Something something poetry
I look up at the night sky and see starts and feel my bones recognize their kin. My blood calls out for the ocean, we come from salt, submerge us so we can return, it sings. The water the water the water. Every Sunday, dust dust dust, return. I feel pulled in a multitude of directions, the sky, the sea, the ground. I must bury my toes in the soil, I must swim in the sea, fly I must fly! Some things are impossible, how would I reach the stars? My bones will have to be content to let my eyes drink in the ancient light of stars astronomically out of reach. The ocean, too far to swim in....how should I substitute? Sitting in a tub filled to bursting with salt and seaweed. Burning my nose in a candle called "Beach Breeze"... What poor substitutes I must make due with.
At least dust is in abundance here, how unseemly I must look trying to roll around in the mud. Can I find clay to mold between my hands if I dig deep enough, and turn my preoccupation with returning my body to its origin into something productive? Something not bordering on startling ideations... I should want to, I should.
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fade from black. Heart monitor beeping in tune with opening bass line.
Exterior , hospital room. Very steal, possibly ICU. PT in bed not obviously sick, but obviously exhausted. Nasal tub and supplemental O2. pick line and bilateral ivs. Providers are scrambling, pushing medications. Code team is being called. PT in bed is still looking fine sans exhaustion. ((SONG FIRST VERSE)) PT sings as she's set up for CPR and intubation. Close up of PT eyes "flash before your eyes" moments starts at
ext: playground young PT is struggling with an adult who easily dislocated young pts elbow. Young PT is shown easily rolling ankles and falling dislocating fingers breaking their fall. A slightly older PT is shown having a sycopy episode from PT POV. music cuts out heart rate speeds up gasping is heard.
Fast cuts of PT crying at different stages of life, as a child jumping up and down insistent guardians being dismissive (being put to bed). As a teen arguing with a teacher/school nurse (trying to cope with it in the school bathroom) as a young adult arguing with doctor after doctor after doctor.
Verse 2
Ext: mental ward PT pasing close up on grippy socks, PT in pain. Drs condescending nodding along with an increasingly frustrated PT. She's sitting across from another PT that looks almost identical to her in the room they share. PT and roommate sing every other line like a conversation. (Invocation of an uncanny valley)
More medical gaslighting, more hospital stays. Case walking pneumonia. Case endometriosis. Case that leads back to opening septic shock.
PT wakes up at home, looking well rested. ALL of the medical accommodations you can think of are viable. PT has visible surgical scarring. But no other visible disability, shown walking with an aid.
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skyrose-catara-danza · 3 months
@ fic authors what do you personally consider a successful fic? What’s the bar?
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skyrose-catara-danza · 3 months
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skyrose-catara-danza · 5 months
I keep seeing people making fun of using growled, hissed, roared, snarled etc in writing and it’s like.
have you never heard someone speak with the gravel in their voice when they get angry? Because that’s what a growl is.
Have you never heard someone sharply whisper something through the thin space of their teeth? Or when your mother sharply told you to stop it in public as a kid when you were acting up/being too loud? Because that’s what a hiss is.
Have you never heard a man get so blackout angry that their voice BOOMS through the house? Because that’s what a roar is.
Have you never seen someone bare their teeth while talking to accentuate their frustration or anger while speaking with a vicious tone? Because that’s what snarling is.
It’s not meant to be a literal animal noise. For the love of god, not every description is literal. I get some people are genuinely confused, but also some of these people are genuinely unimaginative as fuck.
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skyrose-catara-danza · 8 months
Worldbuilding Masterpost
Some of my most frequently asked questions involve worldbuilding, and I’ve compiled quite a collection of resources on the matter.  As such, I’ve decided to compile them into a handy list, for your convenience!  
Worldbuilding Resources:
Worldbuilding 101
Making New Cultures
Woldbuilding Masterlist
Resources For Worldbuilding
Naming Systems
Free Wolrdbuilding Website (World Anvil)
Worldbuilding Website (Notebook AI)
Worldbuilding Blogs:
More to come!
Happy writing, everybody!  <3
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skyrose-catara-danza · 11 months
hey what was in the water with the stucky fandom for real they did some off the fucking chainnnn things on ao3 and for what.
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I think bad writing is genuinely quite rare. The more you learn about writing, the easier it is to find something to love in even the most rough and amateurish work. New authors often have crackshot skill in at least one arena of their craft, and there is always something to learn from a text like that.
I've read a lot of clumsy writing. But when an author is passionate about their practice, it's hard to truly hate it. I think much of what we consider bad writing is only called "bad" out of convenience and context.
In my mind, Truly Bad Writing has a sort of naive malice to it. The best example in my mind is Ben Shapiro's work. It is cruel, arrogant, a bit pompous, and powerfully, embarrassingly, ineffective.
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Hello! If you've got the spoons available, I'm trying to hunt down a post of yours from a few years ago, but of course Tumblr's search doesn't work all that well. It was about a guide to writing mlm erotica from the early 2000s, by a man whose name started with M-? Key bits of what he said stand out to me, and I wanna share it as a resource! Thank you in advance!
I believe you are looking for Minotaur’s old site.
It’s hosted on squidge these days. (NSFW link, obviously.)
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Did I daydream this, or was there a website for writers with like. A ridiculous quantity of descriptive aid. Like I remember clicking on " inside a cinema " or something like that. Then, BAM. Here's a list of smell and sounds. I can't remember it for the life of me, but if someone else can, help a bitch out <3
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How to write a novel
I was talking to a girl at ComicCon, the kind of person who has a million creative projects at the same time. As many people do, she has a story she wants to write, with amazing characters she wants to share with the world, but writing is hard and a first novel can be daunting. Here’s what I told her.
Now, this applies to the people who REALLY want to see their story done. These are the main pillars of the cathedral that is your story. Let’s begin.
1- YOUR GOAL IS TO WRITE A COMPLETE FIRST DRAFT. It will be shit. But it will be complete. You can build on it and rewrite, but the most important thing is to WRITE TILL THE END OF THE STORY.
2- SIT DOWN AND WORK. That’s the difference between writers and the million people who say they have a story that they’ll write someday.
Alright, let’s get technical, and start by the end. 
3- Art is about causing your public to have emotions. Decide right now what emotion you want to leave your readers with when they close your book. Is it happy, sad, bittersweet, hopeful? Pick one. (This can be changed later if you rewrite and find some other ending, but we are working on the first draft.)
— Maybe you have a nice gimmick, a cool idea for a story, like idk, ‘What if you cloned yourself and that clone took over your life’. This is interesting, but it’s not a story in itself. A story needs emotions. If you don’t pick the emotions you want your reader to feel, your idea is just a gimmick. 
4- Now that you have the final emotion, decide your ending in accordance to said emotion. Are characters dying? Is the bad guy defeated? Is everyone splitting up or leaving together as a found family? 
Then we go back to the beginning.
5- You probably have a million characters you all want to write. Pick one to be your protagonist. Yes, just one. Multi-characters stories are harder to write and demand experience and time. We want this novel to exist, and not be stuck in limbo forever. Anyway, people tend to always prefer side characters. Who has heard of someone having a protagonist as a fave?? Your side characters will be loved, no worry. 
How to find your protagonist: It’s the person who makes decisions and makes the plot advance. Simple as that. Not to be mistaken for the leader of a group.  
6- Now that you have your protagonist, you decide what is normal for them. That is your beginning. 
7- And then, you break that normality in some horrible way that will prevent your protagonist to come back to it. That is your inciting incident. 
Then we write the middle
8- You google Three-Act-Structure and get one of these babies. 
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(But Talhí, I hear you say, why should I follow this? It’s been overdone, and my story doesn’t follow this, and I have more to write than this… Well, that’s your choice. I’m not the boss of you. I’m just saying that this is a solid model for western storytelling and it’s been proven to work time and time again. You can create outside of this, but again, the main goal here is to get your novel on paper. This is a solid template.)
9- You probably have a general idea of events you want to happen in the story. Place these scenes where you feel they should go on the structure. Like, a confrontation with the main bad guy goes in climax of act three, and the confrontation with the main henchman goes to climax of act two, etc. Be mindful of the rising action and tension: a cute misadventure in the woods would probably go earlier in the story than a fight to the death.
10- Now, a secret: What separates bad writing from good writing? Bad writing is adding a bunch of events in the middle and have the characters go through them like a checklist of scenes. You can often see this in movies. But good writing links the events. Each and every event that happens has to be a result of your character making a decision. Then, an obstacle happens, and your character makes another decision, that leads to your next event/obstacle. 
11- Another secret: A character will gain power, money, weapons and allies through the story. In videogames, this is useful to defeat the bad guy. But storytelling is not videogames. Having a superpowerful hero at the end is boring. What we want is keeping the reader in suspense. So you’ll have to take everything from them. Leave them powerless and alone. And then, break their leg. I mean, not literally, although you can do that too, but have them super disadvantaged. And then they can use the personal growth they got in the adventure to prevail. (What is more interesting: a character fleeing from a facility but with weapons and kickass moves, or a character fleeing the same facility without weapons or shoes and with a broken arm? Who do you root for?)
Other tricks
The rest of the crew: I go with what Pixar does for characters: Main character gets three or more characteristics. That’s your Woody. Second tier character gets two characteristics. That’s your Buzz. Third tier characters get one characteristic, like Rex and Mister Potato Head. Keep control of your character tiers and never give too much time to the lower tiers ones, it doesn’t help your story.  
Herd your cats: Characters will want to wander in every direction, and you’ll want to follow them. Keep them in groups, and even though you can follow a side character for a scene or two, focus 80 to 90% of your story on your protagonist. 
DND is not a novel: I’m pretty sure your campaign is super fun, but you can’t just put it on paper and call it a novel. It needs a narrative arc and serious editing. You can use a campaign as a base, but it needs to be worked as a novel, because you’re changing mediums, and a novel has different requirements. 
That’s pretty much what I can remember for now. This should help you with the bones of your novel, and you can add the meat on that. I hope it helps. But honestly, the best advice I can give you is 
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Alphonse Mucha
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As it turns out, the nogitsune had more powers than the pack ever got to see. A void is dark and cold and, as they find out, impossible to excise completely. Its essence lingers, and with it comes abilities the likes of which Stiles never expected and has no idea how to control.
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for all of you guys that are writing fantasy and getting into fantasy cartography, i highly, highly recommend that you sit through artifexian’s youtube series on building realistic fantasy maps
he basically breaks down stuff like how to realistically place climate zones on a map, what they look like, how ocean currents work, how they affect things (like where your world’s fishing hubs and climates are going to be placed), where mountain ranges should go and how they affect climate, where your world’s metals (i.e. resource wealth) are going to be found, and on and on and on. it’s SUPER incredibly fucking helpful and really fleshes your world out in a whole new way
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I saw a post talking about how Terry Pratchett only wrote 400 words a day, how that goal helped him write literally dozens of books before he died. So I reduced my own daily word goal. I went down from 1,000 to 200. With that 800-word wall taken down, I’ve been writing more. “I won’t get on tumblr/watch TV/draw/read until I hit my word goal” used to be something I said as self-restraint. And when I inevitably couldn’t cough up four pages in one sitting, I felt like garbage, and the pleasurable hobbies I had planned on felt like I was cheating myself when I just gave up. Now it’s something I say because I just have to finish this scene, just have to round out this conversation, can’t stop now, because I’m enjoying myself, I’m having an amazing time writing. Something that hasn’t been true of my original works since middle school. 
And sometimes I think, “Well, two hundred is technically less than four hundred.” And I have to stop myself, because - I am writing half as much as Terry Pratchett. Terry fucking Pratchett, who not only published regularly up until his death, but published books that were consistently good. 
And this has also been an immense help as a writer with ADHD, because I don’t feel bad when I take a break from writing - two hundred words works up quick, after all. If I take a break at 150, I have a whole day to write 50 more words, and I’ve rarely written less than 200 words and not felt the need to keep writing because I need to tie up a loose end anyways. 
Yes, sometimes, I do not produce a single thing worth keeping in those two hundred words. But it’s much easier to edit two hundred words of bad writing than it is to edit no writing at all.
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so now that teen wolf is over i decided to make a list of scenes i always wanted to see in teen wolf. ahem:
stiles and scott apologizing to derek for being dicks to him in the first two seasons. i always wanted scott and derek to be bros but their initial behavior in the first seasons always felt like it was standing the way.
allison apologizing to everyone for her season 2 murder spree. her apology to stiles would include stiles being totally understanding and then bonding over their dead moms would ensue. her apology to derek would be super stiff and derek would probably point out that his entire family was murdered by an argent but he still never tried to hurt allison but he’d ultimately forgive her and they’d eventually realize how much the other values pack and family and bond over that.
stiles rescuing erica and boyd in master plan. i’ve never understood how we’re supposed to believe that gerard let stiles go and stiles just… left? no. he would absolutely go back and try to save erica and boyd. he’d try to convince his dad to save them, he’d try to get other members of the pack involved, or he’d just go by himself like the reckless fool he is.
the sheriff and melissa becoming the pack parents. like the sheriff getting out of bed and walking downstairs and being totally unfazed by all the teenagers sitting in his kitchen making him a healthy breakfast. the pack taking turns bringing melissa dinner at the hospital and the sheriff healthy dinners at the police station. boyd sneaking the sheriff sweets every once and a while. everyone in the pack turning to john and melissa for support and advice and the two of them slowly realizing that they’ve accidentally adopted this entire pack of teenagers.
scott and stiles walking in on the sheriff and melissa kissing and it turning in to this huge awkward babbling mess that only the Stilinski-McCall Family™ could create and the awkwardness between everyone lasts for several episodes until stiles finally sits down with his dad and tells him he deserves to be happy and they talk about claudia and maybe cry a little and scott and melissa have the same conversation and then there’s just a lot family bonding and feels.
derek and cora just… being siblings? and being excited to see each other? like cora sitting down and asking derek questions about what he and laura did after the fire and that maybe turns into some crying and hugging but also some laughing as derek tells cora stories about laura and their mom that she probs doesn’t remember. maybe peter joins in too - not on the crying, but at least on the story telling.
in the same vein, malia actually being interested in learning about the hale family and seeking out derek and cora to maybe try to build a family again. i have mixed feelings about malia being a hale, but i wish they’d actually shown her being a hale.
malia being treated like the child she is - and i don’t mean that in a condescending way, i literally mean that she was probs not emotionally capable of dealing with a lot of stuff that she did in the show, like romantic relationships and sex. it would have been cute to see the entire pack taking turns teaching her about basic human stuff - like lydia giving her this entire powerpoint presentation on consent and then malia just goes around asking permission to hug people or isaac trying to teach her about fashion and she goes around openly criticizing people’s fashion choices at school. stupid crap like that would have been great.
stiles, allison and boyd being the badass investigative trio of the pack. like stiles is obviously an fbi agent now or whatever, but i feel like allison was also super smart and she had the weapons skills to back her up - and then boyd is just so perceptive and knowledgeable and i can see him balancing out stiles’ crazy really well. like any time they need an attack plan, everyone turns to these three. and maybe lydia and danny jump in sometimes too.
speaking of danny, more danny scenes. danny and scott, danny and stiles, danny and jackson, danny and lydia, danny explaining his knowledge of the supernatural. just… danny.
erica and kira bonding. i get erica died before kira came along but i think they’re relationship could have been awesome.
fleshed out lgbt+ character arcs. like stiles discovering he’s bi, but maybe he thinks he’s gay for awhile and then he actually you know uses the word bisexual and has to deal with coming out to his friends and family - who of course all support him, but still, we get that entire arc from beginning to end where stiles discovers and becomes comfortable with his sexuality.
conversely, lydia saying ‘i’m not interested in teenage boys anymore’ and then proceeding to finally make a move on a girl in the school. preferably allison but i’m not super picky.
danny sort of accidentally joining the pack. like he doesn’t really want to get involved in all the supernatural crap, but he’s friends with everyone in the pack and knows a lot about it so he always winds up helping and next thing he knows, he’s been added to the pack group chat and he’s in charge of getting pizza for their meeting on friday whoops.
the pack actually engaging in high school drama. like everyone going to senior prom together, the werewolves using their powers to intimidate bullies, working on group projects together at pack meetings, etc. just stupid high school shit.
i have this idea for a scene where kira is super stressed about something and she turns to boyd, who is just sitting quietly and reading or something, and kira starts ranting about whatever her problem is. boyd never says a word and kira figures out a solution on her own and is all ‘thanks boyd’ and like kisses his cheek and runs off and boyd just smiles and keeps reading.
some scene where we finally figure out why jackson has it out for stiles and scott. my headcanon is the three of them used to all be friends, but then stiles pushed all his friends away after his mom died and scott is basically the only one who stuck around and jackson’s super bitter about it, but legit any explanation would have been great especially if there was a lot of angry yelling.
stiles developing his magic abilities and using it to help the pack complete with him using his magic to maybe burn kate argent. to death.
yeah idk where i’m going with this but feel free to add on.
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