#she would thrive if given the space to actually grow
I got some shit to talk and the only people I can talk to in real life are probably tired of me talking about this stuff so I'm ranting on here.
A little after we got baby girl, my sister in law bought a kitten from a lady off craigs list. The lady told sis in law that smoky was a super friendly and outgoing kitten, that smoky was wonderful around people and loved attention. Nearly a month into having smoky, and I can't help but feel like the lady lied her ass off to make 45 bucks. But also, sis in law kinda sucks at being a pet owner.
She immediately let her dog into her room where smoky was and was surprised when smoky freaked out. The dog, to be fair, is a super gentle and cat loving dog. But smoky had no previous experiences with dogs and after being taken to a new place was immediately put into the same room as a dog. So sis in law brought smoky to us. it was only supposed to be for a few days. It's been over a month.
Smoky is also not a cuddly cat. She prefers to sit near you and occasionally receive pets. She runs away if youre simply walking near her. And sis in law forced her to cuddle after she let her dog in. THen was surprised when smoky freaked the fuck out.
So now, we've been taking care of her for over a month with little to no help from sis in law. Sis in law just occasionally comes to give smoky a few treats and "try and bond" with her. But sis has said she's given up. She wanted to give her to us. We offered to pay for her because smoky has been thriving with us. But since sis in laws grandpa, whom she lives with and technically who paid for smoky, said if she gives us smoky (even if we pay for her) she cannot get another cat as long as he's alive/she lives with him. So now we're stuck in the stupid limbo where smoky is ours but not ours. We take care of her! We buy her food! We get all her necessities! But she's not ours. And She can't live with sis in law.
And honestly, I don't want smoky to live with her. Not just because I've grown attached and sis has given up on her. But also! Sis in law is not a great pet owner! No hate to her, she's only 20 and was never taught life skills or made to mature. But her last cat was never fixed, he was overweight, she rarely cleaned his litter box so he shit and pissed everywhere, and she's not a very clean person. She let her trailer get absolutely destroyed and never thinks to clean her current room.
Sure, she's getting better. I've been helping her learn how to be independent and a mature person when needed. But her living situation and way she cares for her pets appalls me. I don't want to give smoky back. I love smoky. I've grown so attached. Smoky is thriving with baby girl and my partner is her favorite person on earth. And when we move I want to take smoky with us. It would break my heart to have to give her back. I'm more then happy to give her 45$ to make smoky ours. I'm so fucking pissed about the situation.
WE take care of her. She's attached to US. She's attached to baby girl. Baby girl is attached to her. And i'm so worried about the quality of care sis in law will give her.
And don't get me wrong, sis in law loves animals, she just doesn't know how to care for them and she sees every misbehavior as a personal slight against her. If smoky were to go to the bathroom outside of the litter box because its filthy, everyone in the house would lose their shit. Not to mention brother in law is pretty allergic to cats and he also lives in the house. He loves smoky, but he barely cares for HIS dog.
And then theres the dogs themselves. One is good with cats, he gives them their space and loves on them if they let him. The other thinks personal space is fake and would more then likely injure smoky because he can be rough and has dominance issues. Neither dog is well trained and have issues. Neither sis nor brother in law take very good care of their respective dog. Brother in law typically expects sis in law to take care of his dog because he can't be bothered and his girlfriend is a sucky person and also dislikes dogs. Not to mention brother in laws girlfriend smokes a lot of weed and nurses her vape in the house. I don't want smoky around that. One of the dogs had to be rushed to the emergency vet just yesterday night due to the girlfriend flicking her weed waste out into the gravel and the dog eating it.
I could honestly go on a whole rant about brother in laws girlfriend. I don't like her at all. She's an awful person.
Actually, I'm gonna complain about the girlfriend too. She has a severe case of diabetes and plays guessing games with her insulin. On multiple occasions she has used her various health issues to manipulate everyone into giving her what she wants. She was supposed to move in with her grandma, look for a job, get her GED, and get her drivers license and actually take care of herself. She immediately moved onto the property, hasn't worked on anything she was supposed to, and constantly has a shitty attitude. She complains all the time and cries wolf every time someone tells her off. She actively stops brother in law from doing important things so he spends more time with her. If anyone is talking to brother in law she will repeatedly interrupt the conversation so he only pays attention to her. She gets money from her parents but refuses to spend it and forces everyone around her to pay for the things she wants.
She doesn't help around the property but complains all the time. Well, actually, she did the dishes once. So obviously she did her share and should never have to do anything else.
She's also a serial cheater and is already acting strange around brother in laws cousins husband.
She just sits and complains, does nothing to improve her life, but criticizes everyone else. Sister in law is working on learning how to be independent. She is working on her GED, she just got a pretty good job, and I'm helping her with several other things. Yes, she has a ways to go and a lot to learn. Her grandparents babied her and neglected to teach her any life skills. Sis in law sees that and has asked for my help to learn. The fucking girlfriend, instead of congratulating her told her she was too stupid to finish her GED. She said she would never amount to anything and was too stupid to live on her own. She said so many awful things. The girlfriend has done nothing but try to drag sis in law down and hurt her. Then, when someone calls the girlfriend out, she goes crying to spineless brother in law. AND THE FUCKER DEFENDS HER. He lets her get away with being an absolute asshole unless someone else tells him to get it together and maybe defend his little sister. But he doesn't think he could do better then a serial cheating, manipulative, asshole so he just lets her be an absolute dick to everyone.
She is also the only one who smokes weed on the property. Nobody else smokes weed. She goes out every 2 hours to smoke for 3 hours and just flicks her ash and stems out into the yard. So the whole property stinks of weed and the dogs have access to it. One dog nearly DIED yesterday because he "somehow" gained access to her weed. But she just has no clue how the dog got sick. It couldn't have possibly been connected to her. NOBODY ELSE SMOKES FUCKING WEED. IT LITERALLY COULD NOT HAVE BEEN ANYONE ELSES FAULT. oh, but she is the hero because she noticed when the dog started having a marijuana toxicity induced seizure. So even if it was her weed, she noticed the seizure first so everything is okay. HE WOULDN"T HAVE HAD A SEIZURE IF YOU DISPOSED OF YOUR SHIT PROPERLY.
She acts like she's the goddess damned messiah and everyone should bow down to her. She sits and wallows in self pity and bitterness and will drag everyone she can down with her. She treats everyone like shit and hasn't done shit the entire time she's lived her. She actively tears everyone around her down. I'm so tired of having to calm sis in law down because the girlfriend tore into her so bad she starts sobbing. But I have to be nice because we're renting from them and literally cannot move out. And until the girlfriend moved in, we were all making a lot of progress on so many projects. But now I have to play nice with her so i can keep a roof over our heads.
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phlurrii · 7 months
Out of curiosity, what does the psychic cat fam exactly do out there? (This doesn’t have to be exclusive to just now, also could have been just Meau, Noe, and Mew) Aside from vibing. They live in a paradise where food isn’t a concern and nothing with a brain would try to hurt them. Do they play fight? Teach the youngin’s their future jobs? Have games? Maybe some swipped books to read? Explore the world outside of their tree for funsies? See who can steal as many goodies from human society without getting caught?
I know it’s silly but I like the “filler” of things. To think about what characters are doing when the “plot” isn’t being progressed. It’s part of why I like the slice-of-life genre from time to time. Life isn’t always an adventure or fight against some opposing force, but it can still be fun!
I agree, I’m honestly a bit upset with myself, given how long each update takes I never noticed I wasn’t adding in enough filler. Something I plan to fix once we’re in Noe’s arc, as we are sadly, or luckily? Way too close to beginning it to shove any sudden filler in. For now I’m blaming it on first time story telling and having to do art school on the side X3
As for the gang, Meau did fly a little bit off the handle due to not having a lot of stimulation when she was younger before Noe showed up. As for what they did/do, for reasons that’ll become clear later; they mostly talked in the early days!
She would show off her creations, abilities, transformations, and forming ecosystems to him. He would ask about as many questions as one would with a new world and she thrived off it. They would watch other Pokémon’s life in secret like it was a soap opera, sometimes intervening to make it more interesting or admittedly have it lean towards the ending they wanted. Usually betting and taking opposing sides as to what would happen.
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Battling is a particular big one for Meau, she loves to get down and dirty with other legendaries and mythicals even if she has the power advantage. Most often fighting with her brothers, she wouldn’t be above transforming into the Pokémon she was fighting to even out the playing field, or even change her type so she was inherently weaker to it. It’s why she’s never been against human with their Pokémon battles, battling is an innate part of her creations and herself.
Missingno. on the other hand loves to explore, even with his age, he knows the world is in a constant state or change and ventures off on his own to explore it. He’s not nearly as against humans as Meau and has explored their cities and settlements. Most intrigue by their computers/technology nowadays and how he’s able to to interact with them. Meau has explored with him on occasion, but prefers to stay away.
I’d also imagine they like to race in very difficult conditions. High up in the atmosphere or just outside in the actual vacuum of space. Deep in the ocean, forcing them to make their own path through rock and stone. Which probably pisses off the weather trio invading all 3 of their areas, but that leads perfectly into the next one.
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They love to piss off the other legendaries, because… well, what can they do?
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There has been more then on tropical storm, tsunami, volcanic eruption, and general disaster caused by the Ancients pestering another powerful legend. Lastly, they sleep, if the current time is too boring, peaceful, or simply there is nothing to do that interests them… they’ll sleep for a couple thousand years.
As for more current day stuff, it’s much tamer since Bucket was taken, Meau woke up from a much needed thousands years nap to a very different world. Humans had well established themselves even further, technology exists, and they can clone/create pokemon. So she is staying in the tree with her suddenly growing family, just to watch. She wants to know what everything’s up too from a distance given they’ve somehow managed to trap and almost kill another mew, make a Mewtwo, and possibly a second one.
So she’s just always watching human society from the tree, whilst also teaching and nurturing Odysseus. He spends more of his time exploring the tree and occasional testing out powers. With Meau’s assistance. The trees massive and filled with Pokémon, so he’s got quite the endless bit of entertainment. Decamark is the newest edition and thus follows a lot of what Ody does! Though Noe has been poking them, figuratively, with a stick to figure out what he’s capable of.
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sliptohk · 9 months
Prompt #2: Bark
A small knife, sharpened to an edge keen enough to split hair that might fall across it, was the only proper way to collect the samples that Qata was so carefully drawing from the spindly little tree. A respectable feat to grow beneath the dense canopy that ensured the swampland beneath remained as dark, damp, and dreary as it was. While such a condition may have been off-putting to those more attuned to bright, sunlit meadows it was a lovely state for the young poisoner to collect samples from rare insects and plants that thrived there.
An impressive collection for the day, at that! From delightfully toxic mushrooms that would have unlucky sisters bemoaning their existence, to the debilitating diseases within insectile mandibles just waiting to lay burlier nuisances low for long enough to complete research upon the charmingly lethal seeds that had yet to be mastered. Yet to be named! The possibility of granting a title to a new concoction was enough to set the Keeper's tail whipping back in forth in clear excitement.
"Shimmers? Expulses? Whimpers? Whimpers! Hm. No, that sounds underwhelming."
Distracted by the loose concepts that had moved from mind to tongue, Qata felt the hard thump of a glass container striking her lightly on top of the head. Thankfully the flattened bottom, as having a bottle aggressively smashed over her skull would have addled the thoughts going through her mind rather than simply distracting them for a moment.
"What are you rambling on about, sister?" Pelhna scowled down at the shorter miqo'te, hand tapping that container a few more times for good measure. "Finally pickled your brain? Or is this the last bit of brine to finish the process?"
Glancing upward, Qata squinted in confusion at her. What last bit was the older woman talking about? It took several moments before she came to realize that they were talking about the strips freshly cut from the tree. And a good deal of effort not to break out into cackling that may have incited more enthusiastic fury from her short-tempered sister. Appraising the particularly large centipede rattling around in that jar helped shift thoughts down less amusing channels.
What a beautiful specimen. And the muscle contractions it induced were positively memorable!
"Yes, my dear sister! Have you not yet worked with it? Fantastic materials! Simply crush it to dust and it paralyzes the lungs! Cut too deep and the sap within twists your belly all up in knots if you consume even a drop! Why, I got a single splinter once before and was fairly certain I was going to lose the finger! Luckily Sehkrah was nearby to resolve the matter!"
As anticipated, the swift rattling off of particularly unappealing effects should the sapling be poorly handled was enough to earn a bit of space as Pelhna skittered back a couple steps. Though whether because Qata was speaking so enthusiastically with broad gestures of her knife wielding hand, or the sample holding one, was difficult to determine. But she was confident she could develop a strong theory regarding it should she so wish.
It was actually the overly thrilled, and unwittingly goofy, fang-bearing grin that had crossed her face that had actually accomplished it. Though she had never come to realize that was a familiar expression whenever she began to ramble on far too energetically about unsettling topics.
Stuffing that centipede into her satchel, Pelhna gave a brief hissed reply, "Just keep it away from my table! You never warn us when you leave such things unattended!"
"Rest assured, my most beloved sister! I would never do something like that! On purpose, that is. Never on purpose!"
Had it been any of the other Ooja of their generation, the comment would have been a lie. A bald-faced one, given the way they embraced the concept of sabotage so readily amongst the clan. But one of Qata's few virtues had always been her stalwart honesty. Often to a bafflingly overly frank fault.
Not in this situation, of course. At least not in regards to the exhaustive list of side effects she made up on the spot. Simply a harmless little lie to keep the less dexterous, or at least less self-destructive, Ooja from tampering with the lovely little tree she had discovered. It was of grave importance. A rarity amongst the Shroud, or at least the section of it that the Ooja resided in. Simply the pinnacle of material to work with.
It did make such a lovely smelling incense if properly processed.
Qata would happily come up with even more frightening descriptions of the sapling's effects so long as it kept anyone else from helping themselves to the harmless little thing instead.
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wakeup-awg · 1 year
All that we're thankful for
--Sunday, 11/27--
Alex: Alex groaned when he felt the bed shift. He had no idea what time it was, but it felt like it was entirely too early to be awake. The last couple of days had been absolutely tiring, but so beautiful too. If anyone had told him he'd have such a great time preparing a huge ass Thanksgiving dinner with his girlfriend to spend the day with a whole lot of family and friends and their three little ones running around, Alex would have laughed at them. Let alone all of that in between four sold out shows in the band's hometown. One of those shows was the night before and Alex had gotten back home late, a little bit drunk and happy to crawl into bed with Sophie. He felt more movement ont the bed and rolled over onto his stomach so he could hide his face in one of the pillows, he wasn’t ready to get up and face the day yet. “Daddy!” Willa’s voice caused him to lift his head the littlest bit and blink his eyes open tiredly. “Daddy, wake up,” the little girl repeated and Alex could feel her climbing onto his back, slapping her little hands against the back of his shoulders in an attempt to wake him. “Nooo,” he whined, burying his face back in his pillow. “Wake mommy up,” he mumbled into the fabric, unsure if Willa could understand since his voice was muffled. Truth was, he wasn’t even sure if Sophie was still in bed with them or already up caring for their other kids, but it was worth a try, right?
Sophie: The last few days, or really few weeks had been crazy. Prepping for a big family and friends Thanksgiving was something she wasn't sure she would ever get used to years ago but every year with Alex it got better and better. Add in they had a very healthy 28 month old, 16 month old and 4 month old thriving every single day. It made things crazy between her acting and his music careers and three kids growing but it was the best feeling. Thanksgiving had gone off without a hitch in between sold out concerts where the kids had stayed with Alex's parents. Today was a lazy Sunday their friends going to explore Baltimore or beginning their treks home depending on who the person was and if they had other obligations. They were tired, no double about it. When Willa crawled into bed she peaked to see Noah and Avery still asleep. "No, no waking mummy. You wanted the daddy's little princess role, and now you can suffer." Sophie said tucking herself back under the blanket and if on command Willa went back to bugging Alex because she knew she would. She was such a daddy's girl except when Sophie was pregnant or giving too much attention to the other babies and then sometimes she wanted her. "Best of luck babe." she said pulling her own pillow over her head.
Alex: Alex never would’ve thought he‘d end up like this but it was always the best feeling to be waking up with his family. Sophie and him often fell asleep somehow tucked together and sometimes both shifted to free themselves, given Alex was easily getting too hot and sometimes you just needed space to sleep peacefully. It also made it easier to get up for the kids one at a time, not both of them every night and they had somehow found a way that worked for them where they alternated and somehow knew who the babies needed, or who needed more sleep that moment. So some mornings, when Alex woke he had to actually open his eyes or roll around the bed to either find Sophie still tucked into the sheets with him, or feel her side of the bed empty and cold. This morning he had been too busy trying to hide to look for Sophie first, but she quickly gave away that she was indeed still in bed and not willingly getting up just yet either. Alex grunted and huffed out, of course Willa immediately went back to trying to wake him. He tried to ignore it, but her little hands kept slapping against him and her voice was close to his ear now. “Alright, alright,” he muttered into the pillow and then shifted, moving onto his side so he could lift his arm and tug Willa in who squealed because she was taken by surprise but then started giggling and laughing when Alex tucked her into the blanket with him so she’d lay down and cuddle. “It’s too early to be awake yet,” he told her, sure she would easily disagree with him.
Sophie: There was a lot of give and take in their relationship and family. There was times when she would get up so Alex could sleep and vice versa. It was just how it went and they seemed to do pretty damn well with it. Alex did get up with Willa after her little hands continued to whack at his back until he scooped her up and pulled her close hearing her squeal and giggle. It seemed like they’d get a good little cuddle in so Sophie managed to doze back off for a little bit. When she blinked her eyes open it was still super early, she wasn’t sure where Willa had gotten this early rising gene from but she was definitely thriving on waking up early before needing a nap. Turning over she found them cuddling and her babbling to Alex. Moving over she kissed the back of Alexs neck before whispering. “Mm if you can get her down for a nap the other kids are still sleeping and I was thinking I have a way to make up for all those photos I sent you on thanksgiving.” She hummed in his ear grinning. She could tell Willa would end up falling asleep and if they were now gonna be awake they could at least enjoy their morning too in bed in multiple ways.
Alex: Both Sophie and him were perfectly happy to be lingering in bed in the morning for as long as they could so where Willa got this much energy so early in the morning, Alex didn’t know. Maybe it was just because she was still little and everything excited her. He managed to lay her down with him for a cuddle and instead of wanting to be up and moving, she seemed to settle for telling him stories about anything and everything (Alex tried very hard not to doze back off and while he managed to keep his eyes open, he had trouble following all the words coming out of the toddlers mouth). A nice shiver ran down his back when he felt Sophie moving and her lips pressing to his neck. He chewed on his lower lips at her words and the prospect of getting to spend some time enjoying their morning together and instead of replying to Sophie’s whispered words, he looked at their daughter and faked a big yawn. “How’s a nap sound, mh? Wanna play a game, who naps the longest wins,” Alex suggested with a grin and maybe it was the drowsiness settling on Willa or the idea of playing a game that made her agree. It didn’t take too long until she was fast asleep again and Alex slipped out of bed and gently picked her up to bring her back to her own room. “You better not have fallen back asleep,” he said, voice soft as he returned to the bedroom, closing and locking the door behind him before he started to wander back to bed.
Sophie: She was appreciative of moments where Alex would just let Willa cuddle with him while she got some more shut eye. When he was busy running sound checks and promo and whatever else needed to be done for shows she had three babies with the help of Annie. He always put in the time and effort she’d never deny any of that. A soft giggle left her lips when he was already trying to convince Willa to take a nap by playing a game. Her fingers trailed up and down his arm while he waited for the little girl to fall asleep before he was up and out of the bed and she figured making sure she was safely tucked in and safe in her room before hearing him return. She laid on the bed eyes closed sheet covered across her belly before hearing his voice as she made a little soft noise of non-committal but a grin still tugged to her lips at the click of the locking door. When he reached the bed she opened her eyes and licked her lips biting down slowly worrying her lower lip between her white teeth, bright blue eyes looking up to Alexs as if she was all innocent when she was definitely anything but.
Alex: It took a little time to get Willa to fall asleep and when she did Alex only waited a few moments to make sure she really was sleeping before he carried her back to her room and tucked her into her own bed, leaving her safe and sound there. Upon returning to the bedroom, he took the brief moment to glance into the other kids’ rooms, making sure they were still fast asleep so he didn’t feel worried when he finally locked Sophie and himself into their bedroom. He shook his head at the soft sound he got in return, she might be pretending, but he wasn’t too worried about her actually going back to sleep. Wandering back to bed, Alex didn’t bother to climb back onto his side of it, but rather crawled over Sophie, coming to rest on top of her with his arms on either side of her, face shifting closer to hers and he found her staring up at him, feigning innocence. “Your fault I’m up, you stay up with me,” he grinned back at her, licking his lips as his eyes briefly glanced down to catch her biting down on her own.
Sophie: When Alex returned she didn’t know why she felt her heart skip a beat and her stomach do a little flip. It wasn’t like they hadn’t been intimate and while it was more about finding time now with three kids there was something about the way he still looked at her nearly three years later that made butterflies churn in her stomach and her heart race all over again. He crawled onto the bed his body moving directly over hers, his weight welcomed as her hands immediately settled on his hips, nails gently biting into his skin where his shirt was raised slightly. “Mmm I believe that was our daughter who woke you that we both had a part in making. You know that day you took me in the water against the rock.” Her mouth recounting the details I’m not complete vulgarity but enough to paint a picture. Her body moved stretching as her leg slide up his side and hooked around his leg and slid up to his hip causing her hips to push up into his grinding into him. “Care to re-enact that moment right now?” She husked. “I think you earned having your way with me however you want after thanksgiving.”
Alex: As he returned to bed, his body easily sank against Sophie, really one of his favorite spots, close to her. She welcomed him too, her hands reaching out for his hips and he could easily feel the way her nails dug lightly into his skin where the fabric of the shirt he was wearing was riding up a bit. “You made sure she kept trying to wake me up though,” Alex chuckled softly, humming softly as he felt her leg around his, tugging him in some more until she was pressed to him. He remembered the day she was talking about all too well, and a soft chuckled left his lips. “I’d say we’re missing a rock.. and a whole lot of water to re-enact /that/,” he teased, leaning in a bit closer to her, his lips almost touching hers and yet ready to seal with a kiss. “Plus, we’d have to get rid of some of these before.” His one hand had slid down and he now brought it to Sophie’s side, gripping into the fabric lightly.
Sophie: As his body sank against hers Sophie was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Alex was meant for her. The way his body fit in hers, the way they reacted together. “She wanted you anyway. She was gonna keep waking you up. But now /I/ want you.” She hummed as he said they didn’t have the rock or the amount of water. “No but I think the bed can suffice as the rock and I’m sure you can get me wet enough to not worry about the water babe.” She grinned as his hand gripped into the fabric, “I think losing the clothes would be the easiest thing. You know they say the easiest way to warm up on cold days outside is body heat on body heat. And I think being inside me counts as that.” Obviously feeling frisky she had been since thanksgiving given the photos she had sent him throughout the day and night but with a houseful of people didn’t make it easy she was honestly surprised that night he hadn’t taken her before sleep other than the fact of pure exhaustion.
Alex: The way she said she wanted him now, and the obvious way she toyed with the idea of them being intimate together made Alex's head spin a little. Sophie so easily went from playing coy to blurting out these kind of things that made Alex be glad he was already resting on top of her because had he stood he would’ve worried about his knees going weak. A grin curled onto his lips and he arched a brow. “Is that what they say?” he chuckled softly, leaning in this time to brush a few kisses on her neck. His hands started shifting, moving up and grabbing at her shirt to pull it up in the process. “I’ve been wanting to be inside of you for days now,” he husked in her ear and a swift movement let him roll his hips into hers slightly as if to make a point. The pictures she’d sent him had left him wanting to catch her alone but the house had been so fully of people and the only times it was just the two of them they were both entirely too tired to think of as much physical activity as this would require. Alex pulled back enough to lift the shirt off of Sophie and then he leaned down, capturing her lips in a hungry kiss.
Sophie: The safety she felt with Alex was always the biggest part to their relationship. To explore her wants, desires, needs, to be innocent and need him to bring a more playful side of herself out to being more dominating and letting her express what she wanted. “It is what people say but I think we could test that theory.” She murmured. When he husked after feeling his warm lips against her throat she moaned, hearing verbally how much he had wanted to be inside her for days now. Days. Feeling his hips push down pinning hers, his length dragging through their pajama as he thickened and the moan that left her lips was pure erotic. His hands pulled off her shirt leaving her topless under him. “I think I’m gonna have to start doing that more. Sending you photos till you need to be in me.” She returned as if it wasn’t obvious she needed him just as much as her hands make quick work of removing his shirt.
Alex: „Mmh, are we cold? We can totally test out the theory,” he murmured, a smile tugging at his lips at the sound of her moaning the way she did. He didn’t take too long to remove Sophie’s shirt and his hands found her sides once she was topless beneath him, exploring her skin, feeling the softness of it against his fingertips as he dragged them up the sides and a low growl left his lips when Sophie suggested she’d tease him with photos more often. He’d never say no to those, but the time between seeing them and getting to actually see her like had been too long for his liking. After their kiss, Sophie helped get rid off his shirt and when it was tossed aside he was already pressing his now bare chest against hers, eager to want to feel more of her skin against his. Alex rolled his hips again, hoping for another moan because that was like music to his ears. While he let his hands wander down her body, he nuzzled his face in her neck, nibbling and kissing at the skin there. His hands found the hem of her pajama pants and he tugged at them lightly before slipping one inside to find that spot between her legs he so desperately wanted to be in.
Sophie: "Mmm it's always cold in the morning when it's nearly December." she pointed out, even if the house was well heated it was still a farm house and a little chill could slip in though Alex was a perpetual heater and just him on top of her like this could radiate heat. The growl that left his lips cause her to whimper slightly. There was something about the more dominating side of Alex. She knew he loved the photos, it was obvious give she could feel him on top of her. Though going so many days in between probably wasn't any fun for him it hadn't been fun for her. Their kiss was heavy against each other, the way his mouth tasted against hers. Her head tilted back and another moan elicited from her lips when his hips rolled down into hers. "Alex" The word came more as a desperate and pleading gasp came to her lips, a raspy moan of his name as his hand found its way between her legs, finding the pooling wetness there. While it hadn't been long it had still been days of teasing between the pair that any contact was so much needed contact between the physical pair.
Alex: He was sure Sophie could feel the grin on his lips as he listened to her moan and the desperate plea of his name. He bit at her skin lightly, almost playfully, though his mind was clouded with lust and need now. He wanted her, and from the wetness he felt once his fingers were between her legs, he very much knew she wanted him too. “Baby,” he husked out before nibbling at her ear and then trailing kisses along her jaw to bring his own mouth back to hers. “Still too many clothes,” he murmured before capturing her lips in a kiss again. His fingers circled her core a few times before he pulled his hand back so he could start tugging her pants down, wanting to get rid of the rest of her clothing finally, the mental picture of her fully naked beneath him already in his mind.
Sophie: She knew that this was exactly what he wanted. To elicit a sound and reaction from him touching her. Which it wasn't like that didn't happen every single time. "Then I think we should stop fooling around and get the rest of our clothes off." she said rolling her hips again. "You know I want you." she murmured. "But I want you inside of me, not just your hand." she mewled before he captured her mouth. Feeling his hands pulling at her pajamas she hummed softly lifting her lips before reacing down to find his own pants and starting to push at them to get her own goal of Alex naked. She shifted her body to push up slightly enough to really push down on the pants her mouth hungrily crashing with his.
Alex: Their legs had been tangled together the way they had grinded their hips together but now for a brief moment they had to untangle themselves to get the clothes off. Alex wasn't a fan of the loss of contact but he knew very well it brought them closer to where they both wanted to be. He groaned softly at her words and then captured her lips again, his mouth hungrily moving against hers as they shifted and moved to get the rest of their clothing off. When all fabric was gone, Alex sank down against Sophie, humming at the feeling of her body pressing into his, fully naked now. He rolled his hips into hers in a last attempt to tease before readjusting so he was able to slide the tip of his cock inside of her. “Soph,” he moaned at the contact and then rolled his hips again so he could bury himself inside of her finally.
Sophie: They could speak this unspoken need between them without even saying what they wanted. Of course, they would be vocal sometimes depending on what that need was if it was something particular one or the other had in mind. Feeling him lay between her once their clothes were removed she felt his hard cock rocking her hips to let her wetness coat him. Then she felt him shift the tip of him starting to push between her lips as she whimpered and whined, her legs pushing further apart to allow him in easier before he buried himself inside of her. "Fuck Alex." she breathed out, her nails scratching down down his back gently before wrapping on leg around him her heel pressing into his lower back to keep him buried. "God I'll never get over this feeling of you in me." she whined out.
Alex: Once he could settle between Sophie's legs, he felt her rocking her hips causing that kind of heavenly friction. He moaned out softly before shifting to adjust and when he finally could sink into her, he let out a breath and soft sound of pleasure. Sophie had her leg wrapped around him soon and she was kind of just holding him in so they could both take in the feeling of being connected like this. “It’s my favorite feeling,” he husked and started to trail kisses along her jaw again, “to be buried inside of you, feel you so wet around me.. making you mine.” The hint of a grin tugged at his lips as he nibbled on her neck briefly. Alex lifted his head to look at Sophie, locking his eyes with hers and there was an intensity in the way they looked at each other that Alex had never experienced with anyone else. They looked at each other with so much lust and passion right now, but also love and respect for each other.
Sophie: When he said that it was his feeling to be buried in her she licked her lips. "To make me yours huh?" she husked, chewing her lower lip arching her back slightly her breasts pressing into his chest. When his head pulled back their eyes locked and she could see the hunger in his eyes for her but the love that came with that lust. It was like nothing that she had ever felt before and made her only that much more in love with him. A hitch in her breath, "Show me how you plan to make me yours."
Alex: "Yes," he breathed out with a soft chuckle and pressed another kiss to her neck before Llfting his head to lock eyes with her. He hummed softly, bringing his hand up to cup her face in it and bit down on his lower lip momentarily. “Something like this,” he murmured, leaning down and just when he stole another kiss from her lips he started shifting, rolling his hips into hers to pull back and then sink back into her. “Oh, baby,” he murmured against her lips, not really wanting to break the kiss just yet. He really could never get enough of her, of moments like this where they so easily and perfectly became one in a way, these were some of his favorite moments though there were so many more now that didn’t involve this kind of physical need for each other.
Sophie: "Fuck." she breathed when his mouth covered hers their mouths moving heavily togethr as his hips pulled back and her leg slid up further to hook her leg over his back. Sometimes their physical need was just so intense and well.. needed with each other. It wasn't something she would say that they needed all the time but these moments were something that she just soaked in. "Yes." she breathed, her back arching. "Harder."
Alex: They were both really caught up in the moment, fully enjoying each other and the closeness between them. It was obvious in the way they kissed, the way they moved together and when Sophie arched into him more, asking for him to go harder, Alex made sure to do just that. He didn’t really pick up the pace, not yet at least, but his thrusts came harder, hips coming back into hers with a little more force causing him to let out a few curses at the feeling. “Soph,” he moaned out, kiss fully breaking now and he opted to bury his face in her neck where he could place a few kisses here and there but mostly focus on nibbling on her skin instead of biting down on his own lips.
Sophie: He reacted to the words she said, the way that he bit at her neck she could almost figure that she'd end up with marks on her neck from him. Not that she mind she kind of loved when she had Alex permanently on her skin. She wasn't ashamed of their active sex life. "Fuck yes." she breathed, "Yes, just like that." Her hips pressing into his before she shifted pushing herself up some so she could thrust down onto his cock as he pressed into her. "Sit back a bit this angle feels so good." she breathed, her head tipping back but still holding her body up to push down into him.
Alex: He was mildly aware there were most likely going to be marks on Sophie's neck, but Alex really didn't mind. He liked the thought of people visibly seeing she was his. They moved so well together, it was almost fascinating how it was so easy to know just how to move the way the other wanted you to. When Sophie adjusted them, he sucked in a breath at the angle and how good it felt and he knew what she meant when she let that slip from her lips. “Fuck, baby,” he breathed out, moving just how she had asked him to to make the feeling even better, causing him to moan out. Once he was settle in a position he knew he could hold, he brought his hand to her shoulder, caressing over soft skin and starting to let it wander over her body, fingertips pressing into her skin here and there, detouring between them and her legs to tease some before he slid it up her stomach and towards her breasts so he could finally cup one.
Sophie: She'd get him back later for the marks he was leaving or would leave her with. Without a doubt she would they tended to equally share that and she loved when she made it known that Alex was just as much hers but today was about Alex making Sophie his. Alex sat back a bit on his legs and it made it so he could still thrust but that she herself could semi ride his cock and her hips moved up and down against his shaft. His hand slid between her legs teasing before moving up to cup her sensitive breasts her hands pushing against the bed to leverage herself more as she fucked herself harder on Alex wanting him to get a better watch of her riding him at a different angle.
Alex: The way he pushed himself up a bit made it easier for Sophie to actually move, giving them a different angle to work with and he loved the way they always made sure to each play a part in this activity. There was never a moment when either of them was less participating in a way. And getting to catch glimpses of how Sophie rocked against him, shifting to slide up and down his cock caused him to groan out in pleasure and squeeze his hand on her breast lightly. He knew she was sensitive, but he still loved to touch either way. He kneaded lightly, brushing his thumb over her nipple before focusing on how they were moving together for a moment and then just going back to paying attention to her breast. “You feel so good baby, fuck,” Alex let out, sucking in a breath before a few more curses left his lips.
Sophie: She figured while she wasn't fully on top this was something that Alex would enjoy a lot. Not that she wasn't, the noises themselves proved she was enjoying it but this gave a view for Alex to see the way he slid in and out of her, how wet she was and how wet she made his cock with ever long slide up and down his shaft. When she slid down again he grasped at her breast, her falling back, her red hair dangling over the bed. "Fuck yes." she breathed when his hand teased at her nipple as Alex cursed, "God please don't stop." she breathed her hips urging him to move more with her before pushing herself more till she was practically sitting in his lap with him buried deep inside of her.
Alex: It was easy to tell Sophie enjoyed this as much as he did, and he really loved the way they were so deeply connected and yet he could still have a wonderful view at the way they moved together. He smirked slightly as Sophie pressed herself more into him, his hand teasing at her nipple, playing and twisting it between his fingers. "Fuck Soph.. Oh shit," he groaned as she shifted more into him and he eventually had to press her back down into the mattress, briefly sinking into her before he shifted, his hands wrapping around her to tug her along as he rolled onto his back, careful not to break the way he was buried inside of her until he was laying on his back and Sophie was actually on top of him.
Sophie: "Alex!" His name a mix between a needy whine and moan as his fingers twisted at her nipple. For a moment he pressed her back into the bed, and she felt his body shift to move his legs before pulling her, his hands wrapping around her to pull her back and he shifted to fall back onto the bed and splay out against the bed leaving her now on top of Alex. She knew without a doubt this was probably one of Alex's favorite positions mainly because he got to have a full view of her naked body on top of him. Still buried fully inside of her Sophie ran her hands down over his chest and abdomen before moving up and over her own her own flat stomach to her breasts, kneading and playing against the sensitive hardened nipples for a moment before sliding up her neck and into her hair, her hips rolling again and again against him as if she was putting on a show for him.
Alex: He was glad she moved with him making it easier to shift them without losing connection and Alex rested back briefly into the bed. His eyes wandered up to Sophie, taking her in before following the way her hands moved up her own body and he found himself licking his lips. "Soph," he breathed out, feeling her hips move again, over and over rolling against him and he brought his hands to her legs, gripping her thighs, needing something to hold onto as he tried to push his hips up every now and then to meet her movements.
Sophie: The grip on her thighs was tight, his way of grasping onto her as she swung her hair around still putting on a show for him. She wasn't usually one to do that, even when she was on top to be so vibrantly obvious that she was trying to put on a show for him. His movements every so often pushing up into her eliciting a loud moan from her lips, each time Sophie getting a little louder. Thankfully the kids were sleeping and no one else was in the house which meant for the first time in a while she didn't have to hold back vocally how she was feeling as she rode him a little harder, her back arching into a soft curve.
Alex: He watched her eagerly, taking in every single one of her movements as she so very obviously put on her show for him. And he was so hungry for her, he loved the view. His fingertips dug into her skin lightly before he brought his hands up, dragging up her stomach and then around her hips to grip at her lightly. "So fucking good baby."
Sophie: She kept at a good pace for awhile that would give them the pleasure they were seeking but not push them over the edge. Sophie wanted to savor in each other, feeling his hand touch her body as much as he possibly could. Her hips grinded against him before slowing as she leaned forward capturing his lips in a heated heavy kiss, her hands cupping his face as her tongue tangled with his roughly for a bit her hips not moving. Her kiss broke, breathing heavy, "Bend me over the bed." she husked into his ear. "Please." The last word coming out so whined, so desperate sounding that it was almost like Sophie was pleading for Alex to do it knowing that certain sounds only made him react more.
Alex: They weren't desperate to get each other off, it was rather both of them wanting to enjoy this moment together, this pleasure for as long as they could. So it wasn't fast and hard, rather deep and passionate and even though Alex groaned at the loss of movement when Sophie leaned in closer to him, he happily kissed her back and focused on making out with her. He was breathing hard when she finally broke away and he felt a little dizzy from the feeling. "Soph... Fuck," he groaned and then brought his hands to her hips, guiding her up and off of him so they could move and shift on the bed, bringing them into a different position.
Sophie: Sometimes it was about the passionate build up to these moments. It wasn't about just rushing to the end result. Even if that could be fun, sometimes it was about the push and pull for each other. Egging each other on in ways that pleasured both of them. Feeling his hands grab at her hips she let him lift her off of him shifting onto her knees onto the bed before sliding down off the bed and leaning against the bed frame, her hands caressing down her naked body as if tempting him even more to do what she had asked. Sophie wasn't playing or being innocent in the least but her eyes sure looked like she was trying to play at it.
Alex: He hated the loss of contact but the prospect of where that'd get them was enough to help lift Sophie off of him and he watched her shift and slide off the bed, causing him to moan at the view before he too moved so he could bed over her, bringing their bodies closer together again and he lined up with her, rolling his hips teasingly a few times before he slid into her again, groaning at the feeling of being reconnected
Sophie: His hands grabbed at her pulling her close and doing just what she had asked, bending her over their bed. His warm body stepping behind her and moving them closely, the way he rolled his hips against her letting his cock slide between soaked lips, a growl of need coming from the red heads mouth before sliding back into her. Her hands gripped at the sheets, tugging and pulling as they pulled off the far side of the bed. "Fuck yes!" she gasped, "Oh, oh." Her body pressing more into the bed pushing her hips higher.
Alex: They didn't need many words in moments like this, just knew how to move and where to go to get back into the most pleasurable positions. Alex bend her over the bed, grinding his hips into her for friction before his buried himself inside of her again, the new angle giving a different sensation, another way to enjoy each other and he groaned, seeing Sophie gripping tightly at their sheets and he cursed under his breath, picking up a slightly faster pace this time. "Yes.. Baby, so fucking good."
Sophie: After fooling around for so long she knew there was only a matter of time before they could hold out. She herself could feel the heat bubbling low in her belly, the way her body moved against the bed, wrestling and thrashing more, heavy panting as her head turned to the side gasping for deep breaths. You could feel the way her body tensed she wanted so badly to lose herself in her release but she didn't want to without Alex telling her or making her. White knuckles grasped as the bed her body pressing up more into his as she pushed her hips back a slur of curse words slipping from her lips.
Alex: It was only so long until Alex could feel Sophie's body tensing, her hips bucking back against him and he pushed into her more, thrusting a little harder. He dragged his hands up her back, pressing her down a little more as he trailed up until he reached her shoulders and then he followed her arms until his hands covered hers and he laced their fingers together, leaning down a bit more, pressing against her back. "Let go, baby. I wanna feel you coming undone," he husked into her ear, squeezing her hands around the sheets tightly.
Sophie: The way his hands slid up her back pushing her down into the bed again was arousing to say the least. Then his hands slid over her shoulders and down her arms before finding her hands and lacing their fingers together. His hands squeezed hers in a reassuring way despite the way his hips moved hard against her and she felt him, his hot body against hers, the heavy beat of his heart. "Fuckkkk." Her curse came out in a scream before turning her head to muffle it into the bed screaming against as her walls wrapped tight around him, tighter than she felt like it had been in ages from all the build up as her body tensed hard against Alex without a doubt being able to feel how tight her walls were wrapped around pulsing against him as she found her orgasm.
Alex: He felt himself getting closer to that release, but he refused to let himself fall into that before Sophie did, knowing or really assuming she would be close too. The way he squeezed her hands was his way of holding outside himself. He trailed sloppy kisses on her shoulder when she shifted into him an and felt her body tense. "Yes," he breathed out, biting at her skin momentarily. Sophie bucked back, her walls tightening around him but he kept thrusting this hips into hers, sliding in and almost out of herself until he too was getting close to his own release. "Fuck baby, so good.. I'm so close."
Sophie: Every inch of her was slick with a sheen of sweat, her inner thighs wet with the arousal from them. He kept thrusting riding her through her release, her stomach clenching as she felt her toes curl into the floor. "Please." she begged when he had said that he was close to his release. Her body pushed back against him. "Please Alex." she groaned out, her stomach tightening again as she already felt the heat build up. She knew it was possible to have orgasms close together due to being so sensitive. "Please. Come in me. I want to feel you come in me." Her head turning to the side and letting out another loud noise as he slammed into her again.
Alex: He didn’t really slow down or stop but rather kept thrusting through Sophie’s orgasm, kind of trying to get her through but also wanting to get close to his own release. His hands gripped hers tightly as he pushed up a little bit, tugging her hands down the bed a little bit so it was easier for him to push up a bit and get a slightly different angle when he thrust into her. Alex wasn’t sure whether it was just the friction from fucking her now, or it was her words but either way, it egged him on so much he felt his breath hitch a little and his body bucking into hers as he, too, reached his own release. “Fuuuck, yessss.. Sophie!”
Sophie: When he reached his own orgasm she felt her own body tense again, reaching another release as she felt him spill inside of her, coating her walls. The warmth filling her body as he got loud himself his own body tensing on top of her as he road out his own pleasure. "fuck baby." She breathed as they both came down from their highs. "I definitely have to tease you more often if you're going to fuck me like this." Before starting to giggle her body going limp underneath him as she gasped for breath. "God I love you babe." she cooed softly her own body just relishing in the pleasure that coursed through her.
Alex: Alex was glad they were pretty much home alone, despite having the kids sleeping in their rooms, so when he reached his high, Alex didn't bother trying to stay quiet, not that he could have with the way Sophie made him feel. He sank down against her back as they both came down from their highs and a soft chuckle left the man's lips. "You don't have to tease me so unfairly for this," he murmured, obviously joking. He brought his hands up over Sophie head, still holding onto her hands. "I love you so much, baby."
Sophie: Sophie appreciated when Alex wasn't quiet, it made her feel like she wasn't so alone when she hit her high. She felt his weight on her pushing her down into the bed some as his body eased down and she heard him chuckle. "I mean I think it was half the reason you just came so hard baby." she teased though she knew that was just the chemistry between them. "I love you more." she teased knowing he never loved that game all that much. "Though I'm definitely gonna have to do this in between one of your shows when you peak at your phone." A grin tugging to her lips.
Alex: He pressed a few lazy kisses against her shoulder while they both took a moment to catch their breath. "No you don't," he murmured when Sophie started to say she loved him more, he wasn't a big fan of this game. Alex grunted at Sophie's words and shook his head. "Way to be the reason I'll constantly forget what to sing.." hs smirked lightly. After pressing another kiss against the back of her shoulder, Alex started to push himself up and then moved back, slipping out of her and sighing at the loss of contact but he wanted to get more comfortable. So he helped Sophie back fully onto the bed and it took a little shifting and adjusting until he lay her down on the bed fully and was able to lay down with her, half on top od her with his leg over hers, arm draped over her and tugging her in.
Sophie: "Mm let me have this one I did just let you fuck me multiple ways." Of course she knew it didn't really matter they loved each other equally. A laugh left her lips, "Babe you cannot blame me for forgetting what to sing, when you do that on your own just fine." She said shaking her head as much as she could against their bed. When he slipped out of her she groaned softly missing the feeling of him with her and of course scrunching her nose at the feeling between her legs. He helped her up onto the bed and she reached over to clean herself up some with some cloths they kept in the bedside table before dropping it on the floor before Alex cuddled up against her and pulled her in, his limbs draped over hers. "Mm I think that was a pretty great way to start the day don't you think?"
Alex: "The way you say it makes it sounds like really you only did this so I'd have a good time and I don't think that's quite true," he chuckled. Alex huffed out, he knew he constantly forgot lyrics while performing but the image of Sophie's pictures in his head would be terribly distracting. It took a little bit of shifting and adjusting until they could both curl up in bed again and Alex half draped himself over her to feel that closeness again. "Think maybe body heat on body heat works to warm you up," he chuckled and then nuzzled in her neck, humming softly. "Though I hope you're not actually planning on leaving the bed today.. Can we just be lazy all day?"
Sophie: "I never said I didn't enjoy it, not at all." she knew he knew that and was well aware that was the case too. She knew Alex was famous for forgetting lyrics but she also knew if she was sending him half naked or fully naked photos of herself that he checked in between he'd be full out stumbling and distracted permanently. Once they were back on the oversized large bed they had gotten built for them she settled in comfortably with him. "I mean I think we kept each other pretty warm don't you?" she said, "So body heat definitely works." When he asked if they could be lazy all day she laughed, "We have three babies that will never allow for a lazy day." she said, "Unless we call your parents... and have a mummy and daddy sick day." she said.
Alex: There was only a dim light in the room, but enough to take each other in and when Sophie told him they'd have to call his parents for a "sick day" he laughed softly. "Pretty sure they'll know we're not sick," he murmured, brushing his lips over where he could see a love bite forming from when he was nibbling and biting a little too hard. "Don't you think we can get them to be lazy with us so we only have to get up for food but not dressed in outside clothes?"
Sophie: "I don't know I'm pretty sure if I said I was sick they'd believe it and you were taking care of me. Though they'd /also/ probably think that means we're pregnant... again." she said reasoning because the only times she really got horribly sick was when she was pregnant. When he asked if she really didn't think they could get the kids to be lazy with them she laughed. "Have you met your daughter? You know, Willa. Cute little thing, looks like you, can barely sit still because she just wants to move anytime she's awake? Definitely not. You might get Noah and of course Avery.. she's so little it'd be easy but no way with Willa."
Alex: "And then they take a good look at you when you tell them you're not pregnant and they probably think we're at least working on that," he laughed softly. He lifted his head a little and chuckled, shaking it lightly as he looked at her. "Mmh, I did get her to lay with mr and then even nap earlier," he reminded her. "I'm not changing out f comfortable clothes today. No going outside." He hummed and rested his head bsck down again. "Maybe if we build a big fort in here.."
Sophie: There was a snort of a laugh, "Well I can promise them I am not pregnant nor are we working on it. At all. Anytime soon." She was pretty sure both of their parents would love for them to both have a ton of kids but she knew they were more than protected now with an actual IUD. "You got her to lay back down not long after she woke up babe. Now that she's back to sleep... she is going to wake up with so much energy that she is going to be off the wall energized just like you usually are." she grinned. "babe we're not even in clothes right now. "Turn our room into a giant fort? Sounds very cozy. I still don't know how much Willa will go for it."
Alex: "I'm trying to say they'll know we got busy when they see your neck..." Alex said and playfully rolled his eyes. "We're absolutely not going to have another kid anytime soon." he nudged her with hjs nose and then rolled a little more onto his back to rest back comfortably. "That's why we're gonna build a fort and tire her out again," he said like it was the easiest solution though he knew Sophie was right. It was gonna be hard to keep Willa from running around with too much energy. "Mh, fine. I'm not gonna put on anything but comfy clothes today... Is that better?" Alex chuckled.
Sophie: “Mm well at least they’ll know despite three kids we still make time for each other to keep our relationship alive I mean not saying sex is everything but it’s healthy for people in love to have.” She pointed out. “No we’re not don’t worry I do not have baby fever in the slightest I plan to actually be able to wear a bikini this summer and see my feet.” She said with a nod. “Fine that’s better I can get behind only comfy clothes and doing absolutely nothing than relaxing with you and the babes.” She murmured. “But for now… I’m good laying in bed with the man I love.” She grinned. “Just keep your hands to yourself.” She teased.
Alex: "I don't know how I feel about my parents knowing we're having sex. Or had sex not so long ago." He knew of course they were aware, they had three kids together after all, but it was still weird to think about his parents knowing they just had sex. He knew though Sophie wanted to focus on the kids they already had rather then make more, just like he did and so next summer was probably gonna be such a different vibe and he for sure was there for it. Though obviously he'd absolutely loved pregnant Sophie sporting her swimwear. A soft hum left Alex's lips when she said she wanted to just lay in bed with the man she loved. "And why would I keep my hands to myself?" he asked with a grin as he shifted his arm that was draped over her to rest his hand on her side instead.
Sophie: Another laugh came to her lips because she figured he knew what she was gonna say. “Babe we have three babies they know we had sex at least for sure three times since we’ve been together. There’s photos of you passionately kissing me on stage I don’t think it’s a stretch that they could figure things out.” She rolled her eyes. “I mean but I get it it’s that you don’t want to realize your parents are still probably having sex.” She shrugged. When he shifted she laughed feeling his hand rest against her side. “Yeah yeah unless you’re planning on singing selena Gomez to me … just don’t plan for those hands to get handsy for a round two.” She teased resting her head against his shoulder and sighing out. “I really love you.” She whispered nuzzling against him.
Alex: Alex grimaced. "I'd rather not," he huffed out, shaking his head quickly. He shifted so he could let his hand rest against her and his thumb started drawing small patterns against her skin. "Mmh, not up for a round two?" he asked teasingly so he himself really needed time to.. regenerate. "Or do you just want me to serenade you?" A smile spread on Alex's lips when she nuzzled more into him and he hummed softly. "I really love you too, Soph."
Sophie: The laugh that came from Sophie was loud and broke into a fit of giggles at his expression. “I mean I’m always up for round two but I’m trying to be respectful of you know you babe.” She said knowing for men it always took longer to recoup. “Though when have I ever turned down being serenaded by you?” She asked. When he said it back she smiled a blush rising to her cheeks. “Can you believe we’re gonna be together three years in a few months.” She said because all those years ago she had not known how half of this was gonna pan out.
Alex: Alex grunted and shook his head when she laughed at him and really just tried to stop any image from forming in his head. Though when she said she was being respectful to him, he couldn't help but be the one laughing lightly. "You should know by now that really I'd be happy to just get /you/ off again," he said with a smirk. It had been a minute sincd he'd sang just for Sophie and a soft smile curled onto his lips. "Alright," he said, shifting to lay more on his back and tugging Sophie along so it was her resting against him more now. "What do you want me to sing?" he looked at her, licking his lower lip and bringing his hand up to run through her red hair. "Mh, best three years of my life.."
Sophie: “You know I don’t know how I got so lucky most guys worry about getting off and you’re one of the few that enjoys making sure I get off multiple times. But part of me thinks you enjoy knowing you made me come.” She said giggling softly shaking her head. When he tugged her along she settled against his body licking her lower lip. “Whatever you want to sing I just love hearing your voice.” Sophie murmured as his hand ran through her hair. “Yeah? You sure about that you’ve had a lot of good years.”
Alex: Alex laughed softly. "It's all a give and take, baby," he replied though when she mused it was probably knowing he made her come undone, he couldn't really deny that. They shifted until Sophie was settled against him and Alex smiled, thinking of what he could sing for her. "Yeah," he said softly, honestly and his eyes locked with hers. "I'd say all in all, these last three years have been pretty damn great. I mean.. I'm still out here playing music and selling out shows where we used to play when we were just starting, barely getting five people in the audience.. I've got a whole farm, three beautiful little ones.. And you. Sounds pretty great to me." He let his fingers tangls in her hair, offering a warm, honest smile.
Sophie: “We are good at doing give and take.” It wasn’t like she didn’t return the favor for him in other ways. When he settled and looked up at her she didn’t even need him to tell her. His eyes gave it all away that he meant it. That these last few years had been some of the best of his life. Sure there had been hiccups and difficult times and moments but he was happy and so was she. “Who would have through during what was supposed to be the worst times in our lives would end up finding the person I really think I’m supposed to be with. We’re some of the lucky ones.” They really were. “Mm babe easy with my hair unless you’re gonna start pulling on it and that’s just teasing and cruel.” She chuckled.
Alex: "Oh I know we are," he chuckled softly. Alex really meant it that even though there had been hard times and rough patches, all in all these last few years had been so good for him. He had grown a lot in ways and into situations he never thought he could and he was perfectly aware that meeting Sophie and her ways of getting under his skin and really kind of bringing out the best in him had a whole lot to do with it. "It's not my fault you let your hair get all messy," he teased, leaning up a bit so he could steal a kiss from her lips before going back to running his hand through her hair gently. He hummed, letting out a few tones, a melody until he found the right key and then he started to sing softly, really just settling for that one song he sang to her in London a little more than a year ago, that was so personal that he wasn't sure they were actually going to end up putting it on a new album eventually or just keep it to themselves, or to himself and Sophie in a way.
Sophie: The first year of their relationship had been tough. Them learning how to work with and communicate with each other. She knew she had been jealous in ways that weren't healthy, they had both been not great at certain communications. But somehow they had come out even stronger than through the years. There were only certain things that Sophie would deem herself really, really sensitive about. "I let my hair get all messy? I think you played a part in my hair getting to that point of messy baby." she murmured as his lips found hers in a sweet kiss. When he started to sing she recognized the song, it was one he had come up with that was personal for them. Something she didn't care if the world ever heard again as long as it was something they shared together or he shared with her because she knew it was special for them. Her body shifted and she rest her head on his chest hearing the vibrations of his chest as he sang and the beat of his heart in between.
Alex: Alex was terribly bad at remembering lyrics for someone who makes money off of singing in front of an audience, but there were a few songs he never messed up, that it was like the lyrics were somehow printed into his mind and even this song, not one they had been playing for years or even more than once, seemed to be one of those. He sang softly, making it a quiet lullaby in a way even though it was a rather upbeat song and he smiled as his eyes settled on the way Sophie rested her head on him, her body against his, really just keeping herself close to him. When he’d finished the song, he cleared his throat and then chuckled softly, a smile tugging at his lips.
Sophie: The song was beautiful and it was one that she'd always find special. One thing she never get over was the fact that she'd also have Alex to sing to her whenever she asked.. within reason. When the song ended she was cuddled up against him her bare body pressed into him she tilted her head up towards him. "I love that song." she murmured softly. "And your voice, it's so hot. I mean you're hot in general but you already know that but I can't tell you that too often or your ego will get too big." she teased the man soft giggles falling from her lips.
Alex: He smiled when she said she loved the song and while he was always happy to know she enjoyed the music, this one particularly was one he was really glad she liked. He smirked when Sophie started talking about how hot his voice was.. or he was really and he couldn’t help but grin at that. “You should actually tell me that all the time. Keep saying it now and you’ll heighten your chances to get in my pants,” he said and then frowned a little bit, glancing down briefly. “Except I’m not even wearing pants right now..” He laughed lightly.
Sophie: She loved that this song was for her for them. It was special to share between them and his voice was special and in bed it was sexy and she was sure that he knew that well enough. “I tell you all the time and you know I get jealous so don’t pretend like you don’t already know. You know I might have to drive you a little crazy your next show to make you think about just me and not the fans.” She said “since they’ll all be wanting you too.” She teased before laughing. “I’ve never had trouble getting in your pants before without telling you you’re hot babe let alone now and I’m sure I could get you turned on for round two real fast if I said something.” She grinned “but I’ll be a good girl.”
Alex: “Do you realize I don’t think about the fans that way?” he asked with a playful roll of his eyes. He really only ever thought of Sophie when it came to that kind of thoughts, he didn’t need her to drive him a little crazy for it. Alex arched a brow when she said she could easily initiate a round two. “I mean, we’ve already established I’m not wearing pants, this would be very easy for you.” He bit his lip, chuckling lightly and he considered shifting to bring them closer together when something on the nightstand caught his attention and he sank back into the bed. “Sadly, I think someone’s not gonna be very thrilled if we’re busy occupying ourselves that way,” he murmured. Avery was starting to wake up and Alex wasn’t sure what time she had woken up before so he assumed she was probably going to be hungry.
Sophie: She knew he didn’t think of fans that way at all. In fact if fans even tried he’d probably get incredibly pissed off for them trying to cross a line. “You know I was thinking eventually with three kids you’re gonna have to travel without me and what if we.. maybe recorded a little video of us.” She murmured “of you know us… in bed.” She hummed before feeling him shift. Glancing at the clock Sophie shifted, “she’s probably ready to nurse.” As she pecked his lips and slipped out of bed and pulled on a pair of pajama pants and a tank top real quick. “I’ll be back I don’t want her to get too fussy that she won’t latch.” She said before heading down to the nursery and grabbing Avery and sliding into the rocking chair and helping her to latch and letting her nurse to fill her belly.
Alex: Her words took him a little by surprise and he raised his brows, looking at her, almost searching for any sign of her making jokes. “Oh I’d love to have something to get me through days without you,” he murmured eventually. “That way I could still hear you, when I can’t touch you.” A grin spread on his lips and he really was starting to shift into her more. “I’d like that.. a lot. Would be very hot, baby.” His voice was nothing more than a soft murmur. Sophie had very easily started to paint pictures in his head and he cursed internally when he caught movement on one of the baby monitors and glanced over to find Avery starting to wake up. He let out a breath when Sophie shifted and he was tempted to hold her back as her lips brushed his briefly before he watched her get out of bed and slip on clothes before slipping out of the room. Glancing at the clock Alex realized it had been a few hours and chances of Noah waking up and Willa rising from her nap were high, so he slipped out of bed to grab something to put on too. He wasn’t really too keen on either of their kids finding him naked in bed. Knowing Sophie probably took a little bit to feed the baby girl, he made his way down to the kitchen to get a pot of coffee started and grab some water to bring up to the bedroom, still determined to find a way to spend most of the day in there.
Sophie: She could tell that he was trying to see if she was joking or not. But she wasn’t. Years ago she wouldn’t have even considered it but she felt safe with Alex and in their relationship and their jobs they needed to keep romance alive. “I mean we’d each have a video for nights when we can’t talk or something but we need something..” she said, “or if we can’t do FaceTime calls to get what we need.” Though they’d never be as good as the real thing they’d have to come up with other things. “We’d just have to make sure that no one could ever possibly find said video which means you know anyone playing on your phone or whatever couldn’t find it.” She pointed out. “But I think I’d find it really hot to do different positions and hear us for if we need it and just to have of us” she reasoned. It took a solid half an hour to nurse Avery before she put her back in the crib and she was asleep which was normal for a four month old with a very full belly. Heading back up to their master bedroom she found Alex. “I’m sure Noah and Willa will be up soon but Avery is back asleep and I’m so glad she woke up I didn’t realize how much I needed to nurse.” She said. “Did you want to try and make the room into a fort before the babes wake up?”
Alex: It really was a fun idea he hadn't entertained yet. He knew it would be one thing to film them, a whole other thing to keep that to themselves when they were on the road if they had the video on their phone. And really, Alex knew it was a pretty big thing to trust someone with. For him too, but for Sophie especially. She was a private person when it came to these very personal things and with how well known and famous she was, if a video like that would ever get out, it would be all over the internet, all over the news too. He could feel his chest swell a little at the realization of just how much she trusted him (not that he thought she didn’t) and he was determined to never let her down. The thought still spooked around in his mind and he couldn’t help but grin cheekily at the idea as he slipped out of bed to get some coffee. He had two mugs brought up to the bedroom and was settled back on the bed, leaning against the headboard when Sophie came back to the room. “How about you have some coffee first, because I’ve almost finished mine. And then, yeah.. we should probably start with the fort. Can you imagine having both Noah and Willa trying to help? They’re too small for that,” Alex chuckled.
Sophie: She knew the fact that she was the one even suggesting this was big. She was pretty sure at the beginning of their relationship she had said she would never ever do something like this but here she was suggesting they literally make a sex tape together. He knew how private she was, how anything like that would spread everywhere but she knew Alex wouldn’t risk it because he was very much someone who hated the idea of anyone seeing her half naked. He didn’t even love his friends seeing her in a bikini let alone having anyone seeing her being fucked and coming by Alex. There was no one safer or more she trusted. When he said about having her coffee first she nodded and climbed into the bed leaning back into the head board and taking her coffee. “Thanks babe.” She said taking a sip. “Noah would just watch but Willa would make a mess.” She laughed. “So we can do that and then you know if they’re not awake decide if you’re down to know make that tape I’m not saying right now I think if we do this we should definitely do it when we can get someone to take the kids…” after all privacy for that might be nice. “We also have to start talking about Christmas this year.”
Alex: "I hope it's not too cold," Alex said before taking another finishing sip from his own mug. “Willa would probably climb onto whatever she can find to reach up higher and we do not want her tumbling over and falling down,” he chuckled softly. Looking over, he arched his brow. “Decide on it? Babe, I’m so down I just wanna make sure you’re sure about it. And we’ve got a good idea on how to keep it very, very private.” He shifted onto his side and leaned over to peck her lips. “But I do agree, we’d have to have some kids-free time. No fun having to stop recording halfway because they want attention,” he laughed softly as he started to climb out of bed again so he could get himself some more coffee. When he returned he brought a few blankets from downstairs with him and tossed them on the bottom of the bed, then wandered towards one of the cupboards to take out more. If they wanted a big fort, they needed loads of blankets and pillows. “So what were you thinking about Christmas?” he asked, picking up on her comment.
Sophie: “It’s still warm babe.” She said nodding, “yeah we don’t need her falling and hitting her head. Any head injuries are not good.” She said, her doctor shows told her enough about that. “I’m sure about it. I wouldn’t with anyone else but you.” She said, “and I’m sure we can find some way to make sure it’s extra secure so we can only access it.” That was always going to be the most important thing that only the two of them could find it and open it. “I mean us being interrupted would be the real life version of life.” She laughed, “but I think we’re gonna be too caught up that we should have someone watching the kids.” When he returned with more coffee she saw all the blankets and pillows he was returning with and gathering since they would need it. “Well I figure we would celebrate here at the farm since we were in London last year.” She pointed out. “But I want a tree downstairs and in our room this year so if we’re lazy we can just have the kids in our room with a decorated tree too.”
Alex: He glanced over, chuckling softly. “I hit my head at a show once,” he told her, shaking his head a little at the memory of that. “But no, I rather none of our kids get injured when building a fort. So let’s get this started.” He got blankets out of their storage space in the room and brought that over to pile it on the bed as well. “I don’t think there’s anything planned with the band around Christmas time. If you wanna spend Christmas out in London, we could,” he said with a shrug. “As long as I get to be around here for my birthday and there’s no shows I’m fully forgetting right now..” He looked over at her as he sipped on his coffee. “Unless we wanna stay here and be around the farm animals during the holidays. Then we could spend Christmas here, get how many trees as you want as long as you don’t make me actually cut them down again,” he grinned lightly, “and then we can head out to spend some time in London after the Holidays.. or you know, spend New Year’s there or something.”
Sophie: "You got your head checked right?" She asked watching him after he said he hit his head at a show once. "But I agree, plus Willa screaming and crying no thank you, plus we'd have to take her to the doctor and would need your parents to watch Noah and Avery." Sophie was a hands on, protective parent, anyone knew that. "As much as I love Christmas in London and I do, trust me, it's my favorite place for Christmas, it's not fair to your family to not share, we were in London last year for Christmas, I want to make sure they get time to spend with your family too and not feel like they're being left out just because I love England." she pointed out. It was about being fair to both of their families. "Hey you were the one trying to prove yourself with cutting down the trees that was all on. you. I was thinking three. One big one downstairs, one for our bedroom, and one for the porch." she reasoned. "New Years in London sounds wonderful though if you don't have any shows or anything either." she nodded as she helped gather blankets and start spreading them out on the floor, draping them over the bed and starting to turn their whole room into a giant fort.
Alex: "I was bleeding, so yes. After the show,” he said with a shrug. It hadn’t been a big deal to him back then. “So we spend Christmas here,” he concluded, “then head out to London shortly after to spend New Year’s there.” It worked for him, and with the house they had there, it was easy to end up spending the end of the year with a group of friends, maybe some of the band and crew were gonna come with them too. “I didn’t think you were gonna want so many trees!” he laughed and tossed more blankets onto the bed as Sophie started to spread them out. “Babe, we’re gonna have them hang up higher too,” he teased, but then glanced from the pile to Sophie and then around the room. “Do we need more? I can grab some from the guestrooms,” he offered when they were halfway through putting up blankets and spreading out pillows to make a very comfortable, big fort.
Sophie: "What do you mean after the show... you... you finished the show bleeding.. with a head injury?" she asked blinking at him like she was in shock. "That... that won't happen again. Next time the show ends and you go to the doctor." She said dead serious because well, she was. "I told you how many trees I wanted from the beginning but you wanted to show off for Willa!" she pointed out. "Yes I know that but we also need comfortable stuff for the kids to lay on the floor or the bed which means blankets on the floor too." Rolling her eyes before nodding, "We're going to need more, this room his huge and if we want to make it a whole fort. Do you think we should just order a bunch of like snacky foods to have up her and then we can just watch movies with the kids but one rule. Their big naps they go back in their rooms, and bed time they go back in their room. Their little naps they can stay in here." She didn't want them to get out of a routine they worked so hard to get them into especially with three kids.
Alex: "I.. yes?" Alex looked at her in confusion. "I was stupid enough to run into an overhanging speaker. There was a room full of people who paid money to see us play and it wasn’t their fault I knocked myself off the stage,” he shrugged. “I was fine, I didn’t break a leg or something. I was bleeding a little bit and had a mild concussion, but I was good to play the show. Not much anyone could’ve done anyway.” He furrowed his brows at the seriousness in her voice. “I mean I don’t plan on hitting my head again so I think we’re good?” He gave a nod when she said they’d need more blankets so finishing his coffee he was off down the hall to the guest rooms, picking up every spare blanket he could find. “Alright,” he said as he returned. “Kids go nap in their own rooms and tonight, the fort is not a place to sleep in for the night, got it. Works for me.” He knew he’d probably end up letting them sleep wherever they wanted, but he’d make sure to do as Sophie wanted when she so explicitly detailed the rules.
Sophie: "You fell off stage, was bleeding and had a concussion are you actually stupid enough to think and worry about the people there who paid rather than your health Alex?" she said furrowing her brow. "I get you don't plan on doing it again but if it ever happens you see a doctor you don't just continue performing what if something serious happened?!" she asked, "I've seen enough doctor shows to know hitting your head is dangerous." she said. While she was laying out rules she also knew they had a habit of breaking the rules, both of them, not just Alex she also just didn't want the kids to think they could start sleeping in mommy and daddys bed but she knew that chances were things wouldn't go as planned but it was worth a shot of at least saying. "Unless you rather them stay in here with us but if we get it so Willa doesn't want to leave our bed she can use you as the pillow."
Alex: "I was fine. And I don't know why you're mad at me for this now, it happened a long time ago." He grunted slightly as she called him stupid, but in that moment, he really didn't want to disappoint anyone. "No, we make sure they go to their own beds... At least at night time. Don't want them always in our bed, or we'd have to sneak away to one of the guest rooms," he chuckled softly. Though chances were they were all gonna just sleep on here. With the extra blankets they managed to turn the big room into a full on fort and Alex grinned at what they had made of their bedroom." Turned out pretty damn great."
Sophie: "Because if you'd do that then you'd do it again. You'd put your life in danger to keep performing when you have three kids now." she said, "that was dangerous." Everyone knew that Sophie tended to get very upset anytime she thought about anyone she loved getting hurt. Seriously hurt at least so he could probably see the slight water in her eyes as she blinked. "I mean sneaking away while fun would lose it's charm eventually and I think eventually it'd be hard to explain why we have three full grown kids still sleeping in our bed." she said with a small laugh. Glancing around she smiled, "It did turn out great, very cozy. Did we want to do just Disney movies or should we break into the Christmas movies already?"
Alex: "Hey, I didn't have three kids then, alright? Things are different now." He looked at her and a soft sigh left his lips. "Baby, c'mon, that was so many years ago. I'm perfectly fine." He stepped forward to cup her cheeks and press a kiss to her forehead. The tent was up eventually, took them a little longer than Alex had first expected and a lot more blankets and pillows to make it really comfortable, but it did turn out great." You wanna start Christmas movies now?" he asked, though he knew it was after Thanksgiving now after all so he shrugged his shoulders. "I'll let you and the kids pick."
Sophie: He moved forward and cupped her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “But I know you if you’d do it once you’d do it again and something like that could really hurt you.” She was not most definitely thinking about talking to his team to make sure he was kept away from all overhead speakers in all capacity. “I mean we can start Christmas movies we don’t have to. We can do just Disney. Honestly I don’t think the babies are gonna care either way as long as they’re getting to play in this giant fort. We should grab Willas dolls and some of Noah’s toys too. Avery will just be curled up with us on the bed.”
Alex: "Hey,“ he said softly. "Don’t worry alright? I’m fine. I will be fine." He tried to reassure her, brushing his thumb over her cheeks. He really didn’t mind either whether they were gonna settle for Christmas movies or Disney ones, but maybe the kids would enjoy the Disney ones more. Plus, there were a lot they hadn’t seen yet. “Mmh, then I say we settle for Disney movies first and maybe add in a Christmas one eventually.” He smiled as he glanced around and nodded. “Yeah. That’s probably a good idea. Think we should get breakfast ready for all of us to have up here? Or is that just gonna make a mess?”
Sophie: “I know.” She said, “just thinking of something happening to you…” she murmured let alone seeing him bleeding and hurt. It was the same when he saw her in pain or sick. “That works for me we can start with Disney and maybe end the night with a Christmas movie or two.” She said reasoning. “Just don’t tell Jack if we end up watching home alone he gets so touchy when we watch it without him.” She giggled. “That is gonna make such a mess unless we have something like bagels and cream cheese but cereal or toast or pancakes would be so messy.”
Alex: "Don't think about it," he reminded her. "I'm just fine, okay?" He pressed another kiss to her forehead, then one to her lips. He chuckled at their movie plans and Sophie mentioning Home Alone and Jack's reaction to them watching it without him. "He hates when he misses out on that movie," he laughed, shaking his head a bit. "Ohh, bagels sound great though. Let's get those. The kids are gonna love those too." He started wandering off, picking up their empty mugs to take into the kitchen as he glanced over his shoulder. "Want more coffee or anything else?"
Sophie: “Okay I’ll try not to.” She said, “but I may talk to your team about making sure you can never ever get near a speaker again.” She muttered as he pressed his lips to hers. “I know he does which is why we can’t tell him if we watch it.” She laughed shaking her head. “Mm actually could you make me a cup of tea. Something herbal my stomach is feeling a little off.” She said but she knew it was probably because she was hungry. “I’ll go start waking the babies.”
Alex: He chuckled softly and shook his head. “If that eases your mind,” he murmured softly. They were done with the fort now and ready to start the day, as much as they were gonna do that day anyway. Alex was ready to go curl up in their fort again, but he knew they’d had to get food for them and the kids first. “Herbal tea, got it.” He carried their mugs downstairs and started preparing a big plate of bagels with different kinds of cream cheese. Some had veggies on them too for Sophie and him, some were just plain and simple. He could hear the sound of Sophie and the kids from upstairs and smiled. When he was done preparing breakfast, he made sure the dogs were fed and had some time outside before he eventually wandered back upstairs. “Anyone hungry?” he called, a grin spread on his lips.
Sophie: “It will.” She said before they ushered off. She went it and gently woke Willa asking her if she wanted to help get her siblings up after changing her into a cute little hooded unicorn onesie before going and getting Noah who was awake and getting him all set and letting him toddle around after he was dressed in his own little dinosaur onesie. After she got Avery the littlest one and headed back to the room wrangling the other two and Willa squealed seeing the room as she got a few toys for them. “We’re gonna play and stay in here today with mummy and daddy.” She said as she got into the bed and had Avery curled into her arms Noah plopping down to play with the toys near the windows curled up with an extra soft blanket and willa climbing up on the bed as Alex entered the room. “Starving think that’ll help my stomach.” She said. “Can you grab Noah? He’s curled himself up to play already.” She chuckled.
Alex: Alex had filled up a tray with Sophie's tea, more coffee for him and drinks for the kids and a very, very large amount of food piled up on it. He carried that upstairs and into the bedroom where Sophie was already getting comfortable with the kids, causing him to chuckle softly. "Yeah, hold on." He put the tray down on the bed, securing their drinks on the nightstands and then moved over through the fort to get Noah. "C'mere buddy,” he chuckled softly, picking him up. “Can you hand me that? You’ll get it right back, we just wanna have some food first.” He put the toy down and then carried him to the bed with him, letting him down once they could both climb on it and get settled around the tray.
Sophie: Between the water bottles he brought up earlier and everything he brought up now they were good for several hours. The tray was put on the bed and she pulled it towards her and grabbed half a bagel and took a bite humming as Willa came towards her mouth open. “Oh so you’re just gonna eat my food huh?” She asked holding the bagel out and helping her take a bite while balancing her little sister. “Mm!” Willa make a happy noise once she tasted it. “I guess that’s a yes from her.” She laughed as Noah was placed on the bed. “Thank god we got this massive bed I know we joked about it but it’s a good thing we went for it with three kids.” She laughed. Setting Avery down she ripped up some pieces for Willa and for Noah to eat before picking the baby back up who was fussing and shifting her shirt. “Come on Avery.” She murmured. “She is so difficult to latch sometimes.”
Alex: Alex looked over when he heard Sophie’s voice and a chuckle left his lips. “Your food is so much better than the other bagels I’ve made, obviously,” he said with an amused grin on his lips as he brought Noah to the bed and let him crawl across it towards Sophie. He settled in bed with all of them and smiled, glancing around briefly. It really had been a good idea to get this big of a bed, made mornings like this a hell of a lot easier. “If you want me to get a bottle for her and try, I can,” he offered, but he knew Sophie was determined to focus on breastfeeding the baby most of the time so he wasn’t going to intrude. He picked up half a bagel to take a bite from it and even though they had their own ripped up pieces, it was a matter of seconds before both Willa and Noah came towards him. “Oh no, this is my food, you have your own!” the man laughed.
Sophie: “I’ve heard being a parent our food is always better to the kids then their own.” She laughed because they always wanted some of their food. At least she could still their kids were picky and willing to try things at such young ages. “No it’s okay, I don’t want you to keep running up and down the stairs we’re supposed to be staying in the room.” She pointed out as she shifted her and it took several more minutes before her mouth latched. “There finally.” She said, “once she’s fussy she’s so difficult.” She chuckled with this possibly being their last baby or last baby for awhile she wanted to enjoy every second of it. “Noah keeps trying to nurse lately I think he’s missing the bonding time the doctor said he can still nurse sometimes in between food they said up to two to two and a half is healthy.” She said which she hasn’t known. “See it’s our food they just want us to starve.” She laughed taking another bite of her own bagel.
Alex: He chuckled softly because she was right, he didn’t want to keep running up and down to the kitchen and back. Taking a big bite of his bagel, Alex hummed softly at the food he was finally getting. Sophie and him really needed to eat after their morning activities. “I already let the dogs out and fed them, so they should be good for a while,” he told her with a smile. He was glad when she finally got Avery to latch and knew now he wouldn’t have to run down anymore. “But they have their own food!” Alex held his arm up to keep the bagel out of reach but both Willa and Noah tried to climb onto him now so obviously he eventually faltered and brought his hand down again, letting them both take a bite, or try to, from his bagel. “So glad I made so many.. feel like I’m not gonna get more than two bites from each of the ones I try to eat,” he chuckled.
Sophie: “See then it’d be pointless to running up and down the stairs.” She said because she knew they were just trying to have a relaxing day. “It doesn’t matter if they have their own food it’s like Noah he sees his sister getting bonding time with me and he wants that just like when we eat something they want it too. So thankfully you did bring a lot. We definitely need to order when it comes to lunch and a bunch of snacks.” Laughing as she ate her bagel while Avery nursed. “God I’m starving breastfeeding literally makes you so hungry. I could eat like six of these.”
Alex: "More time to hang out around here!" He was glad he took the time to make as much food as he had because that way they'd all have enough to munch on. "I mean, if you can still nurse him, then I say when you feel like it he can get the bonding time he's looking for, right? And we know he's eating just fine so it's probably really just that." He took another bite of his bagel before letting both Willa and Noah take more bites too. “Eat away, babe. At the pace we’re going, the three of us are just gonna be busy eating one bagel at a time,” he chuckled, already accepting that he’d have to share all his food now. “There’s some with veggies on them too, I may have had one on the way up here and they’re pretty good,” he chuckled.
Sophie: “That was the plan right? To spend as much time as possible upstairs.” She chuckled. “The pediatrician said it’s normal and that he’s not jealous of the new baby but wants to still feel bonded with me and said I could it wouldn’t hurt anything but I haven’t decided he has teeth I don’t need to become a chew toy either.” Sophie pointed out she was still back and forth. “But I don’t want him to feel like he isn’t getting bonding time with me.” Being a parent was hard with balance. Sophie laughed as she ate her bagel, “well I promise to distract the kids so you can eat your own bagel right after.” She said as she managed to eat one bagel herself in between nursing. Reaching over she grabbed one with veggies and took a bite and hummed. “You’re the best babe.”
Alex: Alex couldn't help but laugh at the mention of Noah chewing away. "Full on baby shark we have here," he said. Willa picked up on that and immediately started moving her body as if trying to dance while sitting on the bed and mumbling and humming the tune of the baby shark song. Alex looked at her surprised. "How do you even know that song?" he chuckled softly, shaking his head before taking his chance to take another big bite of the bagel he'd picked up moments ago before Noah was already reaching for it again. "It's alright, I'm getting food and I had a feeling so I already ate one on the way up here," he grinned.
Sophie: “I’ll figure it out maybe before bed time him and I can nurse and have bonding time and he’ll be less baby shark.” She laughed since he would have had food all day long at that point. “I believe all babies know that song they come out of the womb knowing baby shark.” She muttered. “Plus I think your parents and my parents both play it for her.” She rolled her eyes. “Good thing you’re willing to share some things or you’d be in trouble.” By the way Noah was tugging at his arm mouth opened he wasn’t going to just give in.
Alex: Willa was still busy singing baby shark when Alex looked at Noah who was tugging on his arm now. "I'll share, hold on," he told him and then gently removed his grip from his arm with his free hand before offering the bagel to him for a bite. "If I didn't share you know all hell would break loose," Alex laughed. "They rather want my food than their own..." It took a while until both kids seemed to have had enough food to stop trying to take bites and Alex could actually eat half a bagel himself, without having to share.
Sophie: “They’re just so hungry all the time.. all of them. All three.” She laughed before she managed to unlatch Avery and shift her to burp her before settling her down in her little special baby pillow to cradle her. “Three kids with full bellies.” She said as she finished off her second half bagel and leaned back herself before leaning over and kissing Alexs cheek. “Thanks for making breakfast baby.” She hummed before leaning back and grabbing her cup of tea and taking a long sip and humming out happily at the warmth. All the kids seemed happy and content as she helped Noah down to go back to play with his toy in the mix of blankets. “You can pick the first Disney movie babe.”
Alex: A grin spread on Alex's lips as he looked over at her. They both loved food, so it really wasn't a surprise their kids did too. Avery seemed content and done feeding and with both Noah and Willa focusing on their toys and exploring the fort, this meant they could all lean back and relax now. "Are there any restrictions? Do I stay away from ones with scary scenes?" he questioned while reaching for the remote. "How about Tangled?"
Sophie: "Don't all Disney have scary scenes. I mean Tangled, she's kidnapped and locked away, Lion King, he loses his father, half of the movies they don't have parents so I'm not sure you can really avoid the 'scary'" she laughed because it was kind of true as wholesome as it was supposed to be. "but Tangled sounds good to start with. Whichever you choose babe."
Alex: "But there's extra scary and sad ones," Alex argued. "You know, people die in Lion King and Bambi." He gave her a look and raised his brows but then chuckled and watched as Willa snatched a toy from Noah's pile, who looked confused but didn't seem to be too bothered. "Let's go with Tangled." He looked through their Disney+ until he found it and when the movie started, both Noah's and Willa's attention was magically drawn towards the tv causing Alex to let out an amused sound. "Who wants to cuddle, huh?"
Sophie: Sophie rolled her eyes, "I still think they all have an underlying dark tone." she murmured before chuckling softly. Once the movie was starting to play the kids came toddling towards them, Willa crawling up onto the bed and Sophie leaning over to lift up the little boy and settle him into her lap cuddling him. "Are you going to watch some Disney movies with your mummy and daddy?" she cooed softly the little boy curling up against her chest running her fingers through his soft little hairs on his head, reaching over and rubbing Avery's belly. "We're really lucky aren't we?"
Alex: Avery was settled safely in her little set up and with a full belly seemed to be really content. She would probably sleep some more soon, but for now was just happily spending time with them. Sophie picked up Noah and when Willa had climbed on the bed, she made her way to Alex and he leaned back so she could climb in his lap and curl up against him to be comfortable while watching the movie. Alex smiled, looking over and taking in Sophie and Noah, then Avery and finally Willa before nodding. "Yeah, we're really lucky."
Sophie: With the littles curled up on them and the movie playing they settled in and she glanced over to Alex when he agreed a smile on her lips as she shifted a tiny bit to be able to lean against Alex’s arm with Noah against her totally enamored with the movie and wiggling when the songs came on. After the movie ended she chose the live action beauty and the beast and the same thing. Both kids were watching while Avery did end up falling asleep from having her little belly rubbed. About two thirds of the way through Noah fell asleep curled up in her arms knowing it was just about nap time for him.
Alex: It really was relaxing to be curled up all together and just watching movies in a super comfortable atmosphere. Alex smiled as he caught a glimpse of Noah who was falling asleep halfway through the second movie and it was just Willa awake with them now and with her previous morning nap, she was wide awake and fully invested in the movie, wiggling and dancing and singing along as best as she could. "Should we take a movie break or just pick another one?" Alex asked eventually when the ending credits of Beauty and the Beast were on, and he looked over at Sophie.
Sophie: Willa was still wide awake and she figured the little girl would be. “You can start another movie or you can hang out with her for a bit. I’m gonna go put Noah and Avery in their cribs so they can be comfortable and sleep.” She murmured slipping off the bed and moving through the giant fort. After all they had said any naps would be taken in their room and she could tell Noah was about to be fully passed out. She figured that Alex could easily keep Willa occupied while she managed to get two babies to their beds and tucked in.
Alex: Most of the day was spent in bed and Sophie did make sure to put them all in their beds for nap time. So Willa really wasn't a fan of napping again but much more interested in watching more movies in bed with her parents and Alex was happy to be singing songs from the movies with her whenever one got stuck in the little girl's head. The day had come and went pretty much and it was dark out when they finally crawled out of the fort to find some dinner, though ordering in had sounded much more appealing than cooking themselves and when they were all fed and happily sated, it was almost time for bed time. "You're gonna have to sleep in your own bed, Willa," Alex told her with a sigh since she seemed determined to curl up in the big bed instead. "C'mon, we can read a story. I'll let you pick a book, yes?"
Sophie: The day went by fast, faster than she was expecting but easy relaxing days she got to just spend with Alex and the kids were like that. They were usually so busy that anything they did do like this flew by. Willa was seeming to want to curl up on the bed and she knew it would take a little bit to get her to not have a melt down that she had to sleep in her own bed tonight. Especially after all day was spent in the giant fort. Avery was already fast to sleep in her crib for the night and she shifted. “I think while you read I’m gonna try nursing Noah since Avery wasn’t super hungry before bed. At least I won’t have to pump or feel uncomfortable all night if I don’t waiting for when Avery is hungry again.” She said, “then we can all listen to you read a book. I got some new ones that are all Christmas themed to kind of start getting ready for the holiday.” She said pointing to a box off in the corner. “I havent had time to put them on her little book shelf.” She said as she shifted her top and Noah who definitely was tired and without warning latched onto her and started nursing tucking his hand to his face as if nuzzling himself into her to fall asleep.
Alex: Alex chuckled softly when Sophie said she had books not put on Willa's shelf yet. "Lemme go get them," he said with a nod and when he got off the bed, Willa stood up on it, reaching her arms up causing Alex to arch a brow. "Piggy!" Willa let out, causing her dad to laugh softly and of course he couldn't say no to her. He let her climb on his back, reaching back to hold onto her as he walked over to where the Christmas movies were. "Pick one, princess."
Sophie: She watched as Willa climbed on his back pulling a little blanket up and around her and Noah rocking him lightly as Willa was allowed to pick one of the books out. “Just so you know I’m gonna start showing her peppa pig soon to make sure her little accent starts coming in properly.” Okay so it would be a perfect British accent but she could still tease. She looked down brushing fingers through Noah’s little hair before they returned to the bed and got comfortable.
Alex: Alex made sure to keep Willa securely up on his back and glanced over to see Noah tucked against Sophie, both looking comfortably curled up. "You're showing her that just for the accent?" he chuckled softly. When the girl had picked one of the books, Alex carried her back to the bed and let her down so he could settle down again too. With Willa climbing in his lap to see the pictures in the book, he started to read the story, letting Willa add whatever she noticed from the pictures and causing him to smile softly. She did start to get calmer the longer he read though and he knew it'd be easier to put her down in her own room now. And Noah was dozing off already too.
Sophie: “I told you when I was pregnant with her she wasn’t going to miss out on the accent.” She teased as she shifted on the bed as gently as possible to not interrupt Noah. Especially if this was gonna help him fall asleep. She watched him read to Willa and her pointing out different things. Her vocabulary was really growing and she was just such a smart little one. It didn’t take time before she felt the soft release and Noah was sleeping in her arms. Adjusting herself she slipped out of bed and headed for Noah’s room and got him into bed before checking on Avery and heading back into their room figuring Alex would put Willa to bed once the book was finished.
Alex: Willa really was all into talking and learning new words and things every day and it was incredible to watch. Alex glanced up when Sophie slipped out of bed and he figured Noah had dozed off so she could put him to bed now. When the book was read, he let Willa discuss it with him but then picked her up to take her to her own room and he ended up staying with her, letting her grip at his finger until he little hand released him as she fell asleep. Alex snuck out of the room and returned to the bedroom, smiling when he saw Sophie already back in the room. "Well, no naps were taken in our bed," he chuckled softly.
Sophie: When she returned to the room Alex was gone and she figured getting Willa to sleep. She crawled into bed and pulled the blanket over her figuring they could deal with the blanket fort and taking it down tomorrow. When he did return she chuckled at his words, “no, no naps were had or bed time so I think our day in our room was pretty successful don’t you?” She turned on her side. “Noah went to sleep so easy after nursing. Avery is sound asleep and I’m guessing Willa wasn’t too bad or I didn’t hear her crying at least?” She said propping her head up her head with her hand. “Come get comfy in our little fort.”
Alex: "I'd say it was very successful yes," Alex chuckled softly. He moved towards the bed to get in with her again. "She didn't cry, but she didn't want to let me go either," he told her. "Kept gripping so tightly onto my hand. It's funny how tight she can grip as little as she is." Even though they had spent all day here, he was happy to lay back down and wasn't sick of all the resting yet. "Mmh, we have it all to ourselves now." He smiled as he lay down beside her, humming softly.
Sophie: She gave a smile and nodded, today had been great. Lots of movies, food, cuddles. It had kind of been perfect. “Good I’m glad they’re all asleep and now we can have the whole fort to ourselves.” She said even though he had said that too. “I think we should leave it up tonight and worry about cleaning up in the morning.” She figured that would give them time to spend together now. “Today has been just really perfect. The kids had so much fun. Or at least Willa and Noah did.” Avery was too small to really understand. “And then this morning with you.” She moaned. “So good.”
Alex: He was ready to curl up, fixing the pillow to rest his head against and really not thinking about taking the fort down now. He hadn’t even considered it at all yet. "I mean I already figured we’d do that in the morning, so…” Alex chuckled, turning his head to look at her. He raised his brow and smirked slightly as Sophie mentioned their morning and the sound she let out caused him to chew on the inside of his cheek. His eyes wandered down her body briefly and he felt like he looked at her with slightly hooded eyes as pictures of their morning activities popped up in his mind. “Still thinking ‘bout it?” he asked, a grin curled onto his lips as he shifted to turn more towards her.
Sophie: She was glad they were on the same page as far as fixing to clean up went since she really didn’t have any plans to get up and move away from the bed that involved cleaning. “Mhm still thinking about it. It was hot wasnt it?” Their morning had been all about fitting in different positions the pair both liked. He’d on top so Alex could get a show and Sophie bent over from behind so she could feel the more dominating side of Alex. They balanced when they could. As he slid closer to her she smiled. “Was a really, really great morning.”
Alex: “Oh it was so hot,” he agreed, nodding his head slightly as he let his eyes linger on her, locking with hers. He took in the way she repeated how good it had been, the soft smile on her lips and he groaned softly, almost too quiet to be heard. “So good, and yet you told me to keep my hands to myself,” he teased. He knew it had mostly been their kids waking up that had them out of bed after all, not the fact that they both rather wanted to be up and moving than staying in bed together longer. Biting down on his lower lip, he shifted onto his back again to rest his head comfortably on the pillow and he glanced up, taking in the fort surrounding them, a grin starting to spread on his lips again. “What are your thoughts on having sex in a fort?”
Sophie: When he mentioned keeping his hands to himself she chuckled, “the kids were gonna be waking up. My idea of fun was not to be woken up to kids crying almost about to come on your cock and not be able to finish.” She was blunt this time but felt her cheeks heat at her words. It wasn’t like Alex was ever shy with his words around friends or her but she still had her moments where she’d almost be embarrassed but she knew she didn’t have to be. When the following question asked she hummed. “I mean I do believe we should always try everything at least once. Maybe twice to see if we like it.” She quipped glancing over at him an obvious heavier breathing in her chest.
Alex: Alex had a habit of not really holding back words when he was around Sophie or his friends, he could be very blunt and he always tried to encourage Sophie not to be shy about things. So when she said things the way she did, he couldn't help but grin almost proudly at her. "Right, that would've killed the mood bit time," he laughed. And it would've left the two of them awfully frustrated too. He glanced over to see Sophie's cheeks a faint shade of red and he knew it was from being as blunt as she had just been. He lifted his hand, reaching up to where the sheets were hung up. "I mean, it gives less room than just having sex on the bed, I suppose that'd affect how to move," he said as if he was just thinking out loud. "Could be totally wrong though, might have to test it out..."
Sophie: For nearly three years of their relationship Alex had let Sophie come into being comfortable in her sexuality with him. There were still times she’d get embarrassed even though she didn’t have to but she knew he had been patient and even encouraged it. “It would have killed the mood and I would have been so fucking moody if I was about to and then had to stop.” That was one thing she didn’t like, the loss of about to hit that release to have to stop and deal with that longing itch that needed to be scratched. “It might or we can move to other places like floor without it being uncomfortable too.” They did have blankets all over. “Would also be easier to take me from behind with so much cushion.” Being on top wouldn’t really work unlsss they wanted to rip down the fort. “We only have the fort till tomorrow so testing it out will have to be soon.” She murmured. “I think I have some much needed energy burnt off.” She husked her hand running down her belly and sliding into her pajamas to play with herself wanting to trigger Alex to react.
Alex: “You know there’s people out there who get a thrill in getting their partner almost to that point and then stop just to tease them,” Alex said with a smirk. “You’re so lucky I love seeing you come undone,” he murmured, giving a little wink. He loved that Sophie allowed herself to talk with him about this, he knew she wasn’t really shy, barely ever actually, but sometimes she was more about doing these things than talking about them. “You just like me filling you up the way I do when I’m behind you,” he stated, a smirk on his lips. “The only thing that irks me about that is how little of you I can see.” He knew she was aware he loved to watch her. He had learned to read so much from her facial expressions and he loved witnessing it all on her face and in her eyes too. Or watch her when she let her hand wander just like she was doing right now, slipping it down her torso and then into her pants. He growled under his breath, rolling himself more onto his side before shifting further so he could push himself up a bit to hover over her. “Are you starting without me?”
Sophie: “You say thrill, I say sadist. Who wants to get close to coming to then stop? Sounds like torture.” Or maybe she just hadn’t understood the pleasure of that but to her she wasn’t sure it sounded fun. “Mm you just love knowing you’re the one that has me screaming.” She said poking her tongue out at him. “I do, the feeling from behind is more intense it feels more full just the angle does something to me.” She said. “I mean you can see me you just can’t see my face as much but you can’t say there isn’t something about having complete control of me from behind that isn’t hot for you too babe.” She hummed even if she knew on top was probably his favorite currently. Her breath hitched as she rubbed her fingers around herself when he rolled over her growling. “I wouldn’t say starting without you. More like amping you up to want to ravage me.” She said, “but I rather it be your hand than mine but if I have to mine will work.” She said sliding her hand down further and sliding one finger into her before moaning out Alexs name really to just egg him on.
Alex: "Isn't that the thing? They're into the whole torturous side of it," he said with a shrug. Really, he wasn't interested in that, he rather see the effect he could have on Sophie, and he loved giving her the pleasure she was looking for. "That does add to the thrill of it," he chuckled and bit down on his lower lip lightly. He listened to her and grinned amusedly. "You're making it sound like you have to argue about why you enjoy it, but really I love any way I get to be with you...move with you, feel you," Alex murmured, shifting so he was hovering over her eventually as she kept her hand in her pants and he was left to imagine just how she was touching herself by the sound she let him hear. "Oh you're definitely starting without me." His eyes wandered from her eyes to her lips, then down where he could see the top of her hand and he sucked in a breath before shifting himself to rest on just one of his arms so he could use the other hand to slide down her arm and to her hand, resting over it on top of the fabric of her pants and pressing it down more against her. His eyes were locked on her now, watching her expression as he tugged his hand up a little bit again, fingers wrapping around her wrist and tugging it up so she'd pull her hand back.
Sophie: “I mean I’m sure it’s fun for some people.” She knew that everyone had different turn ons. They both did and tried new things with each other all the time, even almost three years in there was nothing boring about their sex life after three kids. “I’m not arguing I’m just saying why I enjoy it just like I know you love me on top to watch and see all of me. Look honest as long as it’s you fucking me im pretty much happy as a clam alex” she laughed. His hand slid down and over her pants and pressed her hand down pushing her finger further into it and she curled it gasping out and arching slightly. Then his hand pulled her hand back and she whimpered her legs naturally parting for him as her wet fingers guided his hand down to her wetness and pressed his fingers into her and her hips ground down onto him.
Alex: He laughed softly when she said she was happy as long as it was him fucking her and he couldn’t agree more. He loved every time he got to be with her, enjoy her, either settling for simple ways to be together or trying new things. He watched her every reaction to him moving his hand, pressing hers down and then pulling it back. He let her guide his hand down, slipping into her pants and between her legs. He felt his fingers slip through wet lips and then into her, a grin tugging at his lips as Sophie shifted, grinding into his hand. He didn’t need her to guide him to start pumping his fingers in and out of her, matching the rhythm her hips were moving in.
Sophie: Her let her press his hand down between her legs and into her and then he knew as he started pumping his fingers in and out of her to match her rhythm. Her wet fingers grasped at his arm as her hips started to move harder against his hand almost like she was starting to partially ride his fingers. Her head tossed back. “Oh god yes.” She panted pushing and rolling her hips more. “God yes. Yes. Yes.” Her words coming out in almost slurs as she shifted her hips up a little bit to move against his fingers faster to push them deeper. “More.” She gasped wanting him to add another finger into her as she ground against his hand it was obvious Sophie was already highly sensitive and if he continued to play he could get her to come several times if he played his cards right as she was already melting under his touch and would pretty much do anything he said to get him to push his hand more into her.
Alex: He pumped his fingers, watching her head fall back and her hips moving harder against his hand. He felt her hand on his arm, her fingers pressing into his skin. He hummed softly, loving the way she so easily gave away how much she loved to be touched by him. He pulled his hand back, teasing her a little before slipping his fingers back into her, another one added and his movements a little quicker to meet her rhythm again. His thumb pressed against her clit to give her another sensation before rubbing the little nub slightly, between pumps.
Sophie: Her head lulled back again when he pulled back and was teasing her and she let out a mix between a growl and whine. He slipped another finger into her and she moved her hands down to her pants pushing them down till she could kick them off with his hand buried inside of her her legs opening wider. Feeling his thumb find her clit she gasped out his name before pushing herself up on her elbows and then a little more and started to move her hips up and down on his fingers, riding his hand while his thumb caressed her clit. “Fuck fuck right there, oh god right there Alex.” She said her voice loud as she leaned up more bracing herself on him and started to move up and down on his fingers like her body had taken full control knowing he still had control to move his fingers and curl them and make her beg.
Alex: Alex slowed when Sophie started to push down her hands and hadn’t he been busy holding himself up with his free hand, he would’ve helped get the fabric off quicker. “Mmh, baby,” he murmured, leaning down to press a few kisses against her neck before she shifted, pushing herself up against him more, hips coming up more so she was able to move against his hand, almost like she was trying to ride his fingers the way she had him early that morning. A grin was spread across his lips as he started to rub his thumb against her, getting exactly the reaction he wanted to see and he curled his fingers lightly before pumping them again more. “How’s this feeling, baby? Tell me how close you are,” he husked into her ear.
Sophie: Alex shifted with her, following her queues, letting her take the lead and letting her body move the way it wanted to move or needed to move whatever you would call it. Her fingers gripped into his shirt to stabilize herself so she didn’t fall or anything as a slur of curse words fell from her lips. “So close.” She whined. “Alex I’m so close.” The uneven breathing the way her hips moved sloppy as if trying to get any friction she could get before she felt her body tense hard her free hand desperately trying to hold onto him as her body started to shake and convulse as she hit her release her walls tightening around his fingers as she hit her first release and came on his fingers buried inside of her while crying his name.
Alex: Really they were lucky they were still as dressed as they were even though Alex figured his shirt was going to be all scrunched together where Sophie was gripping onto it. “Just a little more than, babe.. I want you to cum. Don’t hold back,” he murmured, encouraging her more the way she was moving against him. He knew she really was close when her movements started getting a little sloppier and when he finally felt her tensing against him, he shifted to press her down into the mattress again, pushing her back into the cushions and his fingers curled a little more inside of her before settling for slow pumps that helped her through her orgasm. Alex hummed softly when he finally pulled his hand back, feeling her wetness on his fingers. A smirk tugged on his lips before he shifted himself, eyes locking on her before he slid down her body, between her legs and sitting back there so he could drag his hands along the inside of her thighs.
Sophie: She definitely didn’t hold back when the peak hit and she was loud. Thankfully she knew it wouldn’t wake anyone they were used to sounds and noises from traveling and all the boys. He pushed her back and helped her ride out the feelings that crashed through her like waves of pleasure. His hand pulled back and through hooded eyes looked at him to see the smirk pulling across his face. At first she thought it was just from the fact he made her come but then he slide down and between her legs his hands dragging along her thighs. “You have an evil smirk on your face.” She panted, “I’m not sure if I should be afraid or not.”
Alex: He glanced up at her to catch a glimpse of the look on her face and chuckled softly. "Evil? I'm not evil," Alex murmured. He spread her legs a little further apart, ducking down a bit not to get caught in one of the hung up sheets and really, that was his plan anyway. He moved and shifted to rest down against the bed between her legs, making it easier to bring his face down towards her. He trailed a few kisses along her thighs before inching closer to that sensitive spot between Sophie’s legs, eyes darting up to see her face.
Sophie: “I don’t know that smirk says different about the whole not evil thing.” She said giggling. Feeling him move her legs apart a bit she settled back against the bed. A soft hum left her lips when he kissed along her legs before seeing him move and then glancing up to focus on her eyes. “See I knew you were planning on being evil.” She teased knowing as he got closer to her wet core what his plan was.
Alex: The same smirk spread on his lips again as he glanced up at Sophie and arched a brow. “If you rather I don’t, just tell me..” he offered, knowing she probably wouldn’t want him to move away anyway. “I don’t know how this is evil though.” He licked his lips, glancing down before locking eyes with Sophie again and then he finished the trail of kisses until he could bury his face between her legs, lips peppering kisses here and there. He ran his tongue between her lips, tasting the wetness, before closing his lips around her clit to tease a little bit.
Sophie: “I’m not saying I don’t want you too but don’t act like that smirk is innocent either.” She said when he finished kissing her legs before he found himself between her legs. He started to move his mouth against her lapping up the wetness before latching onto her clit that was already swollen and sensitive from earlier and her hand came down grabbing into his hair and pulling as he teased the sensitive nub.
Alex: "I never said it was innocent," he grinned up at her. "Not evil though." He was happy to find his way between her legs, lapping up her wetness before starting to tease. suckling lightly before flipping his tongue against the sensitive nub, hoping he'd get a reaction from Sophie quickly, and he did. He could feel her hands gripping into his hair, pulling and tugging as he teased her and he only managed to murmur a "don't pull it out" as he lifted his head the littlest bit so he could tease his tongue along her wet lips again and again.
Sophie: “Mm I can’t help how I react and if your hair is the thing right there to hold onto.” She panted her fingers still threaded into his hair. The his tongue started to lap at her wetness again. “Wow oh.. wow.” She gasped fingers tugging at his hair again before her head fell back. “God Alex stop acting like I’m the most delicious thing in the world.” She panted because it certainly only drove her more crazy
Alex: Truth was as fond as he was of his hair, Alex loved when she gripped at it, knowing she was looking for him to hold onto in a way. His eyes glanced up again as he continued to flick his tongue, lapping her up. Thought at her comment, he lifted his head to fully look at her. “But you are, baby,” he murmured. “Taste so good.” He hummed softly before leaning back down, this time flicking his tongue against her clit a few times, then lapping at her again a few times, letting the tip of his tongue dip between her lips.
Sophie: When he said how good she tasted she groaned her head falling back pulling on his hair a little more. She knew his hair was something he prided himself in but she was one of the lucky ones that got to play with it or in this case pull on it. His mouth went back to work and her legs hitched over his shoulders her knees pressing into the sides of his head but not really squeezing. “Fuck Alex!”
Alex: He wasn’t lying when he said he loved the taste of her, but mostly he loved the reaction he got. The way her head fell back, her legs shifted to hitch over his shoulders so she had him almost locked between her thighs, his hands moving up to grip at her legs and he hummed against her core, dipping his tongue in again and again. He shifted a little bit to bring his hand around her leg and caressing over her skin until he rested it flat against her stomach, slipping down a bit more until he could bring his thumb over her clit, brushing over it a few times for more of a sensation.
Sophie: Alex was never one to shy away from pleasuring Sophie. Not in the slightest, where other people she had been with and other people she knew and their partners men often were worried about themselves. Alex though seemed to always be more worried about her pleasure and opening her up to exploring what she wanted to try. Like when she had suggested making a sex tape together. When his hand slid over her stomach her fingers were still curled in his hair before feeling his fingers starting to brush against her clit in between his tongue raving and lapping up. “Alex oh my fucking god.” She pulled his hair a little harder. “I’m gonna come if you don’t stop.” Whimpering out her words.
Alex: Since they hadn't fully undressed yet, when Alex brushed his hand over her stomach he was glad it had been riding up a bit so he could actually feel her skin before bringing it closer to where he wss occupied. A grin formed on his lips when Sophie told him she'd come if he didn't stop and maybe he butied his face a little further between her legs, with no intention to stop before she found her release again.
Sophie: Part of her thought he was going to stop test the whole torture of being close and stopping but Alex seemed to press in more between her legs. Part of her worried he’d suffocate himself at this rate. “Fucking… fuck…” she gasped out his mouth moving so expertly against her in the ways he knew she liked before her back arched and she cried out gripping his hair and pulling hitting her release.
Alex: He loved the way Sophie gasped and her body shifted and moved and when she finally reached her release, Alex felt her almost yanking at his hair. He made sure to lap up her juices, guiding her through the orgasm before lifting his head, grinning cheekily up at her. "I did briefly consider what your reaction would be if I just stopped," he chuckled softly, crawling up and over her so he was hovering above her, legs resting between hers. "So glad I didn't," he murmured, obviously loving seeing her come undone.
Sophie: She could feel the way his tongue moved languidly against her to ease her through her release and lapping up her release. Her breathing was heavy and choppy as she tried to catch her breath when he finally slid up and over her body. “Mmm you couldn’t bring yourself to stop even if you tried you enjoy knowing you’re the one making me come. You enjoy that far too much baby.” She giggled softly.
Alex: He playfully rolled his eyes. "Are you seriously complaining?" he asked, biting his lower lip as his eyes locked with hers. He lowered himself against her some, body pressing against hers and making it painfully clear they were still wearing so many clothes. "Mmh, I do think you enjoyed this a whole lot too."
Sophie: Sophie started laughing, “no I’m not complaining babe.” She said, “I’m just saying you couldn’t do it because you get a high off of knowing you make me come it’s not a bad thing at all. Trust me I’m screaming do you think I’m complaining?” She shook her head with a playful eye roll. When his hips pushed down she mewled softly. “I think I’d enjoy it better if your clothes were off and you were inside me.”
Alex: "I'm just making sure," Alex chuckled softly. "I mean, if you do ever want me to stop and tease... You let me know," he smirked, though he didn't really see that happening. His pressed down into her, and he wasn't disappointed with the sound that caused Sophie to let out. "Oh yeah? Then I think maybe you should get these clothes off of me.."
Sophie: “Mm I don’t think I’m ready to start experimenting with that right now. I just suggested a sex tape one new thing at a time.” She said as she chewed down into her lower lip feeling his hips press heavier into her own. “Oh I have to do the work?” She said, “I mean I had to start with getting myself going.” She teased her hands moving and gently starting to push down his pajama pants. “But fine I can help you.” As she pressed her fingers into his skin
Alex: He laughed softly, shaking his head a bit before nudging her nose with his. "No worries. One thing at a time works perfectly fine for me," he murmured. Hummind softly as he felt her hands skimmimh down to his pants, he stole a chaste kiss from her lips. "I'd like to remind you that I already gave you two orgasms in the meantime?" he teased, voice soft and low, almost muffled by his lips capturing hers in another kiss. He rolled his hips into hers slightly, groaning softly as he felt her pressing against his erection. He shifted to make it easier to strip his clothes off, and he made sure to get the rest of hers off too so when he sank against her again, this time there was full skin on skin contact.
Sophie: “It’s why I love you.” Or well it was one of the many reasons she loved Alex he took her pace when needed. Not that he’d ever push, honestly he never seemed interested anyway. “You’re wrong, you’ve actually already given me three today and I’ve give you one so don’t act like you haven’t had some fun and didn’t you say half your fun is making me come.” She teased giggling softly before her lips were captured by his. Once they were fully bare against each other she hitched her leg over his hip, “try not to pull down the fort around us while fucking me okay?” She grinned.
Alex: "We're not counting this morning," he laughed. "I was just saying it's not like I didn't do any work yet, so you can totally help me get these clothes off. Plus, I just want your hands on me.. Are you gonna say no to that?" Alex hummed softly. When they were both naked, Sophie wrapped her leg around him, holding him close to her and he groaned softly." I can't make any promises," he muttered, once more rolling his hips against hers as he let his hand wander up her leg and gripping it lightly, fingertips pressing into her skin.
Sophie: “Here I thought you’d like a running total of how many times you’ve had me screaming your name in one day.” still teasing him a smirk tugging larger at her lips. When he said he wanted to have her hands on him she groaned, he was right, dammit he won with that she was never going to turn down when we played it like that and she’d get him back for that one. “Mm we should at least try.” She murmured. “So we don’t end up under a pile of blankets.” Though she knew how they were in the throws of intimacy. When his hips rolled and she felt his cock slide through her slight wetness that was building again she mewled, “don’t tease a needy woman it’s cruel.” She pouted her lower lip out.
Alex: Truth was, Alex knew they could easily get caught up in the moment and then they wouldn't be too worried about the fort. They could just put it back up later anyway if they really wanted to. He felt his cock slide between her wet lips and he knew he was teasing himself just as much as her. "I'm not being cruel," he husked out and shifted to adjust himself so with the next roll of his hips he could sink into her, bury himself inside of her.
Sophie: “You are being cruel.” She pouted before giggling softly she felt him roll his hips and shift into her sliding the full length of himself into her and buried inside her warm tight walls. “Mmh baby.” She ran her hands up his back and over his shoulders to his face cupping it before pulling him in for a kiss. Her mouth parted her tongue prying between his lips before meeting his warm tongue and tangling with his for dominance.
Alex: He groaned as he slid into her, able to bury his full length and feel her so snug around him. Alex closed his eyes, relishing in the feeling of her around him and the way her hands ran over his skin, pulling him in and soon he was busy kissing her back, tongues fighting for dominance and neither eafed to let go and stop. He focused on this moment for a fee minutes before slowly moving, shifting his hips, slow but steady thrusts now.
Sophie: Her mouth moved heavily with his their tongues tangling together. Their breathing was heavy and his movements were starting to thrust into her they were slow but steady and firm that it gave way to a low growl in the back of her throat. Her hands slid down her back before dragging her nails down into his skin leaving a soft red mark.
Alex: It was a heavy, hungry, passionate kiss and Alex loved the closeness it gave them. He rolled his hips, movements steady and slow but making sure to bury himself deep inside of her. He groaned when he hear the low growl from Sophie and felt her nails digging into his skin, this time sure she was going to leave a mark. "Fuck, baby," he cursed when he head to break their kiss for air briefly, though he was quick to reconnect their lips again, hungry for the feeling and the taste of her lips on his.
Sophie: When he broke the kiss and groaned she smirked against his mouth. “Mm babe you feel so good back inside of me.” She hummed before his mouth was back consuming hers his tongue licking and prying into her mouth and her all too eager to accept as her tongue tangled with his again before shifting her hips to push up and meet his when he thrust deep inside of her.
Alex: They moved so perfectly well together, whether it was their tongues tangling or their hips just finding the right rhythm to press a d push into each other. It was one of the reasons Alex enjoyed sex with her so much, they always worked so well together. He felt the familiar tingling feeling building up inside od him easily, but he wasn't going to be done already, he wanted more od Sophie, more time like this. He broke their kiss reluctantly and cursed unser his breath, his head dropping to her shoulder as he let his hands wander.
Sophie: They could always read each other so well together. She felt him move and break the kiss and him curse his body tensing. Her hand rubbing down over his back. “Mmm slow down baby if you don’t want to come yet” she could tell by his breathing that he was probably trying to slow himself down to not find his release. “But I don’t mind if you want to come in me.” She didn’t mind if he got off and she didn’t. It wasn’t like it had to be a mutual thing she enjoyed being connected with him.
Alex: He brushed his lips against the skin of her shoulder once his head was resting there and a soft chuckle left his lips. "Oh no, I do not wanna be done yet," he murmured and his thrusts slowed until he came almost to a halt, taking deep breaths to regulate his breathing again. "You feel so damn good, baby," Alex murmured
Sophie: Feeling his mouth brush her shoulder she hummed. Her body shifted under his body as she felt his hips move and slow until he was just buried inside of her while she watched him take deep breath. “Mm not as good as you feel inside of me. /trust/ me. You feel so fucking good in me alex.”
Alex: Alex smiled as he heard the soft hum she let out and he place a few soft kisses on her skin. "Mmh, so good baby," he said again and really, this was one of his favorite places to be when it came to just the two of them, fully connected and one in a way, feeling her walls so snug around his length and occasionally thrusting for some added friction. His hands wandered, caressing her body, digging into her skin here and there beforenone hand slid between them and he brougt it down to rest on her lower belly just above so that he could rub slow circles against her clit with his thumb.
Sophie: His lips pressed soft but warm kisses against her skin. A soft giggle left her lips when he said again how good it all felt. “I think you’re enjoying this a lot, getting laid twice in one day.” It was more just a tease it was obvious from her own arousal she wasn’t minding at all. His hand slid down and his body shifted a tiny bit his hand moving between them as his thumb moved between her legs and she gasped feeling her walls clench for a moment around his length at the surprise tease of his fingers against her clit her head pressing into the pillow and eyes rolling back.
Alex: "Isn't that very obvious?" he laughed softly. A few more chaste kisses against her warm skin later, his hand was slipping down between them and he groaned at the reaction his movements caused. "I think you're very much enjoying this a lot, too." A grin was spread on Alex's lips as he lifted his head to look at her, the way her head fell back into the pillow. His thumb moved slow, small circles against her clit and Alex focused on that for a moment before shifting again, falling into a slow, but deep rhythm of thrusting his hips.
Sophie: “Obviously because your hard inside me or obvious because I can just tell?” She teased when he retorted that he was sure she was too. “Oh I definitely am I’ve got no complaints about my man having his way with me twice in one day. Morning and night.” She purred as his hips started to move in a deep rhythm into her tight walls while his thumb still teased her clit. “Oh fuck Alex!” She cried out her mouth panting opening as her legs opened more so willingly for him.
Alex: Of course it was probably both and he had to give her that so he just chuckled against her skin. "Having my way with you?" he repeated, lips curling into more of a grin before he started moving again, thumb moving and Sophie's reaction was just as he had hoped. He was settled between her legs, pressing her down into the bed more with each thrust and he knew he could go a little longer this way, the please constantly building up but more so enjoying the steady pace and each other. "Mmh, yes baby.."
Sophie: "Mhm having your way with me but like I said there's no complaints you should do it more often when I don't expect it even." she hummed. With her legs more parted he was able to settle more between her and really use leverage to press her down into the bed, thrusting deep into her each time her hand came up slamming into her back as her hips suddenly pinned up against his, "Oh god, yes right there, don't stop, right there Alex." her panting heavy as she practically was writhing on the bed under him
Alex: The way Sophie spread her legs made it easy for him to settle into her, easier to thrust deep into her with each push forward and he could feel her twitching beneath him, sure she could tell he was throbbing with the built up pleasure he knee could only hold back for so long. "Fuck, maybe I want you to feel so good.. I want to feel you come again," he muttered under his breath, his hand pulled back from between them so he could rest on his arms, making it easier to move his hips.
Sophie: It was like she wanted more of him inside of her, the way her legs spread so wide for him the more he pressed into her. Welcoming each heavy thrust deep inside of her, hitting that spot deep inside that was practically making her see stars. When he said he wanted to feel her come again even though he had already made her come twice that night so far she knew he'd get his wish. The way she was practically screaming under him, the way he was hitting his stride with his hips at the angle each and every time deep inside her needy walls. It took another two or three firm strokes from his cock before she lost it, screaming as she came hard around him, her body spasming under him, slurs of curses coming from her lips as her body continued to shake and she screamed his name the heat coursing through her.
Alex: So maybe they had been joking about tearing down the tent by moving so much while having sex and yet here they were, not going so crazy to be tearing down blankets but it felt so good to be so deeply inside of her, the way she felt around his cock with each thrust he made that Alex was blissfully happy to be doing it this way. He cursed when she screamed and her walls tightened around his length and he felt her coming hard around him. "Fuck, I'm so close baby.. You feel so fucking good," Alex cursed out.
Sophie: Honestly the fact they hadn't made blankets fall on them was a miracle but it wasn't so much fast as it was slow and hard. Which made a big difference. Her walls were so tight around him now after the third orgasm and she was so sensitive with each movement of his cock inside of her. Her toes were tightly curled as she grabbed his hair and shifted bringing his mouth down to her breast. "Baby please. They're so hard right now suck." She gasped moving his mouth to her nipple knowing what would happen if he sucked aside from pleasure from her but it was easy to see with the small drips she was over stimulated. "Please and I need you to come in me. So deep." she whimpered fingers in his hair clamped hard.
Alex: He didn't stop but rather moved her through her orgasm and feeling himself getting closer and closer. He smirked as her hands gripped at his hair and guided him down. He didn't need much of an invitation to let his lips wrap around her nipple, sucking hard before brushing his tongue against it, happy to be giving Sophie the kind of attention she needed. He groaned against her, gasping out almost as he thrust his hips forward and moaned out her name. "Fuuuck, Soph.."
Sophie: His body moved where she guided him. His mouth wrapping around her nipple, and she was sure he could taste the soft drips of milk that had come out earlier as she cried out his name. "Harder, please." she begged, knowing he would get some taste in his mouth but her breast were so sensitive between the thrusting into tight walls, tasting her that way, and him being about to come he's probably get her to come one last time. "Yes. Yes. Yes." she begged as his mouth was moved back to her nipple "Oh god I'm gonna come if you keep sucking. Oh god I'm coming, I'm coming!" she yelled as her body started to come hard again figuring her walls couldn't get any tighter around him hoping that would force him to find his release.
Alex: His thrusts came harder when Sophie asked for it, hips moving into hers. Alex could taste her on his lips, drips of breast milk on his tongue as he flicked the tip of it against her nipple and then sucked again to tease more. It barely needed Sophie coming again to find his own release. "Holy shit... Sophie," he moaned out loudly, cursing as he came deep inside of her and after a few more thrusts he sank down against her, breathing heavy, panting hard.
Sophie: His mouth didn't seem to stop though she could feel the release of a tiny bit of breast milk. He didn't seem freaked out by it and immediately turned off but she knew over arousal could make her filled with milk and not being painfully full did help some and of course it was more pleasurable from Alex. She felt him thrust a few more times before his hips sank and she could feel him spurting heavily inside of her, coating her warm walls and her body went limp under him. "Fuck alex." she breathed, gasping for breath.
Alex: He chuckled softly, resting on top of her, burying his face in her neck momentarily, before lifting his head again to look at her, still trying to catch his breath. "Fuck, you're amazing," Alex murmured. He stole a kiss from her lips, shifting so he could find her hands with his and lace their fingers together. "Mmh, god, I love you baby."
Sophie: Her high was still coursing through her body as she felt his body on hers, his hands lacing with hers. "I love you too baby." she repeated. "I'm sorry you had to taste me like that. I didn't mean that but I'm kind of over filled but I knew it'd make me come again." she told him as she licked her lips a blush on her cheeks as she laid her body into the bed more.
Alex: He arched a brow as she apologized and he shook his head a little bit. "What are you sorry for? I literally do not mind at all." He never would think it was her fault, nor did he care whether he tasted her milk or not. His breathing was slowly starting to slow again, to regulate. "Over filled?" he repeated, an almost worried look on his face. "Uncomfortably so?" He gave her hands a gentle squeeze, bringing them up above her head slightly, still resting against her, his cock buried snug inside of her.
Sophie: "I know but I didn't really ask I just made you." she said she was kind of in the throws of multiple orgasms that she didn't really know what she was doing at the time other than wanting to reach that high again with him. Though she knew he didn't care. When he asked if she was uncomfortable she felt him lift her arms over her head which made it pretty obvious how filled her breasts were, she wasn't exactly large breasted on a good day other than when she was nursing. "Arousal can make them you know fill and they're just a bit overfilled so yeah it's a bit uncomfortable but I'm fine."
Alex: He playfully rolled his eyes. "Like that changes how I feel about it," he murmured, lifting her arms up above her head and he couldn't help glance down at her breasts, licking his lips. "If you want me to help.." he offered, looking at her again and almost giving a shrug, "or you know, get you something to pump.."
Sophie: When he rolled his eyes she rolled her eyes. "I know but we never talked about it. You know I want you to enjoy what we're doing." Though obviously he had given he had just come inside of her and she could feel their fluids still mixing together. When he glanced down and licked his lips she felt her cheeks heat even more. "What do you mean if I want you to help exactly?" she questioned because he then offered to get the pump so she was more curious. "I mean I'll be fine they're just really sensitive right now."
Alex: "Oh I'm really enjoying what we're doing," Alex murmured. He glanced down, then back at her and shrugged his shoulders, an almost mischevious grin curling on his lips. "I mean.. I don't mind tasting you and you made it very obvious what you wanted me to do a few minutes ago," he said, looking at her almost questioningly. "I don't wanna take away any of our baby's food so if you'd rather pump I can get that for you... But I can also help you relax, ease that tension..." He had helped her with the tension before, when they had very firstly been away from Willa while she was still breastfeeding but that was using his hands to help out.
Sophie: She let out a soft chuckle, "That's because you got to do what every man wants to do come inside his girlfriend with no worries." she teased sticking out her tongue playfully at him. When he said he didn't mind tasting her and that she had obviously wanted him to just minutes ago she swallowed a little nervously. They hadn't crossed this boundary before. Anything new made Sophie nervous she went right back to that fear of judgement idea in her head. "I mean Alex, I'm literally made to produce milk you wouldn't be taking away food from any of our babies. I'm literally able to nurse Noah and Avery." she pointed out. "so I mean if you want to help ease the tension you can but.. only if you want to it's not.. you know, needed."
Alex: "I mean, yeah I'm really lucky to be able to do that," he chuckled. He let out a breath and leaned in to nudge her nose with his. "Baby," he said softly, eyes locking with hers. "Are you nervous?" he asked, trying to read the look on her face as he licked his lips again. He let go of one of her hands to bring it to her breast again and cupped it gently. "I want to do what I can to ease any of your tension.."
Sophie: "And to know this IUD is working because if I were to get pregnant again not gonna lie I might jump off the roof." she muttered, it was purely a joke because both of them would probably consider it. His voice softened as he asked her if she was nervous. "I mean.. I don't know if nervous is the right word. Maybe. This isn't something we've done before." The heat on her cheeks was enough to give away she was nervous or anxious. His hand cupped her breast and she was sure he'd now get a good idea by how hard they were that she was definitely overfilled milk wise as she made a noise a mix of a mewl and hiss with out sensitive they are before she nodded, "Okay. I want... I want you to try. But stop when you're uncomfortable."
Alex: "Oh Yeah, no... we rather don't want that," he murmured, shaking his head a bit. Watching Sophie, he tried to really read her, make sure he could tell just what she wanted. "I know, that's why I wanna make sure you'd be comfortable with trying." He bit on his lip as he felt her breast, how hard it was in his hand and he gave a nod. "I'll stop if I get uncomfortable, but I don't know why I should be." He let go of her other hand too, leaning in to peck her lips and then shifted, slipping out of her to slide down her body, starting to pepper kisses down her neck and then her cleavage.
Sophie: "No, no babies, no jumping off things." she said with a small chuckle. She could tell by the way he was moving that he was trying to get a really good read on her. "I just.. okay as long as you're not uncomfortable, I'm not it's just new we haven't done this. Just... be more sensual about it.." Her lips pecked his as she then felt him shifting his mouth peppering kisses down her body before moving between her breast, his warm breath causing a shiver down her spine.
Alex: "I'm not uncomfortable," he murmured. He locked eyes with her again before he shifted, huffing out when he slipped out of her but then moved down her body a little, peppering kisses. He glanced up at her, making sure she really was okay with it before he wandered over until his lips found her one breast, peppering kisses and then closing around her nipple.
Sophie: She knew that Alex wouldn't hold back if he was uncomfortable and honestly this was kind of his idea. She felt him slide out of her and she groaned at the loss of contact and then the mix of fluids from her scrunching her nose. His mouth moved closer to her nipple and she let out a soft moan before feeling his mouth wrap around her nipple and her head and body fell back into the bed.
Alex: Alex really wasn't worried about ending up being uncomfortable. He rather make sure Sophie was feeling better, and getting her to not worry so much was just an added bonus. He hummed as she reacted, unable to hide the grin on his face. He suckled on her nipple and it wasn’t long until he could feel drips of breast milk on his lips. He was eager to try something new like this, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to use his hand at all. He brought it up to cup her other breast, massaging it gently.
Sophie: She knew Alex's goal was always to make her comfortable. To make her try new things together as a partnership. Plus it wasn't like she hadn't tasted him and had him in her mouth before while he might have gone down on her she had swallowed him before. So how was this any different. She felt the release not long after it started slow before starting to come out as he suckled against her, his hand started massaging at her breast. "Fuck." she breathed, fingers tangling in the back of his hair.
Alex: He glanced up when Sophie cursed out, briefly worried she'd want him to stop but the way she tangled her fingers in his hair caused him to not worry too much and rather focus on how to move his lips instead. He lingered at one breast, making sure to ease the tension, the possible pain it was causing until he felt like it was all less hard than it had been. He smirked slightly up at Sophie before starting to move towards her other breast, lips once more closing around her nipple.
Sophie: Her fingers tangled in his hair pulling slightly at it. Letting him suckle until she could feel it feel less hard and tense before his mouth moved her eyes closed before his mouth was on her other nipple, "Oh god. Alex." She breathed out holding the back of his head her body arching slightly into his mouth obvious she was enjoying this on the more sexual side of things.
Alex: He didn’t wait for her to tell him she was fine on that breast before he moved over to the other hand, assuming that if she still felt uncomfortable with it, he could always just go back. He glanced up when Sophie moaned out and he was glad she let him know that way she was enjoying it. Truth was, he had been a little nervous too but apparently could play it off well. He wasn’t nervous about getting uncomfortable at all, but rather worried he wouldn’t be able to do anything to help at all.
Sophie: She was definitely feeling better, and each suck that he pulled a tiny bit more from her she could feel the tightness ease. Honestly these were moments she realized why she was head over heels in love with Alex. No not because of the act itself but because he cared enough. "God Alex that feels... your mouth. Ugh." she couldn't make out whole sentences as her body went limp under him, feeling so much more at ease and less full from him willing to be so hands on.
Alex: Alex chuckled to himself, glad to know he could be helping at least a little bit. He focused on her breast a little longer until he thought it felt less hard much like the other one and then he pulled back a bit, eyes darting up to Sophie who was resting back against the bed. "I'd say that wasn't too bad," he chuckled softly.
Sophie: When her breasts definitely were no longer full but not empty either so that when she needed to feed she could she felt so much better. When he pulled back her head tilted up as she shifted sitting up and pressing her lips to his cupping his face. "I love you so much Alexander Gaskarth." she murmured.
Alex: He laughed softly against her lips as he kissed her back. When their lips parted, Alex smiled and looked st her. "I love you so much, too." He gave her another short kiss before shifting so that he could prsss her back down to the bed and rest on top of her again.
Sophie: Her arms wrapped around him when he pushed her back and onto the bed. "I'm so lucky to have you, not every man would be so willing to help their partner out. So how.. was it?" she asked, "I mean I've tasted it and it's kind of sweet but you know.. you're just... you continue to amaze me Alex." she chuckled her body completely limp under his weight.
Alex: "I'm always gonna want to help you out the best that I can," he murmured with a soft chuckled, shifting to get comfortable as her arms wrapped around him, his weight pressing down into her gently. "Mmh, it was definitely sweeter than regular milk," he said with a shrug. "Tastes interesting but I can see why a baby loves it," he chuckled. A smile spread on his lips at her words and he leaned in, capturing her lips in a loving kiss.
Sophie: "Yeah but you go way above and beyond and I'm so lucky to have a partner that wants to do that for me. I want you to know I don't take that for granted." she murmrued against his lips. "Interesting good or interesting bad?" she asked when he said tasted interesting because of course she always worried. If he hadn't enjoyed it but had done it for her. His lips captured hers and she gave a small smile into it before leaning back. "Don't expect another round my body is exhausted babe."
Alex: "Interesting good," Alex murmured before kissing her again, soft and loving, not as hungry as it had been before. When she leaned back, he hummed and looked at her, laughing softly at her comment. "Oh I'm perfectly fine just laying with you now," Alex told her before resting his head down, tucking it into her neck comfortably with the way he was resting on her.
Sophie: "Yeah?" she asked wanting to make sure he wasn't just saying that because obviously she didn't want him to just say it to please her. "Good I could use some cuddling if I'm honest. My body is exhausted, very, very tired.' she said. After all between morning activities, time with the kids, and then their activities tonight. "Just keep me warm." she murmured.
Alex: "Yes, babe," he said with a smile. "Don't worry, okay? It was good." he nuzzled into her neck, closing his eyes and he knew he'd probably doze off soon if he just rested like this. Though it had been relaxing, it had been a long day and he understood how Sophie was as exhausted as she currently was. "Mmh, cuddling is good." He smiled, pressing a soft, innocent kisd against her neck. "You know I csn keep you warm.. I'm basically a heater."
Sophie: "I just want to make sure, when it's something new especially something like that." she murmured not that she was worried he was lying. They were good about communicating. "You are basically a space heater and I like that you can heat me up, and I mean body heat not the other kind of heat me up." she laughed softly.
Alex: A chuckle left Alex's lips at her comment. "Mmh, you already told me not to even think about another round of that," he smirked, nudging his nose to her neck before settling more on top of her, letting out a content sigh.
Sophie: "I know I am just reminding you." Not that he really needed it, she was sure he was just as spent as she was from their multiple rounds. "Do you know you made me come five times today.. and I only made you twice.. I'm gonna have to make that up for you another day." she murmured curling into his body.
Alex: "You know as well as I do it's easier for you to have multiple orgasms without needing much time in between," he chuckled softly. "You don't have to make up for anything." And he really meant that too. Alex was happy laying there with her, resting against each other but he was also aware they made a bit of a mess. "Mmh, I know moving isn't gonna be fun, but what do you think about a bath before bed?" he asked.
Sophie: "Mm that is true but it always feels unfair that you don't get that much fun in between." she said even if she knew he was having fun the whole time. When he said it wouldn't be fun to move but asked about bathing she sighed, "We really should.. I'm all gross down there. Thanks to you." she grinned. "Least you could do is carry me." Though she meant it as a joke.
Alex: "How do you think I'm not having fun? I am having a great time, y'know?" he murmured, shaking his head a little bit. A grin spread on his lips when she joked about carrying her, but she had already planted the idea in his head so he pushed himself up, moving off of her and the bed and then reaching for her ankles to tug her towards the edge of the bed, and really to the entrance of the fort. "Too tired to walk yourself?" he teased, but he didn't give her enough time to actually get up before picking her up to carry her into the bathroom. He let her sit on the counter their, stealing a kiss from her lips before he walked over to the bathtub to start the water.
Sophie: "I mean I know you are having a great time I just feel so good when you make me come that it almost feels unfair but I get that men's bodies don't work the same as women's." When he got off the bed she squealed feeling her ankles tugged on. He swung her up into his arms and she giggled tucking her head into his chest. The counter was cold as she mewled, "We're gonna have to clean this counter down afterwards babe." she said given the fact she wasn't exactly clean from said activities after he pecked her lips.
Alex: "There's absolutely nothing unfair about it though." He was off the bed and tugging her along, grinning as he picked her up. He really didn't care about the counter much as he set her down and so he laughed softly. "Good thing we have stuff to clean the counters," Alex smirked at her, starting the water in the tub and then returning to the counter to stand in front of Sophie. "Question is, do you need me to get you anything to clean yourself up before we go in the bath?" he offered.
Sophie: "Well if you insist." she chuckled shaking her head because she knew that if he was really worried he'd say something. "We do just saying since it's partly your mess on the counter." giggling softly. When he asked she gestured over, "Could you just get me a washed cloth for now to at leat kind of clean up before getting in the water."
Alex: "You're the one making the mess though," he grinned at her, as if he was oblivious to being just as guilty. He nodded, reaching for a wash cloth to hand to her so she could clean up a little bit. The water filled up quickly and Alex knew they could sink into the water soon.
Sophie: "Um the reason I am making said mess is because of you. This is literally part of you." she gestured between her legs. "So I mean yes, partly your mess." nodding confidently. Taking the cloth she cleaned herself up and the counter before sliding off of it and tossing it into the dirty clothes bin and closing it. "My legs feel like jello."
Alex: He huffed out, but then shrugged his shoulders and grinned. "Nah, you're making the mess," Alex chuckled. He checked on the water and glanced back over to find Sophie standing, almost wobbly and he couldn't help the smug grin in his lips at that. "Bath is almost ready, you don't have to stand for long."
Sophie: “Mm keep saying that and you’ll be learning to come in something else.” She warned but it was more of a tease than anything just to get a reaction. “Good. Cannot wait to get cleaned up and then snuggle back in bed.” She murmured because it was always nice to just curl up with him after being intimate.
Alex: Alex playfully rolled his eyes, knowing she wasn't really meaning that. The bath was soon done and he smiled, moving to climb in and then reached out for Sophie so she'd get in with him. He shifted so she could sit between his legs and rest back against him. "Mmh, so nice," he murmured and really the warm water was great on his muscles from how actice and tense they had been during their.. activities.
Sophie: Alex climbed in and then helped her in sinking into the hot water and leaning back against him. He’d head resting back on his chest. “We should do this more take baths together or you know we do have that gorgeous hot tub still. I mean we need to be clean first to get into it.” Though it wasn’t like they hadn’t had sex in there too. “But I definitely think we need these moments more especially now that it’s winter.
Alex: "You wanna go in the hot tub when it's freezing cold out like this?" he asked, raising his brow. "I'll take the bathtub over the hot tub at this time of year, thank you." He chuckled softly as Sophie rested against him and he moved his arms lazily around her, sinking more into the water. "There's not so many times we get to just relax in the tub like this... We're lucky all kids are sleeping right now," he reminded her.
Sophie: "That's the point of a hot tub Alex. That it's hot." she rolled her eyes at the man. "It's hotter than bath water and most people use hot tubs in the winter." she said chuckling. "Promise me we'll make a night for just us for Christmas? Even if it's the day after we have your parents take them or two of them and Annie takes the baby, or whatever works and we have our own Christmas night and we can end like this?' she hummed since she knew things like this were few and far between with three kids.
Alex: "Yeah but the air around is gonna be freezing," he said, though it wasn't like they hadn't been out in a hot tub in the cold before. He smiled at the promise she asked him for. "So it's gonna be a bath tub date? Yeah, that does sound nice." They did need times for just them after all. "Are your parents bummed we're not gonna be in London for Christmas this year?" he asked after a moment of silence.
Sophie: “The hot tub is right next to the doors to the house you climb in, you get warm, you get out fast. That’s literally the whole point you don’t need a hot tub in the dead of summer.” She laughed. “I don’t know I think they realize we have to balance our lives here and there. We were there last year. We’re going for new year. It’s important to be here with your family too.”
Alex: "There's nothing wrong about going in the hot tub in the summer," Alex chuckled. "Fine, if you want a hot tub date though, I guess we can do that." He hummed, resting comfortably in the bath and happy to feep her settled into him. "I don't think my parents really minded joining us in London last year," he said with a smile, though he was sure they were happy to be home this year and still get to spend Christmas with their grandkids.
Sophie: “No there’s not as long as it’s not a million degrees out.” She laughed softly. “I hope they didn’t but I don’t want your parents to expect that they have to go all the way across to England just because I’m from there and my family is there.” She pointed out. “We balance it out to be fair with everyone. We will still do a Christmas celebration with my parents when we get to London. We make it work.” Because truth was they did because they wanted to.
Alex: A smile formed on Alex's lips and he squeezed his arms around her briefly. "I know, we always make it work," he hummed softly and then pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her neck where he could reach.
Sophie: Nuzzling into him, “we do because we’re meant to make it work.” She hummed softly because she felt like they were meant to be a family and make things work together as he kissed the back of her neck. “Love you baby.” She said settling back into his chest and closing her eyes.
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tomthesoftie · 3 years
let them flow
❧ synopsis: after the collapsing of an unhealthy relationship, each side begins to improve and thrive, one for the other, one for themselves. coincidentally, they meet at the same dreaded party that led to the breaking of their relationship. will this unfortunate series of events lead them to opportunity?
❧ pairing: jock!tom x fem!reader
❧ genre: fluff
❧ warnings: mild angst, fluffy-ish ending, exes to friends to lovers, one or two curse words, lil bit of crying, mentions of alcohol
❧ a/n: it’s finally over. thank goodness. this also is so long it can be considered a second part fuck. i know i took a whole month to write this, but i barely have free time to write nowadays and the times i do, i don’t have much inspiration. anyways this came out better than i expected so hope you guys enjoy.
in order to understand this ending, please read this first: her hidden crystal tears 
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In the first month you spent broken up with Tom, you, for once, felt at peace, with no burden of hiding relationships and denying feelings. You had forgotten how free living singly was. Within that month, you were able to reshape your life. Your grades began to improve, and your mental health had phenomenally developed for he better. Your friends had even gone out of their ways to help you with a "glow up."
Tom, on the other hand, had tried to shape him into a better person in hopes of salvaging your crumbling, if you could even call it that, relationship. He worked harder in class, and every time he saw you sitting in the lecture hall, you were surrounded by other classmates, giving him no place to fit in. He also started to distance himself from his old group of friends, looking for a better, influential group.
Tom couldn't help but feel a tug at his heart when he saw you walking with one other friend to class, laughing at something they said. He saw how your under eye-bags turned bright and how you shoulders straightened up after the breakup. It broke his heart to know the negative impact he had on you, which you never complained or spoke out about.
The brunette wanted to improve for you and himself.
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How you ended up in a pair of high-waisted, black, denim shorts and a black bandeau with a sheer, cropped, long-sleeved shirt overtop you didn't know. After much begging and bothering, your friend had convinced you to go to the afterparty of the football game. You tried your best to deny their attempts but failed when they baited you with money.
This would be your first time attending a party, for you were always driven home and away from them. You couldn't deny, though, the chills that snaked down your spine at the mention of it.
Stepping into the house, you noticed how similar it looked to a fraternity. People were dancing, pushing their bodies against others and grinding their hips onto drunk partners. Other students were playing beer pong, stripping on tables, or resting on couches with a red, plastic cup in their hands. It smelled terribly of sweat and oversaturated body spray, making you gag on your breath.
"How do so many people like this?" You shouted over the pounding music and loud voices.
"How do you not?" You friend giggled, dragging you through the crowd.
Dodging and pushing people off of you, you gripped your friend's hand tightly, afraid of losing them.
"Where are we going?" You asked, eyes darting all over the place in uncertainty.
"Before we party, we've got to get drinks," they pushed the door of the kitchen open, revealing the alcohol infested space.
Scrambling over to the bulky cooler, they grabbed a can of beer, popping it open and downing it.
Flinching in disgust, you commented, "Don't you want to wash that, first?"
"What d'you mean? It looks perfectly clean to me," they shrugged, throwing you a can.
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You clumsily captured the condensated drink, before putting it on the counter behind you, "I don't drink."
They groaned, "Why are you such a doormat? Come on," they nudged your shoulder, "Live a little."
You laughed, "I can "live a little" just fine with water."
"Ugh, fine. I'm guessing you also want to sit in a corner and become a hermit," they spoke, sarcastically.
"Actually," your eyes lit up, "I do."
"You," they pointed at you unsteadily, "annoy me, but since I already brought you along," their finger moved to point at an idle seat in the corner of a calmer room, "There."
You nodded, eyeing the isolated spot with glee. However, before your friend could escape into the crowd, you told them to stay safe and slipped away to occupy said seat. 
Although Tom no longer associated himself with his old group of friends, he couldn’t avoid them forever, as they were his teammates. Also, as the captain of the football team, it was practically an obligation for him to attend the after parties. 
Honestly, ever since you had broken up with Tom, he had developed a small fear of being whisked away by his fangirls and teammates, constantly thinking you were waiting in his car for him. His guilt had piled on top of his conscious, leaving him an insecure wreck.
Nevertheless, he stepped into the filled building, nodding and waving at familiar faces. One face he wasn’t expecting to see sat in the corner of the room was yours. 
He shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut, he murmured to himself, “She’s not there, you idiot.”
“Tom, buddy,” a familiar voice hollered.
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Through your peripheral vision, you swore that you saw his chocolate curls, but when you looked up from your phone, he had disappeared. Your eyes began to dart through the crowd of people, looking for the man you supposedly had gotten over.
Quickly realizing your mistake, you shunned yourself for willingly wrapping yourself around his little finger. You returned to scrolling through your phone, distracting yourself with the illuminated screen.
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Tom watched as his teammate, and former friend, grabbed at a girl swaying her hips, pushing her ass against his friend’s crotch, into a grind. Suddenly feeling highly uncomfortable where he stood, he moved into the kitchen to grab a drink.
The room let in muffled sounds but ultimately was the quietest room in the building. The white LED lights left the room bright and easy to navigate, albeit the clusters of finished drinks and used cups littered on the counters and in the sink and overflowing out of the trashcan. 
The brunette drifted over to the fridge, locating the fresh water bottles hidden from other partygoers. 
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Feeling quenched, you stood up from your seat, unwillingly. You looked for a quick and precise path to the kitchen, though you failed to do so. Deciding to extemporize it, you awkwardly squished your way through the crowd, mumbling “excuse me” and “sorry” periodically. 
Pushing the white-paint clad, wooden door open, you stumbled your way into the room, glaring at the sudden brightness engulfing your vision. 
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Hearing the music and sound of people cheering grow louder, Tom turned around to see the oh-so familiar girl he had fallen infatuated with many months ago.
You stood, blinking your eyes as they tried to adapt to the sudden change of lighting. Groaning, your hands began massaging and harassing the poor skin of your eyelids. 
Your unnoticed ex, still stood in front of the fridge with a cool bottle of water in his hand, smiled at your adorable behaviour — widely contrasting your provocative outfit — watching as your cheeks puffed out in frustration. 
Feeling the haze leave your eyes, you looked ahead of you to see a silhouette emerging. Embarrassed, you blushed, looking down at your shoes. 
You felt a cool presence resting beside your cheek, and quickly looked at the item.
Water? You thought, confused.
Eyes trailing up the arm holding the bottle, your met with the sight of your former boyfriend smiling at you.
“Tom,” you breathed.
After avoiding and ignoring the boy for so many weeks, you already had forgotten how sweet he looked with a smile and soft blush grazing his cheeks. Maybe you hadn’t forgotten; you were just rarely, if ever, given the opportunity to admire it.
“Hey,” he responded, shyly rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. 
You glanced at the bottle then back to Tom, silently asking what he was doing with it.
“O-Oh, I just thought you’d want a bottle of water, since you don’t drink, but if you do now, that’s totally cool too,” he rambled nervously, like a little boy talking to his crush on the playground. 
Although you had only broken up with him a bit over a month ago, you couldn’t bring yourself to trust taking the drink from him.
“Thanks, but I can get one myself. I’m sure you wanted to drink that too.” 
You gave him an awkward, tight-lipped smile before walking past him to the fridge. Reaching into the cool container, you pulled out a frosted water bottle. 
The situation was strange. Everything felt so familiar but so different. It didn’t feel right to talk to each other like you knew how they slept in bed at night or how they loved warm cuddles on the couch as they binged shows and movies. 
“Look, Y/N,” Tom spoke up, breaking the tension with a breath, “I know that I was a jerk we were together. I also know that I neglected you. I shouldn’t have cared about what everyone else thought about our relationship. 
“Looking back, I understand why you were so frustrated with me, and you had every right to break up with me. I was a wuss that used protecting you as an excuse to keep you under covers. I reveled in the popularity and attention I got, back then.
“I’m different, now, though. I’m not saying you have to take me back. You don’t even have to consider it. All I want to do, right here, right now, is to apologize to you, so, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all the anguish and sadness I caused. I’m sorry you had to waste your tears on me. I’m so fucking sorry, and if I have the slightest chance to even be your friend again, please let me take it.”
You felt a churning in your core, and tears prickled the corner of your eyes. You didn’t understand where your emotions arose from. You thought that you had moved on from Tom. You thought you had left him behind, left him in the shadows of your life. 
You turned around, hand reaching up to quickly wipe your tears away. That is, until a calloused hand grabbed your wrist.
“Don’t,” the accented voice choked, “It hurts me as much as it does you.”
Your words were caught in your throat. You tried to say something, anything, but nothing but sobs slipped your lips. 
Everything became a blur. You could only feel warmth enveloping you. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, darling,” Tom murmured into your hair. 
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After the encounter at the party, you and Tom went on with your life as normal. 
Although, nothing that happened that night could be considered normal. You cried while he held you tightly in his arms. He apologized for his faults and asked for a second chance, as a friend or more. You forgave him and gave him the chance. 
Will you ever want to have the same relationship you had with Tom as before? No.
You and Tom are working on building a better, healthier relationship for the both of you: an open and honest relationship that won’t be hidden from anyone, especially not his “fangirls.” 
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“Don’t ever hide your tears again,” Tom whispered into your hair, “Let them flow.” His pointer finger gently lifts your chin, locking his eyes with your tear-filled ones. He brings his thumb to your cheek, wiping away the shining streaks of pain, sadness, desperation. 
“Let them flow because I’ll be here. I’ll be here to wipe them away every and any time.”
taglist: @big-galaxy-chaos @chloecreatesfictions-archive @dpaccione @cuddlykoala101 @tomshufflepuff @lmaotshollandd​ if you would like to be removed from the taglist, please send to my inbox
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I'm really not sure why anyone's surprised Im/odna wasn't The BeauJes Apology(TM) people were hoping for. Anything remotely resembling an apology would be an admission of the fuck-up and the cast has proven they're incapable of doing that. And Marisha is incapable of acting like an adult about queer characters.
Even if it does take a turn for the romantic, to harken back to another anon you got, there's no reason to trust them with it. Even a couple years after the fact, the BeauJes fiasco has only proven that they're all-too happy to throw a character-dynamic away the moment it's inconvenient to some unrelated 3rd party (whether they're at the table or not), no matter how good or fun it is.
and really, ships like im/odna or beaujes would do just fine in any fandom where the creators don't show such disdain for people who don't worship the canon, and said disdain gets carried into the fandom. Where you have an entire subset who have no qualms about going into the tags of a ship they don't like just to bully people. I've moved onto other fandoms that basic bit of fandom-etiquette is so much less common in so many other communities. They say "don't bully people" and their sycophants take it as "don't bully us :)))" (something something don't forget to love each other repeatedly gets turned into a blunt weapon to shut down criticism) cuz they've always actively mocked anyone who criticizes them, or doesn't uncritically eat up whatever story-beat they add, no matter how lazy it is. No wonder fanfic writers are made into a joke whenever they're mentioned: fanfic can and sometimes does challenge the canon of a given story.
“Marisha is incapable of acting like an adult about queer characters.” This very succinctly sums it up.
Though I will say, early on (from the confession and forward, pre-hiatus), she did a good job. There were tons of fans that identified with the way she was playing Beau in that moment; how scary it is to admit you have feelings for a (presumed straight) friend, having to keep that to yourself, the little bit of yearning mixed with anguish that comes with it, and how you wanna distance yourself but then if you do, your friend is gonna be really sad. (Like in ep88)
I genuinely think that she did actually play those aspects of it very well.
And I guess that’s also part of the disappointment over why Beaujester fell away and we got stuck with BY. Around the time of the confession, Beau had been growing as a person. She was less juvenile, more articulate, and in a sense, more genuine than she used to be. Of course she still had her goofy moments but it felt like she was maturing. Then post-hiatus reared it ugly head and she was back to acting like a horny teenager. It was like everybody reverted back to their original selves, devoid of growth. The shallowness was back, the one-liners were back, the “That’s hot.” “You’re so hot.” “Let’s make-out.” shit was back. That was all she had to contribute. It was ridiculous, bland, and try-hard.
Where the fuck did all the maturity go?
Pre-hiatus Beau and post-hiatus Beau really do feel like two different people.
I like that you said ‘worship the canon’. And, you’re right. I also think ships like Beaujester and Im/odna would be allowed to thrive in a fandom that didn’t worship canon. Problem is, I personally don’t know of any fandom that didn’t/doesn’t worship canon. Maybe Ag/ent Carter would be the only exception. But I think that’s only because it didn’t exist long enough for the fandom to devolve into a toxic space. The show was cancelled a few episodes into its second season lol
Other than that, every other fandom experience I’ve had (both on here and on twitter) has been pretty fucking horrendous. And it is mostly because of canon worship and just general shipper entitlement. (Mainly m/f shipper entitlement.)
I won’t go into that here though. I’ve already started writing up something about this and it’s gonna be very long. It needs to be its own post.
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Meta Essay: Medivh The Bisexual Icon
As of the time of this post, there’s going to be an update coming to World of Warcraft where the once all female ghosts in Karazhan will be changed to include male varieties as well.
Full details on the update can be found here: https://www.wowhead.com/news/female-only-ghosts-in-karazhan-updated-to-include-male-versions-324371
This has caused a lot of fun posts and people to take this as an ‘accidental confirmation’ by Blizzard that the character Medivh is bisexual. Pair this along with how some of his portrayal in Hearthstone was made into Warcraft canon, and in my opinion, it’s an excellent update to his character.
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It’s no secret that Blizzard’s had a massive lack in LBGTQ+ representation for the longest time. Often when such subject matter did show up it was treated more as a punchline in some quests or was kept conveniently to the sidelines, with nonconsequential, blink and you miss it text, side characters, moments. It’s insulting, to say the least, and is the source of a growing frustration from the LBGTQ+ members of the audience. What’s more, whenever this frustration gets voiced it’s always talked down to. We are told that to ‘keep politics out of gaming’ and that we are too sensitive, when these are the same people that get bent out of shape when even a single thing changes or is called out in their game. It’s bullshit. LBGTQ+ people exist and the act of existing isn’t a political issue.
But of course, with people even making lighthearted jokes or posts of Medivh being a ‘Bisexual Icon’, there’s folks crawling out of the woodwork with reasons from “But the loooooooore!” (as if the lore isn’t constantly changing and being retconned from one expansion to the next) to “Well A-C-T-U-A-L-L-Y, those male guests were just for the female nobles that visited and attended his parties, Medivh was very straight”. To that, I’m going to say: “Nah, Medivh is a bisexual icon, deal with it”.
In my personal opinion, Medivh is an excellent character to explore queerness  with. He’s a character that’s been around since Warcraft 1 and the effects and ties from his story are still felt throughout World of Warcraft in various ways. Medivh is also a character that’s gone through a large amount of evolution and various portrayals. My personal favorite being the One Night in Karazhan take on him because it’s so different from the usual ‘brooding, grand powerful hermit-mage’ that his type of character usually is. Medivh in One Night in Karazhan is instead, vibrant and is a thriving social butterfly that loves to have and treat people to a good time. His reasonings for being this way make a lot more sense when you really think about what Medivh’s situation was.
Now, I have to mention that I do a much deeper dive and deconstruction of Medivh’s circumstances and just how messed up they were in this self indulgent essay/headcanon dump: ‘My Completely Self-indulgent Medivh Essay’. Feel free to give it a read but here is the basic gist for this essay:
Yes, Medivh was the Guardian, one of the most powerful mages to exist at the time. He was also possessed by Sargeras and was the one that created and opened the Dark Portal that brought the Orcs to Azaroth and changed Azeroth forever. But here’s the thing, Medivh had no choice in any of it.
To be the Guardian means you have to put your life on the line for Azeroth’s sake. This is a role that had to be kept to secrecy, people had to make a lot of sacrifices to be the Guardian. You gain phenomenal powers and it is a great honor but none of this was anything that Medivh ever asked for. He was literally born to become the Guardian, there was no other choice for his own future. 
Then you have Sargeras, he had his plans in play long before Medivh was even a thought. A sliver of Sargeras had entered Aegwynn (Med’s mother and the Guardian before him) from a battle between Aegwynn and his avatar. This influence hid within her and made its move when she decided that she wasn’t going to allow the Council of Tirisfal to choose her heir for her title and powers for her. Ignoring Chronicle’s softening of her, she used Medivh’s father, Neilas Aran, the court magician of Stormwind to sire a child. In TLG she let him know she flat out used him and felt nothing for him then came back later and tossed baby Medivh to him for free childcare. What neither of them knew at the time was that Medivh was possessed by Sargeras while he was in the womb. Sargeras would then screw him over even further by causing his powers to lash out when he was fourteen, causing him to accidentally kill his father and fall into a near 10 year coma, and wake up mentally and emotionally fourteen in a twenty-three-year-old’s body. So from the very beginning Medivh was always set up for failure.
So with this summary out of the way, the point of the matter is that Medivh is a character that had little autonomy for most of his life. His career and his fate were chosen for him from the start. Sargeras was in his head messing with him throughout his life, in TLG Medivh even tells Khadgar that he tried to fight it as much as he could. His story is a tragic one but with his reappearance in Legion there’s potentially a ray of hope.
I think there’s a lot of aspects in Medivh’s story that can tie well with the feelings and experiences of queerness. Not so much the being possessed by discount space Satan, but more so the struggle of trying to have autonomy and hanging onto who you are as a person. Being queer myself and looking at it through that lens, I see Medivh being vibrant and throwing parties as an attempt for him to seize what autonomy he could for himself. To exist, to be seen, and to have an identity of his own that had nothing to do with being the Guardian of Tirisfal. I think that it’s also something that separates Medivh from Sargeras. There were likely times where Sargeras may have forced the lines between them to blur as he gradually poisoned Medivh’s thoughts and twisted his soul throughout the years. Medivh likely had to struggle a lot with separating who he truly was from Sargeras. This being inside him, who wasn’t him but would at times take over his body suppressing Medivh’s true self. It’s a horror story where some elements can really hit close to home.
Medivh I believe surrounded himself with like minded, free spirited people like Barnes and the theater troupe (while there’s the joke Medivh’s only seen three plays, I choose to headcanon he’s a theater kid, given how he has a theater to begin with and his own love for theatrics). Whether you picture Medivh as aro, ace, gay, bi, pan, or trans, with the upcoming changes he clearly accepts many kinds of people into his home.
This also has the interesting effect of changing some of the tones for some events in his lore. One example being the titans sending down the Maiden of Virtue to punish Medivh and make him live a more ‘pure’ life. The Titans are Azeroth’s closest thing to a pantheon of gods. They are beings of order, having taken Azeroth in her rawest form and molding her into something they saw fit. Apparently, Medivh’s parties and behavior was seen as something that required ‘correcting’.
On one hand, it’s really easy to read it simply as Medivh being a selfish, spoiled brat. But with looking at it through a queer lens one can put a more positive spin on the situation. The Maiden of Virtue was sent to shame and punish him into conforming into something the Titans believe someone like Medivh should behave. It clearly didn’t work. Looking at this situation, one can read it as Medivh refusing to relinquish his identity because a ‘higher power’ wanted him to. In the real world there are so many that have to hide their orientation and gender thanks to people using religion and belief as a cudgel. So having a character like Medivh as queer, with the power and willfulness to flat out refuse and shut it down is a refreshing power move.
Medivh’s story and the way he is in general has elements that I believe many people of the LBGTQ+ can relate with. He’s a complicated character that has dealt with abuse and being forced into roles without his consent, he made identity for himself and it was stripped away by an oppressor (Sargeras), and, depending on if Blizzard decides he’s actually resurrected/alive instead of being a ghost, is a survivor.
So to me, I love the idea of Medivh being a queer icon in Warcraft. It hasn’t been officially stated by Blizzard at the time this essay was posted but it has started a fun conversation. There are and will be the haters who will scream and tantrum about the LBGTQ+ touching their precious (when convenient) lore with their filthy paws and tarnishing ‘their game’. But in the meantime, I’m going to continue having a blast with the idea and enjoy working the story potential it gives into fanfics, speculations, and essays.
If you enjoyed this essay, I did a few other bits of meta, headcanons, and speculation for fun: My Completely Self-indulgent Medivh Essay
A Bit About Wizards and Sorcerers
Headcanons: Medivh is Alive and Currently Uses ‘The Guardian’s Study’ as his Home
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petri808 · 3 years
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Journey of a Lifetime
@inukag-week Canon Divergent
The moment had finally arrived and despite the 500 years he’d waited to see Kagome again, Inuyasha felt the same rush of emotional memories that spanned it rushing back. The pain as if it were just yesterday, of the love of his life being torn away through time and space. Such a cruel, cruel irony they’d been dealt after all they’d gone through. He could still see himself in his mind’s eye, curled up next to the old well praying day after day for it to reopen, then the agonizing realization that it never would again. Inuyasha wished for a death in that moment, cursed the gods for ripping them apart… But the family Kagome had created around him wouldn’t let that happen. Miroku, Sango, Shippo, they all gave him the strength to get up again. And surprisingly it was his brother of all people who gave him the ability to do what he’s about to do.
For Kagome, maybe an hour will have passed by, but for Inuyasha it’s been a lifetime of lonely solace preparing to keep the promise he’d made at the well to see her again. What will she think when she sees him? When they’d been torn apart, he was still young for a hanyo and now after 500 years, he’d aged and matured, growing with time into a fully-fledged demon. Yes, a demon, all thanks to Sesshomaru finding a way to make it happen. So, there he stood in gray slacks and a simple white collared button down shirt. His hair tied up and ears poised, scanning for any sign that the magic was about to take place. What will she think of the markings that now adorn his face? Maybe he should have worn the fire rat robe for old time’s sake? Or will she just be surprised to see a modern Inu standing before her.
Inuyasha smiled to himself. Kagome will be proud of how far he’d come. From the surly hanyo who didn’t care about anyone to the man who became the benefactor of Miroku and Sango’s family line. Together they created a brand of ramen gleamed from the products Kagome had introduced to them. Then generation after generation cultivated it into the monopoly it was today. They were his family, and the source of strength that allowed him to survive all these years. Oh, he had no doubt she’ll be happy to see her friends had not just survived but thrived, living on through their descendants. Even Shippo now fully grown has a family of his own.
The last 16 years were probably the hardest leg of this journey, knowing Kagome was alive in the world. But he couldn’t mess up the timeline and remained patient. She needed to grow up exactly as fate intended, to be awakened, and complete the quest left behind by Midoriko with no clue of his existence today. Not even Miroku and Sango’s defendants were given any information about Kagome. As far as they knew she was just a character in an ancient tale. He chuckled to himself wait till they find out it was all true.
And that’s when he heard it… Inuyasha’s ears perked up at the sounds of movement in the bottom of the well. He’d run this moment through his mind a thousand times and yet to have it actually happening left his knees weak and heart racing in anticipation. Kagome was here! Nothing else mattered anymore. Not all the years that had gone by or the pains he’d gone through to get there. Just her.
He reached down into the well just as the woman made her way to the top.
Kagome gasped in surprise and quickly took his hand. “Inuyasha??”
He pulled her up and out, placing her gently onto the ground before pulling her into his arms and burying his face and relishing the scent he only knew from memory now.
“But, how??” Kagome sniffled and gripped tightly to his shirt. “Is this really real?”
He pulled away and wiped away her happy tears. “I’ll explain everything,” Inuyasha smiled and caressed her cheek, “and it’s very much me, just older.”
She reached up and touched the marking on his cheek. “You waited for me…” Kagome breathed out as if realizing how this was all possible. “All these years… just for me?”
Inuyasha tipped her chin up and placed a kiss to her lips. “It was all worth it to have you in my life again.”
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awildgingeishere · 3 years
Christen Press is known for scoring world-class goals. The onlooking public swoons over the final product which is so often a picturesque finish bent into the side netting or hammered into the upper corner. Press often does this with such confidence that she makes the extraordinary look easy, even though it is anything but.
That final product, though, is in some ways the simpler part of the process. Press’ training habits and approach to the game embody the notion that most of an athlete’s work is done away from the public eye, on training fields and when nobody else is watching. Her unique approach to the game starts with individual training, where her focus on off-ball movement and manipulating tight spaces — rather than shooting for the sake of it, or individual dribbling drills — develops her ability to distinguish herself from any other forward. More than most, she can seamlessly transition between wide and center-forward roles.
“I think especially in the U.S., we don’t have as many players that manipulate space with off-ball movement,” Press said in an interview last year. “[It’s] something I learned in Europe and I think all European forwards do this, but we don’t often have players who do that. We typically have had players who are using strength to create space. So, I think when I play in the nine specifically, but even wide, my strength is off-ball movement, being very unpredictable, hard to mark, being dynamic and being kind of like blindside, off-ball so that I’m always stretching the line. And I think that’s a huge strength because it gives the midfield more room to play.”
All goal-scorers require a certain level of selfishness to be successful, which Press recognizes. What sets her apart is the execution in those moments. To paraphrase her teammate, Megan Rapinoe, you can always make a selfish decision to shoot and not pass… as long as you score.
“In the final third, I think I’ve always had a goal-scorer’s mentality,” Press said. “Once I’m in range of shooting, I don’t think about anything else. If I happen to pass, it’s because I couldn’t have shot. And I think that there’s a breed of players that are just wired that way. And then there’s a breed of players that play the same position that aren’t. I am wired like that, and there’s also pros and cons to it, but my first thought is always setting my feet to score, setting my feet to take a touch and then score. And then anything else that happens in that space is just a second option, honestly.”
Press blazed her own path to being a United States women’s national team regular. She left the U.S. club scene in 2012 to play in Sweden, feeling as though she needed to make a change after largely being left out of the U.S. picture by then head coach Pia Sundhage. Her back story has been recounted ad nauseam over the past decade, but it is still essential to understanding the person and the player – a do-everything forward who has been shaped by these experiences. Her path is unique among her peers of the same generation, and it shows in her different approach to playing forward.
Press famously thrived in Gothenburg, becoming the first American to win the Damallsvenskan’s golden boot. That move abroad — at a time when U.S. internationals not only were not playing abroad, but were actively discouraged from doing so — ironically solidified her place in the United States team ever since. Her goal in last month’s SheBelieves Cup against Argentina was her 60th, tying her with Shannon MacMillan for ninth in U.S. history.
Press grew up as a pure No. 9, a goal-scorer. She carried on with that through college, lighting up the scoring record books at Stanford, and used that to her advantage during that glorious first stretch of her career in Sweden. Cracking the national team was a different story. Abby Wambach was the incumbent No. 9 at the time, often alongside Amy Rodriguez, and Alex Morgan — who graduated college the same year as Press — burst onto the scene as the U.S.’ up-and-coming No. 9, meaning Press was often relegated to wide positions.
For a long time, Press’ place there felt shoehorned, no doubt a contributing factor to a relatively quiet World Cup in 2015, when she was pegged by so many to be the breakout star. Slowly, however, she adapted, choosing to accept whichever role she was given if it meant playing for the best team in the world. Now, she thrives in both wide and central roles. The difference was tangible at the 2019 World Cup, where the wide role which once looked so uncomfortable for Press was the one which she stepped into for the semifinal against England, due to Megan Rapinoe’s injury. Press scored 10 minutes into that impromptu start, helping the U.S. reach (and win) a second straight final.
“I think that I have more of a responsibility than any other forward to play in all the roles as needed and I think that’s historically been because I’ve been a substitute coming on,” she said. “So, you kind of have to be ready for whoever’s coming out; you’re the first sub on. And now, I think it’s just flexibility because I’ve done it and I’ve done it okay in several positions that everyone’s like, ‘oh, well she can.’ So, I think that’s a blessing and a curse. It gets you on a roster to be versatile, but I feel like having a stake on the field is like you’re in one position and you’re always going to show up in that position. I think that that has its pros as well.”
Today, it is accepted as fact that Press can play across all three positions on the front line: center forward, wide left and wide right. For years, that versatility was a burden she carried, a struggle through the purgatory of being an elite player without a defined position. Now, however, she has leveraged this to her advantage. Press has for so long juggled different forward positions that she has mastered each of them. Her lack of a defined position contributes to the outside world’s inability to explicitly qualify her greatness, but it is also the very thing which makes Press such a singular talent.
Her shift throughout the front line illustrates how the forward position varies between certain roles, even if in nuanced ways. Press said the definitions are a little more blurred in this system, and that each forward shares the responsibility to get in behind and score, but the physical difference in where each position lines up on the field affects how she plays each position.
“I think technically it is very different playing in the different positions, because your orientation is just completely changed,” she said. “And I think my whole career, I played with the offside line behind me. That’s a nine. So, playing wide for the first time was really hard because you see the whole game through one eye. And your dominant foot and your mobility of your hips — I know it sounds crazy — really affects what you can and can’t do on each side. But now I’ve been passed around so many times, I feel like I’m like, okay, my second eye is — I can still see out of this one.”
Press views each offseason as a little book of its own. In past years, she would write a draft of what those figurative chapters would be, listing the things she wanted to improve in her game and designing drills to achieve those goals. Press said that she has had trainers in the past, but nobody knows what she needs better than her.
She tries to balance the design of her training sessions to work on skills she thinks she is exceptional at and areas where she thinks she is not very good. Anything in between gets lost. This is where those subtle foundations are formed daily.
“I have a very regimented way that I train, a flow of when I control practice, this is how it flows,” Press said. “Within each segment of my training, I’ll have specific things that I’m working on, and always starting in the beginning of training with the most simple drills that you would never actually see a professional do —really, really childish and then just working on the mechanics and growing from there.”
Press points to quick-release shooting as one of these simple things she trains: she starts as basic as lining up a bag of balls on the six-yard line and quickly shooting with only one step, to work on generating power. Press executes this better than any other teammate and that is because she has, through the years, taken what is seemingly a disadvantage and figured out a way to create an advantage out of it.
Instead of viewing the ball as stuck under her feet, Press sees an opportunity to catch a defender between steps or a goalkeeper flat-footed. Whereas many forwards are especially dangerous when barreling down the field at speed, Press might be the best goal-scorer in the world from a standing-still position in open play. She trains that — again, by beginning simply. Press will line up a bag of balls on the six-yard line and shoot in quick succession, taking only one step back to reset. This is the foundation of generating power.
“I think that if I look through the years [at] the space I train in, it’s in that exact ‘D,’” she said, referencing the arch at the top of the 18-yard box. “And I think the way that you most often score there is using your defenders as a shield and a little bit into negative space, and then bending the ball. I think that’s absolutely my best way of scoring.
“And I think that’s because of my strengths. I can get into the pocket with speed often. I don’t actually like dribbling around defenders very much. I don’t practice dribbling so I’ve got one way to get by them, but I often work on manipulating my defenders so they can’t block my shot, rather than working on manipulating them so I can get by them. And I think that’s why then I developed a shot that I can take basically with the ball under my feet and generate a lot of power, because it’s unexpected for the goalkeeper and it’s out of reach for the defender.”
Training this type of skill is very intentional. Even on a field by herself, with no active defenders, Press knows that if she takes four steps before a shot, she has failed. In a game, with real defenders, she will have been tackled or her shooting window will have closed.
Soccer is about a feeling, Press says. U.S. Soccer sends film to players after each training session so they can self-evaluate. Press says she does not look at how she performed technically, but rather what her body language said about her approach to a given training session.
She has not gone without dry spells or rough patches, from the more subtle grind of transitioning to wide roles and changing teams, to the more obvious and overt moments, such as the penalty-kick shootout miss in the 2016 Olympic quarterfinal against Sweden.
There is a notion that forwards need short memories, to not dwell on such misses. Press said she views things slightly differently, borrowing some inspiration from fellow teammates.
“I think instead of even a short memory, I always told myself since I was a young person: the more I miss, the closer I am to my next goal,” she said. “Because it’s almost like once you play long enough, you’ve missed so many times that it’s no longer emotional. I guess a certain miss in a certain moment might be, but even those, I’ve done it; I’ve missed as bad as you can miss and I’ve let the team [down]. So, life goes on and I feel like if I’m in a game and I’ve missed an easy goal, that means the next one, I’m gonna score. Because I’ve missed a million easy goals before, and I’ve always scored again. So, that’s kind of how I approach it and I actually think I see this a bit in Carli [Lloyd]. If she ever misses an easy chance, she kind of becomes ravenous. She hunts and hunts because she wants to replace that memory with something else, and I try to even embody that a bit, where I’m even more hungry in the final part of that field.”
Lloyd and Press combined for a goal against England at the 2020 SheBelieves Cup. The play was a microcosm of all these things: Press intentionally drifting into open space on the opponent’s back line before receiving the ball, opening her hips to face up to goal in one fluid motion, and firing a quick shot which caught England’s defenders and goalkeeper by surprise. The camera angle from behind Press showed just how much the ball bent to tuck into the side netting. ESPN announcer Sebastian Salazar screamed a phrase which quickly made its way to a t-shirt: “Christen Press, what have you done?!”
It was another spectacular goal from Press, one worthy of all the plaudits it received. What had she done? Well, it was the same she has been doing for a long time, drifting between forward positions and scoring a noteworthy goal from skills she has developed away from the public eye."
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minaslittleone · 3 years
The Sarahs as plant mums (AHS & Ratched)
Like many people I've become an avid plant mum over the course of the pandemic (much to the chagrin of those in my life who have to hear every time one of my babies sprouts a new leaf), which got me thinking - what kind of plant mum would each of the Sarahs be?
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Billie-Dean Howard
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Image: winterkindfotographie
Billie-Dean is much more partial to flowers than she is to caring for a whole plant. She is definitely the kind of person who always has fresh flowers in her home but also takes the time to trim and rearrange the bouquet as she places it in a vase, rather than merely unceremoniously compacting the existing arrangement into a vessel. She also definitely has a secret cut flower food recipe (passed down to her by the ghost of a Victorian housekeeper whom she met while filming a special of her show at a mansion in the UK) which keeps her cut flowers looking immaculate for a full week. If her schedule permits it, her favourite thing to do on a Sunday morning is to stroll the farmers markets and choose individual types of flowers and foliage to bring home and arrange herself from scratch. She finds the process of trimming each of the stems and finding the perfect position for each individual bloom incredibly cathartic.
Her favourite flowers are bright and cheerful. She is particularly drawn to things like tulips, gerberas and lillies, but finds softer more delicate blooms like carnations frustrating and overly dramatic, she definitely appreciates a bit of tenacity in her flowers. She also has no time for strongly scented blooms, and particularly despises the way roses seem to emit a sickly sweet odor after only a few days. Billie finds scents and perfumes in general to be quite cloying and overwhelming as smell is one of the ways she is often viscerally affected when she makes contact with ghosts. She unfortunately associates most strong smells with encounters and so sweet smelling blooms hold little appeal to her, she much prefers fresh neutral scents. The one exception is lavender which she does find soothing. After a particularly taxing week it is not uncommon for her usual bright cheerful blooms to be replaced by simple posies of lavender and rosemary as she recenters herself.
Lana Winters
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Image: toms-cacti
Lana is undoubtedly a plant serial killer. Which is totally unsurprising since whenever she gets fixated on a new story she often forgets to feed herself, let alone feed and water her plants. That doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate them though. She loves the way little office plants bring life and vitality to her workspace, that is until they inevitably whither and die from lack of water, or from being burried under piles of paper but that doesn't stop her trying.
Eventually Lana discovers that she and succulents are well suited. It actually makes a lot of sense when she thinks about it - they're both a little prickly on the outside (but only to protect the softness underneath) and both are stubborn to a fault. Lana is particularly fond of the slightly larger cactus she keeps on her desk (which is incidentally the first plant she managed not to kill) and often finds herself talking to him to help work through the flow of her ideas or to overcome writer's block. Spike (as she creatively named him) really is a very good listener and a talented editor to boot.
Still there are times when Lana wishes she had a greener thumb and could expand her collection beyond succulents. As much as she loves Spike and his prickly friends, she really wishes they would grow just a bit quicker so she could experience that new leaf joy even just once. She completely dissuades herself of those feelings though when she returns from a week long book tour to find a weird bump on the top of Spike. Her first thought is that after all this time she's finally managed to kill him and that she really is as terrible a plant parent as she had feared. However, those fears completely dissolved the following morning when she returned to her office to find that Spike's bump had begun to open into the beginnings of a beautiful pink flower. For a minute she could only stare on disbelief, not quite comprehending what was going on however, that quickly gave way to a giddy childlike grin when she realised that she must be doing something right. That, and her little man really did look very cute with his flower top hat.
Cordelia Goode
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Image: chickadeegreen
Cordelia doesn't just have a green thumb, she has ten green fingers. She absolutely adores plants and having living things around her, especially since the greenhouse has always been her place of peace and sanctuary. She finds it incredibly cathartic pottering around the greenhouse when she gets a few spare moments away from all her duties as supreme/headmistress/mother to a house full of girls. Most of the plants she keeps in the greenhouse are solely for practical/ medicinal purposes but she does keep a few plants in her room and office which she finds soothing. She is particularly fond of philodendrons and pothos with their easy going nature and relaxed growth pattern. She loves the way they seem to make themselves at home anywhere and every time she spots new leaves unfurling it makes her smile. She tries to make an effort to see the beauty in their imperfections and use them to remind herself that everything doesn't always have to be perfect.
Since her supremacy the plants in her personal spaces have thrived unlike anything anyone has ever seen, seemingly feeding off Cordelia's magical aura. Any time any of the plants in the greenhouse are waning she will take them to her office for a few days of rehabilitation after which they will always be positively bursting with life. It is not uncommon for her to find new additions appearing in her little infirmary if Mallory or Misty have noticed that a particular plant is in need of a little TLC.
The flip side to this is that any time Cordelia over taxes herself, while she may be an expert at schooling her features and hiding it from her girls, it will show in her plants. After too many late nights dealing with running the academy or too many days spent funneling all of her energy into everyone around her (and subsequently completely neglecting herself) the plants in her office (and room) will start to lose their vibrancy as well. The first victim is usually the heartleaf philodendron on Cordelia's office bookshelf (the first plant she allowed herself to bring into the space after ascending to the supremacy) which seems to be particularly attune to her moods, especially when it is feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy sapping her magic. Conversely it's the monstera deliciosa in the corner of her office that seems to be the first to wilt when its physical stress or exhaustion plaguing the supreme. Zoe now automatically takes stock of the plants in Cordelia's office every time she enters, knowing it's the only true indication she's likely to get that the supreme herself might be in need of some TLC.
Bette and Dot Tattler
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Image: geopsych
Bette has always been drawn to flowers, she thinks they're terribly romantic. From bouquets of flowers from gentleman callers to sweet cottage gardens behind white picket fences, teeming with blooms of assorted colours, Bette thinks flowers are a beautiful symbol of normality. She desperately wants to have a garden or even a window box that she can tend to, however that particular desire is not entirely compatible with living in a trailer.
What she does have though is a small collection of African Violets sitting on their kitchen windowsill. They were a present from Jimmy after Bette's first performance singing in the freakshow. Though she might be completely tone deaf she is fiercely determined, so after months of practice she had finally managed to learn "dream a little dream of me" enough to hold the tune (with Dot gently humming it alongside her to keep her in pitch). A few days before Bette was due to perform Jimmy had quietly pressed a note into Dot's palm after dinner asking which type of flowers Bette preferred so that he could get her a bouquet for her first performance. Dot's heart warmed at that, seeing the man that she loved so tenderly care for her sister. Later that evening she had pressed a note back in reply that Bette loved anything pink, cheerful and romantic, however she also ached for flowers the she could keep beyond the length of time a bouquet would last. So maybe a flowering plant would be better. Jimmy of course bought both, handing Bette a beautiful posie of assorted pink coloured carnations along with a terracotta pot of African Violets. Bette had thrown her arm around Jimmy's neck and squeeled with excitement at the sight of her flowers while Dot had offered him the warmest, proudest smile as she mouthed "thank you" against the backdrop of her sister's excited ramblings.
Given how long Bette had pined for flowers and how excited she had been to receive them it is unsurprising that she is a devoted plant parent. She waters her flowers once a week like clockwork, adding water to a saucer underneath the pot and letting them drink the water up through their roots just like Paul had shown her. Apparently African Violets don't like to get their leaves wet. Bette would even go as far as to take her flowers out for some sun if she felt the conditions on their windowsill weren't right at their current campsite. Her little pot of flowers really did bring her so much joy.
Dot may not have shared her sister's passion for flowers (finding them mostly to be needless and frivolous) but in the end she was the one who responsible for the expansion of her sister's flower garden. When Paul had originally shown Bette how to care for her flowers he had also mentioned that they could be propagated which had fascinated Dot. The idea you could just take a leaf and it would grow roots and become a completely new plant was amazing to her. But convincing Bette to let her try it out for herself definitely proved to be battle. Bette certainly wasn't keen on allowing her sister to chop into her precious flowers while Dot couldn't see why her sister was being so protective, the little plant certainly had plenty of leaves to spare, especially if it could give a whole new plant. Unsurprisingly the disagreement escalated to a pair of very raised voices which is what ultimately drew Jimmy into the argument. After managing to calm down both sisters Jimmy revealed to Bette that the tiny pot plant had originally been her sister's idea because she knew how much she wanted to have flowers of her own. Dot confirmed that she does know how important the flowers are to Bette and that she would never want to hurt them, she was just excited at the possibility of being to make more of them for her sister and be able to give her the windowsill full of flowers that she had always dreamed of. Bette couldn't help but relent after that. A few months later and Dot has become quite the propagation expert, to the point where their windowsill is beggining to fill up with juvenile plants as well as fresh cuttings just beginning to take root. Bette smiles every time they catch her eye, not just at the beauty of the flowers that she spent so long pining for but also for how they symbolise her sister's love for her. While they may still bicker bitterly from time to time, Bette knows that no one will ever love her as much or as fiercely as her sister does. Dot still has no real interest in the flowers themselves. She does still find propagating rewarding, especially watching her little babies start to grow and flourish. But mostly she just enjoys watching the way they make her sister smile.
Sally McKenna
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Image: jeremiahsplants
Sally is obsessed with carnivorous plants and you can't convince me otherwise. She definitely discovered them on Instagram and loves all the funny shapes and crazy colours that they come in. Sally would never be content with a plant that looks like a plant - no her plants need to look like vicious little aliens. The fact that they're natural born killers is also a nice little bonus. She loves how they subvert the natural order of things - insects should eat plants not the other way around.
When she first discovered plants online Sally got really upset that she'd never be able to go out and buy any of her own. It was Iris who mentioned that maybe she would be able to order some online - big mistake. Sally is nothing if not obsessive and her room now rivals Poison Ivy's lair with the number of plants she has crammed in there. The sheer number of babies in her collection doesn't mean that she neglects them though, no Sally is absolutely an A level obsessive plant mum - only the best for her babies. When she discovered that carnivorous plants prefer distilled water to tap water she started ordering it by the gallon, and as the best lit positions in her room started to fill up she definitely ordered grow lights so that none of her babies suffer. The grow lights also give off a slight purple glow which makes her room look like a rave which is absolutely a feature and not a bug.
Sally has also been known to go hunting for food for her babies, especially since her collection has grown and she worries there isn't enough to go around. Iris and Liz frequently find her collecting dead flies from window ledges to take back to her growing brood. She offers them to her babies with tweezers as a mother bird would to her chicks. The last time Iris had an exterminator spray the Cortez Sally accused her of trying to murder her babies with poison and absolutely ordered fruit flies online (intended for feeding pet reptiles rather than pet plants but meh) to keep her collection going until she could be absolutely sure that the offending toxins had dissipated.
It goes without saying that Sally has a separate plant Instagram account which she updates on nearly a daily basis with photos of new growth or just progress on her collection. She definitely has a great eye for plant photography and for making her babies come to life on the screen. One of her favourite things to do is film feeding videos with her largest Venus Flytrap "Fang" (who incidentally has his own Instagram account: @Fangstagram). Watching plants move so quickly will never get old to Sally and she has definitely been known to tease some of her smaller flytraps into snapping shut just for her enjoyment. She tries not tease them too much though, they are her babies after all.
Audrey Tindall
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Image: savannahs-succulent-garden
Like Lana, Audrey is another serial plant killer, but for complete different reasons. Audrey, bless her, kills her plants with far too much kindness (and water). She so desperately wants a house full of the beautiful lush plants she sees all over Instagram so she tries her darnedest to be the best plant parent ever. Her problem is that every time she sees leaves starting to yellow or wilt she assumes it must be from lack of water (rather than the fact that their roots are already rotting from far too much).
Initially she fell into the trap of picking up plants she thought looked cute on Instagram or in the garden centre, without really knowing much about caring for them. Needless to say this didn't end well (multiple times). She thought she had cracked it when discovered the subset of house plants refered to as "hard to kill". Unfortunately, most of those plants are very resistant to neglect but not to Audrey's smothering type of plant parenting. Finally she discovered peace lillies which do actually like to have wet feet and appreciate all of her affection. She's slowly collecting other spathiphyllums in all shapes and sizes now that she's feels confident she's got the hang of them. She gets so excited every time one of them grows a new leaf or flowers - such a proud plant mum.
Now that she's growing a little more confident with at least a subset of house plants she will occasionally post photos to her Instagram. She's still pretty insecure about her plant parent abilities though and it doesn't help that she will occasionally get haters telling her she's doing it all completely wrong. She tries not to let them get to her but sometimes they really do get her down - all she wanted to do was share the joy that her plant babies bring her and she's doing her best to do right by them. After one particularly brutal bout of trolling it's actually Sally who defends her. Audrey has been following Sally's plantstagram since she first started getting interested in plants so the fact that Sally even acknowledged her kinda blows her mind. Sally tells people in no uncertain terms to back off Audrey or she will set her carnivorous babies on them. The two strike up a fast friendship after this and through Sally's guidance Audrey eventually begins to grow more confident as a plant mum. For her birthday Sally definitely sends Audrey her first baby Venus Flytrap with the absolute insistence that it be named "Audrey II".
Ally Mayfair-Richards
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Image: swordsintheforest
Ally has never really seen the appeal of house plants nor does she have the time (or the headspace) to look after them. She does however have a fully stocked herb garden growing in window boxes in the kitchen to have everything within easy reach for cooking. She also loves the fresh clean smell of the basil and rosemary wafting through the house on the breeze if she leaves the windows open, particularly if it has rained. She may even admit that she's beginning to see the appeal of having the greenery around the place from an aesthetic standpoint as well.
Given how busy Ally is juggling being a senator, running a restaurant and being a single mum (plus whatever wink wink nudge nudge cult stuff she's up to on the side) it's not really surprising that it's Ozzie who's taken to caring for the herb garden most of the time. He's always been such an inquisitive kid and Ally loves watching the way his face lights up over simple things like flowers and new growth. Ozzie is particularly obsessed with propagation and there is always at least a handfull of his experiments on the windowsill. Whether it's an avocado seed he's trying to get to sprout or basil cuttings he's trying to root, he always has some new scheme in the works. Ally usually just smiles and ruffles his hair (so proud and glad that she has such an amazing and we'll rounded kid after everything that he's been through). As long as he leaves her enough basil to make pesto with, she's happy for him to play to his heart's content.
Wilhemina Venable
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Image: leafyleafs
Plants have never been of any interest to Wilhemina, she considers them to be unnecessary sources of dirt and clutter. They serve no practical purpose so she has no time for them. At least until she becomes the somewhat unwilling recipient of one. As far as office secret Santa presents go, she supposes, the lilac coloured orchid is actually quite inoffensive. However she can't shake the feeling that it must have been bought for her as some kind of challenge, that someone at Kineros is secretly watching to see how quickly she will kill it because someone like the imperious Ms Venable is obviously incapable of the kindness or tenderness necessary to keep something as beautiful and delicate as an orchid. What she doesn't know is that it was actually from Mutt, because while he is usually too coked out of his mind to show it, he is actually quite fond of her. And he knows her well enough to know that she would never accept a gift from him directly so each Christmas he rigs the office Secret Santa to get her name so he can her something (and also partly because he doesn't trust some of the interns not to get her something crude on a dare given the anonymous nature of the gift). He also knows her well enough to realise that she would appreciate the elegant beauty (and obviously the colour) of the orchid but would never cede to the frivolity of buying something like it for herself.
Despite the good intentions of the gift, Wilhemina can not fathom the idea that it was genuinely meant for her enjoyment. Obviously someone is toying with her but she will not be beaten. Wilhemina Venable may not know the first thing about orchids but she will be damned if whoever gave her the wretched thing manages to get a laugh out of it at her expense. So she learns. Mina is nothing if not fiercely independent and resourceful so she scours the internet for information on orchid care and reads everything she can find. And of course she succeeds (because anything else would be unacceptable to her).
After six months her little orchid is still alive and thriving in her office and privately she would have to admit that she has grown quite attached to it. Compared to other plants she finds it to be quite neat and tidy, and there is something elegant and refined about its arching growth habit which she finds quite beautiful. Over the course of her research she has of course come across the tremendous variety of orchids available. She of course is drawn to all of the different tones of purple blooms but also finds herself unexpectedly drawn to some of the darker, more gothic varieties. She tries to tell herself that it is merely an aesthetic appreciation, that they hold no actual allure to her, but she keeps finding herself drawn back to them. She almost buys herself one on *so many* occasions but the idea of doing something so frivolous just for her own pleasure and enjoyment is so terrifying to her that she always chickens out. Eventually she caves though, buying an indigo coloured orchid on sale at the grocery store, abruptly rushing home with it before she can change her mind again. She spends the entire rest of the day second guessing the decision but the next morning when she opens her eyes to the delicate purple blooms tenderly placed on her night stand she can't help the gentle smile it brings to her face or the warmth that settles in her chest.
After that her collection slowly grows. She still struggles with buying things for herself simply for pleasure but she is getting better, and the sick guilty feeling in the pit of her stomach seems to appear less and less each time she does it. So her collection of orchids grows, mostly including those with particularly dark blooms or interesting and unusual shapes (though there are definitely a couple of lilac and lavender coloured blooms in there as well). She also begins to expand to other dark leaved plants as well, like certain begonias and definitely a ZZ raven. Like with the orchids, all of her new acquisitions are thoroughly researched and she is determined to succeed in their care.
Mutt will sometimes catch her glance fondly at her little desk orchid as he passes her office. He is genuinely glad to have given her something that seems to bring her such contentment. If only he knew the true extent of the gift he had given her.
Mildred Ratched
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Image: bidoctor
Mildred has no idea about plants of any kind. Or at least she didn't before Gwen. Her childhood certainly wasn't filled with simple pleasures like planting flowers or playing in a vegetable patch, and any indoor plants or flower arrangements were merely things she was forbidden to touch and harshly punished if she damaged. So inevitably these things inspired a far greater degree of anxiety and tension in Mildred than they did joy or contentment.
But Gwen loves gardening. She had memories as a young child of helping her father in their backyard, returning of an evening covered in mud, much to her mother's dismay. Gwen's strong nurturing nature made her a very capable gardener and she derived a great sense of contentment from it. On some level Mildred wished she could help Gwen as she pottered through their garden of a weekend but she wouldn't have a clue where to start. In fact, the nasty voice in Mildred's head whispered, she would be so much better off without you, you'll just ruin everything, you're far too useless to be of any help. So as Gwen worked Mildred would watch, pretending to pay attention to her novel but really trying to find the pattern and reason to Gwen's actions so that maybe, someday, she wouldn't be quite so useless.
Mildred did, however, enjoy accompanying Gwen to the nursery when she went to collect supplies for their garden. Mildred may not have the faintest idea what any of the plants were called or how to care for them but she did find it peaceful to walk through the rows upon rows of different shades of green. She was continually fascinated by how many different shapes, sizes and colours they seemed to come in. Sometimes Gwen would catch her staring curiously at a particular plant but Mildred would always decline when Gwen offered that they could take it home with them.
One particular Saturday in spring Gwen found Mildred tenderly righting a small yellow marigold which had been knocked over by other nursery-goers as they riffled through the display to choose the brightest and most beautiful blooms. The poor little plant was somewhat lopsided and some of its leaves were slightly crushed from where it had lain, still there were the beginnings of golden yellow petals starting to peak from within the confines of its buds. Gwen watched as Mildred delicately unkinked the worst of the damaged leaves, fingers ghosting over the flowers that had yet to bloom. This time when Gwen suggested that they take the battered little plant home with them Mildred suddenly became very interested in a thread dangling from the cuff of her blouse as she muttered "Wouldn't it be easier to just choose one that isn't crushed? One without so much damage?". Gwen gently reached out, linking her pinkie with Mildred's, cursing that anything more would have been unacceptable in public. She gently squeezed Mildred's slender finger in her own until her gaze lifted to meet Gwendolyn's. "Never" she breathed. "The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all". She felt her throat tighten and eyes begin to burn as she watched Mildred's eyes begin to glisten and that *damn* dimple on her chin begin to quiver. "I wouldn't have the faintest idea of how to look after it", Mildred's gaze dropping again to the poor bruised little plant. Gwen squeezed their intertwined fingers once more, coaxing Mildred's eyes to meet her own. "I can show you, if you'd like?" Mildred's teeth began to worry her bottom lip as she considered. "What if I can't? What if I kill it?" "Sweetheart, you won't and I'll be there with you every step of the way. We can do it together." Mildred seemed to consider this offer, turning back to gaze tenderly at their little friend, before meeting Gwen's eyes. "Ok" she murmured, "together".
After that, every time Mildred and Gwen returned to the nursery Mildred would inevitably leave with a battered looking plant that she was determined to rehabilitate. Gwen, true to her word, patiently guided Mildred through the basics of plant care and Mildred, unsurprisingly, quickly became very proficient. Her tiny, dextrous fingers, used to dealing with needles and surgical instruments, were incredibly adept at staking and repositioning bent and battered plants as she helped them to heal. Soon enough, one end of their porch became entirely dedicated to Mildred's patients, so much so that Gwen began affectionately referring to it as Mildred's ward. And in spite of her initial fears Mildred had become quite the proficient gardener, with her little rag-tag bunch of plants, all twisted and pointing in slightly odd directions, forming the most beautiful and beloved garden Gwendolyn had ever seen.
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whump-town · 3 years
The Silence That Only Comes When Two People Understand Each Other
(not Hannah with the multi-chapter Hotchniss fic again) Stay with me, I’m on a kick, and all I want is cute old Hotchniss but I have to ease my way into that---- Emily and Hotch do not have good parents 
She had heard the word before, only with enough context to know that it was bad. Hearing her father mumble it under his breath, eyes darting over his shoulder to her mother still looming in the doorway of their room. “Always have to be a bitch about it,” he keeps moving, paying Emily no mind. She feels his words hit her as if they were meant for her even though he doesn’t even recognize that she’s in the room. She looks to her mother, Elizabeth pulling her robe tighter around her body before turning on the spot and slamming the door shut behind her.
She watches his receding back, looks back at that door, and wonders if maybe she doesn’t understand bitch means.
She was five-years-old and laid out on her back in the mulch, air punched out of her lungs. The slap of that word stinging her cheek, hot tears rolling back into her hairline. For several long minutes, she thinks she’s going to die right here. Her teacher squats down beside her, shushing her with gentle Turkish words that her fogged mind untangles slowly like the maids when they take combs to the knots in her hair. Far more gentle than her teacher when she places her on the bench and whispers soft condolences, picking that mulch out of her dark hair. Next time, she’s promised, she should just let the boys in front of her. Her cheek is cupped in a cold palm and she’s offered a smile as she’s told “boys only push the pretty girls, Emily, be happy you are so pretty to them”.
Turkish has never felt right on her tongue-- she thinks about that teacher’s words often.
She’s twelve standing in her mother’s full-length mirror, she hasn’t seen her father in five years. The cigarette between her mother’s lips bobs as she speaks words that Emily has stopped hearing. The words tumbling, slurred off of her lips, lemmings off cliffs. She stands, hips jerking as Elizabeth tightens the back of the dress but silent. “Do you think that’s what boys want? A little bitch to tell them off?” She’s instructed to suck in and she closes her eyes but does not grunt or dare express her discomfort as the dress is pulled in too tight. “Boys just want a pretty little mouth to fuck. So keep yours shut, I don’t want to even know you’re sitting at that dinner table.”
She’s twelve years old looking at herself in the mirror and seeing what that boy and her mother must-- a bitch. She watches Elizabeth flick the ash off her cigarette into the ashtray. “Jackeline Kennedy smoked,” she defends herself. Emily wonders if Mrs. Kennedy was a bitch too.
She’s nineteen the first time someone tells her that “bitch” was never something she had a choice in. Her Sociology professor looks down at them from the edge of his glasses. Each graduating class seeming to chip him down a little more until there’s nothing but the knarled man standing before them. He sighs for dramatic effect or maybe because he sees the youth and the arrogance in the room before him and can hardly stand to keep going.
“For the same thing,” he begins, “we would applaud a man who takes initiative. A man who points out a flaw is brilliant, he’s genius for seeing something everyone else missed. What about a woman?” He looks out into his audience to find the women thinly peppered in one little section. Women stick together, they’re always together. “What do we think of the woman who demands her rightful spot at the business table? A woman who points out the flaw in the project?”
He’s not expecting it.
Emily doesn’t even raise her hand, “we call her a bitch.”
He stops but finally nods. “We do. We call her a bitch.”
Being a bitch is what gets her all the way to the FBI. Other girls get talked over, they get pushed down. She talks louder, stands up out of her chair, and goes on when her classmates try to interrupt her. It makes her sick, her nerves are shot and so she finds herself swimming in liquid courage. Tequila burns but it makes her louder, prouder. That’s what it takes, that’s what she gives.
She’s a bitch and it’s the only way she’s able to find her voice.
His father sends him to boarding school at fourteen. He’s too old to label his darkly circled eyes and too thin limbs as failure to thrive but it’s at least suicidal. A label that they slap onto him like hearing the words will suddenly shoot some sort of life into his veins but he’s tired of being reanimated for the show of fancy old men. Tired, in general. He’s hesitant to trust any of them but he feels as though if he stands any longer his bones will grow too heavy for his skin to hold. He lets them direct him down the hall, too succumbed to his fate to flinch away from the hands that clap his shoulder or jostle his head.
His father told the town, the county, every lawyer, and every person he came across the awful things his good for nothing son had done. That the bruises on Sean’s face were from him, from Aaron. That the boy had uncontrollable anger and it broke his heart to send his own flesh and blood away but he’d been given no other choice. And, by God, if Aaron could so something like that to Richard Hotchner, a man who married such a kind and gentle woman, a man who made something of himself, then they could understand why he had done it.
And the poor man, how could something like that happen to him?
Aaron was assigned his first therapist there for the same reason he got one in every other turning point in his life-- something just isn’t right about him. No matter the walls he places around himself and the personalities that he learns to play to suit a given situation. People still feel his tense muscles when they place a leisurely, affectionate hand on his shoulder. Everyone can see his anxiety and that little thing he does with his fingers.
“I think,” his therapist had once whispered. Leaning in, closing the staggering space between the couch and chair, as if to only speak to Aaron. So softly, so guarded. A secret. “Aaron, I think, the only thing you want is doubt.” A seedling to sprout in his bones, to give voice to the brightest part of him. Doubt that he is right when he looks in the mirror and sees his father. Doubt that he is unlovable. Doubt that his father is right. Doubt when he respins childhood memories to fit his father’s lies. Doubt that he hates being touched. Doubt that he can handle it.
He couldn’t understand what that had meant at fourteen. He hadn’t wanted more doubt than he already had. Doubt his father had actually abused him. Doubt that he belonged. Doubt that he wanted to be here, not just at this school, but in this life. Doubt that he mattered. Doubt that there would ever be a place for him. Doubt. Doubt. Doubt.
Why would he want more doubt?
“I think you’re lying.” Emily Prentiss stands at the end of his bed, the girl who learned to drown in order to stay afloat. Past the point of dipping her toe in the water, she knows how to swim. Folding her arms over her chest, Emily watches him carefully. Frown deepening when all he does is look back at her, seemingly daring her to challenge him. She doesn’t fear him, not in this incapacitated state and not even if he were standing toe-to-toe with her. At the back of her mind, she hears the doctor’s earlier warning about upsetting him. She thinks about the medical file she’d been handed coming in, a whole list of questions they needed to know. The warning, the implication, of the notes on his chart.
His heart has already stopped once today. For thirty minutes, she nearly lost him today and she knows that if she doesn’t push this it’ll destroy him. That’s what happens when you keep secrets like this. But she’s not afraid of stopping his heart. He’s a stubborn bastard, if he wanted to die he would have done that already.
So, she stands there and she’s not afraid to call him out for what she knows is true. There’s something more, he’s deceived by the dissociative way his eyes go out of focus. How she’d felt her own heart leap to her throat when the monitors picked up their pace, his eyes closed but the rest of his body betraying the panic and fear he was reliving. The numbers going from nearly too slow, sluggish to 120, and panicked. His blood pressure still tanked.
Doubt. She has more than just doubt that her inquiry of his well-being --Do you want to talk about what happened-- was met with a true answer. That he doesn’t know and that he can’t remember.
But the truth is not so simple. What is she going to think? What will any of them think if they knew? The way he wasn’t strong enough to fight Foyet off. How it had felt as Foyet stood over him, beaming at their chests with a wide grin of pride. Assuring him that he would live through this. That, after everything is said and done, they’d look the same. That he’d been in and out of consciousness and he’s not sure what happened to him, what Foyet did when he blacked out. How it had stopped hurting but his body had kept reacting forcing him to choke and to hold his breath. How he hadn’t protected himself. Laid there and took it. Closed his eyes so he didn’t have to see.
She doesn’t want to know that but she isn’t given the chance. She looks over her shoulder and sees Haley and Jack approaching. Watches Haley crouch in the hall to say something to Jack, to guide him to the visitor’s chairs just outside the door. The time for this argument has trickled low and she settles one last look on him-- on the dark bruise across his temple and the iodine staining his skin. “We’re not done,” she assures him.
She doubts him and he hates it.
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defiedlife · 2 years
headcanon time! 
at this point I’m unsure if it counts as canon-divergent or not, given recent developments that honestly leave the answer to that question up in the air, but I digress. lengthy rambling below since I feel like writing it out, but tl;dr—Foul Legacy is actually Childe’s true form now. 
the Abyss changed Childe—then only known as Ajax—irrevocably. once a young, wholly human boy who sometimes seemed skittish around his own shadow, after he fell, there was no going back. a lightless realm teeming with dark energy, the Abyss threatened to swallow him whole. he ran, avoiding monsters and retreating into some far off corner of the space that one could only deem slightly less toxic than everywhere else. he trembled, teary-eyed and praying for survival and a way to escape. this wasn’t the adventure he’d so desperately wanted.
but then the whispers began, tempting him; soothing him. before he knew it, they were guiding him, and his tears slowly came to a stop. his breathing steadied, and a burst of eagerness and courage welled up within. he welcomed it, not realizing that he was embracing the first of many gifts that the Abyss wanted him to have. this was when he met Skirk, led to her by the whispers urging him deeper down.
from then on, he trained with her for days and weeks that soon turned into one month; two, then three. he stayed with her there, learning to thrive in the darkness and growing accustomed to the Abyss while he trained. the first few times he died, it was terrifying, but it gradually reached a point where he barely noticed it at all—he would simply wake eventually and continue on, his latest death but a memory. as he learned from Skirk, his body adapted to both the techniques she taught him and the inherent corruption of the Abyss, internalizing each at the same time. soon, the Abyss was a part of him as much as his hair or eyes, the energy of its curse rooting itself firmly within him. his human form became secondary; something that required an illusion to maintain. that young, frightened little boy was no more, for a monster had been born.
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seriouslyhooked · 3 years
Feels Like This (Part 13)
Emma Swan is a once lost girl who is now making good. She has made a way in the world for her and her young son, Henry, and after years of hard work, Emma is in her last stretch of schooling for the career she’s always wanted. Unexpectedly, she finds herself in a tiny nation no one’s ever heard of for her last year of study. She knows nothing about the place except that it’s beautiful, has a world-renowned child life program, and is filled with possibility. Meanwhile, Prince Killian is hardly happy with the title he received at birth. As the second in line for the crown, Killian has long tried shaking his royal duties. He built a career in the royal navy, and has stayed out of the limelight, but his ship has been called to port indefinitely at the request of his brother, the King. Fate (in her many forms) brings Emma and Killian together and the resulting fic is a cute, fluffy, trope filled romp featuring heart felt moments, a healthy dose of insta-love and an assured happily ever after. Story rated M and will have 12 parts. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12. Available on FF Here and AO3 Here.
A/N: Hey everyone! I am so excited to be back with this story after the month I spent away, and I find it so wild that in that past month so much happened with royals in the actual world. I wouldn’t say it inspired this chapter at all, but it was cathartic to write a story where the Prince and Princess get a much healthier, more healing reception. I know how many of you love this fic, and it definitely has a special place in my heart as well. It’s been so important to me that I do the ending of this story justice, and so it took a bit of time to get my thoughts organized. This is one of the final chapters, and I only anticipate one more actual story installment and then maybe, someday far off in the future, an epilogue or two. That being said, this is a long-awaited milestone for CS and I have attempted to infuse all of my usual cuteness and romance. I hope that you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you think, and thank you all so much for reading!
Gazing out upon the overlook as the sun rose over the tree line in the Montenarran morning, Killian was comforted once more by the vastness of the world and the beauty that danced before him. The light shone with a color and vibrancy he’d come to know and love, but this morning the air hummed with languid layers of anticipation. Maybe it was Killian’s excitement and nerves, but he didn’t think so. No, if anything the world seemed to shimmer today, a sign from above that the timing was right and that he was ready to take this next big step.
The next time I visit this place, I’ll have Emma by my side, he thought to himself, soaking in the comfort of such a plan. 
This was on his list of places to share with his Swan, but he reasoned that he had all the time in the world for such gifts. Today, though, he was planning to make that assumption a reality. For finally, after nearly three days of being parted from his love, he was planning to propose, in a way befitting a woman of Emma’s caliber.
Instinctively, Killian’s hand moved to his pocket, drawing out a small black box which held a ring inside. The ring was beautiful and ornate, an overt and ostentatious display of love, but one with inherent meaning. This was the ring his grandfather had given his Gran, a ring forged for the purpose of real and lasting love. It was not exchanged at their wedding, but instead in a private ceremony the two of them shared some weeks later. Their wedding had been arranged, but still they’d found real love. This ring was a gift, however, given at the turning point where Killian’s grandfather knew that his love for his new Queen was more than mere arrangement – it was true and totally transformative.
“Your brother, as reigning monarch, has full claim to your grandfather and my wedding bands, and he will make good use of them with his Elsa, I am utterly assured,” Gran had claimed some weeks back when she stole Killian for a private moment. On that night, she was serious and sincere, most of her deeply playful nature tucked aside for a brief window of time. She glanced at her the matrimonial ring she still wore, years after the death of her dearly departed husband before looking back to Killian with conviction and calm. “The love between them grows each day, and is befitting of what me and your grandfather shared. But this ring I’m giving you, Killy… this ring is something else altogether. This is magic made metal. This is perfectly genuine affection forged into precious gems.”
“It is gorgeous, Gran,” Killian agreed when she presented the ring to him. “But I can’t take something like this from you. Not when it means so much.”
“That’s why you must have it, Killy. If your Grandfather were here, he would say the same. This ring bound us in life, but now we are bound through so much more.”
For the first time in years, likely since the death of his grandfather himself, Killian watched as tears trickled down his Gran’s face. It instantly pierced his heart, for this was a woman who always showed strength. Even when he was on deployment and gone for years on end, his Gran persevered. She may grow misty eyed or get choked up, but tears were a whole different story. Only the memory of her husband could prompt them, and Killian thought to himself not for the first time that she had been so strong for so long, going on without him.
“Our love is forever, living, thriving, singing its song for now and for always. I miss him, every day, every moment, I wish that he was here, but someday we will have each other again. And in the meantime, this ring deserves another union. It was made to be passed through generations. I will confess that I wondered if anyone should ever be worthy of it, if love like ours would find its way here again. But I needn’t have doubted. You and Emma are made for each other, and it would be my honor for Emma to wear this.”
Killian agreed whole heartedly with his Grandmother’s explanation, and he knew no more beautiful stone could be found the world over. This ring bore a remarkable yellow diamond, encircled with smaller stones of the same rare hue. The exact shade sparkled in the sunlight, but almost seemed dipped in the golden glow of a summer’s afternoon. It was pristine and poetic, warm and well beyond the pale, reminding Killian of the highlights in Emma’s hair and the lilt of her laughter. Her joy was precious, more precious than any stone, but as he gazed upon the rock, it felt quintessentially designed for his Swan. It was happy and bright, bold and beautiful, and he knew, despite its flair and size, that Emma would love it.
The only thing left to do is ask her.
The thought breathed new life into Killian, even more so than the Montenarran morning, and he walked back through the forest paths towards the palace once more, energized and ready for the day ahead. He had everything planned and had been working on this for some time. There were many moving pieces, but he’d squared them all away. In the end he would see to it that this was perfect, for that was exactly what his Swan deserved.
Arriving at the palace just after the sunrise, Killian moved with purpose and precision. He had only a little bit of time, and much to accomplish.
“The last of the parcels have been delivered, Your Grace,” one attendant announced as Killian walked through the palace doors. “The bulk of them are here, as you see, though some are in the green house for obvious reasons.”
“Excellent, Jacque. Thank you.”
“I beg your pardon, Sir, it’s just… are you certain you don’t need help arranging things? It’s a significant amount of work here. The staff is happy to assist.”
“I appreciate that offer, Jacque, but I’ve got things well in hand. I’ve been planning this for some time.”
A thoughtful smile appeared at the older man’s face, one that broke the traditional polite protocol and spoke to how long he had known Killian and the royal family. “Of course, Sir. Well, in that case, best of luck.”
Killian took the well wishes to heart, knowing he had a massive task before him. Perhaps he could have given himself more time to bring all of these pieces together, but to him, it already felt like too much time had been wasted. He was more than ready for this next step with Emma, and after three days spent apart, not seeing each other in person, or sharing much more than a few texts and facetimes, he was particularly desirous to see this through. He had been strategizing on how to get this right for quite a while, and by now he knew each assignment down to the letter.
“I assume that your dismissal of Jacques offer goes for us as well?”
Killian glanced up, finding his mother on the stairwell. From here she was stately and elegant, a poised dowager Queen with refinement and grace, but as she descended, she became more herself, and by the time she was in front of Killian, taking his hand in hers, she was no more and no less than a wonderful mother. His greatest support for many years, and someone who he knew would give anything she could to make this moment special.
“It does, at least for this. But with the children arriving in a few hours’ time -,”
“Not to worry on that front,” his mother said cheerily, her own happiness at the thought of all the Institute’s residents coming to the palace for a special premiere outing. “Your Grandmother and I have all in hand, and Liam and Elsa are set to help us. It’ll be a day to remember.”
“Good,” Killian said, looking around and finding his Gran already in full form, instructing the staff as to the desires she had for the outdoor space. Through the glass of the palace’s wall of windows, her words were muddled, but the humor was clear as day. This woman, frail and aged from outward appearance, was a firecracker, ruling over the days designs with an iron fist. “Surprising that Liam is giving Gran such a wide berth.”
“Well how could he not? He’s yet to come down for the day. Hard to give orders from a distance.”
Killian let out a whistle, and laughed as his mother swatted his arm and ‘tutted’ his boyish actions. Knowing when enough was enough, he left unsaid the clear reason that his brother would choose to stay abed so late in the morning. Killian would stake his life on the fact that a certain guest was here within the palace, and that she likely made a visit of the overnight variety.
“What are the chances that Gran doesn’t know?” Killian asked and his mother shook her head.
“And the likelihood that she will say something?”
“That’s still to be determined.” Killian was shocked at his mother’s genuine opinion. He, for one, thought it undoubtable that Gran would make mention of this moment, gleefully commenting on the need for royal heirs or some such outlandish claim. “Eleanor is direct and prone to speaking her mind, but she is also strategic. If the calculated risk of such a comment is too high, she will deny herself. She would never do anything to jeopardize your brother’s prospects.”
“You really think a smart comment from an old woman is enough to keep them apart?” Killian asked, thinking back on the few weeks that Liam and Elsa had shared since finding each other again. They had been as close to inseparable as the schedule of a King would allow. It was clear that they were both entirely invested, so much so that a royal announcement would be made in the coming days announcing their relationship.
“Not for a second.”
“So, if you know that, and I know that… surely Gran must know that.”
At that exact moment a maid was walking back into the house, opening the glass doors. From the outside they could hear his grandmother calling out to Liam and to Elsa, who had been discovered somewhere in the backyard. They no doubt were trying to be more discrete, but Gran seemed to have no interest in allowing them that privacy.
“Oh Lord, it’s time,” Meera said with a mix of worry and also amusement. Her eyes were alight with the humor of the moment, but also the very real awkwardness that may soon transpire. “I best get out there and spare them from what I can.”
Killian nodded, but wasn’t ready for the impact of his mother’s arms around him squeezing tight. It was not in any way part of the royal protocol, but his family never paid much mind to that. Still, this was a big hug, one that was obviously filled with tremendous meaning.
“I’m so proud of you, my darling. You’ll give her everything she deserves, and the two of you will be happy. So wonderfully, beautifully happy.”
“Thanks, Mum. Love you,” he whispered, accepting her soft kiss on his cheek and her shared words of love in kind before she dashed off to help his elder brother. A Queen should never move so quickly, but then again, Gran could do quite a bit of damage in the seconds it would take to get from here to there. For his part, Killian only chuckled to himself before heading to the side of the palace towards the gardens for the day.
The next few hours were defined by attention to detail and purposeful precision. Before meeting Emma, Killian could safely say he never imagined the lengths and planning required for a proper proposal. The idea was so intangible, so unnecessary in his estimations, that he never dwelled on even the possibility. It seemed unlikely that his heart would ever be touched in that way. He assumed he’d go through life a bachelor, or worse yet, that he’d cave to eventual pressure and say yes to something arranged and designed without feeling or passion. Luckily for him he had escaped such a fate, and instead had been steered through the grace of all things good towards a woman who was far and away the most remarkable he’d ever met.
Emma was rare and extraordinary. He had known it from their first meeting, and he continued to hold onto this truth every day they were together. There was never a moment when he didn’t realize his good fortune, or when he took her presence in his life for granted. Emma had revived him. She anchored him into the goodness of the world, and she showed him what could be. She expanded his horizons, even brought with her a son, another key part of a growing family, and by her side, Killian felt like he was capable of anything.
He only hoped that the elements he’d gathered today would translate as he imagined they could. This was a memory in the making that could only be shared once. Killian wanted to be sure that it was what Emma wanted and deserved. Luckily, he’d had help and more than a little bit of intel, mostly provided by Henry and from a few other insiders who knew Emma best of all.
“Are all systems a go, Captain?”
As if he’d conjured Henry with the grateful thought of all the boy had done for him, he turned now to find Emma’s son in the garden. Killian watched as the lad took in their surroundings, his eyes growing wide, and his whispered ‘this is so cool’ a welcome sign that Killian’s efforts had not been for nothing. He stood from where he’d been bent down, tidying up the last of his efforts, and when he gazed upon it himself, he had to say he was happy with the outcome.
“Aye, Lieutenant. All the necessary components are accounted for.”
“Good. She’s going to lose it. In a good way though,” Henry said with a smile which burned bright.
“Is everyone arrived then?” Killian asked and Henry shook his head.
“Soon, but not just yet. Anna and I have been here for a while now. Gran needed help with the game set up, but I asked if I could see you first.”
The look of wonder and happiness that had clung to Henry since arriving colored to something a bit more pensive. The shift gave Killian some pause for the first time all day. “Everything all right, lad?”
“Everything’s great, I just – well I was wondering – I mean if Mom says yes – or rather when she says yes, because she’ll totally say yes, it’s just that, well I – I was wondering…”
“No need to be worried, Henry,” Killian said, placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Whatever you have to ask me, I’m here to help. You have my word I will make it right.”
“I know. And you’ll love Mom forever, right?”
“Aye, lad. Forever and then some.”
“And you love me too,” Killian’s heart clenched as he automatically nodded.
“Yes, Henry. I love you both, undoubtedly.”
“And we’re going to be a family.”
Killian didn’t know what to say. Down to his bones he knew that they would be. He was confident in this union between him and Emma. They had made promises already, declarations of love. He would give anything to be her husband, and he knew that someday he would be, but to say it aloud to her son when Emma herself hadn’t had a chance to even be asked was something else entirely.  In the end, he decided to just go with his gut.
“In my heart, we already are.” Henry beamed up at him, the worry of the moment melting away. Still, Killian never imagined what he’d say next.
“Well then I was hoping that maybe, when you and Mom are married, maybe I could call you Dad?”
Killian was overwhelmed with the request. It was something he had wished for, but didn’t want to press. He knew Henry had no memories of his biological father, but he never wanted to assume. It was a massive move for a young man to ask such a question, but Killian’s answer to the query was instant and heartfelt.
“I would be honored, lad.”
“Cool,” Henry said happily, brimming with the excitement he’d had since Killian first told him about his plan to propose to Emma.
Henry moved forward, hugging Killian with the affection of an earnest hearted ten-year-old, and Killian savored it, knowing he would always see Henry as his son. He may not be his blood, but he lay claim to a large piece of Killian’s heart. He silently swore to always do right by Henry. To protect him and to teach him what he could. But mostly he would support him, and show love to Henry and his mother all the days of his life. Before Killian could speak to more of that, the sound of busses pulling up, and happy children streaming onto palace grounds wafted through the air. The time had come. This was the moment.
“You know the plan, son?” Killian asked, the word slipping off his tongue so easily, and bringing real joy to Henry’s eyes.
“Aye, aye, Captain. I’ll have Mom to you in five minutes. You can time me.”
Killian might have laughed at the fervor and excitement Henry shared, but unfortunately, five minutes waiting in a moment like this felt like a lifetime away. The only thing that got him through were the last-minute adjustments, and the journey that was needed from where he was, to where they’d start their memorable afternoon. Finally, the moment came where Killian was waiting at the start of the hedgerow, even further from the festivities and he could hear the woman he loved, unaware of his being here.
“Henry, seriously, what’s going on? The party’s only just starting. We have time for a tour later. We can go with the others.”
“Trust me Mom, this can’t wait.”
“What is it Henwy?” a tiny voice Killian would know anywhere asked. Cecelia was with them, another sign from above that his plans were moving the way he wanted.
“Something magical,” Henry said and Killian could hear the sharp trill of an excited little girl.
“Like fairies?”
“Just wait, you’ll see.”
“Something magical, huh?”  Emma parroted, but at that moment they all stepped into view.
Three days may be but a blip in time to some, but to Killian it had felt like an eternity. The peace he now experienced at seeing his Swan again was profound, and somehow she was even more stunning than when he’d left her. The day’s light shone in her hair and in her smile. She was gorgeous and relaxed, dressed in a delicate pink sun dress designed to tease and torment. Her radiance outshone every flower in this garden, and in the moments before she saw him, he soaked in the sight of her. God she was beautiful, too beautiful to properly behold. His heart skipped and his muscles tightened, and then her eyes landed on him and he was whole.  The world was righted once more, and all because Emma saw him and felt the same pull he felt emanating from his chest. The surprise in her eyes was evident, followed immediately by relief, and joy, and love, and all of it was too sweet a call to resist. He moved towards her and the children, sending up one last prayer in this critical moment.
Please let her be mine. I swear I’ll deserve her. Whatever it takes.  For I am hers, body and soul, and I always will be.
God he’s gorgeous, Emma thought instinctively upon finding Killian at the far end of the garden hedge. That thought was followed closely by, Wait, what is he doing here?
“Killy!” Cecelia cried out happily, letting go of Emma and Henry’s hands and sprinting towards him. Emma watched as Killian crouched down, accepting the hug from the little girl who effortlessly stole their hearts. He closed his eyes momentarily, soaking in the moment, and then he pulled back and pushed some of her wayward curls from Cecelia’s eyes, smiling at her with genuine affection.
“Good morning, little love. How are you finding the palace?” Emma’s heart clenched in her chest in the best way. He was just so sweet with her. He always had been.
“It’s so so good,” Cecelia replied, bringing a laugh out of all of them.
At the little girl’s enthusiastic endorsement, Killian thanked Cecelia and then stood once more, looking at Emma with those captivating blue eyes and that charming smile that always took her breath away. She was still trying to fathom his presence here. They had spent the last few days apart, days she found so much more difficult to manage than she expected, but he wasn’t set to return for a few more days. Liam had sent him on state business. She didn’t press for details, assuming it was confidential, but now, she was curious as to this wonderful turn of events. Before she could ask though, he walked over to her, taking her into his arms and kissing her surely. She leaned into this embrace, loathed to let him go, but he seemed to remember they were in the presence of little eyes. It was a fleeting kiss, but still invigorating all the same.
“I don’t understand. You’re supposed to be away the rest of the week.”
“I hope you’ll forgive my brother for that white lie,” Killian said, his hand coming up to scratch at his ear in that subtle show of bashfulness she’d witnessed a time or two. “If you’ll recall I never actually confirmed an itinerary, having sworn never to lie to you again.”
“So, you weren’t on a… huh, let’s see, how did Liam put it? A ‘mission for the future of the nation’ then?” 
“Not exactly. But then again, in some ways, that’s exactly where I was. Do you trust me, love?”
Emma nodded, and watched as his smile grew warmer. She knew that it meant to him to have her trust, but in her eyes, he had earned it ten times over. Killian was a good man – the best man she knew – and he made her feel safe. Of course she trusted him. She had never trusted anyone this much before.
“In that case, I’ve some things to show you. Henry, you’ll be sure to hold down the fort in the meantime?”
Emma looked over to her son, and only now realized that this was all planned somehow. Her boy looked pleased as punch, and even sent a salute Killian’s way. “Yes sir. And Cecelia will help, wont’ you Ceci?” The little girl nodded, joyously, thrilled at the prospect of helping. “We’ll see you both soon.”
Killian nodded, leading Emma in the direction of the garden. The further they moved into the hedgerow, the quieter it became, until the only songs around them were those of birds and breeze. Emma was amazed at all of this, but she was also still wrapped up in his return. It felt so good to be back with her hand in his, the glow of his presence enveloping her. She’d never missed someone like she had the past few days, never ached this way to be reunited with someone. It was a testament to all she felt for him and how much she’d come to love him. Quietly she stopped walking, pulling Killian’s attention. With a quick glance behind them, she saw no one had followed. They were totally alone and so she made her move. Pulling him down for another kiss, she said a proper hello, and shivered in delight at his reaction.
His hands were on her, seemingly everywhere, holding her close as they tasted each other. She felt his soft dark hair between her fingers, where she ran them through by the nape of his neck. She arched in closer, feeling the friction of their bodies together, and sighing in pleasure when they pulled apart. It couldn’t go further than that, but Emma felt more secure having shown him even in a small way how happy she was to see him.
“Hell of a welcome home, love,” he growled out, words low and throaty from his own swirling emotion. “If leaving wasn’t torture in itself, I’d consider more trips just for this.”
“No need to leave for these,” she whispered to him, leaning in for another kiss but then nipping him gently instead and stepping back out of his grasp. She smiled at his evident frustration, and laughed when he groaned in defeat. He knew he was had, but from the way he pulled her back into his arms, running his hand along the small of her back and looking at her adoringly, he didn’t seem to mind.
“You are a marvel, love. Have I mentioned that yet?”
“Maybe once or twice,” she teased, looking back to where they’d been walking and giving him silent permission to lead to their destination once more. “It’s beautiful out here.”
Beautiful was an understatement. In truth, Emma had never seen such intricate floral designs or such an array of colors and flower species. She had to imagine it was more than a palace garden. This had to be one of the most beautiful botanical spaces in all of Europe.
“Much of that is my mother’s doing. Her passion project, so to speak. She brought us out here when we were boys. Showed us bits and bobs. But this has always been hallowed grounds. Special, and perhaps, as Henry hinted, a little magical as well.”
Emma was poised to reply, but at that moment they turned a corner and things changed. They were still in a garden, but this time – oh lord it was difficult to describe. Magnificent was the first word that came to mind, and ethereal came soon after. For where there were blossoms and buds before, now there even more, hanging from pergolas above and winding through ivy vines on every hedge. Some were clearly naturally placed, but Emma noticed pieces woven into this area that she’d seen before, half a world away.
“Windchimes,” she murmured, looking at the gorgeous displays that reminded her of home.
There was a storefront, totally discrete from the street view and far off of the beaten path, deep in the heart of Chinatown, that she and Henry had found when he was younger. It was filled with artisan chimes and motifs and mobiles made from natural items and glass and more. The owners were amazing and known in crafting circles around the globe. The first day Emma and Henry visited taking refuge from a sudden winter chill, the couple who owned the store had taken the time to walk her son through their work. They’d then spent hours in the studio, and though Emma had very little by way of money for a purchase, they’d showed her and Henry nothing but the utmost kindness. She’d always found the pieces beautiful, comprised of shells and flecks of crystal or silver and gold, swirled into constellations that evoked a night sky or sense of wonder. 
Over the years she and Henry returned to the studio many times, and even bought a few pieces when she could save enough to treat herself to something precious. There was so much beauty crafted in each piece. Emma always found herself wanting more, and she loved their trips back over and over again. The style  of this artwork was one of a kind. Emma had never seen other pieces like these, but here, in this patch of the garden, there had to be a hundred intricate, delicate, interrelated art pieces dancing in the wind.
“How is this possible?”
“Henry may have mentioned something. Do you like it?”
“It’s gorgeous. God, the time it must have taken to put this all together…”
“Was time well spent, believe me, love.” Emma looked to him and she could have sworn from the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice that he was the one who had done this. But that was crazy. How could he have possibly had time for all this?
“But how did it all even get here?”
“I brought it.”
“You brought it?” Emma asked, stunned, her fingertips grazing the smoothed lines of one art piece dripping in sea glass. “You were in New York.”
“But why?”
“Patience, love. There’s more to see.”
Emma had no idea how there could possibly be more, but she tucked her arm through Killian’s and walked with him to the next section of gardens. Here there was a sudden burst of purples and whites, and a scent she’d been missing without even realizing it. Lilacs, but none of them in season. Oh God, look at all of them.
“Killian,” she whispered, looking at what must have been thousands of bouquets of her favorite flower. It was unbelievable, but it was real, and she moved forward, seeing them all set up and displayed prominently in the midst of a garden with white roses. It was gorgeous and surreal. And now she was utterly dazed and more than a little confused.
“You and Henry are well known at the Brooklyn gardens love, as I’m sure you are well aware. I had it on good authority from a woman named Ella that lilacs are your particular favorite.”
“These can’t all be from there,” Emma said and Killian shook his head.
“No, these are admittedly sourced from a few specialty purveyors across the continent. But this,” he pulled out a polaroid of a small lilac tree that was recently planted. Looking at the surroundings, Emma realized that was outside Killian’s home here in Montenarro. “This is directly from the gardens. The same family and strain, all the way from New York.”
Emma was too shocked to speak, and felt the tears welling in her eyes. He had done so much for her, and she knew it was for one reason. He wanted to bring part of her home, part of a place that meant so much to Henry and her, here to his home. It was so thoughtful she felt tongue tied. What could she say? This was all so much.
Unbelievably there was even more, and over the next few minutes he took her through three more break away gardens, each filled with other staples of her one-time home. Food and culture and memories and more. This man had managed to find all of the best parts of her time in New York and he had brought them here. Some of them were things completely out of the realm of possibility.
“I can’t believe you found this,” Emma said, holding onto a years-old piece of construction paper that had been forgotten to time.
This picture was one of so many projects that her son had made in life, but Emma cherished the memories that went with it. Another example of the city’s serendipity, this painting chronicled a day of adventure for Emma and Henry. They’d wandered all through the city, and ended up in Queens for a special summer program for kids. She was always looking for magic moments for Henry, especially ones designed for a budgeting single Mom, and this one had delivered. There were story times and games, crafts and activities, and Henry had been thrilled. He made this picture of the two of them, and though it looked nothing like Emma, it had captured her heart. It also caught the eye of the librarians working that day and they’d selected it to put on the wall in the Children’s wing. Henry was oh so proud, his four-year-old heart filled with joy at getting to hang his art somewhere aside from their refrigerator door. It meant something to Emma, another example of her doing her best by her boy, and giving him all that she’d never had.
“There was a picture of you and Henry and this particular masterpiece in the Saturday Times.”
“Okay now how could you possibly know that?”
“Your neighbor, Mrs. Hubbard. She was very forthcoming, and she’d saved the article. Has it framed and everything.”
“You spoke to Mrs. H?” Emma asked completely bewildered, and Killian nodded. “And the library had it all this time?”
“Aye. In the archives. Nothing a few strategically planned favors couldn’t procure.”
“I don’t deserve this,” Emma said, letting the tears finally fall. This was all too much, but she was immediately comforted by the feel of Killian’s strong arms. His hand came to cup her cheek, his thumb wiping some of the tears as he shook his head, his eyes full of earnest feeling and emotion.
“That’s where you’re wrong, love. You deserve every good thing the world over. I know it’s presumptuous for a man like me to ask for such a treasure, but I swear to you I’ll spend my life giving everything I can.”
“I already have everything. I have you, and Henry,” Emma said. “This is beautiful, but it’s nothing to you.”
Killian hummed out a sigh of contentment, but where Emma expected a kiss, she watched instead as he pulled back, reaching for something in his pocket. “I was hoping you’d feel this way. Makes this next part a bit less nerve wracking.”
In a smooth gesture, he pulled out a small black box and lowered to the ground. Watching Killian drop down to one knee here in the gardens, Emma felt totally adrift from all cares of the world. She was stunned and yet deeply aware that this had all been a long time coming. There was no doubt in her heart that she loved Killian, and she held no fear over taking this next step. This man had shown her for months that he genuinely cared for her and her son. He would move mountains for them, if only for a possibility of their happiness. He was selfless and loyal and true, and he made her brave, emboldening her to believe that the risk was worth it. Love was worth it. Still, it was shocking, to be adored so deeply, and to know that someone truly felt the world began and ended with her.
“Emma, I realize that this is perhaps soon by some standards, but believe me when I say that I have been aching to ask you this question since the moment we met.”  
More tears formed in her eyes, thinking back on that day. Her world had truly shifted in the span of one morning. There was a time before Killian, before romantic love that ever made her hopeful, and then there was more. It all started at the center, but it built well beyond those four walls. Knowing what she did now, she had to call their encounter what it had been – love at first sight. Maybe she hadn’t admitted it then, and surely she hadn’t said it aloud, but that is what transpired. She took one look at this man, this extraordinary, incredible man, and she was hooked, plain and simple.
“You amazed me then, that first day at the Institute. I didn’t realize anyone like you could truly be real, or that I was capable of forming an attachment with such strength. I had seen too much, I reasoned, knew the darkness of the world in ways that may leave me lacking for the rest of my days. I thought such chances at something halfway near normal were beyond me, but those first sparks between us proved me wrong. I was totally ensnared, caught in a web you couldn’t help for making, and still, that immediate response can’t compare to all I feel now. Knowing you – loving you – I am more certain each and every day that you hold my heart in your hand. I am yours, Emma. I have been yours, and I will remain yours all the days of my life.”
There was absolutely no chance at stopping from crying now, but the sensation was one of happiness. She was actually living a fairytale. Her, the once lost girl who never had a nickel to her name, or a friend to keep her going. She had survived the cruelest affairs of the heart. She had been so terribly and tragically alone, but she persisted, and she learned, through the grace of her son, and the courage of her convictions, to live. Now with Killian she was starting anew, building up the small life she’d shared with Henry into something much bigger. To say she was exited at the prospect was an understatement.
“Emma Swan, will you -,”
“I want to adopt Cecelia!” Emma said abruptly, blurting out a seemingly unrelated fact in the middle of what had been the most beautiful proposal. She was mortified, but only for a moment. Because the smile on Killian’s face calmed the storm inside her.
“Ah, right. You see, I had anticipated that, though in the interest of full disclosure I envisioned this part of the conversation after your reply to the proposal. Regardless, I offer you this, love.”
Emma watched as he juggled the ring and instinctively she took it, holding the box and sparing another glance at the absolutely beautiful band. Her fingers itched to put it on now, but she knew it would be so much better to let Killian do the honors. She then watched in amazement as he pulled out a series of papers from inside his jacket. He opened the file containing them all and showed her an application for adoption. The child in question was Cecelia, and the forms listed both Emma and Killian as petitioning guardians. Now she was completely overwhelmed. He knew every single part of her. Every hope. Every dream. He was perfect.
“Family is so much more than blood, Swan, as we both know, and I think we’ve known for sometimes that Cecelia will always be our princess.”
“Yes,” Emma whispered. Yes to everything, yes to all of it.
“I’ve also spoken to Henry, not intentionally per se, wanting to speak with you first, but it would mean the world to adopt him as well. I don’t know how you’d feel about that, but I-,”
“Yes,” she said again, this time with even more conviction.
“Yes?” he asked with a hopeful grin and she nodded. “Well in that case. May I, love?”
She handed him the papers which he put down beside them with care. Emma watched as he took the ring box back from her other hand. He settled down on bended knee again, preparing himself for another attempt at asking her to marry him. It took everything in her to bite her tongue and let him actually get the request out.
“Emma Swan, love of my life, light of my spirit, and queen of my heart, will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife.”
Everything from there went quickly as he slipped the ring on her finger, tossing the box without care to the group. Killian was up at full height in mere moments, pulling her in for a scorching kiss and Emma was complete. It may not have been a totally according to plan proposal, but Emma believed what they had was even better, because it was real and true and filled with so much love. She could think of no better way to start a beautiful forever, and when they pulled back, resting their foreheads against each other and soaking in the moment, Emma let out a sigh of sheer relief. This was what they meant when they said happily ever after, and it was so very worth the wait.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy,” Emma murmured aloud.
“Neither have I,” an emotional voice said – only it wasn’t Killian. The voice continued. “Truly beautiful.”
“Gran,” Killian muttered shaking his head. Emma bit her lip and covered her mouth. They had absolutely just been caught out here, but when they both turned to see their unexpected audience, consisting of Killian’s family, Elsa and Anna, and Henry and Cecelia, a different person outside of all the rest, was revealed to be the culprit.
“You take that back, Killian, for you know better than that,” Gran said, standing beside a dressed up and dazzling looking Mrs. Hubbard. Mr. Hubbard was there too, his hand on Henry’s shoulder and his leg being held onto by a very friendly Cecelia. Emma never expected to see her dear, sweet neighbors. Their appearance here in Montenarro left her floored.
“My new friends are a treat, believe me,” Gran continued, walking forward, and seemingly giving everyone else the silent permission to do the same. “But their spying skills need work. I would never speak through such a moment, nor rustle these hedges with quite so much gusto. Not to worry though, they’ll learn.”
Everyone descended in that moment to wish them all well, but the most important reactions came from Henry and from Cecelia. The happiness of both of these kids – their kids – gave Emma tremendous joy and satisfaction. She was also thrilled to share this with their blended family, and with the friends who had become such strong bonds in her new life. After much congratulations, everyone returned to the party, and an announcement was made. If Emma believed the reaction to be enthusiastic from her loved ones, it was even bolder from all of the children at the center. Indeed, the happiness and infectious sense of hope made for the best party any of them had ever been to, and created an afternoon like none she’d ever experienced.
Hours later, Emma was still reeling from the high, and loving the fact that she and Killian had stayed together all day. He’d never let her go after her saying yes, always beside her, supporting her, adoring her, and loving her endlessly. She was so happy with him, but as the day drew to a close, her spirits dampened slightly. In his usual form, Killian caught on immediately.
“What’s the matter, love?” he asked, sure that no one else was listening, even though they were still amidst the party.
“Nothing,” Emma said automatically, though that was only half true. “This is one of the best days of my life. It’s just… the waiting…”
“Aye, I’ve considered that too. But I think I’ve arrived at a workable solution.” Emma looked at him curiously. “I will submit for a special license from the crown. The King and I are on decent terms you see.”
“Decent, huh?” Emma teased, looking over at Liam and finding him swaying with Elsa on a makeshift dance floor. There wasn’t even any music playing, but to this happy couple, and to the children dancing nearby, that didn’t matter in the slightest.
“He’s been in better spirits of late, as you might imagine.”
“Seems to be going around.”
“Mmm,” Killian hummed out, running his hand along her cheek and looking at her with sincerity and bliss. “We can have everything arranged in a week. It’ll be quite the undertaking, but the staff is up to the challenge.”
“A week?” Emma said, not believing it. Surely it must take longer than that, but she loved the idea. In truth, she’d marry him right now if she could. “Can we really do that?”
“Just say the word, Emma.”
“Yes,” she said nodding. “It’s crazy. Actually it’s totally insane, but yes, please, yes.”
“As you wish,” he replied kissing her again under the party lights and lighting her aflame once more. “In the meantime, I’ve no wish to be apart. We should be together, love, as long as that’s what you want.”
“I do.”
“Everything’s ready. I’ve been working for weeks on it. The rooms for Henry, for Cecelia, all of it. It’s merely a matter of moving your things in, all of which can be done tonight.”
“You’re serious?” Emma asked and he nodded.
“A magistrate’s already granted temporary custody for Cecelia. You can take her home now while the process continues. Please, love, say you’ll all come home to me.”
Emma looked over to Henry and to Cecelia, who were dancing together on the floor. Emma watched as her son already took so well to his new sister, and as if she’d conjured his attention, Henry glanced her way. He waved, a sign that Emma returned. Drawing attention to them set Cecelia in motion, and soon the little girl was dragging Henry across the party. Soon enough they were back together, the four of them a new but undoubtedly permanent unit. Cecelia jumped into Killian’s arms, and Henry came to Emma’s side looking up with his knowing expression.
“What’s up, Mom?” he asked and Emma smiled, unable to resist pulling him and pressing a kiss to the crown of his head.
“How would you feel about moving to Killian’s house -,”
“Our house,” Killian stressed and Emma chuckled.
“Sorry, our house, tonight?”
“That would be awesome!” Henry said excitedly. “Can we do that?”
“And me too?” Cecelia asked hopefully.
“Yes, honey, you too,” Emma said, brushing a stray curl from Cecelia’s face. The kids made their feelings known. They were in, totally and completely. “Well I guess we have our answer then.”
“Aye, love. The best of answers, all around.”
And so, later that night, when the festivities of the day had ended, and the children all departed, Emma and Killian, Henry and Cecelia all headed home together, enjoying their first night in a place that would always be theirs. And though Emma knew they were in for a crazy week of planning and party design, and wedding wildness, she was truly joyful. For this was a life beyond her wildest dreams, and she knew, deep down to her core, that it was going to be breathtaking.
Post-Note: So… what did you think? Personally, I found it SO cathartic to write this scene. It’s been such a long time coming and I have pictured this outcome for Emma and for Killian even before writing the first word of this story. Almost a year ago to the day this story came to me, and my hope is to write out the final chapter by the one year anniversary in early May. Hopefully it won’t take quite so long, but please know that it has been a joy to write this and share with all of you. I hope this chapter and this fic have brought some brightness to your world and some magic to your moment. This has been an insane time, but I’ve been grateful to share it with all of you. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed, and I’d love to hear what your hopes for the end of this story are. Until next time, wishing you all well and healthy and safe! xE.
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jewels2876 · 3 years
Always. - A LOKI finale synopsis
So I thought I could write something magical or be inspired by the Loki finale for @the-th-horniest-book-club as it's their last day of celebration.
And it hit me. I can't.
Here's what I can do: dissect this episode down to its heartbreaking ending because at the end I still have a million questions and it's gonna take a cartoon What If?, a Spiderman movie, maybe a Hawkeye show?, and a Dr. Strange movie to answer them all and I'll STILL have questions after that.
Consider for just a moment what happened to 2012 Loki when the TVA captured him way back in Episode One - what the hell did removing Loki do to the MCU timeline? Thor: The Dark World never happened. And no I don't mean you can pretend Marvel put it out there because they did, and it's one of the worst Marvel movies, there I said it. But if TWD didn't happen, what else could have been affected?
And with that disturbing thought we begin...
The opening credits HAVE AUDIO! Every tag line uttered as the characters flash on the screen, EVEN LOKI gets his "We have a Hulk" in. It is awesome; it is glorious; it is expected with EVERY Marvel creation going forward.
Loki and Sylvie should know better than to stare at a door; they always seem to open on their own when that happens. Miss Minutes pops up out of nowhere, scaring the bejesus out of 70% of people, the other 30% wanted to see her one last time. And she's not the same Miss Minutes we first met. She's edgy, she's less peppy, and she gives our duo an offer. Honestly, she should have known the result but 🤷🏻‍♀️
Ravonna is doing something in her office; if she's cleaning it's a piss poor job. Miss Minutes shows up and tells Ravonna she gave her what she needs. Ominous.
Back to Loki and Sylvie who finally meet "He Who Remains." Now we all know guys with names like "He Who Must Not Be Named" are bad news. Guys, to answer the question asked in the show, I'm a little disappointed. The disappointment lasts about five seconds... The office they get transported to reminds me IMMEDIATELY of a certain movie and certain buildings we've seen before (insert duh at this point because you too have seen every Marvel movie ever.)
****** Side note: anyone know if Tom takes his tea with only two sugars? No? Yes? Okay getting back to other things ******
At this point, we get back to Ravonna and her lack of cleaning when Mobius shows up with the pruner (it has to have a cooler name! side side note: nope just glowing batons) and we get a nice little flashback to Original Ravonna (maybe?)
****** 2nd side note: since when did everyone who's not a Russo brother start using OHIO for origin stories? Seriously, go watch Black Widow. I'll wait.******
Now back to Loki, Sylvie, and He Who Remains, hereto known as HWR, who pulls the same trick we saw in the first episode with the "read and sign" guy with the adorable kitten. HWR needs a kitten, a pet at the very least. "You can't get to the end until you've been changed by the journey." HWR s is winding up for a pitch and also summarizes the show too. Loki asks if it's a manipulation; HWR finds the word interesting and I do to. Here's why:
Odin manipulated Loki's abandonment to his advantage
Thanos put Loki under mind control and used him
This is the 2012 Loki as a reminder, so he hasn't been subjected to imprisonment on Asgard or the brotherly banter/squabbles he and Thor have escaping Asgard, nor “Get help” from Ragnarok so it should come as no shock that Loki looks angry. After all, Odin and Thanos kind of killed any hope in Loki of feeling wanted or needed. Aren’t father figures supposed to instill hope, instead of disgust? Yeah, I can answer that one but that’d be an entire other post.
Now we’re back to Ravonna and Mobius and they spat over who was more betrayed - news flash: it was Mobius. But Ravonna has to do for the digs. “Those variants?” “You threw it away for a couple of Lokis.”  Mobius tries to reason with Ravonna, sounding exactly like Glenda and Elphaba from Wicked (his “together” is spot on Glenda!) Ravonna opens a portal looking for “free will” after giving Mobius one last beatdown.
And we’re back to Loki, Sylvie and HWR. HWR gives them a bit of his backstory; I have a suspicion he’s glossed over some of it (he admits being called a conqueror for cryin’ out loud!) He has a maniacal moment, standing on his desk, voice getting a little shrill and thin. He also admits he’s probably the saner of his variants (my words not his.) Then after his real-man-behind-the-curtain routine he makes them an offer. Take his place. Loki, who has been remarkably non verbal, asks why HWR would give up control. Good question from the guy who wants to be in control yet was meant to thrive on chaos he creates. If anyone is keeping score, questions have been asked but not a single ANSWER has been given! Sylvie isn’t believing a single word while our Loki’s wheels are turning.
****** 3rd side note: the acting has been PHENOMENAL this entire series. Forget what Marvel promised and didn’t deliver (fluid Loki) and a scene we’ll be getting to, Tom and company have been nothing short of an Emmy, which I expect next year.******
HWR finally gets fed up with Sylvie and tells her to grow up. Because she took her pruning personally. Now I’m not going to say she shouldn’t be upset about her pruning; Marvel made it A POINT of showing her playing, content on Asgard, when they took her. But HWR has a point. He’s offering an option that allows Loki and Sylvie to do whatever they feel is best and it’s the wrong time for Sylvie to get in her feelings. Of course 99% of us know that’s EXACTLY when feelings choose to surface.
Then something happens - we don’t know who or what did it. Was it Ravonna and her leaving? Did Ravonna meet someone we suspect? Was it Mobius? Miss Minutes? The agents? We may never know exactly but now HWR is actually in the dark. Mr. Know-It-All suddenly doesn’t know it all.
Sylvie thinks she has her opportunity to fulfil her quest but it’s our Loki who protects HWR. Loki doesn’t tell her she’s wrong or right, just to stop and THINK. And now we get a glimpse of 2018 Loki:
See the bigger picture
Let’s talk about it
I believe HWR
What fills the void of a dictator?
What if we unleash something worse than HWR?
Now here’s where Marvel gets an B+ in character development. They took the 2012 Loki hell bent on destroying Earth to rule it and gave him just enough growth to become the 2018 redeemed Loki ODINSON, willing to sacrifice himself to Thanos (even if he did think he wouldn’t die.) It’s not a perfect arc by any means, but Marvel got there and this is one thing I applaud.
Sylvie now thinks Loki is lying to her to get to a throne and is clearly upset they are not seeing eye to eye on this and another point to Marvel. Loki, for only seeing a few videos that Mobius showed him, still has more life experience in his SINGULAR moment with Thanos to know that there is ALWAYS something bigger, badder, WORSE around the corner and he does NOT want to make the wrong decision. Wow.
To trust or not to trust. 
It’s a beautiful sword fight that HWR sits back and watches like it’s ESPN. The lighting is gorgeous behind the action and is leading up to my next OMG moment: STOP.
Loki asks Sylvie to stop, almost like a child. Like someone who knows exactly where the fight leads, where it goes, and where it ends. And he says as much to her as well. Sylvie feels like that person who just wants the fight to be over; she hunches into Tom’s space and the lighting suddenly stays green and blue. Guess who’s green? Guess who is blue?
This goes back to my Emmy mention. Even if it’s ONLY for technical work, it’s so deserving. Sylvie, in green, tired, emotional, struggling with something we aren’t supposed to know just yet. Loki, in blue, almost as if his Jotun form has taken over, strong, sensible, relatable, empathetic.
And then that damn kiss!  Marvel missed another opportunity here. Two Lokis had the opportunity to show self-love, familial love, friendly love, ANYTHING BUT A DAMN KISS!!! I’m not saying they couldn’t have feelings for each other, but it NEVER has to be romantic just because it’s a guy and a girl. **dramatic sigh goes here**
Sylvie pushes Loki through a portal she has opened, then turns to stab HWR through the chest, as he predicted. HWR actually chuckles, which makes me wonder if he expected this exact turn of events. As if we’ll ever know for sure.
Of course the timeline is going nebular and we’re treated to a shot back to the TVA. Mobius and B-15 exchange words as they watch the timelines grow and grow. Loki is sitting on a couch at the TVA and decides he’s not done? You’re supposed to guess the motivation because everything seems normal at the TVA. Loki finds Mobius and B-15 and admits to everything. Loki calling HWR terrifying is terrifying all on is own. And this of course is where it ends.
The post credit scene is just a “Loki returns in Season Two.”
Guys, this season was a mixed bag. There was some good, there was some not so good; there were laughs and a couple of tears. But it also has me SO HYPED for what’s to come. More Loki, more Marvel content, more... everything, I hope!
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prinxlyart · 4 years
I will say, I am hungry again and I have a few ask for your Willumity/Vinira headcannons. HOWEVER to be fair to you. This time I will restrain myself and simply ask for you to share any headcanons you want to share as of now!
You can ALWAYS ask for more Willumity.
But!! Since you’ve given me free reign to just play in this sandbox, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do
We all agree that Luz is hella ADHD. This girl will talk for HOURS about the shit she likes. If something grabs her attention, she wants to know everything about it. She doesn’t like being told to do things, but she loves being asked to do things. For example: if someone tells her she needs to do a thing her brain will immediately click into the “No” position and will refuse to budge. If someone asks her to do something, her brain clicks to “help? I can help? I can help with a thing for this person? Yes! I’ll help this person with this task because it will make them happy! Yes! I can help!” This is why acts of service resonate so strongly with her.
I don’t know what mental diversity looks like on the Boiling Isles considering how just. Horror-based everything is? But I’m 100% on that autistic Amity train. She has to do things a Certain Way or she’ll teeter on the edge of a meltdown. She refuses to touch/eat certain textures. She usually doesn’t know what the appropriate response/reaction is to a given conversation, especially with her socialite friends, which is why she just remains a cool mask of indifference. She’ll inspect every detail of anything that’s handed to her. She’s incredibly smart, but doesn’t always know how to convey what she knows and understands into words other people can understand. The only people allowed in her personal space are her siblings. Eventually that also stems to Luz and Willow, maybe more as she grows more comfortable with herself? But usually anyone getting in her space is overwhelming and alarming. Defo has a hard time regulating/processing her emotions.
I need to make an entire post dedicated to Augustus Porter because my boy deserves it, but I’ll toss some random things here. He has a signed poster from the head of the Illusionist Coven framed on his bedroom wall. He and his dad have bi-weekly after-dinner standup comedy sessions with each other (Perry has kept a secret journal of all of Gus’s best jokes he’s done over the years that he reads whenever he needs a pick-me-up).
Perry and Eda knew each other in school in passing. Their social circles overlapped but they were never hanging out in the same groups. When Gus is very little (like, maybe 3 or 4?), Perry takes him to the market to just wander around and they find Eda’s Human Collectibles Stand. She and Perry catch up, he introduces her to his son, and Eda (ever the saleswoman) pulls out some shiny human thing that Gus is immediately taken with. In between her and Perry catching up, Gus asks her a million questions about the thing he’s been given and then even more questions about other stuff at her stand. She actually finds it really fun to show off her human shit to someone so enthralled by it. She makes some stuff up here and there just to mess with him, but he’s too young to realize it’s a joke or not true, and takes everything at face value. We all know Eda likes to get a little theatrical with her sales pitches; she does the Salesperson act with everything Gus asks her about. She lets Gus take a couple items home just because he was such a riot and Perry insists he pay for something, but Eda just waves them off and tells him that this is just an investment in a lifelong customer. She had no idea how right she was because Gus defo became obsessed with human culture from that point on. He also picked up on Eda’s super theatrical sales pitches (because he thought it was funny and because he thought that’s just how you’re supposed to show human stuff to people) and began showing off his own “human collectibles museum” to his dad with the same theatrical voice. Perry plays along with this too (as a news anchor he’s got a great announcer voice) and ta-da! That’s how we get the boy we all know and love today. It’s 100% Eda’s fault, but Perry definitely encouraged it because it made his son so happy. That’s also why Gus doesn’t seem especially perturbed at meeting Eda for the first time in ep 3. Or for interjecting his new Human Knowledge in the moment she was patting Luz’s head. He’s used to having conversations with her about human junk whenever she has her stand up. Eda’s secretly relieved that one of Luz’s new friends is actually someone she kinda knows. It’s Perry’s kid, and Perry’s a good guy. His little squirt seems to be growing up to be pretty good too.
Eda scoffs at “nerdy” shit as if she hasn’t owned the Clawthorne Braincell her entire life. “She worked twice as hard” “-that just made me work harder than you!”. Eda’s extremely smart and extremely talented. She likely created the secret room of shortcuts entirely on her own. She probably studied in the school library constantly, but under the guise of causing mischief. And like. She probably did both. She was a potions track kid so she probably knew all the best ways to make stink bombs that she could leave hidden in the shelves. She hated school because she was so limited and stifled; she only wanted to learn magic and was told no at every turn. So when she learned magic on her own, yknow, without the guidance of a teacher, there’s bound to be some major fuck ups. Once she’s fine-tuned her mistakes though, she absolutely turns them into pranks. You say I’m not allowed to study multiple tracks, bumpikins?? Well how’s THIS!!! How’s THAT for focus??? (Half of her pranks were also just her showing off and desperately hoping to prove that she could learn any type of magic and couldn’t be constrained to just the one. Bump recognized this of course, but he had strict guidelines to follow and no Luz Noceda to call him out for it.)
Camila treasures her daughter more than life itself. I personally refuse to headcanon anything to do with her extended family or why she’s a single parent (too many variables and options that could be addressed in the show), but I do know that she loves Luz more than anything. It’s exhausting being a single mom, working as a nurse, and trying to be there for her ADHD daughter when the rest of the world doesn’t seem to want her. It hurts her so much to see her baby, the light of her life, her Luz, be brushed aside and written off as “the weirdo”, or bullied, or even outright hated by some people just because she’s a little different. She’s had to have some words with the school staff for how they treat her on occasion. Did you see that Principal’s death glare in the first ep?? He hates her. Camila’s there not just because she’s Luz’s parent, but also to act as a barrier between the principal and Luz. She would move Heaven and Earth for Luz, but it can be a lot when you’re the only adult around. I truly believe she wanted Luz to go to that camp to learn how to be friends with kids that didn’t already know her or her quirks. Even she sounded unsure of what they would do at that camp, but she had full faith that this would be Luz’s opportunity to make friends with other kids that could teach her to like....more mainstream stuff. So she could learn how to mimic their (hopefully, toned down) behaviors. She just wants her baby to be accepted by others.
This next one’s a doozy so hold on to your butts
Lilith is technically smart. And I mean that in a literal sense - she can read and understand the fundamentals of magic, the concepts and execution of complex spells, recite entire chapters of Boiling Isles history, you name it. Many adults in her youth called her gifted because of it. All she actually did was absorb the information and regurgitate it when asked. She thrived on the praise she received. What made her different from her sister is that she never wanted anything more than to do as she was told. Her biggest goal? Her dream job? Was to just be given orders by the Emperor. I’m sure there’s all sorts of flowery propaganda surrounding that, advertising how incredible it is to be in the Emperor’s Coven, what an honor it is to work alongside the witch that can speak to the Titan. But it’s literally just. Taking orders. And knowing you’re somehow better than everyone else because you’ve been selected to be among the elite. She never strived for anything more; she never wanted to do anything else but enforce the Emperor’s will because that was “the highest honor” a witch could have. As a result (or in conjunction rather) she lacks literally any amount of foresight. There’s only one braincell in the Clawthorne Family and her sister has it because this dumbass doesn’t think about anyone but herself. Instead of talking with Eda about what they should do when they were told there was only one spot left in the Emperor’s Coven, she walked away. Only thinking of how she could secure her victory. She didn’t ask Eda how she felt about the situation, she didn’t let Eda speak her mind about what her own desires were; Eda made it clear enough that she just wanted to be by Lilith’s side, she didn’t care what that meant. She just wanted to be with her big sister. Eda tried to reach out to her to discuss their cirumstances, but Lilith just walked away like the broody, self-centered teenager that she was and resolved to cheat her way to victory. When Eda knew this was her dream. Why would she think Eda would take away her dream???? She could’ve asked Eda to throw the duel? She could’ve asked her to fake the match? Or even fake sick? Or just not even shown up! If she didn’t show up it could’ve counted as a forfeit and Lilith would’ve earned the spot by default! But no, she had to ruin her sister’s entire life in an act of cowardice and dishonor because she’s so full of herself and didn’t read the fine print. She loves her sister, of course she does, but she’s so self-absorbed that she’s never seen Eda for who she actually is and wasted both of their lives as a result. And this is all just analysis of her character and that flashback, this isn’t even headcanons. I think if she has any amount of respect for her sister (she doesn’t), her redemption will have to go far far beyond an apology and taking on half the curse. When I say Lilith is a dumbass, this is specifically what I mean. She doesn’t think about how her actions will affect those around her. She was the Head of the Emperor’s Coven, literally one of the most powerful positions she could possibly be in on the Boiling Isles and still sacrificed Amity’s dignity and years of hard work just so she could be ensured that she could one-up her sister. She did this in front of everyone in attendance of that Witches Duel. She risked Amity’s credibility as a witch, as a Blight, and as a person just to fuel her own ego. It’s no wonder Amity was so upset; the witch she’s been idolizing her whole life didn’t think she had what it took to best a human that couldn’t do magic in a witches duel. That can fuck up your self esteem something fierce. And Lilith hardly seemed to give a shit!!!! She didn’t care that she just trashed Amity’s reputation in front of dozens of spectators!!!! I’m v bitter about Lilith as a character in case you couldn’t tell.
If I had to throw a headcanon in, I’ll toss one in that sterling and I have discussed: Lilith literally doesn’t know how to live her life as an independent adult. Sure, she knows how to like. Make herself some easy dinners? But that’s literally only because she used to make herself and Eda dinners when they were kids. Beyond that, she has no fucking idea. She can do the basic household chores any teenager knows how to do, but she’s lived in the Emperor’s Castle with the rest of the Coven since she joined. It’s kind of like living in a college dorm; food and a room is provided, there’s maybe a laundry service, she’s never had to pay taxes in her life (not that Eda does, but yknow). The only things she buys for herself (if she doesn’t make it herself) is her hair dye and books. When she first moves in to the Owl House, she has no idea how the household chores are done. She’s on House Cleaning Duty Eternally and the first......I’ll say year. Eda will wake her up by banging pots and pans over her head once every month and scream-singing about how it’s House Cleaning Day, pull out her lawn chairs and some lemonade, and she and Luz (and sometimes King) will just sit back and relax and watch the show that is Lilith trying to clean Hooty. Hooty does not like to cooperate with her (partially because Lilith is a special friend and partially because he knows how much joy it brings Eda and Luz to watch her struggle).
Oof I could go on but this is already one hell of a post huh? Sorry (not really) for dragging Lilith so hard; not a joke, tumblr made me split hers up into two bullet points because it couldn’t comprehend my ranting for so long in one bullet point. I do love sharing these with y’all though, they’re so much fun and I’m so glad you guys like my rambling. <3333
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lena-kieran-zor-el · 2 years
A New Years fic, right at midnight. Enjoy!
Lena was accustomed to being first at the Tower at this time of day. Given that it was New Year’s Eve especially, she had assumed the rest of the crew would be setting up plans for their evenings still, and expected solitary time for at least a few more hours.
Which made it all the more surprising to see Kara waiting for her when she stepped off the elevator.
“Morning Lena!” She waved cheerily, her frame lit by the morning sun from the balcony. Lena recovered from her surprise after but a moment.
“Kara! I’m not used to seeing you this early in the day.” She swiftly crossed up to Kara, gently cupping her neck with one hand and kissing on the cheek. She couldn’t complain, really - she’d spent most of her free time with Kara since their first date last month. That said, Lena realized, they hadn’t actually finalized plans for this evening. Sure, there was the official party Alex and Kelly were hosting, but that didn’t begin until 10:00pm; Lena still hoped to have her partner to herself for a brief spell before being around so many people.
“I wanted to catch you here, actually. We haven’t made New Year’s plans yet.” Lena felt her cheeks grow warm, pleased that Kara seemed on the same page as her.
“We haven’t. Other than being my midnight kiss, I should hope.” Kara grinned, turning to press her nose against Lena’s.
“Didn’t think you were going to get away that easy, did you?” Kara whispered, her breath hot against Lena’s mouth. She pulled back far enough that Lena could now see her entire beaming face.
“I was actually thinking we could start now…provided, of course, that you don’t have anything to do today?” Lena swiftly dropped her bag at her desk and returned back to Kara’s side with the swiftness of a real Kryptonian.
“I’m all yours, darling.” Kara’s beaming intensified as she threaded her hand into Lena’s, squeezing twice and leading her to the balcony.
“You see, I figured…we’re a little behind on New Years together. I don’t think I’ve spent time with you on any of them before this one, and I wanted to make up for that.” Lena chuckled as she wrapped her free arm around Kara’s.
“Well unless you’re going to fly backwards around the world until time rewinds, we can’t exactly catch up on those, now can we?” Lena felt another two squeezes of her hand.
“Oh please, that doesn’t actually work; I don’t care what Kal tells people at parties. No, Lena - I want to spend 5 New Years together, all around the world. That’s why it’s important you’ve got nothing else to do today.” Lena’s eyes widened, her normal composure rocked. She only had to consider for a split second before returning two squeezes to Kara’s hand.
“Ready when you are, Kara.” Kara squeezed back, and then swept Lena off her feet…quite literally.
The travel itself was a blur, although Lena’s personal preference while flying was burying her face into Kara’s neck to begin with.
Their first stop was Australia, with Kara landing them moments before the first fireworks above the Sydney Opera House. That kiss was urgent, as though Kara had been waiting years to deliver it. Lena melted under the passion, only just remembering that this was the first of many and she’d need to pace herself.
Next up was Tokyo, a city as thriving as New York. The fireworks display was exquisite, Lena would later recall, although she missed the first several seconds of it. This kiss was fiery, filled with lust and need. Lena lost herself a touch in that one, biting Kara’s lip just to get the soft moan she knew it would elicit. When she pulled away to catch the rest of the fireworks, she noted with pride the bright red shade of Kara’s cheeks in the sparkling glow of the pyrotechnics.
After that was the Parthenon, literally on top of the Parthenon. With this space being just their own, this kiss was softer, intimate - Kara’s lips giving Lena a secret that would always be their own to keep. It wasn’t as long of a kiss as the other two, but even after it was done, the fireworks couldn’t pull their eyes away from each other’s.
Fourth was Newfoundland, Lena’s homeland. This kiss unwound Lena completely, and she released into it more emotions than she had realized she’d had. To be here, the place where she had been born, with the person who meant the most to her, in this moment - Lena had never thought she’d be this happy. Kara, to her credit, took the power of that kiss in stride, giving in to press of Lena’s soft lips without pushing back, accepting every bit of feeling sent through. Lena remembered later how tightly her fingers were gripping Kara’s cape, while Kara’s fingers caught tears off of Lena’s cheek.
Their fifth New Year was the biggest celebration of them all - New York City. Lena and Kara screamed out the countdown from a rooftop in Times Square into each other’s faces, finding their lips locking as the crowd below thundered “ZERO!” This kiss was filled with excitement and joy, both of them laughing deeply into the others mouths. Lena seized an opportunity to sneak an extra kiss out of Kara when the Kryptonian caught a bit of confetti floating in the air and promptly stuck it to Lena’s forehead. Scandalized, Lena refused to let Kara fly her back to National City until she kissed it and made it better. Which, of course she did - she was a hero, after all.
When Kara landed them on Alex’s balcony, Lena dropped down from her arms and immediately turned and pressed her face against Kara’s. She had to restrain herself, she knew. Midnight was in a few minutes, and she wanted to concentrate all of herself into their next kiss.
“That,” Lena breathed, “was incredible.” Her forehead warmed against Kara’s, every cell in her body vibrating to the point that she wondered if she was still flying. Her steady resolve might have fallen if Alex hadn’t stepped out to get their attention.
“*There* you two are! We’ve been waiting for you. Come get your glasses, the countdown is coming!” Kara pulled her forehead away, Lena almost instinctually craning after her.
“Ok ok! Let me change!” Kara looked back down at Lena, eyes still lit up with joy. “Be right back,” she whispered. Lena felt the rush of air she’d become familiar with, and by the time she finished blinking Kara was in front of her, no longer in her cape but in a button up and cardigan. Lena felt fingers thread into hers and squeeze twice once again, nearly melting to the floor for what might have been the fifth time that day.
The two of them wandered inside to see their friends piled inside - Nia and Brainy layered atop each other on the couch, Jonn and M’gann leaning against each other near the fireplace, and Alex and Kelly grabbing the champagne bottles to pass around. The TV countdown sounded.
Lena reached her hand up to Kara’s chin, gently tugging it down towards her.
“This day was everything to me,” she breathed.
“I wouldn’t have wanted to spend it any other way,” came Kara’s hushed reply.
Everyone found themselves with a bottle in hand.
Brainy and Nia finally untangled enough to sit upright.
Foil and cork cages were quickly peeled off.
Lena found Kara’s eyes, ready to lose herself in them forever if she wanted to.
Kara’s perfect smile nearly swallowed her whole.
Lena started to lean in, Kara’s hand on her cheek.
Lena could not wait any longer.
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Came the shout from the room, but Lena didn’t hear. All she knew in that moment was Kara.
Their sixth kiss was the one Lena remembered most from that night. It had all the fire of Tokyo, all the passion of Sydney, all the wonder of Greece, all the care of Newfoundland, and all the joy of New York.
It had all the love in the world, and now so did she.
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