food-lover9000 · 5 months
I will henceforth be under the belief that Silan/Clarence just always has his tits out when he sleeps
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And here I didn’t notice until I saw a video on Bilibili that pointed it out to me
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Mainly considering he has done that in three separate instances and so its happened consistently enough that I just felt compelled to point this out
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yoonrambles · 4 months
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Divine Devotion | ♡
𝙶𝚘𝚍𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚖 ! 𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 [ 🦋 ]
– husband ! Clarence headcanons ~
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The Archmage was a person who appeared reserved and stoic in public, but behind the closed doors, he was merely a devoted lover – loyal to you and you only.
He didn't have much time to spare; his great responsibility as the royal Archmage of Godheim required him to work around the clock. Despite all that, you were always on his mind – did you eat? Did you get proper sleep? You didn't... forget about him, did you? – All sorts of uncertainty would bother his already burdened mind.
Even whilst being apart, he would actively write you letters to remind you to properly take care of yourself. He might even scold you subtly if you forgot to do something– but, worry not, that's simply his way to show his undying love for you. Even if he were to travel far to the North, he'd regularly write about you in a diary, or a scroll – whatever he finds convenient enough to recall.
Emperor Lars would often tease you and the Archmage about his peculiar ability, and how he even got a lady like you. But, after receiving a daunting glare from the Archmage, the Emperor would be compelled to shut his mouth up; nonetheless, he'd still be bold enough to flash you a mischievous smirk. (He was soon scolded by your husband, of course.)
Whenever you visited the Magi Tower, Asmoran never missed a chance to attempt hitting up on you. And, surprisingly enough, Clarence didn't stop him – he simply watched as Asmoran approached you, stood there quietly for a moment as he rethought his decisions and left without even uttering a word. And that left you wondering what exactly had made him retreat so easily – well, maybe being the Archmage's wife had its perks.
As tension between the Silver Knight and the Royalty grew, the Magus began to revolt as well – overall, it was utter chaos. You rarely got time to visit your beloved one; but when you did, it was once or twice a month as you decided to visit the Royal Palace out of the blue. Then, you'd request to have a private chat with the Archmage, and you both were given a spare private quarter. He'd still be on guard at first; avoiding your gaze, hiding a prominent blush that was threatening to appear on his cheeks. You'd chuckle and reassure him that everything would be alright, as long as you two were together.
You'd even gently stroke his hair as he rested his head against your lap, breathing gently as he told you about his day, and the latest reports. You, obviously, didn't understand a thing about these complex matters – but you tried your best to console him, and he was more than happy to listen to your calming voice.
After fate led you two astray, a single day hadn't gone by when he didn't think about you. On the days when you cried yourself to sleep, he always appeared in your dreams, consoling you and doting you – reminding you that he was still with you, and always would be; for all time.
You'd dream of a lovely vision – a dream of you two; in a forest, in the season of autumn. There were no glacial butterflies, no ice, no bone-chilling cold – simply the warm embrace of autumn. You would dream of him, peacefully resting under the shade of a giant maple tree; his back against the giant tree bark, and his long streaks of hair mingling with the grass beneath. You would gladly take a seat beside him, take his warm hand and interlace your fingers with his. And you'd simply sit there, often saying a word or two about your thoughts: what was bothering you and what not – and he'd listen to you, like a loyal lover. He'd often tell you his own thoughts, encouraging you to live on. After all, at the end of your journey, you were bound to return to him, to the stars – under the maple tree.
And, at the end of time, autumn would reckon your beautiful, solitary existences.
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xyoonx · 4 months
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salttranslates · 2 years
For All Time (时空中的绘旅人)  Main Story Translations Masterlist
The Yemsaiel routes have already been translated / are being translated by other people, so I won't be translating them. I may put links here after I ask for permission.
Prologue and Common route:
Translated by Ran (Link to Ran's masterlist)
Clarence's (司岚) route: Falcon (猎鹰):
Under translation by Ran (Link to Ran's masterlist)
Rorschach's (罗夏) route: Guide (向导):
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Tag: For All Time: Paradise (Guide) Status: In Progress
Chapter 1: A delicious excuse (美味借口) Chapter 2: Alone (落单) Chapter 3: Collector (收藏家) (3-1 | 3-2 | 3-3)
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dark-frosted-heart · 4 months
The realization that Clarence 司岚 is like Luke with how animals just love him. Right down to their “method” of fishing
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ilikedetectives · 4 months
Spell your url ✧˖°.
Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse/OC, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Thank you @horsyunicorn for the tag! This is for my Tav, Kalius, a criminal ranger Mephistopheles Tiefling whose moral compass is Minthara. Note: lyrics in "" are direct quotes and those in [] are translations stitched together. And "you" in these songs are referring to Minthara in Kalius' POV OwO
I - I Feel Immortal - Tarja Turunen "Whenever I wake up / I’m lost and always afraid / It’s never the same place / I close my eyes to escape / The walls around me" L - LMLY - Jackson Wang "Don't leave me, loving you / Whatever you do / Don't leave me, loving you / If you tip toe out in the morning, I need a warning" I - Imaginarium - Nightwish K - Kizuna No Kiseki - MAN WITH A MISSION x milet [For who do we carry on our lives for / Intertwining fates / Road of the serpent, countless sins / Cut them all down] E - Eyes, Nose, Lips - Taeyang [Your eyes, nose, lips. Your touch that used to touch me. To the end of your fingertips, I can still feel you.] D - Devil - Super Junior [Everything, even kneeling before you feels so natural now...You're cold and hot, devil, like a midsummer rain shower. After drenching my hot body, you burn up my throat again. You make me taste a moment of pleasure, then you burn up my throat again.] E - El Dorado - Two Steps From Hell T - Tempo - EXO [I wanna be the only one hearing her, she's my melody...Your scent is in my heart. Striking like a wave...Don't slow it up for me.] E - End of All Hope - Nightwish "It is the end of all hope / To lose the child, the faith / To end all the innocence / To be someone like me" C - Chân Ái (Vietnamese equivalent of Alurlssrin) - Orange x Khói x Châu Đăng Khoa [Since the day you arrive, dawn suddenly comes to the sky. Like a ring of melodies when all beings are moved. You are the symphony that evokes emotions in the human/mundane world.] T - Truyền Thái Y (Summon the Imperial Doctor) - Ngô Kiến Huy x Masew [You finally notice me. Coming closer, the captivating fragrance blooms. Wait for one minute, I want to say. Summon the imperial doctor, I'm so drunk I already lost my way back.] I - I Think I - Super Junior [The dream that is becoming more distinct...I'll stretch out my hand to catch the perfect moon. Your entrancing dance and eyes that dominate me...Getting drunk only on the entrancing rhythm, I engulf you completely. Getting drunk on you.] V - Vì Yêu Cứ Đâm Đầu (For Love, Dive In Head First) MIN x Đen x JustaTEE [I want to be bounded in your embrace / I want to listen to every breath surrounding me.] E - Ever Dream - Nightwish "Would you do it with me? / Heal the scars and change the stars / Would you do it for me? / Turn loose the heaven within" S - Sha fa (杀伐 / Kill and Conquer) 司空先生 x 苏子凡 x 岚之调 x SESE鱼 (this version specifically x) [It is the hells that invite me, glancing at the flaws of artifices in this world. Dye river with blood in exchange for a heaven and earth without flaws.]
Tagging, if you would like to, no pressure at all ^o^ @minthara, @wyllravengard, @miyku, @userkarlachs, @orphiceonian, @blacksalander, @jove999, @usurperss, @mistress-light, @onewingedangels, @jujoobedoodling, @vikingnerd793
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ebrietatis · 2 years
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food-lover9000 · 4 months
The names of Silan/Clarence’s cats!!
(From the CN wiki’s page on the Waiting Cat Illustra story)
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(For reference this is the illustra that mentions his cats and their names)
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This one is 小灰/xiaohui (little grey) Smokey
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This one is 大黄/dahuang (big yellow) Goldie
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On the left is 大灰/dahui (big grey) Ash
In the middle is 铃铛/lingdang (bell) Bell
On the right is 棕毛/zongmao (brown fur) Brown
(Btw all of these names William came up with since in his words, if Clarence had come up with names they probably would have had “strange and weird English names” roughly his words)
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(The names are all based on the CN) (edit: I now also have the EN names, EN names are in bold)
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xyoonx · 17 days
Clarence (司岚)
List of traits + headcanons
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Spirit World
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burningsongdream · 2 years
上海报案案例,关键字:“俄罗斯”, 1-50
2018年8月24日,PEREPELKINA ALISA(女,1990年11月21日,俄罗斯联邦籍)来所报称:其���2018年08月08日持编号733173942的普通护照经深圳罗湖入境,后其于2018年08月16日入住本市徐汇区日晖六村66号21室,至发现之日,其逾期未办理临时住宿登记已超三日。
2004 年8月14日,根据举报,我治安行动队在本市长寿路1188号元博大酒店将卖淫嫖娼的俄罗斯人维克多利亚克林恩克娃等涉案人员抓获。
俄罗斯籍人LUKIANOVA ANNA持[X1]长期学习签证2019年07月20日从武汉机场入境,学习。停留有效期至2019年08月19日,至2019年09月03日逾期15日,涉嫌非法居留。
2014年10月14日09时10分,报警人使用13162336231报警称:在 中远两湾城 中潭路99弄239号门口 外国人报警(俄罗斯人,在沪工作)停车费纠纷。0303报警人(俄罗斯人,在沪工作),因停车费与保安发生纠纷,经民警现场调解已解决。
白俄罗斯人BYLIA ALIAKSANDR 于2018年4月11日持普通护照(证号:MP4070235)从北京首都机场入境,于2018年5月11日住到上海市嘉定区仓场东路358号1403室,至2018年5月14日未申报住宿登记2日。
2018-03-03 12:26:58,手机号:15618307105,报警人在(报班长)芳甸路迎春路口 转接翻译,称:俄罗斯人,在上海工作,称有陌生人侵犯她,恐其还会在找她,请民警到场处理。转接王岚 不成功。
2013年6月5日,我办在工作中发现:ARTSIOMAU VIKTAR,白俄罗斯籍,男,1979年7月9日生,签证逾期32天,涉嫌非法居留。rn接受证据材料三份,系当事人证件复印件。
2005年4月9日凌晨2时30分许,被害人USHAKOV ARSENY和在酒吧内搭识的一女子回到暂住地,后两人发生性关系,至中午11时许,被害人醒来发现女子已离开,房内被窃皮夹内的人民币1500元,IBM手提电脑一台,型号不详,价值2000美金,西门子SL61型手机一部,号码13761269737,串号不详,价值人民币3100元,俄罗斯信用卡一张,内存2000美金,有密码。
2012年07月28日23时43分,报警人使用56095380报警称:在 大统路1088弄4幢1号601室 上址俄罗斯人群居声音吵闹,影响居民休息。请民警到场处理。民警到场后601室房门紧闭,按门铃和敲门无人响应,也没有听到里面有吵闹声音,汇报后撤离。
俄罗斯国籍人LITVINOVA ELENA,女,1987年08月09日出生,于2011年11月04日持普通护照(护照号码:711945806、旅游签证,签证号码:05004404)从上海入境,2011年11月4日抵沪,居住于黄浦区。2012年1月23日搬至上海市闸北区宝山路450弄17号2212室,至2012年1月26日未申报住宿登记3日。
2017年5月17日21时许,报警人ALEKSANDR GOLIK (俄罗斯人,男,1996年4月18日出生,护照号:752784797)来我所求助,称其护照与五天前在本区自己遗失,具体遗失地址无法提供。
2017年02月21日21时30分,报警人使用18001849586报警称:在 (杨浦)政立路6弄门房间 外国人(俄罗斯人)被丈夫打,无持械,请民警到场处理。rn夫妻纠纷,女方系俄罗斯人。
2017年06月14日15时16分,报警人使用18501709903报警称:在 徐汇 天平路320弄3号 外国人报警(俄罗斯人,来沪工作,会中文),装修费纠纷,请民警到场处理。告知双方自己协商。
2013年05月10日03时44分,报警人使用13061777787报警称:在 枣庄路1029弄门卫处 门卫报警,1外国人(俄罗斯人)手机遗忘在出租车上,现出租车停放在小区内,司机找不到。请民警到场处理。rn枣庄路1029弄门卫处门卫报警1外国人(俄罗斯人)手机遗忘在出租车,民警到场找到车主但是车上没有发现手机,司机说没有拉过俄罗斯人民警继续周边寻找。
2018年7月21日15时许白俄罗斯籍人员SHUMER ANATOLI(男,护照号AB2899427)涉嫌违法外国人住宿登记管理规定,前来我所接受处罚
俄罗斯人ANASTASIY ROMANOVA来我局投案称她自己的签证于8月27日止,逾期两天,主动配合公安机关对其违法行为进行处理。
2019-07-18 04:15:10,手机号:13611833534,报警人在(报班长)张虹路129号 早餐店,称:外国人(俄罗斯人,来上海出差)报警,称上址声音吵闹影响休息请民警到场处理转翻译英语姜林英失败,转翻译英语蒋立勋失败,转翻译英语王勇失败,转翻译英语何途昕失败,
2015年12月09日16时17分,报警人使用18701728295报警称:在 中潭路99弄161号全家便利店 抓到1名外国女贼,请民警到场处理。rn经了解一俄罗斯籍女子(Alina pavlichenko,护照号:727016665)在超市内在未买单的情况下将冰激凌等零食拆开使用,离开时遗忘买单了,现已将单据补齐,民警教育后放行。
2015年7月16日15时25分,报警人顾洪元(男,本市人,身份证号码:310107194707042038)来所报案称:2015年7月16日13时30分许,报警人收到朋友发来的QQ消息,称其人(甲)在俄罗斯旅游因个人急事需向报警人借钱汇款给其,并向报警人提供银行账户及联系电话,随后报警人来到上海市宝山区行知路299号工商银行ATM机一次性向对方汇款人民币8900元,后报警人联系其朋友得知其QQ号码被盗,遂来所报案。n 汇款账号及联系方式:名为"孙秀明"的工行账户:6212261001009079291,联系电话:13163741729。损失价值8900元。n 嫌疑人:n因是网络QQ联系,故无法提供任何信息。n朱洁已核。立核。
2011年7月15日,俄罗斯籍男子TOMIN STANISLAV因签证过期137天到我办接受处罚。该人于2010年8月10日从北京首都机场出境,签证至2011年2月28日。
2011年12月07日18时31分,旅客ALEXEY GULKIN使用15989111117报警称:2011年12月7日17时20分许,其在浦东机场磁悬浮车站买票时发现随身携带的一个拉杆箱内皮夹被盗,皮夹为咖啡色,内有2000多美金,500人民币,银行卡三张,俄罗斯国驾驶证,日本的身份证。
俄罗斯人PAVEL SAVINYKH 于2016年9月9日从浦东入境,2016年9月9日到达上海,2016年9月9日入住上海市虹口区玉田路432弄2号404室,未在24小时内办理临时住宿登记,违反外国人住宿登记规定。
2019年2月24日15时20分许,CINGUINO NICOLAS JACQUES(男,1982年5月24日出生,法国籍,护照号码:14FV05351,上海居住地址:徐汇区襄阳南路444弄60号2楼,联系电话:15601748008,在沪工作)来所报称,其的一张汇丰银行信用卡被人于2019年2月17日22时30分许,在俄罗斯盗刷四笔,共计损失人民币10111.3元。该信用卡情况:这是一张汇丰银行信用卡,卡号:6229 4699 6559 6116,开户人即是报警人CINGUINO NICOLAS JACQUES。
2015年4月4日15时25分,我所接报中潭路99弄227号处报警人电动车被盗,民警到场后经了解,报警人系外籍人士borzilov ruslan (男,俄罗斯籍,1994年08月25日生),2015年4月4日凌晨4时30分其将自己的一辆电动车停放中潭路99弄227号大堂内,2015年4月4日15时25分其取车时发觉电动车被盗,民警走访后了解到该车于当天8时30分已被盗。
2011年7月4日4:28分接分局指挥室"110"指令,报警人称有人喝酒后要闯入留学生女生寝室。民警郭志清、姜宝明、保卫干部赵俊等到现场处置。rn 经查,W楼509室韩国籍学生王靖宇,男(护照GN1213220)将于7月4日下午回国,夜宵后(喝了啤酒)邀请土木系09级本科生仰大力(男)和文学院研一学生朱琳(女)到寝室,凌晨4:00许,仰大力从509室阳台翻入隔壁510室阳台并敲阳台门,俄罗斯籍女生AIGERIM被惊醒,乌兹别克斯坦籍女生即打110报警求助警方。报警人及同住学生称只是受到惊吓,但对留学生宿舍楼的管理不满。我处警民警已将留学生的要求告知楼宇管理员,并将转告国际交流学院加强安全管理。同时将仰大力带回警务室醒酒,通知学院辅导员领回进行教育。经向510室两女生核实,现场无物损和人生伤害情况。
2018-12-27 12:51:51,手机号:18321445769,报警人在(报班长)轨道七号线 上海大学站 2号口外 ,称:保安报警 电瓶车的电瓶被盗 请民警到场处理。外国人报警外国人马达加斯加人 和俄罗斯人 来沪学习 讲汉语民警到场碰到报警人TEPLOVA TATYANA,经了解系报警人于2018年12月27日9时50分将电瓶车停放在宝山区锦秋路上海大学地铁站1号口南侧人行道,到了当日13时许,发现其电瓶车电瓶被盗,遂报警。民警带所处理。损失情况:白色电动自行车的电瓶,品牌不详。
2019年2月14日,ANDREEV EGOR(出生日期:1994年1月27日)持编号726499803的俄罗斯联邦普通护照、编号为L5434656"M"字签证,由虹桥入境,并于当日入住徐汇区番禺路650弄3号204室。至今天发现之日ANDREEV EGOR已21日不办理境外人员临时住宿登记。
2004年11月17日零时,ALEXANDER SHUMSKIY和同事nign Asadullin到兰坪路202号自由港足浴房洗脚,两人进去后将衣服放在更衣室箱子内,冲淋好后到包房洗脚完毕,在回更衣室穿衣服时发现财物被窃。ALEXANDER SHUMSKIY被窃物品有人民币1000元,TCL5188手机一部,号码13124899525,电子参码为351780005741352。nign Asadullin被窃美金100元。(报案人系俄罗斯人,身份证号无法输入,户籍地无法输入)
2019年10月21日17时20分许,我所户籍窗口民警在值班中发现户籍窗口有一未按规定办理临时住宿登记的境外人员ZAGITOV BULAT(男,33岁,俄罗斯国籍),遂将该情况通知我所值班室民警,后民警将该男子带所处理。
2010年9月2日,AKHMETSHINA REGINA持编号63NO6639258的俄罗斯护照、编号D8209443的"X"字签证,由浦东机场入境,签证有效期至2010年10月2日。至发现之日,已构成非法居留10日。
2010年1月9日11时48分,TERSKIKH NATALIA(俄罗斯籍,护照号:02537479)拨打110报警称:2010年1月9日0时许,其和男朋友在祁连二村117号601室(新村多层普通楼房)暂住处睡去,2010年1月9日9时许,其起床时发现家中财物被盗,损失物品:人民币200元,红色诺基亚6110手机1部(号码13788923570,串号:354199024948780),粉红色迷你IPHONE手机1部(号码13564261200,串号:354137427687950)。损失总值6600元。rn 作案过程 (夜窃),对象技术开锁开门或钥匙开门入室,至卧室门口盗窃桌子上的手机、衣服内的钱夹等,无明显翻动,原路离开。作案人数 单人,作案工具其他,采痕足迹。rn顾静华已核。
俄罗斯联邦人DEMIDOVA DARIA于2019年6月27日持普通护照(护照号码716847874)以[M]商贸签证(签证号码J5123554)从上海浦东机场入境,6月28日抵沪入住上海市黄浦区延安东路385弄1915室,至2019年7月14日未申报临时住宿登记共15天。
2014年9月26日,RUSLAN MURIASOV 持编号为64NO5128074的俄罗斯普通护照、编号为I2377758的"M"字签证,由浦东机场入境,并于当日入住零陵路677弄10号103室。至今天发现之日,已24日不办理住宿登记。
2017年4月9日9时许,上海市长宁区新泾派出所民警在办理境外人员临时住宿登记时发现,俄罗斯籍人员AISTOV GEORGII(男,19869年07月29日出生,普通护照号码65NO4581438)2017年4月7日从浦东机场入境,并于2017年4月7日入住上海市长宁区茅台路900弄13号902室后,至今未办理住宿登记。
2019年4月16日下午14时许,我所民警在工作中发现俄罗斯籍女子ALBINA IAKUPOVA在上海市杨浦区吉浦路375弄45号503室违反境外人员临时住宿。
俄罗斯人KOSTERIN SERGEY于2009年9月12日持普通护照(证号:62NO9955733)从北京机场入境,2010年7月9日抵沪,住宿于上海市宝山区绥化路260弄7号401室,至2010年7月13日责任人俄罗斯人TIMONIN ALEXEY未为KOSTERIN SERGEY申报住宿登记4日。
2015年02月10日22时45分,报警人使用18817583336报警称:在 四川中路福州路口 看到出租车司机与乘客(4个人外国人)发生纠纷。民警到场,经了解系俄罗斯游客和驾驶员司乘纠纷,带派出所处理。
2012年09月15日02时33分,报警人使用13918515254报警称:在 纬地路385弄5号1202室 外国人(俄罗斯)报警:夫妻纠纷。rn民警到场,经了解,系家庭纠纷,双方自行协商处理,不需民警解决。
2018年12月28日下午17时25分,接分局曲阳路派出所报查获俄罗斯籍吸毒女子MAMTSEVA KSENIIA(护照号码733159514),因吸毒行政拘留5日。经查,俄罗斯女子MAMTSEVA KSENIIA于2018年9月5日持就业类居留许可由浦东机场入境,其居留许可有效期至2018年12月27日,已逾期1日,构成非法居留。
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wrongweasly · 2 years
月刊ザテレビジョン 2002.12 自从开始以个人身份出演电视剧,我也开始可以做出属于自己的工作节奏和立场了。换句话说,作为松本润的工作方式吧?三个月里面,就只是一个劲儿地一个人努力,所以也知道了自己是怎么样的了吧。之后,回到岚的身份,我也会试着在岚中再次��考作为个人时感受到的分量。 在音乐方面的话,在岚的唱片公司Jstorm成立时,方向就改变了呢。那时候正想着做和以前一样的事没有意义,而实际上,改组了Jstorm后就开始做以前没有做过的内容了,所以那应该就是一个重要节点了吧。不过这也不是说岚变了,只是,总而言之现在就多做些各种这样的类型吧,也不是刻意在缩小范围排除什么内容。不如说,我认为现在的岚正是在寻找该往哪个方向前进的时候。选择有很多,一个个地拼命去试吧。 作为松本润的话,我还想继续毒舌呢。毕竟,岚里面不需要更多有意思的人了嘛,收拾不过来啦。可爱的家伙也已经不被需要了,时代变了呢。不过最近我注意到了,我真的意外地是个胆小鬼来着,再次确认了这一点(笑)。也许就只是在这方面变敏感了吧。要知道,无知者无畏对吧?那么知道了越多,也越能感觉到恐惧了。所以实际上,为了隐藏起这个胆小,我就必须变得毒舌呢(笑)。算是逞强吧。比起毒舌,要是胆小鬼跑出来了的话,立马就会被打回便当型角色吧。 JUNSTYLE:作为个人会继续毒舌哦,请期待一个过激的松本润哦。
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