#siblings mari and jay
seungmo2meters · 8 days
How I Think Enhypen Would React If They Had A Latina Girlfriend + Things They Would Do
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Heeseung 🦌
Listen mk… EVAN LEE WOULD BE ON HIS KNEES FOR YOU BABY.Like did you NOT see him look at they stunning Latina woman at the concert in Dallas.Boi was in HEAVEN.
•would call you Mami,or Mama
Ya know this miss me low rise jeans YEA if that boi saw you in those miss me low rise jeans YEA THOSE he wouldn’t get his eyes off of ya
NOW if you had siblings he would probably help his sibling take there revenge on you than laugh evily
Jay 🦅
now I could really see the first three in the thing line with a Latina girl ok but jay he wouldn’t be TO high key about being a simp but in reality boi is prayin that he can stay with you forever.
•would call you amor
•would call your Mãdre and LITERALLY sit there for hours asking her about your fav Hispanic foods so he could cook it
•would learn Spanish for you
•Would take you to your home country and rent a yacht through it
Don’t tell me you don’t see Jake with a latina aight.
•would sit there and watch you get ready and ask what each product is
•would by you little gifts from your home country
•would TRY keyword TRY to attempt Spanish but failed (bruh thanks hola is flipping French )
Would thank you amazing in literally ANYTHING
•would call you mami
• would lay for Boobies but not in a sexual way he would just lay there and prob fall asleep
Sunghoon 🐧
I couldn’t see him with a Latina sorry BUT he would like it if you wore low rose jeans and would prob smack you butt when you wear them
Jungwon 🐱
•Wonie would LOVE having a Latina gf like there pretty
•bonds over fav songs
•eats Mexican food with you
•wears those holy Mary bracelts that is at you mãdres house
honestly Sunoo and a Latina gf would slay aight don’t agree on me this or do idk it would honestly just slay
eats takis with you 24/7 “___ when is mom shopping is some more we are almost out
•complements you ALOT
•your own personal stylist
• buys skincare from you country and tries it out with you
NOW LADIES AND GENTLEMAN I think Niki would look really good with a Latina gf I could see it happen
•would get flustered when you speak Spanish for the first time but tries to hide it
• love when you wear low rise jeans and off shoulder combo
• food lover pt3. • would ask you when your gonna make more Mexican food
would also lay on your Boobies but obvi not in a sexual way he just thinks there comfortable
would be scared of you after he saw you hit you sibling with a chancla and stayed away from you for three days
• would also lay on you boobies when he’s play COD
•would try to learn Spanish and did pretty good already consider you as his “wifey”
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audhd-nightwing · 29 days
pjo x batkids
neither of them know they’re demigods, dick thought john grayson was his bio dad and jason thought catherine was his bio mom.
hermes met dick’s mom while she was traveling with the circus. he stayed with marie for about two years after dick was born (taking care of him while she performed) before leaving. a few years later she met john grayson and fell in love. she would often read dick greek myths but never told him about his parentage.
after dick’s parents die in gotham, he (10) is sent to juvie and then an orphanage, which he runs away from.
he survives on the streets for a few months by busking (performing tricks for money) and living in abandoned buildings that no one else can reach. he then meets 8 year old jason todd who is living with catherine and willis todd. they bond pretty much immediately and dick visits him every day. they do cons and steal tires together, plus dick is an expert pickpocket. he is there for jason when catherine and then willis die, and they live in willis’ shitty apartment together.
about a year later they are found by a satyr who explains that they are demigods and that there’s a summer camp for kids like them. they are VERY distrustful at first because that sounds crazy but also it’s a satyr so maybe they’re not lying. eventually they decide they might as well go, gotham is a shithole anyway.
they get to CHB without incident bc neither of them really attract monsters and the Gotham Stench hides their scents anyway. they are the first of the batkids to arrive at camp.
dick (11) is claimed by hermes about three weeks after arriving. him and jason (9) live at camp year-round. when he’s 16 dick becomes head counselor of hermes cabin.
son of athena. father unknown. was left on the streets and found by catherine todd, who convinced willis to take him in. he was living with them when he met dick. they immediately bonded and after jason is orphaned they live together, until a year later when a satyr finds them.
he’s not claimed for a while after arriving, but doesn’t really mind bc it means he gets to stay with dick. eventually claimed years later but still eats lunch with the hermes cabin cuz dick is his family.
hades/bruce meets lady shiva and falls in love with her deadliness. they have a child together but he has to abandon her bc the ‘no more kids’ pact the big 3 have.
sandra wu-san meets david cain while pregnant and tasks him with training her daughter. he agrees and lady shiva leaves soon after giving birth. cain does not know she’s a demigod. he trains her to be the perfect weapon and hades/bruce can do nothing about it without alerting his brothers to her existence.
her powers manifest after the first time she kills someone (at 8), and she runs away. she travels across the world for years until a satyr finds her and brings her to CHB. she (10) is claimed soon after, and enjoys living alone in the hades cabin. chiron and babs teach her how to read and speak, even tho she’s learned a bit over the years. she arrives a year after dick (12) & jason (10)
athena met jack and janet drake at one of their archeological digs, and admired their intellect. she gave them tim as a gift. jack and janet spent the first few years of his life at home with him, until they decided he was old enough to join them on their travels. he was an incredibly smart child and was very self-sufficient, so it didn’t cause them any trouble. he didn’t go to school, but had a tutor that accompanied them on their trips.
when he is 10 his parents die in a plane crash that he survives. after their funeral, he ditches NYC (where they were buried) and athena sends an owl to guide him to camp. he arrives at CHB about a year after cass (11) and 2 years after dick (13) & jason (11). he is jay’s favorite bio sibling.
daughter of hermes. raised by crystal brown in gotham until a satyr finds her (11) and brings her to camp. frequently exchanges letters with her mom. arrives a year after tim (11), two years after cass (12), and three years after dick (14) and jason (12)
claimed few months after arriving at camp. she is dick’s favorite bio sibling
son of apollo. one of the rare apollo children that can control light. raised by his mom in newark until they were attacked by a monster and his mom was injured.
he left in order to keep her safe, and went to CHB (which apollo had told her about, and she told duke about). he keeps in contact with her through letters and iris messages. he is claimed about a month after arriving at camp. he (11) arrives two years after steph (13), three years after tim (13), four years after cass (14) and five years after dick (16) and jason (14)
similar to lady shiva, bruce/hades is captivated by talia’s deadliness. they have a child together, which she tries to hide from ra’s, but he soon finds out and learns he is a demigod. to him, this makes him even more fit to ascend the demon throne (the LoA is a cult, and the lazarus pit is magic).
damian is trained to defeat monsters and humans alike, and is gifted a stygian iron sword for his fifth birthday. bruce/hades had told talia about CHB, and she is finally able to send damian there when he is 10.
he arrives three years after duke (14), five years after steph (16), six years after tim (16), seven years after cass (17), and eight years after dick (19) and jason (17)
has been at CHB since she was 13, the same year dick & jason arrived. she is the new oracle of delphi. basically rachel elizabeth dare. is 21 when damian arrives. was paralyzed at 16 when she tried to interfere with a prophecy, and has been in a wheelchair since
daughter of ares, became a Hunter of Artemis at 16 (the year duke arrived at CHB)
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MDC Commissions: The Ghost King
(A series of one shots where Marinette has some extremely unusual clients. What could possible go wrong? ao3)
When Marinette moved to Gotham after retiring as Ladybug, she had expected craziness and chaos. And living with her biological father and his family, had made her believe that she had seen everything. For example, when she sat down to breakfast that morning she had been fully prepared to see Damian and Jason engaged in a rubber band war over the head of a slumped Tim, who couldn't decide if he was awake or asleep. She didn't flinch to see Dick balancing six trays of breakfast food, while Alfred followed him with barely concealed panic. She didn't even raise an eyebrow when Bruce came in with bag under his eyes, and switched Tim's coffee with his own empty mug. Barbara rolling in arguing about the probability of aliens owning all of the bowling alleys with Duke was a completely casual conversation. And Steph filming everything while she cackled was just the cherry on top. 
She sat down next to Cass (the only other kid who was quiet), as Dick precariously started setting down the trays, and Bruce called for his other two sons to sit down. They were getting a little violent, and he wasn't having much luck. It was only once the last tray was on the table, that everyone finally settled down to eat, but Marinette had a feeling that it was only a matter of time before Jason and Damian decided to start chucking food at each other. At which point, Dick would yell "Food Fight" and they'd all be required by sibling law to join in. However, Marinette was not prepared for what happened literally two seconds after everyone was seated.
Alfred had just set down the coffee pot, causing Tim to jerk awake, when a bright flash of light in the middle of the table had everyone leaping into a fighting stance. They stood silent as they watched the glowing ball of light drift lazily around the table and settle in front of her. She squinted as it flashed blindingly before dropping something on her plate with an audible "Thunk." Marinette blinked the stars out of her eyes and stared down at a thick, glowing green scroll. It was very official looking with a glowing green wax seal and a golden center. 
Marinette stared at it in wonder, and took a long sip of her coffee. It was far to early for this. 
"Uh Mari," Dick was the first to speak as they all stared at the scroll. "What's that?"
She looked up at him blank faced, "It's a scroll Dick."
"I know that but---" Dick scoffed but Steph interrupted him with an eager, 
"What's it say?"
"I wouldn't open it Mars," Duke said hesitantly, "That green light around it is...well it's some powerful other worldly shit, I'll say that much."
"Hmm," Marinette hummed.
"Still," Barbara said, "We can't ignore it. What if it's Guardian business?"
"Has the Order ever contacted you this way before?" Bruce asked eyeing the thing like it was a bomb full of joker gass.
"Nope," Marinette said still not moving. 
"We should destroy it," Damian said simply reaching for the sword he had stashed under the table. 
"Bad idea," Cass said softly, "Important."
"But it could be a trap," Tim said lifting his mug and staring in confusion when he found it empty. "I can run some tests on it maybe."
"I'm with Demon," Jason said gruffly, "That thing is giving me the heebie jeebies."
"Did you just say heebie jeebies?" Stephanie said in confusion. 
"Whatever it is I don't think you should touch it Mari," Bruce said.
"Seriously Jay?" Steph said, "Heebie Jeebies?" 
"I agree with father," Damian said tensely, "This thing reeks of magic. Perhaps we should call a magic user." 
"I can call Zatanna," Dick offered. 
"Heebie jeebies?" 
"Let it go Steph, this is serious!"
 "But...heebie jeebies?"
The dinning room descended into utter chaos literally not even five minutes into their meal. Marinette sighed and took another sip of her coffee as her family yelled around her. She had been up all night helping Barbara with Oracle stuff and finishing up some designs for her company. And listening to her siblings fight over how to deal with ominous glowing scrolls that appeared during their breakfast was not how she wanted to start the morning. She opened her purse and Tikki flew out to look at the scroll, as Jason knocked over his chair about to launch at Steph. Tikki nodded as Dick moved to stop Jason from attacking Steph. This time Cass had taken over recording the insanity. 
Everyone froze as Marinette picked up the scroll. But nothing happened. She didn't suddenly combust or summon hellfire upon them all, so she took that as a good sign and broke the seal. Immediately, her entire family began to panic and some even lunged to snatch the scroll away from her. Marinette leaped back keeping the scroll as far away from them as she could. She sent them a confused, disapproving look as if to say, "Back off it's my magic scroll get your own!" But she read the words out loud just the same.
"To the right honorable, MDC, from the court of his Majesty the Ruler of the Infinite Realms, The Ghost King, Guardian of the Eternal Souls, Protector of the Living World, The Sleepless One, The Halfa, Keeper of the Abyss, etc. Greetings.
His majesty humbly requests your services in the designing of his coronation attire for his ascension to the throne of the Deathless King. Should you accept this most honorable, and glorious commission, simply preform the included spell before the end of five days. Preferably between 4 and 5 o'clock central. Money is no object unless you wish some other form of Eternal payment. In which case, terms will have to be agreed upon in person. You will also be invited, along with a guest of your choosing, to witness this most monumental event within the Infinite Realms.
Kindest Regards,
The King's Advisor, Physician, and Head Scientist, and Leader of the Far Frozen
Frostbite. "
Marinette looked up at her family who were staring at her in awe. None of them quiet new how to take this, so for a moment there was complete silence. In her head Marinette began counting down, "Three...two...one." And the entire dinning room erupted into chaos. Marinette just sighed as she returned her attention to the commission. "What even is my life?" she muttered.
Marinette summoned the Ghost King in the private studio at her fashion house. She reserved this studio for her VIP commissions like Jagged, Clara, Diana, and her family. At that moment it was just her, Jason, and the kwamis, which was already causing chaos as half of the little gods flew around in an attempt to help without actually helping. Jason was making no attempt to corral them like he had promised to do, and instead decided to just stand and scowl as Marinette prepared the summoning circle exactly as it was depicted on the scroll. Marinette had just wanted it to be her and the kwamis, but her family all resolutely refused. Apparently, summoning an unknown, mythical, entity of unquestionable power by herself was not something they were comfortable with. So they compromised and decided that Jason was best suited to over see the meeting. After all, one of the titles was "the Ghost King" and Jason was a zombie...technically. 
Still Marinette wasn't sure how well he would do in a fight. If it came to that, then the kwamis would be her best shot at protecting them. She wasn't sure how Jason's guns would do against something called, "The Keeper of the Abyss." Still she was glad he was here, in a way. "Alright!" she said standing, "It's ready!"
"Hmph," Jason grunted, "I don't like this, Pixie."
"Oh come on," Marinette said with a smile as she tried to hide her own terror, "Don't tell me you're not a little bit curious."
Jason shook his head and muttered something about not wanting to die again, which Marinette elected to ignore. Instead she began the chant and called upon the Ghost King, the Ruler of the Infinite Realms, The Bringer of the Frost, Guardian of the Eternal Souls, Protector of the Living World, The Sleepless One, The Halfa, Keeper of the Abyss, etc. " Man this guy has a lot of titles," she thought. The runes began to glow as the light began to melt upward into a swirling portal of ink and stars. The edges of the portal were wrapped in a shifting green cloud that reminded Marinette of the Lazarus Pit. "That's...probably...not a good sign," she thought but it was too late. Because a white hand emerged from the blackness and Marinette felt the magic in the room surge with the sudden pressure of power. She gasped, and her breath came our in a cloud as the hand was followed by a foot. The kwami gathered around her ready to fight, and Jason's hand flew to his gun. They all held their breath as the Ruler of the Infinite Realms emerged, in all of his power and glory.
"All I'm saying, Jazz, is that I don't see the point! I mean it's not like I'm going to be dressing like this while I'm king!" A teenage boy cried as he stepped casually from the portal. 
"It's not about you, Danny!" said the tall, red haired woman who followed him into the studio, "It's about your subjects. They need to see that you're taking this seriously, so they know to take you seriously. By presenting yourself as a king before them, they will be more likely to trust you as their king."
"She's right Danny," said a goth goth girl, "You're entering the world of high ghostly society. In those circles image is everything whether your alive or dead. Ha, you're gonna love it!"
The boy, Danny, groaned into his hands, and then turned to face Marinette and Jason who were staring in quiet shock and confusion. "Hi!" He said stepping forward holding out his hand to shake, "I'm Danny Phantom, future King of the Infinite Realms, nice to meet ya!" 
Marinette blue screened for a moment as she took in her client. This...was not what she was expecting. She had been fully prepared to meet some sort of strange eldritch animal/human/void type hybrid. Instead she got a teenage, human boy who couldn't have been older than 16. The only thing unusual about was his snow white hair, and glowing green eyes. She could work with this. So, Marinette smiled and shook his hand, "Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Wayne, MDC, the pleasure is all mine. And this is my brother, Jason Todd, he's going to be assisting us today!"
Danny looked over at Jason and gaped, "Dude!" he exclaimed, "You core is messed up! What happened to you?!"
"Danny!" the red head, Jazz exclaimed, "Be nice! I'm sorry," she said addressing Jason, "My brother might be one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse, but he's still a teenager and often forgets his manners. I'm Jazz by the way!" She held out her hand, and Jason numbly shook it as his eyes expressed that he was still trying to mentally process what was happening. 
"And I'm Sam," the goth girl said stepping forward as the portal closed behind her, "I'm a big fan of your work, Miss. MDC. Your eco friendly punk spring collection was truly inspired!" 
"Thank you," Marinette said with a smile, "And I see you're wearing some of it! I have to say, the way you've dressed up the vest is amazing, I never would have thought to match it with that color skirt!" 
Sam blushed as she straighten the faux dark green leather vest. Jason then took the opportunity to speak up saying, "I hate to interrupt but...what's the story here?"
"Oh," Danny said as they all moved toward the couches that surrounded the circular stage, where the finished products would be touched up and fitted. "Well you see our parents," he gestured between himself and his sister, "are scientists who for some reason decided to study ghosts."
"We thought they were crazy!" Jazz exclaimed with a desperate laugh.
"They are crazy," Sam said, "Just turns our they were also right."
"They built a portal to what they called the Ghost Zone," Danny explained, "It's kind of like the afterlife in between afterlives. A realm between realms...sort of...it's complicated. And that's not really the point, the point is, they thought it didn't work. Until, Sam, Tucker and I were goofing off in the lab and there was an...'accident.'"
"And you died?!" Marinette asked in concerned.
"Yes, no, sorta kinda," Danny said casually, "I half died. I'm half dead. I'm half ghost."
"The technical term is Halfa," Jazz explained.
"Danny is alive," Sam said, "But at the same time, he's dead."
"Schrodinger's kid," Jason muttered, and Danny beamed. 
"Yeah, you see! This guy gets it!" He exclaimed. "So anyway, now that the portal was open someone had to make sure that the ghosts didn't overwhelm the land of the living, and vise versa. And since I am both living and dead, I was the only one who could do it."
Marinette twisted one of her earrings with a glance at Tikki, who was shuffling the other kwamis out of sight since there was clearly no danger, "I get that."
She and Danny exchanged an understanding look, before he continued, "Yeah, well, one of those ghosts turned out to be the actual Ghost King who had gone all tyrant, and tried to disrupt the balance between life and death thus destroying both realms. I might have beaten him in single combat thus accidently becoming the next Ghost King." 
"How do you accidently become the Ghost King?" Jason said incredulously. 
"By beating the former monarch in single combat, I thought we just established that?" Danny said.
"Any way," Jazz said purposefully, "Danny was still in high school at the time, so he couldn't exactly claim the throne. And besides there was a lot about inter-death politics that he had to learn. So we had to hold off on the coronation until he was ready." 
"And now here you are!" Marinette said brightly. 
"Here we are!" Danny said in return. "Got to say though, randomly becoming the guardian of one of the cornerstones of all existence before all before my 18th birthday, not how I expected my life to turn out. But like you said 'here we are!'"
Marinette glanced at the kwami again and said softly, "Yeah, I get that to."
Danny cocked his head at her, as his glowing green eyes met her piercing blue one. He nodded and said, "Alright then, let's get started shall we. I'm trusting you, Blue eyes!"
Jason scowled at the nickname, but Marinette chuckled and retrieved her tape measure, but stopped as she took in his outfit. It looked like a black and white, rubber hazmat suit that was custom made to fit him. It wasn't the worst thing she had ever seen, and the flaming D, she guessed was a nice touch, but it the girls were right. It didn't scream "King of the Infinite Realms." But it raised a pressing question for her. 
"So how do your clothes work?"
"Uh...well...let's see," Danny said as he looked down at his outfit. "Well I suppose I should explain how ghosts work. You see all of this," he gestured to his face and limbs with exaggerated motions, "Is basically all ectoplasm, energy, and magic shaped by the self image of my psyche. So I can shift it to change based on my self image, and that includes my clothes, if I focus. The thing holding it all together is my core." He tapped is chest where his heart should have been. "Basically it's like a...vessel? Yeah, a vessel for my psyche, or spirit, or soul, whatever word you want to use." 
"So do you want me to just draw you an outfit, and then you can shift your clothes into that. It might be easier."
"Nuh-uh," Sam said, "That wont work. He can shapeshift, but it's not his specialty. He always shifts back within thirty minutes or sometimes less."
Jazz nodded, "The best thing would be to make him an outfit for his human form, and then he can shift to match that. We can even infuse the fabrics with some of his ectoplasm, so it will be easier for his psyche to recognize it as a part of him."
Marinette froze at the phrasing, and suddenly why Danny was so hesitant to change his ghostly look. His clothes were a part of his self image. This was how his spirit perceived his existence. Marinette began studying hit clothes a lot more closely. Any thing she did could alter his self image for all of eternity, if she wasn't careful. Marinette took a deep breath. This was probably going to end up being the most important piece of her career. "Ok," she said allowing her voice to communicate to Danny just how serious she was taking this commission. "I think I understand. In that case, I'm going to need measurements of both your human form, and your ghost form. If there are any discrepancies, I'm going to need to know now."
Danny smiled softly at her. "Ok." And there was no more arguing or complaining, as he stood patiently while she took his measurements, first in his ghost form, and then in his human form. Jason was writing down the numbers diligently. Almost too diligently, but Marinette understood his silence when he said, 
"So this core thing...you said I had one but there was something wrong with it."
"Hmm," Danny said, "Oh yeah. Did you die and get resurrected or something?" Jason nodded silently, completely engrossed in the notepad. "Well, whoever did it did an awful job!"
"Danny!" Jazz exclaimed.
"What? It's true!"
"But that's not how you say it. I am so sorry Jason, my brother can be a little insensitive."
"No it's ok," Jason said, "I'd rather have it blunt and honest, than sugar coated. So what's wrong with me?"
"Nothing's wrong with you per se," Danny mused after a moment of studying Jason. "So obviously you died. And the circumstances were just right so that instead of going to one of the 'afterlives' you went to the space between, the Infinite Realms. Which is probably why you don't remember what happened in between your two lives. Am I right?"
"You'd know better than me," Jason laughed dryly. 'Like you said I don't remember."
 "Probably for the best. But anyway," Danny continued, "When you were resurrected, it was done very badly, because you're core is warped. Don't worry it's still intact, so your spirit's safe. But the warped core combined with the corrupted ectoplasm running through your veins! Yeesh! Frankly I'm surprised you're not frothing at the mouth, homicidal maniac right now. Cause that amount of contamination is not good for you mental stability." 
The siblings froze and exchanged desperate, almost hopeful looks. "The pit madness," Marinette whispered. 
"I get...angry sometimes," Jason explained. "I see green, and then red, and then I...I hurt people."
The girls looked at him with pity, but Danny just nodded with understanding. "Makes sense," was all he said, but Marinette could instantly see the relief of those words wash over Jason's whole being. She knew how much he fought, how much he struggled with his sanity. They tried to help, but pit madness wasn't like normal mental illnesses. It was steeped in ancient magic and the forces of nature them selves. In the end the only advice any of the could logistically give Jason was to fight it. Therapy could give him tools, but when push came to shove none of them understood what it was like. 
And to have someone, anyone, say that it made sense. That his reactions to the corruption inside him were not strange, abnormal or grotesque. To have his actions fit inside the bounds of an expected response, a symptom of something that could be categorized...Marinette could not imagine the relief Jason must have been feeling. But it whatever his emotions were they all seemed to be summed up in his next chocked out words, “Is…is there a cure.”
“Yeah, of course there is!” Danny said with his cheerful casualness, that broke all of Jason’s carefully crafted walls. “I can schedule an appointment for you with Frostbite. He’s done some incredible research into the development of Ghost cores. Once, he filters that ectoplasm in your blood stream, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get your core back to it’s proper shape. You’ll have to spend a few days in the Ghost Zone, a week at most. But then your core will start filtering and shaping the ectoplasm on it’s own…think of it as a liver transplant, but with magic and shit.”
“Wow,” Jason breathed. “I…uh…ha…I.t…thank you!”
Danny smiled, “Eh, what are kings for. I mean you are technically one of my subjects.”
“I’m sorry,” Jason said still smiling.
Danny grinned. “When you die, again, you’ll go to the Ghost Zone. My zone. You’re stuck with me buddy!”
Jason threw back his head with a clear bright laugh that was all too rare in Marinette’s opinion. And hearing it now as it rang with hope and joy, only made Marinette’s smile brighter and fuller. They continued to talk about what it would take to get Jason to the Ghost Zone for his “core transplant” as Danny was now calling it. And Marinette was slowly getting a clearer picture of what she was going to make for the young king. 
When she finished her measurements and pulled out her note book to start some rough sketches, she turned back to Danny and said, “Ok so we can talk about what you don’t want once I have some ideas mapped out. But first I want to know if there is anything that you do want. A favorite color, a piece of jewelry, a type of belt, anything like that?”
“Your symbol,” Sam said immediately. “You need to have your symbol.”
“I think you should keep your usual color scheme,” Jazz said calmly, “It’s like your signature.”
“Danny?” Marinette asked pointedly. 
He thought for a moment and the grinned saying, “Can I get a cape?”
The girls rolled their eyes, and Jason put his head in his hand. But Marinette just beamed and said, “I’ll see what I can do.”
(Who should Marinette design for next?! Comment your requests)
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fangirlfrom-hell · 7 months
Marigolds: A Day of the Dead Story || Jay Halstead x Halstead sister
It could have turned out better, but many inconveniences occurred that made me finish writing hastily. Anyway, I wanted to share it. Might end up delating it, though.
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You'll find some songs to armonize this story at the end of the post.
"So, what's the name of this girl, again?" Jay asked from the kitchen while he was cooking dinner.
Sitting on the living room floor, her eyes fixed on the papers and books scattered across the coffee table, Becca replied slowly and deliberately, trying to pronounce each sound correctly, "Ca-ta-li-na."
"Catalina," he muttered to himself, then turned back to his sister. "I don't remember her."
"Yeah, that's because she's new at school. I think her family just moved to Chicago."
"Hmm," Jay hesitated, "Don't you prefer to invite them over here?"
"I can bring paperwork home. Your friends have been here before," he continued, trying to persuade her.
"Nope. We decided to go to her house because her mom still doesn't know how to move around the city."
Becca left the pen she was writing with, turned to face her brother, and asked, "Is there a problem?"
"Well, kind of. I don't know her or her family at all. Where does she live, again?"
Becca smiled. "I guess you never stop being a cop."
"Hey!" the detective shot back, "I'm just looking out for you. Any other parent, or big brother in this case, would do the same," he winked.
"Yeah, yeah," she went back to her homework.
The siblings sat comfortably in front of the TV: Jay with his feet on the coffee table, and Becca with her legs crossed on the sofa. Both had their plates on their laps, having dinner while catching up with their favorite crime show.
"That would never happen!" Jay would exclaim from time to time, to which Becca would simply roll her eyes.
This was a typical evening for them, unless Will was there to scold them for not eating at the table "like civilized people," as he would say.
"Okay, you can go to your friend's house, only because it's for homework," Jay said as the ending credits of the show rolled.
"Thanks, I guess?"
"...but I'll drive you there."
"...and I will walk you to the door. I want to meet her mom and take a look at the place where you're staying."
"Don't you dare make that face at me, Becca Marie!" He pointed at her with his finger.
"Ugh, whatever you want. It's your time to waste, anyway."
The next day after school, Becca had to spend some time at the 21st district before her brother could take her to Catalina's home.
"This should be the house," Jay called his sister before she got out of the truk. "Hey, if anything happens, if you just feel uncomfortable, give me a call, and I'll pick you up, okay? Anything, even if you think it's nonsense."
"Yes, detective," Becca turned her eyes, mocking him.
But Jay was serious. "I mean it." As he had warned, he got out of the car to walk her to the entrance.
After a few knocks, a girl about the same age as Becca opened the door, and a delicious smell wafted out of the house, something they had never smelled before.
At the same time, a voice came from the back part of the house, "Cata, who is it?" But before the girl could answer, a woman hurriedly approached the entrance, drying her hands with a kitchen towel, making it obvious that she had interrupted something because of their arrival. That's how Jay met Mrs. Aragón, Catalina's mother, and as both adults stayed there talking, the girls ran upstairs.
"It smells delicious," Becca couldn't help but point out.
"Yes," Catalina answered proudly, "My mom is baking…", but suddenly she seemed to be ashamed of something.
"Nothing," she ended the conversation by opening the door to her room, where two other girls were already working on their school assignment.
It didn't take them long to finish their homework, and as they were waiting for their moms to pick them up, they chatted and laughed. Becca sent a text to let Jay know she was done, to which he immediately answered with "Give me five minutes," and she knew very well that those 5 minutes could turn into 5 hours. Everything was going well until all the other girls had left, and Becca remained alone.
"Becc, do you need a ride?" one of the moms offered, "I can take you, that's all right, honey."
"Thank you! But my brother will come for me," she replied. She didn't like it when that happened, and it was quite often. She knew all the other moms looked at her with pity, as if she was abandoned, which wasn't true. It was just that she didn't have a full-time mom to drive her around whenever it was needed. Jay did his best to take care of her.
"Are you staying for dinner?" Mrs. Aragón asked Becca.
"Uh, I don't think so. My brother should be here any minute," she instinctively checked her phone.
"Don't worry," her smile was warm, and her voice soothing, "You can stay here as long as you need, no pasa nada," the woman continued when she noticed the girl looking at the clock. "It's getting late, so I'll prepare a plate for you, just in case."
Then, she received a call from Jay, whose tone was anguished.
"I'm so sorry, Becc. I got stuck at the district; I can't leave right now. Ask your friend if you can stay a little bit longer," he said the sentence, but then regretted it, knowing how nervous his sister was. He knew she must be uncomfortable being alone in a new house with new people. He also thought about how the other moms would have seen her being left behind, a thing that he also hated.
"Okay, let me just ask…" The truth was that she was feeling pretty welcome and cozy with the Aragóns.
"No, you know what? I'll send a patrol to pick you up and bring you here."
"A patro–? Jay, no way, don't you dare. It's alright, I can stay here a bit more. They invited me to have dinner, so…" She turned to see her new friend, who nodded in approval.
There was a bit of silence on the other side of the line, then a deep sigh, "Do you want to?" Becca didn't like eating in other places or in front of strangers; it made her anxious, so it was odd how she was managing the situation.
"I'm fine."
With one last "sorry," the call ended.
"We can wait in my room," Catalina invited her as she walked to the stairs. When they were passing by the living room, something caught Becca's attention, and she stopped to peek her head, as if she were drawn to it.
"Wait, what is that?" She was looking at a tall structure covered with white and black tablecloths, decorated with colorful skulls, pictures, and a lot of orange flowers.
"Ah, that's our altar for Day of the Dead," her friend answered as if it were the most natural thing, then took her hand, feeling a little bit rushed to take her out of there. "Come on."
Her attempt was useless, for Becca couldn't take her eyes off it. "May I see it closer?"
"Uh, sure! If that's what you want." It was a strange request. "It's still in progress, but it's almost done," she explained as they approached.
"We're only missing the food," Mrs. Aragón entered the room with a tray of bread, "But that's for the actual day they are coming."
"Who's coming?" Becca frowned.
"The deceased," the woman said simply. Catalina turned to meet her guest's gaze a bit embarrassed, trying to read Becca's thoughts on the matter. As she had learned in her short life, you couldn't give an explanation like that to people, as they usually got scared. To her surprise, Becca was not like every other person.
"Oh, how does that work?" The girl asked nervously.
"Well, Day of the Dead is the day when the deceased come back to Earth to visit their loved ones, the ones they left behind, us the living. That's why we build these offerings for them. It's filled with their favorite foods and beverages so they can have what they used to enjoy when they were alive."
Feeling a bit more secure, Catalina continued, "Also, because they come from a place far away and it's a tiring trip, so they rest here before going back."
"That's right," her mom said proudly.
"It's beautiful, so colorful. I really love it," Becca commented.
"Thank you. We're doing what we can with what we have. Now…" she placed the tray on the altar, "Take one and tell me if it's good" she offered both girls.
"So, this is why it smelled so delicious," Becca said as she inspected the piece of bread, "I've never seen this type of bread before." It was light and fluffy, glazed with sugar and some stange shapes on top of it.
"It's pan de muerto," Catalina said with her mouth half full. "I won't translate it or explain the meaning of it because you might refuse to eat it. Just taste it." She took another bite.
"Oh, this is really delicious."
"I couldn't find any good pan de muerto in the city, so I had to bake it myself."
"Are these your grandparents?" Becca pointed to the pictures.
"Yeah. We put their pictures so they know we still remember them. As we say "Solamente muere el que ha sido olvidado."
"Only those who had been forgotten die" Catalina translated.
Becca kept silent, thinking about her mom, and she mentally ran through Jay's apartment, realizing there were no pictures of her around.
"But isn't it a bit scary? The idea of dead people visiting you?"
Catalina reacted with a smile, "Oh, no. What I would give to hug my granny one more time."
Becca connected that idea to her own mother, and her eyes became watery. A wave of emotions washed over her, and the atmosphere in the room intensified her sensitivity. She had felt empty spaces in her chest before, but never like this – it was like a black hole that opened up within her. Catalina noticed her distress and became concerned that they might have shared too much information and made her feel uncomfortable.
But Mrs. Aragón knew better and warmly smirked, "You're thinking of someone, right?"
"My mommy," Becca answered simply, her voice trembling and a lump forming in her throat. She couldn't hold back the silent tears that welled up in her eyes and streamed down her cheeks. The gaze of four concerned eyes bore into her, and she despised being the center of attention. So she wiped away her tears, acting as if everything was normal.
"I'm so sorry," Mrs. Aragón said as she hugged her by the shoulder. That gesture eased the girl's emotions.
"Oh, but it's okay, don't worry. It happened a few years ago."
"You know what? If you feel like it, you can bring your mommy's photograph to our altar..."
"Mamá..." Catalina scolded her, not knowing how the other girl would react.
"We can make some space for her," she said, pointing to a spot on the offering, imagining how she could rearrange everything to make room for the newly invited one.
"Mom!" She was concerned that she might scare Becca.
"...We'd be glad to have her here.”
Becca hesitated, she was pulled into the idea, but at the same time she felt as an intruder, "But I'm not even Mexican, and I don't want to be a bother, everything is already settled."
"Doesn't matter,” the woman put her hands on her waist, “Everybody's welcome to join if they want to, regardless of their nationality or religion. And you are not a bother, we would only have to move one or two things.”
“Besides, I’m pretty sure my grandparents would love to have a new friend around,” Catalina added, still with a bit of embarrasement in her voice.
Becca bit her lip and, after a few seconds, she nodded, “Yeah, I would like to.” Her words hinted at the deep need to keep her mother's memory alive.
As soon as they arrived home, Becca opened each drawer on the living room furniture and took out every album, looking for the picture.
"What are you looking for?" Jay asked, noticing how stressed she was getting.
“Don’t we have a picture of Mom?” There was a hint of anger in her tone. Her brother felt his blood run cold, for their mother was still a sensitive topic to discuss. He had been the one to deal with her throughout her illness and had to witness her during her worst moments.
“Of course, we have,” he managed to keep calmed as he approached to open one specific drawer, and take a cardboard box from it. “There should be some here.”
Catalina’s mom's words came to Becca’s mind: Only those who are forgotten die. A wave of unease washed over her, causing her stomach to churn with a mix of anxiety and contemplation.
“Why are Mom’s pictures inside of a box inside of a drawer?”
Jay shrugged, not really understanding what was going on. “I keep them here. They are safe in this place.”
“There are no reminders of Mom around in any place in this apartment. Not even at Will’s house". She exploded, "It’s as if we never think about her anymore. Only Dad has framed photos, but he never wants to even mention her.”
"What are you talking about? We always talk about Mom."
"No, that's not true," she said with a calmer tone, but her eyes welled up with tears once more. "You rarely speak about her. Whenever someone mentions her, you change the subject. I understand that her memory brings you pain, which is why I avoid talking about her. But sometimes, I wish I could ask about her, to learn things about her that I never got the chance to know." For a long time, she had managed to keep all these feelings locked inside of her, but the experience of this afternoon had stirred everything within her.
Jay stood still with the box in his hands, silent and carefully listening to his little sister’s words. A bit more relaxed, she sat on the sofa.
“I’ve never said this before, but it really makes me angry that I didn’t get to really know her. It’s not fair that I didn’t get to spend as much time with her as you and Will. Sometimes I get scared I might forget her face, her voice.”
Jay sat by her side and stayed silent for a couple of minutes, trying to organize his thoughts before speaking.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said. “You are right. I won’t explain anything to you, but Mom hurts me in a way you wouldn’t understand, and before you say something, I know you are carrying your own pain, a pain you shouldn’t know of. Believe me when I tell you I’ve done everything in my power to try to protect you from it, but it looks like I’ve failed. It’s hard for me to deal with these emotions, and I probably dragged you into my own turmoil. Even when I was aware that our pain was different, I never thought you felt like this. It never crossed my mind how much you wished, how much you needed to construct mom in your mind. And I’m really sorry.” His words were heavy with the weight of his own grief, understanding the depth of Becca's longing for their mother.
“I don’t want to forget her. I’m so scared I’m gonna forget her.”
“You won't, and I’ll make sure of that.”
“Promise me we can talk about her.”
“Anytime you want, I'll work it out,” He hugged her tightly, the box still on his lap. It was only when they separated that Becca noticed her brother was crying too.
“Where did all this come from, anyway?” Jay inquired. “Why do you need the picture?”
Becca settled on the sofa, turning her face and body towards her brother. “Promise you won’t make fun of me.”
“Okay. Today I saw an offering for Day of the Dead at Cata’s home. It was beautiful, Jay, so colorful and full of…life. They explained to me about the tradition, that the spirits of your loved ones come down to visit you on Earth for a day, and her mother invited me to put Mom’s picture on their altar. She said she’s very welcome to join them.”
“No, sssh, wait! Catalina said something that stayed in my mind. She said that, whether it's true or not that they come back, however you see it, this day is a good opportunity to remember and honor the ones that are gone.”
Jay hesitated, “I admit this sounds like a beautiful tradition, but...do you really want to do it?”
“I have no doubt.”
"Fine. In that case…" he finally opened the box, "I think I have the perfect picture," he searched for a specific one among the others and finally took it out, "Here."
Becca got as close as she could to her brother, hugging his arm. They stayed in that position for a while, looking at their mother.
“She was beautiful,” Becca muttered, “You were right, this one’s perfect.”
“We can go out to find a frame tomorrow.”
“I like that. There’s something else we need.”
Jay raised a brow, looking at his sister, “What?”
“What was Mom's favorite food?”
It was November 1st, already evening when the two Halstead siblings arrived at the Aragón's house. Somehow, Becca had managed to convince Jay to accompany her, not just drop her off. He agreed after all her insistence, thinking it might end up being something good for his sister. Anyway, he could deal with his own demons later.
“Here we are,” he said. “You sure you want to do this?”
The girl just nodded, noticeably nervous.
“You know, it’s alright if you don’t like it in the end, if you feel uncomfortable, tell me, and I’ll find a way for us to leave.”
“Yeah, you too,” she told him back. “I don’t want us to stay long, anyway. I wouldn’t like to interfere so much with their customs.”
When Mrs. Aragón opened the door, she saw Jay holding a small food dish and Becca hugging a frame that was facing backward, hiding her mother’s picture from the sight of the others around. She greeted them.
“I’m so glad you came,” her words were full of sincerity. She gave the girl a long and tender hug, which Jay noted to be very maternal. He liked the way they treated her.
“Is this the offering for your mother?” The woman asked, taking the dish from Jay’s hands.
“I guess it is,” the detective answered as they entered.
“Perfect, let’s go put it in its place, then,” her smile was so warm it could melt the poles.
As they entered the living room, a very particular smell became stronger, and they found Catalina lighting all of the incense around the altar.
“It is copal,” Mrs. Aragón explained when she noticed Jay sniffing. “It’s used to cleanse the place of evil spirits so that the souls can enter without any danger.”
The Halstead siblings instinctively turned to see each other.
“Ma, you are going to scare them,” Cata said, “It’s all safe, don’t worry,” she reassured them before greeting them.
“We made this space especially for your mommy,” the girl continued, taking her friend to show her the spot. “We thought it was good for her to be surrounded by marigolds since this would represent her first time coming down. You can place the photograph whenever you feel ready.”
Jay moved unconsciously, with a lot of doubts and questions swirling around his mind. He also noted how Becca was holding the frame tighter and tighter around her arms. He didn’t know how to act; she was being hard to read, so he was thankful for Catalina’s mom's intervention.
“But if you change your mind and don’t feel like putting her there, that’s also perfectly fine, honey,” she then turned to the brother, “I know this is new to you two, and you might find it a little bit strange.”
“...or scary. It’s understandable,” Cata completed.
“No,” Becca finally stated, “I want to do it.” Slowly and with a lot of delicacy and love, she placed the frame with her mother’s picture in its place on the altar. Jay approached her and squeezed both of her shoulders, letting her know he was there for her.
The food they had brought was placed near her, “So she can easily find her dish,” Mrs. Aragón remarked. When everything was settled, Jay and Becca stayed there, staring at their mom. It was a beautiful scene to witness how the photograph had taken on another tone, surrounded by so many colors, illuminated by the candles, the smoke that the incense created, and the orange marigold petals.
“Now we wait for them,” Mrs. Aragón said in a very low voice.
Becca couldn’t help but cry, but she wasn't sad or grieving; actually, she was somehow relieved, the hole in her chest disappeared. Suddenly she didn’t feel so lonely, she didn’t feel like she was missing her mom. Jay wrapped his arm around her, and she hugged him back, surrounding his waist with her arms. He kissed her hair and asked, “You good?”
“Sure, I’m just happy we did this.”
“It is sad to lose a loved one, especially if it's someone very close,” Mrs. Aragón spoke, looking at her own family pictures at the altar. “But at the end of the day, this celebration is a party for them, to remember them and celebrate the lives they had and thank them for the time they stayed by our sides. Of course we are allowed to cry for them, but we should end the evening with a smile.”
The Halsteads didn’t stay much time there, but it was long enough to eat tamales, under the insistence of their host, “because there’s no real party without tamales,” the woman would say.
Becca and Catalina were sitting separated from the adults while having dinner. The atmosphere was very peaceful, and cheerful music was already playing in the background.
“Do you really think this is real?” Becca asked curiously.
“I don’t know,” Cat was looking into the horizon, reflexively. “You know, it is supposed that souls arrive at midnight, during the first moments of November 2nd. When I was a child, by 10 o'clock at night, my grandma would say, 'They should be close by now,' and I would get very excited about the idea. As the clock ticked away, my mom would playfully ask us, 'Where do you think they are at this very moment?' and I took it very seriously, imagining their entire process of coming back home. During the early morning, when I was already in my bed, I pictured them eating their offerings, and I would close my eyes, trying to hear their footsteps in the hallway. For me, it represented the idea of seeing again the relatives I missed and meeting others who had passed away before I was even born, those whom I only knew through stories,” She bit her lip a bit, at this point her eyes were watery, “I don’t know if it’s true, but I really want to believe it is. Ugh, I just want to see my granny one more time and tell her how much I miss her, how much I need her. I’ve been praying all day long to dream with her tonight, that’s all I ask.”
Almost an hour before their arrival, Jay announced their departure. When Becca was about to get into the car, she heard Catalina calling her, so she went back to meet her in the middle of her front yard.
“Here,” She handed her a small bunch of marigolds, “We call this flower cempasúchil, it is used to guide the spirits, show them the way to their offerings, so they don’t get lost. That's why we put so many petals for your mom, to help her. I thought about giving you some, I mean, your mom’s on my altar, but you are not here,” she shrugged, “I don’t think this is the place where she would want to be. I thought you might find it useful,” she winked at her friend and ran back inside.
“It was…something different,” Jay stated on their way back to his apartment.
“Yeah, but I think I liked it.”
That night, Becca waited for Jay to fall asleep and she sneaked into his room to place a couple of marigolds over his nightstand. She did it with a sense of deep emotion. Then, she put the rest in a small glass of water next to her bed, thinking about how much she wished both of them dream with their mommy that night.
Thanks for reading. If you liked it, it would help my soul if you give it a like, comment or share. 😌♡
Natalia Lafourcade - Recuérdame (Solo)
Silvana Estrada — Amor Eterno (Candlelight Original Session)
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krislgfox · 2 months
@just-michael799 here's the baby's of our favorite poly couple :]
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Some little facts:
-Rudy inherited the color pink from his grandfather Stefan :]
-Dori is a little princess, while Lori is a little tomboy(she doesn't like dresses and girly stuff)
-Dori and Lori always trying to bite/taste something
-Ena wearing her grandpa's old bag, and wants to be a biologist
-As it's already written on the pic, Dori has ADHD and Lori is mute
-Surprisingly they all have normal-caring siblings relationships
-Rudi has freckles and he wears Jay Mary's old t-shirt :]
-You'll never see Dori and Lori separated
-Ena sometimes babysitting her siblings
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Red Hood and The Outlaws rewrite
Co-made by me,@insomniac-jay,@moonage-gaydream,@mayameanderings,@theautisticcentre and @refrigeratedboombursts.It is a BIG ASS FUCKING MONSTER
Starts in 2010 and ends in 2020 with 120 issues
The lineup is,in joining order:Jason Todd(Red Hood and briefly a Star Sapphire),Eddie Bloomberg(Red Devil),Rose Wilson(Ravager),Summer Kent(Ignite and brierly a Black Lantern),Pepper Jackson(Star Sapphire),Thaddeus Thawne(Inertia),Kahali Roy(Bloody Mary),Duke Thomas(Robin),Imani Javiera(Panthress),Kyle Rayner(Green Lantern),Artemis Grace(Artemis of Bana-Mighdall),Venus Sparks(Star Sapphire),Mathew Wayne(Batboy and briefly a Green Lantern),Lilith Morningstar(Hex)and Daisy Hilliard(Paradisia),Jennifer Williams(Batgal) and Azriel Morningstar(Ghoul)
Jason,Eddie and Rose are the 'Original Outlaws Trinity' and them and Summer are the 'Dark Core Four'.Jason is the founder and leader and Summer his right hand man who takes over when he can't
Almost all trans and autistic with Pepper as the token allistic and Mathew the token cis.Jason is afro-dominican,Rose and Artemis are brownskin and brown eyed,Summer is a half white afrolatina(dominican),Thaddeus is half black too,Kahali is indian(sindhi-bengali),Imani is afro-puerto rican and Venus,Lilith,Azriel,Daisy and Jennifer are monoracial black women.Jason,Summer,Imani and Lilith are also fat and Jaysumm is tank4tank
Sometimes a found family can be 17 crazy ass vigilantes who some of weren't even vigilantes at first
The series is very goofy and silly often and in it's fundemental spirit but equally dark and layered in the same sense and is heavy on gags,jokes,violence and social talk.It also takes place over 3 in-universe years
The canon couples are Jason/Summer,Eddie/Lilith,Rose/Pepper,Thad/Azriel,Kahali/Tim Drake,Duke/Luna Vasquéz,Imani/Vicia López,Kyle/Venus,Artemis/Daisy and Mathew/Jennifer.The other adult Outlaws view eachother with very strong platonic love that can be taken as polyamorous love except Summer and Imani who are sisterly and the kid Outlaws are seen as younger siblings by them with Thad also being considered their adoptive son-By Summer especially and he straight up views him as his mom
Jason is goth punk,Eddie is a metalhead,Rose is goth butch,Summer is pastel punk,Pepper is y2k,Thad is a skater,Kahali is whimsigoth,Duke is a fashionista,Imani is black y2k,Kyle is losercore-i mean distinct,Artemis is a jock,Venus is ghetto fabulous,Mathew is weirdcore,Lilith is scenemo,Daisy is a softgirl,Jennifer is a prep and Azriel is kidcore
Summer is the Team Mom and Jason the Team Dad and they're nicknamed 'Supermom and Dadhood' as a teasing joke that they only embrace post getting together(And yet somehow this dosen't stop Jason from saying Summer is a milf with complete honesty and zero hesitation)
Their base is called The Fortress-named by Summer obviously-and it's an old abandoned huge residence that they started living in after exorsicing it due to investigation leading them there and the moving in decision was made because the beings in it agreed to bless it with eternal running water and electricity as a thank you for helping them move onto the afterlife at last.Everyone has their own room with their own tricked out aesthetic but it's common for them to share their beds and Imani refuses to actually sleep alone,not that any of them mind after a while despite her unconventional sleeping habits
Small note:Kyle is in the same age group as Jason but because i feel he's even more interesting if he starts out being a power ring bearer as a teenager and it adds extra tragedy and opportunities to his plots.And they don't actually meet until adulthood-Their mutual connection is Kyle and Summer having been a thing for a short time when they were both teens and Jason being Summer's childhood best friend since they were 11.This notion also applies to Artemis,she gets introduced as a teen hero too instead of that oversexualization bs and keeps her history but just adjusted so she's still Artemis Grace!!
As stated,Jason,Eddie and Rose were the original trio and Jason got them to become Outlaws pretty easily thanks to Eddie having been sidekick besties with him and Summer too and Rose is always up for moral grayness(and is coincedentally another one of Summer's exes-His first ever girlfriend in fact!)and Summer joined post Ember/Red Hood thanks to him and Jason reuniting in Utrh and the series being about them reconnecting as he unintentionally influenced him to become more sardonic and brutal like they were as a kid so the Metropolis media framed them as 'evil all along' and that hurt them so much combined with smear campaign Lex did against them as a kid he worked so hard to disprove for so long that they finally ran away from home and joined The Outlaws like Jason wanted him to so they'd be a team again.He gifted him a black domino mask as 'giving him a piece of himself' to finish off the new costume Summer made.After a decent while of just The Dark Four Core,Pepper came along as the fifth member because of her crush on Summer she'd gained due to their flirtatiouns back in Metropolis that he still both returned and they accidentally rescued Thad from dying in a chaotic and quick incident and took him in since he had literally nowhere to go
Pepperose was just a natural thing that happened-They flirted on first meeting mutually and Rose was shellshocked Pepper actually hit on her back and then kinda became obsessed with in a non-creepy way her LMFAO She acts like a booktok bf💀Peps is very happy about it though and they're 'gal pals' for about 50 issues before sealing the deal and doing the official girlfriends thing.Rose calls her Pinkie Pie and Pepper calls her 'my favorite rose'.Pepper dosen't really change all that much other than improved self-eestem and getting stronger but she also kills Slade for good out of love for Rose and that's when Rose kisses her,no holding anymore and they're married by the 2nd to last issue and Rose's codename dosen't stay Ravager for the whole series as she eventually uses the 'Willow' mantle and her arc is a heavy but good one that's all about her being human despite what others say
Kahali was gruesomely murdered by The Joker as he filmed the whole thing and sent a physical copy to Summer with a note that said 'history repeats are as sweet as you,Dearie Em'.Summer was catatonic but also stuck in his dragon/Kryptofang form and when he snapped back to conciousness,he flew to Gotham before his cremation ceremony to dunk him in the Lazarus Pit,knowing it's exact location thanks to Talia helping out The Outlaws now and then as Jason's adoptive mom.Kahali came back with Pit Powers that were much stronger than Jason's and he rubs it in his face,along with it having turned his hair completely white but he still dyes it red and Summer mother hen's him more than ever for obvious reasons(well those and the additional one is Summer also got killed and ressurected by a Gotham Rogue as a sidekick)and Kahali updated himself to 'Blood Maker'.Tim and him were a very atypical couple on every level but that only made them happier with and better for eachother and Tim entered his villain era as 'Dove' over what happened because he believed Kahali was his soulmate and saviour and even had plans to marry him despite not asking him out yet and ironically enough they reunited on the battlefield without recognizing eachother at first until Tim did first and unmasked himself in shock just like Jason and Summer.Time stood still until they rushed up to kiss in relief and disbelief in Tim's case and they started a secret long distance relathionship after that
Artemis joined for reasons that are a bit complicated to match her origin story but the jist of it is she was living in the normal world and deemed them worthy of her companionhood despite how annoying she found them(especially Jason)and they helped her out with her emotions and better translating her mannerisms and technically turned into a goddess permanently(and willingly)and Kyle had a lot of crazy ass Lanterns shit happen that had him be forced by his mentors to take a breather and he choose a crosscountry roadtrip and he met his teammates by almost running Eddie over because he was trying to eat freshly made ramen and it got in his eyes.He a bit of morals trip with his new friends and old ex boygirlfriend he's still mutually flirty with sometimes to say the least(and ends the run a White Lantern).There's heavy featuring of his parents and past in this because hooooooo boy,he is a character of all time!!
Duke is the 5th Robin because of Summer's involvement and he got a year in pretty good but then him and Bruce nearly broke apart over a fight and he got so scared of being fired as Robin because of being only a 12 year old technical orphan(jokerized parents)he followed Summer's footsteps by ditching Gotham and that was how he meet Jason,who introduced himself as his true identity to him because of Summer's positive talk of him and accepted Duke's ask for shelter and so Duke was now an Outlaw.He wasn't forced to kill but he did become pretty harsh in fights and this caused him angst only for a bit as he was reassured by the older members.Duke says to Jason in issue 110 '.....I was never a real Robin.I've been with you guys way longer than i ever was with Bruce-' and Jason cuts him off with 'Yeah,no shit you were never Batman's Robin.You're The Outlaws' Robin-You're my Robin and you always have been and you always will be' and Duke breaks down so Jason comforts him and that's when Summer walks in with their Dairy Super and Batburger double flight orders and asks what happened but helps before either even get to explain with Duke thanking him for being the reason he got to take the first step to heroism to which he gets platonically bubbly and flattered and tells him he's the perfect Robin and Duke does a toothy happy grin that takes up most of the last panel in that issue
Duke is also a reality warper because of Gnomon so he stopped the N52 from existing in his Robin run🙏🏼Duke is our god,please praise him
Imani gets hired because of her reputation as a leathily effecient spy and she fits right in,crying herself to sleep a few times after they'd been together long enough to call eachother family.She's a gremlin from the start and influences Mathew to be the same and she's close to everybody but Summer and her are interdimensional sisters soulmates a la Percy Jackson and Hazel Levesque and he was the first one to break down her walls and they go out of their way to defend the other nonstop and this helps Summer's eldest daughter syndrome trauma.Catblooded/Vimani starts in a remastered Gotham War which is about them and The Watchers and lest to say they're perfect together and Jason,Kyle,Mathew,Lilith and Jennifer NEVER let them live it down.Lilith's intro is a parody of Batman 357-Instead of stealing his tires,she hacked Jason's computer to leak his old Undertale chats and he begged her to join in humiliating ways only for it to be revealed she only did it for fun and came to join because Summer and him were close friends in their teen years but got seperated due to Hell bussiness.She made sure to take pictures 'to send to Summie of his cringelord ass hubbie'.None of these words are denied by anyone at all
At the same time this was happening,Artemis,Azriel,Thad,Pepper and Duke were on a mission and Artemis was almost fatally wounded but Daisy came in as her angel with healing oitments made with her chlorokinesis and Artemis saw her with a glowing pink halo around her head,too enchanted by her to care about almost dying.Daisy was a duo with Lilith and had the same reasoning as her for being there but they got seperated thanks to a villain attack and they're the team hacker and team medic.They picked Venus up at a party she was DJ'ing and she started as only an ally but joined them officially in a parallel to Teen Titans 2003!Tara Markov after an angst arc and it actually took her and Kyle a hot sec to get officially together due thinking their attraction was purely physical and her and Pepper did a toon girlypop squee sequence after she got the official Outlaw title as Star Sapphire solidarity.Mathew kept getting told by Gotham City-The sentient city itself-he needed to leave for now since Jennifer was missing so he gave in and he was welcomed with open arms,platonic kisses,food and appropriate training
But in a mini arc called 'Batboy's Breakout' the adult Outlaws go on mission without him despite him being the eldest and it makes him feel not good enough after the buildup of not being able to protect the other kids a few times before so when he hears of a breakout at Blackgate at bedtime,he sneaks out,stops it and kills Penguin(his birth parents' murderer)and stops an Arkham breakout too and then goes solo after leaving a note at the Fortress.They're super upset but almost all of them trust him to take care of himself with Summer as the exception thanks to how maternal he is and how he was the only one other than Kahali who was really close to him pre-Rhato.Mathew is a solo hero for roughly half a year and defeats Slade during his run before he comes back to The Outlaws and tackled in the world's biggest group hug and showered in words of love and reminisced sadness and he's misty eyed touched because he missed them too after the resentment wore off.His new hero name is 'Bladebat' for his magic sword he crafted himself while on the run
Jennifer was missing because she'd been given Lian's teleported across time and space multiple times storyline due to an accident that happened while on a quest for Solana Banks to restore her lost home dimension Helioas because she thought she'd found an articifact that would but misenterpreted it's powers.Lucky for her,her journey only lasted 1 year instead of multiple and she found her way back to Mathew's spot-Her safe spot.She wasn't ready to live normally again just yet so she stayed in the Fortress and became an official member as a result under 'Batika'.And to complete our family,Azriel had the easiest and most simplistic one-Lilith asked Jason to let her join them because of how strong she is and not having many friends so he accepted and she's actually the goriest of the Outlaws beating even Thee Red Hood in it and this is part of her demonic nature and carries no secret undertones to it.Like Flowergrace,Thadzriel was love at first newbie sight and they have such a sweet middle school dating dynamic
Luna appears in a significant amount of issues but since she's Aquafam she sticks to her own territory most of the time and her and Duke are purely platonic with love not blooming until Duke becomes The Signal and leads a new team he made called The Lights with Luna joining as 'Moonguide' and they have a slowburn that spans until their adults years as Eris(Duke)and Selene(Luna)
Jaysumm's dynamic is childhood best friends and sidekick partners > Enemies only in the technical sense > Best friends again but Jason flirting with Summer constantly and Summer not buying Jason isn't joking because of their history together > Being insuferably obviously in love and Summer's literally the ONLY one who dosen't know > Fwb who act like a couple already with Jason still only knowing it on his side and angst for him as a result > Sneaking off to take Jon off trick or treating in opposite costumes(fairy and werewolf)and Summer's epiphany finally happens so he confesses when they make it home and Jason confesses back so they make out > Official couple when exactly 11 issues remaining in a 120 part series LMFAO
🎶They don't give a damn about their reputation🎶 < Had to make that joke,mb kings.But yeah they generally don't care about perception from normies and ARE here to unteach propaganda as they fuck around and make people find out the systems are fucked.It's very embarrasing for certain superheroes that the eco-terrorists without the no kill code are better parents to their kids than they are to theirs and their legacy stays even post quasi-disbanment(They keep in contact forever ofc,it's just the plot needed them elsewheres and there's common reunions and video calls)
Culturally fused team,both race and species.Afrolatino and brown latino,kryptonian and amazonian,speedster abonimation and macabita demon,human and meta and so forth.Subculture fused too as they frequently participate in eachother's aesthetics and interests and they're all multilingual.Clashes between them occasionally but never too bad
The genre is like.Superhero comedy but also horror but also fantasy but also sci-fi but also urban fantasy but also surrealism but also romance drama but also psychological thriller????????It's the Homestuck of DC,everything ever happens in Red Hood and The Outlaws 2010-2020.This includes the catgirls and the hyperspecific lore and the weird ass art that's somehow good and the-
The covers always fuck NO exceptions,Summer does meta commentary telling fans to not buy their merch officially and to instead get it secondhand or they'll be dissapointing him but Pepper full on breaks the fourth wall,it has it's own official opening on the official DCAU channel and a few shorts and this includes a pride video like the Bubbline one by Cartoon Network and it stars Jaysumm,Pepper is the most well-known and beloved trans DC character,they're SUPER popular in in Latin America and with latino-americans,it has multiple lego sets and The Outlaws Girls even got their own doll line and they have crossover mini series with Young Justice that's 24 issues and called 'Just Us,No Laws'
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My Current WIPs
Yandere Kagaya Ubuyashiki (platonic) [Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba]
Yandere Gyutaro/Daki (platonic) [Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba]
Yandere Muzan Kibutsuji [Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba]
Yandere Rengoku Family (platonic) [Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no Yaiba]
Yandere Spider Demon Family (platonic) [Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba] part 2
Yandere Lady Tamayo/Yoshiro (platonic) [Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba]
Yandere Tengen Uzui (+his wives) (platonic) [Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba]
Yandere Tengen Uzui (+his wives) w/ Hashira!Reader (romantic) [Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba]
Yandere Poly!Naruto Uzumaki/Sakura Haruno w/Sweetheart!Reader (romantic) [Naruto]
Yandere Tsunade Senju (romantic) [Naruto]
Yandere Akatsuki (platonic) [Naruto]
Yandere Hashirama Senju (general) [Naruto]
Yandere Uzumaki Clan (platonic) [Boruto]
Yandere Daniel Park (general) [Lookism]
Yandere Jay Hong (general) [Lookism]
Yandere Vivi (general) or (platonic) [Lookism]
Yandere Charles Choi/Crystal Choi (platonic) [Lookism]
Yandere Mary Kim (general) [Lookism]
Yandere Daniel Park w/Sibling!Reader or Childhood!Friend!Reader (platonic) [Lookism]
Yandere Taehoon Seong/Hansu Seong [Viral Hit]
Yandere Han Siblings (platonic) [Viral Hit]
Yandere Hobin Yoo (general) [Viral Hit]
Yandere Rumi Yeo (general) [Viral Hit]
Yandere Monkey D. Luffy (general) [One Piece]
Yandere Strawhat Pirates (platonic) [One Piece]
Yandere Big Mom/Charlotte Linlin (platonic) [One Piece]
Yandere Vinsmoke Family (platonic) [One Piece]
Yandere Kaname Kuran w/ Uninterested!Reader (romantic) [Vampire Knight]
Yandere Haruka Kuran/Juri Kuran w/ Unwilling!Human!Reader (platonic) [Vampire Knight]
Yandere Senri Shiki/Rima Toya (platonic) [Vampire Knight]
Yandere Hanabusa Aido (general) [Vampire Knight]
Yandere Night Class (platonic) [Vampire Knight]
Yandere Shinji Hirako (general) [Bleach]
Yandere Rangiku Matsumoto (platonic) [Bleach]
Yandere Kurosaki Family (platonic) [Bleach]
Yandere Phantomhive Manor (platonic) [Black Butler]
Yandere Sebastian Michaelis w/ teen!Reader (platonic) [Black Butler]
Yandere Trancy Manor (platonic) [Black Butler]
Yandere Sohma Family (platonic) [Fruits Basket]
Yandere Tohru Honda (general) [Fruits Basket]
Yandere Izuku Midoriya (general) [My Hero Academia]
Yandere Todoroki Family (platonic) [My Hero Academia]
Yandere Takemichi Hanagaki (general) [Tokyo Revengers]
Yandere Tetta Kisaki (general) [Tokyo Revengers]
Yandere Asahina Family (+Ema) (platonic) [Brothers Conflict]
Yandere Fuuto Asahina (romantic) [Brothers Conflict]
Yandere Miya Chinen (platonic) [Sk8: the Infinity]
Yandere Sakamaki Brothers (platonic) [Diabolik Lovers]
Yandere Yuji Itadori (general) [Jujutsu Kaisen]
Yandere Rin Okamura (general) [Blue Exorcist]
💕Love Letters💕
Yandere Naruto Uzumaki (romantic) [Naruto]
Yandere Masaomi Asahina or Ukyou Asahina (platonic) [Brothers Conflict]
Yandere Haruka Kuran/Juri Kuran (platonic) [Vampire Knight]
Yandere Enji Todoroki (platonic) [My Hero Academia]
Yandere Daniel Park [Lookism]
Yandere Zack Lee [Lookism]
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romana-after-dark · 1 month
Flightless Bird, Fat House Cat: The Wrong Way Anniversary
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The Wrong Way Universe
Title taken from a song on the playlist, Flightless Bird American Mouth by Iron and Wine.
I could never comprehend the love I got from this series.
Due to everything happening and the targeted harassment, I can't celebrate the way I want to but I couldn't pass up an opprituniety to celebrate this story.
Three POV's, Tommy, Lorenzo and Jack. I know Jack got v little play in TWW as he was just on the side in case I needed him (and I did end up needing him!) But through talking to Clem, Mary, Kate about the universe in this last year, he also has a special place in my heart and in Stolen Lullaby, aka my reworking of this story into a dark novell, he will have more of a roll. IDK if I ever mentioned it, but his faceclaim to me is Garrett Hedlund in his most yeehaw looks.
Because of everything, reblogs are disabled because I don't want attention to this blog and I'm taking a risk posting this but I want to be brave for this story. After this, I'll be gone for a bit so check out romana_rose for updates until this is over. If you enjoyed this, please leave a commnt. I need it right now.
I can never thank you guys enough for all the love you'e given the wrong way and the sequel series, Ghost of You and Going Under. This series was so important to me to explore my own trauma, family, friendship, motherhood, fatherhood, brotherhood, siblings, found family, morality, manhood, victimhood, etc.
You are all so important to me, every like, comment, reblog ive gotten i've looked at and loved.
Here we go.
Very little Joel, but I promise we'll have more for the celebration of the finale in a few months when i hope I can celebrate properly. But, seeing as Joel is the bad guy, I thought more exploration of the side characters would be interesting.
If Tommy closed his eyes, he could imagine it was her.
Things had gotten better in the raiding house for her, even if Tommy had lost a lot of her attention. Since Zach had tried to take her away, her brother she thought was dead until that night, the girl had been… less than pleased with him. It was understandable, he knew. From her perspective, Tommy had known her only family left that hadn’t abused her was a still alive and he had kept it from her… but from Tommy’s perspective he was protecting her. She had said to him to him, the day thought fought, that the only person that can protect her from Joel, is Joel, and she was right. He couldn’t protect her if she left again. Last time she tried, strong thing she was, she was burned and humiliated.
Thing were better for her now.
Refusing to escape with Zach, which confused Lorenzo to no end, had made Joel trust her more, and now she had more freedom. She’d started cooking, which she seemed to like, and Joel had taken to finding items for her she needed. Lorenzo watched her when Tommy was busy. Jack even made her a birdfeeder, and she liked watching the birds fly in and out. Sometimes he wondered if she longed for the freedom they had. 
Flightless bird, wings clipped her whole life, subject to the whims of men. 
Sometimes he watched them too, Blue Jay’s and Robins and other kinds he didn’t know shit about. He thought next time he saw Maria, to ask if Jackson had any bird watching books… maybe the girl would like them, help pass her time. He wanted to fly away too, he wanted to leave, leave everything and take her with him… but he wasn’t a bird. He wasn’t a bird whose wings had been clipped, he didn’t have his freedom stolen away by cruel men wanting to possess and break down something less powerful than them. 
Tommy had given up his freedom to follow Joel, his brother, the only thing he had now. Tommy knew he was a cat, once a stray and free to follow his fancy but had grown complacent and comfortable and lazy. He was a fat house cat pretending to be a lion.
Instead of saving her, he was getting his dick sucked as he listened to her moan.
It wasn’t all that loud, you really had to listen to it to hear it and God… god did he listen. Tommy was sat on his chair, legs spread, Lorenzo on his knees sucking his cock. Everyone knew Lorenzo was gay, that’s why he was allowed to watch the girl. Jack, they couldn’t figure out yet. What Tommy did know is sometimes Jack and Lorenzo fooled around with each other, and after a few weeks he got in on the action. Tommy wasn’t gay, but a mouth was a mouth. Tommy couldn’t sneak out to Maria as often as he wanted and the girl wasn’t making things easier. Joel had taken to finding dresses for her and god, did she look cute. Happier too. Smiles and laughs and fresh air did him good. From what she had told him, she’d never known peace a day in her life. Between her dads physical and sexual abuse and selling her out to man after man, just letting them beat her for money… this was comparatively peaceful now that Joel had relaxed. Still, she wore that brand on her thigh, and constant reminder that his love was conditional. Tommy wasn’t sure the reminder was working.
He tried to focus on Lorenzo, his mouth taking him deeply inside… but most importantly, her voice. In the next room, Joel was fucking her and whatever he was doing it was making her go crazy. How was Tommy supposed to know what her pussy felt like and not think about it? Not remember what it was like sliding in? Not think of her beautiful smile, still gentle and tender and patient after everything she’d been through? Everytime Joel made her moan those sweet, sweet sounds he pictured it was him, and his hips buckled up a little.
He could pretend it was her pussy if he concentrated.
Lorenzo knew something was up.
He loved sucking dick, would rub himself through him pants until he came every time if he knew he wasn’t getting action back, and with Tommy he didn’t. Lorenzo knew Tommy was picturing a girl when he closed his eyes, that death grip on his chair so he didn’t touch Lorenzo’s head. The shaved head would throw him off, ruin the bit for him. Still, Lorenzo opened his eyes. Tommy was focused, teetering on that edge, that wide, barrel chest of his panting and panting… He really was handsome, as was Joel, the prick. If Lorenzo was in that girls position, and he wouldn’t be because he’d fucking leave, he would run away with Tommy before spending another day with Joel. What was Tommy waiting on? He had a pretty girl that clearly loved him, that he clearly loved even if he was a man whore.
Lorenzo didn’t really have room to talk, honestly.
It wasn’t like he was cheating on Zach. They weren’t dating; Lorenzo didn’t date point blank. They were just fucking. And cuddling after. And hanging out whenever they could both sneak away… So they watched shooting stars together and talked about their moms and sisters, so what? It was just sex. He was fooling himself and he knew it, but letting go of the delusion was too painful. They’d never have a normal life so what was the point.
Tommy came in his mouth, saltier than Zach but not as strong as Jack; that strong, musky taste that was so masculine Lorenzo couldn’t help but swallow down. Even subduing himself, Tommy was loud.
When he died down, that’s when Lornzo heard it.
The girl in Joel’s room, the next one over. She was moaning.
Lorenzo didn’t mind Tommy picturing a girl. He didn’t even mind that maybe he was picturing her. But something about the fact that Tommy was getting off to the sound of that girl’s moans, a private moment, a moment which although she was clearly enjoying now, had been brought about by kidnapping and violence, disgusted him. She was just a kid to him, and yeah he could be a dick but he didn’t want to think about the horrible shit she’d been through.
“You’re fucking pathetic, Tommy!” Lorenzo stood, flustered and embarrassed and fucking angry, he headed to the door.
Dumbfounded, Tommy blinked up at him. “What? You offered!”
Lorenzo whipped around, stormed back to Tommy who had stood up and stuffed his dick back into his pants and Lorenzo fisted his hand up in Tommy’s white shirt. 
“You’d rather listen to you brother fuck that terrified child than be a fucking man and take her away. You got all these excuses but the fact of the matter is Joel matters more to you than an innocent life. When she’s dead in the ground, remember this is how you spent your time.”
He was about to let go and walk away when Tommy had to open his big mouth. “I don’t see you do’n anything to help her.”
It wasn’t rational. Lorenzo really should care this much. He wasn’t supposed to be making friends or attachments, but here he was, he cared about Zach, he cared about Jack, he cared about the girl.
Lorenzo punched Tommy square in the jaw.
Jack found Lorenzo outside smoking a joint. He didn’t smoke weed but he pulled out his cigarette and joined him.  “What’d you do to Tommy? The girls there icing his face.” Unfortunately, Jack knew their routine. Sex, bath, sleep. When Joel carried her, wrapped up in a towel and laughing at something Joel said or falling asleep in his arms, Jack always turned away. It didn’t matter much considering he’d seen her completely nude when Joel violently took her after charring her flesh. Sometimes he swore he could still smell it. Still, he wanted to offer a bit of dignity.
Jack didn’t pretend to be a hero like Tommy, but he didn’t put on that fake asshole defense machanism Lorenzo did. He felt for the girl, he just wasn’t going to risk his skin to help her leave. So, unlike Lorenzo he didn’t tell her she was dumb for staying, and he tried to make little things for her here and there. He was working on whittling some dominos. Unlike Tommy, he didn’t promise to whisk her away. Middle ground.
Lorenzo rolled his eyes. “He’s a dick. Joel’s probably gonna clock me.”
But Jack waved him off. “I doubt it. He ain’t running to Joel to fight his battles. If he wanted you hurt, he’d’ve hit you back.”
Lorenzo sighed, but nodded and took a fat hit. “Which being logical, it’s annoying.”
Jack just chuckled. When they were done, they walk back inside the girl was icing Tommy’s face. After she’d exited the bath with Joel, cuddled up in a ratty towel, she saw Tommy exiting his room with a swollen eye and tapped Joel. Clearly he’d dressed her, and let her tend to him while he stood, arms crossed and glaring. He tried to get Tommy to tell him who did it, but Tommy insisted it was just a small beef with one of the men, but they’d handled it.
When Jack and Lorenzo entered the living room, the girl gave Lorenzo a death glare.
That child had been beaten within an inch of her life again and again and again, forced to suffer the worst thing imaginable and yet she still managed to be so uniquely her. Bravery despite it all.
Brave little bird.
thank you, thank you, a million times thank you.
and thank you to everyone whose reached out in this trying time.
Tagging people who were active reachng TWW or who still talk to me about it. If you want to be tagged for the finale celebration, lmk!
If you liked, this series, Rooms on Fire has similar vibes.
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @milla-frenchy @pimosworld @miraclesabound @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @the-fox-den @lunar-ghoulie @foggymoonbanana @dinsbaby @pedge-page @koshkaj-blog @rubyfruitjungle @gogh-with-the-flow @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @justagalwhowrites
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xplainthexmen · 2 months
Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men, Episode 444 - Damnit, Magnus
In which it’s difficult to flee with soup; Miles may or may not be haunting the X-Men; Colossus collaborates involuntarily; Marrow is full of surprises; Magneto is a dick; Jay continues to carry a torch for Secret Wars: Siege; and you should totally come to our birthday party.
Several rather pointed allusions
X-Force #86
Uncanny X-Men #365
X-Men #85
Almost Reno, NM
Where mutants come from
The Aguilar Institute (more) (again)
Abandoned towns
Mary the telepathic moppet (more) (again)
Odysseus Indigo
The Damocles Foundation
Sibling names
The Fundamental Attribution Error
A haunting
Christmas beer
Christmas ghost exquisite corpse
Bill Jones
A rescue mission
Essential stories of the ‘90s
Our weird favorites
Our upcoming 10th birthday party (more) (again)
NEXT EPISODE: Magneto War begins!
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog!
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Eden part fourteen
Masterlist linked in my pinned
TW: emotional whump, Stockholm Syndrome, cannabilism, panic attack, referenced murder, references major character death, referenced organized crime, referenced 9/11, referenced drug use, referenced torture, referenced bigotry (transphobia, racism, homophobia, Islamophobia), pet whumpees, multiple whumpees, creepy/intimate whumper
"Ezra," Christopher said. "It's time to wake up The same goes for you, Jay. I have food. And my siblings are here. So, please behave."
Ezra bolted upright. "Your siblings, sir?"
"Yes. Now both of you get dressed and come to the kitchen."
They quickly did as they were told, and found four strangers sitting at Christopher's kitchen table.
"Hello," a woman said, with a Russian accent far less cleverly masked than Christopher's.
Ezra immediately clocked her as trans, then hated himself for it. He should be better than that.
"You must be Ezra," she said. "And Jay, right?"
"Yes," Ezra said hesitantly. "You're Christopher's sister?"
Christopher walked over to make introductions.
"That's my sister Lucille," he said of the bottle blonde woman who had addressed Ezra. She waved briefly, then went back to filing down a broken nail.
"My brother Michael," he said of a man sporting a rather impressive beard and long braided hair. He didn't so much as look at Ezra.
"My sister Katerina and her wife Jane-Marie," he said of two women sitting next to each other and holding hands. They were both wearing heavily stained overalls and grown out buzz cuts.
"Ezra and Jay," Christopher said, pointing to them in turn. "I'm taking care of them."
Ezra paid close attention for any context clues as to the excuses Christopher had weaved about him and Jay. He couldn't contradict him even slightly, or this would all fall apart to disastrous effect.
"Yeah, taking care of them," Jane-Marie said gruffly. "If that's what you call stalking and kidnapping now adays."
Jane-Marie wrecked all of Ezra's prior assumptions about the situation to bits, leaving him scrambling for how to handle himself.
"You look like a fish with your mouth gaping like that," Lucille said.
Ezra closed his mouth, swallowed, and sat down next to Christopher at the long rectangular table. Jay sat down on Ezra's right, looking unaware of what could possibly be wrong.
He had to be dreaming. There was no way that Christopher's siblings were fine with this.
Well, why not? Nothing heinous had happened. Ezra was perfectly content and happy. Christopher was a savior, not some typical deranged stalker gossiped about on true crime podcasts by insensitive middle aged women.
And besides, Ezra was an only child. What did he know? Siblings always seemed to have a particular brand of loyalty, and one he had always been jealous of.
Going back and forth from the kitchen and dining room, Christopher dished up the borscht for everyone, along with a bowl of sour cream, tall glasses of water, and sliced apricots. A chorus of thank you greeted him.
Ezra wondered if anyone else knew what the meat was.
Katerina began speaking. For a moment, Ezra thought he must be having a sensory overload from stress and the number of people around him, as he was incapable of understanding her words. But after a few moments of straining to comprehend, he realized that she was speaking in Russian.
Ezra ate his stew in silence as Christopher spoke with his siblings, probably explaining the situation...or something. And while Ezra knew that Russian was probably more convenient for Christopher's family, he hated being left out.
He finally zoned back in when Christopher went back to speaking in English.
"Any complaints or suggestions, my dear Ezra?"
"No sir."
Christopher's siblings laughed. Jane-Marie pursed her lips and gripped Katerina's hand tighter.
"Please," Christopher said. "Be casual. We're trying to mourn and make preparations."
"Um, alright." Ezra fought the urge to call Christopher sir again. "I don't have any complaints."
"I'll deal with Colt's criminal connections," Michael interjected. "They'll mostly be glad about Colt Spearing's death. But I'll make sure no one bothers you, Christopher."
"We're treating this like a disappearance, yes?" Lucille asked. "Pretending like he may have gotten picked off by a displeased customer, not put in our stew."
So, they did know. How odd. Ezra couldn't quite comprehend how he felt on the matter.
"Correct," Christopher confirmed. "And we are not deviating from that. We are not filing a missing person case or calling the police. No one will question his disappearance, a great stroke of luck."
Ezra wasn't sure why they had switched to English, now that he didn't need to know any of this. Then again, he was painfully monolingual, despite his grandparents best attempt at teaching him Arabic, so what did he know about bilingual households?
"I still don't see why you ever thought that marrying Colt fucking Spearing was a good idea," Michael said. "I nearly had a heart attack when I found out."
"I did convince him to forgive your rather heavy drug related debt," Christopher pointed out. "It did have benefits, even if I have occasionally ended up in grocery store check out line tabloids."
Ezra's mind reeled in this newly caught information. He had operated under the assumption that Colt was just some asshole, maybe a low time drug dealer at most. Not that he was some kind of well connected crime lord.
How famous was he? Ezra didn't pay attention to tabloids and hardly watched the news, so it made sense that he was in the dark about this. But it did make him feel rather stupid.
Christopher sighed deeply. "You know, despite everything, I miss him horribly. He wasn't a good man, by any definition. But he was good to me, even if all you ever saw was the occasional abuse."
Christopher twisted off his engagement ring and set it on the table.
"So," Katerina asked Jay, "how did you end up one of his victims, dove?"
"I don't remember," Jay whispered. "Drugs, I think. I don't know. It's all so confusing."
Ezra put his arm around Jay and rested his head on their shoulder.
"I don't know the details," Christopher said. "I suppose it doesn't matter now."
"What should we tell our parents?" Lucille asked suddenly, dropping her nail file.
"That he went missing," Christopher answered simply, as she ducked under the table to retrieve it. "We have no idea what happened, but we suspect that he might have been killed. Tragic, but there isn't an explanation."
"Agreed," Michael said. "It's our safest bet."
Christopher stood up and cleared everyone's dishes. He was clearly holding back tears, and Ezra had no idea what to do about it. Maybe they could talk more fully when they were alone together.
"I think that we all need to sleep on this," Christopher said. "I would like to have a memorial. But next week may be a better time. I know that you all hated him, but I didn't."
"It's bad luck to speak ill of the dead," Lucille said. "And even if Colt was scummy, your grief matters more than his life or death."
"Thank you." Christopher brushed a few tears from his eyes. "And thank you all for coming on such short notice."
"Are you kidding me?" Michael asked. "Katerina practically dragged me out of my house by my ear after you called her with the news."
Lucille cuffed the back of his head. "The proper response to that is, you're our brother. Of course we came. We care about you."
Michael laughed. "Yeah, that too...I suppose."
"Why is it," Christopher asked with a small smile, "that every time we are in a room together, we all start acting like children again?"
"My dear brother," Michael said. "You were never a child. I think your first words must have been telling someone to drink more water."
"Having six younger siblings does typically relegate someone to being the third parent. Do you want more to eat?"
"We need to head home," Jane-Marie said. "I have work in the morning."
"Come now," Katerina scolded. "My brother's fiance just died, and you're worried about work. You can't go home without me, we drove together. And I'm not leaving yet."
"I don't like being around your brother," Jane-Marie hissed, almost too softly for Ezra to hear. "He's insane."
"You're so rude!" Ezra exclaimed.
"My dear Ezra," Christopher said. "What has gotten into you?"
"She just called you insane."
Christopher pinched the bridge of his nose under his glasses frame. "Compared to her usual snide comments, she's being very polite. Now please, calm yourself."
Ezra crossed his arms, glaring harshly at Jane-Marie. How dare she? Christopher was a savior who no one was worthy of. Ezra was blessed with his presence, no matter what his sister-in-law said.
"See what I'm talking about," Jane-Marie said. "This is insane and I'm tired of pretending it isn't. I already promised not to call the cops, what more do you want from me?"
"How about not freaking out on my brother right after his fiance died?" Katerina asked.
"His fiance who has, excuse me, had a hobby of torturing people in his basement." Katerina gestured to Jay, growing more heated by the moment. "Which we were enabling. The same way we're enabling Christopher kidnapping people and Michael being involved with the Russian Mafia. Yeah, I'm feeling great right about now."
"Family comes first," Katerina snapped.
Christopher opened the door and walked outside, unable to bear listening to their argument any longer.
As soon as Christopher was out of probable hearing range, Ezra exploded. "What the fuck is wrong with all of you?!"
Katerina and Jane-Marie stopped bickering and looked over at him, wearing identical concerned expressions.
"Colt just died," Ezra said, now quiet, but still wrathful. "Christopher accidentally killed him. I am glad that you're all here, but you're making it worse. He's never done anything other than take care of people. And now, the moment he needs a little bit of help himself, it's too much to ask for?"
Jay plugged their ears, with their head down on the table. For once, Ezra didn't bother trying to comfort them. He wanted to stand his ground in this argument.
"That isn't what this is about at all," Jane-Marie said.
"Then what is it about?" Ezra demanded.
"You," she answered softly.
Ezra spluttered indignantly. "Me? You never asked me how I felt. Not even once. You didn't say one word to me. Why the fuck should you care?"
Ezra had kicked his habit of swearing while living with Christopher, who didn't tolerate such vulgarness and, in any case, didn't give Ezra any frustrating reasons to curse.
"Maybe the fact that you were kidnapped," Jane-Marie said. "This isn't right, Ezra."
"I got over that in like less than a week. I'm happy. Actually happy. I spent my entire life under late stage capitalism, with no hope and no future, trying not to kill myself. And now that I'm finally safe from being harassed, hated, hurt, raped, and maybe even murdered in some random racist or transphobic hate crime, you think my new life is so horrible?"
"Oh honey..."
"Don't!" Ezra snapped. His voice broke slightly, hot tears running down his cheeks. "You don't get it. I'm finally worth something, for once in my useless life. Someone loves me and I didn't have to do anything to earn it. I don't have to play the good Christian or Muslim girl, or pretend to be normal, or bend over backward to please him."
Ezra took a shaky voice before continuing, struggling to draw oxygen into his overworked lungs.
"I'm not a trannie, or a mutt, or a dyke or a terrorist- Oh yeah, you try being born as a biracial bastard into a half republican Christian and half traditional Muslim family the year before nine-eleven. It isn't exactly a walk in the fucking park. My mother became a Christian convert just so my father would help raise me. Her parents told her at every opportunity that she was going to hell, and whisked me away to mosques to get a proper Muslim education in faith. My father's side of the family hated my guts. I was the punchline of every joke, especially at family gatherings after the booze started getting passed around."
Ezra stared up at Jane-Marie, panting heavily, and waiting for a response.
"I'm sorry that happened to you," Jane-Marie said gently. "You didn't deserve that. But this isn't a healthy situation."
"I don't need your empty sympathy. I could tell you a personal horror story for every month I've been alive. I've only thought about suicide once since I got here a month ago. A personal record that I haven't reached since before I was ten."
"And that's a horrible tragedy. But you aren't being cured, you're just being given more issues that disguise the old ones."
"Get out!" Ezra shouted. "Just get out. You're ruining everything. What are you even doing in my home?"
"Ezra," Jay whimpered. "Please..."
"What is it?" Ezra cooed, completely changing his demeanor and running his fingers through Jay's hair. "Do you need more pain meds?"
Jay shook their head. "You're going to get in trouble."
"With who? I already told you that Colt was dead."
"Her," Jay whispered. They trembled all the more as they glanced up at Jane-Marie, then immediately dropped their gaze to the table cloth.
After a few minutes of thought, Ezra realized why. Despite there being very little true resemblance, Jane-Marie's heavily tattooed body and many facial piercings could easily be reminiscent of Colt. Especially to an unstable mind like Jay's.
"She's just Christopher's sister-in-law," Ezra said soothingly. "She won't hurt us. Do you want me to go get Christopher?"
"No, it's okay." Jay sniffled quietly, burying their face in their hands.
Ezra helped them to their feet. "Come lay down. You'll feel better when you're alone and not so overwhelmed."
He led them down the hallway and shut the bedroom door firmly behind them. They curled up sobbing on the bed, and he sat beside them to provide a familiar, comforting presence.
"It's okay," he whispered soothingly. "No one has hurt me. And they're not going to hurt you either. If anyone tries, I'll wallop them."
Jay sniffled, a shaky laugh breaking through their tears and gasps for air.
While very aware of his being five feet and at most two inches, not to mention out of shape and twenty-three years old, Ezra meant every word.
No one was going to hurt Jay. No way in in the nine rings of hell.
"I'm going to go talk to Christopher. Do you need anything?"
Jay shook their head, muffling their crying in the soft pillow. Ezra kissed the top of their head, pulled the covers over their shaking body.
He walked straight through the living room, passed everyone in the kitchen without a single word, and entered the laundry room.
He paused with his hand hovering over the doorknob, remembering his first and only escape attempt. He fiddled with his left earing, unchanged since the piercing.
Going outside wasn't allowed.
But this wasn't an escape attempt. He wanted to talk to Christopher, who was probably sitting on his porch right in front of the door. It shouldn't be a big deal. And if he had taken a walk, Ezra would just go find him. He wouldn't leave.
Ezra put on his boots. After another tense moment of doubt, staring up at the small painting of the Holy Virgin Mary above the door surounded by unreadable Russian text, Ezra stepped onto the porch.
He found Christopher sitting on a wicker chair, and trying to keep his sobbing quiet.
"I'm sorry sir," Ezra said, sitting down on the chair next to Christopher's. "I didn't mean to cause trouble."
"You didn't." Christopher hastily wiped the tears from his eyes. "This is my fault. I jumped the gun on calling Katerina. I was so distraught. I should have asked her not to wake Jane-Marie."
"She a complete cunt," Ezra blurted out.
Christopher choked down a teary laugh. "Language, my angel."
"I'm sorry sir, but she just doesn't get it."
Ezra stared out into the night cloaked hills. Snow covered pines trees covered the landscape, obscuring any road or town that might lay beyond them.
Peace was such a blessed thing, and this was a different form than Ezra was used to. His usual peace was made out of steaming hot borscht, cuddling under blankets, and a soft voice reading old poetry. This new peace was made out of chilly breezes, wind stirred trees, and the stars shining high above the entire world, too vast to comprehend.
"I like being here," Ezra said softly. "I want to stay with you forever. I'm sorry that I ever tried to escape, or defied you even a little. I'm happier than I ever thought possible."
"I'm glad to hear that. You really are my favorite. I cherish your presence in my life."
"I'm sorry about Colt. I never liked him, and I can't pretend otherwise. But you're heart broken. I want you to be just as happy as I am, more than anything."
"Oh Ezra..." Despite his strongest efforts, Christopher's sobbing renewed itself with vigor.
Ezra stood up and went to Christopher, wrapping him in a tight hug. He was used to the quite the opposite, but didn't mind having to comfort Christopher in the least, still smothered by his lavender perfume.
"I should go back inside," Christopher said, finally regaining his usual complete control over his composure.
"Yes sir."
They walked into another argument.
"You can't just support your brother keeping him hostage like some kind of pet," Jane-Marie snapped, as her siblings-in-law groaned and muttered to themselves. "Honestly, have you even listened to yourselves? Ezra isn't a rehomed stray cat."
"Um, nice to see you too." Ezra crossed his arms. Christopher's hand on his his shoulder felt heavenly in its comforting reassurance.
"Of course he isn't a stray cat," Christopher said, the hint of a lugh in his voice. "The expression of being a pet is largely metaphorical. He is Ezra, my dear...friend."
Really, Ezra had never questioned the term pet all that much. It fit as well as anything, metaphor or no. But friend. Christopher really thought of him as a friend. He fought the urge to laugh giddily, restraining himself to a content smile.
"I didn't mean for the two of you to hear that," Jane-Marie said. "I guess Ezra just told you all about our little spat."
"Not a word," Christopher said. "Ezra?"
"I said that she's a cunt, didn't I?"
Christopher pinched the bridge of his nose.
Ezra groaned. "Fine, I'm sorry. All I mean is that she's...unpleasant to be around. And I want her out of our home. And I wish she weren't your sister's wife. That's all."
Michael and Lucille burst into laughter.
"That's all?" Lucille weezed.
"Just that?" Michael asked.
Christopher sighed. "Where has Jay gotten off to?"
"Jane-Marie really upset them," Ezra said. "I laid them down in our room."
"How did you upset them?" Christopher asked Jane-Marie."
Ezra and I had an argument. They had a panic attack, worrying that I was going to hurt Ezra for it. I really wonder what that's about, Christopher."
"How dare you." Ezra clenched his fists. "You can't just-"
Christopher cleared his throat, and Ezra fell silent. "Jay spent weeks being tortured for the slightest mistep. I have tried my best to prove that no one is going to hurt them, but to very little success."
"They seem unstable," Lucille interjected. "What's wrong with them? Is it mental illness, or just trauma and stress?"
"They spent the last few weeks being tortured by Colt fucking Spearing," Michael said. "Of course they're unstable. It's a wonder they're still alive at all."
"I am going to take care of them," Christopher said firmly. "Before Colt's untimely death, they were seeking out my help with assisted suicide. I don't see that as a possibility now."
Jane-Marie gasped. "You were really just going to kill them?"
"Good man," Michael said proudly. "It would have been the best thing."
"You're all insane," Jane-Marie accused.
"Then why did you marry our sister?" Lucille demanded.
"She's the only normal person in this mad house of a family, aside from your parents."
"That's enough," Katerina growled. "For the Holy Virgin's sake, Jane-Marie Rose Larson-Kotev. Those are my siblings. And if you can't fucking deal with them, what are you doing here? You insisted on coming along."
"I was trying to support you."
"I'm feeling really supported right now." Katerina sighed. "I'm leaving. Goodbye Christopher. I'll come to the memorial, without my wife. I love you and I hope you start feeling better soon."
She hugged Christopher, Ezra stepping away to allow it.
"Thank you," Christopher said. "And I'm not angry with your wife, so don't go hollering at her. She's still family."
"Goodbye," Ezra said, not bothering to keep the annoyance from his voice.
"Goodbye," Katerina said, breaking away from her brother. "It was very nice to meet you."
She hugged her other siblings, inducing light hearted groans, then pulled her wife out the door.
"So," Ezra said, pulling himself up to sit on the kitchen counter. "What now?"
"Get off the counter," Christopher ordered. Ezra groaned and hopped down.
"I could make space for you all to stay the night here," Christopher said. "Or you could return home. It's almost four in the morning."
"Let's stick around for another half hour or so," Michael suggested. "Then I have an appointment with my coworkers at seven."
"I'm not going to catch a wink tonight," Lucille said. "So, we may as well plan the memorial and talk through some more of your feelings without interruption."
"I'll make sure our other siblings come to town for the memorial," Michael said. "Even if they couldn't show up tonight."
Christopher smiled. "Thank you. I'm going to make some tea, then your plans sound wonderful."
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isfjmel-phleg · 13 days
A reader of Damage brought up an interesting point--just how much extended family Grant has.
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So who exactly is in Grant's extended genetic family?
His biological parents are Al Pratt and Mary James Pratt, but as a result of the experimentation done on him by Vandal Savage, he has been injected with the DNA of the JSA and the founding members of the JLA minus Triumph. So he is also genetically related to the following:
Barry Allen (Flash)
Johnny Chambers (Johnny Quick)
Orin/Arthur Curry (Aquaman)
Joan Dale-Trevor (Miss America)
Jay Garrick (Flash)
Ted Grant (Wildcat)
Carter Hall (Hawkman)
Shiera Hall (Hawkgirl)
J'onn J'onzz (Martian Manhunter)
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)
Ted Knight (Starman)
Dinah Drake Lance (Black Canary)
Dinah Laurel Lance (Black Canary)
Libby Lawrence (Liberty Belle)
Charles McNider (Doctor Mid-Nite)
Ray Palmer (Atom)
Alan Scott (Green Lantern)
Rex Tyler (Hourman)
Most of these eighteen genetic parents are still alive by the time Grant is made aware of his heritage, with the exceptions of Barry Allen, Johnny Chambers, Dinah Drake Lance, Charles McNider, and Rex Tyler. As far as I'm aware, he has met only seven of them (Alan Scott, J'onn J'onzz, Jay Garrick, Ted Grant, Ted Knight, Carter Hall, and Ray Palmer very briefly before Grant's death).
As for his extended family, they include the following:
Barry Allen's children Don and Dawn Allen (deceased) were his siblings. Don's son Bart Allen, a teammate and friend of Grant's during his first time with the Titans, is his nephew.
Johnny Chambers and Libby Lawrence's daughter Jesse Chambers, a teammate of Grant's during his second time with the Titans and on the JSA, is his sister.
Arthur Curry's sons Koryak, Arthur Curry Jr. (deceased), and A. J. are his brothers. Garth, a teammate from Grant's second time with the Titans, is his brother by adoption.
Joan Dale-Trevor's daughter Lyta Trevor-Hall is his sister by adoption. Lyta is married to Hector Hall, son of Carter and Shiera Hall, who is Grant's brother. Lyta and Hector's son Daniel Hall is his nephew.
Jay Garrick's recently rediscovered daughter Judy Garrick is his sister (Grant is in this recent continuity, so I'm counting it).
Ted Grant's sons Jake Grant (deceased) and Tom Bronson, a teammate and friend of Grant's on the JSA, are his brothers.
J'onn J'onzz's daughter K'hym J'onzz (deceased) was his sister.
Ted Knight's sons David (deceased) and Jack Knight are his brothers. Jack's son Kyle Knight is his nephew. This connection also makes Grant a cousin of Sandra Knight (Phantom Lady), a teammate of his from the Freedom Fighters.
Dinah Drake Lance's daughter Dinah Laurel Lance is his sister but also one of his genetic parents.
Dinah Laurel Lance's daughter Cynthia Lance is his sister by adoption. Dinah's husband's children Roy Harper and Mia Dearden are his siblings by adoption also, which would make Lian Harper his niece by adoption. However, these relationships wouldn't exist until Dinah's marriage around the time that Grant was in the JSA.
Alan Scott's children Jennie-Lynn Hayden and Todd Rice are his siblings.
Rex Tyler's son Rick Tyler, a teammate of Grant's on the JSA and the husband of Jesse Chambers, is his brother.
So that's eleven genetically-related brothers (seven living, four deceased), six genetically-related sisters (four living, two deceased), and three genetically-related nephews (probably more...I tried to stick to characters who would have existed during Grant's appearances), plus his genetic parents' five adoptive children (two brothers, three sisters) and a niece by adoption.
After Grant's solo ended, the comics tended to forget that he is genetically related to a lot of people, even though some of these people would be teammates and friends (Jesse and Rick, for instance, treat him like a brother when they're on the JSA together, but the genetic connection never is made). So unfortunately a family reunion like the one that the above reader imagined never happens, but it would have been fantastic.
In fact, during an incident in which Grant and a lot of other heroes were kept in virtual reality designed to be personally appealing, what he experiences is a picnic with his father and several of his genetic parents, where he is being welcomed and accepted. This is clearly something he desires--being part of a family.
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(JLA/Titans #2)
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rinbowaman · 1 month
I been wondering about the "SEVEN" series. Did the boys know Jesus, or did he know him like I'm curious about how they act around him or anything that had to do with him.👁👄👁
Heelel was born/created before Jesus, and I don’t know the facts about the other fallen angels but in this series, half of them were created before B.C while the other half were created A.D. in the series, I also imagined them all knowing Jesus and even interacting with him, minus Heelel. Because man had already been created by the time Jesus was born and made his sacrifice, heelel was in that stage where he was waiting for you because the three servants of God showed him that futuristic foresight of you in the distant era of mankind. I imagined the brothers interacting and treating Jesus like a younger sibling, but never revealing who they really are. Heelel just suppressed himself, waiting for you.
I’ve thought about this before, and the way I imagined it is this…
For heelel, because he knows all and is second to only God, he has observed and seen Jesus but never cared to interact with him. Again, by the time Jesus was born, heelel had already been suppressed into his waiting period for you. When the three servants of God came to him (the same ones that took him to the altar and into the future to show you off to him) they begged for him to not do anything devious as Mary was carrying the baby Jesus inside her. Heelel tells them that he had no interest in doing anything. The three servants could tell that he was already being tamed by the image of you and that he was waiting.
Beezlebub: I imagined him interacting with Jesus during one of the plagues, where the insects were infectiously tormenting the lands inhabited by people. In this series, Jesus finds Jay so he could ask him to tame the insects for the sake of humanity. Jay explains to the young Jesus that it is best not to interfere with the happenings of the plague because it was Gods doing, and that everything happens for a reason. Jay also tells him that he shouldn’t fret, that humans are a lot stronger than what he deems them to be. It is an interaction of one laser brother to the younger where ha lesson is learned of fate.
Mammon: Mammon has had one interaction with Jesus and it ties with the infamous and historical lesson that is known among us. when he was exploring the market, Mammon walks among the mortals appearing like the lavish prince that he is, Jesus wonders if he would part with one of his precious jewels on his rings or necklaces. Jesus approaches him and asks bids Mammon to be kind and benevolent, and to take the gold off his body and give it to the poor. Mammon explains to Jesus, saying “I could do that, but what success would my gold and jewels provide? It wouldn’t be eternal.” Jesus looks confused and asked mammon what does he mean, to which mammon tells him “if you give man a fish, you feed him for one day. Teach him to fish, and you feed him for all eternity.” (I know it’s not verbatim and that’s on purpose y’all lol) Jesus learns another valued lesson and lives by that motto.
Asmodeus: I imagined Asmodeus meeting Jesus in regards to Mary Magdalene. Again, this series is based off the Bible, the seven princes and historical facts, but adjusted for the sake of the story. So there is a mixture of facts and fiction in this. In this case, Mary Magdalene was being prepared to be stoned to death under the accusation of being an adulteress. Jesus witnessed the preparations and watched as she was being tied to a post, but Asmodeus mysteriously walks over and stands beside Jesus among the crowd. He stands casually as he also watches and starts a side conversation with Jesus…
“Do you ever wonder what the future of mankind will hold?”
Jesus remains silent and stares to ponder on the young man’s words. When Asmodeus tells him…
“One persons sin will create more sinners. These men, women, and children will partake in a ceremonious death…but I wonder…did she truly do it? Or does mankind still have much to learn, and are merely acting out of youth, stupidity, and presumption?” With that, Asmodeus walks out calmly leaving Jesus to think of his words, and on impulse of what he felt was right, he stops the act and takes in Mary as one of his disciples.
Satan: like heelel, he didn’t have any interaction with Jesus. He minded his own business but had one moment of weakness where he came to contact with Jesus. In the series, after Jesus was mounted in the cross, the cross was staked to the ground crooked. Satan walks up calmly after the crowd left after witnessing the sacrifice, and left Jesus to die. Satan stands and looks up, and can already tell through his ability that Jesus took his last breath. He stands expressionless and before he takes his leave, he comes up and with his extraordinary strength, he effortlessly pushes the cross and straightens it, before walking away. It’s not certain if he did it out of sympathy or just because (Sunghoon is a very mysteriously and very complicated character in Satan. You’ll see…)
Leviathan: Leviathan didn’t have any interaction with Jesus but sort of became responsible for his baptism. In the series, a young man named John speaks out of curiosity on how to commit Jesus’s soul to God. He ponders aloud nearby a pond and Leviathan comes along and starts a side convo with him.
“Something on your mind, my friend?” Levi merely stands next to the pond as John remains seated under the tree. “I wonder how to commit a soul to the will of God.”
Leviathan comes up to the man and takes out a water container that he filled up at the pond. Taking a knee, he tells John as he presents his hand to him.
“See my hand?”
Levi pours water over his hand. “Water cleanses and soothes it. It washes away the dirt, and cleanses any blood. Everything is removed…” leviathan shows his hand off in front of John. “The water, it symbolizes a fresh start, a clean one. No matter how dirtied it shall become, it will always become clean again. Yet, at the end of the day, it is a hand, and it stays as a hand; committed to my body. No matter how many times it becomes dirty and cleansed, it will always stay true to my flesh and bone.”
In the series, leviathans words inspired John to become John rhetorical Baptist and he aids in confirming Jesus’s identity as the Messiah.
Belphegor: belphegor (Niki) has had multiple interactions with Jesus. He’s older, and out of the Seven princes of Hell, Niki probably is the most open minded. He is very neutral and likes to learn a lot about everything, and doesn’t really like conflict (which was the cause of him being banished from heaven.) Niki first met Jesus in a village, knowing who he was already (as did his brothers). But Niki sort of took on a role as an elder brother type, like a mentor, since he was the youngest out of his brothers and knew the importance of mentorship. He would speak to Jesus on topics of music, love, sacrifice, war and peace. I imagined Niki being the one to influence Jesus in loving thy neighbor and enjoying the fruits of life.
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isleofdarkness · 1 month
CHAPTER 7 IS DONE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THIS IS SO GREAT!?!?!!!? You've put so much love and effort into this chapter and I admire that so much, your writing it's just amazing <3333
“ He had their same curly hair, cut short by choice and not to make it harder to grab in a fight. ” “ Riah was a child, not a weapon. How relieving that was. ” “ At least there was one of the four Mother Mim hadn't been able to hurt. ” KAJSKAJDKAKKAKSA HIM :((((
Mary :(((
Mara has gone through so much I want to give her the biggest hug and never let go. She had to fight her little sibling's dead body, had to stop sleeping because of the nightmares she had about it, couldn't even get near her little brother, has to live with the constant fear of something horrible happening to the two siblings she has left and just can't get a fucking break. God, I just need her to be happy.
I love them so much it physically pains me. They were never able to meet Riah, their brother, not even glance at him. It was the first time Molly got to see him and it was in a fucking hospital and then these motherfucking stupidass Auradon guards go and point a fucking gun at cos, a child.
That fight scene was great, I love how you incorporate Molly's disability into it. Also, Maverick's fighting style is just terrifying and I'm so here for it.
“ And then, as Isle kids seemed to be good at, that fear turned to anger. And that anger turned into action. ” This line is fucking amazing.
I know I said this before but I will say it again, I absolutely LOVE the way the Exiled Gods look, just amazing character design. “ If Ben had seen her on the opposing side of a battle, he would have turned and run in the other direction and he wasn’t afraid to admit it. ” Exactly.
I absolutely love the way you write Jay, he is so ignored in canon even if he's one of the main four and that bothers me to no end because he's such an interesting character to explore. Your writing makes him so much justice.
“ Even now, knowing she'd been sent to steal his lamp, Jay liked Lydia. The two of them were pretty alike in both personality and what they'd been through. Besides, she'd patched him up often enough for the two of them to feel kind of friendly. ” Oh, I love them. The whole relationship of understanding between Jay, Lydia, Ace and Misha (don't know if I'm missing someone) is so interesting. They've gone through very fucked up similar stuff so they're there for each other even if they're not as familiar or get along that well (at least at first).
KAJSKAKSAKDJKAJA Jay and Evie, poor babies :((((
“ Everyone in the room was pretty pointedly focused on Mordred, who was barely awake. They were all taking care not to turn Jay's crisis into a spectacle. ” They're so respectful to him and I love that.
Mal is getting so desperate about Maverick's mysteriousness and the whole Endless thing, glad to know we're not alone in this and she's gonna have to figure it all out like we did (/lh, figuring it out is so much fun)
I love the Hearts siblings so much, you write them so well and way better than canon could ever do (I'm sorry but I'm hating everything Descendants is doing with Wonderland. Someone please go and take permanent custody of them.)
Is Jay and Ace's relationship a queerplatonic one? If so I love you so much for that, we need more queerplatonic representation.
DUDE, that was so fucking amazing. You're so great. I fear the day I run out of words to tell you how incredible your whole AU is.
I'm so glad this is finally done! Now I can work on part 2, then chapter eight! Mate, it gets so much worse-
Why am I saying that last sentence like it's a good thing?
Riah's great relationship with Hades is actually why Mara didn't freak out at the idea of having an "actual adult" (adult over thirty) in their lives. She doesn't trust him- she doesn't trust anyone- but she's willing to be in his general vicinity. She knows that he probably won't try to hurt Molly, especially with his wife and twelve-year-old child in the house.
And she accidentally called him "dad" the other day, but she refuses to acknowledge that. Yes, Hades was so happy he later spent an entire hour talking to Persephone about it.
Mara can barely even say Mary's name, can't even hear it in reference to blood without going into a panic attack. She's survived the past fifteen years by refusing to even think about Riah. At this point, Molly is the only sibling Mara can safely have. There a reason she and Molly live in the Wilds, because even Mim stays out of the Wilds but there's also nothing there that will hurt Molly as long as Mara's alive. She doesn't even have to be on the island, her being alive in general is enough to protect Molly from the Wilds. She's really just survived these part years just pretending she only has one sibling, the one sibling she's allowed to have. And then someone pointed a gun at Molly's fucking head (Molly is immortal but STILL)
Facilier is trying to get her to do therapy but he's an adult so she refuses to be alone in a room with him. But gods, she needs therapy.
Molly; I'm seven and this is ridiculous
On the Isle, you work with what you have. Molly has an advantage in that co's tiny and blind, so people underestimate cos and, because Blind people tend to not attack people with their canes due to needing those, no one assumes that co's going to attack anyone with cos cane, let alone that said cane is actually made to be used in a fight because Mara takes no chances. Maverick's fighting style is unique in that she can move like Regan MacNeil and no one expects her to be able to move like that, so she leans into that element of surprise and the fact that no one is trained to fight someone who can do that. (And Justice's fighting style is unique because she had 1500 pounds to put behind an attack and absolutely no one is ready to fight someone who not only has superstrength but who puts a weight like that behind every attack. She's the one person who can effectively do that because throwing herself off-balance actually gives her a massive advantage.) You have no idea how long I've been waiting to say this.
Thank you.
The Exiled Gods are so fun because they know what their advantages are and they play to those. Justice, 7'6 and built like Stoik the Vast, made her armour as terrifying as physically possible by adding spikes and that skull plate and that stuff. Seeing a regular opponent wearing a skull faceplate is already intimidating, but seeing Justice Olympian wearing a skull faceplate? She's had enemies see her and literally turn around and run away after seeing her in battle. Dawn, so dark she melts into the shadows, sticks to the darkness. Not only does it make her harder to see in a fight, but it's also extremely intimidating. She steps out of the shadows and it looks like the shadows created her. Hati is small but extremely fast, very agile, and hard to get a hold on. When someone on the Isle has little or no armour, that sends a message to enemies that they're like Hati is- fast, agile, the kind of fighter where armour would just weigh them down and get in the way. Few people are like that so few people are trained to fight someone like that, making these people a wildcard in battle. Someone like Hati, who wears absolutely zero armour other than her silk clothes? That's terrifying. And then these are the Exiled Gods, they only come here once every two years and most people have never actually seen them before. Fewer have seen them fight. On an island where everyone knows everyone, unknowns like the Exiled Gods are frightening in general. And in battle? Oh boy. Oh boy.
I really hate how Descendants was written because the writers don't know how to write. The point of the cast is to bring in characters who all have something unique to contribute- when you have a large cast, like me and Descendants, you have to get creative because every single main or supporting character needs to bring something unique, otherwise there's no point in including the character. Jay has things he can, in theory, bring to the table- he's a prodigy thief, he's extremely fast and acrobatic, he can do parkour (believe me, parkour is an extremely useful skill in a fight,) his father is a con man and he clearly taught Jay some tricks with how Jay uses his charm, he's extremely attractive and very charismatic, his father is an ACTUAL DJINN- there's so much Jay can bring to the table. But did he ever really have any plot relevance? The tourney thing could be scrapped because is contributed basically nothing to the plot (which is poor writing but we won't get into that,) Jay himself really doesn't contribute to the plot in a unique way (literally any of them could make an impulsive choice, the ROAR thing isn't extremely important because Lonnie was already a character, etc.) The only thing he really contributed that I would struggle to give to another character is his motivational speeches, but, rather than expand on that as making Jay kind of the rock of the group, the one who reminds them that they've got this if they just stick together, who helps them when they feel hopeless, that never really matters again until the second movie, and then it never matters again after that. Jay isn't just a well of missed opportunities, he's a whole water table of missed opportunities. Look at how they wasted my boy
There's also Rose and Diego, but they're more on the sidelines, Rose being a package deal with Ace and Diego usually being busy managing the second largest territory on the Isle. Plus Evie, but she's newer and she's only joined the group because her "husband" is there. They never even really verbally agreed to the dynamic, it just kind of happened. They all protect each other because they've all got some serious weight behind their names (Lydia, the ruthless murderer who's saved thousands of lives. Jay, the prodigy thief with a heart of gold, second to Mal fucking Briar, helping her run one of the most notorious gangs on the Isle. Evie, to whom Maverick Fucking Mim owes a favour, Jay's second if something were to happen to Mal, absolutely lethal in a fight, married to Ace of Hearts. Diego, ruler of the second largest territory on the Isle, lover of Harriet Hook, who owns the largest territory, Ginny Gothel, who created and who runs the Silver Cross, and Anthony Tremaine, who has connections to Maverick Mim herself. Ace and Rose, the terror twins who kill and maim without mercy, former members of the Underlands gang, the Red King and the High Princess of Hearts, one of whom controls your actual blood and one of whom no one knows what she can do, but if she's even half as lethal as her sibling then it's time to panic. Mischa Rasputin, immortal, one of the oldest children of the Isle with a healing ability, who kept three sisters alive with their father trying to murder them constantly, with connections to everyone who's anyone because the oldest children of the Isle stick together.) Just... don't mess with any of them. It'll be bad.
Jafar is really just the worst.
Jay and Evie are so sweet.
Seriously. Maverick was ready to need to "influence" people to mind their own business but she didn't need to, everyone just did that on their own.
Mal is this close to murdering Maverick and the only thing that's stopping her is that she's fairly sure Maverick is actually In Charge on the Isle because she's seen Maverick "give orders" to Harriet (they were Harriet's orders, Maverick just said them.) The only reason Maverick hasn't done anything about that is because she's over twenty so, if she dies, she can just go and be Destiny and the natural order will be mostly unscathed. She doesn't want to, but at least reality wouldn't collapse in on itself.
I love the whole Underland idea and I think Disney should've done that. Underland goes so much better with the Isle than Wonderland. If they wanted Red to be some Big Bad, she really should've been from Underland. Because any Isle kid from Underland would be a massive threat, it's in their genetic memory. Their ancestors survived Bandersnatchers (which sounds like a term... well, probably shouldn't say that) and the Jabberwocky. Underland people are terrifying. If Red is going to be an actual Villain, it would take far less work if she was from Underland, not Wonderland. Because Underland is terrifying. (Also, the name Red? From a queen? No, that's a nickname. Just like Rose and Ace are short for Rosabella and Aleksandr, I think Red is just a nickname due to her red hair. Give her a good, regal name, Disney. I'll even give you one- it's tacky, but it makes more sense than just Red- try Royal. Ruby. Rosalie. Rosalind. Ramona. Rosemary. Rebecca. These are just off the top of my head. Also, wouldn't it make sense for the Queen to name her daughter something similar to Rose with how much she loves roses? Also-)
That's the word! The term queerplatonic doesn't really exist on the Isle, but it's the only one that fits in certain situations like Jay and Ace's relationship. Evie and Ace are also in a QPR, they're basically only married for tax benefits (and keeping the Evil Queen off Evie's back benefits.) And you're right, QPRs need more represntation.
I hope that never happens because I absolutely love getting your reviews! You're excellent. Really, this made my day. Thank you so much!
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redjaybird · 4 months
Tumblr media
LEGAL NAME: Jay Finch NICKNAME[S]: Jaybird (no longer available), Jay Jay, Blue Jay DATE OF BIRTH: January 22nd GENDER: Male PLACE OF BIRTH: Chicago (modern/earth based verses), Eden-5 (borderverse) CURRENTLY LIVING: verse dependent- Pandora (borderverses), Hope County, Montana (f/c5 verses), Rook Island (f/c3 verse), Chicago (some modern verses) SPOKEN LANGUAGE: English, French, Spanish, German EDUCATION: Almost graduated High School, almost HAIR COLOR: Brown with some graying EYE COLOR: Brilliant Blue HEIGHT: 5'10" WEIGHT: idfk how to figure that out
SIBLING[S]: Jared Finch PARENT[S]: Daniel Finch (father), Rose Marie Carter-Finch (mother) RELATIVE[S]: N/A CHILDREN: verse dependent- found Violet PET[S]: verse dependent- mostly none, or Hunter (f/c5)
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual Grayromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS: verse dependent- August, Married (bl), Zer0, dating (bl, sometimes with Rhys), Kurt, engaged/married (bl), (AU age shifted) Gaige, something (bl), Eerie, kinda dating/questioning what's going on (modern), Vaas, dating (fc3), Jacob, dating (fc5) SINCE WHEN: dear gosh, varies
Stolen from: @kaiju-crimson-storyandask
Tagging: :P
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candikin · 9 months
Have fun :)
Lexi KittyBow Mary
Jack Oliver Cinder
Cinnamon Cinder (sister of Jack)
Luke Cinder (brother of Jack)
Emeliana Cinder (sister of Jack)
Heather Sweater Weather (not stick)
Robert Loverman (not stick)
May Baggins
Bruno Izzy Orange
Aqua Diggins Mary (sister of Lexi)
Lynn Mary (Lexi's mother)
Mr. Somebody/Aaron Greyson (Lexi's father)
Mr. Copperbottom (Reginald's father)
Aidan Stickmin (Henry's father)
Ruth Copperbottom (Reg's mother)
Willow Kimns (Henry's mother)
Abigail Greyson (Lexi's aunt)
Will Greyson (Lexi's uncle)
Mr. Greyson (Lexi's grandfather)
Rachel Greyson (Lexi's grandmother)
Ana Loser
Kara Pink
Morena Elone
Markus Elone (Morena's brother)
Guts Rave Radman (Not related to Randy)
Addie Acker
Fable Panpa (Sibling of Dave)
Marianne Baker
Dustin Post
Maiden Gaster (Not stick, sister of Sans and Papyrus)
Reasons Skele (Not stick)
Katie Eyes (Not stick)
Dollie Twenty (Not stick)
Amelia Derp (Not stick, might change last name later)
Bunnx Cupid Valentine (Not stick)
Mx. Rocket (Not stick)
Cameron Svensson (Sven and Morena's son)
Casper Curtis (Burt and Morena's son)
Shawna Rene
Linda Rene
Aiko Neko (Not stick)
Maxin Sin (Not stick)
The 13 Angels (Not stick)
Mr. Sir (Not stick, biological father of Lexi)
Zachary Stickmin (Twin sibling of Henry)
Leo Mae Dean (Fusion of Gadget Gabe and ???)
Alexis Vonaera (Robo girl and past Toppat leader)
Daze Forgot/Daze Vonaera (Only slightly related to the past Toppat leader)
Mr. Fred (Twin of Gene Fredrickson)
Gadget Gabe/Gabriel Greyson (If he counts???)
Celestine Coppermary (Reg and Lexi's future daughter)
Victoria Coppermary (Reg and Lexi's future daughter)
Lexa Coppermary (Reg and Lexi's future daughter, used to be Kitty Stickmin's OC but she has left the internet so she gave her to me)
Sterling Coppermary (Reg and Lexi's future son)
Letter Page/Lettery (Not stick)
Nilly Cinder (Adopted Jack and his siblings)
Jay and Avett Cinder (Conjointed twins, Jack and Charles's future adopted children, biological children of Lexi and Reginald)
Veronica (RHM's future daughter, biological child of Lexi and Reginald)
I think that's all...
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velveteenshadow · 3 months
Writing Patterns Game!
I saw the lovely @abyssal-ali throw out the at to anyone who wants to so I figured why not!
These are all Maribat fics!
10: Lackluster Apologies (Gen)
"How was I supposed to know, Adrien?"
9: We Didn't Start The Dumpster Fire (Timari)
Marinette points her head up as she sniffs the air, instantly regretting it.
8: The Phoenix Five (Gen {at least thus far})
To say the waters were calm, would be the farthest lie one could conjure.
7: Secrets of the Shutterbug (Timari)
Tim slowly backtracks when he sees Bart and Jason laughing with a laptop open.
6: Prodigious Denial Defying Diary (Bio-Mom)
Dear Diary,    Today marks my first writing in hopes that these words reach her.
5: Speedy Rebound From Uncertainty (Found Family)
What would his siblings say if he told them the truth?
4: A Bittersweet Prelude (Gen {Ship in Pt 2})
‘Nothing can beat the strike of a sword.
3: Split Second Chance of a Freeze Frame (Rare Pair, Lukabara aka Luka Couffaine x Barbara Gordon)
Life has the worst ways of showing you what you never thought would happen in any of the multitude of universes out there.
2: You Can Ring My Bell (Timari)
“Gettin' deep…” (I swear this one is Family Friendly)
1: Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (Platonic Timari with OC character focus)
Now, there were plenty of things that Scarlet Morningstar has experienced.
Hmm... it's interesting to see how all my starting lines have a nice punch to them in some way, shape or form.
Bonus Below!
Here are the 6 starting lines of my poems thus far for the Shutterbug Station Event!
(They are in order of posting)
1: Red Robin's Rapture (Rare Pair, Tim/Adrien)
"Stay with me a little longer" Tim cried out as the lights dim in his eyes.
2: Anything For My Lady (Gen, Adrien & Mari)
Solitary Confinement can the worst. Too much time with nothing to do.
3: Windy Wonders (Rare Pair, Jay/Adrien aka Alley Cat)
Strawberry Blonde Tall, Handsome, Mysterious
4: Time Passes On (Rare Pair, Bart/Adrien)
Silence Ticking of a clock
5: Marinette's Hidden Talent (Jasonette)
In the depths,
Can one really find one missing out?
6: Lonesome Moonlight Waiting For The Clouds To Clear (Rare Pairs, Tim/Adrien and Bart/Adrien)
Stay with me a little longer Tim I cannot help myself Loving you is all I need
All of the above include the prompt, "Stay With Me A Little Longer" while 5 and 6 include the prompt, "I Can't Say I'm Sorry" as well!
If you are curious about where the prompts came from, check out the Shutterbug Station event and consider joining us on the Timari Discord where we have been hyping it up! It's a great place for Timari lovers and those who are following the Angst V Fluff event!
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