#should have been at the club tournament
Round 3 Match 3: They Should Have Been At The Club Tournament
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Propaganda below the cut.
Propaganda for Nico Robin:
Left by her mother with her abusive aunt, got called a monster for her weird powers and only found solace at the library studying with the scholars there, but they left her out of their biggest main researcher of Forbidden History because the government kills whoever studies it. Made a giant friend anyway, just in time for the government to come and blow up the entire island because of the Forbidden History, leaving her the only survivor. They put a huge bounty on her head (she was 8), meaning she was never safe and couldn't trust anyone, surviving by betraying people before they could betray her, until twenty (20) years later when she finally met people she could trust.
Propaganda for Tim Drake:
he spent his teen years trailing behind batman, and when batman was gone he spent a years time looking for batman. he Really didnt get to ve a teenager. he was stuck in batman's shadow. girl shouldve been at the club!
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alexias-putellas · 5 months
comfort // l.williamson x reader
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l.williamson x reader
oh to live in a world where leah (and beth) were at the wwc 🥺🥺
based on this request!
part two here!
being named captain of the matildas was one of the proudest moments of your life and for a while, you were sure that nothing else was ever going to top that feeling.
until cortnee scored the penalty that meant you and your teammates were in your first ever world cup semi-final. and to do so in front of a home crowd was truly magical.
when you found out that you’d be going up against your girlfriend, your heart did sink a little. leah was extremely competitive and patriotic, her love for her country ever present on the pitch.
you were well aware of england’s winning streak but you had beaten them before and you were damn sure that you could do it again.
the game was incredibly physical, both teams desperate for the win, but the goals remained level. it was 2-2 and time was running out. you knew what you had to do.
despite the burning ache in your legs, you ran down the pitch like your life depended on it, catching the pass from sam and hammering the ball into the back of the net.
the roar of the fans was deafening as you celebrated with your teammates. sure, the final whistle hadn’t been blown but you knew it was a done deal for your team.
so when the whistle did blow and the arena exploded, you could only watch with pride as the australia sub bench flooded onto the pitch. your teammates were crying, hugging, and congratulating the goalscorers.
you felt someone jump onto your back and you both toppled to the ground. steph helped you up and hugged you tightly, whispering how proud of you she was.
“you should go see her.” she whispered, pointing behind you.
you stared at your club and country teammate in confusion, feeling your heartbreak when you finally followed her gaze.
leah lay on the floor being comforted by keira and georgia, who looked just as devastated.
that’s when the crushing realisation really hit you.
whilst you’d achieved your dreams, you had crushed theirs. you’d crushed leah’s.
without a second thought, you rushed over. keira and georgia hugged you and you told them that you were proud of them and that they should be proud of themselves.
georgia patted your shoulder and then you were alone with your heartbroken girlfriend. you kneeled next to leah, gently placing your hand on her arm.
“leah.” you said softly, making her lift her head.
you weren’t too sure what her reaction was going to be. maybe she’d ignore you, maybe she’d tell you to fuck off before finding comfort in her own teammates. maybe she’d never talk to you again.
one thing was for sure, you did not expect her to throw herself into your arms and sob into your chest. you wrapped your arms around her, holding her shaking body as tight as you possibly could.
“oh, leah, i’m so sorry,” you whispered, rubbing her back and kissing her head. “i’m so proud of you and you should be so so proud of yourself. you have been incredible this entire tournament so have your girls, and that’s all down to you. you captained your team to the semi-finals, baby. that is an extraordinary achievement.”
you held her until she made the move to pull away and even then, you watched her like a hawk. reaching out, you wiped the tears from her eyes, desperately blinking your own away.
she glanced behind you and you knew what she was looking at but that didn’t matter. all that mattered was her.
“i love you.” you spoke before she could.
“i love you too.” she repsonded, her voice still shaky.
“you’ll bounce back,” you placed your hand over hers and squeezed. “you’re leah williamson. the best captain england has ever had. most importantly, you’re my girlfriend, and she is beautiful, she’s strong, she’s—“
“—this close to punching you in the face.” leah held her fingers close together but you could see the smile tugging on her lips.
“aw, you love me too much to do that,” you grinned, yelping as she gently punched you in the arm. “what the hell?”
leah was laughing and you’d never been so thankful to hear it.
you stood up and helped her up, pulling her into a quick hug before asking her to swap shirts. she did it happily and kissed your cheek, murmuring a quiet ‘i love you’ before heading towards her teammates.
you smiled and made your way to your own teammates, wearing your williamson shirt with pride.
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sweetbans29 · 23 days
Teach Me: The Ask (i) - PB
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Pairing: Paige Buecker x Reader
Next Part
Summary: You and Paige have been best friends for the last 6 years. You trust her completely. And it is because of that trust that you ask her a rather forward question. AKA - You ask Paige to teach you.
Warnings: best friend vulnerability, smitten Paige
Word Count: 3.5k
Teach Me Masterlist & Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Let's do this.
It's a Tuesday afternoon when a girl from your chem class asks you out. The two of you had been talking for the past few weeks and you had gotten a vibe - at least were hoping you were getting a vibe. Turns out, you were correct. She asked you to go out that Friday night.
You are literally over the moon. Truth be told, you were never one to date in high school or the beginning of college for that matter. The high school thing never really bugged you, but once you got to college and saw how much fun your friends were having hooking up, and sort of felt like you were missing out. It was always something that lingered in the back of your mind.
The thing that always scared you was your lack of knowledge. You had never done anything sexual. You hadn't even had your first real kiss yet, talk about embarrassing. I mean you kissed Jacob in middle school spin the bottle but never counted it because it was when you learned you didn't like boys.
But now that all that is changing. Not like you are going to treat your chem date as one of the girls your friends bring home, but you also don't want to be completely clueless as to what to do if it does ever go there.
The now excitement turns into fear as you run through all the possibilities of how your inexperience could end something that hasn't even begun. In your irrational thinking, there is only one person who you can think of that could help you.
Paige Bueckers and you met in high school. Your dad was the high school girls' basketball coach, where Paige played during regular season all four years. You knew everything your dad knew about the game and were often his assistant coach even though you were also still in school. Nobody understood why you didn't continue playing after middle school and you honestly never really talked about it. All they knew was that your knowledge of the game was something that could take you places.
You were instantly impressed by Paige when she made the varsity team her freshman year. Your dad led a pretty excellent program for high school which caused families to move to your hometown to have their daughters play for him. He was also on the board of a club program which usually kept him pretty busy and you as you were always with him.
Paige was a player your dad had been following since she started middle school and playing at the club. You also had an eye on her and were impressed by how refined her skills were. So when she came and tried out for the high school team, she was tough to place. You thought she should have been on JV for a year before stepping up into varsity but your dad argued a good case as to why she should be on varsity.
She was one of 4 girls in your dad's career who had come in as a freshman and made varsity.
Paige and you actually butted heads during both of your freshman years. You would try and coach her and she would dismiss you immediately - only listening to your dad. I mean you couldn't really blame her, you were the same age as her trying to tell her how to be better at a sport you didn't play anymore.
It wasn't until the end of the season your guy's freshman year that she saw the value in you. It was during the State Class Tournament when the team was down by 10 in the last quarter and you were coaching the offense while your dad was coaching on defense. It was then that she truly saw your knowledge of the game and how you weren't just pulling stuff out of your ass.
The team won the championship - your first time and your dad's like 12th. It was after that game, while everyone was celebrating that Paige came up to you and apologized for being so dismissive all season. You told her not to sweat it and the rest is history.
The two of you became best friends sophomore year of high school. It was easy as you were a part of the team but not a player and Paige appreciated having a friend who didn't share the court with her - I mean you shared the court with her but in a completely different capacity. The two of you worked extremely well together when it came to the game and found out that you also enjoyed each other's company outside of the gym. It was like you two had an unspoken language and were able to communicate without anyone hearing a word.
Your friendship only continued to grow over the years. You became Paige's right hand when it came to playing ball - you knew the way she played like the back of your hand. You could tell her where she had gone wrong or where she could improve before she even made a move. When she committed to UConn, you knew that would be where you go. Your dad approved and you knew you could continue learning the game.
During your freshman year, you and Paige dormed together. You continued to watch her game and help her become a better player at a college level. You also got super close with her team. You fit in perfectly. For most of the time, that wasn't an issue - hanging out with the girls and spending time with them. The only time it became an issue is when you see them more than Paige. You love your best friend, but there are times when she gets a little territorial.
The first time you noticed this was in high school, it only happened once or twice but it was bad.
There was this one time during club season (about a year into your friendship) when you had gone to a tournament with your dad. Paige was playing and she knew you were going to be there. Granted, before the tourney you had told her you were going to be scooping out players with your dad. She knew you weren't there to watch her play.
As the day progressed, so did her game. She kept missing shots and couldn't get out of her head. And to top it all off - you were nowhere in sight. Paige knew that whenever she was off, you would be there to tell her exactly how she could fix it, even if it was just a knock upside her head to tell her to stop overthinking.
When she would have a moment, her eyes would scan the crowd for you but she could never find you. The frustration started to build up in her that by the end of the tournament, she didn't make a beeline to you (not that she knew where you were) rather just went straight home.
When you and your dad were finished, you looked at Paige's location on Find My Friends and noticed she was already home. Your heart sank a little seeing as she did come find you but shake it off.
A day passes and you hear nothing from Paige. Typically you wake up to a minimum of 3-4 notifications from her, whether it be texts, missed calls, or some video or meme she has sent. The next morning there was nothing.
You try and give her a call but no answer.
It is about 10am now and still nothing from Paige. You see she is at home and decide to make your way there. When you get there her dad is out working in the garage and greets you. He lets you know Paige has been out back working on her shot all morning. YOu thank him and make your way out to your best friend.
When you walk out she is locked in on a shooting drill. You stand there and watch her - already seeing what you had seen yesterday. You weren't able to watch full games for your best friend but every chance you got, you would sneak over to see how she was doing. You knew she was off and how she could adjust but every time you had an opportunity to go talk to her, your dad needed you with him.
"You're pulling your shot - your elbow and wrist aren't aligned. You lose it a second before your release causing you to shift right." You say to the girl who keeps missing about half of her shots.
Paige wants so badly to look at you and say she needed you yesterday but she still boils with an unknown anger. She says nothing.
"Paige, what's going on?" You ask when she doesn't respond - you even used her first name, and you never used her first name. Still no response from your stubborn friend as she goes up for another shot - missing it. You have seen enough.
You walk up to her, take the ball, and throw it into the yard. If she wants to play this game, she needs to know that 2 can play.
"What the hell?" She yells, finally looking at you.
Her look says more than you imagined it would. At first, all you see is the anger that she has been holding for the past 24 hours. But as you both stand there just staring at one another, you begin to see the hurt that lies behind it maybe even a hint of jealousy. There is something else in her eye but you can't quite pinpoint that one yet.
Your eyes soften as you look at the blonde in front of you, waiting for her to take the lead. You are wholeheartedly expecting her to yell at you for something you still have no idea about. And you're ready to give it right back to her.
The yelling never comes as Paige finally breaks eye contact with you and looks down.
"You weren't there." Is all Paige says. She continues to look down and behind picking at one of the nails.
"What are you talking about B?" You ask, needing her to be more specific.
"I needed you and you weren't there," she says again. You wrack your brain for what she could possibly be talking about when it clicks. Even though you saw what her issue was yesterday - you never corrected her during the game.
"That's what this is about?" You ask, your heart breaking slightly from the sight of your best friend's vulnerability. You see a switch in her flip and know you are about to get feisty Paige.
"You were at the tournament for the entire day and didn't come over to watch me for a second! That single-handedly was one of my worst tournaments and couldn't figure out what was going wrong. The day just kept getting worse. I would scan the crowd for you and you were nowhere in sight, off at some other court watching some other girl that wasn't me." She whispered the last part to herself more than you.
You wait a second, processing what she is saying and waiting to see if there is going to be anything else. When nothing else comes, you speak.
"During game three, is when you started pulling your shot. It started when no.15 from the other team fouled you midshot and you fell to the ground. That is why you missed your first free throw. Your next game was even worse - that is when you started getting in your head. Your shooting percentage was down 20% and you couldn't shake it because you were fully in your head at that point. Game 5 was the worst of them all because you had just given up on yourself. Your shot was all over the place as you were trying to adjust every single one you took. I was there P, you just couldn't see me." You say with a matter-of-fact tone.
"And it is my job to watch other athletes! You know this! That is why I started watching you," you finish looking at your best friend.
"You saw?" Paige asks.
"Of course, I saw B, you're my girl," You say using her nickname. Everyone always calls Paige either by her name or first initial. You, on the other hand, call her by her last initial. You are the only one she allows to call her by it. It started when you would only call her by her last name freshman year, never using her first name and it drove her crazy. When the two of you became best friends, you shortened it to B. She didn't know how she felt about it until you mentioned it you liked it because no one else called her that and you wanted a special nickname that only you use. Hence, her shooting daggers at anyone else who tries to call her by your nickname.
Paige's heart tugs when she hears you call her 'your girl'. That's all she really wants but values you too much to make any sort of move. She has come to terms that a friendship is all the two of you will ever have and is okay with that knowing you will always be there. But it is in moments like this that she wants more for the two of you.
She waddles over to you. You open your arms to embrace her. She walks into your arms and you hug her, she doesn't hug you back but stands there like a child with her head in your neck.
That night you spend the night at her house. The two of you have a movie night and Paige falls asleep to She's the Man and you stoking her hair.
You are running back to your apartment to see if Paige is around and find your apartment filled with girls from the team. They are all doing an IG live. You smile at the girls before you and know you need to wait to talk to Paige. You quietly make your way to your room but don't go completely unnoticed.
As you are making your way over, Paige's arm reaches back and squeezes your knee. You give her a smile and run your hands through her hair.
She lets out a little moan, not loud enough for anyone to hear except herself.
You are grateful you are covered by Azzi and another girl. There have been several times the two of you have had to mitigate dating rumors and didn't want to deal with that tonight. You head back to your room and lay on your bed scrolling through IG, waiting for the girls to finish up.
It also gives you time to think through how you want to approach talking to Paige. She is the only one you trust with something so intimate.
I mean not only is she your best friend, but since the two of you got to college she has been pretty active and I don't just mean playing ball. The two of you talked about her habits early on. She was allowed to bring girls home on weekends or after games and all you asked is that she didn't mention any details and that they were gone by the time you had to be up in the morning. Her sexual life never affected you. If you were honest, you were glad at least one of you was getting laid.
You hear the girls start saying their goodbyes and that is your cue that the live has ended and it is safe to make your way to tell them bye.
Making your way out, you head to the group. You say bye to all of them and they leave your apartment.
"How did it go?" You ask Paige as she grabs an apple and takes a bite.
"It was aight, they did a Q & A which was fun." She says as she wipes her bottom lip.
You start to feel nervous and begin fiddling with a paper on the counter.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" She asks noticing your nervousness. You give her a smile, always loving when she calls you pretty or any pet name really. It's endearing.
"I have to ask you something - and I don't really know how to ask it so I am just going to come out and ask," you say beginning to ramble. "You can say no, but I am only asking you because I know you and you know me and I trust you."
"Spit it out ma," she says going in for another bite of her apple.
"Willyoushowmehowtobeintimatewithagirl?" You say faster than you could breathe.
Paige chokes on her apple and begins to cough. She doesn't think she has heard you correctly.
"B, are you okay?" You ask patting her on the back. She takes a step away from you and you retreat a little yourself.
This was a bad idea, you think to yourself as you begin to feel embarrassed by the ask you have of your best friend.
"Repeat what you just said," she says, telling not asking. You open your mouth and she clarifies, "Slower this time."
You gulp, feeling even more nervous than before.
"Will you," you say with another gulp. "Will you show - teach me how to be intimate with a girl?"
Paige's mind is racing - almost as fast as her heart. She wants to say yes immediately but has done such a good job of hiding her feelings up to this point.
"You want me to show you how to fuck girls?" She asks bluntly.
You blush at her directness.
"Well that and more," you say. "You know, like what to do and what feels good. What girls like in bed and stuff but also like how to kiss and stuff." You can't look at her when you ask the last part.
Paige's head is now spinning and beginning to throb. And trust me when I say her head is not the only thing that is beginning to throb.
You begin to feel like you are asking too much of your best friend.
"B, you are the only person I trust and you know I am a literal child when it comes to being intimate with someone. I would never ask anyone else because they don't know me like you do and I know this wouldn't change anything between us." You say.
Paige is now leaning on the counter with her head in her hands. She is just trying to get the image of you, laying out before her - exposed, out of her head before she takes you right here on the kitchen counter. Her skin is buzzing.
"Paige," you begin and her head whips up. You are too caught up in your own nervousness to notice how her pupils are dilated.
"Why now?" She asks.
"A girl from one of my classes asked me out on Friday and I want to be prepared for anything," you say slightly embarrassed.
Paige's heart fills with jealousy thinking about another girl taking you out and making you laugh. Thinking about her touching you and making you moan her name.
A fire begins to burn in Paige. She is in a complete internal battle with herself. Why would she show you how to make someone else feel good? But at the same time, she absolutely hates the idea of you with someone else and if she is your first - she would at least have that.
You touch her arm as Paige's skin feels like it just went up into a burning pile of flames. When did you get so close to her?
"If this makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to do it." You say looking deep into her eyes.
She could stare into your eyes forever. You really don't know the effect you have on her. Paige would move mountains for you. She would do anything to make you happy even if it caused her pain. She would give you her last breath if it meant she got to see you smile one last time. As much as she knows this is a bad idea, she knows how much it took for you to ask her. She knows how uncomfortable you get when someone hits on you in a bar or when someone gets too close. She knows your ask is genuine because you used her first name.
Paige takes a moment to gather all of her thoughts then takes your hand.
"I'll do it," is all she says before you jump in her arms. Her arms wrap around you and she inhales the scent of your shampoo.
"Thank you so much B! I promise to be the best student ever," you say as you give her a squeeze.
She doesn't say it, but that is exactly what Paige is afraid of - you being her best. You being her best but not hers.
AN: First part down! Let me know what you think! This series will be posted every Sunday until The End is posted. I hope you enjoyed it. And as always, thank you for your love and support 💙
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girlgenius1111 · 6 months
no one speaks to you like that
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r deals with a cruel coach at the world cup. misa makes it better. feat. the girls finding out that their friends are together.
The door slammed shut behind him, and you exhaled a deep breath, collapsing back onto the bed. You'd never been more unhappy to have your own room than at that moment.
You'd stepped out of the bathroom post shower, just barely throwing on clothes, when you'd heard a knock at your door. You were hoping it was Misa, but when the door opened to reveal Vilda on the other side, you felt your heart sink. He had his characteristic scowl on his face as he stepped past you.
The following 15 minutes were what could only be categorized as verbal abuse. He went after everything; your skills, how hard you were trying, how fast you were, how you were "clearly not" following the meal plan he arbitrarily changed whenever he felt like it. You stood, completely still, looking just over his shoulder, taking it. You wouldn't argue, that never ended well. You didn't let yourself cry either, because he never appreciated tears. Instead, you let the words wash over you, and dug your nails into your palm.
You thought of Misa the whole time. How if she heard what he was saying she'd probably do something to get herself more than benched this time; maybe sent home. The last time Vilda had gone after you like this, he had made the mistake of doing it in view of Misa, who completely lost it at him. Now, she was unlikely to play the rest of the tournament, and Vilda seemed to enjoy screaming at you more than anyone else.
No one knew about the two of you, even if Vilda suspected. No one else had witnessed her reaction to his cruel words directed at you; everyone just knew she'd argued with him, and she would be riding the bench no matter how far we got. The division within the team was stark, and although Misa was a Real Madrid player, she mostly hung out with the Barcelona girls; with you. You'd gotten together a few months ago, and decided to keep it to yourselves, not wanting to deal with her club teammates finding another reason to dislike her.
When Vilda finished, you just wanted Misa. You wanted to wrap yourself up in her strong arms, bury your whole body in her larger one. You never felt safer than when Misa held you tightly to her. You knew that you should probably find Alexia or Irene and tell them what happened, but you didn't want to make a big deal out of it. You pulled out your phone, intending to see if Misa was alone, so you could go to her. You needed to get out of this room; the scent of Vilda's aftershave hung in the room like a fog, and it felt like it was suffocating you.
-Are you by yourself?
-Yes. Do you need me?
You could practically see the smirk lighting up the goalkeepers face as you read her response; you did need her, just not in the way she was implying.
-Can I come up? Vilda just left.
The little bubble that let you know she was typing appeared and disappeared a few times, before her reply came through.
-Dick. Yes, of course, please come up.
With that, you slipped your phone into your pocket, grabbing your room key, and headed out the door. You yanked your hood up, trying to hide the tears leaking out of your eyes. You walked down the hall, trying to keep yourself from crying until you got to Misa's room.
You heard voices coming from the direction of the elevator you were headed too, unmistakably those of Alexia and Jenni. Fuck. You had nowhere to go, and as soon as they saw you, they wouldn't let you out of their sight until you told them what was wrong. You had no choice but to keep walking towards them, turning the corner, hoping they'd be too wrapped up in conversation to notice you.
"Y/n!! We're gonna watch a movie in Mario and Ale's room, come with," Jenni called the minute she spotted you. You didn't know how to say no, so you said nothing, trying to walk past them.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Alexia asked, putting a hand on your shoulder to stop your movements. Again, you didn't say anything, continuing to stare at the ground. A gentle hand came to tug your hood off your head, before lifting your chin up. Your watery eyes met the older girls.
"What happened?" Jenni questioned, looking overly protective even though she didn't know what happened. She kept her hand under your chin, not allowing you to drop your gaze again.
"Nothing, I'm fine, I'm just going to hangout with Ona," you lied, trying to shake off their hands.
"What happened," Alexia asked, in a firmer voice. It wasn't mean, or harsh, but it still reminded you of the verbal lashing you'd just endured, and more tears were flooding your eyes before you could stop them.
"Vilda," you started, before a sob escaped your lips.
"Fucking hell," Jenni swore, pulling you tightly against her. "What did he say?"
"Come on, bring her to my room," Alexia said quietly, looking furious, realizing you weren't going to respond. Jenni maneuvered you down the hall, never letting go, through the door to Alexia's room, before pushing you to sit down on the edge of her bed. You wanted to pull your phone out and tell Misa that you'd been intercepted, but you couldn't do that without arising suspicion. Also, you couldn't really see clearly through the tears blurring your vision.
Alexia spoke a few words to Mariona, who looked equally as murderous as the other 2 girls, and you knew you needed to pull it together and make sure none of them did something stupid. They were all older than you, and were quite protective. It wouldn't be the first time they clashed with Vilda over him mistreating younger players, but with the semifinals coming up, you knew you couldn't risk anyone else getting benched.
The problem was that you were only getting more worked up, even as Jenni wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and began talking quietly in your ear.
"Whatever he said isn't true, I promise. You're an important member of this team, and you haven't done anything wrong," she told you.
You nodded, but the tears wouldn't stop. The embarrassment you felt was only making you cry harder. Alexia took a seat on the other side of you, placing a hand on your back.
"Jenni's right, you haven't done any-" her words were cut off by a frantic knock at the door. You knew who it was, even as the other girls exchanged confused looks. Mariona went to answer it, as Jenni and Alexia looked curiously after her.
No sooner had Mariona opened the door, than Misa's panicked voice was filling the room.
"Have you seen y/n? She texted me that Vilda..." She trailed off as Mariona stepped to the side, revealing your shaking form sitting in between your captains. The other girls watched as Misa's face melted from one of panic into one of pure adoration; one they'd never seen on her face before.
"Y/n, baby," she said, seemingly forgetting that you weren't alone. Your teammates exchanged looks, Mariona and Jenni mouthing “baby??” at each other, as Misa crossed the room, tugging you out from under the arms of Jenni and Alexia, pulling you into hers. They were just as surprised to see you wrap your arms around Misa, clutching tightly to her sweatshirt. Your tears immediately slowed as Misa held you tight, the feel of her around you calming you down instantly.
"I'll kill him," Misa said through clenched teeth, addressing no one in particular.
"Easy there, why don't you tell us what the hell is going on before you go kill him," Jenni said, glaring at Misa. Your Barca teammates had clearly connected the dots, and did not appreciate that you were clearly keeping a secret from them. Misa made to let go of you, make this more of a conversation had with you, rather than one spoken over your head, but you only tightened your grip on her, shaking your head into her chest. Her attention was, again, solely on you as she pulled you over to the other bed, tucking you under one arm as she sat down.
Misa was still gazing at you, fingers scratching lightly at your scalp as you emerged from her chest, wiping harshly at your face. Her hands pushed yours out of the way, ridding your face of tears much more gently than you had been doing. The simple gesture was so sweet, so intimate, and Alexia cleared her throat, drawing both of yours attention back to her.
"Well? How long has this been going on?" She asked, voice no longer the soft tone she had been using with you, instead replaced by what can only be described as her authoritative voice. Misa retreated to the rather quiet version of herself that most people experienced, and you spoke up. Still, her arm remained protectively wrapped around you and no one missed the way you leaned into her unconsciously.
"Since May,"
"And you didn't think you should maybe tell us that you were in a relationship with someone on the team? A relationship that appears to be pretty important to you?" Jenni asked. Her jaw was clenched, but she didn't look like mad Jenni, she looked like sad Jenni. You realized the three of them were not necessarily angry, but hurt that you'd kept this from them. You paused, unsure how to respond to that. In truth, Misa had asked to keep it to yourselves, but you didn't want to throw her under the bus. She had no such reservations.
"I asked her to not tell you guys. I didn't want anyone to know anything until I figured out how serious y/n was about me. And by the time I figured that out, we were at camp, and I didn't want to give my club teammates another reason to be... the way they are with me."
The other girls stared at the pair of you, somewhat stunned at the vulnerability just shown by Misa in admitting all of that. She was a reserved person, a private person, someone much happier to help her friends than allow them in at all.
"Well... that makes sense," Alexia said decisively. "We won't tell anyone."
Misa nodded once, a small smile gracing her lips, before she turned to look down at you.
"What did Vilda say?" She asked, eyeing you carefully. In response, you just shrugged, refusing to make eye contact. You absolutely did not want to discuss what he'd said in front of the rest of your teammates; you trusted them, but the things he had said were humiliating. Misa seemed to pick up on this, as did Alexia, as they quickly made eye contact, and Misa stood, pulling you with her.
"Let's go back to my room, yeah?" She asked quietly, and you smiled gratefully at her. Mariona and Jenni both voiced their disapproval at that idea.
"I have like 15 more questions for the two of you," Jenni protested.
"Yeah, what are we supposed to do, just let you go back to Misa's room all alone? We have a game tomorrow, girls." Mariona said teasingly.
"Alright, let them go." Alexia said, hiding a smirk at Mariona's comment. It really hadn't been that funny, but the way you and Misa immediately blushed, and looked anywhere but at your friends was amusing.
You and Misa walked out of the room, ignoring the suggestive jokes that Jenni and Mariona were making. You walked in complete silence to the elevator and up to Misa's room. You'd broken apart the minute you'd exited the room, and Misa longed to take your hand. Now that you were away from your friends and their teasing, it seemed the weight of whatever Vilda had said to you was settling back on top of you.
You allowed Misa to pull you into her room, nudging you to sit on the bed, as she took a seat next to you. You were distracted, caught up in your own head, only looking up at her worried brown eyes when she said your name softly.
"Are you okay?" She asked, feeling like she probably knew the answer. You shook your head slightly, leaning to lean more against the brunette. "Tell me what he said," she requested, and you sighed.
"More of the usual. I'm not playing hard enough, I'm not fast enough, not good enough," you paused. You looked up at your girlfriend, not sure if you should continue and tell her the worst part. She smiled encouragingly, a smile you only saw on her face when it was just the two of you. "He told me I need to start following the meal plan better, because 'it's clear' that I'm not," you finished quietly.
Misa's hands clenched into fists once again, knowing exactly how those words would effect you. She, more than anyone, knew that you struggled with keeping your habits around eating and working out healthy, and not letting them become obsessive. The goalkeeper reigned in her anger, though, realizing that it was clearly not what you needed from her.
She lifted your chin with one of her large hands, her touch gentler than you thought possible. "He's wrong, baby. You're having an incredible tournament. We're as far as we are partially because of you," she said earnestly.
"And yes, you aren't following his stupid meal plans, because he isn't a dietician, and you need to be careful with how you keep track of what you're putting in your body. You're doing what you need to do to stay healthy, and that is what's important."
You were still looking at her with so much doubt, as though you desperately wanted to believe her, but weren't sure if you could. Deciding that maybe words had taken her as far as they could, she leaned in, pressing her lips to yours, hard, in what she hoped was a reassuring way. You met her with enthusiasm, relaxing into the kiss as your mouths moved in sync with each other.
After a few moments, she pulled back pressing her forehead to yours. You looked slightly dazed, and Misa bit back a smirk at the effect she had on you.
"You are beautiful" she whispered, "you are strong, and you are fueling your body in the way you need to, in order to do your job. And I am so proud of you."
Misa often shocked you with how gentle, how kind and soft she could be. She put on such a hard exterior, all harsh frowns and flexed muscles on the pitch. Off the pitch, she was only slightly less intimidating, opting often to remain quiet and listen, her hard expression only wavering when she was around people she was comfortable with.
She was so different when you were alone with her though, the severe expression that normally rested on her face melting away to soft lips that pressed gentle kisses to your forehead, and wide eyes that looked at you with so much love.
It hadn't started off that way; it had started as passionate, rough hookups. Slowly though, you wore her down. She couldn't get enough of you, and she eventually stopped trying to.
She was enamored with you, and you with her. Privately, she felt that you made her a better person, a kinder person. You felt like she had a unique ability to make you laugh when nothing seemed funny, and hold you together when you felt like you were minutes from falling apart. Like right now. She knew exactly what to say, what to tell you.
"I'll say something to him," she said quietly, and you pushed her off of you, sitting up.
"No, Misa, you can't," you argued. She looked determined, a familiar smoldering look on her face, one she got when she was getting ready to save a penalty.
"Baby, he can't speak to you in that way," she began.
"No!" you responded, almost shouting. She looked at you in surprise, startled to see an incredibly panicked expression on your face.
"Calm down, y/n-"
"No, you can't say something to him. Promise me you won't. Please," you interrupted, almost begging.
"Why? I'm already benched what else could he do?" she wondered.
"He could send you home, Misa. And if you left, I couldn't... I couldn't do this, not without you," you responded, looking at her desperately. Misa brought you back into her arms before responding, holding you tight.
"Alright, baby. I won't say anything. I'm not going anywhere, and you don't have to do this without me," she promised.
"Thank you," you murmured. The goalkeeper smiled at you softly, rubbing your cheek gently with her thumb. You still looked nervous, still upset, biting the inside of your cheek like you were thinking hard. She waited patiently, content to sit in silence until you were ready to say what was on your mind.
"I'm sorry they found out. I just kind of freaked out when I ran into them, and I wanted to find you but they were in the hall..."
"Don't worry about that. I don't care that they found out. I don't care if everyone knows i'm with you. I just care that you're okay," she told you. "Anyway, now that Jenni has probably told the entire team, I can stay in here tonight with you."
You leaned closer against her, more relieved at her saying she'd stay than you'd like to admit.
"But you have a big game tomorrow, and you need to rest. What can I do to get you to sleep?" she asked, knowing you were likely too anxious to be able to sleep right away. Again, you marveled at how well she knew you.
"Hmm," you said, scooting down the bed and rolling onto your stomach. Misa was looking at you adoringly, and you grabbed one of her hands, placing it on your back. She laughed in response, beginning to run her nails lightly up and down. You sighed happily, and she scooted down too, kissing just above your eyebrow, before resting her head on the pillow, continuing her motions. You were drifting off, but still, the thoughts of Vilda and what he'd said to you still bounced around in your head.
"Do you think he'll yell at me again?" you asked groggily, blinking your eyes open just enough to see the girl opposite you.
"No. I won't let him," she responded, sounding completely sure. You nodded, shutting your eyes again. You believed her, inexplicably. Her tone was so confident, and more than that, you trusted her. More than you'd ever trusted anyone before. You fell asleep easily, feeling completely protected with the strong girl next to you, watching as you drifted off.
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landograndprix · 1 year
clubs & race cars ✾ l.n
summary: with a little help from friends, lando finally gets his girl— lando norris x professional golfer!reader
requested: yes! requests are open!
a/n: kinda short but hey :')
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liked by yourbestfrienduser, landonorris and 29,176 others
y/nusername take your kid to work day ⛳
tagged: yourbestfrienduser
view all 156 comments
hannahh28 aren't you getting tired of playing golf all the time? 😭
y/nusername golf tournaments and golf in my free time are two completely different things! ☺
landonorris 😍
lilymhe we need to meet up soon, it's been too long!
y/nusername absolutely, way too long!
yourbestfrienduser thanks mum for the fun day out
y/nusername you're welcome, son.
sharl_55 am I the only one who noticed lando commenting and liking??
norryfour he's been liking and commenting on y/n her post for a while now 😉
leclerrrc boy has been simping for weeks now
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liked by landonorris, alex_albon and 96,652 others
y/nusername third wheeling 🍊🍊
tagged: lilymhe, alex_albon
alex_albon I'm pretty sure I was the one being the third wheel to this date you and lily arranged 🤔
y/nusername we needed someone to carry all our stuff, right?
alex_albon glad I could be of use then!
landoscar love this dynamic, just albon, his girlfriend and his girlfriends girlfriend. :')
lilymhe you're the best, love you ❤
y/nusername love you ❤️❤️
mcnorris4 Alex better introduce y/n to lando soon 😭
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liked by carlossainz55, alex_albon and 126,654 others
y/nusername exchanging tips and tricks with the smooth operator 🇪🇸
tagged: carlossainz55
view all 771 comments
maxiel23 what's with these y/n and f1 driver posts 😭
fionaa1999 not liked by lando norris
lunamoon fr 💀 💀
fournorriss love ur hanging out with the wrong man..
hannahhh guys she's just playing golf with Carlos, doesn't have to mean anything 😉
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe and 37,672 others
y/nusername on wednesdays we wear pink 💗
view all 189 comments
yourbestfrienduser someone call the cops we've got a rebel on our hands
y/nusername snitch
bott_ass god you're such a vibe 😍
landonorris pretty thing ❤️
ynupdates I'm unwell 😭
charles16 stop your simping dude
zhouey24 please tell me you got her those flowers 🥺
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liked by landonorris, yourbestfrienduser and 89,765 others
y/nusername easy livin' 🎀
view all 101 comments
chilisainz bestie, did lando send you those flowers? 👀
maxmaxmax not me trying to zoom in on the card and hoping to see lando's name 😂
y/nfaaaan34 my goal in life is to be as aesthetically pleasing as y/n
yourbestfrienduser so when is it my time to get flowers..what's a girl gotta do?
landonorris be cute 😉
dannyricric LANDO?!
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liked by y/nusername, maxfewtrell and 345,762 others
landonorris lost but still won ❤️
tagged: y/nusername, maxfewtrell, yourbestfrienduser
view all 892 comments
charlos_ is this for real..did norris bag my wife? 😭
yourbestfrienduser lost like you should
maxfewtrell you were last?
yourbestfrienduser we don't talk about that..
norrislando omg shut the hell up 🥺
y/nusername ❤️❤️
landonorris ❤️❤️
alex_albon say thank you Alex 👐
y/nusername posted on their story
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letsgetrowdy43 · 10 months
Little White Lies—
Quinn Hughes x reader
Request: Quinn bringing his gf to the golf course to tag along with him, his brothers, and their dad. His gf pretended to be bad at gold for his sake…lol until they told her maybe she should go get an ice tea at the country club. But she decided to give them a run for the money…the Hughes Bros vs Quinn Gf and Jim. Jim even said he will invite her out to golfing with his friends… lol Jack even offered to bring her against Trevor. Quinn’s Gf def hustled them.
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Off-season was coming to an end, meaning that the Hughes family golf tournament was in full swing.
Quinn had invited his girlfriend out with them for the first time. She wasn't invited out the past two summers that she'd accompanied Quinn to Michigan for the summer season, so she was excited and ready to play some golf.
Quinn grinned as she stood on the grass, her little white lulelemon skirt accentuated her thighs, her tanned shoulders on displayed, and hair was pulled back into a loose bun making his breath a little jagged and his head dizzy.
"Have you ever played before?" Jim asked as she stood next to him on the grass. Y/n took a practice swing, her form perfect as she held her pointer finger up to her lips, motioning for him to keep it a secret, "Ahh I see." "He gets competitive, I don't wanna burst his ego," she shrugged and sat next to the older man on his cart, sipping a Long Island Iced Tea as she watched Luke, Jack, and Quinn approach the cart.
Jack grinned, "Last game of the year, this decides who the best golf in the fam is," he mused, arm wrapping around his oldest brothers neck as his smirk grew, "as we all know I won last year, I'm feeling a two-year streak coming on." Quinn rolled his eyes and dipped out from Jack's hold making the younger brother trip from not having something to support his weight anymore.
"Don't listen to him, I have a feeling the title is all yours babe," the girl smiled innocently as Quinn melted into her hold, arms wrapped around him as she placed a kiss on his cheek. Quinn turned his head and pecked her on the lips, "You taste like rum," he whispered as he kissed her again. "Booze is the only way I'm getting through this day, and the heat," she said with a smile.
Jack groaned, "Stop being in love and lets get going!" "Okay okay," Quinn said, watching the pout on her face grow before he kissed it away, "lets go," he whispered.
Seven holes in and Y/n was putting in the least effort she could, not only was she not wanting to mess with the Hughes family tourney, but also golf was so disinteresting to her.
Quinn smiled at her as they arrived at the eighth hole, his hand on her thigh as she stared out of their cart to his brothers who were arguing in the other one, Jim driving with the most annoyed look on his face as his competitive sons bickered amongst themselves.
"Are you bored, love?" her loving boyfriend asked as they parked. "Am I doing that bad?" she asked, feigning innocence as she finally looked at him, brows pulled together with concern as he made a face that told her the answer, she was horrid. "Let me play this hole, and if I'm bad, I'll just go the bar and sit the rest out," she said with a grin. "I'm not saying you have to stop playing, you just look bored." "I know," she kissed his cheek before hopping off of the cart and pulling out her preferred club.
She let Luke go first, then Jack, and then it was her turn. Y/n turned and looked at Jim, winking at him before taking a deep breath and placing her feet in a better position, "I feel I might be getting better," she mused, Jim held back a chuckle as she swung her club and hit the ball.
The golf ball landed perfectly on the green as she turned around with a grin to look at all of the Hughes boys, a devious look on her face, many jaws dropped. "What?" she asked, dropping the bimbo act. "Your form was perfect!" "You just- have you been fucking around with us?"
The girl looked at Jim who looked thoroughly impressed, Quinn's brows were furrowed, "I thought you hated golf?" "I do," she shrugged, "doesn't mean I'm not good at it, Dad put me in lessons when I was in highschool," she said before taking a sip of her drink. "I feel betrayed!" "You'll live." "I don't think I will! I could've had you as a partner in the tourney against Brady and Matty instead of Jack!"
His girlfriend shrugged, "Speaking of tourneys, I'm gonna need you to partner with me tomorrow when I play against Cole and Trev," Jack said as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, hugging her into his side as she groaned. "I should've stayed at the bar," She looked to Quinn to get him to help her get out of it, but instead he shrugged with a smirk and looked down to his feet, ignoring eye contact. "Help your brother-in-law out!"
Quinn's face filled with amusement as she agreed returning to her boyfriend's side, "Are you mad?" "Of course not," he smiled as his arm wrapped around her, watching as Jim started to line up his club with the ball, "I'll try to get you out of that game tomorrow." "No I deserve the karma for lying," she said with a laugh, looking up at Quinn's crooked smile, her face broken out into a blushing mess as she stood on her tiptoes and pecked his lips lovingly, once, twice, and a third time before she was cut off. "Enough!" Jack screeched.
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traveler-at-heart · 8 months
Game, Set, Match
Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a professional tennis player, struggling to go back to the top and win the US Open. Reluctant at first, she allows a sports journalist into her life... and a bit more.
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!R - Ya know it, fluffy af.
A/N: I love tennis and this was basically written for me. But @canvascoloredin is also a fan and thought, ok well, let's post it, maybe someone else will enjoy :)
“Thirty all”
She’s catching up, do something.
“Forty, thirty”
“Come on, Natasha” her sister yells from the box.
Advantage, Romanoff.
Game, set, match. Natasha Romanoff.
Everything that happens after is a blur. Natasha feels like she just played the final, but in reality, it’s just the first round.
“Way to go, darling” her mother compliments when she’s back in the locker rooms, but Fury is quickly behind, not holding back.
“Three sets against an amateur and you won because she got nervous and got a double fault. That’s not good” 
“I beat her, didn’t I?” Natasha averts her eyes, putting on her jacket to go to the press room.
“Barely” her trainer mumbles. 
Natasha’s heart beats fast as she sits in front of all the journalists. They were warned about the questions they could ask, but still. Natasha feels all eyes on her, judging her reaction and demeanor.
“Did you worry about losing control at the start of the third set?” a man in the front row asks.
“It was the defining moment of the game, so I felt like I had to push myself harder and control the rhythm of the match. Which obviously happened”
“How was it to go back after your break? Unlike other players, you didn’t participate in any tournaments between Wimbledon and this”
“I’ve been playing tennis all my life, really, so it doesn’t feel like a big deal to me. Just because I wasn’t playing to win titles doesn’t mean I didn’t train” 
Natasha hears Fury cough and has to resist the urge to roll her eyes.
Control your temper, he’s trying to say.
Well, maybe they shouldn’t ask stupid questions.
You’re sitting in the middle of the press room, eyes trained on Natasha. She’s looking anywhere but you. 
I guess this means she read my column.
The conference is coming to an end, so you raise your hand and the assistant points at you.
“We have time for one more” he concedes.
“That’s enough for today” Natasha shuts it down before you can ask. 
Yeah, she definitely read the article.
Natasha can’t wait to get out of there, thanking the press before sprinting out of the room. You consider following her, but a text from your boss stops you.
Go to LA Stadium, Wanda Maximoff just bageled some poor girl.
With a bit of luck, you’ll get an exclusive with Wanda.
The biggest crime of Shostakov
It was a Tuesday afternoon, well into the second week of Wimbledon, when the news broke out. Alexei Shostakov, retired tennis player, was arrested for fraud and tax evasion. While in custody, it was discovered Shostakov was in possession of drugs.
The famous Red Guardian, who once had won on that very same club, was now dragged away in a patrol car, stripped of his days of glory. For people who are well versed in the history of tennis, this doesn’t come as a complete shock. Shostakov was a notorious trouble maker, often breaking rackets, ripping his shirts open and getting expelled from a total of 15 matches during the entire run of his career.
No one seemed more affected by the news than his protegee and adoptive daughter, Natasha Romanoff. The favorite to win the world’s most important Grand Slam retired amid the breaking news. As a result, Wanda Maximoff’s path to the trophy was an easy one, taking the number 1 from Romanoff while she was at it.
If her career depends on Alexei’s ability to get back on his feet, Natasha Romanoff should retire now.
In her best form, Romanoff is stealthy, precise and absolutely lethal. Her movements reminisce those of a ballerina; one that gracefully dances across the court -doesn’t matter if it’s grass, clay or hard- to deliver blow after blow of brilliance. Natasha has raw talent, pure heart and an unbreakable spirit.
The biggest crime of Shostakov, is that he’s in the way of her greatness. Maybe it’s his ego or a compulsion to attach himself to a woman who has the capacity to break every record from the Open Era.
Whatever the reason, it’s clear she’s better off without him. For those of us who love this sport, and want Natasha to be the champion she was meant to be, this is an unique opportunity to watch her finally emerge from the shadows of the overbearing man.
The proverbial ball is in Romanoff’s court. In all her brilliance, the one thing Natasha rarely does is take risks.
It’s never too late to start.
“We’re finishing the second day of the US Open and we have some major upsets. Carol Danvers, number 3 in the world and only American in the top ten lost to Brit Peggy Carter” you say, holding the mic and looking at the camera.
“I understand there was some excitement on the man’s singles” you hear Maria say on your earpiece and you nod.
“Queens had a face off with Brooklyn today. Bucky Barnes defeated amateur Peter Parker, but get this! They played five sets, and Peter won every tiebreak. So it seems like we have some exciting new talent”
“We’ll keep an eye on him, for sure. Thanks for the report, Y/N!”
“A pleasure as usual, Maria. Greetings to everyone back on the studio” 
“And cut” Darcy, your producer says. You remove the earpiece and hand over the mic. As you turn around, you spot Natasha training. It’s obvious you’re staring when Darcy speaks.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, you know? You wrote what a lot of people were thinking”
“Well, seems like she doesn’t wanna hear it”
“It’s fine. I mean, it would be better if we could get a quote from her or an interview but if she hates you that much we can get someone else to do it”
“Or, I could go and try to talk to her?”
“So you have a death wish!”
“Didn’t you just say I did nothing wrong?”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean she’ll listen. I am also legally obligated to tell you that your health insurance doesn’t cover injuries caused by tennis balls. Or rackets”
“Very funny”
“Relax your wrist” Fury instructs once again and Natasha ignores him, as usual.
She hates the press, the interviews, the hoops she has to jump through just so she can play tennis. 
None of it is optional and she has to follow the rules, something Natasha is particularly bad at.
“If you want to move to the next round you’re gonna have to listen to me”
Does she really want to move to the next round? Is there a point to all of this? She had lost her number one ranking and people were focusing more on her private life than her career.
Fury spots you across the court and smiles. 
You nod your head towards the man and he sighs, defeated.
“Can you talk some sense into her?” 
“Can anyone?” you say and he pats you on the back, leaving the court. The sun is setting and people are going home, ready to return tomorrow to watch the next round of players. You greet Natasha but she ignores you.
“You owe me a question” you try to joke, as she keeps hitting the ball so hard you think her racket will break in half. 
“I know who you are and I’m not talking to you” 
She looks hot when she’s pissed.
You push those thoughts away.
“No, you and I are not on a first name basis. Not after you wrote all that crap about me without knowing me” 
“I only spoke the truth” 
“That my career is doomed and I should retire?” she finally stops throwing balls across the court and turns to look at you.
“Oh, my God! You didn’t even read it, did you?”
“I don’t need to. I know what everyone's been saying ever since Alexei was arrested. I know he was unconventional, but he was my trainer. He was beside me through the good and bad” 
“I get it, ok? He’s your family. And your trainer. That’s never easy and I understand how it can be hard to see things objectively. But,  Natasha, you are great in spite of him, not because of him”
That makes her pause.
“Nick Fury came out of retirement to train you. That’s how talented you are!”
The redhead serves a couple of times, staying completely silent.
“I’m not talking to you” she reminds you. 
“You’re the best player out there, Natasha. And right now you’re the only thing getting in the way of your success” 
Morning comes and so does the next match. Natasha is looking out the window of the suite, as people come and go around the busy streets of the tennis center.
Fury steps in, immediately aware of her nervous energy. If he asks if she’s ready, she’ll probably rip his head off. So, talking about something different might be the way to go.
“Her father was also a sports journalist,” he says, pouring himself a glass of orange juice.
“Y/N. Richard was a single parent, so he’d always bring her to the games, even as a baby. She behaved better than most people too” 
“Is he retired?” 
“Nope. Cancer. Four years ago” Fury sits in front of Natasha. “Didn’t expect her to follow his steps, but that girl really knows sports. She’s working with the local station, and also writes for Sports Illustrated”
“What are you trying to say?”
“Never hurts to have a couple of friends around,” he says, sipping from his glass.
“I’m not good at making friends” Natasha looks away.
“Yeah, I know. You’re good at tennis, so…” the man checks his watch and stands up. “Let’s kick some ass”
Natasha has to face Kate Bishop, currently ranked 24. Her game is the opposite of aggressive, but she’s famous for her impeccable aim. Natasha has to control the game from the start if she wants to win.
She serves first, and as she bounces the ball, preparing her stance, Fury’s words echo in her head. All the advice he has given her for the past months, advice that she has consistently ignored.
Then, as she throws the ball, her eyes meet yours. You’re sitting in the front row, leaning forward. 
In a split second, she makes a decision.
Natasha is ready to take risks.
She aims for the corner of the service box, hoping it will fall inside. Kate lunges forward, shocked at the speed of the ball.
“Ace” the umpire announces. “Fifteen love” 
Natasha sees you clapping and can hear Fury shouting “That’s it, you can do this, Romanoff”
And boy, does she deliver. Kate is running across the court. Natasha’s unforced errors are incredibly low. While the crowd usually loves long games, the redhead is a legend and they’re excited to see her prowess first hand. 
The game ends in 47 minutes, 6-3, 6-2.
Kate approaches the net and shakes Natasha’s hand.
“That was… incredible, Romanoff”
“Thank you, Kate” 
The kind words and the genuine admiration make Natasha relax instantly.
Of course, the crowd goes wild as the redhead lifts her arms, clapping and waving. 
She’s in such a good mood that she decides she’ll finally take your question. But as she enters the press room, you’re nowhere to be found. 
Still, she chats and even jokes around with the journalists present.
Once again, the entire family celebrates as if Natasha had already won the Grand Slam.
“Seestra, the crowd was going craaaazy, it was like a Taylor Swift concert” Yelena tells her excitedly as they eat. Natasha’s starving, so nervous about today that she didn’t even have breakfast.
They keep chatting, talking about strategy for the next game and wondering who will go against Natasha next. 
“Natalia, your father wants to talk to you” Melina interrupts, holding her phone.
“Why?” Natasha snaps, going back to her stoic self.
“He wants to congratulate you,” the woman insists.
“I’m not in the mood. Excuse me” she stands up, losing her appetite.
Out on the terrace, she watches people passing by, trying to think of anything else but Alexei.
Your words come back to her, and she starts to believe them.
You are great in spite of him.
“Hey, there you are!” you shout from the bottom of the stairs, waving. “Do you have a sec?”
Natasha nods, going down. 
“First of all, wow. Brava”
“You wanted something?” she rolls her eyes, but you notice she blushes lightly.
It’s quite the view, Natasha’s body covered in sweat from the physical exertion, her sculpted arms in full display.
That tennis outfit looks really good on her.
“Oh.. yeah. Do you, uh, have time to meet a fan? She’s a little girl and you’re her favorite player”
“Of course” 
“Awesome, come with me!” you take her by the hand.
Natasha tries to ignore the tingling feeling she gets as she’s dragged around the center. Some people recognise her, but you’re walking fast and they don’t have the chance to stop her for a picture.
“Hey, Ava!” you greet the little girl, who’s holding a big tennis ball and a black marker. “Natasha, meet Ava. She’s your number one fan” 
“Hi,” the girl says shyly. She’s about nine, her mother standing next to her and smiling.
“Hi, Ava. It’s so nice to meet you” Natasha greets. “How are you liking the tournament so far?” 
“Uh, it was great, and you were so awesome today!”
“Thank you, I really appreciate it. Would you like me to sign that?”
“Yes, please!” her arms shoot forward, anxiously. 
“What other players would you like to meet?” Natasha says, as she signs the ball.
“Maybe Peter Parker… We met Carol Danvers, Bucky Barnes and also, Wanda”
Yeah, Natasha didn’t miss the way Maximoff signed the ball. 
From the number 1 player to the number 1 fan. 
So pretentious.
“That’s nice,” Natasha says, handing the ball back.
“Alright, let’s take a picture” you pull out your phone. Natasha kneels to be closer to Ava, and then places her tennis hat on the girl’s head.
“You can have it” Natasha smiles and is surprised when she gets a very enthusiastic hug. Her mother has to practically drag her away from where you’re standing, Ava turning around every couple of steps to wave at Natasha.
“Thank you, Nat,” you say, smiling.
“It’s not a problem. I didn’t see you in today’s press conference”
“That’s because it’s my day off” you say, surprised that she noticed your absence.
“What about that thing?” she points at the badge hanging from your neck that reads Press.
“That’s how I get in for free, duh” 
“I can be” you shrug your shoulders and then turn back to your phone. “Hey, so can I send this to your PR team for them to post it?” 
“You don’t have to” 
“Fine, I’ll post it on my feed and tag you. Alright, gotta go. Have to cheer for Bucky” you say, taking her hand one last time. “Once again, thank you. And congrats. You were fantastic”
“I owe you a question” she calls when you’re walking away.
“I’m saving it for when you win the championship” you wink and she smiles, scratching the side of her neck nervously.
Later that day, her phone is blasting with notifications.
“Almost one million likes, Natasha” Yelena shows her the picture you uploaded of her and Ava.
“Is that good or bad?” the redhead shrugs her shoulders and her sister rolls her eyes.
“You’re so uncool!” 
However, she knows enough about Instagram to find your profile, going through your feed. Most of the pictures are from different games, some hangout with friends, the most frequent ones being Barnes and a pro that plays for the Yankees, Sam Wilson.
She’s about to close the app when two things that are equally horrible happen.
First, she likes one of your pictures from two years ago.
Second, she gets a message.
OfficialWandaMaximoff: Congrats on your win today <3
Bucky just lost the second set and is down on the third one. You keep refreshing the feed as you wait next to other journalists for Wanda Maximoff. 
Of course she’s in the quarter finals, that’s hardly a shock. Everyone’s waiting for her to face Natasha in the finals. When it happens, you’re obviously rooting for Nat.
Speaking of which…
@SportsBrooklyn: Good luck tomorrow! 
@NatashaROfficial followed you back
@NatashaROfficial: Do you only use Instagram or can you text like a normal person?
@SportsBrooklyn: Oh, right, text you to the number I don’t have!
Wanda walks in that moment and you lock your phone. Her auburn hair is tied in a high ponytail, and she changed to her signature red windbreaker and black pants.
You’re busy taking notes when your phone pings again. To your surprise, Natasha actually gave you her phone number.
@NatashaROfficial: If you share it with anyone else I’ll choke you
@SportsBrooklyn: Kinky ;)
The press conference ends and you practically sprint out to see if you can catch the rest of Bucky’s game.
You have to settle for the screens on the Champions Bar, comforted by the fact that Bucky seems to be ahead on the third set. As soon as he wins it, you stand up, knowing the break is the perfect time to slip into the player’s box.
“I’m so sorry” you say as you crash into none other than Wanda Maximoff. She grabs your arm to steady herself, smiling to ease you.
“That’s alright. You’re in a hurry?” she says, turning at the screen. 
“A bit, yeah” 
“I wish someone as cute as you was rooting for me” she smiles, placing a strand of hair behind her ear. She’s flirting? Oh boy. “I noticed you looking at your phone during the press conference. Barnes is a lucky guy” 
“Oh, we’re not…” 
“Here I was thinking he was smarter than that”
There’s a sense of urgency to go before the break is over, but you’re also completely confused. Why is Wanda Maximoff taking an interest in a local reporter? You’re vaguely aware that her eyes drift somewhere behind you from time to time, but before you can turn and have a look, she pulls your press badge and smiles.
“If you ever want an exclusive, just let me know, Y/N…” she reads the name from your press badge and walks away, leaving you completely confused.
Natasha watches the entire interaction from her small table. She needed a break so she decided to put on a hat and glasses, to get a drink without being recognised.
Wanda was all over you, giggling and looking Natasha’s way as much as she could, to let her know this was entirely to upset her.
All Natasha wanted to do was stand up and take you away from Wanda. You were too good for someone like Maximoff.
Wanda thought she was making Natasha jealous. 
She was right, but not in the way she would have wanted to.
“Maybe it’s time I retire” 
“You’re 28” 
“Might as well be 100 in tennis years” 
“Buck” you nudge him.
You’re looking out the Brooklyn Bridge, trying to cheer up your best friend after losing in the round of 16.
“You won the Australian Open this year” 
“Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. See? I’m senile” he mumbles, still grumpy.
“You did great, and you’re still in the top five, Grumpa. Ha! See what I did there?” he rolls his eyes and you smile, pulling him back to the street. “Come on, Sam is waiting for us to have some lunch” 
“Ok, but it’s on you because I’ll be broke once I retire” 
“Yeah, yeah” you roll your eyes, looping your arms together and dragging him to your favorite dinner. Sam’s already there, chatting around with everyone that recognises him.
All eyes turn to you as he stands up and practically shouts.
“How’s my favorite girl?” Sam greets you and then slaps Bucky’s shoulder. “Don’t make that face, man. You won the aussie one”
“That’s what I told him” 
Bucky takes his jacket off and orders a beer as soon as the waiter approaches you; even if it’s only noon, you let it slide.
You get a text from Darcy, asking if you’re watching the game.
Your mind instantly goes to Natasha. Did she lose? No, that can’t be. She was playing against Van Dyne, who was only there because of a wild card. You turn to one of the screens and ask the waiter to change the channel. 
“She’s winning” you say, still not understanding what Darcy meant.
“Why does she look so upset, then?” Sam points out.
Natasha is arguing with the umpire. You recognise him immediately.
“I hate that guy,” Bucky says, echoing your thoughts.
“Jarvis… something. Stone?” 
“Yeah, a total asshole. Wouldn’t give me a point I clearly won on Wimbledon because the other player was also a Brit” 
The argument ends and she keeps playing. Her forehand is killer today.
“Wow” Bucky says at the same time as you gasp.
“Man, I feel so dumb right now” Sam is looking between both of you, not knowing what caused your reaction.
“Just now? It’s more like, always” Bucky teases and Sam glares. He rolls his eyes and points at the screen. “Van Dyne hit after a double bounce. That’s not allowed. But Stone clearly doesn’t give a shit. He’s giving her the point”
“Natasha stopped playing because she saw it. He claims he didn’t so in his mind, she lost this one” you keep explaining.
“If Hope had a little bit of integrity, she’d concede the point or play it again”
“Well, she’s losing so she’ll take all the help she can get” you say. 
Natasha’s rage fuels her after this and she ends up winning, the second set a devastating 6-0.
However, the two men on the screen are being unsurprisingly critical of her. Your stomach turns when you hear the words “emotional” and “aggressive” thrown around.
Even if it’s a long shot, you try calling her. Phone’s off.
If you’re lucky, you’ll manage to see her once you get back to the stadium.
“Turn it off,” Natasha grumbles. Fury is watching the news in the living room. 
“I wanna see the highlights of other players. Prepare for what’s coming next. If you don’t like it, leave the room” he says with a dismissive wave of his hand.
After the game, Natasha did the mandatory press conference, went back to the lockers, destroyed two rackets, took a shower and then looked out the window for the better part of the day. 
She wasn’t in the mood to do anything and she didn’t want to turn on her phone. The temptation to read what the press and public had to say about her after today’s argument with the umpire was too big.
“Y/N, how are things at the US Open?” Maria Hill says. The screen splits, your image appearing on the right side.
“Exciting names on both sides for the semis. We have Thor against Banner, and T'Challa faces Namor for a spot in the semis. As for the ladies, Maximoff breezed through the match against Jean Gray”
“Well, I understand Romanoff didn’t have it so easy,” Maria says. 
From her seat, Natasha holds her breath. Yelena walks in at that exact moment, watching her sister closely.
“You know, I find it unbelievable that an umpire at the US Open could make such a poor call, not once but twice. First, with the hindrance call against Natasha and then by completely ignoring the double bounce before Van Dyne hit the ball” you say, clearly upset. “We’ve seen time and time again that some umpires are not up to the standards set by Grand Slams. And to my fellow journalists who like to throw around words like emotional, better save that energy for the men that smash their rackets just because they lost a point. As we all saw, Romanoff was in her right to demand fairness and she did it with the utmost respect” 
“Yes, I completely agree with you” Maria nods, clearly regretting even asking about it. “Well, let us chat tomorrow after we have the final for the men” 
“Of course, Maria,” you nod.
Natasha tries really hard, but she can’t help but smile at your words.
Yelena arches her eyebrows.
Well, this is interesting.
Natasha refuses to leave her room, arguing she’s not hungry. Melina, Yelena and Fury leave her alone, but the sudden silence becomes too much. There’s no noise to stop her thoughts from spiraling.
With a sigh, she turns on her phone. Two messages come through.
Y/N: Sorry about today. That umpire sucks :( 
Y/N: Bucky hates him too
Next thing she sees is a picture of Bucky and you holding your middle fingers to the screen with Jarvis’ face. Natasha chuckles at that.
She also zooms in, checking that your other hand is very close to Bucky’s. She feels a pang of jealousy that is interrupted by a knock on the door.
“Room service” a strange voice says.
“I didn’t order any..:” she says, but finds you smiling on the other side of the door.
“What are you doing here?” the redhead can’t help but smile. You’re wearing a black leather jacket, a white tee and skin tight jeans. She’s torn between admiring your figure and paying attention to what you say next.
“Little bird told me you were very upset and you might need a distraction” 
“I’m gonna kill Fury” 
“Not Nick. Your sister. And are we gonna find something to eat by standing here or…?”
“I’m not hungry” 
“We’re going, Natasha. Go get changed” you push past her, tired of waiting around in the hallway. She’s taken aback by your forwardness. Her mother and sister would usually let her get away with anything.
“Where are we going?” she asks, hoping you won’t go all the way to her room and pick an outfit for her.
“Something casual will do” 
She changes as fast as she can, taking her phone and some money with her. You nod approvingly and then open the door, peeking around the hallway.
“This little field trip is not Fury approved so let’s be discreet about it” you inform her, taking her hand to lead the way to the elevator.
“Oh, yeah, this is super discreet” Natasha complains as you lead her to an electrical carriage. 
“Have a little fun, why don’t you?” you climb up, offering your hand. She takes and sits next to you. Natasha resists the urge to put a strand of hair behind your ear as you lean forward to give the address.
You feel her eyes on you, so you turn back, smiling and blushing lightly. 
It’s a short ride, and soon after you enter a small diner.
“Hey, Y/N” the owner greets you. “My, this must be a special occasion” she leans towards Natasha and whispers. “She’s never brought a girl over”
“Ok, Pat! Natasha is just a friend” you clarify, blushing in the process. Natasha laughs at you.
“Why? She’s pretty. You need to start dating” Pat says, leaving two menus.
“Don’t bother” you stop Natasha as she starts reading it. “She’ll bring us whatever she wants. But it will be worth it, I promise”
“Do you come here often?”
“My dad couldn’t cook if his life depended on it. But he was always good at finding the best spots to eat. So we came here all the time during the US Open and then later when Bucky started training”
Natasha nods and looks away. 
“So, you’re not dating Barnes either?” she says, looking anywhere but you. It’s embarrassing how much she cares.
“Uh.. no. He’s like a brother to me. His parents worked a lot so he’d tag along to games with us, and we grew up together” you wait until she turns to look at you. “Can I ask now?”
“Is this off the record?”
“Do you see my press badge anywhere?”
“One never knows with you people”
“Ouch, Natasha” the redhead laughs but you ask anyway. “Are you dating anyone? You’ve never been public about it”
“I’m not, no. I just don’t think I’d be able to find the balance. Between tennis and a partner. And my public and private life”
“Fair enough” you say. Pat approaches with milkshakes, cheeseburgers and fries.
“I hope you girls are hungry”
“Fury’s gonna kill me” Natasha sighs, but then dips a fry in the milkshake and practically moans at the taste.
Your mouth is hanging wide open, and your teeth clash at how fast you shut it when Natasha turns to you.
“You’re right, this is worth it”
The rest of the night is spent eating and talking about everything but tennis. You learn that Natasha likes to bake in her free time, and that Yelena is taking a sabbatical before moving to New York to study at NYU.
After finishing your food, you both agree that walking back will be the best idea. 
“I’m so full” you complain as you enter through the back, too scared to be caught by Fury. Natasha walks in the opposite direction of the foyer. “Uh, what are you doing? I don’t want your coach all over my ass if you’re missing” 
“Have a little fun, why don’t you?” she echoes your words from before and you have no choice but to follow her. You end up on a tennis court, balls scattered around the floor.
“Do you practice here?”
“If I can’t sleep” Natasha picks up a ball and a racket and hands it to you.
“Can I help you?”
“Play with me”
“I can’t even serve, Natasha”
“Well, would you like to learn?” she says with a smirk and you can’t resist it.
“Fine. But after that, you go back to your room”
“Stance first” Natasha instructs. She corrects your posture and movements a couple of times, inching closer until she’s whispering instructions in your ear. The last thing she does is put her hands over yours to make sure your grip is tight. “Show me what you got”
She steps away and you miss her presence instantly. Trying to remember everything she told you, you toss the ball in the air and swing a little too hard. You trip over your own feet, but Natasha moves forward and catches you before you fall.
“You ok?” she says and you nod.
“How did I do, coach?” you steady yourself, holding her close to you. Your eyes travel to her lips, and you’re both out of breath from laughing.
Neither one can tell who leans first, but the fact is that you do and you discover, with great pleasure and no surprise, that Natasha is an excellent kisser. Her lips are soft against yours and she pulls you closer by your waist.
“Is this a new way of interviewing people, Y/L/N?” 
Oh, shit.
You break apart and turn to Fury, who looks very much not impressed.
“The only cardio you’re allowed to do until this slam is over is at the gym, Romanoff. Back to your room, now” 
“I’m not a little girl you can boss around,” Natasha protests.
“Come on, you should rest. We’ll talk later” you don’t want her to start arguing with Fury, not now that she’s finally listening to him. Natasha turns to you and nods, squeezing your hand one last time before going back to the hotel.
“I don’t want her distracted,” Fury says and you nod. 
“I wasn’t trying to… I won’t get in her way, Nick. I want her to win”
“Glad we understand each other. Now go home” 
He turns to leave and you wait for a little bit, trying to calm down after a mindblowing kiss. As you’re about to leave, you spot a yellow bracelet on the ground. You’ve seen Natasha wearing one before, but you’re too scared of Fury to go back now.
Tomorrow will be a new day for all of you.
“Keep your leg behind the ball” Fury instructs. Natasha has been listening to every single thing he says.
Yes, she’s nervous about the semis. And Fury’s the only one that can understand the feeling or help her play better.
“I want you focused,” he says as she walks to dry her hands.
“I am”
“You know what I mean” he says and as if on cue, you walk up to the court, waving. Natasha places the racket down and approaches you. “Practice isn’t over, Romanoff!”
“Five minutes” she asks, meeting you on the edge of the court.
“Hi” she says back. Her eyes go down to your lips and your heart flutters.
“Uh, you left… I think this is yours” you remember to speak, showing the yellow bracelet.
“Yes, thank you. Do you mind?” Natasha extends her hand and you put it around her wrist. “Yelena gave it to me before my first match. It’s my lucky charm”
“Well, good thing I saw it”
“Maybe you’ll be my next lucky charm”
“Oh? Am I supposed to be at every game from now on?” you smile, nodding when you’re done with the bracelet.
“I really wanna kiss you” Natasha blurts out and you blush. “But…”
“There are people watching and Fury doesn’t look happy either”
“He never does. Can I call you later?”
“Yes, you definitely can”
You want to kiss her so bad, damn it.
“Come on, go back, before Fury kicks me out of the court”
Natasha nods, squeezing your hand gently.
The way Natasha looks at you makes you all kinds of flustered, so you leave in a hurry before your desire takes over and you end up kissing her in front of all these people.
Once again, you run into Wanda Maximoff, only this time she doesn’t smile at all.
“She’s quite the player, right?” she says with a cold voice, her accent a bit thicker.
“Uh- yes. Natasha is a very talented pro”
“Oh, that’s not what I meant” she takes a step forward and looks you up and down. “Natasha likes to fuck around. But she always comes back to me”
“You’re… together?” your heart drops. Natasha wouldn’t lie to you about this.
Would she?
“Look, of course she wants to get distracted and she’ll use anyone that is dumb enough to fall for it. But don’t forget, she and I have history. And that’s stronger than whatever it is you think you have with Natasha”
No one is around to save you from this horrible conversation. You don’t want to argue with Wanda, because you’re still a journalist and it’s your job to be on the players’ good side.
But the reckless part of you wants to tell her to fuck off.
You sigh and look down. Wanda takes this as a sign of defeat and smiles, leaving you standing there.
It takes a minute for you to snap out of it, and you look around, desperate to walk away from everything that just happened.
“You’re seriously telling me you know nothing?” you ask Bucky for the tenth time.
“I don’t pay attention to rumors” he shrugs his shoulders, and you roll your eyes at him.
He’s sitting on your couch, the movie long forgotten. You nudge him with your foot and glare.
“Your best friend is a journalist, you should know better. You’re my insider into this crap”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m just not on the loop of who dates who on the women’s side. But I am not surprised Wanda scared you. Heard she can be batshit crazy”
“She didn’t scare me” you mumble. The both of you sit in silence for a while, until your phones ping simultaneuosly.
Thankfully, it’s not Nat. Right now, you don’t even know what to say to her.
“Sam. Probably to brag about his date in that fancy restaurant” Bucky tells you, but his eyes widen as he reads the message. “Wow. You need to look at this”
He hands you the phone and you read the conversation. It’s your group chat and Sam just sent a picture of Jarvis Stone, who is having dinner with none other than Wanda Maximoff.
“What the actual fu…”
“So that’s why he was being a dick to Natasha” Bucky says. “You’re not telling her about this, are you?”
“No, of course not. She has the semis tomorrow and I don’t want to distract her”
You look at your phone and press send before you chicken out.
Y/N: Can we talk tomorrow?
YBelova: Sure
You’re waiting by the entrance to Arthur Ashe, looking around.  Even if Maximoff’s match is later, you are still dreading to spot Wanda.
“Hey” Yelena says and you jump like a coward. “Wow, relax, it’s me”
“I’m sorry to be meeting you like this. I didn’t want to bother Natasha, especially today… she has enough on her plate”
“It’s ok, you can trust me”
“I know I can… it’s not easy to ask this, but do you know if Wanda and Natasha had a… thing? Like a relationship”
“Are you asking as a journalist?” the blonde says, clearly on edge.
“No, it’s not like that! Natasha and I… we kissed. And then Wanda told me yesterday that Natasha is just fooling around because she always comes back to her… and that’s weird but then a friend sent me this. It’s from last night”
“That’s the umpire that was a jerk to Tasha” Yelena takes your phone, looking at it in desbelief. “That bitch is still pulling this shit”
“If it had been only about us, I would have waited until Natasha finished her match. But it seems to me, like Wanda is trying to play dirty here”
Yelena sighs and hands the phone back. She looks around and steps closer, lowering her voice.
“Yes, they dated. Kept it a secret. It was on and off, especially when they were playing against each other. Wanda didn’t like to lose and then, after a while, she began to mess around with Nat. She would have a fight with her before a big match, even if they weren’t playing each other. Made Natasha lose her cool and struggle. They really haven’t spoken since the AO”
“What do we do? I don’t want her to mess with Natasha. I won’t let Wanda get in her way”
“I’ll speak to Fury about this. He knows everything. I’ll let you know what he says”
“Didn’t know you two were friends now”
A voice calls from behind you.
“Seestra, hey!” Yelena steps forward to give you time to recover. “Y/N was just telling me about her time at NYU”
“Is that so?” the redhead looks between you two and you nod.
She stills makes you nervous and flustered.
“Alright, my presence is no longer required” Yelena complains, but still gives you a meaningful look as she walks away.
“I have to warm up, will you stay for the game?” she asks, stepping closer.
“Yes, of course I will. I’ll be screaming your name” you blurt out and then blush. “I mean, rooting for you. Didn’t mean it to sound like that”
“Sounds good to me” she says, coming closer. “Can I have a good luck kiss?”
You look at her smile, her beautiful green eyes. Think about all the times she’s been kind and funny and brave. And you also think about how someone played with her heart just for a stupid title.
So you nod and lean forward, kissing her gently.
Natasha deserves to win, not only because she’s the better player. She’s the better person.
“Go win this thing” you say against her lips and she smiles, pecking your lips one last time.
Natasha’s win is not a surprise to you, considering the level of her recent games. You still have to stick around for the Maximoff match, opting to stay far away from the press room once she wins.
So, it’s down to the two of them in the final.
You’ve never wished for Natasha to win something so much until today.
Work keeps you busy enough. Both of the men’s semis take a combined time of eight hours and you end up completely exhausted, seriously considering just sleeping in one of the locker rooms.
You haven’t heard from Natasha but it’s understandable. She’s playing for the championship tomorrow, and knowing Fury, he will be preparing her in every way possible.
As you get a cup of coffee from one of the last stands open, your phone pings again.
Natasha: Are you still here?
Y/N: Yes :(
Natasha: Meet me in court 17?
Y/N: Yes :)
When you finally get there, you find Natasha serving a couple of times, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
“Is Fury ok with you staying up so late?”
“I did everything he said today. I think I deserve this one thing” she smiles, walking towards you. “You look a bit tired”
“Jeez, thanks”
“I didn’t mean it like that. Ugh, Yelena is right, I have no game off court”
You laugh at that, taking her hands in yours.
“It’s fine, I was just teasing you” you say, looking as her eyes drift towards your lips. You both lean forward, sharing a kiss.
“Thank you” Natasha says.
“Uh, you’re welcome?”
“I don’t mean the kiss, no. Thank you for telling Yelena that thing about… Wanda”
Natasha walks with you to one of the chairs and you sit together.
“I haven’t spoken to her in months. And I don’t want to be with her. I need you to know that”
“But still… you said you’re not sure you want a relationship, right? It would be too much trouble”
“I think it might be worth the effort for you” she confesses and you smile.
“You do have game”
“I do?”
“Tiny bit. We’ll work on it”
She laughs, and you sit in silence for a moment.
“I made my debut in this court”
“I know”
You sigh. Since you’re sharing stories…
“After my dad died, I kinda took distance from the things we did together. That included all kinds of sports. It was a painful reminder. And then, as the USO was starting, I realised he had already bought our tickets. So I came here, walked around a bit. And then I saw you”
Natasha smiles, squeezing your hand.
“Your hair was shorter, and you were wearing a weird orange top with green shorts” you frown as you remember how awful it looked.
“My mom chose it for me!” the redhead buries her face in her hands and you laugh. You take them in yours as you continue the story.
“You were amazing that day. Controlled, precise… I forgot for a little while about how sad I was. And after you won, I came back everyday to watch you play”
“Thank you for telling me that. I wish I could have known your father”
“I would have liked that too”
There’s silence as you both think about your own journies, the things that brought you to this moment.
“Come on, we should go. You need your rest” you stand up, offering your hand to Natasha. She thinks for a moment before taking it, but instead of standing up she pulls you down until you’re sitting on her lap, your legs around her.
“Nat?” you gulp, blushing at how close you are.
“Tell me to stop and I’ll stop” she whispers, kissing your neck and squeezing your ass.
“Holy shit, no, don’t stop” you plead, tangling your fingers in her red hair.
“Locker room?”
“Lead the way” you kiss her frantically, hoping no one sees you.
Once you arrive there, Natasha smiles and your heart stops for a second.
“Ready to scream my name?”
There’s warmth. And a nice pressure. Some tingling on your back. Like a soft touch.
You open your eyes in an unknown room, trying to remember where you are. As you turn around you find Natasha fast asleep, her arm around your middle.
“Nat?” you call for her, hoping no one walks in any time soon.
“Five more minutes” she mumbles against your skin.
“Nat, wake up” you plead.
As it turns out, she only reacts when Yelena kicks the door, walking in on you naked under the sheets.
“Happy finals day seestra—-ah! Naked”
“Yelena what is wrong?” to your horror, Melina joins her daughter. “Oh, you two lovebirds!”
“WHY DOESNT ANYONE KNOCK HERE” Natasha screams, putting the sheets above her head.
“Sorry”  Melina says, dragging away Yelena.
“Yeah, sorry” Yelena echoes, sounding anything but.
As you both get dressed, the memories of last night come back to you.
After your rendezvous -and almost getting caught by security- you decided it would be better to continue elsewhere. You blush as images of Natasha moaning, kissing and pleasuring you also come back.
“Hey” she approaches you as you walk to the door. “You ok? You look a little…”
“Flustered?” you say, trying to hide your blush.
“Well, yes. I’m sorry about them walking in”
“Last night was… amazing”
“Yeah?” she circles your waist with her hands and pulls you closer. “How amazing?”
“Like winning all Grand Slams in the same year kind of amazing” your hands go around her neck and you pull her for a kiss.
“Wow, that’s big talk” Natasha comments agains your lips. And as she’s about to kiss you, Fury walks in.
“Romanoff! What did I tell you about that cardio”
“For the love of God, knock!” Natasha says, defeated.
“Don’t worry, Fury, I promise she was laying down for the most part” you wink at the man.
“Stay for breakfast” Melina invites as she’s setting the suite’s table with all the room service.
“This has been sufficiently awkward, thank you. And I also imagine you have stuff to do”
“You need to stay hydrated. How much liquid did you lose?” Fury says, going around the kitchen like a headless chicken.
“Fury, I haven’t seen her this relaxed in months. My sister will be fine” Yelena comments.
“Are you coming to the game?”
“Of course. I’m on press duty”
“Come to the player’s box” Melina says.
“Would that be wise?” you ask and everyone shares a look. “What I mean is, we want to make Wanda think her plan worked, right? If she sees me there she’ll know we are on to her”
“I don’t care what she thinks. I want you there” Natasha takes your hand and you smile.
“Alright. I’ll be there. See you later” you kiss her cheek and smile.
“Byeee” Melina and Yelena say, and you realise that Natasha will have to deal with their questions.
Well, if she can deal with the press, she can deal with her family.
The day goes by in a blur, and as the match approaches, you feel more anxious. God, how does Natasha do this? If it were you with the world watching, you’d probably break down the minute you step into the court.
“Hello there” Yelena greets as you meet at the player’s entrance of Arthur Ashe.  “Ever been here?”
“Just once, with Bucky”
It’s hard to forget the luxurious facilities where players can get food, special gifts, some physio or workout before their matches.
“He won last year, right?”
“Yes” you smile at the memory. “How is Natasha doing?”
“She’s done with warmup, she had something light to eat and she seems ready. She’s also been smiling like an idiot all day, even if Fury kept her away from her phone”
“I want her to win, so whatever it takes” you smile at the blonde, and follow her to the lounge, where Natasha is waiting with Melina. The redhead smiles as soon as she spots you and you kiss her on the cheek.
“How do you feel?”
“Like a complete wreck”
“You got this. Remember she prefers short games, she also doesn’t like to volley or come close to the net. And people say her forehand is killer but she goes too far behind her back, so use it against her”
“Y/N?” she interrupts your rambling. “All of that is fine advice, but I already have Nick on my back 24/7”
“Right, sorry”
“You know what he doesn’t provide?”
“Good luck kisses”
“That’s right, it’s above my paygrade” Fury says. “Say your goodbyes now”
Melina and Yelena hug her, Fury squeezes her shoulder and then they give you some space.
“Go win this thing” you say, leaning forward and kissing her softly.
Natasha leans her forehead against yours and smiles.
She’s ready.
Natasha comes out first, and the crowd goes wild.
Wanda is close behind her; you catch her staring at you, clearly shocked that you’re next to Nat’s family.
“Who’s losing focus now?” Yelena says with a cheerful voice and you can’t help but smile.
The game begins and it is very clear that Natasha is playing aggressively. She has an ace on every game and there are hardly any break points for Wanda. It’s been 30 minutes and the score is 5-2.
“She’s cooked,” Fury says, looking at Wanda. You shake your head.
“Maximoff has an insane record after losing the first set, you know that”
And in fact, she does lose the first set. As always, the crowd loves to cheer on the underdog, so they go wild when Wanda wins the first two games of the second set.
“Come on, Tasha” you scream, and she looks your way, smiling. In no time, they’re tied.
“What are the odds on a tiebreak?” Yelena asks.
���It can go either way” you sigh, confirming that it will happen as they reach 6-6.
Natasha is playing fast and hard, giving no time for Wanda to recover.
But as she serves for the match, Wanda challenges the call in the most disruptive way possible.
It was in, but since Nat stopped playing the point goes to Wanda.
“That’s bullshit” Yelena says under her breath and you nod.
Sure enough, Natasha zones out and goes from match point to losing the second set.
“Dear Lord” Fury says, trying to keep a neutral expression.
“Maximoff looks exhausted, Nick. Natasha is doing great. She didn’t give away the second set. She’ll do this”
The third set begins, the first four games a close call. Deuce is called when they’re tied at 2, and you know that whoever wins this point will end up winning the match.
Every time Wanda has an advantage, Natasha comes back and breaks. Even when the Sokovian is serving, it doesn’t stop Natasha from pulling her back to 40-40. The Russian is a wall, and Wanda seems to lose hope as time passes.
And then, it happens.
Wanda has a double fault that gives Natasha the advantage. Followed by a double fault that gives her a break.
“Yes” Fury claps, trying to keep it together.
As the score approaches 5, your heart beats faster. Once again, 5-2.
Natasha serving for the match.
An ace.
The crowd goes wild.
The second ball goes out of the court when Wanda hits it.
Then, a double fault.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
It’s 30-15 and then 30-30. All Natasha needs are two more points to win.
She searches for your face in the crowd and you smile, nodding.
“You’re going to win” you say and she smiles.
Another ace.
The screens show the “championship point” sign.
Wanda doesn’t make it easy for her. She’s like a wounded animal that has nothing to lose, so she runs, she answers every throw with a groan, she comes to the net.
But when Natasha does her signature dropshot, Wanda tries to run, reaches too late and the ball bounces one, two, three times.
“Game, set, match, Romanoff”
“Fuck, YEEES” Yelena screams, standing up and cheering.
It’s all a blur, Natasha falling to the ground and covering her face. Walking to the net to shake Wanda’s hand, and then  the umpire’s.
After, she walks among the crowd, trying to reach her box. Yelena is the first to jump, their mother hugging them both and crying.
Fury looks like he’s about to cry as Natasha hugs him. You’re certainly crying happy tears as you watch them.
And then, she walks past him and picks you up from the ground, kissing you in front of the entire stadium.
“Congrats, Nat” you say against her lips.
“I’ll be right back” she promises when the security guard asks her to come back for the ceremony.
“You owe me a question”
“Save it for the next championship” she says against your lips and you kiss again, in spite of the guard’s insistence and with the crowd cheering you on.
It’s been six more slam titles, two years of tours around the world.
Natasha still owes you a question.
You’re saving it for a time when you’re both ready, and you’ll ask her to marry you.
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jungkookschin · 1 year
not so bossy
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summary: An irksome feeling infests Jungkook's system when his girlfriend lets him know that she can't meet up after not seeing him for three weeks. pairing: d1 soccer player!jungkook x reader
genre: angst, fluff
author's note: idk anything about football/soccer and yes im american so i used the term soccer 🙄lolz, also i got some inspo hearing about these famous athletes and their gfs so i pulled this out of my ass. pls enjoy (or not)! ALSO IF U HAVE ANYTHING U WANT TO TELL ME AB ANY OF MY PICS PLS PUT IT IN THE ASKS (not replies) BC THIS IS A SECONDARY BLOG
“Just because I’m not some big shot D-1 athlete doesn’t mean that my life doesn’t matter,” you grimly convey, eyebrows furrowed in pure vexation whilst your pretty lips curl down in a frown.
Jungkook exhales slightly, his pointer finger and thumb coming up to massage his temples. “Y/N, that’s not what I meant and you know it-“
“Then what the fuck did you mean?” The rapidity by which you cut him off pierces his heart like an arrow, because he’s never witnessed you being so abrasive. It hurts him to know that he’s upset you- that his inconsideration induced such a crestfallen expression from his one and only girl.
“I just didn’t want you to meet up with that guy,” Jungkook quietly explicates, unable to adeptly convey what his true intentions were: that he just missed you and didn’t want you to hang out with some other guy, even if it was just to study.
A scoff escapes your mouth, your obsidian orbs glaring bullets into him. “Jungkook, we were studying. It was for school. You of all people should understand that,” you sneer, your harsh words making his heart drop, the unpleasant feeling of guilt infesting his system, because he knows you’re right. Knows he’s been a shitty fucking boyfriend. Knows that you’ve been nothing but understanding, that you've been his personal angel ushering heaven to him, a task you accomplished everyday of every second.
Jungkook’s reticent silence tells you everything you need to know. “Don’t talk to me for the rest of the day,” you murmur quietly, though loud enough to make the words thunder in his heart. You turn your heel to walk away from him, your arms securely hugging your textbook to your chest, as if you were subconsciously shielding yourself from him. He hates that so much.
Jungkook stands frozen, unable to chase after you like he wants to. His heart is screaming at his brain make his motor system send his body after you..Instead, your figure disappears into the crowd of students flooding the hallways and he’s left there with regret plaguing his system.
How did this even happen?
Jungkook vividly remembers that dreadful text message you sent whilst he was on the bus, heading back from fall training camp.
y/n ♡: hi baby, im so so sorry. i dont think i can make it to our date tonight. this senior in my class asked me if i wanted to join a study group with him and i want to go so i do good on my final :( sorry baby.
Jungkook's lips immediately curl down at the message. Despite quite literally sharing an apartment together, he hadn't physically seen you or touched you in three weeks. With travelling out of town for a tournament for a week, and his two week long training camp immediately proceeding the tourney, he hadn't gotten the chance to come home and see you. Your absence had a deep and profound effect- he had to drown himself with intense physical training to distract himself from the fact that you weren't around.
Jungkook is a D-1 soccer player- one of the best in the nation- predicted to be one of the top picks in the first round of the Major League Soccer super draft. He takes his craft very seriously, centers most of his attention on his body and mind to refine his physical ability and ultimately become one of the best soccer players in the world. Since high school he often opted for a nasty gym session over a party, admiring Messi and Ronaldo over pretty girls, and even went to his club soccer tournaments over attending prom.
That was- until he met you.
The university you and Jungkook attended was widely renown for its impeccable soccer program- and computer science program. By God's grace was he assigned to you for a group assignment freshman year. Your face was slightly flushed when you kindly uttered "Hey, I know you're a huge athlete or something, so I don't mind carrying the project if you have to focus on sports." In reality, your intentions were selfish, solely concerned about your own grades and how this group project may cause them to fall, but Jungkook still thought it was the cutest thing ever.
He appreciated the consideration, but gently let you know that he was certainly able bodied and willing to complete the assignment. Had you not been so pretty, if the way you pushed your glasses up your face not been so adorable, he would have gladly taken the offer, not being quite privvy to anything academic related.
But you were arguably the cutest girl he's ever seen, so he was willing and eager to put in the effort.
Feelings blossomed, cavernous eyes gazed into each other and Jungkok kissed you for the first time. Seeing that you enthusiastically reciprocrating his energy, Jungkook took it as a sign that he scored the girl of his dreams. Group projects lead to late night calls and incredibly vulnerable talks in his car, then arcade dates to salacious movie nights. He officially asked you to be his girlfriend with a bouquet of the most delicately beautiful roses you've ever seen.
Jungkook thanked God everyday for your naturally compassionate nature, and for when you assuaged all his dreadful anxieties about not be an adequate and involved boyfriend. You understood that the nature of your relationship with him would not always be the most attentive- that he had no choice but to sort of neglect you when he had to travel over state and country borders for the sake of his athletic career.
You understood it and you whole heartedly offered your bona fide support.
You appeared at his games with cute red bows binding the curls in your hair, his oversized red jersey thrown perfectly over your precious abdomen. His perfect cheerleader, his number one motivator- and his teammates certainly appreciated you because he performed better when you were in the stands oggling at him with your starry eyes. He had to play better when his girl was in the crowd.
When you weren't able to be physically present at his games, you sent him the most adorable selfies of you streaming the game on your TV, laptop, or phone, going the extra mile to snag a selfie whilst Jungkook was in the frame of your device.
It really is common knowledge that Jungkook adores his girlfriend. In fact, anybody can tell by looking at the measly three photos on his verified Instagram account (courtesy of the NCAA). There was one photo of Jungkook and his teammates from a few years ago, all men have their hands on their cut and bruise heavy knees. They've got gold medals around their necks, ginger smiles on their faces after winning some summer league tournament.
The second photo was from last year when the men's soccer team at your university won the NCAA Division 1 Men's Soccer tournament, and rather than a photo with his teammates, there is one of him and you. Jungkook who was drenched in sweat from an intense yet rewarding game has his hands wrapped around your waist in the photo, leaning down and pressing a kiss on your cheek whilst you smile gleefully. His gold medal is adorned around your neck, resting on your chest rather than his. The caption reads "scored the winning goal for my number one girl", and the comments are permeated with "awwws" and "how cute!" Of course, you are slightly suspicious of the genuiniety of those comments since most of them are from girls who have a crush on him. How do you know that? You just do, consider it girlfriend intuition.
The most recent photo is simply a gorgeous photo of you at dinner. It was from his point of view- his prettiest view when you were sitting across from him enjoying your steak in a strapless black mini dress. In the photo your french manicured fingers are gripping your wine glass, the stain of your lipstick visible at the edge of the cup. The expanse of your neck is visible, making your aura all the more alluring. Your hair is in a sleek bun with the exception of the face framing pieces that dangle on the sides of your face.
You remember that day, Jungkook looked so dashing in his black button up and slacks, and when he presented you with another bouquet of red roses you melted since they were the same flowers he asked you to be his girlfriend with.
The caption is simply a black heart.
Jungkook shuts his phone off and throws it on his bed, hands rubbing his face as he groans into his palms. After you told him not to speak to you for the rest of the day, he meandered back to your shared apartment, earnestly anticipating your return home. The intoxicating scent of your vanilla body spray fills the room, making him all the more miserable.
He knows that he wasn't giving you the attention necessary in maintaining a healthy relationship, that he wasn't amply putting his share into it, but his mind was so trained on soccer that it hadn't occurred to him to check on up on you. He winces at a certain memory where he was so entranced in practicing penalty kicks that he completely forgot about your date at the pumpkin patch. He went home wondering where you were, and his heart dropped when you marched into the home, slamming the door and refusing to speak to him. After profusely apologizing and making it up to you, you later forgave him and everything returned to its usual nature.
But this time was different, because it is 2AM, and you're still not home, causing Jungkook to fall deeper into his despondency.
He spammed you with so many pleading text messages, his eyes scanning over each and everyone as his thumb scrolls further and further to the history of your shared messages.
[2:52 AM] jungkook: y/n baby im so anxious right now. please let me know where you are. i wont go to bed unless i know that you're safe. you don't need to come home or talk to me, just send me your location so that i know you're okay. im so sorry and i love you so much.
As his thumb scrolls up, his texts from earlier in the night appear.
[11:38 PM] jungkook: baby where are you? im starting to get worried about you. please come home.
[9:12 PM] jungkook: my love, the food is getting cold. if you come home we can still enjoy a meal together.
[8:24 PM] jungkook: baby, i know you're upset at me. please let me make it up to you. i cooked your favorite meal, and we can eat together once you get home. i'm here waiting for you.
A soft exhale leaves his lips, his thumb scrolling all the way back to the same stupid argument that triggered all of this.
y/n ♡: hi baby, im so so sorry. i dont think i can make it to our date tonight. this senior in my class asked me if i wanted to join a study group with him and i want to go so i do good on my final :( sorry baby.
When Jungkook first received the first message, it inevitably upset him. A grimace on his face and the furrow on his eyebrows indicated as much. He missed you so much and was looking forward to seeing you so fucking badly. He longed to feel your body against his, the thought of you keeping him up all of last night. He missed your pretty face, the vanilla scent of your soft hair, and the way you made him feel so complete. So, of course he's upset. The first thing that caught him off guard was that you were cancelling on him after three weeks apart. The second thing that caused a deeper furrow in his brows was irksome personal pronoun: him.
Were you really going to ditch him to hang out with some guy? He was trying to be understanding considering the rigor of the university's computer science program- and wanted you to do everything you could to maintain your perfect grade point average. Nonetheless, he was already pouting at the announcement of your absence.
jungkook: him?? who's this senior?? and are u sure u guys cant reschedule?? miss my girl too much
y/n♡: i miss u too, im so sorry,, it's just that this code is really fucking hard and jaebum offered to help so obvi i accepted lol
Jungkook's concern morphs into unamusement, because he is very familiar with this motherfucker. He sighs deeply, reminiscing when his teammate Hoseok approached him and informed him about a certain Jaebum making inappropriate comments about his girlfriend. Not inappropriate as in sexual, grotesque, or expletive. Had that been the case Jungkook would have beaten the shit out of the guy and risked playing the next season. The type of inappropriate Hoseok intended to express was that Jaebum was going around calling you cute- you, a girl who clearly was not single. Jungkook never explicitly told you about this, not really concerned that it would have a significant impact on your very healthy relationship, but it still displeased him.
He wasn't able to constrain his words, mentioning something when he witnessed Jaebum clearly flirting with you when he picked you up from class.
"Jungkook don't worry," you giggled. "He's just a senior in my class- he's really smart so he was giving me some homework advice."
Jungkook tensed at that. "Alright babe, just be careful."
After that, Jaebum really wasn't ever mentioned or considered. He fully trusted you so Jungkook wasn't worried, until at that very moment.
jungkook: babe
jungkook: i thought we already talked about this
jungkook: that guy literally likes you
y/n♡: ewwww lol dont put that idea in my head😭 gross
jungkook: y/n, im serious
jungkook: he really does, i can tell when someone wants u its my boyfriend intuition
y/n♡: okay baby, and if he does??? u dont trust me??
jungkook: ofc i do, but it makes me uncomfortable to know that he invited you to a “study group” , who knows what he’s planning???
jungkook: who else is gonna be there??
y/n♡: it’s just gonna be us, but i promise u u dont have anything to worry about. uk how this class has been kicking my ass.. and jaebum is the only one with an a
Jungkook uses his pointer finger and thumb to massage his temples. The thought of you and this guy studying together enkindles something vile in his system, but nonetheless he chooses to trust you since he knows how important school is to you. However this irksome feeling bubbles in his chest, and he feels like has just has to do something about it.
The next message he sends is his last attempt to assuage the undeniable burning in his chest.
jungkook: i know, can i at least come with? to make sure he doesnt do anything weird?
y/n♡: i don't think it's a good idea. i dont want things to be uncomfortable
Jungkook scowls at that. Weird? Why would him tagging along be anything of the sort? More importantly, why were you choosing to protect Jaebum’s feelings over his?
jungkook: lmao uncomfortable? are u two planning to fuck on the table or something , why would my presence make things “uncomfortable”?
Jungkook winces when his eyes train on that very ill intended text message. He knows damn well he crossed the line with that one, but your response didn’t indicate that you were upset, probably dismissing it as one of his stupid jokes.
y/n♡: jeon jungkook🙄🙄
y/n♡: i’ll see u tonight at home baby💗💗
Jungkook knows he should have left it at that, but three weeks without having you with him were so excruciating, and he longed for you so so much. He loves being an athlete; he loves playing soccer, but the intense drills and back to back games have been agonizingly tough on his body that all he wanted was to cuddle up against you in your cozy and comfy bed. Maybe have a little movie night and give you a little massage though it was his muscles that were sore and tense. But no, you had to study with some slimy guy. Consider him salty.
When the bus dropped the men’s soccer team off on campus, he bid his farewells to his teammates, and for some strange reason his legs just start walking to the library. Huh, how strange. What an anomaly it was for his feet to randomly move by themselves!
He acts very nonchalant, hands shoved into his sweats whilst he wanders between the dozens of book shelves arrayed in the campus library. Nonetheless, his eyes are rapidly shifting toward every corner in the library, in hopes that he “accidentally” runs into you.
You and Jaebum are sitting adjacent to each other at an occupied table, both of your eyes trained on your Macbook screen. Jungkook puts a hand on his chin, acutely scrutinizing the situation at hand. The distance of your chairs is quite satisfactory to Jungkook- not too close, but he would appreciate it if you were further away. Jaebum is very clearly giving you a lovestruck gaze, and when he scoots his chair closer to yours Jungkook narrows his eyes.
Jaebum is such a fucking weirdo, his hand creepily advancing towards yours that is resting by the keyboard, and you are so exceedingly focused on your screen that you fail to notice. You randomly remove your hand away from where it rests on the table, and scratch your head with it. Once you turn towards him, his close proximity startles you, and you jerk your chair back in the opposite reaction, the most mortified look on your face.
Jungkook isn’t the best at reading lips, but Jaebum is currently expressing something to you, the most awestruck look on his face and Jungkook scoffs at that, clearly understanding the situation. Without thinking he advances towards you, pulling your chair back with a tight grip whilst he looks daggers into the man. “Can you please stop hitting on my girlfriend?”
Your head whips around at the voice of your boyfriend, but it goes unnoticed by Jungkook whose attention is soley on the man.
Jaebum scoots his chair back a little bit, scratching his head. “Sorry man, I didn’t know she was your girlfriend-“
And before Jungkook can interject you speak up. “I’ve told you many times that I have a boyfriend- and quite frankly I’m appalled that you’re trying to make a pass toward me when we agreed that we would be studying,” you say firmly which induces a goofily proud smile to appear on Jungkook’s face.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I-I just really like you and didn’t know how else to talk to you," Jaebum elaborates in attempts to elicit some sort of sympathy from you. His attempt is entirely futile, and you ask him to leave, already vexxed by his inappropriate shot at making a pass at you.
You begrudgingly saunter behind Jungkook, the two of you leaving the library. Jungkook, who is acting under the assumption that you are annoyed by Jaebum, reaches out for your hand, falling into confusion when you rip your hand away from his.
"Babe?-" his eyes round, uneasy at your dissonance.
You exhale deeply, eyes apprehensively glancing around at anybody who may be eavesdropping. "Why the fuck did you follow me?" you whisper shout at him, hands thrown down petulantly.
"I was worried about you," he clarifies, not even bothering to claim that it was a mere coincidence. "And I missed you so much," his tone glosses over softly. He steps forward to embrace you, and the air shifts once you put your hands on his chest and push him away from you.
"Jeon Jungkook, I clearly told you that I would see you at home," you stonely enunciate.
Irritability spreading throughout his system, he scowls. "It was killing me to think about you being alone with this guy when I was missing you so much, and I told you that he liked you but you didn't listen-"
"I admit I was wrong about that, but I am also perfectly capable of handling myself." You hesitate momentarily, gathering the words before spitting them out hastily. "I think you've made it pretty clear that you don't trust me- which is seriously fucked up."
"What's fucked up is that you were hanging out alone with a guy who clearly likes you! You haven't seen your boyfriend in three weeks and chose to spend your time with some guy rather than with me!" Jungkook fires back, attracting some concerned glances from bystanders.
His postulation enrages you. "Need I remind you why I haven't seen you in three weeks?" you sarcastically inquire, eyebrows creasing in awe at the audacity of this man.
"Babe, I have to leave for soccer, you know that, so don't weaponize it against me," he coldly says, and really, all his words do is spread the indignation through your veins like a wildfire.
"I have never weaponized soccer against you, so don't you dare put fucking words in my mouth," you hiss, giving him the dirtiest look he's ever seen from you.
"I have been nothing but supportive of you. Never said shit when you're out there with a bunch of cheerleaders who like you, and with your teammates that fucking cheat on their girlfriends with those cheerleaders! Yet the moment that I prioritize my academic career over you, you pull some weird shit as if you can't trust me!" you finish, your ice colds words leaving Jungkook frozen as a sculpture, as if nitrogen replaced his blood because he realizes you're right. If he ever spend a moment in your shoes, he would lose his goddamn fucking mind because of his naturally possessive and overprotective nature.
"I'm sorry, that's not what I was trying to say," Jungkook clumsily tries to salvage himself. "I appreciate you so much for always being there for me and when I go pro I'll make it up to you. You'll be my soccer wife, and we'll have a mansion with our kids- I'll buy you whatever you want," he conveys, his feeble attempt of sewing together the cuts of the situation.
Instead of a commiserating look, you give him a look that tells him you're even more irritated.
"That's not the point! You don't get that I don't want my identity to be just Jeon Jungkook's soccer wife. I want to be my own person, have my own successful career," you frustratedly communicate. "Why do you think I'm trying so hard in this stupid fucking coding class? Because I didn't want to see you? I always want to see you, but I have to make sacrifices too. The class average is 56 and Jaebum is the only one with an A, but my life isn't as important as yours so you don't want to be sympathetic of my feelings." You finish, cooling off once you've exploded at him.
Jungkook rips away eye contact with you, looking towards another direction, feeling slightly chagrined at your legitimate display of vexation. "I guess your studying didn't seem as important to me at the time," he abashedly murmurs.
“Just because I’m not some big shot D-1 athlete doesn’t mean that my life doesn’t matter," is how you retort, leaving the situation full circle.
Now, it's 3 AM, and you're still not home. Jungkook feels himself falling into a pit of dilapidation and guilt, feeling so remorseful of how shitty he's been. You truly are his super woman, because he's positively sure that he wouldn't be able to handle it if you did what he had to do on a regular basis. He couldn't even handle it when you were studying with another man, let alone travelling and leaving him at home by himself.
The apartment simply feels so empty, and it makes him feel all the more lonely. When he walks into your shared bathroom, his eyes glossing over your cosmetics and skin care products, he becomes absolutely miserable. Debilitatingly picking up your moisturerizer, he squeezes the bottle, product falling falling into his hand. He looks into the mirror and rubs the ointment into his skin, sighing exasperatingly because he wishes you were standing by his side.
The sound of the door suddenly creaks open, and Jungkook rushes into the living room thinking that you may have returned home. His face immediately falls when Jimin marches into his apartment.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jungkook deadpans.
Removing his shoes at the front of the house, Jimin scoffs. "Why'd you leave your door unlocked at 3 AM?"
Jimin plops down at the dining table, picking at the food Jungkook meticulously prepared for you. "This shit is cold as hell," he mumbles before grabbing the plate and shoving it into the microwave. Jungkook doesn't say anything, just grinds his teeth whilst he lays down on the couch.
"Y/N's not home?" Jimin questions with a mouth full of steak.
"No," Jungkook quietly mumbles, dejected and losing hope that you would return home that night.
"I ran into her a few hours ago," Jimin states casually, causing Jungkook to robotically spring up like a zombie and join Jimin at the dining table. "Where?" Jungkook asks like a crazy man, eyes wide, his veins protruding through the whites in his eyes. Jimin gives his friend a distasteful look before protectively covering the food Jungkook made. Jimin analyzes the situation carefully before it dawns on him that you aren't around.
"She's still not home yet?" Jimin asks, concern spreading throughout his face.
"No," Jungkook squeaks out, discouraged by everything before he bangs his head on the dining room table.
"I ran into her at the mall," Jimin says, attempting to provide some comfort to his younger friend. "We looked around a little bit, but I had to go pick my brother up and then I dropped her off at the gym."
Jungkook pauses, owlishly blanking into space whilst he takes a few moments to fully comprehend what just zoomed past his ears. The sleep deprivation and exhaustion is seriously hindering his cognitive function, but he just can't sleep until he knows that you're safe. "Huh?"
Jimin sighs, rolling his eyes before repeating what he just said. He raises his palm to smack the back of Jungkook's neck, which elicits a gruesome glare from the younger one.
"I ran into your girlfriend at the mall. We looked at the dinosaur exhibit. I dropped her off at the gym," Jimin firmly enunciates.
Apparently this computes more briskly than the first time. "The gym?" Jungkook asks, an amusing look of confusion hazed on his face.
"Yes," Jimin replies, frowning at Jungkook's sluggish responses.
"She went by herself?"
"I don't know," Jimin responds, a hinge of more empathy in his voice. "She said something about a personal trainer but I have no clue what she was doing."
An exasperating sigh leaves Jungkook's lips, too much information for his fatigued brain to compute. He didn't even know you had damn personal trainer- you don't even need a fucking personal trainer when your boyfriend is one of quite literally a D-1 athlete. It's not something he wants to even think about, the prospect of him being a shitty boyfriend plaguing his mind even more.
Jimin's eyebrows furrow in concern for his younger friend, and his hand gingerly pats his friend's rock hard back. "Do you want me to stay the night? Or stay at least until she gets back?" he suggests whilst the younger one buries his handsome face into his large palms.
"Please," Jungkook mutters.
Your unexpected entrance proves that Jimin's request was unecessary, because you casually waltz back into the apartment, making Jungkook practically whip his head towards the sound of the opening door.
"Jimin?" you jabber, a little startled at his unanticipated presence.
"Oh hey Y/N!" Jimin greets you more awkwardly than he ever has before, as if he interrupted something though he was there first. "How was the gym?" he releases a sheepish chuckle, and you internally cringe at his overt display of politeness.
"Oh, um. It was good. Are you planning on spending the night?" you ask, slipping your shoes off as you join the two at the dining table.
"Pshhh, no. Absolutely not! I gotta head home.." his eyes erroneously shift all over the room, poorly concealing how clearly he wants to leave. "Right about.." his head whips down at the non existent watch on his wrist. "Now!" He scoots the chair out and -for some reason- he tiptoes out of the house, bidding you and your boyfriend a farewell as he gently closes the comically creaking door.
You look towards your beloved, Jungkook looking dejectedly at his twiddling hands, avoiding eye contact with you. A soft exhale leaves your lips and you plant your palms on the table, getting up before you approach him. Even when he's sitting down at your wooden dining room chairs, he's only a little bit smaller than you- training and the gym have done him well. This profound emotion of tenderness rushes into your heart, and you bend down, placing a tentative and delicate kiss on his fragile cheeks.
"Wanna come with me to the bedroom?" you ask, gentleness lacing your voice at to hopefully assuage the vulnerability of the situation. It is undeniably true that you were upset- even livid at him, but after mulling it over you realized that he is your one and only. If anybody was deserving of your empathy, it was him.
You stride to the bedroom, settling down on the side of your bed with your big hunk of a boyfriend mimicing your actions like a little puppy.
"I made us bracelets," you blurt out hands digging into your pockets, before you pull out two identical bracelets dangling from your fingertips. The bracelets were childlike at best; you used black plastic beads and yarn, the same type of shit toddlers use in pre school when they learn how to do basic things like cut in zig zag lines. The bracelets are mostly made up of black beads, with a pink heart bead in the center of them.
Your fingers wrap around your boyfriend's larger hands, and you gingerly slide his bracelet on his dainty wrists. You suppose you overestimated the circumference of his wrist, because it hangs off his wrist like a necklace.
Jungkook still hasn't said anything, but finally looks up, and your eyes meet his glossy ones.
When you realize that he's crying, you hand cups his cheek, and you use your thumb to wipe the tears that cascade down his handsome face. "No no no," You're panicked at his sullen state. "Don't cry," you express desperately. "Please don't cry, I'm sorry."
Jungkook gazes at you so intimately and intensely, and he feels as if all his resolve breaks now that you are finally in front of him.
"I-I just didn't want to lose you," Anguish laces his voice, and he sounds so desperate that it makes it feel like your heart is being ripped into pieces. "Thought I was gonna lose you," he whispers, and you're compelled to just hug him- so you turn to him and wrap your arms around his neck, and his automatically snake around your waist, so naturally- like this action was done so out of muscle memory.
He holds you tightly, like he never wants to let go of you, of this. He holds you like he's found his sweet solace in your embrace. His neck finds comfort in the crook of your neck whilst he pours his emotions out into your honeydew skin.
"I can't believe you still love me."
"I can't believe you made me a fucking bracelet even after everything. You're so sweet, so perfect."
"I don't deserve you- you mean everything to me. I swear I'll make everything up to you, just give me one more chance."
You pull back at his words, a concerned haze painted on your face. You settle on your knees to meet him at equal eye contact. "Did you think I was gonna dump you?"
Jungkook tears away his eyes from yours. "I don't know. I thought you were getting sick of me- I guess," and the
You sigh, shifting your weight backwards so that your ass rests on your heels. You gnaw on your bottom lip, finding the right words to say. "Jungkook," you begin, conjuring the courage to verbalize everything you've been itching to say. "I... I have never loved anybody as much as I love you." You inhale, nostrils flaring slightly before you continue your somewhat clumsy attempt to bandage everything.
You speak very steadily so that he can fully digest what you are about to say. "And I don't love you because you're a soccer player, or because you're verified on Instagram, or because you're ESPN thinks you're going to be super successful. I love you because you're you."
Jungkook's undeniable heartbeat is pounding, so loud that he can hear it in his ears. Love. Your love is interpermeating his being, seizing control of him completely and fully. There are no words that can properly encapsulate how he feels. Just Love. Love times a million. "Y/N-"
"Just shut up and let me talk," you cut him off, preparing once again to regurgitate your feelings.
"I just love you so much, and because I love you, I would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship. You just have to trust me, even if it makes you uncomfortable. I'm an adult- I know what I'm doing."
Jungkook purses his lips perceptively, nodding ever so carefully at your simple yet overflowing explanation.
"It just hurts me that you felt like you couldn't trust me enough to be alone with him. I know I was wrong for not trusting you when you said he liked me, but even if he were to make a move on me, I would never reciprocate or encourage that behavior. I put so much trust in you, and I really want you to work towards putting that same trust in me. And.. I'm sorry for throwing a temper tantrum, I was just embarrassed I guess. "
Jungkook grabs your hand as if the moment is fleeting, his already soft expression softening impossibly more at the sincerity of your words. He holds your hand to his chest, and you can hear the rapid beating of his heart.
"I understand," he automatically expresses, which concerns you because his answer was almost too immediate. You're not sure if he's properly digesting what you are trying to communicate.
"I was just super frustrated- I missed you so much and thinking of you and that guy was killing me. I trust you, but what if he did something to you?" The disclosure of his authentic feelings relieves any doubts you had about the immediacy of his answer.
"Babe, I'm not an idiot," you reply. "I have a taser and it's not like we were in the woods in the middle of the night," you point out which elicits a soft chuckle from Jungkook.
"You're right baby, my girl's a genius," he leans in and presses a familiar and delicate kiss to your bottom lip, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. When he pulls away you're left with a lingering feeling of longing, and he beams at you.
"You just gotta be patient with me, but I swear I'll try to be less," Jungkook takes a moment to find the right word. "Overbearing."
You give Jungkook a pursed smile and nod your head. Before you can respond he presses another delicate kiss to your lips. Though the kiss is fleeting, it's as if your lips mold together perfectly because he knows you and your lips the best. "Thank you for being you," he presses his forehead against your, mumbling against your lips, the utmost sincerity in his voice. "I love you, so so much," he says, hot breath palpable against your lips. "Thank you so much for everything you do. Thank you for understanding, for loving me. You're just- just perfect, perfect for me. Made for me, and I love you so much." His emotions overwhelm him, and his eyes become glossy. "My love for you scares me. The thought of you leaving terrifies me so much, and if you did, I don’t think I would ever recover,” his words are delicate, fragile like he’s a butterfly that could fly away at any moment. It was up to you to keel him grounded.
You close your eyes, savoring the moment of him being so close. " 'm not going anywhere," you hum into his lips, and he sighs blissfully, snuggling more into your protective embrace.
That night, you fall asleep on his chest, his arms instinctively wrapped around you for the entirety of the night.
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17020 · 2 months
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Rin Itoshi certainly comes up with weird plans to go visit the nurse... 1.9 k fluff, college! au, gn! yn, mentions of injuries and a teeny bit of blood. Rin is sort of emotionally constipated but that's just him.
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To a certain extent, RIN ITOSHI regretted studying film.
Yes, it had brought him emotional awareness. He acquired the ability to distinguish the various emotional factors that played a key role in a person's decision-making, as well as recognizing behavioral patterns through critical thinking, thus being able to objectively determine the logic (or lack thereof) in an actor's actions.
This led to self-reflection: his day-to-day actions, as well as his classmates, were meticulously analyzed by him, subconsciously being categorized as 'logical' or 'complete nonsense.'
Lately, he had noticed a slight—no—huge difference. A newfound pattern, if you will. His recent weekly routine was nothing short of illogical, as he had found himself sprinting to the nurse's office for (very) minor injuries.
It had all started when he was training with his teammates, as the Blue Lock football club was to prepare itself for the upcoming season, and the tournaments that came with it. A rushed direct kick and a distracted Jyubei Aryu ended in Rin's arm wrapped around his teammate's waist, with Aryu's arm draped over his shoulders, loudly complaining about the (totally unstylish) bruise he was to get due to Rin's kick.
When the raven-haired man knocked on the office door, he was met with a sweet and melodic voice, softly telling him to come inside. The door opened to reveal a stretcher, cabinets filled with medications and ointments, and a small wooden desk, with University of Tokyo's eye-catching nurse sitting behind it.
Rin Itoshi was interested in the nurse. Sure, his mission was to just carry Aryu to the nurse since he was the one to injure him, yet the youngest Itoshi had settled for staying longer than he should have. He was taking in every single one of the nurse's features, captivated by the alluring (e/c) eyes, and the worried expression on the nurse's face while inspecting his teammate's leg.
He was too absorbed in the nurse's beauty to notice his teammate grumpily asking him for help, as he required assistance to return to the field to get ahold of his bag. He mentally cursed as he carried his classmate, unable to decipher that unsettling feeling in his stomach that surged when he first entered the office.
The next day, he beelined towards the office once his classes were done for the day, swiftly knocking on the door and swinging it open, revealing the same nurse from the day before, a small smile plastered on their face.
"Is everything okay?"
"My stomach feels weird."
He then proceeded to be flooded with questions about his diet, his breakfast, or even the possibility of taking medications which could have caused a stomachache. The nurse's voice was laced with concern, which made the man's stomach fluttering worse. Rin felt childish while describing his symptoms, and how there was a constant fluttering sensation in his stomach since the day before. The nurse reassured him that it could be due to stress, or perhaps new experiences.
"Itoshi, have you had anything exciting happen to you lately?"
He furiously shook his head in response, insisting it must have been his breakfast, since his older brother was in charge of cooking that morning. After receiving a pill with digestive enzymes, he quickly swallowed it and went on his way. Before he stepped foot out of the office, he had one question to ask.
"What's your name?"
As Rin walked away he felt his whole face grow warm, a soft shade of pink decorating his nose, cheeks, and ears. He recognized that this was unlike him, his mind filling itself with confusion as his walking pace fastened. Soon enough, Rin Itoshi found himself sprinting through the university's campus, desperate to find the entrance of his dorm.
Rin Itoshi did not know how to label his feelings at first. They were a mix of curiosity, admiration, and... uneasiness. It was unusual for him, to spend the last two days fixated on the same person, spelling their name constantly in his head and having the image of them pop up on his mind. He was eager, for the first time in his life, for something other than football.
He wanted to get to know Yn Ln, the University of Tokyo's nurse.
And as time flew by, his actions went from 'weird' to 'complete nonsense'. Rin frequented your office, stopping by a few times a week with minor complaints. Sometimes he settled for a headache, only to feel your fingertips lightly graze the crown of his head, asking where it hurt the most to see if it was a migraine. Other times, he settled for a fever, purposely running towards your office after a tiring day of football practice, so the thermometer could reach just the right temperature, and so the back of your hand could touch his forehead, with his act becoming even more believable as his whole face flushed red with embarrassment.
It took him a while to realize that, the emotions that drove him to such extent as to faking sickness just to see you, were derived from love. Being a film major made him less emotionally constipated: enough to let him deny his feelings for weeks, and enough to let him comprehend that, in the end, whatever stupidity he was doing, he did it out of love.
His first love was the university's nurse.
With each visit, he managed to grow more confident, asking questions about your personal life. They started off subtle, asking about your age, why you chose the job, and how long you worked there. He was relieved when you revealed that you were around his age, and a fourth year medicine student who wanted to gain experience with treating patients, being allowed by UTokyo to work as a part-time nurse.
His charades continued, with him using every excuse in the book to visit your office. He had learned the schedules of your shifts, and had found himself thinking of you while his professor's lecture became background noise. He felt excited when he heard that they would soon learn of practical, digital, and special effects, with a collaborative work based on makeup effects and prosthetics.
Rin Itoshi thought he had the most brilliant idea.
He offered himself to be his classmate's canvas for special makeup effects. The assignment was simple: to paint a bruise, and to make it look realistic. When the class ended, he once again sprinted out, knowing the way towards your office like the back of his hand.
He knocked twice, which was his way of letting you know he was the one behind the door. You opened the door to let him in, your brows furrowed with worry as your gaze went directly to his right arm, which had a nasty, purple bruise. With widened eyes you carefully dragged him inside, forcing him to lay down on the stretcher. You delicately got ahold of his wrist, guiding it towards you so that you could have a better look.
The bruise was a blue-ish shade of purple, which was an indicator of it being recent, around a day or two old. Your fingers softly grazed the bruise, and as if on queue, the young Itoshi sibling squeezed his eyes shut, feigning the feeling of pain.
"What happened, Itoshi?"
He shrugged it off, replying that it had been a product of football practice. It was the most believable excuse according to him, seeing as his teammate had gotten a bruise (from him) by training football.
Letting go of his arm, you turned to the cabinets, opening one of them and pulling out a small, white bottle with a red cap, along with some white, fluffy balls.
Rin felt his heart stop. The color drained from his face.
How could he be this stupid?
You took one cotton ball and opened the bottle, carefully drenching the ball with the antiseptic. You turned back to him, taking notice of his current state. You chuckled at the sight.
"Hey, it's just antiseptic, okay? It's not going to sting since you don't have any cuts."
He pulled his arm towards him, as he tried to get off the stretcher. To his surprise, you pushed him back, forcing him to stay seated. You had a serious look on your face, which the man had never seen before. He was taken aback by your reaction, and was too stressed to even think of a way out.
"Rin Itoshi, this is not my first rodeo with patients who try to run away. Stay seated and let me clean."
Rin Itoshi was already planning his funeral.
The only thing left for him to do was to look away, because he sure as hell was not going to look at you. He felt like he did not deserve to, losing all staring privileges from the minute he sat down on your stretcher. Drops of sweat were trickling down his face, and his knee was rapidly bouncing up and down from the anxiety.
You took the soaked cotton ball and warily brushed his skin with it, puzzled as to why there was purple on the ball. You continued to drag the ball onto his skin, seeing as how the purple hues on his skin were magically gone with each swipe. You held in your laughter as you discarded the now purple cotton ball into the trash, then turning to look at Rin, who was too embarrassed to even meet your gaze.
"Look, Itoshi! The antiseptic was so good it took the whole bruise away with it!" you joked, with the hope of lightening up the mood.
The man's gaze was fixated onto the ground.
"...I'm sorry. Sorry I made you waste your time."
You offered him a smile, explaining how there was no time wasted, as you liked spending time with him, and how you got excited whenever he stopped by. Finally, his gaze met yours as his eyes gleamed with happiness, as he was genuinely pleased that his moment of ridicule had not been in vain. Your fingers intertwined themselves with his, and his fingers were damp from how scared he was. Not that you minded, though, as you had a front row seat to see how Rin's 'marvelous' plan failed miserably.
"I like seeing you, Yn. It's just... I don't... I don't know how..."
"If you're up for it, we can go to the coffee shop that's a few blocks down from here! My shift ends in 20 minutes, so..."
He nodded in response, his pale face now turning into a subtle shade of pink. He got up from the stretcher, stumbling towards the door from his nervousness. As he opened it he turned around, taking in your beauty one last time before he left.
"See you in 20?"
You smiled, "See you in 20, Itoshi."
He closed the door shut and you sighed in relief, grateful that the bruise on his arm was not actually real. You wondered if his bruise had to do with his coursework, as you had received a text from your friend who also majored in film, with them telling you that their group assignment was based on prosthetics.
Your pondering got cut short as you heard a loud scream, presumably from a guy, as well as some muffled yelling and threats. A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal Rin, with a small streak of blood running down his nostril, and a soccer ball in his hands.
"This time it's real, I promise."
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patriwoso · 10 months
always dancing when you’re around
ana-maria crnogorčević x reader
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“You’ve had too much to drink.” Ana giggled as you cling onto her arms, stumbling around with a cheeky grin on your face.
“We just won the best trophy, EVER!” You exaggerate, grabbing Patri’s hand. “MVP MVP MVP.” You began to chant, the rest of the team joining in.
You hiccuped and held onto Ana’s waist to keep you stood up right. She was the sober one, not a fan of drinking, but you had taken this opportunity to drink and oh did you drink…
“Baby, I feel all fizzy.” You held onto her, sliding your arms around her waist to keep you on your feet.
“Fizzy?” She chuckled. “Y/N/N, do you mean dizzy?”
You hummed and giggled, looking up at her. “Kiss me” You bit your lip, you hands rubbing at her sides.
“That I can do.” Your girlfriend smirks, leaning down to break the height barrier and kissing you softly until you pull away for a breath of air.
“You taste like cola” You tell her, dropping your head on her chest.
Later that night you were laying in bed with Ana, you were dead to the world as you were slotted between the taller girls strong thighs, your head on her chest.
She scrolled through her Instagram feed, clicking on Claudia’s story to see a video of Patri and Cata doing shots, what Claudia didn’t realise is that she had also captured yours and Ana’s heated moment in the back of the video which had now been posted for the world to see.
And that’s where the talking started. You and Ana had almost been dating a year when the first idea of you as a couple had popped into the public eye, and the fans went crazy for it.
When the full time whistle blows, you shake hands with the Switzerland team. Your eyes however only looking for one person. Your person.
"Y/N!" You turn around and see Ana calling you over, stood with Mariona and Lia.
"Hey" You smile softly, just wanting to wrap your arms around the taller girl and tell her how sorry you are.
Spain beat Switzerland 5-1 to advance to the quater finals. You were happy for your team but the feeling was bittersweet as you knocked your girlfriend out of the tournament.
"I'm sorry." You smile sadly with a few tears pricking in your eyes, you didn't like to see Ana sad and knowing you scored 2 against her makes it worse.
"Don't be sorry my love." She puts an arm around you and you hug her gently, being careful with your actions as your relationship is well and truly kept out of the public eye.
You tug on the bottom of her jersey as you pull away from each other. "Can we swap?"
"Of course!" She smiles through her tears, pulling her shirt off and swapping with you.
You keep control of yourself to not look at her with the eyes that are kept away from the rest of the world. Mariona nudged you and giggled when she saw you trying hard to look away from Ana's body.
"I wish we didn't have to do that." You frown, looking at her sad eyes. "I just want to hug you so bad right now." You breathe out.
"Me too, but not here, love." Ana looks at you with her loving eyes, the ones filled with adoration saved especially for you. "I'll find you inside." she promises.
You nod as you continue to chat for a while, until Alexia comes over and tells you that the national team staff have asked for everyone to come into the changing room to get ready to head back to the hotel as you had a flight to catch.
Once you'd changed back into your travel wear you put Ana's jersey into your own bag to keep it with you so it wasn't to get lost with the luggage for the kitman.
You waited outside the Swiss changing room with Mariona, turning your head everytime the door opened.
Finally Ana emerged alongside a few of her teammates that you didn't know too well. She told them that they should go off ahead and that she would catch them up, wanted a few minutes with her 'club teammates'.
Mariona turned her back to keep watch for Vilda or any of the other spanish staff that would put an end to the meeting.
"I love you so much." You whispered as Ana held you close, rubbing her hands up your sides as she kissed you softly. "Keep messaging me everyday, even when you go back to Switzerland?" You ask, holding her hands in yours and fiddling with her ring, the ring you have the matching bracelet too.
"I'll message you everyday sweetheart." She kissed your forehead. "Go show the world what a true star you are yeh? I've seen the running for Golden boot. Your in the lead." She smirks. "I want the trophy on the shelf above the bed. Next to the photo of us on the beach."
"I'll try my hardest." You nod, going on tiptoes again to kiss her, melting into each others touch but being broken apart when Mariona coughs, the signal to tell you to split because someone was close by.
Ana presses one more kiss onto your mouth. "I could kiss you forever." She whispers. "I'll see you soon."
On the bus to the airport you sit besides Mariona. You could say you were best friends but she was more like your sister.
"What's the address for the base camp hotel?" You lift your head up from her shoulder.
"Um, it's on my phone somewhere. Sent it to Laia the other day. Why?"
"Ana just asked. Said she wants to send something." You shrug your shoulders a little to say you didn't know much more than that. "Can you send her it from yours?"
She nods.
"Thank you."
You rest your head back onto her shoulder and scroll through social media.
Someone had been keen to spying out the events between you and Ana after the game as photos and videos had made it to Twitter already.
Under a photo of you swapping shirts there were loads of comments saying 'Aww' and 'Barca friends!' but a few fans weren't silly and they knew what they were looking at.
One comment said: 'Reason 1482 to why I think they're dating! Watch Mariona giggling at Y/N when Ana takes off her shirt!🤣'
You smirked to yourself and slipped your phone away, trying to get a bit of sleep before the plane ride.
Why Ana wanted the team hotel address all came clear a few days later when a parcel turned up for you.
"Y/N, a package!" Vilda calls you over after a training session, handing you the brown box.
"Thank you."
You take the box up to your room and put it on the bed. "What did you order?" Mariona asks, laying on her bed in your shared room.
"Nothing" You tell her, using a pen to stabbed at the tape to open it up. "I think it's from Ana."
You open the box to see one of her hoodies, one she took back from you after you'd 'borrowed' it from her in the first place. You smile as you lift it up and put it onto the bed, seeing her Barca shorts from a few seasons back with '18' on the leg of them. She knew you loved to wear her old Barca stuff around the apartment and for bed sometimes.
You find a beaded bracelet with the letter of your name on, another with an A too. A small note telling you that she has the matching ones.
"You two make me sick, your so soppy." Mariona teases, flopping back the bed.
Rummaging through your bag you pull out your phone and try to call her. It goes to answer phone a few times then you realise she must still be travelling home to Switzerland.
Instead, you decide to leave her a message.
I love you Ana. Call me when you land, I miss your voice. ❤️
Spain get knocked out by the Netherlands and your on your flight home when you see the message you’ve been waiting for pop up on your phone.
Ana 👅👅
Flying back to Barca tomorrow morning babygirl, I’ll crash at yours and pick you up from airport xx
You giggle at the name of her contact, remembering when she had changed the name one evening on the bus home from an away game. You hadn’t changed it back.
The day after you arrive back in Spain, Ana packs your bags and takes you out for the day. All secrets. That’s what she told you.
She drives down the main road and you wonder where you are going to, she only told you it was a trip. The beach? A night further down the coast line of Spain?
“The airport.” You look at her, half excited and half very confused.
“I’m taking you away for a trip to my home. For our anniversary.” She smiles, looking very incredibly pleased with herself.
“Switzerland?!” You gasp a little, having wanted to visit Ana’s home country for so long.
The plane ride dragged a little, having only been home for less than 24 hours.
You got through customs and collected your bags, deciding to get a coffee to help keep you awake.
“Here” You pass Ana her coffee, taking a sip of yours before screwing your face up. “Oh my god, that’s fucking rank.” You whisper, keeping your voice down with the language you chose to use.
Ana chuckled, taking your coffee and switching it with hers. “Have this one.”
“Thank you, bebita” You used the spanish pet name she loved so much.
You stared into her eyes a little too long and you were snapped out of it when two teen girls came rushing over.
“Hi! We are big Barcelona fans, could we get a picture?” The tallest girl asks.
“Your my favourite player!” The smaller girl tells you.
You take selfies with them and sign their phone case before they rush off back to wherever they appeared from.
Within minutes your phone was blowing up with mentions and tags on your social medias. Photos of you and Ana sharing coffee and looking at each other with loving eyes had been stuck on the internet. Typical.
- They are defo dating!!!!!
- Y/N is wearing Ana’s jacket!! Look 3 posts ago on her feed - it’s the same one!
“Hmmm, they know.” Ana mumbles into your hair, her chin resting on the top of your head.
“We did well keeping it quiet for so long”
You trip in Switzerland was almost over, one day left before you had to fly back to Barcelona.
“I want to post something.” Ana breaks you out of your thought as you search through the suitcase to find your pyjamas.
“Post what?” You look at her, finding the shorts you were after and getting changed.
“Us.. for today, our anniversary. One year is a big deal Y/N”
You nod, looking at her. “If your okay with that then I’m cool with it too.” You smile.
Ana took her phone out and made an Instagram post with a caption:
One year with my favourite girl❤️‍🩹
In the post she attached a few photos and videos along with it.
1. A photo of you walking up ahead, climbing a mountain in Switzerland.
2. A video of you both dancing in the changing room after the champions league final. Ana had put her arms around you and forced you to dance in the middle of the locker room.
3. A photo of you both with the UWCL trophy on the pitch after the match.
4. A photo of you asleep in bed, a blanket covering you and a sleep mask with false lashes she had stuck on the top to make it look funny.
5. A video of Ana giving you a piggy back on the beach. Keira had taken this video on a double date with her and Lucy.
6. A photo of you in each others jerseys after the world cup match, Mariona and Lia stood at your sides too after they had switched as well.
7. A photo of you asleep on Ana as she tried to read a book, your head nestled into her neck.
8. A photo of you and Ana on the beach. You had your hands over your breasts, as you had stripped from you bikini top, and sunglasses on your head. Ana sat behind you and peering over your shoulder making a silly face.
9. A video of you dancing in the rain outside the stadium in Germany at your game against Bayern.
10. A picture of you both kissing in the club after the UWCL win.
You smiled as the tag came up on your Instagram feed, reposting the post onto your story with the video of you dancing in the rain.
Giggling as you wrote a cheesy caption with
‘Always dancing your around 😘’
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wosoamazing · 4 months
Williamson v Williamson
Summary: It’s the Semi-Final Match against England, you’re playing against your sister for the first time, you lose, but an absolute legend wants your shirt.
A/N: Just a short one, can’t decide if I like it or not but oh well. (Tried to keep it as real as possible but obviously some things are fictional)
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Today’s match was a monumental one, not just on a team level but on a personal level. Today was the Matildas’ Semi-Final match against the Lionesses, it was make or break. It also meant you would be versing your sister today, someone would finish the game better off than the other.
The game was going well, you were even, 2 all, you and Sam had both managed to score and so had Ella Toone and Lauren Hemp, it was looking like a large chuck of added time would be needed and then possibly penalties, that was until Alessia Russo scored England’s third goal in the 86th minute, that was it, there was no way you could come back from that now.
The final whistle blew, and you just collapse onto the ground, you played so well and tried so incredibly hard, but it wasn’t enough. Your team isn’t going to the gold medal match now, there is no guarantee of a medal, all because you couldn’t get a second goal past Mary Earps. The media and public caught many heart-warming moments of Lionesses comforting their fellow Aussie club teammates, Aussies comforting Aussies, but the moment that had grappled the world’s attention was when, one of the Lionesses defender’s and their goalkeeper sat down on the pitch either side of the youngest player of the match, a young Matilda, a complete stranger, club rivals if anything. However, they weren’t strangers, they had been to your house many times, they were your sister’s friends but somehow no one had thought about that. However, them not being strangers doesn’t lessen their gesture in anyway though.
Mary Earps and Millie Bright had come to comfort you, they sat down either side of you, “Hi,” you mumbled to them, wondering if they heard you as your head was in your hands.
“You’re a good player kid, you-” Mary started speaking but was interrupted by you “Obviously not good enough though, I wasn’t good enough score another fucking goal, a single goal” you yelled.
“Hey, none of that, you know you had the most attempts and the most shots on target for the whole game, they said it could even be for the whole tournament, you were fucking incredible,” Millie told you as she pulled you in for a hug.
“You truly tested my abilities today Kid you did really really well, and you should be proud of yourself, one of the hardest strikers to keep for I would say.”
“Thank guys, I’m sorry for yelling, you both played really well today too, well at least Mary did” your comment sent the three of you into fits of laughter, you then chatted to them for a few more minutes, they were friends after all, and even though you did just loose to them you hadn’t seen them in ages.
“We better go,” Millie said as she saw your sister walking over to you “But first, can I swap shirts with you kid?”
“Sorry Millie, but there’s already a shirt with my name on it,” you nodded you head in the direction of your sister.
“I see what you did there, Leah’s not wrong about you being smart too” Mary said as she grabbed your hand to pull you up.
“What can I say, I can’t help being the better Williamson,” “Shit, I think someone heard that, run” Marry said to Millie as she started running.
“I must admit today you were the better Williamson,” you hear you sister’s voice say as she placed a hand on your shoulder and turned you around, “Now, I think that shirt is mine, it does have my name on it after all,” she joked, you both quickly took off you shirts before putting the others on, you both posed for some photos, before you were called over for an interview.
“Well, I think it’s time we let you go, best not miss the team huddle” “Yeah probs shouldn’t miss that one might get in a bit of trouble, thank you it was great chatting with you” “Likewise good luck”
“I think yellow looks better on you,” Tony said as you joined the team.
“Yeah, so do I,” “Well, I’m relieved, saw you talking to Sarina before, got a little worried.”
“Too bad you already gave your shirt away, Beckham messaged me, asked if I reckoned he could have your shirt, he was thinking about coming down from the box,” Sam said, she had a serious tone in her voice so you couldn’t tell if she was lying or not, but then you caught your sister talking to a guy out of the corner of your eye, it was the David Beckham.
“Wait, you’re not joking, you’re being real” Sam nodded, “Shit, I need to go get my shirt back from my sister,”
“Nah, it’s all good, he said he’ll just make sure to get your Bronze Medal mat-” “Girls focus, I’m pretty sure I’m more excited about Beckham than you are but can we just debrief quickly?” Tony said cutting Sam off.
“So, I guess this isn’t a good time then?” an ever so familiar voice said as a pair of hands you could recognise from a mile away were place on your shoulders. Everyone looked to the person standing behind you, you didn’t bother you knew exactly who he was, “Tony, if you don’t mind, maybe they’ll listen to the real DB,” you internally cringe at those words, when you were little you idolised Beckham so instead of saying MVP or the real VP as some might say you instead insisted on saying the real DB, you hadn’t heard it in years, luckily your family forgot about it, but obviously someone remembered and told him.
“Take it away,”
“Girls, wait move over let me in,” you all shuffled and he slotted in between you and Charli. “Okay let me start again. Girls you played amazingly today, but you were outplayed, your attempts were good, there were some I can’t believe she managed to save let alone believe they were from a sixteen-year-old,” you blushed “but some of them were too clumsy, a lot of those shots could’ve gone in if they had more power behind them, you hesitated to much, questioned whether you should pass or shoot, your decisions need to be instantaneous, but overall amazing work, great defending and great goal keeping, its England you are always going to concede to England especially to that team right there, their hungry and so are you but you know what the difference is, they believe they can’t get there but I’m not fully convinced you lot are. Great game though, very entertaining, thanks girls, and thanks to the real DB, I’m hoping I get picked for the shirt next game” he said to you, you nod at him, before heading down the tunnel.
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Round 5 (Semifinals) Match 2: They Should Have Been At The Club Tournament
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Propaganda below the cut.
Propaganda for Ophelia:
She’s somewhere between 19 and 21, her life sucks, and she deserves a break to let loose at the club
Propaganda for Trafalgar Law:
(CW genocide mention)
One: Government incompetence killed everyone he ever knew or loved, tried to end his life by joining a pirate crew run by an actual sociopath, got saved by said pirate's brother, watched the pirate captain kill his savior in an attempt to save him, then swore vengeance on the pirate and held that grudge for like 13 years.
Two: Was too serious as a kid already, even before his whole family and town was slaughtered in a genocide. Anyway, that was long ago. He's still too serious. Isn't really one to join festivities, but he should. He should be at the club, have some fun for a change.
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phoebejaysims · 1 year
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Social Clubs Mod - DOWNLOAD
Tired of your sims walking aimlessly through town? No friends, no hobbies, no purpose? Put an end to their lack of a fulfilling social life by creating a million and one clubs for them to join and/or get kicked out of! 
With 50+ activities for you to push, including activities from over 10 different mods, and 4 specialised club types, you can create almost any club you can think of: book clubs, invite-only hangouts, afterschool clubs and more! Grow memberships, take part in tournaments and ship cute little subscription gifts straight to your sim’s door.
Note: This mod is very extensive, so please thoroughly read the documentation in the download that I’ve painstakingly written up.
Compatibility: Should be base game compatible however expansion packs, store content and mods add more content.
7 New Objects: Credit to @aroundthesims who has generously allowed me to use her items as well as @twinsimming who converted 2 items for me. Full credit in the documentation.
Testers: @desiree-uk who not only tested the mod, but contributed ideas for club activities, the banking system and the subscription gift system. @simsdeogloria who kindly offered to test the mod and caught some bugs that I had completely missed.
Credits: Full credit in documentation. However, thank you to @olomayasims​, IcarusAllsorts, Arsil, Buzzler & @zoeoe-sims​, @anitmb​, @greenplumbboblover​, @flotheory​ as I push some of their mods as activities.
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Club Types
Custom Club: Push specific activities (or no activity at all) and watch your active and inactive club members congregate and do said activities. Push bowling, swimming, rumba, nectar drinking, collecting, studying, music lessons, among many other things. 
Subscription-Only Club: While members won’t meet up, force them to pay a subscription fee to the club owner for your own purposes. Consider: food subscription service, council-tax payments, school fees.
Book Club: Choose a book for the book club. Your sims will sit together, have discussions, and read said book.
Formal Gathering Club: Set musicians and/or a speaker (podium or pulpit). Have your club members sit down and act like they’re listening to said musicians and speaker. Choose a skill to increase while the club is in operation.
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Club Vibes
Clubs can have different vibes depending on the cost and activities, attracting or repelling different types of sims. There are sports, games, intellectual, low-brow and high class clubs. Some personalities will be more inclined to join than others.
Customising Clubs
Set different open days, open hours, required club outfits, subscription fees, gender, age, career and trait requirements/restrictions, forbidden actions etc.
Allow or restrict autonomy in different ways. Make clubs open or closed invite, allowing or disallowing sims to join, leave, or be kicked out of clubs with or without your own input. Put club boards around town and let sims browse. Impress observers by having a great club session and watch them beg to join!
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Win tournaments and gain club acclaim. Get cash prizes, find yourself in the newspaper, and find out if any of your fellow club members are playing for the opposing team. Your own sim isn’t exempt from the repercussions of being a club traitor!
Create Bronzo accounts for your sims. You can link these accounts to schedulers and have the club fee delivered straight into the account. Take out loans, find the best interest rates online and stay out of your overdraft. Try not to get your account details stolen at the all new ATMs that you can place around town and don’t leave your debit card laying around near strangers!
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Download MTS: http://www.modthesims.info/d/677428
Conflicts: None.
If you would like to donate to say thank you, you can do that at my Ko-fi, here.
It’s been a long 8 months getting this mod done; thank you all for your patience and enjoy! @ me if you post any pictures of your clubs—I’d love to see your pictures.
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rosiesdisneydrama · 3 months
Night Raven College: A (Loose) Year's Timeline
I got frustrated that I couldn't find a timeline of events for Disney Twisted Wonderland, to help me figure out which "yearly" events happened when and at what time of year each Story happened during.
So, like the Madwoman I am, I tried to make one of my own.
Just so you know, this is based on when they happen in a single year and not which years they happen at the school (since, despite game logic, I refuse to believe that insanity happens in a single year), as well as the rough estimate of when each overblot happened based on context clues and irl events they match and when the game holds them. (please note, this doesn’t include the Japan-exclusive events)
Since NRC is 4 year school, I would assume that some events wouldn’t be yearly or happen in the same year. This is just a general “yearly calendar” timeline. So specific one-time events aren't really included (like the Tsumtsum or the Apprentice Chef ones), nor are the ones that don't have stories. And since the school is based on the Western school year, it starts in the fall and not spring!
I hope my crazy is useful to someone!
September (9th Month of the Year)
Semester: Fall Term
Story: The Rose-Red Tyrant (Riddle’s Overblot)
School Events:
Entrance Ceremony
Club Recruitment
12th is Jamil’s Birthday
23rd is Ace’s Birthday
October (10th Month of the Year)
Semester: Fall Term
Story: The Usurper from the Wilds (Leona’s Overblot)
School Events:
Interdorm Spelldrive Tournament
11th is Jack’s Birthday
25th is Trey’s Birthday
November (11th Month of the Year)
Semester: Fall Term
Story: The Merchant from the Depths (Azul’s Overblot)
School Events:
End of Term Exams
Glorious Masquerade
5th is Jade and Floyd’s Birthdays
December (12th Month of the Year)
Semester: Fall Term
Story: Schemer of the Scalding Sands (Jamil’s Overblot)
School Events:
Winter Break
Haveston Sledathon
A Firelit Sky
2nd if Rook’s Birthday
18th is Idia’s Birthday
January (1st Month of the Year)
Semester: Winter Term
Story: (None)
School Events:
New Years
Founding Day
1st is Lilia’s Birthday
18th is Malleus Birthday
February (2nd Month of the Year)
Semester: Winter Term
Story: A Beautiful Tyrant (Vil’s Overblot), The Watchman of the Underworld (Idia’s Overblot)
School Events:
4th is Cater’s Birthday
24th is Azul’s Birthday
March (3rd Month of the Year)
Semester: Spring Term
Story: (None thus far)
School Events:
Cultural Festival
The Fairy Gala
17th is Sebek’s Birthday
April (4th Month of the Year)
Semester: Spring Holiday
Story: (None thus far)
School Events:
(None found thus far)
9th is Vil’s Birthday
18th is Ruggie’s Birthday
May (5th Month of the Year)
Semester: Summer Term
Story: (None thus far)
School Events:
None yet
6th is Epel’s Birthday
15th is Silver’s Birthday
June (6th Month of the Year)
Semester: Summer Term
Story: The Lord of Malevolence (Malleus’ Overblot)
School Events:
Port Fest
3rd is Deuce’s Birthday
25th is Kalim’s Birthday
July (7th Month of the Year)
Semester: Summer Term
Story: The Lord of Malevolence (Malleus’ Overblot)
School Events:
End of Term Exams
Camp Vargus
The Phantom Bride
27th is Leona’s Birthday
August (8th Month of the Year)
Semester: Summer Term
Story: (None thus far)
School Events:
Star Sending
End of Year Exams
14th is Ortho’s Birthday
24th is Riddle’s Birthday
If I've missed an event or you can think of a "normal" school event that should have been included but isn't, let me know and I'll add it to the list!
This is meant to be a loose timeline for what would be put on a calendar (or a fanfic writer would want included) so it doesn't include EVER SINGLE event that's been held.
Anyway, have fun with these folks!
3/13/24 Edit: I fixed a few things! Vil's and Idia's overblots happened in February along with Beanfest, it's a shockingly busy month apparently. If there are any other inconsistencies, please let me know so I can fix them!
(knowing how things progressed in the story, I'm starting to wonder if Malleus' Overblot was in March... God an overblot a month is insane XD )
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onlyhereforthestories · 9 months
Mapi x reader where reader gets sent home from the World Cup through an injury and mapi looks after her ?
Ficlet no 1! Thank you for sending me this prompt and I hope you like it! I'm not too sure I like the ending so much but it was good to get back to writing.
Your journey in Australia wasn't meant to end when it did, you were meant to reach the final with the rest of your team but an unfortunate slip from an opposing player in the second half of your 3rd group game meant you were on a flight back home. The England camp had offered to get you help and treatment in Australia so you could stay with the squad but you had decided it was best to head back to your club team and start recovery there. That and you didn't want to do this alone and your love was back in Spain. 
Mapi greeted you at the airport with open arms and a slightly sorry smile. “Let's get you home mi amor.” You didn't say much to that, just nodded your head where you had rested it in the crook of her neck. Mapi took your backpack from you so you could just focus on crutching your way to the car, your suitcases having been taken by your team so you didn't have to worry about them. 
You didn't have to be at the medical facility until tomorrow, the team having seen the x-ray you had done back in Australia and deeming it okay for you to have the day to unwind. You also had the jet lag to get over being as when you pulled up to your shared apartment with Mapi, it was 10am local time but for your body clock it was about 6pm. You prayed that the on and off sleep you got on the plane would be enough for you to be able to stay awake until bedtime here. 
Mapi took your bag upstairs and came back down with your fave old t-shirt of hers and a pair of shorts, the spanish summer being in full force meant that you had to adjust to the climate change too. She helped you into the bathroom and into the walk-in shower where she held you as you cried about the missed tournament and washed your hair when you were ready to get out. 
Mapi had got the next few days off of training so she could be there for you and help you and although you tried to protest at first you were so very grateful for the woman. You couldn't do this on your own, there was too much pain not just physically but mentally. 
Mapi escorted you to every appointment and was the first face you saw when you woke up from surgery, she didn't leave you alone unless you asked her too and she made sure you were as happy and comfortable as you could be. She watched your lionesses in the games that you did and that is something you would never forget. Not after all she had been through surrounding her national team and the tournament. 
When the final was confirmed as England vs Spain you didn't know how to feel. You and Mapi had not spoken yet about her thoughts surrounding the teammates you shared that went back on the letter and were there so this was probably the worst final the two of you could have gotten. 
You had spoken to Leah on the phone the other night when she landed in Australia about your sadness at picking up the injury and not being there and how she must feel too. It was easy to talk to her and get the advice she had for you and you were so happy she got to go watch them in person. Her love for football was contagious. 
On the evening before the final you and Mapi sat down to talk, she had told you she couldn't watch the game but she wanted you too so she was going to go for an extra session in the gym if that was okay with you. Which of course it was you didn't want to put her through the harm of watching a team she should be on. 
You watched your team play their hearts out, you had your Mary Earps shirt on in honour of her fight for Nike to print her shirt and you couldn't be prouder. When the final whistle blew and it confirmed the loss you were heart broken for the girl. You were quick to pull up your group chat and send a message off that you hoped would help them and make them see they did your country proud before you closed the TV off. You couldn't watch the Spanish side pick up the trophy, not today. You were just pulling on your shoes when the front door clicked open and Mapi walked through, take-out bag in hand. 
“I was just about to head out to come find you. I have a 30 minute walk to do today which would have gotten me to the gym.” You explained as you tugged your half on the shoe back off again. 
“As soon as the final whistle blew I made sure I was heading back to you. I'm sorry he won.” You knew what he she was talking about and you knew that Mapi was going to struggle with this for a while. Playing for your country is always such an honour but not when you have to be abused to do it. 
“I’m sorry he won too. Let's not talk about it, it doesn't deserve our time. What have you got here?” You grabbed the bag off the fake blonde and headed for the kitchen, your stomach letting you know how hungry you actually were. 
It might not have been the result either of you had wanted and the injury you picked up was also another reason to want to put this world cup behind you, but what did shine through is the love you and Mapi had for each other. No matter what was thrown your way you would deal with it together.
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katelynnwrites · 6 months
All’s Well That Ends Well (To End Up With You) | Felicitas Rauch
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warnings: a tiny bit of angst but it’s mostly fluff
word count: 2145
summary: your national teammates have a conversation about starting families and it prompts a conversation between you and feli
a/n: let me know what you think of this please? i got this idea from the born for this documentary and it’s been buzzing around my head for a while because i was kind of hesitant if i should write it…if it’s good i might write a bit more about feli and kids :)
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You’re certain that this is the team that will go far in the Euros. Hell, the mood in camp is one so perfect that you are filled with the conviction that you might just win the whole damn thing. It is what every single member of your team is working towards.
The tournament might still be eight months away but things are just shaping up so well.
These people you’re with, they are more than just teammates. They’re good friends.
Good friends that you are happy to celebrate an early Christmas with.
The national team staff and some of your teammates have been kind enough to help set up a small Christmas get together, with food and drinks.
It might be the midst of international break and you might be only two metres away from the hotel entrance but it makes all the difference.
Everyone needs to get their minds off football and relax sometimes, especially when the last game of the year is just around the corner.
Curled into Feli’s side, you giggle at the story Sara is telling. You can feel Felicitas’ body vibrate with laughter and you press yourself closer to her.
Your wife easily slips her arm around your waist in response.
She drops an affectionate kiss onto the top of your head even as she continues listening to her fellow defender.
The smile on your face grows as the rest of your teammates pitch in, the alcohol helping everyone to loosen up.
Feli’s fingers gently running over your side and the pleasant buzz of the mulled wine distract you for a few minutes and when you focus back on the conversation, it’s to Kathy saying that it would be nice if men could get pregnant too.
A round of laughter rings out immediately and you grin at the very thought. It would certainly be helpful for some of your teammates, both national and club alike.
Lina jokes that she would get her boyfriend pregnant right away if she could and everyone chuckles a little harder.
When that dies down though, there is a moment of sobering silence.
‘You’d actually like to have kids though…right?’
Marina directs the question at anyone and everyone, her tone being an indicator of just how difficult this particular subject is. It’s unusual for the typically smiley woman to be so serious.
Both Kathy and Lina nod, Laura following after a moment.
A few of the youngest players like Jule and Obi simply shrug. That’s fair you think, because it’s not something that would be on the forefront of their mind at that age.
But for you, being a few years older, it has.
So you nod too and can’t help but slip your hand into your wife’s when she does the same, a tad shyly.
You’ve talked about it before you even started dating, wanting to be on the same page before starting a relationship that might turn out to be lasting.
You are incredibly happy that it did and are so thankful for having that conversation with Feli.
Being a mom has always been something you want and marrying someone who wants the same thing as you was always important.
It never occured to you while you were growing up that that person would come into your life, in the form of Felicitas Rauch.
Two months into calling her your girlfriend and you knew that she would be the only one you would ever want to start a family with.
It assures you the feeling must be mutual when the brunette squeezes your hand lightly, glancing at you adoringly.
‘I feel ready to start a family now but I guess with football, I will have to wait a couple more years.’ Kathy sighs.
You make a sympathetic noise and your fellow Wolfsburg player looks up.
‘I’m guessing that you can relate. I see how you are with the younger fans. Do you want a girl or a boy?’ She asks softly.
Shrugging, you murmur, ‘I don’t mind either. I just want them to be healthy, you know?’
Kathy gives you a tiny smile and nods her understanding.
Your heart warms just thinking about it and the hopeful smile you give the blonde in return makes you miss the one on Feli’s face dimming.
Felicitas keeps your hand in hers but doesn’t say much more for the rest of the night.
She does not meet the worried looks you give her and by the end of the little celebration, your anxiety is just about eating you whole.
You don’t remember the last time you’ve felt this uncertain with your wife.
As everyone makes their way back to their respective rooms, you trail after her to the room you’re sharing.
‘Liebling?’ You softly prompt and the brunette defender frowns as she shuts the door.
‘What’s wrong?’
Felicitas stiffens and she sits down on her bed, drawing her knees up to her chest.
Her brown eyes are full of emotion when she quietly asks, ‘You want a baby now?’
‘Well not now now but maybe after the Euros…’ You admit.
Your wife’s eyes widen and you reach for her hand hurriedly, saying, ‘Don’t you? We’ve been married for a few years and I think we’re in a good enough place in our careers.’
Feli shakes her head, stammering, ‘I-I love you but I’m not ready.’
As hard as you try to hide it, you can’t stop the hurt that flashes across your face from showing.
‘Liebling, I’m sorry.’ Feli pleads, squeezing your hand tightly and touching your wedding ring.
‘Don’t be. You aren’t at fault for the way you feel. I-I just thought you wanted to have children as badly as I do.’ You whisper, covering her hand with yours.
This, if possible, makes your wife feel even worse.
There are tears slipping down her face as she takes a deep breath, trying to explain herself.
‘I do. Believe me I do. That’s not what I’m not ready for. Liebling I want to have a baby with you, I’m ready to start a family with you. It’s been on my mind for a long time but what I’m not ready for is putting football on hold.’
‘Felicitas…’ You breathe.
‘I love you. I love you so incredibly much and I’ve dreamed of having a family with you but I can’t do it now. I’m twenty six and I know that’s not old but I’m terrified of not being able to get back my current form after I give birth.’
‘Feli I love you too but I don’t understand.’ You murmur.
Your wife makes a frustrated noise, ‘Don’t you see how hard Almuth is struggling? I know that I’m not as old as she was when she got pregnant but I don’t think I can go through it liebling.’
‘I know and I admire her for it but Feli…I’m not asking you to put yourself through that.’
The fullback simply stares at you with clear confusion.
There’s a smile on your face as you tease, ‘You know liebling, the good thing about being in a lesbian relationship is that both of us can get pregnant.’
‘I’m younger than you Feli. I’ll recover faster, and be able to get my fitness back faster.’
‘Y-You want to be the one to carry our baby?’
Your wife’s tone is one of complete disbelief.
‘Yes.’ You answer simply.
‘But why? You’re our star striker for club and country. You are at the top of your game liebling. Hell Barcelona wants you and while I know you turned them down, chances like that aren’t given to just anybody. As a player, you are far more valued than I am. For you to put your career on hold…’ Feli’s voice gets gradually quieter before it tails off.
The Wolfsburg defender swallows hard, her gaze never leaving yours.
It is barely audible when she mumbles, ‘If you get pregnant after the Euros, you might not be able to come back in time for the World Cup.’
‘Felicitas, my love, don’t you know that I will give up anything if it means being able to be a mother with you? Winning a world cup is a dream but being able to have a family with you is the biggest dream.’
If the brunette wasn’t crying before, she certainly is now.
Her hands are gentle as she cradles your face to kiss you. She tastes like the salt of her tears but the action still takes your breath away.
‘Do you really mean that?’ Feli whispers against your lips.
You nod, leaning your forehead against your wife’s.
She presses one more kiss onto your mouth, murmuring, ‘Let’s do it. I want to have a baby with you liebling. As soon as possible.’
‘Okay…okay that sounds like a plan.’ You tearfully agree.
You’re pregnant a month after Germany finishes runners up in the Euros.
Feli was right. You are far from being able to make it back in time for the World Cup but you never expected yourself to be anyway.
That doesn’t mean that you aren’t there to support your wife, fellow national teammates and country though.
You are in the friends and family section, with your newborn dressed in the tiniest Rauch, 17, jersey.
Where your wife found noise cancelling headphones small enough to fit on his head, you’ll never know but he looks adorable.
He peers curiously at his surroundings during the first half, never once crying but rather being content to be held by you.
Felicitas blows you and him a kiss each as she makes her way back down the tunnel at halftime.
Her bun is messy and it is getting colder as the sun sets but her eyes are shining with adoration.
She mimes catching the kiss you blow her in return and you giggle.
‘Your mama’s so silly.’ You tell your son as you rock him gently.
The newborn sucks determinedly on his fist in response and you giggle.
He has Feli’s eyes and you don’t know how you will ever be able to tell him no when he grows up. You certainly are not able to tell your wife no when she looks at you with her pretty eyes.
Your country puts two more into Morocco’s goal before Felicitas is subbed out in the 89th minute.
You cheer louder than anybody when she leaves the pitch because you are always going to be her biggest fan.
The brunette catches sight of you just before she sits down at the bench, her cheeks flushing a bright pink at the look of pride on your face.
You chuckle at that, pressing a light kiss onto your baby’s forehead. He’s fallen asleep, the cool Australian night air giving his cheeks a rosy hue, nearly identical to his mother’s.
The match is nearly over now and Lea fires one more into the opposition’s net to make it a six-nil win before the full time whistle blows.
There’s a tangible joy in the stadium, from the fans and your team.
Everyone is celebrating but you only have eyes for your wife.
She’s making directly for you, climbing over the barriers and pulling you into an excited kiss.
‘I love you.’ Feli declares.
‘Love you too.’ You grin.
The fullback kisses you once more, her hands cradling your face eagerly.
‘How’s our son?’ She asks, bending down to lightly press her lips onto his forehead. He remains fast asleep, not even stirring when you transfer him into the Wolfsburg player’s arms.
Your wife coos softly, adjusting the blanket you wrapped him in, to protect his tiny body from the cold.
Felicitas is entirely enamoured with him, just as she has been since she saw him on the initial ultrasound.
You always knew she would be down bad but when your son gripped Feli’s finger tight the moment she first held him, well she exceeded all your expectations.
The brunette holds him close, breathing in his baby smell before looking up hesitantly.
‘C-Can I take him down to the pitch? I know we talked about keeping him off social media but I want to share this moment with him.’
You don’t even have to think twice about your answer.
‘Felicitas of course you can. I might have carried him but he’s your son too.’
Your wife can’t resist kissing you once more before she leads you back down onto the pitch with her, despite your protests.
‘Liebling this is your special moment, your World Cup debut.’
‘Yes and I want to share it with my family.’ She matter of factly states.
There’s no arguing with her and so it is with a smile on your face that you let her slip her hand into yours.
Being there with Feli, as she holds the baby you had together against her chest…it’s everything you have ever dreamed of.
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German Translation:
liebling - love
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