of travel soup, the Khajiit waited and waited. her stomach growled some, so to take her mind off it, she decided to wander around the nearby thicket while her breakfast cooked~ As she hopped from conveniently placed stones and overturned logs, she caught whiff of... something else in the air burning? it couldn't be her food, she was careful in her preparation; then what was it?... The smell intensified, burning, it agitated her nostrils; there were many flames. She knew she couldn't linger there, so she retreated as briskly as she could to her camp she'd be safe here... Right?... The lone Khajiit waited in her tent, she didn't dare move, didn't dare try to leave her tent. There was a deep silence, cut by the nearby bubbling of fish stew, and the occasional wind that pierced the evergreen trees near the camp One breath... Two breaths... Three... A loud, ear-splitting thunk shatters the silence as an arrow whizzes past the leather canopy of the tent, embedding itself into the sturdy bark of the tree the tent was propped up on. More came, like a deadly rainfall that pierced the tree's, the smell of smoke and burning grew and grew, there was shouting. The Khajiit dare not peek from her tent, though her cowardice need not matter. Towering Nords, like frightening wolves barreling towards the camp, clad in silvers and blues, many of them wounded and bleeding They flooded the camp, shouting and screaming, they tore through like a terrible storm, fierce blizzard winds toppling everything and anything as the poor Khajiit's tent was torn asunder There she saw, a violent skirmish, blood spattering the once glistening white snow Soldiers clad in blue, clashing against warriors in sturdy leather and greens Arrows filled the silence in between shouts, swords clashed as warriors fell, staining the ground red, a bloody battlefield as soldiers fell like flies to swords and great hammers and piercing arrows She couldn't find it in her to scream, her body froze as she curled further into herself, breath losing control fear all she knew was fright and terror She tried to stumble to her feet, regaining some of her senses as a fireball quaked the ground and scorched the earth and snow, alongside two soldiers now screaming blood-curdling cries as their skin and flesh singed, bubbling and molten from the violent flames Stumbling, unable to keep her balance, she tries to reach for her bow but as she regains her footing a Nord crashes into her shoulder, knocking both to the ground "Out of the WAY Cat!!" he shouts, spittle and blood flinging from his lips as he pushed the helpless Khajiit head-first into the snow, clambering back to his feet before sprinting off into the woods; his once azure blue robes now stained with the blood of his enemies and comrades seconds, then minutes For all she knew, hours could've passed The cries seemed to stop at some point... though she couldn't say when She stayed huddled there in the freezing snow, unmoving, shivering madly, not from cold, but from a deep, festering terror that clung at her soul with a vice. Was she going to die? Will this be over soon? She's forced to her feet by some brute hand, dragging her into the air by her hair as she yelps; there, she can finally see the forest around here no longer welcoming embers and smoke filled the air around them, it was difficult to breathe, and all around them were now freezing pools of blood, smelling of heavy iron that brought the cat to her senses "What do we do about this one?" exclaimed a voice, likely the Imperial still holding her in a crushing grip "We'll bring what we can, anyone still alive, we'll take them to Helgen and judge them there" shouted another voice. "We have the Bear of Markarth, round up any other stragglers and let's get a move on." Hyperventilating now, she'd have likely passed out anyways were it not for the sudden blunt force at the back of her head. Her world became darkness... ... ...... Falling in and out of conciousness. It was cold. Everything hurt, her head especially, like an iron ball resting upon her shoulders threatening to cave in her skull The world was fuzzy still all around her, but as she stirred still, a voice sang to her in the confusion. "You... You're finally awake?..."
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yourfoodiedesires · 2 years
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Too Salty
For soup dishes, dilute with water. Add a raw cut potato while cooking to absorb salts.
Add acidity with white wine vinegar or lemon.
Soak uncooked meats that are too salty in water for 2 hours.
Add a creamy component like avocado, sour cream, or heavy cream, if possible.
Too Spicy
Add dairy like sour cream, mayo, or plain yogurt.
Add some texture like rice or quinoa. Add a little sugar.
Stir in a tablespoon of nut butter.
Add more of the non-spicy ingredients included in the recipe.
Too Sweet
Add lemon or lime juice to balance sugar.
Add fats, such as olive oil or avocado.
Do NOT add salt.
Too Sour
Add a bit of honey or sugar to dishes with excessive vinegar.
Add chopped carrots to overly acidic sauces.
Poor Searing
You may be flipping the meat too soon or too often. It is ready to flip when your spatula slides underneath easily.
Make sure the pan is hot enough before adding meat. Wait for oil to ripple. Medium to medium-high quickly cooks the outside while sealing in moisture.
Food is Soggy or Doesn't Brown
Overcrowding a pan prevents steam from escaping and increases moisture. Make sure there is no overlapping.
Deep-Fried Food Too Greasy
Make sure the frying oil is heated to between 325 and 400 degrees. Hotter oil repels water.
Frying in smaller batches helps maintain hot oil temperature.
Rubbery Hard-Boiled Eggs
Immediately submerge cooked eggs in cold water to halt the cooking process.
Overcooked or Soggy Pasta
Heat oil in a large shallow pan and add drained pasta.
Add plenty of salt to the water. This helps prevent sogginess by roughing up the surface.
Uneven Cake
Wrap Bake-Even strips around the pan, or make your own – cut a towel into strips, soak in water, and tie around pan.
With a clean paper towel, gently push down on the raised top of a baked cake while still hot. oven. syrup.
If top of cake is cracked, carefully slice it off with a serrated bread knife.
If cake is tasty but too crumbly, try making a trifle by layering cake pieces in a deep bowl with whipped cream and fruit.
Cracked Layer Cake
Cracks in cakes are usually caused by a too-hot
Dry Cake
Poke holes in the top and brush with simple sugar
Not Baking Evenly
Make sure dough is rolled and distributed evenly.
Check if oven temperature is accurate with an oven thermometer.
Test for hot spots. Toast slices of bread in the middle of the rack and note more toasted areas. Avoid these spots or rotate pans while baking.
Cookies Spread Too Much
Let butter soften to room temperature for about an hour. Don't microwave.
Place eggs in warm water for 10 minutes to reach room temperature.
Make sure baking powder and soda are fresh and active.
Chill the dough before baking.
Weird Texture
Sift flour to aerate it out for consistent measurements. Level with the flat edge of a knife.
Use the right kind of measuring cup for liquid and dry ingredients.
Egg Whites Won't Fluff
Use room temperature eggs.
Use a copper, stainless steel, or glass bowl and dry mixers.
Whip at high speed until stiff peaks form and stay when you lift beater out of the bowl.
Sunken Baked Goods
Put batter in the oven as soon as it is ready.
Do NOT open the oven door while baking.
Make sure you use the right amount of rising agent.
Too Firm and Chewy
Avoid over mixing the dough or cranking up the speed of your mixer.
Mix wet ingredients first, then add dry ingredients. This prevents the over development of gluten.
Cookies Harden After Cooling
Make sure oven temperature is accurate with oven thermometer.
If using a dark cookie sheet, reduce temperature by 25°F.
Grease cookie sheets sparingly, or use parchment
Storage Changed Cookie Consistency
Always cool cookies completely before storing.
Don't combine crisp and soft cookies in the same container.
Store in airtight containers.
Store soft cookies with apple wedge to retain moisture.
"Re-crisp" crisp cookies by baking at 300°F for five minutes and cool on rack.
Don't refrigerate cookies unless they have a cream or custard filling. paper.
Melted Chocolate Clumping
Add a small amount of vegetable oil and stir.
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provedlovelessindeath · 11 months
Doc I'm hungry tell all of your boys to make food for me so I can judge them and then eat all of them like a hungry corgi.
Hmmm. Eating the food and not the men, right? Anyways:
Cassius: He can make simple dishes! Eggs, cup ramen, hot dogs, sandwiches, food your dad makes when mom isn't home, lol. He's never had the time or patience to try to make anything better and is of the mentality that 'food is food'. After growing up with food being scarce, he is not picky at all.
Ame: Really? You're asking HIM to cook? .... he cant say no to you... FINE. He'll try showing off by buying a cute apron, pulling his hair up and making himself up in the mirror to be the cutest thing you'll ever see, but... when he's actually trying things in the kitchen, it's a mess. He tries making you some simple muffins or cookies. There's dough everywhere, he broke a nail, his ponytail is messed up, he almost broke down twenty times but he's still waiting for them in the oven. Once they're out, they actually look... edible, at least. He's scared, but if you pick one up, eat it, and tell him it tastes good, he will beam, and the rush of tears he held back will come out full swing. He's a sheltered, pampered boy, but he tries for you, and your praise feels so *good* when he earns it.
Ragnar: Ooooo, good luck, this boy is a mixed bag. He likes foods that are super spicy, super bitter, and super sour. You'll find he has a special closet of pickled foods he keeps for snackinf purposes. He only bothered to cook stuff he likes, so hopefully, you'll like the food he makes too. Otherwise, it may be better to make your own...
Varrik: Surprisingly, the man can cook a little. He learned some healthy stuff for himself in preparation for college and just kept expanding; he makes actual tasty salads, hearty soups, loaded potatoes, vitamin-rich smoothies, and can even cook some steaks when the mood strikes him. Because he's so busy nowadays, he doesn't cook as often and gets takeout from some good restaurants instead. If you ask him nicely, though, he'll set aside time to make you a special meal. He wants to treat you every once in a while.
Ludivic: The BEST cook out of everyone. He's gonna give you whatever he knows is your favorite dish; it's probably something he made during your 4 years as dorm mates anyway. He's gifted in the culinary arts, and fed you well to keep you from ever considering switching room mates. Go ahead, ask him for ANYTHING.
Xandar: Please settle for takeout because he will literally burn water. He lived with his parents taking care of all his food, and after being kicked out into adulthood, he has survived on cheap, reheatable dinners. Please. Please please please please dont make him embarrass himself like this. Please, he WILL try pulling a Skinner and go get burgers to pass as his own, PLEASE HAVE MERCY.
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