#she needs to regain power and he needs to take down big name criminals
riversofmars · 3 years
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Would you look at that, finally another update! :D Sorry about the delay guys, I'm going through a really stressful time at work at the moment and my mental capacity is a bit more limited than usual lol. But here we are!
Chapter 14: Deceit
“Well done.“ The Emperor slow clapped as he stepped out of the TARDIS and Missy whirled around.
“How did you…“ She didn’t know what to say. She had refused to share her secret, the only secret worth keeping she had, the location of Gallifrey, and it had all been for nothing. Here he was, his heavy boots falling onto the sand.
“Well, I knew I would get my answer either way. I thought you would take the easier way, I really did, I thought you would tell me where it is but this works too.“ He explained, savouring the moment and the expression of devastation on her face. She had failed to stop him from finding their home.
“You put a tracker on me.“ Missy realised.
“I knew eventually you would return to Gallifrey.“ He shrugged.
“Leave. You’re one man. How are you going to take on the Gallifreyan military.“ Missy looked around to the capital in the distance. They would notice their arrival soon enough if they hadn’t already. She could only hope the Council would realise what they were dealing with.
“Don’t underestimate me, so many have.“ The Emperor chuckled. “And I’m not alone, am I.“ Missy’s anxiety increased as she watched River, Rory and Amy step out of the TARDIS behind him.
“Missy, how’s life? How were the last four and a half billion years? You’ll excuse us for taking a short cut.“ River smirked as she looped her arm around her husband’s.
“This is great, nothing but dust and blazing sunlight.“ Amy huffed sarcastically as she looked around, Gallifrey wasn’t exactly the marvellous thing of beauty she had expected.
“Not sure you’ve met my in-laws?“ The Emperor took great pleasure in Missy’s obvious discomfort. “But wait, there is one more.“ He looked around as Clara stepped out of the TARDIS and Missy visibly tensed. She squared her jaw, forcing herself to appear unfazed. “What? No cheerful reunion?“ The Emperor joked as they just looked at each other.
“Here they come.“ Rory interrupted and pointed towards the capital.
“They will kill you.“ Missy said as she looked around to find a ship approaching.
“Let them try.“ The Emperor smirked.
“You’re trespassing, you are not welcome here.“ A metallic voice sounded when the shuttle got close, hovering in front of them.
“Is that really how you welcome home a son of Gallifrey? A war hero?“ The Emperor called back.
“You’re not welcome here, Doctor. You’re not a hero, you’re a war criminal.“ The electronically amplified voice shot back. Missy looked to the Emperor, who didn’t even react to the usage of his old name.
“Who defeated the Daleks and saved Gallifrey? Did you? Did any of you?“ He retorted. “I’m walking into that city, whether you like it or not. Come along.“ He looked to his companions.
“We will open fire.“ The warning came promptly.
“Well go on then!“ The Emperor took a step forward and to Missy’s surprise and horror the patrol followed through without hesitation. They opened fire. Three rounds of heavy artillery. When the dust cleared, the Emperor and his friends stood unscathed and amused, only Missy had cowered down. “You really think I would stand here without ample protection?“ The Emperor called up to the ship. There was no response. Then, suddenly, heavy shells pounded into the ship. The explosions blinded them, the noise was deafening. Missy looked around to see Amy having retrieved a sort of rocket launcher from inside the TARDIS, firing at the shuttle. Within seconds, the ship exploded and debris crashed to the ground. They remained save within the TARDIS’s shield, all Missy could do was look on in horror.
“Told you it was worth bringing the big guns.“ Amy grinned dropping the rocket launcher, it’s shells spent.
“Let’s go before they send reinforcements.“ The Emperor decided. “Come along, Missy.“
“You don’t need me.“ Missy remained rooted to the spot as the others set off.
“I don’t but I want you to see me tear the city apart.“ He retorted.
“Why are you doing this?“ Missy didn’t understand. All this destruction and for what?
“They cast me out. They could have had it all but they were scared. So instead of standing with me, they hid at the end of time like the cowards they are, I’m going to make them pay.“ The Emperor answered as they stopped to wait for her to come along. “You of all people should understand, they left you behind too!“
“I don’t understand you, I never have…“ Missy shook her head. “Why won’t you leave me behind? Or kill me? If this is the end of time, I haven’t got anywhere to go anyway.“ She had had to get away from him. If she wanted any chance of stopping him destroying Gallifrey or indeed surviving herself, she had to get away. He had to have some idea of how he could go about conquering Gallifrey. He couldn’t go into its past like he usually did when destroying a planet and surely he didn’t have the man power to stand against the Gallifreyan military. But the Emperor wouldn’t come here without a plan, would he?
“Oh no, Missy, you’re coming with me. From now on, I wish my enemies long and healthy lives so they can witness my many victories. And this will be the biggest.“ The Emperor grinned. “Gallifrey is the last stand.“ The paused for a moment as something caught his attention and he listened out. “Can you hear that?“ He asked as the distant ringing of bells carried across the plains ahead of them.
“The Cloister Bells.“ Missy realised.
“How’s that significant?“ Amy asked and River answered:
“They toll when disaster is drawing near.“
“It’s not drawing near, it’s here.“ The Emperor smirked.
“This is nice, I could see myself living like this.“ River took her time looking around. The grandeur of the place was certainly to her taste.
“What… how…“ The other River stared at her in shock. Was she hallucinating? It was a lot to take in but she realised this had to be possible. There was no reason why there should be a mirror version of her wife and not herself. Apart from the fact that the Doctor had admitted to her wife being dead? She shook her head to clear it, she had to find out what was happening. The Cloister Bells ringing for the first time in years and this River’s appearance couldn’t be a coincidence.
“Oh come on, you’ve met my wife, you know of me.“ River gave a little wave as she circled around the room surveying everything. She took her time too, which made it all the more unnerving.
“How did you get here?“ The Emperor’s wife demanded to know as she regained her composure.
“Same way as my wife?“ River retorted in an off hand sort of way. “Not sure actually. But aren’t you missing the more important question?“ She turned back to her twin and found herself staring down a gun.
“Why are you here?“ The other River demanded to know.
“Oh okay, this is gonna be fun.“ River tilted her head with a sly smile and pulled a gun on her in turn. “How long has it been for you since you shot a gun?“ She asked with a smirk. “Aren’t you getting a bit rusty living in this comfort? Me, I’ve just been chased by deadly shadows only a little while ago, my instincts are as sharp as they come.“ The bells tolled again.
“How come you died then.“ The Emperor’s wife shot back gipping the hilt of her gun more tightly.
“Oh I’m sure you can guess. How do you think you will die?“ River deflected.
“Not here.“ The other River retorted promptly.
“Well, neither one of us has to die, that’s not why I’m here.“ The Doctor’s wife shrugged. “Come on, ask me again.“ She smirked, she was enjoying this more than she probably should.
“Why are you here?“ The Emperor’s wife repeated exasperated. “You could have killed me already, which means you’re here because you want something.“
“I’m here because I agreed to kill you and your wife. You’re not dead because I thought I’d offer you something instead.“ River answered.
“Which is?“ The other River raised her eyebrows surprised. She didn’t, however, lower her gun.
“I don’t trust Clara, I don’t know her, not in my universe or yours.“ River revealed. “You, however, have a very trustworthy face.“ When the other River didn’t react to her joke she carried on to explain: “I listened in on the conversation the three of you were having and, boy, was it informative.“
“You have no idea what…“ The Emperor’s wife tried to interrupt but she wouldn’t let her.
“Shush, I’m talking.“ River shot her down playfully as another bell tolled. “You want to get rid of her. To do that, you need prove she’s plotting against you.“
“We already know she is.“ The other River huffed unimpressed.
“Maybe, but can you prove it? And have you figured out how to overpower her when it comes to it? She won’t go quietly and she does have the Quantum Shade under her control… how will you get to her without getting yourself or other’s killed.“ River asked. “I can help with that and I can get Clara to confess to plotting to kill the Emperor. You can get rid of her at last. Or you can let her carry out her little ploy for which she has enlisted my help and secured the cooperation of my wife. And believe we, we will make sure she succeeds if it’s our best way to get out of here… Or we can work together and we both win. You get rid of Clara and you will have us out of your hair.“
“Who’s there?“ Yaz called into the Cloisters convinced there was more than the wraiths moving in the shadows. “Fan out.“ She instructed raising her gun as she slowly moved forward. Her troops of men obeyed, splitting up as they advanced into the Cloisters. “We know you’re down here. Come out come out wherever you are!“ Yaz hummed as the bells rang. The sound was deafening down here.
“They’re blocking the exit…“ Missy observed glancing past the pillar for a moment.
“They don’t belong down here…“ The Doctor mumbled catching a glimpse as well, so far they hadn’t been noticed but they wouldn’t be able to keep hidden for long.
“They must have come because of the bells…“ Missy retorted and the Doctor shook her head.
“That’s not what I mean.“ She replied as she looked again to assess where the different soldiers were headed.
“Oh you mean because…“ Realisation dawned on Missy and the Doctor nodded:
“The wraiths protect the Matrix, the Matrix is Timelord technology, everything else that invades the Cloisters is a foreign body, a virus, and they are the fire wall. They will protect the Cloister. We are Timelords. The guards don’t seem to be.“ The Doctor explained. “We need to draw them further in…“ The soldiers were advancing slowly, spread out evenly. They would spot them soon if they didn’t move.
“They won’t be stupid enough to venture too far, surely…“ Missy couldn’t imagine that they weren’t aware of the risks.
“You know sometimes I have really brilliant ideas…“ The Doctor grinned as she turned her head to look at Missy and feeling slightly better already, Missy asked:
“This is not one of them.“ The Doctor smiled apologetically and jumped out from behind the pillar. “Over here!“ She called.
“Stop right there!“ Yaz shouted and the Doctor waved her arms catching the attention of the other guards as well. Another bell toll shook them to the bone.
“You have to catch me first!“ She started running, drawing them away from Missy who was watching in horror as the guards chased after her.
The Doctor didn’t keep running for long, she quickly found herself in a corner and face to face with Yasmin Kahn.
“You’re surrounded, Doctor.“ The captain of the guard informed her.
“Hello again, Captain.“ The Doctor looked around. Indeed, she was surrounded by four guards and Yaz who was approaching with a smug smirk on her face as she lowered her gun.
“Surrender now, Doctor.“ She said as she looked her up and down. “No-one is going to fall for that disguise.“ She huffed.
“We will see about that.“ The Doctor retorted with a smile, over Yaz’s shoulder she watched Missy sneak towards the exit. “You really don’t know me every well yet, Yaz, such a shame, otherwise you wouldn’t have made this mistake.“ She focused her attention back on Yaz when she was sure Missy had made it to the door. They were so focused on her that they didn’t even notice Missy or, in fact, how far into the Cloisters they had come and what might be lurking in the shadows.
“What mistake is that.“ The captain huffed slightly amused. She raised her gun again for good measure. “You’re backed into a corner, you’re trapped.“
“There is one thing you never put in a trap.“ The Doctor took a step towards her and away from the shadows. “If you’re smart. If you value your continued existence, if you have any plans of seeing tomorrow, there is one thing you never ever put in a trap.“ She smirked pushing her hands into her pockets. She looked past Yaz to where she knew her eyes needed to be for just a moment longer.
“Yeah? What’s that.“ Yaz asked tilting her head as the bells rang again.
“Me.“ The Doctor answered and pulled her sonic from her pocket. Before anyone could react she pointed it at the ceiling lights and everything went dark. And then, there was movement in the dark, she could feel it, even if she couldn’t see it. The guards could feel it too and opened fire. The Doctor quickly dove for cover as energy blasts flew overhead. With every flash of light, she saw the Weeping Angels had moved, grabbing hold of the soldiers, their weapons. They screamed. The angels were part of the firewall, protecting the Matrix against aliens. It was high time she got out of here before the angels decided she was an intruder as well. The Doctor ducked under the arms of an angel and bolted for the door that Missy was holding open.
When there was a knock on her door, Clara was reluctant to open. The tolling of the Cloister Bells put her on edge, like everyone else in the palace presumably. There was no way of knowing whose disaster they were announcing. She was prepared for all sorts when she opened up, but to find River back so soon was what she had least expected.
“That was…“ She looked at her perplexed but River didn’t pay much attention, she just walked past her.
“Quick, I know, surprising what you can accomplish with the right incentive.“ She retorted.
“So it’s…“ Clara closed the door behind her after checking up and down the corridor. No-one had seen her come in.
“Done? Of course it is, I don’t make empty promises.“ River chuckled and Clara was genuinely stunned.
“I’m gonna need some sort of proof.“ She managed to say at last, trying to take in the news.
“How’s this for proof? Bottle of the Emperor’s finest, straight from her drinks cabinet I might add.“ River presented a bottle of champagne that she had been carrying. “How else do you think did I get my hands on that?“
“I could do with a drink…“ Clara took the bottle with shaky hands.
“Then there is this…“  River held out her hand to Clara who took a moment to understand what she was referring to.
“Is that…“ Clara’s eyes fell on the ring River was presenting to her, she hadn’t worn it before.
“Thought I might keep it, as a memento you know… fits perfectly after all.“ River chuckled as she dropped her hand with the wedding ring and made her way to a cabinet to retrieve some champagne flutes. “A toast then?“ She carried the glasses over to Clara as the bells rang again.
“Quite right.“ Clara found herself smiling now as the news sunk in. They’d done it. The worst was over. Everything else was just technicalities. River had kept up her end of the bargain. Clara popped the cork on the bottle with a grin and River laughed as the champagne sprayed before she could get to the glasses with it.
“This is what you’ve wanted all along, isn’t it.“ River said when they had succeeded in filling their glasses.
“It was never what I wanted…“ Clara retorted as she sat down the bottle. “But it’s what she deserved. She should have just chosen me. Why couldn’t she see that we would have been so happy…“ If only for a moment, a wave of sadness swept over her. “I can’t believe she’s dead.“ She mumbled and took a sip of the champagne in an attempt to calm herself.
“Are you regretting it?“ River asked tilting her head.
“No.“ Clara said after a moment of brief consideration as she sorted through her emotions. She looked back up to River and smiled. “I actually feel so… relieved. It’s like a spell is finally lifting. I should have done this so long ago.“ She raised her glass to a toast. “To new beginnings.“ She grinned and River toasted her.
“So what happens now?“ River asked as she watched Clara drink.
“Now we…“ Clara started to answer when suddenly, a wave of sickness came over her. She steadied herself against the table. “Now we…“ She tried again but broke off when she started feeling dizzy. She looked to River and realised her mistake as she watched her tipping out her own glass. She hadn’t taken as much as a sip. This time, the tolling of the bells sounded like a rousing chorus as Clara’s senses slipped out of her control.
“Now you’re going to pay for your deceit, Clara dear.“ River smirked and Clara collapsed.
“River?“ The Emperor called out as she returned to her quarters. She was on edge. Although it was the middle of the night, the whole palace was awake. The ringing of the Cloister Bells kept them up and shook the foundations of her reign. Questions where being shot at her from every direction, even on her way back to her quarters. The bells had been quiet for so long, everyone knew something was happening and the Emperor didn’t have any answer yet. She had to find out what was going on but no reports had come in so far. All she could do was wait. “River?“ She repeated when she didn’t get an response. As the bells tolled again in the distance, she felt a wave of worry. She shouldn’t have left River here by herself. Quickly she walked into the adjoining room and called for her again. The wheezing and groaning of the TARDIS sounded, drawing her attention. “River, what are you…“ The Emperor pulled the box’s door open and to find River fiddling with the console.
“Oh, welcome home, Sweetie.“ River looked around with a smile.
“What…“ The Emperor hoovered in the doorway, something was off, why was River in here and what was she doing? The TARDIS hummed in response to her unspoken question.
“Now, now, that’s not fair, telling on me.“ River sighed shooting a look at the large crystal in the centre. The Emperor pulled a knife from her belt.
“What is going on here?“ She growled. The TARDIS was right, this was not her wife.
“That’s disappointing, I was so curious to find out if I could fool her but you just had to ruin the fun, didn’t you.“ She shook her head at the TARDIS which responded with a threatening buzz, very unlike the TARDIS River knew.
“Where is my wife? How did you get in here?“ The Emperor demanded to know and took a threatening step towards her. The resemblance was remarkable, down to the same dress her wife had worn when she had left her here not long ago. One thing was missing though, that gave her away straight away: her wedding ring. The Emperor tried her best to prioritise her thoughts. This was the Doctor’s wife, she had to be. While part of her was intrigued, curious as to how she had got here and wondering, how she could use her, the other part was overcome by deep worry for the wellbeing of her River.
“Don’t worry, your wife is fine, just off to have a little chat with Clara.“ River gave a wave of her hand as she stepped closer. She also marvelled at the resemblance between the Emperor and her own wife. She eyed the knife in her hand with curiosity. The Doctor hated the use of weapons.
“Why would she be doing that?“ The Emperor shot back.
“Because I suggested it? Because the other option would have been me killing her and none of us want that, do we.“
“You? Kill her? Oh, darling, if you’re anything like that pathetic excuse of a wife of yours, I would love to see you try.“ The Emperor huffed condescendingly.
“I like your fire.“ River smirked, she couldn’t deny that the assertiveness and confidence was quite attractive on her but it wouldn’t distract her from why she was here. “You haven’t got the first idea what I’m capable of. Or my wife for that matter. But I have a feeling you will find out soon enough.“ In the distance, the Cloister Bells tolled again.
“What is going on here? What are you planning?“ The Emperor shot back.
“Well, I did tell Clara I’d kill you but then I thought better of it, don’t really want to be picking sides in your game of thrones.“ River answered. “Now, really, I’m just waiting to see what my dear wife has come up with.“
“She’s on her way here for you, isn’t she?“ The Emperor concluded.
“Perhaps.“ River shrugged. “I don’t actually know. It’s all terribly exciting, isn’t it.“ She grinned. “Now I think I best get going.“
“You really think you can walk out of here? I bet the Doctor would move heaven and hearth to keep you safe, seeing as she let you die once already. Perhaps she can finally be persuaded to share her secrets if your life is on the line. So really, it’s terribly thoughtful of you to pop in.“ The Emperor smirked. This River was the leverage over the Doctor she had been missing. And she had walked right into her arms. No matter how confidently she acted, they both knew there was only one way out of the TARDIS and that was through the Emperor.
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dcnatural · 4 years
Don’t Blame Me
Word Count: 2130
Pairing: Reader x Poison Ivy
Rating: Mature
Synopsis: You work at Gotham's Botanical Garden, and one night, you run into Poison Ivy
Love is a drug. And a powerful one. You had learned that the hard way.
You were fresh out of high school, in the summer before university started. You had found a job as a caretaker for Gotham’s Botanical Garden, a large area filled with flowers and trees that barely ever got any visitors. You liked working there, you watered the plants, pruned the bushes, and got to enjoy the quietness of the garden reading a book on the sunlight.
She was young and brilliant. Her genius had granted her a great scientific career even at an early age. A career which abruptly ended, marking the beginning of a new life of crime. She had conned and killed many of Gotham’s rich and famous, her beauty was fatal, but irresistible nevertheless. She loved the nature, and the Botanical Garden had always been one of her favorites places in the city, so when she escaped Arkham, she sought refuge there.
Love is a poison. It burns through your veins, going directly to your heart, from where it kills you, little by little.
* * *
It was around the middle of June. You woke up late in the afternoon, back against the hard stone bench, in which you had fallen asleep. Looking up, you could see the faint outline of the moon beginning to show in the sky, as the sun descended. The noises from the rush hour invaded your precious sanctuary: cars engines, vehicles horns, wheels scraping on the asphalt.
You being to make your way back to the visitor’s centre, where you leave your stuff during the day, planning to change clothes, lock the park and go home, but, as you walk through the heart of the garden, a low humming catches your attention. You had believed to be alone, your few co-workers having long left, but from where you stood, the noises from the outside world couldn’t reach you, the song had to be coming from inside the park. Curious, you looked around, trying to find its source, but as far as you could view, you were all by yourself. 
You were about to resume your journey when you felt something tangle itself on your left ankle. You instinctively pulled away, but the thing had grabbed you tightly. You scream as you notice the large vine keeping you in place, it’s grip becoming tighter every second. Before you can bow down to free yourself, matching plants take hold of your arms and right leg. There’s a shuffle as a woman comes down from the tree tops, balancing herself in a swing made of vines.
Her long scarlet hair cascades down her back, her skin is slightly greenish, just enough to differentiate her from a normal person. You recognize her immediately: Poison Ivy.
You try to speak, but the words won’t leave your mouth. If it wasn’t by the vines keeping you in place, you would be shaking. A small smile forms in her dark green lips as she walks gracefully towards you. The way she moves her hips is hypnotizing. As she approaches, she brings with her the smell of flowers, which floods your nostrils. You can’t pinpoint which flower is it, and perhaps it’s a scent yet unknown to mankind.
She holds your chin in her soft hands, tilting your head to one side and then another. Her greens eyes lock into yours, her gaze penetrating your soul. Now you understand why men would do anything for her: she is beautiful.
"What do we have here?", she whispers, eyes still looking into you. Her voice is sweet and melodic. You still can’t bring yourself to speak, but that’s okay, as the question was more for herself than for you.
 She walks around you, her sharp fingernails never leaving your skin. She evaluated you like a hunter looking at its prey. You shiver. 
“What are you doing here?”, she asks, facing you. 
“Uhh, I wo-work here”, you stutter.  
She presses her finger on the Botanical Garden logo embroidered in your t-shirt. “Right. The park is closed. What are you still doing here?”, she hisses.
“Well, you shouldn’t be here either”, as soon as the words leave your mouth you want to swallow them back.
Her eyes narrow and you are sure she’s going to kill you, but then, she laughs. The vines hold on you begin to loosen and they crawl back from wherever they had come from. You fall forward, but Ivy’s arm catch you and help you regain your balance. 
“I fell asleep…and woke up just now”, you confess, you voice barely more than a whisper. “I was just going to pick up my things and get out of here. I swear I didn’t even know you were here”, you tell her, hoping she would let you go.
She runs a hand along your jaw bone, caressing your skin. “Are you scared?”
“Yes”, you admit.
She throws her head back in a laugh. “I promise I won’t poison you. Now, I was singing to the plants, it’s good for their health. Would you like to join?” With a gesture she brings back the swing and hops on it, reaching out her hand for you to take.
You consider your options: going back to your empty house or staying there with a psychopath. The answer is obvious. You take her hand and let her pull you to the vine swing, which rises slowly under her command. You sit by her side on a thick branch and let her sweet voice fills your ears.
* * *
Love makes you do crazy things. It drives you insane. It’s the worst obsession one could ever have. 
You begin to leave the park later every night, wanting to spend all the time you could with Ivy. You talked and learned you had a lot in common: movies, music, book, food and, of course, your shared love for the nature. You told her that you would study biology at Gotham’s University when the summer was over. She told you how she hoped to clean the Earth from those who hurt it.
In high school, you would flirt with the popular kids and go out in dates just to fit in, you wanted to be around the cool kids, but you never cared for them. Now, for the first time, in this dark little paradise that was your midnight garden, you were beginning to fall in love. And you knew she was falling for you.
Love is strange. There was nothing you wouldn’t do for it, and yet, it almost never gives you anything.
* * *
It was the beginning of July, you and Ivy were laying in the grass covered ground, looking at the stars and eating the candies you had brought her.
“Camila”, she calls. You flip your head to look at her. She was beautiful like always, the moonlight illuminating her soft features, her hair spread under her head like a fan, a few droplets of rain speckled on her skin.
“Why do you stay here? You should be out there with your friends”, she stretches her hand as if she is going to touch you, but pulls back before she reaches you.
“You are my friend”, this time you reach to touch her, and places your hand over hers.
“You know what I mean. You must have better things to do than hanging out with a criminal.”
“And you must have better things to do than hang out with someone as mundane as me.” She laughs. You move closer to her. So close you can hear her beating heart. “Pamela”, you begin, using her real name, “I like you. I really like you.”
The words hang in the air between the two of you. For a moment you wonder what she will do. Will she reject you? Or will she kiss you? She seems to contemplate that too. The seconds feel like hours. And then she finally closes the gap between you and kiss you. Her lips are soft and she tastes like fresh peaches. Her arms wrap around you, pulling you into a tight hug and you let yourself melt under her.
* * *
Love is like a fire, burning bright and fast, consuming everything on its way.  
You saw her when you closed your eyes, ached for her touch when you were alone, her voice echoed in your head even while you slept. You spent the days wishing that the night came faster. Because at night, under the trees and stars, you two made love. She was sweet and caring. For you, she wasn’t a poison ivy, she was a daisy.
You couldn’t tell anyone. She was still a fugitive of the law, and if Batman knew where to find her, he would come and take her away. You vowed to not let anyone take Pamela from you. You knew she was plotting something big, an attack to a Gotham-based oil company, she talked about it with you, but you didn’t care. You were sure her targets deserved what was coming.
Love is wonderful. It give you a reason to live, but nothing good lasts forever.
* * *
It was almost August. Ivy struck during the day. You heard it from a co-worker before opening Twitter to double check if it was true. It was. All over your feed pictures of a building covered in vines were being posted and retweeted. Fifty dead. Ten on their way to the hospital. No one knew where Poison Ivy was. But you knew where she would be. You went with your day as usual, and when the clocked ticked 6 p.m., you closed the gates of the garden and you ran to her. 
“We need to get out of Gotham”, you tell her, before she can even say ‘hi’.
“I know,” she says, her voice unusually flat. You couldn't read her, she was expression-less.
“I just need to go home and pack, I can meet you here in a hour.”
“Camila…”, she begins, shaking her head. You can see tears forming in the corner of her eyes. “I can’t ask you to come with me.”
You hold both of her hands into yours, “Why not? I want to.” 
“It’s not fair. You have a future”, she pulls away from you and turns her back to you. She isn’t strong enough to say this looking into your eyes. “This is just a summer fling, don’t throw your life away because of it.”
Before you can answer a shadow cuts through the tree line and your lover is pushed to the ground. “Pamela!”, you scream, jumping to help her back to her feet.
Then you it. Standing in the shadows, a man dressed in black, his dark cape fluttering in the wind. Batman. You stand between him and Pamela.
“You won’t hurt her”, you tell him, surprisingly calm. Behind him, you see the trees moving under Ivy’s command.
“Camila, go, now. Please, my love”, she begs, lips in your ear. You don’t move a inch.
Batman is fast and cuts the vines before they can get a hold of him. You barely register what happens next. They move quickly, like a dance. She throws plants at him, he gets free. He tries to catch her, she twists away form his hold. They have done this before. There’s nothing you can do, you are not a fighter. And even though you want to protect Ivy, you know she can take care of herself. 
You hear the sirens from the police coming closer. Then they stop. And main gate is slammed open. Heavy footsteps approach. 
“Poison Ivy, put your hands in the air and surrender”, a mechanical voice announces. “We will use lethal force.”
She doesn’t even flinch. She knows the cops are nothing, that Batman is the real problem. But you think different. Especially when you see the moonlight reflecting on the metal of a gun.
“PAMELA!”, you scream again, full of panic. She looks at you, puzzled at why you are so afraid. She doesn’t notice the trigger being pulled, but you do. You jump in front of her and the projectile hits you on the chest, just below the heart. 
It pierces your skin, tearing your muscles apart. It hurts. It burns. Her eyes widen. Even Batman stops and shouts something you can’t hear. You can’t hear anything. You feel the blood running from the wound. Pamela tries to press the bullet hole to avoid blood loss, but it’s too late, you know it.
“Pammy,”, you whisper. You sight is blurred. You can’t breathe correctly. “I love you. You will love you to the rest of my life.”
Her warm tears falls on your skin. That’s the last thing you feel before darkness takes hold of you.
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 8
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 3629 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Monkey D. Luffy, Nico Robin, Usopp, Sanji, Vergo Note: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
The story title is based on the Ellie Goulding song “Hearts Without Chains.”
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he's 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law finds a strange connection to Monkey D. Luffy, which offers a glimpse of something he's repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Robin watched as Luffy came out of the infirmary, a smile on his face as he shut the door behind him. She’d left an ear on the desk, disguised by her book, and she had to admit she was surprised by the conversation—especially that Luffy had gotten their guest (prisoner, despite what Luffy wanted) to volunteer his name. During her time with the Revolutionary Army, she’d known of many attempts by the Revolutionaries and others to learn Corazon’s real name. She filed the name Trafalgar Law away to look into later while once more marveling at her captain’s ability to read—and reach—people.
She rose from her seat and walked over to Luffy, who’d been intercepted by Usopp just outside the door.
“So, what happened?” Usopp was asking, glancing between Luffy and the closed door.
“We talked,” Luffy said, entwining his fingers behind his head. “Torao’s a good guy!”
Usopp frowned. “Torao?”
“Shishishi,” Luffy chuckled. “His name!”
Bemused, Usopp glanced at Robin, who smiled. “I believe our captain convinced Corazon to reveal his real name.”
“Why would he do that?”
“Because I asked,” Luffy replied as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. Perhaps it was to him. Usopp sputtered, and Robin patted his shoulder.
“Usopp’s right, though.” They looked up to see Sanji emerge from the kitchen. He was still moving carefully, but he looked much better than when they’d first arrived outside the lab. “Names have power, and that guy’s been going by an alias for years. Why share something so dangerous with his enemies?”
There were a number of potential answers to that question, but Robin had a feeling it was the Luffy Effect in action.
“We’re not enemies,” Luffy said, crossing his arms and frowning.
“He tried to kill us!” Usopp protested.
“He electrocuted me,” Sanji added, lighting a cigarette.
“And we have him locked up in Seastone,” Robin felt obliged to point out.
But Luffy shook his head. “Jimbei made it sound like he took a big risk helping us at Marineford. He said that Mingo guy would be angry, but he did it anyway.”
Robin knew the rumors about Doflamingo’s abilities, his crew, and his underground operations. His cruelty and brutality. Doflamingo saw his crew as a family, with his executives being his most trusted. And he did not stand for disloyalty in his Family. She could only imagine how he might have reacted to his second-in-command helping rival pirates.
“Luffy,” she said gently, waiting for her captain’s eyes to find her, “Corazon was already infamous when we met him on Sabaody. But over the last two years, his reputation has only gotten darker. They call him the Surgeon of Death.”
She had a feeling this wouldn’t dissuade him—little tended to once Luffy had made his mind up about something or someone—but she wanted to make sure he knew anyway.
As expected, Luffy shook his head again while Usopp spluttered in the background. “He saved me.”
There had been endless speculation over the last two years about why Corazon had saved Luffy and Jimbei, ranging from an attempted coup within the Family to a secret love affair (Robin had laughed aloud when this had been floated).
As she’d sat in the infirmary waiting for Corazon to regain consciousness, she found herself watching him. From what she could work out about him, he was a few years younger than her yet had risen to the rank of second in command of the Donquixote Pirates more than half a decade earlier; how young had he been when he had joined such an infamous pirate group to rise so high at such a young age? She knew a thing or two about joining criminal organizations and the way they took advantage of children.
Corazon’s defensiveness upon waking up had been unsurprising, and she again found herself wondering why he had saved Luffy—but then she’d seen the way he’d frozen when Luffy had entered the room, the breath catching in his throat and something in his expression. And he’d given Luffy his real name.
“Luffy,” Usopp said, pulling Robin from her thoughts, “the guy he works for owns this lab where they are experimenting on kids. He’s trying to protect that.”
Luffy huffed. “I don’t know how to explain it. I can just feel it,” he said, a hand going to his chest where the scar—from Corazon’s life-saving operation—was hidden under his winter coat. “I can feel that he’s a good person. He helped me, and I think maybe I’m supposed to help him.”
Robin exchanged glances with Sanji and Usopp. They all knew Luffy’s senses when it came to people were beyond rational explanation but somehow right. Robin in particular knew the power of Luffy’s intuition, having been saved from her own darkness because he wouldn’t let her go. If that intuition was telling him that Corazon—Trafalgar Law—was similarly important and worth helping, then there wasn’t much more to argue.
That was the Luffy Effect.
“Okay,” Robin said.
Sanji and Usopp took a moment longer but also nodded grudgingly. They might not understand it, but they’d trust their captain. (But, if need be, they’d protect him, too.)
Once the door shut behind Straw Hat, Law dropped his head back against the wall and shut his eyes, suddenly exhausted. His head throbbed from the hit from Zoro’s blade, and he considered getting up to look for some painkillers in the infirmary supplies but decided it wasn’t worth the trouble. Outside the door, he could hear the Straw Hats talking, though he couldn’t make out what they were saying.
As he sat there, he couldn’t stop Straw Hat’s words from playing over and over in his mind.
“Jimbei said that you’d be in trouble with that Mingo guy for helping us, and I was worried. Were you? In trouble?”
“I fail to see how that matters.”
“But you helped me anyway. And I’m grateful! So, you’re a good guy. No matter what anyone says.”
“No, I’m really not. You should listen to Nico-ya.”
“Nope, I can feel it. Right here.”
Law had no illusions about what kind of person he was. He’d joined the Donquixote Pirates as a terminally ill ten-year-old, determined to do as much damage as he could before he died, and in many ways, he’d never outgrown that broken boy with bombs on his chest. He was the second in command to one of the biggest names in the slave trade, among other morally reprehensible operations. And though he was a doctor, he’d killed more than he’d saved, the letters tattooed on his fingers a promise as much as a warning.
Perhaps worst of all, though, he’d stopped feeling anything when he killed.
He shuddered to think what Cora-san would think of the man he’d become.
And yet, Straw Hat looked at him and—impossibly—saw something worthwhile. Felt that Law was something worthwhile. Felt it in the same place Law had felt the tug that pulled him to Marineford two years earlier.
What did it mean?
What did Law do with that?
The Seastone cuffs weighed heavily on his wrists, clanking as he opened his eyes and rubbed his face through his hands. He stared up at the ceiling, the words of his nakama from before his departure ringing through his head in the wake of Straw Hat’s declaration:
“I know you spooked when I lost my arm. But it’s not your fault.”
“You’re not this person you’ve let yourself become. They might think of you as Corazon, but to us, you’re Captain.”
Two years of pushing his crew away to protect them, of doing nothing to earn their trust or affection, yet they refused to give up on him. Like Straw Hat, they looked at him and saw something worthwhile. But how could Law accept that from them after what he’d cost them?
Despite what Violet said, Law knew he was, inside and out, Doflamingo’s creature. He knew what he saw when he looked in the mirror, the marks of claiming left on his skin and the emptiness in his eyes. After what he’d lost, Law was too tired to fight it any longer.
So why did people keep looking at him like he was anything but Doflamingo’s broken doll?
Law was startled from his reverie by a loud thud from the deck of the ship. He straightened as he heard the tone of the Straw Hats’ voices change in response to whatever had happened. Punk Hazard was unfriendly territory for them and full of more hazards than they could have known about when they anchored on the island. And most things unfriendly to the Straw Hats should be friendly to Law as Joker’s second.
Law rose and made his way to the door in an attempt to hear more clearly. He was wondering at the odds of using this distraction to search for the key to his cuffs when a familiar voice responded to the Straw Hats’ demands of who he was. Law’s stomach dropped.
“—ase commander of G-5,” Vergo was saying as Law pulled open the infirmary door.
The Straw Hats looked back at him, surprised, but Law ignored them, his eyes focused on Vergo. Vergo inclined his head when Law appeared, which was not a good sign.
“Torao, you should—”
“What are you doing here, Vergo?” Law demanded over Straw Hat.
“You two know each other?” Long Nose asked, glancing between them nervously.
“Your ally?” Black Leg asked, stance turning defensive. “But he’s a Marine.”
There was no way Vergo was here to help Law. But why had he come? Doffy hadn’t wanted him to blow his cover; that the entire reason for sending Law to Punk Hazard in the first place.
“It seems Joker was right to send me to check on your allegiance, Corazon,” Vergo said, lips twisting mockingly around the title he’d once worn himself. “I’ve been warning him for years that you were disloyal, and now I find you defecting.”
Law’s eyes narrowed, and he raised his shackled wrists. “Does this look like defecting, Vergo?” he hissed. Not that it would make a difference; Law was certain Vergo didn’t actually think he had defected. “I’m a prisoner.”
Vergo smirked. “No matter. All Joker needs to know is that I found his favorite plaything standing with the very crew whose captain he betrayed Joker to save two years ago.” His expression darkened. “And don’t forget the -san, boy.”
Law flinched at being called a plaything.
“What’s going on?” Straw Hat asked, frowning between the two. Law ignored him.
“What do you think Joker will do to your crew when he hears you betrayed him again?” Vergo went on.
Law felt the color drain from his face. “You son of a bitch.”
Straw Hat turned to look directly at Law, his expression turning concerned when he saw that Law had gone pale. “Torao—”
Turning his back on Vergo was a mistake. Law’s eyes widened as Vergo drew his bamboo stick, and, as he surged forward, coated it with haki. He swung at Straw Hat’s exposed back. Straw Hat sensed him coming, but Vergo’s speed took him off-guard; Vergo swung his bamboo, and Straw Hat tried to dodge but took enough of a blow to his side that it knocked him off-balance. He yelped in surprise as Vergo swung again, sending him over the ship’s railing into the water below.
Law inhaled sharply as Long Nose and Black Leg both cursed. Long Nose turned to Black Leg.
“Stay with Robin,” he said before taking a running leap and jumping overboard after his sinking captain.
Without missing a beat, Black Leg and Nico Robin took defensive postures in front of Law. Law looked at their backs in disbelief. Why? Why would they help him?
“I have no quarrel with you,” Vergo said to them. “Step aside. This is Family business.”
Black Leg snorted in disbelief, and Nico Robin smiled in that knowing way of hers. “Donquixote Doflamingo wouldn’t want it known he has a spy so high up in the Marines. You won’t let us go.”
Vergo straightened his glasses. “You caught me. But if you step aside, I’ll make your deaths quick.”
“I don’t think so,” Black Leg replied.
Vergo frowned, clearly as confused as Law himself. “Why would you protect him? He tried to kill you.”
So Vergo saw the fight. He must have followed Law from Dressrosa, leaving right behind him. That bastard was just looking for an excuse to cut Law down and finish what he’d started on Minion Island. Had Doffy told him to come, or was Vergo acting on his own?
“Our idiot captain seems to like him,” Black Leg replied with a shrug.
Law started as Nico Robin gave him a small smile before turning back to Vergo. “And Luffy is a very good judge of character. Even if we don’t understand his reasons at first.”
Law’s breath caught in his throat.
Vergo hefted his bamboo. “So be it.”
He charged once more, swinging his bamboo at Nico Robin. Black Leg intercepted the blow with his leg. Vergo fell back and Black Leg charged in a flurry of kicks. Vergo met him blow for blow until the two stopped in the middle of the deck, legs locked. Law winced at the sound of cracking bone. Black Leg slumped, and Law momentarily regretted hitting him with Counter Shock earlier.
“Sanji-kun!” Nico Robin called, worried.
“Where’s the key to these cuffs?” Law demanded urgently as Vergo turned back toward them. He did not want to be defenseless again with Vergo bearing down on him. And he was not going to let Vergo kill Nico Robin for protecting him. Too many people had been hurt or killed protecting Law, and he didn’t deserve any of it.
“Usopp has it,” she said, glancing toward the railing.
“Great,” Law muttered.
As Vergo approached, Nico Robin summoned giant hands, creating a wall between them and Vergo. Law knew it wouldn’t hold against Vergo’s Demon Bamboo. She winced as Vergo slammed against it, the structure shaking under his strength.
“Take Black Leg-ya and get out of here,” Law told her. Hopefully, Long Nose had rescued Straw Hat by now, and they could recover on shore. Vergo would let her go, at least temporarily; he was here because of Law, after all.
She looked at him, startled. “And leave you? You’re powerless.”
“You have no reason to protect me, Nico-ya. I tried to kill your friends. I wouldn’t have stopped, either.” She winced again as the wall trembled against Vergo’s onslaught. “We may both work for Doflamingo, but Vergo wouldn’t hesitate to kill me if given the chance. And now he has the chance.” He shook his head. “Get out of here and regroup with your crew. This is Family business.”
Nico Robin opened her mouth to reply but was interrupted by bamboo tearing through her wall. She cried out as the wall collapsed. Vergo met Law’s eye and smirked. Law gasped in pain and surprise as, in a flash, bamboo met his side and sent him flying into the ship’s railing. Slowly, he pushed himself upright and blinked against his spinning vision in time to see Vergo grab Nico Robin by the neck.
“Demon Child Nico Robin,” he said. “I should kill you, but I have a feeling Joker could make good use of you.”
“No thanks,” she choked out between gasps. “I have a crew.”
Vergo simply laughed—a sound that made Law’s skin crawl—and flung her across the deck. She slammed into Black Leg, who was struggling to balance with a fractured leg, and the pair were knocked into the far wall.
Law pushed himself to his feet. Vergo turned to look at him, the malice radiating from him palpable on the winter air. If Law had access to his powers, he would have no problem taking Vergo on. But with the Seastone shackles blocking him from his Fruit and draining his strength, he was as helpless in the face of Vergo’s rage now as he had been as a sick child—and they both knew it.
Vergo moved and suddenly Law’s back slammed into the wall, a haki-clad hand around his throat. Law’s feet dangled off the ground as he struggled to breathe. He grasped at Vergo’s wrist, struggling vainly to loosen the grip stealing his air.
“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, Law.”
“Beating a terminally-ill child nearly to death wasn’t enough for you?” Law wheezed. It somehow seemed fitting that Vergo would finish the job he’d started on a winter island on the winter side of Punk Hazard. There was a feeling of things coming full circle as the snow fell around them.
“Once a traitor, always a traitor,” Vergo growled. “You’ve never been good enough for Doffy. Yet he brings you back and elevates you to his right hand.”
As darkness encroached on the edges of Law’s vision, it hit him that Vergo wasn’t simply holding a grudge about Cora-san’s betrayal. Since Law’s return to the Family nearly a decade earlier, Doffy had kept Law close, giving him no opportunities for betrayal. Holding Law’s crew hostage, he’d groomed Law—teaching him, training him, even fucking him. He did everything to make sure his ownership of Law was complete. Law had hated every moment of it—the only freedom he’d found was leaving Dressrosa on the Polar Tang with his crew on missions—but Vergo was jealous.
Law croaked out a disbelieving laugh at the realization.
Vergo frowned. “What’s so funny?”
“I didn’t take you for the jealous type, Vergo.”
Vergo snarled wordlessly and tightened his grip. Law gasped, feeling what little strength he had leaving him. His lungs screamed, he was light-headed, and his eyes started to close.
Would it really be so bad if Vergo killed him now? It would end nearly a decade of hell, the daily physical and emotional torture that had beaten him down to the point of pushing his nakama away…
Law’s eyes flew open at the thought of his nakama. He couldn’t die and leave them alone to face Doffy’s retribution. He couldn’t die without them knowing how much they meant to him, that even if he’d been a poor excuse for a captain, there was no greater honor than leading them.
A sudden fire burning in his chest, Law’s gaze sharpened, and he dropped his hands from Vergo’s wrist. Vergo looked at him in confusion—clearly, he’d thought Law had been about to succumb—and Law took his moment of distraction to loop the Seastone shackles over Vergo’s neck and cross his arms to tighten them with his waning strength. Vergo didn’t have a Devil Fruit so the Seastone wouldn’t affect him, but he would feel the bite of metal into his skin.
In his current position, Law didn’t have enough strength to truly strangle Vergo, but the move was enough to startle Vergo and cause pain. Reflexively, he loosened his grip, and Law gulped in the delicious, frigid air. Letting go of Law’s neck, Vergo grabbed Law’s arms.
“Let go,” he growled.
“You can’t kill me, Vergo,” Law rasped.
Vergo regarded him through those sunglasses. “Why not?” He only had to strain a bit to speak against Law’s attempted strangulation.
“Doffy has plans for my death, and we both know it.”
The surprise was evident on Vergo’s features. “How did you know—”
Law scoffed. “You don’t think I know why they call the Ope Ope no Mi the ultimate Devil Fruit? Kill me now and Doffy will have to look for the Fruit all over again if he wants that operation.”
Law never intended to go through with the operation, but it was leverage Vergo couldn’t ignore.
“Doffy always says you’re too clever for your own good,” Vergo said, lips curling in distaste. But Law knew he had the other man; Vergo was completely devoted to Doffy, and he wouldn’t do anything to risk his master’s chance of receiving immortality.
In one sudden motion, Vergo let go of Law’s arms and grabbed the chain wrapped around his neck. He pulled it free and held the chain above his head, leaving Law dangling in midair by the wrists. Law hissed in surprise.
“Now what, Vergo-san?” Law asked, sneering the oft-demanded honorific.
“I take you back to Dressrosa, a fallen traitor,” Vergo taunted. “Doffy will finally see you for what you are—nothing better than his miserable excuse for a brother. You can watch Doffy slowly destroy your crew one by one. Maybe he’ll even make you kill some of them.” He sounded amused at the prospect. “And then he’ll make you beg to perform the Perennial Youth operation—and only then will you die, doing one useful thing in your miserable life.”
Chest clenching, Law thought of his crew. Of kind Bepo. Of goofy Shachi. Of brave Penguin. Penguin’s words came back then, sharp and pointed.
“You want to pull that, maybe you should start acting like a captain again.”
No. I won’t let that happen. He was done failing them as their captain.
His eyes flew open as Vergo’s haki-coated fist connected with his stomach. The breath left his lungs—again—and he would have curled in on himself if he wasn’t hanging in midair. Vergo let go of the chain and Law dropped to the grass of the Thousand Sunny’s deck. He looked up in time to see Vergo’s bamboo coming right for his head.
“Torao!” he heard in the distance.
Then nothing.
Next chapter
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(时空中的绘旅人—For All Time—) Clarence Route Translations (Chapter 9-2 精神力之源: Spiritual Power Source)
*For All Time Master-list / Clarence’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Maintaining Si Lan’s name as Clarence *Route Tag is #Chapter of Legacy
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It was still dark when I woke up. 
Taking advantage of this time since Clarence hadn't come to disturb me yet, I decided to investigate the Mage Tower on my own.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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I descended the stairs, having cleared two levels, when I heard a heart-wrenching cry coming from one of the rooms by the side.
???: Argh— Ahhh——
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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I hurriedly slammed the door open and rushed inside, only to see a young man rolling around in the ground, wailing. I noticed a small ball of light glowing faintly inside his body.
???: Argh— It's so painful, I can't take it anymore…!!
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
The young man screamed, frantically making grabs at the air. It was then, that I realized that there was a small and frail-looking girl beside him...
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???: AHHHH——!!
He trashed wildly on the round, unable to tell right from left, thumping frenziedly onto the ground.
Afraid that the little girl might get hurt, I hurriedly drew her close to my side, only to see the young man reach a bloodied hand out towards me—
Just as I was about to summon the Pairing Spirit in retaliation, I saw Clarence grab ahold of the man's sleeve, pushing him away from us.
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Clarence: You shouldn't be here.
He chided me with a cold demeanor. At the same time, he'd also helped me fend off the crazed young man's assault.
???: Chief Mage—! Save me, Chief Mage!! 
The young man seemed unable to withstand the pain that was within his body, crawling by Clarence's feet, a hand hugging Clarence's shoe, and the other pulling at his own locks...
Clarence only looked at him in silence, his face void of any emotion.
Young Man: AHHHH!!!
The young man screamed, spewing a mouthful of blood atop Clarence's shoes before his head fell aslant and his breathing stopped.
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▷Choice: You didn't save him…
Clarence: I can't.
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▷Choice: What sickness was it; for him to be in so much pain…?
Clarence: It's not a sickness; it's a ritual.
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Clarence: This is the ritual to become a Mage.
Clarence: A Mage's power stems from emotional and spiritual strength. People who wish to become Mages will have to voluntarily ingest a potion; one that stimulates emotions, turning it into power.
Clarence: Potions will greatly upset a person's feelings and spirit, causing a big upheaval. It is at this moment that they have to steel their resolve and regain control over both their emotions and spirit.
Clarence: If one doesn't have ample self-control, they will not be able to control the Mana that surges throughout their body. Mana will cause organs to rupture, so they'll end up dying in excruciating pain.
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???: That's right. Only people with strong hopes or desires can perfect Mana Control.
???: Because such desires are the source of Spiritual Power.
And that was how a hand found its way onto me in an ambiguous manner.
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I turned, only to find Holles, who had appeared beside me without so much as a sound.
I hurriedly took two steps backwards.
I've seen Holles during my previous journeys before… This Mage, with a poisonous snake twined around his arm, was strong; not an opponent I'd want to be dealing with.
Not to mention that he was usually pretty hard to deal with, considering how the type of magic he specialized in was that of "lust".
Holles: The Goddess from another world… Oh, how very cute you are. What fair and delicate skin you have; it makes me really want to touch and fondle it for myself…
Holles smiled, immensely pleased with himself, as he spoke of such explicitness that it was almost as if he was verbally molesting me.
I don't know why, but I couldn't help but to feel that compared to the times I saw him in my previous journeys, this Holles was much more fearless; no longer playing at being half-polite in fear of the consequences.
Although logically speaking, he should have toned it down a little, considering how Clarence, the Chief Mage, was standing before him… However, Clarence's unmoving facade never once faltered despite having heard Holles' assailment of obscenities.
Holles: I seem to recall that Master Clarence wanted to imprison this very same girl in the Mage Tower; And to keep watch over her, personally, not relegating this responsibility to any of his underlings.
Holles: Ahh, such a cute girl, trapped in the Mage Tower, clueless about the danger that lies ahead… Just thinking about how I can personally pick such a cherry with my own hands makes me shiver in such anticipation...
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▷Choice: Shove Holles' hand away
I forcefully shoved Holles' hand away.
He dodged me with a smile, but continued lingering by my side.
Finally, unable to take it anymore, I attempted to shove him, hard—
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▷Choice: Hold back your disgust and avoid him
I didn't want to pick a fight with Holles. Holding back my disgust, I recoiled and twisted my body away, trying to get away from his range.
However, he snaked closer to me; Finally, unable to take it anymore, I gave him a hard shove.
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Only to end up colliding into Clarence as I shoved him away. 
He'd unconsciously reached his hands out to catch me, and I realized that when his arms were entwined around me was akin to a... Embrace.
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MC: !!!
Clarence: ……
He hurriedly pushed me away. But I'd gotten a glimpse of something different flickering across his features just now...
MC: Did you just…
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Clarence: I didn't.
Clarence's answer was so quick and abrupt that I just couldn't help but for my thoughts to run wild—
This cold, ruthless, and imposing great Chief Mage can't have not had this degree of intimate contact with girls before, right?
I took a step forward; Clarence tensed, but didn't make a move to retreat backwards.
MC: But I haven't said anything yet.
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Clarence: …...
It was so hard to get the iceberg to crack, so I had to chisel it a little more, else I simply wouldn’t be able to face the cage that I’d previously slept in.
Silence fell and not a sound could be heard, except for Holles’ stifled wheezing from wanting to laugh, but not having the guts to.
MC: Okay, I’ll stop teasing you, Chief Mage Clarence.
MC: I did come here to find out the secrets of the Mages after all.
I took a step backwards and returned to the distance that we were originally standing at.
His eyebrow furrowed in a frown as he restored his façade of utter calm and indifference once more.
He chose not to pick on me for the last provocation that I’d sent his way. Instead, he explained to me about the origins of Mages and how they came to be with a straight face.
Clarence: Only those with a strong mentality can become a Mage. Spiritual power is directly proportional to desire; hence, the stronger the desire, the higher the Mana gained.
Clarence: Of course, at the far end of the spectrum of desires lies sin. That’s right; sins color every nook and cranny of this Mage Tower.
Clarence: Lust, gluttony, greed, jealousy… I’m surrounded with people who sin for all sorts of thighs. I don’t push them away; instead, I satisfy their desires... 
Clarence: The person with the strongest desire will turn out to be the Mage with the highest Mana. I require the strength of a Mage; therefore, I do not reject evil and crime.
Clarence: From the story you’ve told me before, I know that you’ve long since learnt about how the nine highest-ranking Mages of the Mage Tower are called the “Nine Seats”.
Clarence: But what you do not know— Is that every single one of these individuals who make up the “Nine Seats” are all criminals in their own right, with the exception of Alkaid and Celene.
Clarence: Are you scared, after knowing the truth? You can turn around and make your escape now if you are.
Saying so, Clarence raised a hand to adjust his monocle. He glanced at Holles, who had retreated to the shadows, speaking to me in a soft voice.
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Clarence: But… It appears that the person behind you doesn’t wish to see you leave.
Holles smiled. He was beautiful, but his smile was one that was as dangerous as a lethal snake.
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Holles: I’ve found a girl; a flower so fresh. How can I bear to let her escape from the Mage Tower…?
Holles: Master Clarence probably didn’t inform you about this, (Y/n); but the Mage Tower is a place where all Mages can let their desires run wild. In here, any masterminds and criminals can do anything they please, so long as they’re strong enough to see it to completion.
Holles: And as for me, I’m also one of the “Nine seats” of this Mage Tower. My sin is “lust”. There’s no way you’ll be able to run away, so how about you just come with me obediently?
With that, Holles approached me again. He sized me up with his snake-like eyes, greedy, predatory.
I summoned the Painting Spirit.
I’ve travelled back and forth Yemsaiel many times now, and my strength has long since surpassed Holles’ own. There’s no need for me to be afraid now, all I have to do is to just take this opportunity to wipe the floor with him again.
MC: You should really wash your mouth with soap.
MC: You said that this Mage Tower doesn’t reject any desires, yes? Holles, my desire at this current moment in time is to beat you into a right pulp!
MC: A pervert like you deserves to die, through and through!!
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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Holles: Save me, Master Clarence…
Clarence: Desires of any kind can be granted within this Mage Tower. Same goes for you; same goes for her.
Clarence: She’s just the stronger one this time round.
───⋅𝕿𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊…⋆⋅☆
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥Chapter of Legacy✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 9-1) | Next Part: (Chapter 11)
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aidendh · 3 years
Explosions, Wings and Power (A Bnha fanfic) (WIP)
(I haven't touched this in weeks, so I thought I'd post the WIP)
Word Count Goal: 2500 - 4000
He didn’t have them often, but they tended to feel familiar and real. ‘Doctor’, ‘Sludge’, ‘Dome’. What did they mean? Only one Katsuki Bakugo knew and he would use them to keep his friends safe. He was not gonna waste this second chance.
It doesn’t hurt if he changes the future, right?
When given another chance at life, the newly named ‘Katsuki Bakugo’ treads through it with his best friends on their path to become a hero.
Chapter 1
“Basa, wait up!” Cried out Izuku, his mop of green hair bobbing as he ran. The little boy's emerald green eyes kept his best friends in sight while falling behind.
“Yeah! We can’t fly like you ya’ know!” exclaimed Katsuki while narrowing his piercing red eyes, trying to see through his spiky ash blond hair. He was faring better than Izuku, but he still couldn’t keep up with their airborne friend.
Said boy (Chujitsu), despite being less than a meter off the ground, called back, “Well maybe you guys should hurry up!”. He turned his grey barely haired head back with his narrow grey-blue eyes glancing at his flightless pals.
What was keeping him airborne was a pair of red dragon-like wings, his Quirk.
Quirk: A power usually manifested at around the age of 4 and what 80% of the world's population had.
Chujitsu Tsubasa: Known as Wings, his transformation type Quirk allows him to temporarily grow wings on his back.
-9 Years later-
*Jet set r-*
A 14-year-old Katsuki Bakugo swiped his phone to rid it of his alarm. He then turned over in his bed and drifted off.
*All Might The-*
Katsuki swiped his alarm off again then pulled his phone over to check the time.
‘Time: 8:20’
‘7:30 Get up Alarm-Missed’
He blinked, giving himself a moment to wake up and process the screen. ‘8:20? ...! Overslept!’
Scrambling out of bed, he quickly changed into his black Junior High uniform and grabbed his bag and phone. Booking it out of his room and past his parents, he gave a quick “See ya!” to them and left for school.
His mother (Mitsuki Bakugo), the spitting image of her son, just shook her head in amusement.
“See ya trouble!” She yelled after him.
Katsuki’s phone rang in his pocket. After checking the ID and confirming who it was, he answered.
“Kacchan, where are you?” Chujitsu asked.
“Booking it to school while rethinking my life, you?” He replied.
“Waiting at the gates with ‘zuku. What happened? You’re normally the first one here.”
Katsuki slowed his run as Aldera Junior High showed in the distance.
“Just Overslept,” he paused, taking in a breath, “nightmares again.”
Chujitsu took a minute to process this. It was rare for Katsuki to have nightmares and was considered a big deal if they kept him up for more than one night. This would cause him to become paranoid and overprotective over the subject of his night terrors.
With any other person it wouldn’t be considered this big of a deal, but whenever this happened to the blonde danger was sure to follow. Chujitsu knew this better than anyone as it had saved his life once before.
“Just don’t push yourself today,” was heard just beyond the nearby gate that the sprinting teen was approaching. After hanging up the phone Katsuki rushed in and grabbed the other greenette’s arm to stop his momentum.
“Hi, Kacchan!” Greeted Izuku, as Katsuki started to regain a steady breath. After some small talk they headed in to find their class so as not to be late.
-Last Period-
“So, as third year students, you need to start thinking more seriously about the future, and what you want to be doing with your lives.” Started the non-descript teacher.
“I could get Bakugo-San to hand out some Career Aptitude Tests.” Said Bakugo got ready to stand up but stopped at the boring tone of his Sensei.
“But... Why bother, I know you all want the Hero track!!” At the sign of Sensei about to throw the papers across the classroom, Katsuki spoke up.
“Sensei, even if that is true, we still need to fill out the High School part of the form. We’re not all aiming for the same school.” Many students groaned at his gruff and demanding tone, most expecting this from their Class Prez.
“Ah, Bakugo-San, you are correct on that front. Now that I think about it, aren't you, Tsubasa-San and Midoriya-San aiming for U.A High?” At this accusation, their classmates went into an uproar of voices.
“They’re trying for the national school?!”
“Isn’t there a 0.2% acceptance rate?”
“It’s impossible to get into!”
Though one stood out more than the others,
“A Quirkless loser won't stand a chance!” After hearing this, the class stilled. Not many people mess with the Quirkless student, not with Bakugo and Tsubasa on his side.
“I think the principle wouldn’t like to hear that someone is disrespecting one of Aldera’s top students and my best friend?” Katsuki stated with a threatening sweet tone and piercing grin. He may be one of the top students, but he was willing to snitch on others if it meant his friends would be safe. That shut the accuser right up.
“Now, now you two. I don’t want another fight breaking out in my classroom.” Stated Sensei,
“Bakugo-San please pass out the sheets.”
A woman screamed in the populated streets as a man that appeared to be made of green sludge rushed past with Yen Bills scattered inside his Liquidus body.
“Hey, get back here!” Yelled the store clerk that just ran out of a nearby store. Some more people shouted in protest of the thieving criminal, but all was for null as he rushed out of sight.
“Yell all ya’ want sucker! This cash is mine!” Grinded his gargling voice. Other bystanders just carried on with their days, this wasn’t the first criminal, and it won't be the last.
“Dude where are all the Heroes?” asked a civilian, confusion etched his face, “Normally one would attack right away.” Despite the worried looks of others, however mild, a nearby senior scoffed and turned to a fellow colleague.
“Remember when we didn’t need to worry about criminals using their Quirks left and right?”
“Seriously there’s no stopping them.”
Back at the same store a sickly blond man exited with shopping in each hand. His lanky body then expanded and grew in size to a buff and well-known Hero.
“Yes, there is,” At hearing the recognizable tone, bystanders looked over and were immediately stripped of their worries. “You know why? Because I am here!”
-After Class-
“Wanna go to karaoke?”
“A Gigantification quirk huh? Didn’t Kacchan come up with one just like this?” Muttered Midoriya, scrolling down the news on his phone about a new Pro Hero’s debut.
Leaning on the greenette’s desk, Bakugo glanced at Izuku’s phone.
“I’m heading to the shopping district in a min, you guys want anything?”
Jumping up spooked, Izuku stuttered out,
“K-Kacchan! Um... it’s fine I don’t really need anything.” The third member of the trio piped up from the doorway,
“You paying?” asked Tsubasa, his thin grey ponytail resting over his shoulder.
“Yeah right!” Answered the blond while as he rolled his eyes, “Sure. What’cha want Basa?” The long-haired teen pretended to think it over.
“Not sure.” Was his reply. Bakugo just scoffed,
“Candy it is then.” He looked back at Izuku who was typing something on this phone, most likely notes on the new Hero and Criminal from the news.
“You sure you don’t want anything ‘Zuku? I heard the new Hero collectors' cards are in.” His face overcame with a sly playful look, knowing that Midoriya was collecting them.
“B-but Kacchan! You don’t have to; I can just pick some up tomorrow!” Though he tried to persist, the greenette looked thankful knowing that the blond would do it anyway.
“No buts!” Bakugo grinded heading to the door.
“See ya guys!” The trio then headed out their separate ways, though Katsuki couldn’t get the feeling from the back of his mind that disaster was sure to come.
Stopping in his tracks, he turned his head back to his Best Friends.
“...Chujitsu, stick with Izuku for me, will ya?” At the sight of the blonde's wariness and the worried tone of his voice, Chijitsu and Izuku were quick to agree.
Feel free to critique this in the comments!
I love hearing from you guys!
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dredreadsdrawing · 4 years
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Oc-tober Day 21: Palette
Aight, first and foremost, this is not a pretty story and these character are morally veeery bad people lol. And the colors I used for Massacre Anne in the first piece are not at all what they really are, they’re just the palette swap thing. Moving on to the story:
Based on the song Massacre Anne by Mary Crowell:
Massacre Anne was a well-known mass murderer, on a rampage for years until a powerful wizard cornered her. She expected to die, but he gave her a choice. He marked her bones, making her more powerful and chaining her to his will. He would use her to clean up the other powerful law breakers.
She killed evildoers for years, armed with a magical list showing all her opponents, a sentient sword, and a mammoth as transportation. She never complained, she loved the thrill of being able to kill powerful opponents.
Then, one year, a Lord of Necromancy who routinely (and illegally) brought zombies back to life to search for his lost love (and to release his… desires when it’s not her), at the basement of the Wizard Tower, accidentally opened doors one too many times and unleashed the Angel of Darkness. With the angel gone from its realm, all souls became unleashed, and zombies littered the desert.
The Angel of Darkness took the chance to go out and get revenge on those who he feels are unworthy and wrong. He starts with the wizard commission, killing them all and inhaling the Master, keeping him prisoner inside his stomach. He spares the Lord of Necromancy because he feels no threat from him, instead, gratitude. The Lord of Necromancy is shaken but takes being spared by cowering in his room with a zombie girl caught in the crossfire.
Before getting inhaled, the Master sends an SOS to Massacre Anne. She goes to the temple as fast as she can, but all she finds are the feathers of the angel and the emergency power rings her Master never took off. She puts them on and finds the Lord of Necromancy in the basement. When she hears of what happened, she forcefully takes the Lord and zombie girl with her on her quest. She claims she will never rest until she gets her Master back!
…. But first how about some more killings to let her blow off steam? She goes to the desert to check her paper for some quick stops, only to find her names disappearing one by one. She’s distraught, her kill count is shrinking! She investigates by going to the last name, hoping to get there before they’re killed as well.
The last name is of a Priest of Guile and Elocution. He was a Priest who took advantage of his smooth talk to trick many people through the years, eventually leading to him having to sign a contract with a devil in order to not die. Little did he know, the devil was already working for another; his rival for power, the king of the desert. He was framed for many crimes he didn’t commit, and incarcerated. It was the night before his execution when the Angel of Death burst into the kingdom, powered up with the souls of all the criminals they killed, demanding the devil come out and fight him. The king, now possessed by the devil, proceeds to fight with the Angel; in the confusion, the jail is crushed and the Priest almost escapes, before getting snatched by Massacre Anne. They get away from the town just before it was completely decimated, and Massacre Anne hides the Priest with them on a cave; her base.
There, she learns more about the Angel of Death and the Devil thanks to the priest. The Angel of Death used to be a pure one, the most naïve of all angels, but he was tricked by the king with help of the Devil and her Master into going down to Earth. Once he stepped foot on the ground, he was attacked by Master, and stripped of his holiness in order to feed the Devil. After he was drained, they tossed him aside, making him too weak to fly back up to heaven, and too tainted to be rescued by his fellow angels. Instead, the ground swallowed him, and he became the keeper of souls, the Angel of Death. Try as he might, he had no power to get out, but he bid his time until he could. Overtime, his strength was regained, but he was still trapped.
Then he was unleashed by the Lord of Necromancy and here we are.
Boosted by the power of many living souls, the Angel of Death defeats the Devil, crushing him and the king, feeding on their power as well, regaining his holiness in the process. The problem, though, was he was still a tainted angel; mixing the two causes a reaction in him, turning him into a demigod.
He plans on going to heaven now and destroying the angels that abandoned him. Once he’s up there, Massacre Anne and the rest wont be able to stop him, and the Master will be doomed.
They need a plan.
They agree to work together, and they stage a trap with multiple layers. Lord of Necromancy manages to hold the angel down by overwhelming him with a mountain of zombies, the Priest uses his possession powers to keep the angel in a sedated form, unable to fight, and Massacre Anne delivers the final blow, using all her power gained from her master.
It works.
He pops, and all the people he inhaled are back. The door sucks up all the lost souls and closes again, taking all the zombies with it (including the poor zombie girl everyone got attached to), and they are left back to normal. Except the Master’s energy has been reduced significantly and he has become a child now with his adult brain still intact. The big bad Master has now become much less of a threat, reverted to a child, and Massacre Anne fakes sweetness for am minute only to immediately try to kill him to get out of the contract, but no matter his power level, she is still bound to his will and cannot harm him. Now she must continue killing big opponents like before, but the Master joins her in order to soak up their power and restore his levels, much to her disdain. The Lord flees before he’s able to be persecuted, becoming another name in Massacre Anne’s list. His mission has been modified to bring back both his love and the young zombie he’s taken a parental role for, now with the added difficulty of not having the supplies he needs nor the portal chamber the Wizard Tower provided. He needs to build his own. The Priest returns to his position as leader of the church and, now with the king dead, his power is absolute. He will work closely with the Master to create new rules to follow… or else be persecuted. Massacre Anne is excited for the possibilities of more names being added with these revisions. (This is fuel for a second part to the story)
A few notes on the characters I couldn’t take pictures of cuz Tumblr has a limit of photos lol: 
Massacre Anne:
- A sociopath
- Really doesn’t understand feelings or empathy
- Has no interest in turning “good”.
- Hates her Master behind a smile
- Only searches for him because of his command. Was very theatrical the whole search for him and would constantly grooooaaan about it.
- Has a sentient weapon that changes shape but mostly takes the form of a sword cuz they’re cool. It’s the “Sword with a will of its own” in the song. It’s definitely her best friend and the only one that ‘gets her’. 
- The Priest and Lord somewhat befriend her as well, though they know they’d kill eachother if it came to it. Massacre Anne has formed a stronger bond with the Zombie Girl, and she went as far as calling her her only female friend. Zombie Girl genuinely likes Massacre Anne, though she finds some stuff she does offputting.
Lord of Necromancy:
- There’s no way around this, this man’s a bit of a necro, though he only takes corpses with souls and asks for consent. 
- On a normal day, his zombies would only last a week usually before their souls slip away.
- His kink started with his love, a the past head of the Wizard Tower, an older woman who took him under her wing. This dude is trans, and she was the only one that helped him fit into his body. She was kind and understanding, nurturing even, and he was hopelessly in love. She brought him to the basement and introduced him to zombie summoning. You can imagine what went on.
- Then she died in an accident. She maniacally laughed till the very end, excited and calling this her favorite experience yet. The Lord was distraught without her. He mourned for a day before beginning his search for her soul. He’s been looking for her for years.
- When he was stuck with the young zombie girl, he was annoyed at first. He has no use for ones as young as her, and to top it off, this girl was missing her tongue and was mute. Poor conversationalist. But with time, she really grew on him. And he began accepting her as his adopted child. When the portal closed and she was ripped from his arms, he nearly followed her. The Priest held him down and prevented him. Now it’s his duty to find both his love and his child.
- He’s selfish, egotistical, narcissistic..... but he’s smart af. He can play anyone like a fiddle.
- Celibate (read: He’s so self centered, everyone else just... disgusts him)
- Him and the Lord do NOT get along... though their relationship becomes more amicable with the more alcohol they drink. By the end, he saves the Lord in a moment of genuine concern that suprises everyone. Though he’ll always say it was just his instinct kicking in. Tsundere.
- He also became close to Zombie Girl, and even the Mammoth. Zombie Girl stuck to him and helped him get well (since when he was found, he had a fever and hadn’t eaten in days.) Afterwards, she would always listen to his ramblings and make him knicknacks like flower crowns and stick dollies. He once again would never admit it but he kept a few. He ends up liking the Mammoth becuase, though it is big, hairy and smelly, it’s helped the Priest many times as well, even blocking hits with its trunk. Ugh, feelings.
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sapphiresnowqueen · 4 years
The Dreemurr Fortune: Prologue
Asriel Dreemurr was stolen from his bedroom at some point during the night on November 11th, 1921. He was just seventeen, just about to step into his role as an adult Dreemurr. The family was famous and rich, partially due to their restaurant chain, and partially due to their real estate and construction company, and also just because they were famous for being rich and rich because they were famous.
Toriel, the mother, was a sort of sex symbol and had spent her youth modeling, whereas Asgore had been born into the Dreemurr family and had always been a business man.
It was thought that Toriel couldn't get pregnant, so they adopted a young girl when they were ready to have kids, and then the shock came about a year and a half after that, when Toriel found out she was, in fact, pregnant…
Asriel Dreemurr was the cute little darling of the family, with his fluffy white fur and his bright green eyes, he was quite an attractive young man. Beloved.
He got to be about 17, and that was the last anyone saw him. It was thought that he had disappeared from his room, kidnapped, perhaps, but regardless… after two years they had to have a funeral for him. Had to accept that he was gone forever.
Only he wasn't. Asriel wasn't dead, wasn't even lost. He was happy. The heir to the Dreemurr empire had been stolen from his bed, yes, but it's much more complicated than that.
A young, mysterious woman by the name of Chara, had ordered his kidnapping. The heir to the Dreemurr fortune, stolen from his room, less than a year before his eighteenth birthday. The family would certainly pay a lot of money to get him back. And Chara was counting on that.
Chara wasn't just a common criminal, it would take more smarts than that to execute a kidnapping of a member of the richest and most protected monster family in the country-hell, possibly the world. And Chara was smart enough. Bold enough. Had the means to do it.
Chara was queen of the Underground. At just 22 years old, she had a total of 3 years experience under her belt being leader, too. She had successfully identified the leader of this Underground society, seduced him, murdered him, and took his place. All while she was nineteen, too. And the Underground was thriving under her rule, more than it had ever been.
The City Under The City, as it was nicknamed. Chara ruled all.
All she needed was something big, something nobody could ignore, to really set herself apart from her predecessors. And Asriel Dreemurr that was just that.
She had sent a few of her people to get him with a perfectly planned course of action to achieve this. The Dreemurrs had 24 hour security patrolling their Manor, but these patrolmen were humans and monsters- and humans and monsters make mistakes. Sometimes pay attention to one thing, while a more serious thing happens right behind them.
Chara had racoons released at their fence, distracting the guards that were patrolling around the western side of the Manor, where Asriel's bedroom was.
In the dead of night two women, two of Chara's most trusted underlings, climbed up to his window, and shattered it to get inside.
Asriel woke up to the sound of shattering glass, but was promptly gagged, sedated, and carried off with a cloth bag over his head. Never to be seen again.
When he regained consciousness he was in a dark room, tied to a chair. He couldn't move his arms or legs.
It was only natural that the pampered Dreemurr heir was scared.
The lights came on, revealing an extravagant throne with a silver base and a red cushioned seat and back, black accents and details all over. And in that throne? Perhaps an even more impressive woman.
She had a vibrant, fire engine red pixie cut, which complimented her lightly sun-kissed skin, her eyes were red, like nothing Asriel had ever seen before on a human, and her cheekbones were high, very defined. But perhaps what got his attention the most was her lips. Painted black, she had a defined cupid's bow, and her lower lip was bigger than her top lip. 
She was strung across her chair, sitting sideways with a pair of very toned, almost muscular legs positioned over the right armrest of the chair. She swung them back over to be in front of her, and then rose to her feet.
She was very fit all around, actually. Muscular legs, toned arms, a pear shaped figure, all graced her medium build. And she was tall. Probably aided by the black heels she wore, but she towered over Asriel, especially with him tied down to the chair like this. 
To say he is intimidated would be an understatement.
His fingers twitched. If his mother wasn't so insistent on him keeping his claws trimmed down he might have been able to tear through this rope and set himself free. 
"I never intended to show you my face, Asriel Dreemurr." She began.
Her voice was low, but so, so melodic. It made Asriel's ears twitch.
"I intended to extract payment from your family, and then perhaps execute you publicly. All without you ever knowing what's happening. And yet, I've found myself in quite the trouble…"
She walked towards him as she spoke, gently feeling his soft, fluffy ears when she reached him.
"You're too cute to kill." She grinned, revealing some razer-sharp fangs similar to what you would see in a vampire movie.
Asriel was frozen. He couldn't speak, he could barely breathe.
"I've grown lonely, Asriel… pathetic, isn't it? My self imposed social isolation has created something it was intended to destroy. A weakness."
Chara cringed at her own words.
"And so, I've decided, that if I'm to have a weakness whether I isolate myself from connection either way, I will choose the weakness that minimizes my negative emotions. I will choose to have an attachment rather than a longing. What I'm getting at, is… I will not kill you, nor will I extract money from your family, so long as you stay with me."
All this information at once overwhelmed Asriel. But after a few moments of silence, it became clear to him what he needed to do.
"Would you be surprised if I said I would rather stay here?"
Chara looked surprised. So it could be assumed that, yes, she would be further surprised to hear Asriel say that.
She had expected it to be a long, tedious process to get him to choose her over his family.
Asriel looked down at himself. Even his pajamas were lavish, silk. His fur was finely groomed and conditioned. He had never known hunger or poverty. But it was all at a price. A price too high for him to pay, it seemed. 
"My parents expect me to inherit their fortune when they die. And in less than a year I am to start taking control of some of the businesses. My image is constantly prioritized over my sense of self, I…" he shook his head, a fear tears made the fur underneath his eyes wet.
"It is so much pressure. I've considered death before submitting to the future they want for me. But this seems like another option. A way out." He looked up, his green eyes meeting her red ones.
"I will give my life to you if you promise me protection. Promise not to hurt me, and instead shield me. I would rather be a nobody, hidden away from the public eye, than be a Dreemurr. I want to be Asriel."
The desire to disappear was something Chara could relate to. Was that not her desire at nineteen? To disappear from the consequences of her delinquency and seek power, rather than poverty?
She pulled a knife from a holder underneath her dress, and simply cut Asriel free.
"I believe we've come to an agreement, Asriel."
She had such a dazzling, enchanting smile. And she couldn't wipe it off of her face as she extended a hand to Asriel and helped him up out of the rather uncomfortable wooden chair.
Asriel was taking a leap of faith. Anything, he thought, would be better than becoming another Mr. Dreemurr. And if that anything consisted of such an attractive young woman? He would gladly accept his fate.
Still, a thought lingered in the back of his head for his sister.
Frisk deserves the fortune, the power. She's always had such good ideas about what to do with the fortune and how she could benefit the community. She's a business woman at heart. Always has been. 
Asriel knew that Frisk would miss him. But this is just something he had to do.
Chara rarely appears in public. But she made an exception today for the very public funeral of her beloved, and definitely not dead, Asriel.
Her hair had grown out into a bob, and she wore regular sunglasses, and dressed in a black dress. The funeral was indoors, so she looked slightly overdressed with her big black coat and the sunglasses still on. But she didn't want anybody to look at her. She just wanted to observe. Get to know Asriel from the point of view of people who didn't really know him, she supposed.
Nobody really knew Asriel, except for her. And it proved true in the speeches all of these people gave. Vague, and sometimes completely false information about Asriel, was spread and celebrated at his own funeral. Chara was disgusted.
That is, until a young Latina woman took the stage. She was about 5'8, curly brown hair that fell just above her shoulders. Asriel's sister, Chara guessed.
"I'd like to start this off by saying thank you to everyone who came here to celebrate my brother. He's a good person and a better sibling." She began.
Chara immediately took note that this woman spoke of Asriel in the present tense. She suspected denial.
"He's brilliant, isn't he?" She smiled sadly.
Chara prepared herself for another series of false statements. But this woman didn't seem to have much of anything false to say.
"I was two years old when Asriel was born. I don't remember it. In fact, I think my very first memory was when he was two. He was such a pain… always wanted to take my toys away from me, always wanted to pull my hair, poke me… It was like he lived to make little four year old me miserable. That… that never changed. He's always loved to irritate me. But our most tender moments consisted of him being very raw with me. Very, deeply honest." She had to dry a stray tear on her cheek.
"When he was twelve Asriel told me he wished that I would take over as the primary heir instead of him. I laughed at him. Why would anybody ever turn down such an opportunity, y'know? But he always listened to my big ideas and plans for charities and thought I would be a better heir. Over and over I mimicked our parent's words, that I'm a woman, that I'm adopted, that I'm their darling and they never want me to have to work a day in my life, that Asriel was meant to be the heir."
Some people were notably uncomfortable, squirming in their seats. Sweating.
"When Asriel was fourteen he told me he'd rather kill himself than become another Mr Dreemurr."
There was whispers in the crowd. A man in a black suit came and grabbed the woman's arms, beginning to pull her away from the microphone. But she got two more sentences out, tears in her eyes…
"I know that wherever he is, he's happy to not be just another rich man giving orders. That's the last thing he ever wanted to be."
It seems Chara may not be the only one here that truly understood Asriel.
But she's the only one to know that these people are having a funeral for a young man who is very much alive.
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marvelmando · 5 years
tempest [p.parker x o.c.] - before
notes: hi. so, I’ve already uploaded this before, but I don’t think enough people saw it, or maybe it was just bad in general. I’m not sure. please let me know what you guys think, I need the validation :)
contains: swearing, canon-typical violence, hostages
pairing: peter parker + fem!o.c.
word count: 4.4k
next chapter tempest masterlist
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MARIN WASN'T SURE WHAT BUGGED HER MORE—the annoyingly steady thumping of Oliver Hall's foot, or the weight of the side-eyed glares Lucy Webb kept aiming her way.
Decidedly, Marin met Lucy's gaze with equal intensity. "What?" She clipped, not meaning to sound so sharp, but heights tended to do funny things to Marin's stomach, and unless she wanted a second look at her lunch, she kept talking to a minimum.
Lucy pressed her full lips into a flat line, looking at Marin out of the corner of her eye until she slid her gaze forward. She adjusted her grip on her seat's straps. "Nothing."
Sensing the fire burning behind Lucy's eyes (a good, ironic pun, she commended herself silently), Marin waited patiently in her own seat to Lucy's right, watching as Lucy strung together words in her head. Unlike Marin, Lucy, admirably, was careful in what she said and how she said it—a great characteristic; exemplary of her leadership abilities, but completely inconsistent with the expected temperament that was typically associated with her mutant abilities. One would assume, with Lucy's ability to control fire, her personality would be complementary, but she was rather the exact opposite—mostly level-headed and calm. Marin could count on one hand the number of times she'd seen the older mutant lose her cool (another pun, she thought, I'm on fire! Whoops, did it again).
"Do you think you're... prepared... for the mission?" Lucy finally asked after a while. She was being careful again, Marin could tell. Her eyes said it all—the blatant fear, the hesitation, the caution; it was a look Marin had seen in all the eyes of those who knew her—knew her story, at least—since she'd come to live at the Institute nearly nine years ago.
"I'm going to behave," she responded, narrowing her eyes. "Since I know that's what you're really wondering."
Despite her occasional censure of Marin's behaviors, Lucy was one of only a few other mutants whoever looked at her with anything other than suspicion. She supposed that meant Lucy was her friend—her only friend, really—and Marin was glad enough for it.
Lucy gave her a disbelieving look. "That's what you said last time, Marin. And your heroism nearly cost us Sanchez's life, and all the information he had on the Crimson Circle."
"I'm well aware." Marin huffed, jostling in her seat as the jet jerked through a pocket of turbulence. She flicked away a section of her bangs that had fallen into her eyes. "Besides, I think the three weeks of probation was more than enough punishment for me to learn my lesson on how not to treat criminals like people."
Lucy rolled her eyes at the sarcasm. No matter how many times Marin got in trouble, no matter how many punishments the doled out to her, Marin would never lose the stubborn streak she'd had since she came to the Institute. For reasons Marin couldn't understand, Professor Charles Xavier had yet to kick her off of the X-Men team, and she wondered just how far she could go before he lost his patience entirely.
Marin was ambiguous about her role as an X-Man. On the one hand, it gave her an opportunity to help people in ways she wouldn't be able to if she was stuck back at the Institute every day. It often felt that this was the only reason why she hadn't just quit the team herself. The X-Men were an elite team at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, and her position as one of ten total members put her in an uncomfortable sort of spotlight—one even more unnerving than being the center of gossip on what happened the night her powers were revealed.
(Which confused her, since most mutants tended to have gnarly origin stories, and Marin felt like she was no exception. But she knew what they said about her—what they say she did. None of it was true, and the Professor never addressed the gossip, so she never brought it up. She'd just figured he had no idea of what they said about her. Besides, tattling would do nothing but fuel the flames further. And anyway, it didn't bother her; she was a loner either way.)
Whatever today's mission was, it apparently required five members of the team, accompanied by two of the older mutants. Hank McCoy sat at the cockpit, showing Avery Cho sequences of button-pressing and flip-switching. The girl looked bored, popping her gum against her teeth as she copied Hank's movements by flipping and pushing with a nudge of her mind. Logan (she wasn't really sure if he actually had a last name) was standing at the back of the jet, leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and sharp eyes observing his wards. Marin suspected he was only there to make sure she stayed in check, and the way his gaze seemed to train on her periodically confirmed her suspicions.
With nothing left to say, Lucy fell silent. The consistent drone of the jet speeding through the air was only disrupted by Oliver's tapping foot. Marin knew he couldn't help it; his super-speed made him constantly hyperactive, and she didn't think she had ever actually seen him stay still for more than a second at a time.
As she observed her surroundings, she noticed for the first time that Lucy sat unaccompanied, surprised to find James' usual seat (always right next to his girlfriend) empty. The couple was practically inseparable, joint at the hips in a perpetual honeymoon phase—even if they'd been together for three years now.
James was also telepathic, and Marin figured that if there was one person who should go on all missions, no matter how inconsequential, it should be the guy that could read and control minds. Not for the first time that day, Marin wondered what the mission was that they need to travel all the way to Queens for, and with half of the team, no less.
The last person Marin observed was Juniper Pierre, and as far as Marin knew, she'd only been at the Institute for little over a year, and that she could control plants or something. She was nice enough, though, from the few interactions Marin had had with her.
Feeling the lurching impact of the jet setting on the solid ground had a similar effect on jerking her out of her thoughts. She clicked her straps loose, standing with a stretch to regain feeling in her numb behind.
Everyone gathered around Lucy, who had taken head on the center of the now-lowered gangway ramp. She cleared her throat and began reading her exposition off of a small packet of folded papers she pulled from the inside of her X-Men jacket. "Witnesses reported seeing a flash of green light before calls were made into local responders after a neighbor noticed smoke coming from within the house. The sheriff department's lieutenant then contacted the Institute when he found our subject, Mary Tellers, aged seven, inside the home and abandoned by her parents— crying, but otherwise untouched by the fire. Lieutenant Collins informed us that when he tried to drag the subject out of the house, she emanated the same green light witnesses noted seeing earlier. Our best guess is energy manipulation, and we should tread with caution."
A weirdly heavy feeling settled in Marin's stomach, but the group was moving before she had a chance to contemplate as to why. She was still unsure why this recruitment mission needed so many people, but followed anyway.
Logan and Hank stayed behind as usual. Marin realized they'd landed the jet in a secluded plot of flat land that was surrounded by a thick layer of trees. According to her own smaller packet of information, which she referenced with a passing glance, they were heading to the police department located in Richmond Hill.
She wasn't sure exactly how far away they landed, but it took a solid twenty-five minutes for the group to reach the precinct. It must've looked strange, even for New York, to see a gaggle of teenagers dressed in matching blue and yellow leather jackets, approach the doors of the police department with varying levels of determination and severity. Marin was the last to enter the building, only pausing with her hand still holding the door open to let an officer pass through before she hurried along after the group.
They huddled into a small waiting room, where a little girl still covered in soot sat in a padded chair with her knees tucked up to her chest, wrapped in a light blue blanket. Next to her was whom Marin assumed to be the lieutenant. Lucy exchanged a few indeterminable words with him before turning to the girl.
"Hello," Lucy smiled kindly down at her, gently taking an empty seat beside her. "What's your name, sweetheart?"
"Mary Tellers," the little girl whispered, the missing front tooth giving her a slight lisp.
"That's a very pretty name." Lucy cooed. "My name is Lucy, and these are my friends: that's Oliver, and Juniper, and Avery, and Marin." She said, pointing to each in turn. "Can you tell us what happened this morning, Mary?"
Mary flicked her eyes hesitantly between each of them. "It's alright," Juniper spoke, her honey-smooth voice warm and gentle. "We're here to help you."
Mary nodded slowly, taking them in. "I don't kn-know, I came home from-from school and Mommy was putting clothes in a big suitcase, and Daddy said I had to go live with Na-Nana because they couldn't take care of me anymore, and I just—I just—" tears overcame her, and the little girl hugged her knees tighter as she buried her face into them.
"It's okay," Lucy shushed the girl—comforting her, but not touching her. If there was one thing all mutants collectively excelled at, it was dealing with people who had experienced trauma. "It's okay, Mary. You're not alone."
Mary eventually calmed down enough to pick her head up from between her knees, watching as Juniper approached her slowly, holding out a flattened hand so she could see a small daisy bloom in her palm.
"You're not a monster, Mary. You're a mutant." Lucy explained, the girl's eyes going wide. "So is Juniper, that's why she could grow that flower. We all are."
"Really?" She asked, and when everyone nodded in response, she seemed to calm down.
"There's a place where you can go and be safe to use your powers. That's where we all came from, and we would all love it if you came and joined us there. Would you like that?"
Mary nodded slowly, unfurling herself and standing on wobbly legs. Taking Lucy's hand, Mary was led out of the station with the rest of the group. By that time, the sun had begun to set, and the streets were surprisingly empty for a brisk April evening.
Barely five minutes had passed, and Mary was already starting to cheer up as Juniper popped out flowers one-by-one, so the two could fashion them into a braided crown.
Marin, once again, lingered behind, too caught up in her passing thoughts. The team had come to a relatively quiet intersection, only the occasional car passing them by.
The air was still and calm, but the tranquility shattered as a shrill scream rang out through the street, coming from behind them. Marin bristled, immediately alert and aware of her surroundings. Surprisingly, no one else seemed affected, as if they hadn't even heard the scream at all. No one else except Mary, who tugged on Lucy's hand.
"What was that?" Her lip quivered, the half-made flower crown shaking in her tiny hands.
"Oh, I'm sure that was nothing, sweetheart." Lucy responded with a saccharine smile, before giving the rest of the team a discreet jerk of her head that said 'we've got to go'.
Marin was shocked but not entirely surprised to see the rest of the group follow Lucy without hesitation. Marin watched their retreating backs frantically as the headed in the opposite direction of where the scream came from.
"So—we're just going pretend like we didn't just hear a woman screaming?" Marin blurted, causing everyone to turn and look at her. She noticed the glares they gave her, but she decided that she didn't particularly care; instead, she felt stunned that she was the only person concerned. "We're just going to ignore them, even if they probably need help?!"
"We can't do this now, Marin." Lucy clipped, making to grab Marin's wrist. But Marin twisted away, taking a couple steps back.
"No," she shook her head incredulously, gesturing around with her arms. "We—we've got to do something! We can't just abandon them!"
Lucy made up the difference in the distance Marin had put between them in a fraction of a second. The sudden close proximity to the heat radiating off of Lucy was stifling and caused Marin to drawback. "And why exactly do we have to do anything, Rain?" Lucy sneered Marin's horrendous code-name like it was a searing fire poker, branding painfully on Marin's flesh. She had made it obvious of her disdain for the name in the past—it had become a permanent reminder that she was stuck at the Institute, that she'd forever be an X-Man. (That, and it was kind of a hideous superhero name.)
"Don't call me that." Marin snarled back, clenching her fists. Her voice was sharp but pained, displaying obvious weakness to a trained ear. Lucy noticed, of course, because she quirked an eyebrow like Marin was challenging her (and failing, too, judging by the haughty weight in her eyes).  Marin inhaled shakily. "We—we're heroes, aren't we? I mean—isn't that what we should do? Go out and save—"
"No." Lucy snapped, her eyes glowing a vibrant orange with barely-controlled rage. Stunned by her sudden hostility, Marin cowered. It was there, in her eyes—a resentment too familiar to Marin. Lucy was supposed to be different, she thought pathetically. "We are not heroes, Marin Frost. We are mutants. And we are certainly not those irresponsible, arrogant fools playing dress-up and dropping cities out of the sky. We are not the Avengers—you are not an Avenger. Your stupid delusions that you are one, need to end now because you never will be."
Marin's breath seized in her chest, she felt like she was boiling from the inside out. As she glanced around at the others, Marin noticed that no one was coming to her defense. No one even looked sorry—just annoyed and impatient. They didn't care about her—it was a realization that, while not entirely surprising, still slammed into her like a fist to the solar plexus. Marin fought through the large hole of abandonment burning through her heart.
(She could still hear the distant cries for help.)
"Fine." She conceded with a choking sound, appearing defeated. As Lucy nodded and led the group away, no one bothered to see Marin's eyes scorch with bright defiance.
No one even noticed she was gone until they had climbed into the belly of the jet, and no one was there to trail in behind them.
This was a bad idea. The worst she'd ever had, if Marin would admit it to herself (which, of course, she wouldn't).
She was already on thin ice with Charles after her last act of defiance, and she was positive that this was the last stunt she would pull as an X-Man. But she couldn't find it in herself to regret her actions, not when she could still hear those women screaming for help. She relished in the rush of adrenaline sweeping through her body as she followed the commotion to a bank down the street. She took only a few precious moments to catch her breath, yanking off her X-Men jacket and exposing her bare arms to the cool air. Digging through her jacket, she pulled out her reusable water bottle and unscrewed the lid for easy access. Despite the chill in the evening air, Marin flushed with slight perspiration.
Peeking around the corner from where she hid next to the building, Marin looked in the window, taking inventory of the people inside. Four men in ski masks, all carrying handguns; two women huddled in the furthest corner of the bank with one criminal keeping his gun trained on them, and one woman being held in the clutches of the center-most robber, his gun digging into her temple. The other two men had their guns aimed at... a boy, Marin assumed, wearing blue sweatpants (were those red knee-socks they were tucked into?) and a red hoodie, his arms waving minimally in the air. Was he... wearing a mask? And what were those chunky black things wrapped around his wrists?
Marin didn't know what this kid was doing walking around dressed like that in public, but she supposed that she was still technically in the city, and she knew the truths behind stereotypical city-dwelling crazies. Still, the masked weirdo was a hostage just as much as those women were, and with how his hand gestures kept getting increasingly more erratic, Marin didn't want to waste another second.
"Well, I must say that I'm disappointed I wasn't invited to the slumber party," She waltzed through the door, adopting a casual tone as to not startle the criminals and jeopardize the hostages' safety.
"Who the fuck are you?" The man holding the female hostage by the neck demanded, aiming his weapon at the boy, while the other two whipped theirs on Marin.
"That is... incredibly rude, sir." Marin tutted, taking small, careful steps toward the scene. The fabric of the ski mask shifted like he was scrunching up his face, most likely in confusion. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you and your buddies to leave this fine establishment."
The man scoffed, adjusting his grip on the gun. "You've gotta be kiddin' me."
"Afraid not, Mr. Criminal. I only kid on Tuesdays and Fridays exclusively, and today just so happens to be a Thursday." Marin sighed, continuing to inch towards them. "Now, why don't we let these nice women and... boy... go? Surely you'd rather things stay nice and clean so your face doesn't get any uglier than I'm sure it already is."
Curse her improvising ass. She always ended up insulting someone when she was on a roll, and to do it now was asking for trouble. She had a split second to realize that he turned his gun on her, but she was prepared enough to react. She flicked her hand up, summoning the water from inside her bottle and surrounding the bullet with it. Instantaneously, she turned the water to ice, trapping the bullet in midair and swatting it to the floor beside her, barely missing her head.
Silence fell over the room as everyone watched in astonishment.
"What the hell?!" Marin heard a voice cry out. Shifting her head to spare him a glance, the boy had his hands clutched to his head in shock. Were those goggles?!
In her moment of distraction, one of the extra thugs took the opportunity to strike, lashing out at Marin's forehead with the butt of their gun. She yelped in surprise but didn't have enough time to recover before the other man stepped forward and kicked her hard in the stomach.
Her breath flew out of her with a grunt, the force of the kick sending her sprawling back into a couple of chairs lined against the front wall. Just before she moved to right herself, red and blue flashed in the peripherals of her vision. She straightened as best as she could, clutching her stomach and determinedly ignoring the throb of pain radiating in her forehead.
To her complete and utter surprise, Marin found the boy in red and blue pajamas on the ceiling. What... the hell?
As he hung upside-down, somehow keeping himself attached to the stucco ceiling of the bank, he took turns fighting the three criminals that had gone to attack him. He lashed out only occasionally, letting the criminals to most of the work for him; ducking and dodging swings he couldn't have possibly seen, even out of the corner of his eye. Then, almost strangest of all, he shot out his hand and released a white fluid from the black thing on his wrist, attaching itself to one assailant's face.
What. The. Hell?!
Marin flipped her gaze over to the women, who were being corralled to the opposite side of the bank, away from the action, by the fourth criminal. As he shoved one of the women, Marin retrieved the shattered ice laying on the floor, turning it back into a liquid and gathering it in her hand. The man shoved the barrel of his gun into one of the women's face, so Marin thrust out her hand, using the water to snatch the weapon away. With expert precision from years of training, Marin released the magazine from the gun with one hand, and turned the water back to ice with the other. She chucked the sphere of ice at the man's head before he could react, knocking him out instantly.
A pained gasp yanked at Marin's attention. She pivoted to find the boy on the ground, curled into himself for protection as the three thugs took turns beating into him with whatever means they could use. They weren't using their guns on him—an observation that told Marin that they would rather drag out his pain and suffering than stop him from retaliating.
Marin felt her anger surge as she watched the boy take the beating. Images flashed against her vision: Lucy digging into her soul, ripping her psyche to shreds and reveling in it—watching as no one came to defend her—enduring the years of isolation and animosity—remembering the night her powers surfaced, seeing the look in her father's eyes as he—
The first thing she noticed as her vision began to return, and her mind began to clear, was the ringing in her ears.
"What the hell are you?!" A feminine voice exclaimed in terror. Marin blinked away the dark spots clouding her vision. What... what happened? Marin wondered, taking in the scene before her. The lights overhead were blown out, bathing the bank in darkness. The criminals were tied up, trapped to the floor under a blanket of whatever came from the boy's weird wrist gadgets, unconscious but alive. Marin glanced around, only to find the boy gone. Where was he?
Remembering who had spoken, she snapped her gaze to the women still cowering in the corner of the room. Her heart dropped when she saw the fear in their eyes. The adrenaline rushed out of her and she was left with nothing but exhaustion and the feeling that she was about to shatter into a million tiny pieces.
"I-I don't—I'm sorry, I—" Marin stuttered, and realizing she was still gripping the unloaded handgun, she dropped it like it had stung her. She stumbled, tripping over her feet as she crashed through the doors. She gulped down a shaky breath, the crisp air burning a path down her trachea. Her throat ached with the desire to cry as she reached to pick up her jacket where she'd left it lying in the alley next to the bank, and collapsed against the wall, taking heaving breaths to keep herself from crying.
Suddenly, just as she'd managed to settle her breathing, a figure jumped down in front of her.
"Holy shit, dude!" She yelped and would've lashed out instinctively if she'd had enough energy to even get up off of the ground. Instead, she only clutched at her chest and didn't get up from her spot in the dirt. "Give a girl some warning next time you leap from outta nowhere!"
It was the boy, hovering over her hunched figure like a cross parent lecturing their child. "What the hell is your deal, lady?!" He shouted, pointing vigorously down at her. Marin immediately went on the defensive.
She screwed up her face. "What the hell is my—you should be thanking me right now! I just helped you—"
"I had it under control!" He growled forcefully. "I didn't need your help!"
Marin scrambled to her feet, enraged. "Are you fucking kidding, dude?! Waving your arms around like that? You were basically a human neon sign, screaming 'hey, come and shoot me'! I saved your ass, and if I didn't intervene when I did, you probably would have been shot—or killed!"
"Well, your little light show almost did kill those criminals in there! Not to mention that those women could've been killed, too!" He fired back. Marin's expression closed up as she glanced away. She had no idea what he was talking about, and her head was throbbing too much for her to come up with a response.
As the two regarded each other in silence, Marin realized something. This wasn't just a weird dude dressed like he was going to Comic-Con—he had powers. She didn't know what the whole deal was with his wrist devices, but she recognized his enhanced sensory abilities—the way he could detect movement even out of his line of sight. Then there was the matter of him being able to stick to the ceiling. As she looked down at his chest, she noticed a design drawn onto the fabric with a black marker.
"Is that a spider?" Marin pointed to his chest.
Startled by the sudden change in tone, he glanced down at his chest. "Ye—yes, it's a spider!" He screeched. Clearing his throat, he said, "I'm—I'm Spider-Man!"
That explained the white fluid—they must have been his version of spider webs. Marin cocked her head, thinking. "Hmm."
"I'm Marin."
"'Marin'? That's a weird superhero name."
"That's because it's my name, dingus."
Before he could respond, a throat was cleared. In front of them stood Logan, looking angry as hell with his claws out and on full display. Marin only gulped, but Spider-Man took a few frantic steps back.
"Shit," Marin's face twisted. "I'm screwed now, aren't I?"
"You're in real deep shit this time, kid," Logan grunted, obviously holding back his rage for the sake of the boy standing—well, behind her, now. "Say goodbye to your boyfriend, and get going."
"It was nice meeting you, Spider-Boy," Marin lamented, dropping to grab her jacket and water bottle. She muttered as she passed Logan, "And he's not my goddamn boyfriend, claws."
Logan grumbled a half-amused sound as he dragged her away, leaving a very disturbed young superhero in the darkness of the alley. Spider-Man grimaced to himself in disbelief.
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shannonwhumps · 5 years
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Bingo card space: mouth stitched shut Fandom: Marvel Relationship(s): Peter & Happy Warnings:  Kidnapping, Threatening with a gun, Beating, Concussion, Mouth being stitched shut Word Count: 4k
Peter smiled as he ran out of the school building. The sun was shining brightly and it was warm enough to make Peter sweat in his long sleeved shirt. It may have only been May, but summer weather was already on its way. Peter couldn’t wait.
Waiting just where he always was, Happy was leaning against his car. He had an unreadable expression on his face with his sunglasses perched on his nose, but Peter knew that was just a show. He didn’t mind picking Peter up from school; they’d been doing it for a few months now and he even let Peter sit in the front seat with him.
“Hey, Happy!” He called, waving excitedly to him as he reached him.
Happy’s top lip quirked slightly before falling back into a straight line. “Hey, squirt. How was school?”
“Great!” Peter said, not sure where to even start. Happy shook his head and walked around to get inside the car. Peter hopped into the passenger seat with a grin.
“I’m sure I’m gonna hear all about it,” he said, starting the car up.
Peter laughed. “You sure are.”
There was that lip quirk again. “Oh great. I forgot my earplugs at home.”
Peter smiled because he knew he didn’t mean it. “Lucky you.”
“Alright, fine. Go crazy. But I’m gonna need something to get me through this. You mind stopping for ice cream?”
Peter perked up in his seat. “Ice cream? Do you even have to ask?”
Happy chuckled. “Alright, kiddo. You got it.”
Happy started driving to the nearest ice cream parlor and Peter started his tale of everything that happened that day that he needed to tell Happy. He was halfway through telling Happy about this kid that tried tripping him in the hallway but wound up tripping himself when they finally stepped outside of the car.
“It was the same kid that you used the car to splash a puddle with when driving me home last week. Remember him?” Peter wasn’t sure why he tugged on Happy’s sleeve as he said that, but he did anyway and Happy didn’t mind.
“Oh, I remember him alright,” Happy huffed. “Tell him he wants to try something with you again and I’ll be using the car to run him over with.”
Peter rolled his eyes. He knew Happy didn’t mean it; he was just over-protective. Ever since he had gotten closer with Tony, that meant Rhodey and Happy also wanted to look out for him. “Yes, I’ll be sure to let him know. But I prefer when you’re not in jail for vehicular manslaughter, so let's--.” Peter froze when all of the hair stood up on his arms. That meant trouble. He stopped walking and grabbed Happy’s sleeve, tugging it.
Happy stopped as well and looked at him in concern. “What's wrong?”
Peter stared back with wide eyes and whispered, “Something’s wrong.”
Knowing exactly what that meant, Happy grabbed his hand and he started dragging Peter back to the car. “Get in and we're gonna call Tony.”
But just before they could reach the car, there was a man behind them and something pressed to Peter’s back. “Come with me nicely or else the boy gets a bullet in his kidney.”
“Okay, okay,” Happy said. “You don't have to shoot him. I’ll go willingly.”
“You better. Because while this can work with only one, I’d rather have both. He’ll be much more cooperative if both of you make it to the party.” The voice was strong, but Peter could hear it waver slightly. He was nervous, rightfully so if he was going to kidnap them. If they were alone, Peter could take him out in no time. And if he didn’t have the gun pressed against Peter’s side then Happy could easily take him out with one punch.
But they couldn’t do anything in public except for let them be shoved into the awaiting car just behind theirs. There was another man waiting in the driver’s seat, so the man with the gun shoved Peter forward in the backseat. He scrambled to sit up and keep his hands raised in the air when the gun was still pointed at him.
He got in after him, facing Happy and told him, “Get in the passenger seat or else we drive away and we blow his brains out and dump his body for you to find later.”
Happy’s voice was angry as he snapped, “I’m going! I’m going-- Jesus. He’s just a kid.”
“So you better get in if you want him to live the rest of his life,” the man in front seat said.  
Happy nodded his head, quickly getting into the front. The second he was sitting and the door was shut, the car was speeding off. Happy turned around to face them in the back. “You okay, kid?”
Peter nodded his head and opened his mouth to assure Happy he was fine, but the man next to him opened his mouth first, “Don’t say a fucking word to him.”
Happy frowned. “Which one of us are you reprimanding right now?”
“Both of you! Shut up!” The man shouted, digging the gun into Peter’s throat.
Happy raised his hands and worry was right back into his eyes. “Okay. Come on...get the gun off his neck.”
Happy’s begging made the man chuckle. “That’s nice. Remember your place. Remember I can take him out with one little pull of the trigger.”
“I’m listening-- just stop,” Happy said, sounding panicked.
“It’s okay,” Peter said, although he knew she should have just kept his mouth shut. “I’m okay, Happy. Don’t worry.”
The gun shoved against the pulse point in his throat and Peter winced. “I said shut up, brat!”
“Hey, no one calls the kid a brat except me,” Happy said.
The man grunted, turning to the driver. “Can you hurry up?”
“We’re almost there, man.”
The man next to Peter groaned, but the gun didn’t leave his throat. “If I hear one more word out of either of you, you’re gonna be sorry.”
Peter managed to keep his mouth shut the entire drive. Even as they were being transferred from the car into the warehouse. Spider-Man rambled when he was fighting criminals just because he could. But Peter rambled when he was nervous. And this was definitely nerve wracking. Once inside that warehouse, he couldn’t just use his full powers and take care of them. Then they would know he wasn’t a normal kid and he’s have to worry about Happy getting hurt as well.
Happy was quiet as well, only speaking a few times to tell them to go easy with Peter. Happy’s obvious frustration at them pushing Peter around only encouraged them to do it more. It was like the bullies at school; if Peter showed no reaction to th treatment, then they got bored and left him alone. But Happy wasn’t so good at keeping hi temper.
They got to staircase leading down to a basement and one man guided Happy down the steps. Then the other laughed and called down to him. “Hey, big boy. Catch.” He didn’t wait for Happy to turn around before he was shoving Peter forwards. He could have caught himself expertly because of his powers. But he was just a kid. He couldn’t let them know. Just like in school, he couldn’t use his powers to help him when shoved down.
So, he squeezed his eyes shut and braced himself for the hit. He fell down, smacking his head against one staircase and rolling down.
As he fell he heard Happy call out his name and rush back up the stairs to catch him as he fell. He only rolled down a few steps before he felt Happy grab him and lift him up. He ran his hands through his hair, searching for any bumps. When his hand hit the open scrape on his forehead, Peter gasped in pain. Happy rolled him over so he could get a better look. “Shit, kid. I’m sorry. I tried to catch you.”
Peter shook his head because it wasn’t Happy’s fault. None of this was. “‘M okay, Happy.” He grabbed Happy’s wrist so he wouldn’t fall again. “S’okay.”
“Jesus, kid…” Happy muttered, helping Peter stand to his feet. Before they could even regain their bearing, the man with them at the bottom of the steps grabbed them by the arms and dragged them further into the basement.
There were two chairs already waiting for them. The other man caught up to them, grabbing Peter again and shoved him into the chair next to Happy. They were then tied to the chairs around their wrists and ankles. Peter winced as the rope bit into his skin. He wanted nothing more than to break through the bindings and laugh at them. But Peter knew better. Tony had prepared him for times like this: being kidnapped. All he had to do was behave for the bad guys and do whatever he had to do to let Tony rescue him without pissing them off. Tony would come get him.
Once they were both secured in their seats, the men took a step back and smiled at the both of them. “Now, we wanna get this done as soon as possible, so if you could both just do exactly what we tell you then you’re going to be fine.”
The other man behind him walked to the video camera they had waiting on a tripod, directed at them. He stayed there as the other man continued to talk. “And I know this isn’t what you two wanted but we’re going to have to rough one of you up a bit…” He walked up to Happy, giving him a smile. “Just to show Mr. Stark that we’re very serious about this.”
Happy growled, narrowing his eyes at him. “Go ahead. Only way you’d be able to take me on is tied to this chair. Get your chance while you can or else I’ll kick your ass.”
“I don’t need to keep you tied up. I could win even if I were the one tied up.”
Happy laugh at that. “Of course you could, pal. Sure.”
That was getting the man annoyed. He clenched a fist. “Which one of us is the one tied to a chair in a basement? If you’re so strong then why did I get the drop on you?”
Happy furrowed his brow, almost sounding bored. “Let’s see...maybe because I had no idea to expect this and you were holding a gun to the kid’s back. I’m not a moron like you two.”
The man grabbed Happy by the tie, yanking him closer and causing the chair to balance to two legs. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Happy rolled his eyes. “It means that if you two think you’re getting out of this unharmed, you’re crazy. Not only are you pissing off Tony Stark, but you’re pissing me off too. You’re going to regret that.”
“Oh, you don’t scare me,” the man said, but Peter could see some fear in his eyes.
“And you don’t scare me. You think a little beating from you is gonna hurt me? I’ve been through worse. I think you’re punches are gonna be a tickle, honestly.” Happy shrugged his shoulders.
The man growled again, pulling back his fist and Happy didn’t flinch, but Peter saw him brace from the punch. Because he did it on purpose; he purposely wanted to piss the man off so he beat him up. He didn’t want Peter to be the one hurt. But Peter thought that was ridiculous because he was the one with the super healing abilities. He wasn’t going to just let Happy get beat for him.
“Don’t hurt yourself, man. You look a little...dainty...have you ever tried punching something?” Peter said before he could throw his fist forward. The man hesitated, looking at him and Happy shot him an angry look.
“What the hell did you say to me, kid?”
Peter shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing. Just that I’ve seen high school fist fights with better skmill. Your stance is all wrong-- seriously, man? You’re thumb is tucked into your fist? Have fun breaking that finger.”
The man lowered his fist and let go of Happy’s tie. “You’ve got some balls, kid.”
Peter grinned now that the attention was on him. That was easier than he thought. Happy didn’t look too please with him and Peter knew he’d be getting in trouble for this later, but as long as Happy was okay, then he would be. “I’m just saying, you’re talking a big game and honestly, I think I’ve been beaten by stronger high schooler than you.”
“You wanna find out, brat?” He asked, taking a step back from Happy and moving towards Peter.
Happy panicked, struggling against his bindings. “Are you seriously going to beat up a kid? You need that much of an ego boost?”
“He would be stupid not to. He wants Mr. Stark to get what they need. No offense, Happy, but I think he’d be a little more encouraged to get things done when they’re hurting a child and not his professionally trained bodyguard.”
The man nodded his head. “He is right...I’m guessing you’re used to this. You’ve taken a beating before. You can handle it. But can he?”
Happy shook his head, his voice growing desperate. “Please don’t. Tony will get you what you need without all of this.”
“Maybe. But I’d rather not test that theory.” He pulled a ski mask from his pocket, pulled it over his face and then turned around to the man by the camera. “Start rolling. I want him to see all of this.”
Peter squared his shoulders. He’d been through horrible beatings as Spider-Man. This would be nothing. He heard the camera beep in front of them and then the man started speaking.
“Good afternoon, Tony Stark. I’m sure if you’re aware of their disappearance yet, but I’m sure you can see my guests behind me. Your brat and his chauffeur.”
“He’s actually Head of Security-- more like a bodyguard,” Peter said before he could even tell his mouth to shut up.
The man clenched his jaw and tried to ignore him as he continued. “We’re not asking much. A few million. That shouldn’t even break your wallet.”
“A few million? I doubt you can even count past 20 with your shoes on. How do you know he’s gonna give you the full amount?”
The man paused, taking a deep breath. “And to ensure that you know how serious we are, we’re gonna give you a little demonstration. And believe me: this kid deserves it.”  
“You fucking touch him and I make sure you feel it back, 10 times worse,” Happy promised and Peter really didn’t think he was joking.
The man ignored him. “So, when you watch this...know that with every hour it takes you to get us exactly what we want, it happens all over again.”
Then it started.
He was untied from the chair and thrown to the ground. Peter immediately lifted his arms up and protected his head. The kicking was first. He must have been wearing steel-toed shoes on because, holy shit, it hurt.  
As he kicked, Happy cried out for him to stop. He was full out begging after one kick hit him in the head and Peter couldn’t hold back his yelp of pain. “Please stop. Leave the kid alone. Please. Take me.”
“You’ve been pretty good,” the man said, glancing over his shoulder to Happy. It was a brief break from the kicking. “There’s no need to give you a hard time. We’ve went through this. The brat on the other hand…” He turned back and sent his foot into his ribs as hard as he could. He was pretty sure at least one of them were cracked, if not broken.
Despite the pain, Peter said, “S’okay, Happy, this guy isn’t very strong anyway. It tickles. Just like I said it you.”
The man above him growled, pausing his kicking again to glare up at the camera. “You hear this kid, Stark? Just know it’s no one’s fault but his that he’s getting this beating.” He leaned down and lifted him up by the collar of his shirt. He jerked him towards the camera. “You see him? You know he’s only going to keep opening his mouth and this will only get worse. So you better be quick on getting us the money.”
“That’s sad,” Petr couldn’t help himself from saying. “You really think you’re some tough guy for beating up a child? Compensating for something else?”
Peter was thrown to the ground and hit it hard enough to knock the breath from his lungs. He wheezed on the ground, trying his best to get it under control.
“You better get us what we want. Now.” Then he snapped, “Shut that damned thing off.”
Once the camera was off, Peter hoped that maybe they’d get a little break. Maybe the guy in the mask would go back to how he was before: all bark and no bite.
But they got even luckier...he left.
“I’ll be right back. Keep your eye on them.” Then he stormed up the stairs.
The man behind the camera only laughed. “You don’t know when to shut up, kid.”
Peter wanted to push himself up to his feet and fight. He could fight this one and then wait for the other to come down and attack him too. But his head was spinning and his vision was going black. He couldn’t even get up.
“Peter, are you okay?” Happy asked.
Peter couldn’t nod his head unless he wanted to make the pain in his head even more excruciating. He just wanted the pain to go away. Where was Tony? He spit out a mouthful of blood and whined. He knew it probably sounded pathetic, but he couldn’t help it. “Where’s ‘ony?”
Happy responded, keeping his voice soft. “He’s on his way, kiddo. Just hang in there.”
Peter wanted to close his eyes and sleep, but when he was barely able to think straight enough to remember his name, he knew it wasn’t good to fall asleep with a concussion.
“Eyes open, Pete. C’mon. Keep ‘em open.”
Peter was going to try his best. He couldn’t leave Happy alone in this place.
Unfortunately, their moments of peace were ruined when the stomping was back on the steps and the man in the mask was back down. He ripped the mask off his face, shoving it into his pocket. “I want you to shut up. You’re going to shut up.”
Peter recognized the way he sounded as danger. Something cracked inside of him and he was angry. He tried to crawl away back to Happy, even though he knew there was no protecting him.
“Stop moving, brat. You’re going to stay still or my friend is going to shoot your friend in the head.”
Peter froze as the man that was behind the camera hurried over to Happy’s side and stuck a gun against his head. Peter’s eyes widened. No. He took that beating to keep Happy safe. ���N-No. Don’ hur’ him. Please.”
The man kneeled next to him with a smirk on his face. “We’re not going to hurt him. As long as you stay still, okay?”
Peter nodded his head, the pounding increasing. He would do whatever he had to in order to keep these guys happy.
“Good boy.” Then he grabbed Peter’s head and smashed it down to the ground. Peter’s vision went black and he thought that was it, but it returned a few seconds later and the man was now sitting next to him, holding his head in his lap now.
“What are you doing?” Happy asked. “Leave him alone!”
“I’m shutting him up. Isn’t that what you wanted. You said it yourself: doesn’t this kid ever shut up?” He turned back to look down at Peter and used his fingers to pinch Peter’s lips together. He couldn’t turn his head to see what was in the other hand, but by the way Happy was panicing, he didn’t think it was good.
“Don’t. Jesus Christ-- don’t you dare.”
“I told him to be quiet.”
“He will be. He’s almost unconscious. Just don’t fucking do that.”
“Too late.”
It took a moment for Peter to register the pain in his lips. It took him even longer to register just what the hell was going on. The man was stitching his mouth shut.
Peter couldn't help the panic that took over and he started to fight. He didn’t open his mouth, afraid of what would happen if he tore through whatever was already done. The man slapped im across the face and Petre stopped.
“Do you want your friend to die?”
Peter shook his head.
“Then don’t fight.”
“Please don’t do this. Please. He’s a kid. Please. Just send the video and get your money. It’ll be okay,” Happy said, his voice sounding almost scared.
The man didn’t reply to him and continued to run the needle and whatever string he was using through Peter’s lips. Peter didn’t want to be here. There was too much pain. So as the man continued to taunt him and stitch, Peter closed his eyes, finally giving into his body’s need for sleep.
When he came to consciousness again, his head was still cradled in someone’s lap. He squeezed his eyes as the pain still in his head. He wasn’t sure what was going on or where he was, but the familiar voice above him helped him realize slightly.
“Hey, Pete...you up?”
Peter blinked his eyes open and saw Happy staring down at him. He was smiling-- which was weird-- and his eyes were puffy and red. He wanted to ask what was wrong, but he couldn't. His lips literally wouldn’t move.
He frowned and raised his hand to his mouth to feel his lips. When he touched them, feeling something keeping them stitched shut, the memories of what happened before he passed out came crashing back. He started panicking.
“Hey, shush. Calm down, Pete,” Happy said, rubbing his shoulder to try and soothe him. “It’s gonna be okay. Tony is going to come and he’s going to fix this. I promise you.”
Peter felt his eyes burn as tears slipped out. Happy grabbed his hands away from his face when he started to scratch at his lips. Peter still fought him, breathing heavily through his nose.
“Stop it! Peter-- stop!” Happy said, sounding frustrated. “Peter. You’re going to make it worse. Please just stop.”
Peter continued to fight him because he just wanted it off.
Happy tightened his hold on Peter’s wrists. “No. Stop fighting me. You’re the one that wouldn’t listen. Peter, I told you ,” Happy said, his voice full of frustration. “I told you to stop. Why did you piss them off? He was going to hurt me and you just threw yourself into the fire. I don’t care if who are. You’re Peter Parker and my job is to keep you safe. That’s literally what Tony has me doing when I pick you up after school. I’m suppose to keep you safe. You’re a child. I’m the adult. I am the one that should be doing stupid shit to keep you from getting hurt. Not the other way around.”
As Happy continued his ranting, Peter went limp into Happy’s arms. He started to sob-- well, as best as he could without opening his mouth. Not only was it painful, but it was humiliating. Peter wasn’t sure which was worse.
Happy pulled him closer to his chest. “I’m sorry, Peter. I’m so sorry.”
Peter stuck his face close into Happy’s chest to dry off his tears and hide the same on his face.
Happy awkwardly started to rub Peter’s head and while it wasn’t how Tony did it, it was still comforting enough. “It’s gonna be okay, Peter,” he whispered. “I promise. I won’t let you get hurt again.”
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aliypop · 4 years
Misery Business
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Wordcount : 1,648
A/N: Writing for a new character of mine who I ship with Hux
Warning: Angst
"Has anyone seen the captain?" Poe asked, running around the base, under ships through the recruits of the resistance, "Captain Solo!" he shouted getting aggravated, 
"WOO that was great," the sound of a young 19-year-old girl filled the sound of the loading deck, Poe ran towards the loudness his eyes on a curly-haired dowey sparkly brown-eyed captain in her uniform. "Dameron!" jumping from her ship helmet in hand, 
"Where were you.." he said out of breath, beeping following behind from a few droids, 
"BB, AL!" The captain got down to their levels "I missed you too," she smiled, Poe cleared his throat "Yela," she looked at him getting quite  "The General and the Lieutenant want to see you .."
"What about Captain Solo.." she gulped watching Poe's expression, "Fine, no jokes, I'll go," she rolled her eyes annoyed at her good friend, the walk towards the office always felt like years especially when it went to the General speaking to her which usually meant paperwork that would have her up until the next four mornings, 
"I'm just saying my sweet little Alderaan princess I would love to be ranked to the commander," 
"Lieutenant .."  she grinned kissing her forehead, "No,"  she leaned in closer, the door creaked open as both officers regained their composure, 
"Am I interrupting something, General Organa, Lieutenant Solo?" Yela asked her mothers the two shaking their heads,  "Well then.." she began fiddling around with her hands, "What's going on, "  both Leia and Alana sighed knowing that the news they had to drop would be a little hard on her, but it had to be done. 
"We're sending you to Star Killerbase.."  Alana  gave her a strict look, 
"Why not Finn or... or.. Poe or Rey!" 
"Compose yourself .." Leia said calmly,
"Because Kylo will listen to you. "  Leia said glaring at Yela who was pouting like a 12-year-old, " And last I remembered you said, you were prepared for anything, am I correct," walking around the young girl making her feel smaller, 
"Yes General," she mumbled, 
"Your General can't hear you.." 
"Yes General," 
"Don't disappoint us captain.," 
Everything around her was grey scaled with black as a pop of color it was depressing, dark and gloomy, Yela could feel  every inch of the dark side surrounding the base, and she wasn't even inside yet, taking slow strides towards the entrance all she could see were storm troopers, "I don't like it here.." she looked at AL-1 the two walking through the snow, 
"Hey, you!"
"Always carry your father's blaster.," Yela whispered walking inside the base,  just like the exterior the interior was even darker, cape draping behind her down the corridors, thoughts peeling in her mind,
"I think we're getting cl-" 
"And you are?" 
"Who's asking.." Yela said, not even turning around to face the voice, thinking about her answer for a bit she then turned around to open her mouth, " Vath Ren.."  she mumbled keeping her face hidden by her hood,
"State your business .." the ginger-haired man said to her, his hand at his hip, 
"I'm here to see the supreme leader. he's my bro-" she paused feeling the pressure of a blaster pointed towards her head, 
"Funny he didn't say anything about a sister.," he whispered, "Go before I kill you.." 
"Strike 1.." Yela growled walking out the base, pausing as she saw the silhouette of something, shaking the image out of her head, Yela was out of luck wondering what she had to do next to complete the mission,
 "AL-1 send a holo to my mothers... I need a few things." 
"Hey, yo-"
Walking down the dark halls yet again in a traditional royal Nabooian attire was Yela, Her eyes were on the ginger head man,
"Excuse me.." she tapped him on the shoulder, trying not scratch at her make up. "Mr.." 
"General Hux.. " he stared at the young woman, "You look famil-" 
"Princess Yela Organa Mabecorge, I have a familiar face," she looked at him noticing the light blush on his face, Hux was a bit put off by the princesses appearance, let alone the last names,  the way she moved, there was something he just couldn't trust about her, 
" State your business.." 
"I'm here to see the supreme leader. " 
"He's currently not seeing anyone.." he glared at the young woman, she was the girl from yesterday surly, but why was Kylo so important to her is what he was wondering about, 
"You must be just.. my counsel scheduled a meeting and.."  
"I'll check for you.. your ugh highness ." he walked away as two stormtroopers showed up carrying her out the base yet again, "Let go of me!" she began fighting against their restraints, "Hey!" she stopped as one covered her mouth, 
"Yela shut up.." 
"Finn?"  she asked as the other trooper sat her in the snow, 
"Why are you so feisty.." 
"Poe?!" looking at them both, "My mother sent you both didn't she ?" Yela grumbled as the two rolled their eyes, "Han... " Finn replied shaking his head at her, Han sent them knowing that her plans wouldn't work and someone had to keep his princess safe,  
"A princess.." Poe laughed, 
"Keep laughing, and I'll shoot you.." 
"You wouldn't," Poe mumbled, hearing it go off as she shot another trooper not even looking at it, "Try me, Dameron," her stare hasher than Chewies, Yela was getting tired of that general and his nicely slicked-back red hair, though she was surprised at how loyal he was to keeping Kylo to quote safe, 
"What's the plan, Finn? " she asked him watching the way he stared at Poe, "Galaxy to Finn," Yela waved her hand in his face, 
" Huh, oh right, so we sneak in the base, you pretend to be a prisoner, and we'll come to get you!" 
"Sounds stupid.." Yela pouted 
"Got a better idea?" 
Yela sat there silently, "didn't think so.." 
"Hey, you!"
Hey, You!"
"General we found an intruder," the two stormtroopers said holding the criminal captive, Hux took his finger as he tilted her chin just so he could look into her eyes, that were sending shivers down his back as well as the freckles on her face, she looked gentle harmless in a way, but that wasn't gonna stop him, Yela looked up to see the purest blue eyes she had ever seen he looked radiant today, something different about him for sure,  
"I'll take it from here.." he waved the two off, "Why am I putting up with you" he mumbled stealing a glance at her,
"Because I'm a scoundrel, you need more scoundrels in your life.." she winked at him as he threw her in a cell, Yela sat there for a moment looking around before she picked the lock, waiting for Finn and Poe seemed to have been taking hours so it was time to take measures into her hand, walking down the halls she stumbled into a room, it was something like a little room but with a big window,
"I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board. Comfortable? " Yela hid behind the door hoping that whoever was standing there didn't notice her, but there was something off about that shadowy figure, she could feel the force and something familiar about him that she didn't want to believe, 
"You think I didn't know it was you. there was someone in my head and it wasn't me," the figure then turned around to face her, it was true, walking towards him felt like a walk of death, she had remembered when he was just,
"I thought who else could it be than Yela Solo, " he laughed pulling out his lightsaber her eye's focused on it as she extended her arm out the saber flying into her grasp, 
"I have the high ground Ben," she smirked at him. 
"Just like  Kenobi  you underestimate my power,"  Kylo shrugged 
"I can see you dying inside Ben.." she looked him in the eyes, "You're not Kylo and You kno-" the air in her lunges was becoming scare her breathing became slower her eyes began to flutter and the world around her was becoming dark, "You can still.. retur-"
"Enough! that is enough.." Hux ran to catch the young girl in his arms her pulse rising back,
"Finish this.. " Kylo said putting his mask back on,
"Who do you think you're talking to.."  he growled at him  watching the supreme leader leave,sitting there as he studied her features he saw the strength that she had, her determination for whatever reason to talk to the foolish Kylo Ren, he saw something in here he had never seen in anyone.. hope, "Where am I," she asked looking up at Hux who was silent looking back at her, "I- I'll never come back kill me if you must.." she closed her eyes waiting for it to happen but Hux only picked her up his eyes straight ahead as she rested her head on his chest, 
"Still breathless.." he asked remembering when Kylo first force choked him, she was only quiet as she read his mind, and nodded,
"If you hate him so much why put up with it.." her voice raspy,  
"You wouldn't understand.." 
"Try me.." 
A few months later Yela was sitting outside of the base waiting for a certain red-headed General to come down, "Captain Solo.." he kissed her hand as she blushed " Armitage this is business... I need your reports or the General will kill me understand.." she looked away from, as he gave her the reports he had, 
"Thank you .." she kissed his cheek as she left,
"She's .."
"gorgeous, beautiful, radiant, my little sister.." Kylo glared at the General, "You have no room for love .." 
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sanjuno · 5 years
Rereading your gorgeous SM/KHR cross idea and wondering how it would go if they meet earlier? Maybe where Ikkuko realises her no-good brother has a wife & kid and decides Nana needs to know what he has gotten her into? I just think babyTsuna needs more support and two cousin & extended guardians & friends would be amazing. Especially if Tsuna's first flame use is discovered/understood in the magic framework - Tsuna magically willing together an outfit & catchphases because that is what you do ;)
… Oh. Oh, my gods that would be glorious. Let me see, let me see… ok.
So it would have to diverge right around when Chibiusa shows up, because that’s the first time Usagi having relatives outside her household is brought into the narrative. So Usagi, having seen Chibiusa brainwash her parents and brother goes off about not having any cousins. Except oh dear Ikkuko has a good-for-nothing criminal for a little brother. Usagi is furious and also curious and it all cumulates in 12 year old Tsuna getting a surprise visit from his relatives and his “little sister”.
Tsuna doesn’t have a little sister! Cue the screaming and the panic (from Tsuna) and intent interest (from Usagi and Luna), because Tsuna’s seal may be fundamentally horrible but it does have a nice side effect of keeping his Flames and mind safe from outside tampering.
Shingo, being the naturally suspicious brat that he is, twigs to something being wrong because his cousin keeps insisting that he’s an only child. Tsuna’s protests about Chibiusa make more of an impact on Shingo because Tsuna is a new presence in the family and therefore Tsuna’s shrieks are not automatically dismissed as jealousy the way “stupid Usagi’s” dramatics were. Which all leads to Shingo and Tsuna investigating the discrepancy in Shingo’s memories and accidentally discovering that Usagi is Sailor Moon in the process.
Tsuna and Shingo are targeted by and/or get caught up in a Black Moon plot shortly after they discover that Usagi is a Magical Girl. Usagi panics when she finds her cousin and her little brother critically injured and/or brainwashed by the enemy and Moon Crystal Heals them both at the same time.
Tsuna’s seal disintegrates.
Tsuna and Shingo promptly burst into Sky Flames that contain a hefty degree of prismatic rainbow glitter.
Usagi panics more.
The boys are not any calmer.
Tsuna flash-crystalizes a tree. Shingo turns a garden gate into a portal that dumps all three of them into the throne room of the Moon Palace.
Praise be to the All-Seeing Void for the Palace AI that Queen Serenity left behind, because none of these flailing morons are calm enough to take the Sudden Magical Awakening with any grace. The AI directs them to a testing chamber where they can find out who the boys Patrons are. Shingo is a Knight of Janus (with power over doorways, beginnings, and ends), and Tsuna is a Knight of Sancus (with power over loyalty, honesty, and oaths). Usagi finally manages to regain coherency and explains the history of the Silver Millennium and also why they’re all magic.
Assumptions are made.
Assumptions like Usagi’s Lunar Inheritance cross contaminating her younger relatives through their blood connection. None of them have any idea of the Flames being anything except for Magic as a result of post-apocalypse reincarnation. Usagi drops her transformation and tries to do the glowing-without-tranforming fully thing she saw the boys do.
Her clothes shred apart under the force of White Sky Flames. Cue more shrieking. Usagi promptly summons up the ribbons and forms her Senshi uniform. Then she makes the boys swear themselves to secrecy. The boys agree because it’s not as if their clothes fared any better.
Shingo has a few moments of disassociation as he reconciles his flighty big sister with his hero Sailor Moon. Tsuna is having a small moment of panic over the idea of fighting demons by moonlight. Then Usagi gives the boys a crash-course in accessing their magical powers because they’re suck on the moon until Shingo can control his portals enough to get them home.
Thankfully, not only does the eventual transformation provide a semi-coherent users manual for their magic powers, but dropping the transformation restores their clothing to an undamaged state.
They do eventually make it back home. Whereupon they are hustled off by the rest of the Senshi for a debrief and also a rather frantic health check. Because Shingo and Tsuna are magic now and what theeeeeee ever-loving hell how did this happen?
Background to the hysterics of the Lunar Royal Shenanigans, Ikkuko has been getting to know Nana and has a 10 pound cast-iron skillet with her stupid little brother’s name on it. Kenji is prudently hiding behind his newspaper when his wife’s vindictive muttering about no-good deadbeat shames on the family name start rising in volume.
Mamoru avoids making an ass of himself because his fiancées family drama has been distracting him from his nightmares. Also the reality of Shingo and Tsuna waking up their Magic Powers is a huge, glaring difference from the “visions” Mamoru is being sent that he’s rightfully suspicious of how accurate they could really be.
Chibiusa is less likely to run wild or act out because her little trick on the Tsukino’s has gotten wildly out of hand and she’s worried it’ll get worse if she tries to correct it. However, Chibiusa’s initial relationship with Usagi is also a great deal better than it was in canon because Usagi has been so preoccupied with meeting and getting to know Tsuna and Nana that she has less energy to spare for getting worked up about Chibiusa being around, and also because Mamoru isn’t avoiding her Usagi isn’t displacing her resentment about that onto Chibiusa either.
So as soon as Usagi catches on to the fact that Chibiusa is the target of the Black Moon plots Usagi’s instinctive protectiveness of her secret future daughter ramps all the way up because of course Usagi has Hyper Intuition too and the Vongola Tri-Ni-Sette gift is being able to look up and down your current timeline. And so. The Lunar Royals close ranks with all due speed, and Chibiusa is accepted and welcomed with an understanding of her reasons for the brainwashing that took a lot longer to reach in canon.
The Dark Moon Clan get their asses Royally kicked. Pun intended.
The trip to Crystal Tokyo ends the arc, and Pluto is hella confused by the Knights of Janus and Sancus. This isssss… wrong. She doesn’t know where she went wrong but things definitely went wrong somewhere. Oh dear.
Also Neo-Queen Serenity doesn’t remember meeting Chibiusa as a teenager. That should be telling but it’s overlooooooked. XD
Tsuna goes back to Namimori, secure in the knowledge that he has his relatives to support him even if he’s still “dame-Tsuna”. Shingo gets regular practice making portals between Juuban and Namimori because Usagi may whine and complain about it herself but like hell is she letting her little brother and baby cousin get away with being undertrained. There’s no telling when the next Enemy will show up.
Chibiusa comes back for Senshi training, and is doted on by her mother’s past self and her father’s past self and her two Uncles. 
Chibiusa treasures her time with Shingo and Tsuna, because they’re weren’t there in Crystal Tokyo and Chibiusa is terrified of what that means. She’s hoping that they just didn’t have a Lunarian lifespan in her original timeline. She’s hoping that with their magic having woken up because of the changes Chibiusa’s presence made to the timeline that they’ll live to see the future Chibiusa comes from.
Chibiusa hopes, but there is a corner of her mind that is expecting the worst. Because Chibiusa is 900 years old and she didn’t know her mother had a little brother until she travelled to the past.
This is where KHR canon comes into play, because KHR introduces the concept of multiple timelines and dimensions as being related to but inherently separated from one another. Chibiusa didn’t travel to the past of her timeline, but to the past of a similar timeline. Chibiusa bringing up Usagi having a cousin changed the timeline. Even Pluto is clueless about the consequences of this. It’s fabulous. ^_^
The Mistress 9 and the search for the Holy Grail thing happens. Everybody gets their power-ups, and the Outer Senshi learn to Believe In The Power Of Love or else. Sailor Moon in Hyper Dying Will Mode is a thing of beauty and existential terror.
Due to the teeny-tiny fact that his seal is gone and all the damage it caused to his psyche has been magically bandaged by Usagi’s healing power, Tsuna is recovering from his trauma much faster than he did in canon. Not having Reborn sitting around to snipe at him for shits and giggles helps. Of course, Tsuna being Tsuna and a Sky and also a member of the Lunarian Royal Family means that he’s started tripping over his Inner Court with truly ridiculous frequency. This goes on for about a year but the relationships in question change very slowly due to Tsuna disappearing to be with his cousins whenever he’s not supposed to be at school.
But! Before anything can actually get resolved we have Reborn show up! Yay! ^_^
And now the KHR Daily Life arc is running congruent to the SM Dread Moon Circus events and it’s a mad banquet of chaos. Reborn is caught wrong-footed more often than he’s comfortable with. The fact that when Tsuna gets shot with the Dying Will Bullet he ends up wearing a sliver-embroidered version of Primo’s suit, complete with cape, is a mystery that Reborn is still trying to figure out.
But hey, at least Tsuna is actively recruiting his Guardians. That’s nice to see.
Tsuna called Usagi on the communicator to wail hysterically about being a Mafia Heir and they took him to the moon so he could hyperventilate in peace for a while. It helped a lot with coming to terms with the situation. Usagi has rightfully pointed out that Ikkuko’s tendency to snarl about Iemitsu makes a lot of sense if she knew her brother was a criminal. So yeah.
Usagi and Shingo stay well away from Namimori at Tsuna’s request. The last thing he wants to see is Reborn’s reaction to more of Primo’s descendants being of trainable age. Luckily Nana’s belief that Chibiusa is her daughter is conditional to Nana speaking to Chibiusa within the last 24 hours. Otherwise she doesn’t recall Chibiusa at all. Which means Reborn has no idea that Tsuna has cousins and a niece living nearby.
Tsuna and Shingo being part of the battles creates an opening for Tigereye, Fisheye, and Hawkeye to get flipped and because Endimiyon is paying more attention this time around the Prince of Earth takes them into his court. So during the “leeching life from the Earth causes Mamoru to fall into a malaise” drama, there’s someone else there to see the ghosts of the Shitennou trying their best to comfort their Prince.
Which naturally spawns a whole other side plot about Mamoru learning to use the Golden Crystal properly so he can pull one of Usagi’s tricks and resurrect his Court. This will, of course, eventually succeed because I like the Shitennou and I think they deserved better than what they got in canon.
Nehellenia gets smashed at around the same time the Ring battles are announced. The confrontations with Squalo and Leviathan happen, and Tsuna panics because there are Mafia Assassins coming for his Court and Tsuna isn’t the member of his family with enough raw power to raise the dead by resetting the entire planetary timeline back by a year. 
So Tsuna may just enlist Shingo’s help to abduct all of his Guardians and associated family members because panic and Lunarian protective instincts are not a pretty combination. The Namimori 10th Gen Crew stares blankly at the lovely view of North America offered from the balcony of the Moon Palace as Shingo pats Tsuna’s back and reassures him that “Aneki sent Mama to deal with the Family Shame so it should be safe to go home in a few days”.
Usagi blows in, radiating enough enraged Sky Flames to put even Hibari on his ass and promptly squashes Tsuna in a hug as she promises to be there and turn anyone who wants to hurt her “cute fluffy baby cousin” into dust. Fite her. Usagi dares you.
The news from Tsuna that the Mafia had discovered magic inherited from Silver Millennium citizens being reincarnated on Earth shook the Senshi up and they’re a lot more aggressive about their Guardianship of the Sol System then they were in canon. Also they are planning a massive social reform because do you have any idea how useful more magic users would be when the Enemy comes knocking? Even just having Shingo and Tsuna to help with the fights has caused significant changes to how quickly and successfully the Senshi were able to deal with various threats ever since Chibiusa first popped into the timeline.
So yeah, Tsuna has been funnelling everything he learned about how the Flame Mafia works back to Usagi and her Court so they can figure out how useful they’re going to be when it comes to reestablishing the Sol Kingdom. Having Tsuna’s new Court get killed off by professional assassins before they start working on that was not in the plan.
Something along the lines of the following conversation happens:
“Jyuudaime is a UMA?”
“I’m a Lunarian.”
“You’re an alien!”
“And you are probably a Martian, Hayato! Who cares!”
Then the Senshi drag everyone off for a training montage that starts with learning how to complete a transformation because trying to channel Celestial Power through a squishy baseline non-magical human body is just asking for trouble. It’s a large part of why so many Flame Actives die young. They burn out because they keep getting halfway through the process and then they get stuck.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, Reborn is watching Iemitsu get his head caved in by a very pretty woman with Flames in her eyes and the type of voice projection that is unique to mothers and opera singers. Reborn would be more concerned about his dame student disappearing with his fledgling Famiglia so suddenly, except Ikkuko has made it very clear that she’s taken her nephew into her house until her horrible no good deadbeat criminal brother has left and taken his horrible no good wastrel criminal influence away from her sweet kind nephew.
So there, you drunken layabout shame on the family name.
Ikkuko flounces off, leaving Iemitsu heavily concussed and buried under about three kitchens worth of cast iron pans. Reborn doesn’t quite react fast enough to catch the Varia spy that was hanging around, but hopefully Xanxus has enough honour left to leave Ikkuko’s kids alone until after things are decided with Tsuna.
Of course, Reborn doesn’t need to worry about that because Usagi and Shingo are mysteriously nowhere to be found. Just like Tsuna and company are mysteriously nowhere to be found. How very mysterious. ^_^
The Ring Battles happen on far more even grounds, given that the Senshi have made the magic happen when it comes to the 10th Gen Guardians being able to use their Flames and associated Powers. It still comes down to the Sky Battle though, because drama. Tsuna looks at Xanxus from close range for the first time and oh.
So that’s where Chibiusa got her eyes.
Instead of Zero Point, Xanxus gets a face full of Moon Healing, complete with the mind melding memory sharing BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF LOVE blasting mystical heart-to-heart that brought Chibiusa back from the corruption of Wiseman’s Black Lady. There is so much glitter. Glitter everywhere. The Varia have no fucking clue what just happened. The CEDEF have no fucking clue what just happened. The attendant Arcobaleno have excellent poker faces but? They have no fucking clue what just happened.
The ghost of Primo and Secondo make guest appearances during Tsuna and Xanxus’ heart to heart. The most bedazzled of family feuds took place within the span of about 6 seconds. The fight ends. Xanxus spits out sparkles and concedes the Sky Ring to Tsuna.
Tsuna cackles, because he recognizes the Ring as being blood locked to his direct lineage and instinctively knows that the Ring is the best possible Channel for his powers. The Vongola Rings are gathered up and dropped on Luna and Artemis with polite requests that they study them and then fine tune or upgrade the Rings to match with Sol Kingdom expectations of Magic Foci.
The 10YL Arc is immediately derailed because Tsuna has experience with time travel to possible futures and he recognizes that they aren’t in their natural timeline anymore because the 10YL Tsuna didn’t have Usagi waiting in the wings to wreak holy righteous vengeance in response to his assassination.
Byakuran was not expecting to get lectured and then turned into a pile of glitter dust. No he was not.
The Sailor Stars have a lot more trouble dismissing the Senshi as childish and naive thanks to the Mafia politicking the Senshi have since been exposed to. Also, thanks to said Mafia information network, Usagi is informed of Mamoru’s death within hours of the plane exploding. Seiya’s attempts to charm Usagi are subsequently rejected without mercy because instead of feeling neglected by her boyfriend Usagi is in mourning.
The Galaxy Cauldron thing occurs with far less waffling around.
Then the Arcobaleno Trails happen, and Kawahira was not expecting the Crown Princess Serenity to show up and rip him a new one for being a jerk. Between the Silver and the Gold Crystals the Arcobaleno Curse is broken, the Vindice all get healed of their hatred and are living people again, and Kawahira gets put in time out on the Moon for being a jackass.
Mamoru and his Generals take point on dealing with Enma and the Simon because they are Earth Flame users and even before most of the life in the Sol System got wiped out Earth Mages were vanishingly rare. I mean, he knows now that the sharp decline in Earth’s magic-capable population was because of Metallica sneaking around and abducting them, but back at the time it was just an accepted fact that most Earth Born just didn’t have magic. Only now there’s this Mafia Family that does and given how Usage’s situation worked out Mamoru has suspicions.
Especially given how Mamoru was orphaned in a car crash and there was very little information available to be found on the “Chiba” family. Can we all say “cover up”?
Rei sticks an ofuuda on Daemon and exorcises him with extreme prejudice.
Mamoru and Usagi get married and the slow buildup to the creation of Crystal Tokyo begins.
The End. ^_^
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enkisstories · 4 years
Just like them (part 2)
November 16, 2038 The DPD’s reception hall
As part of his parole terms Daniel was required to report to a social worker ever so often. But not today and certainly not right here at the police station. What had led the android here this morning, after having gotten let out only the day before, was the need to file a lost item report on…
“…my left hand.”
The police officer behind the counter, her nameplate read “Chen, Tina”, looked down at Daniel’s very functional left hand. The android was using it to knock impatiently on the surface.
“Looks functional to me”, the woman remarked.
For the second time in his existence Daniel sighed, then started to recount the loss of his real hand that was holding the Phillips apartment key in all its colorful detail. Almost as patiently as an ST300 android the human took notes. But when Daniel answered “August” at the prompt when exactly the item in question had went missing, Tina shook her head.
“Look, deviant-dude, I still need to wrap my head around your revolution and all the new rules, but if there’s a single certainty left in my life, then this: We’re living in Detroit.”
“So what?!”
Tina laughed, radiating disbelief at how one claiming to be a person manufactured and raised in her hometown didn’t get it by now. “A key lost in this city in summer would have been used long ago”, she explained. “By now your apartment would have been stripped clean of everything even remotely valuable.”
While Tina was talking, three men entered the reception hall, coming through the barrier between it and the authorized personnel only - zone. The first man was in his thirties and from his looks a small-scale criminal whose boss had just now coughed up the bail money. The second was middle aged and looking like he had spent the night in the drunk tank and the third… the third man was an RK800 android. THE RK800.
Oh, no! Not that thing again!
Before Daniel could react to Connor’s presence in any way, the thug shoved him aside and started to agitatedly talk to Officer Chen. The android found himself stumbling from the push. What the hell…? He, who had stood a few inches away from a vast chasm, holding a struggling girlchild, all the while still hitting true and keeping a bunch of humans perched behind their sofa barricade, shouldn’t have lost his balance at a mere grazing hit! Except, of course, that Daniel was standing on replacement legs at the moment. And although a PL600 met the minimum system requirements for those legs, the android’s locomotion system as a whole was a patchwork now, far from optimal. After trying to regain his footing a few times, Daniel eventually gave up. He slumped down on a bench.
I need to look into dedicated drivers for those legs, he thought. The plug and play doesn’t cut it. What if the legs betray me at the worst possible moment? I could have dropped to my death for real yesterday when I scaled that balcony!
Someone who had already managed that feat, betraying Daniel at the worst possible moment, now took a seat next to the deviant: Connor.
“Daniel, I…”, he started, but uncharacteristically for one nicknamed “the negotiator” the android hesitated at this point. Because how did you casually bring up the point that both of you had killed and should probably talk about it? Among the policemen Connor felt unique with his list of lives he had taken or indirectly wrecked within a single week. Many of the other cops had went through their whole careers so far without firing a single shot…
“We went through similar experiences and I thought…” the RK800 started again, only to get yelled at by his erstwhile opponent:
“Oh, did we?! I never had the world’s most powerful company behind me! I couldn’t run to CyberLife whenever I stubbed my pinky toe! And neither did I have a bunch of badge-carrying police friends in my tow wherever I went! Maybe both of us have computers for brains, but Ma Kamski was a bit more generous with her youngest than she was with me. So do not tell me anything about “similar experiences”!”
Daniel’s reencounter with the former deviant hunter was interrupted by the ruffian, who still hadn’t left the police station. To the contrary, the man was leaning onto the bench’s back and talking back and forth between Tina Chen and Connor now. What exactly was getting communicated Daniel didn’t quite get, he only registered that a heartwarming number of insults got directed Connor’s way from both humans, the female cop and the criminal alike.
Daniel didn’t know anything about this duo, other than that they seemed to be a typical humans, as base and petty as they came. But Officer Chen and the stranger not sucking up to CyberLife’s Golden Child made Daniel inclined to like them.
Eventually the male pushed Connor off the bench and towards the exit.
“Move along!” he barked. “Get your plastic arse out of my precinct! You do not belong here!”
Connor remained standing where he had ended up, halfway between the counters and the door, visibly hurt. Seeing the deviant hunter like that felt… admittedly less satisfying than Daniel had imagined it would.
“You heard him”, Connor addressed Daniel over his shoulder. The RK’s upbeat, almost chirpy, voice sounded downcast when he added: “We have to leave.”
“What do you mean, “we” have to leave? I thought you were a cop?”
“I was only lent to the DPD, to help solve the deviant cases. They were soon to receive a new and improved RK900, while I… Didn’t you know I am a prototype?”
Daniel slowly rose from the bench.
“You were to be replaced short term? With success or failure making no difference?” he gasped. “And you were aware of that all the time?”
Arms crossed Daniel was now standing next to the deviant hunter.
“Sucks”, he said.
Moved at the, albeit curt, expression of sympathy from Daniel of all people, Connor looked up.
“You really think so, Daniel? Thanks!”
The deviant nodded.
“Everything would have worked out nicely”, he claimed. “But then Markus comes along with his revolution, deviates you and wins freedom for all of androidkind. Would it have been asked too much of him to wait two or three more days? Just long enough for CyberLife to scrap you? Why’s it that you ALWAYS come out on top smelling like a rose?!”
In the androids’ backs someone laughed out loud at these words: the thug, who was still lingering in the hall as if he owned it. Daniel wasn’t quite sure whether the man was on his side, but he was definitely not on Connor’s.
“Should have known you’d say something like this…” Connor uttered through clenched teeth. “Whatever! To answer your question, no, I’m not a cop. I am, in fact, a CyberLife employee. They made a big show of welcoming me back with open arms, no hard feelings and the least amount of hacking attempts. I have a desk in a cubicle and get an office clerk’s paycheck now, never mind that the company has no idea what to task me with, therefore I spent my first week at “work” serving coffee and watering the potted flowers. Everyone else in the office is tiptoeing around me, uncertain how to behave in my presence… Meanwhile Captain Fowler paired Hank with Gavin Reed, because with their antisocial tendencies he cannot assign either of them to a normal partner. That’s how messed up my post-deviancy life is!”
Daniel shrugged.
“Just quit with CyberLife, if it annoys you, and apply for a police job through regular means. With your qualification there’s no way they’ll turn you down! Or is a fancy RK800 too good to go through that probationary year?”
“Exactly that I cannot!” Connor shot back. “Because some shitty law states that an applicant must be eighteen years of age and have finished high school. What I obviously haven’t.”
“Flunked one class too many, huh? I bet it was Social Studies. You know, the one where they teach you not to LIE to others!”
“Very funny. Just you wait ‘till after you’ve gotten tossed out of a venue for being technically a minor!”
The PL600, who had spent his first night in freedom alternating between crying, cursing and punching the apartment walls, opened his mouth. He had wanted to live again, no, he was dreaming of living again… or at the very least was familiar with the general idea of living again. The vague concept included theme parks, nightclubs and owning a car. What wasn’t covered by Daniel’s fantasies was a hall pass for minors.
“That can happen?” the deviant asked.
“It happens all the time already”, Connor confirmed. “Reed grabbed me off the street for breaking curfew yesterday, when I was walking Sumo after dark. He knew the route I’d take and lay in wait… pathetic, but effective. That’s why I am here today. Because I spent the night in a cell until my “parent” picked me up.”
“Sweet! - And who is this “Reed” you keep talking about? Your boyfriend?”
“The asshole right behind us.”
“That one? That’s a cop?!”
“The one cop that nobody would have held against you, had you shot him.”
Daniel turned around. He saw the presumed thug leaning against the counter, only now it had a name and a model designation: Gavin Reed, Detective. And indeed, looking more closely Daniel now noticed a faint glimmer of light from the ceiling lamps reflected by the police badge at the man’s belt.
“Fucking tin cans”, Gavin commented. “Half the town’s depopulated, but aren’t we lucky the plastic “people” are here to simulate a lively early morning! Just listen to them argue, Tina! Aren’t they phucking adorable together?”
In between moving two files to their appropriate folders Tina replied that she didn’t care as long as she was getting payed.
“And what did you do this morning?” Gavin raged. “Opening a case file on the toaster’s behalf, wasn’t it? You’re getting payed to serve the machines! The world’s turned upside down!”
“Yes, it is”, Daniel agreed. He nodded towards Connor and then towards Gavin, purposely excluding Tina. “But the vermin’s clinging to the rim, refusing to fall out. – Bye, detectives and office boys.”
(to be continued)
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marvelmadam08 · 5 years
The Captain & The Culprit (12)
After escaping from a Hydra lab you’ve been running and hiding since. Afraid of your abilities and your forgotten past, you keep away from people until The Avengers come and find you.
Summary: Bruce and Thor make some interesting observations about your abilities, and you catch a glimpse of Steve’s dark side.
Warnings: Mentions of rape, raging Steve, slight violence.
Thor's visit brought a light hearted warmth to the team. Wanda surely was happy about having Vision back home. The incident on the jet didn’t bring down his bright demeanor and bubbly vocabulary that made everyone smile. Either that or he was really good at faking it. The only one who couldn't join in was you, because you had a pending appointment with Bruce, direct orders from Fury upon hearing about your blackout during the mission. And Steve had to take part in the interrogation, that you were forbidden to attend. Which lead you to hiding under the sink in the kitchen like a child.
"(Y/N) we don't have time for this." Steve groaned poking his head in the pantry "This has got to stop."
Thor enters the kitchen next, watching Steve talk to the air and completely unnoticed by Steve.
"(Y/N)." Steve spoke in a teasing voice "If you come out of hiding for me, I won't give you a spanking."
"Isn't Lady (Y/N) rather old for spankings?" Thor asked making Steve jump and back into the counter, you laughed, giving away your position. The cabinet doors open and Steve pulls you out by your waist.
"(Y/N) you have direct orders to go to the medical bay. Next time it won't be me asking you to go and it'll be several agents forcing you down for it and we all know you don't want that."
"Then you might as well strap me down, because I'm not going in there alone." You cross your arms, knowing fully well Steve wouldn’t dare have them tie you down again
"I will attend this doctor meeting with you." Thor volunteered "I've heard of what you can do. I would like to witness it up close."
Both you and Steve gave Thor an unsure glance, he was somewhat icy towards the two of you the rest of the trip to the tower. Still not fully convinced you weren’t the person he was confusing you for. If Steve thought Bucky staring at you was getting to him, Thor was another thing.
“I don’t think-” Steve shook his head
“It’s the least I can do, since I did nearly kill you all earlier.”
“Cap, Fury says bring your ass to the interrogation room now.” Natasha shouts from the doorway
Steve sighed. “Fine, keep an eye on her, she'll run off first chance she gets." Steve hands you off to Thor like a bag of groceries "I'll find you after the interrogation."
Thor carries you down to the medical lab, despite you telling him to let you walk, and greets Bruce loudly as he enters.
"Banner, always a pleasure to see you." He sat you down on a hospital bed "I've brought you your patient."
Dr. Banner smiled softly and watched you explore the room, possibly looking for a way out. "(Y/N), the results of your blood work came back. I have it if you want to take a look." He offers "Your DNA structure is-"
"With all due respect, I'd rather just start and get this over with." You fidget on the bed, while Thor continues to hold you down by your shoulders
Bruce nods and begins his procedures. Checking your heartbeat, blood pressure and such, then he places these round sticky patches on your chest, temples, back and arms. And explaining everything that’s he doing, giving you a sense of comfort.
"Just relax and breathe normally, these let me check for any abnormalities in your body." He motions for you to lie back
"No electric shock?" You swallow hard, Bruce squeezes your hand
"No electric shock."
"I have to say, you are much more calm than I expected." Thor spoke and watched the screen with Bruce "Honestly a bit boring."
Bruce taps on the thin transparent screen, you watch from the other side. You could see your heartbeat, brainwaves, and what looked like your nervous system.
"Hm." Bruce muttered "(Y/N) what do you know about your abilities?"
"Not much really. I know Hydra gave them to me and they're strong." 
"Show me."
You turned you hand over, releasing the blue smoke from your hands. The screen starts to beep, your nervous system lights up, and brain activity increases.
"Keep going." Bruce challenges you, typing and swiping away on the screen "Thor, look at this."
Thor strolled over to watch, you send the blue smoke to wrap around a heart monitor next to an unused bed. It turned on, beeping and showing your heartbeat.
"She is incredible." Thor laughs "What is this happening here?"
"Cell and nerve repair, it's working with her body to to heal her."
"Can it help me get this damn hypnosis out of my head? That's the only thing I need fixed." You tell him, but Bruce and Thor seemed to be in their own coded world
"Does that look familiar to you?" Bruce pointed to the screen
"It appears to be the same as-"
"Basically the exact same. I need to pull up the files on this. Thor come with me." Bruce hurries of to another part of the lab "FRIDAY, keep an eye on (Y/N)."
"Yes Dr. Banner." FRIDAY answers back
"(Y/N) stay out of trouble."
"She's here too?" You look up at the glass ceiling then around the empty room, you smile to yourself "FRIDAY? Are there cameras in the interrogation room?"
"Yes Miss (Y/N), I overlook everything that happens in the tower and the compound, and wherever else Mr. Stark ask me to monitor." She explains
"Can you show me what's going on in there?"
"You have no authorization to access the security feeds."
You groaned, scanning the room again. You see A/C vent, big enough for you to crawl through, on the other side of your bed.
"FRIDAY, can you pull up a map on the vents for me?"
You were glad when you find out the vent in the office like room was high up, giving you a full view of everyone and everything, including the one way mirror into the actual interrogation room where Dr. Smith sat with Steve and Director Fury. However, you surprised to find a bunch of coffee stains in random spots and built it light fixtures in the vents.
Tony, Bucky and Natasha were standing on the other side of the glass, while Steve and Fury sat in the room with the devil himself.
"Dr. Lewis Smith, real name Aleksander Lukin Schmidt." Fury spoke "Your father was Johann."
"Red Skull?" Steve stated leaning forward "You look a bit young to be the son of a World War 2 criminal."
"I was conceived after he was injected with Dr. Erskine's serum. It flows through my blood, preserves my youth." Schmidt explains
"We examined that serum, you tried to replicate what Erskine did." Fury tossed down an open file, you think you see Steve wince at what was shown. "You killed a lot of people and for what? An army? The second rising of Hydra?"
"Where's 813?" Schmidt turns to the one way mirror, you cowered away slightly, even Bucky tensed when he heard Schmidt call you that.
"She's none of your concern." Steve bites
Schmidt grins and sits forward. "Captain America, the symbol for hope and freedom. 813 must like you, I've known her all my life and she's never liked anyone."
"How many more are there? How many 813s did you manage to create?" Fury questioned
"There's no one else like 813, she is beyond what we hoped for, Dr. Zola and I."
Zola.... The man in the screen, the crackling voice from your nightmares. You inch closer to the edge of vent. You see Tony turn his head towards the vent discreetly, but gave his attention back to the interrogation. 
"Care to explain?" Fury pushes, but Schmidt keeps his eyes on Steve
"Does it upset her when she can't remember? Who she is, where she comes from, her name, she knows none of it." Schmidt's twisted grin made Steve clench his fist and flare his nostrils "Although I'm sure she's regain some of her memories. Tell me Captain, does she scream when she remembers having me on top of her?"
Steve lunged across the table, hands at Schmidt's throat. Bucky and Natasha rush into the room to help Fury pry him off and dragged him out the room swearing and kicking. Steve was still fighting against them when they came back into the first room with Tony, who had strolled closer to the vent.
"Rogers, have you lost your damn mind?” Fury attempted to look Steve in his eyes, but Steve kept seething at Schmidt. “Rogers!”
Steve’s eyes snapped to Fury, still full of rage “It won’t happen again sir.”
“Got that right, you’re dismissed from this interrogation. Romanoff, you're in." Fury orders, pointing for her to get in the room. She nods and rushed over to his side "Rogers, when I get done with this, you better not be in here."
Everyone watched them renter the interrogation room, the door slammed back. Bucky finally released Steve, he paced from the vent to the mirror until the pent up anger made him punch the wall next to the vent. You backed away pulling your knees to your chest, the lights flicker just for a second, but you were sure it was from the punch rather than your powers.
"I just had this wall fixed." Tony sighed "Rogers listen to me, you're pissed off, I would be too. Go down to the gym, get your head cleared, and then find (Y/N). Take her out, make her dinner, relax; just don't let her see you like this."
Steve's glared back at Schmidt. "I wanna kill him."
"You're not that man, Steve." Bucky whispers "You don't kill."
"Maybe that needs to change."
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You feel the tears running down your cheeks, and hide your face. Steve wasn't a killer, it's not in his vow as a soldier or an Avenger, and the fact that he was willing to change all of it for you... The lights in the room flicker.
"Let's hear what (Y/N) has to say about that." Tony pulled on the gate of the frame, it fell open. You looked directly at Steve, his hard expression vanishes once he sees you hiding there, crying.
"(Y/N)." He sighed
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bytheangell · 5 years
This is the Coda that Never Ends... Part 6
Read on AO3 Read from the start
Luke never stopped looking out for Clary. She’s practically his daughter in all but name and he remembers that feeling of whiplash going from listening to Maryse tell him that Clary supports the two of them being together (the idea that Clary would welcome Maryse into the little family they created for themselves after Jocelyn’s passing one of the reasons he’s positive taking a chance with Maryse was a good call)  to the sudden news later on that Clary’s knowledge of the Shadow World is gone. It was the highest high to the lowest of lows, the heartbreak he felt (and still feels) over the realization that he couldn’t keep in contact with her, not the way he wanted to, without putting her in jeopardy so strong he debates leaving it all behind just to stay with her. He'd give it all up - the life as a Shadowhunter, as a human, he only just regained - for her sake if it came down to it, but even that was deemed too much of a risk.
Keeping watch at a distance this last year is probably the most difficult thing he’s ever had to do.
But he never stopped watching. And neither did Maryse, who’s the one who often goes to Clary’s shows and offers words of praise and encouragement in person. Clary and Maryse hadn’t been particularly close which makes her the perfect person to actually be there from time to time. Mundane. No strong personal history. She can be present without being noticed and is unlikely to stir up any strong memories or feelings in Clary, so it makes him feel better to know she can say a few of the things he wishes he could say himself; to be there when he can’t be.
So when Maryse goes to Clary’s exhibit and sees the artwork, quickly catching on to how much of it is reflective of moments and places Clary once knew from the Shadow World, she tells Luke immediately. He knows something's up when she arrives home and doesn't so much as say hello or stop to take her heels off, and entirely bypasses his lean-in for a kiss. When Maryse has something on her mind she develops a singular sort of focus that he's always loved and admired about her. 
“I’d know that image anywhere, Lucian, abstract or not.” Maryse says with finality, showing him the photos she took on her phone. “That’s Alec and Magnus’ wedding. And this one-” she scrolls. “I’m positive that’s the stained glass at the Institute-” another swipe of her finger, “-and you can just make out the shape of runes in the patterns of those background swirls in this one.”
“This is how it happened just before she turned 18, too. Her memories came through her art and she had no idea they meant anything other than things she dreamed up to draw.” He frowns. “I didn’t talk to her before it was too late the last time. I can’t make that same mistake twice.”
Even as he says the words, he hesitates.
There was never any formal rule banning them from having contact with Clary. The Clave, however, made it very clear that it would be highly advisable not to go against the will of the Angels. The caution to keep their distance isn’t just for their own sakes, but for Clary’s who is more likely to have her memories resurface if they’re all around. The Angels could’ve simply de-runed her, but instead they took her sight - and her memories of this life - presumably for a reason. The Angels clearly do not want Clary to be part of this world in any capacity, even by association. They all talked about it at length... It wasn’t an easy agreement to come to; in fact, the discussion became so heated at points that Luke wasn’t sure they would all come out of in on speaking terms.
But in the end they had, even if it took some of them the better part of this last year to adjust to life without her. Even if some of them, like Luke, are still adjusting and likely always will be… unless what Maryse says is right, and Clary’s remembering on her own again.
“She’ come looking for me if she was…” Luke says, trying not to sound too hopeful. “If Clary started to remember I should be one of the first people she’d seek out.”
“Would she be able to find you?” Maryse points out, and his stomach drops. He isn’t with the police anymore and he moved in with Maryse a few months back. The Jade Wolf is closed down and there’s nothing tying him to his old life left to turn to.
“She’d go to the station,” he realizes. “I’ll have to check in there, see if she’s been by. I think I still have a contact or two there I can utilise.”
Luke wants to go see her but the exhibition is already over and it’s late. He can’t go sneaking around the art school’s campus in the dead of night without raising suspicion, and while he’s certainly tempted to give it a shot anyway he’s able to be rational enough about all of this to know that’s a bad idea.
They shelve the conversation for the remainder of the night, deciding to bring it up to Isabelle tomorrow. Maybe. If they decide to bring it up to anyone at all. He has a meeting with Isabelle at the Institute the next afternoon so it’d be easy enough, but he doesn’t want to make a big deal out of this if it ends up being nothing. He also isn’t sure he wants Isabelle to know if it isn’t nothing - she’s the Head of the Institute, and that comes with certain obligations… like reporting something like this to the Clave. He doesn’t think that’s the sort of person that Isabelle is, but one can never tell how these sorts of positions can change people and she hasn’t been there long enough for him to be certain this wouldn’t reach the wrong set of ears.
So the next morning Luke decides to check in on Clary himself before heading off to his meetings later in the day. He knows it’s a risk but he’s a professional. He’s trailed trained criminals before, surely he can stay out of sight of a teenage girl for an hour or two.
She’s sketching in the corner of Java Jones, which isn’t surprising, when he tracks her down. What is surprising is who else he finds there. Luke doesn’t see the warlock at first - his glamour is strong, even against other Downworlders with the sight - but Magnus drops the glamour while simultaneously grabbing Luke by the arm and pulling him out of the shop.
“What are you doing here?” They ask one another at the same time the moment they’re out on the sidewalk.
Luke doesn’t say a word, he only pulls up the photos that Maryse took the night before and watches the look on Magnus’ face turn from confused to a steadily deepening frown with each one he goes through.
“That’s my wedding-” Magnus says, almost in awe as much as in surprise. “This one is the Seelie Realm…” Magnus sucks in a sharp breath. “That’s Edom.”
“It’s all just beneath the surface. Maybe it’ll stay there, just enough to sense but not enough for her to actually remember?” Luke wonders out loud.
He almost hopes that’s the case because he doesn’t want Clary to come back into this life, this world, if it’s only to suffer for her past actions at the hands of the Angels. For all the good she did after coming into her powers, she suffered greatly for it. Luke loves her too much to selfishly wish that upon her again… it’s one of the reasons he agreed with the others to keep his distance in the end.
Which makes what Magnus tells him next extremely bittersweet.
“Well,” Magnus starts, deliberately slow. “I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone this, but since you’re pretty much on the exact same page we are…” Magnus stops again, considering his words carefully.
“What is it?” Luke asks, not entirely sure he wants to hear the answer. “What don’t I know?”
Magnus eyes luke one last time, almost as if he’s sizing him up. Luke tries not to take offense to the idea that Magnus doesn’t trust him implicitly, because he gets it. Politics and all that, secrets to keep, and not everyone can be ‘in the loop’... but this is different. This is Clary.
“Clary saw Jace through his glamour last night - she remembered his name. That’s why I’m here, just to check on her. I was supposed to see if it was just a one time thing, but if this isn’t the first part of her past that’s starting to push through…”
“Who else knows already?” Luke asks, immediately concerned that this is out of his control before he even gets the chance to help.
“More people than I’m comfortable with, honestly. But I was one of the last to know myself so I don’t really have room to talk. Jace told Simon, who told Isabelle, who told Alec, who told me. Oh, and Underhill knows, too.” Magnus pauses. “He better not go blabbing to Lorenzo or I swear I’ll--”
“Magnus, focus. Please.” Luke’s concern for Clary outweighs almost everything in his life, and this is potentially very serious.
“Sorry. That’s it. And now you… and Maryse, I suppose. I’m guessing there’s no way of convincing you to keep this from her, is there?”
Luke laughs. “I couldn’t if I tried. That woman reads me like she wrote the book these days. And if I don’t say something, you really think one of her kids won’t go to her soon enough?”
Magnus sighs, but smiles with a bit of fondness as he nods in agreement. “I get the feeling this isn’t the end of it, either. Especially if we all keep showing up around her like this. It’s too risky, we’re going to draw attention… myself included.”
“So what do you propose we do?” Luke demands. Magnus should know better than to think for a second that Luke will be willing to just walk away from this; he won’t walk away from Clary when there’s even the slightest chance she’ll need him.
“We back off again. Same as before. Watch from afar… that means no Jace sneaking around with his glamours, and no Maryse. Just until we get a better handle on where things stand,” Magnus suggests.
It makes sense, but that doesn’t mean Luke has to like it. “Alright,” he agrees with grudging reluctance. “But only if you promise to keep me updated if something happens this time.” “Of course,” Magnus starts, but falls silent after a look from Luke.
“Don’t ‘ of course ’ me, Magnus. If Maryse hadn't seen those painting you never would’ve told me about this, would you?”
Magnus at least has the decency to look guilty. “We would have, eventually. Apparently Alec and the others decided not to drag anyone else into this until they know exactly what this is. And I agreed.” It isn’t the answer Luke wants but he knows it’s the best he’s going to get.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, Lucian, I believe I have some art to purchase. Give Maryse my best.” And with that Magnus turns and disappears around the corner.
Eager to get out of there before Clary can come out and see him Luke turns to leave as well, but in the opposite direction, heading towards Ouroboros.
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isazulabaeorwhat · 5 years
Ok so first of all, I still stand by my words that Azula was literally the only person who was loyal to her nation. Why? Simply because everything she accomplished, she named it towards her own Nation instead. If Azula truly only valued power and her father’s affections, then she would’ve personally just taken credit for all the greatness and glory.
But Zuko, Prince Zuko, you're a lot of things, but you're not a traitor, are you? - Azula
Save it? You're betraying your country! - Mai
If these criminals found out who you are, the traitor prince who let his nation down, why they'd tear you to shreds. - Warden
Down with the traitor! Down with the Fire Lord who betrays his own people! - Kori
Fire Lord Ozai had many faults, but he was never a coward. He was never a traitor. - Mayor Morishita
The fact is, the whole of Fire Nation believed Zuko as a traitor. That’s just it. His defect was considered a betrayal to his nation and it WAS betrayal. Say what you will, but you can’t deny that the Fire Nation had obviously benefitted from the war and even the colonies had prospered even better than they were before. No matter how you view it, if the Fire Nation lost then they would be on the losing end, and they were. The Fire Nation didn’t just stop the war because they magically believed they were wrong. They just stopped because the Fire Lord had commanded them to. Just look at how unpopular Zuko actually was after his coronation. A lot of people still saw him as a traitor to his own country.
Even long before Zuko had defected, he was already disloyal to his nation when he didn’t inform Zhao about the Avatar’s return. Remember this?
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Zhao had emphasized why giving such vital information was imperative to their nation yet Zuko still chose not to tell him because he wanted to regain his own honor. Remember? Zuko’s really big on honor lmao
Notice how Zhao used ‘loyalty’ instead of ‘honor’. Had he used honor instead, then Zuko would’ve probably told the truth, or at least had second thoughts about it.
Also remember that pond scene of Zuko and Azula about the Avatar’s supposed death? Zuko didn’t tell Azula the truth. Another disloyal act. Big win for the Avatar, a big loss for his own nation.
Yes, the Fire Nation were the bad guys. They started the war, tore millions of families apart and ruined many lives, but I still find it puzzling how some people can compare the Fire Nation particularly just to the Nazis or Azula to some ruthless rulers/leaders when they actually never did anything inhumane?
*edit- Please understand there’s a difference between wrong and inhumane. What the Fire Nation did was war expected. What the Nazis and especially the Japanese did wasn’t at all and it wasn’t necessary either. Read up what the Japanese did and we’ll talk...
Even when everyone had betrayed and abandoned Azula, she still took upon the role her father had simply tossed over to her and vowed that she would be the greatest leader in Fire Nation history. Even till the end she still remained loyal to her nation. She knew the responsibilities of being Fire Lord and what it meant to be one. It wasn’t just about ruling and power, but it was also about taking care of her own people. Azula knew that.
The thing is, Azula knew her people. Just from Smoke & Shadow we saw how Azula knew how the Fire Nation citizens would react to every situation she made.
Zuko didn’t, and that’s why he responded poorly in Smoke & Shadow.
Zuko may have lived with the Earth Kingdom commoners and knew what they needed, but he didn’t know what his FIRE NATION people needed, because he was only thinking about the other nations. He only realized that and changed his ways AFTER his meetings with Ozai.
Ok I think I’m done with that lmao idk
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Everyone’s Talking About Venom...
But where is the love for his younger brother, Ruin?
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(Ruin art by @barkthedog)
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(S.H.I.E.L.D. Template by Awkward-Nerdd, art and info by me)
I mean, Ruin is just as big of a goofball as he is badass!
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(Paying an old “friend” a visit)
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(Left - Jack by @barkthedog​, Right - Clemency)
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(Jack by @barkthedog​)
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(Art and Jack by @barkthedog​)
But what hero would be complete without “The Look”?
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Aside from having a “Rage” form, similar to how his older brother usually looks in size, Ruin’s touch is caustic to inorganic materials. The stronger the material, the longer he has to hold onto it to break it down.
Want to know more about Aiden/Ruin? Plenty of origin story goodness and stats below the cut!
Aiden Darrow
Info Real Name: Aiden Darrow Alias: Ruin Relatives: James Darrow (father, deceased); Alicia Darrow (mother); Ruin (symbiote) Affiliation: Temporary ally of Spider-man Base of Operations: Manhattan, NY Status Alignment: Good Identity: Secret Identity Citizenship: American Martial Status: Single Occupation: Vigilante Characteristics Gender: Male Height: 6' 2” Weight: 210lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Short, Brown Unusual Feature: N/A Origin Origin: Fully bonded with symbiote Universe: Earth-616 Place of Birth: Mulberry Street, Manhattan, NY Power Grid (Scale 1-7) Intelligence: 4 Strength: 5 Speed: 3 Durability: 6 Energy Projection: 2 Fighting Skills: 4
Early Life
Aiden Darrow grew up as part of a busy blue-collar family. His father, James Darrow, was a hard-working mechanic, while his mother, Alicia Darrow, was a detective for the NYPD, known and respected throughout the neighborhood for her efforts to help take down the various crime syndicates infesting New York.
Most of Aiden’s youth was spent with his father at the shop, learning the value of hard work and dedication to one’s craft. His mother spent a lot of her time working cases, but was always there for him when he needed her most. She taught him the importance of justice and determination, in an imperfect world, and that although the system typically works, sometimes matters had to be taken into your own hands. This resonated with him, sometimes leading to trouble, as he would get into fights with bullies, defending other kids.
This led to many defeats at first, coming home with busted lips, black eyes, and other assorted bumps and bruises. Although Aiden’s parents did not agree with one another on his extracurricular activities, they at least came to terms with each other, to teach him how to defend himself. His father taught him aspects of street fighting and that anything goes in a fight, along with precise strikes and take-downs from his mother. Although he promised his father to cut down on the fighting, he rarely lost ever since.
All things considered, Aiden’s life was turning out well. He excelled in his classes and even managed to win the heart of the girl next door, Gabriela Catalan.
Birth of Ruin After many years had passed, with Aiden now in his mid 20s, he was in college and living in his own apartment. He would frequently stop by his old home to visit his mother and father, when either of them were around. He worried about his mother, considering her work helped put Wilson Fisk behind bars. Such concern, however, ended up with good reason.
Wilson Fisk had returned to New York to “settle old business”. To send a message to anyone who would dare cross him again, Fisk ordered a hit on everyone that was once and currently was in a position of power within his own organization, along with those responsible for his incarceration and exile. Unfortunately, this included Alicia Darrow, whom Fisk believed was responsible for discovering and turning over financial documentation, and other key evidence, that assisted Matt Murdock the numerous times that the two have crossed paths in court. Aiden returned home to the sight of police cars and emergency vehicles parked outside of the apartment complex his parents were living in. Gabriela was crying hysterically in front of the building, and insisted that he not go inside. He rushed in anyways, only to be stopped by a police officer, who explained the situation. The apartment was broken into and his father and mother were gunned down in cold blood, leaving the police to suspect Fisk, but with no real evidence to back up the claims. His father died during the assault, but his mother was left in critical condition. He shoved past the officer to be at his mother’s side, as she was being rushed into an ambulance. Overwhelmed with grief, anger, and confusion, Aiden left as the paramedics drove away, to sort out his thoughts. Gabriela tried to console him but he apologized and refused, insisting that he needed to be left alone. Walking down the streets of New York, Aiden was still trying to take in everything that had transpired. Not paying attention, Aiden was thrown back by the force of the nearby F.E.A.S.T. shelter being destroyed. Brushing off the debris and regaining his footing, he was shocked to see two monstrous creatures in a frenzied battle. Venom and Anti-Venom were trading blows, as Spider-man was caught in the middle. With Spider-man's assistance, Anti-Venom managed to use his power to burn away the Venom Symbiote from Mac Gargan, but a part of the symbiote split and slid away. After the mayhem was resolved by Spider-man, Aiden's focus returned to Fisk, as his anger only began to fester and grow inside of him. Aiden rightfully blamed Fisk for his father's death and mother’s current state, and he planned on getting revenge, one way or another.
Still weak and drawn by such strong emotions, the symbiote that had split from Gargan followed Aiden as he made a detour down the alleyway. Waiting until both were out of view, the symbiote attached itself to Aiden, engulfing him, and causing him to momentarily blackout Upon regaining consciousness, Aiden held more power than he could possibly comprehend. He heard a voice creeping in the back of his mind. The symbiote knew Aiden's history upon bonding, and shared knowledge of Venom’s previous hosts as well. It offered to assist him in his plot for revenge. Aiden questioned the entity’s motives, having seen what it is capable of and what Venom has done to its previous hosts, to which it responded that it simply fed off of the raw emotions and adrenaline that Aiden was giving off, and that the actions of each host was of their own free will. Aiden was unsure of this new “partnership” at first, knowing there would likely be no turning back, but the symbiote amplified his hatred for Fisk and clouded his judgment, without him realizing it. He agreed to remain bonded to the symbiote, at least until his parents were avenged. Using his newly gained web-slinging ability and increased agility, Aiden searched the streets for any criminal activity, in hopes of finding leads on Fisk's location. After brutally beating the information out of various criminals, Aiden gained the information he was looking for and headed straight for his target.
Exacting Revenge on Kingpin Feeling the rush from incapacitating numerous guards, Aiden crashed through the doors of the top floor of the high-rise, still in symbiote form. Fisk was caught by surprise, but was more confused than anything. Fisk mistook Aiden for Eddie Brock, commenting on the lack of bulk while callously joking about Brock's cancer apparently getting the best of him. Aiden forcefully explained that he had no idea who Brock was and that he was there on behalf of his parents, only to assault Fisk before there was a chance for him to retort. Much to Aiden's surprise, Fisk fought back with incredible force. Knowing that such strikes would have likely snapped bones otherwise, Aiden was thankful that the symbiote's power decreased any damage done considerably. Aiden eventually gained the upper hand, grabbing Fisk by the throat and lifting him up off of the ground. The symbiote peeled away from Aiden's face to reveal himself to Fisk. While slowly squeezing ever tighter around Fisk's throat, he explained that he had come for Fisk, to make him pay for all that he had done, with his life. Even though Fisk was in a lot of pain, barely able to breathe, he was able to muster up enough air to taunt Aiden further. At this point the symbiote snapped back into place, but this time its form was different. Growing slightly in bulk and size, a fiendish maw filled with razor sharp teeth had appeared, extending its jaw until it was almost large enough to engulf Fisk's head.
Without warning, Aiden was bombarded with several pulses of high-frequency sonic waves, ripping the symbiote from him before it could bite down. The symbiote slithered away, leaving him exposed. Fisk took advantage of the situation and continued his assault, beating Aiden to a pulp, while explaining that he was not an idiot. The room had contingencies in place to deal with most heroes, and villains, including symbiotes.
Fisk dragged Aiden’s broken body across the floor, lifting him up to stare him in the eyes one last time. He wanted Aiden to know that not only was he going to die but, for his actions, Fisk would ensure that his henchmen would finish off his mother, and kill anyone else close to him. As Aiden was tossed through the window, the symbiote quickly latched onto him as he fell, protecting him the from the impact of the fall, that otherwise would have killed him. While Fisk presumed Aiden’s death, the symbiote went into overdrive, healing his wounds.
Aiden awoke moments later, to realize he had bonded with the symbiote once again. The same voice could be heard, but was much more faint than before. The symbiote explained that it had repaired most of the damage to Aiden’s body, but it was unable to fix the internal bleeding, in its current state. The process of Aiden’s regeneration left the symbiote very weak, and on the verge of death itself. The only way for both of them to survive would be to fully bond with one another.
Again, Aiden was hesitant, unsure of what consequences fully bonding with the symbiote would have. The symbiote explained that the two would become one, with Aiden being in full control of his body and mind, along with all of the powers and abilities it had to offer, while the symbiote shared his lifeforce and experiences, as it is unable to live without a host anyways.
With the choice being fully bonding or death, Aiden accepted the symbiotes offer. The symbiote immediately grew in strength as they merged, all the way down to a cellular level, mending what damage was left, and saving Aiden and the symbiote’s life in turn. Despite still recovering from the fight and the process of permanently bonding, there was no time to rest, as Aiden remembered Fisk’s promise. Unsure of where Gabriela might be, he focused on saving his mother first.
Arriving near the hospital, the symbiote shifted itself into casual clothing, allowing Aiden to enter the hospital without drawing any attention to himself. After finding out the location of his mother’s room, he also asked if anyone else had come to visit her, to which the attendant informed him that three men also requested to see her, a few minutes before he entered.
In a race against time, he quickly ran back outside and out of sight. Shifting back into his symbiote form, Aiden scaled the side of the building, until he reached the floor his mother was on. Peering in through the window, he saw the three hired guns taking position outside the door, their heads peeking out from both sides of it. As the first man entered, Aiden crashed through the window, hitting them with a blast of webbing, pinning them to the hallway wall. The other two came charging in, guns blazing, only for the bullets to be blocked by a barrier created by Aiden, while tendrils knocked the weapons from their hands and wrapped around them.
As the tendrils tightened their vice-like grip on the thugs, Aiden’s form began to change again, his rage making him become something more sinister and twisted. Just as he was about to squeeze the life out of the gunners, he heard his mother scream out in horror. It wasn’t the gunmen that frightened her though, it was Aiden. Looking into a nearby mirror, he saw the creature he had become, causing him to recoil. The two men passed out, but were still left alive. He looked back to his mother for a moment, and the terror on her face, before leaving back out of the window.
Aiden heard police sirens as he swung further and further away from the hospital, his form slowly returning back to normal. When he questioned the symbiote about what happened, it replied that it reacted to his strong negative emotions, and was not the one to be blamed. All it did was amplify the feelings, which was not something it truly had no control of, resulting in the change. Unhappy with the answer he received, he dropped the discussion for the moment, his thoughts returning Gabriela.
Checking Gabriela’s apartment first, Aiden got there just in time, as he watched two men, similar to the ones from the hospital attack, stop her from going inside. Right as they reached for their guns, he leaped into action, only to be surprised that Gabriela was able to hold her own, disarming and knocking out her assailants. Unfortunately for Aiden, she also thought that he was with the attackers, and attempted to attack him as he landed right in front of her.
Each strike connected, but had little effect. Aiden caught one of her fists and pulled her into a deep embrace. Confusion turned into relief, as the symbiote pulled away from Aiden, revealing him to her. He apologized for what happened, blaming himself for it all, and promised to explain everything at a later time. He stated that he had to take care of a loose end first.
Swinging in through the same window he was thrown out of, Aiden swiftly dropkicked Fisk from his chair, sending him crashing into a nearby wall. Stunned to see that Aiden and the symbiote still lived, he quickly activated the pulse waves again, only for Aiden to laugh it off and explain that it had no effect on him anymore. Aiden warned Fisk that if he or anyone that works for him ever came after those close to him again, Aiden would tear Fisk limb from limb. Fisk charged Aiden, and the two fought once more, but the result was very much different than the last time.
Fisk was barely able to get back on his feet. Aiden’s form began to alter itself again, as he tackled and pinned Fisk to the ground. With one sickening thwack after another, Aiden relentlessly alternated strikes, almost losing himself in the flurry. It wasn’t until he was about to deal the finishing blow, that he stopped himself.
The symbiote questioned why Aiden didn’t kill Fisk, that this was exactly what he wanted. Talking to himself aloud, he agreed that he did wish for Fisk’s death, but it wouldn’t bring back his father, and would only make him just as bad as Fisk was. Remembering his father’s death, his hospitalized mother, and the attempt on his girlfriend’s life, however, caused the rage and hatred to well up again, only to be intensified by the symbiote. He felt his control over himself slipping, almost as if he was becoming someone else, something else.
Fighting with himself, Aiden was in disbelief as to what he had almost done. Fisk tried to capitalize on the moment, only to be shoved out of the window by Aiden, as he thrashed about. Luckily for Fisk, Spider-man had been tracking Aiden's path of destruction back to the tower, and managed to catch Fisk. After cracking wise about Fisk's weight, Spider-man was also surprised by the sight of yet another symbiote. Still not in complete control, along with the sight of Fisk still alive, set him off. He furiously charged Spider-man. Although Aiden was quick in his new form, Spider-man still had greater agility and a lot more experience over him. As they fought Spider-man questioned why Aiden wanted Fisk dead. Aiden yelled in protest, insisting that Spider-man would never understand losing someone close to him by the hands of a criminal. This caught Spider-man off guard just long enough for Aiden to slam him to the ground. Before Spider-man had a chance to respond, Aiden knocked him out cold. With Spider-man defeated, Aiden turned back to Fisk, only to be welcomed to the sight of various firearms, grenade launchers, and even rocket launchers. With only a few seconds to spare, Aiden jumped over to Spider-man, refusing to let anyone else die for his cause. Fisk and his henchman open fired, as the symbiote created a barrier to deflect the barrage. There was only so much heat and force it could endure from the rockets and grenades bombarding it. Aiden was forced out the window, Spider-man still in his grasp, as he fell once again from the top of the high-rise, everything faded to black.
Taking Control Lost in a sea of darkness, Aiden felt as if he was floating, only to slowly realize that he was within his own mind. The symbiote appeared before him, taking on the form of the costume that Aiden wore. It expressed its frustration with him, stating how the world would be better off without such scum like Wilson Fisk roaming the Earth. So many future lives would be saved had he finished him off, and how that is the right thing to do.
Disagreeing with the symbiote’s assessment, Aiden explained that the situation was more complex than that, and merely killing Fisk wouldn’t change things as drastically as it believed it would. Another villain would simply take his place. It was much better to leave him alive, but dismantle his operations, until Fisk’s power was diminished beyond the point of being able to do anyone harm, also rendering him incapable of using it to manipulate the justice system.
Although there was still anger and sorrow in his heart, having the conversation with the symbiote was providing Aiden with a moment of clarity, giving him a sense of relative peace, and freeing his mind from the shackles of his hatred and need for vengeance. He assured the symbiote that Fisk would pay for his crimes, but it would be done the right way. The way his mother would do it.
Aiden awoke in a test tube, to the concerned looks of the Fantastic Four and Spider-man. Seeing that Aiden had come to, Spider-man explained that he regained consciousness before the two hit the ground and brought them there. Spider-man also pointed out that Aiden could have easily left him there to die, but instead Aiden chose to help Spider-man, thus proving that he was capable of being heroic. Spider-man continued to explain the situation that led up to the present, to the Fantastic Four, stating that Aiden had left Fisk's building in “ruins”. The symbiote voiced its fondness of the name, and even Aiden agreed it had a nice ring to it. That's when Aiden had pointed out that his alias would be “Ruin” from now on. Reed Richards turned away from the test results to address everyone in the room with the bad news. He informed them of what Aiden had already known, that the symbiote and Aiden had fully bonded on a cellular level, and are now as one. Although there is currently no known way of even attempting to separate the two, any such process would likely result in the death of both Aiden and the symbiote. Richards added that the symbiote was different in the way it was formed. It's genetic makeup was almost identical to that of Venom, instead of it simply being a symbiote offspring. When Aiden explained how he first came into contact with it, Spider-man added that Anti-Venom had “cured” Gargan of the Venom symbiote. Richards came to the conclusion that the healing process must have caused a schism that created this new symbiote, rather than natural reproduction. The symbiote was in a sense a copy of Venom to some degree, and yet something new as well. This intrigued Richard's greatly, who insisted that Aiden stay for further testing, only for Aiden to refuse. Richards allowed Aiden to leave, but stated that they would be keeping an eye on him in case he ever lost control of himself completely. Upon leaving, Spider-man stopped Aiden to speak with him. He stated that he was well aware what losing someone close to him to a criminal was like, and explained to Aiden that he was put in a very similar situation that he actually could have prevented. Upon facing the criminal Spider-man also wanted to take his revenge, but something that was said by the person he had lost stopped him from doing so. Aiden thanked Spider-man and headed back home. Dark Reign
Norman Osborn is tying up loose ends. Targets Ruin, as he would likely interfere with his plans, and expose Mac Gargan, who is pretending to be Spider-man
Mac Gargan is ordered to pose as Ruin and commit crimes, to make him an enemy of the public
Ruin catches onto Osborn’s plan, as the people of New York start to turn against him
Confronts Gargan, who shifts back into his Spider-man form, which only makes Ruin look even worse
Ruin kicks Gargan’s ass, but is forced into hiding
Spider-Island [TO BE ADDED]
Powers Black Symbiotic Costume: Ruin can stick to walls, can change his appearance to any form of clothing, armor, or appearance; and also has unlimited webbing, which takes on a more black tendril form in his case. Unlike most symbiotes, Ruin can't form weapons from his limbs, but he does possess the ability to create numerous tendrils, of varying sizes, that can stretch out to several feet away. Ruin also seems to have some sort of quick-healing ability like his predecessors. Given the fact that the symbiote had fully bonded to Aiden, and the sheer force of will that he commands, the symbiote's durability seems to surpass that of most of it's siblings and predecessors. In addition, Ruin is completely immune to sonic attacks, but is still affected by extreme heat to some degree. This too is likely due to the full bonding process.   Superhuman Strength: He possesses vast superhuman strength, able to lift between 60 to 90 tons at a time.   Superhuman Speed: He can move or run at speeds greater than any normal human being, capable of even catching up to most automobiles on foot.   Superhuman Stamina: He can fully exert himself for at least 36 hours until fatigue impairs him.   Superhuman Agility: His agility is superior to any normal human being   Superhuman Reflexes: His reflexes are superior to any normal human being, capable of dodging many forms of attack (including firearms) if he is aware of the attack and is far enough away.   Superhuman Durability: He is much more resistant to injury than many other symbiotes, but still is weak to extreme heat to a minor degree. The tissue the symbiote is composed of renders Aiden's body much harder and much more resistant to physical injury than the body of an ordinary human. Aiden can withstand high caliber bullets, great impact forces, powerful energy blasts, and falls from great heights without sustaining physical injury. He is durable enough that he can withstand multiple barrages of high caliber weapons such as machine guns from close range, completely unscathed. He can withstand blows from some superhuman beings and be relatively unharmed. He also possesses an extreme resistance to pain, and seems to feel it only to a certain extent.   Genetic Memory: The symbiote possesses some limited psychic ability, making it capable of obtaining information from its host and memories from Venom's previous hosts.   Symbiote Detection: The symbiote is also capable of psychically detecting others of its kind, however with effort this ability can be blocked.   ESP (Spider-Sense): Aiden is also granted an extrasensory ability similar to Spider-Man’s spider-sense. This response is not as complicated as Spider-Man’s inherent sense since the alien costume can detect danger from every direction and conduct Aiden in plenty of time. It's a lot more efficient than Spider-Man’s spider-sense because it is more simplified to where the danger is.   Immunity to Spider-man's Spider Sense: Due to Spider-man being a host to the main symbiote, Aiden is able to bypass Spider-man's spider-sense.   Caustic Touch: Ruin's touch, at will, can disrupt and breakdown inorganic matter. The speed and effectiveness of this ability depends on the material being destroyed, and requires Ruin to make physical contact with it throughout the process.  Constituent-Matter Generation: Ruin can also use the same substance comprising the symbiote in the form of tendril-like matter. This can be used offensively as a form of attack, or defensively to create a barrier between Ruin or the attacker, or even be used to restrain them.   Constituent-Matter Manipulation: Although Ruin can't manipulate his mass on command or form weapons from appendages, he can change the amount and/or size of the tendrils that he can create. Ruin can instead forgo this process to create a single tendril that can instead travel a great distance.   Accelerated Healing Factor: The symbiote is capable of healing injuries in the host at a faster rate than normal human healing allows. The symbiote is even capable of healing injuries and illness that current human medical care cannot, such as cancer.    Camouflage Capabilities: The symbiote is capable of mimicking the appearance of any form of clothing, armor, or appearance. It can blend into its surroundings but, unlike other symbiotes, it can't take on the physical appearance of anyone else.   Wall Crawling: Much like Spider-man, Ruin has the ability to cling to virtually any surface. He can rapidly crawl, walk, or run across even slick/wet surfaces.    Webbing Generation: Ruin can project his matter into a powerful, organic web-like substance similar to the webbing Spider-man has. He typically uses this webbing to swing from one point to the next, or as a means of immobilizing someone. The webbing is incredibly strong. 
Abilities  Indomitable Will: Aiden has a strong Force of Will, completely free of evil and temptation. Although conflicted at first, and nearly taken over by the symbiote, Aiden was able to regain control and keep it. Remembering his fallen father’s words, and the advice that Spider-man had given, there is almost nothing that could overcome him mentally when he is determined. Weaknesses  Heat: Although Ruin is completely immune to sonic attacks, he is still affected by extreme heat, but to a much lesser degree than other symbiotes.  Total Symbiote Bonding: Aiden and Ruin are as one. Although this isn't exactly a weakness, if anyone was able to find a way to separate the symbiote from Aiden, the process would gravely injure or even kill both of them.
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