#shes acting like she did with layla when i first brought her home
Ok so im pretty sure this is normal but I gotta ask cuz googling isn't helping put my mind at ease
Do some cats just...not use the litterbox when stressed from big changes? And I don't mean going outside the box instead but just not peeing or pooping at all? Cuz harley hasn't used the box since Monday night before the dog got here and while im pretty sure she also didn't go potty her first 2 days home so im pretty sure this is just how she gets when stressed its still worrying me a little bit so I could use some...idk reassurance that this is just how some cats get?
Like mercedes would stop using the box when she was stressed but she would just pee on the floor or in my bed or on my backpack instead. So it was less concerning with her and more "dude seriously? Why in my bed?"
So...should I be worried?
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babybadger · 1 year
I need more dad!daniel please x
Your wish is my command love🥰
A New Baby in Town
“Daddy?….Daddy?” Daniel woke up to soft tapping on his cheek. His princess sitting up on his chest. “Daddy wake.” She began to sniffle and gasp on air. The key sign his two year old was about to burst out crying. “What’s up darling?” he asks right before he yawns and pulls her down into his arms, not even opening his eyes. He was used to Layla crawling into the bed midway through the morning and her demanding cuddles. “Mumma sick. I not like mumma sick.” she whines into his chest. “mhmm” he agrees before realising what his daughter was telling him as he heard you in the bathroom. “Wait what? Baby stay here I’m gonna help mum.” He tells her, passing her a dummy from his side of the table and pushing back her curls as she crawls into the warmth of the spot he was just lying in.
As he walks in he sees a test on the side of the counter and you slumped by the toilet. “I certainly didn’t miss this stage” You tell him. “AHAH we are having another baby!” he shouted before you shushed him. “Babe yes sorry it wasn’t a grand reveal but I feel like shit. Can we not tell Layla yet. She is already so jealous with Isaac, I dread her sharing you with another child in the house.” He nods but still sits beside her on the bathroom floor and pulls her in for a cuddle. “We are having another baby! God I love you,” he says smiling into your neck.
9 months later…
Introducing your daughter to your newest little girl was going to be hard no matter when you did it. She cried on and off for a week when you told her there was a baby coming to the house. Seeking comfort in only Daniel and refusing to speak to you about it. Thankfully, Daniels parents took her for the first couple days so you could get settled and get comfortable feeding a newborn again. But today she was coming home and you still didn’t feel ready. You loved her so so much and were glad she was coming home but her reaction to the newborn was keeping you awake more than the newborn themselves.
“Y/N honey, we are home” You hear Grace come in the front door and strapped your nursing bra back up. Your little girl quietly slid into the living room and stood by the couch. Daniel and Grace coming in behind her, Dan carrying her overnight bags. “Come say hi darling.” You said holding the baby on a pillow on your lap and one hand out to her so she could come sit beside you. She took one look at you and the baby and hid in Daniels leg. “C’mon let’s meet the baby together shall we?” He said bringing her over to sit on his lap beside you. Grace snapped as many pictures as she could from the sofa across from you. Watching her grandchildren meet brought tears to her eyes. Moments like these were precious.
Everyday was a learning curve with two under two. Jealousy was a BIG issue from the first night. Grace was kind enough to cook your whole family dinner before she left. Even sitting down to feed your youngest your oldest girl was still acting very shy. You could hear her talking to Daniel in the kitchen. She’d stuck by his hip since she got back.
“No no baby mummy and baby don’t need space at the table, they can eat on the couch.” He tells his curly haired double. “Why?” She asks through her dummy. Something she had barely let go of since she got home from her grannies. Both you and Daniel thought it might of been a cry for attention but it wasn’t causing her any problems so you left her to use it whenever she wanted. “Cause mummy and sissy need to be comfy so sissy can eat too.” Immediately the toddler burst into tears. Daniel turned from dishing out the dinner to pick up Layla. “What’s wrong beautiful heyyy hey hey calm down” he attempts to soothe her as she spits out her dummy onto the floor and begins nearly screaming into his shoulder.” If Daniel knew anything, it’s that if Layla was crying, you would be crying too. Those damn hormones.
Taking your oldest upstairs, Daniel picked up another dummy on his way and sent you a soft smile as he walked passed the living room door. Just as he expected tears were running down your face. Gently your stroked your youngest’s face. “I swear she likes you bub, she just loves her mummy and daddies attention,” you whisper down at Lily. She pays you no attention back. Her mouth sucking away as her tiny hands grab at your chest and rolled up t-shirt. Wiping your tears, you try and relax into the sofa. You know the stress is no good for the feeding but you just want both your girls to be happy.
“Alright little one tell me what’s going on? hmmm why you so upset with Daddy?” Daniel asks the distraught toddler. Her little legs dangle off the bed as he sits on his knees in front of her. Layla gasps as she tries to cry and talk at the same time. “Just…want my mummy back….daddy wants new baby…I’m not baby.” Sobs racked the entire little girls body and Daniel passed her the dummy he brought up as he picked her back up to soothe her once again. He thought a part of his heart was fully dislodged from his chest. How dare he of let his little girl feel like that. Daniel tried to put Layla back on the bed once she’d calmed down but she clung round his neck and refused. Instead he turned around and sat her on his lap, his arms still around her.
“Hey, let daddy see your pretty face.” Very slowly she retracted from his neck. Her big brown eyes riddled with tears, shiny tracks down her face. Her dummy still firmly in place with only her red cheeks showing either side. “Your mummy and I love you so soooo much little one.” He begins, unsure of where to take the conversation. “Just because sissy is here doesn’t mean we have gone away. Lily just keeps mummy very busy cause she has to eat and drink with mummy. Remember when you ate and drank with mummy?” Layla gave a quick nod of her head. It took you forever to ween Layla so she only stopped feeding about a year ago when she turned two. “You know how much it made you big and strong just like big girl food does now?” Again Layla gave a little nod, one of her thick curls falling only her face. Daniel pushed it back lightly, “So Lily needs to spend lots of time with mummy so she can get big and strong like you did. Then she can play with you when she’s bigger.” Layla looked blankly at her dad. Daniel was unsure what else to say. How could you explain loving children equally to a newly three year old. Until he remembered what Michelle told Isaac. He gave Layla’s forehead a gentle kiss and pulled her in tighter for a cuddle. “You know how you have lots of teddy bears and you love all of them the same? That’s like mummy and daddy with you and Lily. We love you both the very same. But Lily does stinky nappies so we have to help her more so she’s not smelly.” Daniel tried his shot at a joke to lighten the little girls mood. Much to his amusement it works and the little girl giggles. “Will we go see if Lily is stinky for mummy?” Layla sneaks her head out and nods once more.
Standing up, still holding his now exhausted princess, he makes his way downstairs. Your lying on the couch, finally getting a break while Lily sleeps in her basket to your left. “Hi babygirl, you okay?” you ask as Layla reaches for you out of Daniels arms. “Careful baby mummy is still-” “it’s okay mummy is fine. Very happy to see her big girl. Mummy wants all the cuddles cause daddy has had loads. Greedy daddy.” you say squeezing her as you speak. Giggling loudly she says “silly mummy.” Daniel knows you just don’t want her to feel rejected by you, so ignoring how uncomfortable it was sitting right would have to suffice.
“Daniel…Daniel” you say throwing a muslin at him. “Dan wake up babe.” He leans forward off the sofa which you all appear to have fallen asleep on after watching an episode or two of paw patrol while Layla caught you up on the nursery drama and art projects. “Lily is about to fuss but Layla is fast asleep can you take her before she wakes up.” Daniel nods sleepily. “Cmere princess” He says lifting her off you and she quickly snuggles into his arms. You pick up Lily and begin feeding her before she gets the chance to cry. Dan and you smile at each other through the dim lighting of the living room. “We are gonna get pretty good at this double the trouble stuff” you whisper at him. “Just wait till we are outnumbered. We need that boy, darling.” Daniel winks back at you, a hand sliding up and down your thigh. “In your dreamiest of dreams Ricciardo. Not for at least another 2 years.” “Oh yeah cause Lily was planned” He rolls his eyes and you gently slap the shoulder Layla’s head isn’t on. “I don’t know if your sperm can create boys Riccy” You joke at him and move to burp Lily. “My sperm are perfectly capable of making boys thank you very much and in 1 year 11 months and 28 days i’ll prove that.” You giggle and his stupidity and shake your head. “I never thought i’d be sitting on this couch talking about your sperms’ capability while holding our two children.” Daniel laughs loudly then covers his mouth checking quickly he hasn’t woken either of his babies. Sliding closer to you, her puts and arm around you. “I love you, thank you for your capabilities of growing them.” You make a disgusted face but kiss him softly none the less. Leaning your head on his shoulder and enjoying a moment of reflection and silence.
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lqvesoph · 2 years
treat you better (pt. 3)
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gif by: @f1-stuff
paring: charles leclerc x reader
summary: charles invites you and layla to the race in austria
this is purely fiction!!
| part 1 | part 2 | part 4 | part 5 |
"When is Charles coming back?", Layla asked during breakfast. You chuckled and took another sip of your tea. She's been asking for him ever since he left for Austria yesterday evening.
"He'll be racing on the weekend in Austria but then he will be back", you explained your daughter the same thing you and Charles have been telling her for a few days now.
"But why?”,  she pouted. You stroke over her cheek. "He'll be back before you know it", you smiled. "Now, come one, eat up so we can go down to the harbour and meet with your friend."
 Over the last month you and Charles got quite close. He brought you home after the kiss down at the harbour, securing another date like this one soon.
 Soon came right after he was back from Baku. He landed quite early in the morning but immediately went over to your house as he knew you were a morning person and already awake.
 Layla was over the moon when she woke up and found him sitting on the couch.
 Ever since their little talk in the paddock, she talked about wanting to see him again.
 You and Charles went on a couple of dates between races. One time he jokingly brought you to a movie theater to watch a french film. You laughed at him when the film started and you didn't understand a single word.
 Charles was quite amused as well, having planned this. "You need to start learning french and this is the best way possible", he reasoned with a smirk whereupon you slapped his upper arm but leaned into him to focus on the movie playing.
 After every date you took the same walk around the harbour, it somehow becoming your thing. And after every walk, he kissed you in the same spot where he did the first time. The giddy feeling in your belly increasing with every time.
 You started to bring Layla onto afternoon walks with the two of you after Charles came from a long day at the gym or training with Andrea.
 She was always over the moon when she came with you, showing Charles around Monaco as if he hasn't been living here his whole life.
 But Charles let her and played along, acting surprised when she showed him the boats in the harbour or her favorite supermarket.
 You noticed how much more time he spend in Monaco than usually when some people on Twitter started pointing out that he rarely ever spends time in Maranello anymore, only when really necessary. But after every sim session or team meeting he always took the first flight straight back to Monaco and showed up at your doorstep.
 Your phone buzzed next to you, ripping you out of the memories but only for your eyes to be met with Charles' name on the display.
 You smiled and lifted your phone up.
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You chuckled and send the video where you told your daughter that Charles wanted you to come to Austria for the race and asked her if she wanted to. Layla's reaction was clear. She squealing and nodded excitedly. "Yes, yes, yes", she repeated over and over again.
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 The video made Charles' heart swell.
"Mummy, are we really going to see Charles race?", Layla asked, cuddling closer to you. You nodded and stared into the distance.
 "I guess we are", you mumbled, breathing in the sweet scent of the Ferrari jacket around your shoulders.
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 "I want a jacket was well!", Layla argued. You were ready to leave for the airport, your best friend would take you, and Layla was throwing a tantrum because of your clothing.
 "But you have one, I already showed you", you explained, referring to the Red Bull jacket she refused on wearing. "Yes, but I want a red one!", she whined.
 You took her into you arms.
 "Look, darling. We'll fly first and when we're there, you can get a jacket as well, okay? I'm very sure Charles will have one for you", you told her, whispering the words in your daughters ear.
 She finally nodded and cuddled closer to you.
 You beat friend rang the bell and you opened, with Layla still in your arms.
 "Hey, thank you so much for taking us so brief", you smiled, greeting her with a cheek kiss.
 She helped you load your small suitcase in her car while you put Layla in the backseat.
 "And you're sure you want to do that?", your best friend asked after a few minutes of silence. You checked the mirror to see that your daughter had fallen asleep.
 "Yes, why not? Layla loved the Monaco race and-", you friend interrupted you. "Y/n, I'm not talking about the race and you know that. I'm talking about Charles", she said.
 You tried to play it off. "What about Charles?"
 "Don't act more stupid than you are", she chuckled but got serious pretty quickly again. "You're falling for him, aren't you?", she whispered, but already knowing the answer because she's been your best friends since you were 3 years old.
 You looked down, fiddling with your fingers in your lap.
 "I- like him. A lot", you mumbled.
 "Do you see yourself in a relationship with him?", your beat friend asked, stopping at the red light and turning her head to you.
 "I don't think he would-"
 "Oh, c'mon that's bullshit and you know it. That man would drop everything and fly across the world for you. He's head over heels for you", she called, slapping your tigh.
 "He's waiting for you to be ready, for you to make a step towards him after he's been the one taking the first and second and I don't know at which step you are right now", she continued.
 You chuckled at her words.
 "I'll talk to him on the weekend", you promised.
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y/n's instagram story
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@im-an-overthinker @buendiabebeta @hungryhungarian @eve-eh @ohthemisssery @kenopsiababe @starlightoctavia
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consoledacup · 2 months
Thoughts on 6x01, part 2
Okay, first of all, Mac is my new favorite character. I cheered at his last line. Totally missed the sleepover scene at first because I was celebrating. I'm so excited for Jordan's football conflict this season. Welcome, Mac!
Jordan's telling himself he doesn't want the attention Spencer is getting partly because he doesn't think it'll happen to him. So how is he going to feel when he actually does get the attention?? Loved how he named his jealousy and immediately supported Spencer after. I'm looking forward to what their dynamic holds this season.
Layla's arc is not going to be so clear cut. That was evident in the premiere. She's in for a rough, rough time. So here's my take on what's happening and how that's affecting the people around her/their responses.
She's acting herself in that lil scene with Patience, Spencer, and Coop. And then when the news announcement comes on, she's triggered. And every scene with her following, we see how differently she acts, depending on the situation. All of her lounge scenes has her incredibly on edge. Incredibly. That's why Ryan takes notice. And if out of her mouth is bodyguards this and Patience that, then it's not a hard conclusion to draw. Patience and Coop don't notice this because Coop is also focused on Patience, and Patience is convincing herself she's fine.
Jordan told Spencer he was meeting up with Layla for wedding planning, and who knows how she acted with him if they did actually meet up. They weren't talking about Patience, so she could've acted more or like her normal self. And if anything felt amiss, maybe Jordan would've attributed it to nerves about the opening.
Then Jordan sees Layla chew Ryan out and is immediately concerned. And to his credit, Ryan fills him in and asks Jordan for any more insight. From that point, Jordan's on Layla watch. And from that moment, Layla's sidestepping him.
We have Layla completely freaked out by Olivia's arrival. She is not okay!! And the way she hugs her from sheer relief is just so sweet but also really heartbreaking. Olivia is someone that's always made her feel safe, and she just keeps saying "you're finally home."
In their conversation, she's acting normally and listening to Olivia and filling her in about what she's missed. But again, any time Patience is brought up, it's hard for Layla to get the words out. Olivia's just so jittery to be back and happy to be with Layla, she misses it.
So you have Jordan coming in and checking in on her. But Olivia's there, and Layla uses their reunion as an escape. And that catch-up conversation with the twins makes more sense because Jordan's convincing himself about Layla and about football and the whole time confirming to Liv that yes, he's happy and things are good.
And because the concern came from Ryan, Jordan doesn't want to admit it's true. That's what he tells Spencer later on. Like, Ryan has to be wrong. For a plethora of reasons, Jordan wants Ryan to be wrong. It would ruin her big night if he asked her about it. He also still hasn't had an opportunity to talk to her.
To me, I don't think Jordan missed anything. I think he was hesitant to confront her and really wanted to believe she was okay and wanted to feel secure that she'd tell him if something was wrong.
And she would. They tell each other everything. The problem is she was lying to herself. She told Jordan as much when they finally get a moment alone. She named what triggered her and shared exactly what she was feeling. She didn't lie to him or keep anything else from him.
She didn't let him hold her. While that probably hurt him, he didn't let it phase his support. She just wasn't in any sort of headspace to hear his words. So he takes another angle and fills Patience in on everything. And Layla's not mad at him for doing that because she knows how much he cares about and loves her.
And then we have this gorgeous 4x01 parallel, but instead of the Baker twins and Layla, it's the entire Vortex. It was such a lovely ending moment. And of course, jordayla is right at home in each others' arms.
Yes, things are unresolved. We are going to encounter quite a bit of beautiful angst probably. But their love for each other hasn't changed. And personally, that's all I need to know.
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luke-o-lophus · 2 years
Predicaments (Part 1)
Marc Spector x neighbour! f! Reader
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Summary: Set before the events of the show, the series explores Marc in relationships under different, more domestic settings. What would Marc be like in a world where he and Layla didn't work out? A world where he meets his neighbour, and keeps meeting her again and again.
TW: very brief mention of blood. LOTS of fluff.
Marc's current predicament would be something out of the opening scene of a movie. The ones that go You might be wondering how I got here. Marc was seated in a room that wasn't his, the body of a lady draped over his form. A very much alive, sleeping lady. Her head resting on the couch and a leg stretched over his thighs. Her arm had snaked around his form sometime during sleep.
As is always the case in such movies, this too began several months back. Soon after he'd moved into this apartment, he'd met her on the elevator one night. It turned out, she lived two flats down the same corridor, and she offered a polite nod as she unlocked her door.
Wherever it was that she worked, she often seemed to work late. Twice or thrice a week for nearly a month, Marc would cross paths with her. Sometimes at eight o' clock when he's returning from his evening run, sometimes at two in the morning when he's just fulfilled Khonshu's latest demands. Polite nods turned to polite smiles, then chuckles of empathy when her yawn set him off past midnight one day. Marc found himself reciprocating in kind: "just act normal, don't be suspicious".
Then one day, that happened. The shadows under his eyes must have been too prominent, or maybe he looked dirty? She quirked her brow at the look on his face, a nod of thanks for holding the elevator for her. A second later she was pulling out a bar of chocolate and holding it out towards him. Marc blinked, glancing owlishly between the shiny packet and her face. Her face looked open, innocent enough. Nothing about her had set off the alarms yet. She obviously took his hesitation for something else because she pulled out an identical bar from her tote and assured him she had one for herself too. Marc had no choice but to accept, then deftly unwrap it. The elevator dinged as it reached the fourth floor, and he mumbled a small thanks. She nodded vehemently, pointing to her lips to say she didn't want to talk with her mouth full. Somehow, that set off Marc's smile to something more genuine. Her eyes seemed to linger on his face moments longer than usual, then she swallowed and waved good night.
Marc carried two chocolates on him for ten days until he chanced upon her again. He waited till the elevator reached their floor, then offered it to her. She didn't disappear into her flat this time, but lingered in the corridor, striking up a conversation. She told him her name, where she worked. He told her he worked in 'the security business'. She nodded in understanding and didn't probe further. Less than a week later, she had chocolates on her again, a different brand this time.
A month trudged by, and Marc found himself in her flat for the first time. Apparently the suit didn't protect his clothes underneath from the rain. By the time he made his way back home, he was visibly shivering. She took one look up and down his form and declared she was making tea. She didn't want to force him into spending time with her, but she did want to help. Marc glanced doubtfully between his door and hers, and she suppiled a short,"I will brew some for myself anyway." Marc found himself nodding and assuring he'd change into dry clothes and come over. He brought two chocolate bars, the shiny wrappers dotted with stains of dried raindrops.
Tea turned into tea and cookies. First store bought, then her homemade. Marc insisted on doing the dishes when she offered him a plate of a new recipe she'd been trying. She refused to let him do it, saying he should instead come over for a joint cookout if he'd be into that. Marc spent one quiet Saturday afternoon chopping a whole garden of vegetables. He had been skeptic if he were to be honest, he couldn't think of how such a medley of flavours would even work. But it did. Marc nearly gasped in surprise at the first bite, earning a warm chuckle from her. "Told ya!", she said smugly. "I know what I am doing." They set another date a week in the future. How could he say no to casual, no-strings-attached, warm home cooked food?
But they met before that set date. Precisely, earlier today. She wasn't in the elevator, so it was odd for him to find her in the corridor. Usually, the lift takes long enough for one to get into their flat before the next trip reaches. Her turning at his cautious call explained things immediately. Well, a little. She looked sheepish, but her smile was strained. A faint trickle of blood ran from her right knee, and she was favouring her left leg. She saw his gaze zeroing in on that, and quickly supplied,"I fell, there was a pothole"
"Your ankle is sprained", Marc notes the swelling. "You got elastic bandages?" She shakes her head, cowering uncharacteristically under his scrutiny. That's how Marc finds himself in her flat again, his small first-aid pouch in hand. He cleans her scrape with military efficiency, then gets her to prop her leg over his thighs. He's careful with the bandage, fingers weaving around her foot deftly to tighten the fabric just right. She still looks pale and pained when he's pinned the ends, so he lets his fingers wander a bit. Working out the soreness in the flat of her foot, the pull in her calf from the awkward stretch of the fall. He sees her melt, her profuse words of gratitude dissolving into garbles of relief. Marc's lips twitch into a smile, letting the silence hang. Almost too soon, she is fast asleep. Minutes later, her arm gently throws itself across his torso. And Marc finds himself in the incredible predicament. Does he wake her up, or does he let her sleep and stay awake instead?
In the end, Marc chooses neither. Her room is warm and her hold is cozy. Marc shifts slowly and carefully until her head comes to rest against his shoulder, and shuts his own eyes.
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memoriesoftanalorr · 8 months
So I saw your post, so here we go:
Who of the W.i.t.c.h. girls is your favorite? And how did you discover them? The Comics or the Show?
Hello, I like your username. X3
I remember when my mom brought me W.I.T.C.H. comic in the first time it was Issue 022: The Broken Heart, it's 2nd arc, right? Called Nerissa's Revenge. I loved it and we're started collecting more of the comic issues. Sadly but I don't have them at home anymore but I can read it online. I remember that I watched TV series but I'd rather choose comic over series.
About the girls. Will is troubled teenager, she's tomboyish which I'm actually like, also she's kind and caring person, she's a good leader, she's brave and she is understanding, she's acting and speak what her heart told her to do. When her fellow lads in argument, she's cutting them off saying it's not the way, she's diplomatic and strong leader.
Irma Lair, my favorite. She's humorous and cheerful, she's kind but sometimes she's can be emotional or saying something wrong sometimes but she's never meant to hurt someone. I love her style. Taranee Cook is also my fav, she's intelligent, timid but also determited, she's don't afraid of telling what's on her mind. I think Tara can be supporting and an a good advisor. I really love her African inspired fashion, she's fashionable icon 😍 Cornelia Hale is my least favorite now cause she's reminds me of my former college classmate Layla who is actually alike on her in the ways. So it's my bad memories affecting me to like this character. At first she's aching mean to Will and blamed her for living Taranee behind in the trap of Elyon. I remember the panel when Will getting an emotional breakdown and crying and saying she's hearing Taranee's scream and thinking about that every hour, every second about that. And later Cornelia didn't ever apologized at the end of the issue for that. Okay, she's seems bitchy at first but she's caring, kind, can be dramatic and she's romantic person. Huh, don't kill for this one okay?
Hay Lin is my baby. She's beautiful, adorable, laid-back and curious, creative, imaginative. Who's says she's less important member of W.I.T.C.H.!?? it's totally wrong and someone's unpopular opinion. I love her fashion style. Bonus - Orube. She's really strong and brave but she's didn't know how to work in a team, from the 'We're never going to become the team or friends' to 'I have my friends and I'm learned something from you humans.' I love how the girls and Orube team up and get their differences aside. Orube can be vulnerable and caring.
Sorry for being short. I hope I'm correct. Thanks for asking. I can't decide who's my favorite.
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n0resistance · 2 years
Studio City
   My friend would say beautiful things come out of Studio City. She grew up there and turned out to be one of the coolest humans I ever met. I remember being in traffic on the way to the Sylvan and Esso Concert at the Greek Theater as she said that. My lease was about to be up in East Hollywood and I desperately wanted to visit The Philippines with my friends and then move back to New York. I needed to save money and had to come up with a plan to have it all work out. My lease was up on February 1st; I remember that because I moved to LA on January 4th and stayed in an Airbnb until I was able to sign a lease a month later.
   So my plan was to work and save until May and leave for Singapore and then The Philippines on May 7th. I asked my best friend if I could stay with her and pay some rent, utilities, so I could save enough money to leave. Thankfully she and her roommate were okay with it. When I left, I only brought a small hand-carry, backpack, and my ukulele on my trip. I left my big luggage in LA (my moving to New York luggage), so when I came back to New York I purposely had a layover in LA to say bye one last time and get all my stuff.
    It all was a good plan that was working out but to be honest 3 full months of being a gypsy to save money for a month-long trip and a move back to Brooklyn was difficult. I think I’m a good roommate because I’m never around. At the time I was working 2 jobs. 1 concierge job and the other as a bar-back on weekends in West Hollywood.  Every time I got paid it went to a flight, a hotel, and the trip I was about to embark on. My route was Singapore, Manila, Palawan, Cebu, Bohol, Manila, back to a layover in LA for 12 hours, and then home to New York.
   If I wasn’t at work I was working on a project. Having 3 months left in LA to create, I was trying to get involved in everything. My projects were acting in the play Romeo and Juliet, post-production on the short film “Layla”, and my first attempt to write and perform the intro to a one-woman show. Doing that and having a bucket list of places to visit in and near LA. There’s so much to see on the West Coast outside of LA proper.
   I was happy to spend the last 3 months in LA with my best friend from Jersey. Sometimes I would sleep at either one of my two other friends’ places I knew from work who lived closer to my jobs. One in West Hollywood and one in Hollywood. I was so lucky to have these girls and the best part was it was a good excuse to actually hang out with each other. LA is spread out and if you didn’t plan it, it’s easy to never see each other. Especially if you only have a bike like i did. So these sleepovers were literally just catchup before I said goodbye to my friends.
   I did feel unstable not having my own place. One time I reconnected with a guy whom I met when I first moved to LA. He was performing somewhere in the valley. He toured around 30 countries and was living in Airbnbs or couch surfing as a lifestyle. What amazed me was his ambition to perform everywhere. It was pretty annoying that at every single spot we went to, even if there were already performers there, he would squeeze his way to get on the mic. One restaurant we went to in Studio City had live performers and somehow this kid got on the Mic, singing "No Diggity" and had a minor altercation with the lead singer who got paid to be there.
   The lifestyle he was leading not having a consistent paycheck and being on the go that much, it altered his sense of time, space, and reality. Traveling is exhausting and even though he was pursuing his passions; everyone needs a little stability. In the end I called him my Layla, after the movie. Who’s a person who’s there for the moment and disappears with a inspiring image.
   My best friend and I would go and try different vegan food in LA. They had so much to offer. My favorite was Sun Cafe in Studio City. Couldn’t believe it was vegan and the food was like crack. I cooked a lot of pasta at home; it’s the only thing I’m excellent at cooking since living in Italy. My fav times were cooking pasta and catching up with her.
   I worked a lot and then had rehearsals coming up for Romeo and Juliet. I was so happy to get the roles of The Prince and Peter. At the beginning, The Prince stops the brawl. In the middle, Peter is a servant who tells Romeo about the party. I also was at the end having the last words to the dramatic scene. The play was an all-girl cast.
    I had never done Shakespeare and originally auditioned for Romeo. There’s a lot of research that goes into it for me. To actually understand what I’m reading. Watching the original movie helps a lot. It’s almost a different language. We had an impressive fight choreographer for the fight scene. The kissing scene was very believable. When I promoted the show I would tell people that it was an all girl cast with women fighting and making out. It was a joke but that was really what it was. The other actors were so talented and I was thankful to be able to do it. The play even made it into LA Times as a must see. 
    The completion of my short film Layla worked out because of a deadline and a rigorous schedule. I would go and be in the room to edit the film with the cinematographer and editor in Santa Monica everyday after work until it was done. I felt the need to be in the room since I hadn’t done that the last two times of making a short film. Editing is really where a movie is made. That process was fun. I learned it matters who you make movies with and if you have the same goals for the process to go smoothly. I prefer to be deadline oriented and with me moving home there was a sense of urgency. This to me is important because as artists we can feel a sense of complacency without deadlines.
    My go to bar in North Hollywood called Idle Hour. It's a bar that is shaped like a barrel with an actual dog house in the shape of a dog in the back. I never got to go to the jazz club I wanted to go to called The Baked Potato. Some place I’d like to try and see again if I can. I did like the tikki bar and this dive called residuals. A residual is when you do a commercial and get checks for $10 or a different amount when it airs but over the course of 10 years, they would have people’s pay stubs attached to the wall. At the end of my time at Studio City I partied, I worked, and I joined this group that met up to create dialogue for a one woman/one man show in the hotel we worked at. Before I left we were going to perform what we personally came up with in front of a small audience.
   Now this group had steps every time we met. The first time we just wrote a stream of consciousness. Then we shared the entry of what we wrote to a partner. I made a friend who's from North Jersey in the class who also lost her mom. Learning that felt really connected to her and vulnerable. Then we took our stream of consciousness and told it like a narrative with an activity and a setting. I called my piece "Little Girl". The monologue was short and effective and really pierced me emotionally which impacted other people. I wrote that my mom was a dancer and my dad was a traveler who saw a lot of the world. While I was telling their story I was folding napkins because in the piece I was at my job in a restaurant with an apron on. I tell the audience that my parents don't live their passions anymore because life got in the way, having a family got in the way.  So I made it a purpose to pursue my own passions. In the monologue I’ve been shut down by someone who’s close to me who says "I'm a bad actress who's never going to make it". Every time I said that line a tear came out because it was true. Or felt true, even if it was not, I believed it to be true. Even though I'm thought of in that way and don't have support, I do what I do because my parents are not able to, and maybe that experience and my own happiness is enough motivation to keep pursuing what I love.
     It felt good. I screened Layla at a Tibetan boutique shop in Santa Monica and every actor, coworker, and friend who I met in LA came to the showing. Where we projected the movie onto a white sheet and had a speaker. We all sat on the floor, the space was filled, and went to the bar on the other side of town called Harvard and Stone to celebrate. I left shortly for Singapore and was really happy to change my life into the unknown.
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moon-kn1ght · 2 years
guilty pleasure.
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pairing: steven grant x fem!reader wc: 2.3k warnings: dark fic, yandere!steven grant, non con voyuerism, mutual masturbation, stalking sort of, dead dove do not eat. a/n: sorry for this, but i couldn't get it out of my head any other way.
Steven Grant had a crush. Well maybe, it was more than that. Maybe it was a fascination. Almost an obsession. 
He’d ask Donna to schedule him on days that he knew you were working. He’d hang around his friend in the security office so he could watch the cameras as you entered the building. You never noticed the happenstance ways Steven would always bump into you as you entered, somehow he’d always be there. Maybe you did notice it but you chose to ignore it. 
Steven didn’t have the courage to ask you out, though. Even after the whole discovering he’s a superhero thing. He knew that Marc and Layla wouldn’t want another person around — they were content with just the three of you. 
But Steven wasn’t. Not quite. 
So he resigned himself to watching.
He tried to keep his distance. He didn’t want to form an attachment that he’d never be able to act on. 
He’d watch your museum tours from the paned glass of the soft shop. He’d see the way your smile would radiate warmth to the schools groups that you brought around, engaging students and chaperones alike. 
And he couldn’t ignore the looks you go from teachers and chaperones — the way their eyes would track up down your body, their gaze burning past your clothes to imagine the breasts and ass that lie underneath your modest layers. 
Sometimes, the more daring adults would try and ask you out after the tours. They’d linger and lean against the wall, caging your body in from their looming presence. You’d shrink but stand firm, “I’m very flattered, but no thank you.” When they’d insist you’d pull the “I have a boyfriend —“ line. 
“Which is a lie,” Steven would remind himself. 
There’s this low frustration always simmering inside Steven — this ache that consumes him when he thinks too hard about he can’t have you. 
But the frustration grows into a low rage when he sees these other men hitting on you, asking you out, and not taking no for an answer. 
“Why can’t I deliver justice to these creeps?” Steven will ask Khonshu. “She needs me to protect her.” 
Khonshu doesn’t gratify him with a response. 
Steven knows he’s breaking all of his own rules following you home. 
But he’s not doing it for himself — it’s to protect you, which is what his rules are for in the first place. “So it’s okay to break them,” he’ll reason. 
Today, the creep asking you out wasn’t taking no for an answer. He even put his hand on your shoulder. So you threatened to call security on him. 
“Fucking cunt,” he spat at you.
Steven saw the whole thing from the glass walls of the gift shop. You seemed way more shaken than you usually were after encounters of the like. 
“Hey, all you alright? I’m so sorry you had to deal with that twat.” 
Your disposition softened when you turned and saw Steven. “Oh hi. Yeah, I’m okay.” 
“That guy seemed like a real arse. You handled it admirably.” 
You forced a small laugh, “Yeah, he was. Dudes like him are just getting more and more gall. Ugh, it’s so frustrating.” 
“You’re telling me,” Steven whispers under his breath. “We need to get you one of those old folks ‘help I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!’ buttons — then you can press and summon a friend whenever you’re dealing with someone like that.” 
Your smile was starting to reappear. 
“—well not to say that you can’t handle it on your own. I mean, I’m just ..” 
“Steven, yes I get what you mean.” 
“—what I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t have to always having to be dealing with it on your own. You deserve a friend to help, whenever you want it.” 
“Thank you Steven, that’s a very kind thought.” 
There’s something about the way you say Steven’s name. It’s different than everyone else in the museum and even different from how Marc and Layla say it. There’s a saccharine sweetness that drips from your pronunciation of the ’S’ and the way the ‘v’ vibrates from your closed lips. 
When you say his name he can’t help but stare at your lips. 
(And sometimes he imagines how it would sound to hear you saying his name as you came around his fingers or his cock). 
“It’s the end of my shift, I could walk you home? In case there’s someone lurking in the night.” 
You smile but turn him down, “I’m a big girl Steven, I’ll be fine. I promise.” You reach out and squeeze his hand. The small gesture sends a shiver down his spine.
He lets you turn and walk off. His feet stay glued to the tile as he watches you head to the back room and clock out. 
Maybe it’s his imagination but Steven could swear that he feels eyes boring into him. Eyes that track you, just as he did. Eyes that probably belong to some unsavory creep. 
“Fuck it,” Steven mumbles to himself as he punches his timecard back in the gift shop. He catches sight out you heading out front door and follows, tailing at a safe distance. 
You don’t notice him on the underground train. He sits on the other side of the car and watches you not look up from your smartphone even once during the 8-stop journey. “Quite dangerous, not being aware of your surroundings,” he thinks. 
He tracks your movements from a half a block back as you walk down the street. For as much time Steven has spent watching you at the museum, he never noticed how graceful your long strides looked. In the dim light of the street lamps your silhouette is cast beautifully. To Steven, you look like the subject of an expensive painting. 
Part of Steven knows that he should turn and walk home when you open the door to your building. But the other part of him keeps him still, standing in the shadows. 
There’s a fire escape on the front of the building. With a little Mr. Knight action, he’s quickly up on the second floor of your flat, white suit pressed against the brick of the building exterior. 
“Now I’m beginning to regret the reflective qualities of this white suit..” he mumbles. But his attention is quickly diverted when the light of your flat turns on. He can see you in the kitchen pouring yourself a rather large glass of wine. You sink into the velvet of your couch and Steven can see the reflection of the Netflix logo in a framed piece of art on the opposite wall from your tele. 
Sitting down with his back still pressed against the brick, Steven imagines being curled up with you on that couch. Your head would rest against his shoulder and he could stroke your hair or let his hands roam your body. You probably have great takes on this season of “Love is Blind” that could share with Steven as he peppers kisses all over your neck. 
In this perfect scenario, you’d be pleased when Steven gets hard in his pants as you whisper sweet nothings to him. You’d gladly take his cock in your hand or mouth and help him find his release. And it would be soft and warm and lovely, much better than his own hand could ever feel. 
Steven can feel a boner forming uncomfortably in his pants as he imagines this. “Fuck. Now is not the time for this to be happening.” 
He shifts awkwardly in his tight pants as his eyes track you downing the glass of wine and getting ready for bed. 
Your bed is much too large for one person. Your body looks so small enclosed in my all the pillows and the larger comforter. It must be warm in your flat because it seems like the moment your breathing slows down and you fall asleep, your legs kick off the comforter. Steven isn’t complaining though, because it reveals a nice view of your bare legs. The small nightgown you’re sleeping in rides up your hips and you settle into sleep. If he were only a little closer, Steven could tell whether or not you’re wearing underwear. 
“What the fuck am I doing? What the actual fuck?” 
Guilt crashes in waves over Steven’s consciousness. He’s followed a girl home and watched her from the window. He’s a fucking creep. There’s no other word for it. 
But still, even through these ugly feelings of guilt, Steven wants more. He’s so fucking close. Steven wants to smell you. He wants to touch you. It’s fucking overwhelming how much he wants it. 
His gloved fingers grip the edge of the window and press up. The window opens with a deafening creak. 
He’s done for. 
Your body stirs but your breathing remains steady and slow. 
Steven lets out a deep breath. 
He crouches and enters your bedroom, his white shoes making muffled noises as the press into the ornate rug covering the floor. As he takes it in, he’s overwhelmed with the scent of you that fills the air. It’s warm and lovely and perfect, just like you. 
You lie at an angle across the bed. Your face looks delicate and so unbothered against your pillow. Everything is so still. Your lower body has twisted its way out of the confines of your bedding and as Steven stalks closer, his heart about stops when he sees that you’re not wearing panties. 
Right in front of him, right in front of his very eyes is your pussy. He can’t help but gape, open-mouthed. 
There’s nothing more that he wants than to bury his nose between your thighs right now and get a taste of the deliciousness that you are undoubtably hiding inside your folds. But that would for sure wake you. And he can’t have that. 
Steven leans against your bed, careful to not shift the weight of your body. 
Taking a risk, he reaches forward and pushes your nightgown up further on your hips, revealing the full beauty of your ass. 
His cock is already leaking precum, trapped untouched in his pants. 
He lets his fingers graze lightly against your skin. Goosebumps form where they trail but you remain deep asleep. His finger traces down your ass and just barely touches your folds. Steven thinks that they’re the softest things he’s ever felt. 
Suddenly, a stale breeze blows in through the window. 
“I always you were going to be a pervert, worm.” 
“Why are you here?” 
“Isn’t your duty to protect to the travelers of the night?” 
“You didn’t answer my question Old Bird.” 
“What do you call this?” 
“Is this what you call protecting?” 
“Khonshu, stop.” 
“Oh worm, this is just too perfect.” 
Khonshu stalks around the room, looming across from Steven pressed against the bed. With him, stale air rolls across the room. 
“Don’t mind me, I’ll be here.” 
“Who’s the pervert now?” 
The Old Bird scoffs at Steven’s comment. “I’ll fill her head with dreams and you can do as you please. My treat, little worm.” 
Steven swallows slowly, letting his eyes move from Khonshu’s figure back to you on the bed. 
To test the bird’s promise, Steven roughly grabs a handful of your ass. A small whimper escapes your lips but your eyes stay closed. 
Pushing the guilt and gross feelings to the side, Steven continues his exploration of your body. His fingers press against your soft folds and its him this time who lets out a sound as he presses into your pussy. Your heat closes around him and he grits his teeth. Steven isn’t sure if he’s ever felt this submerged in pleasure from anything else before. 
He strokes in and out of you, soaking in the soft mewls you release as Khonshu keeps you asleep. Your body reacts more, wetness coating his fingers and your legs jerking as he thumbs over your clit. 
In tandem, Steven frees his cock from inside his pants. One hand inside of you and one hand wrapped around his own length. He matches motions with both hands, imagining that his cock is actually inside of you. 
“Fuck,” Steven mumbles as his pace falters. He tries to focus more on playing with your body than chasing his own release, but he’s failing. After so much pent up energy, he’s closer than he’d like to be. He drops his length and inserts a third finger into your warmth. He strokes, aiming to find the spot inside that is going to make you fall apart. 
Your hips jolt up into his hind when he finds it. 
“Oh that’s it, yes baby.” 
Khonshu lets a dark chuckle from across the room. 
“Let go for me,” Steven coaxes as he focuses his attention on your clit. Your body shudders and your breath quickens. Steven can’t help but rut his hips up against the bed as he watches you squirm and moan under his touch. It’s better than his wet dreams of you. 
One more thrust into the sweet spot and your noises tell Steven that he’s got your orgasm, pairing with the flush of wetness that coats his fingers.  
Steven lets out a sigh and pushes the dark thoughts out of his head. 
“Forgetting something?” Khonshu probes, pointing his staff at Steven’s neglected length. 
Using the cum that seeped out of you, Steven wraps his hand around himself once more and begins to stroke. He drags his thumb over the head, swiping at the precum that leaks out the tip. It feels so fucking good to have the stickiness of your release lubing his motions on his cock. 
With a particularly rough tug, Steven lets himself come, painting your ass with his seed. Remnants drip out of the tip, mixing with your slick on his fingers. 
Disgusting and delicious, Steven sucks on the coated fingers. It’s the perfect mix of sweet and tang and alkaline bitter. It’s a taste Steven will never forget. 
“How are you doing today?” Steven queries with almost innocent intentions. “Get home safe last night?” 
“Yes Steven, thank you for asking.” There it is again, that sweet way you say his name. “But I will admit, I had the strangest dreams. I think I shouldn’t drink wine before bed anymore, must be something with the tannins.” 
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a cup of coffee | sjy
↬ series: cameras & caffeine | chapter two ↬ pairing: cafe owner!jake x ceo!reader ft. all members in this chapter !! ↬ series genres: fluff, slight angst, jake also bakes, reader is a single mom, we fell in love when we were kids but life happened so we broke up and now we’re reconnecting because we’re adults and i don’t think i ever truly got over you au, love triangle if you squint really really hard ↬ navi: previous | next | series masterlist ↬ warnings: some angst if you squint really close  ↬ word count: 1.6k
As Jay and Sunghoon leave the doors of Jayla’s Cafe and head to their cars Jay notices the shift in the younger’s mood and slightly nudges him with his shoulder. Jay’s about to say something when all of a sudden,
“SUNOO-YAH!” a female’s voice practically yells on the street causing the two men to look up and around them. Sunghoon’s eyes widen as he sees a little boy dressed in yellow, almost running into the street. Instinct takes over Sunghoon, he reaches for the boy and pulls him into his chest just as a car drives by, honking its horn. The little boy looks at Sunghoon, eyes wide and slightly curious.
“Sunoo, what did I say about running onto the street?” the earlier female voice says as she runs up to Sunghoon and Sunoo, stopping in an attempt to catch her breath. It’s when Sunghoon sees her that he takes in her appearance. Her messy hair tied up in a bun, eyes wide with worry, and voice slightly wavering.
“Sorry, Eomma,” Sunoo replies as he stands up and bows towards Sunghoon and Jay. The woman looks at Sunghoon and greets him with an appreciative smile,
“Thank you for saving him.”
“Do you… need help?” Sunghoon offered somewhat hesitantly as he sees the small wagon of flowers behind her.
“Oh, no really, it’s fine, thank you! We’re just right over there,” she replied, pointing across the street. Sunghoon and Jay look across the street to me with the sight of a small little flower shop called Smiles & Sunflowers. “We have to go but if you ever need flowers let me know, I’ll give you a discount. I’m Hwayoung, by the way!” The woman, — Hwayoung says just as she hands Sunghoon and Jay a business card just before crossing the street pulling the wagon of flowers and holding Sunoo’s hand.
Sunghoon puts the business card into his pocket, nothing much of the exchange or the woman that he just met when there was already one that constantly occupied his mind. Turning to Jay,
“What were you gonna say before that?” Sunghoon asked. Shaking his head.
“Nothing, I forgot,” Jay lied.
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You couldn’t focus when you got to work the next day. Your mind was only met with frustration as your fingers attempted to tap at your keyboard and send words into documents. The silent air of your office was met with your constant sighing and slight huffs of annoyance as a result of it. Which ultimately led to your assistant, Nishimura Riki coming into your office and calling you out on it.
“Are you gonna keep moping around or are you gonna actually do something?” Ni-ki asked as he entered your office. Ni-ki didn’t hesitate to ask or call you out about anything which was one of the reasons you liked having him as your assistant. He was like a breath of fresh air in a world polluted by fake compliments and fake smiles. Ni-ki knew a fairly good amount about your life, though, not as much as Sunghoon and Jay but enough to tell that something was going on with you.
“I’m not moping,” you muttered as you looked at him from above your computer. Ni-ki rolled his eyes in response,
“You’re clearly not working either,” he countered.
“Ok, well what the hell do you want me to do?” Ni-ki looked at his watch,
“Take the day off.”
“You don’t have any more meetings scheduled, you can pick up Heeseung from school, and relax.” You were hesitant about it, leaving work earlier than everyone and in broad daylight was something you weren’t quite used to but after a few more minutes of convincing from Ni-ki, you decided to go for it. You let Sunghoon know that you were picking up Heeseung and spending the entire day with him. Happiness filled Heeseung’s face once he saw you waiting for him in the front of the school, causing him to run into you and practically jump into your arms.
“Are we going out today?” Heeseung asked as you two went into your car. You nod as you put on his seatbelt for him,
“Mhm, bubs. How does going to the mall sound?”
“Sounds fun!” While on the drive to the mall,
“Eomma?” Heeseung asked.
“Where’s Appa?” The sentence almost causes you to slam on the brakes out of shock but thankfully, you managed to continue driving, your hand on the wheel slightly tightening. You decided to pull over to better talk to Heeseung about this.
“Where’s this coming from, bubs?” you asked. You couldn’t help the slight fear and nervousness that filled you, you knew that Heeseung was growing up but honestly you weren’t ready to talk about it. It was selfish, you knew. Both Heeseung and Heeseung’s father had a right to know about the other’s existence but you were scared. Things were fine so far, right? So why did it have to change?
“I’m just curious because all the other kids talk about theirs so I wanna know where mine is.” You clear your throat thinking about how to handle this until finally,
“Appa’s somewhere right now.” Lie.
“Doesn’t he want to come and see me?” Heeseung asked, eyes full of hope and happiness. You weren’t sure how to handle this nor did you want to break Heeseung’s heart.
“Of course he does! He’s just really busy right now.” The first part… you weren’t quite sure about. But the second part had to be true, right?
The conversation thankfully ended there and you resumed to your drive back to the mall. Yet still, another worry was added onto your list.
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The rest of the week passed by as somewhat of a blur. You had a gala to plan which added onto your workload but said workload allowed you to take your mind off of Heeseung and the topic of Heeseung’s father as well as your ex opening up a cafe. But things changed when you got home because being a mother always came first.
And you were going to have to face reality sooner or later.
Saturday afternoon came, you, Sunghoon, and Heeseung were just having a lazy day and staying in. Throughout the week, Sunghoon noticed that something was on your mind but decided it wasn’t his place to ask about it. Yet despite knowing this,
“What happened?” Sunghoon asked as you two were doing the dishes, Heeseung in the living room choosing a movie.
“What do you mean?” you replied, pretending as if you didn’t know what he was talking about.
“You’ve been acting weird this whole week, don’t act like I can’t tell.”
“A couple days ago,” you took a deep breath, “Hee asked where his dad was and asked if his dad wanted to see him.”
“What should I do?” you asked, looking up at Sunghoon.
Sunghoon looked back at you, wanting to tell you that he’d take care of Heeseung like his own if you’d let him. Sunghoon’s heart raced at the thought of finally being able to be there for you in all the ways that he knew Heeseung’s father hadn’t. But as Sunghoon’s words left his mouth and were said out loud, he knew damn well that what he wanted wasn’t going to happen.
“You should get a cup of coffee, I’ll take care of Hee for the rest of the day.”
Sunghoon wondered how much longer this would last. He wondered how much longer he’d be able to pick up Heeseung from school and head to your office. He wondered how much longer he’d be able to freely enter your house and stay with you and Heeseung, the two people who had a place in his heart deeper than he cared to admit. How much longer until you slipped away from beside him and took back your place next to the man who had always claimed you?
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“Jungwon-ah!” Jake said to his newest baking assistant and barista in the cafe.
“Yeah, hyung?” Jungwon replied, walking out of the kitchen and towards the register where Jake was.
“I’m taking Layla out for a walk, are you gonna be ok running the cafe on your own for around an hour?” Jungwon nodded as he tried his hands with a towel,
“I’ll be good, don’t worry hyung,” he replied with a smile. Jake headed out with Layla, the two walking around and getting to relearn more parts of the city since Jake hadn’t been in the city in a while. But now, he was here to stay. As Jake walked Jayla, his mind kept going back to the picture he saw on Sunghoon’s phone. Did you and Sunghoon really start a relationship together and have a kid? Yet at the same time, there was no ring on Sunghoon’s finger nor was there one on yours. On the way back to the cafe, Jake was only brought out of his thoughts when he felt Layla’s leash slipping from his hand and saw her running. Chasing after her and calling her name, Jake didn’t quite notice just who Layla was running towards.
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You stood at the front of Jayla’s cafe, palms sweating, heart racing, and mind unsure if coming here was the right decision. The chance to leave is taken away from you when a familiar voice yells,
“LAYLA!” and all of a sudden, a presence — Layla’s to be specific, is on you nearly knocking you down to the concrete sidewalk. Layla barks and jumps up at you in happiness, tail wagging excitedly. You notice Jake before he sees you, too focused on Layla to realize that you were even here.
It’s when he finally catches up to you that he stops in his tracks.
It’s when he looks up that his breathing pauses in his throat and it’s not from all the running he just did.
It’s when you smile at him that he feels his heart tightening and squeezing in his chest.
“I know you’re busy… but can we talk?” you ask.
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❦ written by riri ( @enhykkul​​ ) | main blog masterlist | blog navi
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aussiearrow · 3 years
Who's Got Your Love? - Chapter 14
Tag List : @daddyslittlevillain , @hotyeehawman , and @bitterendbrutalizer
If you would like to be added please message me or comment.
Who's Got Your Love? - Chapter 14
Week 4 Chapter 5
The girls all sat around and watched as each of the new guys filed out and stood by each other followed by Ariana who smiled as she saw all the girls.
"Hey ladies, I hope that you had a lovely week with the new guys. But now it's time to make some decisions. As you know you guys were told that you have the chance to bring one of these handsome fellas into the villa. So it goes as follows if you decide you want to recouple now, if you were in a couple the guy would now be single and vice versa. However if either you or him come back single you risk being dumped from the island.. Now if you both decide not to recouple you guys are safe for now. Briana? Do you want to start us off?" Ariana smiled.
"Oddly enough I much rather would have not wanted to go first. After seeing the video package yesterday I went from being so sure to not being sure at all what I wanted to do. I didn't make connections in time like some of us did. I feel like whatever choice I make may or may not be the wrong one. But even after everything I still really like James and I would kick myself if I decided to recouple right now." Briana said as she sat down, Alex and Kat gave both of her arms a little squeeze.
"Layla?" Ariana said," It's your turn."
Layla stood up as she looked around at all the girls before she looked at all the guys," This week I learned a lot. I think I got a lot closer to some of the girls in the house but I also was able to meet some new really great guys." Layla said with a smile, " I know there was a side of Nick that really none of us knew that was showed. A side that I don't know if I really liked. If anything this week showed that if he was that quick to act like that the first time I wasn't around and we aren't together yet. Than how would it be if we do get together and he goes somewhere alone?"
As some of the girls and even Ariana nodded in agreement," So Layla with all of that being said. Do you wish to recouple or do you want to see where things go with Nick?"
"At this time I think it's best that I stay with Nick and take that risk." Layla said as she sat back down with a sigh.
"Don't worry, we'll kick his ass when we see him." Callie said with a laugh as the girls agreed.
"Kat, you're up." Ariana said as Kat took a moment before she stood up.
"I kept thinking to myself all the ways this could go but now when I stand here about to make the decision everything is totally different. First I just have to say that I loved all the time I got to spend with Preston over the last week and he made me realize that this experience isn't only for finding love but also to have fun while doing it. I know my luck hasn't exactly been the greatest before casa amor but at the same time I look at it like did I just take advantage of it to not face the reality that I have too now. " Briana could see that Kat was nervous. As she looked at Preston too.
"Right now I think it's best if I stay where I am and figure that out first without confusing myself even more."
"Do you think Jay is going to come back single?" Ariana asked her.
" Parts of me know that it's done between me and him. So." Kat shrugged as she sat down.
Ariana didn't continue on as she just nodded," Callie, would you like to go next?"
Callie nodded her head as she stood up," Yes cause okay wow. This week has honestly been a lot. Coming in I figured something like this would happen so I've been trying to prepare myself and keep myself open in doing that I met some great people. I can't say recouple cause I'm not in one," The girls laughed remembering how the beginning of all this played out," So I am going to bring someone new in the villa that being Cash." Callie said as everyone smiled happy that Callie actually was able to make a connection and actually be in a couple.
Briana sighed, it was getting closer and closer to the guys turn and she was not ready at all for what was about to possibly happen.
As Cash walked over and wrapped his arms around Callie," Now the real fun starts." He said as they sat down.
"Alex? It's time for you to bring it home for us." Ariana said as Briana started to get nervous. It was almost time for them all to see the boys again for the first time in a week.
Alex stood up," I can't believe I have to go last considering right now I feel like I'm one of if not the most confused person here. I guess I should start by saying that Pete is one of the greatest guys I met but seeing the video clips made me even more confused. On one hand I was hoping Pete would make my decision easy but than on the other hand I was being introduced to Kenny, a sweet guy who never overstepped even though he clearly wanted too more than once. And than Ethan who everyone believes has quite the ego but showed me a side that I can only hope more people can see." Alex said as Ethan smiled.
"So Alex, do you want to recouple or hopefully get reunited with Pete?"
" I think right now it'll be best if I recouple and the guy I would be bringing in is Ethan." As Ethan walked over to Alex and placed a kiss on her lips.
"Finally I've been waiting forever to do that without interruption." Ethan said with a laugh.
" I can tell." Alex said as the two sat down.
With that Briana sighed knowing exactly what this meant now. She watched as Ethan whispered something in Alex's ear that made her laugh. As Layla looked completely nervous that Nick was going to walk in here with someone new leaving her alone, as Kat who sat next to her reached her hand out so they both can go through this next part together. As Callie sat there talking to Cash but she could see the nerves show on her face.
"Ladies? Are you ready to see the boys?" No, not at all Briana wanted to say.
"Ladies? Are you ready to see the boys?" Alex took a deep breath, not only was she worried about whether Pete was bringing a new girl in , she was also worried about what would happen if he didn't.
Than there was James and how that would be once he came back too. Alex knew there was a lot to think about over these next two weeks. And it was starting now as she saw Trent walk down the stairs alone, she didn't get to talk to Trent much but when they did she could see why Kat had fun whenever she was around him.
It didn't surprise anyone when he walked down alone, and Kat looked up at him when his face went from worry to complete shock. Maybe that Kat was sitting there alone, but than it went back to worry most likely thinking of Jay also coming back. As he sat down next to Kat either way. Next to come down alone was Adam, once again it was a surprise to no one. But it also meant that Adam was still single unlike Trent though his facial expression showed little to no signs of how he felt that Cash was sitting next to Callie.
Alex was starting to feel nerves that she had never felt before as it was getting closer to James and Pete's turn but as Nick walked down the stairs with a new girl. Of course the whispering started almost immediately as Trent shook his head.
"Nick? I see you decided to recouple. Why don't you introduce us to her?" Ariana said.
"I did, everyone this is May, May this is everyone." Nick said he brought her over to the couch. It was almost like he didn't notice the fact that Layla was sitting alone on the couch until he had no choice but to sit next to her with his new girl May.
"Can we talk later?" Nick had asked her.
"Don't" Layla said simply.
Next up to walk down the stairs was James and to no one's surprise besides Briana's he was alone. Briana let out a sigh of relief as the rest of the girls smiled at her, Alex on the other hand was trying to read his expressions but like Adam there was little to no signs of how he was feeling. James made his way over as Briana hugged him but out of the corner of her eye Alex saw him look over in her direction there wasn't going to be much avoidance much longer.
"I just want to get this over with already." Kat said as Alex nodded not being able to agree anymore than the next.
Just as Kat finished talking and Alex finished agreeing. Jay began to walk down the stairs and at first it looked like he was alone that shocked most of the girls as Kat stayed expressionless, Trent choosing to watch her not really paying attention the fact that Jay had turned and held his hand out as a girl began to walk down the stairs and take his hand. He watched as Kat's face changed to something he couldn't quite put his finger on as he finally turned to look at the scene.
As the couch was filled with everyone not being so quiet about Jay's current action, Alex looked at Kat who now had many expressions on her face and while her hand was now on her own lap, Trent actually made a move to grab it and squeeze it as she looked at him but didn't say anything. Alex turned her attention back to the scene in front of her.
"Jay, care to introduce us to your new girl?"
"This lovely lady is named Alison. I would introduce everyone one by one but by the looks on their faces it seems words aren't going to be their strong suit right now so I'll save all of that for later." Jay said and there was that smirk that Alex could have gone without seeing for another few weeks.
Jay tried to walk over to the couch and sit between Jay and Kat but once he realized that Trent hasn't let go of her hand he picked a different spot far away from them as possible. As Alex's attention turned back to the stairs there was only one more person left, Pete. And he wasted no time in walking down the steps but what got Alex the most of out of all of that was that Pete wasn't alone.
Alex let out a breath she didn't know she was holding until he now stood in front of her holding hands with a girl who wasn't her, as Ethan grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.
"Pete, would you like to introduce this lovely lady to everyone?" Ariana said.
Alex could care less about what her name was, it sounded like Kaylie? Bailey? She didn't truly know.
As the two took their seat Ariana turned to the group," Okay you're current couples are as follows Karly and Pete, Alex and Ethan, Alison and Jay, Briana and James, Callie and Cash, and May and Nick. Meanwhile Kat, Layla, Trent, and Adam are now officially single and at risk of being dumped from the island. Please take the rest of the night to relax and get to know each other and I'll see you guys soon." Ariana said as she walked out.
You know it's always much easier to do certain things when you don't have to come face to face with certain people. It's easier to say get to know one another when you don't actually know the person sitting next to you it's the new person sitting next to them that you have to get to know and boy does that suck.
" I'll be right back." Alex said as she gave Ethan's hand a squeeze and hurried off back into the villa what she didn't know was that someone was hot on her tail.
"Ethan, I said I just need a moment I'll be right back out." Alex said.
"Ouch I know it's been a week but you forgot my name that quick?" Alex's eyes went wide as she turned around to see James standing there sheepishly.
"James - I know you know that I heard everything but can we please not - "
"Talk about it right now? I get it, I don't want to either. I just want to make sure you're okay after everything."
"Define okay?" Alex said as she tried to hold it together as she looked at James, like really truly looked at him. But it was a shame that she couldn't see much of him of her vision began to get blurry.
"Well not about to cry certainly isn't one of the definitions of being okay." James said as he wrapped his arms around Alex," I know this whole thing absolutely sucks. I don't know why this week had to even happen."
"I don't even know what I'm crying over at this point." Alex said.
"Do you think you made a mistake picking Ethan?" James asked.
"No." Alex said as James nodded not that she could see anyway.
"Is it Pete bringing someone new in?" James asked.
"I think that's part of it."
"Only part of it?" James asked as he looked down at Alex with a confused expression on his face.
"I think you know the other reason." Alex said.
"Ah, well sorry for contributing I uh I really didn't think you would see that at least not until way after the show was over and that things were hopefully more clear for you."
"You weren't going to tell me?"
"I didn't think you'd want to hear it if we're being honest." James said.
"Of course I want to know. What makes you think I don't?"
" I don't exactly have the best track record when it comes to telling you things." James said as Alex nodded understanding where he was coming from.
"We should really get back to everyone." Alex said as she pulled away from the hug.
"We should be, are you doing better?" James said.
"Yes, a little. But I can assure you I will be soon enough though."
"Okay than let's go, but when we get out there, remember to stay on your side." James said as they both laughed and headed out.
Once everything ended and Alex ran off with James following suit it was quiet. Kat really didn't want to break the silence but Jay certainly didn't have that in mind.
"Well there's certainly more new guys than I thought there would be." Jay said as he looked at Ethan and Cash.
"Guess that's what happens when people get treated wrong and they find better." Ethan said with a shrug as Kat looked at him with wide eyes as Trent said he couldn't agree more.
Kat didn't necessarily like when things like that were said cause than it just created more drama that she quite frankly don't have the energy for at least not today.
"Let's go get a drink." Adam said as Kat nodded her head happy that someone wanted to get away from this just as much as she did.
"Man, if you have something to say you can just say it." Jay said to Trent.
Trent looked over at Kat and Adam briefly and it was almost like he was going to decide to go with her when Jay made another comment and Trent's glance went from her back to Jay.
Kat sighed and decided that it was no use and walked over to the bar as Adam poured her a drink that she accepted cause lord knows she's going to need it for the time being. As she opened the fridge and brought out the bottle and put it by them.
" Just in case." Kat said as Adam laughed and sat down. " I don't think we ever got to talk before."
" Yeah, I don't think so either. You were always busy in that Jay mess."
Kat nodded," Yeah the Jay mess that just seemingly won't go away yet somehow gradually gets worse."
Adam nodded," I get that. Other than that how was it getting away from most of us?"
"You're still talking about Jay without mentioning his name." Kat said as Adam raised his hands in surrender.
"I'm sorry." Adam laughed," But yes I'm talking about Jay for the most part, I'm sure there were others too. We saw the videos and you looked really happy like you were actually being yourself. I'm surprised Preston wasn't here with you."
"I think I surprised myself on that one too if we're being honest. Part of me wished that it could have stayed the same so I could have gotten the conversation out of the way already because even when I was having fun at the end of the day there was always still some sort of reminder that Jay was still going to be around come next week. Than seeing him come down the stairs alone at first it gave me false hope. Now him and Trent are having their little dude moment of trying to prove things hence why I hope this little helper." Kat said as she raised her drink.
"I'm more than happy with being your drinking buddy." Adam said as he raised his glass to her as they clinked them together," I mean it's no body shot but I'm sure we can make it work."
Kat laughed," I still can't believe I let that happen."
"Was it fun though?"
"We yeah duh of course."
"Than what's the problem?"
"Maybe that my mom was most likely watching that go down." Kat said as they both laughed.
"So what I'm hearing is I can't offer?" Trent said as Kat looked over her shoulder as she shook her head laughing.
" How was your time away from the villa? It looked pretty fun from what we were all able to see." Kat said as she changed the subject.
" It had it's moments. But honestly I couldn't wait to get back here. I feel like we left things off how they shouldn't of been." Trent said.
"I know we didn't get to talk or anything before everything changed. But we're here now." Kat said
"To new beginnings." Trent said as he raised his own glass except there wasn't 3 anymore as Adam had seemingly found his way away from the two as Kat clinked her glass to his.
"Yeah to new beginnings." Kat said as they both took a drink.
"Way to go Jay you came back and literally everyone walked away." Layla said with a laugh.
"Ha ha, like that's my fault." Jay said.
"It kind of is, you're the one who had to have that whose manly thing with Trent after this whole thing happened."
"He started it." Jay said.
"So you really had to finish it?"
"Listen it doesn't matter, he's gone now and he won't be lasting that much longer here in the villa. Next time it'll be the same thing over and over again."
"Are you going to talk to Kat about anything that happened?" Layla asked.
"Are you talking about me and you?"
"Well yeah, I mean I know there's a lot of other stuff you have to talk about as well." Layla said as she looked over at Alison and than at Kat and Trent.
"I know but right now, I'm just going to sit back and observe. I'll let things play out and settle down first. But I'll talk to her about everything soon." Jay said as Layla nodded as Nick made his way over.
"Hey." Nick said.
"Hi, how was your time away?" Layla asked seemingly cutting right to the point.
"It was good for the most part. Weird more than anything."
"But I see you got used to it pretty quickly seeming that you have met someone." Layla said.
"Yeah, she's uh she's great. I think you guys would get along."
"Not interested. Seeing the way you guys acted I got pretty close to the other girls finally. And I remember her from some moments in the videos that we seen. Lots of drama that I don't want to be apart of."
"There's not going to be any drama with May. She barely knows any of you guys." Nick said as Layla laughed and gave him a pointed look.
She was going to say more when her phone went off as she looked down at it.
"I got a text!" Layla called out.
"Already?" Alison said.
"Yeah, that's how it goes around here. Maybe you'll catch on but probably not." Layla said as Kat and Trent walked over to the group followed by everyone else.
“ What’s up what did the text say?” Pete asked.
Layla looked down at the phone,” Islanders I really hope you’re enjoying being back together again,” Layla slightly rolled her eyes,” But tomorrow things start to get real. Over the next few days the boys and girls will be participating in challenges all to figure out who gets their choice during the recoupling. All while having a challenge within and the guy or girl with the most points get to pick first as long as their group wins #teamingupforlove .” Layla said as she put her phone down and looked at everyone.
“ Well things definitely just got interesting.” Kay said.
“Yeah I guess you can say that.” Briana said as she played with her hands.
“I don’t know about you guys but I’m excited to be back in my own bed. The other villa’s beds weren’t that comfortable.”
“Oh great now these ex couples have to figure out who gets to keep the bed and who gets the boot.” Layla said with a laugh.
“ Well, well, well, Kat?” Jay said.
“ It was mine first but I’ll give it up. If I’m starting new it might as well stay that well starting with the bed.” Kat said.
“ I’ve been single this whole time so no changes here.”
“ I’ve been single this whole time so no changes here.” Trent said.
“Hey same here.” Adam said with a laugh.
“ Shouldn’t we figure out how many beds first before we go through all of this?” Callie said as
James turned around and looked inside the room,” There’s 8 beds meaning singles have to share or find somewhere else to sleep.” James said,” Or however everyone wants to do this.”
“ Well I think couples got this figured out.” Cash said as he looked at Callie who nodded.
“ Layla? Trent?” Kat said.
“ Adam? Kat?” Layla said right back.
“ It’s nice out I can take the couch thing out here.” Adam said.
“ I’ll take the one bed, Kat? Trent?” Layla said.
“ I’ll stay on the other couch.” Trent said with a hint of not being so sure in his tone.
Kat looked at him with a nod,” Than I’ll take the other bed.”
“ There all settled. Looking forward to our first full day in the villa tomorrow.” Ethan said as everyone slowly began to clear out and get ready for bed.
Before Callie knew it all that was left was her, Cash, Trent, Kat, and Adam who was off to the side.
“ I can’t believe we only have 2 weeks left.” Callie said.
“I’m not surprised, I just wish I had more time could have saved you from a lot of losers.” Cash said as he wrapped his arm around Callie’s waist.
Adam laughed,” I’m not sure where you think that’s going but I never got my chance.”
“ Not my problem.” Cash said as he looked at Adam.
Kat and Trent both walked away to go get ready for bed seemingly knowing that it was time and that this was something that had nothing to do with the two of them.
“Not saying it is.” Adam said.
“ Than what are you trying to say?” Cash said.
Adam began to walk away towards the guys room,” That I’ll see you around Callie.” He said as he gave her shoulder a squeeze.
“ What just happened?” Cash said as Callie shrugged even though part of her knew what it was.
It was Adam stepping up to fight for her and she was in a lot of trouble.
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alethiometry · 4 years
How are you liking AC Valhalla so far? Any characters you love? Any characters you hate? Is there anyone as sexy as Brasidas?
hiiii thank you for asking!! i’m going to keep this as spoiler-free as possible.
i’m really liking it so far! i have my gripes about gameplay mechanics and the buggy launch, but at this point i have either grown used to them or am happily experiencing stockholm syndrome and am just enjoying the game for what it is (and hoping the stuff that needs patching gets patched soon).
here are some things i love:
the voice acting is so good. SO GOOD!!!
eivor! she stands out among the protags of other ac games i’ve played because she always has this community about her. she’s a loved and respected leader to her people, they’re always happy to see her return to the settlement, she’s got her crew to back her up at a moment’s notice, there’s always portions of the main quests where she has companions fighting beside her.
basically all the other characters in ravensthorpe! they’re a fun bunch and a loving community and they have their quirks and i love hanging out with all of them. petra in particular is an absolute sweetheart and not a day goes by where i don’t feel awful for breaking up with her bc my goblin brain decided “lol i want to fuck my stepbrother’s wife who looks like kassandra in sweatpants”
HYTHAM IS A SWEETHEART. we love an assassin who is also, to use 2012 lingo, a pure and sweet cinnamon roll, too perfect for this world.
petting dogs and cats!
how dynamic the settlement is. every time i go back there’s something new and interesting happening, whether it’s a new sidequest an npc wants me to help out with, or a dispute between neighbors, or new dialogue with npcs i repeatedly interact with. i love having a home base that i can upgrade and that i want to spend time in.
the minigames! orlog is fun and frustrating but mostly fun, and the drinking contest is AWESOME.
quick-time assassinations for higher-level enemies! it’s a good balance between the old games where you could just indiscriminately kill fucking anybody in one overpowered hit, and odyssey where you had to either stack your assassination damage to get that sweet OHKO, or straight up fight the polemarchs.
the relationship between eivor and sigurd. i’m only about 40-50% of the way through the game so i’ve only seen a bit of it, but as someone who generally gravitates towards sibling narratives (i.e. odyssey, fullmetal alchemist, and way too many of my prime years wasted on supernatural) i really love their dynamic. i think it was an excellent idea to have that become one of eivor’s central narratives from the very beginning of the game. also, i get to fuck his wife.
(forces through gritted teeth) the... modern... day. i HATED layla in odyssey, to the point where i don’t even remember what happened in the modern story at all because every playthrough except for my very first one i simply mashed the skip button until i got back in the goddamn animus.. and i do not remember a single thing she did in origins. and maybe it says more about me than anything else that i wasn’t able to care about her until ubisoft (finally!!!!) brought back shaun and rebecca to make me care, but... this is the closest the modern day has felt to the desmond games, and there’s post-odyssey continuity with layla’s struggle as the keeper of the staff or whatever, and i really like it!
when you hover over different things in the map, the sound effects change. you get chanting music when you hover over monasteries, and ocean noises when you hover over the ocean! IT’S SUPER NEAT.
taking damage when you swim in the cold cold waters of norway made me chuckle. i can see how it might get annoying, but it doesn’t really bother me that much and it’s not that much damage.
things i’m ambivalent about:
fall damage? i’m peeved that it’s back, but it makes sense. i do love that the breakfall skill makes it so that the most damage i’ve ever gotten from taking a long fall is like... 5 hp lmao
kill animations. they’re really cool and i love seeing what new fun way eivor has to brutally murder her enemies. on the other hand, the shift in camera angle can be annoying in the middle of a massive battle, and if there’s an object in the way of the very specific camera angle then sometimes i can’t see the animation at all and have to just stare at some wood/stone texture for like 10 seconds.
environment puzzles. sometimes they’re fun but sometimes i’m too damn tired to try and figure out the 3895th way to break into a locked building.
side quests world events. they’re fun but also seem largely... pointless? i wish we had one or two longer sidequests; some of my favorite moments in odyssey were on long sidequests like mykonos or the battle of 100 hands. i feel like this was a reactionary mechanic to people complaining that odyssey had “too many” sidequests or something idk.
tattoo parkour. i would like it more if eivor didn’t feel so “sticky” if that makes sense. i like the return of parkour puzzles, and i like collecting tattoos (the tattoo shop is always the first place i visit when i return to ravensthorpe), but the parkour in the game often feels quite clunky.
social stealth. another excellent idea that they brought back, but executed clumsily. i just don’t understand how it works, or, more importantly, why it’s even necessary in the first place. but it’s also easy to ignore, so whatever.
animus glitch platform puzzles. they’re super cool but for some reason give me massive anxiety.
things i don’t love:
some combat mechanics, like having a stamina bar and losing adrenaline when you get hit. i’m not here for any of that *~*~sO gRiTtY aNd rEaLiStIc~*~* bullshit. i just want to have fun and hack shit up.
that motherfucking god damn terrible fucking skill tree/map/web. who the FUCK thought it was a good idea??? the incremental changes between the big nodes feel kind of meaningless, and it’s very difficult to see the (completely arbitrary) progression towards the big nodes because they’re pathed out on SKINNY WHITE FUCKING LINES
synin got nerfed real bad :(
dag is a massive chode. and not even in a fun way, like stentor was in odyssey.
don’t really care for ivarr either if i’m being honest.
i do not give a single shit about fantasy asgard, and i’m kind of peeved that i apparently have to finish that arc in order to finish the game. (i didn’t like the atlantis dlc in odyssey either—a couple hades sidequests notwithstanding—so go figure.)
congratulations on reading this far if you actually bothered to do that! i don’t think any game will top odyssey for me in terms of setting/storyline/general vibes. but valhalla is a great, solid game in its own right.
no npc will EVER be as sexy as brasidas, but eivor is definitely sexier. she and kassandra and aya hold the 3-way title of Sexiest Assassin’s Creed Characters But Not In Like A Creepy Incel Gamer Way.
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Top Five Favorite Books
TAGGED BY: @hmmm-what-am-i-doing​
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
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The other famous novel by Victor Hugo. Written in 1831, Notre-Dame de Paris, known in English as The Hunchback of Notre Dame, is a rich, meandering tale that addresses messy relationships, fate, and the future of architecture in 1482. The English title is a misnomer, since the protagonist of the story is Esmeralda, the original title being a metaphor on the cathedral who serves as the central location of the novel, and Esmeralda herself (though one could argue the cathedral is itself a character). Victor Hugo strongly protested against the English title, as it turns the focus from the cathedral onto the characters.
The hunchback is Quasimodo, the deaf, one-eyed, hunchbacked, monstrously ugly bell-ringer of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Abandoned outside the church at the age of four, he was taken in out of kindness by the Archdeacon of Josas, Claude Frollo, who raised him in the church and introduced him to the bells. When the hitherto chaste Frollo sees the  romani girl Esmeralda dancing in the street one day, he finds himself stricken with lust, and doesn't know how to deal with it. So, sure as Love Makes You Evil, he grabs Quasimodo (for muscle) and tries to kidnap her. The attempt is foiled by Phoebus, Captain of the Archers. It is spectacularly not foiled by lovable slacker-poet Pierre Gringoire, who gets knocked out trying to save the girl.Later that night, however, Esmeralda temporarily marries the poet, to save his life from her friends at the Court of Miracles. That doesn't mean she's going to let her new "husband" touch her, mind you, or that she's going to give up her dreams of marrying Phoebus. Phoebus likes the look of her, himself, and although he's already engaged to his teenage cousin Fleur-de-Lys, he's not opposed to a bit on the side. Esmeralda's small kindness to Quasimodo when he is in the stocks for the kidnapping attempt (Frollo having let him take the fall) makes her an angel in Quasimodo's mind, and he is henceforth devoted to her. This eventually, and painfully, puts him in conflict with Frollo, whose combination of lust and loathing for Esmeralda makes him increasingly unstable. Amidst the drama and tragedy resulting from everybody's fatal obsessions, Hugo includes leisurely chapters on the architecture of Paris and the expected impact of the newly-developed printing press.
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Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, usually abbreviated to Frankstein is a novel by Mary Shelley. It was originally published in 1818. It had a 1823 reprint without Shelley's involvement and a third edition in 1831, this time with significant edits from the author. Frankenstein is considered an Ur-Example of Science Fiction and inarguably has vast historical significance.
The novel tells of Dr. Victor Frankenstein who unlocks the secrets to Creating Life. He uses this knowledge to create an artificial man, larger and stronger than most mortals, by means which he chooses not to describe. While he is initially triumphant with his success, a few moments of observing the flailing and moaning patchwork being leaves Victor disgusted by and fearful of his creation. Realizing the ramifications of his success, he is horrified. He abandons the Creature and flees to his family's estate. In his absence, the Creature is forced to come to grips with suddenly finding itself alive and alone without explanation or guidance. He learns about humanity by watching a family cottage from afar, but is again driven off when he attempts to offer his friendship- one of many bad run-ins with humanity which leave the monster bitter and cynical. Eventually, the Creature comes to resent his creator, whom he views as his father, for abandoning the Creature to a life of torment, and decides to come home to seek vengeance against Frankenstein...
The subtitle, The Modern Prometheus, compares Victor Frankenstein to the Greek titan Prometheus, who brought the secret of fire from Mount Olympus to mortal men, reflecting on Frankenstein's spiritual would-be theft of the secret to creating life — but like Prometheus, Frankenstein also came to regret his transgression.note Many would say that Frankenstein was the ultimate warning of Science Is Bad, though similar stories were common throughout the industrial revolution and it is not even clear whether the act of creating the Monster was bad in itself, if the world wasn't ready for it, or Frankenstein was just a horrible and abusive parent.
One Hundred Years of Solitude
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One Hundred Years of Solitude is a 1967 novel that won Gabriel García Márquez the Nobel Prize for Literature. It's become a staple of Spanish-speaking high school curricula everywhere.  Arguably one of the most important pieces of literature written in the 20th century, or to put in context, almost as important as Don Quixote to Spanish speaking literature. Famous, among other things, for using every conceivable trope one could ever hope to fit in 28.8 oz of paper.
The book follows the story of the Buendía family and the town they create, Macondo, from its foundation to its end. Of course, it is told in a non-linear fashion with every generation having the same few names, as well as the same basic attributes (except for a pair of twins whose names are thought to have been accidentally switched at some point). Alongside the story of the Buendía family, there are an abundance of vignettes recounting both the everyday and the supernatural occurrences that shape the lives of the inhabitants of Macondo. The themes range widely, incorporating legendary figures (such as the Wandering Jew), historical events (Sir Francis Drake’s bombing of Rioacha, the Massacre of the Banana growers), and short stories about the love of two minor characters who never get to interfere with the main action. Believe it or not the story takes place in a time span of a hundred years.
Netflix has announced that it will be adapting the story into a television series.
The Arabian Nights
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The Arabian Nights, correctly known as The Tales of One Thousand and One Nights (Farsi Hezār-o yek šab, Arabic Kitāb 'alf layla wa-layla), is a massive collection of Fairy Tales drawn from sources as far apart as the Middle East, North Africa, India, and, to an extent, even China and Greece. It has for centuries shaped the European view of the [relative to Europe] "(Near) East" or "Orient", even though only some of the stories are widely known. In fact, early Arabic-language versions only contain about 300 nights. The 701 others were added later; most of the additions were by Arab writers, but European translators added some other folktales they'd collected in their editions. Some of these additions were based on other Arabian sources, but others, including Aladdin and Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, were stolen by Antoine Galland (the French translator) from Syrian Maronite writer Hanna Diyab, who recounted those tales to Galland and based them on various aspects of his own life. Diyab's autobiography was found in 1993 and greatly expanded our understanding of these stories.
The Framing  Device for the story cycle is the tale of King Shahryar and Shahrazad. The King's first wife had cheated on him, so he had her executed. Then, feeling that no woman could be trusted, he hit upon a plan only a powerful and insane tyrant could pull off: He'd marry a woman, spend the night with her, and then, in the morning, send her off to the royal Wazir (chancellor) to be executed. No woman would ever betray him again! After a great many wives were executed in this manner (Richard Burton's translation says the King did this for three years, which would be about 1,100 wives), the Wazir was running out of marriage prospects to present to the King. Then the Wazir's daughter, Shahrazad, came to him with a plan. Since her plan involved marrying the King, the Wazir objected in the strongest manner possible, but nothing would deter the girl, and finally he brought her to the King.
Come the wedding night, once he started putting the moves on her, she feigned becoming upset, and pleaded to see her younger sister one last time. The King acquiesced, and allowed Shahrazad's sister Dunyazad to stay in the room with them until dawn. Even while they consummated the marriage. Awkward. After that and the three of them went to sleep, the sisters woke up at midnight. Just as planned, Dunyazad asked Shahrazad to tell her a story, but by the morning she was not finished, and ended the story on a Cliffhanger. The awoken King was so hooked on the story that he postponed the execution for one night, in order to hear the rest. But after Scheherazade ended that story, it was still the middle of the night, and she started up another story, again ending on a cliffhanger in the morning. The nightly routine continued. Some of the stories were simple, some complex and multi-layered; sometimes a character in one story would begin to tell a second story, and sometimes the story was never actually ended because Scheherazade had gone on two or three layers and never returned to wrap up. Or sometimes she claimed she didn't know the ending, but had another tale that was even more intriguing than the unfinished one. But all of the stories were so compelling that the King could never bear to order her execution without hearing the ending. So Shahrazad kept up the stories for three years — in the meantime bearing Shahryar three sons — and finally, after 1,001 nights, she said that she had told all of her tales and was ready to die. But the King had fallen in love with her, and had been calmed by her entrancing stories. He declared that no woman in the kingdom was as wise as Shahrazad, and he made her his queen for keeps this time, and they lived Happily Ever After.
Unlike many legends which deal primarily with the deeds of the nobility (who after all were the ones who could afford to have a bard as a permanent resident at their palaces), Arabian Nights has the fascinating twist that it covers people from myriads of occupations in a highly-complex society.
The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana
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A novel by Umberto Eco.
Yambo Bodoni has a problem. After suffering a stroke, he lost his episodic memory. Now he can't remember his name, family, or any aspects of his life. Thanks to a lifetime of work as an antiquarian book dealer in Milan, however, he can recall anything he's ever read. In order to rediscover his lost past, Yambo heads to his childhood hometown of Solara. As he pores through old newspapers, comics, and magazines, Yambo - and the reader - get glimpses into the often tragic and bittersweet reality of a boy coming of age in Italy during World War II.
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encchants-moved · 4 years
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Alright, so.. after days of telling myself i was going to write a sea!siren verse for Layla and then proceed to procastinate the whole time, i finally decided to write it down. I'm sorry if this is gonna sound a little shitty, but my brain is still in phase of recovering from my last year of high school and finals.
Anyways, this is what i've had in mind! In the sea!siren verse, Layla was born in the sea and has lived in the sea her whole life, she  was part of the largest family of sirens in the entire ocean, indeed, she has many sisters, and all of them were all educated to have the same mindset and the same duty: their singing voices had an extreme value to all of them, they were used for the sole purpose of bringing new "preys" into their den who they were later going to consume and fullfill their hunger for human meat, and then steal their treasures. To put it shortly, Layla's family was composed of dangerous and bloodthirsty sirens, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and singing voices, causing them to shipwreck.
The 'Siren's den' was mostly made of ancient wooden ships who have been damaged and sunk in the depths of the ocean, never to be seen again, and was later used by the siren as their shelter, most of it is also made of the bones of their victims which they have used as decorations ( very nice.. ) and weapons The mother of all sirens is named Hyrissa. She is a strict, unaffective and cold mother who has never showed any kind of love and warmth toward her daughters, the only thing she ever cared about was educating them in becoming hunters and bring in food for the family, as if they were all ruthless animals. She has educated them in using their singing voices and music for the sole purpose of attracting their preys, and not as some kind of personal pleasure. None of the sirens were allowed to have any hobbies that could have distracted them from what needed to be done in order to support the family, anyone who was caught doing anything outside of their duty was going to be severely punished.
The sirens knew their place, they knew what needed to be done, and were always ready to provide food for the family. Layla was part of this group and has always been loyal to her mother and her sisters. She always obeyed her mother and was well aware of the consequences of any foolish act.. she was just like her sisters, obedient, and ready to strike anytime.
However, one day.. something happend, Layla has started to feel something that she couldn't quite understand. One day, as she sat lonely in a desolated part of the abyss, she heard a melody.. a melody that did not come from any of her sisters, she knew her sisters voices and none of them came as close as this one. Immediately, Layla thought an intruder came in, and decided to follow the melody. The melody she heard.. came from a group of sea creatures, peacefully having their own concert with other creatures sitting around and listening, as they let music take over their minds.. but not in the way Layla was used to, it was.. a peaceful way, a relaxing way, that music brought them into a world of peace.. and somehow, it affected Layla too. This is when everything she has learned until she was young started to feel.. wrong.
She couldn't quite understand why, but the moment she returned back home and swam away from that concert, she began to feel a deep void inside of her, as if that peaceful melody somehow made her complete.However, she knew that these feelings were not good, she knew what could happen to her if she got distracted from her duty and she didn't want to end up in trouble with her mother.. so she tried her best to keep those feelings away, but everytime she heard that melody, she always ended up being driven by it.. until she silently ended up admiring that concert from afar, and enjoy the music.. and actually feel pleasure from hearing it. One day, however.. she was punished for her foolishness. Her older sister, Eris, caught her swimming away from the dome, and when she found her silently listening to that concert, she didn't hesitate to pull her away and immediately bring her to her mother to receive her punishment.
Everyone assisted to Layla being scolded, and all her sisters were incredibly disappointed by her behavior. She was mocked, she was pushed away and imprisoned for days.. until she finally decided to confess what she did, and beg her mother to set her free, and that she was never going to be caught outside of the done ever again unless it came to bring in more preys. However, that's not what she truly wanted, not anymore.
Being imprisoned for days with everyone looking down to her made her realize she wasn't truly happy in that sad place filled with nothing but evil and death. Her whole life, her mind has been blinded from what she has truly felt in her heart, they kept her in the done because they didn't want her to go outside and find her own self, but hearing that little concert for the first time.. made ber find out that there's more in her than devoting her whole life to slaughtering innocent sailors and provide for her family, and she wanted to explore that.
Suddenly, she wasn't blind anymore: she has found out about a world she didn't know about and that was kept hidden from her for too long.
She needed to escape, and get away from that horrible place.. a horrible place that she once called home, a place in which she thought was happy, but happiness was never something to think about in the first place. As soon as she was freed from the prison, she waited for that one moment of distraction that could have given her a chance to escape, and when that moment came.. she didn't hesitate to swim away as fast as she could, leaving everything behind and getting as far from the den as she could.
Leaving her family behind broke her heart, but she knew deep down her sisters never truly cared for her, so.. the pain was not that intense, all she thought about was leaving her old life behind, and hopefully menage to forget about it all by devoting her life to something that truly made her feel complete, something that she never got the chance to do until now.
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laylacooke · 4 years
Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me || Carrington & Layla
timing: wednesday afternoon (6/17) parties: @carringtonblackwood & @laylacooke summary: carrington’s had enough of layla’s shenanigans. warnings: mind control tw
It wasn’t that she was actively searching out the place, she had just stumbled upon it, but the way it towered over her begging to be vandalized screamed out to her. It’s why Layla had left and made sure to return late in the evening with a bag full of rotten fruits and vegetables that she found behind Veggie Tables and a few of the other restaurants she used to dumpster dive at. And now it was time to put her werewolf strength to good use. Letting off some steam via trash pelting was just what the doctor had ordered, and this random house in the woods was the perfect place to do it without the threat of Ariana, Ulfric, or Frankie finding her. Pulling back her arm, she aimed, fired, and released with a good targeted hit on one of the windows. And within a matter of minutes, she was pulling out another disgusting piece of produce and chucking it again.
Carrington had not had the best week. In fact, his week had been shit. Utterly and completely. And while he was recovering now that he had a steady supply of blood that didn’t make him high as a kite, and a proper place to rest, surrounded by his own kind - though that had its own ups and downs - he was still a good ways to go. The poison from the slayer’s blade had left him weaker than usual. Even with the substance gone from his system, the toll it had taken - along with his week-long ‘captivity’ - was obvious to anyone that knew him. 
He had taken to spending more time outdoors in the evenings, for one. Bloodhaven was a large, spacious home, but even those walls felt like they were closing in on him more often than not. Which explained his presence on the balcony overlooking the front lawn when the sound of something hitting the windows drifted towards him. 
Carrington paused, cigarette halfway to his lips, and tilted his head just a bit. The sound came again, thick and wet on impact. He sighed, wondering ‘What now?’ as he got up - clad in joggers and a plain, dark-blue t-shirt - and padded barefoot down the steps before moving silently into the yard. The figure wasn’t hard to spot, nor was it hard to discern what they were doing - the smell of rotten fruit was easy enough to identify - but the question was why were they chucking it at the house?
Carrington didn’t say anything right away, taking a moment to eye the small woman so aggressively slinging the stinking handfuls of trash at the windows. He recognized her smell when it finally drifted to him over the scent of the fetid cornucopia, she’d brought with her. A small moment of surprise passed over his face, but it was gone a moment later.
He exhaled smoke through his nose, in no mood whatsoever to play childish games with the young wolf. Whether he owed her a debt or not. “Something vexes?” he said without preamble, ashing his cigarette as he locked his eyes on Layla’s red hair. “Because I’m afraid you can’t do that, darling.” 
Layla continued to throw the rotten fly infested food towards the windows and walls of the large abode. Giving it some color, other than just the stained wood that held the home together. With each throw, she became more and more fascinated with turning it into a game. What part could she hit this time? What kind of art could she make? Would anyone come out that would allow her a moving target with a little challenge? The ideas were endless. However, she had gotten so caught up, that by the time she had smelled death, she realized the vampire residing inside had already come out to greet her.
Stopping what she was doing, Layla glanced over in his direction. Carrington. He had been the last person, she expected to see, but so be it. It just happened to make things more interesting, “Well, well, you’re the last person I expected to see walk out from a random mansion in the woods.” Looking at the bag and then at him, she held it towards him, “Care to join me?” She had completely ignored his warning, and instead, waited for a reply to her answer, cockiness apparent in her attitude.
Carrington knew the act was technically harmless. A bit of rotten fruit wouldn’t hurt the house, other than needing to be washed off before it drew flies or other creatures. It was simply the principal of the matter. And he wasn’t in the mood for teenage disrespect. 
He ashed his cigarette as Layla recognized him. They’d only met once, but the young woman standing in front of him was a far cry from the one he’d met that night in the parking lot. Though he was old enough to know that one meeting could hardly give one an accurate read on a person. This might be perfectly normal behavior. Though Carrington didn’t buy it. Something was going on. His eyes moved idly between her and the fruit-covered windows. “And you’re the last person I expected to see chucking garbage at that same random mansion.” 
When the bag was offered, Carrington gazed at her, head tilted curiously. She hadn’t heard a word he’d said. Alright then. So much for the easy way. He reached for the bag, but instead of taking a handful of what was inside, he deftly removed it from Layla’s grasp. “No offense, darling, but no, I’d rather not. And if you’re smart - which I know you are - you’ll go home and sleep off whatever it is that’s gotten into you.” He gave her a very pointed look. “Before something far worse than me finds you out here in the dark. Behaving badly.” 
Layla didn’t like it when Carrington took the bag from her. She also didn’t like being treated like a child. A low growl coming from her throat, she reached out and snatched the bag back. “What is it with you old people and not wanting to have a little fun? I’m sure you had your moments back when you were young. Now let me have mine, old man.” She pulled out another piece of rotten fruit, let her arm go back, and just before she released the rotting tomato, looked to Carrington with a grin just to spite him. “What are you gonna do now, huh? Bite me?”
This version of Layla had been far different from the girl he had met nearly two months ago, when she had first arrived at White Crest. And while something deep inside of her was telling her this was wrong, she still did it anyways and took great pleasure in her newfound freedom of just not caring.
Carrington didn’t react as Layla growled at him. He even let her take the bag back, looking at her with a flat, humorless expression. Perhaps it would’ve been easier not to treat her like a child if she hadn’t been acting like one. Her words had little effect on him, other than making him wonder just what was the matter with her tonight. “When I was your age, I was fighting a civil war for my king. There wasn’t much room for fun.” 
Her taunts only made him sigh. It was clear she wasn’t going to stop just because he asked her to. Taking one last drag of his cigarette, he flicked the cherry to the dirt and doused it beneath his foot before tossing the rest away in an appropriate place. “I don’t bite children,” Carrington told her, his tone shifting to something with a bit more warning behind the words. “But if you insist on continuing to act like one, then I’ll have no choice but to make you do as I ask.” He didn’t use compulsion lightly, but in this instance, it was better than letting her continue this idiotic - and potentially dangerous - behavior. 
“And I can assure you, neither of us will enjoy it.” It was her last warning. 
Layla had ignored his comment about fighting a civil war. Something, she normally would have reacted to and been more sympathetic towards. However, it was his comment about not biting children that resulted in a loud laugh coming from her mouth, “Don’t bite children?” She waved her wrist in front of him; the one that had been bitten month’s prior in order to save a life. “You don’t recall the bite you gave me? That’s funny. You must me going senile, too, Old Man.” Turning her attention back to the house, she grabbed another piece of food and chucked it as hard as she could watching it splatter across one of the windows, “I enjoyed that.” She looked to him with a wide grin on her face.
Carrington remembered the incident vividly. The way her blood had tasted, the way her heart had raced like a wild thing trapped in her chest. But that wasn’t the same as biting someone out of the desire to feed, or out of anger. Or for any other reason besides needing to save a life. “Perhaps. Though that hardly counts as a bite, now does it?” He could bite her for real if he wished. It would be so easy. Almost effortless. She was young, foolish… headstrong. Caught up in whatever was happening inside her head. 
He could drain her dry before she could even think to scream. 
For a moment, Carrington felt his fangs prick the edges of his lips, but then he remembered himself, and they receded. But the problem of what to do now remained. Layla wasn’t going home on her own, that much was clear. And he had warned her, after all. The young wolf had made her choice. So, when she turned back towards him and met his gaze with her own, Carrington didn’t hesitate. 
Compulsion came easily enough to the vampire, especially on a consciousness as chaotic and untethered as Layla’s currently was. He didn’t enjoy it. The idea of making someone do something against their will was utterly abhorrent. But it was the lesser of many evils. So, he locked eyes with the young wolf, unblinking as he took a slow step towards her. His voice was low and soothing as he spoke. “Look at me, Layla. Don’t move. Don’t speak. Stay right where you are until I say otherwise.” There was no question in Carrington’s words. They were orders. Firm and precise. When he was close enough, he cupped her chin in his hand, gentle but firm, and tipped her face towards him. Never losing her gaze, never blinking. 
“You will leave your bag here, with me. You will go straight home, safely, and go to bed. You will wake in the morning like normal, but you will not recall this moment, or this place.” He paused a moment to let the compulsion sink in. Then he let her go and took a single step back. When Carrington spoke again, his voice was no less precise in its commands, but there was a weariness that hadn't been there a moment before. 
“Go home, Layla. Now.” 
Layla was raring and willing to go, however as she gazed into his eyes, something took over her. She felt like how she did the day she hypnotized herself. Everything Carrington was saying was making sense. It was all she wanted to do now. And his voice drew her in so easily that she didn’t dare blink or make any other movements. She had barely noticed when he cupped her face in his hands simply listening to all the man had to say. And before long, she felt at peace. The rage in her body silenced for the time being.
Blinking a few times, after he had finally released her, Layla, without resistance, sat the bag at his feet. She didn’t dare look back at the house, and she barely kept her focus on him, before he gave her the command. Turning around without so much as a goodbye, the young werewolf let her feet carry her back home. And just as he had instructed, Layla didn’t leave her place on the floor, until the very next morning. A day that would certainly make up for the eventless day she had before.
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harry-stylus · 4 years
HOSTAGE - harry styles
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ALL SHE WANTED was a drink; maybe a sprite, perhaps a coke. She had done it before, worked late at the diner and then nipped into the little corner shop a few blocks away from her small apartment complex while she walked home. Nothing out of the ordinary typically happened, not really. It was a routine somewhat.
But perhaps that was why she was the one to fall victim to the situation. Though, never did she expect this.
Layla hummed softly to herself, a familiar melody having invaded her head for the past couple of hours, as she gazed over the various drinks sitting in the refrigerator shelves. The distant sound of cars driving down the concrete roads and the closer noise of a cluster of voices as though they were outside the store, Layla took no notice of. She was used to it.
No one else was in the store except for her and Barney, the shop owner, though it was late at night so that wasn't strange.
Loose change balanced in the palm of the girl's hand as she compared the prices of the beverages to the amount she had. Tonight hadn't been the best night, tips-wise. Just a few silvers and a couple golds. But that was normal for the girl.
Money for Layla had been tight all her life. So this was nothing new. She knew how to budget, how to only spend money on necessities and not wants. She was used to it.
Letting out a sigh, Layla finally opened up the fridge door and quickly grabbed a bottle of plain water. That was all she could afford tonight; it was all she could afford most nights.
Closing the door back over, she couldn't help but let her gaze flicker to the stacks of sweets, chocolates and crisps all sitting temptingly for her on rows of shelves.
God, she hadn't had a Kitkat in probably years. Would anyone notice if she were to slip it into the pocket of her coat?
The poor girl hadn't eaten since breakfast, and even then all she had was an apple, before heading out to her long-houred shift. And God knows she'd most likely collapse straight into her bed when she got home tonight, not having the energy to find something to eat in her dusty cupboards. Hell, even she knew the last time that those cupboards had been fully stocked was when her mum had bought her groceries the first day she moved in, wanting it to be her house-warming gift. And that was maybe near a year ago.
Standing on her tiptoes, Layla took a look over the couple of aisles to where the old man stood at the cashier. He had a mug of tea resting on the counter beside the till as he read one of tomorrow's newspapers that had probably just been delivered to be set out in store for tomorrow. The point being, Barney's attention was anywhere but on Layla.
She could do it right now, nick the chocolate bar, and no one would know.
But she didn't. She couldn't.
Barney had always been so kind to her. He was the type of person who would slip her a free pack of gum simply because she visited the store so often; he would tell her of how his granddaughter had drawn him a picture at school one day, or of how his son – who was a well-paid doctor – had decided to pay him a rare visit to catch up, something that Barney treasured each time it happened. He was a lovely, kind-hearted old man that still kissed the photo of his passed wife goodnight before he went to bed, and every time Layla spoke to him, her heart swelled in warmth, and she could see the way his eyes always sparkled with pride and happiness when he spoke of his family. Barney never ceased to make Layla smile, so sweet and caring, and she saw him as a dear friend, really.
Hell, the old man probably wouldn't even have minded if Layla asked to have that damn Kitkat for free, but she couldn't do it without permission. She couldn't steal from him.
Huffing out a tired breath, she shook her head at the outrageous idea of theft. She was supposed to be twenty years old not twelve. She was supposed to be an adult, buying proper meals not debating on whether to steal a candy bar for her dinner. She was disappointed in herself.
Pulling her desperate stare away from the sweet-filled aisle, Layla couldn't fight the yawn that left her, while she brought one of her hands up to rub her eyes. It was obvious the exhaustion from that shift and the lack of food and energy in her system was catching up to her.
She then brought her hand up to tuck a piece of hair that had fallen out of her bun behind her ear while turning to walk down the aisle to go and buy her water.
"Working late again, are we?" Barney said, looking up from his newspaper as she made her way towards him. Crinkles hugged the corners of his eyes as he gave the girl that warm smile he always wore. A thick pair of glasses balanced on the bridge of his nose while a flat cap perched atop his head. Clad in a shirt and woollen jumper, he looked like the adorable elder he was, one that you couldn't refuse to walk his dog or help him cross the street.
"Unfortunately," Layla smiled back, stopping momentarily next to the shelf holding the various magazine and newspapers of the week. One headline caught her eye; 'Old couple mugged and beaten and left for dead.'
She couldn't deny the lump in her throat that formed as she read the title. Maybe she was sensitive or too empathetic, but the girl couldn't help but be filled with so much sorrow in any sad situation, whether she knew the person or not. And this... well, she could never comprehend why anyone, no matter what reason, no matter what conscience, would mug an elder never mind beat them and leave them without help.
Pulling her gaze from the dreadful story, she turned back to Barney. "How are your family doing?"
Instantly – if possible – Barney's entire face shone even brighter at the mere mention of his loved ones.
"I got a phone call from Adam last night and he was wondering if I was free this weekend to come over for dinner on Sunday, isn't that great?" The excitement within his voice was enough to have Layla's heart swarm with happiness.
Adam was Barney's son, the doctor who became distant. Albeit Barney was a kind man, he didn't have a perfect past and his excessive drinking led him to have a very rocky and cold relationship with his son. And after years upon years of rehab and recovery and trying to make up for lost time, Adam's suggestion of a family dinner was the first time Barney had ever been invited to his son's home making it a very big deal for the old man. Layla knew this.
"Oh, Barney. That's absolutely wonderful. I'm so happy for you." She told him earnestly, a large grin pulling her lips tight as she tried to contain herself.
Barney was the same, adjusting his glasses on his nose as he opened his mouth to respond.
But then it all happened.
It was so quick, so sudden and neither of the two knew how to react. Those outside voices from moments ago that she didn't care for were suddenly a grave danger towards her.
All too fast, the glass door of the little corner shop had been busted open, causing Barney to jump back from the counter in fright and Layla to duck down behind the aisle in reaction, as the culprits – maybe a group of five – entered the shop.
Each of them wore all black, and each of them bared fire arms.
Terror suffocated the room.
She didn't know what to do, cowering on the floor with her hands covering her eyes. Layla was petrified, shaking and crying.
God, she knew this was the bad part of town. She knew that stuff like this happened all the time in this area. But never had it happened when she was there. So perhaps, for some naïve reason, she thought it as being false, not true, just a threat, just a rumour, since, until then, she hadn't witnessed this situation herself.
Jesus, how foolish could she be?
The rough voices of the attackers shot orders at Barney, but Layla didn't know what was said, for her mind was a chaotic hurricane, her ears ringing in alert.
What was she going to do?
Breathing heavily, she didn't dare make her presence known; as far as she was concerned, the intruders weren't aware that she was there in the store too, they only knew of Barney. And although she wanted to help the old man - by God did she - she was too scared. And so she only stayed where she was, on the floor, curled up. God, anyone would think she was a twelve year old girl by the way she acted, weak and frightened. She thought herself a coward.
Come on, Layla. You can't just sit there, her subconscious fought her, battling with her to gather up some bravery. She needed to help Barney, do anything to help him out. He would do the same for her, without hesitation. The poor man shouldn't have to endure this on his own.
But then it all happened so soon, before she could even blink to help him.
First came the nasty voice, its hellish words resounding through Layla's ears. "You've fucked up big time, old man," it said and then followed the sound Layla would never forgive herself for.
One, two, three, four, five gunshots shattered through the walls, the sound so thunderous and deadly, causing an earthquake within Layla.
And lastly, the dull thump of something heavy hitting the ground, of Barney hitting the ground, echoed through his store. Unmoving and un-living.
But then came the heart wrenching scream that took everyone by surprise. It was a sound itself that sounded so pained, so frightened, filled with so much devastation and horror all in one.
Layla's hands clasped over her mouth, fresh tears flooding her face as she pathetically fought back making any more noise.
How could she be so stupid, so careless. It was accidental, a reaction to the sudden death. She never anticipated it, though some perhaps think she should've. Yet, all that was branded in her mind was the poor old man dead on the ground, all his kindness and warmth leaving him. And she would never hear of his stories again.
So much captivated her in that moment. Guilt at how selfish she was as to not act in fear of her own safety. Trauma at even experiencing such a situation to begin with. And the sound of heavy taunting footsteps of a killer.
The killers had heard her scream.
And she was paralysed, unable to make her body move no matter what her mind screamed at her. Her muscles seized and her pupils dilated, the slamming of her heart bellowed in her ears.
She could hear them getting closer and closer to the aisle she hid in. And then they had stopped, the footsteps no more, only to be greeted by a sound so much worse, a voice. The same voice that barked those last words Barney would hear.
"Well, well, well. Look-ey 'ere." The deep cruel sound caused Layla's body to freeze even more, every single muscle tensing as she refused to open her eyes that were so fiercely clamped shut. Her mind pleaded for this to be her imagination, for this to all be some fucked up prank, anything to soothe her mind that this wasn't real, that this wasn't happening.
God, was she naïve.
Before she could comprehend what was happening, a tight grasp was wrapped around her forearm as the man that stood before her ripped her from her place on the ground and onto her stumbling feet.
She tried to fight the man, whoever he was, kicking, hitting, struggling to get his blood-stained hands off her skin. But he was too strong and before she knew it, he had brought her arm up towards her back, to the point where she was practically bent over in pain as the feeling of something cold and metallic was pressed to the back of her head.
"Move, sweetheart, or I'll blow your fucking head off." The malicious man spoke, a dark chuckle leaving him as Layla had no option but to do as she was told.
Staggering forward, her breathing was thick, her heart battling her rib cage as she was forced to walk to the front counter, the place where the rest of the gang of bandits waited along with the frail corpse of the poor shop owner. She couldn't bring herself to look at it.
"What'll we do with this one, eh?" The man with a hold on her taunted, speaking as though everything he said was some sick joke. It made the girl feel nauseous. "Kill her?"
A whimper involuntarily tumbled from Layla's mouth before she could stop it, as the idea of death approaching sooner than she anticipated haunted her. But the sound was out of line as the man grasped a tighter hold on her arm and pressed the gun even closer to her head. "Shut up, you little bitch."
Wisely making no more sound, Layla bit her lip her eyes squeezed so tightly shut. She was anticipating it now, her own death. It was as though her pain and panic was volted up higher and was sourced by the gun that rested tightly against her head.
Suddenly, she felt a harsh wrench at her hair, the evil man behind her pulling her head back roughly before he bent forward, his lips brushing the back of her head as he spoke the words; "I reckon we could have a little fun with her."
She could feel his breath slithering down the back of her neck, and although the act was barely, his words were disgusting and she felt nothing short of violated.
A couple of the other men chuckled in agreement, and she was sure her whole body writhed in filth. They wouldn't dare, would they?
Yet another symptom of her naivety, doubting the capability of a group of men that just killed an innocent man.
With her head still yanked backwards, Layla dared to peel one of her eyes open, her blurry vision catching sight of the attackers.
Every single one of them had their eyes on her, some with wickedness, some with hunger, one with sympathy.
Her eyes flickered back to him, the man that held such a look. It was sympathy at her. His dark eyes bore into Layla's own, his gaze so out of place, so shocking.
Compared to the others, he seemed to hold a sense of uncertainty, maybe some sanity (and a conscience) flitting through his mind. Layla couldn't help but wonder why a guy like him would get mixed up with a group of guys like this.
But she scolded herself. She didn't know the man. For all she knew he could be the cruellest one of them all, and maybe his best skill was deception. She didn't know what he was capable of.
She didn't know what any of them were capable of. That thought alone choked her.
But then, finally, another voice spoke. It sounded deep, husky, rough. It was filled with authority, with power, and from the sound alone she knew whoever he was, he was in control. The words he spoke were slow, intimidating as though everything he spoke was with threat.
"Take her back." Was all he said.
Layla didn't get the chance to identify who the voice had come from, and before she could comprehend what the words even meant, an excruciating pain spread like wildfire through the back of her head until a darkness swallowed her.
A/N: hope you enjoyed part 1! lemme know if you would like a part 2 xx
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Un-break My Heart || Ariana & Layla
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @letsbenditlikebennett & @laylacooke SUMMARY: Ariana comes home and finally talks things out with Layla.  CONTENT: Sibling death mentions
It had been almost a week since Layla had returned from her mini mental vacation of destruction. There was so much sitting on her mind, that most days she had avoided interacting with people for fear of what they might say or do. And there were still several people on her list she needed to apologize to. One of those being Ariana. The trailer seemed so empty without her. She had gotten used to Ulf being around, but Layla usually kept to herself and in her room with the door closed, unless it was dinner time or she was outside doing something. The concussion she had received from the blow to the head didn’t help things either, leaving her either overly emotional or laying in a dark room with a headache. And while she could remember the overall events of last week, smaller details were forgotten.
Today had been a headache day and laying in the dark felt like the best option. She had heard Ulf leave early that morning leaving her alone in a trailer that once held so much life. Celeste had been on her mind, and as she dozed off to sleep, she dreamed of one of the last times they had spoken to each other.
The week away had given Ariana a chance to clear her head a little bit. All the problems Layla had caused aside, she had a difficult time changing the sense of rage that fired off in her when she thought of her own mind being magically manipulated. While her grief was getting a little easier to navigate, the potential of another layer of guilt had frightened her. She was barely managing to keep it all together and navigate through her loss as it was. She didn’t want to lose herself, lose the person that Celeste had been so proud to call sister. Now that her leg was starting to heal up, she knew she should be here helping Ulf with the cabin. It was meant to be their home after all. She couldn’t avoid Layla forever and she did miss her. She felt ready enough to remain calm while talking this out. She could smell her when she quietly opened the front door to the trailer. The door to their bedroom was closed, so she lightly rapped on it and called out, “Lay, are you in there?”
Layla was deep in a dream about Celeste, when her sensitive ears picked up on the soft knock followed by Ariana’s voice. Jumping, she came out of the sleep she was in and blinked her eyes a few times. The headache she was nursing had subsided somewhat, but was still lingering near the stitched area on her head. Slowly pushing herself up and yawning, she looked over to the door, “Ariana?” She was somewhat confused, but was grateful to hear the girl’s voice. Layla shifted under the blanket on Ari’s bed, so she could face the door; having graduated from the floor to the bed since she had been the only one staying in the room at the moment. Hoping she wasn’t imagining things, she waited for the door to open and the other wolf to come in.
It was now or never. With Layla calling out her name, Ariana opened the door to her room and saw her there, curled up in the bed. It was better than the floor at least. She looked tired and the room was dark, so she figured she must have been napping. Part of her just wanted to leave and let her finish her nap in peace, but if she was ever going to let go of this anger, she had to tell Layla how she felt. She took a seat at the edge of the bed and softly said, “I was hoping we could maybe talk things out, if you’re up for it.”
Rubbing her eyes, she pulled herself up so she could lean against the back of the bed. She knew this day was coming, and while she was glad to see Ariana and to see that she was okay, she had wondered what this would mean for their friendship. It scared her, but Layla had brought this on herself, and it was time to face the music, “Yeah. I think that’s probably what’s for the best.” She gave Ariana a sad smile knowing that this could possibly be the last time they had a heart-to-heart. But Layla had been waiting for this day. It had just come sooner than she had thought it would.
The anger hadn’t completely subsided, but Ariana knew how quickly things could go South in this town and she knew what Celeste would say. Patience and understanding. She tried to emulate that. Tried to hold on to the sound of Celeste’s voice in her mind, guiding her even now. She breathed in and out slowly, keeping her demeanor calm as she asked, “So what happened with that fidget spinner? How’d you end up… like that?”
Layla could sense that Ariana was still angry, and that was fair. The things the redhead had done to her wasn’t right, and she was about to truly find out how the girl had felt, but first she had to explain herself and her motives. Something that was easier said than done, especially having a week to sit on her feelings and to realize how ridiculous her choices had been, but in the moment, they had seemed justified, “I thought it was the right thing to do. To stop feeling everything that I was feeling, especially after killing a man in the woods on the last full moon and remembering it…” She could still hear his screams and it caused the words to hitch in her throat, “But I thought that if I had no heart, I could protect the people I cared about, because if you and Frankie and everyone else were gone out of my life, then you wouldn’t have to deal with my problems anymore. And now…” She let out a long slow sigh, “here you are having to deal with them again.”
Ariana frowned slightly as she listened to Layla explain. She breathed slowly as she tried to process what it all meant. Part of her still couldn’t quite understand. As low as she felt in the thick of her grief, she couldn’t imagine turning that pain off. She couldn’t understand not leaning on the people closest to her, but she tried to remember just how skittish Layla had been when they first met back in that alley. It’d been evident she wasn’t used to the kind of love and support she was being offered here. Her instinct wasn’t to lean on those around her when the world seemed too heavy. Celeste had always encouraged her to be forthcoming with how she felt and always listened to understand. The little family she’d built in White Crest had always been just as supportive. As much as she wanted to be mad about it, she realized Layla had never had that besides with her and Frankie. She knew her parents did a number on her, but the cracks were more apparent now. She could hear the strain in her voice and put a gentle hand on her shoulder as she softly said, “I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to truly understand, but I’m trying to.” She gave Layla’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze, “You’re not alone though, with any of this. You never have to be. And maybe with everything you’ve been through, that’s hard to understand, but we carry things together, okay? We help each other. Please don’t run from me or Frankie or anyone else when things get hard, we’re here for you. I’m here for you.���
She didn’t want to cry. Hell, she even fought not to cry, but she did anyway. How could Ariana be that kind when Layla had almost ruined her life? She really had something special in the people who surrounded her now, but her past seemed to always come back to haunt her, and it made her hard to trust. Years of torment from those who she thought truly loved her. And while the previous week had been a nightmare for everyone around her, and had now put more pressure on Layla, something seemed different. Something within herself. It was as if she could actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. She wanted to push forward. To be better. To do better. The people and the hope she needed lay just in front of her, and she was determined to press forward to reach it. After all, one could only live in the dark for so long, before they had to come out for some form of light. Leaning into Ariana’s hand, she had appreciated the words coming out of her friends mouth, especially knowing this wouldn’t be the end of their friendship, “I know I caused a lot of problems, and maybe one day, I’ll be able to explain to you both what happened in my past, but know that I’m not running anymore. I’m ready to face everything head on and to grow and learn from what I did. I’m tired of fighting myself. I just, for once in my life, want to feel whole. If that even makes sense.”
As mad as she had been, Ariana knew she hadn’t exactly handled things perfectly either. That very anger had gotten the better of her when it came to saving Layla from the spell she seemed to have put herself under. Everything turned out okay and Layla was Layla again, but she knew she’d gotten lucky and she needed to think things through before acting. Plus, she told Layla she’d always be there for her. This wasn’t the first time they’d make mistakes and she knew it wouldn’t be the last. Maybe Layla didn’t quite see it like that just yet, but if she just kept being here, one day she would realize she didn’t have to lone wolf shit. Seeing her cry, Ariana wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Hey,” she whispered, “It’s alright. We’re both going to mess up sometimes. We may need some time apart, but I’m never just going to hate you for making a mistake. It may have hurt me and I’m still trying to understand. You’re always going to be important to me though. I don’t know how to help or know the right answers, but I can be here for whatever you need.”
Knowing Ari was at her side was a relief in some ways, but Layla knew she had been a poor friend. The other wolf had been going through so much herself, and aside from wanting Ari to know how truly sorry she was, Layla also wanted to start being a better companion, “Yeah, I know. But you shouldn’t have to put up with my bullshit anymore, Ari.” She looked to the girl, “I’m going to be making some changes in my life. I’ve had an entire week to think about it, since Ulf isn’t much of a talker.” She looked down and paused for a moment gathering her words. Looking back to Ari, she spoke, “What you’ve been dealing with, I should’ve respected, and I shouldn’t have tried to take that away from you. Starting now, Ariana, I’m going to be a better friend to you. A better packmate. If you need me, I’m here, okay? And, God forbid, if any other so-called Pie Prizes show up on my doorstep, I’m coming straight to you, and we’re going to dispose of them together, so you know there will never be that risk of me doing something so stupid again. I can’t guarantee I won’t mess up in other ways, but at least you’ll know that cursed items won’t be an issue.” She gave a soft, reassuring smile to her friend.
It did mean a lot to her that Layla wanted to work to be a better friend to her and recognized that this all came up at a very difficult time for her. Ariana gave her a soft smile and gave her shoulder another gentle squeeze before pulling her arm away. “You know, at some point you’re going to have to put up with my bullshit, that’s how friendship works,” she explained although having so many friends was still new to her. She and Celeste had their fair share of arguments though and had always come out stronger. “Look, I want you to make these changes for yourself. I’m happy you want to be a good friend to me, but try to prioritize yourself, too, okay? We’re all here to help each other when things get heavy. I’m not going to lie and say the fidget spinner stuff on top of trying to deal with losing Celeste was a lot, but I’m going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. We’re going to be okay.” With a soft laugh she added, “Oh, I already fucking burned my pie prize contest. Don’t know what a dream snatcher is but I probably don’t want it.” She shifted slightly from the edge of the bed and looked to Layla, motioning for her to follow. “Now come one, let’s go have some make-up veggie burgers and vegan milkshakes. I brought some stuff home.”
To say going into this discussion didn’t have her nervous would be a lie. But it had gone so much better than she thought it would. Knowing that she still had a friendship with Ariana meant the world to Layla. Besides Frankie, Ari was her best friend, and she didn’t want to lose that friendship, “I’m certainly working on it. Pack mentality is new for me, and before, it was a dog-eat-dog world. My parents taught me, or tried to teach me, lone survival skills and that’s what got me into this mess. But I know having you, Ulf, Winn, and all the other wolves are what’s going to make me so much better. And um do you think that maybe Frankie could be an honorary member of the pack? Do you think that’s allowed? I don’t know if she’ll pray to the moon, but she's as loyal as a werewolf and tough as nails.” Hearing Celeste’s name, Layla looked to the floor. She had promised Celeste that she would watch out for Ariana, and she had broken that promise. But she was going to make it right, “I made a promise to your sister that I would watch out for you, and I broke that promise, but this is me, here and now, saying from this day forward, I’ve got your back.” She looked Ariana in the eyes as she made the promise, “And you have seen Jumanji, right? It’s probably good you did burn that thing.” Laughing softly, she slowly got off the bed, “You’re too good to me, you know that?” Layla limped towards the door, “And next time we fight, I promise no claws.” With the first real smile in quite some time, she made her way to the kitchen knowing that she would never completely be alone in the world with Ariana having her back.
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