#ship negative
bainofjustice · 2 months
Hopefully I'm not repeating what someone else has asked, but what are your thoughts on Mastergrinder (Dallas x Sokol)?
You're not repeating anyone! And personally the ship isn't for me, I don't see them having a lot to bound over both personality and interests wise.
And admittedly the age gap & experience gap really puts me off the ship, Dallas in the series has been primerly protrayed as a very experienced person primerly as a hesiter/criminal meanwhile Sokol being a up & comer within the world of crime is one of the bigger triats of his and why his Payday 2 ending is honestly one of my favs since it actually serves as a end of that arc for him since he becomes experienced enough to head a crime family.
But either way it sort of seems like to me the large appeal of the ship is this age gap, which again just isn't for me, in general I tend to not enjoy romantic ships between two characters in really different points & experience in life.
Either way I don't like, think it's morally wrong or anything to ship this one, it just isn't for me and I won't read a fic or write one with it in it.
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honeydots · 9 months
consider: soleil/ophelia and seigbert/forrest, to go with xander/laslow
i rly like soleil/ophelia!!! i think they're sooo funny considering ophelia is odin's daughter, lol. and even if ophelia might not know it, they're both princesses~~!! tho i imagine xander is probably a pretty intimidating girlfriend's-dad, hahaha
(unfortunately im not into siegbert/forrest since they're cousins, and that's too far over a line for my preferences, sorry!!!)
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waokevale · 9 months
"The Gift"
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So I haven't seen any pieces addressing to this specific event from Shamura's quote, so I decided to take it into my own hands. With angst of course. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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yuusaris · 2 years
Oh, look there's a cute deathshippintg art on my da-
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I tumblr-saviored you.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
we should make Nico more fucked up, actually. enough woobifying him. that boy should be covered in blood and viscera
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urfriendlywriter · 11 months
miscommunication prompts:
(feel free to use <3 req by @seungspolaroid )
"Do you think I'm joking around right now?"
"everytime i look at you, i feel more alone."
after A says something that B understand wrongly, "i think i fucking deserve better than that."
"out of all the people, why would you..."
"you upset me multiple times, [name]-" "i don't know what i did, i swear idk why you're so mad right now?" "I'm the mad one now huh.."
"how hard it is for you to sit and TALK to me? "
"wow. you're putting words in my mouth that I've never said."
"no one can save this relationship now, can they?" "it isn't like something i say is gonna change your mind."
"you lost me a long, long time ago."
"but you said that.. you said what you knew would hurt me the most. you did it too." "i.. didn't.."
"how can i believe you?"
"i don't trust you anymore."
"what is your problem? why won't you trust me anymore??"
"talk it out with me please, please i beg you."
"you didn't say that...?" "i.. didn't."
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bizarrescribblez · 3 months
anyways here’s a reminder that i love my non-sharing self shippers so much!! don’t let anybody tell you that you’re irrational or unreasonable or dramatic for being uncomfortable sharing your f/o!! your f/o loves you so so much and wouldn’t want it any other way!! 💕
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poisonousquinzel · 2 months
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little me, we made it.
it took like 15 years, but we made it
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mossmittens · 4 hours
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this is cithis/mithrun to me
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clink0maniac · 7 months
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bainofjustice · 2 months
i have two random ships for you: houshox and duke x chains
houshox / Houston x Hoxton
Okay this one is fun, I like the rivalry and I like that there are a few moments, mostly from Houston's side where like there is a little respect, I like the idea that Houston admired Hoxton before they met and I think that while he might not get along as a person with Hoxton he still would have respect for Hoxton as a criminal (even if he hides that)
I also feel like they have room to grow past the rivalry and really come to trust each other cause they do have things in common and I think they could bring out some good triats in each other, Hoxton could help Houston break out of his shell more and Houston could help Hoxton get back in touch with his own more careful & thought out way of approaching crime.
Also I just think it is objectively funny for this series of events to happen: Dallas is forced to leave Hoxton behind at the safehouse > Hoxton is arrested > Dallas brings in his brother to be the new Hoxton > Houston thinks Hoxton is cool > Hoxton is broken out and immediately hates Houston in large part because Dallas gave Houston the Hoxton identity > Houston and Hoxton fight a lot > Houston & Hoxton make up > Houston & Hoxton date > Dallas now has to wonder if he is going to be the best man at the wedding or if they are gonna team up against him.
duke x chains
Okay admittedly never thought of this before and admittedly I don't really know how well they'd go together? They don't have a lot of interests in common and I don't know if they could really bound much about both being tanks of the team since that for Duke is tied to being a high-funacting alcoholic, and Chains as a former solider may not be a fan of/approve of Duke going out in the field drunk, perhaps Chains could help Duke work thorugh that and not be alchool dependent to heist as a member of the gang but trying to help someone recover from alcohol abuse isn't a good foundation of a romantic relationship.
So like to be clear I don't dislike the ship but I think there isn't a lot for it to stand on and in general I am picky about Duke ships due to the alcohol abuse going on.
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solarpunks · 2 years
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This cargo ship from 1909 is starting to make zero-emissions deliveries again
Sailcargo doesn’t expect to replace the massive industry. But as companies look for ways to reduce emissions, it can offer a solution that works now. Because it doesn’t use shipping containers—goods are loaded on pallets—it also has some logistical advantages. “Some of these fast vessels have to wait at port often up to two weeks, because they’re dependent on the port infrastructure,” says Doggett. “They need the big crane to unload the container. We do not—we can unload ourselves.”
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Doggett, who started sailing on tall ships as a 13-year-old, started thinking about the potential to revive traditional cargo shipping more than a decade ago. In 2014, she and two partners launched the company and later began working on building a traditional vessel from scratch. While traveling, Doggett had also run across the Vega. The ship, built in 1909, had been retired in the 1960s, as fossil-fueled container ships started to dominate trade routes. It was headed for the scrapyard when a family of Swedish shipbuilders rescued it and spent years restoring it; Doggett, who loved the design, stayed in touch with them and eventually made a deal to buy it.
Read more here
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lethal-spaceship · 2 months
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Doodles. Yay.
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Also some others which are like fine but idk I don't like them this much now.
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noctiispiri · 1 year
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it takes two
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the-lonelybarricade · 1 month
I have such big feelings right now about how this fandom treats artists. This is the one hill I am willing to die on: all fandom artists deserve respect regardless of what ships they create art for.
Listen to me. Traditional fandom is dying. AI art is cropping up everywhere in fandom spaces, stealing work from real artists while getting twice as much recognition.
Meanwhile, the artists who are clawing and fighting to stay in these spaces are subject to constant criticism and harassment. They are taking hours to work on pieces that they share with us for free only to be bombarded with ungrateful comments. And on top of that, their work is constantly being stolen and reposted on other platforms without proper credit.
Fandom artists are fighting for their lives right now and the least that we can do is pay them the basic decency of shutting our mouths if we don't have anything nice to say.
If you are not paying the artist, then you are not entitled to art of your favorite ship.
If you are not paying the artist, then you are not entitled to art that fits into your specific interpretion of a ship.
If you want fandom artists to keep creating content that they share with us for free out of the kindness of their hearts, then you better learn to start supporting them.
Fandom artists are part of our community, and they SEE YOU making these negative comments. You may think that you're only putting down one specific artist, but they all see you. And they feel discouraged, and they feel angry, and they feel unwelcome, and many of them leave.
If you wonder why so many artists are putting their work behind patreon and withdrawing from fandom spaces, it's because of the way we treat them. Do better.
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fizzthewizz · 1 month
yea i am quite excited because this has taken me a whole month to make, srsly i felt like an ao3 author with all that happened
hope u guys like it!
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